Electronic Filing of Targeting/Enforcement Data: Announcement of PGA Message Set Test and Request for Participants, 50827-50831 [2015-20707]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 162 / Friday, August 21, 2015 / Notices
Contracting Activity: General Services
Administration, Kansas City, MO
Distribution: B-List
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
NSN(s)—Product Name(s):
8940–01–E62–4753—Gravy Mix, Brown, 8/12
oz. Containers
8940–01–E62–4754—Gravy Mix, Chicken,
8/12 oz. Containers
8940–01–E62–4755—Gravy Mix, Brown, Low
Sodium, 8/12 oz. Containers
8940–01–E62–4756—Gravy Mix, Country,
8/20 oz. Containers
8940–01–E62–4757—Gravy Mix, Turkey,
8/12 oz. Containers
8940–01–E62–4758—Gravy Mix, Chicken,
Low Sodium, 8/12 oz. Containers
Mandatory Source of Supply: CW Resources,
Inc., New Britain, CT
Mandatory Purchase For: 100% of the
requirement of the Department of
Contracting Activity: Defense Logistics
Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, PA
Distribution: C-List
NSN(s)—Product Name(s): 8920–00–SAM–
0169—Super Cereal Plus
Mandatory Source of Supply: Transylvania
Vocational Services, Inc., Brevard, NC
Mandatory Purchase For: 20% of the
tendered requirement up to 500 Metric
Tons per tender for the U.S. Agency for
International Development’s World Food
Contracting Activity: USDA Farm Service
Agency Agricultural Stabilization and
Conservation Service, Kansas City, MO
Distribution: C-List
NSN(s)—Product Name(s): 1730–01–516–
4899—Wheel Chock, Plastic, 14″
1730–01–516–4900—Wheel Chock, Plastic,
Mandatory Source of Supply: NewView
Oklahoma, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK
Mandatory Purchase For: 100% of the
requirement of the Department of
Contracting Activity: Defense Logistics
Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, PA
Distribution: C-List
Service Type: Third Party Logistics Service
Service is Mandatory For: US Department of
State, Arlington, VA
Mandatory Source of Supply: Human
Technologies Corporation, Utica, NY
Contracting Activity: State, Department of,
Office of Acquisition Mgmt—MA,
Arlington, VA
Service Type: Custodial Service
Service is Mandatory For: US Marine Corps,
Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC
Mandatory Source of Supply: Coastal
Enterprises of Jacksonville, Inc.,
Jacksonville, NC
Contracting Activity: Dept of the Navy,
Commanding General Camp Lejeune, NC
Service Type: Document Destruction Service
Service is Mandatory For: Department of
Veterans Affairs, Veterans Integrated
Service Network 10, Kettering, OH
Mandatory Source of Supply: Greene, Inc.,
Xenia, OH
Contracting Activity: Veterans Affairs,
Department of, 552-Dayton, Dayton, OH
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Service Type: Janitorial Service
Service is Mandatory For: US Coast Guard,
Transformation Warehouse, 1873
Eringhaus Street, Elizabeth City, NC
Mandatory Source of Supply: Skills, Inc.,
Elizabeth City, NC
Contracting Activity: U.S. Coast Guard,
Aviation Logistics Center (ALC),
Elizabeth City, NC
On 7/10/2015 (80 FR 39759–39760),
and 7/17/2015 (80 FR 42481–42483), the
Committee for Purchase From People
Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
published notices of proposed deletions
from the Procurement List.
After consideration of the relevant
matter presented, the Committee has
determined that the products and
service listed below are no longer
suitable for procurement by the Federal
Government under 41 U.S.C. 8501–8506
and 41 CFR 51–2.4.
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
I certify that the following action will
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The major factors considered for this
certification were:
1. The action will not result in
additional reporting, recordkeeping or
other compliance requirements for small
2. The action may result in
authorizing small entities to furnish the
products and service to the Government.
3. There are no known regulatory
alternatives which would accomplish
the objectives of the Javits-WagnerO’Day Act (41 U.S.C. 8501–8506) in
connection with the products and
service deleted from the Procurement
Accordingly, the following products
and service are deleted from the
Procurement List:
NSN(s)—Product Name(s): 7530–01–072–
2533—Paper, Mimeograph and
Mandatory Source of Supply: Louisiana
Association for the Blind, Shreveport,
Contracting Activity: General Services
Administration, New York, NY
NSN(s)—Product Name(s):
7510–01–587–3931—Refill, Pencil Lead, BioBased and Biodegradable Pencil
7520–01–587–3932—Pencil, Mechanical,
Bio-Based and Biodegradable
7520–01–587–3933—Pencil, Mechanical,
Bio-Based and Biodegradable
7520–01–587–3934—Pencil, Mechanical,
Bio-Based and Biodegradable
7520–01–587–3935—Pencil, Mechanical,
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Bio-Based and Biodegradable
7510–01–587–3936—Refill, Pencil Lead, BioBased and Biodegradable Pencil
Mandatory Source of Supply: San Antonio
Lighthouse for the Blind, San Antonio,
Contracting Activity: General Services
Administration, New York, NY
NSN(s)—Product Name(s): 7530–00–160–
8476—Index Sheet Sets, Alphabetical, 9
1/2″ x 6″, Buff
Mandatory Source of Supply: Easter Seals
Western and Central Pennsylvania,
Pittsburgh, PA
Contracting Activity: General Services
Administration, New York, NY
Service Type: Food Service Attendant Service
Service Mandatory For: United States
Military Academy: Enlisted Dining
Facility and Summer Camp Enlisted
Dining Facility—Bldg 620 Knox Road,
West Point, NY
Mandatory Source of Supply: New Dynamics
Corporation, Middletown, NY
Contracting Activity: Dept of the Army,
W40M Northern Region Contract Office,
Fort Belvoir, VA
Barry S. Lineback,
Director, Business Operations.
[FR Doc. 2015–20732 Filed 8–20–15; 8:45 am]
Electronic Filing of Targeting/
Enforcement Data: Announcement of
PGA Message Set Test and Request
for Participants
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.
To advance the concept of a
‘‘single window’’ to facilitate electronic
collection, processing, sharing, and
reviewing of trade data and documents
required by federal agencies during the
cargo import and export processes, and
in furtherance of more accurately
targeting imports to facilitate the flow of
legitimate trade and enhanced targeting
of noncompliant trade, the U.S.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
(‘‘Commission’’ or ‘‘CPSC’’) in
consultation with U.S. Customs &
Border Protection (‘‘CBP’’) announce
their joint intent to conduct a test to
assess the electronic filing of certain
data via the Partner Government Agency
(‘‘PGA’’) Message Set to the CBPauthorized Electronic Data Interchange
(‘‘EDI’’) system known as the Automated
Commercial Environment (‘‘ACE’’) for
regulated finished consumer products
under CPSC jurisdiction and three
specified finished products included on
End of Certification
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 162 / Friday, August 21, 2015 / Notices
the Substantial Product Hazard List
established under section 15(j) of the
CPSA. During the test, participants will
collaborate with CBP and CPSC to
examine the effectiveness of the ‘‘single
window’’ capability. Based on
stakeholder feedback, the test also will
assess the concept of a data registry (the
‘‘Data Registry’’), maintained by CPSC,
which would allow stakeholders to file
a reference to existing targeting/
enforcement data through the PGA
Message Set, rather than by entering all
data for each entry.
This notice provides the following
key information:
• International Trade Data System
(‘‘ITDS’’) and CBP’s authority to
conduct test programs;
• the Commission’s authority
regarding data collection and import
• the purpose of the test;
• an explanation of the test concept;
• the availability of CPSC’s
supplemental Customs and Trade
Automated Interface Requirements
(‘‘CATAIR’’) guideline and request for
technical comments;
• participant eligibility, selection
criteria, and responsibilities;
• the advantages of test participation;
• a request that importers interested
in test participation contact the
DATES: Electronic requests to participate
in the test program may be submitted on
or before October 5, 2015 and
throughout the duration of the test.
CPSC will consider applications to
participate until the test capacity of nine
participants is filled. The test will
continue until terminated by way of an
announcement in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Requests to participate in
the test and technical comments on
CPSC’s supplemental CATAIR guideline
(which will be made available on
CBP.gov) should be submitted through
electronic mail to: efilingpilot@cpsc.gov.
Requests to participate in the test
should contain the subject heading:
‘‘Application to participate in PGA
Message Set Test.’’ Technical comments
on CPSC’s supplemental CATAIR
guideline should contain the subject
heading ‘‘CATAIR Technical
Questions regarding the test should be
directed to Jim Joholske, Deputy
Director, Office of Import Surveillance,
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, (301) 504–7527,
efilingpilot@cpsc.gov. Questions sent by
electronic mail should contain the
subject heading ‘‘Question re PGA
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Message Set Test.’’ For technical
questions regarding ACE or ABI
transmissions, or the PGA message set
data transmission, please contact your
assigned CBP client representative.
Interested parties without an assigned
client representative should submit an
email to Steven Zaccaro at
I. Background
A. The Automated Commercial
ACE is an automated and electronic
system for commercial trade processing
that is intended to streamline business
processes, facilitate growth in trade,
ensure cargo security, and foster
participation in global commerce, while
ensuring compliance with U.S. laws and
regulations, and reducing costs for CBP
and all of its communities of interest.
The Automated Broker Interface (‘‘ABI’’)
is a software interface to ACE.
Commercial trade participants who
want to file entries in ACE use ABI to
electronically file required import data
with CBP. ABI transfers trade-submitted
data into ACE. CBP is developing ACE
as the ‘‘single window’’ for the trade
community to comply with the ITDS
requirement established by the SAFE
Port Act of 2006. The PGA Message Set
enables additional trade-related data
specified by PGAs to be entered in one
B. CPSC and CBP Authority To Regulate
the Importation of Consumer Products
Section 14(a) of the Consumer
Product Safety Act (‘‘CPSA’’), as
amended by section 102(b) of the
Consumer Product Safety Improvement
Act of 2008 (‘‘CPSIA’’), Public Law 110–
314, requires manufacturers (including
importers) and private labelers of
certain regulated consumer products
manufactured outside the United States
to test and issue a certificate of
compliance certifying such products as
compliant with applicable laws and
regulations before importation. Pursuant
to section 14(a), the Commission
promulgated a final rule on ‘‘certificates
of compliance’’ on November 18, 2008
(73 FR 68328), which is codified at 16
CFR part 1110 (‘‘part 1110’’). Among
other things, part 1110 limits the parties
who must issue a certificate to the
importer, for products manufactured
outside the United States, and, in the
case of domestically manufactured
products, to the manufacturer, and
allows certificates to be in hard copy or
electronic form. In addition to this
authority, the Commission has
admissibility authority for importing
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consumer products and substances that
are within the CPSC’s jurisdiction under
section 17 of the CPSA (15 U.S.C. 2066)
and section 14 of the Federal Hazardous
Substances Act (‘‘FHSA’’) (15 U.S.C.
1273). Unless the Commission allows a
product to be reconditioned for
importation, section 17(a) of the CPSA
requires refusal of admission and
destruction of any product offered for
import that, among other things, is not
accompanied by a certificate of
compliance required under section 14 of
the CPSA, or is a product which is in
violation of the inspection and
recordkeeping requirements of section
16. In addition to the recordkeeping and
inspection authority granted to the
Commission under section 16(b),
importers, retailers, and distributors of
consumer products are required to
identify the manufactuer of a consumer
product by name, address, or other such
identifying information requested by the
Commission. 15 U.S.C. 2065(c).
CPSC’s authority to regulate the
importation of consumer products is
further derived from section 17(h)(1),
which requires the Commisson to
‘‘establish and maintain a permanent
product surveillance program, in
cooperation with other appropriate
Federal agencies, for the purpose of
carrying out the Commission’s
responsibilities under this Act and the
other Acts administered by the
Commission and preventing the entry of
unsafe consumer products into the
commerce of the United States.’’ 15
U.S.C. 2066(h)(1). Also, under section
222 of the CPSIA, the CPSC is required
to develop a risk assessment
methodology for the identification of
shipments of consumer products that
are intended for import into the United
States, and are likely to violate
consumer product safety statutes and
regulations. Consistent with the federal
government’s movement to the ‘‘single
window,’’ CPSC eventually plans to
require electronic filing of either limited
targeting/enforcement data or full
certificate data to refine our risk
assessment methodology and improve
our import surveillance program.
Building on these authorities, CPSC
works with CBP to review and inspect
cargo and to clear compliant consumer
products for importation into the United
States. CPSC also works with CBP to
enforce CPSC regulations and to destroy
products that violate the law and cannot
be reconditioned for importation. 15
U.S.C. 2066. For example, section 17 of
the CPSA states that, upon the
Commission’s request, the Secretary of
the Treasury has the authority to obtain
samples of products offered for
importation, without charge, and deliver
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 162 / Friday, August 21, 2015 / Notices
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such samples to the Commission for
inspection. 15 U.S.C. 2066(b).
Additionally, CBP has the authority to
seize and destroy products offered for
importation under the Tariff Act,
codified at 19 U.S.C. 1595a(c)(2)(A),
where the importation or entry of such
products is subject to any restriction or
prohibition which is imposed by law
relating to health, safety, or
conservation and such products are not
in compliance with the applicable rule,
regulation, or statute. An admissibility
determination may be deferred to allow
an importer to recondition products for
entry. 15 U.S.C. 2066(c). CPSC and CBP
have authority to supervise the
reconditioning of products for entry that
are still under CBP’s bond. 15 U.S.C.
2066(d). If these products cannot be
reconditioned, they must be refused
admission and destroyed, unless the
Secretary of the Treasury permits export
in lieu of destruction. 15 U.S.C. 2066(d)
& (e).
Taken together, these authorities give
CPSC a broad ability to monitor all
consumer products within its
jurisdiction. However, the PGA Message
Set test described in this notice will be
limited at this time to a study of CPSC
regulated consumer products and the
following products included on the
Substantial Product Hazard List issued
under section 15(j) of the CPSA (16 CFR
part 1120): hand-supported hair dryers,
extension cords, and seasonal and
decorative lighting products. The
Commission believes that insights
gained through this limited PGA
Message Set test will begin to inform
future import surveillance efforts across
broader areas of CPSC’s jurisdiction.
C. ITDS Goals and CBP’s Authority To
Conduct National Customs Automation
Program Tests
The ITDS is an electronic data
interchange system whose goals include
eliminating redundant information
requirements, efficiently regulating the
flow of commerce, and effectively
enforcing laws and regulations relating
to international trade by establishing a
single portal system, operated by CBP,
for the collection and distribution of
standard electronic import and export
data required by participating federal
agencies. All federal agencies that
require documentation for clearance or
licensing the importation of cargo are
required to participate in ITDS. The
Customs Modernization provisions in
the North American Free Trade
Agreement Implementation Act provide
the Commissioner of CBP with authority
to conduct limited test programs or
procedures designed to evaluate
planned components of the National
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Customs Automation Program
(‘‘NCAP’’), which includes ACE. The
PGA Message Set test described in this
notice is in furtherance of the ITDS and
NCAP goals.
D. The ‘‘Single Window’’ Approach
President Obama, on February 19,
2014, issued Executive Order 13659,
Streamlining the Export/Import Process
for America’s Businesses (‘‘EO 13659’’),
which requires certain federal agencies
to enhance significantly their use of
technology to modernize and simplify
the trade processing infrastructure.
Specifically, EO 13659 requires
applicable government agencies to use
CBP’s ITDS, and supporting systems,
such as ACE, to create a ‘‘single
window’’ through which businesses will
electronically submit import-related
data for clearance. EO 13659 envisions
and is working toward a simpler, more
efficient portal for trade use, to benefit
the trade and government agencies that
have related authorities and
Participating agencies have until
December 31, 2016, to implement ACE
as the primary means of receiving
agency-specific standardized import
data. As an independent agency, CPSC
is not bound by EO 13659, but
electronic filing of more limited
targeting/enforcement data or certificate
data will aid CPSC in focusing the
agency’s resources to clear compliant
products more efficiently, target
noncompliant shipments more
effectively, and improve enforcement of
our safety statutes and regulations at the
E. Test Purpose and Goal
Consumer protection, by preventing
noncompliant products from ever
reaching American homes and
American children, was a primary
impetus for passage of the CPSIA and
remains a high priority initiative of the
CPSC. Section 222 of the CPSIA calls for
the creation of a risk assessment
methodology to better target
noncompliant products at import.
Accordingly, CPSC currently will focus
its resources on a test with CBP on
electronic filing of more limited
targeting/enforcement data elements,
using the PGA Message Set. Information
and feedback from the test will be used
to inform the Commission in striving to
improve and streamline the import
process. The initial intent of this pilot
was to require electronic filing of
Certificates of Compliance for all
regulated imported products. However,
after consultation with stakeholders, the
Commission has, for the time being,
limited the current PGA Message Set
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Test to collection of certain minimal
targeting/enforcement data. This PGA
Message Set Test will not provide the
Commission with information relating
to levels of compliance with the
statutory certificate requirements.
However, the Commission believes
obtaining such information continues to
be important to informing future
Commission decisions regarding the
need for electronic filing of full
certificate data.
II. Targeting/Enforcement Data Test
The test will allow two different
methods of filing targeting/enforcement
data, using the PGA Message Set: (1)
Filing a minimum of 5 data elements at
time of entry (‘‘PGA Message Set’’), or
(2) filing only a reference to targeting/
enforcement data stored in a Registry
maintained by CPSC (‘‘Data Registry and
Reference PGA Message Set’’).
Targeting/enforcement data for
regulated finished products and
specified finished products subject to
section 15(j) of the CPSA, either in the
form of the complete data set or the
registry reference, would be submitted
through the PGA Message Set as part of
an ACE entry, or ACE entry summary if
both entry and entry summary are filed
together. Targeting/enforcement data,
along with entry data, would then be
made available to CPSC for validation,
risk assessment, and admissibility
determinations at entry, thereby
facilitating compliant trade as well as
sharpening our focus on noncompliant
trade. The data would be used to review
consumer product entry requirements
and allow for earlier risk-based
admissibility decisions by CPSC staff.
Additionally, because it is electronic,
the PGA Message Set could eliminate
the necessity for submission and
subsequent handling of paper
documents. Piloting electronic filing as
a means to transition away from paperbased filing is a priority initiative of the
PGAs to meet the stated ‘‘single
window’’ implementation timeline.
A. PGA Message Set
To file data electronically with CBP,
information required for eligible
finished products would need to be
filed in CBP’s ACE system. The
proposed PGA Message Set test would
evaluate the electronic filing of a
minimum of the five targeting/
enforcement data elements listed below
for regulated finished products and
those data elements listed below that are
applicable to the following products
included on the Substantial Product
Hazard List issued under section 15(j) of
the CPSA: hand-supported hair dryers,
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 162 / Friday, August 21, 2015 / Notices
extension cords, and seasonal and
decorative lighting products.
1. Identification of the finished
2. Each consumer product safety rule
to which the finished product has been
certified under 16 CFR part 1110;
3. Place where the finished product
was manufactured, produced, or
assembled, including the identity and
address of the manufacturing party;
4. Parties on whose testing a
certificate under 16 CFR part 1110
depends (name and contact information
of the testing entity); and
5. A check box indicating that a
required certificate currently exists for
the finished product, as required by
Sections 14 and 17 of the CPSA.
Based on years of both CPSC and CBP
staff law enforcement experience, CPSC
staff has identified at this time the
minimal data elements above as crucial
for targeting noncompliant products
before they enter commerce and
enforcing related requirements.
CPSC is drafting a supplemental
CATAIR guideline on filing targeting/
enforcement data through the PGA
Message Set that describes the technical
specifications for filing targeting/
enforcement data using the PGA
Message Set, as well as the Data Registry
and Reference PGA Message Set
(described in section II.B below). The
supplemental CATAIR guideline will be
made available before CBP initiates the
test and will be posted on https://
Technical comments on CPSC’s
supplemental CATAIR guideline should
be submitted in accordance with the
instructions in the ADDRESSES section at
the beginning of this notice.
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
B. CPSC Data Registry and Data
Reference PGA Message Set
The Data Registry concept arises out
of discussions at CPSC staff’s 2014
eFiling workshop. Stakeholders noted
that other agencies have existing
databases that can be referenced during
the CBP entry process without having to
re-enter repeatedly large amounts of
data. Participants expressed concern
about added costs and time for
importers to enter data for each
regulated finished product and the need
for accurate data entry. Customs brokers
also expressed concern about lack of
access to required data. For example,
express carriers were concerned about
meeting entry requirements during offhour times when business personnel
were unavailable for consultation.
Stakeholders expressed concern that
any requirement to re-enter large
amounts of data, or lack of access to the
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required data, may slow the import
After considering stakeholder
comments and concerns, CPSC has
decided to include a Data Registry in the
test to inform the Commission whether
this concept alleviates some of the
concerns expressed at the 2014 eFiling
workshop. Instead of filing complete
targeting/enforcement data in ACE with
each entry, participants can elect to prefile information into a Data Registry
before filing an entry with CBP. The
Data Registry will be created and
maintained by CPSC. Use of the Data
Registry will be voluntary. Firms can
use the Data Registry to enter targeting/
enforcement data and to manage those
data; or firms with established databases
or processes can provide information for
many products electronically in a batch
Once targeting/enforcement data are
filed in the Data Registry, filers will
only need to provide a reference, or
identifier, to the data using the PGA
Message Set during the entry process,
rather than entering all data multiple
times. Firms that choose to use the Data
Registry only would need to provide
their filer with an identifier, and would
not need to provide all data elements for
each product being imported. Using the
Data Registry should minimize data
entry; reduce costs and filing time; and
allow firms to manage, update, and reuse targeting/enforcement data in the
registry. CPSC demonstrated a prototype
of the Registry at the May 13, 2015
public meeting with the COAC working
group. A webcast of this meeting can be
viewed here: https://www.cpsc.gov/en/
jurisdiction or specified products
subject to section 15(j) of the CPSA;
• File consumption entries and entry
summaries in ACE, or have a broker
who files in ACE;
• Use a software program that has
completed ACE certification testing for
the PGA Message Set;
• Be willing to participate in the
Trade Support Network (TSN);
• Provide oral and written feedback
on all aspects of the test as requested by
CPSC, including information on costs to
build to the requirements and time
necessary to file targeting/enforcement
• Work with CPSC and CBP to test
electronic filing of data using ABI to file
through the Message Set, or references
to targeting/enforcement data in the
Data Registry; and
• Have a history of compliance with
CPSC requirements.
Because the feedback on the test will
be used to inform a rulemaking related
to electronic filing, participant feedback
will be publicly available.
CPSC, in consultation with CBP, will
select participants based on the
eligibility requirements, application
date, the number and type of consumer
products imported, how applicants
would file targeting/enforcement data
(PGA Message Set or Data Registry and
Reference PGA Message Set), port
locations, and the goal of having a
diverse cross section of the trade
community participate. The number of
participants will be limited in the
discretion of CPSC, but will in no event
exceed nine participants. Selected
applicants will participate in the test at
the discretion of CBP and CPSC.
III. Test Participant Eligibility,
Selection Criteria, and Responsibilities
This document announces CPSC’s
plan, in consultation with CBP, to
conduct a test for the electronic filing of
targeting/enforcement data with CBP for
regulated consumer products within
CPSC’s jurisdiction and specified
products subject to section 15(j) of the
CPSA that are imported into the United
States. Test participants will work with
CPSC and CBP to refine electronic filing
of data through the PGA Message Set, by
filing all data elements in the PGA
Message Set, or by using the Data
Registry, and filing a reference to
targeting/enforcement data through PGA
Message Set. CBP and CPSC are seeking
small and large companies with an
assortment of products under CPSC
jurisdiction to participate in the test.
To be eligible to apply as a test
participant, the applicant must:
• Import regulated consumer
products within the Commission’s
IV. Application Process
Any party seeking to participate in the
test should email the company name,
contact information, filer code, port(s) at
which they are interested in filing, and
an explanation of how they satisfy the
requirements for participation to:
efilingpilot@cpsc.gov on or before
October 5, 2015 and throughout the
duration of the test. CPSC will consider
applications to participate until the test
capacity of nine participants is filled.
Requests to participate in the test
should contain the subject heading:
‘‘Application to participate in PGA
Message Set Test.’’ Applicants may be
contacted directly for additional
information in connection with the
selection process. Selected participants
will be notified by email. Selected test
participants may have different starting
dates. A party providing incomplete
information, or otherwise not meeting
the participation requirements, will be
notified by email and given the
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opportunity to resubmit the application.
Applicants who are not selected also
will be notified by email.
V. Advantages of Participation
During the period of participation in
the test, which the CPSC refers to as the
‘‘eFiling Alpha Pilot,’’ test participants
can expect the following:
• Opportunity to work directly with
CBP and CPSC in pre-implementation
stage of e-Filing targeting/enforcement
• Ability to provide feedback and
experience that will inform ultimate eFiling requirements;
• Ability to trouble-shoot systems and
• Reduction of product safety tests on
goods imported;
• In the event of an examination,
shipments will be conditionally
released to the importer’s premises for
• In the event of testing, samples will
receive ‘‘front of the line testing’’ from
CPSC laboratories; and
• If destruction of products is
required, participants may be allowed to
destroy products in lieu of redelivering
the product to CBP for destruction.
VI. Test Duration
Upon selection into the test, test
participants will be expected to begin
work promptly with CBP and CPSC to
define and refine requirements. Once
the test is operational, the test is
expected to run for approximately six
months or until concluded or extended
by the issuance of a Federal Register
notice announcing the extension or
conclusion of this test.
VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
For this initial test of electronic filing
of targeting/enforcement data, CPSC
will accept fewer than 10 participants,
and the test will be exempt from the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. If CPSC decides
to participate in a larger-scale test, we
will provide notice and seek an OMB
control number specifically for such
rmajette on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VIII. Confidentiality
All data submitted and entered into
ACE is subject to the Trade Secrets Act
(18 U.S.C. 1905) and is considered
confidential, except to the extent as
otherwise provided by law. As stated in
previous notices, participation in this or
any of the previous ACE tests is not
confidential and upon a written
Freedom of Information Act (‘‘FOIA’’)
request, a name(s) of an approved
participant(s) will be disclosed by CPSC
or CBP in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:07 Aug 20, 2015
Jkt 235001
Dated: August 18, 2015.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2015–20707 Filed 8–20–15; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Meeting of the Defense Advisory
Committee on Women in the Services
Department of Defense.
The Department of Defense is
publishing this notice to announce that
the following Federal Advisory
Committee meeting of the Defense
Advisory Committee on Women in the
Services (DACOWITS) will take place.
This meeting is open to the public.
DATES: Wednesday, September 9, 2015,
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Thursday,
September 10, 2015, from 8:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Hilton Alexandria—Mark
Center, 5000 Seminary Road,
Alexandria, VA 22311.
Robert Bowling or DACOWITS Staff at
4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 04J25–01,
Alexandria, Virginia 22350–9000.
Telephone (703) 697–2122. Fax (703)
614–6233. Any updates to the agenda or
any additional information can be found
at https://dacowits.defense.gov/.
to the Federal Advisory Committee Act
of 1972 (5 U.S.C. Appendix, as
amended), the Government in the
Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b),
and Section 10(a), Public Law 92–463,
as amended, notice is hereby given of a
forthcoming meeting of the Defense
Advisory Committee on Women in the
Services (DACOWITS).
The purpose of the meeting is for the
Committee to receive briefings and
updates relating to their current work
and vote on their 2015
recommendations. The Designated
Federal Officer will give a status update
on the Committee’s requests for
information. The Committee will
receive a briefing from OSD Health
Affairs on the Services’ pregnancy/
postpartum policies. The Navy and
Coast Guard will give a briefing on the
detailing/assignment process for women
serving at sea. Additionally, the
Committee will receive briefings from
the Services on their In-Home Child
PO 00000
Frm 00013
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Care Provider Certification programs.
The Army will provide an update on the
Army Ranger Assessment. Also, the
Committee will propose and vote on
their 2015 recommendations. There will
also be a public comment period.
Pursuant to 41 CFR 102–3.140, and
section 10(a)(3) of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972, interested
persons may submit a written statement
for consideration by the Defense
Advisory Committee on Women in the
Services. Individuals submitting a
written statement must submit their
statement to the point of contact listed
at the address in FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT no later than 5:00
p.m., Tuesday, September 8, 2015. If a
written statement is not received by
Tuesday, September 8, 2015, prior to the
meeting, which is the subject of this
notice, then it may not be provided to
or considered by the Defense Advisory
Committee on Women in the Services
until its next open meeting. The
Designated Federal Officer will review
all timely submissions with the Defense
Advisory Committee on Women in the
Services Chair and ensure they are
provided to the members of the Defense
Advisory Committee on Women in the
Services. If members of the public are
interested in making an oral statement,
a written statement should be
submitted. After reviewing the written
comments, the Chair and the Designated
Federal Officer will determine who of
the requesting persons will be able to
make an oral presentation of their issue
during an open portion of this meeting
or at a future meeting. Pursuant to 41
CFR 102–3.140(d), determination of
who will be making an oral presentation
is at the sole discretion of the
Committee Chair and the Designated
Federal Officer and will depend on time
available and if the topics are relevant
to the Committee’s activities. Two
minutes will be allotted to persons
desiring to make an oral presentation.
Oral presentations by members of the
public will be permitted only on
Thursday, September 10, 2015 from 8:15
a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in front of the full
Committee. The number of oral
presentations to be made will depend
on the number of requests received from
members of the public.
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b and 41 CFR
102–3.140 through 102–3.165, this
meeting is open to the public, subject to
the availability of space.
Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 9, 2015, from
8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
—Welcome, Introductions,
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 162 (Friday, August 21, 2015)]
[Pages 50827-50831]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-20707]
Electronic Filing of Targeting/Enforcement Data: Announcement of
PGA Message Set Test and Request for Participants
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: To advance the concept of a ``single window'' to facilitate
electronic collection, processing, sharing, and reviewing of trade data
and documents required by federal agencies during the cargo import and
export processes, and in furtherance of more accurately targeting
imports to facilitate the flow of legitimate trade and enhanced
targeting of noncompliant trade, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (``Commission'' or ``CPSC'') in consultation with U.S.
Customs & Border Protection (``CBP'') announce their joint intent to
conduct a test to assess the electronic filing of certain data via the
Partner Government Agency (``PGA'') Message Set to the CBP-authorized
Electronic Data Interchange (``EDI'') system known as the Automated
Commercial Environment (``ACE'') for regulated finished consumer
products under CPSC jurisdiction and three specified finished products
included on
[[Page 50828]]
the Substantial Product Hazard List established under section 15(j) of
the CPSA. During the test, participants will collaborate with CBP and
CPSC to examine the effectiveness of the ``single window'' capability.
Based on stakeholder feedback, the test also will assess the concept of
a data registry (the ``Data Registry''), maintained by CPSC, which
would allow stakeholders to file a reference to existing targeting/
enforcement data through the PGA Message Set, rather than by entering
all data for each entry.
This notice provides the following key information:
International Trade Data System (``ITDS'') and CBP's
authority to conduct test programs;
the Commission's authority regarding data collection and
import surveillance;
the purpose of the test;
an explanation of the test concept;
the availability of CPSC's supplemental Customs and Trade
Automated Interface Requirements (``CATAIR'') guideline and request for
technical comments;
participant eligibility, selection criteria, and
the advantages of test participation; and
a request that importers interested in test participation
contact the Commission.
DATES: Electronic requests to participate in the test program may be
submitted on or before October 5, 2015 and throughout the duration of
the test. CPSC will consider applications to participate until the test
capacity of nine participants is filled. The test will continue until
terminated by way of an announcement in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Requests to participate in the test and technical comments
on CPSC's supplemental CATAIR guideline (which will be made available
on CBP.gov) should be submitted through electronic mail to:
efilingpilot@cpsc.gov. Requests to participate in the test should
contain the subject heading: ``Application to participate in PGA
Message Set Test.'' Technical comments on CPSC's supplemental CATAIR
guideline should contain the subject heading ``CATAIR Technical
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions regarding the test should be
directed to Jim Joholske, Deputy Director, Office of Import
Surveillance, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, (301) 504-7527,
efilingpilot@cpsc.gov. Questions sent by electronic mail should contain
the subject heading ``Question re PGA Message Set Test.'' For technical
questions regarding ACE or ABI transmissions, or the PGA message set
data transmission, please contact your assigned CBP client
representative. Interested parties without an assigned client
representative should submit an email to Steven Zaccaro at
I. Background
A. The Automated Commercial Environment
ACE is an automated and electronic system for commercial trade
processing that is intended to streamline business processes,
facilitate growth in trade, ensure cargo security, and foster
participation in global commerce, while ensuring compliance with U.S.
laws and regulations, and reducing costs for CBP and all of its
communities of interest. The Automated Broker Interface (``ABI'') is a
software interface to ACE. Commercial trade participants who want to
file entries in ACE use ABI to electronically file required import data
with CBP. ABI transfers trade-submitted data into ACE. CBP is
developing ACE as the ``single window'' for the trade community to
comply with the ITDS requirement established by the SAFE Port Act of
2006. The PGA Message Set enables additional trade-related data
specified by PGAs to be entered in one location.
B. CPSC and CBP Authority To Regulate the Importation of Consumer
Section 14(a) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (``CPSA''), as
amended by section 102(b) of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement
Act of 2008 (``CPSIA''), Public Law 110-314, requires manufacturers
(including importers) and private labelers of certain regulated
consumer products manufactured outside the United States to test and
issue a certificate of compliance certifying such products as compliant
with applicable laws and regulations before importation. Pursuant to
section 14(a), the Commission promulgated a final rule on
``certificates of compliance'' on November 18, 2008 (73 FR 68328),
which is codified at 16 CFR part 1110 (``part 1110''). Among other
things, part 1110 limits the parties who must issue a certificate to
the importer, for products manufactured outside the United States, and,
in the case of domestically manufactured products, to the manufacturer,
and allows certificates to be in hard copy or electronic form. In
addition to this authority, the Commission has admissibility authority
for importing consumer products and substances that are within the
CPSC's jurisdiction under section 17 of the CPSA (15 U.S.C. 2066) and
section 14 of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act (``FHSA'') (15
U.S.C. 1273). Unless the Commission allows a product to be
reconditioned for importation, section 17(a) of the CPSA requires
refusal of admission and destruction of any product offered for import
that, among other things, is not accompanied by a certificate of
compliance required under section 14 of the CPSA, or is a product which
is in violation of the inspection and recordkeeping requirements of
section 16. In addition to the recordkeeping and inspection authority
granted to the Commission under section 16(b), importers, retailers,
and distributors of consumer products are required to identify the
manufactuer of a consumer product by name, address, or other such
identifying information requested by the Commission. 15 U.S.C. 2065(c).
CPSC's authority to regulate the importation of consumer products
is further derived from section 17(h)(1), which requires the Commisson
to ``establish and maintain a permanent product surveillance program,
in cooperation with other appropriate Federal agencies, for the purpose
of carrying out the Commission's responsibilities under this Act and
the other Acts administered by the Commission and preventing the entry
of unsafe consumer products into the commerce of the United States.''
15 U.S.C. 2066(h)(1). Also, under section 222 of the CPSIA, the CPSC is
required to develop a risk assessment methodology for the
identification of shipments of consumer products that are intended for
import into the United States, and are likely to violate consumer
product safety statutes and regulations. Consistent with the federal
government's movement to the ``single window,'' CPSC eventually plans
to require electronic filing of either limited targeting/enforcement
data or full certificate data to refine our risk assessment methodology
and improve our import surveillance program.
Building on these authorities, CPSC works with CBP to review and
inspect cargo and to clear compliant consumer products for importation
into the United States. CPSC also works with CBP to enforce CPSC
regulations and to destroy products that violate the law and cannot be
reconditioned for importation. 15 U.S.C. 2066. For example, section 17
of the CPSA states that, upon the Commission's request, the Secretary
of the Treasury has the authority to obtain samples of products offered
for importation, without charge, and deliver
[[Page 50829]]
such samples to the Commission for inspection. 15 U.S.C. 2066(b).
Additionally, CBP has the authority to seize and destroy products
offered for importation under the Tariff Act, codified at 19 U.S.C.
1595a(c)(2)(A), where the importation or entry of such products is
subject to any restriction or prohibition which is imposed by law
relating to health, safety, or conservation and such products are not
in compliance with the applicable rule, regulation, or statute. An
admissibility determination may be deferred to allow an importer to
recondition products for entry. 15 U.S.C. 2066(c). CPSC and CBP have
authority to supervise the reconditioning of products for entry that
are still under CBP's bond. 15 U.S.C. 2066(d). If these products cannot
be reconditioned, they must be refused admission and destroyed, unless
the Secretary of the Treasury permits export in lieu of destruction. 15
U.S.C. 2066(d) & (e).
Taken together, these authorities give CPSC a broad ability to
monitor all consumer products within its jurisdiction. However, the PGA
Message Set test described in this notice will be limited at this time
to a study of CPSC regulated consumer products and the following
products included on the Substantial Product Hazard List issued under
section 15(j) of the CPSA (16 CFR part 1120): hand-supported hair
dryers, extension cords, and seasonal and decorative lighting products.
The Commission believes that insights gained through this limited PGA
Message Set test will begin to inform future import surveillance
efforts across broader areas of CPSC's jurisdiction.
C. ITDS Goals and CBP's Authority To Conduct National Customs
Automation Program Tests
The ITDS is an electronic data interchange system whose goals
include eliminating redundant information requirements, efficiently
regulating the flow of commerce, and effectively enforcing laws and
regulations relating to international trade by establishing a single
portal system, operated by CBP, for the collection and distribution of
standard electronic import and export data required by participating
federal agencies. All federal agencies that require documentation for
clearance or licensing the importation of cargo are required to
participate in ITDS. The Customs Modernization provisions in the North
American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act provide the
Commissioner of CBP with authority to conduct limited test programs or
procedures designed to evaluate planned components of the National
Customs Automation Program (``NCAP''), which includes ACE. The PGA
Message Set test described in this notice is in furtherance of the ITDS
and NCAP goals.
D. The ``Single Window'' Approach
President Obama, on February 19, 2014, issued Executive Order
13659, Streamlining the Export/Import Process for America's Businesses
(``EO 13659''), which requires certain federal agencies to enhance
significantly their use of technology to modernize and simplify the
trade processing infrastructure. Specifically, EO 13659 requires
applicable government agencies to use CBP's ITDS, and supporting
systems, such as ACE, to create a ``single window'' through which
businesses will electronically submit import-related data for
clearance. EO 13659 envisions and is working toward a simpler, more
efficient portal for trade use, to benefit the trade and government
agencies that have related authorities and responsibilities.
Participating agencies have until December 31, 2016, to implement
ACE as the primary means of receiving agency-specific standardized
import data. As an independent agency, CPSC is not bound by EO 13659,
but electronic filing of more limited targeting/enforcement data or
certificate data will aid CPSC in focusing the agency's resources to
clear compliant products more efficiently, target noncompliant
shipments more effectively, and improve enforcement of our safety
statutes and regulations at the ports.
E. Test Purpose and Goal
Consumer protection, by preventing noncompliant products from ever
reaching American homes and American children, was a primary impetus
for passage of the CPSIA and remains a high priority initiative of the
CPSC. Section 222 of the CPSIA calls for the creation of a risk
assessment methodology to better target noncompliant products at
import. Accordingly, CPSC currently will focus its resources on a test
with CBP on electronic filing of more limited targeting/enforcement
data elements, using the PGA Message Set. Information and feedback from
the test will be used to inform the Commission in striving to improve
and streamline the import process. The initial intent of this pilot was
to require electronic filing of Certificates of Compliance for all
regulated imported products. However, after consultation with
stakeholders, the Commission has, for the time being, limited the
current PGA Message Set Test to collection of certain minimal
targeting/enforcement data. This PGA Message Set Test will not provide
the Commission with information relating to levels of compliance with
the statutory certificate requirements. However, the Commission
believes obtaining such information continues to be important to
informing future Commission decisions regarding the need for electronic
filing of full certificate data.
II. Targeting/Enforcement Data Test
The test will allow two different methods of filing targeting/
enforcement data, using the PGA Message Set: (1) Filing a minimum of 5
data elements at time of entry (``PGA Message Set''), or (2) filing
only a reference to targeting/enforcement data stored in a Registry
maintained by CPSC (``Data Registry and Reference PGA Message Set'').
Targeting/enforcement data for regulated finished products and
specified finished products subject to section 15(j) of the CPSA,
either in the form of the complete data set or the registry reference,
would be submitted through the PGA Message Set as part of an ACE entry,
or ACE entry summary if both entry and entry summary are filed
together. Targeting/enforcement data, along with entry data, would then
be made available to CPSC for validation, risk assessment, and
admissibility determinations at entry, thereby facilitating compliant
trade as well as sharpening our focus on noncompliant trade. The data
would be used to review consumer product entry requirements and allow
for earlier risk-based admissibility decisions by CPSC staff.
Additionally, because it is electronic, the PGA Message Set could
eliminate the necessity for submission and subsequent handling of paper
documents. Piloting electronic filing as a means to transition away
from paper-based filing is a priority initiative of the PGAs to meet
the stated ``single window'' implementation timeline.
A. PGA Message Set
To file data electronically with CBP, information required for
eligible finished products would need to be filed in CBP's ACE system.
The proposed PGA Message Set test would evaluate the electronic filing
of a minimum of the five targeting/enforcement data elements listed
below for regulated finished products and those data elements listed
below that are applicable to the following products included on the
Substantial Product Hazard List issued under section 15(j) of the CPSA:
hand-supported hair dryers,
[[Page 50830]]
extension cords, and seasonal and decorative lighting products.
1. Identification of the finished product;
2. Each consumer product safety rule to which the finished product
has been certified under 16 CFR part 1110;
3. Place where the finished product was manufactured, produced, or
assembled, including the identity and address of the manufacturing
4. Parties on whose testing a certificate under 16 CFR part 1110
depends (name and contact information of the testing entity); and
5. A check box indicating that a required certificate currently
exists for the finished product, as required by Sections 14 and 17 of
the CPSA.
Based on years of both CPSC and CBP staff law enforcement
experience, CPSC staff has identified at this time the minimal data
elements above as crucial for targeting noncompliant products before
they enter commerce and enforcing related requirements.
CPSC is drafting a supplemental CATAIR guideline on filing
targeting/enforcement data through the PGA Message Set that describes
the technical specifications for filing targeting/enforcement data
using the PGA Message Set, as well as the Data Registry and Reference
PGA Message Set (described in section II.B below). The supplemental
CATAIR guideline will be made available before CBP initiates the test
and will be posted on https://www.cbp.gov/trade/ace/catair. Technical
comments on CPSC's supplemental CATAIR guideline should be submitted in
accordance with the instructions in the ADDRESSES section at the
beginning of this notice.
B. CPSC Data Registry and Data Reference PGA Message Set
The Data Registry concept arises out of discussions at CPSC staff's
2014 eFiling workshop. Stakeholders noted that other agencies have
existing databases that can be referenced during the CBP entry process
without having to re-enter repeatedly large amounts of data.
Participants expressed concern about added costs and time for importers
to enter data for each regulated finished product and the need for
accurate data entry. Customs brokers also expressed concern about lack
of access to required data. For example, express carriers were
concerned about meeting entry requirements during off-hour times when
business personnel were unavailable for consultation. Stakeholders
expressed concern that any requirement to re-enter large amounts of
data, or lack of access to the required data, may slow the import
After considering stakeholder comments and concerns, CPSC has
decided to include a Data Registry in the test to inform the Commission
whether this concept alleviates some of the concerns expressed at the
2014 eFiling workshop. Instead of filing complete targeting/enforcement
data in ACE with each entry, participants can elect to pre-file
information into a Data Registry before filing an entry with CBP. The
Data Registry will be created and maintained by CPSC. Use of the Data
Registry will be voluntary. Firms can use the Data Registry to enter
targeting/enforcement data and to manage those data; or firms with
established databases or processes can provide information for many
products electronically in a batch upload.
Once targeting/enforcement data are filed in the Data Registry,
filers will only need to provide a reference, or identifier, to the
data using the PGA Message Set during the entry process, rather than
entering all data multiple times. Firms that choose to use the Data
Registry only would need to provide their filer with an identifier, and
would not need to provide all data elements for each product being
imported. Using the Data Registry should minimize data entry; reduce
costs and filing time; and allow firms to manage, update, and re-use
targeting/enforcement data in the registry. CPSC demonstrated a
prototype of the Registry at the May 13, 2015 public meeting with the
COAC working group. A webcast of this meeting can be viewed here:
III. Test Participant Eligibility, Selection Criteria, and
This document announces CPSC's plan, in consultation with CBP, to
conduct a test for the electronic filing of targeting/enforcement data
with CBP for regulated consumer products within CPSC's jurisdiction and
specified products subject to section 15(j) of the CPSA that are
imported into the United States. Test participants will work with CPSC
and CBP to refine electronic filing of data through the PGA Message
Set, by filing all data elements in the PGA Message Set, or by using
the Data Registry, and filing a reference to targeting/enforcement data
through PGA Message Set. CBP and CPSC are seeking small and large
companies with an assortment of products under CPSC jurisdiction to
participate in the test.
To be eligible to apply as a test participant, the applicant must:
Import regulated consumer products within the Commission's
jurisdiction or specified products subject to section 15(j) of the
File consumption entries and entry summaries in ACE, or
have a broker who files in ACE;
Use a software program that has completed ACE
certification testing for the PGA Message Set;
Be willing to participate in the Trade Support Network
Provide oral and written feedback on all aspects of the
test as requested by CPSC, including information on costs to build to
the requirements and time necessary to file targeting/enforcement data;
Work with CPSC and CBP to test electronic filing of data
using ABI to file through the Message Set, or references to targeting/
enforcement data in the Data Registry; and
Have a history of compliance with CPSC requirements.
Because the feedback on the test will be used to inform a
rulemaking related to electronic filing, participant feedback will be
publicly available.
CPSC, in consultation with CBP, will select participants based on
the eligibility requirements, application date, the number and type of
consumer products imported, how applicants would file targeting/
enforcement data (PGA Message Set or Data Registry and Reference PGA
Message Set), port locations, and the goal of having a diverse cross
section of the trade community participate. The number of participants
will be limited in the discretion of CPSC, but will in no event exceed
nine participants. Selected applicants will participate in the test at
the discretion of CBP and CPSC.
IV. Application Process
Any party seeking to participate in the test should email the
company name, contact information, filer code, port(s) at which they
are interested in filing, and an explanation of how they satisfy the
requirements for participation to: efilingpilot@cpsc.gov on or before
October 5, 2015 and throughout the duration of the test. CPSC will
consider applications to participate until the test capacity of nine
participants is filled. Requests to participate in the test should
contain the subject heading: ``Application to participate in PGA
Message Set Test.'' Applicants may be contacted directly for additional
information in connection with the selection process. Selected
participants will be notified by email. Selected test participants may
have different starting dates. A party providing incomplete
information, or otherwise not meeting the participation requirements,
will be notified by email and given the
[[Page 50831]]
opportunity to resubmit the application. Applicants who are not
selected also will be notified by email.
V. Advantages of Participation
During the period of participation in the test, which the CPSC
refers to as the ``eFiling Alpha Pilot,'' test participants can expect
the following:
Opportunity to work directly with CBP and CPSC in pre-
implementation stage of e-Filing targeting/enforcement data;
Ability to provide feedback and experience that will
inform ultimate e-Filing requirements;
Ability to trouble-shoot systems and procedures;
Reduction of product safety tests on goods imported;
In the event of an examination, shipments will be
conditionally released to the importer's premises for examination;
In the event of testing, samples will receive ``front of
the line testing'' from CPSC laboratories; and
If destruction of products is required, participants may
be allowed to destroy products in lieu of redelivering the product to
CBP for destruction.
VI. Test Duration
Upon selection into the test, test participants will be expected to
begin work promptly with CBP and CPSC to define and refine
requirements. Once the test is operational, the test is expected to run
for approximately six months or until concluded or extended by the
issuance of a Federal Register notice announcing the extension or
conclusion of this test.
VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
For this initial test of electronic filing of targeting/enforcement
data, CPSC will accept fewer than 10 participants, and the test will be
exempt from the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. If
CPSC decides to participate in a larger-scale test, we will provide
notice and seek an OMB control number specifically for such test.
VIII. Confidentiality
All data submitted and entered into ACE is subject to the Trade
Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. 1905) and is considered confidential, except to
the extent as otherwise provided by law. As stated in previous notices,
participation in this or any of the previous ACE tests is not
confidential and upon a written Freedom of Information Act (``FOIA'')
request, a name(s) of an approved participant(s) will be disclosed by
CPSC or CBP in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552.
Dated: August 18, 2015.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2015-20707 Filed 8-20-15; 8:45 am]