Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 48107-48110 [2015-19658]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 154 / Tuesday, August 11, 2015 / Notices
diabetes (in studies of CVD outcomes
and risk factors)?
PICOTS (Population, Intervention,
Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting)
• Healthy adults (≥18 yr) without CVD
or with low to intermediate risk for
• Adults at high risk for CVD (e.g., with
diabetes, cardiometabolic syndrome,
hypertension, dyslipidemia, nondialysis chronic kidney disease)
• Adults with clinical CVD (e.g., history
of myocardial infarction, angina,
transient ischemic attacks)
• Exclude populations chosen for
having a non-CVD or non-diabetesrelated disease (e.g., cancer,
gastrointestinal disease, rheumatic
disease, dialysis)
• n-3 FA supplements
• n-3 FA supplemented foods (e.g.,
• n-3 FA content in diet (e.g., from food
frequency questionnaires)
• Biomarkers of n-3 FA intake
• n-3 content of food or supplements
must be quantified (e.g., exclude fish
diet studies where only servings/week
defined, Mediterranean diet studies
without n-3 quantified). n-3
quantification can be of total n-3 FA,
of a specific n-3 FA (e.g., ALA) or of
combined EPA+DHA (‘‘marine oil’’).
• Exclude n-3 FA dose ≥6 g/day (except
for adverse events)
• Exclude weight loss interventions
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
• Placebo or no n-3 FA intervention
• Different n-3 FA source intervention
• Different n-3 FA concentration
• Different n-3 FA dietary exposure
(e.g., comparison of quantiles)
• Different n-3 FA biomarker levels
(e.g., comparison of quantiles)
• All-cause mortality
• Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and
peripheral vascular events:
Æ Fatal vascular events (e.g., due to
myocardial infarction, stroke)
Æ Non-fatal vascular events (e.g.,
myocardial infarction, stroke/
cardiovascular accident, transient
ischemic attack, unstable angina)
Æ Coronary heart disease, new diagnosis
Æ Congestive heart failure, new
Æ Cerebrovascular disease, new
Æ Peripheral vascular disease, new
Æ Ventricular arrhythmia, new
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Æ Supraventricular arrhythmia, new
Æ Major vascular interventions/
procedures (e.g, revascularization,
thrombolysis, lower extremity
amputation, defibrillator placement)
• Major CVD risk factors (intermediate
Æ Blood pressure (new-onset
hypertension, systolic, diastolic, and
mean arterial pressure)
Æ Key plasma lipids (i.e., high density
lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-c], low
density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDLc], total/HDL-c ratio, LDL-c/HDL-c
ratio, triglycerides)
• Adverse events (e.g., bleeding, major
gastrointestinal disturbance), only
from intervention studies of
• Clinical outcomes, including newonset hypertension (all study
designs): ≥1 year followup (and
intervention duration, as applicable)
• Intermediate outcomes (blood
pressure and plasma lipids) (all study
designs): ≥1 month followup
• Adverse events (all study designs): No
minimum followup
Community-Dwelling (NonInstitutionalized) Individuals Study
• Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
(all outcomes)
• Randomized cross-over studies (blood
pressure and plasma lipids, adverse
events), minimum washout period to
be determined
• Prospective nonrandomized
comparative studies (clinical
outcomes, adverse events)
• Prospective cohort (single group)
studies, where groups are compared
based on n-3 FA intake or intake
biomarker values (clinical outcomes)
• Exclude: Retrospective or case control
studies or cross-sectional studies (but
include prospective nested case
control studies). Studies must have
measure of intake prior to outcome.
• Minimum sample sizes (All outcomes:
To be determined)
• English language publications
Sharon B. Arnold,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. 2015–19659 Filed 8–10–15; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Agency for Healthcare Research and
Scientific Information Request on
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and
Child Health
Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.
ACTION: Request for Scientific
Information Submissions.
The Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking
scientific information submissions from
the public. Scientific information is
being solicited to inform our review of
Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and
Child Health, which is currently being
conducted by the AHRQ’s Evidencebased Practice Centers (EPC) Programs.
Access to published and unpublished
pertinent scientific information will
improve the quality of this review.
AHRQ is conducting this systematic
review pursuant to Section 902(a) of the
Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C.
Submission Deadline on or
before September 10, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Online submissions: https://
-packets/. Please select the study for
which you are submitting information
from the list to upload your documents.
Email submissions:
Print submissions:
Mailing Address:
Portland VA Research Foundation,
Scientific Resource Center, ATTN:
Scientific Information Packet
Coordinator, P.O. Box 69539, Portland,
OR 97239.
Shipping Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.):
Portland VA Research Foundation,
Scientific Resource Center, ATTN:
Scientific Information Packet
Coordinator, 3710 SW U.S. Veterans
Hospital Road, Mail Code: R&D 71,
Portland, OR 97239.
Ryan McKenna, Telephone: 503–220–
8262 ext. 58653 or Email:
The Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality has commissioned the
Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC)
Programs to complete a review of the
evidence for Omega 3 Fatty Acids and
Maternal and Child Health.
The EPC Program is dedicated to
identifying as many studies as possible
that are relevant to the questions for
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 154 / Tuesday, August 11, 2015 / Notices
each of its reviews. In order to do so, we
are supplementing the usual manual
and electronic database searches of the
literature by requesting information
from the public (e.g., details of studies
conducted). We are looking for studies
that report on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and
Maternal and Child Health, including
those that describe adverse events.
The entire research protocol,
including the key questions, is also
available online at: https://effective
This notice is to notify the public that
the EPC Program would find the
following information on Omega 3 Fatty
Acids and Maternal and Child Health
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
D A list of completed studies that your
organization has sponsored for this
indication. In the list, please indicate
whether results are available on along with the trial number.
D For completed studies that do not have
results on, please provide
a summary, including the following
elements: Study number, study period,
design, methodology, indication and
diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion
and exclusion criteria, primary and
secondary outcomes, baseline characteristics,
number of patients screened/eligible/
enrolled/lost to follow-up/withdrawn/
analyzed, effectiveness/efficacy, and safety
D A list of ongoing studies that your
organization has sponsored for this
indication. In the list, please provide the trial number or, if the trial
is not registered, the protocol for the study
including a study number, the study period,
design, methodology, indication and
diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion
and exclusion criteria, and primary and
secondary outcomes.
D Description of whether the above studies
constitute all Phase II and above clinical
trials sponsored by your organization for this
indication and an index outlining the
relevant information in each submitted file.
Your contribution will be very
beneficial to the EPC Program. The
contents of all submissions will be made
available to the public upon request.
Materials submitted must be publicly
available or can be made public.
Materials that are considered
confidential; marketing materials; study
types not included in the review; or
information on indications not included
in the review cannot be used by the EPC
Program. This is a voluntary request for
information, and all costs for complying
with this request must be borne by the
The draft of this review will be posted
on AHRQ’s EPC Program Web site and
available for public comment for a
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:44 Aug 10, 2015
Jkt 235001
period of 4 weeks. If you would like to
be notified when the draft is posted,
please sign up for the email list at:
The systematic review will answer the
following questions. This information is
provided as background. AHRQ is not
requesting that the public provide
answers to these questions. The entire
research protocol, is available online at:
The Key Questions
KQ 1. Maternal Exposure
Æ What is the efficacy of maternal
interventions involving—or association
of maternal exposures to—n-3 Fatty
Acids (FA) (eicosapentaenoic acid
[EPA], docosahexaenoic acid [DHA],
EPA+DHA [long-chain n-3 FA],
docosapentaenoic acid [DPA], alphalinolenic acid [ALA], stearidonic acid
[SDA] or total n-3 FA) on the following:
D Duration of gestation in women
with or without a history of preterm
birth (less than 37 weeks gestation)
D Incidence of preeclampsia/
eclampsia/gestational hypertension in
women with or without a history of
D Incidence of birth of small-forgestational age human infants
D Incidence of ante- and/or postnatal
depression in women with or without a
history of major depression or
postpartum depression
Æ What are the associations of
maternal biomarkers of n-3 intake
during pregnancy and the outcomes
identified above?
Æ What are the effects of potential
confounders or interacting factors (such
as other nutrients or use of other
supplements, or smoking status)?
Æ How is the efficacy or association of
n-3 FA on the outcomes of interest
affected by the ratio of different n-3 FAs,
as components of dietary supplements
or biomarkers?
Æ How does the ratio of n-6 FA to n3 FA intakes or biomarker
concentrations affect the efficacy or
association of n-3 FA on the outcomes
of interest?
Æ Is there a threshold or doseresponse relationship between n-3 FA
exposures and the outcomes of interest
or adverse events?
Æ How does the duration of the
intervention or exposure influence the
effect of n-3 FA on the outcomes of
PO 00000
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KQ 2. Fetal/childhood exposures
Æ What is the influence of maternal
intakes of n-3 fatty acids or the n-3 fatty
acid content of maternal breast milk
(with or without knowledge of maternal
intake of n-3 FA) or n-3 FAsupplemented infant formula or intakes
of n-3 FA from sources other than
maternal breast milk or supplemented
infant formula on the following
outcomes in term or preterm human
D Growth patterns
D Neurological development
D Visual function
D Cognitive development
D Autism
D Learning disorders
D Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD)
D Atopic dermatitis
D Allergies
D Respiratory illness
Æ What are the associations of the n3 FA content or the n-6/n-3 FA ratio of
maternal or fetal or child biomarkers
with each of the outcomes identified
KQ 3. Maternal or childhood adverse
Æ What are the short and long term
risks related to maternal intake of n-3
FA during pregnancy or breastfeeding
D Pregnant women
D Breastfeeding women
D Term or preterm human infants at
or after birth
Æ What are the short and long term
risks associated with intakes of n-3 FA
by human infants (as maternal breast
milk or infant formula supplemented
with n-3 FA)?
Æ Are adverse events associated with
specific sources or doses?
PICOTS (Population, Intervention,
Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting)
• KQ 1 (Maternal Exposures and
Æ Healthy pregnant women (for
outcomes of birth weight, intrauterine
growth restriction/small for gestational
age, duration of gestation, risk of preeclampsia, eclampsia, or pregnancy
Æ Pregnant women with a history of
pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, or pregnancy
hypertension (only for outcome of risk
of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, or
pregnancy hypertension)
Æ Pregnant women with a history of
major depressive disorder or postpartum
depression (only for the outcome of risk
for peripartum depression)
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 154 / Tuesday, August 11, 2015 / Notices
• KQ 2 (In Utero and Postnatal
(Through the First Year of Life)
Exposures and Outcomes)
Æ Healthy preterm or full term infants
of healthy women/mothers whose n-3
fatty acid exposures were monitored
during pregnancy
Æ Breastfed infants of healthy
mothers whose n-3 fatty acid exposure
was monitored and/or who participated
in an n-3 fatty acid intervention during
breastfeeding beginning at birth
Æ Healthy preterm or full term infants
with and without family history of
respiratory conditions (for outcomes
related to atopic dermatitis, allergy,
respiratory conditions) of mothers
whose n-3 exposures were monitored
during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding
Æ Healthy children or children with a
family history of a respiratory disorder,
a cognitive or visual development
disorder, autism spectrum disorder,
ADHD, or learning disabilities, age 0 to
18 years who participated in an n-3 fatty
acid-supplemented infant formula
intervention or an n-3 supplementation
trial during infancy
• KQ 3 (Adverse Events Associated
With n-3 Interventions)
Æ Healthy pregnant women or
pregnant women in the other categories
described above
Æ Offspring of women enrolled in an
n-3 fatty acid intervention during
Æ Offspring of women whose
exposure to n-3 fatty acids was assessed
during pregnancy
Æ Children whose exposure to n-3
fatty acids (through breast milk, infant
formula, or supplementation) was
monitored during the first year of life
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
• Interventions (KQ1, 2, 3 unless
Æ N-3 fatty acid supplements (e.g.,
EPA, DHA, ALA, singly or in
Æ N-3 fatty acid supplemented foods
(e.g., eggs) with quantified n-3 content
Æ High-dose pharmaceutical grade n3 fatty acids, e.g., Omacor®, Ropufa®,
MaxEPA®, Efamed, Res-Q®, Epagis,
Almarin, Coromega, Lovaza®, Vascepa®
(icosapent ethyl)
D Exclude doses of more than 6g/d,
except for trials that report adverse
Æ N-3 fatty acid enriched infant
formulae (KQ2,3)
D E.g., Enfamil® Lipil®; Gerber® Good
Start DHA & ARA®; Similac® Advance®
D N-3 enriched follow-up formulae
D Exclude parenterally administered
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Æ Marine oils, including fish oil, cod
liver oil, and menhaden oil with
quantified n-3 content
Æ Algal or other marine sources of
omega-3 fatty acids with quantified n-3
• Exposures (KQ1,2)
Æ Dietary n-3 fatty acids from foods if
concentrations are quantified in food
frequency questionnaires
Æ Breast milk n-3 fatty acids (KQ2)
Æ Biomarkers (EPA, DHA, ALA, DPA,
SDA), including but not limited to the
D Plasma fatty acids
D Erythrocyte fatty acids
D Adipocyte fatty acids
• Inactive comparators:
Æ Placebo (KQ1, 2, 3)
Æ Non-fortified infant formula (KQ2)
• Active comparators
Æ Different n-3 sources
Æ Different n-3 concentrations (KQ1,
2, 3)
Æ Alternative n-3 enriched infant
formulae (KQ2)
Æ Soy-based infant formula (KQ2)
Æ Diet with different level of Vitamin
E exposure
• Maternal outcomes (KQ1)
Æ Blood pressure control
D Incidence of gestational
D Maternal blood pressure
D Incidence of pre-eclampsia,
Æ Peripartum depression
D Incidence of antepartum
depression 10
D Incidence of postpartum
depression, e.g.
D Edinburgh Postnatal Depression
D Structured Clinical Interview (SCI)
Æ Gestational length
D Duration of gestation
D Incidence of preterm birth
Æ Birth weight
D Mean birth weight
D Incidence of low birth weight/small
for gestational age
• Pediatric Outcomes (KQ2)
Æ Neurological/visual/cognitive
D Visual development, e.g.
D Visual evoked potential acuity
D Visual acuity testing
D Teller’s Acuity Card test
D Electroretinography
D Cognitive/neurological
development, e.g.
D EEGs as measure of maturity
D Psychomotor developmental index
from Bayley’s scales
D Bayley’s mental development index
PO 00000
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D Knobloch, Passamanick, and
Sherrard’s developmental Screening
Inventory scores
D Neurological impairment
D Active sleep, quiet sleep, sleepwake transition, wakefulness
D Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence
D Stanford-Binet IQ
D Receptive Vocabulary
D Peabody Picture Vocabulary TestRevised
D Auditory development
D Nerve conduction test
D Latency Auditory evoked potential
Æ Risk for ADHD
D Studies will be included only if
they employ a validated evaluation
D E.g., Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
D Behavioral rating scales, e.g.,
Connors, Vanderbilt, and Barkley scales
Æ Risk for Autism spectrum disorders
D Studies will be included only if
they employ a validated evaluation
D E.g., Modified Checklist of Autism
in Toddlers
Æ Risk for learning disabilities
D Studies will be included only if
they employ a validated evaluation
Æ Risk for atopic dermatitis
Æ Risk for allergies
D Studies will be included only if
they employ a validated allergy
assessment procedure, preferably
Æ Incidence of respiratory disorders
D Spirometry in children 5 and over
(peak expiratory flow rate [PEFR] and
forced expiratory volume in 1 second
• KQ 3: Adverse effects of
Æ Incidence of specific adverse events
reported in trials by study arm
• Duration of intervention or followup
Æ Key Question 1,3 (maternal
D Interventions implemented anytime
during pregnancy but preferably during
the first or second trimester
D Followup duration is anytime
during pregnancy (for maternal
outcomes of pre/eclampsia or maternal
hypertension); term (for outcomes
related to birth weight, duration of
pregnancy); or within the first 6 months
postpartum (for the outcome of
postpartum depression)
Æ Key Question 2, 3 (infant
D Interventions implemented within
one month of birth or exposures
measured within 1 month of birth
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 154 / Tuesday, August 11, 2015 / Notices
D Followup duration is 0 to 18 years
• Community-dwelling individuals
seen by primary care physicians or
obstetricians in private or academic
medical practices (KQ1, 3)
• Community dwelling children seen
in outpatient health care or educational
settings (KQ2, 3)
Study designs will be limited to
Randomized Controlled Trials,
prospective cohort studies, and nested
case control studies (cross-sectional,
retrospective cohort, and case study
designs will be excluded; studies must
have measure of intake/exposure prior
to outcome). Language will be restricted
to English. Only peer-reviewed studies
will be included; unpublished studies
will not be included.
Sharon B. Arnold,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. 2015–19658 Filed 8–10–15; 8:45 am]
Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice announces the
intention of the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) to request
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approve the proposed
changes to the currently approved
information collection project:
‘‘Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
Clinician and Group Survey
Comparative Database.’’ In accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44
U.S.C. 3501–3521, AHRQ invites the
public to comment on this proposed
information collection.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by October 13, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be submitted to: Doris Lefkowitz,
Reports Clearance Officer, AHRQ, by
email at
Copies of the proposed collection
plans, data collection instruments, and
specific details on the estimated burden
can be obtained from the AHRQ Reports
Clearance Officer.
Doris Lefkowitz, AHRQ Reports
Clearance Officer, (301) 427–1477, or by
email at
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Proposed Project
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
Clinician and Group Survey
Comparative Database
The CAHPS Clinician and Group
Survey (‘‘the CAHPS CG Survey’’) is a
tool for collecting standardized
information on patients’ experiences
with physicians and staff in outpatient
medical practices. The results, enable
clinicians and administrators to assess
and improve patients’ experiences with
medical care. The CAHPS CG Survey is
a product of the CAHPS® program,
which is funded and administered by
AHRQ, and CAHPS® is a registered
trademark of AHRQ. AHRQ works
closely with a consortium of public and
private research organizations to
develop and maintain surveys and tools
to advance patient-centered care. In
1999, the CAHPS Consortium began
work on a survey that would assess
patients’ experiences with medical
groups and clinicians. The CAHPS
Consortium developed a preliminary
instrument known as the CAHPS Group
Practices Survey (G–CAHPS), with
input from the Pacific Business Group
on Health, which developed a
Consumer Assessment Survey that is the
precedent for this type of instrument.
In August 2004, AHRQ issued a notice
in the Federal Register inviting
organizations to test the CAHPS CG
Survey. These field-test organizations
were crucial partners in the evolution
and development of the instrument, and
provided critical data illuminating key
aspects of survey design and
administration. In July 2007 the CAHPS
CG Survey was endorsed by the
National Quality Forum (NQF), an
organization established to standardize
health care quality measurement and
reporting. The endorsement represents
the consensus of many health care
providers, consumer groups,
professional associations, purchasers,
federal agencies, and research and
quality organizations. The CAHPS CG
Survey and related toolkit materials are
available on the CAHPS Web site at
Since its release, the survey has been
used by thousands of physicians and
medical practices across the U.S.
The current CAHPS Consortium
includes AHRQ, the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS),
RAND, Yale School of Public Health,
and Westat.
AHRQ developed the database for
CAHPS CG Survey data following the
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
CAHPS Health Plan Database as a
model. The CAHPS Health Plan
Database was developed in 1998 in
response to requests from health plans,
purchasers, and CMS for comparative
data to support public reporting of
health plan ratings, health plan
accreditation and quality improvement
(OMB Control Number 0935–0165,
expiration 5/31/2017). Demand for
comparative results from the CG Survey
has grown as well, and therefore AHRQ
developed a dedicated CAHPS Clinician
and Group Database to support
benchmarking, quality improvement,
and research (OMB Control Number
0935–0197, expiration 06/30/2015).
The CAHPS Database contains data
from AHRQ’s standardized CAHPS
Surveys which provide comparative
measures of quality to health care
purchasers, consumers, regulators, and
policy makers. The CAHPS Database
also provides data for AHRQ’s annual
National Healthcare Quality and
Disparities Report.
Health systems, medical groups and
practices that administer the CAHPS
Clinician & Group Survey according to
CAHPS specifications can participate in
this project. A health system is a
complex of facilities, organizations, and
providers of health care in a specified
geographic area. A medical group is
defined as a medical group,
Accountable Care Organization (ACO),
state organization or some other
grouping of medical practices. A
practice is an outpatient facility in a
specific location whose physicians and
other providers share administrative
and clinical support staff. Each practice
located in a building containing
multiple medical offices is considered a
separate practice.
The goal of this project is to renew the
CAHPS CG Database. This database will
continue to update the CAHPS CG
Database with the latest results of the
CAHPS CG Survey. These results
consist of 34 items that measure 5 areas
or composites of patients’ experiences
with physicians and staff in outpatient
medical practices. This database:
(1) Allows participating organizations to
compare their survey results with those of
other outpatient medical groups;
(2) Provides data to medical groups and
practices to facilitate internal assessment and
learning in the quality improvement process;
(3) Provides information to help identify
strengths and areas with potential for
improvement in patient care. The five
composite measures are:
Getting Timely Appointments, Care, and
How Well Providers Communicate With
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 154 (Tuesday, August 11, 2015)]
[Pages 48107-48110]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-19658]
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Scientific Information Request on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and
Maternal and Child Health
AGENCY: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), HHS.
ACTION: Request for Scientific Information Submissions.
SUMMARY: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is
seeking scientific information submissions from the public. Scientific
information is being solicited to inform our review of Omega 3 Fatty
Acids and Maternal and Child Health, which is currently being conducted
by the AHRQ's Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Programs. Access to
published and unpublished pertinent scientific information will improve
the quality of this review. AHRQ is conducting this systematic review
pursuant to Section 902(a) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C.
DATES: Submission Deadline on or before September 10, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Online submissions: Please select the
study for which you are submitting information from the list to upload
your documents.
Email submissions:">
Print submissions:
Mailing Address:
Portland VA Research Foundation, Scientific Resource Center, ATTN:
Scientific Information Packet Coordinator, P.O. Box 69539, Portland, OR
Shipping Address (FedEx, UPS, etc.): Portland VA Research
Foundation, Scientific Resource Center, ATTN: Scientific Information
Packet Coordinator, 3710 SW U.S. Veterans Hospital Road, Mail Code: R&D
71, Portland, OR 97239.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ryan McKenna, Telephone: 503-220-8262
ext. 58653 or Email:">
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has commissioned the
Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC) Programs to complete a review of
the evidence for Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and Child Health.
The EPC Program is dedicated to identifying as many studies as
possible that are relevant to the questions for
[[Page 48108]]
each of its reviews. In order to do so, we are supplementing the usual
manual and electronic database searches of the literature by requesting
information from the public (e.g., details of studies conducted). We
are looking for studies that report on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Maternal
and Child Health, including those that describe adverse events.
The entire research protocol, including the key questions, is also
available online at:
This notice is to notify the public that the EPC Program would find
the following information on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Maternal and Child
Health helpful:
[ssquf] A list of completed studies that your organization has
sponsored for this indication. In the list, please indicate whether
results are available on along with the trial number.
[ssquf] For completed studies that do not have results on, please provide a summary, including the
following elements: Study number, study period, design, methodology,
indication and diagnosis, proper use instructions, inclusion and
exclusion criteria, primary and secondary outcomes, baseline
characteristics, number of patients screened/eligible/enrolled/lost
to follow-up/withdrawn/analyzed, effectiveness/efficacy, and safety
[ssquf] A list of ongoing studies that your organization has
sponsored for this indication. In the list, please provide the trial number or, if the trial is not registered,
the protocol for the study including a study number, the study
period, design, methodology, indication and diagnosis, proper use
instructions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and primary and
secondary outcomes.
[ssquf] Description of whether the above studies constitute all
Phase II and above clinical trials sponsored by your organization
for this indication and an index outlining the relevant information
in each submitted file.
Your contribution will be very beneficial to the EPC Program. The
contents of all submissions will be made available to the public upon
request. Materials submitted must be publicly available or can be made
public. Materials that are considered confidential; marketing
materials; study types not included in the review; or information on
indications not included in the review cannot be used by the EPC
Program. This is a voluntary request for information, and all costs for
complying with this request must be borne by the submitter.
The draft of this review will be posted on AHRQ's EPC Program Web
site and available for public comment for a period of 4 weeks. If you
would like to be notified when the draft is posted, please sign up for
the email list at:
The systematic review will answer the following questions. This
information is provided as background. AHRQ is not requesting that the
public provide answers to these questions. The entire research
protocol, is available online at:
The Key Questions
KQ 1. Maternal Exposure
[cir] What is the efficacy of maternal interventions involving--or
association of maternal exposures to--n-3 Fatty Acids (FA)
(eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA], docosahexaenoic acid [DHA], EPA+DHA
[long-chain n-3 FA], docosapentaenoic acid [DPA], alpha-linolenic acid
[ALA], stearidonic acid [SDA] or total n-3 FA) on the following:
[ssquf] Duration of gestation in women with or without a history of
preterm birth (less than 37 weeks gestation)
[ssquf] Incidence of preeclampsia/eclampsia/gestational
hypertension in women with or without a history of preeclampsia/
eclampsia/gestational hypertension
[ssquf] Incidence of birth of small-for-gestational age human
[ssquf] Incidence of ante- and/or postnatal depression in women
with or without a history of major depression or postpartum depression
[cir] What are the associations of maternal biomarkers of n-3
intake during pregnancy and the outcomes identified above?
[cir] What are the effects of potential confounders or interacting
factors (such as other nutrients or use of other supplements, or
smoking status)?
[cir] How is the efficacy or association of n-3 FA on the outcomes
of interest affected by the ratio of different n-3 FAs, as components
of dietary supplements or biomarkers?
[cir] How does the ratio of n-6 FA to n-3 FA intakes or biomarker
concentrations affect the efficacy or association of n-3 FA on the
outcomes of interest?
[cir] Is there a threshold or dose-response relationship between n-
3 FA exposures and the outcomes of interest or adverse events?
[cir] How does the duration of the intervention or exposure
influence the effect of n-3 FA on the outcomes of interest?
KQ 2. Fetal/childhood exposures
[cir] What is the influence of maternal intakes of n-3 fatty acids
or the n-3 fatty acid content of maternal breast milk (with or without
knowledge of maternal intake of n-3 FA) or n-3 FA-supplemented infant
formula or intakes of n-3 FA from sources other than maternal breast
milk or supplemented infant formula on the following outcomes in term
or preterm human infants?
[ssquf] Growth patterns
[ssquf] Neurological development
[ssquf] Visual function
[ssquf] Cognitive development
[ssquf] Autism
[ssquf] Learning disorders
[ssquf] Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
[ssquf] Atopic dermatitis
[ssquf] Allergies
[ssquf] Respiratory illness
[cir] What are the associations of the n-3 FA content or the n-6/n-
3 FA ratio of maternal or fetal or child biomarkers with each of the
outcomes identified above?
KQ 3. Maternal or childhood adverse events:
[cir] What are the short and long term risks related to maternal
intake of n-3 FA during pregnancy or breastfeeding on:
[ssquf] Pregnant women
[ssquf] Breastfeeding women
[ssquf] Term or preterm human infants at or after birth
[cir] What are the short and long term risks associated with
intakes of n-3 FA by human infants (as maternal breast milk or infant
formula supplemented with n-3 FA)?
[cir] Are adverse events associated with specific sources or doses?
PICOTS (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting)
KQ 1 (Maternal Exposures and Outcomes)
[cir] Healthy pregnant women (for outcomes of birth weight,
intrauterine growth restriction/small for gestational age, duration of
gestation, risk of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, or pregnancy hypertension)
[cir] Pregnant women with a history of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, or
pregnancy hypertension (only for outcome of risk of pre-eclampsia,
eclampsia, or pregnancy hypertension)
[cir] Pregnant women with a history of major depressive disorder or
postpartum depression (only for the outcome of risk for peripartum
[[Page 48109]]
KQ 2 (In Utero and Postnatal (Through the First Year of Life)
Exposures and Outcomes)
[cir] Healthy preterm or full term infants of healthy women/mothers
whose n-3 fatty acid exposures were monitored during pregnancy
[cir] Breastfed infants of healthy mothers whose n-3 fatty acid
exposure was monitored and/or who participated in an n-3 fatty acid
intervention during breastfeeding beginning at birth
[cir] Healthy preterm or full term infants with and without family
history of respiratory conditions (for outcomes related to atopic
dermatitis, allergy, respiratory conditions) of mothers whose n-3
exposures were monitored during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding
[cir] Healthy children or children with a family history of a
respiratory disorder, a cognitive or visual development disorder,
autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, or learning disabilities, age 0 to 18
years who participated in an n-3 fatty acid-supplemented infant formula
intervention or an n-3 supplementation trial during infancy
KQ 3 (Adverse Events Associated With n-3 Interventions)
[cir] Healthy pregnant women or pregnant women in the other
categories described above
[cir] Offspring of women enrolled in an n-3 fatty acid intervention
during pregnancy
[cir] Offspring of women whose exposure to n-3 fatty acids was
assessed during pregnancy
[cir] Children whose exposure to n-3 fatty acids (through breast
milk, infant formula, or supplementation) was monitored during the
first year of life
Interventions (KQ1, 2, 3 unless specified):
[cir] N-3 fatty acid supplements (e.g., EPA, DHA, ALA, singly or in
[cir] N-3 fatty acid supplemented foods (e.g., eggs) with
quantified n-3 content
[cir] High-dose pharmaceutical grade n-3 fatty acids, e.g.,
Omacor[supreg], Ropufa[supreg], MaxEPA[supreg], Efamed, Res-Q[supreg],
Epagis, Almarin, Coromega, Lovaza[supreg], Vascepa[supreg] (icosapent
[ssquf] Exclude doses of more than 6g/d, except for trials that
report adverse events
[cir] N-3 fatty acid enriched infant formulae (KQ2,3)
[ssquf] E.g., Enfamil[supreg] Lipil[supreg]; Gerber[supreg] Good
Start DHA & ARA[supreg]; Similac[supreg] Advance[supreg]
[ssquf] N-3 enriched follow-up formulae
[ssquf] Exclude parenterally administered sources
[cir] Marine oils, including fish oil, cod liver oil, and menhaden
oil with quantified n-3 content
[cir] Algal or other marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids with
quantified n-3 content
Exposures (KQ1,2)
[cir] Dietary n-3 fatty acids from foods if concentrations are
quantified in food frequency questionnaires
[cir] Breast milk n-3 fatty acids (KQ2)
[cir] Biomarkers (EPA, DHA, ALA, DPA, SDA), including but not
limited to the following:
[ssquf] Plasma fatty acids
[ssquf] Erythrocyte fatty acids
[ssquf] Adipocyte fatty acids
Inactive comparators:
[cir] Placebo (KQ1, 2, 3)
[cir] Non-fortified infant formula (KQ2)
Active comparators
[cir] Different n-3 sources
[cir] Different n-3 concentrations (KQ1, 2, 3)
[cir] Alternative n-3 enriched infant formulae (KQ2)
[cir] Soy-based infant formula (KQ2)
[cir] Diet with different level of Vitamin E exposure
Maternal outcomes (KQ1)
[cir] Blood pressure control
[ssquf] Incidence of gestational hypertension
[ssquf] Maternal blood pressure
[ssquf] Incidence of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia
[cir] Peripartum depression
[ssquf] Incidence of antepartum depression \10\
[ssquf] Incidence of postpartum depression, e.g.
[ssquf] Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale
[ssquf] Structured Clinical Interview (SCI)
[cir] Gestational length
[ssquf] Duration of gestation
[ssquf] Incidence of preterm birth
[cir] Birth weight
[ssquf] Mean birth weight
[ssquf] Incidence of low birth weight/small for gestational age
Pediatric Outcomes (KQ2)
[cir] Neurological/visual/cognitive development
[ssquf] Visual development, e.g.
[ssquf] Visual evoked potential acuity
[ssquf] Visual acuity testing
[ssquf] Teller's Acuity Card test
[ssquf] Electroretinography
[ssquf] Cognitive/neurological development, e.g.
[ssquf] EEGs as measure of maturity
[ssquf] Psychomotor developmental index from Bayley's scales
[ssquf] Bayley's mental development index
[ssquf] Knobloch, Passamanick, and Sherrard's developmental
Screening Inventory scores
[ssquf] Neurological impairment assessment
[ssquf] Active sleep, quiet sleep, sleep-wake transition,
[ssquf] Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence
[ssquf] Stanford-Binet IQ
[ssquf] Receptive Vocabulary
[ssquf] Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised
[ssquf] Auditory development
[ssquf] Nerve conduction test
[ssquf] Latency Auditory evoked potential
[cir] Risk for ADHD
[ssquf] Studies will be included only if they employ a validated
evaluation procedure
[ssquf] E.g., Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
[ssquf] Behavioral rating scales, e.g., Connors, Vanderbilt, and
Barkley scales
[cir] Risk for Autism spectrum disorders
[ssquf] Studies will be included only if they employ a validated
evaluation procedure
[ssquf] E.g., Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers
[cir] Risk for learning disabilities
[ssquf] Studies will be included only if they employ a validated
evaluation procedure
[cir] Risk for atopic dermatitis
[cir] Risk for allergies
[ssquf] Studies will be included only if they employ a validated
allergy assessment procedure, preferably challenge
[cir] Incidence of respiratory disorders
[ssquf] Spirometry in children 5 and over (peak expiratory flow
rate [PEFR] and forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1])
KQ 3: Adverse effects of intervention(s)
[cir] Incidence of specific adverse events reported in trials by
study arm
Duration of intervention or follow-up
[cir] Key Question 1,3 (maternal interventions/exposures):
[ssquf] Interventions implemented anytime during pregnancy but
preferably during the first or second trimester
[ssquf] Followup duration is anytime during pregnancy (for maternal
outcomes of pre/eclampsia or maternal hypertension); term (for outcomes
related to birth weight, duration of pregnancy); or within the first 6
months postpartum (for the outcome of postpartum depression)
[cir] Key Question 2, 3 (infant exposures):
[ssquf] Interventions implemented within one month of birth or
exposures measured within 1 month of birth
[[Page 48110]]
[ssquf] Followup duration is 0 to 18 years
Community-dwelling individuals seen by primary care
physicians or obstetricians in private or academic medical practices
(KQ1, 3)
Community dwelling children seen in outpatient health care
or educational settings (KQ2, 3)
Study designs will be limited to Randomized Controlled Trials,
prospective cohort studies, and nested case control studies (cross-
sectional, retrospective cohort, and case study designs will be
excluded; studies must have measure of intake/exposure prior to
outcome). Language will be restricted to English. Only peer-reviewed
studies will be included; unpublished studies will not be included.
Sharon B. Arnold,
Deputy Director.
[FR Doc. 2015-19658 Filed 8-10-15; 8:45 am]