Foreign-Trade Zone 281-Miami, Florida; Application for Expansion (New Magnet Site) Under Alternative Site Framework, 47897-47898 [2015-19607]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 153 / Monday, August 10, 2015 / Notices
to 20%). Inputs included in textile
category 414 (classified within HTSUS
subheading 5602.21) will be admitted to
the zone under domestic (duty-paid)
status (19 CFR 146.43(a)(2)) or
privileged foreign status (19 CFR
146.41), thereby precluding inverted
tariff benefits on such items.
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the FTZ Board’s Executive
Secretary at the address below. The
closing period for their receipt is
September 21, 2015.
A copy of the notification will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Executive Secretary,
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
21013, U.S. Department of Commerce,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230–0002, and in the
‘‘Reading Room’’ section of the FTZ
Board’s Web site, which is accessible
For further information, contact Pierre
Duy at or (202)
Dated: August 4, 2015.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Acting Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015–19609 Filed 8–7–15; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Approval of Subzone Expansion;
Subzone 231A; Medline Industries,
Inc.; Lathrop, California
On April 22, 2015, the Executive
Secretary of the Foreign-Trade Zones
(FTZ) Board docketed an application
submitted by the Port of Stockton,
California, grantee of FTZ 231,
requesting to expand Subzone 231A
subject to the existing activation limit of
FTZ 231, on behalf of Medline
Industries, in Lathrop, California.
The application was processed in
accordance with the FTZ Act and
Regulations, including notice in the
Federal Register inviting public
comment (80 FR 23771, 04/29/2015).
The FTZ staff examiner reviewed the
application and determined that it
meets the criteria for approval. Pursuant
to the authority delegated to the FTZ
Board’s Executive Secretary (15 CFR
Sec. 400.36(f)), the application to
expand Subzone 231A is approved,
subject to the FTZ Act and the Board’s
regulations, including Section 400.13,
and further subject to FTZ 231’s 2,000acre activation limit.
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18:16 Aug 07, 2015
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Dated: August 4, 2015.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Acting Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015–19605 Filed 8–7–15; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone 281—Miami,
Florida; Application for Expansion
(New Magnet Site) Under Alternative
Site Framework
An application has been submitted to
the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board
(the Board) by Miami-Dade County,
grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 281,
requesting authority to expand its zone
under the alternative site framework
(ASF) adopted by the Board (15 CFR
Sec. 400.2(c)) to include a new magnet
site in Miami, Florida. The application
was submitted pursuant to the ForeignTrade Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C.
81a–81u), and the regulations of the
Board (15 CFR part 400). It was formally
docketed on August 4, 2015.
FTZ 281 was established by the Board
under the alternative site framework on
August 2, 2012 (Board Order 1844, 77
FR 47816, 8/10/2012). The zone
currently has a service area that
includes the northern half of MiamiDade County and consists of the
following sites (three magnet and thirtyone usage-driven): Site 1 (520 acres)—
Dante B. Fascell Port of Miami, 1015
North America Way, Miami; Site 2 (423
acres, sunset 8/2/2022)—Flagler
Logistics Hub, 6875 NW. 58th Street,
Miami; Site 3 (419 acres, sunset 8/2/
2017)—Flagler Station, 10505 NW.
112th Avenue, Miami; Site 4 (6 acres,
sunset 10/31/2015)—Warehouse
Division of World Terminal and
Distributing Corporation, 2801 NW.
74th Avenue, Miami; Site 5 (8 acres,
sunset 11/30/2015)—Duty Free Air and
Ship Supply Co., 555 NE. 185th Street
and 320 NE. 187th Street, Miami; Site 6
(0.29 acres, sunset 2/29/2016)—
Milenium Supply, Inc., 9920 NW. 21st
Street, Miami; Site 7 (4 acres, sunset 4/
30/2016)—Tire Group International Inc.,
7500 NW. 35th Terrace, Miami; Site 8
(16.52 acres, sunset 4/30/2016)—DHL
Global Forwarding, Inc., 9350 NW.
108th Avenue, Miami; Site 9 (2.71 acres,
sunset 5/31/2016)—Supreme
International LLC, 4875 NW. 77th
Avenue, Miami; Site 10 (1 acre, sunset
5/31/2016)—International Cruise Duty
Free Inc., 3511 NW. 113th Court, Doral;
Site 11 (1 acre, sunset 5/31/2016)—GFX
Inc., 4810 NW. 74th Avenue, Miami;
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Site 12 (0.44 acres, sunset 6/30/2016)—
Asimex Miami Forwarding, LLC, 8000
NW. 29th Street #118 and 8006 NW.
29th Street #119, Miami; Site 13 (18.07
acres, sunset 9/30/2016)—CEVA Freight
LLC, 5601 NW. 72nd Avenue, Miami;
Site 14 (3.91 acres, sunset 9/30/2016)—
TVA Automotive Inc., 2180 NW. 89th
Place, Doral; Site 15 (4 acres, sunset 9/
30/2016)—Dufry America Services Inc.,
10300 NW. 19th Street, Suite 114,
Miami; Site 16 (4.98 acres, sunset 9/30/
2016)—Precision Trading Corp., 15800
NW. 48th Avenue, Miami Gardens; Site
17 (4 acres, sunset 11/30/2016)—
Interport Logistics LLC, 12950 NW. 25th
Street, Miami; Site 18 (2.26 acres, sunset
11/30/2016)—CE North America LLC,
6950 NW. 77th Court, Miami; Site 19
(5.28 acres, sunset 12/31/2016)—
Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Inc.,
10450 Doral Boulevard, Doral; Site 20
(2.27 acres, sunset 1/31/2017)—Miami
International Freight Solutions, LLC,
14100 NW. 60th Avenue, Miami Lakes;
Site 21 (1.004 acres, sunset 4/30/2017)—
TVA Automotive Inc., 3515 NW. 113
Court, Doral; Site 22 (0.5094 acres,
sunset 5/31/2017)—Expert Log LLC,
10540 NW. 29 Terrace, Doral; Site 23
(7.34 acres, sunset 5/31/2017)—
Schenker, Inc., 1800 NW. 133rd
Avenue, Suite 100, Miami; Site 24 (1.19
acres, sunset 5/31/2017)—Everwell
Parts, Inc., 10914 NW. 33rd Street, Suite
100, Miami; Site 25 (1.716 acres, sunset
10/31/2017)—Exporther Bonded
Corporation (d/b/a EBC Duty Free), 2323
NW. 72nd Avenue, Miami; Site 26 (0.15
acres, 11/30/2017)—Marine Air Service
Forwarding, 1970 NW. 129th Avenue,
Unit 104, Miami; Site 27 (2.3 acres,
sunset 11/30/2017)—Dependable
Warehousing & Distribution, 2900 NW.
75th Street, Miami; Site 28 (13.12 acres,
sunset 3/31/2018)—Perez Trading
Company, 11400 NW. 32nd Avenue,
Miami; Site 29 (3.05 acres, sunset 3/31/
2018)—Perez Trading Company, 12300
NW. 32nd Avenue, Miami; Site 30 (2.16
acres, sunset 4/30/2018)—
Neutralogistics, LLC, 8578 NW. 23rd
Street, Miami; Site 32 (1.04 acres, sunset
4/30/2018)—Global Food Corp., 11450
NW. 122nd Street, Building A, Suite
400, Medley; Site 33 (1.828 acres, sunset
5/31/2018)—Floral Logistics of Miami,
Inc., 3400 NW. 74th Avenue, Miami;
Site 34 (7.68 acres, sunset 6/30/2018)—
SDV USA Inc., 11250 NW. 122nd Street,
Medley; and, Site 35 (0.204 acres, sunset
6/30/2018)—Miansai, Inc., 1800 N
Miami Avenue, Miami.
The applicant is now requesting
authority to expand its zone to include
an additional magnet site: Proposed Site
31 (320 acres)—Beacon Lakes industrial
park, 12200–12650 NW 25th Street,
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 153 / Monday, August 10, 2015 / Notices
Miami. The proposed new site is
adjacent to the Miami Customs and
Border Protection port of entry.
In accordance with the Board’s
regulations, Camille Evans of the FTZ
Staff is designated examiner to evaluate
and analyze the facts and information
presented in the application and case
record and to report findings and
recommendations to the Board.
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the Board’s Executive
Secretary at the address below. The
closing period for their receipt is
October 9, 2015. Rebuttal comments in
response to material submitted during
the foregoing period may be submitted
during the subsequent 15-day period to
October 26, 2015.
A copy of the application will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Executive Secretary,
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
21013, U.S. Department of Commerce,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230–0002, and in the
‘‘Reading Room’’ section of the Board’s
Web site, which is accessible via For further
information, contact Camille Evans at or (202) 482–
Dated: August 4, 2015.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Acting Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015–19607 Filed 8–7–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Industry and Security
In the Matter of: Peter Gromacki, 88
White Bridge Road, Middletown, NY
10940; Respondent; JEN Fibers, LLC,
88 White Bridge Road, Middletown, NY
109400; Performance Engineered
Nonwovens, LLC, 88 White Bridge
Road, Middletown, NY 10940; Related
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Order Denying Export Privileges
A. Denial of Export Privileges of Peter
On November 26, 2013, in the U.S.
District Court for the Southern District
of New York, Peter Gromacki
(‘‘Gromack’’), was convicted of violating
the International Emergency Economic
Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701, et seq.
(2006 & Supp. IV 2010)) (‘‘IEEPA’’).
Specifically, Gromacki unlawfully,
willfully and knowingly exported, and
caused to be exported from the United
States T700 carbon fiber, an item subject
to the Export Administration
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Regulations, to China without obtaining
the required approval from BIS.
Gromacki was sentenced to three
months of imprisonment, three years of
supervised release, a $300 assessment,
and a $5,000.00 criminal fine.
Section 766.25 of the Export
Administration Regulations (‘‘EAR’’ or
‘‘Regulations’’) 1 provides, in pertinent
part, that ‘‘[t]he Director of the Office of
Exporter Services, in consultation with
the Director of the Office of Export
Enforcement, may deny the export
privileges of any person who has been
convicted of a violation of the EAA, the
EAR, of any order, license or
authorization issued thereunder; any
regulation, license, or order issued
under the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701–
1706); 18 U.S.C. 793, 794 or 798; section
4(b) of the Internal Security Act of 1950
(50 U.S.C. 783(b)), or section 38 of the
Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C.
2778).’’ 15 CFR 766.25(a); see also
Section 11(h) of the EAA, 50 U.S.C. app.
2410(h). The denial of export privileges
under this provision may be for a period
of up to ten (10) years from the date of
the conviction. 15 CFR 766.25(d); see
also 50 U.S.C. app. 2410(h). In addition,
Section 750.8 of the Regulations states
that the Bureau of Industry and
Security’s Office of Exporter Services
may revoke any Bureau of Industry and
Security (‘‘BIS’’) licenses previously
issued in which the person had an
interest in at the time of his conviction.
BIS received notice of Gromacki’s
conviction for violating the IEEPA, and
has provided notice and an opportunity
for Gromacki to make a written
submission to BIS, as provided in
Section 766.25 of the Regulations. BIS
received a submission from Gromacki.
Based upon my review and
consideration of that submission, and
consultations with BIS’s Office of
Export Enforcement, including its
Director, and the facts available to BIS,
I have decided to deny Gromacki’s
export privileges under the Regulations
for a period of ten (10) years from the
date of Gromacki’s conviction. I have
also decided to revoke all licenses
issued pursuant to the Act or
1 The Regulations are currently codified in the
Code of Federal Regulations at 15 CFR parts 730–
774 (2015). The Regulations are issued pursuant to
the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C.
app. 2401–2420 (2000)) (‘‘the EAA’’ or ‘‘the Act’’).
Since August 21, 2001, the EAA has been in lapse
and the President, through Executive Order 13222
of August 17, 2001 (3 CFR, 2001 Comp. 783 (2002)),
which has been extended by successive Presidential
Notices, the most recent being that of August 7,
2014 (79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014)), has
continued the Regulations in effect under the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50
U.S.C. 1701, et seq. (2006 & Supp. IV 2010)).
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Regulations in which Gromacki had an
interest at the time of his conviction.
B. Denial of Export Privileges of Related
Persons JEN Fibers LLC and
Performance Engineered Nonwovens,
Pursuant to Sections 766.25(h) and
766.23 of the Regulations, the Director
of BIS’s Office of Exporter Services, in
consultation with the Director of BIS’s
Office of Export Enforcement, may, in
order to prevent evasion of a denial
order, make a denial order applicable
not only to the respondent, but also to
other persons related to the respondent
by ownership, control, position of
responsibility, affiliation, or other
connection in the conduct of trade or
As provided in Section 766.23 of the
Regulations, BIS gave notice to JEN
Fibers, LLC (‘‘JEN Fibers’’) and
Performance Engineered Nowovens,
LLC (‘‘Performance Engineered’’) that its
export privileges under the Regulations
could be denied for up to ten (10) years
due to its relationship with Gromacki
and that BIS believed that naming JEN
Fibers and Performance Engineered as
persons related to Gromacki would be
necessary to prevent evasion of a denial
order imposed against Gromacki. In
providing such notice, BIS gave JEN
Fibers and Performance Engineered an
opportunity to oppose their addition to
the Gromacki Denial Order as related
Having received and reviewed a
submission from Gromacki, I have
decided, following consideration of that
submission and consultations with BIS’s
Office of Export Enforcement, including
its Director, to include name JEN Fibers
and Performance Engineered as Related
Persons and make this Denial Order
applicable to JEN Fibers and
Performance Engineered, thereby
denying their export privileges for ten
(10) years from the date of Gromacki’s
conviction. I have also decided to
revoke all licenses issued pursuant to
the Act or Regulations in which JEN
Fibers and Performance Engineered had
an interest at the time of Gromacki’s
conviction. The 10-year denial period is
scheduled to end on November 26,
Gromacki is the owner of JEN Fibers
and Performance Engineered and
operates both businesses from his home.
Therefore, JEN Fibers and Performance
Engineered are related to Gromacki
within the meaning of Section 766.23.
BIS also has reason to believe that JEN
Fibers and Performance Engineered
should be added as a related persons in
order to prevent evasion of this Denial
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 153 (Monday, August 10, 2015)]
[Pages 47897-47898]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-19607]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone 281--Miami, Florida; Application for Expansion
(New Magnet Site) Under Alternative Site Framework
An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ)
Board (the Board) by Miami-Dade County, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone
281, requesting authority to expand its zone under the alternative site
framework (ASF) adopted by the Board (15 CFR Sec. 400.2(c)) to include
a new magnet site in Miami, Florida. The application was submitted
pursuant to the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-
81u), and the regulations of the Board (15 CFR part 400). It was
formally docketed on August 4, 2015.
FTZ 281 was established by the Board under the alternative site
framework on August 2, 2012 (Board Order 1844, 77 FR 47816, 8/10/2012).
The zone currently has a service area that includes the northern half
of Miami-Dade County and consists of the following sites (three magnet
and thirty-one usage-driven): Site 1 (520 acres)--Dante B. Fascell Port
of Miami, 1015 North America Way, Miami; Site 2 (423 acres, sunset 8/2/
2022)--Flagler Logistics Hub, 6875 NW. 58th Street, Miami; Site 3 (419
acres, sunset 8/2/2017)--Flagler Station, 10505 NW. 112th Avenue,
Miami; Site 4 (6 acres, sunset 10/31/2015)--Warehouse Division of World
Terminal and Distributing Corporation, 2801 NW. 74th Avenue, Miami;
Site 5 (8 acres, sunset 11/30/2015)--Duty Free Air and Ship Supply Co.,
555 NE. 185th Street and 320 NE. 187th Street, Miami; Site 6 (0.29
acres, sunset 2/29/2016)--Milenium Supply, Inc., 9920 NW. 21st Street,
Miami; Site 7 (4 acres, sunset 4/30/2016)--Tire Group International
Inc., 7500 NW. 35th Terrace, Miami; Site 8 (16.52 acres, sunset 4/30/
2016)--DHL Global Forwarding, Inc., 9350 NW. 108th Avenue, Miami; Site
9 (2.71 acres, sunset 5/31/2016)--Supreme International LLC, 4875 NW.
77th Avenue, Miami; Site 10 (1 acre, sunset 5/31/2016)--International
Cruise Duty Free Inc., 3511 NW. 113th Court, Doral; Site 11 (1 acre,
sunset 5/31/2016)--GFX Inc., 4810 NW. 74th Avenue, Miami; Site 12 (0.44
acres, sunset 6/30/2016)--Asimex Miami Forwarding, LLC, 8000 NW. 29th
Street #118 and 8006 NW. 29th Street #119, Miami; Site 13 (18.07 acres,
sunset 9/30/2016)--CEVA Freight LLC, 5601 NW. 72nd Avenue, Miami; Site
14 (3.91 acres, sunset 9/30/2016)--TVA Automotive Inc., 2180 NW. 89th
Place, Doral; Site 15 (4 acres, sunset 9/30/2016)--Dufry America
Services Inc., 10300 NW. 19th Street, Suite 114, Miami; Site 16 (4.98
acres, sunset 9/30/2016)--Precision Trading Corp., 15800 NW. 48th
Avenue, Miami Gardens; Site 17 (4 acres, sunset 11/30/2016)--Interport
Logistics LLC, 12950 NW. 25th Street, Miami; Site 18 (2.26 acres,
sunset 11/30/2016)--CE North America LLC, 6950 NW. 77th Court, Miami;
Site 19 (5.28 acres, sunset 12/31/2016)--Hellmann Worldwide Logistics
Inc., 10450 Doral Boulevard, Doral; Site 20 (2.27 acres, sunset 1/31/
2017)--Miami International Freight Solutions, LLC, 14100 NW. 60th
Avenue, Miami Lakes; Site 21 (1.004 acres, sunset 4/30/2017)--TVA
Automotive Inc., 3515 NW. 113 Court, Doral; Site 22 (0.5094 acres,
sunset 5/31/2017)--Expert Log LLC, 10540 NW. 29 Terrace, Doral; Site 23
(7.34 acres, sunset 5/31/2017)--Schenker, Inc., 1800 NW. 133rd Avenue,
Suite 100, Miami; Site 24 (1.19 acres, sunset 5/31/2017)--Everwell
Parts, Inc., 10914 NW. 33rd Street, Suite 100, Miami; Site 25 (1.716
acres, sunset 10/31/2017)--Exporther Bonded Corporation (d/b/a EBC Duty
Free), 2323 NW. 72nd Avenue, Miami; Site 26 (0.15 acres, 11/30/2017)--
Marine Air Service Forwarding, 1970 NW. 129th Avenue, Unit 104, Miami;
Site 27 (2.3 acres, sunset 11/30/2017)--Dependable Warehousing &
Distribution, 2900 NW. 75th Street, Miami; Site 28 (13.12 acres, sunset
3/31/2018)--Perez Trading Company, 11400 NW. 32nd Avenue, Miami; Site
29 (3.05 acres, sunset 3/31/2018)--Perez Trading Company, 12300 NW.
32nd Avenue, Miami; Site 30 (2.16 acres, sunset 4/30/2018)--
Neutralogistics, LLC, 8578 NW. 23rd Street, Miami; Site 32 (1.04 acres,
sunset 4/30/2018)--Global Food Corp., 11450 NW. 122nd Street, Building
A, Suite 400, Medley; Site 33 (1.828 acres, sunset 5/31/2018)--Floral
Logistics of Miami, Inc., 3400 NW. 74th Avenue, Miami; Site 34 (7.68
acres, sunset 6/30/2018)--SDV USA Inc., 11250 NW. 122nd Street, Medley;
and, Site 35 (0.204 acres, sunset 6/30/2018)--Miansai, Inc., 1800 N
Miami Avenue, Miami.
The applicant is now requesting authority to expand its zone to
include an additional magnet site: Proposed Site 31 (320 acres)--Beacon
Lakes industrial park, 12200-12650 NW 25th Street,
[[Page 47898]]
Miami. The proposed new site is adjacent to the Miami Customs and
Border Protection port of entry.
In accordance with the Board's regulations, Camille Evans of the
FTZ Staff is designated examiner to evaluate and analyze the facts and
information presented in the application and case record and to report
findings and recommendations to the Board.
Public comment is invited from interested parties. Submissions
shall be addressed to the Board's Executive Secretary at the address
below. The closing period for their receipt is October 9, 2015.
Rebuttal comments in response to material submitted during the
foregoing period may be submitted during the subsequent 15-day period
to October 26, 2015.
A copy of the application will be available for public inspection
at the Office of the Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board,
Room 21013, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230-0002, and in the ``Reading Room'' section of the
Board's Web site, which is accessible via For
further information, contact Camille Evans at
or (202) 482-2350.
Dated: August 4, 2015.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Acting Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2015-19607 Filed 8-7-15; 8:45 am]