Privacy Act of 1974, New System of Records, 47454-47456 [2015-19452]
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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 152 / Friday, August 7, 2015 / Notices
perspective from members of the
community regarding crime reduction,
police training, and police community
relations. The meeting will be held at
the Cholla Public Library, 10050 Metro
Parkway E., Phoenix, AZ 85051. It is
scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. and
adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.
Members of the public are entitled to
make comments in the open period at
the end of the meeting. Members of the
public may also submit written
comments. The comments must be
received in the Western Regional Office
of the Commission by September 30,
2015. The address is Western Regional
Office, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,
300 N. Los Angeles Street, Suite 2010,
Los Angeles, CA 90012. Persons wishing
to email their comments may do so by
sending them to Peter Minarik, Regional
Director, Western Regional Office, at Persons who
desire additional information should
contact the Western Regional Office, at
(213) 894–3437, (or for hearing impaired
TDD 913–551–1414), or by email to Hearing-impaired
persons who will attend the meeting
and require the services of a sign
language interpreter should contact the
Regional Office at least ten (10) working
days before the scheduled date of the
Records and documents discussed
during the meeting will be available for
public viewing prior to and after the
meeting at
committee/meetings.aspx?cid=235 and
clicking on the ‘‘Meeting Details’’ and
‘‘Documents’’ links. Records generated
from this meeting may also be inspected
and reproduced at the Western Regional
Office, as they become available, both
before and after the meeting. Persons
interested in the work of this Committee
are directed to the Commission’s Web
site,, or may
contact the Western Regional Office at
the above email or street address.
Session 1: 1:30 Invited panelists
from the community
Session 2: 2:30 Invited panelists
from the community
Session 3: 3:30 Invited panelists
from the community
4:30 Open Comment
DATES: Wednesday, August 26, 2015
from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST.
ADDRESSES: Cholla Public Library,
10050 Metro Parkway E., Phoenix, AZ
Peter Minarik, DFO, at (213) 894–3437
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:24 Aug 06, 2015
Jkt 235001
Dated: August 3, 2015.
David Mussatt,
Chief, Regional Programs Coordination Unit.
[FR Doc. 2015–19404 Filed 8–6–15; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 150720624–5624–01]
Privacy Act of 1974, New System of
U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
ACTION: Notice of Privacy Act system of
records; ‘‘COMMERCE/NOAA–23;
Economic Data Collection Program for
West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch
Share Program off the coast of
Washington, Oregon, and California.’’
This notice announces the
Department of Commerce (Department)
proposal for a new system of records
under the Privacy Act. NOAA’s National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
(NWFSC), is creating a system of records
for the mandatory collection of
economic data in the West Coast Region
consisting of the Economic Data
Collection (EDC) for West Coast
Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program.
Information will be collected from
individuals under the authority of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act and
the American Fisheries Act. This record
system is necessary to evaluate
information on costs of fishing and
processing, revenues for harvesters and
processors, and employment
To be considered, written
comments must be submitted on or
before September 8, 2015. Unless
comments are received, the system of
records will become effective as
proposed on the date of publication of
a subsequent notice in the Federal
Comments may be mailed to
Erin Steiner, NOAA Fisheries,
Northwest Fisheries Science Center,
FRAM Division, 2725 Montlake
Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112.
notice announces the Department of
Commerce (Department) proposal for a
new system of records under the Privacy
Act. NMFS’ NWFSC is creating a system
of records for the EDC for the West
Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share
Program. This record system is
necessary to evaluate information on
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costs of fishing and processing,
revenues for harvesters and processors,
and employment information.
Under the EDC, information would be
requested from individuals under the
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act and the 50 CFR 660.114. This
collection would apply to all owners,
lessees, and charterers of a catcher
vessel registered to a limited entry trawl
endorsed permit, a mothership vessel
registered to a mothership permit, or a
catcher-processor vessel registered to a
catcher-processor-endorsed limited
entry trawl permit; owners of a first
receiver site license; and owners and
lessees of a shorebased processor that
received round or headed and gutted
individual fishing quota groundfish
species or whiting from a first receiver
are required to submit an EDC to the
NWFSC Economics and Social Science
Research Program (ESSR).
The collection of information is
necessary to identify participants and
their roles in these fisheries and to
evaluate the programs in which they
participate. NMFS would collect
information from individuals in order to
evaluate the economic effects of
fisheries programs, specifically the
effects on the harvesting and processing
sectors, and to determine the economic
efficiency and distributional effects of
the programs.
Data Collection (EDC) Program for West
Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share
Program off the coast of Washington,
Oregon, and California.
The EDC system is designed as
follows: (1) Participants are required to
submit an annual EDC to the NMFS
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
(NWFSC) Economics and Social Science
Research Program (ESSR); (2) Upon
request, the NWFSC will provide the
EDC information with individual
identifiers to NOAA Office for
Enforcement and the U.S. Coast Guard;
and (3) Upon request, NWFSC ESSR
will provide the EDC information with
individual identifiers to the Department
of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) to assist in anti-trust
analysis of the Program.
NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science
Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. East,
Seattle, WA 98112
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 152 / Friday, August 7, 2015 / Notices
Data from 2009 and 2010: All owners,
lessees, and charterers of a catcher
vessel registered to a limited entry trawl
endorsed permit at any time in 2009 or
2010; all owners, lessees, and charterers
of a mothership vessel that received
whiting in 2009 or 2010 as recorded in
NMFS’ North Pacific (NORPAC)
database; all owners, lessees, and
charterers of a catcher processor vessel
that harvested whiting in 2009 or 2010
as recorded in NMFS’ NORPAC
database; all owners and lessees of a
shorebased processor and all buyers that
received groundfish or whiting
harvested with a limited entry trawl
permit as listed in the Pacific Fisheries
Information Network (PacFIN) database
in 2009 or 2010.
Data from 2011 and beyond: All
owners, lessees, and charterers of a
catcher vessel registered to a limited
entry trawl endorsed permit at any time
in 2011 and beyond; all owners, lessees,
and charterers of a mothership (MS)
vessel registered to an MS permit at any
time in 2011 and beyond; all owners,
lessees, and charterers of a catcher
processor vessel registered to a catcherprocessor (C/P)-endorsed limited entry
trawl permit at any time in 2011 and
beyond; all owners of a first receiver site
license in 2011 and beyond; all owners
and lessees of a shorebased processor
(as defined under ‘‘processor’’ at
§ 660.11, for purposes of EDC) that
received round or headed-and-gutted
individual fishing quota species
groundfish or whiting from a first
receiver in 2011 and beyond.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
System would include records for
historical, annual, and current EDCs
including financial information, harvest
activity and cost, product and cost
information, labor cost information for
crew, and sales information. The EDCs
request data on cost, revenue,
ownership, and employment and will be
used to study the economic impacts of
the West Coast Trawl Groundfish Catch
Share Program on affected harvesters,
processors, and communities, as well as
net benefits to the nation.
Each report would include the
following: The name, title, telephone
number, fax number, and email address
of the person completing the EDC; name
and address of the owner or lessee of the
plant or vessel; Federal fisheries permit
number; Federal processor permit
number; Coast Guard vessel registration
number or state vessel registration
number, Federal license number, state
buyer number, and an assigned internal
individual identifier.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:24 Aug 06, 2015
Jkt 235001
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, 16
U.S.C. 1801 et seq. (Magnuson-Stevens
Act), Section 313(j) of the MagnusonStevens Act, 16 U.S.C. 1853; 50 CFR
This information will allow NMFS to
evaluate the economic effects of the
West Coast Trawl Groundfish Catch
Share Program, specifically the
harvesting and processing sectors; the
determination of the economic
efficiency and distributional effects of
the Program.
In addition to those disclosures
generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b) of the PrivacyAct, these records
or information contained therein may
specifically be disclosed outside the
Department of Commerce (Department).
The records or information contained
therein may specifically be disclosed as
a routine use as stated below. The
Department will, when so authorized,
make the determination as to the
relevancy of a record prior to its
decision to disclose a document.
1. In the event that a system of records
maintained by the Department to carry
out its functions indicates a violation or
potential violation of law or contract,
whether civil, criminal or regulatory in
nature and whether arising by general
statute or particular program statute or
contract, rule, regulation, or order
issued pursuant thereto, or the necessity
to protect an interest of the Department,
the relevant records in the system of
records, may be referred to the
appropriate agency, whether Federal,
State, local, or foreign, charged with the
responsibility of investigating or
prosecuting such violation or charged
with enforcing or implementing the
statute or contract, rule, regulation, or
order issued pursuant thereto, or
protecting the interest of the
2. A record from this system of
records may be disclosed in the course
of presenting evidence to a court,
magistrate, hearing officer or
administrative tribunal, including
disclosures to opposing counsel in the
course of settlement negotiations,
administrative appeals and hearings.
3. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed to a Member of
Congress submitting a request involving
an individual when the individual has
requested assistance from the Member
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with respect to the subject matter of the
4. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed to the Department of
Justice in connection with determining
whether the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552) requires disclosure
5. A record in this system will be
disclosed to the Department of Treasury
for the purpose of reporting and
recouping delinquent debts owed the
United States pursuant to the Debt
Collection Improvement Act of 1996.
6. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed to a contractor of the
Department having need for the
information in the performance of the
contract but not operating a system of
records within the meaning of 5 U.S.C.
7. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed to the applicable
Fishery Management Council (Council)
staff and contractors tasked with the
development of analyses to support
Council decisions about Fishery
Management Programs.
8. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed to appropriate
agencies, entities and persons when: (1)
It is suspected or determined that the
security or confidentiality of
information in the system of records has
been compromised; (2) the Department
has determined that as a result of the
suspected or confirmed compromise
there is a risk of harm to economic or
property interests, identity theft or
fraud, or harm to the security or
integrity of this system or whether
systems or programs (whether
maintained by the Department or
another agency or entity) that rely upon
the compromised information; and (3)
the disclosure made to such agencies,
entities, and persons is reasonably
necessary to assist in connection with
the Department’s efforts to respond to
the suspected or confirmed compromise
and to prevent, minimize, or remedy
such harm.
9. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed to the Department of
Justice and the Federal Trade
Commission to assist in anti-trust
analysis of the fisheries programs.
10. A record from this system of
records may be disclosed, as a routine
use, to a Federal, state or local agency
maintaining civil, criminal or other
relevant enforcement information or
other pertinent information, such as
current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to a Department
decision concerning the assignment,
hiring or retention of an individual, the
issuance of a security clearance, the
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 152 / Friday, August 7, 2015 / Notices
letting of a contract, or the issuance of
a license, grant or other benefit.
11. A record from this system of
records may be disclosed, as a routine
use, to a Federal, state, local, or
international agency, in response to its
request, in connection with the
assignment, hiring or retention of an
individual, the issuance of a security
clearance, the reporting of an
investigation of an individual, the
letting of a contract, or the issuance of
a license, grant, or other benefit by the
requesting agency, to the extent that the
information is relevant and necessary to
the requesting agency’s decision on the
12. A record in this system of records
which contains medical information
may be disclosed, as a routine use, to
the medical advisor of any individual
submitting a request for access to the
record under the Act and 15 CFR part
4b if, in the sole judgment of the
Department, disclosure could have an
adverse effect upon the individual,
under the provision of 5 U.S.C.
552a(f)(3) and implementing regulations
at 15 CFR 4b.6.
13. A record in this system of records
may be disclosed, as a routine use, to
the Office of Management and Budget in
connection with the review of private
relief legislation as set forth in OMB
Circular No. A–19 at any stage of the
legislative coordination and clearance
process as set forth in that Circular.
14. A record in this system may be
transferred, as a routine use, to the
Office of Personnel Management: for
personnel research purposes; as a data
source for management information; for
the production of summary descriptive
statistics and analytical studies in
support of the function for which the
records are collected and maintained; or
for related manpower studies.
15. A record from this system of
records may be disclosed, as a routine
use, to the Administrator, General
Services Administration (GSA), or his
designee, during an inspection of
records conducted by GSA as part of
that agency’s responsibility to
recommend improvements in records
management practices and programs,
under authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and
2906. Such disclosure shall be made in
accordance with the GSA regulations
governing inspection of records for this
purpose, and any other relevant (i.e.
GSA or Commerce) directive. Such
disclosure shall not be used to make
determinations about individuals
Disclosure to consumer reporting
agencies pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
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Jkt 235001
552a(b)(12) may be made from this
system to ‘‘consumer reporting
agencies’’ as defined in the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(f)) and
the Federal Claims Collection Act of
1966 (31 U.S.C. 3701(a)(3)).
Computerized data base; CDs; back-up
files stored on tape; paper records in file
folders in locked metal cabinets and/or
locked rooms.
Records are organized and retrieved
by NMFS internal identification
number, name of owner or lessee, vessel
permit number, buyer identification
number, vessel name, or plant name.
Records can be accessed by any file
element or any combination thereof.
The system of records is stored in a
building with doors that are locked
during and after business hours. Visitors
to the facility must register and must be
accompanied by Federal personnel at all
times. Only those that have the need to
know, to carry out the official duties of
their job, have access to the information.
Paper records are maintained in secured
file cabinets in areas that are accessible
only to authorized personnel of the Data
Collection Agent. Electronic records
containing Privacy Act information are
protected by a user identification/
password. The user identification/
password is issued to individuals by
authorized personnel.
NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science
Center, contractors, to whom access to
this information is granted in
accordance with this system of records
routine uses provision, are instructed on
the confidential nature of this
All electronic information
disseminated by NOAA adheres to the
standards set out in Appendix III,
Security of Automated Information
Resources, OMB Circular A–130; the
Computer Security Act (15 U.S.C. 278g3 and 278g-4); and the Government
Information Security Reform Act, Public
Law 106–398; and follows NIST SP
800–18, Guide for Developing Security
Plans for Federal Information Systems;
NIST SP 800–26, Security SelfAssessment Guide for Information
Technology Systems; and NIST SP 800–
53, Recommended Security Controls for
Federal Information Systems.
and Records Administration regulations
(36 CFR Subchapter XII, Chapter B—
Records Management); Departmental
directives and comprehensive records
schedules; NOAA Administrative Order
205–01; and the NMFS Records
Disposition Schedule, Chapter 1500.
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Economics Program Manager, NMFS
Northwest Fisheries Science Center,
2725 Montlake Blvd. East, Seattle, WA
Individuals seeking to determine
whether information about themselves
is contained in this system should
address written inquires to the national
Privacy Act Officer: Privacy Act Officer,
NOAA, 1315 East-West Highway, Room
10641, Silver Spring MD 20910. Written
requests must be signed by the
requesting individual. Requestor must
make the request in writing and provide
his/her name, address, and date of the
request and record sought. All such
requests must comply with the inquiry
provisions of the Department’s Privacy
Act rules which appear at 15 CFR part
4, subpart B, Appendix A.
Requests for access to records
maintained in this system of records
should be addressed to the same address
given in the Notification Procedure
section above.
The Department’s rules for access, for
contesting contents, and appealing
initial determinations by the individual
concerned are provided for in 15 CFR
part 4, subpart B, Appendix A.
Information contained in this system
will be collected from individuals
participating in the EDC data
Dated: August 3, 2015.
Michael J. Toland,
Department of Commerce, Acting Freedom
of Information/Privacy Act Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015–19452 Filed 8–6–15; 8:45 am]
All records are retained and disposed
of in accordance with National Archives
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[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 152 (Friday, August 7, 2015)]
[Pages 47454-47456]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-19452]
[Docket No. 150720624-5624-01]
Privacy Act of 1974, New System of Records
AGENCY: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
ACTION: Notice of Privacy Act system of records; ``COMMERCE/NOAA-23;
Economic Data Collection Program for West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch
Share Program off the coast of Washington, Oregon, and California.''
SUMMARY: This notice announces the Department of Commerce (Department)
proposal for a new system of records under the Privacy Act. NOAA's
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Northwest Fisheries Science
Center (NWFSC), is creating a system of records for the mandatory
collection of economic data in the West Coast Region consisting of the
Economic Data Collection (EDC) for West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch
Share Program. Information will be collected from individuals under the
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act and the American Fisheries Act. This record system is necessary to
evaluate information on costs of fishing and processing, revenues for
harvesters and processors, and employment information.
DATES: To be considered, written comments must be submitted on or
before September 8, 2015. Unless comments are received, the system of
records will become effective as proposed on the date of publication of
a subsequent notice in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be mailed to Erin Steiner, NOAA Fisheries,
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, FRAM Division, 2725 Montlake
Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces the Department of
Commerce (Department) proposal for a new system of records under the
Privacy Act. NMFS' NWFSC is creating a system of records for the EDC
for the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program. This record
system is necessary to evaluate information on costs of fishing and
processing, revenues for harvesters and processors, and employment
Under the EDC, information would be requested from individuals
under the authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act and the 50 CFR 660.114. This collection would apply to
all owners, lessees, and charterers of a catcher vessel registered to a
limited entry trawl endorsed permit, a mothership vessel registered to
a mothership permit, or a catcher-processor vessel registered to a
catcher-processor-endorsed limited entry trawl permit; owners of a
first receiver site license; and owners and lessees of a shorebased
processor that received round or headed and gutted individual fishing
quota groundfish species or whiting from a first receiver are required
to submit an EDC to the NWFSC Economics and Social Science Research
Program (ESSR).
The collection of information is necessary to identify participants
and their roles in these fisheries and to evaluate the programs in
which they participate. NMFS would collect information from individuals
in order to evaluate the economic effects of fisheries programs,
specifically the effects on the harvesting and processing sectors, and
to determine the economic efficiency and distributional effects of the
COMMENRCE/NOAA-23, Economic Data Collection (EDC) Program for West
Coast Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program off the coast of Washington,
Oregon, and California.
The EDC system is designed as follows: (1) Participants are
required to submit an annual EDC to the NMFS Northwest Fisheries
Science Center (NWFSC) Economics and Social Science Research Program
(ESSR); (2) Upon request, the NWFSC will provide the EDC information
with individual identifiers to NOAA Office for Enforcement and the U.S.
Coast Guard; and (3) Upon request, NWFSC ESSR will provide the EDC
information with individual identifiers to the Department of Justice
(DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to assist in anti-trust
analysis of the Program.
NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. East,
Seattle, WA 98112
[[Page 47455]]
Data from 2009 and 2010: All owners, lessees, and charterers of a
catcher vessel registered to a limited entry trawl endorsed permit at
any time in 2009 or 2010; all owners, lessees, and charterers of a
mothership vessel that received whiting in 2009 or 2010 as recorded in
NMFS' North Pacific (NORPAC) database; all owners, lessees, and
charterers of a catcher processor vessel that harvested whiting in 2009
or 2010 as recorded in NMFS' NORPAC database; all owners and lessees of
a shorebased processor and all buyers that received groundfish or
whiting harvested with a limited entry trawl permit as listed in the
Pacific Fisheries Information Network (PacFIN) database in 2009 or
Data from 2011 and beyond: All owners, lessees, and charterers of a
catcher vessel registered to a limited entry trawl endorsed permit at
any time in 2011 and beyond; all owners, lessees, and charterers of a
mothership (MS) vessel registered to an MS permit at any time in 2011
and beyond; all owners, lessees, and charterers of a catcher processor
vessel registered to a catcher-processor (C/P)-endorsed limited entry
trawl permit at any time in 2011 and beyond; all owners of a first
receiver site license in 2011 and beyond; all owners and lessees of a
shorebased processor (as defined under ``processor'' at Sec. 660.11,
for purposes of EDC) that received round or headed-and-gutted
individual fishing quota species groundfish or whiting from a first
receiver in 2011 and beyond.
System would include records for historical, annual, and current
EDCs including financial information, harvest activity and cost,
product and cost information, labor cost information for crew, and
sales information. The EDCs request data on cost, revenue, ownership,
and employment and will be used to study the economic impacts of the
West Coast Trawl Groundfish Catch Share Program on affected harvesters,
processors, and communities, as well as net benefits to the nation.
Each report would include the following: The name, title, telephone
number, fax number, and email address of the person completing the EDC;
name and address of the owner or lessee of the plant or vessel; Federal
fisheries permit number; Federal processor permit number; Coast Guard
vessel registration number or state vessel registration number, Federal
license number, state buyer number, and an assigned internal individual
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.S.C.
1801 et seq. (Magnuson-Stevens Act), Section 313(j) of the Magnuson-
Stevens Act, 16 U.S.C. 1853; 50 CFR 660.114.
This information will allow NMFS to evaluate the economic effects
of the West Coast Trawl Groundfish Catch Share Program, specifically
the harvesting and processing sectors; the determination of the
economic efficiency and distributional effects of the Program.
In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b) of the PrivacyAct, these records or information contained
therein may specifically be disclosed outside the Department of
Commerce (Department). The records or information contained therein may
specifically be disclosed as a routine use as stated below. The
Department will, when so authorized, make the determination as to the
relevancy of a record prior to its decision to disclose a document.
1. In the event that a system of records maintained by the
Department to carry out its functions indicates a violation or
potential violation of law or contract, whether civil, criminal or
regulatory in nature and whether arising by general statute or
particular program statute or contract, rule, regulation, or order
issued pursuant thereto, or the necessity to protect an interest of the
Department, the relevant records in the system of records, may be
referred to the appropriate agency, whether Federal, State, local, or
foreign, charged with the responsibility of investigating or
prosecuting such violation or charged with enforcing or implementing
the statute or contract, rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant
thereto, or protecting the interest of the Department.
2. A record from this system of records may be disclosed in the
course of presenting evidence to a court, magistrate, hearing officer
or administrative tribunal, including disclosures to opposing counsel
in the course of settlement negotiations, administrative appeals and
3. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to a Member
of Congress submitting a request involving an individual when the
individual has requested assistance from the Member with respect to the
subject matter of the record.
4. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to the
Department of Justice in connection with determining whether the
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) requires disclosure thereof.
5. A record in this system will be disclosed to the Department of
Treasury for the purpose of reporting and recouping delinquent debts
owed the United States pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act
of 1996.
6. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to a
contractor of the Department having need for the information in the
performance of the contract but not operating a system of records
within the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 552a(m).
7. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to the
applicable Fishery Management Council (Council) staff and contractors
tasked with the development of analyses to support Council decisions
about Fishery Management Programs.
8. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to
appropriate agencies, entities and persons when: (1) It is suspected or
determined that the security or confidentiality of information in the
system of records has been compromised; (2) the Department has
determined that as a result of the suspected or confirmed compromise
there is a risk of harm to economic or property interests, identity
theft or fraud, or harm to the security or integrity of this system or
whether systems or programs (whether maintained by the Department or
another agency or entity) that rely upon the compromised information;
and (3) the disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist in connection with the Department's
efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed compromise and to
prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm.
9. A record in this system of records may be disclosed to the
Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission to assist in
anti-trust analysis of the fisheries programs.
10. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining civil,
criminal or other relevant enforcement information or other pertinent
information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain
information relevant to a Department decision concerning the
assignment, hiring or retention of an individual, the issuance of a
security clearance, the
[[Page 47456]]
letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other
11. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to a Federal, state, local, or international agency, in
response to its request, in connection with the assignment, hiring or
retention of an individual, the issuance of a security clearance, the
reporting of an investigation of an individual, the letting of a
contract, or the issuance of a license, grant, or other benefit by the
requesting agency, to the extent that the information is relevant and
necessary to the requesting agency's decision on the matter.
12. A record in this system of records which contains medical
information may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the medical advisor
of any individual submitting a request for access to the record under
the Act and 15 CFR part 4b if, in the sole judgment of the Department,
disclosure could have an adverse effect upon the individual, under the
provision of 5 U.S.C. 552a(f)(3) and implementing regulations at 15 CFR
13. A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to the Office of Management and Budget in connection with
the review of private relief legislation as set forth in OMB Circular
No. A-19 at any stage of the legislative coordination and clearance
process as set forth in that Circular.
14. A record in this system may be transferred, as a routine use,
to the Office of Personnel Management: for personnel research purposes;
as a data source for management information; for the production of
summary descriptive statistics and analytical studies in support of the
function for which the records are collected and maintained; or for
related manpower studies.
15. A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a
routine use, to the Administrator, General Services Administration
(GSA), or his designee, during an inspection of records conducted by
GSA as part of that agency's responsibility to recommend improvements
in records management practices and programs, under authority of 44
U.S.C. 2904 and 2906. Such disclosure shall be made in accordance with
the GSA regulations governing inspection of records for this purpose,
and any other relevant (i.e. GSA or Commerce) directive. Such
disclosure shall not be used to make determinations about individuals
Disclosure to consumer reporting agencies pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(12) may be made from this system to ``consumer reporting
agencies'' as defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C.
1681a(f)) and the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (31 U.S.C.
Computerized data base; CDs; back-up files stored on tape; paper
records in file folders in locked metal cabinets and/or locked rooms.
Records are organized and retrieved by NMFS internal identification
number, name of owner or lessee, vessel permit number, buyer
identification number, vessel name, or plant name. Records can be
accessed by any file element or any combination thereof.
The system of records is stored in a building with doors that are
locked during and after business hours. Visitors to the facility must
register and must be accompanied by Federal personnel at all times.
Only those that have the need to know, to carry out the official duties
of their job, have access to the information. Paper records are
maintained in secured file cabinets in areas that are accessible only
to authorized personnel of the Data Collection Agent. Electronic
records containing Privacy Act information are protected by a user
identification/password. The user identification/password is issued to
individuals by authorized personnel.
NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, contractors, to whom
access to this information is granted in accordance with this system of
records routine uses provision, are instructed on the confidential
nature of this information.
All electronic information disseminated by NOAA adheres to the
standards set out in Appendix III, Security of Automated Information
Resources, OMB Circular A-130; the Computer Security Act (15 U.S.C.
278g-3 and 278g-4); and the Government Information Security Reform Act,
Public Law 106-398; and follows NIST SP 800-18, Guide for Developing
Security Plans for Federal Information Systems; NIST SP 800-26,
Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems; and
NIST SP 800-53, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information
All records are retained and disposed of in accordance with
National Archives and Records Administration regulations (36 CFR
Subchapter XII, Chapter B--Records Management); Departmental directives
and comprehensive records schedules; NOAA Administrative Order 205-01;
and the NMFS Records Disposition Schedule, Chapter 1500.
Northwest Fisheries Science Center Economics Program Manager, NMFS
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, 2725 Montlake Blvd. East, Seattle,
WA 98112.
Individuals seeking to determine whether information about
themselves is contained in this system should address written inquires
to the national Privacy Act Officer: Privacy Act Officer, NOAA, 1315
East-West Highway, Room 10641, Silver Spring MD 20910. Written requests
must be signed by the requesting individual. Requestor must make the
request in writing and provide his/her name, address, and date of the
request and record sought. All such requests must comply with the
inquiry provisions of the Department's Privacy Act rules which appear
at 15 CFR part 4, subpart B, Appendix A.
Requests for access to records maintained in this system of records
should be addressed to the same address given in the Notification
Procedure section above.
The Department's rules for access, for contesting contents, and
appealing initial determinations by the individual concerned are
provided for in 15 CFR part 4, subpart B, Appendix A.
Information contained in this system will be collected from
individuals participating in the EDC data collections.
Dated: August 3, 2015.
Michael J. Toland,
Department of Commerce, Acting Freedom of Information/Privacy Act
[FR Doc. 2015-19452 Filed 8-6-15; 8:45 am]