Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless, 44141-44145 [2015-17867]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 142 / Friday, July 24, 2015 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders; Notice of Meeting asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Pursuant to section 10(d) of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is hereby given of a meeting of the National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Advisory Council. The meeting will be open to the public as indicated below, with attendance limited to space available. Individuals who plan to attend and need special assistance, such as sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodations, should notify the Contact Person listed below in advance of the meeting. The meeting will be closed to the public in accordance with the provisions set forth in sections 552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C., as amended. The grant applications and/or contract proposals and the discussions could disclose confidential trade secrets or commercial property such as patentable material, and personal information concerning individuals associated with the grant applications and/or contract proposals, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Name of Committee: National Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Advisory Council Date: September 11, 2015. Closed: 8:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: National Institutes of Health, Building 31, Conference Room 6, 31 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892. Open: 9:50 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Agenda: Staff reports on divisional, programmatic, and special activities. Place: National Institutes of Health, Building 31, Conference Room 6, 31 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892 Contact Person: Craig A. Jordan, Ph.D., Director, Division of Extramural Activities, NIDCD, NIH, Room 8345, MSC 9670, 6001 Executive Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20892–9670, 301–496–8693, jordanc@nidcd.nih.gov. Any interested person may file written comments with the committee by forwarding the statement to the Contact Person listed on this notice. The statement should include the name, address, telephone number and when applicable, the business or professional affiliation of the interested person. In the interest of security, NIH has instituted stringent procedures for entrance onto the NIH campus. All visitor vehicles, VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:59 Jul 23, 2015 Jkt 235001 including taxicabs, hotel, and airport shuttles will be inspected before being allowed on campus. Visitors will be asked to show one form of identification (for example, a government-issued photo ID, driver’s license, or passport) and to state the purpose of their visit.Information is also available on the Institute’s/Center’s home page: https:// www.nidcd.nih.gov/about/Pages/AdvisoryGroups-and-Review-Committees.aspx, where an agenda and any additional information for the meeting will be posted when available. (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.173, Biological Research Related to Deafness and Communicative Disorders, National Institutes of Health, HHS) Dated: July 21, 2015. Melanie J. Gray, Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy. [FR Doc. 2015–18190 Filed 7–23–15; 8:45 am] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Office of the Director; Notice of Establishment Pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App.), the Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH), announces the establishment of the National Asthma Education Prevention Program Coordinating Committee (NAEPP) as required by 424B of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 285b–7b, as amended. The NAEPP’s primary mission is to provide advice to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on matters concerning asthma and to facilitate the efficient and effective exchange of information on asthma activities among the member agencies and voluntary health organizations in order to enhance coordination of asthma-related programs and activities. The NAEPP will assist in increasing public understanding of the member agencies’ activities, programs, policies, and research and will serve as a public forum for discussion of issues related to asthma. It is determined that the NAEPP is in the public interest in connection with the performance of duties imposed on the NIH by statute, and that these duties can best be performed through the advice and counsel of this group. Inquires may be directed to Jennifer Spaeth, Director, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, 6701 Democracy Boulevard, Suite 1000, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 (Mail Code 4875), Telephone (301) 496– 2123, or spaethj@od.nih.gov. PO 00000 Frm 00123 Fmt 4703 Dated: July 20, 2015. Jennifer S. Spaeth, Director, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy. [FR Doc. 2015–18121 Filed 7–23–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4140–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR–5828–N–30] Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, HUD. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for use to assist the homeless. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juanita Perry, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 7266, Washington, DC 20410; telephone (202) 402–3970; TTY number for the hearing- and speechimpaired (202) 708–2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 800–927–7588. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88–2503– OG (D.D.C.). Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/ unavailable, and suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its intention to declare the property excess to the agency’s needs, or SUMMARY: BILLING CODE 4140–01–P Sfmt 4703 44141 E:\FR\FM\24JYN1.SGM 24JYN1 asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 44142 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 142 / Friday, July 24, 2015 / Notices (3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless. Properties listed as suitable/available will be available exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of this Notice. Where property is described as for ‘‘off-site use only’’ recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers interested in any such property should send a written expression of interest to HHS, addressed to: Ms. Theresa M. Ritta, Chief Real Property Branch, the Department of Health and Human Services, Room 5B–17, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, (301) 443–2265 (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the interested provider an application packet, which will include instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR part 581. For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may, if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/ available or suitable/unavailable. For properties listed as suitable/ unavailable, the landholding agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be available. Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1– 800–927–7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Ann Marie Oliva at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the request for review should be the property address (including zip code), the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding agency, and the property number. For more information regarding particular properties identified in this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:59 Jul 23, 2015 Jkt 235001 sanitary facilities, exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate landholding agencies at the following addresses:: AGRICULTURE: Ms. Debra Kerr, Department of Agriculture, Reporters Building, 300 7th Street SW., Room 300, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 720–8873; AIR FORCE: Mr. Robert E. Moriarty, P.E., AFCEC/CI, 2261 Hughes Avenue, Ste. 155, JBSA Lackland, TX 78236–9853; COAST GUARD: Commandant, United States Coast Guard, Attn: Jennifer Stomber, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue SE., Stop 7741, Washington, DC 20593– 7714; (202) 475–5609 ; ENERGY: Mr. David Steinau, Department of Energy, Office of Property Management, 1000 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 287–1503; INTERIOR: Mr. Michael Wright, Acquisition & Property Management, Department of the Interior, 3960 N. 56th Ave. #104, Hollywood, FL 33021; (443) 223–4639; NASA: Mr. Frank T. Bellinger, Facilities Engineering Division, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Code JX, Washington, DC 20546, (202) 358–1124; NAVY: Mr. Steve Matteo, Department of the Navy, Asset Management; Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington Navy Yard, 1330 Patterson Ave. SW., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374; (202) 685–9426 (These are not toll-free numbers). Dated: July 16, 2015. Brian P. Fitzmaurice, Director, Division of Community Assistance, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs. TITLE V, FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY PROGRAM FEDERAL REGISTER REPORT FOR 07/24/2015 Suitable/Available Properties Building Kentucky ARS SEA 644500B004 Water & Air Quality Lab 230 Bennett Ln. Bowling Green KY 42104 Landholding Agency: Agriculture Property Number: 15201520035 Status: Excess Directions: 98400; RPUID: 2410054320 Comments: off-site removal only; relocation difficult due to size; 1,960 sq. ft.; contact Agriculture for more information. Michigan MSBL 701 701 Clubhouse Rd. Joint Base MDL MI 08733 Landholding Agency: Air Force Property Number: 18201530001 Status: Unutilized Comments: off-site removal; 40+ yrs. old; 460 sq. ft.; storage; 12+ mos. Vacant; deteriorated; no future agency need; contact AF for more information. PO 00000 Frm 00124 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Mississippi Modular Office, Bio Lab 141 Experiment Station Road Stoneville MS 38776 Landholding Agency: Agriculture Property Number: 15201530001 Status: Unutilized Directions: ARS 640200B057 RPUID: 03.480 Comments: off-site removal; 13+ yrs. old; 960 sq. ft.; 13+ yrs. vacant; shelter; poor condition; no future Agency need; contact USDA for more information. Pennsylvania 2 Buildings Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Aria Dingmans Ferry PA 18328 Landholding Agency: Interior Property Number: 61201530001 Status: Excess Directions: North and South Bath House Comments: off-site removal; 45+ yrs. old; 590 sq. ft.; rest room; structures are not ADA compliant; accessibility deficiencies; reached life cycle; contact DOI for more information. Unsuitable Properties Building California Facility # 4209 Propulsion Research Lab 793 Circle Dr. Edwards CA 93523 Landholding Agency: Air Force Property Number: 18201520032 Status: Unutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area Golf Course Head #02623 1 Administration Circle China Lake CA 93555 Landholding Agency: Navy Property Number: 77201530001 Status: Excess Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area Connecticut Building 108 Naval Submarine Base New London Groton CT 06349 Landholding Agency: Navy Property Number: 77201520033 Status: Excess Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area Building 160 Naval Submarine Base New London Groton CT 06349 Landholding Agency: Navy Property Number: 77201520036 Status: Excess Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area E:\FR\FM\24JYN1.SGM 24JYN1 asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 142 / Friday, July 24, 2015 / Notices Michigan Comms Building (OWI) 67672 6795 US 23 North Spruce MI 48762 Landholding Agency: Coast Guard Property Number: 88201530001 Status: Excess Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area 2 Buildings 1701–99 S Larson Road Custer MI 49405 Landholding Agency: Coast Guard Property Number: 88201530003 Status: Excess Directions: Communications UPS Building (OW1) 68067, Communications Shed (OW2). Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area Mississippi Bldg. 8304 Test Complex Electr Stennis Space Center Hancock County MS 39529 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201530001 Status: Unutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area Nevada 5 Buildings & .94 Acres Land Victoria Street Tonopah NV 89049 Landholding Agency: Air Force Property Number: 18201530002 Status: Excess Directions: Fac. #80000818213; 80100818212; 80300818210; 80300818209; 80400818208 Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access w/out compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area New York 2 Buildings Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY 11973 Landholding Agency: Energy Property Number: 41201520004 Status: Excess Directions: Buildings: 580 & 528A Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area 2 Buildings Naval Submarine Base New London Groton NY 06349 Landholding Agency: Navy Property Number: 77201520035 Status: Excess Directions: Buildings; 385 & 395 Comments: property located w/in floodway which has not been corrected or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:59 Jul 23, 2015 Jkt 235001 Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway Xmtr Hut (OWI) (68250) Golden Hill State Park Barker NY 14012 Landholding Agency: Coast Guard Property Number: 88201530002 Status: Excess Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access without compromising National Security. Reasons: Secured Area Ohio Materials & Struct Bldg. #140 21000 Brookpark Road Brook Park OH 44135 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201530002 Status: Unutilized Comments: flammable/explosive materials are located on adjacent industrial, commercial, or Federal fac.; public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area Texas 2 Buildings 2307 W. Maple Street #A Port O’ Connor TX 77982 Landholding Agency: Coast Guard Property Number: 88201530004 Status: Unutilized Directions: ATON Batt Storage & ATON Storage Building Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway Virginia V–065WEMA Recreational Facility Goddard Space Flight Center Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520008 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area X–005 Fire Department Support Bldg.-WFF GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520009 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area V–025 Inert Pay Assem and Checkout Building GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520010 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. PO 00000 Frm 00125 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 44143 Reasons: Secured Area V–067 Rocker Motor Storage Facility GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520011 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area E–005 Contract Office and Storage Building GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520012 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area X–091 Fire Pump House GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520013 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway Z–072 Launch Central Building - Lch Pad No#1 GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520014 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway X–036 Storage Shed GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520015 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway Z–071 Movable Launch Shelter Building GSFC Wallop Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520016 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area Z–065 Blockhouse #1 GSEC E:\FR\FM\24JYN1.SGM 24JYN1 asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 44144 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 142 / Friday, July 24, 2015 / Notices Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520017 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area X–030 Paint Shop GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520018 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area Z–041 Multi-Function Radar Facility GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520019 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway X–140 POMB Materials Storage Building GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520020 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway F–006 Administration Building null GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520022 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area H–030 Four Car Garage GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520023 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area J–017 VIC Exhibit Display Area Building GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520024 VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:59 Jul 23, 2015 Jkt 235001 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area F–001 reproduction Facility GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520025 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Within airport runway clear zone J–093 VIC Concession GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520026 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area F–019 Supply Warehouse GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520027 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area N–159 Research ACFT and Observatory Science Lab GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520028 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area F–002 Telecommunications Facility GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520029 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area N–161 Facilities Engineering Range & Mission Management GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520030 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area D–012 SEW. & WASTE. DISP. PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 PUMP HOUSE GSEC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520031 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area D–012A SEW, TREAT PLANT BIOFILTER GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520033 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area E–105 Library/Fiscal Procurement Building GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520034 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within floodway which has not been correct or contained. Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway B161 Logistics/Supply Facility GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520035 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area D–012C SEW, Treat Plant Primary Sediment Tank GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520036 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area E–002 Cafeteria and Photo Lab GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520037 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Within airport runway clear zone B16–A Gas Cylinder Storage (old 87) GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520038 Status: Underutilized E:\FR\FM\24JYN1.SGM 24JYN1 asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 142 / Friday, July 24, 2015 / Notices Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area D–012E Sew. Treat Plant Sludge Digestion Tank GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520039 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area E–007 ASB Records Storage/ Post Office GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520040 Status: Underutilized Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area; Within airport runway clear zone B16–b Ordnance (old 89) GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520041 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area D–049 Packing & Crating Facility GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520042 Status: Underutilized Comments: flammable explosive materials are located on adjacent industrial, comm., or federal face. Public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured Area B–16–C Project Support Facility (old Bldg. 086) GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520043 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area B–17 Administrative Support GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520044 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area D–008 Central Heating Plant VerDate Sep<11>2014 21:15 Jul 23, 2015 Jkt 235001 GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520045 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area E–005 Contract Office and Storage Building GSFC Wallops Island VA 23337 Landholding Agency: NASA Property Number: 71201520046 Status: Underutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access without compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area Land Arizona 0.92 Acres Marine Corps Air Station Yuma AZ Landholding Agency: Navy Property Number: 77201530002 Status: Unutilized Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain access w/out compromising national security. Reasons: Secured Area [FR Doc. 2015–17867 Filed 7–23–15; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210–67–P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR–5849–N–04] Notice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting; Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). ACTION: Notice of a Federal Advisory Committee Meeting: Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC). AGENCY: This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda for a meeting of the MHCC. The meeting is open to the public and the site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. The agenda provides an opportunity for citizens to comment on the business before the MHCC. DATES: The meeting will be held on August 18 thru August 20, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) daily. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Washington–Capitol, 550 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20024. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Pamela Beck Danner, Administrator, Office of Manufactured Housing SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00127 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 44145 Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 9166, Washington, DC 20410, telephone (202) 708–6423 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons who have difficulty hearing or speaking may access this number via TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 800–877–8339. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice of this meeting is provided in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5. U.S.C. App. 10(a)(2) through implementing regulations at 41 CFR 102–3.150. The MHCC was established by the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. 5403(a)(3), as amended by the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, (Pub. L. 106– 569, approved December 27, 2000). According to 42 U.S.C. 5403, as amended, the purposes of the MHCC are to: • Provide periodic recommendations to the Secretary to adopt, revise, and interpret the Federal manufactured housing construction and safety standards in accordance with this subsection; • Provide periodic recommendations to the Secretary to adopt, revise, and interpret the procedural and enforcement regulations, including regulations specifying the permissible scope and conduct of monitoring in accordance with subsection (b); • Be organized and carry out its business in a manner that guarantees a fair opportunity for the expression and consideration of various positions and for public participation. The MHCC is deemed an advisory committee not composed of Federal employees. Public Comment: Citizens wishing to make comments on the business of the MHCC are encouraged to register by or before August 3, 2015 by contacting Home Innovation Research Labs; Attention: Kevin Kauffman, 400 Prince Georges Blvd., Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, or email to mhcc@ homeinnovation.com. Written comments are encouraged. The MHCC strives to accommodate citizen comments to the extent possible within the time constraints of the meeting agenda. Advance registration is strongly encouraged. The MHCC will also provide an opportunity for public comment on specific matters before the MHCC. Tentative Agenda Tuesday, August 18, 2015 I. Call to Order and Roll Call Administering Organization (AO) E:\FR\FM\24JYN1.SGM 24JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 142 (Friday, July 24, 2015)]
[Pages 44141-44145]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-17867]



[Docket No. FR-5828-N-30]

Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and 
Development, HUD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and 
surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for use to 
assist the homeless.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Juanita Perry, Department of Housing 
and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW., Room 7266, Washington, 
DC 20410; telephone (202) 402-3970; TTY number for the hearing- and 
speech-impaired (202) 708-2565 (these telephone numbers are not toll-
free), or call the toll-free Title V information line at 800-927-7588.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 24 CFR part 581 and 
section 501 of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 
U.S.C. 11411), as amended, HUD is publishing this Notice to identify 
Federal buildings and other real property that HUD has reviewed for 
suitability for use to assist the homeless. The properties were 
reviewed using information provided to HUD by Federal landholding 
agencies regarding unutilized and underutilized buildings and real 
property controlled by such agencies or by GSA regarding its inventory 
of excess or surplus Federal property. This Notice is also published in 
order to comply with the December 12, 1988 Court Order in National 
Coalition for the Homeless v. Veterans Administration, No. 88-2503-OG 
    Properties reviewed are listed in this Notice according to the 
following categories: Suitable/available, suitable/unavailable, and 
suitable/to be excess, and unsuitable. The properties listed in the 
three suitable categories have been reviewed by the landholding 
agencies, and each agency has transmitted to HUD: (1) Its intention to 
make the property available for use to assist the homeless, (2) its 
intention to declare the property excess to the agency's needs, or

[[Page 44142]]

(3) a statement of the reasons that the property cannot be declared 
excess or made available for use as facilities to assist the homeless.
    Properties listed as suitable/available will be available 
exclusively for homeless use for a period of 60 days from the date of 
this Notice. Where property is described as for ``off-site use only'' 
recipients of the property will be required to relocate the building to 
their own site at their own expense. Homeless assistance providers 
interested in any such property should send a written expression of 
interest to HHS, addressed to: Ms. Theresa M. Ritta, Chief Real 
Property Branch, the Department of Health and Human Services, Room 5B-
17, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, (301) 
443-2265 (This is not a toll-free number.) HHS will mail to the 
interested provider an application packet, which will include 
instructions for completing the application. In order to maximize the 
opportunity to utilize a suitable property, providers should submit 
their written expressions of interest as soon as possible. For complete 
details concerning the processing of applications, the reader is 
encouraged to refer to the interim rule governing this program, 24 CFR 
part 581.
    For properties listed as suitable/to be excess, that property may, 
if subsequently accepted as excess by GSA, be made available for use by 
the homeless in accordance with applicable law, subject to screening 
for other Federal use. At the appropriate time, HUD will publish the 
property in a Notice showing it as either suitable/available or 
    For properties listed as suitable/unavailable, the landholding 
agency has decided that the property cannot be declared excess or made 
available for use to assist the homeless, and the property will not be 
    Properties listed as unsuitable will not be made available for any 
other purpose for 20 days from the date of this Notice. Homeless 
assistance providers interested in a review by HUD of the determination 
of unsuitability should call the toll free information line at 1-800-
927-7588 for detailed instructions or write a letter to Ann Marie Oliva 
at the address listed at the beginning of this Notice. Included in the 
request for review should be the property address (including zip code), 
the date of publication in the Federal Register, the landholding 
agency, and the property number.
    For more information regarding particular properties identified in 
this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plan, existing sanitary facilities, 
exact street address), providers should contact the appropriate 
landholding agencies at the following addresses:: AGRICULTURE: Ms. 
Debra Kerr, Department of Agriculture, Reporters Building, 300 7th 
Street SW., Room 300, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 720-8873; AIR FORCE: 
Mr. Robert E. Moriarty, P.E., AFCEC/CI, 2261 Hughes Avenue, Ste. 155, 
JBSA Lackland, TX 78236-9853; COAST GUARD: Commandant, United States 
Coast Guard, Attn: Jennifer Stomber, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue 
SE., Stop 7741, Washington, DC 20593-7714; (202) 475-5609 ; ENERGY: Mr. 
David Steinau, Department of Energy, Office of Property Management, 
1000 Independence Ave. SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 287-1503; 
INTERIOR: Mr. Michael Wright, Acquisition & Property Management, 
Department of the Interior, 3960 N. 56th Ave. #104, Hollywood, FL 
33021; (443) 223-4639; NASA: Mr. Frank T. Bellinger, Facilities 
Engineering Division, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Code 
JX, Washington, DC 20546, (202) 358-1124; NAVY: Mr. Steve Matteo, 
Department of the Navy, Asset Management; Division, Naval Facilities 
Engineering Command, Washington Navy Yard, 1330 Patterson Ave. SW., 
Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20374; (202) 685-9426 (These are not toll-
free numbers).

    Dated: July 16, 2015.
Brian P. Fitzmaurice,
Director, Division of Community Assistance, Office of Special Needs 
Assistance Programs.


Suitable/Available Properties



ARS SEA 644500B004
Water & Air Quality Lab
230 Bennett Ln.
Bowling Green KY 42104
Landholding Agency: Agriculture
Property Number: 15201520035
Status: Excess
Directions: 98400; RPUID: 2410054320
Comments: off-site removal only; relocation difficult due to size; 
1,960 sq. ft.; contact Agriculture for more information.


MSBL 701
701 Clubhouse Rd.
Joint Base MDL MI 08733
Landholding Agency: Air Force
Property Number: 18201530001
Status: Unutilized
Comments: off-site removal; 40+ yrs. old; 460 sq. ft.; storage; 12+ 
mos. Vacant; deteriorated; no future agency need; contact AF for 
more information.


Modular Office, Bio Lab
141 Experiment Station Road
Stoneville MS 38776
Landholding Agency: Agriculture
Property Number: 15201530001
Status: Unutilized
Directions: ARS 640200B057 RPUID: 03.480
Comments: off-site removal; 13+ yrs. old; 960 sq. ft.; 13+ yrs. 
vacant; shelter; poor condition; no future Agency need; contact USDA 
for more information.


2 Buildings
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Aria
Dingmans Ferry PA 18328
Landholding Agency: Interior
Property Number: 61201530001
Status: Excess
Directions: North and South Bath House
Comments: off-site removal; 45+ yrs. old; 590 sq. ft.; rest room; 
structures are not ADA compliant; accessibility deficiencies; 
reached life cycle; contact DOI for more information.

Unsuitable Properties



Facility # 4209 Propulsion
Research Lab
793 Circle Dr.
Edwards CA 93523
Landholding Agency: Air Force
Property Number: 18201520032
Status: Unutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area

Golf Course Head #02623
1 Administration Circle
China Lake CA 93555
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77201530001
Status: Excess
Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access 
without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area


Building 108
Naval Submarine Base New London
Groton CT 06349
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77201520033
Status: Excess
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area

Building 160
Naval Submarine Base New London
Groton CT 06349
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77201520036
Status: Excess
Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access 
without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area

[[Page 44143]]


Comms Building (OWI) 67672
6795 US 23 North
Spruce MI 48762
Landholding Agency: Coast Guard
Property Number: 88201530001
Status: Excess
Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access 
without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area

2 Buildings
1701-99 S Larson Road
Custer MI 49405
Landholding Agency: Coast Guard
Property Number: 88201530003
Status: Excess
Directions: Communications UPS Building (OW1) 68067, Communications 
Shed (OW2).
Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access 
without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area


Bldg. 8304 Test Complex Electr
Stennis Space Center
Hancock County MS 39529
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201530001
Status: Unutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area


5 Buildings & .94 Acres Land
Victoria Street
Tonopah NV 89049
Landholding Agency: Air Force
Property Number: 18201530002
Status: Excess
Directions: Fac. #80000818213; 80100818212; 80300818210; 
80300818209; 80400818208
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access w/out compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

New York

2 Buildings
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton NY 11973
Landholding Agency: Energy
Property Number: 41201520004
Status: Excess
Directions: Buildings: 580 & 528A
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area

2 Buildings
Naval Submarine Base New London
Groton NY 06349
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77201520035
Status: Excess
Directions: Buildings; 385 & 395
Comments: property located w/in floodway which has not been 
corrected or contained; Public access denied and no alternative 
method to gain access without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

Xmtr Hut (OWI) (68250)
Golden Hill State Park
Barker NY 14012
Landholding Agency: Coast Guard
Property Number: 88201530002
Status: Excess
Comments: public access denied no alternative method to gain access 
without compromising National Security.
Reasons: Secured Area


Materials & Struct Bldg. #140
21000 Brookpark Road
Brook Park OH 44135
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201530002
Status: Unutilized
Comments: flammable/explosive materials are located on adjacent 
industrial, commercial, or Federal fac.; public access denied and no 
alternative method to gain access without compromising national 
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured 


2 Buildings
2307 W. Maple Street #A
Port O' Connor TX 77982
Landholding Agency: Coast Guard
Property Number: 88201530004
Status: Unutilized
Directions: ATON Batt Storage & ATON Storage Building
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway


V-065WEMA Recreational
Goddard Space Flight Center
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520008
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

X-005 Fire Department Support
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520009
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

V-025 Inert Pay Assem and
Checkout Building
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520010
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

V-067 Rocker Motor Storage
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520011
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

E-005 Contract Office and
Storage Building
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520012
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

X-091 Fire Pump House
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520013
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

Z-072 Launch Central Building
- Lch Pad No#1
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520014
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

X-036 Storage Shed
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520015
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

Z-071 Movable Launch Shelter
Wallop Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520016
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

Z-065 Blockhouse #1

[[Page 44144]]

Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520017
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

X-030 Paint Shop
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520018
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Floodway; Secured Area

Z-041 Multi-Function Radar
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520019
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

X-140 POMB Materials Storage
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520020
Status: Underutilized
 Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained; Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

F-006 Administration Building
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520022
Status: Underutilized
 Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

H-030 Four Car Garage
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520023
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

J-017 VIC Exhibit Display Area
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520024
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

F-001 reproduction Facility
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520025
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or 
military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to 
gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Within airport runway clear zone

J-093 VIC Concession
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520026
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

F-019 Supply Warehouse
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520027
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

N-159 Research ACFT and Observatory Science Lab
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520028
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

F-002 Telecommunications
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520029
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or 
military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to 
gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Within airport runway clear zone; Secured Area

N-161 Facilities Engineering
Range & Mission Management
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520030
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520031
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520033
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

E-105 Library/Fiscal
Procurement Building
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520034
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within floodway which has not been 
correct or contained. Public access denied and no alternative method 
to gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Floodway

B161 Logistics/Supply Facility
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520035
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

D-012C SEW, Treat Plant
Primary Sediment Tank
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520036
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

E-002 Cafeteria and Photo Lab
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520037
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or 
military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to 
gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Within airport runway clear zone

B16-A Gas Cylinder Storage
(old 87)
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520038
Status: Underutilized

[[Page 44145]]

Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

D-012E Sew. Treat Plant Sludge
Digestion Tank
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520039
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

E-007 ASB Records Storage/
Post Office
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520040
Status: Underutilized
Comments: property located within an airport runway clear zone or 
military airfield. Public access denied and no alternative method to 
gain access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area; Within airport runway clear zone

B16-b Ordnance (old 89)
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520041
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

D-049 Packing & Crating
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520042
Status: Underutilized
Comments: flammable explosive materials are located on adjacent 
industrial, comm., or federal face. Public access denied and no 
alternative method to gain access without compromising national 
Reasons: Within 2000 ft. of flammable or explosive material; Secured 

B-16-C Project Support
Facility (old Bldg. 086)
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520043
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

B-17 Administrative Support
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520044
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

D-008 Central Heating Plant
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520045
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

E-005 Contract Office and Storage Building
Wallops Island VA 23337
Landholding Agency: NASA
Property Number: 71201520046
Status: Underutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access without compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area



0.92 Acres
Marine Corps Air Station
Yuma AZ
Landholding Agency: Navy
Property Number: 77201530002
Status: Unutilized
Comments: public access denied and no alternative method to gain 
access w/out compromising national security.
Reasons: Secured Area

[FR Doc. 2015-17867 Filed 7-23-15; 8:45 am]
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