Medicare Program; Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment Model for Acute Care Hospitals Furnishing Lower Extremity Joint Replacement Services, 41197-41316 [2015-17190]
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Vol. 80
No. 134
July 14, 2015
Part III
Department of Health and Human Services
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Part 510
Medicare Program; Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment
Model for Acute Care Hospitals Furnishing Lower Extremity Joint
Replacement Services; Proposed Rule
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
42 CFR Part 510
RIN 0938–AS64
Medicare Program; Comprehensive
Care for Joint Replacement Payment
Model for Acute Care Hospitals
Furnishing Lower Extremity Joint
Replacement Services
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
This proposed rule proposes
to implement a new Medicare Part A
and B payment model under section
1115A of the Social Security Act, called
the Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CCJR) model, in which
acute care hospitals in certain selected
geographic areas will receive
retrospective bundled payments for
episodes of care for lower extremity
joint replacement or reattachment of a
lower extremity. All related care within
90 days of hospital discharge from the
joint replacement procedures will be
included in the episode of care. We
believe this model will further our goals
in improving the efficiency and quality
of care for Medicare beneficiaries for
these common medical procedures.
DATES: Comment period: To be assured
consideration, comments on this
proposed rule must be received at one
of the addresses provided in the
ADDRESSES section no later than 5 p.m.
EDT on September 8, 2015.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer
to file code CMS–5516–P. Because of
staff and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
You may submit comments in one of
four ways (no duplicates, please):
1. Electronically. You may (and we
encourage you to) submit electronic
comments on this regulation to https:// Follow the
instructions under the ‘‘submit a
comment’’ tab.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–5516–P, P.O. Box 8013, Baltimore,
MD 21244–1850.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be received before the
close of the comment period.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments via express
or overnight mail to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–5516–P, Mail Stop C4–26–05,
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer,
you may deliver (by hand or courier)
your written comments before the close
of the comment period to either of the
following addresses:
a. For delivery in Washington, DC—
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, Room 445–G, Hubert
H. Humphrey Building, 200
Independence Avenue SW.,
Washington, DC 20201.
(Because access to the interior of the
Hubert H. Humphrey Building is not
readily available to persons without
Federal Government identification,
commenters are encouraged to leave
their comments in the CMS drop slots
located in the main lobby of the
building. A stamp-in clock is available
for persons wishing to retain a proof of
filing by stamping in and retaining an
extra copy of the comments being filed.)
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD—
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, 7500 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244–
If you intend to deliver your
comments to the Baltimore address,
please call the telephone number (410)
786–7195 in advance to schedule your
arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments mailed to the addresses
indicated as appropriate for hand or
courier delivery may be delayed and
received after the comment period.
For information on viewing public
comments, we refer readers to the
beginning of the SUPPLEMENTARY
Claire Schreiber, Claire.Schreiber@, 410–786–8939
Gabriel Scott, Gabriel.Scott@, 410–786–3928
Inspection of Public Comments: All
comments received before the close of
the comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We post all comments
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comment period on the following Web
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site as soon as possible after they have
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instructions on that Web site to view
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Comments received timely will also
be available for public inspection,
generally beginning approximately 3
weeks after publication of the rule, at
the headquarters of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500
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each week from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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view public comments, phone 1–800–
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Alphabetical List of Acronyms
Because of the many terms to which
we refer by acronym, abbreviation, or
short form in this proposed rule, we are
listing the acronyms, abbreviations and
short forms used and their
corresponding terms in alphabetical
mSA Micropolitan Statistical Area
ACO Accountable Care Organization
ASPE Assistant Secretary for Planning and
BPCI Bundled Payments for Care
CBSA Core-Based Statistical Area
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
CCJR Comprehensive Care for Joint
CSA Combined Statistical Area
DME Durable Medical Equipment
FFS Fee-for-service
HCAHPS Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
HHA Home health agency
HOPD Hospital outpatient department
HHPPS Home Health Prospective Payment
HIQR Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
HRRP Hospital Readmissions Reductions
HRR Hospital Referral Region
HVBP Hospital Value Based Purchasing
ICD–9–CM International Classification of
Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical
IPPS Inpatient Prospective Payment System
IPF Inpatient psychiatric facility
IRF Inpatient rehabilitation facility
LEJR Lower extremity joint replacement
LOS Length of stay
LTCH Long term care hospital
LUPA Low Utilization Payment Adjustment
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
MAC Medicare Administrative Contractor
MCC Major complications or comorbidities
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
MS–DRG Medical Severity DiagnosisRelated Group
MP Malpractice
NPP Nonphysician Practitioner
NPRA Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
OPPS Outpatient Prospective Payment
PAC Post-acute care
SNF Skilled nursing facility
THA Total hip arthroplasty
TKA Total knee arthroplasty
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose
B. Summary of the Major Provisions
1. Model Overview: LEJR Episodes of Care
2. Model Scope
3. Payment
4. Similar Previous and Concurrent Models
5. Overlap With Ongoing CMS Efforts
6. Quality Measures and Reporting
7. Data Sharing Process
8. Beneficiary Protections
C. Summary of Economic Effects
II. Background
III. Provisions of the Proposed Rule
A. Proposed Definition of the Episode
Initiator and Selected Geographic Areas
1. Background
2. Proposed Definition of Episode Initiator
3. Financial Responsibility for the Episode
of Care
4. Proposed Geographic Unit of Selection
and Exclusion of Selected Hospitals
a. Overview and Options for Geographic
Area Selection
b. MSA Selection Methodology
(1) Exclusion of Certain MSAs
(2) Proposed Selection Strata
(a) MSA Average Wage-adjusted Historic
LEJR Episode Payments
(b) MSA Population Size
(c) Analysis of Strata
(3) Factors Considered but Not Used in
Creating Proposed Strata
(4) Sample Size Calculations and the
Number of Selected MSAs
(5) Method of Selecting MSAs
B. Episode Definition for the
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CCJR) Model
1. Background
2. Clinical Dimension of Episodes of Care
a. Definition of the Clinical Conditions
Included in the Episode
b. Definition of Related Services Included
in the Episode
3. Duration of Episodes of Care
a. Beginning the Episode and Beneficiary
Care Inclusion Criteria
b. Middle of the Episode
c. End of the Episode
C. Proposed Methodology for Setting
Episode Prices and Paying Model
Participants Under the CCJR Model
1. Background
2. Performance Years, Retrospective
Episode Payment, and Two-Sided Risk
a. Performance Period
b. Proposed Retrospective Payment
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c. Proposed Two-Sided Risk Model
3. Adjustments to Payments Included in
a. Proposed Treatment of Special Payment
Provisions Under Existing Medicare
Payment Systems
b. Proposed Treatment of Payment for
Services That Extend Beyond the
c. Proposed Pricing Adjustment for High
Payment Episodes
4. Proposed Episode Price Setting
a. Overview
b. Proposed Pricing Features
(1) Different Target Prices for Episodes
Anchored by MS–DRG 469 vs. MS–DRG
(2) Three Years of Historical Data
(3) Proposed Trending of Historical Data to
the Most Recent Year of the Three
(4) Update Historical Episode Payments for
Ongoing Payment System Updates
(a) Proposed Inpatient Acute Services
Update Factor
(b) Proposed Physician Services Update
(c) Proposed IRF Services Update Factor
(d) Proposed SNF Services Update Factor
(e) Proposed HHA Services Update Factor
(f) Proposed Other Services Update Factor
(5) Blend Hospital-Specific and Regional
Historical Data
(6) Define Regions as U.S. Census Divisions
(7) Normalize for Provider-Specific Wage
Adjustment Variations
(8) Proposed Combination of CCJR
Episodes Anchored by MS–DRGs 469
and 470
(9) Discount Factor
c. Proposed Approach To Combine Pricing
5. Proposed Use of Quality Performance in
the Payment Methodology
a. Background
b. Proposed Implementation of Quality
Measures for Reconciliation Payment
(1) General Selection of Proposed Quality
(2) Proposal To Adjust the Payment
Methodology for Voluntary Submission
of Data for Patient-Reported Outcome
(3) Measure Risk-Adjustment and
(4) Applicable Time Period
(5) Criteria for Applicable Hospitals and
Performance Scoring
(a) Identification of Applicable Hospitals
for the CCJR Model
(b) Methodology to Determine Performance
on the Quality Measures
(c) Proposed Methodology To Link Quality
and Payment
(i) Background
(ii) Alternatives Considered To Link
Quality and Payment
(iii) Proposal To Link Quality and Payment
through Thresholds for Reconciliation
Payment Eligibility
6. Proposed Process for Reconciliation
a. Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
b. Payment Reconciliation
7. Proposed Adjustments for Overlaps With
Other Innovation Center Models and
CMS Programs
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a. Overview
b. CCJR Beneficiary Overlap With BPCI
c. Accounting for CCJR Reconciliation
Payments and Recoupments in Other
Models and Programs
d. Accounting for Per Beneficiary Per
Month (PBPM) Payments in the Episode
e. Accounting for Overlap With Shared
Savings Programs and Total Cost of Care
8. Proposals To Limit or Adjust Hospital
Financial Responsibility
a. Overview
b. Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA
Contribution to Repayment Amounts and
Reconciliation Payments
(1) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA
Contribution to Repayment Amounts
(2) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA
Contribution to Reconciliation Payments
c. Proposed Policies for Certain Hospitals
to Further Limit Repayment
d. Proposed Hospital Responsibility for
Increased Post-Episode Payments
9. Proposed Appeal Procedures for
a. Payment Processes
b. Calculation Error
c. Dispute Resolution
(1) Limitations on Review
(2) Matters Subject to Dispute Resolution.
(3) Dispute Resolution Process.
10. Proposed Financial Arrangements,
Beneficiary Incentives, and Proposed
Program Rule Waivers and Amendments
a. Financial Arrangements and Beneficiary
(1) Financial Arrangements Permitted
Under the CCJR Model
(a) CCJR Sharing Arrangement
(b) Participation Agreements
(c) Gainsharing Payment and Alignment
Payment Conditions and Restrictions.
(d) Documentation and Maintenance of
(2) Beneficiary Incentives Permitted Under
the CCJR Model
(3) Compliance with Fraud and Abuse
11. Proposed Waivers of Medicare Program
a. Overview
b. Post-Discharge Home Visits
c. Billing and Payment for Telehealth
d. SNF 3-Day Rule
e. Waivers of Medicare Program Rules To
Allow Reconciliation Payment or
Recoupment Actions Resulting From the
Net Payment Reconciliation Amount12.
Proposed Enforcement Mechanisms
D. Quality Measures and Display of Quality
Metrics Used in the CCJR Model
1. Background
a. Purpose of Quality Measures in the CCJR
b. Public Display of Quality Measures in
the CCJR Model
2. Proposed Quality Measures for
Performance Year 1 (CY 2016) and
Subsequent Years
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
a. Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized
Complication Rate (RSCR) Following
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
(THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
(TKA) (NQF #1550)
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Risk-Adjustment
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized
Complication Rate and Performance
b. Hospital-Level 30-day, All-Cause RiskStandardized Readmission Rate (RSRR)
Following Elective Primary Total Hip
Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551)
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Risk-Adjustment
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized
Readmission Rate and Performance
c. Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
(HCAHPS) Survey
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Case-Mix-Adjustment
(6) HCAHPS Scoring
(7) Performance period
d. Applicable Time Period
3. Possible New Outcomes for Future
a. Hospital-Level Performance Measure(s)
of Patient-Reported Outcomes Following
Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total
Knee Arthroplasty
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Outcome
(6) Risk-Adjustment (if Applicable)
(7) Calculating the Risk-Standardized Rate
(8) Performance Period
(9) Requirements for Successful
Submission of THA/TKA Voluntary Data
b. Measure that Captures Shared DecisionMaking Related to Elective Primary Total
Hip and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
c. Future Measures Around Care Planning
d. Future Considerations for Use of
Electronic Health Records
4. Form, Manner and Timing of Quality
Measure Data Submission
5. Proposed Display of Quality Measures
and Availability of Information for the
Public From the CCJR Model
E. Data Sharing
1. Overview
2. Beneficiary Claims Data
3. Aggregate Regional Data
4. Timing and Period of Baseline Data
5. Frequency and Period of Claims Data
Updates for Sharing BeneficiaryIdentifiable Claims Data During the
Performance Period
6. Legal Permission to Share BeneficiaryIdentifiable Data
F. Monitoring and Beneficiary Protection
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1. Introduction and Summary
2. Beneficiary Choice and Beneficiary
3. Monitoring for Access to Care
4. Monitoring for Quality of Care
5. Monitoring for Delayed Care
G. Coordination With Other Agencies
IV. Evaluation Approach
A. Background
B. Design and Evaluation Methods
C. Data Collection Methods
D. Key Evaluation Research Questions
E. Evaluation Period and Anticipated
V. Collection of Information Requirements
VI. Response to Comments
VII. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
B. Overall Impact
C. Anticipated Effects
1. Overall Magnitude of the Model and its
Effects on the Market
2. Effects on the Medicare Program
a. Assumptions and Uncertainties
b. Analyses
c. Further Consideration
3. Effects on Beneficiaries
4. Effects on Small Entities
5. Effects on Small Rural Hospitals
6. Unfunded Mandates
D. Alternatives
E. Accounting Statement
F. Conclusion
Regulations Text
A. Purpose
The purpose of this proposed rule is
to propose the creation and testing of a
new payment model called the
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CCJR) Model under the
authority of the Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center
or CMMI). Section 1115A of the Social
Security Act (the Act) authorizes the
Innovation Center to test innovative
payment and service delivery models to
reduce program expenditures while
preserving or enhancing the quality of
care furnished to Medicare, Medicaid,
and Children’s Health Insurance
Program beneficiaries. The intent of the
CCJR model is to promote quality and
financial accountability for episodes of
care surrounding a lower-extremity joint
replacement (LEJR) or reattachment of a
lower extremity procedure.1 CCJR will
test whether bundled payments to acute
care hospitals for LEJR episodes of care
will reduce Medicare expenditures
while preserving or enhancing the
quality of care for Medicare
beneficiaries. We anticipate the CCJR
model being proposed would benefit
Medicare beneficiaries by improving the
coordination and transition of care,
improving the coordination of items and
services paid for through Medicare FeeFor-Service (FFS), encouraging more
provider investment in infrastructure
and redesigned care processes for higher
quality and more efficient service
delivery, and incentivizing higher value
care across the inpatient and post-acute
care spectrum spanning the episode of
care. We propose to test CCJR for a 5
year performance period, beginning
January 1, 2016, and ending December
31, 2020. Under FFS, Medicare makes
separate payments to providers and
suppliers for the items and services
furnished to a beneficiary over the
course of treatment (an episode of care).
With the amount of payments
dependent on the volume of services
delivered, providers may not have
incentives to invest in quality
improvement and care coordination
activities. As a result, care may be
fragmented, unnecessary, or duplicative.
We have previously used our
statutory authority under section 1115A
of the Act to test bundled payment
models such as the Bundled Payments
for Care Improvement (BPCI) initiative.
Bundled payments for multiple services
in an episode of care hold participating
organizations financially accountable
for an episode of care. They also allow
participants to receive payment in part
based on the reduction in expenditures
for Medicare arising from their care
redesign efforts.
We believe the CCJR model being
proposed would further the mission of
the Innovation Center and the
Secretary’s goal of increasingly paying
for value and outcomes, rather than for
volume,2 because it would promote the
alignment of financial and other
incentives for all health care providers
caring for a beneficiary during an LEJR
episode. In the proposed CCJR model,
the acute care hospital that is the site of
surgery would be held accountable for
spending during the episode of care.
Participant hospitals would be afforded
the opportunity to earn performancebased payments by appropriately
reducing expenditures and meeting
certain quality metrics. They would also
gain access to data and educational
resources to better understand postacute care and associated spending.
Payment approaches that reward
providers that assume financial and
performance accountability for a
particular episode of care create
1 In this proposed rule, we use the term LEJR to
refer to all procedures within the Medicare
Severity-Diagnosis Related Groups (MS–DRGs) we
propose to select for the model, including
reattachment of a lower extremity, as described in
section III.B. of this proposed rule.
2 Sylvia Mathews Burwell, HHS Secretary,
Progress Towards Achieving Better Care, Smarter
Spending, Healthier People,
blog/2015/01/26/progress-towards-better-caresmarter-spending-healthier-people.html (Jan 26,
I. Executive Summary
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asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
incentives for the implementation and
coordination of care redesign between
hospitals and other providers.
The proposed model would require
the participation of hospitals in
multiple geographic areas that might not
otherwise participate in the testing of
bundled payments for episodes of care
for LEJR procedures. Other episodebased, bundled payment models being
tested by Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), such as the
BPCI initiative, are voluntary in nature.
Interested participants must apply to
such models to participate. To date, we
have not tested an episode payment
model with bundled payments in which
providers are required to participate. We
recognize that realizing the full
potential of new payment models will
require the engagement of an even
broader set of providers than have
participated to date, providers who may
only be reached when new payment
models are applied to an entire class of
providers of a service. As such, we are
interested in testing and evaluating the
impact of a bundled payment approach
for LEJR procedures in a variety of
circumstances, especially among those
hospitals that may not otherwise
participate in such a test.
This proposed model would allow
CMS to gain experience with making
bundled payments to hospitals who
have a variety of historic utilization
patterns; different roles within their
local markets; various volumes of
services; different levels of access to
financial, community, or other
resources; and various levels of
population and health provider density
including local variations in the
availability and use of different
categories of post-acute care providers.
We believe that by requiring the
participation of a large number of
hospitals with diverse characteristics,
the proposed model would result in a
robust data set for evaluation of this
bundled payment approach, and would
stimulate the rapid development of new
evidence-based knowledge. Testing the
model in this manner would also allow
us to learn more about patterns of
inefficient utilization of health care
services and how to incentivize the
improvement of quality for common
LEJR procedure episodes. This learning
potentially could inform future
Medicare payment policy.
Within this proposed rule we propose
a model focused on episodes of care for
LEJR procedures. We chose LEJR
episodes for the proposed model
because as discussed in depth in section
III.C. of this proposed rule, these are
high-expenditure, high utilization
procedures commonly furnished to
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Medicare beneficiaries,3 where
significant variation in spending for
procedures is currently observed. The
high volume of episodes and variation
in spending for LEJR procedures create
a significant opportunity to test and
evaluate the proposed model that
specifically focuses on a defined set of
procedures. Moreover, there is
substantial regional variation in postacute care referral patterns and the
intensity of post-acute care provided for
LEJR patients, thus resulting in
significant variation in post-acute care
expenditures across LEJR episodes
initiated at different hospitals. The
proposed model would enable hospitals
to consider the most appropriate postacute care for their LEJR patients. The
proposed model additionally would
offer hospitals the opportunity to better
understand their own processes with
regard to LEJR, as well as the processes
of post-acute providers. Finally, while
many LEJR procedures are planned, the
proposed model would provide a useful
opportunity to identify efficiencies both
for when providers can plan for LEJR
procedures and for when the procedure
must be performed urgently.
We note that we seek public comment
on the proposals contained in this
proposed rule, and also on any
alternatives considered as well.
B. Summary of the Major Provisions
1. Model Overview: LEJR Episodes of
LEJR procedures are currently paid
under the Inpatient Prospective
Payment System (IPPS) through one of
two Medicare Severity-Diagnosis
Related Groups (MS–DRGs): MS–DRG
469 (Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity with
Major Complications or Comorbidities
(MCC)) or MS–DRG 470 (Major joint
replacement or reattachment of lower
extremity without MCC). Under the
proposed model, as described further in
section III.B of this proposed rule,
episodes would begin with admission to
an acute care hospital for an LEJR
procedure that is assigned to MS–DRG
3 For example, Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total
Knee Arthroplasty procedures are very high volume
LEJR procedures that together represent the largest
payments for procedures under Medicare. Suter L,
Grady JL, Lin Z et al.: 2013 Measure Updates and
Specifications: Elective Primary Total Hip
Arthroplasty (THA) And/Or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) All-Cause Unplanned 30-Day
Risk-Standardized Readmission Measure (Version
2.0). 2013.
Bozic KJ, Rubash HE, Sculco TP, Berry DJ., An
analysis of Medicare payment policy for total joint
arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. Sep 2008; 23(6 Suppl
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469 or 470 upon beneficiary discharge
and paid under the IPPS and would end
90 days after the date of discharge from
the acute care hospital. This episode of
care definition offers operational
simplicity for providers and CMS. The
episode would include the LEJR
procedure, inpatient stay, and all related
care covered under Medicare Parts A
and B within the 90 days after
discharge, including hospital care, postacute care, and physician services.
2. Model Scope
We propose that participant hospitals
would be the episode initiators and bear
financial risk under the proposed CCJR
model. In comparison to other health
care facilities, hospitals are more likely
to have resources that would allow them
to appropriately coordinate and manage
care throughout the episode, and
hospital staff members are already
involved in hospital discharge planning
and post-acute care recommendations
for recovery, key dimensions of high
quality and efficient care for the
episode. We propose to require all
hospitals paid under the IPPS and
physically located in selected
geographic areas to participate in the
CCJR model, with limited exceptions.
Eligible beneficiaries who receive care
at these hospitals will automatically be
included in the model. We propose to
select geographic areas through a
stratified random sampling
methodology within strata based on the
following criteria: Historical wage
adjusted episode payments and
population size. Our proposed
geographic area selection process is
detailed further in section III.A of this
proposed rule.
3. Payment
We propose to test the CCJR model for
5 performance years. During these
performance years we propose to
continue paying hospitals and other
providers according to the usual
Medicare FFS payment systems.
However, after the completion of a
performance year, the Medicare claims
payments for services furnished to the
beneficiary during the episode, based on
claims data, would be combined to
calculate an actual episode payment.
The actual episode payment is defined
as the sum of related Medicare claims
payments for items and services
furnished to a beneficiary during a CCJR
episode. The actual episode payment
would then be reconciled against an
established CCJR target price, with
consideration of additional payment
adjustments based on quality
performance and post-episode spending.
The amount of this calculation, if
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
positive, would be paid to the
participant hospital. This payment
would be called a reconciliation
payment. If negative, we would require
repayment from the participant hospital.
We propose Medicare would require
repayment of the difference between the
actual episode payments and the CCJR
target price from a participant hospital
if the CCJR target price is exceeded.
We propose to make reconciliation
payments to participant hospitals that
achieve quality outcomes and cost
efficiencies relative to the established
CCJR target prices in all performance
years of the model. We also propose to
phase in the requirement that
participant hospitals whose actual
episode payments exceed the applicable
CCJR target price pay the difference
back to Medicare beginning in
performance year 2. Under this
proposal, Medicare would not require
repayment from hospitals for
performance year 1 for actual episode
payments that exceed their target price
in performance year 1.
We also propose to limit how much
a hospital can gain or lose based on its
actual episode payments relative to
target prices. We also propose
additional policies to further limit the
risk of high payment cases for all
participant hospitals and for special
categories of participant hospitals as
described in section III.C. of this
proposed rule.
4. Similar Previous and Concurrent
This proposed model is informed by
other models and demonstrations
currently and previously conducted by
CMS and would explore additional
ways to enhance coordination of care
and improve the quality of services
through bundled payments.
We recently announced the Oncology
Care Model (OCM), a new voluntary
payment model for physician practices
administering chemotherapy. Under
OCM, practices will enter into payment
arrangements that include financial and
performance accountability for episodes
of care surrounding chemotherapy
administration to cancer patients. We
plan to coordinate with other payers to
align with OCM in order to facilitate
enhanced services and care at
participating practices. More
information on the OCM can be found
on the Innovation Center’s Web site at:
Medicare tested innovative
approaches to paying for orthopedic
services in the Medicare Acute Care
Episode (ACE) demonstration, a prior
demonstration, and is currently testing
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additional approaches under BPCI. Both
of these models have also informed the
design of the CCJR model.
Under the authority of section 1866C
of the Act, we conducted a 3-year
demonstration, the Medicare Acute Care
Episode (ACE) Demonstration. The
demonstration used a prospective global
payment for a single episode of care as
an alternative approach to payment for
service delivery under traditional
Medicare FFS. The episode of care was
defined as a combination of Part A and
Part B services furnished to Medicare
FFS beneficiaries during an inpatient
hospital stay for any one of a specified
set of cardiac and orthopedic MS–DRGs.
The MS–DRGs tested included 469 and
470, those proposed for inclusion in the
CCJR model. The discounted bundled
payments generated an average gross
savings to Medicare of $585 per episode
for a total of $7.3 million across all
episodes (12,501 episodes) or 3.1
percent of the total expected costs for
these episodes. After accounting for
increased post-acute care costs that were
observed at two sites, Medicare saved
approximately $4 million, or 1.72
percent of the total expected Medicare
spending. More information on the ACE
Demonstration can be found on the
Innovation Center’s Web site at: https://
We are currently testing the BPCI
initiative. The BPCI initiative is
comprised of four related payment
models, which link payments for
multiple services that Medicare
beneficiaries receive during an episode
of care into a bundled payment. Under
the initiative, entities enter into
payment arrangements with CMS that
include financial and performance
accountability for episodes of care.
Episodes of care under the BPCI
initiative begin with either—(1) an
inpatient hospital stay or (2) post-acute
care services following a qualifying
inpatient hospital stay. The BPCI
initiative is evaluating the effects of
episode-based payment approaches on
patient experience of care, outcomes,
and cost of care for Medicare FFS
beneficiaries. Each of the four models
tests LEJR episodes of care. While final
evaluation results for the models within
the BPCI initiative are not yet available,
we believe that CMS’ experiences with
BPCI support the design of the CCJR
model. Under section 1115A(c) of the
Act, the Secretary may, taking into
consideration an evaluation conducted
under section 1115A(b)(4) of the Act,
‘‘through rulemaking, expand (including
implementation on a nationwide basis)
the duration and the scope of a model
that is being tested under’’ the
Innovation Center’s authority. CCJR is
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not an expansion of BPCI, and BPCI may
be expanded in the future. CMS
published a discussion item soliciting
public comment on a potential future
expansion of one or more of the models
within BPCI in the CY2016 IPPS rule, 80
FR 24414 through 24418. CCJR would
not be not an expansion or modification
of BPCI; nor does it reflect comments
received in response to the NPRM for
the 2016 IPPS Rule. CCJR is a unique
model that tests a broader, different
group of hospitals than BPCI. It is
necessary to provide CMS with
information about testing bundled
payments to hospitals that are required
to participate in an alternative payment
model. For a discussion of why we are
requiring hospitals to participate in the
CCJR model, see section III.A of this
proposed rule.
The CCJR model’s design was
informed to a large degree by our
experience with BPCI Model 2. BPCI’s
Model 2 is a voluntary episode payment
model in which a qualifying acute care
hospitalization initiates a 30, 60 or 90
day episode of care. The episode of care
includes the inpatient stay in an acute
care hospital and all related services
covered under Medicare Parts A and B
during the episode, including post-acute
care services. More information on BPCI
Model 2 can be found on the Innovation
Center’s Web site at: https://
Further information of why elements
of the OCM, the ACE Demonstration,
and BPCI Model 2 were incorporated
into the design of the CCJR model is
discussed later in this proposed rule.
5. Overlap With Ongoing CMS Efforts
We propose to exclude from
participation in CCJR certain hospitals
participating in the risk-bearing phase of
BPCI Models 2 and 4 for LEJR episodes,
as well as acute care hospitals
participating in BPCI Model 1. We
propose not to exclude beneficiaries in
CCJR model episodes from being
included in other Innovation Center
models or CMS programs, such as the
Medicare Shared Savings Program, as
detailed later in this proposed rule. We
propose to account for overlap, that is,
where CCJR beneficiaries are also
included in other models and programs
to ensure the financial policies of CCJR
are maintained and results and
spending reductions are attributed to
the correct model or program.
6. Quality Measures and Reporting
We are proposing to adopt three
hospital-level quality of care measures
for the CCJR model. Those measures
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
include a complication measure,
readmission measure, and a patient
experience survey measure. We propose
to use these measures to test the success
of the model in achieving its goals
under section 1115A of the Act and to
monitor for beneficiary safety. We
intend to publicly report this
information on the Hospital Compare
Web site. Additionally, we are
proposing and requesting public
feedback on possible voluntary
submission of data to support the
development of a hospital-level measure
of patient-reported outcomes following
an elective Primary Total Hip (THA) or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA).
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7. Data Sharing Process
We propose to share data with
participant hospitals upon request
throughout the performance period of
the CCJR model to the extent permitted
by the HIPAA Privacy Rule and other
applicable law. We propose to share
upon request both raw claims-level data
and claims summary data by service
line with participants. This approach
would allow participant hospitals
without prior experience analyzing
claims to use summary data to receive
useful information, while allowing
those participant hospitals who prefer
raw claims-level data the opportunity to
analyze claims. We propose to provide
hospitals with up to 3 years of
retrospective claims data upon request
that will be used to develop their target
price, as described in section III.C of
this proposed rule. In accordance with
the HIPAA Privacy Rule, we would
limit the content of this data set to the
minimum data necessary for the
participant hospital to conduct quality
assessment and improvement activities
and effectively coordinate care of its
patient population.
8. Beneficiary Protections
Under the CCJR model, beneficiaries
retain the right to obtain health services
from any individual or organization
qualified to participate in the Medicare
program. Under the CCJR model,
eligible beneficiaries who receive
services from a participant hospital
would not have the option to opt out of
inclusion in the model. We propose to
require participant hospitals to supply
beneficiaries with written information
regarding the design and implications of
this model as well as their rights under
Medicare, including their right to use
their provider of choice. We will also
make a robust effort to reach out to
beneficiaries and their advocates to help
them understand the CCJR model.
We also propose to use our existing
authority, if necessary, to audit
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participant hospitals if claims analysis
indicates an inappropriate change in
delivered services. Beneficiary
protections are discussed in greater
depth in section III.E. of this proposed
9. Financial Arrangements and Program
Policy Waivers
We propose to hold participant
hospitals financially responsible for
CCJR LEJR episodes as participants in
the model as discussed in section
III.C.10.a. of this proposed rule.
Specifically, only these hospital
participants would be directly subject to
the requirements of this proposed rule
for the CCJR model. Participant
hospitals would be responsible for
ensuring that other providers and
suppliers collaborating with the hospital
on LEJR episode care redesign are in
compliance with the terms and
conditions of the model.
Several of the proposed Medicare
program policy waivers outline the
conditions under which skilled nursing
facilities (SNFs) and physicians could
furnish and bill for certain services
furnished to CCJR beneficiaries where
current Medicare programs rules would
not permit such billing. We draw the
attention of SNFs and physicians to
these proposals that are included in
section III.C.10.b.(5). of this proposed
C. Summary of Economic Effects
As shown in our impact analysis, we
expect the proposed model to result in
savings to Medicare of $153 million
over the 5 years of the model. More
specifically, in performance year 1 of
the model, we estimate a Medicare cost
of approximately $23 million, as we
have proposed that hospitals will not be
subject to downside risk in the first year
of the model. As we introduce downside
risk beginning in performance year 2 of
the model, we estimate Medicare
savings of approximately $29 million. In
performance year 3 of the model, we
estimate Medicare savings of $43
million. In performance years 4 and 5 of
the model, as we have proposed to move
from target episode pricing that is based
on a hospital’s experience to target
pricing based on regional experience,
we estimate Medicare savings of $50
million and $53 million, respectively.
Additionally, hospitals must meet or
exceed specific thresholds on
performance on certain quality of care
measures in order to be eligible for a
reconciliation payment and as the
performance threshold increases in
performance years 4 through 5, we
estimate additional savings. As a result,
we estimate the net savings to Medicare
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to be $153 million over the 5 years of
the model. We anticipate there would be
a broader focus on care coordination
and quality improvement for LEJR
episodes among hospitals and other
providers within the Medicare program
that would lead to both increased
efficiency in the provision of care and
improved quality of the care provided to
We note that under section
1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act, the Secretary
is required to terminate or modify a
model unless certain findings can be
made with respect to savings and
quality after the model has begun. If
during the course of testing the model
it is determined that termination or
modification is necessary, such actions
would be undertaken through
II. Background
This proposed rule proposes the
implementation of a new innovative
health care payment model under the
authority of section 1115A of the Act.
Under the model, called the CCJR
model, acute care hospitals in certain
selected geographic areas will receive
bundled payments for episodes of care
where the diagnosis at discharge
includes a lower extremity joint
replacement or reattachment of a lower
extremity that was furnished by the
hospital. We are proposing that the
bundled payment will be paid
retrospectively through a reconciliation
process; hospitals and other providers
and suppliers will continue to submit
claims and receive payment via the
usual Medicare FFS payment systems.
All related care covered under Medicare
Part A and Part B within 90 days after
the date of hospital discharge from the
joint replacement procedure will be
included in the episode of care. We
believe this model will further our goals
of improving the efficiency and quality
of care for Medicare beneficiaries for
these common medical procedures.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Rule
A. Proposed Definition of the Episode
Initiator and Selected Geographic Areas
1. Background
The CCJR model is different from
BPCI because it would require
participation of all hospitals (with
limited exceptions) throughout selected
geographic areas, which would result in
a model that includes varying hospital
types. However, a discussion of BPCI is
relevant because its design informs and
supports the proposed CCJR model. The
BPCI model is voluntary, and under that
model we pay a bundled payment for an
episode of care only to entities that have
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
elected to participate in the model. We
are interested in testing and evaluating
the impact of an episode payment
approach for LEJRs in a variety of other
circumstances, including among those
hospitals that have not chosen to
voluntarily participate because we have
not tested bundled payments for these
hospitals previously. This would allow
CMS and participants to gain experience
testing and evaluating episode-based
payment for LEJR procedures furnished
by hospitals with a variety of historic
utilization patterns; roles within their
local markets; volume of services
provided; access to financial,
community, or other resources; and
population and health care provider
density. Most importantly, participation
of hospitals in selected geographic areas
will allow CMS to test bundled
payments without introducing selection
bias such as the selection bias inherent
in the BPCI model due to self-selected
2. Proposed Definition of Episode
In BPCI Model 2, LEJR episode
initiators are either acute care hospitals
where the LEJR procedure is performed
or physician group practices whose
physician members are the admitting or
operating physician for the hospital
stay. Thus, under BPCI, it is possible
that only some Medicare cases that
could potentially be included in an
LEJR episode at a specific hospital are
actually being tested in BPCI. For
example, if the hospital itself is not
participating as an episode initiator
under BPCI, yet some physicians who
admit patients to the hospital are
members of physician group practices
participating in BPCI, not all of the
hospital’s possible LEJR episodes are
tested and paid under BPCI.
Under the proposed CCJR model, as
described further in section III.B of this
proposed rule, episodes would begin
with admission to an acute care hospital
for an LEJR procedure that is paid under
the IPPS through Medical Severity
Diagnosis-Related Group (MS–DRG) 469
(Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity with
MCC) or 470 (Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity without
MCC) and end 90 days after the date of
discharge from the hospital. For the
CCJR model, we propose that hospitals
would be the only episode initiators.
For purposes of CCJR, the term
‘‘hospital’’ means a hospital as defined
in section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act. This
statutory definition of hospital includes
only acute care hospitals paid under the
IPPS. Under this proposal, all acute care
hospitals in Maryland would be
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excluded from CCJR. The state of
Maryland entered into an agreement
with CMS, effective January 1, 2014, to
participate in CMS’ new Maryland AllPayer Model. In order to implement the
Maryland All-Payer Model, CMS waived
certain requirements of the Act, and the
corresponding implementing
regulations, as set forth in the agreement
between CMS and Maryland.
Specifically, under the Maryland AllPayer Model, Maryland acute care
hospitals are not paid under the IPPS or
OPPS but rather are paid under rates set
by the state. Following the model’s
performance period, Maryland will
transition to a new model that
incorporates the full spectrum of care,
not just hospital services. As such, with
respect to Maryland hospitals, CMS
intends to test and develop new
payment and delivery approaches that
can incorporate non-hospital services in
a manner that accounts for Maryland’s
unique hospital rate setting system and
permit Maryland to develop its own
strategy to incentivize higher quality
and more efficient care across clinical
situations within and beyond hospitals,
including but not limited to LEJR
episodes of care. We are proposing that
payments to Maryland hospitals would
be excluded in the regional pricing
calculations as described in section
III.C.4 of this proposed rule. We seek
comment on this proposal and whether
there are potential approaches for
including Maryland acute care hospitals
in CCJR. In addition, we seek comment
on whether Maryland hospitals should
be included in CCJR in the future upon
any termination of the Maryland AllPayer Model.
We propose to designate IPPS
hospitals as the episode initiators to
ensure that all Medicare FFS LEJR
services furnished by participant
hospitals in selected geographic areas to
beneficiaries who do not meet the
exclusion criteria specified in section
III.B.3 of this proposed rule and are not
BPCI episodes that we are proposing to
exclude as outlined in this section and
also in section III.C.7 of this proposed
rule are included in the CCJR model. We
are proposing certain exceptions to the
inclusion of hospitals in the CCJR
Model, as discussed in section III.C. of
this proposed rule. Given that our
proposal to initiate the LEJR episode
begins with an admission to a hospital
paid under the IPPS that results in a
discharge assigned to MS–DRG 469 or
470, we believe that utilizing the
hospital as the episode initiator is a
straightforward approach for this model
because the hospital furnishes the LEJR
procedure. In addition, we are
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interested in testing a broad model in a
number of hospitals under the CCJR
model in order to examine results from
a more generalized payment model.
Thus, we believe it is important that, in
a model where hospital participation is
not voluntary, all Medicare FFS LEJR
episodes that begin at the participant
hospital in a selected geographic area
are included in the model for
beneficiaries that do not meet the
exclusion criteria specified in section
III.B.3 of this proposed rule and are not
BPCI episodes that we are proposing to
exclude as outlined in this section and
also in section III.C.7 of this proposed
rule. This is best achieved if the hospital
is the episode initiator. Finally, as
described in the following sections that
present our proposed approach to
geographic area selection, this
geographic area selection approach
relies upon our definition of hospitals as
the entities that initiate episodes. We
seek comment on our proposal to define
the episode initiator as the hospital
under CCJR.
3. Financial Responsibility for the
Episode of Care
BPCI Model 2 participants that have
entered into agreements with CMS to
bear financial responsibility for an
episode of care include acute care
hospitals paid under the IPPS, health
systems, physician-hospital
organizations, physician group
practices, and non-provider business
entities that act as conveners by
coordinating multiple health care
providers’ participation in the model.
Thus, our evaluation of BPCI Model 2
will yield information about how results
for LEJR episodes may differ based on
differences in which party bears
financial responsibility for the episode
of care.
For the CCJR model, we propose to
make hospitals financially responsible
for the episode of care for several
reasons. We recognize that ideally all of
the providers involved in the
continuum of care for Medicare
beneficiaries in a 90-day post-discharge
LEJR episode would work together to
determine the best structure for
managing the LEJR episode, develop an
efficient process that leads to high
quality care, track information across
the episode about quality and Medicare
expenditures, and align financial
incentives using a variety of approaches,
including gainsharing. However,
because the proposed CCJR model is
testing a more generalizable model by
including hospitals that might not
participate in a voluntary model and
includes episodes initiated at a wide
variety of hospitals, we believe it is
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
most appropriate to identify a single
type of provider to bear financial
responsibility for making repayment to
CMS under the model.
Hospitals play a central role in
coordinating episode-related care and
ensuring smooth transitions for
beneficiaries undergoing LEJR
procedures. Moreover, the episode
always begins with an acute care
hospital stay, IPPS payments for LEJRs
comprise about 50 percent of Medicare
payments for a 90-day episode, and the
beneficiary’s recovery from surgery
begins during the hospital stay. Most
hospitals already have some
infrastructure related to health
information technology, patient and
family education, and care management
and discharge planning. This includes
post-acute care (PAC) coordination
infrastructure and resources such as
case managers, which hospitals can
build upon to achieve efficiencies under
this episode payment model. Many
hospitals also have recently heightened
their focus on aligning their efforts with
those of community providers to
provide an improved continuum of care
due to the incentives under other CMS
models and programs, including
Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
initiatives such as the Medicare Shared
Savings Program (MSSP), and the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program (HRRP), establishing a base for
augmenting these efforts under the CCJR
In view of our proposal that hospitals
be the episode initiators under this
model, we believe that hospitals are
more likely than other providers to have
an adequate number of episode cases to
justify an investment in episode
management for this model. We also
believe that hospitals are most likely to
have access to resources that would
allow them to appropriately manage and
coordinate care throughout the LEJR
episode. Finally, the hospital staff is
already involved in discharge planning
and placement recommendations for
Medicare beneficiaries, and more
efficient PAC service delivery provides
substantial opportunities for improving
quality and reducing costs under CCJR.
We considered requiring treating
physicians (orthopedic surgeons or
others) or their associated physician
group practices, if applicable, to be
financially responsible for the episode
of care under the CCJR Model. We
expect that every Medicare beneficiary
discharged with a diagnosis grouped
under MS–DRG 469 or 470 would have
an operating physician and an admitting
physician for the hospital stay.
However, the services of providers other
than the hospital where the acute care
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hospital stay for the LEJR procedure
(hereinafter ‘‘the anchor
hospitalization’’) occurs would not
necessarily be furnished in every LEJR
episode. For example, that physicians of
different specialties play varying roles
in managing patients during an acute
care hospitalization for a surgical
procedure and during the recovery
period, depending on the hospital and
community practice patterns and the
clinical condition of the beneficiary and
could not be assumed to be included in
every LEJR episode. This variability
would make requiring a particular
physician or physician group practice to
be financially responsible for a given
episode very challenging.
If we were to assign financial
responsibility to the operating
physician, it is likely that there would
be significant variation in the number of
relevant episodes that could be assigned
to an individual person. Where the
physician was included in a physician
group practice, episodes could be
aggregated to this group level but this
would not be possible for all cases and
would likely still have low volume
concerns. We believe that the small
sample sizes accruing to individual
physician and physician group practices
would make systematic care redesign
inefficient and more burdensome, given
that we are proposing to test all
episodes occurring at hospitals selected
for participation for beneficiaries that do
not meet the exclusion criteria specified
in section III.B.3 of this proposed rule
and are not BPCI episodes that we are
proposing to exclude as outlined in this
section and also in section III.C.7 of this
proposed rule.
Finally, we note that although the
BPCI initiative includes the possibility
of a physician group practice as a type
of initiating participant, the physician
groups electing to participate in BPCI
have done so because their practice
structure supports care redesign and
other infrastructure necessary to bear
financial responsibility for episodes and
is not necessarily representative of the
typical group practice. In addition, most
of the physician group practices in BPCI
are not bearing financial responsibility,
but are participating in BPCI as partners
with convener organizations (discussed
later in this section), which enter into
agreements with CMS, on behalf of
health care providers such as physician
group practices, through which they
accept financial responsibility for the
episode of care. The infrastructure
necessary to accept financial
responsibility for episodes is not present
across all physician group practices, and
thus we do not believe it would be
appropriate to designate physician
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group practices to bear the financial
responsibility for making repayments to
CMS under the proposed CCJR model.
We seek comment on our proposal to
require the hospital to bear the financial
responsibility for the episodes of care
under CCJR.
We are proposing that hospitals will
bear the financial responsibility for LEJR
episodes of care under CCJR. However,
because there are LEJR episodes
currently being tested in BPCI Model 1,
2, 3 or 4, we believe that participation
in CCJR should not be required if it
would disrupt testing of LEJR episodes
already underway in BPCI models.
Therefore, we are proposing that IPPS
hospitals located in an area selected for
the model that are active Model 1 BPCI
participant hospitals as of July 1, 2015
or episode initiators for LEJR episodes
in the risk-bearing phase of Model 2 or
4 of BPCI as of July 1, 2015, would be
excluded from participating in CCJR
during the time that their qualifying
episodes are included in one of the BPCI
models. Likewise, we are proposing that
if the participant hospital is not an
episode initiator for LEJR episodes
under BPCI Model 2, then LEJR
episodes initiated by other providers or
suppliers under BPCI Model 2 or 3
(where the surgery takes place at the
participant hospital) would be excluded
from CCJR. Otherwise qualifying LEJR
episodes (that is, those that are not part
of a Model 3 BPCI LEJR episode or a
Model 2 physician group practiceinitiated LEJR episode) at the
participant hospital would be included
in CCJR.
While we propose that the participant
hospital be financially responsible for
the episode of care under CCJR, we also
believe that effective care redesign for
LEJR episodes requires meaningful
collaboration among acute care
hospitals, PAC providers, physicians,
and other providers and suppliers
within communities to achieve the
highest value care for Medicare
beneficiaries. We believe it may be
essential for key providers to be aligned
and engaged, financially and otherwise,
with the hospitals, with the potential to
share financial responsibility with those
hospitals. We note that all relationships
between and among providers and
suppliers must comply with all relevant
laws and regulations, including the
fraud and abuse laws and all Medicare
payment and coverage requirements
unless otherwise specified further later
in this section and in section III.C.10 of
this proposed rule. Depending on a
hospital’s current degree of clinical
integration, new and different
contractual relationships among
hospitals and other health care
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
providers may be important, although
not necessarily required, for CCJR model
success in a community. We
acknowledge that financial incentives
for other providers may be important
aspects of the model in order for
hospitals to partner with these providers
and incentivize certain strategies to
improve episode efficiency.
In the BPCI initiative, participants
have entered a variety of relationships
with entities above the hospital level.
Some of these relationships are ones
where the financial risk is borne by the
entity other than the hospital, such as a
parent organization (known as awardee
conveners) and others have managerial
or other responsibility relationships
with other organizations (known as
facilitator conveners) but financial
responsibility remains with the episode
initiator . We acknowledge the
important role that conveners play in
the BPCI initiative with regard to
providing infrastructure support to
hospitals and other entities initiating
episodes in BPCI. The convener
relationship (where another entity
assumes financial responsibility) may
take numerous forms, including
contractual (such as a separate for-profit
company that agrees to take on a
hospital’s financial risk in the hopes of
achieving financial gain through better
management of the episodes) and
through ownership (such as when risk
is borne at a corporate level within a
hospital chain).
However, we are proposing that for
the CCJR model, we would hold only
the participant hospitals financially
responsible for the episode of care. This
is consistent with the goal of evaluating
the impact of bundled payment and care
redesign across a broad spectrum of
hospitals with varying levels of
infrastructure and experience in
entering into risk-based reimbursement
arrangements. If conveners were
included as participants in CCJR, we
may not gain the knowledge of how a
variety of hospitals can succeed in
relationship with CMS in which they
bear financial risk for the episode of
care. We acknowledge that CCJR
hospitals may wish to enter into
relationships with other entities in order
to manage the episode of care or
distribute risk. We do not intend to
restrict the ability of hospitals to enter
into administrative or risk sharing
arrangements related to this model. We
refer readers to section III.C.10 of this
proposed rule for further discussion of
model design elements that may outline
financial arrangements between
participant hospitals and other
providers and suppliers.
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4. Proposed Geographic Unit of
Selection and Exclusion of Selected
In determining which hospitals to
include in the CCJR model, we
considered whether the model should
be limited to hospitals where a high
volume of LEJRs are performed, which
would result in a more narrow test on
the effects of an episode-based payment,
or whether to include all hospitals in
particular geographic areas, which
would result in testing the effects of an
episode-based payment approach more
broadly across an accountable care
community seeking to coordinate care
longitudinally across settings. Selecting
certain hospitals where a high volume
of LEJRs are performed may allow for
fewer hospitals to be selected as model
participants, but still result in a
sufficient number of CCJR episodes to
evaluate the success of the model.
However, there would be more potential
for behavioral changes that could
include patient shifting and steering
between hospitals in a given geographic
area that could impact the test.
Additionally, this approach would
provide less information on testing
episode payments for LEJR procedures
across a wide variety of hospitals with
different characteristics. Selecting
geographic areas and including all IPPS
hospitals in those areas not otherwise
excluded due to BPCI overlap as
previously described and in section
III.C.7 of this proposed rule as model
participants would help to minimize the
risk of participant hospitals shifting
higher cost cases out of the CCJR model.
Moreover, in selecting geographic areas
we could choose certain characteristics,
stratify geographic areas according to
these characteristics, and randomly
select geographic areas from within each
stratum. Such a stratified random
sampling method based on geographic
area would allow us to observe the
experiences of hospitals with various
characteristics, such as variations in
size, profit status, and episode
utilization patterns, and examine
whether these characteristics impact the
effect of the model on patient outcomes
and Medicare expenditures within
episodes of care. Stratification would
also substantially reduce the extent to
which the selected hospitals will differ
from non-selected hospitals on the
characteristics used for stratification,
which would improve the statistical
power of the subsequent model
evaluation, improving our ability to
reach conclusions about the model’s
effects on episode costs and the quality
of patient care. Therefore, given the
authority in section 1115A(a)(5) of the
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Act, which allows the Secretary to elect
to limit testing of a model to certain
geographic areas, we propose to use a
stratified random sampling method to
select geographic areas and require all
hospitals paid under the IPPS in those
areas to participate in the CCJR model
and be financially responsible for the
cost of the episode, with certain
exceptions as previously discussed and
in sections III.B.3 and III.C.7 of this
proposed rule.
a. Overview and Options for Geographic
Area Selection
In determining the geographic unit for
the geographic area selection for this
model, we considered using a stratified
random sampling methodology to select
(1) certain counties based on their CoreBased Statistical Area (CBSA) status, (2)
certain zip codes based on their
Hospital Referral Regions (HRR) status
or (3) certain states. We address each
geographic unit in turn.
We considered selecting certain
counties based on their CBSA status.
The general concept of a CBSA is that
of a core area containing a substantial
population nucleus, together with
adjacent communities having a high
degree of economic and social
integration within that core. Counties
are designated as part of a CBSA when
the county or counties or equivalent
entities are associated with at least one
core (urbanized area or urban cluster) of
at least 10,000 in population, plus
adjacent counties having a high degree
of social and economic integration with
the core as measured through
commuting ties with the counties
associated with the core. There are 929
CBSAs currently used for geographic
wage adjustment purposes across
Medicare payment systems.4 The 929
CBSAs include 388 Metropolitan
Statistical Areas (MSAs), which have an
urban core population of at least 50,000,
and the 541 Micropolitan Statistical
Areas (mSA), which have an urban core
population of at least 10,000 but less
than 50,000. CBSAs may be further
combined into a Combined Statistical
Area (CSA) which consists of two or
more adjacent CBSAs (MSAs or mSAs or
both) with substantial employment
interchange. Counties not classified as a
CBSA are typically categorized and
examined at a state level.
4 As stated in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (78 FR 27552) and final rule (78 FR
50586), on February 28, 2013, OMB issued OMB
Bulletin No. 13–01, which established revised
delineations for MSAs, mSAs, and CSAs, and
provided guidance on the use of the delineations of
these statistical areas. A copy of this bulletin may
be obtained at
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
The choice of a geographical unit
based on CBSA status could mean
selection of a CBSA, an MSA, or a CSA.
We propose basing the selection on an
MSA, which we will discuss later in
this section.
In determining which geographic
areas will be potentially subject to
selection, we focused on MSAs, which
is a subcategory within CBSA
characterized by counties associated
with an urban core population of at least
50,000. It is our intention at this time
that counties not in an MSA would not
be subject to the selection process.
These counties not subject to selection
would include the mSA counties and the
counties without a core urban area of at
least 10,000. These areas are largely
rural areas and have a limited number
of qualifying LEJR cases. Relatively few
of these areas would be able to qualify
for inclusion based on the minimum
number of LEJR episodes in year
requirement discussed later in this
We considered, but ultimately
decided against, using CSA designation
instead of MSAs as a potential unit of
selection. Under this scenario, we
would look at how OMB classifies
counties. We would first assess whether
a county has been identified as
belonging to a CSA, a unit which
consists of adjacent MSAs or mSAs or
both. If the county was not in a CSA, we
would determine if it was in an MSA
that is not part of a larger CSA. Counties
not associated with a CSA or an MSA
would be unclassified and excluded
from selection. These unclassified areas
would include the counties in a state
that were either not a CBSA (no core
area of at least 10,000) or associated
with a mSA (core area of between 10,000
and 50,000) but unaffiliated with a CSA.
Whether to select on the basis of CSA/
MSAs or just on MSAs was influenced
by a number of factors including an
assessment with respect to the
anticipated degree to which LEJR
patients would be willing to travel for
their initial hospitalization, the extent to
which surgeons are expected to have
admitting privileges in multiple
hospitals located in different MSAs and
considerations related to the degree to
which we desire to include hospitals
within mSAs that are part of a larger
CSA. It was believed that the
anticipated risk for patient shifting and
steering between MSAs within a CSA
was not severe enough to warrant
selecting CSAs. However, for these same
reasons, we believe that selecting
complete MSAs is preferable to
selecting metropolitan divisions of
MSAs for inclusion in the CCJR model.
We use the metropolitan divisions to set
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wage indices for its prospective
payment systems. Of the 388 MSAs,
there are 11 MSAs that contain multiple
metropolitan divisions. For example,
the Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA–NH
MSA is divided into the following
metropolitan divisions:
• Boston, MA.
• Cambridge-Newton-Framingham,
• Rockingham County-Strafford
County, NH.
The Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA MSA
is divided into the following
metropolitan divisions:
• Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA.
• Tacoma-Lakewood, WA.
We propose selecting entire MSAs
rather than sub-divisions within an
We next considered selecting hospital
referral regions (HRRs). HRRs represent
regional health care markets for tertiary
medical care. There are 306 HRRs with
at least one city where both major
cardiovascular surgical procedures and
neurosurgery are performed. HRRs are
defined by determining where the
majority of patients were referred for
major cardiovascular surgical
procedures and for neurosurgery.5
Compared to MSAs, HRRs are classified
based on where the majority of
beneficiaries within a zip code receive
their hospital services for selected
tertiary types of care. The resulting
HRRs represent the degree to which
people travel for tertiary care that
generally requires the services of a
major referral center and not the size of
the referral network for more routine
services, such as knee and hip
arthroplasty procedures. In addition,
because HRRs are defined based on
referrals for cardiovascular surgical
procedures and neurosurgery, they may
not reflect referrals for orthopedic
procedures. Therefore, we believe that
MSAs as a geographic unit are
preferable over HRRs for this model.
We also considered selecting states for
the CCJR model. However, we
concluded that MSAs as a geographic
unit are preferable over states for the
CCJR model. As mentioned in section
III.A.4.b of this proposed rule, we
anticipate that hospitals that would
otherwise be required to participate in
the CCJR model would be excluded
from the model because their relevant
LEJR episodes are already being tested
in BPCI. If we were to select states as the
geographic unit, there is a potential that
an entire state would need to be
excluded because a large proportion of
5 The Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, https:// Accessed on
April 9, 2015.
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hospitals in that state are episode
initiators of LEJR episodes in BPCI. In
contrast, if we excluded a specific MSA
due to BPCI participation, as discussed
in the next section, we could still select
another MSA within that same state.
Likewise, if we chose states as the
geographic unit, we would
automatically include hospitals in all
rural areas within the state selected. If
MSAs are selected for the geographic
unit, we anticipate that fewer small
rural hospitals would be included in the
model. Using a unit of selection smaller
than a state would allow for a more
deliberate choice about the extent of
inclusion of rural or small population
areas. Selecting states rather than MSAs
would also greatly reduce the number of
independent geographic areas subject to
selection under the model, which would
decrease the statistical power of the
model evaluation. Finally, MSAs
straddle state lines where providers and
Medicare beneficiaries can easily cross
these boundaries for health care.
Choosing states as the geographic unit
would potentially divide a hospital
market and set up a greater potential for
patient shifting and steering to different
hospitals under the model. The decision
that the MSA-level analysis was more
analytically appropriate was based on
the specifics of this model and not
meant to imply that other levels of
selection would not be appropriate in a
different model such as the proposed
Home Health Value Based Purchasing
(HHVBP) model.
For the reasons previously discussed,
we propose to require participation in
the CCJR model of all hospitals, with
limited exceptions as previously
discussed in section III.A.2.of this
proposed rule, paid under the IPPS that
are physically located in a county in an
MSA selected through a stratified
random sampling methodology,
outlined in section III.A.3.b in this
proposed rule, to test and evaluate the
effects of an episode-based payment
approach for an LEJR episodes. We
propose to determine that a hospital is
located in an area selected if the
hospital is physically located within the
boundary of any of the counties in that
MSA as of the date the selection is
made. Although MSAs are revised
periodically, with additional counties
added or removed from certain MSAs,
we propose to maintain the same cohort
of selected hospitals throughout the 5
year performance period of the model
with limited exceptions as described
later in this section. Thus, we propose
not to add hospitals to the model if after
the start of the model new counties are
added to one of the selected MSAs or
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
remove hospitals from the model if
counties are removed from one of the
selected MSAs. We believe that this
approach will best maintain the
consistency of the participants in the
model, which is crucial for our ability
to evaluate the results of the model.
However, we retain the possibility of
adding a hospital that is opened or
incorporated within one of the selected
counties after the selection is made and
during the period of performance. (See
section III.C.of this proposed rule for
discussion of how target prices will be
determined for such hospitals.)
Although we considered including
hospitals in a given MSA based on
whether the hospitals were classified
into the MSA for IPPS wage index
purposes, this process would be more
complicated, and we could not find any
compelling reasons favoring this
approach. For example, we assign
hospitals to metro divisions of MSAs
when those divisions exist. See our
previous discussion of this issue. In
addition, there is the IPPS process of
geographic reclassification by which a
hospital’s wage index value or
standardized payment amount is based
on a county other than the one where
the hospital is located. For the purpose
of this model, it is simpler and more
straightforward to use the hospital’s
physical location as the basis of
assignment to a geographic unit. This
decision would have no impact on a
hospital’s payment under the IPPS. We
seek comment on our proposal to
include participant hospitals for the
CCJR model based on the physical
location of the hospital in one of the
counties included in a selected MSA.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
b. MSA Selection Methodology
We propose to select the MSAs to
include in the CCJR model by stratifying
all of the MSAs nationwide according to
certain characteristics.
(1) Exclusion of Certain MSAs
Prior to assigning an MSA to a
selection stratum, we examined whether
the MSA met specific proposed
exclusion criteria. MSAs were evaluated
sequentially using the following 4
exclusion criteria: First, MSAs in which
fewer than 400 LEJR episodes
(determined as we propose to determine
episodes included in this model, as
discussed in section III.B.2) occurred
from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
were removed from possible selection.
The use of the 400 LEJR cases in a year
was based on a simple one-sided power
calculation to assess the number of
episodes that would be needed to detect
a 5 percent reduction in episode
expenditures. Accordingly, cases in
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hospitals paid under either the critical
access hospital (CAH) methodology or
the Maryland All-Payer Model are not
included in the count of eligible
episodes. This criterion removed 156
MSAs from possible selection.
Second, MSAs were removed from
possible selection if there were fewer
than 400 non-BPCI LEJR episodes in the
MSA in the reference year. For the
purposes of this exclusion, the number
of BPCI episodes was estimated as the
number of potentially eligible cases
during the reference year that occurred
in acute care hospitals participating in
BPCI Model 1, or in phase 2 of BPCI
Models 2 or 4 as of July 1, 2015 and the
number of LEJRs in 2013 and 2014
associated with these hospitals was
examined. This criterion removed an
additional 24 MSAs from potential
Third, MSAs were also excluded from
possible selection if the MSA was
dominated by BPCI Models 1, 2, 3, or 4
episodes to such a degree that it would
impair the ability of participants in
either the CCJR model or the BPCI
models to succeed in the objectives of
the initiative or impair the ability to set
accurate and fair prices. We anticipate
that some degree of overlap in the two
programs will be mutually helpful for
both models. There are two steps to this
exclusion. First, we looked at the
number of LEJR episodes at BPCI Model
1, 2 or 4 initiating hospitals and second,
the number of LEJR episodes among
BPCI Model 3 SNF and HHA episode
initiators. We set the first cut off for this
exclusion if, within an MSA, more than
50 percent of otherwise qualifying
proposed CCJR episodes were in Phase
2 of BPCI Model 2 or 4 with hospital
initiators. We set the second cut off for
BPCI Model 3, based on if either SNF or
HHA BPCI Model 3 initiating providers
accounted for more than 50 percent of
LEJR referrals to that provider type, the
MSA would be eliminated from the
possibility of selection. As a result of
this third criterion, 4 additional MSAs
were removed from possible selection.
No MSAs were excluded based on
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Health
Home Agency (HHA) participation in
Model 3.
Finally, MSAs were removed if, after
applying the previous 3 criteria they
remained eligible for selection, but more
than 50 percent of estimated eligible
episodes during the reference year were
not paid under the IPPS system. Please
refer to the appenda for this proposed
rule for the status of each MSA based on
these exclusion criteria, available at
ccjr/. After applying these four
exclusions, 196 MSAs remained to be
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stratified for purposes of our proposed
selection methodology.
(2) Proposed Selection Strata
Numerous variables were considered
as potential strata for classifying MSAs
included in the model. However, our
proposal is intended to give priority to
transparency and understandability of
the strata. We propose creating selection
strata based on the following two
dimensions: MSA average wageadjusted historic LEJR episode
payments and MSA population size.
(a) MSA Average Wage-adjusted
Historic LEJR Episode Payments.
We were interested in being able to
classify and divide MSAs according to
their typical patterns of care associated
with LEJR episodes. As a
straightforward measure of LEJR
patterns of care, we selected the mean
MSA episode payment, as defined in
this proposed rule. MSAs vary in their
average episode payments. The average
episode payments in an area may vary
for a variety of reasons including—1) in
response to the MS–DRG mix and thus
the presence of complicating conditions;
2) readmission rates; 3) practice patterns
associated with type of PAC provider(s)
treating beneficiaries; 4) variations of
payments within those PAC providers,
and 5) the presence of any outlier
The measure of both mean episode
payments and median episode
payments within the MSA was
considered. We propose to stratify by
mean because it would provide more
information on the variation in episode
payments at the high end of the range
of payments. We are interested in the
lower payment areas for the purpose of
informing decisions about potential
future model expansion. However, the
CCJR model is expected to have the
greatest impact in areas with higher
average episode payments.
The average episode payments used
in this analysis were calculated based
on the proposed episode definition for
CCJR using Medicare claims accessed
through the Chronic Conditions
Warehouse for 3 years with admission
dates from July 1, 2011 through June 30,
2014. Episode payments were wageadjusted using the FY 2014 hospital
wage index contained in the FY 2014
IPPS Final Rule, downloaded at https://
The adjusted payment was calculated by
dividing the unadjusted payment by a
factor equal to the sum of 0.3 plus the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
multiplicative product of 0.7 and the
wage index value of the hospital where
the LEJR was performed. Episodes in the
database with IPPS payments less than
$4,000 for the DRG 469 or 470 case were
deleted as indicating that the hospital
did not receive full payment for the
LEJR procedure. We also truncated the
episode payment at the 99.9th
percentile of the distribution ($135,000)
to limit the impact of extreme outliers.
(b) MSA Population Size
The second dimension proposed for
the CCJR selection strata is the number
of persons in the MSA. In deciding how
best to incorporate the dimensions of
urban density and availability of
medical resources, a variety of measures
were considered, including overall
population in the included counties,
overall population in the core area of
the MSA, population over the age of 65
in the MSA, the number of hospital beds
and the number of Medicare FFS LEJR
procedures in a year. The reason we
decided to include this dimension in
the strata definition is that these factors
are believed to be associated with the
availability of resources and variations
in practice and referral patterns by the
size of the healthcare market. When
examined, these alternative measures
were all very highly correlated with one
another, which allowed the use of one
of these measures to be able to
substitute for the others in the definition
of the stratum. From these alternative
approaches, we choose to use MSA
In operationalizing this measure,
MSAs were classified according to their
2010 census population.
(c) Analysis of Strata
The two proposed domains, MSA
population and MSA historic LEJR
episode spending, were examined using
a K-Means factor analysis. The purpose
of this factor analysis was to inform the
process of which cut points most
meaningfully classify MSAs. Factor
analysis attempts to identify and isolate
the underlying factors that explain the
data using a matrix of associations.
Factor analysis is an interdependence
technique. Essentially, variables are
entered into the model and the factors
(or clusters) are identified based on how
the input variables correlate to one
another. The resulting clusters of MSAs
produced by this methodology
suggested natural cut points for average
episode payments at $25,000 and
$28,500. While not intentional, these
divisions correspond roughly to the
25th and 75th percentiles of the MSA
distribution. Cut points based on these
percentiles seemed reasonable from
statistical and face validity perspectives
in the sense that they created groups
that included an adequate number of
MSAs and a meaningful range of costs.
As a result of this analysis, we
propose to classify MSAs according to
their average LEJR episode payment into
four categories based the on the 25th,
50th and 75th percentiles of the
distribution of the 196 potentially
selectable MSAs. This approach ranks
the MSAs relative to one another and
creates four equally sized groups of 49.
The population distribution was
divided at the median point for the
MSAs eligible for potential selection.
This resulted in MSAs being divided
into two equal groups of 98. The
characteristics of the resulting strata are
shown in Table 1.
Payment in
lowest quarter
Payment in
2nd lowest
Payment in
3rd lowest
Payment in
highest quarter
Total eligilble
MSAs with population less than median:
Number of Eligible MSAs .............................................
Average of Population ..................................................
Minimum MSA Population ............................................
Maximum MSA Population ...........................................
Average Episode Payments ($) ....................................
Minimum Episode Payments ........................................
Maximum Episode Payments .......................................
MSAs with population more than median:
Number of Eligible MSAs .............................................
Average of Population ..................................................
Minimum MSA Population ............................................
Maximum MSA Population ...........................................
Average Episode Payments ($) ....................................
Minimum Episode Payments ........................................
Maximum Episode Payments .......................................
Total Eligible MSAs ...............................................
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Note: Population and episode payment means are un-weighted averages of the MSA values within each of the eight MSA groups.
Please refer to the addenda for this
proposed rule for information on the
non-excluded MSAs, their wage
adjusted average LEJR episode
spending, their population and their
resultant group assignment at: https://
(3) Factors Considered but Not Used in
Creating Proposed Strata
In addition to the two dimensions we
are proposing to use for the selection
groups previously discussed, a variety
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of possible alternative measures and
dimensions were considered. Many of
these variables are considered to be
important but it was believed that it was
important to have a fairly
straightforward and easily
understandable stratum definition.
Simplicity, by definition, required that
only the most important variables
would be used. If a market characteristic
under consideration was correlated with
one of the chosen dimensions or it was
believed that variations in the
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characteristic could be adequately
captured by random selection within
the strata, is was not prioritized for
Some of the factors considered that
we are not proposing as dimensions
• Measures associated with variation
in practice patterns associated with
LEJR episodes. In considering how to
operationalize this measure, a number
of alternatives were considered
including total PAC LEJR payments in
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
an MSA, percent of LEJR episodes with
a SNF claim in an MSA, percent of LEJR
episodes with an initial discharge to
HHA, percent of LEJR episodes with an
IRF claim, and percent of LEJR episodes
with claims for two or more types of
PAC providers;
• Measures associated with relative
market share of providers with respect
to LEJR episodes;
• Healthcare supply measures of
providers in the MSA including counts
of IRF beds, SNF beds, hospital beds,
and number of orthopedic surgeons;
• MSA level demographic measures
such as; average income, distributions of
population by age, gender or race,
percent dually eligible, percent of
population with specific health
conditions or other demographic
composition measures; and
• Measures associated with the
degree to which a market might be more
capable or ready to implement care
redesign activities. Examples of market
level characteristics that might be
associated with anticipated ease of
implementation include the MSA-level
EHR meaningful use levels, managed
care penetration, ACO penetration and
experience with other bundling efforts.
It should be noted that, while these
measures are proposed to be part of the
selection stratus, we acknowledge that
these and other market-level factors may
be important to the proper
understanding of the evaluation of the
impact of CCJR. It is the intention that
these and other measures will be
considered in determining which MSAs
are appropriate comparison markets for
the evaluation as well as considered for
possible subgroup analysis or risk
adjustment purposes. The evaluation
will include beneficiary, provider, and
market level characteristics in how it
examines the performance of this
proposed model.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(4) Sample Size Calculations and the
Number of Selected MSAs
Analyses of the necessary sample size
led us to conclude that we need to select
75 MSAs of the 384 MSAs with eligible
LEJR episodes to participate in CCJR.
The number and method of selection of
these 75 MSAs from the 8 proposed
groups is addressed in the following
section. In coming to the decision to
target 75 MSAs, we are proposing a
conservative approach. Going below this
threshold would jeopardize our ability
to be confident in our results and to be
able to generalize from the model to the
larger national context. We discuss the
assumptions and modeling that went
into our proposal to test the model in 75
MSAs later in this section.
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In calculating the necessary size of the
model, a key consideration was to have
sufficient power to be able to detect the
desired size impact. The larger the
anticipated size of the impact, the fewer
MSAs we would have to sample in
order to observe it. However, a model
sized to be able to only detect large
impacts runs the risk of not being able
to draw conclusions if the size of the
change is less than anticipated. The
measure of interest used in estimating
sample size requirements for the CCJR
model was wage-adjusted total episode
spending. The data used for the wageadjusted total episode spending is the 3
year data pull previously described that
covers LEJR episodes with admission
dates from July 1, 2011 through June 30,
2014. For the purposes of the sample
size calculation the impact estimate
assumed we wanted to be able to detect
a 2 percent reduction in wage adjusted
episode spending after 1 year of
experience. This amount was chosen
because it is the anticipated amount of
the discount we propose to apply to
target prices in CCJR.
The next consideration in calculating
the necessary sample size is the degree
of certainty we will need for the
statistical tests that will be performed.
In selecting the right sample size, there
are two types of errors that need to be
considered ‘‘false negatives’’ and ‘‘false
positives’’. A false positive occurs if a
statistical test concludes that the model
was successful (the model saved money)
when it was, in fact, not. A false
negative occurs if a statistical test fails
to find statistically significant evidence
that the model was successful, but it
was, in fact, successful. In considering
the minimum sample size needs of a
model, a standard guideline in the
statistical literature suggests calibrating
statistical tests to generate no more than
a 5 percent chance of a false positive
and selecting the sample size to ensure
no more than a 20 percent chance of a
false negative. In contrast, the proposed
sample size for this project was based
on a 20 percent chance of a false
positive and a 30 percent chance of a
false negative in order to be as
conservative as was practicable.
A third consideration in the sample
size calculation was the appropriate
unit of selection and whether it is
necessary to base the calculation on the
number of MSAs, the number of
hospitals, or the number of episodes. As
discussed later in this section, we are
proposing to base the sample size
calculation at the MSA level.
The CCJR model is a nested
comparative study, which has two key
features. First, the unit of assignment (to
treatment and comparison groups) is an
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identifiable group; such groups are not
formed at random, but rather through
some physical, social, geographic, or
other connection among their members.
Second, the units of observation are
members of those groups. In such
designs, the major analytic problem is
that there is an expectation for a
positive correlation (intra-class
correlation (ICC)) among observations of
members of the same group (MSA). That
ICC reflects an extra component of
variance attributable to the group above
and beyond the variance attributable to
its members. This extra variation will
increase the variance of any aggregate
statistic beyond what would be
expected with random assignment of
beneficiaries or hospitals to the
treatment group.
In determining the necessary sample
size, we need to take into consideration
the degrees of freedom. As part of this
process, we examined the number of
beneficiaries, the number of hospitals,
and the number of MSAs and the level
of correlation in episode payments
between each level. For example, while
each beneficiary has their own episode
expenditure level, there are
commonalities between those
expenditure amounts at the hospital
level, based on hospital-specific practice
and referral patterns. The number of
degrees of freedom needed for any
aggregate statistic is related to the
number of groups (MSAs or hospitals),
not the number of observations
(beneficiary episodes). If we were to
base the determination of the size of the
model on beneficiary episodes where
correlation exists, we would have an
inflated false positive error rate and
would overstate the impact of the
model. We empirically examined the
level of correlation between
beneficiaries and hospitals and between
hospitals and MSAs and determined
that the correlation was high enough to
be of concern and necessitate a MSA
level unit of selection.
Using the aforementioned
assumptions, a power calculation was
run which indicated we would need
between 50 and 150 treatment MSAs to
be able to reliably detect a 2 percent
reduction in payments after 1 year. The
lower end of this range assumes the
ability of evaluation models to
substantially reduce variation through
risk adjustment and modeling. We
anticipate that we will be able to use the
conservative end of this range, but
assuming that evaluation modeling can
achieve ‘‘best’’ results poses a real risk
to our ability to draw conclusions. We
want to allow for some degree of
flexibility and are thus proposing
proceeding with 75 MSAs. The 75 MSA
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
number is at the 25th percentile
between the 50 and 150 treatment MSA
range. We narrowed the acceptable
range to between 50 and 100, based on
the assumption that we will be able
substantial improve our estimates
through modeling, and then chose a
number in the middle of this reduced
(5) Method of Selecting MSAs
As previously discussed, we are
seeking to choose 75 MSAs from our
proposed 8 selection groups. We
examined and considered a number of
possible approaches including equal
selection in each of the eight groups,
equal selection in the four payment
groups, selection proportionate to the
number of MSAs in each group, and a
number of approaches that differentially
weighted the payment categories.
After consideration, it was decided
that a methodology that proportionally
under-weighted more efficient MSAs
and over-weighted more expensive
MSAs was the most appropriate
approach to fulfilling the overall
priorities of this model to increase
efficiencies and savings for LEJR cases
while maintaining or improving the
overall quality of care. This approach
would make it less likely for the MSAs
in the lowest spending category to be
selected for inclusion. We thought this
appropriate because the MSAs in the
lowest expenditure areas have the least
room for possible improvement and are
already performing relatively efficiently
compared to other geographic areas,
which means that experience with the
model in these areas may be relatively
less valuable for evaluation purposes. At
the same time, we believed it was
important to include some MSAs in this
group in order to assess the performance
of this model in this type of
circumstance. We also believe it is
appropriate for higher payment areas to
be disproportionately included because
they are most likely to have significant
room for improvement in creating
efficiencies. We expect more variation
in practice patterns among the more
expensive areas. There are multiple
ways an MSA can be more relatively
expensive, including through outlier
cases, higher readmission rates, greater
utilization of physician services, or
through PAC referral patterns. A larger
sample of MSAs within the higher
payment areas will allow for us to
observe the impact of the CCJR model
on areas with these various practice
patterns in the baseline period.
The proposed method of
disproportionate selection between the
strata is to choose 30 percent of the
MSAs in the two groups in the bottom
quarter percentile of the payment
distribution, 35 percent of the MSAs in
the two groups in the second lowest
quartile, 40 percent in the third quartile,
and 45 percent in the highest episode
payment quartile. This proportion
works out to an average of 38 percent
overall, which corresponds to 75
selected MSAs out of the 196 eligible.
The number of MSAs to be chosen in
the eight selection groups is shown in
Table 2.
Payment in
lowest quarter
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Selection Proportion .............................................................
Less Than Median Population (Group #) ............................
Number Eligible MSAs ..................................................
Proportion x Number ....................................................
Number to be selected from group ..............................
More Than Median Population (Group #) ............................
Number Eligible MSAs ..................................................
Proportion x Number ....................................................
Number to be selected from group ..............................
Total Eligible MSAs ..............................................................
Number to be selected .................................................
We selected the proposed MSAs for
the CCJR model through random
selection. In the proposed method of
selection, each MSA was assigned to
one of the eight selection groups
previously identified. Based on this
sampling methodology, SAS Enterprise
Guide 7.1 software was used to run a
computer algorithm designed to
randomly select MSAs from each strata.
SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 and the
computer algorithm used to conduct
selection represents an industrystandard for generating advanced
analytics and provides a rigorous,
standardized tool by which to satisfy the
requirements of randomized selection.
The key SAS commands employed
statement coupled with the
‘‘METHOD=SRS’’ option used to specify
simple random sampling as the sample
selection method. A random number
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Payment in
2nd lowest
seed was generated for each of the eight
strata by using eight number seeds
corresponding to birthdates and
anniversary dates of parties present in
the room. The random seeds for stratum
one through eight were as follows: 907,
414, 525, 621, 1223, 827, 428, 524. Note
that no additional stratification was
used in any of the eight groupings so as
to produce an equal probability of
selection within each of the eight
groups. For more information on this
procedure and the underlying statistical
methodology, please reference SAS
support documentation at: https://
sect003.htm/. We also considered a
potential alternative approach to this
random selection in which we would
generate a starting number within SAS
and then choose every third MSA
PO 00000
Frm 00015
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Payment in
3rd lowest
Payment in
highest quarter
Total eligible
within a group starting at this point
until the relevant number of MSAs were
chosen. We opted to not utilize this
feature for simplicity’s sake and
alignment with other randomization
methodologies used for CMS models.
The selection of an MSA means that
all hospitals that are physically located
anywhere within the counties that make
up the MSA are included. By definition,
the entire county is included in an MSA
and hospitals that are in the relevant
counties will be impacted even if they
are not part of the core urban area.
The MSAs selected may change if the
methodology changes in response to
comments on the proposed
methodology. Should the methodology
we propose in this rule change as a
result of comments received during the
rulemaking process, it could result in
different areas being selected for the
model. In such an event, we would
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
apply the final methodology and
announce the selected MSAs in the final
rule. Therefore we seek comment from
all interested parties in every MSA on
the randomized selection methodology
proposed in this section.
In accordance with section 1115A of
the Act, we are proposing to codify
these proposals in regulation in the new
proposed part 510 of the Code of
Federal Regulations.
16020 .......
16180 .......
16740 .......
28140 .......
28660 .......
29820 .......
30700 .......
31080 .......
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
33340 .......
34980 .......
35300 .......
35380 .......
VerDate Sep<11>2014
MSA Name
Akron, OH.
Albuquerque, NM.
Asheville, NC.
Athens-Clarke County, GA.
Austin-Round Rock, TX.
Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX.
Bismarck, ND.
Boulder, CO.
Falls, NY.
Cape Girardeau, MO-IL.
Carson City, NV.
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN.
Colorado Springs, CO.
Columbia, MO.
Corpus Christi, TX.
Decatur, IL.
Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO.
Dothan, AL.
Durham-Chapel Hill, NC.
Evansville, IN-KY.
Flint, MI.
Florence, SC.
Fort Collins, CO.
Gainesville, FL.
Gainesville, GA.
Greenville, NC.
Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA.
Hot Springs, AR.
Kansas City, MO-KS.
Killeen-Temple, TX.
Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise,
Lincoln, NE.
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA.
Lubbock, TX.
Madison, WI.
Medford, OR.
Memphis, TN-MS-AR.
Palm Beach, FL.
Allis, WI.
Modesto, CA.
Monroe, LA.
Montgomery, AL.
Naples-Immokalee-Marco Island,
Murfreesboro—Franklin, TN.
New Haven-Milford, CT.
New Orleans-Metairie, LA.
21:01 Jul 13, 2015
Jkt 235001
2. Clinical Dimension of Episodes of
a. Definition of the Clinical Conditions
Included in the Episode
MSA Name
35620 .......
New York-Newark-Jersey City,
Norwich-New London, CT.
Ogden-Clearfield, UT.
Oklahoma City, OK.
Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL.
Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL.
Pittsburgh, PA.
Port St. Lucie, FL.
Provo-Orem, UT.
Reading, PA.
Richmond, VA.
Rockford, IL.
Saginaw, MI.
Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA.
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA.
Sebastian-Vero Beach, FL.
South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI.
St. Louis, MO-IL.
Staunton-Waynesboro, VA.
Petersburg-Clearwater, FL.
Toledo, OH.
Topeka, KS.
Tuscaloosa, AL.
Tyler, TX.
Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport
News, VA-NC.
Wichita, KS.
48620 .......
B. Episode Definition for the
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CCJR) Model
1. Background
Coordinated Quality Care-Joint
Replacement is an episode payment
model, focused on incentivizing health
care providers to improve the efficiency
and quality of care for an episode of care
as experienced by a Medicare
beneficiary by bundling payment for
services furnished to the beneficiary for
an episode of care for a specific clinical
condition over a defined period of time.
Key policies of such a model include
the definition of episodes of care.
Episodes of care have two significant
dimensions—(1) a clinical dimension
that describes what clinical conditions
and associated services comprise the
episode; and (2) a time dimension that
describes the beginning, middle, and
end of an episode. We present our
proposals for these two dimensions of
CCJR episodes in this section.
PO 00000
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As discussed previously in section
I.A. of this proposed rule, we have
identified LEJR episodes, primarily hip
and knee replacements, as the focus of
this model. We believe that a
straightforward approach for hospitals
and other providers to identify Medicare
beneficiaries in this payment model is
important for the care redesign that is
required for model success, as well as to
operationalize the proposed payment
and other model policies.
The vast majority of lower extremity
joint replacements (LEJRs) are furnished
in the inpatient hospital setting, with a
small fraction of partial knee
replacements occurring in the hospital
outpatient department (HOPD) setting.
Most of the Current Procedural
Terminology (CPT) codes that
physicians report for LEJR are on the
hospital Outpatient Prospective
Payment System (OPPS) inpatient only
list. The CY 2015 OPPS inpatient only
list is Addendum E of the CY 2015
Hospital Outpatient Prospective
Payment–Final Rule with Comment
Period, which is available on the CMS
Web site at:
Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-ServicePayment/ASCPayment/ASCRegulations-and-Notices-Items/CMS1613-FC.html. Thus, under current FFS
payment policy, Medicare pays
hospitals for the facility services
required for LEJR only when those
procedures are furnished in the
inpatient hospital setting. Therefore, we
believe an episode payment model most
appropriately focuses around an
inpatient hospitalization for these major
surgical procedures, as there is little
opportunity for shifting the procedures
under this model to the outpatient
We note further that LEJRs are paid
for under the IPPS through the
following two Medicare SeverityDiagnosis Related Groups (MS–DRGs):
• MS–DRG 469 (Major joint
replacement or reattachment of lower
extremity with Major Complications or
Comorbidities (MCC)).
• MS–DRG 470 (Major joint
replacement or reattachment of lower
extremity without MCC).
Multiple ICD–9–CM procedure codes
that describe LEJR procedures and other
less common lower extremity
procedures group to these MS–DRGs,
with their percentage distribution
within the IPPS MS–DRGs 469 and 470
for the past 4 years outlined in Table 4.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Code descriptor
Total knee replacement .............................................................................................
Total hip replacement ................................................................................................
Partial hip replacement ..............................................................................................
Total ankle replacement ............................................................................................
Resurfacing hip, total, acetabulum and femoral head ..............................................
Resurfacing hip, partial, femoral head ......................................................................
Resurfacing hip, partial, acetabulum .........................................................................
Lower leg or ankle reattachment ...............................................................................
Thigh reattachment ....................................................................................................
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Note: Percentages or claim counts with ‘‘N/A’’ had no claims. percentages of 0% represent less than 0.5% of total claims.
Additionally, we note that there are
various types of claims-based
information available to CMS, hospitals,
and other providers, that could be used
to identify beneficiaries in the model
who receive LEJRs, including the MS–
DRGs for the acute care hospitalization
for the procedure, the ICD–9–CM
procedure code on the hospital claim, or
the CPT code(s) reported by the
orthopedic surgeon who furnishes the
surgical procedure. While we could
utilize ICD–9–CM procedure codes or
CPT codes to identify beneficiaries
included in the model, over 85 percent
of procedures that group to MS–DRGs
469 and 470 are hip or knee
replacements. Additionally, the
hospitals that would be participating in
this model receive payment under the
IPPS, which is not determined by CPT
codes and is based on clinical
conditions and procedures that group to
MS–DRGs. Finally, our review of the
other low volume procedures that group
to these same MS–DRGs, aside from
total or partial hip and knee
replacements, does not suggest that
there is significant clinical or financial
heterogeneity within these two MS–
DRGs such that we would need to
define care for included beneficiaries by
ICD–9–CM procedure codes.
Therefore, we propose that an episode
of care in the CCJR model is triggered
by an admission to an acute care
hospital stay (hereinafter ‘‘the anchor
hospitalization’’) paid under MS–DRG
469 or 470 under the IPPS during the
model performance period. This
approach offers operational simplicity
for providers and CMS, and is
consistent with the approach taken by
the BPCI initiative to identify
beneficiaries whose care is included in
the LEJR episode for that model. We
seek public comments on this proposal
to define the clinical conditions that are
the target of CCJR.
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b. Definition of Related Services
Included in the Episode
For purposes of this model, as in
BPCI, given the frequent comorbidities
experienced by Medicare beneficiaries
and the generally elective nature of
LEJR, we are interested in testing
inclusive episodes to incentivize
comprehensive, coordinated patientcentered care for the beneficiary
throughout the episode. We propose to
exclude only those Medicare items and
services furnished during the episode
that are unrelated to LEJR procedures
based on clinical justification. During
our experience with BPCI
implementation, we reviewed a number
of narrow episode definitions for LEJR
episodes that were recommended by
BPCI participants and other interested
parties during the design phase for this
project. We concluded that these narrow
definitions commonly exclude many
services that may be linked to the LEJR,
as LEJR beneficiaries, on average, are at
higher risk for more clinical problems
than Medicare beneficiaries who have
not recently undergone such
Therefore, we propose that all CCJR
episodes, beginning with the admission
for the anchor hospitalization under
MS–DRG 469 or 470 through the end of
the proposed episode, include all items
and services paid under Medicare Part
A or Part B with the exception of certain
exclusions as proposed in this section
that are excluded because they are
unrelated to the episode. The items and
services ultimately included in the
episode after the exclusions are applied
are called related items and services. As
proposed in sections III.C.4 and III.C.6
of this proposed rule, Medicare
spending for related items and services
would be included in the historical data
used to set target prices, as well as in
the calculation of actual episode
spending that would be compared
against the target price to assess the
performance of participant hospitals. In
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
contrast, Medicare spending for
unrelated items and services (excluded
from the episode definition) would not
be included in the historical data used
to set target prices or in the calculation
of actual episode spending.
Related items and services included
in CCJR episodes would be the
following items and services paid under
Medicare Part A or Part B, after the
exclusions are applied:
• Physicians’ services.
• Inpatient hospital services
(including readmissions), with certain
exceptions proposed later in this
• Inpatient psychiatric facility (IPF)
• LTCH services.
• IRF services.
• SNF services.
• HHA services.
• Hospital outpatient services.
• Independent outpatient therapy
• Clinical laboratory services.
• Durable medical equipment (DME).
• Part B drugs.
• Hospice.
We note that under our proposed
definition of related services included
in the episode, the episode could
include certain per-member-per-month
model payments, as discussed in section
III.C of this proposed rule.
We propose to exclude from CCJR
drugs that are paid outside of the MS–
DRG, specifically hemophilia clotting
factors (§ 412.115), identified through
HCPCS code, diagnosis code, and
revenue center on IPPS claims.
Hemophilia clotting factors, in contrast
to other drugs that are administered
during an inpatient hospital stay and
paid through the MS–DRG, are paid
separately by Medicare in recognition
that clotting factors are costly and
essential to appropriate care for certain
beneficiaries. Thus, we believe there are
no efficiencies to be gained in the
variable use of these high cost drugs
when particular beneficiaries receive
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
LEJR procedures who have significantly
different medical needs for clotting
factors under an episode payment
model, so we propose to exclude these
high cost drugs from the actual
historical episode expenditure data used
to set target prices and from the
hospital’s episode actual spending that
is reconciled to the target price.
Similarly, we propose to exclude IPPS
new technology add-on payments for
drugs, technologies, and services from
CCJR episodes, excluding them from
both the actual historical episode
expenditure data used to set target
prices and from the hospital’s actual
episode spending that is reconciled to
the target price. This proposal would
apply to both the anchor hospital stay
and any related readmissions during the
episode. New technology add-on
payments are made separately and in
addition to the MS–DRG payment under
the IPPS for specific new drugs
technologies, and services that
substantially improve the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries and
would be inadequately paid otherwise
under the MS–DRG system. Medicare
pays a marginal cost factor of 50 percent
for the costs to hospitals of the new
drugs, technologies, or services. We do
not believe it would be appropriate for
the CCJR model to potentially hamper
beneficiaries’ access to new
technologies that are receiving new
technology add-on payments or to
burden hospitals who choose to use
these new drugs, technologies, or
services with concern about these
payments counting toward episode
actual expenditures. In addition,
because new drugs, technologies, or
services approved for the add-on
payments vary unpredictably over time
in their application to specific clinical
conditions, we believe we should
exclude IPPS new technology add-on
payments from CCJR episodes.
We followed a number of general
principles in determining other
proposed excluded services from the
CCJR episodes in order to promote
coordinated, high-quality, patientcentered care. Based on the broad nature
of these episodes, we propose to
identify excluded (unrelated) services
rather than included (related) services
based on the rationale that all Part A
and Part B services furnished during the
episode are related to the episode,
unless they are unrelated based on
clinical justification as described in
more detail later in this section. In
developing our proposals for exclusions
for this model, we believe that no Part
A services, other than certain excluded
hospital readmissions during the
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episode as described in this section,
furnished post-hospital discharge
during the episode should be excluded,
as post-hospital discharge Part A
services are typically intended to be
comprehensive in nature. We also
believe that no claims for services with
diagnosis codes that are directly related
to the LEJR procedure itself (for
example, loosening of the joint
prosthesis) based on clinical judgment,
and taking into consideration coding
guidelines, should be excluded.
Furthermore, we believe that no claims
for diagnoses that are related to the
quality and safety of care furnished
during the episode, especially the
anchor hospitalization under MS–DRG
469 or 470, should be excluded, such as
direct complications of post-surgical
care during the anchor hospitalization.
Examples of diagnoses that would not
be excluded on this basis include
surgical site infection and venous
thromboembolism. Finally, we believe
that no claims for services for diagnoses
that are related to preexisting chronic
conditions such as diabetes, which may
be affected by care furnished during the
episode, should be excluded. However,
severe exacerbations of chronic
conditions (for example, some surgical
readmissions) that are unlikely to be
affected by care furnished during the
episode should be excluded; thus, when
a beneficiary is admitted to the hospital
during the episode for these
circumstances, we would not consider it
to be a related readmission for purposes
of CCJR. We also believe that services
for clinical conditions that represent
acute clinical conditions not arising
from an existing chronic clinical
condition or complication of LEJR
surgery occurring during an episode of
care, which would not be covered by the
previous principles about included
services, should be excluded.
To operationalize these principles for
CCJR, we propose to exclude unrelated
inpatient hospital admissions during the
episode by identifying MS–DRGs for
exclusion. We propose to exclude
unrelated Part B services based on the
ICD–9–CM diagnosis code (or their ICD–
10–CM equivalents when ICD–10–CM
codes are implemented) that is the
principal diagnosis code reported on
claims for services furnished during the
episode. More specifically, we propose
to exclude specific inpatient hospital
admissions and services consistent with
the LEJR episode definition (also
triggered by MS–DRGs 469 and 470) that
is currently used in BPCI Model 2. We
note that the list of exclusions was
initially developed over 2 years ago for
BPCI through a collaborative effort of
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
CMS staff, including physicians from
medical and surgical specialties, coding
experts, claims processing experts, and
health services researchers. The list has
been shared with thousands of entities
and individuals participating in one or
more phases of BPCI, and has
undergone refinement over that time in
response to stakeholder input about
specific diagnoses or MS–DRGs for
exclusion, resulting in only minimal
changes over the last 2 years. Thus, the
BPCI list of exclusions for LEJR
procedures has been vetted broadly in
the health care community; refined
based on input from a wide variety of
providers, researchers and other
stakeholders; and successfully
operationalized in the BPCI models. We
are proposing its use in CCJR based on
our confidence related to our several of
years of experience that this definition
is reasonable and workable for LEJR
episodes, for both providers and CMS.
With respect to the proposed
inpatient hospital admission exclusions
for this model, we propose that all
medical MS–DRGS for readmissions be
included in CCJR episodes as related
services, with the exception of oncology
and trauma medical MS–DRGs. We
propose that admissions for oncology
and trauma medical MS–DRGs be
excluded from CCJR episodes.
Readmissions for medical MS–DRGs are
generally linked to the hospitalization
for the LEJR procedure as a
complication of the illness that led to
the surgery, a complication of treatment
or interactions with the health care
system, or a chronic illness that may
have been affected by the course of care.
We refer readers to section III.D. of this
proposed rule for background and
discussion of the complication rate
measure proposed for CCJR that
includes common medical
complications resulting from the
aforementioned circumstances
following LEJR procedures and that may
result in related hospital readmissions.
For readmissions for medical MS–DRGs,
the selection of the primary diagnosis
code is not clear-cut, so we generally
believe they all should be included, and
we strongly believe that providers
should focus on comprehensive care for
beneficiaries during episodes. We
propose to include all disease-related
surgical MS–DRGs for readmissions,
such as hip/knee revision, in CCJR
episodes. We also propose to include
readmissions for all body system-related
surgical MS–DRGs as they are generally
related to complications of the LEJR
procedures. An example of a
readmission of this type would be for an
inferior vena cava filter placement for
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
treatment of thromboembolic
complications of the LEJR. We propose
to exclude hospital admissions for
chronic disease surgical MS–DRGs, such
as prostatectomy (removal of the
prostate gland), as they are unrelated to
the clinical condition that led to the
LEJR nor would they have been
precipitated by the LEJR. Finally, we
propose that hospital admissions for
acute disease surgical MS–DRGs, such
as appendectomy, be excluded because
they are highly unlikely to be related to,
or precipitated by, LEJR procedures and
would not be affected by LEJR episode
care redesign.
With respect to the LEJR proposed
diagnosis code exclusions for Part B
services for this model, we propose that
ICD–9–CM codes be excluded or
included as a category and as identified
by code ranges. We propose that
disease-related diagnoses, such as
osteoarthritis of the hip or knee, are
included. We also propose that body
system-related diagnoses are included
because they relate to complications
that may arise from interactions with
the health care system. An example of
this would be pressure pre-ulcer skin
changes. Additionally, we propose that
all common symptom diagnoses are
included because providers have
significant discretion to select these as
principal diagnosis codes. We propose
that acute disease diagnoses, such as
severe head injury, are excluded.
Finally, we propose that chronic disease
diagnoses be included or excluded
based on specific clinical and coding
judgment as described previously with
respect to the original development of
the exclusions for LEJR episodes under
BPCI, taking into consideration whether
the condition was likely to have been
affected by the LEJR procedure and
recovery period and whether substantial
services were likely to have been
provided for the chronic condition
during the episode. Thus, chronic
kidney disease and cirrhosis would be
included in the episode, but glaucoma
and chemotherapy would be excluded.
Exclusions from CCJR episodes are
based on care for unrelated clinical
conditions represented by MS–DRGs for
readmissions during the episode and
ICD–9 CM codes for Part B services
furnished during the episode after
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization. The complete lists of
proposed excluded MS–DRGs for
readmissions and proposed excluded
ICD–9–CM codes for Part B services is
posted on the CMS Web site at https://
We note that as CMS moves to
implement ICD–10–CM we will make
the CCJR exclusions that would map to
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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the final ICD–9–CM exclusions for CCJR
available in the ICD–10–CM format as
well. We propose that all Part A and Bcovered items and services that would
not be excluded based on the exclusions
list are included in the episode.
Furthermore, we propose to update the
exclusions list without rulemaking on
an annual basis, at a minimum, to
reflect annual changes to ICD–CM
coding and annual changes to the MS–
DRGs under the IPPS, as well as to
address any other issues that are
brought to our attention by the public
throughout the course of the model test.
We would first develop potential
exclusions list revisions of MS–DRGs
for readmissions and ICD–9 (or ICD–10,
as applicable) diagnosis codes for Part B
services based on our assessment
against the following standards:
• We would not exclude any items or
services that are—
++ Directly related to the LEJR
procedure itself (such as loosening of
the joint prosthesis) or the quality or
safety of LEJR care (such as post-surgical
wound infection or venous
thromboembolism); and
++ For chronic conditions that may
be affected by the LEJR procedure or
post-surgical care (such as diabetes). By
this we mean that where a beneficiary’s
underlying chronic condition would be
affected by the LEJR procedure, or
where the beneficiary’s LEJR or postLEJR care must be managed differently
as a result of the chronic condition, then
those items and services would be
related and would be included in the
• We would exclude items and
services for—
++ Chronic conditions that are
generally not affected by the LEJR
procedure or post-surgical care (such as
removal of the prostate). By this we
mean that where a beneficiary’s
underlying chronic condition would not
be affected by the LEJR procedure, or
where the beneficiary’s LEJR or postLEJR care need not be managed
differently as a result of the chronic
condition, then those items and services
would not be related and would not be
included in the episode; and
++ Acute clinical conditions not
arising from existing episode-related
chronic clinical conditions or
complications of LEJR surgery from the
episode (such as appendectomy).
We would post the potential revised
exclusions, which could include
additions to or deletions from the
exclusions list, to the CMS Web site to
allow for public input on our planned
application of these standards, and then
adopt changes to the exclusions list
with posting to the CMS Web site of the
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final revised exclusions list after our
consideration of the public input.
We seek comment on our proposals
for identifying excluded readmissions
and Part B-covered items and services,
as well as our proposed process for
updating the exclusions list.
3. Duration of Episodes of Care
a. Beginning the Episode and
Beneficiary Care Inclusion Criteria
While we propose to identify LEJR
episodes by an acute care
hospitalization for MS–DRG 469 and
470, we recognize that the beneficiary’s
care for an underlying chronic
condition, such as osteoarthritis, which
ultimately leads to the surgical
procedure, typically begins months to
years prior to the surgical procedure.
Because of the clinical variability
leading up to the joint replacement
surgery and the challenge of identifying
unrelated services given the multiple
chronic conditions experienced by
many beneficiaries, we do not propose
to begin the episode prior to the anchor
hospitalization (that is, the admission
that results in a discharge under MS–
DRG 469 or 470). We believe the
opportunities for care redesign and
improved efficiency prior to the
inpatient hospital stay are limited for an
episode payment model of this type that
focuses on a surgical procedure and the
associated recovery once the decision to
pursue surgery has been made, rather
than an episode model that focuses on
decision-making and management of a
clinical condition itself (such as
We propose to begin the episode with
an inpatient anchor hospitalization for
MS–DRG 469 or MS–DRG 470 in
accordance with the methodology
described. This proposal to begin the
episode upon admission for the anchor
hospitalization is consistent with LEJR
episode initiation under Model 2 of
BPCI. While we are not proposing to
begin the episode prior to the inpatient
hospital admission, we note that our
proposed episode definition includes all
services that are already included in the
IPPS payment based on established
Medicare policies, such as diagnostic
services (including clinical diagnostic
laboratory tests) and nondiagnostic
outpatient services related to a
beneficiary’s hospital admission
provided to a beneficiary by the
admitting hospital, or by an entity
wholly owned or wholly operated by
the admitting hospital (or by another
entity under arrangements with the
admitting hospital), within 3 days prior
to and including the date of the
beneficiary’s admission. For more
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
information on the 3-Day Payment
Window payment policies, see CMS
Pub. 100–04, Chapter 3, section 40.3
and Chapter 4, section 10.12.
We propose that the defined
population of Medicare beneficiaries
whose care will be included in CCJR
meet the following criteria upon
admission to the anchor hospitalization.
We note that these criteria are also
consistent with Model 2 of BPCI, as well
as most other Innovation Center models
that do not target a specific
subpopulation of beneficiaries. The
LEJR episodes for all beneficiaries in the
defined population will be included in
CCJR (although certain episodes may be
canceled for purposes of determining
actual episode payments for reasons
discussed later in this proposed rule),
and we refer readers to section I.B.8 of
this proposed rule for further discussion
of beneficiary notification and a
beneficiary’s ongoing right under CCJR
to obtain health services from any
individual or organization qualified to
participate in the Medicare program.
• The beneficiary is enrolled in
Medicare Part A and Part B throughout
the duration of the episode.
• The beneficiary’s eligibility for
Medicare is not on the basis of End
Stage Renal Disease.
• The beneficiary must not be
enrolled in any managed care plan (for
example, Medicare Advantage, Health
Care Prepayment Plans, cost-based
health maintenance organizations).
• The beneficiary must not be
covered under a United Mine Workers
of America health plan, which provides
healthcare benefits for retired mine
• Medicare must be the primary
Our proposal for inclusion of
beneficiaries in CCJR is as broad as
feasible, representing all those LEJR
episodes for which we believe we have
comprehensive historical Medicare
payment data that allow us to
appropriately include Medicare
payment for all related services during
the episode in order to set appropriate
episode target prices. For beneficiaries
whose care we propose to exclude from
the model, we are unable to capture or
appropriately attribute to the episode
the related Medicare payments because
of Medicare’s payment methodology.
For example, if a beneficiary is enrolled
in a Medicare Advantage plan, Medicare
makes capitated payments (and
providers do not submit complete
claims data to CMS), so we would not
have a way to identify and attribute the
portion of those payments related to an
LEJR episode. More information on
setting bundled payment target prices
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for episodes under CCJR is available in
section III.C.4.b of this proposed rule.
Including the broadest feasible array of
Medicare beneficiaries’ admissions in
the model would provide CMS with the
most robust information about the
effects of this model on expenditures
and quality for beneficiaries of the
widest variety of ages and
comorbidities, and allow the participant
hospitals the greatest opportunity to
benefit financially from systematic
episode care redesign because most
Medicare beneficiaries undergoing an
LEJR procedure will be included in the
model and, therefore, subject to the
policies we propose.
We seek comment on our proposal on
when to begin the CCJR episode, as well
as to identify the care included for
b. Middle of the Episode
We propose that once the episode
begins for a beneficiary whose care is
included, the episode continues until
the end as described in the next section
of this proposed rule, unless the episode
is cancelled because the beneficiary no
longer meets the same inclusion criteria
proposed for the beginning of the
episode at any point during the episode.
When an episode is cancelled, the
services furnished to beneficiaries prior
to and following the episode
cancellation will continue to be paid by
Medicare as usual but we will not
calculate actual episode spending that
would otherwise under CCJR be
reconciled against the target price for
the beneficiary’s care (see section III.C.6
of this proposed rule). As discussed in
section III.C.10.a.(3) of this proposed
rule with comment period, waivers of
program rules applicable to
beneficiaries in CCJR episodes would
apply to the care of beneficiaries who
are in CCJR episodes at the time when
the waiver is used to bill for a service
that is furnished to the beneficiary, even
if the episode is later cancelled.
We believe it would be appropriate to
cancel the episode when a beneficiary’s
status changes during the episode such
that they no longer meet the criteria for
inclusion because the episode target
price reflects full payment for the
episode, yet we would not have full
Medicare episode payment data for the
beneficiary to reconcile against the
target price.
In addition, we propose that the
following circumstances would also
cancel the episode:
• The beneficiary is readmitted to an
acute care hospital during the episode
and discharged under MS–DRG 469 or
470 (in this case, the first episode would
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be cancelled and a new LEJR episode
would begin for the beneficiary).
• The beneficiary dies during the
anchor hospitalization.
• The beneficiary initiates an LEJR
episode under BPCI Models 1, 2, 3 or 4.
In the case of beneficiary death during
the anchor hospitalization, we believe it
would be appropriate to cancel the
episode as there are limited efficiencies
that could be expected during the
anchor hospital stay itself. In the case of
beneficiary readmission during the first
CCJR episode for another LEJR (typically
a planned staged second procedure), we
do not believe it would be appropriate
to include two episodes in the model
with some time periods overlapping, as
that could result in attribution of the
Medicare payment for 2 periods of PAC
to a single procedure.
We seek comment on our proposals to
cancel episodes once they have begun
but prior to their end.
c. End of the Episode
LEJR procedures are typically major
inpatient surgical procedures with
significant associated morbidity and a
prolonged recovery period that often is
marked by significant PAC needs,
potential complications of surgery, and
more intense management of chronic
conditions that may be destabilized by
the surgery. In light of the course of
recovery from LEJRs for Medicare
beneficiaries, we propose that an
episode in the CCJR model end 90 days
after discharge from the acute care
hospital in which the anchor
hospitalization (for MS–DRG 469 or
470) took place. Hereinafter, we refer to
the proposed CCJR model episode
duration as the ‘‘90-day post-discharge’’
episode. To the extent that a Medicare
payment for included services spans a
period of care that extends beyond the
episode duration, these payments would
be prorated so that only the portion
attributable to care during the fixed
duration of the episode is attributed to
the episode spending.
We note for the vast majority of
beneficiaries undergoing a hip or knee
joint replacement, a 90-day postdischarge episode duration
encompasses the full transition from
acute care and PAC to recovery and
return to activities. We believe the 90day post-discharge episode duration
encourages acute care hospitals,
physicians, and PAC providers to
promote coordinated, quality care as the
patient transitions from the inpatient to
outpatient settings and the community.
In proposing the 90-day postdischarge duration for LEJR episodes in
CCJR, we took into consideration the
literature regarding the clinical
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
experiences of patients who have
undergone THA or TKA procedures. In
2007–2008, the 30-day all-cause
readmission rate for primary THA
among Medicare beneficiaries was 8.5
percent, while the 90-day all-cause
readmission rate was 11.9 percent,
indicating that while the rate of
readmission begins to taper after 30
days, readmissions continue to accrue
throughout this 90 day window.6 In
single center studies, Schairer et al
found unplanned 30-day hospital
readmission rates were 3.5 percent and
3.4 percent and unplanned 90-day
hospital admission rates were 4.5
percent and 6 percent for primary THA
and TKA, respectively, demonstrating
that the risk of readmission remains
significantly elevated from 30 through
90 days post-hospital discharge.7 8
Further exploring the reasons for
unplanned admission for TKAs within
90 days of a knee replacement
procedure, Schairer et al found that 75
percent were caused by surgical causes
such as arthrofibrosis and surgical site
infection. Additional information on the
common reasons for hospital
readmission following TKA or THA can
be obtained from The American College
of Surgeons National Surgical Quality
Improvement Program.9 These data
identified the top ten reasons for
readmission within 30 days of a hip or
knee arthroplasty:
• Surgical site infections (18.8
• Prosthesis issues (7.5 percent).
• Venous thromboembolism (6.3
• Bleeding (6.3 percent).
• Orthopedic related (5.1 percent).
• Pulmonary (3.2 percent).
• Cardiac (2.4 percent).
• CNS or CVA (2.4 percent).
6 Cram P, Lu X, Kates SL, Singh JA, Li Y, Wolf
BR. Total Knee Arthroplasty Volume, Utilization,
and Outcomes Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 1
991–2010. JAMA. 2012;308(12):1227–1236.
7 Schairer WW, et al. Causes and frequency of
unplanned hospital readmission after total hip
arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014
Feb;472(2):464–70. doi: 1 0.1007/s11999–013–
8 Schairer WW, et al. What are the rates and
causes of hospital readmission after total knee
arthroplasty? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014
Jan;472(1):181–7. doi: 1 0.1007/s11999–013–3030–
9 Merkow RP, Ju MH, Chung JW, et al. Underlying
Reasons Associated With Hospital Readmission
Following Surgery in the United States. JAMA.
2015;313(5):483–495. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.18614.
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• Ileus or Obstruction (2.3 percent).
• Sepsis (2.1 percent).
In addition, the authors concluded
that ‘‘readmissions after surgery were
associated with new post-discharge
complications related to the procedure
and not exacerbation of prior index
hospitalization complications,
suggesting that readmissions after
surgery are a measure of post-discharge
complications.’’ Finally, with regard to
the potential for readmission for joint
replacement revision within a 90-day
post-discharge episode, in a twelve-year
study on Medicare patients conducted
by Katz, et al., the risk of revision after
THA remained elevated at
approximately 2 percent per year for the
first eighteen months and then 1 percent
per year for the remainder of the followup period.10 This study suggests that a
longer episode, as opposed to a shorter
episode, is more likely to simulate the
increased risk of revision LEJR patients
In order to address the complication
rates associated with elective primary
total hip or knee arthroplasty, we
developed an administrative claimsbased measure (for a detailed
description of the measure see section
III.D of this proposed rule). During the
development of the Hospital-level RiskStandardized Complication Rate (RSCR)
following elective primary THA or TKA
or both, complications of elective
primary total hip or knee replacement
were identified to occur within specific
timeframes.11 For example, analyses
done during the development of the
measure as well as Technical Expert
Panel opinion found that—(1)
mechanical complications and
periprosthetic joint infection/wound
infection are still attributable to the
procedure for the 90 days following
admission for surgery; (2) death,
surgical site bleeding, and pulmonary
embolism are still likely attributable to
the hospital performing the procedure
for up to 30 days; and (3) medical
complications of acute myocardial
10 Katz JN, et al. Twelve-Year Risk of Revision
After Primary Total Hip Replacement in the U.S.
Medicare Population. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012
Oct 1 7; 94(20): 1 825–1832. doi: 1 0.2106/
11 Hospital Quality Initiatives. Measure
Methodology. Available at:
Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-AssessmentInstruments/HospitalQualityInits/MeasureMethodology.html. See Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Complications zip file under downloads. Accessed
on April 10, 2015.
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infarction (AMI), pneumonia, and
sepsis/septicemia/shock are more likely
to be attributable to the procedure for up
to 7 days.
Other factors further supporting a 90day post-discharge episode duration are
the elevated risk of readmission
throughout this time period, as well as
the fact that treatment for pneumonia is
considered by American Thoracic
Society guidelines to be ‘‘health careassociated’’ if it occurs up to 90 days
following an acute care hospitalization
of at least 2 days.12 According to the
American Academy of Orthopedic
Surgeons, patients undergoing total hip
replacement should be able to resume
most normal light activities of daily
living within 3 to 6 weeks following
surgery.13 In a small randomized
controlled trial of two approaches to hip
arthroplasty, average time to ambulation
without any assistive device was 22–28
days.14 According to a 2011 systematic
review of studies evaluating physical
functioning following THA, patients
have recovered to about 80 percent of
the levels of controls by 8 months after
We also refer readers to a study by the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S
Department of Health and Human
Services that assessed the mean
payments for acute care, PAC, and
physician services grouped in the MS–
DRG 470.16 In this study, CMS payment
for services following an MS–DRG 470
hospitalization were concentrated
within the first 30 days following
discharge, with plateauing of payments
between 60- or 90-days post-discharge.
12 Guidelines for the management of adults with
hospital-acquired, ventilator-associated, and
healthcare-associated pneumonia. American
Thoracic Society, Infectious Diseases Society of
America. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.
14 Taunton MJ, et al. Direct Anterior Total Hip
Arthroplasty Yields More Rapid Voluntary
Cessation of All Walking Aids: A Prospective,
Randomized Clinical Trial The Journal of
Arthroplasty. Volume 29, Issue 9, Supplement,
September 2014, Pages 169–172.
15 Vissers MM, et al. Recovery of Physical
Functioning After Total Hip Arthroplasty:
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the
Literature. Physical Therapy May 2011 vol. 91 no.
5 615–629.
16 Post-Acute Care Episodes Expanded Analytic
File. Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. April 2011.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Finally, payment and length of stay
analyses found the average length of
stay in PAC during a 90-day postdischarge episode for MS–DRG 470 to
be 47.3 days, indicating that a longer
period post-discharge of 90 days is
reasonable as a proposal to end the
episode of care.17 We note that these
analyses did not include any time
between hospital discharge and the start
of PAC.
Statistics for DRG 470
(2006 data)
30-day episode
60-day episode
Mean Medicare spending per hospital discharge .................................
(acute+PAC+physician) .........................................................................
Mean payment for anchor hospitalization .............................................
Mean payment for PAC ........................................................................
Mean payment for physicians (during anchor hospitalization) .............
Mean payment for readmission (includes all PAC users, even if no
readmission occurs during the episode).
Mean length of stay (LOS) for PAC ......................................................
$18,838 ......................
$20,343 ......................
10,463 ........................
6,835 ..........................
1,540 ..........................
550 .............................
10,463 ........................
8,339 ..........................
1,540 ..........................
929 .............................
25.5 days ....................
39.6 days ....................
47.3 days
90-day episode
Other tests of bundled payment
models for hip and knee replacement
have used 90-day post-discharge
episodes.18 We also note that despite
BPCI Model 2 allowing participants a
choice between 30-, 60-, or 90-day postdischarge episodes, over 86 percent of
participants have chosen the 90-day
post-discharge episode duration for the
LEJR episode. Further, a 90-day postdischarge episode duration aligns with
the 90-day global period included in the
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
payment for the surgical procedure.
We also considered proposing a 60day post-discharge episode duration,
but the full transition of care following
LEJR would exceed this window for
some beneficiaries, especially those who
are discharged to an institutional postacute provider initially and then
17 Analysis of Post Acute Care Episode
Definitions File.
18 -Ridgely MS, et al. Bundled Payment Fails To
Gain A Foothold In California: The Experience Of
The IHA Bundled Payment Demonstration. Health
Affairs, 33, no.8 (2014):1345–1352.
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asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Note: Data are per PAC user (88% of beneficiaries hospitalized under MS–DRG 470 are discharged to PAC). PAC users are defined as beneficiaries discharged to SNF, IRF, or LTCH within 5 days of discharge from the index acute hospitalization, or discharged to HHA or hospital outpatient therapy within 14 days of discharge from the index acute hospitalization. Mean LOS for PAC does not include any gap between hospital
discharge date and start of PAC.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
transition to home health or outpatient
therapy services for continued
rehabilitation. According to a report
from ASPE on Medicare beneficiaries
receiving PAC following major joint
replacement in 2006, 13 percent first
receive SNF services and then receive
HHA services—with a total mean
episode duration of 56.8 days.19 An
additional 9.2 percent receive HHA
services first and then receive outpatient
therapy services—with a total mean
episode duration of 78.7 days. Finally,
6.7 percent receive IRF services first and
then HHA services (total mean length of
stay 55.3 days), and 4.8 percent receive
SNF services first and then outpatient
therapy services (total mean length of
stay 71.5 days). The remainder only
receives one type of PAC.
Therefore, in order to be inclusive of
most possible durations of recovery, and
services furnished to reach recovery, we
propose the 90-day post-discharge
episode duration for CCJR. We believe
that beneficiaries will benefit from
aggressive management and care
coordination throughout this episode
duration, and hospitals will have
opportunities under CCJR to achieve
efficiencies from care redesign during
the 90-day post-discharge episode
We seek comment on our proposal to
end the episode 90 days after the date
of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization, as well as on the
alternative we considered of ending the
CCJR episode 60 days after the date of
In accordance with section 1115A of
the Act, we are proposing to codify
these proposals in regulation in the new
proposed Part 510.
C. Proposed Methodology for Setting
Episode Prices and Paying Model
Participants under the CCJR Model
1. Background
As described in section II.B of this
proposed rule, we propose to use the
CCJR episode payment model to
incentivize participant hospitals to work
with other health care providers to
improve quality of care for Medicare
beneficiaries undergoing LEJR
procedures and post-operative recovery,
while enhancing the efficiency with
which that care is provided. We propose
to apply this incentive by paying
participant hospitals or holding them
responsible for repaying Medicare based
on their CCJR episode quality and
Medicare expenditure performance. The
following sections describe our
proposals for—
• How CCJR episodes would be
attributed to a participant hospital;
• How the reconciliation of Medicare
expenditures based on actual episode
spending in relation to the target price
would be structured and
• How Medicare actual episode
payments under existing payment
systems would be compared against
episode target prices;
• How hospital quality of care for
CCJR episodes would be compared
against quality thresholds Medicare
establishes under this model;
• How payments to or repayment
amounts from participant hospitals
would be determined so that, on
average, the episode target prices are
paid by Medicare for CCJR episodes;
• What protections from excessive
risk due to high payment cases would
be in place for participant hospitals.
2. Performance Years, Retrospective
Episode Payment, and Two-sided Risk
a. Performance Period
We propose that the CCJR model
would have 5 performance years. The
performance years would align with
calendar years, beginning January 1,
2016. Table 6 includes details on which
episodes would be included in each of
the 5 performance years.
Performance year
Calendar year
2 ........................................................................
3 ........................................................................
4 ........................................................................
5 ........................................................................
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
1 ........................................................................
Episodes included in performance year
Episodes that start on or after January
cember 31, 2016.
Episodes that end between January 1,
Episodes that end between January 1,
Episodes that end between January 1,
Episodes that end between January 1,
All episodes tested in this model will
begin on or after January 1, 2016 and
end on or before December 31, 2020. We
note that this definition results in
performance year 1 being shorter than
the later performance years in terms of
the length of time over which an anchor
hospitalization could occur under the
model. We also note that some episodes
that begin in a given calendar year may
be captured in the following
performance year due to the episodes
ending after December 31st (for
example, episode beginning in
December 2016 and ending in March
2017 would be part of performance year
2). We believe 5 years would be
sufficient time to test the CCJR model
and gather sufficient data to evaluate
whether it improves the efficiency and
quality of care for an LEJR episode of
care. Having fewer than 5 performance
years may not provide sufficient time or
data for evaluation. The 5-year
performance period is consistent with
the performance period used for other
CMMI models (for example, the Pioneer
Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
19 Examining Post Acute Care Relationships in an
Integrated Hospital. Assistant Secretary for
1, 2016, and end on or before De2017, and December 31, 2017, in2018, and December 31, 2018, in2019, and December 31, 2019, in2020, and December 31, 2020, in-
Planning and Evaluation. U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. February 2009.
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b. Proposed Retrospective Payment
As described in section III.B of this
proposed rule, we propose that an
episode in the CCJR model begins with
the admission for an anchor
hospitalization and ends 90 days postdischarge from the anchor
hospitalization, including all related
services covered under Medicare Parts
A and B during this timeframe, with
limited exclusions and adjustments, as
described in sections III.B, III.C.3, and
III.C.7 of this proposed rule. The
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
episodes would be attributed to the
participant hospital where the anchor
hospitalization occurred.
We propose to apply the CCJR episode
payment methodology retrospectively.
Under this proposal, all providers and
suppliers caring for Medicare
beneficiaries in CCJR episodes would
continue to bill and be paid as usual
under the applicable Medicare payment
system. After the completion of a CCJR
performance year, Medicare claims for
services furnished to beneficiaries in
that year’s non-cancelled episodes
would be grouped into episodes and
aggregated, and participant hospitals’
CCJR episode quality and actual
payment performance would be
assessed and compared against episode
quality thresholds and target prices, as
described in sections III.C.5 and III.C.4
of this proposed rule, respectively. After
the participant hospitals’ actual episode
performance in quality and spending are
compared against the aforementioned
episode quality thresholds and target
prices, we would determine if Medicare
would make a payment to the hospital
(reconciliation payments), or if the
hospital owes money to Medicare
(resulting in Medicare repayment). The
possibility for hospitals to receive
reconciliation payments or be subject to
repayment (note: participant hospitals
would not be subject to repayment for
performance year 1) is further discussed
in section III.C.2.c. of this proposed
We considered an alternative option
of paying for episodes prospectively by
paying one lump sum amount to the
hospital for the expected costs of the 90day episode. However, we believe such
an option would be challenging to
implement at this time given the
payment infrastructure changes for both
hospitals and Medicare that would need
to be developed to pay and manage
prospective CCJR episode payments. We
note that a retrospective episode
payment approach is currently being
utilized under BPCI Model 2. We
believe that a retrospective payment
approach can accomplish the objective
of testing episode payment in a broad
group of hospitals, including financial
incentives to streamline care delivery
around that episode, without requiring
core billing and payment changes by
providers and suppliers, which would
create substantial administrative
burden. However, we seek comment on
potential ways to implement a
prospective payment approach for CCJR
in future performance years of the
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c. Proposed Two-Sided Risk Model
We propose to establish a two-sided
risk model for hospitals participating in
the CCJR model. We propose to provide
episode reconciliation payments to
hospitals that meet or exceed quality
performance thresholds and achieve
cost efficiencies relative to CCJR target
prices established for them, as defined
later in sections III.C.4 and III.C.5 of this
proposed rule. Similarly, we propose to
hold hospitals responsible for repaying
Medicare when actual episode
payments exceed their CCJR target
prices in each of performance years 2
through 5, subject to certain proposed
limitations discussed in section III.C.8
of this proposed rule. Target prices
would be established for each
participant hospital for each
performance year.
We propose that hospitals will be
eligible to receive reconciliation
payments from Medicare based on their
quality and actual episode spending
performance under the CCJR model in
each of CCJR performance years 1
through 5. Additionally, we propose to
phase in the responsibility for hospital
repayment of episode actual spending if
episode actual spending exceeds their
target price starting in performance year
2 and continuing through performance
year 5. Under this proposal in
performance year 1, participant
hospitals would not be required to pay
Medicare back if episode actual
spending is greater than the target price.
We considered an episode payment
structure in which, for all 5 performance
years of the model, participant hospitals
would qualify for reconciliation
payments if episode actual spending
was less than the episode target price,
but would not be required to make
repayments to Medicare if episode
actual spending was greater than the
episode target price. However, we
believe not holding hospitals
responsible for repaying excess episode
spending would reduce the incentives
for hospitals to improve quality and
efficiency. We also considered starting
the CCJR payment model with hospital
responsibility for repaying excess
episode spending in performance year 1
to more strongly align participant
hospital incentives with care quality
and efficiency. However, we believe
hospitals may need to make
infrastructure, care coordination and
delivery, and financial preparations for
the CCJR episode model, and that those
changes can take several months or
longer to implement. With this
consideration in mind, we propose to
begin hospitals’ responsibility for
repayment of excess episode spending
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beginning in performance year 2 to
afford hospitals time to prepare, while
still beginning some incentives earlier
(that is, reconciliation payments in year
1) to improve quality and efficiency of
care for Medicare beneficiaries. We
solicit comment on the proposed
incentive structure for CCJR.
In an effort to further ensure hospital
readiness to assume responsibility for
circumstances that could lead to a
hospital repaying to Medicare actual
episode payments that exceed the
episode target price, we propose to
begin to phase in this responsibility for
performance year 2, with full
responsibility for excess episode
spending (as proposed in this rule)
applied for performance year 3 through
performance year 5. To carry out this
‘‘phase in’’ approach, we propose
during the first year of any hospital
financial responsibility for repayment
(performance year 2) to set an episode
target price that partly mitigates the
amount that hospitals would be
required to repay (see section III.C.4.b of
this proposed rule), as well as more
greatly limits (as compared to
performance years 3 through 5) the
maximum amount a hospital would be
required to repay Medicare across all of
its episodes (see section III.C.8 of this
proposed rule).
3. Adjustments to Payments Included in
Medicare payments during the
model’s performance year for Parts A
and B claims for services included in
the episode definition, as discussed in
section III.B of this proposed rule,
would be summed together for each
non-cancelled CCJR episode that
occurred to create the actual episode
payment amount. We propose three
adjustments to this general approach
for—(1) special payment provisions
under existing Medicare payment
systems; (2) payment for services that
straddle the end of the episode; and (3)
high payment episodes. We note there
would be further adjustments to account
for overlaps with other Innovation
Center models and CMS programs; we
refer readers to section III.C.7 of this
proposed rule.
We do not propose to adjust hospitalspecific or regional components of target
prices for any Medicare repayment or
reconciliation payments made under the
CCJR model; CCJR repayment and
reconciliation payments would be not
be included per the proposed episode
definition in section III.B of this
proposed rule. Including reconciliation
payments and Medicare repayments in
target price calculations would
perpetuate the initial set of target prices
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once CCJR performance years are
captured in the 3- historical-years of
data used to set target prices, as
proposed in section III.C.4. of this
proposed rule, beginning with
performance year 3 when performance
year 1 would be part of the 3-historicalyears. Including any prior performance
years’ reconciliations or repayments in
target price calculations would
approximately have the effect
(excluding impact of the proposed
adjustments for high payment episodes
(see section III.C.3.c. of this proposed
rule) and proposed limits or
adjustments to hospital financial
responsibility (see section III.C.8. of this
proposed rule)) of Medicare paying
hospitals the target price, regardless of
whether the hospital went below, above,
or met the target price in the prior
performance years before accounting for
the reconciliation payments or
repayments. We intend for target prices
to be based on historical patterns of
service actually provided, so we do not
propose to include reconciliation
payments or repayments for prior
performance years in target price
a. Proposed Treatment of Special
Payment Provisions Under Existing
Medicare Payment Systems
Many of the existing Medicare
payment systems have special payment
provisions that have been created by
regulation or statute to improve quality
and efficiency in service delivery. IPPS
hospitals are subject to incentives under
the HRRP, the Hospital Value-Based
Purchasing (HVBP) Program, the
Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC)
Reduction Program, and the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting Program
(HIQR) and Outpatient Quality
Reporting Program (OQR). IPPS
hospitals and CAHs are subject to the
Medicare EHR Incentive Program.
Additionally, the majority of IPPS
hospitals receive additional payments
for Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospital (DSH) and Uncompensated
Care, and IPPS teaching hospitals can
receive additional payments for Indirect
Medical Education (IME). IPPS hospitals
that meet a certain requirements related
to low volume Medicare discharges and
distance from another hospital receive a
low volume add-on payment. As
mentioned in section III.B.2.b of this
proposed rule, acute care hospitals may
receive new technology add-on
payments to support specific new
technologies or services that
substantially improve the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries and
would be inadequately paid otherwise
under the MS–DRG system. Also, some
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IPPS hospitals qualify to be sole
community hospitals (SCHs) or
Medicare-dependent hospitals (MDHs),
and they may receive enhanced
payments based on cost-based hospitalspecific rates for services; whether a
SCH or MDH receives enhanced
payments may vary year to year, in
accordance with §§ 419.43(g) and
412.108(g), respectively.
Medicare payments to providers of
post-acute services, including IRFs,
SNFs, IPFs, HHAs, LTCHs, and hospice
facilities, are conditioned, in part, on
whether the provider satisfactorily
reports certain specified data to CMS:
the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
Quality Reporting Program (IRF QRP),
the Skilled Nursing Facility Quality
Reporting Program (SNF QRP), the
Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality
Reporting Program (IPF QRP), the Home
Health Quality Reporting Program (HH
QRP), the Long-Term Care Hospital
Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP),
and the Hospice Quality Reporting
Program. Additionally, IRFs located in
rural areas receive rural add-on
payments, IRFs serving higher
proportions of low-income beneficiaries
receive increased payments according to
their low-income percentage (LIP), and
IRFs with teaching programs receive
increased payments to reflect their
teaching status. SNFs receive higher
payments for treating beneficiaries with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
HHAs located in rural areas also receive
rural add-on payments.
Ambulatory Surgical Centers have
their own Quality Reporting Program
(ASC QRP). Physicians also have a set
of special payment provisions based on
quality and reporting: the Medicare EHR
Incentive Program for Eligible
Professionals, the Physician Quality
Reporting System (PQRS), and the
Physician Value-based Modifier
The intent of the CCJR model is not
to replace the various existing incentive
programs or add-on payments, but
instead to test further episode payment
incentives towards improvements in
quality and efficiency beyond
Medicare’s existing policies. Therefore,
we propose that the hospital
performance and potential
reconciliation payment or Medicare
repayment be independent of, and not
affect, these other special payment
We propose to exclude the special
payment provisions as discussed
previously when calculating actual
episode payments, setting episode target
prices, comparing actual episode
payments with target prices, and
determining whether a reconciliation
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payment should be made to the hospital
or funds should be repaid by the
Not excluding these special payment
provisions would create incentives that
are not aligned with the intent of the
CCJR model. Not excluding the quality
and reporting-related special payment
provisions could create situations where
a high-quality or reporting compliant
hospital or both receiving incentive
payments, or those hospitals that
discharge patients to PAC providers that
receive incentives for being reporting
compliant, may appear to be ‘‘high
episode payment’’ under CCJR.
Conversely, lower quality or hospitals
not complying with reporting programs
or both that incur payment reduction
penalties, or hospitals that discharge to
PAC providers that are not reporting
compliant, may appear to be ‘‘low
episode payment’’ under CCJR. Such
outcomes would run counter to CCJR’s
goal of improving quality. Also, not
excluding add-on payments for serving
more indigent patients, having low
Medicare hospital volume, being located
in a rural area, supporting greater levels
of provider training, choosing to use
new technologies, and having a greater
proportion of CCJR beneficiaries with
HIV from CCJR actual episode payment
calculations may inappropriately result
in hospitals having worse episode
payment performance. Additionally, not
excluding enhanced payments for
MDHs and SCHs may result in higher or
lower target prices just because these
hospitals received their enhanced
payments in one historical year but not
the other, regardless of actual
utilization. We believe the proposed
approach of excluding special payment
provisions would ensure a participant
hospital’s actual episode payment
performance is not artificially improved
or worsened because of payment
reduction penalties or incentives or
enhanced or add-on payments, the
effects of which we are not proposing to
test with CCJR.
In addition to the various incentive,
enhanced, and add on payments,
sequestration came into effect for
Medicare payments for discharges on or
after April 1, 2013, per the Budget
Control Act of 2011 and delayed by the
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.
Sequestration applies a 2 percent
reduction to Medicare payment for most
Medicare FFS services. Similar to the
previously discussed incentive,
enhanced, and add-on payments, we
intend CCJR to be independent of the
introduction and potential future
elimination of sequestration. We do not
intend to have participant hospitals’
episodes appear to be ‘‘low payment’’
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
episodes relative to historical data, for
part of which sequestration may not
have been in effect, just because of an
across-the-board Medicare payment
reduction through sequestration.
Therefore, we propose to account for the
effects of sequestration when calculating
actual episode payments, setting
episode target prices, comparing actual
episode payments with target prices,
and determining whether a
reconciliation payment should be made
to the hospital or hospitals should repay
In order to operationalize the
exclusion of the various special
payment provisions in calculating
episode expenditures, we propose to
apply the CMS Price (Payment)
Standardization Detailed Methodology
described on the QualityNet Web site at
1228772057350. This pricing
standardization approach is the same as
used for the HVBP program’s Medicare
spending per beneficiary metric.
We solicit comment on this proposed
approach to treating special payment
provisions in the various Medicare
payment systems.
b. Proposed Treatment of Payment for
Services That Extend Beyond the
As we proposed a fixed 90-day postdischarge episode as discussed in
section III.B of this proposed rule, we
believe there would be some instances
where a service included in the episode
begins during the episode but concludes
after the end of the episode and for
which Medicare makes a single payment
under an existing payment system. An
example would be a beneficiary in a
CCJR episode who is admitted to a SNF
for 15 days, beginning on Day 86 postdischarge from the anchor CCJR
hospitalization. The first 5 days of the
admission would fall within the
episode, while the subsequent 10 days
would fall outside of the episode.
We propose that, to the extent that a
Medicare payment for included episode
services spans a period of care that
extends beyond the episode, these
payments would be prorated so that
only the portion attributable to care
during the episode is attributed to the
episode payment when calculating
actual Medicare payment for the
episode. For non-IPPS inpatient hospital
(for example, CAH) and inpatient PAC
(for example, SNF, IRF, LTCH, IPF)
services, we propose to prorate
payments based on the percentage of
actual length of stay (in days) that falls
within the episode window. Prorated
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payments would also be similarly
allocated to the 30-day post-episode
payment calculation in section III.C.8.e.
of this proposed rule. In the prior
example, one-third of the days in the 15day length of stay would fall within the
episode window, so under the proposed
approach, one-third of the SNF payment
would be included in the episode
payment calculation, and the remaining
two-thirds (because the entirety of the
remaining payments fall within the 30
days after the episode ended) would be
included in the post-episode payment
For HHA services that extend beyond
the episode, we propose that the
payment proration be based on the
percentage of days, starting with the
first billable service date (‘‘start of care
date’’) and through and including the
last billable service date, that fall within
the CCJR episode. Prorated payments
would also be similarly allocated to the
30-day post-episode payment
calculation in section III.C.8.e of this
proposed rule. For example, if the
patient started receiving services from
an HHA on day 86 after discharge from
the anchor CCJR hospitalization and the
last billable home health service date
was 55 days from the start of home
health care date, the HHA claim
payment amount would be divided by
55 and then multiplied by the days (5)
that fell within the CCJR episode. The
resulting, prorated HHA claim payment
amount would be considered part of the
CCJR episode. Services for the prorated
HHA service would also span the
entirety of the 30 days after the CCJR
episode spends, so the result of the
following calculation would be
included in the 30-day post-episode
payment calculation: HHA claim
payment amount divided by 55 and
then multiplied by 30 days (the number
of days in the 30-day post-episode
period that fall within the prorated HHA
service dates).
There may also be instances where
home health services begin prior to the
CCJR episode start date, but end during
the CCJR episode. In such instances, we
would also prorate HHA payments
based on the percentage of days that fell
within the episode. Because these
services end during the CCJR episode,
prorated payments for these services
would not be included in the 30-day
post-episode payment calculation
discussed in section III.C.8.e. of this
proposed rule. For example, if the
patient’s start of care date for a home
health 60-day claim was February 1, the
anchor hospitalization was March 1
through March 4 (with the CCJR episode
continuing for 90 days after March 4),
and the patient resumed home care on
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March 5 with the 60-day home health
claim ending on April 1 (that is, April
1 was the last billable service date), we
would divide the 60-day home health
claim payment amount by 60 and then
multiply that amount by the days from
the CCJR admission through April 1 (32
days) to prorate the HHA payment. This
proposed prorating method for HHA
claims is consistent with how partial
episode payments (PEP) are paid for on
home health claims.
For IPPS services that extend beyond
the episode (for example, readmissions
included in the episode definition), we
propose to separately prorate the IPPS
claim amount from episode target price
and actual episode payment
calculations as proposed in section
III.C.8 of this proposed rule, called the
normal MS–DRG payment amount for
purposes of this proposed rule. The
normal MS–DRG payment amount
would be pro-rated based on the
geometric mean length of stay,
comparable to the calculation under the
IPPS PAC transfer policy at §§ 412.4(f)
and as published on an annual basis in
Table 5 of the IPPS/LTCH PPS Final
Rules. Consistent with the IPPS PAC
transfer policy, the first day for a subset
of MS–DRGs (indicated in Table 5 of the
IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rules) would be
doubly weighted to count as 2 days to
account for likely higher hospital costs
incurred at the beginning of an
admission. If the actual length of stay
that occurred during the episode is
equal to or greater than the MS–DRG
geometric mean, the normal MS–DRG
payment would be fully allocated to the
episode. If the actual length of stay that
occurred during the episode is less than
the geometric mean, the normal MS–
DRG payment amount would be
allocated to the episode based on the
number of inpatient days that fall
within the episode. If the full amount is
not allocated to the episode, any
remainder amount would be allocated to
the 30 day post-episode payment
calculation discussed in section III.C.8.e
of this proposed rule. The proposed
approach for prorating the normal MS–
DRG payment amount is consistent with
the IPPS transfer per diem methodology.
The following is an example of
prorating for IPPS services that extend
beyond the episode. If beneficiary has a
readmission for MS–DRG 493—lower
extremity and humerus procedures
except hip, foot, and femur, with
complications—into an IPPS hospital on
the 89th day after discharge from a CCJR
anchor hospitalization, and is
subsequently discharged after a length
of stay of 5 days, Medicare payment for
this readmission would be prorated for
inclusion in the episode. Based on Table
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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5 of the IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule for
FY 2015, the geometric mean for MS–
DRG 493 is 4 days, and this MS–DRG is
indicated for double-weighting the first
day for proration. This readmission has
only 2 days that falls within the
episode, which is less than the MS–DRG
493 geometric mean of 4 days.
Therefore, the normal MS–DRG
payment amount associated with this
readmission would be divided by 4 (the
geometric mean) and multiplied by 3
(the first day is counted as 2 days, and
the second day contributes the third
day), and the resulting amount is
attributed to the episode. The remainder
one-fourth would be captured in the
post-episode spending calculation
discussed in section III.C.8 of this
proposed rule. If the readmission
occurred on the 85th day after discharge
from the CCJR anchor hospitalization,
and the length of stay was 7 days, the
normal MS–DRG payment amount for
the admission would be included in the
episode without proration because
length of stay for the readmission falling
within the episode (6 days) is greater
than or equal to the geometric mean (4
days) for the MS–DRG.
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We considered an alternative option
of including the full Medicare payment
for all services that start during the
episode, even if those services did not
conclude until after the episode ended,
in calculating episode target prices and
actual payments. Previous research on
bundled payments for episodes of PAC
services noted that including the full
payment for any claim initiated during
the fixed episode period of time will
capture continued service use. However,
prorating only captures a portion of
actual service use (and payments)
within the bundle. 20 As discussed in
section III.B of this proposed rule, the
CCJR model proposes an episode length
that extends 90 days post-discharge, and
Table 5 in section III.B.3.c. of this
proposed rule demonstrates that the
average length of stay in PAC during a
90-day episode with a MS–DRG 470
anchor hospitalization is 47.3 days.
Therefore, the length of the episode
under CCJR (90 days) should be
sufficient to capture the vast majority of
service use within the episode, even if
payments for some services that extend
beyond the episode duration are
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prorated and only partly attributed to
the episode.
c. Proposed Pricing Adjustment for High
Payment Episodes
Given the broad proposed LEJR
episode definition and 90-day postdischarge episode duration proposed for
CCJR, we want to ensure that hospitals
have some protection from the variable
repayment risk for especially high
payment episodes, where the clinical
scenarios for these cases each year may
differ significantly and unpredictably.
We do not believe the opportunity for a
hospital’s systematic care redesign of
LEJR episodes has significant potential
to impact the clinical course of these
extremely disparate high payment cases.
The BPCI Model 2 uses a generally
similar episode definition as proposed
for CCJR and the vast majority of BPCI
episodes being tested for LEJR are 90
days in duration following discharge
from the anchor hospitalization.
Similarly, we believe the BPCI
distribution of Model 2 90-day LEJR
episode payment amounts as displayed
in Figure 1 provides information that is
relevant to policy development
regarding CCJR episodes.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
As displayed, the mean episode
payment amount is approximately
$26,000. Five percent of all episodes are
paid at two standard deviations above
the mean payment or greater, an amount
that is slightly more than 2 times the
mean episode payment amount. While
these high payment cases are relatively
uncommon, we believe that
incorporation of the full Medicare
payment amount for such high payment
episodes in setting the target price and
correspondingly in Medicare’s aggregate
actual episode payment that is
compared to the target price for the
episode may lead in some cases to
excessive hospital responsibility for
these episode expenditures. This may be
especially true when hospital
responsibility for repayment of excess
episode spending is introduced in
performance year 2. The hospital may
have limited ability to moderate
spending for these high payment cases.
Our proposal to exclude IPPS new
technology add-on payments and
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separate payment for clotting factors for
the anchor hospitalization from the
episode definition limits excessive
financial responsibility under this
model of extremely high inpatient
payment cases that could result from
costly hospital care furnished during the
anchor hospitalization. However, we
believe an additional pricing adjustment
in setting episode target prices and
calculating actual episode payments is
necessary to mitigate the hospital
responsibility for the actual episode
payments for high episode payment
cases resulting from very high Medicare
spending within the episode during the
period after discharge from the anchor
hospitalization, including for PAC,
related hospital readmissions, and other
items and services related to the LEJR
Thus, in order to limit the hospital’s
responsibility for the aforementioned
high episode payment cases, we propose
to utilize a pricing adjustment for high
payment episodes that would
incorporate a high payment ceiling at
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two standard deviations above the mean
episode payment amount in calculating
the target price and in comparing actual
episode payments during the
performance year to the target prices.
Specifically, when setting target
prices, we would first identify for each
anchor MS–DRG in each region
(discussed further in section III.C.4 of
this proposed rule) the episode payment
amount that is two standard deviations
above the mean payment in the
historical dataset used (discussed
further in section III.C.4 of this
proposed rule). Any such identified
episode would have its payment capped
at the MS–DRG anchor and regionspecific value that is two standard
deviations above the mean, which
would be the ceiling for purposes for
calculating target prices. We note that
the calculation of the historical episode
high payment ceiling for each region
and MS–DRG anchor would be
performed after other steps, including
removal of effects of special payment
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
provisions and others described in
section III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule.
When comparing actual episode
payments during the performance year
to the target prices, episode payments
for episodes in the performance year
would also be capped at two standard
deviations above the mean. The high
episode payment ceiling for episodes in
a given performance year would be
calculated based on MS–DRG anchorspecific episodes in each region. We
discuss further how the high episode
payment ceiling would be applied when
comparing episode payments during the
performance year to target prices in
section III.C.6. of this proposed rule.
While this approach generally lowers
the target price slightly, it provides a
basis for reducing the hospital’s
responsibility for actual episode
spending for high episode payment
cases during the model performance
years. When performing the
reconciliation for a given performance
year of the model, we would array the
actual episode payment amounts for all
episodes being tested within a single
region, and identify the regional actual
episode payment ceiling at two standard
deviations above the regional mean
actual episode payment amount. If the
actual payment for a hospital’s episode
exceeds this regional ceiling, we would
set the actual episode payment amount
to equal the regional ceiling amount,
rather than the actual amount paid by
Medicare, when comparing a hospital’s
episode spending to the target price.
Thus, a hospital would not be
responsible for any actual episode
payment that is greater than the regional
ceiling amount for that performance
year. We propose to adopt this policy
for all years of the model, regardless of
the reconciliation payment opportunity
or repayment responsibility in a given
performance year, to achieve stability
and consistency in the pricing
methodology. We believe this proposal
provides reasonable protection for
hospitals from undue financial
responsibility for Medicare episode
spending related to the variable and
unpredictable course of care of some
Medicare beneficiaries in CCJR
episodes, while still fully incentivizing
increased efficiencies for approximately
the 95 percent of episodes for which we
estimate actual episode payments to fall
below this ceiling.21 We seek comment
on our proposal to apply a pricing
adjustment in setting target prices and
21 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes as proposed, between October 1, 2013 and
September 30, 2014.
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reconciling actual episode payments for
high payment episodes.
4. Proposed Episode Price Setting
a. Overview
Whether a participant hospital
receives reconciliation payments or is
made responsible to repay Medicare for
the CCJR model will depend on the
hospital’s quality and actual payment
performance relative to episode quality
thresholds and target prices. Quality
performance and thresholds are further
discussed in section III.C.5. of this
proposed rule, and the remainder of this
section will discuss the proposed
approach to establishing target prices.
We propose to establish CCJR target
prices for each participant hospital. For
episodes beginning in performance
years 1, 3, 4, and 5, a participant
hospital would have eight target prices,
one for each of the following:
• MS–DRG 469 anchored episodes
that were initiated between January 1
and September 30 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital
successfully submits data on the
voluntary patient reported outcome
measure proposed in section III.C.5. of
this proposed rule.
• MS–DRG 470 anchored episodes
that were initiated between January 1
and September 30 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital
successfully submits data on the
proposed voluntary patient reported
outcome measure.
• MS–DRG 469 anchored episodes
that were initiated between October 1
and December 31 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital
successfully submits data on the
proposed voluntary patient-reported
outcome measure.
• MS–DRG 470 anchored episodes
that were initiated between October 1
and December 31 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital
successfully submits data on the
proposed voluntary patient-reported
outcome measure.
• MS–DRG 469 anchored episodes
that were initiated between January 1
and September 30 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital does not
successfully submit data on the
voluntary patient-reported outcome
• MS–DRG 470 anchored episodes
that were initiated between January 1
and September 30 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital does not
successfully submit data on the
proposed voluntary patient-reported
outcome measure.
• MS–DRG 469 anchored episodes
that were initiated between October 1
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and December 31 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital does not
successfully submit data on the
proposed voluntary patient-reported
outcome measure.
• MS–DRG 470 anchored episodes
that were initiated between October 1
and December 31 of the performance
year, if the participant hospital does not
successfully submit data on the
proposed voluntary patient-reported
outcome measure.
For episodes beginning in
performance year 2, a participant
hospital would have 16 target prices.
These would include the same
combinations as for the other 4
performance years, but one set for
determining potential reconciliation
payments, and the other for determining
potential Medicare repayment amounts,
as part of the phasing in of two-sided
risk discussed later in this section.
Further discussion on our proposals for
different target prices for MS–DRG 469
versus MS–DRG 470 anchored episodes,
for episodes initiated between January 1
and September 30 versus October 1 and
December 31, and for participant
hospitals that do and do not
successfully submit data on the
proposed patient-reported outcome
measure can be found in sections
III.C.4.b and III.C.5. of this proposed
We intend to calculate and
communicate episode target prices to
participant hospitals prior to the
performance period in which they apply
(that is, prior to January 1, 2017, for
target prices covering episodes initiated
between January 1 and September 30,
2017; prior to October 1, 2017 for target
prices covering episodes initiated
between October 1 and December 31,
2017). We believe prospectively
communicating prices to hospitals will
help them make any infrastructure, care
coordination and delivery, and financial
refinements they may deem appropriate
to prepare for the new episode target
The proposed approach to setting
target prices incorporates the following
• Set different target prices for
episodes anchored by MS–DRG 469
versus MS–DRG 470 to account for
patient and clinical variations that
impact hospitals’ cost of providing care.
• Use 3 years of historical Medicare
payment data grouped into episodes of
care according to the episode definition
proposed in section III.B. of this
proposed rule, hereinafter termed
historical CCJR episodes. The specific
set of 3- historical-years used would be
updated every other performance year.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
• Apply Medicare payment system
(for example, IPPS, OPPS, IRF PPS,
SNF, PFS, etc.) updates to the historical
episode data to ensure we incentivize
hospitals based on historical utilization
and practice patterns, not Medicare
payment system rate changes that are
beyond hospitals’ control. Because
different Medicare payment system
updates become effective at two
different times of the year, we would
calculate separate target prices for
episodes initiated between January 1
and September 30 versus October 1 and
December 31.
• Blend together hospital-specific and
regional historical CCJR episode
payments, transitioning from primarily
provider-specific to completely regional
pricing over the course of the 5
performance years, to incentivize both
historically efficient and less efficient
hospitals to furnish high quality,
efficient care in all years of the model.
Regions would be defined as each of the
nine U.S. Census divisions.
• Normalize for provider-specific
wage adjustment variations in Medicare
payment systems when combining
provider-specific and regional historical
CCJR episodes. Wage adjustments
would be reapplied when determining
hospital-specific target prices.
• Pool together CCJR episodes
anchored by MS DRGs 469 and 470 to
use a greater historical CCJR episode
volume and set more stable prices.
• Apply a discount factor to serve as
Medicare’s portion of reduced
expenditures from the CCJR episode,
with any remaining portion of reduced
Medicare spending below the target
price potentially available as
reconciliation payments to the
participant hospital where the anchor
hospitalization occurred.
Further discussion on each of the
individual features can be found in
section III.C.4.b. of this proposed rule.
In section III.C.4.c. of this proposed
rule, we also provide further details on
the proposed sequential steps to
calculate target prices and how each of
the pricing features would fit together.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
b. Proposed Pricing Features
(1) Different Target Prices for Episodes
Anchored by MS–DRG 469 Versus MS–
DRG 470
For each participant hospital we
propose to establish different target
prices for CCJR episodes initiated by
MS–DRG 469 versus MS–DRG 470. MS–
DRGs under the IPPS account for some
of the clinical and resource variations
that exist and that impact hospitals’ cost
of providing care. Specifically, MS–DRG
469 is defined to identify, and provide
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hospitals a higher Medicare payment to
reflect the higher hospital costs for, hip
and knee procedures with major
complications or comorbidities.
Therefore, we propose to calculate
separate target prices for each
participant hospital for CCJR episodes
with MS–DRG 469 versus MS–DRG 470
anchor hospitalizations.
We considered adjusting the episode
target prices by making adjustments or
setting different prices based on patientspecific clinical indicators (for example,
comorbidities). However, we do not
believe there is a sufficiently reliable
approach that exists suitable for CCJR
episodes beyond MS–DRG-specific
pricing, and there is no current standard
on the best approach. At the time of
developing this proposed rule
Tennessee, Ohio, and Arkansas are
launching multi-payer (including
Medicaid and commercial payers,
excluding Medicare) bundles and
include hip and knee replacement as an
episode 22 23 24. These states’ hip and
knee episode definitions and payment
models are consistent with, though not
the same as, the proposed CCJR episode
described in this proposed rule.
However, each of these three states uses
different risk adjustment factors. This
variation across states supports our
belief that there is currently no standard
risk adjustment approach widely
accepted throughout the nation that
could be used under CCJR, a model that
would apply to hospitals across
multiple states. Therefore, we are not
proposing to make adjustments based on
patient-specific clinical indicators.
We also considered making price
adjustments based on the participant
hospital’s average Hierarchical
Condition Category (HCC) score for
patients with anchor CCJR
hospitalizations. The CMS–HCC risk
adjustment model quantifies a
beneficiary’s risk by examining the
beneficiary’s demographics and
historical claims data and predicting the
beneficiary’s total expenditures for
Medicare Parts A and B in an upcoming
year. However, the CMS–HCC risk
adjustment model’s intended use is to
22 Tennessee Health Care Innovation Initiative. Accessed
on April 16, 2015.
23 Ohio Governor’s Office of Health
Transformation. Transforming Payment for a
Healthier Ohio, June 8, 2014. https://
LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=TDZUpL4aSI%3d&tabid=138, Accessed on April 16, 2014.
24 Total Joint Replacement Algorithm Summary,
Arkansas Health Care Payment Improvement
Initiative, November 2012. https://
Documents/TJR%20codes.pdf. Accessed on April
17, 2015.
PO 00000
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pay Medicare Advantage (MA) plans
appropriately for their expected relative
costs. For example, MA plans that
disproportionately enroll the healthy are
paid less than they would have been if
they had enrolled beneficiaries with the
average risk profile, while MA plans
that care for the sickest patients are paid
proportionately more than if they had
enrolled beneficiaries with the average
risk profile. The CMS–HCC risk
adjustment model is prospective. It uses
demographic information (that is, age,
sex, Medicare/Medicaid dual eligibility,
disability status) and a profile of major
medical conditions in the base year to
predict Medicare expenditures in the
next year.25 As previously noted, the
CMS–HCC risk adjustment model is
used to predict total Medicare
expenditures in an upcoming year, and
may not be appropriate for use in
predicting expenditures over a shorter
period of time, such as the CCJR
episode, and may not be appropriate in
instances where its use is focused on
lower extremity joint replacements.
Therefore, since we have not evaluated
the validity of HCC scores for predicting
Medicare expenditures for shorter
episodes of care or for specifically lower
extremity joint replacement
beneficiaries, we are not proposing to
risk adjust the target prices using HCC
scores for the CCJR model.
We also considered making
adjustments or setting different prices
for different procedures, such as
different prices or adjustments for hip
versus knee replacements, but we do not
believe there would be substantial
variation in episode payments for these
clinical scenarios to warrant different
prices or adjustments. Moreover,
Medicare IPPS payments, which
account for approximately 50 percent 26
of CCJR episode expenditures, do not
differentiate between hip and knee
procedures, mitigating procedurespecific variation for the anchor
hospitalization. Furthermore, there are
no widely accepted clinical guidelines
to suggest that PAC intensity would
vary significantly between knee and hip
replacements. We seek comment on our
proposal to price episodes based on the
MS–DRG for the anchor hospitalization,
without further risk adjustment.
25 Pope, C. et al., Evaluation of the CMS–HCC
Risk Adjustment Model Final Report. Report to the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services under
Contract Number HHSM–500–2005–00029I. RTI
International. Research Triangle Park, NC. March,
26 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes, as proposed in this rule, between October
2013 and September 2014.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(2) Three Years of Historical Data
We propose to use 3 years of
historical CCJR episodes for calculating
CCJR target prices. The set of 3historical-years used would be updated
every other year. Specifically—
• Performance years 1 and 2 would
use historical CCJR episodes that started
between January 1, 2012 and December
31, 2014;
• Performance years 3 and 4 would
use historical episodes that started
between January 1, 2014 and December
31, 2016; and
• Performance year 5 would use
episodes that started between January 1,
2016 and December 31, 2018. We
considered using fewer than 3 years of
historical CCJR episode data, but we are
concerned with having sufficient
historical episode volume to reliably
calculate target prices. We also
considered not updating the historical
episode data for the duration of the
model. However, we believe that
hospitals’ target prices should be
regularly updated on a predictable basis
to use the most recent available claims
data, consistent with the regular updates
to Medicare’s payment systems, to
account for actual changes in
utilization. We are not proposing to
update the data annually, given the
uncertainty in pricing this could
introduce for participant hospitals. We
also note that the effects of updating
hospital-specific data on the target price
could be limited as the regional
contribution to the target price grows,
moving to two-thirds in performance
year 3 when the first historical episode
data update would occur.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(3) Proposed Trending of Historical Data
to the Most Recent Year of the Three
We acknowledge that some payment
variation may exist in the 3 years of
historical CCJR episodes due to updates
to Medicare payment systems (for
PPS, etc.) and national changes in
utilization patterns. Episodes in the
third of the 3 historical years may have
higher average payments than those
from the earlier 2 years because of
Medicare payment rate increases over
the course of the 3 historical years. We
do not intend to have CCJR incentives
be affected by Medicare payment system
rate changes that are beyond hospitals’
control. In addition to the changes in
Medicare payment systems, average
episode payments may change year over
year due to national trends reflecting
changes in industry-wide practice
patterns. For example, readmissions for
all patients, including those in CCJR
episodes, may decrease nationally due
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to improved industry-wide surgical
protocols that reduce the chance of
infections. We do not intend to provide
reconciliation payments to (or require
repayments from) hospitals for
achieving lower (or higher) Medicare
expenditures solely because they
followed national changes in practice
patterns. Instead, we aim to incentivize
hospitals based on their hospitalspecific inpatient and PAC delivery
practices for LEJR episodes.
To mitigate the effects of Medicare
payment system updates and changes in
national utilization practice patterns
within the 3 years of historical CCJR
episodes, we propose to follow an
approach similar to what is done in
BPCI Model 2 and apply a national
trend factor to each of the years of
historical episode payments.
Specifically, we propose to inflate the 2
oldest years of historical episode
payments to the most recent year of the
3 historical years described in section
III.C.4.b.(2) of this proposed rule. We
propose to trend forward each of the 2
oldest years using the changes in the
national average CCJR episode
payments. We also propose to apply
separate national trend factors for
episodes anchored by MS–DRG 469
versus MS–DRG 470 to capture any MS–
DRG-specific payment system updates
or national utilization pattern changes.
For example, when using CY 2012–2014
historical episode data to establish
target prices for performance years 1
and 2, under our proposal we would
calculate a national average MS–DRG
470 anchored episode payment for each
of the 3 historical years. The ratio of the
national average MS–DRG 470 anchored
episode payment for CY 2014 to that of
CY 2012 would be used to trend 2012
MS–DRG 470 anchored episode
payments to CY 2014. Similarly, the
ratio of the national average MS–DRG
470 anchored episode payment for CY
2014 to that of CY 2013 would be used
to trend 2013 episode payments to CY
2014. The aforementioned process
would be repeated for MS–DRG 469
anchored episodes. Trending CY 2012
and CY 2013 data to CY 2014 would
capture updates in Medicare payment
systems as well as national utilization
pattern changes that may have occurred.
We considered adjusting for regional
trends in utilization, as opposed to
national trends. However, we believe
that any Medicare payment system
updates and significant changes in
utilization practice patterns would not
be region-specific but rather be reflected
We seek comment on our proposal to
nationally trend historical data to the
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most recent year of the 3 being used to
set the target prices.
(4) Update Historical Episode Payments
for Ongoing Payment System Updates
We propose to prospectively update
historical CCJR episode payments to
account for ongoing Medicare payment
system (for example, IPPS, OPPS, IRF
PPS, SNF, PFS, etc.) updates to the
historical episode data and ensure we
incentivize hospitals based on historical
utilization and practice patterns, not
Medicare payment system rate changes
that are beyond hospitals’ control.
Medicare payment systems do not
update their rates at the same time
during the year. For example, IPPS, the
IRF prospective payment system, and
the SNF payment system apply annual
updates to their rates effective October
1, while the hospital outpatient
prospective payment system (OPPS) and
Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) apply
annual updates effective January 1. To
ensure we appropriately account for the
different Medicare payment system
updates that go into effect on January 1
and October 1, we propose to update
historical episode payments for
Medicare payment system updates and
calculate target prices separately for
episodes initiated between January 1
and September 30 versus October 1 and
December 31 of each performance year.
The target price in effect as of the day
the episode is initiated would be the
target price for the whole episode. Note
that in performance year 5, the second
set of target prices would be for
episodes that start and end between and
including October 1 and December 31
because the fifth performance period of
the CCJR model would end on
December 31, 2020. Additionally, a
target price for a given performance year
may apply to episodes included in
another performance year. For example,
an episode initiated in November 2016,
and ending in February 2017 would
have a target price based on the second
set of 2016 target prices (for episodes
initiated between October 1 and
December 31, 2016), and it would be
captured in the CY 2017 performance
year (performance year 2) because it
ended between January 1 and December
31, 2017. We refer readers to section
III.C.3.c. of this proposed rule for further
discussion on the definition of
performance years.
We propose to update historical CCJR
episode payments by applying separate
Medicare payment system update
factors each January 1 and October 1 to
each of the following six components of
each hospital’s historical CCJR
• Inpatient acute.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
• Physician.
• IRF.
• SNF.
• HHA.
• Other services.
A different set of update factors
would be calculated for January 1
through September 30 versus October 1
through December 31 episodes each
performance year. The six update
factors for each of the aforementioned
components would be hospital-specific
and would be weighted by the percent
of the Medicare payment for which each
of the six components accounts in the
hospital’s historical episodes. The
weighted update factors would be
applied to historical hospital-specific
average payments to incorporate
ongoing Medicare payment system
updates. A weighted update factor
would be calculated by multiplying the
component-specific update factor by the
percent of the hospital’s historical
episode payments the component
represents, and summing together the
results. For example, let us assume 50
percent of a hospital’s historical episode
payments were for inpatient acute care
services, 15 percent for physician
services, 35 percent for SNF services,
and 0.0 percent for the remaining
services. Let us also assume for this
example that the update factors for
inpatient acute care services, physician
services, and SNF services are 1.02,
1.03, and 1.01, respectively. The
weighted update factor in this example
would be the following: (0.5 * 1.02) +
(0.15 * 1.03) + (0.35 * 1.01) = 1.018. The
hospital in this example would have its
historical average episode payments
multiplied by 1.018 to incorporate
ongoing payment system updates. The
specific order of steps, and how this
step fits in with others, is discussed
further in section III.C.4.c. of this
proposed rule.
Each of a hospital’s six update factors
would be based on how inputs have
changed in the various Medicare
payment systems for the specific
hospital. Additional details on these
update factors will be discussed later in
this section.
Region-specific update factors for
each of the aforementioned components
and weighted update factors would also
be calculated in the same manner as the
hospital-specific update factors. Instead
of using historical episodes attributed to
a specific hospital, region-specific
update factors would be based on all
historical episodes initiated at any CCJR
eligible hospital within the region. For
purposes of this rule, CCJR eligible
hospitals are defined as hospitals that
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were paid under IPPS and not a
participant in BPCI Model 1 or in the
risk-bearing period of Models 2 or 4 for
LEJR episodes, regardless of whether or
not the MSAs in which the hospitals are
located were selected for inclusion in
the CCJR model. CCJR episodes initiated
at a CCJR eligible hospital will for
purposes of this rule be referred to as
CCJR episodes attributed to that CCJR
eligible hospital.
We considered an alternative option
of trending the historical episode
payments forward to the upcoming
performance year using ratios of
national average episode payment
amounts, similar to how we propose to
trend the 2 oldest historical years
forward to the latest historical year for
historical CCJR episode payments in
section III.C.4.b.(3) of this proposed
rule. Using ratios of national average
episode payment amounts would have
the advantage of also capturing changes
in national utilization patterns in
addition to payment system updates
between the historical years and the
performance year. However, such an
approach would need to be done
retrospectively, after average episode
payments can be calculated for the
performance year, because it would rely
on the payments actually incurred in
the performance period, data for which
would be not be available before the
performance period. While the proposed
approach of using component-specific
update factors may be more complicated
than the aforementioned alternative, we
believe the additional complication is
outweighed by the value to hospitals of
knowing target prices before the start of
an episode for which the target price
would apply. We seek comment on this
proposed approach of updating
historical episode payments for ongoing
Medicare payment system changes.
We do not propose to separately and
prospectively apply an adjustment to
account for changes in national
utilization patterns between the
historical and performance years. If a
prospective adjustment factor for
national utilization pattern changes
were applied, it may only be meaningful
in performance years 2 and 4, when the
historical data used to calculate target
prices would not be updated, but
another year of historical data would be
available. In any of the other 3
performance years, the latest available
historical year of data would already be
incorporated into the target prices.
Given that we propose to refresh the
historical data used to calculate target
prices every 2 years, we do not believe
an additional adjustment factor to
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account for national practice pattern
changes is necessary to appropriately
incentivize participant hospitals to
improve quality of care and reduce
episode payments.
(a) Proposed Inpatient Acute Services
Update Factor
The proposed inpatient acute services
update factor would apply to payments
for services included in the episode
paid under the IPPS. This would
include payments for the CCJR anchor
hospitalization, but not payments for
related readmissions at CAHs during the
episode window. Payments for related
readmissions at CAHs would be
captured under the update factor for
other services in section III.C.4.b.(f) of
this proposed rule.
The update factor applied to the
inpatient acute services component of
each participant hospital and region’s
historical average episode payments
would be based on how inputs for the
Medicare IPPS have changed between
the latest year used in the historical 3
years of episodes and the upcoming
performance period under CCJR. We
propose to use changes in the following
IPPS inputs to calculate the inpatient
acute services update factor: IPPS base
rate and average of MS–DRG weights, as
defined in the IPPS/LTCH Final Rules
for the relevant years. The average MS–
DRG weight would be specific to each
participant hospital and region to
account for hospital and region-specific
inpatient acute service utilization
patterns. Hospital-specific and regionspecific average MS–DRG weights
would be calculated by averaging the
MS–DRG weight for all the IPPS MS–
DRGs included in the historical
episodes attributed to each participant
hospital and attributed to CCJR eligible
hospitals in the region, respectively;
including MS–DRGs for anchor
admissions as well as those for
subsequent readmissions that fall within
the episode definition. Expressed as a
ratio, the inpatient acute services
adjustment factor would equal the
• The numerator is based on values
applicable for the upcoming
performance period (PP) for which a
target price is being calculated.
• The denominator is based on values
applicable at the end of the latest
historical year used in the target price
(TP) calculations.
Therefore, the proposed inpatient
acute services update factor formula is
shown as—
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(c) Proposed IRF Services Update Factor
The proposed IRF services update
factor apply to payments for services
included in the episode paid under the
Medicare inpatient rehabilitation
facility prospective payment system
(IRF PPS). We propose to use changes in
the IRF Standard Payment Conversion
Factor, an input for the IRF PPS and
defined in the IRF PPS Final Rule for
the relevant years, to update Medicare
• The numerator is based on values
applicable for the upcoming
performance period (PP) for which a
target price is being calculated.
• The denominator is based on values
applicable at the end of the latest
historical year used in the target price
(TP) calculations:
Therefore, the proposed IRF services
update factor formula is shown as
used in the historical 3 years of episodes
and the upcoming performance period
under CCJR. The average RUG–IV CaseMix Adjusted Federal Rates would be
specific to each participant hospital and
region to account for hospital and
region-specific SNF service utilization
patterns. Hospital-specific and regionspecific average RUG–IV Case-Mix
Adjusted Federal Rates would be
calculated by averaging the RUG–IV
Case-Mix Adjusted Federal Rates for all
SNF services included in the historical
episodes attributed to each participant
hospital and attributed to CCJR eligible
hospitals in the region, respectively. We
note that the RUG–IV Case-Mix
Adjusted Federal Rate may vary for the
same RUG, depending on whether the
SNF was categorized as urban or rural.
Expressed as a ratio, the SNF services
update factor would equal the
• The numerator is based on values
applicable for the upcoming
performance period (PP) for which a
target price is being calculated.
• The denominator is based on values
applicable at the end of the latest year
used in the target price (TP)
Therefore, the proposed SNF services
update factor formula is shown as
The proposed SNF services update
factor would apply to payments for
services included in the episode and
paid under the SNF PPS, including
payments for SNF swing bed services.
The update factor applied to the SNF
services component of each participant
hospital and region’s historical average
episode payments would be based on
how average Resource Utilization Group
(RUG–IV) Case-Mix Adjusted Federal
Rates for the Medicare SNF PPS
(defined in the SNF PPS Final Rule)
have changed between the latest year
payments for IRF services provided in
the episode. The IRF Standard Payment
Conversion Factor is the same for all
IRFs and IRF services, so there is no
need to account for any hospital-specific
or region-specific IRF utilization
patterns; each participant hospital and
region would use the same IRF services
update factor.
Expressed as a ratio, the IRF PPS
update factor would equal the
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asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(d) Proposed SNF Services Update
multiplying each proportion by the
relevant GPCI.
Expressed as a ratio, the physician
services update factor would equal the
• The numerator is based on GPCI
values applicable for the upcoming
performance period (PP) for which a
target price is being calculated.
• The denominator is based on GPCI
applicable at the end of the latest year
used in the target price (TP)
Therefore, the proposed physician
services update factor formula is shown
The proposed physician services
update factor would apply to payments
for services included in the episode
paid under the Medicare PFS for
physician services. We propose to use
changes in the following PFS inputs to
calculate the physician services update
factor of each participant hospital and
region’s historical average episode
payments: RVUs; work, practice
expense, and malpractice liability
geographic practice cost indices (GPCIs);
and national conversion factor, as
defined in the PFS Final Rule for the
relevant years. Hospital-specific and
region-specific RVU-weighted GPCIs
would be calculated to account for
hospital and region-specific physician
service utilization patterns. Hospitalspecific and region-specific RVUweighted GPCIs would be calculated by
taking the proportion of RVUs for work,
practice expense, and malpractice
liability for physician services included
in the historical episodes and attributed
to each participant hospital and
attributed to CCJR eligible hospitals in
the region, respectively, and
(b) Proposed Physician Services Update
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(e) Proposed HHA Services Update
The proposed HHA services update
factor would apply to payments for
services included in the episode and
paid under the HH PPS, but exclude
payments for Low Utilization Payment
Adjustment (LUPA) claims (claims with
four or fewer home health visits)
because they are paid differently and
would instead be captured in the update
factor for other services in section
III.C.4.b.(f) of this proposed rule. The
update factor applied to the home
health services component of each
participant hospital and region’s
historical average episode payments
would be based on how inputs for the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(f) Proposed Other Services Update
The other services update factor
would apply to payments for services
included in the episode and not paid
under the IPPS, PFS, IRF PPS, or HHA
PPS (except for LUPA claims). This
component would include episode
payments for home health LUPA claims
and CCJR related readmissions at CAHs.
For purposes of calculating the other
services update factor, we propose to
use the Medicare Economic Index (MEI),
a measure developed by CMS for
measuring the inflation for goods and
services used in the provision of
physician services.27 We would
calculate the other services update
factor as the percent change in the MEI
between the latest year used in the TP
calculation and its projected value for
the upcoming performance period.
Because MEI is not hospital or regionspecific, each participant hospital and
region would use the same other
services update factor.
(5) Blend Hospital-specific and Regional
Historical Data
We propose to calculate CCJR episode
target prices using a blend of hospitalspecific and regional historical average
CCJR episode payments, including CCJR
episode payments for all CCJR eligible
hospitals in the same U.S. Census
division as discussed further in section
III.C.4.b.(6) of this proposed rule.
Specifically, we propose to blend two27 Medicare Market Basket Data. https://
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Medicare HH PPS have changed
between the latest year used in the
historical 3 years of episodes and the
upcoming performance period under
CCJR. We propose to use changes in the
HH PPS base rate and average of home
health resource group (HHRG) case-mix
weight, inputs for the HHA PPS and
defined in the HHA PPS Final Rule for
the relevant years, to calculate the home
health services update factor. The
average HHRG case-mix weights would
be specific to each participant hospital
and region to account for hospital and
region-specific home health service
utilization patterns. Hospital-specific
and region-specific HHA services
update factors would be calculated by
averaging the HHRG case-mix weights
for all home health payments (excluding
LUPA claims) included in the historical
episodes attributed to each participant
hospital and attributed to CCJR eligible
hospitals in the region, respectively.
Expressed as a ratio, the HHA
adjustment factor would equal the
• The numerator is based on values
applicable for the upcoming
performance period (PP) for which a
target price is being calculated.
• The denominator is based on values
applicable at the end of the latest
historical year used in the target price
(TP) calculations.
Therefore, the proposed HHA services
update factor formula is shown as—
thirds of the hospital-specific episode
payments and one-third of the regional
episode payment to set a participant
hospital’s target price for the first 2performance years of the CCJR model
(CY 2016 and CY 2017). For
performance year 3 of the model (CY
2018), we propose to adjust the
proportion of the hospital-specific and
regional episode payments used to
calculate the episode target price from
two-thirds hospital-specific and onethird regional to one-third hospitalspecific and two-thirds regional.
Finally, we propose to use only regional
historical CCJR episode payments for
performance years 4 and 5 of the model
(CY 2019 and CY 2020) to set a
participant hospital’s target price, rather
than a blend between the hospitalspecific and regional episode payments.
The specific order of steps, and how this
step fits in with others, is discussed
further in section III.C.4.c. of this
proposed rule. We welcome comment
on the appropriate blend between
hospital-specific and regional episode
payments and the change in that blend
over time.
We considered establishing episode
target prices using only historical CCJR
hospital-specific episode payments for
all 5 performance years of the model
(that is, episode payments for episodes
attributed to the participant hospital, as
previously described in section III.C.2.
of this proposed rule). Using hospitalspecific historical episodes may be
appropriate in other models such as
BPCI Model 2 where participation is
voluntary and setting a region-wide
target price could lead to a pattern of
selective participation in which
inefficient providers decline to
participate, undermining the model’s
ability to improve the efficiency and
quality of care delivered by those
providers, while already-efficient
providers receive windfall gains even if
they do not further improve efficiency.
Because CCJR model participants will
be required to participate in the model,
solely using hospital-specific historical
episode data is not necessary to avoid
this potential concern. Furthermore,
using only hospital-specific historical
CCJR episode payments may provide
little incentive for hospitals that already
cost-efficiently deliver high quality care
to maintain or further improve such
care. These hospitals could receive a
relatively low target price because of
their historical performance but have
fewer opportunities for achieving
additional efficiency under CCJR. They
would not receive reconciliation
payments for maintaining high quality
and efficiency, while other hospitals
that were less efficient would receive
reconciliation payments for improving,
even if the less historically efficient
hospitals did not reach the same level
of high quality and efficiency as the
more historically efficient hospitals.
Using only hospital-specific historical
CCJR episode payments may also not be
sufficient to curb inefficient care or
overprovision of services for hospitals
with historically high CCJR episode
payments. In such instances, using
hospital-specific historical episode
payments for the CCJR model could
result in Medicare continuing to pay an
excessive amount for episodes of care
provided by inefficient hospitals, and
inefficient hospitals would stand to
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
benefit from making only small
improvements. Thus, we do not propose
to set target prices based solely on
hospital-specific data for any
performance years of the model.
We considered establishing the
episode target price using only
historical CCJR regional episode
payments for all 5 performance years of
the model. Though regional target
pricing would reward the most efficient
hospitals for continuing to provide high
quality and cost efficient care, we are
concerned about providing achievable
incentives under the model for hospitals
with high historical CCJR average
episode payments. We believe a lower
regional price for such hospitals would
leave them with little financial
incentive in performance year 1,
especially without any responsibility to
repay payments in excess of the target
price as described in section III.C.3. of
this proposed rule. Thus, we do not
propose to set target prices solely on
regional data for the entire duration of
the model.
Therefore, we propose initially to
blend historical hospital-specific and
regional-historical episode payments
and then transition to using regionalonly historical episode payments in
establishing target prices to afford early
and continuing incentives for both
historically efficient and less efficient
hospitals to furnish high quality,
efficient care in all years of the model.
Our proposal more heavily weights a
hospital’s historical episode data in the
first 2 years of the model (two-thirds
hospital-specific, one-third regional),
providing a reasonable incentive for
both currently efficient and less efficient
hospitals to deliver high quality and
efficient care in the early stages of
model implementation. Beginning in
performance year 3, once hospitals have
engaged in care redesign and adapted to
the model parameters, we propose to
shift to a more heavily weighted
regional contribution (one-third
hospital-specific, two-thirds regional in
performance year 3) and ultimately to a
regional target price for performance
years 4 and 5. We believe that by
performance year 4, setting target prices
based solely on regional historical data
would be feasible because hospitals
would have had 3 years under this
model to more efficiently deliver high
quality care, thereby reducing some of
the variation across hospitals. We
believe transitioning to regional only
pricing in the latter years of the model
would provide important information
about the reduction in unnecessary
variation in LEJR episode utilization
patterns within a region that can be
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We believe transitioning to regionalonly pricing in the latter years of the
model may provide valuable
information regarding potential pricing
strategies for successful episode
payment models that we may consider
for expansion in the future. As
discussed previously, substantial
regional and hospital-specific variation
in Medicare LEJR episode spending
currently exists for beneficiaries with
similar demographic and health status,
so we are proposing that the early CCJR
model years will more heavily weight
historical hospital-specific experience
in pricing episode for a participant
hospital. Once the hospital has
substantial experience with care
redesign, we expect that unnecessary
hospital-specific variation in episode
spending will be minimized so that
regional-only pricing would be
appropriate as we have proposed. We
note that, like episode payment under
the CCJR model, Medicare’s current
payment systems make payments for
bundles of items and services, although
of various breadths and sizes depending
on the specific payment system. For
example, the IPPS pays a single
payment, based on national prices with
geography-specific labor cost
adjustments, for all hospital services
furnished during an inpatient hospital
stay, such as nursing services,
medications, medical equipment,
operating room suites, etc. Under the
IPPS, the national pricing approach
incentivizes efficiencies and has,
therefore, led to a substantial reduction
in unnecessary hospital-specific
variation in resource utilization for an
inpatient hospital stay. On the other
hand, the episode payment approach
being tested under BPCI Model 2 relies
solely on provider-specific pricing over
the lifetime of the model, assuming the
number of episode cases is sufficient to
establish a reliable episode price, an
approach that has potential limitations
were expansion to be considered. Thus,
we believe our proposal for CCJR will
provide new, important information
regarding pricing for even larger and
broader bundles of services once
unnecessary provider-specific variation
has been minimized that would
supplement our experience with
patterns and pricing under existing
payment systems and other episode
payment models. We expect that testing
of CCJR will contribute further
information about efficient Medicare
pricing strategies that result in
appropriate payment for providers’
resources required to furnish high
quality, efficient care to beneficiaries
who receive LEJR procedures. This is
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essential information for any
consideration of episode payment
model expansion, including nationally,
in the future, where operationally
feasible and appropriate pricing
strategies, including provider-specific,
regional, and national pricing
approaches would need to be
We propose an exception to the
blended hospital-specific and regional
pricing approach for hospitals with low
historical CCJR episode volume. We
propose to define hospitals with low
CCJR episode volume as those with
fewer than 20 CCJR episodes in total
across the 3-historical-years used to
calculate target prices. We believe
calculating the hospital-specific
component of the blended target price
for these historically low CCJR episode
volume hospitals may be subject to a
high degree of statistical variation.
Therefore, for each performance year,
we propose to use 100 percent regional
target pricing for participant hospitals
who have fewer than twenty historical
CCJR episodes in the 3-historical-years
used to calculate target prices, as
described in section III.C.4.b.(2) of this
proposed rule. We note that the
3-historical-years used to calculate
target prices would change over the
course of the model, as described in
section III.C.4.b.(2) of this proposed
rule, and when that happens, the twenty
episode threshold would be applied to
the new set of historical years. If all
IPPS hospitals nationally participated
(for estimation purposes, only) in CCJR,
we estimate about 5 percent of hospitals
would be affected by this proposed low
historical CCJR episode volume
provision. 28 A minimum threshold of
twenty episodes is almost equal to the
minimum number of admissions
required in the Medicare HRRP. HRRP
payment adjustment factors are, in part,
determined by procedure/conditionspecific readmission rates for a hospital.
HRRP requires at least 25 procedure/
condition-specific admissions to
calculate the procedure/conditionspecific readmission rate and to be
included in the hospital’s overall HRRP
payment adjustment factor. Though the
proposed minimum threshold of twenty
episodes is slightly less than the 25
admissions required for HRRP, we
believe that because we would not be
calculating infrequent events such as
readmissions, we can achieve a stable
price with slightly fewer episodes.
We also propose an exception to the
blended hospital-specific and regional
28 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes, as proposed in this rule, between October
2013 and September 2014.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
described in this section. For participant
hospitals with new CCNs that are new
hospitals altogether, we propose to use
the approach previously described in
this section for hospitals with fewer
than 20 CCJR episodes across the 3
historical years used to calculate target
prices. In other cases, due to an
organizational change a hospital may
experience a change to an already
existing CCN during the 24 months
prior to the beginning of, or during, the
performance year for which target prices
are being calculated. For example, one
hospital with a CCN may merge with a
second hospital assigned a different
CCN, and both hospitals would then be
identified under the single CCN of the
second hospital. While there may be
more than 20 CCJR episodes under the
second hospital’s CCN in total across
the 3 historical years used to calculate
target prices, in this scenario our use of
only those cases under the second
hospital’s CCN in calculating hospitalspecific historical payments would fail
to meet our general principle of
incorporating into target prices all the
historical episodes that would represent
our best estimate of CCJR historical
payments for these now merged
hospitals. In this scenario, we propose
to calculate hospital-specific payments
for the remaining single CCN (originally
assigned to the second hospital only)
using the historical episodes attributed
to both previously existing hospitals.
These hospital-specific historical
payments would then be blended with
the regional historical payments
according to the approach previously
described in this section in order to
determine the episode price for the
merged hospitals bearing a single CCN.
We seek comment on this proposed
approach for blending hospital-specific
and regional historical payments.
We considered using states, HRRs,
and the entire U.S. as alternative
options to U.S. Census divisions in
defining the region used in blending
provider-specific and regional historical
episode data for calculating target
prices. However, HRR definitions are
specifically based on referrals for
cardiovascular surgical procedures and
neurosurgery, and may not reflect
referral patterns for orthopedic
procedures. Using the entire U.S. would
not account for substantial current
regional variation in utilization, which
is significant for episodes that often
involve PAC use, such as lower
extremity joint replacement
procedures 31. Finally, we considered
29 There are four census regions—Northeast,
Midwest, South, and West. Each of the four census
regions is divided into two or more ‘‘census
divisions’’. Source:
reference/gtc/gtc_census_divreg.html. Accessed on
April 15, 2015.
31 Hussey PS, Huckfeldt P, Hirshman S, Mehrotra
A. Hospital and regional variation in Medicare
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(6) Define Regions as U.S. Census
In all 5 performance years we propose
to define ‘‘region’’ as one of the nine
U.S. Census divisions 29 in Figure3.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
pricing approach for participant
hospitals that received new CMS
Certification Numbers (CCNs) during
the 24 months prior to the beginning of,
or during, the performance year for
which target prices are being calculated.
These participant hospitals with new
CCNs may have formed due to a merger
between or split from previously
existing hospitals, or may be new
hospitals altogether. As a general
principle, we aim to incorporate into the
target prices all the historical episodes
that would represent our best estimate
of CCJR historical payments for these
participant hospitals with new CCNs.
For participant hospitals with new
CCNs that formed from a merger
between or split from previously
existing hospitals, we propose to
calculate hospital-specific historical
payments using the episodes attributed
to the previously existing hospitals.
These hospital-specific historical
payments would then be blended with
the regional historical payments
according to the approach previously
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
component of blended target prices, we
propose to normalize for wage index
differences in historical episode
payments when calculating and
blending the regional and hospitalspecific components of blended target
prices. Calculating blended target prices
from historical CCJR episodes would
help ensure we incentivize hospitals
based on historical utilization and
practice patterns, not Medicare payment
system rate changes that are beyond
hospitals’ control.
We propose to normalize for providerspecific wage index variations using the
IPPS wage index applicable to the
anchor hospitalization (that is, the IPPS
wage index used in the calculation of
the IPPS payment for the anchor
hospitalization). The anchor
hospitalization accounts for
approximately 50 percent of the total
episode expenditures, and the IPPS
wage index is applied to IPPS payments
in a similar manner as wage indices for
other Medicare payment systems are
applied to their respective payments.32
Therefore, we propose that the IPPS
wage index applicable to the anchor
hospitalization for each historical
episode be used to normalize for wage
index variations in historical episode
payments across hospitals when
calculating blended target prices. We
propose to specifically perform this
normalization using the wage
normalization factor (0.7 * IPPS wage
index + 0.3) to adjust the labor-related
portion of payments affected by wage
indices. The 0.7 approximates the labor
share in IPPS, IRF PPS, SNF, and HHA
Medicare payments. We would
normalize for provider-specific wage
index variations by dividing a hospital’s
historical episode payments by the wage
normalization factor.
We propose to reintroduce the
hospital-specific wage variations by
multiplying episode payments by the
wage normalization factor when
calculating the target prices for each
participant hospital, as described in
section III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule.
When reintroducing the hospitalspecific wage variations, the IPPS wage
index would be the one that applies to
the hospital during the period for which
target prices are being calculated (for
example, FY 2016 wage indices for the
target price calculations for episodes
that begin between January 1 and
September 30, 2016). The specific order
of steps, and how this step fits in with
others, is discussed further in section
III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule. We seek
comment on our proposal to normalize
for wage index differences using
participant hospitals’ wage indices in
order to calculate blended target prices.
A hospital-specific pooled historical
average episode payment would be
calculated by multiplying the hospital’s
hospital weight by its combined
historical average episode payment
(sum of MS–DRG 469 and 470 anchored
historical episode payments divided by
the number of MS–DRG 469 and 470
historical episodes).
The calculation of the hospital
weights and the hospital-specific pooled
historical average episode payments
would be comparable to how case mix
indices are used to generate case mix-
payment for inpatient episodes of care [published
online April 13, 2015]. JAMA Intern Med.
32 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes, as proposed in this rule, between October
2013 and September 2014.
(7) Normalize for Provider-Specific
Wage Adjustment Variations
We note that some variation in
historical CCJR episode payments across
hospitals in a region may be due to wage
adjustment differences in Medicare’s
payments. In setting Medicare payment
rates, Medicare typically adjusts
facilities’ costs attributable to wages and
wage-related costs (as estimated by the
Secretary from time to time) by a factor
(established by the Secretary) reflecting
the relative wage level in the geographic
area of the facility or practitioner (or the
beneficiary residence, in the case of
home health and hospice services)
compared to a national average wage
level. Such adjustments are essential for
setting accurate payments, as wage
levels vary significantly across
geographic areas of the country.
However, having the wage level for one
hospital influence the regionalcomponent of hospital-specific and
regional blended target prices for
another hospital with a different wage
level would introduce unintended
pricing distortions not based on
utilization pattern differences.
In order to preserve how wage levels
affect provider payment amounts, while
minimizing the distortions introduced
when calculating the regional-
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(8) Proposed Combination of CCJR
Episodes Anchored by MS–DRGs 469
and 470
We propose to pool together CCJR
episodes anchored by MS–DRGs 469
and 470 for target price calculations to
use a greater historical CCJR episode
volume and set more stable target
prices. We note that we would still
calculate separate target prices for
episodes anchored by MS–DRGs 469
versus 470, described later in this
To pool together MS–DRG 469 and
470 anchored episodes, we propose to
use an anchor factor and hospital
weights. The anchor factor would equal
the ratio of national average historical
MS–DRG 469 anchored episode
payments to national average historical
MS–DRG 470 anchored episode
payments. The national average would
be based on episodes attributed to any
CCJR eligible hospital. The resulting
anchor factor would be the same for all
participant hospitals. For each
participant hospital, a hospital weight
would be calculated using the following
formula, where episode counts are
participant hospital-specific and based
on the episodes in the 3 historical years
used in target price calculations:
using states as regions but were
concerned that doing so would not
allow for sufficient LEJR episode
volume to set stable regional
components of target prices, especially
for participant hospitals in small states.
We believe U.S. Census divisions
provide the most appropriate balance
between very large areas with highly
disparate utilization patterns and very
small areas that would be subject to
price distortions due to low volume or
hospital-specific utilization patterns.
We seek comment on our proposal to
define a region as the U.S. Census
division for purposes of the regional
component of blended target prices
under CCJR.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
adjusted Medicare payments. The
hospital weight essentially would count
each MS–DRG 469 triggered episode as
more than one episode (assuming MS–
DRG 469 anchored episodes have higher
average payments than MS–DRG 470
anchored episodes) so that the pooled
historical average episode payment, and
subsequently the target price, is not
skewed by the hospital’s relative
breakdown of MS–DRG 469 versus 470
anchored historical episodes.
The hospital-specific pooled
historical average payments would be
modified by blending and discount
factors, as described in section III.C.4.c.
of this proposed rule. Afterwards, the
hospital-specific pooled calculations
would be ‘‘unpooled’’ by setting the
MS–DRG 470 anchored episode target
price to the resulting calculations, and
by multiplying the resulting
calculations by the hospital weight to
produce the MS–DRG 469 anchored
target prices.
We would calculate region-specific
weights and region-specific pooled
historical average payments following
the same steps proposed for hospitalspecific weights and hospital-specific
pooled average payments. Instead of
grouping episodes by the attributed
hospital as is proposed for hospitalspecific calculations, region-specific
calculations would group together
episodes that were attributed to any
CCJR eligible hospital located within the
region. The hospital-specific and regionspecific pooled historical average
payments would be blended together as
discussed in section III.C.4.b.(3) of this
proposed rule. The specific order of
steps, and how this step fits in with
others, is discussed further in section
III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule.
We considered an alternative option
of independently setting target prices for
MS–DRG 470 and 469 anchored
episodes without pooling them.
However, hospital volume for MS–DRG
469 was substantially less than for MS–
DRG 470. In 2013 across all IPPS
hospitals, there were more than 10 times
as many MS–DRG 470 anchored
episodes as compared to MS–DRG 469
anchored episodes. 33 In the same
analysis, the median number of
episodes for a hospital with at least 1
episode for the MS–DRG anchored
episode was more than 80 for MS–DRG
470 anchored episodes, though fewer
than 10 for MS–DRG 469 anchored
episodes. Calculating target prices for
MS–DRG 469 anchored episodes
separately for each participant hospital
may result in too few historical episodes
33 Source:
CCW Part A and Part B claims for CCJR
episodes beginning in CY 2013.
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to calculate reliable target prices. We
also considered pooling together MS–
DRG 469 and 470 anchored episodes
without any anchor factor or hospital
weights. However, internal analyses
suggest that average episode payments
for these two MS–DRG anchored
episodes significantly differed; CCJR
episodes initiated by MS–DRG 469 had
payments almost twice as large as those
initiated by MS–DRG 470.34 This
difference is reasonable given that
Medicare IPPS payments differ for MS–
DRG 469 and 470 admissions, and
inpatient payments comprise
approximately 50 percent of CCJR
episode payments. Thus, pooling
together MS–DRG 469 and 470 anchored
episodes without any anchor factor or
hospital weights would introduce
distortions due only to case-mix
(9) Discount Factor
When setting an episode target price
for a participant hospital, we propose to
apply a discount to a hospital’s hospitalspecific and regional blended historical
payments for a performance period to
establish the episode target price that
would apply to the participant
hospital’s CCJR episodes during that
performance period and for which the
hospital would be fully, or partly,
accountable for episode spending in
relationship to the target price, as
discussed in section III.C.3. of this
proposed rule. We expect participant
hospitals to have significant opportunity
to improve the quality and efficiency of
care furnished during episodes in
comparison with historical practice,
because this model would facilitate the
alignment of financial incentives among
providers caring for beneficiaries
throughout the episode. This discount
would serve as Medicare’s portion of
reduced expenditures from the CCJR
episode, with any episode expenditure
below the target price potentially
available as reconciliation payments to
the participant hospital where the
anchor hospitalization occurred. We
propose to apply a 2 percent discount
for performance years 1 through 5 when
setting the target price. We believe that
applying a 2 percent discount in setting
the episode target price allows Medicare
to partake in some of the savings from
the CCJR model, while leaving
considerable opportunity for participant
hospitals to achieve further episode
savings below the target price that they
would be paid as reconciliation
payments, assuming they meet the
34 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes, as proposed in this rule, between October
2013 and September 2014.
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quality requirements as discussed in
section III.C.5 of this proposed rule.
The proposed 2 percent discount is
similar to the range of the discounts
used for episodes in the Medicare Acute
Care Episode (ACE) demonstration.35 In
the Medicare ACE, a demonstration
program that included orthopedic
procedures such as those included in
CCJR, participant hospitals negotiated
with Medicare discounts of 2.5 to 4.4
percent of all Part A orthopedic services
and 0.0 to 4.4 percent of all Part B
orthopedic services during the inpatient
stay (excluding PAC). Hospitals
received the discounted payment and
reported that they were still able to
achieve savings.36 We believe there is
similar, if not potentially more,
opportunity for savings in the CCJR
payment model because it includes
acute inpatient, as well as PAC, an area
of episode spending that accounts for
approximately 25 percent of CCJR
episode payments and exhibits more
than 2 times the episode payment
variation 37 than that of acute inpatient
hospitalization.38 We believe that with
the proposed 2 percent discount,
participant hospitals have an
opportunity to create savings for
themselves as well as Medicare, while
also maintaining or improving quality of
care for beneficiaries.
The proposed 2 percent discount also
matches the discount used in the BPCI
Model 2 90-day episodes, and is less
than the discount used in BPCI Model
2 30-day and 60-day episodes (3
percent). Hundreds of current BPCI
participants have elected to take on
responsibility for repayment in BPCI
Model 2 with a 2 to 3 percent discount.
Because many BPCI participants
volunteered to participate in a bundled
payment model with a discount, we
believe that a discount percent that is
within, and especially a discount of 2
percent that is at the lower end of, the
BPCI discount range would allow CCJR
35 IMPAQ International. Evaluation of the
Medicare Acute Care Episode (ACE) Demonstration:
Final Evaluation Report. Columbia, MD: IMPAQ
International; May 2013.
Accessed April 1 6, 2015.
36 IMPAQ International. Evaluation of the
Medicare Acute Care Episode (ACE) Demonstration:
Final Evaluation Report. Columbia, MD: IMPAQ
International; May 2013.
Accessed April 1 6, 2015.
37 Variation for purposes of this calculation refers
to standard deviation of inpatient and institutional
post-acute episode payments as a percentage of
average inpatient and post-acute episode payments,
38 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes, as proposed in this rule, between October
2013 and September 2014.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
participant hospitals to create savings
for both themselves and Medicare.
As mentioned previously in section
III.C.3. of this proposed rule, we
propose to phase in the financial
responsibility of hospitals for repayment
of actual episode spending that exceeds
the target price starting in performance
year 2. In order to help hospitals
transition to taking on this
responsibility, we propose to apply a
reduced discount of one percent in
performance year 2 for purposes of
determining the hospital’s responsibility
for excess episode spending, but
maintain the 2 percent discount for
purposes of determining the hospital’s
opportunity to receive reconciliation
payment for actual episode spending
below the target price. For example,
under this proposal in performance year
2, a hospital that achieves CCJR actual
episode payments below a target price
based on a 2 percent discount would
retain savings below the target price,
assuming the quality thresholds for
reconciliation payment eligibility are
met (discussed in section III.C.5. of this
proposed rule) and the proposed
performance year stop-gain limit
(discussed in section III.C.8. of this
proposed rule) does not apply. Medicare
would hold responsible for repayment
hospitals whose CCJR actual episode
payments exceed a target price based on
a one percent discount, assuming the
proposed performance year 2 stop-loss
limit (discussed in section III.C.8. of this
proposed rule) does not apply. Hospitals
that achieve CCJR actual episode
payments between a 2 percentdiscounted target price and 1 percentdiscounted target price would neither
receive reconciliation payments nor be
held responsible for repaying Medicare.
The decision on which percentdiscounted target price applies will be
made by evaluating actual episode
payments in aggregate after the
completion of performance year 2, and
the same percent-discounted target price
would apply to all episodes that are
initiated in performance year 2. We
propose to apply this reduced one
percent discount for purposes of
hospital repayment responsibility only
in performance year 2 and apply the 2
percent discount for excess episode
spending repayment responsibility for
performance years 3 through 5. Under
this proposal, the discount for
determination of reconciliation payment
for episode actual spending below the
target price would not deviate from 2
percent through performance years 1
through 5.
In section III.C.5. of this proposed
rule, we propose voluntary submission
of data for a patient-reported outcome
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measure. We propose to incent
participant hospitals to submit data on
this measure by reducing the discount
percentage by 0.3 percentage points for
successfully submitting data, as defined
in section III.D. of this proposed rule. By
successfully submitting data on this
metric for episodes ending in
performance years 1, 2, 3, 4, and or 5,
we would adjust the discount
percentage in the corresponding year(s)
as follows:
• For episodes beginning in
performance year 2, set the discount
percentage in a range from 2 percent to
1.7 percent for purposes of determining
the hospital’s opportunity to receive
reconciliation payment for actual
episode spending below the target price,
and set the discount percentage in a
range from 1 percent to 0.7 percent for
purposes of determining the amount the
hospital would be responsible for
repaying Medicare for actual episode
spending above the target price.
• For episodes beginning in
performance years 3 through 5, set the
discount percentage in a range from 2
percent to 1.7 percent for purposes of
reconciliation payment and Medicare
repayment calculations.
The determination of whether the
hospital successfully submitted data on
the patient-reported outcome measure
cannot be made until after the
performance year ends and data is
reported. Therefore, participant
hospitals would be provided target
prices for both scenarios whether the
successfully submit data or not and
such determination will happen at the
time of payment reconciliation
(discussed further in section III.C.6. of
this proposed rule).
We seek comment on our proposed
discount percentage of 2 percent for
CCJR episodes, our proposal to reduce
the discount to 1 percent on a limited
basis in performance year 2, and our
proposal to reduce the discount by 0.3
percentage points for successfully
reporting patient-reported outcomes
data in the corresponding year.
c. Proposed Approach to Combine
Pricing Features
In section III.C.4.(b) of this proposed
rule we discuss the various features we
propose to incorporate into our
approach to set target prices. We refer
readers to that section for more
information on rationale and
alternatives considered for each feature.
In this section we discuss how the
different pricing features, as well as the
episode definition (section III.B. of this
proposed rule) and adjustments to
payments included in the episodes
(section III.C.3. of this proposed rule),
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would fit together and be sequenced to
calculate CCJR episode target prices for
participant hospitals. As previously
discussed in sections III.C.4.a and
III.C.4.b of this proposed rule, we
propose to calculate sixteen target prices
for performance year 2, and eight target
prices for each of the other 4
performance years. The following steps
would be used to calculate MS–DRG
469 and 470 anchored episode target
prices for both January 1 through
September 30 and October 1 through
December 31 each performance year.
The output of each step would be used
as the input for the subsequent step,
unless otherwise noted.
• Calculate historical CCJR episode
payments for episodes that were
initiated during the 3- historical-years
(section III.C.4.b.(2) of this proposed
rule) for all CCJR eligible hospitals for
all Medicare Part A and B services
included in the episode. We note that
specific PBPM payments may be
excluded from historical episode
payment calculations as discussed in
section III.C.7.d. of this proposed rule.
• Remove effects of special payment
provisions (section III.C.3.a. of this
proposed rule).
• Prorate Medicare payments for
included episode services that span a
period of care that extends beyond the
episode (section III.C.3.b of this
proposed rule.).
• Normalize for hospital-specific
wage adjustment variation by dividing
the episodes outputted in step (3) by the
hospital’s corresponding wage
normalization factor described in
section III.C.4.b.(7) of this proposed
• Trend forward 2 oldest historical
years of data to the most recent year of
historical data. As discussed in section
III.C.4.b.(3) of this proposed rule,
separate national trend factors would be
applied to episodes anchored by MS–
DRG 469 versus MS–DRG 470.
• Cap high episode payment episodes
with a region and MS–DRG anchorspecific high payment ceiling as
discussed in section III.C.3.c. of this
proposed rule, using the episode output
from the previous step.
• Calculate anchor factor and
participant hospital-specific weights
(section III.C.4.b.(8) of this proposed
rule) using the episode output from the
previous step to pool together MS–DRG
469 and 470 anchored episodes,
resulting in participant hospital-specific
pooled historical average episode
payments. Similarly, calculate regionspecific weights to calculate regionspecific pooled historical average
episode payments. We have posted
region-specific pooled historical average
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
episode payments on the CCJR proposed
rule Web site at https://
• Calculate participant hospitalspecific and region-specific weighted
update factors as described in section
III.C.4.b.(4) of this proposed rule.
Multiply each participant hospitalspecific and region-specific pooled
historical average episode payment by
its corresponding participant hospitalspecific and region-specific weighted
update factors to calculate participant
hospital-specific and region-specific
updated, pooled, historical average
episode payments.
• Blend together each participant
hospital-specific updated, pooled,
historical average episode payment with
the corresponding region-specific
updated, pooled, historical average
episode payment according to the
proportions described in section
III.C.4.b.(5) of this proposed rule.
Participant hospitals that do not have
the minimum episode volume across the
historical 3 years would use 0.0 percent
and 100 percent as the proportions for
hospital and region, respectively.
• Reintroduce hospital-specific wage
variations by multiplying the
participant hospital-specific blended,
updated, and pooled historical average
episode payments by the corresponding
hospital-specific wage normalization
factor, using the hospital’s IPPS wage
index that applies to the hospital during
the period for which target prices are
being calculated (section III.C.4.b.(7) of
this proposed rule).
• Multiply the appropriate discount
factor, as discussed in section
III.C.4.b.(9) of this proposed rule to each
participant hospital’s wage-adjusted,
blended, updated, and pooled historical
average episode payment. For
performance years 1, 3, 4, and 5, two
discount factors would be used, one if
the hospital successfully submits data
on the patient-reported outcomes
measure proposed in section III.C.5 of
this proposed rule, and one if the
hospital does not successfully submit
the data. For performance year 2, 4
discount factors would be used to
account for the 4 combinations of the
following: a) whether or not the hospital
successfully submits data on the
patient-reported outcomes measure; and
b) for the different discount factors
proposed for purposes of calculating
reconciliation payments vs. calculating
repayment amounts. The result of this
calculation would be the participant
hospital-specific target prices for MS–
DRG 470 anchored episodes.
• Multiply participant hospitals’
target prices for MS–DRG 470 anchored
episodes by the anchor factor (section
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III.C.4.b.(8) of this proposed rule) to
calculate hospitals’ target prices for MS–
DRG 469 anchored episodes.
The aforementioned steps would be
used to calculate target prices for
episodes that begin between January 1
and September 30, as well as for
episodes that begin between October 1
and December 31, for each performance
year. The target price calculations for
the two different time periods each
performance year would differ by the
IPPS wage index used in step (11) and
the update factors used in step (8). By
following these eight steps, we would
calculate eight target prices for each
participant hospital for performance
years 1, 3, 4, and 5, and 16 target prices
for performance year 2. We refer readers
to section III.C.4.b. of this proposed rule
for further details on each of the specific
We seek comment on the proposed
approach to sequence and fit together
the different pricing features, the
episode definition (section III.B. of this
proposed rule), and adjustments to
payments included in the episodes
(section III.C.3. of this proposed rule) to
calculate CCJR episode target prices for
participant hospitals.
5. Proposed Use of Quality Performance
in the Payment Methodology
a. Background
Over the past several years Medicare
payment policy has moved away from
FFS payments unlinked to quality and
towards payments that are linked to
quality of care. Through the Affordable
Care Act, we have implemented specific
IPPS programs like the HVBP
(subsection (o) of section 1886 of the
Act), the Hospital Acquired Conditions
Reduction Program (HACRP)
(subsection (q) of section 1886) and the
HRRP (subsection (p) of section 1886),
where quality of care is linked with
payment. We have also implemented
the MSSP, an accountable care
organization program that links shared
savings payment to quality performance.
Since the implementation of the HRRP
in October 2012, readmission rates for
various medical conditions like THA
and TKA (THA/TKA) have improved.
Trend analyses show a decrease in
readmission rates and specifically with
THA/TKA risk-standardized
readmissions rates (RSRR) from 5.4
percent (July 2010-June 2011) to 4.8
percent (July 2012-June 2013).39
39 Hospital Quality Initiatives. CMS Hospital
Quality Chartbook 2014. Available at: https://
Downloads/Medicare-Hospital-Quality-Chartbook2014.pdf . Accessed April 21, 2015.
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Additionally, hospital THA/TKA RSCR
decreased from 3.4 percent (April 2010
through March 2011) to 3.1 percent
(April 2012 through March 2013).
Despite the downward trend of THA/
TKA RSRRs and RSCRs, the wide
dispersion in these readmission rates
suggests there is still room for hospitals
to improve their performance on these
measures as illustrated by a THA/TKA
RSRR distribution of 2.8 to 9.4 percent
(July 2010-June 2013) and a THA/TKA
RSCR distribution of 1.5 to 6.4 percent
(April 2010-March 2013). We believe
that the CCJR Model provides another
mechanism for hospitals to improve
quality of care, while also achieving cost
efficiency. Incentivizing high-value care
through episode-based payments for
LEJR procedures is a primary objective
of CCJR. Therefore, incorporating
quality performance into the episode
payment structure is an essential
component of the CCJR model. We also
believe that the financial opportunity
proposed in section III.C.3. of this
proposed rule provides the appropriate
incentives necessary to reward a
participant hospital’s achievement of
episode savings when the savings are
greater than the discounted target price.
For the reasons stated previously, we
believe it is important for the CCJR
model to link the financial reward
opportunity with achievement in
quality of care for Medicare
beneficiaries undergoing LEJR.
As discussed in section III.C of this
proposed rule, which outlines the
payment structure for the CCJR model,
each participant hospital will have
target prices calculated for MS–DRG 469
and 470 anchored episodes; each
anchored episode includes an anchor
hospitalization for an LEJR procedure
and a 90–day period after the date of
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization. These episode target
prices represent expected spending all
related Part A and Part B spending for
such episodes, with a discount.
Hospitals who achieve actual episode
spending below a target price for a given
performance period would be eligible
for a reconciliation payment from CMS,
subject to the proposed stop-gain limit
policy as discussed in section III.C.8. of
this proposed rule.
In the next section of this proposed
rule, we propose quality performance
standards that must also be met in order
for a hospital to be eligible to receive a
reconciliation payment under CCJR.
Specifically, we describe our proposal
to include a performance measure result
threshold on select outcomes-based
quality measures as a requirement for
participants to receive a reconciliation
payment if actual episode spending is
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
less than the target price under CCJR in
a performance year, in addition to a
payment adjustment for successful
reporting of a voluntary measure in
development. Beginning in performance
year one and continuing throughout the
duration of the model, we propose to
make reconciliation payments only to
those CCJR hospital participants that
meet or exceed a minimum measure
result threshold. We also discuss an
alternative approach to determining
CCJR reconciliation payment eligibility
and adjusting payment based on a
quality score developed from
performance on three outcomes-based
quality measures and success in
reporting the voluntary measurement in
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
b. Proposed Implementation of Quality
Measures for Reconciliation Payment
In section III.D. of this proposed rule
we propose three measures to assess
quality of care of the hospitals
participating in the CCJR Model. We
also propose voluntary data submission
for a patient-reported outcome measure.
In this section we propose using three
measures to determine eligibility for a
reconciliation payment, as well as
propose rewarding hospitals that
voluntarily submit data for the patientreported outcome measure. We also
discuss an alternative approach to
determining reconciliation payment
eligibility and adjusting payment based
on a composite quality score calculated
from the three required outcome
measures and success on reporting
voluntary data on the patient-reported
outcome measure.
(1) General Selection of Proposed
Quality Measures
The CCJR model is designed to
provide financial incentives to improve
coordination of care for beneficiaries
that we expect to lead to avoidance of
post-surgical complications and hospital
readmissions, as well as to improve
patient experience through care
redesign and coordination. Furthermore,
we acknowledge that achievement of
savings while ensuring high-quality care
for Medicare FFS beneficiaries in LEJR
episodes will require close collaboration
among hospitals, physicians, PAC
providers, and other providers. In order
to encourage care collaboration among
multiple providers of patients
undergoing THA and TKA, we propose
three measures, as described in detail in
section III.D.2. of this proposed rule, to
determine hospital quality of care and to
determine eligibility for a reconciliation
payment under the CCJR model. The
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measures we are proposing are as
• Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
RSRR following elective primary THA
and/or TKA (NQF #1551), an
administrative claims-based measure.
• Hospital-level RSCR following
elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF
#1550), an administrative claims-based
• HCAHPS Survey measure.
Beginning in performance year 1 and
continuing throughout the duration of
the model, we propose to make
reconciliation payments only to those
CCJR participant hospitals that meet or
exceed a minimum performance
threshold on the measures previously
listed. We propose that hospitals must
meet or exceed the measure reporting
thresholds and other requirements
described in section III.C and III.D. of
this proposed rule on all three measures
in order to be eligible for a
reconciliation payment.
These three outcome measures were
chosen due to their: (1) Alignment with
the goals of the CCJR model; (2)
hospitals’ familiarity with the measures
due to their use in other CMS hospital
quality programs, including programs
that tie payment to performance such as
HVBP and HRRP; and (3) assessment of
CMS priorities to improve the rate of
LEJR complications and readmissions,
while improving patient experience. We
believe the three quality measures we
propose for reconciliation payment
eligibility reflect these goals and
accurately measure hospitals’ level of
achievement on such goals.
(2) Proposal To Adjust the Payment
Methodology for Voluntary Submission
of Data for Patient-Reported Outcome
During our consideration of quality
metrics for the CCJR model, we
examined the feasibility of linking
voluntary data submission of patientreported outcomes, beyond the current
three required measures proposed in
section III.D.2. of this proposed rule for
use in the model, with the possibility of
incentivizing participant hospitals
under the episode payment model to
participate in this voluntary submission
of data. We specifically examined
potential patient-reported outcome
measures since this type of outcome
measure aligns with the CCJR model
goal of improving LEJR episode quality
of care, including a heightened
emphasis on patient-centered care
where patients provide meaningful
input to their care. Furthermore, the
availability of patient reported outcome
data would provide additional
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information on a participant hospital’s
quality performance, especially with
respect to a patient’s functional status,
beyond the current three required
measures proposed in section III.D.2. of
this proposed rule for use in the model.
We note that we have a measure in
development, the Hospital-Level
Performance Measure(s) of PatientReported Outcomes Following Elective
Primary THA or TKA measure or both
(hence forth referred to as ‘‘THA/TKA
patient-reported outcome-based
measure’’), that would support the
National Quality Strategy domain of
patient and family engagement, and
could capture meaningful information
that would not otherwise be available
on patient outcomes that are related to
the quality of LEJR episodes under
CCJR. We believe that incorporating this
measure into CCJR by adjusting the
payment methodology for successful
voluntary data submission on the THA/
TKA patient-reported outcome-based
measure (henceforth referred to as
‘‘THA/TKA voluntary data’’) would
provide participant hospitals with
valuable information on functional
outcomes that would assist them in
assessing an important patient-centered
outcome, engaging other providers and
suppliers in care redesign for LEJR
episodes, as well as provide them with
the potential for greater financial benefit
from improved LEJR episode
efficiencies. We do not believe it would
be appropriate at this time to hold any
participant hospitals financially
accountable for their actual THA/TKA
voluntary data, as we have proposed for
the three required measures described
in section III.C.5.b.(2) of this proposed
Instead, we propose to adjust the
episode payment methodology for
participant hospitals that successfully
submit THA/TKA voluntary data by
reducing the discount percentage used
to set the target price from 2.0 percent
to 1.7 percent of expected episode
spending based on historical CCJR
episode data, hereinafter referred to as
the voluntary reporting payment
adjustment. The proposed payment
policies with respect to reconciliation
payment eligibility and the discount
percentage based on hospital voluntary
data submission are summarized in
Table 7 for performance years 3 through
5 where hospitals have full repayment
responsibility. The specific percentages
that would apply for purposes of the
repayment amount and reconciliation
payment are outlined for performance
years 1 and 2 in the discussion that
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
1.7%/eligible ..................................
2.0%/eligible ..................................
Does not meet
thresholds for one or more of
3 required quality measures
Meets thresholds for all 3 required
quality measures
Successfully submits THA/TKA voluntary data .......................................
Does not successfully submit THA/KA voluntary data ...........................
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Discount percentage included in target price/reconciliation
payment eligibility
We refer readers to section III.D.3. of
this proposed rule for further discussion
of the THA/TKA patient-reported
outcome-based measure and our
proposed definition of successful
reporting. In addition, we refer readers
to section III.C.4.b.(9) of this proposed
rule for discussion of the proposed
discount of 2.0 percent (without the
voluntary reporting payment
adjustment) to establish the target price.
We believe that a voluntary reporting
payment adjustment of 0.3 percent of
expected episode spending would, on
average, cover the participant hospitals’
additional administrative costs of
voluntarily reporting patient risk
variables and patient-reported reported
function for outcome calculation. We
estimate the value of this discount
reduction, on average, to be about $75
per LEJR episode at a participant
hospital, which we believe would be
sufficient to pay hospitals for the
resources required to survey
beneficiaries pre- and post-operatively
about functional status and report this
information required for measure
development to CMS. We also believe
that voluntary reporting on this patientreported outcome measure is integral to
implementation of the CCJR model, as it
will allow us to further develop and
evaluate the measure for potential use in
this model in the future as a measure of
quality that is important and not
captured in any other available
The voluntary reporting payment
adjustment would be available for all
years of the model, unless we find the
measure to be unfeasible or have
adequately developed the measure such
that continued voluntary data collection
is no longer needed for measure
development during the course of the
model. In those situations, we would
notify participant hospitals that the
voluntary reporting payment adjustment
was no longer available as we would
cease collecting the data.
When we provide the episode target
price to each participant hospital at 2
times during the performance year, we
would provide different target prices
reflecting the 2.0 percent and 1.7
percent discounts. At the time of
reconciliation for the performance year,
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we would determine which participant
hospitals successfully reported the
THA/TKA voluntary data for that
performance year. The effects of this
voluntary reporting payment adjustment
would vary for each year of the model,
depending on the proposed
reconciliation payment and repayment
policies for that performance year. For
hospitals that achieved successful
reporting of the THA/TKA voluntary
data in performance year 3, 4, or 5,we
would use the target price reflecting the
1.7 percent discount (compared with the
2.0 percent discount for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) to
calculate the hospital’s reconciliation
payment or repayment amount. Based
on this comparison, consistent with the
proposal described in section III.C.6. of
this proposed rule, we would make a
reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending is less than the target price
(and the thresholds for reconciliation
payment eligibility are met for the three
required quality measures) or make
participant hospitals responsible for
repaying Medicare if actual episode
spending exceeds the target price. For
performance year 2, when repayment
responsibility is being phased-in, for
participant hospitals with successful
THA/TKA voluntary data reporting, we
would use a target price reflecting the
1.7 percent discount (compared with the
2.0 percent discount for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) to
determine if actual episode spending
was below the target price, whereupon
the participant hospital would receive a
reconciliation payment if the quality
thresholds on the three required
measures are met. In order to help
hospitals transition to taking on
repayment responsibility, we propose to
apply a reduced discount of 0.7 percent
for successful THA/TKA voluntary data
reporting hospitals (compared with 1.0
percent for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) in
performance year 2 for purposes of
determining the hospital’s repayment
responsibility for excess episode
spending. For performance year 1, when
there is no repayment responsibility, for
participant hospitals with successful
THA/TKA voluntary data reporting, we
would use a target price reflecting the
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1.7 percent discount (compared with the
2.0 percent discount for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) to
determine if actual episode spending
was below the target price, whereupon
the participant hospital would receive a
reconciliation payment if the quality
thresholds on the three required
measures are met. We believe this
proposed voluntary reporting payment
adjustment provides the potential for
increased financial benefit for
participant hospitals due to a higher
target price (that reflects a lower
discount percentage) that successfully
report the measure. Participant hospitals
that successfully report the voluntary
data would be subject to a lower
repayment amount (except for
performance year 1 when hospitals have
no repayment responsibility) or a higher
reconciliation payment (assuming the
thresholds are met on the three required
measures for reconciliation payment
eligibility), than hospitals that do not
successfully report the voluntary data.
In general, participant hospitals that
meet the performance thresholds for the
three required quality measures and
reduce actual episode spending below
the target price, as well as successfully
report the THA/TKA voluntary data,
would be eligible to retain an additional
0.3 percent of the reduced episode
expenditures relative to participant
hospitals that successfully report the
three required quality measures but do
not report voluntary data, funds which
would offset additional administrative
costs that the participant hospitals
would incur in reporting on the
measure. Additionally, for performance
years 2–5 where participant hospitals
have payment responsibility, participant
hospitals with increased actual episode
spending above the target price would
not be required to repay 0.3 percent of
the increased episode expenditures
(relative to participant hospitals that do
not report voluntary data), funds that
would offset additional administrative
costs that the participant hospitals
would incur in reporting on the
measure. These costs would include the
hospital staff time required for training
on the measure, as well as then
gathering and reporting on multiple
patient risk variables from LEJR episode
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
beneficiaries’ medical records and
locating beneficiaries and administering
via phone survey questions on
functional status, which would also
then be reported to CMS. Thus, we
expect that the proposal would
encourage reporting by a number of
participant hospitals, and it has the
potential to benefit those hospitals that
successfully report on the measure.
Therefore, this proposal could
financially benefit reporting hospitals
that would also collect valuable
information on patient functional
outcomes that could inform their LEJR
care redesign. While this measure
remains in development from our
perspective to ensure translation of data
across care settings and the respective
hospital communities during the 90-day
post-discharge episode of care,
participant hospitals would gain
anecdotal, locally relevant information
regarding the patient-reported outcomes
of their own patients that could inform
participant hospitals’ continuous
quality improvement efforts.
We considered two alternative
options to adjust the CCJR payment
methodology by modifying the required
quality measure thresholds for
reconciliation payment eligibility for
those participant hospitals that
successfully submit the THA/TKA
voluntary data. First, we considered
adjusting the threshold that hospitals
must meet on the three required quality
measures for reconciliation payment
eligibility if reduced episode spending
is achieved from the unadjusted 30th
percentile threshold to the adjusted 20th
percentile threshold for performance
years 1, 2, and 3, and from the
unadjusted 40th percentile to the
adjusted 30th percentile for
performance years 4 and 5. Second, we
considered only requiring hospitals to
meet the 30th percentile threshold on
two of three outcome measures for
performance years 1, 2, and 3, and the
40th percentile threshold on two of
three outcome measures for
performance years 4 and 5. These
options would provide the opportunity
for some participant hospitals,
specifically those that missed the
unadjusted percentile for one or more of
the three required quality measures by
a specified margin, to receive
reconciliation payments if actual
episode spending was less than the
target price. However, these options
could benefit only a subset of
participant hospitals that successfully
reported the THA/TKA voluntary data.
For the majority of participant hospitals
that we expect would meet the
unadjusted thresholds for all three
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required measures, these options do not
provide any incentive to voluntarily
report the data because the hospitals
would not benefit from voluntarily
reporting the additional measure. We
decided not to propose either of these
options to adjust the CCJR payment
methodology for participant hospitals
that voluntarily report data on the new
measure because the limited benefit
could result in few hospitals choosing to
report on the measure, thereby limiting
our progress in developing the measure.
We note that these two considered
options and our proposal are not
mutually exclusive.
We seek comment on the proposed
voluntary reporting payment adjustment
of reducing the discount percentage
from 2.0 percent to 1.7 percent for CCJR
participant hospitals that voluntarily
and successfully report on the THA/
TKA voluntary data. Given our interest
in robust hospital participation in
reporting on the THA/TKA voluntary
data under CCJR, we are specifically
interested in information on the
additional resources and their
associated costs that hospitals would
incur to report THA/TKA voluntary
data, as well as the relationship of these
costs to the potential financial benefit
participant hospitals could receive from
the proposed reduced discount of 1.7
percent. Based on such information, we
would consider whether a change from
the proposed discount factor reduction
due to successful voluntary data
submission would be appropriate. We
also seek comment on whether the
alternative payment methodology
adjustments considered, or combination
of adjustments, would more
appropriately incentivize CCJR
participant hospitals to submit THA/
TKA voluntary data. We believe that
development of the THA/TKA patientreported outcome measure would
benefit from reporting by a broad array
of participant hospitals, including those
that currently deliver high quality,
efficient LEJR episode care and those
that have substantial room for
improvement on quality and or costefficiency.
Furthermore, in light of our interest in
encouraging CCJR participant hospital
THA/TKA voluntary data reporting, we
also considered alternative approaches
to collect this information or provide
hospitals with funds to help cover their
associated administrative costs other
than adjustments to the CCJR model
payment methodology. One alternative
would be for hospitals to collect and
report on patient pre-operative
information collected 0 to 90 days
before surgery, while CMS would
engage a contractor to collect and report
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the post-operative information collected
9 to 12 months after surgery. This
approach would reduce some of the
administrative burden of collection and
reporting on hospitals, although
participant hospitals would need to
provide CMS with certain beneficiary
information, including contact
information that would be needed for a
CMS contractor to contact the
beneficiary at a later date. We seek
comment on this alternative, including
whether hospitals would incur
significant additional administrative
costs to report on the data prior to
surgery and how CMS could best
provide funds to offset some of those
costs, through an adjustment to the
CCJR payment methodology or other
means. We also seek comment on the
information participant hospitals would
need to provide to CMS so a CMS
contractor could collect and report the
post-operative data, and the most
efficient ways for hospitals to provide
this information to us. Finally, we
considered an approach that would
provide hospitals with separate
payment outside of an adjustment to the
CCJR payment methodology to
specifically assist in covering their
administrative costs of reporting THA/
TKA voluntary data, in order to achieve
robust hospital participation in
reporting. We seek comment on the
hospital administrative costs that would
be incurred for reporting, as well as on
approaches we could take to ensure that
hospitals achieved successful reporting
under such an approach if separate
payment was made. Finally, we are
interested in comments regarding the
comparative strength of these various
alternatives in encouraging hospitals to
participate in reporting THA/TKA
voluntary data.
For a detailed description of this
measure see section III.D.3 of this
proposed rule
(3) Measure Risk-Adjustment and
All three proposed outcome measures
are risk-adjusted and we refer readers to
section III.D.2 of this proposed rule for
a full discussion of these measures and
risk-adjustment methodologies. We
believe that risk-adjustment for patient
case-mix is important when assessing
hospital performance based on patient
outcomes and experience and
understanding how a given hospital’s
performance compares to the
performance of other hospitals with
similar case-mix.
(4) Applicable Time Period
We propose to use a 3-year rolling
performance or applicable period for the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR
following elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1551) and the Hospitallevel RSCR following elective primary
THA and/or TKA (NQF #1550)
measures. We also specifically propose
to align with the HIQR program’s 3-year
rolling performance period for the RSSR
and RSCR measures since we believe
that a 3-year performance period yields
the most consistently reliable and valid
measure results (FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH 70
FR 50208 through 50209). For the
HCAHPS Survey measure, we propose
to follow the same performance period
as in the HIQR program (FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH Final rule 79 FR 50259). HCAHPS
scores are created from 4 consecutive
quarters of survey data; publicly
reported HCAHPS results are also based
on 4 quarters of data. For the voluntary
data collection for the proposed THA/
TKA patient-reported outcome-based
performance measure, the optimal
reporting time period has not been
determined. Therefore, we propose
defining the applicable time period as
12 month intervals that may begin
between July 1, 2016 and December 31,
2016, and continue in subsequent
performance years for a total of four or
fewer performance periods. Participant
hospitals will submit required data to
CMS in a mechanism similar to the data
submission process for the HIQR
program within sixty days of the end of
each 12 month period. As described in
section III.C.5.b.(3) of this proposed
rule, the proposed voluntary reporting
payment adjustment of reducing the
discount percentage from 2.0 percent to
1.7 percent for CCJR participant
hospitals that successfully report on the
THA/TKA voluntary data would begin
in year 2 and also apply to subsequent
years of the model.
(5) Criteria for Applicable Hospitals and
Performance Scoring
(a) Identification of Participant
Hospitals for the CCJR Model
As discussed in section III.A.2 of this
proposed rule, all CCJR participant
hospitals would be IPPS hospitals.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(b) Methodology to Determine
Performance on the Quality Measures
To determine performance on the
quality measures, we propose to
calculate measure results for all three
measures as outlined in the Quality
Measures section III.D.2 of this
proposed rule. Performance on the three
measures for the CCJR model participant
hospitals would be compared to the
national distribution of measure results
for each of these measures obtained
through the HIQR program. The HIQR
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program is an IPPS program in which
public reporting is a focus of the
program for the nation’s acute care
hospitals, and we propose using the
absolute value of the CCJR model
participant hospital’s result to
determine if that participant hospital is
eligible for a reconciliation payment. In
essence we intend to take the HIQR
program measure results (also posted
publicly) for the proposed measures,
identify the threshold as outlined in
section III.C.5.b.(3) of this proposed
rule, and apply the thresholds also
outlined in section III.C.5.b.(7) of this
proposed rule. We believe it is
reasonable to use the HIQR program
distribution of measure results to
identify a measure result threshold
because—(1) the hospitals in the HIQR
program represent most acute care
hospitals in the nation; (2) the CCJR
model participant hospitals are a subset
of the hospitals in the HIQR program;
and (3) the expectation that the CCJR
model participant hospitals meet a
measure result threshold based on a
national distribution of measure results
will encourage the CCJR model
participant hospitals to strive to attain
measure results consistent with or better
than hospitals across the nation. For a
detailed description of how we will
determine the measure result thresholds
for consideration of a reconciliation
payment adjustment see section
III.C.5.b.(3) and III.C.7.of this proposed
rule. We would not want to encourage
CCJR model participant hospitals to
strive for measure results or quality of
care performance that may be lower
than the national measure results. Given
that the CCJR participant hospitals are a
subset of the HIQR program participant
hospitals, they are familiar with these
three measures and may have put into
place processes that will help to
improve quality of care in the LEJR
patient population. Finally, once the
measure results are calculated, we
propose to use these results to
determine eligibility for reconciliation
payment, which is discussed in detail in
the next section.
To be considered to have successfully
reported the voluntary data collection
and submission for the THA/TKA
voluntary data, we propose that
successfully reporting will mean
participant hospitals must meet all of
the following:
• Submit the data elements listed in
section III.D.3.a.(2) of this proposed
• Data elements listed in section
III.D.3.a.(2) of this proposed rule must
be submitted on at least 70 percent of
their eligible elective primary THA/TKA
patients (patients eligible for pre-
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operative THA/TKA voluntary data
submission are those described in
section III.D.3.a.(3)of this proposed
rule); patients eligible for post-operative
THA/TKA voluntary data submission
are those described in section
III.D.3.a(3) of this proposed rule and
also having a THA/TKA procedure date
during the anchor hospitalization at
least 366 days prior to the end of the
data collection period. Therefore,
hospitals are not expected to collect and
submit post-operative THA/TKA
voluntary data on patients who are
fewer than 366 days from the date of
• THA/TKA voluntary data
submission must occur within 60 days
of the end of the most recent 12 month
Hospitals meeting these three
standards, and have successfully
submitted THA/TKA voluntary data,
will be eligible for the proposed
voluntary reporting payment adjustment
of reducing the discount percentage
from 2.0 percent to 1.7 percent for CCJR
participant hospitals that voluntarily
and successfully report on the THA/
TKA voluntary data. Encouraging
collection and submission of the THA/
TKA voluntary data through the CCJR
model will increase availability of
patient-reported outcomes to both
participant hospitals that collect and
submit data on their own patients in the
model (and their patients as well);
further development of an outcomes
measure that provides meaningful
information on patient-reported
outcomes for THA/TKA procedures that
are commonly furnished to Medicare
beneficiaries; provide another quality
measure that may be incorporated into
the CCJR model policy linking quality to
payment in future performance years,
pending successful development of the
measure; and inform the quality strategy
of future payment models. Collecting
data on at least 70 percent of hospital’s
eligible THA/TKA patients would
provide sufficiently representative data
to allow for development and testing of
the THA/TKA patient-reported
outcome-based performance measure.
We invite public comment on the
proposal to calculate measure results for
all three measures as outlined in the
Quality Measures section III.D.2 of this
proposed rule. We also seek public
comment on our proposal for hospitals
to meet three requirements, previously
outlined, in order to be considered as
successfully submitting THA/TKA
voluntary data.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(c) Proposed Methodology To Link
Quality and Payment
(i) Background
In proposing a methodology for
linking payment for LEJR episodes to
quality under this model, we considered
several alternatives. Specifically, we
considered making reconciliation
payments to hospitals tied to
achievement and improvement in
quality performance or, alternatively,
establishing minimum quality
performance thresholds for selected
quality measures from the beginning of
the model or a later year, which would
reward achievement but not necessarily
improvement. While we propose in
section III.C.5.b.(6)(c) of this proposed
rule to establish minimum thresholds
for participant hospital performance on
three selected quality measures for
reconciliation payment eligibility each
performance year from the beginning of
the model, we also discuss in detail an
alternative we considered, which would
make quality incentive payments related
to hospital achievement and
improvement on the basis of a
composite quality score developed for
each performance year. The composite
quality score would affect reconciliation
payment eligibility and change the
effective discount included in the target
price experienced by a participant
hospital at reconciliation.
Similar to the proposal described in
section III.C.5.b.(6)(c) of this proposed
rule, the alternatives considered would
require a determination of participant
hospital performance on all three
required quality measures, described in
section III.D. of this proposed rule,
based on the national distribution of
hospital measure result performance,
but instead of identifying the participant
hospital’s performance percentile for
comparison with a threshold
requirement, we would do so for
purposes of assigning points toward a
hospital composite quality score. Both
the hospital-level 30-day, all cause RiskStandardized Readmission Rate (RSRR)
following elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1551) measure and the
hospital-level Risk-Standardized
Complication Rate (RSCR) following
elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF
#1550) measure directly yield rates for
which a participant hospital
performance percentile could be
determined and compared to the
national distribution in a
straightforward manner. As discussed in
section III.D.2.c.of this proposed rule,
we propose to use the HCAHPS Linear
Mean Roll Up (HLMR) score calculated
using the HCAHPS Survey (NQF #1661)
measure. Once the HLMR scores are
calculated, the participant hospital
performance percentile could also be
determined and compared to the
national distribution in a
straightforward manner. In addition, the
alternatives considered would account
for the successful submission of
voluntary THA/TKA data on the
patient-reported outcome measure, as
discussed in section III.C.5.b.(2) of this
proposed rule, in the calculation of the
composite quality score.
(ii) Alternatives Considered To Link
Quality and Payment
We considered assigning each
participant hospital a composite quality
score, developed as the sum of the
individual quality measure scores
described later in this section, which
were set to reflect the intended weights
for each of the quality measures and the
successful submission of THA/TKA
voluntary data in the composite quality
score. The participant hospital’s
composite quality score would affect
reconciliation payment eligibility and
could also provide the opportunity for
quality incentive payments under the
CCJR model. Each quality measure
would be assigned a weight in the
composite quality score and possible
scores for the measures would be set to
reflect those weights. A composite
quality score for each performance year
would be calculated for each participant
hospital based on its own performance
that would affect reconciliation
payment eligibility and the hospital’s
opportunity to receive quality incentive
payments under the model. The
composite quality score would also
change the effective discount included
in the target price experienced by the
hospital at reconciliation for that
performance year. We would weigh
participant hospital performance on
each of the three measures and
successful submission of voluntary
THA/TKA data according to the
measure weights displayed in Table 8.
Weight in
quality score
Quality measure
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR following elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551) ...................................................
Hospital-level RSCR following elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1550) ................................................................................
HCAHPS survey (NQF #1661) ............................................................................................................................................................
Voluntary THA/TKA data submission on patient-reported outcome measure ....................................................................................
We would assign the lowest weight of
10 percent to the successful submission
of THA/TKA data on the patientreported outcome measure because
these data represent a hospital’s
meaningful participation in advancing
the quality measurement of LEJR
patient-reported outcomes but not
actual outcome performance for LEJR
episodes under the CCJR model. We
believe the three required measures that
represent LEJR outcomes deserve higher
weights in the composite quality score.
We would assign a modest weight of 20
percent to the readmissions measure
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because, while we believe that
readmissions are an important quality
measure for LEJR episodes, the episode
payment methodology under the model
already provides a strong financial
incentive to reduce readmissions that
otherwise would contribute
significantly to greater actual episode
payments. Furthermore, hospitals
generally have already made significant
strides over the past several years in
reducing readmissions due to the
inclusion of this measure in other CMS
hospital programs that make payment
adjustments based on performance on
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this measure. We believe that a higher
weight than 20 percent would overvalue
the contribution of readmissions
performance as an indicator of LEJR
episode quality in calculating the
composite quality score. Furthermore,
other CMS hospital programs may also
make a payment adjustment based on
hospital performance on the
readmissions measure so we would not
want this measure to also strongly
influence reconciliation payment
eligibility and the opportunity for
quality incentive payments under the
CCJR model. We would assign a higher
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
weight of 30 percent to the HCAHPS
survey measure because we believe that
incorporating this quality measure,
which reflects performance regarding
patients’ perspectives on care, including
communication, care transitions, and
discharge information, is a highly
meaningful outcome measure of LEJR
episode quality under the CCJR model.
However, we do not propose to assign
the HCAHPS survey measure the
highest weight of the four measures, as
the measure is not specific to LEJR
episode care, but rather to all clinical
conditions treated by participant
hospitals. Finally, we would assign the
highest weight, 40 percent, to the
complications measure. We believe this
measure should be weighted the most
because it is specific to meaningful
outcomes for primary THA and TKA
that are the major procedures included
in LEJR episodes under the CCJR model.
The measure includes important
complications of LEJR episodes, such as
myocardial infarction, pneumonia,
surgical site bleeding, pulmonary
embolism, death, mechanical joint
complications, and joint infections
occurring within various periods of time
during the LEJR episode. LEJR episodes
under the CCJR model are broadly
defined so that reducing complications
should be a major focus of care redesign
that improves quality and efficiency
under this model, yet because
complications may not be as costly as
readmissions, the payment incentives
under the model do not as strongly
target reducing complications as
reducing readmissions. We seek
comment on this weighting of the
individual quality scores in developing
a composite quality score for each
participant hospital.
Under such an approach, we would
first score individually each participant
hospital on the Hospital-level 30-day,
all-cause RSRR using the elective
primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551)
measure; Hospital-level RSCR following
using the elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1550) measure; and
HCAPHS survey (NQF #1661) measure
based on the participant hospital’s
performance percentile as compared to
the national distribution of hospitals’
measure performance, assigning scores
according to the point values displayed
in Table 9 These individual measure
scores have been set to reflect the
measure weights included in Table 9 so
they can ultimately be summed without
adjustment in calculating the composite
quality score.
quality score
Performance percentile
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
≥90th ...........................................................................................................................
≥80th and <90th ..........................................................................................................
≥70th and <80th ..........................................................................................................
≥60th and <70th ..........................................................................................................
≥50th and <60th ..........................................................................................................
≥40th and <50th ..........................................................................................................
≥30th and <40th ..........................................................................................................
<30th ...........................................................................................................................
Given the current national
distribution of hospital performance on
these measures, we believe that small
point increments related to higher
measure performance deciles would be
the most appropriate way to assign more
points to reflect meaningfully higher
quality performance on the measures.
The absolute differences for each decile
among the three measures reflect the
intended weight of the measure in the
composite quality score. We would
assign any low volume participant
hospital without a reportable value for
the measure to the 50th performance
percentile of the measure, so as not to
disadvantage a participant hospital
based on its low volume alone because
that hospital may in actuality provide
high quality care. These three measures
are well-established measures in use
under CMS hospital programs, so we do
not believe that scores below the 30th
percentile reflect quality performance
such that they should be assigned any
individual quality measure score points
for LEJR episodes under CCJR. However,
we also considered reducing scores
incrementally across the bottom three
deciles in order to provide greater
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incentives for quality improvement for
hospitals that may not believe they can
attain the 30th performance percentile
on one or more of the three measures
and to avoid creating a ‘‘cliff’’ at the
30th performance percentile. We seek
comment on this scoring approach to
the three required quality measures.
Additionally, we would assign a
measure quality score of one point for
participant hospitals that successfully
submit THA/TKA voluntary data and 0
points for participant hospitals that do
not successfully submit these data.
Because we would not use the actual
THA/TKA voluntary data on the
patient-reported outcome measure in
assessing LEJR episode quality
performance under the model, we
propose this straightforward binary
approach to scoring the submission of
THA/TKA voluntary data for the
patient-reported outcome measure
We note that the MSSP utilizes a
similar scoring and weighting
methodology, which is described in
detail in the CY2011 Shared Savings
Program Final Rule (see § 425.502). The
HVBP and HACRP programs also utilize
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HCAHPS survey
quality score
quality score
a similar scoring methodology, which
applies weights to various measures and
assigns an overall score to a hospital (79
FR 50049 and 50102).
We would sum the score on the three
quality measures and the score on
successful submission of THA/TKA
voluntary data to calculate a composite
quality score for each participant
hospital. Then we would incorporate
this score in the model payment
methodology by first, requiring a
minimum composite quality score for
reconciliation payment eligibility if the
participant hospital’s actual episode
spending is less than the target price
and second, by making quality incentive
payments that change the effective
discount percentage included in the
target price experienced by the hospital
in the reconciliation process. The
payment policies we would apply are
displayed in Tables 10, 11, and 12 for
the performance years of the model.
Under the CCJR model as proposed,
there is no participant hospital
repayment responsibility in
performance year 1 and this
responsibility begins to be phased-in in
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
performance year 2, with full
implementation in performance year 3.
Composite quality score
Eligible for
Eligible for quality incentive
Effective discount
percentage for
≤5.00 ....................................
>5.00 and ≤9.25 ..................
>9.25 and ≤15.20 ................
>15.20 .................................
No ......................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
No ......................................
No ......................................
Yes .....................................
Yes .....................................
Effective discount
percentage for
repayment amount
Composite quality score
Eligible for
Eligible for quality incentive
≤5.00 ...........................................
>5.00 and ≤9.25 .........................
>9.25 and ≤15.20 .......................
>15.20 .........................................
No ...............................................
Yes .............................................
Yes .............................................
Yes .............................................
Effective discount
percentage for
Effective discount
percentage for
repayment amount
No ...............................................
No ...............................................
Yes .............................................
Yes .............................................
Eligible for
Eligible for quality incentive
≤5.00 ...........................................
>5.00 and ≤9.25 .........................
>9.25 and ≤15.20 .......................
>15.20 .........................................
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Composite quality score
No ...............................................
Yes .............................................
Yes .............................................
Yes .............................................
Effective discount
percentage for
Effective discount
percentage for
repayment amount
No ...............................................
No ...............................................
Yes .............................................
Yes .............................................
Under this approach, the CCJR model
discount included in the target price
without consideration of the composite
quality score would be 3.0 percent, not
the 2.0 percent described under our
payment proposal in section III.C.4.b.(9)
of this proposed rule. We believe that a
discount percentage of 3.0 percent
without explicit consideration of
episode quality is reasonable as it is
within the range of discount percentages
included in the ACE demonstration and
it is the Model 2 BPCI discount factor
for 30 and 60 day episodes, where a
number of BPCI participants are testing
LEJR episodes subject to the 3.0 percent
discount factor. Hospitals that provide
high quality episode care would have
the opportunity to receive quality
incentive payments that would reduce
the effective discount percentage as
displayed in Tables 10, 11, and 12.
Depending on the participant hospital’s
actual composite quality score, quality
incentive payments could be valued at
1.0 percent to 1.5 percent of the
hospital’s benchmark episode price (that
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is, of the expected episode spending
prior to application of the discount
factor to calculate a target price).
Under this methodology, we would
require hospitals to achieve a minimum
composite quality score of greater than
5.00 to be eligible for a reconciliation
payment if actual episode spending was
less than the target price. Participant
hospitals with below acceptable quality
performance reflected in a composite
quality score less than or equal to 5.00
would not be eligible for a
reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending was less than the target price.
A level of quality performance that is
below acceptable would not affect
participant hospitals’ repayment
responsibility if actual episode spending
exceeds the target price. We believe that
excessive reductions in utilization that
lead to low actual episode spending and
that could result from the financial
incentives of an episode payment model
would be limited by a requirement that
this minimum level of LEJR episode
quality be achieved for reconciliation
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payments to be made. This policy
would encourage hospitals to focus on
appropriate reductions or changes in
utilization to achieve high quality care
in a more efficient manner. Therefore,
these hospitals would be ineligible to
receive a reconciliation payment if
actual episode spending was less than
the target price.
For hospitals with composite quality
scores of less than or equal to 5.00, we
also considered a potential alternative
approach. Under this approach, we
would still permit this group of
hospitals to receive reconciliation
payments but would impose a quality
penalty that would reduce their
effective discount percentage to 4.0
percent for purposes of calculating the
reconciliation payment or recoupment
amount in performance years 3 through
5, 4.0 percent for calculating the
reconciliation payment and 3.0 percent
for calculating the repayment amount in
performance year 2, and 4.0 percent for
calculating the reconciliation payment
in performance year 1 where participant
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
hospitals have no repayment
responsibility. A potential advantage of
this approach is that it would provide
stronger incentives for quality
improvement for participant hospitals
with low performance on quality, even
if they did not expect to be able to
reduce actual episode spending below
the target price. In addition, this
approach would provide financial
incentives to improve the efficiency of
care even for hospitals that did not
expect to meet the minimum quality
score for reconciliation payment
eligibility, while still providing strong
incentives to provide high-quality care.
The disadvantage of this approach is
that it could provide reconciliation
payments even to hospitals that did not
achieve acceptable quality performance.
Participant hospitals with an
acceptable composite quality score of
>5.00 and ≤9.25 would be eligible for a
reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending was less than the target price
because their quality performance was
at the acceptable level established for
the CCJR model. They would not be
eligible for a quality incentive payment
at reconciliation because their episode
quality performance, while acceptable,
was not good or excellent. Therefore,
these hospitals would be eligible to
receive a reconciliation payment if
actual episode spending was less than
the target price.
Participant hospitals with a good
composite quality score of >9.25 and
≤15.20 would be eligible for a quality
incentive payment at reconciliation if
actual episode spending was less than
the target price because their quality
performance exceeded the acceptable
level required for reconciliation
payment eligibility under the CCJR
model. In addition, they would be
eligible for a quality incentive payment
at reconciliation for good quality
performance that equals 1.0 percent of
the participant hospital’s benchmark
price, thereby changing the effective
discount percentage included in the
target price experienced by the hospital
at reconciliation. Thus, participant
hospitals achieving this level of quality
for LEJR episodes under CCJR would
either have less repayment
responsibility (that is, the quality
incentive payment would offset a
portion of their repayment
responsibility) or receive a higher
payment (that is, the quality incentive
payment would add to the
reconciliation payment) at
reconciliation than they would have
otherwise based on a comparison of
actual episode spending to the target
price that reflects a 3.0 percent
discount. Therefore, these hospitals
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would be eligible to receive a
reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending was less than the target price
and would also receive a quality
incentive payment.
Finally, hospitals with an excellent
composite score quality score of >15.20
would be eligible to receive a
reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending was less than the target price
because their quality performance
exceeded the acceptable level required
for reconciliation payment eligibility
under the CCJR model. In addition, they
would be eligible for a higher quality
incentive payment at reconciliation for
excellent quality performance that
equals 1.5 percent of the participant
hospital’s benchmark price, thereby
changing the effective discount
percentage included in the target price
experienced by the hospital at
reconciliation. Thus, participant
hospitals achieving this level of quality
for LEJR episodes under CCJR would
either have less repayment
responsibility (that is, the quality
incentive payment would offset a
portion of their repayment
responsibility) or receive a higher
payment (that is, the quality incentive
payment would add to the
reconciliation payment) at
reconciliation than they would have
otherwise based on a comparison of
actual episode spending to the target
price that reflects a 3.0 percent
discount. Therefore, these hospitals
would be eligible to receive a
reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending was less than the target price
and would also receive a quality
incentive payment.
Under this methodology, the
proposed stop-loss and stop-gain limits
discussed in section III.C.8 of this
proposed rule would not change. We
believe this approach to quality
incentive payments based on the
composite quality score could have the
effect of increasing the alignment of the
financial and quality performance
incentives under the CCJR model to the
potential benefit of participant hospitals
and their collaborators as well as CMS,
although it would substantially increase
the complexity of the methodology to
link quality and payment. We seek
comment on this alternative approach to
basing reconciliation payment eligibility
and quality incentive payments on the
participant hospital’s composite quality
score under the CCJR model, as well as
the composite quality scoring ranges
applicable to the respective payment
While we describe in detail this
alternative considered to link quality to
payment under CCJR, we are not
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proposing this methodology for several
reasons. First, the MSSP and HVBP
program utilize many more measures
than we are proposing for the CCJR
model. For example, the MSSP
incorporates thirty three measures
across four quality domains (79 FR
67916 and 67917). The range of
measures in the MSSP and the HVBP
program lends itself to a scoring
approach, which can account for many
measures and allows providers to
achieve a high score despite performing
well on some measures but achieving
lower performance on others. There is a
detailed description of the MSSP
scoring methodology in the 2011 Shared
Savings Program Final rule (76 FR
67895 through 67900). We believe that
given the more limited set of measures
chosen for the CCJR model, a scoring
approach such as the alternative
described in this section could diminish
the importance of each measure. Use of
a scoring approach would not allow
hospital performance on two different
outcomes to be easily reviewed and
understood with respect to the impact of
individual measure performance on
Medicare’s actual payment for the
episode under the model. Second, we
believe the measures proposed for this
model represent goals of clinical care
that should be achievable by all
hospitals participating in the model that
heighten their focus on these measures,
especially the readmissions and
complications measures, for LEJR
episodes based on the financial
incentives in the model. Finally, we
believe that a methodology that assesses
performance based on absolute values of
a specific set of measures that are
already in use, as we are proposing for
the CCJR model, is the most appropriate
methodology to provide achievable and
predictable quality targets for
participant hospitals on measures that
monitor the most meaningful quality of
care outcomes in a model where some
acute care hospitals that might not
choose to participate in a voluntary
model are also included. Our proposed
method as discussed in the next section
reflects our expectation that hospitals
achieve a certain level of performance
on measures to ensure that hospitals
provide high-quality care under the
Finally, we also considered an
approach whereby participant hospitals
would not be penalized with regard to
their eligibility for reconciliation
payments in CCJR for failure to meet the
specified thresholds for the quality
measures in performance year 1 of the
model; in other words, we would delay
the proposal described in the next
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
section to performance year 2 rather
than beginning in performance year 1.
We considered calculating participant
hospital performance on the required
measures for the model, and, if actual
episode spending was less than the
target price, the participant hospital
would receive a full reconciliation
payment of savings achieved beyond the
target price, regardless of performance
on the quality measures. However, we
do not believe this would be appropriate
for the CCJR model, given that two of
the measures are administrative claimsbased and thus impose no additional
reporting burden on hospitals; rather,
these two measures are established
measures in existing CMS quality
programs, and a central goal of the
model is improving care for Medicare
beneficiaries in LEJR episodes. We note
that the HCAHPS survey measure is also
an established measure in HIQR and
would not impose additional reporting
burden on hospitals.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(iii) Proposal To Link Quality and
Payment Through Thresholds for
Reconciliation Payment Eligibility
For the reasons outlined in the
previous section, we do not propose to
use similar methodologies to other CMS
programs that would tie CCJR episode
reconciliation payment eligibility and
reconciliation payment and Medicare
repayment amounts to a composite
quality score on specified quality
measures, but as discussed later in this
section, we instead propose to simply
assess performance or achievement on a
quality measure by setting a measure
result threshold for each measure
beginning in performance year 1 of the
The CCJR measure result threshold
would be based on the measure results
from the HIQR program, a nationallyestablished program, and would use its
national distribution of measure results.
These are the same measure results
posted on Hospital Compare or in the
Hospital Compare downloadable
database (
data/hospital-compare) for the HIQR
program. We refer readers to the earlier
discussion of the HIQR Program, which
utilizes measures to assess most acute
care hospitals in the nation.
Determining the CCJR model target
thresholds are discussed in the next
As previously described, the CCJR
model proposes the following three
required measures to assess LEJR
episode quality of care:
• Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
RSRR following elective primary THA
and/or TKA (NQF #1551).
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• Hospital-level RSCR following
elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF
• HCAHPS survey (NQF #0166).
We also propose to make a voluntary
reporting payment adjustment for CCJR
participant hospitals who successfully
and voluntarily submit data for the
THA/TKA patient-reported outcomebased performance measure (henceforth
referred to as ‘‘THA/TKA voluntary
data’’) as described in sections
III.C.5.b.(3) and III.D.3.a.(2) of this
proposed rule. We propose that
participant CCJR hospitals must meet or
surpass a specified threshold for each
required measure beginning for
performance year 1 of the model in
order to be eligible for a reconcilation
payment if actual episode payments are
less than the target price. The
calculation of the HCAHPS survey
measure is described in section
III.D.2.c.of this proposed rule. We
propose to use the individual measure
results calculated as specified in section
III.D. of this proposed rule for the three
required measures to determine hospital
eligibility for reconciliation payment for
each performance year of the CCJR
model. Also, as discussed in section
III.C.4 of this proposed rule, which
outlines the payment structure for the
CCJR model, target prices for MS–DRG
470 anchored episodes and for MS–DRG
469 anchored episodes will be
calculated for hospitals participating in
the model for an episode of care
extending 90-days after discharge from
the anchor hospitalization. Participant
hospitals that achieve actual episode
payment below the specified target price
for a given performance period would
be eligible for a reconciliation payment,
provided that the participant hospital
also met episode quality thresholds on
the three required measures for the
performance period.
We propose to use the following
quality criterion to determine if a
participant hospital qualifies for a
reconciliation payment based on the
episode quality thresholds on the three
required measures:
The hospital’s measure result is at or
above the 30th percentile of the national
hospital measure results calculated for
all HIQR-program participant hospitals
for each of the three required measures
for each performance period (for a
detailed description of how we
determined the performance period and
reconciliation payment eligibility, see
section III.C.5. of this proposed rule).
Using HIQR program’s 3 year rolling
period as outlined in section III.D.2.a.(6)
and III.D.2.b.(6) of this proposed rule, if
a participant hospital performed at or
above the 30th percentile of all HIQR
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program hospitals for each of the three
required measures and if actual episode
payment was less than the target price
for the specified performance year, we
would make a reconciliation payment to
the hospital. Failure to achieve the
threshold on one or more measures
would result in the participant hospital
not receiving a reconciliation payment
regardless of whether the actual episode
payment was less than the target price
for that performance period. We propose
that for hospitals with insufficient
volume to determine performance on an
individual measure, these hospitals will
be considered to be performing at the
threshold level and their results will be
publicly posted with all other
participant hospitals’ measure results
(for a detailed summary of public
reporting, see section III.D.5. of this
proposed rule). We do not believe it
would be appropriate to potentially
penalize high quality, efficient hospitals
due to their low volume, given that
meeting the required quality measure
thresholds is required for reconciliation
payment eligibility.
We also propose for performance
years 4 and 5 to increase the measure
result threshold to the 40th percentile.
We believe that increasing the measure
result threshold to the 40th percentile
would encourage participants to strive
for continued quality improvement
throughout the 5 performance years of
the model. We seek comment on our
proposal to make a reconciliation
payment to a participant hospital that
achieves actual episode spending below
the target price for a performance year
and performs at or above the 30th
percentile of HIQR program participant
hospitals for all three required quality
measures in performance years 1
through 3 or the 40th percentile in
performance years 4 and 5, as well as
our proposal to consider low volume
hospitals to be performing at the
threshold level.
We propose to require hospitals to
meet the threshold for all three
measures for the following reasons. The
measures chosen for this model are fully
developed, NQF-endorsed, and
implemented measures in CMS IPPS
programs. These measures are also
publicly reported on the Hospital
Compare Web site. Hospitals are
familiar with the complications and
readmissions quality measures and with
the HCAHPS Survey, as they are
currently included in HIQR, HVBP, and
HRRP (79 FR 50031, 50062, 50208,
50209 and 50259), and we believe that
there is minimal additional
administrative burden for hospitals. All
three measures are widely utilized
nationally; thus, a nationally-based
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
threshold is an appropriate benchmark.
In addition, the goal of the CCJR model
is LEJR episode care redesign that
includes effective care coordination and
management of care transitions.
Strategies to prevent and efficiently
manage post-procedure complications
and hospital readmissions following an
LEJR procedure are consistent with the
goals of the model; a hospital cannot
succeed in this model without engaging
in care redesign efforts that would
address aspects of care included in
these measures. Failure to perform
successfully on these key quality
measures (defined by meeting the
minimum thresholds) would indicate
that hospitals are not achieving quality
consistent with the goals of the model
to specifically incentivize greater
improvement on these measures than
hospitals not participating in the CCJR
model, and should not be eligible to
receive a reconciliation payment from
Medicare even if reduced episode
spending is achieved. Finally, the
approach we propose is consistent with
CMS’ goal of moving hospitals and other
providers to value-based payment that
ties payment to quality. In the 5
performance years of this model,
performance on quality measures would
only be applied to determining
eligibility for a reconciliation payment;
quality measures would not be used to
determine participant hospitals’
financial responsibility, except for the
proposed voluntary reporting payment
adjustment described in described in
section III.C.5.b.(3) of this proposed
rule. In essence, participant hospitals’
responsibility to repay Medicare the
difference between their target price and
their actual episode payment, should
actual episode payments exceed the
target price, would not be impacted by
performance on quality measures.
Finally, we propose to increase the
measure result thresholds for the final 2
performance years of the model, to
ensure that CCJR participant hospitals
continue to maintain a high level of
quality performance or improve
performance on these measures as they
gain experience with implementation of
this payment model. More specifically,
we propose that in order for a
participant hospital to receive a
reconciliation payment for actual
episode spending that is less than the
target price for performance years 4 and
5, the participant hospital’s measure
result must be at or above the 40th
percentile of the national hospital
measure results calculated for all HIQRprogram participant hospitals for each
of the three required measures for each
performance period. As previously
noted, we propose to use the most
recently available HCAHPS 4-quarter
roll-up to calculate the HLMR. We
believe that holding the participant
hospitals to a set measure result
threshold for the first 3 years, and
increasing this threshold for
performance years 4 and 5, emphasize
the need to maintain and improve
quality of care while cost efficiencies
are pursued. We seek comment on our
proposed approach to incorporating
quality performance into eligibility for
reconciliation payments under the CCJR
model for participant hospitals.
Table 13 displays the proposed
thresholds that participant hospitals
must meet on the various measures over
the 5 model performance years.
PY1 threshold
PY2 threshold
PY3 threshold
PY4 threshold
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
RSRR following elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF
Hospital-level RSCR following
elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1550).
HCAHPS survey (NQF #0166)
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
30th percentile ........
30th percentile ........
30th percentile ........
40th percentile ........
40th percentile.
30th percentile ........
30th percentile ........
30th percentile ........
40th percentile ........
40th percentile.
30th percentile ........
30th percentile ........
30th percentile ........
40th percentile ........
40th percentile.
We seek comment on our proposed
methodology to utilize quality measure
performance in the payment
methodology for CCJR, as well as the
proposed thresholds for participant
hospital reconciliation payment
eligibility over the performance years of
the model.
As discussed in section III.C.5.c.(3) of
this proposed rule, we also believe that
hospitals that choose to submit THA/
TKA voluntary data should have the
potential to benefit financially through
an adjustment to the payment
methodology of the model. We propose
a voluntary reporting payment
adjustment for hospitals that
successfully submit the THA/TKA
voluntary data by reducing the discount
percentage incorporated into the target
price from 2.0 percent to 1.7 percent.
This voluntary reporting payment
adjustment would start in performance
year 1 and would be available through
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performance year 5 of the model for
each year that the hospital successfully
reports THA/TKA voluntary data. As
proposed, reporting THA/TKA
voluntary data would not affect
eligibility for a reconciliation payment if
actual episode payments are less than
the target price. Participant hospitals
would still need to meet the 30th or
40th percentile threshold, as applicable
to the given performance year, on all
three required quality measures (Table
We considered, but are not proposing,
two other alternatives to adjust the
payment methodology for participant
hospitals that successfully report the
THA/TKA voluntary data as described
in section III.C.5.c.(3) of this proposed
rule. These alternatives would change
the threshold percentile for the three
required quality measures or,
alternatively, reduce the number of
required measures in which the
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PY5 threshold
threshold must be met provided that
successful THA/TKA voluntary data
were reported for a performance year.
First, we considered reducing the
threshold for reconciliation payment
eligibility that participant hospitals
must meet on the three required quality
measures from the 30th percentile
threshold to the 20th percentile
threshold for performance years 1, 2,
and 3, and from the 40th percentile to
the 30th percentile for performance
year. Second, we considered only
requiring hospitals to meet the 30th
percentile threshold on two of three
outcome measures for performance
years 1, 2, and 3, and the 40th percentile
threshold on two of three outcome
measures in performance years 4 and 5.
Under both of these alternatives, the
eligibility for reconciliation payments
could change based on the THA/TKA
voluntary data. We seek comment on
these alternative payment methodology
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
adjustments that could impact
reconciliation payment eligibility,
unlike the proposed voluntary reporting
payment adjustment. We note that the
other alternative approaches to
encouraging THA/TKA voluntary data
reporting for CCJR beneficiaries as
discussed in section III.C.5.c.(3) of this
proposed rule that would not require
adjustments to the CCJR payment
methodology would also not affect
reconciliation payment eligibility.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
6. Proposed Process for Reconciliation
This section outlines our proposals on
how we intend to reconcile aggregate
related Medicare payments for a
hospital’s beneficiaries in CCJR episodes
during a performance year against the
applicable target price in order to
determine if reconciliation payment (or
Medicare repayment, beginning in
performance year 2) is applicable under
this model. We refer readers to section
III.B of this proposed rule for our
proposed definition of related services
for lower extremity joint replacement
episodes under CCJR, to section
III.C.2.a. of this proposed rule for our
proposed definition of performance
years, and to section III.C.4 of this
proposed rule for our proposed
approach to establish target prices.
a. Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
After the completion of a performance
year, we propose to retrospectively
calculate a participant hospital’s actual
episode performance based on the
episode definition. We note that episode
payments for purposes of the CCJR
model would exclude the effects of
special payment provisions under
existing Medicare payment systems
(section III.C.3.a. of this proposed rule),
be subject to proration for services that
extend beyond the episode (section
III.C.3.b. of this proposed rule), and
exclude PBPM payments for programs
and models specified in section
III.C.7.d. of this proposed rule. Some
episodes may be excluded entirely from
the CCJR model due to overlap with
BPCI episodes, as discussed in section
III.C.7.b. of this proposed rule. Finally,
actual episode payments calculated for
purposes of CCJR would be capped at
anchor MS–DRG and region-specific
high episode payment ceilings (section
III.C.3.c. of this proposed rule). We
would apply the high episode payment
ceiling policy to episodes in the
performance year similarly to how we
propose to apply it to historical
episodes (section III.C.4.c. of this
proposed rule). Episode payments for
episodes attributed to CCJR eligible
hospitals would be divided by the wage
normalization factor, using the IPPS
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wage index applicable to the anchor
admission, and for each MS–DRG
anchor and region, the high episode
payment ceiling would be calculated as
two standard deviations above the
mean. Any actual episode payment
amount above the high payment ceiling
would be capped at said ceiling. After
applying the cap, wage variations would
be reapplied to episodes by multiplying
them by the same wage normalization
factor, using the IPPS wage index
applicable to the anchor admission.
Each participant hospital’s actual
episode payment performance would be
compared to its target prices. We note
that, as discussed in section III.C.4. of
this proposed rule, a participant
hospital would have multiple target
prices for episodes ending in a given
performance year, based on the MS–
DRG anchor (MS–DRG 469 versus MS–
DRG 470), the performance year when
the episode was initiated, when the
episode was initiated within a given
performance year (January 1 through
September 30 of the performance year,
October 1 through December 31 of the
performance year, October 1 through
December 31 of the prior performance
year), and whether the participant
hospital successfully submitted THA/
TKA voluntary data. The applicable
target price for each episode would be
determined using the aforementioned
criteria, and the difference between each
CCJR episode’s actual payment and the
relevant target price (calculated as target
price subtracted by CCJR actual episode
payment) would be aggregated for all
episodes for a participant hospital
within the performance year,
representing the raw Net Payment
Reconciliation Amount (NPRA). This
amount would be adjusted per the steps
discussed later in this section, creating
the NPRA.
The NPRA would include
adjustments to account for post-episode
payment increases (section III.C.8.e. of
this proposed rule). The NPRA would
also include adjustments for stop-loss
and stop-gain limits (section III.C.8.b. of
this proposed rule), after adjustments
are made for the aforementioned postepisode payment increases. Any NPRA
amount greater than the proposed stopgain limit would be capped at the stopgain limit, and any NPRA amount less
than the proposed stop-loss limit would
be capped at the stop-loss limit.
We do not propose to include any
CCJR reconciliation payments or
repayments to Medicare under this
model for a given performance year in
the NPRA for a subsequent performance
year. We want to incentivize providers
to provide high quality and efficient
care in all years of the model. If
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reconciliation payments for a
performance year are counted as
Medicare expenditures in a subsequent
performance year, a hospital would
experience higher Medicare
expenditures in the subsequent
performance year as a consequence of
providing high quality and efficient care
in the prior performance year, negating
some of the incentive to perform well in
the prior year. Therefore, we propose to
not have the NPRA for a given
performance year be impacted by CCJR
Medicare repayments or reconciliation
payments made in a prior performance
year. However, as discussed in section
III.C.6.b, during the following
performance year’s reconciliation
process, we propose to account for
additional claims run-out and overlap
from the prior performance year, and
net that amount with the subsequent
performance year’s NPRA to determine
the reconciliation or repayment amount
for the current reconciliation.
b. Payment Reconciliation
We propose to reconcile payments
retrospectively through the following
reconciliation process. We would
reconcile a participant hospital’s CCJR
actual episode payments against the
target price 2 months after the end of the
performance year. More specifically, we
would capture claims submitted by
March 1st following the end of the
performance year and carry out the
NPRA calculation as described
previously to make a reconciliation
payment or hold hospitals responsible
for repayment, as applicable, in quarter
2 of that calendar year.
To address issues of overlap with
other CMS programs and models that
are discussed in section III.C.7. of this
proposed rule, we also propose that
during the following performance year’s
reconciliation process, we would
calculate the prior performance year’s
episode spending a second time to
account for final claims run-out, as well
as overlap with other models as
discussed in section III.C.7 of this
proposed rule. This would occur
approximately 14 months after the end
of the prior performance year. As
discussed later in this section, the
amount from this calculation, if
different from zero, would be applied to
the NPRA for the subsequent
performance year in order to determine
the amount of the payment Medicare
would make to the hospital or the
hospital’s repayment amount. We note
that the subsequent reconciliation
calculation would be applied to the
previous calculation of NPRA for a
performance year to ensure the stop loss
and stop gain limits discussed in section
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
III.C.8. of this proposed rule are not
exceeded for a given performance year.
For the performance year 1
reconciliation process, we would
calculate a participant’s NPRA, as
described above, and if positive, the
hospital would receive the amount as a
reconciliation payment from Medicare.
If negative, the hospital would not be
responsible for repayment to Medicare,
consistent with our proposal to phase in
financial responsibility beginning in
performance year 2. Starting with the
CCJR reconciliation process for
performance year 2, in order to
determine the reconciliation or
repayment amount, the amount from the
subsequent reconciliation calculation
would be applied to the NPRA. If the
amount is positive, and if the hospital
meets the quality thresholds for that
performance year (discussed further in
section III.C.5. of this proposed rule),
the hospital would receive the amount
as a reconciliation payment from
Medicare. If the amount is negative,
Medicare would hold the participant
hospital responsible for repaying the
absolute value of the repayment amount
following the rules and processes for all
other Medicare debts. Note that given
our proposal to not hold participant
hospitals financially responsible for
repayment for the first performance
year, during the reconciliation process
for performance year 2 only, the
subsequent calculation amount (for
performance year 1) would be compared
against the performance year 1 NPRA to
ensure that the sum of the NPRA
calculated for performance year 1 and
the subsequent reconciliation
calculation for year 1 is not less than
zero. For performance years 2 through 5,
though, Medicare would hold the
participant hospital responsible for
repaying the absolute value of the
repayment amount following the rules
and processes for all other Medicare
This reconciliation process would
account for overlaps between the CCJR
model and other CMS models and
programs as discussed in section III.C.7
of this proposed rule, and would also
involve updating performance year
episode claims data. For example, for
performance year 1 for the CCJR model
in 2016, we would capture claims
submitted by March 1st, 2017, and
reconcile payments for participant
hospitals approximately 6 months after
the end of the performance year in
quarter 2 of calendar year 2017. We
would carry out the subsequent
calculation in the following year in
quarter 2 of calendar 2018,
simultaneously with the reconciliation
process for the second performance
year, 2017. Table 14 provides the
proposed reconciliation timeframes for
the model. Lastly, we propose that the
reconciliation payments to or
repayments from the participant
hospital would be made by the
Medicare Administrative Contractor
(MAC) that makes payment to the
hospital under the IPPS. This approach
is consistent with BPCI Model 2
We believe our proposed approach
balances our goals of providing
reconciliation payments in a reasonable
timeframe, while being able to account
for overlap and all Medicare claims
attributable to episodes. We believe that
pulling claims 2 months after the end of
the performance year provides sufficient
claims run-out to conduct the
reconciliation in a timely manner, given
that our performance year includes
episodes ending, not beginning, by
December 31st. We note that in
accordance with the regulations at
§ 424.44 and the Medicare Claims
Processing Manual (Pub. L. 100–04),
Chapter 1, Section 70, Medicare claims
can be submitted no later than 1
calendar year from the date of service.
We recognize that by pulling claims 2
months after the end of the performance
year to conduct reconciliation, we
would not have complete claims runout. However, we believe that the 2
months of claims run out would be an
accurate reflection of episode spending
and consistent with the claims run-out
timeframes used for reconciliation in
other payment models, such as BPCI
Models 2 and 3. The alternative would
be to wait to reconcile until we have full
claims run out 12 months after the end
of the performance year, but we are
concerned that this approach would
significantly delay earned reconciliation
payments under this model. Because we
propose to conduct a second calculation
to account for overlap with other CMS
models and programs, we can
incorporate updated claims data with 14
months run out at that time. However,
we do not expect that the updated data
should substantially, in and of itself,
affect the reconciliation results
assuming hospitals and other providers
furnishing services to Medicare
beneficiaries in CCJR episodes follow
usual patterns of claims submission and
do not alter their billing practices due
to this model.
Model performance
Year 1* ........
Year 2 ..........
Year 3 ..........
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Year 4 ..........
Year 5 ..........
Model performance period
payment or
Second calculation
to address overlaps
and claims run-out
Episodes ending March 31, 2016 to December
31, 2016.
Episodes ending January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
Episodes ending January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.
Episodes ending January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.
Episodes ending January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
March 1, 2017 .......
Q2 2017 ..........
March 1, 2018 .......
Q2 2018
March 1, 2018 .......
Q2 2018 ..........
March 1, 2019 .......
Q2 2019
March 1, 2019 .......
Q2 2019 ..........
March 2, 2020 .......
Q2 2020
March 2, 2020 .......
Q2 2020 ..........
March 1, 2021 .......
Q2 2021
March 1, 2021 .......
Q2 2021 ..........
March 1, 2022 .......
Q2 2022
* Note that the reconciliation for Year 1 would not include repayment responsibility from CCJR hospitals.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
7. Proposed Adjustments for Overlaps
With Other Innovation Center Models
and CMS Programs
a. Overview
We acknowledge that there may be
circumstances where a Medicare
beneficiary in a CCJR episode may also
be assigned to an ACO participating in
the MSSP or otherwise accounted for in
a payment model being tested by the
Innovation Center. Current or
forthcoming programs and models with
potential overlap with CCJR are
displayed in Table 15. For purposes of
this proposed rule, ‘‘total cost of care’’
models refer to models in which
episodes or performance periods
include participant financial
responsibility for all Part A and Part B
spending, as well as some Part D
spending in select cases. We use the
term ‘‘shared savings’’ in this proposed
rule to refer to models in which the
payment structure includes a
calculation of total savings and CMS
and the model participants each retain
a particular percentage of that savings.
We note that there exists the possibility
for overlap between CCJR episodes and
shared savings models such as the
Pioneer ACO Model, other total cost of
care models such as the Oncology Care
Model (OCM), other Innovation Center
payment models such as BPCI, and
other models or programs that
incorporate per-beneficiary-per-month
fees or other payment structures.
Brief description
Pioneer .............................................................................
Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ...................
Next Generation ACO ......................................................
Comprehensive Primary Care initiative (CPCi) ...............
ACO shared savings program .........................................
ACO shared savings program .........................................
ACO shared savings program .........................................
Pays primary care providers for improved and comprehensive care management.
Multi-payer model for advanced primary care practices,
or ‘‘medical homes’’.
Bundled payment program for acute or post-acute services or both.
Multi-payer model for oncology physician group practices.
ACO for ESRD Medicare beneficiaries ...........................
Model targeting prevention of heart attack and stroke ...
Hospice concurrent care model .......................................
Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice (MAPCP)
Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) ..........
Oncology Care Model (OCM) ..........................................
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Comprehensive ESRD Care Initiative (CEC) ..................
Million Hearts ...................................................................
Medicare Care Choices Model ........................................
Four different issues may arise in
such overlap situations that must be
addressed under CCJR. First,
beneficiaries in CCJR episodes could
also be part of BPCI Model 2 or 3 LEJR
episodes, and the clinical services
provided as part of each episode may
overlap entirely or in part. Second, CCJR
reconciliation payments and Medicare
repayments that are made under Part A
and B and attributable to a specific
beneficiary’s episode may be at risk of
not being accounted for by other models
and programs when determining the
cost of care under Medicare for that
beneficiary. Third, some Innovation
Center models make PBPM payments to
entities for care coordination and other
activities, either from the Part A or B
Trust or both, or from the Innovation
Center’s own appropriation (see section
1115A(f) of the Act). These payments
may occur during a CCJR episode.
Finally, there could be instances when
the expected Medicare savings for a
CCJR beneficiary’s episode is not
achieved by Medicare because part of
that savings is paid back to the hospital
or another entity under a shared savings
program or other model in which the
beneficiary is also included. We seek
comment on our proposals to account
for overlap with other models, including
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those listed in Table 15 as well as other
CMS models or programs.
b. CCJR Beneficiary Overlap With BPCI
BPCI is an episode payment model
testing LEJR episodes, as well as 47
other episodes, in acute or PAC or both
(Models 1, 2, 3 or 4). As discussed in
section III.A. of this proposed rule, we
propose to exclude from selection for
participation in the CCJR payment
model those geographic areas where 50
percent or more of LEJR episodes are
initiated at acute care hospitals testing
the LEJR episode in BPCI in Models 1,
2 or 4 as of July 1, 2015. In that same
section, we propose that acute care
hospitals in selected geographic areas
participating in BPCI under Model 1
(acute care only) and those participating
as episode initiators for the LEJR
episode in Model 2 (acute and PAC from
30 to 90 days post-discharge) or Model
4 (prospective episode payment for the
LEJR anchor hospital stay and related
readmissions for 30 days post-discharge)
be excluded from CCJR.
While we believe these proposals will
mitigate the overlap of CCJR
beneficiaries with BPCI episodes, there
may still be instances of model overlap
that we need to account for under CCJR.
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Yes ........
No ..........
No ..........
Yes .........
No ..........
No ..........
These include circumstances when a
beneficiary is admitted to a participating
CCJR hospital for an LEJR procedure
where the beneficiary would also be in
a BPCI Model 2 episode under a
physician group practice that would
initiate the episode under BPCI. In
another example, a beneficiary
discharged from an anchor
hospitalization under CCJR could enter
a BPCI Model 2 LEJR episode at another
hospital for a phased second joint
replacement procedure or enter a BPCI
Model 3 LEJR episode upon initiation of
PAC services at a BPCI post-acute
provider episode initiator for the LEJR
episode. Similarly, a beneficiary in a
BPCI Model 2 or Model 3 LEJR episode
could be admitted to a CCJR participant
hospital for a phased second joint
replacement. In all such scenarios in
which there is overlap of CCJR
beneficiaries with any BPCI LEJR
episodes, we propose that the BPCI LEJR
episode under Models 1, 2, 3, or 4 take
precedence and we would cancel (or
never initiate) the CCJR episode.
Because the cancellation (or lack of
initiation) would only occur for overlap
with BPCI LEJR episodes, we expect that
the participant hospital and treating
physician would generally be aware of
the beneficiary’s care pathway that
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
would cancel or not initiate the CCJR
episode. Therefore, we would exclude
the CCJR episode from the CCJR
participant hospital’s reconciliation
calculations where we compare actual
episode payments to the target price
under the CCJR model. If we were to
allow both CCJR and BPCI LEJR
episodes to overlap, we would have no
meaningful way to apply the payment
policies in two models with overlapping
care redesign interventions and
episodes. Participants in BPCI have an
expectation that eligible episodes will
be part of the BPCI model test, whereas
based on our proposal CCJR participants
would be aware that episodes may be
canceled when there is overlap with
BPCI episodes as previously discussed
in this section. We aim to preserve the
integrity of ongoing model tests without
introducing major modifications (that is,
CCJR episode precedence) that could
make evaluation of existing models
more challenging.
We considered that there may also be
instances of overlap between CCJR and
BPCI Model 3 LEJR episodes where our
proposal to give precedence to all BPCI
episodes could lead to undesirable
patient steering because the BPCI Model
3 episode does not begin until care is
initiated at an episode-initiating PAC
provider. It could be possible for a
participating CCJR hospital to
purposefully guide a beneficiary to a
BPCI Model 3 LEJR episode initiating
PAC provider to exclude that
beneficiary’s episode from CCJR. We
considered giving precedence to the
CCJR episode in overlap with Model 3
beneficiaries because the CCJR episode
begins with admission for the anchor
hospitalization and thus includes more
of the episode services. However, we
believe the steering opportunities would
be limited due to the preservation of
beneficiary choice of provider in this
model (as discussed in section III.E. of
this proposed rule). As outlined in
section III.E. of this proposed rule, CCJR
hospitals must provide patients with a
complete list of all available PAC
options. Moreover, BPCI Model 3 postacute providers are actively involved in
the decision to admit patients to their
facilities. As episode initiators in BPCI,
such providers are subject to monitoring
and evaluation under that model and
would be vigilant about not engaging in
steering themselves or spurred by other
providers. Nevertheless, we will
monitor CCJR hospitals to ensure
steering or other efforts to limit
beneficiary access or move beneficiaries
out of the model are not occurring (see
section III.F. of this proposed rule).
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We seek comment on the proposed
approach to address overlap between
CCJR and BPCI episodes.
c. Accounting for CCJR Reconciliation
Payments and Repayments in Other
Models and Programs
Under CCJR, we would annually, as
applicable, make reconciliation
payments to or receive repayments from
participating CCJR hospitals based on
their quality performance and Medicare
expenditures, as described in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule. While we
propose that these reconciliation
payments or repayments would be
handled by MACs, the calculation of
these amounts would be done separately
before being sent through the usual
Medicare claims processing systems.
Nevertheless, it is important that other
models and programs in which
providers are accountable for the total
cost of care be able to account for the
full Medicare payment, including CCJRrelated reconciliation payments and
repayments as described in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule, for
beneficiaries who are also in CCJR
episodes. Accordingly, it is necessary to
have beneficiary-specific information on
CCJR-related reconciliation payments
and repayments available when those
models and programs make their
financial calculations. Thus, in addition
to determining reconciliation payments
and repayments for the participant
hospitals in the CCJR model, we
propose to also calculate beneficiaryspecific reconciliation payment or
repayment amounts for CCJR episodes
to allow for those other programs and
models, as their reconciliation
calculation timeframes permit, to
determine the total cost of care for
overlapping beneficiaries. We would
perform the reconciliation calculations
for CCJR hospitals and make
information about the CCJR
reconciliation or repayment amounts
available to other programs and models,
such as MSSP and Pioneer ACO, that
begin reconciliation calculations after
CCJR. For example, this strategy is
currently in place to account for
overlaps between beneficiaries aligned
to Pioneer and MSSP ACOs and BPCI
model beneficiaries. Beneficiary-specific
reconciliation payment or repayment
amounts are loaded into a shared
repository for use during each program
or model’s respective reconciliations.
However, we note that we would not
make separate payments to, or collect
repayments from, participating CCJR
hospitals for each individual episode,
but, instead, propose to make a single
aggregate reconciliation payment or
repayment determination for all
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episodes for a single performance year,
as discussed in section III.C.6. of this
proposed rule.
As described in section III.C.6 of this
proposed rule on the Proposed Process
for Reconciliation, we propose to
conduct reconciliation based on claims
data available 2 months after the end of
the performance year and a second
calculation based on claims data
available 14 months after the end of a
performance year to account for claims
run-out and potential overlap with other
models. The rationale for this
reconciliation process is to be able make
payments to, and recoup payments
from, CCJR participant hospitals in a
timely manner and to be able to account
for overlaps in other models and
programs. In addition, the timing of the
reconciliation was determined giving
consideration to when the other total
cost of care models conduct their
reconciliations so that when they
perform their financial calculations,
they will have the information
necessary to account for beneficiaryspecific payments/repayments made
under the CCJR model. We intend to
report beneficiary-specific payments
and repayment amounts made for the
CCJR model in the CMS Master Database
Management System that generally
holds payments/repayment amounts
made for CMS models and programs.
Other total cost of care models and
programs can use the information on
CCJR payment/repayment amounts
reported in the Master Database
Management System in their financial
calculations such as in their baseline or
benchmark calculations or
reconciliations, to the extent that is
consistent with their policies.
We seek comment on our proposed
approach to ensuring that the full CCJR
episode payment for a beneficiary is
accounted for when performing
financial calculations for other total cost
of care and episode-based payment
models and programs.
d. Accounting for PBPM Payments in
the Episode Definition
There are currently five CMS models
that pay PBPM payments to providers
for new or enhanced services as
displayed in Table 15. These PBPM
payments vary as to their funding
source (Medicare Trust Funds or
Innovation Center appropriation), as
well as to their payment methodology.
In general, these PBPM payments are
for new or enhanced provider or
supplier services that share the goal of
improving quality of care overall and
reducing Medicare expenditures for
services that could be avoided through
improved care coordination. Some of
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
these PBPM payments may be made for
services furnished to a beneficiary that
is in another Innovation Center model at
the that same time that the beneficiary
is in a CCJR LEJR episode, but the
clinical relationship of services paid by
the PBPM payments to the CCJR episode
will vary. For purposes of CCJR, we
consider clinically related those services
paid by PBPMs that are for the purpose
of care coordination and care
management of any beneficiary
diagnosis or hospital readmission not
excluded from the CCJR episode
definition, as discussed in section III.B.2
of this proposed rule.
We would determine whether the
services paid by PBPM payments are
excluded from the CCJR episode on a
model by model basis based on their
funding source and clinical relationship
to CCJR episodes. If we determine a
model’s PBPM payments are for new or
enhanced services that are clinically
related to the CCJR episode and the
PBPM payment is funded through the
Medicare Part A or B Trust Fund, we
would include the services paid by the
PBPM payment to the extent they
otherwise meet the proposed episode
definition for the CCJR model. That is,
we would include the clinically related
services paid by a PBPM payment if the
services would not otherwise be
excluded based on the principal
diagnosis code on the claim, as
discussed in section III.B.2 of this
proposed rule. The PBPM payments for
clinically related services would not be
excluded from the historical CCJR
episodes used to calculate target prices
when the PBPM payments are present
on Part A or Part B claims, and they
would not be excluded from calculation
of episode actual expenditures during
the performance period. PBPM model
payments that we determine are
clinically unrelated would be excluded,
regardless of the funding mechanism or
diagnosis codes on claims for those
payments. We note that in the case of
PBPM model payments, principal
diagnosis codes on a Part B claim
(which are used to identify exclusions
from CCJR episodes, as discussed in
section III.B.), would not denote the
only mechanism for exclusion of a
service from the CCJR episode. All such
PBPM model payments we determine
are clinically unrelated would be
excluded as discussed in this proposal.
Finally, all services paid by PBPM
payments funded through the
Innovation Center’s appropriation under
section 1115A of the Act would be
excluded from CCJR episodes, without a
specific determination of their clinical
relationship to CCJR episodes. We
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believe including such PBPM payments
funded under the Innovation Center’s
appropriation and not included on
claims would be operationally
burdensome and could significantly
delay any reconciliation payments and
repayments for the CCJR model. In
addition, because these services are not
paid for from the Medicare Part A or B
Trust Fund, we are not confident that
they would be covered by Medicare
under existing law. Therefore, we
believe the services paid by these PBPM
payments are most appropriately
excluded from CCJR episodes. Our
proposal for the treatment of services
paid through model PBPM payments in
CCJR episodes would pertain to all
existing models with PBPM payments,
as well as future models and programs
that incorporate PBPM payments. We
believe that this proposal is fully
consistent with our goal of including all
related Part A and Part B services in the
CCJR episodes, as discussed in section
III.B.2. of this proposed rule.
Under this proposal, only one of the
four existing models displayed in Table
15 include services paid by PBPM
payments that would not be excluded
from CCJR episodes. The MAPCP model
makes PBPM payments that are funded
through the Trust Fund for new or
enhanced services that coordinate care,
improve access, and educate patients
with chronic illnesses. We expect these
new or enhanced services to improve
quality and reduce spending for services
that may have otherwise occurred, such
as hospital readmissions, and consider
them to be clinically related to CCJR
episodes because the PBPM payments
would support care coordination for
medical diagnoses that are not excluded
from CCJR episodes. Thus, we propose
that services paid by PBPM payments
under the MAPCP model not be
excluded from CCJR episodes to the
extent they otherwise meet the proposed
episode definition. While the OCM
model will pay for new or enhanced
services through PBPM payments
funded by the Medicare Part B Trust
Fund, we do not believe these services
are clinically related to CCJR episodes.
The OCM model incorporates episodebased payment initiated by
chemotherapy treatment, a service
generally reported with ICD–9–CM
codes that are specifically excluded
from the proposed CCJR episode
definition in section III.B.2. of this
proposed rule. We believe the care
coordination and management services
paid by OCM PBPM payments would be
focused on chemotherapy services and
their complications, so the services
would be clinically unrelated to CCJR
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episodes. Therefore, we propose that
services paid by PBPM payments under
the OCM model be excluded from CCJR
episodes. Similarly, we propose to
exclude services paid by PBPM
payments under the Medicare Care
Choices model, because the model’s
focus on palliative care for beneficiaries
with a terminal illness means the PBPM
payments would pay for services that
are clinically unrelated to CCJR
episodes. The services paid by PBPM
payments under this model would
commonly pertain to diagnoses that are
excluded from the proposed CCJR
episode definition. Finally, new or
enhanced services paid by PBPM
payments under the Comprehensive
Primary Care initiative (CPCi) are paid
out of the Innovation Center’s
appropriation and thus would be
excluded from CCJR episodes according
to this proposal.
We acknowledge there may be new
models not included Table 15 that could
incorporate a PBPM payment for new or
enhanced services. We would plan to
make our determination about whether
services paid by a new model PBPM
payment that is funded under the
Medicare Trust Funds are clinically
related to CCJR episodes through the
same subregulatory approach that we
are proposing to use to update the
episode definition (excluded MS–DRGs
and ICD–9–CM diagnosis codes). We
would assess each model’s PBPM
payment to determine if it would be
primarily used for care coordination or
care management services for excluded
clinical conditions under the LEJR
episode definition for CCJR based on the
standards we propose to use to update
the episode definition that are discussed
in section III.B.2 of this proposed rule.
If we determine that the PBPM
payment would primarily be used to
pay for services to manage an excluded
clinical condition, we would exclude
the PBPM payment from the CCJR
episode on the basis that it pays for
unrelated services. If we determine that
the PBPM payment could primarily be
used for services to manage an included
clinical condition, we would include
the PBPM payment in the CCJR episode
if the diagnosis code on the claim for
the PBPM payment was not excluded
from the episode, following our usual
process for determining excluded claims
for Part B services in accordance with
the episode definition discussed in
section III.C.2 of this proposed rule. We
would post our proposed determination
about whether the PBPM payment
would be included in the episode to the
CMS Web site to allow for public input
on our planned application of these
standards, and then adopt changes to
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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the overlap list with posting to the CMS
Web site of the final updated list after
our consideration of the public input.
We seek comment on our proposals to
account for Innovation Center model
PBPM payments under CCJR.
e. Accounting for Overlap With Shared
Savings Programs and Total Cost of Care
In addition to the Medicare Shared
Savings Program (MSSP) under section
1899 of the Act, there are several ACO
and other Innovation Center models that
make or will make, once implemented,
providers accountable for total cost of
care over 6 to 12 months, including the
Pioneer ACO Model, Next Generation
ACO, Comprehensive ESRD Care (CEC)
Model, CPCi, OCM, and the Multi-payer
Advanced Primary Care Practice
(MAPCP) Demonstration. Some of these
are shared savings models (or programs,
in the case of MSSP), while others are
not shared savings but hold
participating providers accountable for
the total cost of care during a defined
episode of care, such as OCM. Note that
as discussed in section III.C.7.a. of this
proposed rule, for purposes of this
proposed rule, ‘‘total cost of care’’
models refer to models in which
episodes or performance periods
include participant financial
responsibility for all Part A and Part B
spending, as well as some Part D
spending in select cases. Each of these
payment models holds providers
accountable for the total cost of care
over the course of an extended period of
time or episode of care by applying
various payment methodologies. We
believe it is important to simultaneously
allow beneficiaries to participate in
broader population-based and other
total cost of care models, as well as
episode payment models that target a
specific episode of care with a shorter
duration, such as CCJR. Allowing
beneficiaries to receive care under both
types of models may maximize the
potential benefits to the Medicare Trust
Funds and participating providers and
suppliers, as well as beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries stand to benefit from care
redesign that leads to improved quality
for LEJR episodes of care even while
also receiving care under these broader
models, while entities that participate in
other models and programs that assess
total cost of care stand to benefit, at least
in part, from the cost savings that accrue
under CCJR. For example, a beneficiary
receiving an LEJR procedure may
benefit from a hospital’s care
coordination efforts with regard to care
during the inpatient hospital stay. The
same beneficiary may be attributed to a
primary care physician affiliated with
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an ACO who is actively engaged in
coordinating care for all of the
beneficiary’s clinical conditions
throughout the entire performance year,
beyond the 90-day post-discharge LEJR
We propose that a beneficiary could
be in a CCJR episode, as defined in
section III.B. of this proposed rule, by
receiving an LEJR procedure at a CCJR
hospital, and also attributed to a
provider participating in a model or
program in Table 15. For example, a
beneficiary may be attributed to a
provider participating in the Pioneer
ACO model for an entire performance
year, as well as have a CCJR episode
during the ACO’s performance year.
Each model incorporates a
reconciliation process, where total
included spending during the
performance period or episode are
calculated, as well as any potential
savings achieved by the model or
program. Given that we are proposing to
allow for such beneficiary overlap, we
believe it is important to account for
savings under CCJR and the other
models and programs with potential
overlap in order that CMS can apply the
respective individual savings-related
payment policies of the model or
program, without attributing the same
savings to more than one model or
We believe that when overlap occurs,
it is most appropriate to attribute
Medicare savings accrued during the
CCJR time period (hospital stay plus 90
days post-discharge) to CCJR to the
extent possible. The CCJR episode has a
shorter duration and is initiated by a
major surgical procedure, requiring an
inpatient hospitalization. In contrast,
the total cost of care models listed in
Table 15 incorporate 6 to 12 month
performance periods for participants
and, in general, have a broader focus on
beneficiary health. Our intention is to
ensure that CCJR episodes are attributed
the full expected savings to Medicare to
the extent possible. As such, we propose
the following policies to ensure that
other models are able to account for the
reconciliation payments paid to CCJR
hospitals to the extent possible prior to
performing their own reconciliation
calculations and that, in all appropriate
circumstances, the CCJR model or the
other model would make an adjustment
for savings achieved under the CCJR
model and partially paid back through
shared savings/performance payments
under other initiatives to ensure that the
full CCJR model savings to Medicare is
We propose that the total cost of care
calculations under non-ACO total cost
of care models would be adjusted to the
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extent feasible to account for
beneficiaries that are aligned to
participants in the model and whose
care is included in CCJR in order to
ensure that the savings to Medicare
achieved under CCJR (the discount
percentage) are not paid back under
these other models through shared
savings or other performance-based
payment. Thus, the non-ACO total cost
of care models would adjust their
calculations to ensure the CCJR discount
percentage is not paid out as savings or
other performance-based payment to the
other model participants. As previously
discussed, we believe that the
efficiencies achieved during the CCJR
episode should be credited to the entity
that is closest to that care for the
episode of care in terms of time,
location, and care management
responsibility, rather than the broader
entity participating in a total cost of care
model that spans a longer duration. We
propose that the non-ACO total cost of
care models to which this policy would
apply would include CPCi, OCM, and
MAPCP. We seek comment on our
proposal to account for overlap with
those non-ACO total cost of care models
and any other current or forthcoming
We propose a different policy for
accounting for overlap with MSSP and
other ACO models. We note that given
the operational complexities and
requirements of the MSSP reconciliation
process, it is not feasible for MSSP to
make an adjustment to account for the
discount to Medicare under a CCJR
episode under existing program rules
and processes. Additionally, for
programmatic consistency among ACO
models and programs, given that our
ACO models generally are tested for the
purpose of informing future potential
changes to MSSP, we believe that the
ACO model overlap adjustment policy
should be aligned with the MSSP
policy. Thus, we propose that under
CCJR, we would make an adjustment to
the reconciliation amount if available to
account for any of the applicable
discount for an episode resulting in
Medicare savings that is paid back
through shared savings under MSSP or
any other ACO model, but only when a
CCJR participant hospital also
participates in the ACO and the
beneficiary in the CCJR episode is also
aligned to that ACO. This adjustment
would be necessary to ensure that the
applicable discount under CCJR is not
reduced because a portion of that
discount is paid out in shared savings
to the ACO and thus, indirectly, back to
the hospital.
However, we propose not to make an
adjustment under CCJR when a
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beneficiary receives an LEJR procedure
at a participant hospital and is aligned
to an ACO in which the hospital is not
participating. While this proposal
would leave overlap unaccounted for in
such situations, we do not believe it
would be appropriate to hold
responsible for repayment the hospital
that managed the beneficiary during the
episode through a CCJR adjustment,
given that the participant hospital may
have engaged in care redesign and
reduced spending during the CCJR
episode. The participant hospital may
be unaware that the beneficiary is also
aligned to an ACO. However, we
recognize that as proposed this policy
would allow an unrelated ACO full
credit for the Medicare savings achieved
during the episode. The evaluation of
the CCJR model, as discussed in section
IV of this proposed rule, would examine
overlap in such situations and the
potential effect on Medicare savings.
We note that our proposed policy as
outlined in this proposed rule would
entail CCJR reclaiming from the
participant hospital any discount
percentage paid out as shared savings
for MSSP or ACO models only when the
hospital is an ACO participant and the
beneficiary is aligned with that ACO,
while other total cost of care models
such as CPCi would adjust for the
discount percentage in their
calculations. While it is operationally
feasible for smaller total cost of care
models in testing, such as CPCi, to make
an adjustment to account for any CCJR
discount percentage paid out as sharing
savings or other performance-based
payments, the operational complexities
and requirements of the large permanent
Medicare ACO program, MSSP, make it
infeasible for that program to make an
adjustment in such cases, and we
believe that other ACO models in testing
that share operating principles with the
MSSP should follow the same policies
as the CCJR MSSP adjustment for
certain overlapping ACO beneficiaries.
As the landscape of CMS models and
programs changes, we may revisit this
policy through future rulemaking.
We seek comment on our proposals
for adjustments to account for overlap
between CCJR and shared savings
programs and total cost of care models.
8. Proposals To Limit or Adjust Hospital
Financial Responsibility
a. Overview
As discussed in section III.A of this
proposed rule, we propose designating
as the financially responsible providers
in CCJR all acute care hospitals paid
under the IPPS that are located in the
selected geographic areas for this test of
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90-day post-discharge LEJR episodes,
with the exception of some hospitals
that we propose to exclude because of
participation in BPCI (Models 1, 2, or 4)
for LEJR episodes. We are interested in
ensuring a broad test of episode
payment for this clinical condition
among different types of hospitals,
including those who may not otherwise
choose to participate in an episode
payment model. Many of the participant
hospitals would likely be key service
providers in their communities for a
variety of medical and surgical
conditions extending well beyond
orthopedic procedures. We want to gain
experience with this model before
extending it to hospitals in uncommon
circumstances. In addition, we
acknowledge that hospitals designated
for participation in CCJR currently vary
with respect to their readiness to
function under an episode payment
model with regard to their
organizational and systems capacity and
structure, as well as their beneficiary
population served. Some hospitals may
more quickly be able to demonstrate
high quality performance and savings
than others, even though we propose
that the episode target prices be based
predominantly on the hospital’s own
historical episode utilization in the
early years of CCJR.
We also note that providers may be
incentivized to excessively reduce or
shift utilization outside of the CCJR
episode, even with the quality
requirements discussed in section III.C.5
of this proposed rule. In order to
mitigate any excessive repayment
responsibility for hospitals or reduction
or shifting of care outside the episode,
especially beginning in performance
year 2 of the model when we propose
to begin to phase in responsibility for
repaying Medicare for excess episode
spending, we propose several specific
policies that are also referenced in
section III.C.6.b. of this proposed rule.
b. Proposed Limit on to Raw NPRA
Contribution to Repayment Amounts
and Reconciliation Payments
(1) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA
Contribution to Repayment Amounts
When hospital repayment
responsibility begins in the second
performance year of CCJR, under this
proposed rule, hospitals would be
required to repay Medicare for episode
expenditures that are greater than the
applicable target price. As discussed in
the section III.C.3.c of this proposed rule
regarding our proposed pricing
adjustment for high payment episodes,
hospitals participating in CCJR would
not bear financial responsibility for
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actual episode payments greater than a
ceiling set at two standard deviations
above the mean regional episode
payment. Nevertheless, hospitals would
begin to bear repayment responsibility
beginning in performance year 2 for
those episodes where actual episode
expenditures are greater than the target
price up to the level of the regional
episode ceiling. In aggregate across all
episodes, the money owed to Medicare
by a hospital for actual episode
spending above the applicable target
price could be substantial if a hospital’s
episodes generally had high payments.
As an extreme example, if a hospital
had all of its episodes paid at two
standard deviations above the mean
regional episode payment, the hospital
would need to repay Medicare a large
amount of money, especially if the
number of episodes was large.
To limit a hospital’s overall
repayment responsibility for the raw
NPRA contribution to the repayment
amount under this model, we propose a
10 percent limit on the raw NPRA
contribution to the repayment amount
in performance year 2 and a 20 percent
limit on the raw NPRA contribution to
the repayment amount in performance
year 3 and subsequent years. Hereinafter
we refer to these proposed repayment
limits as stop-loss limits. In
performance year 2 as we phase in
repayment responsibility, the hospital
would owe Medicare under the
proposed CCJR payment model no more
than 10 percent of the hospital’s target
price for the anchor MS–DRG
multiplied by the number of the
hospital’s CCJR episodes anchored by
that MS–DRG during the performance
year, for each anchor MS–DRG in the
model. Ten percent provides an even
transition with respect to maximum
repayment amounts from performance
year 1, where the hospital bears no
repayment responsibility, to the
proposed stop-loss limit in performance
years 3 through 5 of 20 percent. In
performance years 3 through 5 when
repayment responsibility is fully phased
in, no more than 20 percent of the
hospital’s target price for the MS–DRG
multiplied by the number of the
hospital’s CCJR episodes with that MS–
DRG in that performance year would be
owed by the hospital to Medicare under
the proposed CCJR payment model. The
proposed stop-loss percentage of 20
percent would be symmetrical in
performance years 3 through 5 with the
proposed limit on the raw NPRA
contribution to reconciliation payments
discussed in the following section.
We believe that a stop-loss limit of 20
percent is appropriate when the hospital
bears full repayment responsibility,
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based on our assessment of the changes
in practice pattern and reductions in
quality of care that could lead to
significant repayment responsibility
under the CCJR model, as compared to
historical LEJR episode utilization. We
estimate that the IPPS payment for the
anchor hospital stay makes up
approximately 50 percent of the episode
target price, and we expect that the
anchor hospital stay offers little
opportunity for efficiencies to be
achieved by reducing Medicare
expenditures. In contrast, we expect
significant episode efficiencies could be
achieved in the 90 days following
discharge from the anchor hospital stay
through reductions in related hospital
readmissions and increased utilization
of appropriate lower intensity PAC
providers, specifically increased
utilization of home health services and
outpatient therapy and reduced
utilization of SNFs and IRFs. Hospital
readmissions and facility-based PAC
increase the typical Medicare episode
payment by 30 to 45 percent over
episodes that do not include these
services. The proposed 20 percent stop-
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loss limit related to the total episode
payment corresponds to approximately
40 percent of episode payment for the
post-discharge period only, where the
major opportunities for efficiency
through care redesign occur. Thus,
taking into consideration the historical
patterns used to set target prices, we
believe it is reasonable to hold
participant hospitals responsible for
repayment of actual episode spending
that is up to 20 percent greater than the
target price. If a participant hospital’s
repayment amount due to the raw NPRA
would otherwise have exceeded the
stop-loss limit of 20 percent
(comparable to 40 percent of Medicare
payment for the post-discharge period),
the hospital’s episodes would include
much poorer episode efficiency as
compared to the hospital’s historical
episodes, with large proportions of
episodes including related readmissions
and facility-based PAC, costly services
that we do not expect to be necessary for
most beneficiaries whose care is wellcoordinated and appropriate throughout
a high quality LEJR episode.
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The following hypothetical example
illustrates how the proposed stop-loss
percentage would be applied in a given
performance year for the episodes of a
participant hospital. In performance
year 3, a participant hospital had ten
episodes triggered by MS–DRG 469,
with a target price for these episodes of
$50,000. The hospital’s episode actual
spending for these ten episodes was
$650,000. The hospital’s raw NPRA that
would otherwise be $150,000 ((10 ×
$50,000)¥$650,000) would be capped
at the 20 percent stop-loss limit of
$100,000 (.2 × 10 × $50,000) so the
hospital would owe CMS $100,000,
rather than $150,000. In performance
year 3, the same participant hospital
also has 100 episodes triggered by MS–
DRG 470, with a target price for these
episodes of $25,000. The hospital’s
episode actual spending for these 100
episodes was $2,800,000. The hospital’s
raw NPRA would be $300,000 ((100 ×
$25,000)¥$2,800,000), an amount that
would be due to CMS in full as it would
not be subject to the 20 percent stop-loss
limit of $500,000 (.2 × 100 × $25,000).
As illustrated in Figure 4 where we
display results from our national model
for the proposed CCJR performance year
2 policies when the phase-in of
repayment responsibility begins and
under the assumption that utilization
remains constant, we estimate that the
10 percent stop-loss limit would impact
the amount of repayment due to the raw
NPRA for about 11 percent of hospitals.
For performance year 3, the 20 percent
stop-loss limit would affect significantly
fewer hospitals, only about 3 percent.
We note that the stop-loss limit for years
3 through 5 where repayment
responsibility is fully implemented is
consistent with the BPCI Model 2
policy. While Figure 3 assumes no
change in utilization patterns, under the
model test we expect that the proposed
stop-loss limits could actually affect a
smaller percentage of hospitals in each
performance year because we expect
LEJR episode care redesign incentivized
by the model’s financial opportunities
to generally reduce unnecessary
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utilization, thereby reducing actual
episode spending and, correspondingly,
any associated repayment amounts due
to the raw NPRA. We note that we
would include any post-episode
spending amount due to Medicare
according to the policy proposed in
section III.C.8.d of this proposed rule in
assessing the total repayment amount
due to the raw NPRA against the stoploss limit for the performance year to
determine a hospital’s total payment
due to Medicare, if applicable.
We seek comment on our proposal to
adopt a 10 percent stop-loss limit in
performance year 2 and 20 percent stoploss limit in performance year 3 and
beyond in CCJR as hospital repayment
responsibility for excess episode
spending above the target price is
phased in and then maintained in the
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(2) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA
Contribution to Reconciliation
We believe a limit on reconciliation
payments for CCJR would be
appropriate for several reasons. Due to
the proposed nature of the CCJR model
during performance year 1, when
hospitals have no repayment
responsibility for excess episode
spending above the target price, CMS
bears full financial responsibility for
Medicare actual episode payments for
an episode that exceed the target price,
and we believe our responsibility
should have judicious limits. Therefore,
we believe it would be reasonable to cap
a hospital’s reconciliation payment due
to the raw NPRA as a percentage of
episode payment on the basis of
responsible stewardship of CMS
resources. In addition, we note that
beginning in performance year 1,
participant hospitals would be eligible
for reconciliation payments due to the
NPRA if actual episode expenditures are
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less than the target price, assuming the
proposed quality thresholds are met.
This proposal for reconciliation
payments due to the NPRA provides a
financial incentive to participant
hospitals from the beginning of the
model to manage and coordinate care
throughout the episode with a focus on
ensuring that beneficiaries receive the
lowest intensity, medically appropriate
care throughout the episode that results
in high quality outcomes. Therefore, we
also believe it would be reasonable to
cap a hospital’s reconciliation payment
due to the raw NPRA based on concerns
about potential excessive reductions in
utilization under the CCJR model that
could lead to beneficiary harm.
In determining what would constitute
an appropriate reconciliation payment
limit due to the raw NPRA, we believe
it should provide significant
opportunity for hospitals to receive
reconciliation payments for greater
episode efficiency that includes
achievement of quality care and actual
episode payment reductions below the
target price, while avoiding creating
significant incentives for sharply
reduced utilization that could be
harmful to beneficiaries. Thus, for all 5
performance years of the model, we
propose a limit on the raw NPRA
contribution to the reconciliation
payment of no more than 20 percent of
the hospital’s target prices for each MS–
DRG multiplied by the number of the
hospital’s episodes for that MS–DRG.
Hereinafter we refer to this proposed
reconciliation payment limit as the stopgain limit. This proposed stop-gain limit
is parallel to the 20 percent stop-loss
limit proposed for performance year 3
and beyond. We believe that a parallel
stop-gain and stop-loss limit is
important to provide proportionately
similar protections to CMS and
participant hospitals for their financial
responsibilities under CCJR, as well as
to protect the health of beneficiaries.
As illustrated in Figure 3 where we
display results from our national model
for the proposed CCJR performance year
2 policies under the assumption that
utilization remains constant, we
estimate that the 20 percent stop-gain
limit would impact the reconciliation
payment amount due to the raw NPRA
of almost no hospitals. We note that a
stop-gain limit of 20 percent is
consistent with BPCI Model 2 policy.
While Figure 3 assumes no change in
utilization patterns, under the model
test we expect that the proposed stopgain limit could actually affect a few
hospitals in each performance year
because we expect LEJR episode care
redesign incentivized by the model’s
financial opportunities to generally
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reduce unnecessary utilization, thereby
reducing actual episode spending and,
correspondingly, increasing any
associated reconciliation payment
amounts due to the raw NPRA.
Nevertheless, we believe the proposed
stop-gain limit of 20 percent provides
substantial opportunity for hospitals to
achieve savings over the target price
without excessive reductions in
utilization, and those savings would be
paid back to hospitals fully in most
cases without being affected by the stopgain limit. We seek comment on our
proposal to adopt a 20 percent stop-gain
limit for all performance years of CCJR.
We note that we plan to monitor
beneficiary access and utilization of
services and the potential contribution
of the stop-gain limit to any
inappropriate reduction in episode
services. We refer readers to section
III.F. of this proposed rule for our
proposals on monitoring and addressing
hospital performance under CCJR.
c. Proposed Policies for Certain
Hospitals To Further Limit Repayment
As discussed in section III.C.3. of this
proposed rule, we propose that
participant hospitals would be subject
to repayment responsibility for episode
actual spending in excess of the
applicable target price beginning in
performance year 2. Hospitals
participating in CCJR would not be
responsible for actual episode payments
greater than a ceiling set at two standard
deviations above the mean regional
episode payment as described earlier in
this section. Additionally, we propose a
10 percent limit on the raw NPRA
contribution to the repayment mount in
performance year 2 and a 20 percent
limit on the raw NPRA contribution to
the repayment amount in performance
year 3 and beyond, as described in the
previous section of this proposed rule.
Though our proposals provide several
safeguards to ensure that participant
hospitals have limited repayment
responsibility due to the raw NPRA, we
are proposing additional protections for
certain groups of hospitals that may
have a lower risk tolerance and less
infrastructure and support to achieve
efficiencies for high payment episodes.
Specifically, we are proposing
additional protections for rural
hospitals, SCHs, Medicare Dependent
Hospitals and Rural Referral Centers
(RCCs). We note that these categories of
hospitals often have special payment
protections or additional payment
benefits under Medicare because we
recognize the importance of preserving
Medicare beneficiaries’ access to care
from these hospitals. In MedPAC’s
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Report to the Congress in June 2012,
MedPAC examined issues related to
rural Medicare beneficiaries and found
that ‘‘The primary objective of rural
special payments is to ensure that
Medicare does its part to support the
financial viability of rural providers that
are necessary for beneficiaries’ access to
care. Some form of special payments
will be needed to maintain access in
areas with low population density
where providers inevitably have low
patient volumes and lack economies of
scale.’’ 40
We propose that a rural hospital
would have additional protections
under the stop-loss limit proposal. For
the purpose of this model, we are
proposing to define a rural hospital as
an IPPS hospital that is either located in
a rural area in accordance with
§ 412.64(b) or in a rural census tract
within an MSA defined at
§ 412.103(a)(1) or has reclassified to
rural in accordance with § 412.103 Such
rural hospitals would have additional
protections under the stop-loss limit
proposal. Consistent with the findings
in MedPAC’s June 2012 Report to the
Congress, we believe rural hospitals
may have a lower risk tolerance and less
infrastructure and support to achieve
efficiencies for high payment episodes,
particularly if they are the rural hospital
is the only hospital in an area.
Our preliminary analysis examining
national spending for MS–DRGs 469
and 470 from October 1, 2013 to
September 30, 2014 showed that MS–
DRGs 469 and 470 cases represent a
slightly higher proportion of cases and
spending for rural hospitals than the
national average (for example, MS–DRG
470 episode spending represents 12
percent of IPPS spending for rural
hospitals and represents 9 percent of
IPPS spending nationally).41
Additionally, our analysis on the
distribution of national spending of
MS–DRGs 469 and 470 episodes by
service type (that is inpatient,
outpatient, SNF, Home Health,
Physician Part B, DME), found that on
average, inpatient services account for
the most spending for an MS–DRGs 469
and 470 episode (53 percent of spending
for an MS–DRG 469 episode and 55
percent of spending for MS–DRG 470
episode). SNF services account for 27
percent of spending for MS–DRG 469
and 18 percent of spending for MS–DRG
470. The spending distribution for all
rural IPPS hospitals also differs from the
40 MedPAC Report to Congress June 2012,
Chapter 5, page 121.
41 Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR
episodes as proposed, between October 1, 2013 and
September 30, 2014.
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national average. For rural hospitals,
inpatient services for CCJR episodes
account for more spending than the
national average (56 percent for MS–
DRG 469 and 57 percent for MS–DRG
470 for rural hospitals) and SNF
spending is higher than the national
average (29 percent for MS–DRG 469
and 21 percent for MS–DRG 470 for
rural hospitals). It is evident that this
category of hospitals has different
spending patterns than the national
average. Furthermore, hospitals in rural
areas often face other unique challenges.
Rural hospitals may be the only source
of healthcare services for beneficiaries
living in rural areas, and beneficiaries
have limited alternatives should rural
hospitals be subject to financial changes
under this model. Additionally, because
rural hospitals may be in areas with
fewer providers including fewer
physicians and PAC facilities, rural
hospitals may have more limited
options in coordinating care and
reducing spending while maintain
quality of care under this model. We
believe that urban hospitals may not
have similar concerns as they are often
in areas with many other providers and
have greater opportunity to develop
efficiencies under this model. Given
that rural hospitals have different
episode spending patterns, have
different challenges in coordinating care
and reducing cost than urban hospitals
and serve as a primary access to care for
beneficiaries, we believe that we should
have a more protective stop-loss limit
policy as described later in this section.
Additionally, we propose to provide
additional protections for SCHs as
defined in § 412.92, Medicare
Dependent Hospitals as defined in
§ 412.108 and RRCs as defined in
§ 412.96. Hospitals paid under the IPPS
can qualify for SCH status if they meet
one of the following criteria:
• Located at least 35 miles from other
like hospitals.
• Located in a rural area, located
between 25 and 35 miles from other like
hospitals, and no more than 25 percent
of residents or Medicare beneficiaries
who become hospital inpatients in the
hospital’s service area are admitted to
other like hospitals located within a 35mile radius of the hospital or the
hospital has fewer than 50 beds and
would meet the 25 percent criterion if
not for the fact that some beneficiaries
or residents were forced to seek
specialized care outside of the service
area due to the unavailability of
necessary specialty services at the
• Hospital is rural and located
between 15 and 25 miles from other like
hospitals but because of local
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topography or periods of prolonged
severe weather conditions, the other like
hospitals are inaccessible for at least 30
days in each of 2 out of 3 years.
• Hospital is rural and the travel time
between the hospital and the nearest
like hospital is at least 45 minutes.
If an IPPS hospital qualifies to be a
SCH, the hospital can be paid the higher
of the federal payment rate paid to IPPS
hospitals or a cost-based hospitalspecific rate as described in § 412.78.
Under OPPS, a rural SCH can receive a
7.1 percent add on payment for most
services with certain exceptions, in
accordance with § 419.43(g). These
criteria to qualify for SCH status
demonstrate that SCHs are likely to be
the sole hospital in an area.
Furthermore, additional payments
provided under Medicare FFS for SCHs,
demonstrates Medicare’s interest in
ensuring these hospitals are able to
provide services to the Medicare
beneficiaries who may have limited
access to providers in their area. As a
result, we believe that we should
provide SCHs additional protections
from hospital responsibility for
repayment in this model. We note that
we propose to exclude these add-on
payments for SCHs, as described in
section III.C.3.a of this proposed rule.
MDHs are defined as a hospital that
meets the following criteria:
• Located in a rural area.
• Has 100 beds or less.
• Is not a SCH.
• Sixty percent of the hospital’s
inpatient days or discharges were
attributable to individuals entitled to
Medicare Part A benefits during
specified time periods as provided in
§ 412.108.
MDHs also qualify for special
additional payments under the IPPS
where an MDH can receive the higher of
a payment under the federal standard
rate for IPPS hospitals or the payment
under federal standard rate for IPPS
hospitals plus 75 percent of the
difference in payments between a cost
based hospital-specific rate and the
federal standard rate as described in
§ 412.108(c). These criteria demonstrate
that MDHs are small, rural hospitals that
have a high Medicare case mix
percentage and receive additional
payments under the IPPS to ensure
financial stability and preserve
beneficiary access to care to these
hospitals. Thus, we believe these factors
demonstrate that we should provide
additional safeguards from hospital
responsibility for repayment in order to
preserve access to care. We note that we
propose to exclude these payment
enhancements for MDHs, as described
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in section III.C.3.a. of this proposed
RRCs are defined as IPPS hospitals
with at least 275 beds that meet the
following criteria:
• Fifty percent of the hospital’s
Medicare patients are referred from
other hospitals or from physicians who
are not on the staff of the hospital.
• At least 60 percent of the hospital’s
Medicare patients live more than 25
miles from the hospital.
• At least 60 percent of all services
the hospital furnishes to Medicare
patients are furnished to patients who
live more than 25 miles from the
If a hospital does not meet the criteria
described previously, a hospital can also
qualify for RRC status if a hospital meets
the following criteria:
• For specified period of time, the
hospital has a case-mix that equals the
lower of the median case mix index
(CMI) value for all urban hospitals
nationally; or the median CMI value for
urban hospitals located in its region,
excluding those hospitals receiving
indirect medical education payments.
• Its number of discharges is at
++ 5,000 (or 3,000 for an osteopathic
hospital); or
++ The median number of discharges
for urban hospitals in the census region
in which it is located, set by the CMS
through IPPS rulemaking.
• Additionally, a hospital must meet
one of the following criteria:
++ More than 50 percent of its active
medical staff are specialists who meet
the conditions specified at
§ 412.96(c)(3).
++ At least 60 percent of all
discharges are for inpatients who reside
more than 25 miles from the hospital.
++ At least 40 percent of all inpatients
treated are referred from other hospitals
or from physicians who are not on the
hospital’s staff.
As an RRC, a hospital can qualify for
several additional payments under the
IPPS. For example, an RRC is not
subject to the 12 percent cap on
Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospital payments that a rural hospital
would otherwise be subject to, in
accordance with § 412.106(d). Although
RRCs are larger and have a higher
Medicare patient mix, they often serve
as the sole provider to treat higher
acuity cases, as demonstrated by the
RRC qualification criteria. As a result of
these unique characteristics of these
hospitals, RRCs can receive additional
payments under Medicare FFS. Thus, it
is also important to provide additional
protections for RRCs such that
participation in this model does not
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result in significant financial loss that
may reduce access for Medicare
For these reasons, we propose a stoploss limit of 3 percent of episode
payments for these categories of
hospitals in performance year 2 and a
stop-loss limit of 5 percent of episode
payments for performance years 3
through 5. More specifically, in
performance year 2, a rural hospital,
SCH, RRC or MDH that is a participant
hospital would owe Medicare due to the
raw NPRA no more than 3 percent of the
hospital’s target price for the anchor
MS–DRG multiplied by the number of
the hospital’s CCJR episodes with that
anchor MS–DRG in the performance
year. Additionally, in performance years
3 through 5, a rural hospital, SCH, RRC
or MDH that is a participant hospital
would owe Medicare due to the raw
NPRA no more than 5 percent of the
hospital’s target price for the anchor
MS–DRG multiplied by the number of
the hospital’s CCJR episodes with that
anchor MS–DRG in the performance
year. We believe a different stop-loss
limit policy is warranted given the
different spending patterns and the
unique hospital characteristics for these
groups of hospitals as described earlier.
We believe this proposal strikes an
appropriate balance between protecting
hospitals that often serve as the only
access of care for Medicare beneficiaries
and having these hospitals meaningfully
participate in the model. We note that
this proposal does not impact the
proposed stop-gain policy for these
categories of hospitals. Rural hospitals,
SCHs, MDHs and RRCs still have the
opportunity to participate in full gains
at 20 percent similar to other hospitals.
Hospitals can apply for SCH, MDH
and RRC status through their MACs and
Regional Office at any time. MACs
maintain the list of SCHs, MDHs, and
RRCs in the CMS Provider Specific File,
which they update on a quarterly basis.
The special hospital designations
recorded in the Provider Specific File
are used in Medicare claims pricing to
ensure that these hospitals are paid
according to their special hospital
designation. Additionally, CMS can
identify which hospitals are considered
rural for the purpose of this policy,
using the Provider Specific File to
identify physical geographic location of
a hospital and the MACs to identify
whether an urban hospital has
reclassified to rural under 42 CFR
412.103 or located in a rural census tract
of an MSA defined under 42 CFR
412.103(a)(1). Thus, we propose to
identify rural hospitals, MDHs, SCHs
and RRCs at the time of reconciliation
using the Provider Specific File updated
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in December of the end of the
performance year and information from
the MACs, and those hospitals would be
subject to the 3 percent stop-loss limit
policy for that performance year 2, and
5 percent stop-loss limit policy in
performance years 3 through 5. For
example, to identify the hospitals that
would receive a 3 percent stop-loss limit
for performance year 2, we would use
the Provider Specific File updated in
December 2017. We note that the special
Medicare payment designation of MDH
status has been extended through FY
2017 by legislation under the Medicare
Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of
2015. As a result, the proposed
additional protections for hospital
responsibility for repayment for MDHs
would only apply to the extent that
MDH status exists under Medicare. In
other words, should MDH expire on or
after September 30, 2017, we would not
identify hospitals as MDHs to receive
the 5-percent stop-loss limit policy for
performance year 3. Though MDH status
is set to expire after the third quarter of
2017, we would still identify MDHs to
receive the 3-percent stop loss limit
policy for all of performance year 2.
We note that we also considered
excluding rural hospitals, SCHs, MDHs
and RRCs from the CCJR model
altogether due to our concerns of
placing significant responsibility for
actual episode payment above the target
price on these hospitals. Additionally,
we were also concerned that from an
evaluation perspective, we would not
have sufficient sample size of CCJR
episodes from these categories of
hospitals to have significant results of
how these groups of hospitals perform
under this model. We weighed our
reasons for excluding these hospitals
with the potential qualitative
information we would gain from
payment innovation tests on rural
hospitals in this model. We concluded
that because the CCJR model strives to
test episode payment for a broad variety
of hospitals, it would be preferable to
include these hospitals in the CCJR
model and provide additional
protections from a large repayment
responsibility. We welcome public
comment on our proposed stop-loss
limit for rural hospitals, SCHs, MDHs
and RRCs and on our alternative
consideration to exclude these hospitals
entirely from the CCJR model.
d. Proposed Hospital Responsibility for
Increased Post-Episode Payments
We noted that while the proposed
CCJR episode would extend 90-days
post-discharge from the anchor
hospitalization, some hospitals may
have an incentive to withhold or delay
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medically necessary care until after an
episode ends to reduce their actual
episode payments. We do not believe
this would be likely, especially given
the relatively long episode duration.
However, in order to identify and
address such inappropriate shifting of
care, we propose to calculate for each
performance year the total Medicare
Parts A and B expenditures in the 30day period following completion of each
episode for all services covered under
Medicare Parts A and B, regardless of
whether or not the services are included
in the proposed episode definition
(section III.B of this proposed rule), as
is consistent with BPCI Model 2.
Because we base the proposed episode
definition on exclusions, identified by
MS–DRGs for readmissions and ICD–9–
CM diagnosis codes for Part B services
as discussed in section III.B. of this
proposed rule, and Medicare
beneficiaries may typically receive a
wide variety of related (and unrelated)
services during the CCJR episode that
extends 90 days following discharge
from the anchor hospitalization, there is
some potential for hospitals to
inappropriately withhold or delay a
variety of types of services until the
episode concludes, without attending
carefully to the episode definition,
especially for Part B services where
diagnosis coding on claims may be less
reliable. This inappropriate shifting
could include both those services that
are related to the episode (for which the
hospital would bear financial
responsibility as they would be
included in the actual episode spending
calculation) and those that are unrelated
(which would not be included in the
actual episode spending calculation),
because a hospital engaged in shifting of
medically necessary services outside the
episode for potential financial reward
may be unlikely to clearly distinguish
whether the services were related to the
episode or not in the hospital’s
This calculation would include
prorated payments for services that
extend beyond the episode as discussed
in section III.C.3.b. of this proposed
rule. Specifically, we would identify
whether the average 30-day postepisode spending for a participant
hospital in any given performance year
is greater than three standard deviations
above the regional average 30-day postepisode spending, based on the 30-day
post-episode spending for episodes
attributed to all CCJR eligible hospitals
in the same region as the participant
hospital. We propose that beginning in
performance year 2, if the hospital’s
average post-episode spending exceeds
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
this threshold, the participant hospital
would repay Medicare for the amount
that exceeds such threshold, subject to
the stop-loss limits proposed elsewhere
in this proposed rule. We seek comment
on this proposal to make participant
hospitals responsible for making
repayments to Medicare based on high
spending in the 30 days after the end of
the episode and for our proposed
methodology to calculate the threshold
for high post-episode spend.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
9. Proposed Appeal Procedures
Under the CCJR model, we propose
that we would determine target prices
for episodes of care using the
methodology described in section III.C.
of this proposed rule. We propose to
institute a reconciliation payment
process as described in section III.C.6, of
this proposed rule, and we propose to
retrospectively calculate a participant
hospital’s actual episode performance
relative to its target price after the
completion of each performance year.
The difference between the actual
episode spending of each CCJR episode
and the target price of that episode
(calculated as target price subtracted by
CCJR actual episode payment) would be
aggregated for all episodes initiated at a
participant hospital during each
performance year. This calculation for a
participant hospital would be adjusted
for post-episode payment increases and
stop gain and stop loss limits, as
described in section III.C.6.a. of this
proposed rule. We propose to use
quality measure percentiles to
determine hospital eligibility to receive
the reconciliation payment and use the
successful reporting of the voluntary
PRO THA/TKA data to adjust the
reconciliation payment, as described in
section III.C.5. of this proposed rule.
The NPRA would be reflected in a
report sent to the participant hospital
called the CCJR Reconciliation Report.
We also propose to institute appeals
processes for the CCJR model that
would allow participant hospitals to
appeal matters related to reconciliation
and payment (that are previously
discussed in this section), as well as
non-payment related issues, such as
enforcement matters detailed in section
a. Payment Processes
The proposed processes with regard
to reconciliation, payment, use of
quality measures to determine payment,
and stop-loss and stop-gain policies are
set forth in detail in sections III.C.5–8.
In this section, we propose an appeals
processes that will apply to the matters
addressed in sections III.C.5–8, as well
as matters not related to payment or
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reconciliation. These appeals processes
will apply to the following payment and
reconciliation processes:
• Starting with the CCJR
Reconciliation Report for performance
year 1, if the CCJR Reconciliation Report
indicates the reconciliation amount is
positive, CMS would issue a payment,
in a form and manner specified by CMS,
for that amount to the awardee within
30 calendar days from the issue date of
the CCJR Reconciliation Report, unless
the participant hospital selects to
pursue the calculation error and
reconsideration review processes, in
which case payment will be delayed as
detailed later in this section.
• For performance year 1, if the CCJR
reconciliation report indicates a
repayment amount, the participant
hospital would not be required to make
payment for that amount to CMS, as we
have proposed not to hold hospitals
financially responsible for negative
NPRAs for the first performance year. In
addition, if it is determined that a CCJR
hospital has a positive NPRA for
performance year 1, and the subsequent
calculation for performance year 1 the
following year, as described in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule, determines
that in aggregate the performance year 1
NPRA and the subsequent calculation
amount for performance year 1 is a
negative value (adding together the
NPRA amount from the reconciliation
for performance year 1 as well as the
amount determined in the subsequent
calculation, which would be detailed on
the CCJR reconciliation report for
performance year 2), the hospital would
only be financially responsible for a
repayment amount that would net the
performance year 1 NPRA and
subsequent calculation for year 1 to
zero. This would be true for
performance year 1 only, given our
proposal to begin phasing in financial
responsibility in year 2 of the model as
discussed in section III.C.2.c. of this
proposed rule. For performance years 2
through 5 of the model, for example, if
the NPRA for performance year 1 for a
given hospital were $3,000, and the
subsequent calculation performed in Q2
2018 to account for claims run-out and
overlaps determined a repayment
amount of $3,500 for claims incurred
and overlap during performance year 1,
$3,000 would be applied to the CCJR
reconciliation report for performance
year 2. If the NPRA for performance year
2 were $5,000, the repayment amount of
$3,000 would be netted against the
$5,000, and the reconciliation payment
for performance year 2 would be $2,000.
Given that downside risk has been
waived for performance year 1, the
remaining $500 would not be added to
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the CCJR reconciliation report for
performance year 2. However, beginning
with the reconciliation process for
performance year 3, any repayment
amounts generated through the
subsequent calculation process detailed
in section III.C.6.b. would be netted
against any repayment or reconciliation
amount on the respective CCJR
reconciliation reports for performance
years 2, 3, 4, and 5. Starting with the
reconciliation for performance year 2, if
the CCJR Reconciliation Report
indicates the NPRA is negative, the
participant hospital would make
payment for the absolute value of that
amount to CMS within 30-calendar days
from the issue date of the CCJR
Reconciliation Report, in a form and
manner specified by CMS. Where the
participant hospital does not issue
payment within 30-calendar days, we
will issue a demand letter requiring
payment be made immediately.
• The reconciliation or repayment
amount may include adjustments,
arising from matters from the previous
performance year, as necessary to
account for subsequent calculations
performed for performance years that
were specified in earlier CCJR
Reconciliation Reports, as discussed in
section III.C.6. of this proposed rule. For
example, we would potentially make
determinations of additional monies
owed by Medicare to participant
hospitals or vice versa in subsequent
periods based on the availability of
updated Medicare administrative data.
These subsequent calculations would be
contained in the succeeding
reconciliation report. For example, the
subsequent calculations applicable to
performance year 1 would be contained
in the reconciliation report for
performance year 2.
• If the participant hospital fails to
pay CMS the amount owed by the date
indicated in the demand letter, CMS
will recoup owed monies from
participant hospital’s present and future
Medicare payments to collect all monies
due to CMS. While we propose that a
participant hospital may enter into
financial arrangements with CCJR
collaborators that allow for some risksharing, as discussed in section III.C. of
this proposed rule, the participant
hospital would be solely liable for the
repayment of the negative repayment
amount to CMS. Where the participant
hospital fails to repay CMS in full for all
monies owed, CMS would invoke all
legal means to collect the debt,
including referral of the remaining debt
to the United States Department of the
Treasury, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711(g).
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
b. Calculation Error
We propose the following calculation
error process for participant hospitals to
contest matters related to payment or
reconciliation, of which the following is
a non-exhaustive list: The calculation of
the participant hospital’s reconciliation
amount or repayment amount as
reflected on a CCJR reconciliation
report; the calculation of NPRA; the
calculation of the percentiles of quality
measure performance to determine
eligibility to receive a reconciliation
payment; and the successful reporting of
the voluntary PRO THA/TKA data to
adjust the reconciliation payment.
Participant hospitals would review their
CCJR reconciliation report and be
required to provide written notice of
any error, in a calculation error form
that must be submitted in a form and
manner specified by CMS. Unless the
participant provides such notice, the
reconciliation report would be deemed
final within 30 calendar days after it is
issued, and CMS would proceed with
payment or repayment. If CMS receives
a timely notice of an error in the
calculation, CMS would respond in
writing within 30 calendar days to
either confirm or refute the calculation
error, although CMS would reserve the
right to an extension upon written
notice to the participant hospital. We
propose that if a participant hospital
does not submit timely notice of
calculation error in accordance with the
timelines and processes specified by
CMS, the participant hospital would be
precluded from later contesting any of
the following matters contained in the
CCJR reconciliation report for that
performance year: any matter involving
the calculation of the participant
hospital’s reconciliation amount or
repayment amount as reflected on a
CCJR reconciliation report; any matter
involving the calculation of NPRA; the
calculation of the percentiles of quality
measure performance to determine
eligibility to receive a reconciliation
payment; and the successful reporting of
the voluntary PRO THA/TKA data to
adjust the reconciliation payment.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
c. Dispute Resolution
(1) Limitations on Review
In accordance with section 1115A(d)
of the Act, there is no administrative or
judicial review under sections 1869 or
1878 of the Act or otherwise for the
• The selection of models for testing
or expansion under section 1115A of the
• The selection of organizations, sites
or participants to test those models
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• The elements, parameters, scope,
and duration of such models for testing
or dissemination.
• Determinations regarding budget
neutrality under subsection 1115A(b)(3).
• The termination or modification of
the design and implementation of a
model under subsection 1115A(b)(3)(B).
• Decisions about expansion of the
duration and scope of a model under
subsection 1115A(c), including the
determination that a model is not
expected to meet criteria described in
paragraph (1) or (2) of such subsection.
(2) Matters Subject to Dispute
We propose that a participant hospital
may appeal an initial determination that
is not precluded from administrative or
judicial review by requesting
reconsideration review by a CMS
official. The request for review must be
submitted for receipt by CMS within 10
days of the notice of the initial
determination. Initial determinations
that are not precluded from
administrative or judicial review would
include the involuntary termination of a
participant hospital’s participation in
the CCJR model.
(3) Dispute Resolution Process
We propose the following dispute
resolution process. First, we propose
that only a participant hospital may
utilize the dispute resolution process.
Second, in order to access the dispute
resolution process a participant hospital
must have timely submitted a
calculation error form, as previously
discussed, for any matters related to
payment. We propose these matters
would include any amount or
calculation indicated on a CCJR
reconciliation report, including
calculations not specifically reflected on
a CCJR reconciliation report but which
generated figures or amounts reflected
on a CCJR reconciliation report. The
following is a non-exhaustive list of the
matters we propose would need to be
first adjudicated by the calculation error
process as previously detailed:
calculations of reconciliation or
repayment amounts; calculations of
NPRA; and any calculations or
percentile distribution involving quality
measures that we propose could affect
reconciliation or repayment amounts. If
a participant hospital wants to engage in
the dispute resolution process with
regard to one of these matters, we
propose it would first need to submit a
calculation error form. Where the
participant hospital does not timely
submit a calculation error form, we
propose the dispute resolution process
would not be available to the participant
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hospital with regard to those matters for
the reconciliation report for that
performance year.
If the participant hospital did timely
submit a calculation error form and the
participant hospital is dissatisfied with
CMS’s response to the participant
hospital’s notice of calculation error, the
hospital would be permitted to request
reconsideration review by a CMS
reconsideration official. The
reconsideration review request would
be submitted in a form and manner and
to an individual or office specified by
CMS. The reconsideration review
request would provide a detailed
explanation of the basis for the dispute
and include supporting documentation
for the participant hospital’s assertion
that CMS or its representatives did not
accurately calculate the NPRA or postepisode spending amount in accordance
with CCJR rules. The following is a nonexhaustive list of representative
payment matters:
• Calculations of NPRA, post-episode
spending amount, target prices or any
items listed on a reconciliation report.
• The application of quality measures
to a reconciliation payment, including
the calculation of the percentiles
thresholds of quality measure
performance to determine eligibility to
receive reconciliation payments, or the
successful reporting of the voluntary
PRO THA/TKA data to adjust the
reconciliation payment.
• Any contestation based on the
grounds that CMS or its representative
made an error in calculating or
recording such amounts.
Where the matter is unrelated to
payment, such as termination from the
model, the participant hospital need not
submit a calculation error form. We
propose to require the participant
hospital to timely submit a request for
reconsideration review, in a form and
manner to be determined by CMS.
Where such request is timely received,
we propose CMS would process the
request as discussed later in this
We propose that the reconsideration
review would be an on-the-record
review (a review of briefs and evidence
only). The CMS reconsideration official
would make reasonable efforts to notify
the hospital in writing within 15
calendar days of receiving the
participant hospital’s reconsideration
review request of the date and time of
the review, the issues in dispute, the
review procedures, and the procedures
(including format and deadlines) for
submission of evidence (the
‘‘Scheduling Notice’’). The CMS
reconsideration official would make
reasonable efforts to schedule the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
review to occur no later than 30 days
after the date of the Scheduling Notice.
The provisions at § 425.804(b), (c), and
(e) (as in effect on the publication date
of this proposed rule) would apply to
reviews conducted pursuant to the
reconsideration review process for
CCJR. The CMS reconsideration official
would make reasonable efforts to issue
a written determination within 30 days
of the review. The determination would
be final and binding.
We solicit comment on our proposals
related to appeals rights under this
model. The two-step appeal process for
payment matters—(1) calculation error
form, and (2) reconsideration review—is
used broadly in other CMS models. We
seek comment on whether we should
develop an alternative appeal process.
We are also interested in whether there
should be appeal rights for reductions or
eliminations of NPRA as a result of
enforcement actions, as discussed in
section III.C.12 of this proposed rule,
and if so, whether the process for such
appeals should differ from the processes
proposed here.
In accordance with section 1115A of
the Act, we are proposing to codify
these proposals in regulation in the new
proposed part 510 of the CFR.
10. Proposed Financial Arrangements
and Beneficiary Incentives
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
a. Financial Arrangements and
Beneficiary Incentives
As discussed earlier in this proposed
rule, we propose that CCJR would be a
retrospective episode payment model,
under which Medicare payments for
services included in an episode of care
would continue to be made to all
providers and suppliers under the
existing payment systems, and episode
payment would be based on later
reconciliation of episode actual
spending under those Medicare
payment systems to the episode target
price. If the episode actual spending is
less than the target price, the participant
hospital would receive a reconciliation
payment, assuming quality performance
thresholds are met and the stop-gain
threshold is not exceeded. If the episode
actual spending exceeds the target price,
beginning in performance year 2
hospitals would repay the difference to
Medicare up to the stop-loss threshold.
We believe that participant hospitals
may wish to enter into financial
arrangements with providers and
suppliers caring for beneficiaries in
CCJR episodes in order to align the
financial incentives of those providers
and suppliers with the model goals of
improving quality and efficiency for
LEJR episodes. For example, given that
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the proposed episode duration is 90
days following discharge from the
anchor hospital stay and the episodes
are broadly defined (see section III.B of
this proposed rule), many providers and
suppliers other than the participant
hospital will furnish related services to
beneficiaries during episodes. Those
providers and suppliers may include
physicians, physician group practices,
skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home
health agencies (HHAs), inpatient
rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), long term
care hospitals (LTCHs), outpatient
therapy providers, and others. We
expect that participant hospitals will
identify key providers and suppliers for
CCJR beneficiaries in their communities
and then establish close partnerships
with them to assist the hospital in
redesigning care for LEJR episodes to
improve quality and efficiency,
coordinating and managing care for
beneficiaries, monitoring episode
performance, and refining care
pathways. These providers and
suppliers may invest substantial time
and other resources in these activities,
yet they would neither be the direct
recipients of any reconciliation
payments from Medicare, nor directly
responsible for repaying Medicare for
excess episode spending. Therefore, we
believe it is possible that a participant
hospital that may receive a
reconciliation payment from Medicare
or may need to repay Medicare may
want to enter into financial
arrangements with other providers and
suppliers to share risks and rewards
under CCJR.
In addition to providers and suppliers
with which the participant hospital may
want to enter into financial
arrangements to share risks and reward,
we expect that participant hospitals may
choose to engage with organizations that
are neither providers nor suppliers to
assist with matters such as: episode data
analysis; local provider and supplier
engagement; care redesign planning and
implementation; beneficiary outreach;
CCJR beneficiary care coordination and
management; monitoring participant
hospital compliance with the terms and
conditions of the CCJR model; or other
model-related activities. These
organizations may play important roles
in a hospital’s plans to implement the
CCJR model based on the experience
these organizations may bring to the
hospital’s successful participation in the
model, such as prior experience with
bundled payment initiatives, care
coordination expertise, familiarity with
the local community, and knowledge of
Medicare claims data. We expect that all
relationships established between
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participant hospitals and these
organizations for purposes of the CCJR
model would only be those permitted
under existing law and regulation,
including any relationships that would
include the participant hospital’s
sharing of CCJR model risks and
rewards with these organizations. We
would expect that all of these
relationships would solely be based on
the level of engagement of the
organization’s resources to directly
support the participant hospitals’ CCJR
model implementation.
Additionally, because the proposed
broadly defined LEJR episodes extend
90-days post-discharge from the anchor
hospital stay, we believe that participant
hospitals caring for CCJR beneficiaries
may want to offer beneficiary incentives
to encourage beneficiary adherence to
recommended treatment and active
patient engagement in recovery. Such
incentives should be closely related to
the provision of high quality care during
the episode and advance a clinical goal
for a CCJR beneficiary, and should not
serve as inducements to beneficiaries to
seek care from the participant hospital
or other specific suppliers and
providers. Such incentives may help
participant hospitals reach their quality
and efficiency goals for CCJR episodes,
while benefitting beneficiaries’ health
and the Medicare Trust Fund if hospital
readmissions and complications are
reduced while recovery continues
uninterrupted or accelerates.
(1) Financial Arrangements Under the
CCJR Model
As previously noted, we believe that
given the financial incentives of episode
payment in CCJR, participant hospitals
in the model may want to engage in
financial arrangements to share
reconciliation payments or hospital
internal cost savings or both, as well as
responsibility for repaying Medicare,
with providers and suppliers making
contributions to the hospital’s episode
performance on spending and quality.
Such arrangements would allow the
participant hospitals to share all or
some of the reconciliation payments
they may be eligible to receive from
CMS, or the participant hospital’s
internal cost savings that result from
care for beneficiaries during a CCJR
episode. Likewise, such arrangements
could allow the participant hospitals to
share the responsibility for the funds
needed to repay Medicare with
providers and suppliers engaged in
caring for CCJR beneficiaries, if those
providers and suppliers have a role in
the hospital’s episode spending or
quality performance. We propose to use
the term ‘‘CCJR collaborator’’ to refer to
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
such providers and suppliers, who may
include the following:
• SNFs.
• HHAs.
• LTCHs.
• IRFs.
• Physician Group Practices (PGPs).
• Physicians, nonphysician
practitioners, and outpatient therapy
We believe that CCJR collaborators
should have a role in the participant
hospital’s episode spending or quality
performance. Accordingly, we propose
that the CCJR collaborator would
directly furnish related items or services
to a CCJR beneficiary during the episode
and/or specifically participate in CCJR
model LEJR episode care redesign
activities, such as attending CCJR
meetings and learning activities;
drafting LEJR episode care pathways;
reviewing CCJR beneficiaries’ clinical
courses; developing episode analytics;
or preparing reports of episode
performance, under the direction of the
participant hospital or another CCJR
collaborator that directly furnishes
related items and services to CCJR
beneficiaries. Note that we propose later
in this section a limit on Gainsharing
Payments (as that term is defined later
in this section) to physician or
nonphysician CCJR collaborators, as
well as to physician group practices,
related to PFS payments for services
furnished to CCJR beneficiaries.
Therefore, in addition to playing a role
in the participant hospital’s episode
spending or quality performance,
physician, nonphysician, and physician
group practice CCJR collaborators must
additionally directly furnish services to
CCJR beneficiaries in order to receive a
Gainsharing Payment as result of their
financial arrangement with the
participant hospital. We seek comment
on our proposed definition of CCJR
collaborators, as well as our proposed
definition of a provider’s or supplier’s
role in the participant hospital’s episode
spending or quality performance.
We propose that certain financial
arrangements between a participant
hospital and a CCJR collaborator be
termed a ‘‘CCJR Sharing Arrangement,’’
and that the terms of each CCJR Sharing
Arrangement be set forth in a written
agreement between the participant
hospital and the CCJR collaborator. We
propose to use the term ‘‘Participation
Agreement’’ to refer to such agreements.
We propose that a ‘‘CCJR Sharing
Arrangement’’ would be a financial
arrangement contained in a
Participation Agreement to share only
the following: (1) CCJR reconciliation
payments (as that term is defined in
section III.C of this proposed rule); (2)
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the participant hospital’s internal cost
savings (as that term is defined later in
this section); and (3) the participant
hospital’s responsibility for repayment
to Medicare, as discussed later in this
section. Where a payment from a
participant hospital to a CCJR
collaborator is made pursuant to a CCJR
Sharing Arrangement, we propose to
define that payment as a ‘‘Gainsharing
Payment.’’ A Gainsharing Payment may
only be only composed of the following:
(1) Reconciliation payments; (2) internal
cost savings; or (3) both. Where a
payment from a CCJR collaborator to a
participant hospital is made pursuant to
a CCJR Sharing Arrangement, we
propose to define that payment as an
‘‘Alignment Payment.’’ We propose that
CCJR Sharing Arrangements that
provide for Alignment Payments would
not relieve the participant hospital of its
ultimate responsibility for repayment to
CMS. Many of the programmatic
requirements discussed later in this
proposed rule for Gainsharing Payments
and Alignment Payments are similar to
those in Model 2 of the BPCI initiative.
The CCJR Sharing Arrangements
between participant hospitals and CCJR
collaborators must be solely related to
the contributions of the CCJR
collaborators to care redesign that
achieve quality and efficiency
improvements under this model for
CCJR beneficiaries. All Gainsharing
Payments or Alignment Payments
between participant hospitals and CCJR
collaborators resulting from these
arrangements must be auditable by
HHS, as discussed later in this section,
to ensure their financial and
programmatic integrity. We emphasize
that any CCJR collaborator that receives
a Gainsharing Payment or makes an
Alignment Payment must have
furnished services included in the
episode to CCJR beneficiaries.
Furthermore, the payment arrangements
for Gainsharing Payments or Alignment
Payments contained in a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement must be actually and
proportionally related to the care of
beneficiaries in a CCJR episode, and the
CCJR collaborator must be contributing
to the care redesign strategies of the
participant hospital.
We considered whether CCJR
collaborators should be termed
‘‘participants’’ in this model, or whether
the term ‘‘participant’’ should refer only
to the participant hospitals located in
MSAs selected for participation. If CCJR
collaborators are participants in the
model, we propose that their activities
with regard to CCJR beneficiaries would
be regulated directly by CMS. However,
if CCJR collaborators are not
participants, but rather are participating
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entities and individuals in the CCJR
model through signed agreements with
participant hospitals, their activities
with regard to CCJR beneficiaries would
be governed by the Participation
Agreement between a CCJR collaborator
and a participant hospital. Given the
large number of potential CCJR
collaborators, the expected varied
nature of their respective arrangements
with participant hospitals, and the
potential administrative burden in
reporting information to CMS, we
believe the activities of CCJR
collaborators with regard to CCJR
beneficiaries would be best managed by
participant hospitals. As we discussed
earlier in this proposed rule, one
justification for proposing that acute
care hospitals be the provider type
financially responsible under the CCJR
model is the position of the hospital
with respect to other providers and
suppliers, in terms of coordinating care
for CCJR beneficiaries. Given that
position, we propose that where
participant hospitals enter into
Participation Agreements that contain
CCJR Sharing Arrangements with CCJR
collaborators, the participant hospital
must also be responsible for ensuring
that those providers and suppliers
comply with the terms and
requirements of this proposed rule. We
seek comments on this proposal;
specifically, whether CCJR collaborators
should be termed participants in this
model and subject to the applicable
requirements, or whether the
responsibility for compliance with the
model’s requirements is better managed
by participant hospitals. We are
particularly interested in comments that
address the advantages and
disadvantages of making CCJR
collaborators participants in the model,
and whether there are certain provider
or supplier types that CMS should
consider including as ‘‘participants’’ in
the model.
The following discussion outlines our
proposed requirements and
responsibilities of participant hospitals
that engage in such CCJR Sharing
Arrangements. We believe these
proposed requirements and
responsibilities are essential to ensuring
that all CCJR Sharing Arrangements are
for the sole purpose of aligning the
financial incentives of collaborating
providers and suppliers with those of
the participant hospital toward the CCJR
model goals of improved LEJR episode
care quality and efficiency. We believe
that the rationale for and details of these
arrangements must be documented and
auditable by HHS, with a direct tie
between the arrangements and the
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participant hospital’s episode
performance. Finally, we believe that
the proposed limitations to the
arrangements, as described later in this
section, are necessary to ensure the
integrity of the CCJR model by
minimizing incentives for problematic
behaviors, such as patient steering. We
seek comments on all proposed
requirements regarding CCJR Sharing
With respect to whether certain
entities or individuals should be
prevented from participating in the
CCJR model, either as participant
hospitals or CCJR collaborators, we
considered whether CMS should
conduct screening for program integrity
purposes. Many CMS models conduct
screening during the application process
and periodically thereafter. These
screenings examine provider and
supplier program integrity history,
including any history of Medicare
program exclusions or other sanctions
and affiliations with individuals or
entities that have a history of program
integrity issues. Where a screening
reveals that a provider or supplier has
a history of program integrity issues or
affiliations with individuals or entities
that have a history of program integrity
issues, we may remove that provider or
supplier from the model. We utilize
these screening processes for many CMS
models, including the BPCI initiative.
For several reasons, we believe that
this type of screening for participant
hospitals is inapplicable to the CCJR
model. Most importantly, this model
seeks to evaluate the performance in the
model of hospitals located in a
particular MSA. We believe it is
important that all hospitals that meet
the criteria for participation in the
model be included, even if those
hospitals have a history of program
integrity issues. Further, we propose
that CMS would evaluate the quality of
care and institute beneficiary
protections in ways that would go
beyond some of the efforts of previous
or existing CMS models. We solicit
comments on this proposal, including
whether screening of participant
hospitals or CCJR collaborators might be
appropriate or useful in aiding HHS’
program integrity efforts and identifying
untrustworthy parties or parties with
program integrity history problems.
(a) CCJR Sharing Arrangement
We propose that each CCJR Sharing
Arrangement must include and set forth
in writing at a minimum—
• A specific methodology and
accounting formula for calculating and
verifying internal cost savings, if the
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participant hospital elects to share
internal cost savings through
Gainsharing Payments with CCJR
collaborators. We propose to define
internal cost savings as the measurable,
actual, and verifiable cost savings
realized by the participant hospital
resulting from care redesign undertaken
by the participant hospital in
connection with providing items and
services to beneficiaries within specific
CCJR episodes of care. Internal cost
savings would not include savings
realized by any individual or entity that
is not the participant hospital. Each
CCJR Sharing Arrangement must
include specific methodologies for
accruing and calculating internal cost
savings of the participant hospital,
where the hospital intends to share
internal cost savings through a CCJR
Sharing Arrangement with a CCJR
collaborator. The specific methodologies
for accruing and calculating internal
cost savings must be transparent,
measurable, and verifiable in
accordance with Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) and
Government Auditing Standards (The
Yellow Book). The methodology must
set out the specific care redesign
elements to be undertaken by the
participant hospital or the CCJR
collaborator or both;
• A description of the methodology
and accounting formula for calculating
the percentage or dollar amount of a
reconciliation payment received from
CMS that will be paid as a Gainsharing
Payment from the participant hospital to
the CCJR collaborator;
• A description of the methodology,
frequency or dates of distribution, and
accounting formula for distributing and
verifying any and all Gainsharing
• A description of the arrangement
between the participant hospital and the
CCJR collaborator regarding Alignment
Payments, where the hospital and CCJR
collaborator agree through a CCJR
Sharing Arrangement to share risk for
repayment amounts due to CMS, as
reflected on a CCJR reconciliation
report. The description of this
arrangement must include safeguards to
ensure that such Alignment Payments
are made solely for purposes related to
sharing responsibility for funds needed
to repay Medicare in the CCJR model.
This description should also include a
methodology, frequency of payment,
and accounting formula for payment
and receipt of any and all Alignment
• A provision requiring the
participant hospital to recoup
Gainsharing Payments paid to CCJR
collaborators if Gainsharing Payments
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were based on the submission of false or
fraudulent data;
• Plans regarding care redesign,
changes in care coordination or delivery
that are applied to the participant
hospital or CCJR collaborators or both,
and any description of how success will
be measured;
• Management and staffing
information, including type of
personnel or contactors that will be
primarily responsible for carrying out
changes to care under the model;
• The participant hospital must
maintain records identifying all CCJR
collaborators, and the participant
hospital’s process for determining and
verifying the eligibility of CCJR
collaborators to participate in Medicare;
• All CCJR Sharing Arrangements
must require compliance, from both the
participant hospital and the CCJR
collaborator, with the proposed polices
regarding beneficiary notification set
forth in section III.F of this proposed
With respect to these requirements for
Participation Agreements and CCJR
Sharing Arrangements, we considered
whether we should require participant
hospitals and CCJR collaborators to
periodically report this information to
CMS for purposes of enforcement of
these proposed regulations. However,
we are mindful of the administrative
burden in reporting this information as
well as the challenges associated with
creating a universal collection tool that
would account for all the various
iterations of financial arrangements into
which participant hospitals and CCJR
collaborators may enter. Therefore, we
are proposing to require participant
hospitals to retain this documentation
as previously described, as well as in
section III.C.10(d) of this proposed rule.
We seek comment on this proposal as
well as whether CMS should require
participant hospitals and CCJR
collaborators to periodically report data
such as: Gainsharing Payments and/or
Alignment Payments distributed and
received; name and identifier (NPI,
CCN, TIN) of all CCJR collaborators; and
any other relevant information related to
Participation Agreements and CCJR
Sharing Arrangements that would assist
HHS with enforcement of these
We solicit comments about all of the
requirements set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(b) Participation Agreement
We propose that the Participation
Agreement must obligate the parties to
comply, and must obligate the CCJR
collaborator to require any of its
employees, contractors or designees to
comply, without limitation, to with the
following requirements:
• Each individual’s or entity’s
participation in the CCJR Sharing
Arrangement is voluntary and without
penalty for nonparticipation.
• Any Gainsharing Payments made
pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement must be made only from
the participant hospital to the CCJR
collaborator with whom the participant
hospital has signed a Participation
Agreement containing a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement. Additionally, we propose
to require the following for all CCJR
Sharing Arrangements between a
participant hospital and a CCJR
collaborator that is a physician group
++ Where a Gainsharing Payment is
made to a CCJR collaborator that is a
physician group practice, all monies
contained in such a Gainsharing
Payment must be shared only with
physician or nonphysician practitioners
that furnished a service to a CCJR
beneficiary during an episode of care in
the calendar year from which the Net
Payment Reconciliation Amount
(NPRA), as that term is defined in
section III.C.6. of this proposed rule, or
internal cost savings was generated,
either or both of which are the only
permitted sources of funds for a
Gainsharing Payment. We further
propose that each CCJR Sharing
Arrangement between a participant
hospital and a CCJR collaborator that is
physician group practice must stipulate
that the physician group practice may
not retain any portion of a Gainsharing
Payment or distribute, by any method,
any portion of a Gainsharing Payment to
physician or nonphysician practitioners
who did not furnish a service to a CCJR
beneficiary during an episode of care in
the calendar year from which the NPRA
or internal cost savings was generated.
• Any Alignment Payments made
pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement may be made only to the
participant hospital from the entity or
individual with whom the participant
hospital has signed a Participation
Agreement containing a CCJR Sharing
• Each CCJR Sharing Arrangement
must require that the CCJR collaborator
be in compliance with all Medicare
provider enrollment requirements at
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§ 424.500 et seq., including having a
valid and active TIN or NPI.
• Any internal cost savings or
reconciliation payments that the
participant hospital seeks to share
through CCJR Sharing Arrangements
must meet the requirements set forth in
the final CCJR rule (as finalized) and be
administered by the participant hospital
in accordance with GAAP. In no event
may the participant hospital distribute
any amounts pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement that are not comprised of
either internal cost savings or a
reconciliation payment, as those terms
are defined in this proposed rule. All
amounts determined to be internal cost
savings by the participant hospital must
reflect actual, internal cost savings
achieved by the participant hospital
through implementation of care
redesign elements identified and
documented by the participant hospital.
In no case may internal cost savings
reflect ‘‘paper’’ savings from accounting
conventions or past investment in fixed
• Any Alignment Payments that the
participant hospital receives through a
CCJR Sharing Arrangement must meet
the requirements set forth in the final
CCJR rule (as finalized) and be
administered by the participant hospital
in accordance with GAAP.
• CCJR Sharing Arrangements must
not include any amounts that are not
Alignment Payments or Gainsharing
• Further, we propose that each
Participation Agreement—
++ Between the participant hospital
and a CCJR collaborator must obligate
the CCJR collaborator to provide the
participant hospital and HHS access to
the CCJR collaborator’s records,
information, and data for purposes of
monitoring and reporting and any other
lawful purpose. Records, information,
and data regarding the CCJR Sharing
Arrangement must have sufficient detail
to verify compliance with all material
terms of the CCJR Sharing Arrangement
and the terms of the CCJR model;
++ Must require the participant
hospital and the CCJR collaborator to
include in their compliance programs
specific oversight of their CCJR
participation agreements and
compliance with the requirements of the
CCJR mode;
++ Must require compliance, from
both the participant hospital and the
CCJR collaborator, with the proposed
polices regarding beneficiary
notification set forth in section III.F; and
++ Must require the board or other
governing body of the participant
hospital to have responsibility for
overseeing the participant hospital’s
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participation in the model, its
arrangements with CCJR collaborators,
its payment of Gainsharing Payments
and receipt of Alignment Payments, and
its use of beneficiary incentives in the
CCJR model.
• Participation Agreements must
require all CCJR collaborators to comply
with any evaluation, monitoring,
compliance, and enforcement activities
performed by HHS or its designees for
the purposes of operating the CCJR
• Each Participation Agreement must
require the CCJR collaborator to permit
site visits from CMS, or one of its
designees, for purposes of evaluating the
We solicit comments about all of the
requirements set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met.
(c) Gainsharing Payment and Alignment
Payment Conditions and Restrictions
We propose the following conditions
and restrictions concerning Gainsharing
Payments and Alignment Payments
made pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
• No entity or individual, whether or
not a party to a Participation Agreement,
may condition the opportunity to
receive Gainsharing Payments in CCJR
on the volume or value of past or
anticipated referrals or other business
generated to, from, or among a
participant hospital, any CCJR
collaborators, and any individual or
entity affiliated with a participant
hospital or CCJR collaborator.
• Participant hospitals would not be
required to share reconciliation
payments, internal cost savings, or
responsibility for repayment to CMS
with other providers and suppliers.
However, where a participant hospital
elects to engage in those activities, we
propose that such activities be limited
to the provisions prescribed in this
proposed rule.
• We propose that Gainsharing
Payments must be distributed on an
annual basis, and are required to meet
the following criteria:
++ Must be clearly identified and
comply with all provisions in this
proposed rule, as well as all applicable
laws, statutes, and rules;
++ Must not be a loan, advance
payments, or payments for referrals or
other business; and
++ Must be made by electronic funds
transfer (EFT).
• We propose that Alignment
Payments from a CCJR collaborator to a
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participant hospital may be made at any
interval, and are required to meet the
following criteria:
++ Must be clearly identified and
comply with all provisions in this
proposed rule, as well as all applicable
laws, statutes, and rules;
++ Must not be issued, distributed, or
paid prior to the calculation by CMS of
a reconciliation report reflecting a
negative Net Payment Reconciliation
Amount (NPRA);
++ Must not be a loan, advance
payments, or payments for referrals or
other business; and
++ Must be made by electronic funds
transfer (EFT).
• We propose that each CCJR Sharing
Arrangement stipulate that any CCJR
collaborator that is subject to any action
involving noncompliance with the
provisions of this propose rule, engaged
in fraud or abuse, providing
substandard care, or have other integrity
problems not be eligible to receive any
Gainsharing Payments related to NPRA
generated during the time that coincides
with the action involving any of the
issues previously listed until the action
has been resolved.
• No entity or individual, as whether
or not a party to a Participation
Agreement, may condition the
opportunity to make or receive
Alignment Payments in CCJR on the
volume or value of past or anticipated
referrals or other business generated to,
from, or among a participant hospital,
any CCJR collaborators, and any
individual or entity affiliated with a
participant hospital or CCJR
• In a calendar year, the aggregate
amount of the total Gainsharing
Payments distributed by the participant
hospital that are derived from a CCJR
reconciliation payment may not exceed
the amount of the reconciliation
payment that the participant hospital
received from CMS.
• In a calendar year, the aggregate
amount of the total Alignment Payments
received by the participant hospital may
not exceed 50 percent of the participant
hospital’s repayment amount due to
CMS. If no repayment amount is due,
then no Alignment Payments may be
received by the participant hospital.
• We propose that the participant
hospital must retain at least 50 percent
of its responsibility for repayment to
CMS, pursuant to the repayment
amount reflected in each annual
reconciliation report, under the CCJR
model. Given that the participant
hospital will be responsible for
developing and coordinating care
redesign strategies in response to its
participation in the CCJR model, we
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believe it is important that the
participant hospital retain a significant
portion of its responsibility for
repayment to CMS. For example, upon
receipt of a reconciliation report
indicating that the participant hospital
owes $100 to CMS, the participant
hospital would be permitted to receive
no greater than $50 in Alignment
Payments, in the aggregate, from its
CCJR collaborators.
• Further, we propose that a CCJR
Sharing Arrangement must limit the
amount a single CCJR collaborator may
make in Alignment Payments to a single
participant hospital. We propose that a
single CCJR collaborator not make an
Alignment Payment to a participant
hospital that represents an amount
greater than 25 percent of the repayment
amount reflected on the participant
hospital’s annual reconciliation report.
For example, upon receipt of a
reconciliation report indicating that the
participant hospital owes $100 to CMS,
the participant hospital would be
permitted to receive no more than $25
in an Alignment Payment from a single
entity or individual who is a CCJR
collaborator of the participant hospital.
• Gainsharing Payments and
Alignment Payments must not induce
the participant hospital, CCJR
collaborators, or the employees,
contractors, or designees of the
participant hospital or CCJR
collaborators to reduce or limit
medically necessary services to any
Medicare beneficiary.
• Individual physician and
nonphysician practitioners, whether or
not a party to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement, must retain their ability to
make decisions in the best interests of
the patient, including the selection of
devices, supplies, and treatments.
• Entities furnishing services to
beneficiaries during a CCJR episode,
whether or not a party to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement, must retain their ability to
make decisions in the best interests of
the patient, including the selection of
devices, supplies, and treatments.
• Gainsharing methodologies for
calculating Gainsharing Payments and
Alignment Payments must not directly
account for volume or value of referrals,
or business otherwise generated,
between or among a participant
hospital, any CCJR collaborators, and
any individual or entity affiliated with
a participant hospital or CCJR
• Gainsharing Payments must be
derived solely from reconciliation
payments or internal cost savings or
• The total amount of Gainsharing
Payments for a calendar year paid to an
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individual physician or nonphysician
practitioner who is a CCJR collaborator
must not exceed a cap. The cap is 50
percent of the total Medicare approved
amounts under the Physician Fee
Schedule (PFS) for services furnished to
the participant hospital’s CCJR
beneficiaries during a CCJR episode by
that physician or nonphysician
practitioner. This cap of 50 percent on
Gainsharing Payments to individual
physician or nonphysician practitioner
is consistent with the same policy for
the BPCI initiative. The purpose of this
cap is to limit the amount of
Gainsharing Payments an individual
practitioner may receive due to his/her
provision of services included in the
CCJR model.
• The total amount of Gainsharing
Payments for a calendar year paid to an
physician group practice that is a CCJR
collaborator must not exceed a cap. The
cap is 50 percent of the sum of the total
Medicare approved amounts under the
Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for
services furnished by physician or
nonphysician practitioner members of
the physician group practice to the
participant hospital’s CCJR beneficiaries
during a CCJR episode by those
physicians or nonphysician
We solicit comments about all of the
requirements set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met.
(d) Documentation and Maintenance of
We propose to require participant
hospitals and CCJR collaborators to
comply with audit and document
retention requirements similar to those
required by the Medicare Shared
Savings Program, BPCI Model 2, and
other Innovation Center models.
Specifically, with respect to all
Participation Agreements and CCJR
Sharing Arrangements, the participant
hospital and CCJR collaborator must:
• Comply with the retention
requirements regarding Participation
Agreements and CCJR Sharing
Arrangements set forth in subsection
• Maintain and give CMS, the Office
of Inspector General of the Department
of Health and Human Services (OIG),
and the Comptroller General or their
designee(s) access to all books,
contracts, records, documents, and other
evidence (including data related to
utilization and payments, quality
performance measures, billings, and
CCJR Sharing Arrangements related to
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
CCJR) sufficient to enable the audit,
evaluation, inspection, or investigation
of the participant hospital’s compliance,
as well as the compliance of any CCJR
collaborator that has a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement with the participant
hospital, with CCJR requirements, the
Participation Agreement, the quality of
services furnished, the obligation to
repay any reconciliation payments owed
to CMS, the calculation, distribution,
receipt, or recoupment of Gainsharing
Payments or Alignment Payments.
• Maintain such books, contracts,
records, documents, and other evidence
for a period of 10 years from the last day
of the participant hospital’s
participation in the CCJR model or from
the date of completion of any audit,
evaluation, inspection, or investigation,
whichever is later, unless—
++ CMS determines there is a special
need to retain a particular record or
group of records for a longer period and
notifies the participant hospital or CCJR
collaborator at least 30 calendar days
before the normal disposition date; or
++ There has been a dispute or
allegation of fraud or similar fault
against the participant hospital or any
CCJR collaborator in which case the
records must be maintained for an
additional 6 years from the date of any
resulting final resolution of the dispute
or allegation of fraud or similar fault.
• Notwithstanding any CCJR Sharing
Arrangements between the participant
hospital and CCJR collaborators, the
participant hospital must have ultimate
responsibility for adhering to and
otherwise fully complying with all
provisions of the CCJR model.
• OIG Authority is not limited or
restricted by the provisions of the CCJR
model, including the authority to audit,
evaluate, investigate, or inspect the
participant hospital, CCJR collaborators,
or any other person or entity or their
records, data, or information, without
• None of the provisions of the CCJR
model limits or restricts any other
government authority permitted by law
to audit, evaluate, investigate, or inspect
the participant hospital, CCJR
collaborators, or any other person or
entity or their records, data, or
information, without limitation.
We solicit comments about all of the
requirements set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met.
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(2) Beneficiary Incentives Under the
CCJR Model
We believe that the CCJR model will
incent participant hospitals to furnish
directly and otherwise coordinate
services throughout the episode that
lead to higher quality care for the
beneficiary and lower episode spending.
We believe that one mechanism that
may be useful to the participant hospital
in achieving these goals is the provision
of certain items and services to the
beneficiary during the episode of care.
We also considered whether this policy
on beneficiary incentives should extend
to providers and suppliers, other than
the participant hospital, that furnish
services during the CCJR episode of
care. However, as discussed in section
III.A, given our belief that the
participant hospital is best positioned to
coordinate the care of beneficiaries, we
believe they are also better suited than
other providers and suppliers to provide
beneficiary incentives. Thus, we
propose to include in the CCJR model
certain in-kind patient engagement
incentives to the beneficiary, subject to
the following conditions:
• The incentive must be provided by
the participant hospital to the
beneficiary during CCJR episode of care.
• There must be a reasonable
connection between the item or service
and the beneficiary’s medical care.
• The item or service must be a
preventive care item or service or an
item or service that advances a clinical
goal for a CCJR beneficiary, including
the following: Increasing the
beneficiary’s engagement in the
management of his or her own health
care; adherence to a treatment or drug
regimen; adherence to a follow-up care
plan; reduction of readmissions and
complications resulting from LEJR
procedures; and management of chronic
diseases and conditions that may be
affected by the LEJR procedure.
• Items of technology comply with
certain safeguards regarding value, as
discussed later in this section.
• The participant hospital must
maintain contemporaneous
documentation of the incentives
provided to beneficiaries for a period of
10 years.
• The cost of the incentives is not
shifted to another federal health care
For example, under this proposal,
participant hospitals could provide
incentives such as post-surgical
monitoring equipment to track patient
weight and vital signs for post-surgical
patients discharged directly to home,
but they could not provide theater
tickets, which would bear no reasonable
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connection to the patient’s medical care.
Similarly, we are proposing that
participant hospitals might provide
post-surgical monitoring equipment, but
not broadly used technology that is
more valuable to the beneficiary than
equipment that is reasonably necessary
for the patient’s post-surgical care. In
such circumstances, a reasonable
inference arises that the technology
would not be reasonably connected to
the medical care of the patient. Among
other things, this safeguard precludes
incentives that might serve to induce
beneficiaries inappropriately to receive
other medical care that is not included
in the episode.
We propose that participant hospitals
would be required to maintain
contemporaneous documentation of
such items and services furnished that
exceed $10, including the date and
identity of the beneficiary to whom the
item or service was provided. We
further propose that the required
documentation be maintained for a
period of 10 years.
We propose that items and services
involving technology provided to
beneficiaries may not exceed $1,000 in
retail value at the time of donation for
any one beneficiary in any one CCJR
episode. Items of technology exceeding
$50 in retail value at the time of
donation must remain the property of
the participant hospital and must be
retrieved from the beneficiary at the end
of the episode, with the documentation
of the date of retrieval. In addition, the
amount and nature of the technology
must be the minimum necessary to
achieve the goals previously noted
earlier in this section. Finally, we
propose that beneficiary incentives may
not be tied to the receipt of services
outside the episode of care and that the
cost of the incentives cannot be shifted
to a federal health care program. The
aforementioned proposals regarding
beneficiary incentives are consistent
with the policies on beneficiary
incentives in other CMS models, such as
the BPCI initiative.
We seek comment on our proposal for
beneficiary incentives under CCJR. In
addition to general comments on the
proposal, we are interested in comments
on whether the $1,000 limit on
technology items and services is
necessary, reasonable, and appropriate.
We also solicit comment on whether
retrieving technology valued at more
than $50 is too burdensome and
whether elimination of that requirement
will prevent abuse. We also solicit
comment on the documentation
requirement for items and services
furnished that exceed $10, or whether a
different amount would be more
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
appropriate and less burdensome. We
welcome comments on additional
program integrity safeguards for these
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(3) Compliance With Fraud and Abuse
Certain arrangements between and
among participant hospitals and third
parties or beneficiaries may implicate
the civil monetary penalty (CMP) law
(sections 1128A(a)(5), (b)(1) and (b)(2) of
the Act), the Federal Anti-kickback
statute (section 1128B(b)(1) and (2) of
the Act), or the physician self-referral
prohibition (section 1877 of the Act). In
many cases, arrangements that implicate
these laws can be structured to comply
with them by using existing safe harbors
and exceptions. Section 1115A(d)(1) of
the Act authorizes the Secretary to
waive certain specified fraud and abuse
laws as may be necessary solely for
purposes of testing of payment models
under section 1115A(b) of the Act. A
waiver is not needed for an arrangement
that does not implicate the fraud and
abuse laws or that implicates the fraud
and abuse laws but either fits within an
existing exception or safe harbor, as
applicable, or does not otherwise violate
the law. Accordingly, pursuant to
section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act, the
Secretary will consider whether waivers
of certain fraud and abuse laws are
necessary to test the CCJR model as the
model develops. The vehicle for
promulgating waivers, if any, is under
consideration. Such waivers, if any,
would be promulgated separately from
this proposed regulation by OIG (as to
sections 1128A and 1128B of the Act)
and CMS (as to section 1877 of the Act),
to which the respective authorities have
been delegated.
The requirements of the CCJR final
rule will bear on the need for and scope
of any fraud and abuse waivers that
might be granted for the CCJR model.
Because of the close nexus between the
final regulations governing the structure
and operations of the CCJR model and
the development of any fraud and abuse
waivers necessary to carry out the
provisions of the model, CMS and OIG
may, when considering the need for or
scope of any waivers, consider
comments submitted in response to this
proposed rule and the provisions of the
CCJR final rule.
11. Proposed Waivers of Medicare
Program Rules
a. Overview
We believe it may be necessary and
appropriate to provide additional
flexibilities to hospitals participating in
CCJR, as well as other providers that
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furnish services to beneficiaries in CCJR
episodes. The purpose of such
flexibilities would be to increase LEJR
episode quality and decrease episode
spending or internal costs or both of
providers and suppliers that results in
better, more coordinated care for
beneficiaries and improved financial
efficiencies for Medicare, providers, and
beneficiaries. These possible additional
flexibilities could include use of our
waiver authority under section 1115A of
the Act, which provides authority for
the Secretary to waive such
requirements of title XVIII of the Act as
may be necessary solely for purposes of
carrying out section 1115A of the Act
with respect to testing models described
in section 1115A(b) of the Act. This
provision affords broad authority for the
Secretary to waive statutory Medicare
program requirements as necessary to
carry out the provisions of section
1115A of the Act.
As we have stated elsewhere in
sections I.B and III.A of this proposed
rule, our previous and current efforts in
testing episode payment models have
led us to believe that models where
entities bear financial responsibility for
total Medicare spending for episodes of
care hold the potential to incentivize the
most substantial improvements in
episode quality and efficiency. As
discussed in section III.C of this
proposed rule, we are proposing that
hospitals participating in this model be
eligible for reconciliation payments
based on improved performance starting
in performance year 1, and we would
phase-in repayment responsibility for
excess episode spending starting in
performance year 2. We believe that
where participant hospitals bear
repayment responsibility for excess
episode spending beyond the target
price while high quality care is valued,
they will have an increased incentive to
coordinate care furnished by the
hospital and other providers and
suppliers throughout the episode to
improve the quality and efficiency of
care. With these incentives present,
there may be a reduced likelihood of
over-utilization of services that could
otherwise result from waivers of
Medicare program rules. Given these
circumstances, waivers of certain
program rules for providers and
suppliers furnishing services to CCJR
beneficiaries may be appropriate to offer
more flexibility than under existing
Medicare rules for such providers and
suppliers, so that they may provide
appropriate, efficient care for
beneficiaries. An example of such a
program rule that could be waived to
potentially allow more efficient LEJR
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episode care would be the 3-day
inpatient hospital stay requirement
prior to a covered SNF stay for
beneficiaries who could appropriately
be discharged to a SNF after less than
a 3-day inpatient hospital stay.
In addition, we believe that waivers of
certain Medicare program rules are
necessary to make reconciliation
payments to or recoup payments from
participant hospitals as a result of the
Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
(NPRA) for each performance year as
discussed in section III.C.6.a. of this
proposed rule, as well as to exclude
beneficiary cost-sharing from these
reconciliation payments or
We welcome comments on possible
waivers under section 1115A of the Act
of certain Medicare program rules
beyond those specifically discussed in
this proposed rule that might be
necessary to test this model. We will
consider the comments that are received
during the public comment period and
our early model implementation
experience and may make future
proposals regarding program rule
waivers during the course of the model
test. We are especially interested in
comments explaining how such waivers
could provide providers and suppliers
with additional ways that are not
permitted under existing Medicare rules
to increase quality of care and reduce
unnecessary episode spending, but that
could be appropriately used in the
context of CCJR where participant
hospitals bear full responsibility for
total episode spending by performance
year 3. We are also interested in
receiving comments regarding the
timing and manner in which such
waivers, were they to be offered, would
be implemented. For example, would it
be necessary and appropriate to offer
program waivers early in the model test
to allow providers and suppliers
adequate time to adjust their care
coordination strategies to implement
changes permitted by the waivers,
despite there being no full repayment
responsibility for excess episode
spending until performance year 3?
What program integrity and beneficiary
protection risks could be introduced by
waivers of the program rules described
later in this section of this proposed rule
and how could we mitigate those risks?
What other issues should be considered
when making use of waiver authority
with respect to program rules? What
operational issues do CMS and
providers and suppliers furnishing
services to beneficiaries in the model
need to consider and what processes
would need to be in place to implement
these alternative program policies?
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asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
What implications would there be for
provider and supplier infrastructure,
including IT and other systems and
processes? What provider education
would be needed? We note that any
waivers included in a final rule would
be offered to participant hospitals, but
depending on the specifics of each
waiver, might be applied to services
furnished by providers and suppliers
other than the hospital. Where that is
the case, we seek input on how we may
best educate and disseminate
information using methods effective in
reaching providers and suppliers.
Additionally, we seek comment on how
we would appropriately and accurately
track the use of waivers by providers
and suppliers other than participant
Specific program rules for which we
propose waivers under the CCJR model
to support provider and supplier efforts
to increase quality and decrease episode
spending and for which we invite
comments are included in the sections
that follow. We propose that these
waivers of program rules would apply to
the care of beneficiaries who are in CCJR
episodes at the time when the waiver is
used to bill for a service that is
furnished to the beneficiary, even if the
episode is later cancelled as described
in section III.B.3.b of this proposed rule.
If a service is found to have been billed
and paid by Medicare under
circumstances only allowed by a
program rule waiver for a beneficiary
not in the CCJR model at the time the
service was furnished, CMS would
recoup payment for that service from
the provider or supplier who was paid,
and require that provider and supplier
to repay the beneficiary for any
coinsurance previously collected.
We also generally seek comment on
any additional Medicare program rules
that it may be necessary to waive using
our authority under section 1115A of
the Act in order to effectively test the
CCJR model that we could consider in
the context of our early model
implementation experience to inform
any future proposals we may make.
b. Post-Discharge Home Visits
We expect that the broadly defined
LEJR episodes with a duration of 90
days following hospital discharge as we
propose in section III.B. of this proposed
rule will result in participant hospitals
redesigning care by increasing care
coordination and management of
beneficiaries following surgery. This
will require participant hospitals to pay
close attention to any underlying
medical conditions that could be
affected by the anchor hospitalization
and improving coordination of care
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across care settings and providers.
Beneficiaries may have substantial
mobility limitations during LEJR
episodes following discharge to their
home or place of residence that may
interfere with their ability to travel
easily to physicians’ offices or other
health care settings. Adopting new
strategies to increase beneficiary
adherence to and engagement with
recommended treatment and follow-up
care following discharge from the
hospital or PAC setting will also be
important to high quality episode care.
Scientific evidence exists 42 to support
the use of home nursing visits among
Medicare beneficiaries in improving
care coordination following hospital
discharge. In addition, we believe the
financial incentives in this episode
payment model will encourage hospitals
to closely examine the most appropriate
PAC settings for beneficiaries so that the
clinically appropriate setting of the
lowest acuity is recommended following
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization. We expect that all these
considerations will lead to greater
interest on the part of hospitals and
other providers and suppliers caring for
CCJR beneficiaries in furnishing services
to beneficiaries in their home or place
of residence. Such services could
include visits by licensed clinicians
other than physicians and nonphysician
In order for Medicare to pay for home
health services, a beneficiary must be
determined to be ’’home-bound’’.
Specifically, sections 1835(a) and
1814(a) of the Act require that a
physician certify (and recertify) that in
the case of home health services under
the Medicare home health benefit, such
services are or were required because
the individual is or was ’’confined to the
home’’ and needs or needed skilled
nursing care on an intermittent basis, or
physical or speech therapy or has or had
a continuing need for occupational
therapy. A beneficiary is considered to
be confined to the home if the
beneficiary has a condition, due to an
illness or injury, that restricts his or her
ability to leave home except with the
assistance of another individual or the
aid of a supportive device (that is,
crutches, a cane, a wheelchair or a
walker) or if the beneficiary has a
condition such that leaving his or her
home is medically contraindicated.
While a beneficiary does not have to be
bedridden to be considered confined to
the home, the condition of the
beneficiary must be such that there
42 Naylor MD, Brooten D, Campbell R, Jacobsen
BS, Mezey MD, Pauly MV, Schwartz JS. JAMA.
1999:281(7):613–620. doi:10/1001/jama.281.7.613
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exists a normal inability to leave home
and leaving home requires a
considerable and taxing effort by the
beneficiary. Absent this condition, it
would be expected that the beneficiary
could typically get the same services in
an outpatient or other setting. Thus, the
homebound requirement provides a way
to help differentiate between patients
that require medical care at home versus
patients who could more appropriately
receive care in a less costly outpatient
setting. Additional information
regarding the homebound requirement
is available in the Medicare Benefit
Manual (Pub 100–02); Chapter 7, ‘‘Home
Health Services,’’ Section 30.1.1,
‘‘Patient Confined to the Home.’’
We considered whether a waiver of
the homebound requirement would be
appropriate under the CCJR model,
particularly beginning in performance
year 2, where hospitals begin to bear
repayment responsibility for excess
episode spending. Waiving the
homebound requirement would allow
additional beneficiaries to receive home
health care services in their home or
place of residence. As previously
discussed, physician certification that a
beneficiary meets the homebound
requirement is a prerequisite for
Medicare coverage of home health
services, and waiving the homebound
requirement could result in lower
episode spending in some instances. For
example, if a beneficiary is allowed to
have home health care visits, even if the
beneficiary is not considered
homebound, the beneficiary may avoid
a hospital readmission. All other
requirements for the Medicare home
health benefit would remain unchanged.
Thus, under such a waiver, only
beneficiaries who otherwise meet all
program requirements to receive home
health services would be eligible for
coverage of home health services
without being homebound.
However, we are not proposing to
waive the homebound requirement
under CCJR for several reasons. Based
on the typical clinical course of
beneficiaries after LEJR procedures, we
believe that many beneficiaries would
meet the homebound requirement for
home health services immediately
following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or following discharge to
their home or place of residence from a
SNF that furnished PAC services
immediately following the hospital
discharge, so they could receive
medically necessary home health
services under existing program rules.
Home health episodes are 60 days in
duration, and payment adjustments are
made for beneficiaries who require only
a few visits during the episode or who
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
are discharged during the episode. For
those CCJR beneficiaries who could
benefit from home visits by a licensed
clinician for purposes of assessment and
monitoring of their clinical condition,
care coordination, and improving
adherence with treatment but who are
not homebound, we do not believe that
paying for these visits as home health
services under Medicare is necessary or
appropriate, especially given that
Medicare payments for home health
services are set based on the clinical
care furnished to beneficiaries who are
truly homebound. Finally, in other CMS
episode payment models, such as BPCI,
we have not waived the homebound
requirement for home health services.
In BPCI, we have provided a waiver
of the ‘‘incident to’’ rule to allow a
physician or nonphysician practitioner
participating in care redesign under a
participating BPCI provider to bill for
services furnished to a beneficiary who
does not qualify for Medicare coverage
of home health services as set forth
under § 409.42 where the services are
furnished in the beneficiary’s home
during the episode after the
beneficiary’s discharge from an acute
care hospital. The ‘‘incident to’’ rules
are set forth in § 410.26(b)(5), which
requires services and supplies furnished
incident to the service of a physician or
other practitioner must be provided
under the direct supervision (as defined
at § 410.32(b)(3)(ii)) of a physician or
other practitioner.
In BPCI, the waiver is available only
for services that are furnished by
licensed clinical staff under the general
supervision (as defined at
§ 410.32(b)(3)(i)) of a physician (or other
practitioner), regardless of whether the
individual is an employee, leased
employee, or independent contractor of
the physician (or other practitioner), or
of the same entity that employs or
contracts with the physician (or other
practitioner), and while the services
may be furnished by licensed clinical
staff they must be billed by the
physician (or other practitioner) in
accordance with CMS instructions using
a Healthcare Common Procedures
Coding System (HCPCS) G-code created
by CMS specifically for the BPCI
initiative. As discussed in section III.B
of this proposed rule, participants in the
BPCI initiative are permitted to select
the duration of an episode as either 30
days, 60 days or 90 days. In the case of
the incident to waiver under BPCI, the
waiver allows physician and
nonphysician practitioners to furnish
the services not more than once in a 30day episode, not more than twice in a
60-day episode, and not more than three
times in a 90-day episode. All other
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Medicare coverage and payment criteria
must be met.
For the CCJR model, we propose to
waive the ‘‘incident to’’ rule set forth in
§ 410.26(b)(5), to allow a CCJR
beneficiary who does not qualify for
home health services to receive postdischarge visits in his or her home or
place of residence any time during the
episode. The waiver would not apply
for beneficiaries who would qualify for
home health services under the
Medicare program, as set forth under
§ 409.42. Therefore these visits could
not be billed for such beneficiaries. We
propose to allow licensed clinicians,
such as nurses, either employed by a
hospital or not, to furnish the service
under the general supervision of a
physician, who may be either an
employee or a contractor of the hospital.
We propose to allow services furnished
under such a waiver to be billed under
the PFS by the physician or
nonphysician practitioner or by the
hospital to which the supervising
physician has reassigned his or her
benefits. In the latter scenario, we note
that the post-discharge home visit
services would not be ‘‘hospital
services,’’ even when furnished by
clinical staff of the hospital.
We propose that up to 9 postdischarge home visits could be billed
and paid during each 90-day postanchor hospitalization CCJR episode.
Given the average PAC length of stay of
approximately 45 days for these
episodes and the incentives under CCJR
to improve efficiency, which may
shorten PAC stays, 9 visits would
represent a home visit on average of
once per week for two-thirds of the 90day episode duration, the period of time
when the typical beneficiary may have
concluded PAC in an efficient episode.
We believe that a home visit of once a
week to a non-homebound beneficiary
who has concluded PAC and who could
also receive services in the physician’s
office or hospital outpatient department
as needed, along with telehealth visits
in the home from a physician or NPP as
proposed in the next section, should be
sufficient to allow comprehensive
assessment and management of the
beneficiary throughout the LEJR
episode. We propose that the service be
billed with HCPCS code GXXXX
(Coordinated quality care—joint
replacement model home visit for
patient assessment performed by a
qualified health care professional for an
individual not considered homebound,
including, but not necessarily limited to
patient assessment of clinical status,
safety/fall prevention, functional
status/ambulation, medication
reconciliation/management, compliance
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with orders/plan of care, performance of
activities of daily living, and making
beneficiary connections to community
and other services; (for use only in the
Medicare-approved coordinated quality
care—joint replacement model); may
not be billed for a 30-day period covered
by a transitional care management code)
and paid at approximately $50 under
the PFS. The standard PFS ratesetting
methodologies establish relative value
units (RVUs) based on the resources
required to furnish the typical service.
Final RVUs under the CY 2016 PFS for
the proposed new HCPCS code for CCJR
home visits will be included in the CCJR
final rule. In addition, we propose to
update the values each year to
correspond to final values established
under the PFS.
The waiver would not apply with
respect to a CCJR beneficiary who has
qualified, or would qualify, for home
health services when the visit was
furnished. We expect that the visits by
licensed clinicians could include
patient assessment, monitoring,
assessment of functional status and fall
risk, review of medications, assessment
of adherence with treatment
recommendations, patient education,
communication and coordination with
other treating clinicians, care
management to improve beneficiary
connections to community and other
services, etc. These post-discharge home
visits would remove barriers to followup care outside of the home with
providers and suppliers and allow the
beneficiary to be treated in his or her
home environment or place of
residence, where potential safety
concerns, such as tripping hazards,
could quickly be identified and
remediated. Given these occasions for
further patient assessment and
intervention, we believe that where
such post-discharge home visits are
furnished, there are opportunities to
increase patient-centered care
coordination and decrease episode
spending, potentially resulting in higher
quality care for beneficiaries and
increased episode efficiency which may
benefit the beneficiaries, the Medicare
Trust Fund, and participant hospitals.
We also propose to waive current
Medicare billing rules in order to allow
the separate reporting of these postdischarge home visits during surgical
global periods. The PFS payment for the
surgical procedure includes 90 days of
post-operative care furnished by the
surgeon. Post-operative follow-up care
is not separately billable by the surgeon
or, unless there is a transfer of care, by
another practitioner. The current
construction of the global packages
included in PFS payments reflects a
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narrow view of surgical follow-up care
that does not encompass broader, more
comprehensive models of post-operative
care, such as an episode model like
CCJR. As we have noted in the past, it
is also difficult to determine the
appropriate valuation of the various
components of the current global
packages (2015 Physician Fee Schedule
79 FR 67584). We do not believe that the
CCJR post-discharge home visits, which
can include nursing assessments for
chronic conditions for which care may
be affected by the surgery, would
replace or substantially duplicate the
kind of post-operative visits involved in
furnishing post-operative follow-up care
for the global surgery procedure under
the PFS. Instead, we anticipate that the
work of these post-discharge visits will
be similar to the work furnished by the
physician coordinating the patient’s
overall episode care. Therefore, we
propose to waive the global surgery
billing rules to allow the surgeon or
other practitioners to furnish and bill for
the post-discharge home visits during
surgical global periods.
We plan to monitor utilization
patterns of post-discharge home visits
under CCJR to monitor for
overutilization and significant
reductions in medical home health
services. We seek comments on the
proposed waiver of the ‘‘incident to’’
rule to pay for a maximum number of
post-discharge home visits to
beneficiaries who do not qualify for
home health services by licensed
clinicians under the general supervision
of a physician.
c. Billing and Payment for Telehealth
As discussed in the previous section,
we expect that the CCJR model design
features will lead to greater interest on
the part of hospitals and other providers
and suppliers caring for CCJR
beneficiaries in furnishing services to
beneficiaries in their home or place of
residence, including physicians’
professional services. While physicians
may furnish and be paid by Medicare
for home visits under the PFS, few visits
are actually furnished to Medicare
beneficiaries because of the significant
physician resources required for such
visits and the general structure of most
physician office-based practices. For
example, in 2014 only 2.6 million
physician or nonphysician practitioner
home visits were furnished to Medicare
beneficiaries in contrast to almost 250
million office or other outpatient
evaluation and management visits
furnished by physicians or
nonphysician practitioners. CCJR would
create new incentives for
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comprehensive episode care
management for beneficiaries, including
early identification and intervention
regarding changes in health status
following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization. We understand that
participant hospitals may want to
engage physicians in furnishing timely
visits to homebound or non-homebound
CCJR beneficiaries in their homes or
places of residence to address
concerning symptoms or observations
raised by beneficiaries themselves,
clinicians furnishing home health
services, or licensed clinicians
furnishing post-discharge home visits,
while physicians committed to LEJR
care redesign may not be able to revise
their practice patterns to meet this home
visit need for CCJR beneficiaries.
Under section 1834(m) of the Act,
Medicare pays for telehealth services
furnished by a physician or practitioner
under certain conditions even though
the physician or practitioner is not in
the same location as the beneficiary.
The telehealth services must be
furnished to a beneficiary located in one
of the eight types of originating sites
specified in section 1834(m)(4)(C)(ii) of
the Act and the site must satisfy at least
one of the requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the
Act. Generally, for Medicare payment to
be made for telehealth services under
the Physician Fee Schedule several
conditions must be met, as set forth
under § 410.78(b). Specifically, the
service must be on the Medicare list of
telehealth services and meet all of the
following other requirements for
• The service must be furnished via
an interactive telecommunications
• The service must be furnished to an
eligible telehealth individual.
• The individual receiving the
services must be in an eligible
originating site.
When all of these conditions are met,
Medicare pays a facility fee to the
originating site and provides separate
payment to the distant site practitioner
for the service. Section 1834(m)(4)(F)(i)
of the Act defines Medicare telehealth
services to include professional
consultations, office visits, office
psychiatry services, and any additional
service specified by the Secretary, when
furnished via a telecommunications
system. For the list of approved
Medicare telehealth services, see the
CMS Web site at
Medicare/Medicare-Generalinformation/telehealth/. Under section
1834(m)(4)(F)(ii) of the Act, CMS has an
annual process to consider additions to
and deletions from the list of telehealth
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services. We do not include any services
as telehealth services when Medicare
does not otherwise make a separate
payment for them.
Some literature suggests that
technologies that enable health care
providers to deliver care to patients in
locations remote from providers are
being increasingly used to complement
face-to-face patient-provider encounters
in both urban and rural areas.43 In these
cases, the use of remote access
technologies may improve the
accessibility and timeliness of needed
care, increase communication between
providers and patients, enhance care
coordination, and improve the
efficiency of care. We note that certain
professional services that are commonly
furnished remotely using
telecommunications technology are paid
under the same conditions as in-person
physicians’ services, and thus do not
require a waiver to be considered as
telehealth services. Such services that
do not require the patient to be present
in person with the practitioner when
they are furnished are covered and paid
in the same way as services delivered
without the use of telecommunications
technology when the practitioner is in
person at the medical facility furnishing
care to the patient.
In other CMS episode payment
models, such as BPCI Models 2 and 3,
we determined it was necessary to
waive the geographic site requirements
of section 1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through
(III) of the Act. This waiver allows
telehealth services to be furnished to
eligible telehealth individuals when
they are located at one of the eight
originating sites at the time the service
is furnished via a telecommunications
system but without regard to the site
meeting one of the geographic site
requirements. For CCJR, we propose a
waiver of this same provision as well as
waiver of the requirement that the
eligible telehealth individual be in an
originating site when the otherwise
eligible individual is receiving
telehealth services in his or her home or
place of residence. This waiver would
allow providers and suppliers
furnishing services to CCJR beneficiaries
to utilize telemedicine for beneficiaries
that are not classified as rural and to
allow the greatest degree of efficiency
and communication between providers
and suppliers and beneficiaries by
allowing beneficiaries to receive
telehealth services at their home or
place of residence. We believe that these
waivers are essential to maximize the
opportunity to improve the quality of
care and efficiency for LEJR episodes
under CCJR.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Specifically, like the telehealth waiver
for BPCI, we propose to waive the
geographic site requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the
Act that limit telehealth payment to
services furnished within specific types
of geographic areas or in an entity
participating in a federal telemedicine
demonstration project approved as of
December 31, 2000. Waiver of this
requirement would allow beneficiaries
located in any region to receive services
related to the episode to be furnished
via telehealth, as long as all other
Medicare requirements for telehealth
services are met. Any service on the list
of Medicare approved telehealth
services and reported on a claim with an
ICD–9 principal diagnosis code that is
not excluded from the proposed CCJR
episode definition (see section III.B.2 of
this proposed rule) could be furnished
to a CCJR beneficiary, regardless of the
beneficiary’s geographic location. Under
CCJR, this waiver would support care
coordination and increasing timely
access to high quality care for all CCJR
beneficiaries, regardless of geography.
Additionally, we propose, only for the
purpose of testing the CCJR model,
waiving the originating site
requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(ii)(I)–(VIII) of the Act that
specify the particular sites at which the
eligible telehealth individual must be
located at the time the service is
furnished via a telecommunications
system. Specifically, we propose to
waive the requirement only when
telehealth services are being furnished
in the CCJR’ beneficiary’s home or place
of residence during the episode. Any
service on the list of Medicare approved
telehealth services and reported on a
claim with an ICD–9 principal diagnosis
code that is not excluded from the
proposed CCJR episode definition (see
section III.B.2 of this proposed rule)
could be furnished to a CCJR beneficiary
in his or her home or place of residence,
unless the service’s HCPCS code
descriptor precludes delivering the
service in the home or place of
residence. For example, subsequent
hospital care services could not be
furnished to beneficiaries in their home
since those beneficiaries would not be
inpatients of the hospital.
The existing set of codes used to
report evaluation and management
(E/M) visits are extensively categorized
and defined by the setting of the service,
and the codes describe the services
furnished when both the patient and the
practitioner are located in that setting.
Section 1834(m) of the Act provides for
particular conditions under which
Medicare can make payment for office
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visits when a patient is located in a
health care setting (the originating sites
authorized by statute) and the eligible
practitioner is located elsewhere.
However we do not believe that the
kinds of E/M services furnished to
patients outside of health care settings
via real-time, interactive
communication technology are
accurately described by any existing
E/M codes. This would include
circumstances when the patient is
located in his or her home and the
location of the practitioner is
unspecified. Therefore, in order to
create a mechanism to report E/M
services accurately under the CCJR
model, we propose to create a specific
set of HCPCS G-codes to describe the
E/M services furnished to CCJR
beneficiaries in their homes via
Among the existing E/M visit services,
we envision these services would be
most similar to those described by the
office and other outpatient E/M codes.
Therefore, we propose to structure the
new codes similarly to the office/
outpatient E/M codes but adjusted to
reflect the location as the beneficiary’s
residence and the virtual presence of the
practitioner. Specifically, we propose to
create a parallel structure and set of
descriptors currently used to report
office or other outpatient E/M services,
(CPT codes 99201 through 99205 for
new patient visits and CPT codes 99212
through 99215 for established patient
visits.) For example, the proposed Gcode for a level 3 E/M visit for an
established patient would be a
telehealth visit for the evaluation and
management of an established patient in
the patient’s home, which requires at
least 2 of the following 3 key
• An expanded problem focused
• An expanded problem focused
• Medical decision making of low
Counseling and coordination of care
with other physicians, other qualified
health care professionals or agencies are
provided consistent with the nature of
the problem(s) and the patient’s or
family’s needs or both. Usually, the
presenting problem(s) are of low to
moderate severity. Typically, 15
minutes are spent with the patient or
family or both via real-time, audio and
video intercommunications technology.
We note that we are not proposing a
G-code to parallel the level 1 office/
outpatient visit for an established
patient, since that service does not
require the presence of the physician or
other qualified health professional. We
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also believe this would duplicate the
home visits for non-homebound
beneficiaries previously proposed in
this section.
We propose to develop payment rates
for these new telehealth G-codes for
E/M services in the patient’s home that
are similar to the payment rates for the
office/outpatient E/M services, since the
codes will describe the work involved
in furnishing similar services.
Therefore, we propose to include the
resource costs typically incurred when
services are furnished via telehealth. In
terms of the relative resource costs
involved in furnishing these services,
we believe that the efficiencies of virtual
presentation generally limit resource
costs other than those related to the
professional time, intensity, and
malpractice risk to marginal levels.
Therefore, we propose to adopt work
and malpractice (MP) RVUs associated
with the corresponding level of office/
outpatient codes as the typical service
because the practitioner’s time and
intensity and malpractice liabilities
when conducting a visit via telehealth
are comparable to the office visit. Final
RVUs under the CY 2016 PFS will be
included in the CCJR final rule.
Additionally, we propose to update
these values each year to correspond to
final values established under the PFS.
We considered whether each level of
visit typically would warrant support by
auxiliary licensed clinical staff within
the context of the CCJR model. The cost
of such staff and any associated
supplies, for example, would be
incorporated in the practice expense
(PE) RVUs under the PFS. For the lower
level visits, levels 1 through 3 for new
and 2 and 3 for established visits, we
did not believe that the visit would
necessarily require auxiliary medical
staff to be available in the patient’s
home. We anticipate these lower level
visits would be the most commonly
furnished and would serve as a
mechanism for the patient to consult
quickly with a practitioner for concerns
that can be easily described and
explained by the patient. We do not
propose to include PE RVUs for these
services, since we do not believe that
virtual visits envisioned for this model
typically incur the kinds of costs
included in the PE RVUs under the PFS.
For higher level visits, we typically
would anticipate some amount of
support from auxiliary clinical staff. For
example, wound examination and
minor wound debridement would be
considered included in an E/M visit and
would require licensed clinical staff to
be present in the beneficiary’s home
during the telehealth visit in order for
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the complete service to be furnished.
We believe it would be rare for a
practitioner to conduct as complex and
detailed a service as a level 4 or 5 E/M
home visit via telehealth for CCJR
beneficiaries in LEJR episodes without
licensed clinical staff support in the
However, we also note that this
proposed model already includes
several avenues for licensed clinical
staff to be in the patient’s home, either
through a separately paid home visit as
proposed for the model or through home
health services as discussed earlier in
this section of this proposed rule.
Therefore, although we consider
support by auxiliary clinical staff to be
typical for level 4 or 5 E/M visits
furnished to CCJR beneficiaries in the
home via telehealth, we do not propose
to incorporate these costs through PE
RVUs. Given the anticipated complexity
of these visits, we would expect to
observe level 4 and 5 E/M visits to be
reported on the same claim with the
same date of service as a home visit or
during a period of authorized home
health care. If neither of these occurs,
we propose to require the physician to
document in the medical record that
auxiliary licensed clinical staff were
available on site in the patient’s home
during the visit and if they were not, to
document the reason that such a highlevel visit would not require such
We note that because the services
described by the proposed G-codes, by
definition, are furnished remotely using
telecommunications technology, they
therefore are paid under the same
conditions as in-person physicians’
services and they do not require a
waiver to the requirements of section
1834(m) of the Act. We also note that
because these home telehealth services
are E/M services, all other coverage and
payment rules regarding E/M services
would continue to apply.
Under CCJR, this proposal to waive
the originating site requirements and
create new home visit telehealth HCPCS
codes would support the greatest
efficiency and timely communication
between providers and beneficiaries by
allowing beneficiaries to receive
telehealth services at their places of
With respect to home health services
paid under the home health prospective
payment system (HH PPS), we
emphasize that telehealth visits under
this model cannot substitute for inperson home health visits per section
1895(e)(1)(A) of the Act. Furthermore,
telehealth services by social workers
cannot be furnished for CCJR
beneficiaries who are in a home health
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episode of care because medical social
services are included as home health
services per section 1861(m) of the Act
and paid for under the Medicare HH
PPS. However, telehealth services
permitted under section 1834 of the Act
and furnished by physicians or other
practitioners, specifically physician
assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical
nurse specialists, certified nurse
midwives, nurse anesthetists,
psychologists, and dieticians, can be
furnished for CCJR beneficiaries who are
in a home health episode of care.
Finally, sections 1835(a) and 1814(a) of
the Act require that the patient has a
face-to-face encounter with the
certifying physician or an allowed
nonphysician practitioner (NPP)
working in collaboration with or under
the supervision of the certifying
physician before the certifying
physician certifies that the patient is
eligible for home health services. Under
§ 424.22(a)(1)(v), the face-to-face
encounter can be performed up to 90
days prior to the start of home health
care or within 30 days after the start of
home health care. Section
424.22(a)(1)(v)(A) also allows a
physician, with privileges, who cared
for the patient in an acute or PAC
setting (from which the patient was
directly admitted to home health) or an
allowed NPP working in collaboration
with or under the supervision of the
acute or PAC physician to conduct the
face-to-face encounter.
Although sections 1835(a) and 1814(a)
of the Act allow the face-to-face
encounter to be performed via
telehealth, we are not proposing that the
waiver of the telehealth geographic site
requirement for telehealth services and
the the originating site requirement for
telehealth services furnished in the
CCJR beneficiary’s home or place of
residence would apply to the face-toface encounter required as part of the
home health certification when that
encounter is furnished via telehealth. In
other words, when a face-to-face
encounter furnished via telehealth is
used to meet the requirement for home
health certification, the usual Medicare
telehealth rules apply with respect to
geography and eligibility of the
originating site. We expect that this
policy will not limit CCJR beneficiaries’
access to medically necessary home
health services because beneficiaries
receiving home health services during a
CCJR episode will have had a face-toface encounter with either the physician
or an allowed NPP during their anchor
hospitalization or a physician or
allowed NPP during a post-acute facility
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stay prior to discharge directly to home
health services.
Under the proposed waiver of the
geographic site requirement and
originating site requirement, all
telehealth services would be required to
be furnished in accordance with all
Medicare coverage and payment criteria,
and no additional payment would be
made to cover set-up costs, technology
purchases, training and education, or
other related costs. The facility fee paid
by Medicare to an originating site for a
telehealth service would be waived if
there is no facility as an originating site
(that is, the service was originated in the
beneficiary’s home). Finally, providers
and suppliers furnishing a telehealth
service to a CCJR beneficiary in his or
her home or place of residence during
the episode would not be permitted to
bill for telehealth services that were not
fully furnished when an inability to
provide the intended telehealth service
is due to technical issues with
telecommunications equipment
required for that service. Beneficiaries
would be able to receive services
furnished pursuant to the telehealth
waivers only during the CCJR LEJR
We plan to monitor patterns of
utilization of telehealth services under
CCJR to monitor for overutilization or
reductions in medically necessary care,
and significant reductions in face-toface visits with physicians and NPPs.
We plan to specifically monitor the
distribution of new telehealth home
visits that we are proposing, as we
anticipate greater use of lower level
visits. Given our concern that auxiliary
licensed clinical staff be present for
level 4 and 5 visits, we will monitor our
proposed requirement that these visits
be billed on the same claim with the
same date of service as a home nursing
visit, during a period authorized home
health care, or that the physician
document the presence of auxiliary
licensed clinical staff in the home or an
explanation as to the specific
circumstances precluding the need for
auxiliary staff for the specific visit. We
seek comments on the proposed waivers
with respect to telehealth services, and
the proposed creation of the home visit
telehealth codes.
d. SNF 3-Day Rule
We expect that the CCJR model will
encourage participant hospitals and
their provider and supplier partners to
redesign care for LEJR episodes across
the continuum of care extending to 90
days post-discharge from the anchor
hospital stay. We believe that hospitals
will seek to develop and refine the most
efficient care pathways so beneficiaries
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receive the lowest intensity, clinically
appropriate care at each point in time
throughout the episode. We understand
that in some cases, particularly younger
beneficiaries undergoing total knee
replacement, certain beneficiaries
receiving LEJR procedures may be
appropriately discharged from the acute
care hospital to a SNF in less than the
3 days required under the Medicare
program for coverage of the SNF stay.
While total knee arthroplasty (TKA)
remains payable by Medicare to the
hospital only when furnished to
hospital inpatients, we have heard from
some stakeholders that these procedures
may be safely furnished to hospital
outpatients with a hospital outpatient
department stay of only 24 hours.
Finally, we note that the current
geometric mean hospital length of stay
for LEJR procedures for beneficiaries
without major complications or
comorbidities (MS–DRG 470) is only 3
days and that for MS–DRG 469 for
beneficiaries with such complications or
comorbidities is 6 days. Thus, we
believe it is possible that hospitals
working to increase episode efficiency
may identify some CCJR beneficiaries
who could be appropriately discharged
from the hospital to a SNF in less than
3 days, but that early discharge would
eliminate Medicare coverage for the
SNF stay unless a waiver of Medicare
requirements were provided under
The Medicare SNF benefit is for
beneficiaries who require a short-term
intensive stay in a SNF, requiring
skilled nursing or skilled rehabilitation
care or both. Pursuant to section 1861(i)
of the Act, beneficiaries must have a
prior inpatient hospital stay of no fewer
than 3-consecutive days in order to be
eligible for Medicare coverage of
inpatient SNF care. We refer to this as
the SNF 3-day rule. We note that the
SNF 3-day rule has been waived or is
not a requirement for Medicare SNF
coverage under other CMS models or
programs, including BPCI Model 2.
BPCI Model 2 awardees that request and
are approved for the waiver can
discharge Model 2 beneficiaries in less
than 3 days from an anchor hospital stay
to a SNF, where services are covered
under Medicare Part A as long as all
other coverage requirements for such
services are satisfied.
Currently, FFS Medicare beneficiary
discharge patterns to a SNF immediately
following hospitalization for an LEJR
procedure vary regionally across the
country, from a low of approximately 10
percent of Medicare beneficiaries to a
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high of approximately 85 percent.44
Additionally, a study of Medicare
beneficiaries has shown that over the
period of time between 1991 and 2008,
as the inpatient hospital length-of-stay
for total hip arthroplasty (THA)
decreased from an average of 9.1 days to
an average of 3.7 days, the average
percentage of primary THA patients
discharged directly to home declined
from 68 percent to 48 percent while the
proportion discharged directly to skilled
care (primarily SNFs) increased from
17.8 percent to 34.3 percent.45 During
this same period of time, 30-day allcause readmission increased from 5.8
percent to 8.5 percent. Similar to the
CCJR payment policies we propose in
section III.C of this proposed rule,
which would require participating CCJR
hospitals to repay Medicare for excess
episode spending beginning in
performance year 2, participants in BPCI
Model 2 assume financial responsibility
for episode spending for beneficiaries
included in a Model 2 episode. Episode
payment models like BPCI and CCJR
have the potential to mitigate the
existing incentives under the Medicare
program to overuse SNF benefits for
beneficiaries, as well as to furnish many
fragmented services that do not reflect
significant coordinated attention to and
management of complications following
hospital discharge. The removal of these
incentives in an episode payment model
lays the groundwork for offering
participant hospitals greater flexibility
around the parameters that determine
SNF stay coverage. BPCI participants
considering the early discharge of a
beneficiary pursuant to the waiver
during a Model 2 episode must evaluate
whether early discharge to a SNF is
clinically appropriate and SNF services
are medically necessary. Next, they
must balance that determination and the
potential benefits to the hospital in the
form of internal cost savings due to
greater financial efficiency with the
understanding that a subsequent
hospital readmission, attributable to
premature discharge or low quality SNF
care, could substantially increase
episode spending while also resulting in
poorer quality of care for the
beneficiary. Furthermore, early hospital
discharge for a beneficiary who would
otherwise not require a SNF stay (that
is, the beneficiary has no identified
skilled nursing or rehabilitation need
44 ‘‘Analysis of Medicare claims with admission
dates from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014
accessed through the Chronic Conditions
45 Cram P, Lu X, Kaboli PJ, et al. Clinical
Characteristics and Outcomes of Medicare Patients
Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty, 1991–2008.
JAMA. 2011;305(15):1560–1567.
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that cannot be provided on an
outpatient basis) following a hospital
stay of typical length does not improve
episode efficiency under an episode
payment model such as BPCI or CCJR.
Because of the potential benefits we
see for participating CCJR hospitals,
their provider partners, and
beneficiaries, we propose to waive in
certain instances the SNF 3-day rule for
coverage of a SNF stay following the
anchor hospitalization under CCJR
beginning in performance year 2 of the
model when repayment responsibility
for actual episode spending that exceeds
the target price begins. We propose to
use our authority under section 1115A
of the Act with respect to certain SNFs
that furnish Medicare Part A posthospital extended care services to
beneficiaries included in an episode in
the CCJR model. We believe this waiver
is necessary to the model test so that
participant hospitals can redesign care
throughout the episode continuum of
care extending to 90 days post-discharge
from the anchor hospital stay in order
to maximize quality and hospital
financial efficiency, as well as reduce
episode spending under Medicare.
However, we are not proposing to waive
this requirement in performance year 1,
when participating hospitals are not
responsible for excess actual episode
spending. We believe that there is some
potential for early hospital discharge
followed by a SNF stay to increase
actual episode spending over historical
patterns unless participant hospitals are
particularly mindful of this potential
unintended consequence. Without
participant hospital repayment
responsibility in performance year 1, we
are concerned that Medicare would be
at full risk under the model for
increased episode spending because,
without a financial incentive to closely
manage care, hospitals might be more
likely to discharge beneficiaries to SNFs
early leading to increased episode
spending for which the hospital would
bear no responsibility. Beginning in
performance year 2 and continuing
through performance year 5, we propose
to waive the SNF 3-day rule because
participant hospitals will bear partial or
full responsibility (capped at the
proposed stop-loss limit described in
section III.C. of this proposed rule) for
excess episode actual spending, thereby
providing a strong incentive in those
years for participant hospitals to
redesign care with both quality and
efficiency outcomes as priorities. All
other Medicare rules for coverage and
payment of Part A-covered SNF services
would continue to apply to CCJR
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beneficiaries in all performance years of
the model.
In addition, because the average
length of stay for Medicare beneficiaries
hospitalized for LEJR procedures
without major complications or
comorbidities is already relatively short
at 3 days and in view of our concerns
over protecting immediate CCJR
beneficiary safety and optimizing health
outcomes, we propose to require that
participant hospitals may only
discharge a CCJR beneficiary under this
proposed waiver of the SNF 3-day rule
to a SNF rated an overall of three stars
or better by CMS based on information
publicly available at the time of hospital
discharge. Problem areas due to early
hospital discharge may not be
discovered through model monitoring
and evaluation activities until well after
the episode has concluded, and the
potential for later negative findings
alone may not afford sufficient
beneficiary protections. CMS created a
Five-Star Quality Rating System for
SNFs to allow SNFs to be compared
more easily and to help identify areas of
concerning SNF performance. The
Nursing Home Compare Web site
NursingHomeCompare/) gives each SNF
an overall rating of between 1 and 5
stars. Skilled nursing facilities with 5
stars are considered to have much above
average quality, and SNFs with one star
are considered to have quality much
below average. Published SNF ratings
include distinct ratings of health
inspection, staffing, and quality
measures, with ratings for each of the
three sources combined to calculate an
overall rating. These areas of assessment
are all relevant to the quality of SNF
care following discharge from the
anchor hospitalization initiating a CCJR
episode, especially if that discharge
occurs after less than three days in the
hospital. A study of the clinical factors
that kept patients in a Danish hospital
unit dedicated to discharge in three
days or fewer following total hip and
knee arthroscopy procedures found that
that pain, dizziness, and general
weakness were the main clinical reasons
for longer hospitalization, as well as
problems with personal care and
walking 70 meters with crutches.46
Medicare beneficiaries discharged from
the hospital to a SNF in less than three
days may be at higher risk of these
uncomfortable symptoms and disabling
functional problems not being fully
resolved at hospital discharge, although
46 Husted H, Lunn TH, Troelsen A, Gaarm-Larsen
L, Kristensen BB, Kehlet H. Why still in hospital
after fast-track hip and knee arthroplasty? Acta
Orthopaedica. 2011; 82(6)679–684.
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we expect that under the CCJR episode
payment model participant hospitals
will have a strong interest in ensuring
appropriate discharge timing so that
hospital readmissions and
complications are minimized.
Nevertheless, because of the potential
greater risks following early inpatient
hospital discharge, we believe it is
appropriate that all CCJR beneficiaries
discharged from the participant hospital
to a SNF in less than 3 days be admitted
to a SNF that has demonstrated that it
is capable of providing quality care to
patients with significant unresolved
post-surgical symptoms and problems.
We believe such a SNF would need to
provide care of at least average overall
quality, which would be represented by
an overall SNF 3-star or better rating.
We propose that the waiver be
available for the CCJR beneficiary’s care.
The SNF would insert a Treatment
Authorization Code on the claim for a
beneficiary in the model where the SNF
seeks to the use the waiver. This process
would promote coordination between
the SNF and the participant hospital, as
the SNF would need to be in close
communication with the participant
hospital to ensure that the beneficiary is
in the model at the time the waiver is
used. We propose that where the
beneficiary would be eligible for
inclusion in a CCJR episode of care at
the time of hospital discharge, use of the
waiver would be permitted where it is
medically necessary and appropriate to
discharge the beneficiary to a SNF prior
to a 3-day inpatient stay.
Beneficiaries would be eligible to
receive services furnished under the 3Day Rule waiver only during the CCJR
episode. We plan to monitor patterns of
SNF utilization under CCJR, particularly
with respect to hospital discharge in
less than 3 days to a SNF, to ensure that
beneficiaries are not being discharged
prematurely to SNFs and that they are
able to exercise their freedom of choice
without patient steering. We seek
comment on our proposal to waive the
SNF 3-day stay rule for stays in SNFs
rated overall as three stars or better
following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization in CCJR episodes.
e. Waivers of Medicare Program Rules
To Allow Reconciliation Payment or
Repayment Actions Resulting From the
Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
In order to make reconciliation
payment to or carry out recoupment
from a participant hospital that results
from the NPRA calculation for each
performance year as discussed in
section III.C.6.a. of this proposed rule,
we believe we would need to waive
certain Medicare program rules.
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Therefore, in accordance with the
authority granted to the Secretary in
section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act, we
would waive requirements of the Act for
all Medicare Part A and Part B payment
systems only to the extent necessary to
make reconciliation payments or receive
repayments based on the NPRA that
reflect the episode payment
methodology under this proposed
payment model for CCJR participant
hospitals selected in accordance with
CMS’s proposed selection methodology.
In addition, we do not propose that
reconciliation payments or repayments
change beneficiary cost-sharing from the
regular Medicare program cost-sharing
for the related Part A and Part B services
that were paid for CCJR beneficiaries
and aggregated to determine actual
episode spending in the calculation of
the NPRA. We therefore would waive
the requirements of sections 1813 and
1833(a) of the Act to the extent that they
would otherwise apply to reconciliation
payments or repayments from a
participant hospital under the CCJR
model. We seek comment on our
proposed waivers related to repayment
and recoupment actions as a result of
the NRPA calculated.
12. Proposed Enforcement Mechanisms
CMS must have certain mechanisms
to enforce compliance with the
requirements of the model, either by the
participant hospital, or by an entity or
individual participating in the CCJR
model by furnishing a service to a
beneficiary during a CCJR episode. The
following discussion details the
enforcement mechanisms we propose to
make available to CMS for the CCJR
We propose an enforcement structure
that would be consistent with other
CMMI models. We believe that Model 2
of the BPCI initiative is an appropriate
model for comparison, given that Model
2 and CCJR share many of the same
policy characteristics, particularly with
respect to episode definition. For
example, the participation agreement
between CMS and a participant (called
an Awardee) in BPCI Model 2 provides
that CMS may immediately or with
advance notice terminate the awardee’s
participation in the model or require the
Awardee to terminate its agreement
(‘‘participant agreement’’) with a
participating provider or supplier that is
not in compliance with BPCI
requirements. In such circumstances,
CMS may direct the Awardee to
terminate its participant agreement with
a participating provider or supplier
because the Awardee has a participation
agreement with CMS, whereas the
participating provider or supplier does
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not. CMS may require termination of the
Awardee or a participating provider or
supplier if—
• CMS determines that it no longer
has the funds to support the BPCI
• CMS terminates the model pursuant
to section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act; or
• The BPCI awardee or an individual
or entity participating in BPCI under the
awardee does any of the following:
++ Takes any action that threatens the
health or safety of patients; avoids atrisk Medicare beneficiaries, as this term
is defined in § 425.20; or avoids patients
on the basis of payer status.
++ Is subject to sanctions or final
actions of an accrediting organization or
federal, state or local government
agency that could lead to the inability
to comply with the requirements and
provisions of the BPCI agreement.
++ Takes or fails to take any action
that CMS determines for program
integrity reasons is not in the best
interests of the BPCI initiative.
++ Is subject to action by HHS
(including OIG and CMS) or the
Department of Justice to redress an
allegation of fraud or significant
misconduct, including intervening in a
False Claims Act qui tam matter, issuing
a pre-demand or demand letter under a
civil sanction authority, or similar
Under the terms of the BPCI
agreement, upon CMS’s termination of
the agreement for any of the reasons
previously listed in this section, CMS
may immediately cease the distribution
of positive reconciliation payments to
the awardee and the awardee must
immediately cease the distribution of
any gainsharing payments.
Many CMMI models also allow for
CMS to impose remedial actions to
address noncompliance by either a
participant that has a direct relationship
(participation agreement) with CMS, or
by any individual or entity participating
in the CMMI model pursuant to an
agreement with the participant hospital.
For example, with respect to the BPCI
Model 2, where CMS determines that
there may be noncompliance, CMS may
take any or all of the following actions:
• Notify the BPCI awardee of the
specific performance problem.
• Require the awardee to provide
additional data to CMS or its designees.
• Require the awardee to stop
distributing funds to a particular
individual or entity.
• Require the awardee to forego the
receipt of any positive reconciliation
payments from CMS.
• Request a corrective action plan
from the awardee.
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++ If CMS requests a corrective action
plan, then the following requirements
apply to awardees in the BPCI initiative:
— The awardee must submit a
corrective action plan for CMS
approval by the deadline established
by CMS.
— The corrective action plan must
address what actions the awardee will
take within a specified time period to
ensure that all deficiencies are
corrected and that it remains in
compliance with the BPCI agreement.
Under the CCJR model, we propose
that CMS would have the enforcement
mechanisms detailed in this section
available for use against participant
hospitals and any entity or individual
furnishing a service to a beneficiary
during a CCJR episode, where the
participant hospital or such entity or
individual: (1) Does not comply with
the CCJR model requirements; or (2) are
identified as noncompliant via CMS’
monitoring of the model or engage in
behavior related to any of the reasons
previously described that apply to the
BPCI initiative. These mechanisms will
support the goals of CCJR to maintain or
improve quality of care. Given that
participant hospitals may receive
reconciliation payments, and choose to
distribute or share those payments with
other providers or suppliers (‘‘CCJR
collaborators’’) we believe that
enhanced scrutiny and monitoring of
participant hospitals and CCJR
collaborators under the model is
necessary and appropriate. Participant
hospitals and CCJR collaborators will
also be subject to all existing
requirements and conditions for
Medicare participation not otherwise
waived under section 1115A(d)(1) of the
We propose that CMS would have the
option to use any one or more of the
following enforcement mechanisms for
participant hospitals in CCJR. We
further propose that these enforcement
mechanisms could be instituted and
applied in any order, as is consistent
with other CMMI models:
• Warning letter—We propose to give
CMS the authority to issue a warning
letter to participant hospitals to put
them on notice of behavior that may
warrant additional action by CMS. This
letter would inform participant
hospitals of the issue or issues
identified by CMS leading to the
issuance of the warning letter.
• Corrective Action Plan—We
propose to give CMS the authority to
request a corrective action plan from
participant hospitals. We propose the
following requirements for corrective
action plans:
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++ The participant hospital would be
required to submit a corrective action
plan for CMS approval by the deadline
established by CMS.
++ The corrective action plan would
be required to address what actions the
participant hospital will take within a
specified time period to correct the
issues identified by CMS.
++ The corrective action plan could
include provisions requiring that the
participant hospital terminate
Participation Agreements with CCJR
collaborators that are determined by
HHS to be engaging in activities
involving noncompliance with the
provisions of this proposed rule,
engaged in fraud or abuse, providing
substandard care, or experiencing other
integrity problems.
++ The participant hospital’s failure
to comply with the corrective action
plan within the specified time period
could result in additional enforcement
action, including: (1) Termination; (2)
automatic forfeiture of all or a portion
of any reconciliation payments as that
term is defined in section III.C. of this
proposed rule; (3) CMS’s discretionary
reduction or elimination of all or a
portion of the hospital’s reconciliation
payment; or (4) a combination of such
• Reduction or elimination of
reconciliation amount—We propose to
give CMS the authority to reduce or
eliminate a participant hospital’s
reconciliation amount based on
noncompliance with the model’s
requirements, negative results found
through CMS’ monitoring activities, or
the participant hospital’s
noncompliance associated with a
corrective action plan (as noted
previously). For example, where CMS
requires a participant hospital to submit
a corrective action plan, the result of the
participant hospital’s failure to timely
comply with that requirement could be
a 50 percent reduction in the
reconciliation amount due to the
participant hospital at the end a
performance year, where the participant
hospital’s reconciliation report reflects a
positive reconciliation amount. We
solicit comments on whether negative
monitoring results and noncompliance
with program requirements or corrective
action plans should result in automatic
forfeiture of all or a portion of positive
NPRA, the amount that could be
forfeited or reduced, the number of
performance periods over which NPRA
may be forfeited or reduced per instance
or episode of noncompliance, whether
the amount should be a fixed percentage
of NPRA or a variable amount
depending on the nature and severity of
the noncompliance, and the criteria
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
CMS should use in deciding the severity
of noncompliance.
Where the participant hospital’s
reconciliation report reflects a
repayment amount, forfeiture of a
reconciliation amount would not be an
option for that performance year. In
such a case, we considered whether
CMS would require the participant
hospital to forfeit a certain percentage of
a reconciliation amount in the
reconciliation report for a future
performance year. However, in the case
of a failure to comply with the model’s
requirements, presence of negative
results found through CMS’s monitoring
activities, or noncompliance associated
with a corrective action plan, we believe
a policy that would increase the amount
of repayment amount on the
reconciliation report for the
performance year in which the
noncompliance occurred by the
participant hospital is more likely to
result in compliance from the hospital.
Therefore, we propose to add 25 percent
to a repayment amount on a
reconciliation report, where the
participant hospital fails to timely
comply with a corrective action plan or
is noncompliant with the model’s
requirements, We seek comments on
this forfeiture policy, including the
percentage to be added to a repayment
amount on a reconciliation report; the
number of performance periods over
which a reconciliation amount may be
forfeited or reduced per instance or
episode of noncompliance; whether the
amount should be a fixed percentage of
a reconciliation amount or repayment
amount, as applicable, or a variable
amount depending on the nature and
severity of the noncompliance; and the
criteria CMS should use in deciding the
severity of noncompliance.
• Termination from the model—
Given the provisions we have proposed
outlining the participation of hospitals
in the model, we believe that, in
contrast to other CMS models,
termination from the CCJR model would
contradict the model’s design. As a
result, in some circumstances
termination from the model may be
unlikely to be a sufficient mechanism to
deter noncompliance by participant
hospitals. While we believe termination
is a remedy unlikely to be frequently
used by CMS in this model, we
nonetheless leave open the possibility
that in extremely serious circumstances
termination might be appropriate, and
for that reason, we propose to include
it as an available enforcement option.
Where a participant hospital is
terminated from the CCJR model, we
propose that the hospital would remain
liable for all negative NPRA generated
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from episodes of care that occurred
prior to termination. We propose that
CMS may terminate the participation in
CCJR of a participant hospital when the
participant hospital, or a CCJR
collaborator that has a Participation
Agreement with a participant hospital
and performs functions or services
related to CCJR activities, fails to
comply with any of the requirements of
the CCJR model. We further propose
that CMS could terminate the
participant hospital’s participation in
the model, or require a participant
hospital to terminate a Participation
Agreement with a CCJR collaborator for
reasons including, but not limited to the
• CMS determines that it no longer
has the funds to support the CCJR
• CMS terminates the model pursuant
to section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act.
• The CCJR participant hospital, or an
individual or entity participating in
CCJR under the participant hospital
does any of the following:
++ Takes any action that threatens the
health or safety of patients; avoids atrisk Medicare beneficiaries, as this term
is defined in § 425.20; or avoids patients
on the basis of payor status.
++ Is subject to sanctions or final
actions of an accrediting organization or
federal, state or local government
agency that could lead to the inability
to comply with the requirements and
provisions of this proposed rule.
++ Takes or fails to take any action
that CMS determines for program
integrity reasons is not in the best
interests of the CCJR model.
++ Is subject to action by HHS
(including OIG and CMS) or the
Department of Justice to redress an
allegation of fraud or significant
misconduct, including intervening in a
False Claims Act qui tam matter, issuing
a pre-demand or demand letter under a
civil sanction authority, or similar
++ Is subject to action involving
violations of the physician self-referral
prohibition, civil monetary penalties
law, federal anti-kickback statute,
antitrust laws, or any other applicable
Medicare laws, rules, or regulations that
are relevant to the CCJR model
• Other Enforcement Mechanisms—
We seek to incorporate policies
regarding enforcement mechanisms that
are necessary and appropriate to test the
CCJR model. Thus, we seek public
comment on additional enforcement
mechanisms that would contribute to
the following goals:
++ Allow CMS to better operate or
monitor the model.
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++ Appropriately engage and
encourage all entities and individuals
furnishing a service to a beneficiary
during a CCJR episode to comply with
the requirements and provisions of the
CCJR model.
++ Preserve the rights of Medicare
beneficiaries to receive medically
necessary care, to not be endangered by
providers and suppliers engaging in
noncompliant activities, and to be able
to choose from whom they want to
receive care.
We seek public comment on these
proposals and invite commenters to
propose additional safeguards we
should consider in this proposed rule.
D. Quality Measures and Display of
Quality Metrics Used in the CCJR Model
1. Background
a. Purpose of Quality Measures in the
CCJR Model
The priorities of the National Quality
Strategy 47 include making care safer
and more affordable, promoting
effective communication and
coordination as well as engaging
patients and families in their care. We
believe quality measures that encourage
providers to focus on the National
Quality Strategy priorities will
ultimately improve quality of care and
cost efficiencies. As described earlier in
section III.C.5 of this proposed rule, we
are proposing that in order for a hospital
in the CCJR model to receive a
reconciliation payment for the
applicable performance year, the
participant hospital’s measure results
must meet or exceed certain thresholds
compared to the national hospital
measure results calculated for all HIQRparticipant hospitals for all three
measures for each performance period.
More specifically, for performance years
1 through 3, a participant hospital’s
measure results must be at or above the
30th percentile of the national hospital
measure results calculated for all
hospitals under the HIQR Program for
each of the three measures for each
performance period (for a detailed
discussion see section III.C.5.b of this
proposed rule. For performance years 4
and 5, a participant hospital’s measure
results must be at or above the 40th
percentile of the national hospital
measure results (for a detailed
discussion see section III.C.5.b. of this
proposed rule). In this section, we fully
describe the proposed quality measures
that will be used for public reporting
and to determine whether a participant
47 National Quality Strategy. Working for Quality:
About the National Quality Strategy. Available at:
about.htm#develnqs. Accessed on April 15, 2015.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
hospital is eligible for the reconciliation
payment under the CCJR model. We are
proposing a complication measure,
readmission measure, and a patient
experience survey measure for the CCJR
model. We note that these measures will
assess the priorities of safer care,
transitions of care and effective
communication, and engagement of
patients in their care, respectively.
Specifically, we are proposing the
following three CMS outcome measures:
• The Hospital-level riskstandardized complication rate (RSCR)
following elective primary total hip
arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1550) (as
referred to as THA/TKA Complications
measure (NQF #1550)).
• The Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
risk-standardized readmission rate
(RSRR) following elective primary total
hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551) (as
referred to as THA/TKA Readmissions
measure (NQF #1551)).
• HCAHPS Survey (NQF #0166).
For the inpatient hospital settings,
these fully developed measures are
endorsed by the National Quality Forum
(NQF), and recommended by the NQF
Measure Application Partnership (MAP)
with subsequent implementation in the
HIQR Program, HVBP Program, and the
HRRP (see FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH final
rule 79 FR 50031, 50062, 50208 and
50209, and 50259). These measures are
also publicly reported on Hospital
An important purpose of the proposed
quality measures for the CCJR model is
to provide transparent information on
hospital performance for the care of
patients undergoing eligible elective
joint replacement surgery and to ensure
that care quality is either maintained or
improved. The proposed measures
assess the following key outcomes for
patients undergoing elective joint
replacement surgery:
• Serious medical and surgical
• Unplanned readmissions.
• Patient experience.
We note that complications and
unplanned readmissions result in excess
inpatient and post-acute spending, and
reductions in these undesirable events
will improve patient outcomes while
simultaneously lowering healthcare
spending. The THA/TKA Complications
measure (NQF #550) will inform quality
improvement efforts targeted towards
minimizing medical and surgical
complications during surgery and the
postoperative period. The THA/TKA
Readmission measure (NQF #1551)
captures the additional priorities of care
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provided in the transition to outpatient
settings and communication with
patients and providers during and
immediately following inpatient
admission. Improved quality of care,
specifically achieved through
coordination and communication
among providers and with their patients
and their caregivers, can favorably
influence performance on these
measures. We believe improvement in
measure performance will also mean
improved quality of care and reduced
Additionally, we continue to focus on
patient experience during
hospitalizations, and believe that the
HCAHPS Survey measure provides not
only the opportunity for patients to
share their lower extremity joint
replacement hospital experience, but
also for hospitals to improve quality of
care based on patient experience. For
example, the HCAHPS Survey
‘‘categories of patient experience’’
specifically provides areas (for example,
communication with doctors and
nurses, responsiveness of hospital staff,
pain management) in which a hospital
could improve transition of care and
increase patient safety (for detailed
description of patient experience areas
covered by HCAHPS surveys see section
III.D.2.c. of this proposed). Additionally,
the survey includes measures related to
nurse and physician communication,
pain management, timeliness of
assistance, explanation of medications,
discharge planning and cleanliness of
the hospitals to provide specific areas
for hospitals to improve on.48 Specific
questions on provider communication
include the following:
• How often the patient believed
providers listened carefully to his or her
• Whether the purpose of
medications and associated adverse
events were explained?
• Whether discussions on postdischarge instructions and plans
occurred so that the patient had a clear
understanding of how to take
medications and an understanding of
his or her responsibilities in managing
his or her health post-discharge?
All of these areas of patient
experience would be invaluable to
improving hospital quality of care. We
note that Manary, et al.2 suggest that by
focusing on patient outcomes we can
improve patient experience and that
timeliness of measuring patient
experience is important due to the
48 Manary MP, Boulding W, Staelin R, Glickman
SW. The Patient Experience and Health Outcomes.
New England Journal of Medicine. Jan 2013;
PO 00000
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potential for recall inaccuracies; survey
administration for HCAHPS surveys
must begin between 2 and 42 days after
discharge from a hospital.
We are aware that there is concern
whether there is a relationship between
patient satisfaction and quality of
surgical care. To address this question
Tsai et al.49 recently assessed patient
satisfaction using the HCAHPS Survey
results and correlated quality
performance using nationally
implemented structural, process and
outcome surgical measures (that is,
structural, process and outcome surgical
measures in the Hospital Value Based
Purchasing, and the Hospital
Readmission Reduction Programs). The
study found a positive relationship
between patient experience of care and
surgical quality of care, among the 2,953
hospitals that perform six high cost and
high frequency surgical procedures that
are also associated with morbidity and
mortality in Medicare beneficiaries. The
study included hip replacement
procedures, and specifically noted that
those hospitals with high patient
satisfaction also had high performance
on nationally implemented surgical
quality measures (such as the Surgical
Care Improvement Project measures and
30-day risk-adjusted readmission and
peri-operative mortality outcome
measures). Finally, we note that
although the HCAHPS Survey measure
is not specific to joint replacements, the
survey provides all patients the
opportunity to comment on their
hospital experience, including patients
who have received lower extremity joint
replacements, which helps to inform
hospitals on areas for improvement.
While HCAHPS scores are aggregated at
the hospital level, the surgical service
line is one of three service lines
encompassed by the survey.50
We strive to align as many measures
and programs as is feasibly possible. We
believe proposing fully developed
measures that are used in other CMS
hospital quality programs will minimize
the burden on participant hospitals for
having to become familiar with new
measures and will allow us to
appropriately capture quality data for
the CCJR model.
49 Tsai TC, Orav EJ, Jha AK. Patient Satisfaction
and quality of surgical care in US hospitals. Annals
of Surgery. 2015; 261:2–8.
50 Giordano LA, Elliott MN, Goldstein E, Lehrman
WG, Spencer PA. Development, Implementation,
and Public Reporting of the HCAHPS Survey.
Medical Care Research and Review. 2010;67(1):27–
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
b. Public Display of Quality Measures in
the CCJR Model
We believe that the display of
measure results is an important way to
educate the public on hospital
performance and increase the
transparency of the model. As discussed
later in this section of this proposed
rule, for the CCJR model, we are
proposing to display quality measure
results on the Hospital Compare Web
site (https:// We
believe that the public and hospitals are
familiar with this Web site and how the
information is displayed. The proposed
measures have been displayed on
Hospital Compare over the past few
years. Finally, while also aligning the
display of data for the CCJR model with
other CMS hospital quality programs,
we believe that the public and
’hospitals’ familiarity with the Hospital
Compare Web site will make it simpler
to access data.
2. Proposed Quality Measures for
Performance Year 1 (CY 2016) and
Subsequent years
a. Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized
Complication Rate (RSCR) Following
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
(THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
(TKA) (NQF #1550)
(1) Background
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
THA and TKA are commonly
performed procedures for the Medicare
population that improve quality of life.
Between 2009 and 2012, there were
337,419 total hip arthroplasty (THA)
procedures and 750,569 total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) procedures for
Medicare FFS patients 65 years and
older.51 The post-operation
complications of these procedures are
high considering these are elective
procedures, and usually, the
complications are devastating to
patients. For example, rates for
periprosthetic joint infection, a rare but
devastating complication, have been
reported at 2.3 percent for THA/TKA
patients with rheumatoid arthritis after
1 year of follow-up 52 and 1.6 percent in
Medicare patients undergoing TKA after
51 Suter L, Grady JL, Lin Z et al.: 2013 Measure
Updates and Specifications: Elective Primary Total
Hip Arthroplasty (THA) And/Or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) All-Cause Unplanned 30-Day
Risk-Standardized Readmission Measure (Version
2.0). 2013.
52 Bongartz, T, Halligan CS, Osmon D, et al.
Incidence and risk factors of prosthetic joint
infection after total hip or knee replacement in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum.
2008; 59(12): 1713–1720.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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2 years of follow up.53 Two studies
reported 90-day death rates following
THA at 0.7 percent 54 and 2.7 percent,
respectively.55 Reported rates for
pulmonary embolism following TKA
range from 0.5 percent to 0.9
percent.56 57 58 Reported rates for
septicemia range from 0.1 percent,
during the index admission59 to 0.3
percent, 90 days following discharge for
primary TKA.60 Rates for bleeding and
hematoma following TKA have been
reported at 0.94 percent 61 to 1.7
percent.62 Combined, THA and TKA
procedures account for the largest
payments for procedures under
Medicare.63 Both hip and knee
arthroplasty procedures improve the
function and quality of life of patients
with disabling arthritis, and the volume
and cost associated with these
procedures are very high. We believe it
is important to assess the quality of care
53 Kurtz S, Ong K, Lau E, Bozic K, Berry D, Parvizi
J. Prosthetic joint infection risk after TKA in the
Medicare population. Clin Orthop Relat Res.
54 Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN,
Rosenthal GE. A comparison of total hip and knee
replacement in specialty and general hospitals. J
Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 2007;89(8):1675–1684.
Soohoo NF, Farng E, Lieberman JR, Chambers L,
Zingmond, DS. Factors That Predict Short-term
Complication Rates After Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Sep 2010;468(9):2363–2371.
55 Soohoo NF, Farng E, Lieberman JR, Chambers
L, Zingmond, DS. Factors That Predict Short-term
Complication Rates After Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. Sep 2010;468(9):2363–2371.
Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN,
Rosenthal GE. A comparison of total hip and knee
replacement in specialty and general hospitals. J
Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 2007;89(8):1675–1684.
56 Mahomed NN, Barrett JA, Katz JN, et al. Rates
and outcomes of primary and revision total hip
replacement in the United States medicare
population. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Jan 2003;85–
57 Khatod M, Inacio M, Paxton EW, et al. Knee
replacement: epidemiology, outcomes, and trends
in Southern California: 17,080 replacements from
1995 through 2004. Acta Orthop. Dec
58 Solomon DH, Chibnik LB, Losina E, et al.
Development of a preliminary index that predicts
adverse events after total knee replacement.
Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2006;54(5):1536–1542.
59 Browne, JA, Cook C, Hofmann A, Bolognesi
MP. Postoperative morbidity and mortality
following total knee arthroplasty with computer
navigation. Knee. 2010;17(2): 152–156.
60 Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN,
Rosenthal GE. A comparison of total hip and knee
replacement in specialty and general hospitals. J
Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 2007;89(8):1675–1684.
61 Browne, JA, Cook C, Hofmann A, Bolognesi
MP. Postoperative morbidity and mortality
following total knee arthroplasty with computer
navigation. Knee. 2010;17(2): 152–156.
62 Huddleston JI, Maloney WJ, Wang Y, Verzier N,
Hunt DR, Herndon JH. Adverse Events After Total
Knee Arthroplasty: A National Medicare Study. The
Journal of Arthroplasty. 2009;24(6, Supplement 1):
63 Bozic KJ, Rubash HE, Sculco TP, Berry DJ., An
analysis of Medicare payment policy for total joint
arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. Sep 2008; 23(6 Suppl
PO 00000
Frm 00082
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provided to Medicare beneficiaries who
undergo one or both of these
The proposed measure developed by
CMS, and currently implemented in the
Hospital IQR and Hospital Value-Based
Purchasing Program, assesses a
hospital’s risk standardized
complication rate, which is the rate of
complications occurring after elective
primary THA and TKA surgery. The
measure outcome is the rate of
complications occurring after THA and
TKA during a 90-day period that begins
with the date of the index admission for
a specific hospital; an index admission
is the hospitalization to which the
complications outcome is attributed.
The following outcomes (either one or
more) are considered complications in
this measure: Acute myocardial
infarction, pneumonia, or sepsis/
septicemia within 7 days of admission;
surgical site bleeding, pulmonary
embolism or death within 30 days of
admission; or mechanical
complications, periprosthetic joint
infection or wound infection within 90
days of admission. The data indicated
that the median hospital-level riskstandardized complication rate for 2008
was 4.2 percent, with a range from 2.2
percent to 8.9 percent in hospitals. The
variation in complication rates suggests
that there are important differences in
the quality of care delivered across
hospitals, and that there is room for
quality improvement. In 2010, we
developed the proposed measure of
hospital-level risk-standardized
complication rate (RSCR) following
elective primary THA and TKA surgery,
which was later endorsed by the NQF
(NQF #1550). In its Pre-Rulemaking
Report for 2012,64 the Measure
Application Partnership (MAP) also
recommended the inclusion of this
measure in the HIQR Program; we have
not submitted this measure for use in
the post-acute care settings as the
measure was developed for the acute
care hospital setting. This measure has
been publicly reported on Hospital
Compare since FY 2014 and in the HIQR
Program since FY 2015 (FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH final rule 79 FR 50062). Finally,
we note a comparison of the median
hospital-level risk-standardized
complication rates for hospitals between
April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2014
illustrates a performance gap (median
RSCR of 3.1 percent with a range from
1.4 percent to 6.9 percent) indicating
64 National Quality Forum. MAP Final Reports.
Available at:
by_HHS_for_2012_Rulemaking.aspx. Accessed on
April 1 6, 2015, page 78.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
there is still room for quality
(2) Data Sources
We propose to use Medicare Part A
and Part B FFS claims submitted by the
participant hospital as the data source to
calculate the measure. Index admission
diagnoses and in-hospital comorbidities
are assessed using Medicare Part A
claims. Additional comorbidities prior
to the index admission are assessed
using Part A inpatient, outpatient, and
Part B office visit Medicare claims in the
1 to 2 months prior to the index (initial)
admission. Enrollment and postdischarge mortality status are obtained
from Medicare’s enrollment database
which contains beneficiary
demographic, benefits/coverage, and
vital status information.
(3) Cohort
The THA/TKA Complication measure
(NQF #1550) includes Medicare FFS
beneficiaries, aged 65 years or older,
admitted to non-federal acute care
hospitals for elective primary THA or
TKA. THA and TKA procedures eligible
for inclusion are defined using ICD–9–
CM codes 81.51 and 81.54, respectively.
We propose that the cohort will include
all hospitals included in the CCJR
model, but the CCJR model cohort may
differ slightly from the hospital cohort
that is currently captured in the
measures through the HIQR program.
That is, the CCJR model cohort is a
randomly selected group of acute care
hospitals and therefore may not include
all of the HIQR program acute care
hospitals (for a detailed discussion on
selection of hospitals for the model see
section III.A.4. of this proposed rule).
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
An index admission is the
hospitalization to which the
complication outcome is attributed. The
measure includes the following index
admissions for patients:
• Enrolled in Medicare FFS.
• Aged 65 or over.
• Enrolled in Part A and Part B
Medicare for the 12 months prior to the
date of index admission and during the
index admission.
• Having a qualifying elective
primary THA/TKA procedure; elective
primary THA/TKA procedures are
defined as those procedures without any
of the following:
65 Suter L, Zang W, Parzynski C, et al. 2015
Procedure-Specific Complication Measures Update
and Specifications: Elective Primary Total Hip
Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
(TKA) Risk-Standardized Complication Measure
(Version 4.0). 2015.
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++ Femur, hip, or pelvic fractures
coded in principal or secondary
discharge diagnosis fields of the index
++ Partial hip arthroplasty (PHA)
procedures with a concurrent THA/
++ Revision procedures with a
concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Resurfacing procedures with a
concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Mechanical complication coded in
the principal discharge diagnosis field.
++ Malignant neoplasm of the pelvis,
sacrum, coccyx, lower limbs, or bone/
bone marrow or a disseminated
malignant neoplasm coded in the
principal discharge diagnosis field.
++ Removal of implanted devices/
++ Transfer from another acute care
facility for the THA/TKA.
The following admissions would be
excluded from the measure:
• Admissions for patients discharged
against medical advice (AMA).
• Admissions for patients with more
than two THA/TKA procedure codes
during the index hospitalization.
• Consistent with the FY 2016 IPPS/
LTCH proposed rule, admissions for
patients without at least 90 days postdischarge enrollment in FFS Medicare;
this exclusion is an update to the
measure signaled in the HIQR program
section of the FY2016 IPPS/LTCH
proposed rule (80 FR 24572 through
24574) to ensure that disproportionate
Medicare FFS disenrollment does not
bias the measure results.
After applying these exclusion
criteria, we randomly select one index
admission for patients with multiple
index admissions in a calendar year.
Therefore, we exclude the other eligible
index admissions in that year.
Identification and use of a single index
admission in a calendar year is done
because this measure includes mortality
as an outcome and the probability of
death increases with each subsequent
admission, preventing each episode of
care from being mutually independent.
Therefore only one index admission is
selected to maintain measure integrity.
We note that THA/TKA Complication
measure (NQF #1550) does not capture
patients undergoing partial hip
arthroplasty procedures. We excluded
partial hip arthroplasty procedures
primarily because partial hip
arthroplasty procedures are done for hip
fractures. Therefore, they are not
elective procedures. Also, partial hip
arthroplasty procedures are typically
performed on patients who are older,
frailer, and have more comorbid
conditions. Although this exclusion is
not fully harmonized with MS–DRG 469
PO 00000
Frm 00083
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and 470, which includes partial hip
arthroplasty procedures, this measure
will still provide strong incentive for
improving and maintaining care quality
across joint replacement patients as
hospitals typically develop protocols for
lower extremity joint arthroplasty that
will address peri-operative and postoperative care for both total and partial
hip arthroplasty procedures. As
previously cited in the Episode
Definition of the CCJR model (section
III.B. of this proposed rule) the
frequency of administrative claims data
using ICD–9 codes for 2014 indicated
that partial hip arthroplasty (ICD–9
code: 81.52) accounted for 12 percent of
the administrative claims, while Total
Hip replacement (ICD–9 code: 81.51)
and Total Knee replacement (ICD–9
code: 81.54) accounted for 87 percent of
the administrative claims for 2014. We
also note that the same surgeons and
care teams frequently perform both
procedures. Therefore, quality
improvement efforts initiated in
response to the THA/TKA Complication
measure (NQF #1550) are likely to
benefit patients undergoing similar
elective procedures, such as partial hip
arthroplasty and revision THA/TKA
procedures, and possibly even nonelective THA/TKA procedures, such as
fracture-related THA.
(5) Risk-Adjustment
We note that CCJR-we chose to align
this measure with the risk-adjustment
methodologies adopted for the HIQR
program and the HRRP in accordance
with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(VIII) of
the Act (FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH final rule
77 FR 53516 through 53518 and FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule; 79 FR
50024, 50031, and 50202). We note that
the risk-adjustment takes into account
the patient case-mix to assess hospital
performance. The patient risk factors are
defined using the Hierarchical
Condition Categories (CC), which are
clinically relevant diagnostic groups of
ICD–9–CM codes.66 The CCs used in the
risk adjustment model for this measure,
are provided on the CMS QualityNet
Web site (
cid=1228772783162). We note that the
measure uses all Part A and B
administrative claims ICD–9 codes for
the year prior to and including the
index admission. The Part A and B
administrative claims ICD–9 codes are
66 Pope G, Ellis R, Ash A, et al., Principal
Inpatient Diagnostic Cost Group Models for
Medicare Risk Adjustment. Health Care Financing
Review. 2000;21(3):26.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
used to inform the risk prediction for
each patient; diagnostic codes from
post-acute care settings are included in
the measure, but this information is
only used to identify a hospital’s patient
case mix in order to adequately adjust
for differences in case mix across
hospitals. Use of the Part A and B data
does not mean the measures are
applicable to post-acute care settings,
only that they use comprehensive data
to predict the risk of the outcome and
adjust for hospital patient case mix. The
measure would meet the requirement if
it applied since risk-adjustment adjusts
for hospital patient mix, including age
and comorbidities, to ensure that
hospitals that care for a less healthy
patient population are not penalized
unfairly. The measure methodology
defines ’’complications’’ as acute
myocardial infarction (AMI);
pneumonia; sepsis/septicemia;
pulmonary embolism; surgical site
bleeding; death; wound infection;
periprosthetic joint infection; and
mechanical complication within 0 to 90
days post the index date of admission,
depending on the complication. The
decision on the appropriate follow-up
period of 0 to 90 days was based on our
analysis of 90-day trends in
complication rates using the 2008
Medicare FFS Part A Inpatient Data. We
found that rates for mechanical
complications are elevated until 90 days
post the date of index admission. We
found that the rates for four other
complications—death, surgical site
bleeding, wound infection, and
pulmonary embolism—are elevated for
30 days, and that rates for AMI,
pneumonia, and sepsis/septicemia level
off 7 days after the date of index
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized
Complication Rate and Performance
Analogous to how we calculate
hospital risk-standardized readmission
rates with all readmission measures and
risk-standardized mortality rates with
the mortality measures used in CMS
hospital quality programs, we calculate
the hospital risk-standardized
complication rate by producing a ratio
of the number of ‘‘predicted’’
complications (that is, the adjusted
number of complications at a specific
hospital based on its patient population)
to the number of ‘‘expected’’
complications (that is, the number of
complications if an average quality
hospital treated the same patients) for
each hospital and then multiplying the
ratio by the national raw complication
rate. The 3-year rolling performance
period would be consistent with that
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used for HIQR (FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH
final rule 79 FR 50208 and 50209). For
performance year-one of the CCJR
model, we propose that the performance
period for the THA/TKA Complication
measure (NQF #1550) we propose to be
April 2013 through March 2016. As
noted in this proposed rule, the THA/
TKA Readmissions measure (NQF
#1551) uses a 30-day window of followup, which is different from the 90-day
window of follow-up used in the THA/
TKA Complications measure (NQF
#1550). Section III.D.4. of this proposed
rule, Form and Manner, summarizes
performance periods for years 1 through
5 of the CCJR JR model.
We seek public comment on this
proposal to assess quality performance
through implementation of the Hospitallevel risk-standardized complication
rate (RSCR) following elective primary
total hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total
knee arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1550)
b. Hospital-Level 30-Day, All-Cause
Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate
(RSRR) Following Elective Primary
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF
(1) Background
The objective of CMS’s Hospital-level
30-day, all-cause risk-standardized
readmission rate (RSRR) following
elective primary total hip arthroplasty
(THA) and/or total knee arthroplasty
(TKA) (NQF #1551) (as referred to as
THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF
#1551)) measure is to assess
readmission from any cause within 30
days of discharge from the hospital
following elective primary THA and
TKA. As previously stated, outcome
measures such as complications and
readmissions are the priority areas for
the HIQR Program. Elective primary
THA and TKA are commonly performed
procedures that improve quality of life.
THA and TKA readmissions are
disruptive to patients’ quality of life,
costly to the Medicare program, and
data support that readmission rates can
be improved through better care
coordination and other provider
actions.67 Furthermore, we believe that
there is an opportunity for hospitals to
improve quality of life for the patient.
From July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2014,
Medicare FFS claims data indicate that
30-day hospital-level risk-standardized
readmission rates ranged from 2.6
67 Mistiaen P, Francke AL, Poot E. Interventions
aimed at reducing problems in adult patients
discharged from hospital to home: a systematic
meta-review. BMC Health Services Research.
PO 00000
Frm 00084
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
percent to 8.5 percent among hospitals
with a median rate of 4.8 percent. The
mean risk-standardized readmission rate
was 4.9 percent.68 This variation
suggests there are important differences
in the quality of care received across
hospitals, and that there is room for
improvement. A measure that addresses
readmission rates following THA and
TKA provides an opportunity to provide
targets for efforts to improve the quality
of care and reduce costs for patients
undergoing these elective procedures.
The measure also increases
transparency for consumers and
provides patients with information that
could guide their choices. We believe
that a risk-adjusted readmission
outcome measure can provide a critical
perspective on the provision of care,
and support improvements in care for
the Medicare patient population
following THA/TKA hospitalization. We
note that the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) has wide
stakeholder support, with NQF
endorsement in January 2012, and
support by the MAP for the HIQR
Program (2012 Pre-Rulemaking
report 19), and for HRRP (2013 PreRulemaking report 69). Finally, THA/
TKA Readmission Measure (NQF #1551)
has been publicly reported since FY
2014 (79 FR 50062), and was
implemented in both the HIQR program
(77 FR 53519 through 53521) and HRRP
(78 FR 50663 and 50664).
(2) Data Sources
We propose to use Medicare Part A
and Part B FFS claims submitted by the
participant hospital as the data source
for calculation of the THA/TKA
Readmission measure (NQF #1551).
Index admission diagnoses and inhospital comorbidity data are assessed
using Medicare Part A claims.
Additional comorbidities prior to the
index admission are assessed using Part
A inpatient, outpatient, and Part B office
visit Medicare claims in the 12 months
prior to index (initial) admission.
Enrollment status is obtained from
Medicare’s enrollment database which
contains beneficiary demographic,
68 Suter L, Desai N, Zang W, et al. 2015 2015
Procedure-Specific Readmission Measures Updates
and Specifications Report: Elective Primary Total
Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) Risk-Standardized Readmission
Measure (Version 4.0), Isolated Coronary Artery
Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery—Version 2.0. 2015;
69 National Quality Forum. MAP Final Reports.
Available at:
Report_-_February_2013.aspx. Accessed on April
16, 2015, page 143.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
benefit/coverage, and vital status
(3) Cohort
The THA/TKA Readmission measure
(NQF #1551) includes Medicare FFS
beneficiaries, aged 65 years or older,
admitted to non-federal acute care
hospitals for elective primary THA or
TKA. THA and TKA procedures eligible
for inclusion are defined using ICD–9–
CM codes 81.51 and 81.54, respectively.
We propose that the cohort will include
all hospitals included in the CCJR
model, but the CCJR model cohort may
differ slightly from the hospital cohort
that is currently captured in the
measures through the HIQR program.
That is, the CCJR model cohort is a
randomly selected group of acute care
hospitals and therefore may not include
all of the HIQR program acute care
hospitals (for a detailed discussion on
selection of hospitals for the model see
section III.A. of this proposed rule.)
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
We propose that an index admission
is the anchor hospitalization to which
the readmission outcome is attributed.
The measure includes index admissions
for patients:
• Enrolled in Medicare FFS.
• Aged 65 or over.
• Discharged from non-federal acute
care hospitals alive.
• Enrolled in Medicare Part A and
Part B for the 12 months prior to the
date of index admission and during the
index admission.
• Having a qualifying elective
primary THA/TKA procedure; elective
primary THA/TKA procedures are
defined as those procedures without any
of the following:
++ Femur, hip, or pelvic fractures
coded in principal or secondary
discharge diagnosis fields of the index
++ Partial hip arthroplasty (PHA)
procedures with a concurrent THA/
++ Revision procedures with a
concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Resurfacing procedures with a
concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Mechanical complication coded in
the principal discharge diagnosis field.
++ Malignant neoplasm of the pelvis,
sacrum, coccyx, lower limbs, or bone/
bone marrow or a disseminated
malignant neoplasm coded in the
principal discharge diagnosis field.
++ Removal of implanted devices/
++ Transfer from another acute care
facility for the THA/TKA.
• This measure excludes index
admissions for patients:
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++ Without at least 30 days postdischarge enrollment in FFS Medicare.
++ Discharged against medical advice
++ Admitted for the index procedure
and subsequently transferred to another
acute care facility.
++ With more than two THA/TKA
procedure codes during the index
Finally, for the purpose of this
measure, admissions within 30 days of
discharge from an index admission are
not eligible to also be index admissions.
Thus, no hospitalization will be counted
as both a readmission and an index
admission in this measure.
This measure does not capture
patients undergoing partial hip
arthroplasty procedures, as partial hip
arthroplasties are primarily done for hip
fractures and are typically performed on
patients who are older, frailer, and have
more comorbid conditions. Although
this exclusion is not fully harmonized
with MS–DRG 469 and 470, which
includes partial hip arthroplasty
procedures, this measure would still
provide strong incentive for improving
and maintaining care quality across
joint replacement patients. We believe
the THA/TKA Readmission measure
(NQF #1551) provides strong incentive
for quality improvement because
hospitals typically develop protocols for
lower extremity joint arthroplasty that
will address peri-operative and postoperative care for both total and partial
hip arthroplasties, and the same
surgeons and care teams frequently
perform both procedures. Therefore,
quality improvement efforts initiated in
response to the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) are likely to
benefit patients undergoing similar
elective procedures, such as partial hip
arthroplasty and revision THA/TKA
procedures, and possibly even nonelective THA/TKA procedures, such as
fracture-related THA.
(5) Risk-Adjustment
We note that CCJR-we chose to align
this measure with the risk-adjustment
methodologies adopted for Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) under the HIQR
Program in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(VIII) of the Act, as
finalized in FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (77 FR 53519 through 53521).
We also note that the measure riskadjustment takes into account patient
age and comorbidities to allow a fair
assessment of hospital performance. The
measure defines the patient risk factors
for readmission using diagnosis codes
collected from all patient claims 1 year
prior to patient index hospitalization for
THA and TKA. As previously noted in
PO 00000
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the THA/TKA Complication measure
(NQF #1550), Part A and B
administrative claims ICD–9 codes are
used to inform the risk prediction for
each patient; diagnostic codes from
post-acute care settings are included in
the measure, but this information is
only used to identify a hospital’s patient
case mix in order to adequately adjust
for differences in case mix across
hospitals. Use of the Part A and B data
does not mean the measures are
applicable to post-acute care settings,
only that they use comprehensive data
to predict the risk of the outcome and
adjust for hospital patient case mix. We
note that the patient diagnosis codes are
grouped using Hierarchical Condition
Categories (CCs), which are clinically
relevant diagnostic groups of ICD–9–CM
codes.70 The CCs used in the risk
adjustment model for this measure, are
provided on the CMS QualityNet Web
site (
QnetTier4&cid=1219069856694). In
summary, age and comorbidities present
at the time of admission are adjusted for
differences in hospital case mix (patient
risk factors). The measure uses the
hierarchical logistic regression model
(HLM) statistical methodology for risk
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized
Readmission Rate and Performance
We propose to calculate hospital riskstandardized readmission rates
consistent with the methodology used to
risk standardize all readmission
measures and mortality measures used
in CMS hospital quality programs.
Using HLM, we calculate the hospitallevel elective primary THA/TKA riskstandardized readmission rate by
producing a ratio of the number of
’’predicted’’ readmissions (that is, the
adjusted number of readmissions at a
specific hospital) to the number of
’’expected’’ readmissions (that is, the
number of readmissions if an average
quality hospital treated the same
patients) for each hospital and then
multiplying the ratio by the national
raw readmission rate. The 3-year rolling
performance period would be consistent
with that used for the HIQR program
(FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule 79 FR
50208 and 50209). For performance
year-one of the CCJR model, we propose
that the performance period for the
THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF
70 Pope G, Ellis R, Ash A, et al., Principal
Inpatient Diagnostic Cost Group Models for
Medicare Risk Adjustment. Health Care Financing
Review. 2000;21(3):26.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
#1551) would be July 2013 through June
2016. As noted in this proposed rule for
the section on the THA/TKA
Complications measure (NQF #1550),
there is a 90-day window of follow-up
which is different from the THA/TKA
Readmissions measure (NQF #1551).
Section III.D.4.Form and Manner, of this
proposed rule summarizes performance
periods for years 1 through 5 of the
CCJR model years.
We invite public comments on this
proposal to include Hospital-level 30day, all-cause risk-standardized
readmission rate (RSRR) following
elective primary total hip arthroplasty
(THA) and/or total knee arthroplasty
(TKA) (NQF #1551) or both in the CCJR
model to assess quality performance.
We also invite public comment on
inclusion of other potential quality
measures in the model.
c. Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
(HCAHPS) Survey
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(1) Background
The HCAHPS Survey (NQF #0166) is
a CMS survey and a national,
standardized, publicly reported survey
of patients’ experience of hospital care.
The HCAHPS Survey is endorsed by the
NQF (#0166); CMS is the measure
steward. The HCAHPS survey, also
known as CAHPS® Hospital Survey, is
a survey instrument and data collection
methodology for measuring patients’
perceptions of their hospital experience.
The HCAHPS Survey asks recently
discharged patients 32 questions about
aspects of their hospital experience that
they are uniquely suited to address. The
core of the survey contains 21 items that
ask ‘‘how often’’ or whether patients
experienced a critical aspect of hospital
care. The survey also includes four
items to direct patients to relevant
questions, five items to adjust for the
mix of patients across hospitals, and
two items that support Congressionallymandated reports (see 77 FR 53513
through 53515). Eleven HCAHPS
measures (seven composite measures,
two individual items and two global
items) are currently publicly reported
on the Hospital Compare Web site for
each hospital participating in the HIQR
Program (see 79 FR 50259.) Each of the
seven currently reported composite
measures is constructed from two or
three survey questions. The seven
composites summarize the following:
• How well doctors communicate
with patients.
• How well nurses communicate with
• How responsive hospital staff are to
patients’ needs.
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• How well hospital staff helps
patients manage pain.
• How well the staff communicates
with patients about medicines.
• Whether key information is
provided at discharge.
• How well the patient was prepared
for the transition to post-hospital care.
Lastly, the two individual items
address the cleanliness and quietness of
patients’ rooms, while the two global
items report patients’ overall rating of
the hospital, and whether they would
recommend the hospital to family and
friends. We propose to adopt a measure
in the CCJR model that uses HCAHPS
survey data to assess quality
performance and capture patient
experience of care.
languages, and all official translations of
the HCAHPS Survey instrument are
available in the current HCAHPS
Quality Assurance Guidelines at https://
(2) Data Sources
The HCAHPS Survey is administered
to a random sample of adult inpatients
between 48 hours and 6 weeks after
discharge. As previously discussed in
section III.D.5. of this proposed rule, the
HCAHPS survey data is collected on
inpatient experience, is not limited to
Medicare beneficiaries, and does not
distinguish between types of Medicare
beneficiaries. Patients admitted in the
medical, surgical and maternity care
service lines are eligible for the survey;
the survey is not restricted to Medicare
beneficiaries. Hospitals may use an
approved survey vendor, or collect their
own HCAHPS data (if approved by CMS
to do so) (for a detailed discussion see
79 FR 50259). To accommodate
hospitals, the HCAHPS Survey can be
implemented using one of the following
four different survey modes:
• Mail.
• Telephone.
• Mail with telephone follow-up.
• Active Interactive Voice
Recognition (IVR).
Regardless of the mode used,
hospitals are required to make multiple
attempts to contact patients. Hospitals
may use the HCAHPS Survey alone, or
include additional questions after the 21
core items discussed previously.
Hospitals must survey patients
throughout each month of the year, and
hospitals participating in the HIQR
Program must target at least 300
completed surveys over 4 calendar
quarters in order to attain the reliability
criterion CMS has set for publicly
reported HCAHPS scores (see 79 FR
50259). The survey itself and the
protocols for sampling, data collection,
coding, and file submission can be
found in the current HCAHPS Quality
Assurance Guidelines manual, available
on the HCAHPS Web site located at: (The
HCAHPS Survey is available in several
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
PO 00000
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(3) Cohort
Hospitals, or their survey vendors,
submit HCAHPS data in calendar
quarters (3 months). Consistent with
other quality reporting programs, we
propose that HCAHPS scores would be
publicly reported on Hospital Compare
based on 4 consecutive quarters of data.
For each public reporting, the oldest
quarter of data is rolled off, and the
newest quarter is rolled on (see 79 FR
The HCAHPS Survey is broadly
intended for patients of all payer types
who meet the following criteria:
• Eighteen years or older at the time
of admission.
• Admission includes at least one
overnight stay in the hospital.
• Non-psychiatric MS–DRG/principal
diagnosis at discharge.
• Alive at the time of discharge.
There are a few categories of
otherwise eligible patients who are
excluded from the sample frame as
• ‘‘No-Publicity’’ patients—Patients
who request that they not be contacted.
• Court/Law enforcement patients
(that is, prisoners); patients residing in
halfway houses are included.
• Patients with a foreign home
address (U.S. territories—Virgin Islands,
Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa,
and Northern Mariana Islands are not
considered foreign addresses and are
not excluded).
• Patients discharged to hospice care
(Hospice-home or Hospice-medical
• Patients who are excluded because
of state regulations.
• Patients discharged to nursing
homes and skilled nursing facilities.
The HCAHPS Survey is intended for
short-term, acute care hospitals. Both
IPPS and Critical Access Hospitals
participate in the survey; specialty
hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and
children’s hospitals do not.
(5) Case-Mix-Adjustment
To ensure that HCAHPS scores allow
fair and accurate comparisons among
hospitals, CMS adjusts for factors that
are not directly related to hospital
performance but which affect how
patients answer survey items. This
includes the mode of survey
administration and characteristics of
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
patients that are out of a hospital’s
control. Patient-mix adjustments (also
known as case-mix adjustment) control
for patient characteristics that affect
ratings and that are differentially
distributed across hospitals. Most of the
patient-mix items are included in the
‘‘About You’’ section of the survey,
while others are taken from hospital
administrative records. Based on the
HCAHPS mode experiment,71 and
consistent with previous studies of
patient-mix adjustment in HCAHPS and
in previous hospital patient surveys, we
employ the following variables in the
patient-mix adjustment model:
• Self-reported general health status
(specified as a linear variable).
• Education (specified as a linear
• Type of service (medical, surgical,
or maternity care).
• Age (specified as a categorical
• Admission through emergency
room (discontinued in 2010).
• Lag time between discharge and
• Age by service line interaction.
• Language other than English spoken
at home.
Once the data are adjusted for patientmix, there is a fixed adjustment for the
mode of survey administration (mail,
telephone, mail with telephone followup, and active Interactive Voice
Information on patient-mix
adjustment (risk adjustment) and survey
mode adjustment of HCAHPS scores can
be found at https://
(6) HCAHPS Scoring
Regarding the HCAHPS survey
measure, we identified the methodology
used to assess hospitals in the HIQR
program as reasonable for use in the
CCJR model since this is a survey that
many hospitals and patients are familiar
with. In determining HCAHPS
performance, we propose to utilize the
HCAHPS Linear Mean Roll-up (HLMR)
score. The HLMR summarizes
performance across the 11 publicly
reported HCAHPS measures for IPPS
hospitals with 100 or more completed
HCAHPS surveys in a 4-quarter period.
The HLMR is calculated by taking the
average of the linear mean scores (LMS)
for each of the 11 publicly reported
HCAHPS measures. The LMS, which
71 The Effects of Survey Mode, Patient Mix, and
Nonresponse on CAHPS Hospital Survey Scores.’’
M.N. Elliott, A.M. Zaslavsky, E. Goldstein, W.
Lehrman, K. Hambarsoomian, M.K. Beckett and L.
Giordano. Health Services Research, 44 (2): 501–
518. 2009.
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was created for the calculation of
HCAHPS Star Ratings, summarizes all
survey responses for each HCAHPS
measure; a detailed description of LMS
can be found in HCAHPS Star Rating
Technical Notes, at https://
We propose that hospitals
participating in the CCJR model also
have at least 100 completed HCAHPS
surveys over a given 4-quarter period to
be evaluated on HCAHPS for the CCJR
The responses to the survey items
used in each of the 11 HCAHPS
measures described previously are
combined and converted to a 0 to 100
linear-scaled score (LMS) as follows:
• ‘‘Never’’ = 0; ‘‘Sometimes’’ = 331⁄3;
‘‘Usually’’ = 662⁄3; and ‘‘Always’’ = 100
(For HCAHPS Survey items 1–9, 11, 13–
14, and 16–17).
• ‘‘No’’ = 0; and ‘‘Yes’’ = 100 (For
items 19 and 20).
• Overall Rating ‘‘0’’ = 0; Overall
Rating ‘‘1’’ = 10; Overall Rating ‘‘2’’ =
20; . . .; Overall Rating ‘‘10’’ = 100 (For
item 21).
• ‘‘Definitely No’’ = 0; ‘‘Probably No’’
= 331⁄3; ‘‘Probably Yes’’ = 662⁄3; and
‘‘Definitely Yes’’ = 100 (For item 22).
• ‘‘Strongly Disagree’’ = 0; ‘‘Disagree’’
= 331⁄3; ‘‘Agree’’ = 662⁄3; and ‘‘Strongly
Agree’’ = 100 (For items 23, 24, and 25).
The 0 to 100 linear-scaled HCAHPS
scores are then adjusted for patient mix,
survey mode, and quarterly weighting,
The HLMR summarizes performance
across the 11 HCAHPS measures by
taking an average of each of the LMS of
the 11 HCAHPS measures, using a
weight of 1.0 for each of the 7 HCAHPS
composite measures, and a weight of 0.5
for each of the single item measures
(Cleanliness, Quietness, Overall
Hospital Rating and Recommend the
Hospital). The HLMR is calculated to
the second decimal place. Once the
HLMR score is determined for a
participant hospital, the hospital’s
percentile of performance can be
determined based on the national
distribution of hospital performance on
the score.
(7) Performance Period
We propose to be consistent with the
HIQR program, which uses four quarters
of data (79 FR 50259). For the CCJR
model, we propose to use the most
recently available HCAHPS 4-quarter
roll-up to calculate the HLMR score for
the initial year of the CCJR model. The
performance period would assess data
on patients discharged from July 1, 2015
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through June 30, 2016. Section III.D.4 of
this proposed rule, Form and Manner,
summarizes performance periods for
years 1 through 5 of the CCJR model
We invite public comments on this
proposal to include HCAHPS Survey in
the CCJR model to assess quality
performance and capture patient
experience of care.
d. Applicable Time Period
In order to align as much as is
reasonably possible with other CMS
hospital quality and public reporting
programs in which these three measures
are implemented, we propose for the
THA/TKA Complication measure (NQF
#1550) and the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) performance time
periods to be consistent with the HIQR,
HVBP and HRRP programs. These
programs use a 3-year rolling
performance (see section III.D.2.b.(6). of
this proposed rule) or applicable period
for the Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
risk-standardized readmission rate
(RSRR) following elective primary total
hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551) and the
Hospital-level risk-standardized
complication rate (RSCR) following
elective primary total hip arthroplasty
(THA) and/or total knee arthroplasty
(TKA) (NQF #1550) measures. We
similarly propose a 3-year rolling
performance period for the THA/TKA
Complication measure (NQF #1550) and
the THA/TKA Readmission measure
(NQF #1551) because a 3-year
performance period yields the most
consistently reliable and valid measure
results. We also propose the 3-year
rolling performance periods for the
THA/TKA Complication measure (NQF
#1550) and the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) because hospitals
are intimately familiar with these
measures. We note that reconciliation
payments to hospitals as part of the
CCJR are dependent upon both cost and
quality outcome measures, and that
making reconciliation payments solely
based on cost has the potential to lead
to reduced access and stinting of care.
In order to address these possibilities
the inclusion of performance on
outcome measures is critical to ensure
access and high quality care for patients
undergoing these procedures. The only
way to include reliable quality measures
in the model upon which to base
reconciliation payments for 2016 is to
use measures that have a performance
period that precedes the effective date of
the model. Furthermore, from a measure
reliability and validity perspective, it is
imperative to have at least 4 quarters of
data for HCAHPS survey measures and
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
3 years of data for the THA/TKA
readmission and complications
measures. We intentionally chose
outcome and patient experience
measures for which hospitals that are
already financially accountable in other
IPPS programs. Consequently, the
performance periods are the same
periods for the THA/TKA readmission
and complications measures between
the CCJR model, HIQR, HVBP and HRRP
programs. For the HCAHPS survey
measures, there is overlap with the
performance periods for the CCJR model
and HIQR. Given that there is no
downward payment adjustment
associated with the CCJR model, that
hospitals are already familiar with these
measures as part of the Hospital IQR
program, Hospital VBP program, and the
Hospital readmission reduction
program, and that hospitals are already
held financially accountable for these
measures, we believe it is appropriate
and necessary to use performance
periods that precede the effective date of
the CCJR model. For the HCAHPS
Survey measure, we would continue to
use a 4 quarter performance period as in
the HIQR program, but would not align
with the Hospital IQR program
performance period. We initially
considered using the same Hospital IQR
program performance period for the
HCAHPS survey measures but realized
that should we use the same Hospital
IQR program performance periods for
the CCJR model, other CCJR model
timeframes and policy goals would not
be met. Such policy goals like
calculating reconciliation payment
adjustments in a timely fashion during
the 2nd quarter of each year. We note
that HCAPHS survey results are not
available until the 3rd quarter of each
year. For this reason, we are not
proposing that the HCAHPS survey
performance period follow the HIQR
program performance periods. We also
propose that HCAHPS survey scores be
calculated from 4 consecutive quarters
of survey data; publicly reported
HCAHPS results are also based on 4
quarters of data (79 FR 50259).
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
3. Possible New Outcomes for Future
a. Hospital-Level Performance
Measure(s) of Patient-Reported
Outcomes Following Elective Primary
Total Hip and/or Total Knee
(1) Background
As part of our goal to move towards
outcome measures that assess patient
reported outcomes, we have begun
development on a measure to assess
improvement in patient-reported
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outcomes following THA/TKA
procedures. The Hospital-Level
Performance Measure(s) of PatientReported Outcomes Following Elective
Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (hereinafter referred to as
’’THA THA/TKA patient-reported
outcome-based measure’’) is currently
under development. We specifically
chose to focus on THA/TKA procedures
since THA/TKAs are important,
effective procedures performed on a
broad population, and the patient
outcomes for these procedures (for
example, pain, mobility, and quality of
life) can be measured in a scientifically
sound way and are also influenced by
a range of improvements in care.72 73 74
We also note that THA/TKA procedures
are specifically intended to improve
function and reduce pain, making
patient-reported outcomes the most
meaningful outcome metric to assess for
these common, costly procedures.
Patient-reported outcomes will be
assessed separately for THA and TKA
procedures, though these results may be
combined into a single composite
measure for reporting. Therefore, we
will refer to a single measure, but
acknowledge the possibility of two
measures, one for THA patients and one
for TKA patients.
During measure development, we
discovered that in order to complete
measure development, we would need
access to a nationally representative
sample of THA and TKA inpatient
surgical procedure patient-reported
outcome data set that is also
consistently collected at the hospitallevel and contains risk variables
identified by orthopedists. The rationale
for requesting access to a national THA
and TKA inpatient surgical procedures
patient-reported data source are
twofold: (1) A national data source
would provide us with hospital-level
data representative of the total number
of THA and TKA procedures performed
in hospitals, as well as representative
data on hospital-level case-mix; and (2)
72 Monticone M, Ferrante S, Rocca B, et al. Homebased functional exercises aimed at managing
kinesiophobia contribute to improving disability
and quality of life of patients undergoing total knee
arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial.
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Feb 2013;94(2):231–239.
73 Galea MP, Levinger P, Lythgo N, et al. A
targeted home- and center-based exercise program
for people after total hip replacement: a randomized
clinical trial. Archives of physical medicine and
rehabilitation. Aug 2008;89(8):1442–1447.
74 Moffet H, Collet JP, Shapiro SH, Paradis G,
Marquis F, Roy L. Effectiveness of intensive
rehabilitation on functional ability and quality of
life after first total knee arthroplasty: A single blind
randomized controlled trial. Archives of physical
medicine and rehabilitation. Apr
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access to a national THA and TKA
inpatient surgical procedures patientreported data source would allow us to
assess and identify a set of
parsimonious data elements that will
minimize the data collection burden by
patients, physicians and hospitals. We
believe access to such data would allow
for completion and testing of the current
measure under development that can be
appropriately used for nationwide
hospital performance evaluation. We
also believe the CCJR model provides a
unique opportunity to resolve these
measure development issues through
the collection of THA and TKA
patient—reported outcome data. Access
to this data through the CCJR Model
would address the following:
• Current data sources are not
consistently collected nor collected in a
uniform process and in a standardized
format (that is, data elements are not
consistently defined across different
data sources). We note that currently
available data sources tend to be limited
to single hospitals or regional registries
which are associated with complex data
access sharing requirements.
• Current lack of uniform hospitallevel data that can be used in measure
• Lack of incentive for physicians and
hospitals to collect patient-reported
outcome data such as that through the
model’s financial incentives associated
with voluntary data submission.
• Current lack of a technically simple
and feasible mechanism for hospitals to
submit patient-reported data to CMS.
This model would help create and
optimize such a mechanism, potentially
enabling future measure
In summary, the voluntary data
collection initiative in the CCJR model
would provide data from the patient’s
perspective that is necessary to finalize
and test the measure specifications,
including the risk model. Access to this
national representative voluntarily
submitted data would enable us to do
the following:
• Determine a parsimonious set of
risk factors that are statistically
adequate for risk adjustment for patientreported outcome.
• Examine the differences in hospital
performance related to different
components in the patient-reported
outcome (such as functional status,
pain, etc.) to finalize the statistical
modeling methodology for risk
• Evaluate the reliability of the
patient-reported outcome measure.
• Examine validity of the patientreported outcome measure upon
finalization of the risk adjustment
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
model via potential testing methods
such as face validity testing with
national experts, comparing the measure
results to similar results based on other
data sources if feasible, etc.
In order to encourage participation
with voluntary data submission of
patient-reported outcome data, we are
proposing to seek and reward voluntary
participation in submission of THA/
TKA patient-reported outcome-based
measure data as outlined in section
III.D.5.b. of this proposed rule. We note
that we would not publicly report the
THA/TKA voluntary data.
Finally, we intend to use a fully tested
and completed THA/TKA patientreported outcome-based measure in
CMS models or programs when
appropriate. If there is a decision to
implement the fully developed THA/
TKA patient-reported outcome-based
measure, such as in the CCJR model, we
would propose to adopt the measure
through notice and comment
rulemaking. We refer reviewers to draft
measure specifications in the
downloads section of the Measure
Methodology Web page at https://
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(2) Data Sources
As previously discussed, this measure
is under development, and we are
proposing to reward participant
hospitals that volunteer to submit
provider- and patient- level data
elements. We note that there is currently
little uniformity across hospitals
regarding collection of specific
provider- and patient-level data
elements that are used to assess patient
outcomes after THA and TKA inpatient
procedures. In the voluntary data
submission for the THA/TKA patientreported outcome-based measure, we
are trying to identify a uniform set of
provider- and patient-level data
elements that are accurate, valid, and
reliable pieces of information that can
be used in the determination of
improvement in various patient
characteristics like those previously
listed (that is, pain, mobility, and
quality of life). Furthermore, in order to
minimize provider and hospital burden
associated with data collection and
submission of provider- and hospitallevel data elements, we propose using a
variety of data sources for measure
development. We anticipate using the
following data sources are:
• Patient-reported data;
• Administrative claims-based data;
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• One or both physician-reported and
electronic health record data.
Through this voluntary data
submission proposal, we hope to
identify a uniform set of provider- and
patient-level data elements while also
identifying data sources that are the
least burdensome for the patients,
providers, and hospitals. We propose to
request that participant hospitals
provide administrative claims-based
data whenever possible, in order to
minimize burden on patients, providers,
and hospitals. Additionally, we propose
to request that participant hospitals
submit either hospital documentation,
chart abstraction, or abstraction from the
electronic health records. We propose to
request submission of the following data
• Pre-operative Assessments (to be
collected between 90 and 0 days prior
to THA/TKA procedure):
++ Age.
++ Date of Birth.
++ Gender.
++ Ethnicity.
++ THA or TKA procedure.
++ Date of admission to anchor
++ Date of discharge from anchor
++ Date of eligible THA/TKA
++ Medicare Health Insurance Claim
—PROMIS Global (all items).
++ VR–12 (all items.)
++ For TKA patients Knee injury and
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS 75)
(all items).
++ For THA patients Hip disability
and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
(HOOS 76) (all items).
++ Body Mass Index.
++ Presence of live-in home support,
including spouse.
++ Use of chronic (≥ 90 day) narcotics.
—American Society of Anesthesiologists
(ASA) physical status classification.
++ Charnley Classification.
++ Presence of retained hardware.
—Total painful joint count.
—Quantified spinal pain.
++ Joint range of motion in degrees
(specify hip or knee).
++ Use of gait aides.
++ For THA patients abductor
muscles strength.
++ For THA patients presence of
Trendelenberg gait.
75 What is the KOOS? Available at: https:// Accessed on
April 15, 2015.
76 What is the HOOS? Available at: https:// Accessed on April 15,
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++ For THA patients history of
congenital hip dysplasia or other
congenital hip disease.
++ For THA patients presence of
angular, translational, or rotational
deformities of the proximal femur (in
++ For TKA patients anatomic angle
(femoro-tibial angle) in degrees with
++ For TKA patients knee extensor
++ Single Item Health Literacy
Screening (SILS2) questionnaire.77
• Post-operative Assessments (To be
collected between 270 and 365 days
following THA/TKA procedure):
++ Age.
++ Date of Birth.
++ Gender.
++ Date of admission to anchor
++ Date of discharge from anchor
++ Date of eligible THA/TKA
++ Medicare Health Insurance Claim
—PROMIS Global (all items).
++ VR–12 (all items).
—For TKA patients, Knee injury and
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
(KOOS 78) (all items).
—For THA patients, Hip disability and
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
(HOOS 79) (all items).
Finally, we note that as the measure
continues to undergo development that
the list of data elements may be
simplified. As stated earlier in this
section entitled Data Sources, we intend
identify a uniform set of provider- and
patient-level data elements that are
accurate, valid and reliable pieces of
information that can be used in the
determination of improvement in
various patient-reported outcomes like
those previously listed (that is, pain,
mobility, and quality of life). We
anticipate, via public comment and
experience with the voluntary data
submission, that the set of data elements
listed previously will be simplified.
In accordance with, and to the extent
permitted by, the HIPAA Privacy Rule
and other applicable law, we propose to
request that participant hospitals submit
77 Wallace LS, Rogers ES, Roskos SE., Holiday
DB, Weiss BD. Screening items to identify patients
with limited health literacy skills. J Gen Intern Med.
78 Roos EM, Roos HP, Lohmander LS, Ekdahl C,
Beynnon BD. Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis
Outcome Score (KOOS)—development of a selfadministered outcome measure. J Orthop Sports
Phis There. 1998 Aug;28(2):88–96.
79 What is the HOOS? Available at: https:// Accessed on April 15,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
the data specified in the request, which
we would limit to the minimum data
necessary for us to conduct quality
assessment and improvement activities.
Regarding the process for data
collection, we propose the THA/TKA
voluntary data will be submitted to and
collected by a CMS contractor in a
manner and format similar to existing
CMS data submission processes. For
example, CMS would supply applicable
hospitals with a file template and
instructions for populating the file
template with data and submitting the
data; the hospitals will populate the
template, log in to a secure portal, and
transmit the file to the appropriate CMS
contractor; the CMS contractor would
also match the submitted data to
Medicare administrative claims-based
data and calculate completeness for
determination of the reconciliation
payment as noted in section III.C.5 of
this proposed rule (or validated
subscales or abbreviated versions of
these instruments). We believe that
participation in the submission of THA/
TKA—voluntary data will provide the
minimum information we would need
that would inform us on how to
continuously improve the currently
specified measure in development.
We note that some of these data
elements are closely aligned with data
elements in e-clinical measures
submitted by eligible professionals for
the Medicare EHR Incentives Program
for Eligible Professionals. Specifically
these EHR Incentives Program measures
for eligible professionals are: (1)
Functional Status Assessment for Knee
replacement (CMS 66); and (2)
Functional Status Assessment for Hip
replacement (CMS 56). We refer
reviewers to EHR Incentives
Program 2014 Eligible Professional June
2015 zip file update at
EHRIncentivePrograms/Downloads/ for full
measure specifications. We believe it is
possible that many health IT vendors
are already certified to capture,
calculate and report these provider-level
measures of functional status on total
knee and total hip arthroplasty, and
therefore we anticipate that the
provider-level data elements that are
identical to the THA/TKA patientreported outcome voluntary data
elements previously listed may not be as
burdensome for the CCJR model
participant hospitals to voluntarily
(3) Cohort
The measure cohort(s) includes
Medicare FFS beneficiaries, aged 65
years or older, admitted to non-federal
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acute care hospitals for elective primary
THA or TKA. We would exclude from
the cohort patients with fractures and
mechanical complications or those
undergoing revision procedures. THA
and TKA patient-reported outcomes will
be assessed separately but may be
combined into a single composite
measure for reporting.
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The measure cohort inclusion criteria
are all patients undergoing elective
primary THA/TKA procedures.
Exclusion criteria will consist of
patients undergoing non-elective
procedures (that is, patients with
fractures resulting in THA/TKA), as it is
unfeasible to routinely capture preoperative patient-reported assessments
in these patients; patients with
mechanical complications of prior hip
and knee joint procedures and those
undergoing revision THA/TKA will also
be excluded, as their patient-reported
outcomes may be influenced by prior
care experiences and therefore may not
adequately represent care quality of the
hospital performing the revision
(5) Outcome
The measure will assess change
between pre- and post-operative patientreported outcomes for THA and TKA
separately or as a composite measure for
both procedures. The measure will use
one or more of the following patientreported outcome instruments (or
validated subscales or abbreviated
versions of these instruments) to
calculate the measure score: the Patient
Reported Outcomes Measurement
Information Systems (PROMIS)-Global
or the Veterans Rand 12 Item Health
Survey (VR–12), and the Hip
dysfunction and Osteoarthritis Outcome
Score/Knee injury and Osteoarthritis
Outcome Score (HOOS/KOOS)
instruments to measure pre- and
postoperative improvement or both.
These candidate instruments were
selected by a Technical Expert Panel
based upon their meaningfulness to
patients and clinicians, performance
characteristics such as reliability,
responsiveness and validity, and their
perceived burden to both patients and
providers. The pre-operative data
collection timeframe will be 90 to 0
days before surgery, and the postoperative data collection timeframe will
be 270 to 365 days following surgery.
The approach to calculating the
improvement or worsening of patient
outcomes represented by the pre- and
postoperative patient-reported survey
results has not yet been determined, but
will use one or more surveys to define
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the improvement or worsening of
patient-reported outcomes to reliably
identify differences between hospitals of
varying performance.
(6) Risk-Adjustment (If Applicable)
We note that the measure’s risk model
has yet to be developed. In order to
develop the risk model, final risk
variable selection for the risk model will
involve empirical testing of candidate
risk variables as well as consideration of
the feasibility and reliability of each
variable. The risk model will account
for the hospital level response rate as
well as measureable patient-level factors
relevant to patient-reported outcomes
following elective THA/TKA
procedures. To the extent feasible, the
risk model methodology will adhere to
established statistical
(7) Calculating the Risk-Standardized
We note that the approach to
reporting this measure(s) has yet to be
developed. The measure will assess
change in patient-reported outcomes
between the pre-operative (90 to 0 days
prior to the elective primary THA/TKA
procedure) and post-operative (270–365
days following the elective primary
THA/TKA procedure) periods.
We invite public comments on this
proposal to seek voluntary participation
in submitting data for a Hospital-Level
Performance Measure of PatientReported Outcomes Following Elective
Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty. We also welcome
comments on the appropriateness of this
voluntary data collection for this model
and the specific data collection
requirements (see section III.D.3.a.(9) of
this proposed rule) and data elements
(8) Performance Period
We propose defining performance
periods for each year of the model as
outlined in Table 16. A performance
period for the voluntary THA/TKA data
submission, are those timeframes in
which an anchor hospital admission
occurs for eligible THA/TKA voluntary
data submission procedure. For the first
year of the CCJR model, hospitals
voluntarily submitting data will only be
80 Ash AS, Fiengerg SE., Louis TA, Normand ST,
Commissioned by the Committee of Presidents of
Statistical Societies. Original report submitted to
CMS on November 28, 2011, Revised on January 27,
2012. Available at:
HospitalQualityInits/Downloads/Statistical-Issuesin-Assessing-Hospital-Performance.pdf. Accessed
on April 15, 2015.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asked to submit data for a 3-month
period. The 3-month period for
THA/TKA voluntary data reporting was
identified due to data processing and
coordination of other proposed
timelines in this model. Data submitted
for the first year would be for cases that
fulfill the measure specifications
described in section III.D.3.a. of this
proposed rule, and would be restricted
to the pre-operative data elements on
cases performed between April 1, 2016
and June 30, 2016. The proposed timing
allows matching of the patient-reported
data with relevant administrative
claims-based data in order to accurately
calculate the percent of eligible elective
primary THA/TKA patients for which
THA/TKA voluntary data was
successfully submitted. The April 1st
date acknowledges the measure
requirement of the 90-day window prior
to surgery during which hospitals can
collect pre-operative data. The June 30th
end date was selected because it
correlates with the THA/TKA
readmission measure performance
period end date currently implemented
for the HIQR program and the HRRP.
Both of these dates provide the greatest
feasibility for data collection.
For year 2, THA/TKA voluntary data
reporting would be 3 months of postoperative data for cases performed
between April 1, 2016 and June 30,
2016, and 12 months of pre-operative
data for cases performed between July 1,
2016 and June 30, 2017.
For year 3 and subsequent years of the
model, the performance periods for
submission of voluntary data will
consist of 12-month time periods.
model year
Performance period
Patient population eligible for THA/TKA voluntary
data submission
Requirements for successful THA/TKA voluntary
data submission *
Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between April 1, 2016 and June 30,
Submit POST-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between April 1, 2016 and June 30,
Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2016 and June 30,
Submit POST-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2016 and June 30,
Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2017 and June 30,
Submit POST-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2017 and June 30,
Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2018 and June 30,
Submit POST-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2018 and June 30,
Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2019 and June 30,
Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between April 1, 2016 and June 30,
1. Submit POST-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures performed between April 1, 2016 and
June 30, 2016.
2. Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2016 and June 30,
1. Submit POST-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures performed between July 1, 2016 and
June 30, 2017.
April 1, 2016 through
June 30, 2016.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between April 1, 2016
and June 30, 2016.
2017 ...........
April 1, 2016 through
June 30, 2016.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between April 1, 2016
and June 30, 2016.
2017 ...........
July 1, 2016 through
June 30, 2017.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2016
and June 30, 2017.
2018 ...........
July 1, 2016 through
June 30, 2017.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2016
and June 30, 2017.
2018 ...........
July 1, 2017 through
June 30, 2018.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2017
and June 30, 2018.
2019 ...........
July 1, 2017 through
June 30, 2018.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2017
and June 30, 2018.
2019 ...........
July 1, 2018 through
June 30, 2019.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2018
and June 30, 2019.
2020 ...........
July 1, 2018 through
June 30, 2019.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2018
and June 30, 2019.
2020 ...........
July 1, 2019 through
June 30, 2020.
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2019
and June 30, 2020.
2016 ...........
3 months ........................
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between April 1, 2016
and June 30, 2016.
2017 ...........
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
2016 ...........
15 months ......................
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between April 1, 2016
and June 30, 2017.
2018 ...........
24 months ......................
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2016
and June 30, 2018.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
model year
Performance period
Patient population eligible for THA/TKA voluntary
data submission
2019 ...........
24 months ......................
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2017
and June 30, 2019.
2020 ...........
24 months ......................
All patients undergoing elective primary THA/TKA
procedures performed between July 1, 2018
and June 30, 2020.
Requirements for successful THA/TKA voluntary
data submission *
2. Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2017 and June 30,
1. Submit POST-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures performed between July 1, 2017 and
June 30, 2018.
2. Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2018 and June 30,
1. Submit POST-operative data on primary elective THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures performed between July 1, 2018 and
June 30, 2019.
2. Submit PRE-operative data on primary elective
THA/TKA procedures for ≥80% of procedures
performed between July 1, 2019 and June 30,
* Requirements for determining successful submission of THA/TKA voluntary data are located in section III.D.3.a.(9) of this proposed rule.
The proposed performance period
enables hospitals to receive incentives
for data collection starting in
performance year-one, even though
complete pre-operative and postoperative data collection requires a
minimum 9 through 12 month time
period. This 9 through 12 month time
period, between the procedure and postoperative data collection, was defined
through clinician and stakeholder input
and provides for both sufficient elapsed
time for maximum clinical benefit of
THA/TKA procedures on patientreported outcomes and accommodates
common clinical care patterns in which
THA/TKA patients return to their
surgeon one year after surgery. We
invite public comments on our proposal
of defining performance year-one
episodes for a participating hospital as
an anchor hospital admission for an
eligible THA/TKA procedure between
April 1, 2016 and June 30, 2016, with
subsequent year performance time
periods each being 12-month periods
and starting every July 1st.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(9) Requirements for ‘‘Successful’’
Submission of THA/TKA Voluntary
In order for CMS to assess if
participant hospitals are eligible for
reconciliation payment after receiving
the THA/TKA voluntary data,
requirements to determine if the
submitted data will inform measure
development have been identified. We
believe that the following criteria
should be used to determine if a
participant hospital has successfully
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submitted THA/TKA voluntary data. We
note that successful THA/TKA
voluntary data submission, as stated
briefly in section III.C.5. of this
proposed rule, requires completion of
all of the following:
• Submission of the data elements
listed in section III.D.3.a.(2).of this
proposed rule.
• Data elements listed in section
III.D.3.a.(2) of this proposed rule must
be submitted on at least 80 percent of
their eligible elective primary THA/TKA
patients (as described in section
III.D.3.a.(3) of this proposed rule).
• THA/TKA voluntary data
submission must occur within 60 days
of the end of the most recent data
collection period.
To fulfill THA/TKA voluntary data
collection criteria for performance yearone, only pre-operative data collection
and submission on at least 80 percent of
eligible elective primary THA/TKA
patients is required. To successfully
submit THA/TKA voluntary data for
performance years 2 through 5,
hospitals must submit both preoperative and post-operative patient
reported outcome data on at least 80
percent of eligible elective primary
THA/TKA patients. A potential example
of the performance periods for which
we would like to have THA/TKA
voluntary data is summarized in section
III.D.3.a.of this proposed rule.
Table 16 also summarizes the
performance periods for pre-operative
and post-operative THA/TKA voluntary
data. Finally, hospitals volunteering to
submit THA/TKA data will be required
to submit pre-operative data on all
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eligible patients and post-operative data
elements only on those patients at least
366 days out from surgery. Therefore,
hospitals are not expected to collect and
submit post-operative THA/TKA
voluntary data on patients who are
fewer than 366 days from the date of
We previously described a THA/TKA
eligible patient in section III.D.3.a.(2) of
this proposed rule. This description is
important as these patients are those in
which we seek submission of voluntary
data. We also selected the requirement
of submitting 80 percent of eligible
elective primary THA/TKA patients’
data because this volume of cases will
result in a high probability that we will
have a have a national sample of
THA/TKA patient data representative of
each hospital’s patient case mix. Having
80 percent of the eligible elective
primary THA/TKA patients will enable
an accurate and reliable assessment of
patient-reported outcomes for use in
measure development. We note that
data used for outcome measure
development must adequately represent
the population that is anticipated to be
measured and in this case that
population would be those experiencing
elective primary THA/TKA inpatient
surgical procedures. Data that more
accurately reflects the patient outcomes
and case mix of the population to be
measured will allow, during measure
development, a more scientifically
accurate and reliable measure. Having
80 percent of eligible elective primary
THA/TKA recipient data will result in
a more reliable measure that is better
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
able to assess hospital performance than
a measure created from a less
representative patient sample.
Furthermore, we considered setting the
requirement at 100 percent of the
eligible elective primary THA/TKA
patients, but concluded that a
requirement of 100 percent data
collection may not be feasible for all
hospitals or may be excessively
burdensome to achieve. Therefore we
set the requirement at 80 percent of the
eligible elective primary THA/TKA
patients. We believe acquisition of 80
percent of the eligible elective primary
THA/TKA patients will provide
representative data for measure
development while decreasing patient,
provider and hospital burden. We seek
public comment of these requirements
to determine successful voluntary
submission of THA/TKA data. We also
seek public comment specifically on the
requirement for data on 80 percent of
the eligible elective primary THA/TKA
b. Measure That Captures Shared
Decision-Making Related to Elective
Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee
In addition to the patient-reported
functional status outcomes, we note that
shared-decision making is an important
aspect of care around elective
procedures such as primary total hip
and total knee arthroplasty. We also
note that lower episode expenditures
achieved through improved efficiency
may yield the unintended consequence
of a compensatory increase in the
number of episodes initiated. Use of
shared decision-making prior to episode
initiation can serve as an important tool
to ensure appropriate care. Though
there are no developed measures, we
seek feedback on the opportunity to
capture quality data related to shared
decision-making between patients and
providers. Examples of such a measure
could include concepts such as a trial of
conservative medical therapy prior to
elective procedures or broader shared
decision-making measures. We invite
public comment on whether such a
measure concept would be appropriate
for the CCJR model. If we develop a
measure that captures shared decisionmaking related to elective primary total
hip and total knee arthroplasty or both,
we would propose through rulemaking
or other means to add that measure to
the CCJR model.
c. Future Measures Around Care
The person-centered shared care plan
is an important tool that can help
providers across settings collaborate
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around a customized plan that reflects
a patient’s goals and offers providers
critical information about all of the
treatment a beneficiary has received.
Health IT solutions are increasingly
supporting the exchange of care plan
information across settings so that
providers and individuals have access
to necessary information whenever and
wherever it is needed. In the 2015
Edition of certification criteria for health
information technology (80 FR 16842)
the Office of the National Coordinator
for Health Information Technology
(ONC) has proposed the adoption of a
new criterion to ensure health IT can
capture, display, and exchange a robust
care plan document in accordance with
new standards released in the
Consolidated Clinical Document
Architecture Release 2. While further
measure development is needed, we are
seeking comment on the
appropriateness of a future quality
measure which would assess the use of
shared care plans in the care of
beneficiaries participating in the CCJR
d. Future Measures for Use of Health IT
and Health Information Exchange
We believe the use of health IT tools
is a critical component of effective
coordination across settings of care.
Under bundled payment models, in
which providers across the continuum
of care share accountability for the
clinical management and total cost of an
episode of care, the capacity to share
information electronically across
disparate provider systems is essential
for delivering efficient, safe, high
quality care. As discussed in the August
2013 Statement ‘‘Principles and
Strategies for Accelerating Health
Information Exchange’’ (available at
strategy.pdf), we believe that all
individuals, their families, their
healthcare and social service providers,
and payers should have consistent and
timely access to health information in a
standardized format that can be securely
exchanged between the patient,
providers, and others involved in the
individual’s care. ONC has released a
draft document entitled ‘‘Connecting
Health and Care for the Nation: A
Shared Nationwide Interoperability
Roadmap’’ (available at https://
nationwide-interoperability-roadmapdraft-version-1.0.pdf), which describes
barriers to interoperability across the
current health IT landscape, the desired
future state that will be necessary
according to the industry to enable a
learning health system, and a suggested
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path for moving forward. ONC will
focus on actions that will enable a
majority of individuals and providers
across the care continuum to send,
receive, find and use a common set of
electronic clinical information at the
nationwide level by the end of 2017.
Under section 1833(z)(3)(D)(i)(I) of the
Act, as amended by section 101(e) of the
Medicare Access and CHIP
Reauthorization Act, providers
participating in qualifying alternative
payment models under Medicare will be
required to use certified EHR technology
beginning in 2019. As this date
approaches, we believe it will be
important for providers working in
these models to demonstrate adoption of
health information technology.
We believe that use of certified health
IT tools and the interoperable exchange
of health information is a critical
capability for CCJR model participants
to be able to deliver the high-quality
care and effective coordination across
settings that will be required to
demonstrate success under the model.
Moreover, we believe that it will be
important to incentivize adoption and
use of these enabling technologies
among model participants including
post-acute care providers, by linking
these activities to participant eligibility
to receive reconciliation payments.
While we are not proposing to add a
measure for certified health IT use for
the program’s initial performance year,
we are seeking comment on how we
might incorporate such a measure
beginning in the 2017 performance year.
We invite stakeholder comment on the
following questions:
• Is successful attestation as part of
the EHR Incentive Program for Medicare
hospitals tin he applicable reporting
year the most appropriate quality
measure for assessing hospital
performance on the use of health IT and
interoperable health information in the
CCJR model?
• Should the model include a
performance measure that would be
specific to the ability of hospitals to
conduct electronic care coordination
using certified health IT, for instance,
the measure of transitions of care which
hospitals currently report on as part of
the EHR Incentives Program for
Medicare Hospitals?
• What other measures could be used
to assess hospital performance on the
use of health IT and interoperable
health information while minimizing
program and provider collection and
reporting burden?
We seek public comments on how we
might incorporate an electronic measure
beginning in the 2017 performance year,
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
and public comments on the questions
posed previously in this rule.
We also seek public comment on the
appropriateness of quality measures for
post-acute care patients, physicians and
facilities that care for THA/TKA surgical
procedure patients.
4. Form, Manner and Timing of Quality
Measure Data Submission
We believe it is important to be
transparent and to outline the form,
manner and timing of quality measure
data submission so that accurate
measure results are provided to
hospitals, and that timely and accurate
calculation of measure results are
consistently produced to determine
annual reconciliation payment.
We propose that data submission for
Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized
Complication Rate (RSCR) Following
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
(THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
(TKA) (NQF #1550) and Hospital-Level
Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate
(RSRR) Following Elective Primary
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF
#1551) (or both) be accomplished
through the existing HIQR program
processes. Since these measures are
administrative claims based measures,
hospitals will not need to submit data.
We propose that the same mechanisms
used in the HIQR program to collect
HCAHPS survey measure data also be
used in the CCJR model (79 FR 50259).
For the hospitals that voluntarily submit
data for the THA/TKA patient-reported
outcome-based performance measure we
anticipate, if it is technically feasible,
for data submission processes to be
broadly similar to those summarized for
the HIQR program for chart abstracted
and administrative claims based
measures. We would create a template
for hospitals to complete with the THA/
TKA voluntary data, provide a secure
portal for data submission, and provide
education and outreach on how to use
these mechanisms for data collection
and where to submit the THA/TKA
voluntary data. We describe potential
processes for voluntary data collection
in section III.D.3.a.(2) of this proposed
rule, Data Sources. These processes are
broadly similar to those used by the
HIQR program.
We invite public comment on the
proposal to collect quality measure data
through mechanisms similar to those
used in the Hospital IQR program.
5. Proposed Display of Quality Measures
and Availability of Information for the
Public From the CCJR Model
We believe display of quality data is
an important way to educate the public
on hospital performance. We have used
several methods to report quality data to
the public, including posting data on
the Hospital Compare Web site and Data has been
available for viewing on these Web sites
and in downloadable databases since
2005, and are well-known mechanisms
for providing information to the public.
We are proposing to post data for
measures included in the CCJR model
for each participant hospital on the
Hospital Compare Web site in an easily
understood format. The applicable time
periods for the measures during the
CCJR model initiative are summarized
in Table 17.
CCJR model year
Measure title
THA/TKA Complication * ................................
THA/TKA ** Readmission ...............................
HCAHPS *** ....................................................
April 1, 2013–March
31, 2016.
July 1, 2013–June
30, 2016.
July 1, 2015–June
30, 2016.
April 1, 2014–March
31, 2017.
July 1, 2014–June
30, 2017.
July 1, 2016–June
30, 2017.
April 1, 2015–March
31, 2018.
July 1, 2015–June
30, 2018.
July 1, 2017–June
30, 2018.
April 1, 2016–March
31, 2019.
July 1, 2016–June
30, 2020.
July 1, 2018–June
30, 2019.
April 1, 2017–March
31, 2020.
July 1, 2017–June
30, 2016.
July 1, 2019–June
30, 2020.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
* Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) Following Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF
** Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate (RSRR) Following Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF
*** HCAHPS (NQF #0166) Survey.
The proposed time periods for the
THA/TKA Complications measure (NQF
#1550), and the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) are consistent
with HIQR program performance
periods for July 2017 public reporting.
The HCAHPS quality information will
be the measure results. We believe the
public is familiar with the proposed
measures, which have been publicly
reported in past releases of Hospital
Compare as part of the Hospital IQR
Program. In order to minimize
confusion and facilitate access to the
data on the measures included in the
CCJR model, we propose to post the data
on each participant hospital’s
performance on each of the 3 proposed
quality measures in a downloadable
format in a section of the Web site
specific to the CCJR model, similar to
what is done for HRRP and the HospitalAcquired Conditions Reduction
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Program. We also propose to post data
on whether or not each participant
hospital met the proposed threshold
(section III.C.5.b. of this proposed rule)
for receiving a reconciliation payment
in the same downloadable database.
In addition, we believe information
about functional status both pre- and
post-operatively is important for hip
and knee replacements. We are
developing a functional status measure
that we believe will provide this needed
information. The measure, HospitalLevel Performance Measure(s) of
Patient-Reported Outcomes Following
Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total
Knee Arthroplasty (see section III.D.3 of
this proposed rule for a detailed
description), requires comprehensive
testing before it can be used in a CMS
program. As part of the effort to collect
data on functional status voluntarily
from hospitals, we are proposing that
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hospitals that voluntarily submit data
for this measure be acknowledged
through the use of a symbol on Hospital
Compare. The data submitted
voluntarily for the functional status
measure would not be publicly reported
along with the other measures in the
We invite public comments on these
proposals to post data for mandatorily
required measures on the Hospital
Compare Web site and to acknowledge
hospitals that voluntarily submit data
for the functional status measure with
an icon on the Hospital Compare Web
Finally, in accordance with section
1115A of the Act, we are proposing
section III.D. in the new proposed part
510 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
E. Data Sharing
1. Overview
In this section, we propose to provide
data to the hospital participants of the
CCJR model. CMS has experience with
a range of efforts designed to improve
care coordination for Medicare
beneficiaries, including the Medicare
Shared Savings Program (MSSP),
Pioneer Accountable Care Organization
(ACO) Model, and BPCI, all of which
make certain data available to
participants. The CCJR model proposes
in section III.C.2. of this proposed rule
to financially incentivize hospitals,
through retrospective bundled
payments, to engage in care redesign
efforts to improve quality of care and
reduce spending for the aggregate Part A
and B FFS (FFS) spending for
beneficiaries included in the model
during the inpatient hospitalization and
90 days post-discharge. Given this, we
believe it is necessary to provide
historical and ongoing claims data
representing care furnished during
episodes of care for LEJRs to hospitals
so that they can, among other things,
adequately structure their care
pathways, coordinate care for
beneficiaries, and estimate acute
inpatient and post-acute spending
within LEJR episodes.
As noted previously, this would not
be the first instance in which we have
provided claims data to entities
participating in a CMS model or
program. For example, participants in
MSSP initially receive historical
aggregate information on their financial
performance as well as updated
financial data throughout their tenure in
the program. In addition, MSSP
participants receive certain beneficiaryidentifiable claims information in
accordance with our regulations (see
Medicare Program; Medicare Shared
Savings Program: Accountable Care
Organizations, 76 FR 67844 through
67849, November 2, 2011). The MSSP
regulation noted that while an ACO may
have complete information for the
services it provides or coordinates on
behalf of its FFS beneficiary population,
it may not have complete information
on a FFS beneficiary who chose to
receive services, medications or
supplies from non-ACO providers and
suppliers. Thus, we decided to provide
ACOs participating in the MSSP with an
opportunity to request CMS claims data
on the premise that more complete
beneficiary-identifiable information
would enable practitioners in an ACO to
better coordinate and target care
strategies. Recently, we noted that the
ACOs participating in the MSSP have
reported how important access to real
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time data is for providers to improve
care coordination across all sites of care,
including outpatient, acute, and postacute sites of care. Furthermore, we
noted our view that providers across the
continuum of care are essential partners
to physicians in the management of
care. (See Medicare Program: Medicare
Shared Savings Program: Accountable
Care Organizations: Proposed Rule, 79
FR 72779).
Similarly, participants in the Pioneer
ACO model can request historical
claims data of beneficiaries aligned with
the particular Pioneer ACO entity, and
the entities continue to receive certain
ongoing data regarding the services
furnished to those beneficiaries. (See In addition, we
provide BPCI participants with the
opportunity to request beneficiary-level
claims data regarding their own
patients, both for the historical period of
2009–2012 that was used to set baseline
prices for entities participating in BPCI,
as well as ongoing monthly claims feeds
containing Medicare FFS claims for
beneficiaries that could have initiated
an episode of care for that particular
BPCI participant. These monthly claims
feeds provide BPCI participants with
data for both acute and post-acute care
spending for beneficiaries that could
have initiated an episode of care at that
BPCI participant.
Based on our experience with these
efforts, we believe that providing a
similar opportunity for hospitals
participating in the CCJR model to
request data is necessary for participant
hospitals to have the relevant
information to allow for practice
changes supported by CCJR and to
identify services furnished to
beneficiaries receiving LEJRs under the
model. Specifically, providing
participant hospitals with certain claims
and summary information on
beneficiaries in accordance with
established privacy and security
protections would improve their
understanding of the totality of care
provided during an episode of care.
With this greater understanding, we
anticipate that hospitals would be better
equipped to evaluate their practice
patterns and actively manage care
delivery so that care for beneficiaries is
better coordinated, quality and
efficiency are improved, and payments
aligned more appropriately to the
medically necessary services
beneficiaries have a right to receive. We
also expect that providing this data to
CCJR participants will benefit
beneficiaries by allowing providers to
use the data to improve care
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coordination activities in areas that may
be currently lacking. However, we also
expect that CCJR hospitals are able to,
or will work toward, independently
identifying and producing their own
data, through electronic health records,
health information exchanges, or other
means that they believe are necessary to
best evaluate the health needs of their
patients, improve health outcomes, and
produce efficiencies in the provision
and use of services.
Accordingly, we believe that making
certain data available to CCJR hospitals,
as we do with ACOs participating in the
MSSP and Pioneer model, would help
them to monitor trends and make
needed adjustments in their practice
patterns. In order for CCJR participants
to understand and track their care
patterns, we propose to provide the
participants with beneficiary-level
claims data for the historical period
used to calculate a CCJR hospital’s target
price as well as ongoing quarterly
beneficiary-identifiable claims data in
response to their request for such data
in accordance with our regulations.
Given that the CCJR model also
proposes to incorporate regional pricing
in the calculation of target prices, we
also propose to provide participants
with aggregate regional data.
2. Beneficiary Claims Data
Based on our experience with BPCI
participants, we recognize that hospitals
vary with respect to the kinds of
beneficiary claims information that
would be most helpful. While many
hospitals located in MSAs that are
selected for participation in CCJR model
may have the ability to analyze raw
claims data, other hospitals may find it
more useful to have a summary of these
data. Given this, we are proposing to
make beneficiary claims information
available through two formats.
First, for participant hospitals that
lack the capacity to analyze raw claims
data, we propose to provide summary
beneficiary claims data reports on
beneficiaries’ use of health care services
during the baseline and performance
periods. These reports would allow
participant hospitals to assess summary
data on their relevant beneficiary
population without requiring
sophisticated analysis of raw claims
data. Such summary reports will
provide tools to monitor, understand,
and manage utilization and expenditure
patterns as well as to develop, target,
and implement quality improvement
programs and initiatives. For example, if
the data provided by CMS to a
particular hospital participant reflects
that a certain post-acute care (PAC)
provider admits beneficiaries who then
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
have significantly higher rates of
inpatient readmissions than the rates
experienced by other beneficiaries with
similar care needs at similarly situated
PAC providers, that may be evidence
that the hospital could consider, among
other things, the appropriateness of
discharges to that provider, whether
other alternatives might be more
appropriate, and whether there exist
certain care interventions that could be
incorporated post-discharge to lower
readmission rates.
Therefore, for both the baseline period
and on a quarterly basis during a
participant hospital’s performance
period, we are proposing to provide
participant hospitals with an
opportunity to request summary claims
data that would encompass the total
expenditures and claims for an LEJR
episode, including the procedure,
inpatient stay, and all related care
covered under Medicare Parts A and B
within the 90 days after discharge,
including hospital care, post-acute care,
and physician services for the hospital’s
beneficiaries whose anchor diagnosis at
discharge was either MS DRG 469 or
470. We propose that these summary
claims aggregate data reports would also
contain payment information, utilizing
the categories listed for each episode
triggered by a beneficiary as follows:
• Inpatient Hospital.
• Outpatient Hospital.
• Physician.
• Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCH).
• Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
• Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF).
• Home Health Agencies (HHA).
• Hospice.
• Ambulatory Surgical Center.
• Part-B Drugs.
• Durable Medical Equipment (DME).
• Clinical Laboratories.
• Ambulance.
These reports would likely include
the following:
• Information such as admission and
discharge date from the anchor
• The physician for the primary
procedure, Medicare payments during
the anchor hospitalization.
• Medicare payments during the postacute care phase.
• Medicare payments for physician
services would likely be included in
these reports.
These summary claims data would
reflect all Medicare Part A and Part B
expenditures during the 90-day
episodes, except for those claim types
noted later in this section, as well as
excluding expenditures related to those
MS–DRGs that we are proposing to be
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specifically excluded from the episode
of care, as set forth in section III.B.2. of
this proposed rule.
Alternatively, for hospitals with a
capacity to analyze raw claims data, we
would make- more detailed beneficiarylevel information available in
accordance with established privacy
and security protections. These data
would enable hospitals to better
coordinate and target care strategies for
beneficiaries included in CCJR episodes.
For example, in the BPCI initiative, we
provide participants with beneficiarylevel claims data for all Part A and Part
B services furnished to a beneficiary
treated by that BPCI participant for all
MS–DRGs included in an episode that
the participant has selected for
participation (See ‘‘Bundled Payments
for Care Improvement Initiative (BPCI):
Background on Model 2 for Prospective
Participants, page 3 at https://
These data include services furnished
by the participant, as well as services
furnished by other entities during the
30, 60, or 90-day episode. For example,
where the entity participating in BPCI is
an acute care hospital, we provide
beneficiary-level claims data for all
Medicare Part A and B services and
supplies furnished by the hospital
during the inpatient admission, as well
as all post-acute services furnished to
the beneficiary by the hospital or any
other providers or suppliers.
The response from entities
participating in BPCI has indicated that
the availability of these data is
necessary to monitor trends and
pinpoint areas where care practice
changes are appropriate, as well as
assess the cost drivers during the acute
and post-acute periods of the episode.
Thus, for the baseline period and on a
quarterly basis during a hospital’s
performance period, we propose to
provide participant hospitals with an
opportunity to request line-level claims
data for each episode that is included in
the relevant performance year, as
described in section III.C. of this
proposed rule.
For both the proposed summary
claims data and the more detailed
claims data formats, we propose that the
sets of these files would be packaged
and sent to a portal in a ‘‘flat’’ or binary
format for the individual participant
hospitals to retrieve. Furthermore, the
files would contain information on all
claims triggered by a beneficiary in a
participating CCJR hospital. Finally, we
note that beneficiary information that is
subject to the regulations governing the
confidentiality of alcohol and drug
abuse patient records (42 CFR part 2)
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would not be included in any
beneficiary identifiable claims data
shared with a hospital under our
We request comments on these
proposals as well as the kinds of data
and frequency of reports that would be
most helpful to the hospitals’ efforts in
coordinating care, improving health,
and producing efficiencies.
3. Aggregate Regional Data
Additionally, because we are
proposing to incorporate regional
pricing data in the creation of prices for
CCJR, as set forth in section III.C.4 of
this proposed rule, we believe it will
also be necessary to provide comparable
aggregate expenditure data available for
all claims associated with MS–DRGs
469 and 470 for the census region in
which the participant hospital is
located. As noted in section III.C, we are
proposing that a hospital’s target price
will be determined based on a blend of
its own historical expenditures as well
regional pricing data of all other
hospitals in its region. Thus, we are also
proposing to provide CCJR hospitals
with aggregate data on the total
expenditures during an acute inpatient
stay and 90-day post-discharge period
for all Medicare FFS beneficiaries
whose anchor diagnosis at discharge
was either MS–DRG 469 or 470 (and
would have initiated a CCJR episode if
discharged from a CCJR hospital) in
their census region. These data would
not include beneficiary-identifiable
claims data, but would provide highlevel information on the average episode
spending for MS–DRGs 469 and 470 in
the region in which the participant
hospital is located. We request
comments on these proposals as well as
the kinds of aggregate data and
frequency of data reports that would be
most helpful to the hospitals’ efforts in
coordinating care, improving health,
and producing efficiencies.
4. Timing and Period of Baseline Data
We considered various options for the
timing of providing baseline data, as
described previously, to CCJR
participant hospitals. We considered
provision of data prior to the effective
date of the model, January 1, 2016, as
well as providing data to participants at
the point of the first payment
reconciliation (described in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule). We
propose to make baseline data available
to hospitals participating in CCJR no
sooner than 60 days after January 1,
2016, the effective date of the model.
We recognize that these data are
important to the abilities of CCJR
participant hospitals to estimate costs,
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coordinate care, and identify areas for
practice transformation, and that early
release of this data can facilitate their
efforts to do so. We also anticipate that
hospitals will view the CCJR effort as
one involving continuous improvement.
As a result, changes initially
contemplated by a hospital could be
subsequently revised based on updated
information and experiences. While we
would like to be able to make data
available as soon as possible once the
program begins, we do not believe that
these baseline data must be immediately
available upon its effective date as
hospitals can begin considering
improvements that would enhance their
ability to better coordinate care and
increase efficiencies in the absence of
these data. Therefore, we propose to
begin making baseline data available to
CCJR hospitals within 60 days of CMS’
receipt of the request by the participant
hospital for such data, in a form, time,
and manner of such requests to be
determined by CMS and announced at
a later date. Requests would not be
accepted until the model has begun. We
seek comments on this proposal.
We have also considered which
period of baseline data should be shared
with hospitals, for example, whether the
data should represent a single year, or
some longer period such as a 3-year
period or more. To be most useful, we
believe the baseline information should
be recent enough to reflect current
practices yet of a sufficient duration to
reflect trends in those recent practices.
For example, 1 year of data would likely
reflect a hospital’s most current
practices, but would not be helpful for
purposes of identifying trends. In
contrast, 3 years of data could both
reflect a hospital’s most recent
performance and recent performance
trends. Moreover, making data available
for a 3-year period aligns with our
proposal to set a target price based on
a 3-year period of baseline data, which
is a factor in assessing CCJR hospitals’
performance (see section III.C). If a
hospital has access to baseline data for
the 3-year period used to set its target
price, then it would be able to assess its
practice patterns, identify cost drivers,
and ultimately redesign its care
practices to improve efficiency and
We alternatively considered making
data available for an even longer
historical period—for example, 4 or 5
years. However, we question the
usefulness of information that is older
than 3 years for purposes of changes
contemplated for current operations.
Accordingly, we are proposing to make
available baseline data for up to a 3-year
period. We will limit the content of this
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data set to the minimum data necessary
for the participant hospital to conduct
quality assessment and improvement
activities and effectively coordinate care
of its patient population. This period
would encompass up to the 3 most
recent years for which claims data are
available for the hospital and would
align with the baseline period we
propose to utilize to establish target
prices, as noted previously. We seek
comments on our proposal and invite
comments on alternative time periods
that could better help hospitals evaluate
their practice patterns and actively
manage care delivery so that care is
better coordinated, quality and
efficiency are improved, and costs are
better controlled.
5. Frequency and Period of Claims Data
Updates for Sharing BeneficiaryIdentifiable Claims Data During the
Performance Period
The availability of periodically
updated beneficiary-identifiable claims
data would assist hospitals participating
in CCJR to identify areas where they
might wish to change their care practice
patterns, as well as monitor the effects
of any such changes. With respect to
these purposes, we have considered
what would be the most appropriate
period for making updated claims
information available to hospitals, while
complying with the HIPAA Privacy
Rule’s ‘‘minimum necessary’’ provisions
standard. We believe that quarterly
claims data updates align with a 90-day
episode window. Moreover, as a larger
episode window would be included, the
claims data would be more
representative of total costs and hence
more useful to hospitals as they
consider long-term practice changes.
Accordingly, we are proposing to make
updated claims data available to
hospitals upon receipt of a request for
such information that meets CMS’s
requirements to ensure the applicable
HIPAA conditions for disclosure have
been met, as frequently as on a quarterly
basis. We seek comments on this
Related to this is the period of claims
that would be represented in each
update. For example, we considered
limiting this period to 3 months of data,
which aligns with the frequency with
which we would make updated claims
data available. However, other than this
alignment, we do not see additional
reasons for artificially limiting the
period to this extent. Alternatively, we
considered providing an updated
dataset as frequently as each quarter that
would include data from up to the
previous 6 quarters. We believe that this
level of cumulative data would offer
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more complete information and allow
better trend comparisons.
Accordingly, we propose to make
beneficiary-identifiable and aggregate
claims data available that would
represent up to 6 quarters of information
upon receipt of a request for such
information that meets the requirements
of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. We would
note that we intend for the data for this
model to be consistent with the
performance year (January 1 through
December 31). To accomplish this for
the first year of CCJR (2016), we would
provide, upon request and in
accordance with the HIPAA Privacy
Rule, claims data from January 1, 2016
to June 30, 2017 on as frequently as a
running quarterly basis, as claims are
available. For each quarter and
extending through June 30, 2017,
participants would receive data for up
to the current quarter and all of the
previous quarters going back to January
1, 2016. These datasets would contain
all claims for all potential episodes that
were initiated in 2016 and capture a
sufficient amount of time for relevant
claims to have been processed. We will
limit the content of this data set to the
minimum data necessary for the
participating hospital to conduct quality
assessment and improvement activities
and effectively coordinate care of its
patient population. We seek comment
on our proposal.
6. Legal Permission To Share
Beneficiary-Identifiable Data
We recognize that there are a number
of issues and sensitivities surrounding
the disclosure of beneficiary-identifiable
health information, and note that a
number of laws place constraints on
sharing individually identifiable health
information. For example, section 1106
of the Act bars the disclosure of
information collected under the Act
without consent unless a law (statute or
regulation) permits for the disclosure. In
this instance, the HIPAA Privacy Rule
permits this proposed disclosure of
individually identifiable health
information by us.
In this proposed rule, we are
proposing to make participant hospitals
financially responsible for services that
may have occurred outside of the
hospital during the 90-day postdischarge period. Although we expect
hospitals to be actively engaged in postdischarge planning and other care
during the 90-day post-discharge period
for beneficiaries receiving LEJRs, as
discussed in section III.A. of this
proposed rule, we believe it is necessary
for the purposes of the CCJR—JR model
to provide participant hospitals with
beneficiary-level claims data, either in
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summary or line-level claim formats for
a 3-year historical period as well as on
a quarterly basis during the performance
period. We believe that these data
constitute the minimum information
necessary to enable the participant
hospital to understand spending
patterns during the episode,
appropriately coordinate care, and target
care strategies toward individual
beneficiaries furnished care by the
participant hospital and other providers
and suppliers.
Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule,
covered entities (defined as health care
plans, providers that conduct covered
transactions, including hospitals, and
health care clearinghouses) are barred
from using or disclosing individually
identifiable health information (called
‘‘protected health information’’ or PHI)
in a manner that is not explicitly
permitted or required under the HIPAA
Privacy Rule.
The Medicare FFS program, a ‘‘health
plan’’ function of the Department, is
subject to the HIPAA Privacy Rule
limitations on the disclosure of PHI. The
hospitals and other Medicare providers
and suppliers are also covered entities,
provided they are health care providers
as defined by 45 CFR 160.103 and they
conduct (or someone on their behalf
conducts) one or more HIPAA standard
transactions electronically, such as for
claims transactions. In light of these
relationships, we believe that the
proposed disclosure of the beneficiary
claims data for an acute inpatient stay
plus 90-day post-discharge episode
where the anchor diagnosis at discharge
was MS–DRG 469 or 470 would be
permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule
under the provisions that permit
disclosures of PHI for ‘‘health care
operations’’ purposes. Under those
provisions, a covered entity is permitted
to disclose PHI to another covered entity
for the recipient’s health care operations
purposes if both covered entities have or
had a relationship with the subject of
the PHI to be disclosed, the PHI pertains
to that relationship, and the recipient
will use the PHI for a ‘‘health care
operations’’ function that falls within
the first two paragraphs of the definition
of ‘‘health care operations’’ in the
HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR
The first paragraph of the definition of
health care operations includes
‘‘conducting quality assessment and
improvement activities, including
outcomes evaluation and development
of clinical guidelines,’’ and
‘‘population-based activities relating to
improving health or reducing health
costs, protocol development, case
management and care coordination’’
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(45 CFR 164.501). Under our proposal,
hospitals would be using the data on
their patients to evaluate the
performance of the hospital and other
providers and suppliers that furnished
services to the patient, conduct quality
assessment and improvement activities,
and conduct population-based activities
relating to improved health for their
patients. When done by or on behalf of
a covered entity, these are covered
functions and activities that would
qualify as ‘‘health care operations’’
under the first and second paragraphs of
the definition of health care operations
at 45 CFR 164.501. Hence, as previously
discussed, we believe that this provision
is extensive enough to cover the uses we
would expect a participant hospital to
make of the beneficiary-identifiable data
and would be permissible under the
HIPAA Privacy Rule. Moreover, our
proposed disclosures would be made
only to HIPAA covered entities that
have (or had) a relationship with the
subject of the information, the
information we would disclose would
pertain to such relationship, and those
disclosures would be for purposes listed
in the first two paragraphs of the
definition of ‘‘health care operations.’’
When using or disclosing PHI, or
when requesting this information from
another covered entity, covered entities
must make ‘‘reasonable efforts to limit’’
the information that is used, disclosed
or requested the ‘‘minimum necessary’’
to accomplish the intended purpose of
the use, disclosure or request (45 CFR
164.502(b)). We believe that the
provision of the proposed data elements
listed previously would constitute the
minimum data necessary to accomplish
the CCJR model goals of the participant
The Privacy Act of 1974 also places
limits on agency data disclosures. The
Privacy Act applies when the federal
government maintains a system of
records by which information about
individuals is retrieved by use of the
individual’s personal identifiers (names,
Social Security numbers, or any other
codes or identifiers that are assigned to
the individual). The Privacy Act
prohibits disclosure of information from
a system of records to any third party
without the prior written consent of the
individual to whom the records apply (5
U.S.C. 552a(b)).
‘‘Routine uses’’ are an exception to
this general principle. A routine use is
a disclosure outside of the agency that
is compatible with the purpose for
which the data was collected. Routine
uses are established by means of a
publication in the Federal Register
about the applicable system of records
describing to whom the disclosure will
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be made and the purpose for the
disclosure. We believe that the proposed
data disclosures are consistent with the
purpose for which the data discussed in
this proposed rule was collected and
may be disclosed in accordance with the
routine uses applicable to those records.
Notwithstanding these exceptions, we
believe it would be appropriate to
provide some form of notice to Medicare
beneficiaries about sharing these data.
Based on our experiences with data
sharing in other CMS programs and
models, we propose a strategy for
notifying beneficiaries of claims data
sharing in this proposed rule, and in
order to provide meaningful beneficiary
choice over claims data sharing with the
participant hospitals in CCJR. We
considered both ‘‘opt-in’’ and ‘‘opt-out’’
options for beneficiaries with respect to
data sharing in CCJR. An opt-in method
has some advantages, particularly with
regard to the fact that consumers have
consistently expressed a desire that
their consent should be sought before
their health information may be shared
(Schneider, S. et al. ‘‘Consumer
Engagement in Developing Electronic
Health Information System.’’ Prepared
for: Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality, July 2009, at 16. Available at:
An opt-out method is used
successfully in most systems of
electronic exchange of information
because it is significantly less
burdensome on patients and providers
while still providing an opportunity for
patients to exercise control over their
data. Thus, we propose to use an ‘‘optout’’ approach to provide beneficiaries
with the opportunity to decline claims
data sharing directly through 1–800–
Medicare, rather than through the
participant hospital. We also propose to
provide advance notification to all
Medicare beneficiaries about the
opportunity to decline claims data
sharing with entities participating in
CMS programs and models through
CMS materials such as the Medicare &
You Handbook. The Handbook would
include information about the purpose
of the model, describe the opportunity
for participants to request beneficiary
identifiable claims data for health care
operations purposes, and provide
instructions on how beneficiaries may
decline claims data sharing by
contacting CMS directly through 1–800–
Medicare. The Handbook would also
contain instructions on how a
beneficiary may reverse his or her
preference to decline claims data
sharing by contacting 1–800–Medicare.
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There are several advantages to these
strategies. First, we note that 1–800–
Medicare is a communication method to
which beneficiaries have familiarity and
broad exposure. It also has the
capability for beneficiaries to use
accessible alternative or appropriate
assistive technology, if needed. While
many procedures in MS–DRGs 469 and
470 are planned in advance, some are
emergent or unplanned procedures.
Thus, asking the participant hospital to
provide advance notification to the
beneficiary, prior to the provision of
services, may be inappropriate or
impossible in certain circumstances. We
would continue to maintain a list of
beneficiaries who have declined data
sharing and ensure that their claims
information is not included in the
claims files shared with participants.
Hospitals with patient portals or Blue
Button® may have capability to garner
patient input prior to discharge through
a hospital intervention specific to
patient and care-giver education, while
also aiding the hospital to meet
reporting requirements for other CMS
programs, such as Meaningful Use
under the EHR Incentive Program for
Medicare Hospitals.
Finally, participant hospitals in CCJR
will only be allowed to request
beneficiary-identifiable claims data for
beneficiaries who: (1) Have been
furnished a billable service by the
participant hospital corresponding to
the episode definitions for CCJR; and (2)
have not chosen to opt-out of claims
data sharing. A beneficiary that chooses
to opt-out of claims data sharing is only
opting out of the data sharing portion of
the model. The decision to opt-out does
not otherwise limit CMS’ use of the
beneficiaries’ data, whether the
beneficiary can initiate an episode,
inclusion in quality measures, or
inclusion in reconciliation calculations.
Where a beneficiary chooses to opt-out
of claims data sharing, our data
contractor would maintain a list of all
HICNs that choose to opt-out of data
sharing. We would monitor whether
participant hospitals continue to request
data on beneficiaries who have opted
out of having their data shared and do
not intend to make such data available
in response to a CCJR such hospitals’
We request comments on our
proposals related to the provision of
both aggregate and beneficiaryidentifiable data to participant hospitals
in CCJR. We are particularly interested
in comments on the kinds and
frequency of data that would be useful
to hospitals, potential privacy and
security issues, the implications for
sharing protected health information
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with hospitals, and the use of a
beneficiary opt-out, as opposed to an
opt-in, to obtain beneficiary consent to
the sharing of their information. We also
request comment on whether it would
be helpful to provide any such system
of notices, since Medicare claims
information and other electronic
information is already routinely shared
for many other purposes among health
care providers and insurers, and
generally is subject to HIPAA
protections. We also propose where
available, the exchange of CMS
beneficiary data with the local
electronic health information exchange,
a system that allows doctors, nurses,
pharmacists, other health care providers
and patients to appropriately access and
securely share a patient’s vital medical
information electronically in order to
facilitate the hospitals ability to share
timely patient data supporting improved
patient referral, access, and care
coordination across varied service
F. Monitoring and Beneficiary
1. Introduction and Summary
We are proposing the CCJR model as
we believe it is an opportunity to
improve the quality of care and that the
policies of the model support making
care more easily accessible to
consumers when and where they need
it, increasing consumer engagement and
thereby informing consumer choices.
For example, under this model we are
proposing certain waivers which would
offer participant hospitals additional
flexibilities with respect to furnishing
telehealth services, post-discharge home
visits, and care in skilled nursing
facilities, as discussed in section III.C.11
of this proposed rule. We believe that
this model will improve beneficiary
access and outcomes. Conversely, we do
note that these same opportunities
could be used to try to steer
beneficiaries into lower cost services
without an appropriate emphasis on
maintaining or increasing quality. We
direct readers to sections III.C.5 and
III.D. of this proposed rule for
discussion of the methodology for
incorporating quality into the payment
structure and the measures utilized for
this model.
We believe that existing Medicare
provisions can be effective in protecting
beneficiary freedom of choice and
access to appropriate care under the
CCJR model. However, because the CCJR
model is designed to promote
efficiencies in the delivery of all care
associated with lower extremity joint
replacement procedures, providers may
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seek greater control over the continuum
of care and, in some cases, could
attempt to direct beneficiaries into care
pathways that save money at the
expense of beneficiary choice or even
beneficiary outcomes. As such, we
acknowledge that some additional
safeguards may be necessary under the
CCJR model as providers are
simultaneously seeking opportunities to
decrease costs and utilization. We
believe that it is important to consider
any possibility of adverse consequences
to patients and to ensure that sufficient
controls are in place to protect Medicare
beneficiaries receiving lower extremity
joint replacement related services under
the CCJR model.
2. Beneficiary Choice and Beneficiary
Because we have proposed that
hospitals in selected geographic areas
will be required to participate in the
model, individual beneficiaries will not
be able to opt out of the CCJR model
when they receive care from a
participant hospital in the model. We do
not believe that it is appropriate or
consistent with other Medicare
programs to allow patients to opt out of
a payment system that is unique to a
particular geographic area. For example,
the state of Maryland has a unique
payment system under Medicare, but
that payment system does not create an
alternative care delivery system, nor
does it in any way impact beneficiary
decisions. Moreover, we do not believe
that an ability to opt out of a payment
system is a factor in upholding
beneficiary choice or is otherwise
advantageous to beneficiaries or even
germane to beneficiary decisions given
that this model does not increase
beneficiary cost-sharing. We also believe
that full notification and disclosure of
the payment model and its possible
implications is critical for beneficiary
understanding and protection. However,
it is important to create safeguards for
beneficiaries to ensure that care
recommendations are based on clinical
needs and not inappropriate cost
savings. It is also important for
beneficiaries to know that they can raise
any concerns with their physicians,
with 1–800–Medicare, or with their
local Quality Improvement
This proposed payment model does
not limit the ability to choose among
Medicare providers or the range of
services available to the beneficiary.
Beneficiaries may continue to choose
any Medicare participating provider, or
any provider who has opted out of
Medicare, with the same costs,
copayments and responsibilities as they
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have with other Medicare services.
Although the proposed model would
allow participant hospitals to enter into
CCJR Sharing Arrangements with
certain providers and these preferred
providers may be recommended to
beneficiaries as long as those
recommendations are made within the
constraints of current law, hospitals
may not restrict beneficiaries to any list
of preferred or recommended providers
that surpass any restrictions that already
exist under current statutes and
regulations. Moreover, hospitals may
not charge any CCJR collaborator a fee
to be included on any list of preferred
providers or suppliers, nor may the
hospital accept such payments, which
would be considered to be outside the
realm of risk-sharing agreements. Thus,
this proposed payment model does not
create any restriction of beneficiary
freedom to choose providers, including
surgeons, hospitals, post-acute care or
any other providers or suppliers.
Moreover, as participant hospitals
redesign care pathways, it may be
difficult for providers to sort individuals
based on health care insurance and to
treat them differently. We anticipate
that care pathway redesign occurring in
response to the model will increase
coordination of care, improve the
quality of care, and decrease cost for all
patients, not just for Medicare
beneficiaries. This anticipated change in
the delivery of care to all patients may
further promote consistent treatment of
all beneficiaries.
We believe that beneficiary
notification and engagement is essential
because there will be a change in the
way participating hospitals are paid. We
believe that appropriate beneficiary
notification should explain the model,
advise patients of both their clinical
needs and their care delivery choices,
and should clearly specify that any nonhospital provider holding a risk-sharing
agreement with the hospital should be
identified to the beneficiary as a
‘‘financial partner of the hospital for the
purposes of LEJR services.’’ These
policies seek to enhance beneficiaries’
understanding of their care, improve
their ability to share in the decisionmaking, and ensure that they have the
opportunity to consider competing
benefits even as they are presented with
cost-saving recommendations. We
believe that appropriate beneficiary
notification should do all of the
• Explain the model and how it will
or will not impact their care.
• Inform patients that they retain
freedom of choice to choose providers
and services.
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• Explain how patients can access
care records and claims data through an
available patient portal and through
sharing access to care-givers to their
Blue Button® electronic health
• Advise patients that all standard
Medicare beneficiary protections remain
in place.
These include the ability to report
concerns of substandard care to Quality
Improvement Organizations (QIO) and
After carefully considering the
appropriate timing and circumstances
for the necessary beneficiary
notification, we are proposing that
participating hospitals must require all
providers and suppliers who execute a
CCJR Sharing Arrangement with a
participant hospital to share certain
notification materials, to be developed
or approved by CMS, that detail this
proposed payment model before they
order an admission for joint
replacement for a Medicare FFS patient
who would be included under the
model. Participant hospitals must
require this notification as a condition
of any CCJR Sharing Arrangement.
Where a participant hospital does not
have CCJR Sharing Arrangements with
providers or suppliers that furnish
services to beneficiaries during a CCJR
episode of care, or where the admission
for joint replacement for a Medicare FFS
patient who would be included under
the model was ordered by a physician
who does not have a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement, the beneficiary
notification materials must be provided
to the beneficiary by the participant
hospital. The purpose of this proposed
policy is to ensure that all beneficiaries
that initiate a CCJR episode receive the
beneficiary notification materials, and
that they receive such materials as early
as possible. We believe that this
proposal targets beneficiaries for whom
information is relevant, and increases
the likelihood that patients will become
engaged and seek to understand the
model and its potential impact on their
We note that beneficiaries are
accustomed to receiving similar notices
of rights and obligations from healthcare
providers prior to the start of inpatient
care. However, we also considered that
this information might be best provided
by hospitals at the point of admission
for all beneficiaries, as hospitals provide
other information concerning patient
rights and responsibilities at that time.
We invite comment on ways in which
the timing and source of beneficiary
notification could best serve the needs
of beneficiaries without creating
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unnecessary administrative work for
providers. We believe that this
notification is an important safeguard to
help ensure that beneficiaries in the
model receive all medically necessary
services, but it is also an important
clinical opportunity to better engage
beneficiaries in defining their goals and
preferences as they share in the
planning of their care.
3. Monitoring for Access to Care
Given that participant hospitals
would receive a reconciliation payment
when they are able to reduce average
costs per case and meet quality
thresholds, they could have an incentive
to avoid complex, high cost cases by
referring them to nearby facilities or
specialty referral centers. We intend to
monitor the claims data from participant
hospitals—for example, to compare a
hospital’s case mix relative to a premodel historical baseline to determine
whether complex patients are being
systematically excluded. We will
publish these data as part of the model
evaluation to promote transparency and
an understanding of the model’s effects.
We also propose to continue to review
and audit hospitals if we have reason to
believe that they are compromising
beneficiary access to care. For example,
where claims analysis indicates an
unusual pattern of referral to regional
hospitals located outside of the model
catchment area or a clinically
unexplained increase or decrease in
joint replacement surgery rates.
4. Monitoring for Quality of Care
As we noted previously, in any
payment system that promotes
efficiencies of care delivery, there may
be opportunities to direct patients away
from more expensive services at the
expense of outcomes and quality. We
believe that professionalism, the quality
measures in the model, and clinical
standards can be effective in preventing
beneficiaries from being denied
medically necessary care in the
inpatient setting and in post-acute care
settings during the 90 days postdischarge. Accordingly, the potential for
the denial of medically necessary care
within the CCJR model will not be
greater than that which currently exists
under IPPS. However, we also believe
that we have the authority and
responsibility to audit the medical
records and claims of participating
hospitals and their CCJR collaborators in
order to ensure that beneficiaries receive
medically necessary services. We may
also monitor arrangements between
participant hospitals and their CCJR
collaborators to ensure that such
arrangements do not result in the denial
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of medically necessary care or other
program or patient abuse. We invite
public comment on whether there are
elements of the CCJR model that would
require additional beneficiary protection
for the appropriate delivery of inpatient
care, and if so, what types of monitoring
or safeguards would be most
With respect to post-acute care, we
believe that requiring participating
hospitals to engage patients in shared
decision making is the most important
safeguard to prevent inappropriate
recommendations of lower cost care,
and that such a requirement can be best
effected by requiring hospitals to make
this a condition of any CCJR Sharing
Arrangements with practitioners who
perform these procedures. Additional
deterrents are created by the financial
accountability of the 90-day bundle,
which is sufficiently long that it
encourages the provision of high-quality
care to avoid the risk of complications
and readmissions, which would
typically occur within that time period.
Physician patterns of practice are also
constrained by clinical standards of
care, and we believe that the risk
associated with deviations from those
standards provides further deterrence to
compromising care.
We believe that these safeguards are
all enhanced by beneficiary knowledge
and engagement. Therefore, we are
proposing to require that participant
hospitals must, as part of discharge
planning, account for potential financial
bias by providing patients with a
complete list of all available post-acute
care options in the service area
consistent with medical need, including
beneficiary cost-sharing and quality
information (where available and when
applicable). We expect that the treating
surgeons or other treating practitioners,
such as physiatrists, will continue to
identify and discuss all medically
appropriate options with the
beneficiary, and that hospitals will
discuss the various facilities and
providers who are available to meet the
clinically identified needs. These
proposed requirements for CCJR
participant hospitals would supplement
the existing discharge planning
requirements under the hospital
Conditions of Participation. We also
specifically note that neither the
Conditions of Participation nor this
proposed transparency requirement
preclude hospitals from recommending
preferred providers within the
constraints created by current law, as
coordination of care and optimization of
care are important factors for successful
participation in this model. We invite
comment on this proposal, including
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additional opportunities to ensure high
quality care.
5. Monitoring for Delayed Care
This model is based in part on an
incentive for hospitals to create
efficiencies in the delivery of care
within a 90-day episode following the
joint replacement surgery. Theoretically
this basis could create incentives for
hospitals and other CCJR collaborators
involved in any CCJR Sharing
Arrangements to delay services until
after that window has closed.
We believe that existing Medicare
safeguards are sufficient to protect
beneficiaries. First, our experience with
other bundled payments such as the
BPCI initiative has shown that providers
focus on appropriate care first and
efficiencies only when those efficiencies
can be obtained in the setting of
appropriate care. We believe that a 90day post-discharge episode will
sufficiently minimize the risk that
services furnished in relation to the
beneficiary’s lower extremity joint
replacement procedure will be
necessary beyond the end of the episode
duration. To ensure that the length of
the episode duration sufficiently
minimizes the risk that any lower
extremity joint replacement related care
will not exceed the time established for
the episode, we proposed to establish a
90-day post-discharge duration. We
believe that participant hospitals would
be unlikely to postpone services beyond
a 90-day period because the
consequences of delaying care beyond
this long episode duration would be
contrary to usual standards of care.
However, we also note that additional
monitoring would occur as a function of
the payment model. We have proposed
as part of the payment definition (see
section III.C of this proposed rule) that
certain post-episode payments occurring
in the 30-day window subsequent to the
end of the 90-day episode would be
counted as an adjustment against
savings. We believe that the inclusion of
this payment adjustment would create
an additional deterrent to delaying care
beyond the episode duration. In
addition, the data collection and
calculations used to determine this
adjustment provide a mechanism to
check if providers are inappropriately
delaying care. Finally, we note that the
proposed quality measures create
additional safeguards as they are used to
monitor and influence hospital clinical
care at the institutional level.
In accordance with section 1115A of
the Act, we are proposing to codify
these proposals in regulation in the new
proposed Part 510. We invite public
comment on our proposed requirements
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for notification of beneficiaries and our
proposed methods for monitoring
participants’ actions and ensuring
compliance as well as on other methods
to ensure that beneficiaries receive high
quality, clinically appropriate care.
G. Coordination With Other Agencies
Impacts created by payment changes
under this model are entirely internal to
HHS operations; coordination with
other agencies is not required outside of
the usual coordination involved in the
publication of all HHS regulatory
IV. Evaluation Approach
A. Background
The proposed CCJR model is intended
to enable CMS to better understand the
effects of bundled payments models on
a broader range of Medicare providers
than what is currently being tested
under BPCI. Obtaining information that
is representative of a wide and diverse
group of hospitals will best inform us on
how such a payment model might
function were it to be more fully
integrated within the Medicare program.
All CMS models, which would include
the proposed CCJR model, are rigorously
evaluated on their ability to improve
quality and reduce costs. In addition,
we routinely monitor CMS models for
potential unintended consequences of
the model that run counter to the stated
objective of lowering costs without
adversely affecting quality of care.
Outlined in this proposed rule are the
proposed design and evaluation
methods, the data collection methods,
key evaluation research questions, and
the evaluation period and anticipated
reports for the proposed CCJR model.
B. Design and Evaluation Methods
Our evaluation approach for the CCJR
model will have elements in common
with the standard Innovation Center
evaluation approaches we have taken in
other projects such as the BPCI
initiative, Acute Care Episode (ACE)
Demonstration, Pioneer ACO model,
and other Innovation Center models.
Specifically, the evaluation design and
methodology for the proposed CCJR
model would be designed to allow for
a comparison of historic patterns of care
among the CCJR providers to any
changes made in these patterns in
response to the CCJR model.
Our evaluation methodology for this
model builds upon the fact that MSAs
will be selected for participation in the
model by stratified random assignment.
Due to the random assignment, we can
evaluate the effects of the model on
outcomes of interest by directly
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comparing MSAs that are randomly
selected to participate in the model to
a comparison group of MSAs that were
not randomly selected for the model
(but could have been). Randomized
evaluation designs of this kind are
widely considered the ‘‘gold standard’’
for social science and medical research
because they ensure that the systematic
differences are reduced between units
that do and do not experience an
intervention, which ensures that (on
average) differences in outcomes
between participating and nonparticipating units reflect the effect of
the intervention. In constructing the
comparison group, we are considering
whether to use a simple comparison
group that consists of all non-selected
MSAs or to instead select a comparison
group from among the non-selected
providers based on how well they match
the providers along a variety of
measurable dimensions, such as
hospital size, LEJR expenditures,
provider characteristics and market
characteristics. The latter approach is
sometimes referred to as ‘‘poststratification’’ in the literature on the
analysis of randomized experiments.
We plan to use a range of analytic
methods, including regression and other
multivariate methods appropriate to the
analysis of stratified randomized
experiments to examine each of our
measures of interest. Measures of
interest could include, for example,
quality of and access to care, utilization
patterns, expenditures, and beneficiary
experience. The evaluation would also
include rigorous qualitative analyses in
order to capture the evolving nature of
the care model interventions.
In our design, we plan to take into
account the impact of the CCJR model
at the geographic unit level, the hospital
level, and at the patient level. We are
also considering various statistical
methods to address factors that could
confound or bias our results. For
example, we would use statistical
techniques to account for clustering of
patients within hospitals and markets.
Clustering allows our evaluation to
compensate for commonalities in
beneficiary outcomes by hospitals and
by markets. Thus, in our analysis, if a
large hospital consistently has poor
performance, clustering would allow us
to still be able to detect improved
performance in the other, smaller
hospitals in a market rather than place
too much weight on the results of one
hospital and potentially lead to biased
estimates and mistaken inferences.
Finally, we plan to use various
statistical techniques to examine the
effects of the CCJR model while also
taking into account the effects of other
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ongoing interventions such as BPCI,
Pioneer ACOs, and Medicare Shared
Savings Program. For example, we are
considering additional regression
techniques to help identify and evaluate
the incremental effects of adding the
CCJR model in areas where patients and
market areas are already subject to these
other interventions as well as potential
interactions among these efforts.
C. Data Collection Methods
We are considering multiple sources
of data to evaluate the effects of the
CCJR model. We expect to base much of
our analysis on secondary data sources
such as Medicare FFS claims and
required patient assessment instruments
such as the Minimum Data Set (MDS)
collected for skilled nursing facility
stays, the Patient Assessment
Instrument for Inpatient Rehabilitation
Facility (IRF–PAI) collected for IRF
stays and the Outcome and Assessment
Information Set (OASIS) collected for
home health episodes of care. The
beneficiary claims data would provide
information such as expenditures in
total and by type of provider and service
as well as whether or not there was an
inpatient hospital readmission. The
assessment tools would provide
information on a beneficiary’s
functioning (for example, physical,
psychological and psychosocial
In conjunction with the previously
stated secondary data sources, we are
considering a CMS-administered survey
of beneficiaries who received an LEJR
during the performance period. This
survey would be administered to
beneficiaries who either had received an
LEJR under the CCJR model or were
selected as part of a control group. The
primary focus of this survey would be
to obtain information on the
beneficiary’s perception of their
functional status before and after the
LEJR as well as information on their
pain and LE joint symptoms, and
perceptions on access to care. The
administration of this beneficiary survey
would be coordinated with
administration of the HCAHPS survey
so as to not conflict with or compromise
the HCAHPS efforts. Likewise, we are
considering a survey administered by
CMS and guided interviews conducted
by CMS with providers including, but
not limited to, the orthopedic surgeons,
initiating hospitals, and PAC providers
participating furnishing services to
beneficiaries included in the CCJR
model. These surveys would provide
insight on beneficiaries’ experience
under the model and additional
information on the care redesign
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strategies undertaken by health care
In addition, we are considering CMS
evaluation contractor administered site
visits with selected hospitals and PAC
providers as well as focus groups with
a range of populations such as PAC
providers and orthopedic surgeons. We
believe that these qualitative methods
would provide contextual information
that would help us better understand
the dynamics and interactions occurring
among CCJR providers furnishing
services included within a CCJR
episode. For example, these data could
help us better understand hospitals’
intervention plans as well as how they
were implemented and what they
achieved. Moreover, in contrast to
relying on quantitative methods alone,
qualitative approaches would enable us
to view program nuances as well as
identify factors that are associated with
successful interventions and distinguish
the effects of multiple interventions that
may be occurring within participating
providers, such as simultaneous ACO
and bundled payment participation.
D. Key Evaluation Research Questions
Our evaluation would assess the
impact of the CCJR model on the aims
of improved care quality and efficiency
as well as reduced health care costs.
This would include assessments of
patient experience of care, utilization,
outcomes, Medicare expenditures,
provider costs, quality, and access. Our
key evaluation questions would include,
but are not limited to, the following:
• PAYMENT. Is there a reduction in
total Medicare expenditures in absolute
terms or for subcategories of providers
(for example, acute vs post-acute
providers, providers in certain
geographic areas, providers within
concentrated vs non-concentrated
market areas or in urban vs rural areas)?
Do the participants reduce or eliminate
variations in utilization and
expenditures or both that are not
attributable to differences in health
status? If so, how have they
accomplished these changes?
• UTILIZATION. Are there changes
in Medicare utilization patterns overall
or for specific types of providers or
services? How do these patterns
compare to historic patterns, regional
variations, and national patterns of care?
How are these patterns of changing
utilization associated with Medicare
payments, patient outcomes and general
clinical judgment of appropriate care?
either a negative or positive impact on
quality of care and patient experiences
of care or both? Did the incidence of
complications remain constant or
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decrease? Was there a change in
beneficiaries’ level of pain reduction,
functional outcomes or return to
independence under the model than
relative to appropriate comparison
groups? If so, how and for which
MARKET IMPACT. How, if at all, has
the behavior in the selected geographic
areas changed under the model? How
have the referral patterns changed and
for which type(s) of providers?
Similarly, does the model have an
impact on the number of patients with
LEJR procedures and what types of
patients are undergoing the procedure?
To what extent, if any, is this related to
gainsharing activities?
Did the CCJR model result in any
unintended consequences, including
adverse selection of patients, access
problems, cost shifting beyond the
agreed upon episode, evidence of
stinting on appropriate care, anticompetitive effects on local health care
markets, evidence of inappropriate
referrals practices? Is so, how, to what
extent, and for which beneficiaries or
was the typical patient case mix in the
participating practices and how did this
compare to regional and national patient
populations? What were the
characteristics of participating practices
and to what extent were they
representative of practices treating
Medicare FFS beneficiaries? Was the
model more successful in certain types
of markets? To what extent would the
results be able to be extrapolated to
similar markets and nationally or both?
are associated with the patterns of
results? Specifically, are the results
related to the following?
++ Characteristics of the models
including variations by year and factors
such as presence of downside risk?
++ The participating hospital’s
specific features and ability to carry out
their proposed intervention?
++ Characteristics and nature of
interaction with partner providers
including orthopedic surgeons and PAC
provider community?
++ Characteristics of the geographic
area, such as market concentration or
size of city and availability of PAC
++ Characteristics associated with the
patient populations served?
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E. Evaluation Period and Anticipated
As discussed in section III.A. of this
proposed rule, each of the selected
participants in the CCJR model would
have a 5-year performance period. The
evaluation period would encompass this
entire 5-year period and up to two years
after. We plan to evaluate the CCJR
model on an annual basis. We
recognize, however, that interim results
are subject to issues such as sample size
and random fluctuations in practice
patterns. Hence, while CMS intends to
have internal periodic summaries to
offer useful insight during the course of
the effort, a final analysis after the end
of the 5-year performance period will be
important for ultimately synthesizing
and validating results.
We seek comments on our design,
evaluation, data collection methods, and
research questions.
V. Collection of Information
As stated in section1115A(d)(3) of the
Act, Chapter 35 of title 44, United States
Code, shall not apply to the the testing
and evaluation of models under section
1115A. As a result, the information
collection requirements contained in
this proposed rule need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
VI. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public
comments we normally receive on
Federal Register documents, we are not
able to acknowledge or respond to them
individually. We will consider all
comments we receive by the date and
time specified in the DATES section of
this proposed rule, and, when we
proceed with a subsequent document(s),
we will respond to those comments in
the preamble to that document.
VII. Regulatory Impact Analysis
We have examined the impact of this
rule as required by Executive Order
12866 and other laws and Executive
Orders requiring economic analysis of
the effects of proposed rules.
A regulatory impact analysis (RIA)
must be prepared for major rules with
economically significant effects ($100
million or more in any 1 year). We
estimate that this rulemaking is
‘‘economically significant’’ as measured
by the $100 million threshold, and
hence also a major rule under the
Congressional Review Act. Accordingly,
we have prepared a RIA that, to the best
of our ability, presents the costs and
benefits of the rulemaking.
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A. Statement of Need
This proposed rule is necessary in
order to create and test a new payment
model under the authority of section
1115A of the Act that allows the
Innovation Center to test innovative
payment and service delivery models in
order to ‘‘reduce program expenditures
while preserving or enhancing the
quality of care furnished to
individuals.’’ The underlying issue
addressed by the proposed model is that
under FFS, Medicare makes separate
payments to providers and suppliers for
items and services furnished to a
beneficiary over the course of a
treatment (an episode of care). Because
the amount of payment is dependent on
the volume of services delivered, this
creates incentives for care that are
fragmented, unnecessary or duplicative,
while impeding the investment in
quality improvement or care
coordination that would maximize
patient benefit. We anticipate the
proposed model may reduce costs while
maintaining or improving quality where
the provision of ‘‘bundled services’’ in
which all the services needed for a
given episode of care are included in a
single payment arrangement that
provides incentives to promote high
quality and efficient care.
This proposed rule would create and
test the first bundled care model under
the Innovation Center authority in
which providers would be required to
participate, building on the experience
of the current voluntary BPCI and ACE
efforts. Testing the model in this
manner would also allow us to learn
more about patterns of inefficient
utilization of health care services and
how to incentivize the improvement
quality for common LEJR procedure
episodes. This learning could inform
future Medicare payment policy.
Under the proposed CCJR model,
acute care hospitals in certain selected
counties will receive retrospective
bundled payments for episodes of care
for lower extremity joint replacement or
reattachment of a lower extremity. This
proposed rule was developed based on
the experiences we gained from the
implementation of the Bundled
Payments and Care Improvement
Initiative and the Medicare Acute Care
Episode (ACE) Demonstration to test
bundled payments. We believe the
model may benefit Medicare
beneficiaries through improving the
coordination and transition of care,
improving the coordination of items and
services paid for through Medicare FFS
payments, encouraging provider
investment in infrastructure and
redesigned care processes for high
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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quality and efficient service delivery,
and incentivizing higher value care
across the inpatient and post-acute care
spectrum spanning the episode of care.
It will also provide an opportunity to
evaluate the nature and extent of
reductions in the cost of treatment by
providing financial incentives for
providers to coordinate their efforts to
provide services to meet patient needs
and prevent future costs.
As detailed in Table 18, we estimate
a total aggregate impact of $153 million
in net Medicare savings over the
proposed duration of the model, CYs
2016 through 2020, from the proposed
implementation of the CCJR model.
These estimated impacts represent the
net effect of federal transfers that reward
or penalize hospitals for improving care
while making it more efficient.
Furthermore, the proposed CCJR model
may benefit beneficiaries since the
model requires participant hospitals to
be accountable for 90-day episodes of
care for Medicare beneficiaries with a
lower extremity joint replacement,
improve the coordination of FFS items
and services, and encourage investment
in infrastructure and redesigned care
processes for high quality and efficient
service delivery that demonstrate a
dedication and focus toward patientcentered care.
Our analysis of the model’s effects
shows that this proposed rule would
trigger the threshold of ‘‘an annual effect
on the economy of $100 million or
more’’ or any of the other criteria for
significant economic effects under E.O.
12866. Accordingly it would also be a
major rule under the Congressional
Review Act, and we are required to
prepare an analysis that presents the
costs and benefits of this proposed rule.
We have prepared an analysis that
address benefits and costs that applies
to ‘‘economically significant’’ or
‘‘major’’ rules. We solicit comment on
the assumptions and analysis presented
throughout this regulatory impact
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). Section 3(f) of Executive Order
12866 defines a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ as an action that is likely to
result in a rule: (1) Having an annual
effect on the economy of $100 million
or more in any 1 year, or adversely and
materially affecting a sector of the
economy, productivity, competition,
jobs, the environment, public health or
safety, or state, local or tribal
governments or communities (also
referred to as ‘‘economically
significant’’); (2) creating a serious
inconsistency or otherwise interfering
with an action taken or planned by
another agency; (3) materially altering
the budgetary impacts of entitlement
grants, user fees, or loan programs or the
rights and obligations of recipients
thereof; or (4) raising novel legal or
policy issues arising out of legal
mandates, the President’s priorities, or
the principles set forth in the Executive
Order. As previously stated, this
proposed rule triggers these criteria.
Executive Order 13132 establishes
certain requirements that an agency
must meet when it promulgates a
proposed rule (and subsequent final
rule) that imposes substantial direct
requirement costs on state and local
governments, pre-empts state law, or
otherwise has federalism implications.
We do not believe that there is anything
in this proposed rule that either
explicitly or implicitly pre-empts any
state law, and furthermore we do not
believe that this proposed rule will have
a substantial direct effect on state or
local governments, preempt states law,
or otherwise have a federalism
B. Overall Impact
We have examined the impacts of this
proposed rule as required by Executive
Order 12866 on Regulatory Planning
and Review (September 30, 1993),
Executive Order 13563 on Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review
(January 18, 2011), the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (RFA) (September 19,
1980, Pub. L. 96–354), section 1102(b) of
the Social Security Act, section 202 of
the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
1995 (March 22, 1995; Pub. L. 104–4),
Executive Order 13132 on Federalism
(August 4, 1999) and the Congressional
Review Act (5 U.S.C. 804(2)).
C. Anticipated Effects
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1. Overall Magnitude of the Model and
Its Effects on the Market
According to Medicare FFS claims
data in FY 2014 (October 1, 2013
through September 30, 2014), there were
approximately 21,000 discharges for
MS–DRG 469 and 406,000 discharges
for MS–DRG 470 (these DRG’s cover
knee and hip replacements, respectively
with and without complications)
nationally. Based on the same data, we
estimate that the participant hospitals
cover approximately 111,000 LEJR
episodes in this model or about 25
percent of LEJR discharges nationally.
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The number of such procedures has
grown in recent years, due both to the
aging of the American population and to
advances in medical technology and
care that have made these operations
less physically burdensome on patients
and led to faster recovery times.
More uncertain are the total costs of
these procedures. The mean estimated
90-day episode payment for lower
extremity joint replacement procedures
(defined as discharges for MS–DRG 469
and MS–DRG 470) is about $26,000
based on Medicare claims data for FY
2014 where approximately 55 percent of
the spending is attributed to hospital
inpatient services, 25 percent of
spending is attributed to post-acute
services such as physical therapy (either
ambulatory and in a facility) and 20
percent to physician, outpatient hospital
and other spending.
We have proposed to apply the model
in 75 MSAs out of 196 MSAs eligible for
selection, as described previously in
this proposed rule. Based on this
proposed selection methodology, we
estimate that the model will cover about
25 percent of all lower extremity joint
replacement procedures nationally. We
estimate the model will cover about
$2.261 billion in episode spending in
2016 and $2.713 billion in episode
spending in 2020 as displayed in Table
18 later in this section. As discussed
subsequently in this analysis, this is
likely to generate approximately a net
amount of $153 million in savings to
Medicare over the entire duration of the
model. Annual reconciliation payments
for each performance year may be
greater than or less than the net change
as detailed in Table 18 later in this
section. In years 2019 and 2020 of the
proposed model, we estimate a net
change that is less than $100 million,
but with repayments that may be greater
than $100 million, which exceed the
$100 million dollar threshold for
economic significance.
There may also be spillover effects in
the non-Medicare market, or even in the
Medicare market in other areas as a
result of this model. We believe these
are likely to be small, but cannot be
certain. These issues are discussed later
in the analysis. We welcome comments
on our assumptions and calculations.
2. Effects on the Medicare Program
The proposed CCJR model is a model
involving an innovative mix of financial
incentives for quality of care and
efficiency gains within FFS Medicare
for lower extremity joint replacement
episodes. This model represents a new
approach for the Medicare FFS program
because it applies bundled payments to
hospitals that might not otherwise
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participate in Innovation Center models
or Medicare demonstrations and tests
bundled payment models for episodes
of care for LEJR procedures in multiple
geographic areas. As such, we are
interested in testing and evaluating the
impact of a bundled payment approach
for LEJR procedures in a variety of
circumstances, especially among those
providers that may not have decided to
engage in programs or models in which
Medicare makes payments differently
than Medicare FFS.
As described earlier in this proposed
rule, episodes would begin with
admission to an acute care hospital for
an LEJR procedure that is paid under
the IPPS through MS–DRG 469 or 470
and extend 90 days following discharge
from the acute care hospital. The
episode would include the LEJR
procedure, inpatient stay, and all related
care covered under Medicare Parts A
and B within the 90 days after
discharge, including hospital care, postacute care, and physician services.
Furthermore, we have proposed to
designate participant hospitals as the
episode initiators and to be financially
responsible for episode cost under the
proposed CCJR model. We propose to
require all hospitals paid under the IPPS
and physically located in selected
geographic areas to participate in the
CCJR model, with limited exceptions.
Eligible beneficiaries who receive care
at these hospitals will automatically be
included in the model. Geographic
areas, based on MSAs, are proposed to
be selected through a stratified random
sampling methodology based on the
following criteria: Historical episode
wage-adjusted payment quartiles and
population size halves. We anticipate
the proposed model may have financial
and quality of care effects on nonhospital providers that are involved in
the care of Medicare beneficiaries with
an LEJR episode, improving the
coordination of items and services paid
for through Medicare FFS, encouraging
more provider investment in
infrastructure and redesigned care
processes for higher quality and more
efficient service delivery, and
incentivizing higher value care across
the inpatient and post-acute care
spectrum spanning the episode of care.
However, the proposed model attributes
episode spending and makes the
retrospective reconciliation payment to
or repayment from the participant
hospital. Accordingly, our analysis
examines the proposed effects on
participant hospitals, as they are the
providers accountable for the episode
payment under this model.
Additionally, we have proposed to test
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CCJR for a 5-year period, beginning
January 1, 2016, and ending December
31, 2020 and our estimates cover the 5
years of the model.
As described earlier in this proposed
rule, we propose to continue paying
hospitals and other providers according
to the usual Medicare FFS payment
systems during all performance years.
After the completion of a performance
year, the Medicare claims payments for
services furnished to the beneficiary
during the episode, based on claims
data, would be combined to calculate an
actual episode payment. The actual
episode payment is the sum of Medicare
claims payments furnished to a
beneficiary during a CCJR episode. The
actual episode payment would then be
reconciled against an established CCJR
target price, with consideration of
additional payment adjustments based
on quality performance and post
episode spending. The amount of this
calculation, if positive, would be paid to
the participant hospital if the hospital
has met the quality thresholds proposed
in this rule. This payment is the
reconciliation payment. If negative, the
participant hospital would be required
to make repayment to Medicare. We also
proposed to phase in the requirement
that hospitals whose actual episode
payments exceed their CCJR target price
to pay the difference back to Medicare
beginning in performance year 2. Under
this proposal, Medicare will not require
repayment from hospitals for CCJR
episode cost performance above their
target price in performance year 1.
Lastly, we propose to limit how much
a hospital can gain or lose based on its
reconciliation calculation with
additional policies to further limit the
risk of high payment cases for all
participant hospitals and for special
categories of hospitals.
Based on the mix of financial and
quality incentives, the proposed CCJR
model could result in a range of possible
outcomes for participant hospitals. The
effects on hospitals of potential savings
and liabilities will have varying degrees.
Table 18 summarizes the estimated
impact for the CCJR model. Our model
estimates that the Medicare program
will save $153 million dollars over the
5 performance years (2016 through
2020). Savings to the Medicare program
may be greater if providers are able to
improve the coordination of care, invest
in infrastructure, and redesign care
processes to promote high quality and
efficient service delivery. Costs to the
Medicare program may increase if
providers are able to use waivers
provided under the model to increase
episode volume among beneficiaries
that are expected to be less costly than
PO 00000
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the hospitals target price without the
need for improving the coordination of
care. Our analysis to the best of our
ability presents the cost and transfer
payment effects of this proposed rule.
We solicit comment on the assumptions
and analysis presented.
a. Assumptions and Uncertainties
We used final action Medicare claims
data from January 1, 2012 through
December 31, 2014 to simulate the
impact that this model would have on
Medicare spending for joint replacement
episodes. This time period is consistent
with the historical period that are
proposing to use to calculate target
prices for performance years 1 and 2 of
the model as described in section III.C
of this proposed rule (we note that for
performance year 3 through 5, target
prices would be calculated based on
episodes that start between in the
proposed period of January 1, 2014 to
December 31, 2016). Specifically we
applied the methodology provided in
this proposed rule for calculating target
prices for all hospitals that would be
required to participate in the model, as
discussed in section III.A. of this
proposed rule, based on their
performance from calendar years 2012
through 2014. Specifically, all IPPS
hospitals in the selected MSAs not
currently participating in Model 1 or
Phase II of BPCI Models 2 or 4 for the
LEJR clinical episode were included in
this analysis. We identified the anchor
hospitalizations based on claims with
MS–DRG 469 and MS–DRG 470 and
included the related spending that
occurred 90 days after discharge. We
removed payments excluded from the
episode as not being associated with
joint replacement care, as well as
removing the IPPS add-on payments
including disproportionate share
hospital and indirect medical
educational payments, and new
technology payments associated with
the anchor hospitalization. We note that
we have proposed other payment
exclusions in the calculation of the
episode target price, in comparing
actual episode payments with target
prices, and in determining whether a
reconciliation payment should be made
to the hospital or repayment from the
hospital should be made as described in
section III.C of this proposed rule. For
the purpose of this impact analysis, we
have only limited our calculations to
remove the IPPS add-on payments for
disproportionate share hospital and
indirect medical educational payments,
and new technology payments in
calculating estimated target prices and
in comparing the target price to actual
episode payments. We then excluded
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
episodes where the anchor
hospitalization occurred in hospitals
that are not paid under the IPPS. With
the remaining episodes, we
standardized episode payments to
remove the variation in spending due to
differences in the hospital’s wage index.
We trended utilization and prices in
2012 and 2013 to match 2014 national
performance, and we incorporated the
proposed outlier policy to cap spending
for high cost outlier episodes such that
payments are capped at the MS–DRG
anchor value that is two standard
deviations above the mean as described
in section III.C of this proposed rule.
After we pooled episodes for MS–DRGs
469 and 470, we calculated average
episode prices for each hospital and
census region, as well as a hospitalspecific weight representing a case mix
value for each hospital that is
dependent only on episode volume for
MS–DRGs 469 and 470, and the national
anchor factor. We then calculated
blended prices for each hospital, with
prices set at two-thirds of the hospital’s
experience and one-third of the region’s
average experience for performance
years 1 and 2 of the model, as one-third
of the hospital’s experience and twothirds of the region’s experience as used
for performance year 3 of the model,
and as the region’s average experience
for performance years 4 and 5 of the
model. We made an exception for
hospitals with low historical CCJR
episode volume defined in this
proposed rule as those with fewer than
20 CCJR episodes in total across the 3
historical years, by setting their target
price as the region’s experience. These
average prices were then disaggregated
based on the national anchor factor of
average episode spending for MS–DRG
470 relative to MS–DRG 469, the
computed hospital-specific weight, the
hospital’s wage index was then applied
back to the price, and a 2 percent
discount was applied.
After calculating target prices for MS–
DRG 469 and 470 for each hospital
appropriate for each performance year,
we compared these target prices against
actual performance in the 2014 calendar
year. We capped actual spending for
individual episodes based on the
methodology in this proposed rule for
high cost outlier spending episodes.
After incorporating the proposed outlier
policy, total Medicare FFS spending in
the 2014 calendar year for each hospital
was reconciled against the target price
and total number of episodes for the
hospital. The aggregate impacts were
then determined by multiplying by the
total episodes for each MS–DRG.
We have proposed that the difference
between each CCJR episode’s actual
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payment and the relevant target price
(calculated as target price subtracted by
CCJR episode actual episode payment)
would be aggregated for all episodes for
a participant hospital within the
performance year, creating the NPRA.
Any positive NPRA amount greater than
the proposed stop-gain limit would be
capped at the stop-gain limit of 20
percent for each performance year of the
model, and any negative NPRA amount
exceeding the proposed stop-loss limit
would be capped at the stop-loss limit
as described in section III.C.8.b of this
proposed rule. To limit a hospital’s
overall repayment responsibility under
this model, we have proposed a 10
percent repayment limit in performance
year 2 and a 20 percent repayment limit
in performance year 3 and subsequent
years. For rural hospitals, MDHS, SCHs
and RRCs, we have proposed a 3 percent
repayment limit in performance year 2
and a 5 percent repayment limit in
performance year 3 and subsequent
years. Furthermore, as described earlier
in this proposed rule, in order for a
participant hospital to qualify for a
reconciliation payment, a hospital must
meet or exceed the 30th percentile
benchmark for each of the three
proposed quality measures in
performance years 1 through 3:
• Hospital-level risk-standardized
complication rate following elective
primary total hip arthroplasty (THA)
and/or total knee arthroplasty (TKA)
(NQF #1550)
• Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
risk-standardized readmission rate
following elective primary total hip
arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee
arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551)
• HCAHPS Survey (NQF #0166).
In performance years 4 through 5, a
hospital must meet or exceed the 40th
percentile benchmark for those
proposed quality measures.
To simulate the impact for
performance year 1 or 2016, we
calculated the NPRA assuming no
downside risk to hospitals as proposed,
and using the target price calculated for
performance year 1, that is two-thirds
hospital experience and one-third
region experience. If the estimated
NPRA is negative (that is, in the
aggregate, the actual episode payments
for all episodes is greater than the target
price multiplied by the number of
episodes) for performance year 1,
Medicare would not require repayment
of the NRPA from the hospital because
we have proposed no hospital
responsibility for repayment for the first
performance year. Additionally, as part
of this estimate, we accounted for
whether a hospital met the quality
benchmarks to be eligible for a
PO 00000
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reconciliation payment. Lastly, we have
applied the proposed 20 percent stopgain limit on the estimated
reconciliation payments made to
participant hospitals total reconciliation
payments reflect what we would expect
Medicare to pay hospitals due to normal
claims variation, and due to a blended
target price which rewards hospitals
that already perform better than their
regional average.
To simulate the impact in
performance year 2, we calculated the
NPRA assuming full risk as proposed for
this model, rewarding hospitals that
perform better than their 2 percent
discount that met the 30th percentile
threshold for the complications,
readmissions and HCAHPs quality
metrics, but only requiring repayments
from hospitals for total spending that is
above a 1 percent discount. For the
simulation in performance year 2, we
used the target price calculated for
performance year 2 that is two-thirds
hospital experience and one-third
regional experience. A 10 percent stoploss limit was applied to repayments,
and 3 percent stop-loss limit was
applied for rural hospitals, sole
community hospitals, Medicare
dependent hospitals, and rural referral
centers, as proposed, and a 20 percent
stop-gain limit was applied.
To simulate the impact in
performance year 3, we calculated the
NPRA assuming full risk as proposed in
the model and rewarding hospitals that
perform better than their 2 percent
discount and met the 30th percentile
thresholds for all three of the quality
metrics, and requiring repayments from
hospitals for total spending that is above
the 2 percent discount. For the
simulation in year 3, we used the target
price calculated as one-third of the
hospital’s experience and two-thirds of
the regional experience. We included a
20 percent stop-gain limit for all
hospitals, a 20 percent stop-loss limit on
repayments from acute care hospitals
included in this analysis, but used a 5
percent stop-loss limit on reconciliation
repayments from rural hospitals, sole
community hospitals, Medicare
dependent hospitals, and rural referral
centers, as proposed.
For performance years 4 and 5, the
impact estimates were calculated in the
same way except that the episode target
prices are based on 100 percent of the
regional experience, as proposed.
Additionally, the impact estimates
accounted for the proposal that a
hospital must meet or exceed the 40th
percentile benchmark for those
proposed quality measures in order to
be eligible for a reconciliation payment.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
In this proposed model, we are
selecting a total of 75 MSAs from 8 MSA
groupings. IPPS hospitals located within
the selected MSAs will be required to
participate in this model unless they
participate in BPCI as discussed earlier
in this proposed rule in section III.A.
Additionally, as described earlier in
this proposed rule in section III.C.5,
hospitals can qualify for a lower
discount applied to their target episode
price if they voluntarily submit patientreported outcome measures data. More
specifically, for hospitals that
successfully submit patient-reported
outcome measures data for episodes
beginning in performance year 2, the
discount percentage is reduced from 2
percent to 1.7 percent for purposes of
determining the hospital’s opportunity
to receive reconciliation payment for
actual episode spending below the
target price, and reduce the discount
percentage from 1 percent to 0.7 percent
for purposes of determining the amount
Medicare would require the hospital to
repay. We modeled the effects of this
proposal by re-running the simulation
using a 1.7 percent discount for all
hospitals in performance years 2
through 5, and in performance year 2
only requiring repayments that are
beyond a 0.7 percent discount. We
combined the simulations with a 2
percent discount and 1.7 percent
discount by assuming that 33 percent of
hospitals would submit the patientreported outcome measures data.
Additionally, we note for these
estimates, we did not make assumptions
for changes in efficiency or utilization
over the course of the model. Over the
5 years of the model, we estimate $153
million dollars in savings to the
Medicare program, out of $12.321
billion in total episode spending.
Year of proposed model
Total episode spending ............................
Net reconciliation payments** ..................
Reconciliation amounts ............................
Repayment amounts ................................
Net reconciliation as a percentage of
total episode spend ..............................
Across all 5
years of the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
* Impact for 75 selected MSAs. All numbers rounded to closest million.
** Sum of reconciliation amount and repayment amount may not add to net reconciliation payment due to rounding.
These estimates contain a significant
amount of uncertainty. As a result, this
proposed model could produce more
significant Medicare savings or could
result in additional costs to the
Medicare program. The primary source
of uncertainty stems from the normal
variation in claim cost trends each year
coupled with the proposed cap on the
repayment made at reconciliation. In
addition, this analysis assumes no
change in utilization both for the use of
services within the bundled episode, as
well as no change in total episodes
among hospitals. The prospective prices
for the proposed CCJR model
incorporate price updates from the FFS
payment systems, but assume no change
in utilization for the performance years.
If there is a national increase in
utilization within each bundle that is
independent of this model, then savings
to the Medicare program may increase
due to greater repayments paid back to
Medicare. If there is a national decrease
in utilization within each bundle that is
independent of this model then costs to
the Medicare program may increase due
to greater reconciliation payments paid
by Medicare to hospitals. The results
will also depend on the cumulative
effects over time and across providers
on whether and how to change either
actual medical procedures or the
allocations of payments among service
providers. We would expect significant
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variation among hospitals and among
metropolitan areas, but are unable to
predict these.
Additionally, although we project
savings to Medicare under this proposed
model, as stated earlier, we note that
under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act,
the Secretary is required to terminate or
modify a model unless certain findings
can be made with respect to savings and
quality after the model has begun. If
during the course of testing the model
it is determined that termination or
modification is necessary, such actions
would be undertaken through
b. Analyses
The first performance year of the
model is expected to cost the Medicare
program $23 million in reconciliation
payments made by CMS to hospitals.
We have proposed that no repayments
from hospitals will be assessed because
hospitals are not subject to downside
risk in performance year 1. Hospitals
that would receive reconciliation
payments are the hospitals that provide
lower cost care relative to their regional
In the second performance year of the
model, participant hospitals on net are
expected to pay $29 million to CMS. We
have proposed a 10 percent stop-loss
limit for acute care hospitals, with
exception for rural hospitals, sole
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community hospitals, Medicare
dependent hospitals, and rural referral
center hospitals which would be subject
to a 3 percent stop-loss limit. These
limits would cap the total amount of
repayments paid by hospitals to CMS.
In the third performance year of the
model, net reconciliation payments are
expected to be $43 million in savings to
the Medicare program. The additional
savings in performance year 3 compared
to performance year 2 can be attributed
to receiving repayments from hospitals
for total spending that is above a 1
percent discount in performance year 2,
while in performance year 3, we would
require repayments from hospitals for
total spending that is above a 2 percent
For performance years 4 and 5 of the
model, the proposed episode target
price will be based on full regional
pricing. This creates great variation
between the target price and hospital’s
own experience. Therefore, the stopgain and stop-loss limits on
reconciliation payments are estimated to
have a larger impact. As a result, net
payments are expected to be $50 million
dollars from hospitals to the Medicare
program in the fourth year and $53
million in the fifth year. Savings to the
Medicare program increases as a higher
proportion of hospitals that provide care
more efficiently than their regional
average will forego reconciliation
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
payments due to failure to meet the
proposed thresholds on all three of the
quality of care measures. These
estimated savings in years 4 and 5
represent 2.0 percent of total episode
spending in those years. The proposed
total savings to the Medicare program
after 5 years of the model are expected
to be $153 million dollars out of $12.321
billion dollars or 1.2 percent in total
episode spending. Due to the
uncertainty of estimating this model,
actual results could be significantly
higher or lower than this estimate.
c. Further Consideration
We can use our experience in
previous implementation of bundled
payment models to help inform our
impact analyses. We have previously
used our statutory authority to create
payment models such as the BPCI
initiative and the ACE Demonstration to
test bundled payments. Under the
authority of section 1866C of the Act,
CMS funded a 3-year demonstration, the
ACE Demonstration. The demonstration
used a prospective global payment for a
single episode of care as an alternative
approach to payment for service
delivery under traditional Medicare
FFS. The episode of care was defined as
a combination of Parts A and B services
furnished to Medicare FFS beneficiaries
during an inpatient hospital stay for any
one of a specified set of cardiac and
orthopedic MS DRGs. The MS DRGs
tested included 469 and 470, those
proposed for inclusion in the CCJR
model. The discounted bundled
payments generated an average gross
savings to Medicare of $585 per episode
for a total of $7.3 million across all
episodes (12,501 episodes) or 3.1
percent of the total expected costs for
these episodes. After netting out the
savings produced by the Medicare Parts
A and B discounted payments and some
increased post-acute care costs that were
observed at two sites, Medicare saved
approximately $4 million, or 1.72
percent of the total expected Medicare
spending. Additionally, we are
currently testing the BPCI initiative.
Under the initiative, entities enter into
payment arrangements with CMS that
include financial and performance
accountability for episodes of care.
Episodes of care under the BPCI
initiative begin with either an—(1)
inpatient hospital stay; or (2) post-acute
care services following a qualifying
inpatient hospital stay and include tests
of LEJR episodes. The BPCI initiative is
evaluating the effects of episode based
payment approaches on patient
experience of care, outcomes, and cost
of care for Medicare FFS beneficiaries.
Although there is limited evidence from
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BPCI and ACE suggesting that providers
may improve their performance, both of
these demonstrations were voluntary,
and the participants that volunteered for
these demonstrations may be in a better
position to reduce episode spending
relative to the average provider. We
believe that our experiences with BPCI
support the proposed design of the CCJR
3. Effects on Beneficiaries
In 2014, approximately 430,000
Medicare beneficiaries had discharges
for lower extremity joint replacements
(MS–DRG 469 and MS–DRG 470)
nationally. We anticipate that the CCJR
model may benefit beneficiaries
receiving lower extremity joint
replacements because the intent of the
model is to test whether providers
under this bundled payment system are
able to improve the coordination and
transition of care, invest in
infrastructure and redesigned care
processes for high quality and efficient
service delivery, and incentivize higher
value care across the inpatient and postacute care spectrum spanning the
episode of care. We believe the model
has a patient-centered focus such that
healthcare delivery and communication
on the patient and those who are close
to the patient and bases the care and
communication delivered around the
needs of the beneficiary, thus
benefitting the beneficiary community.
We have proposed several quality of
care and patient experience measures to
evaluate participant hospitals in the
CCJR model with the intent that it will
encourage the provider community to
focus on and deliver improved quality
care for the Medicare beneficiary. We
are proposing to adopt and publicly
report three hospital level quality of
care measures for the CCJR model.
Those measures include a complication
measure, readmission measure, and a
patient experience survey measure. In
addition, we are proposing to
voluntarily collect data to develop a
hospital-level measure of patient
reported outcomes following an elective
primary total hip or total knee
arthroplasty. We propose to use these
measures to test the success of the
model and to monitor for beneficiary
safety. Additionally, participant
hospitals must meet the proposed
quality performance standards in order
to qualify to receive a reconciliation
payment. The accountability of
participant hospitals for both quality
and cost of care provided for Medicare
beneficiaries with an LEJR episode
provides the hospitals with new
incentives to improve the health and
PO 00000
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well-being of the Medicare beneficiaries
they treat.
Additionally, the model does not
affect the beneficiary’s freedom of
choice to obtain health services from
any individual or organization qualified
to participate in the Medicare program
guaranteed under section 1802 of the
Act. Under the CCJR model, eligible
beneficiaries who choose to receive
services from a participant hospital
would not have the option to opt out of
inclusion in the model. Although the
proposed model allows hospitals to
enter into risk-sharing arrangements
with certain other providers and these
hospitals may recommended those
providers to the beneficiary, hospitals
may not prevent or restrict beneficiaries
to any list of preferred or recommended
Many controls exist under Medicare
to ensure beneficiary access and quality
and we have proposed to use our
existing authority, if necessary, to audit
participant hospitals if claims analysis
indicates an inappropriate change in
delivered services. As described earlier
in this proposed rule, given that
participant hospitals would receive a
reconciliation payment when they are
able to reduce average costs per case
and meet quality thresholds, they could
have an incentive to avoid complex,
high cost cases by referring them to
nearby facilities or specialty referral
centers. We intend to monitor the
claims data from participant hospitals—
for example, to compare a hospital’s
case mix relative to a pre-model
historical baseline to determine whether
complex patients are being
systematically excluded. Furthermore,
we also proposed to require providers to
supply beneficiaries with written
information regarding the design and
implications of this model as well as
their rights under Medicare, including
their right to use their provider of
We have proposed to implement
several safeguards to ensure that
Medicare beneficiaries do not
experience a delay in services. We
believe that the longer the episode
duration, the lower the risk of delaying
care beyond the episode duration, and
we believe that a 90 day episode is
sufficiently long to minimize the risk
that any lower extremity joint
replacement related care will be delayed
beyond the end of the episode.
Moreover, we have proposed as part of
the payment definition (see section III.C
of this proposed rule) that certain
outlier costs post-episode payments
occurring in the 30 day window
subsequent to the end of the 90-day
episode will be counted as an
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
adjustment against savings. Importantly,
approaches to saving costs will include
taking steps that facilitate patient
recovery, that shorten recovery
duration, and that minimize postoperative problems that might lead to
readmissions. Thus, the model itself
rewards better patient care.
Lastly, we note that Medicare
payments for services will continue to
be made for each Medicare FFS
payment system under this model, and
will include normal beneficiary
copayments, deductibles, and
coinsurance. We expect and assume that
beneficiary payments will not be
affected, as only the hospital will be
subject to the reconciliation process.
Beneficiaries may benefit if providers
are able to systematically improve the
quality of care while reducing costs. We
welcome public comments on our
estimates of the impact of our proposals
on Medicare beneficiaries.
4. Effects on Small Entities
The RFA requires agencies to analyze
options for regulatory relief of small
entities, if a rule has a significant impact
on a substantial number of small
entities. For purposes of the RFA, small
entities include small businesses,
nonprofit organizations, and small
governmental jurisdictions. We estimate
that most hospitals and most other
providers and suppliers are small
entities, either by virtue of their
nonprofit status or by qualifying as
small businesses under the Small
Business Administration’s size
standards (revenues of less than $7.5 to
$38.5 million in any 1 year; NAIC
Sector–62 series). States and individuals
are not included in the definition of a
small entity. For details, see the Small
Business Administration’s Web site at
For purposes of the RFA, we generally
consider all hospitals and other
providers and suppliers to be small
entities. We believe that the provisions
of this proposed rule relating to acute
care hospitals would have some effects
on a substantial number of other
providers involved in these episodes of
care including surgeons and other
physicians, skilled nursing facilities,
physical therapists, and other providers.
Although we acknowledge that many
of the affected entities are small entities,
and the analysis discussed throughout
this proposed rule discusses aspects of
the model that may or will affect them,
we have no reason to assume that these
effects will reach the threshold level of
5 percent of revenues used by HHS to
identify what are likely to be
‘‘significant’’ impacts. Although lower
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extremity joint replacement procedures
(MS–DRGs 469 and 470) are among the
most common surgical procedures
undergone by Medicare beneficiaries,
they are only about 5 percent of all
acute hospital discharges.81 We assume
that all or almost all of these entities
will continue to serve these patients,
and to receive payments commensurate
with their cost of care. Such changes
occur frequently already (for example,
as both hospital affiliations and
preferred provider networks change),
and we have no reason to assume that
this will change significantly under the
Accordingly, we have determined that
this proposed rule will not have a
significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities. We solicit
public comments on our estimates and
analysis of the impact of our proposals
on those small entities.
5. Effects on Small Rural Hospitals
Section 1102(b) of the Social Security
Act requires us to prepare a regulatory
impact analysis if a proposed rule or
final rule may have a significant impact
on the operations of a substantial
number of small rural hospitals. This
analysis must conform to the provisions
of section 603 of the RFA. For purposes
of section 1102(b) of the Act, a small
rural hospital is defined as a hospital
that is located outside of an MSA and
has fewer than 100 beds. We note that,
according to this definition, the CCJR
model would not include any rural
hospitals given that the CCJR model
would only include hospitals located in
MSAs, as proposed in section III.A.
However, we also note that as discussed
in section III.C.8., for purposes of our
proposal to include a more protective
stop-loss policy for certain hospitals, we
are proposing to define a rural hospital
as an IPPS hospital that is either located
in a rural area in accordance with
§ 412.64(b) or in a rural census tract
within an MSA defined at
§ 412.103(a)(1) or has reclassified to
rural in accordance with § 412.103.
Thus, the proposed model will affect
some rural hospitals, as discussed
previously in section III.C.8 of this
proposed rule.
Because of our concerns that rural
hospitals may have lower risk tolerance
and less infrastructure and support to
achieve efficiencies for high payment
episodes, we have proposed additional
financial protections for certain
categories of hospitals, including rural
hospitals. In performance year 2, a
hospital could owe Medicare no more
81 Medicare Inpatient Claims data from January–
December 2014, Chronic Conditions Warehouse.
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than 10 percent of the target price
multiplied by the number of the
hospital’s LEJR episodes in CCJR as we
phase in repayment responsibility under
the model. In performance year 3 and
beyond when full repayment
responsibility is in place, no more than
20 percent of the target price multiplied
by the number of the hospital’s LEJR
episodes in CCJR could be owed by a
hospital to Medicare. However, for rural
hospitals, Medicare Dependent
Hospitals, Rural Referral Centers and
Sole Community, we proposed a stop
loss limit policy of 3 percent of episode
payments for these categories of
hospitals. More specifically, in
performance year 2, a hospital could
owe Medicare no more than 3 percent
of the target price multiplied by the
number of the hospital’s episodes in
CCJR. In performance years 3 through 5,
a hospital could owe Medicare no more
than 5 percent of the target price
multiplied by the number of the
hospital’s episodes. Although we
propose these additional protections, we
believe that few rural hospitals will be
included in the model, and therefore
that few will need those protections.
Because lower extremity joint
replacement procedures (MS–DRGs 469
and 470) account for only about 5
percent of all discharges, because
relatively few of these procedures are
performed at small rural hospitals, and
because our model is designed to
minimize adverse effects on rural
hospitals, we do not believe that rural
hospitals will experience significant
adverse economic impacts. Accordingly,
we conclude that this proposed rule
would not have a significant impact on
the operations of a substantial number
of small rural hospitals.
We are soliciting public comments on
our estimates and analysis of the impact
of our proposals on those small rural
6. Unfunded Mandates
Section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
also requires that agencies assess
anticipated costs and benefits before
issuing any rule whose mandates
require spending in any 1 year of $100
million in 1995 dollars, updated
annually for inflation. In 2015, that is
approximately $144 million. This
proposed rule does not include any
mandate that would result in spending
by state, local or tribal governments, in
the aggregate, or by the private sector in
the amount of $144 million in any 1
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
D. Alternatives
Throughout this proposed rule, we
have identified our proposed policies
and alternatives that we have
considered, and provided information
as to the effects of these alternatives and
the rationale for each of the proposed
policies. We solicit and welcome
comments on our proposals, on the
alternatives we have identified, and on
other alternatives that we should
consider, as well as on the costs,
benefits, or other effects of these. We
note that our estimates are limited to the
IPPS hospitals that would be selected to
participate in this proposed model. This
proposed rule will not impinge directly
on hospitals that are not participating in
the model. However, it may encourage
innovations in health care delivery in
other areas or in care reimbursed
through other payers. For example, a
hospital and affiliated providers may
choose to extend their arrangements to
all joint replacement procedures they
provide, not just those reimbursed by
Medicare. Alternatively, a hospital and
affiliated providers in one city may
decide to hold themselves forth as
‘‘centers of excellence’’ for patients from
other cities, both those included and not
included in the model. We welcome
comments that address these or other
E. Accounting Statement
As required by OMB Circular A–4
under Executive Order 12866 (available
circulars_a004_a-4) in Table 19, we
have prepared an accounting statement
showing the classification of transfers,
benefits, and costs associated with the
provisions in this proposed rule. The
accounting statement is based on
estimates provided in this regulatory
impact analysis. Because of the
uncertainties identified in establishing
the economic impact estimates, we
intend to update the estimates in the
final rule. As described in Table 18, we
estimate this proposed model will result
in savings to the federal government of
$153 million over the 5years of the
model from 2016 to 2020. The following
Table 19 shows the annualized change
in (A) net federal monetary transfers,
and (B) potential reconciliation
payments to participating hospitals net
of repayments from participant
hospitals that is associated with the
provisions of this proposed rule as
compared to baseline. In Table 19, the
annualized change in payments based
on a 7 percent and 3 percent discount
rate, results in net federal monetary
transfer from the participant IPPS
hospitals to the federal government of
$28 million and $30 million
Primary estimate
Source citation
(RIA, preamble, etc.)
Annualized monetized transfers: Discount rate: 7% ...........
$28 million ...............................
Change from baseline to proposed changes
(Table 18).
Annualized monetized transfers: Discount rate: 3% ...........
$30 million.
From whom to whom? .........................................................
From Participant IPPS Hospitals to Federal Government.
F. Conclusion
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
The preceding analysis, together with
the remainder of this preamble,
provides the Regulatory Impact Analysis
of a rule with a significant economic
effect. As a result of this proposed rule,
we estimate of the financial impact of
the CCJR model for CYs 2016 through
2020 would be net federal savings of
$153 million over a 5 year period. The
annualized change in payments based
on a 7 percent and 3 percent discount
rate, results in net federal monetary
transfer from the participant IPPS
hospitals to the federal government of
$28 million and $30 million
In accordance with the provisions of
Executive Order 12866, this rule was
reviewed by the Office of Management
and Budget.
List of Subjects for 42 CFR Part 510
Administrative practice and
procedure, Health facilities, Medicare,
Reporting and recordkeeping
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, under the authority at section
1115A of the Social Security Act, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
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Services proposes to amend 42 CFR
Chapter IV as follows:
1. Revise the heading of Subchapter H
to read as follows:
2. Part 510 is added to Subchapter H
to read as follows:
510.305 Determination of the NPRA and
reconciliation process.
510.310 Appeals process.
510.315 Quality thresholds for
reconciliation payment eligibility.
510.320 Treatment of incentive programs
or add-on payments under existing
Medicare payment systems.
510.325 Allocation of payments for
services that straddle the episode.
Subpart E—Quality Measures, Beneficiary
Protections, and Compliance Enforcement
Subpart A—General Provisions
510.400 Quality measures and reporting.
510.405 Beneficiary choice and beneficiary
510.410 Compliance enforcement.
Subpart F—Financial Arrangements and
Beneficiary Incentives
Basis and scope.
Subpart B—Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement Model Participants
Episodes being tested.
Geographic areas.
510.500 Financial arrangements under the
CCJR model.
510.505 Beneficiary incentives under the
CCJR model.
Subpart C—Scope of Episodes
Subpart G—Waivers
510.200 Time periods, included services,
and attribution.
510.205 Beneficiary inclusion criteria.
510.210 Determination of the episode.
510.600 Waiver of direct supervision
requirement for certain post-discharge
home visits.
510.605 Waiver of certain telehealth
510.610 Waiver of SNF 3-day rule.
510.615 Waiver of certain post-operative
billing restrictions.
Subpart D—Pricing and Payment
510.300 Determination of episode target
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Authority: Secs. 1102, 1115A, and 1871 of
the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1302,
1315(a), and 1395hh).
Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 510.1
Basis and scope.
(a) Basis. This part implements the
test of the Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement model under section
1115A of the Act. Except as specifically
noted in this part, the regulations under
this part must not be construed to affect
the payment, coverage, program
integrity, and other requirements (such
as those in parts 412 and 482 of this
chapter) that apply to providers and
suppliers under this chapter.
(b) Scope. This part sets forth the
(1) The participants in the
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement model.
(2) The episodes being tested in the
(3) The methodology for pricing and
payment under the model.
(4) Quality performance standards
and quality reporting requirements.
(5) Safeguards to ensure preservation
of beneficiary choice and beneficiary
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 510.2
For the purposes of this part, the
following definitions are applicable:
ACO stands for Accountable Care
Actual episode payment means the
sum of Medicare claims payments for
items and services that are included in
the episode in accordance with
§ 510.200(b), excluding the items and
services described in § 510.200(d) and
the incentive programs and add-on
payments specified in § 510.320, and
subject to the cap described in
§ 510.300(b)(4).
Alignment payment means a payment
from a Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement collaborator to a
participant hospital under a
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement sharing arrangement.
Anchor hospitalization means the
initial hospital stay upon admission for
a lower extremity joint replacement.
BPCI stands for the Bundled
Payments for Care Improvement
CCJR stands for Comprehensive Care
for Joint Replacement.
CCJR collaborator means one of the
following persons or entities that enter
into a CCJR sharing arrangement:
(1) Skilled nursing facility.
(2) Home health agency.
(3) Long-term care hospital.
(4) Inpatient rehabilitation facility.
(5) Physician.
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(6) Nonphysician practitioner.
(7) Outpatient therapy provider.
(8) Physician group practice.
CCJR-eligible hospital means a
hospital that is paid under IPPS and not
a participant in BPCI Model 1 or in the
risk-bearing period of Models 2 or 4 for
LEJR episodes, regardless of whether or
not the metropolitan statistical area in
which the hospital is located is selected
for inclusion in the CCJR model.
CCJR reconciliation report means the
report prepared after each reconciliation
that CMS provides to each participant
hospital notifying the participant
hospital of the outcome of the
CCJR sharing arrangement means a
financial arrangement between a
participant hospital and a CCJR
collaborator for the sole purpose of
sharing the following:
(1) CCJR reconciliation payments.
(2) The participant hospital’s internal
cost savings.
(3) The participant hospital’s
responsibility for repayment to
Core-based statistical area (CBSA)
means a statistical geographic entity
consisting of the county or counties
associated with at least one core
(urbanized area or urban cluster) of at
least 10,000 population, plus adjacent
counties having a high degree of social
and economic integration with the core
as measured through commuting ties
with the counties containing the core.
Critical access hospital (CAH) means
a hospital designated under subpart F of
part 485 of this chapter.
Episode of care (Episode) means all
Medicare Part A and B items and
services described in § 510.200(b) (and
excluding the items and services
described in § 510.200(d)) that are
furnished to a beneficiary described in
§ 510.205 during the time period that
begins with such beneficiary’s
admission to an anchor hospitalization
and ends 90 days after discharge from
the anchor hospitalization.
Episode target price means the
amount determined in accordance with
§ 510.300 and applied to an episode in
determining a net payment
reconciliation amount.
Gainsharing payment means a
payment from a participant hospital to
a CCJR collaborator, under a CCJR
sharing arrangement, composed of only
reconciliation payments or internal cost
savings or both.
Historical episode payment means the
most recent 3 years of expenditures for
an episode in a given participant
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Hospital means a hospital subject to
the prospective payment system
specified in § 412.1(a)(1) of this chapter.
ICD–CM stands for International
Classification of Diseases, Clinical
Inpatient prospective payment
systems (IPPS) means the payment
systems for subsection (d) hospitals as
defined in section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the
Internal cost savings means the
measurable, actual, and verifiable cost
savings realized by the participant
hospital resulting from care redesign
undertaken by the participant hospital
in connection with providing items and
services to beneficiaries within specific
CCJR episodes of care. Internal cost
savings does not include savings
realized by any individual or entity that
is not the participant hospital.
Lower-extremity joint replacement
(LEJR) means any procedure that is
within MS–DRG 469 or 470, including
lower-extremity joint replacement
procedures or reattachment of a lower
Medicare severity diagnosis-related
group (MS–DRG) means a patient
classification system for inpatient
discharges and adjusting payments
under the IPPS.
Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospital (MDH) means a specific type of
hospital that meets the classification
criteria specified under § 412.108 of this
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
means a core-based statistical area
associated with at least one urbanized
area that has a population of at least
Net payment reconciliation amount
(NPRA) means the amount determined
in accordance with § 510.305(e).
NPI stands for National Provider
OIG stands for the Department of
Health and Human Services’, Office of
the Inspector General.
Participant hospital means an IPPS
hospital (other than those hospitals
specifically excepted under
§ 510.100(b)) that is physically located
in one of the geographic areas selected
for participation in the CCJR model in
accordance with § 510.105, as of the
date of selection or any time thereafter
during any performance period.
Participation agreement means a
written, signed agreement between a
CCJR collaborator and a participant
hospital that meets the requirements of
§ 510.500(c).
PBPM stands for per-beneficiary-permonth.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Performance year means one of the
calendar years in which the CCJR model
will be tested.
Post-episode spending amount means
the sum of Medicare Parts A and B
payments for items and services that are
furnished within 30 days after the end
of the episode.
Reconciliation payment means a
payment of the NPRA made to a CCJR
participant hospital.
Region means one of the nine U.S.
census divisions, as defined by the U.S.
Census Bureau.
Rural hospital means a hospital that
meets one of the following definitions:
(1) Is located in a rural area as defined
under § 412.64 of this chapter.
(2) Is located in a rural census tract
defined under § 412.103(1) of this
(3) Has reclassified as a rural hospital
under § 412.103 of this chapter.
Rural referral center (RRC) has the
same meaning given this term under
§ 412.96 of this chapter.
Sole community hospital (SCH)
means a certain type of hospital that
meets the classification criteria
specified in § 412.92 of this chapter.
TIN stands for Taxpayer Identification
Total episode payments means the
total Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims
for an episode.
States. All counties within each of the
selected MSAs are selected for inclusion
in the CCJR model.
(b) Stratification criteria. Geographic
areas in the United States are stratified
according to the characteristics that
CMS determines are necessary to ensure
that the model is tested on a broad range
of different types of hospitals that may
face different obstacles and incentives
for improving quality and controlling
(c) Exclusions. CMS excludes from the
selection of geographic areas MSAs that
met the following criteria between July
1, 2013 and June 30, 2014:
(1) Had fewer than 400 episodes;
(2) Had fewer than 400 non-BPCI
(3) Had at least 400 non-BPCI
episodes, but—
(i) Had more than 50 percent of
otherwise qualifying (BPCI or non BPCI)
episodes in Phase 2 of BPCI Model 2 or
4 with hospital episode initiators; or
(ii) Had more than 50 percent of
otherwise qualifying (BPCI or non-BPCI)
episodes treated in a SNF or HHA that
were treated in a BPCI Model 3
initiating provider;
(4) Had more than 50 percent of
episodes that were paid under the
Maryland State Waiver System, if any
part of the MSA was located in
Subpart B—Comprehensive Care for
Joint Replacement Program
Subpart C—Scope of Episodes
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 510.100
Episodes being tested.
(a) Initiation of an episode. An
episode is initiated when a participant
hospital admits a Medicare beneficiary
described in § 510.205 for an anchor
(b) Exclusions. A hospital is excluded
from being a participant hospital if any
of the following conditions apply on or
after July 1, 2015:
(1) The hospital is an episode initiator
for an LEJR episode in the risk-bearing
period of Models 2 or 4 of the BPCI.
This exclusion ceases to apply to the
hospital upon any termination of its
participation as an episode initiator for
a lower-extremity joint replacement
(2) The hospital is participating in
Model 1 of the BPCI. This exclusion
ceases to apply to the hospital upon any
termination of its participation in BPCI
in Model 1.
§ 510.105
Geographic areas.
(a) General. The geographic areas for
inclusion in the CCJR model are
obtained using a stratified random
sampling of certain MSAs in the United
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§ 510.200 Time periods, included services,
and attribution.
(a) Time periods. All episodes being
tested in the CCJR model begin on or
after January 1, 2016 and end on or
before December 31, 2020.
(b) Included services. All Medicare
Parts A and B items and services are
included in the episode, except as
specified in paragraph (d) of this
section. These services include, but are
not limited to, the following:
(1) Physicians’ services.
(2) Inpatient hospital services
(including hospital readmissions).
(3) Inpatient hospital readmission
(4) Inpatient psychiatric facility (IPF)
(5) Long-term hospital care (LTCH)
(6) Inpatient rehabilitation facility
(IRF) services.
(7) Skilled nursing facility (SNF)
(8) Home health agency (HHA)
(9) Hospital outpatient services.
(10) Independent outpatient therapy
(11) Clinical laboratory services.
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(12) Durable medical equipment
(13) Part B drugs and biologicals.
(14) Hospice services.
(15) PBPM payments under models
tested under section 1115A of the Act.
(c) Episode attribution. All items and
services included in the episode (as
described in paragraph (b) of this
section) are attributed to the participant
hospital at which the anchor
hospitalization occurs.
(d) Excluded services. The following
items, services, and payments are
excluded from the episode:
(1) Hemophilia clotting factors
provided in accordance with § 412.115
of this chapter.
(2) New technology add-on payments,
as defined in part 412, subpart F of this
(3) Items and services unrelated to the
anchor hospitalization, as determined
by CMS. Such excluded services
include, but are not limited to, the
(i) Inpatient hospital admissions for
MS–DRGs that group to the following
categories of diagnoses:
(A) Oncology.
(B) Trauma medical.
(C) Chronic disease surgical, such as
(D) Acute disease surgical, such as
(ii) Medicare Part B services as
identified by the principal ICD–CM
diagnosis code, based on the ICD–CM
version in use during the performance
year, on the claim that group to the
following categories of diagnoses:
(A) Acute disease diagnoses, such as
severe head injury.
(B) Certain chronic disease diagnoses,
as specified by CMS on a diagnosis-bydiagnosis—basis depending on whether
the condition was likely to have been
affected by the lower-extremity joint
replacement procedure and recovery
period or whether substantial services
were likely to be provided for the
chronic condition during the episode.
Such chronic disease diagnoses are
posted on the CMS Web site and may be
revised in accordance with paragraph
(e) of this section.
(C) Certain PBPM payments under
models tested under section 1115A of
the Act. PBPM model payments are
excluded if they are determined to be
primarily used for care coordination or
care management services for clinical
conditions in excluded categories of
diagnoses, as described in this
paragraph. The list of excluded PBPM
payments is posted on the CMS Web
site and is updated consistent with the
following. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, all PBPM model payments
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
funded from CMMI’s appropriation are
excluded from the episode.
(1) The list of excluded PBPM
payments will be posted on the CMS
Web site.
(2) On an annual basis, or more
frequently as needed, CMS updates the
list of excluded PBPM payments.
(3) Criteria for exclusion of PBPM
payments under certain models tested
under section 1115A of the Act. Model
PBPM payments are excluded from
episode target price and actual episode
payments if determined to be primarily
used for care coordination or care
management services for clinical
conditions in excluded categories of
diagnoses, as described in paragraph (d)
of this section.
(4) Updating the list of excluded
PBPM payments to account for new
CMS posts potential new exclusions
of PBPM payments to the CMS Web site
to allow for public comment and
finalize and post to the CMS Web site
the updated exclusions list after
consideration of public input.
(D) Previous years’ reconciliation or
repayment amounts are not included in
the episode for purposes of calculating
episode target prices (§ 510.300) or total
episode payments during a performance
(e) Updating the lists of excluded
services. (1) The list of excluded MS–
DRGs and ICD–CM diagnosis codes are
posted on the CMS Web site.
(2) On an annual basis, or more
frequently as needed, CMS updates the
list of excluded services to reflect
annual coding changes or other issues
brought to CMS’s attention.
(3) CMS applies the following
standards when revising the list of
excluded services for reasons other than
to reflect annual coding changes:
(i) Items or services that are directly
related to the LEJR procedure or the
quality or safety of LEJR care would be
included in the episode.
(ii) Items or services for chronic
conditions that may be affected by the
LEJR procedure or post-surgical care
would be related and included in the
(iii) Items and services for chronic
conditions that are generally not
affected by the LEJR procedure or postsurgical care would be excluded from
the episode.
(iv) Items and services for acute
clinical conditions not arising from
existing, episode-related chronic
clinical conditions or complications of
LEJR surgery would be excluded from
the episode.
(4) CMS posts the following to the
CMS Web site:
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(i) Potential revisions to the exclusion
to allow for public comment; and
(ii) An updated exclusions list after
consideration of public comment.
§ 510.205
Beneficiary inclusion criteria.
(a) Episodes tested in the CCJR model
include only those in which care is
furnished to beneficiaries who meet all
of the following criteria upon admission
to the anchor hospitalization:
(1) The beneficiary is enrolled in
Medicare Parts A and Part B.
(2) The beneficiary’s eligibility for
Medicare is not on the basis of end stage
renal disease, as described in § 406.13 of
this chapter.
(3) The beneficiary is not enrolled in
any managed care plan (for example,
Medicare Advantage, health care
prepayment plans, or cost-based health
maintenance organizations).
(4) The beneficiary is not covered
under a United Mine Workers of
America health care plan.
(5) Medicare is the primary payer.
(b) If at any time during the episode
the beneficiary no longer meets all of
the criteria in this section, the episode
is canceled in accordance with
§ 510.210(b).
§ 510.210
Determination of the episode.
(a) General. The episode begins with
the admission of a Medicare beneficiary
described in § 510.205 to a participant
hospital for an anchor hospitalization
and ends 90 calendar days after
discharge from the anchor
(b) Cancellation of an episode. The
episode is cancelled and is not included
in the determination of NPRA as
specified in § 510.305 if the beneficiary
does any of the following:
(1) Ceases to meet any criterion listed
in § 510.205 at any time during the
(2) Is readmitted to any participant
hospital during the episode for another
anchor hospitalization;
(3) Initiates an LEJR episode under
(4) Dies during the anchor
Subpart D—Pricing and Payment
§ 510.300
Determination of episode target
(a) General. CMS establishes episode
target prices for participant hospitals for
each performance year the model as
specified in this section. Episode target
prices are established according to the
(1) MS–DRG assigned at discharge for
anchor hospitalization—
(i) MS–DRG 469; or
(ii) MS–DRG 470.
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(2) Applicable time period for
performance period episode target
prices. Episode target prices are be
updated to account for midyear
payment updates no less than twice per
year, for updated episode target prices
effective October 1 and January 1, and
at other intervals if necessary.
(3) Episodes that straddle
performance years or midyear payment
updates. Episode target prices apply for
the time period in which the date of the
anchor hospitalization admission
(4) Adjustments for quality reporting,
as discussed in § 510.305(g).
(b) Episode target price. (1) CMS
calculates episode target prices based on
a blend of each participant hospital’s
most recent 3 years of expenditures for
an episode and the most recent 3 years
of expenditures for an episode in the
region in which the participant hospital
is physically located. Specifically, the
blend consists of the following:
(i) Two-thirds of the participant
hospital’s own historical episode
payments and one-third of the regional
historical episode payments for
performance years 1 and 2.
(ii) One-third of the hospital’s own
historical episode payments and twothirds of the regional historical episode
payments for performance year 3.
(iii) Regional historical episode
payments for performance years 4 and 5.
(2) Exception for low-volume
hospitals. Episode target prices for
participant hospitals with fewer than 20
CCJR episodes in total across the 3
historical years of data used to calculate
the episode target price are based on 100
percent regional historical episode
(3) Exception for recently merged or
split or altogether new hospitals. (i)
Hospital-specific historical payments for
recently merged or split hospitals would
incorporate the historical episodes
attributed to their previous entities.
(ii) New hospitals (with new CMS
provider agreements) would receive
target prices using the same blended
approach and low-volume policy for
existing hospitals as described in in this
(4) Exception for high episode
spending in baseline period. Historical
episode payments are capped at 2
standard deviations above the mean
episode payment for purposes of
calculating the episode target prices.
(5) Exclusion of incentive programs
and add-on payments under existing
Medicare payment systems. Certain
incentive programs and add-on
payments are excluded, as applicable,
from target price and total episode
payment calculations by using the CMS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Price Standardization methodology used
for the Medicare spending per
beneficiary measure in the Hospital
Value-Based Purchasing Program.
(6) Communication of episode target
prices. CMS communicates episode
target prices to participant hospitals
before the performance period in which
they apply for performance years 2
through 5, and before or shortly after the
start of performance year 1.
(c) Discount factor. A participant
hospital’s episode target prices
incorporate applicable discount factors
to reflect Medicare’s portion of reduced
expenditures from the CCJR model as
described in this section.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(c)(2) of this section, the applicable
discount factor is for a participant
hospital that—
(i) Does not successfully submit
voluntary patient-reported outcome data
for that performance year as provided in
§ 510.400(b) is 2.0 percent.
(ii) Successfully submits voluntary
patient-reported outcome data for that
performance year as provided in
§ 510.400(b) is 1.7 percent.
(2) For performance year 2 only, if the
participant hospital’s NPRA (defined in
section § 510.305(e)) would be negative
using the applicable discount factor
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section,
then for purposes of determining the
participant hospital’s NPRA, the
discount factor is applied in lieu of the
applicable discount factor under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section for a
participant hospital that—
(i) Successfully submits the voluntary
patient-reported outcomes data for
performance year 2 as provided in
§ 510.400(b) is 0.7 percent.
(ii) Does not successfully submit the
voluntary patient-reported outcomes
data for performance year 2 as provided
in § 510.400(b), is 1 percent.
(d) Data sharing. (1) CMS makes
available to participant hospitals,
through the most appropriate means,
data that CMS determines may be useful
to participant hospitals to do the
(i) Determine appropriate ways to
increase the coordination of care.
(ii) Improve quality.
(iii) Enhance efficiencies in the
delivery of care.
(iv) Otherwise achieve the goals of the
CCJR model described in this section.
(2) Beneficiary-identifiable data. (i)
CMS makes beneficiary-identifiable data
available to a participant hospital in
accordance with applicable privacy
laws and only in response to the
hospital’s request for such data for a
beneficiary who has been furnished a
billable service by the participant
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hospital corresponding to the episode
definitions for CCJR and has not chosen
to opt out of claims data sharing.
(ii) The minimum data necessary to
achieve the goals of the CCJR model, as
determined by CMS, may be provided
under this section for a participant
hospital’s baseline period and as
frequently as on a quarterly basis
throughout the hospital’s participation
in the CCJR model.
§ 510.305 Determination of the NPRA and
reconciliation process.
(a) General. Providers and suppliers
furnishing items and services included
in the episode bill for such items and
services in accordance with existing
rules and as if this part were not in
(b) Reconciliation. Medicare uses a
series of reconciliation processes, which
CMS performs as described in
paragraphs (d) and (f) of this section
after the end of each performance year,
to establish final payment amounts to
participant hospitals for CCJR episodes
for a given performance year. Following
the end of each performance year, CMS
determines actual episode payments for
each episode for the performance year
(other than episodes that have been
canceled in accordance with
§ 510.210(b)) and determines the
amount of a reconciliation or repayment
(c) Data used. CMS uses the most
recent claims data available to perform
each reconciliation calculation.
(d) Annual reconciliation. (1) Two
months after the end of each
performance year, CMS performs a
reconciliation calculation to establish an
NPRA for each participant hospital.
(2) CMS—
(i) Calculates the NPRA for each
participant hospital in accordance with
§ 510.305(e) including the adjustments
provided for in § 510.305(e)(5); and
(ii) Assesses whether hospitals meet
specified quality requirements under
§ 510.315.
(e) Calculation of the NPRA. By
comparing the episode target prices
described in § 510.300 and the
participant hospital’s actual episode
spending for the performance year and
applying the adjustments in paragraph
(e)(1)(v) of this section, CMS establishes
an NPRA for each participant hospital
for each performance year.
(1) Initial calculation. In calculating
the NPRA for each participant hospital
for each performance year, CMS does
the following:
(i) Determines actual episode
payments for each episode included in
the performance year (other than
episodes that have been cancelled in
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accordance with § 510.210(b)) using
claims data that is available 2 months
after the end of the performance year, in
accordance with the adjustments in
§ 510.300(b)(5).
(ii) Multiplies the participant
hospital’s applicable episode target
price, including necessary adjustments
for voluntary reporting of outcome data
(§ 510.400(b)) for each type of episode
being tested and time period (as
determined in accordance with
§ 510.300) by the number of episodes
being tested in the performance year to
which that episode target price applies.
(iii) Aggregates the amounts
computed in paragraph (e)(1) of this
section across all episodes being tested
for that participant hospital in that
performance year.
(iv) Subtracts the aggregate actual
episode payments for all of the
participant hospital’s episodes being
tested in that performance year from the
calculated amount from paragraph (e)(2)
of this section.
(v) Makes the following adjustments:
(A) Increases in post-episode
spending. If the average post-episode
spending for a participant hospital in
any given performance year is greater
than 3 standard deviations above the
regional average post-episode spending
for the same performance year, then this
amount would be applied to the NPRA.
(B) Limit on financial responsibility
for high episode payment cases. Actual
episode payments for an episode are
capped at 2 standard deviations above
the mean episode payment for purposes
of calculating the episode target prices
(§ 510.300) and for purposes of
comparing the actual episode payments
with the applicable episode target price
to calculate the NPRA.
(C) Limitation on loss. The total
amount any participant hospital is
responsible for repaying to Medicare for
a performance year cannot exceed the
(1) For performance year 2 only, 10
percent of the amount calculated in
paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section for the
performance year.
(2) For performance years 3, 4, and 5,
20 percent of the amount calculated in
paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section for the
performance year.
(D) Limitation on gain. The total
amount of any reconciliation payment
Medicare would make to a participant
hospital for a performance year cannot
exceed 20 percent of the amount
calculated in paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this
section for the performance year.
(E) Financial loss limits for SCHs,
MDHs, and RRCs. If a participant
hospital is an SCH, an MDH or RRC,
then for—
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(1) Performance year 2, the total
repayment amount for which the
participant hospital is responsible
cannot exceed 3 percent of amount
calculated in paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this
section; and
(2) Performance years 3 through 5, the
total repayment amount cannot exceed
5 percent of the amount calculated in
paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section.
(f) Determination of reconciliation or
repayment amount—(1) Determination
of the reconciliation or repayment
amount. (i) For performance year 1, the
reconciliation or repayment amount is
equal to the NPRA.
(ii) For performance years 2 through
5, results from the subsequent
reconciliation calculation for a prior
year’s reconciliation, as described in
paragraph (i)(3) of this section, are
applied to the current year’s NPRA in
order to determine the reconciliation or
repayment amount.
(2) Reconciliation payment. If the
amount from paragraph (f)(1) of this
section is positive and the participant
hospital meets or exceeds all of the
quality thresholds described in
§ 510.400, Medicare pays the participant
hospital a reconciliation payment an
amount equal to the calculation
described in paragraph (f)(1) of this
(3) Repayment amount. If the amount
from paragraph (f)(1) of this section is
negative, the participant hospital pays
to Medicare an amount equal to the
calculation described in paragraph (f)(1)
of this section. CMS waives this
requirement for performance year 1.
(g) Determination of eligibility for
reconciliation based on quality. (1) CMS
assesses each participant hospital’s
performance on quality metrics, as
described in § 510.400, to determine
whether the participant hospital is
eligible to receive a reconciliation
payment for a performance year.
(2) If the hospital meets the quality
thresholds as specified in § 510.400, and
is determined to have positive NPRA
under paragraph (e) of this section, the
hospital is eligible for a reconciliation
(3) If the hospital does not meet the
thresholds as specified in § 510.400 for
a performance year, the hospital is not
eligible for a reconciliation payment.
(h) Reconciliation report. CMS issues
each participant hospital a CCJR
reconciliation report for the
performance year. Each CCJR
reconciliation report contains the
(1) Information on whether the
participant hospital met or exceeded the
quality thresholds specified in
§ 510.400.
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(2) The total actual episode payments
for the participant hospital.
(3) The NPRA.
(4) Whether the participant hospital is
eligible for a reconciliation payment or
must make a repayment to Medicare.
(5) The NPRA and subsequent
reconciliation calculation amount for
the previous performance year, as
(6) The reconciliation payment or
repayment amount.
(i) Subsequent reconciliation
calculation. (1) Fourteen months after
the end of each performance year, CMS
performs an additional calculation,
using claims data available at that time,
to account for final claims run-out and
any additional overlap between the
CCJR model and other CMS models and
programs as described in paragraph
(i)(2) of this section.
(2) The subsequent reconciliation
calculation accounts for CCJR episodes
that overlap with the following shared
savings programs and models in cases
where the participant hospital is a
participant in the ACO and the
beneficiary in the episode is assigned to
the ACO:
(i) The Pioneer ACO model.
(ii) The Medicare Shared Savings
(iii) The Next Generation ACO model.
(iv) The Comprehensive ESRD Care
Initiative (CEC).
(3) The additional calculation occurs
concurrently with the reconciliation
process for the most recent performance
year. If the result of the subsequent
calculation is different than zero, CMS
applies the stop-loss and stop-gain
limits in paragraph (e) of this section to
the calculations in aggregate for that
performance year (the initial
reconciliation and the subsequent
calculation) to ensure the amount does
not exceed the stop-loss or stop-gain
limits. CMS then applies this amount to
the NPRA for the most recent
performance year in order to determine
the reconciliation amount or repayment
amount for the most recent performance
year. For the performance year 2
reconciliation report only, the
subsequent calculation amount (for
performance year 1) is applied to the
performance year 1 NPRA to ensure that
the combined amount is not less than 0.
If the combined amount is less than
zero, the subsequent calculation amount
would be capped at the amount that
would result in a net amount of zero for
the combination of the performance year
1 NPRA and subsequent calculation
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§ 510.310
Appeals process.
(a) General. If a participant hospital
believes that there is an error in a
calculation that involves a matter in any
way related to payment, reconciliation
amounts, repayment amounts, or
determinations associated with quality
measures impacting payment, the
hospital is required to provide written
notice of the error, in a form and
manner specified by CMS.
(1) Unless the participant hospital
provides such notice, the CCJR
reconciliation report is deemed final 30
calendar days after it is issued.
(2) If CMS receives a timely notice of
a calculation error as provided in
paragraph (d) of this section, CMS
responds in writing within 30 calendar
days to either confirm or refute the
calculation error, although CMS
reserves the right to an extension upon
written notice to the participant
(3) If a participant hospital does not
submit timely notice of a calculation
error in accordance with the timelines
and processes specified by CMS, then
CMS deems final the CCJR
reconciliation report and proceeds with
the payment or repayment processes, as
applicable, as determined by the NPRA
reflected in the CCJR reconciliation
(b) Participant hospitals may appeal
the NPRA or any calculations impacting
NPRA, reconciliation amounts or
repayment amounts on the grounds that
CMS or its representative made an error
in calculating such amounts using the
dispute resolution process defined in
paragraph (e) of this section.
(c) Only participant hospitals may
utilize the dispute resolution process.
(d) To begin the dispute resolution
process, a participant hospital must
submit a notice of calculation error in a
timely manner, as specified by CMS.
(e) Dispute resolution process. (1) If
the participant hospital is dissatisfied
with CMS’s response to the notice of a
calculation error, the participant
hospital may request a reconsideration
review in a form and manner as
specified by CMS.
(i) The reconsideration review request
must provide a detailed explanation of
the basis for the dispute and include
supporting documentation for the
participant hospital’s assertion that
CMS or its representatives did not
accurately calculate the NPRA in
accordance with § 510.305.
(ii) If CMS does not receive a request
for reconsideration from the participant
hospital within 10 calendar days of the
issue date of CMS’s response to the
participant hospital’s notice of
calculation error, then CMS’s response
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to the calculation error is deemed final
and CMS proceeds with reconciliation
payment or repayment processes, as
applicable, as described in § 510.305.
(iii) Where the participant hospital
contests a matter that does not involve
an issue contained in, or a calculation
which contributes to, a CCJR
reconciliation report, a calculation error
form is not required. An example of
such a matter is termination of the
participant hospital from the model. In
those instances, if CMS does not receive
a request for reconsideration from the
participant hospital within 10 calendar
days of the notice of the initial
determination, the initial determination
is deemed final and CMS proceeds with
action indicated in the initial
(2)(i) A CMS reconsideration official
notifies the participant hospital in
writing within 15 calendar days of
receiving the participant hospital’s
review request of the following:
(A) The date, time, and location of the
(B) The issues in dispute.
(C) The review procedures.
(D) The procedures (including format
and deadlines) for submission of
(ii) The CMS reconsideration official
takes all reasonable efforts to schedule
the review to occur no later than 30
days after the date of receipt of the
(iii) The provisions at § 425.804(b),
(c), and (e) of this chapter are applicable
to reviews conducted in accordance
with the reconsideration review process
for CCJR.
(iv) The CMS reconsideration official
issues a written determination within 30
days of the review. The determination is
final and binding.
(3) Limitations on review. In
accordance with section 1115A(d)(2) of
the Act, there is no administrative or
judicial review under sections 1869 or
1878 of the Act or otherwise for the
(i) The selection of models for testing
or expansion under section 1115A of the
(ii) The selection of organizations,
sites, or participants to test those
models selected.
(iii) The elements, parameters, scope,
and duration of such models for testing
or dissemination.
(iv) Determinations regarding budget
neutrality under section 1115A(b)(3) of
(v) The termination or modification of
the design and implementation of a
model under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of
(vi) Decisions about expansion of the
duration and scope of a model under
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section 1115A(c) of the Act, including
the determination that a model is not
expected to meet criteria described in
paragraph (e)(1) or (2) of this section.
§ 510.315 Quality thresholds for
reconciliation payment eligibility.
(a) General. Participant hospitals are
eligible for a reconciliation payment for
a performance year only if they meet or
exceed the minimum quality thresholds
specified in paragraph (b) of this section
for the performance year.
(b) Quality measure thresholds. A
participant hospital’s measure result
must be at or above the thresholds in
paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section
for all three quality measures for each
performance year of this model to be
eligible for additional payments under
the CCJR model.
(1) The 30th percentile of the national
hospital measure results calculated for
all HIQR-participant hospitals for
performance years 1, 2, and 3.
(2) The 40th percentile for
performance years 4 and 5.
(c) Low-volume hospital exception. A
participant hospital with an insufficient
volume of episodes on which to
determine performance on an individual
measure, as determined by CMS, is
considered to have met the performance
threshold for that quality measure.
§ 510.320 Treatment of incentive programs
or add-on payments under existing
Medicare payment systems.
The CCJR model does not replace any
existing Medicare incentive programs or
add-on payments. The target price and
NPRA for a participant hospital is
independent of, and does not affect, any
incentive programs or add-on payments
under existing Medicare payment
systems (as described in
§ 510.300(b)(5)).
§ 510.325 Allocation of payments for
services that straddle the episode.
(a) General. Services included in the
episode as provided in § 510.200(b) that
straddle the episode are prorated so that
only the portion attributable to care
furnished during the episode are
attributed to the calculation of actual
episode payments.
(b) Proration of services. Payments for
services that straddle the episode are
prorated using the following
(1) Non-IPPS inpatient services and
other inpatient services. Non-IPPS
inpatient services, and services
furnished by other inpatient providers
that extend beyond the end of the
episode are prorated according to the
percentage of the actual length of stay
(in days) that falls within the episode
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(2) Home health agency services.
Home health services paid under the
prospective payment system in part 484,
subpart E of this chapter are prorated
according to the percentage of days,
starting with the first billable service
date (‘‘start of care date’’) and through
and including the last billable service
date, that occur during the fixed
duration of the episode. This
methodology is applied in the same way
if the home health services begin (the
start of care date) prior to the start of the
(3) IPPS services. IPPS claim amounts
that extend beyond the end of the
episode are prorated according to the
geometric mean length of stay, using the
following methodology:
(i) The first day of the IPPS stay is
counted as 2 days.
(ii) If the actual length of stay that
occurred during the episode is equal to
or greater than the MS–DRG geometric
mean, the normal MS–DRG payment
would be fully allocated to the episode.
(iii) If the actual length of stay that
occurred during the episode is less than
the geometric mean, the normal MS–
DRG payment amount would be
allocated to the episode based on the
number of inpatient days that fall
within the episode.
(iv) If the full amount is not allocated
to the episode, any remainder amount is
allocated to the post-episode spending
calculation (defined in § 510.2).
Subpart E—Quality Measures,
Beneficiary Protections, and
Compliance Enforcement
§ 510.400
Quality measures and reporting.
(a) Reporting of quality measures. The
following quality measures are used for
public reporting and for determining
whether a participant hospital is eligible
for additional payments under the CCJR
model, as described in § 510.305:
(1) Hospital-level risk-standardized
complication rate following elective
primary total hip arthroplasty and/or
total knee arthroplasty.
(2) Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause
risk-standardized readmission rate
following elective primary total hip
arthroplasty and/or total knee
(3) Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
(b) Requirements for successful data
submission of patient reported
outcomes. To be eligible for the
discount factors that apply to
participant hospitals that successfully
submit the voluntary patient reported
outcomes data described in § 510.300(c),
participant hospitals must submit data
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
on the hospital-level performance
measure(s) of patient-reported outcomes
following elective primary total hip
and/or total knee arthroplasty, including
but not limited to the pre-operative and
post-operative data elements, for at least
80 percent of the eligible elective
primary total hip and/or total knee
arthroplasty beneficiaries within 60
days of the end of the most recent
performance period.
(c) Public reporting. CMS—
(1) Makes the quality measurement
results calculated for the readmission,
complication, and patient survey quality
measures for each participant hospital
in each performance year publicly
available on the CMS Web site in a form
and manner as determined by CMS.
(2) Shares each participant hospital’s
quality metrics with the hospital prior
to display on the Web site.
(3) Does not publicly report the
voluntary patient reported outcome data
during this 5 year model.
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§ 510.405 Beneficiary choice and
beneficiary notification.
(a) Beneficiary choice. The CCJR
model does not restrict Medicare
beneficiaries’ ability to choose any
Medicare participating provider or
supplier, or any provider or supplier
who has opted out of Medicare.
(b) Required beneficiary notification.
(1) Each participant hospital must
provide written notice to any Medicare
beneficiary that meets the criteria in
§ 510.205 of his or her inclusion in the
CCJR model. The beneficiary
notification must contain all of the
(i) A detailed explanation of the
model and how it might be expected to
affect the beneficiary’s care.
(ii) Notification that the beneficiary
retains freedom of choice to choose
providers and services.
(iii) Explanation of how patients can
access care records and claims data
through an available patient portal, and
how they can share access to their Blue
Button® electronic health information
with caregivers.
(iv) A statement that all existing
Medicare beneficiary protections
continue to be available to the
beneficiary. These include the ability to
report concerns of substandard care to
Quality Improvement Organizations
(QIO) and 1–800–MEDICARE.
(2) A participant hospital must
require any physician with whom it has
a CCJR sharing arrangement to provide
written notice of the existence of such
an arrangement to any Medicare
beneficiary that meets the criteria for
inclusion in the model specified in
§ 510.205.
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(c) Timing of the required beneficiary
notification. The participant hospital
provides the written notice described in
paragraph (b) of this section upon the
beneficiary’s admission for an anchor
§ 510.410
Compliance enforcement.
(a) General. Participant hospitals must
comply with all of the requirements
outlined in this part.
(b) Failure to comply. CMS may do
one or more of the following if a
participant hospital fails to comply with
any of the requirements outlined in this
(1) Issue a warning letter to the
participant hospital.
(2) Require the participant hospital to
develop a corrective action plan.
(3) Reduce or eliminate a participant
hospital’s positive NPRA.
(4) Terminate the participant
hospital’s participation in the CCJR
model, if the participant hospital, or an
individual or entity with which the
participant hospital has a participation
agreement, does any of the following:
(i) Takes any action that threatens the
health or safety of patients.
(ii) Avoids at-risk Medicare
beneficiaries, as this term is defined in
§ 425.20 of this chapter.
(iii) Avoids patients on the basis of
payer status.
(iv) Is subject to sanctions or final
actions of an accrediting organization or
federal, state, or local government
agency that could lead to the inability
to comply with the requirements and
provisions of this part.
(v) Takes or fails to take any action
that CMS determines for program
integrity reasons is not in the best
interests of the CCJR model.
(vi) Is subject to action by the
Secretary to redress an allegation of
fraud or significant misconduct,
including intervening in a False Claims
Act qui tam matter, issuing a predemand or demand letter under a civil
sanction authority or similar actions.
Subpart F—Financial Arrangements
and Beneficiary Incentives
§ 510.500 Financial arrangements under
the CCJR model.
(a) General. To assist participant
hospitals in aligning the financial
incentives of other providers and
suppliers caring for beneficiaries in
CCJR episodes with the quality and
efficiency goals of the CCJR model,
participant hospitals may, consistent
with applicable law, elect to enter into
financial arrangements that contain
CCJR sharing arrangements with CCJR
collaborators, as defined in this section.
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(1) All such financial arrangements
must comply with all relevant laws and
regulations, including the fraud and
abuse laws and all applicable payment
and coverage requirements.
(2) CMS reserves the right to review
any CCJR sharing arrangement to ensure
that it does not pose a risk to beneficiary
access, beneficiary freedom of choice, or
quality of care.
(b) Required records. When a
participant hospital enters into a CCJR
sharing arrangement with a CCJR
collaborator, the participant hospital,
and all of its CCJR collaborators must
maintain copies of the following
(1) All original copies of CCJR sharing
arrangements that the participant
hospital signs with a CCJR collaborator
in connection with the hospital’s
participation in CCJR. Each CCJR
sharing arrangement must include, but
is not limited to the following:
(i) A specific methodology and
accounting formula for calculating and
verifying the internal cost savings
generated by the participant hospital
entering into a CCJR sharing
arrangement with a CCJR collaborator
based on the care redesign elements
specifically associated with the
particular CCJR collaborator.
(ii) Specific methodologies for
accruing and calculating internal cost
savings from the participant hospital,
where the hospital intends to share
internal cost savings through a CCJR
sharing arrangement with a CCJR
collaborator. The specific methodologies
for accruing and calculating internal
cost savings must be transparent,
measurable, and verifiable in
accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles and Government
Auditing Standards (The Yellow Book).
The methodology must set out the
specific care redesign elements to be
undertaken by the participant hospital
or the CCJR collaborator or both.
(iii) A description of the methodology
and accounting formula for calculating
the percentage or dollar amount of a
reconciliation payment that will be paid
from the participant hospital to the
CCJR collaborator.
(iv) A description of the methodology,
frequency of distribution, and
accounting formula for distributing and
verifying any and all gainsharing
(v) A description of the arrangement
between the participant hospital and the
CCJR collaborator regarding gainsharing
payments and alignment payments,
including safeguards to ensure that such
alignment payments are made solely for
purposes related to sharing
responsibility for funds need to repay
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Medicare in the CCJR model. This
description must include the following:
(A) A methodology.
(B) Frequency of payment.
(C) Accounting formula for payment.
(D) Receipt of any and all alignment
(E) Plans regarding care redesign.
(F) Changes in care coordination or
delivery that is applied to the
participant hospital or CCJR
collaborators or both.
(G) Any description of how success
will be measured.
(vi) Management and staffing
information, including type of
personnel or contractors that will be
primarily responsible for carrying out
changes to care under the model.
(2) The participant hospital must keep
records of the following:
(i) All CCJR collaborators.
(ii) Its process for determining and
verifying the eligibility of CCJR
collaborators to participate in Medicare.
(iii) Information confirming the
organizational readiness of the
participant hospital to measure and
track internal cost savings.
(iv) Plan to track internal cost savings.
(v) Information on the accounting
systems used to track internal cost
(vi) A description of current health
information technology, including
systems to track reconciliation
payments and internal cost savings.
(c) Participant agreement. The
participant agreement must obligate the
parties to comply, and must obligate the
CCJR collaborator to require any of its
employees, contractors or designees to
comply, without limitation, to the
(1) An individual or entity’s
participation in the CCJR sharing
arrangement is voluntary, and there is
no penalty for nonparticipation.
(2) Any gainsharing payments made
under the CCJR sharing arrangement
may be made only from the participant
hospital to the entity or individual with
whom the participant hospital has a
signed CCJR sharing arrangement.
(3) Any alignment payments made in
accordance with a CCJR sharing
arrangement may be made only to the
participant hospital from the entity or
individual with whom the participant
hospital has signed a participation
agreement containing a CCJR sharing
arrangement. A CCJR collaborator
entering into a CCJR sharing
arrangement must be in compliance
with all Medicare provider enrollment
requirements at § 424.500 of this
chapter, including having a valid and
active TIN or NPI.
(4) Any internal cost savings or
reconciliation payments that the
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participant hospital seeks to share
through CCJR sharing arrangements
must meet the requirements set forth in
this part and must be administered by
the participant hospital in accordance
with generally accepted accounting
(i) The participant hospital may not
distribute any amounts that are not
comprised of dollars that are either
internal cost savings or a reconciliation
payment, as those terms are defined in
this part.
(ii) All amounts deemed internal cost
savings by the participant hospital must
reflect actual, internal cost savings
achieved by the participant hospital
through implementation of care
redesign elements identified and
documented by the participant hospital
in the manner described in this section.
(iii) Internal cost savings may not
reflect ‘‘paper’’ savings from accounting
conventions or past investment in fixed
(5) Any alignment payments that the
participant hospital receives through a
CCJR sharing arrangement must meet
the requirements set forth in this section
and be administered by the participant
hospital in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles. In no
event may the participant hospital
receive any amounts from a CCJR
collaborator under a CCJR sharing
arrangement that are not alignment
(6) Provisions that require CCJR
collaborators to share all records related
to a CCJR Sharing Arrangement,
including at a minimum the following:
(i) Each participation agreement
between the participant hospital and a
CCJR collaborator must obligate the
CCJR collaborator to provide the
participant hospital and CMS with
access to the CCJR collaborator’s
records, information, and data for
purposes of monitoring and reporting
and any other lawful purpose.
(ii) Records, information, and data
demonstrating compliance with the
gainsharing payment must—
(A) Have sufficient detail to verify
compliance with all material terms of
the CCJR sharing arrangement; and
(B) Be fully substantiated and
documented, as to both statements and
(7) Participation agreements must
require all CCJR collaborators to comply
with any evaluation, monitoring,
compliance, and enforcement activities
performed by CMS or its designees for
the purposes of operating the CCJR
(d) Gainsharing payment and
alignment payment conditions and
restrictions. Participant hospitals must
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adhere to the following conditions and
restrictions concerning gainsharing
payments and alignment payments
made under a CCJR sharing
(1) No entity or individual, as a party
to a participation agreement or not, may
condition the opportunity to receive
gainsharing payments in CCJR on the
volume or value of past or anticipated
referrals or other business generated to,
from, or among the participant hospital
and any CCJR collaborators.
(2) Participant hospitals are not
required to share reconciliation
payments, internal cost savings, or
responsibility for repayment to CMS
with other providers and suppliers.
(i) If a participant hospital elects to
engage in those activities, such activities
are limited to the terms of this section.
(ii) Gainsharing payments, if
distributed, must be distributed on an
annual basis.
(iii) Alignment payments from a CCJR
collaborator to a participant hospital
may be made at any interval that is
agreed upon by both parties, and must—
(A) Be clearly identified;
(B) Comply with all provisions in this
(C) Comply with all applicable laws,
statutes, and rules.
(3) No entity or individual, as a party
to a participation agreement or not, may
condition the opportunity to send or
receive alignment payments in CCJR on
the volume or value of past or
anticipated referrals or other business
generated to, from, or among the
participant hospital and any CCJR
(4) In a calendar year, the aggregate
amount of the total gainsharing
payments distributed by a participant
hospital that are derived from a CCJR
reconciliation payment may not exceed
the amount of the reconciliation
payment the participant hospital
receives from CMS.
(5) In a calendar year, the aggregate
amount of the total alignment payments
received by the participant hospital may
not exceed 50 percent of the participant
hospital’s repayment amount due to
CMS. If no repayment amount is due,
then no alignment payments may be
received by the participant hospital.
(6) The participant hospital must
retain at least 50 percent of its
responsibility for repayment, pursuant
to the repayment amount reflected in a
reconciliation report, under the CCJR
model to CMS.
(7) A single CCJR collaborator may not
make an alignment payment to a
participant hospital that represents an
amount greater than 25 percent of the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
repayment amount reflected on a
reconciliation report.
(8) Gainsharing payments and
alignment payments must not induce
any of the following parties to reduce or
limit medically necessary services to
any Medicare beneficiary:
(i) The participant hospital.
(ii) CCJR collaborators.
(iii) Employees, contractors, or
designees of the participant hospital or
CCJR collaborators.
(9) Individual physician and
nonphysician practitioners must retain
their ability to make decisions in the
best interests of the patient, including
the selection of devices, supplies, and
(10) Methodologies for calculating
gainsharing payments and alignment
payments must not directly account for
volume or value of referrals, or business
otherwise generated, between or among
the participant hospital and CCJR
(11) Gainsharing payments must be
derived solely from reconciliation
payments or internal cost savings or
(12) The total amount of gainsharing
payments for a calendar year paid to an
individual physician or nonphysician
practitioner who is a CCJR collaborator
must not exceed 50 percent of the total
Medicare approved amounts under the
Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for
services furnished to the participant
hospital’s CCJR beneficiaries during a
CCJR episode by that physician or
nonphysician practitioner.
(e) Documentation and maintenance
of records. All participant hospitals and
CCJR collaborators who enter into CCJR
sharing arrangements must:
(1) Provide to CMS, the OIG, and the
Comptroller General or their designee(s)
scheduled and unscheduled access to
all books, contracts, records, documents,
and other evidence (including data
related to utilization and payments,
quality performance measures, billings,
and CCJR sharing arrangements related
to CCJR) sufficient to enable the audit,
evaluation, inspection, or investigation
of the participant hospital’s compliance,
as well as the compliance of any CCJR
collaborator that has a CCJR sharing
arrangement with the participant
hospital, with CCJR requirements, the
participation agreement, the quality of
services furnished, the obligation to
repay any reconciliation payments owed
to CMS, or the calculation or both,
distribution, receipt, or recoupment of
gainsharing payments or alignment
(2) Maintain all such books, contracts,
records, documents, and other evidence
for a period of 10 years from the last day
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21:01 Jul 13, 2015
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of the participant hospital’s
participation in the CCJR model or from
the date of completion of any audit,
evaluation, inspection, or investigation,
whichever is later, unless—
(i) CMS determines that there is a
special need to retain a particular record
or group of records for a longer period
and notifies the participant hospital at
least 30 calendar days before the normal
disposition date; or
(ii) There has been a dispute or
allegation of fraud or similar fault
against the participant hospital or any
CCJR collaborator, in which case the
records must be maintained for an
additional 6 years from the date of any
resulting final resolution of the dispute
or allegation of fraud or similar fault.
(f) Compliance responsibility.
Notwithstanding any CCJR sharing
arrangements between the participant
hospital and CCJR collaborators, the
participant hospital must have ultimate
responsibility for adhering to and
otherwise fully complying with all
provisions of the CCJR model.
(g) OIG authority. OIG authority is not
limited or restricted by the provisions of
the CCJR model, including the authority
to audit, evaluate, investigate, or inspect
the participant hospital, CCJR
collaborators, or any other person or
entity or their records, data, or
information, without limitation.
(h) Other authorities. None of the
provisions of the CCJR model limits or
restricts any other government authority
permitted by law to audit, evaluate,
investigate, or inspect the participant
hospital, CCJR collaborators, or any
other person or entity or their records,
data, or information, without limitation.
§ 510.505 Beneficiary incentives under the
CCJR model.
(a) General. Participant hospitals may
choose to provide in-kind patient
engagement incentives to beneficiaries
in CCJR episodes for free or below fair
market value, subject to the following
(1) The incentive must be provided to
the beneficiary during a CCJR episode of
(2) The item or service provided must
be reasonably connected to the
beneficiary’s medical care, as well as be
a preventive care item or service or an
item or service that advances a clinical
goal, as listed in paragraph (b) of this
section, for a beneficiary in a CCJR
episode by engaging the beneficiary in
better managing his or her own health.
(b) Goals of the CCJR model. The
following are the particular clinical
goals of the CCJR model, which may be
advanced through beneficiary
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(1) Beneficiary adherence to drug
(2) Beneficiary adherence to follow up
care plan or care.
(3) Reduction of readmissions and
complications resulting from lowerextremity joint replacement procedures.
(4) Management of chronic diseases
and conditions that may be affected by
the lower-extremity joint replacement
(c) Beneficiary incentives. Participant
hospitals are required to maintain a list
of items and services furnished as
beneficiary incentives that exceed $10,
including the following:
(1) The date the incentive is provided.
(2) The identity of the beneficiary to
whom the item or service was provided.
(d) Technology provided to a
beneficiary. (1) Items or services
involving technology provided to a
beneficiary may not exceed $1,000 in
value for any one beneficiary in any one
CCJR episode.
(2) Items of technology exceeding $50
(i) Remain the property of the
participant hospital; and
(ii) Be retrieved from the beneficiary
at the end of the CCJR episode. The
participant hospital must maintain
documentation of the date of retrieval.
Subpart G—Waivers
§ 510.600 Waiver of direct supervision
requirement for certain post-discharge
home visits.
(a) General. CMS waives the
requirement in § 410.26(b)(5) of this
chapter that services and supplies
furnished incident to a physician’s
service must be furnished under the
direct supervision of the physician (or
other practitioner) to permit home visits
as specified in this section. The services
furnished under this waiver are not be
considered to be ‘‘hospital services,’’
even when furnished by the clinical
staff of the hospital.
(b) General supervision of qualified
personnel. The waiver of the direct
supervision requirement in
§ 410.26(b)(5) of this chapter applies
only in the following circumstances:
(1) The home visit is furnished during
the episode to a beneficiary who has
been discharged from an anchor
(2) The home visit is furnished at the
beneficiary’s home or place or
(3) The beneficiary does not qualify
for home health services under sections
1835(a) and 1814(a) of the Act at the
time of any such home visit.
(4) The visit is furnished by a licensed
clinician, either employed by a hospital
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 / Proposed Rules
or not, under the general supervision of
a physician employee or a contractor of
the participant hospital.
(5) No more than 9 visits are
furnished to the beneficiary during the
(c) Payment. Up to 9 post-discharge
home visits per CCJR episode may be
billed under Part B by the physician or
nonphysician practitioner or by the
participant hospital to which the
supervising physician has reassigned
his or her billing rights.
(d) Other requirements. All other
Medicare rules for coverage and
payment of services incident to a
physician’s service continue to apply.
§ 510.605 Waiver of certain telehealth
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(a) Waiver of the geographic site
requirements. CMS waives the
geographic site requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the
Act for all episodes being tested in the
CCJR model, but only for services that—
(1) May be furnished via telehealth
under existing requirements; and
(2) Are included in the episode in
accordance with § 510.200(b).
(b) Waiver of the originating site
requirements. CMS waives originating
site requirements under section
1834(m)(4)(C)(ii)(I) through (VIII) of the
Act for all episodes being tested in the
CCJR model to permit a telehealth visit
to originate in the beneficiary’s home or
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place of residence, but only for services
(1) May be furnished via telehealth
under existing requirements; and
(2) Are included in the CCJR episode
in accordance with § 510.200(b). The
facility fee normally paid by Medicare
to an originating site for a telehealth
service is not paid if the service is
originated in the beneficiary’s home.
(c) Other requirements. All other
requirements for Medicare coverage and
payment of telehealth services continue
to apply, including the list of specific
services approved to be furnished by
§ 510.610
Waiver of SNF 3-day rule.
(a) Waiver of the SNF 3-day rule. For
all episodes being tested in the CCJR
model in performance years 2 through 5,
CMS waives the SNF 3-day rule for
coverage of a SNF stay for a beneficiary
following the anchor hospitalization,
but only if the SNF is rated an overall
of 3 stars or better in the Five-Star
Quality Rating System for SNFs on the
Nursing Home Compare Web site
(b) Other requirements. All other
Medicare rules for coverage and
payment of Part A-covered SNF services
continue to apply.
§ 510.615 Waiver of certain post-operative
billing restrictions.
(a) Waiver to permit certain services to
be billed separately during the 90-day
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post-operative global surgical period.
CMS waives the billing requirements for
global surgeries to allow the separate
billing of certain post-discharge home
visits, including those related to
recovery from the surgery, as described
in paragraph (b) of this section, for all
episodes being tested in the CCJR
(b) Services to which the waiver
applies. Up to 9 post-discharge home
visits, including those related to
recovery from the surgery, per CCJR
episode may be billed separately under
Part B by the physician or nonphysician
practitioner, or by the participant
hospital to which the physician or
nonphysician practitioner has
reassigned his or her billing rights.
(c) Other requirements. All other
Medicare rules for global surgery billing
during the 90-day post-operative period
continue to apply.
Dated: July 1, 2015.
Andrew M. Slavitt,
Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
Dated: July 6, 2015.
Sylvia M. Burwell,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2015–17190 Filed 7–9–15; 4:15 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 134 (Tuesday, July 14, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 41197-41316]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-17190]
[[Page 41197]]
Vol. 80
No. 134
July 14, 2015
Part III
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Part 510
Medicare Program; Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Payment
Model for Acute Care Hospitals Furnishing Lower Extremity Joint
Replacement Services; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 134 / Tuesday, July 14, 2015 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 41198]]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Part 510
RIN 0938-AS64
Medicare Program; Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement
Payment Model for Acute Care Hospitals Furnishing Lower Extremity Joint
Replacement Services
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule proposes to implement a new Medicare Part A
and B payment model under section 1115A of the Social Security Act,
called the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) model, in
which acute care hospitals in certain selected geographic areas will
receive retrospective bundled payments for episodes of care for lower
extremity joint replacement or reattachment of a lower extremity. All
related care within 90 days of hospital discharge from the joint
replacement procedures will be included in the episode of care. We
believe this model will further our goals in improving the efficiency
and quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries for these common medical
DATES: Comment period: To be assured consideration, comments on this
proposed rule must be received at one of the addresses provided in the
ADDRESSES section no later than 5 p.m. EDT on September 8, 2015.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer to file code CMS-5516-P. Because
of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by
facsimile (FAX) transmission.
You may submit comments in one of four ways (no duplicates,
1. Electronically. You may (and we encourage you to) submit
electronic comments on this regulation to
Follow the instructions under the ``submit a comment'' tab.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS-5516-P, P.O. Box 8013,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed comments to be received
before the close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments via
express or overnight mail to the following address ONLY: Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-5516-P, Mail Stop C4-26-05, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
4. By hand or courier. If you prefer, you may deliver (by hand or
courier) your written comments before the close of the comment period
to either of the following addresses:
a. For delivery in Washington, DC--
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, Room 445-G, Hubert H. Humphrey Building, 200
Independence Avenue SW., Washington, DC 20201.
(Because access to the interior of the Hubert H. Humphrey Building
is not readily available to persons without Federal Government
identification, commenters are encouraged to leave their comments in
the CMS drop slots located in the main lobby of the building. A stamp-
in clock is available for persons wishing to retain a proof of filing
by stamping in and retaining an extra copy of the comments being
b. For delivery in Baltimore, MD--
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and
Human Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
If you intend to deliver your comments to the Baltimore address,
please call the telephone number (410) 786-7195 in advance to schedule
your arrival with one of our staff members.
Comments mailed to the addresses indicated as appropriate for hand
or courier delivery may be delayed and received after the comment
For information on viewing public comments, we refer readers to the
beginning of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
Claire Schreiber,, 410-786-8939
Gabriel Scott,, 410-786-3928
Inspection of Public Comments: All comments received before the
close of the comment period are available for viewing by the public,
including any personally identifiable or confidential business
information that is included in a comment. We post all comments
received before the close of the comment period on the following Web
site as soon as possible after they have been received: Follow the search instructions on that Web site to
view public comments.
Comments received timely will also be available for public
inspection, generally beginning approximately 3 weeks after publication
of the rule, at the headquarters of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, on Monday
through Friday of each week from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT. To
schedule an appointment to view public comments, phone 1-800-743-3951.
Electronic Access
This Federal Register document is also available from the Federal
Register online database through Federal Digital System (FDsys), a
service of the U.S. Government Printing Office. This database can be
accessed via the internet at
Alphabetical List of Acronyms
Because of the many terms to which we refer by acronym,
abbreviation, or short form in this proposed rule, we are listing the
acronyms, abbreviations and short forms used and their corresponding
terms in alphabetical order.
[micro]SA Micropolitan Statistical Area
ACO Accountable Care Organization
ASPE Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
BPCI Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
CBSA Core-Based Statistical Area
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
CCJR Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement
CSA Combined Statistical Area
DME Durable Medical Equipment
FFS Fee-for-service
HCAHPS Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
HHA Home health agency
HOPD Hospital outpatient department
HHPPS Home Health Prospective Payment System
HIQR Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
HRRP Hospital Readmissions Reductions Program
HRR Hospital Referral Region
HVBP Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program
ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision,
Clinical Modification
IPPS Inpatient Prospective Payment System
IPF Inpatient psychiatric facility
IRF Inpatient rehabilitation facility
LEJR Lower extremity joint replacement
LOS Length of stay
LTCH Long term care hospital
LUPA Low Utilization Payment Adjustment
[[Page 41199]]
MAC Medicare Administrative Contractor
MCC Major complications or comorbidities
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
MS-DRG Medical Severity Diagnosis-Related Group
MP Malpractice
NPP Nonphysician Practitioner
NPRA Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
OPPS Outpatient Prospective Payment System
PAC Post-acute care
SNF Skilled nursing facility
THA Total hip arthroplasty
TKA Total knee arthroplasty
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose
B. Summary of the Major Provisions
1. Model Overview: LEJR Episodes of Care
2. Model Scope
3. Payment
4. Similar Previous and Concurrent Models
5. Overlap With Ongoing CMS Efforts
6. Quality Measures and Reporting Requirements
7. Data Sharing Process
8. Beneficiary Protections
C. Summary of Economic Effects
II. Background
III. Provisions of the Proposed Rule
A. Proposed Definition of the Episode Initiator and Selected
Geographic Areas
1. Background
2. Proposed Definition of Episode Initiator
3. Financial Responsibility for the Episode of Care
4. Proposed Geographic Unit of Selection and Exclusion of
Selected Hospitals
a. Overview and Options for Geographic Area Selection
b. MSA Selection Methodology
(1) Exclusion of Certain MSAs
(2) Proposed Selection Strata
(a) MSA Average Wage-adjusted Historic LEJR Episode Payments
(b) MSA Population Size
(c) Analysis of Strata
(3) Factors Considered but Not Used in Creating Proposed Strata
(4) Sample Size Calculations and the Number of Selected MSAs
(5) Method of Selecting MSAs
B. Episode Definition for the Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CCJR) Model
1. Background
2. Clinical Dimension of Episodes of Care
a. Definition of the Clinical Conditions Included in the Episode
b. Definition of Related Services Included in the Episode
3. Duration of Episodes of Care
a. Beginning the Episode and Beneficiary Care Inclusion Criteria
b. Middle of the Episode
c. End of the Episode
C. Proposed Methodology for Setting Episode Prices and Paying
Model Participants Under the CCJR Model
1. Background
2. Performance Years, Retrospective Episode Payment, and Two-
Sided Risk Model
a. Performance Period
b. Proposed Retrospective Payment Methodology
c. Proposed Two-Sided Risk Model
3. Adjustments to Payments Included in Episode
a. Proposed Treatment of Special Payment Provisions Under
Existing Medicare Payment Systems
b. Proposed Treatment of Payment for Services That Extend Beyond
the Episode
c. Proposed Pricing Adjustment for High Payment Episodes
4. Proposed Episode Price Setting Methodology
a. Overview
b. Proposed Pricing Features
(1) Different Target Prices for Episodes Anchored by MS-DRG 469
vs. MS-DRG 470
(2) Three Years of Historical Data
(3) Proposed Trending of Historical Data to the Most Recent Year
of the Three
(4) Update Historical Episode Payments for Ongoing Payment
System Updates
(a) Proposed Inpatient Acute Services Update Factor
(b) Proposed Physician Services Update Factor
(c) Proposed IRF Services Update Factor
(d) Proposed SNF Services Update Factor
(e) Proposed HHA Services Update Factor
(f) Proposed Other Services Update Factor
(5) Blend Hospital-Specific and Regional Historical Data
(6) Define Regions as U.S. Census Divisions
(7) Normalize for Provider-Specific Wage Adjustment Variations
(8) Proposed Combination of CCJR Episodes Anchored by MS-DRGs
469 and 470
(9) Discount Factor
c. Proposed Approach To Combine Pricing Features
5. Proposed Use of Quality Performance in the Payment
a. Background
b. Proposed Implementation of Quality Measures for
Reconciliation Payment Eligibility
(1) General Selection of Proposed Quality Measures
(2) Proposal To Adjust the Payment Methodology for Voluntary
Submission of Data for Patient-Reported Outcome Measure
(3) Measure Risk-Adjustment and Calculations
(4) Applicable Time Period
(5) Criteria for Applicable Hospitals and Performance Scoring
(a) Identification of Applicable Hospitals for the CCJR Model
(b) Methodology to Determine Performance on the Quality Measures
(c) Proposed Methodology To Link Quality and Payment
(i) Background
(ii) Alternatives Considered To Link Quality and Payment
(iii) Proposal To Link Quality and Payment through Thresholds
for Reconciliation Payment Eligibility
6. Proposed Process for Reconciliation
a. Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
b. Payment Reconciliation
7. Proposed Adjustments for Overlaps With Other Innovation
Center Models and CMS Programs
a. Overview
b. CCJR Beneficiary Overlap With BPCI Episodes
c. Accounting for CCJR Reconciliation Payments and Recoupments
in Other Models and Programs
d. Accounting for Per Beneficiary Per Month (PBPM) Payments in
the Episode Definition
e. Accounting for Overlap With Shared Savings Programs and Total
Cost of Care Models
8. Proposals To Limit or Adjust Hospital Financial
a. Overview
b. Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA Contribution to Repayment Amounts
and Reconciliation Payments
(1) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA Contribution to Repayment Amounts
(2) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA Contribution to Reconciliation
c. Proposed Policies for Certain Hospitals to Further Limit
Repayment Responsibility
d. Proposed Hospital Responsibility for Increased Post-Episode
9. Proposed Appeal Procedures for Reconciliation
a. Payment Processes
b. Calculation Error
c. Dispute Resolution
(1) Limitations on Review
(2) Matters Subject to Dispute Resolution.
(3) Dispute Resolution Process.
10. Proposed Financial Arrangements, Beneficiary Incentives, and
Proposed Program Rule Waivers and Amendments
a. Financial Arrangements and Beneficiary Incentives
(1) Financial Arrangements Permitted Under the CCJR Model
(a) CCJR Sharing Arrangement Requirements.
(b) Participation Agreements Requirements.
(c) Gainsharing Payment and Alignment Payment Conditions and
(d) Documentation and Maintenance of Records
(2) Beneficiary Incentives Permitted Under the CCJR Model
(3) Compliance with Fraud and Abuse Laws
11. Proposed Waivers of Medicare Program Rules
a. Overview
b. Post-Discharge Home Visits
c. Billing and Payment for Telehealth Services
d. SNF 3-Day Rule
e. Waivers of Medicare Program Rules To Allow Reconciliation
Payment or Recoupment Actions Resulting From the Net Payment
Reconciliation Amount12. Proposed Enforcement Mechanisms
D. Quality Measures and Display of Quality Metrics Used in the
CCJR Model
1. Background
a. Purpose of Quality Measures in the CCJR Model
b. Public Display of Quality Measures in the CCJR Model
2. Proposed Quality Measures for Performance Year 1 (CY 2016)
and Subsequent Years
[[Page 41200]]
a. Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR)
Following Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total
Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1550)
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Risk-Adjustment
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized Complication Rate and
Performance Period
b. Hospital-Level 30-day, All-Cause Risk-Standardized
Readmission Rate (RSRR) Following Elective Primary Total Hip
Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551)
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Risk-Adjustment
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate and
Performance Period
c. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
Systems (HCAHPS) Survey
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Case-Mix-Adjustment
(6) HCAHPS Scoring
(7) Performance period
d. Applicable Time Period
3. Possible New Outcomes for Future Measures
a. Hospital-Level Performance Measure(s) of Patient-Reported
Outcomes Following Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee
(1) Background
(2) Data Sources
(3) Cohort
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
(5) Outcome
(6) Risk-Adjustment (if Applicable)
(7) Calculating the Risk-Standardized Rate
(8) Performance Period
(9) Requirements for Successful Submission of THA/TKA Voluntary
b. Measure that Captures Shared Decision-Making Related to
Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
c. Future Measures Around Care Planning
d. Future Considerations for Use of Electronic Health Records
4. Form, Manner and Timing of Quality Measure Data Submission
5. Proposed Display of Quality Measures and Availability of
Information for the Public From the CCJR Model
E. Data Sharing
1. Overview
2. Beneficiary Claims Data
3. Aggregate Regional Data
4. Timing and Period of Baseline Data
5. Frequency and Period of Claims Data Updates for Sharing
Beneficiary-Identifiable Claims Data During the Performance Period
6. Legal Permission to Share Beneficiary-Identifiable Data
F. Monitoring and Beneficiary Protection
1. Introduction and Summary
2. Beneficiary Choice and Beneficiary Notification
3. Monitoring for Access to Care
4. Monitoring for Quality of Care
5. Monitoring for Delayed Care
G. Coordination With Other Agencies
IV. Evaluation Approach
A. Background
B. Design and Evaluation Methods
C. Data Collection Methods
D. Key Evaluation Research Questions
E. Evaluation Period and Anticipated Reports
V. Collection of Information Requirements
VI. Response to Comments
VII. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
B. Overall Impact
C. Anticipated Effects
1. Overall Magnitude of the Model and its Effects on the Market
2. Effects on the Medicare Program
a. Assumptions and Uncertainties
b. Analyses
c. Further Consideration
3. Effects on Beneficiaries
4. Effects on Small Entities
5. Effects on Small Rural Hospitals
6. Unfunded Mandates
D. Alternatives
E. Accounting Statement
F. Conclusion
Regulations Text
I. Executive Summary
A. Purpose
The purpose of this proposed rule is to propose the creation and
testing of a new payment model called the Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CCJR) Model under the authority of the Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center or CMMI). Section 1115A of
the Social Security Act (the Act) authorizes the Innovation Center to
test innovative payment and service delivery models to reduce program
expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality of care
furnished to Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance
Program beneficiaries. The intent of the CCJR model is to promote
quality and financial accountability for episodes of care surrounding a
lower-extremity joint replacement (LEJR) or reattachment of a lower
extremity procedure.\1\ CCJR will test whether bundled payments to
acute care hospitals for LEJR episodes of care will reduce Medicare
expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries. We anticipate the CCJR model being proposed
would benefit Medicare beneficiaries by improving the coordination and
transition of care, improving the coordination of items and services
paid for through Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS), encouraging more
provider investment in infrastructure and redesigned care processes for
higher quality and more efficient service delivery, and incentivizing
higher value care across the inpatient and post-acute care spectrum
spanning the episode of care. We propose to test CCJR for a 5 year
performance period, beginning January 1, 2016, and ending December 31,
2020. Under FFS, Medicare makes separate payments to providers and
suppliers for the items and services furnished to a beneficiary over
the course of treatment (an episode of care). With the amount of
payments dependent on the volume of services delivered, providers may
not have incentives to invest in quality improvement and care
coordination activities. As a result, care may be fragmented,
unnecessary, or duplicative.
\1\ In this proposed rule, we use the term LEJR to refer to all
procedures within the Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Groups
(MS-DRGs) we propose to select for the model, including reattachment
of a lower extremity, as described in section III.B. of this
proposed rule.
We have previously used our statutory authority under section 1115A
of the Act to test bundled payment models such as the Bundled Payments
for Care Improvement (BPCI) initiative. Bundled payments for multiple
services in an episode of care hold participating organizations
financially accountable for an episode of care. They also allow
participants to receive payment in part based on the reduction in
expenditures for Medicare arising from their care redesign efforts.
We believe the CCJR model being proposed would further the mission
of the Innovation Center and the Secretary's goal of increasingly
paying for value and outcomes, rather than for volume,\2\ because it
would promote the alignment of financial and other incentives for all
health care providers caring for a beneficiary during an LEJR episode.
In the proposed CCJR model, the acute care hospital that is the site of
surgery would be held accountable for spending during the episode of
care. Participant hospitals would be afforded the opportunity to earn
performance-based payments by appropriately reducing expenditures and
meeting certain quality metrics. They would also gain access to data
and educational resources to better understand post-acute care and
associated spending. Payment approaches that reward providers that
assume financial and performance accountability for a particular
episode of care create
[[Page 41201]]
incentives for the implementation and coordination of care redesign
between hospitals and other providers.
\2\ Sylvia Mathews Burwell, HHS Secretary, Progress Towards
Achieving Better Care, Smarter Spending, Healthier People, (Jan 26, 2015).
The proposed model would require the participation of hospitals in
multiple geographic areas that might not otherwise participate in the
testing of bundled payments for episodes of care for LEJR procedures.
Other episode-based, bundled payment models being tested by Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), such as the BPCI initiative, are
voluntary in nature. Interested participants must apply to such models
to participate. To date, we have not tested an episode payment model
with bundled payments in which providers are required to participate.
We recognize that realizing the full potential of new payment models
will require the engagement of an even broader set of providers than
have participated to date, providers who may only be reached when new
payment models are applied to an entire class of providers of a
service. As such, we are interested in testing and evaluating the
impact of a bundled payment approach for LEJR procedures in a variety
of circumstances, especially among those hospitals that may not
otherwise participate in such a test.
This proposed model would allow CMS to gain experience with making
bundled payments to hospitals who have a variety of historic
utilization patterns; different roles within their local markets;
various volumes of services; different levels of access to financial,
community, or other resources; and various levels of population and
health provider density including local variations in the availability
and use of different categories of post-acute care providers. We
believe that by requiring the participation of a large number of
hospitals with diverse characteristics, the proposed model would result
in a robust data set for evaluation of this bundled payment approach,
and would stimulate the rapid development of new evidence-based
knowledge. Testing the model in this manner would also allow us to
learn more about patterns of inefficient utilization of health care
services and how to incentivize the improvement of quality for common
LEJR procedure episodes. This learning potentially could inform future
Medicare payment policy.
Within this proposed rule we propose a model focused on episodes of
care for LEJR procedures. We chose LEJR episodes for the proposed model
because as discussed in depth in section III.C. of this proposed rule,
these are high-expenditure, high utilization procedures commonly
furnished to Medicare beneficiaries,\3\ where significant variation in
spending for procedures is currently observed. The high volume of
episodes and variation in spending for LEJR procedures create a
significant opportunity to test and evaluate the proposed model that
specifically focuses on a defined set of procedures. Moreover, there is
substantial regional variation in post-acute care referral patterns and
the intensity of post-acute care provided for LEJR patients, thus
resulting in significant variation in post-acute care expenditures
across LEJR episodes initiated at different hospitals. The proposed
model would enable hospitals to consider the most appropriate post-
acute care for their LEJR patients. The proposed model additionally
would offer hospitals the opportunity to better understand their own
processes with regard to LEJR, as well as the processes of post-acute
providers. Finally, while many LEJR procedures are planned, the
proposed model would provide a useful opportunity to identify
efficiencies both for when providers can plan for LEJR procedures and
for when the procedure must be performed urgently.
\3\ For example, Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee
Arthroplasty procedures are very high volume LEJR procedures that
together represent the largest payments for procedures under
Medicare. Suter L, Grady JL, Lin Z et al.: 2013 Measure Updates and
Specifications: Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) And/Or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) All-Cause Unplanned 30-Day Risk-
Standardized Readmission Measure (Version 2.0). 2013.; Bozic KJ,
Rubash HE, Sculco TP, Berry DJ., An analysis of Medicare payment
policy for total joint arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. Sep 2008; 23(6
Suppl 1):133-138.
We note that we seek public comment on the proposals contained in
this proposed rule, and also on any alternatives considered as well.
B. Summary of the Major Provisions
1. Model Overview: LEJR Episodes of Care
LEJR procedures are currently paid under the Inpatient Prospective
Payment System (IPPS) through one of two Medicare Severity-Diagnosis
Related Groups (MS-DRGs): MS-DRG 469 (Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity with Major Complications or
Comorbidities (MCC)) or MS-DRG 470 (Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity without MCC). Under the proposed model,
as described further in section III.B of this proposed rule, episodes
would begin with admission to an acute care hospital for an LEJR
procedure that is assigned to MS-DRG 469 or 470 upon beneficiary
discharge and paid under the IPPS and would end 90 days after the date
of discharge from the acute care hospital. This episode of care
definition offers operational simplicity for providers and CMS. The
episode would include the LEJR procedure, inpatient stay, and all
related care covered under Medicare Parts A and B within the 90 days
after discharge, including hospital care, post-acute care, and
physician services.
2. Model Scope
We propose that participant hospitals would be the episode
initiators and bear financial risk under the proposed CCJR model. In
comparison to other health care facilities, hospitals are more likely
to have resources that would allow them to appropriately coordinate and
manage care throughout the episode, and hospital staff members are
already involved in hospital discharge planning and post-acute care
recommendations for recovery, key dimensions of high quality and
efficient care for the episode. We propose to require all hospitals
paid under the IPPS and physically located in selected geographic areas
to participate in the CCJR model, with limited exceptions. Eligible
beneficiaries who receive care at these hospitals will automatically be
included in the model. We propose to select geographic areas through a
stratified random sampling methodology within strata based on the
following criteria: Historical wage adjusted episode payments and
population size. Our proposed geographic area selection process is
detailed further in section III.A of this proposed rule.
3. Payment
We propose to test the CCJR model for 5 performance years. During
these performance years we propose to continue paying hospitals and
other providers according to the usual Medicare FFS payment systems.
However, after the completion of a performance year, the Medicare
claims payments for services furnished to the beneficiary during the
episode, based on claims data, would be combined to calculate an actual
episode payment. The actual episode payment is defined as the sum of
related Medicare claims payments for items and services furnished to a
beneficiary during a CCJR episode. The actual episode payment would
then be reconciled against an established CCJR target price, with
consideration of additional payment adjustments based on quality
performance and post-episode spending. The amount of this calculation,
[[Page 41202]]
positive, would be paid to the participant hospital. This payment would
be called a reconciliation payment. If negative, we would require
repayment from the participant hospital. We propose Medicare would
require repayment of the difference between the actual episode payments
and the CCJR target price from a participant hospital if the CCJR
target price is exceeded.
We propose to make reconciliation payments to participant hospitals
that achieve quality outcomes and cost efficiencies relative to the
established CCJR target prices in all performance years of the model.
We also propose to phase in the requirement that participant hospitals
whose actual episode payments exceed the applicable CCJR target price
pay the difference back to Medicare beginning in performance year 2.
Under this proposal, Medicare would not require repayment from
hospitals for performance year 1 for actual episode payments that
exceed their target price in performance year 1.
We also propose to limit how much a hospital can gain or lose based
on its actual episode payments relative to target prices. We also
propose additional policies to further limit the risk of high payment
cases for all participant hospitals and for special categories of
participant hospitals as described in section III.C. of this proposed
4. Similar Previous and Concurrent Models
This proposed model is informed by other models and demonstrations
currently and previously conducted by CMS and would explore additional
ways to enhance coordination of care and improve the quality of
services through bundled payments.
We recently announced the Oncology Care Model (OCM), a new
voluntary payment model for physician practices administering
chemotherapy. Under OCM, practices will enter into payment arrangements
that include financial and performance accountability for episodes of
care surrounding chemotherapy administration to cancer patients. We
plan to coordinate with other payers to align with OCM in order to
facilitate enhanced services and care at participating practices. More
information on the OCM can be found on the Innovation Center's Web site
Medicare tested innovative approaches to paying for orthopedic
services in the Medicare Acute Care Episode (ACE) demonstration, a
prior demonstration, and is currently testing additional approaches
under BPCI. Both of these models have also informed the design of the
CCJR model.
Under the authority of section 1866C of the Act, we conducted a 3-
year demonstration, the Medicare Acute Care Episode (ACE)
Demonstration. The demonstration used a prospective global payment for
a single episode of care as an alternative approach to payment for
service delivery under traditional Medicare FFS. The episode of care
was defined as a combination of Part A and Part B services furnished to
Medicare FFS beneficiaries during an inpatient hospital stay for any
one of a specified set of cardiac and orthopedic MS-DRGs. The MS-DRGs
tested included 469 and 470, those proposed for inclusion in the CCJR
model. The discounted bundled payments generated an average gross
savings to Medicare of $585 per episode for a total of $7.3 million
across all episodes (12,501 episodes) or 3.1 percent of the total
expected costs for these episodes. After accounting for increased post-
acute care costs that were observed at two sites, Medicare saved
approximately $4 million, or 1.72 percent of the total expected
Medicare spending. More information on the ACE Demonstration can be
found on the Innovation Center's Web site at:
We are currently testing the BPCI initiative. The BPCI initiative
is comprised of four related payment models, which link payments for
multiple services that Medicare beneficiaries receive during an episode
of care into a bundled payment. Under the initiative, entities enter
into payment arrangements with CMS that include financial and
performance accountability for episodes of care. Episodes of care under
the BPCI initiative begin with either--(1) an inpatient hospital stay
or (2) post-acute care services following a qualifying inpatient
hospital stay. The BPCI initiative is evaluating the effects of
episode-based payment approaches on patient experience of care,
outcomes, and cost of care for Medicare FFS beneficiaries. Each of the
four models tests LEJR episodes of care. While final evaluation results
for the models within the BPCI initiative are not yet available, we
believe that CMS' experiences with BPCI support the design of the CCJR
model. Under section 1115A(c) of the Act, the Secretary may, taking
into consideration an evaluation conducted under section 1115A(b)(4) of
the Act, ``through rulemaking, expand (including implementation on a
nationwide basis) the duration and the scope of a model that is being
tested under'' the Innovation Center's authority. CCJR is not an
expansion of BPCI, and BPCI may be expanded in the future. CMS
published a discussion item soliciting public comment on a potential
future expansion of one or more of the models within BPCI in the CY2016
IPPS rule, 80 FR 24414 through 24418. CCJR would not be not an
expansion or modification of BPCI; nor does it reflect comments
received in response to the NPRM for the 2016 IPPS Rule. CCJR is a
unique model that tests a broader, different group of hospitals than
BPCI. It is necessary to provide CMS with information about testing
bundled payments to hospitals that are required to participate in an
alternative payment model. For a discussion of why we are requiring
hospitals to participate in the CCJR model, see section III.A of this
proposed rule.
The CCJR model's design was informed to a large degree by our
experience with BPCI Model 2. BPCI's Model 2 is a voluntary episode
payment model in which a qualifying acute care hospitalization
initiates a 30, 60 or 90 day episode of care. The episode of care
includes the inpatient stay in an acute care hospital and all related
services covered under Medicare Parts A and B during the episode,
including post-acute care services. More information on BPCI Model 2
can be found on the Innovation Center's Web site at:
Further information of why elements of the OCM, the ACE
Demonstration, and BPCI Model 2 were incorporated into the design of
the CCJR model is discussed later in this proposed rule.
5. Overlap With Ongoing CMS Efforts
We propose to exclude from participation in CCJR certain hospitals
participating in the risk-bearing phase of BPCI Models 2 and 4 for LEJR
episodes, as well as acute care hospitals participating in BPCI Model
1. We propose not to exclude beneficiaries in CCJR model episodes from
being included in other Innovation Center models or CMS programs, such
as the Medicare Shared Savings Program, as detailed later in this
proposed rule. We propose to account for overlap, that is, where CCJR
beneficiaries are also included in other models and programs to ensure
the financial policies of CCJR are maintained and results and spending
reductions are attributed to the correct model or program.
6. Quality Measures and Reporting Requirements
We are proposing to adopt three hospital-level quality of care
measures for the CCJR model. Those measures
[[Page 41203]]
include a complication measure, readmission measure, and a patient
experience survey measure. We propose to use these measures to test the
success of the model in achieving its goals under section 1115A of the
Act and to monitor for beneficiary safety. We intend to publicly report
this information on the Hospital Compare Web site. Additionally, we are
proposing and requesting public feedback on possible voluntary
submission of data to support the development of a hospital-level
measure of patient-reported outcomes following an elective Primary
Total Hip (THA) or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA).
7. Data Sharing Process
We propose to share data with participant hospitals upon request
throughout the performance period of the CCJR model to the extent
permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule and other applicable law. We
propose to share upon request both raw claims-level data and claims
summary data by service line with participants. This approach would
allow participant hospitals without prior experience analyzing claims
to use summary data to receive useful information, while allowing those
participant hospitals who prefer raw claims-level data the opportunity
to analyze claims. We propose to provide hospitals with up to 3 years
of retrospective claims data upon request that will be used to develop
their target price, as described in section III.C of this proposed
rule. In accordance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, we would limit the
content of this data set to the minimum data necessary for the
participant hospital to conduct quality assessment and improvement
activities and effectively coordinate care of its patient population.
8. Beneficiary Protections
Under the CCJR model, beneficiaries retain the right to obtain
health services from any individual or organization qualified to
participate in the Medicare program. Under the CCJR model, eligible
beneficiaries who receive services from a participant hospital would
not have the option to opt out of inclusion in the model. We propose to
require participant hospitals to supply beneficiaries with written
information regarding the design and implications of this model as well
as their rights under Medicare, including their right to use their
provider of choice. We will also make a robust effort to reach out to
beneficiaries and their advocates to help them understand the CCJR
We also propose to use our existing authority, if necessary, to
audit participant hospitals if claims analysis indicates an
inappropriate change in delivered services. Beneficiary protections are
discussed in greater depth in section III.E. of this proposed rule.
9. Financial Arrangements and Program Policy Waivers
We propose to hold participant hospitals financially responsible
for CCJR LEJR episodes as participants in the model as discussed in
section III.C.10.a. of this proposed rule. Specifically, only these
hospital participants would be directly subject to the requirements of
this proposed rule for the CCJR model. Participant hospitals would be
responsible for ensuring that other providers and suppliers
collaborating with the hospital on LEJR episode care redesign are in
compliance with the terms and conditions of the model.
Several of the proposed Medicare program policy waivers outline the
conditions under which skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and physicians
could furnish and bill for certain services furnished to CCJR
beneficiaries where current Medicare programs rules would not permit
such billing. We draw the attention of SNFs and physicians to these
proposals that are included in section III.C.10.b.(5). of this proposed
C. Summary of Economic Effects
As shown in our impact analysis, we expect the proposed model to
result in savings to Medicare of $153 million over the 5 years of the
model. More specifically, in performance year 1 of the model, we
estimate a Medicare cost of approximately $23 million, as we have
proposed that hospitals will not be subject to downside risk in the
first year of the model. As we introduce downside risk beginning in
performance year 2 of the model, we estimate Medicare savings of
approximately $29 million. In performance year 3 of the model, we
estimate Medicare savings of $43 million. In performance years 4 and 5
of the model, as we have proposed to move from target episode pricing
that is based on a hospital's experience to target pricing based on
regional experience, we estimate Medicare savings of $50 million and
$53 million, respectively.
Additionally, hospitals must meet or exceed specific thresholds on
performance on certain quality of care measures in order to be eligible
for a reconciliation payment and as the performance threshold increases
in performance years 4 through 5, we estimate additional savings. As a
result, we estimate the net savings to Medicare to be $153 million over
the 5 years of the model. We anticipate there would be a broader focus
on care coordination and quality improvement for LEJR episodes among
hospitals and other providers within the Medicare program that would
lead to both increased efficiency in the provision of care and improved
quality of the care provided to beneficiaries.
We note that under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act, the Secretary
is required to terminate or modify a model unless certain findings can
be made with respect to savings and quality after the model has begun.
If during the course of testing the model it is determined that
termination or modification is necessary, such actions would be
undertaken through rulemaking.
II. Background
This proposed rule proposes the implementation of a new innovative
health care payment model under the authority of section 1115A of the
Act. Under the model, called the CCJR model, acute care hospitals in
certain selected geographic areas will receive bundled payments for
episodes of care where the diagnosis at discharge includes a lower
extremity joint replacement or reattachment of a lower extremity that
was furnished by the hospital. We are proposing that the bundled
payment will be paid retrospectively through a reconciliation process;
hospitals and other providers and suppliers will continue to submit
claims and receive payment via the usual Medicare FFS payment systems.
All related care covered under Medicare Part A and Part B within 90
days after the date of hospital discharge from the joint replacement
procedure will be included in the episode of care. We believe this
model will further our goals of improving the efficiency and quality of
care for Medicare beneficiaries for these common medical procedures.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Rule
A. Proposed Definition of the Episode Initiator and Selected Geographic
1. Background
The CCJR model is different from BPCI because it would require
participation of all hospitals (with limited exceptions) throughout
selected geographic areas, which would result in a model that includes
varying hospital types. However, a discussion of BPCI is relevant
because its design informs and supports the proposed CCJR model. The
BPCI model is voluntary, and under that model we pay a bundled payment
for an episode of care only to entities that have
[[Page 41204]]
elected to participate in the model. We are interested in testing and
evaluating the impact of an episode payment approach for LEJRs in a
variety of other circumstances, including among those hospitals that
have not chosen to voluntarily participate because we have not tested
bundled payments for these hospitals previously. This would allow CMS
and participants to gain experience testing and evaluating episode-
based payment for LEJR procedures furnished by hospitals with a variety
of historic utilization patterns; roles within their local markets;
volume of services provided; access to financial, community, or other
resources; and population and health care provider density. Most
importantly, participation of hospitals in selected geographic areas
will allow CMS to test bundled payments without introducing selection
bias such as the selection bias inherent in the BPCI model due to self-
selected participation.
2. Proposed Definition of Episode Initiator
In BPCI Model 2, LEJR episode initiators are either acute care
hospitals where the LEJR procedure is performed or physician group
practices whose physician members are the admitting or operating
physician for the hospital stay. Thus, under BPCI, it is possible that
only some Medicare cases that could potentially be included in an LEJR
episode at a specific hospital are actually being tested in BPCI. For
example, if the hospital itself is not participating as an episode
initiator under BPCI, yet some physicians who admit patients to the
hospital are members of physician group practices participating in
BPCI, not all of the hospital's possible LEJR episodes are tested and
paid under BPCI.
Under the proposed CCJR model, as described further in section
III.B of this proposed rule, episodes would begin with admission to an
acute care hospital for an LEJR procedure that is paid under the IPPS
through Medical Severity Diagnosis-Related Group (MS-DRG) 469 (Major
joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity with MCC) or 470
(Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity without
MCC) and end 90 days after the date of discharge from the hospital. For
the CCJR model, we propose that hospitals would be the only episode
initiators. For purposes of CCJR, the term ``hospital'' means a
hospital as defined in section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act. This statutory
definition of hospital includes only acute care hospitals paid under
the IPPS. Under this proposal, all acute care hospitals in Maryland
would be excluded from CCJR. The state of Maryland entered into an
agreement with CMS, effective January 1, 2014, to participate in CMS'
new Maryland All-Payer Model. In order to implement the Maryland All-
Payer Model, CMS waived certain requirements of the Act, and the
corresponding implementing regulations, as set forth in the agreement
between CMS and Maryland. Specifically, under the Maryland All-Payer
Model, Maryland acute care hospitals are not paid under the IPPS or
OPPS but rather are paid under rates set by the state. Following the
model's performance period, Maryland will transition to a new model
that incorporates the full spectrum of care, not just hospital
services. As such, with respect to Maryland hospitals, CMS intends to
test and develop new payment and delivery approaches that can
incorporate non-hospital services in a manner that accounts for
Maryland's unique hospital rate setting system and permit Maryland to
develop its own strategy to incentivize higher quality and more
efficient care across clinical situations within and beyond hospitals,
including but not limited to LEJR episodes of care. We are proposing
that payments to Maryland hospitals would be excluded in the regional
pricing calculations as described in section III.C.4 of this proposed
rule. We seek comment on this proposal and whether there are potential
approaches for including Maryland acute care hospitals in CCJR. In
addition, we seek comment on whether Maryland hospitals should be
included in CCJR in the future upon any termination of the Maryland
All-Payer Model.
We propose to designate IPPS hospitals as the episode initiators to
ensure that all Medicare FFS LEJR services furnished by participant
hospitals in selected geographic areas to beneficiaries who do not meet
the exclusion criteria specified in section III.B.3 of this proposed
rule and are not BPCI episodes that we are proposing to exclude as
outlined in this section and also in section III.C.7 of this proposed
rule are included in the CCJR model. We are proposing certain
exceptions to the inclusion of hospitals in the CCJR Model, as
discussed in section III.C. of this proposed rule. Given that our
proposal to initiate the LEJR episode begins with an admission to a
hospital paid under the IPPS that results in a discharge assigned to
MS-DRG 469 or 470, we believe that utilizing the hospital as the
episode initiator is a straightforward approach for this model because
the hospital furnishes the LEJR procedure. In addition, we are
interested in testing a broad model in a number of hospitals under the
CCJR model in order to examine results from a more generalized payment
model. Thus, we believe it is important that, in a model where hospital
participation is not voluntary, all Medicare FFS LEJR episodes that
begin at the participant hospital in a selected geographic area are
included in the model for beneficiaries that do not meet the exclusion
criteria specified in section III.B.3 of this proposed rule and are not
BPCI episodes that we are proposing to exclude as outlined in this
section and also in section III.C.7 of this proposed rule. This is best
achieved if the hospital is the episode initiator. Finally, as
described in the following sections that present our proposed approach
to geographic area selection, this geographic area selection approach
relies upon our definition of hospitals as the entities that initiate
episodes. We seek comment on our proposal to define the episode
initiator as the hospital under CCJR.
3. Financial Responsibility for the Episode of Care
BPCI Model 2 participants that have entered into agreements with
CMS to bear financial responsibility for an episode of care include
acute care hospitals paid under the IPPS, health systems, physician-
hospital organizations, physician group practices, and non-provider
business entities that act as conveners by coordinating multiple health
care providers' participation in the model. Thus, our evaluation of
BPCI Model 2 will yield information about how results for LEJR episodes
may differ based on differences in which party bears financial
responsibility for the episode of care.
For the CCJR model, we propose to make hospitals financially
responsible for the episode of care for several reasons. We recognize
that ideally all of the providers involved in the continuum of care for
Medicare beneficiaries in a 90-day post-discharge LEJR episode would
work together to determine the best structure for managing the LEJR
episode, develop an efficient process that leads to high quality care,
track information across the episode about quality and Medicare
expenditures, and align financial incentives using a variety of
approaches, including gainsharing. However, because the proposed CCJR
model is testing a more generalizable model by including hospitals that
might not participate in a voluntary model and includes episodes
initiated at a wide variety of hospitals, we believe it is
[[Page 41205]]
most appropriate to identify a single type of provider to bear
financial responsibility for making repayment to CMS under the model.
Hospitals play a central role in coordinating episode-related care
and ensuring smooth transitions for beneficiaries undergoing LEJR
procedures. Moreover, the episode always begins with an acute care
hospital stay, IPPS payments for LEJRs comprise about 50 percent of
Medicare payments for a 90-day episode, and the beneficiary's recovery
from surgery begins during the hospital stay. Most hospitals already
have some infrastructure related to health information technology,
patient and family education, and care management and discharge
planning. This includes post-acute care (PAC) coordination
infrastructure and resources such as case managers, which hospitals can
build upon to achieve efficiencies under this episode payment model.
Many hospitals also have recently heightened their focus on aligning
their efforts with those of community providers to provide an improved
continuum of care due to the incentives under other CMS models and
programs, including Accountable Care Organization (ACO) initiatives
such as the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), and the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP), establishing a base for
augmenting these efforts under the CCJR model.
In view of our proposal that hospitals be the episode initiators
under this model, we believe that hospitals are more likely than other
providers to have an adequate number of episode cases to justify an
investment in episode management for this model. We also believe that
hospitals are most likely to have access to resources that would allow
them to appropriately manage and coordinate care throughout the LEJR
episode. Finally, the hospital staff is already involved in discharge
planning and placement recommendations for Medicare beneficiaries, and
more efficient PAC service delivery provides substantial opportunities
for improving quality and reducing costs under CCJR.
We considered requiring treating physicians (orthopedic surgeons or
others) or their associated physician group practices, if applicable,
to be financially responsible for the episode of care under the CCJR
Model. We expect that every Medicare beneficiary discharged with a
diagnosis grouped under MS-DRG 469 or 470 would have an operating
physician and an admitting physician for the hospital stay. However,
the services of providers other than the hospital where the acute care
hospital stay for the LEJR procedure (hereinafter ``the anchor
hospitalization'') occurs would not necessarily be furnished in every
LEJR episode. For example, that physicians of different specialties
play varying roles in managing patients during an acute care
hospitalization for a surgical procedure and during the recovery
period, depending on the hospital and community practice patterns and
the clinical condition of the beneficiary and could not be assumed to
be included in every LEJR episode. This variability would make
requiring a particular physician or physician group practice to be
financially responsible for a given episode very challenging.
If we were to assign financial responsibility to the operating
physician, it is likely that there would be significant variation in
the number of relevant episodes that could be assigned to an individual
person. Where the physician was included in a physician group practice,
episodes could be aggregated to this group level but this would not be
possible for all cases and would likely still have low volume concerns.
We believe that the small sample sizes accruing to individual physician
and physician group practices would make systematic care redesign
inefficient and more burdensome, given that we are proposing to test
all episodes occurring at hospitals selected for participation for
beneficiaries that do not meet the exclusion criteria specified in
section III.B.3 of this proposed rule and are not BPCI episodes that we
are proposing to exclude as outlined in this section and also in
section III.C.7 of this proposed rule.
Finally, we note that although the BPCI initiative includes the
possibility of a physician group practice as a type of initiating
participant, the physician groups electing to participate in BPCI have
done so because their practice structure supports care redesign and
other infrastructure necessary to bear financial responsibility for
episodes and is not necessarily representative of the typical group
practice. In addition, most of the physician group practices in BPCI
are not bearing financial responsibility, but are participating in BPCI
as partners with convener organizations (discussed later in this
section), which enter into agreements with CMS, on behalf of health
care providers such as physician group practices, through which they
accept financial responsibility for the episode of care. The
infrastructure necessary to accept financial responsibility for
episodes is not present across all physician group practices, and thus
we do not believe it would be appropriate to designate physician group
practices to bear the financial responsibility for making repayments to
CMS under the proposed CCJR model. We seek comment on our proposal to
require the hospital to bear the financial responsibility for the
episodes of care under CCJR.
We are proposing that hospitals will bear the financial
responsibility for LEJR episodes of care under CCJR. However, because
there are LEJR episodes currently being tested in BPCI Model 1, 2, 3 or
4, we believe that participation in CCJR should not be required if it
would disrupt testing of LEJR episodes already underway in BPCI models.
Therefore, we are proposing that IPPS hospitals located in an area
selected for the model that are active Model 1 BPCI participant
hospitals as of July 1, 2015 or episode initiators for LEJR episodes in
the risk-bearing phase of Model 2 or 4 of BPCI as of July 1, 2015,
would be excluded from participating in CCJR during the time that their
qualifying episodes are included in one of the BPCI models. Likewise,
we are proposing that if the participant hospital is not an episode
initiator for LEJR episodes under BPCI Model 2, then LEJR episodes
initiated by other providers or suppliers under BPCI Model 2 or 3
(where the surgery takes place at the participant hospital) would be
excluded from CCJR. Otherwise qualifying LEJR episodes (that is, those
that are not part of a Model 3 BPCI LEJR episode or a Model 2 physician
group practice-initiated LEJR episode) at the participant hospital
would be included in CCJR.
While we propose that the participant hospital be financially
responsible for the episode of care under CCJR, we also believe that
effective care redesign for LEJR episodes requires meaningful
collaboration among acute care hospitals, PAC providers, physicians,
and other providers and suppliers within communities to achieve the
highest value care for Medicare beneficiaries. We believe it may be
essential for key providers to be aligned and engaged, financially and
otherwise, with the hospitals, with the potential to share financial
responsibility with those hospitals. We note that all relationships
between and among providers and suppliers must comply with all relevant
laws and regulations, including the fraud and abuse laws and all
Medicare payment and coverage requirements unless otherwise specified
further later in this section and in section III.C.10 of this proposed
rule. Depending on a hospital's current degree of clinical integration,
new and different contractual relationships among hospitals and other
health care
[[Page 41206]]
providers may be important, although not necessarily required, for CCJR
model success in a community. We acknowledge that financial incentives
for other providers may be important aspects of the model in order for
hospitals to partner with these providers and incentivize certain
strategies to improve episode efficiency.
In the BPCI initiative, participants have entered a variety of
relationships with entities above the hospital level. Some of these
relationships are ones where the financial risk is borne by the entity
other than the hospital, such as a parent organization (known as
awardee conveners) and others have managerial or other responsibility
relationships with other organizations (known as facilitator conveners)
but financial responsibility remains with the episode initiator . We
acknowledge the important role that conveners play in the BPCI
initiative with regard to providing infrastructure support to hospitals
and other entities initiating episodes in BPCI. The convener
relationship (where another entity assumes financial responsibility)
may take numerous forms, including contractual (such as a separate for-
profit company that agrees to take on a hospital's financial risk in
the hopes of achieving financial gain through better management of the
episodes) and through ownership (such as when risk is borne at a
corporate level within a hospital chain).
However, we are proposing that for the CCJR model, we would hold
only the participant hospitals financially responsible for the episode
of care. This is consistent with the goal of evaluating the impact of
bundled payment and care redesign across a broad spectrum of hospitals
with varying levels of infrastructure and experience in entering into
risk-based reimbursement arrangements. If conveners were included as
participants in CCJR, we may not gain the knowledge of how a variety of
hospitals can succeed in relationship with CMS in which they bear
financial risk for the episode of care. We acknowledge that CCJR
hospitals may wish to enter into relationships with other entities in
order to manage the episode of care or distribute risk. We do not
intend to restrict the ability of hospitals to enter into
administrative or risk sharing arrangements related to this model. We
refer readers to section III.C.10 of this proposed rule for further
discussion of model design elements that may outline financial
arrangements between participant hospitals and other providers and
4. Proposed Geographic Unit of Selection and Exclusion of Selected
In determining which hospitals to include in the CCJR model, we
considered whether the model should be limited to hospitals where a
high volume of LEJRs are performed, which would result in a more narrow
test on the effects of an episode-based payment, or whether to include
all hospitals in particular geographic areas, which would result in
testing the effects of an episode-based payment approach more broadly
across an accountable care community seeking to coordinate care
longitudinally across settings. Selecting certain hospitals where a
high volume of LEJRs are performed may allow for fewer hospitals to be
selected as model participants, but still result in a sufficient number
of CCJR episodes to evaluate the success of the model. However, there
would be more potential for behavioral changes that could include
patient shifting and steering between hospitals in a given geographic
area that could impact the test. Additionally, this approach would
provide less information on testing episode payments for LEJR
procedures across a wide variety of hospitals with different
characteristics. Selecting geographic areas and including all IPPS
hospitals in those areas not otherwise excluded due to BPCI overlap as
previously described and in section III.C.7 of this proposed rule as
model participants would help to minimize the risk of participant
hospitals shifting higher cost cases out of the CCJR model. Moreover,
in selecting geographic areas we could choose certain characteristics,
stratify geographic areas according to these characteristics, and
randomly select geographic areas from within each stratum. Such a
stratified random sampling method based on geographic area would allow
us to observe the experiences of hospitals with various
characteristics, such as variations in size, profit status, and episode
utilization patterns, and examine whether these characteristics impact
the effect of the model on patient outcomes and Medicare expenditures
within episodes of care. Stratification would also substantially reduce
the extent to which the selected hospitals will differ from non-
selected hospitals on the characteristics used for stratification,
which would improve the statistical power of the subsequent model
evaluation, improving our ability to reach conclusions about the
model's effects on episode costs and the quality of patient care.
Therefore, given the authority in section 1115A(a)(5) of the Act, which
allows the Secretary to elect to limit testing of a model to certain
geographic areas, we propose to use a stratified random sampling method
to select geographic areas and require all hospitals paid under the
IPPS in those areas to participate in the CCJR model and be financially
responsible for the cost of the episode, with certain exceptions as
previously discussed and in sections III.B.3 and III.C.7 of this
proposed rule.
a. Overview and Options for Geographic Area Selection
In determining the geographic unit for the geographic area
selection for this model, we considered using a stratified random
sampling methodology to select (1) certain counties based on their
Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) status, (2) certain zip codes based
on their Hospital Referral Regions (HRR) status or (3) certain states.
We address each geographic unit in turn.
We considered selecting certain counties based on their CBSA
status. The general concept of a CBSA is that of a core area containing
a substantial population nucleus, together with adjacent communities
having a high degree of economic and social integration within that
core. Counties are designated as part of a CBSA when the county or
counties or equivalent entities are associated with at least one core
(urbanized area or urban cluster) of at least 10,000 in population,
plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic
integration with the core as measured through commuting ties with the
counties associated with the core. There are 929 CBSAs currently used
for geographic wage adjustment purposes across Medicare payment
systems.\4\ The 929 CBSAs include 388 Metropolitan Statistical Areas
(MSAs), which have an urban core population of at least 50,000, and the
541 Micropolitan Statistical Areas ([micro]SA), which have an urban
core population of at least 10,000 but less than 50,000. CBSAs may be
further combined into a Combined Statistical Area (CSA) which consists
of two or more adjacent CBSAs (MSAs or [micro]SAs or both) with
substantial employment interchange. Counties not classified as a CBSA
are typically categorized and examined at a state level.
\4\ As stated in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (78 FR
27552) and final rule (78 FR 50586), on February 28, 2013, OMB
issued OMB Bulletin No. 13-01, which established revised
delineations for MSAs, [micro]SAs, and CSAs, and provided guidance
on the use of the delineations of these statistical areas. A copy of
this bulletin may be obtained at
[[Page 41207]]
The choice of a geographical unit based on CBSA status could mean
selection of a CBSA, an MSA, or a CSA. We propose basing the selection
on an MSA, which we will discuss later in this section.
In determining which geographic areas will be potentially subject
to selection, we focused on MSAs, which is a subcategory within CBSA
characterized by counties associated with an urban core population of
at least 50,000. It is our intention at this time that counties not in
an MSA would not be subject to the selection process. These counties
not subject to selection would include the [micro]SA counties and the
counties without a core urban area of at least 10,000. These areas are
largely rural areas and have a limited number of qualifying LEJR cases.
Relatively few of these areas would be able to qualify for inclusion
based on the minimum number of LEJR episodes in year requirement
discussed later in this section.
We considered, but ultimately decided against, using CSA
designation instead of MSAs as a potential unit of selection. Under
this scenario, we would look at how OMB classifies counties. We would
first assess whether a county has been identified as belonging to a
CSA, a unit which consists of adjacent MSAs or [micro]SAs or both. If
the county was not in a CSA, we would determine if it was in an MSA
that is not part of a larger CSA. Counties not associated with a CSA or
an MSA would be unclassified and excluded from selection. These
unclassified areas would include the counties in a state that were
either not a CBSA (no core area of at least 10,000) or associated with
a [micro]SA (core area of between 10,000 and 50,000) but unaffiliated
with a CSA.
Whether to select on the basis of CSA/MSAs or just on MSAs was
influenced by a number of factors including an assessment with respect
to the anticipated degree to which LEJR patients would be willing to
travel for their initial hospitalization, the extent to which surgeons
are expected to have admitting privileges in multiple hospitals located
in different MSAs and considerations related to the degree to which we
desire to include hospitals within [micro]SAs that are part of a larger
CSA. It was believed that the anticipated risk for patient shifting and
steering between MSAs within a CSA was not severe enough to warrant
selecting CSAs. However, for these same reasons, we believe that
selecting complete MSAs is preferable to selecting metropolitan
divisions of MSAs for inclusion in the CCJR model. We use the
metropolitan divisions to set wage indices for its prospective payment
systems. Of the 388 MSAs, there are 11 MSAs that contain multiple
metropolitan divisions. For example, the Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH
MSA is divided into the following metropolitan divisions:
Boston, MA.
Cambridge-Newton-Framingham, MA.
Rockingham County-Strafford County, NH.
The Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA MSA is divided into the following
metropolitan divisions:
Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA.
Tacoma-Lakewood, WA.
We propose selecting entire MSAs rather than sub-divisions within
an MSA.
We next considered selecting hospital referral regions (HRRs). HRRs
represent regional health care markets for tertiary medical care. There
are 306 HRRs with at least one city where both major cardiovascular
surgical procedures and neurosurgery are performed. HRRs are defined by
determining where the majority of patients were referred for major
cardiovascular surgical procedures and for neurosurgery.\5\ Compared to
MSAs, HRRs are classified based on where the majority of beneficiaries
within a zip code receive their hospital services for selected tertiary
types of care. The resulting HRRs represent the degree to which people
travel for tertiary care that generally requires the services of a
major referral center and not the size of the referral network for more
routine services, such as knee and hip arthroplasty procedures. In
addition, because HRRs are defined based on referrals for
cardiovascular surgical procedures and neurosurgery, they may not
reflect referrals for orthopedic procedures. Therefore, we believe that
MSAs as a geographic unit are preferable over HRRs for this model.
\5\ The Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare, Accessed on April 9, 2015.
We also considered selecting states for the CCJR model. However, we
concluded that MSAs as a geographic unit are preferable over states for
the CCJR model. As mentioned in section III.A.4.b of this proposed
rule, we anticipate that hospitals that would otherwise be required to
participate in the CCJR model would be excluded from the model because
their relevant LEJR episodes are already being tested in BPCI. If we
were to select states as the geographic unit, there is a potential that
an entire state would need to be excluded because a large proportion of
hospitals in that state are episode initiators of LEJR episodes in
BPCI. In contrast, if we excluded a specific MSA due to BPCI
participation, as discussed in the next section, we could still select
another MSA within that same state. Likewise, if we chose states as the
geographic unit, we would automatically include hospitals in all rural
areas within the state selected. If MSAs are selected for the
geographic unit, we anticipate that fewer small rural hospitals would
be included in the model. Using a unit of selection smaller than a
state would allow for a more deliberate choice about the extent of
inclusion of rural or small population areas. Selecting states rather
than MSAs would also greatly reduce the number of independent
geographic areas subject to selection under the model, which would
decrease the statistical power of the model evaluation. Finally, MSAs
straddle state lines where providers and Medicare beneficiaries can
easily cross these boundaries for health care. Choosing states as the
geographic unit would potentially divide a hospital market and set up a
greater potential for patient shifting and steering to different
hospitals under the model. The decision that the MSA-level analysis was
more analytically appropriate was based on the specifics of this model
and not meant to imply that other levels of selection would not be
appropriate in a different model such as the proposed Home Health Value
Based Purchasing (HHVBP) model.
For the reasons previously discussed, we propose to require
participation in the CCJR model of all hospitals, with limited
exceptions as previously discussed in section III.A.2.of this proposed
rule, paid under the IPPS that are physically located in a county in an
MSA selected through a stratified random sampling methodology, outlined
in section III.A.3.b in this proposed rule, to test and evaluate the
effects of an episode-based payment approach for an LEJR episodes. We
propose to determine that a hospital is located in an area selected if
the hospital is physically located within the boundary of any of the
counties in that MSA as of the date the selection is made. Although
MSAs are revised periodically, with additional counties added or
removed from certain MSAs, we propose to maintain the same cohort of
selected hospitals throughout the 5 year performance period of the
model with limited exceptions as described later in this section. Thus,
we propose not to add hospitals to the model if after the start of the
model new counties are added to one of the selected MSAs or
[[Page 41208]]
remove hospitals from the model if counties are removed from one of the
selected MSAs. We believe that this approach will best maintain the
consistency of the participants in the model, which is crucial for our
ability to evaluate the results of the model. However, we retain the
possibility of adding a hospital that is opened or incorporated within
one of the selected counties after the selection is made and during the
period of performance. (See section III.C.of this proposed rule for
discussion of how target prices will be determined for such hospitals.)
Although we considered including hospitals in a given MSA based on
whether the hospitals were classified into the MSA for IPPS wage index
purposes, this process would be more complicated, and we could not find
any compelling reasons favoring this approach. For example, we assign
hospitals to metro divisions of MSAs when those divisions exist. See
our previous discussion of this issue. In addition, there is the IPPS
process of geographic reclassification by which a hospital's wage index
value or standardized payment amount is based on a county other than
the one where the hospital is located. For the purpose of this model,
it is simpler and more straightforward to use the hospital's physical
location as the basis of assignment to a geographic unit. This decision
would have no impact on a hospital's payment under the IPPS. We seek
comment on our proposal to include participant hospitals for the CCJR
model based on the physical location of the hospital in one of the
counties included in a selected MSA.
b. MSA Selection Methodology
We propose to select the MSAs to include in the CCJR model by
stratifying all of the MSAs nationwide according to certain
(1) Exclusion of Certain MSAs
Prior to assigning an MSA to a selection stratum, we examined
whether the MSA met specific proposed exclusion criteria. MSAs were
evaluated sequentially using the following 4 exclusion criteria: First,
MSAs in which fewer than 400 LEJR episodes (determined as we propose to
determine episodes included in this model, as discussed in section
III.B.2) occurred from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 were removed
from possible selection. The use of the 400 LEJR cases in a year was
based on a simple one-sided power calculation to assess the number of
episodes that would be needed to detect a 5 percent reduction in
episode expenditures. Accordingly, cases in hospitals paid under either
the critical access hospital (CAH) methodology or the Maryland All-
Payer Model are not included in the count of eligible episodes. This
criterion removed 156 MSAs from possible selection.
Second, MSAs were removed from possible selection if there were
fewer than 400 non-BPCI LEJR episodes in the MSA in the reference year.
For the purposes of this exclusion, the number of BPCI episodes was
estimated as the number of potentially eligible cases during the
reference year that occurred in acute care hospitals participating in
BPCI Model 1, or in phase 2 of BPCI Models 2 or 4 as of July 1, 2015
and the number of LEJRs in 2013 and 2014 associated with these
hospitals was examined. This criterion removed an additional 24 MSAs
from potential selection.
Third, MSAs were also excluded from possible selection if the MSA
was dominated by BPCI Models 1, 2, 3, or 4 episodes to such a degree
that it would impair the ability of participants in either the CCJR
model or the BPCI models to succeed in the objectives of the initiative
or impair the ability to set accurate and fair prices. We anticipate
that some degree of overlap in the two programs will be mutually
helpful for both models. There are two steps to this exclusion. First,
we looked at the number of LEJR episodes at BPCI Model 1, 2 or 4
initiating hospitals and second, the number of LEJR episodes among BPCI
Model 3 SNF and HHA episode initiators. We set the first cut off for
this exclusion if, within an MSA, more than 50 percent of otherwise
qualifying proposed CCJR episodes were in Phase 2 of BPCI Model 2 or 4
with hospital initiators. We set the second cut off for BPCI Model 3,
based on if either SNF or HHA BPCI Model 3 initiating providers
accounted for more than 50 percent of LEJR referrals to that provider
type, the MSA would be eliminated from the possibility of selection. As
a result of this third criterion, 4 additional MSAs were removed from
possible selection. No MSAs were excluded based on Skilled Nursing
Facility (SNF) or Health Home Agency (HHA) participation in Model 3.
Finally, MSAs were removed if, after applying the previous 3
criteria they remained eligible for selection, but more than 50 percent
of estimated eligible episodes during the reference year were not paid
under the IPPS system. Please refer to the appenda for this proposed
rule for the status of each MSA based on these exclusion criteria,
available at After
applying these four exclusions, 196 MSAs remained to be stratified for
purposes of our proposed selection methodology.
(2) Proposed Selection Strata
Numerous variables were considered as potential strata for
classifying MSAs included in the model. However, our proposal is
intended to give priority to transparency and understandability of the
strata. We propose creating selection strata based on the following two
dimensions: MSA average wage-adjusted historic LEJR episode payments
and MSA population size.
(a) MSA Average Wage-adjusted Historic LEJR Episode Payments.
We were interested in being able to classify and divide MSAs
according to their typical patterns of care associated with LEJR
episodes. As a straightforward measure of LEJR patterns of care, we
selected the mean MSA episode payment, as defined in this proposed
rule. MSAs vary in their average episode payments. The average episode
payments in an area may vary for a variety of reasons including--1) in
response to the MS-DRG mix and thus the presence of complicating
conditions; 2) readmission rates; 3) practice patterns associated with
type of PAC provider(s) treating beneficiaries; 4) variations of
payments within those PAC providers, and 5) the presence of any outlier
The measure of both mean episode payments and median episode
payments within the MSA was considered. We propose to stratify by mean
because it would provide more information on the variation in episode
payments at the high end of the range of payments. We are interested in
the lower payment areas for the purpose of informing decisions about
potential future model expansion. However, the CCJR model is expected
to have the greatest impact in areas with higher average episode
The average episode payments used in this analysis were calculated
based on the proposed episode definition for CCJR using Medicare claims
accessed through the Chronic Conditions Warehouse for 3 years with
admission dates from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014. Episode
payments were wage-adjusted using the FY 2014 hospital wage index
contained in the FY 2014 IPPS Final Rule, downloaded at The adjusted payment was
calculated by dividing the unadjusted payment by a factor equal to the
sum of 0.3 plus the
[[Page 41209]]
multiplicative product of 0.7 and the wage index value of the hospital
where the LEJR was performed. Episodes in the database with IPPS
payments less than $4,000 for the DRG 469 or 470 case were deleted as
indicating that the hospital did not receive full payment for the LEJR
procedure. We also truncated the episode payment at the 99.9th
percentile of the distribution ($135,000) to limit the impact of
extreme outliers.
(b) MSA Population Size
The second dimension proposed for the CCJR selection strata is the
number of persons in the MSA. In deciding how best to incorporate the
dimensions of urban density and availability of medical resources, a
variety of measures were considered, including overall population in
the included counties, overall population in the core area of the MSA,
population over the age of 65 in the MSA, the number of hospital beds
and the number of Medicare FFS LEJR procedures in a year. The reason we
decided to include this dimension in the strata definition is that
these factors are believed to be associated with the availability of
resources and variations in practice and referral patterns by the size
of the healthcare market. When examined, these alternative measures
were all very highly correlated with one another, which allowed the use
of one of these measures to be able to substitute for the others in the
definition of the stratum. From these alternative approaches, we choose
to use MSA population.
In operationalizing this measure, MSAs were classified according to
their 2010 census population.
(c) Analysis of Strata
The two proposed domains, MSA population and MSA historic LEJR
episode spending, were examined using a K-Means factor analysis. The
purpose of this factor analysis was to inform the process of which cut
points most meaningfully classify MSAs. Factor analysis attempts to
identify and isolate the underlying factors that explain the data using
a matrix of associations. Factor analysis is an interdependence
technique. Essentially, variables are entered into the model and the
factors (or clusters) are identified based on how the input variables
correlate to one another. The resulting clusters of MSAs produced by
this methodology suggested natural cut points for average episode
payments at $25,000 and $28,500. While not intentional, these divisions
correspond roughly to the 25th and 75th percentiles of the MSA
distribution. Cut points based on these percentiles seemed reasonable
from statistical and face validity perspectives in the sense that they
created groups that included an adequate number of MSAs and a
meaningful range of costs.
As a result of this analysis, we propose to classify MSAs according
to their average LEJR episode payment into four categories based the on
the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of the distribution of the 196
potentially selectable MSAs. This approach ranks the MSAs relative to
one another and creates four equally sized groups of 49. The population
distribution was divided at the median point for the MSAs eligible for
potential selection. This resulted in MSAs being divided into two equal
groups of 98. The characteristics of the resulting strata are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1--Summary Population and Episode Payment Statistics by MSA Group
Payment in
Payment in Payment in 2nd Payment in 3rd highest Total
lowest quarter lowest quarter lowest quarter quarter eligilble
MSAs with population less than
Number of Eligible MSAs..... 33 19 22 24 98
Average of Population....... 251,899 238,562 268,331 254,154 253,554
Minimum MSA Population...... 96,275 55,274 106,331 96,024 55,274
Maximum MSA Population...... 425,790 416,257 424,858 428,185 428,185
Average Episode Payments ($) $22,994 $25,723 $27,725 $30,444 $26,410
Minimum Episode Payments.... $18,440 $24,898 $26,764 $29,091 $18,440
Maximum Episode Payments.... $24,846 $26,505 $28,679 $32,544 $32,544
MSAs with population more than
Number of Eligible MSAs..... 16 30 27 25 98
Average of Population....... 1,530,083 1,597,870 1,732,525 2,883,966 1,951,987
Minimum MSA Population...... 464,036 436,712 434,972 439,811 434,972
Maximum MSA Population...... 4,335,391 5,286,728 12,828,837 19,567,410 19,567,410
Average Episode Payments ($) $23,192 $25,933 $27,694 $30,291 $27,082
Minimum Episode Payments.... $16,504 $25,091 $26,880 $28,724 $16,504
Maximum Episode Payments.... $24,819 $26,754 $28,659 $33,072 $33,072
Total Eligible MSAs..... 49 49 49 49 ..............
Note: Population and episode payment means are un-weighted averages of the MSA values within each of the eight
MSA groups.
Please refer to the addenda for this proposed rule for information
on the non-excluded MSAs, their wage adjusted average LEJR episode
spending, their population and their resultant group assignment at:
(3) Factors Considered but Not Used in Creating Proposed Strata
In addition to the two dimensions we are proposing to use for the
selection groups previously discussed, a variety of possible
alternative measures and dimensions were considered. Many of these
variables are considered to be important but it was believed that it
was important to have a fairly straightforward and easily
understandable stratum definition. Simplicity, by definition, required
that only the most important variables would be used. If a market
characteristic under consideration was correlated with one of the
chosen dimensions or it was believed that variations in the
characteristic could be adequately captured by random selection within
the strata, is was not prioritized for inclusion.
Some of the factors considered that we are not proposing as
dimensions are--
Measures associated with variation in practice patterns
associated with LEJR episodes. In considering how to operationalize
this measure, a number of alternatives were considered including total
PAC LEJR payments in
[[Page 41210]]
an MSA, percent of LEJR episodes with a SNF claim in an MSA, percent of
LEJR episodes with an initial discharge to HHA, percent of LEJR
episodes with an IRF claim, and percent of LEJR episodes with claims
for two or more types of PAC providers;
Measures associated with relative market share of
providers with respect to LEJR episodes;
Healthcare supply measures of providers in the MSA
including counts of IRF beds, SNF beds, hospital beds, and number of
orthopedic surgeons;
MSA level demographic measures such as; average income,
distributions of population by age, gender or race, percent dually
eligible, percent of population with specific health conditions or
other demographic composition measures; and
Measures associated with the degree to which a market
might be more capable or ready to implement care redesign activities.
Examples of market level characteristics that might be associated with
anticipated ease of implementation include the MSA-level EHR meaningful
use levels, managed care penetration, ACO penetration and experience
with other bundling efforts.
It should be noted that, while these measures are proposed to be
part of the selection stratus, we acknowledge that these and other
market-level factors may be important to the proper understanding of
the evaluation of the impact of CCJR. It is the intention that these
and other measures will be considered in determining which MSAs are
appropriate comparison markets for the evaluation as well as considered
for possible subgroup analysis or risk adjustment purposes. The
evaluation will include beneficiary, provider, and market level
characteristics in how it examines the performance of this proposed
(4) Sample Size Calculations and the Number of Selected MSAs
Analyses of the necessary sample size led us to conclude that we
need to select 75 MSAs of the 384 MSAs with eligible LEJR episodes to
participate in CCJR. The number and method of selection of these 75
MSAs from the 8 proposed groups is addressed in the following section.
In coming to the decision to target 75 MSAs, we are proposing a
conservative approach. Going below this threshold would jeopardize our
ability to be confident in our results and to be able to generalize
from the model to the larger national context. We discuss the
assumptions and modeling that went into our proposal to test the model
in 75 MSAs later in this section.
In calculating the necessary size of the model, a key consideration
was to have sufficient power to be able to detect the desired size
impact. The larger the anticipated size of the impact, the fewer MSAs
we would have to sample in order to observe it. However, a model sized
to be able to only detect large impacts runs the risk of not being able
to draw conclusions if the size of the change is less than anticipated.
The measure of interest used in estimating sample size requirements for
the CCJR model was wage-adjusted total episode spending. The data used
for the wage-adjusted total episode spending is the 3 year data pull
previously described that covers LEJR episodes with admission dates
from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014. For the purposes of the sample
size calculation the impact estimate assumed we wanted to be able to
detect a 2 percent reduction in wage adjusted episode spending after 1
year of experience. This amount was chosen because it is the
anticipated amount of the discount we propose to apply to target prices
in CCJR.
The next consideration in calculating the necessary sample size is
the degree of certainty we will need for the statistical tests that
will be performed. In selecting the right sample size, there are two
types of errors that need to be considered ``false negatives'' and
``false positives''. A false positive occurs if a statistical test
concludes that the model was successful (the model saved money) when it
was, in fact, not. A false negative occurs if a statistical test fails
to find statistically significant evidence that the model was
successful, but it was, in fact, successful. In considering the minimum
sample size needs of a model, a standard guideline in the statistical
literature suggests calibrating statistical tests to generate no more
than a 5 percent chance of a false positive and selecting the sample
size to ensure no more than a 20 percent chance of a false negative. In
contrast, the proposed sample size for this project was based on a 20
percent chance of a false positive and a 30 percent chance of a false
negative in order to be as conservative as was practicable.
A third consideration in the sample size calculation was the
appropriate unit of selection and whether it is necessary to base the
calculation on the number of MSAs, the number of hospitals, or the
number of episodes. As discussed later in this section, we are
proposing to base the sample size calculation at the MSA level.
The CCJR model is a nested comparative study, which has two key
features. First, the unit of assignment (to treatment and comparison
groups) is an identifiable group; such groups are not formed at random,
but rather through some physical, social, geographic, or other
connection among their members. Second, the units of observation are
members of those groups. In such designs, the major analytic problem is
that there is an expectation for a positive correlation (intra-class
correlation (ICC)) among observations of members of the same group
(MSA). That ICC reflects an extra component of variance attributable to
the group above and beyond the variance attributable to its members.
This extra variation will increase the variance of any aggregate
statistic beyond what would be expected with random assignment of
beneficiaries or hospitals to the treatment group.
In determining the necessary sample size, we need to take into
consideration the degrees of freedom. As part of this process, we
examined the number of beneficiaries, the number of hospitals, and the
number of MSAs and the level of correlation in episode payments between
each level. For example, while each beneficiary has their own episode
expenditure level, there are commonalities between those expenditure
amounts at the hospital level, based on hospital-specific practice and
referral patterns. The number of degrees of freedom needed for any
aggregate statistic is related to the number of groups (MSAs or
hospitals), not the number of observations (beneficiary episodes). If
we were to base the determination of the size of the model on
beneficiary episodes where correlation exists, we would have an
inflated false positive error rate and would overstate the impact of
the model. We empirically examined the level of correlation between
beneficiaries and hospitals and between hospitals and MSAs and
determined that the correlation was high enough to be of concern and
necessitate a MSA level unit of selection.
Using the aforementioned assumptions, a power calculation was run
which indicated we would need between 50 and 150 treatment MSAs to be
able to reliably detect a 2 percent reduction in payments after 1 year.
The lower end of this range assumes the ability of evaluation models to
substantially reduce variation through risk adjustment and modeling. We
anticipate that we will be able to use the conservative end of this
range, but assuming that evaluation modeling can achieve ``best''
results poses a real risk to our ability to draw conclusions. We want
to allow for some degree of flexibility and are thus proposing
proceeding with 75 MSAs. The 75 MSA
[[Page 41211]]
number is at the 25th percentile between the 50 and 150 treatment MSA
range. We narrowed the acceptable range to between 50 and 100, based on
the assumption that we will be able substantial improve our estimates
through modeling, and then chose a number in the middle of this reduced
(5) Method of Selecting MSAs
As previously discussed, we are seeking to choose 75 MSAs from our
proposed 8 selection groups. We examined and considered a number of
possible approaches including equal selection in each of the eight
groups, equal selection in the four payment groups, selection
proportionate to the number of MSAs in each group, and a number of
approaches that differentially weighted the payment categories.
After consideration, it was decided that a methodology that
proportionally under-weighted more efficient MSAs and over-weighted
more expensive MSAs was the most appropriate approach to fulfilling the
overall priorities of this model to increase efficiencies and savings
for LEJR cases while maintaining or improving the overall quality of
care. This approach would make it less likely for the MSAs in the
lowest spending category to be selected for inclusion. We thought this
appropriate because the MSAs in the lowest expenditure areas have the
least room for possible improvement and are already performing
relatively efficiently compared to other geographic areas, which means
that experience with the model in these areas may be relatively less
valuable for evaluation purposes. At the same time, we believed it was
important to include some MSAs in this group in order to assess the
performance of this model in this type of circumstance. We also believe
it is appropriate for higher payment areas to be disproportionately
included because they are most likely to have significant room for
improvement in creating efficiencies. We expect more variation in
practice patterns among the more expensive areas. There are multiple
ways an MSA can be more relatively expensive, including through outlier
cases, higher readmission rates, greater utilization of physician
services, or through PAC referral patterns. A larger sample of MSAs
within the higher payment areas will allow for us to observe the impact
of the CCJR model on areas with these various practice patterns in the
baseline period.
The proposed method of disproportionate selection between the
strata is to choose 30 percent of the MSAs in the two groups in the
bottom quarter percentile of the payment distribution, 35 percent of
the MSAs in the two groups in the second lowest quartile, 40 percent in
the third quartile, and 45 percent in the highest episode payment
quartile. This proportion works out to an average of 38 percent
overall, which corresponds to 75 selected MSAs out of the 196 eligible.
The number of MSAs to be chosen in the eight selection groups is shown
in Table 2.
Table 2--Number of MSAs To Be Chosen From the Eight Selection Groups
Payment in
Payment in Payment in 2nd Payment in 3rd highest Total eligible
lowest quarter lowest quarter lowest quarter quarter MSAs
Selection Proportion............ 30% 35% 40% 45% ..............
Less Than Median Population (1) (2) (3) (4) ..............
(Group #)......................
Number Eligible MSAs........ 33 19 22 24 98
Proportion x Number......... 9.9 6.65 8.8 10.8 ..............
Number to be selected from 10 7 9 11 37
More Than Median Population (5) (6) (7) (8) ..............
(Group #)......................
Number Eligible MSAs........ 16 30 27 25 98
Proportion x Number......... 4.8 10.5 10.8 11.25 ..............
Number to be selected from 5 11 11 11 38
Total Eligible MSAs............. 49 49 49 49 196
Number to be selected....... 15 18 20 22 75
We selected the proposed MSAs for the CCJR model through random
selection. In the proposed method of selection, each MSA was assigned
to one of the eight selection groups previously identified. Based on
this sampling methodology, SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 software was used
to run a computer algorithm designed to randomly select MSAs from each
strata. SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 and the computer algorithm used to
conduct selection represents an industry-standard for generating
advanced analytics and provides a rigorous, standardized tool by which
to satisfy the requirements of randomized selection. The key SAS
commands employed include a ``PROC SURVEYSELECT'' statement coupled
with the ``METHOD=SRS'' option used to specify simple random sampling
as the sample selection method. A random number seed was generated for
each of the eight strata by using eight number seeds corresponding to
birthdates and anniversary dates of parties present in the room. The
random seeds for stratum one through eight were as follows: 907, 414,
525, 621, 1223, 827, 428, 524. Note that no additional stratification
was used in any of the eight groupings so as to produce an equal
probability of selection within each of the eight groups. For more
information on this procedure and the underlying statistical
methodology, please reference SAS support documentation at: We also considered a
potential alternative approach to this random selection in which we
would generate a starting number within SAS and then choose every third
MSA within a group starting at this point until the relevant number of
MSAs were chosen. We opted to not utilize this feature for simplicity's
sake and alignment with other randomization methodologies used for CMS
The selection of an MSA means that all hospitals that are
physically located anywhere within the counties that make up the MSA
are included. By definition, the entire county is included in an MSA
and hospitals that are in the relevant counties will be impacted even
if they are not part of the core urban area.
The MSAs selected may change if the methodology changes in response
to comments on the proposed methodology. Should the methodology we
propose in this rule change as a result of comments received during the
rulemaking process, it could result in different areas being selected
for the model. In such an event, we would
[[Page 41212]]
apply the final methodology and announce the selected MSAs in the final
rule. Therefore we seek comment from all interested parties in every
MSA on the randomized selection methodology proposed in this section.
In accordance with section 1115A of the Act, we are proposing to
codify these proposals in regulation in the new proposed part 510 of
the Code of Federal Regulations.
Table 3--Proposed MSAS Included in the CCJR Model
10420............................. Akron, OH.
10740............................. Albuquerque, NM.
11700............................. Asheville, NC.
12020............................. Athens-Clarke County, GA.
12420............................. Austin-Round Rock, TX.
13140............................. Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX.
13900............................. Bismarck, ND.
14500............................. Boulder, CO.
15380............................. Buffalo-Cheektowaga-Niagara Falls,
16020............................. Cape Girardeau, MO-IL.
16180............................. Carson City, NV.
16740............................. Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC.
17140............................. Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN.
17820............................. Colorado Springs, CO.
17860............................. Columbia, MO.
18580............................. Corpus Christi, TX.
19500............................. Decatur, IL.
19740............................. Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO.
20020............................. Dothan, AL.
20500............................. Durham-Chapel Hill, NC.
21780............................. Evansville, IN-KY.
22420............................. Flint, MI.
22500............................. Florence, SC.
22660............................. Fort Collins, CO.
23540............................. Gainesville, FL.
23580............................. Gainesville, GA.
24780............................. Greenville, NC.
25420............................. Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA.
26300............................. Hot Springs, AR.
26900............................. Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN.
28140............................. Kansas City, MO-KS.
28660............................. Killeen-Temple, TX.
29820............................. Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, NV.
30700............................. Lincoln, NE.
31080............................. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA.
31180............................. Lubbock, TX.
31540............................. Madison, WI.
32780............................. Medford, OR.
32820............................. Memphis, TN-MS-AR.
33100............................. Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm
Beach, FL.
33340............................. Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI.
33700............................. Modesto, CA.
33740............................. Monroe, LA.
33860............................. Montgomery, AL.
34940............................. Naples-Immokalee-Marco Island, FL.
34980............................. Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--
Franklin, TN.
35300............................. New Haven-Milford, CT.
35380............................. New Orleans-Metairie, LA.
35620............................. New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-
35980............................. Norwich-New London, CT.
36260............................. Ogden-Clearfield, UT.
36420............................. Oklahoma City, OK.
36740............................. Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL.
37860............................. Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL.
38300............................. Pittsburgh, PA.
38940............................. Port St. Lucie, FL.
38900............................. Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA.
39340............................. Provo-Orem, UT.
39740............................. Reading, PA.
40060............................. Richmond, VA.
40420............................. Rockford, IL.
40980............................. Saginaw, MI.
41860............................. San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA.
42660............................. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA.
42680............................. Sebastian-Vero Beach, FL.
43780............................. South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI.
41180............................. St. Louis, MO-IL.
44420............................. Staunton-Waynesboro, VA.
45300............................. Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL.
45780............................. Toledo, OH.
45820............................. Topeka, KS.
46220............................. Tuscaloosa, AL.
46340............................. Tyler, TX.
47260............................. Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News,
48620............................. Wichita, KS.
B. Episode Definition for the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement
(CCJR) Model
1. Background
Coordinated Quality Care-Joint Replacement is an episode payment
model, focused on incentivizing health care providers to improve the
efficiency and quality of care for an episode of care as experienced by
a Medicare beneficiary by bundling payment for services furnished to
the beneficiary for an episode of care for a specific clinical
condition over a defined period of time. Key policies of such a model
include the definition of episodes of care. Episodes of care have two
significant dimensions--(1) a clinical dimension that describes what
clinical conditions and associated services comprise the episode; and
(2) a time dimension that describes the beginning, middle, and end of
an episode. We present our proposals for these two dimensions of CCJR
episodes in this section.
2. Clinical Dimension of Episodes of Care
a. Definition of the Clinical Conditions Included in the Episode
As discussed previously in section I.A. of this proposed rule, we
have identified LEJR episodes, primarily hip and knee replacements, as
the focus of this model. We believe that a straightforward approach for
hospitals and other providers to identify Medicare beneficiaries in
this payment model is important for the care redesign that is required
for model success, as well as to operationalize the proposed payment
and other model policies.
The vast majority of lower extremity joint replacements (LEJRs) are
furnished in the inpatient hospital setting, with a small fraction of
partial knee replacements occurring in the hospital outpatient
department (HOPD) setting. Most of the Current Procedural Terminology
(CPT) codes that physicians report for LEJR are on the hospital
Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) inpatient only list. The
CY 2015 OPPS inpatient only list is Addendum E of the CY 2015 Hospital
Outpatient Prospective Payment-Final Rule with Comment Period, which is
available on the CMS Web site at: Thus, under current FFS payment policy, Medicare pays
hospitals for the facility services required for LEJR only when those
procedures are furnished in the inpatient hospital setting. Therefore,
we believe an episode payment model most appropriately focuses around
an inpatient hospitalization for these major surgical procedures, as
there is little opportunity for shifting the procedures under this
model to the outpatient setting.
We note further that LEJRs are paid for under the IPPS through the
following two Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs):
MS-DRG 469 (Major joint replacement or reattachment of
lower extremity with Major Complications or Comorbidities (MCC)).
MS-DRG 470 (Major joint replacement or reattachment of
lower extremity without MCC).
Multiple ICD-9-CM procedure codes that describe LEJR procedures and
other less common lower extremity procedures group to these MS-DRGs,
with their percentage distribution within the IPPS MS-DRGs 469 and 470
for the past 4 years outlined in Table 4.
[[Page 41213]]
Table 4--Distribution of Hospital Claims for Procedure Codes Mapping to MS-DRGS 469 and 470
ICD-9-CM procedure code Code descriptor FY 2014 % FY 2013 % FY 2012 % FY 2011 %
81.54........................... Total knee replacement............ 57 58 58 58
81.51........................... Total hip replacement............. 30 29 29 28
81.52........................... Partial hip replacement........... 12 13 13 14
81.56........................... Total ankle replacement........... 0 0 0 0
00.85........................... Resurfacing hip, total, acetabulum 0 0 0 0
and femoral head.
00.86........................... Resurfacing hip, partial, femoral 0 0 0 0
00.87........................... Resurfacing hip, partial, 0 0 0 0
84.27........................... Lower leg or ankle reattachment... 0 N/A N/A N/A
84.28........................... Thigh reattachment................ N/A N/A N/A 0
Note: Percentages or claim counts with ``N/A'' had no claims. percentages of 0% represent less than 0.5% of
total claims.
Additionally, we note that there are various types of claims-based
information available to CMS, hospitals, and other providers, that
could be used to identify beneficiaries in the model who receive LEJRs,
including the MS-DRGs for the acute care hospitalization for the
procedure, the ICD-9-CM procedure code on the hospital claim, or the
CPT code(s) reported by the orthopedic surgeon who furnishes the
surgical procedure. While we could utilize ICD-9-CM procedure codes or
CPT codes to identify beneficiaries included in the model, over 85
percent of procedures that group to MS-DRGs 469 and 470 are hip or knee
replacements. Additionally, the hospitals that would be participating
in this model receive payment under the IPPS, which is not determined
by CPT codes and is based on clinical conditions and procedures that
group to MS-DRGs. Finally, our review of the other low volume
procedures that group to these same MS-DRGs, aside from total or
partial hip and knee replacements, does not suggest that there is
significant clinical or financial heterogeneity within these two MS-
DRGs such that we would need to define care for included beneficiaries
by ICD-9-CM procedure codes.
Therefore, we propose that an episode of care in the CCJR model is
triggered by an admission to an acute care hospital stay (hereinafter
``the anchor hospitalization'') paid under MS-DRG 469 or 470 under the
IPPS during the model performance period. This approach offers
operational simplicity for providers and CMS, and is consistent with
the approach taken by the BPCI initiative to identify beneficiaries
whose care is included in the LEJR episode for that model. We seek
public comments on this proposal to define the clinical conditions that
are the target of CCJR.
b. Definition of Related Services Included in the Episode
For purposes of this model, as in BPCI, given the frequent
comorbidities experienced by Medicare beneficiaries and the generally
elective nature of LEJR, we are interested in testing inclusive
episodes to incentivize comprehensive, coordinated patient-centered
care for the beneficiary throughout the episode. We propose to exclude
only those Medicare items and services furnished during the episode
that are unrelated to LEJR procedures based on clinical justification.
During our experience with BPCI implementation, we reviewed a number of
narrow episode definitions for LEJR episodes that were recommended by
BPCI participants and other interested parties during the design phase
for this project. We concluded that these narrow definitions commonly
exclude many services that may be linked to the LEJR, as LEJR
beneficiaries, on average, are at higher risk for more clinical
problems than Medicare beneficiaries who have not recently undergone
such procedures.
Therefore, we propose that all CCJR episodes, beginning with the
admission for the anchor hospitalization under MS-DRG 469 or 470
through the end of the proposed episode, include all items and services
paid under Medicare Part A or Part B with the exception of certain
exclusions as proposed in this section that are excluded because they
are unrelated to the episode. The items and services ultimately
included in the episode after the exclusions are applied are called
related items and services. As proposed in sections III.C.4 and III.C.6
of this proposed rule, Medicare spending for related items and services
would be included in the historical data used to set target prices, as
well as in the calculation of actual episode spending that would be
compared against the target price to assess the performance of
participant hospitals. In contrast, Medicare spending for unrelated
items and services (excluded from the episode definition) would not be
included in the historical data used to set target prices or in the
calculation of actual episode spending.
Related items and services included in CCJR episodes would be the
following items and services paid under Medicare Part A or Part B,
after the exclusions are applied:
Physicians' services.
Inpatient hospital services (including readmissions), with
certain exceptions proposed later in this section.
Inpatient psychiatric facility (IPF) services.
LTCH services.
IRF services.
SNF services.
HHA services.
Hospital outpatient services.
Independent outpatient therapy services.
Clinical laboratory services.
Durable medical equipment (DME).
Part B drugs.
We note that under our proposed definition of related services
included in the episode, the episode could include certain per-member-
per-month model payments, as discussed in section III.C of this
proposed rule.
We propose to exclude from CCJR drugs that are paid outside of the
MS-DRG, specifically hemophilia clotting factors (Sec. 412.115),
identified through HCPCS code, diagnosis code, and revenue center on
IPPS claims. Hemophilia clotting factors, in contrast to other drugs
that are administered during an inpatient hospital stay and paid
through the MS-DRG, are paid separately by Medicare in recognition that
clotting factors are costly and essential to appropriate care for
certain beneficiaries. Thus, we believe there are no efficiencies to be
gained in the variable use of these high cost drugs when particular
beneficiaries receive
[[Page 41214]]
LEJR procedures who have significantly different medical needs for
clotting factors under an episode payment model, so we propose to
exclude these high cost drugs from the actual historical episode
expenditure data used to set target prices and from the hospital's
episode actual spending that is reconciled to the target price.
Similarly, we propose to exclude IPPS new technology add-on payments
for drugs, technologies, and services from CCJR episodes, excluding
them from both the actual historical episode expenditure data used to
set target prices and from the hospital's actual episode spending that
is reconciled to the target price. This proposal would apply to both
the anchor hospital stay and any related readmissions during the
episode. New technology add-on payments are made separately and in
addition to the MS-DRG payment under the IPPS for specific new drugs
technologies, and services that substantially improve the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries and would be inadequately paid
otherwise under the MS-DRG system. Medicare pays a marginal cost factor
of 50 percent for the costs to hospitals of the new drugs,
technologies, or services. We do not believe it would be appropriate
for the CCJR model to potentially hamper beneficiaries' access to new
technologies that are receiving new technology add-on payments or to
burden hospitals who choose to use these new drugs, technologies, or
services with concern about these payments counting toward episode
actual expenditures. In addition, because new drugs, technologies, or
services approved for the add-on payments vary unpredictably over time
in their application to specific clinical conditions, we believe we
should exclude IPPS new technology add-on payments from CCJR episodes.
We followed a number of general principles in determining other
proposed excluded services from the CCJR episodes in order to promote
coordinated, high-quality, patient-centered care. Based on the broad
nature of these episodes, we propose to identify excluded (unrelated)
services rather than included (related) services based on the rationale
that all Part A and Part B services furnished during the episode are
related to the episode, unless they are unrelated based on clinical
justification as described in more detail later in this section. In
developing our proposals for exclusions for this model, we believe that
no Part A services, other than certain excluded hospital readmissions
during the episode as described in this section, furnished post-
hospital discharge during the episode should be excluded, as post-
hospital discharge Part A services are typically intended to be
comprehensive in nature. We also believe that no claims for services
with diagnosis codes that are directly related to the LEJR procedure
itself (for example, loosening of the joint prosthesis) based on
clinical judgment, and taking into consideration coding guidelines,
should be excluded. Furthermore, we believe that no claims for
diagnoses that are related to the quality and safety of care furnished
during the episode, especially the anchor hospitalization under MS-DRG
469 or 470, should be excluded, such as direct complications of post-
surgical care during the anchor hospitalization. Examples of diagnoses
that would not be excluded on this basis include surgical site
infection and venous thromboembolism. Finally, we believe that no
claims for services for diagnoses that are related to preexisting
chronic conditions such as diabetes, which may be affected by care
furnished during the episode, should be excluded. However, severe
exacerbations of chronic conditions (for example, some surgical
readmissions) that are unlikely to be affected by care furnished during
the episode should be excluded; thus, when a beneficiary is admitted to
the hospital during the episode for these circumstances, we would not
consider it to be a related readmission for purposes of CCJR. We also
believe that services for clinical conditions that represent acute
clinical conditions not arising from an existing chronic clinical
condition or complication of LEJR surgery occurring during an episode
of care, which would not be covered by the previous principles about
included services, should be excluded.
To operationalize these principles for CCJR, we propose to exclude
unrelated inpatient hospital admissions during the episode by
identifying MS-DRGs for exclusion. We propose to exclude unrelated Part
B services based on the ICD-9-CM diagnosis code (or their ICD-10-CM
equivalents when ICD-10-CM codes are implemented) that is the principal
diagnosis code reported on claims for services furnished during the
episode. More specifically, we propose to exclude specific inpatient
hospital admissions and services consistent with the LEJR episode
definition (also triggered by MS-DRGs 469 and 470) that is currently
used in BPCI Model 2. We note that the list of exclusions was initially
developed over 2 years ago for BPCI through a collaborative effort of
CMS staff, including physicians from medical and surgical specialties,
coding experts, claims processing experts, and health services
researchers. The list has been shared with thousands of entities and
individuals participating in one or more phases of BPCI, and has
undergone refinement over that time in response to stakeholder input
about specific diagnoses or MS-DRGs for exclusion, resulting in only
minimal changes over the last 2 years. Thus, the BPCI list of
exclusions for LEJR procedures has been vetted broadly in the health
care community; refined based on input from a wide variety of
providers, researchers and other stakeholders; and successfully
operationalized in the BPCI models. We are proposing its use in CCJR
based on our confidence related to our several of years of experience
that this definition is reasonable and workable for LEJR episodes, for
both providers and CMS.
With respect to the proposed inpatient hospital admission
exclusions for this model, we propose that all medical MS-DRGS for
readmissions be included in CCJR episodes as related services, with the
exception of oncology and trauma medical MS-DRGs. We propose that
admissions for oncology and trauma medical MS-DRGs be excluded from
CCJR episodes. Readmissions for medical MS-DRGs are generally linked to
the hospitalization for the LEJR procedure as a complication of the
illness that led to the surgery, a complication of treatment or
interactions with the health care system, or a chronic illness that may
have been affected by the course of care. We refer readers to section
III.D. of this proposed rule for background and discussion of the
complication rate measure proposed for CCJR that includes common
medical complications resulting from the aforementioned circumstances
following LEJR procedures and that may result in related hospital
readmissions. For readmissions for medical MS-DRGs, the selection of
the primary diagnosis code is not clear-cut, so we generally believe
they all should be included, and we strongly believe that providers
should focus on comprehensive care for beneficiaries during episodes.
We propose to include all disease-related surgical MS-DRGs for
readmissions, such as hip/knee revision, in CCJR episodes. We also
propose to include readmissions for all body system-related surgical
MS-DRGs as they are generally related to complications of the LEJR
procedures. An example of a readmission of this type would be for an
inferior vena cava filter placement for
[[Page 41215]]
treatment of thromboembolic complications of the LEJR. We propose to
exclude hospital admissions for chronic disease surgical MS-DRGs, such
as prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland), as they are unrelated
to the clinical condition that led to the LEJR nor would they have been
precipitated by the LEJR. Finally, we propose that hospital admissions
for acute disease surgical MS-DRGs, such as appendectomy, be excluded
because they are highly unlikely to be related to, or precipitated by,
LEJR procedures and would not be affected by LEJR episode care
With respect to the LEJR proposed diagnosis code exclusions for
Part B services for this model, we propose that ICD-9-CM codes be
excluded or included as a category and as identified by code ranges. We
propose that disease-related diagnoses, such as osteoarthritis of the
hip or knee, are included. We also propose that body system-related
diagnoses are included because they relate to complications that may
arise from interactions with the health care system. An example of this
would be pressure pre-ulcer skin changes. Additionally, we propose that
all common symptom diagnoses are included because providers have
significant discretion to select these as principal diagnosis codes. We
propose that acute disease diagnoses, such as severe head injury, are
excluded. Finally, we propose that chronic disease diagnoses be
included or excluded based on specific clinical and coding judgment as
described previously with respect to the original development of the
exclusions for LEJR episodes under BPCI, taking into consideration
whether the condition was likely to have been affected by the LEJR
procedure and recovery period and whether substantial services were
likely to have been provided for the chronic condition during the
episode. Thus, chronic kidney disease and cirrhosis would be included
in the episode, but glaucoma and chemotherapy would be excluded.
Exclusions from CCJR episodes are based on care for unrelated
clinical conditions represented by MS-DRGs for readmissions during the
episode and ICD-9 CM codes for Part B services furnished during the
episode after discharge from the anchor hospitalization. The complete
lists of proposed excluded MS-DRGs for readmissions and proposed
excluded ICD-9-CM codes for Part B services is posted on the CMS Web
site at
We note that as CMS moves to implement ICD-10-CM we will make the
CCJR exclusions that would map to the final ICD-9-CM exclusions for
CCJR available in the ICD-10-CM format as well. We propose that all
Part A and B-covered items and services that would not be excluded
based on the exclusions list are included in the episode. Furthermore,
we propose to update the exclusions list without rulemaking on an
annual basis, at a minimum, to reflect annual changes to ICD-CM coding
and annual changes to the MS-DRGs under the IPPS, as well as to address
any other issues that are brought to our attention by the public
throughout the course of the model test.
We would first develop potential exclusions list revisions of MS-
DRGs for readmissions and ICD-9 (or ICD-10, as applicable) diagnosis
codes for Part B services based on our assessment against the following
We would not exclude any items or services that are--
++ Directly related to the LEJR procedure itself (such as loosening
of the joint prosthesis) or the quality or safety of LEJR care (such as
post-surgical wound infection or venous thromboembolism); and
++ For chronic conditions that may be affected by the LEJR
procedure or post-surgical care (such as diabetes). By this we mean
that where a beneficiary's underlying chronic condition would be
affected by the LEJR procedure, or where the beneficiary's LEJR or
post-LEJR care must be managed differently as a result of the chronic
condition, then those items and services would be related and would be
included in the episode.
We would exclude items and services for--
++ Chronic conditions that are generally not affected by the LEJR
procedure or post-surgical care (such as removal of the prostate). By
this we mean that where a beneficiary's underlying chronic condition
would not be affected by the LEJR procedure, or where the beneficiary's
LEJR or post-LEJR care need not be managed differently as a result of
the chronic condition, then those items and services would not be
related and would not be included in the episode; and
++ Acute clinical conditions not arising from existing episode-
related chronic clinical conditions or complications of LEJR surgery
from the episode (such as appendectomy).
We would post the potential revised exclusions, which could include
additions to or deletions from the exclusions list, to the CMS Web site
to allow for public input on our planned application of these
standards, and then adopt changes to the exclusions list with posting
to the CMS Web site of the final revised exclusions list after our
consideration of the public input.
We seek comment on our proposals for identifying excluded
readmissions and Part B-covered items and services, as well as our
proposed process for updating the exclusions list.
3. Duration of Episodes of Care
a. Beginning the Episode and Beneficiary Care Inclusion Criteria
While we propose to identify LEJR episodes by an acute care
hospitalization for MS-DRG 469 and 470, we recognize that the
beneficiary's care for an underlying chronic condition, such as
osteoarthritis, which ultimately leads to the surgical procedure,
typically begins months to years prior to the surgical procedure.
Because of the clinical variability leading up to the joint replacement
surgery and the challenge of identifying unrelated services given the
multiple chronic conditions experienced by many beneficiaries, we do
not propose to begin the episode prior to the anchor hospitalization
(that is, the admission that results in a discharge under MS-DRG 469 or
470). We believe the opportunities for care redesign and improved
efficiency prior to the inpatient hospital stay are limited for an
episode payment model of this type that focuses on a surgical procedure
and the associated recovery once the decision to pursue surgery has
been made, rather than an episode model that focuses on decision-making
and management of a clinical condition itself (such as osteoarthritis).
We propose to begin the episode with an inpatient anchor
hospitalization for MS-DRG 469 or MS-DRG 470 in accordance with the
methodology described. This proposal to begin the episode upon
admission for the anchor hospitalization is consistent with LEJR
episode initiation under Model 2 of BPCI. While we are not proposing to
begin the episode prior to the inpatient hospital admission, we note
that our proposed episode definition includes all services that are
already included in the IPPS payment based on established Medicare
policies, such as diagnostic services (including clinical diagnostic
laboratory tests) and nondiagnostic outpatient services related to a
beneficiary's hospital admission provided to a beneficiary by the
admitting hospital, or by an entity wholly owned or wholly operated by
the admitting hospital (or by another entity under arrangements with
the admitting hospital), within 3 days prior to and including the date
of the beneficiary's admission. For more
[[Page 41216]]
information on the 3-Day Payment Window payment policies, see CMS Pub.
100-04, Chapter 3, section 40.3 and Chapter 4, section 10.12.
We propose that the defined population of Medicare beneficiaries
whose care will be included in CCJR meet the following criteria upon
admission to the anchor hospitalization. We note that these criteria
are also consistent with Model 2 of BPCI, as well as most other
Innovation Center models that do not target a specific subpopulation of
beneficiaries. The LEJR episodes for all beneficiaries in the defined
population will be included in CCJR (although certain episodes may be
canceled for purposes of determining actual episode payments for
reasons discussed later in this proposed rule), and we refer readers to
section I.B.8 of this proposed rule for further discussion of
beneficiary notification and a beneficiary's ongoing right under CCJR
to obtain health services from any individual or organization qualified
to participate in the Medicare program.
The beneficiary is enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B
throughout the duration of the episode.
The beneficiary's eligibility for Medicare is not on the
basis of End Stage Renal Disease.
The beneficiary must not be enrolled in any managed care
plan (for example, Medicare Advantage, Health Care Prepayment Plans,
cost-based health maintenance organizations).
The beneficiary must not be covered under a United Mine
Workers of America health plan, which provides healthcare benefits for
retired mine workers.
Medicare must be the primary payer.
Our proposal for inclusion of beneficiaries in CCJR is as broad as
feasible, representing all those LEJR episodes for which we believe we
have comprehensive historical Medicare payment data that allow us to
appropriately include Medicare payment for all related services during
the episode in order to set appropriate episode target prices. For
beneficiaries whose care we propose to exclude from the model, we are
unable to capture or appropriately attribute to the episode the related
Medicare payments because of Medicare's payment methodology. For
example, if a beneficiary is enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan,
Medicare makes capitated payments (and providers do not submit complete
claims data to CMS), so we would not have a way to identify and
attribute the portion of those payments related to an LEJR episode.
More information on setting bundled payment target prices for episodes
under CCJR is available in section III.C.4.b of this proposed rule.
Including the broadest feasible array of Medicare beneficiaries'
admissions in the model would provide CMS with the most robust
information about the effects of this model on expenditures and quality
for beneficiaries of the widest variety of ages and comorbidities, and
allow the participant hospitals the greatest opportunity to benefit
financially from systematic episode care redesign because most Medicare
beneficiaries undergoing an LEJR procedure will be included in the
model and, therefore, subject to the policies we propose.
We seek comment on our proposal on when to begin the CCJR episode,
as well as to identify the care included for beneficiaries.
b. Middle of the Episode
We propose that once the episode begins for a beneficiary whose
care is included, the episode continues until the end as described in
the next section of this proposed rule, unless the episode is cancelled
because the beneficiary no longer meets the same inclusion criteria
proposed for the beginning of the episode at any point during the
episode. When an episode is cancelled, the services furnished to
beneficiaries prior to and following the episode cancellation will
continue to be paid by Medicare as usual but we will not calculate
actual episode spending that would otherwise under CCJR be reconciled
against the target price for the beneficiary's care (see section
III.C.6 of this proposed rule). As discussed in section III.C.10.a.(3)
of this proposed rule with comment period, waivers of program rules
applicable to beneficiaries in CCJR episodes would apply to the care of
beneficiaries who are in CCJR episodes at the time when the waiver is
used to bill for a service that is furnished to the beneficiary, even
if the episode is later cancelled.
We believe it would be appropriate to cancel the episode when a
beneficiary's status changes during the episode such that they no
longer meet the criteria for inclusion because the episode target price
reflects full payment for the episode, yet we would not have full
Medicare episode payment data for the beneficiary to reconcile against
the target price.
In addition, we propose that the following circumstances would also
cancel the episode:
The beneficiary is readmitted to an acute care hospital
during the episode and discharged under MS-DRG 469 or 470 (in this
case, the first episode would be cancelled and a new LEJR episode would
begin for the beneficiary).
The beneficiary dies during the anchor hospitalization.
The beneficiary initiates an LEJR episode under BPCI
Models 1, 2, 3 or 4.
In the case of beneficiary death during the anchor hospitalization,
we believe it would be appropriate to cancel the episode as there are
limited efficiencies that could be expected during the anchor hospital
stay itself. In the case of beneficiary readmission during the first
CCJR episode for another LEJR (typically a planned staged second
procedure), we do not believe it would be appropriate to include two
episodes in the model with some time periods overlapping, as that could
result in attribution of the Medicare payment for 2 periods of PAC to a
single procedure.
We seek comment on our proposals to cancel episodes once they have
begun but prior to their end.
c. End of the Episode
LEJR procedures are typically major inpatient surgical procedures
with significant associated morbidity and a prolonged recovery period
that often is marked by significant PAC needs, potential complications
of surgery, and more intense management of chronic conditions that may
be destabilized by the surgery. In light of the course of recovery from
LEJRs for Medicare beneficiaries, we propose that an episode in the
CCJR model end 90 days after discharge from the acute care hospital in
which the anchor hospitalization (for MS-DRG 469 or 470) took place.
Hereinafter, we refer to the proposed CCJR model episode duration as
the ``90-day post-discharge'' episode. To the extent that a Medicare
payment for included services spans a period of care that extends
beyond the episode duration, these payments would be prorated so that
only the portion attributable to care during the fixed duration of the
episode is attributed to the episode spending.
We note for the vast majority of beneficiaries undergoing a hip or
knee joint replacement, a 90-day post-discharge episode duration
encompasses the full transition from acute care and PAC to recovery and
return to activities. We believe the 90-day post-discharge episode
duration encourages acute care hospitals, physicians, and PAC providers
to promote coordinated, quality care as the patient transitions from
the inpatient to outpatient settings and the community.
In proposing the 90-day post-discharge duration for LEJR episodes
in CCJR, we took into consideration the literature regarding the
[[Page 41217]]
experiences of patients who have undergone THA or TKA procedures. In
2007-2008, the 30-day all-cause readmission rate for primary THA among
Medicare beneficiaries was 8.5 percent, while the 90-day all-cause
readmission rate was 11.9 percent, indicating that while the rate of
readmission begins to taper after 30 days, readmissions continue to
accrue throughout this 90 day window.\6\ In single center studies,
Schairer et al found unplanned 30-day hospital readmission rates were
3.5 percent and 3.4 percent and unplanned 90-day hospital admission
rates were 4.5 percent and 6 percent for primary THA and TKA,
respectively, demonstrating that the risk of readmission remains
significantly elevated from 30 through 90 days post-hospital
discharge.7 8 Further exploring the reasons for unplanned
admission for TKAs within 90 days of a knee replacement procedure,
Schairer et al found that 75 percent were caused by surgical causes
such as arthrofibrosis and surgical site infection. Additional
information on the common reasons for hospital readmission following
TKA or THA can be obtained from The American College of Surgeons
National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.\9\ These data identified
the top ten reasons for readmission within 30 days of a hip or knee
\6\ Cram P, Lu X, Kates SL, Singh JA, Li Y, Wolf BR. Total Knee
Arthroplasty Volume, Utilization, and Outcomes Among Medicare
Beneficiaries, 1 991-2010. JAMA. 2012;308(12):1227-1236.
\7\ Schairer WW, et al. Causes and frequency of unplanned
hospital readmission after total hip arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat
Res. 2014 Feb;472(2):464-70. doi: 1 0.1007/s11999-013-3121-5.
\8\ Schairer WW, et al. What are the rates and causes of
hospital readmission after total knee arthroplasty? Clin Orthop
Relat Res. 2014 Jan;472(1):181-7. doi: 1 0.1007/s11999-013-3030-7.
\9\ Merkow RP, Ju MH, Chung JW, et al. Underlying Reasons
Associated With Hospital Readmission Following Surgery in the United
States. JAMA. 2015;313(5):483-495. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.18614.
Surgical site infections (18.8 percent).
Prosthesis issues (7.5 percent).
Venous thromboembolism (6.3 percent).
Bleeding (6.3 percent).
Orthopedic related (5.1 percent).
Pulmonary (3.2 percent).
Cardiac (2.4 percent).
CNS or CVA (2.4 percent).
Ileus or Obstruction (2.3 percent).
Sepsis (2.1 percent).
In addition, the authors concluded that ``readmissions after
surgery were associated with new post-discharge complications related
to the procedure and not exacerbation of prior index hospitalization
complications, suggesting that readmissions after surgery are a measure
of post-discharge complications.'' Finally, with regard to the
potential for readmission for joint replacement revision within a 90-
day post-discharge episode, in a twelve-year study on Medicare patients
conducted by Katz, et al., the risk of revision after THA remained
elevated at approximately 2 percent per year for the first eighteen
months and then 1 percent per year for the remainder of the follow-up
period.\10\ This study suggests that a longer episode, as opposed to a
shorter episode, is more likely to simulate the increased risk of
revision LEJR patients face.
\10\ Katz JN, et al. Twelve-Year Risk of Revision After Primary
Total Hip Replacement in the U.S. Medicare Population. J Bone Joint
Surg Am. 2012 Oct 1 7; 94(20): 1 825-1832. doi: 1 0.2106/
In order to address the complication rates associated with elective
primary total hip or knee arthroplasty, we developed an administrative
claims- based measure (for a detailed description of the measure see
section III.D of this proposed rule). During the development of the
Hospital-level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) following
elective primary THA or TKA or both, complications of elective primary
total hip or knee replacement were identified to occur within specific
timeframes.\11\ For example, analyses done during the development of
the measure as well as Technical Expert Panel opinion found that--(1)
mechanical complications and periprosthetic joint infection/wound
infection are still attributable to the procedure for the 90 days
following admission for surgery; (2) death, surgical site bleeding, and
pulmonary embolism are still likely attributable to the hospital
performing the procedure for up to 30 days; and (3) medical
complications of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), pneumonia, and
sepsis/septicemia/shock are more likely to be attributable to the
procedure for up to 7 days.
\11\ Hospital Quality Initiatives. Measure Methodology.
Available at: See Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Complications zip
file under downloads. Accessed on April 10, 2015.
Other factors further supporting a 90-day post-discharge episode
duration are the elevated risk of readmission throughout this time
period, as well as the fact that treatment for pneumonia is considered
by American Thoracic Society guidelines to be ``health care-
associated'' if it occurs up to 90 days following an acute care
hospitalization of at least 2 days.\12\ According to the American
Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, patients undergoing total hip
replacement should be able to resume most normal light activities of
daily living within 3 to 6 weeks following surgery.\13\ In a small
randomized controlled trial of two approaches to hip arthroplasty,
average time to ambulation without any assistive device was 22-28
days.\14\ According to a 2011 systematic review of studies evaluating
physical functioning following THA, patients have recovered to about 80
percent of the levels of controls by 8 months after surgery.\15\
\12\ Guidelines for the management of adults with hospital-
acquired, ventilator-associated, and healthcare-associated
pneumonia. American Thoracic Society, Infectious Diseases Society of
America. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005;171(4):388.
\14\ Taunton MJ, et al. Direct Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty
Yields More Rapid Voluntary Cessation of All Walking Aids: A
Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial The Journal of Arthroplasty.
Volume 29, Issue 9, Supplement, September 2014, Pages 169-172.
\15\ Vissers MM, et al. Recovery of Physical Functioning After
Total Hip Arthroplasty: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the
Literature. Physical Therapy May 2011 vol. 91 no. 5 615-629.
We also refer readers to a study by the Assistant Secretary for
Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S Department of Health and
Human Services that assessed the mean payments for acute care, PAC, and
physician services grouped in the MS-DRG 470.\16\ In this study, CMS
payment for services following an MS-DRG 470 hospitalization were
concentrated within the first 30 days following discharge, with
plateauing of payments between 60- or 90-days post-discharge.
\16\ Post-Acute Care Episodes Expanded Analytic File. Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services. April 2011.
[[Page 41218]]
Finally, payment and length of stay analyses found the average
length of stay in PAC during a 90-day post-discharge episode for MS-DRG
470 to be 47.3 days, indicating that a longer period post-discharge of
90 days is reasonable as a proposal to end the episode of care.\17\ We
note that these analyses did not include any time between hospital
discharge and the start of PAC.
\17\ Analysis of Post Acute Care Episode Definitions File.
Table 5--Cost and Length of Stay Statistics for MS-DRG 470 for Various Episode Durations
Statistics for DRG 470 (2006 data) 30-day episode 60-day episode 90-day episode
Mean Medicare spending per hospital $18,838................ $20,343................ $21,125
Mean payment for anchor 10,463................. 10,463................. 10,463
Mean payment for PAC................. 6,835.................. 8,339.................. 9,122
Mean payment for physicians (during 1,540.................. 1,540.................. 1,540
anchor hospitalization).
Mean payment for readmission 550.................... 929.................... 1,242
(includes all PAC users, even if no
readmission occurs during the
Mean length of stay (LOS) for PAC.... 25.5 days.............. 39.6 days.............. 47.3 days
Note: Data are per PAC user (88% of beneficiaries hospitalized under MS-DRG 470 are discharged to PAC). PAC
users are defined as beneficiaries discharged to SNF, IRF, or LTCH within 5 days of discharge from the index
acute hospitalization, or discharged to HHA or hospital outpatient therapy within 14 days of discharge from
the index acute hospitalization. Mean LOS for PAC does not include any gap between hospital discharge date and
start of PAC.
Other tests of bundled payment models for hip and knee replacement
have used 90-day post-discharge episodes.\18\ We also note that despite
BPCI Model 2 allowing participants a choice between 30-, 60-, or 90-day
post-discharge episodes, over 86 percent of participants have chosen
the 90-day post-discharge episode duration for the LEJR episode.
Further, a 90-day post-discharge episode duration aligns with the 90-
day global period included in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
payment for the surgical procedure.
\18\ -Ridgely MS, et al. Bundled Payment Fails To Gain A
Foothold In California: The Experience Of The IHA Bundled Payment
Demonstration. Health Affairs, 33, no.8 (2014):1345-1352.
We also considered proposing a 60-day post-discharge episode
duration, but the full transition of care following LEJR would exceed
this window for some beneficiaries, especially those who are discharged
to an institutional post-acute provider initially and then
[[Page 41219]]
transition to home health or outpatient therapy services for continued
rehabilitation. According to a report from ASPE on Medicare
beneficiaries receiving PAC following major joint replacement in 2006,
13 percent first receive SNF services and then receive HHA services--
with a total mean episode duration of 56.8 days.\19\ An additional 9.2
percent receive HHA services first and then receive outpatient therapy
services--with a total mean episode duration of 78.7 days. Finally, 6.7
percent receive IRF services first and then HHA services (total mean
length of stay 55.3 days), and 4.8 percent receive SNF services first
and then outpatient therapy services (total mean length of stay 71.5
days). The remainder only receives one type of PAC.
\19\ Examining Post Acute Care Relationships in an Integrated
Hospital. Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. February 2009.
Therefore, in order to be inclusive of most possible durations of
recovery, and services furnished to reach recovery, we propose the 90-
day post-discharge episode duration for CCJR. We believe that
beneficiaries will benefit from aggressive management and care
coordination throughout this episode duration, and hospitals will have
opportunities under CCJR to achieve efficiencies from care redesign
during the 90-day post-discharge episode period.
We seek comment on our proposal to end the episode 90 days after
the date of discharge from the anchor hospitalization, as well as on
the alternative we considered of ending the CCJR episode 60 days after
the date of discharge.
In accordance with section 1115A of the Act, we are proposing to
codify these proposals in regulation in the new proposed Part 510.
C. Proposed Methodology for Setting Episode Prices and Paying Model
Participants under the CCJR Model
1. Background
As described in section II.B of this proposed rule, we propose to
use the CCJR episode payment model to incentivize participant hospitals
to work with other health care providers to improve quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries undergoing LEJR procedures and post-operative
recovery, while enhancing the efficiency with which that care is
provided. We propose to apply this incentive by paying participant
hospitals or holding them responsible for repaying Medicare based on
their CCJR episode quality and Medicare expenditure performance. The
following sections describe our proposals for--
How CCJR episodes would be attributed to a participant
How the reconciliation of Medicare expenditures based on
actual episode spending in relation to the target price would be
structured and operationalized;
How Medicare actual episode payments under existing
payment systems would be compared against episode target prices;
How hospital quality of care for CCJR episodes would be
compared against quality thresholds Medicare establishes under this
How payments to or repayment amounts from participant
hospitals would be determined so that, on average, the episode target
prices are paid by Medicare for CCJR episodes; and
What protections from excessive risk due to high payment
cases would be in place for participant hospitals.
2. Performance Years, Retrospective Episode Payment, and Two-sided Risk
a. Performance Period
We propose that the CCJR model would have 5 performance years. The
performance years would align with calendar years, beginning January 1,
2016. Table 6 includes details on which episodes would be included in
each of the 5 performance years.
Table 6--Performance Years for CCJR Model
Episodes included in
Performance year Calendar year performance year
1............................. 2016 Episodes that start
on or after January
1, 2016, and end on
or before December
31, 2016.
2............................. 2017 Episodes that end
between January 1,
2017, and December
31, 2017, inclusive.
3............................. 2018 Episodes that end
between January 1,
2018, and December
31, 2018, inclusive.
4............................. 2019 Episodes that end
between January 1,
2019, and December
31, 2019, inclusive.
5............................. 2020 Episodes that end
between January 1,
2020, and December
31, 2020, inclusive.
All episodes tested in this model will begin on or after January 1,
2016 and end on or before December 31, 2020. We note that this
definition results in performance year 1 being shorter than the later
performance years in terms of the length of time over which an anchor
hospitalization could occur under the model. We also note that some
episodes that begin in a given calendar year may be captured in the
following performance year due to the episodes ending after December
31st (for example, episode beginning in December 2016 and ending in
March 2017 would be part of performance year 2). We believe 5 years
would be sufficient time to test the CCJR model and gather sufficient
data to evaluate whether it improves the efficiency and quality of care
for an LEJR episode of care. Having fewer than 5 performance years may
not provide sufficient time or data for evaluation. The 5-year
performance period is consistent with the performance period used for
other CMMI models (for example, the Pioneer Accountable Care
Organization (ACO) Model).
b. Proposed Retrospective Payment Methodology
As described in section III.B of this proposed rule, we propose
that an episode in the CCJR model begins with the admission for an
anchor hospitalization and ends 90 days post-discharge from the anchor
hospitalization, including all related services covered under Medicare
Parts A and B during this timeframe, with limited exclusions and
adjustments, as described in sections III.B, III.C.3, and III.C.7 of
this proposed rule. The
[[Page 41220]]
episodes would be attributed to the participant hospital where the
anchor hospitalization occurred.
We propose to apply the CCJR episode payment methodology
retrospectively. Under this proposal, all providers and suppliers
caring for Medicare beneficiaries in CCJR episodes would continue to
bill and be paid as usual under the applicable Medicare payment system.
After the completion of a CCJR performance year, Medicare claims for
services furnished to beneficiaries in that year's non-cancelled
episodes would be grouped into episodes and aggregated, and participant
hospitals' CCJR episode quality and actual payment performance would be
assessed and compared against episode quality thresholds and target
prices, as described in sections III.C.5 and III.C.4 of this proposed
rule, respectively. After the participant hospitals' actual episode
performance in quality and spending are compared against the
aforementioned episode quality thresholds and target prices, we would
determine if Medicare would make a payment to the hospital
(reconciliation payments), or if the hospital owes money to Medicare
(resulting in Medicare repayment). The possibility for hospitals to
receive reconciliation payments or be subject to repayment (note:
participant hospitals would not be subject to repayment for performance
year 1) is further discussed in section III.C.2.c. of this proposed
We considered an alternative option of paying for episodes
prospectively by paying one lump sum amount to the hospital for the
expected costs of the 90-day episode. However, we believe such an
option would be challenging to implement at this time given the payment
infrastructure changes for both hospitals and Medicare that would need
to be developed to pay and manage prospective CCJR episode payments. We
note that a retrospective episode payment approach is currently being
utilized under BPCI Model 2. We believe that a retrospective payment
approach can accomplish the objective of testing episode payment in a
broad group of hospitals, including financial incentives to streamline
care delivery around that episode, without requiring core billing and
payment changes by providers and suppliers, which would create
substantial administrative burden. However, we seek comment on
potential ways to implement a prospective payment approach for CCJR in
future performance years of the model.
c. Proposed Two-Sided Risk Model
We propose to establish a two-sided risk model for hospitals
participating in the CCJR model. We propose to provide episode
reconciliation payments to hospitals that meet or exceed quality
performance thresholds and achieve cost efficiencies relative to CCJR
target prices established for them, as defined later in sections
III.C.4 and III.C.5 of this proposed rule. Similarly, we propose to
hold hospitals responsible for repaying Medicare when actual episode
payments exceed their CCJR target prices in each of performance years 2
through 5, subject to certain proposed limitations discussed in section
III.C.8 of this proposed rule. Target prices would be established for
each participant hospital for each performance year.
We propose that hospitals will be eligible to receive
reconciliation payments from Medicare based on their quality and actual
episode spending performance under the CCJR model in each of CCJR
performance years 1 through 5. Additionally, we propose to phase in the
responsibility for hospital repayment of episode actual spending if
episode actual spending exceeds their target price starting in
performance year 2 and continuing through performance year 5. Under
this proposal in performance year 1, participant hospitals would not be
required to pay Medicare back if episode actual spending is greater
than the target price.
We considered an episode payment structure in which, for all 5
performance years of the model, participant hospitals would qualify for
reconciliation payments if episode actual spending was less than the
episode target price, but would not be required to make repayments to
Medicare if episode actual spending was greater than the episode target
price. However, we believe not holding hospitals responsible for
repaying excess episode spending would reduce the incentives for
hospitals to improve quality and efficiency. We also considered
starting the CCJR payment model with hospital responsibility for
repaying excess episode spending in performance year 1 to more strongly
align participant hospital incentives with care quality and efficiency.
However, we believe hospitals may need to make infrastructure, care
coordination and delivery, and financial preparations for the CCJR
episode model, and that those changes can take several months or longer
to implement. With this consideration in mind, we propose to begin
hospitals' responsibility for repayment of excess episode spending
beginning in performance year 2 to afford hospitals time to prepare,
while still beginning some incentives earlier (that is, reconciliation
payments in year 1) to improve quality and efficiency of care for
Medicare beneficiaries. We solicit comment on the proposed incentive
structure for CCJR.
In an effort to further ensure hospital readiness to assume
responsibility for circumstances that could lead to a hospital repaying
to Medicare actual episode payments that exceed the episode target
price, we propose to begin to phase in this responsibility for
performance year 2, with full responsibility for excess episode
spending (as proposed in this rule) applied for performance year 3
through performance year 5. To carry out this ``phase in'' approach, we
propose during the first year of any hospital financial responsibility
for repayment (performance year 2) to set an episode target price that
partly mitigates the amount that hospitals would be required to repay
(see section III.C.4.b of this proposed rule), as well as more greatly
limits (as compared to performance years 3 through 5) the maximum
amount a hospital would be required to repay Medicare across all of its
episodes (see section III.C.8 of this proposed rule).
3. Adjustments to Payments Included in Episode
Medicare payments during the model's performance year for Parts A
and B claims for services included in the episode definition, as
discussed in section III.B of this proposed rule, would be summed
together for each non-cancelled CCJR episode that occurred to create
the actual episode payment amount. We propose three adjustments to this
general approach for--(1) special payment provisions under existing
Medicare payment systems; (2) payment for services that straddle the
end of the episode; and (3) high payment episodes. We note there would
be further adjustments to account for overlaps with other Innovation
Center models and CMS programs; we refer readers to section III.C.7 of
this proposed rule.
We do not propose to adjust hospital-specific or regional
components of target prices for any Medicare repayment or
reconciliation payments made under the CCJR model; CCJR repayment and
reconciliation payments would be not be included per the proposed
episode definition in section III.B of this proposed rule. Including
reconciliation payments and Medicare repayments in target price
calculations would perpetuate the initial set of target prices
[[Page 41221]]
once CCJR performance years are captured in the 3- historical-years of
data used to set target prices, as proposed in section III.C.4. of this
proposed rule, beginning with performance year 3 when performance year
1 would be part of the 3-historical-years. Including any prior
performance years' reconciliations or repayments in target price
calculations would approximately have the effect (excluding impact of
the proposed adjustments for high payment episodes (see section
III.C.3.c. of this proposed rule) and proposed limits or adjustments to
hospital financial responsibility (see section III.C.8. of this
proposed rule)) of Medicare paying hospitals the target price,
regardless of whether the hospital went below, above, or met the target
price in the prior performance years before accounting for the
reconciliation payments or repayments. We intend for target prices to
be based on historical patterns of service actually provided, so we do
not propose to include reconciliation payments or repayments for prior
performance years in target price calculations.
a. Proposed Treatment of Special Payment Provisions Under Existing
Medicare Payment Systems
Many of the existing Medicare payment systems have special payment
provisions that have been created by regulation or statute to improve
quality and efficiency in service delivery. IPPS hospitals are subject
to incentives under the HRRP, the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
(HVBP) Program, the Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) Reduction
Program, and the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program (HIQR)
and Outpatient Quality Reporting Program (OQR). IPPS hospitals and CAHs
are subject to the Medicare EHR Incentive Program. Additionally, the
majority of IPPS hospitals receive additional payments for Medicare
Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) and Uncompensated Care, and IPPS
teaching hospitals can receive additional payments for Indirect Medical
Education (IME). IPPS hospitals that meet a certain requirements
related to low volume Medicare discharges and distance from another
hospital receive a low volume add-on payment. As mentioned in section
III.B.2.b of this proposed rule, acute care hospitals may receive new
technology add-on payments to support specific new technologies or
services that substantially improve the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries and would be inadequately paid otherwise under
the MS-DRG system. Also, some IPPS hospitals qualify to be sole
community hospitals (SCHs) or Medicare-dependent hospitals (MDHs), and
they may receive enhanced payments based on cost-based hospital-
specific rates for services; whether a SCH or MDH receives enhanced
payments may vary year to year, in accordance with Sec. Sec. 419.43(g)
and 412.108(g), respectively.
Medicare payments to providers of post-acute services, including
IRFs, SNFs, IPFs, HHAs, LTCHs, and hospice facilities, are conditioned,
in part, on whether the provider satisfactorily reports certain
specified data to CMS: the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality
Reporting Program (IRF QRP), the Skilled Nursing Facility Quality
Reporting Program (SNF QRP), the Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality
Reporting Program (IPF QRP), the Home Health Quality Reporting Program
(HH QRP), the Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program (LTCH
QRP), and the Hospice Quality Reporting Program. Additionally, IRFs
located in rural areas receive rural add-on payments, IRFs serving
higher proportions of low-income beneficiaries receive increased
payments according to their low-income percentage (LIP), and IRFs with
teaching programs receive increased payments to reflect their teaching
status. SNFs receive higher payments for treating beneficiaries with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HHAs located in rural areas also
receive rural add-on payments.
Ambulatory Surgical Centers have their own Quality Reporting
Program (ASC QRP). Physicians also have a set of special payment
provisions based on quality and reporting: the Medicare EHR Incentive
Program for Eligible Professionals, the Physician Quality Reporting
System (PQRS), and the Physician Value-based Modifier Program.
The intent of the CCJR model is not to replace the various existing
incentive programs or add-on payments, but instead to test further
episode payment incentives towards improvements in quality and
efficiency beyond Medicare's existing policies. Therefore, we propose
that the hospital performance and potential reconciliation payment or
Medicare repayment be independent of, and not affect, these other
special payment provisions.
We propose to exclude the special payment provisions as discussed
previously when calculating actual episode payments, setting episode
target prices, comparing actual episode payments with target prices,
and determining whether a reconciliation payment should be made to the
hospital or funds should be repaid by the hospital.
Not excluding these special payment provisions would create
incentives that are not aligned with the intent of the CCJR model. Not
excluding the quality and reporting-related special payment provisions
could create situations where a high-quality or reporting compliant
hospital or both receiving incentive payments, or those hospitals that
discharge patients to PAC providers that receive incentives for being
reporting compliant, may appear to be ``high episode payment'' under
CCJR. Conversely, lower quality or hospitals not complying with
reporting programs or both that incur payment reduction penalties, or
hospitals that discharge to PAC providers that are not reporting
compliant, may appear to be ``low episode payment'' under CCJR. Such
outcomes would run counter to CCJR's goal of improving quality. Also,
not excluding add-on payments for serving more indigent patients,
having low Medicare hospital volume, being located in a rural area,
supporting greater levels of provider training, choosing to use new
technologies, and having a greater proportion of CCJR beneficiaries
with HIV from CCJR actual episode payment calculations may
inappropriately result in hospitals having worse episode payment
performance. Additionally, not excluding enhanced payments for MDHs and
SCHs may result in higher or lower target prices just because these
hospitals received their enhanced payments in one historical year but
not the other, regardless of actual utilization. We believe the
proposed approach of excluding special payment provisions would ensure
a participant hospital's actual episode payment performance is not
artificially improved or worsened because of payment reduction
penalties or incentives or enhanced or add-on payments, the effects of
which we are not proposing to test with CCJR.
In addition to the various incentive, enhanced, and add on
payments, sequestration came into effect for Medicare payments for
discharges on or after April 1, 2013, per the Budget Control Act of
2011 and delayed by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.
Sequestration applies a 2 percent reduction to Medicare payment for
most Medicare FFS services. Similar to the previously discussed
incentive, enhanced, and add-on payments, we intend CCJR to be
independent of the introduction and potential future elimination of
sequestration. We do not intend to have participant hospitals' episodes
appear to be ``low payment''
[[Page 41222]]
episodes relative to historical data, for part of which sequestration
may not have been in effect, just because of an across-the-board
Medicare payment reduction through sequestration. Therefore, we propose
to account for the effects of sequestration when calculating actual
episode payments, setting episode target prices, comparing actual
episode payments with target prices, and determining whether a
reconciliation payment should be made to the hospital or hospitals
should repay Medicare.
In order to operationalize the exclusion of the various special
payment provisions in calculating episode expenditures, we propose to
apply the CMS Price (Payment) Standardization Detailed Methodology
described on the QualityNet Web site at This pricing standardization approach is the same as used for
the HVBP program's Medicare spending per beneficiary metric.
We solicit comment on this proposed approach to treating special
payment provisions in the various Medicare payment systems.
b. Proposed Treatment of Payment for Services That Extend Beyond the
As we proposed a fixed 90-day post-discharge episode as discussed
in section III.B of this proposed rule, we believe there would be some
instances where a service included in the episode begins during the
episode but concludes after the end of the episode and for which
Medicare makes a single payment under an existing payment system. An
example would be a beneficiary in a CCJR episode who is admitted to a
SNF for 15 days, beginning on Day 86 post-discharge from the anchor
CCJR hospitalization. The first 5 days of the admission would fall
within the episode, while the subsequent 10 days would fall outside of
the episode.
We propose that, to the extent that a Medicare payment for included
episode services spans a period of care that extends beyond the
episode, these payments would be prorated so that only the portion
attributable to care during the episode is attributed to the episode
payment when calculating actual Medicare payment for the episode. For
non-IPPS inpatient hospital (for example, CAH) and inpatient PAC (for
example, SNF, IRF, LTCH, IPF) services, we propose to prorate payments
based on the percentage of actual length of stay (in days) that falls
within the episode window. Prorated payments would also be similarly
allocated to the 30-day post-episode payment calculation in section
III.C.8.e. of this proposed rule. In the prior example, one-third of
the days in the 15-day length of stay would fall within the episode
window, so under the proposed approach, one-third of the SNF payment
would be included in the episode payment calculation, and the remaining
two-thirds (because the entirety of the remaining payments fall within
the 30 days after the episode ended) would be included in the post-
episode payment calculation.
For HHA services that extend beyond the episode, we propose that
the payment proration be based on the percentage of days, starting with
the first billable service date (``start of care date'') and through
and including the last billable service date, that fall within the CCJR
episode. Prorated payments would also be similarly allocated to the 30-
day post-episode payment calculation in section III.C.8.e of this
proposed rule. For example, if the patient started receiving services
from an HHA on day 86 after discharge from the anchor CCJR
hospitalization and the last billable home health service date was 55
days from the start of home health care date, the HHA claim payment
amount would be divided by 55 and then multiplied by the days (5) that
fell within the CCJR episode. The resulting, prorated HHA claim payment
amount would be considered part of the CCJR episode. Services for the
prorated HHA service would also span the entirety of the 30 days after
the CCJR episode spends, so the result of the following calculation
would be included in the 30-day post-episode payment calculation: HHA
claim payment amount divided by 55 and then multiplied by 30 days (the
number of days in the 30-day post-episode period that fall within the
prorated HHA service dates).
There may also be instances where home health services begin prior
to the CCJR episode start date, but end during the CCJR episode. In
such instances, we would also prorate HHA payments based on the
percentage of days that fell within the episode. Because these services
end during the CCJR episode, prorated payments for these services would
not be included in the 30-day post-episode payment calculation
discussed in section III.C.8.e. of this proposed rule. For example, if
the patient's start of care date for a home health 60-day claim was
February 1, the anchor hospitalization was March 1 through March 4
(with the CCJR episode continuing for 90 days after March 4), and the
patient resumed home care on March 5 with the 60-day home health claim
ending on April 1 (that is, April 1 was the last billable service
date), we would divide the 60-day home health claim payment amount by
60 and then multiply that amount by the days from the CCJR admission
through April 1 (32 days) to prorate the HHA payment. This proposed
prorating method for HHA claims is consistent with how partial episode
payments (PEP) are paid for on home health claims.
For IPPS services that extend beyond the episode (for example,
readmissions included in the episode definition), we propose to
separately prorate the IPPS claim amount from episode target price and
actual episode payment calculations as proposed in section III.C.8 of
this proposed rule, called the normal MS-DRG payment amount for
purposes of this proposed rule. The normal MS-DRG payment amount would
be pro-rated based on the geometric mean length of stay, comparable to
the calculation under the IPPS PAC transfer policy at Sec. Sec.
412.4(f) and as published on an annual basis in Table 5 of the IPPS/
LTCH PPS Final Rules. Consistent with the IPPS PAC transfer policy, the
first day for a subset of MS-DRGs (indicated in Table 5 of the IPPS/
LTCH PPS Final Rules) would be doubly weighted to count as 2 days to
account for likely higher hospital costs incurred at the beginning of
an admission. If the actual length of stay that occurred during the
episode is equal to or greater than the MS-DRG geometric mean, the
normal MS-DRG payment would be fully allocated to the episode. If the
actual length of stay that occurred during the episode is less than the
geometric mean, the normal MS-DRG payment amount would be allocated to
the episode based on the number of inpatient days that fall within the
episode. If the full amount is not allocated to the episode, any
remainder amount would be allocated to the 30 day post-episode payment
calculation discussed in section III.C.8.e of this proposed rule. The
proposed approach for prorating the normal MS-DRG payment amount is
consistent with the IPPS transfer per diem methodology.
The following is an example of prorating for IPPS services that
extend beyond the episode. If beneficiary has a readmission for MS-DRG
493--lower extremity and humerus procedures except hip, foot, and
femur, with complications--into an IPPS hospital on the 89th day after
discharge from a CCJR anchor hospitalization, and is subsequently
discharged after a length of stay of 5 days, Medicare payment for this
readmission would be prorated for inclusion in the episode. Based on
[[Page 41223]]
5 of the IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule for FY 2015, the geometric mean for
MS-DRG 493 is 4 days, and this MS-DRG is indicated for double-weighting
the first day for proration. This readmission has only 2 days that
falls within the episode, which is less than the MS-DRG 493 geometric
mean of 4 days. Therefore, the normal MS-DRG payment amount associated
with this readmission would be divided by 4 (the geometric mean) and
multiplied by 3 (the first day is counted as 2 days, and the second day
contributes the third day), and the resulting amount is attributed to
the episode. The remainder one-fourth would be captured in the post-
episode spending calculation discussed in section III.C.8 of this
proposed rule. If the readmission occurred on the 85th day after
discharge from the CCJR anchor hospitalization, and the length of stay
was 7 days, the normal MS-DRG payment amount for the admission would be
included in the episode without proration because length of stay for
the readmission falling within the episode (6 days) is greater than or
equal to the geometric mean (4 days) for the MS-DRG.
We considered an alternative option of including the full Medicare
payment for all services that start during the episode, even if those
services did not conclude until after the episode ended, in calculating
episode target prices and actual payments. Previous research on bundled
payments for episodes of PAC services noted that including the full
payment for any claim initiated during the fixed episode period of time
will capture continued service use. However, prorating only captures a
portion of actual service use (and payments) within the bundle. \20\ As
discussed in section III.B of this proposed rule, the CCJR model
proposes an episode length that extends 90 days post-discharge, and
Table 5 in section III.B.3.c. of this proposed rule demonstrates that
the average length of stay in PAC during a 90-day episode with a MS-DRG
470 anchor hospitalization is 47.3 days. Therefore, the length of the
episode under CCJR (90 days) should be sufficient to capture the vast
majority of service use within the episode, even if payments for some
services that extend beyond the episode duration are prorated and only
partly attributed to the episode.
c. Proposed Pricing Adjustment for High Payment Episodes
Given the broad proposed LEJR episode definition and 90-day post-
discharge episode duration proposed for CCJR, we want to ensure that
hospitals have some protection from the variable repayment risk for
especially high payment episodes, where the clinical scenarios for
these cases each year may differ significantly and unpredictably. We do
not believe the opportunity for a hospital's systematic care redesign
of LEJR episodes has significant potential to impact the clinical
course of these extremely disparate high payment cases.
The BPCI Model 2 uses a generally similar episode definition as
proposed for CCJR and the vast majority of BPCI episodes being tested
for LEJR are 90 days in duration following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization. Similarly, we believe the BPCI distribution of Model 2
90-day LEJR episode payment amounts as displayed in Figure 1 provides
information that is relevant to policy development regarding CCJR
[[Page 41224]]
As displayed, the mean episode payment amount is approximately
$26,000. Five percent of all episodes are paid at two standard
deviations above the mean payment or greater, an amount that is
slightly more than 2 times the mean episode payment amount. While these
high payment cases are relatively uncommon, we believe that
incorporation of the full Medicare payment amount for such high payment
episodes in setting the target price and correspondingly in Medicare's
aggregate actual episode payment that is compared to the target price
for the episode may lead in some cases to excessive hospital
responsibility for these episode expenditures. This may be especially
true when hospital responsibility for repayment of excess episode
spending is introduced in performance year 2. The hospital may have
limited ability to moderate spending for these high payment cases. Our
proposal to exclude IPPS new technology add-on payments and separate
payment for clotting factors for the anchor hospitalization from the
episode definition limits excessive financial responsibility under this
model of extremely high inpatient payment cases that could result from
costly hospital care furnished during the anchor hospitalization.
However, we believe an additional pricing adjustment in setting episode
target prices and calculating actual episode payments is necessary to
mitigate the hospital responsibility for the actual episode payments
for high episode payment cases resulting from very high Medicare
spending within the episode during the period after discharge from the
anchor hospitalization, including for PAC, related hospital
readmissions, and other items and services related to the LEJR episode.
Thus, in order to limit the hospital's responsibility for the
aforementioned high episode payment cases, we propose to utilize a
pricing adjustment for high payment episodes that would incorporate a
high payment ceiling at two standard deviations above the mean episode
payment amount in calculating the target price and in comparing actual
episode payments during the performance year to the target prices.
Specifically, when setting target prices, we would first identify
for each anchor MS-DRG in each region (discussed further in section
III.C.4 of this proposed rule) the episode payment amount that is two
standard deviations above the mean payment in the historical dataset
used (discussed further in section III.C.4 of this proposed rule). Any
such identified episode would have its payment capped at the MS-DRG
anchor and region-specific value that is two standard deviations above
the mean, which would be the ceiling for purposes for calculating
target prices. We note that the calculation of the historical episode
high payment ceiling for each region and MS-DRG anchor would be
performed after other steps, including removal of effects of special
[[Page 41225]]
provisions and others described in section III.C.4.c. of this proposed
When comparing actual episode payments during the performance year
to the target prices, episode payments for episodes in the performance
year would also be capped at two standard deviations above the mean.
The high episode payment ceiling for episodes in a given performance
year would be calculated based on MS-DRG anchor-specific episodes in
each region. We discuss further how the high episode payment ceiling
would be applied when comparing episode payments during the performance
year to target prices in section III.C.6. of this proposed rule.
While this approach generally lowers the target price slightly, it
provides a basis for reducing the hospital's responsibility for actual
episode spending for high episode payment cases during the model
performance years. When performing the reconciliation for a given
performance year of the model, we would array the actual episode
payment amounts for all episodes being tested within a single region,
and identify the regional actual episode payment ceiling at two
standard deviations above the regional mean actual episode payment
amount. If the actual payment for a hospital's episode exceeds this
regional ceiling, we would set the actual episode payment amount to
equal the regional ceiling amount, rather than the actual amount paid
by Medicare, when comparing a hospital's episode spending to the target
price. Thus, a hospital would not be responsible for any actual episode
payment that is greater than the regional ceiling amount for that
performance year. We propose to adopt this policy for all years of the
model, regardless of the reconciliation payment opportunity or
repayment responsibility in a given performance year, to achieve
stability and consistency in the pricing methodology. We believe this
proposal provides reasonable protection for hospitals from undue
financial responsibility for Medicare episode spending related to the
variable and unpredictable course of care of some Medicare
beneficiaries in CCJR episodes, while still fully incentivizing
increased efficiencies for approximately the 95 percent of episodes for
which we estimate actual episode payments to fall below this
ceiling.\21\ We seek comment on our proposal to apply a pricing
adjustment in setting target prices and reconciling actual episode
payments for high payment episodes.
\21\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes as
proposed, between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014.
4. Proposed Episode Price Setting Methodology
a. Overview
Whether a participant hospital receives reconciliation payments or
is made responsible to repay Medicare for the CCJR model will depend on
the hospital's quality and actual payment performance relative to
episode quality thresholds and target prices. Quality performance and
thresholds are further discussed in section III.C.5. of this proposed
rule, and the remainder of this section will discuss the proposed
approach to establishing target prices.
We propose to establish CCJR target prices for each participant
hospital. For episodes beginning in performance years 1, 3, 4, and 5, a
participant hospital would have eight target prices, one for each of
the following:
MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes that were initiated between
January 1 and September 30 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital successfully submits data on the voluntary patient reported
outcome measure proposed in section III.C.5. of this proposed rule.
MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes that were initiated between
January 1 and September 30 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital successfully submits data on the proposed voluntary patient
reported outcome measure.
MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes that were initiated between
October 1 and December 31 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital successfully submits data on the proposed voluntary patient-
reported outcome measure.
MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes that were initiated between
October 1 and December 31 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital successfully submits data on the proposed voluntary patient-
reported outcome measure.
MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes that were initiated between
January 1 and September 30 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital does not successfully submit data on the voluntary patient-
reported outcome measure.
MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes that were initiated between
January 1 and September 30 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital does not successfully submit data on the proposed voluntary
patient-reported outcome measure.
MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes that were initiated between
October 1 and December 31 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital does not successfully submit data on the proposed voluntary
patient-reported outcome measure.
MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes that were initiated between
October 1 and December 31 of the performance year, if the participant
hospital does not successfully submit data on the proposed voluntary
patient-reported outcome measure.
For episodes beginning in performance year 2, a participant
hospital would have 16 target prices. These would include the same
combinations as for the other 4 performance years, but one set for
determining potential reconciliation payments, and the other for
determining potential Medicare repayment amounts, as part of the
phasing in of two-sided risk discussed later in this section. Further
discussion on our proposals for different target prices for MS-DRG 469
versus MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes, for episodes initiated between
January 1 and September 30 versus October 1 and December 31, and for
participant hospitals that do and do not successfully submit data on
the proposed patient-reported outcome measure can be found in sections
III.C.4.b and III.C.5. of this proposed rule.
We intend to calculate and communicate episode target prices to
participant hospitals prior to the performance period in which they
apply (that is, prior to January 1, 2017, for target prices covering
episodes initiated between January 1 and September 30, 2017; prior to
October 1, 2017 for target prices covering episodes initiated between
October 1 and December 31, 2017). We believe prospectively
communicating prices to hospitals will help them make any
infrastructure, care coordination and delivery, and financial
refinements they may deem appropriate to prepare for the new episode
target prices.
The proposed approach to setting target prices incorporates the
following features:
Set different target prices for episodes anchored by MS-
DRG 469 versus MS-DRG 470 to account for patient and clinical
variations that impact hospitals' cost of providing care.
Use 3 years of historical Medicare payment data grouped
into episodes of care according to the episode definition proposed in
section III.B. of this proposed rule, hereinafter termed historical
CCJR episodes. The specific set of 3- historical-years used would be
updated every other performance year.
[[Page 41226]]
Apply Medicare payment system (for example, IPPS, OPPS,
IRF PPS, SNF, PFS, etc.) updates to the historical episode data to
ensure we incentivize hospitals based on historical utilization and
practice patterns, not Medicare payment system rate changes that are
beyond hospitals' control. Because different Medicare payment system
updates become effective at two different times of the year, we would
calculate separate target prices for episodes initiated between January
1 and September 30 versus October 1 and December 31.
Blend together hospital-specific and regional historical
CCJR episode payments, transitioning from primarily provider-specific
to completely regional pricing over the course of the 5 performance
years, to incentivize both historically efficient and less efficient
hospitals to furnish high quality, efficient care in all years of the
model. Regions would be defined as each of the nine U.S. Census
Normalize for provider-specific wage adjustment variations
in Medicare payment systems when combining provider-specific and
regional historical CCJR episodes. Wage adjustments would be reapplied
when determining hospital-specific target prices.
Pool together CCJR episodes anchored by MS DRGs 469 and
470 to use a greater historical CCJR episode volume and set more stable
Apply a discount factor to serve as Medicare's portion of
reduced expenditures from the CCJR episode, with any remaining portion
of reduced Medicare spending below the target price potentially
available as reconciliation payments to the participant hospital where
the anchor hospitalization occurred.
Further discussion on each of the individual features can be found
in section III.C.4.b. of this proposed rule. In section III.C.4.c. of
this proposed rule, we also provide further details on the proposed
sequential steps to calculate target prices and how each of the pricing
features would fit together.
b. Proposed Pricing Features
(1) Different Target Prices for Episodes Anchored by MS-DRG 469 Versus
MS-DRG 470
For each participant hospital we propose to establish different
target prices for CCJR episodes initiated by MS-DRG 469 versus MS-DRG
470. MS-DRGs under the IPPS account for some of the clinical and
resource variations that exist and that impact hospitals' cost of
providing care. Specifically, MS-DRG 469 is defined to identify, and
provide hospitals a higher Medicare payment to reflect the higher
hospital costs for, hip and knee procedures with major complications or
comorbidities. Therefore, we propose to calculate separate target
prices for each participant hospital for CCJR episodes with MS-DRG 469
versus MS-DRG 470 anchor hospitalizations.
We considered adjusting the episode target prices by making
adjustments or setting different prices based on patient-specific
clinical indicators (for example, comorbidities). However, we do not
believe there is a sufficiently reliable approach that exists suitable
for CCJR episodes beyond MS-DRG-specific pricing, and there is no
current standard on the best approach. At the time of developing this
proposed rule Tennessee, Ohio, and Arkansas are launching multi-payer
(including Medicaid and commercial payers, excluding Medicare) bundles
and include hip and knee replacement as an episode 22 23 24.
These states' hip and knee episode definitions and payment models are
consistent with, though not the same as, the proposed CCJR episode
described in this proposed rule. However, each of these three states
uses different risk adjustment factors. This variation across states
supports our belief that there is currently no standard risk adjustment
approach widely accepted throughout the nation that could be used under
CCJR, a model that would apply to hospitals across multiple states.
Therefore, we are not proposing to make adjustments based on patient-
specific clinical indicators.
\22\ Tennessee Health Care Innovation Initiative. Accessed on April 16, 2015.
\23\ Ohio Governor's Office of Health Transformation.
Transforming Payment for a Healthier Ohio, June 8, 2014., Accessed on
April 16, 2014.
\24\ Total Joint Replacement Algorithm Summary, Arkansas Health
Care Payment Improvement Initiative, November 2012. Accessed on April 17, 2015.
We also considered making price adjustments based on the
participant hospital's average Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC)
score for patients with anchor CCJR hospitalizations. The CMS-HCC risk
adjustment model quantifies a beneficiary's risk by examining the
beneficiary's demographics and historical claims data and predicting
the beneficiary's total expenditures for Medicare Parts A and B in an
upcoming year. However, the CMS-HCC risk adjustment model's intended
use is to pay Medicare Advantage (MA) plans appropriately for their
expected relative costs. For example, MA plans that disproportionately
enroll the healthy are paid less than they would have been if they had
enrolled beneficiaries with the average risk profile, while MA plans
that care for the sickest patients are paid proportionately more than
if they had enrolled beneficiaries with the average risk profile. The
CMS-HCC risk adjustment model is prospective. It uses demographic
information (that is, age, sex, Medicare/Medicaid dual eligibility,
disability status) and a profile of major medical conditions in the
base year to predict Medicare expenditures in the next year.\25\ As
previously noted, the CMS-HCC risk adjustment model is used to predict
total Medicare expenditures in an upcoming year, and may not be
appropriate for use in predicting expenditures over a shorter period of
time, such as the CCJR episode, and may not be appropriate in instances
where its use is focused on lower extremity joint replacements.
Therefore, since we have not evaluated the validity of HCC scores for
predicting Medicare expenditures for shorter episodes of care or for
specifically lower extremity joint replacement beneficiaries, we are
not proposing to risk adjust the target prices using HCC scores for the
CCJR model.
\25\ Pope, C. et al., Evaluation of the CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment
Model Final Report. Report to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services under Contract Number HHSM-500-2005-00029I. RTI
International. Research Triangle Park, NC. March, 2011.
We also considered making adjustments or setting different prices
for different procedures, such as different prices or adjustments for
hip versus knee replacements, but we do not believe there would be
substantial variation in episode payments for these clinical scenarios
to warrant different prices or adjustments. Moreover, Medicare IPPS
payments, which account for approximately 50 percent \26\ of CCJR
episode expenditures, do not differentiate between hip and knee
procedures, mitigating procedure-specific variation for the anchor
hospitalization. Furthermore, there are no widely accepted clinical
guidelines to suggest that PAC intensity would vary significantly
between knee and hip replacements. We seek comment on our proposal to
price episodes based on the MS-DRG for the anchor hospitalization,
without further risk adjustment.
\26\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes, as
proposed in this rule, between October 2013 and September 2014.
[[Page 41227]]
(2) Three Years of Historical Data
We propose to use 3 years of historical CCJR episodes for
calculating CCJR target prices. The set of 3- historical-years used
would be updated every other year. Specifically--
Performance years 1 and 2 would use historical CCJR
episodes that started between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2014;
Performance years 3 and 4 would use historical episodes
that started between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2016; and
Performance year 5 would use episodes that started between
January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2018. We considered using fewer than 3
years of historical CCJR episode data, but we are concerned with having
sufficient historical episode volume to reliably calculate target
prices. We also considered not updating the historical episode data for
the duration of the model. However, we believe that hospitals' target
prices should be regularly updated on a predictable basis to use the
most recent available claims data, consistent with the regular updates
to Medicare's payment systems, to account for actual changes in
utilization. We are not proposing to update the data annually, given
the uncertainty in pricing this could introduce for participant
hospitals. We also note that the effects of updating hospital-specific
data on the target price could be limited as the regional contribution
to the target price grows, moving to two-thirds in performance year 3
when the first historical episode data update would occur.
(3) Proposed Trending of Historical Data to the Most Recent Year of the
We acknowledge that some payment variation may exist in the 3 years
of historical CCJR episodes due to updates to Medicare payment systems
(for example, IPPS, OPPS, IRF PPS, SNF PPS, etc.) and national changes
in utilization patterns. Episodes in the third of the 3 historical
years may have higher average payments than those from the earlier 2
years because of Medicare payment rate increases over the course of the
3 historical years. We do not intend to have CCJR incentives be
affected by Medicare payment system rate changes that are beyond
hospitals' control. In addition to the changes in Medicare payment
systems, average episode payments may change year over year due to
national trends reflecting changes in industry-wide practice patterns.
For example, readmissions for all patients, including those in CCJR
episodes, may decrease nationally due to improved industry-wide
surgical protocols that reduce the chance of infections. We do not
intend to provide reconciliation payments to (or require repayments
from) hospitals for achieving lower (or higher) Medicare expenditures
solely because they followed national changes in practice patterns.
Instead, we aim to incentivize hospitals based on their hospital-
specific inpatient and PAC delivery practices for LEJR episodes.
To mitigate the effects of Medicare payment system updates and
changes in national utilization practice patterns within the 3 years of
historical CCJR episodes, we propose to follow an approach similar to
what is done in BPCI Model 2 and apply a national trend factor to each
of the years of historical episode payments. Specifically, we propose
to inflate the 2 oldest years of historical episode payments to the
most recent year of the 3 historical years described in section
III.C.4.b.(2) of this proposed rule. We propose to trend forward each
of the 2 oldest years using the changes in the national average CCJR
episode payments. We also propose to apply separate national trend
factors for episodes anchored by MS-DRG 469 versus MS-DRG 470 to
capture any MS-DRG-specific payment system updates or national
utilization pattern changes. For example, when using CY 2012-2014
historical episode data to establish target prices for performance
years 1 and 2, under our proposal we would calculate a national average
MS-DRG 470 anchored episode payment for each of the 3 historical years.
The ratio of the national average MS-DRG 470 anchored episode payment
for CY 2014 to that of CY 2012 would be used to trend 2012 MS-DRG 470
anchored episode payments to CY 2014. Similarly, the ratio of the
national average MS-DRG 470 anchored episode payment for CY 2014 to
that of CY 2013 would be used to trend 2013 episode payments to CY
2014. The aforementioned process would be repeated for MS-DRG 469
anchored episodes. Trending CY 2012 and CY 2013 data to CY 2014 would
capture updates in Medicare payment systems as well as national
utilization pattern changes that may have occurred.
We considered adjusting for regional trends in utilization, as
opposed to national trends. However, we believe that any Medicare
payment system updates and significant changes in utilization practice
patterns would not be region-specific but rather be reflected
We seek comment on our proposal to nationally trend historical data
to the most recent year of the 3 being used to set the target prices.
(4) Update Historical Episode Payments for Ongoing Payment System
We propose to prospectively update historical CCJR episode payments
to account for ongoing Medicare payment system (for example, IPPS,
OPPS, IRF PPS, SNF, PFS, etc.) updates to the historical episode data
and ensure we incentivize hospitals based on historical utilization and
practice patterns, not Medicare payment system rate changes that are
beyond hospitals' control. Medicare payment systems do not update their
rates at the same time during the year. For example, IPPS, the IRF
prospective payment system, and the SNF payment system apply annual
updates to their rates effective October 1, while the hospital
outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) and Physician Fee Schedule
(PFS) apply annual updates effective January 1. To ensure we
appropriately account for the different Medicare payment system updates
that go into effect on January 1 and October 1, we propose to update
historical episode payments for Medicare payment system updates and
calculate target prices separately for episodes initiated between
January 1 and September 30 versus October 1 and December 31 of each
performance year. The target price in effect as of the day the episode
is initiated would be the target price for the whole episode. Note that
in performance year 5, the second set of target prices would be for
episodes that start and end between and including October 1 and
December 31 because the fifth performance period of the CCJR model
would end on December 31, 2020. Additionally, a target price for a
given performance year may apply to episodes included in another
performance year. For example, an episode initiated in November 2016,
and ending in February 2017 would have a target price based on the
second set of 2016 target prices (for episodes initiated between
October 1 and December 31, 2016), and it would be captured in the CY
2017 performance year (performance year 2) because it ended between
January 1 and December 31, 2017. We refer readers to section III.C.3.c.
of this proposed rule for further discussion on the definition of
performance years.
We propose to update historical CCJR episode payments by applying
separate Medicare payment system update factors each January 1 and
October 1 to each of the following six components of each hospital's
historical CCJR payments:
Inpatient acute.
[[Page 41228]]
Other services.
A different set of update factors would be calculated for January 1
through September 30 versus October 1 through December 31 episodes each
performance year. The six update factors for each of the aforementioned
components would be hospital-specific and would be weighted by the
percent of the Medicare payment for which each of the six components
accounts in the hospital's historical episodes. The weighted update
factors would be applied to historical hospital-specific average
payments to incorporate ongoing Medicare payment system updates. A
weighted update factor would be calculated by multiplying the
component-specific update factor by the percent of the hospital's
historical episode payments the component represents, and summing
together the results. For example, let us assume 50 percent of a
hospital's historical episode payments were for inpatient acute care
services, 15 percent for physician services, 35 percent for SNF
services, and 0.0 percent for the remaining services. Let us also
assume for this example that the update factors for inpatient acute
care services, physician services, and SNF services are 1.02, 1.03, and
1.01, respectively. The weighted update factor in this example would be
the following: (0.5 * 1.02) + (0.15 * 1.03) + (0.35 * 1.01) = 1.018.
The hospital in this example would have its historical average episode
payments multiplied by 1.018 to incorporate ongoing payment system
updates. The specific order of steps, and how this step fits in with
others, is discussed further in section III.C.4.c. of this proposed
Each of a hospital's six update factors would be based on how
inputs have changed in the various Medicare payment systems for the
specific hospital. Additional details on these update factors will be
discussed later in this section.
Region-specific update factors for each of the aforementioned
components and weighted update factors would also be calculated in the
same manner as the hospital-specific update factors. Instead of using
historical episodes attributed to a specific hospital, region-specific
update factors would be based on all historical episodes initiated at
any CCJR eligible hospital within the region. For purposes of this
rule, CCJR eligible hospitals are defined as hospitals that were paid
under IPPS and not a participant in BPCI Model 1 or in the risk-bearing
period of Models 2 or 4 for LEJR episodes, regardless of whether or not
the MSAs in which the hospitals are located were selected for inclusion
in the CCJR model. CCJR episodes initiated at a CCJR eligible hospital
will for purposes of this rule be referred to as CCJR episodes
attributed to that CCJR eligible hospital.
We considered an alternative option of trending the historical
episode payments forward to the upcoming performance year using ratios
of national average episode payment amounts, similar to how we propose
to trend the 2 oldest historical years forward to the latest historical
year for historical CCJR episode payments in section III.C.4.b.(3) of
this proposed rule. Using ratios of national average episode payment
amounts would have the advantage of also capturing changes in national
utilization patterns in addition to payment system updates between the
historical years and the performance year. However, such an approach
would need to be done retrospectively, after average episode payments
can be calculated for the performance year, because it would rely on
the payments actually incurred in the performance period, data for
which would be not be available before the performance period. While
the proposed approach of using component-specific update factors may be
more complicated than the aforementioned alternative, we believe the
additional complication is outweighed by the value to hospitals of
knowing target prices before the start of an episode for which the
target price would apply. We seek comment on this proposed approach of
updating historical episode payments for ongoing Medicare payment
system changes.
We do not propose to separately and prospectively apply an
adjustment to account for changes in national utilization patterns
between the historical and performance years. If a prospective
adjustment factor for national utilization pattern changes were
applied, it may only be meaningful in performance years 2 and 4, when
the historical data used to calculate target prices would not be
updated, but another year of historical data would be available. In any
of the other 3 performance years, the latest available historical year
of data would already be incorporated into the target prices. Given
that we propose to refresh the historical data used to calculate target
prices every 2 years, we do not believe an additional adjustment factor
to account for national practice pattern changes is necessary to
appropriately incentivize participant hospitals to improve quality of
care and reduce episode payments.
(a) Proposed Inpatient Acute Services Update Factor
The proposed inpatient acute services update factor would apply to
payments for services included in the episode paid under the IPPS. This
would include payments for the CCJR anchor hospitalization, but not
payments for related readmissions at CAHs during the episode window.
Payments for related readmissions at CAHs would be captured under the
update factor for other services in section III.C.4.b.(f) of this
proposed rule.
The update factor applied to the inpatient acute services component
of each participant hospital and region's historical average episode
payments would be based on how inputs for the Medicare IPPS have
changed between the latest year used in the historical 3 years of
episodes and the upcoming performance period under CCJR. We propose to
use changes in the following IPPS inputs to calculate the inpatient
acute services update factor: IPPS base rate and average of MS-DRG
weights, as defined in the IPPS/LTCH Final Rules for the relevant
years. The average MS-DRG weight would be specific to each participant
hospital and region to account for hospital and region-specific
inpatient acute service utilization patterns. Hospital-specific and
region-specific average MS-DRG weights would be calculated by averaging
the MS-DRG weight for all the IPPS MS-DRGs included in the historical
episodes attributed to each participant hospital and attributed to CCJR
eligible hospitals in the region, respectively; including MS-DRGs for
anchor admissions as well as those for subsequent readmissions that
fall within the episode definition. Expressed as a ratio, the inpatient
acute services adjustment factor would equal the following:
The numerator is based on values applicable for the
upcoming performance period (PP) for which a target price is being
The denominator is based on values applicable at the end
of the latest historical year used in the target price (TP)
Therefore, the proposed inpatient acute services update factor
formula is shown as--
[[Page 41229]]
(b) Proposed Physician Services Update Factor
The proposed physician services update factor would apply to
payments for services included in the episode paid under the Medicare
PFS for physician services. We propose to use changes in the following
PFS inputs to calculate the physician services update factor of each
participant hospital and region's historical average episode payments:
RVUs; work, practice expense, and malpractice liability geographic
practice cost indices (GPCIs); and national conversion factor, as
defined in the PFS Final Rule for the relevant years. Hospital-specific
and region-specific RVU-weighted GPCIs would be calculated to account
for hospital and region-specific physician service utilization
patterns. Hospital-specific and region-specific RVU-weighted GPCIs
would be calculated by taking the proportion of RVUs for work, practice
expense, and malpractice liability for physician services included in
the historical episodes and attributed to each participant hospital and
attributed to CCJR eligible hospitals in the region, respectively, and
multiplying each proportion by the relevant GPCI.
Expressed as a ratio, the physician services update factor would
equal the following:
The numerator is based on GPCI values applicable for the
upcoming performance period (PP) for which a target price is being
The denominator is based on GPCI applicable at the end of
the latest year used in the target price (TP) calculations.
Therefore, the proposed physician services update factor formula is
shown as--
(c) Proposed IRF Services Update Factor
The proposed IRF services update factor apply to payments for
services included in the episode paid under the Medicare inpatient
rehabilitation facility prospective payment system (IRF PPS). We
propose to use changes in the IRF Standard Payment Conversion Factor,
an input for the IRF PPS and defined in the IRF PPS Final Rule for the
relevant years, to update Medicare payments for IRF services provided
in the episode. The IRF Standard Payment Conversion Factor is the same
for all IRFs and IRF services, so there is no need to account for any
hospital-specific or region-specific IRF utilization patterns; each
participant hospital and region would use the same IRF services update
Expressed as a ratio, the IRF PPS update factor would equal the
The numerator is based on values applicable for the
upcoming performance period (PP) for which a target price is being
The denominator is based on values applicable at the end
of the latest historical year used in the target price (TP)
Therefore, the proposed IRF services update factor formula is shown
(d) Proposed SNF Services Update Factor
The proposed SNF services update factor would apply to payments for
services included in the episode and paid under the SNF PPS, including
payments for SNF swing bed services. The update factor applied to the
SNF services component of each participant hospital and region's
historical average episode payments would be based on how average
Resource Utilization Group (RUG-IV) Case-Mix Adjusted Federal Rates for
the Medicare SNF PPS (defined in the SNF PPS Final Rule) have changed
between the latest year used in the historical 3 years of episodes and
the upcoming performance period under CCJR. The average RUG-IV Case-Mix
Adjusted Federal Rates would be specific to each participant hospital
and region to account for hospital and region-specific SNF service
utilization patterns. Hospital-specific and region-specific average
RUG-IV Case-Mix Adjusted Federal Rates would be calculated by averaging
the RUG-IV Case-Mix Adjusted Federal Rates for all SNF services
included in the historical episodes attributed to each participant
hospital and attributed to CCJR eligible hospitals in the region,
respectively. We note that the RUG-IV Case-Mix Adjusted Federal Rate
may vary for the same RUG, depending on whether the SNF was categorized
as urban or rural.
Expressed as a ratio, the SNF services update factor would equal
the following:
The numerator is based on values applicable for the
upcoming performance period (PP) for which a target price is being
The denominator is based on values applicable at the end
of the latest year used in the target price (TP) calculations:
Therefore, the proposed SNF services update factor formula is shown
[[Page 41230]]
(e) Proposed HHA Services Update Factor
The proposed HHA services update factor would apply to payments for
services included in the episode and paid under the HH PPS, but exclude
payments for Low Utilization Payment Adjustment (LUPA) claims (claims
with four or fewer home health visits) because they are paid
differently and would instead be captured in the update factor for
other services in section III.C.4.b.(f) of this proposed rule. The
update factor applied to the home health services component of each
participant hospital and region's historical average episode payments
would be based on how inputs for the Medicare HH PPS have changed
between the latest year used in the historical 3 years of episodes and
the upcoming performance period under CCJR. We propose to use changes
in the HH PPS base rate and average of home health resource group
(HHRG) case-mix weight, inputs for the HHA PPS and defined in the HHA
PPS Final Rule for the relevant years, to calculate the home health
services update factor. The average HHRG case-mix weights would be
specific to each participant hospital and region to account for
hospital and region-specific home health service utilization patterns.
Hospital-specific and region-specific HHA services update factors would
be calculated by averaging the HHRG case-mix weights for all home
health payments (excluding LUPA claims) included in the historical
episodes attributed to each participant hospital and attributed to CCJR
eligible hospitals in the region, respectively.
Expressed as a ratio, the HHA adjustment factor would equal the
The numerator is based on values applicable for the
upcoming performance period (PP) for which a target price is being
The denominator is based on values applicable at the end
of the latest historical year used in the target price (TP)
Therefore, the proposed HHA services update factor formula is shown
(f) Proposed Other Services Update Factor
The other services update factor would apply to payments for
services included in the episode and not paid under the IPPS, PFS, IRF
PPS, or HHA PPS (except for LUPA claims). This component would include
episode payments for home health LUPA claims and CCJR related
readmissions at CAHs. For purposes of calculating the other services
update factor, we propose to use the Medicare Economic Index (MEI), a
measure developed by CMS for measuring the inflation for goods and
services used in the provision of physician services.\27\ We would
calculate the other services update factor as the percent change in the
MEI between the latest year used in the TP calculation and its
projected value for the upcoming performance period. Because MEI is not
hospital or region-specific, each participant hospital and region would
use the same other services update factor.
\27\ Medicare Market Basket Data.
(5) Blend Hospital-specific and Regional Historical Data
We propose to calculate CCJR episode target prices using a blend of
hospital-specific and regional historical average CCJR episode
payments, including CCJR episode payments for all CCJR eligible
hospitals in the same U.S. Census division as discussed further in
section III.C.4.b.(6) of this proposed rule. Specifically, we propose
to blend two-thirds of the hospital-specific episode payments and one-
third of the regional episode payment to set a participant hospital's
target price for the first 2- performance years of the CCJR model (CY
2016 and CY 2017). For performance year 3 of the model (CY 2018), we
propose to adjust the proportion of the hospital-specific and regional
episode payments used to calculate the episode target price from two-
thirds hospital-specific and one-third regional to one-third hospital-
specific and two-thirds regional. Finally, we propose to use only
regional historical CCJR episode payments for performance years 4 and 5
of the model (CY 2019 and CY 2020) to set a participant hospital's
target price, rather than a blend between the hospital-specific and
regional episode payments. The specific order of steps, and how this
step fits in with others, is discussed further in section III.C.4.c. of
this proposed rule. We welcome comment on the appropriate blend between
hospital-specific and regional episode payments and the change in that
blend over time.
We considered establishing episode target prices using only
historical CCJR hospital-specific episode payments for all 5
performance years of the model (that is, episode payments for episodes
attributed to the participant hospital, as previously described in
section III.C.2. of this proposed rule). Using hospital-specific
historical episodes may be appropriate in other models such as BPCI
Model 2 where participation is voluntary and setting a region-wide
target price could lead to a pattern of selective participation in
which inefficient providers decline to participate, undermining the
model's ability to improve the efficiency and quality of care delivered
by those providers, while already-efficient providers receive windfall
gains even if they do not further improve efficiency. Because CCJR
model participants will be required to participate in the model, solely
using hospital-specific historical episode data is not necessary to
avoid this potential concern. Furthermore, using only hospital-specific
historical CCJR episode payments may provide little incentive for
hospitals that already cost-efficiently deliver high quality care to
maintain or further improve such care. These hospitals could receive a
relatively low target price because of their historical performance but
have fewer opportunities for achieving additional efficiency under
CCJR. They would not receive reconciliation payments for maintaining
high quality and efficiency, while other hospitals that were less
efficient would receive reconciliation payments for improving, even if
the less historically efficient hospitals did not reach the same level
of high quality and efficiency as the more historically efficient
hospitals. Using only hospital-specific historical CCJR episode
payments may also not be sufficient to curb inefficient care or
overprovision of services for hospitals with historically high CCJR
episode payments. In such instances, using hospital-specific historical
episode payments for the CCJR model could result in Medicare continuing
to pay an excessive amount for episodes of care provided by inefficient
hospitals, and inefficient hospitals would stand to
[[Page 41231]]
benefit from making only small improvements. Thus, we do not propose to
set target prices based solely on hospital-specific data for any
performance years of the model.
We considered establishing the episode target price using only
historical CCJR regional episode payments for all 5 performance years
of the model. Though regional target pricing would reward the most
efficient hospitals for continuing to provide high quality and cost
efficient care, we are concerned about providing achievable incentives
under the model for hospitals with high historical CCJR average episode
payments. We believe a lower regional price for such hospitals would
leave them with little financial incentive in performance year 1,
especially without any responsibility to repay payments in excess of
the target price as described in section III.C.3. of this proposed
rule. Thus, we do not propose to set target prices solely on regional
data for the entire duration of the model.
Therefore, we propose initially to blend historical hospital-
specific and regional-historical episode payments and then transition
to using regional-only historical episode payments in establishing
target prices to afford early and continuing incentives for both
historically efficient and less efficient hospitals to furnish high
quality, efficient care in all years of the model. Our proposal more
heavily weights a hospital's historical episode data in the first 2
years of the model (two-thirds hospital-specific, one-third regional),
providing a reasonable incentive for both currently efficient and less
efficient hospitals to deliver high quality and efficient care in the
early stages of model implementation. Beginning in performance year 3,
once hospitals have engaged in care redesign and adapted to the model
parameters, we propose to shift to a more heavily weighted regional
contribution (one-third hospital-specific, two-thirds regional in
performance year 3) and ultimately to a regional target price for
performance years 4 and 5. We believe that by performance year 4,
setting target prices based solely on regional historical data would be
feasible because hospitals would have had 3 years under this model to
more efficiently deliver high quality care, thereby reducing some of
the variation across hospitals. We believe transitioning to regional
only pricing in the latter years of the model would provide important
information about the reduction in unnecessary variation in LEJR
episode utilization patterns within a region that can be achieved.
We believe transitioning to regional-only pricing in the latter
years of the model may provide valuable information regarding potential
pricing strategies for successful episode payment models that we may
consider for expansion in the future. As discussed previously,
substantial regional and hospital-specific variation in Medicare LEJR
episode spending currently exists for beneficiaries with similar
demographic and health status, so we are proposing that the early CCJR
model years will more heavily weight historical hospital-specific
experience in pricing episode for a participant hospital. Once the
hospital has substantial experience with care redesign, we expect that
unnecessary hospital-specific variation in episode spending will be
minimized so that regional-only pricing would be appropriate as we have
proposed. We note that, like episode payment under the CCJR model,
Medicare's current payment systems make payments for bundles of items
and services, although of various breadths and sizes depending on the
specific payment system. For example, the IPPS pays a single payment,
based on national prices with geography-specific labor cost
adjustments, for all hospital services furnished during an inpatient
hospital stay, such as nursing services, medications, medical
equipment, operating room suites, etc. Under the IPPS, the national
pricing approach incentivizes efficiencies and has, therefore, led to a
substantial reduction in unnecessary hospital-specific variation in
resource utilization for an inpatient hospital stay. On the other hand,
the episode payment approach being tested under BPCI Model 2 relies
solely on provider-specific pricing over the lifetime of the model,
assuming the number of episode cases is sufficient to establish a
reliable episode price, an approach that has potential limitations were
expansion to be considered. Thus, we believe our proposal for CCJR will
provide new, important information regarding pricing for even larger
and broader bundles of services once unnecessary provider-specific
variation has been minimized that would supplement our experience with
patterns and pricing under existing payment systems and other episode
payment models. We expect that testing of CCJR will contribute further
information about efficient Medicare pricing strategies that result in
appropriate payment for providers' resources required to furnish high
quality, efficient care to beneficiaries who receive LEJR procedures.
This is essential information for any consideration of episode payment
model expansion, including nationally, in the future, where
operationally feasible and appropriate pricing strategies, including
provider-specific, regional, and national pricing approaches would need
to be considered.
We propose an exception to the blended hospital-specific and
regional pricing approach for hospitals with low historical CCJR
episode volume. We propose to define hospitals with low CCJR episode
volume as those with fewer than 20 CCJR episodes in total across the 3-
historical-years used to calculate target prices. We believe
calculating the hospital-specific component of the blended target price
for these historically low CCJR episode volume hospitals may be subject
to a high degree of statistical variation. Therefore, for each
performance year, we propose to use 100 percent regional target pricing
for participant hospitals who have fewer than twenty historical CCJR
episodes in the 3-historical-years used to calculate target prices, as
described in section III.C.4.b.(2) of this proposed rule. We note that
the 3-historical-years used to calculate target prices would change
over the course of the model, as described in section III.C.4.b.(2) of
this proposed rule, and when that happens, the twenty episode threshold
would be applied to the new set of historical years. If all IPPS
hospitals nationally participated (for estimation purposes, only) in
CCJR, we estimate about 5 percent of hospitals would be affected by
this proposed low historical CCJR episode volume provision. \28\ A
minimum threshold of twenty episodes is almost equal to the minimum
number of admissions required in the Medicare HRRP. HRRP payment
adjustment factors are, in part, determined by procedure/condition-
specific readmission rates for a hospital. HRRP requires at least 25
procedure/condition-specific admissions to calculate the procedure/
condition-specific readmission rate and to be included in the
hospital's overall HRRP payment adjustment factor. Though the proposed
minimum threshold of twenty episodes is slightly less than the 25
admissions required for HRRP, we believe that because we would not be
calculating infrequent events such as readmissions, we can achieve a
stable price with slightly fewer episodes.
\28\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes, as
proposed in this rule, between October 2013 and September 2014.
We also propose an exception to the blended hospital-specific and
[[Page 41232]]
pricing approach for participant hospitals that received new CMS
Certification Numbers (CCNs) during the 24 months prior to the
beginning of, or during, the performance year for which target prices
are being calculated. These participant hospitals with new CCNs may
have formed due to a merger between or split from previously existing
hospitals, or may be new hospitals altogether. As a general principle,
we aim to incorporate into the target prices all the historical
episodes that would represent our best estimate of CCJR historical
payments for these participant hospitals with new CCNs. For participant
hospitals with new CCNs that formed from a merger between or split from
previously existing hospitals, we propose to calculate hospital-
specific historical payments using the episodes attributed to the
previously existing hospitals. These hospital-specific historical
payments would then be blended with the regional historical payments
according to the approach previously described in this section. For
participant hospitals with new CCNs that are new hospitals altogether,
we propose to use the approach previously described in this section for
hospitals with fewer than 20 CCJR episodes across the 3 historical
years used to calculate target prices. In other cases, due to an
organizational change a hospital may experience a change to an already
existing CCN during the 24 months prior to the beginning of, or during,
the performance year for which target prices are being calculated. For
example, one hospital with a CCN may merge with a second hospital
assigned a different CCN, and both hospitals would then be identified
under the single CCN of the second hospital. While there may be more
than 20 CCJR episodes under the second hospital's CCN in total across
the 3 historical years used to calculate target prices, in this
scenario our use of only those cases under the second hospital's CCN in
calculating hospital-specific historical payments would fail to meet
our general principle of incorporating into target prices all the
historical episodes that would represent our best estimate of CCJR
historical payments for these now merged hospitals. In this scenario,
we propose to calculate hospital-specific payments for the remaining
single CCN (originally assigned to the second hospital only) using the
historical episodes attributed to both previously existing hospitals.
These hospital-specific historical payments would then be blended with
the regional historical payments according to the approach previously
described in this section in order to determine the episode price for
the merged hospitals bearing a single CCN.
We seek comment on this proposed approach for blending hospital-
specific and regional historical payments.
(6) Define Regions as U.S. Census Divisions
In all 5 performance years we propose to define ``region'' as one
of the nine U.S. Census divisions \29\ in Figure 3.
\29\ There are four census regions--Northeast, Midwest, South,
and West. Each of the four census regions is divided into two or
more ``census divisions''. Source: Accessed on April 15, 2015.
We considered using states, HRRs, and the entire U.S. as
alternative options to U.S. Census divisions in defining the region
used in blending provider-specific and regional historical episode data
for calculating target prices. However, HRR definitions are
specifically based on referrals for cardiovascular surgical procedures
and neurosurgery, and may not reflect referral patterns for orthopedic
procedures. Using the entire U.S. would not account for substantial
current regional variation in utilization, which is significant for
episodes that often involve PAC use, such as lower extremity joint
replacement procedures \31\. Finally, we considered
[[Page 41233]]
using states as regions but were concerned that doing so would not
allow for sufficient LEJR episode volume to set stable regional
components of target prices, especially for participant hospitals in
small states. We believe U.S. Census divisions provide the most
appropriate balance between very large areas with highly disparate
utilization patterns and very small areas that would be subject to
price distortions due to low volume or hospital-specific utilization
\31\ Hussey PS, Huckfeldt P, Hirshman S, Mehrotra A. Hospital
and regional variation in Medicare payment for inpatient episodes of
care [published online April 13, 2015]. JAMA Intern Med.
We seek comment on our proposal to define a region as the U.S.
Census division for purposes of the regional component of blended
target prices under CCJR.
(7) Normalize for Provider-Specific Wage Adjustment Variations
We note that some variation in historical CCJR episode payments
across hospitals in a region may be due to wage adjustment differences
in Medicare's payments. In setting Medicare payment rates, Medicare
typically adjusts facilities' costs attributable to wages and wage-
related costs (as estimated by the Secretary from time to time) by a
factor (established by the Secretary) reflecting the relative wage
level in the geographic area of the facility or practitioner (or the
beneficiary residence, in the case of home health and hospice services)
compared to a national average wage level. Such adjustments are
essential for setting accurate payments, as wage levels vary
significantly across geographic areas of the country. However, having
the wage level for one hospital influence the regional-component of
hospital-specific and regional blended target prices for another
hospital with a different wage level would introduce unintended pricing
distortions not based on utilization pattern differences.
In order to preserve how wage levels affect provider payment
amounts, while minimizing the distortions introduced when calculating
the regional-component of blended target prices, we propose to
normalize for wage index differences in historical episode payments
when calculating and blending the regional and hospital-specific
components of blended target prices. Calculating blended target prices
from historical CCJR episodes would help ensure we incentivize
hospitals based on historical utilization and practice patterns, not
Medicare payment system rate changes that are beyond hospitals'
We propose to normalize for provider-specific wage index variations
using the IPPS wage index applicable to the anchor hospitalization
(that is, the IPPS wage index used in the calculation of the IPPS
payment for the anchor hospitalization). The anchor hospitalization
accounts for approximately 50 percent of the total episode
expenditures, and the IPPS wage index is applied to IPPS payments in a
similar manner as wage indices for other Medicare payment systems are
applied to their respective payments.\32\ Therefore, we propose that
the IPPS wage index applicable to the anchor hospitalization for each
historical episode be used to normalize for wage index variations in
historical episode payments across hospitals when calculating blended
target prices. We propose to specifically perform this normalization
using the wage normalization factor (0.7 * IPPS wage index + 0.3) to
adjust the labor-related portion of payments affected by wage indices.
The 0.7 approximates the labor share in IPPS, IRF PPS, SNF, and HHA
Medicare payments. We would normalize for provider-specific wage index
variations by dividing a hospital's historical episode payments by the
wage normalization factor.
\32\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes, as
proposed in this rule, between October 2013 and September 2014.
We propose to reintroduce the hospital-specific wage variations by
multiplying episode payments by the wage normalization factor when
calculating the target prices for each participant hospital, as
described in section III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule. When
reintroducing the hospital-specific wage variations, the IPPS wage
index would be the one that applies to the hospital during the period
for which target prices are being calculated (for example, FY 2016 wage
indices for the target price calculations for episodes that begin
between January 1 and September 30, 2016). The specific order of steps,
and how this step fits in with others, is discussed further in section
III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule. We seek comment on our proposal to
normalize for wage index differences using participant hospitals' wage
indices in order to calculate blended target prices.
(8) Proposed Combination of CCJR Episodes Anchored by MS-DRGs 469 and
We propose to pool together CCJR episodes anchored by MS-DRGs 469
and 470 for target price calculations to use a greater historical CCJR
episode volume and set more stable target prices. We note that we would
still calculate separate target prices for episodes anchored by MS-DRGs
469 versus 470, described later in this section.
To pool together MS-DRG 469 and 470 anchored episodes, we propose
to use an anchor factor and hospital weights. The anchor factor would
equal the ratio of national average historical MS-DRG 469 anchored
episode payments to national average historical MS-DRG 470 anchored
episode payments. The national average would be based on episodes
attributed to any CCJR eligible hospital. The resulting anchor factor
would be the same for all participant hospitals. For each participant
hospital, a hospital weight would be calculated using the following
formula, where episode counts are participant hospital-specific and
based on the episodes in the 3 historical years used in target price
A hospital-specific pooled historical average episode payment would
be calculated by multiplying the hospital's hospital weight by its
combined historical average episode payment (sum of MS-DRG 469 and 470
anchored historical episode payments divided by the number of MS-DRG
469 and 470 historical episodes).
The calculation of the hospital weights and the hospital-specific
pooled historical average episode payments would be comparable to how
case mix indices are used to generate case mix-
[[Page 41234]]
adjusted Medicare payments. The hospital weight essentially would count
each MS-DRG 469 triggered episode as more than one episode (assuming
MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes have higher average payments than MS-DRG
470 anchored episodes) so that the pooled historical average episode
payment, and subsequently the target price, is not skewed by the
hospital's relative breakdown of MS-DRG 469 versus 470 anchored
historical episodes.
The hospital-specific pooled historical average payments would be
modified by blending and discount factors, as described in section
III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule. Afterwards, the hospital-specific
pooled calculations would be ``unpooled'' by setting the MS-DRG 470
anchored episode target price to the resulting calculations, and by
multiplying the resulting calculations by the hospital weight to
produce the MS-DRG 469 anchored target prices.
We would calculate region-specific weights and region-specific
pooled historical average payments following the same steps proposed
for hospital-specific weights and hospital-specific pooled average
payments. Instead of grouping episodes by the attributed hospital as is
proposed for hospital-specific calculations, region-specific
calculations would group together episodes that were attributed to any
CCJR eligible hospital located within the region. The hospital-specific
and region-specific pooled historical average payments would be blended
together as discussed in section III.C.4.b.(3) of this proposed rule.
The specific order of steps, and how this step fits in with others, is
discussed further in section III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule.
We considered an alternative option of independently setting target
prices for MS-DRG 470 and 469 anchored episodes without pooling them.
However, hospital volume for MS-DRG 469 was substantially less than for
MS-DRG 470. In 2013 across all IPPS hospitals, there were more than 10
times as many MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes as compared to MS-DRG 469
anchored episodes. \33\ In the same analysis, the median number of
episodes for a hospital with at least 1 episode for the MS-DRG anchored
episode was more than 80 for MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes, though fewer
than 10 for MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes. Calculating target prices for
MS-DRG 469 anchored episodes separately for each participant hospital
may result in too few historical episodes to calculate reliable target
prices. We also considered pooling together MS-DRG 469 and 470 anchored
episodes without any anchor factor or hospital weights. However,
internal analyses suggest that average episode payments for these two
MS-DRG anchored episodes significantly differed; CCJR episodes
initiated by MS-DRG 469 had payments almost twice as large as those
initiated by MS-DRG 470.\34\ This difference is reasonable given that
Medicare IPPS payments differ for MS-DRG 469 and 470 admissions, and
inpatient payments comprise approximately 50 percent of CCJR episode
payments. Thus, pooling together MS-DRG 469 and 470 anchored episodes
without any anchor factor or hospital weights would introduce
distortions due only to case-mix differences.
\33\ Source: CCW Part A and Part B claims for CCJR episodes
beginning in CY 2013.
\34\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes, as
proposed in this rule, between October 2013 and September 2014.
(9) Discount Factor
When setting an episode target price for a participant hospital, we
propose to apply a discount to a hospital's hospital-specific and
regional blended historical payments for a performance period to
establish the episode target price that would apply to the participant
hospital's CCJR episodes during that performance period and for which
the hospital would be fully, or partly, accountable for episode
spending in relationship to the target price, as discussed in section
III.C.3. of this proposed rule. We expect participant hospitals to have
significant opportunity to improve the quality and efficiency of care
furnished during episodes in comparison with historical practice,
because this model would facilitate the alignment of financial
incentives among providers caring for beneficiaries throughout the
episode. This discount would serve as Medicare's portion of reduced
expenditures from the CCJR episode, with any episode expenditure below
the target price potentially available as reconciliation payments to
the participant hospital where the anchor hospitalization occurred. We
propose to apply a 2 percent discount for performance years 1 through 5
when setting the target price. We believe that applying a 2 percent
discount in setting the episode target price allows Medicare to partake
in some of the savings from the CCJR model, while leaving considerable
opportunity for participant hospitals to achieve further episode
savings below the target price that they would be paid as
reconciliation payments, assuming they meet the quality requirements as
discussed in section III.C.5 of this proposed rule.
The proposed 2 percent discount is similar to the range of the
discounts used for episodes in the Medicare Acute Care Episode (ACE)
demonstration.\35\ In the Medicare ACE, a demonstration program that
included orthopedic procedures such as those included in CCJR,
participant hospitals negotiated with Medicare discounts of 2.5 to 4.4
percent of all Part A orthopedic services and 0.0 to 4.4 percent of all
Part B orthopedic services during the inpatient stay (excluding PAC).
Hospitals received the discounted payment and reported that they were
still able to achieve savings.\36\ We believe there is similar, if not
potentially more, opportunity for savings in the CCJR payment model
because it includes acute inpatient, as well as PAC, an area of episode
spending that accounts for approximately 25 percent of CCJR episode
payments and exhibits more than 2 times the episode payment variation
\37\ than that of acute inpatient hospitalization.\38\ We believe that
with the proposed 2 percent discount, participant hospitals have an
opportunity to create savings for themselves as well as Medicare, while
also maintaining or improving quality of care for beneficiaries.
\35\ IMPAQ International. Evaluation of the Medicare Acute Care
Episode (ACE) Demonstration: Final Evaluation Report. Columbia, MD:
IMPAQ International; May 2013. Accessed April 1 6, 2015.
\36\ IMPAQ International. Evaluation of the Medicare Acute Care
Episode (ACE) Demonstration: Final Evaluation Report. Columbia, MD:
IMPAQ International; May 2013. Accessed April 1 6, 2015.
\37\ Variation for purposes of this calculation refers to
standard deviation of inpatient and institutional post-acute episode
payments as a percentage of average inpatient and post-acute episode
payments, respectively.
\38\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes, as
proposed in this rule, between October 2013 and September 2014.
The proposed 2 percent discount also matches the discount used in
the BPCI Model 2 90-day episodes, and is less than the discount used in
BPCI Model 2 30-day and 60-day episodes (3 percent). Hundreds of
current BPCI participants have elected to take on responsibility for
repayment in BPCI Model 2 with a 2 to 3 percent discount. Because many
BPCI participants volunteered to participate in a bundled payment model
with a discount, we believe that a discount percent that is within, and
especially a discount of 2 percent that is at the lower end of, the
BPCI discount range would allow CCJR
[[Page 41235]]
participant hospitals to create savings for both themselves and
As mentioned previously in section III.C.3. of this proposed rule,
we propose to phase in the financial responsibility of hospitals for
repayment of actual episode spending that exceeds the target price
starting in performance year 2. In order to help hospitals transition
to taking on this responsibility, we propose to apply a reduced
discount of one percent in performance year 2 for purposes of
determining the hospital's responsibility for excess episode spending,
but maintain the 2 percent discount for purposes of determining the
hospital's opportunity to receive reconciliation payment for actual
episode spending below the target price. For example, under this
proposal in performance year 2, a hospital that achieves CCJR actual
episode payments below a target price based on a 2 percent discount
would retain savings below the target price, assuming the quality
thresholds for reconciliation payment eligibility are met (discussed in
section III.C.5. of this proposed rule) and the proposed performance
year stop-gain limit (discussed in section III.C.8. of this proposed
rule) does not apply. Medicare would hold responsible for repayment
hospitals whose CCJR actual episode payments exceed a target price
based on a one percent discount, assuming the proposed performance year
2 stop-loss limit (discussed in section III.C.8. of this proposed rule)
does not apply. Hospitals that achieve CCJR actual episode payments
between a 2 percent-discounted target price and 1 percent-discounted
target price would neither receive reconciliation payments nor be held
responsible for repaying Medicare. The decision on which percent-
discounted target price applies will be made by evaluating actual
episode payments in aggregate after the completion of performance year
2, and the same percent-discounted target price would apply to all
episodes that are initiated in performance year 2. We propose to apply
this reduced one percent discount for purposes of hospital repayment
responsibility only in performance year 2 and apply the 2 percent
discount for excess episode spending repayment responsibility for
performance years 3 through 5. Under this proposal, the discount for
determination of reconciliation payment for episode actual spending
below the target price would not deviate from 2 percent through
performance years 1 through 5.
In section III.C.5. of this proposed rule, we propose voluntary
submission of data for a patient-reported outcome measure. We propose
to incent participant hospitals to submit data on this measure by
reducing the discount percentage by 0.3 percentage points for
successfully submitting data, as defined in section III.D. of this
proposed rule. By successfully submitting data on this metric for
episodes ending in performance years 1, 2, 3, 4, and or 5, we would
adjust the discount percentage in the corresponding year(s) as follows:
For episodes beginning in performance year 2, set the
discount percentage in a range from 2 percent to 1.7 percent for
purposes of determining the hospital's opportunity to receive
reconciliation payment for actual episode spending below the target
price, and set the discount percentage in a range from 1 percent to 0.7
percent for purposes of determining the amount the hospital would be
responsible for repaying Medicare for actual episode spending above the
target price.
For episodes beginning in performance years 3 through 5,
set the discount percentage in a range from 2 percent to 1.7 percent
for purposes of reconciliation payment and Medicare repayment
The determination of whether the hospital successfully submitted
data on the patient-reported outcome measure cannot be made until after
the performance year ends and data is reported. Therefore, participant
hospitals would be provided target prices for both scenarios whether
the successfully submit data or not and such determination will happen
at the time of payment reconciliation (discussed further in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule).
We seek comment on our proposed discount percentage of 2 percent
for CCJR episodes, our proposal to reduce the discount to 1 percent on
a limited basis in performance year 2, and our proposal to reduce the
discount by 0.3 percentage points for successfully reporting patient-
reported outcomes data in the corresponding year.
c. Proposed Approach to Combine Pricing Features
In section III.C.4.(b) of this proposed rule we discuss the various
features we propose to incorporate into our approach to set target
prices. We refer readers to that section for more information on
rationale and alternatives considered for each feature. In this section
we discuss how the different pricing features, as well as the episode
definition (section III.B. of this proposed rule) and adjustments to
payments included in the episodes (section III.C.3. of this proposed
rule), would fit together and be sequenced to calculate CCJR episode
target prices for participant hospitals. As previously discussed in
sections III.C.4.a and III.C.4.b of this proposed rule, we propose to
calculate sixteen target prices for performance year 2, and eight
target prices for each of the other 4 performance years. The following
steps would be used to calculate MS-DRG 469 and 470 anchored episode
target prices for both January 1 through September 30 and October 1
through December 31 each performance year. The output of each step
would be used as the input for the subsequent step, unless otherwise
Calculate historical CCJR episode payments for episodes
that were initiated during the 3- historical-years (section
III.C.4.b.(2) of this proposed rule) for all CCJR eligible hospitals
for all Medicare Part A and B services included in the episode. We note
that specific PBPM payments may be excluded from historical episode
payment calculations as discussed in section III.C.7.d. of this
proposed rule.
Remove effects of special payment provisions (section
III.C.3.a. of this proposed rule).
Prorate Medicare payments for included episode services
that span a period of care that extends beyond the episode (section
III.C.3.b of this proposed rule.).
Normalize for hospital-specific wage adjustment variation
by dividing the episodes outputted in step (3) by the hospital's
corresponding wage normalization factor described in section
III.C.4.b.(7) of this proposed rule.
Trend forward 2 oldest historical years of data to the
most recent year of historical data. As discussed in section
III.C.4.b.(3) of this proposed rule, separate national trend factors
would be applied to episodes anchored by MS-DRG 469 versus MS-DRG 470.
Cap high episode payment episodes with a region and MS-DRG
anchor-specific high payment ceiling as discussed in section III.C.3.c.
of this proposed rule, using the episode output from the previous step.
Calculate anchor factor and participant hospital-specific
weights (section III.C.4.b.(8) of this proposed rule) using the episode
output from the previous step to pool together MS-DRG 469 and 470
anchored episodes, resulting in participant hospital-specific pooled
historical average episode payments. Similarly, calculate region-
specific weights to calculate region-specific pooled historical average
episode payments. We have posted region-specific pooled historical
[[Page 41236]]
episode payments on the CCJR proposed rule Web site at
Calculate participant hospital-specific and region-
specific weighted update factors as described in section III.C.4.b.(4)
of this proposed rule. Multiply each participant hospital-specific and
region-specific pooled historical average episode payment by its
corresponding participant hospital-specific and region-specific
weighted update factors to calculate participant hospital-specific and
region-specific updated, pooled, historical average episode payments.
Blend together each participant hospital-specific updated,
pooled, historical average episode payment with the corresponding
region-specific updated, pooled, historical average episode payment
according to the proportions described in section III.C.4.b.(5) of this
proposed rule. Participant hospitals that do not have the minimum
episode volume across the historical 3 years would use 0.0 percent and
100 percent as the proportions for hospital and region, respectively.
Reintroduce hospital-specific wage variations by
multiplying the participant hospital-specific blended, updated, and
pooled historical average episode payments by the corresponding
hospital-specific wage normalization factor, using the hospital's IPPS
wage index that applies to the hospital during the period for which
target prices are being calculated (section III.C.4.b.(7) of this
proposed rule).
Multiply the appropriate discount factor, as discussed in
section III.C.4.b.(9) of this proposed rule to each participant
hospital's wage-adjusted, blended, updated, and pooled historical
average episode payment. For performance years 1, 3, 4, and 5, two
discount factors would be used, one if the hospital successfully
submits data on the patient-reported outcomes measure proposed in
section III.C.5 of this proposed rule, and one if the hospital does not
successfully submit the data. For performance year 2, 4 discount
factors would be used to account for the 4 combinations of the
following: a) whether or not the hospital successfully submits data on
the patient-reported outcomes measure; and b) for the different
discount factors proposed for purposes of calculating reconciliation
payments vs. calculating repayment amounts. The result of this
calculation would be the participant hospital-specific target prices
for MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes.
Multiply participant hospitals' target prices for MS-DRG
470 anchored episodes by the anchor factor (section III.C.4.b.(8) of
this proposed rule) to calculate hospitals' target prices for MS-DRG
469 anchored episodes.
The aforementioned steps would be used to calculate target prices
for episodes that begin between January 1 and September 30, as well as
for episodes that begin between October 1 and December 31, for each
performance year. The target price calculations for the two different
time periods each performance year would differ by the IPPS wage index
used in step (11) and the update factors used in step (8). By following
these eight steps, we would calculate eight target prices for each
participant hospital for performance years 1, 3, 4, and 5, and 16
target prices for performance year 2. We refer readers to section
III.C.4.b. of this proposed rule for further details on each of the
specific steps.
We seek comment on the proposed approach to sequence and fit
together the different pricing features, the episode definition
(section III.B. of this proposed rule), and adjustments to payments
included in the episodes (section III.C.3. of this proposed rule) to
calculate CCJR episode target prices for participant hospitals.
5. Proposed Use of Quality Performance in the Payment Methodology
a. Background
Over the past several years Medicare payment policy has moved away
from FFS payments unlinked to quality and towards payments that are
linked to quality of care. Through the Affordable Care Act, we have
implemented specific IPPS programs like the HVBP (subsection (o) of
section 1886 of the Act), the Hospital Acquired Conditions Reduction
Program (HACRP) (subsection (q) of section 1886) and the HRRP
(subsection (p) of section 1886), where quality of care is linked with
payment. We have also implemented the MSSP, an accountable care
organization program that links shared savings payment to quality
performance. Since the implementation of the HRRP in October 2012,
readmission rates for various medical conditions like THA and TKA (THA/
TKA) have improved. Trend analyses show a decrease in readmission rates
and specifically with THA/TKA risk-standardized readmissions rates
(RSRR) from 5.4 percent (July 2010-June 2011) to 4.8 percent (July
2012-June 2013).\39\ Additionally, hospital THA/TKA RSCR decreased from
3.4 percent (April 2010 through March 2011) to 3.1 percent (April 2012
through March 2013). Despite the downward trend of THA/TKA RSRRs and
RSCRs, the wide dispersion in these readmission rates suggests there is
still room for hospitals to improve their performance on these measures
as illustrated by a THA/TKA RSRR distribution of 2.8 to 9.4 percent
(July 2010-June 2013) and a THA/TKA RSCR distribution of 1.5 to 6.4
percent (April 2010-March 2013). We believe that the CCJR Model
provides another mechanism for hospitals to improve quality of care,
while also achieving cost efficiency. Incentivizing high-value care
through episode-based payments for LEJR procedures is a primary
objective of CCJR. Therefore, incorporating quality performance into
the episode payment structure is an essential component of the CCJR
model. We also believe that the financial opportunity proposed in
section III.C.3. of this proposed rule provides the appropriate
incentives necessary to reward a participant hospital's achievement of
episode savings when the savings are greater than the discounted target
price. For the reasons stated previously, we believe it is important
for the CCJR model to link the financial reward opportunity with
achievement in quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries undergoing
\39\ Hospital Quality Initiatives. CMS Hospital Quality
Chartbook 2014. Available at: . Accessed
April 21, 2015.
As discussed in section III.C of this proposed rule, which outlines
the payment structure for the CCJR model, each participant hospital
will have target prices calculated for MS-DRG 469 and 470 anchored
episodes; each anchored episode includes an anchor hospitalization for
an LEJR procedure and a 90-day period after the date of discharge from
the anchor hospitalization. These episode target prices represent
expected spending all related Part A and Part B spending for such
episodes, with a discount. Hospitals who achieve actual episode
spending below a target price for a given performance period would be
eligible for a reconciliation payment from CMS, subject to the proposed
stop-gain limit policy as discussed in section III.C.8. of this
proposed rule.
In the next section of this proposed rule, we propose quality
performance standards that must also be met in order for a hospital to
be eligible to receive a reconciliation payment under CCJR.
Specifically, we describe our proposal to include a performance measure
result threshold on select outcomes-based quality measures as a
requirement for participants to receive a reconciliation payment if
actual episode spending is
[[Page 41237]]
less than the target price under CCJR in a performance year, in
addition to a payment adjustment for successful reporting of a
voluntary measure in development. Beginning in performance year one and
continuing throughout the duration of the model, we propose to make
reconciliation payments only to those CCJR hospital participants that
meet or exceed a minimum measure result threshold. We also discuss an
alternative approach to determining CCJR reconciliation payment
eligibility and adjusting payment based on a quality score developed
from performance on three outcomes-based quality measures and success
in reporting the voluntary measurement in development.
b. Proposed Implementation of Quality Measures for Reconciliation
Payment Eligibility
In section III.D. of this proposed rule we propose three measures
to assess quality of care of the hospitals participating in the CCJR
Model. We also propose voluntary data submission for a patient-reported
outcome measure. In this section we propose using three measures to
determine eligibility for a reconciliation payment, as well as propose
rewarding hospitals that voluntarily submit data for the patient-
reported outcome measure. We also discuss an alternative approach to
determining reconciliation payment eligibility and adjusting payment
based on a composite quality score calculated from the three required
outcome measures and success on reporting voluntary data on the
patient-reported outcome measure.
(1) General Selection of Proposed Quality Measures
The CCJR model is designed to provide financial incentives to
improve coordination of care for beneficiaries that we expect to lead
to avoidance of post-surgical complications and hospital readmissions,
as well as to improve patient experience through care redesign and
coordination. Furthermore, we acknowledge that achievement of savings
while ensuring high-quality care for Medicare FFS beneficiaries in LEJR
episodes will require close collaboration among hospitals, physicians,
PAC providers, and other providers. In order to encourage care
collaboration among multiple providers of patients undergoing THA and
TKA, we propose three measures, as described in detail in section
III.D.2. of this proposed rule, to determine hospital quality of care
and to determine eligibility for a reconciliation payment under the
CCJR model. The measures we are proposing are as follows:
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR following elective
primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551), an administrative claims-based
Hospital-level RSCR following elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1550), an administrative claims-based measure.
HCAHPS Survey measure.
Beginning in performance year 1 and continuing throughout the
duration of the model, we propose to make reconciliation payments only
to those CCJR participant hospitals that meet or exceed a minimum
performance threshold on the measures previously listed. We propose
that hospitals must meet or exceed the measure reporting thresholds and
other requirements described in section III.C and III.D. of this
proposed rule on all three measures in order to be eligible for a
reconciliation payment.
These three outcome measures were chosen due to their: (1)
Alignment with the goals of the CCJR model; (2) hospitals' familiarity
with the measures due to their use in other CMS hospital quality
programs, including programs that tie payment to performance such as
HVBP and HRRP; and (3) assessment of CMS priorities to improve the rate
of LEJR complications and readmissions, while improving patient
experience. We believe the three quality measures we propose for
reconciliation payment eligibility reflect these goals and accurately
measure hospitals' level of achievement on such goals.
(2) Proposal To Adjust the Payment Methodology for Voluntary Submission
of Data for Patient-Reported Outcome Measure
During our consideration of quality metrics for the CCJR model, we
examined the feasibility of linking voluntary data submission of
patient-reported outcomes, beyond the current three required measures
proposed in section III.D.2. of this proposed rule for use in the
model, with the possibility of incentivizing participant hospitals
under the episode payment model to participate in this voluntary
submission of data. We specifically examined potential patient-reported
outcome measures since this type of outcome measure aligns with the
CCJR model goal of improving LEJR episode quality of care, including a
heightened emphasis on patient-centered care where patients provide
meaningful input to their care. Furthermore, the availability of
patient reported outcome data would provide additional information on a
participant hospital's quality performance, especially with respect to
a patient's functional status, beyond the current three required
measures proposed in section III.D.2. of this proposed rule for use in
the model. We note that we have a measure in development, the Hospital-
Level Performance Measure(s) of Patient-Reported Outcomes Following
Elective Primary THA or TKA measure or both (hence forth referred to as
``THA/TKA patient-reported outcome-based measure''), that would support
the National Quality Strategy domain of patient and family engagement,
and could capture meaningful information that would not otherwise be
available on patient outcomes that are related to the quality of LEJR
episodes under CCJR. We believe that incorporating this measure into
CCJR by adjusting the payment methodology for successful voluntary data
submission on the THA/TKA patient-reported outcome-based measure
(henceforth referred to as ``THA/TKA voluntary data'') would provide
participant hospitals with valuable information on functional outcomes
that would assist them in assessing an important patient-centered
outcome, engaging other providers and suppliers in care redesign for
LEJR episodes, as well as provide them with the potential for greater
financial benefit from improved LEJR episode efficiencies. We do not
believe it would be appropriate at this time to hold any participant
hospitals financially accountable for their actual THA/TKA voluntary
data, as we have proposed for the three required measures described in
section III.C.5.b.(2) of this proposed rule.
Instead, we propose to adjust the episode payment methodology for
participant hospitals that successfully submit THA/TKA voluntary data
by reducing the discount percentage used to set the target price from
2.0 percent to 1.7 percent of expected episode spending based on
historical CCJR episode data, hereinafter referred to as the voluntary
reporting payment adjustment. The proposed payment policies with
respect to reconciliation payment eligibility and the discount
percentage based on hospital voluntary data submission are summarized
in Table 7 for performance years 3 through 5 where hospitals have full
repayment responsibility. The specific percentages that would apply for
purposes of the repayment amount and reconciliation payment are
outlined for performance years 1 and 2 in the discussion that follows.
[[Page 41238]]
Table 7--Reconciliation Payment Eligibility and Discount Percentage
Included in the Target Price for Each Participant Hospital Based on
Quality Performance in Performance Years 3-5
Does not meet
Discount percentage included in Meets thresholds thresholds for one
target price/reconciliation for all 3 required or more of 3
payment eligibility quality measures required quality
Successfully submits THA/TKA 1.7%/eligible..... 1.7%/ineligible.
voluntary data.
Does not successfully submit THA/ 2.0%/eligible..... 2.0%/ineligible.
KA voluntary data.
We refer readers to section III.D.3. of this proposed rule for
further discussion of the THA/TKA patient-reported outcome-based
measure and our proposed definition of successful reporting. In
addition, we refer readers to section III.C.4.b.(9) of this proposed
rule for discussion of the proposed discount of 2.0 percent (without
the voluntary reporting payment adjustment) to establish the target
price. We believe that a voluntary reporting payment adjustment of 0.3
percent of expected episode spending would, on average, cover the
participant hospitals' additional administrative costs of voluntarily
reporting patient risk variables and patient-reported reported function
for outcome calculation. We estimate the value of this discount
reduction, on average, to be about $75 per LEJR episode at a
participant hospital, which we believe would be sufficient to pay
hospitals for the resources required to survey beneficiaries pre- and
post-operatively about functional status and report this information
required for measure development to CMS. We also believe that voluntary
reporting on this patient-reported outcome measure is integral to
implementation of the CCJR model, as it will allow us to further
develop and evaluate the measure for potential use in this model in the
future as a measure of quality that is important and not captured in
any other available measures.
The voluntary reporting payment adjustment would be available for
all years of the model, unless we find the measure to be unfeasible or
have adequately developed the measure such that continued voluntary
data collection is no longer needed for measure development during the
course of the model. In those situations, we would notify participant
hospitals that the voluntary reporting payment adjustment was no longer
available as we would cease collecting the data.
When we provide the episode target price to each participant
hospital at 2 times during the performance year, we would provide
different target prices reflecting the 2.0 percent and 1.7 percent
discounts. At the time of reconciliation for the performance year, we
would determine which participant hospitals successfully reported the
THA/TKA voluntary data for that performance year. The effects of this
voluntary reporting payment adjustment would vary for each year of the
model, depending on the proposed reconciliation payment and repayment
policies for that performance year. For hospitals that achieved
successful reporting of the THA/TKA voluntary data in performance year
3, 4, or 5,we would use the target price reflecting the 1.7 percent
discount (compared with the 2.0 percent discount for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) to calculate the hospital's
reconciliation payment or repayment amount. Based on this comparison,
consistent with the proposal described in section III.C.6. of this
proposed rule, we would make a reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending is less than the target price (and the thresholds for
reconciliation payment eligibility are met for the three required
quality measures) or make participant hospitals responsible for
repaying Medicare if actual episode spending exceeds the target price.
For performance year 2, when repayment responsibility is being phased-
in, for participant hospitals with successful THA/TKA voluntary data
reporting, we would use a target price reflecting the 1.7 percent
discount (compared with the 2.0 percent discount for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) to determine if actual episode
spending was below the target price, whereupon the participant hospital
would receive a reconciliation payment if the quality thresholds on the
three required measures are met. In order to help hospitals transition
to taking on repayment responsibility, we propose to apply a reduced
discount of 0.7 percent for successful THA/TKA voluntary data reporting
hospitals (compared with 1.0 percent for nonreporting or unsuccessfully
reporting hospitals) in performance year 2 for purposes of determining
the hospital's repayment responsibility for excess episode spending.
For performance year 1, when there is no repayment responsibility, for
participant hospitals with successful THA/TKA voluntary data reporting,
we would use a target price reflecting the 1.7 percent discount
(compared with the 2.0 percent discount for nonreporting or
unsuccessfully reporting hospitals) to determine if actual episode
spending was below the target price, whereupon the participant hospital
would receive a reconciliation payment if the quality thresholds on the
three required measures are met. We believe this proposed voluntary
reporting payment adjustment provides the potential for increased
financial benefit for participant hospitals due to a higher target
price (that reflects a lower discount percentage) that successfully
report the measure. Participant hospitals that successfully report the
voluntary data would be subject to a lower repayment amount (except for
performance year 1 when hospitals have no repayment responsibility) or
a higher reconciliation payment (assuming the thresholds are met on the
three required measures for reconciliation payment eligibility), than
hospitals that do not successfully report the voluntary data.
In general, participant hospitals that meet the performance
thresholds for the three required quality measures and reduce actual
episode spending below the target price, as well as successfully report
the THA/TKA voluntary data, would be eligible to retain an additional
0.3 percent of the reduced episode expenditures relative to participant
hospitals that successfully report the three required quality measures
but do not report voluntary data, funds which would offset additional
administrative costs that the participant hospitals would incur in
reporting on the measure. Additionally, for performance years 2-5 where
participant hospitals have payment responsibility, participant
hospitals with increased actual episode spending above the target price
would not be required to repay 0.3 percent of the increased episode
expenditures (relative to participant hospitals that do not report
voluntary data), funds that would offset additional administrative
costs that the participant hospitals would incur in reporting on the
measure. These costs would include the hospital staff time required for
training on the measure, as well as then gathering and reporting on
multiple patient risk variables from LEJR episode
[[Page 41239]]
beneficiaries' medical records and locating beneficiaries and
administering via phone survey questions on functional status, which
would also then be reported to CMS. Thus, we expect that the proposal
would encourage reporting by a number of participant hospitals, and it
has the potential to benefit those hospitals that successfully report
on the measure. Therefore, this proposal could financially benefit
reporting hospitals that would also collect valuable information on
patient functional outcomes that could inform their LEJR care redesign.
While this measure remains in development from our perspective to
ensure translation of data across care settings and the respective
hospital communities during the 90-day post-discharge episode of care,
participant hospitals would gain anecdotal, locally relevant
information regarding the patient-reported outcomes of their own
patients that could inform participant hospitals' continuous quality
improvement efforts.
We considered two alternative options to adjust the CCJR payment
methodology by modifying the required quality measure thresholds for
reconciliation payment eligibility for those participant hospitals that
successfully submit the THA/TKA voluntary data. First, we considered
adjusting the threshold that hospitals must meet on the three required
quality measures for reconciliation payment eligibility if reduced
episode spending is achieved from the unadjusted 30th percentile
threshold to the adjusted 20th percentile threshold for performance
years 1, 2, and 3, and from the unadjusted 40th percentile to the
adjusted 30th percentile for performance years 4 and 5. Second, we
considered only requiring hospitals to meet the 30th percentile
threshold on two of three outcome measures for performance years 1, 2,
and 3, and the 40th percentile threshold on two of three outcome
measures for performance years 4 and 5. These options would provide the
opportunity for some participant hospitals, specifically those that
missed the unadjusted percentile for one or more of the three required
quality measures by a specified margin, to receive reconciliation
payments if actual episode spending was less than the target price.
However, these options could benefit only a subset of participant
hospitals that successfully reported the THA/TKA voluntary data. For
the majority of participant hospitals that we expect would meet the
unadjusted thresholds for all three required measures, these options do
not provide any incentive to voluntarily report the data because the
hospitals would not benefit from voluntarily reporting the additional
measure. We decided not to propose either of these options to adjust
the CCJR payment methodology for participant hospitals that voluntarily
report data on the new measure because the limited benefit could result
in few hospitals choosing to report on the measure, thereby limiting
our progress in developing the measure. We note that these two
considered options and our proposal are not mutually exclusive.
We seek comment on the proposed voluntary reporting payment
adjustment of reducing the discount percentage from 2.0 percent to 1.7
percent for CCJR participant hospitals that voluntarily and
successfully report on the THA/TKA voluntary data. Given our interest
in robust hospital participation in reporting on the THA/TKA voluntary
data under CCJR, we are specifically interested in information on the
additional resources and their associated costs that hospitals would
incur to report THA/TKA voluntary data, as well as the relationship of
these costs to the potential financial benefit participant hospitals
could receive from the proposed reduced discount of 1.7 percent. Based
on such information, we would consider whether a change from the
proposed discount factor reduction due to successful voluntary data
submission would be appropriate. We also seek comment on whether the
alternative payment methodology adjustments considered, or combination
of adjustments, would more appropriately incentivize CCJR participant
hospitals to submit THA/TKA voluntary data. We believe that development
of the THA/TKA patient-reported outcome measure would benefit from
reporting by a broad array of participant hospitals, including those
that currently deliver high quality, efficient LEJR episode care and
those that have substantial room for improvement on quality and or
Furthermore, in light of our interest in encouraging CCJR
participant hospital THA/TKA voluntary data reporting, we also
considered alternative approaches to collect this information or
provide hospitals with funds to help cover their associated
administrative costs other than adjustments to the CCJR model payment
methodology. One alternative would be for hospitals to collect and
report on patient pre-operative information collected 0 to 90 days
before surgery, while CMS would engage a contractor to collect and
report the post-operative information collected 9 to 12 months after
surgery. This approach would reduce some of the administrative burden
of collection and reporting on hospitals, although participant
hospitals would need to provide CMS with certain beneficiary
information, including contact information that would be needed for a
CMS contractor to contact the beneficiary at a later date. We seek
comment on this alternative, including whether hospitals would incur
significant additional administrative costs to report on the data prior
to surgery and how CMS could best provide funds to offset some of those
costs, through an adjustment to the CCJR payment methodology or other
means. We also seek comment on the information participant hospitals
would need to provide to CMS so a CMS contractor could collect and
report the post-operative data, and the most efficient ways for
hospitals to provide this information to us. Finally, we considered an
approach that would provide hospitals with separate payment outside of
an adjustment to the CCJR payment methodology to specifically assist in
covering their administrative costs of reporting THA/TKA voluntary
data, in order to achieve robust hospital participation in reporting.
We seek comment on the hospital administrative costs that would be
incurred for reporting, as well as on approaches we could take to
ensure that hospitals achieved successful reporting under such an
approach if separate payment was made. Finally, we are interested in
comments regarding the comparative strength of these various
alternatives in encouraging hospitals to participate in reporting THA/
TKA voluntary data.
For a detailed description of this measure see section III.D.3 of
this proposed rule
(3) Measure Risk-Adjustment and Calculations
All three proposed outcome measures are risk-adjusted and we refer
readers to section III.D.2 of this proposed rule for a full discussion
of these measures and risk-adjustment methodologies. We believe that
risk-adjustment for patient case-mix is important when assessing
hospital performance based on patient outcomes and experience and
understanding how a given hospital's performance compares to the
performance of other hospitals with similar case-mix.
(4) Applicable Time Period
We propose to use a 3-year rolling performance or applicable period
for the
[[Page 41240]]
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR following elective primary THA
and/or TKA (NQF #1551) and the Hospital-level RSCR following elective
primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1550) measures. We also specifically
propose to align with the HIQR program's 3-year rolling performance
period for the RSSR and RSCR measures since we believe that a 3-year
performance period yields the most consistently reliable and valid
measure results (FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH 70 FR 50208 through 50209). For the
HCAHPS Survey measure, we propose to follow the same performance period
as in the HIQR program (FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH Final rule 79 FR 50259).
HCAHPS scores are created from 4 consecutive quarters of survey data;
publicly reported HCAHPS results are also based on 4 quarters of data.
For the voluntary data collection for the proposed THA/TKA patient-
reported outcome-based performance measure, the optimal reporting time
period has not been determined. Therefore, we propose defining the
applicable time period as 12 month intervals that may begin between
July 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016, and continue in subsequent
performance years for a total of four or fewer performance periods.
Participant hospitals will submit required data to CMS in a mechanism
similar to the data submission process for the HIQR program within
sixty days of the end of each 12 month period. As described in section
III.C.5.b.(3) of this proposed rule, the proposed voluntary reporting
payment adjustment of reducing the discount percentage from 2.0 percent
to 1.7 percent for CCJR participant hospitals that successfully report
on the THA/TKA voluntary data would begin in year 2 and also apply to
subsequent years of the model.
(5) Criteria for Applicable Hospitals and Performance Scoring
(a) Identification of Participant Hospitals for the CCJR Model
As discussed in section III.A.2 of this proposed rule, all CCJR
participant hospitals would be IPPS hospitals.
(b) Methodology to Determine Performance on the Quality Measures
To determine performance on the quality measures, we propose to
calculate measure results for all three measures as outlined in the
Quality Measures section III.D.2 of this proposed rule. Performance on
the three measures for the CCJR model participant hospitals would be
compared to the national distribution of measure results for each of
these measures obtained through the HIQR program. The HIQR program is
an IPPS program in which public reporting is a focus of the program for
the nation's acute care hospitals, and we propose using the absolute
value of the CCJR model participant hospital's result to determine if
that participant hospital is eligible for a reconciliation payment. In
essence we intend to take the HIQR program measure results (also posted
publicly) for the proposed measures, identify the threshold as outlined
in section III.C.5.b.(3) of this proposed rule, and apply the
thresholds also outlined in section III.C.5.b.(7) of this proposed
rule. We believe it is reasonable to use the HIQR program distribution
of measure results to identify a measure result threshold because--(1)
the hospitals in the HIQR program represent most acute care hospitals
in the nation; (2) the CCJR model participant hospitals are a subset of
the hospitals in the HIQR program; and (3) the expectation that the
CCJR model participant hospitals meet a measure result threshold based
on a national distribution of measure results will encourage the CCJR
model participant hospitals to strive to attain measure results
consistent with or better than hospitals across the nation. For a
detailed description of how we will determine the measure result
thresholds for consideration of a reconciliation payment adjustment see
section III.C.5.b.(3) and III.C.7.of this proposed rule. We would not
want to encourage CCJR model participant hospitals to strive for
measure results or quality of care performance that may be lower than
the national measure results. Given that the CCJR participant hospitals
are a subset of the HIQR program participant hospitals, they are
familiar with these three measures and may have put into place
processes that will help to improve quality of care in the LEJR patient
population. Finally, once the measure results are calculated, we
propose to use these results to determine eligibility for
reconciliation payment, which is discussed in detail in the next
To be considered to have successfully reported the voluntary data
collection and submission for the THA/TKA voluntary data, we propose
that successfully reporting will mean participant hospitals must meet
all of the following:
Submit the data elements listed in section III.D.3.a.(2)
of this proposed rule.
Data elements listed in section III.D.3.a.(2) of this
proposed rule must be submitted on at least 70 percent of their
eligible elective primary THA/TKA patients (patients eligible for pre-
operative THA/TKA voluntary data submission are those described in
section III.D.3.a.(3)of this proposed rule); patients eligible for
post-operative THA/TKA voluntary data submission are those described in
section III.D.3.a(3) of this proposed rule and also having a THA/TKA
procedure date during the anchor hospitalization at least 366 days
prior to the end of the data collection period. Therefore, hospitals
are not expected to collect and submit post-operative THA/TKA voluntary
data on patients who are fewer than 366 days from the date of surgery.
THA/TKA voluntary data submission must occur within 60
days of the end of the most recent 12 month period.
Hospitals meeting these three standards, and have successfully
submitted THA/TKA voluntary data, will be eligible for the proposed
voluntary reporting payment adjustment of reducing the discount
percentage from 2.0 percent to 1.7 percent for CCJR participant
hospitals that voluntarily and successfully report on the THA/TKA
voluntary data. Encouraging collection and submission of the THA/TKA
voluntary data through the CCJR model will increase availability of
patient-reported outcomes to both participant hospitals that collect
and submit data on their own patients in the model (and their patients
as well); further development of an outcomes measure that provides
meaningful information on patient-reported outcomes for THA/TKA
procedures that are commonly furnished to Medicare beneficiaries;
provide another quality measure that may be incorporated into the CCJR
model policy linking quality to payment in future performance years,
pending successful development of the measure; and inform the quality
strategy of future payment models. Collecting data on at least 70
percent of hospital's eligible THA/TKA patients would provide
sufficiently representative data to allow for development and testing
of the THA/TKA patient-reported outcome-based performance measure.
We invite public comment on the proposal to calculate measure
results for all three measures as outlined in the Quality Measures
section III.D.2 of this proposed rule. We also seek public comment on
our proposal for hospitals to meet three requirements, previously
outlined, in order to be considered as successfully submitting THA/TKA
voluntary data.
[[Page 41241]]
(c) Proposed Methodology To Link Quality and Payment
(i) Background
In proposing a methodology for linking payment for LEJR episodes to
quality under this model, we considered several alternatives.
Specifically, we considered making reconciliation payments to hospitals
tied to achievement and improvement in quality performance or,
alternatively, establishing minimum quality performance thresholds for
selected quality measures from the beginning of the model or a later
year, which would reward achievement but not necessarily improvement.
While we propose in section III.C.5.b.(6)(c) of this proposed rule to
establish minimum thresholds for participant hospital performance on
three selected quality measures for reconciliation payment eligibility
each performance year from the beginning of the model, we also discuss
in detail an alternative we considered, which would make quality
incentive payments related to hospital achievement and improvement on
the basis of a composite quality score developed for each performance
year. The composite quality score would affect reconciliation payment
eligibility and change the effective discount included in the target
price experienced by a participant hospital at reconciliation.
Similar to the proposal described in section III.C.5.b.(6)(c) of
this proposed rule, the alternatives considered would require a
determination of participant hospital performance on all three required
quality measures, described in section III.D. of this proposed rule,
based on the national distribution of hospital measure result
performance, but instead of identifying the participant hospital's
performance percentile for comparison with a threshold requirement, we
would do so for purposes of assigning points toward a hospital
composite quality score. Both the hospital-level 30-day, all cause
Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate (RSRR) following elective primary
THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551) measure and the hospital-level Risk-
Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) following elective primary THA
and/or TKA (NQF #1550) measure directly yield rates for which a
participant hospital performance percentile could be determined and
compared to the national distribution in a straightforward manner. As
discussed in section III.D.2.c.of this proposed rule, we propose to use
the HCAHPS Linear Mean Roll Up (HLMR) score calculated using the HCAHPS
Survey (NQF #1661) measure. Once the HLMR scores are calculated, the
participant hospital performance percentile could also be determined
and compared to the national distribution in a straightforward manner.
In addition, the alternatives considered would account for the
successful submission of voluntary THA/TKA data on the patient-reported
outcome measure, as discussed in section III.C.5.b.(2) of this proposed
rule, in the calculation of the composite quality score.
(ii) Alternatives Considered To Link Quality and Payment
We considered assigning each participant hospital a composite
quality score, developed as the sum of the individual quality measure
scores described later in this section, which were set to reflect the
intended weights for each of the quality measures and the successful
submission of THA/TKA voluntary data in the composite quality score.
The participant hospital's composite quality score would affect
reconciliation payment eligibility and could also provide the
opportunity for quality incentive payments under the CCJR model. Each
quality measure would be assigned a weight in the composite quality
score and possible scores for the measures would be set to reflect
those weights. A composite quality score for each performance year
would be calculated for each participant hospital based on its own
performance that would affect reconciliation payment eligibility and
the hospital's opportunity to receive quality incentive payments under
the model. The composite quality score would also change the effective
discount included in the target price experienced by the hospital at
reconciliation for that performance year. We would weigh participant
hospital performance on each of the three measures and successful
submission of voluntary THA/TKA data according to the measure weights
displayed in Table 8.
Table 8--Quality Measure Weights in Composite Quality Score
Weight in
Quality measure quality score
Hospital[dash]level 30[dash]day, all[dash]cause RSRR 20
following elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551)..
Hospital[dash]level RSCR following elective primary THA 40
and/or TKA (NQF #1550).................................
HCAHPS survey (NQF #1661)............................... 30
Voluntary THA/TKA data submission on 10
patient[dash]reported outcome measure..................
We would assign the lowest weight of 10 percent to the successful
submission of THA/TKA data on the patient-reported outcome measure
because these data represent a hospital's meaningful participation in
advancing the quality measurement of LEJR patient-reported outcomes but
not actual outcome performance for LEJR episodes under the CCJR model.
We believe the three required measures that represent LEJR outcomes
deserve higher weights in the composite quality score. We would assign
a modest weight of 20 percent to the readmissions measure because,
while we believe that readmissions are an important quality measure for
LEJR episodes, the episode payment methodology under the model already
provides a strong financial incentive to reduce readmissions that
otherwise would contribute significantly to greater actual episode
payments. Furthermore, hospitals generally have already made
significant strides over the past several years in reducing
readmissions due to the inclusion of this measure in other CMS hospital
programs that make payment adjustments based on performance on this
measure. We believe that a higher weight than 20 percent would
overvalue the contribution of readmissions performance as an indicator
of LEJR episode quality in calculating the composite quality score.
Furthermore, other CMS hospital programs may also make a payment
adjustment based on hospital performance on the readmissions measure so
we would not want this measure to also strongly influence
reconciliation payment eligibility and the opportunity for quality
incentive payments under the CCJR model. We would assign a higher
[[Page 41242]]
weight of 30 percent to the HCAHPS survey measure because we believe
that incorporating this quality measure, which reflects performance
regarding patients' perspectives on care, including communication, care
transitions, and discharge information, is a highly meaningful outcome
measure of LEJR episode quality under the CCJR model. However, we do
not propose to assign the HCAHPS survey measure the highest weight of
the four measures, as the measure is not specific to LEJR episode care,
but rather to all clinical conditions treated by participant hospitals.
Finally, we would assign the highest weight, 40 percent, to the
complications measure. We believe this measure should be weighted the
most because it is specific to meaningful outcomes for primary THA and
TKA that are the major procedures included in LEJR episodes under the
CCJR model. The measure includes important complications of LEJR
episodes, such as myocardial infarction, pneumonia, surgical site
bleeding, pulmonary embolism, death, mechanical joint complications,
and joint infections occurring within various periods of time during
the LEJR episode. LEJR episodes under the CCJR model are broadly
defined so that reducing complications should be a major focus of care
redesign that improves quality and efficiency under this model, yet
because complications may not be as costly as readmissions, the payment
incentives under the model do not as strongly target reducing
complications as reducing readmissions. We seek comment on this
weighting of the individual quality scores in developing a composite
quality score for each participant hospital.
Under such an approach, we would first score individually each
participant hospital on the Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR using
the elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551) measure; Hospital-level
RSCR following using the elective primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1550)
measure; and HCAPHS survey (NQF #1661) measure based on the participant
hospital's performance percentile as compared to the national
distribution of hospitals' measure performance, assigning scores
according to the point values displayed in Table 9 These individual
measure scores have been set to reflect the measure weights included in
Table 9 so they can ultimately be summed without adjustment in
calculating the composite quality score.
Table 9--Individual Scoring for Three Required Quality Measures
Complications HCAHPS survey Readmissions
Performance percentile measure quality quality score measure quality
score (points) (points) score (points)
>=90\th\............................................... 8.00 6.00 4.00
>=80\th\ and <90\th\................................... 7.40 5.55 3.70
>=70\th\ and <80\th\................................... 6.80 5.10 3.40
>=60\th\ and <70\th\................................... 6.20 4.65 3.10
>=50\th\ and <60\th\................................... 5.60 4.20 2.80
>=40\th\ and <50\th\................................... 5.00 3.75 2.50
>=30\th\ and <40\th\................................... 4.40 3.30 2.20
<30\th\................................................ 0.00 0.00 0.00
Given the current national distribution of hospital performance on
these measures, we believe that small point increments related to
higher measure performance deciles would be the most appropriate way to
assign more points to reflect meaningfully higher quality performance
on the measures. The absolute differences for each decile among the
three measures reflect the intended weight of the measure in the
composite quality score. We would assign any low volume participant
hospital without a reportable value for the measure to the 50th
performance percentile of the measure, so as not to disadvantage a
participant hospital based on its low volume alone because that
hospital may in actuality provide high quality care. These three
measures are well-established measures in use under CMS hospital
programs, so we do not believe that scores below the 30th percentile
reflect quality performance such that they should be assigned any
individual quality measure score points for LEJR episodes under CCJR.
However, we also considered reducing scores incrementally across the
bottom three deciles in order to provide greater incentives for quality
improvement for hospitals that may not believe they can attain the 30th
performance percentile on one or more of the three measures and to
avoid creating a ``cliff'' at the 30th performance percentile. We seek
comment on this scoring approach to the three required quality
Additionally, we would assign a measure quality score of one point
for participant hospitals that successfully submit THA/TKA voluntary
data and 0 points for participant hospitals that do not successfully
submit these data. Because we would not use the actual THA/TKA
voluntary data on the patient-reported outcome measure in assessing
LEJR episode quality performance under the model, we propose this
straightforward binary approach to scoring the submission of THA/TKA
voluntary data for the patient-reported outcome measure development.
We note that the MSSP utilizes a similar scoring and weighting
methodology, which is described in detail in the CY2011 Shared Savings
Program Final Rule (see Sec. 425.502). The HVBP and HACRP programs
also utilize a similar scoring methodology, which applies weights to
various measures and assigns an overall score to a hospital (79 FR
50049 and 50102).
We would sum the score on the three quality measures and the score
on successful submission of THA/TKA voluntary data to calculate a
composite quality score for each participant hospital. Then we would
incorporate this score in the model payment methodology by first,
requiring a minimum composite quality score for reconciliation payment
eligibility if the participant hospital's actual episode spending is
less than the target price and second, by making quality incentive
payments that change the effective discount percentage included in the
target price experienced by the hospital in the reconciliation process.
The payment policies we would apply are displayed in Tables 10, 11, and
12 for the performance years of the model. Under the CCJR model as
proposed, there is no participant hospital repayment responsibility in
performance year 1 and this responsibility begins to be phased-in in
[[Page 41243]]
performance year 2, with full implementation in performance year 3.
Table 10--Performance Year 1: Relationship of Composite Quality Score to Reconciliation Payment Eligibility and
the Effective Discount Percentage Experienced at Reconciliation
Eligible for Eligible for discount Effective discount
Composite quality score reconciliation quality incentive percentage for percentage for
payment payment reconciliation repayment amount
<=5.00.......................... No................. No................ 3.0 Not applicable.
>5.00 and <=9.25................ Yes................ No................ 3.0 Not applicable.
>9.25 and <=15.20............... Yes................ Yes............... 2.0 Not applicable.
>15.20.......................... Yes................ Yes............... 1.5 Not applicable.
Table 11--Performance Year 2: Relationship of Composite Quality Score to Reconciliation Payment Eligibility and
the Effective Discount Percentage Experienced at Reconciliation
Eligible for Eligible for discount Effective
Composite quality score reconciliation quality incentive percentage for discount
payment payment reconciliation percentage for
payment repayment amount
<=5.00.......................... No................. No................. 3.0 2.0
>5.00 and <=9.25................ Yes................ No................. 3.0 2.0
>9.25 and <=15.20............... Yes................ Yes................ 2.0 1.0
>15.20.......................... Yes................ Yes................ 1.5 0.5
Table 12--Performance Years 3-5: Relationship of Composite Quality Score to Reconciliation Payment Eligibility
and the Effective Discount Percentage Experienced at Reconciliation
Eligible for Eligible for discount Effective
Composite quality score reconciliation quality incentive percentage for discount
payment payment reconciliation percentage for
payment repayment amount
<=5.00.......................... No................. No................. 3.0 3.0
>5.00 and <=9.25................ Yes................ No................. 3.0 3.0
>9.25 and <=15.20............... Yes................ Yes................ 2.0 2.0
>15.20.......................... Yes................ Yes................ 1.5 1.5
Under this approach, the CCJR model discount included in the target
price without consideration of the composite quality score would be 3.0
percent, not the 2.0 percent described under our payment proposal in
section III.C.4.b.(9) of this proposed rule. We believe that a discount
percentage of 3.0 percent without explicit consideration of episode
quality is reasonable as it is within the range of discount percentages
included in the ACE demonstration and it is the Model 2 BPCI discount
factor for 30 and 60 day episodes, where a number of BPCI participants
are testing LEJR episodes subject to the 3.0 percent discount factor.
Hospitals that provide high quality episode care would have the
opportunity to receive quality incentive payments that would reduce the
effective discount percentage as displayed in Tables 10, 11, and 12.
Depending on the participant hospital's actual composite quality score,
quality incentive payments could be valued at 1.0 percent to 1.5
percent of the hospital's benchmark episode price (that is, of the
expected episode spending prior to application of the discount factor
to calculate a target price).
Under this methodology, we would require hospitals to achieve a
minimum composite quality score of greater than 5.00 to be eligible for
a reconciliation payment if actual episode spending was less than the
target price. Participant hospitals with below acceptable quality
performance reflected in a composite quality score less than or equal
to 5.00 would not be eligible for a reconciliation payment if actual
episode spending was less than the target price. A level of quality
performance that is below acceptable would not affect participant
hospitals' repayment responsibility if actual episode spending exceeds
the target price. We believe that excessive reductions in utilization
that lead to low actual episode spending and that could result from the
financial incentives of an episode payment model would be limited by a
requirement that this minimum level of LEJR episode quality be achieved
for reconciliation payments to be made. This policy would encourage
hospitals to focus on appropriate reductions or changes in utilization
to achieve high quality care in a more efficient manner. Therefore,
these hospitals would be ineligible to receive a reconciliation payment
if actual episode spending was less than the target price.
For hospitals with composite quality scores of less than or equal
to 5.00, we also considered a potential alternative approach. Under
this approach, we would still permit this group of hospitals to receive
reconciliation payments but would impose a quality penalty that would
reduce their effective discount percentage to 4.0 percent for purposes
of calculating the reconciliation payment or recoupment amount in
performance years 3 through 5, 4.0 percent for calculating the
reconciliation payment and 3.0 percent for calculating the repayment
amount in performance year 2, and 4.0 percent for calculating the
reconciliation payment in performance year 1 where participant
[[Page 41244]]
hospitals have no repayment responsibility. A potential advantage of
this approach is that it would provide stronger incentives for quality
improvement for participant hospitals with low performance on quality,
even if they did not expect to be able to reduce actual episode
spending below the target price. In addition, this approach would
provide financial incentives to improve the efficiency of care even for
hospitals that did not expect to meet the minimum quality score for
reconciliation payment eligibility, while still providing strong
incentives to provide high-quality care. The disadvantage of this
approach is that it could provide reconciliation payments even to
hospitals that did not achieve acceptable quality performance.
Participant hospitals with an acceptable composite quality score of
>5.00 and <=9.25 would be eligible for a reconciliation payment if
actual episode spending was less than the target price because their
quality performance was at the acceptable level established for the
CCJR model. They would not be eligible for a quality incentive payment
at reconciliation because their episode quality performance, while
acceptable, was not good or excellent. Therefore, these hospitals would
be eligible to receive a reconciliation payment if actual episode
spending was less than the target price.
Participant hospitals with a good composite quality score of >9.25
and <=15.20 would be eligible for a quality incentive payment at
reconciliation if actual episode spending was less than the target
price because their quality performance exceeded the acceptable level
required for reconciliation payment eligibility under the CCJR model.
In addition, they would be eligible for a quality incentive payment at
reconciliation for good quality performance that equals 1.0 percent of
the participant hospital's benchmark price, thereby changing the
effective discount percentage included in the target price experienced
by the hospital at reconciliation. Thus, participant hospitals
achieving this level of quality for LEJR episodes under CCJR would
either have less repayment responsibility (that is, the quality
incentive payment would offset a portion of their repayment
responsibility) or receive a higher payment (that is, the quality
incentive payment would add to the reconciliation payment) at
reconciliation than they would have otherwise based on a comparison of
actual episode spending to the target price that reflects a 3.0 percent
discount. Therefore, these hospitals would be eligible to receive a
reconciliation payment if actual episode spending was less than the
target price and would also receive a quality incentive payment.
Finally, hospitals with an excellent composite score quality score
of >15.20 would be eligible to receive a reconciliation payment if
actual episode spending was less than the target price because their
quality performance exceeded the acceptable level required for
reconciliation payment eligibility under the CCJR model. In addition,
they would be eligible for a higher quality incentive payment at
reconciliation for excellent quality performance that equals 1.5
percent of the participant hospital's benchmark price, thereby changing
the effective discount percentage included in the target price
experienced by the hospital at reconciliation. Thus, participant
hospitals achieving this level of quality for LEJR episodes under CCJR
would either have less repayment responsibility (that is, the quality
incentive payment would offset a portion of their repayment
responsibility) or receive a higher payment (that is, the quality
incentive payment would add to the reconciliation payment) at
reconciliation than they would have otherwise based on a comparison of
actual episode spending to the target price that reflects a 3.0 percent
discount. Therefore, these hospitals would be eligible to receive a
reconciliation payment if actual episode spending was less than the
target price and would also receive a quality incentive payment.
Under this methodology, the proposed stop-loss and stop-gain limits
discussed in section III.C.8 of this proposed rule would not change. We
believe this approach to quality incentive payments based on the
composite quality score could have the effect of increasing the
alignment of the financial and quality performance incentives under the
CCJR model to the potential benefit of participant hospitals and their
collaborators as well as CMS, although it would substantially increase
the complexity of the methodology to link quality and payment. We seek
comment on this alternative approach to basing reconciliation payment
eligibility and quality incentive payments on the participant
hospital's composite quality score under the CCJR model, as well as the
composite quality scoring ranges applicable to the respective payment
While we describe in detail this alternative considered to link
quality to payment under CCJR, we are not proposing this methodology
for several reasons. First, the MSSP and HVBP program utilize many more
measures than we are proposing for the CCJR model. For example, the
MSSP incorporates thirty three measures across four quality domains (79
FR 67916 and 67917). The range of measures in the MSSP and the HVBP
program lends itself to a scoring approach, which can account for many
measures and allows providers to achieve a high score despite
performing well on some measures but achieving lower performance on
others. There is a detailed description of the MSSP scoring methodology
in the 2011 Shared Savings Program Final rule (76 FR 67895 through
67900). We believe that given the more limited set of measures chosen
for the CCJR model, a scoring approach such as the alternative
described in this section could diminish the importance of each
measure. Use of a scoring approach would not allow hospital performance
on two different outcomes to be easily reviewed and understood with
respect to the impact of individual measure performance on Medicare's
actual payment for the episode under the model. Second, we believe the
measures proposed for this model represent goals of clinical care that
should be achievable by all hospitals participating in the model that
heighten their focus on these measures, especially the readmissions and
complications measures, for LEJR episodes based on the financial
incentives in the model. Finally, we believe that a methodology that
assesses performance based on absolute values of a specific set of
measures that are already in use, as we are proposing for the CCJR
model, is the most appropriate methodology to provide achievable and
predictable quality targets for participant hospitals on measures that
monitor the most meaningful quality of care outcomes in a model where
some acute care hospitals that might not choose to participate in a
voluntary model are also included. Our proposed method as discussed in
the next section reflects our expectation that hospitals achieve a
certain level of performance on measures to ensure that hospitals
provide high-quality care under the model.
Finally, we also considered an approach whereby participant
hospitals would not be penalized with regard to their eligibility for
reconciliation payments in CCJR for failure to meet the specified
thresholds for the quality measures in performance year 1 of the model;
in other words, we would delay the proposal described in the next
[[Page 41245]]
section to performance year 2 rather than beginning in performance year
1. We considered calculating participant hospital performance on the
required measures for the model, and, if actual episode spending was
less than the target price, the participant hospital would receive a
full reconciliation payment of savings achieved beyond the target
price, regardless of performance on the quality measures. However, we
do not believe this would be appropriate for the CCJR model, given that
two of the measures are administrative claims-based and thus impose no
additional reporting burden on hospitals; rather, these two measures
are established measures in existing CMS quality programs, and a
central goal of the model is improving care for Medicare beneficiaries
in LEJR episodes. We note that the HCAHPS survey measure is also an
established measure in HIQR and would not impose additional reporting
burden on hospitals.
(iii) Proposal To Link Quality and Payment Through Thresholds for
Reconciliation Payment Eligibility
For the reasons outlined in the previous section, we do not propose
to use similar methodologies to other CMS programs that would tie CCJR
episode reconciliation payment eligibility and reconciliation payment
and Medicare repayment amounts to a composite quality score on
specified quality measures, but as discussed later in this section, we
instead propose to simply assess performance or achievement on a
quality measure by setting a measure result threshold for each measure
beginning in performance year 1 of the model.
The CCJR measure result threshold would be based on the measure
results from the HIQR program, a nationally-established program, and
would use its national distribution of measure results. These are the
same measure results posted on Hospital Compare or in the Hospital
Compare downloadable database ( for the HIQR program. We refer readers to the earlier
discussion of the HIQR Program, which utilizes measures to assess most
acute care hospitals in the nation. Determining the CCJR model target
thresholds are discussed in the next section.
As previously described, the CCJR model proposes the following
three required measures to assess LEJR episode quality of care:
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR following elective
primary THA and/or TKA (NQF #1551).
Hospital-level RSCR following elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1550).
HCAHPS survey (NQF #0166).
We also propose to make a voluntary reporting payment adjustment
for CCJR participant hospitals who successfully and voluntarily submit
data for the THA/TKA patient-reported outcome-based performance measure
(henceforth referred to as ``THA/TKA voluntary data'') as described in
sections III.C.5.b.(3) and III.D.3.a.(2) of this proposed rule. We
propose that participant CCJR hospitals must meet or surpass a
specified threshold for each required measure beginning for performance
year 1 of the model in order to be eligible for a reconcilation payment
if actual episode payments are less than the target price. The
calculation of the HCAHPS survey measure is described in section
III.D.2.c.of this proposed rule. We propose to use the individual
measure results calculated as specified in section III.D. of this
proposed rule for the three required measures to determine hospital
eligibility for reconciliation payment for each performance year of the
CCJR model. Also, as discussed in section III.C.4 of this proposed
rule, which outlines the payment structure for the CCJR model, target
prices for MS-DRG 470 anchored episodes and for MS-DRG 469 anchored
episodes will be calculated for hospitals participating in the model
for an episode of care extending 90-days after discharge from the
anchor hospitalization. Participant hospitals that achieve actual
episode payment below the specified target price for a given
performance period would be eligible for a reconciliation payment,
provided that the participant hospital also met episode quality
thresholds on the three required measures for the performance period.
We propose to use the following quality criterion to determine if a
participant hospital qualifies for a reconciliation payment based on
the episode quality thresholds on the three required measures:
The hospital's measure result is at or above the 30th percentile of
the national hospital measure results calculated for all HIQR-program
participant hospitals for each of the three required measures for each
performance period (for a detailed description of how we determined the
performance period and reconciliation payment eligibility, see section
III.C.5. of this proposed rule).
Using HIQR program's 3 year rolling period as outlined in section
III.D.2.a.(6) and III.D.2.b.(6) of this proposed rule, if a participant
hospital performed at or above the 30th percentile of all HIQR program
hospitals for each of the three required measures and if actual episode
payment was less than the target price for the specified performance
year, we would make a reconciliation payment to the hospital. Failure
to achieve the threshold on one or more measures would result in the
participant hospital not receiving a reconciliation payment regardless
of whether the actual episode payment was less than the target price
for that performance period. We propose that for hospitals with
insufficient volume to determine performance on an individual measure,
these hospitals will be considered to be performing at the threshold
level and their results will be publicly posted with all other
participant hospitals' measure results (for a detailed summary of
public reporting, see section III.D.5. of this proposed rule). We do
not believe it would be appropriate to potentially penalize high
quality, efficient hospitals due to their low volume, given that
meeting the required quality measure thresholds is required for
reconciliation payment eligibility.
We also propose for performance years 4 and 5 to increase the
measure result threshold to the 40th percentile. We believe that
increasing the measure result threshold to the 40th percentile would
encourage participants to strive for continued quality improvement
throughout the 5 performance years of the model. We seek comment on our
proposal to make a reconciliation payment to a participant hospital
that achieves actual episode spending below the target price for a
performance year and performs at or above the 30th percentile of HIQR
program participant hospitals for all three required quality measures
in performance years 1 through 3 or the 40th percentile in performance
years 4 and 5, as well as our proposal to consider low volume hospitals
to be performing at the threshold level.
We propose to require hospitals to meet the threshold for all three
measures for the following reasons. The measures chosen for this model
are fully developed, NQF-endorsed, and implemented measures in CMS IPPS
programs. These measures are also publicly reported on the Hospital
Compare Web site. Hospitals are familiar with the complications and
readmissions quality measures and with the HCAHPS Survey, as they are
currently included in HIQR, HVBP, and HRRP (79 FR 50031, 50062, 50208,
50209 and 50259), and we believe that there is minimal additional
administrative burden for hospitals. All three measures are widely
utilized nationally; thus, a nationally-based
[[Page 41246]]
threshold is an appropriate benchmark. In addition, the goal of the
CCJR model is LEJR episode care redesign that includes effective care
coordination and management of care transitions. Strategies to prevent
and efficiently manage post-procedure complications and hospital
readmissions following an LEJR procedure are consistent with the goals
of the model; a hospital cannot succeed in this model without engaging
in care redesign efforts that would address aspects of care included in
these measures. Failure to perform successfully on these key quality
measures (defined by meeting the minimum thresholds) would indicate
that hospitals are not achieving quality consistent with the goals of
the model to specifically incentivize greater improvement on these
measures than hospitals not participating in the CCJR model, and should
not be eligible to receive a reconciliation payment from Medicare even
if reduced episode spending is achieved. Finally, the approach we
propose is consistent with CMS' goal of moving hospitals and other
providers to value-based payment that ties payment to quality. In the 5
performance years of this model, performance on quality measures would
only be applied to determining eligibility for a reconciliation
payment; quality measures would not be used to determine participant
hospitals' financial responsibility, except for the proposed voluntary
reporting payment adjustment described in described in section
III.C.5.b.(3) of this proposed rule. In essence, participant hospitals'
responsibility to repay Medicare the difference between their target
price and their actual episode payment, should actual episode payments
exceed the target price, would not be impacted by performance on
quality measures.
Finally, we propose to increase the measure result thresholds for
the final 2 performance years of the model, to ensure that CCJR
participant hospitals continue to maintain a high level of quality
performance or improve performance on these measures as they gain
experience with implementation of this payment model. More
specifically, we propose that in order for a participant hospital to
receive a reconciliation payment for actual episode spending that is
less than the target price for performance years 4 and 5, the
participant hospital's measure result must be at or above the 40th
percentile of the national hospital measure results calculated for all
HIQR- program participant hospitals for each of the three required
measures for each performance period. As previously noted, we propose
to use the most recently available HCAHPS 4-quarter roll-up to
calculate the HLMR. We believe that holding the participant hospitals
to a set measure result threshold for the first 3 years, and increasing
this threshold for performance years 4 and 5, emphasize the need to
maintain and improve quality of care while cost efficiencies are
pursued. We seek comment on our proposed approach to incorporating
quality performance into eligibility for reconciliation payments under
the CCJR model for participant hospitals.
Table 13 displays the proposed thresholds that participant
hospitals must meet on the various measures over the 5 model
performance years.
Table 13--PROPOSED THRESHOLDS for Required Quality Measures To Determine Participant Hospital Reconciliation Payment Eligilbity Over 5 Years
Measure PY1 threshold PY2 threshold PY3 threshold PY4 threshold PY5 threshold
Hospital[dash]level 30[dash]day, 30th percentile....... 30th percentile....... 30th percentile...... 40th percentile...... 40th percentile.
all[dash]cause RSRR following
elective primary THA and/or TKA
(NQF #1551).
Hospital[dash]level RSCR following 30th percentile....... 30th percentile....... 30th percentile...... 40th percentile...... 40th percentile.
elective primary THA and/or TKA
(NQF #1550).
HCAHPS survey (NQF #0166).......... 30th percentile....... 30th percentile....... 30th percentile...... 40th percentile...... 40th percentile.
We seek comment on our proposed methodology to utilize quality
measure performance in the payment methodology for CCJR, as well as the
proposed thresholds for participant hospital reconciliation payment
eligibility over the performance years of the model.
As discussed in section III.C.5.c.(3) of this proposed rule, we
also believe that hospitals that choose to submit THA/TKA voluntary
data should have the potential to benefit financially through an
adjustment to the payment methodology of the model. We propose a
voluntary reporting payment adjustment for hospitals that successfully
submit the THA/TKA voluntary data by reducing the discount percentage
incorporated into the target price from 2.0 percent to 1.7 percent.
This voluntary reporting payment adjustment would start in performance
year 1 and would be available through performance year 5 of the model
for each year that the hospital successfully reports THA/TKA voluntary
data. As proposed, reporting THA/TKA voluntary data would not affect
eligibility for a reconciliation payment if actual episode payments are
less than the target price. Participant hospitals would still need to
meet the 30th or 40th percentile threshold, as applicable to the given
performance year, on all three required quality measures (Table 13).
We considered, but are not proposing, two other alternatives to
adjust the payment methodology for participant hospitals that
successfully report the THA/TKA voluntary data as described in section
III.C.5.c.(3) of this proposed rule. These alternatives would change
the threshold percentile for the three required quality measures or,
alternatively, reduce the number of required measures in which the
threshold must be met provided that successful THA/TKA voluntary data
were reported for a performance year. First, we considered reducing the
threshold for reconciliation payment eligibility that participant
hospitals must meet on the three required quality measures from the
30th percentile threshold to the 20th percentile threshold for
performance years 1, 2, and 3, and from the 40th percentile to the 30th
percentile for performance year. Second, we considered only requiring
hospitals to meet the 30th percentile threshold on two of three outcome
measures for performance years 1, 2, and 3, and the 40th percentile
threshold on two of three outcome measures in performance years 4 and
5. Under both of these alternatives, the eligibility for reconciliation
payments could change based on the THA/TKA voluntary data. We seek
comment on these alternative payment methodology
[[Page 41247]]
adjustments that could impact reconciliation payment eligibility,
unlike the proposed voluntary reporting payment adjustment. We note
that the other alternative approaches to encouraging THA/TKA voluntary
data reporting for CCJR beneficiaries as discussed in section
III.C.5.c.(3) of this proposed rule that would not require adjustments
to the CCJR payment methodology would also not affect reconciliation
payment eligibility.
6. Proposed Process for Reconciliation
This section outlines our proposals on how we intend to reconcile
aggregate related Medicare payments for a hospital's beneficiaries in
CCJR episodes during a performance year against the applicable target
price in order to determine if reconciliation payment (or Medicare
repayment, beginning in performance year 2) is applicable under this
model. We refer readers to section III.B of this proposed rule for our
proposed definition of related services for lower extremity joint
replacement episodes under CCJR, to section III.C.2.a. of this proposed
rule for our proposed definition of performance years, and to section
III.C.4 of this proposed rule for our proposed approach to establish
target prices.
a. Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
After the completion of a performance year, we propose to
retrospectively calculate a participant hospital's actual episode
performance based on the episode definition. We note that episode
payments for purposes of the CCJR model would exclude the effects of
special payment provisions under existing Medicare payment systems
(section III.C.3.a. of this proposed rule), be subject to proration for
services that extend beyond the episode (section III.C.3.b. of this
proposed rule), and exclude PBPM payments for programs and models
specified in section III.C.7.d. of this proposed rule. Some episodes
may be excluded entirely from the CCJR model due to overlap with BPCI
episodes, as discussed in section III.C.7.b. of this proposed rule.
Finally, actual episode payments calculated for purposes of CCJR would
be capped at anchor MS-DRG and region-specific high episode payment
ceilings (section III.C.3.c. of this proposed rule). We would apply the
high episode payment ceiling policy to episodes in the performance year
similarly to how we propose to apply it to historical episodes (section
III.C.4.c. of this proposed rule). Episode payments for episodes
attributed to CCJR eligible hospitals would be divided by the wage
normalization factor, using the IPPS wage index applicable to the
anchor admission, and for each MS-DRG anchor and region, the high
episode payment ceiling would be calculated as two standard deviations
above the mean. Any actual episode payment amount above the high
payment ceiling would be capped at said ceiling. After applying the
cap, wage variations would be reapplied to episodes by multiplying them
by the same wage normalization factor, using the IPPS wage index
applicable to the anchor admission.
Each participant hospital's actual episode payment performance
would be compared to its target prices. We note that, as discussed in
section III.C.4. of this proposed rule, a participant hospital would
have multiple target prices for episodes ending in a given performance
year, based on the MS-DRG anchor (MS-DRG 469 versus MS-DRG 470), the
performance year when the episode was initiated, when the episode was
initiated within a given performance year (January 1 through September
30 of the performance year, October 1 through December 31 of the
performance year, October 1 through December 31 of the prior
performance year), and whether the participant hospital successfully
submitted THA/TKA voluntary data. The applicable target price for each
episode would be determined using the aforementioned criteria, and the
difference between each CCJR episode's actual payment and the relevant
target price (calculated as target price subtracted by CCJR actual
episode payment) would be aggregated for all episodes for a participant
hospital within the performance year, representing the raw Net Payment
Reconciliation Amount (NPRA). This amount would be adjusted per the
steps discussed later in this section, creating the NPRA.
The NPRA would include adjustments to account for post-episode
payment increases (section III.C.8.e. of this proposed rule). The NPRA
would also include adjustments for stop-loss and stop-gain limits
(section III.C.8.b. of this proposed rule), after adjustments are made
for the aforementioned post-episode payment increases. Any NPRA amount
greater than the proposed stop-gain limit would be capped at the stop-
gain limit, and any NPRA amount less than the proposed stop-loss limit
would be capped at the stop-loss limit.
We do not propose to include any CCJR reconciliation payments or
repayments to Medicare under this model for a given performance year in
the NPRA for a subsequent performance year. We want to incentivize
providers to provide high quality and efficient care in all years of
the model. If reconciliation payments for a performance year are
counted as Medicare expenditures in a subsequent performance year, a
hospital would experience higher Medicare expenditures in the
subsequent performance year as a consequence of providing high quality
and efficient care in the prior performance year, negating some of the
incentive to perform well in the prior year. Therefore, we propose to
not have the NPRA for a given performance year be impacted by CCJR
Medicare repayments or reconciliation payments made in a prior
performance year. However, as discussed in section III.C.6.b, during
the following performance year's reconciliation process, we propose to
account for additional claims run-out and overlap from the prior
performance year, and net that amount with the subsequent performance
year's NPRA to determine the reconciliation or repayment amount for the
current reconciliation.
b. Payment Reconciliation
We propose to reconcile payments retrospectively through the
following reconciliation process. We would reconcile a participant
hospital's CCJR actual episode payments against the target price 2
months after the end of the performance year. More specifically, we
would capture claims submitted by March 1st following the end of the
performance year and carry out the NPRA calculation as described
previously to make a reconciliation payment or hold hospitals
responsible for repayment, as applicable, in quarter 2 of that calendar
To address issues of overlap with other CMS programs and models
that are discussed in section III.C.7. of this proposed rule, we also
propose that during the following performance year's reconciliation
process, we would calculate the prior performance year's episode
spending a second time to account for final claims run-out, as well as
overlap with other models as discussed in section III.C.7 of this
proposed rule. This would occur approximately 14 months after the end
of the prior performance year. As discussed later in this section, the
amount from this calculation, if different from zero, would be applied
to the NPRA for the subsequent performance year in order to determine
the amount of the payment Medicare would make to the hospital or the
hospital's repayment amount. We note that the subsequent reconciliation
calculation would be applied to the previous calculation of NPRA for a
performance year to ensure the stop loss and stop gain limits discussed
in section
[[Page 41248]]
III.C.8. of this proposed rule are not exceeded for a given performance
For the performance year 1 reconciliation process, we would
calculate a participant's NPRA, as described above, and if positive,
the hospital would receive the amount as a reconciliation payment from
Medicare. If negative, the hospital would not be responsible for
repayment to Medicare, consistent with our proposal to phase in
financial responsibility beginning in performance year 2. Starting with
the CCJR reconciliation process for performance year 2, in order to
determine the reconciliation or repayment amount, the amount from the
subsequent reconciliation calculation would be applied to the NPRA. If
the amount is positive, and if the hospital meets the quality
thresholds for that performance year (discussed further in section
III.C.5. of this proposed rule), the hospital would receive the amount
as a reconciliation payment from Medicare. If the amount is negative,
Medicare would hold the participant hospital responsible for repaying
the absolute value of the repayment amount following the rules and
processes for all other Medicare debts. Note that given our proposal to
not hold participant hospitals financially responsible for repayment
for the first performance year, during the reconciliation process for
performance year 2 only, the subsequent calculation amount (for
performance year 1) would be compared against the performance year 1
NPRA to ensure that the sum of the NPRA calculated for performance year
1 and the subsequent reconciliation calculation for year 1 is not less
than zero. For performance years 2 through 5, though, Medicare would
hold the participant hospital responsible for repaying the absolute
value of the repayment amount following the rules and processes for all
other Medicare debts.
This reconciliation process would account for overlaps between the
CCJR model and other CMS models and programs as discussed in section
III.C.7 of this proposed rule, and would also involve updating
performance year episode claims data. For example, for performance year
1 for the CCJR model in 2016, we would capture claims submitted by
March 1st, 2017, and reconcile payments for participant hospitals
approximately 6 months after the end of the performance year in quarter
2 of calendar year 2017. We would carry out the subsequent calculation
in the following year in quarter 2 of calendar 2018, simultaneously
with the reconciliation process for the second performance year, 2017.
Table 14 provides the proposed reconciliation timeframes for the model.
Lastly, we propose that the reconciliation payments to or repayments
from the participant hospital would be made by the Medicare
Administrative Contractor (MAC) that makes payment to the hospital
under the IPPS. This approach is consistent with BPCI Model 2
We believe our proposed approach balances our goals of providing
reconciliation payments in a reasonable timeframe, while being able to
account for overlap and all Medicare claims attributable to episodes.
We believe that pulling claims 2 months after the end of the
performance year provides sufficient claims run-out to conduct the
reconciliation in a timely manner, given that our performance year
includes episodes ending, not beginning, by December 31st. We note that
in accordance with the regulations at Sec. 424.44 and the Medicare
Claims Processing Manual (Pub. L. 100-04), Chapter 1, Section 70,
Medicare claims can be submitted no later than 1 calendar year from the
date of service. We recognize that by pulling claims 2 months after the
end of the performance year to conduct reconciliation, we would not
have complete claims run-out. However, we believe that the 2 months of
claims run out would be an accurate reflection of episode spending and
consistent with the claims run-out timeframes used for reconciliation
in other payment models, such as BPCI Models 2 and 3. The alternative
would be to wait to reconcile until we have full claims run out 12
months after the end of the performance year, but we are concerned that
this approach would significantly delay earned reconciliation payments
under this model. Because we propose to conduct a second calculation to
account for overlap with other CMS models and programs, we can
incorporate updated claims data with 14 months run out at that time.
However, we do not expect that the updated data should substantially,
in and of itself, affect the reconciliation results assuming hospitals
and other providers furnishing services to Medicare beneficiaries in
CCJR episodes follow usual patterns of claims submission and do not
alter their billing practices due to this model.
Table 14--Proposed Timeframe for Reconciliation in CCJR
Second Second
Model Reconciliation Reconciliation calculation to calculation
Model performance performance claims submitted payment or address overlaps adjustment to
year period by repayment and claims run- reconciliation
out amount
Year 1*.......... Episodes ending March 1, 2017... Q2 2017............ March 1, 2018... Q2 2018
March 31, 2016
to December 31,
Year 2........... Episodes ending March 1, 2018... Q2 2018............ March 1, 2019... Q2 2019
January 1, 2017
December 31,
Year 3........... Episodes ending March 1, 2019... Q2 2019............ March 2, 2020... Q2 2020
January 1, 2018
December 31,
Year 4........... Episodes ending March 2, 2020... Q2 2020............ March 1, 2021... Q2 2021
January 1, 2019
December 31,
Year 5........... Episodes ending March 1, 2021... Q2 2021............ March 1, 2022... Q2 2022
January 1, 2020
December 31,
* Note that the reconciliation for Year 1 would not include repayment responsibility from CCJR hospitals.
[[Page 41249]]
7. Proposed Adjustments for Overlaps With Other Innovation Center
Models and CMS Programs
a. Overview
We acknowledge that there may be circumstances where a Medicare
beneficiary in a CCJR episode may also be assigned to an ACO
participating in the MSSP or otherwise accounted for in a payment model
being tested by the Innovation Center. Current or forthcoming programs
and models with potential overlap with CCJR are displayed in Table 15.
For purposes of this proposed rule, ``total cost of care'' models refer
to models in which episodes or performance periods include participant
financial responsibility for all Part A and Part B spending, as well as
some Part D spending in select cases. We use the term ``shared
savings'' in this proposed rule to refer to models in which the payment
structure includes a calculation of total savings and CMS and the model
participants each retain a particular percentage of that savings. We
note that there exists the possibility for overlap between CCJR
episodes and shared savings models such as the Pioneer ACO Model, other
total cost of care models such as the Oncology Care Model (OCM), other
Innovation Center payment models such as BPCI, and other models or
programs that incorporate per-beneficiary-per-month fees or other
payment structures.
Table 15--Current Programs and Models With Potential Overlap With Proposed CCJR Model
Program/model Brief description Shared savings? month (PBPM) payments?
Pioneer............................. ACO shared savings Yes................ No.
Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO shared savings Yes................ No.
(MSSP). program.
Next Generation ACO................. ACO shared savings Yes................ No.
Comprehensive Primary Care Pays primary care Yes................ Yes.
initiative (CPCi). providers for improved
and comprehensive care
Multi[dash]payer Advanced Primary Multi[dash]payer model Yes................ Yes.
Care Practice (MAPCP). for advanced primary
care practices, or
``medical homes''.
Bundled Payments for Care Bundled payment program No................. No.
Improvement (BPCI). for acute or
services or both.
Oncology Care Model (OCM)........... Multi[dash]payer model No................. Yes.
for oncology physician
group practices.
Comprehensive ESRD Care Initiative ACO for ESRD Medicare Yes................ No.
(CEC). beneficiaries.
Million Hearts...................... Model targeting No................. Yes.
prevention of heart
attack and stroke.
Medicare Care Choices Model......... Hospice concurrent care No................. Yes.
Four different issues may arise in such overlap situations that
must be addressed under CCJR. First, beneficiaries in CCJR episodes
could also be part of BPCI Model 2 or 3 LEJR episodes, and the clinical
services provided as part of each episode may overlap entirely or in
part. Second, CCJR reconciliation payments and Medicare repayments that
are made under Part A and B and attributable to a specific
beneficiary's episode may be at risk of not being accounted for by
other models and programs when determining the cost of care under
Medicare for that beneficiary. Third, some Innovation Center models
make PBPM payments to entities for care coordination and other
activities, either from the Part A or B Trust or both, or from the
Innovation Center's own appropriation (see section 1115A(f) of the
Act). These payments may occur during a CCJR episode. Finally, there
could be instances when the expected Medicare savings for a CCJR
beneficiary's episode is not achieved by Medicare because part of that
savings is paid back to the hospital or another entity under a shared
savings program or other model in which the beneficiary is also
included. We seek comment on our proposals to account for overlap with
other models, including those listed in Table 15 as well as other CMS
models or programs.
b. CCJR Beneficiary Overlap With BPCI Episodes
BPCI is an episode payment model testing LEJR episodes, as well as
47 other episodes, in acute or PAC or both (Models 1, 2, 3 or 4). As
discussed in section III.A. of this proposed rule, we propose to
exclude from selection for participation in the CCJR payment model
those geographic areas where 50 percent or more of LEJR episodes are
initiated at acute care hospitals testing the LEJR episode in BPCI in
Models 1, 2 or 4 as of July 1, 2015. In that same section, we propose
that acute care hospitals in selected geographic areas participating in
BPCI under Model 1 (acute care only) and those participating as episode
initiators for the LEJR episode in Model 2 (acute and PAC from 30 to 90
days post-discharge) or Model 4 (prospective episode payment for the
LEJR anchor hospital stay and related readmissions for 30 days post-
discharge) be excluded from CCJR.
While we believe these proposals will mitigate the overlap of CCJR
beneficiaries with BPCI episodes, there may still be instances of model
overlap that we need to account for under CCJR. These include
circumstances when a beneficiary is admitted to a participating CCJR
hospital for an LEJR procedure where the beneficiary would also be in a
BPCI Model 2 episode under a physician group practice that would
initiate the episode under BPCI. In another example, a beneficiary
discharged from an anchor hospitalization under CCJR could enter a BPCI
Model 2 LEJR episode at another hospital for a phased second joint
replacement procedure or enter a BPCI Model 3 LEJR episode upon
initiation of PAC services at a BPCI post-acute provider episode
initiator for the LEJR episode. Similarly, a beneficiary in a BPCI
Model 2 or Model 3 LEJR episode could be admitted to a CCJR participant
hospital for a phased second joint replacement. In all such scenarios
in which there is overlap of CCJR beneficiaries with any BPCI LEJR
episodes, we propose that the BPCI LEJR episode under Models 1, 2, 3,
or 4 take precedence and we would cancel (or never initiate) the CCJR
episode. Because the cancellation (or lack of initiation) would only
occur for overlap with BPCI LEJR episodes, we expect that the
participant hospital and treating physician would generally be aware of
the beneficiary's care pathway that
[[Page 41250]]
would cancel or not initiate the CCJR episode. Therefore, we would
exclude the CCJR episode from the CCJR participant hospital's
reconciliation calculations where we compare actual episode payments to
the target price under the CCJR model. If we were to allow both CCJR
and BPCI LEJR episodes to overlap, we would have no meaningful way to
apply the payment policies in two models with overlapping care redesign
interventions and episodes. Participants in BPCI have an expectation
that eligible episodes will be part of the BPCI model test, whereas
based on our proposal CCJR participants would be aware that episodes
may be canceled when there is overlap with BPCI episodes as previously
discussed in this section. We aim to preserve the integrity of ongoing
model tests without introducing major modifications (that is, CCJR
episode precedence) that could make evaluation of existing models more
We considered that there may also be instances of overlap between
CCJR and BPCI Model 3 LEJR episodes where our proposal to give
precedence to all BPCI episodes could lead to undesirable patient
steering because the BPCI Model 3 episode does not begin until care is
initiated at an episode-initiating PAC provider. It could be possible
for a participating CCJR hospital to purposefully guide a beneficiary
to a BPCI Model 3 LEJR episode initiating PAC provider to exclude that
beneficiary's episode from CCJR. We considered giving precedence to the
CCJR episode in overlap with Model 3 beneficiaries because the CCJR
episode begins with admission for the anchor hospitalization and thus
includes more of the episode services. However, we believe the steering
opportunities would be limited due to the preservation of beneficiary
choice of provider in this model (as discussed in section III.E. of
this proposed rule). As outlined in section III.E. of this proposed
rule, CCJR hospitals must provide patients with a complete list of all
available PAC options. Moreover, BPCI Model 3 post-acute providers are
actively involved in the decision to admit patients to their
facilities. As episode initiators in BPCI, such providers are subject
to monitoring and evaluation under that model and would be vigilant
about not engaging in steering themselves or spurred by other
providers. Nevertheless, we will monitor CCJR hospitals to ensure
steering or other efforts to limit beneficiary access or move
beneficiaries out of the model are not occurring (see section III.F. of
this proposed rule).
We seek comment on the proposed approach to address overlap between
CCJR and BPCI episodes.
c. Accounting for CCJR Reconciliation Payments and Repayments in Other
Models and Programs
Under CCJR, we would annually, as applicable, make reconciliation
payments to or receive repayments from participating CCJR hospitals
based on their quality performance and Medicare expenditures, as
described in section III.C.6. of this proposed rule. While we propose
that these reconciliation payments or repayments would be handled by
MACs, the calculation of these amounts would be done separately before
being sent through the usual Medicare claims processing systems.
Nevertheless, it is important that other models and programs in which
providers are accountable for the total cost of care be able to account
for the full Medicare payment, including CCJR-related reconciliation
payments and repayments as described in section III.C.6. of this
proposed rule, for beneficiaries who are also in CCJR episodes.
Accordingly, it is necessary to have beneficiary-specific information
on CCJR-related reconciliation payments and repayments available when
those models and programs make their financial calculations. Thus, in
addition to determining reconciliation payments and repayments for the
participant hospitals in the CCJR model, we propose to also calculate
beneficiary-specific reconciliation payment or repayment amounts for
CCJR episodes to allow for those other programs and models, as their
reconciliation calculation timeframes permit, to determine the total
cost of care for overlapping beneficiaries. We would perform the
reconciliation calculations for CCJR hospitals and make information
about the CCJR reconciliation or repayment amounts available to other
programs and models, such as MSSP and Pioneer ACO, that begin
reconciliation calculations after CCJR. For example, this strategy is
currently in place to account for overlaps between beneficiaries
aligned to Pioneer and MSSP ACOs and BPCI model beneficiaries.
Beneficiary-specific reconciliation payment or repayment amounts are
loaded into a shared repository for use during each program or model's
respective reconciliations. However, we note that we would not make
separate payments to, or collect repayments from, participating CCJR
hospitals for each individual episode, but, instead, propose to make a
single aggregate reconciliation payment or repayment determination for
all episodes for a single performance year, as discussed in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule.
As described in section III.C.6 of this proposed rule on the
Proposed Process for Reconciliation, we propose to conduct
reconciliation based on claims data available 2 months after the end of
the performance year and a second calculation based on claims data
available 14 months after the end of a performance year to account for
claims run-out and potential overlap with other models. The rationale
for this reconciliation process is to be able make payments to, and
recoup payments from, CCJR participant hospitals in a timely manner and
to be able to account for overlaps in other models and programs. In
addition, the timing of the reconciliation was determined giving
consideration to when the other total cost of care models conduct their
reconciliations so that when they perform their financial calculations,
they will have the information necessary to account for beneficiary-
specific payments/repayments made under the CCJR model. We intend to
report beneficiary-specific payments and repayment amounts made for the
CCJR model in the CMS Master Database Management System that generally
holds payments/repayment amounts made for CMS models and programs.
Other total cost of care models and programs can use the information on
CCJR payment/repayment amounts reported in the Master Database
Management System in their financial calculations such as in their
baseline or benchmark calculations or reconciliations, to the extent
that is consistent with their policies.
We seek comment on our proposed approach to ensuring that the full
CCJR episode payment for a beneficiary is accounted for when performing
financial calculations for other total cost of care and episode-based
payment models and programs.
d. Accounting for PBPM Payments in the Episode Definition
There are currently five CMS models that pay PBPM payments to
providers for new or enhanced services as displayed in Table 15. These
PBPM payments vary as to their funding source (Medicare Trust Funds or
Innovation Center appropriation), as well as to their payment
In general, these PBPM payments are for new or enhanced provider or
supplier services that share the goal of improving quality of care
overall and reducing Medicare expenditures for services that could be
avoided through improved care coordination. Some of
[[Page 41251]]
these PBPM payments may be made for services furnished to a beneficiary
that is in another Innovation Center model at the that same time that
the beneficiary is in a CCJR LEJR episode, but the clinical
relationship of services paid by the PBPM payments to the CCJR episode
will vary. For purposes of CCJR, we consider clinically related those
services paid by PBPMs that are for the purpose of care coordination
and care management of any beneficiary diagnosis or hospital
readmission not excluded from the CCJR episode definition, as discussed
in section III.B.2 of this proposed rule.
We would determine whether the services paid by PBPM payments are
excluded from the CCJR episode on a model by model basis based on their
funding source and clinical relationship to CCJR episodes. If we
determine a model's PBPM payments are for new or enhanced services that
are clinically related to the CCJR episode and the PBPM payment is
funded through the Medicare Part A or B Trust Fund, we would include
the services paid by the PBPM payment to the extent they otherwise meet
the proposed episode definition for the CCJR model. That is, we would
include the clinically related services paid by a PBPM payment if the
services would not otherwise be excluded based on the principal
diagnosis code on the claim, as discussed in section III.B.2 of this
proposed rule. The PBPM payments for clinically related services would
not be excluded from the historical CCJR episodes used to calculate
target prices when the PBPM payments are present on Part A or Part B
claims, and they would not be excluded from calculation of episode
actual expenditures during the performance period. PBPM model payments
that we determine are clinically unrelated would be excluded,
regardless of the funding mechanism or diagnosis codes on claims for
those payments. We note that in the case of PBPM model payments,
principal diagnosis codes on a Part B claim (which are used to identify
exclusions from CCJR episodes, as discussed in section III.B.), would
not denote the only mechanism for exclusion of a service from the CCJR
episode. All such PBPM model payments we determine are clinically
unrelated would be excluded as discussed in this proposal. Finally, all
services paid by PBPM payments funded through the Innovation Center's
appropriation under section 1115A of the Act would be excluded from
CCJR episodes, without a specific determination of their clinical
relationship to CCJR episodes. We believe including such PBPM payments
funded under the Innovation Center's appropriation and not included on
claims would be operationally burdensome and could significantly delay
any reconciliation payments and repayments for the CCJR model. In
addition, because these services are not paid for from the Medicare
Part A or B Trust Fund, we are not confident that they would be covered
by Medicare under existing law. Therefore, we believe the services paid
by these PBPM payments are most appropriately excluded from CCJR
episodes. Our proposal for the treatment of services paid through model
PBPM payments in CCJR episodes would pertain to all existing models
with PBPM payments, as well as future models and programs that
incorporate PBPM payments. We believe that this proposal is fully
consistent with our goal of including all related Part A and Part B
services in the CCJR episodes, as discussed in section III.B.2. of this
proposed rule.
Under this proposal, only one of the four existing models displayed
in Table 15 include services paid by PBPM payments that would not be
excluded from CCJR episodes. The MAPCP model makes PBPM payments that
are funded through the Trust Fund for new or enhanced services that
coordinate care, improve access, and educate patients with chronic
illnesses. We expect these new or enhanced services to improve quality
and reduce spending for services that may have otherwise occurred, such
as hospital readmissions, and consider them to be clinically related to
CCJR episodes because the PBPM payments would support care coordination
for medical diagnoses that are not excluded from CCJR episodes. Thus,
we propose that services paid by PBPM payments under the MAPCP model
not be excluded from CCJR episodes to the extent they otherwise meet
the proposed episode definition. While the OCM model will pay for new
or enhanced services through PBPM payments funded by the Medicare Part
B Trust Fund, we do not believe these services are clinically related
to CCJR episodes. The OCM model incorporates episode-based payment
initiated by chemotherapy treatment, a service generally reported with
ICD-9-CM codes that are specifically excluded from the proposed CCJR
episode definition in section III.B.2. of this proposed rule. We
believe the care coordination and management services paid by OCM PBPM
payments would be focused on chemotherapy services and their
complications, so the services would be clinically unrelated to CCJR
episodes. Therefore, we propose that services paid by PBPM payments
under the OCM model be excluded from CCJR episodes. Similarly, we
propose to exclude services paid by PBPM payments under the Medicare
Care Choices model, because the model's focus on palliative care for
beneficiaries with a terminal illness means the PBPM payments would pay
for services that are clinically unrelated to CCJR episodes. The
services paid by PBPM payments under this model would commonly pertain
to diagnoses that are excluded from the proposed CCJR episode
definition. Finally, new or enhanced services paid by PBPM payments
under the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative (CPCi) are paid out of
the Innovation Center's appropriation and thus would be excluded from
CCJR episodes according to this proposal.
We acknowledge there may be new models not included Table 15 that
could incorporate a PBPM payment for new or enhanced services. We would
plan to make our determination about whether services paid by a new
model PBPM payment that is funded under the Medicare Trust Funds are
clinically related to CCJR episodes through the same subregulatory
approach that we are proposing to use to update the episode definition
(excluded MS-DRGs and ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes). We would assess each
model's PBPM payment to determine if it would be primarily used for
care coordination or care management services for excluded clinical
conditions under the LEJR episode definition for CCJR based on the
standards we propose to use to update the episode definition that are
discussed in section III.B.2 of this proposed rule.
If we determine that the PBPM payment would primarily be used to
pay for services to manage an excluded clinical condition, we would
exclude the PBPM payment from the CCJR episode on the basis that it
pays for unrelated services. If we determine that the PBPM payment
could primarily be used for services to manage an included clinical
condition, we would include the PBPM payment in the CCJR episode if the
diagnosis code on the claim for the PBPM payment was not excluded from
the episode, following our usual process for determining excluded
claims for Part B services in accordance with the episode definition
discussed in section III.C.2 of this proposed rule. We would post our
proposed determination about whether the PBPM payment would be included
in the episode to the CMS Web site to allow for public input on our
planned application of these standards, and then adopt changes to
[[Page 41252]]
the overlap list with posting to the CMS Web site of the final updated
list after our consideration of the public input.
We seek comment on our proposals to account for Innovation Center
model PBPM payments under CCJR.
e. Accounting for Overlap With Shared Savings Programs and Total Cost
of Care Models
In addition to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) under
section 1899 of the Act, there are several ACO and other Innovation
Center models that make or will make, once implemented, providers
accountable for total cost of care over 6 to 12 months, including the
Pioneer ACO Model, Next Generation ACO, Comprehensive ESRD Care (CEC)
Model, CPCi, OCM, and the Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice
(MAPCP) Demonstration. Some of these are shared savings models (or
programs, in the case of MSSP), while others are not shared savings but
hold participating providers accountable for the total cost of care
during a defined episode of care, such as OCM. Note that as discussed
in section III.C.7.a. of this proposed rule, for purposes of this
proposed rule, ``total cost of care'' models refer to models in which
episodes or performance periods include participant financial
responsibility for all Part A and Part B spending, as well as some Part
D spending in select cases. Each of these payment models holds
providers accountable for the total cost of care over the course of an
extended period of time or episode of care by applying various payment
methodologies. We believe it is important to simultaneously allow
beneficiaries to participate in broader population-based and other
total cost of care models, as well as episode payment models that
target a specific episode of care with a shorter duration, such as
CCJR. Allowing beneficiaries to receive care under both types of models
may maximize the potential benefits to the Medicare Trust Funds and
participating providers and suppliers, as well as beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries stand to benefit from care redesign that leads to
improved quality for LEJR episodes of care even while also receiving
care under these broader models, while entities that participate in
other models and programs that assess total cost of care stand to
benefit, at least in part, from the cost savings that accrue under
CCJR. For example, a beneficiary receiving an LEJR procedure may
benefit from a hospital's care coordination efforts with regard to care
during the inpatient hospital stay. The same beneficiary may be
attributed to a primary care physician affiliated with an ACO who is
actively engaged in coordinating care for all of the beneficiary's
clinical conditions throughout the entire performance year, beyond the
90-day post-discharge LEJR episode.
We propose that a beneficiary could be in a CCJR episode, as
defined in section III.B. of this proposed rule, by receiving an LEJR
procedure at a CCJR hospital, and also attributed to a provider
participating in a model or program in Table 15. For example, a
beneficiary may be attributed to a provider participating in the
Pioneer ACO model for an entire performance year, as well as have a
CCJR episode during the ACO's performance year. Each model incorporates
a reconciliation process, where total included spending during the
performance period or episode are calculated, as well as any potential
savings achieved by the model or program. Given that we are proposing
to allow for such beneficiary overlap, we believe it is important to
account for savings under CCJR and the other models and programs with
potential overlap in order that CMS can apply the respective individual
savings-related payment policies of the model or program, without
attributing the same savings to more than one model or program.
We believe that when overlap occurs, it is most appropriate to
attribute Medicare savings accrued during the CCJR time period
(hospital stay plus 90 days post-discharge) to CCJR to the extent
possible. The CCJR episode has a shorter duration and is initiated by a
major surgical procedure, requiring an inpatient hospitalization. In
contrast, the total cost of care models listed in Table 15 incorporate
6 to 12 month performance periods for participants and, in general,
have a broader focus on beneficiary health. Our intention is to ensure
that CCJR episodes are attributed the full expected savings to Medicare
to the extent possible. As such, we propose the following policies to
ensure that other models are able to account for the reconciliation
payments paid to CCJR hospitals to the extent possible prior to
performing their own reconciliation calculations and that, in all
appropriate circumstances, the CCJR model or the other model would make
an adjustment for savings achieved under the CCJR model and partially
paid back through shared savings/performance payments under other
initiatives to ensure that the full CCJR model savings to Medicare is
We propose that the total cost of care calculations under non-ACO
total cost of care models would be adjusted to the extent feasible to
account for beneficiaries that are aligned to participants in the model
and whose care is included in CCJR in order to ensure that the savings
to Medicare achieved under CCJR (the discount percentage) are not paid
back under these other models through shared savings or other
performance-based payment. Thus, the non-ACO total cost of care models
would adjust their calculations to ensure the CCJR discount percentage
is not paid out as savings or other performance-based payment to the
other model participants. As previously discussed, we believe that the
efficiencies achieved during the CCJR episode should be credited to the
entity that is closest to that care for the episode of care in terms of
time, location, and care management responsibility, rather than the
broader entity participating in a total cost of care model that spans a
longer duration. We propose that the non-ACO total cost of care models
to which this policy would apply would include CPCi, OCM, and MAPCP. We
seek comment on our proposal to account for overlap with those non-ACO
total cost of care models and any other current or forthcoming models.
We propose a different policy for accounting for overlap with MSSP
and other ACO models. We note that given the operational complexities
and requirements of the MSSP reconciliation process, it is not feasible
for MSSP to make an adjustment to account for the discount to Medicare
under a CCJR episode under existing program rules and processes.
Additionally, for programmatic consistency among ACO models and
programs, given that our ACO models generally are tested for the
purpose of informing future potential changes to MSSP, we believe that
the ACO model overlap adjustment policy should be aligned with the MSSP
policy. Thus, we propose that under CCJR, we would make an adjustment
to the reconciliation amount if available to account for any of the
applicable discount for an episode resulting in Medicare savings that
is paid back through shared savings under MSSP or any other ACO model,
but only when a CCJR participant hospital also participates in the ACO
and the beneficiary in the CCJR episode is also aligned to that ACO.
This adjustment would be necessary to ensure that the applicable
discount under CCJR is not reduced because a portion of that discount
is paid out in shared savings to the ACO and thus, indirectly, back to
the hospital.
However, we propose not to make an adjustment under CCJR when a
[[Page 41253]]
beneficiary receives an LEJR procedure at a participant hospital and is
aligned to an ACO in which the hospital is not participating. While
this proposal would leave overlap unaccounted for in such situations,
we do not believe it would be appropriate to hold responsible for
repayment the hospital that managed the beneficiary during the episode
through a CCJR adjustment, given that the participant hospital may have
engaged in care redesign and reduced spending during the CCJR episode.
The participant hospital may be unaware that the beneficiary is also
aligned to an ACO. However, we recognize that as proposed this policy
would allow an unrelated ACO full credit for the Medicare savings
achieved during the episode. The evaluation of the CCJR model, as
discussed in section IV of this proposed rule, would examine overlap in
such situations and the potential effect on Medicare savings.
We note that our proposed policy as outlined in this proposed rule
would entail CCJR reclaiming from the participant hospital any discount
percentage paid out as shared savings for MSSP or ACO models only when
the hospital is an ACO participant and the beneficiary is aligned with
that ACO, while other total cost of care models such as CPCi would
adjust for the discount percentage in their calculations. While it is
operationally feasible for smaller total cost of care models in
testing, such as CPCi, to make an adjustment to account for any CCJR
discount percentage paid out as sharing savings or other performance-
based payments, the operational complexities and requirements of the
large permanent Medicare ACO program, MSSP, make it infeasible for that
program to make an adjustment in such cases, and we believe that other
ACO models in testing that share operating principles with the MSSP
should follow the same policies as the CCJR MSSP adjustment for certain
overlapping ACO beneficiaries. As the landscape of CMS models and
programs changes, we may revisit this policy through future rulemaking.
We seek comment on our proposals for adjustments to account for
overlap between CCJR and shared savings programs and total cost of care
8. Proposals To Limit or Adjust Hospital Financial Responsibility
a. Overview
As discussed in section III.A of this proposed rule, we propose
designating as the financially responsible providers in CCJR all acute
care hospitals paid under the IPPS that are located in the selected
geographic areas for this test of 90-day post-discharge LEJR episodes,
with the exception of some hospitals that we propose to exclude because
of participation in BPCI (Models 1, 2, or 4) for LEJR episodes. We are
interested in ensuring a broad test of episode payment for this
clinical condition among different types of hospitals, including those
who may not otherwise choose to participate in an episode payment
model. Many of the participant hospitals would likely be key service
providers in their communities for a variety of medical and surgical
conditions extending well beyond orthopedic procedures. We want to gain
experience with this model before extending it to hospitals in uncommon
circumstances. In addition, we acknowledge that hospitals designated
for participation in CCJR currently vary with respect to their
readiness to function under an episode payment model with regard to
their organizational and systems capacity and structure, as well as
their beneficiary population served. Some hospitals may more quickly be
able to demonstrate high quality performance and savings than others,
even though we propose that the episode target prices be based
predominantly on the hospital's own historical episode utilization in
the early years of CCJR.
We also note that providers may be incentivized to excessively
reduce or shift utilization outside of the CCJR episode, even with the
quality requirements discussed in section III.C.5 of this proposed
rule. In order to mitigate any excessive repayment responsibility for
hospitals or reduction or shifting of care outside the episode,
especially beginning in performance year 2 of the model when we propose
to begin to phase in responsibility for repaying Medicare for excess
episode spending, we propose several specific policies that are also
referenced in section III.C.6.b. of this proposed rule.
b. Proposed Limit on to Raw NPRA Contribution to Repayment Amounts and
Reconciliation Payments
(1) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA Contribution to Repayment Amounts
When hospital repayment responsibility begins in the second
performance year of CCJR, under this proposed rule, hospitals would be
required to repay Medicare for episode expenditures that are greater
than the applicable target price. As discussed in the section III.C.3.c
of this proposed rule regarding our proposed pricing adjustment for
high payment episodes, hospitals participating in CCJR would not bear
financial responsibility for actual episode payments greater than a
ceiling set at two standard deviations above the mean regional episode
payment. Nevertheless, hospitals would begin to bear repayment
responsibility beginning in performance year 2 for those episodes where
actual episode expenditures are greater than the target price up to the
level of the regional episode ceiling. In aggregate across all
episodes, the money owed to Medicare by a hospital for actual episode
spending above the applicable target price could be substantial if a
hospital's episodes generally had high payments. As an extreme example,
if a hospital had all of its episodes paid at two standard deviations
above the mean regional episode payment, the hospital would need to
repay Medicare a large amount of money, especially if the number of
episodes was large.
To limit a hospital's overall repayment responsibility for the raw
NPRA contribution to the repayment amount under this model, we propose
a 10 percent limit on the raw NPRA contribution to the repayment amount
in performance year 2 and a 20 percent limit on the raw NPRA
contribution to the repayment amount in performance year 3 and
subsequent years. Hereinafter we refer to these proposed repayment
limits as stop-loss limits. In performance year 2 as we phase in
repayment responsibility, the hospital would owe Medicare under the
proposed CCJR payment model no more than 10 percent of the hospital's
target price for the anchor MS-DRG multiplied by the number of the
hospital's CCJR episodes anchored by that MS-DRG during the performance
year, for each anchor MS-DRG in the model. Ten percent provides an even
transition with respect to maximum repayment amounts from performance
year 1, where the hospital bears no repayment responsibility, to the
proposed stop-loss limit in performance years 3 through 5 of 20
percent. In performance years 3 through 5 when repayment responsibility
is fully phased in, no more than 20 percent of the hospital's target
price for the MS-DRG multiplied by the number of the hospital's CCJR
episodes with that MS-DRG in that performance year would be owed by the
hospital to Medicare under the proposed CCJR payment model. The
proposed stop-loss percentage of 20 percent would be symmetrical in
performance years 3 through 5 with the proposed limit on the raw NPRA
contribution to reconciliation payments discussed in the following
We believe that a stop-loss limit of 20 percent is appropriate when
the hospital bears full repayment responsibility,
[[Page 41254]]
based on our assessment of the changes in practice pattern and
reductions in quality of care that could lead to significant repayment
responsibility under the CCJR model, as compared to historical LEJR
episode utilization. We estimate that the IPPS payment for the anchor
hospital stay makes up approximately 50 percent of the episode target
price, and we expect that the anchor hospital stay offers little
opportunity for efficiencies to be achieved by reducing Medicare
expenditures. In contrast, we expect significant episode efficiencies
could be achieved in the 90 days following discharge from the anchor
hospital stay through reductions in related hospital readmissions and
increased utilization of appropriate lower intensity PAC providers,
specifically increased utilization of home health services and
outpatient therapy and reduced utilization of SNFs and IRFs. Hospital
readmissions and facility-based PAC increase the typical Medicare
episode payment by 30 to 45 percent over episodes that do not include
these services. The proposed 20 percent stop-loss limit related to the
total episode payment corresponds to approximately 40 percent of
episode payment for the post-discharge period only, where the major
opportunities for efficiency through care redesign occur. Thus, taking
into consideration the historical patterns used to set target prices,
we believe it is reasonable to hold participant hospitals responsible
for repayment of actual episode spending that is up to 20 percent
greater than the target price. If a participant hospital's repayment
amount due to the raw NPRA would otherwise have exceeded the stop-loss
limit of 20 percent (comparable to 40 percent of Medicare payment for
the post-discharge period), the hospital's episodes would include much
poorer episode efficiency as compared to the hospital's historical
episodes, with large proportions of episodes including related
readmissions and facility-based PAC, costly services that we do not
expect to be necessary for most beneficiaries whose care is well-
coordinated and appropriate throughout a high quality LEJR episode.
The following hypothetical example illustrates how the proposed
stop-loss percentage would be applied in a given performance year for
the episodes of a participant hospital. In performance year 3, a
participant hospital had ten episodes triggered by MS-DRG 469, with a
target price for these episodes of $50,000. The hospital's episode
actual spending for these ten episodes was $650,000. The hospital's raw
NPRA that would otherwise be $150,000 ((10 x $50,000)-$650,000) would
be capped at the 20 percent stop-loss limit of $100,000 (.2 x 10 x
$50,000) so the hospital would owe CMS $100,000, rather than $150,000.
In performance year 3, the same participant hospital also has 100
episodes triggered by MS-DRG 470, with a target price for these
episodes of $25,000. The hospital's episode actual spending for these
100 episodes was $2,800,000. The hospital's raw NPRA would be $300,000
((100 x $25,000)-$2,800,000), an amount that would be due to CMS in
full as it would not be subject to the 20 percent stop-loss limit of
$500,000 (.2 x 100 x $25,000).
[[Page 41255]]
As illustrated in Figure 4 where we display results from our
national model for the proposed CCJR performance year 2 policies when
the phase-in of repayment responsibility begins and under the
assumption that utilization remains constant, we estimate that the 10
percent stop-loss limit would impact the amount of repayment due to the
raw NPRA for about 11 percent of hospitals. For performance year 3, the
20 percent stop-loss limit would affect significantly fewer hospitals,
only about 3 percent. We note that the stop-loss limit for years 3
through 5 where repayment responsibility is fully implemented is
consistent with the BPCI Model 2 policy. While Figure 3 assumes no
change in utilization patterns, under the model test we expect that the
proposed stop-loss limits could actually affect a smaller percentage of
hospitals in each performance year because we expect LEJR episode care
redesign incentivized by the model's financial opportunities to
generally reduce unnecessary utilization, thereby reducing actual
episode spending and, correspondingly, any associated repayment amounts
due to the raw NPRA. We note that we would include any post-episode
spending amount due to Medicare according to the policy proposed in
section III.C.8.d of this proposed rule in assessing the total
repayment amount due to the raw NPRA against the stop-loss limit for
the performance year to determine a hospital's total payment due to
Medicare, if applicable.
We seek comment on our proposal to adopt a 10 percent stop-loss
limit in performance year 2 and 20 percent stop-loss limit in
performance year 3 and beyond in CCJR as hospital repayment
responsibility for excess episode spending above the target price is
phased in and then maintained in the model.
(2) Proposed Limit on Raw NPRA Contribution to Reconciliation Payments
We believe a limit on reconciliation payments for CCJR would be
appropriate for several reasons. Due to the proposed nature of the CCJR
model during performance year 1, when hospitals have no repayment
responsibility for excess episode spending above the target price, CMS
bears full financial responsibility for Medicare actual episode
payments for an episode that exceed the target price, and we believe
our responsibility should have judicious limits. Therefore, we believe
it would be reasonable to cap a hospital's reconciliation payment due
to the raw NPRA as a percentage of episode payment on the basis of
responsible stewardship of CMS resources. In addition, we note that
beginning in performance year 1, participant hospitals would be
eligible for reconciliation payments due to the NPRA if actual episode
expenditures are
[[Page 41256]]
less than the target price, assuming the proposed quality thresholds
are met. This proposal for reconciliation payments due to the NPRA
provides a financial incentive to participant hospitals from the
beginning of the model to manage and coordinate care throughout the
episode with a focus on ensuring that beneficiaries receive the lowest
intensity, medically appropriate care throughout the episode that
results in high quality outcomes. Therefore, we also believe it would
be reasonable to cap a hospital's reconciliation payment due to the raw
NPRA based on concerns about potential excessive reductions in
utilization under the CCJR model that could lead to beneficiary harm.
In determining what would constitute an appropriate reconciliation
payment limit due to the raw NPRA, we believe it should provide
significant opportunity for hospitals to receive reconciliation
payments for greater episode efficiency that includes achievement of
quality care and actual episode payment reductions below the target
price, while avoiding creating significant incentives for sharply
reduced utilization that could be harmful to beneficiaries. Thus, for
all 5 performance years of the model, we propose a limit on the raw
NPRA contribution to the reconciliation payment of no more than 20
percent of the hospital's target prices for each MS-DRG multiplied by
the number of the hospital's episodes for that MS-DRG. Hereinafter we
refer to this proposed reconciliation payment limit as the stop-gain
limit. This proposed stop-gain limit is parallel to the 20 percent
stop-loss limit proposed for performance year 3 and beyond. We believe
that a parallel stop-gain and stop-loss limit is important to provide
proportionately similar protections to CMS and participant hospitals
for their financial responsibilities under CCJR, as well as to protect
the health of beneficiaries.
As illustrated in Figure 3 where we display results from our
national model for the proposed CCJR performance year 2 policies under
the assumption that utilization remains constant, we estimate that the
20 percent stop-gain limit would impact the reconciliation payment
amount due to the raw NPRA of almost no hospitals. We note that a stop-
gain limit of 20 percent is consistent with BPCI Model 2 policy. While
Figure 3 assumes no change in utilization patterns, under the model
test we expect that the proposed stop-gain limit could actually affect
a few hospitals in each performance year because we expect LEJR episode
care redesign incentivized by the model's financial opportunities to
generally reduce unnecessary utilization, thereby reducing actual
episode spending and, correspondingly, increasing any associated
reconciliation payment amounts due to the raw NPRA. Nevertheless, we
believe the proposed stop-gain limit of 20 percent provides substantial
opportunity for hospitals to achieve savings over the target price
without excessive reductions in utilization, and those savings would be
paid back to hospitals fully in most cases without being affected by
the stop-gain limit. We seek comment on our proposal to adopt a 20
percent stop-gain limit for all performance years of CCJR.
We note that we plan to monitor beneficiary access and utilization
of services and the potential contribution of the stop-gain limit to
any inappropriate reduction in episode services. We refer readers to
section III.F. of this proposed rule for our proposals on monitoring
and addressing hospital performance under CCJR.
c. Proposed Policies for Certain Hospitals To Further Limit Repayment
As discussed in section III.C.3. of this proposed rule, we propose
that participant hospitals would be subject to repayment responsibility
for episode actual spending in excess of the applicable target price
beginning in performance year 2. Hospitals participating in CCJR would
not be responsible for actual episode payments greater than a ceiling
set at two standard deviations above the mean regional episode payment
as described earlier in this section. Additionally, we propose a 10
percent limit on the raw NPRA contribution to the repayment mount in
performance year 2 and a 20 percent limit on the raw NPRA contribution
to the repayment amount in performance year 3 and beyond, as described
in the previous section of this proposed rule.
Though our proposals provide several safeguards to ensure that
participant hospitals have limited repayment responsibility due to the
raw NPRA, we are proposing additional protections for certain groups of
hospitals that may have a lower risk tolerance and less infrastructure
and support to achieve efficiencies for high payment episodes.
Specifically, we are proposing additional protections for rural
hospitals, SCHs, Medicare Dependent Hospitals and Rural Referral
Centers (RCCs). We note that these categories of hospitals often have
special payment protections or additional payment benefits under
Medicare because we recognize the importance of preserving Medicare
beneficiaries' access to care from these hospitals. In MedPAC's Report
to the Congress in June 2012, MedPAC examined issues related to rural
Medicare beneficiaries and found that ``The primary objective of rural
special payments is to ensure that Medicare does its part to support
the financial viability of rural providers that are necessary for
beneficiaries' access to care. Some form of special payments will be
needed to maintain access in areas with low population density where
providers inevitably have low patient volumes and lack economies of
scale.'' \40\
\40\ MedPAC Report to Congress June 2012, Chapter 5, page 121.
We propose that a rural hospital would have additional protections
under the stop-loss limit proposal. For the purpose of this model, we
are proposing to define a rural hospital as an IPPS hospital that is
either located in a rural area in accordance with Sec. 412.64(b) or in
a rural census tract within an MSA defined at Sec. 412.103(a)(1) or
has reclassified to rural in accordance with Sec. 412.103 Such rural
hospitals would have additional protections under the stop-loss limit
proposal. Consistent with the findings in MedPAC's June 2012 Report to
the Congress, we believe rural hospitals may have a lower risk
tolerance and less infrastructure and support to achieve efficiencies
for high payment episodes, particularly if they are the rural hospital
is the only hospital in an area.
Our preliminary analysis examining national spending for MS-DRGs
469 and 470 from October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014 showed that MS-
DRGs 469 and 470 cases represent a slightly higher proportion of cases
and spending for rural hospitals than the national average (for
example, MS-DRG 470 episode spending represents 12 percent of IPPS
spending for rural hospitals and represents 9 percent of IPPS spending
nationally).\41\ Additionally, our analysis on the distribution of
national spending of MS-DRGs 469 and 470 episodes by service type (that
is inpatient, outpatient, SNF, Home Health, Physician Part B, DME),
found that on average, inpatient services account for the most spending
for an MS-DRGs 469 and 470 episode (53 percent of spending for an MS-
DRG 469 episode and 55 percent of spending for MS-DRG 470 episode). SNF
services account for 27 percent of spending for MS-DRG 469 and 18
percent of spending for MS-DRG 470. The spending distribution for all
rural IPPS hospitals also differs from the
[[Page 41257]]
national average. For rural hospitals, inpatient services for CCJR
episodes account for more spending than the national average (56
percent for MS-DRG 469 and 57 percent for MS-DRG 470 for rural
hospitals) and SNF spending is higher than the national average (29
percent for MS-DRG 469 and 21 percent for MS-DRG 470 for rural
hospitals). It is evident that this category of hospitals has different
spending patterns than the national average. Furthermore, hospitals in
rural areas often face other unique challenges. Rural hospitals may be
the only source of healthcare services for beneficiaries living in
rural areas, and beneficiaries have limited alternatives should rural
hospitals be subject to financial changes under this model.
Additionally, because rural hospitals may be in areas with fewer
providers including fewer physicians and PAC facilities, rural
hospitals may have more limited options in coordinating care and
reducing spending while maintain quality of care under this model. We
believe that urban hospitals may not have similar concerns as they are
often in areas with many other providers and have greater opportunity
to develop efficiencies under this model. Given that rural hospitals
have different episode spending patterns, have different challenges in
coordinating care and reducing cost than urban hospitals and serve as a
primary access to care for beneficiaries, we believe that we should
have a more protective stop-loss limit policy as described later in
this section.
\41\ Medicare FFS Parts A and B claims, CCJR episodes as
proposed, between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014.
Additionally, we propose to provide additional protections for SCHs
as defined in Sec. 412.92, Medicare Dependent Hospitals as defined in
Sec. 412.108 and RRCs as defined in Sec. 412.96. Hospitals paid under
the IPPS can qualify for SCH status if they meet one of the following
Located at least 35 miles from other like hospitals.
Located in a rural area, located between 25 and 35 miles
from other like hospitals, and no more than 25 percent of residents or
Medicare beneficiaries who become hospital inpatients in the hospital's
service area are admitted to other like hospitals located within a 35-
mile radius of the hospital or the hospital has fewer than 50 beds and
would meet the 25 percent criterion if not for the fact that some
beneficiaries or residents were forced to seek specialized care outside
of the service area due to the unavailability of necessary specialty
services at the hospital.
Hospital is rural and located between 15 and 25 miles from
other like hospitals but because of local topography or periods of
prolonged severe weather conditions, the other like hospitals are
inaccessible for at least 30 days in each of 2 out of 3 years.
Hospital is rural and the travel time between the hospital
and the nearest like hospital is at least 45 minutes.
If an IPPS hospital qualifies to be a SCH, the hospital can be paid
the higher of the federal payment rate paid to IPPS hospitals or a
cost-based hospital-specific rate as described in Sec. 412.78. Under
OPPS, a rural SCH can receive a 7.1 percent add on payment for most
services with certain exceptions, in accordance with Sec. 419.43(g).
These criteria to qualify for SCH status demonstrate that SCHs are
likely to be the sole hospital in an area. Furthermore, additional
payments provided under Medicare FFS for SCHs, demonstrates Medicare's
interest in ensuring these hospitals are able to provide services to
the Medicare beneficiaries who may have limited access to providers in
their area. As a result, we believe that we should provide SCHs
additional protections from hospital responsibility for repayment in
this model. We note that we propose to exclude these add-on payments
for SCHs, as described in section III.C.3.a of this proposed rule.
MDHs are defined as a hospital that meets the following criteria:
Located in a rural area.
Has 100 beds or less.
Is not a SCH.
Sixty percent of the hospital's inpatient days or
discharges were attributable to individuals entitled to Medicare Part A
benefits during specified time periods as provided in Sec. 412.108.
MDHs also qualify for special additional payments under the IPPS
where an MDH can receive the higher of a payment under the federal
standard rate for IPPS hospitals or the payment under federal standard
rate for IPPS hospitals plus 75 percent of the difference in payments
between a cost based hospital-specific rate and the federal standard
rate as described in Sec. 412.108(c). These criteria demonstrate that
MDHs are small, rural hospitals that have a high Medicare case mix
percentage and receive additional payments under the IPPS to ensure
financial stability and preserve beneficiary access to care to these
hospitals. Thus, we believe these factors demonstrate that we should
provide additional safeguards from hospital responsibility for
repayment in order to preserve access to care. We note that we propose
to exclude these payment enhancements for MDHs, as described in section
III.C.3.a. of this proposed rule.
RRCs are defined as IPPS hospitals with at least 275 beds that meet
the following criteria:
Fifty percent of the hospital's Medicare patients are
referred from other hospitals or from physicians who are not on the
staff of the hospital.
At least 60 percent of the hospital's Medicare patients
live more than 25 miles from the hospital.
At least 60 percent of all services the hospital furnishes
to Medicare patients are furnished to patients who live more than 25
miles from the hospital.
If a hospital does not meet the criteria described previously, a
hospital can also qualify for RRC status if a hospital meets the
following criteria:
For specified period of time, the hospital has a case-mix
that equals the lower of the median case mix index (CMI) value for all
urban hospitals nationally; or the median CMI value for urban hospitals
located in its region, excluding those hospitals receiving indirect
medical education payments.
Its number of discharges is at least--
++ 5,000 (or 3,000 for an osteopathic hospital); or
++ The median number of discharges for urban hospitals in the
census region in which it is located, set by the CMS through IPPS
Additionally, a hospital must meet one of the following
++ More than 50 percent of its active medical staff are specialists
who meet the conditions specified at Sec. 412.96(c)(3).
++ At least 60 percent of all discharges are for inpatients who
reside more than 25 miles from the hospital.
++ At least 40 percent of all inpatients treated are referred from
other hospitals or from physicians who are not on the hospital's staff.
As an RRC, a hospital can qualify for several additional payments
under the IPPS. For example, an RRC is not subject to the 12 percent
cap on Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital payments that a rural
hospital would otherwise be subject to, in accordance with Sec.
412.106(d). Although RRCs are larger and have a higher Medicare patient
mix, they often serve as the sole provider to treat higher acuity
cases, as demonstrated by the RRC qualification criteria. As a result
of these unique characteristics of these hospitals, RRCs can receive
additional payments under Medicare FFS. Thus, it is also important to
provide additional protections for RRCs such that participation in this
model does not
[[Page 41258]]
result in significant financial loss that may reduce access for
Medicare beneficiaries.
For these reasons, we propose a stop-loss limit of 3 percent of
episode payments for these categories of hospitals in performance year
2 and a stop-loss limit of 5 percent of episode payments for
performance years 3 through 5. More specifically, in performance year
2, a rural hospital, SCH, RRC or MDH that is a participant hospital
would owe Medicare due to the raw NPRA no more than 3 percent of the
hospital's target price for the anchor MS-DRG multiplied by the number
of the hospital's CCJR episodes with that anchor MS-DRG in the
performance year. Additionally, in performance years 3 through 5, a
rural hospital, SCH, RRC or MDH that is a participant hospital would
owe Medicare due to the raw NPRA no more than 5 percent of the
hospital's target price for the anchor MS-DRG multiplied by the number
of the hospital's CCJR episodes with that anchor MS-DRG in the
performance year. We believe a different stop-loss limit policy is
warranted given the different spending patterns and the unique hospital
characteristics for these groups of hospitals as described earlier. We
believe this proposal strikes an appropriate balance between protecting
hospitals that often serve as the only access of care for Medicare
beneficiaries and having these hospitals meaningfully participate in
the model. We note that this proposal does not impact the proposed
stop-gain policy for these categories of hospitals. Rural hospitals,
SCHs, MDHs and RRCs still have the opportunity to participate in full
gains at 20 percent similar to other hospitals.
Hospitals can apply for SCH, MDH and RRC status through their MACs
and Regional Office at any time. MACs maintain the list of SCHs, MDHs,
and RRCs in the CMS Provider Specific File, which they update on a
quarterly basis. The special hospital designations recorded in the
Provider Specific File are used in Medicare claims pricing to ensure
that these hospitals are paid according to their special hospital
designation. Additionally, CMS can identify which hospitals are
considered rural for the purpose of this policy, using the Provider
Specific File to identify physical geographic location of a hospital
and the MACs to identify whether an urban hospital has reclassified to
rural under 42 CFR 412.103 or located in a rural census tract of an MSA
defined under 42 CFR 412.103(a)(1). Thus, we propose to identify rural
hospitals, MDHs, SCHs and RRCs at the time of reconciliation using the
Provider Specific File updated in December of the end of the
performance year and information from the MACs, and those hospitals
would be subject to the 3 percent stop-loss limit policy for that
performance year 2, and 5 percent stop-loss limit policy in performance
years 3 through 5. For example, to identify the hospitals that would
receive a 3 percent stop-loss limit for performance year 2, we would
use the Provider Specific File updated in December 2017. We note that
the special Medicare payment designation of MDH status has been
extended through FY 2017 by legislation under the Medicare Access and
CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015. As a result, the proposed additional
protections for hospital responsibility for repayment for MDHs would
only apply to the extent that MDH status exists under Medicare. In
other words, should MDH expire on or after September 30, 2017, we would
not identify hospitals as MDHs to receive the 5-percent stop-loss limit
policy for performance year 3. Though MDH status is set to expire after
the third quarter of 2017, we would still identify MDHs to receive the
3-percent stop loss limit policy for all of performance year 2.
We note that we also considered excluding rural hospitals, SCHs,
MDHs and RRCs from the CCJR model altogether due to our concerns of
placing significant responsibility for actual episode payment above the
target price on these hospitals. Additionally, we were also concerned
that from an evaluation perspective, we would not have sufficient
sample size of CCJR episodes from these categories of hospitals to have
significant results of how these groups of hospitals perform under this
model. We weighed our reasons for excluding these hospitals with the
potential qualitative information we would gain from payment innovation
tests on rural hospitals in this model. We concluded that because the
CCJR model strives to test episode payment for a broad variety of
hospitals, it would be preferable to include these hospitals in the
CCJR model and provide additional protections from a large repayment
responsibility. We welcome public comment on our proposed stop-loss
limit for rural hospitals, SCHs, MDHs and RRCs and on our alternative
consideration to exclude these hospitals entirely from the CCJR model.
d. Proposed Hospital Responsibility for Increased Post-Episode Payments
We noted that while the proposed CCJR episode would extend 90-days
post-discharge from the anchor hospitalization, some hospitals may have
an incentive to withhold or delay medically necessary care until after
an episode ends to reduce their actual episode payments. We do not
believe this would be likely, especially given the relatively long
episode duration. However, in order to identify and address such
inappropriate shifting of care, we propose to calculate for each
performance year the total Medicare Parts A and B expenditures in the
30-day period following completion of each episode for all services
covered under Medicare Parts A and B, regardless of whether or not the
services are included in the proposed episode definition (section III.B
of this proposed rule), as is consistent with BPCI Model 2. Because we
base the proposed episode definition on exclusions, identified by MS-
DRGs for readmissions and ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for Part B services
as discussed in section III.B. of this proposed rule, and Medicare
beneficiaries may typically receive a wide variety of related (and
unrelated) services during the CCJR episode that extends 90 days
following discharge from the anchor hospitalization, there is some
potential for hospitals to inappropriately withhold or delay a variety
of types of services until the episode concludes, without attending
carefully to the episode definition, especially for Part B services
where diagnosis coding on claims may be less reliable. This
inappropriate shifting could include both those services that are
related to the episode (for which the hospital would bear financial
responsibility as they would be included in the actual episode spending
calculation) and those that are unrelated (which would not be included
in the actual episode spending calculation), because a hospital engaged
in shifting of medically necessary services outside the episode for
potential financial reward may be unlikely to clearly distinguish
whether the services were related to the episode or not in the
hospital's decisions.
This calculation would include prorated payments for services that
extend beyond the episode as discussed in section III.C.3.b. of this
proposed rule. Specifically, we would identify whether the average 30-
day post-episode spending for a participant hospital in any given
performance year is greater than three standard deviations above the
regional average 30-day post-episode spending, based on the 30-day
post-episode spending for episodes attributed to all CCJR eligible
hospitals in the same region as the participant hospital. We propose
that beginning in performance year 2, if the hospital's average post-
episode spending exceeds
[[Page 41259]]
this threshold, the participant hospital would repay Medicare for the
amount that exceeds such threshold, subject to the stop-loss limits
proposed elsewhere in this proposed rule. We seek comment on this
proposal to make participant hospitals responsible for making
repayments to Medicare based on high spending in the 30 days after the
end of the episode and for our proposed methodology to calculate the
threshold for high post-episode spend.
9. Proposed Appeal Procedures
Under the CCJR model, we propose that we would determine target
prices for episodes of care using the methodology described in section
III.C. of this proposed rule. We propose to institute a reconciliation
payment process as described in section III.C.6, of this proposed rule,
and we propose to retrospectively calculate a participant hospital's
actual episode performance relative to its target price after the
completion of each performance year. The difference between the actual
episode spending of each CCJR episode and the target price of that
episode (calculated as target price subtracted by CCJR actual episode
payment) would be aggregated for all episodes initiated at a
participant hospital during each performance year. This calculation for
a participant hospital would be adjusted for post-episode payment
increases and stop gain and stop loss limits, as described in section
III.C.6.a. of this proposed rule. We propose to use quality measure
percentiles to determine hospital eligibility to receive the
reconciliation payment and use the successful reporting of the
voluntary PRO THA/TKA data to adjust the reconciliation payment, as
described in section III.C.5. of this proposed rule. The NPRA would be
reflected in a report sent to the participant hospital called the CCJR
Reconciliation Report.
We also propose to institute appeals processes for the CCJR model
that would allow participant hospitals to appeal matters related to
reconciliation and payment (that are previously discussed in this
section), as well as non-payment related issues, such as enforcement
matters detailed in section III.C.12.
a. Payment Processes
The proposed processes with regard to reconciliation, payment, use
of quality measures to determine payment, and stop-loss and stop-gain
policies are set forth in detail in sections III.C.5-8. In this
section, we propose an appeals processes that will apply to the matters
addressed in sections III.C.5-8, as well as matters not related to
payment or reconciliation. These appeals processes will apply to the
following payment and reconciliation processes:
Starting with the CCJR Reconciliation Report for
performance year 1, if the CCJR Reconciliation Report indicates the
reconciliation amount is positive, CMS would issue a payment, in a form
and manner specified by CMS, for that amount to the awardee within 30
calendar days from the issue date of the CCJR Reconciliation Report,
unless the participant hospital selects to pursue the calculation error
and reconsideration review processes, in which case payment will be
delayed as detailed later in this section.
For performance year 1, if the CCJR reconciliation report
indicates a repayment amount, the participant hospital would not be
required to make payment for that amount to CMS, as we have proposed
not to hold hospitals financially responsible for negative NPRAs for
the first performance year. In addition, if it is determined that a
CCJR hospital has a positive NPRA for performance year 1, and the
subsequent calculation for performance year 1 the following year, as
described in section III.C.6. of this proposed rule, determines that in
aggregate the performance year 1 NPRA and the subsequent calculation
amount for performance year 1 is a negative value (adding together the
NPRA amount from the reconciliation for performance year 1 as well as
the amount determined in the subsequent calculation, which would be
detailed on the CCJR reconciliation report for performance year 2), the
hospital would only be financially responsible for a repayment amount
that would net the performance year 1 NPRA and subsequent calculation
for year 1 to zero. This would be true for performance year 1 only,
given our proposal to begin phasing in financial responsibility in year
2 of the model as discussed in section III.C.2.c. of this proposed
rule. For performance years 2 through 5 of the model, for example, if
the NPRA for performance year 1 for a given hospital were $3,000, and
the subsequent calculation performed in Q2 2018 to account for claims
run-out and overlaps determined a repayment amount of $3,500 for claims
incurred and overlap during performance year 1, $3,000 would be applied
to the CCJR reconciliation report for performance year 2. If the NPRA
for performance year 2 were $5,000, the repayment amount of $3,000
would be netted against the $5,000, and the reconciliation payment for
performance year 2 would be $2,000. Given that downside risk has been
waived for performance year 1, the remaining $500 would not be added to
the CCJR reconciliation report for performance year 2. However,
beginning with the reconciliation process for performance year 3, any
repayment amounts generated through the subsequent calculation process
detailed in section III.C.6.b. would be netted against any repayment or
reconciliation amount on the respective CCJR reconciliation reports for
performance years 2, 3, 4, and 5. Starting with the reconciliation for
performance year 2, if the CCJR Reconciliation Report indicates the
NPRA is negative, the participant hospital would make payment for the
absolute value of that amount to CMS within 30-calendar days from the
issue date of the CCJR Reconciliation Report, in a form and manner
specified by CMS. Where the participant hospital does not issue payment
within 30-calendar days, we will issue a demand letter requiring
payment be made immediately.
The reconciliation or repayment amount may include
adjustments, arising from matters from the previous performance year,
as necessary to account for subsequent calculations performed for
performance years that were specified in earlier CCJR Reconciliation
Reports, as discussed in section III.C.6. of this proposed rule. For
example, we would potentially make determinations of additional monies
owed by Medicare to participant hospitals or vice versa in subsequent
periods based on the availability of updated Medicare administrative
data. These subsequent calculations would be contained in the
succeeding reconciliation report. For example, the subsequent
calculations applicable to performance year 1 would be contained in the
reconciliation report for performance year 2.
If the participant hospital fails to pay CMS the amount
owed by the date indicated in the demand letter, CMS will recoup owed
monies from participant hospital's present and future Medicare payments
to collect all monies due to CMS. While we propose that a participant
hospital may enter into financial arrangements with CCJR collaborators
that allow for some risk-sharing, as discussed in section III.C. of
this proposed rule, the participant hospital would be solely liable for
the repayment of the negative repayment amount to CMS. Where the
participant hospital fails to repay CMS in full for all monies owed,
CMS would invoke all legal means to collect the debt, including
referral of the remaining debt to the United States Department of the
Treasury, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711(g).
[[Page 41260]]
b. Calculation Error
We propose the following calculation error process for participant
hospitals to contest matters related to payment or reconciliation, of
which the following is a non-exhaustive list: The calculation of the
participant hospital's reconciliation amount or repayment amount as
reflected on a CCJR reconciliation report; the calculation of NPRA; the
calculation of the percentiles of quality measure performance to
determine eligibility to receive a reconciliation payment; and the
successful reporting of the voluntary PRO THA/TKA data to adjust the
reconciliation payment. Participant hospitals would review their CCJR
reconciliation report and be required to provide written notice of any
error, in a calculation error form that must be submitted in a form and
manner specified by CMS. Unless the participant provides such notice,
the reconciliation report would be deemed final within 30 calendar days
after it is issued, and CMS would proceed with payment or repayment. If
CMS receives a timely notice of an error in the calculation, CMS would
respond in writing within 30 calendar days to either confirm or refute
the calculation error, although CMS would reserve the right to an
extension upon written notice to the participant hospital. We propose
that if a participant hospital does not submit timely notice of
calculation error in accordance with the timelines and processes
specified by CMS, the participant hospital would be precluded from
later contesting any of the following matters contained in the CCJR
reconciliation report for that performance year: any matter involving
the calculation of the participant hospital's reconciliation amount or
repayment amount as reflected on a CCJR reconciliation report; any
matter involving the calculation of NPRA; the calculation of the
percentiles of quality measure performance to determine eligibility to
receive a reconciliation payment; and the successful reporting of the
voluntary PRO THA/TKA data to adjust the reconciliation payment.
c. Dispute Resolution
(1) Limitations on Review
In accordance with section 1115A(d) of the Act, there is no
administrative or judicial review under sections 1869 or 1878 of the
Act or otherwise for the following:
The selection of models for testing or expansion under
section 1115A of the Act.
The selection of organizations, sites or participants to
test those models selected.
The elements, parameters, scope, and duration of such
models for testing or dissemination.
Determinations regarding budget neutrality under
subsection 1115A(b)(3).
The termination or modification of the design and
implementation of a model under subsection 1115A(b)(3)(B).
Decisions about expansion of the duration and scope of a
model under subsection 1115A(c), including the determination that a
model is not expected to meet criteria described in paragraph (1) or
(2) of such subsection.
(2) Matters Subject to Dispute Resolution
We propose that a participant hospital may appeal an initial
determination that is not precluded from administrative or judicial
review by requesting reconsideration review by a CMS official. The
request for review must be submitted for receipt by CMS within 10 days
of the notice of the initial determination. Initial determinations that
are not precluded from administrative or judicial review would include
the involuntary termination of a participant hospital's participation
in the CCJR model.
(3) Dispute Resolution Process
We propose the following dispute resolution process. First, we
propose that only a participant hospital may utilize the dispute
resolution process. Second, in order to access the dispute resolution
process a participant hospital must have timely submitted a calculation
error form, as previously discussed, for any matters related to
payment. We propose these matters would include any amount or
calculation indicated on a CCJR reconciliation report, including
calculations not specifically reflected on a CCJR reconciliation report
but which generated figures or amounts reflected on a CCJR
reconciliation report. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the
matters we propose would need to be first adjudicated by the
calculation error process as previously detailed: calculations of
reconciliation or repayment amounts; calculations of NPRA; and any
calculations or percentile distribution involving quality measures that
we propose could affect reconciliation or repayment amounts. If a
participant hospital wants to engage in the dispute resolution process
with regard to one of these matters, we propose it would first need to
submit a calculation error form. Where the participant hospital does
not timely submit a calculation error form, we propose the dispute
resolution process would not be available to the participant hospital
with regard to those matters for the reconciliation report for that
performance year.
If the participant hospital did timely submit a calculation error
form and the participant hospital is dissatisfied with CMS's response
to the participant hospital's notice of calculation error, the hospital
would be permitted to request reconsideration review by a CMS
reconsideration official. The reconsideration review request would be
submitted in a form and manner and to an individual or office specified
by CMS. The reconsideration review request would provide a detailed
explanation of the basis for the dispute and include supporting
documentation for the participant hospital's assertion that CMS or its
representatives did not accurately calculate the NPRA or post-episode
spending amount in accordance with CCJR rules. The following is a non-
exhaustive list of representative payment matters:
Calculations of NPRA, post-episode spending amount, target
prices or any items listed on a reconciliation report.
The application of quality measures to a reconciliation
payment, including the calculation of the percentiles thresholds of
quality measure performance to determine eligibility to receive
reconciliation payments, or the successful reporting of the voluntary
PRO THA/TKA data to adjust the reconciliation payment.
Any contestation based on the grounds that CMS or its
representative made an error in calculating or recording such amounts.
Where the matter is unrelated to payment, such as termination from
the model, the participant hospital need not submit a calculation error
form. We propose to require the participant hospital to timely submit a
request for reconsideration review, in a form and manner to be
determined by CMS. Where such request is timely received, we propose
CMS would process the request as discussed later in this section.
We propose that the reconsideration review would be an on-the-
record review (a review of briefs and evidence only). The CMS
reconsideration official would make reasonable efforts to notify the
hospital in writing within 15 calendar days of receiving the
participant hospital's reconsideration review request of the date and
time of the review, the issues in dispute, the review procedures, and
the procedures (including format and deadlines) for submission of
evidence (the ``Scheduling Notice''). The CMS reconsideration official
would make reasonable efforts to schedule the
[[Page 41261]]
review to occur no later than 30 days after the date of the Scheduling
Notice. The provisions at Sec. 425.804(b), (c), and (e) (as in effect
on the publication date of this proposed rule) would apply to reviews
conducted pursuant to the reconsideration review process for CCJR. The
CMS reconsideration official would make reasonable efforts to issue a
written determination within 30 days of the review. The determination
would be final and binding.
We solicit comment on our proposals related to appeals rights under
this model. The two-step appeal process for payment matters--(1)
calculation error form, and (2) reconsideration review--is used broadly
in other CMS models. We seek comment on whether we should develop an
alternative appeal process. We are also interested in whether there
should be appeal rights for reductions or eliminations of NPRA as a
result of enforcement actions, as discussed in section III.C.12 of this
proposed rule, and if so, whether the process for such appeals should
differ from the processes proposed here.
In accordance with section 1115A of the Act, we are proposing to
codify these proposals in regulation in the new proposed part 510 of
the CFR.
10. Proposed Financial Arrangements and Beneficiary Incentives
a. Financial Arrangements and Beneficiary Incentives
As discussed earlier in this proposed rule, we propose that CCJR
would be a retrospective episode payment model, under which Medicare
payments for services included in an episode of care would continue to
be made to all providers and suppliers under the existing payment
systems, and episode payment would be based on later reconciliation of
episode actual spending under those Medicare payment systems to the
episode target price. If the episode actual spending is less than the
target price, the participant hospital would receive a reconciliation
payment, assuming quality performance thresholds are met and the stop-
gain threshold is not exceeded. If the episode actual spending exceeds
the target price, beginning in performance year 2 hospitals would repay
the difference to Medicare up to the stop-loss threshold.
We believe that participant hospitals may wish to enter into
financial arrangements with providers and suppliers caring for
beneficiaries in CCJR episodes in order to align the financial
incentives of those providers and suppliers with the model goals of
improving quality and efficiency for LEJR episodes. For example, given
that the proposed episode duration is 90 days following discharge from
the anchor hospital stay and the episodes are broadly defined (see
section III.B of this proposed rule), many providers and suppliers
other than the participant hospital will furnish related services to
beneficiaries during episodes. Those providers and suppliers may
include physicians, physician group practices, skilled nursing
facilities (SNFs), home health agencies (HHAs), inpatient
rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), long term care hospitals (LTCHs),
outpatient therapy providers, and others. We expect that participant
hospitals will identify key providers and suppliers for CCJR
beneficiaries in their communities and then establish close
partnerships with them to assist the hospital in redesigning care for
LEJR episodes to improve quality and efficiency, coordinating and
managing care for beneficiaries, monitoring episode performance, and
refining care pathways. These providers and suppliers may invest
substantial time and other resources in these activities, yet they
would neither be the direct recipients of any reconciliation payments
from Medicare, nor directly responsible for repaying Medicare for
excess episode spending. Therefore, we believe it is possible that a
participant hospital that may receive a reconciliation payment from
Medicare or may need to repay Medicare may want to enter into financial
arrangements with other providers and suppliers to share risks and
rewards under CCJR.
In addition to providers and suppliers with which the participant
hospital may want to enter into financial arrangements to share risks
and reward, we expect that participant hospitals may choose to engage
with organizations that are neither providers nor suppliers to assist
with matters such as: episode data analysis; local provider and
supplier engagement; care redesign planning and implementation;
beneficiary outreach; CCJR beneficiary care coordination and
management; monitoring participant hospital compliance with the terms
and conditions of the CCJR model; or other model-related activities.
These organizations may play important roles in a hospital's plans to
implement the CCJR model based on the experience these organizations
may bring to the hospital's successful participation in the model, such
as prior experience with bundled payment initiatives, care coordination
expertise, familiarity with the local community, and knowledge of
Medicare claims data. We expect that all relationships established
between participant hospitals and these organizations for purposes of
the CCJR model would only be those permitted under existing law and
regulation, including any relationships that would include the
participant hospital's sharing of CCJR model risks and rewards with
these organizations. We would expect that all of these relationships
would solely be based on the level of engagement of the organization's
resources to directly support the participant hospitals' CCJR model
Additionally, because the proposed broadly defined LEJR episodes
extend 90-days post-discharge from the anchor hospital stay, we believe
that participant hospitals caring for CCJR beneficiaries may want to
offer beneficiary incentives to encourage beneficiary adherence to
recommended treatment and active patient engagement in recovery. Such
incentives should be closely related to the provision of high quality
care during the episode and advance a clinical goal for a CCJR
beneficiary, and should not serve as inducements to beneficiaries to
seek care from the participant hospital or other specific suppliers and
providers. Such incentives may help participant hospitals reach their
quality and efficiency goals for CCJR episodes, while benefitting
beneficiaries' health and the Medicare Trust Fund if hospital
readmissions and complications are reduced while recovery continues
uninterrupted or accelerates.
(1) Financial Arrangements Under the CCJR Model
As previously noted, we believe that given the financial incentives
of episode payment in CCJR, participant hospitals in the model may want
to engage in financial arrangements to share reconciliation payments or
hospital internal cost savings or both, as well as responsibility for
repaying Medicare, with providers and suppliers making contributions to
the hospital's episode performance on spending and quality. Such
arrangements would allow the participant hospitals to share all or some
of the reconciliation payments they may be eligible to receive from
CMS, or the participant hospital's internal cost savings that result
from care for beneficiaries during a CCJR episode. Likewise, such
arrangements could allow the participant hospitals to share the
responsibility for the funds needed to repay Medicare with providers
and suppliers engaged in caring for CCJR beneficiaries, if those
providers and suppliers have a role in the hospital's episode spending
or quality performance. We propose to use the term ``CCJR
collaborator'' to refer to
[[Page 41262]]
such providers and suppliers, who may include the following:
Physician Group Practices (PGPs).
Physicians, nonphysician practitioners, and outpatient
therapy providers.
We believe that CCJR collaborators should have a role in the
participant hospital's episode spending or quality performance.
Accordingly, we propose that the CCJR collaborator would directly
furnish related items or services to a CCJR beneficiary during the
episode and/or specifically participate in CCJR model LEJR episode care
redesign activities, such as attending CCJR meetings and learning
activities; drafting LEJR episode care pathways; reviewing CCJR
beneficiaries' clinical courses; developing episode analytics; or
preparing reports of episode performance, under the direction of the
participant hospital or another CCJR collaborator that directly
furnishes related items and services to CCJR beneficiaries. Note that
we propose later in this section a limit on Gainsharing Payments (as
that term is defined later in this section) to physician or
nonphysician CCJR collaborators, as well as to physician group
practices, related to PFS payments for services furnished to CCJR
beneficiaries. Therefore, in addition to playing a role in the
participant hospital's episode spending or quality performance,
physician, nonphysician, and physician group practice CCJR
collaborators must additionally directly furnish services to CCJR
beneficiaries in order to receive a Gainsharing Payment as result of
their financial arrangement with the participant hospital. We seek
comment on our proposed definition of CCJR collaborators, as well as
our proposed definition of a provider's or supplier's role in the
participant hospital's episode spending or quality performance.
We propose that certain financial arrangements between a
participant hospital and a CCJR collaborator be termed a ``CCJR Sharing
Arrangement,'' and that the terms of each CCJR Sharing Arrangement be
set forth in a written agreement between the participant hospital and
the CCJR collaborator. We propose to use the term ``Participation
Agreement'' to refer to such agreements. We propose that a ``CCJR
Sharing Arrangement'' would be a financial arrangement contained in a
Participation Agreement to share only the following: (1) CCJR
reconciliation payments (as that term is defined in section III.C of
this proposed rule); (2) the participant hospital's internal cost
savings (as that term is defined later in this section); and (3) the
participant hospital's responsibility for repayment to Medicare, as
discussed later in this section. Where a payment from a participant
hospital to a CCJR collaborator is made pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement, we propose to define that payment as a ``Gainsharing
Payment.'' A Gainsharing Payment may only be only composed of the
following: (1) Reconciliation payments; (2) internal cost savings; or
(3) both. Where a payment from a CCJR collaborator to a participant
hospital is made pursuant to a CCJR Sharing Arrangement, we propose to
define that payment as an ``Alignment Payment.'' We propose that CCJR
Sharing Arrangements that provide for Alignment Payments would not
relieve the participant hospital of its ultimate responsibility for
repayment to CMS. Many of the programmatic requirements discussed later
in this proposed rule for Gainsharing Payments and Alignment Payments
are similar to those in Model 2 of the BPCI initiative.
The CCJR Sharing Arrangements between participant hospitals and
CCJR collaborators must be solely related to the contributions of the
CCJR collaborators to care redesign that achieve quality and efficiency
improvements under this model for CCJR beneficiaries. All Gainsharing
Payments or Alignment Payments between participant hospitals and CCJR
collaborators resulting from these arrangements must be auditable by
HHS, as discussed later in this section, to ensure their financial and
programmatic integrity. We emphasize that any CCJR collaborator that
receives a Gainsharing Payment or makes an Alignment Payment must have
furnished services included in the episode to CCJR beneficiaries.
Furthermore, the payment arrangements for Gainsharing Payments or
Alignment Payments contained in a CCJR Sharing Arrangement must be
actually and proportionally related to the care of beneficiaries in a
CCJR episode, and the CCJR collaborator must be contributing to the
care redesign strategies of the participant hospital.
We considered whether CCJR collaborators should be termed
``participants'' in this model, or whether the term ``participant''
should refer only to the participant hospitals located in MSAs selected
for participation. If CCJR collaborators are participants in the model,
we propose that their activities with regard to CCJR beneficiaries
would be regulated directly by CMS. However, if CCJR collaborators are
not participants, but rather are participating entities and individuals
in the CCJR model through signed agreements with participant hospitals,
their activities with regard to CCJR beneficiaries would be governed by
the Participation Agreement between a CCJR collaborator and a
participant hospital. Given the large number of potential CCJR
collaborators, the expected varied nature of their respective
arrangements with participant hospitals, and the potential
administrative burden in reporting information to CMS, we believe the
activities of CCJR collaborators with regard to CCJR beneficiaries
would be best managed by participant hospitals. As we discussed earlier
in this proposed rule, one justification for proposing that acute care
hospitals be the provider type financially responsible under the CCJR
model is the position of the hospital with respect to other providers
and suppliers, in terms of coordinating care for CCJR beneficiaries.
Given that position, we propose that where participant hospitals enter
into Participation Agreements that contain CCJR Sharing Arrangements
with CCJR collaborators, the participant hospital must also be
responsible for ensuring that those providers and suppliers comply with
the terms and requirements of this proposed rule. We seek comments on
this proposal; specifically, whether CCJR collaborators should be
termed participants in this model and subject to the applicable
requirements, or whether the responsibility for compliance with the
model's requirements is better managed by participant hospitals. We are
particularly interested in comments that address the advantages and
disadvantages of making CCJR collaborators participants in the model,
and whether there are certain provider or supplier types that CMS
should consider including as ``participants'' in the model.
The following discussion outlines our proposed requirements and
responsibilities of participant hospitals that engage in such CCJR
Sharing Arrangements. We believe these proposed requirements and
responsibilities are essential to ensuring that all CCJR Sharing
Arrangements are for the sole purpose of aligning the financial
incentives of collaborating providers and suppliers with those of the
participant hospital toward the CCJR model goals of improved LEJR
episode care quality and efficiency. We believe that the rationale for
and details of these arrangements must be documented and auditable by
HHS, with a direct tie between the arrangements and the
[[Page 41263]]
participant hospital's episode performance. Finally, we believe that
the proposed limitations to the arrangements, as described later in
this section, are necessary to ensure the integrity of the CCJR model
by minimizing incentives for problematic behaviors, such as patient
steering. We seek comments on all proposed requirements regarding CCJR
Sharing Arrangements.
With respect to whether certain entities or individuals should be
prevented from participating in the CCJR model, either as participant
hospitals or CCJR collaborators, we considered whether CMS should
conduct screening for program integrity purposes. Many CMS models
conduct screening during the application process and periodically
thereafter. These screenings examine provider and supplier program
integrity history, including any history of Medicare program exclusions
or other sanctions and affiliations with individuals or entities that
have a history of program integrity issues. Where a screening reveals
that a provider or supplier has a history of program integrity issues
or affiliations with individuals or entities that have a history of
program integrity issues, we may remove that provider or supplier from
the model. We utilize these screening processes for many CMS models,
including the BPCI initiative.
For several reasons, we believe that this type of screening for
participant hospitals is inapplicable to the CCJR model. Most
importantly, this model seeks to evaluate the performance in the model
of hospitals located in a particular MSA. We believe it is important
that all hospitals that meet the criteria for participation in the
model be included, even if those hospitals have a history of program
integrity issues. Further, we propose that CMS would evaluate the
quality of care and institute beneficiary protections in ways that
would go beyond some of the efforts of previous or existing CMS models.
We solicit comments on this proposal, including whether screening of
participant hospitals or CCJR collaborators might be appropriate or
useful in aiding HHS' program integrity efforts and identifying
untrustworthy parties or parties with program integrity history
(a) CCJR Sharing Arrangement Requirements
We propose that each CCJR Sharing Arrangement must include and set
forth in writing at a minimum--
A specific methodology and accounting formula for
calculating and verifying internal cost savings, if the participant
hospital elects to share internal cost savings through Gainsharing
Payments with CCJR collaborators. We propose to define internal cost
savings as the measurable, actual, and verifiable cost savings realized
by the participant hospital resulting from care redesign undertaken by
the participant hospital in connection with providing items and
services to beneficiaries within specific CCJR episodes of care.
Internal cost savings would not include savings realized by any
individual or entity that is not the participant hospital. Each CCJR
Sharing Arrangement must include specific methodologies for accruing
and calculating internal cost savings of the participant hospital,
where the hospital intends to share internal cost savings through a
CCJR Sharing Arrangement with a CCJR collaborator. The specific
methodologies for accruing and calculating internal cost savings must
be transparent, measurable, and verifiable in accordance with Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Government Auditing Standards
(The Yellow Book). The methodology must set out the specific care
redesign elements to be undertaken by the participant hospital or the
CCJR collaborator or both;
A description of the methodology and accounting formula
for calculating the percentage or dollar amount of a reconciliation
payment received from CMS that will be paid as a Gainsharing Payment
from the participant hospital to the CCJR collaborator;
A description of the methodology, frequency or dates of
distribution, and accounting formula for distributing and verifying any
and all Gainsharing Payments;
A description of the arrangement between the participant
hospital and the CCJR collaborator regarding Alignment Payments, where
the hospital and CCJR collaborator agree through a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement to share risk for repayment amounts due to CMS, as
reflected on a CCJR reconciliation report. The description of this
arrangement must include safeguards to ensure that such Alignment
Payments are made solely for purposes related to sharing responsibility
for funds needed to repay Medicare in the CCJR model. This description
should also include a methodology, frequency of payment, and accounting
formula for payment and receipt of any and all Alignment Payments;
A provision requiring the participant hospital to recoup
Gainsharing Payments paid to CCJR collaborators if Gainsharing Payments
were based on the submission of false or fraudulent data;
Plans regarding care redesign, changes in care
coordination or delivery that are applied to the participant hospital
or CCJR collaborators or both, and any description of how success will
be measured;
Management and staffing information, including type of
personnel or contactors that will be primarily responsible for carrying
out changes to care under the model;
The participant hospital must maintain records identifying
all CCJR collaborators, and the participant hospital's process for
determining and verifying the eligibility of CCJR collaborators to
participate in Medicare; and
All CCJR Sharing Arrangements must require compliance,
from both the participant hospital and the CCJR collaborator, with the
proposed polices regarding beneficiary notification set forth in
section III.F of this proposed rule.
With respect to these requirements for Participation Agreements and
CCJR Sharing Arrangements, we considered whether we should require
participant hospitals and CCJR collaborators to periodically report
this information to CMS for purposes of enforcement of these proposed
regulations. However, we are mindful of the administrative burden in
reporting this information as well as the challenges associated with
creating a universal collection tool that would account for all the
various iterations of financial arrangements into which participant
hospitals and CCJR collaborators may enter. Therefore, we are proposing
to require participant hospitals to retain this documentation as
previously described, as well as in section III.C.10(d) of this
proposed rule. We seek comment on this proposal as well as whether CMS
should require participant hospitals and CCJR collaborators to
periodically report data such as: Gainsharing Payments and/or Alignment
Payments distributed and received; name and identifier (NPI, CCN, TIN)
of all CCJR collaborators; and any other relevant information related
to Participation Agreements and CCJR Sharing Arrangements that would
assist HHS with enforcement of these regulations.
We solicit comments about all of the requirements set out in the
preceding discussion, including whether additional or different
safeguards would be needed to ensure program integrity, protect against
abuse, and ensure that the goals of the model are met.
[[Page 41264]]
(b) Participation Agreement Requirements
We propose that the Participation Agreement must obligate the
parties to comply, and must obligate the CCJR collaborator to require
any of its employees, contractors or designees to comply, without
limitation, to with the following requirements:
Each individual's or entity's participation in the CCJR
Sharing Arrangement is voluntary and without penalty for
Any Gainsharing Payments made pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement must be made only from the participant hospital to the CCJR
collaborator with whom the participant hospital has signed a
Participation Agreement containing a CCJR Sharing Arrangement.
Additionally, we propose to require the following for all CCJR Sharing
Arrangements between a participant hospital and a CCJR collaborator
that is a physician group practice:
++ Where a Gainsharing Payment is made to a CCJR collaborator that
is a physician group practice, all monies contained in such a
Gainsharing Payment must be shared only with physician or nonphysician
practitioners that furnished a service to a CCJR beneficiary during an
episode of care in the calendar year from which the Net Payment
Reconciliation Amount (NPRA), as that term is defined in section
III.C.6. of this proposed rule, or internal cost savings was generated,
either or both of which are the only permitted sources of funds for a
Gainsharing Payment. We further propose that each CCJR Sharing
Arrangement between a participant hospital and a CCJR collaborator that
is physician group practice must stipulate that the physician group
practice may not retain any portion of a Gainsharing Payment or
distribute, by any method, any portion of a Gainsharing Payment to
physician or nonphysician practitioners who did not furnish a service
to a CCJR beneficiary during an episode of care in the calendar year
from which the NPRA or internal cost savings was generated.
Any Alignment Payments made pursuant to a CCJR Sharing
Arrangement may be made only to the participant hospital from the
entity or individual with whom the participant hospital has signed a
Participation Agreement containing a CCJR Sharing Arrangement.
Each CCJR Sharing Arrangement must require that the CCJR
collaborator be in compliance with all Medicare provider enrollment
requirements at Sec. 424.500 et seq., including having a valid and
active TIN or NPI.
Any internal cost savings or reconciliation payments that
the participant hospital seeks to share through CCJR Sharing
Arrangements must meet the requirements set forth in the final CCJR
rule (as finalized) and be administered by the participant hospital in
accordance with GAAP. In no event may the participant hospital
distribute any amounts pursuant to a CCJR Sharing Arrangement that are
not comprised of either internal cost savings or a reconciliation
payment, as those terms are defined in this proposed rule. All amounts
determined to be internal cost savings by the participant hospital must
reflect actual, internal cost savings achieved by the participant
hospital through implementation of care redesign elements identified
and documented by the participant hospital. In no case may internal
cost savings reflect ``paper'' savings from accounting conventions or
past investment in fixed costs.
Any Alignment Payments that the participant hospital
receives through a CCJR Sharing Arrangement must meet the requirements
set forth in the final CCJR rule (as finalized) and be administered by
the participant hospital in accordance with GAAP.
CCJR Sharing Arrangements must not include any amounts
that are not Alignment Payments or Gainsharing Payments.
Further, we propose that each Participation Agreement--
++ Between the participant hospital and a CCJR collaborator must
obligate the CCJR collaborator to provide the participant hospital and
HHS access to the CCJR collaborator's records, information, and data
for purposes of monitoring and reporting and any other lawful purpose.
Records, information, and data regarding the CCJR Sharing Arrangement
must have sufficient detail to verify compliance with all material
terms of the CCJR Sharing Arrangement and the terms of the CCJR model;
++ Must require the participant hospital and the CCJR collaborator
to include in their compliance programs specific oversight of their
CCJR participation agreements and compliance with the requirements of
the CCJR mode;
++ Must require compliance, from both the participant hospital and
the CCJR collaborator, with the proposed polices regarding beneficiary
notification set forth in section III.F; and
++ Must require the board or other governing body of the
participant hospital to have responsibility for overseeing the
participant hospital's participation in the model, its arrangements
with CCJR collaborators, its payment of Gainsharing Payments and
receipt of Alignment Payments, and its use of beneficiary incentives in
the CCJR model.
Participation Agreements must require all CCJR
collaborators to comply with any evaluation, monitoring, compliance,
and enforcement activities performed by HHS or its designees for the
purposes of operating the CCJR model.
Each Participation Agreement must require the CCJR
collaborator to permit site visits from CMS, or one of its designees,
for purposes of evaluating the model.
We solicit comments about all of the requirements set out in the
preceding discussion, including whether additional or different
safeguards would be needed to ensure program integrity, protect against
abuse, and ensure that the goals of the model are met.
(c) Gainsharing Payment and Alignment Payment Conditions and
We propose the following conditions and restrictions concerning
Gainsharing Payments and Alignment Payments made pursuant to a CCJR
Sharing Arrangement:
No entity or individual, whether or not a party to a
Participation Agreement, may condition the opportunity to receive
Gainsharing Payments in CCJR on the volume or value of past or
anticipated referrals or other business generated to, from, or among a
participant hospital, any CCJR collaborators, and any individual or
entity affiliated with a participant hospital or CCJR collaborator.
Participant hospitals would not be required to share
reconciliation payments, internal cost savings, or responsibility for
repayment to CMS with other providers and suppliers. However, where a
participant hospital elects to engage in those activities, we propose
that such activities be limited to the provisions prescribed in this
proposed rule.
We propose that Gainsharing Payments must be distributed
on an annual basis, and are required to meet the following criteria:
++ Must be clearly identified and comply with all provisions in
this proposed rule, as well as all applicable laws, statutes, and
++ Must not be a loan, advance payments, or payments for referrals
or other business; and
++ Must be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT).
We propose that Alignment Payments from a CCJR
collaborator to a
[[Page 41265]]
participant hospital may be made at any interval, and are required to
meet the following criteria:
++ Must be clearly identified and comply with all provisions in
this proposed rule, as well as all applicable laws, statutes, and
++ Must not be issued, distributed, or paid prior to the
calculation by CMS of a reconciliation report reflecting a negative Net
Payment Reconciliation Amount (NPRA);
++ Must not be a loan, advance payments, or payments for referrals
or other business; and
++ Must be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT).
We propose that each CCJR Sharing Arrangement stipulate
that any CCJR collaborator that is subject to any action involving
noncompliance with the provisions of this propose rule, engaged in
fraud or abuse, providing substandard care, or have other integrity
problems not be eligible to receive any Gainsharing Payments related to
NPRA generated during the time that coincides with the action involving
any of the issues previously listed until the action has been resolved.
No entity or individual, as whether or not a party to a
Participation Agreement, may condition the opportunity to make or
receive Alignment Payments in CCJR on the volume or value of past or
anticipated referrals or other business generated to, from, or among a
participant hospital, any CCJR collaborators, and any individual or
entity affiliated with a participant hospital or CCJR collaborator.
In a calendar year, the aggregate amount of the total
Gainsharing Payments distributed by the participant hospital that are
derived from a CCJR reconciliation payment may not exceed the amount of
the reconciliation payment that the participant hospital received from
In a calendar year, the aggregate amount of the total
Alignment Payments received by the participant hospital may not exceed
50 percent of the participant hospital's repayment amount due to CMS.
If no repayment amount is due, then no Alignment Payments may be
received by the participant hospital.
We propose that the participant hospital must retain at
least 50 percent of its responsibility for repayment to CMS, pursuant
to the repayment amount reflected in each annual reconciliation report,
under the CCJR model. Given that the participant hospital will be
responsible for developing and coordinating care redesign strategies in
response to its participation in the CCJR model, we believe it is
important that the participant hospital retain a significant portion of
its responsibility for repayment to CMS. For example, upon receipt of a
reconciliation report indicating that the participant hospital owes
$100 to CMS, the participant hospital would be permitted to receive no
greater than $50 in Alignment Payments, in the aggregate, from its CCJR
Further, we propose that a CCJR Sharing Arrangement must
limit the amount a single CCJR collaborator may make in Alignment
Payments to a single participant hospital. We propose that a single
CCJR collaborator not make an Alignment Payment to a participant
hospital that represents an amount greater than 25 percent of the
repayment amount reflected on the participant hospital's annual
reconciliation report. For example, upon receipt of a reconciliation
report indicating that the participant hospital owes $100 to CMS, the
participant hospital would be permitted to receive no more than $25 in
an Alignment Payment from a single entity or individual who is a CCJR
collaborator of the participant hospital.
Gainsharing Payments and Alignment Payments must not
induce the participant hospital, CCJR collaborators, or the employees,
contractors, or designees of the participant hospital or CCJR
collaborators to reduce or limit medically necessary services to any
Medicare beneficiary.
Individual physician and nonphysician practitioners,
whether or not a party to a CCJR Sharing Arrangement, must retain their
ability to make decisions in the best interests of the patient,
including the selection of devices, supplies, and treatments.
Entities furnishing services to beneficiaries during a
CCJR episode, whether or not a party to a CCJR Sharing Arrangement,
must retain their ability to make decisions in the best interests of
the patient, including the selection of devices, supplies, and
Gainsharing methodologies for calculating Gainsharing
Payments and Alignment Payments must not directly account for volume or
value of referrals, or business otherwise generated, between or among a
participant hospital, any CCJR collaborators, and any individual or
entity affiliated with a participant hospital or CCJR collaborator.
Gainsharing Payments must be derived solely from
reconciliation payments or internal cost savings or both.
The total amount of Gainsharing Payments for a calendar
year paid to an individual physician or nonphysician practitioner who
is a CCJR collaborator must not exceed a cap. The cap is 50 percent of
the total Medicare approved amounts under the Physician Fee Schedule
(PFS) for services furnished to the participant hospital's CCJR
beneficiaries during a CCJR episode by that physician or nonphysician
practitioner. This cap of 50 percent on Gainsharing Payments to
individual physician or nonphysician practitioner is consistent with
the same policy for the BPCI initiative. The purpose of this cap is to
limit the amount of Gainsharing Payments an individual practitioner may
receive due to his/her provision of services included in the CCJR
The total amount of Gainsharing Payments for a calendar
year paid to an physician group practice that is a CCJR collaborator
must not exceed a cap. The cap is 50 percent of the sum of the total
Medicare approved amounts under the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for
services furnished by physician or nonphysician practitioner members of
the physician group practice to the participant hospital's CCJR
beneficiaries during a CCJR episode by those physicians or nonphysician
We solicit comments about all of the requirements set out in the
preceding discussion, including whether additional or different
safeguards would be needed to ensure program integrity, protect against
abuse, and ensure that the goals of the model are met.
(d) Documentation and Maintenance of Records
We propose to require participant hospitals and CCJR collaborators
to comply with audit and document retention requirements similar to
those required by the Medicare Shared Savings Program, BPCI Model 2,
and other Innovation Center models. Specifically, with respect to all
Participation Agreements and CCJR Sharing Arrangements, the participant
hospital and CCJR collaborator must:
Comply with the retention requirements regarding
Participation Agreements and CCJR Sharing Arrangements set forth in
subsection III.C.10(a)-(d).
Maintain and give CMS, the Office of Inspector General of
the Department of Health and Human Services (OIG), and the Comptroller
General or their designee(s) access to all books, contracts, records,
documents, and other evidence (including data related to utilization
and payments, quality performance measures, billings, and CCJR Sharing
Arrangements related to
[[Page 41266]]
CCJR) sufficient to enable the audit, evaluation, inspection, or
investigation of the participant hospital's compliance, as well as the
compliance of any CCJR collaborator that has a CCJR Sharing Arrangement
with the participant hospital, with CCJR requirements, the
Participation Agreement, the quality of services furnished, the
obligation to repay any reconciliation payments owed to CMS, the
calculation, distribution, receipt, or recoupment of Gainsharing
Payments or Alignment Payments.
Maintain such books, contracts, records, documents, and
other evidence for a period of 10 years from the last day of the
participant hospital's participation in the CCJR model or from the date
of completion of any audit, evaluation, inspection, or investigation,
whichever is later, unless--
++ CMS determines there is a special need to retain a particular
record or group of records for a longer period and notifies the
participant hospital or CCJR collaborator at least 30 calendar days
before the normal disposition date; or
++ There has been a dispute or allegation of fraud or similar fault
against the participant hospital or any CCJR collaborator in which case
the records must be maintained for an additional 6 years from the date
of any resulting final resolution of the dispute or allegation of fraud
or similar fault.
Notwithstanding any CCJR Sharing Arrangements between the
participant hospital and CCJR collaborators, the participant hospital
must have ultimate responsibility for adhering to and otherwise fully
complying with all provisions of the CCJR model.
OIG Authority is not limited or restricted by the
provisions of the CCJR model, including the authority to audit,
evaluate, investigate, or inspect the participant hospital, CCJR
collaborators, or any other person or entity or their records, data, or
information, without limitation.
None of the provisions of the CCJR model limits or
restricts any other government authority permitted by law to audit,
evaluate, investigate, or inspect the participant hospital, CCJR
collaborators, or any other person or entity or their records, data, or
information, without limitation.
We solicit comments about all of the requirements set out in the
preceding discussion, including whether additional or different
safeguards would be needed to ensure program integrity, protect against
abuse, and ensure that the goals of the model are met.
(2) Beneficiary Incentives Under the CCJR Model
We believe that the CCJR model will incent participant hospitals to
furnish directly and otherwise coordinate services throughout the
episode that lead to higher quality care for the beneficiary and lower
episode spending. We believe that one mechanism that may be useful to
the participant hospital in achieving these goals is the provision of
certain items and services to the beneficiary during the episode of
care. We also considered whether this policy on beneficiary incentives
should extend to providers and suppliers, other than the participant
hospital, that furnish services during the CCJR episode of care.
However, as discussed in section III.A, given our belief that the
participant hospital is best positioned to coordinate the care of
beneficiaries, we believe they are also better suited than other
providers and suppliers to provide beneficiary incentives. Thus, we
propose to include in the CCJR model certain in-kind patient engagement
incentives to the beneficiary, subject to the following conditions:
The incentive must be provided by the participant hospital
to the beneficiary during CCJR episode of care.
There must be a reasonable connection between the item or
service and the beneficiary's medical care.
The item or service must be a preventive care item or
service or an item or service that advances a clinical goal for a CCJR
beneficiary, including the following: Increasing the beneficiary's
engagement in the management of his or her own health care; adherence
to a treatment or drug regimen; adherence to a follow-up care plan;
reduction of readmissions and complications resulting from LEJR
procedures; and management of chronic diseases and conditions that may
be affected by the LEJR procedure.
Items of technology comply with certain safeguards
regarding value, as discussed later in this section.
The participant hospital must maintain contemporaneous
documentation of the incentives provided to beneficiaries for a period
of 10 years.
The cost of the incentives is not shifted to another
federal health care program.
For example, under this proposal, participant hospitals could
provide incentives such as post-surgical monitoring equipment to track
patient weight and vital signs for post-surgical patients discharged
directly to home, but they could not provide theater tickets, which
would bear no reasonable connection to the patient's medical care.
Similarly, we are proposing that participant hospitals might provide
post-surgical monitoring equipment, but not broadly used technology
that is more valuable to the beneficiary than equipment that is
reasonably necessary for the patient's post-surgical care. In such
circumstances, a reasonable inference arises that the technology would
not be reasonably connected to the medical care of the patient. Among
other things, this safeguard precludes incentives that might serve to
induce beneficiaries inappropriately to receive other medical care that
is not included in the episode.
We propose that participant hospitals would be required to maintain
contemporaneous documentation of such items and services furnished that
exceed $10, including the date and identity of the beneficiary to whom
the item or service was provided. We further propose that the required
documentation be maintained for a period of 10 years.
We propose that items and services involving technology provided to
beneficiaries may not exceed $1,000 in retail value at the time of
donation for any one beneficiary in any one CCJR episode. Items of
technology exceeding $50 in retail value at the time of donation must
remain the property of the participant hospital and must be retrieved
from the beneficiary at the end of the episode, with the documentation
of the date of retrieval. In addition, the amount and nature of the
technology must be the minimum necessary to achieve the goals
previously noted earlier in this section. Finally, we propose that
beneficiary incentives may not be tied to the receipt of services
outside the episode of care and that the cost of the incentives cannot
be shifted to a federal health care program. The aforementioned
proposals regarding beneficiary incentives are consistent with the
policies on beneficiary incentives in other CMS models, such as the
BPCI initiative.
We seek comment on our proposal for beneficiary incentives under
CCJR. In addition to general comments on the proposal, we are
interested in comments on whether the $1,000 limit on technology items
and services is necessary, reasonable, and appropriate. We also solicit
comment on whether retrieving technology valued at more than $50 is too
burdensome and whether elimination of that requirement will prevent
abuse. We also solicit comment on the documentation requirement for
items and services furnished that exceed $10, or whether a different
amount would be more
[[Page 41267]]
appropriate and less burdensome. We welcome comments on additional
program integrity safeguards for these arrangements.
(3) Compliance With Fraud and Abuse Laws
Certain arrangements between and among participant hospitals and
third parties or beneficiaries may implicate the civil monetary penalty
(CMP) law (sections 1128A(a)(5), (b)(1) and (b)(2) of the Act), the
Federal Anti-kickback statute (section 1128B(b)(1) and (2) of the Act),
or the physician self-referral prohibition (section 1877 of the Act).
In many cases, arrangements that implicate these laws can be structured
to comply with them by using existing safe harbors and exceptions.
Section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act authorizes the Secretary to waive
certain specified fraud and abuse laws as may be necessary solely for
purposes of testing of payment models under section 1115A(b) of the
Act. A waiver is not needed for an arrangement that does not implicate
the fraud and abuse laws or that implicates the fraud and abuse laws
but either fits within an existing exception or safe harbor, as
applicable, or does not otherwise violate the law. Accordingly,
pursuant to section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act, the Secretary will consider
whether waivers of certain fraud and abuse laws are necessary to test
the CCJR model as the model develops. The vehicle for promulgating
waivers, if any, is under consideration. Such waivers, if any, would be
promulgated separately from this proposed regulation by OIG (as to
sections 1128A and 1128B of the Act) and CMS (as to section 1877 of the
Act), to which the respective authorities have been delegated.
The requirements of the CCJR final rule will bear on the need for
and scope of any fraud and abuse waivers that might be granted for the
CCJR model. Because of the close nexus between the final regulations
governing the structure and operations of the CCJR model and the
development of any fraud and abuse waivers necessary to carry out the
provisions of the model, CMS and OIG may, when considering the need for
or scope of any waivers, consider comments submitted in response to
this proposed rule and the provisions of the CCJR final rule.
11. Proposed Waivers of Medicare Program Rules
a. Overview
We believe it may be necessary and appropriate to provide
additional flexibilities to hospitals participating in CCJR, as well as
other providers that furnish services to beneficiaries in CCJR
episodes. The purpose of such flexibilities would be to increase LEJR
episode quality and decrease episode spending or internal costs or both
of providers and suppliers that results in better, more coordinated
care for beneficiaries and improved financial efficiencies for
Medicare, providers, and beneficiaries. These possible additional
flexibilities could include use of our waiver authority under section
1115A of the Act, which provides authority for the Secretary to waive
such requirements of title XVIII of the Act as may be necessary solely
for purposes of carrying out section 1115A of the Act with respect to
testing models described in section 1115A(b) of the Act. This provision
affords broad authority for the Secretary to waive statutory Medicare
program requirements as necessary to carry out the provisions of
section 1115A of the Act.
As we have stated elsewhere in sections I.B and III.A of this
proposed rule, our previous and current efforts in testing episode
payment models have led us to believe that models where entities bear
financial responsibility for total Medicare spending for episodes of
care hold the potential to incentivize the most substantial
improvements in episode quality and efficiency. As discussed in section
III.C of this proposed rule, we are proposing that hospitals
participating in this model be eligible for reconciliation payments
based on improved performance starting in performance year 1, and we
would phase-in repayment responsibility for excess episode spending
starting in performance year 2. We believe that where participant
hospitals bear repayment responsibility for excess episode spending
beyond the target price while high quality care is valued, they will
have an increased incentive to coordinate care furnished by the
hospital and other providers and suppliers throughout the episode to
improve the quality and efficiency of care. With these incentives
present, there may be a reduced likelihood of over-utilization of
services that could otherwise result from waivers of Medicare program
rules. Given these circumstances, waivers of certain program rules for
providers and suppliers furnishing services to CCJR beneficiaries may
be appropriate to offer more flexibility than under existing Medicare
rules for such providers and suppliers, so that they may provide
appropriate, efficient care for beneficiaries. An example of such a
program rule that could be waived to potentially allow more efficient
LEJR episode care would be the 3-day inpatient hospital stay
requirement prior to a covered SNF stay for beneficiaries who could
appropriately be discharged to a SNF after less than a 3-day inpatient
hospital stay.
In addition, we believe that waivers of certain Medicare program
rules are necessary to make reconciliation payments to or recoup
payments from participant hospitals as a result of the Net Payment
Reconciliation Amount (NPRA) for each performance year as discussed in
section III.C.6.a. of this proposed rule, as well as to exclude
beneficiary cost-sharing from these reconciliation payments or
We welcome comments on possible waivers under section 1115A of the
Act of certain Medicare program rules beyond those specifically
discussed in this proposed rule that might be necessary to test this
model. We will consider the comments that are received during the
public comment period and our early model implementation experience and
may make future proposals regarding program rule waivers during the
course of the model test. We are especially interested in comments
explaining how such waivers could provide providers and suppliers with
additional ways that are not permitted under existing Medicare rules to
increase quality of care and reduce unnecessary episode spending, but
that could be appropriately used in the context of CCJR where
participant hospitals bear full responsibility for total episode
spending by performance year 3. We are also interested in receiving
comments regarding the timing and manner in which such waivers, were
they to be offered, would be implemented. For example, would it be
necessary and appropriate to offer program waivers early in the model
test to allow providers and suppliers adequate time to adjust their
care coordination strategies to implement changes permitted by the
waivers, despite there being no full repayment responsibility for
excess episode spending until performance year 3? What program
integrity and beneficiary protection risks could be introduced by
waivers of the program rules described later in this section of this
proposed rule and how could we mitigate those risks? What other issues
should be considered when making use of waiver authority with respect
to program rules? What operational issues do CMS and providers and
suppliers furnishing services to beneficiaries in the model need to
consider and what processes would need to be in place to implement
these alternative program policies?
[[Page 41268]]
What implications would there be for provider and supplier
infrastructure, including IT and other systems and processes? What
provider education would be needed? We note that any waivers included
in a final rule would be offered to participant hospitals, but
depending on the specifics of each waiver, might be applied to services
furnished by providers and suppliers other than the hospital. Where
that is the case, we seek input on how we may best educate and
disseminate information using methods effective in reaching providers
and suppliers. Additionally, we seek comment on how we would
appropriately and accurately track the use of waivers by providers and
suppliers other than participant hospitals.
Specific program rules for which we propose waivers under the CCJR
model to support provider and supplier efforts to increase quality and
decrease episode spending and for which we invite comments are included
in the sections that follow. We propose that these waivers of program
rules would apply to the care of beneficiaries who are in CCJR episodes
at the time when the waiver is used to bill for a service that is
furnished to the beneficiary, even if the episode is later cancelled as
described in section III.B.3.b of this proposed rule. If a service is
found to have been billed and paid by Medicare under circumstances only
allowed by a program rule waiver for a beneficiary not in the CCJR
model at the time the service was furnished, CMS would recoup payment
for that service from the provider or supplier who was paid, and
require that provider and supplier to repay the beneficiary for any
coinsurance previously collected.
We also generally seek comment on any additional Medicare program
rules that it may be necessary to waive using our authority under
section 1115A of the Act in order to effectively test the CCJR model
that we could consider in the context of our early model implementation
experience to inform any future proposals we may make.
b. Post-Discharge Home Visits
We expect that the broadly defined LEJR episodes with a duration of
90 days following hospital discharge as we propose in section III.B. of
this proposed rule will result in participant hospitals redesigning
care by increasing care coordination and management of beneficiaries
following surgery. This will require participant hospitals to pay close
attention to any underlying medical conditions that could be affected
by the anchor hospitalization and improving coordination of care across
care settings and providers. Beneficiaries may have substantial
mobility limitations during LEJR episodes following discharge to their
home or place of residence that may interfere with their ability to
travel easily to physicians' offices or other health care settings.
Adopting new strategies to increase beneficiary adherence to and
engagement with recommended treatment and follow-up care following
discharge from the hospital or PAC setting will also be important to
high quality episode care. Scientific evidence exists \42\ to support
the use of home nursing visits among Medicare beneficiaries in
improving care coordination following hospital discharge. In addition,
we believe the financial incentives in this episode payment model will
encourage hospitals to closely examine the most appropriate PAC
settings for beneficiaries so that the clinically appropriate setting
of the lowest acuity is recommended following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization. We expect that all these considerations will lead to
greater interest on the part of hospitals and other providers and
suppliers caring for CCJR beneficiaries in furnishing services to
beneficiaries in their home or place of residence. Such services could
include visits by licensed clinicians other than physicians and
nonphysician practitioners
\42\ Naylor MD, Brooten D, Campbell R, Jacobsen BS, Mezey MD,
Pauly MV, Schwartz JS. JAMA. 1999:281(7):613-620. doi:10/1001/
In order for Medicare to pay for home health services, a
beneficiary must be determined to be ''home-bound''. Specifically,
sections 1835(a) and 1814(a) of the Act require that a physician
certify (and recertify) that in the case of home health services under
the Medicare home health benefit, such services are or were required
because the individual is or was ''confined to the home'' and needs or
needed skilled nursing care on an intermittent basis, or physical or
speech therapy or has or had a continuing need for occupational
therapy. A beneficiary is considered to be confined to the home if the
beneficiary has a condition, due to an illness or injury, that
restricts his or her ability to leave home except with the assistance
of another individual or the aid of a supportive device (that is,
crutches, a cane, a wheelchair or a walker) or if the beneficiary has a
condition such that leaving his or her home is medically
contraindicated. While a beneficiary does not have to be bedridden to
be considered confined to the home, the condition of the beneficiary
must be such that there exists a normal inability to leave home and
leaving home requires a considerable and taxing effort by the
beneficiary. Absent this condition, it would be expected that the
beneficiary could typically get the same services in an outpatient or
other setting. Thus, the homebound requirement provides a way to help
differentiate between patients that require medical care at home versus
patients who could more appropriately receive care in a less costly
outpatient setting. Additional information regarding the homebound
requirement is available in the Medicare Benefit Manual (Pub 100-02);
Chapter 7, ``Home Health Services,'' Section 30.1.1, ``Patient Confined
to the Home.''
We considered whether a waiver of the homebound requirement would
be appropriate under the CCJR model, particularly beginning in
performance year 2, where hospitals begin to bear repayment
responsibility for excess episode spending. Waiving the homebound
requirement would allow additional beneficiaries to receive home health
care services in their home or place of residence. As previously
discussed, physician certification that a beneficiary meets the
homebound requirement is a prerequisite for Medicare coverage of home
health services, and waiving the homebound requirement could result in
lower episode spending in some instances. For example, if a beneficiary
is allowed to have home health care visits, even if the beneficiary is
not considered homebound, the beneficiary may avoid a hospital
readmission. All other requirements for the Medicare home health
benefit would remain unchanged. Thus, under such a waiver, only
beneficiaries who otherwise meet all program requirements to receive
home health services would be eligible for coverage of home health
services without being homebound.
However, we are not proposing to waive the homebound requirement
under CCJR for several reasons. Based on the typical clinical course of
beneficiaries after LEJR procedures, we believe that many beneficiaries
would meet the homebound requirement for home health services
immediately following discharge from the anchor hospitalization or
following discharge to their home or place of residence from a SNF that
furnished PAC services immediately following the hospital discharge, so
they could receive medically necessary home health services under
existing program rules. Home health episodes are 60 days in duration,
and payment adjustments are made for beneficiaries who require only a
few visits during the episode or who
[[Page 41269]]
are discharged during the episode. For those CCJR beneficiaries who
could benefit from home visits by a licensed clinician for purposes of
assessment and monitoring of their clinical condition, care
coordination, and improving adherence with treatment but who are not
homebound, we do not believe that paying for these visits as home
health services under Medicare is necessary or appropriate, especially
given that Medicare payments for home health services are set based on
the clinical care furnished to beneficiaries who are truly homebound.
Finally, in other CMS episode payment models, such as BPCI, we have not
waived the homebound requirement for home health services.
In BPCI, we have provided a waiver of the ``incident to'' rule to
allow a physician or nonphysician practitioner participating in care
redesign under a participating BPCI provider to bill for services
furnished to a beneficiary who does not qualify for Medicare coverage
of home health services as set forth under Sec. 409.42 where the
services are furnished in the beneficiary's home during the episode
after the beneficiary's discharge from an acute care hospital. The
``incident to'' rules are set forth in Sec. 410.26(b)(5), which
requires services and supplies furnished incident to the service of a
physician or other practitioner must be provided under the direct
supervision (as defined at Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(ii)) of a physician or
other practitioner.
In BPCI, the waiver is available only for services that are
furnished by licensed clinical staff under the general supervision (as
defined at Sec. 410.32(b)(3)(i)) of a physician (or other
practitioner), regardless of whether the individual is an employee,
leased employee, or independent contractor of the physician (or other
practitioner), or of the same entity that employs or contracts with the
physician (or other practitioner), and while the services may be
furnished by licensed clinical staff they must be billed by the
physician (or other practitioner) in accordance with CMS instructions
using a Healthcare Common Procedures Coding System (HCPCS) G-code
created by CMS specifically for the BPCI initiative. As discussed in
section III.B of this proposed rule, participants in the BPCI
initiative are permitted to select the duration of an episode as either
30 days, 60 days or 90 days. In the case of the incident to waiver
under BPCI, the waiver allows physician and nonphysician practitioners
to furnish the services not more than once in a 30-day episode, not
more than twice in a 60-day episode, and not more than three times in a
90-day episode. All other Medicare coverage and payment criteria must
be met.
For the CCJR model, we propose to waive the ``incident to'' rule
set forth in Sec. 410.26(b)(5), to allow a CCJR beneficiary who does
not qualify for home health services to receive post-discharge visits
in his or her home or place of residence any time during the episode.
The waiver would not apply for beneficiaries who would qualify for home
health services under the Medicare program, as set forth under Sec.
409.42. Therefore these visits could not be billed for such
beneficiaries. We propose to allow licensed clinicians, such as nurses,
either employed by a hospital or not, to furnish the service under the
general supervision of a physician, who may be either an employee or a
contractor of the hospital. We propose to allow services furnished
under such a waiver to be billed under the PFS by the physician or
nonphysician practitioner or by the hospital to which the supervising
physician has reassigned his or her benefits. In the latter scenario,
we note that the post-discharge home visit services would not be
``hospital services,'' even when furnished by clinical staff of the
We propose that up to 9 post-discharge home visits could be billed
and paid during each 90-day post-anchor hospitalization CCJR episode.
Given the average PAC length of stay of approximately 45 days for these
episodes and the incentives under CCJR to improve efficiency, which may
shorten PAC stays, 9 visits would represent a home visit on average of
once per week for two-thirds of the 90-day episode duration, the period
of time when the typical beneficiary may have concluded PAC in an
efficient episode. We believe that a home visit of once a week to a
non-homebound beneficiary who has concluded PAC and who could also
receive services in the physician's office or hospital outpatient
department as needed, along with telehealth visits in the home from a
physician or NPP as proposed in the next section, should be sufficient
to allow comprehensive assessment and management of the beneficiary
throughout the LEJR episode. We propose that the service be billed with
HCPCS code GXXXX (Coordinated quality care--joint replacement model
home visit for patient assessment performed by a qualified health care
professional for an individual not considered homebound, including, but
not necessarily limited to patient assessment of clinical status,
safety/fall prevention, functional status/ambulation, medication
reconciliation/management, compliance with orders/plan of care,
performance of activities of daily living, and making beneficiary
connections to community and other services; (for use only in the
Medicare-approved coordinated quality care--joint replacement model);
may not be billed for a 30-day period covered by a transitional care
management code) and paid at approximately $50 under the PFS. The
standard PFS ratesetting methodologies establish relative value units
(RVUs) based on the resources required to furnish the typical service.
Final RVUs under the CY 2016 PFS for the proposed new HCPCS code for
CCJR home visits will be included in the CCJR final rule. In addition,
we propose to update the values each year to correspond to final values
established under the PFS.
The waiver would not apply with respect to a CCJR beneficiary who
has qualified, or would qualify, for home health services when the
visit was furnished. We expect that the visits by licensed clinicians
could include patient assessment, monitoring, assessment of functional
status and fall risk, review of medications, assessment of adherence
with treatment recommendations, patient education, communication and
coordination with other treating clinicians, care management to improve
beneficiary connections to community and other services, etc. These
post-discharge home visits would remove barriers to follow-up care
outside of the home with providers and suppliers and allow the
beneficiary to be treated in his or her home environment or place of
residence, where potential safety concerns, such as tripping hazards,
could quickly be identified and remediated. Given these occasions for
further patient assessment and intervention, we believe that where such
post-discharge home visits are furnished, there are opportunities to
increase patient-centered care coordination and decrease episode
spending, potentially resulting in higher quality care for
beneficiaries and increased episode efficiency which may benefit the
beneficiaries, the Medicare Trust Fund, and participant hospitals.
We also propose to waive current Medicare billing rules in order to
allow the separate reporting of these post-discharge home visits during
surgical global periods. The PFS payment for the surgical procedure
includes 90 days of post-operative care furnished by the surgeon. Post-
operative follow-up care is not separately billable by the surgeon or,
unless there is a transfer of care, by another practitioner. The
current construction of the global packages included in PFS payments
reflects a
[[Page 41270]]
narrow view of surgical follow-up care that does not encompass broader,
more comprehensive models of post-operative care, such as an episode
model like CCJR. As we have noted in the past, it is also difficult to
determine the appropriate valuation of the various components of the
current global packages (2015 Physician Fee Schedule 79 FR 67584). We
do not believe that the CCJR post-discharge home visits, which can
include nursing assessments for chronic conditions for which care may
be affected by the surgery, would replace or substantially duplicate
the kind of post-operative visits involved in furnishing post-operative
follow-up care for the global surgery procedure under the PFS. Instead,
we anticipate that the work of these post-discharge visits will be
similar to the work furnished by the physician coordinating the
patient's overall episode care. Therefore, we propose to waive the
global surgery billing rules to allow the surgeon or other
practitioners to furnish and bill for the post-discharge home visits
during surgical global periods.
We plan to monitor utilization patterns of post-discharge home
visits under CCJR to monitor for overutilization and significant
reductions in medical home health services. We seek comments on the
proposed waiver of the ``incident to'' rule to pay for a maximum number
of post-discharge home visits to beneficiaries who do not qualify for
home health services by licensed clinicians under the general
supervision of a physician.
c. Billing and Payment for Telehealth Services
As discussed in the previous section, we expect that the CCJR model
design features will lead to greater interest on the part of hospitals
and other providers and suppliers caring for CCJR beneficiaries in
furnishing services to beneficiaries in their home or place of
residence, including physicians' professional services. While
physicians may furnish and be paid by Medicare for home visits under
the PFS, few visits are actually furnished to Medicare beneficiaries
because of the significant physician resources required for such visits
and the general structure of most physician office-based practices. For
example, in 2014 only 2.6 million physician or nonphysician
practitioner home visits were furnished to Medicare beneficiaries in
contrast to almost 250 million office or other outpatient evaluation
and management visits furnished by physicians or nonphysician
practitioners. CCJR would create new incentives for comprehensive
episode care management for beneficiaries, including early
identification and intervention regarding changes in health status
following discharge from the anchor hospitalization. We understand that
participant hospitals may want to engage physicians in furnishing
timely visits to homebound or non-homebound CCJR beneficiaries in their
homes or places of residence to address concerning symptoms or
observations raised by beneficiaries themselves, clinicians furnishing
home health services, or licensed clinicians furnishing post-discharge
home visits, while physicians committed to LEJR care redesign may not
be able to revise their practice patterns to meet this home visit need
for CCJR beneficiaries.
Under section 1834(m) of the Act, Medicare pays for telehealth
services furnished by a physician or practitioner under certain
conditions even though the physician or practitioner is not in the same
location as the beneficiary. The telehealth services must be furnished
to a beneficiary located in one of the eight types of originating sites
specified in section 1834(m)(4)(C)(ii) of the Act and the site must
satisfy at least one of the requirements of section 1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I)
through (III) of the Act. Generally, for Medicare payment to be made
for telehealth services under the Physician Fee Schedule several
conditions must be met, as set forth under Sec. 410.78(b).
Specifically, the service must be on the Medicare list of telehealth
services and meet all of the following other requirements for payment:
The service must be furnished via an interactive
telecommunications system.
The service must be furnished to an eligible telehealth
The individual receiving the services must be in an
eligible originating site.
When all of these conditions are met, Medicare pays a facility fee
to the originating site and provides separate payment to the distant
site practitioner for the service. Section 1834(m)(4)(F)(i) of the Act
defines Medicare telehealth services to include professional
consultations, office visits, office psychiatry services, and any
additional service specified by the Secretary, when furnished via a
telecommunications system. For the list of approved Medicare telehealth
services, see the CMS Web site at Under section 1834(m)(4)(F)(ii) of the
Act, CMS has an annual process to consider additions to and deletions
from the list of telehealth services. We do not include any services as
telehealth services when Medicare does not otherwise make a separate
payment for them.
Some literature suggests that technologies that enable health care
providers to deliver care to patients in locations remote from
providers are being increasingly used to complement face-to-face
patient-provider encounters in both urban and rural areas.\43\ In these
cases, the use of remote access technologies may improve the
accessibility and timeliness of needed care, increase communication
between providers and patients, enhance care coordination, and improve
the efficiency of care. We note that certain professional services that
are commonly furnished remotely using telecommunications technology are
paid under the same conditions as in-person physicians' services, and
thus do not require a waiver to be considered as telehealth services.
Such services that do not require the patient to be present in person
with the practitioner when they are furnished are covered and paid in
the same way as services delivered without the use of
telecommunications technology when the practitioner is in person at the
medical facility furnishing care to the patient.
In other CMS episode payment models, such as BPCI Models 2 and 3,
we determined it was necessary to waive the geographic site
requirements of section 1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the Act.
This waiver allows telehealth services to be furnished to eligible
telehealth individuals when they are located at one of the eight
originating sites at the time the service is furnished via a
telecommunications system but without regard to the site meeting one of
the geographic site requirements. For CCJR, we propose a waiver of this
same provision as well as waiver of the requirement that the eligible
telehealth individual be in an originating site when the otherwise
eligible individual is receiving telehealth services in his or her home
or place of residence. This waiver would allow providers and suppliers
furnishing services to CCJR beneficiaries to utilize telemedicine for
beneficiaries that are not classified as rural and to allow the
greatest degree of efficiency and communication between providers and
suppliers and beneficiaries by allowing beneficiaries to receive
telehealth services at their home or place of residence. We believe
that these waivers are essential to maximize the opportunity to improve
the quality of care and efficiency for LEJR episodes under CCJR.
[[Page 41271]]
Specifically, like the telehealth waiver for BPCI, we propose to
waive the geographic site requirements of section 1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I)
through (III) of the Act that limit telehealth payment to services
furnished within specific types of geographic areas or in an entity
participating in a federal telemedicine demonstration project approved
as of December 31, 2000. Waiver of this requirement would allow
beneficiaries located in any region to receive services related to the
episode to be furnished via telehealth, as long as all other Medicare
requirements for telehealth services are met. Any service on the list
of Medicare approved telehealth services and reported on a claim with
an ICD-9 principal diagnosis code that is not excluded from the
proposed CCJR episode definition (see section III.B.2 of this proposed
rule) could be furnished to a CCJR beneficiary, regardless of the
beneficiary's geographic location. Under CCJR, this waiver would
support care coordination and increasing timely access to high quality
care for all CCJR beneficiaries, regardless of geography. Additionally,
we propose, only for the purpose of testing the CCJR model, waiving the
originating site requirements of section 1834(m)(4)(C)(ii)(I)-(VIII) of
the Act that specify the particular sites at which the eligible
telehealth individual must be located at the time the service is
furnished via a telecommunications system. Specifically, we propose to
waive the requirement only when telehealth services are being furnished
in the CCJR' beneficiary's home or place of residence during the
episode. Any service on the list of Medicare approved telehealth
services and reported on a claim with an ICD-9 principal diagnosis code
that is not excluded from the proposed CCJR episode definition (see
section III.B.2 of this proposed rule) could be furnished to a CCJR
beneficiary in his or her home or place of residence, unless the
service's HCPCS code descriptor precludes delivering the service in the
home or place of residence. For example, subsequent hospital care
services could not be furnished to beneficiaries in their home since
those beneficiaries would not be inpatients of the hospital.
The existing set of codes used to report evaluation and management
(E/M) visits are extensively categorized and defined by the setting of
the service, and the codes describe the services furnished when both
the patient and the practitioner are located in that setting. Section
1834(m) of the Act provides for particular conditions under which
Medicare can make payment for office visits when a patient is located
in a health care setting (the originating sites authorized by statute)
and the eligible practitioner is located elsewhere. However we do not
believe that the kinds of E/M services furnished to patients outside of
health care settings via real-time, interactive communication
technology are accurately described by any existing E/M codes. This
would include circumstances when the patient is located in his or her
home and the location of the practitioner is unspecified. Therefore, in
order to create a mechanism to report E/M services accurately under the
CCJR model, we propose to create a specific set of HCPCS G-codes to
describe the E/M services furnished to CCJR beneficiaries in their
homes via telehealth.
Among the existing E/M visit services, we envision these services
would be most similar to those described by the office and other
outpatient E/M codes. Therefore, we propose to structure the new codes
similarly to the office/outpatient E/M codes but adjusted to reflect
the location as the beneficiary's residence and the virtual presence of
the practitioner. Specifically, we propose to create a parallel
structure and set of descriptors currently used to report office or
other outpatient E/M services, (CPT codes 99201 through 99205 for new
patient visits and CPT codes 99212 through 99215 for established
patient visits.) For example, the proposed G-code for a level 3 E/M
visit for an established patient would be a telehealth visit for the
evaluation and management of an established patient in the patient's
home, which requires at least 2 of the following 3 key components:
An expanded problem focused history;
An expanded problem focused examination;
Medical decision making of low complexity.
Counseling and coordination of care with other physicians, other
qualified health care professionals or agencies are provided consistent
with the nature of the problem(s) and the patient's or family's needs
or both. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are of low to moderate
severity. Typically, 15 minutes are spent with the patient or family or
both via real-time, audio and video intercommunications technology.
We note that we are not proposing a G-code to parallel the level 1
office/outpatient visit for an established patient, since that service
does not require the presence of the physician or other qualified
health professional. We also believe this would duplicate the home
visits for non-homebound beneficiaries previously proposed in this
We propose to develop payment rates for these new telehealth G-
codes for E/M services in the patient's home that are similar to the
payment rates for the office/outpatient E/M services, since the codes
will describe the work involved in furnishing similar services.
Therefore, we propose to include the resource costs typically incurred
when services are furnished via telehealth. In terms of the relative
resource costs involved in furnishing these services, we believe that
the efficiencies of virtual presentation generally limit resource costs
other than those related to the professional time, intensity, and
malpractice risk to marginal levels. Therefore, we propose to adopt
work and malpractice (MP) RVUs associated with the corresponding level
of office/outpatient codes as the typical service because the
practitioner's time and intensity and malpractice liabilities when
conducting a visit via telehealth are comparable to the office visit.
Final RVUs under the CY 2016 PFS will be included in the CCJR final
rule. Additionally, we propose to update these values each year to
correspond to final values established under the PFS. We considered
whether each level of visit typically would warrant support by
auxiliary licensed clinical staff within the context of the CCJR model.
The cost of such staff and any associated supplies, for example, would
be incorporated in the practice expense (PE) RVUs under the PFS. For
the lower level visits, levels 1 through 3 for new and 2 and 3 for
established visits, we did not believe that the visit would necessarily
require auxiliary medical staff to be available in the patient's home.
We anticipate these lower level visits would be the most commonly
furnished and would serve as a mechanism for the patient to consult
quickly with a practitioner for concerns that can be easily described
and explained by the patient. We do not propose to include PE RVUs for
these services, since we do not believe that virtual visits envisioned
for this model typically incur the kinds of costs included in the PE
RVUs under the PFS. For higher level visits, we typically would
anticipate some amount of support from auxiliary clinical staff. For
example, wound examination and minor wound debridement would be
considered included in an E/M visit and would require licensed clinical
staff to be present in the beneficiary's home during the telehealth
visit in order for
[[Page 41272]]
the complete service to be furnished. We believe it would be rare for a
practitioner to conduct as complex and detailed a service as a level 4
or 5 E/M home visit via telehealth for CCJR beneficiaries in LEJR
episodes without licensed clinical staff support in the home.
However, we also note that this proposed model already includes
several avenues for licensed clinical staff to be in the patient's
home, either through a separately paid home visit as proposed for the
model or through home health services as discussed earlier in this
section of this proposed rule. Therefore, although we consider support
by auxiliary clinical staff to be typical for level 4 or 5 E/M visits
furnished to CCJR beneficiaries in the home via telehealth, we do not
propose to incorporate these costs through PE RVUs. Given the
anticipated complexity of these visits, we would expect to observe
level 4 and 5 E/M visits to be reported on the same claim with the same
date of service as a home visit or during a period of authorized home
health care. If neither of these occurs, we propose to require the
physician to document in the medical record that auxiliary licensed
clinical staff were available on site in the patient's home during the
visit and if they were not, to document the reason that such a high-
level visit would not require such personnel.
We note that because the services described by the proposed G-
codes, by definition, are furnished remotely using telecommunications
technology, they therefore are paid under the same conditions as in-
person physicians' services and they do not require a waiver to the
requirements of section 1834(m) of the Act. We also note that because
these home telehealth services are E/M services, all other coverage and
payment rules regarding E/M services would continue to apply.
Under CCJR, this proposal to waive the originating site
requirements and create new home visit telehealth HCPCS codes would
support the greatest efficiency and timely communication between
providers and beneficiaries by allowing beneficiaries to receive
telehealth services at their places of residence.
With respect to home health services paid under the home health
prospective payment system (HH PPS), we emphasize that telehealth
visits under this model cannot substitute for in-person home health
visits per section 1895(e)(1)(A) of the Act. Furthermore, telehealth
services by social workers cannot be furnished for CCJR beneficiaries
who are in a home health episode of care because medical social
services are included as home health services per section 1861(m) of
the Act and paid for under the Medicare HH PPS. However, telehealth
services permitted under section 1834 of the Act and furnished by
physicians or other practitioners, specifically physician assistants,
nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse
midwives, nurse anesthetists, psychologists, and dieticians, can be
furnished for CCJR beneficiaries who are in a home health episode of
care. Finally, sections 1835(a) and 1814(a) of the Act require that the
patient has a face-to-face encounter with the certifying physician or
an allowed nonphysician practitioner (NPP) working in collaboration
with or under the supervision of the certifying physician before the
certifying physician certifies that the patient is eligible for home
health services. Under Sec. 424.22(a)(1)(v), the face-to-face
encounter can be performed up to 90 days prior to the start of home
health care or within 30 days after the start of home health care.
Section 424.22(a)(1)(v)(A) also allows a physician, with privileges,
who cared for the patient in an acute or PAC setting (from which the
patient was directly admitted to home health) or an allowed NPP working
in collaboration with or under the supervision of the acute or PAC
physician to conduct the face-to-face encounter.
Although sections 1835(a) and 1814(a) of the Act allow the face-to-
face encounter to be performed via telehealth, we are not proposing
that the waiver of the telehealth geographic site requirement for
telehealth services and the the originating site requirement for
telehealth services furnished in the CCJR beneficiary's home or place
of residence would apply to the face-to-face encounter required as part
of the home health certification when that encounter is furnished via
telehealth. In other words, when a face-to-face encounter furnished via
telehealth is used to meet the requirement for home health
certification, the usual Medicare telehealth rules apply with respect
to geography and eligibility of the originating site. We expect that
this policy will not limit CCJR beneficiaries' access to medically
necessary home health services because beneficiaries receiving home
health services during a CCJR episode will have had a face-to-face
encounter with either the physician or an allowed NPP during their
anchor hospitalization or a physician or allowed NPP during a post-
acute facility stay prior to discharge directly to home health
Under the proposed waiver of the geographic site requirement and
originating site requirement, all telehealth services would be required
to be furnished in accordance with all Medicare coverage and payment
criteria, and no additional payment would be made to cover set-up
costs, technology purchases, training and education, or other related
costs. The facility fee paid by Medicare to an originating site for a
telehealth service would be waived if there is no facility as an
originating site (that is, the service was originated in the
beneficiary's home). Finally, providers and suppliers furnishing a
telehealth service to a CCJR beneficiary in his or her home or place of
residence during the episode would not be permitted to bill for
telehealth services that were not fully furnished when an inability to
provide the intended telehealth service is due to technical issues with
telecommunications equipment required for that service. Beneficiaries
would be able to receive services furnished pursuant to the telehealth
waivers only during the CCJR LEJR episode.
We plan to monitor patterns of utilization of telehealth services
under CCJR to monitor for overutilization or reductions in medically
necessary care, and significant reductions in face-to-face visits with
physicians and NPPs. We plan to specifically monitor the distribution
of new telehealth home visits that we are proposing, as we anticipate
greater use of lower level visits. Given our concern that auxiliary
licensed clinical staff be present for level 4 and 5 visits, we will
monitor our proposed requirement that these visits be billed on the
same claim with the same date of service as a home nursing visit,
during a period authorized home health care, or that the physician
document the presence of auxiliary licensed clinical staff in the home
or an explanation as to the specific circumstances precluding the need
for auxiliary staff for the specific visit. We seek comments on the
proposed waivers with respect to telehealth services, and the proposed
creation of the home visit telehealth codes.
d. SNF 3-Day Rule
We expect that the CCJR model will encourage participant hospitals
and their provider and supplier partners to redesign care for LEJR
episodes across the continuum of care extending to 90 days post-
discharge from the anchor hospital stay. We believe that hospitals will
seek to develop and refine the most efficient care pathways so
[[Page 41273]]
receive the lowest intensity, clinically appropriate care at each point
in time throughout the episode. We understand that in some cases,
particularly younger beneficiaries undergoing total knee replacement,
certain beneficiaries receiving LEJR procedures may be appropriately
discharged from the acute care hospital to a SNF in less than the 3
days required under the Medicare program for coverage of the SNF stay.
While total knee arthroplasty (TKA) remains payable by Medicare to the
hospital only when furnished to hospital inpatients, we have heard from
some stakeholders that these procedures may be safely furnished to
hospital outpatients with a hospital outpatient department stay of only
24 hours. Finally, we note that the current geometric mean hospital
length of stay for LEJR procedures for beneficiaries without major
complications or comorbidities (MS-DRG 470) is only 3 days and that for
MS-DRG 469 for beneficiaries with such complications or comorbidities
is 6 days. Thus, we believe it is possible that hospitals working to
increase episode efficiency may identify some CCJR beneficiaries who
could be appropriately discharged from the hospital to a SNF in less
than 3 days, but that early discharge would eliminate Medicare coverage
for the SNF stay unless a waiver of Medicare requirements were provided
under CCJR.
The Medicare SNF benefit is for beneficiaries who require a short-
term intensive stay in a SNF, requiring skilled nursing or skilled
rehabilitation care or both. Pursuant to section 1861(i) of the Act,
beneficiaries must have a prior inpatient hospital stay of no fewer
than 3-consecutive days in order to be eligible for Medicare coverage
of inpatient SNF care. We refer to this as the SNF 3-day rule. We note
that the SNF 3-day rule has been waived or is not a requirement for
Medicare SNF coverage under other CMS models or programs, including
BPCI Model 2. BPCI Model 2 awardees that request and are approved for
the waiver can discharge Model 2 beneficiaries in less than 3 days from
an anchor hospital stay to a SNF, where services are covered under
Medicare Part A as long as all other coverage requirements for such
services are satisfied.
Currently, FFS Medicare beneficiary discharge patterns to a SNF
immediately following hospitalization for an LEJR procedure vary
regionally across the country, from a low of approximately 10 percent
of Medicare beneficiaries to a high of approximately 85 percent.\44\
Additionally, a study of Medicare beneficiaries has shown that over the
period of time between 1991 and 2008, as the inpatient hospital length-
of-stay for total hip arthroplasty (THA) decreased from an average of
9.1 days to an average of 3.7 days, the average percentage of primary
THA patients discharged directly to home declined from 68 percent to 48
percent while the proportion discharged directly to skilled care
(primarily SNFs) increased from 17.8 percent to 34.3 percent.\45\
During this same period of time, 30-day all-cause readmission increased
from 5.8 percent to 8.5 percent. Similar to the CCJR payment policies
we propose in section III.C of this proposed rule, which would require
participating CCJR hospitals to repay Medicare for excess episode
spending beginning in performance year 2, participants in BPCI Model 2
assume financial responsibility for episode spending for beneficiaries
included in a Model 2 episode. Episode payment models like BPCI and
CCJR have the potential to mitigate the existing incentives under the
Medicare program to overuse SNF benefits for beneficiaries, as well as
to furnish many fragmented services that do not reflect significant
coordinated attention to and management of complications following
hospital discharge. The removal of these incentives in an episode
payment model lays the groundwork for offering participant hospitals
greater flexibility around the parameters that determine SNF stay
coverage. BPCI participants considering the early discharge of a
beneficiary pursuant to the waiver during a Model 2 episode must
evaluate whether early discharge to a SNF is clinically appropriate and
SNF services are medically necessary. Next, they must balance that
determination and the potential benefits to the hospital in the form of
internal cost savings due to greater financial efficiency with the
understanding that a subsequent hospital readmission, attributable to
premature discharge or low quality SNF care, could substantially
increase episode spending while also resulting in poorer quality of
care for the beneficiary. Furthermore, early hospital discharge for a
beneficiary who would otherwise not require a SNF stay (that is, the
beneficiary has no identified skilled nursing or rehabilitation need
that cannot be provided on an outpatient basis) following a hospital
stay of typical length does not improve episode efficiency under an
episode payment model such as BPCI or CCJR.
\44\ ``Analysis of Medicare claims with admission dates from
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 accessed through the Chronic
Conditions Warehouse.''
\45\ Cram P, Lu X, Kaboli PJ, et al. Clinical Characteristics
and Outcomes of Medicare Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty,
1991-2008. JAMA. 2011;305(15):1560-1567.
Because of the potential benefits we see for participating CCJR
hospitals, their provider partners, and beneficiaries, we propose to
waive in certain instances the SNF 3-day rule for coverage of a SNF
stay following the anchor hospitalization under CCJR beginning in
performance year 2 of the model when repayment responsibility for
actual episode spending that exceeds the target price begins. We
propose to use our authority under section 1115A of the Act with
respect to certain SNFs that furnish Medicare Part A post-hospital
extended care services to beneficiaries included in an episode in the
CCJR model. We believe this waiver is necessary to the model test so
that participant hospitals can redesign care throughout the episode
continuum of care extending to 90 days post-discharge from the anchor
hospital stay in order to maximize quality and hospital financial
efficiency, as well as reduce episode spending under Medicare. However,
we are not proposing to waive this requirement in performance year 1,
when participating hospitals are not responsible for excess actual
episode spending. We believe that there is some potential for early
hospital discharge followed by a SNF stay to increase actual episode
spending over historical patterns unless participant hospitals are
particularly mindful of this potential unintended consequence. Without
participant hospital repayment responsibility in performance year 1, we
are concerned that Medicare would be at full risk under the model for
increased episode spending because, without a financial incentive to
closely manage care, hospitals might be more likely to discharge
beneficiaries to SNFs early leading to increased episode spending for
which the hospital would bear no responsibility. Beginning in
performance year 2 and continuing through performance year 5, we
propose to waive the SNF 3-day rule because participant hospitals will
bear partial or full responsibility (capped at the proposed stop-loss
limit described in section III.C. of this proposed rule) for excess
episode actual spending, thereby providing a strong incentive in those
years for participant hospitals to redesign care with both quality and
efficiency outcomes as priorities. All other Medicare rules for
coverage and payment of Part A-covered SNF services would continue to
apply to CCJR
[[Page 41274]]
beneficiaries in all performance years of the model.
In addition, because the average length of stay for Medicare
beneficiaries hospitalized for LEJR procedures without major
complications or comorbidities is already relatively short at 3 days
and in view of our concerns over protecting immediate CCJR beneficiary
safety and optimizing health outcomes, we propose to require that
participant hospitals may only discharge a CCJR beneficiary under this
proposed waiver of the SNF 3-day rule to a SNF rated an overall of
three stars or better by CMS based on information publicly available at
the time of hospital discharge. Problem areas due to early hospital
discharge may not be discovered through model monitoring and evaluation
activities until well after the episode has concluded, and the
potential for later negative findings alone may not afford sufficient
beneficiary protections. CMS created a Five-Star Quality Rating System
for SNFs to allow SNFs to be compared more easily and to help identify
areas of concerning SNF performance. The Nursing Home Compare Web site
( gives each SNF an overall rating
of between 1 and 5 stars. Skilled nursing facilities with 5 stars are
considered to have much above average quality, and SNFs with one star
are considered to have quality much below average. Published SNF
ratings include distinct ratings of health inspection, staffing, and
quality measures, with ratings for each of the three sources combined
to calculate an overall rating. These areas of assessment are all
relevant to the quality of SNF care following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization initiating a CCJR episode, especially if that discharge
occurs after less than three days in the hospital. A study of the
clinical factors that kept patients in a Danish hospital unit dedicated
to discharge in three days or fewer following total hip and knee
arthroscopy procedures found that that pain, dizziness, and general
weakness were the main clinical reasons for longer hospitalization, as
well as problems with personal care and walking 70 meters with
crutches.\46\ Medicare beneficiaries discharged from the hospital to a
SNF in less than three days may be at higher risk of these
uncomfortable symptoms and disabling functional problems not being
fully resolved at hospital discharge, although we expect that under the
CCJR episode payment model participant hospitals will have a strong
interest in ensuring appropriate discharge timing so that hospital
readmissions and complications are minimized. Nevertheless, because of
the potential greater risks following early inpatient hospital
discharge, we believe it is appropriate that all CCJR beneficiaries
discharged from the participant hospital to a SNF in less than 3 days
be admitted to a SNF that has demonstrated that it is capable of
providing quality care to patients with significant unresolved post-
surgical symptoms and problems. We believe such a SNF would need to
provide care of at least average overall quality, which would be
represented by an overall SNF 3-star or better rating.
\46\ Husted H, Lunn TH, Troelsen A, Gaarm-Larsen L, Kristensen
BB, Kehlet H. Why still in hospital after fast-track hip and knee
arthroplasty? Acta Orthopaedica. 2011; 82(6)679-684.
We propose that the waiver be available for the CCJR beneficiary's
care. The SNF would insert a Treatment Authorization Code on the claim
for a beneficiary in the model where the SNF seeks to the use the
waiver. This process would promote coordination between the SNF and the
participant hospital, as the SNF would need to be in close
communication with the participant hospital to ensure that the
beneficiary is in the model at the time the waiver is used. We propose
that where the beneficiary would be eligible for inclusion in a CCJR
episode of care at the time of hospital discharge, use of the waiver
would be permitted where it is medically necessary and appropriate to
discharge the beneficiary to a SNF prior to a 3-day inpatient stay.
Beneficiaries would be eligible to receive services furnished under
the 3-Day Rule waiver only during the CCJR episode. We plan to monitor
patterns of SNF utilization under CCJR, particularly with respect to
hospital discharge in less than 3 days to a SNF, to ensure that
beneficiaries are not being discharged prematurely to SNFs and that
they are able to exercise their freedom of choice without patient
steering. We seek comment on our proposal to waive the SNF 3-day stay
rule for stays in SNFs rated overall as three stars or better following
discharge from the anchor hospitalization in CCJR episodes.
e. Waivers of Medicare Program Rules To Allow Reconciliation Payment or
Repayment Actions Resulting From the Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
In order to make reconciliation payment to or carry out recoupment
from a participant hospital that results from the NPRA calculation for
each performance year as discussed in section III.C.6.a. of this
proposed rule, we believe we would need to waive certain Medicare
program rules. Therefore, in accordance with the authority granted to
the Secretary in section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act, we would waive
requirements of the Act for all Medicare Part A and Part B payment
systems only to the extent necessary to make reconciliation payments or
receive repayments based on the NPRA that reflect the episode payment
methodology under this proposed payment model for CCJR participant
hospitals selected in accordance with CMS's proposed selection
methodology. In addition, we do not propose that reconciliation
payments or repayments change beneficiary cost-sharing from the regular
Medicare program cost-sharing for the related Part A and Part B
services that were paid for CCJR beneficiaries and aggregated to
determine actual episode spending in the calculation of the NPRA. We
therefore would waive the requirements of sections 1813 and 1833(a) of
the Act to the extent that they would otherwise apply to reconciliation
payments or repayments from a participant hospital under the CCJR
model. We seek comment on our proposed waivers related to repayment and
recoupment actions as a result of the NRPA calculated.
12. Proposed Enforcement Mechanisms
CMS must have certain mechanisms to enforce compliance with the
requirements of the model, either by the participant hospital, or by an
entity or individual participating in the CCJR model by furnishing a
service to a beneficiary during a CCJR episode. The following
discussion details the enforcement mechanisms we propose to make
available to CMS for the CCJR model.
We propose an enforcement structure that would be consistent with
other CMMI models. We believe that Model 2 of the BPCI initiative is an
appropriate model for comparison, given that Model 2 and CCJR share
many of the same policy characteristics, particularly with respect to
episode definition. For example, the participation agreement between
CMS and a participant (called an Awardee) in BPCI Model 2 provides that
CMS may immediately or with advance notice terminate the awardee's
participation in the model or require the Awardee to terminate its
agreement (``participant agreement'') with a participating provider or
supplier that is not in compliance with BPCI requirements. In such
circumstances, CMS may direct the Awardee to terminate its participant
agreement with a participating provider or supplier because the Awardee
has a participation agreement with CMS, whereas the participating
provider or supplier does
[[Page 41275]]
not. CMS may require termination of the Awardee or a participating
provider or supplier if--
CMS determines that it no longer has the funds to support
the BPCI model;
CMS terminates the model pursuant to section
1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act; or
The BPCI awardee or an individual or entity participating
in BPCI under the awardee does any of the following:
++ Takes any action that threatens the health or safety of
patients; avoids at-risk Medicare beneficiaries, as this term is
defined in Sec. 425.20; or avoids patients on the basis of payer
++ Is subject to sanctions or final actions of an accrediting
organization or federal, state or local government agency that could
lead to the inability to comply with the requirements and provisions of
the BPCI agreement.
++ Takes or fails to take any action that CMS determines for
program integrity reasons is not in the best interests of the BPCI
++ Is subject to action by HHS (including OIG and CMS) or the
Department of Justice to redress an allegation of fraud or significant
misconduct, including intervening in a False Claims Act qui tam matter,
issuing a pre-demand or demand letter under a civil sanction authority,
or similar actions.
Under the terms of the BPCI agreement, upon CMS's termination of
the agreement for any of the reasons previously listed in this section,
CMS may immediately cease the distribution of positive reconciliation
payments to the awardee and the awardee must immediately cease the
distribution of any gainsharing payments.
Many CMMI models also allow for CMS to impose remedial actions to
address noncompliance by either a participant that has a direct
relationship (participation agreement) with CMS, or by any individual
or entity participating in the CMMI model pursuant to an agreement with
the participant hospital. For example, with respect to the BPCI Model
2, where CMS determines that there may be noncompliance, CMS may take
any or all of the following actions:
Notify the BPCI awardee of the specific performance
Require the awardee to provide additional data to CMS or
its designees.
Require the awardee to stop distributing funds to a
particular individual or entity.
Require the awardee to forego the receipt of any positive
reconciliation payments from CMS.
Request a corrective action plan from the awardee.
++ If CMS requests a corrective action plan, then the following
requirements apply to awardees in the BPCI initiative:
-- The awardee must submit a corrective action plan for CMS approval by
the deadline established by CMS.
-- The corrective action plan must address what actions the awardee
will take within a specified time period to ensure that all
deficiencies are corrected and that it remains in compliance with the
BPCI agreement.
Under the CCJR model, we propose that CMS would have the
enforcement mechanisms detailed in this section available for use
against participant hospitals and any entity or individual furnishing a
service to a beneficiary during a CCJR episode, where the participant
hospital or such entity or individual: (1) Does not comply with the
CCJR model requirements; or (2) are identified as noncompliant via CMS'
monitoring of the model or engage in behavior related to any of the
reasons previously described that apply to the BPCI initiative. These
mechanisms will support the goals of CCJR to maintain or improve
quality of care. Given that participant hospitals may receive
reconciliation payments, and choose to distribute or share those
payments with other providers or suppliers (``CCJR collaborators'') we
believe that enhanced scrutiny and monitoring of participant hospitals
and CCJR collaborators under the model is necessary and appropriate.
Participant hospitals and CCJR collaborators will also be subject to
all existing requirements and conditions for Medicare participation not
otherwise waived under section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act.
We propose that CMS would have the option to use any one or more of
the following enforcement mechanisms for participant hospitals in CCJR.
We further propose that these enforcement mechanisms could be
instituted and applied in any order, as is consistent with other CMMI
Warning letter--We propose to give CMS the authority to
issue a warning letter to participant hospitals to put them on notice
of behavior that may warrant additional action by CMS. This letter
would inform participant hospitals of the issue or issues identified by
CMS leading to the issuance of the warning letter.
Corrective Action Plan--We propose to give CMS the
authority to request a corrective action plan from participant
hospitals. We propose the following requirements for corrective action
++ The participant hospital would be required to submit a
corrective action plan for CMS approval by the deadline established by
++ The corrective action plan would be required to address what
actions the participant hospital will take within a specified time
period to correct the issues identified by CMS.
++ The corrective action plan could include provisions requiring
that the participant hospital terminate Participation Agreements with
CCJR collaborators that are determined by HHS to be engaging in
activities involving noncompliance with the provisions of this proposed
rule, engaged in fraud or abuse, providing substandard care, or
experiencing other integrity problems.
++ The participant hospital's failure to comply with the corrective
action plan within the specified time period could result in additional
enforcement action, including: (1) Termination; (2) automatic
forfeiture of all or a portion of any reconciliation payments as that
term is defined in section III.C. of this proposed rule; (3) CMS's
discretionary reduction or elimination of all or a portion of the
hospital's reconciliation payment; or (4) a combination of such
Reduction or elimination of reconciliation amount--We
propose to give CMS the authority to reduce or eliminate a participant
hospital's reconciliation amount based on noncompliance with the
model's requirements, negative results found through CMS' monitoring
activities, or the participant hospital's noncompliance associated with
a corrective action plan (as noted previously). For example, where CMS
requires a participant hospital to submit a corrective action plan, the
result of the participant hospital's failure to timely comply with that
requirement could be a 50 percent reduction in the reconciliation
amount due to the participant hospital at the end a performance year,
where the participant hospital's reconciliation report reflects a
positive reconciliation amount. We solicit comments on whether negative
monitoring results and noncompliance with program requirements or
corrective action plans should result in automatic forfeiture of all or
a portion of positive NPRA, the amount that could be forfeited or
reduced, the number of performance periods over which NPRA may be
forfeited or reduced per instance or episode of noncompliance, whether
the amount should be a fixed percentage of NPRA or a variable amount
depending on the nature and severity of the noncompliance, and the
[[Page 41276]]
CMS should use in deciding the severity of noncompliance.
Where the participant hospital's reconciliation report reflects a
repayment amount, forfeiture of a reconciliation amount would not be an
option for that performance year. In such a case, we considered whether
CMS would require the participant hospital to forfeit a certain
percentage of a reconciliation amount in the reconciliation report for
a future performance year. However, in the case of a failure to comply
with the model's requirements, presence of negative results found
through CMS's monitoring activities, or noncompliance associated with a
corrective action plan, we believe a policy that would increase the
amount of repayment amount on the reconciliation report for the
performance year in which the noncompliance occurred by the participant
hospital is more likely to result in compliance from the hospital.
Therefore, we propose to add 25 percent to a repayment amount on a
reconciliation report, where the participant hospital fails to timely
comply with a corrective action plan or is noncompliant with the
model's requirements, We seek comments on this forfeiture policy,
including the percentage to be added to a repayment amount on a
reconciliation report; the number of performance periods over which a
reconciliation amount may be forfeited or reduced per instance or
episode of noncompliance; whether the amount should be a fixed
percentage of a reconciliation amount or repayment amount, as
applicable, or a variable amount depending on the nature and severity
of the noncompliance; and the criteria CMS should use in deciding the
severity of noncompliance.
Termination from the model--Given the provisions we have
proposed outlining the participation of hospitals in the model, we
believe that, in contrast to other CMS models, termination from the
CCJR model would contradict the model's design. As a result, in some
circumstances termination from the model may be unlikely to be a
sufficient mechanism to deter noncompliance by participant hospitals.
While we believe termination is a remedy unlikely to be frequently used
by CMS in this model, we nonetheless leave open the possibility that in
extremely serious circumstances termination might be appropriate, and
for that reason, we propose to include it as an available enforcement
option. Where a participant hospital is terminated from the CCJR model,
we propose that the hospital would remain liable for all negative NPRA
generated from episodes of care that occurred prior to termination. We
propose that CMS may terminate the participation in CCJR of a
participant hospital when the participant hospital, or a CCJR
collaborator that has a Participation Agreement with a participant
hospital and performs functions or services related to CCJR activities,
fails to comply with any of the requirements of the CCJR model. We
further propose that CMS could terminate the participant hospital's
participation in the model, or require a participant hospital to
terminate a Participation Agreement with a CCJR collaborator for
reasons including, but not limited to the following:
CMS determines that it no longer has the funds to support
the CCJR model.
CMS terminates the model pursuant to section
1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act.
The CCJR participant hospital, or an individual or entity
participating in CCJR under the participant hospital does any of the
++ Takes any action that threatens the health or safety of
patients; avoids at-risk Medicare beneficiaries, as this term is
defined in Sec. 425.20; or avoids patients on the basis of payor
++ Is subject to sanctions or final actions of an accrediting
organization or federal, state or local government agency that could
lead to the inability to comply with the requirements and provisions of
this proposed rule.
++ Takes or fails to take any action that CMS determines for
program integrity reasons is not in the best interests of the CCJR
++ Is subject to action by HHS (including OIG and CMS) or the
Department of Justice to redress an allegation of fraud or significant
misconduct, including intervening in a False Claims Act qui tam matter,
issuing a pre-demand or demand letter under a civil sanction authority,
or similar actions.
++ Is subject to action involving violations of the physician self-
referral prohibition, civil monetary penalties law, federal anti-
kickback statute, antitrust laws, or any other applicable Medicare
laws, rules, or regulations that are relevant to the CCJR model
Other Enforcement Mechanisms--We seek to incorporate
policies regarding enforcement mechanisms that are necessary and
appropriate to test the CCJR model. Thus, we seek public comment on
additional enforcement mechanisms that would contribute to the
following goals:
++ Allow CMS to better operate or monitor the model.
++ Appropriately engage and encourage all entities and individuals
furnishing a service to a beneficiary during a CCJR episode to comply
with the requirements and provisions of the CCJR model.
++ Preserve the rights of Medicare beneficiaries to receive
medically necessary care, to not be endangered by providers and
suppliers engaging in noncompliant activities, and to be able to choose
from whom they want to receive care.
We seek public comment on these proposals and invite commenters to
propose additional safeguards we should consider in this proposed rule.
D. Quality Measures and Display of Quality Metrics Used in the CCJR
1. Background
a. Purpose of Quality Measures in the CCJR Model
The priorities of the National Quality Strategy \47\ include making
care safer and more affordable, promoting effective communication and
coordination as well as engaging patients and families in their care.
We believe quality measures that encourage providers to focus on the
National Quality Strategy priorities will ultimately improve quality of
care and cost efficiencies. As described earlier in section III.C.5 of
this proposed rule, we are proposing that in order for a hospital in
the CCJR model to receive a reconciliation payment for the applicable
performance year, the participant hospital's measure results must meet
or exceed certain thresholds compared to the national hospital measure
results calculated for all HIQR-participant hospitals for all three
measures for each performance period. More specifically, for
performance years 1 through 3, a participant hospital's measure results
must be at or above the 30th percentile of the national hospital
measure results calculated for all hospitals under the HIQR Program for
each of the three measures for each performance period (for a detailed
discussion see section III.C.5.b of this proposed rule. For performance
years 4 and 5, a participant hospital's measure results must be at or
above the 40th percentile of the national hospital measure results (for
a detailed discussion see section III.C.5.b. of this proposed rule). In
this section, we fully describe the proposed quality measures that will
be used for public reporting and to determine whether a participant
[[Page 41277]]
hospital is eligible for the reconciliation payment under the CCJR
model. We are proposing a complication measure, readmission measure,
and a patient experience survey measure for the CCJR model. We note
that these measures will assess the priorities of safer care,
transitions of care and effective communication, and engagement of
patients in their care, respectively. Specifically, we are proposing
the following three CMS outcome measures:
\47\ National Quality Strategy. Working for Quality: About the
National Quality Strategy. Available at: Accessed on April 15, 2015.
The Hospital-level risk-standardized complication rate
(RSCR) following elective primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or
total knee arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1550) (as referred to as THA/TKA
Complications measure (NQF #1550)).
The Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause risk-standardized
readmission rate (RSRR) following elective primary total hip
arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551) (as
referred to as THA/TKA Readmissions measure (NQF #1551)).
HCAHPS Survey (NQF #0166).
For the inpatient hospital settings, these fully developed measures
are endorsed by the National Quality Forum (NQF), and recommended by
the NQF Measure Application Partnership (MAP) with subsequent
implementation in the HIQR Program, HVBP Program, and the HRRP (see FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule 79 FR 50031, 50062, 50208 and 50209, and
50259). These measures are also publicly reported on Hospital Compare.
An important purpose of the proposed quality measures for the CCJR
model is to provide transparent information on hospital performance for
the care of patients undergoing eligible elective joint replacement
surgery and to ensure that care quality is either maintained or
improved. The proposed measures assess the following key outcomes for
patients undergoing elective joint replacement surgery:
Serious medical and surgical complications.
Unplanned readmissions.
Patient experience.
We note that complications and unplanned readmissions result in
excess inpatient and post-acute spending, and reductions in these
undesirable events will improve patient outcomes while simultaneously
lowering healthcare spending. The THA/TKA Complications measure (NQF
#550) will inform quality improvement efforts targeted towards
minimizing medical and surgical complications during surgery and the
postoperative period. The THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF #1551)
captures the additional priorities of care provided in the transition
to outpatient settings and communication with patients and providers
during and immediately following inpatient admission. Improved quality
of care, specifically achieved through coordination and communication
among providers and with their patients and their caregivers, can
favorably influence performance on these measures. We believe
improvement in measure performance will also mean improved quality of
care and reduced cost.
Additionally, we continue to focus on patient experience during
hospitalizations, and believe that the HCAHPS Survey measure provides
not only the opportunity for patients to share their lower extremity
joint replacement hospital experience, but also for hospitals to
improve quality of care based on patient experience. For example, the
HCAHPS Survey ``categories of patient experience'' specifically
provides areas (for example, communication with doctors and nurses,
responsiveness of hospital staff, pain management) in which a hospital
could improve transition of care and increase patient safety (for
detailed description of patient experience areas covered by HCAHPS
surveys see section III.D.2.c. of this proposed). Additionally, the
survey includes measures related to nurse and physician communication,
pain management, timeliness of assistance, explanation of medications,
discharge planning and cleanliness of the hospitals to provide specific
areas for hospitals to improve on.\48\ Specific questions on provider
communication include the following:
\48\ Manary MP, Boulding W, Staelin R, Glickman SW. The Patient
Experience and Health Outcomes. New England Journal of Medicine. Jan
2013; 368(3):201-203.
How often the patient believed providers listened
carefully to his or her questions?
Whether the purpose of medications and associated adverse
events were explained?
Whether discussions on post-discharge instructions and
plans occurred so that the patient had a clear understanding of how to
take medications and an understanding of his or her responsibilities in
managing his or her health post-discharge?
All of these areas of patient experience would be invaluable to
improving hospital quality of care. We note that Manary, et al.\2\
suggest that by focusing on patient outcomes we can improve patient
experience and that timeliness of measuring patient experience is
important due to the potential for recall inaccuracies; survey
administration for HCAHPS surveys must begin between 2 and 42 days
after discharge from a hospital.
We are aware that there is concern whether there is a relationship
between patient satisfaction and quality of surgical care. To address
this question Tsai et al.\49\ recently assessed patient satisfaction
using the HCAHPS Survey results and correlated quality performance
using nationally implemented structural, process and outcome surgical
measures (that is, structural, process and outcome surgical measures in
the Hospital Value Based Purchasing, and the Hospital Readmission
Reduction Programs). The study found a positive relationship between
patient experience of care and surgical quality of care, among the
2,953 hospitals that perform six high cost and high frequency surgical
procedures that are also associated with morbidity and mortality in
Medicare beneficiaries. The study included hip replacement procedures,
and specifically noted that those hospitals with high patient
satisfaction also had high performance on nationally implemented
surgical quality measures (such as the Surgical Care Improvement
Project measures and 30-day risk-adjusted readmission and peri-
operative mortality outcome measures). Finally, we note that although
the HCAHPS Survey measure is not specific to joint replacements, the
survey provides all patients the opportunity to comment on their
hospital experience, including patients who have received lower
extremity joint replacements, which helps to inform hospitals on areas
for improvement. While HCAHPS scores are aggregated at the hospital
level, the surgical service line is one of three service lines
encompassed by the survey.\50\
\49\ Tsai TC, Orav EJ, Jha AK. Patient Satisfaction and quality
of surgical care in US hospitals. Annals of Surgery. 2015; 261:2-8.
\50\ Giordano LA, Elliott MN, Goldstein E, Lehrman WG, Spencer
PA. Development, Implementation, and Public Reporting of the HCAHPS
Survey. Medical Care Research and Review. 2010;67(1):27-37.
We strive to align as many measures and programs as is feasibly
possible. We believe proposing fully developed measures that are used
in other CMS hospital quality programs will minimize the burden on
participant hospitals for having to become familiar with new measures
and will allow us to appropriately capture quality data for the CCJR
[[Page 41278]]
b. Public Display of Quality Measures in the CCJR Model
We believe that the display of measure results is an important way
to educate the public on hospital performance and increase the
transparency of the model. As discussed later in this section of this
proposed rule, for the CCJR model, we are proposing to display quality
measure results on the Hospital Compare Web site ( We believe that the public and hospitals
are familiar with this Web site and how the information is displayed.
The proposed measures have been displayed on Hospital Compare over the
past few years. Finally, while also aligning the display of data for
the CCJR model with other CMS hospital quality programs, we believe
that the public and 'hospitals' familiarity with the Hospital Compare
Web site will make it simpler to access data.
2. Proposed Quality Measures for Performance Year 1 (CY 2016) and
Subsequent years
a. Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) Following
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1550)
(1) Background
THA and TKA are commonly performed procedures for the Medicare
population that improve quality of life. Between 2009 and 2012, there
were 337,419 total hip arthroplasty (THA) procedures and 750,569 total
knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures for Medicare FFS patients 65 years
and older.\51\ The post-operation complications of these procedures are
high considering these are elective procedures, and usually, the
complications are devastating to patients. For example, rates for
periprosthetic joint infection, a rare but devastating complication,
have been reported at 2.3 percent for THA/TKA patients with rheumatoid
arthritis after 1 year of follow-up \52\ and 1.6 percent in Medicare
patients undergoing TKA after 2 years of follow up.\53\ Two studies
reported 90-day death rates following THA at 0.7 percent \54\ and 2.7
percent, respectively.\55\ Reported rates for pulmonary embolism
following TKA range from 0.5 percent to 0.9 percent.56 57 58
Reported rates for septicemia range from 0.1 percent, during the index
admission\59\ to 0.3 percent, 90 days following discharge for primary
TKA.\60\ Rates for bleeding and hematoma following TKA have been
reported at 0.94 percent \61\ to 1.7 percent.\62\ Combined, THA and TKA
procedures account for the largest payments for procedures under
Medicare.\63\ Both hip and knee arthroplasty procedures improve the
function and quality of life of patients with disabling arthritis, and
the volume and cost associated with these procedures are very high. We
believe it is important to assess the quality of care provided to
Medicare beneficiaries who undergo one or both of these procedures.
\51\ Suter L, Grady JL, Lin Z et al.: 2013 Measure Updates and
Specifications: Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) And/Or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) All-Cause Unplanned 30-Day Risk-
Standardized Readmission Measure (Version 2.0). 2013.
\52\ Bongartz, T, Halligan CS, Osmon D, et al. Incidence and
risk factors of prosthetic joint infection after total hip or knee
replacement in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum.
2008; 59(12): 1713-1720.
\53\ Kurtz S, Ong K, Lau E, Bozic K, Berry D, Parvizi J.
Prosthetic joint infection risk after TKA in the Medicare
population. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010;468:5.
\54\ Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN, Rosenthal GE.
A comparison of total hip and knee replacement in specialty and
general hospitals. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 2007;89(8):1675-1684.
Soohoo NF, Farng E, Lieberman JR, Chambers L, Zingmond, DS. Factors
That Predict Short-term Complication Rates After Total Hip
Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Sep 2010;468(9):2363-2371.
\55\ Soohoo NF, Farng E, Lieberman JR, Chambers L, Zingmond, DS.
Factors That Predict Short-term Complication Rates After Total Hip
Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Sep 2010;468(9):2363-2371. Cram
P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN, Rosenthal GE. A comparison
of total hip and knee replacement in specialty and general
hospitals. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 2007;89(8):1675-1684.
\56\ Mahomed NN, Barrett JA, Katz JN, et al. Rates and outcomes
of primary and revision total hip replacement in the United States
medicare population. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Jan 2003;85- A(1):27-32.
\57\ Khatod M, Inacio M, Paxton EW, et al. Knee replacement:
epidemiology, outcomes, and trends in Southern California: 17,080
replacements from 1995 through 2004. Acta Orthop. Dec
\58\ Solomon DH, Chibnik LB, Losina E, et al. Development of a
preliminary index that predicts adverse events after total knee
replacement. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2006;54(5):1536-1542.
\59\ Browne, JA, Cook C, Hofmann A, Bolognesi MP. Postoperative
morbidity and mortality following total knee arthroplasty with
computer navigation. Knee. 2010;17(2): 152-156.
\60\ Cram P, Vaughan-Sarrazin MS, Wolf B, Katz JN, Rosenthal GE.
A comparison of total hip and knee replacement in specialty and
general hospitals. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 2007;89(8):1675-1684.
\61\ Browne, JA, Cook C, Hofmann A, Bolognesi MP. Postoperative
morbidity and mortality following total knee arthroplasty with
computer navigation. Knee. 2010;17(2): 152-156.
\62\ Huddleston JI, Maloney WJ, Wang Y, Verzier N, Hunt DR,
Herndon JH. Adverse Events After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A National
Medicare Study. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2009;24(6, Supplement
1): 95-100.
\63\ Bozic KJ, Rubash HE, Sculco TP, Berry DJ., An analysis of
Medicare payment policy for total joint arthroplasty. J
Arthroplasty. Sep 2008; 23(6 Suppl 1):133-138.
The proposed measure developed by CMS, and currently implemented in
the Hospital IQR and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program, assesses
a hospital's risk standardized complication rate, which is the rate of
complications occurring after elective primary THA and TKA surgery. The
measure outcome is the rate of complications occurring after THA and
TKA during a 90-day period that begins with the date of the index
admission for a specific hospital; an index admission is the
hospitalization to which the complications outcome is attributed. The
following outcomes (either one or more) are considered complications in
this measure: Acute myocardial infarction, pneumonia, or sepsis/
septicemia within 7 days of admission; surgical site bleeding,
pulmonary embolism or death within 30 days of admission; or mechanical
complications, periprosthetic joint infection or wound infection within
90 days of admission. The data indicated that the median hospital-level
risk-standardized complication rate for 2008 was 4.2 percent, with a
range from 2.2 percent to 8.9 percent in hospitals. The variation in
complication rates suggests that there are important differences in the
quality of care delivered across hospitals, and that there is room for
quality improvement. In 2010, we developed the proposed measure of
hospital-level risk-standardized complication rate (RSCR) following
elective primary THA and TKA surgery, which was later endorsed by the
NQF (NQF #1550). In its Pre-Rulemaking Report for 2012,\64\ the Measure
Application Partnership (MAP) also recommended the inclusion of this
measure in the HIQR Program; we have not submitted this measure for use
in the post-acute care settings as the measure was developed for the
acute care hospital setting. This measure has been publicly reported on
Hospital Compare since FY 2014 and in the HIQR Program since FY 2015
(FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule 79 FR 50062). Finally, we note a
comparison of the median hospital-level risk-standardized complication
rates for hospitals between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2014
illustrates a performance gap (median RSCR of 3.1 percent with a range
from 1.4 percent to 6.9 percent) indicating
[[Page 41279]]
there is still room for quality improvement.\65\
\64\ National Quality Forum. MAP Final Reports. Available at: Accessed on April 1 6, 2015, page 78.
\65\ Suter L, Zang W, Parzynski C, et al. 2015 Procedure-
Specific Complication Measures Update and Specifications: Elective
Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty
(TKA) Risk-Standardized Complication Measure (Version 4.0). 2015.
(2) Data Sources
We propose to use Medicare Part A and Part B FFS claims submitted
by the participant hospital as the data source to calculate the
measure. Index admission diagnoses and in-hospital comorbidities are
assessed using Medicare Part A claims. Additional comorbidities prior
to the index admission are assessed using Part A inpatient, outpatient,
and Part B office visit Medicare claims in the 1 to 2 months prior to
the index (initial) admission. Enrollment and post-discharge mortality
status are obtained from Medicare's enrollment database which contains
beneficiary demographic, benefits/coverage, and vital status
(3) Cohort
The THA/TKA Complication measure (NQF #1550) includes Medicare FFS
beneficiaries, aged 65 years or older, admitted to non-federal acute
care hospitals for elective primary THA or TKA. THA and TKA procedures
eligible for inclusion are defined using ICD-9-CM codes 81.51 and
81.54, respectively. We propose that the cohort will include all
hospitals included in the CCJR model, but the CCJR model cohort may
differ slightly from the hospital cohort that is currently captured in
the measures through the HIQR program. That is, the CCJR model cohort
is a randomly selected group of acute care hospitals and therefore may
not include all of the HIQR program acute care hospitals (for a
detailed discussion on selection of hospitals for the model see section
III.A.4. of this proposed rule).
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
An index admission is the hospitalization to which the complication
outcome is attributed. The measure includes the following index
admissions for patients:
Enrolled in Medicare FFS.
Aged 65 or over.
Enrolled in Part A and Part B Medicare for the 12 months
prior to the date of index admission and during the index admission.
Having a qualifying elective primary THA/TKA procedure;
elective primary THA/TKA procedures are defined as those procedures
without any of the following:
++ Femur, hip, or pelvic fractures coded in principal or secondary
discharge diagnosis fields of the index admission.
++ Partial hip arthroplasty (PHA) procedures with a concurrent THA/
++ Revision procedures with a concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Resurfacing procedures with a concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Mechanical complication coded in the principal discharge
diagnosis field.
++ Malignant neoplasm of the pelvis, sacrum, coccyx, lower limbs,
or bone/bone marrow or a disseminated malignant neoplasm coded in the
principal discharge diagnosis field.
++ Removal of implanted devices/prostheses.
++ Transfer from another acute care facility for the THA/TKA.
The following admissions would be excluded from the measure:
Admissions for patients discharged against medical advice
Admissions for patients with more than two THA/TKA
procedure codes during the index hospitalization.
Consistent with the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule,
admissions for patients without at least 90 days post-discharge
enrollment in FFS Medicare; this exclusion is an update to the measure
signaled in the HIQR program section of the FY2016 IPPS/LTCH proposed
rule (80 FR 24572 through 24574) to ensure that disproportionate
Medicare FFS disenrollment does not bias the measure results.
After applying these exclusion criteria, we randomly select one
index admission for patients with multiple index admissions in a
calendar year. Therefore, we exclude the other eligible index
admissions in that year. Identification and use of a single index
admission in a calendar year is done because this measure includes
mortality as an outcome and the probability of death increases with
each subsequent admission, preventing each episode of care from being
mutually independent. Therefore only one index admission is selected to
maintain measure integrity.
We note that THA/TKA Complication measure (NQF #1550) does not
capture patients undergoing partial hip arthroplasty procedures. We
excluded partial hip arthroplasty procedures primarily because partial
hip arthroplasty procedures are done for hip fractures. Therefore, they
are not elective procedures. Also, partial hip arthroplasty procedures
are typically performed on patients who are older, frailer, and have
more comorbid conditions. Although this exclusion is not fully
harmonized with MS-DRG 469 and 470, which includes partial hip
arthroplasty procedures, this measure will still provide strong
incentive for improving and maintaining care quality across joint
replacement patients as hospitals typically develop protocols for lower
extremity joint arthroplasty that will address peri-operative and post-
operative care for both total and partial hip arthroplasty procedures.
As previously cited in the Episode Definition of the CCJR model
(section III.B. of this proposed rule) the frequency of administrative
claims data using ICD-9 codes for 2014 indicated that partial hip
arthroplasty (ICD-9 code: 81.52) accounted for 12 percent of the
administrative claims, while Total Hip replacement (ICD-9 code: 81.51)
and Total Knee replacement (ICD-9 code: 81.54) accounted for 87 percent
of the administrative claims for 2014. We also note that the same
surgeons and care teams frequently perform both procedures. Therefore,
quality improvement efforts initiated in response to the THA/TKA
Complication measure (NQF #1550) are likely to benefit patients
undergoing similar elective procedures, such as partial hip
arthroplasty and revision THA/TKA procedures, and possibly even non-
elective THA/TKA procedures, such as fracture-related THA.
(5) Risk-Adjustment
We note that CCJR-we chose to align this measure with the risk-
adjustment methodologies adopted for the HIQR program and the HRRP in
accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(VIII) of the Act (FY 2013
IPPS/LTCH final rule 77 FR 53516 through 53518 and FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH
final rule; 79 FR 50024, 50031, and 50202). We note that the risk-
adjustment takes into account the patient case-mix to assess hospital
performance. The patient risk factors are defined using the
Hierarchical Condition Categories (CC), which are clinically relevant
diagnostic groups of ICD-9-CM codes.\66\ The CCs used in the risk
adjustment model for this measure, are provided on the CMS QualityNet
Web site ( We note that the measure uses all Part A and B administrative
claims ICD-9 codes for the year prior to and including the index
admission. The Part A and B administrative claims ICD-9 codes are
[[Page 41280]]
used to inform the risk prediction for each patient; diagnostic codes
from post-acute care settings are included in the measure, but this
information is only used to identify a hospital's patient case mix in
order to adequately adjust for differences in case mix across
hospitals. Use of the Part A and B data does not mean the measures are
applicable to post-acute care settings, only that they use
comprehensive data to predict the risk of the outcome and adjust for
hospital patient case mix. The measure would meet the requirement if it
applied since risk-adjustment adjusts for hospital patient mix,
including age and comorbidities, to ensure that hospitals that care for
a less healthy patient population are not penalized unfairly. The
measure methodology defines ''complications'' as acute myocardial
infarction (AMI); pneumonia; sepsis/septicemia; pulmonary embolism;
surgical site bleeding; death; wound infection; periprosthetic joint
infection; and mechanical complication within 0 to 90 days post the
index date of admission, depending on the complication. The decision on
the appropriate follow-up period of 0 to 90 days was based on our
analysis of 90-day trends in complication rates using the 2008 Medicare
FFS Part A Inpatient Data. We found that rates for mechanical
complications are elevated until 90 days post the date of index
admission. We found that the rates for four other complications--death,
surgical site bleeding, wound infection, and pulmonary embolism--are
elevated for 30 days, and that rates for AMI, pneumonia, and sepsis/
septicemia level off 7 days after the date of index admission.
\66\ Pope G, Ellis R, Ash A, et al., Principal Inpatient
Diagnostic Cost Group Models for Medicare Risk Adjustment. Health
Care Financing Review. 2000;21(3):26.
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized Complication Rate and Performance
Analogous to how we calculate hospital risk-standardized
readmission rates with all readmission measures and risk-standardized
mortality rates with the mortality measures used in CMS hospital
quality programs, we calculate the hospital risk-standardized
complication rate by producing a ratio of the number of ``predicted''
complications (that is, the adjusted number of complications at a
specific hospital based on its patient population) to the number of
``expected'' complications (that is, the number of complications if an
average quality hospital treated the same patients) for each hospital
and then multiplying the ratio by the national raw complication rate.
The 3-year rolling performance period would be consistent with that
used for HIQR (FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule 79 FR 50208 and 50209). For
performance year-one of the CCJR model, we propose that the performance
period for the THA/TKA Complication measure (NQF #1550) we propose to
be April 2013 through March 2016. As noted in this proposed rule, the
THA/TKA Readmissions measure (NQF #1551) uses a 30-day window of
follow-up, which is different from the 90-day window of follow-up used
in the THA/TKA Complications measure (NQF #1550). Section III.D.4. of
this proposed rule, Form and Manner, summarizes performance periods for
years 1 through 5 of the CCJR JR model.
We seek public comment on this proposal to assess quality
performance through implementation of the Hospital-level risk-
standardized complication rate (RSCR) following elective primary total
hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1550)
b. Hospital-Level 30-Day, All-Cause Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate
(RSRR) Following Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551)
(1) Background
The objective of CMS's Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause risk-
standardized readmission rate (RSRR) following elective primary total
hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total knee arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551)
(as referred to as THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF #1551)) measure is
to assess readmission from any cause within 30 days of discharge from
the hospital following elective primary THA and TKA. As previously
stated, outcome measures such as complications and readmissions are the
priority areas for the HIQR Program. Elective primary THA and TKA are
commonly performed procedures that improve quality of life. THA and TKA
readmissions are disruptive to patients' quality of life, costly to the
Medicare program, and data support that readmission rates can be
improved through better care coordination and other provider
actions.\67\ Furthermore, we believe that there is an opportunity for
hospitals to improve quality of life for the patient. From July 1, 2011
to June 30, 2014, Medicare FFS claims data indicate that 30-day
hospital-level risk-standardized readmission rates ranged from 2.6
percent to 8.5 percent among hospitals with a median rate of 4.8
percent. The mean risk-standardized readmission rate was 4.9
percent.\68\ This variation suggests there are important differences in
the quality of care received across hospitals, and that there is room
for improvement. A measure that addresses readmission rates following
THA and TKA provides an opportunity to provide targets for efforts to
improve the quality of care and reduce costs for patients undergoing
these elective procedures. The measure also increases transparency for
consumers and provides patients with information that could guide their
choices. We believe that a risk-adjusted readmission outcome measure
can provide a critical perspective on the provision of care, and
support improvements in care for the Medicare patient population
following THA/TKA hospitalization. We note that the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) has wide stakeholder support, with NQF endorsement
in January 2012, and support by the MAP for the HIQR Program (2012 Pre-
Rulemaking report \19\), and for HRRP (2013 Pre-Rulemaking report
\69\). Finally, THA/TKA Readmission Measure (NQF #1551) has been
publicly reported since FY 2014 (79 FR 50062), and was implemented in
both the HIQR program (77 FR 53519 through 53521) and HRRP (78 FR 50663
and 50664).
\67\ Mistiaen P, Francke AL, Poot E. Interventions aimed at
reducing problems in adult patients discharged from hospital to
home: a systematic meta-review. BMC Health Services Research.
\68\ Suter L, Desai N, Zang W, et al. 2015 2015 Procedure-
Specific Readmission Measures Updates and Specifications Report:
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) Risk-Standardized Readmission Measure (Version
4.0), Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery--Version
2.0. 2015;
\69\ National Quality Forum. MAP Final Reports. Available at: Accessed on April 16, 2015,
page 143.
(2) Data Sources
We propose to use Medicare Part A and Part B FFS claims submitted
by the participant hospital as the data source for calculation of the
THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF #1551). Index admission diagnoses and
in-hospital comorbidity data are assessed using Medicare Part A claims.
Additional comorbidities prior to the index admission are assessed
using Part A inpatient, outpatient, and Part B office visit Medicare
claims in the 12 months prior to index (initial) admission. Enrollment
status is obtained from Medicare's enrollment database which contains
beneficiary demographic,
[[Page 41281]]
benefit/coverage, and vital status information.
(3) Cohort
The THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF #1551) includes Medicare FFS
beneficiaries, aged 65 years or older, admitted to non-federal acute
care hospitals for elective primary THA or TKA. THA and TKA procedures
eligible for inclusion are defined using ICD-9-CM codes 81.51 and
81.54, respectively. We propose that the cohort will include all
hospitals included in the CCJR model, but the CCJR model cohort may
differ slightly from the hospital cohort that is currently captured in
the measures through the HIQR program. That is, the CCJR model cohort
is a randomly selected group of acute care hospitals and therefore may
not include all of the HIQR program acute care hospitals (for a
detailed discussion on selection of hospitals for the model see section
III.A. of this proposed rule.)
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
We propose that an index admission is the anchor hospitalization to
which the readmission outcome is attributed. The measure includes index
admissions for patients:
Enrolled in Medicare FFS.
Aged 65 or over.
Discharged from non-federal acute care hospitals alive.
Enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B for the 12 months
prior to the date of index admission and during the index admission.
Having a qualifying elective primary THA/TKA procedure;
elective primary THA/TKA procedures are defined as those procedures
without any of the following:
++ Femur, hip, or pelvic fractures coded in principal or secondary
discharge diagnosis fields of the index admission.
++ Partial hip arthroplasty (PHA) procedures with a concurrent THA/
++ Revision procedures with a concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Resurfacing procedures with a concurrent THA/TKA.
++ Mechanical complication coded in the principal discharge
diagnosis field.
++ Malignant neoplasm of the pelvis, sacrum, coccyx, lower limbs,
or bone/bone marrow or a disseminated malignant neoplasm coded in the
principal discharge diagnosis field.
++ Removal of implanted devices/prostheses.
++ Transfer from another acute care facility for the THA/TKA.
This measure excludes index admissions for patients:
++ Without at least 30 days post-discharge enrollment in FFS
++ Discharged against medical advice (AMA).
++ Admitted for the index procedure and subsequently transferred to
another acute care facility.
++ With more than two THA/TKA procedure codes during the index
Finally, for the purpose of this measure, admissions within 30 days
of discharge from an index admission are not eligible to also be index
admissions. Thus, no hospitalization will be counted as both a
readmission and an index admission in this measure.
This measure does not capture patients undergoing partial hip
arthroplasty procedures, as partial hip arthroplasties are primarily
done for hip fractures and are typically performed on patients who are
older, frailer, and have more comorbid conditions. Although this
exclusion is not fully harmonized with MS-DRG 469 and 470, which
includes partial hip arthroplasty procedures, this measure would still
provide strong incentive for improving and maintaining care quality
across joint replacement patients. We believe the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) provides strong incentive for quality improvement
because hospitals typically develop protocols for lower extremity joint
arthroplasty that will address peri-operative and post-operative care
for both total and partial hip arthroplasties, and the same surgeons
and care teams frequently perform both procedures. Therefore, quality
improvement efforts initiated in response to the THA/TKA Readmission
measure (NQF #1551) are likely to benefit patients undergoing similar
elective procedures, such as partial hip arthroplasty and revision THA/
TKA procedures, and possibly even non-elective THA/TKA procedures, such
as fracture-related THA.
(5) Risk-Adjustment
We note that CCJR-we chose to align this measure with the risk-
adjustment methodologies adopted for Readmission measure (NQF #1551)
under the HIQR Program in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(VIII) of the Act, as finalized in FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (77 FR 53519 through 53521). We also note that the
measure risk- adjustment takes into account patient age and
comorbidities to allow a fair assessment of hospital performance. The
measure defines the patient risk factors for readmission using
diagnosis codes collected from all patient claims 1 year prior to
patient index hospitalization for THA and TKA. As previously noted in
the THA/TKA Complication measure (NQF #1550), Part A and B
administrative claims ICD-9 codes are used to inform the risk
prediction for each patient; diagnostic codes from post-acute care
settings are included in the measure, but this information is only used
to identify a hospital's patient case mix in order to adequately adjust
for differences in case mix across hospitals. Use of the Part A and B
data does not mean the measures are applicable to post-acute care
settings, only that they use comprehensive data to predict the risk of
the outcome and adjust for hospital patient case mix. We note that the
patient diagnosis codes are grouped using Hierarchical Condition
Categories (CCs), which are clinically relevant diagnostic groups of
ICD-9-CM codes.\70\ The CCs used in the risk adjustment model for this
measure, are provided on the CMS QualityNet Web site ( In summary, age and comorbidities present at the time of
admission are adjusted for differences in hospital case mix (patient
risk factors). The measure uses the hierarchical logistic regression
model (HLM) statistical methodology for risk adjustment.
\70\ Pope G, Ellis R, Ash A, et al., Principal Inpatient
Diagnostic Cost Group Models for Medicare Risk Adjustment. Health
Care Financing Review. 2000;21(3):26.
(6) Calculating the Risk-Standardized Readmission Rate and Performance
We propose to calculate hospital risk-standardized readmission
rates consistent with the methodology used to risk standardize all
readmission measures and mortality measures used in CMS hospital
quality programs. Using HLM, we calculate the hospital-level elective
primary THA/TKA risk-standardized readmission rate by producing a ratio
of the number of ''predicted'' readmissions (that is, the adjusted
number of readmissions at a specific hospital) to the number of
''expected'' readmissions (that is, the number of readmissions if an
average quality hospital treated the same patients) for each hospital
and then multiplying the ratio by the national raw readmission rate.
The 3-year rolling performance period would be consistent with that
used for the HIQR program (FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule 79 FR 50208 and
50209). For performance year-one of the CCJR model, we propose that the
performance period for the THA/TKA Readmission measure (NQF
[[Page 41282]]
#1551) would be July 2013 through June 2016. As noted in this proposed
rule for the section on the THA/TKA Complications measure (NQF #1550),
there is a 90-day window of follow-up which is different from the THA/
TKA Readmissions measure (NQF #1551). Section III.D.4.Form and Manner,
of this proposed rule summarizes performance periods for years 1
through 5 of the CCJR model years.
We invite public comments on this proposal to include Hospital-
level 30-day, all-cause risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR)
following elective primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) and/or total
knee arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551) or both in the CCJR model to assess
quality performance. We also invite public comment on inclusion of
other potential quality measures in the model.
c. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
(HCAHPS) Survey
(1) Background
The HCAHPS Survey (NQF #0166) is a CMS survey and a national,
standardized, publicly reported survey of patients' experience of
hospital care. The HCAHPS Survey is endorsed by the NQF (#0166); CMS is
the measure steward. The HCAHPS survey, also known as CAHPS[supreg]
Hospital Survey, is a survey instrument and data collection methodology
for measuring patients' perceptions of their hospital experience. The
HCAHPS Survey asks recently discharged patients 32 questions about
aspects of their hospital experience that they are uniquely suited to
address. The core of the survey contains 21 items that ask ``how
often'' or whether patients experienced a critical aspect of hospital
care. The survey also includes four items to direct patients to
relevant questions, five items to adjust for the mix of patients across
hospitals, and two items that support Congressionally-mandated reports
(see 77 FR 53513 through 53515). Eleven HCAHPS measures (seven
composite measures, two individual items and two global items) are
currently publicly reported on the Hospital Compare Web site for each
hospital participating in the HIQR Program (see 79 FR 50259.) Each of
the seven currently reported composite measures is constructed from two
or three survey questions. The seven composites summarize the
How well doctors communicate with patients.
How well nurses communicate with patients.
How responsive hospital staff are to patients' needs.
How well hospital staff helps patients manage pain.
How well the staff communicates with patients about
Whether key information is provided at discharge.
How well the patient was prepared for the transition to
post-hospital care.
Lastly, the two individual items address the cleanliness and
quietness of patients' rooms, while the two global items report
patients' overall rating of the hospital, and whether they would
recommend the hospital to family and friends. We propose to adopt a
measure in the CCJR model that uses HCAHPS survey data to assess
quality performance and capture patient experience of care.
(2) Data Sources
The HCAHPS Survey is administered to a random sample of adult
inpatients between 48 hours and 6 weeks after discharge. As previously
discussed in section III.D.5. of this proposed rule, the HCAHPS survey
data is collected on inpatient experience, is not limited to Medicare
beneficiaries, and does not distinguish between types of Medicare
beneficiaries. Patients admitted in the medical, surgical and maternity
care service lines are eligible for the survey; the survey is not
restricted to Medicare beneficiaries. Hospitals may use an approved
survey vendor, or collect their own HCAHPS data (if approved by CMS to
do so) (for a detailed discussion see 79 FR 50259). To accommodate
hospitals, the HCAHPS Survey can be implemented using one of the
following four different survey modes:
Mail with telephone follow-up.
Active Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR).
Regardless of the mode used, hospitals are required to make
multiple attempts to contact patients. Hospitals may use the HCAHPS
Survey alone, or include additional questions after the 21 core items
discussed previously. Hospitals must survey patients throughout each
month of the year, and hospitals participating in the HIQR Program must
target at least 300 completed surveys over 4 calendar quarters in order
to attain the reliability criterion CMS has set for publicly reported
HCAHPS scores (see 79 FR 50259). The survey itself and the protocols
for sampling, data collection, coding, and file submission can be found
in the current HCAHPS Quality Assurance Guidelines manual, available on
the HCAHPS Web site located at: (The
HCAHPS Survey is available in several languages, and all official
translations of the HCAHPS Survey instrument are available in the
current HCAHPS Quality Assurance Guidelines at
(3) Cohort
Hospitals, or their survey vendors, submit HCAHPS data in calendar
quarters (3 months). Consistent with other quality reporting programs,
we propose that HCAHPS scores would be publicly reported on Hospital
Compare based on 4 consecutive quarters of data. For each public
reporting, the oldest quarter of data is rolled off, and the newest
quarter is rolled on (see 79 FR 50259).
(4) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The HCAHPS Survey is broadly intended for patients of all payer
types who meet the following criteria:
Eighteen years or older at the time of admission.
Admission includes at least one overnight stay in the
Non-psychiatric MS-DRG/principal diagnosis at discharge.
Alive at the time of discharge.
There are a few categories of otherwise eligible patients who are
excluded from the sample frame as follows:
``No-Publicity'' patients--Patients who request that they
not be contacted.
Court/Law enforcement patients (that is, prisoners);
patients residing in halfway houses are included.