Action Subject to Intergovernmental Review Under Executive Order 12372, 37705-37706 [2015-16145]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices
[License No. 05/05–0298]
LaSalle Capital Group II–A, L.P.; Notice
Seeking Exemption Under Section 312
of the Small Business Investment Act,
Conflicts of Interest
Notice is hereby given that LaSalle
Capital Group II–A, L.P., 70 West
Madison Street, Suite 5710, Chicago,
Illinois, 60602, a Federal Licensee under
the Small Business Investment Act of
1958, as amended (the ‘‘Act’’), in
connection with the financing of a small
concern, has sought an exemption under
Section 312 of the Act and Section
107.730, Financings which Constitute
Conflicts of Interest of the Small
Business Administration (‘‘SBA’’) Rules
and Regulations (13 CFR 107.730).
LaSalle Capital Group II–A, L.P. is
providing debt and equity financing to
Westminster Foods II, LLC, 70 West
Madison Street, Suite 5710, Chicago,
Illinois, 60602. Some of the proceeds
will be used to purchase Westminster
Foods, LLC.
The financing is brought within the
purview of § 107.730(a)(5) of the
Regulations because a majority of the
membership units of Westminster
Foods, LLC are owned by LaSalle
Capital Group, L.P., an Associate of
LaSalle Capital Group II–A. L.P.,
therefore this transaction is considered
to be financing a Small Business for the
purpose of purchasing property from an
Associate and it requires SBA prior
written exemption.
Notice is hereby given that any
interested person may submit written
comments on the transaction within
fifteen days of the date of this
publication to the Associate
Administrator for the Office of
Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small
Business Administration, 409 Third
Street, SW., Washington, DC 20416.
Notice of Action Subject to
Intergovernmental Review Under
Executive Order 12372.
[FR Doc. 2015–16144 Filed 6–30–15; 8:45 am]
The Small Business
Administration (SBA) is notifying the
public that it intends to fund grant
applications for 22 existing Small
Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
beginning October 1, 2015 subject to the
availability of funds. A description of
the SBDC program is contained in the
supplementary information below.
The SBA is publishing this notice at
least 90 days before the expected
funding date. The SBDCs mailing
addresses listed below are participating
in the intergovernmental review
process. A copy of this notice also is
being furnished to the respective State
single points of contact designated
under the Executive Order.
Dated: June 24, 2015.
John R Williams,
Acting Deputy Associate Administrator for
Office of Investment and Innovation.
Action Subject to Intergovernmental
Review Under Executive Order 12372
U.S. Small Business
A State single point of contact
and other interested State or local
entities may submit written comments
regarding funding of an SBDC within 30
days from the date of publication of this
notice. Please address any comments to
the relevant SBDC State Director listed
Mr. Rande Kessler, SBDC State Director, University of Louisiana, Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Admin 2–101, Monroe, LA 71209–6435,
(318) 342–5506.
Mr. Mike Bowman, SBDC State Director, University of Delaware, One
Innovation Way, Suite 301, Newark, DE 19711, (302) 831–4283.
Ms. Becky Naugle, SBDC State Director, University of Kentucky, One
Quality Street, Lexington, KY 40507, (859) 257–7668.
Mr. Chris Bouchard, SBDC State Director, University of Missouri, 410
South Sixth Street, 200 Engineering North, Columbia, MO 65211,
(573) 884–1555.
Ms. Leonor Dottin-Carrillo, SBDC Director, University of the Virgin Islands, 8000 Niskey Center, Suite 720, St. Thomas, USVI 00802–
5804, (340) 776–3206.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Vicky Mundt, Director of Financial
Oversight, Office of Small Business
Development Centers, U.S. Small
Business Administration, 409 Third
Street SW., Sixth Floor, Washington, DC
Description of the SBDC Program
Small Business Development Centers
(SBDCs) provide a wide array of
technical assistance to small businesses
and aspiring entrepreneurs supporting
business performance and sustainability
and enhancing the creation of new
businesses entities. These small
businesses in turn foster local and
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Ms. Kristina Oliver, SBDC State Director, West Virginia Development
Office, 1900 Kanawha Blvd., Capitol Complex, Building 6, Room
652, Charleston, WV 25305, (304) 558–2960.
Ms. Carmen Marti, SBDC Director, Inter American University of Puerto
Rico, 416 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Union Plaza, Seventh Floor, San
Juan, PR 00918, (787) 763–6811.
Ms. Rene Sprow, SBDC State Director, Univ. of Maryland@College
Park, 7100 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 402, Baltimore, MD 20740,
(301) 403–8300.
Ms. Lisa Shimkat, SBDC State Director, Iowa State University, 2321
North Loop Drive, Suite 202, Ames, IA 50010–8218, (515) 294–
regional economic development through
job creation and retention as a result of
the extensive one-on-one long-term
counseling, training and specialized
services they receive from the SBDCs.
The SBDCs are made up of a unique
collaboration of SBA, state and local
governments, and private sector funding
SBDCs provide clients with
professional business assistance
regarding business plans, market
research, financial preparation
packages, cash flow, and procurement
contracts. Special emphasis areas
include: Manufacturing; international
trade and export assistance; ecommerce; technology transfer;
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assistance for veterans, both active duty
and personnel returning from
deployment; disaster recovery
assistance; IRS, EPA, and OSHA
regulatory compliance; as well as
research and development. Based on
client needs, business trends and
individual business requirements,
SBDCs modify their services to meet the
evolving needs through more than 900
local service delivery points across the
nation and all U.S. Territories.
SBDCs deliver these services to small
business concerns using an effective
education network of 63 Lead Centers
reaching out to both rural and urban
areas, serving entrepreneurs of all types
throughout a state or region. SBDCs can
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 126 / Wednesday, July 1, 2015 / Notices
be found in every U.S. state, the District
of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico,
American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. SBDCs provide professional
business counseling free of charge along
with low cost training.
To reach the millions of small
businesses across the U.S., SBDC
assistance is available virtually
anywhere: from rural circuit riders in
Alaska to marine services in the Outer
Banks of North Carolina. Many centers
are located within or are co-located
with: Local economic development
entities; chambers of commerce;
Department of Defense’s Procurement
Technical Assistance Centers; The
Department of Commerce’s
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
sites; and community colleges. Some
SBDCs also have International Trade
Centers and some are classified by a
special emphasis on Technology.
Lead Center SBDCs hosts include:
• 48 University-sponsored Lead
2 SBDC locations are located at
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (Howard University in
Washington, DC and the University of
the Virgin Islands, U.S.V.I.).
• 8 Community college-sponsored
Lead SBDCs
Dallas-TX, UT, OR, NM, AZ, San
Diego-CA, Los Angeles, CA, and
American Samoa
• 7 State-sponsored Lead SBDCs (CO,
IL, IN, MN, MT, OH, & WV).
Program Objectives
The SBDC program uses Federal
funds to leverage the resources of states,
academic institutions and the private
sector to:
(a) Strengthen the nation’s small
business communities;
(b) increase local economic growth;
(c) ensure inclusiveness by
broadening the impact of SBDC
technical assistance to underserved
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
SBDC Program Organization
Through a partnership between SBA
and institutions of higher education and
state government, a network of 63 lead
SBDCs are managed by the Office of
Small Business Development Centers
(OSBDC). The local District Offices have
a Project Officer to ensure each SBDC
provides quality services and is in
compliance with its negotiated
Cooperative Agreement with the SBA.
OSBDC has six Program Managers who
each have a portfolio of 10–12 SBDCs
for which they are responsible for SBDC
performance management. OSBDC also
has three Grants Managers along with a
finance staff who oversee the issuance
and budget aspects of the Cooperative
Agreement. SBDCs operate on the basis
of an annual proposed plan to provide
assistance within a state or geographic
area. The initial plan must have the
written approval of the Governor. NonFederal funds must match Federal funds
by 1:1.
SBDC Services
An SBDC must have a full range of
business development and technical
assistance services in its area of
operations, supporting local small
business needs, SBA priorities and
established SBDC program objectives.
Services include training and
professional business advising to
existing and prospective small business
owners in all areas of small firm
establishment and growth, including:
management; online and social media
and marketing; finance and access to
capital; exporting and international
trade; manufacturing; and business
operations, including disaster
The SBA district office and the SBDC
negotiate annually through this funding
announcement the specific mix of
services and best use of program funds
to meet mutually agreed upon annual
milestones, giving particular attention to
SBA’s annual priorities and special
emphasis groups, including veterans,
women, the disabled, and other
SBDC Program Requirements
An SBDC must meet required
programmatic and financial
requirements established by statute,
regulations, other program directive and
its Cooperative Agreement. Following
these guidelines an SBDC must:
(a) Provide services that are accessible
to all persons, especially those who
identify as disabled;
(b) open all service centers during
normal business hours of the
community or during the normal
business hours of its state or academic
Host Organization, throughout the year;
(c) develop working relationships
with financial institutions, the
investment communities, professional
associations, private consultants and
local small business groups;
(d) establish a lead center which
operates and oversees a statewide or
regional network of SBDC service
(e) have a full-time Director; and
(f) expend at least 80 percent of the
Federal funds to provide direct client
services to small businesses.
Scott Henry,
Acting Associate Administrator, Office of
Small Business Development Centers.
[FR Doc. 2015–16145 Filed 6–30–15; 8:45 am]
Actions Subject to Intergovernmental
U.S. Small Business
Notice of action subject to
intergovernmental review under
Executive Order 12372.
The Small Business
Administration (SBA) is notifying the
public that it intends to fund grant
applications for 41 existing Small
Business Development Centers (SBDCs)
beginning January 1, 2016 subject to the
availability of funds. A description of
the SBDC program is contained in the
supplementary information.
The SBA is publishing this notice at
least 90 days before the expected
funding date. The SBDCs mailing
addresses listed below are participating
in the intergovernmental review
process. A copy of this notice also is
being furnished to the respective State
single points of contact designated
under the Executive Order.
A State single point of contact
and other interested State or local
entities may submit written comments
regarding funding of an SBDC within 30
days from the date of publication of this
notice. Please address any comments to
the relevant SBDC State Director listed
Mr. Sherman Wilkinson, SBDC State Director, Salt Lake Community
College, 9750 South 300 West, Sandy, UT 84070, (801) 957–5384.
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Mr. Herbert Thweatt, SBDC Director, American Samoa Community
College, P.O. Box 2609, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799, (684)
Sfmt 4703
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 126 (Wednesday, July 1, 2015)]
[Pages 37705-37706]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-16145]
Action Subject to Intergovernmental Review Under Executive Order
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Notice of Action Subject to Intergovernmental Review Under
Executive Order 12372.
SUMMARY: The Small Business Administration (SBA) is notifying the
public that it intends to fund grant applications for 22 existing Small
Business Development Centers (SBDCs) beginning October 1, 2015 subject
to the availability of funds. A description of the SBDC program is
contained in the supplementary information below.
The SBA is publishing this notice at least 90 days before the
expected funding date. The SBDCs mailing addresses listed below are
participating in the intergovernmental review process. A copy of this
notice also is being furnished to the respective State single points of
contact designated under the Executive Order.
DATES: A State single point of contact and other interested State or
local entities may submit written comments regarding funding of an SBDC
within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. Please
address any comments to the relevant SBDC State Director listed below.
Addresses of Relevant SBDC State Directors
Mr. Rande Kessler, SBDC State Director, Ms. Kristina Oliver, SBDC State
University of Louisiana, Monroe, 700 Director, West Virginia
University Avenue, Admin 2-101, Development Office, 1900
Monroe, LA 71209-6435, (318) 342-5506. Kanawha Blvd., Capitol
Complex, Building 6, Room 652,
Charleston, WV 25305, (304)
Mr. Mike Bowman, SBDC State Director, Ms. Carmen Marti, SBDC
University of Delaware, One Innovation Director, Inter American
Way, Suite 301, Newark, DE 19711, University of Puerto Rico, 416
(302) 831-4283. Ponce de Leon Avenue, Union
Plaza, Seventh Floor, San
Juan, PR 00918, (787) 763-
Ms. Becky Naugle, SBDC State Director, Ms. Rene Sprow, SBDC State
University of Kentucky, One Quality Director, Univ. of
Street, Lexington, KY 40507, (859) 257- Maryland@College Park, 7100
7668. Baltimore Avenue, Suite 402,
Baltimore, MD 20740, (301) 403-
Mr. Chris Bouchard, SBDC State Ms. Lisa Shimkat, SBDC State
Director, University of Missouri, 410 Director, Iowa State
South Sixth Street, 200 Engineering University, 2321 North Loop
North, Columbia, MO 65211, (573) 884- Drive, Suite 202, Ames, IA
1555. 50010-8218, (515) 294-2037.
Ms. Leonor Dottin-Carrillo, SBDC
Director, University of the Virgin
Islands, 8000 Niskey Center, Suite
720, St. Thomas, USVI 00802-5804,
(340) 776-3206.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Vicky Mundt, Director of Financial
Oversight, Office of Small Business Development Centers, U.S. Small
Business Administration, 409 Third Street SW., Sixth Floor, Washington,
DC 20416.
Description of the SBDC Program
Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) provide a wide array of
technical assistance to small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs
supporting business performance and sustainability and enhancing the
creation of new businesses entities. These small businesses in turn
foster local and regional economic development through job creation and
retention as a result of the extensive one-on-one long-term counseling,
training and specialized services they receive from the SBDCs. The
SBDCs are made up of a unique collaboration of SBA, state and local
governments, and private sector funding resources.
SBDCs provide clients with professional business assistance
regarding business plans, market research, financial preparation
packages, cash flow, and procurement contracts. Special emphasis areas
include: Manufacturing; international trade and export assistance; e-
commerce; technology transfer; assistance for veterans, both active
duty and personnel returning from deployment; disaster recovery
assistance; IRS, EPA, and OSHA regulatory compliance; as well as
research and development. Based on client needs, business trends and
individual business requirements, SBDCs modify their services to meet
the evolving needs through more than 900 local service delivery points
across the nation and all U.S. Territories.
SBDCs deliver these services to small business concerns using an
effective education network of 63 Lead Centers reaching out to both
rural and urban areas, serving entrepreneurs of all types throughout a
state or region. SBDCs can
[[Page 37706]]
be found in every U.S. state, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto
Rico, American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands. SBDCs provide
professional business counseling free of charge along with low cost
To reach the millions of small businesses across the U.S., SBDC
assistance is available virtually anywhere: from rural circuit riders
in Alaska to marine services in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Many
centers are located within or are co-located with: Local economic
development entities; chambers of commerce; Department of Defense's
Procurement Technical Assistance Centers; The Department of Commerce's
Manufacturing Extension Partnership sites; and community colleges. Some
SBDCs also have International Trade Centers and some are classified by
a special emphasis on Technology.
Lead Center SBDCs hosts include:
48 University-sponsored Lead SBDCs
2 SBDC locations are located at Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (Howard University in Washington, DC and the University of
the Virgin Islands, U.S.V.I.).
8 Community college-sponsored Lead SBDCs
Dallas-TX, UT, OR, NM, AZ, San Diego-CA, Los Angeles, CA, and
American Samoa
7 State-sponsored Lead SBDCs (CO, IL, IN, MN, MT, OH, &
Program Objectives
The SBDC program uses Federal funds to leverage the resources of
states, academic institutions and the private sector to:
(a) Strengthen the nation's small business communities;
(b) increase local economic growth;
(c) ensure inclusiveness by broadening the impact of SBDC technical
assistance to underserved markets.
SBDC Program Organization
Through a partnership between SBA and institutions of higher
education and state government, a network of 63 lead SBDCs are managed
by the Office of Small Business Development Centers (OSBDC). The local
District Offices have a Project Officer to ensure each SBDC provides
quality services and is in compliance with its negotiated Cooperative
Agreement with the SBA. OSBDC has six Program Managers who each have a
portfolio of 10-12 SBDCs for which they are responsible for SBDC
performance management. OSBDC also has three Grants Managers along with
a finance staff who oversee the issuance and budget aspects of the
Cooperative Agreement. SBDCs operate on the basis of an annual proposed
plan to provide assistance within a state or geographic area. The
initial plan must have the written approval of the Governor. Non-
Federal funds must match Federal funds by 1:1.
SBDC Services
An SBDC must have a full range of business development and
technical assistance services in its area of operations, supporting
local small business needs, SBA priorities and established SBDC program
objectives. Services include training and professional business
advising to existing and prospective small business owners in all areas
of small firm establishment and growth, including: management; online
and social media and marketing; finance and access to capital;
exporting and international trade; manufacturing; and business
operations, including disaster mitigation.
The SBA district office and the SBDC negotiate annually through
this funding announcement the specific mix of services and best use of
program funds to meet mutually agreed upon annual milestones, giving
particular attention to SBA's annual priorities and special emphasis
groups, including veterans, women, the disabled, and other minorities.
SBDC Program Requirements
An SBDC must meet required programmatic and financial requirements
established by statute, regulations, other program directive and its
Cooperative Agreement. Following these guidelines an SBDC must:
(a) Provide services that are accessible to all persons, especially
those who identify as disabled;
(b) open all service centers during normal business hours of the
community or during the normal business hours of its state or academic
Host Organization, throughout the year;
(c) develop working relationships with financial institutions, the
investment communities, professional associations, private consultants
and local small business groups;
(d) establish a lead center which operates and oversees a statewide
or regional network of SBDC service centers;
(e) have a full-time Director; and
(f) expend at least 80 percent of the Federal funds to provide
direct client services to small businesses.
Scott Henry,
Acting Associate Administrator, Office of Small Business Development
[FR Doc. 2015-16145 Filed 6-30-15; 8:45 am]