Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; 2015-2017 Business Research and Development and Innovation Surveys, 32932-32933 [2015-14166]
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asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Notices
• Tuesday, August 4, 2015 from 9:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AKST
• Wednesday, August 5, 2015 from
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AKST
• Thursday, August 6, 2015 from 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. AKST
All meetings are subject to
cancellation. For updated status of
meetings prior to attendance, please
contact the person listed under FOR
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Centennial Hall Convention Center,
101 Egan Drive, Juneau, Alaska. For
anyone who would like to attend via
webinar and/or conference call, please
visit the Web site listed above or contact
the person listed in the section titled
Written comments may be submitted as
described under SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION. All comments, including
names and addresses, when provided,
are placed in the record and available
for public inspection and copying. The
public may inspect comments received
at the USDA Forest Service Washington
Office—Yates Building, 201 14th Street
SW., Mail Stop 1104, Washington, DC
20250–1104. Please call ahead to
facilitate entry into the building.
Chalonda Jasper, Committee
Coordinator, by phone at 202–260–9400,
or by email at
Individuals who use telecommunication
devices for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 between 8:00
a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard
Time, Monday through Friday.
purpose of this meeting is to provide:
1. Continued deliberations on
formulating advice for the Secretary,
2. Discussion of Committee work
group findings,
3. Dialogue with key Forest Service
personel and stakeholders from Region
10, the Alaska Region, regarding the
land management plan revision and
plan amendment processes currently
underway in the region,
4. Hearing public comments, and
5. Administrative tasks.
This meeting is open to the public.
The agenda will include time for people
to make oral comments of three minutes
or less. Individuals wishing to make an
oral comment should submit a request
in writing by July 27, 2015, to be
scheduled on the agenda. Anyone who
would like to bring related matters to
the attention of the Committee may file
written statements with the Committee’s
staff before or after the meeting. Written
comments and time requests for oral
comments must be sent to Chalonda
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:46 Jun 09, 2015
Jkt 235001
Jasper, USDA Forest Service, Ecosystem
Management Coordination, 201 14th
Street SW., Mail Stop 1104,
Washington, DC 20250–1104, or by
email at The agenda
and summary of the meeting will be
posted on the Committee’s Web site
within 21 days of the meeting.
Meeting Accommodations: If you are
a person requiring reasonable
accommodation, please make requests
in advance for sign language
interpreting, assistive listening devices
or other reasonable accommodation for
access to the facility or proceedings by
contacting the person listed in the
CONTACT. All reasonable
accommodation requests are managed
on a case by case basis.
Dated: June 2, 2015.
Leanne M. Marten,
Acting Associate Deputy Chief, National
Forest System.
[FR Doc. 2015–14146 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]
Census Bureau
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; 2015–2017
Business Research and Development
and Innovation Surveys
U.S. Census Bureau,
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13 (44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
DATES: To ensure consideration, written
or on-line comments must be submitted
on or before August 10, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
14th and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230 (or via the
Internet at
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument(s) and instructions should
be directed to Richard Hough, U.S.
Census Bureau, HQ–7K149, 4600 Silver
Hill Rd., Suitland, MD 20746, (301)
PO 00000
Frm 00004
Fmt 4703
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763–4823 (or via the internet at
I. Abstract
The U.S. Census Bureau, with support
from the National Science Foundation
(NSF), plans to conduct the Business
R&D and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) for
the 2015–2017 survey years. The BRDIS
covers all domestic for-profit businesses
that have 5 or more paid employees and
are classified in certain industries. The
BRDIS provides the only comprehensive
data on R&D costs and detailed
expenses by type and industry.
The Census Bureau has conducted an
R&D survey since 1957 (the Survey of
Industrial Research and Development
(SIRD) from 1957–2007 and BRDIS from
2008–present), collecting primarily
financial information on the systematic
work companies undertake to discover
new knowledge or use existing
knowledge to develop new or improved
goods and services. The 2015–2017
BRDIS will continue to collect the
following types of information:
• R&D expense based on accepted
accounting standards.
• Worldwide R&D of domestic
• Business segment detail.
• R&D-related capital expenditures.
• Detailed data about the R&D
• R&D strategy and data on the
potential impact of R&D on the market.
• R&D directed to application areas of
particular national interest.
• Data measuring innovation,
intellectual property protection
activities and technology transfer.
The BRDIS utilizes a booklet
instrument that facilitates the collection
of information from various contacts
within each company who have the best
understanding of the concepts and
definitions being presented as well as
access to the information necessary to
provide the most accurate response. The
sections of the booklet correspond to
areas within the company and currently
include: A company information section
that includes detailed innovation
questions; a financial section focused on
company R&D expenses; a human
resources section; an R&D strategy and
management section; an IP and
technology transfer section; and a
section focused on R&D that is funded
or paid for by third parties. A web
instrument is also available to
respondents. The web instrument
incorporates Excel spreadsheets that are
provided to facilitate the electronic
collection of information from various
areas of the companies. Respondents
have the capability to download the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 111 / Wednesday, June 10, 2015 / Notices
spreadsheets from the Census Bureau’s
Web site. Also provided is a spreadsheet
programmed to consolidate the
information from the various areas of
the company so it can be simply
uploaded into the web instrument.
Research, development and
innovation are important to
competitiveness in today’s economy,
and domestic and foreign researchers in
academia, business, and government
analyze and cite data from the BRDIS.
Among the federal government users are
the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
and the White House’s Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP). BEA
includes R&D in the system of national
accounts that measures the economic
well-being of the country. BRDIS data
are key inputs into these accounts,
which feed into the calculation of the
U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The
White House, in 2006, issued the
American Competitiveness Initiative to
‘‘increase investments in research and
development, strengthen education, and
encourage entrepreneurship.’’ In
support of this initiative and in
response to legislative mandates, data
on R&D are delivered to OSTP,
primarily in the biennial National
Science Board report Science and
Engineering Indicators. Also, the
National Science Foundation (NSF)
produces a series of publications
containing R&D data including the
National Patterns of R&D Resources
series, the S&E State Profile series, and
the annual Business R&D and
Innovation series. Special reports and
other publications are also prepared.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
II. Method of Collection
The Census Bureau will use a
paperless strategy for the standard form
(BRDI–1). Respondents will be mailed a
letter referring them to the Census
Bureau’s Business Help Site where they
can complete the questionnaire online.
They can also obtain a PDF version of
the questionnaire or they can request a
paper form be mailed to them. The
screener is a mail out/mail back survey
form (BRDI–1(S)); a Web-based
collection option also will be available.
Companies will be asked to respond
within 60 days of the initial mail out.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0607–0912.
Form Number: BRDI–1 & BRDI–1S.
Type of Review: Regular submission.
Affected Public: All for-profit (public
or private), domestic businesses that
have 5 or more paid employees and are
classified in certain industries.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
BRDI–1—(Long Form) ..........
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:46 Jun 09, 2015
Jkt 235001
BRD–1(S)—(Short Form) .....
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13 (44
U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
Total ...............................
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before August 10, 2015.
Estimated Time per Response:
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
BRDI–1—(Long Form) ..........
14.85 hrs to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
BRD–1(S)—(Short Form) .....
.59 hrs Paperwork Clearance Officer,
Department of Commerce, Room 6616,
Estimated Total Annual Burden
14th and Constitution Avenue NW.,
Hours: 126,500.
Washington, DC 20230, or via email at
Estimated Total Annual Cost: $0.
Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory.
Legal Authority: Title 13 U.S.C.
Requests for additional information or
Section 131, 182, 224, and 225.
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether directed to Patricia Abaroa, Chief, Direct
Investment Division (BE–50), Bureau of
the proposed collection of information
Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including Commerce, Washington, DC 20230;
phone: (202) 606–9591; or via email at
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
I. Abstract
proposed collection of information; (c)
The Annual Survey of Foreign Direct
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
Investment in the United States (BE–15)
clarity of the information to be
obtains sample data on the financial
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
structure and operations of foreignburden of the collection of information
owned U.S. business enterprises. The
on respondents, including through the
data are needed to provide reliable,
use of automated collection techniques
useful, and timely measures of foreign
or other forms of information
direct investment in the United States to
assess its impact on the U.S. economy.
Comments submitted in response to
The sample data are used to derive
this notice will be summarized and/or
universe estimates in nonbenchmark
included in the request for OMB
years from similar data reported in the
approval of this information collection;
they also will become a matter of public BE–12 benchmark survey, which is
conducted every five years. The data
collected include balance sheets;
Dated: June 5, 2015.
income statements; property, plant, and
Glenna Mickelson,
equipment; employment and employee
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
compensation; merchandise trade; sales
Information Officer.
of goods and services; taxes; and
[FR Doc. 2015–14166 Filed 6–9–15; 8:45 am]
research and development activity. In
addition, several data items are
collected by state, including
employment and property, plant, and
No changes to the survey forms or
Bureau of Economic Analysis
reporting requirements are proposed.
Proposed Information Collection;
Comment Request; Direct Investment
Surveys: BE–15, Annual Survey of
Foreign Direct Investment in the United
Bureau of Economic Analysis,
ACTION: Notice.
The Department of
Commerce, as part of its continuing
effort to reduce paperwork and
respondent burden, invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
PO 00000
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II. Method of Collection
BEA contacts potential respondents
by mail in March of each year;
responses covering a reporting
company’s fiscal year ending during the
previous calendar year are due by May
31 (or by June 30 for respondents that
file using BEA’s eFile system). Reports
are required from each U.S. business
enterprise in which a foreign person has
at least 10 percent of the voting stock in
an incorporated business enterprise, or
an equivalent interest in an
unincorporated business enterprise, and
that meets the additional conditions
detailed in the BE–15 forms and
instructions. Entities required to report
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 111 (Wednesday, June 10, 2015)]
[Pages 32932-32933]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-14166]
Census Bureau
Proposed Information Collection; Comment Request; 2015-2017
Business Research and Development and Innovation Surveys
AGENCY: U.S. Census Bureau, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and/or continuing
information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995, Public Law 104-13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)).
DATES: To ensure consideration, written or on-line comments must be
submitted on or before August 10, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Jennifer Jessup, Departmental
Paperwork Clearance Officer, Department of Commerce, Room 6616, 14th
and Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230 (or via the Internet
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection instrument(s) and instructions
should be directed to Richard Hough, U.S. Census Bureau, HQ-7K149, 4600
Silver Hill Rd., Suitland, MD 20746, (301) 763-4823 (or via the
internet at
I. Abstract
The U.S. Census Bureau, with support from the National Science
Foundation (NSF), plans to conduct the Business R&D and Innovation
Survey (BRDIS) for the 2015-2017 survey years. The BRDIS covers all
domestic for-profit businesses that have 5 or more paid employees and
are classified in certain industries. The BRDIS provides the only
comprehensive data on R&D costs and detailed expenses by type and
The Census Bureau has conducted an R&D survey since 1957 (the
Survey of Industrial Research and Development (SIRD) from 1957-2007 and
BRDIS from 2008-present), collecting primarily financial information on
the systematic work companies undertake to discover new knowledge or
use existing knowledge to develop new or improved goods and services.
The 2015-2017 BRDIS will continue to collect the following types of
R&D expense based on accepted accounting standards.
Worldwide R&D of domestic companies.
Business segment detail.
R&D-related capital expenditures.
Detailed data about the R&D workforce.
R&D strategy and data on the potential impact of R&D on
the market.
R&D directed to application areas of particular national
Data measuring innovation, intellectual property
protection activities and technology transfer.
The BRDIS utilizes a booklet instrument that facilitates the
collection of information from various contacts within each company who
have the best understanding of the concepts and definitions being
presented as well as access to the information necessary to provide the
most accurate response. The sections of the booklet correspond to areas
within the company and currently include: A company information section
that includes detailed innovation questions; a financial section
focused on company R&D expenses; a human resources section; an R&D
strategy and management section; an IP and technology transfer section;
and a section focused on R&D that is funded or paid for by third
parties. A web instrument is also available to respondents. The web
instrument incorporates Excel spreadsheets that are provided to
facilitate the electronic collection of information from various areas
of the companies. Respondents have the capability to download the
[[Page 32933]]
spreadsheets from the Census Bureau's Web site. Also provided is a
spreadsheet programmed to consolidate the information from the various
areas of the company so it can be simply uploaded into the web
Research, development and innovation are important to
competitiveness in today's economy, and domestic and foreign
researchers in academia, business, and government analyze and cite data
from the BRDIS. Among the federal government users are the Bureau of
Economic Analysis (BEA) and the White House's Office of Science and
Technology Policy (OSTP). BEA includes R&D in the system of national
accounts that measures the economic well-being of the country. BRDIS
data are key inputs into these accounts, which feed into the
calculation of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The White House,
in 2006, issued the American Competitiveness Initiative to ``increase
investments in research and development, strengthen education, and
encourage entrepreneurship.'' In support of this initiative and in
response to legislative mandates, data on R&D are delivered to OSTP,
primarily in the biennial National Science Board report Science and
Engineering Indicators. Also, the National Science Foundation (NSF)
produces a series of publications containing R&D data including the
National Patterns of R&D Resources series, the S&E State Profile
series, and the annual Business R&D and Innovation series. Special
reports and other publications are also prepared.
II. Method of Collection
The Census Bureau will use a paperless strategy for the standard
form (BRDI-1). Respondents will be mailed a letter referring them to
the Census Bureau's Business Help Site where they can complete the
questionnaire online. They can also obtain a PDF version of the
questionnaire or they can request a paper form be mailed to them. The
screener is a mail out/mail back survey form (BRDI-1(S)); a Web-based
collection option also will be available. Companies will be asked to
respond within 60 days of the initial mail out.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0607-0912.
Form Number: BRDI-1 & BRDI-1S.
Type of Review: Regular submission.
Affected Public: All for-profit (public or private), domestic
businesses that have 5 or more paid employees and are classified in
certain industries.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
BRDI-1--(Long Form)..................................... 7,000
BRD-1(S)--(Short Form).................................. 38,000
Total............................................... 45,000
Estimated Time per Response:
BRDI-1--(Long Form)..................................... 14.85 hrs
BRD-1(S)--(Short Form).................................. .59 hrs
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 126,500.
Estimated Total Annual Cost: $0.
Respondent's Obligation: Mandatory.
Legal Authority: Title 13 U.S.C. Section 131, 182, 224, and 225.
IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the information shall have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the proposed collection of information;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on respondents, including through the use of
automated collection techniques or other forms of information
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB approval of this information
collection; they also will become a matter of public record.
Dated: June 5, 2015.
Glenna Mickelson,
Management Analyst, Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2015-14166 Filed 6-9-15; 8:45 am]