Notice of Availability of the South Dakota Field Office Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement, South Dakota Field Office, Montana, 30707-30709 [2015-12926]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices
• Finger Buttes ACEC (1,520 acres)
would continue to be designated and
managed as an ACEC. Management
actions proposed for this significant
scenic area are: Mineral material sales
and permits would be closed, oil and
gas leasing would be allowed with an
NSO stipulation, geophysical
exploration would not be allowed, the
area would be managed as a ROW
avoidance area, geothermal leasing
would be closed, and management
would be per VRM Class II.
• Smoky Butte ACEC would decrease
in size from 80 to 40 acres and would
continue to be designated and managed
as an ACEC. Management actions
proposed for this significant geologic
area are: Mineral material sales and
permits would be closed, oil and gas
leasing would be allowed with an NSO
stipulation, geophysical exploration
would be allowed, OHV use would be
limited to existing roads and trails,
ROWs would be allowed, and
management would be per VRM Class
• Cedar Creek Battlefield (1,022
public surface acres) would be
designated an ACEC. This significant
battlefield would be managed to
enhance and protect cultural resources.
Management actions proposed for this
area are: Mineral material sales and
permits would be closed, oil and gas
leasing would be allowed with a NSO
stipulation, geophysical exploration
would be not be allowed, off-highway
vehicle (OHV) use would be limited to
existing roads and trails, the area would
be managed as a ROW avoidance area,
and management would be per VRM
Class II.
• Flat Creek (339 acres) would be
designated an ACEC. Management
actions proposed for this significant
paleontological area are: Mineral
material sales and permits would be
closed, oil and gas leasing would be
allowed with an NSO stipulation,
geophysical exploration would not be
allowed, and the area would be
managed as a ROW avoidance area. Flat
Creek would be managed per VRM Class
• Powderville (9,518 acres) would be
designated an ACEC. Management
actions proposed for this significant
paleontological area are: Mineral
material sales and permits would be
closed, oil and gas leasing would be
allowed with an NSO stipulation,
geophysical exploration would not be
allowed, OHV use would be limited to
existing roads and trails, and the area
would be managed as a ROW avoidance
area. The Powderville area would be
managed per VRM Classes II and III.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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• Long Medicine Wheel (179 acres)
would be designated an ACEC.
Management actions proposed for this
significant cultural resource site are:
Mineral material sales and permits
would be closed, oil and gas leasing
would be allowed with an NSO
stipulation, geophysical exploration
would not be allowed, ROWs would be
excluded, and management would be
per VRM Class II.
• The Walstein area (1,519 acres)
would be designated an ACEC.
Management actions proposed for this
significant cultural and paleontological
area are: Mineral material sales and
permits would be closed, oil and gas
leasing would be allowed with an NSO
stipulation, geophysical exploration
would not be allowed, OHV use would
be closed, the area would be managed
as a ROW avoidance area, and
management would be per VRM Class II.
The Proposed RMP/Final EIS does not
adopt the following nominated ACECs:
Black-footed Ferret, Howrey Island,
Piping Plover and Yonkee.
The Miles City Field Office Proposed
RMP/Final EIS is one of a total of 15
separate EISs that make up the BLM and
Forest Service National Greater SageGrouse Planning Strategy. Greater-Sage
Grouse habitat within the planning area
consists of:
• Priority Habitat Management Area
(PHMA)—Areas identified as having the
highest conservation value for
maintaining sustainable greater sagegrouse populations; include breeding,
late brood-rearing, and winter
concentration areas.
• General Habitat Management Area
(GHMA)—Areas of seasonal or yearround habitat outside of PHMA.
Alternative E supports management of
greater sage-grouse seasonal habitats
and maintaining habitat connectivity to
achieve population objectives.
Alternative E would limit or eliminate
new surface disturbance in PHMA,
while minimizing disturbance in
The BLM and Forest Service, via the
Western Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA)
Management Zone Greater Sage-Grouse
Conservation Team, will develop a
Regional Mitigation Strategy to guide
the application of the mitigation
hierarchy to address impacts within that
Zone. The Regional Mitigation Strategy
should consider any State-level greater
sage-grouse mitigation guidance that is
consistent with the requirements. The
Regional Mitigation Strategy will be
developed in a transparent manner,
based on the best science available and
standardized metrics. Instructions for
filing a protest with the Director of the
PO 00000
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BLM regarding the Proposed RMP/Final
EIS may be found in the ‘‘Dear Reader’’
letter of the Miles City Field Office
Proposed RMP/Final EIS and at 43 CFR
1610.5–2. All protests must be in
writing and mailed to the appropriate
address, as set forth in the ADDRESSES
section above. Emailed protests will not
be accepted as valid protests unless the
protesting party also provides the
original letter by either regular or
overnight mail postmarked by the close
of the protest period. Under these
conditions, the BLM will consider the
emailed protest as an advance copy and
it will receive full consideration. If you
wish to provide the BLM with such
advance notification, please direct
emails to
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
protest, you should be aware that your
entire protest—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you may ask us in your protest to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR 1506.10,
43 CFR 1610.2, 43 CFR 1610.5.
Jamie E. Connell,
State Director, Montana/Dakotas.
[FR Doc. 2015–12997 Filed 5–28–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
LXSS059E0000 MO# 4500079352]
Notice of Availability of the South
Dakota Field Office Proposed
Resource Management Plan and Final
Environmental Impact Statement,
South Dakota Field Office, Montana
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has
prepared a Proposed Resource
Management Plan (RMP) and Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for the South Dakota Field Office and by
this notice is announcing its
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices
BLM planning regulations state
that any person who meets the
conditions as described in the
regulations may protest the BLM’s
Proposed RMP/Final EIS. A person who
meets the conditions and files a protest
must file the protest within 30 days of
the date that the Environmental
Protection Agency publishes its notice
of availability in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the South Dakota
Field Office Proposed RMP/Final EIS
have been sent to affected Federal, State,
and local government agencies, tribal
governments and to other stakeholders
and members of the public. Copies of
the Proposed RMP/Final EIS are
available for public inspection at the
following locations:
• BLM, South Dakota Field Office,
310 Roundup Street, Belle Fourche, SD
• BLM, Montana/Dakota BLM State
Office, 5001 Southgate Drive, Billings,
Montana 59101.
• BLM, Meade County Courthouse,
1300 Sherman Street, Sturgis, SD 57785.
• USFS, Fort Pierre National
Grasslands, 1020 N. Deadwood Street,
Pierre, SD 57532.
• USFS, Wall Ranger District, 708
Main Street, Wall, SD 57790.
Copies of the Proposed RMP/EIS may
also be viewed on the internet at
All protests must be in writing and
mailed to one of the following
Regular Mail: BLM Director (210),
Attention: Protest Coordinator, P.O. Box
71383, Washington, DC 20024–1383.
Overnight Delivery: BLM Director
(210), Attention: Protest Coordinator, 20
M Street SE., Room 2134LM,
Washington, DC 20003.
Mitch Iverson, RMP Project Manager,
telephone: 605–892–7008; or Lori (Chip)
Kimball, BLM South Dakota Field
Manager, telephone: 605–892–7000;
address: 310 Roundup Street, Belle
Fourche, SD 57717; email: BLM_MT_ Persons
who use a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD), may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS), at 1–
800–877–8339, to contact the above
individuals during normal business
hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, to leave a message
or question with the above individuals.
You will receive a reply during normal
business hours.
planning area includes lands within the
BLM South Dakota Field Office
administrative boundaries which
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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includes all lands, regardless of
jurisdiction, in the State of South
Dakota, however, the BLM will only
make decisions on lands that fall under
the BLM’s jurisdiction. The BLM
administers 274,239 acres of public land
surface and approximately 1.72 million
acres of federal mineral estate. Over 98
percent of the BLM-administered
surface and Federal mineral estate in the
decision area is located in western
South Dakota. Counties with substantial
amounts of BLM-administered surface
or mineral estate (over 1 percent of the
county land base), include Butte, Custer,
Fall River, Haakon, Harding, Lawrence,
Meade, Pennington, Perkins, and
Stanley counties in western South
Dakota. Other counties with small
amounts of BLM-administered surface
or federal minerals (less than 1 percent
of the county land base), include
Bennett, Bon Homme, Brule, Campbell,
Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Corson,
Dewey, Edmunds, Faulk, Gregory,
Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Jackson, Jones,
Lyman, Marshall, McPherson, Mellette,
Potter, Sully, Tripp, Walworth,
Yankton, and Ziebach counties in South
Dakota. An updated inventory of lands
with wilderness characteristics was
completed for the planning area and
data from the inventory was analyzed in
the Draft RMP/EIS. The revised RMP
will replace the South Dakota RMP of
1986, as amended, and provide the
South Dakota Field Office with an
updated framework in which to
administer the BLM-managed public
lands in the planning area.
The formal scoping period began with
the publication of the Notice of Intent
(NOI) in the Federal Register on July 19,
2007 (72 FR 39638). From August
through October 2007, nine scoping
meetings were held across the planning
area. In addition to the nine scoping
meetings, four open house meetings
were held to address the concerns of
Native American tribes. During scoping,
the BLM requested public input to
identify resource issues and concerns,
management alternatives, or other ideas
to help in determining future land use
decisions for the planning area. The
Draft RMP/EIS was made available for
public review for a 90-day period on
June 14, 2013 (78 FR 35959). Initially,
the Federal Register NOI announced
scoping for both North Dakota and
South Dakota RMP revisions; however,
based on the diverse planning issues
and other management considerations,
the South Dakota RMP revision
continued ahead, and an RMP revision
specific to North Dakota BLM will be
addressed at a later date.
The issues raised during scoping
included energy development,
PO 00000
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vegetation management, wildlife
habitat, special status species
management, Greater Sage-Grouse,
travel, access, commercial uses, land
tenure adjustments, visual resource
management, and climate change. The
BLM invited local, State, Federal, and
tribal representatives to participate as
cooperating agencies on the South
Dakota RMP/EIS.
The Proposed RMP/Final EIS includes
a range of management actions within
four management alternatives, including
the No-Action Alternative. These
alternatives address the goals,
management challenges, and issues
raised during scoping.
The four alternatives analyzed are:
1. Alternative A: Continues existing
management practices (No-Action
2. Alternative B: Emphasizes
commercial resource development and
use while providing adequate levels of
resource protection.
3. Alternative C: Emphasizes
conservation of natural resources while
providing for compatible development
and use.
4. Alternative D (Proposed): Provides
development opportunities and
conserves high value and sensitive
The South Dakota Field Office has
identified Alternative D as the Proposed
RMP. Alternative D supports
management of greater sage-grouse
seasonal habitats and maintaining
habitat connectivity to achieve
population objectives.
Two ACECs are currently designated
in the existing South Dakota RMP and
were re-evaluated and addressed in this
Proposed RMP/Final EIS. All
alternatives (including the Proposed
Plan) would propose to maintain the
two existing ACECs, as summarized
Fort Meade Recreation Area ACEC
(6,574 acres):
• Relevant and Important Values:
Historical and archeological.
• Limitations on the Following Uses:
Closed to leasable and salable minerals,
closed to geophysical exploration,
recommended for withdrawal from
appropriation under the mining laws.
• Other Restrictions: Right-of-way
(ROW) exclusion area except in
designated ROW corridors, motorized
vehicle use limited to designated roads
and trails, snowmobiles or machines
specifically equipped to travel over
snow prohibited, closed to construction
of new roads except rerouting of
existing roads to address resource
impacts or safety, and the continued
designation as a back country byway of
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 103 / Friday, May 29, 2015 / Notices
the route that traverses the southern
portion of the ACEC.
Fossil Cycad ACEC (320 acres):
• Relevant and Important Values:
• Proposed Use Limitations: Closed to
fluid minerals within the ACEC, closed
to salable Federal minerals, sale of forest
products not be allowed, collection of
fossils without a BLM permit not
allowed, and locatable Federal minerals
recommended for withdrawal from
appropriation under the mining laws.
• Other Restrictions: ROW exclusion
The South Dakota Field Office
Proposed RMP/Final EIS is one of a total
of 15 separate EISs that make up the
BLM and Forest Service National
Greater Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy.
Greater-Sage Grouse habitat within the
planning area consists of:
• Priority Habitat Management Area
(PHMA)—Areas identified as having the
highest conservation value for
maintaining sustainable greater sagegrouse populations; include breeding,
late brood-rearing, and winter
concentration areas.
• General Habitat Management Area
(GHMA)—Areas of seasonal or yearround habitat outside of PHMA.
Alternative D supports management
of greater sage-grouse seasonal habitats
and maintaining habitat connectivity to
achieve population objectives.
Alternative D would limit or eliminate
new surface disturbance in PHMA,
while minimizing disturbance in
The Proposed Plan provides for
127,735 acres of Greater Sage-Grouse
The BLM and Forest Service, via the
Western Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA)
Management Zone Greater Sage-Grouse
Conservation Team, will develop a
Regional Mitigation Strategy to guide
the application of the mitigation
hierarchy to address impacts within that
Zone. The Regional Mitigation Strategy
should consider any State-level greater
sage-grouse mitigation guidance that is
consistent with the requirements. The
Regional Mitigation Strategy will be
developed in a transparent manner,
based on the best science available and
standardized metrics. Development of
additional regional mitigation strategies
for other resource programs may occur
for implementation level decisions.
Instructions for filing a protest with
the Director of the BLM regarding the
Proposed RMP/Final EIS may be found
in the ‘‘Dear Reader’’ Letter of the South
Dakota Proposed RMP/Final EIS and at
43 CFR 1610.5–2. All protests must be
in writing and be mailed to the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:17 May 28, 2015
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appropriate address, as set forth in the
section above. Emailed
protests will not be accepted as valid
protests unless the protesting party also
provides the original printed email by
either regular or overnight mail,
postmarked by the close of the protest
period. Under these conditions, the
BLM will consider the emailed protest
as an advance copy and it will receive
full consideration. If you wish to
provide the BLM with such advance
notification, please direct emails to
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, be advised that your entire
comment—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your comment to
withhold from public review your
personal identifying information, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR 1506.10,
43 CFR 1610.2, 43 CFR 1610.5
Jamie E. Connell,
State Director, Montana/Dakotas.
[FR Doc. 2015–12926 Filed 5–28–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Notice of Availability of the Proposed
Resource Management Plan and Final
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Buffalo Resource Management
Plan Revision, Buffalo Field Office,
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has
prepared a Proposed Resource
Management Plan (RMP)/Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for the Buffalo Field Office planning
area and by this notice is announcing its
DATES: The BLM planning regulations
state that any person who meets the
conditions as described in the
regulations may protest the BLM’s
Proposed RMP/Final EIS. A person who
PO 00000
Frm 00059
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
meets the conditions and files a protest
must file the protest within 30 days of
the date that the Environmental
Protection Agency publishes its notice
of availability in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Buffalo
Proposed RMP/Final EIS have been sent
to affected Federal, State, and local
government agencies, tribal
governments, and to other stakeholders
and members of the public. Copies of
the Proposed RMP/Final EIS are
available for public inspection at the
following locations:
• The BLM, Wyoming State Office,
5353 Yellowstone Road, Cheyenne, WY
• The BLM, High Plains District
Office, 2987 Prospector Drive, Casper,
WY 82604
• The BLM, Buffalo Field Office, 1425
Fort Street, Buffalo, WY 82834
Interested persons may also review
the Proposed RMP/Final EIS on the
Internet at
All protests must be in writing and
mailed to one of the following
Regular Mail: BLM Director (210),
Attention: Protest Coordinator, P.O. Box
71383, Washington, DC 20024–1383.
Overnight Delivery: BLM Director
(210), Attention: Protest Coordinator, 20
M Street SE., Room 2134LM,
Washington, DC 20003.
Thomas Bills, Buffalo RMP Team
Leader; The BLM Buffalo Field Office,
1425 Fort Street, Buffalo, WY 82834, by
telephone 307–684–1133, or by email Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
to contact the above individual during
normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
to leave a message or question with the
above individual. You will receive a
reply during normal business hours.
planning area includes lands within the
BLM Buffalo Field Office’s
administrative boundaries, including all
of Campbell, Johnson, and Sheridan
counties in Wyoming. The planning
area includes all lands, regardless of
jurisdiction, totaling approximately 7.35
million acres; however, the BLM will
only make decisions on lands that fall
under the BLM’s jurisdiction. Lands
within the Planning Area under the
BLM’s jurisdiction make up the
Decision Area. The Decision Area
consists of BLM-administered surface,
totaling approximately 782,000 acres,
and Federal mineral estate, totaling
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 103 (Friday, May 29, 2015)]
[Pages 30707-30709]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-12926]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLMTC040000.L16100000.DP0000.LXSS059E0000 MO# 4500079352]
Notice of Availability of the South Dakota Field Office Proposed
Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement,
South Dakota Field Office, Montana
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Availability.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA), as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act
of 1976 (FLPMA), as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has
prepared a Proposed Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Final
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the South Dakota Field Office
and by this notice is announcing its availability.
[[Page 30708]]
DATES: BLM planning regulations state that any person who meets the
conditions as described in the regulations may protest the BLM's
Proposed RMP/Final EIS. A person who meets the conditions and files a
protest must file the protest within 30 days of the date that the
Environmental Protection Agency publishes its notice of availability in
the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the South Dakota Field Office Proposed RMP/Final
EIS have been sent to affected Federal, State, and local government
agencies, tribal governments and to other stakeholders and members of
the public. Copies of the Proposed RMP/Final EIS are available for
public inspection at the following locations:
BLM, South Dakota Field Office, 310 Roundup Street, Belle
Fourche, SD 57717.
BLM, Montana/Dakota BLM State Office, 5001 Southgate
Drive, Billings, Montana 59101.
BLM, Meade County Courthouse, 1300 Sherman Street,
Sturgis, SD 57785.
USFS, Fort Pierre National Grasslands, 1020 N. Deadwood
Street, Pierre, SD 57532.
USFS, Wall Ranger District, 708 Main Street, Wall, SD
Copies of the Proposed RMP/EIS may also be viewed on the internet
All protests must be in writing and mailed to one of the following
Regular Mail: BLM Director (210), Attention: Protest Coordinator,
P.O. Box 71383, Washington, DC 20024-1383.
Overnight Delivery: BLM Director (210), Attention: Protest
Coordinator, 20 M Street SE., Room 2134LM, Washington, DC 20003.
telephone: 605-892-7008; or Lori (Chip) Kimball, BLM South Dakota Field
Manager, telephone: 605-892-7000; address: 310 Roundup Street, Belle
Fourche, SD 57717; email: Persons who
use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), may call the
Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS), at 1-800-877-8339, to contact
the above individuals during normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or question
with the above individuals. You will receive a reply during normal
business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The planning area includes lands within the
BLM South Dakota Field Office administrative boundaries which includes
all lands, regardless of jurisdiction, in the State of South Dakota,
however, the BLM will only make decisions on lands that fall under the
BLM's jurisdiction. The BLM administers 274,239 acres of public land
surface and approximately 1.72 million acres of federal mineral estate.
Over 98 percent of the BLM-administered surface and Federal mineral
estate in the decision area is located in western South Dakota.
Counties with substantial amounts of BLM-administered surface or
mineral estate (over 1 percent of the county land base), include Butte,
Custer, Fall River, Haakon, Harding, Lawrence, Meade, Pennington,
Perkins, and Stanley counties in western South Dakota. Other counties
with small amounts of BLM-administered surface or federal minerals
(less than 1 percent of the county land base), include Bennett, Bon
Homme, Brule, Campbell, Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Corson, Dewey,
Edmunds, Faulk, Gregory, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Jackson, Jones, Lyman,
Marshall, McPherson, Mellette, Potter, Sully, Tripp, Walworth, Yankton,
and Ziebach counties in South Dakota. An updated inventory of lands
with wilderness characteristics was completed for the planning area and
data from the inventory was analyzed in the Draft RMP/EIS. The revised
RMP will replace the South Dakota RMP of 1986, as amended, and provide
the South Dakota Field Office with an updated framework in which to
administer the BLM-managed public lands in the planning area.
The formal scoping period began with the publication of the Notice
of Intent (NOI) in the Federal Register on July 19, 2007 (72 FR 39638).
From August through October 2007, nine scoping meetings were held
across the planning area. In addition to the nine scoping meetings,
four open house meetings were held to address the concerns of Native
American tribes. During scoping, the BLM requested public input to
identify resource issues and concerns, management alternatives, or
other ideas to help in determining future land use decisions for the
planning area. The Draft RMP/EIS was made available for public review
for a 90-day period on June 14, 2013 (78 FR 35959). Initially, the
Federal Register NOI announced scoping for both North Dakota and South
Dakota RMP revisions; however, based on the diverse planning issues and
other management considerations, the South Dakota RMP revision
continued ahead, and an RMP revision specific to North Dakota BLM will
be addressed at a later date.
The issues raised during scoping included energy development,
vegetation management, wildlife habitat, special status species
management, Greater Sage-Grouse, travel, access, commercial uses, land
tenure adjustments, visual resource management, and climate change. The
BLM invited local, State, Federal, and tribal representatives to
participate as cooperating agencies on the South Dakota RMP/EIS.
The Proposed RMP/Final EIS includes a range of management actions
within four management alternatives, including the No-Action
Alternative. These alternatives address the goals, management
challenges, and issues raised during scoping.
The four alternatives analyzed are:
1. Alternative A: Continues existing management practices (No-
Action Alternative).
2. Alternative B: Emphasizes commercial resource development and
use while providing adequate levels of resource protection.
3. Alternative C: Emphasizes conservation of natural resources
while providing for compatible development and use.
4. Alternative D (Proposed): Provides development opportunities and
conserves high value and sensitive resources.
The South Dakota Field Office has identified Alternative D as the
Proposed RMP. Alternative D supports management of greater sage-grouse
seasonal habitats and maintaining habitat connectivity to achieve
population objectives.
Two ACECs are currently designated in the existing South Dakota RMP
and were re-evaluated and addressed in this Proposed RMP/Final EIS. All
alternatives (including the Proposed Plan) would propose to maintain
the two existing ACECs, as summarized below:
Fort Meade Recreation Area ACEC (6,574 acres):
Relevant and Important Values: Historical and
Limitations on the Following Uses: Closed to leasable and
salable minerals, closed to geophysical exploration, recommended for
withdrawal from appropriation under the mining laws.
Other Restrictions: Right-of-way (ROW) exclusion area
except in designated ROW corridors, motorized vehicle use limited to
designated roads and trails, snowmobiles or machines specifically
equipped to travel over snow prohibited, closed to construction of new
roads except rerouting of existing roads to address resource impacts or
safety, and the continued designation as a back country byway of
[[Page 30709]]
the route that traverses the southern portion of the ACEC.
Fossil Cycad ACEC (320 acres):
Relevant and Important Values: Paleontological.
Proposed Use Limitations: Closed to fluid minerals within
the ACEC, closed to salable Federal minerals, sale of forest products
not be allowed, collection of fossils without a BLM permit not allowed,
and locatable Federal minerals recommended for withdrawal from
appropriation under the mining laws.
Other Restrictions: ROW exclusion area.
The South Dakota Field Office Proposed RMP/Final EIS is one of a
total of 15 separate EISs that make up the BLM and Forest Service
National Greater Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy. Greater-Sage Grouse
habitat within the planning area consists of:
Priority Habitat Management Area (PHMA)--Areas identified
as having the highest conservation value for maintaining sustainable
greater sage-grouse populations; include breeding, late brood-rearing,
and winter concentration areas.
General Habitat Management Area (GHMA)--Areas of seasonal
or year-round habitat outside of PHMA.
Alternative D supports management of greater sage-grouse seasonal
habitats and maintaining habitat connectivity to achieve population
objectives. Alternative D would limit or eliminate new surface
disturbance in PHMA, while minimizing disturbance in GHMA.
The Proposed Plan provides for 127,735 acres of Greater Sage-Grouse
The BLM and Forest Service, via the Western Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) Management Zone Greater Sage-Grouse
Conservation Team, will develop a Regional Mitigation Strategy to guide
the application of the mitigation hierarchy to address impacts within
that Zone. The Regional Mitigation Strategy should consider any State-
level greater sage-grouse mitigation guidance that is consistent with
the requirements. The Regional Mitigation Strategy will be developed in
a transparent manner, based on the best science available and
standardized metrics. Development of additional regional mitigation
strategies for other resource programs may occur for implementation
level decisions.
Instructions for filing a protest with the Director of the BLM
regarding the Proposed RMP/Final EIS may be found in the ``Dear
Reader'' Letter of the South Dakota Proposed RMP/Final EIS and at 43
CFR 1610.5-2. All protests must be in writing and be mailed to the
appropriate address, as set forth in the ADDRESSES section above.
Emailed protests will not be accepted as valid protests unless the
protesting party also provides the original printed email by either
regular or overnight mail, postmarked by the close of the protest
period. Under these conditions, the BLM will consider the emailed
protest as an advance copy and it will receive full consideration. If
you wish to provide the BLM with such advance notification, please
direct emails to
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that
your entire comment--including your personal identifying information--
may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in
your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying
information, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR 1506.10, 43 CFR 1610.2, 43 CFR
Jamie E. Connell,
State Director, Montana/Dakotas.
[FR Doc. 2015-12926 Filed 5-28-15; 8:45 am]