Bank Enterprise Award Program, 25581-25589 [2015-10433]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 80, No. 86
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
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Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund
12 CFR Part 1806
RIN 1505–AA91
Bank Enterprise Award Program
Community Development
Financial Institutions Fund, Department
of the Treasury.
ACTION: Interim rule with request for
The Department of the
Treasury is issuing a revised interim
rule implementing the Bank Enterprise
Award Program (BEA Program),
administered by the Community
Development Financial Institutions
Fund (CDFI Fund), Department of the
Treasury. This revised interim rule
reflects requirements set forth in a final
rule, published by the Department of the
Treasury (Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,
December 19, 2014), hereafter referred
to as the Uniform Administrative
Requirements. The Uniform
Administrative Requirements constitute
a government-wide framework for grants
management codified by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB); they
combine several OMB guidance
circulars aimed at reducing
administrative burden for award
Recipients and reducing the risk of
waste, fraud and abuse of Federal
financial assistance. The Uniform
Administrative Requirements establish
financial, administrative, procurement,
and program management standards
with which Federal award-making
programs, including those administered
by the CDFI Fund, and Recipients must
comply. This revised BEA Program
interim rule includes revisions
necessary to implement the Uniform
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Administrative Requirements, as well as
to make certain technical corrections
and other updates to the current rule.
DATES: Effective May 5, 2015; written
comments must be received by the
offices of the CDFI Fund on or before
July 3, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
concerning this revised interim rule via
the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal at (please
follow the instructions for submitting
comments). All submissions received
must include the agency name and
Regulatory Information Number (RIN)
for this rulemaking. Other information
regarding the CDFI Fund and its
programs may be obtained through the
CDFI Fund’s Web site at https://
Robert Ibanez, Program Manager,
Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund, at
I. Background
The CDFI Fund, Department of the
Treasury, was authorized by the
Community Development Banking and
Financial Institutions Act of 1994, as
amended (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.) (the
Act). The mission of the CDFI Fund is
to increase economic opportunity and
promote community development
investments for underserved
populations and in distressed
communities in the United States. Its
long-term vision is an America in which
all people have access to affordable
credit, capital and financial services.
The BEA Program provides awards to
depository institutions, insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), that demonstrate an increase in
their activities in the form of loans,
investments, services, and Technical
Assistance, in Distressed Communities
and provide financial assistance to
Community Development Financial
Institutions (CDFIs) through grants,
stock purchases, loans, deposits, and
other forms of financial and Technical
Through the BEA Program, the CDFI
Fund seeks to: Strengthen and expand
the financial and organizational
capacity of CDFIs; provide monetary
awards to insured depository
institutions that increase their lending
and financial services in Distressed
Communities; and increase the flow of
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private capital into Low- and ModerateIncome areas. Applicants participate in
the BEA Program through a competitive
application process, in which the CDFI
Fund evaluates applications based on
the value of their increases in certain
Qualified Activities. BEA Program
award Recipients receive award
proceeds in the form of a grant after
successful completion of specified
Qualified Activities.
On January 30, 2009, the CDFI Fund
published in the Federal Register an
interim regulation (74 FR 5790)
implementing the BEA Program. The
deadline for submission of comments
was March 2, 2009.
II. Comments on the January 30, 2009
Interim Rule
As of the close of the March 2, 2009
comment period, the CDFI Fund
received no comments on the current
III. Summary of Changes
(A) Section 1806.102, Relationship to
other programs: This section has been
revised to clarify that the restrictions on
entities applying for, receiving, and
using BEA Program Award in
conjunction with awards through other
CDFI Fund programs, will be described
in the applicable notice of funding
opportunity for each program. This
section also prohibits Applicants from
submitting any transactions as Qualified
Activities if they are funded in whole or
in part with award proceeds from
another CDFI Fund program or other
Federal program.
(B) Section 1806.103, Definitions:
Throughout the revised interim rule, the
defined term ‘‘Awardee’’ has been
replaced by ‘‘Recipient’’ and the term
‘‘disbursement’’ has been replaced with
the term ‘‘payment’’ as it relates to
award funds being transmitted from the
CDFI Fund to the Recipient. These
changes were made to align the
terminology in the BEA Program
regulations with the terms used in the
Uniform Administrative Requirements,
2 CFR part 1000.
The term ‘‘CDFI Partner’’ is revised in
subsection 1806.103 to prohibit a CDFI
Partner from being an affiliated
organization of the Applicant.
‘‘Community Development Entity’’ has
been removed from the definition
section because such term is not used in
this part. The term ‘‘Development
Service Activities’’ is now defined in
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
subsection 1806.103. ‘‘Geographic
Units’’ is revised in subsection 1806.103
to align with the updated terminology
used by the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
‘‘Home Improvement Loan’’ is revised
in subsection 1806.103 to ensure that
the borrower meets the definitions of
Low- and Moderate-Income. ‘‘Individual
Development Account’’ is revised in
subsection 1806.103 to provide for more
flexibility and is now less prescriptive.
‘‘Insured Depository Institution’’ is
defined in subsection 1806.103.
‘‘Integrally Involved’’ is revised in
subsection 1806.103 to reflect that the
definition no longer applies to nonCDFIs. The term ‘‘Small Dollar
Consumer Loan,’’ added as an eligible
activity in the definition of ‘‘Distressed
Community Financing Activities’’
(subsection 1806.103), has been defined
in subsection 1806.103. ‘‘State’’ is
defined in subsection 1806.103. The
term ‘‘Targeted Financial Services’’ is
revised in subsection 1806.103 to reflect
that such term must be targeted to
Eligible Residents that meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements. The
term ‘‘Technical Assistance’’ is now
defined in subsection 1806.103.
(C) Subsection 1806.104(a), Uniform
Administrative Requirements:
Subsection 1806.104(a) has been added
to assert that the Uniform
Administrative Requirements are
applicable to BEA Program Awards.
(D) Subpart B: The title of Subpart B
has been revised from ‘‘Awards’’ to
‘‘Eligibility’’ and describes the basic
application requirements that an
Applicant must meet in order to receive
a BEA Program Award. The former
content of Subpart B, dealing with the
specifics of how a Recipient’s award
amount is determined, is now located in
Subpart D ‘‘Award Determinations,’’
with new content in Section 1806.400
describing the period from which an
Applicant’s increases in Qualified
Activities will be measured. The
addition of this new section caused the
numbering of subsequent sections to
(E) Subpart C: The title of Subpart C
has been revised to ‘‘Use of Funds/
Qualified Activities,’’ describes the
eligible uses of a BEA Program Award,
and identifies restrictions on the use of
award dollars set forth in Section
1806.301. The former Subpart C, ‘‘Terms
and Conditions of Assistance,’’ is now
designated as Subpart E.
(F) Subpart D: In Subpart D, Section
1806.404(c), the priority of awards has
been adjusted to provide the CDFI Fund
with the discretion to cap, in the
applicable Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA), the maximum
amount of funding available for the
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Distressed Community Financing
Activities category. The three Qualified
Activities are prioritized based on the
type of Qualified Activity, as well as the
type of Applicant (meaning, CDFI
versus non-CDFI). Section 1806.404(c)
makes clear that in each Qualified
Activity, a CDFI Applicant will be
prioritized over a non-CDFI Applicant.
The restrictions on the use of award
dollars also apply to Qualified
Activities, as set forth in Section
(G) Subpart E: Subpart E has been
revised by adding a new paragraph
(subsection 1806.500(a)(5)) to
accommodate the audit requirements of
the Uniform Administrative
Requirements, and it provides a general
description of the report types to be
collected from Recipients on an annual
basis. Specific reporting requirements,
using OMB Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) approved information collections,
will be described in the applicable
NOFAs and Award Agreements. In
addition, this subsection has been
revised to require the submission of
annual reports within 90 days of the
Recipients’ fiscal year end, per the
Uniform Administrative Requirements.
Section 1806.501, previously reserved,
has been deleted which resulted in the
subsequent sections being renumbered.
IV. Rulemaking Analysis
A. Executive Order (E.O.) 12866
It has been determined that this
regulation is not a significant regulatory
action as defined in Executive Order
12866. Therefore, a Regulatory
Assessment is not required.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Because no notice of proposed
rulemaking is required under the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553) or any other law, the Regulatory
Flexibility Act does not apply.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collections of information
contained in this revised interim rule
have been previously reviewed and
approved by OMB in accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
and assigned the applicable OMB
Control Number associated with the
CDFI Fund under 1559–0005. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information, unless it
displays a valid control number
assigned by OMB. The revised interim
rule imposes collections of new
information, for which the CDFI Fund
has OMB approval.
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D. National Environmental Policy Act
The revised interim rule has been
reviewed in accordance with the CDFI
Fund’s Environmental Quality
regulations (12 CFR part 1815),
promulgated pursuant to the National
Environmental Protection Act of 1969
(NEPA), which requires that the CDFI
Fund adequately consider the
cumulative impact that proposed
activities have upon the human
environment. It is the determination of
the CDFI Fund that the revised interim
rules does not constitute a major federal
action significantly affecting the quality
of the human environment, and, in
accordance with the NEPA and the CDFI
Fund Environmental Quality
regulations, neither an Environmental
Assessment nor an Environmental
Impact Statement is required.
E. Administrative Procedure Act
Because the revisions to this revised
interim rule relate to grants, notice and
public procedure and a delayed
effective date are not required pursuant
to the Administrative Procedure Act
found at 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2).
F. Comment
Public comment is solicited on all
aspects of this interim regulation. The
CDFI Fund will consider all comments
made on the substance of this interim
regulation, but it does not intend to hold
G. Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance Number
Bank Enterprise Award Program—21.021.
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 1806
Banks, banking, Community
development, Grant programs—housing
and community development, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements,
Savings associations.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, 12 CFR part 1806 is revised
to read as follows:
Subpart A—General Provisions
1806.100 Purpose.
1806.101 Summary.
1806.102 Relationship to other programs.
1806.103 Definitions.
1806.104 Uniform Administrative
Requirements; Waiver authority.
1806.105 OMB control number.
Subpart B—Eligibility
Applicant eligibility.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart C—Use of funds/Qualified
1806.300 Qualified Activities.
1806.301 Restrictions on use of award.
Requirements, as applicable. All BEA
Program Awards are made subject to
funding availability.
§ 1806.102
Subpart D—Award Determinations
1806.400 General.
1806.401 Community eligibility and
1806.402 Measuring and reporting
Qualified Activities.
1806.403 Estimated award amounts.
1806.404 Selection process; actual award
1806.405 Applications for BEA Program
(a) Restrictions on applying for,
receiving and using BEA Program
Awards in conjunction with awards
under other programs administered by
the CDFI Fund (including, but not
limited to, the Capital Magnet Fund, the
CDFI Program, the CDFI Bond
Guarantee Program, the Native
American CDFI Assistance Program, and
the New Markets Tax Credit Program)
are as set forth in the applicable notice
of funding opportunity or Notice of
Allocation Availability.
(b) Prohibition against double
funding. Qualified Activities may not
include transactions funded in whole or
in part with award proceeds from
another CDFI Fund program or Federal
Subpart E—Terms and Conditions of
1806.500 Award Agreement; sanctions.
1806.501 Compliance with government
1806.502 Fraud, waste, and abuse.
1806.503 Books of account, records, and
government access.
1806.504 Retention of records.
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1834a, 4703, 4703
note, 4713, 4717; 31 U.S.C. 321.
§ 1806.103
Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 1806.100
The purpose of the Bank Enterprise
Award (BEA) Program is to provide
grants to Insured Depository Institutions
that provide financial and technical
assistance to Community Development
Financial Institutions and increase their
activities in Distressed Communities.
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§ 1806.101
Through the BEA Program, the CDFI
Fund will provide monetary awards in
the form of grants to Applicants selected
by the CDFI Fund that increase their
investments in or provide other support
of CDFIs, increase their lending and
investment activities in Distressed
Communities, or increase their
provision of certain services and
assistance. Distressed Communities
must meet minimum geographic,
poverty, and unemployment criteria.
Applicants are selected to receive BEA
Program Awards through a merit-based,
competitive application process. The
amount of a BEA Program Award is
based on the increase in Qualified
Activities that are carried out by the
Applicant during the Assessment
Period. BEA Program Awards are
disbursed by the CDFI Fund after the
Recipient has successfully completed
projected Qualified Activities. Each
Recipient will enter into an Award
Agreement, which will require it to
abide by terms and conditions pertinent
to any assistance received under this
part, including the requirement that
BEA Program Award proceeds must be
used for Qualified Activities, as well as
the Uniform Administrative
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Relationship to other
For purposes of this part, the
following terms shall have the following
Act means the Community
Development Banking and Financial
Institutions Act of 1994, as amended (12
U.S.C. 4701 et seq.);
Affordable Housing Development
Loan means origination of a loan to
finance the acquisition, construction,
and/or development of single- or multifamily residential real property, where
at least 60 percent of the units in such
property are affordable, as may be
defined in the applicable NOFA, to
Eligible Residents who meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements;
Affordable Housing Loan means
origination of a loan to finance the
purchase or improvement of the
borrower’s primary residence, and that
is secured by such property, where such
borrower is an Eligible Resident who
meets Low- and Moderate-Income
requirements. Affordable Housing Loan
may also refer to second (or otherwise
subordinated) liens or ‘‘soft second’’
mortgages and other similar types of
down payment assistance loans, but
may not necessarily be secured by such
property originated for the purpose of
facilitating the purchase or
improvement of the borrower’s primary
residence, where such borrower is an
Eligible Resident who meets Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements;
Applicant means any insured
depository institution (as defined in
section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813)) that is
applying for a Bank Enterprise Award;
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Appropriate Federal Banking Agency
has the same meaning as in section 3 of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12
U.S.C. 1813);
Assessment Period means an annual
or semi-annual period specified in the
applicable NOFA in which an Applicant
will carry out, or has carried out,
Qualified Activities;
Award Agreement means a formal
agreement between the CDFI Fund and
a Recipient pursuant to § 1806.500;
Bank Enterprise Award (or BEA
Program Award) means an award made
to an Applicant pursuant to this part;
Bank Enterprise Award Program (or
BEA Program) means the program
authorized by section 114 of the Act and
implemented under this part;
Baseline Period means an annual or a
semi-annual period specified in the
applicable NOFA, in which an
Applicant has previously carried out
Qualified Activities;
CDFI Partner means a CDFI that has
been provided assistance in the form of
CDFI Related Activities by an
unaffiliated Applicant;
CDFI Related Activities means Equity
Investments, Equity-Like Loans and
CDFI Support Activities;
CDFI Support Activity means
assistance provided by an Applicant or
its Subsidiary to a CDFI that meets
criteria set forth by the CDFI Fund in
the applicable NOFA and that is
Integrally Involved in a Distressed
Community, in the form of the
origination of a loan, Technical
Assistance, or deposits if such deposits
(1) Uninsured and committed for a
term of at least three years; or
(2) Insured, committed for a term of
at least three years, and provided at an
interest rate that is materially (in the
determination of the CDFI Fund) below
market rates;
Commercial Real Estate Loan means
an origination of a loan (other than an
Affordable Housing Development Loan
or Affordable Housing Loan) that is
secured by real estate and used to
finance the acquisition or rehabilitation
of a building in a Distressed
Community, or the acquisition,
construction and or development of
property in a Distressed Community,
used for commercial purposes;
Community Development Financial
Institution (or CDFI) means an entity
that has been certified as a CDFI by the
CDFI Fund as of the date specified in
the applicable NOFA;
Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund (or CDFI Fund) means
the Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund established pursuant
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
to Section 104(a)(12 U.S.C. 4703(a)) of
the Act;
Community Services means the
following forms of assistance provided
by officers, employees or agents
(contractual or otherwise) of the
(1) Provision of Technical Assistance
and financial education to Eligible
Residents regarding managing their
personal finances;
(2) Provision of Technical Assistance
and consulting services to newly formed
small businesses and nonprofit
organizations located in the Distressed
(3) Provision of Technical Assistance
and financial education to, or servicing
the loans of, homeowners and
homeowners who are Eligible Residents
and meet Low- and Moderate-Income
(4) Other services provided to Eligible
Residents who meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements or
enterprises that are Integrally Involved
in a Distressed Community, as deemed
appropriate by the CDFI Fund;
Deposit Liabilities means time or
savings deposits or demand deposits.
Any such deposit must be accepted
from Eligible Residents at the offices of
the Applicant or of the Subsidiary of the
Applicant and located in the Distressed
Community. Deposit Liabilities may
only include deposits held by
individuals in transaction accounts (e.g.,
demand deposits, negotiable order of
withdrawal accounts, automated
transfer service accounts, and telephone
or preauthorized transfer accounts) or
non-transaction accounts (e.g., money
market deposit accounts, other savings
deposits, and all time deposits), as
defined by the Appropriate Federal
Banking Agency;
Development Service Activities means
activities that promote community
development and are integral to the
Applicant’s provision of financial
products and Financial Services. Such
services shall prepare or assist current
or potential borrowers or investees to
utilize the financial products or
Financial Services of the Applicant.
Development Service Activities include
financial or credit counseling to
individuals for the purpose of
facilitating home ownership, promoting
self-employment, or enhancing
consumer financial management skills;
or technical assistance to borrowers or
investees for the purpose of enhancing
business planning, marketing,
management, and financial management
Distressed Community means a
geographically defined community that
meets the minimum area eligibility
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requirements specified in section
1806.401 and such additional criteria as
may be set forth in the applicable
Distressed Community Financing
Activities means: Affordable Housing
Loans, Affordable Housing Development
Loans and related Project Investments;
Education Loans; Commercial Real
Estate Loans and related Project
Investments; Home Improvement Loans;
Small Business Loans and related
Project Investments; and Small Dollar
Consumer Loans;
Education Loan means an advance of
funds to a student who is an Eligible
Resident, for the purpose of financing a
college or vocational education;
Electronic Transfer Account (or ETA)
means an account that meets the
requirements, and with respect to which
the Applicant has satisfied the
requirements, set forth in the Federal
Register on July 16, 1999 (64 FR 38510),
as such requirements may be amended
from time to time;
Eligible Resident means an individual
who resides in a Distressed Community;
Equity Investment means financial
assistance provided by an Applicant or
its Subsidiary to a CDFI, which CDFI
meets such criteria as set forth in the
applicable NOFA, in the form of a grant,
a stock purchase, a purchase of a
partnership interest, a purchase of a
limited liability company membership
interest, or any other investment
deemed to be an Equity Investment by
the CDFI Fund;
Equity-Like Loan means a loan
provided by an Applicant or its
Subsidiary to a CDFI, and made on such
terms that it has characteristics of an
Equity Investment that meets such
criteria as set forth in the applicable
Financial Services means checkcashing, providing money orders and
certified checks, automated teller
machines, safe deposit boxes, new
branches, and other comparable services
as may be specified by the CDFI Fund
in the applicable NOFA, that are
provided by the Applicant to Eligible
Residents who meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements or
enterprises that are Integrally Involved
in the Distressed Community;
Geographic Units means counties (or
equivalent areas), incorporated places,
minor civil divisions that are units of
local government, census tracts, block
numbering areas, block groups, and
Indian Areas or Native American Areas
(as each is defined by the U.S. Bureau
of the Census), or other areas deemed
appropriate by the CDFI Fund;
Home Improvement Loan means an
advance of funds, either unsecured or
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secured by a one-to-four family
residential property, the proceeds of
which are used to improve the
borrower’s primary residence, where
such borrower is an Eligible Resident
who is Low- and Moderate-Income;
Indian Reservation means a
geographic area that meets the
requirements of section 4(10) of the
Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (25
U.S.C. 1903(10)), and shall include land
held by incorporated Native groups,
regional corporations, and village
corporations, as defined in and pursuant
to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement
Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), public
domain Indian allotments, and former
Indian Reservations in the State of
Individual Development Account (or
IDA) means a special savings account
that matches the deposits of Low- and
Moderate-Income individuals and that
enables Low-and Moderate-Income
individuals to save money for a
particular financial goal including, but
not limited to, and as determined by the
CDFI Fund: buying a home, paying for
post-secondary education, or starting or
expanding a small business;
Insured Depository Institution means
any bank or thrift, the deposits of which
are insured by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation;
Integrally Involved means, for a CDFI
Partner, having provided or transacted
the percentage of financial transactions
or dollars (i.e., loans or Equity
Investments), or Development Service
activities, in the Distressed Community
identified by the Applicant or the CDFI
Partner, as applicable, or having
attained the percentage of market share
for a particular product in a Distressed
Community, set forth in the applicable
Low- and Moderate-Income means
income that does not exceed 80 percent
of the median income of the area
involved, as determined by the
Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development, with adjustments for
smaller and larger families pursuant to
section 102(a)(20) of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974
(42 U.S.C. 5302(a)(20));
Metropolitan Area means an area
designated as such (as of the date of the
BEA Program application) by the Office
of Management and Budget pursuant to
44 U.S.C. 3504(e)(3), 31 U.S.C. 1104(d),
and Executive Order 10253 (3 CFR, Part
1949–1953 Comp., p. 758), as amended;
Notice of Funding Availability (or
NOFA) means the public notice of
funding opportunity that announces the
availability of BEA Program Award
funds for a particular funding round and
that advises prospective Applicants
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with respect to obtaining application
materials, establishes application
submission deadlines, and establishes
other requirements or restrictions
applicable for the particular funding
Priority Factor means a numeric value
assigned to each type of activity within
each category of Qualified Activity, as
established by the CDFI Fund in the
applicable NOFA. A priority factor
represents the CDFI Fund’s assessment
of the degree of difficulty, the extent of
innovation, and the extent of benefits
accruing to the Distressed Community
for each type of activity;
Project Investment means providing
financial assistance in the form of a
purchase of stock, limited partnership
interest, other ownership instrument, or
a grant to an entity that is Integrally
Involved in a Distressed Community
and formed for the sole purpose of
engaging in a project or activity
(approved by the CDFI Fund), including
Affordable Housing Development Loans,
Affordable Housing Loans, Commercial
Real Estate Loans, and Small Business
Qualified Activities means CDFI
Related Activities, Distressed
Community Financing Activities, and
Service Activities;
Recipient means an Applicant that
receives a BEA Program Award
pursuant to this part and the applicable
Service Activities means the following
activities: Deposit Liabilities; Financial
Services; Community Services; Targeted
Financial Services; and Targeted Retail
Savings/Investment Products;
Small Business Loan means an
origination of a loan used for
commercial or industrial activities
(other than an Affordable Housing Loan,
Affordable Housing Development Loan,
Commercial Real Estate Loan, Home
Improvement Loan) to a business or
farm that meets the size eligibility
standards of the Small Business
Administration’s Development
Company or Small Business Investment
Company programs (13 CFR 121.301)
and is located in a Distressed
Small Dollar Consumer Loan means
affordable consumer lending products
that serve as available alternatives in the
marketplace for individuals who are
Eligible Residents and meet criteria
further specified in the applicable
State means any State of the United
States, the District of Columbia or any
territory of the United States, Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the
Virgin Islands, and the Northern
Mariana Islands;
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Subsidiary has the same meaning as
in section 3 of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act, except that a CDFI shall
not be considered a Subsidiary of any
Insured Depository Institution or any
depository institution holding company
that controls less than 25 percent of any
class of the voting shares of such
corporation and does not otherwise
control, in any manner, the election of
a majority of directors of the
Targeted Financial Services means
ETAs, IDAs, and such other banking
products targeted to Eligible Residents
who meet Low- and Moderate-Income
requirements, as may be specified by the
CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA;
Targeted Retail Savings/Investment
Products means certificates of deposit,
mutual funds, life insurance, and other
similar savings or investment vehicles
targeted to Eligible Residents who meet
Low- and Moderate-Income
requirements, as may be specified by the
CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA;
Technical Assistance means the
provision of consulting services,
resources, training, and other
nonmonetary support relating to an
organization, individual, or operation of
a trade or business, as may be specified
by the CDFI Fund in the applicable
NOFA; and
Unit of General Local Government
means any city, county town, township,
parish, village, or other general-purpose
political subdivision of a State or
Commonwealth of the United States, or
general-purpose subdivision thereof,
and the District of Columbia.
§ 1806.105
§ 1806.104 Uniform Administrative
Requirements; Waiver authority.
Subpart D—Award Determinations
(a) Uniform Administrative
Requirements. The Uniform
Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements for
Federal Awards (Uniform
Administrative Requirements), codified
by the Department of the Treasury at 2
CFR part 1000, apply to awards,
regardless of type of award Recipient,
made pursuant to this part.
(b) Waiver authority. The CDFI Fund
may waive any requirement of this part
that is not required by law, upon a
determination of good cause. Each such
waiver will be in writing and supported
by a statement of the facts and grounds
forming the basis of the waiver. For a
waiver in any individual case, the CDFI
Fund must determine that application of
the requirement to be waived would
adversely affect the achievement of the
purposes of the Act. For waivers of
general applicability, the CDFI Fund
will publish notification of granted
waivers in the Federal Register.
§ 1806.400
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OMB control number.
The collection of information
requirements in this Part have been
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget and assigned the applicable,
approved OMB Control Number
associated with the CDFI Fund under
Subpart B—Eligibility
§ 1806.200
Applicant Eligibility.
General requirements. An entity that
is an Insured Depository Institution is
eligible to apply for a BEA Program
Award if the CDFI Fund receives a
complete BEA Program Award
application by the deadline set forth in
the applicable Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA). Additional
eligibility requirements are set forth in
the applicable NOFA.
Subpart C—Use of Funds/Qualified
§ 1806.300
Qualified Activities.
To receive a BEA Program Award, an
Insured Depository Institution must
increase its Qualified Activities within
the period of time set forth in the
applicable NOFA. Recipients of BEA
Program Awards must also use their
payments for Qualified Activities, as
described in the applicable NOFA and
the Award Agreement.
§ 1806.301
Restrictions of use of award.
A Recipient may not distribute BEA
Program Award funds to an Affiliate
without the CDFI Fund’s prior written
The amount of a BEA Program Award
shall be based on the Applicant’s
increases in Qualified Activities from
the Baseline Period to the Assessment
Period, as set forth in the applicable
§ 1806.401 Community eligibility and
(a) General. If an Applicant proposes
to carry out Service Activities or
Distressed Community Financing
Activities, the Applicant shall designate
one or more Distressed Communities in
which it proposes to carry out those
activities. The Applicant may designate
different Distressed Communities for
each category of activity. If an Applicant
proposes to carry out CDFI Support
Activities, the Applicant shall provide
evidence that the CDFI it is proposing
to support is Integrally Involved in a
Distressed Community as specified in
the applicable NOFA.
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(b) Minimum area and eligibility
requirements. A Distressed Community
must meet the following minimum area
and eligibility requirements:
(1) Minimum area requirements. A
Distressed Community:
(i) Must be an area that is located
within the jurisdiction of one (1) Unit of
General Local Government;
(ii) The boundaries of the area must
be contiguous; and
(iii) The area must:
(A) have a population, as determined
by the most recent US Bureau of the
Census data available, of not less than
4,000 if any portion of the area is
located within a Metropolitan Area with
a population of 50,000 or greater; or
(B) have a population, as determined
by the most recent US Bureau of the
Census data available, of not less than
1,000 in any other case; or
(C) Be located entirely within an
Indian Reservation.
(2) Eligibility requirements. A
Distressed Community must be a
geographic area where:
(i) At least 30 percent of the Eligible
Residents have incomes that are less
than the national poverty level, as
published by the U.S. Bureau of the
Census or in other sources as set forth
in guidance issued by the CDFI Fund;
(ii) The unemployment rate is at least
1.5 times greater than the national
average, as determined by the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recently
published data, including estimates of
unemployment developed using the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ CensusShare calculation method, or in other
sources as set forth in guidance issued
by the CDFI Fund; and
(iii) Such additional requirements as
may be specified by the CDFI Fund in
the applicable NOFA.
(c) Area designation. An Applicant
shall designate an area as a Distressed
Community by:
(1) Selecting Geographic Units which
individually meet the minimum area
eligibility requirements set forth in
paragraph (b) of this section; or
(2) Selecting two or more Geographic
Units which, in the aggregate, meet the
minimum area eligibility requirements
set forth in paragraph (b) of this section,
provided that no Geographic Unit
selected by the Applicant within the
area has a poverty rate of less than 20
(d) Designation. The CDFI Fund will
provide a prospective Applicant with
data and other information to help it
identify areas eligible to be designated
as a Distressed Community. Applicants
shall submit designation materials as
instructed in the applicable NOFA.
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§ 1806.402 Measuring and reporting
Qualified Activities.
(a) General. An Applicant may receive
a BEA Program Award for engaging in
any of the following categories of
Qualified Activities during an
Assessment Period: CDFI Related
Activities, Distressed Community
Financing Activities, or Service
Activities. The CDFI Fund may further
qualify such Qualified Activities in the
applicable NOFA, including such
additional geographic and transaction
size limitations as the CDFI Fund deems
(b) Reporting Qualified Activities. An
Applicant should report only its
Qualified Activities for the category for
which it is seeking a BEA Program
(1) If an Applicant elects to apply for
an award in either the CDFI Related
Activities category or the Distressed
Community Financing Activities
category, it must report on all types of
activity within that category, unless the
Applicant can provide a reasonable
explanation, acceptable to the CDFI
Fund in its sole discretion, as to why it
cannot report on all activities in such
(2) If an Applicant elects to apply for
an award in the Service Activities
category, it may elect not to report each
type of activity within the Service
Activities category.
(c) Area served. CDFI Related
Activities must be provided to a CDFI.
CDFI Partners that are the recipients of
CDFI Support Activities must
demonstrate that they are Integrally
Involved in a Distressed Community.
Service Activities and Distressed
Community Financing Activities must
serve a Distressed Community. An
activity is considered to serve a
Distressed Community if it is:
(1) Undertaken in the Distressed
Community; or
(2) Provided to Eligible Residents who
meet Low- and Moderate-Income
requirements or enterprises that are
Integrally Involved in the Distressed
(d) Certain Limitations on Qualified
Activities. Activities funded with the
proceeds of Federal funding or tax
credit programs are ineligible for
purposes of calculating or receiving a
Bank Enterprise Award. Please see the
applicable NOFA for each funding
round’s limitations on Qualified
Activities. Qualified Activities shall not
include loans to or investments in those
business types set forth in the Uniform
Administrative Requirements.
(e) Measuring the Value of Qualified
Activities. Subject to such additional or
alternative valuations as the CDFI Fund
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may specify in the applicable NOFA,
the CDFI Fund will assess the value of:
(1) Equity Investments, Equity-Like
Loans, loans, grants and certificates of
deposits, at the original amount of such
Equity Investments, Equity-Like Loans,
loans, grants or certificates of deposits.
Where a certificate of deposit matures
and is then rolled over during the
Baseline Period or the Assessment
Period, as applicable, the CDFI Fund
will assess the value of the full amount
of the rolled-over deposit. Where an
existing loan is refinanced (meaning, a
new loan is originated to pay off an
existing loan, whether or not there is a
change in the applicable loan terms), the
CDFI Fund will only assess the value of
any increase in the principal amount of
the refinanced loan;
(2) Project Investments at the original
amount of the purchase of stock, limited
partnership interest, other ownership
interest, or grant;
(3) Deposit Liabilities at the dollar
amount deposited as measured by
comparing the net change in the amount
of applicable funds on deposit at the
Applicant during the Baseline Period
with the net change in the amount of
applicable funds on deposit at the
Applicant during the Assessment
Period, as described in paragraphs
(e)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section:
(i) The Applicant shall calculate the
net change in deposits during the
Baseline Period by comparing the
amount of applicable funds on deposit
at the close of business the day before
the beginning of the Baseline Period and
at the close of business on the last day
of the Baseline Period; and
(ii) The Applicant shall calculate the
net change in such deposits during the
Assessment Period by comparing the
amount of applicable funds on deposit
at the close of business the day before
the beginning of the Assessment Period
and at the close of business on the last
day of the Assessment Period;
(4) Financial Services and Targeted
Financial Services based on the
predetermined amounts as set forth by
the CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA;
(5) Financial Services (other than
those for which the CDFI Fund has
established a predetermined value),
Community Services, and CDFI Support
Activities consisting of Technical
Assistance based on the administrative
costs of providing such services.
(f) Closed transactions. A transaction
shall be considered to have been closed
and carried out during the Baseline
Period or the Assessment Period if the
documentation evidencing the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
(1) Is executed on a date within the
applicable Baseline Period or
Assessment Period, respectively; and
(2) Constitutes a legally binding
agreement between the Applicant and a
borrower or investee, which agreement
specifies the final terms and conditions
of the transaction, except that any
contingencies included in the final
agreement must be typical of such
transaction and acceptable (both in the
judgment of the CDFI Fund); and
(3) An initial cash disbursement of
loan or investment proceeds has
occurred in a manner that is consistent
with customary business practices and
is reasonable given the nature of the
transaction (as determined by the CDFI
Fund), unless it is normal business
practice to make no initial disbursement
at closing and the Applicant
demonstrates that the borrower has
access to the proceeds, subject to
reasonable conditions as may be
determined by the CDFI Fund.
(g) Reporting period. An Applicant
must only measure the amount of a
Qualified Activity that it reasonably
expects to disburse to an investee,
borrower, or other recipient within one
year of the end of the applicable
Assessment Period, or such other period
as may be set forth by the CDFI Fund
in the applicable NOFA.
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§ 1806.403
Estimated award amounts.
(a) General. An Applicant must
calculate and submit to the CDFI Fund
an estimated award amount as part of its
BEA Program Award application.
(b) Award percentages. The CDFI
Fund will establish the award
percentage for each category of
Qualified Activities in the applicable
NOFA. Applicable award percentages
for Qualified Activities undertaken by
Applicants that are CDFIs will be equal
to three times the award percentages for
Qualified Activities undertaken by
Applicants that are not CDFIs.
(c) Calculating the estimated award
amount. The estimated award amount
for each category of Qualified Activities
will be equal to the applicable award
percentage of the increase in the
weighted value of such Qualified
Activities between the Baseline Period
and Assessment Period. The weighted
value of the applicable Qualified
Activities shall be calculated by:
(1) Subtracting the Baseline Period
value of such Qualified Activity from
the Assessment Period value of such
Qualified Activity to yield a remainder;
(2) Multiplying the remainder by the
applicable Priority Factor (as set forth in
the applicable NOFA).
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(d) Estimated award eligibility review.
The CDFI Fund will determine the
eligibility of each transaction for which
an Applicant has applied for a BEA
Program Award. Based upon this
review, the CDFI Fund will calculate the
actual award amount for which such
Applicant is eligible.
§ 1806.404 Selection process; actual
award amounts.
(a) Sufficient funds available to cover
estimated awards. All BEA Program
Awards are subject to the availability of
funds. If the amount of appropriated
funds available during a funding round
is sufficient to cover all estimated award
amounts for which Applicants are
eligible, in the CDFI Fund’s
determination, and an Applicant meets
all of the program requirements
specified in this part, then such
Applicant shall receive an actual award
amount that is calculated by the CDFI
Fund in the manner specified in
§ 1806.403.
(b) Insufficient funds available to
cover estimated awards. If the amount
of funds available during a funding
round is insufficient to cover all
estimated award amounts for which
Applicants are eligible, in the CDFI
Fund’s determination, then the CDFI
Fund will select Recipients and
determine actual award amounts based
on the process described in subsection
1806.404(c) and any established
maximum dollar amount of awards that
may be awarded for the Distressed
Community Financing Activities
category, as described in the applicable
(c) Priority of awards. In
circumstances where there are
insufficient funds to cover estimated
awards, the CDFI Fund will rank
Applicants based on whether the
Applicant is a CDFI or a non-CDFI, and
in each category of Qualified Activity
(e.g., Service Activities) according to the
priorities described in this paragraph
(c). Selections within each priority
category will be based on the
Applicants’ relative rankings within
each category, and based on whether the
Applicant is a CDFI or a non-CDFI,
subject to the availability of funds.
(1) First priority. If the amount of
funds available during a funding round
is insufficient for all estimated award
amounts, first priority will be given to
CDFI Applicants that engaged in CDFI
Related Activities, followed by nonCDFI Applicants that engaged in CDFI
Related Activities ranked in the ratio as
set forth in the applicable NOFA.
(2) Second priority. If the amount of
funds available during a funding round
is sufficient for all first priority
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Applicants but insufficient for all
remaining estimated award amounts,
second priority will be given to CDFI
Applicants that engaged in Distressed
Community Financing Activities,
followed by non-CDFI Applicants that
engaged in CDFI Related Activities,
ranked in the ratio as set forth in the
applicable NOFA.
(3) Third priority. If the amount of
funds available during a funding round
is sufficient for all first and second
priority Applicants, but insufficient for
all remaining estimated award amounts,
third priority will be given to CDFI
Applicants that engaged in Service
Activities, followed by non-CDFI
Applicants that engaged in Service
Activities, ranked in the ratio as set
forth in the applicable NOFA.
(d) Calculating actual award amounts.
The CDFI Fund will determine actual
award amounts based upon the
availability of funds, increases in
Qualified Activities from the Baseline to
the Assessment Period, and an
Applicant’s priority ranking. If an
Applicant receives an award for more
than one priority category described in
this section, the CDFI Fund will
combine the award amounts into a
single BEA Program Award.
(e) Unobligated or deobligated funds.
The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion,
may use any deobligated funds or funds
not obligated during a funding round:
(1) To select Applicants not
previously selected, using the
calculation and selection process
contained in this part;
(2) To make additional monies
available for a subsequent funding
round; or
(3) As otherwise authorized by the
(f) Limitation. The CDFI Fund, in its
sole discretion, may deny or limit the
amount of a BEA Program Award for
any reason.
§ 1806.405
Applications for BEA Program
(a) Notice of funding availability;
applications. Applicants must submit
applications for BEA Program Awards
in accordance with this section and the
applicable NOFA. An Applicant’s
application must demonstrate a realistic
course of action to ensure that it will
meet the requirements described in
subpart D within the period set forth in
the applicable NOFA. Detailed
application content requirements are
found in the related application and
applicable NOFA. The CDFI Fund will
not disburse an award to an Applicant
before it meets the eligibility
requirements described in the
applicable NOFA. The CDFI Fund shall
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require an Applicant to meet any
additional eligibility requirements that
the CDFI Fund deems appropriate. After
receipt of an application, the CDFI Fund
may request clarifying or technical
information related to materials
submitted as part of such application
and/or to verify that Qualified Activities
were carried out in the manner
prescribed in this Part. The CDFI Fund,
in its sole discretion, shall determine
whether an applicant fulfills the
requirements set for forth in this part
and the applicable NOFA.
(b) Application contents. An
application for a BEA Program Award
must contain:
(1) A completed worksheet that
reports the increases in Qualified
Activities actually carried out during
the Assessment Period as compared to
those carried out during the Baseline
Period. If an Applicant has merged with
another institution during the
Assessment Period, it must submit a
separate Baseline Period worksheet for
each subject institution and one
Assessment Period worksheet that
reports the activities of the merged
institutions. If such a merger is
unexpectedly delayed beyond the
Assessment Period, the CDFI Fund
reserves the right to withhold
distribution of a BEA Program Award
until the merger has been completed;
(2) A report of Qualified Activities
that were closed during the Assessment
Period. Such report shall describe the
original amount, census tract served,
dates of execution, initial disbursement,
and final disbursement of the
(3) Documentation of Qualified
Activities that meets the required
thresholds and conditions described in
§ 1806.402(f) and the applicable NOFA;
(4) Information necessary for the CDFI
Fund to complete its environmental
review requirements pursuant to part
1815 of this chapter;
(5) Certifications, as described in the
applicable NOFA and BEA Program
Award application, that the information
provided to the CDFI Fund is true and
accurate and that the Applicant will
comply with all relevant provisions of
this chapter and all applicable Federal,
State, and local laws, ordinances,
regulations, policies, guidelines, and
(6) In the case of an Applicant that
engaged in Service Activities, or
Distressed Community Financing
Activities, the Applicant must confirm,
by submitting documentation as
described in the applicable NOFA and
BEA Program application, the Service
Activities or Distressed Community
Financing Activities were provided to:
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(i) Eligible Residents that resided in a
Distressed Community, or
(ii) A business located in a Distressed
(7) Information that indicates that
each CDFI to which an Applicant has
provided CDFI Support Activities is
Integrally Involved in a Distressed
Community, as described in the
applicable NOFA and BEA Program
application; and
(8) Any other information requested
by the CDFI Fund, or specified by the
CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA or
the BEA Program application, in order
to document or otherwise assess the
validity of information provided by the
Applicant to the CDFI Fund.
Subpart E—Terms and Conditions of
§ 1806.500
Award Agreement; sanctions.
(a) General. After the CDFI Fund
selects a Recipient, the CDFI Fund and
the Recipient will enter into an Award
Agreement. In addition to the
requirements of the Uniform
Administrative Requirements, the
Award Agreement will require that the
(1) Must carry out its Qualified
Activities in accordance with applicable
law, the approved BEA Program
application, and all other applicable
(2) Must comply with such other
terms and conditions that the CDFI
Fund may establish;
(3) Will not receive any BEA Program
Award payment until the CDFI Fund
has determined that the Recipient has
fulfilled all applicable requirements;
(4) Must comply with performance
goals that have been established by the
CDFI Fund. Such performance goals
will include measures that require the
Recipient to use its BEA Program Award
funds for Qualified Activities; and
(5) Must comply with all data
collection and reporting requirements.
Each Recipient must submit to the CDFI
Fund such information and
documentation that will permit the
CDFI Fund to review the Recipient’s
progress in satisfying the terms and
conditions of its Award Agreement,
(i) Annual report. Each Recipient
shall submit to the CDFI Fund at least
annually and within 90 days after the
end of each year of the Recipient’s
performance period, an annual report
that will provide data that, among other
things, demonstrates the Recipient’s
compliance with its performance goals
(including a description of any
noncompliance), its uses of the BEA
Program Award funds, and the impact
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of the BEA Program and the CDFI
industry. Recipients are responsible for
the timely and complete submission of
the annual report.
(ii) Financial statement. A Recipient
is not required to submit its financial
statement to the CDFI Fund. The CDFI
Fund may obtain the necessary
information from publicly available
(b) Sanctions. In the event of any
fraud, misrepresentation, or
noncompliance with the terms of the
Award Agreement by the Recipient, the
CDFI Fund may terminate, reduce, or
recapture the award, bar the Recipient
and/or its Affiliates from applying for an
award from the CDFI Fund for a period
to be decided by the CDFI Fund in its
sole discretion, and pursue any other
available legal remedies.
(c) Compliance with other CDFI Fund
awards. In the event that an Applicant,
Recipient, or its Subsidiary or Affiliate
is not in compliance, as determined by
the CDFI Fund, with the terms and
conditions of any CDFI Fund award, the
CDFI Fund may, in its sole discretion,
bar said Applicant or Recipient from
applying for future BEA Program
Awards or withhold payment (either
initial or subsequent) of BEA Program
Award funds.
(d) Notice. Prior to imposing any
sanctions pursuant to this section or an
Award Agreement, the CDFI Fund will
provide the Recipient with written
notice of the proposed sanction and an
opportunity to respond. Nothing in this
section, however, will provide a
Recipient with the right to any formal or
informal hearing or comparable
proceeding not otherwise required by
§ 1806.501 Compliance with government
In carrying out its responsibilities
pursuant to an Award Agreement, the
Recipient must comply with all
applicable Federal, State, and local
laws, regulations (including but not
limited to the Uniform Administrative
Requirements, ordinances, and
Executive Orders).
§ 1806.502
Fraud, waste, and abuse.
Any person who becomes aware of
the existence or apparent existence of
fraud, waste, or abuse of assistance
provided under this part should report
such incidences to the Office of
Inspector General of the U.S.
Department of the Treasury.
§ 1806.503 Books of account, records, and
government access.
(a) A Recipient shall submit such
financial and activity reports, records,
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statements, and documents at such
times, in such forms, and accompanied
by such supporting data, as required by
the CDFI Fund and the U.S. Department
of the Treasury to ensure compliance
with the requirements of this part. The
United States Government, including
the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the
Comptroller General, and its duly
authorized representatives, shall have
full and free access to the Recipient’s
offices and facilities, and all books,
documents, records, and financial
statements relevant to the award of the
Federal funds and may copy such
documents as they deem appropriate.
(b) The Award Agreement provides
that the provisions of the Act, this part,
and the Award Agreement are
enforceable under 12 U.S.C. 1818 of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act by the
Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, as
applicable, and that any violation of
such provisions shall be treated as a
violation of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act. Nothing in this
paragraph (b) precludes the CDFI Fund
from directly enforcing the Award
Agreement as provided for under the
terms of the Act.
(c) The CDFI Fund will notify the
Appropriate Federal Banking Agency
before imposing any sanctions on a
Recipient that is examined by or subject
to the reporting requirements of that
agency. The CDFI Fund will not impose
a sanction described in section
1806.500(b) if the Appropriate Federal
Banking Agency, in writing, not later
than 30 calendar days after receiving
notice from the CDFI Fund:
(1) Objects to the proposed sanction;
(2) Determines that the sanction
(i) Have a material adverse effect on
the safety and soundness of the
Recipient; or
(ii) Impede or interfere with an
enforcement action against that
Recipient by the Appropriate Federal
Banking Agency;
(3) Proposes a comparable alternative
action; and
(4) Specifically explains:
(i) The basis for the determination
under paragraph (c)(2) of this section
and, if appropriate, provides
documentation to support the
determination; and
(ii) How the alternative action
suggested pursuant to paragraph (c)(3)
of this section would be as effective as
the sanction proposed by the CDFI Fund
in securing compliance and deterring
future noncompliance.
(d) Prior to imposing any sanctions
pursuant to this section or an Award
Agreement, the CDFI Fund shall, to the
maximum extent practicable, provide
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the Recipient with written notice of the
proposed sanction and an opportunity
to comment. Nothing in this section,
however, shall provide a Recipient to
any formal or informal hearing or
comparable proceeding not otherwise
required by law.
§ 1806.504
Retention of records.
A Recipient must comply with all
record retention requirements as set
forth in the Uniform Administrative
Dated: April 30, 2015.
Mary Ann Donovan,
Director, Community Development Financial
Institutions Fund.
[FR Doc. 2015–10433 Filed 5–4–15; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2014–0038; Directorate
Identifier 2013–SW–023–AD; Amendment
39–18146; AD 2015–09–01]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus
Helicopters (Type Certificate
Previously Held by Eurocopter France)
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
We are adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for Airbus
Model EC225LP helicopters. This AD
requires repetitive visual and tap test
inspections of each main rotor blade
(blade) leading edge stainless steel
protective strip (strip) for a crack, cut,
or blind or open debonding
(debonding), and taking approved
corrective measures. If there is a crack
or if there is debonding that exceeds
acceptable limits, this AD requires,
before further flight, repairing or
replacing the blade with an airworthy
part. This AD was prompted by
suspected water seepage through a crack
in the blade strip resulting in significant
debonding. The actions of this AD are
intended to prevent loss of the blade
strip, excessive vibrations induced by
blade weight imbalance, and subsequent
loss of control of the helicopter.
DATES: This AD is effective June 9, 2015.
The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
of a certain document listed in this AD
as of June 9, 2015.
ADDRESSES: For service information
identified in this AD, contact Airbus
PO 00000
Frm 00009
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Helicopters, Inc., 2701 N. Forum Drive,
Grand Prairie, TX 75052; telephone
(972) 641–0000 or (800) 232–0323; fax
(972) 641–3775; or at https://
You may review the referenced service
information at the FAA, Office of the
Regional Counsel, Southwest Region,
2601 Meacham Blvd., Room 663, Fort
Worth, Texas 76137. It is also available
on the Internet at https:// in Docket No.
Examining the AD Docket
You may examine the AD docket on
the Internet at https:// or in person at the
Docket Operations Office between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
docket contains this AD, the European
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, any
incorporated-by-reference service
information, the economic evaluation,
any comments received, and other
information. The street address for the
Docket Operations Office (phone: 800–
647–5527) is U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations
Office, M–30, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.
Roach, Aviation Safety Engineer,
Regulations and Policy Group,
Rotorcraft Directorate, FAA, 2601
Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas
76137; telephone (817) 222–5110; email
On January 31, 2014, at 79 FR 5321,
the Federal Register published our
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM),
which proposed to amend 14 CFR part
39 by adding an AD that would apply
to Airbus Helicopters. The NPRM
proposed to require repetitive visual
and tap test inspections of each blade
strip for a crack, cut, or debonding. If
there is a crack or if there is debonding
beyond acceptable limits or located
outside a specific area, the NPRM
proposed to require, before further
flight, repairing or replacing the blade
with an airworthy part. If there is a cut
in the blade root polyurethane
protective strip, the NPRM proposed to
require tap test inspecting the blade for
debonding. The proposed requirements
were intended to prevent loss of the
blade strip, excessive vibrations
induced by blade weight imbalance, and
subsequent loss of control of the
The NPRM was prompted by AD No.
2013–0103, dated May 2, 2013, issued
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 86 (Tuesday, May 5, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 25581-25589]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-10433]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Prices of new books are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER issue of each
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Rules and
[[Page 25581]]
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
12 CFR Part 1806
RIN 1505-AA91
Bank Enterprise Award Program
AGENCY: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Department
of the Treasury.
ACTION: Interim rule with request for comment.
SUMMARY: The Department of the Treasury is issuing a revised interim
rule implementing the Bank Enterprise Award Program (BEA Program),
administered by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
(CDFI Fund), Department of the Treasury. This revised interim rule
reflects requirements set forth in a final rule, published by the
Department of the Treasury (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, December 19,
2014), hereafter referred to as the Uniform Administrative
Requirements. The Uniform Administrative Requirements constitute a
government-wide framework for grants management codified by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB); they combine several OMB guidance
circulars aimed at reducing administrative burden for award Recipients
and reducing the risk of waste, fraud and abuse of Federal financial
assistance. The Uniform Administrative Requirements establish
financial, administrative, procurement, and program management
standards with which Federal award-making programs, including those
administered by the CDFI Fund, and Recipients must comply. This revised
BEA Program interim rule includes revisions necessary to implement the
Uniform Administrative Requirements, as well as to make certain
technical corrections and other updates to the current rule.
DATES: Effective May 5, 2015; written comments must be received by the
offices of the CDFI Fund on or before July 3, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments concerning this revised interim rule
via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal at
(please follow the instructions for submitting comments). All
submissions received must include the agency name and Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) for this rulemaking. Other information
regarding the CDFI Fund and its programs may be obtained through the
CDFI Fund's Web site at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Ibanez, Program Manager,
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, at
I. Background
The CDFI Fund, Department of the Treasury, was authorized by the
Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act of 1994,
as amended (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.) (the Act). The mission of the CDFI
Fund is to increase economic opportunity and promote community
development investments for underserved populations and in distressed
communities in the United States. Its long-term vision is an America in
which all people have access to affordable credit, capital and
financial services. The BEA Program provides awards to depository
institutions, insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC), that demonstrate an increase in their activities in the form of
loans, investments, services, and Technical Assistance, in Distressed
Communities and provide financial assistance to Community Development
Financial Institutions (CDFIs) through grants, stock purchases, loans,
deposits, and other forms of financial and Technical Assistance.
Through the BEA Program, the CDFI Fund seeks to: Strengthen and
expand the financial and organizational capacity of CDFIs; provide
monetary awards to insured depository institutions that increase their
lending and financial services in Distressed Communities; and increase
the flow of private capital into Low- and Moderate-Income areas.
Applicants participate in the BEA Program through a competitive
application process, in which the CDFI Fund evaluates applications
based on the value of their increases in certain Qualified Activities.
BEA Program award Recipients receive award proceeds in the form of a
grant after successful completion of specified Qualified Activities.
On January 30, 2009, the CDFI Fund published in the Federal
Register an interim regulation (74 FR 5790) implementing the BEA
Program. The deadline for submission of comments was March 2, 2009.
II. Comments on the January 30, 2009 Interim Rule
As of the close of the March 2, 2009 comment period, the CDFI Fund
received no comments on the current rule.
III. Summary of Changes
(A) Section 1806.102, Relationship to other programs: This section
has been revised to clarify that the restrictions on entities applying
for, receiving, and using BEA Program Award in conjunction with awards
through other CDFI Fund programs, will be described in the applicable
notice of funding opportunity for each program. This section also
prohibits Applicants from submitting any transactions as Qualified
Activities if they are funded in whole or in part with award proceeds
from another CDFI Fund program or other Federal program.
(B) Section 1806.103, Definitions: Throughout the revised interim
rule, the defined term ``Awardee'' has been replaced by ``Recipient''
and the term ``disbursement'' has been replaced with the term
``payment'' as it relates to award funds being transmitted from the
CDFI Fund to the Recipient. These changes were made to align the
terminology in the BEA Program regulations with the terms used in the
Uniform Administrative Requirements, 2 CFR part 1000.
The term ``CDFI Partner'' is revised in subsection 1806.103 to
prohibit a CDFI Partner from being an affiliated organization of the
Applicant. ``Community Development Entity'' has been removed from the
definition section because such term is not used in this part. The term
``Development Service Activities'' is now defined in
[[Page 25582]]
subsection 1806.103. ``Geographic Units'' is revised in subsection
1806.103 to align with the updated terminology used by the U.S. Bureau
of the Census. ``Home Improvement Loan'' is revised in subsection
1806.103 to ensure that the borrower meets the definitions of Low- and
Moderate-Income. ``Individual Development Account'' is revised in
subsection 1806.103 to provide for more flexibility and is now less
prescriptive. ``Insured Depository Institution'' is defined in
subsection 1806.103. ``Integrally Involved'' is revised in subsection
1806.103 to reflect that the definition no longer applies to non-CDFIs.
The term ``Small Dollar Consumer Loan,'' added as an eligible activity
in the definition of ``Distressed Community Financing Activities''
(subsection 1806.103), has been defined in subsection 1806.103.
``State'' is defined in subsection 1806.103. The term ``Targeted
Financial Services'' is revised in subsection 1806.103 to reflect that
such term must be targeted to Eligible Residents that meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements. The term ``Technical Assistance'' is now
defined in subsection 1806.103.
(C) Subsection 1806.104(a), Uniform Administrative Requirements:
Subsection 1806.104(a) has been added to assert that the Uniform
Administrative Requirements are applicable to BEA Program Awards.
(D) Subpart B: The title of Subpart B has been revised from
``Awards'' to ``Eligibility'' and describes the basic application
requirements that an Applicant must meet in order to receive a BEA
Program Award. The former content of Subpart B, dealing with the
specifics of how a Recipient's award amount is determined, is now
located in Subpart D ``Award Determinations,'' with new content in
Section 1806.400 describing the period from which an Applicant's
increases in Qualified Activities will be measured. The addition of
this new section caused the numbering of subsequent sections to change.
(E) Subpart C: The title of Subpart C has been revised to ``Use of
Funds/Qualified Activities,'' describes the eligible uses of a BEA
Program Award, and identifies restrictions on the use of award dollars
set forth in Section 1806.301. The former Subpart C, ``Terms and
Conditions of Assistance,'' is now designated as Subpart E.
(F) Subpart D: In Subpart D, Section 1806.404(c), the priority of
awards has been adjusted to provide the CDFI Fund with the discretion
to cap, in the applicable Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), the
maximum amount of funding available for the Distressed Community
Financing Activities category. The three Qualified Activities are
prioritized based on the type of Qualified Activity, as well as the
type of Applicant (meaning, CDFI versus non-CDFI). Section 1806.404(c)
makes clear that in each Qualified Activity, a CDFI Applicant will be
prioritized over a non-CDFI Applicant. The restrictions on the use of
award dollars also apply to Qualified Activities, as set forth in
Section 1806.402(d).
(G) Subpart E: Subpart E has been revised by adding a new paragraph
(subsection 1806.500(a)(5)) to accommodate the audit requirements of
the Uniform Administrative Requirements, and it provides a general
description of the report types to be collected from Recipients on an
annual basis. Specific reporting requirements, using OMB Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) approved information collections, will be described
in the applicable NOFAs and Award Agreements. In addition, this
subsection has been revised to require the submission of annual reports
within 90 days of the Recipients' fiscal year end, per the Uniform
Administrative Requirements. Section 1806.501, previously reserved, has
been deleted which resulted in the subsequent sections being
IV. Rulemaking Analysis
A. Executive Order (E.O.) 12866
It has been determined that this regulation is not a significant
regulatory action as defined in Executive Order 12866. Therefore, a
Regulatory Assessment is not required.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
Because no notice of proposed rulemaking is required under the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553) or any other law, the
Regulatory Flexibility Act does not apply.
C. Paperwork Reduction Act
The collections of information contained in this revised interim
rule have been previously reviewed and approved by OMB in accordance
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and assigned the applicable
OMB Control Number associated with the CDFI Fund under 1559-0005. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information, unless it displays a valid
control number assigned by OMB. The revised interim rule imposes
collections of new information, for which the CDFI Fund has OMB
D. National Environmental Policy Act
The revised interim rule has been reviewed in accordance with the
CDFI Fund's Environmental Quality regulations (12 CFR part 1815),
promulgated pursuant to the National Environmental Protection Act of
1969 (NEPA), which requires that the CDFI Fund adequately consider the
cumulative impact that proposed activities have upon the human
environment. It is the determination of the CDFI Fund that the revised
interim rules does not constitute a major federal action significantly
affecting the quality of the human environment, and, in accordance with
the NEPA and the CDFI Fund Environmental Quality regulations, neither
an Environmental Assessment nor an Environmental Impact Statement is
E. Administrative Procedure Act
Because the revisions to this revised interim rule relate to
grants, notice and public procedure and a delayed effective date are
not required pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act found at 5
U.S.C. 553(a)(2).
F. Comment
Public comment is solicited on all aspects of this interim
regulation. The CDFI Fund will consider all comments made on the
substance of this interim regulation, but it does not intend to hold
G. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number
Bank Enterprise Award Program--21.021.
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 1806
Banks, banking, Community development, Grant programs--housing and
community development, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements,
Savings associations.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 12 CFR part 1806 is
revised to read as follows:
Subpart A--General Provisions
1806.100 Purpose.
1806.101 Summary.
1806.102 Relationship to other programs.
1806.103 Definitions.
1806.104 Uniform Administrative Requirements; Waiver authority.
1806.105 OMB control number.
Subpart B--Eligibility
1806.200 Applicant eligibility.
[[Page 25583]]
Subpart C--Use of funds/Qualified Activities
1806.300 Qualified Activities.
1806.301 Restrictions on use of award.
Subpart D--Award Determinations
1806.400 General.
1806.401 Community eligibility and designation.
1806.402 Measuring and reporting Qualified Activities.
1806.403 Estimated award amounts.
1806.404 Selection process; actual award amounts.
1806.405 Applications for BEA Program Awards.
Subpart E--Terms and Conditions of Assistance
1806.500 Award Agreement; sanctions.
1806.501 Compliance with government requirements.
1806.502 Fraud, waste, and abuse.
1806.503 Books of account, records, and government access.
1806.504 Retention of records.
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1834a, 4703, 4703 note, 4713, 4717; 31
U.S.C. 321.
Subpart A--General Provisions
Sec. 1806.100 Purpose.
The purpose of the Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Program is to
provide grants to Insured Depository Institutions that provide
financial and technical assistance to Community Development Financial
Institutions and increase their activities in Distressed Communities.
Sec. 1806.101 Summary.
Through the BEA Program, the CDFI Fund will provide monetary awards
in the form of grants to Applicants selected by the CDFI Fund that
increase their investments in or provide other support of CDFIs,
increase their lending and investment activities in Distressed
Communities, or increase their provision of certain services and
assistance. Distressed Communities must meet minimum geographic,
poverty, and unemployment criteria. Applicants are selected to receive
BEA Program Awards through a merit-based, competitive application
process. The amount of a BEA Program Award is based on the increase in
Qualified Activities that are carried out by the Applicant during the
Assessment Period. BEA Program Awards are disbursed by the CDFI Fund
after the Recipient has successfully completed projected Qualified
Activities. Each Recipient will enter into an Award Agreement, which
will require it to abide by terms and conditions pertinent to any
assistance received under this part, including the requirement that BEA
Program Award proceeds must be used for Qualified Activities, as well
as the Uniform Administrative Requirements, as applicable. All BEA
Program Awards are made subject to funding availability.
Sec. 1806.102 Relationship to other programs.
(a) Restrictions on applying for, receiving and using BEA Program
Awards in conjunction with awards under other programs administered by
the CDFI Fund (including, but not limited to, the Capital Magnet Fund,
the CDFI Program, the CDFI Bond Guarantee Program, the Native American
CDFI Assistance Program, and the New Markets Tax Credit Program) are as
set forth in the applicable notice of funding opportunity or Notice of
Allocation Availability.
(b) Prohibition against double funding. Qualified Activities may
not include transactions funded in whole or in part with award proceeds
from another CDFI Fund program or Federal program.
Sec. 1806.103 Definitions.
For purposes of this part, the following terms shall have the
following definitions:
Act means the Community Development Banking and Financial
Institutions Act of 1994, as amended (12 U.S.C. 4701 et seq.);
Affordable Housing Development Loan means origination of a loan to
finance the acquisition, construction, and/or development of single- or
multi-family residential real property, where at least 60 percent of
the units in such property are affordable, as may be defined in the
applicable NOFA, to Eligible Residents who meet Low- and Moderate-
Income requirements;
Affordable Housing Loan means origination of a loan to finance the
purchase or improvement of the borrower's primary residence, and that
is secured by such property, where such borrower is an Eligible
Resident who meets Low- and Moderate-Income requirements. Affordable
Housing Loan may also refer to second (or otherwise subordinated) liens
or ``soft second'' mortgages and other similar types of down payment
assistance loans, but may not necessarily be secured by such property
originated for the purpose of facilitating the purchase or improvement
of the borrower's primary residence, where such borrower is an Eligible
Resident who meets Low- and Moderate-Income requirements;
Applicant means any insured depository institution (as defined in
section 3(c)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813))
that is applying for a Bank Enterprise Award;
Appropriate Federal Banking Agency has the same meaning as in
section 3 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813);
Assessment Period means an annual or semi-annual period specified
in the applicable NOFA in which an Applicant will carry out, or has
carried out, Qualified Activities;
Award Agreement means a formal agreement between the CDFI Fund and
a Recipient pursuant to Sec. 1806.500;
Bank Enterprise Award (or BEA Program Award) means an award made to
an Applicant pursuant to this part;
Bank Enterprise Award Program (or BEA Program) means the program
authorized by section 114 of the Act and implemented under this part;
Baseline Period means an annual or a semi-annual period specified
in the applicable NOFA, in which an Applicant has previously carried
out Qualified Activities;
CDFI Partner means a CDFI that has been provided assistance in the
form of CDFI Related Activities by an unaffiliated Applicant;
CDFI Related Activities means Equity Investments, Equity-Like Loans
and CDFI Support Activities;
CDFI Support Activity means assistance provided by an Applicant or
its Subsidiary to a CDFI that meets criteria set forth by the CDFI Fund
in the applicable NOFA and that is Integrally Involved in a Distressed
Community, in the form of the origination of a loan, Technical
Assistance, or deposits if such deposits are:
(1) Uninsured and committed for a term of at least three years; or
(2) Insured, committed for a term of at least three years, and
provided at an interest rate that is materially (in the determination
of the CDFI Fund) below market rates;
Commercial Real Estate Loan means an origination of a loan (other
than an Affordable Housing Development Loan or Affordable Housing Loan)
that is secured by real estate and used to finance the acquisition or
rehabilitation of a building in a Distressed Community, or the
acquisition, construction and or development of property in a
Distressed Community, used for commercial purposes;
Community Development Financial Institution (or CDFI) means an
entity that has been certified as a CDFI by the CDFI Fund as of the
date specified in the applicable NOFA;
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (or CDFI Fund)
means the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund established
[[Page 25584]]
to Section 104(a)(12 U.S.C. 4703(a)) of the Act;
Community Services means the following forms of assistance provided
by officers, employees or agents (contractual or otherwise) of the
(1) Provision of Technical Assistance and financial education to
Eligible Residents regarding managing their personal finances;
(2) Provision of Technical Assistance and consulting services to
newly formed small businesses and nonprofit organizations located in
the Distressed Community;
(3) Provision of Technical Assistance and financial education to,
or servicing the loans of, homeowners and homeowners who are Eligible
Residents and meet Low- and Moderate-Income requirements;
(4) Other services provided to Eligible Residents who meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements or enterprises that are Integrally
Involved in a Distressed Community, as deemed appropriate by the CDFI
Deposit Liabilities means time or savings deposits or demand
deposits. Any such deposit must be accepted from Eligible Residents at
the offices of the Applicant or of the Subsidiary of the Applicant and
located in the Distressed Community. Deposit Liabilities may only
include deposits held by individuals in transaction accounts (e.g.,
demand deposits, negotiable order of withdrawal accounts, automated
transfer service accounts, and telephone or preauthorized transfer
accounts) or non-transaction accounts (e.g., money market deposit
accounts, other savings deposits, and all time deposits), as defined by
the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency;
Development Service Activities means activities that promote
community development and are integral to the Applicant's provision of
financial products and Financial Services. Such services shall prepare
or assist current or potential borrowers or investees to utilize the
financial products or Financial Services of the Applicant. Development
Service Activities include financial or credit counseling to
individuals for the purpose of facilitating home ownership, promoting
self-employment, or enhancing consumer financial management skills; or
technical assistance to borrowers or investees for the purpose of
enhancing business planning, marketing, management, and financial
management skills.
Distressed Community means a geographically defined community that
meets the minimum area eligibility requirements specified in section
1806.401 and such additional criteria as may be set forth in the
applicable NOFA;
Distressed Community Financing Activities means: Affordable Housing
Loans, Affordable Housing Development Loans and related Project
Investments; Education Loans; Commercial Real Estate Loans and related
Project Investments; Home Improvement Loans; Small Business Loans and
related Project Investments; and Small Dollar Consumer Loans;
Education Loan means an advance of funds to a student who is an
Eligible Resident, for the purpose of financing a college or vocational
Electronic Transfer Account (or ETA) means an account that meets
the requirements, and with respect to which the Applicant has satisfied
the requirements, set forth in the Federal Register on July 16, 1999
(64 FR 38510), as such requirements may be amended from time to time;
Eligible Resident means an individual who resides in a Distressed
Equity Investment means financial assistance provided by an
Applicant or its Subsidiary to a CDFI, which CDFI meets such criteria
as set forth in the applicable NOFA, in the form of a grant, a stock
purchase, a purchase of a partnership interest, a purchase of a limited
liability company membership interest, or any other investment deemed
to be an Equity Investment by the CDFI Fund;
Equity-Like Loan means a loan provided by an Applicant or its
Subsidiary to a CDFI, and made on such terms that it has
characteristics of an Equity Investment that meets such criteria as set
forth in the applicable NOFA;
Financial Services means check-cashing, providing money orders and
certified checks, automated teller machines, safe deposit boxes, new
branches, and other comparable services as may be specified by the CDFI
Fund in the applicable NOFA, that are provided by the Applicant to
Eligible Residents who meet Low- and Moderate-Income requirements or
enterprises that are Integrally Involved in the Distressed Community;
Geographic Units means counties (or equivalent areas), incorporated
places, minor civil divisions that are units of local government,
census tracts, block numbering areas, block groups, and Indian Areas or
Native American Areas (as each is defined by the U.S. Bureau of the
Census), or other areas deemed appropriate by the CDFI Fund;
Home Improvement Loan means an advance of funds, either unsecured
or secured by a one-to-four family residential property, the proceeds
of which are used to improve the borrower's primary residence, where
such borrower is an Eligible Resident who is Low- and Moderate-Income;
Indian Reservation means a geographic area that meets the
requirements of section 4(10) of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
(25 U.S.C. 1903(10)), and shall include land held by incorporated
Native groups, regional corporations, and village corporations, as
defined in and pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43
U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), public domain Indian allotments, and former
Indian Reservations in the State of Oklahoma;
Individual Development Account (or IDA) means a special savings
account that matches the deposits of Low- and Moderate-Income
individuals and that enables Low-and Moderate-Income individuals to
save money for a particular financial goal including, but not limited
to, and as determined by the CDFI Fund: buying a home, paying for post-
secondary education, or starting or expanding a small business;
Insured Depository Institution means any bank or thrift, the
deposits of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Integrally Involved means, for a CDFI Partner, having provided or
transacted the percentage of financial transactions or dollars (i.e.,
loans or Equity Investments), or Development Service activities, in the
Distressed Community identified by the Applicant or the CDFI Partner,
as applicable, or having attained the percentage of market share for a
particular product in a Distressed Community, set forth in the
applicable NOFA;
Low- and Moderate-Income means income that does not exceed 80
percent of the median income of the area involved, as determined by the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, with adjustments for
smaller and larger families pursuant to section 102(a)(20) of the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5302(a)(20));
Metropolitan Area means an area designated as such (as of the date
of the BEA Program application) by the Office of Management and Budget
pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3504(e)(3), 31 U.S.C. 1104(d), and Executive
Order 10253 (3 CFR, Part 1949-1953 Comp., p. 758), as amended;
Notice of Funding Availability (or NOFA) means the public notice of
funding opportunity that announces the availability of BEA Program
Award funds for a particular funding round and that advises prospective
[[Page 25585]]
with respect to obtaining application materials, establishes
application submission deadlines, and establishes other requirements or
restrictions applicable for the particular funding round;
Priority Factor means a numeric value assigned to each type of
activity within each category of Qualified Activity, as established by
the CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA. A priority factor represents the
CDFI Fund's assessment of the degree of difficulty, the extent of
innovation, and the extent of benefits accruing to the Distressed
Community for each type of activity;
Project Investment means providing financial assistance in the form
of a purchase of stock, limited partnership interest, other ownership
instrument, or a grant to an entity that is Integrally Involved in a
Distressed Community and formed for the sole purpose of engaging in a
project or activity (approved by the CDFI Fund), including Affordable
Housing Development Loans, Affordable Housing Loans, Commercial Real
Estate Loans, and Small Business Loans;
Qualified Activities means CDFI Related Activities, Distressed
Community Financing Activities, and Service Activities;
Recipient means an Applicant that receives a BEA Program Award
pursuant to this part and the applicable NOFA;
Service Activities means the following activities: Deposit
Liabilities; Financial Services; Community Services; Targeted Financial
Services; and Targeted Retail Savings/Investment Products;
Small Business Loan means an origination of a loan used for
commercial or industrial activities (other than an Affordable Housing
Loan, Affordable Housing Development Loan, Commercial Real Estate Loan,
Home Improvement Loan) to a business or farm that meets the size
eligibility standards of the Small Business Administration's
Development Company or Small Business Investment Company programs (13
CFR 121.301) and is located in a Distressed Community;
Small Dollar Consumer Loan means affordable consumer lending
products that serve as available alternatives in the marketplace for
individuals who are Eligible Residents and meet criteria further
specified in the applicable NOFA;
State means any State of the United States, the District of
Columbia or any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands;
Subsidiary has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act, except that a CDFI shall not be considered a
Subsidiary of any Insured Depository Institution or any depository
institution holding company that controls less than 25 percent of any
class of the voting shares of such corporation and does not otherwise
control, in any manner, the election of a majority of directors of the
Targeted Financial Services means ETAs, IDAs, and such other
banking products targeted to Eligible Residents who meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements, as may be specified by the CDFI Fund in
the applicable NOFA;
Targeted Retail Savings/Investment Products means certificates of
deposit, mutual funds, life insurance, and other similar savings or
investment vehicles targeted to Eligible Residents who meet Low- and
Moderate-Income requirements, as may be specified by the CDFI Fund in
the applicable NOFA;
Technical Assistance means the provision of consulting services,
resources, training, and other nonmonetary support relating to an
organization, individual, or operation of a trade or business, as may
be specified by the CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA; and
Unit of General Local Government means any city, county town,
township, parish, village, or other general-purpose political
subdivision of a State or Commonwealth of the United States, or
general-purpose subdivision thereof, and the District of Columbia.
Sec. 1806.104 Uniform Administrative Requirements; Waiver authority.
(a) Uniform Administrative Requirements. The Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal
Awards (Uniform Administrative Requirements), codified by the
Department of the Treasury at 2 CFR part 1000, apply to awards,
regardless of type of award Recipient, made pursuant to this part.
(b) Waiver authority. The CDFI Fund may waive any requirement of
this part that is not required by law, upon a determination of good
cause. Each such waiver will be in writing and supported by a statement
of the facts and grounds forming the basis of the waiver. For a waiver
in any individual case, the CDFI Fund must determine that application
of the requirement to be waived would adversely affect the achievement
of the purposes of the Act. For waivers of general applicability, the
CDFI Fund will publish notification of granted waivers in the Federal
Sec. 1806.105 OMB control number.
The collection of information requirements in this Part have been
approved by the Office of Management and Budget and assigned the
applicable, approved OMB Control Number associated with the CDFI Fund
under 1559-0005.
Subpart B--Eligibility
Sec. 1806.200 Applicant Eligibility.
General requirements. An entity that is an Insured Depository
Institution is eligible to apply for a BEA Program Award if the CDFI
Fund receives a complete BEA Program Award application by the deadline
set forth in the applicable Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
Additional eligibility requirements are set forth in the applicable
Subpart C--Use of Funds/Qualified Activities
Sec. 1806.300 Qualified Activities.
To receive a BEA Program Award, an Insured Depository Institution
must increase its Qualified Activities within the period of time set
forth in the applicable NOFA. Recipients of BEA Program Awards must
also use their payments for Qualified Activities, as described in the
applicable NOFA and the Award Agreement.
Sec. 1806.301 Restrictions of use of award.
A Recipient may not distribute BEA Program Award funds to an
Affiliate without the CDFI Fund's prior written consent.
Subpart D--Award Determinations
Sec. 1806.400 General.
The amount of a BEA Program Award shall be based on the Applicant's
increases in Qualified Activities from the Baseline Period to the
Assessment Period, as set forth in the applicable NOFA.
Sec. 1806.401 Community eligibility and designation.
(a) General. If an Applicant proposes to carry out Service
Activities or Distressed Community Financing Activities, the Applicant
shall designate one or more Distressed Communities in which it proposes
to carry out those activities. The Applicant may designate different
Distressed Communities for each category of activity. If an Applicant
proposes to carry out CDFI Support Activities, the Applicant shall
provide evidence that the CDFI it is proposing to support is Integrally
Involved in a Distressed Community as specified in the applicable NOFA.
[[Page 25586]]
(b) Minimum area and eligibility requirements. A Distressed
Community must meet the following minimum area and eligibility
(1) Minimum area requirements. A Distressed Community:
(i) Must be an area that is located within the jurisdiction of one
(1) Unit of General Local Government;
(ii) The boundaries of the area must be contiguous; and
(iii) The area must:
(A) have a population, as determined by the most recent US Bureau
of the Census data available, of not less than 4,000 if any portion of
the area is located within a Metropolitan Area with a population of
50,000 or greater; or
(B) have a population, as determined by the most recent US Bureau
of the Census data available, of not less than 1,000 in any other case;
(C) Be located entirely within an Indian Reservation.
(2) Eligibility requirements. A Distressed Community must be a
geographic area where:
(i) At least 30 percent of the Eligible Residents have incomes that
are less than the national poverty level, as published by the U.S.
Bureau of the Census or in other sources as set forth in guidance
issued by the CDFI Fund;
(ii) The unemployment rate is at least 1.5 times greater than the
national average, as determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics'
most recently published data, including estimates of unemployment
developed using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Census-Share
calculation method, or in other sources as set forth in guidance issued
by the CDFI Fund; and
(iii) Such additional requirements as may be specified by the CDFI
Fund in the applicable NOFA.
(c) Area designation. An Applicant shall designate an area as a
Distressed Community by:
(1) Selecting Geographic Units which individually meet the minimum
area eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this
section; or
(2) Selecting two or more Geographic Units which, in the aggregate,
meet the minimum area eligibility requirements set forth in paragraph
(b) of this section, provided that no Geographic Unit selected by the
Applicant within the area has a poverty rate of less than 20 percent.
(d) Designation. The CDFI Fund will provide a prospective Applicant
with data and other information to help it identify areas eligible to
be designated as a Distressed Community. Applicants shall submit
designation materials as instructed in the applicable NOFA.
Sec. 1806.402 Measuring and reporting Qualified Activities.
(a) General. An Applicant may receive a BEA Program Award for
engaging in any of the following categories of Qualified Activities
during an Assessment Period: CDFI Related Activities, Distressed
Community Financing Activities, or Service Activities. The CDFI Fund
may further qualify such Qualified Activities in the applicable NOFA,
including such additional geographic and transaction size limitations
as the CDFI Fund deems appropriate.
(b) Reporting Qualified Activities. An Applicant should report only
its Qualified Activities for the category for which it is seeking a BEA
Program Award.
(1) If an Applicant elects to apply for an award in either the CDFI
Related Activities category or the Distressed Community Financing
Activities category, it must report on all types of activity within
that category, unless the Applicant can provide a reasonable
explanation, acceptable to the CDFI Fund in its sole discretion, as to
why it cannot report on all activities in such category.
(2) If an Applicant elects to apply for an award in the Service
Activities category, it may elect not to report each type of activity
within the Service Activities category.
(c) Area served. CDFI Related Activities must be provided to a
CDFI. CDFI Partners that are the recipients of CDFI Support Activities
must demonstrate that they are Integrally Involved in a Distressed
Community. Service Activities and Distressed Community Financing
Activities must serve a Distressed Community. An activity is considered
to serve a Distressed Community if it is:
(1) Undertaken in the Distressed Community; or
(2) Provided to Eligible Residents who meet Low- and Moderate-
Income requirements or enterprises that are Integrally Involved in the
Distressed Community.
(d) Certain Limitations on Qualified Activities. Activities funded
with the proceeds of Federal funding or tax credit programs are
ineligible for purposes of calculating or receiving a Bank Enterprise
Award. Please see the applicable NOFA for each funding round's
limitations on Qualified Activities. Qualified Activities shall not
include loans to or investments in those business types set forth in
the Uniform Administrative Requirements.
(e) Measuring the Value of Qualified Activities. Subject to such
additional or alternative valuations as the CDFI Fund may specify in
the applicable NOFA, the CDFI Fund will assess the value of:
(1) Equity Investments, Equity-Like Loans, loans, grants and
certificates of deposits, at the original amount of such Equity
Investments, Equity-Like Loans, loans, grants or certificates of
deposits. Where a certificate of deposit matures and is then rolled
over during the Baseline Period or the Assessment Period, as
applicable, the CDFI Fund will assess the value of the full amount of
the rolled-over deposit. Where an existing loan is refinanced (meaning,
a new loan is originated to pay off an existing loan, whether or not
there is a change in the applicable loan terms), the CDFI Fund will
only assess the value of any increase in the principal amount of the
refinanced loan;
(2) Project Investments at the original amount of the purchase of
stock, limited partnership interest, other ownership interest, or
(3) Deposit Liabilities at the dollar amount deposited as measured
by comparing the net change in the amount of applicable funds on
deposit at the Applicant during the Baseline Period with the net change
in the amount of applicable funds on deposit at the Applicant during
the Assessment Period, as described in paragraphs (e)(3)(i) and (ii) of
this section:
(i) The Applicant shall calculate the net change in deposits during
the Baseline Period by comparing the amount of applicable funds on
deposit at the close of business the day before the beginning of the
Baseline Period and at the close of business on the last day of the
Baseline Period; and
(ii) The Applicant shall calculate the net change in such deposits
during the Assessment Period by comparing the amount of applicable
funds on deposit at the close of business the day before the beginning
of the Assessment Period and at the close of business on the last day
of the Assessment Period;
(4) Financial Services and Targeted Financial Services based on the
predetermined amounts as set forth by the CDFI Fund in the applicable
NOFA; and
(5) Financial Services (other than those for which the CDFI Fund
has established a predetermined value), Community Services, and CDFI
Support Activities consisting of Technical Assistance based on the
administrative costs of providing such services.
(f) Closed transactions. A transaction shall be considered to have
been closed and carried out during the Baseline Period or the
Assessment Period if the documentation evidencing the transaction:
[[Page 25587]]
(1) Is executed on a date within the applicable Baseline Period or
Assessment Period, respectively; and
(2) Constitutes a legally binding agreement between the Applicant
and a borrower or investee, which agreement specifies the final terms
and conditions of the transaction, except that any contingencies
included in the final agreement must be typical of such transaction and
acceptable (both in the judgment of the CDFI Fund); and
(3) An initial cash disbursement of loan or investment proceeds has
occurred in a manner that is consistent with customary business
practices and is reasonable given the nature of the transaction (as
determined by the CDFI Fund), unless it is normal business practice to
make no initial disbursement at closing and the Applicant demonstrates
that the borrower has access to the proceeds, subject to reasonable
conditions as may be determined by the CDFI Fund.
(g) Reporting period. An Applicant must only measure the amount of
a Qualified Activity that it reasonably expects to disburse to an
investee, borrower, or other recipient within one year of the end of
the applicable Assessment Period, or such other period as may be set
forth by the CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA.
Sec. 1806.403 Estimated award amounts.
(a) General. An Applicant must calculate and submit to the CDFI
Fund an estimated award amount as part of its BEA Program Award
(b) Award percentages. The CDFI Fund will establish the award
percentage for each category of Qualified Activities in the applicable
NOFA. Applicable award percentages for Qualified Activities undertaken
by Applicants that are CDFIs will be equal to three times the award
percentages for Qualified Activities undertaken by Applicants that are
not CDFIs.
(c) Calculating the estimated award amount. The estimated award
amount for each category of Qualified Activities will be equal to the
applicable award percentage of the increase in the weighted value of
such Qualified Activities between the Baseline Period and Assessment
Period. The weighted value of the applicable Qualified Activities shall
be calculated by:
(1) Subtracting the Baseline Period value of such Qualified
Activity from the Assessment Period value of such Qualified Activity to
yield a remainder; and
(2) Multiplying the remainder by the applicable Priority Factor (as
set forth in the applicable NOFA).
(d) Estimated award eligibility review. The CDFI Fund will
determine the eligibility of each transaction for which an Applicant
has applied for a BEA Program Award. Based upon this review, the CDFI
Fund will calculate the actual award amount for which such Applicant is
Sec. 1806.404 Selection process; actual award amounts.
(a) Sufficient funds available to cover estimated awards. All BEA
Program Awards are subject to the availability of funds. If the amount
of appropriated funds available during a funding round is sufficient to
cover all estimated award amounts for which Applicants are eligible, in
the CDFI Fund's determination, and an Applicant meets all of the
program requirements specified in this part, then such Applicant shall
receive an actual award amount that is calculated by the CDFI Fund in
the manner specified in Sec. 1806.403.
(b) Insufficient funds available to cover estimated awards. If the
amount of funds available during a funding round is insufficient to
cover all estimated award amounts for which Applicants are eligible, in
the CDFI Fund's determination, then the CDFI Fund will select
Recipients and determine actual award amounts based on the process
described in subsection 1806.404(c) and any established maximum dollar
amount of awards that may be awarded for the Distressed Community
Financing Activities category, as described in the applicable NOFA.
(c) Priority of awards. In circumstances where there are
insufficient funds to cover estimated awards, the CDFI Fund will rank
Applicants based on whether the Applicant is a CDFI or a non-CDFI, and
in each category of Qualified Activity (e.g., Service Activities)
according to the priorities described in this paragraph (c). Selections
within each priority category will be based on the Applicants' relative
rankings within each category, and based on whether the Applicant is a
CDFI or a non-CDFI, subject to the availability of funds.
(1) First priority. If the amount of funds available during a
funding round is insufficient for all estimated award amounts, first
priority will be given to CDFI Applicants that engaged in CDFI Related
Activities, followed by non-CDFI Applicants that engaged in CDFI
Related Activities ranked in the ratio as set forth in the applicable
(2) Second priority. If the amount of funds available during a
funding round is sufficient for all first priority Applicants but
insufficient for all remaining estimated award amounts, second priority
will be given to CDFI Applicants that engaged in Distressed Community
Financing Activities, followed by non-CDFI Applicants that engaged in
CDFI Related Activities, ranked in the ratio as set forth in the
applicable NOFA.
(3) Third priority. If the amount of funds available during a
funding round is sufficient for all first and second priority
Applicants, but insufficient for all remaining estimated award amounts,
third priority will be given to CDFI Applicants that engaged in Service
Activities, followed by non-CDFI Applicants that engaged in Service
Activities, ranked in the ratio as set forth in the applicable NOFA.
(d) Calculating actual award amounts. The CDFI Fund will determine
actual award amounts based upon the availability of funds, increases in
Qualified Activities from the Baseline to the Assessment Period, and an
Applicant's priority ranking. If an Applicant receives an award for
more than one priority category described in this section, the CDFI
Fund will combine the award amounts into a single BEA Program Award.
(e) Unobligated or deobligated funds. The CDFI Fund, in its sole
discretion, may use any deobligated funds or funds not obligated during
a funding round:
(1) To select Applicants not previously selected, using the
calculation and selection process contained in this part;
(2) To make additional monies available for a subsequent funding
round; or
(3) As otherwise authorized by the Act.
(f) Limitation. The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, may deny or
limit the amount of a BEA Program Award for any reason.
Sec. 1806.405 Applications for BEA Program Awards.
(a) Notice of funding availability; applications. Applicants must
submit applications for BEA Program Awards in accordance with this
section and the applicable NOFA. An Applicant's application must
demonstrate a realistic course of action to ensure that it will meet
the requirements described in subpart D within the period set forth in
the applicable NOFA. Detailed application content requirements are
found in the related application and applicable NOFA. The CDFI Fund
will not disburse an award to an Applicant before it meets the
eligibility requirements described in the applicable NOFA. The CDFI
Fund shall
[[Page 25588]]
require an Applicant to meet any additional eligibility requirements
that the CDFI Fund deems appropriate. After receipt of an application,
the CDFI Fund may request clarifying or technical information related
to materials submitted as part of such application and/or to verify
that Qualified Activities were carried out in the manner prescribed in
this Part. The CDFI Fund, in its sole discretion, shall determine
whether an applicant fulfills the requirements set for forth in this
part and the applicable NOFA.
(b) Application contents. An application for a BEA Program Award
must contain:
(1) A completed worksheet that reports the increases in Qualified
Activities actually carried out during the Assessment Period as
compared to those carried out during the Baseline Period. If an
Applicant has merged with another institution during the Assessment
Period, it must submit a separate Baseline Period worksheet for each
subject institution and one Assessment Period worksheet that reports
the activities of the merged institutions. If such a merger is
unexpectedly delayed beyond the Assessment Period, the CDFI Fund
reserves the right to withhold distribution of a BEA Program Award
until the merger has been completed;
(2) A report of Qualified Activities that were closed during the
Assessment Period. Such report shall describe the original amount,
census tract served, dates of execution, initial disbursement, and
final disbursement of the instrument;
(3) Documentation of Qualified Activities that meets the required
thresholds and conditions described in Sec. 1806.402(f) and the
applicable NOFA;
(4) Information necessary for the CDFI Fund to complete its
environmental review requirements pursuant to part 1815 of this
(5) Certifications, as described in the applicable NOFA and BEA
Program Award application, that the information provided to the CDFI
Fund is true and accurate and that the Applicant will comply with all
relevant provisions of this chapter and all applicable Federal, State,
and local laws, ordinances, regulations, policies, guidelines, and
(6) In the case of an Applicant that engaged in Service Activities,
or Distressed Community Financing Activities, the Applicant must
confirm, by submitting documentation as described in the applicable
NOFA and BEA Program application, the Service Activities or Distressed
Community Financing Activities were provided to:
(i) Eligible Residents that resided in a Distressed Community, or
(ii) A business located in a Distressed Community.
(7) Information that indicates that each CDFI to which an Applicant
has provided CDFI Support Activities is Integrally Involved in a
Distressed Community, as described in the applicable NOFA and BEA
Program application; and
(8) Any other information requested by the CDFI Fund, or specified
by the CDFI Fund in the applicable NOFA or the BEA Program application,
in order to document or otherwise assess the validity of information
provided by the Applicant to the CDFI Fund.
Subpart E--Terms and Conditions of Assistance
Sec. 1806.500 Award Agreement; sanctions.
(a) General. After the CDFI Fund selects a Recipient, the CDFI Fund
and the Recipient will enter into an Award Agreement. In addition to
the requirements of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, the Award
Agreement will require that the Recipient:
(1) Must carry out its Qualified Activities in accordance with
applicable law, the approved BEA Program application, and all other
applicable requirements;
(2) Must comply with such other terms and conditions that the CDFI
Fund may establish;
(3) Will not receive any BEA Program Award payment until the CDFI
Fund has determined that the Recipient has fulfilled all applicable
(4) Must comply with performance goals that have been established
by the CDFI Fund. Such performance goals will include measures that
require the Recipient to use its BEA Program Award funds for Qualified
Activities; and
(5) Must comply with all data collection and reporting
requirements. Each Recipient must submit to the CDFI Fund such
information and documentation that will permit the CDFI Fund to review
the Recipient's progress in satisfying the terms and conditions of its
Award Agreement, including:
(i) Annual report. Each Recipient shall submit to the CDFI Fund at
least annually and within 90 days after the end of each year of the
Recipient's performance period, an annual report that will provide data
that, among other things, demonstrates the Recipient's compliance with
its performance goals (including a description of any noncompliance),
its uses of the BEA Program Award funds, and the impact of the BEA
Program and the CDFI industry. Recipients are responsible for the
timely and complete submission of the annual report.
(ii) Financial statement. A Recipient is not required to submit its
financial statement to the CDFI Fund. The CDFI Fund may obtain the
necessary information from publicly available sources.
(b) Sanctions. In the event of any fraud, misrepresentation, or
noncompliance with the terms of the Award Agreement by the Recipient,
the CDFI Fund may terminate, reduce, or recapture the award, bar the
Recipient and/or its Affiliates from applying for an award from the
CDFI Fund for a period to be decided by the CDFI Fund in its sole
discretion, and pursue any other available legal remedies.
(c) Compliance with other CDFI Fund awards. In the event that an
Applicant, Recipient, or its Subsidiary or Affiliate is not in
compliance, as determined by the CDFI Fund, with the terms and
conditions of any CDFI Fund award, the CDFI Fund may, in its sole
discretion, bar said Applicant or Recipient from applying for future
BEA Program Awards or withhold payment (either initial or subsequent)
of BEA Program Award funds.
(d) Notice. Prior to imposing any sanctions pursuant to this
section or an Award Agreement, the CDFI Fund will provide the Recipient
with written notice of the proposed sanction and an opportunity to
respond. Nothing in this section, however, will provide a Recipient
with the right to any formal or informal hearing or comparable
proceeding not otherwise required by law.
Sec. 1806.501 Compliance with government requirements.
In carrying out its responsibilities pursuant to an Award
Agreement, the Recipient must comply with all applicable Federal,
State, and local laws, regulations (including but not limited to the
Uniform Administrative Requirements, ordinances, and Executive Orders).
Sec. 1806.502 Fraud, waste, and abuse.
Any person who becomes aware of the existence or apparent existence
of fraud, waste, or abuse of assistance provided under this part should
report such incidences to the Office of Inspector General of the U.S.
Department of the Treasury.
Sec. 1806.503 Books of account, records, and government access.
(a) A Recipient shall submit such financial and activity reports,
[[Page 25589]]
statements, and documents at such times, in such forms, and accompanied
by such supporting data, as required by the CDFI Fund and the U.S.
Department of the Treasury to ensure compliance with the requirements
of this part. The United States Government, including the U.S.
Department of the Treasury, the Comptroller General, and its duly
authorized representatives, shall have full and free access to the
Recipient's offices and facilities, and all books, documents, records,
and financial statements relevant to the award of the Federal funds and
may copy such documents as they deem appropriate.
(b) The Award Agreement provides that the provisions of the Act,
this part, and the Award Agreement are enforceable under 12 U.S.C. 1818
of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act by the Appropriate Federal Banking
Agency, as applicable, and that any violation of such provisions shall
be treated as a violation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. Nothing
in this paragraph (b) precludes the CDFI Fund from directly enforcing
the Award Agreement as provided for under the terms of the Act.
(c) The CDFI Fund will notify the Appropriate Federal Banking
Agency before imposing any sanctions on a Recipient that is examined by
or subject to the reporting requirements of that agency. The CDFI Fund
will not impose a sanction described in section 1806.500(b) if the
Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, in writing, not later than 30
calendar days after receiving notice from the CDFI Fund:
(1) Objects to the proposed sanction;
(2) Determines that the sanction would:
(i) Have a material adverse effect on the safety and soundness of
the Recipient; or
(ii) Impede or interfere with an enforcement action against that
Recipient by the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency;
(3) Proposes a comparable alternative action; and
(4) Specifically explains:
(i) The basis for the determination under paragraph (c)(2) of this
section and, if appropriate, provides documentation to support the
determination; and
(ii) How the alternative action suggested pursuant to paragraph
(c)(3) of this section would be as effective as the sanction proposed
by the CDFI Fund in securing compliance and deterring future
(d) Prior to imposing any sanctions pursuant to this section or an
Award Agreement, the CDFI Fund shall, to the maximum extent
practicable, provide the Recipient with written notice of the proposed
sanction and an opportunity to comment. Nothing in this section,
however, shall provide a Recipient to any formal or informal hearing or
comparable proceeding not otherwise required by law.
Sec. 1806.504 Retention of records.
A Recipient must comply with all record retention requirements as
set forth in the Uniform Administrative Requirements.
Dated: April 30, 2015.
Mary Ann Donovan,
Director, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund.
[FR Doc. 2015-10433 Filed 5-4-15; 8:45 am]