Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical, and Guidance and Control Equipment the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List (USML), 25797-25821 [2015-10353]
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Vol. 80
No. 86
May 5, 2015
Part II
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 734, 740, 742, et al.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Department of State
22 CFR Part 121
Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire
Control, Range Finder, Optical, and Guidance and Control Equipment the
President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States
Munitions List (USML); Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations: Revision of U.S. Munitions List Category XII; Proposed Rules
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington,
DC 20230. Refer to RIN 0694–AF75.
Dennis Krepp, Office of National
Security and Technology Transfer
Controls, Bureau of Industry and
Security, Telephone: 202–482–1309,
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 734, 740, 742, 744, 772,
and 774
[Docket No. 140221170–4170–01]
RIN 0694–AF75
Revisions to the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire
Control, Range Finder, Optical, and
Guidance and Control Equipment the
President Determines No Longer
Warrant Control Under the United
States Munitions List (USML)
Bureau of Industry and
Security, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
This proposed rule describes
how articles the President determines
no longer warrant control under
Category XII (Fire Control, Range
Finder, Optical and Guidance and
Control Equipment) of the United States
Munitions List (USML) of the
International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR) would be controlled
under the Commerce Control List (CCL)
by creating new ‘‘600 series’’ Export
Control Classification Numbers (ECCN)s
6A615, 6B615 and 6D615 for military
fire control, range finder, and optical
items, by revising ECCN 7A611 and by
creating new ECCNs 7B611, 7C611 and
7E611 for military optical and guidance
items. In addition, for certain night
vision items currently subject to the
Export Administration Regulations
(EAR), this rule proposes to expand the
scope of control, eliminate the use of
some license exceptions, and create new
ECCNs for certain software and
technology related to night vision items.
This proposed rule would also expand
the scope of end-use restrictions on
certain exports and reexports of certain
cameras, systems, or equipment and
expand the scope of military
commodities described in ECCN 0A919.
DATES: Comments must be received by
July 6, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Search for this
rule using its docket
number: BIS–2015–0016.
• By email directly to Include
RIN 0694–AF75 in the subject line.
• By mail or delivery to Regulatory
Policy Division, Bureau of Industry and
Security, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Room 2099B, 14th Street and
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This proposed rule is part of the
Administration’s Export Control Reform
Initiative, the objective of which is to
protect and enhance U.S. national
security interests. The Initiative began
in August 2009 when President Obama
directed the Administration to conduct
a broad-based review of the U.S. export
control system to identify additional
ways to enhance national security. Once
the Department of State’s International
Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and
its U.S. Munitions List (USML) are
amended to control only the items that
provide the United States with a critical
military or intelligence advantage or
otherwise warrant such controls, and
the Export Administration Regulations
(EAR) are amended to control military
items that do not warrant USML
controls, the U.S. export control system
will enhance national security by (i)
improving interoperability of U.S.
military forces with allied countries, (ii)
strengthening the U.S. industrial base
by, among other things, reducing
incentives for foreign manufacturers to
design out and avoid US-origin content
and services, and (iii) allowing export
control officials to focus government
resources on transactions that pose
greater concern.
Pursuant to section 38(f) of the Arms
Export Control Act (AECA), the
President is obligated to review the
USML ‘‘to determine what items, if any,
no longer warrant export controls
under’’ the AECA. The President must
report the results of the review to
Congress and wait 30 days before
removing any such items from the
USML. The report must ‘‘describe the
nature of any controls to be imposed on
that item under any other provision of
law.’’ 22 U.S.C. 2778(f)(1).
BIS has published and will continue
to publish additional Federal Register
notices containing proposed
amendments to the CCL that describe
proposed controls for additional
categories of articles to the extent the
President determines such articles no
longer warrant control under the USML.
The State Department will publish
concurrently proposed amendments to
the USML that correspond to the BIS
notices. BIS will also publish proposed
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rules to further align the CCL with the
Wassenaar Arrangement on Export
Controls for Conventional Arms and
Dual-Use Goods and Technologies’
Munitions List (Wassenaar Arrangement
Munitions List or WAML) and the
Missile Technology Control Regime’s
Equipment, Software and Technology
Annex (MTCR Annex).
Following the structure set forth in
the final rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to the
Export Administration Regulations:
Initial Implementation of Export Control
Reform’’ (78 FR 22660, April 16, 2013)
(‘‘April 16 (initial implementation)
rule’’), this proposed rule describes
BIS’s proposal for controlling under the
EAR and its CCL fire control, range
finder, optical, and guidance and
control equipment, and related articles
now controlled by the ITAR’s USML
Category XII. The proposed changes
described in this proposed rule and the
corresponding changes in the State
Department’s proposed amendment to
Category XII of the USML are based on
a review of Category XII by the Defense
Department, which worked with the
Departments of State and Commerce in
preparing the proposed amendments.
The review was focused on identifying
the types of articles that are currently
controlled by USML Category XII that
are either (i) inherently military and
otherwise warrant control on the USML
or (ii) if it is a type common to nonmilitary equipment, possess parameters
or characteristics that provide a critical
military or intelligence advantage to the
United States, and that are almost
exclusively available from the United
States. If an article satisfied one or both
of those criteria, the article remained on
the USML. If an article did not satisfy
either standard, but was nonetheless a
type of article that is, as a result of
differences in form and fit, ‘‘specially
designed’’ for military applications, it
was identified in current or new ECCNs
proposed in this notice.
In the April 16 (initial
implementation) rule, BIS created a
series of new ECCNs to control items
that would be removed from the USML,
or that are items from the Wassenaar
Arrangement on Export Controls for
Conventional Arms and Dual Use Goods
and Technologies Munitions List
(Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List
or WAML) that are already controlled
elsewhere on the CCL. That final rule
referred to this series as the ‘‘600 series’’
because the third character in each of
the new ECCNs would be a ‘‘6.’’ The
first two characters of the 600 series
ECCNs serve the same function as any
other ECCN as described in § 738.2 of
the EAR. The first character is a digit in
the range 0 through 9 that identifies the
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Category on the CCL in which the ECCN
is located. The second character is a
letter in the range A through E that
identifies the product group within a
CCL Category. In the 600 series, the
third character is the number 6. With
few exceptions, the final two characters
identify the WAML category that covers
items that are the same or similar to
items in a particular 600 series ECCN.
A ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN will not be
created, however, if an existing ECCN is
subject to controls for reasons other than
Anti-Terrorism (AT) reasons and allows
for identification, classification, and
control of items transferred from the
USML. Many of the items controlled
under Category XII of the ITAR would
also be subject to controls established by
the Wassenaar Arrangement List of
Dual-Use Goods and Technologies,
which are reflected in many existing
ECCNs on the CCL. Consequently, for
many items, the review identified
control parameters to delineate those
items that would remain controlled
under USML Category XII of the ITAR
from those that would be subject to the
lower threshold controls identified in
the CCL. Accordingly, this proposed
rule would revise the following existing
ECCNs: 0A987, optical sighting devices
for firearms; 2A984, concealed object
detection equipment; 6A004, optical
equipment and components; 6A005,
lasers, components, and optical
equipment; 6A007, gravity meters and
gravity gradiometers; 6A008, radar
systems, equipment, and assemblies;
6A107, gravity meters and gravity
gradiometers; 7A001, accelerometers;
7A002, gyros or angular rate sensors;
7A003, inertial measurement equipment
or systems; 7A005, Global Navigation
Satellite Systems receiving equipment;
7A101, accelerometers; and 7A102,
gyros. In order to maintain consistency
with the Wassenaar Arrangement,
proposed revisions to these ECCNs
would not amend the control
parameters in the Items paragraph of the
ECCNs. Rather, most amendments add
notes to the Related Controls paragraph
or specific subparagraphs of the Items
paragraph to reference the
corresponding control under Category
XII of the USML.
The review also identified several
sensors and cameras that provide
important night vision capability for
military use but are also widely used in
civil products and applications. In order
to address the sensitivity of these items
that are currently on the Wassenaar
Arrangement’s Dual-Use Control List
and thus controlled under ECCNs
6A002 (optical sensors or equipment
and components therefor) and 6A003
(cameras, systems or equipment, and
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components therefor) on the Commerce
Control List, this proposed rule would
amend the availability of License
Exceptions STA and APR for certain
items; revise the license review policy;
expand the license requirement in
§ 744.9; expand software controls
related to ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003 by
revising ECCNs 6D002, 6D003, and
6D991; and create new ECCNs 6D994
and 6E994 for repair, maintenance, or
overhaul software or technology for
ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990
commodities. In addition, this proposed
rule proposes to revise controls for
certain read-out integrated circuits in
ECCN 6A990 and related software and
technology in ECCNs 6D991 and 6E990,
as well as newly proposed ECCNs
6D994 and 6E994. To ensure
interagency review of all items in
ECCNs 6A002 and 6A990, this proposed
rule would establish a new RS control
that would require a license to export or
reexport these commodities, as well as
related software and technology, to all
destinations, including Canada. This
worldwide RS control, described further
in § 742.6(a)(8), would effectively add a
license requirement for Canada for all
exports and reexports of ECCNs 6A002
and 6A990 commodities.
This proposed rule would also amend
ECCN 6A002 to specify that focal plane
arrays controlled under that ECCN
include certain focal plane arrays in a
‘‘permanent encapsulated sensor
assembly’’, as that term is proposed to
be defined in § 772.1, are subject to the
EAR. Under this proposed rule, focal
plane arrays described in ECCN 6A002
that are not in a ‘‘permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly’’ would
be subject to the ITAR. Although these
items are proposed to be subject to a
worldwide license requirement, these
commodities would be eligible for de
minimis treatment (unless subject to
§ 734.4(a)(5)) under the EAR and clearly
included on the CCL, thus addressing
concerns foreign manufacturers have
expressed regarding jurisdictional
uncertainty on components
incorporated in foreign-made
commercial items.
This proposed rule would also revise
controls pertaining to cameras classified
under ECCN 6A993.a as a result of
meeting the criteria to Note 3.a to ECCN
6A003.b.4.b (i.e., having a maximum
frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz).
The interagency review found that these
9 Hz cameras have been incorporated
into foreign military commodities. As a
result, this proposed rule would amend
§ 744.9 to include such 9 Hz cameras
and subject them to the license
requirements described in that section.
This change is described more fully
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below. Additionally, this proposed rule
would create new ECCN 0E987 to
control technology required for the
development or production of ECCN
0A987 commodities that incorporate a
focal plane array or image intensifier
For those items being transferred from
Category XII of the ITAR that are not
covered by an existing ECCN that have
controls for reasons other than AT
reasons, this proposed rule would create
(or revise in the case of 7A611) the
following ‘‘600 series’’ ECCNs: 6A615,
military fire control, range finder, and
optical equipment; 6B615, test,
inspection, and production
‘‘equipment’’ and related commodities
‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
military fire control, range finder, and
optical equipment; 6D615, software
‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, or maintenance of military
fire control, range finder, and optical
equipment controlled by ECCNs 6A615
or 6B615; 6E615, technology ‘‘required’’
for the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of
military fire control, range finder, and
optical equipment controlled by 6A615
or 6B615 or software controlled under
6D615; 7A611, military guidance and
control equipment; 7B611, test,
inspection, and production
‘‘equipment’’ and related commodities
‘‘specially designed’’ for military
guidance and control equipment;
7D611, software ‘‘specially designed’’
for the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 7A611 or
equipment controlled by 7B611; and
7E611, technology ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul or refurbishing of
commodities controlled by 7A611,
equipment controlled by 7B611, or
software controlled by 7D611.
As the U.S. Government works
through the proposed revisions to the
USML and the related proposed new
controls on the CCL, the agencies
recognize that some proposed control
parameters may control items in normal
commercial use and on the Wassenaar
Arrangement’s Dual Use List. BIS
believes that multiple perspectives
would be beneficial to this process, and,
while welcoming comments from all
interested persons concerning any
aspect of this proposed rule, it believes
that input from users of the lists on the
following issues would be particularly
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(1) A key goal of this rulemaking is to
ensure the USML and the CCL together
control all items that meet Wassenaar
Arrangement commitments embodied in
USML Category XII. To that end, the
public is asked to identify any potential
lack of coverage brought about by the
proposed rules when reviewed together.
(2) Another key goal of this
rulemaking is to identify items proposed
for control on the USML or the CCL that
are not controlled on the Wassenaar
Arrangement’s Munitions or Dual Use
List. The public is asked to identify any
items proposed for control on the CCL
that are not controlled on the Wassenaar
Arrangement’s Munitions or Dual Use
(3) A third key goal of this rulemaking
is to establish a ‘‘bright line’’ between
the USML and the CCL, and between
the CCL’s 600 series and the rest of the
CCL, for control of the items at issue.
The public is asked to provide specific
examples of control criteria that do not
clearly describe items that would be
defense articles, and thus do not
establish a ‘‘bright line’’ between the
USML and the CCL, or between the 600
series and the rest of the CCL.
(4) Although the proposed revisions
to the USML and the CCL do not
preclude the possibility that items in
normal commercial use would or should
be ITAR-controlled because, e.g., they
provide the United States with a critical
military or intelligence advantage, or
controlled in the EAR’s 600 series
controls, the U.S. Government does not
want to inadvertently control items on
the ITAR or in the 600 series that are in
normal commercial use. As described in
the State Department’s proposed rule,
items that would be controlled on the
USML have been identified as
possessing parameters or characteristics
that provide a critical military or
intelligence advantage. The
corresponding 600 series entries would
control all other such items not meeting
this standard, but that are nonetheless
‘‘specially designed’’ for military
applications. The public is thus asked to
provide specific examples of items, if
any, that would be controlled by the
revised USML Category XII or the new
600 series entries proposed in this rule
that are now in normal commercial use
and should thus controlled elsewhere
on the CCL. The examples should
demonstrate actual commercial use, not
just potential or theoretical use, with
supporting documents, as well as
foreign availability of such items.
(5) If there are any criteria proposed
in the revised USML Category XII or
new 600 series entries that the public
believes control items in normal
commercial use, the public is asked to
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identify different parameters or
characteristics that would cover items
exclusively or primarily in military use.
(6) If there are any criteria the public
believes control items in normal
commercial use, the public is asked to
identify the multilateral controls (such
as the Wassenaar Arrangement’s Dual
Use List), if any, for such items, and the
consequences of such items being
controlled on the USML or the 600
series entries.
(7) BIS seeks public comment on the
use of the phrase ‘‘permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly’’ in this
proposed rule.
(8) BIS also encourages comments on
the proposed expansion of license
requirements and removal of license
exception availability on items, as
described in this rule, that are currently
exportable without a license or under a
license exception.
(9) Finally, BIS seeks comments on
the impact of the proposed new license
requirements for the export to Canada of
items described in this rule.
Detailed Description of Changes in This
Proposed Rule—Increased Controls for
Night Vision Items
To address concerns regarding the
control of night vision items currently
subject to the EAR or proposed to be
transferred from USML Category XII to
the CCL, as well as foreign-made
military commodities incorporating
night vision items, this proposed rule
would revise the policies for night
vision items controlled in Category 6 by
amending §§ 734.4(a), 740.16, 740.20,
742.6, and 744.9 of the EAR. These
changes are described more fully herein.
Revisions to Section 734.4
Section 734.4(a)(5) of the EAR
currently provides that there is no de
minimis level for foreign military
commodities, as described in ECCN
0A919, that incorporate certain night
vision items. Since this proposed rule
would expand the scope of items
controlled under ECCN 0A919, as
described further below, § 734.4(a)(5)
would also be revised to reflect changes
to that ECCN. Under this proposed rule,
there would be no de minimis level for
foreign-made military commodities
described in ECCN 0A919, which
incorporate commodities classified
under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, 6A990, or
6A993.a (that meet the criteria of Note
3.a to ECCN 6A003.b.4.b).
Addition to Section 740.2
Section 740.2 sets forth restrictions on
all license exceptions. This rule would
make technology for production of
commodities defined in ECCNs
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6A002.a.2 (image intensifier tubes),
6A002.a.3 (certain focal plane arrays), or
6A990 (read-out integrated circuits
specially designed for focal plane arrays
controlled by ECCN 6A003.a.2) and
controlled under ECCNs 6E002 or 6E990
ineligible for any license exception. The
restriction is being proposed because of
the potential use of these tubes, arrays
and integrated circuits in night vision
Availability of License Exception APR
Section 740.16 of the EAR currently
authorizes specified reexports of items
subject to the EAR by certain countries
to specified destinations without
individual licenses from BIS. To ensure
appropriate control for items in ECCNs
6A002, 6A003, and 6A990, as well as
items covered by ECCN 0A919
incorporating such items, this rule
proposes to remove APR availability for
reexports from Country Group A:1 or
cooperating countries for items
described in ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, and
6A990. However, cameras described in
ECCN 6A003 may be exported or
reexported under License Exception
APR to and among Albania, Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
South Africa, South Korea, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the
United Kingdom if such cameras are
fully packaged for use as consumer
ready civil products or such cameras
with not more than 111,000 elements
are to be embedded in civil products.
This rule also would make commodities
described in ECCN 0A897 (optical
sighting devices for firearms) that
incorporate an image intensifier tube
ineligible for export to and among
countries in Country Group A:1 and
cooperating countries under License
Exception APR because of the night
vision capability of those devices.
Availability of License Exception STA
The EAR currently restricts the use of
License Exception STA for specific
commodities controlled by ECCNs
6A002 or 6A003, as well as related
technology controlled by 6E001 or
6E002, for export or reexport to
countries listed in § 740.20(c)(2). By
amending § 740.20(b)(2), this rule
proposes to remove License Exception
STA availability for newly-proposed
technology controlled under ECCN
0E987; all commodities controlled
under ECCN 6A002; commodities
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
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controlled under ECCN 6A990; software
controlled under ECCN 6D002 for the
‘‘use’’ of commodities controlled under
ECCN 6A002.b; software controlled
under ECCN 6D003.c; software
controlled under ECCN 6D991 for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ or ‘‘use’’
of commodities controlled under ECCNs
6A002, 6A003, or 6A990; software
controlled under new ECCN 6D994;
technology controlled under ECCN
6E001 for the ‘‘development’’ of
commodities controlled under ECCNs
6A002 or 6A003; technology controlled
under ECCN 6E002 for the ‘‘production’’
of commodities controlled under ECCNs
6A002 or 6A003; technology controlled
under ECCN 6E990; and technology
controlled under new 6E994.
Revisions to Regional Stability Licensing
Section 742.6 sets forth controls that
support U.S. foreign policy to maintain
regional stability. This proposed rule
would add new § 742.6(a)(8) to require
a license worldwide for the export or
reexport of some Category 0 and 6 items.
Specifically, the new provision would
pertain to: Commodities described in
ECCNs 6A002 or 6A990; ‘‘software’’
described in ECCN 6D002 for the ‘‘use’’
of ECCN 6A002.b commodities;
‘‘software’’ described in ECCN 6D003.c;
‘‘software’’ described in ECCN 6D991
for the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ or
‘‘use’’ of ECCN 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990
commodities; ‘‘software’’ described in
ECCN 6D994; ‘‘technology’’ described in
ECCN 0E987; ‘‘technology’’ described in
ECCN 6E001 for the ‘‘development’’ of
ECCN 6A002 or 6A003 commodities;
‘‘technology’’ described in ECCN 6E002
for the ‘‘production’’ of ECCN 6A002 or
6A003 commodities; ‘‘technology’’
described in ECCN 6E990; and
‘‘technology’’ described in ECCN 6E994.
With the exception of military
commodities controlled under ECCN
0A919, license applications for all
commodities described above subject to
the worldwide RS control will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as
described in § 742.6(b)(1)(ii). However,
license applications for all items
described in the above paragraph,
including military commodities
controlled under ECCN 0A919, would
be subject to ITAR licensing policies for
exports or reexports of such items to
military end users described in
§ 744.9(d) or for incorporation into a
‘‘military commodity’’ controlled by
ECCN 0A919.
This rule further proposes to revise
§ 742.6(b)(1) to set forth a presumption
of denial for exports or reexports of
software controlled under ECCNs 6D002
(for the ‘‘use’’ of ECCN 6A002.b
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commodities), 6D003.c, and 6D991 (for
the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ or
‘‘use’’ of commodities controlled under
ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990).
Software controlled under ECCN 6D994,
however, would be reviewed on a caseby-case basis.
With respect to technology, this
proposed rule would revise § 742.6(b)(1)
to set forth a presumption of denial for
exports or reexports of technology
controlled under ECCNs 0E987, 6E001
(for ‘‘development’’ of ECCN 6A002 or
6A003 commodities), 6E002 (for
‘‘production’’ of ECCN 6A002 or 6A003
commodities except for technology
required for integration, mounting,
inspection, testing, or quality
assurance), and 6E990. However,
applications for ECCN 6E002 ‘‘build-toprint technology’’ that is required for
integration, mounting, inspection,
testing, or quality assurance would be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
This rule also would add ECCN
6A003.b (certain imaging cameras) to
§ 742.6(b)(1)(iii)(C) to apply the license
application review policy of the ITAR if
being exported or reexported for
incorporation into a ‘‘military
commodity’’ controlled by ECCN
Finally, this rule proposes no
substantive changes to the existing
licensing policy described in current
§ 742.6(b)(1), but this rule does propose
to re-structure the description of those
policies under § 742.6(b)(1)(i)–(b)(1)(iv).
Revisions to End-Use/End-User Controls
Section 744.9 currently requires a
license for the export or reexport to any
destination other than Canada for
cameras controlled by ECCNs
6A003.b.3, 6A003.b.4.b, or 6A003.b.4.c
when the exporter knows or is informed
that the item is intended to be used by
a ‘‘military end-user’’ or to be
incorporated into a ‘‘military
commodity’’ controlled by ECCN
0A919, in addition to other applicable
license requirements in the EAR.
This proposed rule would revise
§ 744.9 to require a license for exports,
reexports, or transfers (in-country) of
commodities controlled by ECCN 0A987
(incorporating items in ECCNs 6A002
and 6A003, or certain cameras in
6A993.a), ECCN 6A002, ECCN 6A003,
ECCN 6A990, ECCN 6A993.a
commodities meeting the criteria of
Note 3.a to ECCN 6A003.b.4.b., ECCN
8A002.d.1.c, and ECCN 8A002.d.2,
when the exporter or reexporter knows
or is informed that the item is intended
to be used by a ‘‘military end-user’’ or
to be incorporated into a ‘‘military
commodity’’ controlled by ECCN
0A919. Commodities controlled by
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ECCN 6A993.a as a result of meeting the
criteria of Note 3.a to ECCN 6A003.b.4.b
are cameras with a maximum frame rate
equal to or less than 9 Hz. Although
these 9 Hz cameras are subject only to
Anti-Terrorism controls, the U.S.
Government determined that 9 Hz
cameras are used in foreign-made
military commodities and thus merited
inclusion in § 744.9.
License applications submitted as a
result of the proposed revisions of
§ 744.9 would be reviewed under the
ITAR licensing policy described in
§§ 742.6(b)(1)(iii) and 744.9(c).
Addition of Definition to Part 772
To more precisely address the
jurisdictional split for focal plane arrays
described in ECCN 6A002, this rule
proposes to add a definition for focal
plane arrays in a ‘‘permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly.’’ Focal
plane arrays described in ECCN 6A002
that are focal plane arrays in a
‘‘permanent encapsulated sensor
assembly’’ and are not otherwise subject
to the ITAR would be subject to the
EAR, while focal plane arrays described
in ECCN 6A002 that are not in a
‘‘permanent encapsulated sensor
assembly’’ would be subject to the
Revisions to ECCN 0A919
ECCN 0A919 currently controls
‘‘military commodities’’ produced and
located outside the United States that
are not subject to the ITAR, and
incorporate one or more cameras
controlled under ECCNs 6A003.b.3,
6A003.b.4.b, or 6A003.b.4.c. In addition,
ECCN 0A919 controls such ‘‘military
commodities’’ if they incorporate more
than a de minimis amount of U.S.-origin
600 series content or are the direct
products of U.S.-origin 600 series
technology or software.
To control the reexport of such
military commodities that incorporate a
wider group of items on the CCL, this
proposed rule would revise ECCN
0A919 to control military commodities
produced outside the United States that
are not subject to the ITAR, and have
any of the following characteristics: (i)
Incorporate one or more commodities
classified under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003,
or 6A990; (ii) incorporate one or more
commodities controlled under ECCN
6A993.a as a result of meeting the
criteria specified in Note 3.a to ECCN
6A003.b.4.b (i.e., having a maximum
frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz);
(iii) incorporate more than a de minimis
amount of U.S.-origin ‘‘600 series’’
controlled content; or (iv) are direct
products of U.S.-origin ‘‘600 series’’
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Establishment of ECCN 0E987
This proposed rule would create a
new ECCN for technology required for
the ‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
commodities controlled by ECCN
0A987, if such commodities incorporate
a focal plane array or image intensifier
tube. ECCN 0E987 would be subject to
a worldwide RS control and AntiTerrorism (AT Column 1) control. In
addition, items controlled by 0E987
would not be eligible for License
Exception STA.
Revisions to ECCN 6A002
ECCN 6A002 currently controls
specified optical sensors or equipment
and components therefor. The
Department of State’s proposed rule for
Category XII, which is being published
concurrently with this rule, enumerates
certain optical sensors and components,
such as image intensifier tubes and focal
plane arrays, that are subject to the
ITAR. Consequently, this proposed rule
adds references to the ITAR in the
Related Controls paragraph of ECCN
6A002, as well as references to ECCN
0A919, § 744.9, and other related
ECCN 6A002 is currently subject to
National Security (NS), Missile
Technology (MT), Crime Control (CC),
RS, Anti-Terrorism (AT), and United
Nations (UN) reasons for control. To
ensure interagency review of any
proposed export or reexport of an ECCN
6A002 commodity, this proposed rule
would revise this ECCN’s RS control to
require a license for all destinations,
including Canada, for the entire entry.
The proposed worldwide RS control
eliminates the need to maintain the
current RS column 1 control.
Consequently, this proposed rule would
revise the License Requirements section
of ECCN 6A002 accordingly. Also, this
rule proposes to add notes within the
Items paragraph of the ECCN to further
specify when items described in ECCN
6A002 (and on the Wassenaar
Arrangement’s Lists of Dual-Use Goods
and Technologies) would be subject to
the ITAR.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Revisions to ECCN 6A003
ECCN 6A003 currently controls
specified cameras, systems or
equipment and components therefor.
Under the Department of State’s
proposed rule, Category XII(c) more
positively enumerates certain items that
are also described by ECCN 6A003.
Consequently, this proposed rule adds a
reference to USML Category XII(c) in the
Related Controls paragraph of ECCN
6A003. Also, this rule revises the
Related Controls references to ECCN
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0A919 and § 744.9 to reflect the
expansion of the applicability of those
provisions to all of ECCN 6A003.
Revisions to ECCN 6A990
Under the Department of State’s
proposed rule to revise USML Category
XII, certain read-out integrated circuits
would be controlled under XII(e). Readout integrated circuits (ROICs) that are
‘‘specially designed’’ for focal plane
arrays controlled under ECCN 6A002.a.3
would be classified under ECCN 6A990
and subject to the worldwide RS control
described in § 742.6(a)(8). In addition,
these items would not be eligible for
License Exception STA and would be
subject to the limitations on the use of
License Exception APR in § 740.16(a)(2)
and (b)(2). This rule also proposes to
insert references to Category XII(e),
ECCN 0A919, and § 744.9 under the
Related Controls paragraph. Also, this
rule would allow for the use of License
Exception LVS for this ECCN with a
$500 value limit. This change would
ensure that controls on ROICs subject to
the EAR are not more restrictive than
controls for ROICs proposed to be
controlled in USML Category XII(e),
which would be eligible for the
exemption in § 123.16(b)(2) of the ITAR.
Revisions to ECCN 6A993
As previously mentioned, § 744.9 is
proposed to be revised to require a
license for 9 Hz cameras if exported to
a ‘‘military end user’’ or if incorporated
into a ‘‘military commodity.’’ To remind
readers of the applicability of § 744.9
and ECCN 0A919 to 9 Hz cameras, this
rule provides a reference to those
provisions under the Related Controls
paragraph of 6A993.
Revisions to ECCNs 6D002, 6D003, and
6D991, and Establishment of 6D994
The Wassenaar Arrangement’s Lists of
Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
impose limited controls on software
related to commodities controlled under
ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003. As a result,
the CCL currently has the following
multilateral and unilateral software
controls related to such items: ECCN
6D002 (software ‘‘specially designed’’
for the ‘‘use’’ of commodities controlled
under ECCN 6A002.b), ECCN 6D003.c
(software designed or modified for
cameras incorporating ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ specified by ECCN 6A002.a.3.f
and designed or modified to remove a
frame rate restriction and allow the
camera to exceed the frame rate
specified in ECCN 6A003.b.4 Note 3.a),
and ECCN 6D991 (software specially
designed for the ‘‘use’’ of commodities
controlled under ECCN 6A002.a.1.d).
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To address concerns regarding the
lack of comprehensive software controls
related to commodities controlled under
ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003, as well as
read-out integrated circuits in 6A990,
this proposed rule would consolidate
existing, unilateral software controls
and would expand them to revise ECCN
6D991 to also control software, not
elsewhere specified, that is ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the ‘‘development,’’
‘‘production,’’ or ‘‘use’’ of commodities
controlled by ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or
6A990. In addition, this proposed rule
would create ECCN 6D994 to control
software, not elsewhere specified, that is
‘‘specially designed’’ for the
maintenance, repair, or overhaul of
commodities controlled by ECCNs
6A002, 6A003, or 6A990. Under this
proposed rule, ECCNs 6D002 (for ECCN
6A002.b commodities only), 6D003.c,
6D991 (for ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or
6A990), and 6D994 would impose a
worldwide RS control, which would be
subject to the licensing policy described
in § 742.6(a)(8). Also, this proposed rule
would remove eligibility to use License
Exception TSR for the software
described above in ECCNs 6D002 and
To prevent confusion over multiple
ECCNs potentially controlling the same
software, this proposed rule would add
language to the Related Controls
paragraphs of ECCNs 6D991 and 6D994
to confirm that software currently
controlled under ECCNs 6D002 and
6D003.c would remain controlled under
those provisions. To reflect this
understanding, this proposed rule
would also revise the Related Controls
paragraphs of ECCNs 6D002 and 6D003
to provide references to ECCNs 6D991
and 6D994. Additionally, to ensure
consistency of controls among ECCNs
6D002, 6D003, 6D991, and 6D994, this
proposed rule would establish a
worldwide RS control for 6D002
software ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of commodities controlled under
6A002.b and for 6D003.c software.
Revisions to ECCNs 6E001 and 6E002
ECCNs 6E001 and 6E002 currently
control ‘‘development’’ and
‘‘production’’ technology, respectively,
related to multiple ECCNs in Category 6,
including items related to night vision
in ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003. Since this
proposed rule would expand the level of
control for commodities in ECCNs
6A002 and 6A003 by adding a
worldwide RS control, this rule would
also add a worldwide RS control for
6E001 technology related to
commodities controlled under ECCNs
6A002 or 6A003. Similarly, this rule
would add a worldwide RS control for
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
6E002 technology related to
commodities controlled under ECCNs
6A002 or 6A003. While this new RS
control would remove the need to
maintain an RS column 1 control for
such technology, such level of control
would remain for technology related to
commodities controlled under ECCN
6A008.j.1. License applications for
ECCN 6E001 and 6E002 technology that
are subject to the worldwide RS
requirement would be subject to the
licensing policy described in
§ 742.6(b)(1)(iv). In addition, this
proposed rule would remove eligibility
for License Exception TSR for all 6E001
or 6E002 technology related to
commodities controlled under 6A002 or
6A003, and this proposed rule would
add guidance to the Related Controls
paragraphs in ECCNs 6E001 and 6E002
to provide clarity on technology
controls related to satellites and focal
plane arrays.
Revisions to ECCN 6E990
Since this rule proposes to revise the
entry for read-out integrated circuits in
ECCN 6A990, which would be subject to
a worldwide RS control, this rule would
also revise ECCN 6E990, which would
apply to ‘‘development’’ and
‘‘production’’ technology for such readout integrated circuits. To ensure
consistency of control, this proposed
rule would add a worldwide RS license
requirement, as described in
§ 742.6(a)(8), for such technology.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Establishment of ECCN 6E994
Since not all technology moving from
USML Category XII to the CCL would be
controlled under ECCN 6E615 or 7E611,
this proposed rule would create new
ECCN 6E994 to control technology
required for the repair, maintenance, or
overhaul of commodities controlled
under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990.
Such technology is not currently
controlled under existing technology
ECCNs in Category 6. Technology
controlled under ECCN 6E994 would be
subject to an RS control, which would
impose a worldwide license
requirement. License applications for
6E994 technology would be reviewed on
a case-by-case basis, as described in
proposed § 742.6(b)(1)(ii).
Detailed Description of Changes
Proposed by This Rule—Establishment
of ‘‘600 Series’’ for Military Fire
Control, Range Finder, and Optical
Equipment Under New ECCNs 6A615,
6B615, 6D615, and 6E615
This proposed rule would create new
ECCN 6A615 to control fire control,
range finder, and optical commodities
that would be removed from the USML
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and would not be covered by an existing
ECCN subject to controls for reasons
other than Anti-Terrorism (AT) reasons.
ECCN 6A615.a through .c controls light
detection and ranging (LIDAR), laser
detection and ranging (LADAR), or laser
range-gated systems or equipment
having a resolution (i.e., ground point
spacing) less (better) than 0.4 m from an
altitude above ground level of 16,500 ft.
or greater, and incorporating a gimbalmounted transmitter or beam director;
certain gimbals permanently configured
to contain a camera payload operating
exclusively in the visible spectrum (i.e.,
400 nm to 760 nm); and certain zinc
selenide, zinc sulfide, germanium, or
chalcogenide optics blanks. ECCN
6A615.d through .g is proposed to
control weapon sights, weapon aiming
systems or equipment, and weapon
imaging systems (e.g., clip-ons) or
equipment having a peak response
wavelength exceeding 700 nm but not
exceeding 1,000 nm and not controlled
under USML Category XII or ECCN
0A987; targeting or target location
systems or equipment incorporating or
‘‘specially designed’’ to incorporate a
laser rangefinder controlled in USML
Category XII(b)(3); mobile
reconnaissance, scout, or surveillance
systems or equipment providing realtime target location and not controlled
in USML Category XII; and certain
combat vehicle, tactical wheeled
vehicle, naval vessel, or aircraft pilotage
systems or equipment. ECCN 6A615.h
through .w are reserved. Paragraph .x is
proposed to control ‘‘parts,’’
‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’ and
‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity controlled
by ECCN 6A615 (except 6A615.y) or a
defense article in Category XII and not
controlled elsewhere on the USML or in
ECCNs 6A615.y or 3A611.y. Items
controlled under 6A615 (excluding
6A615.y) would be controlled for NS,
RS, AT, and UN reasons. Paragraph .y
controls specific ‘‘parts,’’
‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’ and
‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for
a commodity subject to control in ECCN
6A615 and not elsewhere specified on
the USML or in the CCL, as well as
‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’
and ‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially designed’’
therefor. No items are listed in 6A615.y
under this proposed rule, but should
any items be added, they would be
subject to AT controls only.
New ECCN 6B615 would control test,
inspection, and production equipment
and related commodities ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the ‘‘development’’ or
‘‘production’’ of commodities described
in ECCN 6A615 or military fire control,
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range finder, and optical equipment
described in USML Category XII.
Paragraph .a would impose controls on
test, inspection, and production
equipment ‘‘specially designed’’ for
items controlled in ECCN 6A615
(excluding any items to be added to
6A615.y) or USML Category XII that are
not enumerated in USML Category XII
or controlled by a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN.
Paragraph .b would control
environmental test facilities ‘‘specially
designed’’ for certification,
qualification, or testing of commodities
controlled in ECCN 6A615 (except
6A615.y) or USML Category XII that are
not enumerated in USML Category XII
or a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN. ECCN 6B615.c
through .w would be reserved.
Paragraph .x would control ‘‘parts,’’
‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’ and
‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for such test, inspection and
production end items and equipment
that are not enumerated on the USML or
controlled by another ‘‘600 series’’
ECCN. Items in ECCN 6B615 would be
controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
New ECCN 6D615 would control
software ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 6A615 or
6B615. Such software would be
controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
reasons, with the exception of any
software that would be added to
6D615.y, which would be controlled for
AT reasons only.
New ECCN 6E615 would control
‘‘technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items
controlled by 6A615, 6B615, or 6D615.
Such technology would be controlled
for NS, RS, AT, and UN reasons, with
the exception of any technology that
would be added to 6E615.y, which
would be controlled for AT reasons
Detailed Description of Changes
Proposed by This Rule—Revisions to
the CCL for Guidance and Control
Establishment of ‘‘600 Series’’ for
Military Guidance and Control
Equipment Under ECCNs 7A611, 7B611,
7D611, and 7E611
This proposed rule would establish a
‘‘600 series’’ under ECCNs 7A611,
7B611, 7D611, and 7E611 for military
guidance and control equipment,
software, and technology. Categories 6
and 7 of the CCL currently control
certain guidance and control equipment
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
that correlate to guidance and control
equipment currently in USML Category
XII. In order to ease understanding and
use of this ‘‘600 series,’’ BIS is
proposing to consolidate such controls
under Category 7 rather than both
Categories 6 and 7. However, should
readers look for military guidance and
control equipment, such as gravity
meters (gravimeters), under Category 6,
this proposed rule would amend ECCN
6A611 to refer readers to Category 7 for
such items. ECCN 6A611 was added to
the CCL by a previously published final
rule entitled Revisions to the Export
Administration Regulations (EAR):
Control of Military Electronic
Equipment and Other Items the
President Determines No Longer
Warrant Control Under the United
States Munitions List (USML), 79 FR
37551 (July 1, 2014). Also, to assist
readers in locating controls for
navigation and avionics items ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a military application,
this proposed rule would move the
current heading of ECCN 7A611 into the
Related Controls paragraph of proposed
ECCN 7A611.
Under this proposed ‘‘600 series,’’
ECCN 7A611 would control military
guidance and control equipment that
would be removed from USML Category
XII and that are not covered by an
existing ECCN subject to controls for
reasons other than Anti-Terrorism (AT)
reasons. Paragraph .a would control
guidance, navigation, or control systems
‘‘specially designed’’ for a defense
article enumerated on the USML or for
a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN and meeting any of
the parameters described in 7A611.a.1
through a.5. Paragraph .b would control
inertial measurement units, inertial
reference units, or attitude and heading
reference systems ‘‘specially designed’’
for a defense article enumerated on the
USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and
incorporating accelerometers controlled
by 7A611.c.1 or certain gyros controlled
by 7A611.d. Paragraph .c would control
accelerometers ‘‘specially designed’’ for
a defense article enumerated on the
USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN and
meeting any of the parameters described
in 7A611.c.1 through c.3. Paragraph .d
would control gyros ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ‘‘600
series’’ ECCN and meeting any of the
parameters described in 7A611.d.1
through d.3. Paragraph .e would control
gravity meters (gravimeters) ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ‘‘600
series’’ ECCN, and having automatic
motion compensation and an accuracy
of less (better) than 2 mGal and greater
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(worse) than 1 mGal. Paragraphs .f
through .w would be reserved.
Paragraph .x would control ‘‘parts,’’
‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’ and
‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity controlled
by ECCN 7A611 (except 7A611.y) or a
guidance and control defense article in
USML Category XII and not controlled
elsewhere on the USML or in 7A611.y
or 3A611.y. All items controlled under
7A611 (excluding 7A611.y) would be
controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
reasons, while some of such items
would also be controlled for MT
reasons. Paragraph .y would control
specific ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments’’
‘‘specially designed’’ for a commodity
subject to control in ECCN 7A611, or a
guidance and control defense article in
USML Category XII and not elsewhere
specified on the USML or in the CCL,
and ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments’’
‘‘specially designed’’ therefor. No items
would be listed in 7A611.y under this
proposed rule, but should any items be
added, they would be subject to AT
controls only.
New ECCN 7B611 would impose
controls on test, inspection, and
production equipment and related
commodities ‘‘specially designed’’ for
military guidance and control
equipment. Paragraph .a would control
such equipment ‘‘specially designed’’
for the ‘‘production,’’ ‘‘development,’’
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items
controlled in ECCN 7A611 or guidance
and control items in USML Category XII
that are not enumerated in USML
Category XII or controlled by a ‘‘600
series’’ ECCN. Paragraph .b would
control environmental test facilities
‘‘specially designed’’ for certification,
qualification, or testing of commodities
controlled in ECCN 7A611 (except
7A611.y) or guidance and control
commodities in USML Category XII that
are not enumerated in USML Category
XII or a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN. Paragraphs
.c through .w are reserved. Paragraph .x
would control parts, components,
accessories, and attachments that are
‘‘specially designed’’ for such test,
inspection and production equipment
that are not enumerated on the USML or
controlled by another ‘‘600 series’’
ECCN. Items in ECCN 7B611 would be
controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
reasons, with some items also being
controlled for MT reasons.
New ECCN 7D611 would control
software ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 7A611 or
equipment controlled by 7B611. Such
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software would be controlled for NS,
RS, AT, and UN reasons, with some
software also being controlled for MT
reasons. Any software added to 7D611.y
would be controlled for AT reasons
only. ‘‘Development’’ and ‘‘production’’
software described in 7D611.a would
not be eligible for License Exception
New ECCN 7E611 would control
technology ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items
controlled by 7A611, 7B611, or 7D611.
Such technology would be controlled
for NS, RS, AT, and UN reasons, with
some technology also being controlled
for MT reasons. Any technology added
to 7E611.y would be controlled for AT
reasons only. ‘‘Development’’ and
‘‘production’’ technology described in
7E611.a would not be eligible for
License Exception STA.
Revisions to ECCNs 6A007 and 6A107
ECCNs 6A007 and 6A107 currently
control certain gravity meters
(gravimeters) and gravity gradiometers.
Under the State Department’s proposed
rule, gravity meters and gravity
gradiometers subject to the ITAR would
be controlled under USML Category
XII(d)(4) and (d)(5), respectively.
Consequently, this proposed rule would
add references to the Related Controls
paragraphs of ECCNs 6A007 and 6A107
to refer readers to Category XII(d)(4) and
(d)(5), as well as to gravity meters
controlled under proposed ECCN
Revisions to ECCNs 7A001 and 7A101
ECCN 7A001 currently controls linear
accelerometers in ECCN 7A001.a and
angular or rotational accelerometers in
ECCN 7A001.b that meet the parameters
identified in those provisions. These
parameters serve as the threshold for
control under the Wassenaar
Arrangement List of Dual-Use Goods
and Technologies. Under the State
Department’s proposed rule, proposed
Category XII(d)(2) identifies those
parameters for accelerometers that
would be subject to the ITAR. This
proposed rule would add language to
the Related Controls paragraph of ECCN
7A001 to refer readers to Category
XII(d)(2) to help ensure jurisdictional
clarity. Additionally, this rule proposes
to add a reference to ECCN 7A611 for
accelerometers controlled under the
new 600 series.
ECCN 7A101 controls accelerometers
other than those controlled under ECCN
7A001. As with the amendment to
ECCN 7A001, this proposed rule would
also add language to the Related
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Controls section of ECCN 7A101 to refer
readers to the State Department’s
Category XII(d)(2) for accelerometers
subject to the ITAR and to ECCN 7A611
for accelerometers controlled under the
new 600 series.
Revisions to ECCNs 7A002 and 7A102
ECCN 7A002 controls gyros or angular
rate sensors that meet the specifications
set forth in the Wassenaar Arrangement
List of Dual-Use Goods and
Technologies. Under the State
Department’s proposed rule, proposed
Category XII(d)(3) identifies those gyros
that would be subject to the ITAR and
distinguishes them from gyros subject to
the EAR that meet the parameters
established by the Wassenaar
Arrangement. As such, this proposed
rule would amend the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 7A002 to add a
reference to gyros controlled under
proposed Category XII(d)(3). For gyros
and angular rate sensors proposed to be
moved from Category XII to the new 600
series, this rule proposes to add a
reference to ECCN 7A611.
ECCN 7A102 controls gyros, other
than those controlled under ECCN
7A002. As with the amendment to
ECCN 7A002, this proposed rule would
also add language to the Related
Controls section of ECCN 7A102 to refer
readers to the State Department’s
Category XII(d)(3) for gyros subject to
the ITAR and to ECCN 7A611 for gyros
controlled under the new ‘‘600 series.’’
This rule would also add references to
ECCNs 7A002 and 7A994.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Revisions to ECCN 7A003
ECCN 7A003 controls inertial
measurement equipment or systems that
meet the parameters set forth in the
Wassenaar Arrangement List of DualUse Goods and Technologies. Largely
using many of the parameters identified
by Wassenaar, proposed Category
XII(d)(1) sets the threshold for guidance
or navigation systems to be subject to
the ITAR. As a result, this proposed rule
would amend the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 7A003 to refer
readers to Category XII(d)(1) for such
systems. In addition, this rule proposes
to add a reference to ECCN 7A611 for
inertial measurement units, inertial
reference units, or heading reference
systems controlled under the new ‘‘600
Detailed Description of Changes
Proposed by This Rule—Revisions to
Other ECCNs
Revisions to ECCN 0A987
ECCN 0A987 currently controls
specified optical sighting devices, and
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this proposed rule revises ECCN
0A987.f to specify that the entry
controls laser aiming devices or laser
illuminators designed for use on
firearms, and having an operational
wavelength exceeding 400 nm but not
exceeding 710 nm with an output power
less than or equal to 5 mW. A proposed
note to ECCN 0A987.f would further
specify that the entry does not control
laser boresighting devices that must be
placed in the bore or chamber to
provide a reference for aligning the
firearms sights. This proposed rule
would also provide jurisdictional
guidance in the Related Controls
paragraph to more clearly delineate
jurisdiction between USML Category XII
and ECCN 0A987.
Revisions to ECCN 2A984
ECCN 2A984 currently controls
concealed object detection equipment
that operates in the frequency range
from 30 GHz to 3000 GHz and has a
spatial resolution of 0.5 milliradians up
to and including 1 milliradian at a
standoff distance of 100 meters. Under
the Department of State’s proposed
revisions to USML Category XII,
terahertz imaging equipment or systems
having a peak response in the same
frequency range but having a better
resolution (i.e., resolution less than 0.5
milliradians at a standoff range of 100
meters) would be controlled under
XII(c)(17). Consequently, this proposed
rule would add a reference to Category
XII(c)(17) of the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 2A984.
No items would move from the USML
to ECCN 2A984 as a result of this
proposed amendment. Rather, this
proposed amendment helps establish a
bright line to determine export control
jurisdiction for these items.
Revisions to ECCN 6A004
ECCN 6A004 currently controls
optical equipment and components,
including gimbals meeting a number of
parameters, including slew, bandwidth,
angular pointing error, diameter, and
angular acceleration. The Department of
State proposes to control gimbals under
Category XII(c) based on number of axes
of active stabilization, minimum rootmean-square stabilization, and in some
instances whether they are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for items controlled under
Category XII. Since the control
parameters between ECCN 6A004 and
Category XII(c) vary, this proposed rule
would classify gimbals moving from the
USML to the CCL under the 600 series
ECCN 6A615. In addition, the proposed
use of ECCN 6A615 over ECCN 6A004
reflects the concern that the gimbals
should be controlled for RS column 1
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reasons rather than national security
(NS) column 2 reasons. To aid in
properly determining jurisdiction and
classification of gimbals, this proposed
rule would amend the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 6A004 to reference
gimbals controlled under Category
XII(c), gimbals controlled under new
ECCN 6A615, and certain ‘‘space
qualified’’ components subject to the
Revisions to ECCN 6A005
ECCN 6A005 currently controls
specified lasers, components and optical
equipment. The Department of State’s
proposed rule for Category XII would
establish controls for lasers under
XII(b)(9) through (b)(13) that largely
follow the control parameters
established by the Wassenaar
Arrangement List of Dual-Use Goods
and Technologies. Essentially, the
current Wassenaar controls establish a
baseline of controls with no upper limit
to designate those lasers that are
inherently military. Therefore, the State
Department’s proposed rule amending
Category XII would establish the upper
threshold parameters for lasers subject
to the ITAR. To reflect these parameters,
this proposed rule would amend ECCN
6A005 to provide corresponding
references under the applicable Items
subparagraph. For example, this
proposed rule would add a note to
tunable lasers having an output
wavelength exceeding 1,400 nm
controlled under ECCN 6A005.c.3.b to
refer readers to tunable semiconductor
lasers in the same wavelength parameter
that are controlled under USML
Category XII(b)(10). This proposed rule
would add similar reference notes to
ECCNs 6A005.d.1.a.2, d.1.b.3, d.1.d.1.d,
d.1.d.2.d, and d.1.d.3.b.
This proposed rule also proposes to
revise the Related Controls paragraph of
ECCN 6A005 to provide general
references to lasers controlled under
USML Category XII based on the
parameters established by Wassenaar.
Additionally, this proposed rule would
add references in the Related Controls
paragraph to XII(b)(9) for certain lasers
for electronic combat systems controlled
in Category XI, XII(b)(14) for
developmental laser and laser systems
funded by the Department of Defense,
and XVIII for certain laser-based
directed energy weapon items.
Revisions to ECCN 6A008
ECCN 6A008 currently controls radar
systems, equipment, and assemblies,
including certain laser detection and
ranging (LADAR) and light detection
and ranging (LIDAR) equipment under
ECCN 6A008.j. The Department of
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
State’s proposed rule would control
certain LIDAR, LADAR, and range-gated
systems and equipment described in
USML Category XII(b). Consequently,
this proposed rule would amend the
Related Controls paragraph of ECCN
6A008 to add references to those
provisions of Category XII. In addition,
LIDAR, LADAR, and range-gated
systems or equipment having a
resolution less (better) than 0.4 m from
an altitude above ground level of 16,500
feet or greater, and incorporating a
gimbal-mounted transmitter or beam
director, would be moved from the
USML to ECCN 6A615. This proposed
rule would move these items to ECCN
6A615 rather than ECCN 6A005 due to
differences in control parameters
between ECCNs 6A008 and 6A615.
Accordingly, this proposed rule would
also add a reference to ECCN 6A615 in
the Related Controls section of ECCN
Revisions to ECCN 7A005
ECCN 7A005 currently controls
specified Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (GNSS) receiving equipment.
No GNSS receiving equipment,
including Global Position Satellite
equipment, is proposed to move from
the USML to the CCL as a result of the
review of Category XII of the ITAR.
However, this proposed rule proposes to
amend the Related Controls section of
ECCN 7A005 to use ‘‘GNSS’’ in place of
‘‘GPS’’ and to provide a reference to
Categories XI and XII, which are the
USML locations of such receivers.
Revisions to ECCN 8A002
To reflect the expansion of the scope
of § 744.9 to apply to 8A002.d.1.c and
.d.2 items, this proposed rule would add
an additional sentence regarding § 744.9
to the Related Controls paragraph of
Effects of This Proposed Rule
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
De Minimis
The April 16 (initial implementation)
rule imposed certain unique de minimis
requirements on items controlled under
the new ‘‘600 series’’ ECCNs. Section
734.3 of the EAR provides, inter alia,
that under certain conditions, items
made outside the United States that
incorporate items subject to the EAR are
not subject to the EAR if they do not
exceed a de minimis percentage of
controlled U.S.-origin content. Under
the April 16 (initial implementation)
rule, there is no de minimis eligibility
for ‘‘600 series’’ items destined for
countries subject to a U.S. arms
embargo, but there is a 25% de minimis
percentage for ‘‘600 series’’ items
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destined for all countries not subject to
U.S. arms embargoes. The fire control,
range finder, optical, and guidance and
control items that would be subject to
the EAR as a result of this proposed rule
would become eligible for de minimis
treatment, so long as they are not subject
to the proposed restrictions described in
§ 734.4(a)(5) for incorporation into
foreign military commodities and are
not destined for a country subject to a
U.S. arms embargo.
Use of License Exceptions
Unless subject to the restrictions on
the use of STA in § 740.20(b)(2), many
of the fire control, range finder, optical,
and guidance and control items
described in this proposed rule would
become eligible for several license
exceptions, including STA, which
would be available for exports to certain
government agencies of NATO and
other multi-regime allies. The exchange
of information and statements required
under STA is substantially less
burdensome than the license
application requirements currently
required under the ITAR, as discussed
in more detail in the ‘‘Regulatory
Requirements’’ section of this proposed
rule. Some items covered by this rule
also would be eligible for the following
license exceptions: LVS (limited value
shipments), up to $1500, and RPL
(servicing and parts replacement).
Alignment With the Wassenaar
Arrangement Munitions List.
The Administration has stated since
the beginning of the Export Control
Reform Initiative that the reforms will
be consistent with U.S. obligations to
the multilateral export control regimes.
Accordingly, the Administration will, in
this proposed rule, exercise its national
discretion to implement, clarify, and, to
the extent feasible, align its controls
with those of the regimes. USML
Category XII encompasses multiple
WAML categories, including ML 5 (e.g.,
fire control and range-finding systems),
ML 11 (e.g., ‘‘guidance and navigation
equipment’’), and ML 15 (e.g., imaging
equipment). This proposed rule uses
two of these categories—ML 15
(‘‘[i]maging or countermeasure
equipment . . . specially designed for
military use, and specially designed
components and accessories therefor’’)
and ML 11 (‘‘electronic equipment
specially designed for military use,’’
including ‘‘guidance and navigation
equipment’’)—to add items moving from
USML Category XII to the new 600
series ECCNs ending in ‘‘15’’ and ‘‘11.’’
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Request for Comments
BIS seeks comments on this proposed
rule. BIS will consider all comments
received on or before July 6, 2015. All
comments must be in writing and
submitted via one or more of the
methods listed under the ADDRESSES
caption to this notice. All comments
(including any personal identifiable
information or information for which a
claim of confidentially is asserted either
in those comments or their transmittal
emails) will be available for public
inspection and copying. Parties who
wish to comment anonymously may do
so by submitting their comments via, leaving the fields
for information that would identify the
commenter blank, and including no
identifying information in the comment
Export Administration Act
Since August 21, 2001, the Export
Administration Act of 1979, as
amended, has been in lapse. However,
the President, through Executive Order
13222 of August 17, 2001, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783 (2002), as amended by
Executive Order 13637 of March 8,
2013, 78 FR 16129 (March 13, 2013),
and as extended by the Notice of August
7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014)
has continued the EAR in effect under
the International Emergency Economic
Powers Act. BIS continues to carry out
the provisions of the Export
Administration Act, as appropriate and
to the extent permitted by law, pursuant
to Executive Order 13222 as amended
by Executive Order 13637.
Rulemaking Requirements
1. Executive Orders 13563 and 12866
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distribute impacts, and equity).
Executive Order 13563 emphasizes the
importance of quantifying both costs
and benefits, of reducing costs, of
harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. This rule has been
designated a ‘‘significant regulatory
action,’’ although not economically
significant, under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866. Accordingly,
the rule has been reviewed by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB).
2. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, no person is required
to respond to, nor is subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection
of information, subject to the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid
OMB control number. This proposed
rule would affect two approved
collections: Simplified Network
Application Processing + System
(control number 0694–0088), which
includes, among other things, license
applications, and License Exceptions
and Exclusions (0694–0137).
As stated in the proposed rule
published on July 15, 2011 (76 FR
41958) (‘‘July 15 proposed rule’’), BIS
initially believed that the combined
effect of all rules to be published adding
items to the EAR that will be removed
from the ITAR as part of the
administration’s Export Control Reform
Initiative will increase the number of
license applications to be submitted by
approximately 16,000 annually. As the
review of the USML has progressed, the
interagency group has gained more
specific information about the number
of items that will come under BIS
jurisdiction and whether those items
would be eligible for export under
license exception. As of June 21, 2012,
BIS revised that estimate to an increase
in license applications of 30,000
annually, resulting in an increase in
burden hours of 8,500 (30,000
transactions at 17 minutes each) under
control number 0694–0088. BIS
continues to believe that its revised
estimate is accurate.
Some items formerly on the USML
would become eligible for License
Exception STA under this rule. As
stated in the July 15 proposed rule, BIS
believes that the increased use of
License Exception STA resulting from
the combined effect of all rules to be
published adding items to the EAR that
would be removed from the ITAR as
part of the Administration’s Export
Control Reform Initiative would
increase the burden associated with
control number 0694–0137 by about
23,858 hours (20,450 transactions at 1
hour and 10 minutes each).
BIS expects that this increase in
burden would be more than offset by a
reduction in burden hours associated
with approved collections related to the
ITAR. This proposed rule addresses
controls on fire control, range finder,
optical, and guidance and control items.
With few exceptions, most exports of
such items, even when destined to
NATO member states and other close
allies, require State Department
authorization. In addition, the exports of
technology necessary to produce such
items in the inventories of the United
States and its NATO and other close
allies require State Department
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authorizations. Under the EAR, as
proposed, such technology would
become eligible for export to NATO
member states and other close allies
under License Exception STA unless
otherwise specifically excluded. Use of
License Exception STA imposes a
paperwork and compliance burden
because, for example, exporters must
furnish information about the item
being exported to the consignee and
obtain from the consignee an
acknowledgement and commitment to
comply with the EAR. However, the
Administration believes that complying
with the requirements of STA is likely
less burdensome than applying for
licenses. For example, under License
Exception STA, a single consignee
statement can apply to an unlimited
number of products, need not have an
expiration date, and need not be
submitted to the government in advance
for approval. Suppliers with regular
customers can tailor a single statement
and assurance to match their business
relationship rather than applying
repeatedly for licenses with every
purchase order to supply reliable
customers in countries that are close
allies or members of export control
regimes or both.
This proposed rule would also require
licenses for Canada for the following
ECCNs that do not currently require a
license for that destination: 6A002,
6A990, 6D002 (for 6A002.b items),
6D003.c, 6E001 (for 6A002 or 6A003
items), 6E002 (for 6A002 or 6A003
items), and 6E990. Further, this
proposed rule would implement a
worldwide license requirement for the
following ECCNs that are currently
controlled for anti-terrorism reasons or
for new ECCNs that would control items
currently designated as EAR99: 0E987;
6D991 (for 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990);
and 6E994. In addition, the items
described in this paragraph would be
ineligible for License Exception STA
under this proposed rule. BIS
anticipates that these proposed changes
would increase the number of license
applications submitted and the number
of § 743.3 reports submitted under
control number 0694–0137. However,
these proposed changes would also
apply to items moving from Category XII
of the USML to the CCL, and the burden
likely will be reduced for such items
when comparing license requirements
of the ITAR to those of the EAR. In
particular, license applications for
exports of technology transferred from
the USML to the CCL are likely to be
less complex and burdensome than the
authorizations required to export ITARcontrolled technology, i.e.,
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Manufacturing License Agreements and
Technical Assistance Agreements.
3. This rule does not contain policies
with Federalism implications as that
term is defined under E.O. 13132.
4. The Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA), as amended by the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), 5 U.S.C.
601 et seq., generally requires an agency
to prepare a regulatory flexibility
analysis of any rule subject to the notice
and comment rulemaking requirements
under the Administrative Procedure Act
(5 U.S.C. 553) or any other statute,
unless the agency certifies that the rule
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. Under section 605(b) of the
RFA, however, if the head of an agency
(or his or her designee) certifies that a
rule will not have a significant impact
on a substantial number of small
entities, the statute does not require the
agency to prepare a regulatory flexibility
analysis. Pursuant to section 605(b), the
Chief Counsel for Regulation,
Department of Commerce, submitted a
memorandum to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy, Small Business
Administration, certifying that the
November 28 (military electronics) rule
would not have a significant impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
The rationale for that certification was
set forth in the preamble to that
proposed rule (77 FR 70945, 70950–
70951, November 28, 2012). Although
BIS received no comments on that
rationale, and has accordingly made no
changes to the proposed rule based on
the RFA certification, BIS has
determined that, in the interest of
openness and transparency, it will
briefly restate the rationale behind the
certification here.
This proposed rule is part of the
Administration’s Export Control Reform
Initiative, which seeks to revise the
USML to a positive list—one that does
not use generic, catch-all controls for
items listed—and to move some items
that the President has determined no
longer merit control under the ITAR to
control under the CCL.
Although BIS does not collect data on
the size of entities that apply for and are
issued export licenses, and is therefore
unable to estimate the exact number of
small entities—as defined by the Small
Business Administration’s regulations
implementing the RFA—BIS
acknowledges that some small entities
may be affected by this proposed rule.
The main effects on small entities
resulting from this rule will be in
application times, costs, and delays in
receiving licenses to export goods
subject to the CCL. However, while
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
small entities may experience some
costs and time delays for exports due to
the license requirements of the CCL,
these costs and delays will likely be
significantly less than they were for
items previously subject to the USML.
BIS believes that in fact this rule will
result in significantly reduced
administrative costs and delays for
exports of items that will, upon this
rule’s implementation, be subject to the
EAR rather than the ITAR. Currently,
USML applicants must pay to use the
USML licensing procedure even if they
never actually are authorized to export.
Registration fees for manufacturers and
exporters of articles on the USML start
at $2,250 per year, increase to $2,750 for
organizations applying for one to ten
licenses per year and further increases
to $2,750 plus $250 per license
application (subject to a maximum of
three percent of total application value)
for those who need to apply for more
than ten licenses per year. By contrast,
BIS is statutorily prohibited from
imposing licensing fees. In addition,
exporters and reexporters of goods that
would become subject to the EAR under
this rule would need fewer licenses
because their transactions would
become eligible for license exceptions
that were not available under the ITAR.
Additionally, the ITAR controls parts
and components even when they are
incorporated—in any amount—into a
foreign-made product. That limitation
on the use of U.S.-made goods subject
to the ITAR discouraged foreign
manufacturers from importing U.S.
goods. However, the EAR has a de
minimis exception for U.S.manufactured goods that are
incorporated into foreign-made
products. This exception may benefit
small entities by encouraging foreign
producers to use more U.S.-made items
in their goods.
Even where an exporter or reexporter
would need to obtain a license under
the EAR, that process is both cheaper
and the process is more flexible than
obtaining a license under the ITAR. For
example, unlike the ITAR, the EAR does
not require license applicants to provide
BIS with a purchase order with the
application, meaning that small (or any)
entities can enter into negotiations or
contracts for the sale of goods without
having to caveat any sale presentations
with a reference to the need to obtain a
license under the ITAR before shipment
can occur. Second, the EAR allows
license applicants to obtain licenses to
cover all expected exports or reexports
to a particular consignee over the life of
a license, rather than having to obtain a
new license for every transaction.
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In short, BIS expects that the changes
to the EAR proposed in this rule will
have a positive effect on all affected
entities, including small entities. While
BIS acknowledges that this rule may
have some cost impacts to small (and
other) entities, those costs are more than
offset by the benefits to the entities from
the licensing procedures under the EAR,
which are much less costly and less
time consuming than the procedures
under the ITAR. Accordingly, the Chief
Counsel for Regulation for the
Department of Commerce has certified
that this rule, if implemented, will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
Accordingly, an initial regulatory
flexibility analysis is not required, and
none has been prepared.
List of Subjects
15 CFR Part 734
Administrative practice and
procedure, Exports, Inventions and
patents, Research Science and
15 CFR Part 740
Administrative practice and
procedure, Exports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
15 CFR Part 742
Exports, Terrorism.
15 CFR Part 744
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Terrorism.
15 CFR Part 772
15 CFR Part 774
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Export Administration
Regulations (15 CFR parts 730–774) are
proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 734 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099,
3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O. 13020, 61
FR 54079, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 219; E.O.
13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13637 of March 8, 2013,
78 FR 16129 (March 13, 2013); Notice of
August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11,
2014); Notice of November 7, 2014, 79 FR
67035 (November 12, 2014).
2. Section 734.4 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(5) to read as
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§ 734.4
De minimis U.S. content.
(a) * * *
(5) There is no de minimis level for
foreign made military commodities
described in ECCN 0A919.a.1.
3. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 740 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.;
E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp.,
p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Notice of August 7, 2014, 79
FR 46959 (August 11, 2014).
4. Section 740.2 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(7) as follows:
§ 740.2 Restrictions on all license
(a) * * *
(7) Technology for ‘‘production’’ of
commodities defined in ECCNs
6A002.a.2, 6A002.a.3, or 6A990 that is
controlled under ECCNs 6E002 or
■ 5. Section 740.16 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(2), and
(b)(3) to read as follows:
§ 740.16
Additional permissive reexports
(a) * * *
(2) The commodities being reexported
are not controlled for NP, CB, MT, SI or
CC reasons and are not military
commodities described in ECCN 0A919;
commodities described in 3A001.b.2 or
b.3 (except those that are being
reexported for use in civil
telecommunications applications); or
commodities described in ECCNs
6A002, 6A003, or 6A990; and
(b) * * *
(2) Except as provided in paragraph
(b)(3) of this section, ‘‘military
commodities’’ described in ECCN
0A919 and commodities described in
ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990 or
commodities described in ECCN 0A987
incorporating an image intensifier tube,
may not be reexported under this
paragraph (b).
(3) Cameras described in ECCNs
6A003 may be exported or reexported to
and among countries in Albania,
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea,
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
and the United Kingdom if:
(i) Such cameras are fully packaged
for use as consumer ready civil
products; or,
(ii) Such cameras with not more than
111,000 elements are to be embedded in
civil products.
■ 6. Section 740.20 is amended by
revising paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and
(b)(2)(x), to read as follows:
§ 740.20 License Exception Strategic
Trade Authorization (STA).
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) License Exception STA may not be
used for any item controlled under
ECCNs 0A981, 0A982, 0A983, 0A985,
0E982, or 0E987.
(x) License Exception STA may not be
used for items controlled by ECCNs
6A002; 6A990; 6D002 (software
specially designed for the ‘‘use’’ of
commodities controlled under 6A002.b);
6D003.c; 6D991 (software ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the ‘‘development,’’
‘‘production,’’ or ‘‘use’’ of commodities
controlled under 6A002, 6A003, or
6A990); 6D994; 6E001 (‘‘technology’’ for
the ‘‘development’’ of commodities
controlled under ECCNs 6A002 or
6A003); 6E002 ‘‘technology’’ (for the
‘‘production’’ of commodities controlled
under ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003); 6E990;
or 6E994.
7. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 742 continues to read as follows:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.;
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; Sec. 1503, Pub. L. 108–11, 117
Stat. 559; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR,
1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181,
3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O.
13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Presidential Determination
2003–23 of May 7, 2003, 68 FR 26459, May
16, 2003; Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR
46959 (August 11, 2014); Notice of November
7, 2014, 79 FR 67035 (November 12, 2014).
8. Section § 742.6 is amended by:
a. Adding paragraph (a)(8); and
b. Revising paragraph (b)(1), to read as
§ 742.6
Regional stability.
(a) * * *
(8) Special worldwide RS license
requirement for specified items
controlled in Category 0 or 6. A license
is required to export or reexport the
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following items to all destinations,
including Canada:
(i) ‘‘Technology’’ controlled under
ECCN 0E987;
(ii) All commodities controlled under
ECCNs 6A002;
(iii) All commodities controlled under
ECCN 6A990;
(iv) ‘‘Software’’ controlled under
ECCN 6D002 for the ‘‘use’’ of
commodities controlled under 6A002.b;
(v) ‘‘Software’’ controlled under ECCN
(vi) ‘‘Software’’ controlled under
ECCN 6D991 for the ‘‘development,’’
‘‘production,’’ or ‘‘use’’ of commodities
controlled under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003,
or 6A990;
(vii) ‘‘Software’’ controlled under
ECCN 6D994;
(viii) ‘‘Technology’’ controlled under
ECCN 6E001 for the ‘‘development’’ of
commodities controlled under 6A002 or
(ix) ‘‘Technology’’ controlled under
ECCN 6E002 for the ‘‘production’’ of
commodities controlled under 6A002 or
(x) ‘‘Technology’’ controlled under
6E990; and
(xi) ‘‘Technology’’ controlled under
ECCN 6E994.
(b) Licensing policy.—(1) Licensing
policy for RS Column 1 items or items
subject to worldwide RS control.
(i) Applications for exports and
reexports of 9x515 and ‘‘600 series’’
items will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis to determine whether the
transaction is contrary to the national
security or foreign policy interests of the
United States, including the foreign
policy interest of promoting the
observance of human rights throughout
the world. Applications for export or
reexport of items classified under any
9x515 or ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN requiring a
license in accordance with paragraph
(a)(1) of this section will also be
reviewed consistent with United States
arms embargo policies in § 126.1 of the
ITAR if destined to a country set forth
in Country Group D:5 in Supplement
No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR.
Applications for export or reexport of
‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’
‘‘attachments,’’ ‘‘software,’’ or
‘‘technology’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ or
otherwise required for the F–14 aircraft
will generally be denied. When destined
to the People’s Republic of China or a
country listed in Country Group E:1 in
Supplement No. 1 to Part 740 of the
EAR, items classified under any 9x515
ECCN will be subject to a policy of
(ii) Applications for exports and
reexports described in paragraphs (a)(1),
(a)(2), (a)(6), (a)(7), (a)(8)(ii), (a)(8)(iii),
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(a)(8)(vii), and (a)(8)(xi) of this section
will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
to determine whether the export or
reexport could contribute directly or
indirectly to any country’s military
capabilities in a manner that would alter
or destabilize a region’s military balance
contrary to the foreign policy interests
of the United States.
(iii) The following applications will
be reviewed applying the policies for
similar items that are subject to the
International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (22 CFR parts 120–130):
(A) Reexports of items described in
paragraph (a)(3) of this section;
(B) Exports or reexports of items
described in paragraph (a)(8) of this
section to military end users described
in § 744.9(d); and
(C) Exports or reexports of
commodities described in paragraphs
(a)(8)(ii) and (a)(8)(iii) of this section or
in ECCN 6A003.b for incorporation into
a ‘‘military commodity’’ controlled by
ECCN 0A919.
(iv) Applications for exports or
reexports of software or technology
described in paragraphs (a)(8)(i),
(a)(8)(iv), (a)(8)(v), (a)(8)(vi), (a)(8)(viii),
and (a)(8)(x) will be reviewed with a
presumption of denial. There is also a
presumption of denial for technology
described in paragraph (a)(8)(ix), unless
it is ‘‘build-to-print technology’’ that is
required for integration, mounting,
inspection, testing, or quality assurance
(e.g., necessary to meet International
Standards Organization (ISO)
certification), which will be reviewed
on a case-by-case basis.
9. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 744 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.;
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR,
1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181,
3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O.
12947, 60 FR 5079, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p.
356; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996
Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13099, 63 FR 45167, 3
CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 208; E.O. 13222, 66 FR
44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O.
13224, 66 FR 49079, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p.
786; Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959
(August 11, 2014); Notice of September 17,
2014, 79 FR 56475 (September 19, 2014);
Notice of November 7, 2014, 79 FR 67035
(November 12, 2014); Notice of January 21,
2015, 80 FR 3461 (January 22, 2015).
10. Section 744.9 is amended by
revising the heading and paragraphs (a)
and (b) to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 744.9 Restrictions on certain exports and
reexports of certain cameras, systems, or
(a) General prohibitions. In addition
to the applicable license requirements
for national security, regional stability,
anti-terrorism and United Nations
embargo reasons in §§ 742.4, 742.6,
742.8, 746.3, and 746.8 of the EAR, a
license is required to export, reexport,
or transfer (in-country) to any
destination commodities described in
ECCNs 0A987 (incorporating
commodities controlled by ECCNs
6A002 or 6A003, or commodities
controlled by 6A993.a that meet the
criterion of Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4),
6A002, 6A003, 6A990, or 6A993.a
(having a maximum frame rate equal to
or less than 9 Hz and thus meeting the
criteria of Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4),
8A002.d.1.c, or 8A002.d.2 if at the time
of export, reexport, or transfer, the
exporter, reexporter, or transferor knows
or is informed, or is unable to determine
whether the item will be or is intended
to be:
(1) Used by a ‘‘military end-user,’’ as
defined in paragraph (d) of this section;
(2) Incorporated into a ‘‘military
commodity’’ controlled by ECCN
(b) Additional prohibition on
exporters or reexporters informed by
BIS. BIS may inform an exporter,
reexporter, or transferor, either
individually by specific notice or
through amendment to the EAR, that a
license is required for the export,
reexport, or transfer of commodities
described in ECCNs 0A987
(incorporating commodities controlled
by ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003, or
commodities controlled by 6A993.a that
meet the criterion of Note 3.a to
6A003.b.4), 6A002, 6A003, 6A990, or
6A993.a (having a maximum frame rate
equal to or less than 9 Hz and thus
meeting the criteria of Note 3.a to
6A003.b.4), 8A002.d.1.c, or 8A002.d.2
to specified end users, because BIS has
determined that there is an
unacceptable risk of diversion to the
users or unauthorized incorporation
into the ‘‘military commodities’’
described in paragraph (a) of this
section. Specific notice is to be given
only by, or at the direction of, the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Export
Administration. When such notice is
provided orally, it will be followed by
a written notice within two working
days signed by the Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Export Administration.
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11. The authority citation for part 772
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025,
3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Notice of August
7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014).
12. Section 772.1 is amended by
adding a definition for ‘‘permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly’’ in
alphabetical order to read as follows:
§ 772.1 Definitions of terms as used in the
Export Administration Regulations (EAR).
Permanent encapsulated sensor
assembly. (Cat 6) A permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly (e.g.
sealed enclosure, vacuum package)
containing an infra-red focal plane array
(IRFPA) that prevents direct access to
the IRFPA, disassembly of the sensor
assembly, and removal of the IRFPA
without destruction or damage to the
rate equal to or less than 9 Hz and thus
meeting the criterion of Note 3.a to
a.2. Incorporate more than a de minimis
amount of U.S.-origin ‘‘600 series’’ controlled
content (see § 734.4 of the EAR); or
a.3. Are direct products of U.S.-origin ‘‘600
series’’ technology or software (see
§ 736.2(b)(3) of the EAR).
b. [Reserved]
15. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 0, ECCN 0A987 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
■ b. Revising paragraph f. in the Items
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section; and
■ c. Adding a note to 0A987.f, to read
as follows:
0A987 Optical sighting devices for firearms
(including shotguns controlled by
0A984); and ‘‘components’’ as follows
(See List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
13. The authority citation for part 774
continues to read as follows:
Related Controls: (1) Sighting devices
operating outside the visible spectrum, as
enumerated in USML Category XII, or laser
aiming or laser illumination equipment not
specified in 0A987.f are subject to the
ITAR. (2) Section 744.9 imposes a license
requirement on certain commodities
described in 0A987 if being exported,
reexported, or transferred (in-country) for
use by a military end-user or for
incorporation into an item controlled by
ECCN 0A919.
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 10 U.S.C. 7420; 10 U.S.C.
7430(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c, 22 U.S.C. 3201 et
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 30 U.S.C. 185(s), 185(u);
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 42 U.S.C. 6212; 43 U.S.C.
1354; 15 U.S.C. 1824a; 50 U.S.C. app. 5; 22
U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O.
13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Notice of August 7, 2014, 79
FR 46959 (August 11, 2014).
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
14. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 0, ECCN 0A919 is amended by
revising the Items paragraph of the List
of Items Controlled section to read as
f. Laser aiming devices or laser
illuminators designed for use on firearms,
and having an operational wavelength
exceeding 400 nm but not exceeding 710 nm
with an output power less than or equal to
5 mW.
Note: 0A987.f does not control laser
boresighting devices that must be placed in
the bore or chamber to provide a reference
for aligning the firearms sights.
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774—The
Commerce Control List
0A919 ‘‘Military commodities’’ located and
produced outside the United States as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
a. ‘‘Military commodities’’ produced and
located outside the United States that are not
subject to the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (22 CFR parts 120–130) and
having any of the following characteristics:
a.1. Incorporate one or more commodities
classified under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003,
6A990, or 6A993.a (having a maximum frame
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■ 16. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 0, add ECCN 0E987 between
ECCN 0E984 and EAR99, to read as
0E987 ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
commodities controlled by 0A987 that
incorporate a focal plane array or image
intensifier tube.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
RS applies to entire
AT applies to entire
A license is required
to export and reexport these items to
all countries, including Canada. A column specific to this
control does not appear on the Commerce Country
Chart. (see
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in
the ECCN heading.
17. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 2, ECCN 2A984 is amended by
adding Note 4 to the end of the Related
Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
NS applies to entire
MT applies to optical
detectors in
6A002.a.1 or a.3
that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ or modified to protect
‘‘missiles’’ against
nuclear effects
(e.g., Electromagnetic Pulse
(EMP), X-rays,
combined blast and
thermal effects),
and usable for
RS applies to entire
2A984 Concealed object detection
equipment operating in the frequency
range from 30 GHz to 3000 GHz and
having a spatial resolution of 0.5
milliradian up to and including 1
milliradian at a standoff distance of 100
meters; and ‘‘parts’’ and ‘‘components,’’
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: *** (4) See USML Category
XII(c)(17) for terahertz imaging equipment
or systems having a peak response in the
frequency range exceeding 30 GHz but not
exceeding 3000 GHz and having a
resolution less (better) than 0.5
milliradians at a standoff range of 100 m.
18. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A002 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the Control(s) table in the
License Requirements section;
■ b. Removing the ‘‘Special Conditions
for STA’’ section;
■ c. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
■ d. Revising paragraphs a.2 and a.3 in
the Items paragraph of the List of Items
Controlled section. The revisions to read
as follows:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
6A002 Optical sensors and equipment and
‘‘components’’ therefor, as follows (see
List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
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CC applies to policemodel infrared
viewers in 6A002.c.
AT applies to entire
UN applies to
6A002.a.1, a.2, a.3
and c.
NS Column 2.
MT Column 1.
A license is required
to export and reexport these items to
all countries, including Canada. A column specific to this
control does not appear on the Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
CC Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) The following
commodities are ‘‘subject to the ITAR’’ (see
22 CFR parts 120 through 130): (a) ‘‘Image
intensifiers’’ defined in 6A002.a.2 and
‘‘focal plane arrays’’ defined in 6A002.a.3
‘‘specially designed,’’ modified, or
configured for military use and not part of
civil equipment; (b) ‘‘Space qualified’’
solid-state detectors defined in 6A002.a.1,
‘‘space qualified’’ imaging sensors (e.g.,
‘‘monospectral imaging sensors’’ and
‘‘multispectral imaging sensors’’) defined
in 6A002.b.2.b.1, and ‘‘space qualified’’
cryocoolers defined in 6A002.d.1, unless,
on or after September 23, 2002, the
Department of State issues a commodity
jurisdiction determination indicating the
commodity is subject to the EAR. (2) See
also ECCNs 6A102, 6A202, and 6A992. (3)
See ECCN 0A919 for foreign-made military
commodities that incorporate commodities
described in 6A002. (4) Section 744.9
imposes a license requirement on
commodities described in ECCN 6A002 if
being exported, reexported, or transferred
(in-country) for use by a military end-user
or for incorporation into an item controlled
by ECCN 0A919. (5) Image intensifier tubes
described in ECCN 6A002.a.2 that are
second generation image intensification
tubes are ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’ (6) See the
Related Controls paragraphs to ECCNs
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6E001 and 6E002 for controls on
technology for the ‘‘development’’ or
‘‘production’’ of focal plane arrays in a
‘‘permanent encapsulated sensor
assembly’’ subject to the EAR.
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
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a. * * *
a.1. * * *
a.2. Image intensifier tubes and ‘‘specially
designed’’ ‘‘components’’ therefor, as follows:
Note 1: Image intensifier tubes described in
6A002.a.2 having a luminous sensitivity
exceeding 500 microamps per lumen are
‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’
Note 2: 6A002.a.2 does not control nonimaging photomultiplier tubes having an
electron sensing device in the vacuum space
limited solely to any of the following:
a. A single metal anode; or
b. Metal anodes with a center to center
spacing greater than 500 mm.
Technical Note: ‘Charge multiplication’ is
a form of electronic image amplification and
is defined as the generation of charge carriers
as a result of an impact ionization gain
process. ’Charge multiplication’ sensors may
take the form of an image intensifier tube,
solid state detector or ‘‘focal plane array.’’
a.2.a. Image intensifier tubes having all of
the following:
a.2.a.1. A peak response in the wavelength
range exceeding 400 nm but not exceeding
1,050 nm;
a.2.a.2. Electron image amplification using
any of the following:
a.2.a.2.a. A microchannel plate with a hole
pitch (center-to-center spacing) of 12 mm or
less; or
a.2.a.2.b. An electron sensing device with
a non-binned pixel pitch of 500 mm or less,
‘‘specially designed’’ or modified to achieve
‘charge multiplication’ other than by a
microchannel plate; and
a.2.a.3. Any of the following
a.2.a.3.a. Multialkali photocathodes (e.g.,
S–20 and S–25) having a luminous
sensitivity exceeding 350 mA/lm;
a.2.a.3.b. GaAs or GaInAs photocathodes;
a.2.a.3.c. Other ‘‘III–V compound’’
semiconductor photocathodes having a
maximum ‘‘radiant sensitivity’’ exceeding 10
a.2.b. Image intensifier tubes having all of
the following:
a.2.b.1. A peak response in the wavelength
range exceeding 1,050 nm but not exceeding
1,800 nm;
a.2.b.2. Electron image amplification using
any of the following:
a.2.b.2.a. A microchannel plate with a hole
pitch (center-to-center spacing) of 12 mm or
less; or
a.2.b.2.b. An electron sensing device with
a non-binned pixel pitch of 500 mm or less,
‘‘specially designed’’ or modified to achieve
‘charge multiplication’ other than by a
microchannel plate; and
a.2.b.3. ‘‘III/V compound’’ semiconductor
(e.g., GaAs or GaInAs) photocathodes and
transferred electron photocathodes, having a
maximum ‘‘radiant sensitivity’’ exceeding 15
a.2.c. ‘‘Specially designed’’ ‘‘components’’
as follows:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
a.2.c.1. Microchannel plates having a hole
pitch (center-to-center spacing) of 12 mm or
a.2.c.2. An electron sensing device with a
non-binned pixel pitch of 500 mm or less,
‘‘specially designed’’ or modified to achieve
‘charge multiplication’ other than by a
microchannel plate;
a.2.c.3. ‘‘III–V compound’’ semiconductor
(e.g., GaAs or GaInAs) photocathodes and
transferred electron photocathodes;
Note: 6A002.a.2.c.3 does not control
compound semiconductor photocathodes
designed to achieve a maximum ‘‘radiant
sensitivity’’ of any of the following:
a. 10 mA/W or less at the peak response
in the wavelength range exceeding 400 nm
but not exceeding 1,050 nm; or
b. 15 mA/W or less at the peak response
in the wavelength range exceeding 1,050 nm
but not exceeding 1,800 nm.
a.3. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ as follows:
N.B.: ‘Microbolometer’ non-‘‘spacequalified’’ ‘‘focal plane arrays’’ are only
specified by 6A002.a.3.f.
Technical Note: Linear or two-dimensional
multi-element detector arrays are referred to
as ‘‘focal plane arrays’’;
Note 1: 6A002.a.3 includes
photoconductive arrays and photovoltaic
Note 2: 6A002.a.3 does not control:
a. Multi-element (not to exceed 16
elements) encapsulated photoconductive
cells using either lead sulphide or lead
b. Pyroelectric detectors using any of the
b.1. Triglycine sulphate and variants;
b.2. Lead-lanthanum-zirconium titanate
and variants;
b.3. Lithium tantalate;
b.4. Polyvinylidene fluoride and variants;
b.5. Strontium barium niobate and
c. ‘‘Focal plane arrays’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ or modified to achieve ‘charge
multiplication’ and limited by design to have
a maximum ‘‘radiant sensitivity’’ of 10 mA/
W or less for wavelengths exceeding 760 nm,
having all of the following:
c.1. Incorporating a response limiting
mechanism designed not to be removed or
modified; and
c.2. Any of the following:
c.2.a. The response limiting mechanism is
integral to or combined with the detector
element; or
c.2.b. The ‘‘focal plane array’’ is only
operable with the response limiting
mechanism in place.
Note 3: Focal plane arrays described in
6A002.a.3 that are not in a ‘‘permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly’’ subject to the
EAR are ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’
Technical Note: A response limiting
mechanism integral to the detector element
is designed not to be removed or modified
without rendering the detector inoperable.
a.3.a. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ having all of the following:
a.3.a.1. Individual elements with a peak
response within the wavelength range
exceeding 900 nm but not exceeding 1,050
nm; and
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a.3.a.2. Any of the following:
a.3.a.2.a. A response ‘‘time constant’’ of
less than 0.5 ns; or
a.3.a.2.b. ‘‘Specially designed’’ or modified
to achieve ‘charge multiplication’ and having
a maximum ‘‘radiant sensitivity’’ exceeding
10 mA/W;
a.3.b. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ having all of the following:
a.3.b.1. Individual elements with a peak
response in the wavelength range exceeding
1,050 nm but not exceeding 1,200 nm; and
a.3.b.2. Any of the following:
a.3.b.2.a. A response ‘‘time constant’’ of 95
ns or less; or
a.3.b.2.b. ‘‘Specially designed’’ or modified
to achieve ‘charge multiplication’ and having
a maximum ‘‘radiant sensitivity’’ exceeding
10 mA/W;
a.3.c. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ non-linear (2dimensional) ‘‘focal plane arrays’’ having
individual elements with a peak response in
the wavelength range exceeding 1,200 nm but
not exceeding 30,000 nm;
N.B.: Silicon and other material based
‘microbolometer’ non-‘‘space-qualified’’
‘‘focal plane arrays’’ are only specified by
a.3.d. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ linear (1dimensional) ‘‘focal plane arrays’’ having all
of the following:
a.3.d.1. Individual elements with a peak
response in the wavelength range exceeding
1,200 nm but not exceeding 3,000 nm; and
a.3.d.2. Any of the following:
a.3.d.2.a. A ratio of ‘scan direction’
dimension of the detector element to the
‘cross-scan direction’ dimension of the
detector element of less than 3.8; or
a.3.d.2.b. Signal processing in the detector
Note: 6A002.a.3.d does not control ‘‘focal
plane arrays’’ (not to exceed 32 elements)
having detector elements limited solely to
germanium material.
Technical Note: For the purposes of
6A002.a.3.d, ‘cross-scan direction’ is defined
as the axis parallel to the linear array of
detector elements and the ‘scan direction’ is
defined as the axis perpendicular to the
linear array of detector elements.
a.3.e. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ linear (1dimensional) ‘‘focal plane arrays’’ having
individual elements with a peak response in
the wavelength range exceeding 3,000 nm but
not exceeding 30,000 nm;
a.3.f. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ non-linear (2dimensional) infrared ‘‘focal plane arrays’’
based on ‘microbolometer’ material having
individual elements with an unfiltered
response in the wavelength range equal to or
exceeding 8,000 nm but not exceeding 14,000
Technical Note: For the purposes of
6A002.a.3.f, ‘microbolometer’ is defined as a
thermal imaging detector that, as a result of
a temperature change in the detector caused
by the absorption of infrared radiation, is
used to generate any usable signal.
a.3.g. Non-‘‘space-qualified’’ ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ having all of the following:
a.3.g.1. Individual detector elements with a
peak response in the wavelength range
exceeding 400 nm but not exceeding 900 nm;
a.3.g.2. ‘‘Specially designed’’ or modified
to achieve ‘charge multiplication’ and having
PO 00000
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a maximum ‘‘radiant sensitivity’’ exceeding
10 mA/W for wavelengths exceeding 760 nm;
a.3.g.3. Greater than 32 elements;
19. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A003 is amended by:
■ a. Revising note 5 in the Related
Controls paragraph in the List of items
Controlled section; and
■ b. Adding note 6 to the Related
Controls paragraph in the List of items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A003 Cameras, systems or equipment,
and ‘‘components’’ therefor, as follows
(see List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * * (5) Section 744.9
imposes a license requirement on cameras
described in 6A003 if being exported,
reexported, or transferred (in-country) for
use by a military end-user or for
incorporation into a commodity controlled
by ECCN 0A919. (6) See USML Category
XII(c) for cameras ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’
20. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A004 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section to
read as follows:
6A004 Optical equipment and
‘‘components,’’ as follows (see List of
Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) For optical mirrors or
‘aspheric optical elements’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for lithography ‘‘equipment,’’
see ECCN 3B001. (2) See USML Category
XII(c) for gimbals ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’ (3)
See ECCN 6A615.b for gimbals containing
a camera payload operating exclusively in
the visible spectrum (i.e., 400 nm to 760
nm). (4) ‘‘Space qualified’’ components for
optical systems defined in 6A004.c and
optical control equipment defined in
6A004.d.1 are ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’ (5)
See also 6A994.
21. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A005 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section; and
■ b. Adding Notes to paragraphs c.3.b,
d.1.a.2, d.1.b.3, d.1.d.1.d, d.1.d.2.d, and
d.1.d.3.b in the Items paragraph of the
List of Items Controlled section, to read
as follows:
6A005 ‘‘Lasers,’’ ‘‘components’’ and optical
equipment, as follows (see List of Items
Controlled), excluding items that are
subject to the export licensing authority
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(see 10 CFR part 110).
List of Items Controlled
pulsed power density greater than 3,300 W/
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6D001 for
‘‘software’’ for items controlled under this
entry. (2) See ECCNs 6E001
(‘‘development’’), 6E002 (‘‘production’’),
and 6E201 (‘‘use’’) for technology for items
controlled under this entry. (3) Also see
ECCNs 6A205 and 6A995. (4) See ECCN
3B001 for excimer ‘‘lasers’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for lithography equipment. (5)
‘‘Lasers’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ or prepared
for use in isotope separation are subject to
the export licensing authority of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10
CFR part 110). (6) See USML Category
XII(b)(10) for certain tunable
semiconductor lasers. (7) See USML
Category XII(b)(11) for certain non-tunable
single transverse mode semiconductor
lasers. (8) See USML Category XII(b)(12) for
certain non-tunable multiple transverse
mode semiconductor lasers. (9) See USML
Category XII(b)(13) for certain laser stacked
arrays. (10) See USML Category XII(b)(9)
for certain lasers for electronic combat
systems controlled in USML Category XI.
(11) See USML Category XII(b)(14) for
developmental laser and laser systems
funded by the Department of Defense. (12)
See USML Category XVIII for certain laserbased directed energy weapon systems,
equipment, and components.
Related Definitions: * * *
d.1.d.2. * * *
d.1.d.2.d. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(13)(ii) for
laser stacked arrays having an output
wavelength exceeding 1,400 nm but less than
1,900 nm and a peak pulsed power density
greater than 700 W/cm2.
d.1.d.3. * * *
d.1.d.3.b. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(13)(iii) for
laser stacked arrays having an output
wavelength exceeding 1,900 nm and a peak
pulsed power density greater than 70 W/cm2.
See also USML Category XII(b)(13)(iv) for
laser stacked arrays having an output
wavelength exceeding 1,900 nm, and either
an average output power or CW output power
greater than 20 W.
22. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A007 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
6A007 Gravity meters (gravimeters) and
gravity gradiometers, as follows (see List
of Items Controlled).
c. * * *
c.3. * * *
c.3.b. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(10) for
tunable semiconductor lasers having an
output wavelength exceeding 1,400 nm and
an output power greater than 1 W.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(d)(4) for certain gravity meters
(gravimeters). (2) See USML Category
XII(d)(5) for certain gravity gradiometers.
(3) See ECCN 7A611 for gravity meters
(gravimeters) ‘‘specially designed’’ for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or
for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and having
automatic motion compensation and an
accuracy of less (better) than 2 mGal and
greater (worse) than 1mGal. (4) See also
ECCNs 6A107 and 6A997.
d. * * *
d.1. * * *
d.1.a. * * *
d.1.a.2. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(11) for
non-tunable single transverse mode
semiconductor lasers having an output
wavelength exceeding 1,510 nm and either
an average output power or continuous wave
(CW) output power greater than 2 W.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
d.1.b. * * *
d.1.b.3. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(12) for
non-tunable multiple transverse mode
semiconductor lasers having an output
wavelength exceeding 1,900 nm and either
an average output power or CW output power
greater than 2 W.
d.1.d. * * *
d.1.d.1. * * *
d.1.d.1.d. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(13)(i) for
laser stacked arrays having an output
wavelength less than 1,400 nm and a peak
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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(6A008). See USML Category XII(b) for
certain LIDAR, Laser Detection and
Ranging (LADAR), or range-gated systems
or equipment. See ECCN 6A615 for LIDAR,
LADAR, or range-gated systems or
equipment having a resolution (i.e., ground
point spacing) less (better) than 0.4 m from
an altitude above ground level of 16,500 ft.
or greater, and incorporating a gimbalmounted transmitter or beam director.
23. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A008 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section to
read as follows:
6A008 Radar systems, equipment and
assemblies, having any of the following
(see List of Items Controlled), and
‘‘specially designed’’ ‘‘components’’
List of Items Controlled
Frm 00017
Fmt 4701
24. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A107 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section to
read as follows:
6A107 Gravity meters (gravimeters) or
gravity gradiometers, other than those
controlled by 6A007, designed or
modified for airborne or marine use, as
follows, (see List of Items Controlled)
and ‘‘specially designed’’ ‘‘parts’’ and
‘‘components’’ therefor.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(d)(4) for certain gravity meters
(gravimeters) subject to the ITAR. (2) See
USML Category XII(d)(5) for certain gravity
gradiometers subject to the ITAR. (3) See
ECCN 7A611 for gravity meters
(gravimeters) ‘‘specially designed’’ for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or
for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and having
automatic motion compensation and an
accuracy of less (better) than 2 mGal and
greater (worse) than 1mGal.
25. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A611 is revised to
read as follows:
6A611 Acoustic systems and equipment,
radar, and ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments’’
‘‘specially designed’’ therefor, ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a military application that
are not enumerated in any USML
category or other ECCN are controlled
by ECCN 3A611. Military guidance and
control equipment, including certain
gravity meters (gravimeters), that are
not enumerated in any USML category
or ECCN are controlled by ECCN 7A611.
26. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, add ECCN 6A615 between
ECCNs 6A611 and 6A990, to read as
Related Controls: This entry does not control:
Secondary surveillance radar (SSR); Car
radar designed for collision prevention;
Displays or monitors used for Air Traffic
Control (ATC) having no more than 12
resolvable elements per mm;
Meteorological (weather) radar. See also
ECCNs 6A108 and 6A998. ECCN 6A998
controls, inter alia, the Light Detection and
Ranging (LIDAR) equipment excluded by
the note to paragraph j of this ECCN
PO 00000
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6A615 Military fire control, range finder,
and optical, equipment, and ‘‘specially
designed’’ ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments,’’ as
follows (See List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
NS applies to entire
entry except
RS applies to entire
entry except
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
entry except
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS Column 1.
RS Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
LVS: $1500
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2)) of the EAR may not be
used for any item in 6A615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Military fire control,
range finder, optical, and guidance and
control equipment that are enumerated on
the USML Category XII, and technical data
(including software) directly related
thereto, are ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’ (2) See
Related Controls in ECCNs 0A987, 2A984,
6A002, 6A003, 6A004, 6A005, 6A007,
6A008, 7A001, 7A002, 7A003, 7A005, and
7A101. (3) See ECCN 3A611 and USML
Category XI for controls on countermeasure
equipment. (4) See ECCN 0A919 for
controls on foreign-made ‘‘military
commodities’’ that incorporate more than a
de minimis amount of U.S.-origin ‘‘600
series’’ controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR),
Laser Detection and Ranging (LADAR), or
laser range-gated systems or equipment
having a resolution (i.e., ground point
spacing) less (better) than 0.4 m from an
altitude above ground level of 16,500 ft. or
greater, and incorporating a gimbal-mounted
transmitter or beam director.
b. Gimbals permanently configured to
contain a single payload consisting of a
camera operating exclusively in the visible
spectrum (i.e., 400 nm to 760 nm) and having
a minimum root-mean-square (RMS)
stabilization better (less) than 35
c. Zinc selenide, zinc sulfide, germanium
or chalcogenide optics blanks, being flat or
initially curved, and having any of the
c.1. Diameter exceeding 3 inches and
thickness exceeding 1.5 inches;
c.2. Diameter exceeding 5 inches;
c.3. Length and width both exceeding 3
inches and thicknesses exceeding 1.5 inches;
c.4. Length and width both exceeding 5
d. Weapon sights, weapon aiming systems
or equipment, and weapon imaging systems
or equipment (e.g. clip-on), having peak
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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response at a wavelength exceeding 700 nm
but not exceeding 1,000 nm, and not
controlled by 0A987.
e. Targeting or target location systems or
equipment incorporating or ‘‘specially
designed’’ to incorporate a laser rangefinder
controlled in USML Cat XII(b)(3).
f. Mobile reconnaissance, scout or
surveillance systems or equipment providing
real-time target location.
g. Combat vehicle, tactical wheeled
vehicle, naval vessel, or aircraft pilotage
systems or equipment incorporating a
variable field of view or field of regard, and
incorporating a photon detector-based
infrared focal plane array having less than
640 elements.
h. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ‘‘Parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’
and ‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity enumerated or
otherwise described in ECCN 6A615 (except
6A615.y) or a defense article enumerated or
otherwise described in Category XII and not
elsewhere specified on the USML, in
6A615.y, or 3A611.y.
y. Specific ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity subject to control
in this ECCN or a fire control, range finder,
or optical defense article in USML Category
XII and not elsewhere specified on the USML
or in the CCL, as follows, and ‘‘parts,’’
‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’ and
‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ therefor:
27. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A990, the License
Requirements Section, the List Based
License Exceptions Section and the
related controls paragraph of the List of
Items Controlled Section are revised to
read as follows:
6A990 Read-out integrated circuits
‘‘specially designed’’ for ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ controlled by 6A002.a.3.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
RS applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
LVS: $500
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(e) for read-out integrated circuits
PO 00000
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‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’ (2) See ECCN 0A919
for foreign made military commodities that
incorporate commodities described in
6A990. (3) Section 744.9 imposes a license
requirement on commodities described in
6A990 if being exported, reexported, or
transferred (in-country) for use by a
military end-user or for incorporation into
a commodity controlled by ECCN 0A919.
28. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6A993 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
6A993 Cameras, not controlled by 6A003
or 6A203, as follows (see List of Items
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 0A919 for
foreign made military commodities that
incorporate cameras described in 6A993.a
that meet the criteria specified in Note 3.a
to 6A003.b.4.b (i.e., having a maximum
frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz). (2)
Section 744.9 imposes license
requirements on cameras described in
6A993.a as a result of meeting the criteria
specified in Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4.b (i.e.,
having a maximum frame rate equal to or
less than 9 Hz) if being exported,
reexported, or transferred (in-country) for
use by a military end-user or for
incorporation into a commodity controlled
by ECCN 0A919.
29. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, add ECCN 6B615 between
ECCNs 6B108 and 6B995, to read as
6B615 Test, inspection, and production
‘‘equipment’’ and related commodities
‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
commodities enumerated or otherwise
described in ECCN 6A615 or military
fire control, range finder, and optical
equipment enumerated or otherwise
described in USML Category XII (see
List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
NS applies to entire
RS applies to entire
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS Column 1.
RS Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
LVS: $1,500
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any item in 6B615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See Related Controls in
ECCNs 0A987, 2A984, 6A002, 6A003,
6A004, 6A005, 6A007, 6A008, 7A001,
7A003, 7A005, and 7A101. (2) See ECCN
0A919 for controls on foreign-made
‘‘military commodities’’ that incorporate
more than a de minimis amount of U.S.origin ‘‘600 series’’ controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Test, inspection, and production
equipment (other than production equipment
and components controlled in paragraph y of
this entry) ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘production’’ or ‘‘development’’ of
commodities controlled in ECCN 6A615
(except 6A615.y) or USML Category XII that
are not enumerated in USML Category XII or
‘‘600 series’’ ECCN.
b. Environmental test facilities ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the certification, qualification
or testing of commodities controlled in ECCN
6A615 (except 6A615.y) or USML Category
XII that are not enumerated in USML
Category XII or ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN.
c. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ‘‘Parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’
and ‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity listed in this
entry and that are not enumerated on the
USML or controlled by another ‘‘600 series’’
30. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6D002 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the License Requirements
■ b. Revising the List Based License
Exceptions section; and
■ c. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
6D002 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for
the ‘‘use’’ of equipment controlled by
6A002.b, 6A008 or 6B008.
RS applies to ‘‘software’’ for equipment controlled by
RS applies to ‘‘software’’ for equipment controlled by
AT applies to entire
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
NS applies to entire
MT applies to ‘‘software’’ for equipment controlled by
6A008 or 6B008 for
MT reasons.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
NS Column 1.
31. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6D003 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the Control(s) table in the
License Requirements section;
■ b. Revising the List Based License
Exceptions section; and
■ c. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
6D003 Other ‘‘software’’ as follows (see List
of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
NS applies to entire
RS applies to
MT Column 1.
18:08 May 04, 2015
Jkt 235001
Related Controls: (1) ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the ‘‘use’’ of ‘‘spacequalified’’ LIDAR ‘‘equipment’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for surveying or for
meteorological observation, released from
control under the note in 6A008.j, is
controlled in 6D991. (2) See also 6D102,
6D991, 6D992, and 6D994.
PO 00000
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AT applies to entire
AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
CIV: Yes for 6D003.h.1
TSR: Yes, except for 6D003.c and except for
exports or reexports to destinations outside
of those countries listed in Country Group
A:5 (See Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of
the EAR) of ‘‘software’’ for items controlled
by 6D003.a.
List of Items Controlled
List of Items Controlled
Reason for Control: NS, MT, RS, AT
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
TSR: Yes, except N/A for the following: (1)
Items controlled for MT reasons; (2)
‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of ‘‘space qualified’’ ‘‘laser’’ radar or
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
equipment defined in 6A008.j.1; or (3)
‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of commodities controlled by
License Requirements
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
RS Column 1.
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
Related Controls: See also 6D103, 6D991,
6D993, and 6D994.
32. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, add ECCN 6D615 between
ECCNs 6D201 and 6D991, to read as
6D615 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for
the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 6A615 or
equipment controlled by 6B615 (see List
of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
NS applies to entire
entry except
RS applies to entire
entry except
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
entry except
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS Column 1.
RS Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
NS Column 1.
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any software in 6D615.
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) ‘‘Software’’ directly
related to articles enumerated in USML
Category XII is subject of USML paragraph
XII(f). (2) See Related Controls in ECCNs
0A987, 2A984, 6A002, 6A003, 6A004,
6A005, 6A007, 6A008, 7A001, 7A003,
7A005, and 7A101. (3) See ECCN 0A919
for controls on foreign-made ‘‘military
commodities’’ that incorporate more than a
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
de minimis amount of U.S.-origin ‘‘600
series’’ controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ operation or
maintenance of commodities controlled by
ECCNs 6A615 (except 6A615.y) or 6B615.
b. to x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’
for the ‘‘production,’’ ‘‘development,’’ or
operation or maintenance of commodities
described in 6A615.y.
The list of items controlled is contained in
the ECCN heading.
33. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6D991 is revised to
read as follows:
Reason for Control: RS, AT
6D991 ‘‘Software,’’ n.e.s., ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the ‘‘development’’,
‘‘production’’, or ‘‘use’’ of commodities
controlled by 6A002, 6A003, 6A990,
6A991, 6A996, 6A997, or 6A998.
34. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, add ECCN 6D994 between
ECCNs 6D993 and the header that reads
‘‘E. Technology’’, to read as follows:
6D994 ‘‘Software’’, n.e.s., ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the maintenance, repair,
or overhaul of commodities controlled
by 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990.
License Requirements
RS applies to entire
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
RS applies to ‘‘software’’ for commodities controlled by
6A002, 6A003, and
RS applies to ‘‘software’’ for commodities controlled by
RS applies to ‘‘software’’ for commodities controlled by
AT applies to entire
entry, except ‘‘software’’ for commodities controlled by
AT applies to ‘‘software’’ for commodities controlled by
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
RS Column 1.
RS Column 2.
AT Column 1.
AT Column 2.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6D002 for
‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of commodities controlled under
ECCN 6A002.b. (2) See ECCN 6D003.c for
‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for
cameras incorporating ‘‘focal plane arrays’’
specified by 6A002.a.3.f and ‘‘specially
designed’’ to remove a frame rate
restriction and allow the camera to exceed
the frame rate specified in 6A003.b.4 Note
Related Definitions: N/A
18:08 May 04, 2015
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (see
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6D002 for
software ‘‘specially designed’’ for the ‘‘use’’
of commodities controlled under ECCN
6A002.b. (2) See ECCN 6D003.c for
software designed or modified for cameras
incorporating ‘‘focal plane arrays’’
specified by 6A002.a.3.f and designed or
modified to remove a frame rate restriction
and allow the camera to exceed the frame
rate specified in 6A003.b.4 Note 3.a.
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in
the ECCN heading.
35. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6E001 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the Reason for Control
paragraph and the Table in the License
Requirements section;
■ b. Revising the CIV and TSR
paragraphs in the List Based License
Exceptions section; and
■ c. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
VerDate Sep<11>2014
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
Jkt 235001
6E001 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘development’’ of equipment, materials
or ‘‘software’’ controlled by 6A (except
6A990, 6A991, 6A992, 6A994, 6A995,
6A996, 6A997, 6A998, or 6A999.c), 6B
(except 6B995), 6C (except 6C992 or
6C994), or 6D (except 6D991, 6D992, or
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, RS, CC, AT,
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS applies to ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled by
6A001 to 6A008,
6B004 to 6B008,
6C002 to 6C005,
or 6D001 to 6D003.
MT applies to ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled by
6A002, 6A007,
6A008, 6A102,
6A107, 6A108,
6B008, 6B108,
6D001, 6D002,
6D102 or 6D103
for MT reasons.
NP applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A003, 6A005,
6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225,
6A226, 6D001, or
6D201 for NP reasons.
RS applies to ‘‘technology’’ for commodities controlled
by 6A002 or 6A003.
RS applies to ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled by
6A002.a.1, .a.2,
.a.3, or .c,
6A003.b.3 or .b.4,
or 6A008.j.1.
CC applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A002 for CC reasons.
AT applies to entire
UN applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A002 or 6A003 for
UN reasons.
NS Column 1.
MT Column 1.
NP Column 1.
A license is required
to export and reexport these items to
all countries, including Canada. A column specific to this
control does not appear on the Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
RS Column 1.
CC Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
TSR: Yes, except for the following: (1) Items
controlled for MT reasons; (2)
‘‘Technology’’ for commodities controlled
by 6A002, 6A003, 6A004.e or 6A008.j.1; (3)
‘‘Technology’’ for ‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for ‘‘space qualified’’ ‘‘laser’’
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
radar or Light Detection and Ranging
(LIDAR) equipment defined in 6A008.j.1
and controlled by 6D001 or 6D002; or (4)
Exports or reexports to destinations outside
of those countries listed in Country Group
A:5 (See Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of
the EAR) of ‘‘technology’’ for the
‘‘development’’ of the following:
6A001.a.1.b, 6A001.a.1.e, 6A001.a.2.a.1,
6A001.a.2.a.2, 6A001.a.2.a.3,
6A001.a.2.a.5, 6A001.a.2.a.6, 6A001.a.2.b,
6A001.a.2.d, 6A001.a.2.e., 6A004.c,
6A004.d,, 6A006.a.2, 6A006.c.1, 6A006.d,
6A006.e, 6A008.d, 6A008.h, 6A008.k,
6B008, 6D003.a; (b) Equipment controlled
by 6A001.a.2.c or 6A001.a.2.f when
‘‘specially designed’’ for real time
applications; or (c) ‘‘Software’’ controlled
by 6D001 and ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
equipment controlled by 6B008, or
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Technical data directly
related to satellites and all other items
described in USML Category XV are
subject to the ITAR under USML Category
XV(f). (2) See also 6E101, 6E201, and
6E991. (3) Technology for incorporating or
integrating infrared focal plane arrays
(IRFPAs) into permanent encapsulated
sensor assemblies subject to the EAR, or
integrating such assemblies into an item
subject to the EAR, and integrating image
intensifier tubes (IITs) into an item subject
to the EAR, including integrating items
subject to the EAR into foreign military
commodities outside the United States is
subject to the EAR. This technology
includes the testing, operation instructions
for a focal plane array in a ‘‘permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly’’ subject to
the EAR, mechanical dimensions and
physical characteristics of the sensor
assembly, provided such information does
not include design methodology,
engineering analysis, or manufacturing
■ 36. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, ECCN 6E002 is amended by:
■ a. Revising the Reason for Control
paragraph and the Table in the License
Requirements section;
■ b. Revising the CIV and TSR
paragraphs in the List Based License
Exceptions section; and
■ c. Revising the Related Controls
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
6E002 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘production’’ of equipment or materials
controlled by 6A (except 6A990, 6A991,
6A992, 6A994, 6A995, 6A996, 6A997,
6A998 or 6A999.c), 6B (except 6B995) or
6C (except 6C992 or 6C994).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, RS, CC, AT,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:08 May 04, 2015
Jkt 235001
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A001 to 6A008,
6B004 to 6B008, or
6C002 to 6C005.
MT applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A002, 6A007,
6A008, 6A102,
6A107, 6A108,
6B008, or 6B108
for MT reasons.
NP applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A003, 6A005,
6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225 or
6A226 for NP reasons.
RS applies to ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled by
6A002 or 6A003.
RS applies to ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled by
CC applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A002 for CC reasons.
AT applies to entire
UN applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
6A002 or 6A003 for
UN reasons.
NS Column 1.
MT Column 1.
NP Column 1.
A license is required
to export and reexport these items to
all countries, including Canada. A column specific to this
control does not appear on the Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
RS Column 1.
CC Column 1.
Fmt 4701
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Technical data directly
related to satellites and all other items
described in USML Category XV are
subject to the ITAR under USML Category
XV(f). (2) See also 6E992. (3) Technology
for incorporating or integrating IRFPAs
into ‘‘permanent encapsulated sensor
assemblies’’ subject to the EAR, or
integrating such assemblies into an item
subject to the EAR, and integrating image
intensifier tubes (IITs) into an item subject
to the EAR, including integrating items
subject to the EAR into foreign military
commodities outside the United States, is
subject to the EAR. This technology
includes the testing results, interface and
operation instructions for a focal plane
array in a ‘‘permanent encapsulated sensor
assembly’’ subject to the EAR, mechanical
dimensions and physical characteristics of
the sensor assembly, provided such
information does not include design
methodology, engineering analysis, or
manufacturing know-how.
37. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, add ECCN 6E615 between
ECCNs 6E202 and 6E990, to read as
6E615 ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul or refurbishing of
commodities controlled by 6A615,
equipment controlled by 6B615, or
‘‘software’’ controlled by 6D615 (see List
of Items Controlled).
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
TSR: Yes, except for the following:
(1) Items controlled for MT reasons;
(2) ‘‘Technology’’ for commodities
controlled by 6A002, 6A003, 6A004.e,
6A008.j.1; or
(3) Exports or reexports to destinations
outside of those countries listed in Country
Group A:5 (See Supplement No. 1 to part 740
of the EAR) of ‘‘technology’’ for the
‘‘production’’ of the following: (a) Items
controlled by 6A001.a.1.b, 6A001.a.1.e,
6A001.a.2.a.1, 6A001.a.2.a.2, 6A001.a.2.a.3,
6A001.a.2.a.5, 6A001.a.2.a.6, 6A001.a.2.b,
6A004.c, 6A004.d, 6A006.a.2, 6A006.c.1,
6A006.d, 6A006.e, 6A008.d, 6A008.h,
6A008.k, 6B008; and (b) Items controlled by
Frm 00021
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
PO 00000
6A001.a.2.c and 6A001.a.2.f when ‘‘specially
designed’’ for real time applications.
Sfmt 4702
NS applies to entire
entry except
RS applies to entire
entry except
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
entry except
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS Column 1.
RS Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any technology in 6E615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Technical data directly
related to articles enumerated or otherwise
described in USML Category XII are subject
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
to the control of USML Category XII(f). (2)
See Related Controls in ECCNs 0A987,
2A984, 6A002, 6A003, 6A004, 6A005,
6A007, 6A008, 7A001, 7A003, 7A005, and
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ operation,
installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul,
or refurbishing of commodities or software
controlled by ECCNs 6A615 (except
6A615.y), 6B615, or 6D615 (except 6D615.y).
b. through x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ‘‘technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘production,’’ ‘‘development,’’ operation,
installation, maintenance, repair, or overhaul
of commodities or ‘‘software’’ in ECCN
6A615.y or 6D615.y.
38. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, revise ECCN 6E990 to read
as follows:
6E990 ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
commodities controlled by ECCN 6A990.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
RS applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in
the ECCN heading.
39. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 6, add a new ECCN 6E994
between ECCNs 6E993 and EAR99, to
read as follows:
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
6E994 ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
maintenance, repair, or overhaul of
commodities controlled under 6A002,
6A003, or 6A990.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:08 May 04, 2015
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of all License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(d)(3) for gyros or angular rate sensors
having an angle random walk of less
(better) than 0.00125 degree per square root
hour or having a bias stability less (better)
than 0.0015 degrees per hour. (2) See also
ECCNs 7A102 and 7A994. For angular or
rotational accelerometers, see ECCN
7A001.b. (3) See ECCN 7A611 for gyros or
angular rate sensors ‘‘specially designed’’
for a defense article enumerated on the
USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and
meeting certain specifications described in
RS applies to entire
AT applies to entire
A license is required
to export and reexport to all countries,
including Canada.
A column specific
to this control does
not appear on the
Commerce Country
Chart. (See
§ 742.6(a)(8)).
AT Column 1.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6E001 for
‘‘development’’ technology and ECCN
6E002 for ‘‘production’’ technology. (2) See
ECCN 6E990 for ‘‘development’’ and
‘‘production’’ technology for commodities
controlled by 6A990.
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in
the ECCN heading.
40. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 7A001 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
7A001 Accelerometers as follows (see List
of Items Controlled) and ‘‘specially
designed’’ ‘‘components’’ therefor.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(d)(2) for accelerometers having a bias
stability of less (better) than 20 micro g, a
scale factor stability of less (better) than 20
parts per million, or capable of measuring
greater than 100,000 g. (2) See ECCN
7A611 for accelerometers ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a defense article enumerated
on the USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN,
and meeting certain specifications
described in 7A611. (3) See also ECCNs
7A101 and 7A994. For angular or
rotational accelerometers, see
ECCN7A001.b. MT controls do not apply to
accelerometers that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ and developed as Measurement
While Drilling (MWD) sensors for use in
downhole well service applications.
41. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 7A002 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
PO 00000
42. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 7A003 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
7A002 Gyros or angular rate sensors,
having any of the following (see List of
Jkt 235001
Items Controlled) and ‘‘specially
designed’’ ‘‘components’’ therefor.
Frm 00022
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
7A003 ‘Inertial measurement equipment or
systems,’ having any of the following
(see List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See also ECCNs 7A103 and
7A994. See USML Category XII(d)(1) for
guidance or navigation systems: (i) having
a CEP of position error rate less (better)
than 0.35 nautical miles per hour; (ii)
having a heading error or true north
determination of less (better) than 0.50
mrad secant (latitude); or (iii) specified to
function at linear acceleration levels
exceeding 25 g. See ECCN 7A611 for
inertial measurement units, inertial
reference units, or heading reference
systems ‘‘specially designed’’ for a defense
article enumerated on the USML or for a
‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and meeting certain
specifications described in 7A611.
43. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, amend ECCN 7A005 by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
7A005 Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS) receiving equipment having any
of the following (see List of Items
Controlled) and ‘‘specially designed’’
‘‘components’’ therefor.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See also ECCNs 7A105
and 7A994. Typically commercially
available GNSS receivers do not employ
decryption or adaptive antennas and are
classified as 7A994. (2) For equipment
‘‘specially designed’’ for military use, see
USML Categories XI and XII.
44. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 7A101 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
7A101 Accelerometers, other than those
controlled by 7A001 (see List of Items
Controlled), and ‘‘specially designed’’
‘‘parts’’ and ‘‘components’’ therefor.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(d)(2) for accelerometers having a bias
stability of less (better) than 20 micro g, a
scale factor stability of less (better) than 20
parts per million, or capable of measuring
greater than 100,000 g. (2) See ECCN
7A611 for accelerometers ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a defense article enumerated
on the USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN,
and meeting certain specifications
described in 7A611. (3) This entry does not
control accelerometers that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ and developed as MWD
(Measurement While Drilling) sensors for
use in downhole well service operations.
45. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 7A102 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
7A102 Gyros, other than those controlled
by 7A002 (see List of Items Controlled),
and ‘‘specially designed’’ ‘‘parts’’ and
‘‘components’’ therefor.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category
XII(d)(3) for gyros or angular rate sensors
having an angle random walk of less
(better) than 0.00125 degree per square root
hour or having a bias stability less (better)
than 0.0015 degrees per hour. (2) See ECCN
7A611 for gyros ‘‘specially designed’’ for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or
for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and meeting
certain specifications described in 7A611.
(3) See also ECCNs 7A002 and 7A994.
46. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 7A611 is revised to
read as follows:
7A611 Military guidance and control
equipment, as follows (see List of Items
License Requirements
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
NS applies to entire
entry except
RS applies to entire
entry except
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS Column 1.
RS Column 1.
18:08 May 04, 2015
Jkt 235001
MT applies to commodities in
7A611.b, .c, and .d
that meet or exceed the parameters of 7A101,
7A102, or 7A103.
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
entry except
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
MT Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of All License Exceptions)
LVS: $1500
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any item in 7A611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Navigation and avionics
equipment and systems, and ‘‘parts,’’
‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’ and
‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially designed’’
therefor, ‘‘specially designed’’ for a
military application that are not
enumerated in any USML category or
another ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN are controlled
by ECCN 3A611. (2) Military guidance and
control equipment that are enumerated on
the USML Category XII, and technical data
(including software) directly related
thereto, are ‘‘subject to the ITAR.’’ (3) See
ECCNs 6A007, 7A001, 7A002, 7A003,
7A101, and 7A102. (4) See ECCN 3A611
and USML Category XI for controls on
countermeasure equipment. (5) See ECCN
0A919 for foreign-made ‘‘military
commodities’’ that incorporate more than a
de minimis amount of U.S. origin ‘‘600
series’’ controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Guidance, navigation, or control systems
‘‘specially designed’’ for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ‘‘600
series’’ ECCN, and having any of the
a.1. A ‘‘CEP’’ of position error rate of less
(better) than or equal to 0.70 nautical miles
per hour and greater (worse) than 0.35
nautical miles per hour;
a.2. A heading error or true north
determination of less (better) than or equal to
0.060 degree secant (latitude) and greater
(worse) than 0.02865 degree secant (latitude);
a.3. Specified to function at linear
acceleration levels exceeding 6 g and less
than or equal to 25 g;
a.4. Stored heading aircraft carrier
alignment features; or
a.5. Inertial measurement equipment or
systems designed to use data from Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) or
‘‘DBRN’’ systems and having an INS
navigation position accuracy subsequent to
normal alignment of:
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
a.5.a. 20 meters CEP after loss of GNSS or
‘‘DBRN’’ for a period greater than 4 minutes
but less than or equal to 30 minutes; or
a.5.b. 30 meters CEP after loss of GNSS or
‘‘DBRN’’ for a period greater than 30 minutes;
b. Inertial measurement units, inertial
reference units, or attitude and heading
reference systems ‘‘specially designed’’ for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or
for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and incorporating
accelerometers meeting the control
thresholds of 7A611.c.1, 7A611.c.2,
7A611.c.3, or USML Category XII(d), or gyros
meeting the control thresholds of 7A611.d.1,
7A611.d.2, 7A611.d.3, or USML Category
c. Accelerometers ‘‘specially designed’’ for
a defense article enumerated on the USML or
for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and having any of
the following:
c.1. A bias stability of less (better) than or
equal to 200 micro g and greater (worse) than
or equal to 20 micro g;
c.2. A scale factor stability of less (better)
than or equal to 200 parts per million and
greater than or equal to 20 parts per million;
c.3. Specified to function at linear
acceleration levels exceeding 10 g;
d. Gyros or angular rate sensors ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a defense article enumerated
on the USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and
having any of the following:
d.1. An ‘‘angle random walk’’ of less
(better) than or equal to 0.010 degree per
square root hour and greater than or equal to
0.00125 degrees per square root hour;
d.2. A bias stability of less (better) than or
equal to 0.015 degree per hour and greater
than or equal to 0.0015 degrees per hour; or
d.3. Specified to function at linear
acceleration levels exceeding 10 g;
e. Gravity meters (gravimeters) ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a defense article enumerated
on the USML or for a ‘‘600 series’’ ECCN, and
having automatic motion compensation and
an accuracy of less (better) than 2 mGal and
greater (worse) than 1mGal.
f. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ‘‘Parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’
and ‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity enumerated or
otherwise described in ECCN 7A611 (except
7A611.y) or a guidance and control defense
article in Category XII and not elsewhere
specified on the USML, in 7A611.y, or
y. Specific ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity subject to control
in this ECCN or a guidance and control
defense article in Category XII and not
elsewhere specified on the USML or in the
CCL, as follows, and ‘‘parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’
‘‘accessories,’’ and ‘‘attachments’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ therefor:
47. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, add ECCN 7B611 between
ECCNs 7B103 and 7B994, to read as
7B611 Test, inspection, and production
‘‘equipment’’ and related commodities
‘‘specially designed’’ for military
guidance and control equipment, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
NS applies to entire
RS applies to entire
MT applies to
‘‘equipment’’ and
related commodities ‘‘specially designed’’ for commodities controlled
for MT reasons in
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
RS Column 1.
NS applies to entire
entry except
RS applies to entire
entry except
MT applies to ‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the
‘‘production,’’ operation, or maintenance of commodities controlled for
MT reasons in
7A611 or 7B611.
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
entry except
MT Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception
STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any item in 7B611.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
NS Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of All License Exceptions)
LVS: $1500
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See Related Controls in
ECCNs 6A007, 7A001, 7A002, 7A003,
7A101, and 7A102. (2) See ECCN 0A919
for foreign-made ‘‘military commodities’’
that incorporate more than a de minimis
amount of U.S. origin ‘‘600 series’’
controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Test, inspection, and production
‘‘equipment’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ repair,
overhaul, or refurbishing of commodities
controlled in ECCN 7A611 or guidance and
control equipment in USML Category XII that
are not enumerated in USML Category XII or
‘‘600 series’’ ECCN.
b. Environmental test facilities ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the certification, qualification,
or testing of commodities controlled in ECCN
7A611 (except 7A611.y) or guidance and
control equipment in USML Category XII that
are not enumerated in USML Category XII or
‘‘600 series’’ ECCN.
c. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ‘‘Parts,’’ ‘‘components,’’ ‘‘accessories,’’
and ‘‘attachments’’ that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for a commodity listed in this
entry and that are not enumerated on the
USML or controlled by another ‘‘600 series’’
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
RS Column 1.
MT Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of All License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(1) of the EAR)
may not be used for ‘‘development’’ or
‘‘production’’ ‘‘software’’ in 7D611.a. (2)
Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA
(§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be used
for any software in 7D611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) ‘‘Software’’ directly
related to articles enumerated in USML
Category XII is subject of USML paragraph
XII(f). (2) See Related Controls in ECCNs
6A007, 7A001, 7A002, 7A003, 7A101, and
7A102. (3) See ECCN 0A919 for foreignmade ‘‘military commodities’’ that
incorporate more than a de minimis
amount of U.S. origin ‘‘600 series’’
controlled content.
Related Definitions:
a. ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ operation or
maintenance of commodities controlled by
ECCNs 7A611 (except 7A611.y) or 7B611.
b. to x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’
for the ‘‘production,’’ ‘‘development,’’ or
operation or maintenance of commodities
described in 7A611.y.
7D611 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for
the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 7A611 or
7E611 ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul or refurbishing of
18:08 May 04, 2015
Jkt 235001
49. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, add ECCN 7E611 between
ECCNs 7E104 and 7E994, to read as
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4701
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
NS Column 1.
48. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, add ECCN 7D611 between
ECCNs 7D103 and 7D994, to read as
VerDate Sep<11>2014
commodities controlled by 7A611,
equipment controlled by 7B611, or
software controlled by 7D611, as follows
(see List of Items Controlled).
equipment controlled by 7B611 (see List
of Items Controlled).
Sfmt 4702
NS applies to entire
entry except
RS applies to entire
entry except
MT applies to ‘‘technology’’ ‘‘required’’
for the ‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ operation, installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of commodities or software
controlled for MT
reasons in 7A611,
7B611, or 7D611.
AT applies to entire
UN applies to entire
entry except
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS Column 1.
RS Column 1.
MT Column 1.
AT Column 1.
See § 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a Description of All License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(1) of the EAR)
may not be used for ‘‘development’’ or
‘‘production’’ ‘‘technology’’ in 7E611.a. (2)
Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA
(§ 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be used
for any technology in 7E611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: Technical data directly
related to articles enumerated in USML
Category XII are subject to the control of
USML Category XII(f).
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ‘‘Technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ operation,
installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul,
or refurbishing of commodities or ‘‘software’’
controlled by ECCNs 7A611 (except
7A611.y), 7B611, or 7D611 (except 7D611.y).
b. through x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ‘‘technology’’ ‘‘required’’ for the
‘‘production,’’ ‘‘development,’’ operation,
installation, maintenance, repair, or overhaul
of commodities or software controlled by
ECCNs 7A611.y or 7D611.y.
50. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774,
Category 7, ECCN 8A002 is amended by
revising the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section,
to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed Rules
8A002 Marine systems, equipment, ‘‘parts’’
and ‘‘components,’’ as follows (see List
of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See also 8A992 and for
underwater communications systems, see
Category 5, Part I—Telecommunications.
(2) See also 8A992 for self-contained
underwater breathing apparatus that is not
controlled by 8A002 or released for control
by the 8A002.q Note. (3) For electronic
imaging systems ‘‘specially designed’’ or
modified for underwater use incorporating
image intensifier tubes specified by
6A002.a.2.a or 6A002.a.2.b, see 6A003.b.3.
(4) For electronic imaging systems
‘‘specially designed’’ or modified for
underwater use incorporating ‘‘focal plane
arrays’’ specified by 6A002.a.3.g, see
6A003.b.4.c. (5) Section 744.9 imposes a
license requirement on commodities
described in 8A002.d.1.c or .d.2 if being
exported, reexported, or transferred (incountry) for use by a military end-user or
for incorporation into an item controlled
by ECCN 0A919.
Dated: April 16, 2015.
Kevin J. Wolf,
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export
C. Edward Peartree, Director, Office of
Defense Trade Controls Policy,
Department of State, telephone (202)
663–2792; email
ATTN: Regulatory Change, USML
Category XII.
[Public Notice: 9110]
RIN 1400–AD32
Amendment to the International Traffic
in Arms Regulations: Revision of U.S.
Munitions List Category XII
Department of State.
Proposed rule.
As part of the President’s
Export Control Reform effort, the
Department of State proposes to amend
the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR) to revise Category
XII (fire control, range finder, optical
and guidance and control equipment) of
the U.S. Munitions List (USML) to
describe more precisely the articles
warranting control on the USML.
DATES: The Department of State will
accept comments on this proposed rule
until July 6, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may
submit comments within 60 days of the
date of publication by one of the
following methods:
• Email: DDTCPublicComments@ with the subject line, ‘‘ITAR
Amendment—Category XII.’’
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
18:08 May 04, 2015
Directorate of Defense Trade Controls
(DDTC), U.S. Department of State,
administers the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR parts
120–130). The items subject to the
jurisdiction of the ITAR, i.e., ‘‘defense
articles,’’ are identified on the ITAR’s
U.S. Munitions List (USML) (22 CFR
121.1). With few exceptions, items not
subject to the export control jurisdiction
of the ITAR are subject to the
jurisdiction of the Export
Administration Regulations (‘‘EAR,’’ 15
CFR parts 730–774, which includes the
Commerce Control List (CCL) in
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774),
administered by the Bureau of Industry
and Security (BIS), U.S. Department of
Commerce. Both the ITAR and the EAR
impose license requirements on exports
and reexports. Items not subject to the
ITAR or to the exclusive licensing
jurisdiction of any other set of
regulations are subject to the EAR. The
revisions contained in this rule are part
of the Department of State’s
retrospective plan under E.O. 13563
completed on August 17, 2011. The
Department of State’s full plan can be
accessed at
22 CFR Part 121
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Comments received after that date will
be considered if feasible, but
consideration cannot be assured. Those
submitting comments should not
include any personally identifying
information they do not desire to be
made public or any information for
which a claim of confidentiality is
asserted. All comments and transmittal
emails will be made available for public
inspection and copying after the close of
the comment period via the Directorate
of Defense Trade Controls Web site at Parties who
wish to comment anonymously may do
so by submitting their comments via, leaving the fields
that would identify the commenter
blank and including no identifying
information in the comment itself.
Comments submitted via are immediately
available for public inspection.
[FR Doc. 2015–10353 Filed 5–4–15; 8:45 am]
• Internet: At,
search for this notice by using this rule’s
RIN (1400–AD32).
Jkt 235001
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Revision of Category XII
This proposed rule revises USML
Category XII, covering fire control, range
finder, optical and guidance and control
equipment, to advance the national
security objectives set forth above and to
more accurately describe the articles
within the category, in order to establish
a ‘‘bright line’’ between the USML and
the CCL for the control of these articles.
Paragraph (a) is revised to add
subparagraphs (1) through (9) to more
clearly describe the articles controlled
in (a).
Paragraph (a)(1) is added for fire
control systems and equipment.
Paragraph (a)(2) is added for weapons
sights and weapons aiming or imaging
systems, with certain infrared focal
plane arrays, image intensifier tubes,
ballistic computers, or lasers.
Paragraph (a)(3) is added for
electronic or optical weapon
positioning, laying, or spotting systems
or equipment.
Paragraph (a)(4) is added for certain
laser spot trackers and laser spot
Paragraph (a)(5) is added for bomb
sights and bombing computers.
Paragraph (a)(6) is added for electrooptical missile or ordnance tracking or
guidance systems.
Paragraph (a)(7) is added for electrooptical systems or equipment that
automatically detect and locate weapons
launch or fire.
Paragraph (a)(8) is added for certain
remote wind sensing systems or
equipment for enhanced targeting.
Paragraph (a)(9) is added for certain
helmet mounted display (HMD)
Paragraph (b) is revised to add
subparagraphs (1) through (14) to more
clearly describe the articles controlled
in (b).
Paragraph (b)(1) is added for laser
target designators or coded target
Paragraph (b)(2) is added for certain
infrared laser aiming or target
illumination systems.
Paragraph (b)(3) is added for certain
laser range finders.
Paragraph (b)(4) is added for certain
targeting or target location systems.
Paragraph (b)(5) is added for optical
augmentation systems.
Paragraph (b)(6) is added for certain
light detection and ranging (LIDAR),
laser detection and ranging (LADAR), or
range-gated systems and includes a
carve out for certain LIDAR systems for
civil automotive applications.
Paragraph (b)(7) is added for certain
synthetic aperture LIDAR or LADAR
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 86 (Tuesday, May 5, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 25797-25821]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-10353]
[[Page 25797]]
Vol. 80
No. 86
May 5, 2015
Part II
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 734, 740, 742, et al.
Department of State
22 CFR Part 121
Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of
Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical, and Guidance and Control Equipment
the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United
States Munitions List (USML); Amendment to the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations: Revision of U.S. Munitions List Category XII;
Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 80 , No. 86 / Tuesday, May 5, 2015 / Proposed
[[Page 25798]]
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 734, 740, 742, 744, 772, and 774
[Docket No. 140221170-4170-01]
RIN 0694-AF75
Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control
of Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical, and Guidance and Control
Equipment the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the
United States Munitions List (USML)
AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule describes how articles the President
determines no longer warrant control under Category XII (Fire Control,
Range Finder, Optical and Guidance and Control Equipment) of the United
States Munitions List (USML) of the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR) would be controlled under the Commerce Control List
(CCL) by creating new ``600 series'' Export Control Classification
Numbers (ECCN)s 6A615, 6B615 and 6D615 for military fire control, range
finder, and optical items, by revising ECCN 7A611 and by creating new
ECCNs 7B611, 7C611 and 7E611 for military optical and guidance items.
In addition, for certain night vision items currently subject to the
Export Administration Regulations (EAR), this rule proposes to expand
the scope of control, eliminate the use of some license exceptions, and
create new ECCNs for certain software and technology related to night
vision items. This proposed rule would also expand the scope of end-use
restrictions on certain exports and reexports of certain cameras,
systems, or equipment and expand the scope of military commodities
described in ECCN 0A919.
DATES: Comments must be received by July 6, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Search for this rule using its docket number: BIS-2015-
By email directly to Include
RIN 0694-AF75 in the subject line.
By mail or delivery to Regulatory Policy Division, Bureau
of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 2099B, 14th
Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20230. Refer to RIN
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dennis Krepp, Office of National
Security and Technology Transfer Controls, Bureau of Industry and
Security, Telephone: 202-482-1309, Email:
This proposed rule is part of the Administration's Export Control
Reform Initiative, the objective of which is to protect and enhance
U.S. national security interests. The Initiative began in August 2009
when President Obama directed the Administration to conduct a broad-
based review of the U.S. export control system to identify additional
ways to enhance national security. Once the Department of State's
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and its U.S. Munitions
List (USML) are amended to control only the items that provide the
United States with a critical military or intelligence advantage or
otherwise warrant such controls, and the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR) are amended to control military items that do not
warrant USML controls, the U.S. export control system will enhance
national security by (i) improving interoperability of U.S. military
forces with allied countries, (ii) strengthening the U.S. industrial
base by, among other things, reducing incentives for foreign
manufacturers to design out and avoid US-origin content and services,
and (iii) allowing export control officials to focus government
resources on transactions that pose greater concern.
Pursuant to section 38(f) of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA),
the President is obligated to review the USML ``to determine what
items, if any, no longer warrant export controls under'' the AECA. The
President must report the results of the review to Congress and wait 30
days before removing any such items from the USML. The report must
``describe the nature of any controls to be imposed on that item under
any other provision of law.'' 22 U.S.C. 2778(f)(1).
BIS has published and will continue to publish additional Federal
Register notices containing proposed amendments to the CCL that
describe proposed controls for additional categories of articles to the
extent the President determines such articles no longer warrant control
under the USML. The State Department will publish concurrently proposed
amendments to the USML that correspond to the BIS notices. BIS will
also publish proposed rules to further align the CCL with the Wassenaar
Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods
and Technologies' Munitions List (Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List
or WAML) and the Missile Technology Control Regime's Equipment,
Software and Technology Annex (MTCR Annex).
Following the structure set forth in the final rule entitled
``Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations: Initial
Implementation of Export Control Reform'' (78 FR 22660, April 16, 2013)
(``April 16 (initial implementation) rule''), this proposed rule
describes BIS's proposal for controlling under the EAR and its CCL fire
control, range finder, optical, and guidance and control equipment, and
related articles now controlled by the ITAR's USML Category XII. The
proposed changes described in this proposed rule and the corresponding
changes in the State Department's proposed amendment to Category XII of
the USML are based on a review of Category XII by the Defense
Department, which worked with the Departments of State and Commerce in
preparing the proposed amendments. The review was focused on
identifying the types of articles that are currently controlled by USML
Category XII that are either (i) inherently military and otherwise
warrant control on the USML or (ii) if it is a type common to non-
military equipment, possess parameters or characteristics that provide
a critical military or intelligence advantage to the United States, and
that are almost exclusively available from the United States. If an
article satisfied one or both of those criteria, the article remained
on the USML. If an article did not satisfy either standard, but was
nonetheless a type of article that is, as a result of differences in
form and fit, ``specially designed'' for military applications, it was
identified in current or new ECCNs proposed in this notice.
In the April 16 (initial implementation) rule, BIS created a series
of new ECCNs to control items that would be removed from the USML, or
that are items from the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for
Conventional Arms and Dual Use Goods and Technologies Munitions List
(Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List or WAML) that are already
controlled elsewhere on the CCL. That final rule referred to this
series as the ``600 series'' because the third character in each of the
new ECCNs would be a ``6.'' The first two characters of the 600 series
ECCNs serve the same function as any other ECCN as described in Sec.
738.2 of the EAR. The first character is a digit in the range 0 through
9 that identifies the
[[Page 25799]]
Category on the CCL in which the ECCN is located. The second character
is a letter in the range A through E that identifies the product group
within a CCL Category. In the 600 series, the third character is the
number 6. With few exceptions, the final two characters identify the
WAML category that covers items that are the same or similar to items
in a particular 600 series ECCN.
A ``600 series'' ECCN will not be created, however, if an existing
ECCN is subject to controls for reasons other than Anti-Terrorism (AT)
reasons and allows for identification, classification, and control of
items transferred from the USML. Many of the items controlled under
Category XII of the ITAR would also be subject to controls established
by the Wassenaar Arrangement List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies,
which are reflected in many existing ECCNs on the CCL. Consequently,
for many items, the review identified control parameters to delineate
those items that would remain controlled under USML Category XII of the
ITAR from those that would be subject to the lower threshold controls
identified in the CCL. Accordingly, this proposed rule would revise the
following existing ECCNs: 0A987, optical sighting devices for firearms;
2A984, concealed object detection equipment; 6A004, optical equipment
and components; 6A005, lasers, components, and optical equipment;
6A007, gravity meters and gravity gradiometers; 6A008, radar systems,
equipment, and assemblies; 6A107, gravity meters and gravity
gradiometers; 7A001, accelerometers; 7A002, gyros or angular rate
sensors; 7A003, inertial measurement equipment or systems; 7A005,
Global Navigation Satellite Systems receiving equipment; 7A101,
accelerometers; and 7A102, gyros. In order to maintain consistency with
the Wassenaar Arrangement, proposed revisions to these ECCNs would not
amend the control parameters in the Items paragraph of the ECCNs.
Rather, most amendments add notes to the Related Controls paragraph or
specific subparagraphs of the Items paragraph to reference the
corresponding control under Category XII of the USML.
The review also identified several sensors and cameras that provide
important night vision capability for military use but are also widely
used in civil products and applications. In order to address the
sensitivity of these items that are currently on the Wassenaar
Arrangement's Dual-Use Control List and thus controlled under ECCNs
6A002 (optical sensors or equipment and components therefor) and 6A003
(cameras, systems or equipment, and components therefor) on the
Commerce Control List, this proposed rule would amend the availability
of License Exceptions STA and APR for certain items; revise the license
review policy; expand the license requirement in Sec. 744.9; expand
software controls related to ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003 by revising ECCNs
6D002, 6D003, and 6D991; and create new ECCNs 6D994 and 6E994 for
repair, maintenance, or overhaul software or technology for ECCNs
6A002, 6A003, or 6A990 commodities. In addition, this proposed rule
proposes to revise controls for certain read-out integrated circuits in
ECCN 6A990 and related software and technology in ECCNs 6D991 and
6E990, as well as newly proposed ECCNs 6D994 and 6E994. To ensure
interagency review of all items in ECCNs 6A002 and 6A990, this proposed
rule would establish a new RS control that would require a license to
export or reexport these commodities, as well as related software and
technology, to all destinations, including Canada. This worldwide RS
control, described further in Sec. 742.6(a)(8), would effectively add
a license requirement for Canada for all exports and reexports of ECCNs
6A002 and 6A990 commodities.
This proposed rule would also amend ECCN 6A002 to specify that
focal plane arrays controlled under that ECCN include certain focal
plane arrays in a ``permanent encapsulated sensor assembly'', as that
term is proposed to be defined in Sec. 772.1, are subject to the EAR.
Under this proposed rule, focal plane arrays described in ECCN 6A002
that are not in a ``permanent encapsulated sensor assembly'' would be
subject to the ITAR. Although these items are proposed to be subject to
a worldwide license requirement, these commodities would be eligible
for de minimis treatment (unless subject to Sec. 734.4(a)(5)) under
the EAR and clearly included on the CCL, thus addressing concerns
foreign manufacturers have expressed regarding jurisdictional
uncertainty on components incorporated in foreign-made commercial
This proposed rule would also revise controls pertaining to cameras
classified under ECCN 6A993.a as a result of meeting the criteria to
Note 3.a to ECCN 6A003.b.4.b (i.e., having a maximum frame rate equal
to or less than 9 Hz). The interagency review found that these 9 Hz
cameras have been incorporated into foreign military commodities. As a
result, this proposed rule would amend Sec. 744.9 to include such 9 Hz
cameras and subject them to the license requirements described in that
section. This change is described more fully below. Additionally, this
proposed rule would create new ECCN 0E987 to control technology
required for the development or production of ECCN 0A987 commodities
that incorporate a focal plane array or image intensifier tube.
For those items being transferred from Category XII of the ITAR
that are not covered by an existing ECCN that have controls for reasons
other than AT reasons, this proposed rule would create (or revise in
the case of 7A611) the following ``600 series'' ECCNs: 6A615, military
fire control, range finder, and optical equipment; 6B615, test,
inspection, and production ``equipment'' and related commodities
``specially designed'' for the ``development'' or ``production'' of
military fire control, range finder, and optical equipment; 6D615,
software ``specially designed'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, or maintenance of military fire control,
range finder, and optical equipment controlled by ECCNs 6A615 or 6B615;
6E615, technology ``required'' for the ``development,'' ``production,''
operation, installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul, or refurbishing
of military fire control, range finder, and optical equipment
controlled by 6A615 or 6B615 or software controlled under 6D615; 7A611,
military guidance and control equipment; 7B611, test, inspection, and
production ``equipment'' and related commodities ``specially designed''
for military guidance and control equipment; 7D611, software
``specially designed'' for the ``development,'' ``production,''
operation, or maintenance of commodities controlled by 7A611 or
equipment controlled by 7B611; and 7E611, technology ``required'' for
the ``development,'' ``production,'' operation, installation,
maintenance, repair, overhaul or refurbishing of commodities controlled
by 7A611, equipment controlled by 7B611, or software controlled by
As the U.S. Government works through the proposed revisions to the
USML and the related proposed new controls on the CCL, the agencies
recognize that some proposed control parameters may control items in
normal commercial use and on the Wassenaar Arrangement's Dual Use List.
BIS believes that multiple perspectives would be beneficial to this
process, and, while welcoming comments from all interested persons
concerning any aspect of this proposed rule, it believes that input
from users of the lists on the following issues would be particularly
[[Page 25800]]
(1) A key goal of this rulemaking is to ensure the USML and the CCL
together control all items that meet Wassenaar Arrangement commitments
embodied in USML Category XII. To that end, the public is asked to
identify any potential lack of coverage brought about by the proposed
rules when reviewed together.
(2) Another key goal of this rulemaking is to identify items
proposed for control on the USML or the CCL that are not controlled on
the Wassenaar Arrangement's Munitions or Dual Use List. The public is
asked to identify any items proposed for control on the CCL that are
not controlled on the Wassenaar Arrangement's Munitions or Dual Use
(3) A third key goal of this rulemaking is to establish a ``bright
line'' between the USML and the CCL, and between the CCL's 600 series
and the rest of the CCL, for control of the items at issue. The public
is asked to provide specific examples of control criteria that do not
clearly describe items that would be defense articles, and thus do not
establish a ``bright line'' between the USML and the CCL, or between
the 600 series and the rest of the CCL.
(4) Although the proposed revisions to the USML and the CCL do not
preclude the possibility that items in normal commercial use would or
should be ITAR-controlled because, e.g., they provide the United States
with a critical military or intelligence advantage, or controlled in
the EAR's 600 series controls, the U.S. Government does not want to
inadvertently control items on the ITAR or in the 600 series that are
in normal commercial use. As described in the State Department's
proposed rule, items that would be controlled on the USML have been
identified as possessing parameters or characteristics that provide a
critical military or intelligence advantage. The corresponding 600
series entries would control all other such items not meeting this
standard, but that are nonetheless ``specially designed'' for military
applications. The public is thus asked to provide specific examples of
items, if any, that would be controlled by the revised USML Category
XII or the new 600 series entries proposed in this rule that are now in
normal commercial use and should thus controlled elsewhere on the CCL.
The examples should demonstrate actual commercial use, not just
potential or theoretical use, with supporting documents, as well as
foreign availability of such items.
(5) If there are any criteria proposed in the revised USML Category
XII or new 600 series entries that the public believes control items in
normal commercial use, the public is asked to identify different
parameters or characteristics that would cover items exclusively or
primarily in military use.
(6) If there are any criteria the public believes control items in
normal commercial use, the public is asked to identify the multilateral
controls (such as the Wassenaar Arrangement's Dual Use List), if any,
for such items, and the consequences of such items being controlled on
the USML or the 600 series entries.
(7) BIS seeks public comment on the use of the phrase ``permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly'' in this proposed rule.
(8) BIS also encourages comments on the proposed expansion of
license requirements and removal of license exception availability on
items, as described in this rule, that are currently exportable without
a license or under a license exception.
(9) Finally, BIS seeks comments on the impact of the proposed new
license requirements for the export to Canada of items described in
this rule.
Detailed Description of Changes in This Proposed Rule--Increased
Controls for Night Vision Items
To address concerns regarding the control of night vision items
currently subject to the EAR or proposed to be transferred from USML
Category XII to the CCL, as well as foreign-made military commodities
incorporating night vision items, this proposed rule would revise the
policies for night vision items controlled in Category 6 by amending
Sec. Sec. 734.4(a), 740.16, 740.20, 742.6, and 744.9 of the EAR. These
changes are described more fully herein.
Revisions to Section 734.4
Section 734.4(a)(5) of the EAR currently provides that there is no
de minimis level for foreign military commodities, as described in ECCN
0A919, that incorporate certain night vision items. Since this proposed
rule would expand the scope of items controlled under ECCN 0A919, as
described further below, Sec. 734.4(a)(5) would also be revised to
reflect changes to that ECCN. Under this proposed rule, there would be
no de minimis level for foreign-made military commodities described in
ECCN 0A919, which incorporate commodities classified under ECCNs 6A002,
6A003, 6A990, or 6A993.a (that meet the criteria of Note 3.a to ECCN
Addition to Section 740.2
Section 740.2 sets forth restrictions on all license exceptions.
This rule would make technology for production of commodities defined
in ECCNs 6A002.a.2 (image intensifier tubes), 6A002.a.3 (certain focal
plane arrays), or 6A990 (read-out integrated circuits specially
designed for focal plane arrays controlled by ECCN 6A003.a.2) and
controlled under ECCNs 6E002 or 6E990 ineligible for any license
exception. The restriction is being proposed because of the potential
use of these tubes, arrays and integrated circuits in night vision
Availability of License Exception APR
Section 740.16 of the EAR currently authorizes specified reexports
of items subject to the EAR by certain countries to specified
destinations without individual licenses from BIS. To ensure
appropriate control for items in ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, and 6A990, as well
as items covered by ECCN 0A919 incorporating such items, this rule
proposes to remove APR availability for reexports from Country Group
A:1 or cooperating countries for items described in ECCNs 6A002, 6A003,
and 6A990. However, cameras described in ECCN 6A003 may be exported or
reexported under License Exception APR to and among Albania, Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,
Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, and the United Kingdom if such cameras are fully packaged for
use as consumer ready civil products or such cameras with not more than
111,000 elements are to be embedded in civil products. This rule also
would make commodities described in ECCN 0A897 (optical sighting
devices for firearms) that incorporate an image intensifier tube
ineligible for export to and among countries in Country Group A:1 and
cooperating countries under License Exception APR because of the night
vision capability of those devices.
Availability of License Exception STA
The EAR currently restricts the use of License Exception STA for
specific commodities controlled by ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003, as well as
related technology controlled by 6E001 or 6E002, for export or reexport
to countries listed in Sec. 740.20(c)(2). By amending Sec.
740.20(b)(2), this rule proposes to remove License Exception STA
availability for newly-proposed technology controlled under ECCN 0E987;
all commodities controlled under ECCN 6A002; commodities
[[Page 25801]]
controlled under ECCN 6A990; software controlled under ECCN 6D002 for
the ``use'' of commodities controlled under ECCN 6A002.b; software
controlled under ECCN 6D003.c; software controlled under ECCN 6D991 for
the ``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use'' of commodities
controlled under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990; software controlled
under new ECCN 6D994; technology controlled under ECCN 6E001 for the
``development'' of commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003;
technology controlled under ECCN 6E002 for the ``production'' of
commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003; technology
controlled under ECCN 6E990; and technology controlled under new 6E994.
Revisions to Regional Stability Licensing Policy
Section 742.6 sets forth controls that support U.S. foreign policy
to maintain regional stability. This proposed rule would add new Sec.
742.6(a)(8) to require a license worldwide for the export or reexport
of some Category 0 and 6 items. Specifically, the new provision would
pertain to: Commodities described in ECCNs 6A002 or 6A990; ``software''
described in ECCN 6D002 for the ``use'' of ECCN 6A002.b commodities;
``software'' described in ECCN 6D003.c; ``software'' described in ECCN
6D991 for the ``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use'' of ECCN
6A002, 6A003, or 6A990 commodities; ``software'' described in ECCN
6D994; ``technology'' described in ECCN 0E987; ``technology'' described
in ECCN 6E001 for the ``development'' of ECCN 6A002 or 6A003
commodities; ``technology'' described in ECCN 6E002 for the
``production'' of ECCN 6A002 or 6A003 commodities; ``technology''
described in ECCN 6E990; and ``technology'' described in ECCN 6E994.
With the exception of military commodities controlled under ECCN
0A919, license applications for all commodities described above subject
to the worldwide RS control will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis,
as described in Sec. 742.6(b)(1)(ii). However, license applications
for all items described in the above paragraph, including military
commodities controlled under ECCN 0A919, would be subject to ITAR
licensing policies for exports or reexports of such items to military
end users described in Sec. 744.9(d) or for incorporation into a
``military commodity'' controlled by ECCN 0A919.
This rule further proposes to revise Sec. 742.6(b)(1) to set forth
a presumption of denial for exports or reexports of software controlled
under ECCNs 6D002 (for the ``use'' of ECCN 6A002.b commodities),
6D003.c, and 6D991 (for the ``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use''
of commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990). Software
controlled under ECCN 6D994, however, would be reviewed on a case-by-
case basis.
With respect to technology, this proposed rule would revise Sec.
742.6(b)(1) to set forth a presumption of denial for exports or
reexports of technology controlled under ECCNs 0E987, 6E001 (for
``development'' of ECCN 6A002 or 6A003 commodities), 6E002 (for
``production'' of ECCN 6A002 or 6A003 commodities except for technology
required for integration, mounting, inspection, testing, or quality
assurance), and 6E990. However, applications for ECCN 6E002 ``build-to-
print technology'' that is required for integration, mounting,
inspection, testing, or quality assurance would be reviewed on a case-
by-case basis.
This rule also would add ECCN 6A003.b (certain imaging cameras) to
Sec. 742.6(b)(1)(iii)(C) to apply the license application review
policy of the ITAR if being exported or reexported for incorporation
into a ``military commodity'' controlled by ECCN 0A919.
Finally, this rule proposes no substantive changes to the existing
licensing policy described in current Sec. 742.6(b)(1), but this rule
does propose to re-structure the description of those policies under
Sec. 742.6(b)(1)(i)-(b)(1)(iv).
Revisions to End-Use/End-User Controls
Section 744.9 currently requires a license for the export or
reexport to any destination other than Canada for cameras controlled by
ECCNs 6A003.b.3, 6A003.b.4.b, or 6A003.b.4.c when the exporter knows or
is informed that the item is intended to be used by a ``military end-
user'' or to be incorporated into a ``military commodity'' controlled
by ECCN 0A919, in addition to other applicable license requirements in
the EAR.
This proposed rule would revise Sec. 744.9 to require a license
for exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) of commodities
controlled by ECCN 0A987 (incorporating items in ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003,
or certain cameras in 6A993.a), ECCN 6A002, ECCN 6A003, ECCN 6A990,
ECCN 6A993.a commodities meeting the criteria of Note 3.a to ECCN
6A003.b.4.b., ECCN 8A002.d.1.c, and ECCN 8A002.d.2, when the exporter
or reexporter knows or is informed that the item is intended to be used
by a ``military end-user'' or to be incorporated into a ``military
commodity'' controlled by ECCN 0A919. Commodities controlled by ECCN
6A993.a as a result of meeting the criteria of Note 3.a to ECCN
6A003.b.4.b are cameras with a maximum frame rate equal to or less than
9 Hz. Although these 9 Hz cameras are subject only to Anti-Terrorism
controls, the U.S. Government determined that 9 Hz cameras are used in
foreign-made military commodities and thus merited inclusion in Sec.
License applications submitted as a result of the proposed
revisions of Sec. 744.9 would be reviewed under the ITAR licensing
policy described in Sec. Sec. 742.6(b)(1)(iii) and 744.9(c).
Addition of Definition to Part 772
To more precisely address the jurisdictional split for focal plane
arrays described in ECCN 6A002, this rule proposes to add a definition
for focal plane arrays in a ``permanent encapsulated sensor assembly.''
Focal plane arrays described in ECCN 6A002 that are focal plane arrays
in a ``permanent encapsulated sensor assembly'' and are not otherwise
subject to the ITAR would be subject to the EAR, while focal plane
arrays described in ECCN 6A002 that are not in a ``permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly'' would be subject to the ITAR.
Revisions to ECCN 0A919
ECCN 0A919 currently controls ``military commodities'' produced and
located outside the United States that are not subject to the ITAR, and
incorporate one or more cameras controlled under ECCNs 6A003.b.3,
6A003.b.4.b, or 6A003.b.4.c. In addition, ECCN 0A919 controls such
``military commodities'' if they incorporate more than a de minimis
amount of U.S.-origin 600 series content or are the direct products of
U.S.-origin 600 series technology or software.
To control the reexport of such military commodities that
incorporate a wider group of items on the CCL, this proposed rule would
revise ECCN 0A919 to control military commodities produced outside the
United States that are not subject to the ITAR, and have any of the
following characteristics: (i) Incorporate one or more commodities
classified under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990; (ii) incorporate one or
more commodities controlled under ECCN 6A993.a as a result of meeting
the criteria specified in Note 3.a to ECCN 6A003.b.4.b (i.e., having a
maximum frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz); (iii) incorporate more
than a de minimis amount of U.S.-origin ``600 series'' controlled
content; or (iv) are direct products of U.S.-origin ``600 series''
[[Page 25802]]
Establishment of ECCN 0E987
This proposed rule would create a new ECCN for technology required
for the ``development'' or ``production'' of commodities controlled by
ECCN 0A987, if such commodities incorporate a focal plane array or
image intensifier tube. ECCN 0E987 would be subject to a worldwide RS
control and Anti-Terrorism (AT Column 1) control. In addition, items
controlled by 0E987 would not be eligible for License Exception STA.
Revisions to ECCN 6A002
ECCN 6A002 currently controls specified optical sensors or
equipment and components therefor. The Department of State's proposed
rule for Category XII, which is being published concurrently with this
rule, enumerates certain optical sensors and components, such as image
intensifier tubes and focal plane arrays, that are subject to the ITAR.
Consequently, this proposed rule adds references to the ITAR in the
Related Controls paragraph of ECCN 6A002, as well as references to ECCN
0A919, Sec. 744.9, and other related ECCNs.
ECCN 6A002 is currently subject to National Security (NS), Missile
Technology (MT), Crime Control (CC), RS, Anti-Terrorism (AT), and
United Nations (UN) reasons for control. To ensure interagency review
of any proposed export or reexport of an ECCN 6A002 commodity, this
proposed rule would revise this ECCN's RS control to require a license
for all destinations, including Canada, for the entire entry. The
proposed worldwide RS control eliminates the need to maintain the
current RS column 1 control. Consequently, this proposed rule would
revise the License Requirements section of ECCN 6A002 accordingly.
Also, this rule proposes to add notes within the Items paragraph of the
ECCN to further specify when items described in ECCN 6A002 (and on the
Wassenaar Arrangement's Lists of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies) would
be subject to the ITAR.
Revisions to ECCN 6A003
ECCN 6A003 currently controls specified cameras, systems or
equipment and components therefor. Under the Department of State's
proposed rule, Category XII(c) more positively enumerates certain items
that are also described by ECCN 6A003. Consequently, this proposed rule
adds a reference to USML Category XII(c) in the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 6A003. Also, this rule revises the Related Controls
references to ECCN 0A919 and Sec. 744.9 to reflect the expansion of
the applicability of those provisions to all of ECCN 6A003.
Revisions to ECCN 6A990
Under the Department of State's proposed rule to revise USML
Category XII, certain read-out integrated circuits would be controlled
under XII(e). Read-out integrated circuits (ROICs) that are ``specially
designed'' for focal plane arrays controlled under ECCN 6A002.a.3 would
be classified under ECCN 6A990 and subject to the worldwide RS control
described in Sec. 742.6(a)(8). In addition, these items would not be
eligible for License Exception STA and would be subject to the
limitations on the use of License Exception APR in Sec. 740.16(a)(2)
and (b)(2). This rule also proposes to insert references to Category
XII(e), ECCN 0A919, and Sec. 744.9 under the Related Controls
paragraph. Also, this rule would allow for the use of License Exception
LVS for this ECCN with a $500 value limit. This change would ensure
that controls on ROICs subject to the EAR are not more restrictive than
controls for ROICs proposed to be controlled in USML Category XII(e),
which would be eligible for the exemption in Sec. 123.16(b)(2) of the
Revisions to ECCN 6A993
As previously mentioned, Sec. 744.9 is proposed to be revised to
require a license for 9 Hz cameras if exported to a ``military end
user'' or if incorporated into a ``military commodity.'' To remind
readers of the applicability of Sec. 744.9 and ECCN 0A919 to 9 Hz
cameras, this rule provides a reference to those provisions under the
Related Controls paragraph of 6A993.
Revisions to ECCNs 6D002, 6D003, and 6D991, and Establishment of 6D994
The Wassenaar Arrangement's Lists of Dual-Use Goods and
Technologies impose limited controls on software related to commodities
controlled under ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003. As a result, the CCL currently
has the following multilateral and unilateral software controls related
to such items: ECCN 6D002 (software ``specially designed'' for the
``use'' of commodities controlled under ECCN 6A002.b), ECCN 6D003.c
(software designed or modified for cameras incorporating ``focal plane
arrays'' specified by ECCN 6A002.a.3.f and designed or modified to
remove a frame rate restriction and allow the camera to exceed the
frame rate specified in ECCN 6A003.b.4 Note 3.a), and ECCN 6D991
(software specially designed for the ``use'' of commodities controlled
under ECCN 6A002.a.1.d).
To address concerns regarding the lack of comprehensive software
controls related to commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003,
as well as read-out integrated circuits in 6A990, this proposed rule
would consolidate existing, unilateral software controls and would
expand them to revise ECCN 6D991 to also control software, not
elsewhere specified, that is ``specially designed'' for the
``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use'' of commodities controlled
by ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990. In addition, this proposed rule would
create ECCN 6D994 to control software, not elsewhere specified, that is
``specially designed'' for the maintenance, repair, or overhaul of
commodities controlled by ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990. Under this
proposed rule, ECCNs 6D002 (for ECCN 6A002.b commodities only),
6D003.c, 6D991 (for ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990), and 6D994 would
impose a worldwide RS control, which would be subject to the licensing
policy described in Sec. 742.6(a)(8). Also, this proposed rule would
remove eligibility to use License Exception TSR for the software
described above in ECCNs 6D002 and 6D003.
To prevent confusion over multiple ECCNs potentially controlling
the same software, this proposed rule would add language to the Related
Controls paragraphs of ECCNs 6D991 and 6D994 to confirm that software
currently controlled under ECCNs 6D002 and 6D003.c would remain
controlled under those provisions. To reflect this understanding, this
proposed rule would also revise the Related Controls paragraphs of
ECCNs 6D002 and 6D003 to provide references to ECCNs 6D991 and 6D994.
Additionally, to ensure consistency of controls among ECCNs 6D002,
6D003, 6D991, and 6D994, this proposed rule would establish a worldwide
RS control for 6D002 software ``specially designed'' for the ``use'' of
commodities controlled under 6A002.b and for 6D003.c software.
Revisions to ECCNs 6E001 and 6E002
ECCNs 6E001 and 6E002 currently control ``development'' and
``production'' technology, respectively, related to multiple ECCNs in
Category 6, including items related to night vision in ECCNs 6A002 and
6A003. Since this proposed rule would expand the level of control for
commodities in ECCNs 6A002 and 6A003 by adding a worldwide RS control,
this rule would also add a worldwide RS control for 6E001 technology
related to commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003.
Similarly, this rule would add a worldwide RS control for
[[Page 25803]]
6E002 technology related to commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002 or
6A003. While this new RS control would remove the need to maintain an
RS column 1 control for such technology, such level of control would
remain for technology related to commodities controlled under ECCN
6A008.j.1. License applications for ECCN 6E001 and 6E002 technology
that are subject to the worldwide RS requirement would be subject to
the licensing policy described in Sec. 742.6(b)(1)(iv). In addition,
this proposed rule would remove eligibility for License Exception TSR
for all 6E001 or 6E002 technology related to commodities controlled
under 6A002 or 6A003, and this proposed rule would add guidance to the
Related Controls paragraphs in ECCNs 6E001 and 6E002 to provide clarity
on technology controls related to satellites and focal plane arrays.
Revisions to ECCN 6E990
Since this rule proposes to revise the entry for read-out
integrated circuits in ECCN 6A990, which would be subject to a
worldwide RS control, this rule would also revise ECCN 6E990, which
would apply to ``development'' and ``production'' technology for such
read-out integrated circuits. To ensure consistency of control, this
proposed rule would add a worldwide RS license requirement, as
described in Sec. 742.6(a)(8), for such technology.
Establishment of ECCN 6E994
Since not all technology moving from USML Category XII to the CCL
would be controlled under ECCN 6E615 or 7E611, this proposed rule would
create new ECCN 6E994 to control technology required for the repair,
maintenance, or overhaul of commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002,
6A003, or 6A990. Such technology is not currently controlled under
existing technology ECCNs in Category 6. Technology controlled under
ECCN 6E994 would be subject to an RS control, which would impose a
worldwide license requirement. License applications for 6E994
technology would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as described in
proposed Sec. 742.6(b)(1)(ii).
Detailed Description of Changes Proposed by This Rule--Establishment of
``600 Series'' for Military Fire Control, Range Finder, and Optical
Equipment Under New ECCNs 6A615, 6B615, 6D615, and 6E615
This proposed rule would create new ECCN 6A615 to control fire
control, range finder, and optical commodities that would be removed
from the USML and would not be covered by an existing ECCN subject to
controls for reasons other than Anti-Terrorism (AT) reasons. ECCN
6A615.a through .c controls light detection and ranging (LIDAR), laser
detection and ranging (LADAR), or laser range-gated systems or
equipment having a resolution (i.e., ground point spacing) less
(better) than 0.4 m from an altitude above ground level of 16,500 ft.
or greater, and incorporating a gimbal-mounted transmitter or beam
director; certain gimbals permanently configured to contain a camera
payload operating exclusively in the visible spectrum (i.e., 400 nm to
760 nm); and certain zinc selenide, zinc sulfide, germanium, or
chalcogenide optics blanks. ECCN 6A615.d through .g is proposed to
control weapon sights, weapon aiming systems or equipment, and weapon
imaging systems (e.g., clip-ons) or equipment having a peak response
wavelength exceeding 700 nm but not exceeding 1,000 nm and not
controlled under USML Category XII or ECCN 0A987; targeting or target
location systems or equipment incorporating or ``specially designed''
to incorporate a laser rangefinder controlled in USML Category
XII(b)(3); mobile reconnaissance, scout, or surveillance systems or
equipment providing real-time target location and not controlled in
USML Category XII; and certain combat vehicle, tactical wheeled
vehicle, naval vessel, or aircraft pilotage systems or equipment. ECCN
6A615.h through .w are reserved. Paragraph .x is proposed to control
``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' that
are ``specially designed'' for a commodity controlled by ECCN 6A615
(except 6A615.y) or a defense article in Category XII and not
controlled elsewhere on the USML or in ECCNs 6A615.y or 3A611.y. Items
controlled under 6A615 (excluding 6A615.y) would be controlled for NS,
RS, AT, and UN reasons. Paragraph .y controls specific ``parts,''
``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' ``specially
designed'' for a commodity subject to control in ECCN 6A615 and not
elsewhere specified on the USML or in the CCL, as well as ``parts,''
``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' ``specially
designed'' therefor. No items are listed in 6A615.y under this proposed
rule, but should any items be added, they would be subject to AT
controls only.
New ECCN 6B615 would control test, inspection, and production
equipment and related commodities ``specially designed'' for the
``development'' or ``production'' of commodities described in ECCN
6A615 or military fire control, range finder, and optical equipment
described in USML Category XII. Paragraph .a would impose controls on
test, inspection, and production equipment ``specially designed'' for
items controlled in ECCN 6A615 (excluding any items to be added to
6A615.y) or USML Category XII that are not enumerated in USML Category
XII or controlled by a ``600 series'' ECCN. Paragraph .b would control
environmental test facilities ``specially designed'' for certification,
qualification, or testing of commodities controlled in ECCN 6A615
(except 6A615.y) or USML Category XII that are not enumerated in USML
Category XII or a ``600 series'' ECCN. ECCN 6B615.c through .w would be
reserved. Paragraph .x would control ``parts,'' ``components,''
``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' that are ``specially designed''
for such test, inspection and production end items and equipment that
are not enumerated on the USML or controlled by another ``600 series''
ECCN. Items in ECCN 6B615 would be controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
New ECCN 6D615 would control software ``specially designed'' for
the ``development,'' ``production,'' operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 6A615 or 6B615. Such software would be
controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN reasons, with the exception of any
software that would be added to 6D615.y, which would be controlled for
AT reasons only.
New ECCN 6E615 would control ``technology'' ``required'' for the
``development,'' ``production,'' operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items controlled by 6A615, 6B615,
or 6D615. Such technology would be controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
reasons, with the exception of any technology that would be added to
6E615.y, which would be controlled for AT reasons only.
Detailed Description of Changes Proposed by This Rule--Revisions to the
CCL for Guidance and Control Equipment
Establishment of ``600 Series'' for Military Guidance and Control
Equipment Under ECCNs 7A611, 7B611, 7D611, and 7E611
This proposed rule would establish a ``600 series'' under ECCNs
7A611, 7B611, 7D611, and 7E611 for military guidance and control
equipment, software, and technology. Categories 6 and 7 of the CCL
currently control certain guidance and control equipment
[[Page 25804]]
that correlate to guidance and control equipment currently in USML
Category XII. In order to ease understanding and use of this ``600
series,'' BIS is proposing to consolidate such controls under Category
7 rather than both Categories 6 and 7. However, should readers look for
military guidance and control equipment, such as gravity meters
(gravimeters), under Category 6, this proposed rule would amend ECCN
6A611 to refer readers to Category 7 for such items. ECCN 6A611 was
added to the CCL by a previously published final rule entitled
Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of
Military Electronic Equipment and Other Items the President Determines
No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List
(USML), 79 FR 37551 (July 1, 2014). Also, to assist readers in locating
controls for navigation and avionics items ``specially designed'' for a
military application, this proposed rule would move the current heading
of ECCN 7A611 into the Related Controls paragraph of proposed ECCN
Under this proposed ``600 series,'' ECCN 7A611 would control
military guidance and control equipment that would be removed from USML
Category XII and that are not covered by an existing ECCN subject to
controls for reasons other than Anti-Terrorism (AT) reasons. Paragraph
.a would control guidance, navigation, or control systems ``specially
designed'' for a defense article enumerated on the USML or for a ``600
series'' ECCN and meeting any of the parameters described in 7A611.a.1
through a.5. Paragraph .b would control inertial measurement units,
inertial reference units, or attitude and heading reference systems
``specially designed'' for a defense article enumerated on the USML or
for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and incorporating accelerometers controlled
by 7A611.c.1 or certain gyros controlled by 7A611.d. Paragraph .c would
control accelerometers ``specially designed'' for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN and meeting any of
the parameters described in 7A611.c.1 through c.3. Paragraph .d would
control gyros ``specially designed'' for a defense article enumerated
on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN and meeting any of the
parameters described in 7A611.d.1 through d.3. Paragraph .e would
control gravity meters (gravimeters) ``specially designed'' for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN,
and having automatic motion compensation and an accuracy of less
(better) than 2 mGal and greater (worse) than 1 mGal. Paragraphs .f
through .w would be reserved. Paragraph .x would control ``parts,''
``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' that are
``specially designed'' for a commodity controlled by ECCN 7A611 (except
7A611.y) or a guidance and control defense article in USML Category XII
and not controlled elsewhere on the USML or in 7A611.y or 3A611.y. All
items controlled under 7A611 (excluding 7A611.y) would be controlled
for NS, RS, AT, and UN reasons, while some of such items would also be
controlled for MT reasons. Paragraph .y would control specific
``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments''
``specially designed'' for a commodity subject to control in ECCN
7A611, or a guidance and control defense article in USML Category XII
and not elsewhere specified on the USML or in the CCL, and ``parts,''
``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' ``specially
designed'' therefor. No items would be listed in 7A611.y under this
proposed rule, but should any items be added, they would be subject to
AT controls only.
New ECCN 7B611 would impose controls on test, inspection, and
production equipment and related commodities ``specially designed'' for
military guidance and control equipment. Paragraph .a would control
such equipment ``specially designed'' for the ``production,''
``development,'' repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items controlled
in ECCN 7A611 or guidance and control items in USML Category XII that
are not enumerated in USML Category XII or controlled by a ``600
series'' ECCN. Paragraph .b would control environmental test facilities
``specially designed'' for certification, qualification, or testing of
commodities controlled in ECCN 7A611 (except 7A611.y) or guidance and
control commodities in USML Category XII that are not enumerated in
USML Category XII or a ``600 series'' ECCN. Paragraphs .c through .w
are reserved. Paragraph .x would control parts, components,
accessories, and attachments that are ``specially designed'' for such
test, inspection and production equipment that are not enumerated on
the USML or controlled by another ``600 series'' ECCN. Items in ECCN
7B611 would be controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN reasons, with some
items also being controlled for MT reasons.
New ECCN 7D611 would control software ``specially designed'' for
the ``development,'' ``production,'' operation, or maintenance of
commodities controlled by 7A611 or equipment controlled by 7B611. Such
software would be controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN reasons, with some
software also being controlled for MT reasons. Any software added to
7D611.y would be controlled for AT reasons only. ``Development'' and
``production'' software described in 7D611.a would not be eligible for
License Exception STA.
New ECCN 7E611 would control technology ``required'' for the
``development,'' ``production,'' operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items controlled by 7A611, 7B611,
or 7D611. Such technology would be controlled for NS, RS, AT, and UN
reasons, with some technology also being controlled for MT reasons. Any
technology added to 7E611.y would be controlled for AT reasons only.
``Development'' and ``production'' technology described in 7E611.a
would not be eligible for License Exception STA.
Revisions to ECCNs 6A007 and 6A107
ECCNs 6A007 and 6A107 currently control certain gravity meters
(gravimeters) and gravity gradiometers. Under the State Department's
proposed rule, gravity meters and gravity gradiometers subject to the
ITAR would be controlled under USML Category XII(d)(4) and (d)(5),
respectively. Consequently, this proposed rule would add references to
the Related Controls paragraphs of ECCNs 6A007 and 6A107 to refer
readers to Category XII(d)(4) and (d)(5), as well as to gravity meters
controlled under proposed ECCN 7A611.
Revisions to ECCNs 7A001 and 7A101
ECCN 7A001 currently controls linear accelerometers in ECCN 7A001.a
and angular or rotational accelerometers in ECCN 7A001.b that meet the
parameters identified in those provisions. These parameters serve as
the threshold for control under the Wassenaar Arrangement List of Dual-
Use Goods and Technologies. Under the State Department's proposed rule,
proposed Category XII(d)(2) identifies those parameters for
accelerometers that would be subject to the ITAR. This proposed rule
would add language to the Related Controls paragraph of ECCN 7A001 to
refer readers to Category XII(d)(2) to help ensure jurisdictional
clarity. Additionally, this rule proposes to add a reference to ECCN
7A611 for accelerometers controlled under the new 600 series.
ECCN 7A101 controls accelerometers other than those controlled
under ECCN 7A001. As with the amendment to ECCN 7A001, this proposed
rule would also add language to the Related
[[Page 25805]]
Controls section of ECCN 7A101 to refer readers to the State
Department's Category XII(d)(2) for accelerometers subject to the ITAR
and to ECCN 7A611 for accelerometers controlled under the new 600
Revisions to ECCNs 7A002 and 7A102
ECCN 7A002 controls gyros or angular rate sensors that meet the
specifications set forth in the Wassenaar Arrangement List of Dual-Use
Goods and Technologies. Under the State Department's proposed rule,
proposed Category XII(d)(3) identifies those gyros that would be
subject to the ITAR and distinguishes them from gyros subject to the
EAR that meet the parameters established by the Wassenaar Arrangement.
As such, this proposed rule would amend the Related Controls paragraph
of ECCN 7A002 to add a reference to gyros controlled under proposed
Category XII(d)(3). For gyros and angular rate sensors proposed to be
moved from Category XII to the new 600 series, this rule proposes to
add a reference to ECCN 7A611.
ECCN 7A102 controls gyros, other than those controlled under ECCN
7A002. As with the amendment to ECCN 7A002, this proposed rule would
also add language to the Related Controls section of ECCN 7A102 to
refer readers to the State Department's Category XII(d)(3) for gyros
subject to the ITAR and to ECCN 7A611 for gyros controlled under the
new ``600 series.'' This rule would also add references to ECCNs 7A002
and 7A994.
Revisions to ECCN 7A003
ECCN 7A003 controls inertial measurement equipment or systems that
meet the parameters set forth in the Wassenaar Arrangement List of
Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. Largely using many of the parameters
identified by Wassenaar, proposed Category XII(d)(1) sets the threshold
for guidance or navigation systems to be subject to the ITAR. As a
result, this proposed rule would amend the Related Controls paragraph
of ECCN 7A003 to refer readers to Category XII(d)(1) for such systems.
In addition, this rule proposes to add a reference to ECCN 7A611 for
inertial measurement units, inertial reference units, or heading
reference systems controlled under the new ``600 series.''
Detailed Description of Changes Proposed by This Rule--Revisions to
Other ECCNs
Revisions to ECCN 0A987
ECCN 0A987 currently controls specified optical sighting devices,
and this proposed rule revises ECCN 0A987.f to specify that the entry
controls laser aiming devices or laser illuminators designed for use on
firearms, and having an operational wavelength exceeding 400 nm but not
exceeding 710 nm with an output power less than or equal to 5 mW. A
proposed note to ECCN 0A987.f would further specify that the entry does
not control laser boresighting devices that must be placed in the bore
or chamber to provide a reference for aligning the firearms sights.
This proposed rule would also provide jurisdictional guidance in the
Related Controls paragraph to more clearly delineate jurisdiction
between USML Category XII and ECCN 0A987.
Revisions to ECCN 2A984
ECCN 2A984 currently controls concealed object detection equipment
that operates in the frequency range from 30 GHz to 3000 GHz and has a
spatial resolution of 0.5 milliradians up to and including 1
milliradian at a standoff distance of 100 meters. Under the Department
of State's proposed revisions to USML Category XII, terahertz imaging
equipment or systems having a peak response in the same frequency range
but having a better resolution (i.e., resolution less than 0.5
milliradians at a standoff range of 100 meters) would be controlled
under XII(c)(17). Consequently, this proposed rule would add a
reference to Category XII(c)(17) of the Related Controls paragraph of
ECCN 2A984.
No items would move from the USML to ECCN 2A984 as a result of this
proposed amendment. Rather, this proposed amendment helps establish a
bright line to determine export control jurisdiction for these items.
Revisions to ECCN 6A004
ECCN 6A004 currently controls optical equipment and components,
including gimbals meeting a number of parameters, including slew,
bandwidth, angular pointing error, diameter, and angular acceleration.
The Department of State proposes to control gimbals under Category
XII(c) based on number of axes of active stabilization, minimum root-
mean-square stabilization, and in some instances whether they are
``specially designed'' for items controlled under Category XII. Since
the control parameters between ECCN 6A004 and Category XII(c) vary,
this proposed rule would classify gimbals moving from the USML to the
CCL under the 600 series ECCN 6A615. In addition, the proposed use of
ECCN 6A615 over ECCN 6A004 reflects the concern that the gimbals should
be controlled for RS column 1 reasons rather than national security
(NS) column 2 reasons. To aid in properly determining jurisdiction and
classification of gimbals, this proposed rule would amend the Related
Controls paragraph of ECCN 6A004 to reference gimbals controlled under
Category XII(c), gimbals controlled under new ECCN 6A615, and certain
``space qualified'' components subject to the ITAR.
Revisions to ECCN 6A005
ECCN 6A005 currently controls specified lasers, components and
optical equipment. The Department of State's proposed rule for Category
XII would establish controls for lasers under XII(b)(9) through (b)(13)
that largely follow the control parameters established by the Wassenaar
Arrangement List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. Essentially, the
current Wassenaar controls establish a baseline of controls with no
upper limit to designate those lasers that are inherently military.
Therefore, the State Department's proposed rule amending Category XII
would establish the upper threshold parameters for lasers subject to
the ITAR. To reflect these parameters, this proposed rule would amend
ECCN 6A005 to provide corresponding references under the applicable
Items subparagraph. For example, this proposed rule would add a note to
tunable lasers having an output wavelength exceeding 1,400 nm
controlled under ECCN 6A005.c.3.b to refer readers to tunable
semiconductor lasers in the same wavelength parameter that are
controlled under USML Category XII(b)(10). This proposed rule would add
similar reference notes to ECCNs 6A005.d.1.a.2, d.1.b.3, d.1.d.1.d,
d.1.d.2.d, and d.1.d.3.b.
This proposed rule also proposes to revise the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 6A005 to provide general references to lasers
controlled under USML Category XII based on the parameters established
by Wassenaar. Additionally, this proposed rule would add references in
the Related Controls paragraph to XII(b)(9) for certain lasers for
electronic combat systems controlled in Category XI, XII(b)(14) for
developmental laser and laser systems funded by the Department of
Defense, and XVIII for certain laser-based directed energy weapon
Revisions to ECCN 6A008
ECCN 6A008 currently controls radar systems, equipment, and
assemblies, including certain laser detection and ranging (LADAR) and
light detection and ranging (LIDAR) equipment under ECCN 6A008.j. The
Department of
[[Page 25806]]
State's proposed rule would control certain LIDAR, LADAR, and range-
gated systems and equipment described in USML Category XII(b).
Consequently, this proposed rule would amend the Related Controls
paragraph of ECCN 6A008 to add references to those provisions of
Category XII. In addition, LIDAR, LADAR, and range-gated systems or
equipment having a resolution less (better) than 0.4 m from an altitude
above ground level of 16,500 feet or greater, and incorporating a
gimbal-mounted transmitter or beam director, would be moved from the
USML to ECCN 6A615. This proposed rule would move these items to ECCN
6A615 rather than ECCN 6A005 due to differences in control parameters
between ECCNs 6A008 and 6A615. Accordingly, this proposed rule would
also add a reference to ECCN 6A615 in the Related Controls section of
ECCN 6A008.
Revisions to ECCN 7A005
ECCN 7A005 currently controls specified Global Navigation Satellite
Systems (GNSS) receiving equipment. No GNSS receiving equipment,
including Global Position Satellite equipment, is proposed to move from
the USML to the CCL as a result of the review of Category XII of the
ITAR. However, this proposed rule proposes to amend the Related
Controls section of ECCN 7A005 to use ``GNSS'' in place of ``GPS'' and
to provide a reference to Categories XI and XII, which are the USML
locations of such receivers.
Revisions to ECCN 8A002
To reflect the expansion of the scope of Sec. 744.9 to apply to
8A002.d.1.c and .d.2 items, this proposed rule would add an additional
sentence regarding Sec. 744.9 to the Related Controls paragraph of
Effects of This Proposed Rule
De Minimis
The April 16 (initial implementation) rule imposed certain unique
de minimis requirements on items controlled under the new ``600
series'' ECCNs. Section 734.3 of the EAR provides, inter alia, that
under certain conditions, items made outside the United States that
incorporate items subject to the EAR are not subject to the EAR if they
do not exceed a de minimis percentage of controlled U.S.-origin
content. Under the April 16 (initial implementation) rule, there is no
de minimis eligibility for ``600 series'' items destined for countries
subject to a U.S. arms embargo, but there is a 25% de minimis
percentage for ``600 series'' items destined for all countries not
subject to U.S. arms embargoes. The fire control, range finder,
optical, and guidance and control items that would be subject to the
EAR as a result of this proposed rule would become eligible for de
minimis treatment, so long as they are not subject to the proposed
restrictions described in Sec. 734.4(a)(5) for incorporation into
foreign military commodities and are not destined for a country subject
to a U.S. arms embargo.
Use of License Exceptions
Unless subject to the restrictions on the use of STA in Sec.
740.20(b)(2), many of the fire control, range finder, optical, and
guidance and control items described in this proposed rule would become
eligible for several license exceptions, including STA, which would be
available for exports to certain government agencies of NATO and other
multi-regime allies. The exchange of information and statements
required under STA is substantially less burdensome than the license
application requirements currently required under the ITAR, as
discussed in more detail in the ``Regulatory Requirements'' section of
this proposed rule. Some items covered by this rule also would be
eligible for the following license exceptions: LVS (limited value
shipments), up to $1500, and RPL (servicing and parts replacement).
Alignment With the Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List.
The Administration has stated since the beginning of the Export
Control Reform Initiative that the reforms will be consistent with U.S.
obligations to the multilateral export control regimes. Accordingly,
the Administration will, in this proposed rule, exercise its national
discretion to implement, clarify, and, to the extent feasible, align
its controls with those of the regimes. USML Category XII encompasses
multiple WAML categories, including ML 5 (e.g., fire control and range-
finding systems), ML 11 (e.g., ``guidance and navigation equipment''),
and ML 15 (e.g., imaging equipment). This proposed rule uses two of
these categories--ML 15 (``[i]maging or countermeasure equipment . . .
specially designed for military use, and specially designed components
and accessories therefor'') and ML 11 (``electronic equipment specially
designed for military use,'' including ``guidance and navigation
equipment'')--to add items moving from USML Category XII to the new 600
series ECCNs ending in ``15'' and ``11.''
Request for Comments
BIS seeks comments on this proposed rule. BIS will consider all
comments received on or before July 6, 2015. All comments must be in
writing and submitted via one or more of the methods listed under the
ADDRESSES caption to this notice. All comments (including any personal
identifiable information or information for which a claim of
confidentially is asserted either in those comments or their
transmittal emails) will be available for public inspection and
copying. Parties who wish to comment anonymously may do so by
submitting their comments via, leaving the fields
for information that would identify the commenter blank, and including
no identifying information in the comment itself.
Export Administration Act
Since August 21, 2001, the Export Administration Act of 1979, as
amended, has been in lapse. However, the President, through Executive
Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783 (2002), as
amended by Executive Order 13637 of March 8, 2013, 78 FR 16129 (March
13, 2013), and as extended by the Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959
(August 11, 2014) has continued the EAR in effect under the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act. BIS continues to carry out
the provisions of the Export Administration Act, as appropriate and to
the extent permitted by law, pursuant to Executive Order 13222 as
amended by Executive Order 13637.
Rulemaking Requirements
1. Executive Orders 13563 and 12866 direct agencies to assess all
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distribute impacts, and equity). Executive
Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and
benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. This rule has been designated a ``significant regulatory
action,'' although not economically significant, under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866. Accordingly, the rule has been reviewed by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is
required to respond to, nor is subject to a penalty for failure to
comply with, a collection of information, subject to the
[[Page 25807]]
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of information displays a currently
valid OMB control number. This proposed rule would affect two approved
collections: Simplified Network Application Processing + System
(control number 0694-0088), which includes, among other things, license
applications, and License Exceptions and Exclusions (0694-0137).
As stated in the proposed rule published on July 15, 2011 (76 FR
41958) (``July 15 proposed rule''), BIS initially believed that the
combined effect of all rules to be published adding items to the EAR
that will be removed from the ITAR as part of the administration's
Export Control Reform Initiative will increase the number of license
applications to be submitted by approximately 16,000 annually. As the
review of the USML has progressed, the interagency group has gained
more specific information about the number of items that will come
under BIS jurisdiction and whether those items would be eligible for
export under license exception. As of June 21, 2012, BIS revised that
estimate to an increase in license applications of 30,000 annually,
resulting in an increase in burden hours of 8,500 (30,000 transactions
at 17 minutes each) under control number 0694-0088. BIS continues to
believe that its revised estimate is accurate.
Some items formerly on the USML would become eligible for License
Exception STA under this rule. As stated in the July 15 proposed rule,
BIS believes that the increased use of License Exception STA resulting
from the combined effect of all rules to be published adding items to
the EAR that would be removed from the ITAR as part of the
Administration's Export Control Reform Initiative would increase the
burden associated with control number 0694-0137 by about 23,858 hours
(20,450 transactions at 1 hour and 10 minutes each).
BIS expects that this increase in burden would be more than offset
by a reduction in burden hours associated with approved collections
related to the ITAR. This proposed rule addresses controls on fire
control, range finder, optical, and guidance and control items. With
few exceptions, most exports of such items, even when destined to NATO
member states and other close allies, require State Department
authorization. In addition, the exports of technology necessary to
produce such items in the inventories of the United States and its NATO
and other close allies require State Department authorizations. Under
the EAR, as proposed, such technology would become eligible for export
to NATO member states and other close allies under License Exception
STA unless otherwise specifically excluded. Use of License Exception
STA imposes a paperwork and compliance burden because, for example,
exporters must furnish information about the item being exported to the
consignee and obtain from the consignee an acknowledgement and
commitment to comply with the EAR. However, the Administration believes
that complying with the requirements of STA is likely less burdensome
than applying for licenses. For example, under License Exception STA, a
single consignee statement can apply to an unlimited number of
products, need not have an expiration date, and need not be submitted
to the government in advance for approval. Suppliers with regular
customers can tailor a single statement and assurance to match their
business relationship rather than applying repeatedly for licenses with
every purchase order to supply reliable customers in countries that are
close allies or members of export control regimes or both.
This proposed rule would also require licenses for Canada for the
following ECCNs that do not currently require a license for that
destination: 6A002, 6A990, 6D002 (for 6A002.b items), 6D003.c, 6E001
(for 6A002 or 6A003 items), 6E002 (for 6A002 or 6A003 items), and
6E990. Further, this proposed rule would implement a worldwide license
requirement for the following ECCNs that are currently controlled for
anti-terrorism reasons or for new ECCNs that would control items
currently designated as EAR99: 0E987; 6D991 (for 6A002, 6A003, or
6A990); and 6E994. In addition, the items described in this paragraph
would be ineligible for License Exception STA under this proposed rule.
BIS anticipates that these proposed changes would increase the number
of license applications submitted and the number of Sec. 743.3 reports
submitted under control number 0694-0137. However, these proposed
changes would also apply to items moving from Category XII of the USML
to the CCL, and the burden likely will be reduced for such items when
comparing license requirements of the ITAR to those of the EAR. In
particular, license applications for exports of technology transferred
from the USML to the CCL are likely to be less complex and burdensome
than the authorizations required to export ITAR-controlled technology,
i.e., Manufacturing License Agreements and Technical Assistance
3. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications
as that term is defined under E.O. 13132.
4. The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), as amended by the Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), 5 U.S.C.
601 et seq., generally requires an agency to prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis of any rule subject to the notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. 553) or any other statute, unless the agency certifies that the
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Under section 605(b) of the RFA, however, if
the head of an agency (or his or her designee) certifies that a rule
will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small
entities, the statute does not require the agency to prepare a
regulatory flexibility analysis. Pursuant to section 605(b), the Chief
Counsel for Regulation, Department of Commerce, submitted a memorandum
to the Chief Counsel for Advocacy, Small Business Administration,
certifying that the November 28 (military electronics) rule would not
have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.
The rationale for that certification was set forth in the preamble to
that proposed rule (77 FR 70945, 70950-70951, November 28, 2012).
Although BIS received no comments on that rationale, and has
accordingly made no changes to the proposed rule based on the RFA
certification, BIS has determined that, in the interest of openness and
transparency, it will briefly restate the rationale behind the
certification here.
This proposed rule is part of the Administration's Export Control
Reform Initiative, which seeks to revise the USML to a positive list--
one that does not use generic, catch-all controls for items listed--and
to move some items that the President has determined no longer merit
control under the ITAR to control under the CCL.
Although BIS does not collect data on the size of entities that
apply for and are issued export licenses, and is therefore unable to
estimate the exact number of small entities--as defined by the Small
Business Administration's regulations implementing the RFA--BIS
acknowledges that some small entities may be affected by this proposed
The main effects on small entities resulting from this rule will be
in application times, costs, and delays in receiving licenses to export
goods subject to the CCL. However, while
[[Page 25808]]
small entities may experience some costs and time delays for exports
due to the license requirements of the CCL, these costs and delays will
likely be significantly less than they were for items previously
subject to the USML. BIS believes that in fact this rule will result in
significantly reduced administrative costs and delays for exports of
items that will, upon this rule's implementation, be subject to the EAR
rather than the ITAR. Currently, USML applicants must pay to use the
USML licensing procedure even if they never actually are authorized to
export. Registration fees for manufacturers and exporters of articles
on the USML start at $2,250 per year, increase to $2,750 for
organizations applying for one to ten licenses per year and further
increases to $2,750 plus $250 per license application (subject to a
maximum of three percent of total application value) for those who need
to apply for more than ten licenses per year. By contrast, BIS is
statutorily prohibited from imposing licensing fees. In addition,
exporters and reexporters of goods that would become subject to the EAR
under this rule would need fewer licenses because their transactions
would become eligible for license exceptions that were not available
under the ITAR. Additionally, the ITAR controls parts and components
even when they are incorporated--in any amount--into a foreign-made
product. That limitation on the use of U.S.-made goods subject to the
ITAR discouraged foreign manufacturers from importing U.S. goods.
However, the EAR has a de minimis exception for U.S.-manufactured goods
that are incorporated into foreign-made products. This exception may
benefit small entities by encouraging foreign producers to use more
U.S.-made items in their goods.
Even where an exporter or reexporter would need to obtain a license
under the EAR, that process is both cheaper and the process is more
flexible than obtaining a license under the ITAR. For example, unlike
the ITAR, the EAR does not require license applicants to provide BIS
with a purchase order with the application, meaning that small (or any)
entities can enter into negotiations or contracts for the sale of goods
without having to caveat any sale presentations with a reference to the
need to obtain a license under the ITAR before shipment can occur.
Second, the EAR allows license applicants to obtain licenses to cover
all expected exports or reexports to a particular consignee over the
life of a license, rather than having to obtain a new license for every
In short, BIS expects that the changes to the EAR proposed in this
rule will have a positive effect on all affected entities, including
small entities. While BIS acknowledges that this rule may have some
cost impacts to small (and other) entities, those costs are more than
offset by the benefits to the entities from the licensing procedures
under the EAR, which are much less costly and less time consuming than
the procedures under the ITAR. Accordingly, the Chief Counsel for
Regulation for the Department of Commerce has certified that this rule,
if implemented, will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities. Accordingly, an initial
regulatory flexibility analysis is not required, and none has been
List of Subjects
15 CFR Part 734
Administrative practice and procedure, Exports, Inventions and
patents, Research Science and technology.
15 CFR Part 740
Administrative practice and procedure, Exports, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
15 CFR Part 742
Exports, Terrorism.
15 CFR Part 744
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Terrorism.
15 CFR Part 772
15 CFR Part 774
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Export Administration
Regulations (15 CFR parts 730-774) are proposed to be amended as
1. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 734 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O. 13020, 61
FR 54079, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 219; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR,
1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p.
783; E.O. 13637 of March 8, 2013, 78 FR 16129 (March 13, 2013);
Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014); Notice of
November 7, 2014, 79 FR 67035 (November 12, 2014).
2. Section 734.4 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(5) to read as
Sec. 734.4 De minimis U.S. content.
(a) * * *
(5) There is no de minimis level for foreign made military
commodities described in ECCN 0A919.a.1.
* * * * *
3. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 740 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp.,
p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Notice
of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014).
4. Section 740.2 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(7) as follows:
Sec. 740.2 Restrictions on all license exceptions.
(a) * * *
(7) Technology for ``production'' of commodities defined in ECCNs
6A002.a.2, 6A002.a.3, or 6A990 that is controlled under ECCNs 6E002 or
* * * * *
5. Section 740.16 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(2), and
(b)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 740.16 Additional permissive reexports (APR).
(a) * * *
(2) The commodities being reexported are not controlled for NP, CB,
MT, SI or CC reasons and are not military commodities described in ECCN
0A919; commodities described in 3A001.b.2 or b.3 (except those that are
being reexported for use in civil telecommunications applications); or
commodities described in ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990; and
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section,
``military commodities'' described in ECCN 0A919 and commodities
described in ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990 or commodities described in
ECCN 0A987 incorporating an image intensifier tube, may not be
reexported under this paragraph (b).
(3) Cameras described in ECCNs 6A003 may be exported or reexported
to and among countries in Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South
Africa, South Korea,
[[Page 25809]]
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom if:
(i) Such cameras are fully packaged for use as consumer ready civil
products; or,
(ii) Such cameras with not more than 111,000 elements are to be
embedded in civil products.
6. Section 740.20 is amended by revising paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and
(b)(2)(x), to read as follows:
Sec. 740.20 License Exception Strategic Trade Authorization (STA).
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) License Exception STA may not be used for any item controlled
under ECCNs 0A981, 0A982, 0A983, 0A985, 0E982, or 0E987.
* * * * *
(x) License Exception STA may not be used for items controlled by
ECCNs 6A002; 6A990; 6D002 (software specially designed for the ``use''
of commodities controlled under 6A002.b); 6D003.c; 6D991 (software
``specially designed'' for the ``development,'' ``production,'' or
``use'' of commodities controlled under 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990); 6D994;
6E001 (``technology'' for the ``development'' of commodities controlled
under ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003); 6E002 ``technology'' (for the
``production'' of commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003);
6E990; or 6E994.
* * * * *
7. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 742 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; Sec. 1503, Pub. L. 108-11, 117 Stat. 559; E.O. 12058,
43 FR 20947, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181, 3
CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp.,
p. 950; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O.
13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Presidential
Determination 2003-23 of May 7, 2003, 68 FR 26459, May 16, 2003;
Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014); Notice of
November 7, 2014, 79 FR 67035 (November 12, 2014).
8. Section Sec. 742.6 is amended by:
a. Adding paragraph (a)(8); and
b. Revising paragraph (b)(1), to read as follows:
Sec. 742.6 Regional stability.
(a) * * *
(8) Special worldwide RS license requirement for specified items
controlled in Category 0 or 6. A license is required to export or
reexport the following items to all destinations, including Canada:
(i) ``Technology'' controlled under ECCN 0E987;
(ii) All commodities controlled under ECCNs 6A002;
(iii) All commodities controlled under ECCN 6A990;
(iv) ``Software'' controlled under ECCN 6D002 for the ``use'' of
commodities controlled under 6A002.b;
(v) ``Software'' controlled under ECCN 6D003.c;
(vi) ``Software'' controlled under ECCN 6D991 for the
``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use'' of commodities controlled
under ECCNs 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990;
(vii) ``Software'' controlled under ECCN 6D994;
(viii) ``Technology'' controlled under ECCN 6E001 for the
``development'' of commodities controlled under 6A002 or 6A003;
(ix) ``Technology'' controlled under ECCN 6E002 for the
``production'' of commodities controlled under 6A002 or 6A003;
(x) ``Technology'' controlled under 6E990; and
(xi) ``Technology'' controlled under ECCN 6E994.
(b) Licensing policy.--(1) Licensing policy for RS Column 1 items
or items subject to worldwide RS control.
(i) Applications for exports and reexports of 9x515 and ``600
series'' items will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine
whether the transaction is contrary to the national security or foreign
policy interests of the United States, including the foreign policy
interest of promoting the observance of human rights throughout the
world. Applications for export or reexport of items classified under
any 9x515 or ``600 series'' ECCN requiring a license in accordance with
paragraph (a)(1) of this section will also be reviewed consistent with
United States arms embargo policies in Sec. 126.1 of the ITAR if
destined to a country set forth in Country Group D:5 in Supplement No.
1 to part 740 of the EAR. Applications for export or reexport of
``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' ``attachments,''
``software,'' or ``technology'' ``specially designed'' or otherwise
required for the F-14 aircraft will generally be denied. When destined
to the People's Republic of China or a country listed in Country Group
E:1 in Supplement No. 1 to Part 740 of the EAR, items classified under
any 9x515 ECCN will be subject to a policy of denial.
(ii) Applications for exports and reexports described in paragraphs
(a)(1), (a)(2), (a)(6), (a)(7), (a)(8)(ii), (a)(8)(iii), (a)(8)(vii),
and (a)(8)(xi) of this section will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
to determine whether the export or reexport could contribute directly
or indirectly to any country's military capabilities in a manner that
would alter or destabilize a region's military balance contrary to the
foreign policy interests of the United States.
(iii) The following applications will be reviewed applying the
policies for similar items that are subject to the International
Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120-130):
(A) Reexports of items described in paragraph (a)(3) of this
(B) Exports or reexports of items described in paragraph (a)(8) of
this section to military end users described in Sec. 744.9(d); and
(C) Exports or reexports of commodities described in paragraphs
(a)(8)(ii) and (a)(8)(iii) of this section or in ECCN 6A003.b for
incorporation into a ``military commodity'' controlled by ECCN 0A919.
(iv) Applications for exports or reexports of software or
technology described in paragraphs (a)(8)(i), (a)(8)(iv), (a)(8)(v),
(a)(8)(vi), (a)(8)(viii), and (a)(8)(x) will be reviewed with a
presumption of denial. There is also a presumption of denial for
technology described in paragraph (a)(8)(ix), unless it is ``build-to-
print technology'' that is required for integration, mounting,
inspection, testing, or quality assurance (e.g., necessary to meet
International Standards Organization (ISO) certification), which will
be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
* * * * *
9. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 744 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 179;
E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181, 3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O. 12947, 60 FR 5079, 3 CFR,
1995 Comp., p. 356; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13099, 63 FR 45167, 3 CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 208; E.O. 13222,
66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13224, 66 FR 49079, 3
CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 786; Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959
(August 11, 2014); Notice of September 17, 2014, 79 FR 56475
(September 19, 2014); Notice of November 7, 2014, 79 FR 67035
(November 12, 2014); Notice of January 21, 2015, 80 FR 3461 (January
22, 2015).
10. Section 744.9 is amended by revising the heading and paragraphs (a)
and (b) to read as follows:
[[Page 25810]]
Sec. 744.9 Restrictions on certain exports and reexports of certain
cameras, systems, or equipment.
(a) General prohibitions. In addition to the applicable license
requirements for national security, regional stability, anti-terrorism
and United Nations embargo reasons in Sec. Sec. 742.4, 742.6, 742.8,
746.3, and 746.8 of the EAR, a license is required to export, reexport,
or transfer (in-country) to any destination commodities described in
ECCNs 0A987 (incorporating commodities controlled by ECCNs 6A002 or
6A003, or commodities controlled by 6A993.a that meet the criterion of
Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4), 6A002, 6A003, 6A990, or 6A993.a (having a
maximum frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz and thus meeting the
criteria of Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4), 8A002.d.1.c, or 8A002.d.2 if at the
time of export, reexport, or transfer, the exporter, reexporter, or
transferor knows or is informed, or is unable to determine whether the
item will be or is intended to be:
(1) Used by a ``military end-user,'' as defined in paragraph (d) of
this section; or
(2) Incorporated into a ``military commodity'' controlled by ECCN
(b) Additional prohibition on exporters or reexporters informed by
BIS. BIS may inform an exporter, reexporter, or transferor, either
individually by specific notice or through amendment to the EAR, that a
license is required for the export, reexport, or transfer of
commodities described in ECCNs 0A987 (incorporating commodities
controlled by ECCNs 6A002 or 6A003, or commodities controlled by
6A993.a that meet the criterion of Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4), 6A002,
6A003, 6A990, or 6A993.a (having a maximum frame rate equal to or less
than 9 Hz and thus meeting the criteria of Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4),
8A002.d.1.c, or 8A002.d.2 to specified end users, because BIS has
determined that there is an unacceptable risk of diversion to the users
or unauthorized incorporation into the ``military commodities''
described in paragraph (a) of this section. Specific notice is to be
given only by, or at the direction of, the Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Export Administration. When such notice is provided orally, it will
be followed by a written notice within two working days signed by the
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
* * * * *
11. The authority citation for part 772 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Notice of August
7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014).
12. Section 772.1 is amended by adding a definition for ``permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly'' in alphabetical order to read as
Sec. 772.1 Definitions of terms as used in the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR).
* * * * *
Permanent encapsulated sensor assembly. (Cat 6) A permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly (e.g. sealed enclosure, vacuum package)
containing an infra-red focal plane array (IRFPA) that prevents direct
access to the IRFPA, disassembly of the sensor assembly, and removal of
the IRFPA without destruction or damage to the IRFPA.
* * * * *
13. The authority citation for part 774 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
10 U.S.C. 7420; 10 U.S.C. 7430(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c, 22 U.S.C. 3201 et
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 30 U.S.C. 185(s), 185(u); 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 42
U.S.C. 6212; 43 U.S.C. 1354; 15 U.S.C. 1824a; 50 U.S.C. app. 5; 22
U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR,
1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p.
783; Notice of August 7, 2014, 79 FR 46959 (August 11, 2014).
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 [Amended]
14. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 0, ECCN 0A919 is amended
by revising the Items paragraph of the List of Items Controlled section
to read as follows:
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774--The Commerce Control List
* * * * *
0A919 ``Military commodities'' located and produced outside the
United States as follows (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
a. ``Military commodities'' produced and located outside the
United States that are not subject to the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120-130) and having any of the
following characteristics:
a.1. Incorporate one or more commodities classified under ECCNs
6A002, 6A003, 6A990, or 6A993.a (having a maximum frame rate equal
to or less than 9 Hz and thus meeting the criterion of Note 3.a to
a.2. Incorporate more than a de minimis amount of U.S.-origin
``600 series'' controlled content (see Sec. 734.4 of the EAR); or
a.3. Are direct products of U.S.-origin ``600 series''
technology or software (see Sec. 736.2(b)(3) of the EAR).
b. [Reserved]
15. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 0, ECCN 0A987 is amended
a. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section;
b. Revising paragraph f. in the Items paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section; and
c. Adding a note to 0A987.f, to read as follows:
0A987 Optical sighting devices for firearms (including shotguns
controlled by 0A984); and ``components'' as follows (See List of
Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Sighting devices operating outside the visible
spectrum, as enumerated in USML Category XII, or laser aiming or
laser illumination equipment not specified in 0A987.f are subject to
the ITAR. (2) Section 744.9 imposes a license requirement on certain
commodities described in 0A987 if being exported, reexported, or
transferred (in-country) for use by a military end-user or for
incorporation into an item controlled by ECCN 0A919.
* * * * *
* * * * *
f. Laser aiming devices or laser illuminators designed for use
on firearms, and having an operational wavelength exceeding 400 nm
but not exceeding 710 nm with an output power less than or equal to
5 mW.
Note: 0A987.f does not control laser boresighting devices that
must be placed in the bore or chamber to provide a reference for
aligning the firearms sights.
* * * * *
16. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 0, add ECCN 0E987 between
ECCN 0E984 and EAR99, to read as follows:
0E987 ``Technology'' ``required'' for the ``development,'' or
``production'' of commodities controlled by 0A987 that incorporate a
focal plane array or image intensifier tube.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT.
[[Page 25811]]
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
RS applies to entire entry................ A license is required to
export and reexport these
items to all countries,
including Canada. A column
specific to this control
does not appear on the
Commerce Country Chart.
(see Sec. 742.6(a)(8)).
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN heading.
17. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 2, ECCN 2A984 is amended
by adding Note 4 to the end of the Related Controls paragraph in the
List of Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
2A984 Concealed object detection equipment operating in the
frequency range from 30 GHz to 3000 GHz and having a spatial
resolution of 0.5 milliradian up to and including 1 milliradian at a
standoff distance of 100 meters; and ``parts'' and ``components,''
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: *** (4) See USML Category XII(c)(17) for terahertz
imaging equipment or systems having a peak response in the frequency
range exceeding 30 GHz but not exceeding 3000 GHz and having a
resolution less (better) than 0.5 milliradians at a standoff range
of 100 m.
* * * * *
18. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A002 is amended
a. Revising the Control(s) table in the License Requirements section;
b. Removing the ``Special Conditions for STA'' section;
c. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section;
d. Revising paragraphs a.2 and a.3 in the Items paragraph of the List
of Items Controlled section. The revisions to read as follows:
6A002 Optical sensors and equipment and ``components'' therefor, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
* * * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 2.
MT applies to optical detectors in MT Column 1.
6A002.a.1 or a.3 that are ``specially
designed'' or modified to protect
``missiles'' against nuclear effects
(e.g., Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), X-
rays, combined blast and thermal
effects), and usable for ``missiles''.
RS applies to entire entry................ A license is required to
export and reexport these
items to all countries,
including Canada. A column
specific to this control
does not appear on the
Commerce Country Chart.
(See Sec. 742.6(a)(8)).
CC applies to police-model infrared CC Column 1.
viewers in 6A002.c.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to 6A002.a.1, a.2, a.3 and c... See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) The following commodities are ``subject to the
ITAR'' (see 22 CFR parts 120 through 130): (a) ``Image
intensifiers'' defined in 6A002.a.2 and ``focal plane arrays''
defined in 6A002.a.3 ``specially designed,'' modified, or configured
for military use and not part of civil equipment; (b) ``Space
qualified'' solid-state detectors defined in 6A002.a.1, ``space
qualified'' imaging sensors (e.g., ``monospectral imaging sensors''
and ``multispectral imaging sensors'') defined in 6A002.b.2.b.1, and
``space qualified'' cryocoolers defined in 6A002.d.1, unless, on or
after September 23, 2002, the Department of State issues a commodity
jurisdiction determination indicating the commodity is subject to
the EAR. (2) See also ECCNs 6A102, 6A202, and 6A992. (3) See ECCN
0A919 for foreign-made military commodities that incorporate
commodities described in 6A002. (4) Section 744.9 imposes a license
requirement on commodities described in ECCN 6A002 if being
exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) for use by a
military end-user or for incorporation into an item controlled by
ECCN 0A919. (5) Image intensifier tubes described in ECCN 6A002.a.2
that are second generation image intensification tubes are ``subject
to the ITAR.'' (6) See the Related Controls paragraphs to ECCNs
6E001 and 6E002 for controls on technology for the ``development''
or ``production'' of focal plane arrays in a ``permanent
encapsulated sensor assembly'' subject to the EAR.
* * * * *
a. * * *
a.1. * * *
a.2. Image intensifier tubes and ``specially designed''
``components'' therefor, as follows:
Note 1: Image intensifier tubes described in 6A002.a.2 having a
luminous sensitivity exceeding 500 microamps per lumen are ``subject
to the ITAR.''
Note 2: 6A002.a.2 does not control non-imaging photomultiplier
tubes having an electron sensing device in the vacuum space limited
solely to any of the following:
a. A single metal anode; or
b. Metal anodes with a center to center spacing greater than 500
Technical Note: `Charge multiplication' is a form of electronic
image amplification and is defined as the generation of charge
carriers as a result of an impact ionization gain process. 'Charge
multiplication' sensors may take the form of an image intensifier
tube, solid state detector or ``focal plane array.''
a.2.a. Image intensifier tubes having all of the following:
a.2.a.1. A peak response in the wavelength range exceeding 400
nm but not exceeding 1,050 nm;
a.2.a.2. Electron image amplification using any of the
a.2.a.2.a. A microchannel plate with a hole pitch (center-to-
center spacing) of 12 [mu]m or less; or
a.2.a.2.b. An electron sensing device with a non-binned pixel
pitch of 500 [mu]m or less, ``specially designed'' or modified to
achieve `charge multiplication' other than by a microchannel plate;
a.2.a.3. Any of the following photocathodes:
a.2.a.3.a. Multialkali photocathodes (e.g., S-20 and S-25)
having a luminous sensitivity exceeding 350 [mu]A/lm;
a.2.a.3.b. GaAs or GaInAs photocathodes; or
a.2.a.3.c. Other ``III-V compound'' semiconductor photocathodes
having a maximum ``radiant sensitivity'' exceeding 10 mA/W;
a.2.b. Image intensifier tubes having all of the following:
a.2.b.1. A peak response in the wavelength range exceeding 1,050
nm but not exceeding 1,800 nm;
a.2.b.2. Electron image amplification using any of the
a.2.b.2.a. A microchannel plate with a hole pitch (center-to-
center spacing) of 12 [mu]m or less; or
a.2.b.2.b. An electron sensing device with a non-binned pixel
pitch of 500 [mu]m or less, ``specially designed'' or modified to
achieve `charge multiplication' other than by a microchannel plate;
a.2.b.3. ``III/V compound'' semiconductor (e.g., GaAs or GaInAs)
photocathodes and transferred electron photocathodes, having a
maximum ``radiant sensitivity'' exceeding 15 mA/W;
a.2.c. ``Specially designed'' ``components'' as follows:
[[Page 25812]]
a.2.c.1. Microchannel plates having a hole pitch (center-to-
center spacing) of 12 [mu]m or less;
a.2.c.2. An electron sensing device with a non-binned pixel
pitch of 500 [mu]m or less, ``specially designed'' or modified to
achieve `charge multiplication' other than by a microchannel plate;
a.2.c.3. ``III-V compound'' semiconductor (e.g., GaAs or GaInAs)
photocathodes and transferred electron photocathodes;
Note: 6A002.a.2.c.3 does not control compound semiconductor
photocathodes designed to achieve a maximum ``radiant sensitivity''
of any of the following:
a. 10 mA/W or less at the peak response in the wavelength range
exceeding 400 nm but not exceeding 1,050 nm; or
b. 15 mA/W or less at the peak response in the wavelength range
exceeding 1,050 nm but not exceeding 1,800 nm.
a.3. Non-``space-qualified'' ``focal plane arrays'' as follows:
N.B.: `Microbolometer' non-``space-qualified'' ``focal plane
arrays'' are only specified by 6A002.a.3.f.
Technical Note: Linear or two-dimensional multi-element detector
arrays are referred to as ``focal plane arrays'';
Note 1: 6A002.a.3 includes photoconductive arrays and
photovoltaic arrays.
Note 2: 6A002.a.3 does not control:
a. Multi-element (not to exceed 16 elements) encapsulated
photoconductive cells using either lead sulphide or lead selenide;
b. Pyroelectric detectors using any of the following:
b.1. Triglycine sulphate and variants;
b.2. Lead-lanthanum-zirconium titanate and variants;
b.3. Lithium tantalate;
b.4. Polyvinylidene fluoride and variants; or
b.5. Strontium barium niobate and variants.
c. ``Focal plane arrays'' ``specially designed'' or modified to
achieve `charge multiplication' and limited by design to have a
maximum ``radiant sensitivity'' of 10 mA/W or less for wavelengths
exceeding 760 nm, having all of the following:
c.1. Incorporating a response limiting mechanism designed not to
be removed or modified; and
c.2. Any of the following:
c.2.a. The response limiting mechanism is integral to or
combined with the detector element; or
c.2.b. The ``focal plane array'' is only operable with the
response limiting mechanism in place.
Note 3: Focal plane arrays described in 6A002.a.3 that are not
in a ``permanent encapsulated sensor assembly'' subject to the EAR
are ``subject to the ITAR.''
Technical Note: A response limiting mechanism integral to the
detector element is designed not to be removed or modified without
rendering the detector inoperable.
a.3.a. Non-``space-qualified'' ``focal plane arrays'' having all
of the following:
a.3.a.1. Individual elements with a peak response within the
wavelength range exceeding 900 nm but not exceeding 1,050 nm; and
a.3.a.2. Any of the following:
a.3.a.2.a. A response ``time constant'' of less than 0.5 ns; or
a.3.a.2.b. ``Specially designed'' or modified to achieve `charge
multiplication' and having a maximum ``radiant sensitivity''
exceeding 10 mA/W;
a.3.b. Non-``space-qualified'' ``focal plane arrays'' having all
of the following:
a.3.b.1. Individual elements with a peak response in the
wavelength range exceeding 1,050 nm but not exceeding 1,200 nm; and
a.3.b.2. Any of the following:
a.3.b.2.a. A response ``time constant'' of 95 ns or less; or
a.3.b.2.b. ``Specially designed'' or modified to achieve `charge
multiplication' and having a maximum ``radiant sensitivity''
exceeding 10 mA/W;
a.3.c. Non-``space-qualified'' non-linear (2-dimensional)
``focal plane arrays'' having individual elements with a peak
response in the wavelength range exceeding 1,200 nm but not
exceeding 30,000 nm;
N.B.: Silicon and other material based `microbolometer' non-
``space-qualified'' ``focal plane arrays'' are only specified by
a.3.d. Non-``space-qualified'' linear (1-dimensional) ``focal
plane arrays'' having all of the following:
a.3.d.1. Individual elements with a peak response in the
wavelength range exceeding 1,200 nm but not exceeding 3,000 nm; and
a.3.d.2. Any of the following:
a.3.d.2.a. A ratio of `scan direction' dimension of the detector
element to the `cross-scan direction' dimension of the detector
element of less than 3.8; or
a.3.d.2.b. Signal processing in the detector elements;
Note: 6A002.a.3.d does not control ``focal plane arrays'' (not
to exceed 32 elements) having detector elements limited solely to
germanium material.
Technical Note: For the purposes of 6A002.a.3.d, `cross-scan
direction' is defined as the axis parallel to the linear array of
detector elements and the `scan direction' is defined as the axis
perpendicular to the linear array of detector elements.
a.3.e. Non-``space-qualified'' linear (1-dimensional) ``focal
plane arrays'' having individual elements with a peak response in
the wavelength range exceeding 3,000 nm but not exceeding 30,000 nm;
a.3.f. Non-``space-qualified'' non-linear (2-dimensional)
infrared ``focal plane arrays'' based on `microbolometer' material
having individual elements with an unfiltered response in the
wavelength range equal to or exceeding 8,000 nm but not exceeding
14,000 nm;
Technical Note: For the purposes of 6A002.a.3.f,
`microbolometer' is defined as a thermal imaging detector that, as a
result of a temperature change in the detector caused by the
absorption of infrared radiation, is used to generate any usable
a.3.g. Non-``space-qualified'' ``focal plane arrays'' having all
of the following:
a.3.g.1. Individual detector elements with a peak response in
the wavelength range exceeding 400 nm but not exceeding 900 nm;
a.3.g.2. ``Specially designed'' or modified to achieve `charge
multiplication' and having a maximum ``radiant sensitivity''
exceeding 10 mA/W for wavelengths exceeding 760 nm; and
a.3.g.3. Greater than 32 elements;
* * * * *
19. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A003 is amended
a. Revising note 5 in the Related Controls paragraph in the List of
items Controlled section; and
b. Adding note 6 to the Related Controls paragraph in the List of items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A003 Cameras, systems or equipment, and ``components'' therefor, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: * * * (5) Section 744.9 imposes a license
requirement on cameras described in 6A003 if being exported,
reexported, or transferred (in-country) for use by a military end-
user or for incorporation into a commodity controlled by ECCN 0A919.
(6) See USML Category XII(c) for cameras ``subject to the ITAR.''
* * * * *
20. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A004 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section to read as follows:
6A004 Optical equipment and ``components,'' as follows (see List of
Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) For optical mirrors or `aspheric optical
elements' ``specially designed'' for lithography ``equipment,'' see
ECCN 3B001. (2) See USML Category XII(c) for gimbals ``subject to
the ITAR.'' (3) See ECCN 6A615.b for gimbals containing a camera
payload operating exclusively in the visible spectrum (i.e., 400 nm
to 760 nm). (4) ``Space qualified'' components for optical systems
defined in 6A004.c and optical control equipment defined in
6A004.d.1 are ``subject to the ITAR.'' (5) See also 6A994.
* * * * *
21. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A005 is amended
a. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section; and
b. Adding Notes to paragraphs c.3.b, d.1.a.2, d.1.b.3, d.1.d.1.d,
d.1.d.2.d, and d.1.d.3.b in the Items paragraph of the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A005 ``Lasers,'' ``components'' and optical equipment, as follows
(see List of Items Controlled), excluding items that are subject to
the export licensing authority
[[Page 25813]]
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6D001 for ``software'' for items
controlled under this entry. (2) See ECCNs 6E001 (``development''),
6E002 (``production''), and 6E201 (``use'') for technology for items
controlled under this entry. (3) Also see ECCNs 6A205 and 6A995. (4)
See ECCN 3B001 for excimer ``lasers'' ``specially designed'' for
lithography equipment. (5) ``Lasers'' ``specially designed'' or
prepared for use in isotope separation are subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR
part 110). (6) See USML Category XII(b)(10) for certain tunable
semiconductor lasers. (7) See USML Category XII(b)(11) for certain
non-tunable single transverse mode semiconductor lasers. (8) See
USML Category XII(b)(12) for certain non-tunable multiple transverse
mode semiconductor lasers. (9) See USML Category XII(b)(13) for
certain laser stacked arrays. (10) See USML Category XII(b)(9) for
certain lasers for electronic combat systems controlled in USML
Category XI. (11) See USML Category XII(b)(14) for developmental
laser and laser systems funded by the Department of Defense. (12)
See USML Category XVIII for certain laser-based directed energy
weapon systems, equipment, and components.
Related Definitions: * * *
* * * * *
c. * * *
c.3. * * *
c.3.b. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(10) for tunable semiconductor
lasers having an output wavelength exceeding 1,400 nm and an output
power greater than 1 W.
* * * * *
d. * * *
d.1. * * *
d.1.a. * * *
d.1.a.2. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(11) for non-tunable single
transverse mode semiconductor lasers having an output wavelength
exceeding 1,510 nm and either an average output power or continuous
wave (CW) output power greater than 2 W.
* * * * *
d.1.b. * * *
d.1.b.3. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(12) for non-tunable multiple
transverse mode semiconductor lasers having an output wavelength
exceeding 1,900 nm and either an average output power or CW output
power greater than 2 W.
* * * * *
d.1.d. * * *
d.1.d.1. * * *
d.1.d.1.d. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(13)(i) for laser stacked arrays
having an output wavelength less than 1,400 nm and a peak pulsed
power density greater than 3,300 W/cm2.
* * * * *
d.1.d.2. * * *
d.1.d.2.d. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(13)(ii) for laser stacked arrays
having an output wavelength exceeding 1,400 nm but less than 1,900
nm and a peak pulsed power density greater than 700 W/cm2.
* * * * *
d.1.d.3. * * *
d.1.d.3.b. * * *
Note: See USML Category XII(b)(13)(iii) for laser stacked arrays
having an output wavelength exceeding 1,900 nm and a peak pulsed
power density greater than 70 W/cm2. See also USML Category
XII(b)(13)(iv) for laser stacked arrays having an output wavelength
exceeding 1,900 nm, and either an average output power or CW output
power greater than 20 W.
* * * * *
22. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A007 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A007 Gravity meters (gravimeters) and gravity gradiometers, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(d)(4) for certain
gravity meters (gravimeters). (2) See USML Category XII(d)(5) for
certain gravity gradiometers. (3) See ECCN 7A611 for gravity meters
(gravimeters) ``specially designed'' for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and having
automatic motion compensation and an accuracy of less (better) than
2 mGal and greater (worse) than 1mGal. (4) See also ECCNs 6A107 and
* * * * *
23. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A008 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section to read as follows:
6A008 Radar systems, equipment and assemblies, having any of the
following (see List of Items Controlled), and ``specially designed''
``components'' therefor.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: This entry does not control: Secondary
surveillance radar (SSR); Car radar designed for collision
prevention; Displays or monitors used for Air Traffic Control (ATC)
having no more than 12 resolvable elements per mm; Meteorological
(weather) radar. See also ECCNs 6A108 and 6A998. ECCN 6A998
controls, inter alia, the Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
equipment excluded by the note to paragraph j of this ECCN (6A008).
See USML Category XII(b) for certain LIDAR, Laser Detection and
Ranging (LADAR), or range-gated systems or equipment. See ECCN 6A615
for LIDAR, LADAR, or range-gated systems or equipment having a
resolution (i.e., ground point spacing) less (better) than 0.4 m
from an altitude above ground level of 16,500 ft. or greater, and
incorporating a gimbal-mounted transmitter or beam director.
* * * * *
24. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A107 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section to read as follows:
6A107 Gravity meters (gravimeters) or gravity gradiometers, other
than those controlled by 6A007, designed or modified for airborne or
marine use, as follows, (see List of Items Controlled) and
``specially designed'' ``parts'' and ``components'' therefor.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(d)(4) for certain
gravity meters (gravimeters) subject to the ITAR. (2) See USML
Category XII(d)(5) for certain gravity gradiometers subject to the
ITAR. (3) See ECCN 7A611 for gravity meters (gravimeters)
``specially designed'' for a defense article enumerated on the USML
or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and having automatic motion
compensation and an accuracy of less (better) than 2 mGal and
greater (worse) than 1mGal.
* * * * *
25. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A611 is revised
to read as follows:
6A611 Acoustic systems and equipment, radar, and ``parts,''
``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' ``specially
designed'' therefor, ``specially designed'' for a military
application that are not enumerated in any USML category or other
ECCN are controlled by ECCN 3A611. Military guidance and control
equipment, including certain gravity meters (gravimeters), that are
not enumerated in any USML category or ECCN are controlled by ECCN
26. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, add ECCN 6A615 between
ECCNs 6A611 and 6A990, to read as follows:
6A615 Military fire control, range finder, and optical, equipment,
and ``specially designed'' ``parts,'' ``components,''
``accessories,'' and ``attachments,'' as follows (See List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
[[Page 25814]]
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry except 6A615.y. NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry except 6A615.y. RS Column 1.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry except 6A615.y. See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
LVS: $1500
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2))
of the EAR may not be used for any item in 6A615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Military fire control, range finder, optical,
and guidance and control equipment that are enumerated on the USML
Category XII, and technical data (including software) directly
related thereto, are ``subject to the ITAR.'' (2) See Related
Controls in ECCNs 0A987, 2A984, 6A002, 6A003, 6A004, 6A005, 6A007,
6A008, 7A001, 7A002, 7A003, 7A005, and 7A101. (3) See ECCN 3A611 and
USML Category XI for controls on countermeasure equipment. (4) See
ECCN 0A919 for controls on foreign-made ``military commodities''
that incorporate more than a de minimis amount of U.S.-origin ``600
series'' controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), Laser Detection and
Ranging (LADAR), or laser range-gated systems or equipment having a
resolution (i.e., ground point spacing) less (better) than 0.4 m
from an altitude above ground level of 16,500 ft. or greater, and
incorporating a gimbal-mounted transmitter or beam director.
b. Gimbals permanently configured to contain a single payload
consisting of a camera operating exclusively in the visible spectrum
(i.e., 400 nm to 760 nm) and having a minimum root-mean-square (RMS)
stabilization better (less) than 35 microradians.
c. Zinc selenide, zinc sulfide, germanium or chalcogenide optics
blanks, being flat or initially curved, and having any of the
c.1. Diameter exceeding 3 inches and thickness exceeding 1.5
c.2. Diameter exceeding 5 inches;
c.3. Length and width both exceeding 3 inches and thicknesses
exceeding 1.5 inches; or
c.4. Length and width both exceeding 5 inches.
d. Weapon sights, weapon aiming systems or equipment, and weapon
imaging systems or equipment (e.g. clip-on), having peak response at
a wavelength exceeding 700 nm but not exceeding 1,000 nm, and not
controlled by 0A987.
e. Targeting or target location systems or equipment
incorporating or ``specially designed'' to incorporate a laser
rangefinder controlled in USML Cat XII(b)(3).
f. Mobile reconnaissance, scout or surveillance systems or
equipment providing real-time target location.
g. Combat vehicle, tactical wheeled vehicle, naval vessel, or
aircraft pilotage systems or equipment incorporating a variable
field of view or field of regard, and incorporating a photon
detector-based infrared focal plane array having less than 640
h. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ``Parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' that are ``specially designed'' for a commodity
enumerated or otherwise described in ECCN 6A615 (except 6A615.y) or
a defense article enumerated or otherwise described in Category XII
and not elsewhere specified on the USML, in 6A615.y, or 3A611.y.
y. Specific ``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' ``specially designed'' for a commodity subject to
control in this ECCN or a fire control, range finder, or optical
defense article in USML Category XII and not elsewhere specified on
the USML or in the CCL, as follows, and ``parts,'' ``components,''
``accessories,'' and ``attachments'' ``specially designed''
27. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A990, the
License Requirements Section, the List Based License Exceptions Section
and the related controls paragraph of the List of Items Controlled
Section are revised to read as follows:
6A990 Read-out integrated circuits ``specially designed'' for
``focal plane arrays'' controlled by 6A002.a.3.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
RS applies to entire entry................ A license is required to
export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (See Sec.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
LVS: $500
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(e) for read-out
integrated circuits ``subject to the ITAR.'' (2) See ECCN 0A919 for
foreign made military commodities that incorporate commodities
described in 6A990. (3) Section 744.9 imposes a license requirement
on commodities described in 6A990 if being exported, reexported, or
transferred (in-country) for use by a military end-user or for
incorporation into a commodity controlled by ECCN 0A919.
* * * * *
28. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6A993 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A993 Cameras, not controlled by 6A003 or 6A203, as follows (see
List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 0A919 for foreign made military
commodities that incorporate cameras described in 6A993.a that meet
the criteria specified in Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4.b (i.e., having a
maximum frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz). (2) Section 744.9
imposes license requirements on cameras described in 6A993.a as a
result of meeting the criteria specified in Note 3.a to 6A003.b.4.b
(i.e., having a maximum frame rate equal to or less than 9 Hz) if
being exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) for use by a
military end-user or for incorporation into a commodity controlled
by ECCN 0A919.
* * * * *
29. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, add ECCN 6B615 between
ECCNs 6B108 and 6B995, to read as follows:
6B615 Test, inspection, and production ``equipment'' and related
commodities ``specially designed'' for the ``development'' or
``production'' of commodities enumerated or otherwise described in
ECCN 6A615 or military fire control, range finder, and optical
equipment enumerated or otherwise described in USML Category XII
(see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry................ RS Column 1.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry................ See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
LVS: $1,500
[[Page 25815]]
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2)
of the EAR) may not be used for any item in 6B615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See Related Controls in ECCNs 0A987, 2A984,
6A002, 6A003, 6A004, 6A005, 6A007, 6A008, 7A001, 7A003, 7A005, and
7A101. (2) See ECCN 0A919 for controls on foreign-made ``military
commodities'' that incorporate more than a de minimis amount of
U.S.-origin ``600 series'' controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Test, inspection, and production equipment (other than
production equipment and components controlled in paragraph y of
this entry) ``specially designed'' for the ``production'' or
``development'' of commodities controlled in ECCN 6A615 (except
6A615.y) or USML Category XII that are not enumerated in USML
Category XII or ``600 series'' ECCN.
b. Environmental test facilities ``specially designed'' for the
certification, qualification or testing of commodities controlled in
ECCN 6A615 (except 6A615.y) or USML Category XII that are not
enumerated in USML Category XII or ``600 series'' ECCN.
c. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ``Parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' that are ``specially designed'' for a commodity
listed in this entry and that are not enumerated on the USML or
controlled by another ``600 series'' ECCN.
30. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6D002 is amended
a. Revising the License Requirements section;
b. Revising the List Based License Exceptions section; and
c. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6D002 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``use'' of
equipment controlled by 6A002.b, 6A008 or 6B008.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 1.
MT applies to ``software'' for equipment MT Column 1.
controlled by 6A008 or 6B008 for MT
RS applies to ``software'' for equipment A license is required to
controlled by 6A002.b. export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (See Sec.
RS applies to ``software'' for equipment RS Column 1.
controlled by 6A008.j.1.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
TSR: Yes, except N/A for the following: (1) Items controlled for MT
reasons; (2) ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``use'' of
``space qualified'' ``laser'' radar or Light Detection and Ranging
(LIDAR) equipment defined in 6A008.j.1; or (3) ``Software''
``specially designed'' for the ``use'' of commodities controlled by
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the
``use'' of ``space-qualified'' LIDAR ``equipment'' ``specially
designed'' for surveying or for meteorological observation, released
from control under the note in 6A008.j, is controlled in 6D991. (2)
See also 6D102, 6D991, 6D992, and 6D994.
31. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6D003 is amended
a. Revising the Control(s) table in the License Requirements section;
b. Revising the List Based License Exceptions section; and
c. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6D003 Other ``software'' as follows (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
* * * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 1.
RS applies to 6D003.c..................... A license is required to
export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (See Sec.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
* * * * *
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
CIV: Yes for 6D003.h.1
TSR: Yes, except for 6D003.c and except for exports or reexports to
destinations outside of those countries listed in Country Group A:5
(See Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR) of ``software'' for
items controlled by 6D003.a.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: See also 6D103, 6D991, 6D993, and 6D994.
* * * * *
32. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, add ECCN 6D615 between
ECCNs 6D201 and 6D991, to read as follows:
6D615 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, or maintenance of commodities controlled
by 6A615 or equipment controlled by 6B615 (see List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry except 6D615.y. NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry except 6D615.y. RS Column 1.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry except 6D615.y. See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2)
of the EAR) may not be used for any software in 6D615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) ``Software'' directly related to articles
enumerated in USML Category XII is subject of USML paragraph XII(f).
(2) See Related Controls in ECCNs 0A987, 2A984, 6A002, 6A003, 6A004,
6A005, 6A007, 6A008, 7A001, 7A003, 7A005, and 7A101. (3) See ECCN
0A919 for controls on foreign-made ``military commodities'' that
incorporate more than a
[[Page 25816]]
de minimis amount of U.S.-origin ``600 series'' controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation or maintenance of commodities controlled
by ECCNs 6A615 (except 6A615.y) or 6B615.
b. to x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ``software'' ``specially designed'' for the
``production,'' ``development,'' or operation or maintenance of
commodities described in 6A615.y.
33. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6D991 is revised
to read as follows:
6D991 ``Software,'' n.e.s., ``specially designed'' for the
``development'', ``production'', or ``use'' of commodities
controlled by 6A002, 6A003, 6A990, 6A991, 6A996, 6A997, or 6A998.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
RS applies to ``software'' for commodities A license is required to
controlled by 6A002, 6A003, and 6A990. export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (See Sec.
RS applies to ``software'' for commodities RS Column 1.
controlled by 6A998.b.
RS applies to ``software'' for commodities RS Column 2.
controlled by 6A998.c.
AT applies to entire entry, except AT Column 1.
``software'' for commodities controlled
by 6A991.
AT applies to ``software'' for commodities AT Column 2.
controlled by 6A991.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6D002 for ``software'' ``specially
designed'' for the ``use'' of commodities controlled under ECCN
6A002.b. (2) See ECCN 6D003.c for ``software'' ``specially
designed'' for cameras incorporating ``focal plane arrays''
specified by 6A002.a.3.f and ``specially designed'' to remove a
frame rate restriction and allow the camera to exceed the frame rate
specified in 6A003.b.4 Note 3.a.
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN heading.
34. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, add ECCN 6D994 between
ECCNs 6D993 and the header that reads ``E. Technology'', to read as
6D994 ``Software'', n.e.s., ``specially designed'' for the
maintenance, repair, or overhaul of commodities controlled by 6A002,
6A003, or 6A990.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
RS applies to entire entry................ A license is required to
export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (see Sec.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6D002 for software ``specially
designed'' for the ``use'' of commodities controlled under ECCN
6A002.b. (2) See ECCN 6D003.c for software designed or modified for
cameras incorporating ``focal plane arrays'' specified by
6A002.a.3.f and designed or modified to remove a frame rate
restriction and allow the camera to exceed the frame rate specified
in 6A003.b.4 Note 3.a.
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN heading.
35. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6E001 is amended
a. Revising the Reason for Control paragraph and the Table in the
License Requirements section;
b. Revising the CIV and TSR paragraphs in the List Based License
Exceptions section; and
c. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6E001 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``development'' of equipment, materials or ``software''
controlled by 6A (except 6A990, 6A991, 6A992, 6A994, 6A995, 6A996,
6A997, 6A998, or 6A999.c), 6B (except 6B995), 6C (except 6C992 or
6C994), or 6D (except 6D991, 6D992, or 6D993).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, RS, CC, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to ``technology'' for items NS Column 1.
controlled by 6A001 to 6A008, 6B004 to
6B008, 6C002 to 6C005, or 6D001 to 6D003.
MT applies to ``technology'' for items MT Column 1.
controlled by 6A002, 6A007, 6A008, 6A102,
6A107, 6A108, 6B008, 6B108, 6D001, 6D002,
6D102 or 6D103 for MT reasons.
NP applies to ``technology'' for equipment NP Column 1.
controlled by 6A003, 6A005, 6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225, 6A226, 6D001, or 6D201 for
NP reasons.
RS applies to ``technology'' for A license is required to
commodities controlled by 6A002 or 6A003. export and reexport these
items to all countries,
including Canada. A column
specific to this control
does not appear on the
Commerce Country Chart.
(See Sec. 742.6(a)(8)).
RS applies to ``technology'' for items RS Column 1.
controlled by 6A002.a.1, .a.2, .a.3, or
.c, 6A003.b.3 or .b.4, or 6A008.j.1.
CC applies to ``technology'' for equipment CC Column 1.
controlled by 6A002 for CC reasons.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to ``technology'' for equipment See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
controlled by 6A002 or 6A003 for UN controls.
* * * * *
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
TSR: Yes, except for the following: (1) Items controlled for MT
reasons; (2) ``Technology'' for commodities controlled by 6A002,
6A003, 6A004.e or 6A008.j.1; (3) ``Technology'' for ``software''
``specially designed'' for ``space qualified'' ``laser''
[[Page 25817]]
radar or Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) equipment defined in
6A008.j.1 and controlled by 6D001 or 6D002; or (4) Exports or
reexports to destinations outside of those countries listed in
Country Group A:5 (See Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR) of
``technology'' for the ``development'' of the following:
6A001.a.1.b, 6A001.a.1.e, 6A001.a.2.a.1, 6A001.a.2.a.2,
6A001.a.2.a.3, 6A001.a.2.a.5, 6A001.a.2.a.6, 6A001.a.2.b,
6A001.a.2.d, 6A001.a.2.e., 6A004.c, 6A004.d,, 6A006.a.2, 6A006.c.1,
6A006.d, 6A006.e, 6A008.d, 6A008.h, 6A008.k, 6B008, 6D003.a; (b)
Equipment controlled by 6A001.a.2.c or 6A001.a.2.f when ``specially
designed'' for real time applications; or (c) ``Software''
controlled by 6D001 and ``specially designed'' for the
``development'' or ``production'' of equipment controlled by 6B008,
or 6D003.a.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Technical data directly related to satellites
and all other items described in USML Category XV are subject to the
ITAR under USML Category XV(f). (2) See also 6E101, 6E201, and
6E991. (3) Technology for incorporating or integrating infrared
focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) into permanent encapsulated sensor
assemblies subject to the EAR, or integrating such assemblies into
an item subject to the EAR, and integrating image intensifier tubes
(IITs) into an item subject to the EAR, including integrating items
subject to the EAR into foreign military commodities outside the
United States is subject to the EAR. This technology includes the
testing, operation instructions for a focal plane array in a
``permanent encapsulated sensor assembly'' subject to the EAR,
mechanical dimensions and physical characteristics of the sensor
assembly, provided such information does not include design
methodology, engineering analysis, or manufacturing know-how.
* * * * *
36. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, ECCN 6E002 is amended
a. Revising the Reason for Control paragraph and the Table in the
License Requirements section;
b. Revising the CIV and TSR paragraphs in the List Based License
Exceptions section; and
c. Revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6E002 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``production'' of equipment or materials controlled by 6A
(except 6A990, 6A991, 6A992, 6A994, 6A995, 6A996, 6A997, 6A998 or
6A999.c), 6B (except 6B995) or 6C (except 6C992 or 6C994).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, RS, CC, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to ``technology'' for equipment NS Column 1.
controlled by 6A001 to 6A008, 6B004 to
6B008, or 6C002 to 6C005.
MT applies to ``technology'' for equipment MT Column 1.
controlled by 6A002, 6A007, 6A008, 6A102,
6A107, 6A108, 6B008, or 6B108 for MT
NP applies to ``technology'' for equipment NP Column 1.
controlled by 6A003, 6A005, 6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225 or 6A226 for NP reasons.
RS applies to ``technology'' for items A license is required to
controlled by 6A002 or 6A003. export and reexport these
items to all countries,
including Canada. A column
specific to this control
does not appear on the
Commerce Country Chart.
(See Sec. 742.6(a)(8)).
RS applies to ``technology'' for items RS Column 1.
controlled by 6A008.j.1.
CC applies to ``technology'' for equipment CC Column 1.
controlled by 6A002 for CC reasons.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to ``technology'' for equipment See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
controlled by 6A002 or 6A003 for UN controls.
* * * * *
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
TSR: Yes, except for the following:
(1) Items controlled for MT reasons;
(2) ``Technology'' for commodities controlled by 6A002, 6A003,
6A004.e, 6A008.j.1; or
(3) Exports or reexports to destinations outside of those
countries listed in Country Group A:5 (See Supplement No. 1 to part
740 of the EAR) of ``technology'' for the ``production'' of the
following: (a) Items controlled by 6A001.a.1.b, 6A001.a.1.e,
6A001.a.2.a.1, 6A001.a.2.a.2, 6A001.a.2.a.3, 6A001.a.2.a.5,
6A001.a.2.a.6, 6A001.a.2.b, 6A004.c, 6A004.d, 6A006.a.2, 6A006.c.1,
6A006.d, 6A006.e, 6A008.d, 6A008.h, 6A008.k, 6B008; and (b) Items
controlled by 6A001.a.2.c and 6A001.a.2.f when ``specially
designed'' for real time applications.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Technical data directly related to satellites
and all other items described in USML Category XV are subject to the
ITAR under USML Category XV(f). (2) See also 6E992. (3) Technology
for incorporating or integrating IRFPAs into ``permanent
encapsulated sensor assemblies'' subject to the EAR, or integrating
such assemblies into an item subject to the EAR, and integrating
image intensifier tubes (IITs) into an item subject to the EAR,
including integrating items subject to the EAR into foreign military
commodities outside the United States, is subject to the EAR. This
technology includes the testing results, interface and operation
instructions for a focal plane array in a ``permanent encapsulated
sensor assembly'' subject to the EAR, mechanical dimensions and
physical characteristics of the sensor assembly, provided such
information does not include design methodology, engineering
analysis, or manufacturing know-how.
* * * * *
37. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, add ECCN 6E615 between
ECCNs 6E202 and 6E990, to read as follows:
6E615 ``Technology'' ``required'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, installation, maintenance, repair,
overhaul or refurbishing of commodities controlled by 6A615,
equipment controlled by 6B615, or ``software'' controlled by 6D615
(see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry except 6E615.y. NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry except 6E615.y. RS Column 1.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry except 6E615.y. See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2)
of the EAR) may not be used for any technology in 6E615.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Technical data directly related to articles
enumerated or otherwise described in USML Category XII are subject
[[Page 25818]]
to the control of USML Category XII(f). (2) See Related Controls in
ECCNs 0A987, 2A984, 6A002, 6A003, 6A004, 6A005, 6A007, 6A008, 7A001,
7A003, 7A005, and 7A101.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ``Technology'' ``required'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, installation, maintenance, repair,
overhaul, or refurbishing of commodities or software controlled by
ECCNs 6A615 (except 6A615.y), 6B615, or 6D615 (except 6D615.y).
b. through x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ``technology'' ``required'' for the ``production,''
``development,'' operation, installation, maintenance, repair, or
overhaul of commodities or ``software'' in ECCN 6A615.y or 6D615.y.
38. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, revise ECCN 6E990 to
read as follows:
6E990 ``Technology'' ``required'' for the ``development'' or
``production'' of commodities controlled by ECCN 6A990.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
RS applies to entire entry................ A license is required to
export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (See Sec.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN heading.
39. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 6, add a new ECCN 6E994
between ECCNs 6E993 and EAR99, to read as follows:
6E994 ``Technology'' ``required'' for the maintenance, repair, or
overhaul of commodities controlled under 6A002, 6A003, or 6A990.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
RS applies to entire entry................ A license is required to
export and reexport to all
countries, including
Canada. A column specific
to this control does not
appear on the Commerce
Country Chart. (See Sec.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of all
License Exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 6E001 for ``development'' technology
and ECCN 6E002 for ``production'' technology. (2) See ECCN 6E990 for
``development'' and ``production'' technology for commodities
controlled by 6A990.
Related Definitions: N/A
The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN heading.
40. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 7A001 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
7A001 Accelerometers as follows (see List of Items Controlled) and
``specially designed'' ``components'' therefor.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(d)(2) for accelerometers
having a bias stability of less (better) than 20 micro g, a scale
factor stability of less (better) than 20 parts per million, or
capable of measuring greater than 100,000 g. (2) See ECCN 7A611 for
accelerometers ``specially designed'' for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and meeting
certain specifications described in 7A611. (3) See also ECCNs 7A101
and 7A994. For angular or rotational accelerometers, see
ECCN7A001.b. MT controls do not apply to accelerometers that are
``specially designed'' and developed as Measurement While Drilling
(MWD) sensors for use in downhole well service applications.
* * * * *
41. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 7A002 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
7A002 Gyros or angular rate sensors, having any of the following
(see List of Items Controlled) and ``specially designed''
``components'' therefor.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(d)(3) for gyros or
angular rate sensors having an angle random walk of less (better)
than 0.00125 degree per square root hour or having a bias stability
less (better) than 0.0015 degrees per hour. (2) See also ECCNs 7A102
and 7A994. For angular or rotational accelerometers, see ECCN
7A001.b. (3) See ECCN 7A611 for gyros or angular rate sensors
``specially designed'' for a defense article enumerated on the USML
or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and meeting certain specifications
described in 7A611.
* * * * *
42. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 7A003 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
7A003 `Inertial measurement equipment or systems,' having any of the
following (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See also ECCNs 7A103 and 7A994. See USML Category
XII(d)(1) for guidance or navigation systems: (i) having a CEP of
position error rate less (better) than 0.35 nautical miles per hour;
(ii) having a heading error or true north determination of less
(better) than 0.50 mrad secant (latitude); or (iii) specified to
function at linear acceleration levels exceeding 25 g. See ECCN
7A611 for inertial measurement units, inertial reference units, or
heading reference systems ``specially designed'' for a defense
article enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and
meeting certain specifications described in 7A611.
* * * * *
43. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, amend ECCN 7A005 by
revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
7A005 Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiving equipment
having any of the following (see List of Items Controlled) and
``specially designed'' ``components'' therefor.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See also ECCNs 7A105 and 7A994. Typically
commercially available GNSS receivers do not employ decryption or
adaptive antennas and are classified as 7A994. (2) For equipment
``specially designed'' for military use, see USML Categories XI and
* * * * *
44. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 7A101 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph
[[Page 25819]]
in the List of Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
7A101 Accelerometers, other than those controlled by 7A001 (see List
of Items Controlled), and ``specially designed'' ``parts'' and
``components'' therefor.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(d)(2) for accelerometers
having a bias stability of less (better) than 20 micro g, a scale
factor stability of less (better) than 20 parts per million, or
capable of measuring greater than 100,000 g. (2) See ECCN 7A611 for
accelerometers ``specially designed'' for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and meeting
certain specifications described in 7A611. (3) This entry does not
control accelerometers that are ``specially designed'' and developed
as MWD (Measurement While Drilling) sensors for use in downhole well
service operations.
* * * * *
45. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 7A102 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
7A102 Gyros, other than those controlled by 7A002 (see List of Items
Controlled), and ``specially designed'' ``parts'' and ``components''
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See USML Category XII(d)(3) for gyros or
angular rate sensors having an angle random walk of less (better)
than 0.00125 degree per square root hour or having a bias stability
less (better) than 0.0015 degrees per hour. (2) See ECCN 7A611 for
gyros ``specially designed'' for a defense article enumerated on the
USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and meeting certain
specifications described in 7A611. (3) See also ECCNs 7A002 and
* * * * *
46. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 7A611 is revised
to read as follows:
7A611 Military guidance and control equipment, as follows (see List
of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry except 7A611.y. NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry except 7A611.y. RS Column 1.
MT applies to commodities in 7A611.b, .c, MT Column 1.
and .d that meet or exceed the parameters
of 7A101, 7A102, or 7A103.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry except 7A611.y. See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of All
License Exceptions)
LVS: $1500
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2)
of the EAR) may not be used for any item in 7A611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Navigation and avionics equipment and systems,
and ``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and ``attachments''
``specially designed'' therefor, ``specially designed'' for a
military application that are not enumerated in any USML category or
another ``600 series'' ECCN are controlled by ECCN 3A611. (2)
Military guidance and control equipment that are enumerated on the
USML Category XII, and technical data (including software) directly
related thereto, are ``subject to the ITAR.'' (3) See ECCNs 6A007,
7A001, 7A002, 7A003, 7A101, and 7A102. (4) See ECCN 3A611 and USML
Category XI for controls on countermeasure equipment. (5) See ECCN
0A919 for foreign-made ``military commodities'' that incorporate
more than a de minimis amount of U.S. origin ``600 series''
controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Guidance, navigation, or control systems ``specially
designed'' for a defense article enumerated on the USML or for a
``600 series'' ECCN, and having any of the following:
a.1. A ``CEP'' of position error rate of less (better) than or
equal to 0.70 nautical miles per hour and greater (worse) than 0.35
nautical miles per hour;
a.2. A heading error or true north determination of less
(better) than or equal to 0.060 degree secant (latitude) and greater
(worse) than 0.02865 degree secant (latitude);
a.3. Specified to function at linear acceleration levels
exceeding 6 g and less than or equal to 25 g;
a.4. Stored heading aircraft carrier alignment features; or
a.5. Inertial measurement equipment or systems designed to use
data from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) or ``DBRN''
systems and having an INS navigation position accuracy subsequent to
normal alignment of:
a.5.a. 20 meters CEP after loss of GNSS or ``DBRN'' for a period
greater than 4 minutes but less than or equal to 30 minutes; or
a.5.b. 30 meters CEP after loss of GNSS or ``DBRN'' for a period
greater than 30 minutes;
b. Inertial measurement units, inertial reference units, or
attitude and heading reference systems ``specially designed'' for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN,
and incorporating accelerometers meeting the control thresholds of
7A611.c.1, 7A611.c.2, 7A611.c.3, or USML Category XII(d), or gyros
meeting the control thresholds of 7A611.d.1, 7A611.d.2, 7A611.d.3,
or USML Category XII(d);
c. Accelerometers ``specially designed'' for a defense article
enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN, and having any
of the following:
c.1. A bias stability of less (better) than or equal to 200
micro g and greater (worse) than or equal to 20 micro g;
c.2. A scale factor stability of less (better) than or equal to
200 parts per million and greater than or equal to 20 parts per
million; or
c.3. Specified to function at linear acceleration levels
exceeding 10 g;
d. Gyros or angular rate sensors ``specially designed'' for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN,
and having any of the following:
d.1. An ``angle random walk'' of less (better) than or equal to
0.010 degree per square root hour and greater than or equal to
0.00125 degrees per square root hour;
d.2. A bias stability of less (better) than or equal to 0.015
degree per hour and greater than or equal to 0.0015 degrees per
hour; or
d.3. Specified to function at linear acceleration levels
exceeding 10 g;
e. Gravity meters (gravimeters) ``specially designed'' for a
defense article enumerated on the USML or for a ``600 series'' ECCN,
and having automatic motion compensation and an accuracy of less
(better) than 2 mGal and greater (worse) than 1mGal.
f. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ``Parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' that are ``specially designed'' for a commodity
enumerated or otherwise described in ECCN 7A611 (except 7A611.y) or
a guidance and control defense article in Category XII and not
elsewhere specified on the USML, in 7A611.y, or 3A611.y.
y. Specific ``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' ``specially designed'' for a commodity subject to
control in this ECCN or a guidance and control defense article in
Category XII and not elsewhere specified on the USML or in the CCL,
as follows, and ``parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' ``specially designed'' therefor:
47. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, add ECCN 7B611 between
ECCNs 7B103 and 7B994, to read as follows:
7B611 Test, inspection, and production ``equipment'' and related
commodities ``specially designed'' for military guidance and control
equipment, as follows (see List of Items Controlled).
[[Page 25820]]
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry................ RS Column 1.
MT applies to ``equipment'' and related MT Column 1.
commodities ``specially designed'' for
commodities controlled for MT reasons in
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry................ See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of All
License Exceptions)
LVS: $1500
Special Conditions for STA
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2)
of the EAR) may not be used for any item in 7B611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See Related Controls in ECCNs 6A007, 7A001,
7A002, 7A003, 7A101, and 7A102. (2) See ECCN 0A919 for foreign-made
``military commodities'' that incorporate more than a de minimis
amount of U.S. origin ``600 series'' controlled content.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Test, inspection, and production ``equipment'' ``specially
designed'' for the ``development,'' ``production,'' repair,
overhaul, or refurbishing of commodities controlled in ECCN 7A611 or
guidance and control equipment in USML Category XII that are not
enumerated in USML Category XII or ``600 series'' ECCN.
b. Environmental test facilities ``specially designed'' for the
certification, qualification, or testing of commodities controlled
in ECCN 7A611 (except 7A611.y) or guidance and control equipment in
USML Category XII that are not enumerated in USML Category XII or
``600 series'' ECCN.
c. to w. [RESERVED]
x. ``Parts,'' ``components,'' ``accessories,'' and
``attachments'' that are ``specially designed'' for a commodity
listed in this entry and that are not enumerated on the USML or
controlled by another ``600 series'' ECCN.
48. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, add ECCN 7D611 between
ECCNs 7D103 and 7D994, to read as follows:
7D611 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, or maintenance of commodities controlled
by 7A611 or equipment controlled by 7B611 (see List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry except 7D611.y. NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry except 7D611.y. RS Column 1.
MT applies to ``software'' ``specially MT Column 1.
designed'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, or maintenance
of commodities controlled for MT reasons
in 7A611 or 7B611.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry except 7D611.y. See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of All
License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License Exception STA (Sec.
740.20(c)(1) of the EAR) may not be used for ``development'' or
``production'' ``software'' in 7D611.a. (2) Paragraph (c)(2) of
License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any software in 7D611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) ``Software'' directly related to articles
enumerated in USML Category XII is subject of USML paragraph XII(f).
(2) See Related Controls in ECCNs 6A007, 7A001, 7A002, 7A003, 7A101,
and 7A102. (3) See ECCN 0A919 for foreign-made ``military
commodities'' that incorporate more than a de minimis amount of U.S.
origin ``600 series'' controlled content.
Related Definitions:
a. ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation or maintenance of commodities controlled
by ECCNs 7A611 (except 7A611.y) or 7B611.
b. to x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ``software'' ``specially designed'' for the
``production,'' ``development,'' or operation or maintenance of
commodities described in 7A611.y.
49. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, add ECCN 7E611 between
ECCNs 7E104 and 7E994, to read as follows:
7E611 ``Technology'' ``required'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, installation, maintenance, repair,
overhaul or refurbishing of commodities controlled by 7A611,
equipment controlled by 7B611, or software controlled by 7D611, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry except 7E611.y. NS Column 1.
RS applies to entire entry except 7E611.y. RS Column 1.
MT applies to ``technology'' ``required'' MT Column 1.
for the ``development,'' ``production,''
operation, installation, maintenance,
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of
commodities or software controlled for MT
reasons in 7A611, 7B611, or 7D611.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1.
UN applies to entire entry except 7E611.y. See Sec. 746.1(b) for UN
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a Description of All
License Exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License Exception STA (Sec.
740.20(c)(1) of the EAR) may not be used for ``development'' or
``production'' ``technology'' in 7E611.a. (2) Paragraph (c)(2) of
License Exception STA (Sec. 740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
used for any technology in 7E611.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: Technical data directly related to articles
enumerated in USML Category XII are subject to the control of USML
Category XII(f).
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ``Technology'' ``required'' for the ``development,''
``production,'' operation, installation, maintenance, repair,
overhaul, or refurbishing of commodities or ``software'' controlled
by ECCNs 7A611 (except 7A611.y), 7B611, or 7D611 (except 7D611.y).
b. through x. [RESERVED]
y. Specific ``technology'' ``required'' for the ``production,''
``development,'' operation, installation, maintenance, repair, or
overhaul of commodities or software controlled by ECCNs 7A611.y or
50. In Supplement No. 1 to part 774, Category 7, ECCN 8A002 is amended
by revising the Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
[[Page 25821]]
8A002 Marine systems, equipment, ``parts'' and ``components,'' as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
Related Controls: (1) See also 8A992 and for underwater
communications systems, see Category 5, Part I--Telecommunications.
(2) See also 8A992 for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
that is not controlled by 8A002 or released for control by the
8A002.q Note. (3) For electronic imaging systems ``specially
designed'' or modified for underwater use incorporating image
intensifier tubes specified by 6A002.a.2.a or 6A002.a.2.b, see
6A003.b.3. (4) For electronic imaging systems ``specially designed''
or modified for underwater use incorporating ``focal plane arrays''
specified by 6A002.a.3.g, see 6A003.b.4.c. (5) Section 744.9 imposes
a license requirement on commodities described in 8A002.d.1.c or
.d.2 if being exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) for
use by a military end-user or for incorporation into an item
controlled by ECCN 0A919.
* * * * *
Dated: April 16, 2015.
Kevin J. Wolf,
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration.
[FR Doc. 2015-10353 Filed 5-4-15; 8:45 am]