Special Load Line Exemption for Lake Michigan/Muskegon Route: Petition for Rulemaking, 23493-23495 [2015-09790]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules
disapprove state choices, based on the
criteria of the CAA. Accordingly, this
action merely proposes to disapprove
certain State requirements for inclusion
into the SIP under section 110 and
subchapter I, part D of the CAA and will
not in-and-of itself create any new
requirements. Accordingly, it does not
provide EPA with the discretionary
authority to address, as appropriate,
disproportionate human health or
environmental effects, using practicable
and legally permissible methods, under
Executive Order 12898.
K. Statutory Authority
The statutory authority for this action
is provided by section 110 of the CAA,
as amended (42 U.S.C. 7410).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 52
Environmental protection, Air
pollution control, Incorporation by
reference, Intergovernmental relations,
Ozone, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Volatile organic
Dated: April 17, 2015.
Ron Curry,
Regional Administrator, Region 6.
[FR Doc. 2015–09901 Filed 4–27–15; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
46 CFR Part 45
[Docket No. USCG–2013–0954]
Special Load Line Exemption for Lake
Michigan/Muskegon Route: Petition for
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of decision.
On May 27, 2014, the Coast
Guard published a Notice of Availability
and Request for Public Comment
regarding a petition for a rulemaking
action. The petition requested that the
Coast Guard establish a load lineexempted route on Lake Michigan,
along the eastern coast to Muskegon, MI.
Upon review of the comments as well as
analysis of safety considerations and
other factors described in the discussion
section, the Coast Guard has decided
not to proceed with the requested
rulemaking. The public comments, and
the Coast Guard’s reasoning for its
decision, are discussed in this notice.
DATES: The petition for rulemaking
published on May 27, 2014 (79 FR
30061) is denied.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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you have questions on this notice,
contact Mr. Thomas Jordan, Naval
Architecture Division (CG–ENG–2), U.S.
Coast Guard Headquarters, at telephone
202–372–1370, or by email at
thomas.d.jordan@uscg.mil. If you have
questions on viewing or submitting
material to the docket, call Cheryl
Collins, Program Manager, Docket
Operations, telephone 202–366–9826.
All Federal Register notices, public
comments, and other documents cited
in this notice may be viewed in the online docket at www.regulations.gov
(enter docket number ‘‘USCG–2014–
0954’’ in the search box).
Regulatory History and Background:
The purpose of a load line (LL)
assignment is to ensure that a vessel is
seaworthy for operation on exposed
coastal and offshore waters, including
the Great Lakes. In general, LL
assignment requires that vessels are
robustly constructed, fitted with
watertight and weathertight closures,
and are inspected annually to ensure
that they are being maintained in a
seaworthy condition. (A more-detailed
discussion of LL assignment is given in
our previous Notice of Availability, 79
FR 30061 on May 27, 2014.)
Because river barges are not typically
constructed to the required hull strength
standards for load line assignment, nor
subject to the same periodic inspections,
they are not normally allowed to operate
on the Great Lakes. However, certain
river barges are allowed on carefullyevaluated routes, under restricted
conditions as follows. There are
currently three such routes on Lake
Burns Harbor route: In 1985, a LLexempted route was established along
the southern shore of Lake Michigan to
allow river barges to operate under fair
weather conditions between Calumet
(Chicago), IL, and Burns Harbor, IN, a
distance of 27 nautical miles (NM), with
several ports of refuge along the way
(the longest distance between them is
just 11 NM). The tows must remain
within 5 NM of shore, and the barges are
prohibited from carrying liquid or
hazardous cargoes, and must have a
minimum freeboard of 24 inches.
Milwaukee route: In 1992, a special
LL regime was established along the
western shore of Lake Michigan,
between Calumet and Milwaukee, WI, a
distance of 92 NM (the longest distance
between ports of refuge is 33 NM). This
special LL regime revised the normal
robust construction requirements for a
Great Lakes LL, in conjunction with
similar cargo restrictions, weather
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limitations, and freeboard assignment as
for the Burns Harbor route. Barges more
than 10 years old are required to have
an initial dry-dock inspection to verify
the material condition of the hull, but a
newer barge could obtain the special LL
provided it passed an initial afloat
inspection by the American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS). All barges were subject
to annual ABS inspections to verify that
they were being maintained in a
seaworthy condition. Tows are limited
to three barges, and the towing vessel
must be least 1,000 HP.
Milwaukee route risk assessment
study: However, the towing industry
still considered the cost of the special
LL assignment to be too prohibitive for
establishing river barge service to
Milwaukee. Accordingly, in 2000, the
Port of Milwaukee organized a risk
assessment (RA) working group that
included port officials, towing & barge
companies, and terminal operators (the
Risk Assessment report can be viewed
on-line in the docket). The RA group
reviewed meteorological information
and evaluated the viability of the ports
of refuge along the route, and concluded
that restricting the age of eligible rivers
barges to 10 years, in conjuction with
self-inspection and self-certication by
barge owners/operators, provided the
same level of seaworthiness assurance
as LL assignment by ABS.
The RA meetings were attended by
USCG representatives, and the
recommendations were reviewed by the
Ninth Coast Guard District, which
endorsed them. The Milwaukee route
exemption went into effect in 2002.
Muskegon route: Meanwhile, in 1996,
the special LL regime for the Milwaukee
route was extended along the eastern
shore of Lake Michigan to Muskegon, a
distance of 119 NM beyond Burns
Harbor. River barges can still operate as
far as Burns Harbor without any LL, but
must obtain the special LL to proceed
beyond that point to Muskegon.
Recognizing the longer distance and
more severe weather conditions on the
eastern side of Lake Michigan, there
were some additional requirements
pertaining to the towing vessel.
Because the Muskegon route was not
evaluated as part of the Milwaukee risk
assessment study, it was not included in
the exemption.
Petition for LL exemption on the
Muskegon route: In October 2013, the
Coast Guard received two letters
requesting that we establish a load line
exemption for river barges on the
Muskegon route. The basis for the
request was that the LL requirements
(route restrictions and load line
inspection requirements) were
preventing Michigan from transporting
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules
agricultural products on river barges via
the Mississippi-Illinois River system.
In response to the petition request, the
Coast Guard opened a public docket
USCG–2014–0954 and published a
Notice of Availability and Request for
Public Comment (79 FR 30061, May 27,
2014) with a 90-day comment period.
The comment period closed on August
25, 2014.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Discussion of Comments
In response to the notice, 92
comments were posted in the docket,
submitted by 42 individuals, 16
commercial companies (mostly
agricultural-associated), several trade
associations, resolutions signed by
various Michigan municipal
organizations as well as state and
Congressional representatives. All
comments can be viewed on-line in the
To summarize, the comments fall into
three categories:
Supportive: 59 comments supported
the petition on general principles. They
commented on the potential economic
benefits, such as reduced shipping costs
for northbound cargoes (fertilizer was
mentioned) and southbound cargoes
(grain), as well as employment/job
creation. However, none of these
comments included any specific details
or estimates with respect to shipment
costs, cargo volumes, employment
levels, etc.
One supportive commenter reported
that a local steel fabricator could not
compete on a contract for steel tanks
that could have been transported by a
non-LL river barge from Muskegon for
downriver delivery to the Gulf of
Mexico. Because of the extra cost of
using a LL barge to get the steel tanks
to Calumet and then transhipping it
onto a river barge, the company could
not compete.
Another supportive comment
mentioned the impending shut-down of
the B. C. Cobb power plant in
Muskegon, which burns 640,000 tons of
coal per year, delivered by Lake
freighters. Without the annual tonnage
of coal delivery, the port would no
longer qualify for dredging support by
the Army Corps of Engineers. The
commenter viewed the route exemption
as a possible means of encouraging new
cargo movements through the port (such
as fertilizer and grain), and thereby
maintain its dredging eligibility.
Opposed: 23 comments opposed the
petition, typically over concerns about
catastrophic environmental impact if a
cargo were lost (especially a load of
fertilizer). Several mentioned the Lake
Erie algae bloom in the summer of 2014,
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which shut down the Toledo municipal
water supply for several days.
Other opposing comments expressed
concern that the route would cause the
spread of Asian carp and/or other
invasive species from the Mississippi
River system.
From a vessel safety perspective,
several opposing commenters stated that
the eastern side of Lake Michigan has
the most unpredictable weather and is
the most-exposed. One commenter
pointed out that the voyage distance to
Muskegon was approximately 114
miles, which would take 16 to 23 hours,
more than enough time (in their
opinion) for the weather to change
unexpectedly. Another commenter (an
experienced Lake tug & barge operator)
stated that attempting to get a string of
three barges into any of the ports-ofrefuge under adverse weather
conditions would be very difficult and
risky; they felt that the tug master would
be more likely to take a chance and try
to ride out the weather on the open Lake
rather than risk entry into a refuge, thus
exposing river barges to storm
conditions and increasing the likelihood
of a casualty.
Conditionally supportive, or
concerned: 10 commenters either
expressed conditional support for the
petition provided that the
environmental risks were addressed, or
simply expressed their concerns about
possible adverse effects (without clearly
supporting or opposing the petition).
Discussion of Decision
Upon review of the petition itself and
the docket comments, the Coast Guard
has decided to deny the rulemaking
petition. The Coast Guard will not
amend the regulations to provide for the
requested route exemption, for reasons
discussed below.
The Coast Guard recognizes that there
are similarities between the two Lake
Michigan routes, which invites
comparison between the LL-exempted
Milwaukee route and the LL-required
Muskegon route. For example, barges on
both routes are built to the same
structural (river-service) standards and
subject to the same level of weather
restrictions. However, there are some
significant differences between the
routes that affect operational safety, as
further explained below. The public
comments submitted to the docket did
not provide sufficient information that
alleviates the operational safety
concerns found on this route.
Weather/Safety considerations:
Although several comments spoke of
‘‘improved forecasting technology’’ over
the years since the earlier rulemakings,
no specific details were provided. The
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evaluations conducted during
consideration of the earlier exempted or
conditional load line routes noted that
the prevailing weather patterns on the
eastern side of Lake Michigan are
generally more severe than the western
side. The survey/certification
requirements in the existing special LL
regime provide an additional, necessary
safety net to account for risks associated
with severe weather. An exemption
from the special LL regime could be
detrimental to safety.
Ports-of-refuge: the Muskegon route
extends approximately 119 NM beyond
Burns Harbor. There are three large
harbors along the route (St. Joseph,
Holland, and Grand Haven), and two
smaller harbors that might be suitable
ports-of-refuge. However, the current
viability of these harbors has not been
verified (Army Corps of Engineering fact
sheets for these ports mention that
several of them have experienced
channel shoaling due to winter storms
and Hurricane Sandy). Furthermore, the
intermediate distance between Burns
Harbor and St. Joseph is 41 NM, and
between St. Joseph and Holland is 47
NM. These distances are much longer
than the longest intermediate distance
on the Milwaukee route (33 NM). The
availability of and distance to a port of
safe refuge is a critical element in the
evaluation of load line conditional or
exempted routes. The ability to reach a
port of safe refuge is important if
unexpected weather or damage causes
the need to seek safety from the open
Economic benefits: Although several
comments suggested that further
reductions/relaxation of certain loadline
requirements could result in economic,
operational benefits. These economic
benefits have not been quantified and
may be offset by the costs associated
with other safety requirements
necessary to protect river barges
operating along this exposed route, for
example, costs associated with
complying with mandatory maximum
age-restrictions on the barges, similar to
the Milwaukee route. As such, the Coast
Guard is unable to verify the claims of
economic benefits. The existing special
LL regime on the Muskegon route is a
less restrictive LL regime than that
required for an unrestricted Great Lakes
LL. River barges are already permitted to
operate on this route, under certain
controlled conditions.
Risk assessment: Unlike the
Milwaukee route, no risk assessment
has been performed for the Muskegon
route. In the absence of such a risk
assessment, and in consideration of the
more-volatile weather patterns and the
longer transit times between ports of
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 81 / Tuesday, April 28, 2015 / Proposed Rules
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
refuge, the Coast Guard believes that the
initial and annual LL surveys,
undertaken per the special loadline
requirements for this route, provide a
necessary margin of seaworthiness
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20:51 Apr 27, 2015
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For the reasons above, the Coast
Guard denies the petition and will not
undertake the requested rulemaking.
This notice is issued under authority
of 5 U.S.C. 553(e), 555(e) and 46 U.S.C.
PO 00000
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Fmt 4702
Sfmt 9990
Dated: April 21, 2015.
J.G. Lantz,
Director of Commercial Regulations and
Standards, U.S. Coast Guard.
[FR Doc. 2015–09790 Filed 4–27–15; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 81 (Tuesday, April 28, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 23493-23495]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-09790]
Coast Guard
46 CFR Part 45
[Docket No. USCG-2013-0954]
Special Load Line Exemption for Lake Michigan/Muskegon Route:
Petition for Rulemaking
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of decision.
SUMMARY: On May 27, 2014, the Coast Guard published a Notice of
Availability and Request for Public Comment regarding a petition for a
rulemaking action. The petition requested that the Coast Guard
establish a load line-exempted route on Lake Michigan, along the
eastern coast to Muskegon, MI. Upon review of the comments as well as
analysis of safety considerations and other factors described in the
discussion section, the Coast Guard has decided not to proceed with the
requested rulemaking. The public comments, and the Coast Guard's
reasoning for its decision, are discussed in this notice.
DATES: The petition for rulemaking published on May 27, 2014 (79 FR
30061) is denied.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have questions on this notice,
contact Mr. Thomas Jordan, Naval Architecture Division (CG-ENG-2), U.S.
Coast Guard Headquarters, at telephone 202-372-1370, or by email at
thomas.d.jordan@uscg.mil. If you have questions on viewing or
submitting material to the docket, call Cheryl Collins, Program
Manager, Docket Operations, telephone 202-366-9826.
All Federal Register notices, public comments, and other documents
cited in this notice may be viewed in the on-line docket at
www.regulations.gov (enter docket number ``USCG-2014-0954'' in the
search box).
Regulatory History and Background:
The purpose of a load line (LL) assignment is to ensure that a
vessel is seaworthy for operation on exposed coastal and offshore
waters, including the Great Lakes. In general, LL assignment requires
that vessels are robustly constructed, fitted with watertight and
weathertight closures, and are inspected annually to ensure that they
are being maintained in a seaworthy condition. (A more-detailed
discussion of LL assignment is given in our previous Notice of
Availability, 79 FR 30061 on May 27, 2014.)
Because river barges are not typically constructed to the required
hull strength standards for load line assignment, nor subject to the
same periodic inspections, they are not normally allowed to operate on
the Great Lakes. However, certain river barges are allowed on
carefully-evaluated routes, under restricted conditions as follows.
There are currently three such routes on Lake Michigan:
Burns Harbor route: In 1985, a LL-exempted route was established
along the southern shore of Lake Michigan to allow river barges to
operate under fair weather conditions between Calumet (Chicago), IL,
and Burns Harbor, IN, a distance of 27 nautical miles (NM), with
several ports of refuge along the way (the longest distance between
them is just 11 NM). The tows must remain within 5 NM of shore, and the
barges are prohibited from carrying liquid or hazardous cargoes, and
must have a minimum freeboard of 24 inches.
Milwaukee route: In 1992, a special LL regime was established along
the western shore of Lake Michigan, between Calumet and Milwaukee, WI,
a distance of 92 NM (the longest distance between ports of refuge is 33
NM). This special LL regime revised the normal robust construction
requirements for a Great Lakes LL, in conjunction with similar cargo
restrictions, weather limitations, and freeboard assignment as for the
Burns Harbor route. Barges more than 10 years old are required to have
an initial dry-dock inspection to verify the material condition of the
hull, but a newer barge could obtain the special LL provided it passed
an initial afloat inspection by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).
All barges were subject to annual ABS inspections to verify that they
were being maintained in a seaworthy condition. Tows are limited to
three barges, and the towing vessel must be least 1,000 HP.
Milwaukee route risk assessment study: However, the towing industry
still considered the cost of the special LL assignment to be too
prohibitive for establishing river barge service to Milwaukee.
Accordingly, in 2000, the Port of Milwaukee organized a risk assessment
(RA) working group that included port officials, towing & barge
companies, and terminal operators (the Risk Assessment report can be
viewed on-line in the docket). The RA group reviewed meteorological
information and evaluated the viability of the ports of refuge along
the route, and concluded that restricting the age of eligible rivers
barges to 10 years, in conjuction with self-inspection and self-
certication by barge owners/operators, provided the same level of
seaworthiness assurance as LL assignment by ABS.
The RA meetings were attended by USCG representatives, and the
recommendations were reviewed by the Ninth Coast Guard District, which
endorsed them. The Milwaukee route exemption went into effect in 2002.
Muskegon route: Meanwhile, in 1996, the special LL regime for the
Milwaukee route was extended along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan
to Muskegon, a distance of 119 NM beyond Burns Harbor. River barges can
still operate as far as Burns Harbor without any LL, but must obtain
the special LL to proceed beyond that point to Muskegon. Recognizing
the longer distance and more severe weather conditions on the eastern
side of Lake Michigan, there were some additional requirements
pertaining to the towing vessel.
Because the Muskegon route was not evaluated as part of the
Milwaukee risk assessment study, it was not included in the exemption.
Petition for LL exemption on the Muskegon route: In October 2013,
the Coast Guard received two letters requesting that we establish a
load line exemption for river barges on the Muskegon route. The basis
for the request was that the LL requirements (route restrictions and
load line inspection requirements) were preventing Michigan from
[[Page 23494]]
agricultural products on river barges via the Mississippi-Illinois
River system.
In response to the petition request, the Coast Guard opened a
public docket USCG-2014-0954 and published a Notice of Availability and
Request for Public Comment (79 FR 30061, May 27, 2014) with a 90-day
comment period. The comment period closed on August 25, 2014.
Discussion of Comments
In response to the notice, 92 comments were posted in the docket,
submitted by 42 individuals, 16 commercial companies (mostly
agricultural-associated), several trade associations, resolutions
signed by various Michigan municipal organizations as well as state and
Congressional representatives. All comments can be viewed on-line in
the docket.
To summarize, the comments fall into three categories:
Supportive: 59 comments supported the petition on general
principles. They commented on the potential economic benefits, such as
reduced shipping costs for northbound cargoes (fertilizer was
mentioned) and southbound cargoes (grain), as well as employment/job
creation. However, none of these comments included any specific details
or estimates with respect to shipment costs, cargo volumes, employment
levels, etc.
One supportive commenter reported that a local steel fabricator
could not compete on a contract for steel tanks that could have been
transported by a non-LL river barge from Muskegon for downriver
delivery to the Gulf of Mexico. Because of the extra cost of using a LL
barge to get the steel tanks to Calumet and then transhipping it onto a
river barge, the company could not compete.
Another supportive comment mentioned the impending shut-down of the
B. C. Cobb power plant in Muskegon, which burns 640,000 tons of coal
per year, delivered by Lake freighters. Without the annual tonnage of
coal delivery, the port would no longer qualify for dredging support by
the Army Corps of Engineers. The commenter viewed the route exemption
as a possible means of encouraging new cargo movements through the port
(such as fertilizer and grain), and thereby maintain its dredging
Opposed: 23 comments opposed the petition, typically over concerns
about catastrophic environmental impact if a cargo were lost
(especially a load of fertilizer). Several mentioned the Lake Erie
algae bloom in the summer of 2014, which shut down the Toledo municipal
water supply for several days.
Other opposing comments expressed concern that the route would
cause the spread of Asian carp and/or other invasive species from the
Mississippi River system.
From a vessel safety perspective, several opposing commenters
stated that the eastern side of Lake Michigan has the most
unpredictable weather and is the most-exposed. One commenter pointed
out that the voyage distance to Muskegon was approximately 114 miles,
which would take 16 to 23 hours, more than enough time (in their
opinion) for the weather to change unexpectedly. Another commenter (an
experienced Lake tug & barge operator) stated that attempting to get a
string of three barges into any of the ports-of-refuge under adverse
weather conditions would be very difficult and risky; they felt that
the tug master would be more likely to take a chance and try to ride
out the weather on the open Lake rather than risk entry into a refuge,
thus exposing river barges to storm conditions and increasing the
likelihood of a casualty.
Conditionally supportive, or concerned: 10 commenters either
expressed conditional support for the petition provided that the
environmental risks were addressed, or simply expressed their concerns
about possible adverse effects (without clearly supporting or opposing
the petition).
Discussion of Decision
Upon review of the petition itself and the docket comments, the
Coast Guard has decided to deny the rulemaking petition. The Coast
Guard will not amend the regulations to provide for the requested route
exemption, for reasons discussed below.
The Coast Guard recognizes that there are similarities between the
two Lake Michigan routes, which invites comparison between the LL-
exempted Milwaukee route and the LL-required Muskegon route. For
example, barges on both routes are built to the same structural (river-
service) standards and subject to the same level of weather
restrictions. However, there are some significant differences between
the routes that affect operational safety, as further explained below.
The public comments submitted to the docket did not provide sufficient
information that alleviates the operational safety concerns found on
this route.
Weather/Safety considerations: Although several comments spoke of
``improved forecasting technology'' over the years since the earlier
rulemakings, no specific details were provided. The evaluations
conducted during consideration of the earlier exempted or conditional
load line routes noted that the prevailing weather patterns on the
eastern side of Lake Michigan are generally more severe than the
western side. The survey/certification requirements in the existing
special LL regime provide an additional, necessary safety net to
account for risks associated with severe weather. An exemption from the
special LL regime could be detrimental to safety.
Ports-of-refuge: the Muskegon route extends approximately 119 NM
beyond Burns Harbor. There are three large harbors along the route (St.
Joseph, Holland, and Grand Haven), and two smaller harbors that might
be suitable ports-of-refuge. However, the current viability of these
harbors has not been verified (Army Corps of Engineering fact sheets
for these ports mention that several of them have experienced channel
shoaling due to winter storms and Hurricane Sandy). Furthermore, the
intermediate distance between Burns Harbor and St. Joseph is 41 NM, and
between St. Joseph and Holland is 47 NM. These distances are much
longer than the longest intermediate distance on the Milwaukee route
(33 NM). The availability of and distance to a port of safe refuge is a
critical element in the evaluation of load line conditional or exempted
routes. The ability to reach a port of safe refuge is important if
unexpected weather or damage causes the need to seek safety from the
open Lake.
Economic benefits: Although several comments suggested that further
reductions/relaxation of certain loadline requirements could result in
economic, operational benefits. These economic benefits have not been
quantified and may be offset by the costs associated with other safety
requirements necessary to protect river barges operating along this
exposed route, for example, costs associated with complying with
mandatory maximum age-restrictions on the barges, similar to the
Milwaukee route. As such, the Coast Guard is unable to verify the
claims of economic benefits. The existing special LL regime on the
Muskegon route is a less restrictive LL regime than that required for
an unrestricted Great Lakes LL. River barges are already permitted to
operate on this route, under certain controlled conditions.
Risk assessment: Unlike the Milwaukee route, no risk assessment has
been performed for the Muskegon route. In the absence of such a risk
assessment, and in consideration of the more-volatile weather patterns
and the longer transit times between ports of
[[Page 23495]]
refuge, the Coast Guard believes that the initial and annual LL
surveys, undertaken per the special loadline requirements for this
route, provide a necessary margin of seaworthiness assurance.
For the reasons above, the Coast Guard denies the petition and will
not undertake the requested rulemaking.
This notice is issued under authority of 5 U.S.C. 553(e), 555(e)
and 46 U.S.C. 5108.
Dated: April 21, 2015.
J.G. Lantz,
Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards, U.S. Coast Guard.
[FR Doc. 2015-09790 Filed 4-27-15; 8:45 am]