Notice of Availability of the Proposed Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Grand Junction Field Office, Colorado, 19344-19345 [2015-08187]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 69 / Friday, April 10, 2015 / Notices
Livestock Grazing and Term Permit
• October 22 (Ely)—Nevada and
Northeastern California Sub-regional
Greater Sage-Grouse Proposed Land Use
Plan Amendment and Final
Environmental Impact Statement, and
Wild Horse Population Control Pilot
Managers’ reports of field office
activities will be given at each meeting.
The Council may raise other topics at
the meetings.
Final agendas will be posted on-line
at the BLM North-Eastern Great Basin
RAC Web site at
and will be published in local and
regional media sources at least 14 days
before each meeting.
Individuals who need special
assistance such as sign language
interpretation or other reasonable
accommodations, or who wish to
receive a copy of each agenda, may
contact Chris Rose no later than 10 days
prior to each meeting.
Paul McGuire,
Acting Chief, Office of Communications.
[FR Doc. 2015–08251 Filed 4–9–15; 8:45 am]
The 12member council advises the Secretary of
the Interior, through the BLM, on a
variety of planning and management
issues associated with public land
management in the Central California
District, which includes the Bishop,
Bakersfield, Hollister, Ukiah and Mother
Lode Field Offices. At this meeting,
agenda topics will include an update on
resource management issues by the
Field Managers including Lake
Berryessa, Coast Dairies, Point Arena
and oil and gas. Additional ongoing
business will be discussed by the
council. All meetings are open to the
public. Members of the public may
present written comments to the
council. Each formal council meeting
will have time allocated for public
comments. Depending on the number of
persons wishing to speak, and the time
available, the time for individual
comments may be limited. The meeting
is open to the public. Individuals who
plan to attend and need special
assistance, such as sign language
interpretation and other reasonable
accommodations, should contact the
BLM as provided above.
Dated: March 31, 2015.
Ruben Leal,
Associate District Manager.
Bureau of Land Management
[FR Doc. 2015–08254 Filed 4–9–15; 8:45 am]
[LLCAC01000 L10100000.XZ0000
15XL1109AF LXSIOVHD0000]
Notice of Public Meeting of the Central
California Resource Advisory Council
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of Public Meeting.
In accordance with the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act and the Federal Advisory
Committee Act of 1972, the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Land Management (BLM) Central
California Resource Advisory Council
(RAC) will meet as indicated below.
DATES: Business meetings will be held
Thursday and Friday, April 23–24,
2015, at the BLM Mother Lode Field
Office, 5152 Hillsdale Circle, El Dorado
Hills, CA. Members of the public are
welcome to attend.
On April 23, the RAC will meet from
noon to 6 p.m. On April 24, the RAC
will meet from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Time
for public comment is reserved from 9
a.m. to 10 a.m. on April 24.
BLM Central California District Manager
Este Stifel, (916) 978–4626; or BLM
Public Affairs Officer David Christy,
(916) 941–3146.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Bureau of Land Management
[LLCON03000 L16100000.DQ0000]
Notice of Availability of the Proposed
Resource Management Plan and Final
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Grand Junction Field Office,
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended, and the Federal Land
Policy and Management Act of 1976, as
amended, the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) has prepared a
Proposed Resource Management Plan
(RMP) and Final Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the Grand Junction
Field Office and by this notice is
announcing its availability.
DATES: The BLM planning regulations
state that any person who meets the
conditions as described in the
regulations may protest the BLM’s
Proposed RMP and Final EIS. A person
PO 00000
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who meets the conditions and files a
protest must file the protest within 30
days of the date that the Environmental
Protection Agency publishes its notice
of availability in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Grand
Junction Field Office Proposed RMP and
Final EIS were sent to affected Federal,
State, and local government agencies
and to other stakeholders and tribal
governments. Copies of the Proposed
RMP and Final EIS are available for
public inspection at the Grand Junction
Field Office, 2815 H Road, Grand
Junction, CO 81506; Mesa County
libraries in Grand Junction, Collbran, De
Beque, Fruita and Gateway. Interested
persons may also review the Proposed
RMP and Final EIS on the Internet at All
protests must be in writing and mailed
to one of the following addresses:
Regular Mail: BLM Director (210),
Attention: Protest Coordinator, P.O. Box
71383, Washington, DC 20024–1383.
Overnight Delivery: BLM Director
(210), Attention: Protest Coordinator, 20
M Street SE., Room 2134LM,
Washington, DC 20003.
Christina Stark, Planning and
Environmental Coordinator; telephone
970–244–3027; 2815 H Road, Grand
Junction, CO, 81506; email BLM_CO_
Persons who use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 to contact the
above individual during normal
business hours. The FIRS is available 24
hours a day, seven days a week, to leave
a message or question with the above
individual. You will receive a reply
during normal business hours.
Federal mineral estate managed by the
Grand Junction Field Office within this
RMP revision extend across most of
Mesa County and parts of Garfield,
Montrose and Rio Blanco counties.
Management decisions outlined in this
RMP revision apply to approximately
1,061,400 acres of BLM-managed
surface lands and Federal mineral estate
and to approximately 169,900 acres of
Federal mineral split-estate. When
approved, this RMP will replace the
1987 Grand Junction Resource Area
The public comment period on the
Draft RMP and Draft EIS began on
January 14, 2013, and ended June 24,
2013, which included a 60-day
extension in response to requests from
the public. The total comment period
encompassed 162 days. The BLM
developed the Proposed RMP and Final
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 69 / Friday, April 10, 2015 / Notices
EIS based on public comments on the
Draft RMP and Draft EIS in addition to
cooperating agency reviews, resource
advisory council reviews, U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service consultation, and
extensive internal BLM reviews. The
BLM carefully considered and
incorporated comments into the
Proposed RMP as appropriate. Public
comments assisted in the development
of the Proposed RMP and resulted in the
addition of clarifying text, but did not
constitute a substantial change in the
proposed land use plan decisions that
would require a supplement to the Draft
The Proposed RMP and Final EIS
describes and analyzes four
management alternatives, each of which
include objectives and management
actions to address new management
challenges and issues.
Alternative A is the no action
alternative and is a continuation of the
current management direction and
prevailing conditions based on the
existing 1987 Grand Junction Resource
Area RMP and amendments.
Alternative B (The Proposed RMP)
seeks to allocate public land resources
among competing human interests and
land uses, with the conservation of
natural and cultural resource values.
Alternative B carries forward the same
theme it had in the Draft RMP and Draft
EIS, but includes elements of the other
alternatives analyzed in the Draft RMP
and Draft EIS.
Alternative C emphasizes improving,
rehabilitating and restoring resources;
and sustaining the ecological integrity of
habitats for all priority plant, wildlife
and fish species, particularly the
habitats needed to conserve and recover
federally listed, proposed, or candidate
threatened and endangered plant and
animal species.
Alternative D emphasizes active
management for natural resources,
commodity production, and public use
opportunities by allowing a mix of
multiple use opportunities that target
social and economic outcomes, while
protecting land health. Management
direction would recognize and expand
existing uses, and accommodate new
uses to the greatest extent possible.
The Proposed RMP would provide
comprehensive, long-range decisions for
the use and management of resources in
the planning area administered by the
Grand Junction Field Office, focusing on
the principles of multiple use and
sustained yield.
The Proposed RMP includes: Goals,
objectives, management actions,
allowable use and implementation
decisions to ensure future BLM
management in support of 13 areas of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
22:09 Apr 09, 2015
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critical environmental concern, five
special recreation management areas,
six extensive recreation management
areas, four wilderness study areas, one
national trail management corridor, and
one segment found suitable for
inclusion in the National Wild and
Scenic River System. Maps are included
in the Proposed RMP/FEIS to illustrate
the Proposed RMP as well as the other
alternatives considered in the Final EIS.
Through the Wild and Scenic River
study process, the BLM inventoried 514
miles and 114 stream segments, found
415 miles and 100 stream segments
ineligible, and found 99 miles and 14
stream segments eligible, of which 10.38
miles of 1 stream are identified as
suitable in the Proposed RMP. Three
areas covering 44,100 acres located in
the southern portion of the field office
would be managed to protect lands with
wilderness characteristics. Protective
management of the areas would vary;
however, all of the areas would be
managed as right-of-way exclusion, no
leasing for fluid minerals, no surface
occupancy (non-fluid minerals), closed
to non-energy leasables, closed to
mineral material disposal, and Visual
Resource Management Class II.
While the RMP proposes some
conservation management measures for
the Greater Sage-grouse habitat, the
Northwest Colorado Greater SageGrouse Plan Amendment and EIS will
fully analyze applicable Greater-Sage
grouse conservation measures,
consistent with BLM Instruction
Memorandum No. 2012–044. The BLM
expects to make a comprehensive set of
decisions for managing Greater SageGrouse on lands administered by the
Grand Junction Field Office in the
Record of Decision for the Northwest
Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Plan
Amendment and EIS, which will update
this proposed RMP.
Instructions for filing a protest with
the Director of the BLM regarding the
Proposed RMP and FEIS may be found
in the ‘‘Dear Reader’’ Letter of the Grand
Junction Field Office Proposed RMP and
Final EIS, and at 43 CFR 1610.5–2. All
protests must be in writing and mailed
to the appropriate address, as set forth
in the ADDRESSES section above.
Emailed protests will not be accepted as
valid protests unless the protesting
party also provides the original letter by
either regular or overnight mail
postmarked by the close of the protest
period. Under these conditions, the
BLM will consider the emailed protest
as an advance copy and it will receive
full consideration. If you wish to
provide the BLM with such advance
notification, please direct emails to Unlike land use
PO 00000
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planning decisions, implementation
decisions included in this Proposed
RMP and Final EIS are not subject to
protest under the BLM planning
regulations. Implementation decisions
are subject to an administrative review
process through appeals to the Office of
Hearings and Appeals, Interior Board of
Land Appeals, pursuant to 43 CFR part
4. Implementation decisions generally
constitute the BLM’s final approval
allowing on-the-ground actions to
proceed. Where implementation
decisions are made as part of the land
use planning process, they are still
subject to the appeals process or other
administrative review as prescribed by
specific resource program regulations
once the BLM resolves the protests to
land use planning decisions and issues
an Approved RMP and ROD.
Implementation decisions made in the
plan that may be appealed to the Office
of Hearing and Appeals are identified in
the Proposed RMP and Final EIS. They
will also be included in the ROD and
Approved RMP.
Before including your phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your protest,
you should be aware that your entire
protest—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your protest to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR
1506.10, 43 CFR 1610.2, 43 CFR 1610.5
Ruth Welch,
BLM Colorado State Director.
[FR Doc. 2015–08187 Filed 4–10–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
Idaho: Filing of Plats of Survey
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of Filing of Plats of
The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) has officially filed
the plats of survey of the lands
described below in the BLM Idaho State
Office, Boise, Idaho, effective 9:00 a.m.,
on the dates specified.
Bureau of Land Management, 1387
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 69 (Friday, April 10, 2015)]
[Pages 19344-19345]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-08187]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLCON03000 L16100000.DQ0000]
Notice of Availability of the Proposed Resource Management Plan
and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Grand Junction Field
Office, Colorado
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of
1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has prepared a
Proposed Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Final Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the Grand Junction Field Office and by this notice
is announcing its availability.
DATES: The BLM planning regulations state that any person who meets the
conditions as described in the regulations may protest the BLM's
Proposed RMP and Final EIS. A person who meets the conditions and files
a protest must file the protest within 30 days of the date that the
Environmental Protection Agency publishes its notice of availability in
the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Grand Junction Field Office Proposed RMP and
Final EIS were sent to affected Federal, State, and local government
agencies and to other stakeholders and tribal governments. Copies of
the Proposed RMP and Final EIS are available for public inspection at
the Grand Junction Field Office, 2815 H Road, Grand Junction, CO 81506;
Mesa County libraries in Grand Junction, Collbran, De Beque, Fruita and
Gateway. Interested persons may also review the Proposed RMP and Final
EIS on the Internet at All protests
must be in writing and mailed to one of the following addresses:
Regular Mail: BLM Director (210), Attention: Protest Coordinator,
P.O. Box 71383, Washington, DC 20024-1383.
Overnight Delivery: BLM Director (210), Attention: Protest
Coordinator, 20 M Street SE., Room 2134LM, Washington, DC 20003.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christina Stark, Planning and
Environmental Coordinator; telephone 970-244-3027; 2815 H Road, Grand
Junction, CO, 81506; email Persons
who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to contact
the above individual during normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to leave a message or
question with the above individual. You will receive a reply during
normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Lands and Federal mineral estate managed by
the Grand Junction Field Office within this RMP revision extend across
most of Mesa County and parts of Garfield, Montrose and Rio Blanco
counties. Management decisions outlined in this RMP revision apply to
approximately 1,061,400 acres of BLM-managed surface lands and Federal
mineral estate and to approximately 169,900 acres of Federal mineral
split-estate. When approved, this RMP will replace the 1987 Grand
Junction Resource Area RMP.
The public comment period on the Draft RMP and Draft EIS began on
January 14, 2013, and ended June 24, 2013, which included a 60-day
extension in response to requests from the public. The total comment
period encompassed 162 days. The BLM developed the Proposed RMP and
[[Page 19345]]
EIS based on public comments on the Draft RMP and Draft EIS in addition
to cooperating agency reviews, resource advisory council reviews, U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service consultation, and extensive internal BLM
reviews. The BLM carefully considered and incorporated comments into
the Proposed RMP as appropriate. Public comments assisted in the
development of the Proposed RMP and resulted in the addition of
clarifying text, but did not constitute a substantial change in the
proposed land use plan decisions that would require a supplement to the
Draft EIS.
The Proposed RMP and Final EIS describes and analyzes four
management alternatives, each of which include objectives and
management actions to address new management challenges and issues.
Alternative A is the no action alternative and is a continuation of
the current management direction and prevailing conditions based on the
existing 1987 Grand Junction Resource Area RMP and amendments.
Alternative B (The Proposed RMP) seeks to allocate public land
resources among competing human interests and land uses, with the
conservation of natural and cultural resource values. Alternative B
carries forward the same theme it had in the Draft RMP and Draft EIS,
but includes elements of the other alternatives analyzed in the Draft
RMP and Draft EIS.
Alternative C emphasizes improving, rehabilitating and restoring
resources; and sustaining the ecological integrity of habitats for all
priority plant, wildlife and fish species, particularly the habitats
needed to conserve and recover federally listed, proposed, or candidate
threatened and endangered plant and animal species.
Alternative D emphasizes active management for natural resources,
commodity production, and public use opportunities by allowing a mix of
multiple use opportunities that target social and economic outcomes,
while protecting land health. Management direction would recognize and
expand existing uses, and accommodate new uses to the greatest extent
The Proposed RMP would provide comprehensive, long-range decisions
for the use and management of resources in the planning area
administered by the Grand Junction Field Office, focusing on the
principles of multiple use and sustained yield.
The Proposed RMP includes: Goals, objectives, management actions,
allowable use and implementation decisions to ensure future BLM
management in support of 13 areas of critical environmental concern,
five special recreation management areas, six extensive recreation
management areas, four wilderness study areas, one national trail
management corridor, and one segment found suitable for inclusion in
the National Wild and Scenic River System. Maps are included in the
Proposed RMP/FEIS to illustrate the Proposed RMP as well as the other
alternatives considered in the Final EIS. Through the Wild and Scenic
River study process, the BLM inventoried 514 miles and 114 stream
segments, found 415 miles and 100 stream segments ineligible, and found
99 miles and 14 stream segments eligible, of which 10.38 miles of 1
stream are identified as suitable in the Proposed RMP. Three areas
covering 44,100 acres located in the southern portion of the field
office would be managed to protect lands with wilderness
characteristics. Protective management of the areas would vary;
however, all of the areas would be managed as right-of-way exclusion,
no leasing for fluid minerals, no surface occupancy (non-fluid
minerals), closed to non-energy leasables, closed to mineral material
disposal, and Visual Resource Management Class II.
While the RMP proposes some conservation management measures for
the Greater Sage-grouse habitat, the Northwest Colorado Greater Sage-
Grouse Plan Amendment and EIS will fully analyze applicable Greater-
Sage grouse conservation measures, consistent with BLM Instruction
Memorandum No. 2012-044. The BLM expects to make a comprehensive set of
decisions for managing Greater Sage-Grouse on lands administered by the
Grand Junction Field Office in the Record of Decision for the Northwest
Colorado Greater Sage-Grouse Plan Amendment and EIS, which will update
this proposed RMP.
Instructions for filing a protest with the Director of the BLM
regarding the Proposed RMP and FEIS may be found in the ``Dear Reader''
Letter of the Grand Junction Field Office Proposed RMP and Final EIS,
and at 43 CFR 1610.5-2. All protests must be in writing and mailed to
the appropriate address, as set forth in the ADDRESSES section above.
Emailed protests will not be accepted as valid protests unless the
protesting party also provides the original letter by either regular or
overnight mail postmarked by the close of the protest period. Under
these conditions, the BLM will consider the emailed protest as an
advance copy and it will receive full consideration. If you wish to
provide the BLM with such advance notification, please direct emails to Unlike land use planning decisions, implementation
decisions included in this Proposed RMP and Final EIS are not subject
to protest under the BLM planning regulations. Implementation decisions
are subject to an administrative review process through appeals to the
Office of Hearings and Appeals, Interior Board of Land Appeals,
pursuant to 43 CFR part 4. Implementation decisions generally
constitute the BLM's final approval allowing on-the-ground actions to
proceed. Where implementation decisions are made as part of the land
use planning process, they are still subject to the appeals process or
other administrative review as prescribed by specific resource program
regulations once the BLM resolves the protests to land use planning
decisions and issues an Approved RMP and ROD. Implementation decisions
made in the plan that may be appealed to the Office of Hearing and
Appeals are identified in the Proposed RMP and Final EIS. They will
also be included in the ROD and Approved RMP.
Before including your phone number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your protest, you should be aware
that your entire protest--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your protest to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6, 40 CFR 1506.10, 43 CFR 1610.2, 43 CFR
Ruth Welch,
BLM Colorado State Director.
[FR Doc. 2015-08187 Filed 4-10-15; 8:45 am]