Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazard Emergency; Response and Recovery Program Project Selections; Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program Project Selections; Fiscal Year 2012 Bus Efficiency Enhancements Research and Demonstrations Program Project Selections, 18497-18502 [2015-07825]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices
transportation projects will be barred
unless the claim is filed on or before
September 3, 2015.
Nancy-Ellen Zusman, Assistant Chief
Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel, (312)
353–2577 or Terence Plaskon,
Environmental Protection Specialist,
Office of Environmental Programs, (202)
366–0442. FTA is located at 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC
20590. Office hours are from 9:00 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
Notice is
hereby given that FTA has taken final
agency actions by issuing certain
approvals for the public transportation
projects listed below. The actions on the
projects, as well as the laws under
which such actions were taken, are
described in the documentation issued
in connection with the projects to
comply with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and
in other documents in the FTA
administrative record for the projects.
Interested parties may contact either the
project sponsor or the relevant FTA
Regional Office for more information on
each project. Contact information for
FTA’s Regional Offices may be found at
This notice applies to all FTA
decisions on the listed projects as of the
issuance date of this notice and all laws
under which such actions were taken,
including, but not limited to, NEPA [42
U.S.C. 4321–4375], Section 4(f) of the
Department of Transportation Act of
1966 [49 U.S.C. 303], Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act [16
U.S.C. 470f], and the Clean Air Act [42
U.S.C. 7401–7671q]. This notice does
not, however, alter or extend the
limitation period for challenges of
project decisions subject to previous
notices published in the Federal
Register. The projects and actions that
are the subject of this notice are:
1. Project name and location:
Redlands Passenger Rail Project, Cities
of San Bernardino and Redlands, CA.
Project sponsor: San Bernardino
Association of Governments (SANBAG).
Project description: The proposed
project would create new passenger rail
operations along an approximately ninemile corridor from the E Street Station
and San Bernardino Transit Center in
Downtown San Bernardino to the
University of Redlands, east of
Downtown Redlands. Final agency
actions: Section 4(f) determination;
Section 106 finding of no adverse effect;
project-level air quality conformity; and
Final Environmental Impact Statement/
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
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Environmental Impact Report/Record of
Decision, dated February 17, 2015.
2. Project name and location: Santa
Ana-Garden Grove Fixed Guideway
Project, Cities of Santa Ana and Garden
Grove, CA. Project sponsor: City of
Santa Ana, in coordination with the
Orange County Transportation
Authority and City of Garden Grove.
Project description: The proposed
project is an approximately 4.2-mile
new streetcar system in Orange County
running between the Santa Ana
Regional Transportation Center
(SARTC) in the City of Santa Ana and
a new multimodal center at Harbor
Boulevard/Westminster Avenue in the
City of Garden Grove. The system
includes 24 stations, an overhead
contact system and series of traction
power substations, and a new
operations and maintenance facility
near SARTC. Final agency actions:
Section 4(f) de minimis impact
determination; Section 106 finding of no
adverse effect; project-level air quality
conformity; and Finding of No
Significant Impact, dated March 10,
2015. Supporting documentation:
Revised Environmental Assessment/
Final Environmental Impact Report,
dated January 2015.
Issued on: March 31, 2015.
Lucy Garliauskas,
Associate Administrator Planning and
[FR Doc. 2015–07812 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]
Federal Transit Administration
Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 Innovative
Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazard
Emergency; Response and Recovery
Program Project Selections; Fiscal
Years 2013 and 2014 Low or No
Emission Vehicle Deployment Program
Project Selections; Fiscal Year 2012
Bus Efficiency Enhancements
Research and Demonstrations
Program Project Selections
Federal Transit Administration,
Announcement of Research
Program Project Selections.
The U.S. Department of
Transportation’s Federal Transit
Administration announces the selection
of research projects funded in support of
three Notice of Funding Availability, as
authorized under the Moving Ahead for
Progress in the 21st Century, and prior
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Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and AllHazard Emergency Response and
Recovery Program: The U.S. Department
of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal
Transit Administration (FTA)
announces the selection of Innovative
Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazard
Emergency Response and Recovery
Program (SRER) Program projects (see
Table 1) with Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 and
FY 2013 appropriations for FTA’s
Research, Development, Demonstration
and Deployment Program. The
Consolidated and Further Continuing
Appropriations Act, 2012, Public Law
112–55 made $25,000,000 available to
carry out innovative research and
demonstrations of national significance
under 49 U.S.C. 5312. Of that amount,
$20,800,000 was made available for
innovative safety, resiliency, and allhazards emergency response and
recovery demonstration projects of
national significance. An additional
$8,200,000 in Section 5312 FY 2013
Research funds was made available for
the same purpose for a combined
amount of $29,000,000 in funds was
made available from Fiscal Years 2012
and 2013. On October 1, 2013, FTA
published a Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA) (78 FR 60369)
announcing the availability of funding
for SRER. These competitive research
program funds will strengthen
operational safety of public
transportation, help transit systems
better withstand natural disasters and
other emergencies, and improve
emergency response capabilities.
Low or No Emission Vehicle
Deployment Program: The U.S.
Department of Transportation’s (DOT)
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
announces the selection of Low or No
Emissions Vehicle Deployment Program
(LONO) projects (see Table 2) with
Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 and FY 2014
appropriations for deployment of low or
no emission transit buses. The Moving
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
Act (MAP–21), Public Law 112–141,
July 6, 2012, amended 49 U.S.C. 5312 to
add a new paragraph (d)(5) authorizing
FTA to make grants to finance eligible
projects under the LONO Program. The
Consolidated and Further Continuing
Appropriations Act, 2013, (also referred
to as the Full Year Continuing
Appropriations Act, 2013) Public Law
113–6, March 26, 2013, made available
$24,900,000 in FY 2013 (after
sequestration) funds to carry out the
LONO Program. Of that amount,
$21,600,000 was made available for
transit buses and $3,300,000 was made
available for supporting facilities and
related equipment. The Consolidated
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices
Appropriations Act, 2014, Public Law
113–76, January 17, 2014, made
available $30,000,000 in FY 2014 to
carry out the LONO Program. Of that
amount, a minimum of $4,000,000 was
made available for supporting facilities
and related equipment.
On January 9, 2014, FTA published a
NOFA (79 FR 1668) announcing the
availability of funding for the LONO
program. The main purpose of the
LONO Program is to deploy the cleanest
and most energy efficient U.S.-made
transit buses that have been largely
proven in testing and demonstrations
but are not yet widely deployed in
transit agency fleets. The LONO
Program provides funding for transit
agencies for capital acquisitions and
leases of zero-emission and lowemission transit buses, including
acquisition, construction, and leasing of
required supporting facilities such as
recharging, refueling, and maintenance
Bus Efficiency Enhancements
Research and Demonstrations: The U.S.
Department of Transportation’s (DOT)
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
announces the selection of five projects
totaling $3,000,000 for Bus Efficiency
Enhancements Research and
Demonstrations (BEERD) program (see
Table 3). On June 28, 2013, FTA
published a Request for Proposals (RFP)
on and FTA’s Web site
announcing the availability of
$3,000,000 of FY 2012 Section 5312/
5314 National Research Program
discretionary funds for innovative
research, development, and
demonstration projects targeting bus
efficiency enhancements, specifically
enhanced electrification of accessories,
and improvements in thermal
management of transit bus bodies. These
projects will reduce energy use by
transit buses and will have favorable
impacts on meeting the needs of the
riding public, public transportation
operators, and the American bus
industry and its supplier base. They will
advance the DOT’s research goals,
which include but are not limited to
improving safety, enhancing the state of
good repair of public transit systems,
providing more effective and efficient
public transportation service, increasing
capital and operating efficiencies,
developing and deploying advanced
vehicle designs and technology,
reducing harmful emissions, and
increasing energy efficiency. These
projects also support an overarching
FTA goal of developing and deploying
new and innovative ideas, practices,
and approaches for transit buses.
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FTA Office of Research, Demonstration
and Innovation (TRI) and/or FTA
Regional Office will reach out to
successful applicants regarding to the
next steps in applying for the funds or
program-specific information (see
Tables 1–3, below).
Unsuccessful SRER program
applicants may contact Roy Chen, Office
of Technology at email address to arrange a
proposal debriefing within 30 days of
this announcement. A TDD is available
at 1–800–877–8339 (TDD/FIRS).
Unsuccessful LONO Program
applicants may contact Sean Ricketson,
Office of Mobility Innovation at email
address to
arrange a proposal debriefing within 30
days of this announcement. A TDD is
available at 1–800–877–8339 (TDD/
Unsuccessful BEERD program
applicants may contact Marcel Belanger,
Office of Mobility Innovation at email
address to
arrange a proposal debriefing within 30
days of this announcement. A TDD is
available at 1–800–877–8339 (TDD/
response to the SRER NOFA, FTA
received 72 proposals requesting
$160,000,000 in Federal funds. Project
proposals were evaluated based on each
applicant’s responsiveness to the
program evaluation criteria as detailed
in the NOFA. The FTA is funding 13
SRER projects, as shown in Table 1, for
a total of $29,000,000.
In response to the LONO NOFA, FTA
received 50 project proposals requesting
$200,000,000 in Federal funds. Project
proposals were evaluated based on each
applicant’s responsiveness to the
program evaluation criteria as detailed
in the NOFA. The FTA is funding 10
LONO Program projects, as shown in
Table 2, for a total of $54,469,249.
In response to the BEERD RFP, FTA
received 13 project proposals requesting
$14,600,000 in Federal funds. Project
proposals were evaluated based on each
applicant’s responsiveness to the
program evaluation criteria as detailed
in the RFP. The FTA is funding five
BEERD Program projects, as shown in
Table 3, for a total of $3,000,000.
Applicants selected for competitive
discretionary research funding for the
SRER and BEERD Programs should
work with FTA’s TRI staff identified in
the contacts section of this notice to
finalize electronic awards in FTA’s
Transportation Electronic Awards
Management System (TEAM) or its
successor system, so that Federal funds
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can be obligated expeditiously.
Applicants selected for the LONO
Program should work with TRI staff
identified in the contacts section of this
notice and/or FTA Regional Office staff
to finalize its electronic award in TEAM
or its successor system, so that Federal
funds can be obligated expeditiously.
Electronics awards must only include
eligible activities applied for in the
original project application. Federal
funds must be used consistent with the
competitive proposal and for the eligible
purposes established in the NOFA and
described in the FTA Circular 6100.1E
and/or FTA Circular 9030.1E. In cases
where the allocation amount is less than
the applicant’s requested amount,
applicants should work with TRI staff to
reduce scope or scale the project such
that a complete phase or project is
accomplished. Applicants are reminded
that program requirements such as cost
sharing or local match can be found in
the corresponding NOFA or RFP.
Depending on the year of funding, type
of project, and the applicant’s proposal,
local match may be required for some
projects. Local match must be identified
in the electronic award at the time of
obligation and must be available at the
time of expenditure. A discretionary
research project identification number
has been assigned to each project (see
Tables 1–3 of this notice) for tracking
purposes and must be used in the
TEAM or successor system, application.
Selected projects may be eligible for
pre-award authority for each of the
programs, so long as all required
conditions for pre-award authority have
been met and the activities undertaken
in advance of Federal funding are
contained in the approved statement of
work. The FTA may grant pre-award
authority for costs incurred after the
project selections were announced. The
dates of announcement, which are the
earliest dates for which pre-award
authority can be granted, are as follows:
February 12, 2015 for SRER; February 5,
2015 for LONO; and January 16, 2015
for BEERD. The FTA’s policy for preaward authority, including the required
conditions, can be found in the FY 2015
Annual Apportionments, Allocations,
and Program Information Notice,
published on February, 9, 2015.
Post electronic award reporting
requirements include submission of the
Federal Financial Report and Milestone
reports in TEAM as appropriate (FTA
Circular 6100.1E, C.5010.1D and
C9030.1E). The grantees must comply
with all applicable Federal statutes,
regulations, executive orders, FTA
circulars, and other Federal
requirements detailed in the FY15
Master Agreement in carrying out the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices
project supported by the FTA research
grant. The FY15 Master Agreement can
be found at:
The FTA emphasizes that grantees
must follow all third-party procurement
guidance, as described in FTA Circular
Therese W. McMillan,
Acting Administrator.
D2015–SRER–001 .......
CA ........
Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
D2015–SRER–002 .......
CA ........
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
D2015–SRER–003 .......
CA ........
San Francisco Bay
Area Rapid Transit
District (BART).
D2015–SRER–004 .......
GA ........
Metropolitan Atlanta
Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA).
D2015–SRER–005 .......
GA ........
Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE).
D2015–SRER–006 .......
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Project ID
IL ..........
The Board of Trustees
of the University of Illinois.
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Project sponsor
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Project description
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) will receive funding to install and test a
Platform Track Intrusion Detection System (PTIDS) at select light rail and heavy rail stations to reduce injuries, fatalities and other track intrusion incidents. The radarbased system will monitor station platforms and portions
of track, and alert rail operators and LACMTA’s Rail Operations Center to stop trains if a person or object is detected within the track right-of-way.
Applied Research Associates, Inc., in partnership with Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT), will receive funding
to develop, test and demonstrate a front-end bumper design for light rail vehicles that operate in a shared right-ofway environment to improve safety, reduce injuries and
minimize the impact of collisions with automobiles, pedestrians or bicyclists. Bumper prototypes will be mounted on
select light rail vehicles to test compatibility during normal
operation of light rail service, and during crashworthiness
The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART)
will receive funding to develop and demonstrate innovative safety technologies that will improve track worker
safety and help prevent accidents involving trains and
track workers. The technology will alert track workers to
the presence of an approaching train and will stop the
train if the workers do not acknowledge receipt of the alert.
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)
will receive funding to install and demonstrate Bombardier’s TrackSafe system along six miles of MARTA’s rail
system to improve track worker safety and reduce hazards associated with track inspection, maintenance and
repair. The technology will be installed between Medical
Center and North Springs stations and will alert track
workers to the presence of an approaching train, and train
operators and control center staff to the specific location
of track workers.
The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE)
will receive funding to develop, evaluate and plan the deployment of a Bus Exportable Power System (BEPS) that
would allow existing transit buses to export power using
their hybrid propulsion systems. The system essentially
would transform hybrid buses into a mobile power generator for use during all-hazards emergency response and
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, in partnership with multiple public transit providers across the country, will receive funding to develop and deploy prototype
concrete crossties and fastening systems for light rail,
heavy rail, and commuter rail transit infrastructure to increase the life cycle of critical components and help maintain rail infrastructure in a state of good repair during normal operations and natural disasters. Transit partners include MetroLink (St. Louis, MO), Metra (Chicago, IL),
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Washington, DC), New York City Transit Authority (New York,
NY), and TriMet (Portland, OR).
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices
Project sponsor
Project description
D2015–SRER–007 .......
IL ..........
UChicago Argonne LLC
D2015–SRER–008 .......
LA .........
City of New Orleans .....
D2015–SRER–009 .......
MN .......
Minnesota Valley Transit Authority.
D2015–SRER–010 .......
NJ .........
New Jersey Transit
D2015–SRER–012 .......
NY ........
New York Metropolitan
Transportation Authority (MTA).
D2015–SRER–013 .......
OH ........
Battelle Memorial Institute.
D2015–SRER–014 .......
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Project ID
OR ........
Portland State University.
UChicago Argonne LLC, in partnership with Pace Suburban
Bus Service (Pace) and Metra Commuter Rail, will receive
funding to research and develop a decision support tool
for transit asset management that addresses all-hazards
emergency response and recovery. The tool will help
emergency responders to quickly assess a situation, develop an appropriate mitigation strategy, and restore transit services in the most effective manner, using available
transit assets.
The City of New Orleans, in partnership with the Regional
Transit Authority (RTA) and the University of New Orleans, will receive funding to improve the evacuation of city
residents and vulnerable populations during emergencies
and disasters. This project will focus on evacuation transportation planning provided by the City of New Orleans
and RTA, and includes the identification of transportation
assets that are needed for an evacuation and of current
transportation assets that are used on a daily basis by the
Minnesota Valley Transit Authority will receive funding to
equip additional buses in its Bus Rapid Transit and express bus fleets with GPS-based technology to improve
safety and bus service within narrow shoulder lanes along
highly congested corridors in the Minneapolis-St. Paul
area. The technology will provide lane keeping information, lane departure warnings, and collision avoidance
advisories to bus operators in various weather and road
New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ Transit), in partnership
with Stevens Institute of Technology, will receive funding
to develop an advanced forecast and observation system
that can provide real-time information on the potential risk
and magnitude of flooding before and during significant
storm surge events at specific locations critical to NJ
Transit’s operations. The system will help inform decision
making on which equipment or rolling stock needs to be
moved, which signals and substations need to be de-energized, and where staffing should be prioritized in advance of a major weather event.
New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will
receive funding to research and demonstrate an automated, data-based information collection system to measure and monitor the condition of subway railcar wheels
and rail infrastructure to enhance safety, increase energy
efficiency, and ensure reliable subway service. The system will be tested on MTA’s Flushing (#7) Line.
Battelle Memorial Institute, in partnership with Greater
Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA), will receive funding to research, develop and demonstrate integrated vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure technology to minimize transit bus collisions with automobiles
and pedestrians at intersections. This project will add both
in-vehicle and infrastructure elements to create a connected vehicle environment for transit bus operations in
the Cleveland area.
Portland State University, in partnership with the Tri-County
Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) will
receive funding to develop and test a Transportation Demand Management system that utilizes social media and
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology for
emergency response and recovery in the Portland metropolitan area. The project will help TriMet and other transportation and emergency management agencies to deploy
transportation services and personnel with increased effectiveness before, during and after an emergency.
Total .......................
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$381,079 (FY12)
$462,671 (FY13)
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices
Project description
Sunline Transit Agency,
in partnership with
Southern California
Association of Governments.
CA ..
Stockton ........
San Joaquin Regional
Transit District (RTD).
D2015–LONO–007 .......
KY ..
Lexington ......
Lextran, Transit Authority of the Lexington
Fayette Urban County Government.
D2015–LONO–008 .......
KY ..
Louisville .......
Transit Authority of
River City (TARC).
D2015–LONO–010 .......
MA ..
Boston ...........
Massachusetts Bay
Transportation Authority (MBTA).
D2015–LONO–011 .......
MA ..
Worcester .....
Worcester Regional
Transit Authority
D2015–LONO–006 .......
Duluth ...........
The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA).
D2015–LONO–003 .......
OH ..
Canton ..........
Stark Area Regional
Transit Authority
D2015–LONO–004 .......
PA ..
Lancaster ......
Red Rose Transit Authority (RRTA).
D2015–LONO–005 .......
TX ..
Dallas ............
Dallas Area Rapid
Transit Authority
Sunline Transit Agency, in partnership with the
Southern California Association of Governments, will receive funding to purchase five
hydrogen electric hybrid fuel cell buses built
by BAE Systems, Ballard Power Systems
and El Dorado National.
The San Joaquin Regional Transit District
(RTD), will receive funding to purchase five
Proterra battery-electric buses and a charging
Lextran, the transit authority in Lexington, Kentucky, will receive funding to purchase five
Proterra battery-electric buses, one charging
station and one maintenance area charging
The Transit Authority of River City (TARC), the
transit agency for Louisville, Kentucky, and
southern Indiana, will receive funding to deploy five Proterra battery-electric buses and a
fast charging station.
The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) in Boston will receive funding to
develop and deploy five 60-foot articulated
New Flyer battery-electric buses on the
MBTA Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit System.
The Worcester Regional Transit Authority
(WRTA), the transit provider in Central Massachusetts, will receive funding to purchase
and install a Proterra charging station for its
existing fleet of zero-emission battery-electric
The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA) will receive
funding to purchase and deploy six Proterra
Fast Charge Electric buses, two charging stations and a maintenance facility charger
The Stark Area Regional Transit Authority
(SARTA) will receive funding to purchase five
hydrogen electric hybrid fuel cell buses built
by BAE Systems, Ballard Power Systems
and El Dorado National.
The Red Rose Transit Authority (RRTA) in Lancaster, PA, will receive funding to purchase
17 electric hybrid buses. The new, low emission buses will be manufactured by BAE Systems and Gillig. Fourteen buses will go to
RRTA, and three will go to the Berks Area
Regional Transportation Authority.
The Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority
(DART) will receive funding to purchase and
operate seven all-electric Proterra buses.
DART will operate the fast charge, zero-emission buses on its downtown circulator service, D-Link.
Total ......................
Project ID
D2015–LONO–001 .......
CA ..
D2015–LONO–009 .......
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Project ID
Transit agency partner
Project description
D2015–BERD–002 .......
FL ...
Center for
Transportation and
the Environment (CTE).
Central Florida Regional Transportation
Authority (LYNX), Orlando, FL.
Center for Transportation and the Environment
(CTE), in partnership with Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (LYNX), will
receive funding to develop and demonstrate
a new thermoelectric power generator on a
40’ transit bus contributed by LYNX to reduce
fuel consumption and allow end of day information processing without idling.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 65 / Monday, April 6, 2015 / Notices
Project ID
Transit agency partner
Project description
D2015–BERD–004 .......
GA ..
Center for
Transportation and
the Environment (CTE).
Metropolitan Atlanta
Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Atlanta,
D2015–BERD–005 .......
Transit Administration
(MTA), MD.
Maryland Transit Administration (MTA),
Baltimore, MD.
D2015–BERD–001 .......
MI ...
The Rapid, Grand Rapids, MI.
D2015–BERD–003 .......
UT ..
Center for
Transportation and
the Environment (CTE).
Utah Transit Authority
(UTA), Salt Lake
City, UT.
Center for Transportation and the Environment
(CTE), in partnership with the Metropolitan
Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), will
receive funding to develop and demonstrate
a BAE Systems prototype Reduced Engine
Idle Load System. This first-of-its-kind effort
will bring a multimode, electric accessory
‘power plant’ to market.
The Maryland Transit Administration will receive
funding to develop and demonstrate a retrofit
of 35 hybrid buses with a hybrid beltless alternator and support equipment to monitor
fuel savings and impact on house batteries.
American Seating, in partnership with The
Rapid in Grand Rapids, Michigan, will receive
funding to develop and demonstrate a heated
and cooled seat, which is intended to reduce
fuel consumption of public transportation vehicles.
Center for Transportation and the Environment
(CTE), in partnership with the Utah Transit
Authority (UTA), will receive funding to develop and demonstrate a system that will
eliminate or reduce idling during paratransit
passenger loading operations, lowering operating costs, reducing energy usage, and improving air quality.
Total ......................
[FR Doc. 2015–07825 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
[Docket No. AB 290 (Sub-No. 365X)]
tkelley on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Norfolk Southern Railway Company—
Discontinuance of Service
Exemption—in Chicago, Cook County,
On March 17, 2015, Norfolk Southern
Railway Company (NSR) filed with the
Surface Transportation Board (Board) a
petition under 49 U.S.C. 10502 for
exemption from the provisions of 49
U.S.C. 10903 to discontinue rail service
over approximately 1.5 miles of rail line
between milepost KN 4.0 and milepost
KN 5.5, located on NSR’s LeMoyne
Industrial Track in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill. The line includes no
stations and traverses U.S. Postal
Service Zip Code 60632.
NSR states that the line does not
contain any federally granted rights-ofway. Any documentation in NSR’s
possession will be made available
promptly to those requesting it.
The interest of railroad employees
will be protected by the conditions set
forth in Oregon Short Line Railroad—
Abandonment Portion Goshen Branch
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:14 Apr 03, 2015
Jkt 235001
Between Firth & Ammon, in Bingham &
Bonneville Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C.
91 (1979).
By issuance of this notice, the Board
is instituting an exemption proceeding
pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10502(b). A final
decision will be issued by July 2, 2015.
Because this is a discontinuance
proceeding and not an abandonment
proceeding, trail use/rail banking and
public use conditions are not
Any offer of financial assistance
(OFA) under 49 CFR 1152.27(b)(2) to
subsidize continued rail service will be
due no later than July 15, 2015, or 10
days after service of a decision granting
the petition for exemption, whichever
occurs sooner. Each offer must be
accompanied by a $1,600 filing fee. See
49 CFR 1002.2(f)(25).
All filings in response to this notice
must refer to Docket No. AB 290 (SubNo. 365X) and must be sent to: (1)
Surface Transportation Board, 395 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20423–
0001; and (2) William A. Mullins, Baker
& Miller PLLC, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW., Suite 300, Washington, DC 20037.
Replies to the petition are due on or
before April 27, 2015.
Persons seeking further information
concerning discontinuance procedures
may contact the Board’s Office of Public
Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and
PO 00000
Frm 00151
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Compliance at (202) 245–0238 or refer
to the full abandonment and
discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR
1152. Questions concerning
environmental issues may be directed to
the Board’s Office of Environmental
Analysis (OEA) at (202) 245–0305.
[Assistance for the hearing impaired is
available through the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
Board decisions and notices are
available on our Web site at
Decided: March 30, 2015.
By the Board, Rachel D. Campbell,
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Brendetta S. Jones,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2015–07785 Filed 4–3–15; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2015–0061]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Renewed Approval of
Information Collection
Office of the Secretary (OST),
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 65 (Monday, April 6, 2015)]
[Pages 18497-18502]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-07825]
Federal Transit Administration
Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and
All-Hazard Emergency; Response and Recovery Program Project Selections;
Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment
Program Project Selections; Fiscal Year 2012 Bus Efficiency
Enhancements Research and Demonstrations Program Project Selections
AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration, DOT.
ACTION: Announcement of Research Program Project Selections.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit
Administration announces the selection of research projects funded in
support of three Notice of Funding Availability, as authorized under
the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, and prior
Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazard Emergency Response
and Recovery Program: The U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT)
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the selection of
Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazard Emergency Response and
Recovery Program (SRER) Program projects (see Table 1) with Fiscal Year
(FY) 2012 and FY 2013 appropriations for FTA's Research, Development,
Demonstration and Deployment Program. The Consolidated and Further
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012, Public Law 112-55 made $25,000,000
available to carry out innovative research and demonstrations of
national significance under 49 U.S.C. 5312. Of that amount, $20,800,000
was made available for innovative safety, resiliency, and all-hazards
emergency response and recovery demonstration projects of national
significance. An additional $8,200,000 in Section 5312 FY 2013 Research
funds was made available for the same purpose for a combined amount of
$29,000,000 in funds was made available from Fiscal Years 2012 and
2013. On October 1, 2013, FTA published a Notice of Funding
Availability (NOFA) (78 FR 60369) announcing the availability of
funding for SRER. These competitive research program funds will
strengthen operational safety of public transportation, help transit
systems better withstand natural disasters and other emergencies, and
improve emergency response capabilities.
Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program: The U.S. Department
of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
announces the selection of Low or No Emissions Vehicle Deployment
Program (LONO) projects (see Table 2) with Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 and FY
2014 appropriations for deployment of low or no emission transit buses.
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Public
Law 112-141, July 6, 2012, amended 49 U.S.C. 5312 to add a new
paragraph (d)(5) authorizing FTA to make grants to finance eligible
projects under the LONO Program. The Consolidated and Further
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, (also referred to as the Full Year
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013) Public Law 113-6, March 26, 2013,
made available $24,900,000 in FY 2013 (after sequestration) funds to
carry out the LONO Program. Of that amount, $21,600,000 was made
available for transit buses and $3,300,000 was made available for
supporting facilities and related equipment. The Consolidated
[[Page 18498]]
Appropriations Act, 2014, Public Law 113-76, January 17, 2014, made
available $30,000,000 in FY 2014 to carry out the LONO Program. Of that
amount, a minimum of $4,000,000 was made available for supporting
facilities and related equipment.
On January 9, 2014, FTA published a NOFA (79 FR 1668) announcing
the availability of funding for the LONO program. The main purpose of
the LONO Program is to deploy the cleanest and most energy efficient
U.S.-made transit buses that have been largely proven in testing and
demonstrations but are not yet widely deployed in transit agency
fleets. The LONO Program provides funding for transit agencies for
capital acquisitions and leases of zero-emission and low-emission
transit buses, including acquisition, construction, and leasing of
required supporting facilities such as recharging, refueling, and
maintenance facilities.
Bus Efficiency Enhancements Research and Demonstrations: The U.S.
Department of Transportation's (DOT) Federal Transit Administration
(FTA) announces the selection of five projects totaling $3,000,000 for
Bus Efficiency Enhancements Research and Demonstrations (BEERD) program
(see Table 3). On June 28, 2013, FTA published a Request for Proposals
(RFP) on and FTA's Web site announcing the availability
of $3,000,000 of FY 2012 Section 5312/5314 National Research Program
discretionary funds for innovative research, development, and
demonstration projects targeting bus efficiency enhancements,
specifically enhanced electrification of accessories, and improvements
in thermal management of transit bus bodies. These projects will reduce
energy use by transit buses and will have favorable impacts on meeting
the needs of the riding public, public transportation operators, and
the American bus industry and its supplier base. They will advance the
DOT's research goals, which include but are not limited to improving
safety, enhancing the state of good repair of public transit systems,
providing more effective and efficient public transportation service,
increasing capital and operating efficiencies, developing and deploying
advanced vehicle designs and technology, reducing harmful emissions,
and increasing energy efficiency. These projects also support an
overarching FTA goal of developing and deploying new and innovative
ideas, practices, and approaches for transit buses.
Demonstration and Innovation (TRI) and/or FTA Regional Office will
reach out to successful applicants regarding to the next steps in
applying for the funds or program-specific information (see Tables 1-3,
Unsuccessful SRER program applicants may contact Roy Chen, Office
of Technology at email address to arrange a
proposal debriefing within 30 days of this announcement. A TDD is
available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDD/FIRS).
Unsuccessful LONO Program applicants may contact Sean Ricketson,
Office of Mobility Innovation at email address
to arrange a proposal debriefing within 30 days of this announcement. A
TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDD/FIRS).
Unsuccessful BEERD program applicants may contact Marcel Belanger,
Office of Mobility Innovation at email address
to arrange a proposal debriefing within 30 days of this announcement. A
TDD is available at 1-800-877-8339 (TDD/FIRS).
72 proposals requesting $160,000,000 in Federal funds. Project
proposals were evaluated based on each applicant's responsiveness to
the program evaluation criteria as detailed in the NOFA. The FTA is
funding 13 SRER projects, as shown in Table 1, for a total of
In response to the LONO NOFA, FTA received 50 project proposals
requesting $200,000,000 in Federal funds. Project proposals were
evaluated based on each applicant's responsiveness to the program
evaluation criteria as detailed in the NOFA. The FTA is funding 10 LONO
Program projects, as shown in Table 2, for a total of $54,469,249.
In response to the BEERD RFP, FTA received 13 project proposals
requesting $14,600,000 in Federal funds. Project proposals were
evaluated based on each applicant's responsiveness to the program
evaluation criteria as detailed in the RFP. The FTA is funding five
BEERD Program projects, as shown in Table 3, for a total of $3,000,000.
Applicants selected for competitive discretionary research funding
for the SRER and BEERD Programs should work with FTA's TRI staff
identified in the contacts section of this notice to finalize
electronic awards in FTA's Transportation Electronic Awards Management
System (TEAM) or its successor system, so that Federal funds can be
obligated expeditiously. Applicants selected for the LONO Program
should work with TRI staff identified in the contacts section of this
notice and/or FTA Regional Office staff to finalize its electronic
award in TEAM or its successor system, so that Federal funds can be
obligated expeditiously.
Electronics awards must only include eligible activities applied
for in the original project application. Federal funds must be used
consistent with the competitive proposal and for the eligible purposes
established in the NOFA and described in the FTA Circular 6100.1E and/
or FTA Circular 9030.1E. In cases where the allocation amount is less
than the applicant's requested amount, applicants should work with TRI
staff to reduce scope or scale the project such that a complete phase
or project is accomplished. Applicants are reminded that program
requirements such as cost sharing or local match can be found in the
corresponding NOFA or RFP. Depending on the year of funding, type of
project, and the applicant's proposal, local match may be required for
some projects. Local match must be identified in the electronic award
at the time of obligation and must be available at the time of
expenditure. A discretionary research project identification number has
been assigned to each project (see Tables 1-3 of this notice) for
tracking purposes and must be used in the TEAM or successor system,
Selected projects may be eligible for pre-award authority for each
of the programs, so long as all required conditions for pre-award
authority have been met and the activities undertaken in advance of
Federal funding are contained in the approved statement of work. The
FTA may grant pre-award authority for costs incurred after the project
selections were announced. The dates of announcement, which are the
earliest dates for which pre-award authority can be granted, are as
follows: February 12, 2015 for SRER; February 5, 2015 for LONO; and
January 16, 2015 for BEERD. The FTA's policy for pre-award authority,
including the required conditions, can be found in the FY 2015 Annual
Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information Notice, published
on February, 9, 2015.
Post electronic award reporting requirements include submission of
the Federal Financial Report and Milestone reports in TEAM as
appropriate (FTA Circular 6100.1E, C.5010.1D and C9030.1E). The
grantees must comply with all applicable Federal statutes, regulations,
executive orders, FTA circulars, and other Federal requirements
detailed in the FY15 Master Agreement in carrying out the
[[Page 18499]]
project supported by the FTA research grant. The FY15 Master Agreement
can be found at:
The FTA emphasizes that grantees must follow all third-party
procurement guidance, as described in FTA Circular 4220.1F.
Therese W. McMillan,
Acting Administrator.
Table 1--Innovative Safety, Resiliency, and All-Hazards Emergency Response and Recovery Demonstration Project
Project ID State Project sponsor Project description Amount
D2015-SRER-001................. CA........... Los Angeles The Los Angeles County $1,722,400
County Metropolitan
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Transportation (LACMTA) will receive
Authority funding to install and
(LACMTA). test a Platform Track
Intrusion Detection System
(PTIDS) at select light
rail and heavy rail
stations to reduce
injuries, fatalities and
other track intrusion
incidents. The radar-based
system will monitor
station platforms and
portions of track, and
alert rail operators and
LACMTA's Rail Operations
Center to stop trains if a
person or object is
detected within the track
D2015-SRER-002................. CA........... Applied Research Applied Research $1,323,414
Associates, Inc. Associates, Inc., in
partnership with
Sacramento Regional
Transit District (RT),
will receive funding to
develop, test and
demonstrate a front-end
bumper design for light
rail vehicles that operate
in a shared right-of-way
environment to improve
safety, reduce injuries
and minimize the impact of
collisions with
automobiles, pedestrians
or bicyclists. Bumper
prototypes will be mounted
on select light rail
vehicles to test
compatibility during
normal operation of light
rail service, and during
crashworthiness testing.
D2015-SRER-003................. CA........... San Francisco Bay The San Francisco Bay Area $5,000,000
Area Rapid Rapid Transit District
Transit District (BART) will receive
(BART). funding to develop and
demonstrate innovative
safety technologies that
will improve track worker
safety and help prevent
accidents involving trains
and track workers. The
technology will alert
track workers to the
presence of an approaching
train and will stop the
train if the workers do
not acknowledge receipt of
the alert.
D2015-SRER-004................. GA........... Metropolitan The Metropolitan Atlanta $4,233,865
Atlanta Rapid Rapid Transit Authority
Transit (MARTA) will receive
Authority funding to install and
(MARTA). demonstrate Bombardier's
TrackSafe system along six
miles of MARTA's rail
system to improve track
worker safety and reduce
hazards associated with
track inspection,
maintenance and repair.
The technology will be
installed between Medical
Center and North Springs
stations and will alert
track workers to the
presence of an approaching
train, and train operators
and control center staff
to the specific location
of track workers.
D2015-SRER-005................. GA........... Center for The Center for $995,098
Transportation Transportation and the
and the Environment (CTE) will
Environment receive funding to
(CTE). develop, evaluate and plan
the deployment of a Bus
Exportable Power System
(BEPS) that would allow
existing transit buses to
export power using their
hybrid propulsion systems.
The system essentially
would transform hybrid
buses into a mobile power
generator for use during
all-hazards emergency
response and recovery.
D2015-SRER-006................. IL........... The Board of The Board of Trustees of $2,396,981
Trustees of the the University of
University of Illinois, in partnership
Illinois. with multiple public
transit providers across
the country, will receive
funding to develop and
deploy prototype concrete
crossties and fastening
systems for light rail,
heavy rail, and commuter
rail transit
infrastructure to increase
the life cycle of critical
components and help
maintain rail
infrastructure in a state
of good repair during
normal operations and
natural disasters. Transit
partners include MetroLink
(St. Louis, MO), Metra
(Chicago, IL), Washington
Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority (Washington,
DC), New York City Transit
Authority (New York, NY),
and TriMet (Portland, OR).
[[Page 18500]]
D2015-SRER-007................. IL........... UChicago Argonne UChicago Argonne LLC, in $2,890,600
LLC. partnership with Pace
Suburban Bus Service
(Pace) and Metra Commuter
Rail, will receive funding
to research and develop a
decision support tool for
transit asset management
that addresses all-hazards
emergency response and
recovery. The tool will
help emergency responders
to quickly assess a
situation, develop an
appropriate mitigation
strategy, and restore
transit services in the
most effective manner,
using available transit
D2015-SRER-008................. LA........... City of New The City of New Orleans, in $500,329
Orleans. partnership with the
Regional Transit Authority
(RTA) and the University
of New Orleans, will
receive funding to improve
the evacuation of city
residents and vulnerable
populations during
emergencies and disasters.
This project will focus on
evacuation transportation
planning provided by the
City of New Orleans and
RTA, and includes the
identification of
transportation assets that
are needed for an
evacuation and of current
transportation assets that
are used on a daily basis
by the RTA.
D2015-SRER-009................. MN........... Minnesota Valley Minnesota Valley Transit $1,790,014
Transit Authority will receive
Authority. funding to equip
additional buses in its
Bus Rapid Transit and
express bus fleets with
GPS-based technology to
improve safety and bus
service within narrow
shoulder lanes along
highly congested corridors
in the Minneapolis-St.
Paul area. The technology
will provide lane keeping
information, lane
departure warnings, and
collision avoidance
advisories to bus
operators in various
weather and road
D2015-SRER-010................. NJ........... New Jersey New Jersey Transit $381,079 (FY12)
D2015-SRER-011................. Transit Corporation (NJ Transit), $462,671 (FY13)
Corporation. in partnership with
Stevens Institute of
Technology, will receive
funding to develop an
advanced forecast and
observation system that
can provide real-time
information on the
potential risk and
magnitude of flooding
before and during
significant storm surge
events at specific
locations critical to NJ
Transit's operations. The
system will help inform
decision making on which
equipment or rolling stock
needs to be moved, which
signals and substations
need to be de-energized,
and where staffing should
be prioritized in advance
of a major weather event.
D2015-SRER-012................. NY........... New York New York Metropolitan $3,617,948
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Transportation (MTA) will receive funding
Authority (MTA). to research and
demonstrate an automated,
data-based information
collection system to
measure and monitor the
condition of subway
railcar wheels and rail
infrastructure to enhance
safety, increase energy
efficiency, and ensure
reliable subway service.
The system will be tested
on MTA's Flushing (#7)
D2015-SRER-013................. OH........... Battelle Memorial Battelle Memorial $2,741,617
Institute. Institute, in partnership
with Greater Cleveland
Regional Transit Authority
(GCRTA), will receive
funding to research,
develop and demonstrate
integrated vehicle-to-
vehicle and vehicle-to-
infrastructure technology
to minimize transit bus
collisions with
automobiles and
pedestrians at
intersections. This
project will add both in-
vehicle and infrastructure
elements to create a
connected vehicle
environment for transit
bus operations in the
Cleveland area.
D2015-SRER-014................. OR........... Portland State Portland State University, $943,984
University. in partnership with the
Tri-County Metropolitan
Transportation District of
Oregon (TriMet) will
receive funding to develop
and test a Transportation
Demand Management system
that utilizes social media
and Intelligent
Transportation Systems
(ITS) technology for
emergency response and
recovery in the Portland
metropolitan area. The
project will help TriMet
and other transportation
and emergency management
agencies to deploy
transportation services
and personnel with
increased effectiveness
before, during and after
an emergency.
Total...................... ............. ................. ........................... $29,000,000
[[Page 18501]]
Table 2--Low or No Emission Vehicle Deployment Program Project Selections
Project ID State City Project sponsor Project description Amount
D2015-LONO-001............... CA.... Thousand Palms.. Sunline Transit Sunline Transit $9,803,860
Agency, in Agency, in
partnership partnership with
with Southern the Southern
California California
Association of Association of
Governments. Governments, will
receive funding to
purchase five
hydrogen electric
hybrid fuel cell
buses built by BAE
Systems, Ballard
Power Systems and
El Dorado National.
D2015-LONO-009............... CA.... Stockton........ San Joaquin The San Joaquin $4,702,011
Regional Regional Transit
Transit District (RTD),
District (RTD). will receive
funding to purchase
five Proterra
buses and a
charging station.
D2015-LONO-007............... KY.... Lexington....... Lextran, Lextran, the transit $6,003,534
Transit authority in
Authority of Lexington,
the Lexington Kentucky, will
Fayette Urban receive funding to
County purchase five
Government. Proterra battery-
electric buses, one
charging station
and one maintenance
area charging
D2015-LONO-008............... KY.... Louisville...... Transit The Transit $3,321,250
Authority of Authority of River
River City City (TARC), the
(TARC). transit agency for
Kentucky, and
southern Indiana,
will receive
funding to deploy
five Proterra
buses and a fast
charging station.
D2015-LONO-010............... MA.... Boston.......... Massachusetts The Massachusetts $4,139,188
Bay Bay Transportation
Transportation Authority (MBTA) in
Authority Boston will receive
(MBTA). funding to develop
and deploy five 60-
foot articulated
New Flyer battery-
electric buses on
the MBTA Silver
Line Bus Rapid
Transit System.
D2015-LONO-011............... MA.... Worcester....... Worcester The Worcester $1,002,600
Regional Regional Transit
Transit Authority (WRTA),
Authority the transit
(WRTA) provider in Central
Massachusetts, will
receive funding to
purchase and
install a Proterra
charging station
for its existing
fleet of zero-
emission battery-
electric buses.
D2015-LONO-006............... MN.... Duluth.......... The Duluth The Duluth Transit $6,343,890
Transit Authority (DTA)
Authority will receive
(DTA). funding to purchase
and deploy six
Proterra Fast
Charge Electric
buses, two charging
stations and a
facility charger
D2015-LONO-003............... OH.... Canton.......... Stark Area The Stark Area $8,877,405
Regional Regional Transit
Transit Authority (SARTA)
Authority will receive
(SARTA). funding to purchase
five hydrogen
electric hybrid
fuel cell buses
built by BAE
Systems, Ballard
Power Systems and
El Dorado National.
D2015-LONO-004............... PA.... Lancaster....... Red Rose The Red Rose Transit $2,638,400
Transit Authority (RRTA) in
Authority Lancaster, PA, will
(RRTA). receive funding to
purchase 17
electric hybrid
buses. The new, low
emission buses will
be manufactured by
BAE Systems and
Gillig. Fourteen
buses will go to
RRTA, and three
will go to the
Berks Area Regional
D2015-LONO-005............... TX.... Dallas.......... Dallas Area The Dallas Area $7,637,111
Rapid Transit Rapid Transit
Authority Authority (DART)
(DART). will receive
funding to purchase
and operate seven
Proterra buses.
DART will operate
the fast charge,
zero-emission buses
on its downtown
circulator service,
Total.................... ...... ................ ............... .................... $54,469,249
Table 3--Bus Efficiency Enhancements Research and Demonstrations Project Selections
Transit agency
Project ID State Project sponsor partner Project description Amount
D2015-BERD-002............... FL.... Center for Central Florida Center for $532,258
Transportation Regional Transportation and
and the Transportation the Environment
Environment Authority (CTE), in
(CTE). (LYNX), partnership with
Orlando, FL. Central Florida
Authority (LYNX),
will receive
funding to develop
and demonstrate a
new thermoelectric
power generator on
a 40' transit bus
contributed by LYNX
to reduce fuel
consumption and
allow end of day
processing without
[[Page 18502]]
D2015-BERD-004............... GA.... Center for Metropolitan Center for $976,030
Transportation Atlanta Rapid Transportation and
and the Transit the Environment
Environment Authority (CTE), in
(CTE). (MARTA), partnership with
Atlanta, GA. the Metropolitan
Atlanta Rapid
Transit Authority
(MARTA), will
receive funding to
develop and
demonstrate a BAE
Systems prototype
Reduced Engine Idle
Load System. This
effort will bring a
multimode, electric
accessory `power
plant' to market.
D2015-BERD-005............... MD.... Maryland Transit Maryland The Maryland Transit $495,621
Administration Transit Administration will
(MTA), MD. Administration receive funding to
(MTA), develop and
Baltimore, MD. demonstrate a
retrofit of 35
hybrid buses with a
hybrid beltless
alternator and
support equipment
to monitor fuel
savings and impact
on house batteries.
D2015-BERD-001............... MI.... American Seating The Rapid, American Seating, in $298,906
Grand Rapids, partnership with
MI. The Rapid in Grand
Rapids, Michigan,
will receive
funding to develop
and demonstrate a
heated and cooled
seat, which is
intended to reduce
fuel consumption of
D2015-BERD-003............... UT.... Center for Utah Transit Center for $697,185
Transportation Authority Transportation and
and the (UTA), Salt the Environment
Environment Lake City, UT. (CTE), in
(CTE). partnership with
the Utah Transit
Authority (UTA),
will receive
funding to develop
and demonstrate a
system that will
eliminate or reduce
idling during
passenger loading
lowering operating
costs, reducing
energy usage, and
improving air
Total.................... ...... ................ ............... .................... $3,000,000
[FR Doc. 2015-07825 Filed 4-3-15; 8:45 am]