Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Smoky Canyon Mine, Panels F and G Lease and Mine Plan Modification Project, Caribou County, ID, 16422-16424 [2015-07012]
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mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Notices
D Alternative L5—Reduced Area Land
Exchange, Easement. The BLM would
amend the RMP and TCMC would
acquire approximately 5,100 acres of
BLM-administered land, with a
conservation easement placed on
approximately 1,500 acres. The US
would accordingly acquire
approximately 10 percent less private
land by fair market value compared to
Alternative L2.
These alternatives are the same
alternatives as those analyzed in the
Draft EIS/draft RMP. BLM held public
meetings during the public comment
period for the Draft EIS/draft RMP
amendment in Challis, Idaho on May
13, 2014 and in Boise, Idaho on May 14,
2014. A total of 684 public responses
containing 2,693 comments were
received during the 90-day public
comment period. Approximately 75
percent of the responses contained
similar form statements. The majority of
the comments focused on the economic
effects of the project. In addition, there
were approximately 500 mostly general
comments regarding the long-term water
quality at the mine site, methods of
reclaiming the mine, financial
guarantees for reclaiming the mine,
stability of the tailings storage facility,
range of alternatives, cumulative effects
analysis, effects to an outfitter using the
selected land under a BLM special
recreation permit, and how the Broken
Wing Ranch would be administered by
the BLM. The comments were
considered and addressed in Chapter 7
(Public Involvement) of the Final EIS.
The BLM revised its analysis in
response to the comments to include
additional supporting text and to make
minor corrections. There were no
substantive changes to the analysis in
response to the comments.
The BLM and Forest Service have
selected Alternative M2 as the preferred
MMPO alternative. The BLM’s preferred
land disposal alternative is Alternative
L2. Pursuant to the Notice of Intent (75
FR 45652), the Notice of Exchange
proposal in local newspapers, the
Notices of Availability for the Draft EIS/
draft RMP amendment published in the
Federal Register on March 21, 2014 (79
FR 15741, 79 FR 15771, and March 28,
2014, 79 FR 17538, and this Notice, the
BLM is complying with the
requirements in 43 CFR 1610.2 to notify
the public of potential amendments to
land use plans, based on the analysis in
an EIS.
The responsible officials for the
proposed actions are the Field Manager,
Challis Field Office, BLM (MMPO);
District Manager, Idaho Falls District,
BLM (land disposal); State Director,
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Idaho State Office, BLM (RMP
Instructions for filing a protest with
the Director of the BLM regarding the
proposed RMP amendment are at 43
CFR 1610.5–2 and also in the ‘‘Dear
Reader’’ letter for the Final EIS/
proposed RMP amendment. All protests
must be in writing and mailed to the
appropriate address, as set forth in the
‘‘ADDRESSES’’ section above. Protests
sent by email will not be accepted as
valid protests unless the protesting
party also provides the original letter by
either regular mail or overnight delivery
postmarked by the close of the protest
period. Under these conditions, the
BLM will consider the email as an
advance copy and it will receive full
consideration. If you wish to provide
the BLM with such advance
notification, please direct emails to
Before including your phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your protest,
you should be aware that your entire
protest—including your personal
identifying information—may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask us in your protest to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 40 CFR
1506; 43 CFR 46; 43 CFR 1610.2.
Todd Kuck,
Challis Field Manager.
[FR Doc. 2015–07005 Filed 3–26–15; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[13X LLIDI02000.L71220000.EO0000.
LVTFD1300100 241A 4500074169]
Forest Service
Notice of Availability of the Final
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Proposed Smoky Canyon Mine,
Panels F and G Lease and Mine Plan
Modification Project, Caribou County,
Bureau of Land Management,
Interior; United States Forest Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA), the Bureau of Land
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Management (BLM) and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service (USFS), Caribou-Targhee
National Forest (CTNF), have prepared
a Final Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS) for the proposed Smoky Canyon
Mine, Panels F and G Lease and Mine
Plan Modification Project, and by this
Notice announce the availability of the
document. A Draft USFS Record of
Decision (ROD) is also being made
available along with the Final EIS.
DATES: The BLM will issue its ROD no
sooner than 30 days after the
Environmental Protection Agency
publishes its Notice of Availability
(NOA) of the Final EIS in the Federal
Register. A legal notice published in the
newspaper of record of the Final USFS
ROD will be released no sooner than
five business days following the end of
the 45-day objection period after the
Draft USFS ROD has been announced
and made available.
ADDRESSES: CD–ROM and print copies
of the Smoky Canyon Mine, Panels F &
G Lease and Mine Plan Modification
Project Final EIS and the Draft USFS
ROD are available in the BLM Pocatello
Field Office at the following address:
4350 Cliffs Drive, Pocatello, ID 83204. In
addition, electronic copies of the Final
EIS and the Draft USFS ROD are
available at either of the Web addresses
listed below:
Diane Wheeler, BLM Pocatello Field
Office, 4350 Cliffs Drive, Pocatello, ID
83204, phone 208–557–5839, fax 208–
478–6376. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
to contact the above individual during
normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
to leave a message or question with the
above individual. You will receive a
reply during normal business hours.
Simplot Company (Simplot) submitted
lease and mine plan modifications for
agency review for the existing Panel F
(lease IDI–27512) and Panel G (lease
IDI–01441) leases at the Smoky Canyon
Phosphate Mine within the CTNF in
Caribou County, Idaho. The Smoky
Canyon Mine, operated by Simplot, is
located approximately 10 miles west of
Afton, Wyoming, and approximately 8
miles west of the Idaho/Wyoming
border. The existing Smoky Canyon
mining and milling operations were
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Notices
authorized in 1982 by a mine plan
approval issued by the BLM and special
use authorizations issued by the USFS
for off-lease activities, supported by the
Smoky Canyon Mine Final EIS and
ROD. Mining operations began in Panel
A in 1984 and have continued since
then with the mining of Panels A
through E. In 2007, the BLM and USFS
published a Final EIS. RODs approving
a mining and reclamation plan for
Panels F and G and associated off-lease
disturbance were issued in 2008 (Final
EIS and RODs available at:
The Final EIS for the Panels F and G
Lease and Mine Plan Modification
Project tiers to the 2007 Final EIS.
Applicable information from the 2007
Final EIS is incorporated by reference
throughout the Final EIS. Panel F is
contiguous with the south end of the
existing mine Panel E, and Panel G is
located approximately one mile
southwest of Panel F. Mining activities
associated with Panel F were initiated
in 2008 and are ongoing. Mining
activities associated with Panel G have
been initiated through the early stages of
haul road construction.
The proposed lease and mine plan
modifications at Panels F and G of the
Smoky Canyon Mine area would occur
on Federal phosphate leases
administered by the BLM, situated on
National Forest System (NFS) lands, and
on un-leased parcels of NFS lands. The
NFS lands involved lie within the
Montpelier and Soda Springs Ranger
Districts of the CTNF. The existing
leases grant the lessee, Simplot,
exclusive rights to mine and otherwise
dispose of the federally-owned
phosphate deposit at the site.
As directed by the Mineral Leasing
Act of 1920, the BLM will evaluate the
information in the Final EIS and
respond to the lease and mine plan
modifications and issue decisions
related to the development of the
phosphate leases. The BLM will review
the impacts of alternatives to the
Proposed Action, including the No
Action Alternative, and decide whether
to approve the proposed lease and mine
plan modifications. The USFS will
make recommendations to the BLM
concerning surface management and
mitigation on leased lands within the
CTNF, and decisions on special use
authorizations for off-lease activities.
The BLM, as the Federal lease
administrator, is the lead agency for the
Final EIS. The USFS is the co-lead
agency and the Idaho Department of
Environmental Quality is a cooperating
agency. The Final EIS was prepared to
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provide decision-makers and the public
with an evaluation of the environmental
impacts, including those that may have
significant impacts resulting from the
Proposed Action and from all
reasonable action alternatives analyzed,
as well as the No Action alternative.
The Proposed Action, submitted in
February 2013, consists of the agencies’
approval of a proposal for lease and
mine plan modifications for Panels F
and G at the Smoky Canyon Mine. The
proposed modifications to Panel F are
related to the construction and use of an
ore conveyance system between Panel F
and the existing mill. The proposed
conveyance system would generally
follow the existing haul road and would
deviate only where engineering
constraints dictate (i.e., too tight a
corner on the road to construct the
conveyor due to vertical and/or
horizontal design limitations), such as at
the north end of Panel F where Simplot
is requesting a special use authorization
to construct a portion of the ore
conveyor off lease. Construction of the
conveyor would eliminate the need to
haul ore to the mill via haul trucks from
Panels F and G, although the haul road
would remain open so that equipment
could be transported to the shop for
maintenance. The proposed 4.5-mile
conveyor system would include a
crusher and stockpile location on lease
in Panel F.
There are three components to the
proposed modification of Panel G: (1)
Modification (enlargement) of lease IDI–
01441 by 280 acres to accommodate the
expansion of the previously approved
east overburden disposal area (ODA); (2)
increase the on-lease disturbance area of
the previously approved south ODA by
20 acres for the temporary storage of
chert to be used for reclamation; and (3)
utilization of a geosynthetic clay
laminate liner (GCLL) instead of the
currently approved geologic store and
release cover over the in-pit backfill and
the east external ODA. The current lease
area for Panel G is not large enough to
allow for maximum ore recovery and
the necessary overburden disposal.
Backfilling into the pit is limited due to
existing topographic constraints,
rehandling issues, and safety concerns
when backfilling and mining
concurrently within Panel G’s pit
configuration. The lease modification is
necessary to accommodate all of the
overburden generated from mining
Panel G, as analyzed in the 2007 Final
EIS. At the time the RODs for the 2007
Final EIS were issued, neither the BLM
nor the USFS had the regulatory
authority to approve Simplot’s original
plan for overburden storage. In 2009, the
rules were modified giving the BLM
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authority to approve a lease
modification for the purpose of
overburden storage.
Regional mitigation strategies for
cumulative effects from phosphate
mining to wildlife habitat are currently
being developed in the Pocatello Field
Office. However, regional mitigation
will not be applied in this case because
the proposed action would not result in
impacts drastically different than those
from the existing mine plan already
approved in 2008 (evaluated as the No
Action Alternative in the Final EIS).
In an effort to further reduce or
eliminate water quality impacts due to
increasing the size of the currently
approved mine, Simplot is proposing to
cover all overburden that has potential
to mobilize selenium and other
contaminants in Panel G with a GCLL.
Simplot believes that using a GCLL will
result in increased long-term
environmental protection and may lend
itself to a more expeditious review of
the proposed modifications. Stormwater
control features are included in the
proposal to address surface water runoff from the GCLL. It is estimated that
up to 11 acres of new disturbance would
be necessary for these stormwater
features. Portions of these features
would be situated on lease, within the
proposed lease modification area, or off
lease. Off-lease disturbance would
require USFS special use authorization.
Compared to the 1,340 acres analyzed
in the 2007 Final EIS, the Proposed
Action would add approximately 170
acres of new disturbance. This includes
8 acres for the ore conveyor system
(mostly at the north end of Panel F); 20
acres for the Panel G south ODA
expansion of temporary chert storage; 11
acres for stormwater control features to
address run-off from the GCLL at Panel
G; and 131 acres for the Panel G east
seleniferous ODA expansion.
Two additional Action Alternatives
were developed to address concerns
raised during public scoping for the
Draft EIS about the long term durability
and use of a synthetic liner such as a
GCLL at Panel G and/or reducing the
amount of new disturbance within the
Inventoried Roadless Area (IRA).
Alternatives 1 and 2 would include all
components of the Proposed Action, but
would limit use of the GCLL by utilizing
the previously approved geologic store
and release cover on portions of the
disturbed areas. In addition, Alternative
2 would reduce the east ODA expansion
within the Sage Creek IRA by
approximately 45 acres and reduce the
proposed lease modification area by
approximately 40 acres. Alternative 2 is
the Agency Preferred Alternative.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 59 / Friday, March 27, 2015 / Notices
Under the No Action Alternative in
the Final EIS, the proposed lease and
mine plan modifications and special use
authorizations would not be approved,
and mining would continue under the
current mine plan as approved by the
2008 RODs. Under the No Action
Alternative, Simplot estimates that
approximately 50 percent of the
phosphate ore in Panel G, previously
considered economically recoverable,
would not be mined but the overall
disturbance would remain unchanged
from the 2008 mine plan approval. In
addition, the proposed conveyor system
would not be approved, thus no new
disturbance associated with the
conveyor would occur. The previously
approved geologic store and release
cover would be used to limit or prevent
the release of contaminants to the
A Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare
this EIS was published in the Federal
Register on June 24, 2013. Publication
of the NOI in the Federal Register
initiated a 30-day public scoping period
for the Proposed Action that provided
for acceptance of written comments.
The scoping process identified concerns
that primarily involved impacts to water
resources and watersheds, and selenium
contamination, but also included
potential effects and/or cumulative
effects of the proposed project on IRAs,
wetlands, climate change,
socioeconomics, visual resources, and
mitigation and monitoring for mine
The NOA for the Draft EIS was
published in the Federal Register on
May 30, 2014. A 45-day comment
period on the Draft EIS commenced
with publication of the Environmental
Protection Agency’s NOA of the Draft
EIS, and ended on July 15, 2014.
Agencies, organizations, and interested
parties provided comments on the Draft
EIS via mail, email, and public
meetings. A total of seven comment
letters were received. In developing
responses to these comments, the
agencies have added mitigation features
to the Proposed Action and Alternatives
1 and 2 in the Final EIS, for example:
• An Adaptive Management Plan was
added as an appendix, which addresses
potential surface water and groundwater
quality issues through an adaptive
• A fourth wildlife crossing was
incorporated into the design of the ore
conveyor system at the Sage Creek
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• Access to a series of proposed
stormwater ponds at Panel G was
revised to be south from the mine rather
than north from the Wells Canyon Road,
eliminating a segment of access road
that would have impacted a small
wetland area.
• Because the segment of access road
to the proposed series of stormwater
ponds was eliminated, disturbance and
associated impacts to waters of the U.S.,
including wetlands, were eliminated.
Therefore, a revised U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers permit would not be required.
• Additional water quality data were
added to the Final EIS.
• Specific information regarding the
timing and construction of the GCLL
was added to the Final EIS.
The portion of the proposed project
related to USFS special use
authorizations for off-lease activities is
subject to the objection process
pursuant to 36 CFR 218 Subparts A and
B. Instructions for filing objections will
be provided in the legal notice
published in the newspaper of record
for the Draft USFS ROD. Objections will
be accepted only from those who have
previously submitted specific written
comments regarding the proposed
project either during scoping or other
designated opportunities for public
comment in accordance with 36 CFR
218.5(a). Issues raised in objections
must be based on previously submitted,
timely, and specific written comments
regarding the proposed project unless
based on new information arising after
designated opportunities. The portion of
any subsequent decision issued by BLM
regarding the proposed mine plan and
lease modifications would be appealable
under procedures found in 43 CFR 4.
Please note that public comments and
information submitted including names,
street addresses, and email addresses of
respondents will be available for public
review and disclosure at the BLM
Pocatello Field Office during regular
business hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.),
Monday through Friday, except
Authorities: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 40 CFR
parts 1500–1508; 43 CFR part 46; 43 U.S.C.
1701; 43 CFR part 3590; 16 U.S.C. 551; 36
CFR part 218; and 36 CFR part 251.50.
Joe Kraayenbrink,
District Manager, Idaho Falls District, Bureau
of Land Management.
Garth Smelser,
Forest Supervisor, Caribou-Targhee National
Bureau of Land Management
[LLCON05000 L16100000.DT0000]
Notice of Availability of the Proposed
Resource Management Plan
Amendment and Final Environmental
Impact Statement for Oil and Gas
Development in the White River Field
Office, Colorado
Bureau of Land Management,
Notice of availability.
In accordance with the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended (NEPA), and the
Federal Land Policy and Management
Act of 1976, as amended (FLPMA), the
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has
prepared a Proposed Resource
Management Plan (RMP) Amendment
and a Final Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the White River
Field Office (WRFO) and by this notice
is announcing its availability.
The BLM planning regulations
state that any person who meets the
conditions as described in the
regulations may protest the BLM’s
Proposed RMP Amendment/Final EIS.
A person who meets the conditions and
files a protest must file the protest
within 30 days of the date that the
Environmental Protection Agency
publishes its Notice of Availability for
this project in the Federal Register.
Copies of the WRFO Oil and
Gas Development Proposed RMP
Amendment/Final EIS have been sent to
affected Federal, State and local
government agencies, and interested
parties. The Proposed RMP
Amendment/Final EIS is also available
on the Internet at:
co/st/en/fo/wrfo.html, and at locations
listed under the SUPPLEMENTARY
All protests must be in writing and
mailed to one of the following
[FR Doc. 2015–07012 Filed 3–26–15; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 59 (Friday, March 27, 2015)]
[Pages 16422-16424]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2015-07012]
Bureau of Land Management
[13X LLIDI02000.L71220000.EO0000.LVTFD1300100 241A 4500074169]
Forest Service
Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact
Statement for the Proposed Smoky Canyon Mine, Panels F and G Lease and
Mine Plan Modification Project, Caribou County, ID
AGENCIES: Bureau of Land Management, Interior; United States Forest
Service, Agriculture.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (NEPA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS), Caribou-Targhee
National Forest (CTNF), have prepared a Final Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the proposed Smoky Canyon Mine, Panels F and G
Lease and Mine Plan Modification Project, and by this Notice announce
the availability of the document. A Draft USFS Record of Decision (ROD)
is also being made available along with the Final EIS.
DATES: The BLM will issue its ROD no sooner than 30 days after the
Environmental Protection Agency publishes its Notice of Availability
(NOA) of the Final EIS in the Federal Register. A legal notice
published in the newspaper of record of the Final USFS ROD will be
released no sooner than five business days following the end of the 45-
day objection period after the Draft USFS ROD has been announced and
made available.
ADDRESSES: CD-ROM and print copies of the Smoky Canyon Mine, Panels F &
G Lease and Mine Plan Modification Project Final EIS and the Draft USFS
ROD are available in the BLM Pocatello Field Office at the following
address: 4350 Cliffs Drive, Pocatello, ID 83204. In addition,
electronic copies of the Final EIS and the Draft USFS ROD are available
at either of the Web addresses listed below:
Office, 4350 Cliffs Drive, Pocatello, ID 83204, phone 208-557-5839, fax
208-478-6376. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-
877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal business hours.
The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message
or question with the above individual. You will receive a reply during
normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The J.R. Simplot Company (Simplot) submitted
lease and mine plan modifications for agency review for the existing
Panel F (lease IDI-27512) and Panel G (lease IDI-01441) leases at the
Smoky Canyon Phosphate Mine within the CTNF in Caribou County, Idaho.
The Smoky Canyon Mine, operated by Simplot, is located approximately 10
miles west of Afton, Wyoming, and approximately 8 miles west of the
Idaho/Wyoming border. The existing Smoky Canyon mining and milling
operations were
[[Page 16423]]
authorized in 1982 by a mine plan approval issued by the BLM and
special use authorizations issued by the USFS for off-lease activities,
supported by the Smoky Canyon Mine Final EIS and ROD. Mining operations
began in Panel A in 1984 and have continued since then with the mining
of Panels A through E. In 2007, the BLM and USFS published a Final EIS.
RODs approving a mining and reclamation plan for Panels F and G and
associated off-lease disturbance were issued in 2008 (Final EIS and
RODs available at:
The Final EIS for the Panels F and G Lease and Mine Plan
Modification Project tiers to the 2007 Final EIS. Applicable
information from the 2007 Final EIS is incorporated by reference
throughout the Final EIS. Panel F is contiguous with the south end of
the existing mine Panel E, and Panel G is located approximately one
mile southwest of Panel F. Mining activities associated with Panel F
were initiated in 2008 and are ongoing. Mining activities associated
with Panel G have been initiated through the early stages of haul road
The proposed lease and mine plan modifications at Panels F and G of
the Smoky Canyon Mine area would occur on Federal phosphate leases
administered by the BLM, situated on National Forest System (NFS)
lands, and on un-leased parcels of NFS lands. The NFS lands involved
lie within the Montpelier and Soda Springs Ranger Districts of the
CTNF. The existing leases grant the lessee, Simplot, exclusive rights
to mine and otherwise dispose of the federally-owned phosphate deposit
at the site.
As directed by the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, the BLM will
evaluate the information in the Final EIS and respond to the lease and
mine plan modifications and issue decisions related to the development
of the phosphate leases. The BLM will review the impacts of
alternatives to the Proposed Action, including the No Action
Alternative, and decide whether to approve the proposed lease and mine
plan modifications. The USFS will make recommendations to the BLM
concerning surface management and mitigation on leased lands within the
CTNF, and decisions on special use authorizations for off-lease
activities. The BLM, as the Federal lease administrator, is the lead
agency for the Final EIS. The USFS is the co-lead agency and the Idaho
Department of Environmental Quality is a cooperating agency. The Final
EIS was prepared to provide decision-makers and the public with an
evaluation of the environmental impacts, including those that may have
significant impacts resulting from the Proposed Action and from all
reasonable action alternatives analyzed, as well as the No Action
The Proposed Action, submitted in February 2013, consists of the
agencies' approval of a proposal for lease and mine plan modifications
for Panels F and G at the Smoky Canyon Mine. The proposed modifications
to Panel F are related to the construction and use of an ore conveyance
system between Panel F and the existing mill. The proposed conveyance
system would generally follow the existing haul road and would deviate
only where engineering constraints dictate (i.e., too tight a corner on
the road to construct the conveyor due to vertical and/or horizontal
design limitations), such as at the north end of Panel F where Simplot
is requesting a special use authorization to construct a portion of the
ore conveyor off lease. Construction of the conveyor would eliminate
the need to haul ore to the mill via haul trucks from Panels F and G,
although the haul road would remain open so that equipment could be
transported to the shop for maintenance. The proposed 4.5-mile conveyor
system would include a crusher and stockpile location on lease in Panel
There are three components to the proposed modification of Panel G:
(1) Modification (enlargement) of lease IDI-01441 by 280 acres to
accommodate the expansion of the previously approved east overburden
disposal area (ODA); (2) increase the on-lease disturbance area of the
previously approved south ODA by 20 acres for the temporary storage of
chert to be used for reclamation; and (3) utilization of a geosynthetic
clay laminate liner (GCLL) instead of the currently approved geologic
store and release cover over the in-pit backfill and the east external
ODA. The current lease area for Panel G is not large enough to allow
for maximum ore recovery and the necessary overburden disposal.
Backfilling into the pit is limited due to existing topographic
constraints, rehandling issues, and safety concerns when backfilling
and mining concurrently within Panel G's pit configuration. The lease
modification is necessary to accommodate all of the overburden
generated from mining Panel G, as analyzed in the 2007 Final EIS. At
the time the RODs for the 2007 Final EIS were issued, neither the BLM
nor the USFS had the regulatory authority to approve Simplot's original
plan for overburden storage. In 2009, the rules were modified giving
the BLM authority to approve a lease modification for the purpose of
overburden storage.
Regional mitigation strategies for cumulative effects from
phosphate mining to wildlife habitat are currently being developed in
the Pocatello Field Office. However, regional mitigation will not be
applied in this case because the proposed action would not result in
impacts drastically different than those from the existing mine plan
already approved in 2008 (evaluated as the No Action Alternative in the
Final EIS).
In an effort to further reduce or eliminate water quality impacts
due to increasing the size of the currently approved mine, Simplot is
proposing to cover all overburden that has potential to mobilize
selenium and other contaminants in Panel G with a GCLL. Simplot
believes that using a GCLL will result in increased long-term
environmental protection and may lend itself to a more expeditious
review of the proposed modifications. Stormwater control features are
included in the proposal to address surface water run-off from the
GCLL. It is estimated that up to 11 acres of new disturbance would be
necessary for these stormwater features. Portions of these features
would be situated on lease, within the proposed lease modification
area, or off lease. Off-lease disturbance would require USFS special
use authorization.
Compared to the 1,340 acres analyzed in the 2007 Final EIS, the
Proposed Action would add approximately 170 acres of new disturbance.
This includes 8 acres for the ore conveyor system (mostly at the north
end of Panel F); 20 acres for the Panel G south ODA expansion of
temporary chert storage; 11 acres for stormwater control features to
address run-off from the GCLL at Panel G; and 131 acres for the Panel G
east seleniferous ODA expansion.
Two additional Action Alternatives were developed to address
concerns raised during public scoping for the Draft EIS about the long
term durability and use of a synthetic liner such as a GCLL at Panel G
and/or reducing the amount of new disturbance within the Inventoried
Roadless Area (IRA). Alternatives 1 and 2 would include all components
of the Proposed Action, but would limit use of the GCLL by utilizing
the previously approved geologic store and release cover on portions of
the disturbed areas. In addition, Alternative 2 would reduce the east
ODA expansion within the Sage Creek IRA by approximately 45 acres and
reduce the proposed lease modification area by approximately 40 acres.
Alternative 2 is the Agency Preferred Alternative.
[[Page 16424]]
Under the No Action Alternative in the Final EIS, the proposed
lease and mine plan modifications and special use authorizations would
not be approved, and mining would continue under the current mine plan
as approved by the 2008 RODs. Under the No Action Alternative, Simplot
estimates that approximately 50 percent of the phosphate ore in Panel
G, previously considered economically recoverable, would not be mined
but the overall disturbance would remain unchanged from the 2008 mine
plan approval. In addition, the proposed conveyor system would not be
approved, thus no new disturbance associated with the conveyor would
occur. The previously approved geologic store and release cover would
be used to limit or prevent the release of contaminants to the
A Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare this EIS was published in the
Federal Register on June 24, 2013. Publication of the NOI in the
Federal Register initiated a 30-day public scoping period for the
Proposed Action that provided for acceptance of written comments. The
scoping process identified concerns that primarily involved impacts to
water resources and watersheds, and selenium contamination, but also
included potential effects and/or cumulative effects of the proposed
project on IRAs, wetlands, climate change, socioeconomics, visual
resources, and mitigation and monitoring for mine operations.
The NOA for the Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register on
May 30, 2014. A 45-day comment period on the Draft EIS commenced with
publication of the Environmental Protection Agency's NOA of the Draft
EIS, and ended on July 15, 2014. Agencies, organizations, and
interested parties provided comments on the Draft EIS via mail, email,
and public meetings. A total of seven comment letters were received. In
developing responses to these comments, the agencies have added
mitigation features to the Proposed Action and Alternatives 1 and 2 in
the Final EIS, for example:
An Adaptive Management Plan was added as an appendix,
which addresses potential surface water and groundwater quality issues
through an adaptive approach.
A fourth wildlife crossing was incorporated into the
design of the ore conveyor system at the Sage Creek drainage.
Access to a series of proposed stormwater ponds at Panel G
was revised to be south from the mine rather than north from the Wells
Canyon Road, eliminating a segment of access road that would have
impacted a small wetland area.
Because the segment of access road to the proposed series
of stormwater ponds was eliminated, disturbance and associated impacts
to waters of the U.S., including wetlands, were eliminated. Therefore,
a revised U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit would not be required.
Additional water quality data were added to the Final EIS.
Specific information regarding the timing and construction
of the GCLL was added to the Final EIS.
The portion of the proposed project related to USFS special use
authorizations for off-lease activities is subject to the objection
process pursuant to 36 CFR 218 Subparts A and B. Instructions for
filing objections will be provided in the legal notice published in the
newspaper of record for the Draft USFS ROD. Objections will be accepted
only from those who have previously submitted specific written comments
regarding the proposed project either during scoping or other
designated opportunities for public comment in accordance with 36 CFR
218.5(a). Issues raised in objections must be based on previously
submitted, timely, and specific written comments regarding the proposed
project unless based on new information arising after designated
opportunities. The portion of any subsequent decision issued by BLM
regarding the proposed mine plan and lease modifications would be
appealable under procedures found in 43 CFR 4.
Please note that public comments and information submitted
including names, street addresses, and email addresses of respondents
will be available for public review and disclosure at the BLM Pocatello
Field Office during regular business hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.), Monday
through Friday, except holidays.
Authorities: 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.; 40 CFR parts 1500-1508; 43
CFR part 46; 43 U.S.C. 1701; 43 CFR part 3590; 16 U.S.C. 551; 36 CFR
part 218; and 36 CFR part 251.50.
Joe Kraayenbrink,
District Manager, Idaho Falls District, Bureau of Land Management.
Garth Smelser,
Forest Supervisor, Caribou-Targhee National Forest.
[FR Doc. 2015-07012 Filed 3-26-15; 8:45 am]