United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement, 7303-7318 [2015-02720]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE I—Continued
Auto. proj.
cost limit
(Col. 1)
3. Table II in § 157.215(a)(5) is revised
to read as follows:
TABLE II—Continued
§ 157.215 Underground storage testing
and development.
(a) * * *
(5) * * *
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
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Prior notice proj.
cost limit
(Col. 2)
Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Parts 10, 24, 162, 163, and 178]
[USCBP–2015–0007: CBP Dec. 15–03
RIN 1515–AD59
[FR Doc. 2015–02653 Filed 2–9–15; 8:45 am]
United States-Australia Free Trade
PO 00000
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
Interim regulations; solicitation
of comments.
This rule amends the U.S.
Customs and Border Protection
regulations on an interim basis to
implement the preferential tariff
treatment and other customs-related
provisions of the United StatesAustralia Free Trade Agreement entered
into by the United States and the
Commonwealth of Australia.
Interim rule effective February
10, 2015; comments must be received by
April 13, 2015.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
You may submit comments,
identified by docket number, by one of
the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
via docket number USCBP–2015–0007.
• Mail: Trade and Commercial
Regulations Branch, Regulations and
Rulings, Office of International Trade,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 90
K Street NE., 10th Floor, Washington,
DC 20229–1177.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this rulemaking. All
comments received will be posted
without change to https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. For
detailed instructions on submitting
comments and additional information
on the rulemaking process, see the
‘‘Public Participation’’ heading of the
this document.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
www.regulations.gov. Submitted
comments may also be inspected during
regular business days between the hours
of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Trade and
Commercial Regulations Branch,
Regulations and Rulings, Office of
International Trade, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection, 90 K Street NE., 10th
Floor, Washington, DC. Arrangements to
inspect submitted comments should be
made in advance by calling Mr. Joseph
Clark at (202) 325–0118.
Textile Operational Aspects: Diane
Liberta, Textile Operations Branch,
Office of International Trade, (202) 863–
Other Operational Aspects: Katrina
Chang, Trade Policy and Programs,
Office of International Trade, (202) 863–
Legal Aspects: Yuliya Gulis,
Regulations and Rulings, Office of
International Trade, (202) 325–0042.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Public Participation
Interested persons are invited to
participate in this rulemaking by
submitting written data, views, or
arguments on all aspects of the interim
rule. U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) also invites comments
that relate to the economic,
environmental, or federalism effects that
might result from this interim rule.
Comments that will provide the most
assistance to CBP in developing these
regulations will reference a specific
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portion of the interim rule, explain the
reason for any recommended change,
and include data, information, or
authority that support such
recommended change. See ADDRESSES
above for information on how to submit
On May 18, 2004, the United States
and Australia (the ‘‘Parties’’) signed the
U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement
(‘‘AFTA’’ or ‘‘Agreement’’). On August
3, 2004, the President signed into law
the United States-Australia Free Trade
Agreement Implementation Act (the
‘‘Act’’), Pub. L. 108–286, 118 Stat. 919
(19 U.S.C. 3805 note), which approved
and made statutory changes to
implement the AFTA. Section 207 of the
Act requires that regulations be
prescribed as necessary to implement
the provisions of the AFTA.
On December 20, 2004, the President
signed Proclamation 7857
(‘‘Proclamation’’) to implement the
AFTA. The Proclamation, which was
published in the Federal Register on
December 23, 2004 (69 FR 77133),
modified the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States
(‘‘HTSUS’’) as set forth in Annexes I and
II of Publication 3722 of the U.S.
International Trade Commission. The
modifications to the HTSUS included
the addition of new General Note 28,
incorporating the relevant AFTA rules
of origin as set forth in the Act, and the
insertion throughout the HTSUS of the
preferential duty rates applicable to
individual products under the AFTA
where the special program indicator
‘‘AU’’ appears in parenthesis in the
‘‘Special’’ rate of duty subcolumn. The
modifications to the HTSUS also
included a new Subchapter XIII to
Chapter 99 to provide for temporary
tariff-rate quotas and applicable
safeguards implemented by the AFTA,
as well as modifications to Subchapter
XXII of Chapter 98. After the
Proclamation was signed, CBP issued
instructions to the field and the public
implementing the Agreement by
allowing the trade to receive the benefits
under the AFTA effective on or after
January 1, 2005.
CBP is responsible for administering
the provisions of the AFTA and the Act
that relate to the importation of goods
into the United States from Australia.
Those customs-related AFTA provisions
which require implementation through
regulation include certain tariff and
non-tariff provisions within Chapter
One (Establishment of a Free Trade Area
and Definitions), Chapter Two (National
Treatment and Market Access for
Goods), Chapter Four (Textiles and
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Apparel), Chapter Five (Rules of Origin),
and Chapter Six (Customs
Certain general definitions set forth in
Chapter One of the AFTA have been
incorporated into the AFTA
implementing regulations. These
regulations also implement Article 1.2
(General Definitions) and Annex 1–A
(Certain Definitions) of the AFTA. The
tariff-related provisions within AFTA
Chapter Two that require regulatory
action by CBP are Article 2.6 (Goods reentered after Repair or Alteration) and
Article 2.12 (Merchandise Processing
Chapter Four of the AFTA sets forth
provisions relating to trade in textile
and apparel goods between Australia
and the United States under the AFTA.
Section A of Chapter Five of the AFTA
sets forth the rules for determining
whether an imported good is an
originating good of the United States or
Australia and, as such, is therefore
eligible for preferential tariff (duty-free
or reduced duty) treatment under the
AFTA as specified in the Agreement
and the HTSUS.
Under AFTA Article 5.1 of Chapter
Five (Originating Goods) and section
203(b) of the Act, originating goods may
be grouped in four broad categories: (1)
Goods that are wholly obtained or
produced entirely in one or both of the
Parties; (2) goods that are produced
entirely in one or both of the Parties and
that satisfy the product-specific rules of
origin in AFTA Annex 4–A (Textile or
Apparel Specific Rules of Origin) or
Annex 5–A (Specific Rules of Origin);
(3) goods that are produced entirely in
the territory of one or both of the Parties
exclusively from originating materials;
and (4) goods that otherwise qualify as
originating goods under Chapter 4 or 5
of the AFTA. AFTA Article 5.2 (section
203(c) of the Act) provides a de minimis
criterion. AFTA Article 5.3 (section
203(d) of the Act) allows production
that takes place in the territory of both
Parties to be accumulated such that,
provided other requirements are met,
the resulting good is considered
originating. AFTA Article 5.4 (section
203(e) of the Act) sets forth the methods
for calculating the regional value
content of a good. AFTA Article 5.5
(section 203(f) of the Act) sets forth the
rules for determining the value of
materials for purposes of calculating the
regional value content of a good and
applying the de minimis criterion. The
remaining Articles within Section A of
Chapter Five consist of additional subrules, applicable to the originating good
concept, involving: Accessories, Spare
Parts and Tools (Article 5.6; section
203(g) of the Act); Fungible Goods and
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
Materials (Article 5.7; section 203(h) of
the Act); Packaging Materials and
Containers for Retail Sale (Article 5.8;
section 203(i) of the Act); Packing
Materials and Containers for Shipment
(Article 5.9; section 203(j) of the Act);
Indirect Materials (Article 5.10; section
203(k) of the Act); and Third Country
Transportation (Article 5.11; section
203(l) of the Act (Third Country
Operations)). The basic rules of origin in
Chapter Five of the AFTA are set forth
in General Note 28, HTSUS, and
reflected in the AFTA implementing
Section B of Chapter Five sets forth
procedures that apply under the AFTA
in regard to claims for preferential tariff
treatment. Section C sets forth
consultation mechanisms between the
Parties. Section D discusses the use of
the Harmonized System and generally
accepted accounting principles in
determining whether a good is
originating under the AFTA. Finally,
Section E lists the definitions to be used
within the context of the rules of origin
in the Chapter.
Chapter Six of the AFTA sets forth
operational provisions related to
customs administration under the
The majority of the AFTA
implementing regulations set forth in
this document have been included
within new Subpart L in Part 10 of the
CBP regulations (19 CFR part 10).
However, in those cases in which AFTA
implementation is more appropriate in
the context of an existing regulatory
provision, the AFTA regulatory text has
been incorporated in an existing Part
within the CBP regulations. In addition,
this document sets forth several crossreferences and other consequential
changes to existing regulatory
provisions to clarify the relationship
between those existing provisions and
the new AFTA implementing
regulations. The regulatory changes are
discussed below in the order in which
they appear in this document.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Discussion of Amendments
Part 10
Section 10.31(f) concerns temporary
importations under bond. It is amended
by adding references to certain goods
originating in Australia for which, like
goods originating in Canada, Mexico,
Singapore, Chile, Morocco, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, the
Dominican Republic, Costa Rica,
Bahrain, Oman, Peru, the Republic of
Korea, or Colombia, no bond or other
security will be required when imported
temporarily for prescribed uses. The
provisions of AFTA Article 2.5
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(Temporary Admission of Goods) are
already reflected in existing temporary
importation bond or other provisions
contained in Part 10 of the CBP
regulations and in Chapter 98 of the
Part 10, Subpart L
General Provisions
Section 10.721 outlines the scope of
new Subpart L, Part 10 of the CBP
regulations. This section also clarifies
that, except where the context otherwise
requires, the requirements contained in
Subpart L, Part 10 are in addition to
general administrative and enforcement
provisions set forth elsewhere in the
CBP regulations. Thus, for example, the
specific merchandise entry
requirements contained in Subpart L,
Part 10 are in addition to the basic entry
requirements contained in Parts 141–
143 of the CBP regulations.
Section 10.722 sets forth definitions
of common terms used within Subpart
L, Part 10. Although the majority of the
definitions in this section are based on
definitions contained in Article 1.2 and
Annex 1–A of the AFTA, and section 3
of the Act, other definitions have also
been included to clarify the application
of the regulatory texts. Additional
definitions that apply in a more limited
Subpart L, Part 10 context are set forth
elsewhere with the substantive
provisions to which they relate.
Import Requirements
Section 10.723 sets forth the
procedure for claiming AFTA
preferential tariff treatment at the time
of entry and, as provided in AFTA
Article 5.12, states that an importer may
make a claim for AFTA preferential
treatment based on the importer’s
knowledge or on information in the
importer’s possession that the good
qualifies as an originating good. Section
10.723 also provides, consistent with
AFTA Article 5.13, that an importer
must promptly and voluntarily correct
an invalid claim for preferential tariff
treatment in order to avoid being subject
to penalties.
Section 10.724, which is based on
AFTA Article 5.12, requires a U.S.
importer, upon request, to submit a
supporting statement setting forth the
reasons that the good qualifies as an
AFTA originating good in connection
with the claim. Included in § 10.724 is
a provision that the supporting
statement may be used either for a
single importation or for multiple
importations of identical goods.
Section 10.725 sets forth certain
importer obligations regarding the
truthfulness of information and
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documents submitted in support of a
claim for preferential tariff treatment.
Section 10.726 provides that the
importer’s supporting statement is not
required for certain non-commercial or
low-value importations.
Section 10.727 implements AFTA
Article 5.14 concerning the maintenance
of relevant records regarding the
imported good.
Section 10.728, which is based on
AFTA Article 5.13, authorizes the
denial of AFTA tariff benefits if the
importer fails to comply with any of the
requirements under Subpart L, Part 10,
CBP regulations.
Rules of Origin
Sections 10.729 through 10.741
provide the implementing regulations
regarding the rules of origin provisions
of General Note 28, HTSUS, Chapters
Four and Five of AFTA, and section 203
of the Act.
Section 10.729 sets forth terms that
are defined for purposes of the rules of
origin as found in section 203(n) of the
Act and other definitions that have been
included to clarify the application of the
regulatory texts.
General Rules of Origin
Section 10.730 sets forth the basic
rules of origin established in Article 5.1
of the AFTA, section 203(b) of the Act,
and General Note 28(b), HTSUS. The
provisions of § 10.730 apply both to the
determination of the status of an
imported good as an originating good for
purposes of preferential tariff treatment
and to the determination of the status of
a material as an originating material
used in a good which is subject to a
determination under General Note 28,
Section 10.730(a), reflecting section
203(b)(1) of the Act, specifies those
goods that are originating goods because
they are wholly obtained or produced
entirely in the territory of one or both
of the Parties.
Section 10.730(b), reflecting section
203(b)(2) of the Act, provides that goods
that have been produced entirely in the
territory of one or both of the Parties so
that each non-originating material
undergoes an applicable change in tariff
classification and satisfies any
applicable regional value content or
other requirement set forth in General
Note 28(n) are originating goods.
Essential to the rules in § 10.730(b) are
the specific rules of General Note 28(n),
HTSUS, which are incorporated by
Section 10.730(c), reflecting section
203(b)(3) of the Act, provides that goods
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
that have been produced entirely in the
territory of one or both of the Parties
exclusively from originating materials
are originating goods. Under § 10.730(d),
which implements section 203(b)(4) of
the Act, goods are considered
originating goods if they otherwise
qualify as originating goods under
General Note 28, HTSUS.
Textile and Apparel Goods Classifiable
as Goods Put Up in Sets
Section 10.731, which is based on
AFTA Article 4.2.8, provides that,
notwithstanding the specific rules of
General Note 28(n), HTSUS, textile and
apparel goods classifiable as goods put
up in sets for retail sale as provided for
in General Rule of Interpretation 3,
HTSUS, will not qualify as originating
goods unless each of the goods in the set
is an originating good or the total value
of the non-originating goods in the set
does not exceed 10 percent of the value
of the set.
De Minimis
Section 10.732, as provided for in
AFTA Article 5.2 and section 203(c) of
the Act, sets forth de minimis rules for
goods that may be considered to qualify
as originating goods even though they
fail to qualify as originating goods under
the rules in § 10.730. There are a
number of exceptions to the de minimis
rule set forth in the AFTA Annex 5–A
(exceptions to Article 5.2) as well as a
separate rule for textile and apparel
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Section 10.733, which is derived from
AFTA Article 5.3 and section 203(d) of
the Act, sets forth the rule by which
originating materials from the territory
of Australia or the United States that are
used in the production of a good in the
territory of the other country will be
considered to originate in the territory
of such other country. In addition, this
section also establishes that a good that
is produced by one or more producers
in the territory of Australia or the
United States, or both, is an originating
good if the good satisfies all of the
applicable requirements of the rules of
origin of the AFTA.
Value Content
Section 10.734 reflects AFTA Article
5.4 and section 203(e) of the Act
concerning the basic rules that apply for
purposes of determining whether an
imported good satisfies a minimum
regional value content (‘‘RVC’’)
requirement. Section 10.735, reflecting
AFTA Article 5.5 and section 203(f) of
the Act, sets forth the rules for
determining the value of a material for
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purposes of calculating the regional
value content of a good as well as for
purposes of applying the de minimis
Accessories, Spare Parts, or Tools
Section 10.736, as set forth in AFTA
Article 5.6 and section 203(g) of the Act,
specifies the conditions under which a
good’s standard accessories, spare parts,
or tools are: (1) Treated as originating
goods; and (2) disregarded in
determining whether all non-originating
materials undergo an applicable change
in tariff classification under General
Note 28(n), HTSUS.
Fungible Goods and Materials
Section 10.737, as provided for in
AFTA Article 5.7 and section 203(h) of
the Act, sets forth the rules by which
‘‘fungible’’ goods or materials may be
claimed as originating.
Packaging Materials and Packing
Sections 10.738 and 10.739, which are
derived from AFTA Articles 5.8 and 5.9
and sections 203(i) and (j) of the Act,
respectively, provide that retail
packaging materials and packing
materials for shipment are to be
disregarded with respect to their actual
origin in determining whether nonoriginating materials undergo an
applicable change in tariff classification
under General Note 28(n), HTSUS.
These sections also set forth the
treatment of packaging and packing
materials for purposes of the regional
value content requirement of the note.
Indirect Materials
Section 10.740, as set forth in AFTA
Article 5.10 and section 203(k) of the
Act, provides that indirect materials, as
defined in § 10.729(h), are considered to
be originating materials without regard
to where they are produced.
Third Country Transportation
Section 10.741, which is derived from
AFTA Article 5.11 and section 203(l) of
the Act, sets forth the rule that an
originating good loses its originating
status and is treated as a non-originating
good if, subsequent to production in the
territory of one or both of the Parties
that qualifies the good as originating,
the good undergoes production outside
the territories of the Parties.
Origin Verifications and Determinations
Section 10.742 implements AFTA
Article 5.15 which concerns the conduct
of verifications to determine whether
imported goods are originating goods
entitled to AFTA preferential tariff
treatment and the application of origin
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determinations resulting from such
verifications. This section also governs
the conduct of verifications directed to
producers of materials that are used in
the production of a good for which
AFTA preferential duty treatment is
Section 10.743, as provided for in
AFTA Article 4.3 and section 206 of the
Act, sets forth the verification and
enforcement procedures specifically
relating to trade in textile and apparel
Section 10.744 also implements
AFTA Articles 4.3 and 5.15 and sections
205 and 206 of the Act, and provides the
procedures that apply when preferential
tariff treatment is denied on the basis of
an origin verification conducted under
Subpart L, Part 10 of the CBP
Section 10.745 concerns the general
application of penalties to AFTA
transactions and is based on AFTA
Article 6.7 and section 205 of the Act.
Section 10.746 implements AFTA
Article 5.13.4 with regard to exceptions
to the application of penalties in the
case of an importer who promptly and
voluntarily makes a corrected claim or
supporting statement and pays any
duties owing. The AFTA’s exception to
the application of penalties is
contingent upon the importer correcting
the claim and paying any duties owing
within a period, determined by each
importing Party, which may not be less
than one year from submission of the
invalid claim.
Section 10.747 also reflects AFTA
Article 5.13.4 and section 205 of the
Act, and sets forth the circumstances
under which the making of a corrected
claim or supporting statement by an
importer will be considered to have
been done ‘‘promptly and voluntarily.’’
Corrected claims or certifications that
fail to meet these requirements are not
excepted from penalties, although the
importer making the corrected claim or
supporting statement may, depending
on the circumstances, qualify for a
reduced penalty as a prior disclosure
under 19 U.S.C. 1592(c)(4). Section
10.747(c) also specifies the content of
the statement that must accompany each
corrected claim.
Goods Returned After Repair or
Section 10.748 implements AFTA
Article 2.6 regarding duty-free treatment
for goods re-entered after repair or
alteration in Australia.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
Part 24
An amendment is made to § 24.23(c)
(19 CFR 24.23(c)), which concerns the
merchandise processing fee, to
implement AFTA Article 2.12 and
section 204 of the Act, to provide that
the merchandise processing fee is not
applicable to goods that qualify as
originating goods under the AFTA.
Part 162
Part 162 contains regulations
regarding the inspection and
examination of, among other things,
imported merchandise. A crossreference is added to § 162.0 (19 CFR
162.0), which is the scope section of the
part, to refer readers to the additional
AFTA records maintenance and
examination provisions contained in
new Subpart L, Part 10, CBP regulations.
Part 163
A conforming amendment is made to
§ 163.1 (19 CFR 163.1) to include, as
authorized by AFTA Article 5.14, the
requirement that the importer maintain
records and documents necessary to
support a claim for preferential tariff
treatment under the AFTA. Also, the list
of records and information required for
the entry of merchandise appearing in
the Appendix to Part 163 (commonly
known as the (a)(1)(A) list) is also
amended to add the records and
documents necessary to support an
AFTA claim for preferential tariff
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Part 178
Part 178 sets forth the control
numbers assigned to information
collections of CBP by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB),
pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. The list
contained in § 178.2 (19 CFR 178.2) is
amended to add the information
collections used by CBP to determine
eligibility for a tariff preference or other
rights or benefits under the AFTA and
the Act.
Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed
Effective Date Requirements
Under the Administrative Procedure
Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553), agencies
generally are required to publish a
notice of proposed rulemaking in the
Federal Register that solicits public
comment on the proposed regulatory
amendments, consider public comments
in deciding on the content of the final
amendments, and publish the final
amendments at least 30 days prior to
their effective date. However, section
553(a)(1) of the APA provides that the
standard prior notice and comment
procedures do not apply to an agency
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rulemaking to the extent that it involves
a foreign affairs function of the United
States. CBP has determined that these
interim regulations involve a foreign
affairs function of the United States
because they implement preferential
tariff treatment and related provisions of
the AFTA. Therefore, the rulemaking
requirements under the APA do not
apply and this interim rule will be
effective upon publication. However,
CBP is soliciting comments in this
interim rule and will consider all
comments received before issuing a
final rule.
Executive Order 12866 and the
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Executive Order 12866 directs
agencies to assess costs and benefits of
available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health
and safety effects, distributive impacts,
and equity). It has been determined that
this rule is not a significant regulatory
action, as defined in section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866. Because a notice
of proposed rulemaking is not required
under section 553(b) of the APA for the
reasons described above, the provisions
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), do not
apply to this rulemaking. Accordingly,
this interim rule is not subject to the
regulatory analysis requirements or
other requirements of 5 U.S.C. 603 and
Paperwork Reduction Act
The collections of information
contained in these regulations have
previously been reviewed and approved
by OMB in accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507) under
control number 1651–0117, which
covers many of the free trade agreement
requirements that CBP administers. The
addition of the AFTA requirements will
result in an increase in the number of
respondents and burden hours for this
information collection. Under the
Paperwork Reduction Act, an agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and an
individual is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number.
The collections of information in
these regulations are in §§ 10.723,
10.724, and 10.727. This information is
required in connection with general
recordkeeping requirements (§ 10.727),
as well as claims for preferential tariff
treatment under the AFTA and the Act
and will be used by CBP to determine
eligibility for tariff preference under the
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AFTA and the Act (§§ 10.723 and
10.724). The likely respondents are
business organizations including
importers, exporters and manufacturers.
The burdens imposed by these
regulations are:
Estimated total annual reporting
burden: 4,000 hours.
Estimated number of respondents:
Estimated annual frequency of
responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated average annual burden per
response: .2 hours.
Comments concerning the collections
of information and the accuracy of the
estimated annual burden, and
suggestions for reducing that burden,
should be directed to the Office of
Management and Budget, Attention:
Desk Officer for the Department of the
Treasury, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC
20503. A copy should also be sent to the
Trade and Commercial Regulations
Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office
of International Trade, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, 90 K Street NE.,
10th Floor, Washington, DC 20229–
Signing Authority
This document is being issued in
accordance with § 0.1(a)(1) of the CBP
regulations (19 CFR 0.1(a)(1)) pertaining
to the authority of the Secretary of the
Treasury (or his/her delegate) to
approve regulations related to certain
customs revenue functions.
List of Subjects
19 CFR Part 10
Alterations, Bonds, Customs duties
and inspection, Exports, Imports,
Preference programs, Repairs, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements, Trade
19 CFR Part 24
Accounting, Customs duties and
inspection, Financial and accounting
procedures, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Trade
agreements, User fees.
19 CFR Part 162
Administrative practice and
procedure, Customs duties and
inspection, Penalties, Trade agreements.
19 CFR Part 163
Administrative practice and
procedure, Customs duties and
inspection, Exports, Imports, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements, Trade
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
19 CFR Part 178
Administrative practice and
procedure, Exports, Imports, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Amendments to the Regulations
For the reasons set forth above,
chapter I of title 19, Code of Federal
Regulations (19 CFR chapter I), is
amended as set forth below.
1. The general authority citation for
part 10 continues to read and the
specific authority for new Subpart L is
added to read as follows:
Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General
Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States), 1321, 1481, 1484, 1498, 1508,
1623, 1624, 3314.
Sections 10.721 through 10.748 also issued
under 19 U.S.C. 1202 (General Note 28,
HTSUS) and Pub. L. 108–286, 118 Stat. 919
(19 U.S.C. 3805 note).
2. In § 10.31(f), the last sentence is
revised to read as follows:
§ 10.31
Entry; bond.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
(f) * * * In addition, notwithstanding
any other provision of this paragraph, in
the case of professional equipment
necessary for carrying out the business
activity, trade or profession of a
business person, equipment for the
press or for sound or television
broadcasting, cinematographic
equipment, articles imported for sports
purposes and articles intended for
display or demonstration, if brought
into the United States by a resident of
Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Chile,
Morocco, Australia, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, the
Dominican Republic, Costa Rica,
Bahrain, Oman, Peru, the Republic of
Korea, Colombia, or Panama and
entered under Chapter 98, Subchapter
XIII, HTSUS, no bond or other security
will be required if the entered article is
a good originating, within the meaning
of General Notes 12, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35, HTSUS, in the
country of which the importer is a
■ 3. Add subpart L to read as follows:
Subpart L—United States-Australia Free
Trade Agreement
General Provisions
10.721 Scope.
10.722 General definitions.
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Import Requirements
10.723 Filing of claim for preferential tariff
treatment upon importation.
10.724 Supporting statement.
10.725 Importer obligations.
10.726 Supporting statement not required.
10.727 Maintenance of records.
10.728 Effect of noncompliance; failure to
provide documentation regarding third
country transportation.
Rules of Origin
10.729 Definitions.
10.730 Originating goods.
10.731 Textile and apparel goods
classifiable as goods put up in sets.
10.732 De minimis.
10.733 Accumulation.
10.734 Regional value content.
10.735 Value of materials.
10.736 Accessories, spare parts, or tools.
10.737 Fungible goods and materials.
10.738 Retail packaging materials and
10.739 Packing materials and containers for
10.740 Indirect materials.
10.741 Third country transportation.
Origin Verifications and Determinations
10.742 Verification and justification of
claim for preferential treatment.
10.743 Special rule for verifications in
Australia of U.S. imports of textile and
apparel goods.
10.744 Issuance of negative origin
10.745 General.
10.746 Corrected claim or supporting
10.747 Framework for correcting claims or
supporting statements.
Goods Returned After Repair or Alteration
10.748 Goods re-entered after repair or
alteration in Australia.
Subpart L—United States-Australia
Free Trade Agreement
General Provisions
§ 10.721
This subpart implements the duty
preference and related customs
provisions applicable to imported goods
under the United States-Australia Free
Trade Agreement (the AFTA) signed on
May 18, 2004, and under the United
States-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Implementation Act (‘‘the Act’’), Pub. L.
108–286, 118 Stat. 919 (19 U.S.C. 3805
note). Except as otherwise specified in
this subpart, the procedures and other
requirements set forth in this subpart
are in addition to the customs
procedures and requirements of general
application contained elsewhere in this
chapter. Additional provisions
implementing certain aspects of the
AFTA and the Act are contained in
Parts 24, 162, and 163 of this chapter.
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§ 10.722
General definitions.
As used in this subpart, the following
terms will have the meanings indicated
unless either the context in which they
are used requires a different meaning or
a different definition is prescribed for a
particular section of this subpart:
(a) Claim for preferential tariff
treatment. ‘‘Claim for preferential tariff
treatment’’ means a claim that a good is
entitled to the duty rate applicable
under the AFTA to an originating good,
and to an exemption from the
merchandise processing fee;
(b) Claim of origin. ‘‘Claim of origin’’
means a claim that a textile or apparel
good is an originating good or a good of
a Party or satisfies the non-preferential
rules of origin of a Party;
(c) Customs duty. ‘‘Customs duty’’
includes any customs or import duty
and a charge of any kind imposed in
connection with the importation of a
good, including any form of surtax or
surcharge in connection with such
importation, but does not include any:
(1) Charge equivalent to an internal
tax imposed consistently with Article
III:2 of GATT 1994 in respect of the like
domestic good or in respect of goods
from which the imported good has been
manufactured or produced in whole or
in part;
(2) Antidumping or countervailing
duty that is applied pursuant to a
Party’s law; or
(3) Fee or other charge in connection
with importation commensurate with
the cost of services rendered;
(d) Customs Valuation Agreement.
‘‘Customs Valuation Agreement’’ means
the Agreement on Implementation of
Article VII of the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade 1994, contained in
Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;
(e) Days. ‘‘Days’’ means calendar days;
(f) Enterprise. ‘‘Enterprise’’ means any
entity constituted or organized under
applicable law, whether or not for
profit, and whether privately-owned or
governmentally-owned or controlled,
including any corporation, trust,
partnership, sole proprietorship, joint
venture, association, or similar
(g) Enterprise of a Party. ‘‘Enterprise
of a Party’’ means an enterprise
constituted or organized under a Party’s
(h) GATT 1994. ‘‘GATT 1994’’ means
the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade 1994, contained in Annex 1A to
the WTO Agreement;
(i) Goods of a Party. ‘‘Goods of a
Party’’ means domestic products as
these are understood in the GATT 1994
or such goods as the Parties determine
under the rules of origin as applied in
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
the normal course of trade, and includes
originating goods of a Party.
(j) Harmonized System. ‘‘Harmonized
System’’ means the Harmonized
Commodity Description and Coding
System, including its General Rules of
Interpretation, Section Notes, and
Chapter Notes, as adopted and
implemented by the Parties in their
respective tariff laws;
(k) Heading. ‘‘Heading’’ means the
first four digits in the tariff classification
number under the Harmonized System;
(l) HTSUS. ‘‘HTSUS’’ means the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States as promulgated by the
U.S. International Trade Commission;
(m) Identical goods. ‘‘Identical goods’’
means goods that are the same in all
respects relevant to the rule of origin
that qualifies the goods as originating
(n) Originating. ‘‘Originating’’ means
qualifying for preferential tariff
treatment under the rules of origin set
out in AFTA Chapters Four (Textiles
and Apparel) and Five (Rules of Origin)
and General Note 28, HTSUS;
(o) Party. ‘‘Party’’ means the United
States or Australia;
(p) Person. ‘‘Person’’ means a natural
person or an enterprise;
(q) Preferential tariff treatment.
‘‘Preferential tariff treatment’’ means the
duty rate applicable under the AFTA to
an originating good, and an exemption
from the merchandise processing fee;
(r) Subheading. ‘‘Subheading’’ means
the first six digits in the tariff
classification number under the
Harmonized System;
(s) Territory. ‘‘Territory’’ means:
(1) With respect to Australia, the
territory of the Commonwealth of
(i) Excluding all external territories
other than the Territory of Norfolk
Island, the Territory of Christmas Island,
the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands,
the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier
Islands, the Territory of Heard Island
and McDonald Islands, and the Coral
Sea Islands Territory; and
(ii) Including Australia’s territorial
sea, contiguous zone, exclusive
economic zone, and continental shelf;
(2) With respect to the United States:
(i) The customs territory of the United
States, which includes the 50 states, the
District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico;
(ii) The foreign trade zones located in
the United States and Puerto Rico; and
(iii) Any areas beyond the territorial
seas of the United States within which,
in accordance with international law
and its domestic law, the United States
may exercise rights with respect to the
seabed and subsoil and their natural
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(t) Textile or apparel good. ‘‘Textile or
apparel good’’ means a good listed in
the Annex to the Agreement on Textiles
and Clothing (commonly referred to as
‘‘the ATC’’), which is part of the WTO
(u) WTO. ‘‘WTO’’ means the World
Trade Organization; and
(v) WTO Agreement. ‘‘WTO
Agreement’’ means the Marrakesh
Agreement Establishing the World Trade
Organization of April 15, 1994.
Import Requirements
§ 10.723 Filing of claim for preferential
tariff treatment upon importation.
(a) Claim. An importer may make a
claim for AFTA preferential tariff
treatment, including an exemption from
the merchandise processing fee, based
on the importer’s knowledge or
information in the importer’s possession
that the good qualifies as an originating
good. The claim is made by including
on the entry summary, or equivalent
documentation, the letters ‘‘AU’’ as a
prefix to the subheading of the HTSUS
under which each qualifying good is
classified, or by the method specified
for equivalent reporting via an
authorized electronic data interchange
(b) Corrected claim. If, after making
the claim required under paragraph (a)
of this section, the importer becomes
aware that the claim is invalid, the
importer must promptly and voluntarily
correct the claim and pay any duties
that may be due. The importer must
submit a statement either in writing or
via an authorized electronic data
interchange system to the CBP office
where the original claim was filed
specifying the correction (see §§ 10.746
and 10.747 of this subpart).
§ 10.724
Supporting statement.
(a) Contents. An importer who makes
a claim under § 10.723(a) of this subpart
must submit, at the request of the port
director, a supporting statement setting
forth the reasons that the good qualifies
as an originating good, including
pertinent cost and manufacturing data.
A statement submitted to CBP under
this paragraph:
(1) Need not be in a prescribed format
but must be in writing or must be
transmitted electronically pursuant to
any electronic means authorized by CBP
for that purpose;
(2) Must include the following
(i) The legal name, address,
telephone, and email address of the
importer of record of the good;
(ii) The legal name, address,
telephone, and email address of the
responsible official or authorized agent
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of the importer signing the supporting
statement (if different from the
information required by paragraph
(a)(2)(i) of this section);
(iii) The legal name, address,
telephone, and email address of the
exporter of the good (if different from
the producer);
(iv) The legal name, address,
telephone, and email address of the
producer of the good, if known;
(v) A description of the good for
which preferential tariff treatment is
claimed, which must be sufficiently
detailed to relate it to the invoice and
the HS nomenclature;
(vi) The HTSUS tariff classification, to
six or more digits, as necessary for the
specific change in tariff classification
rule for the good set forth in General
Note 28(n), HTSUS;
(vii) The applicable rule of origin set
forth in General Note 28, HTSUS, under
which the good qualifies as an
originating good; and
(3) Must include a statement, in
substantially the following form:
I certify that:
The information on this document is true
and accurate and I assume the responsibility
for proving such representations. I
understand that I am liable for any false
statements or material omissions made on or
in connection with this document;
I agree to maintain and present upon
request, documentation necessary to support
these representations;
The goods originated or are considered to
have originated in the territory of one or
more of the Parties, and comply with the
origin requirements specified for those goods
in the United States-Australia Free Trade
Agreement; there has been no further
production or any other operation outside the
territories of the parties, other than
unloading, reloading, or any other operation
necessary to preserve the goods in good
condition or to transport the goods to the
United States; and
This document consists of ___ pages,
including all attachments.
(b) Responsible official or agent. The
supporting statement required to be
submitted under paragraph (a) of this
section must be signed and dated by a
responsible official of the importer or by
the importer’s authorized agent having
knowledge of the relevant facts.
(c) Language. The supporting
statement required to be submitted
under paragraph (a) of this section must
be completed in the English language.
(d) Applicability of supporting
statement. The supporting statement
required to be submitted under
paragraph (a) of this section may be
applicable to:
(1) A single importation of a good into
the United States, including a single
shipment that results in the filing of one
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
or more entries and a series of
shipments that results in the filing of
one entry; or
(2) Multiple importations of identical
goods into the United States that occur
within a specified blanket period, not
exceeding 12 months, set out in the
statement. For purposes of this
paragraph, ‘‘identical goods’’ means
goods that are the same in all respects
relevant to the particular rule of origin
that qualifies the goods as originating.
§ 10.725
Importer obligations.
(a) General. An importer who makes
a claim under § 10.723(a) of this
(1) Is responsible for the truthfulness
of the claim and of all the information
and data contained in the supporting
statement provided for in § 10.724 of
this subpart; and
(2) Is responsible for submitting any
supporting documents requested by CBP
and for the truthfulness of the
information contained in those
documents. If CBP requests the
submission of supporting documents,
CBP will allow for the direct submission
by the exporter or producer of business
confidential or other sensitive
information, including cost and
sourcing information.
(b) Information provided by exporter
or producer. The fact that the importer
has made a claim or submitted a
supporting statement based on
information provided by an exporter or
producer will not relieve the importer of
the responsibility referred to in the first
sentence of paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Exemption from penalties. An
importer will not be subject to civil or
administrative penalties under 19 U.S.C.
1592 for making an invalid claim for
preferential tariff treatment or
submitting an incorrect supporting
statement, provided that the importer
promptly and voluntarily corrects the
claim or supporting statement and pays
any duty owing (see §§ 10.746 and
10.747 of this subpart).
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§ 10.726 Supporting statement not
(a) General. Except as otherwise
provided in paragraph (b) of this
section, an importer will not be required
to submit a supporting statement under
§ 10.724 for:
(1) A non-commercial importation of
a good; or
(2) A commercial importation for
which the value of the originating goods
does not exceed U.S. $2,500.
(b) Exception. If the port director
determines that an importation
described in paragraph (a) of this
section may reasonably be considered to
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have been carried out or planned for the
purpose of evading compliance with the
rules and procedures governing claims
for preference under the AFTA, the port
director will notify the importer that for
that importation the importer must
submit to CBP a supporting statement.
The importer must submit such a
statement within 30 days from the date
of the notice. Failure to timely submit
the supporting statement will result in
denial of the claim for preferential tariff
§ 10.727
Maintenance of records.
(a) General. An importer claiming
preferential tariff treatment for a good
imported into the United States under
§ 10.723(a) of this subpart must
maintain, for five years after the date of
importation of the good, records and
documents necessary to demonstrate
that the good qualifies as an originating
good, including records and documents
associated with:
(1) The purchase of, cost of, value of,
and payment for, the good;
(2) Where appropriate, the purchase
of, cost of, value of, and payment for, all
materials, including recovered goods
and indirect materials, used in the
production of the good; and
(3) Where appropriate, the production
of the good in the form in which the
good was exported.
(b) Applicability of other
recordkeeping requirements. The
records and documents referred to in
paragraph (a) of this section are in
addition to any other records that the
importer is required to prepare,
maintain, or make available to CBP
under Part 163 of this chapter.
(c) Method of maintenance. The
records and documents referred to in
paragraph (a) of this section must be
maintained by importers as provided in
§ 163.5 of this chapter.
§ 10.728 Effect of noncompliance; failure
to provide documentation regarding third
country transportation.
(a) General. If the importer fails to
comply with any requirement under this
subpart, including submission of a
complete supporting statement prepared
in accordance with § 10.724 of this
subpart, when requested, the port
director may deny preferential treatment
to the imported good.
(b) Failure to provide documentation
regarding third country transportation.
Where the requirements for preferential
treatment set forth elsewhere in this
subpart are met, the port director
nevertheless may deny preferential
treatment to an originating good if the
good is shipped through or transshipped
in a country other than a Party to the
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AFTA, and the importer of the good
does not provide, at the request of the
port director, evidence demonstrating to
the satisfaction of the port director that
the conditions set forth in § 10.741 of
this subpart were met.
Rules of Origin
§ 10.729
For purposes of §§ 10.729 through
10.741 of this subpart:
(a) Adjusted value. ‘‘Adjusted value’’
means the value determined in
accordance with Articles 1 through 8,
Article 15, and the corresponding
interpretative notes of the Customs
Valuation Agreement, adjusted, if
necessary, to exclude:
(1) Any costs, charges, or expenses
incurred for transportation, insurance
and related services incidental to the
international shipment of the good from
the country of exportation to the place
of importation; and
(2) The value of packing materials and
containers for shipment as defined in
paragraph (n) of this section;
(b) Class of motor vehicles. ‘‘Class of
motor vehicles’’ means any one of the
following categories of motor vehicles:
(1) Motor vehicles classified under
subheading 8701.20, motor vehicles for
the transport of 16 or more persons
classified under subheading 8702.10 or
8702.90, and motor vehicles classified
under subheading 8704.10, 8704.22,
8704.23, 8704.32, or 8704.90, or heading
8705 or 8706, HTSUS;
(2) Motor vehicles classified under
subheading 8701.10 or under any of
subheadings 8701.30 through 8701.90,
(3) Motor vehicles provided for the
transport of 15 or fewer persons
classified under subheading 8702.10 or
8702.90, HTSUS, or motor vehicles
classified under subheading 8704.21 or
8704.31; or
(4) Motor vehicles classified under
subheadings 8703.21 through 8703.90,
(c) Exporter. ‘‘Exporter’’ means a
person who exports goods from the
territory of a Party;
(d) Fungible goods or materials.
‘‘Fungible goods or materials’’ means
goods or materials, as the case may be,
that are interchangeable for commercial
purposes and the properties of which
are essentially identical;
(e) Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles. ‘‘Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles’’ means the
recognized consensus or substantial
authoritative support in the territory of
a Party, with respect to the recording of
revenues, expenses, costs, assets, and
liabilities, the disclosure of information,
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and the preparation of financial
statements. These standards may
encompass broad guidelines of general
application as well as detailed
standards, practices, and procedures;
(f) Good. ‘‘Good’’ means any
merchandise, product, article, or
(g) Goods wholly obtained or
produced entirely in the territory of one
or both of the Parties. ‘‘Goods wholly
obtained or produced entirely in the
territory of one or both of the Parties’’
(1) Mineral goods extracted in the
territory of one or both of the Parties;
(2) Vegetable goods, as such goods are
defined in the Harmonized System,
harvested in the territory of one or both
of the Parties;
(3) Live animals born and raised in
the territory of one or both of the
(4) Goods obtained from hunting,
trapping, fishing, or aquaculture
conducted in the territory of one or both
of the Parties;
(5) Goods (fish, shellfish, and other
marine life) taken from the sea by
vessels registered or recorded with a
Party and flying its flag;
(6) Goods produced exclusively from
products referred to in paragraph (g)(5)
of this section on board factory ships
registered or recorded with a Party and
flying its flag;
(7) Goods taken by a Party or a person
of a Party from the seabed or beneath
the seabed outside territorial waters,
provided that a Party has rights to
exploit such seabed;
(8) Goods taken from outer space,
provided they are obtained by a Party or
a person of a Party and not processed in
the territory of a non-Party;
(9) Waste and scrap derived from:
(i) Production in the territory of one
or both of the Parties; or
(ii) Used goods collected in the
territory of one or both of the Parties,
provided such goods are fit only for the
recovery of raw materials;
(10) Recovered goods derived in the
territory of one or both of the Parties
from goods that have passed their life
expectancy, or are no longer useable due
to defects, and utilized in the territory
of one or both of the Parties in the
production of remanufactured goods; or
(11) Goods produced in one or both of
the Parties exclusively from goods
referred to in paragraphs (g)(1) through
(9) of this section, or from the
derivatives of such goods, at any stage
of production;
(h) Indirect Material. ‘‘Indirect
material’’ means a good used in the
production, testing, or inspection of
another good in the territory of one or
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both of the Parties but not physically
incorporated into that other good, or a
good used in the maintenance of
buildings or the operation of equipment
associated with the production of
another good, including:
(1) Fuel and energy;
(2) Tools, dies, and molds;
(3) Spare parts and materials used in
the maintenance of equipment or
(4) Lubricants, greases, compounding
materials, and other materials used in
production or used to operate
equipment or buildings;
(5) Gloves, glasses, footwear, clothing,
safety equipment, and supplies;
(6) Equipment, devices, and supplies
used for testing or inspecting the good;
(7) Catalysts and solvents; and
(8) Any other good that is not
incorporated into the other good but the
use of which in the production of the
other good can reasonably be
demonstrated to be a part of that
(i) Material. ‘‘Material’’ means a good
that is used in the production of another
(j) Model line. ‘‘Model line’’ means a
group of motor vehicles having the same
platform or model name;
(k) Net cost. ‘‘Net cost’’ means total
cost minus sales promotion, marketing,
and after-sales service costs, royalties,
shipping and packing costs, and nonallowable interest costs that are
included in the total cost;
(l) Non-allowable interest costs. ‘‘Nonallowable interest costs’’ means interest
costs incurred by a producer that exceed
700 basis points above the applicable
official interest rates for comparable
maturities of the United States or
(m) Non-originating good or nonoriginating material. ‘‘Non-originating
good’’ or ‘‘non-originating material’’
means a good or material, as the case
may be, that does not qualify as
originating under General Note 28,
HTSUS, or this subpart;
(n) Packing materials and containers
for shipment. ‘‘Packing materials and
containers for shipment’’ means the
goods used to protect a good during its
transportation to the United States, and
does not include the packaging
materials and containers in which a
good is packaged for retail sale;
(o) Producer. ‘‘Producer’’ means a
person who grows, raises, mines,
harvests, fishes, traps, hunts,
manufactures, processes, assembles or
disassembles a good;
(p) Production. ‘‘Production’’ means
growing, raising, mining, harvesting,
fishing, trapping, hunting,
manufacturing, processing, assembling,
or disassembling a good;
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(q) Reasonably allocate. ‘‘Reasonably
allocate’’ means to apportion in a
manner that would be appropriate
under generally accepted accounting
(r) Recovered goods. ‘‘Recovered
goods’’ means materials in the form of
individual parts that result from:
(1) The complete disassembly of
goods which have passed their life
expectancy, or are no longer useable due
to defects, into individual parts; and
(2) The cleaning, inspecting, or
testing, or other processing that is
necessary for improvement to sound
working condition of such individual
(s) Remanufactured good.
‘‘Remanufactured good’’ means an
industrial good assembled in the
territory of a Party that is classified in
Chapter 84, 85, or 87, or heading 9026,
9031, or 9032, HTSUS, other than a
good classified in heading 8418 or 8516
or any of headings 8701 through 8706,
HTSUS, and that:
(1) Is entirely or partially comprised
of recovered goods;
(2) Has a similar life expectancy to,
and meets the same performance
standards as, a like good that is new;
(3) Enjoys a factory warranty similar
to a like good that is new;
(t) Royalties. ‘‘Royalties’’ means
payments of any kind, including
payments under technical assistance
agreements or similar agreements, made
as consideration for the use of, or right
to use, any copyright, literary, artistic,
or scientific work, patent, trademark,
design, model, plan, secret formula or
process, excluding those payments
under technical assistance agreements
or similar agreements that can be related
to specific services such as:
(1) Personnel training, without regard
to where performed; and
(2) If performed in the territory of one
or both of the Parties, engineering,
tooling, die-setting, software design and
similar computer services;
(u) Sales promotion, marketing, and
after-sales service costs. ‘‘Sales
promotion, marketing, and after-sales
service costs’’ means the following costs
related to sales promotion, marketing,
and after-sales service:
(1) Sales and marketing promotion;
media advertising; advertising and
market research; promotional and
demonstration materials; exhibits; sales
conferences, trade shows and
conventions; banners; marketing
displays; free samples; sales, marketing
and after-sales service literature
(product brochures, catalogs, technical
literature, price lists, service manuals,
sales aid information); establishment
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
and protection of logos and trademarks;
sponsorships; wholesale and retail
restocking charges; entertainment;
(2) Sales and marketing incentives;
consumer, retailer or wholesaler rebates;
merchandise incentives;
(3) Salaries and wages, sales
commissions, bonuses, benefits (for
example, medical, insurance, pension),
traveling and living expenses,
membership and professional fees, for
sales promotion, marketing and aftersales service personnel;
(4) Recruiting and training of sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales
service personnel, and after-sales
training of customers’ employees, where
such costs are identified separately for
sales promotion, marketing and aftersales service of goods on the financial
statements or cost accounts of the
(5) Product liability insurance;
(6) Office supplies for sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods, where such costs are
identified separately for sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods on the financial
statements or cost accounts of the
(7) Telephone, mail and other
communications, where such costs are
identified separately for sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods on the financial
statements or cost accounts of the
(8) Rent and depreciation of sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales
service offices and distribution centers;
(9) Property insurance premiums,
taxes, cost of utilities, and repair and
maintenance of sales promotion,
marketing and after-sales service offices
and distribution centers, where such
costs are identified separately for sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods on the financial
statements or cost accounts of the
producer; and
(10) Payments by the producer to
other persons for warranty repairs;
(v) Self-produced material. ‘‘Selfproduced material’’ means an
originating material that is produced by
a producer of a good and used in the
production of that good;
(w) Shipping and packing costs.
‘‘Shipping and packing costs’’ means
the costs incurred in packing a good for
shipment and shipping the good from
the point of direct shipment to the
buyer, excluding the costs of preparing
and packaging the good for retail sale;
(x) Total cost. ‘‘Total cost’’ means all
product costs, period costs, and other
costs for a good incurred in the territory
of one or both of the Parties. Product
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costs are costs that are associated with
the production of a good and include
the value of materials, direct labor costs,
and direct overhead. Period costs are
costs, other than product costs, that are
expensed in the period in which they
are incurred, such as selling expenses
and general and administrative
expenses. Other costs are all costs
recorded on the books of the producer
that are not product costs or period
costs, such as interest. Total cost does
not include profits that are earned by
the producer, regardless of whether they
are retained by the producer or paid out
to other persons as dividends, or taxes
paid on those profits, including capital
gains taxes;
(y) Used. ‘‘Used’’ means used or
consumed in the production of goods;
(z) Value. ‘‘Value’’ means the value of
a good or material for purposes of
calculating customs duties or for
purposes of applying this subpart.
§ 10.730
Originating goods.
Except as otherwise provided in this
subpart and General Note 28, HTSUS, a
good imported into the customs territory
of the United States will be considered
an originating good under the AFTA
only if:
(a) The good is wholly obtained or
produced entirely in the territory of one
or both of the Parties;
(b) The good is produced entirely in
the territory of one or both of the Parties
(1) Each non-originating material used
in the production of the good undergoes
an applicable change in tariff
classification specified in General Note
28(n), HTSUS;
(2) The good otherwise satisfies any
applicable regional value content or
other requirements specified in General
Note 28(n), HTSUS; or
(3) The good meets any other
requirements specified in General Note
28(n), HTSUS;
(c) The good is produced entirely in
the territory of one or both of the Parties
exclusively from originating materials;
(d) The good otherwise qualifies as an
originating good under General Note
28(n), HTSUS.
§ 10.731 Textile and apparel goods
classifiable as goods put up in sets.
Notwithstanding the specific rules set
forth in General Note 28(n), HTSUS,
textile or apparel goods classifiable as
goods put up in sets for retail sale as
provided for in General Rule of
Interpretation 3, HTSUS, will not be
considered to be originating goods
unless each of the goods in the set is an
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originating good or the total value of the
non-originating goods in the set does
not exceed 10 percent of the value of the
§ 10.732
De minimis.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs
(b) and (c) of this section, a good that
does not undergo a change in tariff
classification pursuant to General Note
28(n), HTSUS, is an originating good if:
(1) The value of all non-originating
materials used in the production of the
good that do not undergo the applicable
change in tariff classification does not
exceed 10 percent of the adjusted value
of the good;
(2) The value of the non-originating
materials described in paragraph (a)(1)
of this section is included in the value
of non-originating materials for any
applicable regional value content
requirement for the good under General
Note 28(n), HTSUS; and
(3) The good meets all other
applicable requirements of General Note
28, HTSUS.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to:
(1) A non-originating material
provided for in Chapter 4, HTSUS, or in
subheading 1901.90, HTSUS, that is
used in the production of a good
provided for in Chapter 4, HTSUS;
(2) A non-originating material
provided for in Chapter 4, HTSUS, or in
subheading 1901.90, HTSUS, that is
used in the production of a good
provided for in one of the following
HTSUS provisions: subheading 1901.10,
1901.20 or 1901.90; heading 2105; or
subheading 2106.90, 2202.90 or
(3) A non-originating material
provided for in heading 0805, HTSUS,
or subheadings 2009.11 through
2009.39, HTSUS, that is used in the
production of a good provided for in
subheadings 2009.11 through 2009.39,
HTSUS, or in subheading 2106.90 or
2202.90, HTSUS;
(4) A non-originating material
provided for in Chapter 15, HTSUS, that
is used in the production of a good
provided for in headings 1501 through
1508, 1512, 1514 or 1515, HTSUS;
(5) A non-originating material
provided for in heading 1701, HTSUS,
that is used in the production of a good
provided for in headings 1701 through
1703, HTSUS;
(6) A non-originating material
provided for in Chapter 17, HTSUS, or
heading 1805, HTSUS, that is used in
the production of a good provided for in
subheading 1806.10, HTSUS;
(7) A non-originating material
provided for in headings 2203 through
2208, HTSUS, that is used in the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
production of a good provided for in
heading 2207 or 2208, HTSUS; or
(8) A non-originating material used in
the production of a good provided for in
Chapters 1 through 21, HTSUS, unless
the non-originating material is provided
for in a different subheading than the
good for which origin is being
(c) A textile or apparel good provided
for in Chapters 42, 50 through 63, 70, or
94, HTSUS, that is not an originating
good because certain fibers or yarns
used in the production of the
component of the good that determines
the tariff classification of the good do
not undergo an applicable change in
tariff classification set out in General
Note 28(n), HTSUS, will nevertheless be
considered to be an originating good if
the total weight of all such fibers or
yarns in that component is not more
than 7 percent of the total weight of that
component. Notwithstanding the
preceding sentence, a textile or apparel
good containing elastomeric yarns in the
component of the good that determines
the tariff classification of the good will
be considered an originating good only
if such yarns are wholly formed in the
territory of a Party. For purposes of this
paragraph, in the case of a textile or
apparel good that is a yarn, fabric, or
group of fibers, the term ‘‘component of
the good that determines the tariff
classification of the good’’ means all of
the fibers in the yarn, fabric, or group
of fibers.
§ 10.733
(a) Originating materials from the
territory of a Party that are used in the
production of a good in the territory of
another Party will be considered to
originate in the territory of that other
(b) A good that is produced in the
territory of one or both of the Parties by
one or more producers is an originating
good if the good satisfies the
requirements of § 10.730 of this subpart
and all other applicable requirements of
General Note 28, HTSUS.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 10.734
Regional value content.
(a) General. Except for goods to which
paragraph (d) of this section applies,
where General Note 28(n), HTSUS, sets
forth a rule that specifies a regional
value content test for a good, the
regional value content of such good
must be calculated by the importer,
exporter, or producer of the good on the
basis of the build-down method
described in paragraph (b) of this
section or the build-up method
described in paragraph (c) of this
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(b) Build-down method. Under the
build-down method, the regional value
content must be calculated on the basis
of the formula RVC = ((AV ¥ VNM)/
AV) × 100, where RVC is the regional
value content, expressed as a
percentage; AV is the adjusted value of
the good; and VNM is the value of nonoriginating materials that are acquired
and used by the producer in the
production of the good, but does not
include the value of a material that is
(c) Build-up method. Under the buildup method, the regional value content
must be calculated on the basis of the
formula RVC = (VOM/AV) × 100, where
RVC is the regional value content,
expressed as a percentage; AV is the
adjusted value of the good; and VOM is
the value of originating materials that
are acquired or self-produced and used
by the producer in the production of the
(d) Special rule for certain automotive
goods—(1) General. Where General Note
28(n), HTSUS, sets forth a rule that
specifies a regional value content test
for an automotive good provided for in
subheadings 8407.31 through 8407.34
(engines), subheading 8408.20 (diesel
engine for vehicles), heading 8409 (parts
of engines), or any of headings 8701
through 8705 (motor vehicles), and
headings 8706 (chassis), 8707 (bodies),
and 8708 (motor vehicle parts), HTSUS,
the regional value content of such good
must be calculated by the importer,
exporter, or producer of the good on the
basis of the net cost methods described
in paragraphs (d)(2) through (4) of this
(2) Net cost method. Under the net
cost method, the regional value content
must be calculated on the basis of the
formula RVC = ((NC ¥ VNM)/NC) ×
100, where RVC is the regional value
content, expressed as a percentage; NC
is the net cost of the good; and VNM is
the value of non-originating materials
that are acquired and used by the
producer in the production of the good,
but does not include the value of a
material that is self-produced.
Consistent with the provisions regarding
allocation of costs set out in generally
accepted accounting principles, the net
cost of the good must be determined by:
(i) Calculating the total cost incurred
with respect to all goods produced by
the producer of the automotive good,
subtracting any sales promotion,
marketing and after-sales service costs,
royalties, shipping and packing costs,
and non-allowable interest costs that are
included in the total cost of all such
goods, and then reasonably allocating
the resulting net cost of those goods to
the automotive good;
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(ii) Calculating the total cost incurred
with respect to all goods produced by
the producer of the automotive good,
reasonably allocating the total cost to
the automotive good, and then
subtracting any sales promotion,
marketing and after-sales service costs,
royalties, shipping and packing costs,
and non-allowable interest costs that are
included in the portion of the total cost
allocated to the automotive good; or
(iii) Reasonably allocating each cost
that forms part of the total costs
incurred with respect to the automotive
good so that the aggregate of these costs
does not include any sales promotion,
marketing and after-sales service costs,
royalties, shipping and packing costs, or
non-allowable interest costs.
(3) Motor vehicles—(i) General. For
purposes of calculating the regional
value content under the net cost method
for an automotive good that is a motor
vehicle provided for in headings 8701
through 8705, an importer, exporter, or
producer may average the amounts
calculated under the formula set forth in
paragraph (d)(2) of this section over the
producer’s fiscal year using any one of
the categories described in paragraph
(d)(3)(ii) of this section either on the
basis of all motor vehicles in the
category or only those motor vehicles in
the category that are exported to the
territory of a Party.
(ii) Categories. The categories referred
to in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section
are as follows:
(A) The same model line of motor
vehicles, in the same class of vehicles,
produced in the same plant in the
territory of a Party, as the motor vehicle
for which the regional value content is
being calculated;
(B) The same class of motor vehicles,
produced in the same plant in the
territory of a Party, as the motor vehicle
for which the regional value content is
being calculated; and
(C) The same model line of motor
vehicles produced in the territory of a
Party as the motor vehicle for which the
regional value content is being
(4) Other automotive goods—(i)
General. For purposes of calculating the
regional value content under the net
cost method for automotive goods
provided for in subheadings 8407.31
through 8407.34, subheading 8408.20,
heading 8409, 8706, 8707, or 8708,
HTSUS, that are produced in the same
plant, an importer, exporter, or producer
(A) Average the amounts calculated
under the formula set forth in paragraph
(d)(2) of this section over any of the
following: The fiscal year, or any quarter
or month, of the motor vehicle producer
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
to whom the automotive good is sold, or
the fiscal year, or any quarter or month,
of the producer of the automotive good,
provided the goods were produced
during the fiscal year, quarter, or month
that is the basis for the calculation;
(B) Determine the average referred to
in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of this section
separately for such goods sold to one or
more motor vehicle producers; or
(C) Make a separate determination
under paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) or (B) for
automotive goods that are exported to
the territory of a Party.
(ii) Duration of use. A person
selecting an averaging period of one
month or quarter under paragraph
(d)(4)(i)(A) of this section must continue
to use that method for that category of
automotive goods throughout the fiscal
Value of materials.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
(a) Calculating the value of materials.
For purposes of calculating the regional
value content of a good under General
Note 28(n), HTSUS, and for purposes of
applying the de minimis (see § 10.732 of
this subpart) provisions of General Note
28(n), HTSUS, the value of a material is:
(1) In the case of a material imported
by the producer of the good, the
adjusted value of the material;
(2) In the case of a material acquired
by the producer in the territory where
the good is produced, the value,
determined in accordance with Articles
1 through 8, Article 15, and the
corresponding interpretative notes of
the Customs Valuation Agreement, of
the material with reasonable
modifications to the provisions of the
Customs Valuation Agreement as may
be required due to the absence of an
importation by the producer (including,
but not limited to, treating a domestic
purchase by the producer as if it were
a sale for exportation to the country of
importation); or
(3) In the case of a self-produced
material, the sum of:
(i) All expenses incurred in the
production of the material, including
general expenses; and
(ii) An amount for profit equivalent to
the profit added in the normal course of
(b) Examples. The following examples
illustrate application of the principles
set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this
Example 1. The producer in Australia
purchases material x from an unrelated seller
in Australia for $100. Under the provisions
of Article 1 of the Customs Valuation
Agreement, transaction value is the price
actually paid or payable for the goods when
sold for exportation to the country of
importation adjusted in accordance with the
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provisions of Article 8. In order to apply
Article 1 to this domestic purchase by the
producer, such purchase is treated as if it
were a sale for export to the country of
importation. Therefore, for purposes of
determining the adjusted value of material x,
the Article 1 transaction value is the price
actually paid or payable for the goods when
sold to the producer in Australia ($100),
adjusted in accordance with the provisions of
Article 8. In this example, it is irrelevant
whether material x was initially imported
into Australia by the seller (or by anyone
else). So long as the producer acquired
material x in Australia, it is intended that the
value of material x will be determined on the
basis of the price actually paid or payable by
the producer adjusted in accordance with the
provisions of Article 8.
Example 2. Same facts as in Example 1,
except that the sale between the seller and
the producer is subject to certain restrictions
that preclude the application of Article 1.
Under Article 2 of the Customs Valuation
Agreement, the value is the transaction value
of identical goods sold for exportation to the
same country of importation and exported at
or about the same time as the goods being
valued. In order to permit the application of
Article 2 to the domestic acquisition by the
producer, the price paid by the producer
should be modified so that the value is the
transaction value of identical goods sold
within Australia at or about the same time
the goods were sold to the producer in
Australia. Thus, if the seller of material x also
sold an identical material to another buyer in
Australia without restrictions, that other sale
would be used to determine the adjusted
value of material x.
(c) Permissible additions to, and
deductions from, the value of
materials—(1) Additions to originating
materials. For originating materials, the
following expenses, if not included
under paragraph (a) of this section, may
be added to the value of the originating
(i) The costs of freight, insurance,
packing, and all other costs incurred in
transporting the material within or
between the territory of one or both of
the Parties to the location of the
(ii) Duties, taxes, and customs
brokerage fees on the material paid in
the territory of one or both of the
Parties, other than duties and taxes that
are waived, refunded, refundable or
otherwise recoverable, including credit
against duty or tax paid or payable; and
(iii) The cost of waste and spoilage
resulting from the use of the material in
the production of the good, less the
value of renewable scrap or byproducts.
(2) Deductions from non-originating
materials. For non-originating materials,
if included under paragraph (a) of this
section, the following expenses may be
deducted from the value of the nonoriginating material:
(i) The costs of freight, insurance,
packing, and all other costs incurred in
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transporting the material within or
between the territory of one or both of
the Parties to the location of the
(ii) Duties, taxes, and customs
brokerage fees on the material paid in
the territory of one or both of the
Parties, other than duties and taxes that
are waived, refunded, refundable or
otherwise recoverable, including credit
against duty or tax paid or payable;
(iii) The cost of waste and spoilage
resulting from the use of the material in
the production of the good, less the
value of renewable scrap or by-products;
(iv) The cost of processing incurred in
the territory of one or both of the Parties
in the production of the non-originating
material; and
(v) The cost of originating materials
used in the production of the nonoriginating material in the territory of
one or both of the Parties.
(d) Accounting method. Any cost or
value referenced in General Note 28,
HTSUS, and this subpart, must be
recorded and maintained in accordance
with the generally accepted accounting
principles applicable in the territory of
the Party in which the good is
§ 10.736
Accessories, spare parts, or
(a) General. Accessories, spare parts,
or tools that are delivered with a good
and that form part of the good’s
standard accessories, spare parts, or
tools will be treated as originating goods
if the good is an originating good, and
will be disregarded in determining
whether all the non-originating
materials used in the production of the
good undergo an applicable change in
tariff classification specified in General
Note 28(n), HTSUS, provided that:
(1) The accessories, spare parts, or
tools are not invoiced separately from
the good; and
(2) The quantities and value of the
accessories, spare parts, or tools are
customary for the good.
(b) Regional value content. If the good
is subject to a regional value content
requirement, the value of the
accessories, spare parts, or tools is taken
into account as originating or nonoriginating materials, as the case may
be, in calculating the regional value
content of the good under § 10.734 of
this subpart.
§ 10.737
Fungible goods and materials.
(a) General. A person claiming that a
fungible good or material is an
originating good may base the claim
either on the physical segregation of the
fungible good or material or by using an
inventory management method with
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
respect to the fungible good or material.
For purposes of this section, the term
‘‘inventory management method’’
(1) Averaging;
(2) ‘‘Last-in, first-out;’’
(3) ‘‘First-in, first-out;’’ or
(4) Any other method that is
recognized in the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles of the Party in
which the production is performed or
otherwise accepted by that country.
(b) Duration of use. A person selecting
an inventory management method
under paragraph (a) of this section for a
particular fungible good or material
must continue to use that method for
that fungible good or material
throughout the fiscal year of that person.
§ 10.738 Retail packaging materials and
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
(a) Effect on tariff shift rule. Packaging
materials and containers in which a
good is packaged for retail sale, if
classified with the good for which
preferential tariff treatment under the
AFTA is claimed, will be disregarded in
determining whether all non-originating
materials used in the production of the
good undergo the applicable change in
tariff classification set out in General
Note 28(n), HTSUS.
(b) Effect on regional value content
calculation. If the good is subject to a
regional value content requirement, the
value of such packaging materials and
containers will be taken into account as
originating or non-originating materials,
as the case may be, in calculating the
regional value content of the good.
Example 1. Australian Producer A of good
C imports 100 non-originating blister
packages to be used as retail packaging for
good C. As provided in § 10.735(a)(1) of this
subpart, the value of the blister packages is
their adjusted value, which in this case is
$10. Good C has a regional value content
requirement. The United States importer of
good C decides to use the build-down
method, RVC = ((AV ¥ VNM)/AV) × 100 (see
§ 10.734(b) of this subpart), in determining
whether good C satisfies the regional value
content requirement. In applying this
method, the non-originating blister packages
are taken into account as non-originating. As
such, their $10 adjusted value is included in
the VNM, value of non-originating materials,
of good C.
Example 2. Same facts as in Example 1,
except that the blister packages are
originating. In this case, the adjusted value of
the originating blister packages would not be
included as part of the VNM of good C under
the build-down method. However, if the U.S.
importer had used the build-up method, RVC
= (VOM/AV) × 100 (see § 10.734(c) of this
subpart), the adjusted value of the blister
packaging would be included as part of the
VOM, value of originating materials.
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§ 10.739 Packing materials and containers
for shipment.
(a) Effect on tariff shift rule. Packing
materials and containers for shipment,
as defined in § 10.729 (n) of this
subpart, are to be disregarded in
determining whether the nonoriginating materials used in the
production of the good undergo an
applicable change in tariff classification
set out in General Note 28(n), HTSUS.
Accordingly, such materials and
containers are not required to undergo
the applicable change in tariff
classification even if they are nonoriginating.
(b) Effect on regional value content
calculation. Packing materials and
containers for shipment, as defined in
§ 10.729(n) of this subpart, are to be
disregarded in determining the regional
value content of a good imported into
the United States. Accordingly, in
applying the build-down, build-up, or
net cost method for determining the
regional value content of a good
imported into the United States, the
value of such packing materials and
containers for shipment (whether
originating or non-originating) is
disregarded and not included in AV,
adjusted value, VNM, value of nonoriginating materials, VOM, value of
originating materials, or NC, net cost of
a good.
Example. Australian Producer A produces
good C. Producer A ships good C to the U.S.
in a shipping container which it purchased
from Company B in Australia. The shipping
container is originating. The value of the
shipping container determined under section
§ 10.735(a)(2) of this subpart is $3. Good C is
subject to a regional value content
requirement. The transaction value of good C
is $100, which includes the $3 shipping
container. The United States importer
decides to use the build-up method, RVC =
(VOM/AV) × 100 (see § 10.734(c) of this
subpart), in determining whether good C
satisfies the regional value content
requirement. In determining the AV, adjusted
value, of good C imported into the U.S.,
paragraph (b) of this section and the
definition of AV require a $3 deduction for
the value of the shipping container.
Therefore, the AV is $97 ($100 ¥ $3). In
addition, the value of the shipping container
is disregarded and not included in the VOM,
value of originating materials.
§ 10.740
Indirect materials.
An indirect material, as defined in
§ 10.729(h) of this subpart, will be
considered to be an originating material
without regard to where it is produced,
and its value will be the cost registered
in the accounting records of the
producer of the good.
Example. Australian Producer C produces
good C using non-originating material A.
Producer C imports non-originating rubber
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gloves for use by workers in the production
of good C. Good C is subject to a tariff shift
requirement. As provided in § 10.730(b)(1) of
this subpart and General Note 28(n), each of
the non-originating materials in good C must
undergo the specified change in tariff
classification in order for good C to be
considered originating. Although nonoriginating material A must undergo the
applicable tariff shift in order for good C to
be considered originating, the rubber gloves
do not because they are indirect materials
and are considered originating without
regard to where they are produced.
§ 10.741
Third country transportation.
(a) General. A good that has
undergone production necessary to
qualify as an originating good under
§ 10.730 of this subpart will not be
considered an originating good if,
subsequent to that production, the good
undergoes further production or any
other operation outside the territories of
the Parties, other than unloading,
reloading, or any other operation
necessary to preserve the good in good
condition or to transport the good to the
territory of a Party.
(b) Documentary evidence. An
importer making a claim that a good is
originating may be required to
demonstrate, to CBP’s satisfaction, that
no further production or subsequent
operation, other than permitted under
paragraph (a) of this section, occurred
outside the territories of the Parties. An
importer may demonstrate compliance
with this section by submitting
documentary evidence. Such evidence
may include, but is not limited to, bills
of lading, airway bills, packing lists,
commercial invoices, receiving and
inventory records, and customs entry
and exit documents.
Origin Verifications and
§ 10.742 Verification and justification of
claim for preferential treatment.
(a) Verification. A claim for
preferential tariff treatment made under
§ 10.723(a) of this subpart, including
any statements or other information
submitted to CBP in support of the
claim, will be subject to such
verification as the port director deems
necessary. In the event that the port
director is provided with insufficient
information to verify or substantiate the
claim, the port director may deny the
claim for preferential treatment. A
verification of a claim for preferential
treatment may be conducted by means
of one or more of the following:
(1) Requests for information from the
(2) Written requests for information to
the exporter or producer;
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
(3) Requests for the importer to
arrange for the exporter or producer to
provide information directly to CBP;
(4) Visits to the premises of the
exporter or producer in Australia, in
accordance with procedures that the
Parties adopt pertaining to the
verification; and
(5) Such other procedures as the
Parties may agree.
(b) Applicable accounting principles.
When conducting a verification of origin
to which Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles may be relevant,
CBP will apply and accept the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles
applicable in the country of production.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 10.743 Special rule for verifications in
Australia of U.S. imports of textile and
apparel goods.
(a) Procedures to determine whether a
claim of origin is accurate. For the
purpose of determining that a claim of
origin for a textile or apparel good is
accurate, CBP may request that the
government of Australia conduct a
verification, regardless of whether a
claim is made for preferential tariff
treatment. While a verification under
this paragraph is being conducted, CBP,
if directed by the President, may take
appropriate action which may include
suspending the application of
preferential tariff treatment to the textile
or apparel good for which a claim of
origin has been made. If an exporter,
producer, or other person refuses to
consent to a visit as provided for in this
paragraph, or if CBP is unable to make
the determination described in this
paragraph within 12 months after a
request for a verification, or CBP makes
a negative determination, CBP, if
directed by the President, may take
appropriate action which may include
denying the application of preferential
tariff treatment to the textile or apparel
good subject to the verification, and to
similar goods exported or produced by
the entity that exported or produced the
(b) Procedures to determine
compliance with applicable customs
laws and regulations of the U.S. For
purposes of enabling CBP to determine
that an exporter or producer is
complying with applicable customs
laws, regulations, and procedures in
cases in which CBP has a reasonable
suspicion that an Australian exporter or
producer is engaging in unlawful
activity relating to trade in textile and
apparel goods, CBP may request that the
government of Australia conduct a
verification, regardless of whether a
claim is made for preferential tariff
treatment. A ‘‘reasonable suspicion’’ for
the purpose of this paragraph will be
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based on relevant factual information,
including information of the type set
forth in Article 6.5 of the AFTA, which
indicates circumvention of applicable
laws, regulations or procedures
regarding trade in textile and apparel
goods. While a verification under this
paragraph is being conducted, CBP, if
directed by the President, may take
appropriate action which may include
suspending the application of
preferential tariff treatment to the textile
and apparel goods exported or produced
by the Australian entity where the
reasonable suspicion of unlawful
activity relates to those goods. If an
exporter, producer, or other person
refuses to consent to a visit as provided
for in this paragraph, or if CBP is unable
to make the determination described in
this paragraph within 12 months after a
request for a verification, or makes a
negative determination, CBP, if directed
by the President, may take appropriate
action which may include denying the
application of preferential tariff
treatment to any textile or apparel goods
exported or produced by the entity
subject to the verification.
(c) Assistance by U.S. officials to
Australian authorities. U.S. officials
may undertake or assist in a verification
under this section by conducting visits
in Australia, along with the competent
authorities of Australia, to the premises
of an exporter, producer or any other
enterprise involved in the movement of
textile or apparel goods from Australia
to the United States.
(d) Treatment of documents and
information provided to CBP. Any
production, trade and transit documents
and other information necessary to
conduct a verification under this
section, provided to CBP by the
government of Australia consistent with
the laws, regulations, and procedures of
Australia, will be treated as confidential
in accordance with Article 22.4 of the
AFTA (Disclosure of Information).
(e) Continuation of appropriate
action. CBP may continue to take
appropriate action under paragraph (a)
or (b) of this section until it receives
information sufficient to enable it to
make the determination described in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
§ 10.744 Issuance of negative origin
If, as a result of an origin verification
initiated under this subpart, CBP
determines that a claim for preferential
tariff treatment made under § 10.723(a)
of this subpart should be denied, it will
issue a determination in writing or via
an authorized electronic data
interchange system to the importer that
sets forth the following:
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(a) A description of the good that was
the subject of the verification together
with the identifying numbers and dates
of the import documents pertaining to
the good;
(b) A statement setting forth the
findings of fact made in connection with
the verification and upon which the
determination is based; and
(c) With specific reference to the rules
applicable to originating goods as set
forth in General Note 28, HTSUS, and
in §§ 10.729 through 10.741 of this
subpart, the legal basis for the
§ 10.745
Except as otherwise provided in this
subpart, all criminal, civil or
administrative penalties which may be
imposed on U.S. importers for
violations of the customs and related
laws and regulations will also apply to
U.S. importers for violations of the laws
and regulations relating to the AFTA.
§ 10.746 Corrected claim or supporting
An importer who makes a corrected
claim under § 10.723(b) of this subpart
will not be subject to civil or
administrative penalties under 19 U.S.C.
1592 for having made an incorrect claim
or having submitted an incorrect
supporting statement, provided that the
corrected claim or supporting statement
is promptly and voluntarily made
pursuant to the terms set forth in
§ 10.747 of this subpart.
§ 10.747 Framework for correcting claims
or supporting statements.
(a) ‘‘Promptly and voluntarily’’
defined. Except as provided for in
paragraph (b) of this section, for
purposes of this subpart, the making of
a corrected claim or supporting
statement will be deemed to have been
done promptly and voluntarily if:
(1)(i) Done within one year following
the date on which the importer made
the incorrect claim; or
(ii) Done later than one year following
the date on which the importer made
the incorrect claim, provided the
corrected claim is made:
(A) Before the commencement of a
formal investigation, within the
meaning of § 162.74(g) of this chapter;
(B) Before any of the events specified
in § 162.74(i) of this chapter have
occurred; or
(C) Within 30 days after the importer
initially becomes aware that the
incorrect claim is not valid; and
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
(2) Accompanied by a statement
setting forth the information specified in
paragraph (c) of this section; and
(3) Accompanied or followed by a
tender of any actual loss of duties and
merchandise processing fees, if
applicable, in accordance with
paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Exception in cases involving fraud
or subsequent incorrect claims. (1)
Fraud. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of
this section, an importer who acted
fraudulently in making an incorrect
claim may not make a voluntary
correction of that claim. For purposes of
this paragraph, the term ‘‘fraud’’ will
have the meaning set forth in paragraph
(C)(3) of Appendix B to Part 171 of this
(2) Subsequent incorrect claims. An
importer who makes one or more
incorrect claims after becoming aware
that a claim involving the same
merchandise and circumstances is
invalid may not make a voluntary
correction of the subsequent claims
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Statement. For purposes of this
subpart, each corrected claim must be
accompanied by a statement, submitted
in writing or via an authorized
electronic data interchange system,
(1) Identifies the class or kind of good
to which the incorrect claim relates;
(2) Identifies each affected import
transaction, including each port of
importation and the approximate date of
each importation;
(3) Specifies the nature of the
incorrect statements or omissions
regarding the claim; and
(4) Sets forth, to the best of the
person’s knowledge, the true and
accurate information or data which
should have been covered by or
provided in the claim, and states that
the person will provide any additional
information or data which is unknown
at the time of making the corrected
claim within 30 days or within any
extension of that 30-day period as CBP
may permit in order for the person to
obtain the information or data.
(d) Tender of actual loss of duties. A
U.S. importer who makes a corrected
claim must tender any actual loss of
duties at the time of making the
corrected claim, or within one (1) year
thereafter, or within any extension of
that 1-year period as CBP may allow in
order for the importer to obtain the
information or data necessary to
calculate the duties owed.
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Goods Returned After Repair or
§ 10.748 Goods re-entered after repair or
alteration in Australia.
(a) General. This section sets forth the
rules which apply for purposes of
obtaining duty-free treatment on goods
returned after repair or alteration in
Australia as provided for in subheadings
9802.00.40 and 9802.00.50, HTSUS.
Goods returned after having been
repaired or altered in Australia, whether
or not pursuant to a warranty, are
eligible for duty-free treatment,
provided that the requirements of this
section are met. For purposes of this
section, ‘‘repairs or alterations’’ means
restoration, addition, renovation, redyeing, cleaning, re-sterilizing, or other
treatment which does not destroy the
essential characteristics of, or create a
new or commercially different good
from, the good exported from the United
States. The term ‘‘repair or alternation’’
does not include an operation or process
that transforms an unfinished good into
a finished good.
(b) Goods not eligible for duty-free
treatment after repair or alteration. The
duty-free treatment referred to in
paragraph (a) of this section will not
apply to goods which, in their condition
as exported from the United States to
Australia, are incomplete for their
intended use and for which the
processing operation performed in
Australia constitutes an operation that is
performed as a matter of course in the
preparation or manufacture of finished
(c) Documentation. The provisions of
§ 10.8(a) through (c) of this part, relating
to the documentary requirements for
goods entered under subheading
9802.00.40 or 9802.00.50, HTSUS, will
apply in connection with the entry of
goods which are returned from Australia
after having been exported for repairs or
alterations and which are claimed to be
duty free.
4. The general authority citation for
Part 24 and specific authority for § 24.23
continue to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 58a–58c,
66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1505,
1520, 1624; 26 U.S.C. 4461, 4462; 31 U.S.C.
9701; Pub. L. 107–296, 116 Stat. 2135 (6
U.S.C. 1 et seq.).
Section 24.23 also issued under 19 U.S.C.
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5. Section 24.23 is amended by
redesignating paragraphs (c)(8) through
(14) as paragraphs (c)(9) through (15),
and adding a new paragraph (c)(8) to
read as follows:
§ 24.23
Fees for processing merchandise.
(c) * * *
(8) The ad valorem fee, surcharge, and
specific fees provided under paragraphs
(b)(1) and (b)(2)(i) of this section will
not apply to goods that qualify as
originating goods under § 203 of the
United States-Australia Free Trade
Agreement Implementation Act (see
also General Note 28, HTSUS) that are
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse
for consumption, on or after January 1,
6. The authority citation for part 162
continues to read in part as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66,
1592, 1593a, 1624.
7. Section 162.0 is amended by
revising the last sentence to read as
§ 162.0
* * * Additional provisions
concerning records maintenance and
examination applicable to U.S.
importers, exporters and producers
under the U.S.-Chile Free Trade
Agreement, the U.S.-Singapore Free
Trade Agreement, the Dominican
Republic-Central America-U.S. Free
Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Australia
Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.Morocco Free Trade Agreement, the
U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement,
the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement,
the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion
Agreement, and the U.S.-Colombia
Trade Promotion Agreement are
contained in Part 10, Subparts H, I, J, L,
M, Q, R, S and T of this chapter,
8. The authority citation for part 163
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66,
1484, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1624.
9. Section 163.1 is amended by
redesignating paragraphs (a)(2)(ix)
through (xvii) as paragraphs (a)(2)(x)
through (xviii), and adding a new
paragraph (a)(2)(ix) to read as follows:
§ 163.1
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 27 / Tuesday, February 10, 2015 / Rules and Regulations
10. Appendix to Part 163 is amended
by adding a listing under section IV in
numerical order to read as follows:
Appendix to Part 163—Interim (a)(1)(A)
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(ix) The maintenance of any
documentation that the importer may
have in support of a claim for
preferential tariff treatment under the
United States-Australia Free Trade
Agreement (AFTA), including an AFTA
importer’s supporting statement.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 1624; 44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
IV. * * *
§ 10.723–10.727 AFTA records that the
importer may have in support of an AFTA
claim for preferential tariff treatment,
including an importer’s supporting
11. The authority citation for part 178
continues to read as follows:
12. Section 178.2 is amended by
adding new listings for ‘‘§§ 10.723 and
10.724’’ to the table in numerical order
to read as follows:
§ 178.2
Listing of OMB control numbers.
19 CFR Section
OMB control
§§ 10.723 and 10.724 ...............................
Claim for preferential tariff treatment under the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement
[FR Doc. 2015–02720 Filed 2–9–15; 8:45 am]
21 CFR Part 312
[Docket No. FDA–2015–D–0268]
Individual Patient Expanded Access
Applications: Form FDA 3926; Draft
Guidance for Industry; Availability
Food and Drug Administration,
Notice of draft guidance.
rljohnson on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with RULES
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Submit written requests for
single copies of the draft guidance to the
Division of Drug Information, Center for
Drug Evaluation and Research, Food
and Drug Administration, 10001 New
Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Building,
4th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20993, or
to the Office of Communication,
Outreach and Development, Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research
(CBER), Food and Drug Administration,
10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71,
Rm. 3128, Silver Spring, MD 20993–
0002. Send one self-addressed adhesive
label to assist that office in processing
your requests. See the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section for electronic
access to the draft guidance document.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA or the Agency) is
announcing the availability of a draft
guidance for industry entitled
‘‘Individual Patient Expanded Access
Applications: Form FDA 3926.’’ The
draft guidance provides for public
comment and describes draft Form FDA
3926 (Individual Patient Expanded
Access—Investigational New Drug
Application (IND)), which, when
finalized, FDA intends to make
available for licensed physicians to use
for expanded access requests for
individual patient INDs. Individual
patient expanded access allows for the
use of an investigational drug outside of
February 10, 2015. Although you
can comment on any guidance at any
time (see 21 CFR 10.115(g)(5)), to ensure
that the Agency considers your
comment on this draft guidance before
it begins work on the final version of the
guidance, submit either electronic or
written comments on the draft guidance
by April 13, 2015. Submit either
electronic or written comments
concerning the collection of information
proposed in the draft guidance by April
13, 2015.
Food and Drug Administration
a clinical trial for an individual patient
who has a serious or immediately lifethreatening disease or condition and
there is no comparable or satisfactory
alternative therapy to diagnose, monitor,
or treat the disease or condition. When
finalized, draft Form FDA 3926 is
intended to provide a streamlined
alternative for submitting an
Investigational New Drug Application
(IND) for use in cases of individual
patient expanded access.
R. Gil Kerlikowske,
Approved: February 5, 2015.
Timothy E. Skud,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
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Submit electronic comments on the
draft guidance to https://
www.regulations.gov. Submit written
comments to the Division of Dockets
Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug
Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm.
1061, Rockville, MD 20852.
Bickel, Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research, Food and Drug
Administration, 10903 New Hampshire
Ave., Bldg. 51, Rm. 6353, Silver Spring,
MD 20993–0002, 301–796–0210; or
Stephen Ripley, Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research, Food and
Drug Administration, 10903 New
Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Rm. 7301,
Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002, 240–
I. Background
FDA is announcing the availability of
a draft guidance for industry entitled
‘‘Individual Patient Expanded Access
Applications: Form FDA 3926.’’ The
draft guidance provides draft Form FDA
3926 for public comment. When
finalized, draft Form FDA 3926 will be
available for licensed physicians to use
for expanded access requests for
individual patient INDs as an alternative
to Form FDA 1571 (Investigation New
Drug Application (IND)).
On August 13, 2009, FDA published
a final rule (74 FR 40900, August 13,
2009) to amend its IND regulations by
removing the certain sections of part
312 (21 CFR part 312) on treatment use
of investigational drugs and adding
subpart I of part 312 on expanded access
(part 312, subpart I).
Subpart I describes the following
categories of expanded access:
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 27 (Tuesday, February 10, 2015)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 7303-7318]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02720]
Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Parts 10, 24, 162, 163, and 178]
[USCBP-2015-0007: CBP Dec. 15-03
RIN 1515-AD59
United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement
AGENCIES: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Interim regulations; solicitation of comments.
SUMMARY: This rule amends the U.S. Customs and Border Protection
regulations on an interim basis to implement the preferential tariff
treatment and other customs-related provisions of the United States-
Australia Free Trade Agreement entered into by the United States and
the Commonwealth of Australia.
DATES: Interim rule effective February 10, 2015; comments must be
received by April 13, 2015.
[[Page 7304]]
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number, by one
of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments via docket number
Mail: Trade and Commercial Regulations Branch, Regulations
and Rulings, Office of International Trade, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, 90 K Street NE., 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20229-1177.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number for this rulemaking. All comments received will be
posted without change to https://www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. For detailed instructions on submitting
comments and additional information on the rulemaking process, see the
``Public Participation'' heading of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
section of this document.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to https://www.regulations.gov. Submitted comments
may also be inspected during regular business days between the hours of
9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Trade and Commercial Regulations Branch,
Regulations and Rulings, Office of International Trade, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, 90 K Street NE., 10th Floor, Washington, DC.
Arrangements to inspect submitted comments should be made in advance by
calling Mr. Joseph Clark at (202) 325-0118.
Textile Operational Aspects: Diane Liberta, Textile Operations
Branch, Office of International Trade, (202) 863-6241.
Other Operational Aspects: Katrina Chang, Trade Policy and
Programs, Office of International Trade, (202) 863-6532.
Legal Aspects: Yuliya Gulis, Regulations and Rulings, Office of
International Trade, (202) 325-0042.
Public Participation
Interested persons are invited to participate in this rulemaking by
submitting written data, views, or arguments on all aspects of the
interim rule. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) also invites
comments that relate to the economic, environmental, or federalism
effects that might result from this interim rule. Comments that will
provide the most assistance to CBP in developing these regulations will
reference a specific portion of the interim rule, explain the reason
for any recommended change, and include data, information, or authority
that support such recommended change. See ADDRESSES above for
information on how to submit comments.
On May 18, 2004, the United States and Australia (the ``Parties'')
signed the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement (``AFTA'' or
``Agreement''). On August 3, 2004, the President signed into law the
United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the
``Act''), Pub. L. 108-286, 118 Stat. 919 (19 U.S.C. 3805 note), which
approved and made statutory changes to implement the AFTA. Section 207
of the Act requires that regulations be prescribed as necessary to
implement the provisions of the AFTA.
On December 20, 2004, the President signed Proclamation 7857
(``Proclamation'') to implement the AFTA. The Proclamation, which was
published in the Federal Register on December 23, 2004 (69 FR 77133),
modified the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States
(``HTSUS'') as set forth in Annexes I and II of Publication 3722 of the
U.S. International Trade Commission. The modifications to the HTSUS
included the addition of new General Note 28, incorporating the
relevant AFTA rules of origin as set forth in the Act, and the
insertion throughout the HTSUS of the preferential duty rates
applicable to individual products under the AFTA where the special
program indicator ``AU'' appears in parenthesis in the ``Special'' rate
of duty subcolumn. The modifications to the HTSUS also included a new
Subchapter XIII to Chapter 99 to provide for temporary tariff-rate
quotas and applicable safeguards implemented by the AFTA, as well as
modifications to Subchapter XXII of Chapter 98. After the Proclamation
was signed, CBP issued instructions to the field and the public
implementing the Agreement by allowing the trade to receive the
benefits under the AFTA effective on or after January 1, 2005.
CBP is responsible for administering the provisions of the AFTA and
the Act that relate to the importation of goods into the United States
from Australia. Those customs-related AFTA provisions which require
implementation through regulation include certain tariff and non-tariff
provisions within Chapter One (Establishment of a Free Trade Area and
Definitions), Chapter Two (National Treatment and Market Access for
Goods), Chapter Four (Textiles and Apparel), Chapter Five (Rules of
Origin), and Chapter Six (Customs Administration).
Certain general definitions set forth in Chapter One of the AFTA
have been incorporated into the AFTA implementing regulations. These
regulations also implement Article 1.2 (General Definitions) and Annex
1-A (Certain Definitions) of the AFTA. The tariff-related provisions
within AFTA Chapter Two that require regulatory action by CBP are
Article 2.6 (Goods re-entered after Repair or Alteration) and Article
2.12 (Merchandise Processing Fee).
Chapter Four of the AFTA sets forth provisions relating to trade in
textile and apparel goods between Australia and the United States under
the AFTA. Section A of Chapter Five of the AFTA sets forth the rules
for determining whether an imported good is an originating good of the
United States or Australia and, as such, is therefore eligible for
preferential tariff (duty-free or reduced duty) treatment under the
AFTA as specified in the Agreement and the HTSUS.
Under AFTA Article 5.1 of Chapter Five (Originating Goods) and
section 203(b) of the Act, originating goods may be grouped in four
broad categories: (1) Goods that are wholly obtained or produced
entirely in one or both of the Parties; (2) goods that are produced
entirely in one or both of the Parties and that satisfy the product-
specific rules of origin in AFTA Annex 4-A (Textile or Apparel Specific
Rules of Origin) or Annex 5-A (Specific Rules of Origin); (3) goods
that are produced entirely in the territory of one or both of the
Parties exclusively from originating materials; and (4) goods that
otherwise qualify as originating goods under Chapter 4 or 5 of the
AFTA. AFTA Article 5.2 (section 203(c) of the Act) provides a de
minimis criterion. AFTA Article 5.3 (section 203(d) of the Act) allows
production that takes place in the territory of both Parties to be
accumulated such that, provided other requirements are met, the
resulting good is considered originating. AFTA Article 5.4 (section
203(e) of the Act) sets forth the methods for calculating the regional
value content of a good. AFTA Article 5.5 (section 203(f) of the Act)
sets forth the rules for determining the value of materials for
purposes of calculating the regional value content of a good and
applying the de minimis criterion. The remaining Articles within
Section A of Chapter Five consist of additional sub-rules, applicable
to the originating good concept, involving: Accessories, Spare Parts
and Tools (Article 5.6; section 203(g) of the Act); Fungible Goods and
[[Page 7305]]
Materials (Article 5.7; section 203(h) of the Act); Packaging Materials
and Containers for Retail Sale (Article 5.8; section 203(i) of the
Act); Packing Materials and Containers for Shipment (Article 5.9;
section 203(j) of the Act); Indirect Materials (Article 5.10; section
203(k) of the Act); and Third Country Transportation (Article 5.11;
section 203(l) of the Act (Third Country Operations)). The basic rules
of origin in Chapter Five of the AFTA are set forth in General Note 28,
HTSUS, and reflected in the AFTA implementing regulations.
Section B of Chapter Five sets forth procedures that apply under
the AFTA in regard to claims for preferential tariff treatment. Section
C sets forth consultation mechanisms between the Parties. Section D
discusses the use of the Harmonized System and generally accepted
accounting principles in determining whether a good is originating
under the AFTA. Finally, Section E lists the definitions to be used
within the context of the rules of origin in the Chapter.
Chapter Six of the AFTA sets forth operational provisions related
to customs administration under the AFTA.
The majority of the AFTA implementing regulations set forth in this
document have been included within new Subpart L in Part 10 of the CBP
regulations (19 CFR part 10). However, in those cases in which AFTA
implementation is more appropriate in the context of an existing
regulatory provision, the AFTA regulatory text has been incorporated in
an existing Part within the CBP regulations. In addition, this document
sets forth several cross-references and other consequential changes to
existing regulatory provisions to clarify the relationship between
those existing provisions and the new AFTA implementing regulations.
The regulatory changes are discussed below in the order in which they
appear in this document.
Discussion of Amendments
Part 10
Section 10.31(f) concerns temporary importations under bond. It is
amended by adding references to certain goods originating in Australia
for which, like goods originating in Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Chile,
Morocco, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Dominican
Republic, Costa Rica, Bahrain, Oman, Peru, the Republic of Korea, or
Colombia, no bond or other security will be required when imported
temporarily for prescribed uses. The provisions of AFTA Article 2.5
(Temporary Admission of Goods) are already reflected in existing
temporary importation bond or other provisions contained in Part 10 of
the CBP regulations and in Chapter 98 of the HTSUS.
Part 10, Subpart L
General Provisions
Section 10.721 outlines the scope of new Subpart L, Part 10 of the
CBP regulations. This section also clarifies that, except where the
context otherwise requires, the requirements contained in Subpart L,
Part 10 are in addition to general administrative and enforcement
provisions set forth elsewhere in the CBP regulations. Thus, for
example, the specific merchandise entry requirements contained in
Subpart L, Part 10 are in addition to the basic entry requirements
contained in Parts 141-143 of the CBP regulations.
Section 10.722 sets forth definitions of common terms used within
Subpart L, Part 10. Although the majority of the definitions in this
section are based on definitions contained in Article 1.2 and Annex 1-A
of the AFTA, and section 3 of the Act, other definitions have also been
included to clarify the application of the regulatory texts. Additional
definitions that apply in a more limited Subpart L, Part 10 context are
set forth elsewhere with the substantive provisions to which they
Import Requirements
Section 10.723 sets forth the procedure for claiming AFTA
preferential tariff treatment at the time of entry and, as provided in
AFTA Article 5.12, states that an importer may make a claim for AFTA
preferential treatment based on the importer's knowledge or on
information in the importer's possession that the good qualifies as an
originating good. Section 10.723 also provides, consistent with AFTA
Article 5.13, that an importer must promptly and voluntarily correct an
invalid claim for preferential tariff treatment in order to avoid being
subject to penalties.
Section 10.724, which is based on AFTA Article 5.12, requires a
U.S. importer, upon request, to submit a supporting statement setting
forth the reasons that the good qualifies as an AFTA originating good
in connection with the claim. Included in Sec. 10.724 is a provision
that the supporting statement may be used either for a single
importation or for multiple importations of identical goods.
Section 10.725 sets forth certain importer obligations regarding
the truthfulness of information and documents submitted in support of a
claim for preferential tariff treatment. Section 10.726 provides that
the importer's supporting statement is not required for certain non-
commercial or low-value importations.
Section 10.727 implements AFTA Article 5.14 concerning the
maintenance of relevant records regarding the imported good.
Section 10.728, which is based on AFTA Article 5.13, authorizes the
denial of AFTA tariff benefits if the importer fails to comply with any
of the requirements under Subpart L, Part 10, CBP regulations.
Rules of Origin
Sections 10.729 through 10.741 provide the implementing regulations
regarding the rules of origin provisions of General Note 28, HTSUS,
Chapters Four and Five of AFTA, and section 203 of the Act.
Section 10.729 sets forth terms that are defined for purposes of
the rules of origin as found in section 203(n) of the Act and other
definitions that have been included to clarify the application of the
regulatory texts.
General Rules of Origin
Section 10.730 sets forth the basic rules of origin established in
Article 5.1 of the AFTA, section 203(b) of the Act, and General Note
28(b), HTSUS. The provisions of Sec. 10.730 apply both to the
determination of the status of an imported good as an originating good
for purposes of preferential tariff treatment and to the determination
of the status of a material as an originating material used in a good
which is subject to a determination under General Note 28, HTSUS.
Section 10.730(a), reflecting section 203(b)(1) of the Act,
specifies those goods that are originating goods because they are
wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or both of
the Parties.
Section 10.730(b), reflecting section 203(b)(2) of the Act,
provides that goods that have been produced entirely in the territory
of one or both of the Parties so that each non-originating material
undergoes an applicable change in tariff classification and satisfies
any applicable regional value content or other requirement set forth in
General Note 28(n) are originating goods. Essential to the rules in
Sec. 10.730(b) are the specific rules of General Note 28(n), HTSUS,
which are incorporated by reference.
Section 10.730(c), reflecting section 203(b)(3) of the Act,
provides that goods
[[Page 7306]]
that have been produced entirely in the territory of one or both of the
Parties exclusively from originating materials are originating goods.
Under Sec. 10.730(d), which implements section 203(b)(4) of the Act,
goods are considered originating goods if they otherwise qualify as
originating goods under General Note 28, HTSUS.
Textile and Apparel Goods Classifiable as Goods Put Up in Sets
Section 10.731, which is based on AFTA Article 4.2.8, provides
that, notwithstanding the specific rules of General Note 28(n), HTSUS,
textile and apparel goods classifiable as goods put up in sets for
retail sale as provided for in General Rule of Interpretation 3, HTSUS,
will not qualify as originating goods unless each of the goods in the
set is an originating good or the total value of the non-originating
goods in the set does not exceed 10 percent of the value of the set.
De Minimis
Section 10.732, as provided for in AFTA Article 5.2 and section
203(c) of the Act, sets forth de minimis rules for goods that may be
considered to qualify as originating goods even though they fail to
qualify as originating goods under the rules in Sec. 10.730. There are
a number of exceptions to the de minimis rule set forth in the AFTA
Annex 5-A (exceptions to Article 5.2) as well as a separate rule for
textile and apparel goods.
Section 10.733, which is derived from AFTA Article 5.3 and section
203(d) of the Act, sets forth the rule by which originating materials
from the territory of Australia or the United States that are used in
the production of a good in the territory of the other country will be
considered to originate in the territory of such other country. In
addition, this section also establishes that a good that is produced by
one or more producers in the territory of Australia or the United
States, or both, is an originating good if the good satisfies all of
the applicable requirements of the rules of origin of the AFTA.
Value Content
Section 10.734 reflects AFTA Article 5.4 and section 203(e) of the
Act concerning the basic rules that apply for purposes of determining
whether an imported good satisfies a minimum regional value content
(``RVC'') requirement. Section 10.735, reflecting AFTA Article 5.5 and
section 203(f) of the Act, sets forth the rules for determining the
value of a material for purposes of calculating the regional value
content of a good as well as for purposes of applying the de minimis
Accessories, Spare Parts, or Tools
Section 10.736, as set forth in AFTA Article 5.6 and section 203(g)
of the Act, specifies the conditions under which a good's standard
accessories, spare parts, or tools are: (1) Treated as originating
goods; and (2) disregarded in determining whether all non-originating
materials undergo an applicable change in tariff classification under
General Note 28(n), HTSUS.
Fungible Goods and Materials
Section 10.737, as provided for in AFTA Article 5.7 and section
203(h) of the Act, sets forth the rules by which ``fungible'' goods or
materials may be claimed as originating.
Packaging Materials and Packing Materials
Sections 10.738 and 10.739, which are derived from AFTA Articles
5.8 and 5.9 and sections 203(i) and (j) of the Act, respectively,
provide that retail packaging materials and packing materials for
shipment are to be disregarded with respect to their actual origin in
determining whether non-originating materials undergo an applicable
change in tariff classification under General Note 28(n), HTSUS. These
sections also set forth the treatment of packaging and packing
materials for purposes of the regional value content requirement of the
Indirect Materials
Section 10.740, as set forth in AFTA Article 5.10 and section
203(k) of the Act, provides that indirect materials, as defined in
Sec. 10.729(h), are considered to be originating materials without
regard to where they are produced.
Third Country Transportation
Section 10.741, which is derived from AFTA Article 5.11 and section
203(l) of the Act, sets forth the rule that an originating good loses
its originating status and is treated as a non-originating good if,
subsequent to production in the territory of one or both of the Parties
that qualifies the good as originating, the good undergoes production
outside the territories of the Parties.
Origin Verifications and Determinations
Section 10.742 implements AFTA Article 5.15 which concerns the
conduct of verifications to determine whether imported goods are
originating goods entitled to AFTA preferential tariff treatment and
the application of origin determinations resulting from such
verifications. This section also governs the conduct of verifications
directed to producers of materials that are used in the production of a
good for which AFTA preferential duty treatment is claimed.
Section 10.743, as provided for in AFTA Article 4.3 and section 206
of the Act, sets forth the verification and enforcement procedures
specifically relating to trade in textile and apparel goods.
Section 10.744 also implements AFTA Articles 4.3 and 5.15 and
sections 205 and 206 of the Act, and provides the procedures that apply
when preferential tariff treatment is denied on the basis of an origin
verification conducted under Subpart L, Part 10 of the CBP regulations.
Section 10.745 concerns the general application of penalties to
AFTA transactions and is based on AFTA Article 6.7 and section 205 of
the Act.
Section 10.746 implements AFTA Article 5.13.4 with regard to
exceptions to the application of penalties in the case of an importer
who promptly and voluntarily makes a corrected claim or supporting
statement and pays any duties owing. The AFTA's exception to the
application of penalties is contingent upon the importer correcting the
claim and paying any duties owing within a period, determined by each
importing Party, which may not be less than one year from submission of
the invalid claim.
Section 10.747 also reflects AFTA Article 5.13.4 and section 205 of
the Act, and sets forth the circumstances under which the making of a
corrected claim or supporting statement by an importer will be
considered to have been done ``promptly and voluntarily.'' Corrected
claims or certifications that fail to meet these requirements are not
excepted from penalties, although the importer making the corrected
claim or supporting statement may, depending on the circumstances,
qualify for a reduced penalty as a prior disclosure under 19 U.S.C.
1592(c)(4). Section 10.747(c) also specifies the content of the
statement that must accompany each corrected claim.
Goods Returned After Repair or Alteration
Section 10.748 implements AFTA Article 2.6 regarding duty-free
treatment for goods re-entered after repair or alteration in Australia.
[[Page 7307]]
Part 24
An amendment is made to Sec. 24.23(c) (19 CFR 24.23(c)), which
concerns the merchandise processing fee, to implement AFTA Article 2.12
and section 204 of the Act, to provide that the merchandise processing
fee is not applicable to goods that qualify as originating goods under
the AFTA.
Part 162
Part 162 contains regulations regarding the inspection and
examination of, among other things, imported merchandise. A cross-
reference is added to Sec. 162.0 (19 CFR 162.0), which is the scope
section of the part, to refer readers to the additional AFTA records
maintenance and examination provisions contained in new Subpart L, Part
10, CBP regulations.
Part 163
A conforming amendment is made to Sec. 163.1 (19 CFR 163.1) to
include, as authorized by AFTA Article 5.14, the requirement that the
importer maintain records and documents necessary to support a claim
for preferential tariff treatment under the AFTA. Also, the list of
records and information required for the entry of merchandise appearing
in the Appendix to Part 163 (commonly known as the (a)(1)(A) list) is
also amended to add the records and documents necessary to support an
AFTA claim for preferential tariff treatment.
Part 178
Part 178 sets forth the control numbers assigned to information
collections of CBP by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB),
pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. The
list contained in Sec. 178.2 (19 CFR 178.2) is amended to add the
information collections used by CBP to determine eligibility for a
tariff preference or other rights or benefits under the AFTA and the
Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed Effective Date Requirements
Under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553),
agencies generally are required to publish a notice of proposed
rulemaking in the Federal Register that solicits public comment on the
proposed regulatory amendments, consider public comments in deciding on
the content of the final amendments, and publish the final amendments
at least 30 days prior to their effective date. However, section
553(a)(1) of the APA provides that the standard prior notice and
comment procedures do not apply to an agency rulemaking to the extent
that it involves a foreign affairs function of the United States. CBP
has determined that these interim regulations involve a foreign affairs
function of the United States because they implement preferential
tariff treatment and related provisions of the AFTA. Therefore, the
rulemaking requirements under the APA do not apply and this interim
rule will be effective upon publication. However, CBP is soliciting
comments in this interim rule and will consider all comments received
before issuing a final rule.
Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act
Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess costs and benefits
of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary,
to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including
potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects,
distributive impacts, and equity). It has been determined that this
rule is not a significant regulatory action, as defined in section 3(f)
of Executive Order 12866. Because a notice of proposed rulemaking is
not required under section 553(b) of the APA for the reasons described
above, the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, as amended (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.), do not apply to this rulemaking. Accordingly, this
interim rule is not subject to the regulatory analysis requirements or
other requirements of 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The collections of information contained in these regulations have
previously been reviewed and approved by OMB in accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507) under
control number 1651-0117, which covers many of the free trade agreement
requirements that CBP administers. The addition of the AFTA
requirements will result in an increase in the number of respondents
and burden hours for this information collection. Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and an individual
is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number.
The collections of information in these regulations are in
Sec. Sec. 10.723, 10.724, and 10.727. This information is required in
connection with general recordkeeping requirements (Sec. 10.727), as
well as claims for preferential tariff treatment under the AFTA and the
Act and will be used by CBP to determine eligibility for tariff
preference under the AFTA and the Act (Sec. Sec. 10.723 and 10.724).
The likely respondents are business organizations including importers,
exporters and manufacturers. The burdens imposed by these regulations
Estimated total annual reporting burden: 4,000 hours.
Estimated number of respondents: 20,000.
Estimated annual frequency of responses per respondent: 1.
Estimated average annual burden per response: .2 hours.
Comments concerning the collections of information and the accuracy
of the estimated annual burden, and suggestions for reducing that
burden, should be directed to the Office of Management and Budget,
Attention: Desk Officer for the Department of the Treasury, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503. A copy should
also be sent to the Trade and Commercial Regulations Branch,
Regulations and Rulings, Office of International Trade, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, 90 K Street NE., 10th Floor, Washington, DC
Signing Authority
This document is being issued in accordance with Sec. 0.1(a)(1) of
the CBP regulations (19 CFR 0.1(a)(1)) pertaining to the authority of
the Secretary of the Treasury (or his/her delegate) to approve
regulations related to certain customs revenue functions.
List of Subjects
19 CFR Part 10
Alterations, Bonds, Customs duties and inspection, Exports,
Imports, Preference programs, Repairs, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Trade agreements.
19 CFR Part 24
Accounting, Customs duties and inspection, Financial and accounting
procedures, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Trade agreements,
User fees.
19 CFR Part 162
Administrative practice and procedure, Customs duties and
inspection, Penalties, Trade agreements.
19 CFR Part 163
Administrative practice and procedure, Customs duties and
inspection, Exports, Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements,
Trade agreements.
[[Page 7308]]
19 CFR Part 178
Administrative practice and procedure, Exports, Imports, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Amendments to the Regulations
For the reasons set forth above, chapter I of title 19, Code of
Federal Regulations (19 CFR chapter I), is amended as set forth below.
1. The general authority citation for part 10 continues to read and the
specific authority for new Subpart L is added to read as follows:
Authority: 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1321, 1481, 1484, 1498, 1508,
1623, 1624, 3314.
* * * * *
Sections 10.721 through 10.748 also issued under 19 U.S.C. 1202
(General Note 28, HTSUS) and Pub. L. 108-286, 118 Stat. 919 (19
U.S.C. 3805 note).
2. In Sec. 10.31(f), the last sentence is revised to read as follows:
Sec. 10.31 Entry; bond.
* * * * *
(f) * * * In addition, notwithstanding any other provision of this
paragraph, in the case of professional equipment necessary for carrying
out the business activity, trade or profession of a business person,
equipment for the press or for sound or television broadcasting,
cinematographic equipment, articles imported for sports purposes and
articles intended for display or demonstration, if brought into the
United States by a resident of Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Chile,
Morocco, Australia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, the
Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Bahrain, Oman, Peru, the Republic of
Korea, Colombia, or Panama and entered under Chapter 98, Subchapter
XIII, HTSUS, no bond or other security will be required if the entered
article is a good originating, within the meaning of General Notes 12,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35, HTSUS, in the country
of which the importer is a resident.
* * * * *
3. Add subpart L to read as follows:
Subpart L--United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement
General Provisions
10.721 Scope.
10.722 General definitions.
Import Requirements
10.723 Filing of claim for preferential tariff treatment upon
10.724 Supporting statement.
10.725 Importer obligations.
10.726 Supporting statement not required.
10.727 Maintenance of records.
10.728 Effect of noncompliance; failure to provide documentation
regarding third country transportation.
Rules of Origin
10.729 Definitions.
10.730 Originating goods.
10.731 Textile and apparel goods classifiable as goods put up in
10.732 De minimis.
10.733 Accumulation.
10.734 Regional value content.
10.735 Value of materials.
10.736 Accessories, spare parts, or tools.
10.737 Fungible goods and materials.
10.738 Retail packaging materials and containers.
10.739 Packing materials and containers for shipment.
10.740 Indirect materials.
10.741 Third country transportation.
Origin Verifications and Determinations
10.742 Verification and justification of claim for preferential
10.743 Special rule for verifications in Australia of U.S. imports
of textile and apparel goods.
10.744 Issuance of negative origin determinations.
10.745 General.
10.746 Corrected claim or supporting statement.
10.747 Framework for correcting claims or supporting statements.
Goods Returned After Repair or Alteration
10.748 Goods re-entered after repair or alteration in Australia.
Subpart L--United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement
General Provisions
Sec. 10.721 Scope.
This subpart implements the duty preference and related customs
provisions applicable to imported goods under the United States-
Australia Free Trade Agreement (the AFTA) signed on May 18, 2004, and
under the United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation
Act (``the Act''), Pub. L. 108-286, 118 Stat. 919 (19 U.S.C. 3805
note). Except as otherwise specified in this subpart, the procedures
and other requirements set forth in this subpart are in addition to the
customs procedures and requirements of general application contained
elsewhere in this chapter. Additional provisions implementing certain
aspects of the AFTA and the Act are contained in Parts 24, 162, and 163
of this chapter.
Sec. 10.722 General definitions.
As used in this subpart, the following terms will have the meanings
indicated unless either the context in which they are used requires a
different meaning or a different definition is prescribed for a
particular section of this subpart:
(a) Claim for preferential tariff treatment. ``Claim for
preferential tariff treatment'' means a claim that a good is entitled
to the duty rate applicable under the AFTA to an originating good, and
to an exemption from the merchandise processing fee;
(b) Claim of origin. ``Claim of origin'' means a claim that a
textile or apparel good is an originating good or a good of a Party or
satisfies the non-preferential rules of origin of a Party;
(c) Customs duty. ``Customs duty'' includes any customs or import
duty and a charge of any kind imposed in connection with the
importation of a good, including any form of surtax or surcharge in
connection with such importation, but does not include any:
(1) Charge equivalent to an internal tax imposed consistently with
Article III:2 of GATT 1994 in respect of the like domestic good or in
respect of goods from which the imported good has been manufactured or
produced in whole or in part;
(2) Antidumping or countervailing duty that is applied pursuant to
a Party's law; or
(3) Fee or other charge in connection with importation commensurate
with the cost of services rendered;
(d) Customs Valuation Agreement. ``Customs Valuation Agreement''
means the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO
(e) Days. ``Days'' means calendar days;
(f) Enterprise. ``Enterprise'' means any entity constituted or
organized under applicable law, whether or not for profit, and whether
privately-owned or governmentally-owned or controlled, including any
corporation, trust, partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture,
association, or similar organization;
(g) Enterprise of a Party. ``Enterprise of a Party'' means an
enterprise constituted or organized under a Party's law;
(h) GATT 1994. ``GATT 1994'' means the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade 1994, contained in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;
(i) Goods of a Party. ``Goods of a Party'' means domestic products
as these are understood in the GATT 1994 or such goods as the Parties
determine under the rules of origin as applied in
[[Page 7309]]
the normal course of trade, and includes originating goods of a Party.
(j) Harmonized System. ``Harmonized System'' means the Harmonized
Commodity Description and Coding System, including its General Rules of
Interpretation, Section Notes, and Chapter Notes, as adopted and
implemented by the Parties in their respective tariff laws;
(k) Heading. ``Heading'' means the first four digits in the tariff
classification number under the Harmonized System;
(l) HTSUS. ``HTSUS'' means the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States as promulgated by the U.S. International Trade
(m) Identical goods. ``Identical goods'' means goods that are the
same in all respects relevant to the rule of origin that qualifies the
goods as originating goods;
(n) Originating. ``Originating'' means qualifying for preferential
tariff treatment under the rules of origin set out in AFTA Chapters
Four (Textiles and Apparel) and Five (Rules of Origin) and General Note
28, HTSUS;
(o) Party. ``Party'' means the United States or Australia;
(p) Person. ``Person'' means a natural person or an enterprise;
(q) Preferential tariff treatment. ``Preferential tariff
treatment'' means the duty rate applicable under the AFTA to an
originating good, and an exemption from the merchandise processing fee;
(r) Subheading. ``Subheading'' means the first six digits in the
tariff classification number under the Harmonized System;
(s) Territory. ``Territory'' means:
(1) With respect to Australia, the territory of the Commonwealth of
(i) Excluding all external territories other than the Territory of
Norfolk Island, the Territory of Christmas Island, the Territory of
Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands,
the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, and the Coral Sea
Islands Territory; and
(ii) Including Australia's territorial sea, contiguous zone,
exclusive economic zone, and continental shelf; and
(2) With respect to the United States:
(i) The customs territory of the United States, which includes the
50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico;
(ii) The foreign trade zones located in the United States and
Puerto Rico; and
(iii) Any areas beyond the territorial seas of the United States
within which, in accordance with international law and its domestic
law, the United States may exercise rights with respect to the seabed
and subsoil and their natural resources;
(t) Textile or apparel good. ``Textile or apparel good'' means a
good listed in the Annex to the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing
(commonly referred to as ``the ATC''), which is part of the WTO
(u) WTO. ``WTO'' means the World Trade Organization; and
(v) WTO Agreement. ``WTO Agreement'' means the Marrakesh Agreement
Establishing the World Trade Organization of April 15, 1994.
Import Requirements
Sec. 10.723 Filing of claim for preferential tariff treatment upon
(a) Claim. An importer may make a claim for AFTA preferential
tariff treatment, including an exemption from the merchandise
processing fee, based on the importer's knowledge or information in the
importer's possession that the good qualifies as an originating good.
The claim is made by including on the entry summary, or equivalent
documentation, the letters ``AU'' as a prefix to the subheading of the
HTSUS under which each qualifying good is classified, or by the method
specified for equivalent reporting via an authorized electronic data
interchange system.
(b) Corrected claim. If, after making the claim required under
paragraph (a) of this section, the importer becomes aware that the
claim is invalid, the importer must promptly and voluntarily correct
the claim and pay any duties that may be due. The importer must submit
a statement either in writing or via an authorized electronic data
interchange system to the CBP office where the original claim was filed
specifying the correction (see Sec. Sec. 10.746 and 10.747 of this
Sec. 10.724 Supporting statement.
(a) Contents. An importer who makes a claim under Sec. 10.723(a)
of this subpart must submit, at the request of the port director, a
supporting statement setting forth the reasons that the good qualifies
as an originating good, including pertinent cost and manufacturing
data. A statement submitted to CBP under this paragraph:
(1) Need not be in a prescribed format but must be in writing or
must be transmitted electronically pursuant to any electronic means
authorized by CBP for that purpose;
(2) Must include the following information:
(i) The legal name, address, telephone, and email address of the
importer of record of the good;
(ii) The legal name, address, telephone, and email address of the
responsible official or authorized agent of the importer signing the
supporting statement (if different from the information required by
paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section);
(iii) The legal name, address, telephone, and email address of the
exporter of the good (if different from the producer);
(iv) The legal name, address, telephone, and email address of the
producer of the good, if known;
(v) A description of the good for which preferential tariff
treatment is claimed, which must be sufficiently detailed to relate it
to the invoice and the HS nomenclature;
(vi) The HTSUS tariff classification, to six or more digits, as
necessary for the specific change in tariff classification rule for the
good set forth in General Note 28(n), HTSUS;
(vii) The applicable rule of origin set forth in General Note 28,
HTSUS, under which the good qualifies as an originating good; and
(3) Must include a statement, in substantially the following form:
I certify that:
The information on this document is true and accurate and I
assume the responsibility for proving such representations. I
understand that I am liable for any false statements or material
omissions made on or in connection with this document;
I agree to maintain and present upon request, documentation
necessary to support these representations;
The goods originated or are considered to have originated in the
territory of one or more of the Parties, and comply with the origin
requirements specified for those goods in the United States-
Australia Free Trade Agreement; there has been no further production
or any other operation outside the territories of the parties, other
than unloading, reloading, or any other operation necessary to
preserve the goods in good condition or to transport the goods to
the United States; and
This document consists of ___ pages, including all attachments.
(b) Responsible official or agent. The supporting statement
required to be submitted under paragraph (a) of this section must be
signed and dated by a responsible official of the importer or by the
importer's authorized agent having knowledge of the relevant facts.
(c) Language. The supporting statement required to be submitted
under paragraph (a) of this section must be completed in the English
(d) Applicability of supporting statement. The supporting statement
required to be submitted under paragraph (a) of this section may be
applicable to:
(1) A single importation of a good into the United States,
including a single shipment that results in the filing of one
[[Page 7310]]
or more entries and a series of shipments that results in the filing of
one entry; or
(2) Multiple importations of identical goods into the United States
that occur within a specified blanket period, not exceeding 12 months,
set out in the statement. For purposes of this paragraph, ``identical
goods'' means goods that are the same in all respects relevant to the
particular rule of origin that qualifies the goods as originating.
Sec. 10.725 Importer obligations.
(a) General. An importer who makes a claim under Sec. 10.723(a) of
this subpart:
(1) Is responsible for the truthfulness of the claim and of all the
information and data contained in the supporting statement provided for
in Sec. 10.724 of this subpart; and
(2) Is responsible for submitting any supporting documents
requested by CBP and for the truthfulness of the information contained
in those documents. If CBP requests the submission of supporting
documents, CBP will allow for the direct submission by the exporter or
producer of business confidential or other sensitive information,
including cost and sourcing information.
(b) Information provided by exporter or producer. The fact that the
importer has made a claim or submitted a supporting statement based on
information provided by an exporter or producer will not relieve the
importer of the responsibility referred to in the first sentence of
paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) Exemption from penalties. An importer will not be subject to
civil or administrative penalties under 19 U.S.C. 1592 for making an
invalid claim for preferential tariff treatment or submitting an
incorrect supporting statement, provided that the importer promptly and
voluntarily corrects the claim or supporting statement and pays any
duty owing (see Sec. Sec. 10.746 and 10.747 of this subpart).
Sec. 10.726 Supporting statement not required.
(a) General. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this
section, an importer will not be required to submit a supporting
statement under Sec. 10.724 for:
(1) A non-commercial importation of a good; or
(2) A commercial importation for which the value of the originating
goods does not exceed U.S. $2,500.
(b) Exception. If the port director determines that an importation
described in paragraph (a) of this section may reasonably be considered
to have been carried out or planned for the purpose of evading
compliance with the rules and procedures governing claims for
preference under the AFTA, the port director will notify the importer
that for that importation the importer must submit to CBP a supporting
statement. The importer must submit such a statement within 30 days
from the date of the notice. Failure to timely submit the supporting
statement will result in denial of the claim for preferential tariff
Sec. 10.727 Maintenance of records.
(a) General. An importer claiming preferential tariff treatment for
a good imported into the United States under Sec. 10.723(a) of this
subpart must maintain, for five years after the date of importation of
the good, records and documents necessary to demonstrate that the good
qualifies as an originating good, including records and documents
associated with:
(1) The purchase of, cost of, value of, and payment for, the good;
(2) Where appropriate, the purchase of, cost of, value of, and
payment for, all materials, including recovered goods and indirect
materials, used in the production of the good; and
(3) Where appropriate, the production of the good in the form in
which the good was exported.
(b) Applicability of other recordkeeping requirements. The records
and documents referred to in paragraph (a) of this section are in
addition to any other records that the importer is required to prepare,
maintain, or make available to CBP under Part 163 of this chapter.
(c) Method of maintenance. The records and documents referred to in
paragraph (a) of this section must be maintained by importers as
provided in Sec. 163.5 of this chapter.
Sec. 10.728 Effect of noncompliance; failure to provide documentation
regarding third country transportation.
(a) General. If the importer fails to comply with any requirement
under this subpart, including submission of a complete supporting
statement prepared in accordance with Sec. 10.724 of this subpart,
when requested, the port director may deny preferential treatment to
the imported good.
(b) Failure to provide documentation regarding third country
transportation. Where the requirements for preferential treatment set
forth elsewhere in this subpart are met, the port director nevertheless
may deny preferential treatment to an originating good if the good is
shipped through or transshipped in a country other than a Party to the
AFTA, and the importer of the good does not provide, at the request of
the port director, evidence demonstrating to the satisfaction of the
port director that the conditions set forth in Sec. 10.741 of this
subpart were met.
Rules of Origin
Sec. 10.729 Definitions.
For purposes of Sec. Sec. 10.729 through 10.741 of this subpart:
(a) Adjusted value. ``Adjusted value'' means the value determined
in accordance with Articles 1 through 8, Article 15, and the
corresponding interpretative notes of the Customs Valuation Agreement,
adjusted, if necessary, to exclude:
(1) Any costs, charges, or expenses incurred for transportation,
insurance and related services incidental to the international shipment
of the good from the country of exportation to the place of
importation; and
(2) The value of packing materials and containers for shipment as
defined in paragraph (n) of this section;
(b) Class of motor vehicles. ``Class of motor vehicles'' means any
one of the following categories of motor vehicles:
(1) Motor vehicles classified under subheading 8701.20, motor
vehicles for the transport of 16 or more persons classified under
subheading 8702.10 or 8702.90, and motor vehicles classified under
subheading 8704.10, 8704.22, 8704.23, 8704.32, or 8704.90, or heading
8705 or 8706, HTSUS;
(2) Motor vehicles classified under subheading 8701.10 or under any
of subheadings 8701.30 through 8701.90, HTSUS;
(3) Motor vehicles provided for the transport of 15 or fewer
persons classified under subheading 8702.10 or 8702.90, HTSUS, or motor
vehicles classified under subheading 8704.21 or 8704.31; or
(4) Motor vehicles classified under subheadings 8703.21 through
8703.90, HTSUS;
(c) Exporter. ``Exporter'' means a person who exports goods from
the territory of a Party;
(d) Fungible goods or materials. ``Fungible goods or materials''
means goods or materials, as the case may be, that are interchangeable
for commercial purposes and the properties of which are essentially
(e) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. ``Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles'' means the recognized consensus or substantial
authoritative support in the territory of a Party, with respect to the
recording of revenues, expenses, costs, assets, and liabilities, the
disclosure of information,
[[Page 7311]]
and the preparation of financial statements. These standards may
encompass broad guidelines of general application as well as detailed
standards, practices, and procedures;
(f) Good. ``Good'' means any merchandise, product, article, or
(g) Goods wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of
one or both of the Parties. ``Goods wholly obtained or produced
entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties'' means:
(1) Mineral goods extracted in the territory of one or both of the
(2) Vegetable goods, as such goods are defined in the Harmonized
System, harvested in the territory of one or both of the Parties;
(3) Live animals born and raised in the territory of one or both of
the Parties;
(4) Goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing, or aquaculture
conducted in the territory of one or both of the Parties;
(5) Goods (fish, shellfish, and other marine life) taken from the
sea by vessels registered or recorded with a Party and flying its flag;
(6) Goods produced exclusively from products referred to in
paragraph (g)(5) of this section on board factory ships registered or
recorded with a Party and flying its flag;
(7) Goods taken by a Party or a person of a Party from the seabed
or beneath the seabed outside territorial waters, provided that a Party
has rights to exploit such seabed;
(8) Goods taken from outer space, provided they are obtained by a
Party or a person of a Party and not processed in the territory of a
(9) Waste and scrap derived from:
(i) Production in the territory of one or both of the Parties; or
(ii) Used goods collected in the territory of one or both of the
Parties, provided such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw
(10) Recovered goods derived in the territory of one or both of the
Parties from goods that have passed their life expectancy, or are no
longer useable due to defects, and utilized in the territory of one or
both of the Parties in the production of remanufactured goods; or
(11) Goods produced in one or both of the Parties exclusively from
goods referred to in paragraphs (g)(1) through (9) of this section, or
from the derivatives of such goods, at any stage of production;
(h) Indirect Material. ``Indirect material'' means a good used in
the production, testing, or inspection of another good in the territory
of one or both of the Parties but not physically incorporated into that
other good, or a good used in the maintenance of buildings or the
operation of equipment associated with the production of another good,
(1) Fuel and energy;
(2) Tools, dies, and molds;
(3) Spare parts and materials used in the maintenance of equipment
or buildings;
(4) Lubricants, greases, compounding materials, and other materials
used in production or used to operate equipment or buildings;
(5) Gloves, glasses, footwear, clothing, safety equipment, and
(6) Equipment, devices, and supplies used for testing or inspecting
the good;
(7) Catalysts and solvents; and
(8) Any other good that is not incorporated into the other good but
the use of which in the production of the other good can reasonably be
demonstrated to be a part of that production.
(i) Material. ``Material'' means a good that is used in the
production of another good;
(j) Model line. ``Model line'' means a group of motor vehicles
having the same platform or model name;
(k) Net cost. ``Net cost'' means total cost minus sales promotion,
marketing, and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping and
packing costs, and non-allowable interest costs that are included in
the total cost;
(l) Non-allowable interest costs. ``Non-allowable interest costs''
means interest costs incurred by a producer that exceed 700 basis
points above the applicable official interest rates for comparable
maturities of the United States or Australia;
(m) Non-originating good or non-originating material. ``Non-
originating good'' or ``non-originating material'' means a good or
material, as the case may be, that does not qualify as originating
under General Note 28, HTSUS, or this subpart;
(n) Packing materials and containers for shipment. ``Packing
materials and containers for shipment'' means the goods used to protect
a good during its transportation to the United States, and does not
include the packaging materials and containers in which a good is
packaged for retail sale;
(o) Producer. ``Producer'' means a person who grows, raises, mines,
harvests, fishes, traps, hunts, manufactures, processes, assembles or
disassembles a good;
(p) Production. ``Production'' means growing, raising, mining,
harvesting, fishing, trapping, hunting, manufacturing, processing,
assembling, or disassembling a good;
(q) Reasonably allocate. ``Reasonably allocate'' means to apportion
in a manner that would be appropriate under generally accepted
accounting principles;
(r) Recovered goods. ``Recovered goods'' means materials in the
form of individual parts that result from:
(1) The complete disassembly of goods which have passed their life
expectancy, or are no longer useable due to defects, into individual
parts; and
(2) The cleaning, inspecting, or testing, or other processing that
is necessary for improvement to sound working condition of such
individual parts;
(s) Remanufactured good. ``Remanufactured good'' means an
industrial good assembled in the territory of a Party that is
classified in Chapter 84, 85, or 87, or heading 9026, 9031, or 9032,
HTSUS, other than a good classified in heading 8418 or 8516 or any of
headings 8701 through 8706, HTSUS, and that:
(1) Is entirely or partially comprised of recovered goods;
(2) Has a similar life expectancy to, and meets the same
performance standards as, a like good that is new; and
(3) Enjoys a factory warranty similar to a like good that is new;
(t) Royalties. ``Royalties'' means payments of any kind, including
payments under technical assistance agreements or similar agreements,
made as consideration for the use of, or right to use, any copyright,
literary, artistic, or scientific work, patent, trademark, design,
model, plan, secret formula or process, excluding those payments under
technical assistance agreements or similar agreements that can be
related to specific services such as:
(1) Personnel training, without regard to where performed; and
(2) If performed in the territory of one or both of the Parties,
engineering, tooling, die-setting, software design and similar computer
(u) Sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales service costs.
``Sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales service costs'' means the
following costs related to sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales
(1) Sales and marketing promotion; media advertising; advertising
and market research; promotional and demonstration materials; exhibits;
sales conferences, trade shows and conventions; banners; marketing
displays; free samples; sales, marketing and after-sales service
literature (product brochures, catalogs, technical literature, price
lists, service manuals, sales aid information); establishment
[[Page 7312]]
and protection of logos and trademarks; sponsorships; wholesale and
retail restocking charges; entertainment;
(2) Sales and marketing incentives; consumer, retailer or
wholesaler rebates; merchandise incentives;
(3) Salaries and wages, sales commissions, bonuses, benefits (for
example, medical, insurance, pension), traveling and living expenses,
membership and professional fees, for sales promotion, marketing and
after-sales service personnel;
(4) Recruiting and training of sales promotion, marketing and
after-sales service personnel, and after-sales training of customers'
employees, where such costs are identified separately for sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales service of goods on the financial
statements or cost accounts of the producer;
(5) Product liability insurance;
(6) Office supplies for sales promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods, where such costs are identified separately for sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales service of goods on the financial
statements or cost accounts of the producer;
(7) Telephone, mail and other communications, where such costs are
identified separately for sales promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods on the financial statements or cost accounts of the
(8) Rent and depreciation of sales promotion, marketing and after-
sales service offices and distribution centers;
(9) Property insurance premiums, taxes, cost of utilities, and
repair and maintenance of sales promotion, marketing and after-sales
service offices and distribution centers, where such costs are
identified separately for sales promotion, marketing and after-sales
service of goods on the financial statements or cost accounts of the
producer; and
(10) Payments by the producer to other persons for warranty
(v) Self-produced material. ``Self-produced material'' means an
originating material that is produced by a producer of a good and used
in the production of that good;
(w) Shipping and packing costs. ``Shipping and packing costs''
means the costs incurred in packing a good for shipment and shipping
the good from the point of direct shipment to the buyer, excluding the
costs of preparing and packaging the good for retail sale;
(x) Total cost. ``Total cost'' means all product costs, period
costs, and other costs for a good incurred in the territory of one or
both of the Parties. Product costs are costs that are associated with
the production of a good and include the value of materials, direct
labor costs, and direct overhead. Period costs are costs, other than
product costs, that are expensed in the period in which they are
incurred, such as selling expenses and general and administrative
expenses. Other costs are all costs recorded on the books of the
producer that are not product costs or period costs, such as interest.
Total cost does not include profits that are earned by the producer,
regardless of whether they are retained by the producer or paid out to
other persons as dividends, or taxes paid on those profits, including
capital gains taxes;
(y) Used. ``Used'' means used or consumed in the production of
goods; and
(z) Value. ``Value'' means the value of a good or material for
purposes of calculating customs duties or for purposes of applying this
Sec. 10.730 Originating goods.
Except as otherwise provided in this subpart and General Note 28,
HTSUS, a good imported into the customs territory of the United States
will be considered an originating good under the AFTA only if:
(a) The good is wholly obtained or produced entirely in the
territory of one or both of the Parties;
(b) The good is produced entirely in the territory of one or both
of the Parties and:
(1) Each non-originating material used in the production of the
good undergoes an applicable change in tariff classification specified
in General Note 28(n), HTSUS;
(2) The good otherwise satisfies any applicable regional value
content or other requirements specified in General Note 28(n), HTSUS;
(3) The good meets any other requirements specified in General Note
28(n), HTSUS;
(c) The good is produced entirely in the territory of one or both
of the Parties exclusively from originating materials; or
(d) The good otherwise qualifies as an originating good under
General Note 28(n), HTSUS.
Sec. 10.731 Textile and apparel goods classifiable as goods put up in
Notwithstanding the specific rules set forth in General Note 28(n),
HTSUS, textile or apparel goods classifiable as goods put up in sets
for retail sale as provided for in General Rule of Interpretation 3,
HTSUS, will not be considered to be originating goods unless each of
the goods in the set is an originating good or the total value of the
non-originating goods in the set does not exceed 10 percent of the
value of the set.
Sec. 10.732 De minimis.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a
good that does not undergo a change in tariff classification pursuant
to General Note 28(n), HTSUS, is an originating good if:
(1) The value of all non-originating materials used in the
production of the good that do not undergo the applicable change in
tariff classification does not exceed 10 percent of the adjusted value
of the good;
(2) The value of the non-originating materials described in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section is included in the value of non-
originating materials for any applicable regional value content
requirement for the good under General Note 28(n), HTSUS; and
(3) The good meets all other applicable requirements of General
Note 28, HTSUS.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to:
(1) A non-originating material provided for in Chapter 4, HTSUS, or
in subheading 1901.90, HTSUS, that is used in the production of a good
provided for in Chapter 4, HTSUS;
(2) A non-originating material provided for in Chapter 4, HTSUS, or
in subheading 1901.90, HTSUS, that is used in the production of a good
provided for in one of the following HTSUS provisions: subheading
1901.10, 1901.20 or 1901.90; heading 2105; or subheading 2106.90,
2202.90 or 2309.90;
(3) A non-originating material provided for in heading 0805, HTSUS,
or subheadings 2009.11 through 2009.39, HTSUS, that is used in the
production of a good provided for in subheadings 2009.11 through
2009.39, HTSUS, or in subheading 2106.90 or 2202.90, HTSUS;
(4) A non-originating material provided for in Chapter 15, HTSUS,
that is used in the production of a good provided for in headings 1501
through 1508, 1512, 1514 or 1515, HTSUS;
(5) A non-originating material provided for in heading 1701, HTSUS,
that is used in the production of a good provided for in headings 1701
through 1703, HTSUS;
(6) A non-originating material provided for in Chapter 17, HTSUS,
or heading 1805, HTSUS, that is used in the production of a good
provided for in subheading 1806.10, HTSUS;
(7) A non-originating material provided for in headings 2203
through 2208, HTSUS, that is used in the
[[Page 7313]]
production of a good provided for in heading 2207 or 2208, HTSUS; or
(8) A non-originating material used in the production of a good
provided for in Chapters 1 through 21, HTSUS, unless the non-
originating material is provided for in a different subheading than the
good for which origin is being determined.
(c) A textile or apparel good provided for in Chapters 42, 50
through 63, 70, or 94, HTSUS, that is not an originating good because
certain fibers or yarns used in the production of the component of the
good that determines the tariff classification of the good do not
undergo an applicable change in tariff classification set out in
General Note 28(n), HTSUS, will nevertheless be considered to be an
originating good if the total weight of all such fibers or yarns in
that component is not more than 7 percent of the total weight of that
component. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a textile or apparel
good containing elastomeric yarns in the component of the good that
determines the tariff classification of the good will be considered an
originating good only if such yarns are wholly formed in the territory
of a Party. For purposes of this paragraph, in the case of a textile or
apparel good that is a yarn, fabric, or group of fibers, the term
``component of the good that determines the tariff classification of
the good'' means all of the fibers in the yarn, fabric, or group of
Sec. 10.733 Accumulation.
(a) Originating materials from the territory of a Party that are
used in the production of a good in the territory of another Party will
be considered to originate in the territory of that other Party.
(b) A good that is produced in the territory of one or both of the
Parties by one or more producers is an originating good if the good
satisfies the requirements of Sec. 10.730 of this subpart and all
other applicable requirements of General Note 28, HTSUS.
Sec. 10.734 Regional value content.
(a) General. Except for goods to which paragraph (d) of this
section applies, where General Note 28(n), HTSUS, sets forth a rule
that specifies a regional value content test for a good, the regional
value content of such good must be calculated by the importer,
exporter, or producer of the good on the basis of the build-down method
described in paragraph (b) of this section or the build-up method
described in paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Build-down method. Under the build-down method, the regional
value content must be calculated on the basis of the formula RVC = ((AV
- VNM)/AV) x 100, where RVC is the regional value content, expressed as
a percentage; AV is the adjusted value of the good; and VNM is the
value of non-originating materials that are acquired and used by the
producer in the production of the good, but does not include the value
of a material that is self-produced.
(c) Build-up method. Under the build-up method, the regional value
content must be calculated on the basis of the formula RVC = (VOM/AV) x
100, where RVC is the regional value content, expressed as a
percentage; AV is the adjusted value of the good; and VOM is the value
of originating materials that are acquired or self-produced and used by
the producer in the production of the good.
(d) Special rule for certain automotive goods--(1) General. Where
General Note 28(n), HTSUS, sets forth a rule that specifies a regional
value content test for an automotive good provided for in subheadings
8407.31 through 8407.34 (engines), subheading 8408.20 (diesel engine
for vehicles), heading 8409 (parts of engines), or any of headings 8701
through 8705 (motor vehicles), and headings 8706 (chassis), 8707
(bodies), and 8708 (motor vehicle parts), HTSUS, the regional value
content of such good must be calculated by the importer, exporter, or
producer of the good on the basis of the net cost methods described in
paragraphs (d)(2) through (4) of this section.
(2) Net cost method. Under the net cost method, the regional value
content must be calculated on the basis of the formula RVC = ((NC -
VNM)/NC) x 100, where RVC is the regional value content, expressed as a
percentage; NC is the net cost of the good; and VNM is the value of
non-originating materials that are acquired and used by the producer in
the production of the good, but does not include the value of a
material that is self-produced. Consistent with the provisions
regarding allocation of costs set out in generally accepted accounting
principles, the net cost of the good must be determined by:
(i) Calculating the total cost incurred with respect to all goods
produced by the producer of the automotive good, subtracting any sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping
and packing costs, and non-allowable interest costs that are included
in the total cost of all such goods, and then reasonably allocating the
resulting net cost of those goods to the automotive good;
(ii) Calculating the total cost incurred with respect to all goods
produced by the producer of the automotive good, reasonably allocating
the total cost to the automotive good, and then subtracting any sales
promotion, marketing and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping
and packing costs, and non-allowable interest costs that are included
in the portion of the total cost allocated to the automotive good; or
(iii) Reasonably allocating each cost that forms part of the total
costs incurred with respect to the automotive good so that the
aggregate of these costs does not include any sales promotion,
marketing and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping and
packing costs, or non-allowable interest costs.
(3) Motor vehicles--(i) General. For purposes of calculating the
regional value content under the net cost method for an automotive good
that is a motor vehicle provided for in headings 8701 through 8705, an
importer, exporter, or producer may average the amounts calculated
under the formula set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section over
the producer's fiscal year using any one of the categories described in
paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section either on the basis of all motor
vehicles in the category or only those motor vehicles in the category
that are exported to the territory of a Party.
(ii) Categories. The categories referred to in paragraph (d)(3)(i)
of this section are as follows:
(A) The same model line of motor vehicles, in the same class of
vehicles, produced in the same plant in the territory of a Party, as
the motor vehicle for which the regional value content is being
(B) The same class of motor vehicles, produced in the same plant in
the territory of a Party, as the motor vehicle for which the regional
value content is being calculated; and
(C) The same model line of motor vehicles produced in the territory
of a Party as the motor vehicle for which the regional value content is
being calculated.
(4) Other automotive goods--(i) General. For purposes of
calculating the regional value content under the net cost method for
automotive goods provided for in subheadings 8407.31 through 8407.34,
subheading 8408.20, heading 8409, 8706, 8707, or 8708, HTSUS, that are
produced in the same plant, an importer, exporter, or producer may:
(A) Average the amounts calculated under the formula set forth in
paragraph (d)(2) of this section over any of the following: The fiscal
year, or any quarter or month, of the motor vehicle producer
[[Page 7314]]
to whom the automotive good is sold, or the fiscal year, or any quarter
or month, of the producer of the automotive good, provided the goods
were produced during the fiscal year, quarter, or month that is the
basis for the calculation;
(B) Determine the average referred to in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of
this section separately for such goods sold to one or more motor
vehicle producers; or
(C) Make a separate determination under paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) or
(B) for automotive goods that are exported to the territory of a Party.
(ii) Duration of use. A person selecting an averaging period of one
month or quarter under paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of this section must
continue to use that method for that category of automotive goods
throughout the fiscal year.
10.735 Value of materials.
(a) Calculating the value of materials. For purposes of calculating
the regional value content of a good under General Note 28(n), HTSUS,
and for purposes of applying the de minimis (see Sec. 10.732 of this
subpart) provisions of General Note 28(n), HTSUS, the value of a
material is:
(1) In the case of a material imported by the producer of the good,
the adjusted value of the material;
(2) In the case of a material acquired by the producer in the
territory where the good is produced, the value, determined in
accordance with Articles 1 through 8, Article 15, and the corresponding
interpretative notes of the Customs Valuation Agreement, of the
material with reasonable modifications to the provisions of the Customs
Valuation Agreement as may be required due to the absence of an
importation by the producer (including, but not limited to, treating a
domestic purchase by the producer as if it were a sale for exportation
to the country of importation); or
(3) In the case of a self-produced material, the sum of:
(i) All expenses incurred in the production of the material,
including general expenses; and
(ii) An amount for profit equivalent to the profit added in the
normal course of trade.
(b) Examples. The following examples illustrate application of the
principles set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section:
Example 1. The producer in Australia purchases material x from
an unrelated seller in Australia for $100. Under the provisions of
Article 1 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, transaction value is
the price actually paid or payable for the goods when sold for
exportation to the country of importation adjusted in accordance
with the provisions of Article 8. In order to apply Article 1 to
this domestic purchase by the producer, such purchase is treated as
if it were a sale for export to the country of importation.
Therefore, for purposes of determining the adjusted value of
material x, the Article 1 transaction value is the price actually
paid or payable for the goods when sold to the producer in Australia
($100), adjusted in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. In
this example, it is irrelevant whether material x was initially
imported into Australia by the seller (or by anyone else). So long
as the producer acquired material x in Australia, it is intended
that the value of material x will be determined on the basis of the
price actually paid or payable by the producer adjusted in
accordance with the provisions of Article 8.
Example 2. Same facts as in Example 1, except that the sale
between the seller and the producer is subject to certain
restrictions that preclude the application of Article 1. Under
Article 2 of the Customs Valuation Agreement, the value is the
transaction value of identical goods sold for exportation to the
same country of importation and exported at or about the same time
as the goods being valued. In order to permit the application of
Article 2 to the domestic acquisition by the producer, the price
paid by the producer should be modified so that the value is the
transaction value of identical goods sold within Australia at or
about the same time the goods were sold to the producer in
Australia. Thus, if the seller of material x also sold an identical
material to another buyer in Australia without restrictions, that
other sale would be used to determine the adjusted value of material
(c) Permissible additions to, and deductions from, the value of
materials--(1) Additions to originating materials. For originating
materials, the following expenses, if not included under paragraph (a)
of this section, may be added to the value of the originating material:
(i) The costs of freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs
incurred in transporting the material within or between the territory
of one or both of the Parties to the location of the producer;
(ii) Duties, taxes, and customs brokerage fees on the material paid
in the territory of one or both of the Parties, other than duties and
taxes that are waived, refunded, refundable or otherwise recoverable,
including credit against duty or tax paid or payable; and
(iii) The cost of waste and spoilage resulting from the use of the
material in the production of the good, less the value of renewable
scrap or byproducts.
(2) Deductions from non-originating materials. For non-originating
materials, if included under paragraph (a) of this section, the
following expenses may be deducted from the value of the non-
originating material:
(i) The costs of freight, insurance, packing, and all other costs
incurred in transporting the material within or between the territory
of one or both of the Parties to the location of the producer;
(ii) Duties, taxes, and customs brokerage fees on the material paid
in the territory of one or both of the Parties, other than duties and
taxes that are waived, refunded, refundable or otherwise recoverable,
including credit against duty or tax paid or payable;
(iii) The cost of waste and spoilage resulting from the use of the
material in the production of the good, less the value of renewable
scrap or by-products;
(iv) The cost of processing incurred in the territory of one or
both of the Parties in the production of the non-originating material;
(v) The cost of originating materials used in the production of the
non-originating material in the territory of one or both of the
(d) Accounting method. Any cost or value referenced in General Note
28, HTSUS, and this subpart, must be recorded and maintained in
accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles applicable
in the territory of the Party in which the good is produced.
Sec. 10.736 Accessories, spare parts, or tools.
(a) General. Accessories, spare parts, or tools that are delivered
with a good and that form part of the good's standard accessories,
spare parts, or tools will be treated as originating goods if the good
is an originating good, and will be disregarded in determining whether
all the non-originating materials used in the production of the good
undergo an applicable change in tariff classification specified in
General Note 28(n), HTSUS, provided that:
(1) The accessories, spare parts, or tools are not invoiced
separately from the good; and
(2) The quantities and value of the accessories, spare parts, or
tools are customary for the good.
(b) Regional value content. If the good is subject to a regional
value content requirement, the value of the accessories, spare parts,
or tools is taken into account as originating or non-originating
materials, as the case may be, in calculating the regional value
content of the good under Sec. 10.734 of this subpart.
Sec. 10.737 Fungible goods and materials.
(a) General. A person claiming that a fungible good or material is
an originating good may base the claim either on the physical
segregation of the fungible good or material or by using an inventory
management method with
[[Page 7315]]
respect to the fungible good or material. For purposes of this section,
the term ``inventory management method'' means:
(1) Averaging;
(2) ``Last-in, first-out;''
(3) ``First-in, first-out;'' or
(4) Any other method that is recognized in the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles of the Party in which the production is performed
or otherwise accepted by that country.
(b) Duration of use. A person selecting an inventory management
method under paragraph (a) of this section for a particular fungible
good or material must continue to use that method for that fungible
good or material throughout the fiscal year of that person.
Sec. 10.738 Retail packaging materials and containers.
(a) Effect on tariff shift rule. Packaging materials and containers
in which a good is packaged for retail sale, if classified with the
good for which preferential tariff treatment under the AFTA is claimed,
will be disregarded in determining whether all non-originating
materials used in the production of the good undergo the applicable
change in tariff classification set out in General Note 28(n), HTSUS.
(b) Effect on regional value content calculation. If the good is
subject to a regional value content requirement, the value of such
packaging materials and containers will be taken into account as
originating or non-originating materials, as the case may be, in
calculating the regional value content of the good.
Example 1. Australian Producer A of good C imports 100 non-
originating blister packages to be used as retail packaging for good
C. As provided in Sec. 10.735(a)(1) of this subpart, the value of
the blister packages is their adjusted value, which in this case is
$10. Good C has a regional value content requirement. The United
States importer of good C decides to use the build-down method, RVC
= ((AV - VNM)/AV) x 100 (see Sec. 10.734(b) of this subpart), in
determining whether good C satisfies the regional value content
requirement. In applying this method, the non-originating blister
packages are taken into account as non-originating. As such, their
$10 adjusted value is included in the VNM, value of non-originating
materials, of good C.
Example 2. Same facts as in Example 1, except that the blister
packages are originating. In this case, the adjusted value of the
originating blister packages would not be included as part of the
VNM of good C under the build-down method. However, if the U.S.
importer had used the build-up method, RVC = (VOM/AV) x 100 (see
Sec. 10.734(c) of this subpart), the adjusted value of the blister
packaging would be included as part of the VOM, value of originating
Sec. 10.739 Packing materials and containers for shipment.
(a) Effect on tariff shift rule. Packing materials and containers
for shipment, as defined in Sec. 10.729 (n) of this subpart, are to be
disregarded in determining whether the non-originating materials used
in the production of the good undergo an applicable change in tariff
classification set out in General Note 28(n), HTSUS. Accordingly, such
materials and containers are not required to undergo the applicable
change in tariff classification even if they are non-originating.
(b) Effect on regional value content calculation. Packing materials
and containers for shipment, as defined in Sec. 10.729(n) of this
subpart, are to be disregarded in determining the regional value
content of a good imported into the United States. Accordingly, in
applying the build-down, build-up, or net cost method for determining
the regional value content of a good imported into the United States,
the value of such packing materials and containers for shipment
(whether originating or non-originating) is disregarded and not
included in AV, adjusted value, VNM, value of non-originating
materials, VOM, value of originating materials, or NC, net cost of a
Example. Australian Producer A produces good C. Producer A ships
good C to the U.S. in a shipping container which it purchased from
Company B in Australia. The shipping container is originating. The
value of the shipping container determined under section Sec.
10.735(a)(2) of this subpart is $3. Good C is subject to a regional
value content requirement. The transaction value of good C is $100,
which includes the $3 shipping container. The United States importer
decides to use the build-up method, RVC = (VOM/AV) x 100 (see Sec.
10.734(c) of this subpart), in determining whether good C satisfies
the regional value content requirement. In determining the AV,
adjusted value, of good C imported into the U.S., paragraph (b) of
this section and the definition of AV require a $3 deduction for the
value of the shipping container. Therefore, the AV is $97 ($100 -
$3). In addition, the value of the shipping container is disregarded
and not included in the VOM, value of originating materials.
Sec. 10.740 Indirect materials.
An indirect material, as defined in Sec. 10.729(h) of this
subpart, will be considered to be an originating material without
regard to where it is produced, and its value will be the cost
registered in the accounting records of the producer of the good.
Example. Australian Producer C produces good C using non-
originating material A. Producer C imports non-originating rubber
gloves for use by workers in the production of good C. Good C is
subject to a tariff shift requirement. As provided in Sec.
10.730(b)(1) of this subpart and General Note 28(n), each of the
non-originating materials in good C must undergo the specified
change in tariff classification in order for good C to be considered
originating. Although non-originating material A must undergo the
applicable tariff shift in order for good C to be considered
originating, the rubber gloves do not because they are indirect
materials and are considered originating without regard to where
they are produced.
Sec. 10.741 Third country transportation.
(a) General. A good that has undergone production necessary to
qualify as an originating good under Sec. 10.730 of this subpart will
not be considered an originating good if, subsequent to that
production, the good undergoes further production or any other
operation outside the territories of the Parties, other than unloading,
reloading, or any other operation necessary to preserve the good in
good condition or to transport the good to the territory of a Party.
(b) Documentary evidence. An importer making a claim that a good is
originating may be required to demonstrate, to CBP's satisfaction, that
no further production or subsequent operation, other than permitted
under paragraph (a) of this section, occurred outside the territories
of the Parties. An importer may demonstrate compliance with this
section by submitting documentary evidence. Such evidence may include,
but is not limited to, bills of lading, airway bills, packing lists,
commercial invoices, receiving and inventory records, and customs entry
and exit documents.
Origin Verifications and Determinations
Sec. 10.742 Verification and justification of claim for preferential
(a) Verification. A claim for preferential tariff treatment made
under Sec. 10.723(a) of this subpart, including any statements or
other information submitted to CBP in support of the claim, will be
subject to such verification as the port director deems necessary. In
the event that the port director is provided with insufficient
information to verify or substantiate the claim, the port director may
deny the claim for preferential treatment. A verification of a claim
for preferential treatment may be conducted by means of one or more of
the following:
(1) Requests for information from the importer;
(2) Written requests for information to the exporter or producer;
[[Page 7316]]
(3) Requests for the importer to arrange for the exporter or
producer to provide information directly to CBP;
(4) Visits to the premises of the exporter or producer in
Australia, in accordance with procedures that the Parties adopt
pertaining to the verification; and
(5) Such other procedures as the Parties may agree.
(b) Applicable accounting principles. When conducting a
verification of origin to which Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles may be relevant, CBP will apply and accept the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles applicable in the country of production.
Sec. 10.743 Special rule for verifications in Australia of U.S.
imports of textile and apparel goods.
(a) Procedures to determine whether a claim of origin is accurate.
For the purpose of determining that a claim of origin for a textile or
apparel good is accurate, CBP may request that the government of
Australia conduct a verification, regardless of whether a claim is made
for preferential tariff treatment. While a verification under this
paragraph is being conducted, CBP, if directed by the President, may
take appropriate action which may include suspending the application of
preferential tariff treatment to the textile or apparel good for which
a claim of origin has been made. If an exporter, producer, or other
person refuses to consent to a visit as provided for in this paragraph,
or if CBP is unable to make the determination described in this
paragraph within 12 months after a request for a verification, or CBP
makes a negative determination, CBP, if directed by the President, may
take appropriate action which may include denying the application of
preferential tariff treatment to the textile or apparel good subject to
the verification, and to similar goods exported or produced by the
entity that exported or produced the good.
(b) Procedures to determine compliance with applicable customs laws
and regulations of the U.S. For purposes of enabling CBP to determine
that an exporter or producer is complying with applicable customs laws,
regulations, and procedures in cases in which CBP has a reasonable
suspicion that an Australian exporter or producer is engaging in
unlawful activity relating to trade in textile and apparel goods, CBP
may request that the government of Australia conduct a verification,
regardless of whether a claim is made for preferential tariff
treatment. A ``reasonable suspicion'' for the purpose of this paragraph
will be based on relevant factual information, including information of
the type set forth in Article 6.5 of the AFTA, which indicates
circumvention of applicable laws, regulations or procedures regarding
trade in textile and apparel goods. While a verification under this
paragraph is being conducted, CBP, if directed by the President, may
take appropriate action which may include suspending the application of
preferential tariff treatment to the textile and apparel goods exported
or produced by the Australian entity where the reasonable suspicion of
unlawful activity relates to those goods. If an exporter, producer, or
other person refuses to consent to a visit as provided for in this
paragraph, or if CBP is unable to make the determination described in
this paragraph within 12 months after a request for a verification, or
makes a negative determination, CBP, if directed by the President, may
take appropriate action which may include denying the application of
preferential tariff treatment to any textile or apparel goods exported
or produced by the entity subject to the verification.
(c) Assistance by U.S. officials to Australian authorities. U.S.
officials may undertake or assist in a verification under this section
by conducting visits in Australia, along with the competent authorities
of Australia, to the premises of an exporter, producer or any other
enterprise involved in the movement of textile or apparel goods from
Australia to the United States.
(d) Treatment of documents and information provided to CBP. Any
production, trade and transit documents and other information necessary
to conduct a verification under this section, provided to CBP by the
government of Australia consistent with the laws, regulations, and
procedures of Australia, will be treated as confidential in accordance
with Article 22.4 of the AFTA (Disclosure of Information).
(e) Continuation of appropriate action. CBP may continue to take
appropriate action under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section until it
receives information sufficient to enable it to make the determination
described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
Sec. 10.744 Issuance of negative origin determinations.
If, as a result of an origin verification initiated under this
subpart, CBP determines that a claim for preferential tariff treatment
made under Sec. 10.723(a) of this subpart should be denied, it will
issue a determination in writing or via an authorized electronic data
interchange system to the importer that sets forth the following:
(a) A description of the good that was the subject of the
verification together with the identifying numbers and dates of the
import documents pertaining to the good;
(b) A statement setting forth the findings of fact made in
connection with the verification and upon which the determination is
based; and
(c) With specific reference to the rules applicable to originating
goods as set forth in General Note 28, HTSUS, and in Sec. Sec. 10.729
through 10.741 of this subpart, the legal basis for the determination.
Sec. 10.745 General.
Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, all criminal, civil
or administrative penalties which may be imposed on U.S. importers for
violations of the customs and related laws and regulations will also
apply to U.S. importers for violations of the laws and regulations
relating to the AFTA.
Sec. 10.746 Corrected claim or supporting statement.
An importer who makes a corrected claim under Sec. 10.723(b) of
this subpart will not be subject to civil or administrative penalties
under 19 U.S.C. 1592 for having made an incorrect claim or having
submitted an incorrect supporting statement, provided that the
corrected claim or supporting statement is promptly and voluntarily
made pursuant to the terms set forth in Sec. 10.747 of this subpart.
Sec. 10.747 Framework for correcting claims or supporting statements.
(a) ``Promptly and voluntarily'' defined. Except as provided for in
paragraph (b) of this section, for purposes of this subpart, the making
of a corrected claim or supporting statement will be deemed to have
been done promptly and voluntarily if:
(1)(i) Done within one year following the date on which the
importer made the incorrect claim; or
(ii) Done later than one year following the date on which the
importer made the incorrect claim, provided the corrected claim is
(A) Before the commencement of a formal investigation, within the
meaning of Sec. 162.74(g) of this chapter; or
(B) Before any of the events specified in Sec. 162.74(i) of this
chapter have occurred; or
(C) Within 30 days after the importer initially becomes aware that
the incorrect claim is not valid; and
[[Page 7317]]
(2) Accompanied by a statement setting forth the information
specified in paragraph (c) of this section; and
(3) Accompanied or followed by a tender of any actual loss of
duties and merchandise processing fees, if applicable, in accordance
with paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Exception in cases involving fraud or subsequent incorrect
claims. (1) Fraud. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, an
importer who acted fraudulently in making an incorrect claim may not
make a voluntary correction of that claim. For purposes of this
paragraph, the term ``fraud'' will have the meaning set forth in
paragraph (C)(3) of Appendix B to Part 171 of this chapter.
(2) Subsequent incorrect claims. An importer who makes one or more
incorrect claims after becoming aware that a claim involving the same
merchandise and circumstances is invalid may not make a voluntary
correction of the subsequent claims pursuant to paragraph (a) of this
(c) Statement. For purposes of this subpart, each corrected claim
must be accompanied by a statement, submitted in writing or via an
authorized electronic data interchange system, which:
(1) Identifies the class or kind of good to which the incorrect
claim relates;
(2) Identifies each affected import transaction, including each
port of importation and the approximate date of each importation;
(3) Specifies the nature of the incorrect statements or omissions
regarding the claim; and
(4) Sets forth, to the best of the person's knowledge, the true and
accurate information or data which should have been covered by or
provided in the claim, and states that the person will provide any
additional information or data which is unknown at the time of making
the corrected claim within 30 days or within any extension of that 30-
day period as CBP may permit in order for the person to obtain the
information or data.
(d) Tender of actual loss of duties. A U.S. importer who makes a
corrected claim must tender any actual loss of duties at the time of
making the corrected claim, or within one (1) year thereafter, or
within any extension of that 1-year period as CBP may allow in order
for the importer to obtain the information or data necessary to
calculate the duties owed.
Goods Returned After Repair or Alteration
Sec. 10.748 Goods re-entered after repair or alteration in Australia.
(a) General. This section sets forth the rules which apply for
purposes of obtaining duty-free treatment on goods returned after
repair or alteration in Australia as provided for in subheadings
9802.00.40 and 9802.00.50, HTSUS. Goods returned after having been
repaired or altered in Australia, whether or not pursuant to a
warranty, are eligible for duty-free treatment, provided that the
requirements of this section are met. For purposes of this section,
``repairs or alterations'' means restoration, addition, renovation, re-
dyeing, cleaning, re-sterilizing, or other treatment which does not
destroy the essential characteristics of, or create a new or
commercially different good from, the good exported from the United
States. The term ``repair or alternation'' does not include an
operation or process that transforms an unfinished good into a finished
(b) Goods not eligible for duty-free treatment after repair or
alteration. The duty-free treatment referred to in paragraph (a) of
this section will not apply to goods which, in their condition as
exported from the United States to Australia, are incomplete for their
intended use and for which the processing operation performed in
Australia constitutes an operation that is performed as a matter of
course in the preparation or manufacture of finished goods.
(c) Documentation. The provisions of Sec. 10.8(a) through (c) of
this part, relating to the documentary requirements for goods entered
under subheading 9802.00.40 or 9802.00.50, HTSUS, will apply in
connection with the entry of goods which are returned from Australia
after having been exported for repairs or alterations and which are
claimed to be duty free.
4. The general authority citation for Part 24 and specific authority
for Sec. 24.23 continue to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 58a-58c, 66, 1202 (General
Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States), 1505,
1520, 1624; 26 U.S.C. 4461, 4462; 31 U.S.C. 9701; Pub. L. 107-296,
116 Stat. 2135 (6 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).
* * * * *
Section 24.23 also issued under 19 U.S.C. 3332;
* * * * *
5. Section 24.23 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (c)(8) through
(14) as paragraphs (c)(9) through (15), and adding a new paragraph
(c)(8) to read as follows:
Sec. 24.23 Fees for processing merchandise.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(8) The ad valorem fee, surcharge, and specific fees provided under
paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2)(i) of this section will not apply to goods
that qualify as originating goods under Sec. 203 of the United States-
Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (see also General
Note 28, HTSUS) that are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for
consumption, on or after January 1, 2005.
* * * * *
6. The authority citation for part 162 continues to read in part as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1592, 1593a, 1624.
* * * * *
7. Section 162.0 is amended by revising the last sentence to read as
Sec. 162.0 Scope.
* * * Additional provisions concerning records maintenance and
examination applicable to U.S. importers, exporters and producers under
the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade
Agreement, the Dominican Republic-Central America-U.S. Free Trade
Agreement, the U.S.-Australia Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Morocco
Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement, the
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement, the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion
Agreement, and the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement are
contained in Part 10, Subparts H, I, J, L, M, Q, R, S and T of this
chapter, respectively.
8. The authority citation for part 163 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1484, 1508, 1509, 1510,
* * * * *
9. Section 163.1 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (a)(2)(ix)
through (xvii) as paragraphs (a)(2)(x) through (xviii), and adding a
new paragraph (a)(2)(ix) to read as follows:
[[Page 7318]]
Sec. 163.1 Definitions.
* * * * *
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(ix) The maintenance of any documentation that the importer may
have in support of a claim for preferential tariff treatment under the
United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement (AFTA), including an AFTA
importer's supporting statement.
* * * * *
10. Appendix to Part 163 is amended by adding a listing under section
IV in numerical order to read as follows:
Appendix to Part 163--Interim (a)(1)(A) List
* * * * *
IV. * * *
Sec. 10.723-10.727 AFTA records that the importer may have in
support of an AFTA claim for preferential tariff treatment,
including an importer's supporting statement.
* * * * *
11. The authority citation for part 178 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 1624; 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
12. Section 178.2 is amended by adding new listings for ``Sec. Sec.
10.723 and 10.724'' to the table in numerical order to read as follows:
Sec. 178.2 Listing of OMB control numbers.
19 CFR Section Description OMB control No.
* * * * * * *
Sec. Sec. 10.723 and 10.724. Claim for preferential 1651-0117
tariff treatment
under the US-
Australia Free Trade
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
R. Gil Kerlikowske,
Approved: February 5, 2015.
Timothy E. Skud,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. 2015-02720 Filed 2-9-15; 8:45 am]