Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity, 6669-6671 [2015-02330]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 25 / Friday, February 6, 2015 / Proposed Rules
14. Revise § 213.6 to read as follows:
§ 213.6 Information concerning
Any person may contact the Office
with questions regarding eligibility for
technical assistance. Summaries of the
trade laws and the SBA size standards
can be obtained by writing to the Trade
Remedy Assistance Office, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20436.
Information is also provided on the
Commission’s Web site at https://
By order of the Commission.
Issued: February 2, 2015.
Lisa R. Barton,
Secretary to the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2015–02388 Filed 2–5–15; 8:45 am]
29 CFR Part 1614
RIN 3046–AB00
Federal Sector Equal Employment
Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed
The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (‘‘EEOC’’ or
‘‘Commission’’) is issuing an Advance
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(‘‘ANPRM’’) inviting the public to
submit comments regarding the Federal
sector EEO complaint process. The
Commission primarily is interested in
suggestions that will make the process
more efficient and user-friendly, and
more effective in identifying and
redressing prohibited employment
DATES: Comments and suggestions in
response to the Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking must be received
on or before April 7, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by RIN Number, by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: (202) 663–4114. (There is no
toll free FAX number). Only comments
of six or fewer pages will be accepted
via FAX transmittal, in order to assure
access to the equipment. Receipt of FAX
transmittals will not be acknowledged,
except that the sender may request
confirmation of receipt by calling the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Executive Secretariat staff at (202) 663–
4070 (voice) or (202) 663–4074 (TTY).
(These are not toll free numbers).
• Mail: Bernadette Wilson, Acting
Executive Officer, Executive Secretariat,
Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, 131 M Street
NE., Washington, DC 20507.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: Bernadette
Wilson, Acting Executive Officer,
Executive Secretariat, Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission,
131 M Street NE., Washington, DC
Instructions: The Commission invites
comments from all interested parties.
All comment submissions must include
the agency name and the Regulatory
Information Number (RIN) for this
ANPRM. Comments need be submitted
in only one of the above-listed methods.
All comments received will be posted
without change to https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information you provide.
Comments: For access to the
comments received, go to https://
www.regulations.gov. Copies of the
received comments also will be
available for review by pre-arranged
appointment at the Commission’s
library, 131 M Street NE., Suite
4NW08R, Washington, DC 20507,
between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5
p.m., from April 7, 2015 until the
Commission publishes a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (‘‘NPRM’’)
addressing the Federal sector EEO
complaint process.
Thomas J. Schlageter, Assistant Legal
Counsel, (202) 663–4668, or Gary John
Hozempa, Senior Staff Attorney, (202)
663–4666, or (202) 663–7026 (TTY),
Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission.
(These are not toll free numbers).
Requests for this advance notice in an
alternative format should be made to the
Office of Communications and
Legislative Affairs at (202) 663–4191
(voice) or (202) 663–4494 (TTY). (These
are not toll free numbers).
discussed more fully below, Federal
sector EEO complaint processing
procedures did not originate with EEOC
in 1979, when EEOC was given
oversight authority over the Federal
sector EEO process. Rather, formal,
regulatory procedures first were
promulgated by the Civil Service
Commission (‘‘CSC’’) in 1966, codified
at 5 CFR part 713, and the basic
framework contained in those
procedures was adopted by EEOC in
1979. Although EEOC has revised the
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procedures a number of times, the
original structure inherited from the
CSC—counseling, complaint,
investigation, hearing, final agency
action, and appeal—remains.
The CSC’s complaint processing
scheme was not created in a vacuum.
Rather, the CSC developed its
procedures based on those established
in a series of Executive Orders issued by
Presidents Roosevelt through Nixon.
The first administrative system for
resolving Federal sector EEO complaints
was created in Executive Order (‘‘E.O.’’)
8802 (June 25, 1941). Among other
things, U.S. agencies involved in
‘‘defense production’’ were ordered to
administer their programs ‘‘without
discrimination because of race, creed,
color, or national origin.’’ The Order, as
amended by E.O. 9346 (May 27, 1943),
established a Committee on Fair
Employment Practice whose function
was to formulate policy, promulgate
rules and regulations, investigate EEO
complaints and make findings of fact,
conduct hearings, and provide relief
when appropriate. As can be seen, many
of the element’s in today’s Federal
sector EEO complaint process were
created more than 70 years ago.
E.O. 9980 (July 26, 1948) expanded
the reach of the Federal Government’s
EEO policy to include ‘‘all departments
and agencies of the executive branch
. . .’’ The Order created within each
agency the position of ‘‘Fair
Employment Officer’’ (‘‘FEO’’), the
precursor to today’s Director of Equal
Employment Opportunity (‘‘EEO
Director’’). The E.O. also introduced an
appeal stage, wherein a complainant
could appeal the decision of the agency
head to the Fair Employment Board
(‘‘Board’’) of the CSC. The Board was
empowered to ‘‘make
recommendations’’ to the agency head.
The Board also was given the authority
to promulgate ‘‘necessary’’ rules and
regulations and coordinate EEO policies
and procedures among the agencies.
Over the next 20 years, the CSC’s
authority over the Federal sector EEO
process was modified by subsequent
Presidents. E.O. 10590 (January 18,
1955), as amended, explicitly
superseded E.O. 9980, abolished the
CSC’s Board, and replaced it with a
‘‘President’s Committee.’’ The position
of FEO was replaced with an
‘‘Employment Policy Officer,’’ who, like
a current EEO Director, is ‘‘outside of
the division handling the personnel
matters of the . . . agency’’ and ‘‘under
the immediate supervision of the head
of his department or agency.’’ A
complainant could appeal an agency
final decision to the President’s
Committee, which could issue an
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 25 / Friday, February 6, 2015 / Proposed Rules
advisory opinion. The CSC retained the
authority to issue ‘‘necessary’’
E.O. 11246 (September 24, 1965), as
amended, explicitly superseded all
previous E.O.’s regarding the Federal
sector EEO process and returned
oversight authority to the CSC. In
addition, the CSC was directed to
establish a complaint processing
procedure that included ‘‘at least one
impartial review with the executive
department or agency and [an] appeal to
the Civil Service Commission.’’ 1 In
response, and as noted above, the CSC
issued its first formal complaint
processing regulations in 1966.
Selectively adopting procedures from
the various E.O.’s, CSC’s regulations
required that a complaint be filed with
and investigated by the agency alleged
to have engaged in discrimination, that
an agency offer the complainant a
hearing, and that the agency issue a
final decision on the complaint. A
complainant could appeal an agency’s
final decision to the CSC. E.O. 11478
(August 8, 1969) directed agencies to
‘‘provide access to counseling for
employees who feel aggrieved and shall
encourage the resolution of employee
problems on an informal basis.’’ 2 Thus,
CSC revised its regulations to include
counseling and informal resolution.
In 1972, the Equal Opportunity Act of
1972 was enacted, amending Title VII of
the Civil Rights Act of 1964. New
section 717(a) provided that ‘‘all
personnel actions affecting employees
or applicants for employment’’ in the
executive branch (with some exclusions
and additions) ‘‘shall be free from any
discrimination based on race, color,
religion, sex, or national origin.’’
Importantly, section 717(c) gave Federal
employees the right to file de novo suit
in Federal court once administrative
remedies had been exhausted. While the
Act was being debated, some members
of Congress criticized the CSC’s
administrative EEO complaint process,
noting the conflict of interest inherent
in an agency investigating itself and
determining whether it had engaged in
prohibited discrimination, and the lack
of confidence Federal employees had in
its effectiveness. See S. Rpt. 92–416 at
14, H. Rpt. 92–238 at 23–24. The Senate
Report stated that ‘‘[o]ne feature of the
present equal employment opportunity
program which deserves special
1 E.O. 11375 (October 13, 1967) added sex as a
prohibited basis.
2 In subsequent Executive Orders, additional
bases of discrimination were added to E.O. 11478:
handicap and age (E.O. 12106 (December 28, 1978));
sexual orientation (E.O. 13087 (May 28, 1998));
status as a parent (E.O. 13152 (May 2, 2000)); and,
gender identity (E.O. 13672 (July 21, 2014)).
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scrutiny by the Civil Service
Commission is the complaint process.’’
Furthermore, one version of section
717(b) transferred administrative
oversight of the Federal sector EEO
complaint process from the CSC to
EEOC. The final bill, however, retained
oversight authority in the CSC. In
October 1972, the CSC revised its
regulations at 5 CFR part 713, adding
provisions to reflect that a Federal
complainant who had filed an
administrative EEO complaint had the
right to file a civil action in an
appropriate United States District Court.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
abolished the CSC and created in its
place the Office of Personnel
Management. The Act also created the
Merit Systems Protection Board
(‘‘MSPB’’), the Federal Labor Relations
Authority, and the Office of Special
Counsel. Pursuant to the Reform Act,
Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978, and
E.O. 12106 (December 28, 1978), the
CSC’s functions under section 717 of
Title VII were transferred to EEOC
effective January 1, 1979. At the same
time, EEOC was given enforcement
responsibility regarding the provisions
applicable to Federal employees
contained in the Equal Pay Act of 1963,
the Age Discrimination in Employment
Act of 1967, and the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973.
Pursuant to E.O. 12106, EEOC was
made ‘‘responsible for directing and
furthering the implementation of the
Policy of the Government of the United
States to provide equal employment
opportunity in Federal employment for
all employees and applicants for
employment * * * and to prohibit
discrimination in employment because
of race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, handicap, or age.’’ The Order
directed EEOC, ‘‘after consultation with
all affected departments and agencies,’’
to ‘‘issue such rules, regulations, orders,
and instructions and request such
information from the affected
departments and agencies as it deems
necessary and appropriate to carry out
[E.O. 12106].’’
At the time of the transfer of functions
from the CSC to EEOC, EEOC adopted
CSC’s complaint processing procedures,
only making changes to reflect EEOC’s
oversight authority. Thus, for example,
an administrative hearing was held
before an EEOC ‘‘Complaints Examiner’’
(now referred to as an Administrative
Judge (‘‘AJ’’)), and a complainant could
appeal an agency final decision to
EEOC’s ‘‘Office of Review and Appeals’’
(now called the Office of Federal
Operations). Thus, CSC’s basic
complaint processing structure—
counseling, filing of complaint with the
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agency accused of discrimination,
investigation of the complaint by that
agency, a hearing at complainant’s
request, an agency final decision, and an
optional appeal—remained intact.3
EEOC’s regulations were codified at
29 CFR part 1613. EEOC amended part
1613 in 1980 to authorize agencies to
award attorney’s fees and costs to
prevailing complainants. In 1983, EEOC
and the MSPB added mixed case
complaint procedures to their respective
regulations, at 29 CFR part 1613 and 5
CFR part 1201, respectively.
In 1987, EEOC enacted additional,
minor revisions to part 1613. Among
other things, a provision was added
requiring an agency to notify an
aggrieved person of the election of
remedies pertaining to filing an EEO
complaint, an appeal with MSPB, or a
grievance under a collective bargaining
agreement. Official time for
complainants to prepare and pursue
complaints was addressed. The EEOC’s
then private sector policy statement on
remedies and relief was incorporated
into the Federal sector process.
In 1992, EEOC issued a final rule
abolishing 29 CFR part 1613 (except
with respect to complaints filed before
a certain date), and replaced it with 29
CFR part 1614. While EEOC made
significant changes to many parts of the
complaint process, the basic structure
inherited from the CSC remained.
In 1995, EEOC established a Federal
Sector Workgroup which evaluated the
complaint process and made numerous
recommendations for reform. The
Commission published a Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking in 1998,
proposing many of the Workgroup
recommendations, including requiring
alternative dispute resolution
(hereinafter ‘‘ADR’’) during the
counseling and investigative stages, and
making an AJ decision final. In their
comments, agencies contended that
EEOC could not make an AJ decision
final because section 717 of Title VII
gives an agency the right to take final
action on an administrative EEO
complaint. Consequently, the Final
Rule, published in 1999, while retaining
the ADR requirements, provided an
agency with the opportunity to issue a
notice of final action after receiving an
AJ decision. That final action was not
termed a decision, but it allowed an
agency to indicate whether it would
fully implement the decision of the AJ.
If not, the agency was required to file an
appeal with EEOC.
3 Although E.O. 12106 revised E.O. 11478 to
eliminate the counseling and informal resolution
language of E.O. 11478, EEOC chose not to drop
these components when it adopted the CSC
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 25 / Friday, February 6, 2015 / Proposed Rules
EEOC established another Federal
Sector Workgroup in 2004, again to
consider ways in which to improve the
Federal sector EEO complaint process.
The Workgroup failed to reach internal
consensus for large scale revisions, but
did reach agreement on several discrete
changes that clarified and built upon the
improvements made by the last major
revisions in 1999. The resulting final
rule was published on July 25, 2012. See
77 FR 43498. One revision authorizes
EEOC, after it reviews an agency
program for compliance with EEOC
rules and directives, to issue a notice to
an agency when non-compliance is
found and not corrected. Another
revision allows an agency to seek
approval from EEOC to conduct a
complaint processing pilot project. An
AJ’s decision on the merits of a class
complaint was made final in the revised
regulation, which meant that an agency
could implement it or appeal.
Additionally, there is now a provision
which requires an agency that has not
completed its investigation of a
complaint in a timely manner to notify
the complainant that the investigative
period has expired and that, as a result,
the complainant has an immediate right
to request a hearing or file a civil action.
As previously noted, although the
Federal sector EEO complaint process
has undergone various permutations
over the last seven decades, certain
procedures, once introduced, have
remained. The Truman administration,
for example, introduced agency selfinvestigation and the opportunity to
appeal an agency decision to an outside
entity. The Eisenhower administration
created the hearing and required an
agency to appoint an EEO Officer who
worked outside the personnel office and
was under the immediate supervision of
the agency head. Under President
Nixon, pre-complaint counseling was
established. Thus, when the CSC issued
its last regulations in 1972, the Federal
sector complaint process consisted of a
combination of requirements first
introduced in the various Executive
Orders and certain rights provided by
section 717 of Title VII.
In this regard, when most of the
Executive Orders discussed above were
issued, EEOC either did not exist or did
not have oversight authority for the
Federal sector. Questions that the
Commission wishes the public to
explore and answer in response to this
ANPRM are as follows:
1. If EEOC were to create a new
Federal sector EEOC complaint process,
what current elements would you retain
or remove, and what new elements
would you introduce?
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a. With respect to a current element
you believe should be retained, in what
way does that element provide value,
efficiency, or fairness?
b. With respect to a current element
you believe should be removed, how
will its removal improve the process for
the complainant, the agency, or both?
c. With respect to a new element, why
should it be included, and how will it
improve the process for the
complainant, the agency, or both?
2. Should the process include an
investigative stage?
a. Should agency personnel
investigate complaints filed against the
b. Should agencies pick from a pool
of investigators made up of in-house
personnel from various agencies so that
no agency is investigated by one of its
own investigators?
c. Should investigators employed by
EEOC conduct all investigations, similar
to the process EEOC uses when an
aggrieved individual from the private
sector files a charge of employment
discrimination with EEOC?
3. Should the hearing stage be
a. If the hearing stage is retained as a
matter of right, should the
administrative hearing take place after
an investigation?
b. If there is a hearing, should the
hearing be a continuation of the
investigative process, as it is now, or
should the hearing be adversarial in
nature, such as those conducted by the
c. Should there be a hearing as of right
only as an alternative to an
d. Should a hearing always be
discretionary, and if so, at whose
4. What time limits should be
imposed at various stages of the
a. How many days should a
complainant have to contact a counselor
from the date of the alleged
discriminatory matter?
b. How many days should a
complainant have to file a complaint
following the conclusion of counseling?
c. If there is an investigative stage,
within how many days should the
investigation be completed?
d. How many days should a
complainant and agency have to file an
appeal from an agency final action?
5. What standard of review should
apply when EEOC considers an appeal?
a. What standard of review should
apply when there is a hearing decision?
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b. What standard of review should
apply when there is only an agency
6. How can the Commission continue
to enhance its ability to ensure agencies’
compliance with Federal sector equal
employment opportunity requirements
and the Federal sector EEO complaint
a. For example, pursuant to 29 CFR
1614.102(e), should the EEOC conduct
Commission meetings from time to time
to review agencies’ compliance efforts?
b. Also, for example, as part of the
complaint process, should the
Commissioners from time to time hear
arguments on appeals from final agency
c. What value would these and any
other related ideas bring to the Federal
sector complaint process?
7. When discrimination is found,
what enforcement mechanisms can
EEOC use to ensure agency compliance?
The above questions are not meant to
be exhaustive and, in fact, only touch
upon the many issues and stages of the
current complaint process. Therefore,
EEOC is interested in any ideas and
comments regarding all aspects of the
process. In this regard, EEOC will
consider comments that advocate
abolition of all or part of the current
system coupled with ideas for a
replacement system, as well as
comments from those who believe that
only a few changes are necessary in
order to improve the Federal sector
complaint process.
In drafting comments, stakeholders
and other members of the public should
keep in mind the requirements imposed
by section 717 of Title VII, which
cannot be altered or discarded. This
means for example, that any
administrative process must include
agency final action on a complaint and
the opportunity for a complainant to
appeal the agency’s final action to
EEOC. Additionally, a complainant’s
right to file a civil action and the time
limits applicable to that right cannot be
changed. Comments advocating that
EEOC retain any non-mandated feature
of the current process should be based
on a fresh assessment of the extent to
which that element has served to
advance the policy goals and purposes
of the EEO statutes.
For the Commission,
Dated: January 30, 2015.
Jenny R. Yang,
[FR Doc. 2015–02330 Filed 2–5–15; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 25 (Friday, February 6, 2015)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 6669-6671]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-02330]
29 CFR Part 1614
RIN 3046-AB00
Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity
AGENCY: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (``EEOC'' or
``Commission'') is issuing an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(``ANPRM'') inviting the public to submit comments regarding the
Federal sector EEO complaint process. The Commission primarily is
interested in suggestions that will make the process more efficient and
user-friendly, and more effective in identifying and redressing
prohibited employment discrimination.
DATES: Comments and suggestions in response to the Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking must be received on or before April 7, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by RIN Number, by any of
the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov.
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Fax: (202) 663-4114. (There is no toll free FAX number).
Only comments of six or fewer pages will be accepted via FAX
transmittal, in order to assure access to the equipment. Receipt of FAX
transmittals will not be acknowledged, except that the sender may
request confirmation of receipt by calling the Executive Secretariat
staff at (202) 663-4070 (voice) or (202) 663-4074 (TTY). (These are not
toll free numbers).
Mail: Bernadette Wilson, Acting Executive Officer,
Executive Secretariat, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 131 M Street NE., Washington,
DC 20507.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Bernadette Wilson, Acting Executive
Officer, Executive Secretariat, Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, 131 M Street NE., Washington, DC 20507.
Instructions: The Commission invites comments from all interested
parties. All comment submissions must include the agency name and the
Regulatory Information Number (RIN) for this ANPRM. Comments need be
submitted in only one of the above-listed methods. All comments
received will be posted without change to https://www.regulations.gov,
including any personal information you provide.
Comments: For access to the comments received, go to https://www.regulations.gov. Copies of the received comments also will be
available for review by pre-arranged appointment at the Commission's
library, 131 M Street NE., Suite 4NW08R, Washington, DC 20507, between
the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., from April 7, 2015 until the
Commission publishes a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (``NPRM'')
addressing the Federal sector EEO complaint process.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas J. Schlageter, Assistant Legal
Counsel, (202) 663-4668, or Gary John Hozempa, Senior Staff Attorney,
(202) 663-4666, or (202) 663-7026 (TTY), Office of Legal Counsel, U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (These are not toll free
numbers). Requests for this advance notice in an alternative format
should be made to the Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs
at (202) 663-4191 (voice) or (202) 663-4494 (TTY). (These are not toll
free numbers).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As discussed more fully below, Federal
sector EEO complaint processing procedures did not originate with EEOC
in 1979, when EEOC was given oversight authority over the Federal
sector EEO process. Rather, formal, regulatory procedures first were
promulgated by the Civil Service Commission (``CSC'') in 1966, codified
at 5 CFR part 713, and the basic framework contained in those
procedures was adopted by EEOC in 1979. Although EEOC has revised the
procedures a number of times, the original structure inherited from the
CSC--counseling, complaint, investigation, hearing, final agency
action, and appeal--remains.
The CSC's complaint processing scheme was not created in a vacuum.
Rather, the CSC developed its procedures based on those established in
a series of Executive Orders issued by Presidents Roosevelt through
Nixon. The first administrative system for resolving Federal sector EEO
complaints was created in Executive Order (``E.O.'') 8802 (June 25,
1941). Among other things, U.S. agencies involved in ``defense
production'' were ordered to administer their programs ``without
discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin.'' The
Order, as amended by E.O. 9346 (May 27, 1943), established a Committee
on Fair Employment Practice whose function was to formulate policy,
promulgate rules and regulations, investigate EEO complaints and make
findings of fact, conduct hearings, and provide relief when
appropriate. As can be seen, many of the element's in today's Federal
sector EEO complaint process were created more than 70 years ago.
E.O. 9980 (July 26, 1948) expanded the reach of the Federal
Government's EEO policy to include ``all departments and agencies of
the executive branch . . .'' The Order created within each agency the
position of ``Fair Employment Officer'' (``FEO''), the precursor to
today's Director of Equal Employment Opportunity (``EEO Director'').
The E.O. also introduced an appeal stage, wherein a complainant could
appeal the decision of the agency head to the Fair Employment Board
(``Board'') of the CSC. The Board was empowered to ``make
recommendations'' to the agency head. The Board also was given the
authority to promulgate ``necessary'' rules and regulations and
coordinate EEO policies and procedures among the agencies.
Over the next 20 years, the CSC's authority over the Federal sector
EEO process was modified by subsequent Presidents. E.O. 10590 (January
18, 1955), as amended, explicitly superseded E.O. 9980, abolished the
CSC's Board, and replaced it with a ``President's Committee.'' The
position of FEO was replaced with an ``Employment Policy Officer,''
who, like a current EEO Director, is ``outside of the division handling
the personnel matters of the . . . agency'' and ``under the immediate
supervision of the head of his department or agency.'' A complainant
could appeal an agency final decision to the President's Committee,
which could issue an
[[Page 6670]]
advisory opinion. The CSC retained the authority to issue ``necessary''
E.O. 11246 (September 24, 1965), as amended, explicitly superseded
all previous E.O.'s regarding the Federal sector EEO process and
returned oversight authority to the CSC. In addition, the CSC was
directed to establish a complaint processing procedure that included
``at least one impartial review with the executive department or agency
and [an] appeal to the Civil Service Commission.'' \1\ In response, and
as noted above, the CSC issued its first formal complaint processing
regulations in 1966. Selectively adopting procedures from the various
E.O.'s, CSC's regulations required that a complaint be filed with and
investigated by the agency alleged to have engaged in discrimination,
that an agency offer the complainant a hearing, and that the agency
issue a final decision on the complaint. A complainant could appeal an
agency's final decision to the CSC. E.O. 11478 (August 8, 1969)
directed agencies to ``provide access to counseling for employees who
feel aggrieved and shall encourage the resolution of employee problems
on an informal basis.'' \2\ Thus, CSC revised its regulations to
include counseling and informal resolution.
\1\ E.O. 11375 (October 13, 1967) added sex as a prohibited
\2\ In subsequent Executive Orders, additional bases of
discrimination were added to E.O. 11478: handicap and age (E.O.
12106 (December 28, 1978)); sexual orientation (E.O. 13087 (May 28,
1998)); status as a parent (E.O. 13152 (May 2, 2000)); and, gender
identity (E.O. 13672 (July 21, 2014)).
In 1972, the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972 was enacted, amending
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. New section 717(a) provided
that ``all personnel actions affecting employees or applicants for
employment'' in the executive branch (with some exclusions and
additions) ``shall be free from any discrimination based on race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin.'' Importantly, section 717(c)
gave Federal employees the right to file de novo suit in Federal court
once administrative remedies had been exhausted. While the Act was
being debated, some members of Congress criticized the CSC's
administrative EEO complaint process, noting the conflict of interest
inherent in an agency investigating itself and determining whether it
had engaged in prohibited discrimination, and the lack of confidence
Federal employees had in its effectiveness. See S. Rpt. 92-416 at 14,
H. Rpt. 92-238 at 23-24. The Senate Report stated that ``[o]ne feature
of the present equal employment opportunity program which deserves
special scrutiny by the Civil Service Commission is the complaint
process.'' Furthermore, one version of section 717(b) transferred
administrative oversight of the Federal sector EEO complaint process
from the CSC to EEOC. The final bill, however, retained oversight
authority in the CSC. In October 1972, the CSC revised its regulations
at 5 CFR part 713, adding provisions to reflect that a Federal
complainant who had filed an administrative EEO complaint had the right
to file a civil action in an appropriate United States District Court.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 abolished the CSC and created
in its place the Office of Personnel Management. The Act also created
the Merit Systems Protection Board (``MSPB''), the Federal Labor
Relations Authority, and the Office of Special Counsel. Pursuant to the
Reform Act, Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978, and E.O. 12106 (December
28, 1978), the CSC's functions under section 717 of Title VII were
transferred to EEOC effective January 1, 1979. At the same time, EEOC
was given enforcement responsibility regarding the provisions
applicable to Federal employees contained in the Equal Pay Act of 1963,
the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Pursuant to E.O. 12106, EEOC was made ``responsible for directing
and furthering the implementation of the Policy of the Government of
the United States to provide equal employment opportunity in Federal
employment for all employees and applicants for employment * * * and to
prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, handicap, or age.'' The Order directed EEOC,
``after consultation with all affected departments and agencies,'' to
``issue such rules, regulations, orders, and instructions and request
such information from the affected departments and agencies as it deems
necessary and appropriate to carry out [E.O. 12106].''
At the time of the transfer of functions from the CSC to EEOC, EEOC
adopted CSC's complaint processing procedures, only making changes to
reflect EEOC's oversight authority. Thus, for example, an
administrative hearing was held before an EEOC ``Complaints Examiner''
(now referred to as an Administrative Judge (``AJ'')), and a
complainant could appeal an agency final decision to EEOC's ``Office of
Review and Appeals'' (now called the Office of Federal Operations).
Thus, CSC's basic complaint processing structure--counseling, filing of
complaint with the agency accused of discrimination, investigation of
the complaint by that agency, a hearing at complainant's request, an
agency final decision, and an optional appeal--remained intact.\3\
\3\ Although E.O. 12106 revised E.O. 11478 to eliminate the
counseling and informal resolution language of E.O. 11478, EEOC
chose not to drop these components when it adopted the CSC
EEOC's regulations were codified at 29 CFR part 1613. EEOC amended
part 1613 in 1980 to authorize agencies to award attorney's fees and
costs to prevailing complainants. In 1983, EEOC and the MSPB added
mixed case complaint procedures to their respective regulations, at 29
CFR part 1613 and 5 CFR part 1201, respectively.
In 1987, EEOC enacted additional, minor revisions to part 1613.
Among other things, a provision was added requiring an agency to notify
an aggrieved person of the election of remedies pertaining to filing an
EEO complaint, an appeal with MSPB, or a grievance under a collective
bargaining agreement. Official time for complainants to prepare and
pursue complaints was addressed. The EEOC's then private sector policy
statement on remedies and relief was incorporated into the Federal
sector process.
In 1992, EEOC issued a final rule abolishing 29 CFR part 1613
(except with respect to complaints filed before a certain date), and
replaced it with 29 CFR part 1614. While EEOC made significant changes
to many parts of the complaint process, the basic structure inherited
from the CSC remained.
In 1995, EEOC established a Federal Sector Workgroup which
evaluated the complaint process and made numerous recommendations for
reform. The Commission published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in
1998, proposing many of the Workgroup recommendations, including
requiring alternative dispute resolution (hereinafter ``ADR'') during
the counseling and investigative stages, and making an AJ decision
final. In their comments, agencies contended that EEOC could not make
an AJ decision final because section 717 of Title VII gives an agency
the right to take final action on an administrative EEO complaint.
Consequently, the Final Rule, published in 1999, while retaining the
ADR requirements, provided an agency with the opportunity to issue a
notice of final action after receiving an AJ decision. That final
action was not termed a decision, but it allowed an agency to indicate
whether it would fully implement the decision of the AJ. If not, the
agency was required to file an appeal with EEOC.
[[Page 6671]]
EEOC established another Federal Sector Workgroup in 2004, again to
consider ways in which to improve the Federal sector EEO complaint
process. The Workgroup failed to reach internal consensus for large
scale revisions, but did reach agreement on several discrete changes
that clarified and built upon the improvements made by the last major
revisions in 1999. The resulting final rule was published on July 25,
2012. See 77 FR 43498. One revision authorizes EEOC, after it reviews
an agency program for compliance with EEOC rules and directives, to
issue a notice to an agency when non-compliance is found and not
corrected. Another revision allows an agency to seek approval from EEOC
to conduct a complaint processing pilot project. An AJ's decision on
the merits of a class complaint was made final in the revised
regulation, which meant that an agency could implement it or appeal.
Additionally, there is now a provision which requires an agency that
has not completed its investigation of a complaint in a timely manner
to notify the complainant that the investigative period has expired and
that, as a result, the complainant has an immediate right to request a
hearing or file a civil action.
As previously noted, although the Federal sector EEO complaint
process has undergone various permutations over the last seven decades,
certain procedures, once introduced, have remained. The Truman
administration, for example, introduced agency self-investigation and
the opportunity to appeal an agency decision to an outside entity. The
Eisenhower administration created the hearing and required an agency to
appoint an EEO Officer who worked outside the personnel office and was
under the immediate supervision of the agency head. Under President
Nixon, pre-complaint counseling was established. Thus, when the CSC
issued its last regulations in 1972, the Federal sector complaint
process consisted of a combination of requirements first introduced in
the various Executive Orders and certain rights provided by section 717
of Title VII.
In this regard, when most of the Executive Orders discussed above
were issued, EEOC either did not exist or did not have oversight
authority for the Federal sector. Questions that the Commission wishes
the public to explore and answer in response to this ANPRM are as
1. If EEOC were to create a new Federal sector EEOC complaint
process, what current elements would you retain or remove, and what new
elements would you introduce?
a. With respect to a current element you believe should be
retained, in what way does that element provide value, efficiency, or
b. With respect to a current element you believe should be removed,
how will its removal improve the process for the complainant, the
agency, or both?
c. With respect to a new element, why should it be included, and
how will it improve the process for the complainant, the agency, or
2. Should the process include an investigative stage?
a. Should agency personnel investigate complaints filed against the
b. Should agencies pick from a pool of investigators made up of in-
house personnel from various agencies so that no agency is investigated
by one of its own investigators?
c. Should investigators employed by EEOC conduct all
investigations, similar to the process EEOC uses when an aggrieved
individual from the private sector files a charge of employment
discrimination with EEOC?
3. Should the hearing stage be retained?
a. If the hearing stage is retained as a matter of right, should
the administrative hearing take place after an investigation?
b. If there is a hearing, should the hearing be a continuation of
the investigative process, as it is now, or should the hearing be
adversarial in nature, such as those conducted by the MSPB?
c. Should there be a hearing as of right only as an alternative to
an investigation?
d. Should a hearing always be discretionary, and if so, at whose
4. What time limits should be imposed at various stages of the
a. How many days should a complainant have to contact a counselor
from the date of the alleged discriminatory matter?
b. How many days should a complainant have to file a complaint
following the conclusion of counseling?
c. If there is an investigative stage, within how many days should
the investigation be completed?
d. How many days should a complainant and agency have to file an
appeal from an agency final action?
5. What standard of review should apply when EEOC considers an
a. What standard of review should apply when there is a hearing
b. What standard of review should apply when there is only an
agency decision?
6. How can the Commission continue to enhance its ability to ensure
agencies' compliance with Federal sector equal employment opportunity
requirements and the Federal sector EEO complaint process?
a. For example, pursuant to 29 CFR 1614.102(e), should the EEOC
conduct Commission meetings from time to time to review agencies'
compliance efforts?
b. Also, for example, as part of the complaint process, should the
Commissioners from time to time hear arguments on appeals from final
agency actions?
c. What value would these and any other related ideas bring to the
Federal sector complaint process?
7. When discrimination is found, what enforcement mechanisms can
EEOC use to ensure agency compliance?
The above questions are not meant to be exhaustive and, in fact,
only touch upon the many issues and stages of the current complaint
process. Therefore, EEOC is interested in any ideas and comments
regarding all aspects of the process. In this regard, EEOC will
consider comments that advocate abolition of all or part of the current
system coupled with ideas for a replacement system, as well as comments
from those who believe that only a few changes are necessary in order
to improve the Federal sector complaint process.
In drafting comments, stakeholders and other members of the public
should keep in mind the requirements imposed by section 717 of Title
VII, which cannot be altered or discarded. This means for example, that
any administrative process must include agency final action on a
complaint and the opportunity for a complainant to appeal the agency's
final action to EEOC. Additionally, a complainant's right to file a
civil action and the time limits applicable to that right cannot be
changed. Comments advocating that EEOC retain any non-mandated feature
of the current process should be based on a fresh assessment of the
extent to which that element has served to advance the policy goals and
purposes of the EEO statutes.
For the Commission,
Dated: January 30, 2015.
Jenny R. Yang,
[FR Doc. 2015-02330 Filed 2-5-15; 8:45 am]