Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant, 3662-3664 [2015-01195]
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 15 / Friday, January 23, 2015 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
January 2011. The NRC staff has rewritten DG–1245 to more clearly
identify the dams and other water
control structures subject to this
guidance document and is issuing it for
a second round of public review and
Since the release of Revision 1 of RG
1.127 in March 1978, the Federal
guidelines for safety and inspection of
dams and other water control structures
have undergone significant revision.
This DG is being updated to provide
licensees and applicants with the most
current guidance and to help ensure that
applicants and licensees are able to
demonstrate compliance with the
applicable regulations.
This DG describes a method the staff
of the NRC considers acceptable for
designing and developing appropriate
inservice inspection (ISI) and
surveillance programs for dams, slopes,
canals, and other water-control
structures associated with emergency
cooling water systems or flood
protection of nuclear power plants.
This DG applies only to water control
structures (e.g., dams, slopes, canals,
reservoirs, and associated conveyance
facilities) which are part of the nuclear
power plant and whose failure could
either cause site flooding, the failure of
the plant’s emergency cooling systems,
or otherwise endanger the plant.
III. Backfitting and Issue Finality
This DG, if finalized, does not
constitute backfitting as defined in
§ 50.109 of Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR) (the
Backfit Rule), and is not otherwise
inconsistent with the issue finality
provisions in 10 CFR part 52, ‘‘Licenses,
Certifications and Approvals for Nuclear
Power Plants.’’ This DG provides
guidance on one possible means for
meeting NRC’s regulatory requirements
for developing appropriate ISI and
surveillance programs for dams, slopes,
canals, and other water-control
structures associated with emergency
cooling and flood protection water
systems as required by General Design
Criterion (GDC) 45, ‘‘Inspection of
Cooling Water System,’’ of Appendix A,
‘‘General Design Criteria for Nuclear
Power Plants,’’ to 10 CFR part 50,
‘‘Domestic Licensing of Production and
Utilization Facilities’’ (10 CFR part 50).
Existing licensees and applicants of
final design certification rules will not
be required to comply with the new
positions set forth in this DG, unless the
licensee or design certification rule
applicant seeks a voluntary change to its
licensing basis with respect to ISI or
surveillance programs for water control
structures, and where the NRC
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determines that the safety review must
include consideration of the ISI or
surveillance program. Further
information on the staff’s use of the DG,
if finalized, is contained in the DG
under Section D. Implementation.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 16th day
of January, 2015.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Harriet Karagiannis,
Acting Branch Chief, Regulatory Guidance
and Generic Issues Branch, Division of
Engineering, Office of Nuclear Regulatory
[FR Doc. 2015–01155 Filed 1–22–15; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 50–302; NRC–2015–0010]
Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Crystal
River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Environmental assessment and
finding of no significant impact; final
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is considering
issuance of exemptions in response to a
March 28, 2014, request from Duke
Energy Florida, Inc. (DEF or the
licensee), representing itself and the
other owners of the Crystal River Unit
3 Nuclear Generating Plant (CR–3). One
exemption would permit the licensee to
use funds from the CR–3
decommissioning trust (the Trust) for
irradiated fuel management and site
restoration activities. Another
exemption would allow the licensee to
use withdrawals from the Trust for these
activities without prior notification to
the NRC. The NRC staff is issuing a final
Environmental Assessment (EA) and
final Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI) associated with the proposed
Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2015–0010 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may obtain publicly-available
information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and search
for Docket ID NRC–2015–0010. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol
Gallagher; telephone: 301–287–3422;
email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For
technical questions, contact the
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
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section of this
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS public documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then
select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,
please contact the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at
1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by
email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The
ADAMS accession number for each
document referenced (if that document
is available in ADAMS) is provided the
first time that a document is referenced.
The request for exemption, dated March
28, 2014, is available in ADAMS under
Accession No. ML14098A037.
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
Michael Orenak, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
DC 20555–0001; telephone: 301–415–
3229; email: Michael.Orenak@nrc.gov.
I. Introduction
The NRC is considering issuance of
exemptions from Sections
50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 50.75(h)(2) of Title
10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR) for Facility Operating License
No. DPR–72, issued to DEF, for CR–3,
located in Citrus County, Florida. The
licensee requested the exemptions by
letter dated March 28, 2014. The
exemptions would allow the licensee to
use funds from the Trust for irradiated
fuel management and site restoration
activities without prior notice to the
NRC, in the same manner that funds
from the Trust are used under 10 CFR
50.82(a)(8) for decommissioning
activities. Consistent with 10 CFR 51.21,
the NRC has reviewed the requirements
in 10 CFR 51.20(b) and 10 CFR 51.22(c)
and has determined that an EA is the
appropriate form of environmental
review. Based on the results of the EA,
which is provided in Section II below,
the NRC is issuing this final FONSI.
II. Environmental Assessment
Description of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would exempt
DEF from meeting the requirements set
forth in 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10
CFR 50.75(h)(2). Specifically, the
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 15 / Friday, January 23, 2015 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
proposed action would allow DEF to use
funds from the Trust for irradiated fuel
management and site restoration
activities not associated with
radiological decontamination and
would exempt DEF from meeting the
requirement for prior notification to the
NRC for these activities.
The proposed action is in accordance
with the licensee’s application dated
March 28, 2014.
Need for the Proposed Action
By letter dated February 20, 2013
(ADAMS Accession No. ML13056A005),
DEF informed the NRC that it had
permanently ceased power operations at
CR–3 and that the CR–3 reactor vessel
had been permanently defueled. CR–3
has not operated since September 2009.
As required by 10 CFR
50.82(a)(8)(i)(A), decommissioning trust
funds may be used by the licensee if the
withdrawals are for legitimate
decommissioning activity expenses,
consistent with the definition of
decommissioning in 10 CFR 50.2. This
definition addresses radiological
decontamination and does not include
activities associated with irradiated fuel
management or site restoration.
Similarly, the requirements of 10 CFR
50.75(h)(2) restrict the use of
decommissioning trust fund
disbursements (other than for ordinary
and incidental expenses) to
decommissioning expenses until final
decommissioning has been completed.
Therefore, exemptions from 10 CFR
50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2)
are needed to allow DEF to use funds
from the Trust for irradiated fuel
management and site restoration
The licensee states that the Trust
contains funds for decommissioning
that are commingled with funds
intended for irradiated fuel management
and other site restoration activities not
associated with radiological
decontamination. The adequacy of
funds in the Trust to cover the costs of
activities associated with irradiated fuel
management and site restoration in
addition to radiological
decontamination through license
termination is supported by the CR–3
Annual Decommissioning and
Irradiated Fuel Management Financial
Status Report submitted by DEF in a
March 31, 2014, letter (ADAMS
Accession No. ML14098A039). The
licensee states that it needs access to the
funds in the Trust in excess of those
needed for radiological decontamination
to support irradiated fuel management
and other site restoration activities not
associated with radiological
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The requirements of 10 CFR
50.75(h)(2) further provide that, except
for decommissioning withdrawals being
made under 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8) or for
payments of ordinary administrative
costs and other incidental expenses of
the Trust, no disbursement may be
made from the Trust until written notice
of the intention to make a disbursement
has been given to the NRC at least 30
working days in advance of the
intended disbursement. Therefore, an
exemption from 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2) is
needed to allow DEF to use funds from
the Trust for irradiated fuel management
and site restoration activities without
prior NRC notification.
In summary, by letter dated March 28,
2014, DEF requested exemptions to
allow Trust withdrawals, without prior
written notification to the NRC, for
irradiated fuel management and site
restoration activities.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed
The proposed action involves
exemptions from requirements that are
of a financial or administrative nature
and that do not have an impact on the
environment. The NRC has completed
its evaluation of the proposed action
and concludes that there is reasonable
assurance that adequate funds are
available in the Trust to complete all
activities associated with
decommissioning, site restoration, and
irradiated fuel management. There is no
decrease in safety associated with the
use of the Trust to fund activities
associated with irradiated fuel
management and site restoration.
Section 50.82(a)(8)(v) of 10 CFR requires
a licensee to submit a financial
assurance status report annually
between the time of submitting its
decommissioning cost estimate and
submitting its final radiation survey and
demonstrating that residual
radioactivity has been reduced to a level
that permits termination of its license. If
the remaining balance, plus expected
rate of return, plus any other financial
surety mechanism does not cover the
estimated costs to complete the
decommissioning, additional financial
assurance must be provided. These
annual reports provide a means for the
NRC to monitor the adequacy of
available funding. Since the exemptions
would allow DEF to use funds from the
Trust that are in excess of those required
for radiological decontamination of the
site and the adequacy of funds
dedicated for radiological
decontamination are not affected by the
proposed exemptions, there is
reasonable assurance that there will be
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no environmental impact due to lack of
adequate funding for decommissioning.
The proposed action will not
significantly increase the probability or
consequences of accidents. No changes
are being made in the types of effluents
that may be released offsite. There is no
significant increase in the amount of
any effluent released offsite. There is no
significant increase in occupational or
public radiation exposure. Therefore,
there are no significant radiological
environmental impacts associated with
the proposed action.
With regard to potential
nonradiological impacts, the proposed
action does not have any foreseeable
impacts to land, air, or water resources,
including impacts to biota. In addition,
there are no known socioeconomic or
environmental justice impacts
associated with such proposed action.
Therefore, there are no significant
nonradiological environmental impacts
associated with the proposed action.
Accordingly, the NRC concludes that
there are no significant environmental
impacts associated with the proposed
Environmental Impacts of the
Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed
action, the staff considered denial of the
proposed action (i.e., the ‘‘no-action’’
alternative). Denial of the application
would result in no change in current
environmental impacts. The
environmental impacts of the proposed
action and the alternative action are
Alternative Use of Resources
The proposed action does not involve
the use of any different resources than
those previously considered in the Final
Environmental Statement for CR–3,
dated May 1973 (ADAMS Accession No.
Agencies or Persons Consulted
The staff did not enter into
consultation with any other Federal
Agency or with the State of Florida
regarding the environmental impact of
the proposed action. On October 14,
2014, the Florida state representatives
were notified of the EA and FONSI.
III. Finding of No Significant Impact
The licensee has proposed
exemptions from 10 CFR
50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2),
which would allow DEF to use funds
from the Trust for irradiated fuel
management and site restoration
activities, without prior written
notification to the NRC.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 15 / Friday, January 23, 2015 / Notices
Consistent with 10 CFR 51.21, the
NRC conducted the environmental
assessment for the proposed action
included in Section II above and
incorporated by reference in this
finding. On the basis of this
environmental assessment, the NRC
concludes that the proposed action will
not have significant effects on the
quality of the human environment.
Accordingly, the NRC has determined
not to prepare an environmental impact
statement for the proposed action. Other
than the licensee’s letter, dated March
28, 2014, there are no other
environmental documents associated
with this review. This document is
available for public inspection as
indicated above.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day
of January, 2015.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Douglas A. Broaddus,
Chief, Plant Licensing Branch IV–2 and
Decommissioning Transition Branch,
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2015–01195 Filed 1–22–15; 8:45 am]
In the Matter of All Operating Reactor
Licensees With Mark I Containments
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Director’s decision under 10
CFR 2.206; issuance.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) has issued a
director’s decision with regard to a
petition dated April 13, 2011, filed by
Mr. Paul Gunter, Director for Reactor
Oversight Project of Beyond Nuclear
(the petitioner), requesting that the NRC
take action with regard to all operating
General Electric (GE) Boiling Water
Reactor (BWR) licensees with Mark I
primary containment system (the
DATES: January 23, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2015–0009 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may obtain publicly-available
information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov and search
for Docket ID NRC–2015–0009. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol
Gallagher; telephone: 301–287–3442;
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For
technical questions, contact the
individual listed in the FOR FURTHER
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publiclyavailable documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘ADAMS Public Documents’’ and then
select ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.’’ For problems with ADAMS,
please contact the NRC’s Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at
1–800–397–4209, 301–415–4737, or by
email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The
ADAMS accession number for each
document referenced (if it is available in
ADAMS) is provided the first time that
a document is referenced.
• NRC’s PDR: You may examine and
purchase copies of public documents at
the NRC’s PDR, Room O1–F21, One
White Flint North, 11555 Rockville
Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
P. Lingam, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, Washington, DC 20555–
0001; telephone: 301–415–1564, email:
hereby given that the Deputy Director,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,
has issued a director’s decision
(ADAMS Accession No. ML14337A243)
on a petition filed by the petitioner on
April 13, 2011 (ADAMS Accession No.
The petitioner requested that the NRC
order the immediate suspension of the
operating licenses of all GE BWRs that
utilize the Mark I primary containment
system. As the basis of the request, the
petitioner cited the events in Japan at
the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power
On June 8, 2011 and October 7, 2011,
the petitioner met with the NRC’s
Petition Review Board. The meeting
provided the petitioner an opportunity
to provide additional information and to
clarify the issues cited in the petition.
Information regarding those meetings,
including meeting transcripts are
available in ADAMS under Package
Accession Nos. ML11166A137 and
ML11292A159 respectively.
The NRC sent a copy of the proposed
director’s decision to the petitioner and
the licensees for comments on October
27, 2014 (ADAMS Package Accession
No. ML14198A098). The petitioner and
the licensees were asked to provide
comments within 30 days on any part of
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the proposed director’s decision that
was considered to be erroneous or any
issues in the petition that were not
addressed. The NRC staff did not
receive comments on the proposed
director’s decision.
The Deputy Director of the Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation has
determined that the request, to require
that the NRC order the immediate
suspension of the operating licenses of
all GE BWRs that utilize the Mark I
primary containment system, was
resolved through the issuance of orders,
written statements in accordance with
Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR), rulemaking, and
the Emergency Response Data System
initiative. The reasons for this decision
are explained in the director’s decision
(DD–15–01) pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206 of
the Commission’s regulations.
The NRC will file a copy of the
director’s decision with the Secretary of
the Commission for the Commission’s
review in accordance with 10 CFR
2.206. As provided by this regulation,
the director’s decision will constitute
the final action of the Commission 25
days after the date of the decision unless
the Commission, on its own motion,
institutes a review of the director’s
decision in that time.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day
of January, 2015.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Jennifer L. Uhle,
Deputy Director, for Reactor Safety Programs
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2015–01197 Filed 1–22–15; 8:45 am]
Proposed Submission of Information
Collections for OMB Review; Comment
Request; Reportable Events; Notice of
Failure To Make Required
Pension Benefit Guaranty
ACTION: Notice of intention to request
extension of OMB approval of revised
collections of information.
The Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) intends to request
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) extend approval (with
modifications), under the Paperwork
Reduction Act, of two collections of
information under PBGC’s regulation on
Reportable Events and Certain Other
Notification Requirements (OMB control
numbers 1212–0013 and 1212–0041,
expiring March 31, 2015). This notice
[Federal Register Volume 80, Number 15 (Friday, January 23, 2015)]
[Pages 3662-3664]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2015-01195]
[Docket No. 50-302; NRC-2015-0010]
Duke Energy Florida, Inc.; Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear
Generating Plant
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact;
final issuance.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering
issuance of exemptions in response to a March 28, 2014, request from
Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (DEF or the licensee), representing itself
and the other owners of the Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating
Plant (CR-3). One exemption would permit the licensee to use funds from
the CR-3 decommissioning trust (the Trust) for irradiated fuel
management and site restoration activities. Another exemption would
allow the licensee to use withdrawals from the Trust for these
activities without prior notification to the NRC. The NRC staff is
issuing a final Environmental Assessment (EA) and final Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI) associated with the proposed exemptions.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2015-0010 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You
may obtain publicly-available information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Web site: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and search for Docket ID NRC-2015-0010. Address
questions about NRC dockets to Carol Gallagher; telephone: 301-287-
3422; email: Carol.Gallagher@nrc.gov. For technical questions, contact
the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of
this document.
NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly-available documents online in the
ADAMS public documents collection at https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the search, select ``ADAMS Public Documents'' and
then select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.'' For problems with ADAMS,
please contact the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at
1-800-397-4209, 301-415-4737, or by email to pdr.resource@nrc.gov. The
ADAMS accession number for each document referenced (if that document
is available in ADAMS) is provided the first time that a document is
referenced. The request for exemption, dated March 28, 2014, is
available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML14098A037.
NRC's PDR: You may examine and purchase copies of public
documents at the NRC's PDR, Room O1-F21, One White Flint North, 11555
Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Orenak, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
20555-0001; telephone: 301-415-3229; email: Michael.Orenak@nrc.gov.
I. Introduction
The NRC is considering issuance of exemptions from Sections
50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 50.75(h)(2) of Title 10 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (10 CFR) for Facility Operating License No. DPR-72, issued
to DEF, for CR-3, located in Citrus County, Florida. The licensee
requested the exemptions by letter dated March 28, 2014. The exemptions
would allow the licensee to use funds from the Trust for irradiated
fuel management and site restoration activities without prior notice to
the NRC, in the same manner that funds from the Trust are used under 10
CFR 50.82(a)(8) for decommissioning activities. Consistent with 10 CFR
51.21, the NRC has reviewed the requirements in 10 CFR 51.20(b) and 10
CFR 51.22(c) and has determined that an EA is the appropriate form of
environmental review. Based on the results of the EA, which is provided
in Section II below, the NRC is issuing this final FONSI.
II. Environmental Assessment
Description of the Proposed Action
The proposed action would exempt DEF from meeting the requirements
set forth in 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2).
Specifically, the
[[Page 3663]]
proposed action would allow DEF to use funds from the Trust for
irradiated fuel management and site restoration activities not
associated with radiological decontamination and would exempt DEF from
meeting the requirement for prior notification to the NRC for these
The proposed action is in accordance with the licensee's
application dated March 28, 2014.
Need for the Proposed Action
By letter dated February 20, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No.
ML13056A005), DEF informed the NRC that it had permanently ceased power
operations at CR-3 and that the CR-3 reactor vessel had been
permanently defueled. CR-3 has not operated since September 2009.
As required by 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A), decommissioning trust
funds may be used by the licensee if the withdrawals are for legitimate
decommissioning activity expenses, consistent with the definition of
decommissioning in 10 CFR 50.2. This definition addresses radiological
decontamination and does not include activities associated with
irradiated fuel management or site restoration. Similarly, the
requirements of 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2) restrict the use of decommissioning
trust fund disbursements (other than for ordinary and incidental
expenses) to decommissioning expenses until final decommissioning has
been completed. Therefore, exemptions from 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A) and
10 CFR 50.75(h)(2) are needed to allow DEF to use funds from the Trust
for irradiated fuel management and site restoration activities.
The licensee states that the Trust contains funds for
decommissioning that are commingled with funds intended for irradiated
fuel management and other site restoration activities not associated
with radiological decontamination. The adequacy of funds in the Trust
to cover the costs of activities associated with irradiated fuel
management and site restoration in addition to radiological
decontamination through license termination is supported by the CR-3
Annual Decommissioning and Irradiated Fuel Management Financial Status
Report submitted by DEF in a March 31, 2014, letter (ADAMS Accession
No. ML14098A039). The licensee states that it needs access to the funds
in the Trust in excess of those needed for radiological decontamination
to support irradiated fuel management and other site restoration
activities not associated with radiological decontamination.
The requirements of 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2) further provide that, except
for decommissioning withdrawals being made under 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8) or
for payments of ordinary administrative costs and other incidental
expenses of the Trust, no disbursement may be made from the Trust until
written notice of the intention to make a disbursement has been given
to the NRC at least 30 working days in advance of the intended
disbursement. Therefore, an exemption from 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2) is needed
to allow DEF to use funds from the Trust for irradiated fuel management
and site restoration activities without prior NRC notification.
In summary, by letter dated March 28, 2014, DEF requested
exemptions to allow Trust withdrawals, without prior written
notification to the NRC, for irradiated fuel management and site
restoration activities.
Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action
The proposed action involves exemptions from requirements that are
of a financial or administrative nature and that do not have an impact
on the environment. The NRC has completed its evaluation of the
proposed action and concludes that there is reasonable assurance that
adequate funds are available in the Trust to complete all activities
associated with decommissioning, site restoration, and irradiated fuel
management. There is no decrease in safety associated with the use of
the Trust to fund activities associated with irradiated fuel management
and site restoration. Section 50.82(a)(8)(v) of 10 CFR requires a
licensee to submit a financial assurance status report annually between
the time of submitting its decommissioning cost estimate and submitting
its final radiation survey and demonstrating that residual
radioactivity has been reduced to a level that permits termination of
its license. If the remaining balance, plus expected rate of return,
plus any other financial surety mechanism does not cover the estimated
costs to complete the decommissioning, additional financial assurance
must be provided. These annual reports provide a means for the NRC to
monitor the adequacy of available funding. Since the exemptions would
allow DEF to use funds from the Trust that are in excess of those
required for radiological decontamination of the site and the adequacy
of funds dedicated for radiological decontamination are not affected by
the proposed exemptions, there is reasonable assurance that there will
be no environmental impact due to lack of adequate funding for
The proposed action will not significantly increase the probability
or consequences of accidents. No changes are being made in the types of
effluents that may be released offsite. There is no significant
increase in the amount of any effluent released offsite. There is no
significant increase in occupational or public radiation exposure.
Therefore, there are no significant radiological environmental impacts
associated with the proposed action.
With regard to potential nonradiological impacts, the proposed
action does not have any foreseeable impacts to land, air, or water
resources, including impacts to biota. In addition, there are no known
socioeconomic or environmental justice impacts associated with such
proposed action. Therefore, there are no significant nonradiological
environmental impacts associated with the proposed action.
Accordingly, the NRC concludes that there are no significant
environmental impacts associated with the proposed action.
Environmental Impacts of the Alternatives to the Proposed Action
As an alternative to the proposed action, the staff considered
denial of the proposed action (i.e., the ``no-action'' alternative).
Denial of the application would result in no change in current
environmental impacts. The environmental impacts of the proposed action
and the alternative action are similar.
Alternative Use of Resources
The proposed action does not involve the use of any different
resources than those previously considered in the Final Environmental
Statement for CR-3, dated May 1973 (ADAMS Accession No. ML091520178).
Agencies or Persons Consulted
The staff did not enter into consultation with any other Federal
Agency or with the State of Florida regarding the environmental impact
of the proposed action. On October 14, 2014, the Florida state
representatives were notified of the EA and FONSI.
III. Finding of No Significant Impact
The licensee has proposed exemptions from 10 CFR 50.82(a)(8)(i)(A)
and 10 CFR 50.75(h)(2), which would allow DEF to use funds from the
Trust for irradiated fuel management and site restoration activities,
without prior written notification to the NRC.
[[Page 3664]]
Consistent with 10 CFR 51.21, the NRC conducted the environmental
assessment for the proposed action included in Section II above and
incorporated by reference in this finding. On the basis of this
environmental assessment, the NRC concludes that the proposed action
will not have significant effects on the quality of the human
environment. Accordingly, the NRC has determined not to prepare an
environmental impact statement for the proposed action. Other than the
licensee's letter, dated March 28, 2014, there are no other
environmental documents associated with this review. This document is
available for public inspection as indicated above.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day of January, 2015.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Douglas A. Broaddus,
Chief, Plant Licensing Branch IV-2 and Decommissioning Transition
Branch, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2015-01195 Filed 1-22-15; 8:45 am]