Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-Pistoia Alliance, Inc., 78908 [2014-30670]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 250 / Wednesday, December 31, 2014 / Notices
Antitrust Division
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Vehicle to Infrastructure
(V2I) Consortium
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Pistoia Alliance, Inc.
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Notice is hereby given that, on
December 3, 2014, pursuant to section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),
Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I)
Consortium (‘‘V2I Consortium’’) has
filed written notifications
simultaneously with the Attorney
General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing (1) the identities
of the parties to the venture and (2) the
nature and objectives of the venture.
The notifications were filed for the
purpose of invoking the Act’s provisions
limiting the recovery of antitrust
plaintiffs to actual damages under
specified circumstances.
Pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act, the
identities of the parties to the venture
are: Chrysler Group LLC, Auburn Hills,
MI; Ford Motor Company—Research
and Innovation Center, Dearborn, MI;
General Motors Company—Research
and Development Center, Warren, MI;
Honda R&D Americas, Inc., Southfield,
MI; Hyundai-Kia America Technical
Center, Inc., Superior Township, MI;
Mazda Motor of America, Inc., Irvine,
CA; Mercedes-Benz Research &
Development North America, Inc.,
Sunnyvale, CA; Nissan Technical Center
North America Inc., Farmington Hills,
MI; Fuji Heavy Industries USA, Inc.,
Subaru, Cherry Hill, NJ; Volkswagen/
Audi of America, Auburn Hills, MI; and
Volvo Group North America, Costa
Mesa, CA.
The general area of V2I Consortium’s
planned activity is to engage in a
collaborative effort in order to gain
further knowledge and understanding of
connected vehicle interactions and/or
applications for vehicles that are
intended to transform surface
transportation safety, mobility, and
environmental performance through a
connected vehicle environment.
Patricia A. Brink,
Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust
[FR Doc. 2014–30673 Filed 12–30–14; 8:45 am]
Patricia A. Brink,
Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust
[FR Doc. 2014–30670 Filed 12–30–14; 8:45 am]
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—Center for Medical
Interoperability, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that, on
November 12, 2014, pursuant to section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Notice is hereby given that, on
November 20, 2014, pursuant to section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),
Pistoia Alliance, Inc. has filed written
notifications simultaneously with the
Attorney General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing changes in its
membership. The notifications were
filed for the purpose of extending the
Act’s provisions limiting the recovery of
antitrust plaintiffs to actual damages
under specified circumstances.
Specifically, Hewlett-Packard Company,
Palo Alto, CA; Etzard Stotle (individual
member), Arlesheim, SWITZERLAND;
Patcore Inc., Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,
JAPAN; and University of Reading,
Reading, Berkshire, UNITED KINGDOM,
have been added as parties to this
No other changes have been made in
either the membership or planned
activity of the group research project.
Membership in this group research
project remains open, and Pistoia
Alliance, Inc. intends to file additional
written notifications disclosing all
changes in membership.
On May 28, 2009, Pistoia Alliance,
Inc. filed its original notification
pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act. The
Department of Justice published a notice
in the Federal Register pursuant to
section 6(b) of the Act on July 15, 2009
(74 FR 34364).
The last notification was filed with
the Department on September 5, 2014.
A notice was published in the Federal
Register pursuant to section 6(b) of the
Act on October 9, 2014 (79 FR 61098).
22:02 Dec 30, 2014
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15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’),
Center For Medical Interoperability, Inc.
(‘‘The Center’’) has filed written
notifications simultaneously with the
Attorney General and the Federal Trade
Commission disclosing (1) the name and
principal place of business of the
standards development organization
and (2) the nature and scope of its
standards development activities. The
notifications were filed for the purpose
of invoking the Act’s provisions limiting
the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to
actual damages under specified
Pursuant to section 6(b) of the Act, the
name and principal place of business of
the standards development organization
is: Center for Medical Interoperability,
Inc., La Jolla, CA. The nature and scope
of The Center’s standards development
activities are: Promoting healthcare and
enhancing the quality of or access to
healthcare by the public through the
advancement of interoperability of
medical devices and information
Patricia A. Brink,
Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust
[FR Doc. 2014–30672 Filed 12–30–14; 8:45 am]
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National
Cooperative Research and Production
Act of 1993—ASTM International
Notice is hereby given that, on
December 9, 2014, pursuant to section
6(a) of the National Cooperative
Research and Production Act of 1993,
15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (‘‘the Act’’), the
American Society of ASTM
International (‘‘ASTM’’) has filed
written notifications simultaneously
with the Attorney General and the
Federal Trade Commission disclosing
additions or changes to its standards
development activities. The
notifications were filed for the purpose
of extending the Act’s provisions
limiting the recovery of antitrust
plaintiffs to actual damages under
specified circumstances. Specifically,
ASTM has provided an updated list of
current, ongoing ASTM standards
activities originating between
September 2014 and December 2014
designated as Work Items. A complete
listing of ASTM Work Items along with
a brief description of each, is available
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 250 (Wednesday, December 31, 2014)]
[Page 78908]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-30670]
Antitrust Division
Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and
Production Act of 1993--Pistoia Alliance, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that, on November 20, 2014, pursuant to
section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of
1993, 15 U.S.C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), Pistoia Alliance, Inc. has
filed written notifications simultaneously with the Attorney General
and the Federal Trade Commission disclosing changes in its membership.
The notifications were filed for the purpose of extending the Act's
provisions limiting the recovery of antitrust plaintiffs to actual
damages under specified circumstances. Specifically, Hewlett-Packard
Company, Palo Alto, CA; Etzard Stotle (individual member), Arlesheim,
SWITZERLAND; Patcore Inc., Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN; and University
of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, UNITED KINGDOM, have been added as
parties to this venture.
No other changes have been made in either the membership or planned
activity of the group research project. Membership in this group
research project remains open, and Pistoia Alliance, Inc. intends to
file additional written notifications disclosing all changes in
On May 28, 2009, Pistoia Alliance, Inc. filed its original
notification pursuant to section 6(a) of the Act. The Department of
Justice published a notice in the Federal Register pursuant to section
6(b) of the Act on July 15, 2009 (74 FR 34364).
The last notification was filed with the Department on September 5,
2014. A notice was published in the Federal Register pursuant to
section 6(b) of the Act on October 9, 2014 (79 FR 61098).
Patricia A. Brink,
Director of Civil Enforcement, Antitrust Division.
[FR Doc. 2014-30670 Filed 12-30-14; 8:45 am]