Application for Final Commitment for a Long-Term Loan or Financial Guarantee in Excess of $100 Million: AP088920XX, 78433 [2014-30477]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 249 / Tuesday, December 30, 2014 / Notices
when processing OCS permit
applications under Part 55. 40 CFR
55.6(a)(3). The EPA must also follow the
administrative procedures of 40 CFR
part 71 when issuing permits to OCS
sources subject to Title V requirements.
40 CFR 71.4(d). Under 40 CFR
124.19(l)(3) and 40 CFR 71.11(l)(7),
notice of any final Agency action
regarding a subject permit must be
published in the Federal Register.
Section 307(b)(1) of the CAA provides
for review of final Agency action that is
locally or regionally applicable in the
United States Court of Appeals for the
appropriate circuit. Such a petition for
review of final Agency action must be
filed on or before 11:59 p.m. on the 60th
day from the date of notice of such
action in the Federal Register. For
purposes of judicial review under the
CAA, final Agency action occurs when
a final permit is issued or denied by the
EPA and Agency review procedures are
exhausted, per 40 CFR 124.19(l)(2) and
40 CFR 71.11(l)(5).
The Statoil permit became effective
on August 14, 2014.
Any person who filed comments on
the Anadarko draft permit was provided
the opportunity to petition the
Environmental Appeals Board by
October 15, 2014. No petitions were
submitted for this permit. Therefore, the
Anadarko permit became effective on
October 16, 2014.
Dated: December 11, 2014.
Beverly H. Banister,
Director, Air, Pesticides, and Toxics,
Management Division, Region 4.
Description of Items Being Exported
[Public Notice: 2014–0053]
Application for Final Commitment for a
Long-Term Loan or Financial
Guarantee in Excess of $100 Million:
Export-Import Bank of the
United States.
ACTION: Notice.
This Notice is to inform the
public, in accordance with Section
3(c)(10) of the Charter of the ExportImport Bank of the United States (‘‘ExIm Bank’’), that Ex-Im Bank has received
an application for final commitment for
a long-term loan or financial guarantee
in excess of $100 million (as calculated
in accordance with Section 3(c)(10) of
the Charter). Comments received within
the comment period specified below
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
21:42 Dec 29, 2014
Jkt 235001
Brief description of the purpose of the
To support the export of U.S.manufactured aircraft to Vietnam.
Brief non-proprietary description of
the anticipated use of the items being
To be used for international passenger
air service to and from Vietnam.
To the extent that Ex-Im Bank is
reasonably aware, the item(s) being
exported are not expected to produce
exports or provide services in
competition with the exportation of
goods or provision of services by a
United States industry.
Principal Supplier: The Boeing
Obligor: Vietnam Airlines.
Guarantor(s): None.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Purpose and Use
[FR Doc. 2014–30602 Filed 12–29–14; 8:45 am]
will be presented to the Ex-Im Bank
Board of Directors prior to final action
on this Transaction.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before January 26, 2015 to be assured
of consideration before final
consideration of the transaction by the
Board of Directors of Ex-Im Bank.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted through at
a comment, enter EIB–2014–0053 under
the heading ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID’’ and
select Search. Follow the instructions
provided at the Submit a Comment
screen. Please include your name,
company name (if any) and EIB–2014–
0053 on any attached document.
Reference: AP088920XX.
Boeing 787 aircraft.
Information on Decision: Information
on the final decision for this transaction
will be available in the ‘‘Summary
Minutes of Meetings of Board of
Directors’’ on
Confidential Information: Please note
that this notice does not include
confidential or proprietary business
information; information which, if
disclosed, would violate the Trade
Secrets Act; or information which
would jeopardize jobs in the United
States by supplying information that
competitors could use to compete with
companies in the United States.
Lloyd Ellis,
Program Specialist, Office of the General
[FR Doc. 2014–30477 Filed 12–29–14; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00053
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
[Public Notice: 2014–0052]
Application for Final Commitment for a
Long-Term Loan or Financial
Guarantee in Excess of $100 Million:
Export-Import Bank of the
United States.
ACTION: Notice.
This Notice is to inform the
public, in accordance with Section
3(c)(10) of the Charter of the ExportImport Bank of the United States (‘‘ExIm Bank’’), that Ex-Im Bank has received
an application for final commitment for
a long-term loan or financial guarantee
in excess of $100 million (as calculated
in accordance with Section 3(c)(10) of
the Charter).
Comments received within the
comment period specified below will be
presented to the Ex-Im Bank Board of
Directors prior to final action on this
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before January 26, 2015 to be assured
of consideration before final
consideration of the transaction by the
Board of Directors of Ex-Im Bank.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted through at
a comment, enter EIB–2014–0052 under
the heading ‘‘Enter Keyword or ID’’ and
select Search. Follow the instructions
provided at the Submit a Comment
screen. Please include your name,
company name (if any) and EIB–2014–
0052 on any attached document.
Reference: AP088936XX.
Purpose and use:
Brief description of the purpose of the
To support the export of U.S.manufactured aircraft to the Republic of
Brief non-proprietary description of
the anticipated use of the items being
To be used for the transportation of
passengers and air cargo between the
Republic of Korea and other countries.
To the extent that Ex-Im Bank is
reasonably aware, the item(s) being
exported maybe used to produce exports
or provide services in competition with
the exportation of goods or provision of
services by a United States industry.
Principal Supplier: The Boeing
Obligor: Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd.
Guarantor(s): None.
Description of items being exported:
Boeing 747 passenger and cargo aircraft
and B777 cargo aircraft.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 249 (Tuesday, December 30, 2014)]
[Page 78433]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-30477]
[Public Notice: 2014-0053]
Application for Final Commitment for a Long-Term Loan or
Financial Guarantee in Excess of $100 Million: AP088920XX
AGENCY: Export-Import Bank of the United States.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This Notice is to inform the public, in accordance with
Section 3(c)(10) of the Charter of the Export-Import Bank of the United
States (``Ex-Im Bank''), that Ex-Im Bank has received an application
for final commitment for a long-term loan or financial guarantee in
excess of $100 million (as calculated in accordance with Section
3(c)(10) of the Charter). Comments received within the comment period
specified below will be presented to the Ex-Im Bank Board of Directors
prior to final action on this Transaction.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before January 26, 2015 to be
assured of consideration before final consideration of the transaction
by the Board of Directors of Ex-Im Bank.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted through at
WWW.REGULATIONS.GOV. To submit a comment, enter EIB-2014-0053 under the
heading ``Enter Keyword or ID'' and select Search. Follow the
instructions provided at the Submit a Comment screen. Please include
your name, company name (if any) and EIB-2014-0053 on any attached
Reference: AP088920XX.
Purpose and Use
Brief description of the purpose of the transaction:
To support the export of U.S.-manufactured aircraft to Vietnam.
Brief non-proprietary description of the anticipated use of the
items being exported:
To be used for international passenger air service to and from
To the extent that Ex-Im Bank is reasonably aware, the item(s)
being exported are not expected to produce exports or provide services
in competition with the exportation of goods or provision of services
by a United States industry.
Principal Supplier: The Boeing Company.
Obligor: Vietnam Airlines.
Guarantor(s): None.
Description of Items Being Exported
Boeing 787 aircraft.
Information on Decision: Information on the final decision for this
transaction will be available in the ``Summary Minutes of Meetings of
Board of Directors'' on
Confidential Information: Please note that this notice does not
include confidential or proprietary business information; information
which, if disclosed, would violate the Trade Secrets Act; or
information which would jeopardize jobs in the United States by
supplying information that competitors could use to compete with
companies in the United States.
Lloyd Ellis,
Program Specialist, Office of the General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2014-30477 Filed 12-29-14; 8:45 am]