Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Land-use Plan Amendments for the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project, 75834-75836 [2014-29770]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 244 / Friday, December 19, 2014 / Notices
project Web site address. A list of
locations where copies of the Draft EIS
are available for public inspection can
be found in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section below.
Written comments may be submitted
Martin Miller,
by the following methods:
Acting Assistant Regional Director.
• email: comment@
[FR Doc. 2014–29751 Filed 12–18–14; 8:45 am]
• mail: Boardman to Hemingway
Transmission Line Project, P.O. Box
655, Vale, OR 97918
• courier or hand delivery: Bureau of
Land Management, Vale District Office,
Bureau of Land Management
100 Oregon Street, Vale, OR 97918
• no faxed or anonymous comments
will be accepted
LVRWH09H0480; OROR065375; IDI036029
HAG 14–0196]
Tamara Gertsch, BLM National Project
Notice of Availability of the Draft
Manager, Bureau of Land Management,
Environmental Impact Statement and
Vale District Office, 100 Oregon Street,
Land-use Plan Amendments for the
Vale, OR 97918, or by telephone at 307–
Boardman to Hemingway
775–6115. Any persons wishing to be
Transmission Line Project
added to the project mailing list of
interested parties may write or call Ms.
AGENCIES: Bureau of Land Management,
Gertsch at the address and phone
number above.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
Persons who use telecommunication
devices for the deaf may call the Federal
SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended, and the Federal Land 307–775–6115 to contact Ms. Gertsch
during normal business hours. The FIRS
Policy and Management Act of 1976, as
is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
amended, the Bureau of Land
week, to leave a message or questions
Management (BLM) Vale District Office
with the above individual regarding the
announces the availability of the Draft
project. You will receive a reply during
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
normal business hours.
and Land-Use Plan Amendments
(LUPAs) for the Boardman to
Hemingway Transmission Line Project
Power Company submitted applications
(Project) and by this notice is
to the BLM for a right-of-way (ROW)
announcing the opening of the public
grant, the United States Forest Service
comment period.
(USFS) for a special use authorization,
DATES: The Draft EIS is now available
and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
for public review. To be considered in
(Reclamation) for an authorization/
the Final EIS, written comments on the
permit, to use federal lands for portions
Draft EIS must be received within 90
of a proposed 300 mile 500-kilovolt (kV)
days after the Environmental Protection single-circuit, alternating-current
Agency’s publication in the Federal
transmission line and ancillary facilities
Register of a Notice of Availability
between a new or existing substation
(NOA) of this Draft EIS.
near Boardman, Oregon, and the
All public meetings or other
Hemingway Substation, near Melba,
opportunities for public involvement
Idaho. Idaho Power Company filed its
related to the Project will be announced applications in December 2007 and then
to the public by the BLM at least 15 days filed revised applications in November
in advance through the public Web site
2011 and May 2012 to reflect changes to
at: https://www.boardmanto
the proposed action. Idaho Power, project mailings, and
Company’s objective for the Project is to
local media news releases.
provide additional capacity to connect
transmission between the Pacific
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Draft EIS have
Northwest and Intermountain Regions
been sent to affected Federal agencies,
in order to alleviate existing
state and local governments and public
transmission constraints and to ensure
libraries in the Project area. The Draft
sufficient capacity that will enable
EIS and supporting documents will be
Idaho Power Company to meet present
available electronically on the project
and forecasted load requirements. The
Web site at: https://
Project description includes a rebuild of
two separate 138 and 69-kV lines into
Compact Disc copies of the document
double circuit monopole structures for
are available through request on this
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
This notice is provided pursuant to
section 10(c) of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531
et seq.) and NEPA regulations (40 CFR
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PO 00000
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short distances. Electrical equipment to
connect the 500 kV transmission line
would be installed at the endpoint
substations. The proposed ROW width
is 250 feet for the 500 kV portion of the
line and 100 feet for two 138/69 kV
rebuild sections of the line. The BLM’s
purpose and need for action is to
respond to Idaho Power Company’s
ROW application.
The BLM published a Notice of Intent
(NOI) to Prepare an EIS on September
12, 2008 (73 FR 52944), and held public
scoping meetings in October 2008. On
July 27, 2010 (75 FR 44008), the BLM
published a revised NOI to Prepare an
EIS in response to substantive changes
in Idaho Power Company’s proposal as
submitted in the revised application,
and sought public input on the issues
associated with the project. The issues
brought forward from the scoping
comments for analysis in the Draft EIS
• Use of Federal versus private
• Potential impacts to private
agricultural operations and irrigated
lands and other existing land use;
• Potential impacts to Greater Sagegrouse;
• Proximity to other protected
wildlife and habitats (e.g., fish and
water resources, plants, Washington
ground squirrel);
• Potential impacts to Department of
Defense operations;
• Potential impacts to lands with
wilderness characteristics;
• Potential impacts to visual
resources, including visual impacts to
cultural resources;
• Potential impacts to historic
properties (e.g., Oregon Trail) and
paleontological resources;
• Native American concerns;
• Potential impacts to air quality;
• Potential impacts of noxious weeds
and invasive species;
• Potential Socio-economic impacts;
• Potential health effects from electromagnetic fields; and
• Noise and potential line
interference with electronic devices.
The scoping comments and
preliminary alternatives, some of which
were eliminated from further
consideration are documented and
discussed in the Boardman to
Hemingway Transmission Project Siting
Study Report available online at: https://
10.pdf. The Draft EIS analyzes the
environmental consequences of granting
a ROW to Idaho Power Company to
construct, operate, and maintain, the
transmission project. The Draft EIS also
analyzes: (1) The consequences of the
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 244 / Friday, December 19, 2014 / Notices
USFS issuing a special use
authorization to construct, operate, and
maintain those portions of the
transmission line and ancillary facilities
located on lands administered by the
USFS; and (2) the consequences of
amending the USFS’s 1990 Land and
Resource Management Plan (Forest
Plan) necessary to implement the
proposed Project (36 CFR 219.13).
Depending on the alternative selected,
Reclamation and the U.S. Department of
the Navy (Navy) may also need to issue
authorizations for any route which may
cross lands, easements or facilities
administered by those agencies. The
Draft EIS analyzes the environmental
impacts associated with the alternatives
that would require Reclamation and
Navy authorizations. Additionally, the
proposed Project may require BLM and
USFS amendments to Resource
Management Plans and Forest Plans. As
required by 43 CFR 1610.2(c) and 36
CFR 219.8, the BLM and USFS have
provided public notices regarding the
potential plan amendments through the
two NOIs, and this notice. The BLM and
USFS analyzed the impacts of the
potential plan amendments in the Draft
EIS alternatives.
To the extent practicable, the
proposed routes were located to within
existing West Wide Energy corridors
designated pursuant to Section 368 of
the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and other
federally-designated utility corridors, or
were located in parallel existing linear
infrastructure, unless precluded by
resource or routing constraints or
technical infeasibility. Due primarily to
private land ownership patterns,
particularly in the northern half of the
project area, the average land ownership
pattern for all the routes is
approximately 67 percent private/state
land and 33 percent Federal land. A
total of 23 Federal, state, and local
governmental agencies participated with
the BLM in the preparation of this Draft
The Cooperating agencies include:
Bonneville Power Administration; U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation; U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency; U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service; U.S. Forest Service;
U.S. Air Force; U.S. Navy; Idaho Office
of Energy Resources; Oregon
Department of Energy; Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife;
Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Baker and
Malheur Counties, Oregon; Canyon,
Payette, and Washington Counties,
Idaho; the cities of Boardman, Oregon
and Parma, Idaho; Owyhee Irrigation
District; and the Joint Committee of the
Owyhee Project. The transmission line
and ancillary facilities would affect
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lands in Morrow, Umatilla, Union,
Baker, and Malheur Counties in Oregon,
and Owyhee County in Idaho.
In addition to the Proposed Action
Alternative, the Draft EIS analyzes a No
Action Alternative and 12 alternative
routes (including a route variation)
totaling approximately 550 miles for all
routes. For this Draft EIS, the No Action
Alternative means that the BLM and
other Federal decision-making agencies
would not grant or authorize the
transmission line and ancillary
The Proposed Action Alternative for
the project extends from the Grassland
substation in northeastern Oregon and
initially heads west to the Horn Butte
Substation and then continues to the
south, before turning east on the south
side of the Naval Weapons System
Training Facility at Boardman, and
continuing on a southeasterly path
through Morrow, Umatilla, and Union
Counties, east of La Grande. The route
would continue on a southeasterly path
to the northeast of North Powder, before
entering Baker County. In Baker County,
the route would continue southeast,
passing east of Highway 30 and east of
Baker City, towards Durkee and staying
west of Weatherby. Within Malheur
County, the route would then move
back to the west towards Brogan and
then resume southeasterly heading west
of Vale, crossing Highway 20.
Continuing to the southeast, the route
would leave Oregon and move into
southwestern Idaho, Owyhee County,
ending at the Hemingway Substation,
near Melba, Idaho.
In addition to the Proposed Action,
the following alternative routes are
identified in the DEIS. The alternatives
within Morrow County include two
alternative substations Horn Butte
(Portland General Electric, under
construction) and the Longhorn
Substation (Bonneville Power
Administration), as well as two route
alternatives and a route variation (Horn
Butte, Longhorn and the Longhorn
Variation). The Horn Butte Alternative
provides an opportunity to connect to
the Horn Butte Substation and combines
with the Proposed Action Alternative.
The Longhorn Alternative and Longhorn
Variation Route provide an opportunity
to connect to the Longhorn Substation
and were developed to reduce impacts
to the U.S. Department of the Navy
military operations areas, the Oregon
National Guard, and impacts to irrigated
agriculture. Alternatives considered in
Union County include the Glass Hill
Alternative as well as the Proposed
Action (however the Proposed Action
more closely follows existing
infrastructure). The Baker County
PO 00000
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alternatives include the Flagstaff, Burnt
River Mountain and the Timber Canyon
Alternatives, each of which combine
with the Proposed Action into five
separate alternatives; (all routes with the
exception of Timber Canyon are
approximately the same length, however
the Timber Canyon route is
approximately 15 miles longer than the
other alternatives). These alternative
routes were developed to address visual
impacts to Baker City as well as impacts
to Greater Sage-Grouse, to parallel
existing infrastructure, and to reduce
impacts to the National Historic Oregon
Trail Interpretative Center as well as to
agriculture. At the south end of Baker
County and the northern section of
Malheur County there are two
alternatives in addition to the Proposed
Action Alternative. The Willow Creek
Alternative was developed to reduce
impacts to Greater Sage-Grouse habitat
and the Tub Mountain South
Alternative was developed to use
portions of the West Wide Energy
Corridors (WWEC) and further reduce
impacts to Greater Sage-Grouse habitat.
The Proposed Action then travels
southeasterly and connects with three
additional alternatives, including the
Double Mountain Alternative, a small
alternative connected to the Proposed
Action that was developed to reduce
impacts to agriculture.
The Malheur A Alternative was
developed to address use of the existing
WWEC and Resource Management Plan
corridors and Malheur S was developed
to reduce potential impacts to lands
with wilderness characteristics and the
Owyhee Below the Dam ACEC.
The Agency Preferred Alternative
(APA) starts at the north end of the
project and includes the Longhorn
Substation, the Longhorn Variation, and
the Proposed Action route in Morrow
County. The APA continues along the
Proposed Action route through Umatilla
and Union Counties, while within Baker
County it includes sections of the
Proposed Action route, and the Flagstaff
and Burnt River Mountain Alternatives.
In Malheur County, the APA route is
comprised of the Tub Mountain South
Alternative and the Proposed Action.
Lastly, within Owyhee County, Idaho,
the APA follows the Proposed Action
route to the Hemingway Substation.
Approximately 47 percent of the APA is
within or adjacent to designated
corridors (25% of which are West Wide
Energy Corridors (WWEC) and 22%
non-WWEC designated corridors).
The BLM, in coordination with the
other Federal, state, and local
government agencies, developed the
agency preferred alternative through a
comparative evaluation of routing
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 244 / Friday, December 19, 2014 / Notices
opportunities and constraints and the
relative potential impacts among the
various alternate routes and route
The BLM, USFS, and other agencies
worked together to develop alternative
routes that would conform to existing
Federal land-use plans. However, this
objective was not reached for several of
the alternative routes analyzed in the
Draft EIS. The agencies identify and
analyze proposed plan amendments
alternatives in the Draft EIS. Decisions
by the USFS to amend land
management plans and to authorize
special use authorizations are also
subject to administrative review (36 CFR
part 218 Subparts A and B). In
accordance with 36 CFR 219.59, the
USFS has elected to use the
administrative review procedures of the
BLM as described above.
The following land-use plan
amendments may be needed to bring the
Project into conformance with the
applicable Resource Management Plans
(RMP) for BLM-managed land and Land
and Resource Management Plans
(LRMP) for National Forest System land
crossed by the Project, depending on
Project approval and on the final route
• USFS’s Wallowa-Whitman National
Forest LRMP: Amendments related to
Regional Forester Amendment #2 (i.e.,
‘‘Eastside Screens’’) including removing
trees larger than or equal to 21’’ in
diameter. Amendment to allow the
Project to exceed prescribed visual
quality objectives.
• BLM’s Baker RMP: Amendments to
Visual Resource Management (VRM) III
classification near the National Historic
Oregon Trail Interpretative Center.
• BLM’s Southeast Oregon RMP:
Amendments to VRM II segments across
the Owyhee River Canyon (below the
Owyhee Dam) and VRM III in limited
• BLM’s Owyhee RMP: No required
plan amendments.
The BLM will utilize and coordinate
the National Environmental Policy Act
comment process to satisfy the public
involvement process for Section 106 of
the National Historic Preservation Act
(16 U.S.C. 470(f)), as provided for in 36
CFR 800.2(d)(3). Ongoing consultations
with Native American Tribes will
continue in accordance with policy and
Tribal concerns (including impacts on
Indian trust assets) will be given due
consideration. Federal, state, and local
agencies, along with other stakeholders
that may be interested or affected by the
BLM’s decision on this Project, are
invited to participate. Copies of the
Draft EIS are available for public
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inspection during normal business
hours at the following locations:
• BLM—Idaho State Office, 1387
South Vinnell Way, Boise, ID
• BLM-Boise District Office, 3948
Development Avenue, Boise, ID
• Boise Public Library, 715 South
Capitol Boulevard, Boise, ID,
• BLM-Owyhee Field Office, 201st
Avenue West, Marsing, ID
• Owyhee County Planning
Department, 17069 Basey Street,
Murphy, ID
• Nampa Public Library, 101 11th
Avenue South, Nampa, ID
• Baker County Planning Department,
1995 3rd Street, Baker City, OR
• Baker County Library, 2400 Resort
Street, Baker City, OR
• BLM-Baker Field Office, 3285 11th
Street, Baker City, OR
• Boardman City Library, 200 South
Main Street, Boardman, OR
• Harney County Public Library, 80
West D Street, Burns, OR
• Hermiston Public Library, 235 East
Gladys Avenue, Hermiston, OR
• Morrow County Planning
Department, 205 N.E 3rd Street, Irrigon,
• Grant County Library, 507 South
Canyon Boulevard, John Day, OR
• La Grande Public Library, 2006 4th
Street, La Grande, OR
• Union County Planning
Department, 1001 4th Street, Suite C, La
Grande, OR
• USFS-Wallowa-Whitman National
Forest Office, 3502 Highway 30, La
Grande, OR
• USFS-Wallowa-Whitman National
Forest, 1550 Dewey Avenue, Baker City,
• Pendleton Public Library, 502 SW.
Dorion Avenue, Pendleton, OR
• Umatilla County Planning
Department, 216 SE. 4th Street,
Pendleton, OR
• BLM-Prineville District Office, 3050
NE. 3rd Street, Prineville, OR
• Ontario Library, 388 SW. 2nd
Avenue, Ontario, OR
• BLM-Vale District Office, 100
Oregon Street, Vale, OR
• Malheur County Planning
Department, 251 B Street, West Vale, OR
• Oregon Dept. of Energy, 625 Marion
Street, NE., Salem, OR
• BLM-Oregon State Office, 1220 SW
Third Avenue, Portland, OR
• North Powder City Library, 290 East
Street, North Powder
Your input is important and will be
considered in the environmental and
land-use planning analysis processes.
The BLM and USFS request that
comments be structured to contain
sufficient detail to allow the agencies to
address them in the Final EIS. The BLM,
PO 00000
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USFS, and Reclamation will consider all
timely filed comments and respond to
them in the Final EIS. All comment
submissions must include the
commenter’s name and street address.
Comments, including the names and
addresses of the commenter, will be
available for public inspection at the
locations listed above during normal
business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.),
Monday through Friday, except Federal
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or any other
personal identifying information in your
comment, be advised that your entire
comment, including your personal
identifying information, may be
publicly available at any time. While
you may ask us in your comment to
withhold from public review your
personal identifying information, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Jerome E. Perez,
State Director, Oregon/Washington.
[FR Doc. 2014–29770 Filed 12–18–14; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNM950000 L13110000.BX0000
Notice of Filing of Plats of Survey, New
Bureau of Land Management,
Notice of filing of plats of
The plats of survey described
below are scheduled to be officially
filed in the New Mexico State Office,
Bureau of Land Management, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, thirty (30) calendar days
from the date of this publication.
These plats will be available for
inspection in the New Mexico State
Office, Bureau of Land Management,
301 Dinosaur Trail, Santa Fe, New
Mexico. Copies may be obtained from
this office upon payment. Contact
Marcella Montoya at 505–954–2097, or
by email at, for
assistance. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
to contact the above individual during
normal business hours.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 244 (Friday, December 19, 2014)]
[Pages 75834-75836]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-29770]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLORV000.51010000.ER0000.LVRWH09H0480; OROR065375; IDI036029 HAG 14-
Notice of Availability of the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement and Land-use Plan Amendments for the Boardman to Hemingway
Transmission Line Project
AGENCIES: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of
1976, as amended, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Vale District
Office announces the availability of the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) and Land-Use Plan Amendments (LUPAs) for the Boardman
to Hemingway Transmission Line Project (Project) and by this notice is
announcing the opening of the public comment period.
DATES: The Draft EIS is now available for public review. To be
considered in the Final EIS, written comments on the Draft EIS must be
received within 90 days after the Environmental Protection Agency's
publication in the Federal Register of a Notice of Availability (NOA)
of this Draft EIS.
All public meetings or other opportunities for public involvement
related to the Project will be announced to the public by the BLM at
least 15 days in advance through the public Web site at:, project mailings, and local media news
ADDRESSES: Copies of the Draft EIS have been sent to affected Federal
agencies, state and local governments and public libraries in the
Project area. The Draft EIS and supporting documents will be available
electronically on the project Web site at: Compact Disc copies of the document are
available through request on this project Web site address. A list of
locations where copies of the Draft EIS are available for public
inspection can be found in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section below.
Written comments may be submitted by the following methods:
mail: Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project,
P.O. Box 655, Vale, OR 97918
courier or hand delivery: Bureau of Land Management, Vale
District Office, 100 Oregon Street, Vale, OR 97918
no faxed or anonymous comments will be accepted
Manager, Bureau of Land Management, Vale District Office, 100 Oregon
Street, Vale, OR 97918, or by telephone at 307-775-6115. Any persons
wishing to be added to the project mailing list of interested parties
may write or call Ms. Gertsch at the address and phone number above.
Persons who use telecommunication devices for the deaf may call the
Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 307-775-6115 to contact Ms.
Gertsch during normal business hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, to leave a message or questions with the above
individual regarding the project. You will receive a reply during
normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Idaho Power Company submitted applications
to the BLM for a right-of-way (ROW) grant, the United States Forest
Service (USFS) for a special use authorization, and the U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation (Reclamation) for an authorization/permit, to use federal
lands for portions of a proposed 300 mile 500-kilovolt (kV) single-
circuit, alternating-current transmission line and ancillary facilities
between a new or existing substation near Boardman, Oregon, and the
Hemingway Substation, near Melba, Idaho. Idaho Power Company filed its
applications in December 2007 and then filed revised applications in
November 2011 and May 2012 to reflect changes to the proposed action.
Idaho Power Company's objective for the Project is to provide
additional capacity to connect transmission between the Pacific
Northwest and Intermountain Regions in order to alleviate existing
transmission constraints and to ensure sufficient capacity that will
enable Idaho Power Company to meet present and forecasted load
requirements. The Project description includes a rebuild of two
separate 138 and 69-kV lines into double circuit monopole structures
for short distances. Electrical equipment to connect the 500 kV
transmission line would be installed at the endpoint substations. The
proposed ROW width is 250 feet for the 500 kV portion of the line and
100 feet for two 138/69 kV rebuild sections of the line. The BLM's
purpose and need for action is to respond to Idaho Power Company's ROW
The BLM published a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Prepare an EIS on
September 12, 2008 (73 FR 52944), and held public scoping meetings in
October 2008. On July 27, 2010 (75 FR 44008), the BLM published a
revised NOI to Prepare an EIS in response to substantive changes in
Idaho Power Company's proposal as submitted in the revised application,
and sought public input on the issues associated with the project. The
issues brought forward from the scoping comments for analysis in the
Draft EIS include:
Use of Federal versus private property;
Potential impacts to private agricultural operations and
irrigated lands and other existing land use;
Potential impacts to Greater Sage-grouse;
Proximity to other protected wildlife and habitats (e.g.,
fish and water resources, plants, Washington ground squirrel);
Potential impacts to Department of Defense operations;
Potential impacts to lands with wilderness
Potential impacts to visual resources, including visual
impacts to cultural resources;
Potential impacts to historic properties (e.g., Oregon
Trail) and paleontological resources;
Native American concerns;
Potential impacts to air quality;
Potential impacts of noxious weeds and invasive species;
Potential Socio-economic impacts;
Potential health effects from electro-magnetic fields; and
Noise and potential line interference with electronic
The scoping comments and preliminary alternatives, some of which
were eliminated from further consideration are documented and discussed
in the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Project Siting Study Report
available online at: The Draft EIS analyzes the environmental
consequences of granting a ROW to Idaho Power Company to construct,
operate, and maintain, the transmission project. The Draft EIS also
analyzes: (1) The consequences of the
[[Page 75835]]
USFS issuing a special use authorization to construct, operate, and
maintain those portions of the transmission line and ancillary
facilities located on lands administered by the USFS; and (2) the
consequences of amending the USFS's 1990 Land and Resource Management
Plan (Forest Plan) necessary to implement the proposed Project (36 CFR
219.13). Depending on the alternative selected, Reclamation and the
U.S. Department of the Navy (Navy) may also need to issue
authorizations for any route which may cross lands, easements or
facilities administered by those agencies. The Draft EIS analyzes the
environmental impacts associated with the alternatives that would
require Reclamation and Navy authorizations. Additionally, the proposed
Project may require BLM and USFS amendments to Resource Management
Plans and Forest Plans. As required by 43 CFR 1610.2(c) and 36 CFR
219.8, the BLM and USFS have provided public notices regarding the
potential plan amendments through the two NOIs, and this notice. The
BLM and USFS analyzed the impacts of the potential plan amendments in
the Draft EIS alternatives.
To the extent practicable, the proposed routes were located to
within existing West Wide Energy corridors designated pursuant to
Section 368 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and other federally-
designated utility corridors, or were located in parallel existing
linear infrastructure, unless precluded by resource or routing
constraints or technical infeasibility. Due primarily to private land
ownership patterns, particularly in the northern half of the project
area, the average land ownership pattern for all the routes is
approximately 67 percent private/state land and 33 percent Federal
land. A total of 23 Federal, state, and local governmental agencies
participated with the BLM in the preparation of this Draft EIS.
The Cooperating agencies include: Bonneville Power Administration;
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S.
Forest Service; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Navy; Idaho Office of Energy
Resources; Oregon Department of Energy; Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife; Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Baker and Malheur Counties, Oregon;
Canyon, Payette, and Washington Counties, Idaho; the cities of
Boardman, Oregon and Parma, Idaho; Owyhee Irrigation District; and the
Joint Committee of the Owyhee Project. The transmission line and
ancillary facilities would affect lands in Morrow, Umatilla, Union,
Baker, and Malheur Counties in Oregon, and Owyhee County in Idaho.
In addition to the Proposed Action Alternative, the Draft EIS
analyzes a No Action Alternative and 12 alternative routes (including a
route variation) totaling approximately 550 miles for all routes. For
this Draft EIS, the No Action Alternative means that the BLM and other
Federal decision-making agencies would not grant or authorize the
transmission line and ancillary facilities.
The Proposed Action Alternative for the project extends from the
Grassland substation in northeastern Oregon and initially heads west to
the Horn Butte Substation and then continues to the south, before
turning east on the south side of the Naval Weapons System Training
Facility at Boardman, and continuing on a southeasterly path through
Morrow, Umatilla, and Union Counties, east of La Grande. The route
would continue on a southeasterly path to the northeast of North
Powder, before entering Baker County. In Baker County, the route would
continue southeast, passing east of Highway 30 and east of Baker City,
towards Durkee and staying west of Weatherby. Within Malheur County,
the route would then move back to the west towards Brogan and then
resume southeasterly heading west of Vale, crossing Highway 20.
Continuing to the southeast, the route would leave Oregon and move into
southwestern Idaho, Owyhee County, ending at the Hemingway Substation,
near Melba, Idaho.
In addition to the Proposed Action, the following alternative
routes are identified in the DEIS. The alternatives within Morrow
County include two alternative substations Horn Butte (Portland General
Electric, under construction) and the Longhorn Substation (Bonneville
Power Administration), as well as two route alternatives and a route
variation (Horn Butte, Longhorn and the Longhorn Variation). The Horn
Butte Alternative provides an opportunity to connect to the Horn Butte
Substation and combines with the Proposed Action Alternative. The
Longhorn Alternative and Longhorn Variation Route provide an
opportunity to connect to the Longhorn Substation and were developed to
reduce impacts to the U.S. Department of the Navy military operations
areas, the Oregon National Guard, and impacts to irrigated agriculture.
Alternatives considered in Union County include the Glass Hill
Alternative as well as the Proposed Action (however the Proposed Action
more closely follows existing infrastructure). The Baker County
alternatives include the Flagstaff, Burnt River Mountain and the Timber
Canyon Alternatives, each of which combine with the Proposed Action
into five separate alternatives; (all routes with the exception of
Timber Canyon are approximately the same length, however the Timber
Canyon route is approximately 15 miles longer than the other
alternatives). These alternative routes were developed to address
visual impacts to Baker City as well as impacts to Greater Sage-Grouse,
to parallel existing infrastructure, and to reduce impacts to the
National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretative Center as well as to
agriculture. At the south end of Baker County and the northern section
of Malheur County there are two alternatives in addition to the
Proposed Action Alternative. The Willow Creek Alternative was developed
to reduce impacts to Greater Sage-Grouse habitat and the Tub Mountain
South Alternative was developed to use portions of the West Wide Energy
Corridors (WWEC) and further reduce impacts to Greater Sage-Grouse
habitat. The Proposed Action then travels southeasterly and connects
with three additional alternatives, including the Double Mountain
Alternative, a small alternative connected to the Proposed Action that
was developed to reduce impacts to agriculture.
The Malheur A Alternative was developed to address use of the
existing WWEC and Resource Management Plan corridors and Malheur S was
developed to reduce potential impacts to lands with wilderness
characteristics and the Owyhee Below the Dam ACEC.
The Agency Preferred Alternative (APA) starts at the north end of
the project and includes the Longhorn Substation, the Longhorn
Variation, and the Proposed Action route in Morrow County. The APA
continues along the Proposed Action route through Umatilla and Union
Counties, while within Baker County it includes sections of the
Proposed Action route, and the Flagstaff and Burnt River Mountain
Alternatives. In Malheur County, the APA route is comprised of the Tub
Mountain South Alternative and the Proposed Action. Lastly, within
Owyhee County, Idaho, the APA follows the Proposed Action route to the
Hemingway Substation. Approximately 47 percent of the APA is within or
adjacent to designated corridors (25% of which are West Wide Energy
Corridors (WWEC) and 22% non-WWEC designated corridors).
The BLM, in coordination with the other Federal, state, and local
government agencies, developed the agency preferred alternative through
a comparative evaluation of routing
[[Page 75836]]
opportunities and constraints and the relative potential impacts among
the various alternate routes and route variations.
The BLM, USFS, and other agencies worked together to develop
alternative routes that would conform to existing Federal land-use
plans. However, this objective was not reached for several of the
alternative routes analyzed in the Draft EIS. The agencies identify and
analyze proposed plan amendments alternatives in the Draft EIS.
Decisions by the USFS to amend land management plans and to authorize
special use authorizations are also subject to administrative review
(36 CFR part 218 Subparts A and B). In accordance with 36 CFR 219.59,
the USFS has elected to use the administrative review procedures of the
BLM as described above.
The following land-use plan amendments may be needed to bring the
Project into conformance with the applicable Resource Management Plans
(RMP) for BLM-managed land and Land and Resource Management Plans
(LRMP) for National Forest System land crossed by the Project,
depending on Project approval and on the final route selected.
USFS's Wallowa-Whitman National Forest LRMP: Amendments
related to Regional Forester Amendment #2 (i.e., ``Eastside Screens'')
including removing trees larger than or equal to 21'' in diameter.
Amendment to allow the Project to exceed prescribed visual quality
BLM's Baker RMP: Amendments to Visual Resource Management
(VRM) III classification near the National Historic Oregon Trail
Interpretative Center.
BLM's Southeast Oregon RMP: Amendments to VRM II segments
across the Owyhee River Canyon (below the Owyhee Dam) and VRM III in
limited areas.
BLM's Owyhee RMP: No required plan amendments.
The BLM will utilize and coordinate the National Environmental
Policy Act comment process to satisfy the public involvement process
for Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C.
470(f)), as provided for in 36 CFR 800.2(d)(3). Ongoing consultations
with Native American Tribes will continue in accordance with policy and
Tribal concerns (including impacts on Indian trust assets) will be
given due consideration. Federal, state, and local agencies, along with
other stakeholders that may be interested or affected by the BLM's
decision on this Project, are invited to participate. Copies of the
Draft EIS are available for public inspection during normal business
hours at the following locations:
BLM--Idaho State Office, 1387 South Vinnell Way, Boise, ID
BLM-Boise District Office, 3948 Development Avenue, Boise,
Boise Public Library, 715 South Capitol Boulevard, Boise,
BLM-Owyhee Field Office, 201st Avenue West, Marsing, ID
Owyhee County Planning Department, 17069 Basey Street,
Murphy, ID
Nampa Public Library, 101 11th Avenue South, Nampa, ID
Baker County Planning Department, 1995 3rd Street, Baker
City, OR
Baker County Library, 2400 Resort Street, Baker City, OR
BLM-Baker Field Office, 3285 11th Street, Baker City, OR
Boardman City Library, 200 South Main Street, Boardman, OR
Harney County Public Library, 80 West D Street, Burns, OR
Hermiston Public Library, 235 East Gladys Avenue,
Hermiston, OR
Morrow County Planning Department, 205 N.E 3rd Street,
Irrigon, OR
Grant County Library, 507 South Canyon Boulevard, John
Day, OR
La Grande Public Library, 2006 4th Street, La Grande, OR
Union County Planning Department, 1001 4th Street, Suite
C, La Grande, OR
USFS-Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Office, 3502 Highway
30, La Grande, OR
USFS-Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, 1550 Dewey Avenue,
Baker City, OR
Pendleton Public Library, 502 SW. Dorion Avenue,
Pendleton, OR
Umatilla County Planning Department, 216 SE. 4th Street,
Pendleton, OR
BLM-Prineville District Office, 3050 NE. 3rd Street,
Prineville, OR
Ontario Library, 388 SW. 2nd Avenue, Ontario, OR
BLM-Vale District Office, 100 Oregon Street, Vale, OR
Malheur County Planning Department, 251 B Street, West
Vale, OR
Oregon Dept. of Energy, 625 Marion Street, NE., Salem, OR
BLM-Oregon State Office, 1220 SW Third Avenue, Portland,
North Powder City Library, 290 East Street, North Powder
Your input is important and will be considered in the environmental
and land-use planning analysis processes. The BLM and USFS request that
comments be structured to contain sufficient detail to allow the
agencies to address them in the Final EIS. The BLM, USFS, and
Reclamation will consider all timely filed comments and respond to them
in the Final EIS. All comment submissions must include the commenter's
name and street address. Comments, including the names and addresses of
the commenter, will be available for public inspection at the locations
listed above during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.),
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or any
other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that
your entire comment, including your personal identifying information,
may be publicly available at any time. While you may ask us in your
comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying
information, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Jerome E. Perez,
State Director, Oregon/Washington.
[FR Doc. 2014-29770 Filed 12-18-14; 8:45 am]