NESHAP for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing; and NESHAP for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing, 75621-75719 [2014-28125]
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Vol. 79
No. 243
December 18, 2014
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 63
NESHAP for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing; and
NESHAP for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing; Proposed Rules
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
40 CFR Part 63
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0290 and EPA–HQ–
OAR–2013–0291; FRL–9913–58–OAR]
RIN 2060–AP69
NESHAP for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing; and NESHAP
for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing national
emission standards for hazardous air
pollutants (NESHAP) for brick and
structural clay products manufacturing
and NESHAP for clay ceramics
manufacturing. The EPA is proposing
that all major sources in these categories
meet maximum achievable control
technology (MACT) standards for
mercury, non-mercury metal hazardous
air pollutants (HAP) (or particulate
matter (PM) surrogate) and dioxins/
furans (Clay Ceramics only); healthbased standards for acid gas HAP; and
work practice standards, where
applicable. The proposed rule, which
has been informed by input from
industry and other stakeholders,
including small businesses, would
protect air quality and promote public
health by reducing emissions of HAP
listed in section 112 of the Clean Air
Act (CAA).
DATES: Comments. Comments must be
received on or before February 17, 2015.
A copy of comments on the information
collection provisions should be
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) on or before January
20, 2015.
Public Hearing. If anyone contacts the
EPA requesting a public hearing by
January 15, 2014 the EPA will hold a
public hearing on January 20, 2015 from
1:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] to
5:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] at the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
building located at 109 T.W. Alexander
Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC
27711. If the EPA holds a public
hearing, the EPA will keep the record of
the hearing open for 30 days after
completion of the hearing to provide an
opportunity for submission of rebuttal
and supplementary information.
ADDRESSES: Comments. Submit your
comments, identified by Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291 for Brick
and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing and EPA–HQ–OAR–
2013–0290 for Clay Ceramics
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Manufacturing, by one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the on-line
instructions for submitting comments.
• Email:
Include Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–
2013–0291 for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing or EPA–HQ–
OAR–2013–0290 for Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing in the subject line of the
• Fax: (202) 566–9744.
• Mail: Environmental Protection
Agency, EPA Docket Center (EPA/DC),
Mailcode 28221T, Attention Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291 (for
Brick and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing) or EPA–HQ–OAR–
2013–0290 (for Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing), 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460. In
addition, please mail a copy of your
comments on the information collection
provisions to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Attn:
Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th Street
NW., Washington, DC 20503.
• Hand/Courier Delivery: EPA Docket
Center, Room 3334, EPA WJC West
Building, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20004. Such deliveries
are only accepted during the Docket’s
normal hours of operation and special
arrangements should be made for
deliveries of boxed information.
Instructions. Direct your comments to
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291 for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing or EPA–HQ–
OAR–2013–0290 for Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing. The EPA’s policy is that
all comments received will be included
in the public docket without change and
may be made available online at https://, including any
personal information provided, unless
the comment includes information
claimed to be confidential business
information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Do not submit information that you
consider to be CBI or otherwise
protected through https:// or email. The Web site is
an ‘‘anonymous access’’ system, which
means the EPA will not know your
identity or contact information unless
you provide it in the body of your
comment. If you send an email
comment directly to the EPA without
going through https://, your email
address will be automatically captured
and included as part of the comment
that is placed in the public docket and
made available on the Internet. If you
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submit an electronic comment, the EPA
recommends that you include your
name and other contact information in
the body of your comment and with any
disk or CD–ROM you submit. If the EPA
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, the EPA may not
be able to consider your comment.
Electronic files should not include
special characters or any form of
encryption and be free of any defects or
viruses. For additional information
about the EPA’s public docket, visit the
EPA Docket Center homepage at: https://
Docket. The EPA has established
dockets for this rulemaking under
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291 for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing and Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0290 for Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing. All documents
in the dockets are listed in the index. Although listed
in the index, some information is not
publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
is not placed on the Internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are
available either electronically in or in hard copy at the
EPA Docket Center, EPA WJC West
Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution
Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public
Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
excluding legal holidays. The telephone
number for the Public Reading Room is
(202) 566–1744 and the telephone
number for the EPA Docket Center is
(202) 566–1742.
Public Hearing. If requested by
January 15, 2014, we will hold a public
hearing on January 20, 2015, from 1:00
p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] to 5:00
p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
building located at 109 T.W. Alexander
Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC
27711. Please contact Ms. Pamela
Garrett of the Sector Policies and
Programs Division (D243–01), Office of
Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711;
telephone number: (919) 541–7966;
email address:;
to request a hearing, register to speak at
the hearing or to inquire as to whether
or not a hearing will be held. The last
day to pre-register in advance to speak
at the hearing will be December 30,
2014. Additionally, requests to speak
will be taken the day of the hearing at
the hearing registration desk, although
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
preferences on speaking times may not
be able to be fulfilled. If you require the
service of a translator or special
accommodations such as audio
description, we ask that you pre-register
for the hearing, as we may not be able
to arrange such accommodations
without advance notice. The hearing
will provide interested parties the
opportunity to present data, views or
arguments concerning the proposed
action. The EPA will make every effort
to accommodate all speakers who arrive
and register. Because this hearing is
being held at a U.S. government facility,
individuals planning to attend the
hearing should be prepared to show
valid picture identification to the
security staff in order to gain access to
the meeting room. Please note that the
REAL ID Act, passed by Congress in
2005, established new requirements for
entering federal facilities. If your
driver’s license is issued by Alaska,
American Samoa, Arizona, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, Montana, New York,
Oklahoma or the state of Washington,
you must present an additional form of
identification to enter the federal
building. Acceptable alternative forms
of identification include: Federal
employee badges, passports, enhanced
driver’s licenses and military
identification cards. In addition, you
will need to obtain a property pass for
any personal belongings you bring with
you. Upon leaving the building, you
will be required to return this property
pass to the security desk. No large signs
will be allowed in the building, cameras
may only be used outside of the
building and demonstrations will not be
allowed on federal property for security
reasons. The EPA may ask clarifying
questions during the oral presentations,
but will not respond to the
presentations at that time. Written
statements and supporting information
submitted during the comment period
will be considered with the same weight
as oral comments and supporting
information presented at the public
hearing. Verbatim transcripts of the
hearing and written statements will be
included in the docket for the
rulemaking. The EPA will make every
effort to follow the schedule as closely
as possible on the day of the hearing;
however, please plan for the hearing to
run either ahead of schedule or behind
schedule. Again, a hearing will not be
held on this rulemaking unless
requested. A hearing needs to be
requested by December 23, 2014. Again,
please contact Ms. Pamela Garrett of the
Sector Policies and Programs Division
(D243–01), Office of Air Quality
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Planning and Standards, Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27711; telephone number:
(919) 541–7966; email address: to request a
questions about the proposed rule for
Brick and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing, contact Ms. Sharon
Nizich, Minerals and Manufacturing
Group, Sector Policies and Program
Division (D243–04), Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
27711; Telephone number: (919) 541–
2825; Fax number: (919) 541–5450;
Email address:
Preamble Acronyms and
Abbreviations. This preamble includes
several acronyms and terms used to
describe industrial processes, data
inventories and risk modeling. While
this list may not be exhaustive, to ease
the reading of this preamble and for
reference purposes, the EPA defines the
following terms and acronyms here:
3×RDL representative detection level values
multiplied by three
ACI activated carbon injection
AEGL Acute Exposure Guideline Level
AERMOD air dispersion model used by the
HEM–3 model
APCD air pollution control device
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry
BDL below detection limit
BLD bag leak detection
BSCP brick and structural clay products
CAA Clean Air Act
CalEPA California EPA
CAS Chemical Abstract Services
CBI Confidential Business Information
CDX Central Data Exchange
CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
Cl2 chlorine
CO carbon monoxide
CPMS continuous parameter monitoring
DHHS Department of Health and Human
DIFF dry lime injection fabric filter
DLA dry limestone adsorber
DLL detection level limited
DLS/FF dry lime scrubber/fabric filter
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERPG Emergency Response Planning
ERT Electronic Reporting Tool
°F degrees Fahrenheit
FF fabric filter
FTIR Fourier transform infrared
gr/dscf grains per dry standard cubic foot
HAP hazardous air pollutant
HCl hydrogen chloride
HEM–3 Human Exposure Model
(Community and Sector version 1.3.1)
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HF hydrogen fluoride
Hg mercury
HQ hazard quotient
IARC International Agency for Research on
ICR information collection request
IOM Institute of Medicine
IRFA initial regulatory flexibility analysis
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
K kurtosis statistic
lb/hr pounds per hour
lb/ton pounds per ton
LML lowest measured level
MACT maximum achievable control
mg/m3 milligrams per cubic meter
MMBtu/yr million British thermal units per
MRL Minimal Risk Level
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality
NAICS North American Industry
Classification System
NATA National Air Toxics Assessment
NEI National Emissions Inventory
NESHAP national emissions standards for
hazardous air pollutants
ng/dscm nanograms per dry standard cubic
No. number
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOAEL no observable adverse effect level
non-Hg non-mercury
NOX nitrogen oxides
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
O2 oxygen
OM&M operation, maintenance and
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PIC products of incomplete combustion
PLC programmable logic controller
PM particulate matter
PM2.5 particulate matter with particles less
than 2.5 micrometers in diameter
RDL representative detection level
REL reference exposure level
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
RfC reference concentration
RIA Regulatory Impact Analysis
S skewness statistic
SBA Small Business Administration
SBAR Small Business Advocacy Review
SBE Standard Brick Equivalent
SBREFA Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act
SEK standard error of kurtosis
SER small entity representative
SES standard error of skewness
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SSM startup, shutdown and malfunction
TCDD tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
TEQ 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalents
TOSHI target organ-specific hazard index
tph tons per hour
tpy tons per year
TTN Technology Transfer Network
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
mg/dscm micrograms per dry standard cubic
mg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter
UPL Upper Prediction Limit
VCS voluntary consensus standards
VE visible emissions
WHO World Health Organization
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Organization of This Document. The
information in this preamble is
organized as follows:
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
B. Does this action apply to me?
C. Where can I get a copy of this document
and other related information?
D. What should I consider as I prepare my
comments for the EPA?
II. Background Information
A. What is the statutory authority for the
proposed rule?
B. What is the background for startup,
shutdown and malfunction?
C. What is the history of the proposed rule?
D. What are the health effects of pollutants
emitted from the Brick and Structural
Clay Products and Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing source categories?
III. Summary of the Proposed Rule for the
Brick and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing Source Category
A. What source category is affected by the
proposed rule?
B. What are the affected sources?
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
D. What emission limitations and work
practice standards must I meet?
E. What are the startup and shutdown
F. What are the testing and initial
compliance requirements?
G. What are the continuous compliance
H. What are the notification, recordkeeping
and reporting requirements?
I. How would I submit emissions test
results to the EPA?
IV. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for Brick
and Structural Clay Products
A. How did the EPA determine which
sources would be regulated under the
proposed rule?
B. How did the EPA select the format for
the proposed rule?
C. How did the EPA consider different
D. What approaches did the EPA consider
in developing the proposed emission
limitations for existing and new sources?
E. How did the EPA determine the MACT
floors for existing sources?
F. How did the EPA determine the MACT
floor for new sources?
G. What is our approach for applying the
upper prediction limit to limited
H. How did the EPA consider beyond-thefloor for existing sources?
I. How did the EPA consider beyond-thefloor for new sources?
J. How did the EPA determine whether to
set health-based standards for existing
and new sources?
K. How did the EPA determine whether to
set work practice standards for existing
and new sources?
L. How did the EPA develop the startup
and shutdown requirements?
M. How did the EPA select the compliance
N. How did the EPA determine compliance
times for the proposed rule?
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O. How did the EPA determine the
required records and reports for the
proposed rule?
P. How does the proposed rule affect
Q. What are the alternate approaches the
EPA is considering?
V. Summary of the Proposed Rule for the
Clay Ceramics Manufacturing Category
A. What source category is affected by the
proposed rule?
B. What are the affected sources?
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
D. What emission limitations and work
practice standards must I meet?
E. What are the startup and shutdown
F. What are the testing and initial
compliance requirements?
G. What are the continuous compliance
H. What are the notification, recordkeeping
and reporting requirements?
I. How would I submit emissions test
results to the EPA?
VI. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing
A. How did the EPA determine which
sources would be regulated under the
proposed rule?
B. How did the EPA select the format for
the proposed rule?
C. How did the EPA consider different
D. What approaches did the EPA consider
in developing the proposed emission
limitations for existing and new sources?
E. How did the EPA determine the MACT
floors for existing sources?
F. How did the EPA determine the MACT
floors for new sources?
G. What is our approach for applying the
upper prediction limit to limited
H. How did the EPA consider beyond-thefloor for existing sources?
I. How did the EPA consider beyond-thefloor for new sources?
J. How did the EPA determine whether to
set health-based standards for existing
and new sources?
K. How did the EPA determine whether to
set work practice standards for existing
and new sources?
L. How did the EPA develop the startup
and shutdown requirements?
M. How did the EPA select the compliance
N. How did the EPA determine compliance
times for the proposed rule?
O. How did the EPA determine the
required records and reports for the
proposed rule?
P. How does the proposed rule affect
VII. Summary of the Environmental, Energy
and Economic Impacts of the Proposed
A. What are the cost and emission
reduction impacts?
B. What are the secondary impacts?
C. What are the economic impacts?
D. What are the social costs and benefits
of the proposed rule?
VIII. Public Participation and Request for
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IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
To Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
1. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
Section 112(d) of the CAA requires
the EPA to set emissions standards for
HAP emitted by major stationary
sources based on the performance of the
MACT. We issued the NESHAP for
Brick and Structural Clay Products
(BSCP) manufacturing and the NESHAP
for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing on
May 16, 2003. The two NESHAP were
vacated and remanded by the United
States Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit on March 13, 2007.
To address the vacatur and remand of
the original NESHAP, we are proposing
new standards for BSCP manufacturing
and clay ceramics manufacturing.
2. Summary of the Major Provisions
BSCP NESHAP. The EPA is proposing
MACT emission limits for mercury (Hg)
and non-mercury (non-Hg) HAP metals
(or PM surrogate) and a health-based
emission limit for acid gases (hydrogen
fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl)
and chlorine (Cl2)) for BSCP tunnel
kilns. In addition, the EPA is proposing
work practice standards for periodic
kilns, for dioxins/furans from tunnel
kilns and for periods of startup and
shutdown for tunnel kilns. To
demonstrate compliance with the
emission limits, the EPA is proposing
initial and repeat 5-year performance
testing for the regulated pollutants,
continuous parameter monitoring and
daily visible emissions (VE) checks.
Owners/operators whose BSCP tunnel
kilns are equipped with a fabric filter
(FF) (e.g., dry lime injection fabric filter
(DIFF), dry lime scrubber/fabric filter
(DLS/FF)) have the option of
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
demonstrating compliance using a bag
leak detection (BLD) system instead of
daily VE checks.
Clay Ceramics NESHAP. The EPA is
proposing MACT emission limits for Hg,
PM (surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals)
and dioxins/furans and health-based
emission limits for acid gases (HF and
HCl) for sanitaryware tunnel kilns and
ceramic tile roller kilns. In addition, the
EPA is proposing MACT emission limits
for dioxins/furans for ceramic tile spray
dryers and floor tile press dryers, MACT
emission limits for Hg and PM
(surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) for
ceramic tile glaze lines and MACT
emission limits for PM (surrogate for
non-Hg HAP metals) for sanitaryware
glaze spray booths. The EPA is also
proposing work practice standards for
shuttle kilns and for periods of startup
and shutdown. To demonstrate
compliance with the emission limits,
the EPA is proposing initial and repeat
5-year performance testing for the
regulated pollutants, continuous
parameter monitoring and daily VE
checks. Owners/operators whose
affected sources are equipped with a FF
(e.g., DIFF, DLS/FF) have the option of
demonstrating compliance using a BLD
system instead of daily VE checks.
3. Costs and Benefits
Table 1 of this preamble summarizes
the costs and benefits of this proposed
action for 40 CFR part 63, subpart JJJJJ
(BSCP Manufacturing NESHAP), while
Table 2 of this preamble summarizes the
costs of this proposed action for 40 CFR
part 63, subpart KKKKK (Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing NESHAP). See section
VII of this preamble for further
discussion of the costs and benefits for
the BSCP Manufacturing NESHAP and
the costs for the Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing NESHAP. See section
IX.B of this preamble for discussion of
the recordkeeping and reporting costs.
[Millions of 2011 dollars]
Capital cost
Emission controls .....................................................................................................................
Emissions testing .....................................................................................................................
Monitoring .................................................................................................................................
Annual cost
Net benefit
$26 to $99.
[Millions of 2011 dollars]
Capital cost
Emission controls .....................................................................................................................................
Emissions testing .....................................................................................................................................
Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................
B. Does this action apply to me?
Annual cost
standards are shown in Table 3 of this
The regulated categories and entities
potentially affected by the proposed
NAICS code a
Industry .....................................................
Federal government ..................................
State/local/tribal government ....................
a North
Examples of potentially regulated entities
Brick, structural clay and extruded tile manufacturing facilities (BSCP NESHAP);
and ceramic wall and floor tile manufacturing facilities (Clay Ceramics NESHAP).
Vitreous plumbing fixtures (sanitaryware) manufacturing facilities (Clay Ceramics
Not affected.
Not affected.
American Industry Classification System.
This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by this action. To determine
whether your facility, company,
business, organization, etc., would be
regulated by this action, you should
examine the applicability criteria in 40
CFR 63.8385 of subpart JJJJJ (BSCP
Manufacturing NESHAP) or 40 CFR
63.8535 of subpart KKKKK (Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP). If
you have any questions regarding the
applicability of this proposed action to
a particular entity, contact either the air
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permitting authority for the entity or
your EPA regional representative as
listed in 40 CFR 63.13 of subpart A
(General Provisions).
C. Where can I get a copy of this
document and other related
In addition to being available in the
docket, an electronic copy of this action
is available on the Internet through the
EPA’s Technology Transfer Network
(TTN) Web site, a forum for information
and technology exchange in various
areas of air pollution control. Following
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signature by the EPA Administrator, the
EPA will post a copy of this proposed
action at
brick/brickpg.html. Following
publication in the Federal Register, the
EPA will post the Federal Register
version of the proposal and key
technical documents at this same Web
D. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for the EPA?
Do not submit information containing
CBI to the EPA through https:// or email. Clearly
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
mark the part or all of the information
that you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information on a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to the EPA, mark the outside
of the disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comments that
includes information claimed as CBI,
you must submit a copy of the
comments that does not contain the
information claimed as CBI for
inclusion in the public docket. If you
submit a CD–ROM or disk that does not
contain CBI, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM clearly that it does not
contain CBI. Information not marked as
CBI will be included in the public
docket and the EPA’s electronic public
docket without prior notice. Information
marked as CBI will not be disclosed
except in accordance with procedures
set forth in 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 2. Send or
deliver information identified as CBI
only to the following address: Roberto
Morales, OAQPS Document Control
Officer (C404–02), OAQPS, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
27711, Attention Docket ID No. EPA–
HQ–OAR–2013–0291 (for BSCP
Manufacturing NESHAP) or Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0290 (for Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP).
II. Background Information
A. What is the statutory authority for the
proposed rule?
Section 112(d) of the CAA requires
the EPA to set emissions standards for
HAP emitted by major stationary
sources based on the performance of the
MACT. The MACT standards for
existing sources must be at least as
stringent as the average emissions
limitation achieved by the best
performing 12 percent of existing
sources (for which the Administrator
has emissions information) or the best
performing five sources for source
categories with less than 30 sources
(CAA section 112(d)(3)(A) and (B)). This
level of minimum stringency is called
the MACT floor. For new sources,
MACT standards must be at least as
stringent as the control level achieved in
practice by the best controlled similar
source (CAA section 112(d)(3)). The
EPA also must consider more stringent
‘‘beyond-the-floor’’ control options.
When considering beyond-the-floor
options, the EPA must consider not only
the maximum degree of reduction in
emissions of HAP, but must take into
account the associated costs, energy and
nonair environmental impacts.
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B. What is the background for startup,
shutdown and malfunction?
In its 2008 decision in Sierra Club v.
EPA, 551 F.3d 1019 (D.C. Cir. 2008), the
United States Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit vacated
portions of two provisions in the EPA’s
CAA section 112 regulations governing
the emissions of HAP during periods of
startup, shutdown and malfunction
(SSM). Specifically, the Court vacated
the SSM exemption contained in 40
CFR 63.6(f)(1) and 40 CFR 63.6(h)(1),
holding that under section 302(k) of the
CAA, emissions standards or limitations
must be continuous in nature and that
the SSM exemption violates the CAA’s
requirement that some section 112
standards apply continuously.
Consistent with Sierra Club v. EPA,
we are proposing standards in this rule
that apply at all times. In proposing the
standards in this rule, the EPA has taken
into account startup and shutdown
periods and, for the reasons explained
in sections IV.L and VI.L of this
preamble, has proposed alternate
standards for some sources during those
Periods of startup, normal operations
and shutdown are all predictable and
routine aspects of a source’s operations.
Malfunctions, in contrast, are neither
predictable nor routine. Instead they
are, by definition sudden, infrequent
and not reasonably preventable failures
of emissions control, process or
monitoring equipment. The EPA
interprets CAA section 112 as not
requiring emissions that occur during
periods of malfunction to be factored
into development of CAA section 112
standards. Under section 112, emissions
standards for new sources must be no
less stringent than the level ‘‘achieved’’
by the best controlled similar source
and for existing sources generally must
be no less stringent than the average
emission limitation ‘‘achieved’’ by the
best performing 12 percent of sources in
the category. There is nothing in CAA
section 112 that directs the agency to
consider malfunctions in determining
the level ‘‘achieved’’ by the best
performing sources when setting
emission standards. As the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit has recognized, the phrase
‘‘average emissions limitation achieved
by the best performing 12 percent of’’
sources ‘‘says nothing about how the
performance of the best units is to be
calculated.’’ Nat’l Ass’n of Clean Water
Agencies v. EPA, 734 F.3d 1115, 1141
(D.C. Cir. 2013). While the EPA
accounts for variability in setting
emissions standards, nothing in CAA
section 112 requires the agency to
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consider malfunctions as part of that
analysis. A malfunction should not be
treated in the same manner as the type
of variation in performance that occurs
during routine operations of a source. A
malfunction is a failure of the source to
perform in a ‘‘normal or usual manner’’
and no statutory language compels the
EPA to consider such events in setting
section CAA 112 standards.
Further, accounting for malfunctions
in setting emission standards would be
difficult, if not impossible, given the
myriad different types of malfunctions
that can occur across all sources in the
category and given the difficulties
associated with predicting or accounting
for the frequency, degree and duration
of various malfunctions that might
occur. For these reasons, the
performance of units that are
malfunctioning is not ‘‘reasonably’’
foreseeable. See, e.g., Sierra Club v.
EPA, 167 F.3d 658, 662 (D.C. Cir. 1999)
(‘‘The EPA typically has wide latitude
in determining the extent of datagathering necessary to solve a problem.
We generally defer to an agency’s
decision to proceed on the basis of
imperfect scientific information, rather
than to ‘invest the resources to conduct
the perfect study.’ ’’) See also,
Weyerhaeuser v. Costle, 590 F.2d 1011,
1058 (D.C. Cir. 1978) (‘‘In the nature of
things, no general limit, individual
permit, or even any upset provision can
anticipate all upset situations. After a
certain point, the transgression of
regulatory limits caused by
‘uncontrollable acts of third parties,’
such as strikes, sabotage, operator
intoxication or insanity, and a variety of
other eventualities, must be a matter for
the administrative exercise of case-bycase enforcement discretion, not for
specification in advance by
regulation.’’). In addition, emissions
during a malfunction event can be
significantly higher than emissions at
any other time of source operation. For
example, if an air pollution control
device with 99-percent removal goes offline as a result of a malfunction (as
might happen if, for example, the bags
in a baghouse catch fire) and the
emission unit is a steady state type unit
that would take days to shut down, the
source would go from 99-percent
control to zero control until the control
device was repaired. The source’s
emissions during the malfunction
would be 100 times higher than during
normal operations, and the emissions
over a 4-day malfunction period would
exceed the annual emissions of the
source during normal operations. As
this example illustrates, accounting for
malfunctions could lead to standards
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
that are not reflective of (and
significantly less stringent than) levels
that are achieved by a well-performing
non-malfunctioning source. It is
reasonable to interpret CAA section 112
to avoid such a result. The EPA’s
approach to malfunctions is consistent
with CAA section 112 and is a
reasonable interpretation of the statute.
In the event that a source fails to
comply with the applicable CAA section
112 standards as a result of a
malfunction event, the EPA would
determine an appropriate response
based on, among other things, the good
faith efforts of the source to minimize
emissions during malfunction periods,
including preventative and corrective
actions, as well as root cause analyses
to ascertain and rectify excess
emissions. The EPA would also
consider whether the source’s failure to
comply with the CAA section 112(d)
standard was, in fact, ‘‘sudden,
infrequent, not reasonably preventable’’
and was not instead ‘‘caused in part by
poor maintenance or careless
operation.’’ 40 CFR 63.2 (definition of
If the EPA determines in a particular
case that enforcement action against a
source for violation of an emission
standard is warranted, the source can
raise any and all defenses in that
enforcement action and the federal
district court will determine what, if
any, relief is appropriate. The same is
true for citizen enforcement actions.
Similarly, the presiding officer in an
administrative proceeding can consider
any defense raised and determine
whether administrative penalties are
In summary, the EPA interpretation of
the CAA and, in particular, section 112
is reasonable and encourages practices
that will avoid malfunctions.
Administrative and judicial procedures
for addressing exceedances of the
standards fully recognize that violations
may occur despite good faith efforts to
comply and can accommodate those
C. What is the history of the proposed
Pursuant to CAA section 112(c)(5), the
EPA was originally required to
promulgate standards for the BSCP
Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing source categories by
November 2000. The agency initially
promulgated standards for these
categories in 2003. See 68 FR 26690
(May 16, 2003). Those standards were
challenged and subsequently vacated by
the Court of appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit in 2007. See Sierra
Club v. EPA, 479 F.3d 875, 876 (D.C.
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Cir. 2007). In 2008, Sierra Club filed suit
in the Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit under CAA section
304(a)(2), alleging that the EPA had a
continuing mandatory duty to
promulgate standards for these
categories under CAA section 112 based
on the 2000 deadline under CAA
section 112(c)(5). The EPA challenged
that claim in a motion to dismiss,
arguing that the mandatory duty to act
by the 2000 deadline was satisfied by
the 2003 rule and that the 2007 vacatur
of the 2003 rule did not recreate the
statutory duty to act by the 2000
deadline. Ultimately, the District Court
found that the vacatur of the 2003 rule
recreated the mandatory duty to set
standards by 2000 and held that Sierra
Club’s claims could continue. See Sierra
Club v. EPA, 850 F.Supp.2d 300 (D.D.C.
2012). The EPA and Sierra Club then
negotiated a consent decree to settle the
litigation and establish proposal and
promulgation deadlines for establishing
standards for these categories.
Following the 2007 vacatur of the
2003 rule, the EPA began efforts to
collect additional data to support new
standards for the BSCP and clay
ceramics industries. The EPA conducted
an initial information collection effort in
2008 to update information on the
inventory of affected units, hereafter
referred to as ‘‘the 2008 EPA survey.’’
The EPA conducted a second
information collection effort in 2010 to
obtain additional emissions data and
information on each facility’s SSM
procedures, hereafter referred to as ‘‘the
2010 EPA survey.’’ The information
collected as part of these surveys and
not claimed as CBI by respondents is
available in Docket ID Nos. EPA–HQ–
OAR–2013–0290 and EPA–HQ–OAR–
2013–0291. In addition, the dockets A–
99–30 and OAR–2002–0054 are
incorporated by reference for BSCP. The
dockets A–2000–48, OAR–2002–0055
and EPA–HQ–OAR–2006–0424 are
incorporated by reference for clay
D. What are the health effects of
pollutants emitted from the Brick and
Structural Clay Products Manufacturing
and Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
source categories?
The proposed rule protects air quality
and promotes the public health by
reducing emissions of HAP emitted
from BSCP and clay ceramics kilns.
Emissions data collected during
development of the proposed rule
shows that acid gases such as HF, HCl
and Cl2 represent the predominant HAP
emitted by BSCP and clay ceramics
kilns, accounting for 99.3 percent of the
total HAP emissions. These kilns also
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emit lesser amounts of other HAP
compounds such as HAP metals and
dioxins/furans, accounting for about 0.7
percent of total HAP emissions. The
HAP metals emitted include antimony,
arsenic, beryllium, cadmium,
chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese,
mercury, nickel and selenium. Exposure
to these HAP, depending on exposure
duration and levels of exposures, can be
associated with a variety of adverse
health effects. These adverse health
effects could include chronic health
disorders (e.g., irritation of the lung,
skin and mucus membranes, effects on
the central nervous system and damage
to the kidneys) and acute health
disorders (e.g., lung irritation and
congestion, alimentary effects such as
nausea and vomiting and effects on the
kidney and central nervous system). We
have classified two of the HAP as
human carcinogens (arsenic and
chromium VI) and four as probable
human carcinogens (cadmium, lead,
dioxins/furans and nickel).
III. Summary of the Proposed Rule for
the Brick and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing Source Category
This section summarizes the
requirements for the BSCP
Manufacturing source category
proposed in today’s action. Section IV of
this preamble provides our rationale for
the proposed requirements.
A. What source category is affected by
the proposed rule?
Today’s proposed rule for BSCP
Manufacturing applies to BSCP
manufacturing facilities that are located
at or are part of a major source of HAP
emissions. The BSCP Manufacturing
source category includes those facilities
that manufacture brick (face brick,
structural brick, brick pavers and other
brick); clay pipe; roof tile; extruded
floor and wall tile; and/or other
extruded, dimensional clay products.
B. What are the affected sources?
The affected sources, which are the
portions of each source in the category
for which we are setting standards, are:
(1) all tunnel kilns at a BSCP
manufacturing facility; and (2) each
periodic kiln. For purposes of this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule,
tunnel kilns are defined to include any
type of continuous kiln used at BSCP
manufacturing facilities, including
roller kilns.
Tunnel kilns are fired by natural gas
or other fuels, including sawdust.
Sawdust firing typically involves the
use of a sawdust dryer because sawdust
typically is purchased wet and needs to
be dried before it can be used as fuel.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Consequently, some sawdust-fired
tunnel kilns have two process streams,
including: (1) A process stream that
exhausts directly to the atmosphere or
to an APCD and (2) a process stream in
which the kiln exhaust is ducted to a
sawdust dryer where it is used to dry
sawdust before being emitted to the
atmosphere. Both process streams are
subject to the requirements of today’s
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
The following BSCP process units are
not subject to the requirements of
today’s proposed rule: (1) kilns that are
used exclusively for setting glazes on
previously fired products and (2) dryers.
See section IV.A of this preamble for
information on why these sources are
not subject to the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule.
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
This proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule applies to owners or operators of an
affected source at a major source
meeting the requirements discussed
previously in this preamble. A major
source of HAP emissions is any
stationary source or group of stationary
sources located within a contiguous area
and under common control that emits or
has the potential to emit, considering
controls, 10 tons per year (tpy) or more
of any HAP or 25 tpy or more of any
combination of HAP.
D. What emission limitations and work
practice standards must I meet?
1. Emission Limitations
We are proposing a choice of emission
limits for total non-Hg HAP metals for
all new and existing tunnel kilns. The
options include a total non-Hg HAP
metals limit (pounds per hour (lb/hr))
and options for limiting PM as a
surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals
(pounds per ton (lb/ton) or grains per
dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf) at 7
percent oxygen (O2)). We are also
proposing a choice of emission limits
for Hg (lb/ton, lb/hr or micrograms per
dry standard cubic meter (mg/dscm) at 7
percent O2) for new and existing tunnel
kilns in two subcategories based on kiln
size. In this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule, a large tunnel kiln
is defined as a new or existing tunnel
kiln with a design capacity of 10 tons
per hour (tph) or greater and a small
tunnel kiln is defined as a new or
existing tunnel kiln with a design
capacity of less than 10 tph. We are also
proposing an emission limit for HClequivalent for all existing and new
tunnel kilns at the facility to reduce the
acid gases HF, HCl and Cl2. The
proposed emission limits for Hg and
non-Hg HAP metals are presented in
Table 4 of this preamble.
Acid gases
Total non-Hg HAP metals
Limits for existing sources
Large tunnel kilns ..........................
(≥ 10 tph) .......................................
Small tunnel kilns ...........................
(< 10 tph) .......................................
All tunnel kilns ................................
57 lb/hr HCl-equivalent for collection of all existing tunnel kilns at
2.2 E–05 lb/ton OR 2.7 E–04 lb/hr
OR 29 μg/dscm at 7-percent O2
for each existing large tunnel
kiln at facility.
2.0 E–04 lb/ton OR 0.0011 lb/hr
OR 70 μg/dscm at 7-percent O2
for each existing small tunnel
kiln at facility.
0.16 lb/ton PM OR 0.040 gr/dscf
PM at 7 percent O2 OR 0.023
lb/hr non-Hg HAP metals for
each existing tunnel kiln at facility.
Limits for new sources
Small tunnel kilns ...........................
(< 10 tph) .......................................
All tunnel kilns ................................
Large tunnel kilns ..........................
(≥ 10 tph) .......................................
57 lb/hr HCl-equivalent for collection of all new tunnel kilns at facility.
0.022 lb/ton PM OR 0.0066 gr/
dscf PM at 7-percent O2 OR
0.0032 lb/hr non-Hg HAP metals for each new tunnel kiln at
2. Work Practice Standards
We are proposing work practice
standards for BSCP periodic kilns in
lieu of HAP emission limits. The work
practice standards would require
developing and using a designed firing
time and temperature cycle for each
product produced in the periodic kiln;
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labeling each periodic kiln with the
maximum load (in tons) that can be
fired in the kiln during a single firing
cycle; documenting the total tonnage
placed in the kiln for each load to
ensure that it is not greater than the
maximum load; developing and
implementing maintenance procedures
for each kiln that specify the frequency
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2.0 E–05 lb/ton OR 2.4 E–04 lb/hr
OR 13 μg/dscm at 7-percent O2
for each new large tunnel kiln at
2.0 E–04 lb/ton OR 0.0011 lb/hr
OR 70 μg/dscm at 7-percent O2
for each new small tunnel kiln
at facility.
of inspection and maintenance; and
developing and maintaining records for
each periodic kiln, including logs to
document the proper operation and
maintenance procedures of the periodic
We are also proposing work practice
standards for BSCP tunnel kilns in lieu
of dioxin/furan emission limits. The
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
work practice standards would require
maintaining and inspecting the burners
and associated combustion controls (as
applicable); tuning the specific burner
type to optimize combustion; keeping
records of each burner tune-up; and
submitting a report for each tune-up
E. What are the startup and shutdown
The EPA’s position on SSM events is
discussed in section II.B of this
preamble. Standards for periods of
startup and shutdown are discussed in
this section.
We are proposing the work practice
standards described in this paragraph
for periods of startup and shutdown for
BSCP tunnel kilns with APCD. For
startup, the owner or operator would be
required to vent the exhaust from the
kiln through the APCD by the time the
kiln exhaust temperature reaches 400
degrees Fahrenheit (°F). In addition, no
bricks or other product may be
introduced to the kiln until the kiln
exhaust temperature reaches 400 °F and
the exhaust is being vented through the
APCD. For shutdown, the owner or
operator would be required to vent the
exhaust from the kiln through the APCD
until the kiln exhaust temperature falls
below 300 °F. In addition, no bricks or
other product may be put into the kiln
once the kiln exhaust temperature falls
to 300 °F and the exhaust is no longer
being vented through the APCD. When
the kiln exhaust is being vented through
the APCD, the owner or operator would
be required to comply with the
applicable continuous compliance
requirements described in section III.G
of this preamble.
We are proposing work practice
standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for BSCP tunnel kilns
without an APCD as well. For startup,
no bricks or other product may be
introduced to the kiln until the kiln
exhaust temperature reaches 400 °F. For
shutdown, no bricks or other product
may be put into the kiln once the kiln
exhaust temperature falls to 300 °F.
F. What are the testing and initial
compliance requirements?
We are proposing that owners or
operators of all affected sources subject
to emission limits conduct an initial
performance test using specified EPA
test methods to demonstrate initial
compliance with all applicable emission
limits. A performance test would have
to be conducted before renewing the
facility’s 40 CFR part 70 operating
permit or at least every five years
following the initial performance test, as
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well as when an operating limit
parameter value is being revised.
Under today’s proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule, the owner or
operator would have to measure
emissions of HF, HCl, Cl2, Hg and PM
(or non-Hg HAP metals). We are
proposing that the owner or operator
measure HF, HCl and Cl2 using one of
the following methods:
• EPA Method 26A, ‘‘Determination of
Hydrogen Halide and Halogen Emissions
from Stationary Sources—Isokinetic
Method,’’ 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8;
• EPA Method 26, ‘‘Determination of
Hydrogen Chloride Emissions from
Stationary Sources,’’ 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8, when no acid particulate (e.g.,
HF, HCl or Cl2 dissolved in water droplets
emitted by sources controlled by a wet
scrubber) is present;
• EPA Method 320, ‘‘Measurement of
Vapor Phase Organic and Inorganic Emission
by Extractive FTIR’’ 40 CFR part 63,
appendix A, provided the test follows the
analyte spiking procedures of section 13 of
Method 320, unless the owner or operator
can demonstrate that the complete spiking
procedure has been conducted at a similar
source; or
• Any other alternative method that has
been approved by the Administrator under
40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
Following the performance test, the
owner or operator would calculate the
HCl-equivalent for the kiln using
proposed Equation 2 in 40 CFR
63.8445(f)(2)(i). If there are multiple
kilns at a facility, the owner or operator
would sum the HCl-equivalent for each
kiln using proposed Equation 3 in 40
CFR 63.8445(f)(2)(ii) to get the total
facility HCl-equivalent and compare this
value to the proposed limitation.
If the owner or operator chooses to
comply with one of the two PM
emission limits, we are proposing that
the owner or operator measure PM
emissions using one of the following
• EPA Method 5, ‘‘Determination of
Particulate Emissions from Stationary
Sources,’’ 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3;
• EPA Method 29, ‘‘Determination of
Metals Emissions From Stationary Sources,’’
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, where the test
results would report the weight of the PM on
the filter as PM filterable; or
• Any other alternative method that has
been approved by the Administrator under
40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
If the owner or operator chooses to
comply with the non-Hg HAP metals
emission limit instead of one of the PM
emission limits, the owner or operator
would measure non-Hg HAP metals
emissions using EPA Method 29 cited
above or any other alternative method
that has been approved by the
Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of
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the General Provisions. The owner or
operator may also use Method 29 or any
other approved alternative method to
measure Hg emissions.
The following paragraphs discuss the
initial compliance requirements that we
are proposing. Prior to the initial
performance test, the owner or operator
would need to install the continuous
parameter monitoring system (CPMS)
equipment to be used to demonstrate
continuous compliance with the
operating limits. During the initial test,
the owner or operator would use the
CPMS to establish site-specific
operating parameter values that
represent the operating limits.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
ensure that lime in the feed hopper or
silo and to the APCD is free-flowing at
all times during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test and record the feeder
setting (on a per ton of fired product
basis) for the three test runs. If the lime
feed rate varies, the owner or operator
would be required to determine the
average feed rate from the three test
runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes the minimum site-specific
feed rate operating limit. If there are
different average feed rate values during
the PM/non-Hg HAP metals and HF/
HCl/Cl2 tests, the highest of the average
values becomes the site-specific
operating limit. If a BLD system is
present, the owner or operator would
need to submit analyses and supporting
documentation demonstrating
conformance with EPA guidance and
specifications for BLD systems.
For a stand-alone FF (i.e., no dry
sorbent injection or DLS) and a BLD
system, we are proposing that the owner
or operator submit analyses and
supporting documentation
demonstrating conformance with EPA
guidance and specifications for BLD
For a dry limestone adsorber (DLA),
we are proposing that the owner or
operator continuously measure the
pressure drop across the DLA during the
HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test and
determine the 3-hour block average
pressure drop. The average of the three
test runs establishes the minimum sitespecific pressure drop operating limit.
Alternatively, the owner or operator
may continuously monitor the bypass
stack damper position at least once
every 15 minutes during the
performance test. The owner or operator
also would need to maintain an
adequate amount of limestone in the
limestone hopper, storage bin (located at
the top of the DLA) and DLA at all
times. In addition, the owner or operator
would need to establish the limestone
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
feeder setting (on a per ton of fired
product basis) 1 week prior to the
performance test and maintain the
feeder setting for the 1-week period that
precedes the performance test and
during the performance test. Finally, the
owner or operator would need to
document the source and grade of the
limestone used during the performance
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing
that the owner or operator continuously
measure the scrubber pressure drop
during the PM/non-Hg HAP metals
performance test, the scrubber liquid pH
and chemical addition rate (if
applicable) during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test and the scrubber liquid
flow rate during both the PM/non-Hg
HAP metals and HF/HCl/Cl2
performance tests. For each wet
scrubber parameter, the owner or
operator would need to determine and
record the average values for the three
test runs and the 3-hour block average
value. The average of the three test runs
establishes the minimum site-specific
pressure drop, liquid pH, liquid flow
rate and chemical addition rate
operating limits. If different average wet
scrubber liquid flow rate values are
measured during the PM/non-Hg HAP
metals and HF/HCl/Cl2 tests, the highest
of the average values become the sitespecific operating limit.
For an activated carbon injection
(ACI) system, we are proposing that the
owner or operator measure the activated
carbon flow rate during the Hg
performance test and determine the 3hour block average flow rate. The
average of the three test runs establishes
the minimum site-specific activated
carbon flow rate operating limit.
For a source with no APCD installed,
we are proposing that the owner or
operator calculate the maximum
potential HCl-equivalent using proposed
Equation 4 in 40 CFR 63.8445(g)(1)(i).
The owner or operator would use the
results from the performance test to
determine the emissions at the
maximum possible process rate. For
example, if the design capacity of the
kiln is 10 tph and the production rate
during the performance test was 9 tph,
then the test results represent 90 percent
of the maximum potential emissions. If
there are multiple kilns at a facility, the
owner or operator would need to sum
the maximum potential HCl-equivalent
for each kiln to get the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent and
compare this value to the proposed
health-based emission limitation for
acid gases. If the total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent is greater than
the proposed limitation, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
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determine the maximum process rate for
which the total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent remains at or
below the proposed limitation. If there
are multiple kilns, the owner or operator
would need to determine one or more
combinations of maximum process rates
that would result in a total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent
remains at or below the proposed
limitation. The maximum process rate(s)
would become the operating limit(s) for
process rate.
G. What are the continuous compliance
Today’s BSCP manufacturing rule
proposes that the owner or operator
demonstrate continuous compliance
with each emission limitation that
applies. The owner or operator would
have to follow the requirements in the
operation, maintenance and monitoring
(OM&M) plan and document
conformance with the OM&M plan. The
owner or operator would need to
operate a CPMS to monitor the
operating parameters established during
the initial performance test as described
in the following paragraphs. The CPMS
would have to collect data at least every
15 minutes, including at least three of
four equally spaced data values (or at
least 75 percent if there are more than
four data values per hour) per hour to
have a valid hour of data. The owner or
operator would have to operate the
CPMS at all times when the process is
operating. The owner or operator would
also have to conduct proper
maintenance of the CPMS (including
inspections, calibrations and validation
checks) and maintain an inventory of
necessary parts for routine repairs of the
CPMS. Using the recorded readings, the
owner or operator would need to
calculate and record the 3-hour block
average values of each operating
parameter. To calculate the average for
each 3-hour averaging period, the owner
or operator would need to have at least
75 percent of the recorded readings for
that period.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance with the acid
gas (HF/HCl/Cl2) health-based emission
limit by maintaining free-flowing lime
in the feed hopper or silo and to the
APCD at all times. If lime is not flowing
freely, according to load cell output,
carrier gas/lime flow indicator, carrier
gas pressure drop measurement system
or other system, the owner or operator
would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
the OM&M plan. The owner or operator
would also have to maintain the feeder
setting (on a per ton of fired product
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basis) at or above the level established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test
and record the feeder setting once each
The proposed rule would provide the
option to use either a BLD system or VE
monitoring to demonstrate compliance
with the PM/non-Hg HAP metals
emission limit.
For the option of a BLD system, we
are proposing that the owner or operator
initiate corrective action within 1 hour
of a BLD system alarm and complete
corrective actions according to the
OM&M plan. The owner or operator
would also need to operate and
maintain the FF such that the alarm is
not engaged for more than 5 percent of
the total operating time in a 6-month
block reporting period. In calculating
this operating time fraction, the owner
or operator would not count any alarm
time if inspection of the FF
demonstrates that no corrective action is
required. If corrective action is required,
the owner or operator must count each
alarm as a minimum of 1 hour. If
corrective action is initiated more than
1 hour after an alarm, the owner or
operator must count as alarm time the
actual amount of time taken to initiate
corrective action.
For the option of monitoring VE, we
are proposing that the owner or operator
perform daily, 15-minute VE
observations in accordance with the
procedures of EPA Method 22, ‘‘Visual
Determination of Fugitive Emissions
from Material Sources and Smoke
Emissions from Flares,’’ 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7. During the VE
observations, the kiln would need to be
operating under normal conditions. If
VE are observed, the owner or operator
would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
the OM&M plan. If no VE are observed
in 30 consecutive daily EPA Method 22
tests, the owner or operator may
decrease the frequency of EPA Method
22 testing from daily to weekly for that
kiln stack. If VE are observed during any
weekly test, the owner or operator
would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
the OM&M plan and the owner or
operator would need to resume EPA
Method 22 testing of that kiln stack on
a daily basis until no VE are observed
in 30 consecutive daily tests, at which
time the owner or operator may again
decrease the frequency of EPA Method
22 testing to a weekly basis.
For a stand-alone FF, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
use a BLD system or monitor VE as
described above to demonstrate
compliance with the PM/non-Hg HAP
metals emission limit.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For a DLA, we are proposing that the
owner or operator demonstrate
compliance with the acid gas (HF/HCl/
Cl2) health-based emission limit by
collecting and recording data
documenting the DLA pressure drop
and reducing the data to 3-hour block
averages. The owner or operator would
need to maintain the average pressure
drop across the DLA for each 3-hour
block period at or above the average
pressure drop established during the
HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
Alternatively, the owner or operator
may continuously monitor the bypass
stack damper position at least once
every 15 minutes during normal kiln
operation. Any period in which the
bypass damper is opened allowing the
kiln exhaust gas to bypass the DLA
would trigger corrective actions
according to the OM&M plan. The
owner or operator also would need to
verify that the limestone hopper, storage
bin (located at the top of the DLA) and
DLA contain an adequate amount of
limestone by performing a daily visual
check of the limestone hopper and the
storage bin. A daily visual check could
include one of the following: (1)
conducting a physical check of the
hopper; (2) creating a visual access
point, such as a window, on the side of
the hopper; (3) installing a camera in the
hopper that provides continuous feed to
a video monitor in the control room; or
(4) confirming that load level indicators
in the hopper are not indicating the
need for additional limestone. If the
hopper or storage bin does not contain
adequate limestone, the owner or
operator would have to promptly
initiate and complete corrective actions
according to the OM&M plan. The
owner or operator also would have to
record the limestone feeder setting daily
(on a per ton of fired product basis) to
verify that the feeder setting is being
maintained at or above the level
established during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test. The owner or operator
also would need to use the same grade
of limestone from the same source as
was used during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test and maintain records
of the source and type of limestone.
Finally, the owner or operator would
need to monitor VE, as described in the
previous paragraph.
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing
that the owner or operator continuously
maintain the 3-hour block averages for
scrubber pressure drop, scrubber liquid
pH, scrubber liquid flow rate and
chemical addition rate (if applicable) at
or above the minimum values
established during the applicable
performance test. Maintaining the 3-
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hour block average for scrubber pressure
drop at or above the minimum value
established during the PM/non-Hg HAP
metals performance test would
demonstrate compliance with the PM/
non-Hg HAP metals emission limit.
Maintaining the 3-hour block average
for scrubber liquid pH and chemical
(e.g., lime, caustic) addition rate at or
above the minimum values established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test
would demonstrate compliance with the
acid gas (HF/HCl/Cl2) health-based
emission limit. Maintaining the 3-hour
block average for scrubber liquid flow
rate at or above the lowest minimum
value established during the PM/non-Hg
HAP metals and HF/HCl/Cl2
performance tests would demonstrate
compliance with all applicable emission
limits by showing that the scrubber is in
proper working order.
For an ACI system, we are proposing
that the owner or operator demonstrate
compliance with the Hg emission limit
by continuously monitoring the
activated carbon flow rate and
maintaining it at or above the operating
limit established during the Hg
performance test.
For sources with no APCD, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
monitor VE as described above to
demonstrate compliance with the PM/
non-Hg HAP metals emission limit. In
addition, if the last calculated total
facility maximum potential HClequivalent was not at or below the
proposed health-based emission
limitation for acid gases, then we are
proposing that the owner or operator
collect and record data documenting the
process rate of the kiln and reduce the
data to 3-hour block averages. The
owner or operator would need to
maintain the kiln process rate at or
below the kiln process rate operating
limit(s) that would enable the total
facility maximum potential HClequivalent to remain at or below the
proposed limitation.
H. What are the notification,
recordkeeping and reporting
All new and existing sources would
be required to comply with certain
requirements of the General Provisions
(40 CFR part 64, subpart A), which are
identified in proposed Table 8 of 40
CFR part 64, subpart JJJJJ. The General
Provisions include specific
requirements for notifications,
recordkeeping and reporting.
Each owner or operator would be
required to submit a notification of
compliance status report, as required by
40 CFR 63.9(h) of the General
Provisions. This proposed BSCP
PO 00000
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manufacturing rule would require the
owner or operator to include in the
notification of compliance status report
certifications of compliance with rule
requirements. Semiannual compliance
reports, as required by 40 CFR
63.10(e)(3) of subpart A, would also be
required for each semiannual reporting
This proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule would require records to
demonstrate compliance with each
emission limit and work practice
standard. These recordkeeping
requirements are specified directly in
the General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63
and are identified in proposed Table 8
of subpart JJJJJ.
Specifically, we are proposing that the
owner or operator keep the following
• All reports and notifications submitted
to comply with this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule.
• Records of performance tests.
• Records relating to APCD maintenance
and documentation of approved routine
control device maintenance exemption.
• Continuous monitoring data as required
in this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
• Records of BLD system alarms and
corrective actions taken.
• Records of each instance in which the
owner or operator did not meet each
emission limit (i.e., deviations from operating
• Records of production rates.
• Records of approved alternative
monitoring or testing procedures.
• Records of maintenance and inspections
performed on the APCD.
• Current copies of the OM&M plan and
records documenting conformance.
• Logs of the information required to
document compliance with the periodic kiln
work practice standard.
• Records of burner tune-ups used to
comply with the dioxin/furan work practice
standard for tunnel kilns.
• Logs of the information required to
document compliance with the startup and
shutdown work practice standards.
• Records of each malfunction and the
corrective action taken.
We are also proposing that the owner
or operator submit the following reports
and notifications:
• Notifications required by the General
• Initial Notification no later than 120
calendar days after the affected source
becomes subject to this subpart.
• Notification of Intent to conduct
performance tests and/or other compliance
demonstration at least 60 calendar days
before the performance test and/or other
compliance demonstration is scheduled.
• Notification of Compliance Status 60
calendar days following completion of a
compliance demonstration that includes a
performance test.
• Notification of Compliance Status 30
calendar days following completion of a
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
compliance demonstration that does not
include a performance test (i.e., compliance
demonstrations for the work practice
• Compliance reports semi-annually,
including a report of the most recent burner
tune-up conducted to comply with the
dioxin/furan work practice standard and a
report of each malfunction resulting in an
exceedance and the corrective action taken.
• Results of each performance test within
60 days of completing the test, submitted to
the EPA by direct computer-to-computer
electronic transfer via EPA-provided software
for data collected using supported test
I. How would I submit emissions test
results to the EPA?
In this proposal, the EPA is describing
a process to increase the ease and
efficiency of performance test data
submittal while improving data
accessibility. Specifically, the EPA is
proposing that owners and operators of
BSCP manufacturing facilities submit
electronic copies of required
performance test reports by direct
computer-to-computer electronic
transfer using EPA-provided software.
The direct computer-to-computer
electronic transfer is accomplished
through the EPA’s Central Data
Exchange (CDX) using the Compliance
and Emissions Data Reporting Interface
(CEDRI). The CDX is the EPA’s portal
for submittal of electronic data. The
EPA-provided software is called the
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT), which
generates electronic reports of
performance tests and evaluations. The
ERT report package will be submitted
using the CEDRI. The submitted report
package will be stored in the CDX
archive (the official copy of record) and
the EPA’s public database called
WebFIRE. All stakeholders will have
access to all reports and data in
WebFIRE via the WebFIRE Report
Search and Retrieval link (https://
A description and instructions for use of
the ERT can be found on the ERT Web
site (
index.html), and CEDRI can be accessed
through the CDX Web site
The proposal to submit performance
test data electronically to the EPA
applies only to those performance tests
conducted using test methods that are
supported by the ERT at the time of the
test. The ERT supports most of the
commonly used EPA reference methods.
A listing of the pollutants and test
methods supported by the ERT is
available on the ERT Web site.
We believe that the electronic
submittal of reports increases the
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usefulness of the data contained in
those reports, is in keeping with current
trends in data availability and may
ultimately result in less burden on the
regulated community. Electronic
reporting can eliminate paper-based,
manual processes, thereby saving time
and resources, simplifying data entry,
eliminating redundancies and providing
data quickly and accurately to the
affected sources, air agencies, the EPA
and the public.
By making data readily available,
electronic reporting increases the
amount of data that can be used for the
development of emission factors. The
EPA has received feedback from
stakeholders asserting that many of the
EPA’s emission factors are outdated or
not representative of a particular
industry emission source. While the
EPA believes that the emission factors
are suitable for their intended purpose,
we also recognize that emissions
profiles on different pieces of
equipment can change over time due to
a number of factors (fuel changes,
equipment improvements, industry
work practices), and it is important for
emission factors to be updated to keep
up with these changes. The EPA is
currently pursuing emission factor
development improvements that
include procedures to incorporate the
source test data that we are proposing be
submitted electronically.
Emission factors are used in the
development of emissions inventories,
and improved emission factors means
that the quality of these inventories will
be improved more quickly than they
would under the current paper reporting
requirements. Emissions inventories are
used for tracking emission trends and
identifying potential sources of
emissions for reduction. For example,
the EPA’s National Air Toxics
Assessment (NATA) uses the EPA’s
National Emissions Inventory (NEI) in
its screening level assessments to
characterize the nationwide chronic
cancer risk estimates and noncancer
hazards from inhaling air toxics. The
NATA is used as a screening tool for air
agencies to prioritize pollutants,
emission sources and locations of
interest for further study to gain a better
understanding of risks. Therefore,
improving the quality of these
inventories is an on-going goal for the
agency and a benefit to the public, air
agencies and the regulated community.
Additionally, the EPA, the regulated
community and the public may benefit
from electronic reporting when the EPA
conducts its CAA-required technology
and risk-based reviews. Because we will
already have access to these reports, our
ability to do comprehensive reviews
PO 00000
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will be increased and achieved within a
shorter period of time. Under an
electronic reporting system, the EPA
would have performance test data in
hand; thus, it is possible that fewer or
less substantial information collection
requests (ICRs) in conjunction with
prospective CAA-required technology
and risk-based reviews may be needed.
This may result in a decrease in the
need for industry staff time to respond
to data collection requests. It may also
allow the EPA to conduct these required
reviews more quickly, as we will not
have to include the ICR collection time
in the process. While the regulated
community may benefit from reduced
ICRs, the general public benefits from
the agency’s ability to conduct these
required reviews more quickly.
Electronic reporting could minimize
submission of unnecessary or
duplicative reports in cases where
facilities report to multiple government
agencies and the agencies opt to rely on
the EPA’s electronic reporting system to
view report submissions. Where air
agencies continue to require a paper
copy of these reports and will accept a
hard copy of the electronic report,
facilities will have the option to print
paper copies of the electronic reporting
forms to submit to the air agencies, thus
minimizing the time spent reporting to
multiple agencies. Additionally,
maintenance and storage costs
associated with retaining paper records
could likewise be minimized by
replacing those records with electronic
records of electronically submitted data
and reports.
There are benefits of information that
is submitted in a standardized format.
Standardizing the reporting format will
require the reporting of specific data
elements, thereby helping to ensure
completeness of the data and allowing
for accurate assessment of data quality.
Additionally, imbedded quality
assurance checks will perform some of
the required method calculations,
reducing errors in test reports. And
because the system is entirely
electronic, it eliminates transcription
errors in moving data from paper reports
to data systems for analysis. These
quality assurance checks and
procedures will increase the accuracy of
test report data, improve the overall
quality of test data, and lead to more
accurate emission factors and higher
quality emissions inventories. These
features benefit all users of the data.
Air agencies could benefit from more
streamlined and automated review of
the electronically submitted data. For
example, because the performance test
data would be readily-available in a
standard electronic format, air agencies
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
would be able to review reports and
data electronically rather than having to
conduct a review of the reports and data
manually. Having reports and associated
data in electronic format will facilitate
review through the use of software
‘‘search’’ options, as well as the
downloading and analyzing of data in
spreadsheet format. Additionally, air
agencies would benefit from the
reported data being accessible to them
through the EPA’s electronic reporting
system whenever they want or need
access (as long as they have access to
the Internet). The ability to access and
review information electronically will
assist air agencies in more quickly
determining compliance with emission
standards. This benefits both air
agencies and the general public.
The general public would also benefit
from electronic reporting of emissions
data because the data would be
available for viewing sooner and would
be easier for the public to access. The
EPA Web site that stores the submitted
electronic data is easily accessible to the
public and provides a user-friendly
interface that any stakeholder could
In summary, in addition to supporting
regulation development, control strategy
development and other air pollution
control activities, having an electronic
database populated with performance
test data would save industry, air
agencies and the EPA significant time,
money and effort while also improving
the quality of emission inventories and
air quality regulations.
IV. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for
Brick and Structural Clay Products
A. How did the EPA determine which
sources would be regulated under the
proposed rule?
In the BSCP manufacturing industry,
the primary sources of HAP emissions
are kilns, including tunnel kilns and
periodic kilns. The HAP emitted from
BSCP kilns include HF, HCl, Cl2, Hg and
other non-Hg HAP metals. At one time,
dryers were a potential source of HF,
HCl, Cl2 and non-Hg HAP metals
emissions, but the design and operation
of kilns and dryers has changed such
that emissions released from the heating
of the raw materials and the products of
combustion no longer pass from the kiln
into the dryer. In addition, the 2010
EPA survey requested that owners/
operators of specific dryers test for
dioxins/furans, and none of the tests
found detectable levels of dioxins/
furans. See the technical memorandum
‘‘Determination of ‘‘Non-Detect’’ Test
Data for the BSCP Proposed Rule’’ in
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Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291. Other process units at BSCP
manufacturing facilities (e.g., raw
material processing and handling) have
not been found to emit measurable
quantities of HAP. For this reason, the
proposed rule covers existing and new
kilns at major source BSCP
manufacturing facilities which meet the
applicability criteria in the rule.
BSCP kilns that do not meet the
applicability criteria include kilns that
are used exclusively for setting glazes
on previously fired products. Nearly all
of the acid gas emissions from the firing
of BSCP products are released during
the initial firing, so kilns that are used
exclusively for setting glazes on
previously fired products emit little to
no HF, HCl or Cl2.
B. How did the EPA select the format for
the proposed rule?
For Hg and total non-Hg HAP metals,
this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule
provides owners and operators of
regulated sources with a choice between
a numerical emission rate limit as a
mass of pollutant emitted per ton of
bricks produced and a numerical
emission limit in units of concentration.
The selection of numerical emission rate
limits and numerical emission limits as
the format for this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule provides flexibility
for the regulated community by
allowing a regulated source to choose
any control technology or technique to
meet the emission limits, rather than
requiring each unit to use a prescribed
control method that may not be
appropriate in each case. In addition,
the selection of numerical emission rate
limits as mass of pollutant emitted per
ton of bricks produced ensures that
differences in kiln sizes or production
rates do not affect the level of emissions
control achieved.
The PM limits are proposed as a
surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals. The
same control techniques that would be
used to control PM will control non-Hg
HAP metals. Particulate matter was also
chosen instead of requiring control of
specific individual HAP metals because
all kilns do not emit the same type and
amount of HAP metals due to
differences in raw materials and fuels
used to fire the kilns. However, most
kilns generally emit PM that includes
some amount and combination of HAP
metals. The use of PM as a surrogate
will also eliminate the cost of
performance testing needed to comply
with numerous standards for individual
non-Hg HAP metals. We have used PM
as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals
NESHAP for other rules with similar
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processes (e.g., Portland Cement
Manufacturing, Lime Manufacturing).
Although we continue to believe that
PM is a good surrogate for non-Hg HAP
metals and that complying with a PM
emission limit rather than non-Hg HAP
metals limits will be less costly for most
kilns, we understand that some owners
and operators may find that meeting a
total non-Hg HAP metals limit is less
costly than meeting a PM limit. To
provide that flexibility, we have
developed an alternative compliance
option of a numerical emission rate
limit for total non-Hg HAP metals as a
mass of pollutant emitted per hour. The
ability to comply with this limit would
provide additional flexibility for small
tunnel kilns and tunnel kilns with a low
metals content in the PM emissions and
would achieve equivalent emission
reductions to the options to limit PM.
For acid gases (HF, HCl and Cl2), this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule
includes a health-based emission limit
as a mass of HCl-equivalent emitted per
hour. Further discussion about the
development of the health-based
standard for the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule is provided in
section IV.J of this preamble.
This proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule includes work practices for
dioxins/furans from tunnel kilns. As
described in more detail in section
IV.K.2 of this preamble, 83 percent of
the dioxin/furan data collected during
the ICR process were below the
detection level and it is not practicable
due to technological and economic
limitations to apply measurement
methodology to test for compliance with
a numerical limit.
This proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule also includes work practices for
periodic kilns. As described in more
detail in section IV.K.1 of this preamble,
technological and economic limitations
make it impracticable to measure
compliance with numerical emission
limits for BSCP periodic kilns.
C. How did the EPA consider different
Section 112(d)(1) of the CAA allows
the EPA to promulgate emission
standards for either categories or
subcategories of sources. Through
subcategorization, we are able to define
subsets of similar emission sources
within a source category if differences
in emissions characteristics, processes
or opportunities for pollution
prevention exist within the source
category. Upon initial consideration of
the available information on the BSCP
manufacturing industry, we determined
that separate subcategories for periodic
kilns and tunnel kilns were warranted
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
for several reasons. First, periodic kilns
are smaller than tunnel kilns (with
lower production on an hourly basis, as
well as accounting for only about 4
percent of total BSCP industry
production). Second, periodic kilns are
operated in batch cycles, whereas
tunnel kilns operate continuously.
Third, periodic kilns are typically
operated at higher temperatures than
tunnel kilns and products are typically
heated in the kiln for longer periods
than products fired in tunnel kilns,
resulting in higher energy requirements.
As noted in section IV.K.1 of this
preamble, we have determined that it is
technologically and economically
infeasible to test periodic kilns, thereby
ruling out a quantitative analysis of how
these differences impact emissions.
However, a qualitative comparison can
be made, in that smaller kilns operated
periodically (i.e., periodic kilns) would
be expected to have lower emissions
over time compared to the larger,
continuously operated tunnel kilns.
We then examined the potential for
additional subcategories for tunnel
kilns, including subcategorization based
on kiln fuel and kiln size. Based on the
available emissions test data, we could
not discern differences in emissions
based on fuel type. For that reason, we
have not subcategorized by fuel type.
We request comment, including
additional data if appropriate, on
whether we should subcategorize by
fuel type. In particular, we request
comment on whether we should create
a subcategory for kilns fired with
sawdust (with or without a sawdust
We then considered subcategorization
of tunnel kilns based on kiln size. There
are several differences between the
design, operation and efficiency of
larger kilns and smaller kilns. In
particular, many small kilns are the
older, less efficient kilns in the industry
and newer kilns can be constructed to
be larger and more efficient due to
advances in design. Smaller, older kilns
were constructed with large amounts of
heavy refractory brick and are narrow
and tall in shape, with high arched
ceilings. Larger, newer kilns can be
constructed with more efficient
refractories and can include features
such as fiber linings and insulating
brick, resulting in a wider kiln with
lower ceilings. In addition, the burners
in a small kiln are generally less
efficient and are located near the bottom
of the kiln, where some of the heat is
absorbed by the cars that move the
bricks through the kiln rather than by
the bricks themselves. In a large kiln,
the burners are more efficient and are
often located at the top of the kiln,
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where they can fire downward to the
product. Combined with the kiln size
and shape differences, the difference in
burner efficiency and location results in
a more even temperature distribution
throughout the kiln and product in a
large kiln than in a small kiln.
To assess whether these design and
operation differences have an effect on
emissions and provide support for
defining size subcategories in the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, we
conducted a set of statistical analyses on
the emissions dataset. In the vacated
rule, ‘‘small kilns’’ were defined as kilns
with a design capacity less than 10 tph
and ‘‘large kilns’’ were defined as kilns
with a design capacity of 10 tph or
greater. The main goal of the statistical
analyses was to determine if these
definitions are supported by our current
dataset. Because we have Cl2, Hg and
non-Hg HAP metals data for only about
10 percent of the kilns in the industry,
we conducted the series analyses based
on the HF, HCl and PM datasets, which
are available for a much larger
percentage of the kilns in the industry,
providing more representative kiln
datasets for the analyses.
We found that the median of the
emissions data from kilns in the large
kiln dataset was statistically different
than the median of the emissions data
from kilns in the small kiln dataset for
all three pollutants. Also, based on a
logistic model, we found high
association between emissions and the
hypothesized design capacity
classification. Finally, we conducted a
cluster analysis and considered all three
pollutants together to investigate
whether the combined dataset
supported changing the definitions of
small and large kilns. This cluster
analysis supported the subcategory
definitions from the vacated rule. (For
more information on the statistical
analyses, see ‘‘Analysis of Potential
Subcategories for BSCP Tunnel Kilns’’
in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
Based on the above information and
analyses, we determined that
differences in design and emissions
exist between large (10 tph or greater)
and small (less than 10 tph) kilns.
Therefore, we are proposing to exercise
our discretion to subcategorize based on
kiln size for these kilns’ emissions of
Hg. As discussed in section IV.D of this
preamble, we are not proposing to
exercise our discretion to subcategorize
for other pollutants.
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D. What approaches did the EPA
consider in developing the proposed
emission limitations for existing and
new sources?
All standards established pursuant to
CAA section 112(d)(2) must reflect
MACT, the maximum degree of
reduction in emissions of air pollutants
that the Administrator, taking into
consideration the cost of achieving such
emissions reductions and any nonair
quality health and environmental
impacts and energy requirements,
determined is achievable for each
For existing sources, MACT cannot be
less stringent than the average emission
limitation achieved by the best
performing 12 percent of existing
sources for categories and subcategories
with 30 or more sources or the best
performing five sources for
subcategories with less than 30 sources.
This requirement constitutes the MACT
floor for existing sources. The CAA
specifies that MACT for new sources
shall not be less stringent than the
emission control that is achieved in
practice by the best controlled similar
source. This minimum level of
stringency is the MACT floor for new
The EPA may not consider costs or
other impacts in determining the MACT
floor. However, the EPA must consider
cost, nonair quality health and
environmental impacts and energy
requirements in connection with any
standards that are more stringent than
the MACT floor (beyond-the-floor
The remainder of this section
describes the development of the pool of
data used to calculate the MACT floors
for Hg and PM (as a surrogate for nonHg HAP metals). As noted in section
IV.J of this preamble, health-based
emissions standards are being proposed
for the acid gases HF, HCl and Cl2 under
the provisions of CAA section 112(d)(4).
Consequently, the EPA has not prepared
a MACT floor analysis for these
1. Mercury
In our MACT floor analysis for Hg, we
separated the sources into large kiln and
small kiln subcategories, as described in
section IV.C of this preamble. For each
subcategory, we ranked the sources
based on the data in terms of lb/ton (as
described in section IV.E of this
preamble) and identified the best
performing 12 percent of sources. Once
we identified the best performing kilns,
we then calculated the MACT floor in
units of lb/ton for each subcategory as
described in section IV.E of this
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
preamble. We also calculated the MACT
floor in lb/hr and concentration units
(mg/dscm at 7-percent O2) for each
subcategory, based on the concentration
emissions data for the same top 12
percent (best performing) sources as the
lb/ton floor. This is further discussed in
section IV.E of this preamble and in the
technical memorandum ‘‘Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural
Clay Products’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
2. Total Non-Hg HAP Metals
We developed MACT floors for PM as
a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals.
The available PM data show that kilns
controlled with a FF-based APCD (e.g.,
DIFF, DLS/FF) as a group are better
performers than kilns without FF-based
controls. When we divided the kilns
into two groups, one group consisting of
kilns with a FF-based APCD and the
other group consisting of uncontrolled
kilns and kilns with a different type of
APCD, we found that the test data for
kilns with FF-based APCD showed they
were consistently good performers,
while the test data for kilns without a
FF-based APCD varied widely. The
worst performing kiln with a FF-based
APCD performs better than the average
kiln in the group without a FF-based
APCD. The best performing 75 percent
of the kilns with a FF-based APCD
showed better performance than 80
percent of the kilns without a FF-based
APCD. We also conducted a t-test on the
averages of the two groups and we
found that the average of the test data
for kilns with FF-based APCD was
statistically different from the average of
the test data for kilns without a FFbased APCD (with 99-percent
confidence). See the technical
memorandum ‘‘Analysis of Potential
Subcategories in the BSCP Source
Category’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
One consequence of the wide
variability in emissions from kilns
without a FF-based APCD is that there
are a few uncontrolled kilns and kilns
controlled with DLA with lower lb/ton
emissions than some of the kilns
controlled with a FF-based APCD. We
understand that that the emissions from
kilns with FF-based APCD will be
consistently low over time, based on the
design of these APCD and years of
experience with these devices. On the
other hand, we do not have multiple
tests over time that would enable us to
say the same for kilns that have a
different type of APCD (e.g., DLA) or are
uncontrolled. Thus, we are requesting
information and analysis as to whether
the data showing low emissions from
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some kilns without a FF-based APCD
are reliable.1
As of January 1, 2014, there were 225
operating BSCP tunnel kilns in the
industry (including kilns at major
sources and synthetic area sources); the
top 12 percent of the kilns in the
industry would be represented by the 27
best performing kilns. Therefore, we
ranked the kilns with a FF-based APCD
in terms of lb/ton (as described in
section IV.E of this preamble) and
identified the 27 best performing
sources from that group. Once we
identified the best performing kilns, we
then calculated the MACT floor in units
of lb/ton as described in section IV.E of
this preamble. We also calculated the
MACT floor in concentration units (gr/
dscf at 7-percent O2), based on the
concentration emissions data for the
same top 12 percent (best performing)
sources as the lb/ton floor. As another
alternative, we calculated an equivalent
lb/hr total non-Hg HAP metals limit
using the average non-Hg HAP metals
content of the PM emissions and the
average process rates of the best
performing kilns. This limit would
provide additional compliance
flexibility for small tunnel kilns and
tunnel kilns with a low metals content
in the PM emissions. The alternatives
are further discussed in section IV.E of
this preamble and in the technical
memorandum ‘‘Maximum Achievable
Control Technology (MACT) Floor
Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay
Products’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
E. How did the EPA determine the
MACT floors for existing sources?
The EPA must consider available
emissions information to determine the
MACT floors. The EPA must exercise its
judgment, based on an evaluation of the
relevant factors and available data, to
determine the level of emissions control
that has been achieved by the best
performing sources under variable
conditions. The United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit has recognized that the EPA may
consider variability in estimating the
degree of emission reduction achieved
by best performing sources and in
setting MACT floors. See Mossville
Envt’l Action Now v. EPA, 370 F.3d
1232, 1241–42 (D.C. Cir. 2004) (holding
1 Further, as discussed in section IV.P.1 of this
preamble, the EPA is also considering setting
emission limits for PM and total non-Hg HAP
metals based on the top 12 percent of the data
available in each of the kiln size subcategories. The
reliability of the data showing low emissions from
some kilns without a FF-based APCD is a key factor
in the EPA’s determination of which approach is
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EPA may consider emission variability
in estimating performance achieved by
best performing sources and may set the
floor at level that best performing source
can expect to meet ‘‘every day and
under all operating conditions’’).
As discussed in section IV.D of this
preamble, the EPA established the
MACT floors for PM (as a surrogate for
non-Hg HAP metals) for BSCP kilns
based on sources representing 12
percent of the number of sources in the
category. For Hg emitted from each of
the kiln subcategories, the EPA
established the MACT floors based on
sources representing 12 percent of the
sources for which we had emissions
information. The MACT floor
limitations for Hg and PM (as a
surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals)
were calculated based on the
performance of the best performing
sources in each of the subcategories.
The best performing sources were
determined by ranking each source’s
average emission value from lowest to
Once the best performing sources in
the MACT floor pools were identified,
the MACT floors were calculated using
an Upper Prediction Limit (UPL). The
UPL takes into consideration the
average performance of the units in the
MACT floor pool and the variability of
the test runs during the testing
conditions. For more information
regarding the general use of the UPL and
why it is appropriate for calculating
MACT floors, see the memorandum
‘‘Use of the Upper Prediction Limit for
Calculating MACT Floors’’ in Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291.
The UPL represents the value which
one can expect the mean of a specified
number of future observations (e.g., 3run average) to fall below for the
specified level of confidence, based
upon the results of an independent
sample from the same population. A
prediction interval for a future
observation or an average of future
observations, is an interval that will,
with a specified degree of confidence,
contain the next (or the average of some
other pre-specified number of)
randomly selected observation(s) from a
population. Given this definition, the
UPL represents the value which we can
expect the mean of three future
observations (3-run average) to fall
below, based upon the results of an
independent sample from the same
population. In other words, if we were
to randomly select a future test
condition from any of these sources (i.e.,
average of three runs), we can be 99
percent confident that the reported level
will fall at or below the UPL value.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
There are different UPL equations
depending on the distribution of the
data (e.g., normal, lognormal, skewed/
unknown). We first determined the
distribution of each MACT floor pool’s
data to determine the appropriate UPL
equation using statistical tests of the
kurtosis (K), standard error of kurtosis
(SEK), skewness (S) and standard error
of skewness (SES). The skewness
statistic (S) characterizes the degree of
asymmetry of a given dataset. According
to the skewness hypothesis test, if S is
less than two times the SES, the data
distribution can be considered to be
normal. The kurtosis statistic (K)
characterizes the degree of peakedness
or flatness of a given data distribution
in comparison to a normal distribution.
According to the kurtosis hypothesis
test, if K is less than two times the SEK,
the data distribution can be considered
to be normal. The skewness and kurtosis
hypothesis tests were applied to both
the reported test values and the logtransformed values of the reported test
values to determine the distribution of
each dataset. A UPL was then calculated
for each MACT floor pool with the UPL
equation corresponding to the dataset’s
distribution (e.g., normal, lognormal,
A more detailed explanation of all the
UPL equations used, including the
calculations of kurtosis, standard error
of kurtosis, skewness and standard error
of skewness, can be found in the
technical memorandum ‘‘Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural
Clay Products’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
Test method measurement
imprecision can also be a component of
data variability. Of particular concern
are those data that are reported near or
below a test method’s pollutant
detection capability. There is a concern
that a floor emissions limit calculated
using values at or near the method
detection limit may not account
adequately for data measurement
variability. The expected measurement
imprecision for an emissions value
occurring at or near the detection limit
is about 40 to 50 percent. Relative
pollutant measurement imprecision
decreases to a consistent 10 to 15
percent for values measured at a level
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about 3 times the method detection
One approach that we believe could
be applied to account for measurement
variability would require defining a
detection limit that is representative of
the data used in establishing the floor
emissions limitations and also
minimizes the influence of an outlier
test-specific method detection limit
value. The EPA has developed a list of
representative detection levels (RDL)
developed from available pollutant
specific method detection levels.3 These
RDL values are then multiplied by three
to decrease measurement imprecision to
around 10 to 15 percent (as noted in the
previous paragraph), resulting in values
referred to as ‘‘3×RDL’’ values.
The appropriate 3×RDL value was
compared to the calculated UPL value
for each pollutant and subcategory. If
the 3×RDL value was less than the
calculated UPL value, we concluded
that measurement variability is
adequately addressed and we used the
calculated UPL value as the MACT floor
emissions limit. If, on the other hand,
the 3×RDL value was greater than the
calculated UPL value, we concluded
that the calculated UPL value does not
account entirely for measurement
variability. We then used the 3×RDL
value in place of the calculated UPL
value to ensure that measurement
variability is adequately addressed in
the MACT floor emissions limit. This
check was part of the variability
analysis for all existing MACT floors
that had below detection limit (BDL) or
detection level limited (DLL) run data
present in the best performing datasets
(see the technical memorandum
‘‘Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for
Brick and Structural Clay Products’’ in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
As previously discussed, we
accounted for variability in setting
2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers,
Reference Method Accuracy and Precision
(ReMAP): Phase 1, Precision of Manual Stack
Emission Measurements, CRTD Vol. 60, February
3 ‘‘Data and procedure for handling below
detection level data in analyzing various pollutant
emissions databases for MACT and RTR emissions
limits.’’ Memorandum from Peter Westlin, SPPD,
MPG and Raymond Merrill, AQAD, MTG, to SPPD
management and MACT rule writers. December 13,
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floors, not only because variability is an
element of performance, but because it
is reasonable to assess best performance
over time. For example, we know that
the HAP emission data from the best
performing units are, for the most part,
short-term averages and that the actual
HAP emissions from those sources will
vary over time. If we do not account for
this variability, we would expect that
even the units that perform better than
the floor on average could potentially
exceed the floor emission levels a part
of the time, which would mean that
variability was not properly taken into
account. This variability may include
the day-to-day variability in the total
HAP input to each unit; variability of
the sampling and analysis methods; and
variability resulting from site-to-site
differences for the best performing
units. The EPA’s consideration of
variability accounted for that variability
exhibited by the data representing
multiple units and multiple data values
for a given unit (where available). We
calculated the MACT floor based on the
UPL (upper 99th percentile) as
described earlier from the average
performance of the best performing
units and the variability of the best
performing units.
We believe this approach reasonably
ensures that the emission limits selected
as the MACT floors adequately
represent the level of emissions actually
achieved by the average of the units in
the top 12 percent, considering
operational variability of those units.
Both the analysis of the measured
emissions from units representative of
the top 12 percent and the variability
analysis are reasonably designed to
provide a meaningful estimate of the
average performance or central
tendency, of the best performing 12
percent of units in a given subcategory.
A detailed discussion of the MACT floor
methodology is presented in the
technical memorandum ‘‘Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural
Clay Products’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
Table 5 of this preamble presents the
average emission level of the best
performing sources and the existing
source MACT floor. For this source
category, all the existing source MACT
floors are based on the UPL.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Hg b
Large tunnel kilns (≥ 10 tph) ...................
Avg. of best performing sources ............
Avg. of best performing sources ............
1.6 E–05 lb/ton .......................................
1.7 E–04 lb/hr ........................................
14 μg/dscm.
2.2 E–05 lb/ton .......................................
2.7 E–04 lb/hr ........................................
29 μg/dscm.
1.8 E–04 lb/ton .......................................
0.0010 lb/hr ............................................
62 μg/dscm.
2.0 E–04 lb/ton .......................................
0.0011 lb/hr ............................................
70 μg/dscm.
MACT floor .............................................
MACT floor .............................................
Small tunnel kilns (< 10 tph) ...................
Avg. of best performing sources ............
MACT floor .............................................
All kilns ....................................................
a For
PM b c
0.041 lb/ton.
0.011 gr/dscf.
0.16 lb/ton.
0.040 gr/dscf.
this source category, all the existing source MACT floors are based on the UPL.
units are at 7-percent O2.
is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
b Concentration
c PM
F. How did the EPA determine the
MACT floors for new sources?
The approach that we used to
calculate the MACT floors for new
sources is somewhat different from the
approach that we used to calculate the
MACT floors for existing sources
because the statutory standard is
different. Although the MACT floors for
existing units are intended to reflect the
performance achieved by the average of
the best performing 12 percent of
sources, the MACT floors for new units
are meant to reflect the emission control
that is achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source. Thus, for
existing units, we are concerned about
estimating the central tendency of a set
of multiple units, whereas for new
units, we are concerned about
estimating the level of control that is
representative of that achieved by a
single best performing source. As with
the analysis for existing sources, the
new source analysis must account for
Similar to the MACT floor process
used for existing units, the approach we
used for determining the MACT floor for
new units was based on available
emissions test data. Specifically, we
calculated the new source MACT floor
for a subcategory of sources by ranking
each unit’s average emission value
within the subcategory from lowest to
highest to identify the best performing
similar source. The new source MACT
floor limits for Hg and PM (as a
surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals)
were calculated based on the
performance of the best performing
source for each pollutant in each of the
The MACT floor limits for new
sources were calculated using the same
UPL formula as was used for existing
sources, except the data used were from
the best performing source rather than
the best performing 12 percent of
sources. As previously discussed, we
accounted for variability of the best
performing source in setting floors, not
only because variability is an element of
performance, but because it is
reasonable to assess best performance
over time. We calculated the new source
MACT floor based on the UPL (upper
99th percentile) as described earlier
from the average performance of the best
performing similar source, Student’s tfactor and the total variability of the best
performing source.
This approach reasonably ensures that
the emission limit selected as the MACT
floor for new sources adequately
represents the average level of control
achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source, considering
ordinary operational variability. A
detailed discussion of the MACT floor
methodology is presented in the
technical memorandum ‘‘Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural
Clay Products’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
Table 6 of this preamble presents, for
each subcategory and pollutant, the
average emission level of the best
performing similar source and the new
source MACT floor. The new source
MACT floors are based on the UPL
unless otherwise noted.
Hg b
Large tunnel kilns (≥ 10 tph) ...............
Avg. of top performer ..........................
1.5 E–05 lb/ton ....................................
1.8 E–04 lb/hr ......................................
10 μg/dscm.
2.0 E–05 lb/ton ....................................
2.4 E–04 lb/hr ......................................
13 μg/dscm.
1.8 E–04 lb/ton ....................................
0.0010 lb/hr .........................................
62 μg/dscm.
2.0 E–04 lb/ton ....................................
0.0011 lb/hr .........................................
70 μg/dscm.
MACT floor ..........................................
Small tunnel kilns (< 10 tph) ...............
Avg. of top performer ..........................
MACT floor ..........................................
All kilns .................................................
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Avg. of top performer ..........................
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PM b c
0.0060 lb/ton.
0.0020 gr/dscf.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Hg b
MACT floor ..........................................
PM b c
0.022 lb/ton d.
0.0066 gr/dscf d.
a The
new source MACT floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
units are at 7 percent O2.
c PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
d The MACT floor is based on the 3×RDL value.
b Concentration
G. What is our approach for applying
the upper prediction limit to limited
In a recent United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit decision in National Association
of Clean Water Agencies v. EPA, which
involved challenges to EPA’s MACT
standards for sewage sludge
incinerators, questions were raised
regarding the application of the UPL to
limited datasets. We have since
addressed these questions, as explained
in detail in the memorandum titled,
‘‘Approach for Applying the Upper
Prediction Limit to Limited Datasets’’
(hereafter referred to as the ‘‘Limited
Dataset Memo’’), which is available in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
A limited dataset is defined as having
less than seven data points. In
calculating MACT floor limits based on
limited datasets, we considered
additional factors as described in the
Limited Dataset Memo. We seek
comments on the approach described in
the Limited Dataset Memo and whether
there are other approaches we should
consider for such datasets. We also seek
comments on the application of this
approach for the derivation of MACT
limits based on limited datasets in this
proposal, which are described in the
Limited Dataset Memo.
For the BSCP manufacturing source
category, we have limited datasets for
the following pollutants and
subcategories: Hg for existing and new
small tunnel kilns; PM for new tunnel
kilns; and Hg for new large tunnel kilns.
For each dataset, we performed the
steps outlined in the Limited Dataset
Memo. See the Limited Dataset Memo
for more information.
H. How did the EPA consider beyondthe-floor for existing sources?
As discussed in sections II.A and IV.D
of this preamble, the EPA must consider
emissions limitations and requirements
that are more stringent than the MACT
floor (i.e., beyond-the-floor options).
When considering beyond-the-floor
options, the EPA must consider not only
the maximum degree of reduction in
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emissions of HAP, but must take into
account the associated costs, energy and
non-air quality health and
environmental impacts.
Once the MACT floor determinations
were complete for each subcategory, we
considered regulatory options more
stringent than the MACT floor level of
control (e.g., the performance of
technologies that could result in lower
emissions) for the different
subcategories. We considered requiring
all existing sources to meet the new
source MACT floors for Hg and PM (as
a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals)
developed as described in section IV.F
of this preamble. We analyzed the
beyond-the-floor options for Hg and
total non-Hg HAP metals separately for
existing sources. Our analyses are
documented in the technical
memorandum, ‘‘Development of Cost
and Emission Reduction Impacts for the
BSCP NESHAP,’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
The beyond-the-floor option for total
non-Hg HAP metals is estimated to
achieve additional non-Hg HAP metals
reductions of 2.86 tpy and cost an
additional $22.8 million per year (2011
dollars), for a cost effectiveness of
$7,960,000 per ton of total additional
non-Hg HAP metals removed. The
beyond-the-floor option for Hg is
estimated to achieve additional Hg
reductions of 0.0625 tpy (125 pounds
per year) and cost an additional $9.25
million per year (2011 dollars), for a
cost effectiveness of $148,000,000 per
ton of total additional Hg removed
($74,000 per pound of additional Hg
removed). We have concluded that the
incremental costs of additional control
beyond the MACT floor emission limits
are not reasonable relative to the level
of emission reduction achieved for
either the Hg or total non-Hg HAP
metals beyond-the-floor options.
Therefore, we are not proposing beyondthe-floor limits for Hg or total non-Hg
HAP metals.
I. How did the EPA consider beyondthe-floor for new sources?
The MACT floor level of control for
new tunnel kilns for each pollutant was
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based on the emission control that is
achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source within each of
the subcategories. A new kiln would
likely need both a FF and ACI system
for control of non-Hg HAP metals and
Hg to meet the new source MACT floors.
When we establish a beyond-the-floor
standard, we typically identify control
techniques that have the ability to
achieve an emissions limit more
stringent than the MACT floor. No
techniques were identified that would
achieve HAP reductions greater than the
new source floors for the subcategories.
Therefore, the EPA is not proposing a
beyond-the-floor limit for new sources
in this proposed BSCP manufacturing
J. How did the EPA determine whether
to set health-based standards for
existing and new sources?
In developing the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule, we considered
whether it was appropriate to establish
health-based emission standards under
CAA section 112(d)(4) for the acid gases
HF, HCl and Cl2. As a general matter,
CAA section 112(d) requires MACT
standards at least as stringent as the
MACT floor to be set for all HAP
emitted from major sources. However,
CAA section 112(d)(4) provides that for
HAP with established health thresholds,
the EPA has the discretionary authority
to consider such health thresholds when
establishing emission standards under
CAA section 112(d). This provision is
intended to allow the EPA to establish
emission standards other than
technology-based MACT standards, in
cases where an alternative emission
standard will still ensure that the health
threshold will not be exceeded, with an
ample margin of safety. This section
discusses the prerequisite for setting a
CAA section 112(d)(4) standard, the
factors the EPA considered in exercising
its discretion to set a CAA section
112(d)(4) standard and how the EPA set
the level of the proposed standard.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
1. What Are the Prerequisites for Setting
a CAA Section 112(d)(4) Standard?
The prerequisites for setting a CAA
section 112(d)(4) standard are that the
pollutant must have a health threshold
and not be carcinogenic.4 Whether a
pollutant has a health threshold is based
on certain factors, including evidence
and classification of carcinogenic risk
and evidence of noncarcinogenic
effects: 5
• The EPA ‘‘presumptively concludes’’
that known, probable and possible
carcinogens (Group A, B and C pollutants)
‘‘should not be categorized as threshold
• Pollutants for which there is not enough
evidence to make a conclusion on
carcinogenicity (Group D pollutants) will be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
• Pollutants classified as non-carcinogens
(Group E pollutants) are ‘‘presumptively
considered’’ to be threshold pollutants.6
Health threshold standards may not be
set for pollutants that are carcinogenic.7
The EPA has exercised its
discretionary authority under CAA
section 112(d)(4) in a handful of prior
actions setting emissions standards for
other major source categories, including
the emissions standards issued in 2004
for commercial and industrial boilers
and process heaters, which were
vacated on other grounds by the United
States Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit. In the proposals for
both the Pulp and Paper Chemical
Recovery Combustion Sources NESHAP,
63 FR at 18765 (April 15, 1998) and
Lime Manufacturing NESHAP, 67 FR at
78054 (December 20, 2002), the EPA
invoked CAA section 112(d)(4) for HCl
emissions for discrete units within the
facility. In those proposed actions, the
EPA concluded that HCl had an
established health threshold (in those
4 See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR
54970, 54985 (col. 2–3) (September 9, 2010) (‘‘In
order to exercise this discretion [to set health
threshold standards under 112(d)(4)], EPA must
first conclude that the HAP at issue has an
established health threshold . . .’’).
5 See Pulp and Paper Chemical Recovery
Combustion Sources NESHAP Proposed Rule, 63 FR
18754, 18766/1–18767/1 (April 15, 1998).
6 The current weight-of-evidence under the 2005
EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessments,
which replaced the 1986 cancer guidelines,
recommends the following cancer hazard
descriptors: ‘‘Carcinogenic to Humans,’’ ‘‘Likely to
Be Carcinogenic to Humans,’’ ‘‘Suggestive Evidence
of Carcinogenic Potential,’’ ‘‘Inadequate Information
to Assess Carcinogenic Potential,’’ and ‘‘Not Likely
to Be Carcinogenic to Humans’’ (which are
considered equivalent to the 1986 groups A, B, C,
D and E respectively).
7 See Pulp and Paper Chemical Recovery
Combustion Sources NESHAP Proposed Rule, 63 FR
18754, 18765/3 (‘‘The EPA presumptively applies
section 112(d)(4) only to HAP’s that are not
carcinogens because Congress clearly intended that
carcinogens be considered nonthreshold
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cases it was interpreted as the reference
concentration for chronic effects or RfC)
and was not classified as a human
carcinogen. In light of the absence of
evidence of carcinogenic risk, the
availability of information on
noncarcinogenic effects and the limited
potential health risk associated with the
discrete units being regulated, the EPA
concluded that it was within the EPA’s
discretion to set an emissions standard
under CAA section 112(d)(4) for HCl
under the circumstances of those
In more recent actions, the EPA noted
that HCl was a threshold pollutant, but
decided not to propose a health-based
emission standard for HCl emissions
under CAA section 112(d)(4) for
Portland Cement facilities (74 FR at
21154; May 6, 2009) or for Boilers and
Process Heaters (75 FR at 32032; June 4,
2010) for other reasons. To date, the
EPA has not implemented a NESHAP
that applied the provisions of CAA
section 112(d)(4) to HF or Cl2.8
Since any emission standard under
CAA section 112(d)(4) must consider
the established health threshold level,
with an ample margin of safety, in this
proposed BSCP manufacturing
rulemaking the EPA has considered the
adverse health effects of the HAP acid
gases, HCl, Cl2 and HF. The standard
approach for determining potential
hazards of a pollutant has been to use
a health benchmark below which effects
are not expected to occur. Described
below are the health effects and
benchmarks for HCl, Cl2 and HF and the
rationale for their designation as
threshold pollutants. It is important to
note that if exposure levels as proposed
by the emissions limits in this proposed
BSCP manufacturing rulemaking are
achieved, the adverse health effects
described below will not be of concern
for emissions from these source
Hydrogen chloride is corrosive to the
eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
Acute inhalation exposure may cause
eye, nose and respiratory tract irritation
and inflammation and pulmonary
edema in humans. Chronic occupational
exposure to HCl has been reported to
cause gastritis, bronchitis and dermatitis
in workers. Prolonged exposure to low
concentrations may also cause dental
discoloration and erosion. No
information is available on the
reproductive or developmental effects of
HCl in humans. In rats exposed to HCl
by inhalation, altered estrus cycles have
8 The EPA has not classified HF or Cl gas with
respect to carcinogenicity. However, at this time the
agency is not aware of any data that would suggest
either of these HAP are carcinogens.
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been reported in females and increased
fetal mortality and decreased fetal
weight have been reported in offspring.
The EPA conducted a toxicity
assessment of chronic inhalation
exposure to HCl and has established an
RfC of 20 micrograms per cubic meter
(mg/m3).9 An RfC is defined as an
estimate (with uncertainty spanning
perhaps an order of magnitude) of a
continuous inhalation exposure to the
human population (including sensitive
subgroups 10) that is likely to be without
an appreciable risk of deleterious effects
during a lifetime. The EPA RfC for HCl
was based on respiratory toxicity
observed in animals. An uncertainty
factor of 300 was applied to the lowest
adverse effect level noted in animals.
This assessment did not take into
account effects associated with acute
exposure.11 The EPA has not classified
HCl for carcinogenicity.
With respect to the potential health
effects of HCl, we know the following:
• Chronic exposure to concentrations at or
below the RfC is not expected to cause
chronic respiratory effects.
• Little research has been conducted on its
carcinogenicity. The one occupational study
of which we are aware found no evidence of
• There is a significant body of scientific
literature addressing the health effects of
acute exposure to HCl.12
Based on this information, the agency
believes it is reasonable to classify HCl
as a Group D pollutant.13 Based on the
negative carcinogenicity data and on the
EPA’s knowledge of how HCl reacts in
the body and its likely mechanism of
action, as discussed above, the agency
considers HCl to be a threshold
The effects of acute exposure to
humans and animals to Cl2 have been
well characterized. Similar to HCl, Cl2 is
9 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS).
Hydrogen chloride (CASRN 7647–01–0). 1995.
Available at:
0396.htm. Accessed on April 11, 2014.
10 ‘‘Sensitive subgroups’’ may refer to particular
life stages, such as children or the elderly or to
those with particular medical conditions, such as
11 California EPA considered acute toxicity and
established a 1-hour reference exposure level (REL)
of 2.1 mg/m3. An REL is the concentration level at
or below which no adverse health effects are
anticipated for a specified exposure duration. RELs
are designed to protect the most sensitive
individuals in the population by the inclusion of
margins of safety.
12 See California Office of Health Hazard
Assessment. Acute Toxicity Summary for Hydrogen
Chloride. Available at:
final.pdf#page=112, EPA, 2008.
13 See Health Assessment Document for Chlorine
and Hydrogen Chloride, Review Draft; EPA–600/8–
87/041A, August 1994.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
a well-known sensory irritant (capable
of eliciting sensory irritation) and the
most sensitive target for toxicity in
humans and animals is the respiratory
system. Acute exposures to low levels of
Cl2 (approximately 3 to 40 milligrams
per cubic meter (mg/m3)) have been
shown to cause nose, eyes and throat
irritation in humans. Acute exposure to
high levels (above 40 mg/m3) of Cl2 in
humans can result in chest pain,
vomiting, toxic pneumonitis and
pulmonary edema. Chronic (long-term)
exposure to Cl2 gas in workers has
resulted in respiratory effects including
eye and throat irritation and airflow
obstruction. Animal studies have
reported decreased body weight gain,
eye and nose irritation, non-neoplastic
nasal lesions and respiratory epithelial
hyperplasia from chronic inhalation
exposure to Cl2. There is no evidence
that Cl2 causes reproductive or
developmental effects in animals or
humans. A few studies of workers in the
chemical industry did not find any
evidence that Cl2 is carcinogenic. The
EPA, the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) and the
Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) have not classified Cl2
gas as to its carcinogenicity.
The human health value for Cl2 is an
Agency for Toxic Substances and
Disease Registry (ATSDR) Minimal Risk
Level (MRL) of 0.00015 mg/m3.14 The
MRL is defined as an estimate of daily
human exposure to a substance that is
likely to be without an appreciable risk
of adverse effects (other than cancer)
over a specified duration of exposure.15
The MRL was based on respiratory
toxicity (nasal lesions) observed in a
chronic inhalation exposure (1 year) in
monkeys. An uncertainty factor of 30
was applied to the MRL to account for
uncertainties in extrapolating results
from animal to humans and to account
for human variability. Since the effects
of acute exposure of humans and
animals to Cl2 have been well
characterized, the ATSDR toxicity
profile for Cl2 also included acute MRL.
With respect to the potential health
effects of Cl2, we know the following:
• Studies of workers in the chemical
industry did not find any evidence that Cl2
is carcinogenic.
• Chronic exposure to concentrations at or
below the MRL is not expected to cause
chronic respiratory effects.
• The acute effects of Cl2 have been well
characterized in humans.
Based on the negative carcinogenicity
data and on the EPA’s knowledge of
how Cl2 reacts in the body and its likely
mechanism of action, as discussed
above, the agency presumptively
considers Cl2 to be a threshold
There is a significant body of
scientific literature addressing the
health effects of acute exposure to HF.16
Hydrogen fluoride is a respiratory tract
irritant capable of causing severe tissue
damage in the respiratory system. Acute
(short-term) inhalation exposure to
gaseous HF can cause severe respiratory
effects in humans, including severe
irritation and pulmonary edema. Severe
ocular irritation and dermal burns may
occur following eye or skin exposure in
humans. Because the toxic effects of HF
are, to a large extent, based on the
fluoride ion rather than the hydrogen
ion, it is noteworthy to mention that the
major health effect of chronic inhalation
exposure to high levels of fluoride is
skeletal fluorosis. In skeletal fluorosis,
fluoride accumulates in the bone
progressively over many years and can
cause a variety of symptoms including
stiffness and pain in the joints. In severe
cases, the bone structure may change
and ligaments may calcify, resulting in
muscle impairment and pain. Chronic
inhalation exposure to HF (with
particulate fluorides) in the aluminum
industry has been associated with
increased risk of asthma. Chronic oral
exposure to fluoride at low levels has a
beneficial effect of dental cavity
prevention and may also be useful for
the treatment of osteoporosis. Exposure
to higher levels of fluoride may cause
dental and bone fluorosis. Although the
existing toxicological database on
fluoride does not provide strong
evidence for the consideration of
fluoride as an essential element, several
organizations consider fluoride an
important dietary element for humans.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has
derived adequate intake values ranging
from 0.01 to 4 milligrams per day to
reduce the occurrence of dental caries.17
The World Health Organization (WHO)
considers fluoride to be ‘‘essential’’
because it considered ‘‘resistance to
14 Toxicological Profile for Chlorine, Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
2010. Available at
15 Inhalation MRLs are used in noncancer
assessments when IRIS RfCs are not available
because their concept, definition and derivation are
philosophically consistent (though not identical)
with the basis for EPA’s RfCs (
16 California EPA Chronic Toxicity Summary for
Fluorides including Hydrogen Fluoride. 2003.
Available at
17 IOM. 1997. Dietary reference intakes for
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin Dand
fluoride. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine.
National Academy of Sciences. National Academy
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dental caries to be a physiologically
important function.’’ 18 With regard to
HF carcinogenic potential, the ATSDR
Public Health Statement document
states that ‘‘carcinogenicity via
inhalation of fluoride is not considered
to be likely by most investigators
reporting in the existing literature.’’ The
EPA has not classified HF for
The chronic inhalation noncancer
human health value the EPA uses for HF
is the REL of 0.014 mg/m3 derived by
California EPA (CalEPA).19 CalEPA
defines the REL as a concentration level
at (or below) which no adverse health
effects are anticipated for specific
exposure durations, a concept that is
substantially similar to EPA’s noncancer dose-response assessment
perspective and we, therefore, use it as
an alternate value in the absence of an
IRIS RfC.20 REL are designed to protect
the most sensitive individuals in the
population by the inclusion of margins
of safety. The REL was based on
minimal changes in bone density
(skeletal fluorosis) in the workplace by
Derryberry et al.21 CalEPA states that
major strengths of the key study on
which the chronic REL is based is the
observation of health effects in a large
group of workers exposed over many
years and the identification of no
observable adverse effect level
(NOAEL). The primary uncertainty in
the study is the lack of comprehensive
health effects examination. Another
source of concern is the potential for
greater susceptibility of children to the
effects of inhaled fluorides, considering
the rapid bone growth at early lifestages.
This effect applies with particular
importance to children’s teeth since it
has been established that excessive
exposure to fluoride during tooth
development in infancy and childhood
causes dental fluorosis. To account for
uncertainties, the CalEPA REL included
a factor of 10 for intraspecies differences
18 WHO. 2002. Fluorides. Geneva, Switzerland:
World Health Organization. Environmental Health
Criteria Number 227.
19 California EPA Chronic Toxicity Summary for
Fluorides including Hydrogen Fluoride. 2003.
Available at
20 The California Office of Environmental Health
Hazard Assessment has developed dose-response
assessments for many substances, based both on
carcinogenicity and health effects other than cancer.
The process for developing these assessments is
similar to that used by the EPA to develop IRIS
values and incorporates significant external
scientific peer review. The EPA may use CalEPA
values in the absence of an IRIS value. https://
21 Derryberry OM, Bartholomew MD, Fleming
RBL. 1963. ‘‘Fluoride exposure and worker health.’’
Arch Environ Health 6:503–514.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
(which also accounts for variation in
kinetics between children and adults).
In addition, the chronic inhalation REL
is lower than the oral chronic REL and
the California Public Health Guidance
for fluoride in drinking water, which are
based on lifetime exposure and
protective of infants and children.
CalEPA also considered the acute
toxicity of HF and established a 1-hour
REL of 0.24 mg/m3 based on mild eye
and respiratory irritation.
With respect to the potential health
effects of HF, we know the following:
• Chronic exposure at or below the REL is
not expected to cause adverse effects.
• There is limited/equivocal evidence of
the carcinogenic potential of HF. With regard
to the carcinogenic potential evidence
available, the ATSDR Public Health
Statement document on HF states that
‘‘carcinogenicity via inhalation of fluoride is
not considered to be likely by most
investigators reporting in the existing
literature.’’ 22
• There is significant evidence on the
health effects of acute exposure to HF
allowing for the derivation of an acute health
Based on the negative carcinogenicity
data and on the EPA’s knowledge of
how HF reacts in the body and its likely
mechanism of action, as discussed
above, the agency considers HF to be a
threshold pollutant.
2. What factors does the EPA consider
in exercising its discretion whether to
set a CAA section 112(d)(4) standard?
The EPA may exercise its
discretionary authority under CAA
section 112(d)(4) only with respect to
pollutants with a health threshold.
Where there is an established threshold,
the EPA interprets CAA section
112(d)(4) to allow it to weigh additional
factors, beyond any established health
threshold, in making a judgment
whether to set a standard for a specific
pollutant based on the threshold or
instead follow the traditional path of
developing a MACT standard after
determining a MACT floor. In deciding
whether to exercise its discretion for a
threshold pollutant for a given source
category, the EPA interprets CAA
section 112(d)(4) to allow it to take into
account factors such as the following:
• The availability of data to set the healthbased standard;
• Co-benefits that would be achieved via
the MACT standard, such as reductions in
emissions of other HAP and/or criteria
• The potential impacts on ecosystems of
releases of the pollutant; and
22 Toxicological Profile for Chlorine, Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
2010. Available at
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• The potential for cumulative adverse
health effects due to concurrent exposure to
the same HAP or other HAP with similar
biological endpoints, from either the same or
other source categories, where the
concentration of the threshold pollutant
emitted from the given source category is
below the threshold.
If the EPA does determine that it is
appropriate to set a standard based on
a health threshold, the agency must
develop emission standards that will
ensure the public will not be exposed to
levels of the pertinent HAP emitted
from the source category in question in
excess of the health threshold, with an
ample margin of safety.
a. Availability of Data To Determine a
In determining whether to set a
health-based standard, the EPA
considered whether sufficient data for a
particular industry are available to
determine such a standard. In previous
rules, the EPA declined to set a healthbased standard, based in part on the
unavailability of data to determine a
standard.23 However, for the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule, because of
the relatively small number of facilities
compared to other rules such as the
Boiler MACT proposal, the EPA was
able to determine facility-specific
information, including tunnel kiln
locations and operating characteristics
and stack parameters, available for all
BSCP facilities to assess the feasibility
of health-based standards in this rule.
Such information enabled us to conduct
the dispersion modeling necessary to
establish a health-based emission limit
for acid gases.24 Consequently, we have
concluded that we have enough
information to determine the healthbased emission standards for the acid
gases HF, HCl and Cl2 for the BSCP
manufacturing industry. As discussed in
further detail below, these limits have
been developed to ensure that exposure
is below the health threshold for each
facility and also ensure that acute
exposures will not pose any health
23 See Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006,
32031/3 (June 4, 2010) (‘‘[W]e have concluded that
we do not have sufficient information at this time
to establish what the health-based emission
standards would be for HCl or the other acid
24 For more information, see the technical
memorandum, ‘‘Risk Assessment to Determine a
Health-Based Emission Limitation for Acid Gases
for the Brick and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing Source Category,’’ in Docket ID No.
25 See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75
FR 54970, 54986/1 (September 9, 2010) (‘‘[W]e
currently lack information on the peak short-term
emissions of HCl from cement kilns which might
allow us to determine whether a chronic health-
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b. Co-Benefits
We also considered whether setting
technology-based MACT standards for
HF, HCl and Cl2 from BSCP plants
would result in significant reductions in
emissions of other pollutants, most
notably sulfur dioxide (SO2). Although
MACT standards may directly address
only HAP, not criteria pollutants,
Congress did recognize, in the
legislative history to CAA section
112(d)(4), that MACT standards would
have the collateral benefit of controlling
criteria pollutants as well and viewed
this as an important benefit of the air
toxics program.26 Therefore, even where
the EPA concludes a HAP has a health
threshold, the agency may consider
such co-benefits as a factor in
determining whether to exercise its
discretion under CAA section 112(d)(4).
The additional nationwide reductions of
SO2 that would be attributable to BSCP
MACT standards for acid gases are
estimated to be only 4,300 tpy in the
third year following promulgation of the
proposed BSCP standards. This
reduction is substantially lower than the
co-benefits from MACT standards for
other industries for which the EPA has
decided not to set a health-based limit,27
based emission standard for HCl would ensure that
acute exposures will not pose health concerns.’’).
26 See S. Rep. No. 101–228, 101st Cong. 1st sess.
at 172.
27 See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75
FR 54970 (September 9, 2010)—Co-benefits was
identified as the ‘‘decisive factor’’ in the Portland
Cement NESHAP Final Rule. 75 FR 54970, 54985/
3. There, EPA declined to set a health-based
standard for HCl where setting a MACT standard
also controlled other HAP and criteria pollutants.
Specifically discussed were SO2 and other HAP
gases. See 75 FR at 54984/3 (‘‘The additional
reductions of SO2 alone attributable to the MACT
standards for HCl are estimated to be 124,000 tons
per year’’ and discussing both direct SO2 effects and
effects of SO2 as a precursor to PM2.5) and 75 FR
at 54986/1 (‘‘[Other HAP gases (chlorine (Cl2),
hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and hydrogen fluoride
(HF))] are also controlled during the process of
controlling HCl emissions from cement kilns using
a wet scrubber. As such, their health impacts must
be taken into account when considering a healthbased emission limit for HCl.’’ See also Boiler
MACT Final Rule, 76 FR at 15644/1 (‘‘EPA
considered the comments received on this issue and
continues to believe that the co-benefits are
significant and provide an additional basis for the
Administrator to conclude that it is not appropriate
to exercise her discretion under section 112(d)(4).’’)
and Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006,
32032 (June 4, 2010)—Co-benefits from MACT
standard for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP
metals included the reduction of 340,000 tons per
year of SO2 and unspecified reductions of PM, other
non-HAP acid gases (hydrogen bromide) and Hg.
See also MATS Proposed Rule, 76 FR 24976, 25051/
1—Co-benefits from MACT standard for HCl and
PM as surrogate for HAP metals included the
reduction of 2.1 million tons per year of SO2 and
unspecified reductions of PM, other non-HAP acid
gases (hydrogen bromide) and Hg.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
and it would not be expected to provide
a significant public health benefit.
c. Ecosystem Impacts
In addition to potential health
impacts, the EPA has evaluated the
potential for environmental impacts
when considering whether to exercise
discretion under CAA section
112(d)(4).28 The agency applied the
environmental risk screen methodology
that it uses in the Risk and Technology
Program under section 112 of the CAA
to evaluate the potential for chronic
exposure to acid gases emitted by BSCP
facilities to cause phytotoxicity and
reduced productivity of plants.
The environmental screen uses air
concentrations from the HEM–3 model
used in the human health exposure and
risk analysis. We take these
concentrations and derive an areaweighted average offsite annual ambient
air concentration for each pollutant. The
area-weighted average concentrations
are compared directly to the appropriate
ecological benchmarks for a given
pollutant by dividing the area-weighted
average concentration by the
appropriate ecological benchmark. The
result is called a hazard quotient (HQ).
An HQ greater than 1 indicated that the
area-weighted average concentration
exceeded the ecological benchmark.
For the section 112(d)(4) evaluation,
the EPA assessed the acid gases HCl and
HF around each BSCP facility. Although
Cl2 may also be emitted from BSCP
facilities, chlorine gas is so reactive that
it is not expected to remain in the
environment very long after it is
released. Chlorine immediately reacts
with both organic and inorganic
materials that it comes into contact
with. Chlorine undergoes direct
photolysis in the air and its half-life in
the troposphere is on the order of
several minutes. Therefore, it was not
considered in the environmental risk
screening for the BSCP Manufacturing
source category.
For HCl, the environmental risk
screen indicated that the area-weighted
average modeled concentrations of HCl
around each facility (i.e., the areaweighted average concentration of all
offsite data points in the modeling
domain) did not exceed the ecological
benchmark. In addition, there was only
one facility with a modeled
concentration of HCl at an offsite
receptor location that exceeded the
ecological benchmark and that was at a
single receptor.
For HF, the environmental risk screen
indicated that the area-weighted average
28 See
Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75
FR 54970, 54986/3 (September 9, 2010).
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modeled concentrations of HF around
each facility (i.e., the area-weighted
average concentration of all offsite data
points in the modeling domain) did not
exceed the ecological benchmarks.
There were multiple facilities with
modeled concentrations of HF at offsite
receptor locations that exceeded the
ecological benchmark, but the area over
which the value was exceeded was less
than one percent of the offsite modeling
domain for each facility, indicating that
there would not be any significant or
widespread environmental effects.
d. Cumulative Effects
The EPA may consider the availability
of information on emissions from colocated and nearby sources and consider
if it is feasible to determine the potential
cumulative health effects from
emissions from the sources in the
category when combined with other
emissions from other sources that are
co-located or located nearby. Relevant
emissions may include both emissions
of the same pollutant and emissions of
other pollutants that may cause
cumulative effects.
Through the BSCP industry’s
responses to the 2008 EPA survey and
the 2010 EPA survey, we have
substantial information on the locations
of BSCP plants and the levels of HF, HCl
and Cl2 emitted from those plants. BSCP
plants are not commonly co-located
with any other type of operations. They
are typically located near the source of
the raw materials on large tracts of land
from which raw materials are extracted.
This provides an additional buffer
between the BSCP plants and the
surrounding area. Because of the
relatively low plume heights, maximum
risks from the BSCP plants are located
close to the facility property line. In
trying to define cumulative risks from
nearby non-BSCP emissions, the
location and emissions associated with
other sources not in the BSCP
Manufacturing source category are far
less certain. While the EPA 2008 survey
and EPA 2010 survey data for BSCP
facilities have been reviewed by EPA
engineers and scientists, the emissions
levels and locations of nearby other
facilities, such as those in the NEI, have
not undergone the same level of detailed
review. Thus, a quantitative analysis of
nearby emissions may contain
significant uncertainty. However, as
discussed above, because of the large
footprint of BSCP facilities, their rural
locations and the BSCP risks being
confined to the near plant locations, we
do not expect that the combined
emissions of HF, HCl or Cl2 from BSCP
facilities and nearby other sources
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would result in substantial cumulative
health and environmental effects.
3. How did the EPA set the level of the
Based on the EPA’s findings,
including the minimal cumulative
health and environmental effects
expected from co-located and nearby
sources, the minimal co-benefits of
setting technology-based MACT
standards for acid gases, the minimal
ecosystem impacts from setting a healthbased standard in place of a MACT
standard and the availability of data to
determine a health-based standard, the
EPA is proposing to exercise its
discretion to use CAA section 112(d)(4).
This conclusion is consistent with the
EPA’s prior decisions where we found
it appropriate not to exercise the
discretion to invoke the authority in
CAA section 112(d)(4) for acid gases,
because the circumstances in this case
differ from those previous
considerations. We request comment on
the analysis and conclusions regarding
setting health-based standards.
Following from the EPA’s
determination that a health-based
standard is appropriate, the standard
must be set as follows:
• There must be an ample margin of safety
to avoid the health effects on which the
threshold is based.
• There must be no observable adverse
• The standard must not allow greater
adverse environmental effects than the
MACT standard that would otherwise be
• A standard must be set; there can be no
exclusions from compliance based on a
showing that the source’s emissions do not
pose a health risk.
CAA section 112(d)(4) expressly states
that the health-based standard must be
set at the threshold level ‘‘with an
ample margin of safety.’’ In addition, the
legislative history of CAA section
112(d)(4) indicates that a health-based
emission limit under CAA section
112(d)(4) should be set at the level at
which no observable effects occur, with
an ample margin of safety.29 Because the
statute requires an ample margin of
safety, it would be reasonable to set any
CAA section 112(d)(4) emission
standard for a pollutant with a health
threshold at a level that at least assures
that, for the sources in the controlled
category or subcategory, persons
exposed to emissions of the pollutant
would not experience the adverse health
effects on which the threshold is
29 See Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006,
32030/2 (June 4, 2010), citing S.Rep. 101–228 at
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
based.30 The legislative history also
states that establishing a CAA section
112(d)(4) standard rather than a
conventional MACT standard ‘‘shall not
result in adverse environmental effects
which would otherwise be reduced or
eliminated.’’ 31
The EPA’s decision to exercise its
discretion to use CAA section 112(d)(4)
will not be used to exclude sources from
compliance. The EPA does not believe
that a plain reading of the statute
supports the establishment of an
approach in which the EPA excludes
specific facilities from complying with
emissions limits if the facility
demonstrates that its emissions do not
pose a health risk. While CAA section
112(d)(4) authorizes the EPA to consider
the level of the health threshold for
pollutants which have an established
threshold, that threshold may be
considered when establishing emissions
standards under CAA section 112(d).
Therefore, the EPA must still establish
emissions standards under CAA section
112(d) even if it chooses to exercise its
discretion to consider an established
health threshold.32
As part of the development of the
proposed standards, we have
maintained an inventory of major source
facilities, including the size and
operating hours of each tunnel kiln and
calculations. This library includes one
year (2011) of hourly surface and upper
air observations for 824 meteorological
stations, selected to provide coverage of
the United States and Puerto Rico. A
second library of United States Census
Bureau census block internal point
locations and populations provides the
basis of human exposure calculations.33
In addition, for each census block, the
census library includes the elevation
and controlling hill height, which are
also used in dispersion calculations. A
third library of pollutant unit risk
factors and other health benchmarks is
used to estimate health risks. These risk
factors and health benchmarks are the
latest values recommended by the EPA
for HAP and other toxic air pollutants.
The chronic and acute values for the
acid gases evaluated in this assessment
are presented in Tables 7 and 8 of this
preamble, respectively. Further
information on the development and
sources of these benchmarks and the
overall modeling approach is presented
in the technical memorandum, ‘‘Risk
Assessment to Determine a HealthBased Emission Limitation for Acid
Gases for the Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing Source
Category’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
the geographic location and physical
attributes (e.g., stack height, diameter,
exit gas flow rate) of each tunnel kiln
stack. To develop a health-based
emission limit, both long-term and
short-term inhalation exposure
concentrations and health risks from the
BSCP manufacturing source category
were estimated using the Human
Exposure Model (Community and
Sector HEM–3 version 1.3.1). The HEM–
3 performs three primary risk
assessment activities: (1) Conducting
dispersion modeling to estimate the
concentrations of HAP in ambient air,
(2) estimating long-term and short-term
inhalation exposures to individuals
residing within 50 kilometers of the
modeled sources and (3) estimating
individual and population-level
inhalation risks using the exposure
estimates and quantitative doseresponse information.
The air dispersion model used by the
HEM–3 model (AERMOD) is one of the
EPA’s preferred models for assessing
pollutant concentrations from industrial
facilities. To perform the dispersion
modeling and to develop the
preliminary risk estimates, HEM–3
draws on three data libraries. The first
is a library of meteorological data,
which is used for dispersion
CAS Number a
Hydrogen chloride ............................................................................................................................
Hydrogen fluoride ............................................................................................................................
Chlorine ............................................................................................................................................
a Chemical Abstract Services identification number. For groups of compounds that lack a CAS number, we have used a surrogate 3-digit identifier corresponding to the group’s position on the CAA list of HAP.
Hydrogen chloride ............................
Hydrogen fluoride .............................
Chlorine ............................................
= Acute Exposure Guideline Level, ERPG = Emergency Response Planning Guideline.
In developing the risk assessment for
chronic exposures, we used the
estimated annual average ambient air
concentrations of each acid gas emitted
by each source in the source category.
The air concentrations at each nearby
census block centroid were used as a
surrogate for the chronic inhalation
exposure concentration for all the
people who reside in that census block.
Chronic noncancer health hazards are
expressed by comparing a chronic
exposure to a reference level as a ratio.
The HQ is the estimated exposure
divided by a reference level (e.g., the
RfC). For a given acid gas, exposures at
or below the reference level (HQ less
than or equal to 1) are not likely to
cause adverse health effects. As
exposures increase above the reference
level (HQs increasingly greater than 1),
30 See Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006,
32031/3 (June 4, 2010).
31 See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75
FR 54970, 54985/2 (September 9, 2010), citing
S.Rep. 101–228 at 171–72.
32 See Boiler MACT Final Rule, 76 FR 15608,
15643/3–14644/1 (March 21, 2011). See also MATS
Final Rule, 77 FR 9304, 9406/1 (February 16, 2012)
(same point using nearly identical text).
33 USEPA Human Exposure Model; available at
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the potential for adverse effects
increases. For a typical risk assessment
where multiple pollutants are coemitted, we aggregate noncancer HQs of
HAP that act by similar toxic modes of
action or (where this information is
absent) that affect the same target organ.
This process creates, for each target
organ, a specific hazard index (TOSHI)
defined as the sum of HQs for
individual HAP that affect the same
organ or organ system. Because we
performed HEM–3 model runs for each
acid gas individually, we did not
aggregate HQ values of different acid
gases. Of course, multiple acid gas
pollutants are emitted at BSCP facilities,
but a 250 tpy level of HCl-equivalent
emissions (based on the HEM risks
modeling) ensures that a TOSHI of 1 is
not exceeded as long as the HClequivalent emissions do not exceed 250
tpy. It is important to note that this
emission limit is only applicable to the
sources in this source category and
should not be considered for sources
other than those included in this
analysis. Equivalent emissions for other
acid gases are determined by the ratio of
the chronic RfCs to that for HCl, such
that the HCl-equivalent emissions for
HF are 175 tpy and for Cl2 are 1.9 tpy.
For the assessment of potential health
risks from acute exposures to the acid
gases, we performed a screening
assessment using conservative
assumptions that in combination
approximate a worst-case exposure. The
acute exposure scenario assumed worstcase meteorology (from one year of local
meteorology) and that a person is
located downwind at the point of
maximum impact during this same
worst-case 1-hour period, but no nearer
to the source than 100 meters, which is
conservative for this industry given our
understanding of the locations of these
Screening for potentially significant
acute inhalation exposures also
followed the HQ approach. We divided
the maximum estimated acute exposure
by each available short-term threshold
value to develop an array of HQ values
relative to the various acute endpoints
and thresholds. In general, when none
of these HQ values are greater than 1,
there is low potential for acute risk. In
those cases where HQ values above 1
are seen, additional information is used
to determine if there is a potential for
significant acute risks. Additional
information for facilities in the BSCP
manufacturing source category included
using aerial imagery of the facilities to
determine the maximum offsite 1-hour
Because the emissions equivalency
was based on chronic dose-response
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values, the 250 tpy level does not
necessarily ensure that acute reference
levels will not be exceeded. For the HCl
and Cl2 model runs, there were no
facilities with acute screening HQ
values exceeding 1. For HF, we estimate
that four of the 91 facilities examined
had an acute value exceed the REL, with
the highest being 2. However, no facility
exceeded an HQ (AEGL–1) value for HF.
To assure that no source emits more
than the 250 tpy HCl-equivalent limit in
a single hour, we propose setting the
emissions limit at the hourly equivalent
of 250 tpy (57 lb/hr of HCl-equivalent
It is important to note that the above
emissions thresholds are developed
from back-calculating the emissions that
would result in an HQ of 1 at the worstcase facility. Potential risks at other
facilities (not the worst-case facility) are
predicted to be well below 1.
Because we had site-specific data on
the operation of each tunnel kiln, we
were able to use dispersion modeling to
ensure that (1) the health-based
emission limit cited above for BSCP
facilities provides an ample margin of
safety and (2) persons exposed to
emissions of the pollutant would not
experience the adverse health effects on
which the threshold is based. In
addition, as stated previously, the levels
of acid gas emissions associated with
BSCP kilns, based on results from the
EPA’s environmental risk screen
methodology outlined above, are not
expected to have an adverse
environmental impact.
Facilities would demonstrate
compliance with the health-based
emission limit by determining their
facility-wide HCl, HF and Cl2 emissions,
calculating the HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF and Cl2 using RfC
values and adding the HCl emissions to
the HCl-equivalent values to calculate
the total HCl-equivalent emissions. An
equation to perform this calculation is
provided in the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule. For more
information on the development of the
health-based standard see the technical
memorandum ‘‘Risk Assessment to
Determine a Health-Based Emissions
Limitation for Acid Gases for the Brick
and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing Source Category’’ in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291. For more information on the
calculation of an HCl-equivalent value,
see the technical memorandum
‘‘Development of Cost and Emission
Reduction Impacts for the BSCP
NESHAP’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
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K. How did the EPA determine whether
to set work practice standards for
existing and new sources?
Under CAA section 112(h), the EPA
may set work practice standards in
place of an emissions standard where it
is not feasible to prescribe or enforce an
emission standard. The EPA is
proposing to conclude that an emissions
standard for certain HAP from certain
BSCP manufacturing sources is not
feasible because the application of
measurement methodology to certain
sources is not practicable due to
technological and economic limitations.
Specifically, the EPA is proposing a
work practice standard for BSCP
periodic kilns in lieu of emission limits
for acid gases (HF, HCl and Cl2), Hg and
non-Hg HAP metals. The EPA is also
proposing a work practice standard for
dioxin/furan emissions from BSCP
tunnel kilns in lieu of a dioxin/furan
emission limit. The rationale for these
work practice standards is discussed in
the paragraphs below. We request
comment on how the work practice
standards were developed and the
proposed standards themselves.
1. Periodic Kilns
a. Rationale for Setting Work Practice
Standard in Lieu of Emission Standard
Overview. Periodic kilns are batch
process units that are used for firing
BSCP under a carefully controlled
environment. The large majority of
BSCP are fired in tunnel kilns, which
operate continuously and are much
more energy-efficient than periodic
kilns when producing BSCP of a
uniform type, such as standard building
bricks. In contrast, periodic kilns can
readily accommodate variations in firing
temperature profiles and cycle times to
match the requirements of a wide
variety of products. As a result, periodic
kilns generally are reserved for specialty
products and typically are used only
when necessary.34
In the BSCP industry, periodic kilns
are classified as either beehive kilns or
shuttle kilns, but all operate generally
the same. A batch of unfired bricks or
shapes is loaded into the cold kiln, the
kiln is sealed and the burners are
ignited and controlled to carefully
increase the temperature according to a
time-temperature profile specific to the
products being manufactured. Once
firing is complete, the temperature in
the kiln is reduced, the burners are
extinguished and the fired product is
allowed to cool. When the product is at
34 See the memorandum titled ‘‘Rationale for
Establishing Work Practice Standards for Periodic
Brick Kilns’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
or near ambient temperature, the kiln is
opened and the fired products are
Based on responses to the 2008 EPA
survey sent to the BSCP industry,
periodic kiln cycle times range from 35
to 168 hours per cycle and typically take
48 to 58 hours. These cycle times cover
the period beginning when the burners
are first ignited and ending when the
burners are cut off. It may take an
additional 8 to 10 hours for the fired
products to cool before they can be
removed from the kiln.36
Emissions. Based on limited data from
the testing of three BSCP periodic kilns
using Method 320 (Fourier transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy), emissions
of HF and HCl begin within the first 5
to 10 hours of the firing cycle and
continue throughout the firing cycle.
Emissions are highly variable and can
experience large spikes at various points
throughout the cycle. In addition, it is
likely that emissions continue beyond
the completion of the firing cycle, as the
fired products cool. HF concentrations
in the kiln exhaust can still exceed 100
parts per million at the end of the firing
Testing Periodic Kilns for Emissions
of HF and HCl. The conventional
compliance test requirement for most
emission sources is to test each source
for three 1-hour test runs. This
requirement is based on the
assumptions that the source operates
continuously and that emissions are
relatively constant. However, there
generally are some variations in
emissions. For this reason, the source is
tested over three separate runs and the
results are averaged to generate a
number that is representative of typical
Unlike continuous sources, emissions
from BSCP periodic kilns can vary
significantly over the course of one
cycle. Because of these variations and
the fact that emissions begin shortly
after the start of the firing cycle and
continue beyond the end of the cycle for
an undetermined period of time, the
conventional compliance test
requirement of three 1-hour test runs
cannot accurately measure emissions.
Instead, the only way to accurately
determine the total emissions from a
BSCP periodic kiln cycle is to measure
the emissions throughout the entire
firing cycle and continuing beyond the
completion of the cycle until emission
levels become negligible. Testing for any
less time could result in estimated
emissions that are either much higher or
much lower than actual emissions,
depending on when during the kiln
cycle emissions are sampled.39
Because of the variations during firing
cycles and variations across the tests,
sampling a single kiln cycle is not
adequate for characterizing periodic kiln
emissions, so more than one kiln cycle
would have to be tested. Given that
BSCP periodic kiln cycle times typically
range from 48 to 58 hours, each periodic
kiln would need to be tested for more
than 100 hours in order to determine an
emission rate that is representative of
normal operating conditions. Also,
because BSCP periodic kilns are used to
fire specialty products that may have
significantly differently timetemperature profiles, it would be
necessary to test the same kiln multiple
times to characterize emissions from
different types of products.40
Test Methods. The standard reference
methods for measuring emissions of HF
and HCl are EPA Methods 26 and 26A.
These methods are reliable and
relatively inexpensive. However, if
emissions are variable and experience
large spikes, as appears to be the case
for BSCP periodic kilns, breakthrough of
HCl can occur. That is, the testing
apparatus reaches its capacity for
absorbing HCl and subsequent HCl in
the emissions are not captured. It is not
known if breakthrough has occurred
until a breakthrough analysis is
performed after completion of the test.
If it is determined that breakthrough has
occurred, retesting is necessary. Another
disadvantage to using Methods 26 or
26A for testing throughout periodic kiln
cycles is the need for additional
manpower to operate the sampling
trains around the clock and to recover
An alternative to using Method 26 or
26A is to conduct the tests using FTIR
according to EPA Method 320. With
FTIR, HCl breakthrough is not an issue.
In addition, FTIR also provides near
real-time emissions data. However, as
noted in the following section, the cost
for testing by FTIR is expensive, similar
to the cost for testing by Methods 26 or
26A throughout an entire cycle.42
Emission Test Costs. The cost for
testing by FTIR is estimated to be
$49,750 (2009 dollars) for a single 50hour kiln cycle. If it were determined
that the variations in emissions from
cycle to cycle were significant, it would
be necessary to test each kiln for two or
more cycles in order to develop a
representative emission rate. Testing for
a second cycle would double the testing
cost to almost $100,000 and testing for
a third cycle would triple the cost to
almost $150,000 (2009 dollars). In
addition to these costs, additional costs
would be incurred for testing the kilns
for PM emissions, which would have to
be tested using a manual test method
(e.g., EPA Methods 5 or 17). If testing
were extended into the cooling period,
the costs would be even higher.43
To address the potential economic
impact of a requirement to test periodic
kilns, we conducted a cost-to-sales
assessment. (See the memorandum
‘‘Economic Feasibility of Testing
Periodic Brick Kilns’’ in Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291.) The
conclusion that testing is not
economically feasible for most of the
kilns is quite clear. Over half of the
kilns included in the analysis have
estimated cost-to-sales percentages
greater than 3 percent. The economic
analysis estimates that for the upper end
of the closure estimate for the other
kilns when the costs are between 3
percent and 5 percent, one-quarter of
the firms will close. This possibility of
closure makes this level of costs for
testing not economically feasible.
Feasibility of Numerical Emission
Limits for Periodic Kilns. CAA section
112(h)(1) states that the Administrator
may prescribe a work practice standard
or other requirements, consistent with
the provisions of CAA sections 112(d) or
(f), in those cases where, in the
judgment of the Administrator, it is not
feasible to enforce an emission standard.
CAA section 112(h)(2)(B) further defines
the term ‘‘not feasible’’ in this context
to apply when ‘‘the application of
measurement technology to a particular
class of sources is not practicable due to
technological and economic
Because of the technological and
economic limitations described above,
we conclude that it is not practicable to
establish numerical emission limits for
BSCP periodic kilns. Demonstrating
compliance with a numerical emissions
limit for periodic kilns is
technologically limited to testing
procedures that are economically
infeasible for the BSCP industry.
Consequently, we are proposing a work
practice standard for BSCP periodic
kilns under CAA section 112(h).44
b. Development of Work Practice
Information provided to the EPA
indicates there are six operational
35 Id.
39 Id.
36 Id.
40 Id.
37 Id.
41 Id.
43 Id.
38 Id.
42 Id.
44 Id.
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factors that have a direct bearing on
HAP emissions from BSCP periodic
kilns: Temperature, firing cycle, product
quality, automatic control, combustion
control and kiln load/kiln technology.45
These six operational factors and their
impact on HAP emissions are described
further in the paragraphs below.
Temperature. Various scientific test
methods are used to study the reactions
in brick clays during heating.
Differential thermal analysis, thermo
gravimetric analysis and simultaneous
thermal analysis are techniques used to
show the oxidation, de-hydroxylation
and vitrification reactions, as well as the
weight loss characteristics of the
material. Knowledge of these reaction
characteristics would enable the brick
manufacturer to design the kiln firing
cycle for the optimization of the product
quality and to minimize process losses.
Ensuring good product quality and
minimizing process losses would
eliminate the need for additional
production firing cycles to meet the
quantities demanded by the market,
thereby avoiding the generation of
additional HAP emissions.46
Firing Cycle. Each periodic firing
process in the brick industry is unique
and is governed by the nature of the
brick clay material being fired. For
example, some shale materials have
higher carbon and sulfur levels and
require a longer ‘‘dwell’’ at the
oxidation temperature range from 1,600
°F to 1,700 °F, while other clay
materials are more refractory in nature
and require higher final firing
temperatures in order to develop the
desired finished color and the physical
properties to meet the ASTM standards
required by the market. These factors
influence the period of time in the
oxidation stages, as well as the time
required in the final ‘‘soak’’ stage of the
firing cycle. HAP emissions have also
been shown to take place in these stages
of the firing cycle.47 Consequently,
knowledge of these factors is key to
avoiding any additional emissions
during these stages.
Product Quality. The time and
temperature relationships previously
described affect the ultimate quality and
acceptability of the finished product. An
‘‘over-fired’’ product would produce
excessive shrinkage, color variation and
process losses. This type of firing cycle
would likely produce higher HAP
emissions per ton of ware fired.
Similarly, an under-fired product would
the memorandum titled ‘‘Work Practice
Standards for Periodic Kiln Operations,’’ in Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291.
46 Id.
47 Id.
not meet durability standards required
by the ASTM standards and the market.
While under-firing the product would
produce less HAP emissions, more
product would have to be fired to meet
production requirements, which would
lead to more HAP emissions per sellable
ton of ware. Therefore, any work
practice standard would need to be a
practice that produces the best product
quality and the minimum HAP
emissions. This optimized work practice
would entail developing an optimum
firing cycle for each particular brick clay
Automatic Control. The design of the
kiln firing system influences the brick
manufacturers’ ability to achieve
repeatable, maximum product quality
results. Most periodic kiln operators in
the brick industry have used modern
programmable logic controller (PLC)
technology for some time. These
systems enable the brick manufacturer
to program the kiln firing temperature
over a well-established, optimized time
cycle, to achieve repeatable results.
Modern high-velocity burner technology
is commonly employed.49 Achieving
repeatable, maximum product quality
results would eliminate the need to fire
additional product to meet production
requirements, thereby avoiding the
generation of additional HAP emissions.
Combustion Control. The use of PLC
technology enables the rate of gas
delivery to the burner system to be
accurately programmed, to ensure that
each stage of the firing cycle is
accurately controlled and to avoid overfiring or under-firing. The measuring
devices that are part of the combustion
equipment enable the kiln operator to
adjust the air-to-fuel ratios in each stage,
to achieve the optimum combustion
efficiency needed to produce the
desired product. In this way, the
production of poor quality, rejects and
losses is minimized. Technology that
does not achieve this would produce
higher losses and poor quality, resulting
in additional production firing cycles
being required to meet the quantities
demanded by the market and additional
HAP emissions.50
Kiln Load/Kiln Technology. For
proper combustion, it is important that
the periodic kiln not be overloaded, as
overloading could cause improper
combustion and lost product, resulting
in additional production firing cycles
and additional HAP emissions. To
ensure proper firing, the following
parameters should be addressed: 51
45 See
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48 Id.
49 Id.
50 Id.
51 Id.
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• Employment of draft controls on exhaust
fans to adjust exhaust volume flow.
• Measurement, monitoring and control of
kiln pressure by adjustment of kiln exhaust.
• Measurement and monitoring of kiln
• Measurement and control of air and fuel
flow to the combustion system.
Work Practice Standard. Based on
these six operational factors, the
following work practice standard is
proposed under CAA section 112(h): 52
• Each facility would have to develop and
use a designed firing time and temperature
cycle for each product produced in the
periodic kiln, by programming the time and
temperature cycle into the kiln or by tracking
each step on a log sheet.
• Each facility would have to label each
periodic kiln with the maximum load (in
tons) that can be fired in the kiln during a
single firing cycle.
• For each firing load, each facility would
have to limit the total tonnage placed in the
kiln to no more than the maximum load and
document the total tonnage placed in the kiln
to show that it is not greater than the
maximum load.
• Each facility would have to develop and
implement maintenance procedures for each
kiln that specify the frequency of inspection
and maintenance of the following items:
Æ Calibration of temperature measuring
Æ Controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios
Æ Controls that regulate firing cycles
• Each facility would have to develop and
maintain records required for each periodic
kiln, including logs to document the proper
operation of the periodic kilns and logs of the
maintenance procedures used to demonstrate
compliance with the standard.
2. Dioxin/Furan Emissions
a. Rationale for Setting Work Practice
The significant majority of measured
dioxin/furan emissions from BSCP
tunnel kilns are BDL and the EPA
considers it impracticable to reliably
measure dioxin/furan emissions from
these units. (Note: Both dioxin/furan
emissions and detection levels are in
terms of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin (TCDD) toxic equivalents (TEQ).)
The fact that the majority of
measurements are so low casts doubt on
whether the tests accurately measured
the true levels of emissions. The
dioxins/furans for each run were
compared to one-half the RDL
developed for utilities.53 Overall, 15 out
of 18 test runs (83 percent of the entire
test run dataset) contained dioxin/furan
estimates below one-half of the RDL.
52 See the email titled ‘‘Periodic kiln language,’’
in the docket for the proposed BSCP rulemaking.
53 Johnson, S. Determination of ‘‘non-detect’’ from
EPA Method 29 (multi-metals) and EPA Method 23
(dioxin/furan) test data when evaluating the setting
of MACT floors versus establishing work practice
standards. June 5, 2014.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Based on the difficulties with accurate
measurements at the levels of dioxins/
furans encountered from tunnel kilns
and the economics associated with units
trying to apply measurement
methodology to test for compliance with
numerical limits, we are concluding that
application of measurement
methodology is not practicable and are
proposing to set a work practice
standard under CAA section 112(h). We
request comment on the rationale for
setting work practice standards.
b. Work Practice Standard
The proposed work practice standard
described below ensures that equipment
is maintained and run so as to minimize
emissions of dioxins and furans. The
work practice would involve
maintaining and inspecting the burners
and associated combustion controls (as
applicable), tuning the specific burner
type to optimize combustion, keeping
records of each burner tune-up and
submitting a report for each tune-up
conducted. Dioxins/furans are products
of incomplete combustion (PIC) and
optimizing combustion limits the
formation of PIC, thereby minimizing
emissions of dioxins/furans.
We are proposing that the tune-up
must be conducted no less frequently
than every 36 calendar months. Initial
compliance with the work practice
standard of maintaining burners must
occur within 180 days of the
compliance date of the BSCP
manufacturing rule. The initial
compliance demonstration for the work
practice standard of conducting a tuneup must occur no later than 42 months
(36 months plus 180 days) from the
effective date of the final BSCP
manufacturing rule. We request
comment on the proposed work practice
L. How did the EPA develop the startup
and shutdown requirements?
As noted in section III.B of this
preamble, tunnel kilns typically operate
continuously, so startups and
shutdowns are infrequent. Startup of a
tunnel kiln involves starting up the
burners based on a set procedure to
raise the temperature of the kiln to the
proper operational temperature for
manufacturing bricks or structural clay
products. Shutdown of a tunnel kiln is
the process of cooling the kiln from the
proper operational temperature by
stopping the burners based on a set
procedure. When the temperature of the
kiln is below the proper operational
temperature, BSCP manufacturers
typically do not push new product into
the kiln, so the emissions are not
expected to be the same during startup
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and shutdown as during normal
While the kiln is heating to the proper
operational temperature during startup
or cooling from the operational
temperature during shutdown, other
parameters such as exhaust flow rate,
moisture content, O2 concentration and
pressure are also changing. In addition,
the changes in these parameters may not
happen smoothly and consistently as
startup or shutdown progresses, as the
kiln does not heat or cool evenly. The
fluctuations in all these parameters are
not consistent with the relatively
steady-state conditions needed for valid,
accurate results over three test runs
using the measurement methods
proposed to be used to demonstrate
Even if testing were feasible during
startup and shutdown, most of the
emission limit formats chosen for this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule are
not appropriate for use during periods
other than normal operation. For
example, if there is no throughout in the
kiln, emission limits that are in a mass
per throughput format would be
essentially meaningless. In addition, the
concentration based-standards are
corrected to a specified O2
concentration to avoid the use of
dilution air to lower the measured
concentration, but during startup and
shutdown, the O2 concentration in the
kiln exhaust is likely to fluctuate. This
means that even if an owner or operator
could conduct an emissions test and
measure the O2 content during startup
and shutdown for comparison to the O2corrected emission limit, the
fluctuations in O2 content and other
parameters in the kiln mean that the O2corrected emissions are also fluctuating.
For tunnel kilns with an APCD,
venting the kiln exhaust through the
APCD at low temperatures can cause
operational problems, including
moisture in the bags of a baghouse or
solidification of the lime in a DIFF.
Therefore, the BSCP owners and
operators that responded to the SSM
portion of the 2010 EPA survey
indicated that they bypass the APCD if
the kiln exhaust temperature is below a
‘‘low temperature set point.’’ Based on
information received through the 2010
EPA survey, this kiln exhaust
temperature ranges from 284 to 400 °F
for startup and from 150 to 300 °F for
shutdown. All of the EPA survey
respondents indicated that no new
product is introduced to the kiln as long
as the APCD is bypassed, so that
emissions are minimized.
Therefore, we are proposing work
practice standards for periods of startup
and shutdown for BSCP tunnel kilns
PO 00000
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with APCD. For startup, the owner or
operator would be required to vent the
exhaust from the kiln through the APCD
by the time the kiln exhaust temperature
reaches 400 °F. In addition, no bricks or
other product may be introduced to the
kiln until the kiln exhaust temperature
reaches 400 °F and the exhaust is being
vented through the APCD. For
shutdown, the owner or operator would
be required to vent the exhaust from the
kiln through the APCD until the kiln
exhaust temperature falls below 300 °F.
In addition, no bricks or other product
may be put into the kiln once the kiln
exhaust temperature falls to 300 °F and
the exhaust is no longer being vented
through the APCD. When the kiln
exhaust is being vented through the
APCD, the owner or operator would be
required to comply with the applicable
continuous compliance requirements
described in section III.G of this
For kilns that can meet the proposed
standards without an APCD, there are
no concerns about damaging an APCD
or procedures for bypassing an APCD. In
addition, we did not receive any data
through the 2010 EPA survey regarding
startup and shutdown of uncontrolled
kilns. However, as noted above, we
recognize that it is not feasible to
conduct emission testing during periods
of startup and shutdown. Therefore, we
are proposing work practice standards
for periods of startup and shutdown for
BSCP tunnel kilns without an APCD.
For startup, no bricks or other product
may be introduced to the kiln until the
kiln exhaust temperature reaches 400
°F. For shutdown, no bricks or other
product may be put into the kiln once
the kiln exhaust temperature falls to 300
°F. When there are bricks in the kiln, the
owner or operator would be required to
comply with the applicable continuous
compliance requirements described in
section III.G of this preamble.
M. How did the EPA select the
compliance requirements?
We are proposing testing and
monitoring requirements that are
adequate to assure continuous
compliance with the requirements of
this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
These requirements are described in
detail in sections III.F and III.G of this
preamble. We selected these
requirements based upon our
determination of the information
necessary to ensure that the emission
standards are being met and the work
practices are being followed and that
APCD and equipment are maintained
and operated properly. Further, these
proposed requirements ensure
compliance with this proposed BSCP
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
manufacturing rule without imposing a
significant additional burden for
facilities that must implement them.
We are proposing that initial
compliance with the emission limits for
HF, HCl, Cl2, PM (or non-Hg HAP
metals) and Hg be demonstrated by an
initial performance test. The proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule would also
require 5-year repeat performance tests
to ensure, on an ongoing basis, that the
APCD is operating properly and that its
performance has not deteriorated.
The majority of test methods that this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule
would require for the performance stack
tests (e.g., EPA Methods 5, 26A and 29)
have been required under many other
EPA standards. Many of the emissions
tests upon which the proposed emission
limits are based were conducted using
these test methods.
When a performance test is
conducted, we are proposing that
parameter operating limits be
determined during the test. To ensure
continuous compliance with the
proposed emission limits, the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule would require
continuous parameter monitoring of the
kilns and APCD and maintaining these
parameters within the operating limits
established during the performance test.
We selected these parameter monitoring
requirements because they produce data
that will be useful to both the owners or
operators and the EPA for ensuring
continuous compliance with the
emission limits and/or operating limits
and because of their reasonable cost and
ease of execution.
The APCD monitoring parameters
included in the proposed rule were
chosen for the types of APCD commonly
used in the BSCP industry or
anticipated to be used to comply with
the proposed emission limits. These
parameters include lime injection rate
(on a per ton of fired product basis) for
DIFF and DLS/FF; pressure drop (or
bypass stack damper position) and
limestone feeder setting for DLA;
pressure drop, pH, liquid flow rate and
chemical addition rate (if applicable) for
wet scrubbers; and activated carbon
flow rate for ACI systems. If applicable
for demonstrating compliance with the
HF/HCl/Cl2 standard, the kiln
monitoring parameter included in the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule is
the kiln process rate. Many of these
CPMS are standard features on BSCP
tunnel kilns and their associated APCD
and have also been used in other
standards for similar industries.
In addition to parameter monitoring,
the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule
also includes a requirement for kilns
equipped with a FF (e.g., a DIFF, DLS/
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FF or stand-alone FF) to either install a
BLD system or monitor VE. Similar to
the CPMS being proposed, BLD systems
have also been used in other standards
in similar industries. We have also
determined that periodic VE checks are
a reasonable alternative to BLD systems
for this proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule. Periodic VE checks have also been
proposed for kilns without an add-on
control to demonstrate continuous
N. How did the EPA determine
compliance times for the proposed rule?
Section 112 of the CAA specifies the
dates by which affected sources must
comply with the emission standards.
Under CAA section 112(i)(1), new or
reconstructed units must be in
compliance with this proposed rule
immediately upon startup or the
effective date of the final rule,
whichever is later. (The final action is
expected to be a ‘‘major rule’’ as defined
by 5 U.S.C. 804(2), so the effective date
of the final rule is expected to be 60
days after the final rule is published in
the Federal Register.)
Under CAA section 112(i)(3), existing
sources are allowed up to 3 years after
the effective date of the rule to comply
with the final rule. For this industry, we
believe that 3 years for compliance is
necessary to allow adequate time to
design, install and test any control
systems that may need to be retrofitted
onto existing kilns, as well as obtain
permits for the use of add-on controls.
The compliance date for existing area
sources that subsequently become major
sources is governed by 40 CFR
63.6(c)(5). We are proposing that such
sources have 3 years from the date they
become major sources to come into
compliance, which is equivalent to the
compliance period for existing sources
discussed in the previous paragraph.
Further, under the current regulations in
40 CFR 63.6(b)(7), where an area source
becomes a major source by the addition
of equipment or operations that meet
the definition of new affected source
under this rule, that portion of the
existing facility that is a new affected
source must be in compliance upon
initial startup.
O. How did the EPA determine the
required records and reports for the
proposed rule?
The owner or operator would be
required to comply with the applicable
requirements in the NESHAP General
Provisions, subpart A of 40 CFR part 63,
as described in Table 8 of the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule. We evaluated
the General Provisions requirements
and included those we determined to be
PO 00000
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the notification, recordkeeping and
reporting necessary to ensure
compliance with and effective
enforcement of this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule.
We are also proposing that the owner
or operator keep records on the firing
time and temperature cycle for each
periodic kiln, the type of product fired
in each batch and the amount of product
fired in the periodic kiln, to address the
operational factors that impact HAP
emissions from periodic kilns and
demonstrate compliance with the work
practice standard for periodic kilns
(discussed further in section IV.K.1 of
this preamble).
In addition, we are proposing that the
owner or operator keep records and
submit a report of each burner tune-up
that is conducted to ensure good
combustion practice and minimize the
formation of dioxins/furans from
incomplete combustion, to demonstrate
compliance with the dioxin/furan work
practice standard for tunnel kilns
(discussed further in section IV.K.2 of
this preamble).
We are also proposing that the owner
or operator keep records and submit a
report of each malfunction and the
corrective action taken as part of the
next semiannual compliance report. The
proposed compliance report would
provide information on each type of
malfunction which occurred during the
reporting period and which caused or
may have caused an exceedance of an
emission limit.
This proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule also includes a requirement for
electronic reporting of performance test
data, which is discussed further in
section III.I of this preamble.
We request comment on ways that we
could streamline the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements of the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule by relying on
existing business practices.
P. How does the proposed rule affect
The CAA requires that sources subject
to the BSCP manufacturing rule, once
finalized, be operated pursuant to a
permit issued under an EPA-approved
state operating permit program. The
operating permit programs are
developed under title V of the CAA and
the implementing regulations under 40
CFR parts 70 and 71. If the facility is
operating in the first 3 years of an
operating permit, the owner or operator
will need to obtain a revised permit to
incorporate the requirements of this
BSCP manufacturing rule. If the facility
is in the last 2 years of an operating
permit, the owner or operator will need
to incorporate the requirement of this
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
BSCP manufacturing rule into the next
renewal of the permit.
Q. What are the alternate approaches
the EPA is considering?
1. Alternate Non-Hg HAP Metals
As noted in section IV.E of this
preamble, the proposed emission limits
for total non-Hg HAP metals and PM are
based on the best performing 27 kilns
with a DIFF or DLS/FF (i.e., 12 percent
of the kilns in the industry). Instead of
these proposed limits, we are
considering an alternate approach of
setting emission limits for total non-Hg
HAP metals and PM based on MACT
floors calculated using the top 12
percent of the data available in each of
the kiln size subcategories, similar to
the procedure we followed for setting
the Hg limits.
The alternate PM limits were
calculated using the same procedure as
described in section IV.E for Hg. In
other words, the kilns were ranked
within each subcategory on the basis of
their lb/ton PM emissions and the top
12 percent best performing kilns were
identified (top 9 large kilns and top 3
small kilns). Both the PM lb/ton limit
and the concentration limit for existing
sources were calculated based on those
top 12 percent. The alternate PM lb/ton
limit and the concentration limit for
new sources were calculated based on
the best performing source in each
As discussed in section IV.G of this
preamble, the EPA must take
considerations when dealing with
limited datasets. For the BSCP alternate
options, we have limited datasets for the
following pollutants and subcategories:
PM for new large tunnel kilns and PM
for new small tunnel kilns. For each
dataset, we performed the steps outlined
in the Limited Dataset Memo. See the
Limited Dataset Memo for more
The alternate total non-Hg HAP
metals limit was calculated using a
similar methodology as the proposed
total non-Hg HAP metals limit. Since
the alternate total non-Hg HAP metals
limits were calculated based on smaller
datasets, we found that there were no
small kilns in the top three best
performing kilns with both PM and nonHg HAP metals data and only one large
kiln in the top nine best performing
kilns with both PM and non-Hg HAP
metals data. Therefore, the alternate
large kiln total non-Hg HAP metals limit
for existing sources was calculated by
multiplying the alternate PM lb/ton
limit by the throughput and the
percentage of non-Hg HAP metals
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measured in the PM during that test.
The alternate small kiln non-Hg HAP
metals limit for existing sources was
then set equal to the existing source
large kiln non-Hg HAP metals limit. For
new sources, the best performing unit in
the PM new source MACT floor pool
did not have any non-Hg HAP metals
data. Therefore, the alternate large kiln
total non-Hg HAP metals limit for new
sources was calculated using the
average throughput and the average
percentage of non-Hg HAP metals
measured during tests for kilns with a
FF-based APCD. The alternate small
kiln non-Hg HAP metals limit for new
sources was then set equal to the new
source large kiln non-Hg HAP metals
The alternate emissions limits for
existing and new sources are presented
in in the technical memorandum
‘‘Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for
Brick and Structural Clay Products’’ in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291. We request comment on the
calculation methodology used to
generate these alternate limits, which is
described in the technical memorandum
‘‘Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for
Brick and Structural Clay Products’’ in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291), as well as comment on whether
we should use these limits instead of
the limits we are proposing.
2. HAP Metals Work Practice Standard
In the recommendations of the Small
Business Advocacy Review (SBAR)
Panel, members of the BSCP
manufacturing industry discussed
whether work practice standards for Hg
and non-Hg HAP metals would be more
appropriate for BSCP tunnel kilns than
emissions limits for these pollutants.
BSCP manufacturing industry
representatives noted the high
percentage of test runs below the
respective detection limits in the tests
results for each metal as support for this
We reviewed the available stack test
data for Hg and non-Hg HAP metals
from BSCP tunnel kilns to evaluate this
suggestion. For Hg, we found that all
test runs were actually above the
detection limits. For the non-Hg HAP
metals, we found that only one of the
individual non-Hg HAP metals had a
high percentage of test runs below the
detection limit. We found a high
percentage of test runs above the
detection limits for all the other non-Hg
HAP metals. For more information on
this analysis, please see the technical
memorandum ‘‘Determination of ‘‘NonDetect’’ Test Data for the BSCP Proposed
PO 00000
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Rule’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–
Because Hg and most of the non-Hg
HAP metals are emitted from BSCP
kilns in detectable levels, the EPA
believes it is technologically practicable
to measure these emissions and they do
not meet the statutory prerequisite for
work practice standards under CAA
section 112(h). Consequently, we have
declined to propose work practice
standards for Hg or non-Hg HAP metals.
Although we are not proposing work
practices for HAP metals, we are
requesting comment on this issue. We
are specifically asking for emissions
data or any other information relevant to
the issue of whether the metals
emissions from these sources meet the
statutory prerequisite for work practice
standards in CAA section 112(h).
3. Emissions Averaging
As part of the EPA’s general policy of
encouraging the use of flexible
compliance approaches where they can
be properly monitored and enforced, we
are also requesting comment in this
proposed rule on whether to include
emissions averaging as an alternative to
the individual MACT floor emission
limits in the proposed rule. Specifically,
the EPA is requesting comment on
whether to consider alternative
emissions averaging limits for PM (in
units of lb/ton or gr/dscf at 7 percent O2)
and total non-Hg HAP metals (in units
of lb/hr) for existing tunnel kilns.
Emissions averaging can provide
sources the flexibility to comply in the
least costly manner while still
maintaining regulation that is workable
and enforceable. Emissions averaging
would not be applicable to new sources
and could only be used between
existing tunnel kilns in the same size
subcategory (large or small) at a
particular BSCP facility.
Emissions averaging would allow
owners and operators of an affected
source to demonstrate that the source
complies with the emission limits by
averaging the emissions from an
individual affected unit that is emitting
above the emission limits with other
affected units at the same facility that
are emitting below the emission limits.
We are requesting comment on
whether to include an emissions
averaging compliance alternative in
which emissions averaging represents
an equivalent, more flexible, and less
costly alternative to controlling certain
emission points to MACT levels. A
limited form of averaging could be
implemented that would not lessen the
stringency of the MACT floor limits and
would provide flexibility in compliance,
cost and energy savings to owners and
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
operators. We also recognize that we
must ensure that any emissions
averaging option can be implemented
and enforced, will be clear to sources,
and would be no less stringent than unit
by unit implementation of the MACT
floor limits.
The EPA has concluded that it is
permissible under the appropriate
circumstances to establish within a
NESHAP a unified compliance regimen
that permits averaging within an
affected source across individual
affected units subject to the standard
under certain conditions. Averaging
across affected units is permitted only if
it can be demonstrated that the total
quantity of any particular HAP that may
be emitted by that portion of a
contiguous major source that is subject
to the NESHAP will not be greater under
the averaging mechanism than it could
be if each individual affected unit
complied separately with the applicable
standard. Under this test, the practical
outcome of averaging is equivalent to
compliance with the MACT floor limits
by each discrete unit, and the statutory
requirement that the MACT standard
reflect the maximum achievable
emissions reductions is, therefore, fully
In past rulemakings, the EPA has
generally imposed certain limits on the
scope and nature of emissions averaging
programs. These limits include: (1) No
averaging between different types of
pollutants, (2) no averaging between
sources that are not part of the same
affected source, (3) no averaging
between individual sources within a
single major source if the individual
sources are not subject to the same
NESHAP, and (4) no averaging between
existing sources and new sources.
Any emissions averaging alternative
to the proposed rule requirements
would fully satisfy each of these criteria.
First, emissions averaging would only
be permitted between individual
sources at a single existing affected
source, and would only be permitted
between individual sources subject to
the Brick and Structural Clay NESHAP.
Further, emissions averaging would not
be permitted between two or more
different affected sources or between
two or more sources in different
subcategories. Finally, new sources
could not use emissions averaging. In
addition, any emissions averaging
alternative would require each facility
that intends to utilize emissions
averaging to submit an emissions
averaging plan, which provides
additional assurance that the necessary
criteria will be followed. In such an
emissions averaging plan, the facility
would include the identification of: (1)
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All units in the averaging group, (2) the
control technology installed, (3) the
process parameter that will be
monitored, (4) the specific control
technology or pollution prevention
measure to be used, (5) the test plan for
the measurement of the HAP being
averaged, and (6) the operating
parameters to be monitored for each
control device. Upon receipt, the
regulatory authority would not be able
to approve an emissions averaging plan
containing averaging between emissions
of different types of pollutants or
between sources in different
This emissions averaging alternative
would also exclude new affected
sources from the emissions averaging
provision. The EPA believes emissions
averaging is not appropriate for new
sources because it is most cost effective
to integrate state-of-the-art controls into
equipment design and to install the
technology during construction of new
sources. One reason to allow emissions
averaging under certain circumstances
is to give existing sources flexibility to
achieve compliance at diverse points
with varying degrees of add-on control
already in place in the most costeffective and technically reasonable
fashion. This flexibility is not needed
for new sources because they can be
designed and constructed with
compliance in mind.
With concern about the equivalency
of emissions reductions from averaging
and non-averaging in mind, we would
also include under the emissions
averaging provision caps on the current
emissions from each of the sources in
the averaging group. The emissions for
each unit in the averaging group would
be capped at the emission level being
achieved on the effective date of the
final rule. These caps would ensure that
emissions do not increase above the
emission levels that sources currently
are designed, operated, and maintained
to achieve. In the absence of
performance tests, in documenting these
caps, these sources would document the
type, design, and operating specification
of control devices installed on the
effective date of the final rule to ensure
that existing controls are not removed or
operated less efficiently. By including
this provision in this proposed rule, we
would further ensure that emissions
averaging results in environmental
benefits equivalent to or better than
without emissions averaging.
In addition, we would plan to include
a discount factor of 10 percent that
would be applied when emissions
averaging is used. This discount factor
will further ensure that averaging will
be at least as stringent as the MACT
PO 00000
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floor limits in the absence of averaging.
The EPA is soliciting comment on use
of a discount factor and whether 10
percent is the appropriate discount
factor or whether the appropriate
discount factor is somewhere in the
range of 5% to 25%. The emissions
averaging provision would not apply to
individual units if the unit shares a
common stack with units in other
subcategories, because in that
circumstance it is not possible to
distinguish the emissions from each
individual unit.
The alternative emissions averaging
provisions for which we are requesting
comment in this proposed rule are
based in part on the emissions averaging
provisions in the Hazardous Organic
NESHAP (HON). The legal basis and
rationale for the HON emissions
averaging provisions were provided in
the preamble to the final HON (59 FR
19425, April 22, 1994).
4. Subcategories Based on Raw
The Clean Air Act authorizes EPA to
create subcategories which distinguish
among ‘‘classes, types, and sizes of
sources.’’ Section 112(d)(1). EPA is
taking comment on subcategorizing with
regard to potential standards for
mercury emitted by brick kilns. Were
EPA to do so, each subcategory would
have its own floor and standard,
reflecting performance of the sources
within that subcategory.
The EPA may create a subcategory
applicable to a single HAP, rather than
to all HAP emitted by the source
category, if the facts warrant. Normally,
any basis for subcategorizing must be
related to an effect on emissions, rather
than to some difference among sources
which does not affect emissions
performance. The subcategorization
possibility for mercury which we are
considering is the mercury
concentration of the raw materials in the
kiln’s clay mine, or geographic location.
The EPA does not have sufficient data
to determine if mercury emissions
correlate with the mercury content of
the clay used as raw material by the
kiln. Additionally, EPA does not have
data that show to what extent mercury
content of clay varies by kiln location
(i.e., geographical distinction) or within
a given source of clay, and to what
extent a source could reduce mercury
emissions by using an alternate source
of clay with lower mercury content.
If data were available to show that the
amount of mercury in the raw materials
significantly affected mercury
emissions, and that kilns could not
reasonably use an alternative source of
clay with lower mercury content, kilns
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
using raw materials with higher
mercury content might be considered a
different type or class of kiln because
their process necessarily requires the
use of that higher-mercury raw
However, data are not available to
support subcategorization based on the
amount of mercury in the raw materials.
Such data would need to show a
correlation between raw material
content and mercury emissions and also
need to indicate sharp disparities in raw
material mercury content that readily
differentiate among types of sources.
Additionally, data would also be needed
to show that alternate sources of raw
materials with lower mercury content
are not available or feasible. We are
specifically asking for mercury
emissions data coupled with raw
materials mercury data. We are also
asking for information regarding the
availability of low mercury clay and the
feasibility of using low mercury clay to
reduce emissions. EPA realizes that if
this data is not currently available,
obtaining this data may not be possible
within the current schedule to
promulgate the final rule. Therefore,
EPA requests comment on possible
approaches to resolve this issue.
V. Summary of the Proposed Rule for
the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
This section summarizes the
requirements for the Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing source category
proposed in today’s action. Section VI of
this preamble provides our rationale for
the proposed requirements.
A. What source category is affected by
the proposed rule?
Today’s proposed rule for Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing applies to clay
ceramics manufacturing facilities that
are located at or are part of a major
source of HAP emissions. The Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing source category
includes those facilities that
manufacture pressed floor tile, pressed
wall tile and other pressed tile; or
sanitaryware (toilets and sinks).
B. What are the affected sources?
The affected sources, which are the
portions of each source in the category
for which we are setting standards, are:
(1) Each ceramic tile roller kiln; (2) each
floor tile press dryer; (3) each ceramic
tile spray dryer; (4) each ceramic tile
glaze line using glaze spraying; (5) each
sanitaryware tunnel kiln; (6) each
sanitaryware shuttle kiln; and (7) each
sanitaryware glaze spray booth.
The following clay ceramics process
units are not subject to the requirements
of today’s proposed rule: (1) Kilns that
are used exclusively for refiring or
setting glazes on previously fired
products; (2) glaze spray operations that
use wet glazes containing less than 0.1
(weight) percent metal HAP (dry basis);
(3) wall tile press dryers; and (4)
sanitaryware ware dryers. See section
VI.A for information on why these
sources are not subject to the proposed
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
This proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule applies to owners or
operators of an affected source at a
major source meeting the requirements
discussed previously in this preamble.
A major source of HAP emissions is any
stationary source or group of stationary
sources located within a contiguous area
and under common control that emits or
has the potential to emit, considering
controls, 10 tpy or more of any HAP or
25 tpy or more of any combination of
D. What emission limitations and work
practice standards must I meet?
1. Emission Limitations
We are proposing emission limits for
PM as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP
metals for all new and existing ceramic
tile roller kilns, sanitaryware tunnel
kilns and ceramic tile and sanitaryware
glazing operations. We are proposing
emission limits for Hg for all new and
existing ceramic tile roller kilns,
ceramic tile glaze lines and sanitaryware
tunnel kilns. We are proposing emission
limits for dioxin/furan for all new and
existing ceramic tile roller kilns,
sanitaryware tunnel kilns, floor tile
press dryers and ceramic tile spray
dryers. We are also proposing an
emission limit for HCl-equivalent for all
existing and new roller and tunnel kilns
at each facility to reduce the acid gases
HF and HCl. The proposed emission
limits are presented in Table 9 of this
Acid gases
(lb/hr HCl-equivalent) a
(ng/dscm at 7 percent O2) c
PM b
1.3 E–04
2.0 E–04
1.6 E–04
1.2 E–04
Limits for existing sources
Floor tile roller kilns ...........................................................
Floor tile press dryers ........................................................
Floor tile spray dryers ........................................................
Wall tile roller kilns .............................................................
Wall tile spray dryers .........................................................
Tile glaze lines ...................................................................
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel kilns .....................................
Sanitaryware manual glaze application .............................
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze application .................
Sanitaryware robot glaze application ................................
Limits for new sources
Floor tile roller kilns ...........................................................
Floor tile press dryers ........................................................
Floor tile spray dryers ........................................................
Wall tile roller kilns .............................................................
Wall tile spray dryers .........................................................
Tile glaze lines ...................................................................
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel kilns .....................................
Sanitaryware manual glaze application .............................
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze application .................
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PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
3.9 E–05
2.0 E–04
1.6 E–04
1.2 E–04
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Acid gases
(lb/hr HCl-equivalent) a
Sanitaryware robot glaze application ................................
(ng/dscm at 7 percent O2) c
PM b
a Limit
applies to all kilns at facility.
b PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
c ng/dscm = nanograms per dry standard cubic meter.
2. Work Practice Standards
We are proposing work practice
standards in lieu of emission limits for
acid gases (HF and HCl), Hg and nonHg HAP metals for sanitaryware shuttle
kilns. The work practice standards
would require using natural gas (or
equivalent) as kiln fuel except during
periods of natural gas curtailment or
supply interruption; developing and
using a designed firing time and
temperature cycle for each product
produced in the shuttle kiln; labeling
each shuttle kiln with the maximum
load (in tons) that can be fired in the
kiln during a single firing cycle;
documenting the total tonnage placed in
the kiln for each load to ensure that it
is not greater than the maximum load;
developing and implementing
maintenance procedures for each kiln
that specify the frequency of inspection
and maintenance; and developing and
maintaining records for each shuttle
kiln, including logs to document the
proper operation and maintenance
procedures of the shuttle kilns.
E. What are the startup and shutdown
The EPA’s position on SSM events is
discussed in section II.B of this
preamble. Standards for periods of
startup and shutdown are discussed in
this section.
We are proposing work practice
standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for ceramic tile roller kilns,
floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile spray
dryers and sanitaryware tunnel kilns
with APCD. For startup, the owner or
operator would be required to vent the
exhaust from the kiln through the APCD
by the time the kiln exhaust temperature
reaches 40 °F. In addition, no ceramics
or other product may be introduced to
the kiln until the kiln exhaust
temperature reaches 40 °F and the
exhaust is being vented through the
APCD. For shutdown, the owner or
operator would be required to vent the
exhaust from the kiln through the APCD
until the kiln exhaust temperature falls
below 300 °F. In addition, no ceramics
or other product may be introduced to
the kiln once the kiln exhaust
temperature falls to 300 °F and the
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exhaust is no longer being vented
through the APCD. When the kiln
exhaust is being vented through the
APCD, the owner or operator would be
required to comply with the applicable
continuous compliance requirements
described in section V.G of this
We are also proposing work practice
standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for ceramic tile roller kilns,
floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile spray
dryers and sanitaryware tunnel kilns
without an APCD. For startup, no
ceramics or other product may be
introduced to the kiln or dryer until the
kiln or dryer exhaust temperature
reaches 400 °F. For shutdown, no
ceramics or other product may be
introduced to the kiln or dryer once the
kiln or dryer exhaust temperature falls
to 300 °F. When there are ceramics in
the kiln or dryer, the owner or operator
would be expected to demonstrate
compliance with the emissions
limitations (as described in section V.G
of this preamble).
We are not proposing alternate
standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for ceramic tile glaze lines or
sanitaryware glaze spray booths. These
sources would be expected to
demonstrate compliance with the
emissions limitations (as described in
section V.G of this preamble) at all times
when the source is operating, including
periods of startup and shutdown.
F. What are the testing and initial
compliance requirements?
We are proposing that owners or
operators of all affected sources subject
to emission limits conduct an initial
performance test using specified EPA
test methods to demonstrate initial
compliance with all applicable emission
limits. A performance test would need
to be conducted before renewing the
facility’s 40 CFR part 70 operating
permit or at least every 5 years
following the initial performance test, as
well as when an operating limit
parameter value is being revised.
Under today’s proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule, the owner
or operator would need to measure
emissions of HF, HCl, Hg, PM (as a
PO 00000
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surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) and
dioxins/furans. The owner or operator
would measure HF and HCl from
ceramic tile roller kilns and
sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns using
one of the following methods:
• EPA Method 26A, ‘‘Determination of
Hydrogen Halide and Halogen Emissions
from Stationary Sources-Isokinetic Method,’’
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8;
• EPA Method 26, ‘‘Determination of
Hydrogen Chloride Emissions from
Stationary Sources,’’ 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8, when no acid particulate (e.g.,
HF or HCl dissolved in water droplets
emitted by sources controlled by a wet
scrubber) is present;
• EPA Method 320, ‘‘Measurement of
Vapor Phase Organic and Inorganic Emission
by Extractive FTIR’’ 40 CFR part 63,
appendix A, provided the test follows the
analyte spiking procedures of section 13 of
Method 320, unless the owner or operator
can demonstrate that the complete spiking
procedure has been conducted at a similar
source; or
• Any other alternative method that has
been approved by the Administrator under
40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
Following the performance test, the
owner or operator would calculate the
HCl-equivalent for the kiln using
proposed Equation 4 in 40 CFR
63.8595(f)(4)(i). If there are multiple
kilns at a facility, the owner or operator
would sum the HCl-equivalent for each
kiln using proposed Equation 5 in 40
CFR 63.8595(f)(4)(ii) to get the total
facility HCl-equivalent and compare this
value to the proposed limitation.
We are proposing that the owner or
operator measure PM emissions from
ceramic tile roller kilns and
sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns using
one of the following methods:
• EPA Method 5, ‘‘Determination of
Particulate Emissions from Stationary
Sources,’’ 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3;
• EPA Method 29, ‘‘Determination of
Metals Emissions From Stationary Sources,’’
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, where the test
results would report the weight of the PM on
the filter as PM filterable; or
• Any other alternative method that has
been approved by the Administrator under
40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
Method 29 or any other approved
alternative method may also be used to
measure Hg emissions from ceramic tile
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
roller kilns, ceramic tile glaze lines and
sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns.
We are proposing that the owner or
operator measure PM emissions from
ceramic tile and sanitaryware glaze
spray booths using EPA Method 5 or
any other alternative method that has
been approved by the Administrator
under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General
We are also proposing that the owner
or operator measure dioxin/furan
emissions from ceramic tile roller kilns
and spray dryers, floor tile press dryers
and sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns
using EPA Method 23, ‘‘Determination
of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins
and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans
From Stationary Sources,’’ 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–7 or any other
alternative method that has been
approved by the Administrator under 40
CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
The following paragraphs discuss the
initial compliance requirements that are
being proposed. Prior to the initial
performance test, the owner or operator
would need to install the CPMS
equipment to be used to demonstrate
continuous compliance with the
operating limits. During the initial test,
the owner or operator would use the
CPMS to establish site-specific
operating parameter values that
represent the operating limits.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
ensure that lime in the feed hopper or
silo and to the APCD is free-flowing at
all times during the HF/HCl
performance test and record the feeder
setting (on a per ton of fired product
basis) for the three test runs. If the lime
feed rate varies, the owner or operator
would be required to determine the
average feed rate from the three test
runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes the minimum site-specific
feed rate operating limit. If there are
different average feed rate values during
the PM and HF/HCl tests, the highest of
the average values becomes the sitespecific operating limit. If a BLD system
is present, the owner or operator would
need to submit analyses and supporting
documentation demonstrating
conformance with EPA guidance and
specifications for BLD systems.
For a stand-alone FF (i.e., no dry
sorbent injection or DLS) and a BLD
system, we are proposing that the owner
or operator submit analyses and
supporting documentation
demonstrating conformance with EPA
guidance and specifications for BLD
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing
that the owner or operator continuously
measure the scrubber pressure drop
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during the PM performance test, the
scrubber liquid pH and the chemical
addition rate (if applicable) during the
HF/HCl performance test and the
scrubber liquid flow rate during both
the PM and HF/HCl performance tests.
For each wet scrubber parameter, the
owner or operator would need to
determine and record the average values
for the three test runs and the 3-hour
block average value. The average of the
three test runs establishes the minimum
site-specific pressure drop, liquid pH,
liquid flow rate and chemical addition
rate operating limits. If different average
wet scrubber liquid flow rate values are
measured during the PM and HF/HCl
tests, the highest of the average values
become the site-specific operating
For an ACI system, we are proposing
that the owner or operator measure the
activated carbon flow rate during the Hg
and dioxin/furan performance tests and
determine the 3-hour block average flow
rate. The average of the three test runs
establishes the minimum site-specific
activated carbon flow rate operating
limit. If different average activated
carbon flow rate values are measured
during the Hg and dioxin/furan tests,
the highest of the average values
becomes the site-specific operating
If the owner or operator intends to
comply with the dioxin/furan emission
limit without an ACI system, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
measure the operating temperature of
the process (tunnel or roller kiln,
ceramic tile spray dryer, floor tile press
dryer) during the dioxin/furan
performance test and determine the 3hour block average operating
temperature. The average of the three
test runs establishes the site-specific
operating limit.
For sources with no APCD installed,
we are proposing that the owner or
operator calculate the maximum
potential HCl-equivalent using proposed
Equation 6 in 40 CFR 63.8595(g)(1)(i).
The owner or operator would use the
results from the performance test to
determine the emissions at the
maximum possible process rate. For
example, if the design capacity of the
tunnel or roller kiln is 10 tph and the
production rate during the performance
test was 9 tph, then the test results
represent 90 percent of the maximum
potential emissions. If there are multiple
kilns at a facility, the owner or operator
would need to sum the maximum
potential HCl-equivalent for each kiln to
get the total facility maximum potential
HCl-equivalent and compare this value
to the proposed health-based emission
limitation for acid gases. If the total
PO 00000
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facility maximum potential HClequivalent is greater than the proposed
limitation, we are proposing that the
owner or operator determine the
maximum process rate for which the
total facility maximum potential HClequivalent remains at or below the
proposed limitation. If there are
multiple kilns, the owner or operator
would need to determine one or more
combinations of maximum process rates
that would result in a total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent that
remains at or below the proposed
limitation. The maximum process rate(s)
would become the operating limit(s) for
process rate. We are also proposing that
the owner or operator measure the
operating temperature of a source
during the dioxin/furan performance
test and determine the 3-hour block
average operating temperature. The
average of the three test runs establishes
the site-specific operating limit for
G. What are the continuous compliance
Today’s Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule proposes that the owner or operator
demonstrate continuous compliance
with each emission limitation that
applies. The owner or operator would
have to follow the requirements in the
OM&M plan and document
conformance with the OM&M plan. The
owner or operator would need to
operate a CPMS to monitor the
operating parameters established during
the initial performance test as described
in the following paragraphs. The CPMS
would have to collect data at least every
15 minutes, including at least three of
four equally spaced data values (or at
least 75 percent if there are more than
four data values per hour) per hour to
have a valid hour of data. The owner or
operator would have to operate the
CPMS at all times when the process is
operating. The owner or operator would
also have to conduct proper
maintenance of the CPMS, including
inspections, calibrations and validation
checks, and maintain an inventory of
necessary parts for routine repairs of the
CPMS. Using the recorded readings, the
owner or operator would need to
calculate and record the 3-hour block
average values of each operating
parameter. To calculate the average for
each 3-hour averaging period, the owner
or operator would need to have at least
75 percent of the recorded readings for
that period.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance with the acid
gas (HF/HCl) health-based emission
limit by maintaining free-flowing lime
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
in the feed hopper or silo and to the
APCD at all times. If lime is found not
to be free flowing via the output of a
load cell, carrier gas/lime flow
indicator, carrier gas pressure drop
measurement system or other system,
the owner or operator would have to
promptly initiate and complete
corrective actions according to the
OM&M plan. The owner or operator
would also have to maintain the feeder
setting (on a per ton of fired product
basis) at or above the level established
during the performance test and record
the feeder setting once each shift.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, the proposed
rule would provide the option to use
either a BLD system or VE monitoring
to demonstrate compliance with the PM
emission limit.
For the option of a BLD system, we
are proposing that the owner or operator
initiate corrective action within 1 hour
of a BLD system alarm and complete
corrective actions according to the
OM&M plan. The owner or operator
would also need to operate and
maintain the FF such that the alarm is
not engaged for more than 5 percent of
the total operating time in a 6-month
block reporting period. In calculating
this operating time fraction, if
inspection of the FF demonstrates that
no corrective action is required, no
alarm time is counted. If corrective
action is required, each alarm must be
counted as a minimum of 1 hour and if
corrective action is initiated more than
1 hour after an alarm, the alarm time
must be counted as the actual amount
of time taken to initiate corrective
For the option of monitoring VE, we
are proposing that the owner or operator
perform daily, 15-minute VE
observations in accordance with the
procedures of EPA Method 22, ‘‘Visual
Determination of Fugitive Emissions
from Material Sources and Smoke
Emissions from Flares,’’ 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–7. During the VE
observations, the source would need to
be operating under normal conditions. If
VE are observed, the owner or operator
would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
the OM&M plan. If no VE are observed
in 30 consecutive daily EPA Method 22
tests, the owner or operator may
decrease the frequency of EPA Method
22 testing from daily to weekly for that
source. If VE are observed during any
weekly test, the owner or operator
would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
the OM&M plan and the owner or
operator would need to resume EPA
Method 22 testing of that source on a
daily basis until no VE are observed in
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30 consecutive daily tests, at which time
the owner or operator may again
decrease the frequency of EPA Method
22 testing to a weekly basis.
For a stand-alone FF, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
use a BLD system or monitor VE as
described above to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable
emission limit.
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing
that the owner or operator continuously
maintain the 3-hour block averages for
scrubber pressure drop, scrubber liquid
pH, scrubber liquid flow rate and
chemical addition rate (if applicable) at
or above the minimum values
established during the applicable
performance test. Maintaining the 3hour block average for scrubber pressure
drop at or above the minimum value
established during the PM performance
test would demonstrate compliance
with the PM emission limit.
Maintaining the 3-hour block average
for scrubber liquid pH and chemical
(e.g., lime, caustic) addition rate at or
above the minimum values established
during the HF/HCl performance test
would demonstrate compliance with the
acid gas (HF/HCl) health-based emission
limit. Maintaining the 3-hour block
average for scrubber liquid flow rate at
or above the lowest minimum value
established during the PM and HF/HCl
performance tests would demonstrate
compliance with all applicable emission
limits by showing that the scrubber is in
proper working order.
For an ACI system, we are proposing
that the owner or operator demonstrate
compliance with the Hg and dioxin/
furan emission limits by continuously
monitoring the activated carbon flow
rate and maintaining it at or above the
lowest minimum value established
during the Hg and dioxin/furan
performance tests.
If the owner or operator intends to
comply with the dioxin/furan emission
limit without an ACI system, we are
proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance by
continuously monitoring the operating
temperature of the process (tunnel or
roller kiln, ceramic tile spray dryer,
floor tile press dryer) and maintaining it
at or above the average operating
temperature during the dioxin/furan
performance test for the tunnel or roller
kiln and ceramic tile spray dryer and at
or below the average operating
temperature during the dioxin/furan
performance test for the floor tile press
For a water curtain on a spray glazing
operation, we are proposing that the
owner or operator demonstrate
compliance with the PM emission limit
PO 00000
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by conducting a daily inspection to
verify the presence of water flow to the
wet control system, conducting weekly
visual inspections of the system
ductwork and control equipment for
leaks and conducting annual
inspections of the interior of the control
equipment (if applicable) to determine
the structural integrity and condition of
the control equipment.
For baffles on a spray glazing
operation, we are proposing that the
owner or operator demonstrate
compliance with the PM emission limit
by conducting an annual visual
inspection of the baffles to confirm the
baffles are in place.
For a source with no APCD, we are
proposing that, to demonstrate
compliance with the PM emission limit,
the owner or operator monitor VE as
described above; and, to demonstrate
compliance with the dioxin/furan
emission limit, the owner or operator
continuously monitor the operating
temperature, determine and record 3hour block averages and maintain the 3hour block averages at or above the
average operating temperature during
the dioxin/furan performance test for
the tunnel or roller kiln and ceramic tile
spray dryer and at or below the average
operating temperature during the
dioxin/furan performance test for the
floor tile press dryer. In addition, if the
last calculated total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent was not at or
below the proposed health-based
emission limitation for acid gases, then
we are proposing that the owner or
operator collect and record data
documenting the process rate of the
tunnel or roller kiln and reduce the data
to 3-hour block averages. The owner or
operator would need to maintain the
kiln process rate(s) at or below the kiln
process rate operating limit(s) that
would enable the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent to
remain at or below the proposed
H. What are the notification,
recordkeeping and reporting
All new and existing sources would
be required to comply with certain
requirements of the General Provisions
(40 CFR part 63, subpart A), which are
identified in Table 9 of subpart KKKKK.
The General Provisions include specific
requirements for notifications,
recordkeeping and reporting.
Each owner or operator would be
required to submit a notification of
compliance status report, as required by
40 CFR 63.9(h) of the General
Provisions. This proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule would
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
require the owner or operator to include
in the notification of compliance status
report certifications of compliance with
rule requirements. Semiannual
compliance reports, as required by 40
CFR 63.10(e)(3) of subpart A, would also
be required for each semiannual
reporting period.
This proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule would require
records to demonstrate compliance with
each emission limit and work practice
standard. These recordkeeping
requirements are specified directly in
the General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63
and are identified in Table 9 of subpart
Specifically, we are proposing that the
owner or operator must keep the
following records:
• All reports and notifications submitted
to comply with this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule.
• Records of performance tests.
• Records relating to APCD maintenance
and documentation of approved routine
control device maintenance exemption.
• Continuous monitoring data as required
in this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule.
• Records of BLD system alarms and
corrective actions taken.
• Each instance in which the owner or
operator did not meet each emission limit
(i.e., deviations from operating limits).
• Records of production rates.
• Records of approved alternative
monitoring or testing procedures.
• Records of maintenance and inspections
performed on the APCD.
• Current copies of the OM&M plan and
records documenting conformance.
• Logs of the information required to
document compliance with the shuttle kiln
work practice standard.
• Logs of the information required to
document compliance with the startup and
shutdown work practice standards.
• Records of each malfunction and the
corrective action taken.
We are also proposing to require that
the owner or operator submit the
following reports and notifications:
• Notifications required by the General
• Initial Notification no later than 120
calendar days after the affected source
becomes subject to this subpart.
• Notification of Intent to conduct
performance tests and/or other compliance
demonstration at least 60 calendar days
before the performance test and/or other
compliance demonstration is scheduled.
• Notification of Compliance Status 60
calendar days following completion of a
compliance demonstration that includes a
performance test.
• Notification of Compliance Status 30
calendar days following completion of a
compliance demonstration that does not
include a performance test (i.e., compliance
demonstration for the work practice
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• Compliance reports semi-annually,
including a report of each malfunction
resulting in an exceedance and the corrective
action taken.
• Report of alternative fuel use within 10
working days after terminating use of the
alternative fuel.
• Results of each performance test within
60 days of completing the test, submitted to
the EPA by direct computer-to-computer
electronic transfer via EPA-provided software
for data collected using supported test
I. How would I submit emissions test
results to the EPA?
The ERT provisions being proposed
for clay ceramics manufacturing are the
same as those being proposed for BSCP
manufacturing. The ERT provisions for
BSCP manufacturing are discussed in
section III.I of this preamble.
VI. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for
Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
A. How did the EPA determine which
sources would be regulated under the
proposed rule?
Based on our review of the available
information on the clay ceramics
manufacturing industry, we determined
that there are three distinct sectors
within the industry: (1) Ceramic floor
tile; (2) ceramic wall tile; and (3)
sanitaryware. Specifically, we found
that the ceramic floor tile, ceramic wall
tile and sanitaryware sectors of the
industry differ in terms of raw materials,
processes and final products.
The primary raw materials used for
manufacturing sanitaryware are ball
clay, other clays, feldspar and silica,
whereas ceramic tile is made primarily
from ball clay, talc, nepheline syenite
(an igneous rock comprised of
nepheline, microcline and albite), fire
clay and shale. However, while the raw
materials are similar for ceramic floor
and wall tile, the mix for ceramic wall
tile includes more talc and less ball
clay, resulting in a lighter-weight mix.
Regarding processes, ceramic floor tile
facilities use spray dryers to process the
ceramic mix into a powder to allow tile
pressing, followed by press dryers to
press the tiles. The tile is then glazed
prior to firing in a roller kiln. Ceramic
wall tile facilities also use spray and
press dryers, but they are designed,
managed and operated to handle the
lighter weight raw material mix.
Ceramic wall tile is produced in a twostep firing process using roller kilns and
it is glazed in between firings. On the
other hand, sanitaryware facilities use
tunnel kilns to fire the ceramic ware and
they glaze the ware before firing,
predominantly using glaze spraying.
Ceramic floor tile, ceramic wall tile
and sanitaryware also have different
PO 00000
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characteristics as finished products and
compete in different markets. Ceramic
floor tile is defined as a vitreous product
with a low water absorption rate. Floor
tile is known for its multi-color,
variably-textured, and slip-resistant
characteristics, which are not acceptable
in most wall tiles. Ceramic wall tile is
defined as a non-vitreous product
required to meet a water absorption rate
of 7 to 20 percent, much higher than
that required for floor tile. Wall tile has
much more stringent appearance
requirements compared to floor tile,
with the market demanding that most
wall tile be mono-color, with a high
gloss or smooth matte finish (requiring
a two-step firing process). Sanitaryware
is vitreous ceramic ware of zero or low
absorption after firing that is used for
plumbing and bathroom fixtures and
accessories (such as toilets and ceramic
In the clay ceramics manufacturing
industry, the foremost sources of HAP
emissions are first-fire tunnel and
periodic (shuttle) kilns at sanitaryware
facilities and roller kilns at ceramic tile
facilities. Based on emissions testing,
the HAP emitted from first-fire tunnel
kilns and roller kilns include HF, HCl,
Hg, other non-Hg HAP metals and
dioxins/furans. Shuttle kilns are also
assumed to emit these pollutants based
on similarities in raw materials used in
shuttle kilns and first-fire tunnel kilns.
Other sources of HAP emissions at clay
ceramics manufacturing facilities are
glaze lines that employ glaze spraying at
ceramic tile facilities, glaze spray booths
at sanitaryware facilities, spray dryers at
ceramic tile facilities and press dryers at
floor tile facilities. The HAP emitted
from ceramic tile glaze lines include Hg
and non-Hg HAP metals, the HAP
emitted from sanitaryware glazing
operations include non-Hg HAP metals
and the HAP emitted from ceramic tile
spray dryers and press dryers are
dioxins/furans. Other process units at
clay ceramics facilities (e.g., raw
material processing and handling, wall
tile press dryers and sanitaryware ware
dryers) have not been found to emit
measurable quantities of HAP.54 For this
reason, the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule covers those existing
and new first-fire kilns, glaze spray
operations, spray dryers and press
dryers at major source clay ceramics
manufacturing facilities that emit HAP
and meet the applicability criteria.
Additional clay ceramics process
units that do not meet the applicability
54 As part of the 2010 EPA survey, wall tile press
dryers and sanitaryware ware dryers were tested for
dioxins/furans, but none of the tests found
detectable levels of dioxins/furans.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
criteria include (1) kilns that are used
exclusively for refiring or setting glazes
on previously fired products; (2) glaze
spray operations that use wet glazes
containing less than 0.1 (weight) percent
metal HAP (dry basis); and (3) glazing
operations using a flow (curtain) coating
or waterfall method.
Re-fire kilns are used for firing
products that have already been fired
but have minor defects, which are
subsequently repaired. Nearly all of the
emissions from the firing of a clay body
(i.e., fluorides, chlorides) are released
during the initial vitrification step
conducted in first-fire kilns, while refire ware has already been vitrified and
emits little to no fluorides or chlorides.
Kilns that are used exclusively for
setting glazes on previously fired
products also emit little to no HF or HCl
for similar reasons. Glaze spray
operations using glaze containing less
than 0.1 (weight) percent metal HAP are
expected to be an insignificant source of
HAP emissions. Glaze applied using a
flow (curtain) coating or waterfall
method rather than using an aerosol
spraying method would have little to no
air emissions of non-Hg HAP metals.
B. How did the EPA select the format for
the proposed rule?
For Hg and PM (as a surrogate for
non-Hg HAP metals) emissions from
ceramic tile roller kilns and first-fire
sanitaryware tunnel kilns, this proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule
includes numerical emission rate limits
as a mass of pollutant emitted per ton
of product produced. For non-Hg HAP
metals emissions from ceramic tile glaze
lines and sanitaryware glaze spray
booths, this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule includes numerical
emission rate limits for PM as a mass of
pollutant emitted per ton of glaze
sprayed. For Hg emissions from ceramic
tile glaze lines, this proposed rule
includes numerical emission rate limits
as a mass of pollutant emitted per ton
of glaze sprayed. For dioxin/furan
emissions from ceramic tile roller kilns,
floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile spray
dryers and first-fire sanitaryware tunnel
kilns, this proposed rule includes
numerical emission limits in units of
concentration. The selection of
numerical emission rate limits and
numerical emission limits as the format
for this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule provides flexibility
for the regulated community by
allowing a regulated source to choose
any control technology or technique to
meet the emission limits, rather than
requiring each unit to use a prescribed
control method that may not be
appropriate in each case. In addition,
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the selection of numerical emission rate
limits as a mass of pollutant emitted per
ton of product produced ensures that
differences in the size or process rate of
the affected source do not affect the
level of emissions control achieved.
The PM limits are proposed as a
surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals. The
same control techniques that would be
used to control PM will control non-Hg
HAP metals. Particulate matter was also
chosen instead of requiring control of
specific individual HAP metals because
all sources do not emit the same type
and amount of non-Hg HAP metals due
to differences in raw materials and glaze
formulations. However, most sources
generally emit PM that includes some
amount and combination of HAP
metals. The use of PM as a surrogate
will also eliminate the cost of
performance testing to comply with
numerous standards for individual nonHg HAP metals.
For acid gases (HF and HCl), this
proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule includes a health-based emission
limit as a mass of HCl-equivalent
emitted per hour. Further discussion
about the development of health-based
standards for the proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule is
provided in section VI.J of this
This proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule includes work
practices for sanitaryware shuttle kilns.
As described in more detail in section
VI.K.1 of this preamble, technological
and economic limitations make it
impracticable to measure compliance
with numerical emission limits for
sanitaryware shuttle kilns.
C. How did the EPA consider different
Section 112(d)(1) of the CAA allows
the EPA to promulgate emission
standards for either categories or
subcategories of sources. Through
subcategorization, the EPA may
distinguish among classes, types and
sizes of sources within a category.
1. Sanitaryware Kilns
Upon initial consideration of the
available information on the
sanitaryware sector of the clay ceramics
manufacturing industry, we determined
that separate subcategories for
sanitaryware periodic (shuttle) kilns and
sanitaryware continuous (tunnel) kilns
were warranted because shuttle kilns
are smaller than tunnel kilns (with
lower production on an hourly basis
and accounting for only a small
percentage of production) and are
operated in batch cycles, whereas
tunnel kilns operate continuously.
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As noted in section VI.K.1 of this
preamble, we have determined that it is
technologically and economically
infeasible to test shuttle kilns, thereby
ruling out a quantitative analysis of how
these differences impact emissions.
However, a qualitative comparison can
be made, in that smaller kilns operated
periodically (i.e., shuttle kilns) would
be expected to have lower emissions
over time compared to the larger,
continuously operated tunnel kilns.
2. Sanitaryware Glazing
We also determined that separate
subcategories for three different glaze
application methods for sanitaryware
were warranted. Manual glaze spraying
is done by a human operator with one
spray gun per station per booth. The
ware are moved and set up manually
and glaze is applied to one to two pieces
at a time. The emissions per ton of glaze
sprayed for this type of glaze spraying
are the highest of the application
methods. Spray machine, or chain-onedge, glaze application is done by
automatic reciprocating spray guns from
a fixed location with 10 to 20 spray guns
per booth. The ware are moved and set
up on a ‘‘chain-on-edge’’ conveyor
system and glaze is applied to six to
seven pieces at a time. The emissions
per ton of glaze sprayed for this type of
glaze spraying are the second highest of
the application methods. Robot glaze
spraying is done by an automatic robot
arm with one spray gun per booth. The
ware are moved and set up manually
and glaze is applied to one piece at a
time. The emissions per ton of glaze
sprayed for this type of glaze spraying
are the lowest of the application
We also examined subcategorization
by manual spraying and non-manual
spraying (where ‘‘non-manual spraying’’
would include both spray machine and
robot glaze spraying), but we
determined that the design and
emission differences between spray
machine and robot glaze spraying are
significant enough to warrant separate
D. What approaches did the EPA
consider in developing the proposed
emission limitations for existing and
new sources?
As noted in section IV.D of this
preamble, all standards for new and
existing sources established pursuant to
CAA section 112(d)(2) must reflect
MACT. The remainder of this section
describes the development of the pool of
data used to calculate the MACT floors
for Hg, PM (as a surrogate for non-Hg
HAP metals) and dioxins/furans. As
noted in section VI.J of this preamble,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
health-based emissions standards are
being proposed for the acid gases HF
and HCl under the provisions of CAA
section 112(d)(4). Consequently, the
EPA has not prepared a MACT floor
analysis for these pollutants.
In our MACT floor analyses for Hg,
PM (as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP
metals) and dioxins/furans, we
separated the data by industry sector,
source type and subcategory as
described in section VI.C of this
preamble (if applicable). Within each of
those categories or subcategories, we
ranked the data in terms of lb/ton for
PM and Hg and in terms of nanograms
per dry standard cubic meter (ng/dscm)
at 7 percent O2 for dioxins/furans (as
described in section VI.E of this
preamble). Because there are less than
30 sources in each subcategory, we
identified the top five (best performing)
sources for which we had data. For
subcategories with less than five
sources, we considered all sources for
which we had data as best performing
sources. Once we identified the best
performing sources, we then calculated
the MACT floor in units of lb/ton or ng/
dscm at 7 percent O2 (as applicable) as
described in section VI.E of this
E. How did the EPA determine the
MACT floors for existing sources?
The EPA must consider available
emissions information to determine the
MACT floors. For Hg, PM (as a surrogate
for total non-Hg HAP metals) and
dioxins/furans, we calculated the MACT
floor for a subcategory of sources by
ranking all the available emissions data
for units within the subcategory with
the best performing sources ranked at
the top, as described later in this section
and then using the test results from the
best performing sources (up to five).
Therefore, as discussed in section VI.D
of this preamble, the MACT floor limits
for Hg, PM (as a surrogate for total nonHg HAP metals) and dioxins/furans
were calculated based on the
performance of the best performing
sources in each of the subcategories.
The best performing sources were
determined by ranking each source’s
average emission value from lowest to
highest. We then determined the data
distribution of the dataset made up of
the top five best performers using
kurtosis and skewness, as described in
section IV.E of this preamble. We
assessed variability of the best
performers by calculating a UPL using
the appropriate equation based on the
data distribution. The UPL takes into
consideration the average performance
of the unit and the variability of the test
runs during the testing conditions. As
described in section IV.E of this
preamble, the UPL represents the value
which one can expect the mean of a
specified number of future observations
(e.g., 3-run average) to fall below for the
specified level of confidence, based
upon the results of an independent
sample from the same population. It is
a standard statistical methodology used
to account for variability.
A more detailed explanation of all the
UPL equations used, including the
calculations of kurtosis, standard error
of kurtosis, skewness and standard error
of skewness, can be found in the
technical memorandum ‘‘Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Clay Ceramics’’ in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
We also compared the appropriate
3×RDL value to the calculated UPL
value for each pollutant and
subcategory. As described in section
IV.E of this preamble, we used the
greater of the 3×RDL value and
calculated UPL value to ensure that
measurement variability is adequately
addressed in the MACT floor emissions
limit. This check was part of the
variability analysis for all existing
MACT floors that had BDL or DLL run
data present in the best performing
datasets (see the technical memorandum
‘‘Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for
Clay Ceramics’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
As previously discussed, we
accounted for variability in setting
floors, not only because variability is an
element of performance, but because it
is reasonable to assess best performance
over time. We believe this approach
reasonably ensures that the emission
limits selected as the MACT floors
adequately represent the level of
emissions actually achieved by the
average of the best performing units,
considering operational variability of
those units. Both the analysis of the
measured emissions from units
representative of the best performers
and the variability analysis are
reasonably designed to provide a
meaningful estimate of the average
performance or central tendency, of the
best performing five units in a given
subcategory. A detailed discussion of
the MACT floor methodology is
presented in the technical memorandum
‘‘Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for
Clay Ceramics’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–
Table 10 of this preamble presents the
average emission level of the best
performing sources and the existing
source MACT floor. Each subcategory
had less than 30 sources nationwide;
thus, the top five sources were used in
the MACT floor. If we had data for less
than five sources, we used all the data
available. The existing source MACT
floors are based on the UPL unless
otherwise noted.
Hg b
PM b c (lb/ton)
(ng/dscm at 7
percent O2)
Floor tile roller kilns ................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
7.8 E–05 ........
1.3 E–04 ........
5.0 E–05 ........
2.0 E–04 ........
2.0 E–05 ........
1.6 E–04 d ......
1.6 E–04 ........
d 0.19
0.12 d
MACT floor .............................................................................
2.6 E–04 ........
Floor tile press dryers ............
Floor tile spray dryers ............
Wall tile roller kilns .................
Wall tile spray dryers ..............
Tile glaze lines .......................
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
PM b c (lb/ton)
(ng/dscm at 7
percent O2)
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Hg b
Avg. of best performing sources ............................................
Sanitaryware manual glaze
Sanitaryware spray machine
glaze application.
Sanitaryware robot glaze application.
a The
existing source MACT floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
b Units of measure for kilns are lb/ton ware produced; for glazing are lb/ton glaze sprayed.
c PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
d The MACT floor is based on 3×RDL value.
F. How did the EPA determine the
MACT floors for new sources?
The approach that we used to
calculate the MACT floors for new
sources is described in section IV.F of
this preamble. This approach reasonably
ensures that the emission limit selected
as the MACT floor adequately
represents the average level of control
actually achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source, considering
ordinary operational variability. A
detailed discussion of the MACT floor
methodology is presented in the
technical memorandum ‘‘Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Clay Ceramics’’ in
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
Table 11 of this preamble presents, for
each subcategory and pollutant, the
average emission level of the best
performing similar source and the new
source MACT floor. The new source
MACT floors are based on the UPL
unless otherwise noted.
Hg b
PM b c (lb/ton)
(ng/dscm at 7
percent O2)
Floor tile roller kilns ................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
3.5 E–05 ........
3.9 E–05 ........
5.0 E–05 ........
2.0 E–04 ........
7.4 E–06 ........
1.6 E–04 d ......
6.4 E–05 ........
d 0.19
d 0.17
d 0.12
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
1.2 E–04 ........
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Avg. of top performer .............................................................
MACT floor .............................................................................
Floor tile press dryers ............
Floor tile spray dryers ............
Wall tile roller kilns .................
Wall tile spray dryers ..............
Tile glaze lines .......................
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel
Sanitaryware manual glaze
Sanitaryware spray machine
glaze application.
Sanitaryware robot glaze application.
a The
new source MACT floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
of measure for kilns are lb/ton ware produced; for glazing are lb/ton glaze sprayed.
c PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
d The MACT floor is based on 3xRDL value.
b Units
G. What is our approach for applying
the upper prediction limit to limited
As discussed in section IV.G of this
preamble, there are specific
considerations when dealing with
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limited datasets. For the clay ceramics
source category, we have limited
datasets for the following pollutants and
• Hg, PM, and dioxins/furans for new floor
tile roller kilns;
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• dioxins/furans for new floor tile press
• dioxins/furans for new floor tile spray
• Hg and dioxins/furans for existing and
new wall tile roller kilns;
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
• dioxins/furans for existing and new wall
tile spray dryers;
• Hg and PM for new tile glaze lines;
• Hg, PM, and dioxins/furans for new
sanitaryware tunnel kilns; and
• PM for new sanitaryware manual, spray
machine, and robot glaze spray booths.
For each dataset, we performed the
steps outlined in the memorandum
titled ‘‘Approach for Applying the
Upper Prediction Limit to Limited
Datasets,’’ which is available in Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291; see
that memorandum for more information
on the analysis and the results.
H. How did the EPA consider beyondthe-floor for existing sources?
As discussed in sections II.A and VI.D
of this preamble, the EPA must consider
emissions limitations and requirements
that are more stringent than the MACT
floor (i.e., beyond-the-floor control
options). When considering beyond-thefloor options, the EPA must consider
not only the maximum degree of
reduction in emissions of HAP, but
must take into account costs, energy and
non-air quality health and
environmental impacts when doing so.
Once the MACT floor determinations
were complete for each subcategory, we
considered various regulatory options
more stringent than the MACT floor
level of control (e.g., the performance of
technologies that could result in lower
emissions) for the different
We considered requiring each
subcategory of existing sources to meet
the new source MACT floors developed
as described in section VI.F of this
preamble. We analyzed the beyond-thefloor options for each pollutant
separately for each subcategory of
existing sources. Our analyses are
documented in the technical
memorandum ‘‘Development of Cost
and Emission Reduction Impacts for the
Clay Ceramics NESHAP’’ in Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0290 and
summarized in the following
For Hg from existing sanitaryware
tunnel kilns, based on the data
available, we estimate that all existing
tunnel kilns could meet the new source
MACT floor emission limits described
in section VI.F of this preamble without
incurring additional emission control
costs. Therefore, we are proposing a
beyond-the-floor Hg limit for existing
sanitaryware tunnel kilns equivalent to
the new source MACT floor.
For several sources and pollutants,
the existing source MACT floor and the
new source MACT floor are the same
value, usually because there is only one
source with data in the subcategory or
because both floors are based on the
3xRDL value. These sources/pollutants
include dioxins/furans from floor tile
press dryers, PM (as a surrogate for total
non-Hg HAP metals), Hg and dioxins/
furans from wall tile roller kilns,
dioxins/furans from wall tile spray
dryers and Hg from ceramic tile glaze
lines. Therefore, we are not proposing
beyond-the-floor limits for these sources
and pollutants.
The incremental costs, emission
reductions and cost effectiveness for all
other beyond-the-floor options are
summarized by subcategory and by
pollutant in Table 12 of this preamble.
In all these cases, we have concluded
that the incremental costs of additional
control above the MACT floor emission
limits are not reasonable relative to the
level of emission reduction achieved.
Therefore, we are not proposing to go
beyond-the-floor for any of the
subcategory/pollutant concentrations
included in Table 12 of this preamble.
Cost (million)
Floor tile roller kilns
Floor tile spray dryers.
Tile glaze lines ......
sanitaryware tunnel kilns.
Sanitaryware manual glaze application.
Sanitaryware spray
machine glaze
Sanitaryware robot
glaze application.
Cost Effectiveness
($/ton total HAP)
Hg .......................................................
Total non-Hg HAP metals ..................
Dioxins/furans .....................................
Dioxins/furans .....................................
8.5 E–07
4.6 E–08
Total non-Hg HAP metals ..................
Total non-Hg HAP metals ..................
Dioxins/furans .....................................
Total non-Hg HAP metals ..................
3.4 E–08
Total non-Hg HAP metals ..................
Total non-Hg HAP metals ..................
I. How did the EPA consider beyondthe-floor for new sources?
The MACT floor level of control for
each subcategory of new sources for
each pollutant was based on the
emission control that is achieved in
practice by the best controlled similar
source within each of the subcategories.
When we establish a beyond-the-floor
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standard, we typically identify control
techniques that have the ability to
achieve an emissions limit more
stringent than the MACT floor. No
techniques were identified that would
achieve HAP reductions greater than the
new source floors for any of the
subcategories for each pollutant.
Therefore, the EPA is not proposing a
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beyond-the-floor limit for any of the
new sources in this proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule.
J. How did the EPA determine whether
to set health-based standards for
existing and new sources?
In developing the proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule, we
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
considered whether it was appropriate
to establish health-based emission
standards under CAA section 112(d)(4)
for the acid gases HF and HCl. The
rationale for the development of healthbased standards for the proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule is the
same as that presented for the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule, with a few
exceptions, which are discussed in the
sections below. The rationale for the
development of health-based standards
for the proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule is discussed in section IV.J of this
1. What factors does the EPA consider
in exercising its discretion whether to
set a CAA section 112(d)(4) standard?
Section IV.J of this preamble
discusses the following factors that the
EPA considers in making a judgment
whether to set a standard based on the
health threshold or the traditional
MACT process:
• The availability of data to set the healthbased standard;
• Co-benefits that would be achieved via
the MACT standard, such as reductions in
emissions of other HAP and/or criteria
• The potential impacts on ecosystems of
releases of the pollutant; and
• The potential for cumulative adverse
health effects due to concurrent exposure to
the same HAP or other HAP with similar
biological endpoints, from either the same or
other source categories, where the
concentration of the threshold pollutant
emitted from the given source category is
below the threshold.
The evaluation of the first three
factors (availability of data, co-benefits
and potential ecosystem impacts) are
nearly identical for both the BSCP and
clay ceramics industries. However,
further analysis was required
concerning the last factor (potential for
cumulative adverse health effects). The
evaluation of all four factors for the clay
ceramics industry is provided below.
a. Availability of Data To Determine
Like the BSCP manufacturing rule,
because of the relatively small number
of facilities compared to other rules
such as the Boiler MACT proposal, the
EPA was able to determine facilityspecific information for the Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule, including
tunnel and roller kiln locations and
operating characteristics and stack
parameters, available for all clay
ceramics facilities to assess the
feasibility of health-based standards in
this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule. Such information
enabled us to conduct the dispersion
modeling necessary to establish a
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health-based emission limit for acid
Consequently, we have concluded
that we have enough information to
determine the health-based emission
standards for the acid gases HF and HCl
for the clay ceramics industry. As
discussed in further detail below, these
limits have been developed to ensure
that exposure is below the health
threshold for each facility and also
ensure that acute exposures will not
pose any health concerns.56
b. Co-Benefits
The additional nationwide SO2
reductions that would be attributable to
Clay Ceramics MACT standards for acid
gases are estimated to be 31 tpy in the
third year following promulgation of the
proposed standards. Similar to BSCP,
this reduction is substantially lower
than the co-benefits from MACT
standards for other industries for which
the EPA has decided not to set a healthbased limit,57 and it would not be
55 For more information, see the technical
memorandum ‘‘Risk Assessment to Determine a
Health-Based Emission Limitation for Acid Gases
for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing Source
Category’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
56 See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75
FR 54970, 54986/1 (September 9, 2010) (‘‘[W]e
currently lack information on the peak short-term
emissions of HCl from cement kilns which might
allow us to determine whether a chronic healthbased emission standard for HCl would ensure that
acute exposures will not pose health concerns.’’)
57 See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75
FR 54970 (September 9, 2010)—Co-benefits was
identified as the ‘‘decisive factor’’ in the Portland
Cement NESHAP Final Rule. 75 FR 54970, 54985/
3. There, EPA declined to set a health-based
standard for HCl where setting a MACT standard
also controlled other HAP and criteria pollutants.
Specifically discussed were SO2 and other HAP
gases. See 75 FR at 54984/3 (‘‘The additional
reductions of SO2 alone attributable to the MACT
standards for HCl are estimated to be 124,000 tons
per year’’ and discussing both direct SO2 effects and
effects of SO2 as a precursor to PM2.5) and 75 FR
at 54986/1 (‘‘[Other HAP gases (chlorine (Cl2),
hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and hydrogen fluoride
(HF))] are also controlled during the process of
controlling HCl emissions from cement kilns using
a wet scrubber. As such, their health impacts must
be taken into account when considering a healthbased emission limit for HCl.’’ See also Boiler
MACT Final Rule, 76 FR at 15644/1 (‘‘EPA
considered the comments received on this issue and
continues to believe that the co-benefits are
significant and provide an additional basis for the
Administrator to conclude that it is not appropriate
to exercise her discretion under section 112(d)(4).’’)
and Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006,
32032 (June 4, 2010)—Co-benefits from MACT
standard for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP
metals included the reduction of 340,000 tons per
year of SO2 and unspecified reductions of PM, other
non-HAP acid gases (hydrogen bromide) and
mercury. See also MATS Proposed Rule, 76 FR
24976, 25051/1—Co-benefits from MACT standard
for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP metals
included the reduction of 2.1 million tons per year
of SO2 and unspecified reductions of PM, other
non-HAP acid gases (hydrogen bromide) and
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expected to provide a significant public
health benefit in the circumstances here.
c. Ecosystem Impacts
For the section 112(d)(4) evaluation,
the EPA assessed the acid gases HCl and
HF around each clay ceramics facility.
For HCl, the environmental risk screen
indicated that the area-weighted average
modeled concentrations of HCl around
each facility (i.e., the area-weighted
average concentration of all offsite data
points in the modeling domain) did not
exceed the ecological benchmark. In
addition, the ecological benchmark was
not exceeded at any offsite receptor
location for any facility.
For HF, the environmental risk screen
indicated that the area-weighted average
modeled concentrations of HF around
each facility (i.e., the area-weighted
average concentration of all offsite data
points in the modeling domain) did not
exceed the ecological benchmarks.
There were multiple facilities with
modeled concentrations of HF at offsite
receptor locations that exceeded the
ecological benchmark, but the area over
which the value was exceeded was no
greater than one percent of the offsite
modeling domain for each facility,
indicating that there would not be any
significant or widespread environmental
d. Cumulative Effects
As noted previously, the EPA may
consider the availability of information
on emissions from co-located and
nearby sources and consider if it is
feasible to determine the potential
cumulative health effects from
emissions from the sources in the
category when combined with other
emissions from other sources that are
co-located or located nearby. Relevant
emissions may include both emissions
of the same pollutant and emissions of
other pollutants that may cause
cumulative effects.
Through industry responses to the
clay ceramics 2008 EPA survey and the
2010 EPA survey, we have substantial
information on the locations of clay
ceramics plants and the levels of HF and
HCl emitted from those plants. While
the major source ceramic tile plants are
not co-located with any other type of
operation, the three major source
sanitaryware plants are. However, the
sources co-located with the
sanitaryware plants do not emit acid
gases. The metal foundry plant colocated with the sanitaryware plant in
Kohler, Wisconsin emits chiefly
particulates and metals, while the
fiberglass plants co-located with the
sanitaryware plants in Spartanburg,
South Carolina and Brownwood, Texas
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
emit chiefly organic HAP (styrene).
Consequently, any acid gas emissions
from co-located sources are not
expected to impact the total facility acid
gas emissions significantly.
Like BSCP facilities, clay ceramics
facilities are typically located on large
tracts of land needed for all of the
processes involved in clay ceramics
manufacturing, including raw material
receiving, storage and processing; glaze
preparation; forming; drying; glazing;
firing; product inspection; and
packaging. This provides an additional
buffer between the clay ceramics plants
and the surrounding area. Because of
the relatively low plume heights,
maximum risks from the clay ceramics
plants are located close to the facility
property line. In trying to define
cumulative risks from nearby non-clay
ceramics emissions, the location and
emissions associated with other sources
not in the clay ceramics source category
are far less certain. While the 2008 EPA
survey and the 2010 EPA survey data for
clay ceramics facilities have been
reviewed by EPA engineers and
scientists, the emissions levels and
locations of nearby other facilities such
as those in the NEI have not undergone
the same level of detailed review. Thus,
a quantitative analysis of nearby
emissions may contain significant of
uncertainty. However, as discussed
above, because of the large footprint of
clay ceramic facilities and the clay
ceramics risks being confined to the
near plant locations, we do not expect
that the combined emissions of HF or
HCl from clay ceramics facilities and
nearby other sources would result in
substantial cumulative health and
environmental effects.
2. How did the EPA set the level of the
As with BSCP, the EPA is proposing
to exercise its discretion to use CAA
section 112(d)(4). This conclusion is
consistent with the EPA’s prior
decisions where we found it appropriate
not to exercise the discretion to invoke
the authority in CAA section 112(d)(4)
for acid gases, because the
circumstances in this case differ from
those previous considerations. We
request comment on the analysis and
conclusions regarding setting healthbased standards.
Following from the EPA’s
determination that a health-based
standard is appropriate, the standard
must be set as follows:
• There must be an ample margin of safety
to avoid the health effects on which the
threshold is based.
• There must be no observable adverse
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• The standard must not allow greater
adverse environmental effects as the MACT
standard that would otherwise be
• A standard must be set; there can be no
exclusions from compliance based on a
showing that the source’s emissions do not
pose a health risk.
As part of the development of the
proposed standards, we have
maintained an inventory of major source
facilities, including the size and
operating hours of each tunnel and
roller kiln and the geographic location
and physical attributes (e.g., stack
height, diameter, exit gas flow rate) of
each kiln stack. To develop a healthbased emission limit, both long-term
and short-term inhalation exposure
concentrations and health risks from the
Clay Ceramics Manufacturing source
category were estimated using the
HEM–3 model as described in section
IV.J.3 of this preamble. Further
information on the overall modeling
approach is presented in the technical
memorandum, ‘‘Risk Assessment to
Determine a Health-Based Emission
Limitation for Acid Gases for the Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing Source
Category’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
In developing the risk assessment for
chronic exposures, we used the
estimated annual average ambient air
concentrations of each acid gas emitted
by each source in the source category.
The air concentrations at each nearby
census block centroid were used as a
surrogate for the chronic inhalation
exposure concentration for all the
people who reside in that census block.
Chronic noncancer health hazards are
expressed by comparing a chronic
exposure to a reference level as a ratio.
Because we performed HEM–3 model
runs for each acid gas individually, we
did not aggregate HQ values of different
acid gases. Of course, multiple acid gas
pollutants are emitted at clay ceramics
facilities, but a 600 tpy level of HClequivalent emissions (based on the HEM
risks modeling) ensures that a TOSHI of
1 is not exceeded, as long as the HClequivalent emissions do not exceed 600
tpy. It is important to note that this
emission limit is only applicable to the
sources in this source category and
should not be considered for sources
other than those included in this
analysis. Equivalent emissions for HF
are determined by the ratio of the
chronic RfC to that for HCl, such that
the HCl-equivalent emissions for HF are
420 tpy.
Because the emissions equivalency
was based on chronic dose-response
values, the 600 tpy level does not
necessarily ensure that acute reference
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levels will not be exceeded. For the HCl
model runs, there were no facilities with
acute screening HQ values exceeding 1.
For HF, we estimate that two of the
eight facilities examined had an acute
value exceed the REL with the highest
being two. However, no facility
exceeded an HQ (AEGL–1) value for HF.
To assure that no source emits more
than the 600 tpy HCl-equivalent limit in
a single hour, we propose setting the
emissions limit at the hourly equivalent
of 600 tpy (140 lb/hr of HCl-equivalent
It is important to note that the above
emissions thresholds are developed
from back-calculating the emissions that
would result in an HQ of 1 at the worstcase facility. Potential risks at other
facilities (not the worst-case facility) are
predicted to be well below 1.
Because we had site-specific data on
the operation of each tunnel and roller
kiln, we were able to use dispersion
modeling to ensure that: (1) The healthbased emission limit cited above for
clay ceramics facilities provides an
ample margin of safety and (2) persons
exposed to emissions of the pollutant
would not experience the adverse health
effects on which the threshold is based.
In addition, as stated previously, the
levels of acid gas emissions associated
with clay ceramics kilns, based on
results from the EPA’s environmental
risk screen methodology outlined above,
are not expected to have an adverse
environmental impact.
Facilities would demonstrate
compliance with the health-based
emission limit by determining their
facility-wide HCl and HF emissions,
calculating the HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF using RfC values and
adding the HCl emissions to the HClequivalent value to calculate the total
HCl-equivalent emissions. An equation
to perform this calculation is provided
in the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule. For more
information on the development of the
health-based standard, see the technical
memorandum ‘‘Risk Assessment to
Determine a Health-Based Emissions
Limitation for Acid Gases for the Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing Source
Category’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OAR–2013–0290. For more information
on the calculation of an HCl-equivalent
value, see the technical memorandum
‘‘Development of Cost and Emission
Reduction Impacts for the Clay
Ceramics NESHAP’’ in Docket ID No.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
K. How did the EPA determine whether
to set work practice standards for
existing and new sources?
Under CAA section 112(h), the EPA
may set work practice standards in
place of an emissions standard where it
is not feasible to prescribe or enforce an
emission standard. The EPA is
proposing to conclude that an emissions
standard for sanitaryware shuttle kilns
is not feasible because the application of
measurement methodology to these
sources is not practicable due to
technological and economic limitations.
Therefore, the EPA is proposing a work
practice standard for sanitaryware
shuttle kilns in lieu of emission limits
for acid gases (HF and HCl), Hg and
non-Hg HAP metals. The rationale for
this work practice standard is discussed
in the paragraphs below.
1. Rationale for Setting Work Practice
Standard in Lieu of Emission Standards
a. Overview
Shuttle kilns at sanitaryware facilities
are a type of periodic kiln used
primarily to refire rejected pieces that
have been machined and reglazed
(although some shuttle kilns are used as
first-fire units). Shuttle kilns are
designed with a removable
superstructure that is tilted or raised
using hydraulic struts to allow entrance
and egress. The main advantage of this
type of kiln is that it can readily
accommodate changes in firing
temperature profile and cycle time to
match the requirements of a wide
variety of ceramic products. The
primary disadvantage of this type of kiln
is much higher energy costs per ton
when compared to tunnel kilns and
roller kilns.58
Shuttle kilns are batch operated,
meaning that a batch starts cold and
ends cold. The sanitaryware industry
operates shuttle kilns on batch cycle
times of 18 to 38 hours, with the most
common cycle times between 22 and 30
hours. As shuttle kilns operate through
a heating cycle, temperatures are either
in ramp-up or cool-down mode.59
b. Emissions and Testing
Emission rates can vary over the batch
cycle due to the temperature cycle of the
kiln. In order to accurately determine
the total emissions from a shuttle kiln
cycle, emissions from the entire cycle
58 See the memorandum titled ‘‘Characterization
of the Ceramic Manufacturing Industry’’ in the
original Clay Ceramics NESHAP docket,
incorporated by reference into the docket for the
proposed Clay Ceramics rulemaking.
59 See the email titled ‘‘Kohler’s response to EPA
question regarding options for if and how shuttle
kilns (periodic kilns) should be addressed,’’ in the
docket for this proposed rule.
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period would need to be tested.60 As
with testing BSCP periodic kilns, testing
sanitaryware shuttle kilns for any less
time could result in estimated emissions
that are either higher or lower than
actual emissions, depending on when
during the kiln cycle the emissions are
Conducting a shuttle kiln test on even
the shortest cycle time would require a
test crew to be on site for at least 24
hours and would require the test team
to have at least a dozen or more
sampling train set-ups or additional
manpower on site to recover samples
and turn-around sampling trains for
subsequent use during the test. It is
estimated that the test of a single shuttle
kiln firing cycle with analysis would
cost $20,000 or more (2009 dollars). As
with BSCP periodic kilns, sampling a
single firing cycle might not be adequate
for characterizing shuttle kiln
emissions, due to variations during
firing cycles and variations across tests.
To collect three test runs of data, two
additional cycles would need to be
tested, bringing the cost to $60,000 or
more (2009 dollars) to test a single
shuttle kiln. Furthermore, the
sanitaryware facilities covered under
this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule have three or more
shuttle kilns each, requiring additional
tests at each facility.62
c. Test Methods and Costs
As noted in section VI.K.1.a of this
preamble, when EPA Method 26 or 26A
is used, breakthrough of HCl can occur
if emissions are variable and experience
large spikes, as appears to be the case
for BSCP periodic kilns. Testing of
sanitaryware shuttle kilns could
encounter a similar problem. Another
disadvantage to using Methods 26 or
26A for testing throughout shuttle kiln
cycles is the need for additional
manpower to operate the sampling
trains around the clock and to recover
An alternative to using Method 26 or
26A is to conduct the tests using FTIR
according to EPA Method 320, where
HCl breakthrough is not an issue. In
addition, FTIR also provides near real60 Id.
61 See the memorandum entitled ‘‘Rationale for
Establishing Work Practice Standards for Periodic
Brick Kilns’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–
62 See the sanitaryware industry communication
titled ‘‘Kohler’s response to EPA question regarding
options for if and how shuttle kilns (periodic kilns)
should be addressed,’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
63 See the RTI memorandum titled ‘‘Rationale for
Establishing Work Practice Standards for Periodic
Brick Kilns’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–
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time emissions data. However, the cost
for FTIR testing would be similarly
expensive as testing by Method 26 or
26A throughout an entire cycle. The
cost for testing by FTIR is estimated to
be $49,750 (2009 dollars) for a single 50hour kiln cycle (the average cycle time
for a BSCP periodic kiln). Assuming a
50 percent reduction in cost for an
average 25-hour sanitaryware shuttle
kiln cycle, the cost to test one cycle
would still be substantial (nearly
$25,000 (2009 dollars)). If it were
determined that the variations in
emissions from cycle to cycle were
significant, it might be necessary to test
each kiln for two or more cycles in order
to develop a representative emission
rate. Testing for a second cycle would
double the testing cost to almost
$50,000 and testing for a third cycle
would triple the cost to almost $75,000
(2009 dollars). In addition to these costs,
additional costs would be incurred for
testing the kilns for PM emissions,
which would have to be tested using a
manual test method (e.g., EPA Methods
5 or 17). If additional shuttle kilns
needed to be tested at each facility, the
costs would be even higher.64
While no formal cost-to-sales analysis
was conducted for sanitaryware shuttle
kilns like the one conducted for BSCP
periodic kilns (see section IV.K.1 of this
preamble), a similar informal analysis
was performed using the sales and
production data provided in the 2008
EPA survey responses (claimed as CBI
by the respondent). Based on this
analysis, a similar conclusion (that
testing is not economically feasible) can
be reached. Because the test costs are
similar and shuttle kilns represent a
small share of total sanitaryware
production and revenues, the EPA has
concluded that it would not be
economically feasible to require testing
for shuttle kilns.
d. Feasibility of Numerical Emission
Limits for Shuttle Kilns
CAA section 112(h)(1) states that the
Administrator may prescribe a work
practice standard or other requirements,
consistent with the provisions of CAA
sections 112(d) or (f), in those cases
where, in the judgment of the
Administrator, it is not feasible to
enforce an emission standard. CAA
section 112(h)(2)(B) further defines the
term ‘‘not feasible’’ in this context to
apply when ‘‘the application of
measurement technology to a particular
class of sources is not practicable due to
technological and economic
64 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Because of the technological and
economic limitations described above,
we conclude that it is not practicable to
establish numerical emission limits for
sanitaryware shuttle kilns.
Demonstrating compliance with a
numerical emissions limit for shuttle
kilns is technologically limited to
testing procedures that are economically
infeasible for the sanitaryware industry.
Consequently, we are proposing a work
practice standard for sanitaryware
shuttle kilns under CAA section 112(h).
2. Work Practice Standard
The work practice standard for
sanitaryware shuttle kilns proposed in
today’s Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule includes the following specific
provisions: 65
• Each facility would have to use natural
gas or equivalent as the kiln fuel, except
during periods of natural gas curtailment or
supply interruption.
• Each facility would have to develop and
use a designed firing time and temperature
cycle for each product produced in the
shuttle kiln, by programming the time and
temperature cycle into the kiln or by tracking
each step on a log sheet.
• Each facility would have to label each
shuttle kiln with the maximum load (in tons)
that can be fired in the kiln during a single
firing cycle.
• For each firing load, each facility would
have to limit the total tonnage placed in the
kiln to no more than the maximum load and
each facility would have to document the
total tonnage placed in the kiln to show that
it is not greater than the maximum load.
• Each facility would have to develop and
implement maintenance procedures for each
kiln that specify the frequency of inspection
and maintenance of the following items:
Æ Calibration of temperature measuring
Æ Controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios
Æ Controls that regulate firing cycles
• Each facility would have to develop and
maintain records required for each shuttle
kiln, including logs to document the proper
operation of the shuttle kilns and logs of the
maintenance procedures used to demonstrate
compliance with the standard.
L. How did the EPA develop the startup
and shutdown requirements?
As stated in section V.E of this
preamble, we are proposing work
practice standards for periods of startup
and shutdown for ceramic tile roller
kilns, floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile
spray dryers and sanitaryware tunnel
kilns. We are not proposing alternate
standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for ceramic tile glaze lines or
sanitaryware glaze spray booths.
65 See the BSCP industry communication titled
‘‘Periodic kiln language,’’ in the docket for the
proposed Clay Ceramics rulemaking.
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As noted in section V.B of this
preamble, roller and tunnel kilns and
dryers typically operate continuously,
so startups and shutdowns are
infrequent. Startup of a roller or tunnel
kiln involves starting up the burners
based on a set procedure to raise the
temperature of the kiln to the proper
operational temperature for
manufacturing clay ceramics. Shutdown
of a roller or tunnel kiln is the process
of cooling the kiln from the proper
operational temperature by stopping the
burners based on a set procedure.
Similarly, startup and shutdown of a
dryer is the process of raising the
temperature to the proper operational
temperature or lowering the temperature
from the proper operational temperature
for manufacturing clay ceramics. When
the temperature of the kiln or dryer is
below the proper operational
temperature, ceramic tile and
sanitaryware manufacturers typically do
not push ceramics into the kiln, so the
emissions are expected to be much
lower during startup and shutdown than
during normal operations.
While a kiln or dryer is heating to the
proper operational temperature during
startup or cooling from the operational
temperature during shutdown, other
parameters such as exhaust flow rate,
moisture content, O2 concentration and
pressure are also changing. In addition,
the changes in these parameters may not
happen smoothly and consistently as
startup or shutdown progresses, as the
kiln or dryer does not heat or cool
evenly. The fluctuations in all these
parameters are not consistent with the
relatively steady-state conditions
needed for valid, accurate results over
three test runs using the measurement
methods proposed to be used to
demonstrate compliance. Even if testing
were feasible during startup and
shutdown, the emission limit formats
chosen for this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule are not appropriate
for use during periods other than
normal operation. Specifically, if there
is no throughout in the kiln or dryer,
emission limits that are in a mass per
throughput format would be essentially
We did not receive any detailed
information through the 2010 EPA
survey about the startup or shutdown of
ceramic tile roller kilns, floor tile press
dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers or
sanitaryware tunnel kilns. However,
ceramic tile roller kilns or sanitaryware
tunnel kilns are fired at similar or
slightly higher temperatures to BSCP
tunnel kilns and they would likely use
similar APCD to comply with the
standards. Therefore, we expect that the
issues described in section IV.E of this
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preamble associated with venting lowtemperature kiln exhaust through an
APCD on a BSCP tunnel kiln would also
apply to an APCD on a ceramic tile
roller kiln, floor tile press dryer, ceramic
tile spray dryer or sanitaryware tunnel
kiln. We also expect that the low
temperature set points would be about
the same as for BSCP tunnel kilns, as
those temperatures are based on the
tolerance of the APCD.
Therefore, we are proposing work
practice standards for periods of startup
and shutdown for ceramic tile roller
kilns, floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile
spray dryers and sanitaryware tunnel
kilns with APCD. For startup, the owner
or operator would be required to vent
the exhaust from the kiln or dryer
through the APCD by the time the kiln
or dryer exhaust temperature reaches
400 °F. In addition, no ceramics or other
product may be introduced to the kiln
or dryer until the kiln or dryer exhaust
temperature reaches 400 °F and the
exhaust is being vented through the
APCD. For shutdown, the owner or
operator would be required to vent the
exhaust from the kiln or dryer through
the APCD until the kiln or dryer exhaust
temperature falls below 300 °F. In
addition, no ceramics or other product
may be introduced to the kiln or dryer
once the kiln or dryer exhaust
temperature falls to 300 °F and the
exhaust is no longer being vented
through the APCD. When the kiln or
dryer exhaust is being vented through
the APCD, the owner or operator would
be required to comply with the
applicable continuous compliance
requirements described in section V.G
of this preamble.
For ceramic tile roller kilns, floor tile
press dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers
and sanitaryware tunnel kilns that can
meet the proposed standards without an
APCD, there are no concerns about
damaging an APCD or procedures for
bypassing an APCD. In addition, we did
not receive any data through the 2010
EPA survey regarding startup and
shutdown of uncontrolled kilns.
However, as noted above, we recognize
that it is not feasible to conduct
emission testing during periods of
startup and shutdown. Therefore, we are
proposing work practice standards for
periods of startup and shutdown for
ceramic tile roller kilns or sanitaryware
tunnel kilns without an APCD. For
startup, no ceramics or other product
may be introduced to the kiln or dryer
until the kiln or dryer exhaust
temperature reaches 400 °F. For
shutdown, no ceramics or other product
may be put into the kiln or dryer once
the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature
falls to 300 °F. When there are ceramics
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
in the kiln or dryer, the owner or
operator would be expected to
demonstrate compliance with the
emissions limitations (as described in
section V.G of this preamble).
We are not proposing alternate
standards (either work practice
standards or an alternate numeric
emission limit) for periods of startup
and shutdown for ceramic tile glaze
lines or sanitaryware glaze spray booths.
These sources would be expected to
comply with the emissions limitations
(as described in section V.G of this
preamble) at all times when the source
is operating, including periods of
startup and shutdown. We did not
receive any data through the 2010 EPA
survey suggesting that alternate
standards for periods of startup and
shutdown are needed for these sources.
Glazing operations are intermittent in
nature during normal operations, so
emissions during startup and shutdown
would not be expected to be different
than emissions during normal
M. How did the EPA select the
compliance requirements?
We are proposing testing and
monitoring requirements that are
adequate to assure continuous
compliance with the requirements of
this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule. These requirements
are described in detail in sections V.F
and V.G of this preamble. We selected
these requirements based upon our
determination of the information
necessary to ensure that the emission
standards are being met and the work
practices are being followed and that
APCD and equipment are maintained
and operated properly. Further, these
proposed requirements ensure
compliance with this proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule without
imposing a significant additional
burden for facilities that must
implement them.
We are proposing that initial
compliance with the emission limits for
HF, HCl, PM, Hg and dioxins/furans be
demonstrated by an initial performance
test. The proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule would also require
5-year repeat performance tests to
ensure, on an ongoing basis, that the
APCD is operating properly and that its
performance has not deteriorated.
The majority of test methods that this
proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule would require for the performance
stack tests (e.g., EPA Methods 5, 26A
and 29) have been required under many
other EPA standards. Many of the
emissions tests upon which the
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proposed emission limits are based were
conducted using these test methods.
When a performance test is
conducted, we are proposing that
parameter operating limits be
determined during the test. To ensure
continuous compliance with the
proposed emission limits, the proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule
would require continuous parameter
monitoring of the kilns and APCD and
maintaining these parameters within the
operating limits established during the
performance test. We selected these
parameter monitoring requirements
because they produce data that will be
useful to both the owners or operators
and the EPA for ensuring continuous
compliance with the emission limits
and/or operating limits and because of
their reasonable cost and ease of
The APCD monitoring parameters
included in the proposed rule were
chosen for the types of APCD commonly
used in the clay ceramics industry or
anticipated to be used to comply with
the proposed emission limits. These
parameters include lime injection rate
(on a per ton of fired product basis) for
DIFF and DLS/FF; pressure drop, pH,
liquid flow rate and chemical addition
rate (if applicable) for wet scrubbers;
activated carbon flow rate for ACI
systems; periodic inspections for water
curtains; and annual inspections for
baffles. If applicable for demonstrating
compliance with the HF/HCl standard,
the kiln monitoring parameter included
in the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule is the kiln process
rate. To demonstrate compliance with
the dioxin/furan standard for those
affected sources without an ACI system,
the monitoring parameter included in
the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule is the operating
temperature for the affected process
(tunnel or roller kiln, ceramic tile spray
dryer, floor tile press dryer), because the
formation and destruction of dioxins/
furans are influenced by temperature
conditions. Many of these CPMS are
standard features on ceramic tile roller
kilns and sanitaryware tunnel kilns and
their associated APCD and have also
been used in other standards for similar
In addition to parameter monitoring,
the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule also includes a
requirement for kilns equipped with a
FF (e.g., a DIFF, DLS/FF or stand-alone
FF) to either install a BLD system or
monitor VE. Similar to the CPMS being
proposed, BLD systems have also been
used in other standards in similar
industries. We have also determined
that periodic VE checks are a reasonable
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alternative to BLD systems for this
proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule. Periodic VE checks have also been
proposed for affected sources without
an add-on control to demonstrate
continuous compliance.
N. How did the EPA determine
compliance times for the proposed rule?
Section 112 of the CAA specifies the
dates by which affected sources must
comply with the emission standards.
Under CAA section 112(i)(1), new or
reconstructed units must be in
compliance with this proposed rule
immediately upon startup or the
effective date of the final rule,
whichever is later. (The final action is
expected to be a ‘‘major rule’’ as defined
by 5 U.S.C. 804(2), so the effective date
of the final rule is expected to be 60
days after the final rule is published in
the Federal Register.)
Under CAA section 112(i)(3), existing
sources are allowed up to 3 years after
the effective date of the rule to comply
with the final rule. For this industry, we
believe that 3 years for compliance is
necessary to allow adequate time to
design, install and test any control
systems that may need to be retrofitted
onto existing sources, as well as obtain
permits for the use of add-on controls.
The compliance data for existing area
sources that subsequently become major
sources is governed by 40 CFR
63.6(c)(5). We are proposing that such
sources have 3 years from the date they
become major sources to come into
compliance, which is equivalent to the
compliance period for existing sources
discussed in the previous paragraph.
Further, under the current regulations in
40 CFR 63.6(b)(7), where an area source
becomes a major source by the addition
of equipment or operations that meet
the definition of new affected source
under this rule, that portion of the
existing facility that is a new affected
source must be in compliance upon
initial startup.
O. How did the EPA determine the
required records and reports for the
proposed rule?
We are proposing that owner/
operators would be required to comply
with the applicable requirements in the
NESHAP General Provisions, subpart A
of 40 CFR part 63, as described in Table
9 of the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule. We evaluated the
General Provisions requirements and
included those we determined to be the
notification, recordkeeping and
reporting necessary to ensure
compliance with and effective
enforcement of, this proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
We are also proposing that the owner
or operator keep records on the firing
time and temperature cycle for each
sanitaryware shuttle kiln, the type of
product fired in each batch and the
amount of product fired in the shuttle
kiln, to address the operational factors
that impact HAP emissions from shuttle
kilns and demonstrate compliance with
the work practice standard for shuttle
kilns (discussed further in section
VI.K.1 of this preamble).
In addition, we are proposing that the
owner or operator keep records and
submit a report of each malfunction and
the corrective action taken as part of the
next semiannual compliance report. The
proposed compliance report would
provide information on each type of
malfunction which occurred during the
reporting period and which caused or
may have caused an exceedance of an
emission limit.
This proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule also includes a
requirement for electronic reporting of
performance test data, which is
discussed further in section III.I of this
We request comment on ways that we
could streamline the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements of the proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule by
relying on existing business practices.
is operating in the first 3 years of an
operating permit, the owner or operator
will need to obtain a revised permit to
incorporate the requirements of this
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule. If the
facility is in the last 2 years of an
operating permit, the owner or operator
will need to incorporate the
requirements of this Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule into the next
renewal of the permit.
P. How does the proposed rule affect
VII. Summary of the Environmental,
Energy and Economic Impacts of the
Proposed Standards
The CAA requires that sources subject
to this Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule, once finalized, be operated
pursuant to a permit issued under an
EPA-approved State operating permit
program. The operating permit programs
are developed under title V of the CAA
and the implementing regulations under
40 CFR parts 70 and 71. If the facility
A. What are the cost and emissions
reduction impacts?
Table 13 of this preamble illustrates
the costs and emissions reductions for
existing sources under the BSCP
manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
manufacturing proposed rule.
[2011 dollars]
Cost (million)
Emissions reductions (tpy)
BSCP ........................
Clay Ceramics ..........
HAP metals b
a Includes
costs for APCD, testing and monitoring.
antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium.
= particulate matter with particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter.
b Includes
c PM
The nationwide capital and annual
costs of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule are expected to total
$55.9 million and $19.0 million,
respectively (2011 dollars). The
nationwide HAP emissions reductions
achieved under the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule are expected to total
440 tpy. The methodology used to
estimate the nationwide costs and
emissions reductions of the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule is presented
in the technical memoranda titled
‘‘Development of Cost and Emission
Reduction Impacts for the BSCP
NESHAP’’ and ‘‘Monitoring and Testing
Requirements and Costs for the BSCP
NESHAP’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
It is anticipated that all sanitaryware
emission points will meet the MACT
floor emission limits in the proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, so no
emission control costs or emissions
reductions are expected for these
sources. However, these facilities will
incur monitoring and testing costs to
demonstrate compliance with the
proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule. These costs are documented in the
technical memorandum titled
‘‘Monitoring and Testing Requirements
and Costs for the Clay Ceramics
NESHAP’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
There are no major sources producing
ceramic tile. The five facilities that were
major sources at the time of the 2008
and 2010 EPA surveys have already
taken the necessary steps to become
synthetic area sources. Consequently,
none of the known tile facilities will be
subject to the provisions of the Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule, which
means that no costs or emissions
reductions are expected for tile affected
sources under the proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule. We
request comment on whether we need to
finalize the standards for ceramic tile
manufacturing even though there
currently are no major sources.
B. What are the secondary impacts?
Table 14 of this preamble illustrates
the secondary impacts for existing
sources under the BSCP and Clay
Ceramics proposed rule.
Secondary air emissions (tpy)
Control option
BSCP .............................................................
Clay Ceramics ...............................................
Solid waste
impacts (tpy)
a PM
2.5 = particulate matter with particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter; CO = carbon monoxide; NOX = nitrogen oxides; MMBtu/yr = million British thermal
units per year.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
The relevant secondary impacts that
were evaluated for the BSCP
manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
manufacturing proposed rule includes
secondary air emissions, energy impacts
and solid waste impacts. Indirect or
secondary air emissions are impacts that
result from the increased electricity
usage associated with the operation of
APCD to meet the proposed limits (i.e.,
increased secondary emissions of
criteria pollutants from power plants).
Energy impacts consist of the electricity
needed to operate the APCD and solid
waste impacts consist of the particulate
captured by the APCD that is disposed
of as waste (not reused or recycled).
Under the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule, the nationwide
secondary emissions of the criteria
pollutants PM, carbon monoxide (CO),
nitrogen oxides (NOX) and SO2 are
expected to total 115 tpy, with energy
impacts of 268,000 million British
thermal units per year (MMBtu/yr) and
solid waste impacts of 8,630 tpy. The
methodology used to estimate the
nationwide secondary impacts of the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule is
presented in the technical memorandum
‘‘Development of Cost and Emission
Reduction Impacts for the BSCP
NESHAP’’ in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
As noted in the previous section, it is
anticipated that all sanitaryware
emission points will meet the MACT
floor emission limits in the proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, so
there are no secondary impacts expected
for these sources. There are no major
sources producing ceramic tile. The five
facilities that were major sources at the
time of the 2008 and 2010 EPA surveys
have already taken the necessary steps
to become synthetic area sources.
Consequently, none of the known
ceramic tile facilities are expected to be
subject to the provisions of the Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule, which
means that no secondary impacts are
expected for ceramic tile affected
sources under the proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule.
C. What are the economic impacts?
For the BSCP Manufacturing source
category, the average national brick
price under the proposed standards
increases by 1.4 percent or $3.29 per
1,000 Standard Brick Equivalent (SBE)
(2011 dollars), while overall domestic
production falls by 1.1 percent or 38
million bricks per year. Under the
proposed standards, the EPA estimated
that one to two BSCP manufacturing
facilities are at significant risk of
Based on the results of the small
entity screening analysis for BSCP
Manufacturing, the EPA concluded that
it is not able to certify that the BSCP
manufacturing rule will not have a
significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities. As a result, the
EPA initiated a SBAR Panel and
undertook an Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (IRFA).
For clay ceramics manufacturing, one
sanitaryware company owns major
sources and will incur costs. That
affected company is not a small
business. The compliance costs are less
than 0.001 percent of sales for the
affected company. Hence, the economic
impact for compliance is minimal.
Because no small firms face significant
control costs, there is no significant
impact on small entities. Thus, the
proposed Clay Ceramics regulation is
not expected to have significant impact
on a substantial number of small
For more information on the benefits
analysis and market analyses, please
refer to the Regulatory Impact Analysis
(RIA) for the BSCP manufacturing rule,
‘‘Regulatory Impact Analysis: Proposed
Brick and Structural Clay Products
NESHAP,’’ which is available in Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291.
D. What are the social costs and
Emission controls installed to meet
the requirements of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule will generate
benefits by reducing emissions of HAP
as well as criteria pollutants and their
precursors, NOX and SO2. SO2 and NOX
are precursors to PM2.5 (particulate
matter with particles less than 2.5
micrometers in diameter) and Nox is a
precursor to ozone. The criteria
pollutant benefits are considered cobenefits for this proposed rule. For this
proposed rule, we were only able to
quantify the health co-benefits
associated with reduced exposure to
PM2.5 from emission reductions of SO2
and directly emitted PM2.5 because of
methodological limitations associated
with quantifying and monetizing HAP
benefits. We estimate the monetized cobenefits of the proposed BSCP NESHAP
in 2018 to be $52 million to $120
million (2011 dollars) at a 3-percent
discount rate and $47 million to $110
million (2011 dollars) at a 7-percent
discount rate. Using alternate
relationships between PM2.5 and
premature mortality supplied by
experts, higher and lower co-benefits
estimates are plausible, but most of the
expert-based estimates fall between
these two estimates.66 A summary of the
emission reduction and monetized cobenefits estimates for this proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule at discount
rates of 3 percent and 7 percent is in
Table 15 of this preamble.
[Millions of 2011 dollars] a, b
Directly emitted PM2.5 ...............................................................
Total monetized co-benefits
(3 percent Discount)
45 to 100 .................................
Total monetized co-benefits
(7 percent Discount)
41 to 92.
PM2.5 precursors
SO2 ...........................................................................................
7 to 16 .....................................
a All
6 to 14.
estimates are for the analysis year and are rounded to two significant figures so numbers may not sum across rows. The total monetized
co-benefits reflect the human health benefits associated with reducing exposure to PM2.5 through reductions of PM2.5 precursors, such as SO2
and directly emitted PM2.5. It is important to note that the monetized co-benefits do not include reduced health effects from exposure to HAP, direct exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), exposure to ozone, ecosystem effects or visibility impairment.
66 Roman, et al., 2008. ‘‘Expert Judgment
Assessment of the Mortality Impact of Changes in
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Ambient Fine Particulate Matter in the U.S.,’’
Environ. Sci. Technol., 42, 7, 2268–2274.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
b PM co-benefits are shown as a range from Krewski, et al. (2009) to Lepeule, et al. (2012). These models assume that all fine particles, regardless of their chemical composition, are equally potent in causing premature mortality because the scientific evidence is not yet sufficient to
allow differentiation of effects estimates by particle type.
These co-benefits estimates represent
the total monetized human health
benefits for populations exposed to less
PM2.5 from controls installed to reduce
air pollutants in order to meet this
proposed rule. Due to analytical
limitations, it was not possible to
conduct air quality modeling for this
proposed rule. Instead, we used a
‘‘benefit-per-ton’’ approach to estimate
the benefits of this rulemaking. To
create the benefit-per-ton estimates, this
approach uses a model to convert
emissions of PM2.5 precursors into
changes in ambient PM2.5 levels and
another model to estimate the changes
in human health associated with that
change in air quality, which are then
divided by the emissions in specific
sectors. These benefit-per-ton estimates
were derived using the approach
published in Fann et al. (2012),67 but
they have since been updated to reflect
the studies and population data in the
2012 p.m. National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS) RIA.68 Specifically,
we multiplied the benefit-per-ton
estimates from the ‘‘Non-EGU Point
other’’ category by the corresponding
emission reductions.69 All nationalaverage benefit-per-ton estimates reflect
the geographic distribution of the
modeled emissions, which may not
exactly match the emission reductions
in this rulemaking and thus, they may
not reflect the local variability in
population density, meteorology,
exposure, baseline health incidence
rates or other local factors for any
specific location. More information
regarding the derivation of the benefitper-ton estimates for this category is
available in the technical support
document, which is available in Docket
ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291.
These models assume that all fine
particles, regardless of their chemical
composition, are equally potent in
causing premature mortality because the
scientific evidence is not yet sufficient
67 Fann,
N., K.R. Bakerand C.M. Fulcher. 2012.
‘‘Characterizing the PM2.5-related health benefits of
emission reductions for 17 industrial, area and
mobile emission sectors across the U.S.’’
Environment International 49 41–151.
68 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA). 2012. Regulatory Impact Analysis for the
Final Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA–452/R–12–
003. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Health and Environmental Impacts Division.
December. Available at
69 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2013.
Technical support document: Estimating the benefit
per ton of reducing PM2.5 precursors from 17
sectors. Research Triangle Park, NC. January.
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to allow differentiation of effects
estimates by particle type. Even though
we assume that all fine particles have
equivalent health effects, the benefitper-ton estimates vary between
precursors depending on the location
and magnitude of their impact on PM2.5
levels, which drive population
It is important to note that the
magnitude of the PM2.5 co-benefits is
largely driven by the concentration
response function for premature
mortality. We cite two key empirical
studies, one based on the American
Cancer Society cohort study 70 and the
extended Six Cities cohort study.71 In
the RIA for this rule, which is available
in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291, we also include benefits estimates
derived from expert judgments (Roman
et al., 2008) as a characterization of
uncertainty regarding the PM2.5mortality relationship.
Considering a substantial body of
published scientific literature, reflecting
thousands of epidemiology, toxicology
and clinical studies, the EPA’s
Integrated Science Assessment for
Particulate Matter 72 documents the
association between elevated PM2.5
concentrations and adverse health
effects, including increased premature
mortality. This assessment, which was
twice reviewed by the EPA’s
independent Science Advisory Board,
concluded that the scientific literature
consistently finds that a no-threshold
model most adequately portrays the PMmortality concentration-response
relationship. Therefore, in this analysis,
the EPA assumes that the health impact
function for fine particles is without a
In general, we are more confident in
the magnitude of the risks we estimate
from simulated PM2.5 concentrations
that coincide with the bulk of the
observed PM concentrations in the
70 Krewski, C.A., III, R.T. Burnett, M.J. Thun, E.E.
Calle, D. Krewski, K. Itoand G.D. Thurston. 2002.
‘‘Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality and
Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air
Pollution.’’ Journal of the American Medical
Association 287:1132–1141.
71 Lepeule J, Laden F, Dockery D, Schwartz J
2012. ‘‘Chronic Exposure to Fine Particles and
Mortality: An Extended Follow-Up of the Harvard
Six Cities Study from 1974 to 2009.’’ Environ
Health Perspect. July;120(7):965–70.
72 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA). 2009. Integrated Science Assessment for
Particulate Matter (Final Report). EPA–600–R–08–
139F. National Center for Environmental
Assessment—RTP Division. December. Available on
the Internet at .
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epidemiological studies that are used to
estimate the benefits. Likewise, we are
less confident in the risk we estimate
from simulated PM2.5 concentrations
that fall below the bulk of the observed
data in these studies. Concentration
benchmark analyses (e.g., lowest
measured level (LML) or one standard
deviation below the mean of the air
quality data in the study) allow readers
to determine the portion of population
exposed to annual mean PM2.5 levels at
or above different concentrations, which
provides some insight into the level of
uncertainty in the estimated PM2.5
mortality benefits. There are
uncertainties inherent in identifying any
particular point at which our confidence
in reported associations becomes
appreciably less and the scientific
evidence provides no clear dividing
line. However, the EPA does not view
these concentration benchmarks as a
concentration threshold below which
we would not quantify health benefits of
air quality improvements.
For this analysis, policy-specific air
quality data are not available due to
time or resource limitations and thus,
we are unable to estimate the percentage
of premature mortality associated with
this specific rule’s emission reductions
at each PM2.5 level. As a surrogate
measure of mortality impacts, we
provide the percentage of the
population exposed at each PM2.5 level
using the source apportionment
modeling used to calculate the benefitper-ton estimates for this sector. Using
the Krewski, et al. (2009) study, 93
percent of the population is exposed to
annual mean PM2.5 levels at or above the
LML of 5.8 mg/m3. Using the Lepeule, et
al. (2012) study, 67 percent of the
population is exposed above the LML of
8 mg/m3. It is important to note that
baseline exposure is only one parameter
in the health impact function, along
with baseline incidence rates
population and change in air quality.
Therefore, caution is warranted when
interpreting the LML assessment for this
rule because these results are not
consistent with results from rules that
had air quality modeling.
Every benefit analysis examining the
potential effects of a change in
environmental protection requirements
is limited, to some extent, by data gaps,
model capabilities (such as geographic
coverage) and uncertainties in the
underlying scientific and economic
studies used to configure the benefit and
cost models. Despite these uncertainties,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
we believe the benefit analysis for this
proposed rule provides a reasonable
indication of the expected health
benefits of the rulemaking under a set of
reasonable assumptions. This analysis
does not include the type of detailed
uncertainty assessment found in the
2012 PM2.5 NAAQS RIA 73 because we
lack the necessary air quality input and
monitoring data to run the benefits
model. In addition, we have not
conducted air quality modeling for this
proposed rule and using a benefit-perton approach adds another important
source of uncertainty to the benefits
estimates. The 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS
benefits analysis provides an indication
of the sensitivity of our results to
various assumptions.
It should be noted that the monetized
co-benefits estimates provided above do
not include benefits from several
important benefit categories, including
exposure to HAP, NOX and ozone
exposure, as well as ecosystem effects
and visibility impairment. Although we
do not have sufficient information or
modeling available to provide
monetized estimates for this proposed
rule, we include a qualitative
assessment of these unquantified
benefits in the RIA for the rule.
The specific control technologies for
the proposed rule are anticipated to
have minor secondary impacts,
including an increase of 28 tons of NOX,
less than 2 tons of PM, 3 tons of CO and
82 tons of SO2 each year. Given the
insignificant increase, only secondary
effects of PM and SO2 were included in
the monetary evaluation of the actual
For more information on the benefits
analysis, please refer to the RIA for this
rule, ‘‘Regulatory Impact Analysis:
Proposed Brick and Structural Clay
Products NESHAP,’’ which is available
in Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
a SBAR Panel to obtain advice and
recommendation of representatives of
the small entities that potentially would
be subject to the requirements of the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
(Note: We did not convene a SBAR
Panel for the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule because none of the
major source facilities subject to the
proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule are owned by a small entity.) As
part of the SBAR Panel process, we
conducted outreach with
representatives from various small
entities that would be affected by the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. We
met with these small entity
representatives (SERs) to discuss the
potential rulemaking approaches and
potential options to decrease the impact
of the BSCP manufacturing rulemaking
on their industries/sectors. We
distributed outreach materials to the
SERs; these materials included
background on the BSCP manufacturing
rulemaking, possible regulatory
approaches, preliminary cost and
economic impacts and possible
rulemaking alternatives. We met with
SERs from the BSCP industry that will
be impacted directly by the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule to discuss the
outreach materials and receive feedback
on the approaches and alternatives
detailed in the outreach packet. The
Panel received written comments from
the SERs following the meeting in
response to discussions at the meeting
and the questions posed to the SERs by
the agency. The SERs were specifically
asked to provide comment on regulatory
alternatives that could help to minimize
the BSCP manufacturing rule’s impact
on small businesses. A copy of the final
Panel report is available in Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291.
VIII. Public Participation and Request
for Comment
We request comment on all aspects of
the proposed rule for BSCP
Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing, including any alternate
approaches that the EPA is considering
(see section IV.Q of this preamble for
further discussion on these approaches).
During this rulemaking, we conducted
outreach to small entities and convened
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review
73 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.
EPA). 2012. Regulatory Impact Analysis for the
Final Revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA–452/R–12–
003. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Health and Environmental Impacts Division.
December. Available at
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IX. Statutory and Executive Order
Under section 3(f)(1) of Executive
Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4,
1993), this action is an ‘‘economically
significant regulatory action’’ because it
is likely to have an annual effect on the
economy of $100 million or more.’’
Accordingly, the EPA submitted this
action to OMB for review under
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 (76
FR 3821, January 21, 2011) and any
changes made in response to OMB
recommendations have been
documented in the dockets for this
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In addition, the EPA prepared an
analysis of the potential costs and
benefits associated with this action.
This analysis is contained in
‘‘Regulatory Impact Analysis: Proposed
Brick and Structural Clay Products
NESHAP.’’ A copy of the analysis is
available in the docket for the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule (Docket ID No.
EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0291) and the
analysis is briefly summarized here.
The EPA’s study estimates that
affected BSCP facilities will incur total
annualized costs of $21 million (2011
dollars) under the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule, including costs of
emission controls, testing and
monitoring, along with recordkeeping
and reporting costs for facilities that
have testing and monitoring. Total
annualized costs for the alternate
approach are estimated to be $31
million (2011 dollars). The EPA
gathered information on firm sales and
overall industry profitability for firms
owning affected BSCP facilities. The
EPA estimated that one to two BSCP
manufacturing facilities are at
significant risk of closure under the
proposed standards. Under the alternate
approach, the EPA estimated that two to
six BSCP manufacturing facilities are at
significant risk of closure.
The EPA also conducted an
assessment of the benefits of the
proposed rule, as described in section
VII of this preamble. These estimates
reflect the monetized human health
benefits of reducing cases of morbidity
and premature mortality among
populations exposed to PM2.5 reduced
by this rule. Data, resource and
methodological limitations prevented
the EPA from monetizing the benefits
from several important benefit
categories, including benefits from
reducing exposure to close to 450 tons
of HAP each year for the proposed
standards and exposure to as high as
740 tons of HAP each year through the
alternate standards, as well as
ecosystem effects and visibility
impairment due to PM emissions. In
addition to reducing emissions of PM
precursors such as SO2, this rule would
reduce several non-Hg HAP metals
emissions (i.e., antimony, arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt,
lead, manganese, nickel and selenium)
each year. The EPA estimates the total
monetized co-benefits to be $52 million
to $120 million (2011 dollars) at a 3
percent discount rate and $47 million to
$110 million (2011 dollars) at a 7
percent discount rate on a yearly
average in 2018 for the proposed
Based on the EPA’s examination of
costs and benefits of the proposed BSCP
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
NESHAP, the EPA believes that the
benefits of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule will exceed the
The EPA also examined the costs and
economic impacts associated with the
Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP.
Only two firms are estimated to incur
costs as a result of the proposed Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule and they
only incur costs associated with testing,
monitoring, recordkeeping and
reporting. Total annualized costs are
only $55,900 (2011 dollars) and both
firms’ estimated costs of complying with
the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule are less than 0.001
percent of their sales.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection
requirements in the BSCP and Clay
Ceramics proposed rule have been
submitted for approval to OMB under
the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.
The ICR document prepared by the
EPA for the BSCP Manufacturing
NESHAP has been assigned the EPA ICR
number 2509.01. The ICR document
prepared by the EPA for the Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP has
been assigned the EPA ICR number
2510.01. The information requirements
are based on notification, recordkeeping
and reporting requirements in the
NESHAP General Provisions (40 CFR
part 63, subpart A), which are
mandatory for all operators subject to
national emissions standards. These
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements are specifically authorized
by CAA section 114 (42 U.S.C. 7414).
All information submitted to the EPA
pursuant to the recordkeeping and
reporting requirements for which a
claim of confidentiality is made is
safeguarded according to the EPA
policies set forth in 40 CFR part 2,
subpart B.
In addition to the notification,
recordkeeping and reporting
requirements in the NESHAP General
Provisions, the proposed rule includes
paperwork requirements associated with
initial and 5-year repeat testing for
selected process equipment, electronic
reporting of performance test results,
parameter monitoring, preparation of an
OM&M plan, maintenance and
inspection of process and control
equipment, compliance with work
practice standards and periods of
There are 92 BSCP facilities that are
currently major sources of HAP. An
estimated 25 of these facilities are
projected to become synthetic area
sources by promulgation rather than
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comply with the BSCP standards. The
remaining 67 facilities are expected to
be subject to the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule. For these 67
facilities, the annual recordkeeping and
reporting burden associated with the
proposed BSCP standards (averaged
over the first 3 years after the effective
date of the standards) is estimated to be
15,063 labor hours per year, at a cost of
$796,255/yr. No capital costs associated
with monitoring, testing, recordkeeping
or reporting are expected to be incurred
during this period. The annual
operating and maintenance costs are
estimated to be $983/yr. The total
burden for the federal government
(averaged over the first 3 years after the
effective date of the standards) is
estimated to be 103 hours per year, at
a total labor cost of $5,329 per year. (All
costs are in 2011 dollars.) Burden is
defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b).
There are three clay ceramics facilities
that are currently major sources of HAP
and would be subject to the Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule that we are
proposing. For these three facilities, the
annual recordkeeping and reporting
burden associated with the Clay
Ceramics standards (averaged over the
first 3 years after the effective date of the
standards) is estimated to total 674 labor
hours per year at a cost of $35,653/yr.
As with the BSCP standards, no capital
costs associated with monitoring,
testing, recordkeeping or reporting are
expected to be incurred during this
period. The annual operating and
maintenance costs are estimated to be
$44/yr. The total burden for the federal
government (averaged over the first 3
years after the effective date of the
standards) is estimated to be 4.6 hours
per year, at a total labor cost of $239 per
year. (All costs are in 2011 dollars.)
Because BSCP and clay ceramics
facilities are not required to come into
full compliance with the standards until
3 years after promulgation, much of the
respondent burden (e.g., performance
tests, inspections, notification of
compliance status, compliance report,
records of compliance data and
malfunctions) does not occur until the
fourth year following promulgation.
For the proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule, we estimate an average annual
recordkeeping and reporting burden of
31,805 labor hours per year, at a cost of
$1,681,231/yr, for years 4 through 6. We
also estimate annualized capital costs of
$262,119/yr and annual operating and
maintenance costs of $350,075/yr over
this period, for a total annualized cost
of $612,194/yr. The average annual
burden for the federal government for
years 4 through 6 is estimated to be
3,953 hours per year, at a total labor cost
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of $207,946 per year. (All costs are in
2011 dollars.)
For the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule, we estimate an
average annual recordkeeping and
reporting burden of 1,448 labor hours
per year, at a cost of $76,519/yr, for
years 4 through 6. We also estimate
annualized capital costs of $27,368/yr
and annual operating and maintenance
costs of $21,101/yr over this period, for
a total annualized cost of $48,469/yr.
The average annual burden for the
federal government for years 4 through
6 is estimated to be 180 hours per year,
at a total labor cost of $9,448 per year.
(All costs are in 2011 dollars.)
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control
numbers for the EPA’s regulations in 40
CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9.
To comment on the agency’s need for
this information, the accuracy of the
provided burden estimates and any
suggested methods for minimizing
respondent burden, the EPA has
established a public docket for each
rule, which includes this ICR, under
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
0291 (for the BSCP Manufacturing
NESHAP) and Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–
OAR–2013–0290 (for the Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing NESHAP). Submit any
comments related to the ICR to the EPA
and OMB. See the ADDRESSES section at
the beginning of this action for where to
submit comments to the EPA. Send
comments to OMB at the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget, 725
17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20503,
Attention: Desk Office for the EPA.
Since OMB is required to make a
decision concerning the ICR between 30
and 60 days after December 18, 2014, a
comment to OMB is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it
by January 20, 2015. The final rule will
respond to any OMB or public
comments on the information collection
requirements contained in this proposal.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
generally requires an agency to prepare
a regulatory flexibility analysis of any
rule subject to notice and comment
rulemaking requirements under the
Administrative Procedure Act or any
other statute unless the agency certifies
that the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities
include small businesses, small
organizations and small governmental
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For purposes of assessing the impacts
of the proposed rule on small entities,
small entity is defined as: (1) A small
business as defined by the Small
Business Administration’s (SBA’s)
regulations at 13 CFR 121.201; (2) a
small governmental jurisdiction that is a
government of a city, county, town,
school district or special district with a
population of less than 50,000; and (3)
a small organization that is any not-forprofit enterprise which is independently
owned and operated and is not
dominant in its field. Small entities
affected by the proposed BSCP NESHAP
are small businesses that own BSCP
manufacturing facilities. Affected parent
companies fall under the Clay Building
Material and Refractories Manufacturing
(NAICS 327120) industry and the SBA
(2013) defines a small business in this
industry as a firm with fewer than 750
employees. Of 44 parent companies
owning BSCP facilities, there are 36
parent companies that are small
businesses. Small entities affected by
the proposed Clay Ceramics NESHAP
are small businesses that own clay
ceramics manufacturing facilities.
Affected parent companies of ceramic
tile facilities fall under the Clay
Building Material and Refractories
Manufacturing (NAICS 327120) industry
and affected parent companies of
sanitaryware facilities fall under the
Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture
Manufacturing (NAICS 327110)
industry. However, we have determined
that no small entities would be subject
to the clay ceramics proposed standards.
Pursuant to section 603 of the RFA,
the EPA prepared an IRFA that
examines the impact of the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule on small
entities along with regulatory
alternatives that could reduce that
impact. The IRFA is included in Section
5 of the RIA and is available for review
in the docket for the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule (Docket ID No. EPA–
HQ–OAR–2013–0291) and is
summarized below.
NESHAP for the BSCP source category
are being proposed.
maintenance of affected sources and
APCD at the facility.
2. Objectives and Legal Basis for the
5. Related Federal Rules
The EPA determined that there are no
related federal rules for this source
1. Need for the Rule
The EPA is required under CAA
section 112(d) to establish emission
standards for each category or
subcategory of major and area sources of
HAP listed for regulation in section
112(b). These standards are applicable
to new or existing sources of HAP and
shall require the maximum degree of
emission reduction. In the
Administrator’s judgment, the
pollutants emitted from BSCP
manufacturing facilities cause or
contribute significantly to air pollution
that may reasonably be anticipated to
endanger public health. Consequently,
Respondents would be required to
provide one-time and periodic
notifications, including initial
notification, notification of performance
tests, and notification of compliance
status. Respondents would also be
required to submit semiannual reports
documenting compliance with the rule
and detailing any compliance issues,
and they would be required to submit
the results of performance tests to the
EPA’s ERT. Respondents would be
required to keep documentation
supporting information included in
these notifications and reports, as well
as records of the operation and
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Section 112(d) of the CAA requires
the EPA to set emissions standards for
HAP emitted by major stationary
sources based on the performance of the
MACT. The MACT standards for
existing sources must be at least as
stringent as the average emissions
limitation achieved by the best
performing 12 percent of existing
sources (for which the Administrator
has emissions information) or the best
performing five sources for source
categories with less than 30 sources
(CAA section 112(d)(3)(A) and (B)). For
new sources, MACT standards must be
at least as stringent as the control level
achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source (CAA section
112(d)(3)). The EPA also must consider
more stringent ‘‘beyond-the-floor’’
control options. When considering
beyond-the-floor options, the EPA must
consider not only the maximum degree
of reduction in emissions of HAP, but
must take into account costs, energy and
nonair environmental impacts when
doing so. This rule is being proposed to
comply with CAA section 112(d).
3. Affected Small Entities
Of 44 parent companies owning BSCP
facilities, 36 parent companies are small
businesses. The EPA computed the ratio
of estimated compliance costs to
company sales (cost-to-sales ratio) to
measure the magnitude of potential
impacts on small companies. Under the
proposed standards, the EPA estimated
that one to two small brick
manufacturing facilities are at
significant risk of closure. Under the
alternate approach, two to five small
brick manufacturing facilities are at
significant risk of closure.
4. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other
Compliance Requirements
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6. Significant Alternatives
The EPA has included provisions in
the proposed rule where possible to
minimize the burden on all affected
entities, including small entities. As
required by section 609(b) of the RFA,
as amended by Small Business
Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
(SBREFA), the EPA also conducted
outreach to small entities and convened
a SBAR Panel to obtain advice and
recommendations of representatives of
the small entities that potentially would
be subject to the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule’s requirements.
Seventeen SERs associated with brick
manufacturing participated. On June 26,
2013, the SBAR Panel held an outreach
meeting/teleconference with the SERs.
In addition to the materials that the
SERs received for the pre-Panel
outreach, the SERs were provided with
background information to help them
prepare for the teleconference and
prepare their comments on the proposed
Consistent with the RFA/SBREFA
requirements, the Panel evaluated the
assembled materials and small-entity
comments on issues related to elements
of the IRFA. A copy of the Panel report
is included in the docket for the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule
(Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–
The SBAR made several
recommendations to enhance flexibility
for small businesses complying with the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. The
EPA adopted the panel
recommendations to the extent feasible,
as described below:
• The panel recommended that the
EPA propose work practices for dioxin
and take comment on the feasibility of
work practice standards for Hg and
other metals. The discussion of work
practices for Hg and other metals should
clearly identify any areas where the
agency believes that the data do not
support work practices to allow for
meaningful comments and also discuss
work practice alternatives with
sufficient specificity that they can be
fully considered as an alternative in the
final BSCP manufacturing rule.
Proposed rule: The EPA is proposing
work practices for dioxin/furan.
Although the EPA is proposing emission
limits for Hg and for non-Hg HAP
metals, the EPA is specifically
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
requesting comment in the proposal on
whether or not work practice standards
for non-Hg HAP metals and for Hg are
• The panel recommended that the
EPA co-propose both a health-based
limit and MACT limits for acid gases
unless the EPA determines it lacks
sufficient information to propose a
numerical health-based limit.
Proposed rule: The EPA is proposing
a health-based emission limit for acid
gases in lieu of MACT limits.
• The panel recommended that the
EPA propose separate subcategories for
kilns based on size if it reduces the
financial impact and that the EPA
should take comment and solicit data on
subcategorization based on raw
materials, fuels and other factors.
Proposed rule: The EPA evaluated the
data to determine if subcategories of
sources were supported, including
subcategories by kiln size. As a result,
the EPA is proposing emission limits for
Hg in two subcategories based on kiln
size (large, small). However, although
the EPA has the discretion to
subcategorize by kiln size, the EPA
determined it was not necessary to
exercise this discretion for all
pollutants, including total non-Hg HAP
metals. Instead, the EPA is proposing a
choice of emission limits for PM or total
non-Hg HAP metals for all tunnel kilns.
The ability to comply with the
equivalent lb/hr total non-Hg HAP
metals limit provides additional
flexibility for small tunnel kilns and
tunnel kilns with a low metals content
in the PM emissions.
• The panel recommended that the
EPA specifically request information, at
proposal, on how the presence of
sawdust dryers would affect emissions
and control costs.
Proposed rule: The proposed rule
requests comment on whether the EPA
should create a subcategory for kilns
fired with sawdust (with or without a
sawdust dryer).
• The panel recommended that the
EPA propose work practice standards
for startup and shutdown.
Proposed rule: The EPA is proposing
work practice standards for periods of
startup and shutdown for tunnel kilns.
• The panel recommended that the
EPA set the floor based on 12 percent
of the entire source category if the EPA
can establish that the data available to
the agency represent the bestperforming sources consistent with
section 112 of the CAA and relevant
case law.
Proposed rule: The test data for PM
(the surrogate for total non-Hg HAP
metals) showed that kilns controlled
with a FF-based APCD (e.g., DIFF, DLS/
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FF) are the better performers and at least
12 percent of the kilns in the industry
are controlled with a FF-based APCD.
Therefore, the MACT limit is based on
the top 12 percent of the kilns in the
industry (i.e., the best-performing
sources with a FF-based APCD).
However, the EPA was unable to
establish that the data available to the
agency represented the best-performing
sources for Hg control. Therefore, the
MACT limit for Hg is based upon the
top 12 percent of sources for which we
had test data.
We invite comments on all aspects of
the proposal and its impacts on small
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), 2 U.S.C.
1531–1538, requires Federal agencies,
unless otherwise prohibited by law, to
assess the effects of their regulatory
actions on State, local and tribal
governments and the private sector.
This action does not contain a federal
mandate that may result in expenditures
of $100 million or more for state, local
or tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or the private sector in any 1 year. This
action is not expected to impact state,
local or tribal governments. The
nationwide annual cost to the affected
industry is estimated to be $19.0 million
per year for the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule and $54,100 per
year for the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule (2011 dollars). Thus,
this action is not subject to the
requirements of sections 202 or 205 of
the UMRA.
This action is also not subject to the
requirements of section 203 of UMRA
because it contains no regulatory
requirements that might significantly or
uniquely affect small governments. It
contains no requirements that apply to
such governments, nor does it impose
obligations upon them.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the states, on the
relationship between the national
government and the states or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132. None of the
facilities subject to this action are
owned or operated by state governments
and nothing in this proposal will
supersede state regulations. Thus,
Executive Order 13132 does not apply
to this action. In the spirit of Executive
Order 13132 and consistent with the
EPA policy to promote communications
PO 00000
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between the EPA and state and local
governments, the EPA specifically
solicits comment on this proposed
action from state and local officials.
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This action does not have tribal
implications, as specified in Executive
Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,
2000). It will not have substantial direct
effects on tribal governments, on the
relationship between the federal
government and Indian tribes or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities between the federal
government and Indian tribes, as
specified in Executive Order 13175. The
action imposes requirements on owners
and operators of BSCP and clay
ceramics manufacturing facilities and
not tribal governments. Although
Executive Order 13175 does not apply
to this action, the EPA specifically
solicits additional comment on this
proposed action from tribal officials.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order
13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997) as
applying to those regulatory actions that
concern health or safety risks, such that
the analysis required under section 5–
501 of the Executive Order has the
potential to influence the regulation.
This action is not subject to Executive
Order 13045 because it is based solely
on technology performance.
Nevertheless, this action will result in
reductions in emissions of HF, HCl, Cl2,
dioxins/furans and Hg and other metals,
which will provide some increased
protection of health for people of all
ages including children.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution or Use
This action is not a ‘‘significant
energy action’’ as defined in Executive
Order 13211 (66 FR 28355 (May 22,
2001)), because it is not likely to have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution or use of energy.
This action will not adversely directly
affect productivity, competition or
prices in the energy sector.
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
Section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (‘‘NTTAA’’), Public Law
104–113 (15 U.S.C. 272 note), directs
the EPA to use voluntary consensus
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
standards (VCS) in its regulatory
activities unless to do so would be
inconsistent with applicable law or
otherwise impractical. Voluntary
consensus standards are technical
standards (e.g., materials specifications,
test methods, sampling procedures,
business practices) that are developed or
adopted by voluntary consensus
standards bodies. The NTTAA directs
the EPA to provide Congress, through
OMB, explanations when the agency
decides not to use available and
applicable VCS.
This proposed rulemaking involves
technical standards. The EPA proposes
to use the following four VCS as
acceptable alternatives to the EPA test
methods for the purpose of this rule.
ANSI/ASME PTC 19–10–1981, Part 10,
‘‘Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,’’ is
acceptable as an alternative to Method
3A and 3B for the manual procedures
only and not the instrumental
procedures. ASTM D6735–01
(Reapproved 2009), ‘‘Standard Test
Method for Measurement of Gaseous
Chlorides and Fluorides from Mineral
Calcining Exhaust Sources—Impinger
Method,’’ is acceptable as an alternative
to Methods 26 and 26A.
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008),
‘‘Standard Test Method for Elemental,
Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total
Mercury Gas Generated from Coal-Fired
Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro
Method),’’ is acceptable as an alternative
to Method 29 (portion for Hg only).
ASTM D6348–03 (Reapproved 2010),
‘‘Standard Test Method for
Determination of Gaseous Compounds
by Extractive Direct Interface Fourier
Transform Infrared (FTIR)
Spectroscopy,’’ is acceptable as an
alternative to Method 320 with the
following conditions: (1) the test plan
preparation and implementation in the
Annexes to ASTM D 6348–03, Sections
A1 through A8 are mandatory; and (2)
in ASTM D6348–03 Annex A5 (Analyte
Spiking Technique), the percent (%) R
must be determined for each target
analyte (Equation A5.5). In order for the
test data to be acceptable for a
compound, %R must be greater than or
equal to 70 percent and less than or
equal to 130 percent. If the %R value
does not meet this criterion for a target
compound, the test data is not
acceptable for that compound and the
test must be repeated for that analyte
(i.e., the sampling and/or analytical
procedure should be adjusted before a
retest). The %R value for each
compound must be reported in the test
report and all field measurements must
be corrected with the calculated %R
value for that compound by using the
following equation: Reported Result =
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(Measured Concentration in the Stack ×
The EPA welcomes comments on this
aspect of the proposed rulemaking and,
specifically, invites the public to
identify potentially applicable VCS and
to explain why such standards should
be used in one or both of these
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629,
February 16, 1994) establishes federal
executive policy on environmental
justice. Its main provision directs
federal agencies, to the greatest extent
practicable and permitted by law, to
make environmental justice part of their
mission by identifying and addressing,
as appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or
environmental effects of their programs,
policies and activities on minority
populations and low-income
populations in the United States.
The EPA has determined that this
proposed rule will not have
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on minority, low income or indigenous
populations because they increase the
level of environmental protection for all
affected populations without having any
disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects
on any population, including any
minority, low income or indigenous
populations. The proposed rule
establishes national standards that will
result in reductions in emissions of HF,
HCl, Cl2, dioxins/furans and Hg and
other metals to which all affected
populations are exposed. Thus the
proposed rule is projected to have
positive, not adverse, impacts on human
health and the environment.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 63
Environmental protection,
Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Hazardous
substances, Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: November 20, 2014.
Gina McCarthy,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Environmental Protection
Agency proposes to amend 40 CFR part
63 as follows:
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1. The authority citation for part 63
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
2. Section 63.14 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (f)(1), (g)(74)
and (84);
■ b. Adding paragraph (g)(95); and
■ c. Revising paragraph (l)(2).
The revisions and addition read as
§ 63.14
Incorporations by reference.
(f) * * *
(1) ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981,
Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10,
Instruments and Apparatus], issued
August 31, 1981, IBR approved for
§§ 63.309(k), 63.457(k), 63.772(e) and
(h), 63.865(b), 63.1282(d) and (g),
63.3166(a), 63.3360(e), 63.3545(a),
63.3555(a), 63.4166(a), 63.4362(a),
63.4766(a), 63.4965(a), 63.5160(d), table
4 to subpart UUUU, 63.9307(c),
63.9323(a), 63.11148(e), 63.11155(e),
63.11162(f), 63.11163(g), 63.11410(j),
63.11551(a), 63.11646(a), and 63.11945,
table 5 to subpart DDDDD, table 4 to
subpart JJJJJ, table 4 to subpart KKKKK,
tables 4 and 5 of subpart UUUUU, and
table 1 to subpart ZZZZZ.
(g) * * *
(74) ASTM D6348–03 (Reapproved
2010), Standard Test Method for
Determination of Gaseous Compounds
by Extractive Direct Interface Fourier
Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy,
including Annexes A1 through A8,
(Approved October 1, 2010), IBR
approved for table 4 to subpart JJJJJ,
table 4 to subpart KKKKK, tables 1, 2,
and 5 to subpart UUUUU, and appendix
B to subpart UUUUU.
(84) ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008), Standard Test Method for
Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound
and Total Mercury in Flue Gas
Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary
Sources (Ontario Hydro Method),
(Approved April 1, 2008), IBR approved
for §§ 63.11646(a), 63.11647(a) and (d),
tables 1, 2, 5, 11, 12t, and 13 to subpart
DDDDD, table 4 to subpart JJJJJ, table 4
to subpart KKKKK, table 4 to subpart
JJJJJJ, table 5 to subpart UUUUU, and
appendix A to subpart UUUUU.
(95) ASTM D6735–01 (Reapproved
2009), Standard Test Method for
Measurement of Gaseous Chlorides and
Fluorides from Mineral Calcining
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Exhaust Sources—Impinger Method,
IBR approved for table 4 to subpart JJJJJ
and table 4 to subpart KKKKK.
(l) * * *
(2) EPA–454/R–98–015, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards
(OAQPS), Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance, September 1997,
IBR approved for §§ 63.548(e),
63.7525(j), 63.8450(e), 63.8600(e), and
■ 3. Subchapter C is amended by
revising subpart JJJJJ to read as follows:
Subpart JJJJJ—National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Brick and Structural Clay Products
What This Subpart Covers
63.8380 What is the purpose of this
63.8385 Am I subject to this subpart?
63.8390 What parts of my plant does this
subpart cover?
63.8395 When do I have to comply with
this subpart?
§ 63.8380
General Compliance Requirements
63.8420 What are my general requirements
for complying with this subpart?
63.8425 What do I need to know about
operation, maintenance, and monitoring
Testing and Initial Compliance
63.8435 By what date must I conduct
performance tests?
63.8440 When must I conduct subsequent
performance tests?
63.8445 How do I conduct performance
tests and establish operating limits?
63.8450 What are my monitoring
installation, operation, and maintenance
63.8455 How do I demonstrate initial
compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
63.8465 How do I monitor and collect data
to demonstrate continuous compliance?
63.8470 How do I demonstrate continuous
compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
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Tables to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63
Table 1 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—Emission
Table 2 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—Operating
Table 3 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—Work
Practice Standards
Table 4 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—
Requirements for Performance Tests
Table 5 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—Initial
Compliance with Emission Limitations
and Work Practice Standards
Table 6 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—
Continuous Compliance with Emission
Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Table 7 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—
Requirements for Reports
Table 8 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63—
Applicability of General Provisions to
Subpart JJJJJ
What This Subpart Covers
Emission Limitations and Work Practice
63.8405 What emission limitations and
work practice standards must I meet?
63.8410 What are my options for meeting
the emission limitations and work
practice standards?
Notifications, Reports, and Records
63.8480 What notifications must I submit
and when?
63.8485 What reports must I submit and
63.8490 What records must I keep?
63.8495 In what form and for how long
must I keep my records?
Other Requirements and Information
63.8505 What parts of the General
Provisions apply to me?
63.8510 Who implements and enforces this
63.8515 What definitions apply to this
What is the purpose of this
This subpart establishes national
emission limitations for hazardous air
pollutants (HAP) emitted from brick and
structural clay products (BSCP)
manufacturing facilities. This subpart
also establishes requirements to
demonstrate initial and continuous
compliance with the emission
§ 63.8385
Am I subject to this subpart?
You are subject to this subpart if you
own or operate a BSCP manufacturing
facility that is, is located at, or is part
of, a major source of HAP emissions
according to the criteria in paragraphs
(a) and (b) of this section.
(a) A BSCP manufacturing facility is
a plant site that manufactures brick
(including, but not limited to, face brick,
structural brick, and brick pavers); clay
pipe; roof tile; extruded floor and wall
tile; and/or other extruded, dimensional
clay products. Brick and structural clay
products manufacturing facilities
typically process raw clay and shale,
form the processed materials into bricks
or shapes, and dry and fire the bricks or
(b) A major source of HAP emissions
is any stationary source or group of
stationary sources within a contiguous
area under common control that emits
or has the potential to emit any single
HAP at a rate of 9.07 megagrams (10
tons) or more per year or any
combination of HAP at a rate of 22.68
megagrams (25 tons) or more per year.
PO 00000
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§ 63.8390 What parts of my plant does this
subpart cover?
(a) This subpart applies to each
existing, new, or reconstructed affected
source at a BSCP manufacturing facility.
(b) For the purposes of this subpart,
the affected sources are described in
paragraphs (b)(1) and (2).
(1) All tunnel kilns at a BSCP
manufacturing facility are an affected
source. For the remainder of this
subpart, a tunnel kiln with a design
capacity equal to or greater than 9.07
megagrams per hour (Mg/hr) (10 tons
per hour (tph)) of fired product will be
called a large tunnel kiln, and a tunnel
kiln with a design capacity less than
9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product will
be called a small tunnel kiln.
(2) Each periodic kiln is an affected
(c) Process units not subject to the
requirements of this subpart are listed in
paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Kilns that are used exclusively for
setting glazes on previously fired
products are not subject to the
requirements of this subpart.
(2) Raw material processing and
(3) Dryers.
(d) A source is a new affected source
if construction of the affected source
began after December 18, 2014, and you
met the applicability criteria at the time
you began construction.
(e) An affected source is reconstructed
if you meet the criteria as defined in
§ 63.2.
(f) An affected source is existing if it
is not new or reconstructed.
§ 63.8395 When do I have to comply with
this subpart?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed
affected source, you must comply with
this subpart according to paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) If the initial startup of your
affected source is after December 18,
2014 but before [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER
FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register],
then you must comply with the
applicable emission limitations and
work practice standards in Tables 1, 2,
and 3 to this subpart no later than
IN THE Federal Register].
(2) If the initial startup of your
affected source is after [DATE 60 DAYS
Register], then you must comply with
the applicable emission limitations and
work practice standards in Tables 1, 2,
and 3 to this subpart upon initial startup
of your affected source.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
(b) If you have an existing affected
source, you must comply with the
applicable emission limitations and
work practice standards in Tables 1, 2,
and 3 to this subpart no later than
FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register].
(c) If you have an existing area source
that increases its emissions or its
potential to emit such that it becomes a
major source of HAP by adding a new
affected source or by reconstructing, you
must be in compliance with this subpart
upon initial startup of your affected
source as a major source.
(d) If you have a new area source (i.e.,
an area source for which construction or
reconstruction commenced after
December 18, 2014) that increases its
emissions or its potential to emit such
that it becomes a major source of HAP,
you must be in compliance with this
subpart upon initial startup of your
affected source as a major source.
(e) You must meet the notification
requirements in § 63.8480 according to
the schedule in § 63.8480 and in subpart
A of this part. Some of the notifications
must be submitted before you are
required to comply with the emission
limitations in this subpart.
Emission Limitations and Work
Practice Standards
§ 63.8405 What emission limitations and
work practice standards must I meet?
(a) You must meet each emission limit
in Table 1 to this subpart that applies to
(b) You must meet each operating
limit in Table 2 to this subpart that
applies to you.
(c) You must meet each work practice
standard in Table 3 to this subpart that
applies to you.
§ 63.8410 What are my options for meeting
the emission limitations and work practice
(a) To meet the emission limitations
in Tables 1 and 2 to this subpart, you
must use one or more of the options
listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this
(1) Emissions control system. Use an
emissions capture and collection system
and an air pollution control device
(APCD) and demonstrate that the
resulting emissions meet the emission
limits in Table 1 to this subpart, and
that the capture and collection system
and APCD meet the applicable operating
limits in Table 2 to this subpart.
(2) Process changes. Use low-HAP
raw materials or implement
manufacturing process changes and
demonstrate that the resulting emissions
or emissions reductions meet the
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emission limits in Table 1 to this
(b) To meet the work practice
standards for affected periodic kilns,
you must comply with the requirements
listed in Table 3 to this subpart.
(c) To meet the work practice
standards for dioxins/furans for affected
tunnel kilns, you must comply with the
requirements listed in Table 3 to this
(d) To meet the work practice
standards for affected tunnel kilns
during periods of startup and shutdown,
you must comply with the requirements
listed in Table 3 to this subpart.
General Compliance Requirements
§ 63.8420 What are my general
requirements for complying with this
(a) You must be in compliance with
the emission limitations (including
operating limits) in this subpart at all
times, except during periods of routine
control device maintenance as specified
in paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Except as specified in paragraph
(d) of this section, you must operate and
maintain any affected source, including
associated air pollution control
equipment and monitoring equipment,
in a manner consistent with safety and
good air pollution control practices for
minimizing emissions. The general duty
to minimize emissions does not require
you to make any further efforts to
reduce emissions if levels required by
the applicable standard have been
achieved. Determination of whether a
source is operating in compliance with
operation and maintenance
requirements will be based on
information available to the
Administrator which may include, but
is not limited to, monitoring results,
review of operation and maintenance
procedures, review of operation and
maintenance records, and inspection of
the source. During the period between
the compliance date specified for your
affected source in § 63.8395 and the date
upon which continuous monitoring
systems (CMS) (e.g., continuous
parameter monitoring systems) have
been installed and verified and any
applicable operating limits have been
set, you must maintain a log detailing
the operation and maintenance of the
process and emissions control
(c) For each affected kiln that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
prepare and implement a written
operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(OM&M) plan according to the
requirements in § 63.8425.
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(d) If you own or operate an affected
kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart and
must perform routine maintenance on
the control device for that kiln, you may
bypass the kiln control device and
continue operating the kiln upon
approval by the Administrator provided
you satisfy the conditions listed in
paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this
(1) You must request a routine control
device maintenance exemption from the
Administrator. Your request must justify
the need for the routine maintenance on
the control device and the time required
to accomplish the maintenance
activities, describe the maintenance
activities and the frequency of the
maintenance activities, explain why the
maintenance cannot be accomplished
during kiln shutdowns, describe how
you plan to minimize emissions to the
greatest extent possible during the
maintenance, and provide any other
documentation required by the
(2) The routine control device
maintenance exemption must not
exceed 4 percent of the annual operating
uptime for each kiln.
(3) The request for the routine control
device maintenance exemption, if
approved by the Administrator, must be
incorporated by reference in and
attached to the affected source’s title V
(4) You must minimize HAP
emissions during the period when the
kiln is operating and the control device
is offline.
(5) You must minimize the time
period during which the kiln is
operating and the control device is
(e) You must be in compliance with
the work practice standards in this
subpart at all times.
(f) You must be in compliance with
the provisions of subpart A of this part,
except as noted in Table 8 to this
§ 63.8425 What do I need to know about
operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(a) For each affected kiln that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
prepare, implement, and revise as
necessary an OM&M plan that includes
the information in paragraph (b) of this
section. Your OM&M plan must be
available for inspection by the
permitting authority upon request.
(b) Your OM&M plan must include, as
a minimum, the information in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this
(1) Each process and APCD to be
monitored, the type of monitoring
device that will be used, and the
operating parameters that will be
(2) A monitoring schedule that
specifies the frequency that the
parameter values will be determined
and recorded.
(3) The limits for each parameter that
represent continuous compliance with
the emission limitations in § 63.8405.
The limits must be based on values of
the monitored parameters recorded
during performance tests.
(4) Procedures for the proper
operation and routine and long-term
maintenance of each APCD, including a
maintenance and inspection schedule
that is consistent with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
(5) Procedures for installing the CMS
sampling probe or other interface at a
measurement location relative to each
affected process unit such that the
measurement is representative of
control of the exhaust emissions (e.g.,
on or downstream of the last APCD).
(6) Performance and equipment
specifications for the sample interface,
the pollutant concentration or
parametric signal analyzer, and the data
collection and reduction system.
(7) Continuous monitoring system
performance evaluation procedures and
acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations).
(8) Procedures for the proper
operation and maintenance of
monitoring equipment consistent with
the requirements in §§ 63.8450 and
63.8(c)(1), (3), (7), and (8).
(9) Continuous monitoring system
data quality assurance procedures
consistent with the requirements in
§ 63.8(d).
(10) Continuous monitoring system
recordkeeping and reporting procedures
consistent with the requirements in
§§ 63.8485 and 63.8490.
(11) Procedures for responding to
operating parameter deviations,
including the procedures in paragraphs
(b)(11)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) Procedures for determining the
cause of the operating parameter
(ii) Actions necessary for correcting
the deviation and returning the
operating parameters to the allowable
(iii) Procedures for recording the
times that the deviation began and
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ended and corrective actions were
initiated and completed.
(12) Procedures for keeping records to
document compliance.
(13) If you operate an affected kiln
and you plan to take the kiln control
device out of service for routine
maintenance, as specified in
§ 63.8420(d), the procedures specified in
paragraphs (b)(13)(i) and (ii) of this
(i) Procedures for minimizing HAP
emissions from the kiln during periods
of routine maintenance of the kiln
control device when the kiln is
operating and the control device is
(ii) Procedures for minimizing the
duration of any period of routine
maintenance on the kiln control device
when the kiln is operating and the
control device is offline.
(c) Changes to the operating limits in
your OM&M plan require a new
performance test. If you are revising an
operating limit parameter value, you
must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Submit a notification of
performance test to the Administrator as
specified in § 63.7(b).
(2) After completing the performance
tests to demonstrate that compliance
with the emission limits can be
achieved at the revised operating limit
parameter value, you must submit the
performance test results and the revised
operating limits as part of the
Notification of Compliance Status
required under § 63.9(h).
(d) If you are revising the inspection
and maintenance procedures in your
OM&M plan, you do not need to
conduct a new performance test.
Testing and Initial Compliance
§ 63.8435 By what date must I conduct
performance tests?
For each affected kiln that is subject
to the emission limits specified in Table
1 to this subpart, you must conduct
performance tests within 180 calendar
days after the compliance date that is
specified for your source in § 63.8395
and according to the provisions in
§ 63.7(a)(2).
§ 63.8440 When must I conduct
subsequent performance tests?
(a) For each affected kiln that is
subject to the emission limits specified
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in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
conduct a performance test before
renewing your 40 CFR part 70 operating
permit or at least every 5 years
following the initial performance test.
(b) You must conduct a performance
test when you want to change the
parameter value for any operating limit
specified in your OM&M plan.
§ 63.8445 How do I conduct performance
tests and establish operating limits?
(a) You must conduct each
performance test in Table 4 to this
subpart that applies to you.
(b) Before conducting the performance
test, you must install and calibrate all
monitoring equipment.
(c) Each performance test must be
conducted according to the
requirements in § 63.7 and under the
specific conditions in Table 4 to this
(d) Performance tests shall be
conducted under such conditions as the
Administrator specifies to the owner or
operator based on representative
performance of the affected source for
the period being tested. Representative
conditions exclude periods of startup
and shutdown. The owner or operator
may not conduct performance tests
during periods of malfunction. The
owner or operator must record the
process information that is necessary to
document operating conditions during
the test and include in such record an
explanation to support that such
conditions represent normal operation.
Upon request, the owner or operator
shall make available to the
Administrator such records as may be
necessary to determine the conditions of
performance tests.
(e) You must conduct at least three
separate test runs for each performance
test required in this section, as specified
in § 63.7(e)(3). Each test run must last at
least 1 hour.
(f) You must use the data gathered
during the performance test and the
equations in paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of
this section to determine compliance
with the emission limitations.
(1) To determine compliance with the
production-based particulate matter
(PM) and mercury (Hg) emission limits
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
calculate your mass emissions per unit
of production for each test run using
Equation 1 of this section:
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
P = production rate during each performance
test run, megagrams (tons) of fired
product per hour.
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
EHCl = emissions of HCl, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
EHF = emissions of HF, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
ECl2 = emissions of Cl2, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14
micrograms per cubic meter
Etotal = HCl-equivalent emissions for total of
all kilns at facility, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
n = number of tunnel kilns at facility
(iii) Compare this value to the healthbased standard in Table 1 to this
(g) You must establish each sitespecific operating limit in Table 2 to
this subpart that applies to you as
specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this
section and in Table 4 to this subpart.
(1)(i) If you do not have an APCD
installed on your kiln, calculate the
maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF, HCl, and Cl2 for each
tunnel kiln at your facility using
Equation 4 of this section:
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions for kiln i, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
Capi = design capacity for kiln i, megagrams
(tons) of fired product per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HCl per
megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HF per
megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiCl2 = mass of Cl2 per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of Cl2 per
megagram (ton) of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCCl2 = reference concentration for Cl2, 0.15
micrograms per cubic meter
Emax total = maximum potential HClequivalent emissions for total of all kilns
at facility, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions for kiln i, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
n = number of tunnel kilns at facility
(iii) If you have a single tunnel kiln
at your facility and the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions (Emax total) are greater than the
HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to this
subpart, determine the maximum
process rate for the tunnel kiln using
Equation 6 of this section that would
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RfCCl2 = reference concentration for chlorine,
0.15 micrograms per cubic meter
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel kilns
at your facility, sum the HCl-equivalent
values for all tunnel kilns at the facility
using Equation 3 of this section:
ensure the total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent emissions
remain at or below the HCl-equivalent
limit. The maximum process rate would
become your operating limit for process
rate and must be included in your
OM&M plan.
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel kilns
at your facility, sum the maximum
potential HCl-equivalent values for all
tunnel kilns at the facility using
Equation 5 of this section:
(2) To determine compliance with the
health-based standard for acid gas HAP
for BSCP manufacturing facilities in
Table 1 to this subpart, you must:
(i) Calculate the HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF, HCl, and Cl2 for each
tunnel kiln at your facility using
Equation 2 of this section:
MP = mass per unit of production, kilograms
(pounds) of pollutant per megagram (ton)
of fired product
ER = mass emission rate of pollutant (PM or
Hg) during each performance test run,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
Pmax i = maximum process rate for kiln i,
megagrams (tons) per hour
HCl-eq = HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to
this subpart, 26 kilograms (57 pounds)
per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HCl per
megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HF per
megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiCl2 = mass of Cl2 per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of Cl2 per
megagram (ton) of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCCl2 = reference concentration for Cl2, 0.15
micrograms per cubic meter
(iv) If you have multiple tunnel kilns
at your facility and the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions (Emax total) are greater than the
HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to this
subpart, determine the combination of
maximum process rates that would
ensure that total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent remains at or
below the HCl-equivalent limit. The
maximum process rates would become
your operating limits for process rate
and must be included in your OM&M
(h) For each affected kiln that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart and is
equipped with an APCD that is not
addressed in Table 2 to this subpart or
that is using process changes as a means
of meeting the emission limits in Table
1 to this subpart, you must meet the
requirements in § 63.8(f) and paragraphs
(h)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Submit a request for approval of
alternative monitoring procedures to the
Administrator no later than the
notification of intent to conduct a
performance test. The request must
contain the information specified in
paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this
(i) A description of the alternative
APCD or process changes.
(ii) The type of monitoring device or
procedure that will be used.
(iii) The operating parameters that
will be monitored.
(iv) The frequency that the operating
parameter values will be determined
and recorded to establish continuous
compliance with the operating limits.
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(2) Establish site-specific operating
limits during the performance test based
on the information included in the
approved alternative monitoring
procedures request and, as applicable,
as specified in Table 4 to this subpart.
§ 63.8450 What are my monitoring
installation, operation, and maintenance
(a) You must install, operate, and
maintain each CMS according to your
OM&M plan and the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this
(1) Conduct a performance evaluation
of each CMS according to your OM&M
(2) The CMS must complete a
minimum of one cycle of operation for
each successive 15-minute period. To
have a valid hour of data, you must have
at least three of four equally spaced data
values (or at least 75 percent if you
collect more than four data values per
hour) for that hour (not including
startup, shutdown, malfunction, out-ofcontrol periods, or periods of routine
control device maintenance covered by
a routine control device maintenance
exemption as specified in § 63.8420(d)).
(3) Determine and record the 3-hour
block averages of all recorded readings,
calculated after every 3 hours of
operation as the average of the previous
3 operating hours. To calculate the
average for each 3-hour average period,
you must have at least 75 percent of the
recorded readings for that period (not
including startup, shutdown,
malfunction, out-of-control periods, or
periods of routine control device
maintenance covered by a routine
control device maintenance exemption
as specified in § 63.8420(d)).
(4) Record the results of each
inspection, calibration, and validation
(5) At all times, maintain the
monitoring equipment including, but
not limited to, maintaining necessary
parts for routine repairs of the
monitoring equipment.
(b) For each liquid flow measurement
device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and
(b)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Locate the flow sensor in a
position that provides a representative
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(2) Use a flow sensor with a minimum
measurement sensitivity of 2 percent of
the liquid flowrate.
(3) At least semiannually, conduct a
flow sensor calibration check.
(c) For each pressure measurement
device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and
(c)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) Locate the pressure sensor(s) in or
as close to a position that provides a
representative measurement of the
(2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating
pressure, vibration, and internal and
external corrosion.
(3) Use a gauge with a minimum
measurement sensitivity of 0.5 inch of
water or a transducer with a minimum
measurement sensitivity of 1 percent of
the pressure range.
(4) Check the pressure tap daily to
ensure that it is not plugged.
(5) Using a manometer, check gauge
calibration quarterly and transducer
calibration monthly.
(6) Any time the sensor exceeds the
manufacturer’s specified maximum
operating pressure range, conduct
calibration checks or install a new
pressure sensor.
(7) At least monthly, inspect all
components for integrity, all electrical
connections for continuity, and all
mechanical connections for leakage.
(d) For each pH measurement device,
you must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (d)(1)
through (4) of this section.
(1) Locate the pH sensor in a position
that provides a representative
measurement of pH.
(2) Ensure the sample is properly
mixed and representative of the fluid to
be measured.
(3) Check the pH meter’s calibration
on at least two points every 8 hours of
process operation.
(4) At least monthly, inspect all
components for integrity and all
electrical connections for continuity.
(e) For each bag leak detection system,
you must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (e)(1) through (11) of this
(1) Each triboelectric bag leak
detection system must be installed,
calibrated, operated, and maintained
according to the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–
015, September 1997) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14). Other types of
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bag leak detection systems must be
installed, operated, calibrated, and
maintained in a manner consistent with
the manufacturer’s written
specifications and recommendations.
(2) The bag leak detection system
must be certified by the manufacturer to
be capable of detecting PM emissions at
concentrations of 10 milligrams per
actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per
actual cubic foot) or less.
(3) The bag leak detection system
sensor must provide an output of
relative PM loadings.
(4) The bag leak detection system
must be equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal
from the sensor.
(5) The bag leak detection system
must be equipped with an audible alarm
system that will sound automatically
when an increase in relative PM
emissions over a preset level is detected.
The alarm must be located where it is
easily heard by plant operating
(6) For positive pressure fabric filter
systems, a bag leak detector must be
installed in each baghouse compartment
or cell.
(7) For negative pressure or induced
air fabric filters, the bag leak detector
must be installed downstream of the
fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are
required, the system’s instrumentation
and alarm may be shared among
(9) The baseline output must be
established by adjusting the range and
the averaging period of the device and
establishing the alarm set points and the
alarm delay time according to section
5.0 of the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–
015, September 1997) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14).
(10) Following initial adjustment of
the system, the sensitivity or range,
averaging period, alarm set points, or
alarm delay time may not be adjusted
except as detailed in your OM&M plan.
In no case may the sensitivity be
increased by more than 100 percent or
decreased more than 50 percent over a
365-day period unless such adjustment
follows a complete fabric filter
inspection that demonstrates that the
fabric filter is in good operating
condition, as defined in section 5.2 of
the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection
Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–015,
September 1997) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14). Record each
(11) Record the results of each
inspection, calibration, and validation
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(f) For each lime, chemical, or carbon
feed rate measurement device, you must
meet the requirements in paragraphs
(a)(1) through (5) and (f)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) Locate the measurement device in
a position that provides a representative
feed rate measurement.
(2) At least semiannually, conduct a
calibration check.
(g) For each limestone feed system on
a dry limestone adsorber (DLA), you
must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1), (4), and (5) of this
section and must ensure on a monthly
basis that the feed system replaces
limestone at least as frequently as the
schedule set during the performance
(h) Requests for approval of alternate
monitoring procedures must meet the
requirements in §§ 63.8445(h) and
§ 63.8455 How do I demonstrate initial
compliance with the emission limitations
and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate initial
compliance with each emission
limitation and work practice standard
that applies to you according to Table 5
to this subpart.
(b) You must establish each sitespecific operating limit in Table 2 to
this subpart that applies to you
according to the requirements in
§ 63.8445 and Table 4 to this subpart.
(c) You must submit the Notification
of Compliance Status containing the
results of the initial compliance
demonstration according to the
requirements in § 63.8480(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 63.8465 How do I monitor and collect
data to demonstrate continuous
(a) You must monitor and collect data
according to this section.
(b) Except for periods of monitor
malfunctions, associated repairs, and
required quality assurance or control
activities (including, as applicable,
calibration checks and required zero
and span adjustments), you must
monitor continuously (or collect data at
all required intervals) at all times that
the affected source is operating. This
includes periods of startup, shutdown,
malfunction, and routine control device
maintenance as specified in § 63.8420(d)
when the affected source is operating.
(c) You may not use data recorded
during monitoring malfunctions,
associated repairs, out-of-control
periods, or required quality assurance or
control activities for purposes of
calculating data averages. A monitoring
malfunction is any sudden, infrequent,
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not reasonably preventable failure of the
monitoring system to provide valid data.
Monitoring failures that are caused in
part by poor maintenance or careless
operation are not malfunctions. You
must use all the valid data collected
during all other periods in assessing
compliance. Any averaging period for
which you do not have valid monitoring
data and such data are required
constitutes a deviation from the
monitoring requirements.
§ 63.8470 How do I demonstrate
continuous compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous
compliance with each emission limit,
operating limit, and work practice
standard in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this
subpart that applies to you according to
the methods specified in Table 6 to this
(b) For each affected kiln that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart and is
equipped with an APCD that is not
addressed in Table 2 to this subpart, or
that is using process changes as a means
of meeting the emission limits in Table
1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate
continuous compliance with each
emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart,
and each operating limit established as
required in § 63.8445(h)(2) according to
the methods specified in your approved
alternative monitoring procedures
request, as described in §§ 63.8445(h)(1)
and 63.8(f).
(c) You must report each instance in
which you did not meet each emission
limit and each operating limit in this
subpart that applies to you. This
includes periods of startup, shutdown,
malfunction, and routine control device
maintenance. These instances are
deviations from the emission limitations
in this subpart. These deviations must
be reported according to the
requirements in § 63.8485.
(d) Deviations that occur during
periods of control device maintenance
covered by an approved routine control
device maintenance exemption
according to § 63.8420(d) are not
violations if you demonstrate to the
Administrator’s satisfaction that you
were operating in accordance with the
approved routine control device
maintenance exemption.
(e) You must demonstrate continuous
compliance with the operating limits in
Table 2 to this subpart for visible
emissions (VE) from tunnel kilns that
are uncontrolled or equipped with DLA,
dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF),
dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/FF),
or other dry control device by
monitoring VE at each kiln stack
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
according to the requirements in
paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Perform daily VE observations of
each kiln stack according to the
procedures of Method 22 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–7. You must conduct
the Method 22 test while the affected
source is operating under normal
conditions. The duration of each
Method 22 test must be at least 15
(2) If VE are observed during any
daily test conducted using Method 22 of
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, you
must promptly initiate and complete
corrective actions according to your
OM&M plan. If no VE are observed in
30 consecutive daily Method 22 tests for
any kiln stack, you may decrease the
frequency of Method 22 testing from
daily to weekly for that kiln stack. If VE
are observed during any weekly test,
you must promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
your OM&M plan, resume Method 22
testing of that kiln stack on a daily basis,
and maintain that schedule until no VE
are observed in 30 consecutive daily
tests, at which time you may again
decrease the frequency of Method 22
testing to a weekly basis.
(3) If VE are observed during any test
conducted using Method 22 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–7, you must report
these deviations by following the
requirements in § 63.8485.
Notifications, Reports, and Records
§ 63.8480 What notifications must I submit
and when?
(a) You must submit all of the
notifications in §§ 63.7(b) and (c),
63.8(f)(4), and 63.9(b) through (e), (g)(1),
and (h) that apply to you, by the dates
(b) As specified in § 63.9(b)(2), if you
start up your affected source before
IN THE Federal Register], you must
submit an Initial Notification not later
than 120 calendar days after [DATE 60
IN THE Federal Register].
(c) As specified in § 63.9(b)(2), if you
start up your new or reconstructed
affected source on or after [DATE 60
IN THE Federal Register], you must
submit an Initial Notification not later
than 120 calendar days after you
become subject to this subpart.
(d) If you are required to conduct a
performance test, you must submit a
notification of intent to conduct a
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performance test at least 60 calendar
days before the performance test is
scheduled to begin, as required in
§ 63.7(b)(1).
(e) If you are required to conduct a
performance test or other initial
compliance demonstration as specified
in Tables 4 and 5 to this subpart, you
must submit a Notification of
Compliance Status as specified in
§ 63.9(h) and paragraphs (e)(1) through
(3) of this section.
(1) For each compliance
demonstration that includes a
performance test conducted according
to the requirements in Table 4 to this
subpart, you must submit the
Notification of Compliance Status,
including the performance test results,
before the close of business on the 60th
calendar day following the completion
of the performance test, according to
§ 63.10(d)(2).
(2) In addition to the requirements in
§ 63.9(h)(2)(i), you must include the
information in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and
(ii) of this section in your Notification
of Compliance Status.
(i) The operating limit parameter
values established for each affected
source with supporting documentation
and a description of the procedure used
to establish the values.
(ii) For each APCD that includes a
fabric filter, if a bag leak detection
system is used, analysis and supporting
documentation demonstrating
conformance with EPA guidance and
specifications for bag leak detection
systems in § 63.8450(e).
(3) For each compliance
demonstration required in Table 5 to
this subpart that does not include a
performance test (i.e., compliance
demonstrations for the work practice
standards), you must submit the
Notification of Compliance Status before
the close of business on the 30th
calendar day following the completion
of the compliance demonstrations.
(f) If you request a routine control
device maintenance exemption
according to § 63.8420(d), you must
submit your request for the exemption
no later than 30 days before the
compliance date.
§ 63.8485
What reports must I submit and
(a) You must submit each report in
Table 7 to this subpart that applies to
(b) Unless the Administrator has
approved a different schedule for
submission of reports under § 63.10(a),
you must submit each report by the date
in Table 7 to this subpart and as
specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through
(5) of this section.
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(1) The first compliance report must
cover the period beginning on the
compliance date that is specified for
your affected source in § 63.8395 and
ending on June 30 or December 31, and
lasting at least 6 months, but less than
12 months. For example, if your
compliance date is March 1, then the
first semiannual reporting period would
begin on March 1 and end on December
(2) The first compliance report must
be postmarked or delivered no later than
July 31 or January 31 for compliance
periods ending on June 30 and
December 31, respectively.
(3) Each subsequent compliance
report must cover the semiannual
reporting period from January 1 through
June 30 or the semiannual reporting
period from July 1 through December
(4) Each subsequent compliance
report must be postmarked or delivered
no later than July 31 or January 31 for
compliance periods ending on June 30
and December 31, respectively.
(5) For each affected source that is
subject to permitting regulations
pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR
part 71, if the permitting authority has
established dates for submitting
semiannual reports pursuant to 40 CFR
70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the
first and subsequent compliance reports
according to the dates the permitting
authority has established instead of
according to the dates in paragraphs
(b)(1) through (4) of this section.
(c) The compliance report must
contain the information in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Statement by a responsible official
with that official’s name, title, and
signature, certifying that, based on
information and belief formed after
reasonable inquiry, the statements and
information in the report are true,
accurate, and complete.
(3) Date of report and beginning and
ending dates of the reporting period.
(4) A description of control device
maintenance performed while the
control device was offline and the kiln
controlled by the control device was
operating, including the information
specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through
(iii) of this section.
(i) The date and time when the
control device was shut down and
(ii) Identification of the kiln that was
operating and the number of hours that
the kiln operated while the control
device was offline.
(iii) A statement of whether or not the
control device maintenance was
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
during the previous semiannual
compliance period.
(C) Based on the information recorded
under paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) and (B) of
this section, compute the annual
percent of kiln operating uptime during
which the control device was offline for
routine maintenance using Equation 1 of
this section.
(including unknown cause, if
applicable), as applicable, and the
corrective action taken.
(3) The applicable operating limit or
work practice standard from which you
deviated and either the parameter
monitor reading during the deviation or
a description of how you deviated from
the work practice standard.
(e) For each deviation from an
emission limitation (emission limit or
operating limit) occurring at an affected
source where you are using a CMS to
comply with the emission limitations in
this subpart, you must include the
information in paragraphs (c)(1) through
(4) and (e)(1) through (13) of this
section. This includes periods of
startup, shutdown, and routine control
device maintenance.
(1) The total operating time of each
affected source during the reporting
period and identification of the sources
for which there was a deviation.
(2) The date and time that each CMS
was inoperative, except for zero (lowlevel) and high-level checks.
(3) The date, time, and duration that
each CMS was out-of-control, including
the pertinent information in your
OM&M plan.
(4) The date and time that each
deviation started and stopped, and
whether each deviation occurred during
routine control device maintenance
covered in your approved routine
control device maintenance exemption
or during another period, and the cause
of each deviation (including unknown
cause, if applicable).
(5) An estimate of the quantity of each
regulated pollutant emitted over the
emission limit during the deviation, and
a description of the method used to
estimate the emissions.
(6) A description of corrective action
taken in response to a deviation.
(7) A summary of the total duration of
the deviation during the reporting
period and the total duration as a
percent of the total source operating
time during that reporting period.
(8) A breakdown of the total duration
of the deviations during the reporting
period into those that were due to
startup, shutdown, control equipment
problems, process problems, other
known causes, and other unknown
(9) A summary of the total duration of
CMS downtime during the reporting
period and the total duration of CMS
downtime as a percent of the total
source operating time during that
reporting period.
(10) A brief description of the process
(11) A brief description of the CMS.
(12) The date of the latest CMS
certification or audit.
(13) A description of any changes in
CMS, processes, or control equipment
since the last reporting period.
(f) If a malfunction occurred during
the reporting period, the compliance
report must contain the information in
paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) and (f)(1)
and (2) of this section.
(1) The number, duration, and a brief
description for each type of malfunction
which occurred during the reporting
period and which caused or may have
caused any applicable emission
limitation to be exceeded.
(2) A description of actions taken by
an owner or operator during a
malfunction of an affected facility to
minimize emissions in accordance with
§ 63.8420(b), including actions taken to
correct a malfunction.
(g) If you have obtained a title V
operating permit according to 40 CFR
part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, you must
report all deviations as defined in this
subpart in the semiannual monitoring
report required by 40 CFR
70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If you submit a
compliance report according to Table 7
to this subpart along with, or as part of,
the semiannual monitoring report
(5) A report of the most recent burner
tune-up conducted to comply with the
dioxin/furan work practice standard in
Table 3 to this subpart.
(6) If there are no deviations from any
emission limitations (emission limits or
operating limits) that apply to you, the
compliance report must contain a
statement that there were no deviations
from the emission limitations during the
reporting period.
(7) If there were no periods during
which the CMS was out-of-control as
specified in your OM&M plan, the
compliance report must contain a
statement that there were no periods
during which the CMS was out-ofcontrol during the reporting period.
(d) For each deviation from an
emission limitation (emission limit or
operating limit) that occurs at an
affected source where you are not using
a CMS to comply with the emission
limitations in this subpart, the
compliance report must contain the
information in paragraphs (c)(1) through
(4) and (d)(1) through (3) of this section.
This includes periods of startup,
shutdown, and routine control device
(1) The total operating time of each
affected source during the reporting
period and identification of the sources
for which there was a deviation.
(2) Information on the number, date,
time, duration, and cause of deviations
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operated during the current semiannual
compliance period and during the
previous semiannual compliance
(B) The amount of time that each kiln
controlled by the control device
operated while the control device was
offline for maintenance covered under
the routine control device maintenance
exemption during the current
semiannual compliance period and
RM = Annual percentage of kiln uptime
during which control device was offline
for routine control device maintenance
DTp = Control device downtime claimed
under the routine control device
maintenance exemption for the previous
semiannual compliance period
DTc = Control device downtime claimed
under the routine control device
maintenance exemption for the current
semiannual compliance period
KUp = Kiln uptime for the previous
semiannual compliance period
KUc = Kiln uptime for the current
semiannual compliance period
included in your approved routine
control device maintenance exemption
developed as specified in § 63.8420(d).
If the control device maintenance was
included in your approved routine
control device maintenance exemption,
then you must report the information in
paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) through (C) of
this section.
(A) The total amount of time that the
kiln controlled by the control device
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or
40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and the
compliance report includes all required
information concerning deviations from
any emission limitation (including any
operating limit), then submitting the
compliance report will satisfy any
obligation to report the same deviations
in the semiannual monitoring report.
However, submitting a compliance
report will not otherwise affect any
obligation you may have to report
deviations from permit requirements to
the permitting authority.
(h) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each performance test (as
defined in § 63.2) as required by this
subpart, you must submit the results of
the performance test following the
procedure specified in either paragraph
(h)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) For data collected using test
methods supported by the EPA’s
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as
listed on the EPA’s ERT Web site
index.html) at the time of the test, you
must submit the results of the
performance test to the EPA via the
Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can
be accessed through the EPA’s Central
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://
Performance test data must be submitted
in a file format generated through the
use of the EPA’s ERT. Instead of
submitting performance test data in a
file format generated through the use of
the EPA’s ERT, you may submit an
alternate electronic file format
consistent with the extensible markup
language (XML) schema listed on the
EPA’s ERT Web site, once the XML
schema is available. If you claim that
some of the performance test
information being submitted is
confidential business information (CBI),
you must submit a complete file
generated through the use of the EPA’s
ERT (or an alternate electronic file
consistent with the XML schema listed
on the EPA’s ERT Web site once the
XML schema is available), including
information claimed to be CBI, on a
compact disc, flash drive, or other
commonly used electronic storage
media to the EPA. The electronic media
must be clearly marked as CBI and
Office, Attention: Group Leader,
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404–
02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC
27703. The same ERT file (or alternate
file) with the CBI omitted must be
submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX
as described earlier in this paragraph.
(2) For data collected using test
methods that are not supported by the
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EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s ERT
Web site at the time of the test, you must
submit the results of the performance
test to the Administrator at the
appropriate address listed in § 63.13.
§ 63.8490
What records must I keep?
(a) You must keep the records listed
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this
(1) A copy of each notification and
report that you submitted to comply
with this subpart, including all
documentation supporting any Initial
Notification or Notification of
Compliance Status that you submitted,
according to the requirements in
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).
(2) Records of performance tests as
required in § 63.10(b)(2)(viii).
(3) Records relating to control device
maintenance and documentation of your
approved routine control device
maintenance exemption, if you request
such an exemption under § 63.8420(d).
(b) You must keep the records
required in Table 6 to this subpart to
show continuous compliance with each
emission limitation and work practice
standard that applies to you.
(c) You must also maintain the
records listed in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (11) of this section.
(1) For each bag leak detection
system, records of each alarm, the time
of the alarm, the time corrective action
was initiated and completed, and a brief
description of the cause of the alarm
and the corrective action taken.
(2) For each deviation of an operating
limit parameter value, the date, time,
and duration of the deviation, a brief
explanation of the cause of the
deviation, actions taken to minimize
emissions in accordance with
§ 63.8420(b) and the corrective action
taken to return the affected unit to its
normal or usual manner of operation,
and whether the deviation occurred
during a period of startup, shutdown, or
malfunction. Record and retain a list of
the affected sources or equipment, an
estimate of the volume of each regulated
pollutant emitted over any emission
limit and a description of the method
used to estimate the emissions.
(3) For each affected source, records
of production rates on a fired-product
(4) Records for any approved
alternative monitoring or test
(5) Records of maintenance and
inspections performed on the APCD.
(6) Current copies of your OM&M
plan, including any revisions, with
records documenting conformance.
(7) Logs of the information required in
paragraphs (c)(7)(i) through (iii) of this
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section to document proper operation of
your periodic kiln.
(i) Records of the firing time and
temperature cycle for each product
produced in each periodic kiln. If all
periodic kilns use the same time and
temperature cycles, one copy may be
maintained for each kiln. Reference
numbers must be assigned to use in log
(ii) For each periodic kiln, a log that
details the type of product fired in each
batch, the corresponding time and
temperature protocol reference number,
and an indication of whether the
appropriate time and temperature cycle
was fired.
(iii) For each periodic kiln, a log of
the actual tonnage of product fired in
the periodic kiln and an indication of
whether the tonnage was below the
maximum tonnage for that specific kiln.
(8) Logs of the maintenance
procedures used to demonstrate
compliance with the maintenance
requirements of the periodic kiln work
practice standard specified in Table 3 to
this subpart.
(9) Records of burner tune-ups used to
comply with the dioxin/furan work
practice standard for tunnel kilns.
(10) For periods of startup, records of
the date, time, and duration of each
startup period, logs of the kiln exhaust
temperature at the time the first bricks
were placed in the kiln, and if
applicable, logs of the temperature
when the kiln exhaust stopped
bypassing the control device. For
periods of shutdown, records of the
date, time, and duration of each
shutdown period, logs of the kiln
exhaust temperature at the time the last
bricks were placed in the kiln, and if
applicable, logs of the temperature
when the kiln exhaust began bypassing
the control device.
(11) For each malfunction, records of
the following information:
(i) Records of the occurrence and
duration of each malfunction of
operation (i.e., process equipment) or
the air pollution control and monitoring
(ii) Records of actions taken during
periods of malfunction to minimize
emissions in accordance with
§ 63.8420(b), including corrective
actions to restore malfunctioning
process and air pollution control and
monitoring equipment to its normal or
usual manner of operation.
§ 63.8495 In what form and for how long
must I keep my records?
(a) Your records must be in a form
suitable and readily available for
expeditious review, according to
§ 63.10(b)(1).
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
(b) As specified in § 63.10(b)(1), you
must keep each record for 5 years
following the date of each occurrence,
measurement, maintenance, corrective
action, report, or record.
(c) You must keep each record onsite
for at least 2 years after the date of each
occurrence, measurement, maintenance,
corrective action, report, or record,
according to § 63.10(b)(1). You may
keep the records offsite for the
remaining 3 years.
Other Requirements and Information
§ 63.8505 What parts of the General
Provisions apply to me?
Table 8 to this subpart shows which
parts of the General Provisions in
§§ 63.1 through 63.16 apply to you.
§ 63.8510 Who implements and enforces
this subpart?
(a) This subpart can be implemented
and enforced by us, the U.S. EPA, or a
delegated authority such as your State,
local, or tribal agency. If the U.S. EPA
Administrator has delegated authority to
your State, local, or tribal agency, then
that agency, in addition to the U.S. EPA,
has the authority to implement and
enforce this subpart. You should contact
your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find
out if implementation and enforcement
of this subpart is delegated to your
State, local, or tribal agency.
(b) In delegating implementation and
enforcement authority of this subpart to
a State, local, or tribal agency under
subpart E of this part, the authorities
contained in paragraph (c) of this
section are retained by the
Administrator of the U.S. EPA and are
not transferred to the State, local, or
tribal agency.
(c) The authorities that cannot be
delegated to State, local, or tribal
agencies are as specified in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) Approval of alternatives to the
applicability requirements in §§ 63.8385
and 63.8390, the compliance date
requirements in § 63.8395, and the nonopacity emission limitations in
§ 63.8405.
(2) Approval of major changes to test
methods under § 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f)
and as defined in § 63.90.
(3) Approval of major changes to
monitoring under § 63.8(f) and as
defined in § 63.90.
(4) Approval of major changes to
recordkeeping and reporting under
§ 63.10(f) and as defined in § 63.90.
(5) Approval of an alternative to any
electronic reporting to the EPA required
by this subpart.
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§ 63.8515
What definitions apply to this
Terms used in this subpart are
defined in the Clean Air Act, in § 63.2,
and in this section as follows:
Air pollution control device (APCD)
means any equipment that reduces the
quantity of a pollutant that is emitted to
the air.
Bag leak detection system means an
instrument that is capable of monitoring
PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric
filter in order to detect bag failures. A
bag leak detection system includes, but
is not limited to, an instrument that
operates on triboelectric, lightscattering, light-transmittance, or other
effects to monitor relative PM loadings.
Brick and structural clay products
(BSCP) manufacturing facility means a
plant site that manufactures brick
(including, but not limited to, face brick,
structural brick, and brick pavers); clay
pipe; roof tile; extruded floor and wall
tile; and/or other extruded, dimensional
clay products. Brick and structural clay
products manufacturing facilities
typically process raw clay and shale,
form the processed materials into bricks
or shapes, and dry and fire the bricks or
Deviation means any instance in
which an affected source subject to this
subpart, or an owner or operator of such
a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or
obligation established by this subpart
including, but not limited to, any
emission limitation (including any
operating limit) or work practice
standard; or
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition
that is adopted to implement an
applicable requirement in this subpart
for any affected source required to
obtain such a permit.
Dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF)
means an APCD that includes
continuous injection of hydrated lime or
other sorbent into a duct or reaction
chamber followed by a fabric filter.
Dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/
FF) means an APCD that includes
continuous injection of humidified
hydrated lime or other sorbent into a
reaction chamber followed by a fabric
filter. These systems typically include
recirculation of some of the sorbent.
Dry limestone adsorber (DLA) means
an APCD that includes a limestone
storage bin, a reaction chamber that is
essentially a packed tower filled with
limestone, and may or may not include
a peeling drum that mechanically
scrapes reacted limestone to regenerate
the stone for reuse.
Emission limitation means any
emission limit or operating limit.
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Fabric filter means an APCD used to
capture PM by filtering a gas stream
through filter media; also known as a
Initial startup means:
(1) For a new or reconstructed tunnel
kiln controlled with a DLA, the time at
which the temperature in the kiln first
reaches 260 °C (500 °F) and the kiln
contains product; or
(2) for a new or reconstructed tunnel
kiln controlled with a DIFF, DLS/FF, or
wet scrubber (WS), the time at which
the kiln first reaches a level of
production that is equal to 75 percent of
the kiln design capacity or 12 months
after the affected source begins firing
BSCP, whichever is earlier.
Kiln exhaust process stream means
the portion of the exhaust from a tunnel
kiln that exhausts directly to the
atmosphere (or to an APCD), rather than
to a sawdust dryer.
Large tunnel kiln means a tunnel kiln
(existing, new, or reconstructed) with a
design capacity equal to or greater than
9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product.
Particulate matter (PM) means, for
purposes of this subpart, emissions of
PM that serve as a measure of total
particulate emissions, as measured by
Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–3) or Method 29 (40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8), and as a surrogate for
metal HAP contained in the particulates
including, but not limited to, antimony,
arsenic, beryllium, cadmium,
chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese,
mercury, nickel, and selenium.
Periodic kiln means a batch firing
Plant site means all contiguous or
adjoining property that is under
common control, including properties
that are separated only by a road or
other public right-of-way. Common
control includes properties that are
owned, leased, or operated by the same
entity, parent entity, subsidiary, or any
combination thereof.
Responsible official means
responsible official as defined in 40 CFR
Small tunnel kiln means a tunnel kiln
(existing, new, or reconstructed) with a
design capacity less than 9.07 Mg/hr (10
tph) of fired product.
Startup means the setting in operation
of an affected source and starting the
production process.
Tunnel kiln means any continuous
kiln that is used to fire BSCP. Some
tunnel kilns have two process streams,
including a process stream that exhausts
directly to the atmosphere or to an
APCD, and a process stream in which
the kiln exhaust is ducted to a sawdust
dryer where it is used to dry sawdust
before being emitted to the atmosphere.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Tunnel kiln design capacity means
the maximum amount of brick, in Mg
(tons), that a kiln is designed to produce
in one year divided by the number of
hours in a year (8,760 hours). If a kiln
is modified to increase the capacity, the
design capacity is considered to be the
capacity following modifications.
Wet scrubber (WS) means an APCD
that uses water, which may include
caustic additives or other chemicals, as
the sorbent. Wet scrubbers may use any
of various design mechanisms to
increase the contact between exhaust
gases and the sorbent.
Work practice standard means any
design, equipment, work practice,
operational standard, or combination
thereof, that is promulgated pursuant to
section 112(h) of the Clean Air Act.
Tables to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63
As stated in § 63.8405, you must meet
each emission limit in the following
table that applies to you.
For each . . .
You must meet the following emission limits
. . .
Or you must comply with the following . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel kilns at facility, including all process streams.
Not applicable.
2. Existing tunnel kiln, including all process
HF, HCl, and Cl2 emissions must not exceed
26 kg/hr (57 lb/hr) HCl equivalent, under the
health-based standard, as determined using
Equations 2 and 3 of § 63.8445..
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.082 kg/
Mg (0.16 lb/ton) of fired product.
3. Existing large tunnel kiln (design capacity
≥10 tph of fired product), including all process streams.
a. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.1 E–05
kilogram per megagram (kg/Mg) (2.2 E–05
pound per ton (lb/ton)) of fired product.
4. Existing small tunnel kiln (design capacity
<10 tph of fired product), including all process streams.
a. Hg emissions must not exceed 9.9 E–05
kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
5. New or reconstructed tunnel kiln, including
all process streams.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.011 kg/
Mg (0.022 lb/ton) of fired product.
6. New or reconstructed large tunnel kiln, including all process streams.
a. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.0 E–05
kg/Mg (2.0 E–05 lb/ton) of fired product.
7. New or reconstructed small tunnel kiln, including all process streams.
a. Hg emissions must not exceed 9.9 E–05
kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. PM emissions must not exceed 92 mg/dscm
(0.040 gr/dscf) at 7% O2; or
ii. Non-Hg HAP metals emissions must not exceed 0.0011 kg/hr (0.023 lb/hr) of fired
i. Hg emissions must not exceed 29
micrograms per dry standard cubic meter
(μg/dscm) at 7% O2; or
ii. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.2 E–04
kg/hr (2.7 E–04 lb/hr).
i. Hg emissions must not exceed 70 μg/dscm
at 7% O2; or
ii. Hg emissions must not exceed 5.0 E–04
kg/hr (0.0011 lb/hr).
i. PM emissions must not exceed 15 mg/dscm
(0.0066 gr/dscf) at 7% O2; or
ii. Non-Hg HAP metals emissions must not exceed 0.0014 kg/hr (0.0032 lb/hr) of fired
i. Hg emissions must not exceed 13 μg/dscm
at 7% O2.
ii. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.1 E–04
kg/hr (2.4 E–04 lb/hr).
i. Hg emissions must not exceed 70 μg/dscm
at 7% O2.
ii. Hg emissions must not exceed 5.0 E–04
kg/hr (0.0011 lb/hr).
As stated in § 63.8405, you must meet
each operating limit in the following
table that applies to you.
You must . . .
1. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DLA ........
For each . . .
a. Maintain the average pressure drop across the DLA for each 3-hour block period at or above the
average pressure drop established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; or, if you are monitoring the bypass stack damper position, initiate corrective action within 1 hour after the bypass
damper is opened allowing the kiln exhaust gas to bypass the DLA and complete corrective action
in accordance with your OM&M plan; and
b. Maintain an adequate amount of limestone in the limestone hopper, storage bin (located at the top
of the DLA), and DLA at all times; maintain the limestone feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) at or above the level established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
c. Use the same grade of limestone from the same source as was used during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; maintain records of the source and grade of limestone; and
d. Maintain no VE from the DLA stack.
a. If you use a bag leak detection system, initiate corrective action within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; operate
and maintain the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged for more than 5 percent of the total
operating time in a 6-month block reporting period; or maintain no VE from the DIFF or DLS/FF
stack; and
2. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DIFF or
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For each . . .
You must . . .
3. Tunnel kiln equipped with a WS .........
4. Tunnel kiln equipped with an ACI system.
5. Tunnel kiln with no add-on control ......
b. Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed hopper or silo and to the APCD at all times for continuous injection systems; maintain the feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) at or above the
level established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test for continuous injection systems.
a. Maintain the average scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour block period at or above the average
pressure drop established during the PM/non-Hg HAP metals performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber liquid pH for each 3-hour block period at or above the average
scrubber liquid pH established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
c. Maintain the average scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the highest
average scrubber liquid flow rate established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 and PM/non-Hg HAP metals
performance tests; and
d. If chemicals are added to the scrubber water, maintain the average scrubber chemical feed rate for
each 3-hour block period at or above the average scrubber chemical feed rate established during
the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
Maintain the average carbon flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the average carbon
flow rate established during the Hg performance test.
a. Maintain no VE from the stack.
b. Maintain the kiln process rate at or below the kiln process rate determined according to
§ 63.8445(g)(1).
As stated in § 63.8405, you must meet
each work practice standard in the
following table that applies to you.
You must . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
1. Existing, new or reconstructed
periodic kiln.
a. Minimize HAP emissions ..........
2. Existing, new or reconstructed
tunnel kiln.
a. Minimize dioxin/furan emissions
3. Existing, new or reconstructed
tunnel kiln during periods of startup.
a. Minimize HAP emissions ..........
4. Existing, new or reconstructed
tunnel kiln during periods of shutdown.
For each . . .
a. Minimize HAP emissions ..........
i. Develop and use a designed firing time and temperature cycle for
each product produced in the periodic kiln. You must either program the time and temperature cycle into your kiln or track each
step on a log sheet; and
ii. Label each periodic kiln with the maximum load (in tons) of product that can be fired in the kiln during a single firing cycle; and
iii. For each firing load, document the total tonnage of product placed
in the kiln to ensure that it is not greater than the maximum load
identified in item 1b; and
iv. Develop and follow maintenance procedures for each kiln that, at
a minimum, specify the frequency of inspection and maintenance
of temperature monitoring devices, controls that regulate air-to-fuel
ratios, and controls that regulate firing cycles; and
v. Develop and maintain records for each periodic kiln, as specified
in § 63.8490.
i. Maintain and inspect the burners and associated combustion controls (as applicable); and
ii. Tune the specific burner type to optimize combustion.
i. Do not put any bricks into the kiln until the kiln exhaust temperature reaches 204 °C (400 °F); and
ii. If your kiln has an APCD, begin venting the exhaust from the kiln
through the APCD by the time the kiln exhaust temperature
reaches 204 °C (400 °F).
i. Do not put any bricks into the kiln once the kiln exhaust temperature falls to 149 °C (300 °F); and
ii. If your kiln has an APCD, continue to vent the exhaust from the
kiln through the APCD until the kiln exhaust temperature falls to
149 °C (300 °F).
As stated in § 63.8445, you must
conduct each performance test in the
following table that applies to you.
For each . . .
You must . . .
Using . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
1. Tunnel kiln .......................
a. Select locations of sampling ports and the number of traverse points.
Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1.
Sampling sites must be located at the outlet of the
APCD and prior to any releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
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For each . . .
You must . . .
Using . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
b. Determine velocities and
volumetric flow rate.
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–1.
c. Conduct gas molecular
weight analysis.
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–2.
You may use Method 2A, 2C, 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1, or Method 2G of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to using Method 2 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–1.
You may use Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to
using Method 3 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2.
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 [Part 10] (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as
an alternative to the manual procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures) in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture content of the stack gas.
e. Measure HF, HCl and
Cl2 emissions.
Method 4 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–3.
Method 26A of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–8;
Method 320 of appendix A
of this part.
f. Measure PM emissions
or non-Hg HAP metals.
g. Measure Hg emissions
2. Tunnel kiln with no addon control.
3. Tunnel kiln that is complying with PM and/or Hg
production-based emission limits.
4. Tunnel kiln equipped with
a DLA.
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Establish the operating
limit(s) for kiln process
rate if the total facility
maximum potential HClequivalent emissions are
greater than the HClequivalent limit in Table
1 to this subpart.
Determine the production
rate during each PM/Hg
test run in order to determine compliance with
PM and/or Hg production-based emission limits.
a. Establish the operating
limit for the average
pressure drop across the
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PO 00000
You may use Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–8, as an alternative to using Method 26A of 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–8, when no acid PM (e.g.,
HF or HCl dissolved in water droplets emitted by
sources controlled by a WS) is present. ASTM
D6735–01 (Reapproved 2009) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative
to Methods 26 and 26A.
When using Method 320 of appendix A of this part,
you must follow the analyte spiking procedures of
section 13 of Method 320 of appendix A of this part,
unless you can demonstrate that the complete spiking procedure has been conducted at a similar
source. ASTM D6348–03 (Reapproved 2010) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as
an alternative to Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1–A8 are
mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined
for each target analyte.
i. For PM only: Method 5
of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3; or
ii. For PM or non-Hg HAP
metals: Method 29 of 40
CFR part 60, appendix
Method 29 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–8.
To determine PM, weigh the filter and report the results as PM filterable.
HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart
and emissions and production data from the
HF/HCl/Cl2 performance
Production data collected
during the PM/Hg performance tests (e.g., no.
of pushes per hour, no.
of bricks per kiln car,
weight of a typical fired
Data from the pressure
drop measurement device during the HF/HCl/
Cl2 performance test.
Frm 00065
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ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative to Method 29 (portion for Hg only).
Using the procedures in § 63.8445(g)(1), you must determine the maximum process rate(s) for your kiln(s)
that would ensure total facility maximum potential
HCl-equivalent emissions remain at or below the
HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to this subpart. The
maximum process rate(s) would become your sitespecific process rate operating limit(s).
You must measure and record the production rate, on
a fired-product basis, of the affected source for each
of the three test runs.
You must continuously measure the pressure drop
across the DLA, determine and record the block average pressure drop values for the three test runs,
and determine and record the 3-hour block average
of the recorded pressure drop measurements for the
three test runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes your minimum site-specific pressure
drop operating limit.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For each . . .
You must . . .
b. Establish the operating
limit for the limestone
feeder setting.
5. Tunnel kiln equipped with
6. Tunnel kiln equipped with
a WS.
Using . . .
Data from the limestone
You must ensure that you maintain an adequate
feeder during the HF/
amount of limestone in the limestone hopper, storHCl/Cl2 performance test.
age bin (located at the top of the DLA), and DLA at
all times during the performance test. You must establish your limestone feeder setting, on a per ton of
fired product basis, one week prior to the performance test and maintain the feeder setting for the
one-week period that precedes the performance test
and during the performance test.
Records of limestone purchase.
c. Document the source
and grade of limestone
Establish the operating
limit for the lime feeder
a. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber pressure drop.
b. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber liquid pH.
c. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber liquid flow rate.
Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber chemical feed
8. Tunnel kiln equipped with
an ACI system.
7. Tunnel kiln equipped with
a WS that includes chemical addition to the water.
Establish the operating
limit for the average carbon flow rate.
As stated in § 63.8455, you must
demonstrate initial compliance with
each emission limitation and work
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According to the following requirements . . .
Data from the lime feeder
during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test.
For continuous lime injection systems, you must ensure that lime in the feed hopper or silo and to the
APCD is free-flowing at all times during the performance test and record the feeder setting, on a per ton
of fired product basis, for the three test runs. If the
feed rate setting varies during the three test runs,
determine and record the average feed rate from
the three test runs. The average of the three test
runs establishes your minimum site-specific feed
rate operating limit.
Data from the pressure
You must continuously measure the scrubber pressure
drop measurement dedrop, determine and record the block average presvice during the PM/nonsure drop values for the three test runs, and deterHg HAP metals performmine and record the 3-hour block average of the reance test.
corded pressure drop measurements for the three
test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific pressure drop operating limit.
Data from the pH measYou must continuously measure the scrubber liquid
urement device during
pH, determine and record the block average pH valthe performance HF/HCl/
ues for the three test runs, and determine and
Cl2 performance test.
record the 3-hour block average of the recorded pH
measurements for the three test runs. The average
of the three test runs establishes your minimum
site-specific liquid pH operating limit.
Data from the flow rate
You must continuously measure the scrubber liquid
measurement device
flow rate, determine and record the block average
during the HF/HCl/Cl2
flow rate values for the three test runs, and deterand PM/non-Hg HAP
mine and record the 3-hour block average of the remetals performance
corded flow rate measurements for the three test
runs. The average of the three test runs establishes
your minimum site-specific liquid flow rate operating
level. If different average wet scrubber liquid flow
rate values are measured during the HF/HCl/Cl2 and
PM/non-Hg HAP metals tests, the highest of the average values become your site-specific operating
Data from the chemical
You must continuously measure the scrubber chemfeed rate measurement
ical feed rate, determine and record the block averdevice during the HF/
age chemical feed rate values for the three test
HCl/Cl2 performance test.
runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded chemical feed rate measurements for the three test runs. The average of the
three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific chemical addition rate operating limit.
Data from the carbon flow
You must measure the carbon flow rate during each
rate measurement contest run, determine and record the block average
ducted during the Hg
carbon flow rate values for the three test runs, and
performance test.
determine and record the 3-hour block average of
the recorded carbon flow rate measurements for the
three test runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes your minimum site-specific activated
carbon flow rate operating limit.
practice standard that applies to you
according to the following table.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For each . . .
For the following . . .
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel kilns at the
facility, including all process
a. HF, HCl, and Cl2 emissions
must not exceed 26 kg/hr (57
lb/hr) HCl equivalent.
2. Existing tunnel kiln, including all
process streams.
a. PM emissions must not exceed
0.082 kg/Mg (0.16 lb/ton) of
fired product or 92 mg/dscm
(0.040 gr/dscf) at 7% O2; or
i. You measure HF, HCl, and Cl2 emissions for each kiln using Method 26 or 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8 or its alternative,
ASTM D6735–01 (Reapproved 2009) (incorporated by reference,
see § 63.14); or Method 320 of appendix A of this part or its alternative, ASTM D6348–03 (Reapproved 2010) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14); and
ii. You calculate the HCl-equivalent emissions for each kiln using
Equation 2 to § 63.8445; and
iii. You sum the HCl-equivalent values for all kilns at the facility using
Equation 3 of § 63.8445; and
iv. The facility total HCl-equivalent does not exceed 26 kg/hr (57 lb/
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8445(f)(1), do not exceed 0.082 kg/Mg (0.16 lb/
ton) of fired product or 92 mg/dscm (0.040 gr/dscf) at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.088 kg/Mg (0.18 lb/
ton) of fired product or 97 mg/dscm (0.043 gr/dscf) at 7% O2.
i. The non-Hg HAP metals emissions measured using Method 29 of
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.011 kg/hr (0.023 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which non-Hg HAP metals emissions did not exceed 0.0114
kg/hr (0.023 lb/hr).
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of
the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.1 E–05 kg/Mg (2.2 E–
05 lb/ton) of fired product or 29 μg/dscm at 7% O2 or 1.2 E–04 kg/
hr (2.7 E–04 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which Hg emissions did not exceed 1.1 E–05 kg/Mg (2.2 E–
05 lb/ton) of fired product or 29 μg/dscm at 7% O2 or 1.2 E–04 kg/
hr (2.7 E–04 lb/hr).
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of
the initial performance test, do not exceed 9.9 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–
04 lb/ton) of fired product or 70 μg/dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E–04 kg/
hr (0.0011 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which Hg emissions did not exceed 9.9 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–
04 lb/ton) of fired product or 70 μg/dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E–04 kg/
hr (0.0011 lb/hr).
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–3, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8445(f)(1), do not exceed 0.011
kg/Mg (0.022 lb/ton) of fired product or 15 mg/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.011 kg/Mg (0.022 lb/
ton) of fired product or 15 mg/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The non-Hg HAP metals emissions measured using Method 29 of
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.0014 kg/hr (0.0032 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which non-Hg HAP metals emissions did not exceed 0.0014
kg/hr (0.0032 lb/hr).
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of
the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.0 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–
05 lb/ton) of fired product or 13 μg/dscm at 7% O2; and
b. Non-Hg HAP metals emissions
must not exceed 0.011 kg/hr
(0.023 lb/hr).
3. Existing large tunnel kiln (design
capacity ≥10 tph of fired product),
including all process streams.
a. Hg emissions must not exceed
1.1 E–05 kg/Mg (2.2 E–05 lb/
ton) of fired product or 29 μg/
dscm at 7% O2 or 1.2 E–04 kg/
hr (2.7 E–04 lb/hr).
4. Existing small tunnel kiln (design
capacity <10 tph of fired product),
including all process streams.
a. Hg emissions must not exceed
9.9 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/
ton) of fired product or 70 μg/
dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E–04 kg/
hr (0.0011 lb/hr).
5. New or reconstructed tunnel kiln,
including all process streams
a. PM emissions must not exceed
0.011 kg/Mg (0.022 lb/ton) of
fired product or 15 mg/dscm at
7% O2; or
b. Non-Hg HAP metals emissions
must not exceed 0.0014 kg/hr
(0.0032 lb/hr).
6. New or reconstructed large tunnel
kiln, including all process streams.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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a. Hg emissions must not exceed
1.0 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–05 lb/
ton) of fired product or 13 μg/
dscm at 7% O2 or 1.1 E–04 kg/
hr (2.4 E–04 lb/hr).
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For each . . .
For the following . . .
7. New or reconstructed small tunnel
kiln, including all process streams.
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
a. Hg emissions must not exceed
9.9 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/
ton) of fired product or 70 μg/
dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E–04 kg/
hr (0.0011 lb/hr).
a. Minimize HAP emissions ..........
9. Existing, new or reconstructed
tunnel kiln.
As stated in § 63.8470, you must
demonstrate continuous compliance
with each emission limitation and work
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which Hg emissions did not exceed 1.0 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–
05 lb/ton) of fired product or 13 μg/dscm at 7% O2 or 1.1 E–04 kg/
hr (2.4 E–04 lb/hr).
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of
the initial performance test, do not exceed 9.9 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–
04 lb/ton) of fired product or 70 μg/dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E–04 kg/
hr (0.0011 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits
listed in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test
during which Hg emissions did not exceed 9.9 E–05 kg/Mg (2.0 E–
04 lb/ton) of fired product or 70 μg/dscm at 7% O2.
i. Develop a designed firing time and temperature cycle for each
product produced in the periodic kiln. You must either program the
time and temperature cycle into your kiln or track each step on a
log sheet; and
ii. Label each periodic kiln with the maximum load (in tons) of product that can be fired in the kiln during a single firing cycle; and
iii. Develop maintenance procedures for each kiln that, at a minimum, specify the frequency of inspection and maintenance of
temperature monitoring devices, controls that regulate air-to-fuel
ratios, and controls that regulate firing cycles.
i. Conduct initial inspection of the burners and associated combustion controls (as applicable); and
ii. Tune the specific burner type to optimize combustion.
practice standard that applies to you
according to the following table.
For the following . . .
You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
1. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DLA
For each . . .
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 1 of Table 2
to this subpart for tunnel kilns
equipped with a DLA.
i. Collecting the DLA pressure drop data according to § 63.8450(a);
reducing the DLA pressure drop data to 3-hour block averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average pressure drop
across the DLA for each 3-hour block period at or above the average pressure drop established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance
test; or continuously monitoring the bypass stack damper position
at least once every 15 minutes during normal kiln operation, and
initiating corrective action within 1 hour after the bypass damper is
opened allowing the kiln exhaust gas to bypass the DLA and completing corrective action in accordance with your OM&M plan; and
ii. Verifying that the limestone hopper and storage bin (located at the
top of the DLA) contain adequate limestone by performing a daily
visual check, which could include one of the following: (1) conducting a physical check of the hopper; (2) creating a visual access point, such as a window, on the side of the hopper; (3) installing a camera in the hopper that provides continuous feed to a
video monitor in the control room; or (4) confirming that load level
indicators in the hopper are not indicating the need for additional
limestone; and
iii. Recording the limestone feeder setting daily (on a per ton of fired
product basis) to verify that the feeder setting is being maintained
at or above the level established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
iv. Using the same grade of limestone from the same source as was
used during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; maintaining records
of the source and type of limestone; and
v. Performing VE observations of the DLA stack at the frequency
specified in § 63.8470(e) using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7; maintaining no VE from the DLA stack.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For the following . . .
You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
2. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DIFF
or DLS/FF.
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 2 of Table 2
to this subpart for tunnel kilns
equipped with DIFF or DLS/FF.
3. Tunnel kiln equipped with a WS ..
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 3 of Table 2
to this subpart for tunnel kilns
equipped with WS.
4. Tunnel kiln equipped with an ACI
5. Tunnel kiln with no add-on contro
For each . . .
Each emission limit in Table 1 to
this subpart and each operating
limit in Item 4 of Table 2 to this
equipped with ACI system.
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 5 of Table 2
to this subpart for tunnel kilns
with no add-on control.
6. Periodic kil ....................................
a. Minimize HAP emissions ..........
i. If you use a bag leak detection system, initiating corrective action
within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and completing
corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; operating
and maintaining the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged
for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month
block reporting period; in calculating this operating time fraction, if
inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action
is required, no alarm time is counted; if corrective action is required, each alarm is counted as a minimum of 1 hour; if you take
longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time is
counted as the actual amount of time taken by you to initiate corrective action; or performing VE observations of the DIFF or DLS/
FF stack at the frequency specified in § 63.8470(e) using Method
22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7; and maintaining no VE from
the DIFF or DLS/FF stack; and
ii. Verifying that lime is free-flowing via a load cell, carrier gas/lime
flow indicator, carrier gas pressure drop measurement system, or
other system; recording all monitor or sensor output, and if lime is
found not to be free flowing, promptly initiating and completing corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; recording the
feeder setting once during each shift of operation to verify that the
feeder setting is being maintained at or above the level established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
i. Collecting the scrubber pressure drop data according to
§ 63.8450(a); reducing the scrubber pressure drop data to 3-hour
block averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average
scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour block period at or above
the average pressure drop established during the PM/non-Hg HAP
metals performance test; and
ii. Collecting the scrubber liquid pH data according to § 63.8450(a);
reducing the scrubber liquid pH data to 3-hour block averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average scrubber liquid
pH for each 3-hour block period at or above the average scrubber
liquid pH established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
iii. Collecting the scrubber liquid flow rate data according to
§ 63.8450(a); reducing the scrubber liquid flow rate data to 3-hour
block averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average
scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above
the highest average scrubber liquid flow rate established during
the HF/HCl/Cl2 and PM/non-Hg HAP metals performance tests;
iv. If chemicals are added to the scrubber water, collecting the scrubber chemical feed rate data according to § 63.8450(a); reducing
the scrubber chemical feed rate data to 3-hour block averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average scrubber chemical feed rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the average
scrubber chemical feed rate established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
Collecting the carbon flow rate data according to § 63.8450(a); reducing the carbon flow rate data to 3-hour block averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average carbon flow rate for
each 3-hour block period at or above the average carbon flow rate
established during the Hg performance test.
i. Performing VE observations of the stack at the frequency specified
in § 63.8470(e) using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7;
and maintaining no VE from the stack.
ii. If your last calculated total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent was not at or below the health-based standard in Table 1 to
this subpart, collecting the kiln process rate data according to
§ 63.8450(a); reducing the kiln process rate data to 3-hour block
averages according to § 63.8450(a); maintaining the average kiln
process rate for each 3-hour block period at or below the kiln process rate determined according to § 63.8445(g)(1).
i. Using a designed firing time and temperature cycle for each product produced in the periodic kiln; and
ii. For each firing load, documenting the total tonnage of product
placed in the kiln to ensure that it is not greater than the maximum
load identified in Item 1.a.ii of Table 3 to this subpart; and
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For each . . .
For the following . . .
7. Tunnel kil ......................................
You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
a. Minimize dioxin/furan emission
iii. Following maintenance procedures for each kiln that, at a minimum, specify the frequency of inspection and maintenance of
temperature monitoring devices, controls that regulate air-to-fuel
ratios, and controls that regulate firing cycles; and
iv. Developing and maintaining records for each periodic kiln, as
specified in § 63.8490.
i. Maintaining and inspecting the burners and associated combustion
controls (as applicable) and tuning the specific burner type to optimize combustion no later than 36 calendar months after the previous tune-up; and
ii. Maintaining records of burner tune-ups used to demonstrate compliance with the dioxin/furan work practice standard; and
iii. Submitting a report of most recent tune-up conducted with compliance report.
You must submit . . .
The report must contain . . .
You must submit the report . . .
1. A compliance report .....................
a. If there are no deviations from any emission limitations (emission
limits, operating limits) that apply to you, a statement that there
were no deviations from the emission limitations during the reporting period. If there were no periods during which the CMS was
out-of-control as specified in your OM&M plan, a statement that
there were no periods during which the CMS was out-of-control
during the reporting period.
b. If you have a deviation from any emission limitation (emission
limit, operating limit) during the reporting period, the report must
contain the information in § 63.8485(d) or (e). If there were periods
during which the CMS was out-of-control, as specified in your
OM&M plan, the report must contain the information in
§ 63.8485(e).
Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.8485(b).
As stated in § 63.8505, you must
comply with the General Provisions in
Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.8485(b).
§§ 63.1 through 63.16 that apply to you
according to the following table.
Brief description
§ 63.1 ...................................
Applicability ........................
§ 63.2
§ 63.3
§ 63.4
§ 63.5
Definitions ..........................
Units and Abbreviations ....
Prohibited Activities ...........
Applicability ........................
Initial applicability determination; applicability after
standard established; permit requirements; extensions, notifications.
Definitions for part 63 standards ...................................
Units and abbreviations for part 63 standards ..............
Compliance date; circumvention; severability ...............
Applicability; applications; approvals .............................
§ 63.6(a) ...............................
§ 63.6(b)(1) through (4) .......
§ 63.6(b)(5) ..........................
§ 63.6(b)(6) ..........................
§ 63.6(b)(7) ..........................
§ 63.6(c)(1) and (2) ..............
§ 63.6(c)(3) and (4) ..............
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Compliance Dates for New
and Reconstructed
Notification .........................
[Reserved] .........................
Compliance Dates for New
and Reconstructed Area
Sources That Become
Compliance Dates for Existing Sources.
[Reserved] .........................
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PO 00000
Applies to subpart JJJJJ?
General Provisions (GP) apply unless compliance extension; GP apply to area sources that become
Standards apply at effective date; 3 years after effective date; upon startup; 10 years after construction
or reconstruction commences for section 112(f).
Must notify if commenced construction or reconstruction after proposal.
Area sources that become major must comply with
major source standards immediately upon becoming
major, regardless of whether required to comply
when they were area sources.
Comply according to date in subpart, which must be
no later than 3 years after effective date; for section
112(f) standards, comply within 90 days of effective
date unless compliance extension.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Brief description
§ 63.6(c)(5) ...........................
§ 63.6(d) ...............................
§ 63.6(e)(1)(i) .......................
Compliance Dates for Existing Area Sources That
Become Major.
[Reserved] .........................
Operation & Maintenance
Area sources that become major must comply with
major source standards by date indicated in subpart
or by equivalent time period (for example, 3 years).
General Duty to minimize emissions ............................
§ 63.6(e)(1)(ii) ......................
§ 63.6(e)(1)(iii) ......................
Operation & Maintenance
Operation & Maintenance
§ 63.6(e)(2) ..........................
§ 63.6(e)(3) ..........................
§ 63.6(f)(1) ...........................
§ 63.6(f)(2) and (3) ...............
§ 63.6(g) ...............................
§ 63.6(h) ...............................
§ 63.6(i) ................................
§ 63.6(j) ................................
§ 63.7(a)(1) and (2) ..............
§ 63.7(a)(3) ..........................
§ 63.7(a)(4) ..........................
§ 63.7(b)(1) ..........................
§ 63.7(b)(2) ..........................
§ 63.7(c) ...............................
§ 63.7(d) ...............................
§ 63.7(e)(1) ..........................
§ 63.7(e)(2) and (3) ..............
§ 63.7(e)(4) ..........................
§ 63.7(f) ................................
§ 63.7(g) ...............................
§ 63.7(h) ...............................
§ 63.8(a)(1) ..........................
§ 63.8(a)(2) ..........................
§ 63.8(a)(3) ..........................
§ 63.8(a)(4) ..........................
§ 63.8(b)(1) ..........................
§ 63.8(b)(2) and (3) ..............
§ 63.8(c)(1) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(1)(i) .......................
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Applies to subpart JJJJJ?
Requirement to correct malfunctions ASAP .................
Operation and maintenance requirements enforceable
independent of emissions limitations.
[Reserved] ......................... ........................................................................................
Startup, Shutdown, and
Requirement for startup, shutdown, and malfunction
Malfunction Plan (SSMP).
(SSM) and SSMP; content of SSMP.
Compliance Except During You must comply with emission standards at all times
except during SSM.
Methods for Determining
Compliance based on performance test, operation and
maintenance plans, records, inspection.
Alternative Standard .......... Procedures for getting an alternative standard .............
Opacity/VE Standards ....... Requirements for opacity and VE standards ................
Compliance Extension ....... Procedures and criteria for Administrator to grant compliance extension.
Presidential Compliance
President may exempt source category .......................
Performance Test Dates ... Dates for conducting initial performance testing and
other compliance demonstrations for emission limits
and work practice standards; must conduct 180
days after first subject to rule.
Section 114 Authority ........ Administrator may require a performance test under
CAA section 114 at any time.
Notification of Delay in
Must notify Administrator of delay in performance testPerformance Testing
ing due to force majeure.
Due To Force Majeure.
Notification of Performance Must notify Administrator 60 days before the test ........
Notification of ReschedMust notify Administrator 5 days before scheduled
date of rescheduled date.
Quality Assurance(QA)/
Requirements; test plan approval procedures; performTest Plan.
ance audit requirements; internal and external QA
procedures for testing.
Testing Facilities ................ Requirements for testing facilities .................................
Conditions for Conducting
Cannot conduct performance tests during SSM; not a
Performance Tests.
violation to exceed standard during SSM.
Conditions for Conducting
Must conduct according to subpart and EPA test
Performance Tests.
methods unless Administrator approves alternative;
must have at least three test runs of at least 1 hour
each; compliance is based on arithmetic mean of
three runs; conditions when data from an additional
test run can be used.
Testing under Section 114
Administrator’s authority to require testing under section 114 of the Act.
Alternative Test Method .... Procedures by which Administrator can grant approval
to use an alternative test method.
Performance Test Data
Must include raw data in performance test report;
must submit performance test data 60 days after
end of test with the notification of compliance status.
Waiver of Tests ................. Procedures for Administrator to waive performance
Applicability of Monitoring
Subject to all monitoring requirements in subpart ........
Performance Specifications Performance Specifications in appendix B of 40 CFR
part 60 apply.
[Reserved] ......................... ........................................................................................
Monitoring with Flares ....... Requirements for flares in § 63.11 apply ......................
Monitoring .......................... Must conduct monitoring according to standard unless
Administrator approves alternative.
Multiple Effluents and Mul- Specific requirements for installing and reporting on
tiple Monitoring Systems.
monitoring systems.
Monitoring System OperMaintenance consistent with good air pollution control
ation and Maintenance.
Routine and Predictable
Reporting requirements for SSM when action is deSSM.
scribed in SSMP.
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No. See § 63.8420(b) for
general duty requirement.
No, not applicable.
No, § 63.8445 specifies requirements.
No, not applicable.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Brief description
§ 63.8(c)(1)(ii) .......................
SSM not in SSMP .............
§ 63.8(c)(1)(iii) ......................
Compliance with Operation
and Maintenance Requirements.
Monitoring System Installation.
CMS Requirements ...........
Reporting requirements for SSM when action is not
described in SSMP.
How Administrator determines if source complying
with operation and maintenance requirements.
Must install to get representative emission and parameter measurements.
Requirements for CMS ..................................................
§ 63.8(c)(2) and (3) ..............
§ 63.8(c)(4) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(5) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(6) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(7) and (8) ..............
§ 63.8(d) ...............................
§ 63.8(e) ...............................
§ 63.8(f)(1) through (5) ........
§ 63.8(f)(6) ...........................
§ 63.8(g)
§ 63.9(a)
§ 63.9(b)
§ 63.9(c)
Continuous Opacity Monitoring System (COMS)
Minimum Procedures.
CMS Requirements ...........
CMS Requirements ...........
CMS Quality Control .........
CMS Performance Evaluation.
Alternative Monitoring
Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(i) .....................
Data Reduction ..................
Notification Requirements
Initial Notifications .............
Request for Compliance
Notification of Special
Compliance Requirements for New Source.
Notification of Performance
Notification of VE/Opacity
Additional Notifications
When Using CMS.
Additional Notifications
When Using CMS.
Notification of Compliance
Adjustment of Submittal
Change in Previous Information.
Recordkeeping/R Reporting
General Recordkeeping
Records Related to SSM ..
§ 63.10(b)(2)(ii) ....................
Records Related to SSM ..
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iii) ....................
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v) .......
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vi) through (xii)
and (xiv).
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiii) ..................
Records Related to SSM ..
Records Related to SSM ..
CMS Records ....................
Records .............................
§ 63.10(b)(3) ........................
§ 63.10(c)(1) through (15) ....
Records .............................
Records .............................
§ 63.9(d) ...............................
§ 63.9(e) ...............................
§ 63.9(f) ................................
§ 63.9(g)(1) ..........................
§ 63.9(g)(2) and (3) ..............
§ 63.9(h) ...............................
§ 63.9(i) ................................
§ 63.9(j) ................................
§ 63.10(a) .............................
§ 63.10(b)(1) ........................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Applies to subpart JJJJJ?
COMS minimum procedures .........................................
No, § 63.8450 specifies requirements.
No, not applicable.
Zero and high level calibration check requirements .....
Out-of-control periods ....................................................
Requirements for CMS quality control ..........................
Requirements for CMS performance evaluation ...........
Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative
Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative
relative accuracy test for continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS).
COMS and CEMS data reduction requirements ...........
Applicability; State delegation .......................................
Requirements for initial notifications .............................
Can request if cannot comply by date or if installed
For sources that commence construction between proposal and promulgation and want to comply 3 years
after effective date.
Notify Administrator 60 days prior .................................
No, not applicable.
Notify Administrator 30 days prior .................................
No, not applicable.
Notification of performance evaluation ..........................
Notification of COMS data use; notification that relative accuracy alternative criterion were exceeded.
Contents; submittal requirements .................................
No, not applicable.
No, not applicable.
Procedures for Administrator to approve change in
when notifications must be submitted.
Must submit within 15 days after the change ...............
Applicability; general information ..................................
General requirements ....................................................
Recordkeeping of occurrence and duration of startups
and shutdowns.
Recordkeeping of failures to meet a standard ..............
Maintenance records .....................................................
Actions taken to minimize emissions during SSM ........
Records when CMS is malfunctioning, inoperative or
Records when using alternative to relative accuracy
Applicability Determinations ..........................................
Additional records for CMS ...........................................
Frm 00072
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Sfmt 4702
No. See § 63.8490(c)(2) for
recordkeeping of (1)
date, time and duration;
(2) listing of affected
source or equipment,
and an estimate of the
volume of each regulated pollutant emitted
over the standard; and
(3) actions to minimize
emissions and correct
the failure.
No, not applicable.
No, §§ 63.8425 and
63.8490 specify requirements.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Brief description
§ 63.10(d)(1) and (2) ............
Requirements for reporting; performance test results
Requirements for reporting opacity and VE ..................
§ 63.10(d)(4) ........................
General Reporting Requirements.
Reporting Opacity or VE
Progress Reports ..............
§ 63.10(d)(5) ........................
SSM Reports .....................
Must submit progress reports on schedule if under
compliance extension.
Contents and submission ..............................................
§ 63.10(e)(1) through (3) .....
Additional CMS Reports ....
Requirements for CMS reporting ..................................
§ 63.10(e)(4) ........................
Reporting COMS data .......
§ 63.10(f) ..............................
Waiver for Recordkeeping/
Flares .................................
Delegation .........................
Addresses ..........................
Incorporation by Reference
Availability of Information ..
Performance Track Provisions.
Requirements for reporting COMS data with performance test data.
Procedures for Administrator to waive ..........................
§ 63.10(d)(3) ........................
§ 63.11
§ 63.12
§ 63.13
§ 63.14
§ 63.15
§ 63.16
Applies to subpart JJJJJ?
Requirement for flares ...................................................
State authority to enforce standards .............................
Addresses for reports, notifications, requests ...............
Materials incorporated by reference .............................
Information availability; confidential information ...........
Requirements for Performance Track member facilities
No, not applicable.
No. See § 63.8485(f) for
malfunction reporting requirements.
No, §§ 63.8425 and
63.8485 specify requirements.
No, not applicable.
No, not applicable.
63.8605 How do I demonstrate initial
compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
Table 9 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—
Applicability of General Provisions to
Subpart KKKKK
What This Subpart Covers
What This Subpart Covers
Continuous Compliance Requirements
63.8615 How do I monitor and collect data
to demonstrate continuous compliance?
63.8620 How do I demonstrate continuous
compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
63.8530 What is the purpose of this
63.8535 Am I subject to this subpart?
63.8540 What parts of my plant does this
subpart cover?
63.8545 When do I have to comply with
this subpart?
Notifications, Reports, and Records
63.8630 What notifications must I submit
and when?
63.8635 What reports must I submit and
63.8640 What records must I keep?
63.8645 In what form and for how long
must I keep my records?
Emission Limitations and Work Practice
Other Requirements and Information
63.8655 What parts of the General
Provisions apply to me?
63.8660 Who implements and enforces this
63.8665 What definitions apply to this
4. Subchapter C is amended by
revising subpart KKKKK to read as
Subpart KKKKK—National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
63.8555 What emission limitations and
work practice standards must I meet?
63.8560 What are my options for meeting
the emission limitations and work
practice standards?
General Compliance Requirements
63.8570 What are my general requirements
for complying with this subpart?
63.8575 What do I need to know about
operation, maintenance, and monitoring
Testing and Initial Compliance
63.8585 By what date must I conduct
performance tests?
63.8590 When must I conduct subsequent
performance tests?
63.8595 How do I conduct performance
tests and establish operating limits?
63.8600 What are my monitoring
installation, operation, and maintenance
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Tables to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63
Table 1 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—
Emission Limits
Table 2 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—
Operating Limits
Table 3 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—Work
Practice Standards
Table 4 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—
Requirements for Performance Tests
Table 5 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—Toxic
Equivalency Factors
Table 6 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—Initial
Compliance with Emission Limitations
and Work Practice Standards
Table 7 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—
Continuous Compliance with Emission
Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Table 8 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63—
Requirements for Reports
PO 00000
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§ 63.8530
What is the purpose of this
This subpart establishes national
emission limitations and work practice
standards for hazardous air pollutants
(HAP) emitted from clay ceramics
manufacturing facilities. This subpart
also establishes requirements to
demonstrate initial and continuous
compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards.
§ 63.8535
Am I subject to this subpart?
You are subject to this subpart if you
own or operate a clay ceramics
manufacturing facility that is, is located
at, or is part of a major source of HAP
emissions according to the criteria in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.
(a) A clay ceramics manufacturing
facility is a plant site that manufactures
pressed floor tile, pressed wall tile,
other pressed tile, or sanitaryware (e.g.,
sinks and toilets). Clay ceramics
manufacturing facilities typically
process clay, shale, and various
additives; form the processed materials
into tile or sanitaryware shapes; and dry
and fire the ceramic products. Glazes
are applied to many tile and
sanitaryware products.
(b) A major source of HAP emissions
is any stationary source or group of
stationary sources within a contiguous
area under common control that emits
or has the potential to emit any single
HAP at a rate of 9.07 megagrams (10
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
tons) or more per year or any
combination of HAP at a rate of 22.68
megagrams (25 tons) or more per year.
§ 63.8540 What parts of my plant does this
subpart cover?
(a) This subpart applies to each
existing, new, or reconstructed affected
source at a clay ceramics manufacturing
(b) Each existing, new, or
reconstructed ceramic tile roller kiln,
sanitaryware tunnel kiln, sanitaryware
shuttle kiln, ceramic tile glaze line using
glaze spraying, sanitaryware glaze spray
booth, ceramic tile spray dryer, and
floor tile press dryer is an affected
(c) Process units not subject to the
requirements of this subpart are listed in
paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this
(1) Kilns that are used exclusively for
(2) Kilns that are used exclusively for
setting glazes on previously fired
(3) Glaze spray operations that use
wet glazes containing less than 0.1
(weight) percent metal HAP (dry basis).
(4) Raw material processing and
(5) Wall tile press dryers.
(6) Sanitaryware ware dryers.
(d) A source is a new affected source
if construction of the affected source
began after December 18, 2014, and you
met the applicability criteria at the time
you began construction.
(e) An affected source is reconstructed
if you meet the criteria as defined in
§ 63.2.
(f) An affected source is existing if it
is not new or reconstructed.
§ 63.8545 When do I have to comply with
this subpart?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed
affected source, you must comply with
this subpart according to paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) If the initial startup of your
affected source is after December 18,
2014 but before [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER
FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register],
then you must comply with the
applicable emission limitations and
work practice standards in Tables 1, 2,
and 3 to this subpart no later than
IN THE Federal Register].
(2) If the initial startup of your
affected source is after [DATE 60 DAYS
Register], then you must comply with
the applicable emission limitations and
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work practice standards in Tables 1, 2,
and 3 to this subpart upon initial startup
of your affected source.
(b) If you have an existing affected
source, you must comply with the
emission limitations and work practice
standards for existing sources in Tables
1, 2, and 3 to this subpart no later than
FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register].
(c) If you have an existing area source
that increases its emissions or its
potential to emit such that it becomes a
major source of HAP by adding a new
affected source or by reconstructing, you
must be in compliance with this subpart
upon initial startup of your affected
source as a major source.
(d) If you have a new area source (i.e.,
an area source for which construction or
reconstruction was commenced after
December 18, 2014) that increases its
emissions or its potential to emit such
that it becomes a major source of HAP,
you must be in compliance with this
subpart upon initial startup of your
affected source as a major source.
(e) You must meet the notification
requirements in § 63.8630 according to
the schedule in § 63.8630 and in subpart
A of this part. Some of the notifications
must be submitted before you are
required to comply with the emission
limitations in this subpart.
Emission Limitations and Work
Practice Standards
§ 63.8555 What emission limitations and
work practice standards must I meet?
(a) You must meet each emission limit
in Table 1 to this subpart that applies to
(b) You must meet each operating
limit in Table 2 to this subpart that
applies to you.
(c) You must meet each work practice
standard in Table 3 to this subpart that
applies to you.
§ 63.8560 What are my options for meeting
the emission limitations and work practice
(a) To meet the emission limitations
in Tables 1 and 2 to this subpart, you
must use one or more of the options
listed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this
(1) Emissions control system. Use an
emissions capture and collection system
and an air pollution control device
(APCD) and demonstrate that the
resulting emissions meet the emission
limits in Table 1 to this subpart, and
that the capture and collection system
and APCD meet the applicable operating
limits in Table 2 to this subpart.
(2) Process changes. Use low-HAP
raw materials or implement
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manufacturing process changes and
demonstrate that the resulting emissions
or emissions reductions meet the
emission limits in Table 1 to this
(b) To meet the work practice
standards for affected sanitaryware
shuttle kilns, you must comply with the
requirements listed in Table 3 to this
(c) To meet the work practice
standards for affected sources during
periods of startup and shutdown, you
must comply with the requirements
listed in Table 3 to this subpart.
General Compliance Requirements
§ 63.8570 What are my general
requirements for complying with this
(a) You must be in compliance with
the emission limitations (including
operating limits) in this subpart at all
times, except during periods of routine
control device maintenance as specified
in paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Except as specified in paragraph
(d) of this section, you must operate and
maintain any affected source, including
associated air pollution control
equipment and monitoring equipment,
in a manner consistent with safety and
good air pollution control practices for
minimizing emissions. The general duty
to minimize emissions does not require
you to make any further efforts to
reduce emissions if levels required by
the applicable standard have been
achieved. Determination of whether a
source is operating in compliance with
operation and maintenance
requirements will be based on
information available to the
Administrator which may include, but
is not limited to, monitoring results,
review of operation and maintenance
procedures, review of operation and
maintenance records, and inspection of
the source. During the period between
the compliance date specified for your
affected source in § 63.8545 and the date
upon which continuous monitoring
systems (CMS) (e.g., continuous
parameter monitoring systems) have
been installed and verified and any
applicable operating limits have been
set, you must maintain a log detailing
the operation and maintenance of the
process and emissions control
(c) For each affected source that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
prepare and implement a written
operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(OM&M) plan according to the
requirements in § 63.8575.
(d) If you own or operate an affected
source that is subject to the emission
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
limits specified in Table 1 to this
subpart and must perform routine
maintenance on the control device for
that affected source, you may bypass the
source control device and continue
operating the affected source upon
approval by the Administrator provided
you satisfy the conditions listed in
paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this
(1) You must request a routine control
device maintenance exemption from the
Administrator. Your request must justify
the need for the routine maintenance on
the control device and the time required
to accomplish the maintenance
activities, describe the maintenance
activities and the frequency of the
maintenance activities, explain why the
maintenance cannot be accomplished
during source shutdowns, describe how
you plan to minimize emissions to the
greatest extent possible during the
maintenance, and provide any other
documentation required by the
(2) The routine control device
maintenance exemption must not
exceed 4 percent of the annual operating
uptime for each affected source.
(3) The request for the routine control
device maintenance exemption, if
approved by the Administrator, must be
incorporated by reference in and
attached to the affected source’s title V
(4) You must minimize HAP
emissions during the period when the
affected source is operating and the
control device is offline.
(5) You must minimize the time
period during which the affected source
is operating and the control device is
(e) If you own or operate an affected
kiln that is subject to the work practice
standard specified in Table 3 to this
subpart, you must be in compliance
with that work practice standard at all
times, except during periods of natural
gas curtailment or other periods when
natural gas is not available.
(f) You must be in compliance with
the provisions of subpart A of this part,
except as noted in Table 9 to this
§ 63.8575 What do I need to know about
operation, maintenance, and monitoring
(a) For each affected source that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
prepare, implement, and revise as
necessary an OM&M plan that includes
the information in paragraph (b) of this
section. Your OM&M plan must be
available for inspection by the
permitting authority upon request.
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(b) Your OM&M plan must include, as
a minimum, the information in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this
(1) Each process and APCD to be
monitored, the type of monitoring
device that will be used, and the
operating parameters that will be
(2) A monitoring schedule that
specifies the frequency that the
parameter values will be determined
and recorded.
(3) The limits for each parameter that
represent continuous compliance with
the emission limitations in § 63.8555.
The limits must be based on values of
the monitored parameters recorded
during performance tests.
(4) Procedures for the proper
operation and routine and long-term
maintenance of each APCD, including a
maintenance and inspection schedule
that is consistent with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
(5) Procedures for installing the CMS
sampling probe or other interface at a
measurement location relative to each
affected process unit such that the
measurement is representative of
control of the exhaust emissions (e.g.,
on or downstream of the last APCD).
(6) Performance and equipment
specifications for the sample interface,
the pollutant concentration or
parametric signal analyzer, and the data
collection and reduction system.
(7) Continuous monitoring system
performance evaluation procedures and
acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations).
(8) Procedures for the proper
operation and maintenance of
monitoring equipment consistent with
the requirements in §§ 63.8600 and
63.8(c)(1), (3), (7), and (8).
(9) Continuous monitoring system
data quality assurance procedures
consistent with the requirements in
§ 63.8(d).
(10) Continuous monitoring system
recordkeeping and reporting procedures
consistent with the requirements in
§§ 63.8635 and 63.8640.
(11) Procedures for responding to
operating parameter deviations,
including the procedures in paragraphs
(b)(11)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) Procedures for determining the
cause of the operating parameter
(ii) Actions necessary for correcting
the deviation and returning the
operating parameters to the allowable
(iii) Procedures for recording the
times that the deviation began and
ended, and corrective actions were
initiated and completed.
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(12) Procedures for keeping records to
document compliance.
(13) If you operate an affected source
and you plan to take the source control
device out of service for routine
maintenance, as specified in
§ 63.8570(d), the procedures specified in
paragraphs (b)(13)(i) and (ii) of this
(i) Procedures for minimizing HAP
emissions from the affected source
during periods of routine maintenance
of the source control device when the
affected source is operating and the
control device is offline.
(ii) Procedures for minimizing the
duration of any period of routine
maintenance on the source control
device when the affected source is
operating and the control device is
(c) Changes to the operating limits in
your OM&M plan require a new
performance test. If you are revising an
operating limit parameter value, you
must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Submit a notification of
performance test to the Administrator as
specified in § 63.7(b).
(2) After completing the performance
test to demonstrate that compliance
with the emission limits can be
achieved at the revised operating limit
parameter value, you must submit the
performance test results and the revised
operating limits as part of the
Notification of Compliance Status
required under § 63.9(h).
(d) If you are revising the inspection
and maintenance procedures in your
OM&M plan, you do not need to
conduct a new performance test.
Testing and Initial Compliance
§ 63.8585 By what date must I conduct
performance tests?
For each affected source that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
conduct performance tests within 180
calendar days after the compliance date
that is specified for your source in
§ 63.8545 and according to the
provisions in § 63.7(a)(2).
§ 63.8590 When must I conduct
subsequent performance tests?
(a) For each affected source that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
conduct a performance test before
renewing your 40 CFR part 70 operating
permit or at least every 5 years
following the initial performance test.
(b) You must conduct a performance
test when you want to change the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
performance of the affected source for
the period being tested. Representative
conditions exclude periods of startup
and shutdown. The owner or operator
may not conduct performance tests
during periods of malfunction. The
owner or operator must record the
process information that is necessary to
document operating conditions during
the test and include in such record an
explanation to support that such
conditions represent normal operation.
Upon request, the owner or operator
shall make available to the
Administrator such records as may be
necessary to determine the conditions of
performance tests.
(e) You must conduct at least three
separate test runs for each performance
test required in this section, as specified
in § 63.7(e)(3). Each test run must last at
least 1 hour.
(f) You must use the data gathered
during the performance test and the
equations in paragraphs (f)(1) through
(4) of this section to determine
compliance with the emission
(1) To determine compliance with the
production-based particulate matter
(PM) and mercury (Hg) emission limits
for ceramic tile roller kilns and
sanitaryware tunnel kilns in Table 1 to
this subpart, you must calculate your
mass emissions per unit of production
for each test run using Equation 1 of this
MP = mass per unit of production, kilograms
(pounds) of pollutant per megagram (ton)
of fired product
ER = mass emission rate of pollutant (PM or
Hg) during each performance test run,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
P = production rate during each performance
test run, megagrams (tons) of fired
product per hour.
sanitaryware glaze spray booths in Table
1 to this subpart, you must calculate
your mass emissions per unit of glaze
sprayed for each test run using Equation
2 of this section:
MG = mass per unit of glaze application,
kilograms (pounds) of PM per megagram
(ton) of glaze sprayed
ER = mass emission rate of PM during each
performance test run, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
G = glaze application rate during each
performance test run, megagrams (tons)
of glaze sprayed per hour
TEQ = sum of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs,
nanograms per dry standard cubic meter
Ci = concentration of dioxin or furan
congener i, nanograms per dry standard
cubic meter
TEFi = 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalency factor
(TEF) for congener i, as provided in
Table 5 to this subpart.
n = number of congeners included in TEQ
§ 63.8595 How do I conduct performance
tests and establish operating limits?
(2) To determine compliance with the
PM emission limits for ceramic tile
glaze lines with glaze spraying and
(3) To determine compliance with the
dioxin/furan emission limits for tunnel
and roller kilns, ceramic tile spray
dryers, and floor tile press dryers in
Table 1 to this subpart, you must
calculate the sum of the 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8TCDD) toxic equivalents (TEQs) for each
test run using Equation 3 of this section:
EHCl = emissions of HCl, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
EHF = emissions of HF, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
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(4) To determine compliance with the
health-based standard for acid gas HAP
for clay ceramics manufacturing
facilities in Table 1 to this subpart, you
(i) Calculate the HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF and HCl for each
tunnel or roller kiln at your facility
using Equation 4 of this section:
(a) You must conduct each
performance test in Table 4 to this
subpart that applies to you.
(b) Before conducting the performance
test, you must install and calibrate all
monitoring equipment.
(c) Each performance test must be
conducted according to the
requirements in § 63.7 and under the
specific conditions in Table 4 to this
(d) Performance tests shall be
conducted under such conditions as the
Administrator specifies to the owner or
operator based on representative
parameter value for any operating limit
specified in your OM&M plan.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel or
roller kilns at your facility, sum the HClequivalent values for all tunnel or roller
kilns at the facility using Equation 5 of
this section:
Etotal = HCl-equivalent emissions for total of
all kilns at facility, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
n = number of tunnel kilns at facility
(iii) Compare this value to the healthbased standard in Table 1 to this
(g) You must establish each sitespecific operating limit in Table 2 to
this subpart that applies to you as
specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this
section and in Table 4 to this subpart.
(1)(i) If you do not have an APCD
installed on your tunnel or roller kiln,
you must calculate the maximum
potential HCl-equivalent emissions for
HF and HCl for each tunnel or roller
kiln at your facility using Equation 6 of
this section:
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions for kiln i, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
Capi = design capacity for kiln i, megagrams
(tons) of fired product per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HCl per
megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HF per
megagram (ton) of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14
micrograms per cubic meter
Emax total = maximum potential HClequivalent emissions for total of all kilns
at facility, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions for kiln i, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
n = number of kilns at facility
(iii) If you have a single tunnel or
roller kiln at your facility and the total
facility maximum potential HClequivalent emissions (Emax total) are
greater than the HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart, you must
determine the maximum process rate for
the kiln using Equation 8 that would
ensure the total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent emissions
remain at or below the HCl-equivalent
limit. The maximum process rate would
become your operating limit for process
rate and must be included in your
OM&M plan.
Pmax i = maximum process rate for kiln i,
megagrams (tons) per hour
HCl-eq = HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to
this subpart, 62 kilograms (140 pounds)
per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HCl per
megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of HF per
megagram (ton) of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14
micrograms per cubic meter
total facility maximum potential HClequivalent remains at or below the HClequivalent limit. The maximum process
rates would become your operating
limits for process rate and must be
included in your OM&M plan.
(h) For each affected source that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart and is
equipped with an APCD that is not
addressed in Table 2 to this subpart or
that is using process changes as a means
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(iv) If you have multiple tunnel or
roller kilns at your facility and the total
facility maximum potential HClequivalent emissions (Emax total) are
greater than the HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart, you must
determine the combination of maximum
process rates that would ensure that
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel or
roller kilns at your facility, sum the
maximum potential HCl-equivalent
values for all tunnel or roller kilns at the
facility using Equation 7 of this section:
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20
micrograms per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14
micrograms per cubic meter
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
of meeting the emission limits in Table
1 to this subpart, you must meet the
requirements in § 63.8(f) and paragraphs
(h)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Submit a request for approval of
alternative monitoring procedures to the
Administrator no later than the
notification of intent to conduct a
performance test. The request must
contain the information specified in
paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this
(i) A description of the alternative
APCD or process changes.
(ii) The type of monitoring device or
procedure that will be used.
(iii) The operating parameters that
will be monitored.
(iv) The frequency that the operating
parameter values will be determined
and recorded to establish continuous
compliance with the operating limits.
(2) Establish site-specific operating
limits during the performance test based
on the information included in the
approved alternative monitoring
procedures request and, as applicable,
as specified in Table 4 to this subpart.
§ 63.8600 What are my monitoring
installation, operation, and maintenance
(a) You must install, operate, and
maintain each CMS according to your
OM&M plan and the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this
(1) Conduct a performance evaluation
of each CMS according to your OM&M
(2) The CMS must complete a
minimum of one cycle of operation for
each successive 15-minute period. To
have a valid hour of data, you must have
at least three of four equally spaced data
values (or at least 75 percent if you
collect more than four data values per
hour) for that hour (not including
startup, shutdown, malfunction, out-ofcontrol periods, or periods of routine
control device maintenance covered by
a routine control device maintenance
exemption as specified in § 63.8570(d)).
(3) Determine and record the 3-hour
block averages of all recorded readings,
calculated after every 3 hours of
operation as the average of the previous
3 operating hours. To calculate the
average for each 3-hour average period,
you must have at least 75 percent of the
recorded readings for that period (not
including startup, shutdown,
malfunction, out-of-control periods, or
periods of routine control device
maintenance covered by a routine
control device maintenance exemption
as specified in § 63.8570(d)).
(4) Record the results of each
inspection, calibration, and validation
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(5) At all times, maintain the
monitoring equipment including, but
not limited to, maintaining necessary
parts for routine repairs of the
monitoring equipment.
(b) For each liquid flow measurement
device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and
paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Locate the flow sensor in a
position that provides a representative
(2) Use a flow sensor with a minimum
measurement sensitivity of 2 percent of
the liquid flowrate.
(3) At least semiannually, conduct a
flow sensor calibration check.
(c) For each pressure measurement
device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and
(c)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) Locate the pressure sensor(s) in or
as close to a position that provides a
representative measurement of the
(2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating
pressure, vibration, and internal and
external corrosion.
(3) Use a gauge with a minimum
measurement sensitivity of 0.5 inch of
water or a transducer with a minimum
measurement sensitivity of 1 percent of
the pressure range.
(4) Check the pressure tap daily to
ensure that it is not plugged.
(5) Using a manometer, check gauge
calibration quarterly and transducer
calibration monthly.
(6) Any time the sensor exceeds the
manufacturer’s specified maximum
operating pressure range, conduct
calibration checks or install a new
pressure sensor.
(7) At least monthly, inspect all
components for integrity, all electrical
connections for continuity, and all
mechanical connections for leakage.
(d) For each pH measurement device,
you must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (d)(1)
through (4) of this section.
(1) Locate the pH sensor in a position
that provides a representative
measurement of pH.
(2) Ensure the sample is properly
mixed and representative of the fluid to
be measured.
(3) Check the pH meter’s calibration
on at least two points every 8 hours of
process operation.
(4) At least monthly, inspect all
components for integrity and all
electrical connections for continuity.
(e) For each bag leak detection system,
you must meet the requirements in
paragraphs (e)(1) through (11) of this
(1) Each triboelectric bag leak
detection system must be installed,
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calibrated, operated, and maintained
according to the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–
015, September 1997) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14). Other types of
bag leak detection systems must be
installed, operated, calibrated, and
maintained in a manner consistent with
the manufacturer’s written
specifications and recommendations.
(2) The bag leak detection system
must be certified by the manufacturer to
be capable of detecting PM emissions at
concentrations of 10 milligrams per
actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per
actual cubic foot) or less.
(3) The bag leak detection system
sensor must provide an output of
relative PM loadings.
(4) The bag leak detection system
must be equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal
from the sensor.
(5) The bag leak detection system
must be equipped with an audible alarm
system that will sound automatically
when an increase in relative PM
emissions over a preset level is detected.
The alarm must be located where it is
easily heard by plant operating
(6) For positive pressure fabric filter
systems, a bag leak detector must be
installed in each baghouse compartment
or cell.
(7) For negative pressure or induced
air fabric filters, the bag leak detector
must be installed downstream of the
fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are
required, the system’s instrumentation
and alarm may be shared among
(9) The baseline output must be
established by adjusting the range and
the averaging period of the device and
establishing the alarm set points and the
alarm delay time according to section
5.0 of the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak
Detection Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–
015, September 1997) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14).
(10) Following initial adjustment of
the system, the sensitivity or range,
averaging period, alarm set points, or
alarm delay time may not be adjusted
except as detailed in your OM&M plan.
In no case may the sensitivity be
increased by more than 100 percent or
decreased more than 50 percent over a
365-day period unless such adjustment
follows a complete fabric filter
inspection which demonstrates that the
fabric filter is in good operating
condition, as defined in section 5.2 of
the ‘‘Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection
Guidance,’’ (EPA–454/R–98–015,
September 1997) (incorporated by
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
reference, see § 63.14). Record each
(11) Record the results of each
inspection, calibration, and validation
(f) For each lime, chemical, or carbon
feed rate measurement device, you must
meet the requirements in paragraphs
(a)(1) through (5) and (f)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) Locate the measurement device in
a position that provides a representative
feed rate measurement.
(2) At least semiannually, conduct a
calibration check.
(g) For each temperature measurement
device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and
(g)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Locate the measurement device in
a position that provides a representative
(2) Use a measurement device with a
minimum sensitivity of 1 percent of the
temperature being measured.
(3) At least semiannually, conduct a
calibration check.
(h) Requests for approval of alternate
monitoring procedures must meet the
requirements in §§ 63.8595(h) and
§ 63.8605 How do I demonstrate initial
compliance with the emission limitations
and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate initial
compliance with each emission
limitation and work practice standard
that applies to you according to Table 6
to this subpart.
(b) You must establish each sitespecific operating limit in Table 2 to
this subpart that applies to you
according to the requirements in
§ 63.8595 and Table 4 to this subpart.
(c) You must submit the Notification
of Compliance Status containing the
results of the initial compliance
demonstration according to the
requirements in § 63.8630(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements
§ 63.8615 How do I monitor and collect
data to demonstrate continuous
(a) You must monitor and collect data
according to this section.
(b) Except for periods of monitor
malfunctions, associated repairs, and
required quality assurance or control
activities (including, as applicable,
calibration checks and required zero
and span adjustments), you must
monitor continuously (or collect data at
all required intervals) at all times that
the affected source is operating. This
includes periods of startup, shutdown,
malfunction, and routine control device
maintenance as specified in § 63.8570(d)
when the affected source is operating.
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(c) You may not use data recorded
during monitoring malfunctions,
associated repairs, out-of-control
periods, or required quality assurance or
control activities for purposes of
calculating data averages. A monitoring
malfunction is any sudden, infrequent,
not reasonably preventable failure of the
monitoring system to provide valid data.
Monitoring failures that are caused in
part by poor maintenance or careless
operation are not malfunctions. You
must use all the valid data collected
during all other periods in assessing
compliance. Any averaging period for
which you do not have valid monitoring
data and such data are required
constitutes a deviation from the
monitoring requirements.
§ 63.8620 How do I demonstrate
continuous compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous
compliance with each emission limit,
operating limit, and work practice
standard in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this
subpart that applies to you according to
the methods specified in Table 7 to this
(b) For each affected source that is
subject to the emission limits specified
in Table 1 to this subpart and is
equipped with an APCD that is not
addressed in Table 2 to this subpart, or
that is using process changes as a means
of meeting the emission limits in Table
1 to this subpart, you must demonstrate
continuous compliance with each
emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart,
and each operating limit established as
required in § 63.8595(h)(2) according to
the methods specified in your approved
alternative monitoring procedures
request, as described in §§ 63.8595(h)(1)
and 63.8(f).
(c) You must report each instance in
which you did not meet each emission
limit and operating limit in this subpart
that applies to you. This includes
periods of startup, shutdown,
malfunction, and routine control device
maintenance. These instances are
deviations from the emission limitations
in this subpart. These deviations must
be reported according to the
requirements in § 63.8635.
(d) Deviations that occur during
periods of control device maintenance
covered by an approved routine control
device maintenance exemption
according to § 63.8570(d) are not
violations if you demonstrate to the
Administrator’s satisfaction that you
were operating in accordance with the
approved routine control device
maintenance exemption.
(e) You must demonstrate continuous
compliance with the operating limits in
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Table 2 to this subpart for visible
emissions (VE) from tunnel or roller
kilns that are uncontrolled or equipped
with DIFF, DLS/FF, or other dry control
device by monitoring VE at each kiln
stack according to the requirements in
paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Perform daily VE observations of
each kiln stack according to the
procedures of Method 22 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–7. You must conduct
the Method 22 test while the affected
source is operating under normal
conditions. The duration of each
Method 22 test must be at least 15
(2) If VE are observed during any
daily test conducted using Method 22 of
40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, you
must promptly initiate and complete
corrective actions according to your
OM&M plan. If no VE are observed in
30 consecutive daily Method 22 tests for
any kiln stack, you may decrease the
frequency of Method 22 testing from
daily to weekly for that kiln stack. If VE
are observed during any weekly test,
you must promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to
your OM&M plan, resume Method 22
testing of that kiln stack on a daily basis,
and maintain that schedule until no VE
are observed in 30 consecutive daily
tests, at which time you may again
decrease the frequency of Method 22
testing to a weekly basis.
(3) If VE are observed during any test
conducted using Method 22 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–7, you must report
these deviations by following the
requirements in § 63.8635.
Notifications, Reports, and Records
§ 63.8630 What notifications must I submit
and when?
(a) You must submit all of the
notifications in §§ 63.7(b) and (c),
63.8(f)(4), and 63.9 (b) through (e),
(g)(1), and (h) that apply to you, by the
dates specified.
(b) As specified in § 63.9(b)(2), if you
start up your affected source before
IN THE Federal Register], you must
submit an Initial Notification not later
than 120 calendar days after [DATE 60
IN THE Federal Register].
(c) As specified in § 63.9(b)(2), if you
start up your new or reconstructed
affected source or affected source
described in § 63.8540(d) or § 63.8540(e)
on or after [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE
FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register],
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
you must submit an Initial Notification
not later than 120 calendar days after
you become subject to this subpart.
(d) If you are required to conduct a
performance test, you must submit a
written notification of intent to conduct
a performance test at least 60 calendar
days before the performance test is
scheduled to begin, as required in
§ 63.7(b)(1).
(e) If you are required to conduct a
performance test or other initial
compliance demonstration as specified
in Tables 4 and 6 to this subpart, you
must submit a Notification of
Compliance Status as specified in
§ 63.9(h) and paragraphs (e)(1) through
(3) of this section.
(1) For each compliance
demonstration that includes a
performance test conducted according
to the requirements in Table 4 to this
subpart, you must submit the
Notification of Compliance Status,
including the performance test results,
before the close of business on the 60th
calendar day following the completion
of the performance test, according to
§ 63.10(d)(2).
(2) In addition to the requirements in
§ 63.9(h)(2)(i), you must include the
information in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and
(ii) of this section in your Notification
of Compliance Status:
(i) The operating limit parameter
values established for each affected
source with supporting documentation
and a description of the procedure used
to establish the values.
(ii) For each APCD that includes a
fabric filter, if a bag leak detection
system is used, analysis and supporting
documentation demonstrating
conformance with EPA guidance and
specifications for bag leak detection
systems in § 63.8600(e).
(3) For each compliance
demonstration required in Table 6 to
this subpart that does not include a
performance test (i.e., compliance
demonstration for the work practice
standard), you must submit the
Notification of Compliance Status before
the close of business on the 30th
calendar day following the completion
of the compliance demonstration.
(f) If you request a routine control
device maintenance exemption
according to § 63.8570(d), you must
submit your request for the exemption
no later than 30 days before the
compliance date.
(g) If you own or operate an affected
kiln that is subject to the work practice
standard specified in Item 1 of Table 3
to this subpart, and you intend to use a
fuel other than natural gas or equivalent
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to fire the affected kiln, you must
submit a notification of alternative fuel
use within 48 hours of the declaration
of a period of natural gas curtailment or
supply interruption, as defined in
§ 63.8665. The notification must include
the information specified in paragraphs
(g)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Identification of the affected kiln.
(3) Reason you are unable to use
natural gas or equivalent fuel, including
the date when the natural gas
curtailment was declared or the natural
gas supply interruption began.
(4) Type of alternative fuel that you
intend to use.
(5) Dates when the alternative fuel use
is expected to begin and end.
§ 63.8635
What reports must I submit and
(a) You must submit each report in
Table 8 to this subpart that applies to
(b) Unless the Administrator has
approved a different schedule for
submission of reports under § 63.10(a),
you must submit each report by the date
in Table 8 to this subpart and as
specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through
(5) of this section.
(1) The first compliance report must
cover the period beginning on the
compliance date that is specified for
your affected source in § 63.8545 and
ending on June 30 or December 31, and
lasting at least 6 months, but less than
12 months. For example, if your
compliance date is March 1, then the
first semiannual reporting period would
begin on March 1 and end on December
(2) The first compliance report must
be postmarked or delivered no later than
July 31 or January 31 for compliance
periods ending on June 30 and
December 31, respectively.
(3) Each subsequent compliance
report must cover the semiannual
reporting period from January 1 through
June 30 or the semiannual reporting
period from July 1 through December
(4) Each subsequent compliance
report must be postmarked or delivered
no later than July 31 or January 31 for
compliance periods ending on June 30
and December 31, respectively.
(5) For each affected source that is
subject to permitting regulations
pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR
part 71, and if the permitting authority
has established dates for submitting
semiannual reports pursuant to 40 CFR
70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the
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first and subsequent compliance reports
according to the dates the permitting
authority has established instead of
according to the dates in paragraphs
(b)(1) through (4) of this section.
(c) The compliance report must
contain the information in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (6) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Statement by a responsible official
with that official’s name, title, and
signature, certifying that, based on
information and belief formed after
reasonable inquiry, the statements and
information in the report are true,
accurate, and complete.
(3) Date of report and beginning and
ending dates of the reporting period.
(4) A description of control device
maintenance performed while the
control device was offline and the
affected source controlled by the control
device was operating, including the
information specified in paragraphs
(c)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) The date and time when the
control device was shut down and
(ii) Identification of the affected
source that was operating and the
number of hours that the affected source
operated while the control device was
(iii) A statement of whether or not the
control device maintenance was
included in your approved routine
control device maintenance exemption
developed as specified in § 63.8570(d).
If the control device maintenance was
included in your approved routine
control device maintenance exemption,
then you must report the information in
paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) through (C) of
this section.
(A) The total amount of time that the
affected source controlled by the control
device operated during the current
semiannual compliance period and
during the previous semiannual
compliance period.
(B) The amount of time that each
affected source controlled by the control
device operated while the control
device was offline for maintenance
covered under the routine control
device maintenance exemption during
the current semiannual compliance
period and during the previous
semiannual compliance period.
(C) Based on the information recorded
under paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) and (B) of
this section, compute the annual
percent of affected source operating
uptime during which the control device
was offline for routine maintenance
using Equation 1 of this section.
RM = Annual percentage of affected source
uptime during which control device was
offline for routine control device
DTp = Control device downtime claimed
under the routine control device
maintenance exemption for the previous
semiannual compliance period
DTc = Control device downtime claimed
under the routine control device
maintenance exemption for the current
semiannual compliance period
SUp = Affected source uptime for the
previous semiannual compliance period
SUc = Affected source uptime for the current
semiannual compliance period
(5) If there are no deviations from any
emission limitations (emission limits or
operating limits) or work practice
standards that apply to you, the
compliance report must contain a
statement that there were no deviations
from the emission limitations or work
practice standards during the reporting
(6) If there were no periods during
which the CMS was out-of-control as
specified in your OM&M plan, the
compliance report must contain a
statement that there were no periods
during which the CMS was out-ofcontrol during the reporting period.
(d) For each deviation from an
emission limitation (emission limit or
operating limit) that occurs at an
affected source where you are not using
a CMS to comply with the emission
limitations in this subpart, the
compliance report must contain the
information in paragraphs (c)(1) through
(4) and (d)(1) through (3) of this section.
This includes periods of startup,
shutdown, and routine control device
(1) The total operating time of each
affected source during the reporting
period and identification of the sources
for which there was a deviation.
(2) Information on the number, date,
time, duration, and cause of deviations
(including unknown cause, if
applicable), as applicable, and the
corrective action taken.
(3) The applicable operating limit or
work practice standard from which you
deviated and either the parameter
monitor reading during the deviation or
a description of how you deviated from
the work practice standard.
(e) For each deviation from an
emission limitation (emission limit or
operating limit) occurring at an affected
source where you are using a CMS to
comply with the emission limitations in
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this subpart, you must include the
information in paragraphs (c)(1) through
(4) and (e)(1) through (13) of this
section. This includes periods of
startup, shutdown, and routine control
device maintenance.
(1) The total operating time of each
affected source during the reporting
period and identification of the sources
for which there was a deviation.
(2) The date and time that each CMS
was inoperative, except for zero (lowlevel) and high-level checks.
(3) The date, time, and duration that
each CMS was out-of-control, including
the pertinent information in your
OM&M plan.
(4) The date and time that each
deviation started and stopped, and
whether each deviation occurred during
routine control device maintenance
covered in your approved routine
control device maintenance exemption
or during another period, and the cause
of each deviation (including unknown
cause, if applicable).
(5) An estimate of the quantity of each
regulated pollutant emitted over the
emission limit during the deviation, and
a description of the method used to
estimate the emissions.
(6) A description of corrective action
taken in response to a deviation.
(7) A summary of the total duration of
the deviation during the reporting
period and the total duration as a
percent of the total source operating
time during that reporting period.
(8) A breakdown of the total duration
of the deviations during the reporting
period into those that are due to startup,
shutdown, control equipment problems,
process problems, other known causes,
and other unknown causes.
(9) A summary of the total duration of
CMS downtime during the reporting
period and the total duration of CMS
downtime as a percent of the total
source operating time during that
reporting period.
(10) A brief description of the process
(11) A brief description of the CMS.
(12) The date of the latest CMS
certification or audit.
(13) A description of any changes in
CMS, processes, or control equipment
since the last reporting period.
(f) If a malfunction occurred during
the reporting period, the compliance
report must contain the information in
paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) and (f)(1)
and (2) of this section.
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(1) The number, duration, and a brief
description for each type of malfunction
which occurred during the reporting
period and which caused or may have
caused any applicable emission
limitation to be exceeded.
(2) A description of actions taken by
an owner or operator during a
malfunction of an affected facility to
minimize emissions in accordance with
§ 63.8570(b), including actions taken to
correct a malfunction.
(g) If you have obtained a title V
operating permit according to 40 CFR
part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, you must
report all deviations as defined in this
subpart in the semiannual monitoring
report required by 40 CFR
70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If you submit a
compliance report according to Table 8
to this subpart along with, or as part of,
the semiannual monitoring report
required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or
40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and the
compliance report includes all required
information concerning deviations from
any emission limitation (including any
operating limit), then submitting the
compliance report will satisfy any
obligation to report the same deviations
in the semiannual monitoring report.
However, submitting a compliance
report will not otherwise affect any
obligation you may have to report
deviations from permit requirements to
the permitting authority.
(h) If you own or operate an affected
kiln that is subject to the work practice
standard specified in Item 1 of Table 3
to this subpart, and you use a fuel other
than natural gas or equivalent to fire the
affected kiln, you must submit a report
of alternative fuel use within 10
working days after terminating the use
of the alternative fuel. The report must
include the information in paragraphs
(h)(1) through (6) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Identification of the affected kiln.
(3) Reason for using the alternative
(4) Type of alternative fuel used to fire
the affected kiln.
(5) Dates that the use of the alternative
fuel started and ended.
(6) Amount of alternative fuel used.
(i) Within 60 days after the date of
completing each performance test (as
defined in § 63.2) as required by this
subpart, you must submit the results of
the performance test following the
procedures specified in either paragraph
(i)(1) or (i)(2) of this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
(1) For data collected using test
methods supported by the EPA’s
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as
listed on the EPA’s ERT Web site
index.html) at the time of the test, you
must submit the results of the
performance test to the EPA via the
Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can
be accessed through the EPA’s Central
Data Exchange (CDX) (https://
Performance test data must be submitted
in a file format generated through the
use of the EPA’s ERT. Instead of
submitting performance test data in a
file format generated through the use of
the EPA’s ERT, you may submit an
alternate electronic file format
consistent with the extensible markup
language (XML) schema listed on the
EPA’s ERT Web site, once the XML
schema is available. If you claim that
some of the performance test
information being submitted is
confidential business information (CBI),
you must submit a complete file
generated through the use of the EPA’s
ERT (or an alternate electronic file
consistent with the XML schema listed
on the EPA’s ERT Web site once the
XML schema is available), including
information claimed to be CBI, on a
compact disc, flash drive, or other
commonly used electronic storage
media to the EPA. The electronic media
must be clearly marked as CBI and
Office, Attention: Group Leader,
Measurement Policy Group, MD C404–
02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC
27703. The same ERT file (or alternate
file) with the CBI omitted must be
submitted to the EPA via the EPA’s CDX
as described earlier in this paragraph.
(2) For data collected using test
methods that are not supported by the
EPA’s ERT as listed on the EPA’s ERT
Web site at the time of the test, you must
submit the results of the performance
test to the Administrator at the
appropriate address listed in § 63.13.
§ 63.8640
What records must I keep?
(a) You must keep the records listed
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this
(1) A copy of each notification and
report that you submitted to comply
with this subpart, including all
documentation supporting any Initial
Notification or Notification of
Compliance Status that you submitted,
according to the requirements in
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).
(2) Records of performance tests as
required in § 63.10(b)(2)(viii).
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(3) Records relating to control device
maintenance and documentation of your
approved routine control device
maintenance exemption, if you request
such an exemption under § 63.8570(d).
(b) You must keep the records
required in Table 7 to this subpart to
show continuous compliance with each
emission limitation and work practice
standard that applies to you.
(c) You must also maintain the
records listed in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (10) of this section.
(1) For each bag leak detection
system, records of each alarm, the time
of the alarm, the time corrective action
was initiated and completed, and a brief
description of the cause of the alarm
and the corrective action taken.
(2) For each deviation of an operating
limit parameter value, the date, time,
and duration of the deviation, a brief
explanation of the cause of the
deviation, actions taken to minimize
emissions in accordance with
§ 63.8570(b) and the corrective action
taken to return the affected unit to its
normal or usual manner of operation,
and whether the deviation occurred
during a period of startup, shutdown, or
malfunction. Record and retain a list of
the affected sources or equipment, an
estimate of the volume of each regulated
pollutant emitted over any emission
limit and a description of the method
used to estimate the emissions.
(3) For each affected source, records
of production rates on a fired-product
weight basis.
(4) Records for any approved
alternative monitoring or test
(5) Records of maintenance and
inspections performed on the APCD.
(6) Current copies of your OM&M
plan, including any revisions, with
records documenting conformance.
(7) Logs of the information required in
paragraphs (c)(7)(i) through (iii) of this
section to document proper operation of
your sanitaryware shuttle kiln.
(i) Records of the firing time and
temperature cycle for each product
produced in each sanitaryware shuttle
kiln. If all shuttle kilns use the same
time and temperature cycles, one copy
may be maintained for each kiln.
Reference numbers must be assigned to
use in log sheets.
(ii) For each sanitaryware shuttle kiln,
a log that details the type of product
fired in each batch, the corresponding
time and temperature protocol reference
number, and an indication of whether
the appropriate time and temperature
cycle was fired.
(iii) For each sanitaryware shuttle
kiln, a log of the actual tonnage of
product fired in the shuttle kiln and an
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indication of whether the tonnage was
below the maximum tonnage for that
specific kiln.
(8) Logs of the maintenance
procedures used to demonstrate
compliance with the maintenance
requirements of the sanitaryware shuttle
kiln work practice standard specified in
Table 3 to this subpart.
(9) For periods of startup, records of
the date, time, and duration of each
startup period, logs of the kiln or dryer
exhaust temperature at the time the first
ceramics were placed in the kiln or
dryer, and if applicable, logs of the
temperature when the kiln or dryer
exhaust stopped bypassing the control
device. For periods of shutdown,
records of the date, time, and duration
of each shutdown period, logs of the
kiln or dryer exhaust temperature at the
time the last ceramics were placed in
the kiln or dryer, and if applicable, logs
of the temperature when the kiln or
dryer exhaust began bypassing the
control device.
(10) For each malfunction, records of
the following information:
(i) Records of the occurrence and
duration of each malfunction of
operation (i.e., process equipment) or
the air pollution control and monitoring
(ii) Records of actions taken during
periods of malfunction to minimize
emissions in accordance with
§ 63.8570(b), including corrective
actions to restore malfunctioning
process and air pollution control and
monitoring equipment to its normal or
usual manner of operation.
§ 63.8645 In what form and for how long
must I keep my records?
(a) Your records must be in a form
suitable and readily available for
expeditious review, according to
§ 63.10(b)(1).
(b) As specified in § 63.10(b)(1), you
must keep each record for 5 years
following the date of each occurrence,
measurement, maintenance, corrective
action, report, or record.
(c) You must keep each record onsite
for at least 2 years after the date of each
occurrence, measurement, maintenance,
corrective action, report, or record,
according to § 63.10(b)(1). You may
keep the records offsite for the
remaining 3 years.
Other Requirements and Information
§ 63.8655 What parts of the General
Provisions apply to me?
Table 9 to this subpart shows which
parts of the General Provisions in
§§ 63.1 through 63.16 apply to you.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
§ 63.8660 Who implements and enforces
this subpart?
(a) This subpart can be implemented
and enforced by us, the U.S. EPA, or a
delegated authority such as your State,
local, or tribal agency. If the U.S. EPA
Administrator has delegated authority to
your State, local, or tribal agency, then
that agency, in addition to the U.S. EPA,
has the authority to implement and
enforce this subpart. You should contact
your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find
out if implementation and enforcement
of this subpart is delegated to your
State, local, or tribal agency.
(b) In delegating implementation and
enforcement authority of this subpart to
a State, local, or tribal agency under
subpart E of this part, the authorities
contained in paragraph (c) of this
section are retained by the
Administrator of the U.S. EPA and are
not transferred to the State, local, or
tribal agency.
(c) The authorities that cannot be
delegated to State, local, or tribal
agencies are as specified in paragraphs
(c)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) Approval of alternatives to the
applicability requirements in §§ 63.8535
and 63.8540, the compliance date
requirements in § 63.8545, and the nonopacity emission limitations in
§ 63.8555.
(2) Approval of major changes to test
methods under § 63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f)
and as defined in § 63.90.
(3) Approval of major changes to
monitoring under § 63.8(f) and as
defined in § 63.90.
(4) Approval of major changes to
recordkeeping and reporting under
§ 63.10(f) and as defined in § 63.90.
(5) Approval of an alternative to any
electronic reporting to the EPA required
by this subpart.
§ 63.8665
What definitions apply to this
Terms used in this subpart are
defined in the Clean Air Act, in § 63.2,
and in this section as follows:
Air pollution control device (APCD)
means any equipment that reduces the
quantity of a pollutant that is emitted to
the air.
Bag leak detection system means an
instrument that is capable of monitoring
PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric
filter in order to detect bag failures. A
bag leak detection system includes, but
is not limited to, an instrument that
operates on triboelectric, lightscattering, light-transmittance, or other
effects to monitor relative PM loadings.
Clay ceramics manufacturing facility
means a plant site that manufactures
pressed floor tile, pressed wall tile,
other pressed tile, or sanitaryware (e.g.,
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sinks and toilets). Clay ceramics
manufacturing facilities typically
process clay, shale, and various
additives, form the processed materials
into tile or sanitaryware shapes, and dry
and fire the ceramic products. Glazes
are applied to many tile and
sanitaryware products.
Deviation means any instance in
which an affected source subject to this
subpart, or an owner or operator of such
a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or
obligation established by this subpart
including, but not limited to, any
emission limitation (including any
operating limit) or work practice
standard; or
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition
that is adopted to implement an
applicable requirement in this subpart
for any affected source required to
obtain such a permit.
Dioxin/furan means, for purposes of
this subpart, the sum of the 2,3,7,8–
TCDD toxic equivalents calculated using
Equation 3 of § 63.8595
Dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF)
means an APCD that includes
continuous injection of hydrated lime or
other sorbent into a duct or reaction
chamber followed by a fabric filter.
Dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/
FF) means an APCD that includes
continuous injection of humidified
hydrated lime or other sorbent into a
reaction chamber followed by a fabric
filter. These systems typically include
recirculation of some of the sorbent.
Emission limitation means any
emission limit or operating limit.
Fabric filter means an APCD used to
capture PM by filtering a gas stream
through filter media; also known as a
Glaze means a coating of colored,
opaque, or transparent material applied
to ceramic products before firing.
Glaze line means a production line for
glazing ceramic products, which
includes glaze spraying (typically
comprised of one or more glaze spray
booths) and other types of glazing
operations (e.g., dipping, flooding,
centrifugal disc glazing, curtain
Glaze spray booth means a type of
equipment used for spraying glaze on
ceramic products.
Initial startup means the time at
which the kiln first reaches a level of
production that is equal to 75 percent of
the kiln design capacity or 12 months
after the affected source begins firing
clay ceramics, whichever is earlier.
Kiln design capacity means the
maximum amount of clay ceramics, in
Mg (tons), that a kiln is designed to
produce in one year divided by the
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number of hours in a year (8,760 hours).
If a kiln is modified to increase the
capacity, the design capacity is
considered to be the capacity following
Particulate matter (PM) means, for
purposes of this subpart, emissions of
PM that serve as a measure of total
particulate emissions, as measured by
Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A–
3) or Method 29 (40 CFR part 60,
appendix A–8), and as a surrogate for
metal HAP contained in the particulates
including, but not limited to, antimony,
arsenic, beryllium, cadmium,
chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese,
mercury, nickel, and selenium.
Period of natural gas curtailment or
supply interruption means a period of
time during which the supply of natural
gas to an affected facility is halted for
reasons beyond the control of the
facility. An increase in the cost or unit
price of natural gas does not constitute
a period of natural gas curtailment or
supply interruption.
Plant site means all contiguous or
adjoining property that is under
common control, including properties
that are separated only by a road or
other public right-of-way. Common
control includes properties that are
owned, leased, or operated by the same
entity, parent entity, subsidiary, or any
combination thereof.
Responsible official means
responsible official as defined in 40 CFR
Roller kiln means a continuous kiln
similar to a tunnel kiln except that the
unfired ceramic product travels through
the kiln in a single layer on rollers. In
the clay ceramics source category, roller
kilns are used at ceramic tile
manufacturing plants.
Shuttle kiln means a batch firing kiln
that is designed with a removable
superstructure that is tilted or raised
using hydraulic struts to allow entrance
and egress. In the clay ceramics source
category, shuttle kilns are used at
sanitaryware manufacturing plants.
Spray dryer means a drying chamber
used to form a free-flowing powder from
a slurry of ceramic mix and water, to
improve handling and compaction. In
the clay ceramics source category, spray
dryers are used at ceramic tile
manufacturing plants.
Startup means the setting in operation
of an affected source and starting the
production process.
Tunnel kiln means any continuous
kiln that is not a roller kiln that is used
to fire clay ceramics. In the clay
ceramics source category, tunnel kilns
are used at sanitaryware manufacturing
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Wet scrubber (WS) means an APCD
that uses water, which may include
caustic additives or other chemicals, as
the sorbent. Wet scrubbers may use any
of various design mechanisms to
increase the contact between exhaust
gases and the sorbent.
Work practice standard means any
design, equipment, work practice,
operational standard, or combination
thereof, that is promulgated pursuant to
section 112(h) of the Clean Air Act.
Tables to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63
As stated in § 63.8555, you must meet
each emission limit in the following
table that applies to you.
For each . . .
You must meet the following emission limits . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel or roller kilns at facility
HF and HCl emissions must not exceed 62 kilograms per hour (kg/hr) (140 pounds per hour
(lb/hr)) HCl equivalent, under the health-based standard, as determined using Equations 4
and 5 of § 63.8595.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.090 kilogram per megagram (kg/Mg) (0.18 pound per ton
(lb/ton)) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 6.3 E–05 kg/Mg (1.3 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 4.6 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (ng/
dscm) at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.099 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 6.7 E–05 kg/Mg (1.3 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.16 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.17 kg/Mg (0.33 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.3 E–04 kg/Mg (2.6 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.93 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg (1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
PM emissions must not exceed 16 kg/Mg (33 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
2. Existing floor tile roller kiln ..............................
3. Existing wall tile roller kiln ...............................
4. Existing first-fire sanitaryware tunnel kiln .......
5. Existing tile glaze line with glaze spraying .....
6. Existing sanitaryware manual glaze application.
7. Existing sanitaryware spray machine glaze
8. Existing sanitaryware robot glaze application
9. Existing floor tile spray dryer ..........................
10. Existing wall tile spray dryer .........................
11. Existing floor tile press dryer ........................
12. New or reconstructed floor tile roller kiln ......
13. New or reconstructed wall tile roller kiln .......
14. New or reconstructed first-fire sanitaryware
tunnel kiln.
15. New or reconstructed tile glaze line with
glaze spraying.
16. New or reconstructed sanitaryware manual
glaze application.
17. New or reconstructed sanitaryware spray
machine glaze application.
18. New or reconstructed sanitaryware robot
glaze application.
19. New or reconstructed floor tile spray dryer ..
20. New or reconstructed wall tile spray dryer ...
21. New or reconstructed floor tile press dryer ..
PM emissions must not exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
PM emissions must not exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 44 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.014 kg/Mg (0.027 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.9 E–05 kg/Mg (3.9 E–05 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.15 kg/Mg (0.27 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.5 E–06 kg/Mg (3.1 E–06 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.160.23 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.047 kg/Mg (0.095 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 6.0 E–05 kg/Mg (1.2 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.37 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.30 kg/Mg (0.61 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg (1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
PM emissions must not exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
PM emissions must not exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
PM emissions must not exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
Dioxin/furan emissions must not exceed 0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
As stated in § 63.8555, you must meet
each operating limit in the following
table that applies to you.
For each . . .
You must . . .
1. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped with a
a. If you use a bag leak detection system, initiate corrective action within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; operate and maintain the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged for more than 5 percent of the
total operating time in a 6-month block reporting period; or maintain no VE from the DIFF or DLS/
FF stack; and
b. Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed hopper or silo and to the APCD at all times for continuous
injection systems; maintain the feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) at or above the
level established during the performance test for continuous injection systems.
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For each . . .
You must . . .
2. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped with a
a. Maintain the average scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour block period at or above the average pressure drop established during the PM performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber liquid pH for each 3-hour block period at or above the average
scrubber liquid pH established during the HF/HCl performance test; and
c. Maintain the average scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the highest average scrubber liquid flow rate established during the HF/HCl and PM performance tests;
d. If chemicals are added to the scrubber water, maintain the average scrubber chemical feed rate
for each 3-hour block period at or above the average scrubber chemical feed rate established
during the HF/HCl performance test.
Maintain the average carbon flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the highest average
carbon flow rate established during the Hg and dioxin/furan performance tests.
If you intend to comply with the dioxin/furan emission limit without an ACI system, maintain the average kiln operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or above the average temperature established during the dioxin/furan performance test.
a. Maintain no VE from the stack; and
b. Maintain the kiln process rate at or below the kiln process rate determined according to
§ 63.8595(g)(1); and
c. Maintain the average kiln operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or below the average temperature established during the dioxin/furan performance test.
If you use a bag leak detection system, initiate corrective action within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; operate
and maintain the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged for more than 5 percent of the
total operating time in a 6-month block reporting period; or maintain no VE from the FF stack; and
a. Maintain the average scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour block period at or above the average pressure drop established during the PM performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the average scrubber liquid flow rate established during the PM performance test.
Conduct daily inspections to verify the presence of water flow to the wet control system; and
3. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped with an
ACI system.
4. Tunnel or roller kiln intending to comply
with dioxin/furan emission limit without
an ACI system.
5. Tunnel or roller kiln with no add-on control.
6. Glaze spray operation equipped with a
7. Glaze spray operation equipped with a
8. Glaze spray operation equipped with a
water curtain.
9. Glaze spray operation equipped with
10. Spray dryer ..........................................
11. Floor tile press dryer ...........................
Conduct weekly visual inspections of the system ductwork and control equipment for leaks; and
Conduct annual inspections of the interior of the control equipment (if applicable) to determine the
structural integrity and condition of the control equipment.
Conduct an annual visual inspection of the baffles to confirm the baffles are in place.
Maintain the average operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or above the average
temperature established during the dioxin/furan performance test.
Maintain the average operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or below the average
temperature established during the dioxin/furan performance test.
As stated in § 63.8555, you must
comply with each work practice
standard in the following table that
applies to you.
You must . . .
According to one of the following requirements . . .
1. Existing, new, or reconstructed sanitaryware
shuttle kiln.
For each . . .
a. Minimize HAP emissions
i. Use natural gas, or equivalent, as the kiln fuel, except during periods of natural
gas curtailment or supply interruption, as defined in § 63.8665; and
2. Existing, new or reconstructed kiln or dryer during periods of startup.
a. Minimize HAP emissions
ii. Develop and use a designed firing time and temperature cycle for each product
produced in the sanitaryware shuttle kiln. You must either program the time and
temperature cycle into your kiln or track each step on a log sheet; and
iii. Label each sanitaryware shuttle kiln with the maximum load (in tons) of product
that can be fired in the kiln during a single firing cycle; and
iv. For each firing load, document the total tonnage of product placed in the kiln to
ensure that it is not greater than the maximum load identified in item 1.a.iii; and
v. Develop and follow maintenance procedures for each kiln that, at a minimum,
specify the frequency of inspection and maintenance of temperature monitoring
devices, controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios, and controls that regulate firing
cycles; and
vi. Develop and maintain records for each sanitaryware shuttle kiln, as specified in
§ 63.8640.
i. Do not put any ceramics into the kiln or dryer until the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature reaches 204 °C (400 °F); and
ii. If your kiln or dryer has an APCD, begin venting the exhaust from the kiln or
dryer through the APCD by the time the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature
reaches 204 °C (400 °F).
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For each . . .
You must . . .
According to one of the following requirements . . .
3. Existing, new or reconstructed kiln or dryer during periods of shutdown.
a. Minimize HAP emissions
i. Do not put any ceramics into the kiln or dryer once the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature falls to 149 °C (300 °F); and
ii. If your kiln or dryer has an APCD, continue to vent the exhaust from the kiln or
dryer through the APCD until the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature falls to 149
°C (300 °F).
As stated in § 63.8595, you must
conduct each performance test in the
following table that applies to you.
For each . . .
You must . . .
Using . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
1. Tunnel or roller kiln .........
a. Select locations of sampling ports and the number of traverse points.
b. Determine velocities and
volumetric flow rate.
Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1.
c. Conduct gas molecular
weight analysis.
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–2.
Sampling sites must be located at the outlet of the
APCD and prior to any releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
You may use Method 2A, 2C, 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1, or Method 2G of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to using Method 2 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–1.
You may use Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to
using Method 3 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2.
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 [Part 10] (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as
an alternative to the manual procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures) in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture content of the stack gas.
e. Measure HF and HCl
Method 4 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–3.
i. Method 26A of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–8;
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–1.
ii. Method 320 of appendix
A of this part.
f. Measure PM emissions ..
g. Measure Hg emissions
2. Glaze spray operation .....
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h. Measure dioxin/furan
a. Select locations of sampling ports and the number of traverse points.
b. Determine velocities and
volumetric flow rate.
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i. Method 5 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–3; or.
ii. Method 29 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–8.
Method 29 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–8.
Method 23 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–7.
Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1.
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–1.
Frm 00086
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You may use Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix
A–8, as an alternative to using Method 26A of 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–8, when no acid PM (e.g.,
HF or HCl dissolved in water droplets emitted by
sources controlled by a WS) is present. ASTM
D6735–01 (Reapproved 2009) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative
to Methods 26 and 26A.
When using Method 320 of appendix A of this part,
you must follow the analyte spiking procedures of
section 13 of Method 320 of appendix A of this part,
unless you can demonstrate that the complete spiking procedure has been conducted at a similar
source. ASTM D6348–03 (Reapproved 2010) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as
an alternative to Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1–A8 are
mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined
for each target analyte.
To determine PM, weigh the filter and report the results as PM filterable
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative to Method 29 (portion for Hg only).
Sampling sites must be located at the outlet of the
APCD and prior to any releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
You may use Method 2A, 2C, 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1, or Method 2G of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to using Method 2 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–1.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For each . . .
You must . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
c. Conduct gas molecular
weight analysis.
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–2.
You may use Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to
using Method 3 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2.
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 [Part 10] (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as
an alternative to the manual procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures) in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture content of the stack gas.
e. Measure PM emissions
3. Spray dryer or floor tile
press dryer.
Using . . .
Method 4 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–3.
Method 5 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–3.
Method 29 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–8.
f. Measure Hg emissions
(tile glaze spray operations only).
a. Select locations of sampling ports and the number of traverse points.
b. Determine velocities and
volumetric flow rate.
Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1.
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–1.
c. Conduct gas molecular
weight analysis.
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–2.
d. Measure moisture content of the stack gas.
e. Measure dioxin/furan
a. Establish the operating
limit(s) for kiln process
rate if the total facility
maximum potential HClequivalent emissions are
greater than the HClequivalent limit in Table
1 to this subpart.
b. Establish the operating
limit for kiln operating
Method 4 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–3.
Method 23 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A–7.
HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart
and emissions and production data from the
HF/HCl/Cl2 performance
5. Tunnel or roller kiln that is
complying with PM and/or
Hg production-based
emission limits.
Determine the production
rate during each PM/Hg
test run in order to determine compliance with
PM and/or Hg production-based emission limits.
6. Tunnel or roller kiln
equipped with a DIFF or
Establish the operating
limit for the lime feeder
Production data collected
during the PM/Hg performance tests (e.g., the
number of ceramic
pieces and weight per
piece in the kiln during a
test run divided by the
amount of time to fire a
Data from the lime feeder
during the HF/HCl performance test.
4. Tunnel or roller kiln with
no add-on control.
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Data from the temperature
measurement device
during the dioxin/furan
performance test.
Frm 00087
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14) may be used as an alternative to Method 29 (portion for Hg only).
Sampling sites must be located at the outlet of the
APCD and prior to any releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
You may use Method 2A, 2C, 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–1, or Method 2G of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to using Method 2 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–1.
You may use Method 3A or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2, as appropriate, as an alternative to
using Method 3 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–2.
ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10–1981 [Part 10] (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used as
an alternative to the manual procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures) in Methods 3A and 3B.
Using the procedures in § 63.8595(g)(1), you must determine the maximum process rate(s) for your kiln(s)
that would ensure total facility maximum potential
HCl-equivalent emissions remain at or below the
HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to this subpart. The
maximum process rate(s) would become your sitespecific process rate operating limit(s).
You must continuously measure the kiln operating
temperature, determine and record the block average temperature values for the three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-hour block average of
the recorded temperature measurements for the
three test runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes your minimum site-specific operating
You must measure and record the production rate, on
a fired-product weight basis, of the affected kiln for
each of the three test runs.
For continuous lime injection systems, you must ensure that lime in the feed hopper or silo and to the
APCD is free-flowing at all times during the performance test and record the feeder setting, on a per ton
of fired product basis, for the three test runs. If the
feed rate setting varies during the three test runs,
determine and record the average feed rate from
the three test runs. The average of the three test
runs establishes your minimum site-specific feed
rate operating limit.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
You must . . .
Using . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
7. Tunnel or roller kiln
equipped with a WS.
a. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber pressure drop.
Data from the pressure
drop measurement device during the PM performance test.
b. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber liquid pH.
Data from the pH measurement device during
the HF/HCl performance
c. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber liquid flow rate.
Data from the flow rate
measurement device
during the HF/HCl and
PM performance tests.
8. Tunnel or roller kiln
equipped with a WS that
includes chemical addition
to the water.
Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber chemical feed
Data from the chemical
feed rate measurement
device during the HF/
HCl performance test.
9. Tunnel or roller kiln
equipped with an ACI system.
Establish the operating
limit for the average carbon flow rate.
Data from the carbon flow
rate measurement conducted during the Hg
performance test.
10. Tunnel or roller kiln intending to comply with
dioxin/furan emission limit
without an ACI system.
Establish the operating
limit for kiln operating
Data from the temperature
measurement device
during the dioxin/furan
performance test.
11. Glaze spray operation
equipped with a WS.
a. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber pressure drop.
Data from the pressure
drop measurement device during the PM performance test.
b. Establish the operating
limit for the average
scrubber liquid flow rate.
For each . . .
Data from the flow rate
measurement device
during the PM performance test.
You must continuously measure the scrubber pressure
drop, determine and record the block average pressure drop values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded pressure drop measurements for the three
test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific pressure drop operating limit.
You must continuously measure the scrubber liquid
pH, determine and record the block average pH values for the three test runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block average of the recorded pH
measurements for the three test runs. The average
of the three test runs establishes your minimum
site-specific liquid pH operating limit.
You must continuously measure the scrubber liquid
flow rate, determine and record the block average
flow rate values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded flow rate measurements for the three test
runs. The average of the three test runs establishes
your minimum site-specific liquid flow rate operating
level. If different average wet scrubber liquid flow
rate values are measured during the HF/HCl and
PM tests, the highest of the average values become
your site-specific operating limit.
You must continuously measure the scrubber chemical feed rate, determine and record the block average chemical feed rate values for the three test
runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded chemical feed rate measurements for the three test runs. The average of the
three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific chemical addition rate operating limit.
You must measure the carbon flow rate during each
test run, determine and record the block average
carbon flow rate values for the three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-hour block average of
the recorded carbon flow rate measurements for the
three test runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes your minimum site-specific activated
carbon flow rate operating limit.
You must continuously measure the kiln operating
temperature, determine and record the block average temperature values for the three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-hour block average of
the recorded temperature measurements for the
three test runs. The average of the three test runs
establishes your minimum site-specific operating
You must continuously measure the scrubber pressure
drop, determine and record the block average pressure drop values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded pressure drop measurements for the three
test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific pressure drop operating limit.
You must continuously measure the scrubber liquid
flow rate, determine and record the block average
flow rate values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded flow rate measurements for the three test
runs. The average of the three test runs establishes
your minimum site-specific liquid flow rate operating
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For each . . .
You must . . .
Using . . .
According to the following requirements . . .
12. Spray dryer ....................
Establish the operating
limit for operating temperature.
Data from the temperature
measurement device
during the dioxin/furan
performance test.
13. Floor tile press dryer .....
Establish the operating
limit for operating temperature.
Data from the temperature
measurement device
during the dioxin/furan
performance test.
You must continuously measure the operating temperature, determine and record the block average
temperature values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the
recorded temperature measurements for the three
test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific operating limit.
You must continuously measure the operating temperature, determine and record the block average
temperature values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the
recorded temperature measurements for the three
test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes your maximum site-specific operating limit.
As stated in § 63.8595(f)(3), you must
demonstrate initial compliance with
each dioxin/furan emission limit that
applies to you by calculating the sum of
the 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs using the TEFs
in the following table.
For each dioxin/furan congener . . .
You must calculate its
TEQ using the
following TEF
. . .
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-pdioxin .................................
1,2,3,7,8pentachlorodibenzo-pdioxin .................................
1,2,3,4,7,8hexachlorodibenzo-pdioxin .................................
You must calculate its
TEQ using the
following TEF
. . .
You must calculate its
TEQ using the
following TEF
. . .
For each dioxin/furan congener . . .
1,2,3,7,8,9hexachlorodibenzo-pdioxin .................................
1,2,3,6,7,8hexachlorodibenzo-pdioxin .................................
1,2,3,4,6,7,8heptachlorodibenzo-pdioxin .................................
Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin ..
2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzofuran ....
2,3,4,7,8pentachlorodibenzofuran ...
1,2,3,7,8pentachlorodibenzofuran ...
1,2,3,4,7,8hexachlorodibenzofuran ....
For each dioxin/furan congener . . .
1,2,3,6,7,8hexachlorodibenzofuran ....
1,2,3,7,8,9hexachlorodibenzofuran ....
2,3,4,6,7,8hexachlorodibenzofuran ....
1,2,3,4,6,7,8heptachlorodibenzofuran ...
1,2,3,4,7,8,9heptachlorodibenzofuran ...
Octachlorodibenzofuran ........
As stated in § 63.8605, you must
demonstrate initial compliance with
0.03 each emission limitation and work
practice standard that applies to you
0.1 according to the following table.
For the following . . .
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel or
roller kilns at the facility.
For each . . .
a. HF, HCl, and Cl2 emissions must not exceed 62
kg/hr (140 lb/hr) HCl
2. Existing floor tile roller kiln
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.090 kg/Mg
(0.18 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. You measure HF and HCl emissions for each kiln using Method 26 or 26A of 40
CFR part 60, appendix A–8 or its alternative, ASTM D6735–01 (Reapproved
2009) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14); or Method 320 of appendix A of
this part or its alternative, ASTM D6348–03 (Reapproved 2010) (incorporated by
reference, see § 63.14); and
ii. You calculate the HCl-equivalent emissions for HF for each kiln using Equation 4
of § 63.8595; and
iii. You sum the HCl-equivalent values for all kilns at the facility using Equation 5 of
§ 63.8595; and
iv. The facility total HCl-equivalent does not exceed 62 kg/hr (140 lb/hr).
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed
0.090 kg/Mg (0.18 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the applicable operating limits listed in Table
2 to this subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions
did not exceed 0.090 kg/Mg (0.18 lb/ton) of fired product.
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For each . . .
For the following . . .
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 6.3 E–05 kg/Mg
(1.3 E–04 lb/ton) of fired
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 6.3 E–05 kg/Mg (1.3 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 6.3 E–05 kg/Mg (1.3 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 4.6 ng/
dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 4.6 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed
0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.0 E–04 kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 1.0 E–04 kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.17
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed
0.17 kg/Mg (0.33 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.17 kg/Mg (0.33 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.3 E–04 kg/Mg (2.6 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 1.3 E–04 kg/Mg (2.6 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.5 ng/
dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 0.93 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.93 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg (1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg (1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 4.6 ng/
dscm at 7% O2..
3. Existing wall tile roller kiln
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20
lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 1.0 E–04 kg/Mg
(2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired
c. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.17 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
4. Existing first-fire
sanitaryware tunnel kiln.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.17 kg/Mg (0.33
lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 1.3 E–04 kg/Mg
(2.6 E–04 lb/ton) of fired
c. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 1.5 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
5. Existing tile glaze line with
glaze spraying.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.93 kg/Mg (1.9
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg
(1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze
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For each . . .
For the following . . .
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
6. Existing sanitaryware
manual glaze application.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 16 kg/Mg (33 lb/
ton) of glaze sprayed.
7. Existing sanitaryware
spray machine glaze application.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12 lb/
ton) of glaze sprayed.
8. Existing sanitaryware
robot glaze application.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8 lb/
ton) of glaze sprayed.
9. Existing floor tile spray
a. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 44 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
10. Existing wall tile spray
a. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.12 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
11. Existing floor tile press
a. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.19 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
12. New or reconstructed
floor tile roller kiln..
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.014 kg/Mg
(0.027 lb/ton) of fired
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 16 kg/Mg (33 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 16 kg/Mg (33 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 44 ng/
dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 44 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.12
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.19
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed
0.014 kg/Mg (0.027 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.014 kg/Mg (0.027 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.9 E–05 kg/Mg (3.9 E–05 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 1.9 E–05 kg/Mg (3.9 E–05 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.5 ng/
dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed
0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 1.0 E–04 kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 1.0 E–04 kg/Mg (2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 1.9 E–05 kg/Mg
(3.9 E–05 lb/ton) of fired
c. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 1.5 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
13. New or reconstructed
wall tile roller kiln.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20
lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 1.0 E–04 kg/Mg
(2.0 E–04 lb/ton) of fired
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For each . . .
For the following . . .
c. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.17 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
14. New or reconstructed
first-fire sanitaryware tunnel kiln.
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.17
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3
or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8, over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in § 63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed
0.047 kg/Mg (0.095 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.047 kg/Mg (0.095 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 6.0 E–05 kg/Mg (1.2 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 6.0 E–05 kg/Mg (1.2 E–04 lb/ton) of fired product.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.37
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.37 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 0.30 kg/Mg (0.61 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 0.30 kg/Mg (0.61 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–8
or its alternative, ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg (1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which Hg emissions did not exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg (1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–3,
over the period of the initial performance test, according to the calculations in
§ 63.8595(f)(2), do not exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which PM emissions did not exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.17
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.12
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.047 kg/Mg
(0.095 lb/ton) of fired
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 6.0 E–05 kg/Mg
(1.2 E–04 lb/ton) of fired
c. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.37 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
15. New or reconstructed tile
glaze line with glaze
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 0.30 kg/Mg (0.61
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
b. Hg emissions must not
exceed 7.9 E–05 kg/Mg
(1.6 E–04 lb/ton) of glaze
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8 lb/
ton) of glaze sprayed.
17. New or reconstructed
sanitaryware spray machine glaze application.
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2 lb/
ton) of glaze sprayed.
18. New or reconstructed
sanitaryware robot glaze
a. PM emissions must not
exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/
ton) of glaze sprayed.
19. New or reconstructed
floor tile spray dryer.
16. New or reconstructed
sanitaryware manual glaze
a. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.17 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
20. New or reconstructed
wall tile spray dryer.
a. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.12 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
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For each . . .
For the following . . .
You have demonstrated initial compliance if . . .
21. New or reconstructed
floor tile press dryer.
a. Dioxin/furan emissions
must not exceed 0.19 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
22. Existing, new, or reconstructed sanitaryware
shuttle kiln..
a. Minimize HAP emissions
i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7, over the period of the initial performance test, do not exceed 0.19
ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the operating limits listed in Table 2 to this
subpart over the 3-hour performance test during which dioxin/furan emissions did
not exceed 0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
i. Use natural gas, or equivalent, as the kiln fuel; and
ii. Develop a designed firing time and temperature cycle for each product produced
in the sanitaryware shuttle kiln. You must either program the time and temperature cycle into your kiln or track each step on a log sheet; and
iii. Label each sanitaryware shuttle kiln with the maximum load (in tons) of product
that can be fired in the kiln during a single firing cycle; and
iv. Develop maintenance procedures for each kiln that, at a minimum, specify the
frequency of inspection and maintenance of temperature monitoring devices,
controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios, and controls that regulate firing cycles.
As stated in § 63.8620, you must
demonstrate continuous compliance
with each emission limitation and work
practice standard that applies to you
according to the following table.
For each . . .
For the following . . .
1. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped
with a DIFF or DLS/FF.
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You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 1 of Table 2 to
this subpart for kilns equipped
with DIFF or DLS/FF.
i. If you use a bag leak detection system, initiating corrective action
within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and completing
corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; operating
and maintaining the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged
for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month
block reporting period; in calculating this operating time fraction, if
inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action
is required, no alarm time is counted; if corrective action is required, each alarm is counted as a minimum of 1 hour; if you take
longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time is
counted as the actual amount of time taken by you to initiate corrective action; or performing VE observations of the DIFF or DLS/
FF stack at the frequency specified in § 63.8620(e) using Method
22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7; and maintaining no VE from
the DIFF or DLS/FF stack; and
ii. Verifying that lime is free-flowing via a load cell, carrier gas/lime
flow indicator, carrier gas pressure drop measurement system, or
other system; recording all monitor or sensor output, and if lime is
found not to be free flowing, promptly initiating and completing corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; recording the
feeder setting once each shift of operation to verify that the feeder
setting is being maintained at or above the level established during
the HF/HCl performance test.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For each . . .
For the following . . .
You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
2. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped
with a WS.
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 2 of Table 2 to
this subpart for kilns equipped
with WS.
3. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped
with an ACI system.
Each emission limit in Table 1 to
this subpart and each operating
limit in Item 3 of Table 2 to this
subpart for kilns equipped with
ACI system.
Each emission limit in Table 1 to
this subpart and each operating
limit in Item 4 of Table 2 to this
subpart for kilns intending to
comply with dioxin/furan emission limit without an ACI system.
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 5 of Table 2 to
this subpart for tunnel or roller
kilns with no add-on control.
4. Tunnel or roller kiln intending to
comply with dioxin/furan emission
limit without an ACI system.
5. Tunnel or roller kiln with no addon control.
6. Glaze spray operation equipped
with a FF.
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Each emission limit in Table 1 to
this subpart and each operating
limit in Item 6 of Table 2 to this
subpart for glaze spray operations equipped with a FF.
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Collecting the scrubber pressure drop data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the scrubber pressure drop data to 3-hour
block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average
scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour block period at or above
the average pressure drop established during the PM performance
test; and
ii. Collecting the scrubber liquid pH data according to § 63.8600(a);
reducing the scrubber liquid pH data to 3-hour block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average scrubber liquid pH
for each 3-hour block period at or above the average scrubber liquid pH established during the HF/HCl performance test; and
iii. Collecting the scrubber liquid flow rate data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the scrubber liquid flow rate data to 3-hour
block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average
scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above
the highest average scrubber liquid flow rate established during the
HF/HCl and PM performance tests; and
iv. If chemicals are added to the scrubber water, collecting the scrubber chemical feed rate data according to § 63.8600(a); reducing the
scrubber chemical feed rate data to 3-hour block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average scrubber chemical
feed rate for each 3-hour block period at or above the average
scrubber chemical feed rate established during the HF/HCl performance test.
Collecting the carbon flow rate data according to § 63.8600(a); reducing the carbon flow rate data to 3-hour block averages according to
§ 63.8600(a); maintaining the average carbon flow rate for each 3hour block period at or above the highest average carbon flow rate
established during the Hg and dioxin/furan performance tests.
Collecting the kiln operating temperature data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the kiln operating temperature data to 3hour block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average kiln operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or
below the average operating temperature established during the
dioxin/furan performance test.
i. Performing VE observations of the stack at the frequency specified
in § 63.8620(e) using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A–7;
and maintaining no VE from the stack.
ii. If your last calculated total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent was not at or below the health-based standard in Table 1 to
this subpart, collecting the kiln process rate data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the kiln process rate data to 3-hour block
averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average kiln
process rate for each 3-hour block period at or below the kiln process rate determined according to § 63.8595(g)(1).
iii. Collecting the kiln operating temperature data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the kiln operating temperature data to 3hour block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average kiln operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or
above the average operating temperature established during the
dioxin/furan performance test.
If you use a bag leak detection system, initiating corrective action
within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and completing
corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan; operating
and maintaining the fabric filter such that the alarm is not engaged
for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a 6-month
block reporting period; in calculating this operating time fraction, if
inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action
is required, no alarm time is counted; if corrective action is required, each alarm is counted as a minimum of 1 hour; if you take
longer than 1 hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time is
counted as the actual amount of time taken by you to initiate corrective action; or performing VE observations of the FF stack at the
frequency specified in § 63.8620(e) using Method 22 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A–7; and maintaining no VE from the FF stack.
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
For each . . .
For the following . . .
You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
7. Glaze spray operation equipped
with a WS.
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 7 of Table 2 to
this subpart for kilns equipped
with WS.
8. Glaze spray operation equipped
with a water curtain.
a. Each emission limit in Table 1
to this subpart and each operating limit in Item 8 of Table 2 to
this subpart for kilns equipped
with a water curtain.
9. Glaze spray operation equipped
with baffles.
Each emission limit in Table 1 to
this subpart and each operating
limit in Item 9 of Table 2 to this
subpart for kilns equipped with
Each emission limit in Table 1 to
this subpart and each operating
limit in Item 10 of Table 2 to this
subpart for spray dryers.
10. Spray dryer ...............................
11. Floor tile press dryer .................
12. Sanitaryware shuttle kiln ...........
Collecting the scrubber pressure drop data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the scrubber pressure drop data to 3-hour
block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average
scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour block period at or above
the average pressure drop established during the PM performance
test; and
ii. Collecting the scrubber liquid flow rate data according to
§ 63.8600(a); reducing the scrubber liquid flow rate data to 3-hour
block averages according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average
scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period at or above
the average scrubber liquid flow rate established during the PM
performance test.
Conducting daily inspections to verify the presence of water flow to
the wet control system; and
Conducting weekly visual inspections of the system ductwork and
control equipment for leaks; and
Conducting annual inspections of the interior of the control equipment
(if applicable) to determine the structural integrity and condition of
the control equipment.
Conducting an annual visual inspection of the baffles to confirm the
baffles are in place.
Collecting the operating temperature data according to § 63.8600(a);
reducing the operating temperature data to 3-hour block averages
according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average operating temperature for each 3-hour block period at or above the average operating temperature established during the dioxin/furan performance test.
Each emission limit in Table 1 to Collecting the operating temperature data according to § 63.8600(a);
this subpart and each operating
reducing the operating temperature data to 3-hour block averages
limit in Item 11 of Table 2 to this
according to § 63.8600(a); maintaining the average operating temsubpart for floor tile press dryers.
perature for each 3-hour block period at or below the average operating temperature established during the dioxin/furan performance test.
a. Minimize HAP emissions ........... i. Maintaining records documenting your use of natural gas, or an
equivalent fuel, as the kiln fuel at all times except during periods of
natural gas curtailment or supply interruption; and
ii. If you intend to use an alternative fuel, submitting a notification of
alternative fuel use within 48 hours of the declaration of a period of
natural gas curtailment or supply interruption, as defined in
§ 63.8665; and
iii. Submitting a report of alternative fuel use within 10 working days
after terminating the use of the alternative fuel, as specified in
§ 63.8635(g); and
iv. Using a designed firing time and temperature cycle for each product produced in the shuttle kiln; and
v. For each firing load, documenting the total tonnage of product
placed in the kiln to ensure that it is not greater than the maximum
load identified in Item 1.a.iii of Table 3 to this subpart; and
vi. Following maintenance procedures for each kiln that, at a minimum, specify the frequency of inspection and maintenance of temperature monitoring devices, controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios,
and controls that regulate firing cycles; and
vii. Developing and maintaining records for each shuttle kiln, as specified in § 63.8640.
As stated in § 63.8635, you must
submit each report that applies to you
according to the following table.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
You must submit . . .
The report must contain . . .
You must submit the report . . .
1. A compliance report .....................
a. If there are no deviations from any emission limitations or work
practice standards that apply to you, a statement that there were
no deviations from the emission limitations or work practice standards during the reporting period. If there were no periods during
which the CMS was out-of-control as specified in your OM&M
plan, a statement that there were no periods during which the
CMS was out-of-control during the reporting period.
b. If you have a deviation from any emission limitation (emission
limit, operating limit) during the reporting period, the report must
contain the information in § 63.8635(d) or (e). If there were periods
during which the CMS was out-of-control, as specified in your
OM&M plan, the report must contain the information in
§ 63.8635(e).
The information in § 63.8635(g) ............................................................
Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.8635(b).
2. A report of alternative fuel use .....
As stated in § 63.8655, you must
comply with the General Provisions in
Semiannually according to the requirements in § 63.8635(b).
If you are subject to the work
practice standards specified in
Table 3 to this subpart, and you
use an alternative fuel to fire an
affected kiln, by letter within 10
working days after terminating
the use of the alternative fuel.
§§ 63.1 through 63.16 that apply to you
according to the following table.
Applies to Subpart
Brief description
§ 63.1 ...................................
Applicability ........................
§ 63.2
§ 63.3
§ 63.4
§ 63.5
Definitions ..........................
Units and Abbreviations ....
Prohibited Activities ...........
Applicability ........................
Initial applicability determination; applicability after
standard established; permit requirements; extensions, notifications.
Definitions for part 63 standards ...................................
Units and abbreviations for part 63 standards ..............
Compliance date; circumvention; severability ...............
Applicability; applications; approvals .............................
§ 63.6(a) ...............................
§ 63.6(b)(1) through (4) .......
§ 63.6(b)(5) ..........................
§ 63.6(b)(6) ..........................
§ 63.6(b)(7) ..........................
§ 63.6(c)(1) and (2) ..............
[Reserved] .........................
Compliance Dates for New
and Reconstructed Area
Sources That Become
Compliance Dates for Existing Sources.
§ 63.6(d) ...............................
§ 63.6(e)(1)(i) .......................
§ 63.6(c)(3) and (4) ..............
§ 63.6(c)(5) ...........................
Compliance Dates for New
and Reconstructed
Notification .........................
[Reserved] .........................
Compliance Dates for Existing Area Sources That
Become Major.
[Reserved] .........................
Operation & Maintenance
§ 63.6(e)(1)(ii) ......................
§ 63.6(e)(1)(iii) ......................
General Provisions (GP) apply unless compliance extension; GP apply to area sources that become
Standards apply at effective date; 3 years after effective date; upon startup; 10 years after construction
or reconstruction commences for section 112(f).
Must notify if commenced construction or reconstruction after proposal.
Area sources that become major must comply with
major source standards immediately upon becoming
major, regardless of whether required to comply
when they were area sources.
Comply according to date in subpart, which must be
no later than 3 years after effective date; for section
112(f) standards, comply within 90 days of effective
date unless compliance extension.
Area sources that become major must comply with
major source standards by date indicated in subpart
or by equivalent time period (for example, 3 years).
General Duty to minimize emissions ............................
Operation & Maintenance
Operation & Maintenance
§ 63.6(e)(2) ..........................
§ 63.6(e)(3) ..........................
§ 63.6(f)(1) ...........................
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Requirement to correct malfunctions ASAP .................
Operation and maintenance requirements enforceable
independent of emissions limitations.
[Reserved] ......................... ........................................................................................
Startup, Shutdown, and
Requirement for startup, shutdown, and malfunction
Malfunction Plan (SSMP).
(SSM) and SSMP; content of SSMP.
Compliance Except During You must comply with emission standards at all times
except during SSM.
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No. See § 63.8570(b) for
general duty requirement.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Applies to Subpart
Brief description
§ 63.6(f)(2) and (3) ...............
Methods for Determining
Alternative Standard ..........
Opacity/VE Standards .......
Compliance Extension .......
Compliance based on performance test, operation and
maintenance plans, records, inspection.
Procedures for getting an alternative standard .............
Requirements for opacity and VE standards ................
Procedures and criteria for Administrator to grant compliance extension.
President may exempt source category .......................
§ 63.6(g) ...............................
§ 63.6(h) ...............................
§ 63.6(i) ................................
§ 63.6(j) ................................
§ 63.7(a)(1) and (2) ..............
Presidential Compliance
Performance Test Dates ...
§ 63.7(a)(3) ..........................
Section 114 Authority ........
§ 63.7(a)(4) ..........................
Notification of Delay in
Performance Testing
Due To Force Majeure.
Notification of Performance
Notification of Rescheduling.
Quality Assurance (QA)/
Test Plan.
§ 63.7(b)(1) ..........................
§ 63.7(b)(2) ..........................
§ 63.7(c) ...............................
§ 63.7(d) ...............................
§ 63.7(e)(1) ..........................
Testing Facilities ................
Conditions for Conducting
Performance Tests.
§ 63.7(e)(2) and (3) ..............
Conditions for Conducting
Performance Tests.
§ 63.7(e)(4) ..........................
Testing under Section 114
§ 63.7(f) ................................
Alternative Test Method ....
§ 63.7(g) ...............................
Performance Test Data
§ 63.7(h) ...............................
Waiver of Tests .................
§ 63.8(a)(1) ..........................
§ 63.8(a)(2) ..........................
Applicability of Monitoring
Performance Specifications
§ 63.8(a)(3) ..........................
§ 63.8(a)(4) ..........................
§ 63.8(b)(1) ..........................
[Reserved] .........................
Monitoring with Flares .......
Monitoring ..........................
§ 63.8(b)(2) and (3) ..............
Multiple Effluents and Multiple Monitoring Systems.
Monitoring System Operation and Maintenance.
Routine and Predictable
SSM not in SSMP .............
§ 63.8(c)(1) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(1)(i) .......................
§ 63.8(c)(1)(ii) .......................
§ 63.8(c)(1)(iii) ......................
§ 63.8(c)(2) and (3) ..............
§ 63.8(c)(4) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(5) ...........................
§ 63.8(c)(6) ...........................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Compliance with Operation
and Maintenance Requirements.
Monitoring System Installation.
CMS Requirements ...........
Continuous Opacity Monitoring System (COMS)
Minimum Procedures.
CMS Requirements ...........
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No, not applicable.
Dates for conducting initial performance testing and
other compliance demonstrations for emission limits
and work practice standards; must conduct 180
days after first subject to rule.
Administrator may require a performance test under
CAA section 114 at any time.
Must notify Administrator of delay in performance testing due to force majeure.
Must notify Administrator 60 days before the test ........
Must notify Administrator 5 days before scheduled
date of rescheduled date.
Requirements; test plan approval procedures; performance audit requirements; internal and external QA
procedures for testing.
Requirements for testing facilities .................................
Performance tests must be conducted under representative conditions.
Cannot conduct performance tests during SSM; not a
violation to exceed standard during SSM.
Must conduct according to subpart and EPA test
methods unless Administrator approves alternative;
must have at least three test runs of at least 1 hour
each; compliance is based on arithmetic mean of
three runs; conditions when data from an additional
test run can be used.
Administrator’s authority to require testing under section 114 of the Act.
Procedures by which Administrator can grant approval
to use an alternative test method.
Must include raw data in performance test report;
must submit performance test data 60 days after
end of test with the notification of compliance status.
Procedures for Administrator to waive performance
Subject to all monitoring requirements in subpart ........
Performance Specifications in appendix B of 40 CFR
part 60 apply.
Requirements for flares in § 63.11 apply ......................
Must conduct monitoring according to standard unless
Administrator approves alternative.
Specific requirements for installing and reporting on
monitoring systems.
Maintenance consistent with good air pollution control
Reporting requirements for SSM when action is described in SSMP.
Reporting requirements for SSM when action is not
described in SSMP.
How Administrator determines if source complying
with operation and maintenance requirements.
Must install to get representative emission and parameter measurements.
Requirements for CMS ..................................................
No, § 63.8595 specifies requirements.
No, not applicable.
COMS minimum procedures .........................................
No, § 63.8600 specifies requirements.
No, not applicable.
Zero and high level calibration check requirements .....
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Applies to Subpart
Brief description
§ 63.8(c)(7) and (8) ..............
§ 63.8(d) ...............................
§ 63.8(e) ...............................
CMS Requirements ...........
CMS Quality Control .........
CMS Performance Evaluation.
Alternative Monitoring
Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test.
Out-of-control periods ....................................................
Requirements for CMS quality control ..........................
Requirements for CMS performance evaluation ...........
Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative
Procedures for Administrator to approve alternative
relative accuracy test for continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS).
COMS and CEMS data reduction requirements ...........
Applicability; State delegation .......................................
Requirements for initial notifications .............................
Can request if cannot comply by date or if installed
For sources that commence construction between proposal and promulgation and want to comply 3 years
after effective date.
Notify Administrator 60 days prior .................................
No, not applicable.
Notify Administrator 30 days prior .................................
No, not applicable.
Notification of performance evaluation ..........................
Notification of COMS data use; notification that relative accuracy alternative criterion were exceeded.
Contents; submittal requirements .................................
No, not applicable.
§ 63.8(f)(1) through (5) ........
§ 63.8(f)(6) ...........................
§ 63.8(g)
§ 63.9(a)
§ 63.9(b)
§ 63.9(c)
§ 63.10(b)(2)(i) .....................
Data Reduction ..................
Notification Requirements
Initial Notifications .............
Request for Compliance
Notification of Special
Compliance Requirements for New Source.
Notification of Performance
Notification of VE/Opacity
Additional Notifications
When Using CMS.
Additional Notifications
When Using CMS.
Notification of Compliance
Adjustment of Submittal
Change in Previous Information.
Recordkeeping/Reporting ..
General Recordkeeping
Records Related to SSM ..
§ 63.10(b)(2)(ii) ....................
Records Related to SSM ..
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iii) ....................
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v) .......
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vi) through (xii)
and (xiv).
§ 63.10(b)(2)(xiii) ..................
Records Related to SSM ..
Records Related to SSM ..
CMS Records ....................
Records .............................
§ 63.10(b)(3) ........................
§ 63.10(c)(1) through (15) ....
Records .............................
Records .............................
§ 63.10(d)(1) and (2) ............
§ 63.10(d)(4) ........................
General Reporting Requirements.
Reporting Opacity or VE
Progress Reports ..............
§ 63.10(d)(5) ........................
SSM Reports .....................
Must submit progress reports on schedule if under
compliance extension.
Contents and submission ..............................................
§ 63.10(e)(1) through (3) .....
Additional CMS Reports ....
Requirements for CMS reporting ..................................
§ 63.9(d) ...............................
§ 63.9(e) ...............................
§ 63.9(f) ................................
§ 63.9(g)(1) ..........................
§ 63.9(g)(2) and (3) ..............
§ 63.9(h) ...............................
§ 63.9(i) ................................
§ 63.9(j) ................................
§ 63.10(a) .............................
§ 63.10(b)(1) ........................
§ 63.10(d)(3) ........................
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No, not applicable.
Procedures for Administrator to approve change in
when notifications must be submitted.
Must submit within 15 days after the change ...............
Applicability; general information ..................................
General requirements ....................................................
Recordkeeping of occurrence and duration of startups
and shutdowns.
Recordkeeping of failures to meet a standard ..............
Maintenance records .....................................................
Actions taken to minimize emissions during SSM ........
Records when CMS is malfunctioning, inoperative or
Records when using alternative to relative accuracy
Applicability Determinations ..........................................
Additional records for CMS ...........................................
Requirements for reporting; performance test results
Requirements for reporting opacity and VE ..................
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No. See § 63.8640(c)(2) for
recordkeeping of (1)
date, time and duration;
(2) listing of affected
source or equipment,
and an estimate of the
volume of each regulated pollutant emitted
over the standard; and
(3) actions to minimize
emissions and correct
the failure.
No, not applicable.
No, §§ 63.8575 and
63.8640 specify requirements.
No, not applicable.
No. See § 63.8635(f) for
malfunction reporting requirements.
No, §§ 63.8575 and
63.8635 specify requirements.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Applies to Subpart
Brief description
§ 63.10(e)(4) ........................
Reporting COMS data .......
§ 63.10(f) ..............................
Waiver for Recordkeeping/
Flares .................................
Delegation .........................
Addresses ..........................
Incorporation by Reference
Availability of Information ..
Performance Track Provisions.
Requirements for reporting COMS data with performance test data.
Procedures for Administrator to waive ..........................
Requirement for flares ...................................................
State authority to enforce standards .............................
Addresses for reports, notifications, requests ...............
Materials incorporated by reference .............................
Information availability; confidential information ...........
Requirements for Performance Track member facilities
No, not applicable.
§ 63.11
§ 63.12
§ 63.13
§ 63.14
§ 63.15
§ 63.16
[FR Doc. 2014–28125 Filed 12–17–14; 8:45 am]
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No, not applicable.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 243 (Thursday, December 18, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 75621-75719]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-28125]
[[Page 75621]]
Vol. 79
No. 243
December 18, 2014
Part II
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 63
NESHAP for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing; and NESHAP
for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing; Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 79 , No. 243 / Thursday, December 18, 2014 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 75622]]
40 CFR Part 63
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290 and EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291; FRL-9913-58-OAR]
RIN 2060-AP69
NESHAP for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing; and
NESHAP for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing
national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for
brick and structural clay products manufacturing and NESHAP for clay
ceramics manufacturing. The EPA is proposing that all major sources in
these categories meet maximum achievable control technology (MACT)
standards for mercury, non-mercury metal hazardous air pollutants (HAP)
(or particulate matter (PM) surrogate) and dioxins/furans (Clay
Ceramics only); health-based standards for acid gas HAP; and work
practice standards, where applicable. The proposed rule, which has been
informed by input from industry and other stakeholders, including small
businesses, would protect air quality and promote public health by
reducing emissions of HAP listed in section 112 of the Clean Air Act
DATES: Comments. Comments must be received on or before February 17,
2015. A copy of comments on the information collection provisions
should be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on or
before January 20, 2015.
Public Hearing. If anyone contacts the EPA requesting a public
hearing by January 15, 2014 the EPA will hold a public hearing on
January 20, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] to 5:00 p.m.
[Eastern Standard Time] at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
building located at 109 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park,
NC 27711. If the EPA holds a public hearing, the EPA will keep the
record of the hearing open for 30 days after completion of the hearing
to provide an opportunity for submission of rebuttal and supplementary
ADDRESSES: Comments. Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No.
EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291 for Brick and Structural Clay Products
Manufacturing and EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290 for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing,
by one of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments.
Email: Include Docket ID No. EPA-
HQ-OAR-2013-0291 for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing
or EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290 for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing in the subject
line of the message.
Fax: (202) 566-9744.
Mail: Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Docket Center
(EPA/DC), Mailcode 28221T, Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291
(for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing) or EPA-HQ-OAR-
2013-0290 (for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW., Washington, DC 20460. In addition, please mail a copy of your
comments on the information collection provisions to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Attn: Desk Officer for EPA, 725 17th Street NW., Washington, DC
Hand/Courier Delivery: EPA Docket Center, Room 3334, EPA
WJC West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20004.
Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket's normal hours of
operation and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of
boxed information.
Instructions. Direct your comments to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2013-0291 for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing or EPA-
HQ-OAR-2013-0290 for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing. The EPA's policy is
that all comments received will be included in the public docket
without change and may be made available online at, including any personal information provided,
unless the comment includes information claimed to be confidential
business information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Do not submit information that you consider to
be CBI or otherwise protected through or
email. The Web site is an ``anonymous
access'' system, which means the EPA will not know your identity or
contact information unless you provide it in the body of your comment.
If you send an email comment directly to the EPA without going through, your email address will be automatically
captured and included as part of the comment that is placed in the
public docket and made available on the Internet. If you submit an
electronic comment, the EPA recommends that you include your name and
other contact information in the body of your comment and with any disk
or CD-ROM you submit. If the EPA cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact you for clarification, the
EPA may not be able to consider your comment. Electronic files should
not include special characters or any form of encryption and be free of
any defects or viruses. For additional information about the EPA's
public docket, visit the EPA Docket Center homepage at:
Docket. The EPA has established dockets for this rulemaking under
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291 for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing and Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290 for Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing. All documents in the dockets are listed in the index. Although listed in the index, some information
is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available either electronically in or in
hard copy at the EPA Docket Center, EPA WJC West Building, Room 3334,
1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Washington, DC. The Public Reading Room is
open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public Reading Room is
(202) 566-1744 and the telephone number for the EPA Docket Center is
(202) 566-1742.
Public Hearing. If requested by January 15, 2014, we will hold a
public hearing on January 20, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard
Time] to 5:00 p.m. [Eastern Standard Time] at the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency building located at 109 T.W. Alexander Drive,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711. Please contact Ms. Pamela Garrett of
the Sector Policies and Programs Division (D243-01), Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; telephone number: (919) 541-7966;
email address:; to request a hearing, register
to speak at the hearing or to inquire as to whether or not a hearing
will be held. The last day to pre-register in advance to speak at the
hearing will be December 30, 2014. Additionally, requests to speak will
be taken the day of the hearing at the hearing registration desk,
[[Page 75623]]
preferences on speaking times may not be able to be fulfilled. If you
require the service of a translator or special accommodations such as
audio description, we ask that you pre-register for the hearing, as we
may not be able to arrange such accommodations without advance notice.
The hearing will provide interested parties the opportunity to present
data, views or arguments concerning the proposed action. The EPA will
make every effort to accommodate all speakers who arrive and register.
Because this hearing is being held at a U.S. government facility,
individuals planning to attend the hearing should be prepared to show
valid picture identification to the security staff in order to gain
access to the meeting room. Please note that the REAL ID Act, passed by
Congress in 2005, established new requirements for entering federal
facilities. If your driver's license is issued by Alaska, American
Samoa, Arizona, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Montana, New York, Oklahoma or the state of Washington, you must
present an additional form of identification to enter the federal
building. Acceptable alternative forms of identification include:
Federal employee badges, passports, enhanced driver's licenses and
military identification cards. In addition, you will need to obtain a
property pass for any personal belongings you bring with you. Upon
leaving the building, you will be required to return this property pass
to the security desk. No large signs will be allowed in the building,
cameras may only be used outside of the building and demonstrations
will not be allowed on federal property for security reasons. The EPA
may ask clarifying questions during the oral presentations, but will
not respond to the presentations at that time. Written statements and
supporting information submitted during the comment period will be
considered with the same weight as oral comments and supporting
information presented at the public hearing. Verbatim transcripts of
the hearing and written statements will be included in the docket for
the rulemaking. The EPA will make every effort to follow the schedule
as closely as possible on the day of the hearing; however, please plan
for the hearing to run either ahead of schedule or behind schedule.
Again, a hearing will not be held on this rulemaking unless requested.
A hearing needs to be requested by December 23, 2014. Again, please
contact Ms. Pamela Garrett of the Sector Policies and Programs Division
(D243-01), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; telephone number:
(919) 541-7966; email address: to request a
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about the proposed rule
for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing, contact Ms. Sharon Nizich, Minerals and Manufacturing
Group, Sector Policies and Program Division (D243-04), Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711; Telephone number: (919)
541-2825; Fax number: (919) 541-5450; Email address:
Preamble Acronyms and Abbreviations. This preamble includes several
acronyms and terms used to describe industrial processes, data
inventories and risk modeling. While this list may not be exhaustive,
to ease the reading of this preamble and for reference purposes, the
EPA defines the following terms and acronyms here:
3xRDL representative detection level values multiplied by three
ACI activated carbon injection
AEGL Acute Exposure Guideline Level
AERMOD air dispersion model used by the HEM-3 model
APCD air pollution control device
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
BDL below detection limit
BLD bag leak detection
BSCP brick and structural clay products
CAA Clean Air Act
CalEPA California EPA
CAS Chemical Abstract Services
CBI Confidential Business Information
CDX Central Data Exchange
CEDRI Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
Cl2 chlorine
CO carbon monoxide
CPMS continuous parameter monitoring system
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DIFF dry lime injection fabric filter
DLA dry limestone adsorber
DLL detection level limited
DLS/FF dry lime scrubber/fabric filter
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERPG Emergency Response Planning Guideline
ERT Electronic Reporting Tool
[deg]F degrees Fahrenheit
FF fabric filter
FTIR Fourier transform infrared
gr/dscf grains per dry standard cubic foot
HAP hazardous air pollutant
HCl hydrogen chloride
HEM-3 Human Exposure Model (Community and Sector version 1.3.1)
HF hydrogen fluoride
Hg mercury
HQ hazard quotient
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
ICR information collection request
IOM Institute of Medicine
IRFA initial regulatory flexibility analysis
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
K kurtosis statistic
lb/hr pounds per hour
lb/ton pounds per ton
LML lowest measured level
MACT maximum achievable control technology
mg/m\3\ milligrams per cubic meter
MMBtu/yr million British thermal units per year
MRL Minimal Risk Level
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NATA National Air Toxics Assessment
NEI National Emissions Inventory
NESHAP national emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants
ng/dscm nanograms per dry standard cubic meter
No. number
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOAEL no observable adverse effect level
non-Hg non-mercury
NOX nitrogen oxides
NTTAA National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
O2 oxygen
OM&M operation, maintenance and monitoring
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PIC products of incomplete combustion
PLC programmable logic controller
PM particulate matter
PM2.5 particulate matter with particles less than 2.5
micrometers in diameter
RDL representative detection level
REL reference exposure level
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
RfC reference concentration
RIA Regulatory Impact Analysis
S skewness statistic
SBA Small Business Administration
SBAR Small Business Advocacy Review
SBE Standard Brick Equivalent
SBREFA Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
SEK standard error of kurtosis
SER small entity representative
SES standard error of skewness
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SSM startup, shutdown and malfunction
TCDD tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
TEQ 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalents
TOSHI target organ-specific hazard index
tph tons per hour
tpy tons per year
TTN Technology Transfer Network
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
[mu]g/dscm micrograms per dry standard cubic meter
[mu]g/m\3\ micrograms per cubic meter
UPL Upper Prediction Limit
VCS voluntary consensus standards
VE visible emissions
WHO World Health Organization
[[Page 75624]]
Organization of This Document. The information in this preamble is
organized as follows:
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
B. Does this action apply to me?
C. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related
D. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for the EPA?
II. Background Information
A. What is the statutory authority for the proposed rule?
B. What is the background for startup, shutdown and malfunction?
C. What is the history of the proposed rule?
D. What are the health effects of pollutants emitted from the
Brick and Structural Clay Products and Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
source categories?
III. Summary of the Proposed Rule for the Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing Source Category
A. What source category is affected by the proposed rule?
B. What are the affected sources?
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
D. What emission limitations and work practice standards must I
E. What are the startup and shutdown requirements?
F. What are the testing and initial compliance requirements?
G. What are the continuous compliance requirements?
H. What are the notification, recordkeeping and reporting
I. How would I submit emissions test results to the EPA?
IV. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing
A. How did the EPA determine which sources would be regulated
under the proposed rule?
B. How did the EPA select the format for the proposed rule?
C. How did the EPA consider different subcategories?
D. What approaches did the EPA consider in developing the
proposed emission limitations for existing and new sources?
E. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for existing
F. How did the EPA determine the MACT floor for new sources?
G. What is our approach for applying the upper prediction limit
to limited datasets?
H. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for existing
I. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for new sources?
J. How did the EPA determine whether to set health-based
standards for existing and new sources?
K. How did the EPA determine whether to set work practice
standards for existing and new sources?
L. How did the EPA develop the startup and shutdown
M. How did the EPA select the compliance requirements?
N. How did the EPA determine compliance times for the proposed
O. How did the EPA determine the required records and reports
for the proposed rule?
P. How does the proposed rule affect permits?
Q. What are the alternate approaches the EPA is considering?
V. Summary of the Proposed Rule for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
A. What source category is affected by the proposed rule?
B. What are the affected sources?
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
D. What emission limitations and work practice standards must I
E. What are the startup and shutdown requirements?
F. What are the testing and initial compliance requirements?
G. What are the continuous compliance requirements?
H. What are the notification, recordkeeping and reporting
I. How would I submit emissions test results to the EPA?
VI. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
A. How did the EPA determine which sources would be regulated
under the proposed rule?
B. How did the EPA select the format for the proposed rule?
C. How did the EPA consider different subcategories?
D. What approaches did the EPA consider in developing the
proposed emission limitations for existing and new sources?
E. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for existing
F. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for new sources?
G. What is our approach for applying the upper prediction limit
to limited datasets?
H. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for existing
I. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for new sources?
J. How did the EPA determine whether to set health-based
standards for existing and new sources?
K. How did the EPA determine whether to set work practice
standards for existing and new sources?
L. How did the EPA develop the startup and shutdown
M. How did the EPA select the compliance requirements?
N. How did the EPA determine compliance times for the proposed
O. How did the EPA determine the required records and reports
for the proposed rule?
P. How does the proposed rule affect permits?
VII. Summary of the Environmental, Energy and Economic Impacts of
the Proposed Standards
A. What are the cost and emission reduction impacts?
B. What are the secondary impacts?
C. What are the economic impacts?
D. What are the social costs and benefits of the proposed rule?
VIII. Public Participation and Request for Comment
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and
Executive Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
I. General Information
A. Executive Summary
1. Purpose of the Regulatory Action
Section 112(d) of the CAA requires the EPA to set emissions
standards for HAP emitted by major stationary sources based on the
performance of the MACT. We issued the NESHAP for Brick and Structural
Clay Products (BSCP) manufacturing and the NESHAP for Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing on May 16, 2003. The two NESHAP were vacated and remanded
by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit on March 13, 2007. To address the vacatur and remand of the
original NESHAP, we are proposing new standards for BSCP manufacturing
and clay ceramics manufacturing.
2. Summary of the Major Provisions
BSCP NESHAP. The EPA is proposing MACT emission limits for mercury
(Hg) and non-mercury (non-Hg) HAP metals (or PM surrogate) and a
health-based emission limit for acid gases (hydrogen fluoride (HF),
hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine (Cl2)) for BSCP tunnel
kilns. In addition, the EPA is proposing work practice standards for
periodic kilns, for dioxins/furans from tunnel kilns and for periods of
startup and shutdown for tunnel kilns. To demonstrate compliance with
the emission limits, the EPA is proposing initial and repeat 5-year
performance testing for the regulated pollutants, continuous parameter
monitoring and daily visible emissions (VE) checks. Owners/operators
whose BSCP tunnel kilns are equipped with a fabric filter (FF) (e.g.,
dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF), dry lime scrubber/fabric
filter (DLS/FF)) have the option of
[[Page 75625]]
demonstrating compliance using a bag leak detection (BLD) system
instead of daily VE checks.
Clay Ceramics NESHAP. The EPA is proposing MACT emission limits for
Hg, PM (surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) and dioxins/furans and health-
based emission limits for acid gases (HF and HCl) for sanitaryware
tunnel kilns and ceramic tile roller kilns. In addition, the EPA is
proposing MACT emission limits for dioxins/furans for ceramic tile
spray dryers and floor tile press dryers, MACT emission limits for Hg
and PM (surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) for ceramic tile glaze lines
and MACT emission limits for PM (surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) for
sanitaryware glaze spray booths. The EPA is also proposing work
practice standards for shuttle kilns and for periods of startup and
shutdown. To demonstrate compliance with the emission limits, the EPA
is proposing initial and repeat 5-year performance testing for the
regulated pollutants, continuous parameter monitoring and daily VE
checks. Owners/operators whose affected sources are equipped with a FF
(e.g., DIFF, DLS/FF) have the option of demonstrating compliance using
a BLD system instead of daily VE checks.
3. Costs and Benefits
Table 1 of this preamble summarizes the costs and benefits of this
proposed action for 40 CFR part 63, subpart JJJJJ (BSCP Manufacturing
NESHAP), while Table 2 of this preamble summarizes the costs of this
proposed action for 40 CFR part 63, subpart KKKKK (Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing NESHAP). See section VII of this preamble for further
discussion of the costs and benefits for the BSCP Manufacturing NESHAP
and the costs for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP. See section
IX.B of this preamble for discussion of the recordkeeping and reporting
Table 1--Summary of the Costs and Benefits of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart JJJJJ
[Millions of 2011 dollars]
Requirement Capital cost Annual cost Net benefit
Emission controls............................ $54.9 $18.4 $26 to $99.
Emissions testing............................ 0.977 0.238
Monitoring................................... .............. 0.346
Table 2--Summary of the Costs of 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart KKKKK
[Millions of 2011 dollars]
Requirement Capital cost Annual cost
Emission controls............... $0 $0
Emissions testing............... 0.102 0.0249
Monitoring...................... .................. 0.0209
B. Does this action apply to me?
The regulated categories and entities potentially affected by the
proposed standards are shown in Table 3 of this preamble:
Table 3--NESHAP and Industrial Source Categories Affected by This Proposed Action
Examples of potentially
Category NAICS code \a\ regulated entities
Industry......................................................... 327120 Brick, structural clay and
extruded tile manufacturing
facilities (BSCP NESHAP);
and ceramic wall and floor
tile manufacturing
facilities (Clay Ceramics
327110 Vitreous plumbing fixtures
(sanitaryware) manufacturing
facilities (Clay Ceramics
Federal government............................................... .............. Not affected.
State/local/tribal government.................................... .............. Not affected.
\a\ North American Industry Classification System.
This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this
action. To determine whether your facility, company, business,
organization, etc., would be regulated by this action, you should
examine the applicability criteria in 40 CFR 63.8385 of subpart JJJJJ
(BSCP Manufacturing NESHAP) or 40 CFR 63.8535 of subpart KKKKK (Clay
Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP). If you have any questions regarding the
applicability of this proposed action to a particular entity, contact
either the air permitting authority for the entity or your EPA regional
representative as listed in 40 CFR 63.13 of subpart A (General
C. Where can I get a copy of this document and other related
In addition to being available in the docket, an electronic copy of
this action is available on the Internet through the EPA's Technology
Transfer Network (TTN) Web site, a forum for information and technology
exchange in various areas of air pollution control. Following signature
by the EPA Administrator, the EPA will post a copy of this proposed
action at Following
publication in the Federal Register, the EPA will post the Federal
Register version of the proposal and key technical documents at this
same Web site.
D. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for the EPA?
Do not submit information containing CBI to the EPA through or email. Clearly
[[Page 75626]]
mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. For
CBI information on a disk or CD-ROM that you mail to the EPA, mark the
outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then identify electronically
within the disk or CD-ROM the specific information that is claimed as
CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comments that includes
information claimed as CBI, you must submit a copy of the comments that
does not contain the information claimed as CBI for inclusion in the
public docket. If you submit a CD-ROM or disk that does not contain
CBI, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM clearly that it does not
contain CBI. Information not marked as CBI will be included in the
public docket and the EPA's electronic public docket without prior
notice. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in 40 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) part 2. Send or deliver information identified as CBI only to the
following address: Roberto Morales, OAQPS Document Control Officer
(C404-02), OAQPS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2013-0291 (for BSCP Manufacturing NESHAP) or Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2013-0290 (for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP).
II. Background Information
A. What is the statutory authority for the proposed rule?
Section 112(d) of the CAA requires the EPA to set emissions
standards for HAP emitted by major stationary sources based on the
performance of the MACT. The MACT standards for existing sources must
be at least as stringent as the average emissions limitation achieved
by the best performing 12 percent of existing sources (for which the
Administrator has emissions information) or the best performing five
sources for source categories with less than 30 sources (CAA section
112(d)(3)(A) and (B)). This level of minimum stringency is called the
MACT floor. For new sources, MACT standards must be at least as
stringent as the control level achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source (CAA section 112(d)(3)). The EPA also must
consider more stringent ``beyond-the-floor'' control options. When
considering beyond-the-floor options, the EPA must consider not only
the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of HAP, but must take into
account the associated costs, energy and nonair environmental impacts.
B. What is the background for startup, shutdown and malfunction?
In its 2008 decision in Sierra Club v. EPA, 551 F.3d 1019 (D.C.
Cir. 2008), the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit vacated portions of two provisions in the EPA's CAA
section 112 regulations governing the emissions of HAP during periods
of startup, shutdown and malfunction (SSM). Specifically, the Court
vacated the SSM exemption contained in 40 CFR 63.6(f)(1) and 40 CFR
63.6(h)(1), holding that under section 302(k) of the CAA, emissions
standards or limitations must be continuous in nature and that the SSM
exemption violates the CAA's requirement that some section 112
standards apply continuously.
Consistent with Sierra Club v. EPA, we are proposing standards in
this rule that apply at all times. In proposing the standards in this
rule, the EPA has taken into account startup and shutdown periods and,
for the reasons explained in sections IV.L and VI.L of this preamble,
has proposed alternate standards for some sources during those periods.
Periods of startup, normal operations and shutdown are all
predictable and routine aspects of a source's operations. Malfunctions,
in contrast, are neither predictable nor routine. Instead they are, by
definition sudden, infrequent and not reasonably preventable failures
of emissions control, process or monitoring equipment. The EPA
interprets CAA section 112 as not requiring emissions that occur during
periods of malfunction to be factored into development of CAA section
112 standards. Under section 112, emissions standards for new sources
must be no less stringent than the level ``achieved'' by the best
controlled similar source and for existing sources generally must be no
less stringent than the average emission limitation ``achieved'' by the
best performing 12 percent of sources in the category. There is nothing
in CAA section 112 that directs the agency to consider malfunctions in
determining the level ``achieved'' by the best performing sources when
setting emission standards. As the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit has recognized, the phrase ``average
emissions limitation achieved by the best performing 12 percent of''
sources ``says nothing about how the performance of the best units is
to be calculated.'' Nat'l Ass'n of Clean Water Agencies v. EPA, 734
F.3d 1115, 1141 (D.C. Cir. 2013). While the EPA accounts for
variability in setting emissions standards, nothing in CAA section 112
requires the agency to consider malfunctions as part of that analysis.
A malfunction should not be treated in the same manner as the type of
variation in performance that occurs during routine operations of a
source. A malfunction is a failure of the source to perform in a
``normal or usual manner'' and no statutory language compels the EPA to
consider such events in setting section CAA 112 standards.
Further, accounting for malfunctions in setting emission standards
would be difficult, if not impossible, given the myriad different types
of malfunctions that can occur across all sources in the category and
given the difficulties associated with predicting or accounting for the
frequency, degree and duration of various malfunctions that might
occur. For these reasons, the performance of units that are
malfunctioning is not ``reasonably'' foreseeable. See, e.g., Sierra
Club v. EPA, 167 F.3d 658, 662 (D.C. Cir. 1999) (``The EPA typically
has wide latitude in determining the extent of data-gathering necessary
to solve a problem. We generally defer to an agency's decision to
proceed on the basis of imperfect scientific information, rather than
to `invest the resources to conduct the perfect study.' '') See also,
Weyerhaeuser v. Costle, 590 F.2d 1011, 1058 (D.C. Cir. 1978) (``In the
nature of things, no general limit, individual permit, or even any
upset provision can anticipate all upset situations. After a certain
point, the transgression of regulatory limits caused by `uncontrollable
acts of third parties,' such as strikes, sabotage, operator
intoxication or insanity, and a variety of other eventualities, must be
a matter for the administrative exercise of case-by-case enforcement
discretion, not for specification in advance by regulation.''). In
addition, emissions during a malfunction event can be significantly
higher than emissions at any other time of source operation. For
example, if an air pollution control device with 99-percent removal
goes off-line as a result of a malfunction (as might happen if, for
example, the bags in a baghouse catch fire) and the emission unit is a
steady state type unit that would take days to shut down, the source
would go from 99-percent control to zero control until the control
device was repaired. The source's emissions during the malfunction
would be 100 times higher than during normal operations, and the
emissions over a 4-day malfunction period would exceed the annual
emissions of the source during normal operations. As this example
illustrates, accounting for malfunctions could lead to standards
[[Page 75627]]
that are not reflective of (and significantly less stringent than)
levels that are achieved by a well-performing non-malfunctioning
source. It is reasonable to interpret CAA section 112 to avoid such a
result. The EPA's approach to malfunctions is consistent with CAA
section 112 and is a reasonable interpretation of the statute.
In the event that a source fails to comply with the applicable CAA
section 112 standards as a result of a malfunction event, the EPA would
determine an appropriate response based on, among other things, the
good faith efforts of the source to minimize emissions during
malfunction periods, including preventative and corrective actions, as
well as root cause analyses to ascertain and rectify excess emissions.
The EPA would also consider whether the source's failure to comply with
the CAA section 112(d) standard was, in fact, ``sudden, infrequent, not
reasonably preventable'' and was not instead ``caused in part by poor
maintenance or careless operation.'' 40 CFR 63.2 (definition of
If the EPA determines in a particular case that enforcement action
against a source for violation of an emission standard is warranted,
the source can raise any and all defenses in that enforcement action
and the federal district court will determine what, if any, relief is
appropriate. The same is true for citizen enforcement actions.
Similarly, the presiding officer in an administrative proceeding can
consider any defense raised and determine whether administrative
penalties are appropriate.
In summary, the EPA interpretation of the CAA and, in particular,
section 112 is reasonable and encourages practices that will avoid
malfunctions. Administrative and judicial procedures for addressing
exceedances of the standards fully recognize that violations may occur
despite good faith efforts to comply and can accommodate those
C. What is the history of the proposed rule?
Pursuant to CAA section 112(c)(5), the EPA was originally required
to promulgate standards for the BSCP Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing source categories by November 2000. The agency initially
promulgated standards for these categories in 2003. See 68 FR 26690
(May 16, 2003). Those standards were challenged and subsequently
vacated by the Court of appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in
2007. See Sierra Club v. EPA, 479 F.3d 875, 876 (D.C. Cir. 2007). In
2008, Sierra Club filed suit in the Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit under CAA section 304(a)(2), alleging that the EPA
had a continuing mandatory duty to promulgate standards for these
categories under CAA section 112 based on the 2000 deadline under CAA
section 112(c)(5). The EPA challenged that claim in a motion to
dismiss, arguing that the mandatory duty to act by the 2000 deadline
was satisfied by the 2003 rule and that the 2007 vacatur of the 2003
rule did not recreate the statutory duty to act by the 2000 deadline.
Ultimately, the District Court found that the vacatur of the 2003 rule
recreated the mandatory duty to set standards by 2000 and held that
Sierra Club's claims could continue. See Sierra Club v. EPA, 850
F.Supp.2d 300 (D.D.C. 2012). The EPA and Sierra Club then negotiated a
consent decree to settle the litigation and establish proposal and
promulgation deadlines for establishing standards for these categories.
Following the 2007 vacatur of the 2003 rule, the EPA began efforts
to collect additional data to support new standards for the BSCP and
clay ceramics industries. The EPA conducted an initial information
collection effort in 2008 to update information on the inventory of
affected units, hereafter referred to as ``the 2008 EPA survey.'' The
EPA conducted a second information collection effort in 2010 to obtain
additional emissions data and information on each facility's SSM
procedures, hereafter referred to as ``the 2010 EPA survey.'' The
information collected as part of these surveys and not claimed as CBI
by respondents is available in Docket ID Nos. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290 and
EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291. In addition, the dockets A-99-30 and OAR-2002-
0054 are incorporated by reference for BSCP. The dockets A-2000-48,
OAR-2002-0055 and EPA-HQ-OAR-2006-0424 are incorporated by reference
for clay ceramics.
D. What are the health effects of pollutants emitted from the Brick and
Structural Clay Products Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
source categories?
The proposed rule protects air quality and promotes the public
health by reducing emissions of HAP emitted from BSCP and clay ceramics
kilns. Emissions data collected during development of the proposed rule
shows that acid gases such as HF, HCl and Cl2 represent the
predominant HAP emitted by BSCP and clay ceramics kilns, accounting for
99.3 percent of the total HAP emissions. These kilns also emit lesser
amounts of other HAP compounds such as HAP metals and dioxins/furans,
accounting for about 0.7 percent of total HAP emissions. The HAP metals
emitted include antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium,
cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel and selenium. Exposure to
these HAP, depending on exposure duration and levels of exposures, can
be associated with a variety of adverse health effects. These adverse
health effects could include chronic health disorders (e.g., irritation
of the lung, skin and mucus membranes, effects on the central nervous
system and damage to the kidneys) and acute health disorders (e.g.,
lung irritation and congestion, alimentary effects such as nausea and
vomiting and effects on the kidney and central nervous system). We have
classified two of the HAP as human carcinogens (arsenic and chromium
VI) and four as probable human carcinogens (cadmium, lead, dioxins/
furans and nickel).
III. Summary of the Proposed Rule for the Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing Source Category
This section summarizes the requirements for the BSCP Manufacturing
source category proposed in today's action. Section IV of this preamble
provides our rationale for the proposed requirements.
A. What source category is affected by the proposed rule?
Today's proposed rule for BSCP Manufacturing applies to BSCP
manufacturing facilities that are located at or are part of a major
source of HAP emissions. The BSCP Manufacturing source category
includes those facilities that manufacture brick (face brick,
structural brick, brick pavers and other brick); clay pipe; roof tile;
extruded floor and wall tile; and/or other extruded, dimensional clay
B. What are the affected sources?
The affected sources, which are the portions of each source in the
category for which we are setting standards, are: (1) all tunnel kilns
at a BSCP manufacturing facility; and (2) each periodic kiln. For
purposes of this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, tunnel kilns are
defined to include any type of continuous kiln used at BSCP
manufacturing facilities, including roller kilns.
Tunnel kilns are fired by natural gas or other fuels, including
sawdust. Sawdust firing typically involves the use of a sawdust dryer
because sawdust typically is purchased wet and needs to be dried before
it can be used as fuel.
[[Page 75628]]
Consequently, some sawdust-fired tunnel kilns have two process streams,
including: (1) A process stream that exhausts directly to the
atmosphere or to an APCD and (2) a process stream in which the kiln
exhaust is ducted to a sawdust dryer where it is used to dry sawdust
before being emitted to the atmosphere. Both process streams are
subject to the requirements of today's proposed BSCP manufacturing
The following BSCP process units are not subject to the
requirements of today's proposed rule: (1) kilns that are used
exclusively for setting glazes on previously fired products and (2)
dryers. See section IV.A of this preamble for information on why these
sources are not subject to the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
This proposed BSCP manufacturing rule applies to owners or
operators of an affected source at a major source meeting the
requirements discussed previously in this preamble. A major source of
HAP emissions is any stationary source or group of stationary sources
located within a contiguous area and under common control that emits or
has the potential to emit, considering controls, 10 tons per year (tpy)
or more of any HAP or 25 tpy or more of any combination of HAP.
D. What emission limitations and work practice standards must I meet?
1. Emission Limitations
We are proposing a choice of emission limits for total non-Hg HAP
metals for all new and existing tunnel kilns. The options include a
total non-Hg HAP metals limit (pounds per hour (lb/hr)) and options for
limiting PM as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals (pounds per ton (lb/
ton) or grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf) at 7 percent
oxygen (O2)). We are also proposing a choice of emission
limits for Hg (lb/ton, lb/hr or micrograms per dry standard cubic meter
([micro]g/dscm) at 7 percent O2) for new and existing tunnel
kilns in two subcategories based on kiln size. In this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule, a large tunnel kiln is defined as a new or existing
tunnel kiln with a design capacity of 10 tons per hour (tph) or greater
and a small tunnel kiln is defined as a new or existing tunnel kiln
with a design capacity of less than 10 tph. We are also proposing an
emission limit for HCl-equivalent for all existing and new tunnel kilns
at the facility to reduce the acid gases HF, HCl and Cl2.
The proposed emission limits for Hg and non-Hg HAP metals are presented
in Table 4 of this preamble.
Table 4--Proposed Total Non-Mercury HAP Metals and Mercury Emission Limits for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Tunnel Kilns
Subcategory Acid gases Total non-Hg HAP metals Hg
Limits for existing sources
Large tunnel kilns................... ....................... ....................... 2.2 E-05 lb/ton OR 2.7
(>= 10 tph).......................... E-04 lb/hr OR 29
[micro]g/dscm at 7-
percent O2 for each
existing large tunnel
kiln at facility.
Small tunnel kilns................... ....................... ....................... 2.0 E-04 lb/ton OR
(< 10 tph)........................... 0.0011 lb/hr OR 70
[micro]g/dscm at 7-
percent O2 for each
existing small tunnel
kiln at facility.
All tunnel kilns..................... 57 lb/hr HCl-equivalent 0.16 lb/ton PM OR 0.040
for collection of all gr/dscf PM at 7
existing tunnel kilns percent O2 OR 0.023 lb/
at facility. hr non-Hg HAP metals
for each existing
tunnel kiln at
Limits for new sources
Large tunnel kilns................... ....................... ....................... 2.0 E-05 lb/ton OR 2.4
(>= 10 tph).......................... E-04 lb/hr OR 13
[micro]g/dscm at 7-
percent O2 for each
new large tunnel kiln
at facility.
Small tunnel kilns................... ....................... ....................... 2.0 E-04 lb/ton OR
(< 10 tph)........................... 0.0011 lb/hr OR 70
[micro]g/dscm at 7-
percent O2 for each
new small tunnel kiln
at facility.
All tunnel kilns..................... 57 lb/hr HCl-equivalent 0.022 lb/ton PM OR
for collection of all 0.0066 gr/dscf PM at 7-
new tunnel kilns at percent O2 OR 0.0032
facility. lb/hr non-Hg HAP
metals for each new
tunnel kiln at
2. Work Practice Standards
We are proposing work practice standards for BSCP periodic kilns in
lieu of HAP emission limits. The work practice standards would require
developing and using a designed firing time and temperature cycle for
each product produced in the periodic kiln; labeling each periodic kiln
with the maximum load (in tons) that can be fired in the kiln during a
single firing cycle; documenting the total tonnage placed in the kiln
for each load to ensure that it is not greater than the maximum load;
developing and implementing maintenance procedures for each kiln that
specify the frequency of inspection and maintenance; and developing and
maintaining records for each periodic kiln, including logs to document
the proper operation and maintenance procedures of the periodic kilns.
We are also proposing work practice standards for BSCP tunnel kilns
in lieu of dioxin/furan emission limits. The
[[Page 75629]]
work practice standards would require maintaining and inspecting the
burners and associated combustion controls (as applicable); tuning the
specific burner type to optimize combustion; keeping records of each
burner tune-up; and submitting a report for each tune-up conducted.
E. What are the startup and shutdown requirements?
The EPA's position on SSM events is discussed in section II.B of
this preamble. Standards for periods of startup and shutdown are
discussed in this section.
We are proposing the work practice standards described in this
paragraph for periods of startup and shutdown for BSCP tunnel kilns
with APCD. For startup, the owner or operator would be required to vent
the exhaust from the kiln through the APCD by the time the kiln exhaust
temperature reaches 400 degrees Fahrenheit ([deg]F). In addition, no
bricks or other product may be introduced to the kiln until the kiln
exhaust temperature reaches 400[emsp14][deg]F and the exhaust is being
vented through the APCD. For shutdown, the owner or operator would be
required to vent the exhaust from the kiln through the APCD until the
kiln exhaust temperature falls below 300[emsp14][deg]F. In addition, no
bricks or other product may be put into the kiln once the kiln exhaust
temperature falls to 300[emsp14][deg]F and the exhaust is no longer
being vented through the APCD. When the kiln exhaust is being vented
through the APCD, the owner or operator would be required to comply
with the applicable continuous compliance requirements described in
section III.G of this preamble.
We are proposing work practice standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for BSCP tunnel kilns without an APCD as well. For startup, no
bricks or other product may be introduced to the kiln until the kiln
exhaust temperature reaches 400[emsp14][deg]F. For shutdown, no bricks
or other product may be put into the kiln once the kiln exhaust
temperature falls to 300[emsp14][deg]F.
F. What are the testing and initial compliance requirements?
We are proposing that owners or operators of all affected sources
subject to emission limits conduct an initial performance test using
specified EPA test methods to demonstrate initial compliance with all
applicable emission limits. A performance test would have to be
conducted before renewing the facility's 40 CFR part 70 operating
permit or at least every five years following the initial performance
test, as well as when an operating limit parameter value is being
Under today's proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, the owner or
operator would have to measure emissions of HF, HCl, Cl2, Hg
and PM (or non-Hg HAP metals). We are proposing that the owner or
operator measure HF, HCl and Cl2 using one of the following
EPA Method 26A, ``Determination of Hydrogen Halide and
Halogen Emissions from Stationary Sources--Isokinetic Method,'' 40
CFR part 60, appendix A-8;
EPA Method 26, ``Determination of Hydrogen Chloride
Emissions from Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8,
when no acid particulate (e.g., HF, HCl or Cl2 dissolved
in water droplets emitted by sources controlled by a wet scrubber)
is present;
EPA Method 320, ``Measurement of Vapor Phase Organic
and Inorganic Emission by Extractive FTIR'' 40 CFR part 63, appendix
A, provided the test follows the analyte spiking procedures of
section 13 of Method 320, unless the owner or operator can
demonstrate that the complete spiking procedure has been conducted
at a similar source; or
Any other alternative method that has been approved by
the Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
Following the performance test, the owner or operator would
calculate the HCl-equivalent for the kiln using proposed Equation 2 in
40 CFR 63.8445(f)(2)(i). If there are multiple kilns at a facility, the
owner or operator would sum the HCl-equivalent for each kiln using
proposed Equation 3 in 40 CFR 63.8445(f)(2)(ii) to get the total
facility HCl-equivalent and compare this value to the proposed
If the owner or operator chooses to comply with one of the two PM
emission limits, we are proposing that the owner or operator measure PM
emissions using one of the following methods:
EPA Method 5, ``Determination of Particulate Emissions
from Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3;
EPA Method 29, ``Determination of Metals Emissions From
Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8, where the test
results would report the weight of the PM on the filter as PM
filterable; or
Any other alternative method that has been approved by
the Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
If the owner or operator chooses to comply with the non-Hg HAP
metals emission limit instead of one of the PM emission limits, the
owner or operator would measure non-Hg HAP metals emissions using EPA
Method 29 cited above or any other alternative method that has been
approved by the Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General
Provisions. The owner or operator may also use Method 29 or any other
approved alternative method to measure Hg emissions.
The following paragraphs discuss the initial compliance
requirements that we are proposing. Prior to the initial performance
test, the owner or operator would need to install the continuous
parameter monitoring system (CPMS) equipment to be used to demonstrate
continuous compliance with the operating limits. During the initial
test, the owner or operator would use the CPMS to establish site-
specific operating parameter values that represent the operating
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are proposing that the owner or operator
ensure that lime in the feed hopper or silo and to the APCD is free-
flowing at all times during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test
and record the feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) for
the three test runs. If the lime feed rate varies, the owner or
operator would be required to determine the average feed rate from the
three test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes the
minimum site-specific feed rate operating limit. If there are different
average feed rate values during the PM/non-Hg HAP metals and HF/HCl/
Cl2 tests, the highest of the average values becomes the
site-specific operating limit. If a BLD system is present, the owner or
operator would need to submit analyses and supporting documentation
demonstrating conformance with EPA guidance and specifications for BLD
For a stand-alone FF (i.e., no dry sorbent injection or DLS) and a
BLD system, we are proposing that the owner or operator submit analyses
and supporting documentation demonstrating conformance with EPA
guidance and specifications for BLD systems.
For a dry limestone adsorber (DLA), we are proposing that the owner
or operator continuously measure the pressure drop across the DLA
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test and determine the 3-
hour block average pressure drop. The average of the three test runs
establishes the minimum site-specific pressure drop operating limit.
Alternatively, the owner or operator may continuously monitor the
bypass stack damper position at least once every 15 minutes during the
performance test. The owner or operator also would need to maintain an
adequate amount of limestone in the limestone hopper, storage bin
(located at the top of the DLA) and DLA at all times. In addition, the
owner or operator would need to establish the limestone
[[Page 75630]]
feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) 1 week prior to
the performance test and maintain the feeder setting for the 1-week
period that precedes the performance test and during the performance
test. Finally, the owner or operator would need to document the source
and grade of the limestone used during the performance test.
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing that the owner or operator
continuously measure the scrubber pressure drop during the PM/non-Hg
HAP metals performance test, the scrubber liquid pH and chemical
addition rate (if applicable) during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test and the scrubber liquid flow rate during both the PM/
non-Hg HAP metals and HF/HCl/Cl2 performance tests. For each
wet scrubber parameter, the owner or operator would need to determine
and record the average values for the three test runs and the 3-hour
block average value. The average of the three test runs establishes the
minimum site-specific pressure drop, liquid pH, liquid flow rate and
chemical addition rate operating limits. If different average wet
scrubber liquid flow rate values are measured during the PM/non-Hg HAP
metals and HF/HCl/Cl2 tests, the highest of the average
values become the site-specific operating limit.
For an activated carbon injection (ACI) system, we are proposing
that the owner or operator measure the activated carbon flow rate
during the Hg performance test and determine the 3-hour block average
flow rate. The average of the three test runs establishes the minimum
site-specific activated carbon flow rate operating limit.
For a source with no APCD installed, we are proposing that the
owner or operator calculate the maximum potential HCl-equivalent using
proposed Equation 4 in 40 CFR 63.8445(g)(1)(i). The owner or operator
would use the results from the performance test to determine the
emissions at the maximum possible process rate. For example, if the
design capacity of the kiln is 10 tph and the production rate during
the performance test was 9 tph, then the test results represent 90
percent of the maximum potential emissions. If there are multiple kilns
at a facility, the owner or operator would need to sum the maximum
potential HCl-equivalent for each kiln to get the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent and compare this value to the proposed
health-based emission limitation for acid gases. If the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent is greater than the proposed
limitation, we are proposing that the owner or operator determine the
maximum process rate for which the total facility maximum potential
HCl-equivalent remains at or below the proposed limitation. If there
are multiple kilns, the owner or operator would need to determine one
or more combinations of maximum process rates that would result in a
total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent remains at or below the
proposed limitation. The maximum process rate(s) would become the
operating limit(s) for process rate.
G. What are the continuous compliance requirements?
Today's BSCP manufacturing rule proposes that the owner or operator
demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission limitation that
applies. The owner or operator would have to follow the requirements in
the operation, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) plan and document
conformance with the OM&M plan. The owner or operator would need to
operate a CPMS to monitor the operating parameters established during
the initial performance test as described in the following paragraphs.
The CPMS would have to collect data at least every 15 minutes,
including at least three of four equally spaced data values (or at
least 75 percent if there are more than four data values per hour) per
hour to have a valid hour of data. The owner or operator would have to
operate the CPMS at all times when the process is operating. The owner
or operator would also have to conduct proper maintenance of the CPMS
(including inspections, calibrations and validation checks) and
maintain an inventory of necessary parts for routine repairs of the
CPMS. Using the recorded readings, the owner or operator would need to
calculate and record the 3-hour block average values of each operating
parameter. To calculate the average for each 3-hour averaging period,
the owner or operator would need to have at least 75 percent of the
recorded readings for that period.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance with the acid gas (HF/HCl/Cl2)
health-based emission limit by maintaining free-flowing lime in the
feed hopper or silo and to the APCD at all times. If lime is not
flowing freely, according to load cell output, carrier gas/lime flow
indicator, carrier gas pressure drop measurement system or other
system, the owner or operator would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. The owner or
operator would also have to maintain the feeder setting (on a per ton
of fired product basis) at or above the level established during the
HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test and record the feeder setting
once each shift.
The proposed rule would provide the option to use either a BLD
system or VE monitoring to demonstrate compliance with the PM/non-Hg
HAP metals emission limit.
For the option of a BLD system, we are proposing that the owner or
operator initiate corrective action within 1 hour of a BLD system alarm
and complete corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. The owner
or operator would also need to operate and maintain the FF such that
the alarm is not engaged for more than 5 percent of the total operating
time in a 6-month block reporting period. In calculating this operating
time fraction, the owner or operator would not count any alarm time if
inspection of the FF demonstrates that no corrective action is
required. If corrective action is required, the owner or operator must
count each alarm as a minimum of 1 hour. If corrective action is
initiated more than 1 hour after an alarm, the owner or operator must
count as alarm time the actual amount of time taken to initiate
corrective action.
For the option of monitoring VE, we are proposing that the owner or
operator perform daily, 15-minute VE observations in accordance with
the procedures of EPA Method 22, ``Visual Determination of Fugitive
Emissions from Material Sources and Smoke Emissions from Flares,'' 40
CFR part 60, appendix A-7. During the VE observations, the kiln would
need to be operating under normal conditions. If VE are observed, the
owner or operator would have to promptly initiate and complete
corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. If no VE are observed in
30 consecutive daily EPA Method 22 tests, the owner or operator may
decrease the frequency of EPA Method 22 testing from daily to weekly
for that kiln stack. If VE are observed during any weekly test, the
owner or operator would have to promptly initiate and complete
corrective actions according to the OM&M plan and the owner or operator
would need to resume EPA Method 22 testing of that kiln stack on a
daily basis until no VE are observed in 30 consecutive daily tests, at
which time the owner or operator may again decrease the frequency of
EPA Method 22 testing to a weekly basis.
For a stand-alone FF, we are proposing that the owner or operator
use a BLD system or monitor VE as described above to demonstrate
compliance with the PM/non-Hg HAP metals emission limit.
[[Page 75631]]
For a DLA, we are proposing that the owner or operator demonstrate
compliance with the acid gas (HF/HCl/Cl2) health-based
emission limit by collecting and recording data documenting the DLA
pressure drop and reducing the data to 3-hour block averages. The owner
or operator would need to maintain the average pressure drop across the
DLA for each 3-hour block period at or above the average pressure drop
established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
Alternatively, the owner or operator may continuously monitor the
bypass stack damper position at least once every 15 minutes during
normal kiln operation. Any period in which the bypass damper is opened
allowing the kiln exhaust gas to bypass the DLA would trigger
corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. The owner or operator
also would need to verify that the limestone hopper, storage bin
(located at the top of the DLA) and DLA contain an adequate amount of
limestone by performing a daily visual check of the limestone hopper
and the storage bin. A daily visual check could include one of the
following: (1) conducting a physical check of the hopper; (2) creating
a visual access point, such as a window, on the side of the hopper; (3)
installing a camera in the hopper that provides continuous feed to a
video monitor in the control room; or (4) confirming that load level
indicators in the hopper are not indicating the need for additional
limestone. If the hopper or storage bin does not contain adequate
limestone, the owner or operator would have to promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. The owner or
operator also would have to record the limestone feeder setting daily
(on a per ton of fired product basis) to verify that the feeder setting
is being maintained at or above the level established during the HF/
HCl/Cl2 performance test. The owner or operator also would
need to use the same grade of limestone from the same source as was
used during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test and maintain
records of the source and type of limestone. Finally, the owner or
operator would need to monitor VE, as described in the previous
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing that the owner or operator
continuously maintain the 3-hour block averages for scrubber pressure
drop, scrubber liquid pH, scrubber liquid flow rate and chemical
addition rate (if applicable) at or above the minimum values
established during the applicable performance test. Maintaining the 3-
hour block average for scrubber pressure drop at or above the minimum
value established during the PM/non-Hg HAP metals performance test
would demonstrate compliance with the PM/non-Hg HAP metals emission
limit. Maintaining the 3-hour block average for scrubber liquid pH and
chemical (e.g., lime, caustic) addition rate at or above the minimum
values established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test
would demonstrate compliance with the acid gas (HF/HCl/Cl2)
health-based emission limit. Maintaining the 3-hour block average for
scrubber liquid flow rate at or above the lowest minimum value
established during the PM/non-Hg HAP metals and HF/HCl/Cl2
performance tests would demonstrate compliance with all applicable
emission limits by showing that the scrubber is in proper working
For an ACI system, we are proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance with the Hg emission limit by continuously
monitoring the activated carbon flow rate and maintaining it at or
above the operating limit established during the Hg performance test.
For sources with no APCD, we are proposing that the owner or
operator monitor VE as described above to demonstrate compliance with
the PM/non-Hg HAP metals emission limit. In addition, if the last
calculated total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent was not at
or below the proposed health-based emission limitation for acid gases,
then we are proposing that the owner or operator collect and record
data documenting the process rate of the kiln and reduce the data to 3-
hour block averages. The owner or operator would need to maintain the
kiln process rate at or below the kiln process rate operating limit(s)
that would enable the total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent
to remain at or below the proposed limitation.
H. What are the notification, recordkeeping and reporting requirements?
All new and existing sources would be required to comply with
certain requirements of the General Provisions (40 CFR part 64, subpart
A), which are identified in proposed Table 8 of 40 CFR part 64, subpart
JJJJJ. The General Provisions include specific requirements for
notifications, recordkeeping and reporting.
Each owner or operator would be required to submit a notification
of compliance status report, as required by 40 CFR 63.9(h) of the
General Provisions. This proposed BSCP manufacturing rule would require
the owner or operator to include in the notification of compliance
status report certifications of compliance with rule requirements.
Semiannual compliance reports, as required by 40 CFR 63.10(e)(3) of
subpart A, would also be required for each semiannual reporting period.
This proposed BSCP manufacturing rule would require records to
demonstrate compliance with each emission limit and work practice
standard. These recordkeeping requirements are specified directly in
the General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63 and are identified in proposed
Table 8 of subpart JJJJJ.
Specifically, we are proposing that the owner or operator keep the
following records:
All reports and notifications submitted to comply with
this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
Records of performance tests.
Records relating to APCD maintenance and documentation
of approved routine control device maintenance exemption.
Continuous monitoring data as required in this proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule.
Records of BLD system alarms and corrective actions
Records of each instance in which the owner or operator
did not meet each emission limit (i.e., deviations from operating
Records of production rates.
Records of approved alternative monitoring or testing
Records of maintenance and inspections performed on the
Current copies of the OM&M plan and records documenting
Logs of the information required to document compliance
with the periodic kiln work practice standard.
Records of burner tune-ups used to comply with the
dioxin/furan work practice standard for tunnel kilns.
Logs of the information required to document compliance
with the startup and shutdown work practice standards.
Records of each malfunction and the corrective action
We are also proposing that the owner or operator submit the
following reports and notifications:
Notifications required by the General Provisions.
Initial Notification no later than 120 calendar days
after the affected source becomes subject to this subpart.
Notification of Intent to conduct performance tests
and/or other compliance demonstration at least 60 calendar days
before the performance test and/or other compliance demonstration is
Notification of Compliance Status 60 calendar days
following completion of a compliance demonstration that includes a
performance test.
Notification of Compliance Status 30 calendar days
following completion of a
[[Page 75632]]
compliance demonstration that does not include a performance test
(i.e., compliance demonstrations for the work practice standards).
Compliance reports semi-annually, including a report of
the most recent burner tune-up conducted to comply with the dioxin/
furan work practice standard and a report of each malfunction
resulting in an exceedance and the corrective action taken.
Results of each performance test within 60 days of
completing the test, submitted to the EPA by direct computer-to-
computer electronic transfer via EPA-provided software for data
collected using supported test methods.
I. How would I submit emissions test results to the EPA?
In this proposal, the EPA is describing a process to increase the
ease and efficiency of performance test data submittal while improving
data accessibility. Specifically, the EPA is proposing that owners and
operators of BSCP manufacturing facilities submit electronic copies of
required performance test reports by direct computer-to-computer
electronic transfer using EPA-provided software. The direct computer-
to-computer electronic transfer is accomplished through the EPA's
Central Data Exchange (CDX) using the Compliance and Emissions Data
Reporting Interface (CEDRI). The CDX is the EPA's portal for submittal
of electronic data. The EPA-provided software is called the Electronic
Reporting Tool (ERT), which generates electronic reports of performance
tests and evaluations. The ERT report package will be submitted using
the CEDRI. The submitted report package will be stored in the CDX
archive (the official copy of record) and the EPA's public database
called WebFIRE. All stakeholders will have access to all reports and
data in WebFIRE via the WebFIRE Report Search and Retrieval link
( A description and
instructions for use of the ERT can be found on the ERT Web site
(, and CEDRI can be
accessed through the CDX Web site (
The proposal to submit performance test data electronically to the
EPA applies only to those performance tests conducted using test
methods that are supported by the ERT at the time of the test. The ERT
supports most of the commonly used EPA reference methods. A listing of
the pollutants and test methods supported by the ERT is available on
the ERT Web site.
We believe that the electronic submittal of reports increases the
usefulness of the data contained in those reports, is in keeping with
current trends in data availability and may ultimately result in less
burden on the regulated community. Electronic reporting can eliminate
paper-based, manual processes, thereby saving time and resources,
simplifying data entry, eliminating redundancies and providing data
quickly and accurately to the affected sources, air agencies, the EPA
and the public.
By making data readily available, electronic reporting increases
the amount of data that can be used for the development of emission
factors. The EPA has received feedback from stakeholders asserting that
many of the EPA's emission factors are outdated or not representative
of a particular industry emission source. While the EPA believes that
the emission factors are suitable for their intended purpose, we also
recognize that emissions profiles on different pieces of equipment can
change over time due to a number of factors (fuel changes, equipment
improvements, industry work practices), and it is important for
emission factors to be updated to keep up with these changes. The EPA
is currently pursuing emission factor development improvements that
include procedures to incorporate the source test data that we are
proposing be submitted electronically.
Emission factors are used in the development of emissions
inventories, and improved emission factors means that the quality of
these inventories will be improved more quickly than they would under
the current paper reporting requirements. Emissions inventories are
used for tracking emission trends and identifying potential sources of
emissions for reduction. For example, the EPA's National Air Toxics
Assessment (NATA) uses the EPA's National Emissions Inventory (NEI) in
its screening level assessments to characterize the nationwide chronic
cancer risk estimates and noncancer hazards from inhaling air toxics.
The NATA is used as a screening tool for air agencies to prioritize
pollutants, emission sources and locations of interest for further
study to gain a better understanding of risks. Therefore, improving the
quality of these inventories is an on-going goal for the agency and a
benefit to the public, air agencies and the regulated community.
Additionally, the EPA, the regulated community and the public may
benefit from electronic reporting when the EPA conducts its CAA-
required technology and risk-based reviews. Because we will already
have access to these reports, our ability to do comprehensive reviews
will be increased and achieved within a shorter period of time. Under
an electronic reporting system, the EPA would have performance test
data in hand; thus, it is possible that fewer or less substantial
information collection requests (ICRs) in conjunction with prospective
CAA-required technology and risk-based reviews may be needed. This may
result in a decrease in the need for industry staff time to respond to
data collection requests. It may also allow the EPA to conduct these
required reviews more quickly, as we will not have to include the ICR
collection time in the process. While the regulated community may
benefit from reduced ICRs, the general public benefits from the
agency's ability to conduct these required reviews more quickly.
Electronic reporting could minimize submission of unnecessary or
duplicative reports in cases where facilities report to multiple
government agencies and the agencies opt to rely on the EPA's
electronic reporting system to view report submissions. Where air
agencies continue to require a paper copy of these reports and will
accept a hard copy of the electronic report, facilities will have the
option to print paper copies of the electronic reporting forms to
submit to the air agencies, thus minimizing the time spent reporting to
multiple agencies. Additionally, maintenance and storage costs
associated with retaining paper records could likewise be minimized by
replacing those records with electronic records of electronically
submitted data and reports.
There are benefits of information that is submitted in a
standardized format. Standardizing the reporting format will require
the reporting of specific data elements, thereby helping to ensure
completeness of the data and allowing for accurate assessment of data
quality. Additionally, imbedded quality assurance checks will perform
some of the required method calculations, reducing errors in test
reports. And because the system is entirely electronic, it eliminates
transcription errors in moving data from paper reports to data systems
for analysis. These quality assurance checks and procedures will
increase the accuracy of test report data, improve the overall quality
of test data, and lead to more accurate emission factors and higher
quality emissions inventories. These features benefit all users of the
Air agencies could benefit from more streamlined and automated
review of the electronically submitted data. For example, because the
performance test data would be readily-available in a standard
electronic format, air agencies
[[Page 75633]]
would be able to review reports and data electronically rather than
having to conduct a review of the reports and data manually. Having
reports and associated data in electronic format will facilitate review
through the use of software ``search'' options, as well as the
downloading and analyzing of data in spreadsheet format. Additionally,
air agencies would benefit from the reported data being accessible to
them through the EPA's electronic reporting system whenever they want
or need access (as long as they have access to the Internet). The
ability to access and review information electronically will assist air
agencies in more quickly determining compliance with emission
standards. This benefits both air agencies and the general public.
The general public would also benefit from electronic reporting of
emissions data because the data would be available for viewing sooner
and would be easier for the public to access. The EPA Web site that
stores the submitted electronic data is easily accessible to the public
and provides a user-friendly interface that any stakeholder could
In summary, in addition to supporting regulation development,
control strategy development and other air pollution control
activities, having an electronic database populated with performance
test data would save industry, air agencies and the EPA significant
time, money and effort while also improving the quality of emission
inventories and air quality regulations.
IV. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing
A. How did the EPA determine which sources would be regulated under the
proposed rule?
In the BSCP manufacturing industry, the primary sources of HAP
emissions are kilns, including tunnel kilns and periodic kilns. The HAP
emitted from BSCP kilns include HF, HCl, Cl2, Hg and other
non-Hg HAP metals. At one time, dryers were a potential source of HF,
HCl, Cl2 and non-Hg HAP metals emissions, but the design and
operation of kilns and dryers has changed such that emissions released
from the heating of the raw materials and the products of combustion no
longer pass from the kiln into the dryer. In addition, the 2010 EPA
survey requested that owners/operators of specific dryers test for
dioxins/furans, and none of the tests found detectable levels of
dioxins/furans. See the technical memorandum ``Determination of ``Non-
Detect'' Test Data for the BSCP Proposed Rule'' in Docket ID No. EPA-
HQ-OAR-2013-0291. Other process units at BSCP manufacturing facilities
(e.g., raw material processing and handling) have not been found to
emit measurable quantities of HAP. For this reason, the proposed rule
covers existing and new kilns at major source BSCP manufacturing
facilities which meet the applicability criteria in the rule.
BSCP kilns that do not meet the applicability criteria include
kilns that are used exclusively for setting glazes on previously fired
products. Nearly all of the acid gas emissions from the firing of BSCP
products are released during the initial firing, so kilns that are used
exclusively for setting glazes on previously fired products emit little
to no HF, HCl or Cl2.
B. How did the EPA select the format for the proposed rule?
For Hg and total non-Hg HAP metals, this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule provides owners and operators of regulated sources
with a choice between a numerical emission rate limit as a mass of
pollutant emitted per ton of bricks produced and a numerical emission
limit in units of concentration. The selection of numerical emission
rate limits and numerical emission limits as the format for this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule provides flexibility for the regulated
community by allowing a regulated source to choose any control
technology or technique to meet the emission limits, rather than
requiring each unit to use a prescribed control method that may not be
appropriate in each case. In addition, the selection of numerical
emission rate limits as mass of pollutant emitted per ton of bricks
produced ensures that differences in kiln sizes or production rates do
not affect the level of emissions control achieved.
The PM limits are proposed as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
The same control techniques that would be used to control PM will
control non-Hg HAP metals. Particulate matter was also chosen instead
of requiring control of specific individual HAP metals because all
kilns do not emit the same type and amount of HAP metals due to
differences in raw materials and fuels used to fire the kilns. However,
most kilns generally emit PM that includes some amount and combination
of HAP metals. The use of PM as a surrogate will also eliminate the
cost of performance testing needed to comply with numerous standards
for individual non-Hg HAP metals. We have used PM as a surrogate for
non-Hg HAP metals NESHAP for other rules with similar processes (e.g.,
Portland Cement Manufacturing, Lime Manufacturing).
Although we continue to believe that PM is a good surrogate for
non-Hg HAP metals and that complying with a PM emission limit rather
than non-Hg HAP metals limits will be less costly for most kilns, we
understand that some owners and operators may find that meeting a total
non-Hg HAP metals limit is less costly than meeting a PM limit. To
provide that flexibility, we have developed an alternative compliance
option of a numerical emission rate limit for total non-Hg HAP metals
as a mass of pollutant emitted per hour. The ability to comply with
this limit would provide additional flexibility for small tunnel kilns
and tunnel kilns with a low metals content in the PM emissions and
would achieve equivalent emission reductions to the options to limit
For acid gases (HF, HCl and Cl2), this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule includes a health-based emission limit as a mass of
HCl-equivalent emitted per hour. Further discussion about the
development of the health-based standard for the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule is provided in section IV.J of this preamble.
This proposed BSCP manufacturing rule includes work practices for
dioxins/furans from tunnel kilns. As described in more detail in
section IV.K.2 of this preamble, 83 percent of the dioxin/furan data
collected during the ICR process were below the detection level and it
is not practicable due to technological and economic limitations to
apply measurement methodology to test for compliance with a numerical
This proposed BSCP manufacturing rule also includes work practices
for periodic kilns. As described in more detail in section IV.K.1 of
this preamble, technological and economic limitations make it
impracticable to measure compliance with numerical emission limits for
BSCP periodic kilns.
C. How did the EPA consider different subcategories?
Section 112(d)(1) of the CAA allows the EPA to promulgate emission
standards for either categories or subcategories of sources. Through
subcategorization, we are able to define subsets of similar emission
sources within a source category if differences in emissions
characteristics, processes or opportunities for pollution prevention
exist within the source category. Upon initial consideration of the
available information on the BSCP manufacturing industry, we determined
that separate subcategories for periodic kilns and tunnel kilns were
[[Page 75634]]
for several reasons. First, periodic kilns are smaller than tunnel
kilns (with lower production on an hourly basis, as well as accounting
for only about 4 percent of total BSCP industry production). Second,
periodic kilns are operated in batch cycles, whereas tunnel kilns
operate continuously. Third, periodic kilns are typically operated at
higher temperatures than tunnel kilns and products are typically heated
in the kiln for longer periods than products fired in tunnel kilns,
resulting in higher energy requirements. As noted in section IV.K.1 of
this preamble, we have determined that it is technologically and
economically infeasible to test periodic kilns, thereby ruling out a
quantitative analysis of how these differences impact emissions.
However, a qualitative comparison can be made, in that smaller kilns
operated periodically (i.e., periodic kilns) would be expected to have
lower emissions over time compared to the larger, continuously operated
tunnel kilns.
We then examined the potential for additional subcategories for
tunnel kilns, including subcategorization based on kiln fuel and kiln
size. Based on the available emissions test data, we could not discern
differences in emissions based on fuel type. For that reason, we have
not subcategorized by fuel type. We request comment, including
additional data if appropriate, on whether we should subcategorize by
fuel type. In particular, we request comment on whether we should
create a subcategory for kilns fired with sawdust (with or without a
sawdust dryer).
We then considered subcategorization of tunnel kilns based on kiln
size. There are several differences between the design, operation and
efficiency of larger kilns and smaller kilns. In particular, many small
kilns are the older, less efficient kilns in the industry and newer
kilns can be constructed to be larger and more efficient due to
advances in design. Smaller, older kilns were constructed with large
amounts of heavy refractory brick and are narrow and tall in shape,
with high arched ceilings. Larger, newer kilns can be constructed with
more efficient refractories and can include features such as fiber
linings and insulating brick, resulting in a wider kiln with lower
ceilings. In addition, the burners in a small kiln are generally less
efficient and are located near the bottom of the kiln, where some of
the heat is absorbed by the cars that move the bricks through the kiln
rather than by the bricks themselves. In a large kiln, the burners are
more efficient and are often located at the top of the kiln, where they
can fire downward to the product. Combined with the kiln size and shape
differences, the difference in burner efficiency and location results
in a more even temperature distribution throughout the kiln and product
in a large kiln than in a small kiln.
To assess whether these design and operation differences have an
effect on emissions and provide support for defining size subcategories
in the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, we conducted a set of
statistical analyses on the emissions dataset. In the vacated rule,
``small kilns'' were defined as kilns with a design capacity less than
10 tph and ``large kilns'' were defined as kilns with a design capacity
of 10 tph or greater. The main goal of the statistical analyses was to
determine if these definitions are supported by our current dataset.
Because we have Cl2, Hg and non-Hg HAP metals data for only
about 10 percent of the kilns in the industry, we conducted the series
analyses based on the HF, HCl and PM datasets, which are available for
a much larger percentage of the kilns in the industry, providing more
representative kiln datasets for the analyses.
We found that the median of the emissions data from kilns in the
large kiln dataset was statistically different than the median of the
emissions data from kilns in the small kiln dataset for all three
pollutants. Also, based on a logistic model, we found high association
between emissions and the hypothesized design capacity classification.
Finally, we conducted a cluster analysis and considered all three
pollutants together to investigate whether the combined dataset
supported changing the definitions of small and large kilns. This
cluster analysis supported the subcategory definitions from the vacated
rule. (For more information on the statistical analyses, see ``Analysis
of Potential Subcategories for BSCP Tunnel Kilns'' in Docket ID No.
Based on the above information and analyses, we determined that
differences in design and emissions exist between large (10 tph or
greater) and small (less than 10 tph) kilns. Therefore, we are
proposing to exercise our discretion to subcategorize based on kiln
size for these kilns' emissions of Hg. As discussed in section IV.D of
this preamble, we are not proposing to exercise our discretion to
subcategorize for other pollutants.
D. What approaches did the EPA consider in developing the proposed
emission limitations for existing and new sources?
All standards established pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(2) must
reflect MACT, the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of air
pollutants that the Administrator, taking into consideration the cost
of achieving such emissions reductions and any nonair quality health
and environmental impacts and energy requirements, determined is
achievable for each category.
For existing sources, MACT cannot be less stringent than the
average emission limitation achieved by the best performing 12 percent
of existing sources for categories and subcategories with 30 or more
sources or the best performing five sources for subcategories with less
than 30 sources. This requirement constitutes the MACT floor for
existing sources. The CAA specifies that MACT for new sources shall not
be less stringent than the emission control that is achieved in
practice by the best controlled similar source. This minimum level of
stringency is the MACT floor for new units.
The EPA may not consider costs or other impacts in determining the
MACT floor. However, the EPA must consider cost, nonair quality health
and environmental impacts and energy requirements in connection with
any standards that are more stringent than the MACT floor (beyond-the-
floor controls).
The remainder of this section describes the development of the pool
of data used to calculate the MACT floors for Hg and PM (as a surrogate
for non-Hg HAP metals). As noted in section IV.J of this preamble,
health-based emissions standards are being proposed for the acid gases
HF, HCl and Cl2 under the provisions of CAA section
112(d)(4). Consequently, the EPA has not prepared a MACT floor analysis
for these pollutants.
1. Mercury
In our MACT floor analysis for Hg, we separated the sources into
large kiln and small kiln subcategories, as described in section IV.C
of this preamble. For each subcategory, we ranked the sources based on
the data in terms of lb/ton (as described in section IV.E of this
preamble) and identified the best performing 12 percent of sources.
Once we identified the best performing kilns, we then calculated the
MACT floor in units of lb/ton for each subcategory as described in
section IV.E of this
[[Page 75635]]
preamble. We also calculated the MACT floor in lb/hr and concentration
units ([mu]g/dscm at 7-percent O2) for each subcategory,
based on the concentration emissions data for the same top 12 percent
(best performing) sources as the lb/ton floor. This is further
discussed in section IV.E of this preamble and in the technical
memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor
Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-
2. Total Non-Hg HAP Metals
We developed MACT floors for PM as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP
metals. The available PM data show that kilns controlled with a FF-
based APCD (e.g., DIFF, DLS/FF) as a group are better performers than
kilns without FF-based controls. When we divided the kilns into two
groups, one group consisting of kilns with a FF-based APCD and the
other group consisting of uncontrolled kilns and kilns with a different
type of APCD, we found that the test data for kilns with FF-based APCD
showed they were consistently good performers, while the test data for
kilns without a FF-based APCD varied widely. The worst performing kiln
with a FF-based APCD performs better than the average kiln in the group
without a FF-based APCD. The best performing 75 percent of the kilns
with a FF-based APCD showed better performance than 80 percent of the
kilns without a FF-based APCD. We also conducted a t-test on the
averages of the two groups and we found that the average of the test
data for kilns with FF-based APCD was statistically different from the
average of the test data for kilns without a FF-based APCD (with 99-
percent confidence). See the technical memorandum ``Analysis of
Potential Subcategories in the BSCP Source Category'' in Docket ID No.
One consequence of the wide variability in emissions from kilns
without a FF-based APCD is that there are a few uncontrolled kilns and
kilns controlled with DLA with lower lb/ton emissions than some of the
kilns controlled with a FF-based APCD. We understand that that the
emissions from kilns with FF-based APCD will be consistently low over
time, based on the design of these APCD and years of experience with
these devices. On the other hand, we do not have multiple tests over
time that would enable us to say the same for kilns that have a
different type of APCD (e.g., DLA) or are uncontrolled. Thus, we are
requesting information and analysis as to whether the data showing low
emissions from some kilns without a FF-based APCD are reliable.\1\
\1\ Further, as discussed in section IV.P.1 of this preamble,
the EPA is also considering setting emission limits for PM and total
non-Hg HAP metals based on the top 12 percent of the data available
in each of the kiln size subcategories. The reliability of the data
showing low emissions from some kilns without a FF-based APCD is a
key factor in the EPA's determination of which approach is
As of January 1, 2014, there were 225 operating BSCP tunnel kilns
in the industry (including kilns at major sources and synthetic area
sources); the top 12 percent of the kilns in the industry would be
represented by the 27 best performing kilns. Therefore, we ranked the
kilns with a FF-based APCD in terms of lb/ton (as described in section
IV.E of this preamble) and identified the 27 best performing sources
from that group. Once we identified the best performing kilns, we then
calculated the MACT floor in units of lb/ton as described in section
IV.E of this preamble. We also calculated the MACT floor in
concentration units (gr/dscf at 7-percent O2), based on the
concentration emissions data for the same top 12 percent (best
performing) sources as the lb/ton floor. As another alternative, we
calculated an equivalent lb/hr total non-Hg HAP metals limit using the
average non-Hg HAP metals content of the PM emissions and the average
process rates of the best performing kilns. This limit would provide
additional compliance flexibility for small tunnel kilns and tunnel
kilns with a low metals content in the PM emissions. The alternatives
are further discussed in section IV.E of this preamble and in the
technical memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay Products'' in Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
E. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for existing sources?
The EPA must consider available emissions information to determine
the MACT floors. The EPA must exercise its judgment, based on an
evaluation of the relevant factors and available data, to determine the
level of emissions control that has been achieved by the best
performing sources under variable conditions. The United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has recognized that the
EPA may consider variability in estimating the degree of emission
reduction achieved by best performing sources and in setting MACT
floors. See Mossville Envt'l Action Now v. EPA, 370 F.3d 1232, 1241-42
(D.C. Cir. 2004) (holding EPA may consider emission variability in
estimating performance achieved by best performing sources and may set
the floor at level that best performing source can expect to meet
``every day and under all operating conditions'').
As discussed in section IV.D of this preamble, the EPA established
the MACT floors for PM (as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) for BSCP
kilns based on sources representing 12 percent of the number of sources
in the category. For Hg emitted from each of the kiln subcategories,
the EPA established the MACT floors based on sources representing 12
percent of the sources for which we had emissions information. The MACT
floor limitations for Hg and PM (as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP
metals) were calculated based on the performance of the best performing
sources in each of the subcategories. The best performing sources were
determined by ranking each source's average emission value from lowest
to highest.
Once the best performing sources in the MACT floor pools were
identified, the MACT floors were calculated using an Upper Prediction
Limit (UPL). The UPL takes into consideration the average performance
of the units in the MACT floor pool and the variability of the test
runs during the testing conditions. For more information regarding the
general use of the UPL and why it is appropriate for calculating MACT
floors, see the memorandum ``Use of the Upper Prediction Limit for
Calculating MACT Floors'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
The UPL represents the value which one can expect the mean of a
specified number of future observations (e.g., 3-run average) to fall
below for the specified level of confidence, based upon the results of
an independent sample from the same population. A prediction interval
for a future observation or an average of future observations, is an
interval that will, with a specified degree of confidence, contain the
next (or the average of some other pre-specified number of) randomly
selected observation(s) from a population. Given this definition, the
UPL represents the value which we can expect the mean of three future
observations (3-run average) to fall below, based upon the results of
an independent sample from the same population. In other words, if we
were to randomly select a future test condition from any of these
sources (i.e., average of three runs), we can be 99 percent confident
that the reported level will fall at or below the UPL value.
[[Page 75636]]
There are different UPL equations depending on the distribution of
the data (e.g., normal, lognormal, skewed/unknown). We first determined
the distribution of each MACT floor pool's data to determine the
appropriate UPL equation using statistical tests of the kurtosis (K),
standard error of kurtosis (SEK), skewness (S) and standard error of
skewness (SES). The skewness statistic (S) characterizes the degree of
asymmetry of a given dataset. According to the skewness hypothesis
test, if S is less than two times the SES, the data distribution can be
considered to be normal. The kurtosis statistic (K) characterizes the
degree of peakedness or flatness of a given data distribution in
comparison to a normal distribution. According to the kurtosis
hypothesis test, if K is less than two times the SEK, the data
distribution can be considered to be normal. The skewness and kurtosis
hypothesis tests were applied to both the reported test values and the
log-transformed values of the reported test values to determine the
distribution of each dataset. A UPL was then calculated for each MACT
floor pool with the UPL equation corresponding to the dataset's
distribution (e.g., normal, lognormal, skewed/unknown).
A more detailed explanation of all the UPL equations used,
including the calculations of kurtosis, standard error of kurtosis,
skewness and standard error of skewness, can be found in the technical
memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor
Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-
Test method measurement imprecision can also be a component of data
variability. Of particular concern are those data that are reported
near or below a test method's pollutant detection capability. There is
a concern that a floor emissions limit calculated using values at or
near the method detection limit may not account adequately for data
measurement variability. The expected measurement imprecision for an
emissions value occurring at or near the detection limit is about 40 to
50 percent. Relative pollutant measurement imprecision decreases to a
consistent 10 to 15 percent for values measured at a level about 3
times the method detection limit.\2\
\2\ American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Reference Method
Accuracy and Precision (ReMAP): Phase 1, Precision of Manual Stack
Emission Measurements, CRTD Vol. 60, February 2001.
One approach that we believe could be applied to account for
measurement variability would require defining a detection limit that
is representative of the data used in establishing the floor emissions
limitations and also minimizes the influence of an outlier test-
specific method detection limit value. The EPA has developed a list of
representative detection levels (RDL) developed from available
pollutant specific method detection levels.\3\ These RDL values are
then multiplied by three to decrease measurement imprecision to around
10 to 15 percent (as noted in the previous paragraph), resulting in
values referred to as ``3xRDL'' values.
\3\ ``Data and procedure for handling below detection level data
in analyzing various pollutant emissions databases for MACT and RTR
emissions limits.'' Memorandum from Peter Westlin, SPPD, MPG and
Raymond Merrill, AQAD, MTG, to SPPD management and MACT rule
writers. December 13, 2011.
The appropriate 3xRDL value was compared to the calculated UPL
value for each pollutant and subcategory. If the 3xRDL value was less
than the calculated UPL value, we concluded that measurement
variability is adequately addressed and we used the calculated UPL
value as the MACT floor emissions limit. If, on the other hand, the
3xRDL value was greater than the calculated UPL value, we concluded
that the calculated UPL value does not account entirely for measurement
variability. We then used the 3xRDL value in place of the calculated
UPL value to ensure that measurement variability is adequately
addressed in the MACT floor emissions limit. This check was part of the
variability analysis for all existing MACT floors that had below
detection limit (BDL) or detection level limited (DLL) run data present
in the best performing datasets (see the technical memorandum ``Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for Brick and
Structural Clay Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291).
As previously discussed, we accounted for variability in setting
floors, not only because variability is an element of performance, but
because it is reasonable to assess best performance over time. For
example, we know that the HAP emission data from the best performing
units are, for the most part, short-term averages and that the actual
HAP emissions from those sources will vary over time. If we do not
account for this variability, we would expect that even the units that
perform better than the floor on average could potentially exceed the
floor emission levels a part of the time, which would mean that
variability was not properly taken into account. This variability may
include the day-to-day variability in the total HAP input to each unit;
variability of the sampling and analysis methods; and variability
resulting from site-to-site differences for the best performing units.
The EPA's consideration of variability accounted for that variability
exhibited by the data representing multiple units and multiple data
values for a given unit (where available). We calculated the MACT floor
based on the UPL (upper 99th percentile) as described earlier from the
average performance of the best performing units and the variability of
the best performing units.
We believe this approach reasonably ensures that the emission
limits selected as the MACT floors adequately represent the level of
emissions actually achieved by the average of the units in the top 12
percent, considering operational variability of those units. Both the
analysis of the measured emissions from units representative of the top
12 percent and the variability analysis are reasonably designed to
provide a meaningful estimate of the average performance or central
tendency, of the best performing 12 percent of units in a given
subcategory. A detailed discussion of the MACT floor methodology is
presented in the technical memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay
Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
Table 5 of this preamble presents the average emission level of the
best performing sources and the existing source MACT floor. For this
source category, all the existing source MACT floors are based on the
[[Page 75637]]
Table 5--Summary of MACT Floor Results for Brick and Structural Clay Products Existing Sources a
Subcategory Parameter Hg \b\ PM b c
Large tunnel kilns (>= 10 tph)..... Avg. of best 1.6 E-05 lb/ton.......
performing sources. 1.7 E-04 lb/hr........
14 [mu]g/dscm.........
MACT floor............ 2.2 E-05 lb/ton.......
2.7 E-04 lb/hr........
29 [mu]g/dscm.........
Small tunnel kilns (< 10 tph)...... Avg. of best 1.8 E-04 lb/ton.......
performing sources. 0.0010 lb/hr..........
62 [mu]g/dscm.........
MACT floor............ 2.0 E-04 lb/ton.......
0.0011 lb/hr..........
70 [mu]g/dscm.........
All kilns.......................... Avg. of best ...................... 0.041 lb/ton.
performing sources. 0.011 gr/dscf.
MACT floor............ ...................... 0.16 lb/ton.
0.040 gr/dscf.
\a\ For this source category, all the existing source MACT floors are based on the UPL.
\b\ Concentration units are at 7-percent O2.
\c\ PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
F. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for new sources?
The approach that we used to calculate the MACT floors for new
sources is somewhat different from the approach that we used to
calculate the MACT floors for existing sources because the statutory
standard is different. Although the MACT floors for existing units are
intended to reflect the performance achieved by the average of the best
performing 12 percent of sources, the MACT floors for new units are
meant to reflect the emission control that is achieved in practice by
the best controlled similar source. Thus, for existing units, we are
concerned about estimating the central tendency of a set of multiple
units, whereas for new units, we are concerned about estimating the
level of control that is representative of that achieved by a single
best performing source. As with the analysis for existing sources, the
new source analysis must account for variability.
Similar to the MACT floor process used for existing units, the
approach we used for determining the MACT floor for new units was based
on available emissions test data. Specifically, we calculated the new
source MACT floor for a subcategory of sources by ranking each unit's
average emission value within the subcategory from lowest to highest to
identify the best performing similar source. The new source MACT floor
limits for Hg and PM (as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals) were
calculated based on the performance of the best performing source for
each pollutant in each of the subcategories.
The MACT floor limits for new sources were calculated using the
same UPL formula as was used for existing sources, except the data used
were from the best performing source rather than the best performing 12
percent of sources. As previously discussed, we accounted for
variability of the best performing source in setting floors, not only
because variability is an element of performance, but because it is
reasonable to assess best performance over time. We calculated the new
source MACT floor based on the UPL (upper 99th percentile) as described
earlier from the average performance of the best performing similar
source, Student's t-factor and the total variability of the best
performing source.
This approach reasonably ensures that the emission limit selected
as the MACT floor for new sources adequately represents the average
level of control achieved in practice by the best controlled similar
source, considering ordinary operational variability. A detailed
discussion of the MACT floor methodology is presented in the technical
memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor
Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-
Table 6 of this preamble presents, for each subcategory and
pollutant, the average emission level of the best performing similar
source and the new source MACT floor. The new source MACT floors are
based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
Table 6--Summary of MACT Floor Results for Brick and Structural Clay Products New Sources a
Subcategory Parameter Hg \b\ PM b c
Large tunnel kilns (>= 10 tph).... Avg. of top performer 1.5 E-05 lb/ton.....
1.8 E-04 lb/hr......
10 [mu]g/dscm.......
MACT floor........... 2.0 E-05 lb/ton.....
2.4 E-04 lb/hr......
13 [mu]g/dscm.......
Small tunnel kilns (< 10 tph)..... Avg. of top performer 1.8 E-04 lb/ton.....
0.0010 lb/hr........
62 [mu]g/dscm.......
MACT floor........... 2.0 E-04 lb/ton.....
0.0011 lb/hr........
70 [mu]g/dscm.......
All kilns......................... Avg. of top performer .................... 0.0060 lb/ton.
0.0020 gr/dscf.
[[Page 75638]]
MACT floor........... .................... 0.022 lb/ton \d\.
0.0066 gr/dscf \d\.
\a\ The new source MACT floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
\b\ Concentration units are at 7 percent O2.
\c\ PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
\d\ The MACT floor is based on the 3xRDL value.
G. What is our approach for applying the upper prediction limit to
limited datasets?
In a recent United States Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit decision in National Association of Clean Water
Agencies v. EPA, which involved challenges to EPA's MACT standards for
sewage sludge incinerators, questions were raised regarding the
application of the UPL to limited datasets. We have since addressed
these questions, as explained in detail in the memorandum titled,
``Approach for Applying the Upper Prediction Limit to Limited
Datasets'' (hereafter referred to as the ``Limited Dataset Memo''),
which is available in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
A limited dataset is defined as having less than seven data points.
In calculating MACT floor limits based on limited datasets, we
considered additional factors as described in the Limited Dataset Memo.
We seek comments on the approach described in the Limited Dataset Memo
and whether there are other approaches we should consider for such
datasets. We also seek comments on the application of this approach for
the derivation of MACT limits based on limited datasets in this
proposal, which are described in the Limited Dataset Memo.
For the BSCP manufacturing source category, we have limited
datasets for the following pollutants and subcategories: Hg for
existing and new small tunnel kilns; PM for new tunnel kilns; and Hg
for new large tunnel kilns. For each dataset, we performed the steps
outlined in the Limited Dataset Memo. See the Limited Dataset Memo for
more information.
H. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for existing sources?
As discussed in sections II.A and IV.D of this preamble, the EPA
must consider emissions limitations and requirements that are more
stringent than the MACT floor (i.e., beyond-the-floor options). When
considering beyond-the-floor options, the EPA must consider not only
the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of HAP, but must take into
account the associated costs, energy and non-air quality health and
environmental impacts.
Once the MACT floor determinations were complete for each
subcategory, we considered regulatory options more stringent than the
MACT floor level of control (e.g., the performance of technologies that
could result in lower emissions) for the different subcategories. We
considered requiring all existing sources to meet the new source MACT
floors for Hg and PM (as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals)
developed as described in section IV.F of this preamble. We analyzed
the beyond-the-floor options for Hg and total non-Hg HAP metals
separately for existing sources. Our analyses are documented in the
technical memorandum, ``Development of Cost and Emission Reduction
Impacts for the BSCP NESHAP,'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
The beyond-the-floor option for total non-Hg HAP metals is
estimated to achieve additional non-Hg HAP metals reductions of 2.86
tpy and cost an additional $22.8 million per year (2011 dollars), for a
cost effectiveness of $7,960,000 per ton of total additional non-Hg HAP
metals removed. The beyond-the-floor option for Hg is estimated to
achieve additional Hg reductions of 0.0625 tpy (125 pounds per year)
and cost an additional $9.25 million per year (2011 dollars), for a
cost effectiveness of $148,000,000 per ton of total additional Hg
removed ($74,000 per pound of additional Hg removed). We have concluded
that the incremental costs of additional control beyond the MACT floor
emission limits are not reasonable relative to the level of emission
reduction achieved for either the Hg or total non-Hg HAP metals beyond-
the-floor options. Therefore, we are not proposing beyond-the-floor
limits for Hg or total non-Hg HAP metals.
I. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for new sources?
The MACT floor level of control for new tunnel kilns for each
pollutant was based on the emission control that is achieved in
practice by the best controlled similar source within each of the
subcategories. A new kiln would likely need both a FF and ACI system
for control of non-Hg HAP metals and Hg to meet the new source MACT
floors. When we establish a beyond-the-floor standard, we typically
identify control techniques that have the ability to achieve an
emissions limit more stringent than the MACT floor. No techniques were
identified that would achieve HAP reductions greater than the new
source floors for the subcategories. Therefore, the EPA is not
proposing a beyond-the-floor limit for new sources in this proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule.
J. How did the EPA determine whether to set health-based standards for
existing and new sources?
In developing the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, we considered
whether it was appropriate to establish health-based emission standards
under CAA section 112(d)(4) for the acid gases HF, HCl and
Cl2. As a general matter, CAA section 112(d) requires MACT
standards at least as stringent as the MACT floor to be set for all HAP
emitted from major sources. However, CAA section 112(d)(4) provides
that for HAP with established health thresholds, the EPA has the
discretionary authority to consider such health thresholds when
establishing emission standards under CAA section 112(d). This
provision is intended to allow the EPA to establish emission standards
other than technology-based MACT standards, in cases where an
alternative emission standard will still ensure that the health
threshold will not be exceeded, with an ample margin of safety. This
section discusses the prerequisite for setting a CAA section 112(d)(4)
standard, the factors the EPA considered in exercising its discretion
to set a CAA section 112(d)(4) standard and how the EPA set the level
of the proposed standard.
[[Page 75639]]
1. What Are the Prerequisites for Setting a CAA Section 112(d)(4)
The prerequisites for setting a CAA section 112(d)(4) standard are
that the pollutant must have a health threshold and not be
carcinogenic.\4\ Whether a pollutant has a health threshold is based on
certain factors, including evidence and classification of carcinogenic
risk and evidence of noncarcinogenic effects: \5\
\4\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970, 54985
(col. 2-3) (September 9, 2010) (``In order to exercise this
discretion [to set health threshold standards under 112(d)(4)], EPA
must first conclude that the HAP at issue has an established health
threshold . . .'').
\5\ See Pulp and Paper Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources
NESHAP Proposed Rule, 63 FR 18754, 18766/1-18767/1 (April 15, 1998).
The EPA ``presumptively concludes'' that known,
probable and possible carcinogens (Group A, B and C pollutants)
``should not be categorized as threshold pollutants.''
Pollutants for which there is not enough evidence to
make a conclusion on carcinogenicity (Group D pollutants) will be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Pollutants classified as non-carcinogens (Group E
pollutants) are ``presumptively considered'' to be threshold
\6\ The current weight-of-evidence under the 2005 EPA Guidelines
for Carcinogen Risk Assessments, which replaced the 1986 cancer
guidelines, recommends the following cancer hazard descriptors:
``Carcinogenic to Humans,'' ``Likely to Be Carcinogenic to Humans,''
``Suggestive Evidence of Carcinogenic Potential,'' ``Inadequate
Information to Assess Carcinogenic Potential,'' and ``Not Likely to
Be Carcinogenic to Humans'' (which are considered equivalent to the
1986 groups A, B, C, D and E respectively).
Health threshold standards may not be set for pollutants that are
\7\ See Pulp and Paper Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources
NESHAP Proposed Rule, 63 FR 18754, 18765/3 (``The EPA presumptively
applies section 112(d)(4) only to HAP's that are not carcinogens
because Congress clearly intended that carcinogens be considered
nonthreshold pollutants'').
The EPA has exercised its discretionary authority under CAA section
112(d)(4) in a handful of prior actions setting emissions standards for
other major source categories, including the emissions standards issued
in 2004 for commercial and industrial boilers and process heaters,
which were vacated on other grounds by the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In the proposals for both
the Pulp and Paper Chemical Recovery Combustion Sources NESHAP, 63 FR
at 18765 (April 15, 1998) and Lime Manufacturing NESHAP, 67 FR at 78054
(December 20, 2002), the EPA invoked CAA section 112(d)(4) for HCl
emissions for discrete units within the facility. In those proposed
actions, the EPA concluded that HCl had an established health threshold
(in those cases it was interpreted as the reference concentration for
chronic effects or RfC) and was not classified as a human carcinogen.
In light of the absence of evidence of carcinogenic risk, the
availability of information on noncarcinogenic effects and the limited
potential health risk associated with the discrete units being
regulated, the EPA concluded that it was within the EPA's discretion to
set an emissions standard under CAA section 112(d)(4) for HCl under the
circumstances of those actions.
In more recent actions, the EPA noted that HCl was a threshold
pollutant, but decided not to propose a health-based emission standard
for HCl emissions under CAA section 112(d)(4) for Portland Cement
facilities (74 FR at 21154; May 6, 2009) or for Boilers and Process
Heaters (75 FR at 32032; June 4, 2010) for other reasons. To date, the
EPA has not implemented a NESHAP that applied the provisions of CAA
section 112(d)(4) to HF or Cl2.\8\
\8\ The EPA has not classified HF or Cl2 gas with
respect to carcinogenicity. However, at this time the agency is not
aware of any data that would suggest either of these HAP are
Since any emission standard under CAA section 112(d)(4) must
consider the established health threshold level, with an ample margin
of safety, in this proposed BSCP manufacturing rulemaking the EPA has
considered the adverse health effects of the HAP acid gases, HCl,
Cl2 and HF. The standard approach for determining potential
hazards of a pollutant has been to use a health benchmark below which
effects are not expected to occur. Described below are the health
effects and benchmarks for HCl, Cl2 and HF and the rationale
for their designation as threshold pollutants. It is important to note
that if exposure levels as proposed by the emissions limits in this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rulemaking are achieved, the adverse health
effects described below will not be of concern for emissions from these
source categories.
Hydrogen chloride is corrosive to the eyes, skin and mucous
membranes. Acute inhalation exposure may cause eye, nose and
respiratory tract irritation and inflammation and pulmonary edema in
humans. Chronic occupational exposure to HCl has been reported to cause
gastritis, bronchitis and dermatitis in workers. Prolonged exposure to
low concentrations may also cause dental discoloration and erosion. No
information is available on the reproductive or developmental effects
of HCl in humans. In rats exposed to HCl by inhalation, altered estrus
cycles have been reported in females and increased fetal mortality and
decreased fetal weight have been reported in offspring. The EPA
conducted a toxicity assessment of chronic inhalation exposure to HCl
and has established an RfC of 20 micrograms per cubic meter ([micro]g/
m\3\).\9\ An RfC is defined as an estimate (with uncertainty spanning
perhaps an order of magnitude) of a continuous inhalation exposure to
the human population (including sensitive subgroups \10\) that is
likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during
a lifetime. The EPA RfC for HCl was based on respiratory toxicity
observed in animals. An uncertainty factor of 300 was applied to the
lowest adverse effect level noted in animals. This assessment did not
take into account effects associated with acute exposure.\11\ The EPA
has not classified HCl for carcinogenicity.
\9\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Integrated Risk
Information System (IRIS). Hydrogen chloride (CASRN 7647-01-0).
1995. Available at: Accessed
on April 11, 2014.
\10\ ``Sensitive subgroups'' may refer to particular life
stages, such as children or the elderly or to those with particular
medical conditions, such as asthmatics.
\11\ California EPA considered acute toxicity and established a
1-hour reference exposure level (REL) of 2.1 mg/m\3\. An REL is the
concentration level at or below which no adverse health effects are
anticipated for a specified exposure duration. RELs are designed to
protect the most sensitive individuals in the population by the
inclusion of margins of safety.
With respect to the potential health effects of HCl, we know the
Chronic exposure to concentrations at or below the RfC
is not expected to cause chronic respiratory effects.
Little research has been conducted on its
carcinogenicity. The one occupational study of which we are aware
found no evidence of carcinogenicity.
There is a significant body of scientific literature
addressing the health effects of acute exposure to HCl.\12\
\12\ See California Office of Health Hazard Assessment. Acute
Toxicity Summary for Hydrogen Chloride. Available at:,
EPA, 2008.
Based on this information, the agency believes it is reasonable to
classify HCl as a Group D pollutant.\13\ Based on the negative
carcinogenicity data and on the EPA's knowledge of how HCl reacts in
the body and its likely mechanism of action, as discussed above, the
agency considers HCl to be a threshold pollutant.
\13\ See Health Assessment Document for Chlorine and Hydrogen
Chloride, Review Draft; EPA-600/8-87/041A, August 1994.
The effects of acute exposure to humans and animals to
Cl2 have been well characterized. Similar to HCl,
Cl2 is
[[Page 75640]]
a well-known sensory irritant (capable of eliciting sensory irritation)
and the most sensitive target for toxicity in humans and animals is the
respiratory system. Acute exposures to low levels of Cl2
(approximately 3 to 40 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m\3\)) have been
shown to cause nose, eyes and throat irritation in humans. Acute
exposure to high levels (above 40 mg/m\3\) of Cl2 in humans
can result in chest pain, vomiting, toxic pneumonitis and pulmonary
edema. Chronic (long-term) exposure to Cl2 gas in workers
has resulted in respiratory effects including eye and throat irritation
and airflow obstruction. Animal studies have reported decreased body
weight gain, eye and nose irritation, non-neoplastic nasal lesions and
respiratory epithelial hyperplasia from chronic inhalation exposure to
Cl2. There is no evidence that Cl2 causes
reproductive or developmental effects in animals or humans. A few
studies of workers in the chemical industry did not find any evidence
that Cl2 is carcinogenic. The EPA, the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) have not classified Cl2 gas as to its
The human health value for Cl2 is an Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Minimal Risk Level (MRL) of
0.00015 [micro]g/m\3\.\14\ The MRL is defined as an estimate of daily
human exposure to a substance that is likely to be without an
appreciable risk of adverse effects (other than cancer) over a
specified duration of exposure.\15\ The MRL was based on respiratory
toxicity (nasal lesions) observed in a chronic inhalation exposure (1
year) in monkeys. An uncertainty factor of 30 was applied to the MRL to
account for uncertainties in extrapolating results from animal to
humans and to account for human variability. Since the effects of acute
exposure of humans and animals to Cl2 have been well
characterized, the ATSDR toxicity profile for Cl2 also
included acute MRL.
\14\ Toxicological Profile for Chlorine, Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) 2010. Available at
\15\ Inhalation MRLs are used in noncancer assessments when IRIS
RfCs are not available because their concept, definition and
derivation are philosophically consistent (though not identical)
with the basis for EPA's RfCs (
With respect to the potential health effects of Cl2, we
know the following:
Chronic exposure to concentrations at or below the MRL
is not expected to cause chronic respiratory effects.
The acute effects of Cl2 have been well
characterized in humans.
Studies of workers in the chemical industry did not
find any evidence that Cl2 is carcinogenic.
Based on the negative carcinogenicity data and on the EPA's
knowledge of how Cl2 reacts in the body and its likely
mechanism of action, as discussed above, the agency presumptively
considers Cl2 to be a threshold pollutant.
There is a significant body of scientific literature addressing the
health effects of acute exposure to HF.\16\ Hydrogen fluoride is a
respiratory tract irritant capable of causing severe tissue damage in
the respiratory system. Acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to
gaseous HF can cause severe respiratory effects in humans, including
severe irritation and pulmonary edema. Severe ocular irritation and
dermal burns may occur following eye or skin exposure in humans.
Because the toxic effects of HF are, to a large extent, based on the
fluoride ion rather than the hydrogen ion, it is noteworthy to mention
that the major health effect of chronic inhalation exposure to high
levels of fluoride is skeletal fluorosis. In skeletal fluorosis,
fluoride accumulates in the bone progressively over many years and can
cause a variety of symptoms including stiffness and pain in the joints.
In severe cases, the bone structure may change and ligaments may
calcify, resulting in muscle impairment and pain. Chronic inhalation
exposure to HF (with particulate fluorides) in the aluminum industry
has been associated with increased risk of asthma. Chronic oral
exposure to fluoride at low levels has a beneficial effect of dental
cavity prevention and may also be useful for the treatment of
osteoporosis. Exposure to higher levels of fluoride may cause dental
and bone fluorosis. Although the existing toxicological database on
fluoride does not provide strong evidence for the consideration of
fluoride as an essential element, several organizations consider
fluoride an important dietary element for humans. The Institute of
Medicine (IOM) has derived adequate intake values ranging from 0.01 to
4 milligrams per day to reduce the occurrence of dental caries.\17\ The
World Health Organization (WHO) considers fluoride to be ``essential''
because it considered ``resistance to dental caries to be a
physiologically important function.'' \18\ With regard to HF
carcinogenic potential, the ATSDR Public Health Statement document
states that ``carcinogenicity via inhalation of fluoride is not
considered to be likely by most investigators reporting in the existing
literature.'' The EPA has not classified HF for carcinogenicity.
\16\ California EPA Chronic Toxicity Summary for Fluorides
including Hydrogen Fluoride. 2003. Available at
\17\ IOM. 1997. Dietary reference intakes for calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin Dand fluoride. Washington, DC:
Institute of Medicine. National Academy of Sciences. National
Academy Press.
\18\ WHO. 2002. Fluorides. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health
Organization. Environmental Health Criteria Number 227.
The chronic inhalation noncancer human health value the EPA uses
for HF is the REL of 0.014 mg/m\3\ derived by California EPA
(CalEPA).\19\ CalEPA defines the REL as a concentration level at (or
below) which no adverse health effects are anticipated for specific
exposure durations, a concept that is substantially similar to EPA's
non-cancer dose-response assessment perspective and we, therefore, use
it as an alternate value in the absence of an IRIS RfC.\20\ REL are
designed to protect the most sensitive individuals in the population by
the inclusion of margins of safety. The REL was based on minimal
changes in bone density (skeletal fluorosis) in the workplace by
Derryberry et al.\21\ CalEPA states that major strengths of the key
study on which the chronic REL is based is the observation of health
effects in a large group of workers exposed over many years and the
identification of no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL). The
primary uncertainty in the study is the lack of comprehensive health
effects examination. Another source of concern is the potential for
greater susceptibility of children to the effects of inhaled fluorides,
considering the rapid bone growth at early lifestages. This effect
applies with particular importance to children's teeth since it has
been established that excessive exposure to fluoride during tooth
development in infancy and childhood causes dental fluorosis. To
account for uncertainties, the CalEPA REL included a factor of 10 for
intraspecies differences
[[Page 75641]]
(which also accounts for variation in kinetics between children and
adults). In addition, the chronic inhalation REL is lower than the oral
chronic REL and the California Public Health Guidance for fluoride in
drinking water, which are based on lifetime exposure and protective of
infants and children. CalEPA also considered the acute toxicity of HF
and established a 1-hour REL of 0.24 mg/m\3\ based on mild eye and
respiratory irritation.
\19\ California EPA Chronic Toxicity Summary for Fluorides
including Hydrogen Fluoride. 2003. Available at
\20\ The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard
Assessment has developed dose-response assessments for many
substances, based both on carcinogenicity and health effects other
than cancer. The process for developing these assessments is similar
to that used by the EPA to develop IRIS values and incorporates
significant external scientific peer review. The EPA may use CalEPA
values in the absence of an IRIS value.
\21\ Derryberry OM, Bartholomew MD, Fleming RBL. 1963.
``Fluoride exposure and worker health.'' Arch Environ Health 6:503-
With respect to the potential health effects of HF, we know the
Chronic exposure at or below the REL is not expected to
cause adverse effects.
There is limited/equivocal evidence of the carcinogenic
potential of HF. With regard to the carcinogenic potential evidence
available, the ATSDR Public Health Statement document on HF states
that ``carcinogenicity via inhalation of fluoride is not considered
to be likely by most investigators reporting in the existing
literature.'' \22\
\22\ Toxicological Profile for Chlorine, Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) 2010. Available at
There is significant evidence on the health effects of
acute exposure to HF allowing for the derivation of an acute health
Based on the negative carcinogenicity data and on the EPA's
knowledge of how HF reacts in the body and its likely mechanism of
action, as discussed above, the agency considers HF to be a threshold
2. What factors does the EPA consider in exercising its discretion
whether to set a CAA section 112(d)(4) standard?
The EPA may exercise its discretionary authority under CAA section
112(d)(4) only with respect to pollutants with a health threshold.
Where there is an established threshold, the EPA interprets CAA section
112(d)(4) to allow it to weigh additional factors, beyond any
established health threshold, in making a judgment whether to set a
standard for a specific pollutant based on the threshold or instead
follow the traditional path of developing a MACT standard after
determining a MACT floor. In deciding whether to exercise its
discretion for a threshold pollutant for a given source category, the
EPA interprets CAA section 112(d)(4) to allow it to take into account
factors such as the following:
The availability of data to set the health-based
Co-benefits that would be achieved via the MACT
standard, such as reductions in emissions of other HAP and/or
criteria pollutants;
The potential impacts on ecosystems of releases of the
pollutant; and
The potential for cumulative adverse health effects due
to concurrent exposure to the same HAP or other HAP with similar
biological endpoints, from either the same or other source
categories, where the concentration of the threshold pollutant
emitted from the given source category is below the threshold.
If the EPA does determine that it is appropriate to set a standard
based on a health threshold, the agency must develop emission standards
that will ensure the public will not be exposed to levels of the
pertinent HAP emitted from the source category in question in excess of
the health threshold, with an ample margin of safety.
a. Availability of Data To Determine a Standard
In determining whether to set a health-based standard, the EPA
considered whether sufficient data for a particular industry are
available to determine such a standard. In previous rules, the EPA
declined to set a health-based standard, based in part on the
unavailability of data to determine a standard.\23\ However, for the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, because of the relatively small
number of facilities compared to other rules such as the Boiler MACT
proposal, the EPA was able to determine facility-specific information,
including tunnel kiln locations and operating characteristics and stack
parameters, available for all BSCP facilities to assess the feasibility
of health-based standards in this rule. Such information enabled us to
conduct the dispersion modeling necessary to establish a health-based
emission limit for acid gases.\24\ Consequently, we have concluded that
we have enough information to determine the health-based emission
standards for the acid gases HF, HCl and Cl2 for the BSCP
manufacturing industry. As discussed in further detail below, these
limits have been developed to ensure that exposure is below the health
threshold for each facility and also ensure that acute exposures will
not pose any health concerns.\25\
\23\ See Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006, 32031/3 (June
4, 2010) (``[W]e have concluded that we do not have sufficient
information at this time to establish what the health-based emission
standards would be for HCl or the other acid gases.'').
\24\ For more information, see the technical memorandum, ``Risk
Assessment to Determine a Health-Based Emission Limitation for Acid
Gases for the Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing
Source Category,'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
\25\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970, 54986/1
(September 9, 2010) (``[W]e currently lack information on the peak
short-term emissions of HCl from cement kilns which might allow us
to determine whether a chronic health-based emission standard for
HCl would ensure that acute exposures will not pose health
b. Co-Benefits
We also considered whether setting technology-based MACT standards
for HF, HCl and Cl2 from BSCP plants would result in
significant reductions in emissions of other pollutants, most notably
sulfur dioxide (SO2). Although MACT standards may directly
address only HAP, not criteria pollutants, Congress did recognize, in
the legislative history to CAA section 112(d)(4), that MACT standards
would have the collateral benefit of controlling criteria pollutants as
well and viewed this as an important benefit of the air toxics
program.\26\ Therefore, even where the EPA concludes a HAP has a health
threshold, the agency may consider such co-benefits as a factor in
determining whether to exercise its discretion under CAA section
112(d)(4). The additional nationwide reductions of SO2 that
would be attributable to BSCP MACT standards for acid gases are
estimated to be only 4,300 tpy in the third year following promulgation
of the proposed BSCP standards. This reduction is substantially lower
than the co-benefits from MACT standards for other industries for which
the EPA has decided not to set a health-based limit,\27\
[[Page 75642]]
and it would not be expected to provide a significant public health
\26\ See S. Rep. No. 101-228, 101st Cong. 1st sess. at 172.
\27\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970
(September 9, 2010)--Co-benefits was identified as the ``decisive
factor'' in the Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule. 75 FR 54970,
54985/3. There, EPA declined to set a health-based standard for HCl
where setting a MACT standard also controlled other HAP and criteria
pollutants. Specifically discussed were SO2 and other HAP
gases. See 75 FR at 54984/3 (``The additional reductions of
SO2 alone attributable to the MACT standards for HCl are
estimated to be 124,000 tons per year'' and discussing both direct
SO2 effects and effects of SO2 as a precursor
to PM2.5) and 75 FR at 54986/1 (``[Other HAP gases
(chlorine (Cl2), hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and hydrogen
fluoride (HF))] are also controlled during the process of
controlling HCl emissions from cement kilns using a wet scrubber. As
such, their health impacts must be taken into account when
considering a health-based emission limit for HCl.'' See also Boiler
MACT Final Rule, 76 FR at 15644/1 (``EPA considered the comments
received on this issue and continues to believe that the co-benefits
are significant and provide an additional basis for the
Administrator to conclude that it is not appropriate to exercise her
discretion under section 112(d)(4).'') and Boiler MACT Proposed
Rule, 75 FR 32006, 32032 (June 4, 2010)--Co-benefits from MACT
standard for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP metals included the
reduction of 340,000 tons per year of SO2 and unspecified
reductions of PM, other non-HAP acid gases (hydrogen bromide) and
Hg. See also MATS Proposed Rule, 76 FR 24976, 25051/1--Co-benefits
from MACT standard for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP metals
included the reduction of 2.1 million tons per year of
SO2 and unspecified reductions of PM, other non-HAP acid
gases (hydrogen bromide) and Hg.
c. Ecosystem Impacts
In addition to potential health impacts, the EPA has evaluated the
potential for environmental impacts when considering whether to
exercise discretion under CAA section 112(d)(4).\28\ The agency applied
the environmental risk screen methodology that it uses in the Risk and
Technology Program under section 112 of the CAA to evaluate the
potential for chronic exposure to acid gases emitted by BSCP facilities
to cause phytotoxicity and reduced productivity of plants.
\28\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970, 54986/3
(September 9, 2010).
The environmental screen uses air concentrations from the HEM-3
model used in the human health exposure and risk analysis. We take
these concentrations and derive an area-weighted average offsite annual
ambient air concentration for each pollutant. The area-weighted average
concentrations are compared directly to the appropriate ecological
benchmarks for a given pollutant by dividing the area-weighted average
concentration by the appropriate ecological benchmark. The result is
called a hazard quotient (HQ). An HQ greater than 1 indicated that the
area-weighted average concentration exceeded the ecological benchmark.
For the section 112(d)(4) evaluation, the EPA assessed the acid
gases HCl and HF around each BSCP facility. Although Cl2 may
also be emitted from BSCP facilities, chlorine gas is so reactive that
it is not expected to remain in the environment very long after it is
released. Chlorine immediately reacts with both organic and inorganic
materials that it comes into contact with. Chlorine undergoes direct
photolysis in the air and its half-life in the troposphere is on the
order of several minutes. Therefore, it was not considered in the
environmental risk screening for the BSCP Manufacturing source
For HCl, the environmental risk screen indicated that the area-
weighted average modeled concentrations of HCl around each facility
(i.e., the area-weighted average concentration of all offsite data
points in the modeling domain) did not exceed the ecological benchmark.
In addition, there was only one facility with a modeled concentration
of HCl at an offsite receptor location that exceeded the ecological
benchmark and that was at a single receptor.
For HF, the environmental risk screen indicated that the area-
weighted average modeled concentrations of HF around each facility
(i.e., the area-weighted average concentration of all offsite data
points in the modeling domain) did not exceed the ecological
benchmarks. There were multiple facilities with modeled concentrations
of HF at offsite receptor locations that exceeded the ecological
benchmark, but the area over which the value was exceeded was less than
one percent of the offsite modeling domain for each facility,
indicating that there would not be any significant or widespread
environmental effects.
d. Cumulative Effects
The EPA may consider the availability of information on emissions
from co-located and nearby sources and consider if it is feasible to
determine the potential cumulative health effects from emissions from
the sources in the category when combined with other emissions from
other sources that are co-located or located nearby. Relevant emissions
may include both emissions of the same pollutant and emissions of other
pollutants that may cause cumulative effects.
Through the BSCP industry's responses to the 2008 EPA survey and
the 2010 EPA survey, we have substantial information on the locations
of BSCP plants and the levels of HF, HCl and Cl2 emitted
from those plants. BSCP plants are not commonly co-located with any
other type of operations. They are typically located near the source of
the raw materials on large tracts of land from which raw materials are
extracted. This provides an additional buffer between the BSCP plants
and the surrounding area. Because of the relatively low plume heights,
maximum risks from the BSCP plants are located close to the facility
property line. In trying to define cumulative risks from nearby non-
BSCP emissions, the location and emissions associated with other
sources not in the BSCP Manufacturing source category are far less
certain. While the EPA 2008 survey and EPA 2010 survey data for BSCP
facilities have been reviewed by EPA engineers and scientists, the
emissions levels and locations of nearby other facilities, such as
those in the NEI, have not undergone the same level of detailed review.
Thus, a quantitative analysis of nearby emissions may contain
significant uncertainty. However, as discussed above, because of the
large footprint of BSCP facilities, their rural locations and the BSCP
risks being confined to the near plant locations, we do not expect that
the combined emissions of HF, HCl or Cl2 from BSCP
facilities and nearby other sources would result in substantial
cumulative health and environmental effects.
3. How did the EPA set the level of the standard?
Based on the EPA's findings, including the minimal cumulative
health and environmental effects expected from co-located and nearby
sources, the minimal co-benefits of setting technology-based MACT
standards for acid gases, the minimal ecosystem impacts from setting a
health-based standard in place of a MACT standard and the availability
of data to determine a health-based standard, the EPA is proposing to
exercise its discretion to use CAA section 112(d)(4). This conclusion
is consistent with the EPA's prior decisions where we found it
appropriate not to exercise the discretion to invoke the authority in
CAA section 112(d)(4) for acid gases, because the circumstances in this
case differ from those previous considerations. We request comment on
the analysis and conclusions regarding setting health-based standards.
Following from the EPA's determination that a health-based standard
is appropriate, the standard must be set as follows:
There must be an ample margin of safety to avoid the
health effects on which the threshold is based.
There must be no observable adverse effect.
The standard must not allow greater adverse
environmental effects than the MACT standard that would otherwise be
A standard must be set; there can be no exclusions from
compliance based on a showing that the source's emissions do not
pose a health risk.
CAA section 112(d)(4) expressly states that the health-based
standard must be set at the threshold level ``with an ample margin of
safety.'' In addition, the legislative history of CAA section 112(d)(4)
indicates that a health-based emission limit under CAA section
112(d)(4) should be set at the level at which no observable effects
occur, with an ample margin of safety.\29\ Because the statute requires
an ample margin of safety, it would be reasonable to set any CAA
section 112(d)(4) emission standard for a pollutant with a health
threshold at a level that at least assures that, for the sources in the
controlled category or subcategory, persons exposed to emissions of the
pollutant would not experience the adverse health effects on which the
threshold is
[[Page 75643]]
based.\30\ The legislative history also states that establishing a CAA
section 112(d)(4) standard rather than a conventional MACT standard
``shall not result in adverse environmental effects which would
otherwise be reduced or eliminated.'' \31\
\29\ See Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006, 32030/2 (June
4, 2010), citing S.Rep. 101-228 at 171-72.
\30\ See Boiler MACT Proposed Rule, 75 FR 32006, 32031/3 (June
4, 2010).
\31\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970, 54985/2
(September 9, 2010), citing S.Rep. 101-228 at 171-72.
The EPA's decision to exercise its discretion to use CAA section
112(d)(4) will not be used to exclude sources from compliance. The EPA
does not believe that a plain reading of the statute supports the
establishment of an approach in which the EPA excludes specific
facilities from complying with emissions limits if the facility
demonstrates that its emissions do not pose a health risk. While CAA
section 112(d)(4) authorizes the EPA to consider the level of the
health threshold for pollutants which have an established threshold,
that threshold may be considered when establishing emissions standards
under CAA section 112(d). Therefore, the EPA must still establish
emissions standards under CAA section 112(d) even if it chooses to
exercise its discretion to consider an established health
\32\ See Boiler MACT Final Rule, 76 FR 15608, 15643/3-14644/1
(March 21, 2011). See also MATS Final Rule, 77 FR 9304, 9406/1
(February 16, 2012) (same point using nearly identical text).
As part of the development of the proposed standards, we have
maintained an inventory of major source facilities, including the size
and operating hours of each tunnel kiln and the geographic location and
physical attributes (e.g., stack height, diameter, exit gas flow rate)
of each tunnel kiln stack. To develop a health-based emission limit,
both long-term and short-term inhalation exposure concentrations and
health risks from the BSCP manufacturing source category were estimated
using the Human Exposure Model (Community and Sector HEM-3 version
1.3.1). The HEM-3 performs three primary risk assessment activities:
(1) Conducting dispersion modeling to estimate the concentrations of
HAP in ambient air, (2) estimating long-term and short-term inhalation
exposures to individuals residing within 50 kilometers of the modeled
sources and (3) estimating individual and population-level inhalation
risks using the exposure estimates and quantitative dose-response
The air dispersion model used by the HEM-3 model (AERMOD) is one of
the EPA's preferred models for assessing pollutant concentrations from
industrial facilities. To perform the dispersion modeling and to
develop the preliminary risk estimates, HEM-3 draws on three data
libraries. The first is a library of meteorological data, which is used
for dispersion calculations. This library includes one year (2011) of
hourly surface and upper air observations for 824 meteorological
stations, selected to provide coverage of the United States and Puerto
Rico. A second library of United States Census Bureau census block
internal point locations and populations provides the basis of human
exposure calculations.\33\ In addition, for each census block, the
census library includes the elevation and controlling hill height,
which are also used in dispersion calculations. A third library of
pollutant unit risk factors and other health benchmarks is used to
estimate health risks. These risk factors and health benchmarks are the
latest values recommended by the EPA for HAP and other toxic air
pollutants. The chronic and acute values for the acid gases evaluated
in this assessment are presented in Tables 7 and 8 of this preamble,
respectively. Further information on the development and sources of
these benchmarks and the overall modeling approach is presented in the
technical memorandum, ``Risk Assessment to Determine a Health-Based
Emission Limitation for Acid Gases for the Brick and Structural Clay
Products Manufacturing Source Category'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
\33\ USEPA Human Exposure Model; available at
Table 7--Dose-Response Values for Chronic Inhalation Exposure to Acid Gases
Pollutant CAS Number \a\ RfC (mg/m\3\) Source
Hydrogen chloride.............................. 7647010 0.02 IRIS.
Hydrogen fluoride.............................. 7664393 0.014 CalEPA.
Chlorine....................................... 7782505 0.00015 ATSDR.
\a\ Chemical Abstract Services identification number. For groups of compounds that lack a CAS number, we have
used a surrogate 3-digit identifier corresponding to the group's position on the CAA list of HAP.
Table 8--Dose-Response Values for Acute Inhalation Exposure to Acid Gases \a\
AEGL-1 (1-hr) AEGL-2 (1-hr) ERPG-1 (mg/ ERPG-2 (mg/
Pollutant CAS No. (mg/m\3\) (mg/m\3\) m\3\) m\3\) REL
Hydrogen chloride..................................... 7647010 2.7 33 4.5 30 2.1
Hydrogen fluoride..................................... 7664393 0.82 20 1.6 16 0.24
Chlorine.............................................. 7782505 1.5 5.8 2.9 8.7 0.21
\a\ AEGL = Acute Exposure Guideline Level, ERPG = Emergency Response Planning Guideline.
In developing the risk assessment for chronic exposures, we used
the estimated annual average ambient air concentrations of each acid
gas emitted by each source in the source category. The air
concentrations at each nearby census block centroid were used as a
surrogate for the chronic inhalation exposure concentration for all the
people who reside in that census block. Chronic noncancer health
hazards are expressed by comparing a chronic exposure to a reference
level as a ratio. The HQ is the estimated exposure divided by a
reference level (e.g., the RfC). For a given acid gas, exposures at or
below the reference level (HQ less than or equal to 1) are not likely
to cause adverse health effects. As exposures increase above the
reference level (HQs increasingly greater than 1),
[[Page 75644]]
the potential for adverse effects increases. For a typical risk
assessment where multiple pollutants are co-emitted, we aggregate
noncancer HQs of HAP that act by similar toxic modes of action or
(where this information is absent) that affect the same target organ.
This process creates, for each target organ, a specific hazard index
(TOSHI) defined as the sum of HQs for individual HAP that affect the
same organ or organ system. Because we performed HEM-3 model runs for
each acid gas individually, we did not aggregate HQ values of different
acid gases. Of course, multiple acid gas pollutants are emitted at BSCP
facilities, but a 250 tpy level of HCl-equivalent emissions (based on
the HEM risks modeling) ensures that a TOSHI of 1 is not exceeded as
long as the HCl-equivalent emissions do not exceed 250 tpy. It is
important to note that this emission limit is only applicable to the
sources in this source category and should not be considered for
sources other than those included in this analysis. Equivalent
emissions for other acid gases are determined by the ratio of the
chronic RfCs to that for HCl, such that the HCl-equivalent emissions
for HF are 175 tpy and for Cl2 are 1.9 tpy.
For the assessment of potential health risks from acute exposures
to the acid gases, we performed a screening assessment using
conservative assumptions that in combination approximate a worst-case
exposure. The acute exposure scenario assumed worst-case meteorology
(from one year of local meteorology) and that a person is located
downwind at the point of maximum impact during this same worst-case 1-
hour period, but no nearer to the source than 100 meters, which is
conservative for this industry given our understanding of the locations
of these facilities.
Screening for potentially significant acute inhalation exposures
also followed the HQ approach. We divided the maximum estimated acute
exposure by each available short-term threshold value to develop an
array of HQ values relative to the various acute endpoints and
thresholds. In general, when none of these HQ values are greater than
1, there is low potential for acute risk. In those cases where HQ
values above 1 are seen, additional information is used to determine if
there is a potential for significant acute risks. Additional
information for facilities in the BSCP manufacturing source category
included using aerial imagery of the facilities to determine the
maximum offsite 1-hour concentrations.
Because the emissions equivalency was based on chronic dose-
response values, the 250 tpy level does not necessarily ensure that
acute reference levels will not be exceeded. For the HCl and
Cl2 model runs, there were no facilities with acute
screening HQ values exceeding 1. For HF, we estimate that four of the
91 facilities examined had an acute value exceed the REL, with the
highest being 2. However, no facility exceeded an HQ (AEGL-1) value for
HF. To assure that no source emits more than the 250 tpy HCl-equivalent
limit in a single hour, we propose setting the emissions limit at the
hourly equivalent of 250 tpy (57 lb/hr of HCl-equivalent emissions).
It is important to note that the above emissions thresholds are
developed from back-calculating the emissions that would result in an
HQ of 1 at the worst-case facility. Potential risks at other facilities
(not the worst-case facility) are predicted to be well below 1.
Because we had site-specific data on the operation of each tunnel
kiln, we were able to use dispersion modeling to ensure that (1) the
health-based emission limit cited above for BSCP facilities provides an
ample margin of safety and (2) persons exposed to emissions of the
pollutant would not experience the adverse health effects on which the
threshold is based. In addition, as stated previously, the levels of
acid gas emissions associated with BSCP kilns, based on results from
the EPA's environmental risk screen methodology outlined above, are not
expected to have an adverse environmental impact.
Facilities would demonstrate compliance with the health-based
emission limit by determining their facility-wide HCl, HF and
Cl2 emissions, calculating the HCl-equivalent emissions for
HF and Cl2 using RfC values and adding the HCl emissions to
the HCl-equivalent values to calculate the total HCl-equivalent
emissions. An equation to perform this calculation is provided in the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. For more information on the
development of the health-based standard see the technical memorandum
``Risk Assessment to Determine a Health-Based Emissions Limitation for
Acid Gases for the Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing
Source Category'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291. For more
information on the calculation of an HCl-equivalent value, see the
technical memorandum ``Development of Cost and Emission Reduction
Impacts for the BSCP NESHAP'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
K. How did the EPA determine whether to set work practice standards for
existing and new sources?
Under CAA section 112(h), the EPA may set work practice standards
in place of an emissions standard where it is not feasible to prescribe
or enforce an emission standard. The EPA is proposing to conclude that
an emissions standard for certain HAP from certain BSCP manufacturing
sources is not feasible because the application of measurement
methodology to certain sources is not practicable due to technological
and economic limitations. Specifically, the EPA is proposing a work
practice standard for BSCP periodic kilns in lieu of emission limits
for acid gases (HF, HCl and Cl2), Hg and non-Hg HAP metals.
The EPA is also proposing a work practice standard for dioxin/furan
emissions from BSCP tunnel kilns in lieu of a dioxin/furan emission
limit. The rationale for these work practice standards is discussed in
the paragraphs below. We request comment on how the work practice
standards were developed and the proposed standards themselves.
1. Periodic Kilns
a. Rationale for Setting Work Practice Standard in Lieu of Emission
Overview. Periodic kilns are batch process units that are used for
firing BSCP under a carefully controlled environment. The large
majority of BSCP are fired in tunnel kilns, which operate continuously
and are much more energy-efficient than periodic kilns when producing
BSCP of a uniform type, such as standard building bricks. In contrast,
periodic kilns can readily accommodate variations in firing temperature
profiles and cycle times to match the requirements of a wide variety of
products. As a result, periodic kilns generally are reserved for
specialty products and typically are used only when necessary.\34\
\34\ See the memorandum titled ``Rationale for Establishing Work
Practice Standards for Periodic Brick Kilns'' in Docket ID No. EPA-
In the BSCP industry, periodic kilns are classified as either
beehive kilns or shuttle kilns, but all operate generally the same. A
batch of unfired bricks or shapes is loaded into the cold kiln, the
kiln is sealed and the burners are ignited and controlled to carefully
increase the temperature according to a time-temperature profile
specific to the products being manufactured. Once firing is complete,
the temperature in the kiln is reduced, the burners are extinguished
and the fired product is allowed to cool. When the product is at
[[Page 75645]]
or near ambient temperature, the kiln is opened and the fired products
are removed.\35\
\35\ Id.
Based on responses to the 2008 EPA survey sent to the BSCP
industry, periodic kiln cycle times range from 35 to 168 hours per
cycle and typically take 48 to 58 hours. These cycle times cover the
period beginning when the burners are first ignited and ending when the
burners are cut off. It may take an additional 8 to 10 hours for the
fired products to cool before they can be removed from the kiln.\36\
\36\ Id.
Emissions. Based on limited data from the testing of three BSCP
periodic kilns using Method 320 (Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy), emissions of HF and HCl begin within the first 5 to 10
hours of the firing cycle and continue throughout the firing cycle.
Emissions are highly variable and can experience large spikes at
various points throughout the cycle. In addition, it is likely that
emissions continue beyond the completion of the firing cycle, as the
fired products cool. HF concentrations in the kiln exhaust can still
exceed 100 parts per million at the end of the firing cycle.\37\
\37\ Id.
Testing Periodic Kilns for Emissions of HF and HCl. The
conventional compliance test requirement for most emission sources is
to test each source for three 1-hour test runs. This requirement is
based on the assumptions that the source operates continuously and that
emissions are relatively constant. However, there generally are some
variations in emissions. For this reason, the source is tested over
three separate runs and the results are averaged to generate a number
that is representative of typical emissions.\38\
\38\ Id.
Unlike continuous sources, emissions from BSCP periodic kilns can
vary significantly over the course of one cycle. Because of these
variations and the fact that emissions begin shortly after the start of
the firing cycle and continue beyond the end of the cycle for an
undetermined period of time, the conventional compliance test
requirement of three 1-hour test runs cannot accurately measure
emissions. Instead, the only way to accurately determine the total
emissions from a BSCP periodic kiln cycle is to measure the emissions
throughout the entire firing cycle and continuing beyond the completion
of the cycle until emission levels become negligible. Testing for any
less time could result in estimated emissions that are either much
higher or much lower than actual emissions, depending on when during
the kiln cycle emissions are sampled.\39\
\39\ Id.
Because of the variations during firing cycles and variations
across the tests, sampling a single kiln cycle is not adequate for
characterizing periodic kiln emissions, so more than one kiln cycle
would have to be tested. Given that BSCP periodic kiln cycle times
typically range from 48 to 58 hours, each periodic kiln would need to
be tested for more than 100 hours in order to determine an emission
rate that is representative of normal operating conditions. Also,
because BSCP periodic kilns are used to fire specialty products that
may have significantly differently time-temperature profiles, it would
be necessary to test the same kiln multiple times to characterize
emissions from different types of products.\40\
\40\ Id.
Test Methods. The standard reference methods for measuring
emissions of HF and HCl are EPA Methods 26 and 26A. These methods are
reliable and relatively inexpensive. However, if emissions are variable
and experience large spikes, as appears to be the case for BSCP
periodic kilns, breakthrough of HCl can occur. That is, the testing
apparatus reaches its capacity for absorbing HCl and subsequent HCl in
the emissions are not captured. It is not known if breakthrough has
occurred until a breakthrough analysis is performed after completion of
the test. If it is determined that breakthrough has occurred, retesting
is necessary. Another disadvantage to using Methods 26 or 26A for
testing throughout periodic kiln cycles is the need for additional
manpower to operate the sampling trains around the clock and to recover
\41\ Id.
An alternative to using Method 26 or 26A is to conduct the tests
using FTIR according to EPA Method 320. With FTIR, HCl breakthrough is
not an issue. In addition, FTIR also provides near real-time emissions
data. However, as noted in the following section, the cost for testing
by FTIR is expensive, similar to the cost for testing by Methods 26 or
26A throughout an entire cycle.\42\
\42\ Id.
Emission Test Costs. The cost for testing by FTIR is estimated to
be $49,750 (2009 dollars) for a single 50-hour kiln cycle. If it were
determined that the variations in emissions from cycle to cycle were
significant, it would be necessary to test each kiln for two or more
cycles in order to develop a representative emission rate. Testing for
a second cycle would double the testing cost to almost $100,000 and
testing for a third cycle would triple the cost to almost $150,000
(2009 dollars). In addition to these costs, additional costs would be
incurred for testing the kilns for PM emissions, which would have to be
tested using a manual test method (e.g., EPA Methods 5 or 17). If
testing were extended into the cooling period, the costs would be even
\43\ Id.
To address the potential economic impact of a requirement to test
periodic kilns, we conducted a cost-to-sales assessment. (See the
memorandum ``Economic Feasibility of Testing Periodic Brick Kilns'' in
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.) The conclusion that testing is not
economically feasible for most of the kilns is quite clear. Over half
of the kilns included in the analysis have estimated cost-to-sales
percentages greater than 3 percent. The economic analysis estimates
that for the upper end of the closure estimate for the other kilns when
the costs are between 3 percent and 5 percent, one-quarter of the firms
will close. This possibility of closure makes this level of costs for
testing not economically feasible.
Feasibility of Numerical Emission Limits for Periodic Kilns. CAA
section 112(h)(1) states that the Administrator may prescribe a work
practice standard or other requirements, consistent with the provisions
of CAA sections 112(d) or (f), in those cases where, in the judgment of
the Administrator, it is not feasible to enforce an emission standard.
CAA section 112(h)(2)(B) further defines the term ``not feasible'' in
this context to apply when ``the application of measurement technology
to a particular class of sources is not practicable due to
technological and economic limitations.''
Because of the technological and economic limitations described
above, we conclude that it is not practicable to establish numerical
emission limits for BSCP periodic kilns. Demonstrating compliance with
a numerical emissions limit for periodic kilns is technologically
limited to testing procedures that are economically infeasible for the
BSCP industry. Consequently, we are proposing a work practice standard
for BSCP periodic kilns under CAA section 112(h).\44\
\44\ Id.
b. Development of Work Practice Standard
Information provided to the EPA indicates there are six operational
[[Page 75646]]
factors that have a direct bearing on HAP emissions from BSCP periodic
kilns: Temperature, firing cycle, product quality, automatic control,
combustion control and kiln load/kiln technology.\45\ These six
operational factors and their impact on HAP emissions are described
further in the paragraphs below.
\45\ See the memorandum titled ``Work Practice Standards for
Periodic Kiln Operations,'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
Temperature. Various scientific test methods are used to study the
reactions in brick clays during heating. Differential thermal analysis,
thermo gravimetric analysis and simultaneous thermal analysis are
techniques used to show the oxidation, de-hydroxylation and
vitrification reactions, as well as the weight loss characteristics of
the material. Knowledge of these reaction characteristics would enable
the brick manufacturer to design the kiln firing cycle for the
optimization of the product quality and to minimize process losses.
Ensuring good product quality and minimizing process losses would
eliminate the need for additional production firing cycles to meet the
quantities demanded by the market, thereby avoiding the generation of
additional HAP emissions.\46\
\46\ Id.
Firing Cycle. Each periodic firing process in the brick industry is
unique and is governed by the nature of the brick clay material being
fired. For example, some shale materials have higher carbon and sulfur
levels and require a longer ``dwell'' at the oxidation temperature
range from 1,600 [deg]F to 1,700 [deg]F, while other clay materials are
more refractory in nature and require higher final firing temperatures
in order to develop the desired finished color and the physical
properties to meet the ASTM standards required by the market. These
factors influence the period of time in the oxidation stages, as well
as the time required in the final ``soak'' stage of the firing cycle.
HAP emissions have also been shown to take place in these stages of the
firing cycle.\47\ Consequently, knowledge of these factors is key to
avoiding any additional emissions during these stages.
\47\ Id.
Product Quality. The time and temperature relationships previously
described affect the ultimate quality and acceptability of the finished
product. An ``over-fired'' product would produce excessive shrinkage,
color variation and process losses. This type of firing cycle would
likely produce higher HAP emissions per ton of ware fired. Similarly,
an under-fired product would not meet durability standards required by
the ASTM standards and the market. While under-firing the product would
produce less HAP emissions, more product would have to be fired to meet
production requirements, which would lead to more HAP emissions per
sellable ton of ware. Therefore, any work practice standard would need
to be a practice that produces the best product quality and the minimum
HAP emissions. This optimized work practice would entail developing an
optimum firing cycle for each particular brick clay body.\48\
\48\ Id.
Automatic Control. The design of the kiln firing system influences
the brick manufacturers' ability to achieve repeatable, maximum product
quality results. Most periodic kiln operators in the brick industry
have used modern programmable logic controller (PLC) technology for
some time. These systems enable the brick manufacturer to program the
kiln firing temperature over a well-established, optimized time cycle,
to achieve repeatable results. Modern high-velocity burner technology
is commonly employed.\49\ Achieving repeatable, maximum product quality
results would eliminate the need to fire additional product to meet
production requirements, thereby avoiding the generation of additional
HAP emissions.
\49\ Id.
Combustion Control. The use of PLC technology enables the rate of
gas delivery to the burner system to be accurately programmed, to
ensure that each stage of the firing cycle is accurately controlled and
to avoid over-firing or under-firing. The measuring devices that are
part of the combustion equipment enable the kiln operator to adjust the
air-to-fuel ratios in each stage, to achieve the optimum combustion
efficiency needed to produce the desired product. In this way, the
production of poor quality, rejects and losses is minimized. Technology
that does not achieve this would produce higher losses and poor
quality, resulting in additional production firing cycles being
required to meet the quantities demanded by the market and additional
HAP emissions.\50\
\50\ Id.
Kiln Load/Kiln Technology. For proper combustion, it is important
that the periodic kiln not be overloaded, as overloading could cause
improper combustion and lost product, resulting in additional
production firing cycles and additional HAP emissions. To ensure proper
firing, the following parameters should be addressed: \51\
\51\ Id.
Employment of draft controls on exhaust fans to adjust
exhaust volume flow.
Measurement, monitoring and control of kiln pressure by
adjustment of kiln exhaust.
Measurement and monitoring of kiln temperatures.
Measurement and control of air and fuel flow to the
combustion system.
Work Practice Standard. Based on these six operational factors, the
following work practice standard is proposed under CAA section 112(h):
\52\ See the email titled ``Periodic kiln language,'' in the
docket for the proposed BSCP rulemaking.
Each facility would have to develop and use a designed
firing time and temperature cycle for each product produced in the
periodic kiln, by programming the time and temperature cycle into
the kiln or by tracking each step on a log sheet.
Each facility would have to label each periodic kiln
with the maximum load (in tons) that can be fired in the kiln during
a single firing cycle.
For each firing load, each facility would have to limit
the total tonnage placed in the kiln to no more than the maximum
load and document the total tonnage placed in the kiln to show that
it is not greater than the maximum load.
Each facility would have to develop and implement
maintenance procedures for each kiln that specify the frequency of
inspection and maintenance of the following items:
[cir] Calibration of temperature measuring devices
[cir] Controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios
[cir] Controls that regulate firing cycles
Each facility would have to develop and maintain
records required for each periodic kiln, including logs to document
the proper operation of the periodic kilns and logs of the
maintenance procedures used to demonstrate compliance with the
2. Dioxin/Furan Emissions
a. Rationale for Setting Work Practice Standard
The significant majority of measured dioxin/furan emissions from
BSCP tunnel kilns are BDL and the EPA considers it impracticable to
reliably measure dioxin/furan emissions from these units. (Note: Both
dioxin/furan emissions and detection levels are in terms of 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) toxic equivalents (TEQ).) The fact
that the majority of measurements are so low casts doubt on whether the
tests accurately measured the true levels of emissions. The dioxins/
furans for each run were compared to one-half the RDL developed for
utilities.\53\ Overall, 15 out of 18 test runs (83 percent of the
entire test run dataset) contained dioxin/furan estimates below one-
half of the RDL.
[[Page 75647]]
Based on the difficulties with accurate measurements at the levels of
dioxins/furans encountered from tunnel kilns and the economics
associated with units trying to apply measurement methodology to test
for compliance with numerical limits, we are concluding that
application of measurement methodology is not practicable and are
proposing to set a work practice standard under CAA section 112(h). We
request comment on the rationale for setting work practice standards.
\53\ Johnson, S. Determination of ``non-detect'' from EPA Method
29 (multi-metals) and EPA Method 23 (dioxin/furan) test data when
evaluating the setting of MACT floors versus establishing work
practice standards. June 5, 2014.
b. Work Practice Standard
The proposed work practice standard described below ensures that
equipment is maintained and run so as to minimize emissions of dioxins
and furans. The work practice would involve maintaining and inspecting
the burners and associated combustion controls (as applicable), tuning
the specific burner type to optimize combustion, keeping records of
each burner tune-up and submitting a report for each tune-up conducted.
Dioxins/furans are products of incomplete combustion (PIC) and
optimizing combustion limits the formation of PIC, thereby minimizing
emissions of dioxins/furans.
We are proposing that the tune-up must be conducted no less
frequently than every 36 calendar months. Initial compliance with the
work practice standard of maintaining burners must occur within 180
days of the compliance date of the BSCP manufacturing rule. The initial
compliance demonstration for the work practice standard of conducting a
tune-up must occur no later than 42 months (36 months plus 180 days)
from the effective date of the final BSCP manufacturing rule. We
request comment on the proposed work practice standards.
L. How did the EPA develop the startup and shutdown requirements?
As noted in section III.B of this preamble, tunnel kilns typically
operate continuously, so startups and shutdowns are infrequent. Startup
of a tunnel kiln involves starting up the burners based on a set
procedure to raise the temperature of the kiln to the proper
operational temperature for manufacturing bricks or structural clay
products. Shutdown of a tunnel kiln is the process of cooling the kiln
from the proper operational temperature by stopping the burners based
on a set procedure. When the temperature of the kiln is below the
proper operational temperature, BSCP manufacturers typically do not
push new product into the kiln, so the emissions are not expected to be
the same during startup and shutdown as during normal operations.
While the kiln is heating to the proper operational temperature
during startup or cooling from the operational temperature during
shutdown, other parameters such as exhaust flow rate, moisture content,
O2 concentration and pressure are also changing. In
addition, the changes in these parameters may not happen smoothly and
consistently as startup or shutdown progresses, as the kiln does not
heat or cool evenly. The fluctuations in all these parameters are not
consistent with the relatively steady-state conditions needed for
valid, accurate results over three test runs using the measurement
methods proposed to be used to demonstrate compliance.
Even if testing were feasible during startup and shutdown, most of
the emission limit formats chosen for this proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule are not appropriate for use during periods other than normal
operation. For example, if there is no throughout in the kiln, emission
limits that are in a mass per throughput format would be essentially
meaningless. In addition, the concentration based-standards are
corrected to a specified O2 concentration to avoid the use
of dilution air to lower the measured concentration, but during startup
and shutdown, the O2 concentration in the kiln exhaust is
likely to fluctuate. This means that even if an owner or operator could
conduct an emissions test and measure the O2 content during
startup and shutdown for comparison to the O2-corrected
emission limit, the fluctuations in O2 content and other
parameters in the kiln mean that the O2-corrected emissions
are also fluctuating.
For tunnel kilns with an APCD, venting the kiln exhaust through the
APCD at low temperatures can cause operational problems, including
moisture in the bags of a baghouse or solidification of the lime in a
DIFF. Therefore, the BSCP owners and operators that responded to the
SSM portion of the 2010 EPA survey indicated that they bypass the APCD
if the kiln exhaust temperature is below a ``low temperature set
point.'' Based on information received through the 2010 EPA survey,
this kiln exhaust temperature ranges from 284 to 400 [deg]F for startup
and from 150 to 300 [deg]F for shutdown. All of the EPA survey
respondents indicated that no new product is introduced to the kiln as
long as the APCD is bypassed, so that emissions are minimized.
Therefore, we are proposing work practice standards for periods of
startup and shutdown for BSCP tunnel kilns with APCD. For startup, the
owner or operator would be required to vent the exhaust from the kiln
through the APCD by the time the kiln exhaust temperature reaches 400
[deg]F. In addition, no bricks or other product may be introduced to
the kiln until the kiln exhaust temperature reaches 400 [deg]F and the
exhaust is being vented through the APCD. For shutdown, the owner or
operator would be required to vent the exhaust from the kiln through
the APCD until the kiln exhaust temperature falls below 300 [deg]F. In
addition, no bricks or other product may be put into the kiln once the
kiln exhaust temperature falls to 300 [deg]F and the exhaust is no
longer being vented through the APCD. When the kiln exhaust is being
vented through the APCD, the owner or operator would be required to
comply with the applicable continuous compliance requirements described
in section III.G of this preamble.
For kilns that can meet the proposed standards without an APCD,
there are no concerns about damaging an APCD or procedures for
bypassing an APCD. In addition, we did not receive any data through the
2010 EPA survey regarding startup and shutdown of uncontrolled kilns.
However, as noted above, we recognize that it is not feasible to
conduct emission testing during periods of startup and shutdown.
Therefore, we are proposing work practice standards for periods of
startup and shutdown for BSCP tunnel kilns without an APCD. For
startup, no bricks or other product may be introduced to the kiln until
the kiln exhaust temperature reaches 400 [deg]F. For shutdown, no
bricks or other product may be put into the kiln once the kiln exhaust
temperature falls to 300 [deg]F. When there are bricks in the kiln, the
owner or operator would be required to comply with the applicable
continuous compliance requirements described in section III.G of this
M. How did the EPA select the compliance requirements?
We are proposing testing and monitoring requirements that are
adequate to assure continuous compliance with the requirements of this
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. These requirements are described in
detail in sections III.F and III.G of this preamble. We selected these
requirements based upon our determination of the information necessary
to ensure that the emission standards are being met and the work
practices are being followed and that APCD and equipment are maintained
and operated properly. Further, these proposed requirements ensure
compliance with this proposed BSCP
[[Page 75648]]
manufacturing rule without imposing a significant additional burden for
facilities that must implement them.
We are proposing that initial compliance with the emission limits
for HF, HCl, Cl2, PM (or non-Hg HAP metals) and Hg be
demonstrated by an initial performance test. The proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule would also require 5-year repeat performance tests
to ensure, on an ongoing basis, that the APCD is operating properly and
that its performance has not deteriorated.
The majority of test methods that this proposed BSCP manufacturing
rule would require for the performance stack tests (e.g., EPA Methods
5, 26A and 29) have been required under many other EPA standards. Many
of the emissions tests upon which the proposed emission limits are
based were conducted using these test methods.
When a performance test is conducted, we are proposing that
parameter operating limits be determined during the test. To ensure
continuous compliance with the proposed emission limits, the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule would require continuous parameter monitoring
of the kilns and APCD and maintaining these parameters within the
operating limits established during the performance test. We selected
these parameter monitoring requirements because they produce data that
will be useful to both the owners or operators and the EPA for ensuring
continuous compliance with the emission limits and/or operating limits
and because of their reasonable cost and ease of execution.
The APCD monitoring parameters included in the proposed rule were
chosen for the types of APCD commonly used in the BSCP industry or
anticipated to be used to comply with the proposed emission limits.
These parameters include lime injection rate (on a per ton of fired
product basis) for DIFF and DLS/FF; pressure drop (or bypass stack
damper position) and limestone feeder setting for DLA; pressure drop,
pH, liquid flow rate and chemical addition rate (if applicable) for wet
scrubbers; and activated carbon flow rate for ACI systems. If
applicable for demonstrating compliance with the HF/HCl/Cl2
standard, the kiln monitoring parameter included in the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule is the kiln process rate. Many of these CPMS are
standard features on BSCP tunnel kilns and their associated APCD and
have also been used in other standards for similar industries.
In addition to parameter monitoring, the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule also includes a requirement for kilns equipped with
a FF (e.g., a DIFF, DLS/FF or stand-alone FF) to either install a BLD
system or monitor VE. Similar to the CPMS being proposed, BLD systems
have also been used in other standards in similar industries. We have
also determined that periodic VE checks are a reasonable alternative to
BLD systems for this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. Periodic VE
checks have also been proposed for kilns without an add-on control to
demonstrate continuous compliance.
N. How did the EPA determine compliance times for the proposed rule?
Section 112 of the CAA specifies the dates by which affected
sources must comply with the emission standards. Under CAA section
112(i)(1), new or reconstructed units must be in compliance with this
proposed rule immediately upon startup or the effective date of the
final rule, whichever is later. (The final action is expected to be a
``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2), so the effective date of
the final rule is expected to be 60 days after the final rule is
published in the Federal Register.)
Under CAA section 112(i)(3), existing sources are allowed up to 3
years after the effective date of the rule to comply with the final
rule. For this industry, we believe that 3 years for compliance is
necessary to allow adequate time to design, install and test any
control systems that may need to be retrofitted onto existing kilns, as
well as obtain permits for the use of add-on controls.
The compliance date for existing area sources that subsequently
become major sources is governed by 40 CFR 63.6(c)(5). We are proposing
that such sources have 3 years from the date they become major sources
to come into compliance, which is equivalent to the compliance period
for existing sources discussed in the previous paragraph. Further,
under the current regulations in 40 CFR 63.6(b)(7), where an area
source becomes a major source by the addition of equipment or
operations that meet the definition of new affected source under this
rule, that portion of the existing facility that is a new affected
source must be in compliance upon initial startup.
O. How did the EPA determine the required records and reports for the
proposed rule?
The owner or operator would be required to comply with the
applicable requirements in the NESHAP General Provisions, subpart A of
40 CFR part 63, as described in Table 8 of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule. We evaluated the General Provisions requirements
and included those we determined to be the notification, recordkeeping
and reporting necessary to ensure compliance with and effective
enforcement of this proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
We are also proposing that the owner or operator keep records on
the firing time and temperature cycle for each periodic kiln, the type
of product fired in each batch and the amount of product fired in the
periodic kiln, to address the operational factors that impact HAP
emissions from periodic kilns and demonstrate compliance with the work
practice standard for periodic kilns (discussed further in section
IV.K.1 of this preamble).
In addition, we are proposing that the owner or operator keep
records and submit a report of each burner tune-up that is conducted to
ensure good combustion practice and minimize the formation of dioxins/
furans from incomplete combustion, to demonstrate compliance with the
dioxin/furan work practice standard for tunnel kilns (discussed further
in section IV.K.2 of this preamble).
We are also proposing that the owner or operator keep records and
submit a report of each malfunction and the corrective action taken as
part of the next semiannual compliance report. The proposed compliance
report would provide information on each type of malfunction which
occurred during the reporting period and which caused or may have
caused an exceedance of an emission limit.
This proposed BSCP manufacturing rule also includes a requirement
for electronic reporting of performance test data, which is discussed
further in section III.I of this preamble.
We request comment on ways that we could streamline the
recordkeeping and reporting requirements of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule by relying on existing business practices.
P. How does the proposed rule affect permits?
The CAA requires that sources subject to the BSCP manufacturing
rule, once finalized, be operated pursuant to a permit issued under an
EPA-approved state operating permit program. The operating permit
programs are developed under title V of the CAA and the implementing
regulations under 40 CFR parts 70 and 71. If the facility is operating
in the first 3 years of an operating permit, the owner or operator will
need to obtain a revised permit to incorporate the requirements of this
BSCP manufacturing rule. If the facility is in the last 2 years of an
operating permit, the owner or operator will need to incorporate the
requirement of this
[[Page 75649]]
BSCP manufacturing rule into the next renewal of the permit.
Q. What are the alternate approaches the EPA is considering?
1. Alternate Non-Hg HAP Metals Standards
As noted in section IV.E of this preamble, the proposed emission
limits for total non-Hg HAP metals and PM are based on the best
performing 27 kilns with a DIFF or DLS/FF (i.e., 12 percent of the
kilns in the industry). Instead of these proposed limits, we are
considering an alternate approach of setting emission limits for total
non-Hg HAP metals and PM based on MACT floors calculated using the top
12 percent of the data available in each of the kiln size
subcategories, similar to the procedure we followed for setting the Hg
The alternate PM limits were calculated using the same procedure as
described in section IV.E for Hg. In other words, the kilns were ranked
within each subcategory on the basis of their lb/ton PM emissions and
the top 12 percent best performing kilns were identified (top 9 large
kilns and top 3 small kilns). Both the PM lb/ton limit and the
concentration limit for existing sources were calculated based on those
top 12 percent. The alternate PM lb/ton limit and the concentration
limit for new sources were calculated based on the best performing
source in each subcategory.
As discussed in section IV.G of this preamble, the EPA must take
considerations when dealing with limited datasets. For the BSCP
alternate options, we have limited datasets for the following
pollutants and subcategories: PM for new large tunnel kilns and PM for
new small tunnel kilns. For each dataset, we performed the steps
outlined in the Limited Dataset Memo. See the Limited Dataset Memo for
more information.
The alternate total non-Hg HAP metals limit was calculated using a
similar methodology as the proposed total non-Hg HAP metals limit.
Since the alternate total non-Hg HAP metals limits were calculated
based on smaller datasets, we found that there were no small kilns in
the top three best performing kilns with both PM and non-Hg HAP metals
data and only one large kiln in the top nine best performing kilns with
both PM and non-Hg HAP metals data. Therefore, the alternate large kiln
total non-Hg HAP metals limit for existing sources was calculated by
multiplying the alternate PM lb/ton limit by the throughput and the
percentage of non-Hg HAP metals measured in the PM during that test.
The alternate small kiln non-Hg HAP metals limit for existing sources
was then set equal to the existing source large kiln non-Hg HAP metals
limit. For new sources, the best performing unit in the PM new source
MACT floor pool did not have any non-Hg HAP metals data. Therefore, the
alternate large kiln total non-Hg HAP metals limit for new sources was
calculated using the average throughput and the average percentage of
non-Hg HAP metals measured during tests for kilns with a FF-based APCD.
The alternate small kiln non-Hg HAP metals limit for new sources was
then set equal to the new source large kiln non-Hg HAP metals limit.
The alternate emissions limits for existing and new sources are
presented in in the technical memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control
Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay
Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291. We request comment on
the calculation methodology used to generate these alternate limits,
which is described in the technical memorandum ``Maximum Achievable
Control Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for Brick and Structural Clay
Products'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291), as well as comment
on whether we should use these limits instead of the limits we are
2. HAP Metals Work Practice Standard
In the recommendations of the Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR)
Panel, members of the BSCP manufacturing industry discussed whether
work practice standards for Hg and non-Hg HAP metals would be more
appropriate for BSCP tunnel kilns than emissions limits for these
pollutants. BSCP manufacturing industry representatives noted the high
percentage of test runs below the respective detection limits in the
tests results for each metal as support for this suggestion.
We reviewed the available stack test data for Hg and non-Hg HAP
metals from BSCP tunnel kilns to evaluate this suggestion. For Hg, we
found that all test runs were actually above the detection limits. For
the non-Hg HAP metals, we found that only one of the individual non-Hg
HAP metals had a high percentage of test runs below the detection
limit. We found a high percentage of test runs above the detection
limits for all the other non-Hg HAP metals. For more information on
this analysis, please see the technical memorandum ``Determination of
``Non-Detect'' Test Data for the BSCP Proposed Rule'' in Docket ID No.
Because Hg and most of the non-Hg HAP metals are emitted from BSCP
kilns in detectable levels, the EPA believes it is technologically
practicable to measure these emissions and they do not meet the
statutory prerequisite for work practice standards under CAA section
112(h). Consequently, we have declined to propose work practice
standards for Hg or non-Hg HAP metals. Although we are not proposing
work practices for HAP metals, we are requesting comment on this issue.
We are specifically asking for emissions data or any other information
relevant to the issue of whether the metals emissions from these
sources meet the statutory prerequisite for work practice standards in
CAA section 112(h).
3. Emissions Averaging
As part of the EPA's general policy of encouraging the use of
flexible compliance approaches where they can be properly monitored and
enforced, we are also requesting comment in this proposed rule on
whether to include emissions averaging as an alternative to the
individual MACT floor emission limits in the proposed rule.
Specifically, the EPA is requesting comment on whether to consider
alternative emissions averaging limits for PM (in units of lb/ton or
gr/dscf at 7 percent O2) and total non-Hg HAP metals (in
units of lb/hr) for existing tunnel kilns. Emissions averaging can
provide sources the flexibility to comply in the least costly manner
while still maintaining regulation that is workable and enforceable.
Emissions averaging would not be applicable to new sources and could
only be used between existing tunnel kilns in the same size subcategory
(large or small) at a particular BSCP facility.
Emissions averaging would allow owners and operators of an affected
source to demonstrate that the source complies with the emission limits
by averaging the emissions from an individual affected unit that is
emitting above the emission limits with other affected units at the
same facility that are emitting below the emission limits.
We are requesting comment on whether to include an emissions
averaging compliance alternative in which emissions averaging
represents an equivalent, more flexible, and less costly alternative to
controlling certain emission points to MACT levels. A limited form of
averaging could be implemented that would not lessen the stringency of
the MACT floor limits and would provide flexibility in compliance, cost
and energy savings to owners and
[[Page 75650]]
operators. We also recognize that we must ensure that any emissions
averaging option can be implemented and enforced, will be clear to
sources, and would be no less stringent than unit by unit
implementation of the MACT floor limits.
The EPA has concluded that it is permissible under the appropriate
circumstances to establish within a NESHAP a unified compliance regimen
that permits averaging within an affected source across individual
affected units subject to the standard under certain conditions.
Averaging across affected units is permitted only if it can be
demonstrated that the total quantity of any particular HAP that may be
emitted by that portion of a contiguous major source that is subject to
the NESHAP will not be greater under the averaging mechanism than it
could be if each individual affected unit complied separately with the
applicable standard. Under this test, the practical outcome of
averaging is equivalent to compliance with the MACT floor limits by
each discrete unit, and the statutory requirement that the MACT
standard reflect the maximum achievable emissions reductions is,
therefore, fully effectuated.
In past rulemakings, the EPA has generally imposed certain limits
on the scope and nature of emissions averaging programs. These limits
include: (1) No averaging between different types of pollutants, (2) no
averaging between sources that are not part of the same affected
source, (3) no averaging between individual sources within a single
major source if the individual sources are not subject to the same
NESHAP, and (4) no averaging between existing sources and new sources.
Any emissions averaging alternative to the proposed rule
requirements would fully satisfy each of these criteria. First,
emissions averaging would only be permitted between individual sources
at a single existing affected source, and would only be permitted
between individual sources subject to the Brick and Structural Clay
NESHAP. Further, emissions averaging would not be permitted between two
or more different affected sources or between two or more sources in
different subcategories. Finally, new sources could not use emissions
averaging. In addition, any emissions averaging alternative would
require each facility that intends to utilize emissions averaging to
submit an emissions averaging plan, which provides additional assurance
that the necessary criteria will be followed. In such an emissions
averaging plan, the facility would include the identification of: (1)
All units in the averaging group, (2) the control technology installed,
(3) the process parameter that will be monitored, (4) the specific
control technology or pollution prevention measure to be used, (5) the
test plan for the measurement of the HAP being averaged, and (6) the
operating parameters to be monitored for each control device. Upon
receipt, the regulatory authority would not be able to approve an
emissions averaging plan containing averaging between emissions of
different types of pollutants or between sources in different
This emissions averaging alternative would also exclude new
affected sources from the emissions averaging provision. The EPA
believes emissions averaging is not appropriate for new sources because
it is most cost effective to integrate state-of-the-art controls into
equipment design and to install the technology during construction of
new sources. One reason to allow emissions averaging under certain
circumstances is to give existing sources flexibility to achieve
compliance at diverse points with varying degrees of add-on control
already in place in the most cost-effective and technically reasonable
fashion. This flexibility is not needed for new sources because they
can be designed and constructed with compliance in mind.
With concern about the equivalency of emissions reductions from
averaging and non-averaging in mind, we would also include under the
emissions averaging provision caps on the current emissions from each
of the sources in the averaging group. The emissions for each unit in
the averaging group would be capped at the emission level being
achieved on the effective date of the final rule. These caps would
ensure that emissions do not increase above the emission levels that
sources currently are designed, operated, and maintained to achieve. In
the absence of performance tests, in documenting these caps, these
sources would document the type, design, and operating specification of
control devices installed on the effective date of the final rule to
ensure that existing controls are not removed or operated less
efficiently. By including this provision in this proposed rule, we
would further ensure that emissions averaging results in environmental
benefits equivalent to or better than without emissions averaging.
In addition, we would plan to include a discount factor of 10
percent that would be applied when emissions averaging is used. This
discount factor will further ensure that averaging will be at least as
stringent as the MACT floor limits in the absence of averaging. The EPA
is soliciting comment on use of a discount factor and whether 10
percent is the appropriate discount factor or whether the appropriate
discount factor is somewhere in the range of 5% to 25%. The emissions
averaging provision would not apply to individual units if the unit
shares a common stack with units in other subcategories, because in
that circumstance it is not possible to distinguish the emissions from
each individual unit.
The alternative emissions averaging provisions for which we are
requesting comment in this proposed rule are based in part on the
emissions averaging provisions in the Hazardous Organic NESHAP (HON).
The legal basis and rationale for the HON emissions averaging
provisions were provided in the preamble to the final HON (59 FR 19425,
April 22, 1994).
4. Subcategories Based on Raw Materials
The Clean Air Act authorizes EPA to create subcategories which
distinguish among ``classes, types, and sizes of sources.'' Section
112(d)(1). EPA is taking comment on subcategorizing with regard to
potential standards for mercury emitted by brick kilns. Were EPA to do
so, each subcategory would have its own floor and standard, reflecting
performance of the sources within that subcategory.
The EPA may create a subcategory applicable to a single HAP, rather
than to all HAP emitted by the source category, if the facts warrant.
Normally, any basis for subcategorizing must be related to an effect on
emissions, rather than to some difference among sources which does not
affect emissions performance. The subcategorization possibility for
mercury which we are considering is the mercury concentration of the
raw materials in the kiln's clay mine, or geographic location.
The EPA does not have sufficient data to determine if mercury
emissions correlate with the mercury content of the clay used as raw
material by the kiln. Additionally, EPA does not have data that show to
what extent mercury content of clay varies by kiln location (i.e.,
geographical distinction) or within a given source of clay, and to what
extent a source could reduce mercury emissions by using an alternate
source of clay with lower mercury content.
If data were available to show that the amount of mercury in the
raw materials significantly affected mercury emissions, and that kilns
could not reasonably use an alternative source of clay with lower
mercury content, kilns
[[Page 75651]]
using raw materials with higher mercury content might be considered a
different type or class of kiln because their process necessarily
requires the use of that higher-mercury raw materials.
However, data are not available to support subcategorization based
on the amount of mercury in the raw materials. Such data would need to
show a correlation between raw material content and mercury emissions
and also need to indicate sharp disparities in raw material mercury
content that readily differentiate among types of sources.
Additionally, data would also be needed to show that alternate sources
of raw materials with lower mercury content are not available or
feasible. We are specifically asking for mercury emissions data coupled
with raw materials mercury data. We are also asking for information
regarding the availability of low mercury clay and the feasibility of
using low mercury clay to reduce emissions. EPA realizes that if this
data is not currently available, obtaining this data may not be
possible within the current schedule to promulgate the final rule.
Therefore, EPA requests comment on possible approaches to resolve this
V. Summary of the Proposed Rule for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
This section summarizes the requirements for the Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing source category proposed in today's action. Section VI of
this preamble provides our rationale for the proposed requirements.
A. What source category is affected by the proposed rule?
Today's proposed rule for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing applies to
clay ceramics manufacturing facilities that are located at or are part
of a major source of HAP emissions. The Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
source category includes those facilities that manufacture pressed
floor tile, pressed wall tile and other pressed tile; or sanitaryware
(toilets and sinks).
B. What are the affected sources?
The affected sources, which are the portions of each source in the
category for which we are setting standards, are: (1) Each ceramic tile
roller kiln; (2) each floor tile press dryer; (3) each ceramic tile
spray dryer; (4) each ceramic tile glaze line using glaze spraying; (5)
each sanitaryware tunnel kiln; (6) each sanitaryware shuttle kiln; and
(7) each sanitaryware glaze spray booth.
The following clay ceramics process units are not subject to the
requirements of today's proposed rule: (1) Kilns that are used
exclusively for refiring or setting glazes on previously fired
products; (2) glaze spray operations that use wet glazes containing
less than 0.1 (weight) percent metal HAP (dry basis); (3) wall tile
press dryers; and (4) sanitaryware ware dryers. See section VI.A for
information on why these sources are not subject to the proposed rule.
C. Does the proposed rule apply to me?
This proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule applies to owners or
operators of an affected source at a major source meeting the
requirements discussed previously in this preamble. A major source of
HAP emissions is any stationary source or group of stationary sources
located within a contiguous area and under common control that emits or
has the potential to emit, considering controls, 10 tpy or more of any
HAP or 25 tpy or more of any combination of HAP.
D. What emission limitations and work practice standards must I meet?
1. Emission Limitations
We are proposing emission limits for PM as a surrogate for total
non-Hg HAP metals for all new and existing ceramic tile roller kilns,
sanitaryware tunnel kilns and ceramic tile and sanitaryware glazing
operations. We are proposing emission limits for Hg for all new and
existing ceramic tile roller kilns, ceramic tile glaze lines and
sanitaryware tunnel kilns. We are proposing emission limits for dioxin/
furan for all new and existing ceramic tile roller kilns, sanitaryware
tunnel kilns, floor tile press dryers and ceramic tile spray dryers. We
are also proposing an emission limit for HCl-equivalent for all
existing and new roller and tunnel kilns at each facility to reduce the
acid gases HF and HCl. The proposed emission limits are presented in
Table 9 of this preamble.
Table 9--Proposed Emission Limits for Clay Ceramics Sources
Acid gases (lb/ Dioxins/furans
Subcategory hr HCl- Hg (lb/ton) PM \b\ (lb/ton) (ng/dscm at 7
equivalent) \a\ percent O2) \c\
Limits for existing sources
Floor tile roller kilns.......... 140 1.3 E-04 0.18 4.6
Floor tile press dryers.......... ................. ................. ................... 0.19
Floor tile spray dryers.......... ................. ................. ................... 44
Wall tile roller kilns........... 140 2.0 E-04 0.20 0.17
Wall tile spray dryers........... ................. ................. ................... 0.12
Tile glaze lines................. ................. 1.6 E-04 1.9
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel 140 1.2 E-04 0.33 1.5
Sanitaryware manual glaze ................. ................. 33
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze ................. ................. 12
Sanitaryware robot glaze ................. ................. 8.8
Limits for new sources
Floor tile roller kilns.......... 140 3.9 E-05 0.027 1.5
Floor tile press dryers.......... ................. ................. ................... 0.19
Floor tile spray dryers.......... ................. ................. ................... 0.17
Wall tile roller kilns........... 140 2.0 E-04 0.20 0.17
Wall tile spray dryers........... ................. ................. ................... 0.12
Tile glaze lines................. ................. 1.6 E-04 0.61
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel 140 1.2 E-04 0.095 0.37
Sanitaryware manual glaze ................. ................. 3.8
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze ................. ................. 3.2
[[Page 75652]]
Sanitaryware robot glaze ................. ................. 2.2
\a\ Limit applies to all kilns at facility.
\b\ PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
\c\ ng/dscm = nanograms per dry standard cubic meter.
2. Work Practice Standards
We are proposing work practice standards in lieu of emission limits
for acid gases (HF and HCl), Hg and non-Hg HAP metals for sanitaryware
shuttle kilns. The work practice standards would require using natural
gas (or equivalent) as kiln fuel except during periods of natural gas
curtailment or supply interruption; developing and using a designed
firing time and temperature cycle for each product produced in the
shuttle kiln; labeling each shuttle kiln with the maximum load (in
tons) that can be fired in the kiln during a single firing cycle;
documenting the total tonnage placed in the kiln for each load to
ensure that it is not greater than the maximum load; developing and
implementing maintenance procedures for each kiln that specify the
frequency of inspection and maintenance; and developing and maintaining
records for each shuttle kiln, including logs to document the proper
operation and maintenance procedures of the shuttle kilns.
E. What are the startup and shutdown requirements?
The EPA's position on SSM events is discussed in section II.B of
this preamble. Standards for periods of startup and shutdown are
discussed in this section.
We are proposing work practice standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for ceramic tile roller kilns, floor tile press dryers,
ceramic tile spray dryers and sanitaryware tunnel kilns with APCD. For
startup, the owner or operator would be required to vent the exhaust
from the kiln through the APCD by the time the kiln exhaust temperature
reaches 40 [deg]F. In addition, no ceramics or other product may be
introduced to the kiln until the kiln exhaust temperature reaches 40
[deg]F and the exhaust is being vented through the APCD. For shutdown,
the owner or operator would be required to vent the exhaust from the
kiln through the APCD until the kiln exhaust temperature falls below
300 [deg]F. In addition, no ceramics or other product may be introduced
to the kiln once the kiln exhaust temperature falls to 300 [deg]F and
the exhaust is no longer being vented through the APCD. When the kiln
exhaust is being vented through the APCD, the owner or operator would
be required to comply with the applicable continuous compliance
requirements described in section V.G of this preamble.
We are also proposing work practice standards for periods of
startup and shutdown for ceramic tile roller kilns, floor tile press
dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers and sanitaryware tunnel kilns without
an APCD. For startup, no ceramics or other product may be introduced to
the kiln or dryer until the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature reaches
400 [deg]F. For shutdown, no ceramics or other product may be
introduced to the kiln or dryer once the kiln or dryer exhaust
temperature falls to 300 [deg]F. When there are ceramics in the kiln or
dryer, the owner or operator would be expected to demonstrate
compliance with the emissions limitations (as described in section V.G
of this preamble).
We are not proposing alternate standards for periods of startup and
shutdown for ceramic tile glaze lines or sanitaryware glaze spray
booths. These sources would be expected to demonstrate compliance with
the emissions limitations (as described in section V.G of this
preamble) at all times when the source is operating, including periods
of startup and shutdown.
F. What are the testing and initial compliance requirements?
We are proposing that owners or operators of all affected sources
subject to emission limits conduct an initial performance test using
specified EPA test methods to demonstrate initial compliance with all
applicable emission limits. A performance test would need to be
conducted before renewing the facility's 40 CFR part 70 operating
permit or at least every 5 years following the initial performance
test, as well as when an operating limit parameter value is being
Under today's proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, the owner
or operator would need to measure emissions of HF, HCl, Hg, PM (as a
surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) and dioxins/furans. The owner or
operator would measure HF and HCl from ceramic tile roller kilns and
sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns using one of the following
EPA Method 26A, ``Determination of Hydrogen Halide and
Halogen Emissions from Stationary Sources-Isokinetic Method,'' 40
CFR part 60, appendix A-8;
EPA Method 26, ``Determination of Hydrogen Chloride
Emissions from Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8,
when no acid particulate (e.g., HF or HCl dissolved in water
droplets emitted by sources controlled by a wet scrubber) is
EPA Method 320, ``Measurement of Vapor Phase Organic
and Inorganic Emission by Extractive FTIR'' 40 CFR part 63, appendix
A, provided the test follows the analyte spiking procedures of
section 13 of Method 320, unless the owner or operator can
demonstrate that the complete spiking procedure has been conducted
at a similar source; or
Any other alternative method that has been approved by
the Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
Following the performance test, the owner or operator would
calculate the HCl-equivalent for the kiln using proposed Equation 4 in
40 CFR 63.8595(f)(4)(i). If there are multiple kilns at a facility, the
owner or operator would sum the HCl-equivalent for each kiln using
proposed Equation 5 in 40 CFR 63.8595(f)(4)(ii) to get the total
facility HCl-equivalent and compare this value to the proposed
We are proposing that the owner or operator measure PM emissions
from ceramic tile roller kilns and sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns
using one of the following methods:
EPA Method 5, ``Determination of Particulate Emissions
from Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3;
EPA Method 29, ``Determination of Metals Emissions From
Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8, where the test
results would report the weight of the PM on the filter as PM
filterable; or
Any other alternative method that has been approved by
the Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
Method 29 or any other approved alternative method may also be used
to measure Hg emissions from ceramic tile
[[Page 75653]]
roller kilns, ceramic tile glaze lines and sanitaryware first-fire
tunnel kilns.
We are proposing that the owner or operator measure PM emissions
from ceramic tile and sanitaryware glaze spray booths using EPA Method
5 or any other alternative method that has been approved by the
Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
We are also proposing that the owner or operator measure dioxin/
furan emissions from ceramic tile roller kilns and spray dryers, floor
tile press dryers and sanitaryware first-fire tunnel kilns using EPA
Method 23, ``Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and
Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans From Stationary Sources,'' 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-7 or any other alternative method that has been approved
by the Administrator under 40 CFR 63.7(f) of the General Provisions.
The following paragraphs discuss the initial compliance
requirements that are being proposed. Prior to the initial performance
test, the owner or operator would need to install the CPMS equipment to
be used to demonstrate continuous compliance with the operating limits.
During the initial test, the owner or operator would use the CPMS to
establish site-specific operating parameter values that represent the
operating limits.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are proposing that the owner or operator
ensure that lime in the feed hopper or silo and to the APCD is free-
flowing at all times during the HF/HCl performance test and record the
feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) for the three test
runs. If the lime feed rate varies, the owner or operator would be
required to determine the average feed rate from the three test runs.
The average of the three test runs establishes the minimum site-
specific feed rate operating limit. If there are different average feed
rate values during the PM and HF/HCl tests, the highest of the average
values becomes the site-specific operating limit. If a BLD system is
present, the owner or operator would need to submit analyses and
supporting documentation demonstrating conformance with EPA guidance
and specifications for BLD systems.
For a stand-alone FF (i.e., no dry sorbent injection or DLS) and a
BLD system, we are proposing that the owner or operator submit analyses
and supporting documentation demonstrating conformance with EPA
guidance and specifications for BLD systems.
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing that the owner or operator
continuously measure the scrubber pressure drop during the PM
performance test, the scrubber liquid pH and the chemical addition rate
(if applicable) during the HF/HCl performance test and the scrubber
liquid flow rate during both the PM and HF/HCl performance tests. For
each wet scrubber parameter, the owner or operator would need to
determine and record the average values for the three test runs and the
3-hour block average value. The average of the three test runs
establishes the minimum site-specific pressure drop, liquid pH, liquid
flow rate and chemical addition rate operating limits. If different
average wet scrubber liquid flow rate values are measured during the PM
and HF/HCl tests, the highest of the average values become the site-
specific operating limits.
For an ACI system, we are proposing that the owner or operator
measure the activated carbon flow rate during the Hg and dioxin/furan
performance tests and determine the 3-hour block average flow rate. The
average of the three test runs establishes the minimum site-specific
activated carbon flow rate operating limit. If different average
activated carbon flow rate values are measured during the Hg and
dioxin/furan tests, the highest of the average values becomes the site-
specific operating limit.
If the owner or operator intends to comply with the dioxin/furan
emission limit without an ACI system, we are proposing that the owner
or operator measure the operating temperature of the process (tunnel or
roller kiln, ceramic tile spray dryer, floor tile press dryer) during
the dioxin/furan performance test and determine the 3-hour block
average operating temperature. The average of the three test runs
establishes the site-specific operating limit.
For sources with no APCD installed, we are proposing that the owner
or operator calculate the maximum potential HCl-equivalent using
proposed Equation 6 in 40 CFR 63.8595(g)(1)(i). The owner or operator
would use the results from the performance test to determine the
emissions at the maximum possible process rate. For example, if the
design capacity of the tunnel or roller kiln is 10 tph and the
production rate during the performance test was 9 tph, then the test
results represent 90 percent of the maximum potential emissions. If
there are multiple kilns at a facility, the owner or operator would
need to sum the maximum potential HCl-equivalent for each kiln to get
the total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent and compare this
value to the proposed health-based emission limitation for acid gases.
If the total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent is greater than
the proposed limitation, we are proposing that the owner or operator
determine the maximum process rate for which the total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent remains at or below the proposed limitation.
If there are multiple kilns, the owner or operator would need to
determine one or more combinations of maximum process rates that would
result in a total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent that
remains at or below the proposed limitation. The maximum process
rate(s) would become the operating limit(s) for process rate. We are
also proposing that the owner or operator measure the operating
temperature of a source during the dioxin/furan performance test and
determine the 3-hour block average operating temperature. The average
of the three test runs establishes the site-specific operating limit
for temperature.
G. What are the continuous compliance requirements?
Today's Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule proposes that the owner or
operator demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission
limitation that applies. The owner or operator would have to follow the
requirements in the OM&M plan and document conformance with the OM&M
plan. The owner or operator would need to operate a CPMS to monitor the
operating parameters established during the initial performance test as
described in the following paragraphs. The CPMS would have to collect
data at least every 15 minutes, including at least three of four
equally spaced data values (or at least 75 percent if there are more
than four data values per hour) per hour to have a valid hour of data.
The owner or operator would have to operate the CPMS at all times when
the process is operating. The owner or operator would also have to
conduct proper maintenance of the CPMS, including inspections,
calibrations and validation checks, and maintain an inventory of
necessary parts for routine repairs of the CPMS. Using the recorded
readings, the owner or operator would need to calculate and record the
3-hour block average values of each operating parameter. To calculate
the average for each 3-hour averaging period, the owner or operator
would need to have at least 75 percent of the recorded readings for
that period.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, we are proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance with the acid gas (HF/HCl) health-based emission
limit by maintaining free-flowing lime
[[Page 75654]]
in the feed hopper or silo and to the APCD at all times. If lime is
found not to be free flowing via the output of a load cell, carrier
gas/lime flow indicator, carrier gas pressure drop measurement system
or other system, the owner or operator would have to promptly initiate
and complete corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. The owner
or operator would also have to maintain the feeder setting (on a per
ton of fired product basis) at or above the level established during
the performance test and record the feeder setting once each shift.
For a DIFF or DLS/FF, the proposed rule would provide the option to
use either a BLD system or VE monitoring to demonstrate compliance with
the PM emission limit.
For the option of a BLD system, we are proposing that the owner or
operator initiate corrective action within 1 hour of a BLD system alarm
and complete corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. The owner
or operator would also need to operate and maintain the FF such that
the alarm is not engaged for more than 5 percent of the total operating
time in a 6-month block reporting period. In calculating this operating
time fraction, if inspection of the FF demonstrates that no corrective
action is required, no alarm time is counted. If corrective action is
required, each alarm must be counted as a minimum of 1 hour and if
corrective action is initiated more than 1 hour after an alarm, the
alarm time must be counted as the actual amount of time taken to
initiate corrective action.
For the option of monitoring VE, we are proposing that the owner or
operator perform daily, 15-minute VE observations in accordance with
the procedures of EPA Method 22, ``Visual Determination of Fugitive
Emissions from Material Sources and Smoke Emissions from Flares,'' 40
CFR part 60, appendix A-7. During the VE observations, the source would
need to be operating under normal conditions. If VE are observed, the
owner or operator would have to promptly initiate and complete
corrective actions according to the OM&M plan. If no VE are observed in
30 consecutive daily EPA Method 22 tests, the owner or operator may
decrease the frequency of EPA Method 22 testing from daily to weekly
for that source. If VE are observed during any weekly test, the owner
or operator would have to promptly initiate and complete corrective
actions according to the OM&M plan and the owner or operator would need
to resume EPA Method 22 testing of that source on a daily basis until
no VE are observed in 30 consecutive daily tests, at which time the
owner or operator may again decrease the frequency of EPA Method 22
testing to a weekly basis.
For a stand-alone FF, we are proposing that the owner or operator
use a BLD system or monitor VE as described above to demonstrate
compliance with the applicable emission limit.
For a wet scrubber, we are proposing that the owner or operator
continuously maintain the 3-hour block averages for scrubber pressure
drop, scrubber liquid pH, scrubber liquid flow rate and chemical
addition rate (if applicable) at or above the minimum values
established during the applicable performance test. Maintaining the 3-
hour block average for scrubber pressure drop at or above the minimum
value established during the PM performance test would demonstrate
compliance with the PM emission limit. Maintaining the 3-hour block
average for scrubber liquid pH and chemical (e.g., lime, caustic)
addition rate at or above the minimum values established during the HF/
HCl performance test would demonstrate compliance with the acid gas
(HF/HCl) health-based emission limit. Maintaining the 3-hour block
average for scrubber liquid flow rate at or above the lowest minimum
value established during the PM and HF/HCl performance tests would
demonstrate compliance with all applicable emission limits by showing
that the scrubber is in proper working order.
For an ACI system, we are proposing that the owner or operator
demonstrate compliance with the Hg and dioxin/furan emission limits by
continuously monitoring the activated carbon flow rate and maintaining
it at or above the lowest minimum value established during the Hg and
dioxin/furan performance tests.
If the owner or operator intends to comply with the dioxin/furan
emission limit without an ACI system, we are proposing that the owner
or operator demonstrate compliance by continuously monitoring the
operating temperature of the process (tunnel or roller kiln, ceramic
tile spray dryer, floor tile press dryer) and maintaining it at or
above the average operating temperature during the dioxin/furan
performance test for the tunnel or roller kiln and ceramic tile spray
dryer and at or below the average operating temperature during the
dioxin/furan performance test for the floor tile press dryer.
For a water curtain on a spray glazing operation, we are proposing
that the owner or operator demonstrate compliance with the PM emission
limit by conducting a daily inspection to verify the presence of water
flow to the wet control system, conducting weekly visual inspections of
the system ductwork and control equipment for leaks and conducting
annual inspections of the interior of the control equipment (if
applicable) to determine the structural integrity and condition of the
control equipment.
For baffles on a spray glazing operation, we are proposing that the
owner or operator demonstrate compliance with the PM emission limit by
conducting an annual visual inspection of the baffles to confirm the
baffles are in place.
For a source with no APCD, we are proposing that, to demonstrate
compliance with the PM emission limit, the owner or operator monitor VE
as described above; and, to demonstrate compliance with the dioxin/
furan emission limit, the owner or operator continuously monitor the
operating temperature, determine and record 3-hour block averages and
maintain the 3-hour block averages at or above the average operating
temperature during the dioxin/furan performance test for the tunnel or
roller kiln and ceramic tile spray dryer and at or below the average
operating temperature during the dioxin/furan performance test for the
floor tile press dryer. In addition, if the last calculated total
facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent was not at or below the
proposed health-based emission limitation for acid gases, then we are
proposing that the owner or operator collect and record data
documenting the process rate of the tunnel or roller kiln and reduce
the data to 3-hour block averages. The owner or operator would need to
maintain the kiln process rate(s) at or below the kiln process rate
operating limit(s) that would enable the total facility maximum
potential HCl-equivalent to remain at or below the proposed limitation.
H. What are the notification, recordkeeping and reporting requirements?
All new and existing sources would be required to comply with
certain requirements of the General Provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart
A), which are identified in Table 9 of subpart KKKKK. The General
Provisions include specific requirements for notifications,
recordkeeping and reporting.
Each owner or operator would be required to submit a notification
of compliance status report, as required by 40 CFR 63.9(h) of the
General Provisions. This proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule
[[Page 75655]]
require the owner or operator to include in the notification of
compliance status report certifications of compliance with rule
requirements. Semiannual compliance reports, as required by 40 CFR
63.10(e)(3) of subpart A, would also be required for each semiannual
reporting period.
This proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule would require
records to demonstrate compliance with each emission limit and work
practice standard. These recordkeeping requirements are specified
directly in the General Provisions to 40 CFR part 63 and are identified
in Table 9 of subpart KKKKK.
Specifically, we are proposing that the owner or operator must keep
the following records:
All reports and notifications submitted to comply with
this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule.
Records of performance tests.
Records relating to APCD maintenance and documentation
of approved routine control device maintenance exemption.
Continuous monitoring data as required in this proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule.
Records of BLD system alarms and corrective actions
Each instance in which the owner or operator did not
meet each emission limit (i.e., deviations from operating limits).
Records of production rates.
Records of approved alternative monitoring or testing
Records of maintenance and inspections performed on the
Current copies of the OM&M plan and records documenting
Logs of the information required to document compliance
with the shuttle kiln work practice standard.
Logs of the information required to document compliance
with the startup and shutdown work practice standards.
Records of each malfunction and the corrective action
We are also proposing to require that the owner or operator submit
the following reports and notifications:
Notifications required by the General Provisions.
Initial Notification no later than 120 calendar days
after the affected source becomes subject to this subpart.
Notification of Intent to conduct performance tests
and/or other compliance demonstration at least 60 calendar days
before the performance test and/or other compliance demonstration is
Notification of Compliance Status 60 calendar days
following completion of a compliance demonstration that includes a
performance test.
Notification of Compliance Status 30 calendar days
following completion of a compliance demonstration that does not
include a performance test (i.e., compliance demonstration for the
work practice standard).
Compliance reports semi-annually, including a report of
each malfunction resulting in an exceedance and the corrective
action taken.
Report of alternative fuel use within 10 working days
after terminating use of the alternative fuel.
Results of each performance test within 60 days of
completing the test, submitted to the EPA by direct computer-to-
computer electronic transfer via EPA-provided software for data
collected using supported test methods.
I. How would I submit emissions test results to the EPA?
The ERT provisions being proposed for clay ceramics manufacturing
are the same as those being proposed for BSCP manufacturing. The ERT
provisions for BSCP manufacturing are discussed in section III.I of
this preamble.
VI. Rationale for the Proposed Rule for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
A. How did the EPA determine which sources would be regulated under the
proposed rule?
Based on our review of the available information on the clay
ceramics manufacturing industry, we determined that there are three
distinct sectors within the industry: (1) Ceramic floor tile; (2)
ceramic wall tile; and (3) sanitaryware. Specifically, we found that
the ceramic floor tile, ceramic wall tile and sanitaryware sectors of
the industry differ in terms of raw materials, processes and final
The primary raw materials used for manufacturing sanitaryware are
ball clay, other clays, feldspar and silica, whereas ceramic tile is
made primarily from ball clay, talc, nepheline syenite (an igneous rock
comprised of nepheline, microcline and albite), fire clay and shale.
However, while the raw materials are similar for ceramic floor and wall
tile, the mix for ceramic wall tile includes more talc and less ball
clay, resulting in a lighter-weight mix. Regarding processes, ceramic
floor tile facilities use spray dryers to process the ceramic mix into
a powder to allow tile pressing, followed by press dryers to press the
tiles. The tile is then glazed prior to firing in a roller kiln.
Ceramic wall tile facilities also use spray and press dryers, but they
are designed, managed and operated to handle the lighter weight raw
material mix. Ceramic wall tile is produced in a two-step firing
process using roller kilns and it is glazed in between firings. On the
other hand, sanitaryware facilities use tunnel kilns to fire the
ceramic ware and they glaze the ware before firing, predominantly using
glaze spraying.
Ceramic floor tile, ceramic wall tile and sanitaryware also have
different characteristics as finished products and compete in different
markets. Ceramic floor tile is defined as a vitreous product with a low
water absorption rate. Floor tile is known for its multi-color,
variably-textured, and slip-resistant characteristics, which are not
acceptable in most wall tiles. Ceramic wall tile is defined as a non-
vitreous product required to meet a water absorption rate of 7 to 20
percent, much higher than that required for floor tile. Wall tile has
much more stringent appearance requirements compared to floor tile,
with the market demanding that most wall tile be mono-color, with a
high gloss or smooth matte finish (requiring a two-step firing
process). Sanitaryware is vitreous ceramic ware of zero or low
absorption after firing that is used for plumbing and bathroom fixtures
and accessories (such as toilets and ceramic sinks).
In the clay ceramics manufacturing industry, the foremost sources
of HAP emissions are first-fire tunnel and periodic (shuttle) kilns at
sanitaryware facilities and roller kilns at ceramic tile facilities.
Based on emissions testing, the HAP emitted from first-fire tunnel
kilns and roller kilns include HF, HCl, Hg, other non-Hg HAP metals and
dioxins/furans. Shuttle kilns are also assumed to emit these pollutants
based on similarities in raw materials used in shuttle kilns and first-
fire tunnel kilns. Other sources of HAP emissions at clay ceramics
manufacturing facilities are glaze lines that employ glaze spraying at
ceramic tile facilities, glaze spray booths at sanitaryware facilities,
spray dryers at ceramic tile facilities and press dryers at floor tile
facilities. The HAP emitted from ceramic tile glaze lines include Hg
and non-Hg HAP metals, the HAP emitted from sanitaryware glazing
operations include non-Hg HAP metals and the HAP emitted from ceramic
tile spray dryers and press dryers are dioxins/furans. Other process
units at clay ceramics facilities (e.g., raw material processing and
handling, wall tile press dryers and sanitaryware ware dryers) have not
been found to emit measurable quantities of HAP.\54\ For this reason,
the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule covers those existing and
new first-fire kilns, glaze spray operations, spray dryers and press
dryers at major source clay ceramics manufacturing facilities that emit
HAP and meet the applicability criteria.
\54\ As part of the 2010 EPA survey, wall tile press dryers and
sanitaryware ware dryers were tested for dioxins/furans, but none of
the tests found detectable levels of dioxins/furans.
Additional clay ceramics process units that do not meet the
[[Page 75656]]
criteria include (1) kilns that are used exclusively for refiring or
setting glazes on previously fired products; (2) glaze spray operations
that use wet glazes containing less than 0.1 (weight) percent metal HAP
(dry basis); and (3) glazing operations using a flow (curtain) coating
or waterfall method.
Re-fire kilns are used for firing products that have already been
fired but have minor defects, which are subsequently repaired. Nearly
all of the emissions from the firing of a clay body (i.e., fluorides,
chlorides) are released during the initial vitrification step conducted
in first-fire kilns, while re-fire ware has already been vitrified and
emits little to no fluorides or chlorides. Kilns that are used
exclusively for setting glazes on previously fired products also emit
little to no HF or HCl for similar reasons. Glaze spray operations
using glaze containing less than 0.1 (weight) percent metal HAP are
expected to be an insignificant source of HAP emissions. Glaze applied
using a flow (curtain) coating or waterfall method rather than using an
aerosol spraying method would have little to no air emissions of non-Hg
HAP metals.
B. How did the EPA select the format for the proposed rule?
For Hg and PM (as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) emissions from
ceramic tile roller kilns and first-fire sanitaryware tunnel kilns,
this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule includes numerical
emission rate limits as a mass of pollutant emitted per ton of product
produced. For non-Hg HAP metals emissions from ceramic tile glaze lines
and sanitaryware glaze spray booths, this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule includes numerical emission rate limits for PM as a
mass of pollutant emitted per ton of glaze sprayed. For Hg emissions
from ceramic tile glaze lines, this proposed rule includes numerical
emission rate limits as a mass of pollutant emitted per ton of glaze
sprayed. For dioxin/furan emissions from ceramic tile roller kilns,
floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers and first-fire
sanitaryware tunnel kilns, this proposed rule includes numerical
emission limits in units of concentration. The selection of numerical
emission rate limits and numerical emission limits as the format for
this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule provides flexibility for
the regulated community by allowing a regulated source to choose any
control technology or technique to meet the emission limits, rather
than requiring each unit to use a prescribed control method that may
not be appropriate in each case. In addition, the selection of
numerical emission rate limits as a mass of pollutant emitted per ton
of product produced ensures that differences in the size or process
rate of the affected source do not affect the level of emissions
control achieved.
The PM limits are proposed as a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
The same control techniques that would be used to control PM will
control non-Hg HAP metals. Particulate matter was also chosen instead
of requiring control of specific individual HAP metals because all
sources do not emit the same type and amount of non-Hg HAP metals due
to differences in raw materials and glaze formulations. However, most
sources generally emit PM that includes some amount and combination of
HAP metals. The use of PM as a surrogate will also eliminate the cost
of performance testing to comply with numerous standards for individual
non-Hg HAP metals.
For acid gases (HF and HCl), this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule includes a health-based emission limit as a mass of
HCl-equivalent emitted per hour. Further discussion about the
development of health-based standards for the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule is provided in section VI.J of this preamble.
This proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule includes work
practices for sanitaryware shuttle kilns. As described in more detail
in section VI.K.1 of this preamble, technological and economic
limitations make it impracticable to measure compliance with numerical
emission limits for sanitaryware shuttle kilns.
C. How did the EPA consider different subcategories?
Section 112(d)(1) of the CAA allows the EPA to promulgate emission
standards for either categories or subcategories of sources. Through
subcategorization, the EPA may distinguish among classes, types and
sizes of sources within a category.
1. Sanitaryware Kilns
Upon initial consideration of the available information on the
sanitaryware sector of the clay ceramics manufacturing industry, we
determined that separate subcategories for sanitaryware periodic
(shuttle) kilns and sanitaryware continuous (tunnel) kilns were
warranted because shuttle kilns are smaller than tunnel kilns (with
lower production on an hourly basis and accounting for only a small
percentage of production) and are operated in batch cycles, whereas
tunnel kilns operate continuously.
As noted in section VI.K.1 of this preamble, we have determined
that it is technologically and economically infeasible to test shuttle
kilns, thereby ruling out a quantitative analysis of how these
differences impact emissions. However, a qualitative comparison can be
made, in that smaller kilns operated periodically (i.e., shuttle kilns)
would be expected to have lower emissions over time compared to the
larger, continuously operated tunnel kilns.
2. Sanitaryware Glazing
We also determined that separate subcategories for three different
glaze application methods for sanitaryware were warranted. Manual glaze
spraying is done by a human operator with one spray gun per station per
booth. The ware are moved and set up manually and glaze is applied to
one to two pieces at a time. The emissions per ton of glaze sprayed for
this type of glaze spraying are the highest of the application methods.
Spray machine, or chain-on-edge, glaze application is done by automatic
reciprocating spray guns from a fixed location with 10 to 20 spray guns
per booth. The ware are moved and set up on a ``chain-on-edge''
conveyor system and glaze is applied to six to seven pieces at a time.
The emissions per ton of glaze sprayed for this type of glaze spraying
are the second highest of the application methods. Robot glaze spraying
is done by an automatic robot arm with one spray gun per booth. The
ware are moved and set up manually and glaze is applied to one piece at
a time. The emissions per ton of glaze sprayed for this type of glaze
spraying are the lowest of the application methods.
We also examined subcategorization by manual spraying and non-
manual spraying (where ``non-manual spraying'' would include both spray
machine and robot glaze spraying), but we determined that the design
and emission differences between spray machine and robot glaze spraying
are significant enough to warrant separate subcategories.
D. What approaches did the EPA consider in developing the proposed
emission limitations for existing and new sources?
As noted in section IV.D of this preamble, all standards for new
and existing sources established pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(2) must
reflect MACT. The remainder of this section describes the development
of the pool of data used to calculate the MACT floors for Hg, PM (as a
surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals) and dioxins/furans. As noted in
section VI.J of this preamble,
[[Page 75657]]
health-based emissions standards are being proposed for the acid gases
HF and HCl under the provisions of CAA section 112(d)(4). Consequently,
the EPA has not prepared a MACT floor analysis for these pollutants.
In our MACT floor analyses for Hg, PM (as a surrogate for non-Hg
HAP metals) and dioxins/furans, we separated the data by industry
sector, source type and subcategory as described in section VI.C of
this preamble (if applicable). Within each of those categories or
subcategories, we ranked the data in terms of lb/ton for PM and Hg and
in terms of nanograms per dry standard cubic meter (ng/dscm) at 7
percent O2 for dioxins/furans (as described in section VI.E
of this preamble). Because there are less than 30 sources in each
subcategory, we identified the top five (best performing) sources for
which we had data. For subcategories with less than five sources, we
considered all sources for which we had data as best performing
sources. Once we identified the best performing sources, we then
calculated the MACT floor in units of lb/ton or ng/dscm at 7 percent
O2 (as applicable) as described in section VI.E of this
E. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for existing sources?
The EPA must consider available emissions information to determine
the MACT floors. For Hg, PM (as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP
metals) and dioxins/furans, we calculated the MACT floor for a
subcategory of sources by ranking all the available emissions data for
units within the subcategory with the best performing sources ranked at
the top, as described later in this section and then using the test
results from the best performing sources (up to five). Therefore, as
discussed in section VI.D of this preamble, the MACT floor limits for
Hg, PM (as a surrogate for total non-Hg HAP metals) and dioxins/furans
were calculated based on the performance of the best performing sources
in each of the subcategories.
The best performing sources were determined by ranking each
source's average emission value from lowest to highest. We then
determined the data distribution of the dataset made up of the top five
best performers using kurtosis and skewness, as described in section
IV.E of this preamble. We assessed variability of the best performers
by calculating a UPL using the appropriate equation based on the data
distribution. The UPL takes into consideration the average performance
of the unit and the variability of the test runs during the testing
conditions. As described in section IV.E of this preamble, the UPL
represents the value which one can expect the mean of a specified
number of future observations (e.g., 3-run average) to fall below for
the specified level of confidence, based upon the results of an
independent sample from the same population. It is a standard
statistical methodology used to account for variability.
A more detailed explanation of all the UPL equations used,
including the calculations of kurtosis, standard error of kurtosis,
skewness and standard error of skewness, can be found in the technical
memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor
Analysis for Clay Ceramics'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290.
We also compared the appropriate 3xRDL value to the calculated UPL
value for each pollutant and subcategory. As described in section IV.E
of this preamble, we used the greater of the 3xRDL value and calculated
UPL value to ensure that measurement variability is adequately
addressed in the MACT floor emissions limit. This check was part of the
variability analysis for all existing MACT floors that had BDL or DLL
run data present in the best performing datasets (see the technical
memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor
Analysis for Clay Ceramics'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290).
As previously discussed, we accounted for variability in setting
floors, not only because variability is an element of performance, but
because it is reasonable to assess best performance over time. We
believe this approach reasonably ensures that the emission limits
selected as the MACT floors adequately represent the level of emissions
actually achieved by the average of the best performing units,
considering operational variability of those units. Both the analysis
of the measured emissions from units representative of the best
performers and the variability analysis are reasonably designed to
provide a meaningful estimate of the average performance or central
tendency, of the best performing five units in a given subcategory. A
detailed discussion of the MACT floor methodology is presented in the
technical memorandum ``Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
Floor Analysis for Clay Ceramics'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-
Table 10 of this preamble presents the average emission level of
the best performing sources and the existing source MACT floor. Each
subcategory had less than 30 sources nationwide; thus, the top five
sources were used in the MACT floor. If we had data for less than five
sources, we used all the data available. The existing source MACT
floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
Table 10--Summary of MACT Floor Results for Clay Ceramics Existing Sources \a\
Subcategory Parameter Hg \b\ (lb/ton) PM b c (lb/ (ng/dscm at 7
ton) percent O2)
Floor tile roller kilns.......... Avg. of best performing 7.8 E-05........... 0.054 2.9
MACT floor.............. 1.3 E-04........... 0.18 4.6
Floor tile press dryers.......... Avg. of best performing ................... .............. 0.078
MACT floor.............. ................... .............. \d\ 0.19
Floor tile spray dryers.......... Avg. of best performing ................... .............. 0.96
MACT floor.............. ................... .............. 44
Wall tile roller kilns........... Avg. of best performing 5.0 E-05........... 0.071 0.065
MACT floor.............. 2.0 E-04........... 0.20 0.17
Wall tile spray dryers........... Avg. of best performing ................... .............. 0.053
MACT floor.............. ................... .............. 0.12 \d\
Tile glaze lines................. Avg. of best performing 2.0 E-05........... 0.67 ..............
MACT floor.............. 1.6 E-04 \d\....... 1.9 ..............
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel Avg. of best performing 1.6 E-04........... 0.12 0.81
kilns. sources.
MACT floor.............. 2.6 E-04........... 0.33 1.5
[[Page 75658]]
Sanitaryware manual glaze Avg. of best performing ................... 14 ..............
application. sources.
MACT floor.............. ................... 33 ..............
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze Avg. of best performing ................... 5.9 ..............
application. sources.
MACT floor.............. ................... 12 ..............
Sanitaryware robot glaze Avg. of best performing ................... 4.4 ..............
application. sources.
MACT floor.............. ................... 8.8 ..............
\a\ The existing source MACT floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
\b\ Units of measure for kilns are lb/ton ware produced; for glazing are lb/ton glaze sprayed.
\c\ PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
\d\ The MACT floor is based on 3xRDL value.
F. How did the EPA determine the MACT floors for new sources?
The approach that we used to calculate the MACT floors for new
sources is described in section IV.F of this preamble. This approach
reasonably ensures that the emission limit selected as the MACT floor
adequately represents the average level of control actually achieved in
practice by the best controlled similar source, considering ordinary
operational variability. A detailed discussion of the MACT floor
methodology is presented in the technical memorandum ``Maximum
Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Floor Analysis for Clay Ceramics''
in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290.
Table 11 of this preamble presents, for each subcategory and
pollutant, the average emission level of the best performing similar
source and the new source MACT floor. The new source MACT floors are
based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
Table 11--Summary of MACT Floor Results for Clay Ceramics New Sources \a\
Subcategory Parameter Hg \b\ (lb/ton) PM b c (lb/ (ng/dscm at 7
ton) percent O2)
Floor tile roller kilns.......... Avg. of top performer... 3.5 E-05........... 0.020 1.1
MACT floor.............. 3.9 E-05........... 0.027 1.5
Floor tile press dryers.......... Avg. of top performer... ................... .............. 0.070
MACT floor.............. ................... .............. \d\ 0.19
Floor tile spray dryers.......... Avg. of top performer... ................... .............. 0.010
MACT floor.............. ................... .............. \d\ 0.17
Wall tile roller kilns........... Avg. of top performer... 5.0 E-05........... 0.071 0.065
MACT floor.............. 2.0 E-04........... 0.20 0.17
Wall tile spray dryers........... Avg. of top performer... ................... .............. 0.053
MACT floor.............. ................... .............. \d\ 0.12
Tile glaze lines................. Avg. of top performer... 7.4 E-06........... 0.15 ..............
MACT floor.............. 1.6 E-04 \d\....... 0.61 ..............
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel Avg. of top performer... 6.4 E-05........... 0.092 0.23
MACT floor.............. 1.2 E-04........... 0.095 0.37
Sanitaryware manual glaze Avg. of top performer... ................... 3.3 ..............
MACT floor.............. ................... 3.8 ..............
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze Avg. of top performer... ................... 2.0 ..............
MACT floor.............. ................... 3.2 ..............
Sanitaryware robot glaze Avg. of top performer... ................... 1.3 ..............
MACT floor.............. ................... 2.2 ..............
\a\ The new source MACT floors are based on the UPL unless otherwise noted.
\b\ Units of measure for kilns are lb/ton ware produced; for glazing are lb/ton glaze sprayed.
\c\ PM is a surrogate for non-Hg HAP metals.
\d\ The MACT floor is based on 3xRDL value.
G. What is our approach for applying the upper prediction limit to
limited datasets?
As discussed in section IV.G of this preamble, there are specific
considerations when dealing with limited datasets. For the clay
ceramics source category, we have limited datasets for the following
pollutants and subcategories:
Hg, PM, and dioxins/furans for new floor tile roller
dioxins/furans for new floor tile press dryers;
dioxins/furans for new floor tile spray dryers;
Hg and dioxins/furans for existing and new wall tile
roller kilns;
[[Page 75659]]
dioxins/furans for existing and new wall tile spray
Hg and PM for new tile glaze lines;
Hg, PM, and dioxins/furans for new sanitaryware tunnel
kilns; and
PM for new sanitaryware manual, spray machine, and
robot glaze spray booths.
For each dataset, we performed the steps outlined in the memorandum
titled ``Approach for Applying the Upper Prediction Limit to Limited
Datasets,'' which is available in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291;
see that memorandum for more information on the analysis and the
H. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for existing sources?
As discussed in sections II.A and VI.D of this preamble, the EPA
must consider emissions limitations and requirements that are more
stringent than the MACT floor (i.e., beyond-the-floor control options).
When considering beyond-the-floor options, the EPA must consider not
only the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of HAP, but must take
into account costs, energy and non-air quality health and environmental
impacts when doing so. Once the MACT floor determinations were complete
for each subcategory, we considered various regulatory options more
stringent than the MACT floor level of control (e.g., the performance
of technologies that could result in lower emissions) for the different
We considered requiring each subcategory of existing sources to
meet the new source MACT floors developed as described in section VI.F
of this preamble. We analyzed the beyond-the-floor options for each
pollutant separately for each subcategory of existing sources. Our
analyses are documented in the technical memorandum ``Development of
Cost and Emission Reduction Impacts for the Clay Ceramics NESHAP'' in
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290 and summarized in the following
For Hg from existing sanitaryware tunnel kilns, based on the data
available, we estimate that all existing tunnel kilns could meet the
new source MACT floor emission limits described in section VI.F of this
preamble without incurring additional emission control costs.
Therefore, we are proposing a beyond-the-floor Hg limit for existing
sanitaryware tunnel kilns equivalent to the new source MACT floor.
For several sources and pollutants, the existing source MACT floor
and the new source MACT floor are the same value, usually because there
is only one source with data in the subcategory or because both floors
are based on the 3xRDL value. These sources/pollutants include dioxins/
furans from floor tile press dryers, PM (as a surrogate for total non-
Hg HAP metals), Hg and dioxins/furans from wall tile roller kilns,
dioxins/furans from wall tile spray dryers and Hg from ceramic tile
glaze lines. Therefore, we are not proposing beyond-the-floor limits
for these sources and pollutants.
The incremental costs, emission reductions and cost effectiveness
for all other beyond-the-floor options are summarized by subcategory
and by pollutant in Table 12 of this preamble. In all these cases, we
have concluded that the incremental costs of additional control above
the MACT floor emission limits are not reasonable relative to the level
of emission reduction achieved. Therefore, we are not proposing to go
beyond-the-floor for any of the subcategory/pollutant concentrations
included in Table 12 of this preamble.
Table 12--Summary of Costs, Emissions Reductions and Cost Effectiveness for Selected Clay Ceramics Beyond-the-Floor Options (2011 dollars)
Cost (million) Incremental
-------------------------------- HAP Emissions Cost Effectiveness ($/ton
Subcategory Pollutant Reductions total HAP)
Capital Annual (tpy)
Floor tile roller kilns................. Hg.............................. $4.14 $3.16 0.044 $71,800,000
Total non-Hg HAP metals......... 10.8 4.28 0.73 5,830,000
Dioxins/furans.................. 2.32 1.77 8.5 E-07 2,080,000,000,000
Floor tile spray dryers................. Dioxins/furans.................. 0.335 0.278 4.6 E-08 5,990,000,000,000
Tile glaze lines........................ Total non-Hg HAP metals......... 7.67 2.70 0.038 70,600,000
First-fire sanitaryware tunnel kilns.... Total non-Hg HAP metals......... 3.91 2.01 0.020 102,000,000
Dioxins/furans.................. 2.98 1.78 3.4 E-08 51,700,000,000,000
Sanitaryware manual glaze application... Total non-Hg HAP metals......... 6.78 2.19 0.24 9,090,000
Sanitaryware spray machine glaze Total non-Hg HAP metals......... 1.89 0.900 0.14 6,420,000
Sanitaryware robot glaze application.... Total non-Hg HAP metals......... 4.97 2.22 0.097 23,000,000
I. How did the EPA consider beyond-the-floor for new sources?
The MACT floor level of control for each subcategory of new sources
for each pollutant was based on the emission control that is achieved
in practice by the best controlled similar source within each of the
subcategories. When we establish a beyond-the-floor standard, we
typically identify control techniques that have the ability to achieve
an emissions limit more stringent than the MACT floor. No techniques
were identified that would achieve HAP reductions greater than the new
source floors for any of the subcategories for each pollutant.
Therefore, the EPA is not proposing a beyond-the-floor limit for any of
the new sources in this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule.
J. How did the EPA determine whether to set health-based standards for
existing and new sources?
In developing the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, we
[[Page 75660]]
considered whether it was appropriate to establish health-based
emission standards under CAA section 112(d)(4) for the acid gases HF
and HCl. The rationale for the development of health-based standards
for the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule is the same as that
presented for the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, with a few
exceptions, which are discussed in the sections below. The rationale
for the development of health-based standards for the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule is discussed in section IV.J of this preamble.
1. What factors does the EPA consider in exercising its discretion
whether to set a CAA section 112(d)(4) standard?
Section IV.J of this preamble discusses the following factors that
the EPA considers in making a judgment whether to set a standard based
on the health threshold or the traditional MACT process:
The availability of data to set the health-based
Co-benefits that would be achieved via the MACT
standard, such as reductions in emissions of other HAP and/or
criteria pollutants;
The potential impacts on ecosystems of releases of the
pollutant; and
The potential for cumulative adverse health effects due
to concurrent exposure to the same HAP or other HAP with similar
biological endpoints, from either the same or other source
categories, where the concentration of the threshold pollutant
emitted from the given source category is below the threshold.
The evaluation of the first three factors (availability of data,
co-benefits and potential ecosystem impacts) are nearly identical for
both the BSCP and clay ceramics industries. However, further analysis
was required concerning the last factor (potential for cumulative
adverse health effects). The evaluation of all four factors for the
clay ceramics industry is provided below.
a. Availability of Data To Determine Standard
Like the BSCP manufacturing rule, because of the relatively small
number of facilities compared to other rules such as the Boiler MACT
proposal, the EPA was able to determine facility-specific information
for the Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, including tunnel and roller
kiln locations and operating characteristics and stack parameters,
available for all clay ceramics facilities to assess the feasibility of
health-based standards in this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule. Such information enabled us to conduct the dispersion modeling
necessary to establish a health-based emission limit for acid
\55\ For more information, see the technical memorandum ``Risk
Assessment to Determine a Health-Based Emission Limitation for Acid
Gases for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing Source Category'' in
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290.
Consequently, we have concluded that we have enough information to
determine the health-based emission standards for the acid gases HF and
HCl for the clay ceramics industry. As discussed in further detail
below, these limits have been developed to ensure that exposure is
below the health threshold for each facility and also ensure that acute
exposures will not pose any health concerns.\56\
\56\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970, 54986/1
(September 9, 2010) (``[W]e currently lack information on the peak
short-term emissions of HCl from cement kilns which might allow us
to determine whether a chronic health-based emission standard for
HCl would ensure that acute exposures will not pose health
b. Co-Benefits
The additional nationwide SO2 reductions that would be
attributable to Clay Ceramics MACT standards for acid gases are
estimated to be 31 tpy in the third year following promulgation of the
proposed standards. Similar to BSCP, this reduction is substantially
lower than the co-benefits from MACT standards for other industries for
which the EPA has decided not to set a health-based limit,\57\ and it
would not be expected to provide a significant public health benefit in
the circumstances here.
\57\ See Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule, 75 FR 54970
(September 9, 2010)--Co-benefits was identified as the ``decisive
factor'' in the Portland Cement NESHAP Final Rule. 75 FR 54970,
54985/3. There, EPA declined to set a health-based standard for HCl
where setting a MACT standard also controlled other HAP and criteria
pollutants. Specifically discussed were SO2 and other HAP
gases. See 75 FR at 54984/3 (``The additional reductions of
SO2 alone attributable to the MACT standards for HCl are
estimated to be 124,000 tons per year'' and discussing both direct
SO2 effects and effects of SO2 as a precursor
to PM2.5) and 75 FR at 54986/1 (``[Other HAP gases
(chlorine (Cl2), hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and hydrogen
fluoride (HF))] are also controlled during the process of
controlling HCl emissions from cement kilns using a wet scrubber. As
such, their health impacts must be taken into account when
considering a health-based emission limit for HCl.'' See also Boiler
MACT Final Rule, 76 FR at 15644/1 (``EPA considered the comments
received on this issue and continues to believe that the co-benefits
are significant and provide an additional basis for the
Administrator to conclude that it is not appropriate to exercise her
discretion under section 112(d)(4).'') and Boiler MACT Proposed
Rule, 75 FR 32006, 32032 (June 4, 2010)--Co-benefits from MACT
standard for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP metals included the
reduction of 340,000 tons per year of SO2 and unspecified
reductions of PM, other non-HAP acid gases (hydrogen bromide) and
mercury. See also MATS Proposed Rule, 76 FR 24976, 25051/1--Co-
benefits from MACT standard for HCl and PM as surrogate for HAP
metals included the reduction of 2.1 million tons per year of
SO2 and unspecified reductions of PM, other non-HAP acid
gases (hydrogen bromide) and mercury.
c. Ecosystem Impacts
For the section 112(d)(4) evaluation, the EPA assessed the acid
gases HCl and HF around each clay ceramics facility. For HCl, the
environmental risk screen indicated that the area-weighted average
modeled concentrations of HCl around each facility (i.e., the area-
weighted average concentration of all offsite data points in the
modeling domain) did not exceed the ecological benchmark. In addition,
the ecological benchmark was not exceeded at any offsite receptor
location for any facility.
For HF, the environmental risk screen indicated that the area-
weighted average modeled concentrations of HF around each facility
(i.e., the area-weighted average concentration of all offsite data
points in the modeling domain) did not exceed the ecological
benchmarks. There were multiple facilities with modeled concentrations
of HF at offsite receptor locations that exceeded the ecological
benchmark, but the area over which the value was exceeded was no
greater than one percent of the offsite modeling domain for each
facility, indicating that there would not be any significant or
widespread environmental effects.
d. Cumulative Effects
As noted previously, the EPA may consider the availability of
information on emissions from co-located and nearby sources and
consider if it is feasible to determine the potential cumulative health
effects from emissions from the sources in the category when combined
with other emissions from other sources that are co-located or located
nearby. Relevant emissions may include both emissions of the same
pollutant and emissions of other pollutants that may cause cumulative
Through industry responses to the clay ceramics 2008 EPA survey and
the 2010 EPA survey, we have substantial information on the locations
of clay ceramics plants and the levels of HF and HCl emitted from those
plants. While the major source ceramic tile plants are not co-located
with any other type of operation, the three major source sanitaryware
plants are. However, the sources co-located with the sanitaryware
plants do not emit acid gases. The metal foundry plant co-located with
the sanitaryware plant in Kohler, Wisconsin emits chiefly particulates
and metals, while the fiberglass plants co-located with the
sanitaryware plants in Spartanburg, South Carolina and Brownwood, Texas
[[Page 75661]]
emit chiefly organic HAP (styrene). Consequently, any acid gas
emissions from co-located sources are not expected to impact the total
facility acid gas emissions significantly.
Like BSCP facilities, clay ceramics facilities are typically
located on large tracts of land needed for all of the processes
involved in clay ceramics manufacturing, including raw material
receiving, storage and processing; glaze preparation; forming; drying;
glazing; firing; product inspection; and packaging. This provides an
additional buffer between the clay ceramics plants and the surrounding
area. Because of the relatively low plume heights, maximum risks from
the clay ceramics plants are located close to the facility property
line. In trying to define cumulative risks from nearby non-clay
ceramics emissions, the location and emissions associated with other
sources not in the clay ceramics source category are far less certain.
While the 2008 EPA survey and the 2010 EPA survey data for clay
ceramics facilities have been reviewed by EPA engineers and scientists,
the emissions levels and locations of nearby other facilities such as
those in the NEI have not undergone the same level of detailed review.
Thus, a quantitative analysis of nearby emissions may contain
significant of uncertainty. However, as discussed above, because of the
large footprint of clay ceramic facilities and the clay ceramics risks
being confined to the near plant locations, we do not expect that the
combined emissions of HF or HCl from clay ceramics facilities and
nearby other sources would result in substantial cumulative health and
environmental effects.
2. How did the EPA set the level of the standard?
As with BSCP, the EPA is proposing to exercise its discretion to
use CAA section 112(d)(4). This conclusion is consistent with the EPA's
prior decisions where we found it appropriate not to exercise the
discretion to invoke the authority in CAA section 112(d)(4) for acid
gases, because the circumstances in this case differ from those
previous considerations. We request comment on the analysis and
conclusions regarding setting health-based standards.
Following from the EPA's determination that a health-based standard
is appropriate, the standard must be set as follows:
There must be an ample margin of safety to avoid the
health effects on which the threshold is based.
There must be no observable adverse effect.
The standard must not allow greater adverse
environmental effects as the MACT standard that would otherwise be
A standard must be set; there can be no exclusions from
compliance based on a showing that the source's emissions do not
pose a health risk.
As part of the development of the proposed standards, we have
maintained an inventory of major source facilities, including the size
and operating hours of each tunnel and roller kiln and the geographic
location and physical attributes (e.g., stack height, diameter, exit
gas flow rate) of each kiln stack. To develop a health-based emission
limit, both long-term and short-term inhalation exposure concentrations
and health risks from the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing source category
were estimated using the HEM-3 model as described in section IV.J.3 of
this preamble. Further information on the overall modeling approach is
presented in the technical memorandum, ``Risk Assessment to Determine a
Health-Based Emission Limitation for Acid Gases for the Clay Ceramics
Manufacturing Source Category'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290.
In developing the risk assessment for chronic exposures, we used
the estimated annual average ambient air concentrations of each acid
gas emitted by each source in the source category. The air
concentrations at each nearby census block centroid were used as a
surrogate for the chronic inhalation exposure concentration for all the
people who reside in that census block. Chronic noncancer health
hazards are expressed by comparing a chronic exposure to a reference
level as a ratio. Because we performed HEM-3 model runs for each acid
gas individually, we did not aggregate HQ values of different acid
gases. Of course, multiple acid gas pollutants are emitted at clay
ceramics facilities, but a 600 tpy level of HCl-equivalent emissions
(based on the HEM risks modeling) ensures that a TOSHI of 1 is not
exceeded, as long as the HCl-equivalent emissions do not exceed 600
tpy. It is important to note that this emission limit is only
applicable to the sources in this source category and should not be
considered for sources other than those included in this analysis.
Equivalent emissions for HF are determined by the ratio of the chronic
RfC to that for HCl, such that the HCl-equivalent emissions for HF are
420 tpy.
Because the emissions equivalency was based on chronic dose-
response values, the 600 tpy level does not necessarily ensure that
acute reference levels will not be exceeded. For the HCl model runs,
there were no facilities with acute screening HQ values exceeding 1.
For HF, we estimate that two of the eight facilities examined had an
acute value exceed the REL with the highest being two. However, no
facility exceeded an HQ (AEGL-1) value for HF. To assure that no source
emits more than the 600 tpy HCl-equivalent limit in a single hour, we
propose setting the emissions limit at the hourly equivalent of 600 tpy
(140 lb/hr of HCl-equivalent emissions).
It is important to note that the above emissions thresholds are
developed from back-calculating the emissions that would result in an
HQ of 1 at the worst-case facility. Potential risks at other facilities
(not the worst-case facility) are predicted to be well below 1.
Because we had site-specific data on the operation of each tunnel
and roller kiln, we were able to use dispersion modeling to ensure
that: (1) The health-based emission limit cited above for clay ceramics
facilities provides an ample margin of safety and (2) persons exposed
to emissions of the pollutant would not experience the adverse health
effects on which the threshold is based. In addition, as stated
previously, the levels of acid gas emissions associated with clay
ceramics kilns, based on results from the EPA's environmental risk
screen methodology outlined above, are not expected to have an adverse
environmental impact.
Facilities would demonstrate compliance with the health-based
emission limit by determining their facility-wide HCl and HF emissions,
calculating the HCl-equivalent emissions for HF using RfC values and
adding the HCl emissions to the HCl-equivalent value to calculate the
total HCl-equivalent emissions. An equation to perform this calculation
is provided in the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule. For more
information on the development of the health-based standard, see the
technical memorandum ``Risk Assessment to Determine a Health-Based
Emissions Limitation for Acid Gases for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
Source Category'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290. For more
information on the calculation of an HCl-equivalent value, see the
technical memorandum ``Development of Cost and Emission Reduction
Impacts for the Clay Ceramics NESHAP'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
[[Page 75662]]
K. How did the EPA determine whether to set work practice standards for
existing and new sources?
Under CAA section 112(h), the EPA may set work practice standards
in place of an emissions standard where it is not feasible to prescribe
or enforce an emission standard. The EPA is proposing to conclude that
an emissions standard for sanitaryware shuttle kilns is not feasible
because the application of measurement methodology to these sources is
not practicable due to technological and economic limitations.
Therefore, the EPA is proposing a work practice standard for
sanitaryware shuttle kilns in lieu of emission limits for acid gases
(HF and HCl), Hg and non-Hg HAP metals. The rationale for this work
practice standard is discussed in the paragraphs below.
1. Rationale for Setting Work Practice Standard in Lieu of Emission
a. Overview
Shuttle kilns at sanitaryware facilities are a type of periodic
kiln used primarily to refire rejected pieces that have been machined
and reglazed (although some shuttle kilns are used as first-fire
units). Shuttle kilns are designed with a removable superstructure that
is tilted or raised using hydraulic struts to allow entrance and
egress. The main advantage of this type of kiln is that it can readily
accommodate changes in firing temperature profile and cycle time to
match the requirements of a wide variety of ceramic products. The
primary disadvantage of this type of kiln is much higher energy costs
per ton when compared to tunnel kilns and roller kilns.\58\
\58\ See the memorandum titled ``Characterization of the Ceramic
Manufacturing Industry'' in the original Clay Ceramics NESHAP
docket, incorporated by reference into the docket for the proposed
Clay Ceramics rulemaking.
Shuttle kilns are batch operated, meaning that a batch starts cold
and ends cold. The sanitaryware industry operates shuttle kilns on
batch cycle times of 18 to 38 hours, with the most common cycle times
between 22 and 30 hours. As shuttle kilns operate through a heating
cycle, temperatures are either in ramp-up or cool-down mode.\59\
\59\ See the email titled ``Kohler's response to EPA question
regarding options for if and how shuttle kilns (periodic kilns)
should be addressed,'' in the docket for this proposed rule.
b. Emissions and Testing
Emission rates can vary over the batch cycle due to the temperature
cycle of the kiln. In order to accurately determine the total emissions
from a shuttle kiln cycle, emissions from the entire cycle period would
need to be tested.\60\ As with testing BSCP periodic kilns, testing
sanitaryware shuttle kilns for any less time could result in estimated
emissions that are either higher or lower than actual emissions,
depending on when during the kiln cycle the emissions are sampled.\61\
\60\ Id.
\61\ See the memorandum entitled ``Rationale for Establishing
Work Practice Standards for Periodic Brick Kilns'' in Docket ID No.
Conducting a shuttle kiln test on even the shortest cycle time
would require a test crew to be on site for at least 24 hours and would
require the test team to have at least a dozen or more sampling train
set-ups or additional manpower on site to recover samples and turn-
around sampling trains for subsequent use during the test. It is
estimated that the test of a single shuttle kiln firing cycle with
analysis would cost $20,000 or more (2009 dollars). As with BSCP
periodic kilns, sampling a single firing cycle might not be adequate
for characterizing shuttle kiln emissions, due to variations during
firing cycles and variations across tests. To collect three test runs
of data, two additional cycles would need to be tested, bringing the
cost to $60,000 or more (2009 dollars) to test a single shuttle kiln.
Furthermore, the sanitaryware facilities covered under this proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule have three or more shuttle kilns each,
requiring additional tests at each facility.\62\
\62\ See the sanitaryware industry communication titled
``Kohler's response to EPA question regarding options for if and how
shuttle kilns (periodic kilns) should be addressed,'' in Docket ID
No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0290.
c. Test Methods and Costs
As noted in section VI.K.1.a of this preamble, when EPA Method 26
or 26A is used, breakthrough of HCl can occur if emissions are variable
and experience large spikes, as appears to be the case for BSCP
periodic kilns. Testing of sanitaryware shuttle kilns could encounter a
similar problem. Another disadvantage to using Methods 26 or 26A for
testing throughout shuttle kiln cycles is the need for additional
manpower to operate the sampling trains around the clock and to recover
\63\ See the RTI memorandum titled ``Rationale for Establishing
Work Practice Standards for Periodic Brick Kilns'' in Docket ID No.
An alternative to using Method 26 or 26A is to conduct the tests
using FTIR according to EPA Method 320, where HCl breakthrough is not
an issue. In addition, FTIR also provides near real-time emissions
data. However, the cost for FTIR testing would be similarly expensive
as testing by Method 26 or 26A throughout an entire cycle. The cost for
testing by FTIR is estimated to be $49,750 (2009 dollars) for a single
50-hour kiln cycle (the average cycle time for a BSCP periodic kiln).
Assuming a 50 percent reduction in cost for an average 25-hour
sanitaryware shuttle kiln cycle, the cost to test one cycle would still
be substantial (nearly $25,000 (2009 dollars)). If it were determined
that the variations in emissions from cycle to cycle were significant,
it might be necessary to test each kiln for two or more cycles in order
to develop a representative emission rate. Testing for a second cycle
would double the testing cost to almost $50,000 and testing for a third
cycle would triple the cost to almost $75,000 (2009 dollars). In
addition to these costs, additional costs would be incurred for testing
the kilns for PM emissions, which would have to be tested using a
manual test method (e.g., EPA Methods 5 or 17). If additional shuttle
kilns needed to be tested at each facility, the costs would be even
\64\ Id.
While no formal cost-to-sales analysis was conducted for
sanitaryware shuttle kilns like the one conducted for BSCP periodic
kilns (see section IV.K.1 of this preamble), a similar informal
analysis was performed using the sales and production data provided in
the 2008 EPA survey responses (claimed as CBI by the respondent). Based
on this analysis, a similar conclusion (that testing is not
economically feasible) can be reached. Because the test costs are
similar and shuttle kilns represent a small share of total sanitaryware
production and revenues, the EPA has concluded that it would not be
economically feasible to require testing for shuttle kilns.
d. Feasibility of Numerical Emission Limits for Shuttle Kilns
CAA section 112(h)(1) states that the Administrator may prescribe a
work practice standard or other requirements, consistent with the
provisions of CAA sections 112(d) or (f), in those cases where, in the
judgment of the Administrator, it is not feasible to enforce an
emission standard. CAA section 112(h)(2)(B) further defines the term
``not feasible'' in this context to apply when ``the application of
measurement technology to a particular class of sources is not
practicable due to technological and economic limitations.''
[[Page 75663]]
Because of the technological and economic limitations described
above, we conclude that it is not practicable to establish numerical
emission limits for sanitaryware shuttle kilns. Demonstrating
compliance with a numerical emissions limit for shuttle kilns is
technologically limited to testing procedures that are economically
infeasible for the sanitaryware industry. Consequently, we are
proposing a work practice standard for sanitaryware shuttle kilns under
CAA section 112(h).
2. Work Practice Standard
The work practice standard for sanitaryware shuttle kilns proposed
in today's Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule includes the following
specific provisions: \65\
\65\ See the BSCP industry communication titled ``Periodic kiln
language,'' in the docket for the proposed Clay Ceramics rulemaking.
Each facility would have to use natural gas or
equivalent as the kiln fuel, except during periods of natural gas
curtailment or supply interruption.
Each facility would have to develop and use a designed
firing time and temperature cycle for each product produced in the
shuttle kiln, by programming the time and temperature cycle into the
kiln or by tracking each step on a log sheet.
Each facility would have to label each shuttle kiln
with the maximum load (in tons) that can be fired in the kiln during
a single firing cycle.
For each firing load, each facility would have to limit
the total tonnage placed in the kiln to no more than the maximum
load and each facility would have to document the total tonnage
placed in the kiln to show that it is not greater than the maximum
Each facility would have to develop and implement
maintenance procedures for each kiln that specify the frequency of
inspection and maintenance of the following items:
[cir] Calibration of temperature measuring devices
[cir] Controls that regulate air-to-fuel ratios
[cir] Controls that regulate firing cycles
Each facility would have to develop and maintain
records required for each shuttle kiln, including logs to document
the proper operation of the shuttle kilns and logs of the
maintenance procedures used to demonstrate compliance with the
L. How did the EPA develop the startup and shutdown requirements?
As stated in section V.E of this preamble, we are proposing work
practice standards for periods of startup and shutdown for ceramic tile
roller kilns, floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers and
sanitaryware tunnel kilns. We are not proposing alternate standards for
periods of startup and shutdown for ceramic tile glaze lines or
sanitaryware glaze spray booths.
As noted in section V.B of this preamble, roller and tunnel kilns
and dryers typically operate continuously, so startups and shutdowns
are infrequent. Startup of a roller or tunnel kiln involves starting up
the burners based on a set procedure to raise the temperature of the
kiln to the proper operational temperature for manufacturing clay
ceramics. Shutdown of a roller or tunnel kiln is the process of cooling
the kiln from the proper operational temperature by stopping the
burners based on a set procedure. Similarly, startup and shutdown of a
dryer is the process of raising the temperature to the proper
operational temperature or lowering the temperature from the proper
operational temperature for manufacturing clay ceramics. When the
temperature of the kiln or dryer is below the proper operational
temperature, ceramic tile and sanitaryware manufacturers typically do
not push ceramics into the kiln, so the emissions are expected to be
much lower during startup and shutdown than during normal operations.
While a kiln or dryer is heating to the proper operational
temperature during startup or cooling from the operational temperature
during shutdown, other parameters such as exhaust flow rate, moisture
content, O2 concentration and pressure are also changing. In
addition, the changes in these parameters may not happen smoothly and
consistently as startup or shutdown progresses, as the kiln or dryer
does not heat or cool evenly. The fluctuations in all these parameters
are not consistent with the relatively steady-state conditions needed
for valid, accurate results over three test runs using the measurement
methods proposed to be used to demonstrate compliance. Even if testing
were feasible during startup and shutdown, the emission limit formats
chosen for this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule are not
appropriate for use during periods other than normal operation.
Specifically, if there is no throughout in the kiln or dryer, emission
limits that are in a mass per throughput format would be essentially
We did not receive any detailed information through the 2010 EPA
survey about the startup or shutdown of ceramic tile roller kilns,
floor tile press dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers or sanitaryware
tunnel kilns. However, ceramic tile roller kilns or sanitaryware tunnel
kilns are fired at similar or slightly higher temperatures to BSCP
tunnel kilns and they would likely use similar APCD to comply with the
standards. Therefore, we expect that the issues described in section
IV.E of this preamble associated with venting low-temperature kiln
exhaust through an APCD on a BSCP tunnel kiln would also apply to an
APCD on a ceramic tile roller kiln, floor tile press dryer, ceramic
tile spray dryer or sanitaryware tunnel kiln. We also expect that the
low temperature set points would be about the same as for BSCP tunnel
kilns, as those temperatures are based on the tolerance of the APCD.
Therefore, we are proposing work practice standards for periods of
startup and shutdown for ceramic tile roller kilns, floor tile press
dryers, ceramic tile spray dryers and sanitaryware tunnel kilns with
APCD. For startup, the owner or operator would be required to vent the
exhaust from the kiln or dryer through the APCD by the time the kiln or
dryer exhaust temperature reaches 400 [deg]F. In addition, no ceramics
or other product may be introduced to the kiln or dryer until the kiln
or dryer exhaust temperature reaches 400 [deg]F and the exhaust is
being vented through the APCD. For shutdown, the owner or operator
would be required to vent the exhaust from the kiln or dryer through
the APCD until the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature falls below 300
[deg]F. In addition, no ceramics or other product may be introduced to
the kiln or dryer once the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature falls to
300 [deg]F and the exhaust is no longer being vented through the APCD.
When the kiln or dryer exhaust is being vented through the APCD, the
owner or operator would be required to comply with the applicable
continuous compliance requirements described in section V.G of this
For ceramic tile roller kilns, floor tile press dryers, ceramic
tile spray dryers and sanitaryware tunnel kilns that can meet the
proposed standards without an APCD, there are no concerns about
damaging an APCD or procedures for bypassing an APCD. In addition, we
did not receive any data through the 2010 EPA survey regarding startup
and shutdown of uncontrolled kilns. However, as noted above, we
recognize that it is not feasible to conduct emission testing during
periods of startup and shutdown. Therefore, we are proposing work
practice standards for periods of startup and shutdown for ceramic tile
roller kilns or sanitaryware tunnel kilns without an APCD. For startup,
no ceramics or other product may be introduced to the kiln or dryer
until the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature reaches 400 [deg]F. For
shutdown, no ceramics or other product may be put into the kiln or
dryer once the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature falls to 300 [deg]F.
When there are ceramics
[[Page 75664]]
in the kiln or dryer, the owner or operator would be expected to
demonstrate compliance with the emissions limitations (as described in
section V.G of this preamble).
We are not proposing alternate standards (either work practice
standards or an alternate numeric emission limit) for periods of
startup and shutdown for ceramic tile glaze lines or sanitaryware glaze
spray booths. These sources would be expected to comply with the
emissions limitations (as described in section V.G of this preamble) at
all times when the source is operating, including periods of startup
and shutdown. We did not receive any data through the 2010 EPA survey
suggesting that alternate standards for periods of startup and shutdown
are needed for these sources. Glazing operations are intermittent in
nature during normal operations, so emissions during startup and
shutdown would not be expected to be different than emissions during
normal operations.
M. How did the EPA select the compliance requirements?
We are proposing testing and monitoring requirements that are
adequate to assure continuous compliance with the requirements of this
proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule. These requirements are
described in detail in sections V.F and V.G of this preamble. We
selected these requirements based upon our determination of the
information necessary to ensure that the emission standards are being
met and the work practices are being followed and that APCD and
equipment are maintained and operated properly. Further, these proposed
requirements ensure compliance with this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule without imposing a significant additional burden for
facilities that must implement them.
We are proposing that initial compliance with the emission limits
for HF, HCl, PM, Hg and dioxins/furans be demonstrated by an initial
performance test. The proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule would
also require 5-year repeat performance tests to ensure, on an ongoing
basis, that the APCD is operating properly and that its performance has
not deteriorated.
The majority of test methods that this proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule would require for the performance stack tests (e.g.,
EPA Methods 5, 26A and 29) have been required under many other EPA
standards. Many of the emissions tests upon which the proposed emission
limits are based were conducted using these test methods.
When a performance test is conducted, we are proposing that
parameter operating limits be determined during the test. To ensure
continuous compliance with the proposed emission limits, the proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule would require continuous parameter
monitoring of the kilns and APCD and maintaining these parameters
within the operating limits established during the performance test. We
selected these parameter monitoring requirements because they produce
data that will be useful to both the owners or operators and the EPA
for ensuring continuous compliance with the emission limits and/or
operating limits and because of their reasonable cost and ease of
The APCD monitoring parameters included in the proposed rule were
chosen for the types of APCD commonly used in the clay ceramics
industry or anticipated to be used to comply with the proposed emission
limits. These parameters include lime injection rate (on a per ton of
fired product basis) for DIFF and DLS/FF; pressure drop, pH, liquid
flow rate and chemical addition rate (if applicable) for wet scrubbers;
activated carbon flow rate for ACI systems; periodic inspections for
water curtains; and annual inspections for baffles. If applicable for
demonstrating compliance with the HF/HCl standard, the kiln monitoring
parameter included in the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule is
the kiln process rate. To demonstrate compliance with the dioxin/furan
standard for those affected sources without an ACI system, the
monitoring parameter included in the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule is the operating temperature for the affected
process (tunnel or roller kiln, ceramic tile spray dryer, floor tile
press dryer), because the formation and destruction of dioxins/furans
are influenced by temperature conditions. Many of these CPMS are
standard features on ceramic tile roller kilns and sanitaryware tunnel
kilns and their associated APCD and have also been used in other
standards for similar industries.
In addition to parameter monitoring, the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule also includes a requirement for kilns equipped with
a FF (e.g., a DIFF, DLS/FF or stand-alone FF) to either install a BLD
system or monitor VE. Similar to the CPMS being proposed, BLD systems
have also been used in other standards in similar industries. We have
also determined that periodic VE checks are a reasonable alternative to
BLD systems for this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule.
Periodic VE checks have also been proposed for affected sources without
an add-on control to demonstrate continuous compliance.
N. How did the EPA determine compliance times for the proposed rule?
Section 112 of the CAA specifies the dates by which affected
sources must comply with the emission standards. Under CAA section
112(i)(1), new or reconstructed units must be in compliance with this
proposed rule immediately upon startup or the effective date of the
final rule, whichever is later. (The final action is expected to be a
``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2), so the effective date of
the final rule is expected to be 60 days after the final rule is
published in the Federal Register.)
Under CAA section 112(i)(3), existing sources are allowed up to 3
years after the effective date of the rule to comply with the final
rule. For this industry, we believe that 3 years for compliance is
necessary to allow adequate time to design, install and test any
control systems that may need to be retrofitted onto existing sources,
as well as obtain permits for the use of add-on controls.
The compliance data for existing area sources that subsequently
become major sources is governed by 40 CFR 63.6(c)(5). We are proposing
that such sources have 3 years from the date they become major sources
to come into compliance, which is equivalent to the compliance period
for existing sources discussed in the previous paragraph. Further,
under the current regulations in 40 CFR 63.6(b)(7), where an area
source becomes a major source by the addition of equipment or
operations that meet the definition of new affected source under this
rule, that portion of the existing facility that is a new affected
source must be in compliance upon initial startup.
O. How did the EPA determine the required records and reports for the
proposed rule?
We are proposing that owner/operators would be required to comply
with the applicable requirements in the NESHAP General Provisions,
subpart A of 40 CFR part 63, as described in Table 9 of the proposed
Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule. We evaluated the General Provisions
requirements and included those we determined to be the notification,
recordkeeping and reporting necessary to ensure compliance with and
effective enforcement of, this proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing
[[Page 75665]]
We are also proposing that the owner or operator keep records on
the firing time and temperature cycle for each sanitaryware shuttle
kiln, the type of product fired in each batch and the amount of product
fired in the shuttle kiln, to address the operational factors that
impact HAP emissions from shuttle kilns and demonstrate compliance with
the work practice standard for shuttle kilns (discussed further in
section VI.K.1 of this preamble).
In addition, we are proposing that the owner or operator keep
records and submit a report of each malfunction and the corrective
action taken as part of the next semiannual compliance report. The
proposed compliance report would provide information on each type of
malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused
or may have caused an exceedance of an emission limit.
This proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule also includes a
requirement for electronic reporting of performance test data, which is
discussed further in section III.I of this preamble.
We request comment on ways that we could streamline the
recordkeeping and reporting requirements of the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule by relying on existing business practices.
P. How does the proposed rule affect permits?
The CAA requires that sources subject to this Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule, once finalized, be operated pursuant to a permit
issued under an EPA-approved State operating permit program. The
operating permit programs are developed under title V of the CAA and
the implementing regulations under 40 CFR parts 70 and 71. If the
facility is operating in the first 3 years of an operating permit, the
owner or operator will need to obtain a revised permit to incorporate
the requirements of this Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule. If the
facility is in the last 2 years of an operating permit, the owner or
operator will need to incorporate the requirements of this Clay
Ceramics manufacturing rule into the next renewal of the permit.
VII. Summary of the Environmental, Energy and Economic Impacts of the
Proposed Standards
A. What are the cost and emissions reduction impacts?
Table 13 of this preamble illustrates the costs and emissions
reductions for existing sources under the BSCP manufacturing and Clay
Ceramics manufacturing proposed rule.
Table 13--Summary of Costs and Emissions Reductions for BSCP and Clay Ceramics Existing Sources \a\
[2011 dollars]
Cost (million) Emissions reductions (tpy)
Industry HAP
Capital Annual HF HCl Cl2 metals Hg PM PM2.5 SO2
BSCP...................................... $55.9 $19.0 410 24.0 2.09 3.79 0.0590 359 172 255
Clay Ceramics............................. 0.102 0.0458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
\a\ Includes costs for APCD, testing and monitoring.
\b\ Includes antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and selenium.
\c\ PM2.5 = particulate matter with particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter.
The nationwide capital and annual costs of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule are expected to total $55.9 million and $19.0
million, respectively (2011 dollars). The nationwide HAP emissions
reductions achieved under the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule are
expected to total 440 tpy. The methodology used to estimate the
nationwide costs and emissions reductions of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule is presented in the technical memoranda titled
``Development of Cost and Emission Reduction Impacts for the BSCP
NESHAP'' and ``Monitoring and Testing Requirements and Costs for the
BSCP NESHAP'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
It is anticipated that all sanitaryware emission points will meet
the MACT floor emission limits in the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule, so no emission control costs or emissions
reductions are expected for these sources. However, these facilities
will incur monitoring and testing costs to demonstrate compliance with
the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule. These costs are
documented in the technical memorandum titled ``Monitoring and Testing
Requirements and Costs for the Clay Ceramics NESHAP'' in Docket ID No.
There are no major sources producing ceramic tile. The five
facilities that were major sources at the time of the 2008 and 2010 EPA
surveys have already taken the necessary steps to become synthetic area
sources. Consequently, none of the known tile facilities will be
subject to the provisions of the Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule,
which means that no costs or emissions reductions are expected for tile
affected sources under the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule.
We request comment on whether we need to finalize the standards for
ceramic tile manufacturing even though there currently are no major
B. What are the secondary impacts?
Table 14 of this preamble illustrates the secondary impacts for
existing sources under the BSCP and Clay Ceramics proposed rule.
Table 14--Summary of Secondary Impacts for BSCP and Clay Ceramics Existing Sources \a\
Secondary air emissions (tpy)
Control option -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy impacts Solid waste
PM PM2.5 CO NOX SO2 (MMBtu/yr) impacts (tpy)
BSCP.................................... 1.93 0.646 3.60 28.0 81.7 268,000 8,630
Clay Ceramics........................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
\a\ PM2.5 = particulate matter with particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter; CO = carbon monoxide; NOX = nitrogen oxides; MMBtu/yr = million
British thermal units per year.
[[Page 75666]]
The relevant secondary impacts that were evaluated for the BSCP
manufacturing and Clay Ceramics manufacturing proposed rule includes
secondary air emissions, energy impacts and solid waste impacts.
Indirect or secondary air emissions are impacts that result from the
increased electricity usage associated with the operation of APCD to
meet the proposed limits (i.e., increased secondary emissions of
criteria pollutants from power plants). Energy impacts consist of the
electricity needed to operate the APCD and solid waste impacts consist
of the particulate captured by the APCD that is disposed of as waste
(not reused or recycled).
Under the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, the nationwide
secondary emissions of the criteria pollutants PM, carbon monoxide
(CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and SO2 are expected
to total 115 tpy, with energy impacts of 268,000 million British
thermal units per year (MMBtu/yr) and solid waste impacts of 8,630 tpy.
The methodology used to estimate the nationwide secondary impacts of
the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule is presented in the technical
memorandum ``Development of Cost and Emission Reduction Impacts for the
BSCP NESHAP'' in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
As noted in the previous section, it is anticipated that all
sanitaryware emission points will meet the MACT floor emission limits
in the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, so there are no
secondary impacts expected for these sources. There are no major
sources producing ceramic tile. The five facilities that were major
sources at the time of the 2008 and 2010 EPA surveys have already taken
the necessary steps to become synthetic area sources. Consequently,
none of the known ceramic tile facilities are expected to be subject to
the provisions of the Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, which means
that no secondary impacts are expected for ceramic tile affected
sources under the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule.
C. What are the economic impacts?
For the BSCP Manufacturing source category, the average national
brick price under the proposed standards increases by 1.4 percent or
$3.29 per 1,000 Standard Brick Equivalent (SBE) (2011 dollars), while
overall domestic production falls by 1.1 percent or 38 million bricks
per year. Under the proposed standards, the EPA estimated that one to
two BSCP manufacturing facilities are at significant risk of closure.
Based on the results of the small entity screening analysis for
BSCP Manufacturing, the EPA concluded that it is not able to certify
that the BSCP manufacturing rule will not have a significant impact on
a substantial number of small entities. As a result, the EPA initiated
a SBAR Panel and undertook an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
For clay ceramics manufacturing, one sanitaryware company owns
major sources and will incur costs. That affected company is not a
small business. The compliance costs are less than 0.001 percent of
sales for the affected company. Hence, the economic impact for
compliance is minimal. Because no small firms face significant control
costs, there is no significant impact on small entities. Thus, the
proposed Clay Ceramics regulation is not expected to have significant
impact on a substantial number of small entities.
For more information on the benefits analysis and market analyses,
please refer to the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) for the BSCP
manufacturing rule, ``Regulatory Impact Analysis: Proposed Brick and
Structural Clay Products NESHAP,'' which is available in Docket ID No.
D. What are the social costs and benefits?
Emission controls installed to meet the requirements of the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule will generate benefits by reducing
emissions of HAP as well as criteria pollutants and their precursors,
NOX and SO2. SO2 and NOX
are precursors to PM2.5 (particulate matter with particles
less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter) and Nox is a precursor to ozone.
The criteria pollutant benefits are considered co-benefits for this
proposed rule. For this proposed rule, we were only able to quantify
the health co-benefits associated with reduced exposure to
PM2.5 from emission reductions of SO2 and
directly emitted PM2.5 because of methodological limitations
associated with quantifying and monetizing HAP benefits. We estimate
the monetized co-benefits of the proposed BSCP NESHAP in 2018 to be $52
million to $120 million (2011 dollars) at a 3-percent discount rate and
$47 million to $110 million (2011 dollars) at a 7-percent discount
rate. Using alternate relationships between PM2.5 and
premature mortality supplied by experts, higher and lower co-benefits
estimates are plausible, but most of the expert-based estimates fall
between these two estimates.\66\ A summary of the emission reduction
and monetized co-benefits estimates for this proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule at discount rates of 3 percent and 7 percent is in
Table 15 of this preamble.
\66\ Roman, et al., 2008. ``Expert Judgment Assessment of the
Mortality Impact of Changes in Ambient Fine Particulate Matter in
the U.S.,'' Environ. Sci. Technol., 42, 7, 2268-2274.
Table 15--Summary of the Monetized PM2.5 Co-Benefits for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing NESHAP
for in 2018
[Millions of 2011 dollars] \a, b\
Emission Total monetized co- Total monetized co-
Pollutant reductions benefits (3 percent benefits (7 percent
(tpy) Discount) Discount)
Directly emitted PM2.5.................. 170 45 to 100................. 41 to 92.
PM[bdi2].[bdi5] precursors
SO2..................................... 173 7 to 16................... 6 to 14.
\a\ All estimates are for the analysis year and are rounded to two significant figures so numbers may not sum
across rows. The total monetized co-benefits reflect the human health benefits associated with reducing
exposure to PM2.5 through reductions of PM2.5 precursors, such as SO2 and directly emitted PM2.5. It is
important to note that the monetized co-benefits do not include reduced health effects from exposure to HAP,
direct exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), exposure to ozone, ecosystem effects or visibility impairment.
[[Page 75667]]
\b\ PM co-benefits are shown as a range from Krewski, et al. (2009) to Lepeule, et al. (2012). These models
assume that all fine particles, regardless of their chemical composition, are equally potent in causing
premature mortality because the scientific evidence is not yet sufficient to allow differentiation of effects
estimates by particle type.
These co-benefits estimates represent the total monetized human
health benefits for populations exposed to less PM2.5 from
controls installed to reduce air pollutants in order to meet this
proposed rule. Due to analytical limitations, it was not possible to
conduct air quality modeling for this proposed rule. Instead, we used a
``benefit-per-ton'' approach to estimate the benefits of this
rulemaking. To create the benefit-per-ton estimates, this approach uses
a model to convert emissions of PM2.5 precursors into
changes in ambient PM2.5 levels and another model to
estimate the changes in human health associated with that change in air
quality, which are then divided by the emissions in specific sectors.
These benefit-per-ton estimates were derived using the approach
published in Fann et al. (2012),\67\ but they have since been updated
to reflect the studies and population data in the 2012 p.m. National
Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) RIA.\68\ Specifically, we
multiplied the benefit-per-ton estimates from the ``Non-EGU Point
other'' category by the corresponding emission reductions.\69\ All
national-average benefit-per-ton estimates reflect the geographic
distribution of the modeled emissions, which may not exactly match the
emission reductions in this rulemaking and thus, they may not reflect
the local variability in population density, meteorology, exposure,
baseline health incidence rates or other local factors for any specific
location. More information regarding the derivation of the benefit-per-
ton estimates for this category is available in the technical support
document, which is available in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291.
\67\ Fann, N., K.R. Bakerand C.M. Fulcher. 2012.
``Characterizing the PM2.5-related health benefits of
emission reductions for 17 industrial, area and mobile emission
sectors across the U.S.'' Environment International 49 41-151.
\68\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 2012.
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Revisions to the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA-452/R-12-
003. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Health and
Environmental Impacts Division. December. Available at
\69\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2013. Technical
support document: Estimating the benefit per ton of reducing PM2.5
precursors from 17 sectors. Research Triangle Park, NC. January.
These models assume that all fine particles, regardless of their
chemical composition, are equally potent in causing premature mortality
because the scientific evidence is not yet sufficient to allow
differentiation of effects estimates by particle type. Even though we
assume that all fine particles have equivalent health effects, the
benefit-per-ton estimates vary between precursors depending on the
location and magnitude of their impact on PM2.5 levels,
which drive population exposure.
It is important to note that the magnitude of the PM2.5
co-benefits is largely driven by the concentration response function
for premature mortality. We cite two key empirical studies, one based
on the American Cancer Society cohort study \70\ and the extended Six
Cities cohort study.\71\ In the RIA for this rule, which is available
in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291, we also include benefits
estimates derived from expert judgments (Roman et al., 2008) as a
characterization of uncertainty regarding the PM2.5-
mortality relationship.
\70\ Krewski, C.A., III, R.T. Burnett, M.J. Thun, E.E. Calle, D.
Krewski, K. Itoand G.D. Thurston. 2002. ``Lung Cancer,
Cardiopulmonary Mortality and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate
Air Pollution.'' Journal of the American Medical Association
\71\ Lepeule J, Laden F, Dockery D, Schwartz J 2012. ``Chronic
Exposure to Fine Particles and Mortality: An Extended Follow-Up of
the Harvard Six Cities Study from 1974 to 2009.'' Environ Health
Perspect. July;120(7):965-70.
Considering a substantial body of published scientific literature,
reflecting thousands of epidemiology, toxicology and clinical studies,
the EPA's Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter \72\
documents the association between elevated PM2.5
concentrations and adverse health effects, including increased
premature mortality. This assessment, which was twice reviewed by the
EPA's independent Science Advisory Board, concluded that the scientific
literature consistently finds that a no-threshold model most adequately
portrays the PM-mortality concentration-response relationship.
Therefore, in this analysis, the EPA assumes that the health impact
function for fine particles is without a threshold.
\72\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 2009.
Integrated Science Assessment for Particulate Matter (Final Report).
EPA-600-R-08-139F. National Center for Environmental Assessment--RTP
Division. December. Available on the Internet at <>.
In general, we are more confident in the magnitude of the risks we
estimate from simulated PM2.5 concentrations that coincide
with the bulk of the observed PM concentrations in the epidemiological
studies that are used to estimate the benefits. Likewise, we are less
confident in the risk we estimate from simulated PM2.5
concentrations that fall below the bulk of the observed data in these
studies. Concentration benchmark analyses (e.g., lowest measured level
(LML) or one standard deviation below the mean of the air quality data
in the study) allow readers to determine the portion of population
exposed to annual mean PM2.5 levels at or above different
concentrations, which provides some insight into the level of
uncertainty in the estimated PM2.5 mortality benefits. There
are uncertainties inherent in identifying any particular point at which
our confidence in reported associations becomes appreciably less and
the scientific evidence provides no clear dividing line. However, the
EPA does not view these concentration benchmarks as a concentration
threshold below which we would not quantify health benefits of air
quality improvements.
For this analysis, policy-specific air quality data are not
available due to time or resource limitations and thus, we are unable
to estimate the percentage of premature mortality associated with this
specific rule's emission reductions at each PM2.5 level. As
a surrogate measure of mortality impacts, we provide the percentage of
the population exposed at each PM2.5 level using the source
apportionment modeling used to calculate the benefit-per-ton estimates
for this sector. Using the Krewski, et al. (2009) study, 93 percent of
the population is exposed to annual mean PM2.5 levels at or
above the LML of 5.8 [micro]g/m\3\. Using the Lepeule, et al. (2012)
study, 67 percent of the population is exposed above the LML of 8
[micro]g/m\3\. It is important to note that baseline exposure is only
one parameter in the health impact function, along with baseline
incidence rates population and change in air quality. Therefore,
caution is warranted when interpreting the LML assessment for this rule
because these results are not consistent with results from rules that
had air quality modeling.
Every benefit analysis examining the potential effects of a change
in environmental protection requirements is limited, to some extent, by
data gaps, model capabilities (such as geographic coverage) and
uncertainties in the underlying scientific and economic studies used to
configure the benefit and cost models. Despite these uncertainties,
[[Page 75668]]
we believe the benefit analysis for this proposed rule provides a
reasonable indication of the expected health benefits of the rulemaking
under a set of reasonable assumptions. This analysis does not include
the type of detailed uncertainty assessment found in the 2012
PM2.5 NAAQS RIA \73\ because we lack the necessary air
quality input and monitoring data to run the benefits model. In
addition, we have not conducted air quality modeling for this proposed
rule and using a benefit-per-ton approach adds another important source
of uncertainty to the benefits estimates. The 2012 PM2.5
NAAQS benefits analysis provides an indication of the sensitivity of
our results to various assumptions.
\73\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 2012.
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Revisions to the National
Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter. EPA-452/R-12-
003. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Health and
Environmental Impacts Division. December. Available at
It should be noted that the monetized co-benefits estimates
provided above do not include benefits from several important benefit
categories, including exposure to HAP, NOX and ozone
exposure, as well as ecosystem effects and visibility impairment.
Although we do not have sufficient information or modeling available to
provide monetized estimates for this proposed rule, we include a
qualitative assessment of these unquantified benefits in the RIA for
the rule.
The specific control technologies for the proposed rule are
anticipated to have minor secondary impacts, including an increase of
28 tons of NOX, less than 2 tons of PM, 3 tons of CO and 82
tons of SO2 each year. Given the insignificant increase,
only secondary effects of PM and SO2 were included in the
monetary evaluation of the actual benefits.
For more information on the benefits analysis, please refer to the
RIA for this rule, ``Regulatory Impact Analysis: Proposed Brick and
Structural Clay Products NESHAP,'' which is available in Docket ID No.
VIII. Public Participation and Request for Comment
We request comment on all aspects of the proposed rule for BSCP
Manufacturing and Clay Ceramics Manufacturing, including any alternate
approaches that the EPA is considering (see section IV.Q of this
preamble for further discussion on these approaches).
During this rulemaking, we conducted outreach to small entities and
convened a SBAR Panel to obtain advice and recommendation of
representatives of the small entities that potentially would be subject
to the requirements of the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. (Note: We
did not convene a SBAR Panel for the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule because none of the major source facilities subject
to the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule are owned by a small
entity.) As part of the SBAR Panel process, we conducted outreach with
representatives from various small entities that would be affected by
the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. We met with these small entity
representatives (SERs) to discuss the potential rulemaking approaches
and potential options to decrease the impact of the BSCP manufacturing
rulemaking on their industries/sectors. We distributed outreach
materials to the SERs; these materials included background on the BSCP
manufacturing rulemaking, possible regulatory approaches, preliminary
cost and economic impacts and possible rulemaking alternatives. We met
with SERs from the BSCP industry that will be impacted directly by the
proposed BSCP manufacturing rule to discuss the outreach materials and
receive feedback on the approaches and alternatives detailed in the
outreach packet. The Panel received written comments from the SERs
following the meeting in response to discussions at the meeting and the
questions posed to the SERs by the agency. The SERs were specifically
asked to provide comment on regulatory alternatives that could help to
minimize the BSCP manufacturing rule's impact on small businesses. A
copy of the final Panel report is available in Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
IX. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive
Order 13563: Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
Under section 3(f)(1) of Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735,
October 4, 1993), this action is an ``economically significant
regulatory action'' because it is likely to have an annual effect on
the economy of $100 million or more.'' Accordingly, the EPA submitted
this action to OMB for review under Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
(76 FR 3821, January 21, 2011) and any changes made in response to OMB
recommendations have been documented in the dockets for this action.
In addition, the EPA prepared an analysis of the potential costs
and benefits associated with this action. This analysis is contained in
``Regulatory Impact Analysis: Proposed Brick and Structural Clay
Products NESHAP.'' A copy of the analysis is available in the docket
for the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2013-0291) and the analysis is briefly summarized here.
The EPA's study estimates that affected BSCP facilities will incur
total annualized costs of $21 million (2011 dollars) under the proposed
BSCP manufacturing rule, including costs of emission controls, testing
and monitoring, along with recordkeeping and reporting costs for
facilities that have testing and monitoring. Total annualized costs for
the alternate approach are estimated to be $31 million (2011 dollars).
The EPA gathered information on firm sales and overall industry
profitability for firms owning affected BSCP facilities. The EPA
estimated that one to two BSCP manufacturing facilities are at
significant risk of closure under the proposed standards. Under the
alternate approach, the EPA estimated that two to six BSCP
manufacturing facilities are at significant risk of closure.
The EPA also conducted an assessment of the benefits of the
proposed rule, as described in section VII of this preamble. These
estimates reflect the monetized human health benefits of reducing cases
of morbidity and premature mortality among populations exposed to
PM2.5 reduced by this rule. Data, resource and
methodological limitations prevented the EPA from monetizing the
benefits from several important benefit categories, including benefits
from reducing exposure to close to 450 tons of HAP each year for the
proposed standards and exposure to as high as 740 tons of HAP each year
through the alternate standards, as well as ecosystem effects and
visibility impairment due to PM emissions. In addition to reducing
emissions of PM precursors such as SO2, this rule would
reduce several non-Hg HAP metals emissions (i.e., antimony, arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, nickel and
selenium) each year. The EPA estimates the total monetized co-benefits
to be $52 million to $120 million (2011 dollars) at a 3 percent
discount rate and $47 million to $110 million (2011 dollars) at a 7
percent discount rate on a yearly average in 2018 for the proposed
Based on the EPA's examination of costs and benefits of the
proposed BSCP
[[Page 75669]]
NESHAP, the EPA believes that the benefits of the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule will exceed the costs.
The EPA also examined the costs and economic impacts associated
with the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP. Only two firms are
estimated to incur costs as a result of the proposed Clay Ceramics
manufacturing rule and they only incur costs associated with testing,
monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting. Total annualized costs are
only $55,900 (2011 dollars) and both firms' estimated costs of
complying with the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule are less
than 0.001 percent of their sales.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
The information collection requirements in the BSCP and Clay
Ceramics proposed rule have been submitted for approval to OMB under
the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
The ICR document prepared by the EPA for the BSCP Manufacturing
NESHAP has been assigned the EPA ICR number 2509.01. The ICR document
prepared by the EPA for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP has been
assigned the EPA ICR number 2510.01. The information requirements are
based on notification, recordkeeping and reporting requirements in the
NESHAP General Provisions (40 CFR part 63, subpart A), which are
mandatory for all operators subject to national emissions standards.
These recordkeeping and reporting requirements are specifically
authorized by CAA section 114 (42 U.S.C. 7414). All information
submitted to the EPA pursuant to the recordkeeping and reporting
requirements for which a claim of confidentiality is made is
safeguarded according to the EPA policies set forth in 40 CFR part 2,
subpart B.
In addition to the notification, recordkeeping and reporting
requirements in the NESHAP General Provisions, the proposed rule
includes paperwork requirements associated with initial and 5-year
repeat testing for selected process equipment, electronic reporting of
performance test results, parameter monitoring, preparation of an OM&M
plan, maintenance and inspection of process and control equipment,
compliance with work practice standards and periods of malfunction.
There are 92 BSCP facilities that are currently major sources of
HAP. An estimated 25 of these facilities are projected to become
synthetic area sources by promulgation rather than comply with the BSCP
standards. The remaining 67 facilities are expected to be subject to
the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule. For these 67 facilities, the
annual recordkeeping and reporting burden associated with the proposed
BSCP standards (averaged over the first 3 years after the effective
date of the standards) is estimated to be 15,063 labor hours per year,
at a cost of $796,255/yr. No capital costs associated with monitoring,
testing, recordkeeping or reporting are expected to be incurred during
this period. The annual operating and maintenance costs are estimated
to be $983/yr. The total burden for the federal government (averaged
over the first 3 years after the effective date of the standards) is
estimated to be 103 hours per year, at a total labor cost of $5,329 per
year. (All costs are in 2011 dollars.) Burden is defined at 5 CFR
There are three clay ceramics facilities that are currently major
sources of HAP and would be subject to the Clay Ceramics manufacturing
rule that we are proposing. For these three facilities, the annual
recordkeeping and reporting burden associated with the Clay Ceramics
standards (averaged over the first 3 years after the effective date of
the standards) is estimated to total 674 labor hours per year at a cost
of $35,653/yr. As with the BSCP standards, no capital costs associated
with monitoring, testing, recordkeeping or reporting are expected to be
incurred during this period. The annual operating and maintenance costs
are estimated to be $44/yr. The total burden for the federal government
(averaged over the first 3 years after the effective date of the
standards) is estimated to be 4.6 hours per year, at a total labor cost
of $239 per year. (All costs are in 2011 dollars.)
Because BSCP and clay ceramics facilities are not required to come
into full compliance with the standards until 3 years after
promulgation, much of the respondent burden (e.g., performance tests,
inspections, notification of compliance status, compliance report,
records of compliance data and malfunctions) does not occur until the
fourth year following promulgation.
For the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule, we estimate an average
annual recordkeeping and reporting burden of 31,805 labor hours per
year, at a cost of $1,681,231/yr, for years 4 through 6. We also
estimate annualized capital costs of $262,119/yr and annual operating
and maintenance costs of $350,075/yr over this period, for a total
annualized cost of $612,194/yr. The average annual burden for the
federal government for years 4 through 6 is estimated to be 3,953 hours
per year, at a total labor cost of $207,946 per year. (All costs are in
2011 dollars.)
For the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule, we estimate an
average annual recordkeeping and reporting burden of 1,448 labor hours
per year, at a cost of $76,519/yr, for years 4 through 6. We also
estimate annualized capital costs of $27,368/yr and annual operating
and maintenance costs of $21,101/yr over this period, for a total
annualized cost of $48,469/yr. The average annual burden for the
federal government for years 4 through 6 is estimated to be 180 hours
per year, at a total labor cost of $9,448 per year. (All costs are in
2011 dollars.)
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for the
EPA's regulations in 40 CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9.
To comment on the agency's need for this information, the accuracy
of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for
minimizing respondent burden, the EPA has established a public docket
for each rule, which includes this ICR, under Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-
2013-0291 (for the BSCP Manufacturing NESHAP) and Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
OAR-2013-0290 (for the Clay Ceramics Manufacturing NESHAP). Submit any
comments related to the ICR to the EPA and OMB. See the ADDRESSES
section at the beginning of this action for where to submit comments to
the EPA. Send comments to OMB at the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 725 17th Street
NW., Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk Office for the EPA. Since
OMB is required to make a decision concerning the ICR between 30 and 60
days after December 18, 2014, a comment to OMB is best assured of
having its full effect if OMB receives it by January 20, 2015. The
final rule will respond to any OMB or public comments on the
information collection requirements contained in this proposal.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency
to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to
notice and comment rulemaking requirements under the Administrative
Procedure Act or any other statute unless the agency certifies that the
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. Small entities include small businesses,
small organizations and small governmental jurisdictions.
[[Page 75670]]
For purposes of assessing the impacts of the proposed rule on small
entities, small entity is defined as: (1) A small business as defined
by the Small Business Administration's (SBA's) regulations at 13 CFR
121.201; (2) a small governmental jurisdiction that is a government of
a city, county, town, school district or special district with a
population of less than 50,000; and (3) a small organization that is
any not-for-profit enterprise which is independently owned and operated
and is not dominant in its field. Small entities affected by the
proposed BSCP NESHAP are small businesses that own BSCP manufacturing
facilities. Affected parent companies fall under the Clay Building
Material and Refractories Manufacturing (NAICS 327120) industry and the
SBA (2013) defines a small business in this industry as a firm with
fewer than 750 employees. Of 44 parent companies owning BSCP
facilities, there are 36 parent companies that are small businesses.
Small entities affected by the proposed Clay Ceramics NESHAP are small
businesses that own clay ceramics manufacturing facilities. Affected
parent companies of ceramic tile facilities fall under the Clay
Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing (NAICS 327120)
industry and affected parent companies of sanitaryware facilities fall
under the Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing (NAICS
327110) industry. However, we have determined that no small entities
would be subject to the clay ceramics proposed standards.
Pursuant to section 603 of the RFA, the EPA prepared an IRFA that
examines the impact of the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule on small
entities along with regulatory alternatives that could reduce that
impact. The IRFA is included in Section 5 of the RIA and is available
for review in the docket for the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule
(Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0291) and is summarized below.
1. Need for the Rule
The EPA is required under CAA section 112(d) to establish emission
standards for each category or subcategory of major and area sources of
HAP listed for regulation in section 112(b). These standards are
applicable to new or existing sources of HAP and shall require the
maximum degree of emission reduction. In the Administrator's judgment,
the pollutants emitted from BSCP manufacturing facilities cause or
contribute significantly to air pollution that may reasonably be
anticipated to endanger public health. Consequently, NESHAP for the
BSCP source category are being proposed.
2. Objectives and Legal Basis for the Rule
Section 112(d) of the CAA requires the EPA to set emissions
standards for HAP emitted by major stationary sources based on the
performance of the MACT. The MACT standards for existing sources must
be at least as stringent as the average emissions limitation achieved
by the best performing 12 percent of existing sources (for which the
Administrator has emissions information) or the best performing five
sources for source categories with less than 30 sources (CAA section
112(d)(3)(A) and (B)). For new sources, MACT standards must be at least
as stringent as the control level achieved in practice by the best
controlled similar source (CAA section 112(d)(3)). The EPA also must
consider more stringent ``beyond-the-floor'' control options. When
considering beyond-the-floor options, the EPA must consider not only
the maximum degree of reduction in emissions of HAP, but must take into
account costs, energy and nonair environmental impacts when doing so.
This rule is being proposed to comply with CAA section 112(d).
3. Affected Small Entities
Of 44 parent companies owning BSCP facilities, 36 parent companies
are small businesses. The EPA computed the ratio of estimated
compliance costs to company sales (cost-to-sales ratio) to measure the
magnitude of potential impacts on small companies. Under the proposed
standards, the EPA estimated that one to two small brick manufacturing
facilities are at significant risk of closure. Under the alternate
approach, two to five small brick manufacturing facilities are at
significant risk of closure.
4. Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance Requirements
Respondents would be required to provide one-time and periodic
notifications, including initial notification, notification of
performance tests, and notification of compliance status. Respondents
would also be required to submit semiannual reports documenting
compliance with the rule and detailing any compliance issues, and they
would be required to submit the results of performance tests to the
EPA's ERT. Respondents would be required to keep documentation
supporting information included in these notifications and reports, as
well as records of the operation and maintenance of affected sources
and APCD at the facility.
5. Related Federal Rules
The EPA determined that there are no related federal rules for this
source category.
6. Significant Alternatives
The EPA has included provisions in the proposed rule where possible
to minimize the burden on all affected entities, including small
entities. As required by section 609(b) of the RFA, as amended by Small
Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA), the EPA also
conducted outreach to small entities and convened a SBAR Panel to
obtain advice and recommendations of representatives of the small
entities that potentially would be subject to the proposed BSCP
manufacturing rule's requirements. Seventeen SERs associated with brick
manufacturing participated. On June 26, 2013, the SBAR Panel held an
outreach meeting/teleconference with the SERs. In addition to the
materials that the SERs received for the pre-Panel outreach, the SERs
were provided with background information to help them prepare for the
teleconference and prepare their comments on the proposed rulemaking.
Consistent with the RFA/SBREFA requirements, the Panel evaluated
the assembled materials and small-entity comments on issues related to
elements of the IRFA. A copy of the Panel report is included in the
docket for the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule (Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-
The SBAR made several recommendations to enhance flexibility for
small businesses complying with the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule.
The EPA adopted the panel recommendations to the extent feasible, as
described below:
The panel recommended that the EPA propose work practices
for dioxin and take comment on the feasibility of work practice
standards for Hg and other metals. The discussion of work practices for
Hg and other metals should clearly identify any areas where the agency
believes that the data do not support work practices to allow for
meaningful comments and also discuss work practice alternatives with
sufficient specificity that they can be fully considered as an
alternative in the final BSCP manufacturing rule.
Proposed rule: The EPA is proposing work practices for dioxin/
furan. Although the EPA is proposing emission limits for Hg and for
non-Hg HAP metals, the EPA is specifically
[[Page 75671]]
requesting comment in the proposal on whether or not work practice
standards for non-Hg HAP metals and for Hg are appropriate.
The panel recommended that the EPA co-propose both a
health-based limit and MACT limits for acid gases unless the EPA
determines it lacks sufficient information to propose a numerical
health-based limit.
Proposed rule: The EPA is proposing a health-based emission limit
for acid gases in lieu of MACT limits.
The panel recommended that the EPA propose separate
subcategories for kilns based on size if it reduces the financial
impact and that the EPA should take comment and solicit data on
subcategorization based on raw materials, fuels and other factors.
Proposed rule: The EPA evaluated the data to determine if
subcategories of sources were supported, including subcategories by
kiln size. As a result, the EPA is proposing emission limits for Hg in
two subcategories based on kiln size (large, small). However, although
the EPA has the discretion to subcategorize by kiln size, the EPA
determined it was not necessary to exercise this discretion for all
pollutants, including total non-Hg HAP metals. Instead, the EPA is
proposing a choice of emission limits for PM or total non-Hg HAP metals
for all tunnel kilns. The ability to comply with the equivalent lb/hr
total non-Hg HAP metals limit provides additional flexibility for small
tunnel kilns and tunnel kilns with a low metals content in the PM
The panel recommended that the EPA specifically request
information, at proposal, on how the presence of sawdust dryers would
affect emissions and control costs.
Proposed rule: The proposed rule requests comment on whether the
EPA should create a subcategory for kilns fired with sawdust (with or
without a sawdust dryer).
The panel recommended that the EPA propose work practice
standards for startup and shutdown.
Proposed rule: The EPA is proposing work practice standards for
periods of startup and shutdown for tunnel kilns.
The panel recommended that the EPA set the floor based on
12 percent of the entire source category if the EPA can establish that
the data available to the agency represent the best-performing sources
consistent with section 112 of the CAA and relevant case law.
Proposed rule: The test data for PM (the surrogate for total non-Hg
HAP metals) showed that kilns controlled with a FF-based APCD (e.g.,
DIFF, DLS/FF) are the better performers and at least 12 percent of the
kilns in the industry are controlled with a FF-based APCD. Therefore,
the MACT limit is based on the top 12 percent of the kilns in the
industry (i.e., the best-performing sources with a FF-based APCD).
However, the EPA was unable to establish that the data available to the
agency represented the best-performing sources for Hg control.
Therefore, the MACT limit for Hg is based upon the top 12 percent of
sources for which we had test data.
We invite comments on all aspects of the proposal and its impacts
on small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), 2
U.S.C. 1531-1538, requires Federal agencies, unless otherwise
prohibited by law, to assess the effects of their regulatory actions on
State, local and tribal governments and the private sector. This action
does not contain a federal mandate that may result in expenditures of
$100 million or more for state, local or tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or the private sector in any 1 year. This action is not
expected to impact state, local or tribal governments. The nationwide
annual cost to the affected industry is estimated to be $19.0 million
per year for the proposed BSCP manufacturing rule and $54,100 per year
for the proposed Clay Ceramics manufacturing rule (2011 dollars). Thus,
this action is not subject to the requirements of sections 202 or 205
of the UMRA.
This action is also not subject to the requirements of section 203
of UMRA because it contains no regulatory requirements that might
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. It contains no
requirements that apply to such governments, nor does it impose
obligations upon them.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have
substantial direct effects on the states, on the relationship between
the national government and the states or on the distribution of power
and responsibilities among the various levels of government, as
specified in Executive Order 13132. None of the facilities subject to
this action are owned or operated by state governments and nothing in
this proposal will supersede state regulations. Thus, Executive Order
13132 does not apply to this action. In the spirit of Executive Order
13132 and consistent with the EPA policy to promote communications
between the EPA and state and local governments, the EPA specifically
solicits comment on this proposed action from state and local
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
This action does not have tribal implications, as specified in
Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000). It will not have
substantial direct effects on tribal governments, on the relationship
between the federal government and Indian tribes or on the distribution
of power and responsibilities between the federal government and Indian
tribes, as specified in Executive Order 13175. The action imposes
requirements on owners and operators of BSCP and clay ceramics
manufacturing facilities and not tribal governments. Although Executive
Order 13175 does not apply to this action, the EPA specifically
solicits additional comment on this proposed action from tribal
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental
Health Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885, April 23,
1997) as applying to those regulatory actions that concern health or
safety risks, such that the analysis required under section 5-501 of
the Executive Order has the potential to influence the regulation. This
action is not subject to Executive Order 13045 because it is based
solely on technology performance. Nevertheless, this action will result
in reductions in emissions of HF, HCl, Cl2, dioxins/furans
and Hg and other metals, which will provide some increased protection
of health for people of all ages including children.
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution or Use
This action is not a ``significant energy action'' as defined in
Executive Order 13211 (66 FR 28355 (May 22, 2001)), because it is not
likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution
or use of energy. This action will not adversely directly affect
productivity, competition or prices in the energy sector.
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (``NTTAA''), Public Law 104-113 (15 U.S.C. 272 note),
directs the EPA to use voluntary consensus
[[Page 75672]]
standards (VCS) in its regulatory activities unless to do so would be
inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary
consensus standards are technical standards (e.g., materials
specifications, test methods, sampling procedures, business practices)
that are developed or adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies.
The NTTAA directs the EPA to provide Congress, through OMB,
explanations when the agency decides not to use available and
applicable VCS.
This proposed rulemaking involves technical standards. The EPA
proposes to use the following four VCS as acceptable alternatives to
the EPA test methods for the purpose of this rule. ANSI/ASME PTC 19-10-
1981, Part 10, ``Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses,'' is acceptable as an
alternative to Method 3A and 3B for the manual procedures only and not
the instrumental procedures. ASTM D6735-01 (Reapproved 2009),
``Standard Test Method for Measurement of Gaseous Chlorides and
Fluorides from Mineral Calcining Exhaust Sources--Impinger Method,'' is
acceptable as an alternative to Methods 26 and 26A.
ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008), ``Standard Test Method for
Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total Mercury Gas Generated
from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method),'' is
acceptable as an alternative to Method 29 (portion for Hg only).
ASTM D6348-03 (Reapproved 2010), ``Standard Test Method for
Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct Interface
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy,'' is acceptable as an
alternative to Method 320 with the following conditions: (1) the test
plan preparation and implementation in the Annexes to ASTM D 6348-03,
Sections A1 through A8 are mandatory; and (2) in ASTM D6348-03 Annex A5
(Analyte Spiking Technique), the percent (%) R must be determined for
each target analyte (Equation A5.5). In order for the test data to be
acceptable for a compound, %R must be greater than or equal to 70
percent and less than or equal to 130 percent. If the %R value does not
meet this criterion for a target compound, the test data is not
acceptable for that compound and the test must be repeated for that
analyte (i.e., the sampling and/or analytical procedure should be
adjusted before a retest). The %R value for each compound must be
reported in the test report and all field measurements must be
corrected with the calculated %R value for that compound by using the
following equation: Reported Result = (Measured Concentration in the
Stack x 100)/%R.
The EPA welcomes comments on this aspect of the proposed rulemaking
and, specifically, invites the public to identify potentially
applicable VCS and to explain why such standards should be used in one
or both of these regulations.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, February 16, 1994) establishes
federal executive policy on environmental justice. Its main provision
directs federal agencies, to the greatest extent practicable and
permitted by law, to make environmental justice part of their mission
by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high
and adverse human health or environmental effects of their programs,
policies and activities on minority populations and low-income
populations in the United States.
The EPA has determined that this proposed rule will not have
disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental
effects on minority, low income or indigenous populations because they
increase the level of environmental protection for all affected
populations without having any disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects on any population, including any
minority, low income or indigenous populations. The proposed rule
establishes national standards that will result in reductions in
emissions of HF, HCl, Cl2, dioxins/furans and Hg and other
metals to which all affected populations are exposed. Thus the proposed
rule is projected to have positive, not adverse, impacts on human
health and the environment.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 63
Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Hazardous substances, Incorporation by
reference, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and recordkeeping
Dated: November 20, 2014.
Gina McCarthy,
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Environmental
Protection Agency proposes to amend 40 CFR part 63 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 63 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
2. Section 63.14 is amended by:
a. Revising paragraphs (f)(1), (g)(74) and (84);
b. Adding paragraph (g)(95); and
c. Revising paragraph (l)(2).
The revisions and addition read as follows:
Sec. 63.14 Incorporations by reference.
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(1) ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981, Flue and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part
10, Instruments and Apparatus], issued August 31, 1981, IBR approved
for Sec. Sec. 63.309(k), 63.457(k), 63.772(e) and (h), 63.865(b),
63.1282(d) and (g), 63.3166(a), 63.3360(e), 63.3545(a), 63.3555(a),
63.4166(a), 63.4362(a), 63.4766(a), 63.4965(a), 63.5160(d), table 4 to
subpart UUUU, 63.9307(c), 63.9323(a), 63.11148(e), 63.11155(e),
63.11162(f), 63.11163(g), 63.11410(j), 63.11551(a), 63.11646(a), and
63.11945, table 5 to subpart DDDDD, table 4 to subpart JJJJJ, table 4
to subpart KKKKK, tables 4 and 5 of subpart UUUUU, and table 1 to
subpart ZZZZZ.
* * * * *
(g) * * *
(74) ASTM D6348-03 (Reapproved 2010), Standard Test Method for
Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct Interface
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, including Annexes A1
through A8, (Approved October 1, 2010), IBR approved for table 4 to
subpart JJJJJ, table 4 to subpart KKKKK, tables 1, 2, and 5 to subpart
UUUUU, and appendix B to subpart UUUUU.
* * * * *
(84) ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008), Standard Test Method for
Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue Gas
Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method),
(Approved April 1, 2008), IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 63.11646(a),
63.11647(a) and (d), tables 1, 2, 5, 11, 12t, and 13 to subpart DDDDD,
table 4 to subpart JJJJJ, table 4 to subpart KKKKK, table 4 to subpart
JJJJJJ, table 5 to subpart UUUUU, and appendix A to subpart UUUUU.
* * * * *
(95) ASTM D6735-01 (Reapproved 2009), Standard Test Method for
Measurement of Gaseous Chlorides and Fluorides from Mineral Calcining
[[Page 75673]]
Exhaust Sources--Impinger Method, IBR approved for table 4 to subpart
JJJJJ and table 4 to subpart KKKKK.
* * * * *
(l) * * *
(2) EPA-454/R-98-015, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
(OAQPS), Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance, September 1997, IBR
approved for Sec. Sec. 63.548(e), 63.7525(j), 63.8450(e), 63.8600(e),
and 63.11224(f).
3. Subchapter C is amended by revising subpart JJJJJ to read as
Subpart JJJJJ--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing
What This Subpart Covers
63.8380 What is the purpose of this subpart?
63.8385 Am I subject to this subpart?
63.8390 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?
63.8395 When do I have to comply with this subpart?
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
63.8405 What emission limitations and work practice standards must I
63.8410 What are my options for meeting the emission limitations and
work practice standards?
General Compliance Requirements
63.8420 What are my general requirements for complying with this
63.8425 What do I need to know about operation, maintenance, and
monitoring plans?
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements
63.8435 By what date must I conduct performance tests?
63.8440 When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?
63.8445 How do I conduct performance tests and establish operating
63.8450 What are my monitoring installation, operation, and
maintenance requirements?
63.8455 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
63.8465 How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous
63.8470 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
Notifications, Reports, and Records
63.8480 What notifications must I submit and when?
63.8485 What reports must I submit and when?
63.8490 What records must I keep?
63.8495 In what form and for how long must I keep my records?
Other Requirements and Information
63.8505 What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
63.8510 Who implements and enforces this subpart?
63.8515 What definitions apply to this subpart?
Tables to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63
Table 1 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Emission Limits
Table 2 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Operating Limits
Table 3 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Work Practice Standards
Table 4 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Requirements for Performance
Table 5 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Initial Compliance with
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Table 6 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Continuous Compliance with
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Table 7 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
Table 8 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart JJJJJ
What This Subpart Covers
Sec. 63.8380 What is the purpose of this subpart?
This subpart establishes national emission limitations for
hazardous air pollutants (HAP) emitted from brick and structural clay
products (BSCP) manufacturing facilities. This subpart also establishes
requirements to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the
emission limitations.
Sec. 63.8385 Am I subject to this subpart?
You are subject to this subpart if you own or operate a BSCP
manufacturing facility that is, is located at, or is part of, a major
source of HAP emissions according to the criteria in paragraphs (a) and
(b) of this section.
(a) A BSCP manufacturing facility is a plant site that manufactures
brick (including, but not limited to, face brick, structural brick, and
brick pavers); clay pipe; roof tile; extruded floor and wall tile; and/
or other extruded, dimensional clay products. Brick and structural clay
products manufacturing facilities typically process raw clay and shale,
form the processed materials into bricks or shapes, and dry and fire
the bricks or shapes.
(b) A major source of HAP emissions is any stationary source or
group of stationary sources within a contiguous area under common
control that emits or has the potential to emit any single HAP at a
rate of 9.07 megagrams (10 tons) or more per year or any combination of
HAP at a rate of 22.68 megagrams (25 tons) or more per year.
Sec. 63.8390 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?
(a) This subpart applies to each existing, new, or reconstructed
affected source at a BSCP manufacturing facility.
(b) For the purposes of this subpart, the affected sources are
described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2).
(1) All tunnel kilns at a BSCP manufacturing facility are an
affected source. For the remainder of this subpart, a tunnel kiln with
a design capacity equal to or greater than 9.07 megagrams per hour (Mg/
hr) (10 tons per hour (tph)) of fired product will be called a large
tunnel kiln, and a tunnel kiln with a design capacity less than 9.07
Mg/hr (10 tph) of fired product will be called a small tunnel kiln.
(2) Each periodic kiln is an affected source.
(c) Process units not subject to the requirements of this subpart
are listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Kilns that are used exclusively for setting glazes on
previously fired products are not subject to the requirements of this
(2) Raw material processing and handling.
(3) Dryers.
(d) A source is a new affected source if construction of the
affected source began after December 18, 2014, and you met the
applicability criteria at the time you began construction.
(e) An affected source is reconstructed if you meet the criteria as
defined in Sec. 63.2.
(f) An affected source is existing if it is not new or
Sec. 63.8395 When do I have to comply with this subpart?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed affected source, you must
comply with this subpart according to paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this
(1) If the initial startup of your affected source is after
December 18, 2014 but before [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF
PUBLICATION OF THE FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register], then you must
comply with the applicable emission limitations and work practice
standards in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this subpart no later than [DATE 60
(2) If the initial startup of your affected source is after [DATE
Register], then you must comply with the applicable emission
limitations and work practice standards in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this
subpart upon initial startup of your affected source.
[[Page 75674]]
(b) If you have an existing affected source, you must comply with
the applicable emission limitations and work practice standards in
Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this subpart no later than [DATE 3 YEARS AND 60
(c) If you have an existing area source that increases its
emissions or its potential to emit such that it becomes a major source
of HAP by adding a new affected source or by reconstructing, you must
be in compliance with this subpart upon initial startup of your
affected source as a major source.
(d) If you have a new area source (i.e., an area source for which
construction or reconstruction commenced after December 18, 2014) that
increases its emissions or its potential to emit such that it becomes a
major source of HAP, you must be in compliance with this subpart upon
initial startup of your affected source as a major source.
(e) You must meet the notification requirements in Sec. 63.8480
according to the schedule in Sec. 63.8480 and in subpart A of this
part. Some of the notifications must be submitted before you are
required to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart.
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Sec. 63.8405 What emission limitations and work practice standards
must I meet?
(a) You must meet each emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart
that applies to you.
(b) You must meet each operating limit in Table 2 to this subpart
that applies to you.
(c) You must meet each work practice standard in Table 3 to this
subpart that applies to you.
Sec. 63.8410 What are my options for meeting the emission limitations
and work practice standards?
(a) To meet the emission limitations in Tables 1 and 2 to this
subpart, you must use one or more of the options listed in paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Emissions control system. Use an emissions capture and
collection system and an air pollution control device (APCD) and
demonstrate that the resulting emissions meet the emission limits in
Table 1 to this subpart, and that the capture and collection system and
APCD meet the applicable operating limits in Table 2 to this subpart.
(2) Process changes. Use low-HAP raw materials or implement
manufacturing process changes and demonstrate that the resulting
emissions or emissions reductions meet the emission limits in Table 1
to this subpart.
(b) To meet the work practice standards for affected periodic
kilns, you must comply with the requirements listed in Table 3 to this
(c) To meet the work practice standards for dioxins/furans for
affected tunnel kilns, you must comply with the requirements listed in
Table 3 to this subpart.
(d) To meet the work practice standards for affected tunnel kilns
during periods of startup and shutdown, you must comply with the
requirements listed in Table 3 to this subpart.
General Compliance Requirements
Sec. 63.8420 What are my general requirements for complying with this
(a) You must be in compliance with the emission limitations
(including operating limits) in this subpart at all times, except
during periods of routine control device maintenance as specified in
paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, you must
operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air
pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner
consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for
minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not
require you to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels
required by the applicable standard have been achieved. Determination
of whether a source is operating in compliance with operation and
maintenance requirements will be based on information available to the
Administrator which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring
results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of
operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. During
the period between the compliance date specified for your affected
source in Sec. 63.8395 and the date upon which continuous monitoring
systems (CMS) (e.g., continuous parameter monitoring systems) have been
installed and verified and any applicable operating limits have been
set, you must maintain a log detailing the operation and maintenance of
the process and emissions control equipment.
(c) For each affected kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must prepare and implement a
written operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) plan according to
the requirements in Sec. 63.8425.
(d) If you own or operate an affected kiln that is subject to the
emission limits specified in Table 1 to this subpart and must perform
routine maintenance on the control device for that kiln, you may bypass
the kiln control device and continue operating the kiln upon approval
by the Administrator provided you satisfy the conditions listed in
paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) You must request a routine control device maintenance exemption
from the Administrator. Your request must justify the need for the
routine maintenance on the control device and the time required to
accomplish the maintenance activities, describe the maintenance
activities and the frequency of the maintenance activities, explain why
the maintenance cannot be accomplished during kiln shutdowns, describe
how you plan to minimize emissions to the greatest extent possible
during the maintenance, and provide any other documentation required by
the Administrator.
(2) The routine control device maintenance exemption must not
exceed 4 percent of the annual operating uptime for each kiln.
(3) The request for the routine control device maintenance
exemption, if approved by the Administrator, must be incorporated by
reference in and attached to the affected source's title V permit.
(4) You must minimize HAP emissions during the period when the kiln
is operating and the control device is offline.
(5) You must minimize the time period during which the kiln is
operating and the control device is offline.
(e) You must be in compliance with the work practice standards in
this subpart at all times.
(f) You must be in compliance with the provisions of subpart A of
this part, except as noted in Table 8 to this subpart.
Sec. 63.8425 What do I need to know about operation, maintenance, and
monitoring plans?
(a) For each affected kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must prepare, implement, and
revise as necessary an OM&M plan that includes the information in
paragraph (b) of this section. Your OM&M plan must be available for
inspection by the permitting authority upon request.
(b) Your OM&M plan must include, as a minimum, the information in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this section.
[[Page 75675]]
(1) Each process and APCD to be monitored, the type of monitoring
device that will be used, and the operating parameters that will be
(2) A monitoring schedule that specifies the frequency that the
parameter values will be determined and recorded.
(3) The limits for each parameter that represent continuous
compliance with the emission limitations in Sec. 63.8405. The limits
must be based on values of the monitored parameters recorded during
performance tests.
(4) Procedures for the proper operation and routine and long-term
maintenance of each APCD, including a maintenance and inspection
schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(5) Procedures for installing the CMS sampling probe or other
interface at a measurement location relative to each affected process
unit such that the measurement is representative of control of the
exhaust emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the last APCD).
(6) Performance and equipment specifications for the sample
interface, the pollutant concentration or parametric signal analyzer,
and the data collection and reduction system.
(7) Continuous monitoring system performance evaluation procedures
and acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations).
(8) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of
monitoring equipment consistent with the requirements in Sec. Sec.
63.8450 and 63.8(c)(1), (3), (7), and (8).
(9) Continuous monitoring system data quality assurance procedures
consistent with the requirements in Sec. 63.8(d).
(10) Continuous monitoring system recordkeeping and reporting
procedures consistent with the requirements in Sec. Sec. 63.8485 and
(11) Procedures for responding to operating parameter deviations,
including the procedures in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (iii) of this
(i) Procedures for determining the cause of the operating parameter
(ii) Actions necessary for correcting the deviation and returning
the operating parameters to the allowable limits.
(iii) Procedures for recording the times that the deviation began
and ended and corrective actions were initiated and completed.
(12) Procedures for keeping records to document compliance.
(13) If you operate an affected kiln and you plan to take the kiln
control device out of service for routine maintenance, as specified in
Sec. 63.8420(d), the procedures specified in paragraphs (b)(13)(i) and
(ii) of this section.
(i) Procedures for minimizing HAP emissions from the kiln during
periods of routine maintenance of the kiln control device when the kiln
is operating and the control device is offline.
(ii) Procedures for minimizing the duration of any period of
routine maintenance on the kiln control device when the kiln is
operating and the control device is offline.
(c) Changes to the operating limits in your OM&M plan require a new
performance test. If you are revising an operating limit parameter
value, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) Submit a notification of performance test to the Administrator
as specified in Sec. 63.7(b).
(2) After completing the performance tests to demonstrate that
compliance with the emission limits can be achieved at the revised
operating limit parameter value, you must submit the performance test
results and the revised operating limits as part of the Notification of
Compliance Status required under Sec. 63.9(h).
(d) If you are revising the inspection and maintenance procedures
in your OM&M plan, you do not need to conduct a new performance test.
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements
Sec. 63.8435 By what date must I conduct performance tests?
For each affected kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must conduct performance
tests within 180 calendar days after the compliance date that is
specified for your source in Sec. 63.8395 and according to the
provisions in Sec. 63.7(a)(2).
Sec. 63.8440 When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?
(a) For each affected kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must conduct a performance
test before renewing your 40 CFR part 70 operating permit or at least
every 5 years following the initial performance test.
(b) You must conduct a performance test when you want to change the
parameter value for any operating limit specified in your OM&M plan.
Sec. 63.8445 How do I conduct performance tests and establish
operating limits?
(a) You must conduct each performance test in Table 4 to this
subpart that applies to you.
(b) Before conducting the performance test, you must install and
calibrate all monitoring equipment.
(c) Each performance test must be conducted according to the
requirements in Sec. 63.7 and under the specific conditions in Table 4
to this subpart.
(d) Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as
the Administrator specifies to the owner or operator based on
representative performance of the affected source for the period being
tested. Representative conditions exclude periods of startup and
shutdown. The owner or operator may not conduct performance tests
during periods of malfunction. The owner or operator must record the
process information that is necessary to document operating conditions
during the test and include in such record an explanation to support
that such conditions represent normal operation. Upon request, the
owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such
records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of performance
(e) You must conduct at least three separate test runs for each
performance test required in this section, as specified in Sec.
63.7(e)(3). Each test run must last at least 1 hour.
(f) You must use the data gathered during the performance test and
the equations in paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section to determine
compliance with the emission limitations.
(1) To determine compliance with the production-based particulate
matter (PM) and mercury (Hg) emission limits in Table 1 to this
subpart, you must calculate your mass emissions per unit of production
for each test run using Equation 1 of this section:
[[Page 75676]]
MP = mass per unit of production, kilograms (pounds) of pollutant
per megagram (ton) of fired product
ER = mass emission rate of pollutant (PM or Hg) during each
performance test run, kilograms (pounds) per hour
P = production rate during each performance test run, megagrams
(tons) of fired product per hour.
(2) To determine compliance with the health-based standard for acid
gas HAP for BSCP manufacturing facilities in Table 1 to this subpart,
you must:
(i) Calculate the HCl-equivalent emissions for HF, HCl, and
Cl2 for each tunnel kiln at your facility using Equation 2
of this section:
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i, kilograms
(pounds) per hour
EHCl = emissions of HCl, kilograms (pounds) per hour
EHF = emissions of HF, kilograms (pounds) per hour
ECl2 = emissions of Cl2, kilograms (pounds)
per hour
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20 micrograms
per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14 micrograms per
cubic meter
RfCCl2 = reference concentration for chlorine, 0.15
micrograms per cubic meter
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel kilns at your facility, sum the
HCl-equivalent values for all tunnel kilns at the facility using
Equation 3 of this section:
Etotal = HCl-equivalent emissions for total of all kilns
at facility, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i, kilograms
(pounds) per hour
n = number of tunnel kilns at facility
(iii) Compare this value to the health-based standard in Table 1 to
this subpart.
(g) You must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table
2 to this subpart that applies to you as specified in paragraph (g)(1)
of this section and in Table 4 to this subpart.
(1)(i) If you do not have an APCD installed on your kiln, calculate
the maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions for HF, HCl, and
Cl2 for each tunnel kiln at your facility using Equation 4
of this section:
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions for
kiln i, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Capi = design capacity for kiln i, megagrams (tons) of
fired product per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HCl per megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HF per megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiCl2 = mass of Cl2 per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of Cl2 per megagram (ton)
of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20 micrograms
per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14 micrograms per
cubic meter
RfCCl2 = reference concentration for Cl2, 0.15
micrograms per cubic meter
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel kilns at your facility, sum the
maximum potential HCl-equivalent values for all tunnel kilns at the
facility using Equation 5 of this section:
Emax total = maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions
for total of all kilns at facility, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions for
kiln i, kilograms (pounds) per hour
n = number of tunnel kilns at facility
(iii) If you have a single tunnel kiln at your facility and the
total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions
(Emax total) are greater than the HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart, determine the maximum process rate for the
tunnel kiln using Equation 6 of this section that would ensure the
total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions remain at or
below the HCl-equivalent limit. The maximum process rate would become
your operating limit for process rate and must be included in your OM&M
[[Page 75677]]
Pmax i = maximum process rate for kiln i, megagrams
(tons) per hour
HCl-eq = HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to this subpart, 26
kilograms (57 pounds) per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HCl per megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HF per megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiCl2 = mass of Cl2 per unit of production
for kiln i, kilograms (pounds) of Cl2 per megagram (ton)
of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20 micrograms
per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14 micrograms per
cubic meter
RfCCl2 = reference concentration for Cl2, 0.15
micrograms per cubic meter
(iv) If you have multiple tunnel kilns at your facility and the
total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions
(Emax total) are greater than the HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart, determine the combination of maximum process
rates that would ensure that total facility maximum potential HCl-
equivalent remains at or below the HCl-equivalent limit. The maximum
process rates would become your operating limits for process rate and
must be included in your OM&M plan.
(h) For each affected kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart and is equipped with an APCD that
is not addressed in Table 2 to this subpart or that is using process
changes as a means of meeting the emission limits in Table 1 to this
subpart, you must meet the requirements in Sec. 63.8(f) and paragraphs
(h)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Submit a request for approval of alternative monitoring
procedures to the Administrator no later than the notification of
intent to conduct a performance test. The request must contain the
information specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this
(i) A description of the alternative APCD or process changes.
(ii) The type of monitoring device or procedure that will be used.
(iii) The operating parameters that will be monitored.
(iv) The frequency that the operating parameter values will be
determined and recorded to establish continuous compliance with the
operating limits.
(2) Establish site-specific operating limits during the performance
test based on the information included in the approved alternative
monitoring procedures request and, as applicable, as specified in Table
4 to this subpart.
Sec. 63.8450 What are my monitoring installation, operation, and
maintenance requirements?
(a) You must install, operate, and maintain each CMS according to
your OM&M plan and the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of
this section.
(1) Conduct a performance evaluation of each CMS according to your
OM&M plan.
(2) The CMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation for
each successive 15-minute period. To have a valid hour of data, you
must have at least three of four equally spaced data values (or at
least 75 percent if you collect more than four data values per hour)
for that hour (not including startup, shutdown, malfunction, out-of-
control periods, or periods of routine control device maintenance
covered by a routine control device maintenance exemption as specified
in Sec. 63.8420(d)).
(3) Determine and record the 3-hour block averages of all recorded
readings, calculated after every 3 hours of operation as the average of
the previous 3 operating hours. To calculate the average for each 3-
hour average period, you must have at least 75 percent of the recorded
readings for that period (not including startup, shutdown, malfunction,
out-of-control periods, or periods of routine control device
maintenance covered by a routine control device maintenance exemption
as specified in Sec. 63.8420(d)).
(4) Record the results of each inspection, calibration, and
validation check.
(5) At all times, maintain the monitoring equipment including, but
not limited to, maintaining necessary parts for routine repairs of the
monitoring equipment.
(b) For each liquid flow measurement device, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (b)(1) through (3) of
this section.
(1) Locate the flow sensor in a position that provides a
representative flowrate.
(2) Use a flow sensor with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 2
percent of the liquid flowrate.
(3) At least semiannually, conduct a flow sensor calibration check.
(c) For each pressure measurement device, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (c)(1) through (7) of
this section.
(1) Locate the pressure sensor(s) in or as close to a position that
provides a representative measurement of the pressure.
(2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating pressure, vibration, and
internal and external corrosion.
(3) Use a gauge with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 0.5 inch
of water or a transducer with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 1
percent of the pressure range.
(4) Check the pressure tap daily to ensure that it is not plugged.
(5) Using a manometer, check gauge calibration quarterly and
transducer calibration monthly.
(6) Any time the sensor exceeds the manufacturer's specified
maximum operating pressure range, conduct calibration checks or install
a new pressure sensor.
(7) At least monthly, inspect all components for integrity, all
electrical connections for continuity, and all mechanical connections
for leakage.
(d) For each pH measurement device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (d)(1) through (4) of this
(1) Locate the pH sensor in a position that provides a
representative measurement of pH.
(2) Ensure the sample is properly mixed and representative of the
fluid to be measured.
(3) Check the pH meter's calibration on at least two points every 8
hours of process operation.
(4) At least monthly, inspect all components for integrity and all
electrical connections for continuity.
(e) For each bag leak detection system, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (11) of this section.
(1) Each triboelectric bag leak detection system must be installed,
calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the ``Fabric Filter
Bag Leak Detection Guidance,'' (EPA-454/R-98-015, September 1997)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14). Other types of
[[Page 75678]]
bag leak detection systems must be installed, operated, calibrated, and
maintained in a manner consistent with the manufacturer's written
specifications and recommendations.
(2) The bag leak detection system must be certified by the
manufacturer to be capable of detecting PM emissions at concentrations
of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per actual cubic
foot) or less.
(3) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide an output of
relative PM loadings.
(4) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal from the sensor.
(5) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an audible
alarm system that will sound automatically when an increase in relative
PM emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm must be located
where it is easily heard by plant operating personnel.
(6) For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak
detector must be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell.
(7) For negative pressure or induced air fabric filters, the bag
leak detector must be installed downstream of the fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are required, the system's
instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.
(9) The baseline output must be established by adjusting the range
and the averaging period of the device and establishing the alarm set
points and the alarm delay time according to section 5.0 of the
``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance,'' (EPA-454/R-98-015,
September 1997) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14).
(10) Following initial adjustment of the system, the sensitivity or
range, averaging period, alarm set points, or alarm delay time may not
be adjusted except as detailed in your OM&M plan. In no case may the
sensitivity be increased by more than 100 percent or decreased more
than 50 percent over a 365-day period unless such adjustment follows a
complete fabric filter inspection that demonstrates that the fabric
filter is in good operating condition, as defined in section 5.2 of the
``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance,'' (EPA-454/R-98-015,
September 1997) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14). Record
each adjustment.
(11) Record the results of each inspection, calibration, and
validation check.
(f) For each lime, chemical, or carbon feed rate measurement
device, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5)
and (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Locate the measurement device in a position that provides a
representative feed rate measurement.
(2) At least semiannually, conduct a calibration check.
(g) For each limestone feed system on a dry limestone adsorber
(DLA), you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1), (4), and
(5) of this section and must ensure on a monthly basis that the feed
system replaces limestone at least as frequently as the schedule set
during the performance test.
(h) Requests for approval of alternate monitoring procedures must
meet the requirements in Sec. Sec. 63.8445(h) and 63.8(f).
Sec. 63.8455 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the
emission limitations and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission
limitation and work practice standard that applies to you according to
Table 5 to this subpart.
(b) You must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table
2 to this subpart that applies to you according to the requirements in
Sec. 63.8445 and Table 4 to this subpart.
(c) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status
containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration
according to the requirements in Sec. 63.8480(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements
Sec. 63.8465 How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate
continuous compliance?
(a) You must monitor and collect data according to this section.
(b) Except for periods of monitor malfunctions, associated repairs,
and required quality assurance or control activities (including, as
applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments),
you must monitor continuously (or collect data at all required
intervals) at all times that the affected source is operating. This
includes periods of startup, shutdown, malfunction, and routine control
device maintenance as specified in Sec. 63.8420(d) when the affected
source is operating.
(c) You may not use data recorded during monitoring malfunctions,
associated repairs, out-of-control periods, or required quality
assurance or control activities for purposes of calculating data
averages. A monitoring malfunction is any sudden, infrequent, not
reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring system to provide
valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor
maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions. You must use
all the valid data collected during all other periods in assessing
compliance. Any averaging period for which you do not have valid
monitoring data and such data are required constitutes a deviation from
the monitoring requirements.
Sec. 63.8470 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the
emission limitations and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission
limit, operating limit, and work practice standard in Tables 1, 2, and
3 to this subpart that applies to you according to the methods
specified in Table 6 to this subpart.
(b) For each affected kiln that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart and is equipped with an APCD that
is not addressed in Table 2 to this subpart, or that is using process
changes as a means of meeting the emission limits in Table 1 to this
subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission
limit in Table 1 to this subpart, and each operating limit established
as required in Sec. 63.8445(h)(2) according to the methods specified
in your approved alternative monitoring procedures request, as
described in Sec. Sec. 63.8445(h)(1) and 63.8(f).
(c) You must report each instance in which you did not meet each
emission limit and each operating limit in this subpart that applies to
you. This includes periods of startup, shutdown, malfunction, and
routine control device maintenance. These instances are deviations from
the emission limitations in this subpart. These deviations must be
reported according to the requirements in Sec. 63.8485.
(d) Deviations that occur during periods of control device
maintenance covered by an approved routine control device maintenance
exemption according to Sec. 63.8420(d) are not violations if you
demonstrate to the Administrator's satisfaction that you were operating
in accordance with the approved routine control device maintenance
(e) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with the operating
limits in Table 2 to this subpart for visible emissions (VE) from
tunnel kilns that are uncontrolled or equipped with DLA, dry lime
injection fabric filter (DIFF), dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/
FF), or other dry control device by monitoring VE at each kiln stack
[[Page 75679]]
according to the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Perform daily VE observations of each kiln stack according to
the procedures of Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. You must
conduct the Method 22 test while the affected source is operating under
normal conditions. The duration of each Method 22 test must be at least
15 minutes.
(2) If VE are observed during any daily test conducted using Method
22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7, you must promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to your OM&M plan. If no VE are
observed in 30 consecutive daily Method 22 tests for any kiln stack,
you may decrease the frequency of Method 22 testing from daily to
weekly for that kiln stack. If VE are observed during any weekly test,
you must promptly initiate and complete corrective actions according to
your OM&M plan, resume Method 22 testing of that kiln stack on a daily
basis, and maintain that schedule until no VE are observed in 30
consecutive daily tests, at which time you may again decrease the
frequency of Method 22 testing to a weekly basis.
(3) If VE are observed during any test conducted using Method 22 of
40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7, you must report these deviations by
following the requirements in Sec. 63.8485.
Notifications, Reports, and Records
Sec. 63.8480 What notifications must I submit and when?
(a) You must submit all of the notifications in Sec. Sec. 63.7(b)
and (c), 63.8(f)(4), and 63.9(b) through (e), (g)(1), and (h) that
apply to you, by the dates specified.
(b) As specified in Sec. 63.9(b)(2), if you start up your affected
RULE IN THE Federal Register], you must submit an Initial Notification
not later than 120 calendar days after [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF
(c) As specified in Sec. 63.9(b)(2), if you start up your new or
reconstructed affected source on or after [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE
submit an Initial Notification not later than 120 calendar days after
you become subject to this subpart.
(d) If you are required to conduct a performance test, you must
submit a notification of intent to conduct a performance test at least
60 calendar days before the performance test is scheduled to begin, as
required in Sec. 63.7(b)(1).
(e) If you are required to conduct a performance test or other
initial compliance demonstration as specified in Tables 4 and 5 to this
subpart, you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status as
specified in Sec. 63.9(h) and paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
(1) For each compliance demonstration that includes a performance
test conducted according to the requirements in Table 4 to this
subpart, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status,
including the performance test results, before the close of business on
the 60th calendar day following the completion of the performance test,
according to Sec. 63.10(d)(2).
(2) In addition to the requirements in Sec. 63.9(h)(2)(i), you
must include the information in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (ii) of this
section in your Notification of Compliance Status.
(i) The operating limit parameter values established for each
affected source with supporting documentation and a description of the
procedure used to establish the values.
(ii) For each APCD that includes a fabric filter, if a bag leak
detection system is used, analysis and supporting documentation
demonstrating conformance with EPA guidance and specifications for bag
leak detection systems in Sec. 63.8450(e).
(3) For each compliance demonstration required in Table 5 to this
subpart that does not include a performance test (i.e., compliance
demonstrations for the work practice standards), you must submit the
Notification of Compliance Status before the close of business on the
30th calendar day following the completion of the compliance
(f) If you request a routine control device maintenance exemption
according to Sec. 63.8420(d), you must submit your request for the
exemption no later than 30 days before the compliance date.
Sec. 63.8485 What reports must I submit and when?
(a) You must submit each report in Table 7 to this subpart that
applies to you.
(b) Unless the Administrator has approved a different schedule for
submission of reports under Sec. 63.10(a), you must submit each report
by the date in Table 7 to this subpart and as specified in paragraphs
(b)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) The first compliance report must cover the period beginning on
the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in Sec.
63.8395 and ending on June 30 or December 31, and lasting at least 6
months, but less than 12 months. For example, if your compliance date
is March 1, then the first semiannual reporting period would begin on
March 1 and end on December 31.
(2) The first compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no
later than July 31 or January 31 for compliance periods ending on June
30 and December 31, respectively.
(3) Each subsequent compliance report must cover the semiannual
reporting period from January 1 through June 30 or the semiannual
reporting period from July 1 through December 31.
(4) Each subsequent compliance report must be postmarked or
delivered no later than July 31 or January 31 for compliance periods
ending on June 30 and December 31, respectively.
(5) For each affected source that is subject to permitting
regulations pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, if the
permitting authority has established dates for submitting semiannual
reports pursuant to 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance
reports according to the dates the permitting authority has established
instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of
this section.
(c) The compliance report must contain the information in
paragraphs (c)(1) through (7) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Statement by a responsible official with that official's name,
title, and signature, certifying that, based on information and belief
formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the
report are true, accurate, and complete.
(3) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting
(4) A description of control device maintenance performed while the
control device was offline and the kiln controlled by the control
device was operating, including the information specified in paragraphs
(c)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) The date and time when the control device was shut down and
(ii) Identification of the kiln that was operating and the number
of hours that the kiln operated while the control device was offline.
(iii) A statement of whether or not the control device maintenance
[[Page 75680]]
included in your approved routine control device maintenance exemption
developed as specified in Sec. 63.8420(d). If the control device
maintenance was included in your approved routine control device
maintenance exemption, then you must report the information in
paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.
(A) The total amount of time that the kiln controlled by the
control device operated during the current semiannual compliance period
and during the previous semiannual compliance period.
(B) The amount of time that each kiln controlled by the control
device operated while the control device was offline for maintenance
covered under the routine control device maintenance exemption during
the current semiannual compliance period and during the previous
semiannual compliance period.
(C) Based on the information recorded under paragraphs
(c)(4)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section, compute the annual percent of
kiln operating uptime during which the control device was offline for
routine maintenance using Equation 1 of this section.
RM = Annual percentage of kiln uptime during which control device
was offline for routine control device maintenance
DTp = Control device downtime claimed under the routine
control device maintenance exemption for the previous semiannual
compliance period
DTc = Control device downtime claimed under the routine
control device maintenance exemption for the current semiannual
compliance period
KUp = Kiln uptime for the previous semiannual compliance
KUc = Kiln uptime for the current semiannual compliance
(5) A report of the most recent burner tune-up conducted to comply
with the dioxin/furan work practice standard in Table 3 to this
(6) If there are no deviations from any emission limitations
(emission limits or operating limits) that apply to you, the compliance
report must contain a statement that there were no deviations from the
emission limitations during the reporting period.
(7) If there were no periods during which the CMS was out-of-
control as specified in your OM&M plan, the compliance report must
contain a statement that there were no periods during which the CMS was
out-of-control during the reporting period.
(d) For each deviation from an emission limitation (emission limit
or operating limit) that occurs at an affected source where you are not
using a CMS to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart,
the compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (4) and (d)(1) through (3) of this section. This includes
periods of startup, shutdown, and routine control device maintenance.
(1) The total operating time of each affected source during the
reporting period and identification of the sources for which there was
a deviation.
(2) Information on the number, date, time, duration, and cause of
deviations (including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and
the corrective action taken.
(3) The applicable operating limit or work practice standard from
which you deviated and either the parameter monitor reading during the
deviation or a description of how you deviated from the work practice
(e) For each deviation from an emission limitation (emission limit
or operating limit) occurring at an affected source where you are using
a CMS to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart, you must
include the information in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) and (e)(1)
through (13) of this section. This includes periods of startup,
shutdown, and routine control device maintenance.
(1) The total operating time of each affected source during the
reporting period and identification of the sources for which there was
a deviation.
(2) The date and time that each CMS was inoperative, except for
zero (low-level) and high-level checks.
(3) The date, time, and duration that each CMS was out-of-control,
including the pertinent information in your OM&M plan.
(4) The date and time that each deviation started and stopped, and
whether each deviation occurred during routine control device
maintenance covered in your approved routine control device maintenance
exemption or during another period, and the cause of each deviation
(including unknown cause, if applicable).
(5) An estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted
over the emission limit during the deviation, and a description of the
method used to estimate the emissions.
(6) A description of corrective action taken in response to a
(7) A summary of the total duration of the deviation during the
reporting period and the total duration as a percent of the total
source operating time during that reporting period.
(8) A breakdown of the total duration of the deviations during the
reporting period into those that were due to startup, shutdown, control
equipment problems, process problems, other known causes, and other
unknown causes.
(9) A summary of the total duration of CMS downtime during the
reporting period and the total duration of CMS downtime as a percent of
the total source operating time during that reporting period.
(10) A brief description of the process units.
(11) A brief description of the CMS.
(12) The date of the latest CMS certification or audit.
(13) A description of any changes in CMS, processes, or control
equipment since the last reporting period.
(f) If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, the
compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (4) and (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) The number, duration, and a brief description for each type of
malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused
or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded.
(2) A description of actions taken by an owner or operator during a
malfunction of an affected facility to minimize emissions in accordance
with Sec. 63.8420(b), including actions taken to correct a
(g) If you have obtained a title V operating permit according to 40
CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, you must report all deviations as
defined in this subpart in the semiannual monitoring report required by
40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If you submit a
compliance report according to Table 7 to this subpart along with, or
as part of, the semiannual monitoring report
[[Page 75681]]
required by 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and
the compliance report includes all required information concerning
deviations from any emission limitation (including any operating
limit), then submitting the compliance report will satisfy any
obligation to report the same deviations in the semiannual monitoring
report. However, submitting a compliance report will not otherwise
affect any obligation you may have to report deviations from permit
requirements to the permitting authority.
(h) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance
test (as defined in Sec. 63.2) as required by this subpart, you must
submit the results of the performance test following the procedure
specified in either paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section.
(1) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site
( at the time of the test,
you must submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via the
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) ( Performance test data must be submitted in
a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT. Instead of
submitting performance test data in a file format generated through the
use of the EPA's ERT, you may submit an alternate electronic file
format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema
listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, once the XML schema is available. If
you claim that some of the performance test information being submitted
is confidential business information (CBI), you must submit a complete
file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT (or an alternate
electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT
Web site once the XML schema is available), including information
claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly
used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic media must be
clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAPQS/CORE CBI Office,
Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old
Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT file (or alternate file) with
the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as
described earlier in this paragraph.
(2) For data collected using test methods that are not supported by
the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec. 63.13.
Sec. 63.8490 What records must I keep?
(a) You must keep the records listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through
(3) of this section.
(1) A copy of each notification and report that you submitted to
comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any
Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status that you
submitted, according to the requirements in Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).
(2) Records of performance tests as required in Sec.
(3) Records relating to control device maintenance and
documentation of your approved routine control device maintenance
exemption, if you request such an exemption under Sec. 63.8420(d).
(b) You must keep the records required in Table 6 to this subpart
to show continuous compliance with each emission limitation and work
practice standard that applies to you.
(c) You must also maintain the records listed in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (11) of this section.
(1) For each bag leak detection system, records of each alarm, the
time of the alarm, the time corrective action was initiated and
completed, and a brief description of the cause of the alarm and the
corrective action taken.
(2) For each deviation of an operating limit parameter value, the
date, time, and duration of the deviation, a brief explanation of the
cause of the deviation, actions taken to minimize emissions in
accordance with Sec. 63.8420(b) and the corrective action taken to
return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation,
and whether the deviation occurred during a period of startup,
shutdown, or malfunction. Record and retain a list of the affected
sources or equipment, an estimate of the volume of each regulated
pollutant emitted over any emission limit and a description of the
method used to estimate the emissions.
(3) For each affected source, records of production rates on a
fired-product basis.
(4) Records for any approved alternative monitoring or test
(5) Records of maintenance and inspections performed on the APCD.
(6) Current copies of your OM&M plan, including any revisions, with
records documenting conformance.
(7) Logs of the information required in paragraphs (c)(7)(i)
through (iii) of this section to document proper operation of your
periodic kiln.
(i) Records of the firing time and temperature cycle for each
product produced in each periodic kiln. If all periodic kilns use the
same time and temperature cycles, one copy may be maintained for each
kiln. Reference numbers must be assigned to use in log sheets.
(ii) For each periodic kiln, a log that details the type of product
fired in each batch, the corresponding time and temperature protocol
reference number, and an indication of whether the appropriate time and
temperature cycle was fired.
(iii) For each periodic kiln, a log of the actual tonnage of
product fired in the periodic kiln and an indication of whether the
tonnage was below the maximum tonnage for that specific kiln.
(8) Logs of the maintenance procedures used to demonstrate
compliance with the maintenance requirements of the periodic kiln work
practice standard specified in Table 3 to this subpart.
(9) Records of burner tune-ups used to comply with the dioxin/furan
work practice standard for tunnel kilns.
(10) For periods of startup, records of the date, time, and
duration of each startup period, logs of the kiln exhaust temperature
at the time the first bricks were placed in the kiln, and if
applicable, logs of the temperature when the kiln exhaust stopped
bypassing the control device. For periods of shutdown, records of the
date, time, and duration of each shutdown period, logs of the kiln
exhaust temperature at the time the last bricks were placed in the
kiln, and if applicable, logs of the temperature when the kiln exhaust
began bypassing the control device.
(11) For each malfunction, records of the following information:
(i) Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of
operation (i.e., process equipment) or the air pollution control and
monitoring equipment.
(ii) Records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to
minimize emissions in accordance with Sec. 63.8420(b), including
corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution
control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of
Sec. 63.8495 In what form and for how long must I keep my records?
(a) Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available
for expeditious review, according to Sec. 63.10(b)(1).
[[Page 75682]]
(b) As specified in Sec. 63.10(b)(1), you must keep each record
for 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement,
maintenance, corrective action, report, or record.
(c) You must keep each record onsite for at least 2 years after the
date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action,
report, or record, according to Sec. 63.10(b)(1). You may keep the
records offsite for the remaining 3 years.
Other Requirements and Information
Sec. 63.8505 What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
Table 8 to this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions
in Sec. Sec. 63.1 through 63.16 apply to you.
Sec. 63.8510 Who implements and enforces this subpart?
(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by us, the U.S.
EPA, or a delegated authority such as your State, local, or tribal
agency. If the U.S. EPA Administrator has delegated authority to your
State, local, or tribal agency, then that agency, in addition to the
U.S. EPA, has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. You
should contact your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find out if
implementation and enforcement of this subpart is delegated to your
State, local, or tribal agency.
(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this
subpart to a State, local, or tribal agency under subpart E of this
part, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are
retained by the Administrator of the U.S. EPA and are not transferred
to the State, local, or tribal agency.
(c) The authorities that cannot be delegated to State, local, or
tribal agencies are as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of
this section.
(1) Approval of alternatives to the applicability requirements in
Sec. Sec. 63.8385 and 63.8390, the compliance date requirements in
Sec. 63.8395, and the non-opacity emission limitations in Sec.
(2) Approval of major changes to test methods under Sec.
63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f) and as defined in Sec. 63.90.
(3) Approval of major changes to monitoring under Sec. 63.8(f) and
as defined in Sec. 63.90.
(4) Approval of major changes to recordkeeping and reporting under
Sec. 63.10(f) and as defined in Sec. 63.90.
(5) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the
EPA required by this subpart.
Sec. 63.8515 What definitions apply to this subpart?
Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in
Sec. 63.2, and in this section as follows:
Air pollution control device (APCD) means any equipment that
reduces the quantity of a pollutant that is emitted to the air.
Bag leak detection system means an instrument that is capable of
monitoring PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric filter in order to
detect bag failures. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not
limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light-
scattering, light-transmittance, or other effects to monitor relative
PM loadings.
Brick and structural clay products (BSCP) manufacturing facility
means a plant site that manufactures brick (including, but not limited
to, face brick, structural brick, and brick pavers); clay pipe; roof
tile; extruded floor and wall tile; and/or other extruded, dimensional
clay products. Brick and structural clay products manufacturing
facilities typically process raw clay and shale, form the processed
materials into bricks or shapes, and dry and fire the bricks or shapes.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to
this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this
subpart including, but not limited to, any emission limitation
(including any operating limit) or work practice standard; or
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to
implement an applicable requirement in this subpart for any affected
source required to obtain such a permit.
Dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF) means an APCD that includes
continuous injection of hydrated lime or other sorbent into a duct or
reaction chamber followed by a fabric filter.
Dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/FF) means an APCD that
includes continuous injection of humidified hydrated lime or other
sorbent into a reaction chamber followed by a fabric filter. These
systems typically include recirculation of some of the sorbent.
Dry limestone adsorber (DLA) means an APCD that includes a
limestone storage bin, a reaction chamber that is essentially a packed
tower filled with limestone, and may or may not include a peeling drum
that mechanically scrapes reacted limestone to regenerate the stone for
Emission limitation means any emission limit or operating limit.
Fabric filter means an APCD used to capture PM by filtering a gas
stream through filter media; also known as a baghouse.
Initial startup means:
(1) For a new or reconstructed tunnel kiln controlled with a DLA,
the time at which the temperature in the kiln first reaches 260 [deg]C
(500 [deg]F) and the kiln contains product; or
(2) for a new or reconstructed tunnel kiln controlled with a DIFF,
DLS/FF, or wet scrubber (WS), the time at which the kiln first reaches
a level of production that is equal to 75 percent of the kiln design
capacity or 12 months after the affected source begins firing BSCP,
whichever is earlier.
Kiln exhaust process stream means the portion of the exhaust from a
tunnel kiln that exhausts directly to the atmosphere (or to an APCD),
rather than to a sawdust dryer.
Large tunnel kiln means a tunnel kiln (existing, new, or
reconstructed) with a design capacity equal to or greater than 9.07 Mg/
hr (10 tph) of fired product.
Particulate matter (PM) means, for purposes of this subpart,
emissions of PM that serve as a measure of total particulate emissions,
as measured by Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3) or Method 29 (40
CFR part 60, appendix A-8), and as a surrogate for metal HAP contained
in the particulates including, but not limited to, antimony, arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel,
and selenium.
Periodic kiln means a batch firing kiln.
Plant site means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under
common control, including properties that are separated only by a road
or other public right-of-way. Common control includes properties that
are owned, leased, or operated by the same entity, parent entity,
subsidiary, or any combination thereof.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40
CFR 70.2.
Small tunnel kiln means a tunnel kiln (existing, new, or
reconstructed) with a design capacity less than 9.07 Mg/hr (10 tph) of
fired product.
Startup means the setting in operation of an affected source and
starting the production process.
Tunnel kiln means any continuous kiln that is used to fire BSCP.
Some tunnel kilns have two process streams, including a process stream
that exhausts directly to the atmosphere or to an APCD, and a process
stream in which the kiln exhaust is ducted to a sawdust dryer where it
is used to dry sawdust before being emitted to the atmosphere.
[[Page 75683]]
Tunnel kiln design capacity means the maximum amount of brick, in
Mg (tons), that a kiln is designed to produce in one year divided by
the number of hours in a year (8,760 hours). If a kiln is modified to
increase the capacity, the design capacity is considered to be the
capacity following modifications.
Wet scrubber (WS) means an APCD that uses water, which may include
caustic additives or other chemicals, as the sorbent. Wet scrubbers may
use any of various design mechanisms to increase the contact between
exhaust gases and the sorbent.
Work practice standard means any design, equipment, work practice,
operational standard, or combination thereof, that is promulgated
pursuant to section 112(h) of the Clean Air Act.
Tables to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63
As stated in Sec. 63.8405, you must meet each emission limit in
the following table that applies to you.
Table 1 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Emission Limits
You must meet the Or you must comply
For each . . . following emission with the following
limits . . . . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel HF, HCl, and Cl2 Not applicable.
kilns at facility, including emissions must
all process streams. not exceed 26 kg/
hr (57 lb/hr) HCl
equivalent, under
the health-based
standard, as
determined using
Equations 2 and 3
of Sec.
2. Existing tunnel kiln, a. PM emissions i. PM emissions
including all process streams. must not exceed must not exceed
0.082 kg/Mg (0.16 92 mg/dscm (0.040
lb/ton) of fired gr/dscf) at 7%
product. O2; or
ii. Non-Hg HAP
metals emissions
must not exceed
0.0011 kg/hr
(0.023 lb/hr) of
fired product.
3. Existing large tunnel kiln a. Hg emissions i. Hg emissions
(design capacity >=10 tph of must not exceed must not exceed
fired product), including all 1.1 E-05 kilogram 29 micrograms per
process streams. per megagram (kg/ dry standard
Mg) (2.2 E-05 cubic meter
pound per ton (lb/ ([mu]g/dscm) at
ton)) of fired 7% O2; or
ii. Hg emissions
must not exceed
1.2 E-04 kg/hr
(2.7 E-04 lb/hr).
4. Existing small tunnel kiln a. Hg emissions i. Hg emissions
(design capacity <10 tph of must not exceed must not exceed
fired product), including all 9.9 E-05 kg/Mg 70 [mu]g/dscm at
process streams. (2.0 E-04 lb/ton) 7% O2; or
of fired product. ii. Hg emissions
must not exceed
5.0 E-04 kg/hr
(0.0011 lb/hr).
5. New or reconstructed tunnel a. PM emissions i. PM emissions
kiln, including all process must not exceed must not exceed
streams. 0.011 kg/Mg 15 mg/dscm
(0.022 lb/ton) of (0.0066 gr/dscf)
fired product. at 7% O2; or
ii. Non-Hg HAP
metals emissions
must not exceed
0.0014 kg/hr
(0.0032 lb/hr) of
fired product.
6. New or reconstructed large a. Hg emissions i. Hg emissions
tunnel kiln, including all must not exceed must not exceed
process streams. 1.0 E-05 kg/Mg 13 [mu]g/dscm at
(2.0 E-05 lb/ton) 7% O2.
of fired product.
ii. Hg emissions
must not exceed
1.1 E-04 kg/hr
(2.4 E-04 lb/hr).
7. New or reconstructed small a. Hg emissions i. Hg emissions
tunnel kiln, including all must not exceed must not exceed
process streams. 9.9 E-05 kg/Mg 70 [mu]g/dscm at
(2.0 E-04 lb/ton) 7% O2.
of fired product.
ii. Hg emissions
must not exceed
5.0 E-04 kg/hr
(0.0011 lb/hr).
As stated in Sec. 63.8405, you must meet each operating limit in
the following table that applies to you.
Table 2 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Operating Limits
For each . . . You must . . .
1. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DLA.......... a. Maintain the average pressure drop across the DLA for each 3-
hour block period at or above the average pressure drop
established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; or, if you
are monitoring the bypass stack damper position, initiate
corrective action within 1 hour after the bypass damper is opened
allowing the kiln exhaust gas to bypass the DLA and complete
corrective action in accordance with your OM&M plan; and
b. Maintain an adequate amount of limestone in the limestone
hopper, storage bin (located at the top of the DLA), and DLA at
all times; maintain the limestone feeder setting (on a per ton of
fired product basis) at or above the level established during the
HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
c. Use the same grade of limestone from the same source as was
used during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; maintain records of
the source and grade of limestone; and
d. Maintain no VE from the DLA stack.
2. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DIFF or DLS/ a. If you use a bag leak detection system, initiate corrective
FF. action within 1 hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and
complete corrective actions in accordance with your OM&M plan;
operate and maintain the fabric filter such that the alarm is not
engaged for more than 5 percent of the total operating time in a
6-month block reporting period; or maintain no VE from the DIFF
or DLS/FF stack; and
[[Page 75684]]
b. Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed hopper or silo and to
the APCD at all times for continuous injection systems; maintain
the feeder setting (on a per ton of fired product basis) at or
above the level established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance
test for continuous injection systems.
3. Tunnel kiln equipped with a WS........... a. Maintain the average scrubber pressure drop for each 3-hour
block period at or above the average pressure drop established
during the PM/non-Hg HAP metals performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber liquid pH for each 3-hour block
period at or above the average scrubber liquid pH established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
c. Maintain the average scrubber liquid flow rate for each 3-hour
block period at or above the highest average scrubber liquid flow
rate established during the HF/HCl/Cl2 and PM/non-Hg HAP metals
performance tests; and
d. If chemicals are added to the scrubber water, maintain the
average scrubber chemical feed rate for each 3-hour block period
at or above the average scrubber chemical feed rate established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
4. Tunnel kiln equipped with an ACI system.. Maintain the average carbon flow rate for each 3-hour block period
at or above the average carbon flow rate established during the
Hg performance test.
5. Tunnel kiln with no add-on control....... a. Maintain no VE from the stack.
b. Maintain the kiln process rate at or below the kiln process
rate determined according to Sec. 63.8445(g)(1).
As stated in Sec. 63.8405, you must meet each work practice
standard in the following table that applies to you.
Table 3 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Work Practice Standards
For each . . . You must . . . According to the following requirements . . .
1. Existing, new or reconstructed a. Minimize HAP emissions.. i. Develop and use a designed firing time and
periodic kiln. temperature cycle for each product produced
in the periodic kiln. You must either program
the time and temperature cycle into your kiln
or track each step on a log sheet; and
ii. Label each periodic kiln with the maximum
load (in tons) of product that can be fired
in the kiln during a single firing cycle; and
iii. For each firing load, document the total
tonnage of product placed in the kiln to
ensure that it is not greater than the
maximum load identified in item 1b; and
iv. Develop and follow maintenance procedures
for each kiln that, at a minimum, specify the
frequency of inspection and maintenance of
temperature monitoring devices, controls that
regulate air-to-fuel ratios, and controls
that regulate firing cycles; and
v. Develop and maintain records for each
periodic kiln, as specified in Sec.
2. Existing, new or reconstructed a. Minimize dioxin/furan i. Maintain and inspect the burners and
tunnel kiln. emissions. associated combustion controls (as
applicable); and
ii. Tune the specific burner type to optimize
3. Existing, new or reconstructed a. Minimize HAP emissions.. i. Do not put any bricks into the kiln until
tunnel kiln during periods of the kiln exhaust temperature reaches 204
startup. [deg]C (400 [deg]F); and
ii. If your kiln has an APCD, begin venting
the exhaust from the kiln through the APCD by
the time the kiln exhaust temperature reaches
204 [deg]C (400 [deg]F).
4. Existing, new or reconstructed a. Minimize HAP emissions.. i. Do not put any bricks into the kiln once
tunnel kiln during periods of the kiln exhaust temperature falls to 149
shutdown. [deg]C (300 [deg]F); and
ii. If your kiln has an APCD, continue to vent
the exhaust from the kiln through the APCD
until the kiln exhaust temperature falls to
149 [deg]C (300 [deg]F).
As stated in Sec. 63.8445, you must conduct each performance test
in the following table that applies to you.
Table 4 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Requirements for Performance Tests
According to the following
For each . . . You must . . . Using . . . requirements . . .
1. Tunnel kiln..................... a. Select locations of Method 1 or 1A of 40 Sampling sites must be
sampling ports and CFR part 60, appendix located at the outlet of
the number of A-1. the APCD and prior to any
traverse points. releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
[[Page 75685]]
b. Determine Method 2 of 40 CFR You may use Method 2A, 2C,
velocities and part 60, appendix A-1. 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR part
volumetric flow rate. 60, appendix A-1, or
Method 2G of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-1.
c. Conduct gas Method 3 of 40 CFR You may use Method 3A or 3B
molecular weight part 60, appendix A-2. of 40 CFR part 60,
analysis. appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2. ANSI/
ASME PTC 19.10-1981 [Part
10] (incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to the manual
procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures)
in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture Method 4 of 40 CFR
content of the stack part 60, appendix A-3.
e. Measure HF, HCl and Method 26A of 40 CFR You may use Method 26 of 40
Cl2 emissions. part 60, appendix A- CFR part 60, appendix A-8,
8; or as an alternative to using
Method 26A of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-8, when no
acid PM (e.g., HF or HCl
dissolved in water
droplets emitted by
sources controlled by a
WS) is present. ASTM D6735-
01 (Reapproved 2009)
(incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Methods 26
and 26A.
Method 320 of appendix When using Method 320 of
A of this part. appendix A of this part,
you must follow the
analyte spiking procedures
of section 13 of Method
320 of appendix A of this
part, unless you can
demonstrate that the
complete spiking procedure
has been conducted at a
similar source. ASTM D6348-
03 (Reapproved 2010)
(incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Method 320
if the test plan
preparation and
implementation in Annexes
A1-A8 are mandatory and
the %R in Annex A5 is
determined for each target
f. Measure PM i. For PM only: Method
emissions or non-Hg 5 of 40 CFR part 60,
HAP metals. appendix A-3; or
ii. For PM or non-Hg To determine PM, weigh the
HAP metals: Method 29 filter and report the
of 40 CFR part 60, results as PM filterable.
appendix A-8.
g. Measure Hg Method 29 of 40 CFR ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved
emissions. part 60, appendix A-8. 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Method 29
(portion for Hg only).
2. Tunnel kiln with no add-on Establish the HCl-equivalent limit Using the procedures in
control. operating limit(s) in Table 1 to this Sec. 63.8445(g)(1), you
for kiln process rate subpart and emissions must determine the maximum
if the total facility and production data process rate(s) for your
maximum potential HCl- from the HF/HCl/Cl2 kiln(s) that would ensure
equivalent emissions performance test. total facility maximum
are greater than the potential HCl-equivalent
HCl-equivalent limit emissions remain at or
in Table 1 to this below the HCl-equivalent
subpart. limit in Table 1 to this
subpart. The maximum
process rate(s) would
become your site-specific
process rate operating
3. Tunnel kiln that is complying Determine the Production data You must measure and record
with PM and/or Hg production-based production rate collected during the the production rate, on a
emission limits. during each PM/Hg PM/Hg performance fired-product basis, of
test run in order to tests (e.g., no. of the affected source for
determine compliance pushes per hour, no. each of the three test
with PM and/or Hg of bricks per kiln runs.
production-based car, weight of a
emission limits. typical fired brick).
4. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DLA. a. Establish the Data from the pressure You must continuously
operating limit for drop measurement measure the pressure drop
the average pressure device during the HF/ across the DLA, determine
drop across the DLA. HCl/Cl2 performance and record the block
test. average pressure drop
values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
pressure drop measurements
for the three test runs.
The average of the three
test runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
pressure drop operating
[[Page 75686]]
b. Establish the Data from the You must ensure that you
operating limit for limestone feeder maintain an adequate
the limestone feeder during the HF/HCl/Cl2 amount of limestone in the
setting. performance test. limestone hopper, storage
bin (located at the top of
the DLA), and DLA at all
times during the
performance test. You must
establish your limestone
feeder setting, on a per
ton of fired product
basis, one week prior to
the performance test and
maintain the feeder
setting for the one-week
period that precedes the
performance test and
during the performance
c. Document the source Records of limestone
and grade of purchase.
limestone used.
5. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DIFF Establish the Data from the lime For continuous lime
or DLS/FF. operating limit for feeder during the HF/ injection systems, you
the lime feeder HCl/Cl2 performance must ensure that lime in
setting. test. the feed hopper or silo
and to the APCD is free-
flowing at all times
during the performance
test and record the feeder
setting, on a per ton of
fired product basis, for
the three test runs. If
the feed rate setting
varies during the three
test runs, determine and
record the average feed
rate from the three test
runs. The average of the
three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific feed rate
operating limit.
6. Tunnel kiln equipped with a WS.. a. Establish the Data from the pressure You must continuously
operating limit for drop measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the PM/ pressure drop, determine
pressure drop. non-Hg HAP metals and record the block
performance test. average pressure drop
values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
pressure drop measurements
for the three test runs.
The average of the three
test runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
pressure drop operating
b. Establish the Data from the pH You must continuously
operating limit for measurement device measure the scrubber
the average scrubber during the liquid pH, determine and
liquid pH. performance HF/HCl/ record the block average
Cl2 performance test. pH values for the three
test runs, and determine
and record the 3-hour
block average of the
recorded pH measurements
for the three test runs.
The average of the three
test runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
liquid pH operating limit.
c. Establish the Data from the flow You must continuously
operating limit for rate measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the HF/ liquid flow rate,
liquid flow rate. HCl/Cl2 and PM/non-Hg determine and record the
HAP metals block average flow rate
performance tests. values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
flow rate measurements for
the three test runs. The
average of the three test
runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
liquid flow rate operating
level. If different
average wet scrubber
liquid flow rate values
are measured during the HF/
HCl/Cl2 and PM/non-Hg HAP
metals tests, the highest
of the average values
become your site-specific
operating limit.
7. Tunnel kiln equipped with a WS Establish the Data from the chemical You must continuously
that includes chemical addition to operating limit for feed rate measurement measure the scrubber
the water. the average scrubber device during the HF/ chemical feed rate,
chemical feed rate. HCl/Cl2 performance determine and record the
test. block average chemical
feed rate values for the
three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded chemical feed
rate measurements for the
three test runs. The
average of the three test
runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
chemical addition rate
operating limit.
8. Tunnel kiln equipped with an ACI Establish the Data from the carbon You must measure the carbon
system. operating limit for flow rate measurement flow rate during each test
the average carbon conducted during the run, determine and record
flow rate. Hg performance test. the block average carbon
flow rate values for the
three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded carbon flow rate
measurements for the three
test runs. The average of
the three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific activated
carbon flow rate operating
As stated in Sec. 63.8455, you must demonstrate initial compliance
with each emission limitation and work practice standard that applies
to you according to the following table.
[[Page 75687]]
Table 5 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Initial Compliance With Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
You have demonstrated initial compliance if .
For each . . . For the following . . . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel kilns a. HF, HCl, and Cl2 i. You measure HF, HCl, and Cl2 emissions for
at the facility, including all emissions must not exceed each kiln using Method 26 or 26A of 40 CFR
process streams 26 kg/hr (57 lb/hr) HCl part 60, appendix A-8 or its alternative,
equivalent. ASTM D6735-01 (Reapproved 2009) (incorporated
by reference, see Sec. 63.14); or Method
320 of appendix A of this part or its
alternative, ASTM D6348-03 (Reapproved 2010)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.
63.14); and
ii. You calculate the HCl-equivalent emissions
for each kiln using Equation 2 to Sec.
63.8445; and
iii. You sum the HCl-equivalent values for all
kilns at the facility using Equation 3 of
Sec. 63.8445; and
iv. The facility total HCl-equivalent does not
exceed 26 kg/hr (57 lb/hr).
2. Existing tunnel kiln, including a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of
all process streams. exceed 0.082 kg/Mg (0.16 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 or Method 29 of
lb/ton) of fired product 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8, over the period
or 92 mg/dscm (0.040 gr/ of the initial performance test, according to
dscf) at 7% O2; or the calculations in Sec. 63.8445(f)(1), do
not exceed 0.082 kg/Mg (0.16 lb/ton) of fired
product or 92 mg/dscm (0.040 gr/dscf) at 7%
O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which PM emissions did not exceed
0.088 kg/Mg (0.18 lb/ton) of fired product or
97 mg/dscm (0.043 gr/dscf) at 7% O2.
b. Non-Hg HAP metals i. The non-Hg HAP metals emissions measured
emissions must not exceed using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
0.011 kg/hr (0.023 lb/hr). 8, over the period of the initial performance
test, do not exceed 0.011 kg/hr (0.023 lb/
hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which non-Hg HAP metals emissions
did not exceed 0.0114 kg/hr (0.023 lb/hr).
3. Existing large tunnel kiln a. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29
(design capacity >=10 tph of fired exceed 1.1 E-05 kg/Mg (2.2 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8 or its
product), including all process E-05 lb/ton) of fired alternative, ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008)
streams. product or 29 [micro]g/ (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
dscm at 7% O2 or 1.2 E-04 63.14), over the period of the initial
kg/hr (2.7 E-04 lb/hr). performance test, do not exceed 1.1 E-05 kg/
Mg (2.2 E-05 lb/ton) of fired product or 29
[micro]g/dscm at 7% O2 or 1.2 E-04 kg/hr (2.7
E-04 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which Hg emissions did not exceed
1.1 E-05 kg/Mg (2.2 E-05 lb/ton) of fired
product or 29 [micro]g/dscm at 7% O2 or 1.2 E-
04 kg/hr (2.7 E-04 lb/hr).
4. Existing small tunnel kiln a. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29
(design capacity <10 tph of fired exceed 9.9 E-05 kg/Mg (2.0 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8 or its
product), including all process E-04 lb/ton) of fired alternative, ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008)
streams. product or 70 [micro]g/ (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E-04 63.14), over the period of the initial
kg/hr (0.0011 lb/hr). performance test, do not exceed 9.9 E-05 kg/
Mg (2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product or 70
[micro]g/dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E-04 kg/hr
(0.0011 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which Hg emissions did not exceed
9.9 E-05 kg/Mg (2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of fired
product or 70 [micro]g/dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E-
04 kg/hr (0.0011 lb/hr).
5. New or reconstructed tunnel a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using Method 5 of
kiln, including all process exceed 0.011 kg/Mg (0.022 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3, over the period
streams lb/ton) of fired product of the initial performance test, according to
or 15 mg/dscm at 7% O2; or the calculations in Sec. 63.8445(f)(1), do
not exceed 0.011 kg/Mg (0.022 lb/ton) of
fired product or 15 mg/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which PM emissions did not exceed
0.011 kg/Mg (0.022 lb/ton) of fired product
or 15 mg/dscm at 7% O2.
b. Non-Hg HAP metals i. The non-Hg HAP metals emissions measured
emissions must not exceed using Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
0.0014 kg/hr (0.0032 lb/ 8, over the period of the initial performance
hr). test, do not exceed 0.0014 kg/hr (0.0032 lb/
hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which non-Hg HAP metals emissions
did not exceed 0.0014 kg/hr (0.0032 lb/hr).
6. New or reconstructed large a. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29
tunnel kiln, including all process exceed 1.0 E-05 kg/Mg (2.0 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8 or its
streams. E-05 lb/ton) of fired alternative, ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008)
product or 13 [micro]g/ (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
dscm at 7% O2 or 1.1 E-04 63.14), over the period of the initial
kg/hr (2.4 E-04 lb/hr). performance test, do not exceed 1.0 E-05 kg/
Mg (2.0 E-05 lb/ton) of fired product or 13
[micro]g/dscm at 7% O2; and
[[Page 75688]]
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which Hg emissions did not exceed
1.0 E-05 kg/Mg (2.0 E-05 lb/ton) of fired
product or 13 [micro]g/dscm at 7% O2 or 1.1 E-
04 kg/hr (2.4 E-04 lb/hr).
7. New or reconstructed small a. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using Method 29
tunnel kiln, including all process exceed 9.9 E-05 kg/Mg (2.0 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8 or its
streams. E-04 lb/ton) of fired alternative, ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved 2008)
product or 70 [micro]g/ (incorporated by reference, see Sec.
dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E-04 63.14), over the period of the initial
kg/hr (0.0011 lb/hr). performance test, do not exceed 9.9 E-05 kg/
Mg (2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product or 70
[micro]g/dscm at 7% O2 or 5.0 E-04 kg/hr
(0.0011 lb/hr); and
ii. You establish and have a record of the
applicable operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour performance
test during which Hg emissions did not exceed
9.9 E-05 kg/Mg (2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of fired
product or 70 [micro]g/dscm at 7% O2.
a. Minimize HAP emissions.. i. Develop a designed firing time and
temperature cycle for each product produced
in the periodic kiln. You must either program
the time and temperature cycle into your kiln
or track each step on a log sheet; and
ii. Label each periodic kiln with the maximum
load (in tons) of product that can be fired
in the kiln during a single firing cycle; and
iii. Develop maintenance procedures for each
kiln that, at a minimum, specify the
frequency of inspection and maintenance of
temperature monitoring devices, controls that
regulate air-to-fuel ratios, and controls
that regulate firing cycles.
9. Existing, new or reconstructed a. Minimize dioxin/furan i. Conduct initial inspection of the burners
tunnel kiln. emissions. and associated combustion controls (as
applicable); and
ii. Tune the specific burner type to optimize
As stated in Sec. 63.8470, you must demonstrate continuous
compliance with each emission limitation and work practice standard
that applies to you according to the following table.
Table 6 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Continuous Compliance With Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
You must demonstrate continuous compliance by
For each . . . For the following . . . . . .
1. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DLA. a. Each emission limit in i. Collecting the DLA pressure drop data
Table 1 to this subpart according to Sec. 63.8450(a); reducing the
and each operating limit DLA pressure drop data to 3-hour block
in Item 1 of Table 2 to averages according to Sec. 63.8450(a);
this subpart for tunnel maintaining the average pressure drop across
kilns equipped with a DLA. the DLA for each 3-hour block period at or
above the average pressure drop established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; or
continuously monitoring the bypass stack
damper position at least once every 15
minutes during normal kiln operation, and
initiating corrective action within 1 hour
after the bypass damper is opened allowing
the kiln exhaust gas to bypass the DLA and
completing corrective action in accordance
with your OM&M plan; and
ii. Verifying that the limestone hopper and
storage bin (located at the top of the DLA)
contain adequate limestone by performing a
daily visual check, which could include one
of the following: (1) conducting a physical
check of the hopper; (2) creating a visual
access point, such as a window, on the side
of the hopper; (3) installing a camera in the
hopper that provides continuous feed to a
video monitor in the control room; or (4)
confirming that load level indicators in the
hopper are not indicating the need for
additional limestone; and
iii. Recording the limestone feeder setting
daily (on a per ton of fired product basis)
to verify that the feeder setting is being
maintained at or above the level established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
iv. Using the same grade of limestone from the
same source as was used during the HF/HCl/Cl2
performance test; maintaining records of the
source and type of limestone; and
v. Performing VE observations of the DLA stack
at the frequency specified in Sec.
63.8470(e) using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-7; maintaining no VE from the DLA
[[Page 75689]]
2. Tunnel kiln equipped with a DIFF a. Each emission limit in i. If you use a bag leak detection system,
or DLS/FF. Table 1 to this subpart initiating corrective action within 1 hour of
and each operating limit a bag leak detection system alarm and
in Item 2 of Table 2 to completing corrective actions in accordance
this subpart for tunnel with your OM&M plan; operating and
kilns equipped with DIFF maintaining the fabric filter such that the
or DLS/FF. alarm is not engaged for more than 5 percent
of the total operating time in a 6-month
block reporting period; in calculating this
operating time fraction, if inspection of the
fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective
action is required, no alarm time is counted;
if corrective action is required, each alarm
is counted as a minimum of 1 hour; if you
take longer than 1 hour to initiate
corrective action, the alarm time is counted
as the actual amount of time taken by you to
initiate corrective action; or performing VE
observations of the DIFF or DLS/FF stack at
the frequency specified in Sec. 63.8470(e)
using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
7; and maintaining no VE from the DIFF or DLS/
FF stack; and
ii. Verifying that lime is free-flowing via a
load cell, carrier gas/lime flow indicator,
carrier gas pressure drop measurement system,
or other system; recording all monitor or
sensor output, and if lime is found not to be
free flowing, promptly initiating and
completing corrective actions in accordance
with your OM&M plan; recording the feeder
setting once during each shift of operation
to verify that the feeder setting is being
maintained at or above the level established
during the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test.
3. Tunnel kiln equipped with a WS.. a. Each emission limit in i. Collecting the scrubber pressure drop data
Table 1 to this subpart according to Sec. 63.8450(a); reducing the
and each operating limit scrubber pressure drop data to 3-hour block
in Item 3 of Table 2 to averages according to Sec. 63.8450(a);
this subpart for tunnel maintaining the average scrubber pressure
kilns equipped with WS. drop for each 3-hour block period at or above
the average pressure drop established during
the PM/non-Hg HAP metals performance test;
ii. Collecting the scrubber liquid pH data
according to Sec. 63.8450(a); reducing the
scrubber liquid pH data to 3-hour block
averages according to Sec. 63.8450(a);
maintaining the average scrubber liquid pH
for each 3-hour block period at or above the
average scrubber liquid pH established during
the HF/HCl/Cl2 performance test; and
iii. Collecting the scrubber liquid flow rate
data according to Sec. 63.8450(a); reducing
the scrubber liquid flow rate data to 3-hour
block averages according to Sec.
63.8450(a); maintaining the average scrubber
liquid flow rate for each 3-hour block period
at or above the highest average scrubber
liquid flow rate established during the HF/
HCl/Cl2 and PM/non-Hg HAP metals performance
tests; and
iv. If chemicals are added to the scrubber
water, collecting the scrubber chemical feed
rate data according to Sec. 63.8450(a);
reducing the scrubber chemical feed rate data
to 3-hour block averages according to Sec.
63.8450(a); maintaining the average scrubber
chemical feed rate for each 3-hour block
period at or above the average scrubber
chemical feed rate established during the HF/
HCl/Cl2 performance test.
4. Tunnel kiln equipped with an ACI Each emission limit in Collecting the carbon flow rate data according
system. Table 1 to this subpart to Sec. 63.8450(a); reducing the carbon
and each operating limit flow rate data to 3-hour block averages
in Item 4 of Table 2 to according to Sec. 63.8450(a); maintaining
this subpart for tunnel the average carbon flow rate for each 3-hour
kilns equipped with ACI block period at or above the average carbon
system. flow rate established during the Hg
performance test.
5. Tunnel kiln with no add-on a. Each emission limit in i. Performing VE observations of the stack at
contro. Table 1 to this subpart the frequency specified in Sec. 63.8470(e)
and each operating limit using Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
in Item 5 of Table 2 to 7; and maintaining no VE from the stack.
this subpart for tunnel ii. If your last calculated total facility
kilns with no add-on maximum potential HCl-equivalent was not at
control. or below the health-based standard in Table 1
to this subpart, collecting the kiln process
rate data according to Sec. 63.8450(a);
reducing the kiln process rate data to 3-hour
block averages according to Sec.
63.8450(a); maintaining the average kiln
process rate for each 3-hour block period at
or below the kiln process rate determined
according to Sec. 63.8445(g)(1).
6. Periodic kil.................... a. Minimize HAP emissions.. i. Using a designed firing time and
temperature cycle for each product produced
in the periodic kiln; and
ii. For each firing load, documenting the
total tonnage of product placed in the kiln
to ensure that it is not greater than the
maximum load identified in Item 1.a.ii of
Table 3 to this subpart; and
[[Page 75690]]
iii. Following maintenance procedures for each
kiln that, at a minimum, specify the
frequency of inspection and maintenance of
temperature monitoring devices, controls that
regulate air-to-fuel ratios, and controls
that regulate firing cycles; and
iv. Developing and maintaining records for
each periodic kiln, as specified in Sec.
7. Tunnel kil...................... a. Minimize dioxin/furan i. Maintaining and inspecting the burners and
emission. associated combustion controls (as
applicable) and tuning the specific burner
type to optimize combustion no later than 36
calendar months after the previous tune-up;
ii. Maintaining records of burner tune-ups
used to demonstrate compliance with the
dioxin/furan work practice standard; and
iii. Submitting a report of most recent tune-
up conducted with compliance report.
Table 7 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
You must submit the report
You must submit . . . The report must contain . . . . . .
1. A compliance report............. a. If there are no deviations from any emission Semiannually according to
limitations (emission limits, operating the requirements in Sec.
limits) that apply to you, a statement that 63.8485(b).
there were no deviations from the emission
limitations during the reporting period. If
there were no periods during which the CMS was
out-of-control as specified in your OM&M plan,
a statement that there were no periods during
which the CMS was out-of-control during the
reporting period.
b. If you have a deviation from any emission Semiannually according to
limitation (emission limit, operating limit) the requirements in Sec.
during the reporting period, the report must 63.8485(b).
contain the information in Sec. 63.8485(d)
or (e). If there were periods during which the
CMS was out-of-control, as specified in your
OM&M plan, the report must contain the
information in Sec. 63.8485(e).
As stated in Sec. 63.8505, you must comply with the General
Provisions in Sec. Sec. 63.1 through 63.16 that apply to you according
to the following table.
Table 8 to Subpart JJJJJ of Part 63--Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart JJJJJ
Applies to subpart
Citation Subject Brief description JJJJJ?
Sec. 63.1........................ Applicability......... Initial applicability Yes.
applicability after
standard established;
permit requirements;
extensions, notifications.
Sec. 63.2........................ Definitions........... Definitions for part 63 Yes.
Sec. 63.3........................ Units and Units and abbreviations for Yes.
Abbreviations. part 63 standards.
Sec. 63.4........................ Prohibited Activities. Compliance date; Yes.
Sec. 63.5........................ Construction/ Applicability; Yes.
Reconstruction. applications; approvals.
Sec. 63.6(a)..................... Applicability......... General Provisions (GP) Yes.
apply unless compliance
extension; GP apply to
area sources that become
Sec. 63.6(b)(1) through (4)...... Compliance Dates for Standards apply at Yes.
New and Reconstructed effective date; 3 years
sources. after effective date; upon
startup; 10 years after
construction or
reconstruction commences
for section 112(f).
Sec. 63.6(b)(5).................. Notification.......... Must notify if commenced Yes.
construction or
reconstruction after
Sec. 63.6(b)(6).................. [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.6(b)(7).................. Compliance Dates for Area sources that become Yes.
New and Reconstructed major must comply with
Area Sources That major source standards
Become Major. immediately upon becoming
major, regardless of
whether required to comply
when they were area
Sec. 63.6(c)(1) and (2).......... Compliance Dates for Comply according to date in Yes.
Existing Sources. subpart, which must be no
later than 3 years after
effective date; for
section 112(f) standards,
comply within 90 days of
effective date unless
compliance extension.
Sec. 63.6(c)(3) and (4).......... [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
[[Page 75691]]
Sec. 63.6(c)(5).................. Compliance Dates for Area sources that become Yes.
Existing Area Sources major must comply with
That Become Major. major source standards by
date indicated in subpart
or by equivalent time
period (for example, 3
Sec. 63.6(d)..................... [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(i)............... Operation & General Duty to minimize No. See Sec.
Maintenance. emissions. 63.8420(b) for
general duty
Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(ii).............. Operation & Requirement to correct No.
Maintenance. malfunctions ASAP.
Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(iii)............. Operation & Operation and maintenance Yes.
Maintenance. requirements enforceable
independent of emissions
Sec. 63.6(e)(2).................. [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.6(e)(3).................. Startup, Shutdown, and Requirement for startup, No.
Malfunction Plan shutdown, and malfunction
(SSMP). (SSM) and SSMP; content of
Sec. 63.6(f)(1).................. Compliance Except You must comply with No.
During SSM. emission standards at all
times except during SSM.
Sec. 63.6(f)(2) and (3).......... Methods for Compliance based on Yes.
Determining performance test,
Compliance. operation and maintenance
plans, records, inspection.
Sec. 63.6(g)..................... Alternative Standard.. Procedures for getting an Yes.
alternative standard.
Sec. 63.6(h)..................... Opacity/VE Standards.. Requirements for opacity No, not applicable.
and VE standards.
Sec. 63.6(i)..................... Compliance Extension.. Procedures and criteria for Yes.
Administrator to grant
compliance extension.
Sec. 63.6(j)..................... Presidential President may exempt source Yes.
Compliance Exemption. category.
Sec. 63.7(a)(1) and (2).......... Performance Test Dates Dates for conducting Yes.
initial performance
testing and other
compliance demonstrations
for emission limits and
work practice standards;
must conduct 180 days
after first subject to
Sec. 63.7(a)(3).................. Section 114 Authority. Administrator may require a Yes.
performance test under CAA
section 114 at any time.
Sec. 63.7(a)(4).................. Notification of Delay Must notify Administrator Yes.
in Performance of delay in performance
Testing Due To Force testing due to force
Majeure. majeure.
Sec. 63.7(b)(1).................. Notification of Must notify Administrator Yes.
Performance Test. 60 days before the test.
Sec. 63.7(b)(2).................. Notification of Must notify Administrator 5 Yes.
Rescheduling. days before scheduled date
of rescheduled date.
Sec. 63.7(c)..................... Quality Assurance(QA)/ Requirements; test plan Yes.
Test Plan. approval procedures;
performance audit
requirements; internal and
external QA procedures for
Sec. 63.7(d)..................... Testing Facilities.... Requirements for testing Yes.
Sec. 63.7(e)(1).................. Conditions for Cannot conduct performance No, Sec. 63.8445
Conducting tests during SSM; not a specifies
Performance Tests. violation to exceed requirements.
standard during SSM.
Sec. 63.7(e)(2) and (3).......... Conditions for Must conduct according to Yes.
Conducting subpart and EPA test
Performance Tests. methods unless
Administrator approves
alternative; must have at
least three test runs of
at least 1 hour each;
compliance is based on
arithmetic mean of three
runs; conditions when data
from an additional test
run can be used.
Sec. 63.7(e)(4).................. Testing under Section Administrator's authority Yes.
114. to require testing under
section 114 of the Act.
Sec. 63.7(f)..................... Alternative Test Procedures by which Yes.
Method. Administrator can grant
approval to use an
alternative test method.
Sec. 63.7(g)..................... Performance Test Data Must include raw data in Yes.
Analysis. performance test report;
must submit performance
test data 60 days after
end of test with the
notification of compliance
Sec. 63.7(h)..................... Waiver of Tests....... Procedures for Yes.
Administrator to waive
performance test.
Sec. 63.8(a)(1).................. Applicability of Subject to all monitoring Yes.
Monitoring requirements in subpart.
Sec. 63.8(a)(2).................. Performance Performance Specifications Yes.
Specifications. in appendix B of 40 CFR
part 60 apply.
Sec. 63.8(a)(3).................. [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.8(a)(4).................. Monitoring with Flares Requirements for flares in No, not applicable.
Sec. 63.11 apply.
Sec. 63.8(b)(1).................. Monitoring............ Must conduct monitoring Yes.
according to standard
unless Administrator
approves alternative.
Sec. 63.8(b)(2) and (3).......... Multiple Effluents and Specific requirements for Yes.
Multiple Monitoring installing and reporting
Systems. on monitoring systems.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1).................. Monitoring System Maintenance consistent with Yes.
Operation and good air pollution control
Maintenance. practices.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(i)............... Routine and Reporting requirements for No.
Predictable SSM. SSM when action is
described in SSMP.
[[Page 75692]]
Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(ii).............. SSM not in SSMP....... Reporting requirements for Yes.
SSM when action is not
described in SSMP.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(iii)............. Compliance with How Administrator No.
Operation and determines if source
Maintenance complying with operation
Requirements. and maintenance
Sec. 63.8(c)(2) and (3).......... Monitoring System Must install to get Yes.
Installation. representative emission
and parameter measurements.
Sec. 63.8(c)(4).................. CMS Requirements...... Requirements for CMS....... No, Sec. 63.8450
Sec. 63.8(c)(5).................. Continuous Opacity COMS minimum procedures.... No, not applicable.
Monitoring System
(COMS) Minimum
Sec. 63.8(c)(6).................. CMS Requirements...... Zero and high level Yes.
calibration check
Sec. 63.8(c)(7) and (8).......... CMS Requirements...... Out-of-control periods..... Yes.
Sec. 63.8(d)..................... CMS Quality Control... Requirements for CMS Yes.
quality control.
Sec. 63.8(e)..................... CMS Performance Requirements for CMS Yes.
Evaluation. performance evaluation.
Sec. 63.8(f)(1) through (5)...... Alternative Monitoring Procedures for Yes.
Method. Administrator to approve
alternative monitoring.
Sec. 63.8(f)(6).................. Alternative to Procedures for No, not applicable.
Relative Accuracy Administrator to approve
Test. alternative relative
accuracy test for
continuous emissions
monitoring systems (CEMS).
Sec. 63.8(g)..................... Data Reduction........ COMS and CEMS data No, not applicable.
reduction requirements.
Sec. 63.9(a)..................... Notification Applicability; State Yes.
Requirements. delegation.
Sec. 63.9(b)..................... Initial Notifications. Requirements for initial Yes.
Sec. 63.9(c)..................... Request for Compliance Can request if cannot Yes.
Extension. comply by date or if
installed BACT/LAER.
Sec. 63.9(d)..................... Notification of For sources that commence Yes.
Special Compliance construction between
Requirements for New proposal and promulgation
Source. and want to comply 3 years
after effective date.
Sec. 63.9(e)..................... Notification of Notify Administrator 60 Yes.
Performance Test. days prior.
Sec. 63.9(f)..................... Notification of VE/ Notify Administrator 30 No, not applicable.
Opacity Test. days prior.
Sec. 63.9(g)(1).................. Additional Notification of performance Yes
Notifications When evaluation.
Using CMS.
Sec. 63.9(g)(2) and (3).......... Additional Notification of COMS data No, not applicable.
Notifications When use; notification that
Using CMS. relative accuracy
alternative criterion were
Sec. 63.9(h)..................... Notification of Contents; submittal Yes.
Compliance Status. requirements.
Sec. 63.9(i)..................... Adjustment of Procedures for Yes.
Submittal Deadlines. Administrator to approve
change in when
notifications must be
Sec. 63.9(j)..................... Change in Previous Must submit within 15 days Yes.
Information. after the change.
Sec. 63.10(a).................... Recordkeeping/ Applicability; general Yes.
Reporting. information.
Sec. 63.10(b)(1)................. General Recordkeeping General requirements....... Yes.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(i).............. Records Related to SSM Recordkeeping of occurrence No.
and duration of startups
and shutdowns.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(ii)............. Records Related to SSM Recordkeeping of failures No. See Sec.
to meet a standard. 63.8490(c)(2) for
recordkeeping of (1)
date, time and
duration; (2) listing
of affected source or
equipment, and an
estimate of the
volume of each
regulated pollutant
emitted over the
standard; and (3)
actions to minimize
emissions and correct
the failure.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(iii)............ Records Related to SSM Maintenance records........ Yes.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v)..... Records Related to SSM Actions taken to minimize No.
emissions during SSM.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vi) through CMS Records........... Records when CMS is Yes.
(xii) and (xiv). malfunctioning,
inoperative or out-of-
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiii)........... Records............... Records when using No, not applicable.
alternative to relative
accuracy test.
Sec. 63.10(b)(3)................. Records............... Applicability Yes.
Sec. 63.10(c)(1) through (15).... Records............... Additional records for CMS. No, Sec. Sec.
63.8425 and 63.8490
specify requirements.
[[Page 75693]]
Sec. 63.10(d)(1) and (2)......... General Reporting Requirements for reporting; Yes.
Requirements. performance test results
Sec. 63.10(d)(3)................. Reporting Opacity or Requirements for reporting No, not applicable.
VE Observations. opacity and VE.
Sec. 63.10(d)(4)................. Progress Reports...... Must submit progress Yes.
reports on schedule if
under compliance extension.
Sec. 63.10(d)(5)................. SSM Reports........... Contents and submission.... No. See Sec.
63.8485(f) for
malfunction reporting
Sec. 63.10(e)(1) through (3)..... Additional CMS Reports Requirements for CMS No, Sec. Sec.
reporting. 63.8425 and 63.8485
specify requirements.
Sec. 63.10(e)(4)................. Reporting COMS data... Requirements for reporting No, not applicable.
COMS data with performance
test data.
Sec. 63.10(f).................... Waiver for Procedures for Yes.
Recordkeeping/ Administrator to waive.
Sec. 63.11....................... Flares................ Requirement for flares..... No, not applicable.
Sec. 63.12....................... Delegation............ State authority to enforce Yes.
Sec. 63.13....................... Addresses............. Addresses for reports, Yes.
notifications, requests.
Sec. 63.14....................... Incorporation by Materials incorporated by Yes.
Reference. reference.
Sec. 63.15....................... Availability of Information availability; Yes.
Information. confidential information.
Sec. 63.16....................... Performance Track Requirements for Yes.
Provisions. Performance Track member
4. Subchapter C is amended by revising subpart KKKKK to read as
Subpart KKKKK--National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants for Clay Ceramics Manufacturing
What This Subpart Covers
63.8530 What is the purpose of this subpart?
63.8535 Am I subject to this subpart?
63.8540 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?
63.8545 When do I have to comply with this subpart?
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
63.8555 What emission limitations and work practice standards must I
63.8560 What are my options for meeting the emission limitations and
work practice standards?
General Compliance Requirements
63.8570 What are my general requirements for complying with this
63.8575 What do I need to know about operation, maintenance, and
monitoring plans?
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements
63.8585 By what date must I conduct performance tests?
63.8590 When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?
63.8595 How do I conduct performance tests and establish operating
63.8600 What are my monitoring installation, operation, and
maintenance requirements?
63.8605 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
Continuous Compliance Requirements
63.8615 How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate continuous
63.8620 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission
limitations and work practice standards?
Notifications, Reports, and Records
63.8630 What notifications must I submit and when?
63.8635 What reports must I submit and when?
63.8640 What records must I keep?
63.8645 In what form and for how long must I keep my records?
Other Requirements and Information
63.8655 What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
63.8660 Who implements and enforces this subpart?
63.8665 What definitions apply to this subpart?
Tables to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63
Table 1 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Emission Limits
Table 2 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Operating Limits
Table 3 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Work Practice Standards
Table 4 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Requirements for Performance
Table 5 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Toxic Equivalency Factors
Table 6 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Initial Compliance with
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Table 7 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Continuous Compliance with
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Table 8 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
Table 9 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Applicability of General
Provisions to Subpart KKKKK
What This Subpart Covers
Sec. 63.8530 What is the purpose of this subpart?
This subpart establishes national emission limitations and work
practice standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAP) emitted from clay
ceramics manufacturing facilities. This subpart also establishes
requirements to demonstrate initial and continuous compliance with the
emission limitations and work practice standards.
Sec. 63.8535 Am I subject to this subpart?
You are subject to this subpart if you own or operate a clay
ceramics manufacturing facility that is, is located at, or is part of a
major source of HAP emissions according to the criteria in paragraphs
(a) and (b) of this section.
(a) A clay ceramics manufacturing facility is a plant site that
manufactures pressed floor tile, pressed wall tile, other pressed tile,
or sanitaryware (e.g., sinks and toilets). Clay ceramics manufacturing
facilities typically process clay, shale, and various additives; form
the processed materials into tile or sanitaryware shapes; and dry and
fire the ceramic products. Glazes are applied to many tile and
sanitaryware products.
(b) A major source of HAP emissions is any stationary source or
group of stationary sources within a contiguous area under common
control that emits or has the potential to emit any single HAP at a
rate of 9.07 megagrams (10
[[Page 75694]]
tons) or more per year or any combination of HAP at a rate of 22.68
megagrams (25 tons) or more per year.
Sec. 63.8540 What parts of my plant does this subpart cover?
(a) This subpart applies to each existing, new, or reconstructed
affected source at a clay ceramics manufacturing facility.
(b) Each existing, new, or reconstructed ceramic tile roller kiln,
sanitaryware tunnel kiln, sanitaryware shuttle kiln, ceramic tile glaze
line using glaze spraying, sanitaryware glaze spray booth, ceramic tile
spray dryer, and floor tile press dryer is an affected source.
(c) Process units not subject to the requirements of this subpart
are listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this section.
(1) Kilns that are used exclusively for refiring.
(2) Kilns that are used exclusively for setting glazes on
previously fired products.
(3) Glaze spray operations that use wet glazes containing less than
0.1 (weight) percent metal HAP (dry basis).
(4) Raw material processing and handling.
(5) Wall tile press dryers.
(6) Sanitaryware ware dryers.
(d) A source is a new affected source if construction of the
affected source began after December 18, 2014, and you met the
applicability criteria at the time you began construction.
(e) An affected source is reconstructed if you meet the criteria as
defined in Sec. 63.2.
(f) An affected source is existing if it is not new or
Sec. 63.8545 When do I have to comply with this subpart?
(a) If you have a new or reconstructed affected source, you must
comply with this subpart according to paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this
(1) If the initial startup of your affected source is after
December 18, 2014 but before [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF
PUBLICATION OF THE FINAL RULE IN THE Federal Register], then you must
comply with the applicable emission limitations and work practice
standards in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this subpart no later than [DATE 60
(2) If the initial startup of your affected source is after [DATE
Register], then you must comply with the applicable emission
limitations and work practice standards in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this
subpart upon initial startup of your affected source.
(b) If you have an existing affected source, you must comply with
the emission limitations and work practice standards for existing
sources in Tables 1, 2, and 3 to this subpart no later than [DATE 3
THE Federal Register].
(c) If you have an existing area source that increases its
emissions or its potential to emit such that it becomes a major source
of HAP by adding a new affected source or by reconstructing, you must
be in compliance with this subpart upon initial startup of your
affected source as a major source.
(d) If you have a new area source (i.e., an area source for which
construction or reconstruction was commenced after December 18, 2014)
that increases its emissions or its potential to emit such that it
becomes a major source of HAP, you must be in compliance with this
subpart upon initial startup of your affected source as a major source.
(e) You must meet the notification requirements in Sec. 63.8630
according to the schedule in Sec. 63.8630 and in subpart A of this
part. Some of the notifications must be submitted before you are
required to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart.
Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
Sec. 63.8555 What emission limitations and work practice standards
must I meet?
(a) You must meet each emission limit in Table 1 to this subpart
that applies to you.
(b) You must meet each operating limit in Table 2 to this subpart
that applies to you.
(c) You must meet each work practice standard in Table 3 to this
subpart that applies to you.
Sec. 63.8560 What are my options for meeting the emission limitations
and work practice standards?
(a) To meet the emission limitations in Tables 1 and 2 to this
subpart, you must use one or more of the options listed in paragraphs
(a)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Emissions control system. Use an emissions capture and
collection system and an air pollution control device (APCD) and
demonstrate that the resulting emissions meet the emission limits in
Table 1 to this subpart, and that the capture and collection system and
APCD meet the applicable operating limits in Table 2 to this subpart.
(2) Process changes. Use low-HAP raw materials or implement
manufacturing process changes and demonstrate that the resulting
emissions or emissions reductions meet the emission limits in Table 1
to this subpart.
(b) To meet the work practice standards for affected sanitaryware
shuttle kilns, you must comply with the requirements listed in Table 3
to this subpart.
(c) To meet the work practice standards for affected sources during
periods of startup and shutdown, you must comply with the requirements
listed in Table 3 to this subpart.
General Compliance Requirements
Sec. 63.8570 What are my general requirements for complying with this
(a) You must be in compliance with the emission limitations
(including operating limits) in this subpart at all times, except
during periods of routine control device maintenance as specified in
paragraph (d) of this section.
(b) Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section, you must
operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air
pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner
consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for
minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not
require you to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels
required by the applicable standard have been achieved. Determination
of whether a source is operating in compliance with operation and
maintenance requirements will be based on information available to the
Administrator which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring
results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of
operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. During
the period between the compliance date specified for your affected
source in Sec. 63.8545 and the date upon which continuous monitoring
systems (CMS) (e.g., continuous parameter monitoring systems) have been
installed and verified and any applicable operating limits have been
set, you must maintain a log detailing the operation and maintenance of
the process and emissions control equipment.
(c) For each affected source that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must prepare and implement a
written operation, maintenance, and monitoring (OM&M) plan according to
the requirements in Sec. 63.8575.
(d) If you own or operate an affected source that is subject to the
[[Page 75695]]
limits specified in Table 1 to this subpart and must perform routine
maintenance on the control device for that affected source, you may
bypass the source control device and continue operating the affected
source upon approval by the Administrator provided you satisfy the
conditions listed in paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) You must request a routine control device maintenance exemption
from the Administrator. Your request must justify the need for the
routine maintenance on the control device and the time required to
accomplish the maintenance activities, describe the maintenance
activities and the frequency of the maintenance activities, explain why
the maintenance cannot be accomplished during source shutdowns,
describe how you plan to minimize emissions to the greatest extent
possible during the maintenance, and provide any other documentation
required by the Administrator.
(2) The routine control device maintenance exemption must not
exceed 4 percent of the annual operating uptime for each affected
(3) The request for the routine control device maintenance
exemption, if approved by the Administrator, must be incorporated by
reference in and attached to the affected source's title V permit.
(4) You must minimize HAP emissions during the period when the
affected source is operating and the control device is offline.
(5) You must minimize the time period during which the affected
source is operating and the control device is offline.
(e) If you own or operate an affected kiln that is subject to the
work practice standard specified in Table 3 to this subpart, you must
be in compliance with that work practice standard at all times, except
during periods of natural gas curtailment or other periods when natural
gas is not available.
(f) You must be in compliance with the provisions of subpart A of
this part, except as noted in Table 9 to this subpart.
Sec. 63.8575 What do I need to know about operation, maintenance, and
monitoring plans?
(a) For each affected source that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must prepare, implement, and
revise as necessary an OM&M plan that includes the information in
paragraph (b) of this section. Your OM&M plan must be available for
inspection by the permitting authority upon request.
(b) Your OM&M plan must include, as a minimum, the information in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this section.
(1) Each process and APCD to be monitored, the type of monitoring
device that will be used, and the operating parameters that will be
(2) A monitoring schedule that specifies the frequency that the
parameter values will be determined and recorded.
(3) The limits for each parameter that represent continuous
compliance with the emission limitations in Sec. 63.8555. The limits
must be based on values of the monitored parameters recorded during
performance tests.
(4) Procedures for the proper operation and routine and long-term
maintenance of each APCD, including a maintenance and inspection
schedule that is consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(5) Procedures for installing the CMS sampling probe or other
interface at a measurement location relative to each affected process
unit such that the measurement is representative of control of the
exhaust emissions (e.g., on or downstream of the last APCD).
(6) Performance and equipment specifications for the sample
interface, the pollutant concentration or parametric signal analyzer,
and the data collection and reduction system.
(7) Continuous monitoring system performance evaluation procedures
and acceptance criteria (e.g., calibrations).
(8) Procedures for the proper operation and maintenance of
monitoring equipment consistent with the requirements in Sec. Sec.
63.8600 and 63.8(c)(1), (3), (7), and (8).
(9) Continuous monitoring system data quality assurance procedures
consistent with the requirements in Sec. 63.8(d).
(10) Continuous monitoring system recordkeeping and reporting
procedures consistent with the requirements in Sec. Sec. 63.8635 and
(11) Procedures for responding to operating parameter deviations,
including the procedures in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (iii) of this
(i) Procedures for determining the cause of the operating parameter
(ii) Actions necessary for correcting the deviation and returning
the operating parameters to the allowable limits.
(iii) Procedures for recording the times that the deviation began
and ended, and corrective actions were initiated and completed.
(12) Procedures for keeping records to document compliance.
(13) If you operate an affected source and you plan to take the
source control device out of service for routine maintenance, as
specified in Sec. 63.8570(d), the procedures specified in paragraphs
(b)(13)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(i) Procedures for minimizing HAP emissions from the affected
source during periods of routine maintenance of the source control
device when the affected source is operating and the control device is
(ii) Procedures for minimizing the duration of any period of
routine maintenance on the source control device when the affected
source is operating and the control device is offline.
(c) Changes to the operating limits in your OM&M plan require a new
performance test. If you are revising an operating limit parameter
value, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) Submit a notification of performance test to the Administrator
as specified in Sec. 63.7(b).
(2) After completing the performance test to demonstrate that
compliance with the emission limits can be achieved at the revised
operating limit parameter value, you must submit the performance test
results and the revised operating limits as part of the Notification of
Compliance Status required under Sec. 63.9(h).
(d) If you are revising the inspection and maintenance procedures
in your OM&M plan, you do not need to conduct a new performance test.
Testing and Initial Compliance Requirements
Sec. 63.8585 By what date must I conduct performance tests?
For each affected source that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must conduct performance
tests within 180 calendar days after the compliance date that is
specified for your source in Sec. 63.8545 and according to the
provisions in Sec. 63.7(a)(2).
Sec. 63.8590 When must I conduct subsequent performance tests?
(a) For each affected source that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart, you must conduct a performance
test before renewing your 40 CFR part 70 operating permit or at least
every 5 years following the initial performance test.
(b) You must conduct a performance test when you want to change the
[[Page 75696]]
parameter value for any operating limit specified in your OM&M plan.
Sec. 63.8595 How do I conduct performance tests and establish
operating limits?
(a) You must conduct each performance test in Table 4 to this
subpart that applies to you.
(b) Before conducting the performance test, you must install and
calibrate all monitoring equipment.
(c) Each performance test must be conducted according to the
requirements in Sec. 63.7 and under the specific conditions in Table 4
to this subpart.
(d) Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as
the Administrator specifies to the owner or operator based on
representative performance of the affected source for the period being
tested. Representative conditions exclude periods of startup and
shutdown. The owner or operator may not conduct performance tests
during periods of malfunction. The owner or operator must record the
process information that is necessary to document operating conditions
during the test and include in such record an explanation to support
that such conditions represent normal operation. Upon request, the
owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such
records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of performance
(e) You must conduct at least three separate test runs for each
performance test required in this section, as specified in Sec.
63.7(e)(3). Each test run must last at least 1 hour.
(f) You must use the data gathered during the performance test and
the equations in paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section to
determine compliance with the emission limitations.
(1) To determine compliance with the production-based particulate
matter (PM) and mercury (Hg) emission limits for ceramic tile roller
kilns and sanitaryware tunnel kilns in Table 1 to this subpart, you
must calculate your mass emissions per unit of production for each test
run using Equation 1 of this section:
MP = mass per unit of production, kilograms (pounds) of pollutant
per megagram (ton) of fired product
ER = mass emission rate of pollutant (PM or Hg) during each
performance test run, kilograms (pounds) per hour
P = production rate during each performance test run, megagrams
(tons) of fired product per hour.
(2) To determine compliance with the PM emission limits for ceramic
tile glaze lines with glaze spraying and sanitaryware glaze spray
booths in Table 1 to this subpart, you must calculate your mass
emissions per unit of glaze sprayed for each test run using Equation 2
of this section:
MG = mass per unit of glaze application, kilograms (pounds) of PM
per megagram (ton) of glaze sprayed
ER = mass emission rate of PM during each performance test run,
kilograms (pounds) per hour
G = glaze application rate during each performance test run,
megagrams (tons) of glaze sprayed per hour
(3) To determine compliance with the dioxin/furan emission limits
for tunnel and roller kilns, ceramic tile spray dryers, and floor tile
press dryers in Table 1 to this subpart, you must calculate the sum of
the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) toxic
equivalents (TEQs) for each test run using Equation 3 of this section:
TEQ = sum of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs, nanograms per dry standard cubic
Ci = concentration of dioxin or furan congener i,
nanograms per dry standard cubic meter
TEFi = 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalency factor (TEF) for
congener i, as provided in Table 5 to this subpart.
n = number of congeners included in TEQ
(4) To determine compliance with the health-based standard for acid
gas HAP for clay ceramics manufacturing facilities in Table 1 to this
subpart, you must:
(i) Calculate the HCl-equivalent emissions for HF and HCl for each
tunnel or roller kiln at your facility using Equation 4 of this
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i, kilograms
(pounds) per hour
EHCl = emissions of HCl, kilograms (pounds) per hour
EHF = emissions of HF, kilograms (pounds) per hour
[[Page 75697]]
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20 micrograms
per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14 micrograms per
cubic meter
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel or roller kilns at your facility,
sum the HCl-equivalent values for all tunnel or roller kilns at the
facility using Equation 5 of this section:
Etotal = HCl-equivalent emissions for total of all kilns
at facility, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Ei = HCl-equivalent emissions for kiln i, kilograms
(pounds) per hour
n = number of tunnel kilns at facility
(iii) Compare this value to the health-based standard in Table 1 to
this subpart.
(g) You must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table
2 to this subpart that applies to you as specified in paragraph (g)(1)
of this section and in Table 4 to this subpart.
(1)(i) If you do not have an APCD installed on your tunnel or
roller kiln, you must calculate the maximum potential HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF and HCl for each tunnel or roller kiln at your
facility using Equation 6 of this section:
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions for
kiln i, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Capi = design capacity for kiln i, megagrams (tons) of
fired product per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HCl per megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HF per megagram (ton) of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20 micrograms
per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14 micrograms per
cubic meter
(ii) If you have multiple tunnel or roller kilns at your facility,
sum the maximum potential HCl-equivalent values for all tunnel or
roller kilns at the facility using Equation 7 of this section:
Emax total = maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions
for total of all kilns at facility, kilograms (pounds) per hour
Emax i = maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions for
kiln i, kilograms (pounds) per hour
n = number of kilns at facility
(iii) If you have a single tunnel or roller kiln at your facility
and the total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions
(Emax total) are greater than the HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart, you must determine the maximum process rate
for the kiln using Equation 8 that would ensure the total facility
maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions remain at or below the HCl-
equivalent limit. The maximum process rate would become your operating
limit for process rate and must be included in your OM&M plan.
Pmax i = maximum process rate for kiln i, megagrams
(tons) per hour
HCl-eq = HCl-equivalent limit in Table 1 to this subpart, 62
kilograms (140 pounds) per hour
MPiHCl = mass of HCl per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HCl per megagram (ton) of fired product
MPiHF = mass of HF per unit of production for kiln i,
kilograms (pounds) of HF per megagram (ton) of fired product
RfCHCl = reference concentration for HCl, 20 micrograms
per cubic meter
RfCHF = reference concentration for HF, 14 micrograms per
cubic meter
(iv) If you have multiple tunnel or roller kilns at your facility
and the total facility maximum potential HCl-equivalent emissions
(Emax total) are greater than the HCl-equivalent limit in
Table 1 to this subpart, you must determine the combination of maximum
process rates that would ensure that total facility maximum potential
HCl-equivalent remains at or below the HCl-equivalent limit. The
maximum process rates would become your operating limits for process
rate and must be included in your OM&M plan.
(h) For each affected source that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart and is equipped with an APCD that
is not addressed in Table 2 to this subpart or that is using process
changes as a means
[[Page 75698]]
of meeting the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart, you must
meet the requirements in Sec. 63.8(f) and paragraphs (h)(1) and (2) of
this section.
(1) Submit a request for approval of alternative monitoring
procedures to the Administrator no later than the notification of
intent to conduct a performance test. The request must contain the
information specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this
(i) A description of the alternative APCD or process changes.
(ii) The type of monitoring device or procedure that will be used.
(iii) The operating parameters that will be monitored.
(iv) The frequency that the operating parameter values will be
determined and recorded to establish continuous compliance with the
operating limits.
(2) Establish site-specific operating limits during the performance
test based on the information included in the approved alternative
monitoring procedures request and, as applicable, as specified in Table
4 to this subpart.
Sec. 63.8600 What are my monitoring installation, operation, and
maintenance requirements?
(a) You must install, operate, and maintain each CMS according to
your OM&M plan and the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of
this section.
(1) Conduct a performance evaluation of each CMS according to your
OM&M plan.
(2) The CMS must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation for
each successive 15-minute period. To have a valid hour of data, you
must have at least three of four equally spaced data values (or at
least 75 percent if you collect more than four data values per hour)
for that hour (not including startup, shutdown, malfunction, out-of-
control periods, or periods of routine control device maintenance
covered by a routine control device maintenance exemption as specified
in Sec. 63.8570(d)).
(3) Determine and record the 3-hour block averages of all recorded
readings, calculated after every 3 hours of operation as the average of
the previous 3 operating hours. To calculate the average for each 3-
hour average period, you must have at least 75 percent of the recorded
readings for that period (not including startup, shutdown, malfunction,
out-of-control periods, or periods of routine control device
maintenance covered by a routine control device maintenance exemption
as specified in Sec. 63.8570(d)).
(4) Record the results of each inspection, calibration, and
validation check.
(5) At all times, maintain the monitoring equipment including, but
not limited to, maintaining necessary parts for routine repairs of the
monitoring equipment.
(b) For each liquid flow measurement device, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and paragraphs (b)(1)
through (3) of this section.
(1) Locate the flow sensor in a position that provides a
representative flowrate.
(2) Use a flow sensor with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 2
percent of the liquid flowrate.
(3) At least semiannually, conduct a flow sensor calibration check.
(c) For each pressure measurement device, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (c)(1) through (7) of
this section.
(1) Locate the pressure sensor(s) in or as close to a position that
provides a representative measurement of the pressure.
(2) Minimize or eliminate pulsating pressure, vibration, and
internal and external corrosion.
(3) Use a gauge with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 0.5 inch
of water or a transducer with a minimum measurement sensitivity of 1
percent of the pressure range.
(4) Check the pressure tap daily to ensure that it is not plugged.
(5) Using a manometer, check gauge calibration quarterly and
transducer calibration monthly.
(6) Any time the sensor exceeds the manufacturer's specified
maximum operating pressure range, conduct calibration checks or install
a new pressure sensor.
(7) At least monthly, inspect all components for integrity, all
electrical connections for continuity, and all mechanical connections
for leakage.
(d) For each pH measurement device, you must meet the requirements
in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (d)(1) through (4) of this
(1) Locate the pH sensor in a position that provides a
representative measurement of pH.
(2) Ensure the sample is properly mixed and representative of the
fluid to be measured.
(3) Check the pH meter's calibration on at least two points every 8
hours of process operation.
(4) At least monthly, inspect all components for integrity and all
electrical connections for continuity.
(e) For each bag leak detection system, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (11) of this section.
(1) Each triboelectric bag leak detection system must be installed,
calibrated, operated, and maintained according to the ``Fabric Filter
Bag Leak Detection Guidance,'' (EPA-454/R-98-015, September 1997)
(incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14). Other types of bag leak
detection systems must be installed, operated, calibrated, and
maintained in a manner consistent with the manufacturer's written
specifications and recommendations.
(2) The bag leak detection system must be certified by the
manufacturer to be capable of detecting PM emissions at concentrations
of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per actual cubic
foot) or less.
(3) The bag leak detection system sensor must provide an output of
relative PM loadings.
(4) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with a device to
continuously record the output signal from the sensor.
(5) The bag leak detection system must be equipped with an audible
alarm system that will sound automatically when an increase in relative
PM emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm must be located
where it is easily heard by plant operating personnel.
(6) For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak
detector must be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell.
(7) For negative pressure or induced air fabric filters, the bag
leak detector must be installed downstream of the fabric filter.
(8) Where multiple detectors are required, the system's
instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.
(9) The baseline output must be established by adjusting the range
and the averaging period of the device and establishing the alarm set
points and the alarm delay time according to section 5.0 of the
``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance,'' (EPA-454/R-98-015,
September 1997) (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 63.14).
(10) Following initial adjustment of the system, the sensitivity or
range, averaging period, alarm set points, or alarm delay time may not
be adjusted except as detailed in your OM&M plan. In no case may the
sensitivity be increased by more than 100 percent or decreased more
than 50 percent over a 365-day period unless such adjustment follows a
complete fabric filter inspection which demonstrates that the fabric
filter is in good operating condition, as defined in section 5.2 of the
``Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance,'' (EPA-454/R-98-015,
September 1997) (incorporated by
[[Page 75699]]
reference, see Sec. 63.14). Record each adjustment.
(11) Record the results of each inspection, calibration, and
validation check.
(f) For each lime, chemical, or carbon feed rate measurement
device, you must meet the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5)
and (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) Locate the measurement device in a position that provides a
representative feed rate measurement.
(2) At least semiannually, conduct a calibration check.
(g) For each temperature measurement device, you must meet the
requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) and (g)(1) through (3) of
this section.
(1) Locate the measurement device in a position that provides a
representative temperature.
(2) Use a measurement device with a minimum sensitivity of 1
percent of the temperature being measured.
(3) At least semiannually, conduct a calibration check.
(h) Requests for approval of alternate monitoring procedures must
meet the requirements in Sec. Sec. 63.8595(h) and 63.8(f).
Sec. 63.8605 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the
emission limitations and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate initial compliance with each emission
limitation and work practice standard that applies to you according to
Table 6 to this subpart.
(b) You must establish each site-specific operating limit in Table
2 to this subpart that applies to you according to the requirements in
Sec. 63.8595 and Table 4 to this subpart.
(c) You must submit the Notification of Compliance Status
containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration
according to the requirements in Sec. 63.8630(e).
Continuous Compliance Requirements
Sec. 63.8615 How do I monitor and collect data to demonstrate
continuous compliance?
(a) You must monitor and collect data according to this section.
(b) Except for periods of monitor malfunctions, associated repairs,
and required quality assurance or control activities (including, as
applicable, calibration checks and required zero and span adjustments),
you must monitor continuously (or collect data at all required
intervals) at all times that the affected source is operating. This
includes periods of startup, shutdown, malfunction, and routine control
device maintenance as specified in Sec. 63.8570(d) when the affected
source is operating.
(c) You may not use data recorded during monitoring malfunctions,
associated repairs, out-of-control periods, or required quality
assurance or control activities for purposes of calculating data
averages. A monitoring malfunction is any sudden, infrequent, not
reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring system to provide
valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor
maintenance or careless operation are not malfunctions. You must use
all the valid data collected during all other periods in assessing
compliance. Any averaging period for which you do not have valid
monitoring data and such data are required constitutes a deviation from
the monitoring requirements.
Sec. 63.8620 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the
emission limitations and work practice standards?
(a) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission
limit, operating limit, and work practice standard in Tables 1, 2, and
3 to this subpart that applies to you according to the methods
specified in Table 7 to this subpart.
(b) For each affected source that is subject to the emission limits
specified in Table 1 to this subpart and is equipped with an APCD that
is not addressed in Table 2 to this subpart, or that is using process
changes as a means of meeting the emission limits in Table 1 to this
subpart, you must demonstrate continuous compliance with each emission
limit in Table 1 to this subpart, and each operating limit established
as required in Sec. 63.8595(h)(2) according to the methods specified
in your approved alternative monitoring procedures request, as
described in Sec. Sec. 63.8595(h)(1) and 63.8(f).
(c) You must report each instance in which you did not meet each
emission limit and operating limit in this subpart that applies to you.
This includes periods of startup, shutdown, malfunction, and routine
control device maintenance. These instances are deviations from the
emission limitations in this subpart. These deviations must be reported
according to the requirements in Sec. 63.8635.
(d) Deviations that occur during periods of control device
maintenance covered by an approved routine control device maintenance
exemption according to Sec. 63.8570(d) are not violations if you
demonstrate to the Administrator's satisfaction that you were operating
in accordance with the approved routine control device maintenance
(e) You must demonstrate continuous compliance with the operating
limits in Table 2 to this subpart for visible emissions (VE) from
tunnel or roller kilns that are uncontrolled or equipped with DIFF,
DLS/FF, or other dry control device by monitoring VE at each kiln stack
according to the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
(1) Perform daily VE observations of each kiln stack according to
the procedures of Method 22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7. You must
conduct the Method 22 test while the affected source is operating under
normal conditions. The duration of each Method 22 test must be at least
15 minutes.
(2) If VE are observed during any daily test conducted using Method
22 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7, you must promptly initiate and
complete corrective actions according to your OM&M plan. If no VE are
observed in 30 consecutive daily Method 22 tests for any kiln stack,
you may decrease the frequency of Method 22 testing from daily to
weekly for that kiln stack. If VE are observed during any weekly test,
you must promptly initiate and complete corrective actions according to
your OM&M plan, resume Method 22 testing of that kiln stack on a daily
basis, and maintain that schedule until no VE are observed in 30
consecutive daily tests, at which time you may again decrease the
frequency of Method 22 testing to a weekly basis.
(3) If VE are observed during any test conducted using Method 22 of
40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7, you must report these deviations by
following the requirements in Sec. 63.8635.
Notifications, Reports, and Records
Sec. 63.8630 What notifications must I submit and when?
(a) You must submit all of the notifications in Sec. Sec. 63.7(b)
and (c), 63.8(f)(4), and 63.9 (b) through (e), (g)(1), and (h) that
apply to you, by the dates specified.
(b) As specified in Sec. 63.9(b)(2), if you start up your affected
RULE IN THE Federal Register], you must submit an Initial Notification
not later than 120 calendar days after [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF
(c) As specified in Sec. 63.9(b)(2), if you start up your new or
reconstructed affected source or affected source described in Sec.
63.8540(d) or Sec. 63.8540(e) on or after [DATE 60 DAYS AFTER THE DATE
[[Page 75700]]
you must submit an Initial Notification not later than 120 calendar
days after you become subject to this subpart.
(d) If you are required to conduct a performance test, you must
submit a written notification of intent to conduct a performance test
at least 60 calendar days before the performance test is scheduled to
begin, as required in Sec. 63.7(b)(1).
(e) If you are required to conduct a performance test or other
initial compliance demonstration as specified in Tables 4 and 6 to this
subpart, you must submit a Notification of Compliance Status as
specified in Sec. 63.9(h) and paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this
(1) For each compliance demonstration that includes a performance
test conducted according to the requirements in Table 4 to this
subpart, you must submit the Notification of Compliance Status,
including the performance test results, before the close of business on
the 60th calendar day following the completion of the performance test,
according to Sec. 63.10(d)(2).
(2) In addition to the requirements in Sec. 63.9(h)(2)(i), you
must include the information in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) and (ii) of this
section in your Notification of Compliance Status:
(i) The operating limit parameter values established for each
affected source with supporting documentation and a description of the
procedure used to establish the values.
(ii) For each APCD that includes a fabric filter, if a bag leak
detection system is used, analysis and supporting documentation
demonstrating conformance with EPA guidance and specifications for bag
leak detection systems in Sec. 63.8600(e).
(3) For each compliance demonstration required in Table 6 to this
subpart that does not include a performance test (i.e., compliance
demonstration for the work practice standard), you must submit the
Notification of Compliance Status before the close of business on the
30th calendar day following the completion of the compliance
(f) If you request a routine control device maintenance exemption
according to Sec. 63.8570(d), you must submit your request for the
exemption no later than 30 days before the compliance date.
(g) If you own or operate an affected kiln that is subject to the
work practice standard specified in Item 1 of Table 3 to this subpart,
and you intend to use a fuel other than natural gas or equivalent to
fire the affected kiln, you must submit a notification of alternative
fuel use within 48 hours of the declaration of a period of natural gas
curtailment or supply interruption, as defined in Sec. 63.8665. The
notification must include the information specified in paragraphs
(g)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Identification of the affected kiln.
(3) Reason you are unable to use natural gas or equivalent fuel,
including the date when the natural gas curtailment was declared or the
natural gas supply interruption began.
(4) Type of alternative fuel that you intend to use.
(5) Dates when the alternative fuel use is expected to begin and
Sec. 63.8635 What reports must I submit and when?
(a) You must submit each report in Table 8 to this subpart that
applies to you.
(b) Unless the Administrator has approved a different schedule for
submission of reports under Sec. 63.10(a), you must submit each report
by the date in Table 8 to this subpart and as specified in paragraphs
(b)(1) through (5) of this section.
(1) The first compliance report must cover the period beginning on
the compliance date that is specified for your affected source in Sec.
63.8545 and ending on June 30 or December 31, and lasting at least 6
months, but less than 12 months. For example, if your compliance date
is March 1, then the first semiannual reporting period would begin on
March 1 and end on December 31.
(2) The first compliance report must be postmarked or delivered no
later than July 31 or January 31 for compliance periods ending on June
30 and December 31, respectively.
(3) Each subsequent compliance report must cover the semiannual
reporting period from January 1 through June 30 or the semiannual
reporting period from July 1 through December 31.
(4) Each subsequent compliance report must be postmarked or
delivered no later than July 31 or January 31 for compliance periods
ending on June 30 and December 31, respectively.
(5) For each affected source that is subject to permitting
regulations pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, and if the
permitting authority has established dates for submitting semiannual
reports pursuant to 40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR
71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), you may submit the first and subsequent compliance
reports according to the dates the permitting authority has established
instead of according to the dates in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of
this section.
(c) The compliance report must contain the information in
paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Statement by a responsible official with that official's name,
title, and signature, certifying that, based on information and belief
formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the
report are true, accurate, and complete.
(3) Date of report and beginning and ending dates of the reporting
(4) A description of control device maintenance performed while the
control device was offline and the affected source controlled by the
control device was operating, including the information specified in
paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(i) The date and time when the control device was shut down and
(ii) Identification of the affected source that was operating and
the number of hours that the affected source operated while the control
device was offline.
(iii) A statement of whether or not the control device maintenance
was included in your approved routine control device maintenance
exemption developed as specified in Sec. 63.8570(d). If the control
device maintenance was included in your approved routine control device
maintenance exemption, then you must report the information in
paragraphs (c)(4)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.
(A) The total amount of time that the affected source controlled by
the control device operated during the current semiannual compliance
period and during the previous semiannual compliance period.
(B) The amount of time that each affected source controlled by the
control device operated while the control device was offline for
maintenance covered under the routine control device maintenance
exemption during the current semiannual compliance period and during
the previous semiannual compliance period.
(C) Based on the information recorded under paragraphs
(c)(4)(iii)(A) and (B) of this section, compute the annual percent of
affected source operating uptime during which the control device was
offline for routine maintenance using Equation 1 of this section.
[[Page 75701]]
RM = Annual percentage of affected source uptime during which
control device was offline for routine control device maintenance
DTp = Control device downtime claimed under the routine
control device maintenance exemption for the previous semiannual
compliance period
DTc = Control device downtime claimed under the routine
control device maintenance exemption for the current semiannual
compliance period
SUp = Affected source uptime for the previous semiannual
compliance period
SUc = Affected source uptime for the current semiannual
compliance period
(5) If there are no deviations from any emission limitations
(emission limits or operating limits) or work practice standards that
apply to you, the compliance report must contain a statement that there
were no deviations from the emission limitations or work practice
standards during the reporting period.
(6) If there were no periods during which the CMS was out-of-
control as specified in your OM&M plan, the compliance report must
contain a statement that there were no periods during which the CMS was
out-of-control during the reporting period.
(d) For each deviation from an emission limitation (emission limit
or operating limit) that occurs at an affected source where you are not
using a CMS to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart,
the compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (4) and (d)(1) through (3) of this section. This includes
periods of startup, shutdown, and routine control device maintenance.
(1) The total operating time of each affected source during the
reporting period and identification of the sources for which there was
a deviation.
(2) Information on the number, date, time, duration, and cause of
deviations (including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and
the corrective action taken.
(3) The applicable operating limit or work practice standard from
which you deviated and either the parameter monitor reading during the
deviation or a description of how you deviated from the work practice
(e) For each deviation from an emission limitation (emission limit
or operating limit) occurring at an affected source where you are using
a CMS to comply with the emission limitations in this subpart, you must
include the information in paragraphs (c)(1) through (4) and (e)(1)
through (13) of this section. This includes periods of startup,
shutdown, and routine control device maintenance.
(1) The total operating time of each affected source during the
reporting period and identification of the sources for which there was
a deviation.
(2) The date and time that each CMS was inoperative, except for
zero (low-level) and high-level checks.
(3) The date, time, and duration that each CMS was out-of-control,
including the pertinent information in your OM&M plan.
(4) The date and time that each deviation started and stopped, and
whether each deviation occurred during routine control device
maintenance covered in your approved routine control device maintenance
exemption or during another period, and the cause of each deviation
(including unknown cause, if applicable).
(5) An estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted
over the emission limit during the deviation, and a description of the
method used to estimate the emissions.
(6) A description of corrective action taken in response to a
(7) A summary of the total duration of the deviation during the
reporting period and the total duration as a percent of the total
source operating time during that reporting period.
(8) A breakdown of the total duration of the deviations during the
reporting period into those that are due to startup, shutdown, control
equipment problems, process problems, other known causes, and other
unknown causes.
(9) A summary of the total duration of CMS downtime during the
reporting period and the total duration of CMS downtime as a percent of
the total source operating time during that reporting period.
(10) A brief description of the process units.
(11) A brief description of the CMS.
(12) The date of the latest CMS certification or audit.
(13) A description of any changes in CMS, processes, or control
equipment since the last reporting period.
(f) If a malfunction occurred during the reporting period, the
compliance report must contain the information in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (4) and (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1) The number, duration, and a brief description for each type of
malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused
or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded.
(2) A description of actions taken by an owner or operator during a
malfunction of an affected facility to minimize emissions in accordance
with Sec. 63.8570(b), including actions taken to correct a
(g) If you have obtained a title V operating permit according to 40
CFR part 70 or 40 CFR part 71, you must report all deviations as
defined in this subpart in the semiannual monitoring report required by
40 CFR 70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A). If you submit a
compliance report according to Table 8 to this subpart along with, or
as part of, the semiannual monitoring report required by 40 CFR
70.6(a)(3)(iii)(A) or 40 CFR 71.6(a)(3)(iii)(A), and the compliance
report includes all required information concerning deviations from any
emission limitation (including any operating limit), then submitting
the compliance report will satisfy any obligation to report the same
deviations in the semiannual monitoring report. However, submitting a
compliance report will not otherwise affect any obligation you may have
to report deviations from permit requirements to the permitting
(h) If you own or operate an affected kiln that is subject to the
work practice standard specified in Item 1 of Table 3 to this subpart,
and you use a fuel other than natural gas or equivalent to fire the
affected kiln, you must submit a report of alternative fuel use within
10 working days after terminating the use of the alternative fuel. The
report must include the information in paragraphs (h)(1) through (6) of
this section.
(1) Company name and address.
(2) Identification of the affected kiln.
(3) Reason for using the alternative fuel.
(4) Type of alternative fuel used to fire the affected kiln.
(5) Dates that the use of the alternative fuel started and ended.
(6) Amount of alternative fuel used.
(i) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance
test (as defined in Sec. 63.2) as required by this subpart, you must
submit the results of the performance test following the procedures
specified in either paragraph (i)(1) or (i)(2) of this section.
[[Page 75702]]
(1) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's
Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site
( at the time of the test,
you must submit the results of the performance test to the EPA via the
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI). (CEDRI can
be accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) ( Performance test data must be submitted in
a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT. Instead of
submitting performance test data in a file format generated through the
use of the EPA's ERT, you may submit an alternate electronic file
format consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema
listed on the EPA's ERT Web site, once the XML schema is available. If
you claim that some of the performance test information being submitted
is confidential business information (CBI), you must submit a complete
file generated through the use of the EPA's ERT (or an alternate
electronic file consistent with the XML schema listed on the EPA's ERT
Web site once the XML schema is available), including information
claimed to be CBI, on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly
used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic media must be
clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAPQS/CORE CBI Office,
Attention: Group Leader, Measurement Policy Group, MD C404-02, 4930 Old
Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT file (or alternate file) with
the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via the EPA's CDX as
described earlier in this paragraph.
(2) For data collected using test methods that are not supported by
the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT Web site at the time of the
test, you must submit the results of the performance test to the
Administrator at the appropriate address listed in Sec. 63.13.
Sec. 63.8640 What records must I keep?
(a) You must keep the records listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through
(3) of this section.
(1) A copy of each notification and report that you submitted to
comply with this subpart, including all documentation supporting any
Initial Notification or Notification of Compliance Status that you
submitted, according to the requirements in Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiv).
(2) Records of performance tests as required in Sec.
(3) Records relating to control device maintenance and
documentation of your approved routine control device maintenance
exemption, if you request such an exemption under Sec. 63.8570(d).
(b) You must keep the records required in Table 7 to this subpart
to show continuous compliance with each emission limitation and work
practice standard that applies to you.
(c) You must also maintain the records listed in paragraphs (c)(1)
through (10) of this section.
(1) For each bag leak detection system, records of each alarm, the
time of the alarm, the time corrective action was initiated and
completed, and a brief description of the cause of the alarm and the
corrective action taken.
(2) For each deviation of an operating limit parameter value, the
date, time, and duration of the deviation, a brief explanation of the
cause of the deviation, actions taken to minimize emissions in
accordance with Sec. 63.8570(b) and the corrective action taken to
return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation,
and whether the deviation occurred during a period of startup,
shutdown, or malfunction. Record and retain a list of the affected
sources or equipment, an estimate of the volume of each regulated
pollutant emitted over any emission limit and a description of the
method used to estimate the emissions.
(3) For each affected source, records of production rates on a
fired-product weight basis.
(4) Records for any approved alternative monitoring or test
(5) Records of maintenance and inspections performed on the APCD.
(6) Current copies of your OM&M plan, including any revisions, with
records documenting conformance.
(7) Logs of the information required in paragraphs (c)(7)(i)
through (iii) of this section to document proper operation of your
sanitaryware shuttle kiln.
(i) Records of the firing time and temperature cycle for each
product produced in each sanitaryware shuttle kiln. If all shuttle
kilns use the same time and temperature cycles, one copy may be
maintained for each kiln. Reference numbers must be assigned to use in
log sheets.
(ii) For each sanitaryware shuttle kiln, a log that details the
type of product fired in each batch, the corresponding time and
temperature protocol reference number, and an indication of whether the
appropriate time and temperature cycle was fired.
(iii) For each sanitaryware shuttle kiln, a log of the actual
tonnage of product fired in the shuttle kiln and an indication of
whether the tonnage was below the maximum tonnage for that specific
(8) Logs of the maintenance procedures used to demonstrate
compliance with the maintenance requirements of the sanitaryware
shuttle kiln work practice standard specified in Table 3 to this
(9) For periods of startup, records of the date, time, and duration
of each startup period, logs of the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature
at the time the first ceramics were placed in the kiln or dryer, and if
applicable, logs of the temperature when the kiln or dryer exhaust
stopped bypassing the control device. For periods of shutdown, records
of the date, time, and duration of each shutdown period, logs of the
kiln or dryer exhaust temperature at the time the last ceramics were
placed in the kiln or dryer, and if applicable, logs of the temperature
when the kiln or dryer exhaust began bypassing the control device.
(10) For each malfunction, records of the following information:
(i) Records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of
operation (i.e., process equipment) or the air pollution control and
monitoring equipment.
(ii) Records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to
minimize emissions in accordance with Sec. 63.8570(b), including
corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution
control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of
Sec. 63.8645 In what form and for how long must I keep my records?
(a) Your records must be in a form suitable and readily available
for expeditious review, according to Sec. 63.10(b)(1).
(b) As specified in Sec. 63.10(b)(1), you must keep each record
for 5 years following the date of each occurrence, measurement,
maintenance, corrective action, report, or record.
(c) You must keep each record onsite for at least 2 years after the
date of each occurrence, measurement, maintenance, corrective action,
report, or record, according to Sec. 63.10(b)(1). You may keep the
records offsite for the remaining 3 years.
Other Requirements and Information
Sec. 63.8655 What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
Table 9 to this subpart shows which parts of the General Provisions
in Sec. Sec. 63.1 through 63.16 apply to you.
[[Page 75703]]
Sec. 63.8660 Who implements and enforces this subpart?
(a) This subpart can be implemented and enforced by us, the U.S.
EPA, or a delegated authority such as your State, local, or tribal
agency. If the U.S. EPA Administrator has delegated authority to your
State, local, or tribal agency, then that agency, in addition to the
U.S. EPA, has the authority to implement and enforce this subpart. You
should contact your U.S. EPA Regional Office to find out if
implementation and enforcement of this subpart is delegated to your
State, local, or tribal agency.
(b) In delegating implementation and enforcement authority of this
subpart to a State, local, or tribal agency under subpart E of this
part, the authorities contained in paragraph (c) of this section are
retained by the Administrator of the U.S. EPA and are not transferred
to the State, local, or tribal agency.
(c) The authorities that cannot be delegated to State, local, or
tribal agencies are as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of
this section.
(1) Approval of alternatives to the applicability requirements in
Sec. Sec. 63.8535 and 63.8540, the compliance date requirements in
Sec. 63.8545, and the non-opacity emission limitations in Sec.
(2) Approval of major changes to test methods under Sec.
63.7(e)(2)(ii) and (f) and as defined in Sec. 63.90.
(3) Approval of major changes to monitoring under Sec. 63.8(f) and
as defined in Sec. 63.90.
(4) Approval of major changes to recordkeeping and reporting under
Sec. 63.10(f) and as defined in Sec. 63.90.
(5) Approval of an alternative to any electronic reporting to the
EPA required by this subpart.
Sec. 63.8665 What definitions apply to this subpart?
Terms used in this subpart are defined in the Clean Air Act, in
Sec. 63.2, and in this section as follows:
Air pollution control device (APCD) means any equipment that
reduces the quantity of a pollutant that is emitted to the air.
Bag leak detection system means an instrument that is capable of
monitoring PM loadings in the exhaust of a fabric filter in order to
detect bag failures. A bag leak detection system includes, but is not
limited to, an instrument that operates on triboelectric, light-
scattering, light-transmittance, or other effects to monitor relative
PM loadings.
Clay ceramics manufacturing facility means a plant site that
manufactures pressed floor tile, pressed wall tile, other pressed tile,
or sanitaryware (e.g., sinks and toilets). Clay ceramics manufacturing
facilities typically process clay, shale, and various additives, form
the processed materials into tile or sanitaryware shapes, and dry and
fire the ceramic products. Glazes are applied to many tile and
sanitaryware products.
Deviation means any instance in which an affected source subject to
this subpart, or an owner or operator of such a source:
(1) Fails to meet any requirement or obligation established by this
subpart including, but not limited to, any emission limitation
(including any operating limit) or work practice standard; or
(2) Fails to meet any term or condition that is adopted to
implement an applicable requirement in this subpart for any affected
source required to obtain such a permit.
Dioxin/furan means, for purposes of this subpart, the sum of the
2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalents calculated using Equation 3 of Sec.
Dry lime injection fabric filter (DIFF) means an APCD that includes
continuous injection of hydrated lime or other sorbent into a duct or
reaction chamber followed by a fabric filter.
Dry lime scrubber/fabric filter (DLS/FF) means an APCD that
includes continuous injection of humidified hydrated lime or other
sorbent into a reaction chamber followed by a fabric filter. These
systems typically include recirculation of some of the sorbent.
Emission limitation means any emission limit or operating limit.
Fabric filter means an APCD used to capture PM by filtering a gas
stream through filter media; also known as a baghouse.
Glaze means a coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material
applied to ceramic products before firing.
Glaze line means a production line for glazing ceramic products,
which includes glaze spraying (typically comprised of one or more glaze
spray booths) and other types of glazing operations (e.g., dipping,
flooding, centrifugal disc glazing, curtain coating).
Glaze spray booth means a type of equipment used for spraying glaze
on ceramic products.
Initial startup means the time at which the kiln first reaches a
level of production that is equal to 75 percent of the kiln design
capacity or 12 months after the affected source begins firing clay
ceramics, whichever is earlier.
Kiln design capacity means the maximum amount of clay ceramics, in
Mg (tons), that a kiln is designed to produce in one year divided by
the number of hours in a year (8,760 hours). If a kiln is modified to
increase the capacity, the design capacity is considered to be the
capacity following modifications.
Particulate matter (PM) means, for purposes of this subpart,
emissions of PM that serve as a measure of total particulate emissions,
as measured by Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3) or Method 29 (40
CFR part 60, appendix A-8), and as a surrogate for metal HAP contained
in the particulates including, but not limited to, antimony, arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel,
and selenium.
Period of natural gas curtailment or supply interruption means a
period of time during which the supply of natural gas to an affected
facility is halted for reasons beyond the control of the facility. An
increase in the cost or unit price of natural gas does not constitute a
period of natural gas curtailment or supply interruption.
Plant site means all contiguous or adjoining property that is under
common control, including properties that are separated only by a road
or other public right-of-way. Common control includes properties that
are owned, leased, or operated by the same entity, parent entity,
subsidiary, or any combination thereof.
Responsible official means responsible official as defined in 40
CFR 70.2.
Roller kiln means a continuous kiln similar to a tunnel kiln except
that the unfired ceramic product travels through the kiln in a single
layer on rollers. In the clay ceramics source category, roller kilns
are used at ceramic tile manufacturing plants.
Shuttle kiln means a batch firing kiln that is designed with a
removable superstructure that is tilted or raised using hydraulic
struts to allow entrance and egress. In the clay ceramics source
category, shuttle kilns are used at sanitaryware manufacturing plants.
Spray dryer means a drying chamber used to form a free-flowing
powder from a slurry of ceramic mix and water, to improve handling and
compaction. In the clay ceramics source category, spray dryers are used
at ceramic tile manufacturing plants.
Startup means the setting in operation of an affected source and
starting the production process.
Tunnel kiln means any continuous kiln that is not a roller kiln
that is used to fire clay ceramics. In the clay ceramics source
category, tunnel kilns are used at sanitaryware manufacturing plants.
[[Page 75704]]
Wet scrubber (WS) means an APCD that uses water, which may include
caustic additives or other chemicals, as the sorbent. Wet scrubbers may
use any of various design mechanisms to increase the contact between
exhaust gases and the sorbent.
Work practice standard means any design, equipment, work practice,
operational standard, or combination thereof, that is promulgated
pursuant to section 112(h) of the Clean Air Act.
Tables to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63
As stated in Sec. 63.8555, you must meet each emission limit in
the following table that applies to you.
Table 1 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Emission Limits
You must meet the following emission
For each . . . limits . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel or HF and HCl emissions must not exceed
roller kilns at facility. 62 kilograms per hour (kg/hr) (140
pounds per hour (lb/hr)) HCl
equivalent, under the health-based
standard, as determined using
Equations 4 and 5 of Sec.
2. Existing floor tile roller kiln a. PM emissions must not exceed
0.090 kilogram per megagram (kg/Mg)
(0.18 pound per ton (lb/ton)) of
fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 6.3
E-05 kg/Mg (1.3 E-04 lb/ton) of
fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 4.6 nanograms per dry
standard cubic meter (ng/dscm) at
7% O2.
3. Existing wall tile roller kiln. a. PM emissions must not exceed
0.099 kg/Mg (0.20 lb/ton) of fired
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 6.7
E-05 kg/Mg (1.3 E-04 lb/ton) of
fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 0.16 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
4. Existing first-fire a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.17
sanitaryware tunnel kiln. kg/Mg (0.33 lb/ton) of fired
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.3
E-04 kg/Mg (2.6 E-04 lb/ton) of
fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
5. Existing tile glaze line with a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.93
glaze spraying. kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton) of glaze
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 7.9
E-05 kg/Mg (1.6 E-04 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed.
6. Existing sanitaryware manual PM emissions must not exceed 16 kg/
glaze application. Mg (33 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
7. Existing sanitaryware spray PM emissions must not exceed 6.2 kg/
machine glaze application. Mg (12 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
8. Existing sanitaryware robot PM emissions must not exceed 4.4 kg/
glaze application. Mg (8.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
9. Existing floor tile spray dryer Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 44 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
10. Existing wall tile spray dryer Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
11. Existing floor tile press Dioxin/furan emissions must not
dryer. exceed 0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
12. New or reconstructed floor a. PM emissions must not exceed
tile roller kiln. 0.014 kg/Mg (0.027 lb/ton) of fired
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.9
E-05 kg/Mg (3.9 E-05 lb/ton) of
fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
13. New or reconstructed wall tile a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.15
roller kiln. kg/Mg (0.27 lb/ton) of fired
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 1.5
E-06 kg/Mg (3.1 E-06 lb/ton) of
fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 0.160.23 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
14. New or reconstructed first- a. PM emissions must not exceed
fire sanitaryware tunnel kiln. 0.047 kg/Mg (0.095 lb/ton) of fired
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 6.0
E-05 kg/Mg (1.2 E-04 lb/ton) of
fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions must not
exceed 0.37 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
15. New or reconstructed tile a. PM emissions must not exceed 0.30
glaze line with glaze spraying. kg/Mg (0.61 lb/ton) of glaze
b. Hg emissions must not exceed 7.9
E-05 kg/Mg (1.6 E-04 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed.
16. New or reconstructed PM emissions must not exceed 1.9 kg/
sanitaryware manual glaze Mg (3.8 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
17. New or reconstructed PM emissions must not exceed 1.6 kg/
sanitaryware spray machine glaze Mg (3.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
18. New or reconstructed PM emissions must not exceed 1.1 kg/
sanitaryware robot glaze Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
19. New or reconstructed floor Dioxin/furan emissions must not
tile spray dryer. exceed 0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
20. New or reconstructed wall tile Dioxin/furan emissions must not
spray dryer. exceed 0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
21. New or reconstructed floor Dioxin/furan emissions must not
tile press dryer. exceed 0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2.
As stated in Sec. 63.8555, you must meet each operating limit in
the following table that applies to you.
Table 2 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Operating Limits
For each . . . You must . . .
1. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped with a DIFF or DLS/FF.......... a. If you use a bag leak detection system,
initiate corrective action within 1 hour of
a bag leak detection system alarm and
complete corrective actions in accordance
with your OM&M plan; operate and maintain
the fabric filter such that the alarm is not
engaged for more than 5 percent of the total
operating time in a 6-month block reporting
period; or maintain no VE from the DIFF or
DLS/FF stack; and
b. Maintain free-flowing lime in the feed
hopper or silo and to the APCD at all times
for continuous injection systems; maintain
the feeder setting (on a per ton of fired
product basis) at or above the level
established during the performance test for
continuous injection systems.
[[Page 75705]]
2. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped with a WS...................... a. Maintain the average scrubber pressure
drop for each 3-hour block period at or
above the average pressure drop established
during the PM performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber liquid pH
for each 3-hour block period at or above the
average scrubber liquid pH established
during the HF/HCl performance test; and
c. Maintain the average scrubber liquid flow
rate for each 3-hour block period at or
above the highest average scrubber liquid
flow rate established during the HF/HCl and
PM performance tests; and
d. If chemicals are added to the scrubber
water, maintain the average scrubber
chemical feed rate for each 3-hour block
period at or above the average scrubber
chemical feed rate established during the HF/
HCl performance test.
3. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped with an ACI system............. Maintain the average carbon flow rate for
each 3-hour block period at or above the
highest average carbon flow rate established
during the Hg and dioxin/furan performance
4. Tunnel or roller kiln intending to comply with dioxin/furan If you intend to comply with the dioxin/furan
emission limit without an ACI system. emission limit without an ACI system,
maintain the average kiln operating
temperature for each 3-hour block period at
or above the average temperature established
during the dioxin/furan performance test.
5. Tunnel or roller kiln with no add-on control.................. a. Maintain no VE from the stack; and
b. Maintain the kiln process rate at or below
the kiln process rate determined according
to Sec. 63.8595(g)(1); and
c. Maintain the average kiln operating
temperature for each 3-hour block period at
or below the average temperature established
during the dioxin/furan performance test.
6. Glaze spray operation equipped with a FF...................... If you use a bag leak detection system,
initiate corrective action within 1 hour of
a bag leak detection system alarm and
complete corrective actions in accordance
with your OM&M plan; operate and maintain
the fabric filter such that the alarm is not
engaged for more than 5 percent of the total
operating time in a 6-month block reporting
period; or maintain no VE from the FF stack;
7. Glaze spray operation equipped with a WS...................... a. Maintain the average scrubber pressure
drop for each 3-hour block period at or
above the average pressure drop established
during the PM performance test; and
b. Maintain the average scrubber liquid flow
rate for each 3-hour block period at or
above the average scrubber liquid flow rate
established during the PM performance test.
8. Glaze spray operation equipped with a water curtain........... Conduct daily inspections to verify the
presence of water flow to the wet control
system; and
Conduct weekly visual inspections of the
system ductwork and control equipment for
leaks; and
Conduct annual inspections of the interior of
the control equipment (if applicable) to
determine the structural integrity and
condition of the control equipment.
9. Glaze spray operation equipped with baffles................... Conduct an annual visual inspection of the
baffles to confirm the baffles are in place.
10. Spray dryer.................................................. Maintain the average operating temperature
for each 3-hour block period at or above the
average temperature established during the
dioxin/furan performance test.
11. Floor tile press dryer....................................... Maintain the average operating temperature
for each 3-hour block period at or below the
average temperature established during the
dioxin/furan performance test.
As stated in Sec. 63.8555, you must comply with each work practice
standard in the following table that applies to you.
Table 3 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Work Practice Standards
According to one of the following
For each . . . You must . . . requirements . . .
1. Existing, new, or reconstructed a. Minimize HAP emissions i. Use natural gas, or equivalent, as
sanitaryware shuttle kiln. the kiln fuel, except during periods of
natural gas curtailment or supply
interruption, as defined in Sec.
63.8665; and
ii. Develop and use a designed firing
time and temperature cycle for each
product produced in the sanitaryware
shuttle kiln. You must either program
the time and temperature cycle into
your kiln or track each step on a log
sheet; and
iii. Label each sanitaryware shuttle
kiln with the maximum load (in tons) of
product that can be fired in the kiln
during a single firing cycle; and
iv. For each firing load, document the
total tonnage of product placed in the
kiln to ensure that it is not greater
than the maximum load identified in
item 1.a.iii; and
v. Develop and follow maintenance
procedures for each kiln that, at a
minimum, specify the frequency of
inspection and maintenance of
temperature monitoring devices,
controls that regulate air-to-fuel
ratios, and controls that regulate
firing cycles; and
vi. Develop and maintain records for
each sanitaryware shuttle kiln, as
specified in Sec. 63.8640.
2. Existing, new or reconstructed kiln or a. Minimize HAP emissions i. Do not put any ceramics into the kiln
dryer during periods of startup. or dryer until the kiln or dryer
exhaust temperature reaches 204 [deg]C
(400 [deg]F); and
ii. If your kiln or dryer has an APCD,
begin venting the exhaust from the kiln
or dryer through the APCD by the time
the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature
reaches 204 [deg]C (400 [deg]F).
[[Page 75706]]
3. Existing, new or reconstructed kiln or a. Minimize HAP emissions i. Do not put any ceramics into the kiln
dryer during periods of shutdown. or dryer once the kiln or dryer exhaust
temperature falls to 149 [deg]C (300
[deg]F); and
ii. If your kiln or dryer has an APCD,
continue to vent the exhaust from the
kiln or dryer through the APCD until
the kiln or dryer exhaust temperature
falls to 149 [deg]C (300 [deg]F).
As stated in Sec. 63.8595, you must conduct each performance test
in the following table that applies to you.
Table 4 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Requirements for Performance Tests
According to the following
For each . . . You must . . . Using . . . requirements . . .
1. Tunnel or roller kiln........... a. Select locations of Method 1 or 1A of 40 Sampling sites must be
sampling ports and CFR part 60, appendix located at the outlet of
the number of A-1. the APCD and prior to any
traverse points. releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
b. Determine Method 2 of 40 CFR You may use Method 2A, 2C,
velocities and part 60, appendix A-1. 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR part
volumetric flow rate. 60, appendix A-1, or
Method 2G of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-1.
c. Conduct gas Method 3 of 40 CFR You may use Method 3A or 3B
molecular weight part 60, appendix A-2. of 40 CFR part 60,
analysis. appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2. ANSI/
ASME PTC 19.10-1981 [Part
10] (incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to the manual
procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures)
in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture Method 4 of 40 CFR
content of the stack part 60, appendix A-3.
e. Measure HF and HCl i. Method 26A of 40 You may use Method 26 of 40
emissions. CFR part 60, appendix CFR part 60, appendix A-8,
A-8; or. as an alternative to using
Method 26A of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-8, when no
acid PM (e.g., HF or HCl
dissolved in water
droplets emitted by
sources controlled by a
WS) is present. ASTM D6735-
01 (Reapproved 2009)
(incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Methods 26
and 26A.
ii. Method 320 of When using Method 320 of
appendix A of this appendix A of this part,
part. you must follow the
analyte spiking procedures
of section 13 of Method
320 of appendix A of this
part, unless you can
demonstrate that the
complete spiking procedure
has been conducted at a
similar source. ASTM D6348-
03 (Reapproved 2010)
(incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Method 320
if the test plan
preparation and
implementation in Annexes
A1-A8 are mandatory and
the %R in Annex A5 is
determined for each target
f. Measure PM i. Method 5 of 40 CFR
emissions. part 60, appendix A-
3; or.
ii. Method 29 of 40 To determine PM, weigh the
CFR part 60, appendix filter and report the
A-8. results as PM filterable
g. Measure Hg Method 29 of 40 CFR ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved
emissions. part 60, appendix A-8. 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Method 29
(portion for Hg only).
h. Measure dioxin/ Method 23 of 40 CFR
furan emissions. part 60, appendix A-7.
2. Glaze spray operation........... a. Select locations of Method 1 or 1A of 40 Sampling sites must be
sampling ports and CFR part 60, appendix located at the outlet of
the number of A-1. the APCD and prior to any
traverse points. releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
b. Determine Method 2 of 40 CFR You may use Method 2A, 2C,
velocities and part 60, appendix A-1. 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR part
volumetric flow rate. 60, appendix A-1, or
Method 2G of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-1.
[[Page 75707]]
c. Conduct gas Method 3 of 40 CFR You may use Method 3A or 3B
molecular weight part 60, appendix A-2. of 40 CFR part 60,
analysis. appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2. ANSI/
ASME PTC 19.10-1981 [Part
10] (incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to the manual
procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures)
in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture Method 4 of 40 CFR
content of the stack part 60, appendix A-3.
e. Measure PM Method 5 of 40 CFR
emissions. part 60, appendix A-3.
f. Measure Hg Method 29 of 40 CFR ASTM D6784-02 (Reapproved
emissions (tile glaze part 60, appendix A-8. 2008) (incorporated by
spray operations reference, see Sec.
only). 63.14) may be used as an
alternative to Method 29
(portion for Hg only).
3. Spray dryer or floor tile press a. Select locations of Method 1 or 1A of 40 Sampling sites must be
dryer. sampling ports and CFR part 60, appendix located at the outlet of
the number of A-1. the APCD and prior to any
traverse points. releases to the atmosphere
for all affected sources.
b. Determine Method 2 of 40 CFR You may use Method 2A, 2C,
velocities and part 60, appendix A-1. 2D, or 2F of 40 CFR part
volumetric flow rate. 60, appendix A-1, or
Method 2G of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 2 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-1.
c. Conduct gas Method 3 of 40 CFR You may use Method 3A or 3B
molecular weight part 60, appendix A-2. of 40 CFR part 60,
analysis. appendix A-2, as
appropriate, as an
alternative to using
Method 3 of 40 CFR part
60, appendix A-2. ANSI/
ASME PTC 19.10-1981 [Part
10] (incorporated by
reference, see Sec.
63.14) may be used as an
alternative to the manual
procedures (but not the
instrumental procedures)
in Methods 3A and 3B.
d. Measure moisture Method 4 of 40 CFR
content of the stack part 60, appendix A-3.
e. Measure dioxin/ Method 23 of 40 CFR
furan emissions. part 60, appendix A-7.
4. Tunnel or roller kiln with no a. Establish the HCl-equivalent limit Using the procedures in
add-on control. operating limit(s) in Table 1 to this Sec. 63.8595(g)(1), you
for kiln process rate subpart and emissions must determine the maximum
if the total facility and production data process rate(s) for your
maximum potential HCl- from the HF/HCl/Cl2 kiln(s) that would ensure
equivalent emissions performance test. total facility maximum
are greater than the potential HCl-equivalent
HCl-equivalent limit emissions remain at or
in Table 1 to this below the HCl-equivalent
subpart. limit in Table 1 to this
subpart. The maximum
process rate(s) would
become your site-specific
process rate operating
b. Establish the Data from the You must continuously
operating limit for temperature measure the kiln operating
kiln operating measurement device temperature, determine and
temperature. during the dioxin/ record the block average
furan performance temperature values for the
test. three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded temperature
measurements for the three
test runs. The average of
the three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific operating
5. Tunnel or roller kiln that is Determine the Production data You must measure and record
complying with PM and/or Hg production rate collected during the the production rate, on a
production-based emission limits. during each PM/Hg PM/Hg performance fired-product weight
test run in order to tests (e.g., the basis, of the affected
determine compliance number of ceramic kiln for each of the three
with PM and/or Hg pieces and weight per test runs.
production-based piece in the kiln
emission limits. during a test run
divided by the amount
of time to fire a
6. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped Establish the Data from the lime For continuous lime
with a DIFF or DLS/FF. operating limit for feeder during the HF/ injection systems, you
the lime feeder HCl performance test. must ensure that lime in
setting. the feed hopper or silo
and to the APCD is free-
flowing at all times
during the performance
test and record the feeder
setting, on a per ton of
fired product basis, for
the three test runs. If
the feed rate setting
varies during the three
test runs, determine and
record the average feed
rate from the three test
runs. The average of the
three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific feed rate
operating limit.
[[Page 75708]]
7. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped a. Establish the Data from the pressure You must continuously
with a WS. operating limit for drop measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the PM pressure drop, determine
pressure drop. performance test. and record the block
average pressure drop
values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
pressure drop measurements
for the three test runs.
The average of the three
test runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
pressure drop operating
b. Establish the Data from the pH You must continuously
operating limit for measurement device measure the scrubber
the average scrubber during the HF/HCl liquid pH, determine and
liquid pH. performance test. record the block average
pH values for the three
test runs, and determine
and record the 3-hour
block average of the
recorded pH measurements
for the three test runs.
The average of the three
test runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
liquid pH operating limit.
c. Establish the Data from the flow You must continuously
operating limit for rate measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the HF/ liquid flow rate,
liquid flow rate. HCl and PM determine and record the
performance tests. block average flow rate
values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
flow rate measurements for
the three test runs. The
average of the three test
runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
liquid flow rate operating
level. If different
average wet scrubber
liquid flow rate values
are measured during the HF/
HCl and PM tests, the
highest of the average
values become your site-
specific operating limit.
8. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped Establish the Data from the chemical You must continuously
with a WS that includes chemical operating limit for feed rate measurement measure the scrubber
addition to the water. the average scrubber device during the HF/ chemical feed rate,
chemical feed rate. HCl performance test. determine and record the
block average chemical
feed rate values for the
three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded chemical feed
rate measurements for the
three test runs. The
average of the three test
runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
chemical addition rate
operating limit.
9. Tunnel or roller kiln equipped Establish the Data from the carbon You must measure the carbon
with an ACI system. operating limit for flow rate measurement flow rate during each test
the average carbon conducted during the run, determine and record
flow rate. Hg performance test. the block average carbon
flow rate values for the
three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded carbon flow rate
measurements for the three
test runs. The average of
the three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific activated
carbon flow rate operating
10. Tunnel or roller kiln intending Establish the Data from the You must continuously
to comply with dioxin/furan operating limit for temperature measure the kiln operating
emission limit without an ACI kiln operating measurement device temperature, determine and
system. temperature. during the dioxin/ record the block average
furan performance temperature values for the
test. three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded temperature
measurements for the three
test runs. The average of
the three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific operating
11. Glaze spray operation equipped a. Establish the Data from the pressure You must continuously
with a WS. operating limit for drop measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the PM pressure drop, determine
pressure drop. performance test. and record the block
average pressure drop
values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
pressure drop measurements
for the three test runs.
The average of the three
test runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
pressure drop operating
b. Establish the Data from the flow You must continuously
operating limit for rate measurement measure the scrubber
the average scrubber device during the PM liquid flow rate,
liquid flow rate. performance test. determine and record the
block average flow rate
values for the three test
runs, and determine and
record the 3-hour block
average of the recorded
flow rate measurements for
the three test runs. The
average of the three test
runs establishes your
minimum site-specific
liquid flow rate operating
[[Page 75709]]
12. Spray dryer.................... Establish the Data from the You must continuously
operating limit for temperature measure the operating
operating temperature. measurement device temperature, determine and
during the dioxin/ record the block average
furan performance temperature values for the
test. three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded temperature
measurements for the three
test runs. The average of
the three test runs
establishes your minimum
site-specific operating
13. Floor tile press dryer......... Establish the Data from the You must continuously
operating limit for temperature measure the operating
operating temperature. measurement device temperature, determine and
during the dioxin/ record the block average
furan performance temperature values for the
test. three test runs, and
determine and record the 3-
hour block average of the
recorded temperature
measurements for the three
test runs. The average of
the three test runs
establishes your maximum
site-specific operating
As stated in Sec. 63.8595(f)(3), you must demonstrate initial
compliance with each dioxin/furan emission limit that applies to you by
calculating the sum of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD TEQs using the TEFs in the
following table.
Table 5 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Toxic Equivalency Factors
You must
calculate its
For each dioxin/furan congener . . . TEQ using the
following TEF
. . .
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin..................... 1
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin................... 1
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.................. 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.................. 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.................. 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin............... 0.01
Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.............................. 0.0003
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran......................... 0.1
2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran....................... 0.3
1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran....................... 0.03
1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorodibenzofuran...................... 0.1
1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorodibenzofuran...................... 0.1
1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorodibenzofuran...................... 0.1
2,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorodibenzofuran...................... 0.1
1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorodibenzofuran................... 0.01
1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptachlorodibenzofuran................... 0.01
Octachlorodibenzofuran.................................. 0.0003
As stated in Sec. 63.8605, you must demonstrate initial compliance
with each emission limitation and work practice standard that applies
to you according to the following table.
Table 6 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Initial Compliance With Emission Limitations and Work Practice Standards
You have demonstrated initial compliance
For each . . . For the following . . . if . . .
1. Collection of all tunnel or roller kilns a. HF, HCl, and Cl2 i. You measure HF and HCl emissions for
at the facility. emissions must not each kiln using Method 26 or 26A of 40
exceed 62 kg/hr (140 lb/ CFR part 60, appendix A-8 or its
hr) HCl equivalent. alternative, ASTM D6735-01 (Reapproved
2009) (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 63.14); or Method 320 of
appendix A of this part or its
alternative, ASTM D6348-03 (Reapproved
2010) (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 63.14); and
ii. You calculate the HCl-equivalent
emissions for HF for each kiln using
Equation 4 of Sec. 63.8595; and
iii. You sum the HCl-equivalent values
for all kilns at the facility using
Equation 5 of Sec. 63.8595; and
iv. The facility total HCl-equivalent
does not exceed 62 kg/hr (140 lb/hr).
2. Existing floor tile roller kiln......... a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
exceed 0.090 kg/Mg (0.18 Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
lb/ton) of fired product. 3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-8, over the period of the
initial performance test, according to
the calculations in Sec.
63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed 0.090 kg/
Mg (0.18 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the applicable operating limits listed
in Table 2 to this subpart over the 3-
hour performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.090 kg/Mg
(0.18 lb/ton) of fired product.
[[Page 75710]]
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 6.3 E-05 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(1.3 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
fired product. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 6.3 E-05 kg/Mg (1.3 E-04
lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 6.3 E-05 kg/Mg
(1.3 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 4.6 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2.. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
4.6 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 4.6 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
3. Existing wall tile roller kiln.......... a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
lb/ton) of fired product. 3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-8, over the period of the
initial performance test, according to
the calculations in Sec.
63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg
(0.20 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg
(0.20 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 1.0 E-04 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
fired product. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 1.0 E-04 kg/Mg (2.0 E-04
lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 1.0 E-04 kg/Mg
(2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 0.17 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.17 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
4. Existing first-fire sanitaryware tunnel a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
kiln. exceed 0.17 kg/Mg (0.33 Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
lb/ton) of fired product. 3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-8, over the period of the
initial performance test, according to
the calculations in Sec.
63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed 0.17 kg/Mg
(0.33 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.17 kg/Mg
(0.33 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 1.3 E-04 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(2.6 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
fired product. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 1.3 E-04 kg/Mg (2.6 E-04
lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 1.3 E-04 kg/Mg
(2.6 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 1.5 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 1.5 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
5. Existing tile glaze line with glaze a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
spraying. exceed 0.93 kg/Mg (1.9 Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 0.93 kg/Mg (1.9 lb/ton)
of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.93 kg/Mg
(1.9 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 7.9 E-05 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(1.6 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
glaze sprayed. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 7.9 E-05 kg/Mg (1.6 E-04
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 7.9 E-05 kg/Mg
(1.6 E-04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
[[Page 75711]]
6. Existing sanitaryware manual glaze a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
application. exceed 16 kg/Mg (33 lb/ Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 16 kg/Mg (33 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 16 kg/Mg (33
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
7. Existing sanitaryware spray machine a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
glaze application. exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12 lb/ Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 6.2 kg/Mg (12
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
8. Existing sanitaryware robot glaze a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
application. exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8 lb/ Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 4.4 kg/Mg (8.8
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
9. Existing floor tile spray dryer......... a. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 44 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
44 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 44 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
10. Existing wall tile spray dryer......... a. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 0.12 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.12 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
11. Existing floor tile press dryer........ a. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 0.19 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.19 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
12. New or reconstructed floor tile roller a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
kiln.. exceed 0.014 kg/Mg Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(0.027 lb/ton) of fired 3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
product. appendix A-8, over the period of the
initial performance test, according to
the calculations in Sec.
63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed 0.014 kg/
Mg (0.027 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.014 kg/Mg
(0.027 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 1.9 E-05 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(3.9 E-05 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
fired product. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 1.9 E-05 kg/Mg (3.9 E-05
lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 1.9 E-05 kg/Mg
(3.9 E-05 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 1.5 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
1.5 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 1.5 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
13. New or reconstructed wall tile roller a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
kiln. exceed 0.10 kg/Mg (0.20 Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
lb/ton) of fired product. 3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-8, over the period of the
initial performance test, according to
the calculations in Sec.
63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg
(0.20 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.10 kg/Mg
(0.20 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 1.0 E-04 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
fired product. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 1.0 E-04 kg/Mg (2.0 E-04
lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 1.0 E-04 kg/Mg
(2.0 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product.
[[Page 75712]]
c. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 0.17 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.17 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
14. New or reconstructed first-fire a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
sanitaryware tunnel kiln. exceed 0.047 kg/Mg Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(0.095 lb/ton) of fired 3 or Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60,
product. appendix A-8, over the period of the
initial performance test, according to
the calculations in Sec.
63.8595(f)(1), do not exceed 0.047 kg/
Mg (0.095 lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.047 kg/Mg
(0.095 lb/ton) of fired product.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 6.0 E-05 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(1.2 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
fired product. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 6.0 E-05 kg/Mg (1.2 E-04
lb/ton) of fired product; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 6.0 E-05 kg/Mg
(1.2 E-04 lb/ton) of fired product.
c. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
must not exceed 0.37 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.37 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.37 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
15. New or reconstructed tile glaze line a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
with glaze spraying. exceed 0.30 kg/Mg (0.61 Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 0.30 kg/Mg (0.61 lb/ton)
of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 0.30 kg/Mg
(0.61 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
b. Hg emissions must not i. The Hg emissions measured using
exceed 7.9 E-05 kg/Mg Method 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
(1.6 E-04 lb/ton) of 8 or its alternative, ASTM D6784-02
glaze sprayed. (Reapproved 2008) (incorporated by
reference, see Sec. 63.14), over the
period of the initial performance test,
do not exceed 7.9 E-05 kg/Mg (1.6 E-04
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which Hg
emissions did not exceed 7.9 E-05 kg/Mg
(1.6 E-04 lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
16. New or reconstructed sanitaryware a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
manual glaze application. exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8 lb/ Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 1.9 kg/Mg (3.8
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
17. New or reconstructed sanitaryware spray a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
machine glaze application. exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2 lb/ Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 1.6 kg/Mg (3.2
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
18. New or reconstructed sanitaryware robot a. PM emissions must not i. The PM emissions measured using
glaze application. exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ Method 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-
ton) of glaze sprayed. 3, over the period of the initial
performance test, according to the
calculations in Sec. 63.8595(f)(2),
do not exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2 lb/ton) of
glaze sprayed; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which PM
emissions did not exceed 1.1 kg/Mg (2.2
lb/ton) of glaze sprayed.
19. New or reconstructed floor tile spray a. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
dryer. must not exceed 0.17 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.17 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.17 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
20. New or reconstructed wall tile spray a. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
dryer. must not exceed 0.12 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.12 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.12 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
[[Page 75713]]
21. New or reconstructed floor tile press a. Dioxin/furan emissions i. The dioxin/furan emissions measured
dryer. must not exceed 0.19 ng/ using Method 23 of 40 CFR part 60,
dscm at 7% O2. appendix A-7, over the period of the
initial performance test, do not exceed
0.19 ng/dscm at 7% O2; and
ii. You establish and have a record of
the operating limits listed in Table 2
to this subpart over the 3-hour
performance test during which dioxin/
furan emissions did not exceed 0.19 ng/
dscm at 7% O2.
22. Existing, new, or reconstructed a. Minimize HAP emissions i. Use natural gas, or equivalent, as
sanitaryware shuttle kiln.. the kiln fuel; and
ii. Develop a designed firing time and
temperature cycle for each product
produced in the sanitaryware shuttle
kiln. You must either program the time
and temperature cycle into your kiln or
track each step on a log sheet; and
iii. Label each sanitaryware shuttle
kiln with the maximum load (in tons) of
product that can be fired in the kiln
during a single firing cycle; and
iv. Develop maintenance procedures for
each kiln that, at a minimum, specify
the frequency of inspection and
maintenance of temperature monitoring
devices, controls that regulate air-to-
fuel ratios, and controls that regulate
firing cycles.
As stated in Sec. 63.8620, you must demonstrate continuous
compliance with each emission limitation and work practice standard
that applies to you according to the following table.
Table 7 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Continuous Compliance With Emission
Limitations and Work Practice Standards
You must demonstrate
For each . . . For the following continuous compliance
. . . by . . .
1. Tunnel or roller kiln a. Each emission i. If you use a bag
equipped with a DIFF or DLS/ limit in Table 1 leak detection
FF. to this subpart system, initiating
and each corrective action
operating limit within 1 hour of a
in Item 1 of bag leak detection
Table 2 to this system alarm and
subpart for completing
kilns equipped corrective actions
with DIFF or DLS/ in accordance with
FF. your OM&M plan;
operating and
maintaining the
fabric filter such
that the alarm is
not engaged for more
than 5 percent of
the total operating
time in a 6-month
block reporting
period; in
calculating this
operating time
fraction, if
inspection of the
fabric filter
demonstrates that no
corrective action is
required, no alarm
time is counted; if
corrective action is
required, each alarm
is counted as a
minimum of 1 hour;
if you take longer
than 1 hour to
initiate corrective
action, the alarm
time is counted as
the actual amount of
time taken by you to
initiate corrective
action; or
performing VE
observations of the
DIFF or DLS/FF stack
at the frequency
specified in Sec.
63.8620(e) using
Method 22 of 40 CFR
part 60, appendix A-
7; and maintaining
no VE from the DIFF
or DLS/FF stack; and
ii. Verifying that
lime is free-flowing
via a load cell,
carrier gas/lime
flow indicator,
carrier gas pressure
drop measurement
system, or other
system; recording
all monitor or
sensor output, and
if lime is found not
to be free flowing,
promptly initiating
and completing
corrective actions
in accordance with
your OM&M plan;
recording the feeder
setting once each
shift of operation
to verify that the
feeder setting is
being maintained at
or above the level
established during
the HF/HCl
performance test.
[[Page 75714]]
2. Tunnel or roller kiln a. Each emission i. Collecting the
equipped with a WS. limit in Table 1 scrubber pressure
to this subpart drop data according
and each to Sec.
operating limit 63.8600(a); reducing
in Item 2 of the scrubber
Table 2 to this pressure drop data
subpart for to 3-hour block
kilns equipped averages according
with WS. to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
pressure drop for
each 3-hour block
period at or above
the average pressure
drop established
during the PM
performance test;
ii. Collecting the
scrubber liquid pH
data according to
Sec. 63.8600(a);
reducing the
scrubber liquid pH
data to 3-hour block
averages according
to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
liquid pH for each 3-
hour block period at
or above the average
scrubber liquid pH
established during
the HF/HCl
performance test;
iii. Collecting the
scrubber liquid flow
rate data according
to Sec.
63.8600(a); reducing
the scrubber liquid
flow rate data to 3-
hour block averages
according to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
liquid flow rate for
each 3-hour block
period at or above
the highest average
scrubber liquid flow
rate established
during the HF/HCl
and PM performance
tests; and
iv. If chemicals are
added to the
scrubber water,
collecting the
scrubber chemical
feed rate data
according to Sec.
63.8600(a); reducing
the scrubber
chemical feed rate
data to 3-hour block
averages according
to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
chemical feed rate
for each 3-hour
block period at or
above the average
scrubber chemical
feed rate
established during
the HF/HCl
performance test.
3. Tunnel or roller kiln Each emission Collecting the carbon
equipped with an ACI system. limit in Table 1 flow rate data
to this subpart according to Sec.
and each 63.8600(a); reducing
operating limit the carbon flow rate
in Item 3 of data to 3-hour block
Table 2 to this averages according
subpart for to Sec.
kilns equipped 63.8600(a);
with ACI system. maintaining the
average carbon flow
rate for each 3-hour
block period at or
above the highest
average carbon flow
rate established
during the Hg and
performance tests.
4. Tunnel or roller kiln Each emission Collecting the kiln
intending to comply with limit in Table 1 operating
dioxin/furan emission limit to this subpart temperature data
without an ACI system. and each according to Sec.
operating limit 63.8600(a); reducing
in Item 4 of the kiln operating
Table 2 to this temperature data to
subpart for 3-hour block
kilns intending averages according
to comply with to Sec.
dioxin/furan 63.8600(a);
emission limit maintaining the
without an ACI average kiln
system. operating
temperature for each
3-hour block period
at or below the
average operating
established during
the dioxin/furan
performance test.
5. Tunnel or roller kiln with a. Each emission i. Performing VE
no add-on control. limit in Table 1 observations of the
to this subpart stack at the
and each frequency specified
operating limit in Sec. 63.8620(e)
in Item 5 of using Method 22 of
Table 2 to this 40 CFR part 60,
subpart for appendix A-7; and
tunnel or roller maintaining no VE
kilns with no from the stack.
add-on control. ii. If your last
calculated total
facility maximum
potential HCl-
equivalent was not
at or below the
standard in Table 1
to this subpart,
collecting the kiln
process rate data
according to Sec.
63.8600(a); reducing
the kiln process
rate data to 3-hour
block averages
according to Sec.
maintaining the
average kiln process
rate for each 3-hour
block period at or
below the kiln
process rate
determined according
to Sec.
iii. Collecting the
kiln operating
temperature data
according to Sec.
63.8600(a); reducing
the kiln operating
temperature data to
3-hour block
averages according
to Sec.
maintaining the
average kiln
temperature for each
3-hour block period
at or above the
average operating
established during
the dioxin/furan
performance test.
6. Glaze spray operation Each emission If you use a bag leak
equipped with a FF. limit in Table 1 detection system,
to this subpart initiating
and each corrective action
operating limit within 1 hour of a
in Item 6 of bag leak detection
Table 2 to this system alarm and
subpart for completing
glaze spray corrective actions
operations in accordance with
equipped with a your OM&M plan;
FF. operating and
maintaining the
fabric filter such
that the alarm is
not engaged for more
than 5 percent of
the total operating
time in a 6-month
block reporting
period; in
calculating this
operating time
fraction, if
inspection of the
fabric filter
demonstrates that no
corrective action is
required, no alarm
time is counted; if
corrective action is
required, each alarm
is counted as a
minimum of 1 hour;
if you take longer
than 1 hour to
initiate corrective
action, the alarm
time is counted as
the actual amount of
time taken by you to
initiate corrective
action; or
performing VE
observations of the
FF stack at the
frequency specified
in Sec. 63.8620(e)
using Method 22 of
40 CFR part 60,
appendix A-7; and
maintaining no VE
from the FF stack.
[[Page 75715]]
7. Glaze spray operation a. Each emission i. Collecting the
equipped with a WS. limit in Table 1 scrubber pressure
to this subpart drop data according
and each to Sec.
operating limit 63.8600(a); reducing
in Item 7 of the scrubber
Table 2 to this pressure drop data
subpart for to 3-hour block
kilns equipped averages according
with WS. to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
pressure drop for
each 3-hour block
period at or above
the average pressure
drop established
during the PM
performance test;
ii. Collecting the
scrubber liquid flow
rate data according
to Sec.
63.8600(a); reducing
the scrubber liquid
flow rate data to 3-
hour block averages
according to Sec.
maintaining the
average scrubber
liquid flow rate for
each 3-hour block
period at or above
the average scrubber
liquid flow rate
established during
the PM performance
8. Glaze spray operation a. Each emission Conducting daily
equipped with a water curtain. limit in Table 1 inspections to
to this subpart verify the presence
and each of water flow to the
operating limit wet control system;
in Item 8 of and
Table 2 to this Conducting weekly
subpart for visual inspections
kilns equipped of the system
with a water ductwork and control
curtain. equipment for leaks;
Conducting annual
inspections of the
interior of the
control equipment
(if applicable) to
determine the
structural integrity
and condition of the
control equipment.
9. Glaze spray operation Each emission Conducting an annual
equipped with baffles. limit in Table 1 visual inspection of
to this subpart the baffles to
and each confirm the baffles
operating limit are in place.
in Item 9 of
Table 2 to this
subpart for
kilns equipped
with baffles.
10. Spray dryer............... Each emission Collecting the
limit in Table 1 operating
to this subpart temperature data
and each according to Sec.
operating limit 63.8600(a); reducing
in Item 10 of the operating
Table 2 to this temperature data to
subpart for 3-hour block
spray dryers. averages according
to Sec.
maintaining the
average operating
temperature for each
3-hour block period
at or above the
average operating
established during
the dioxin/furan
performance test.
11. Floor tile press dryer.... Each emission Collecting the
limit in Table 1 operating
to this subpart temperature data
and each according to Sec.
operating limit 63.8600(a); reducing
in Item 11 of the operating
Table 2 to this temperature data to
subpart for 3-hour block
floor tile press averages according
dryers. to Sec.
maintaining the
average operating
temperature for each
3-hour block period
at or below the
average operating
established during
the dioxin/furan
performance test.
12. Sanitaryware shuttle kiln. a. Minimize HAP i. Maintaining
emissions. records documenting
your use of natural
gas, or an
equivalent fuel, as
the kiln fuel at all
times except during
periods of natural
gas curtailment or
supply interruption;
ii. If you intend to
use an alternative
fuel, submitting a
notification of
alternative fuel use
within 48 hours of
the declaration of a
period of natural
gas curtailment or
supply interruption,
as defined in Sec.
63.8665; and
iii. Submitting a
report of
alternative fuel use
within 10 working
days after
terminating the use
of the alternative
fuel, as specified
in Sec.
63.8635(g); and
iv. Using a designed
firing time and
temperature cycle
for each product
produced in the
shuttle kiln; and
v. For each firing
load, documenting
the total tonnage of
product placed in
the kiln to ensure
that it is not
greater than the
maximum load
identified in Item
1.a.iii of Table 3
to this subpart; and
vi. Following
procedures for each
kiln that, at a
minimum, specify the
frequency of
inspection and
maintenance of
monitoring devices,
controls that
regulate air-to-fuel
ratios, and controls
that regulate firing
cycles; and
vii. Developing and
maintaining records
for each shuttle
kiln, as specified
in Sec. 63.8640.
As stated in Sec. 63.8635, you must submit each report that
applies to you according to the following table.
[[Page 75716]]
Table 8 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Requirements for Reports
You must submit the report
You must submit . . . The report must contain . . . . . .
1. A compliance report............. a. If there are no deviations from any emission Semiannually according to
limitations or work practice standards that the requirements in Sec.
apply to you, a statement that there were no 63.8635(b).
deviations from the emission limitations or
work practice standards during the reporting
period. If there were no periods during which
the CMS was out-of-control as specified in
your OM&M plan, a statement that there were no
periods during which the CMS was out-of-
control during the reporting period.
b. If you have a deviation from any emission Semiannually according to
limitation (emission limit, operating limit) the requirements in Sec.
during the reporting period, the report must 63.8635(b).
contain the information in Sec. 63.8635(d)
or (e). If there were periods during which the
CMS was out-of-control, as specified in your
OM&M plan, the report must contain the
information in Sec. 63.8635(e).
2. A report of alternative fuel use The information in Sec. 63.8635(g)........... If you are subject to the
work practice standards
specified in Table 3 to
this subpart, and you use
an alternative fuel to
fire an affected kiln, by
letter within 10 working
days after terminating
the use of the
alternative fuel.
As stated in Sec. 63.8655, you must comply with the General
Provisions in Sec. Sec. 63.1 through 63.16 that apply to you according
to the following table.
Table 9 to Subpart KKKKK of Part 63--Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart KKKKK
Applies to Subpart
Citation Subject Brief description KKKKK?
Sec. 63.1........................ Applicability......... Initial applicability Yes.
applicability after
standard established;
permit requirements;
extensions, notifications.
Sec. 63.2........................ Definitions........... Definitions for part 63 Yes.
Sec. 63.3........................ Units and Units and abbreviations for Yes.
Abbreviations. part 63 standards.
Sec. 63.4........................ Prohibited Activities. Compliance date; Yes.
Sec. 63.5........................ Construction/ Applicability; Yes.
Reconstruction. applications; approvals.
Sec. 63.6(a)..................... Applicability......... General Provisions (GP) Yes.
apply unless compliance
extension; GP apply to
area sources that become
Sec. 63.6(b)(1) through (4)...... Compliance Dates for Standards apply at Yes.
New and Reconstructed effective date; 3 years
sources. after effective date; upon
startup; 10 years after
construction or
reconstruction commences
for section 112(f).
Sec. 63.6(b)(5).................. Notification.......... Must notify if commenced Yes.
construction or
reconstruction after
Sec. 63.6(b)(6).................. [Reserved]............ ........................... ......................
Sec. 63.6(b)(7).................. Compliance Dates for Area sources that become Yes.
New and Reconstructed major must comply with
Area Sources That major source standards
Become Major. immediately upon becoming
major, regardless of
whether required to comply
when they were area
Sec. 63.6(c)(1) and (2).......... Compliance Dates for Comply according to date in Yes.
Existing Sources. subpart, which must be no
later than 3 years after
effective date; for
section 112(f) standards,
comply within 90 days of
effective date unless
compliance extension.
Sec. 63.6(c)(3) and (4).......... [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.6(c)(5).................. Compliance Dates for Area sources that become Yes.
Existing Area Sources major must comply with
That Become Major. major source standards by
date indicated in subpart
or by equivalent time
period (for example, 3
Sec. 63.6(d)..................... [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(i)............... Operation & General Duty to minimize No. See Sec.
Maintenance. emissions. 63.8570(b) for
general duty
Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(ii).............. Operation & Requirement to correct No.
Maintenance. malfunctions ASAP.
Sec. 63.6(e)(1)(iii)............. Operation & Operation and maintenance Yes.
Maintenance. requirements enforceable
independent of emissions
Sec. 63.6(e)(2).................. [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.6(e)(3).................. Startup, Shutdown, and Requirement for startup, No.
Malfunction Plan shutdown, and malfunction
(SSMP). (SSM) and SSMP; content of
Sec. 63.6(f)(1).................. Compliance Except You must comply with No.
During SSM. emission standards at all
times except during SSM.
[[Page 75717]]
Sec. 63.6(f)(2) and (3).......... Methods for Compliance based on Yes.
Determining performance test,
Compliance. operation and maintenance
plans, records, inspection.
Sec. 63.6(g)..................... Alternative Standard.. Procedures for getting an Yes.
alternative standard.
Sec. 63.6(h)..................... Opacity/VE Standards.. Requirements for opacity No, not applicable.
and VE standards.
Sec. 63.6(i)..................... Compliance Extension.. Procedures and criteria for Yes.
Administrator to grant
compliance extension.
Sec. 63.6(j)..................... Presidential President may exempt source Yes.
Compliance Exemption. category.
Sec. 63.7(a)(1) and (2).......... Performance Test Dates Dates for conducting Yes.
initial performance
testing and other
compliance demonstrations
for emission limits and
work practice standards;
must conduct 180 days
after first subject to
Sec. 63.7(a)(3).................. Section 114 Authority. Administrator may require a Yes.
performance test under CAA
section 114 at any time.
Sec. 63.7(a)(4).................. Notification of Delay Must notify Administrator Yes.
in Performance of delay in performance
Testing Due To Force testing due to force
Majeure. majeure.
Sec. 63.7(b)(1).................. Notification of Must notify Administrator Yes.
Performance Test. 60 days before the test.
Sec. 63.7(b)(2).................. Notification of Must notify Administrator 5 Yes.
Rescheduling. days before scheduled date
of rescheduled date.
Sec. 63.7(c)..................... Quality Assurance (QA)/ Requirements; test plan Yes.
Test Plan. approval procedures;
performance audit
requirements; internal and
external QA procedures for
Sec. 63.7(d)..................... Testing Facilities.... Requirements for testing Yes.
Sec. 63.7(e)(1).................. Conditions for Performance tests must be No, Sec. 63.8595
Conducting conducted under specifies
Performance Tests. representative conditions. requirements.
Cannot conduct performance Yes.
tests during SSM; not a
violation to exceed
standard during SSM.
Sec. 63.7(e)(2) and (3).......... Conditions for Must conduct according to Yes.
Conducting subpart and EPA test
Performance Tests. methods unless
Administrator approves
alternative; must have at
least three test runs of
at least 1 hour each;
compliance is based on
arithmetic mean of three
runs; conditions when data
from an additional test
run can be used.
Sec. 63.7(e)(4).................. Testing under Section Administrator's authority Yes.
114. to require testing under
section 114 of the Act.
Sec. 63.7(f)..................... Alternative Test Procedures by which Yes.
Method. Administrator can grant
approval to use an
alternative test method.
Sec. 63.7(g)..................... Performance Test Data Must include raw data in Yes.
Analysis. performance test report;
must submit performance
test data 60 days after
end of test with the
notification of compliance
Sec. 63.7(h)..................... Waiver of Tests....... Procedures for Yes.
Administrator to waive
performance test.
Sec. 63.8(a)(1).................. Applicability of Subject to all monitoring Yes.
Monitoring requirements in subpart.
Sec. 63.8(a)(2).................. Performance Performance Specifications Yes.
Specifications. in appendix B of 40 CFR
part 60 apply.
Sec. 63.8(a)(3).................. [Reserved]............ ........................... No.
Sec. 63.8(a)(4).................. Monitoring with Flares Requirements for flares in No, not applicable.
Sec. 63.11 apply.
Sec. 63.8(b)(1).................. Monitoring............ Must conduct monitoring Yes.
according to standard
unless Administrator
approves alternative.
Sec. 63.8(b)(2) and (3).......... Multiple Effluents and Specific requirements for Yes.
Multiple Monitoring installing and reporting
Systems. on monitoring systems.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1).................. Monitoring System Maintenance consistent with Yes.
Operation and good air pollution control
Maintenance. practices.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(i)............... Routine and Reporting requirements for No.
Predictable SSM. SSM when action is
described in SSMP.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(ii).............. SSM not in SSMP....... Reporting requirements for Yes.
SSM when action is not
described in SSMP.
Sec. 63.8(c)(1)(iii)............. Compliance with How Administrator No.
Operation and determines if source
Maintenance complying with operation
Requirements. and maintenance
Sec. 63.8(c)(2) and (3).......... Monitoring System Must install to get Yes.
Installation. representative emission
and parameter measurements.
Sec. 63.8(c)(4).................. CMS Requirements...... Requirements for CMS....... No, Sec. 63.8600
Sec. 63.8(c)(5).................. Continuous Opacity COMS minimum procedures.... No, not applicable.
Monitoring System
(COMS) Minimum
Sec. 63.8(c)(6).................. CMS Requirements...... Zero and high level Yes.
calibration check
[[Page 75718]]
Sec. 63.8(c)(7) and (8).......... CMS Requirements...... Out-of-control periods..... Yes.
Sec. 63.8(d)..................... CMS Quality Control... Requirements for CMS Yes.
quality control.
Sec. 63.8(e)..................... CMS Performance Requirements for CMS Yes.
Evaluation. performance evaluation.
Sec. 63.8(f)(1) through (5)...... Alternative Monitoring Procedures for Yes.
Method. Administrator to approve
alternative monitoring.
Sec. 63.8(f)(6).................. Alternative to Procedures for No, not applicable.
Relative Accuracy Administrator to approve
Test. alternative relative
accuracy test for
continuous emission
monitoring systems (CEMS).
Sec. 63.8(g)..................... Data Reduction........ COMS and CEMS data No, not applicable.
reduction requirements.
Sec. 63.9(a)..................... Notification Applicability; State Yes.
Requirements. delegation.
Sec. 63.9(b)..................... Initial Notifications. Requirements for initial Yes.
Sec. 63.9(c)..................... Request for Compliance Can request if cannot Yes.
Extension. comply by date or if
installed BACT/LAER.
Sec. 63.9(d)..................... Notification of For sources that commence Yes.
Special Compliance construction between
Requirements for New proposal and promulgation
Source. and want to comply 3 years
after effective date.
Sec. 63.9(e)..................... Notification of Notify Administrator 60 Yes.
Performance Test. days prior.
Sec. 63.9(f)..................... Notification of VE/ Notify Administrator 30 No, not applicable.
Opacity Test. days prior.
Sec. 63.9(g)(1).................. Additional Notification of performance Yes.
Notifications When evaluation.
Using CMS.
Sec. 63.9(g)(2) and (3).......... Additional Notification of COMS data No, not applicable.
Notifications When use; notification that
Using CMS. relative accuracy
alternative criterion were
Sec. 63.9(h)..................... Notification of Contents; submittal Yes.
Compliance Status. requirements.
Sec. 63.9(i)..................... Adjustment of Procedures for Yes.
Submittal Deadlines. Administrator to approve
change in when
notifications must be
Sec. 63.9(j)..................... Change in Previous Must submit within 15 days Yes.
Information. after the change.
Sec. 63.10(a).................... Recordkeeping/ Applicability; general Yes.
Reporting. information.
Sec. 63.10(b)(1)................. General Recordkeeping General requirements....... Yes.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(i).............. Records Related to SSM Recordkeeping of occurrence No.
and duration of startups
and shutdowns.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(ii)............. Records Related to SSM Recordkeeping of failures No. See Sec.
to meet a standard. 63.8640(c)(2) for
recordkeeping of (1)
date, time and
duration; (2) listing
of affected source or
equipment, and an
estimate of the
volume of each
regulated pollutant
emitted over the
standard; and (3)
actions to minimize
emissions and correct
the failure.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(iii)............ Records Related to SSM Maintenance records........ Yes.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v)..... Records Related to SSM Actions taken to minimize No.
emissions during SSM.
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(vi) through CMS Records........... Records when CMS is Yes.
(xii) and (xiv). malfunctioning,
inoperative or out-of-
Sec. 63.10(b)(2)(xiii)........... Records............... Records when using No, not applicable.
alternative to relative
accuracy test.
Sec. 63.10(b)(3)................. Records............... Applicability Yes.
Sec. 63.10(c)(1) through (15).... Records............... Additional records for CMS. No, Sec. Sec.
63.8575 and 63.8640
specify requirements.
Sec. 63.10(d)(1) and (2)......... General Reporting Requirements for reporting; Yes.
Requirements. performance test results
Sec. 63.10(d)(3)................. Reporting Opacity or Requirements for reporting No, not applicable.
VE Observations. opacity and VE.
Sec. 63.10(d)(4)................. Progress Reports...... Must submit progress Yes.
reports on schedule if
under compliance extension.
Sec. 63.10(d)(5)................. SSM Reports........... Contents and submission.... No. See Sec.
63.8635(f) for
malfunction reporting
Sec. 63.10(e)(1) through (3)..... Additional CMS Reports Requirements for CMS No, Sec. Sec.
reporting. 63.8575 and 63.8635
specify requirements.
[[Page 75719]]
Sec. 63.10(e)(4)................. Reporting COMS data... Requirements for reporting No, not applicable.
COMS data with performance
test data.
Sec. 63.10(f).................... Waiver for Procedures for Yes.
Recordkeeping/ Administrator to waive.
Sec. 63.11....................... Flares................ Requirement for flares..... No, not applicable.
Sec. 63.12....................... Delegation............ State authority to enforce Yes.
Sec. 63.13....................... Addresses............. Addresses for reports, Yes.
notifications, requests.
Sec. 63.14....................... Incorporation by Materials incorporated by Yes.
Reference. reference.
Sec. 63.15....................... Availability of Information availability; Yes.
Information. confidential information.
Sec. 63.16....................... Performance Track Requirements for Yes.
Provisions. Performance Track member
[FR Doc. 2014-28125 Filed 12-17-14; 8:45 am]