Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 74683 [2014-29445]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Notices
which they are receiving the regulator
Description of Respondents:
Individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 94.
Frequency of Responses:
Recordkeeping; Reporting: On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 53,776.
Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–29453 Filed 12–15–14; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
December 10, 2014.
The Department of Agriculture has
submitted the following information
collection requirement(s) to OMB for
review and clearance under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13. Comments
regarding (a) whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of burden including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
Comments regarding this information
collection received by January 15, 2015
will be considered. Written comments
should be addressed to: Desk Officer for
Agriculture, Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), New
Executive Office Building, 725—17th
Street NW., Washington, DC 20502.
Commenters are encouraged to submit
their comments to OMB via email to:
OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or
fax (202) 395–5806 and to Departmental
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail
Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250–
7602. Copies of the submission(s) may
be obtained by calling (202) 720–8958.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a currently valid OMB control
number and the agency informs
potential persons who are to respond to
the collection of information that such
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:38 Dec 15, 2014
Jkt 235001
persons are not required to respond to
the collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Animal Plant and Health Inspection
Title: Self Certification Medical
OMB Control Number: 0579–0196.
Summary of Collection: The United
States Department of Agriculture is
responsible for ensuring consumers that
food and farm products are moved from
producer to consumer in the most
efficient, dependable, economical, and
equitable system possible. 5 CFR part
339 authorizes an agency to obtain
medical information about the
applicant’s health status to assist
management in making employment
decisions concerning positions that
have specific medical standards or
physical requirements in order to
determine medical/physical fitness. The
Marketing and Regulatory Programs
(MRP) of the Animal Plant and Health
Inspection Service (APHIS) of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture hires
individuals each year in commodity
grading and inspection positions. These
positions involve arduous duties and
work under conditions, around moving
machinery, slippery surfaces, and high
noise level areas. APHIS will collect
information using the MRP–5 form
(Self-Certification Medical Statement).
Need and Use of the Information: The
information collected from the
prospective employees assists the MRP
officials, administrative personnel, and
servicing Human Resources Offices in
determining an applicant’s physical
fitness and suitability for employment
in positions with approved medical
standards and physical requirements
and direct contact with meat, dairy,
fresh or processed fruits and vegetables,
and poultry intended for human
consumption and cotton and tobacco
products intended for consumer use. If
the information was not collected,
APHIS would not be able to accurately
determine the physical and/or mental
fitness for the position which the
applicant has applied and still meet the
provisions of the Act.
Description of Respondents:
Individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 322.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting:
On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 54.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Title: Trichinae Certification Program.
OMB Control Number: 0579–0323.
PO 00000
Frm 00002
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Summary of Collection: The Animal
Health Protection Act (AHPA) of 2002 is
the primary Federal law governing the
protection of animal health. The law
gives the Secretary of Agriculture broad
authority to detect, control and
eradicate pests or diseases of livestock
or poultry. The AHPA is contained in
Title X, Subtitle E, Sections 10401–18 of
Public Law 107–171, May 13, 2002, the
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act
of 2002. Trichinelia spiralis is a
contagious nematode affecting animals
and people. The disease, trichinellosis,
is transmitted by consuming the meat of
an infected animal. The Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
will collect information using a
certificate site audit, program audit
form, request for information during a
spot audit, animal disposal plan and
recordkeeping, animal movement record
and recordkeeping, rodent control
logbook and recordkeeping, trichinae
herd certification feed mill quality
assurance affidavit and recordkeeping,
and records for slaughter testing and
Need and Use of the Information:
APHIS will collect information to certify
swine are raised using practices that
will reduce or eliminate T spiralis
exposure. If this information is not
collected, it will compromise APHIS’
ability to determine the trichinae
infection status of pork produced in the
United States.
Description of Respondents: Business
or other for-profit; State, Local or Tribal
Number of Respondents: 260.
Frequency of Responses:
Recordkeeping; Reporting: On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 2,118.
Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–29445 Filed 12–15–14; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 90—
Onondaga County, New York;
Authorization of Proposed Production
Activity; PPC Broadband, Inc.;
Subzone 90C (Coaxial Jumper Cables);
Dewitt, New York
On August 12, 2014, the Onondaga
County Office of Economic
Development, grantee of FTZ 90,
submitted a notification of proposed
production activity to the Foreign-Trade
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 241 (Tuesday, December 16, 2014)]
[Page 74683]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-29445]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
December 10, 2014.
The Department of Agriculture has submitted the following
information collection requirement(s) to OMB for review and clearance
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13. Comments
regarding (a) whether the collection of information is necessary for
the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy
of the agency's estimate of burden including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility and clarity of the information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are
to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Comments regarding this information collection received by January
15, 2015 will be considered. Written comments should be addressed to:
Desk Officer for Agriculture, Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), New Executive Office
Building, 725--17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20502. Commenters are
encouraged to submit their comments to OMB via email to:
OIRA_Submission@OMB.EOP.GOV or fax (202) 395-5806 and to Departmental
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250-
7602. Copies of the submission(s) may be obtained by calling (202) 720-
An agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information
unless the collection of information displays a currently valid OMB
control number and the agency informs potential persons who are to
respond to the collection of information that such persons are not
required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays
a currently valid OMB control number.
Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service
Title: Self Certification Medical Statement.
OMB Control Number: 0579-0196.
Summary of Collection: The United States Department of Agriculture
is responsible for ensuring consumers that food and farm products are
moved from producer to consumer in the most efficient, dependable,
economical, and equitable system possible. 5 CFR part 339 authorizes an
agency to obtain medical information about the applicant's health
status to assist management in making employment decisions concerning
positions that have specific medical standards or physical requirements
in order to determine medical/physical fitness. The Marketing and
Regulatory Programs (MRP) of the Animal Plant and Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture hires individuals
each year in commodity grading and inspection positions. These
positions involve arduous duties and work under conditions, around
moving machinery, slippery surfaces, and high noise level areas. APHIS
will collect information using the MRP-5 form (Self-Certification
Medical Statement).
Need and Use of the Information: The information collected from the
prospective employees assists the MRP officials, administrative
personnel, and servicing Human Resources Offices in determining an
applicant's physical fitness and suitability for employment in
positions with approved medical standards and physical requirements and
direct contact with meat, dairy, fresh or processed fruits and
vegetables, and poultry intended for human consumption and cotton and
tobacco products intended for consumer use. If the information was not
collected, APHIS would not be able to accurately determine the physical
and/or mental fitness for the position which the applicant has applied
and still meet the provisions of the Act.
Description of Respondents: Individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 322.
Frequency of Responses: Reporting: On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 54.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Title: Trichinae Certification Program.
OMB Control Number: 0579-0323.
Summary of Collection: The Animal Health Protection Act (AHPA) of
2002 is the primary Federal law governing the protection of animal
health. The law gives the Secretary of Agriculture broad authority to
detect, control and eradicate pests or diseases of livestock or
poultry. The AHPA is contained in Title X, Subtitle E, Sections 10401-
18 of Public Law 107-171, May 13, 2002, the Farm Security and Rural
Investment Act of 2002. Trichinelia spiralis is a contagious nematode
affecting animals and people. The disease, trichinellosis, is
transmitted by consuming the meat of an infected animal. The Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will collect information using
a certificate site audit, program audit form, request for information
during a spot audit, animal disposal plan and recordkeeping, animal
movement record and recordkeeping, rodent control logbook and
recordkeeping, trichinae herd certification feed mill quality assurance
affidavit and recordkeeping, and records for slaughter testing and
Need and Use of the Information: APHIS will collect information to
certify swine are raised using practices that will reduce or eliminate
T spiralis exposure. If this information is not collected, it will
compromise APHIS' ability to determine the trichinae infection status
of pork produced in the United States.
Description of Respondents: Business or other for-profit; State,
Local or Tribal Government.
Number of Respondents: 260.
Frequency of Responses: Recordkeeping; Reporting: On occasion.
Total Burden Hours: 2,118.
Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014-29445 Filed 12-15-14; 8:45 am]