Incorporate Various Administrative Changes and Internal Policies in to the USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), 74985-75003 [2014-26051]
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Vol. 79
No. 241
December 16, 2014
Part V
Agency for International Development
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES2
48 CFR Parts 701, 702, 703, et al.
Incorporate Various Administrative Changes and Internal Policies in to the
USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR); Final Rule
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
A. Instructions
above. All submissions must include the
title of the action and RIN for this
rulemaking. Please include your name,
title, organization, postal address,
telephone number, and email address in
the text of the message.
Comments submitted by email must
be included in the text of the email or
attached as a PDF file. Please avoid
using special characters and any form of
encryption. Please note, however, that
because security screening precautions
have slowed the delivery and
dependability of surface mail to USAID/
Washington, USAID recommends
sending all comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal.
All comments will be made available
for public review without change,
including any personal information
provided, from three workdays after
receipt to finalization of action at https:// Do not submit
information that you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or any information that is otherwise
protected from disclosure by statute.
USAID is publishing this revision as
a direct final rule as the Agency views
this as a conforming and administrative
amendment and does not anticipate any
adverse comments. This rule will be
effective on the date specified in the
DATES section above without further
notice unless adverse comment(s) are
received by the date specified in the
DATES section above.
USAID will only address comments
that explain why the rule would be
inappropriate, ineffective or
unacceptable without a change.
Comments that are insubstantial or
outside the scope of the rule will not be
If adverse comments are received on
the direct final rule, USAID will publish
a timely partial withdrawal in the
Federal Register informing the public
what sections of the rule will not take
effect. Any portions of the final rule for
which no adverse or critical comment is
received will become final after the
designated period.
Additionally, USAID is publishing a
separate document in the ‘‘Proposed
Rules’’ section of this Federal Register
that will serve as the proposal to
approve these AIDAR revisions if
adverse comments are received. USAID
will address all public comments in a
subsequent final rule based on the
proposed rule. USAID will not institute
a second comment period on this action.
Any parties interested in commenting
must do so at this time.
All comments must be in writing and
submitted through one of the methods
specified in the ADDRESSES section
B. Background
This final rule is part of the AIDAR
rewrite initiative, in which all parts of
48 CFR Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705,
706, 707, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716,
717, 719, 722, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731,
732, 733, 736, 742, 745, 747, 750 and
RIN 0412–AA76
Incorporate Various Administrative
Changes and Internal Policies in to the
USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR)
U.S. Agency for International
ACTION: Direct final rule.
The U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) is
amending its Agency for International
Development Acquisition Regulation
(AIDAR) to maintain consistency with
the Federal Acquisition Regulation
(FAR), incorporate long-standing USAID
internal policy into the regulation,
remove obsolete material and make
editorial amendments to better clarify
the regulation.
DATES: This rule is effective March 16,
2015 without further action, unless
adverse comments are received by
January 15, 2015. If adverse comments
are received, USAID will publish a
timely withdrawal of those portion(s) of
the rule in the Federal Register. Submit
comments on or before January 15,
Address all comments
concerning this notice to Marcelle J.
Wijesinghe, Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance,
Policy Division (M/OAA/P), Room 867,
SA–44, Washington, DC 20523–2052.
Submit comments, identified by title of
the action and Regulatory Information
Number (RIN) by any of the following
methods: Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Email: Submit electronic comments to
INFORMATION for file formats and other
information about electronic filing.
Mail: USAID, Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition &
Assistance, Policy Division, Room 867,
SA–44, Washington, DC 20523–2052.
Lyudmila Bond, Telephone: 202–567–
4753 or Email:
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the regulation are being reviewed and
updated to: Align with the new statutes
and legislation, include previously
implemented policy, update titles and
acronyms and delete outdated
information and obsolete forms. This
rule incorporates updates to the entire
The following changes are
implemented by this final rule:
• Parenthetical reference (48 CFR) is
added to (48 CFR) FAR and (48 CFR)
AIDAR citations.
• The term ‘‘cognizant technical
officer(s)’’ and acronym ‘‘CTO(s)’’ are
replaced with ‘‘contracting officer’s
representative(s)’’ and ‘‘COR(s)’’
throughout AIDAR to align with the
FAR definitions under FAR 2.101(b).
• The following nomenclature
changes include office name and
acronym changes throughout (48 CFR)
AIDAR, reflecting Agency
reorganizations over the recent years:
a. ‘‘Office of Administrative Services’’
is renamed to ‘‘The Bureau for
Management, Office of Management
Services (M/MS)’’;
b. ‘‘Director, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance (M/OAA Director)’’ is
replaced with ‘‘Director, Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance (M/OAA Director);
c. ‘‘Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/
POL)’’ or ‘‘Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P)’’
is replaced with ‘‘Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P);
d. ‘‘Director, the Office of U.S. Foreign
Disaster Assistance’’ is renamed to
‘‘Director, Bureau for Democracy,
Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance,
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster
Assistance (DCHA/OFDA)’’;
e. Director, Center for Human
Capacity Development (G/HCD) is
renamed to ‘‘Director, Bureau for
Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/
f. The acronym ‘‘SDB’’ for the Office
of Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization is replaced with ‘‘OSDBU’’;
g. ‘‘Overhead and Special Cost and
Contract Close-Out Branch, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance’’ is renamed
to ‘‘Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Cost Audit
Support Division, Overhead and Special
Cost and Contract Close-Out Branch (M/
h. ‘‘Financial Management Office,
Cash Management and Payment
Division’’ and its acronym ‘‘FM/CMP’’
are replaced with ‘‘Bureau for
Management, Office of the Chief
Financial Officer, Cash Management
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
and Payment Division’’ and ‘‘M/CFO/
CMP’’ ;
i. ‘‘Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/
OAA/E)’’ is renamed to ‘‘Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/
j. ‘‘Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Transportation Division (M/
OAA/T)’’ is renamed to ‘‘Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Transportation Division (M/
k. The Acronym ‘‘M/OP director’’ is
replaced with ‘‘M/OAA Director’’;
• The following sections are revised
to correct reference to their legal citation
or a FAR/AIDAR subpart: 701.601,
703.104–10.1, 706.302–70(a)(1),
706.302–70(c)(4), 714.406–3, 714.406–4,
715.370–1(d)(4), 722.805–70(a) and (b),
747.507, 750.7109–2, 750.7109–
3,752.242–70 and 752.245–71;
• The following sections are
redesignated to maintain consistency
with the FAR: 701.105, 703.104–5,
703.104–10.1, 713.101, 714.406–3,
714.406–4, 717.700, 733.270–1, 745.106.
• Numerous errors and omissions
have been identified in chapter 7 as
published and are corrected in this rule,
specifically in sections 701.601,
704.7004–2, 715.370–2, 715.602, 719–
271–3, 733.103–73, 752.7003;
• Several sections are revised for
clarity: 701.470, 701.602–1, 706.302–70,
715.305, 752.219–8;
• Specific references to sections
within ADS chapters are replaced with
ADS chapter numbers to avoid a future
need to revise the AIDAR when these
ADS chapters are updated;
• Office of Management and Budget
approval of the information collections
in the AIDAR, under the Paperwork
Reduction Act is published in 701.106.
The information requested by USAID, as
listed in this section, is necessary to
allow USAID to prudently administer
public funds.
• Section 701.601(c)(3) is revised to
include an increase in the contracting
authority delegated to Mission Directors
to sign personal services contracts in an
amount not to exceed $1,000,000 and
other contracts up to the simplified
acquisition threshold, as defined in (48
CFR) FAR 2.101. This policy, first
announced by an Agency General Policy
Notice in 2005 and later implemented
on an interim basis through the
Acquisition and Assistance Policy
Directive (AAPD) 11–02, is now
incorporated into this rule without
• For ease of use, all section numbers
of the definitions in part 702 are deleted
and the definitions are republished in
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alphabetical order. The following
definitions are updated: Automated
Directives System (ADS), contracting
activity, head of agency, head of
contracting activity, Third Country
National (TCN). The definition of
procuring activity was moved from
706.003 to 702.170;
• The USAID Consultant Registry
Information System (ACRIS) was
superseded by the Central Contractor
Registration (CCR), pursuant to FAC
2001–16, October 1, 2003. Multiple
references to the former system are
being removed;
• Statutory authorities specific to
USAID for contracting with
disadvantaged enterprises, as contained
in numerous appropriation acts between
1984 and 1995, have expired; and the
provisions for use of these authorities in
sections 705.202, 705.207, 706.302–5,
706.302–71, 719.272, 752.226–1,
752.226–2, 752.226–3 and subpart
726.70 are being removed and reserved
upon the expiration of the contracts
funded by said authorities;
• Section 706.303–1 is removed
pursuant to the removal of its
counterpart (48 CFR) FAR 6.303–1
requirement by FAC 2001–27, December
28, 2004.
• Section 706.501 is revised to reflect
changes in the designation of the
competition advocate resulting from the
Agency’s reorganization over the recent
• Information on USAID Automated
Directive System Chapter 300, which
covers Agency policies, required
procedures, and internal guidance on
planning of USAID direct acquisition
awards is added to subpart 707.1;
• The authorities to suspend or debar
a contractor, previously delegated to the
Agency Procurement Executive have
been re-delegated to the Senior Deputy
Assistant Administrator, Bureau for
• Outdated reference to NIH
Contractor Performance System in
sections 715.305 and 742.1502 is
• Subpart 715.6 on unsolicited
proposals is revised for clarity and
conformity with the requirements in the
FAR 15.406. The Agency point of
contact information was also updated.
• With the addition of a new FAR
subpart, 17.7 (77 FR 69722, Nov. 20,
2012), section 717.700 is redesignated.
• Section 52.219–8, Utilization of
Small Business Concerns is provided
with the necessary prescriptive language
in the appropriate sections of the
AIDAR and revised for clarity;
• Revisions to part 725, AIDAR clause
at 752.225–70 and removal of clause at
752.225–71 reflect changes in 22 CFR
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part 228, Rules for Procurement of
Commodities and Services Financed by
USAID dated January 10, 2012;
• The payment clause at 752.232–7,
prescribed in paragraph (b) of 732.111,
was removed by AIDAC 2007–02, but its
prescription in subpart 732.1 was
inadvertently overlooked and is now
• Subpart 732.4 is revised to reflect
procedural changes due to the transfer
of the LOC process to DHHS;
• Designation of the Civilian Board of
Contract Appeals (CBCA) to hear and
determine appeals under USAID
contracts in part 733, Protests, Disputes
and Appeals was mandated by section
847 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006,
Pub. L. 109–163. Subpart 733.27 is
revised to reflect this change;
• The term ‘‘strategic objective
agreement’’ wherever found is replaced
by ‘‘Development Objective Agreement
(DOAG)’’, pursuant to its revision in the
Automated Directives System Chapter
• Subpart 752.1 is added to allow
contracting officers to incorporate (48
provisions and clauses by reference;
• The following Agency-specific
clauses are re-organized to follow the
clause format used throughout chapter 7
(clause #, title, prescription, clause title
and date, clause text):
a. 752.204–2 Security Requirements;
b. 752.228–3 Worker’s Compensation
Insurance (Defense Base Act);
c. 752.228–7 Insurance—liability to
Third Persons;
d. 752.228–9 Cargo Insurance;
e. 752.245–70 Government Property—
USAID Reporting Requirements.
• New contract clause entitled
‘‘Access to USAID Facilities and
USAID’s Information Systems’’,
previously called ‘‘Personal Identity
Verification of Contractor Personnel’’
was implemented on an interim basis
through ADS 302 Mandatory Reference,
Special Provisions for Acquisition and
is hereby formally implemented in the
AIDAR without revision at 752.204–72.
The clause supplements the FAR clause
52.204–9(a) and is mandatory for
awards requiring contractor’s routine
physical access to USAID-controlled
facilities or logical access to USAID’s
information systems. The clause
describes policies and procedures for
obtaining such access. The Agency
believes that the transfer of the policy
from the internal Agency policy into the
AIDAR will have no impact on
• Contract clause 752.216–70, Award
fee, is revised to remove reference to the
disputes clause to conform to the
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
revision of (48 CFR) FAR 16.405–2(a),
with respect to award fee
determinations, as specified by FAC 97–
15, December 27, 1999;
• Following the requirements in
731.205–71, contract clause 752.231–71
is revised to require contractors to
include the substance of this clause in
subcontracts that may entail salary
supplement payments to host
government employees;
• New contract clauses entitled
‘‘Patent Reporting Procedures’’ and
‘‘Standards for Accessibility for the
Disabled in USAID Construction
Contracts’’ were implemented on an
interim basis through the Agency’s
Contract Information Bulletin (CIB) 99–
19, Patent Rights and Reporting and
ADS 302 Mandatory Reference, Special
Provisions for Acquisition. The ‘‘Patent
Reporting Procedures’’ clause
supplements the FAR clause at 52.227–
11, Patent Rights—Ownership by the
Contractor, and requires contractors to
report all inventions to the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) EDISON
Patent Reporting and Tracking system.
The clause entitled ‘‘Standards for
Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID
Construction Contracts’’ is required for
all USAID-funded contracts for
construction or renovation and
mandates that any new or renovation
construction project funded by USAID
provide access to people with
disabilities. Both clauses are hereby
formally implemented in the AIDAR
with minor editorial revisions at
752.227–70 and 752.236–70
respectively. The Agency believes that
the transfer of the clauses from the
internal agency policy into the AIDAR
will have no impact on contractors;
• Contract clauses 752.247–70,
752.7002, and 752.7015 are revised to
conform to section 5164 of the Omnibus
Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
(15 U.S.C. 205), E.O. 12770, and ADS
chapter 323, which implement the
congressional designation of the metric
system of measurement as the preferred
system of weights and measures for
United States trade and commerce;
• Pursuant to the revision of (48 CFR)
FAR clause 52.047–64 (FAC 2001–13,
dated March 18, 2003) Alternate 1 to the
AIDAR clause 752.247–70 has been
rendered redundant and is therefore
• The contract clause 752.7005 is
retitled ‘‘Submission Requirements to
the Development Clearinghouse’’ and
revised to bring it into conformity with
the requirements of the Privacy Act of
1974 and Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. With the
launch of the updated DEC Web site,
contractors are directed to obtain
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detailed submission instructions from
the Web site;
• Revisions to the AIDAR sections
731.205–46 and 752.7032 have been
implemented on an interim basis
through the Acquisition and Assistance
Policy Directive (AAPD) 14–01 in April
2014 and are now incorporated into the
AIDAR. The changes will allow
contracting officers to delegate to the
contracting officer’s representative
(COR) international travel approvals for
all travel directly and identifiably
funded by USAID under the contract;
• New contract clause entitled
‘‘USAID Disability Policy’’ was
implemented on an interim basis
through Acquisition and Assistance
Policy Directive (AAPD) 04–17 and later
incorporated into Agency policy at ADS
302 Mandatory Reference, Special
Provisions for Acquisition. The clause
requires that the contractors do not
discriminate against people with
disabilities and is hereby formally
implemented in the AIDAR without
revisions at 752.222–70. The Agency
believes that the transfer of the clause
from the internal policy into the AIDAR
will have no impact on contractors.
C. Regulatory Planning and Review
This rule has been determined to be
‘‘nonsignificant’’ under the Executive
Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and
Review, dated September 30, 1993 and,
therefore, is not subject to review. This
rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C.
D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The U.S. Agency for International
Development certifies that this final rule
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities within the meaning of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601,
et seq., because the revisions of this rule
will not impose any costs on either
small or large businesses; therefore, an
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
has not been performed.
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Chapter 7,
Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707,
709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719,
722, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731, 732, 733,
736, 742, 745, 747, 750 and 752
Government procurement.
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, USAID amends 48 CFR
chapter 7 as set forth below:
Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706,
707, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717,
719, 722, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731, 732,
733, 736, 742, 745, 747, 750 and 752
■ 1. The authority citation for 48 CFR
chapter 7 parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705,
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706, 707, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716,
717, 719, 722, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731,
732, 733, 736, 742, 745, 747, 750 and
752 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Sec. 621, Pub. L. 87–195, 75
Stat. 445, (22 U.S.C. 2381) as amended; E.O.
12163, Sept. 29, 1979, 44 FR 56673; and 3
CFR 1979 Comp., p. 435.
2. Amend (48 CFR) chapter 7 as
■ a. Remove the word ‘‘FAR’’ and add,
in its place, the words ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR’’
each time it appears in the following
i. 701.704;
ii. 704.7004–1;
iii. 702.270–1;
iv. 704.7004–3(a);
v. 706.302–70(c)(2) and (3);
vi. 709.503;
vii. 711.002–70 (a);
viii. 715.303–70(b)(3);
ix. 715.370–1(d)(3);
x. 715.370–2(d)(4);
xi. 716.303(c);
xii. 719.270(c)(2);
xiii. 719.271–1;
xiv. 719.273–3 (a), (b), and(c);
xv. 722.103–4;
xvi. 722.805–70(c)(1) and (3);
xvii. 725.170;
xviii. 725.403;
xix. 728.105–1(a);
xx. 728.307–2(c);
xxi. 728.309(a);
xxii. 728.313(a);
xxiii. 731.773;
xxiv. 733.101(a) and (b);
xxv. 733.103–70;
xxvi. 733.103–71(b);
xxvii. 733.103–72(b);
xxviii. 736.602–3(b)(9);
xxix. 736.602–5;
xxx. 750.7102;
xxxi. 752.202–1;
xxxii. 752.204–70(c);
xxxiii. 752.204–71(h) and 752.204–71
Alt I (h)(1);
xxxiv. 752.216–71(i) and 752.216–71
Alt 1 (i)(1);
xxxv. 752.229–70;
xxxvi. 752.242–70(a);
xxxvii. 752.245–70;
xxxviii. 752.7000; and
xxxix. 752.7018
■ b. Remove the word ‘‘AIDAR’’ and
add, in its place, the words ‘‘(48 CFR)
AIDAR’’ each time it appears in the
following sections:
i. 704.7004–1(c);
ii. 706.302–70(b)(4) and (c)(3);
iii. 709.503;
iv. 715.370–1(a);
v. 719.271–6(a)(3);
vi. 719.273–11(a) and (b);
vii. 728.307–2(c);
viii. 728.309(a);
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ix. 728.313(a);
x. 731.205–6(b) and (m);
xi. 731.371(b)(1) and (3);
xii. 731.372;
xiii. 731.373;
xiv. 731.772;
xv. 731.774;
xvi. 742.1502(b);
xvii. 747.507;
xviii. 752.200;
xix. 752.204–70(a) and (b)(2);
xx. 752.219–71 introductory text;
xxi. 752.228–3(b); and
xxii. 752.7000.
■ c. Remove the words ‘‘Cognizant
technical officer’’ and add, in their
place, the words ‘‘contracting officer’s
representative’’ each time they appear in
the following sections:
i. 719.271–5;
ii. 722.805–70(f);
iii. 742.1170–1;
iv. 742.1170–3(b) and (c);
v. 742.1170–4(b);
vi. 752.7003(a); and
vii. 752.7035.
■ d. Remove the words ‘‘Cognizant
technical officers’’ and add, in their
place, the words ‘‘Contracting officer’s
representatives’’ each time they appear
in the following sections:
i. 719.270(c)(1);
ii. 719.271–4; and
iii. 719.271–5 section heading.
■ e. Remove the words ‘‘Contracting
Officer’’ and add, in their place, the
words ‘‘contracting officer’’ each time
they appear in the following sections:
i. 701.707;
ii. 715.303–70(b)(3);
iii. 719.273–11(a) and (b);
iv. 722.805–70(c)(1);
v. 731.205–71(c);
vi. 733.103–71(a);
vii. 733.103–72(b);
viii. 733.103–73(c);
ix. 736.602–2(c);
x. 752.204–70(b)(2);
xi. 752.209.71(a) and (b);
xii. 752.216–70(b);
xiii. 752.227–14(d)(2) and (3);
xiv. 752.228–70(a) and (b);
xv. 752.231–71(b);
xvi. 752.245–71(c)(2);
xvii. 752.7001;
xviii. 752.7002;
xix. 752.7003;
xx. 752.7007(b);
xxi. 752.7008(a) and (b);
xxii. 752.7009(d);
xxiii. 752.7011(c);
xxiv. 752.7025;
xxv. 752.7027(a)(1), (a)(2), and
xxvi. 752.7031(a)(3), (c), and (e);
xxvii. 752.7033 (b)(1) and (b)(2)(iii);
xxviii. 752.7035.
■ f. Remove the word ‘‘government’’
and add, in its place, the word
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‘‘Government’’ each time it appears in
the following sections:
i. 701.106(b);
ii. 706.302–70(b)(5);
iii. 715.370–1(d)(2) and (3);
iv. 719.273–4(b)(3);
v. 727.404(g);
vi. 733.103–71(c); and
vii. 752.227–14(d)(3).
Subpart 701.1—Purpose, Authority,
3. Redesignate 701.105 as 701.106 and
amend newly redesignated 701.106 by:
■ a. Revising paragraph (a); and
■ b. Removing the last sentence of
paragraph (c).
The revisions read as follows:
701.106 OMB approval under the
Paperwork Reduction Act.
(a) The following information
collection and record keeping
requirements established by USAID
have been approved by OMB and
assigned an OMB control number as
specified below:
(48 CFR) AIDAR segment
OMB control
752.219–8 .................................
752.245–70 ...............................
752.245–71(c)(2) ......................
752.247–70(c) ...........................
752.7001 ...................................
752.7002(j) ................................
752.7003 ...................................
752.7004 ...................................
752.7032 ...................................
Subpart 701.3—U.S. Agency for
International Development Acquisition
4. Amend 701.301 by:
a. In the introductory sentence of
paragraph (a), removing the words
‘‘Director, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance (‘‘M/OAA Director’’)’’ and
adding, in their place, the words
‘‘Director, Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance
(‘‘M/OAA Director’’);
■ b. In paragraph (a)(4), removing the
words ‘‘General counsel’’ and adding, in
their place, the words ‘‘Office of the
General Counsel’’; and
■ c. In the second sentence of paragraph
(b)(2), removing the words ‘‘The Office
of Administrative Services’’ and adding,
in their place, the words ‘‘The Bureau
for Management, Office of Management
Services (M/MS)’’.
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5. Amend 701.303 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘FAR 1.1’’ and add, in their
place, the words ‘‘FAR subpart 1.1’’; and
■ b. Revising paragraph (c).
The revisions read as follows:
Publication and codification.
(c) Only the M/OAA Director has the
authority to issue internal Agency
guidance applicable to all Agency
contracts. The heads of the various
Agency contracting activities (see
Subparts 701.6 and 702.170) may issue
operating instructions and procedures
consistent with the FAR, AIDAR, and
other Agency regulations, policies, and
procedures for application within their
organizations. One copy of each such
issuance must be forwarded to the
Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Policy
Division (M/OAA/P). Insofar as
possible, such material must be
numerically keyed to the AIDAR.
Subpart 701.4—Deviations from the
6. Revise 701.402 to read as follows:
It is USAID policy to approve
deviations from the mandatory
requirements of the FAR and AIDAR
only if it is essential to effect necessary
procurement actions and when special
and exceptional circumstances make
such deviation clearly in the best
interest of the Government.
■ 7. Amend 701.470 by:
■ a. In paragraph (a)(3), removing the
words ‘‘Office of General Counsel’’ and
adding, in their place, the words ‘‘Office
of the General Counsel’’; and
■ b. Revising paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(2),
(b)(3)(i), (d), and (f)(1).
The revisions read as follows:
(a) * * *
(2) Requests for such deviations may
be initiated by the responsible USAID
contracting officer who must obtain
clearance and approvals as may be
required by the head of the contracting
activity. Prior to submission of the
deviation request to the head of the
contracting activity for approval, the
contracting officer must obtain written
comments from the Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P),
hereinafter referred to as ‘‘M/OAA/P’’.
M/OAA/P will normally be allowed 10
working days prior to the submission of
the deviation request to the head of the
contracting activity to review the
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
request and to submit comments. If the
exigency of the situation requires more
immediate action, the requesting office
may arrange with M/OAA/P for a
shorter review period. In addition to a
copy of the deviation request, M/OAA/
P must be furnished any background or
historical data that will contribute to a
more complete understanding of the
deviation. The comments of M/OAA/P
must be made a part of the deviation
request file, which is forwarded to the
head of the contracting activity.
(b) * * *
(2) Class deviations from the FAR will
be considered jointly by USAID and the
Chairperson of the Civilian Agency
Acquisition Council (C/CAAC) (FAR
1.404) unless, in the judgment of the
head of the contracting activity, after
due consideration of the objective of
uniformity, circumstances preclude
such consultation. The head of the
contracting activity must certify on the
face of the deviation the reason for not
coordinating with the C/CAAC. In such
cases, M/OAA/P will be responsible for
notifying the C/CAAC of the class
(3) * * *
(i) The request must be processed in
the same manner as paragraph (a) of this
section, except that M/OAA/P will be
allowed 15 working days, prior to the
submission of the deviation request to
the head of the contracting activity, to
effect the necessary coordination with
the C/CAAC and to submit comments. If
the exigency of the situation requires
more immediate action, the requesting
office may arrange with M/OAA/P for a
shorter review and coordination period.
The comments of C/CAAC and M/OAA/
P must be forwarded to the head of the
contracting activity along with the
deviation request and made a part of the
deviation request file.
(d) Register of deviations. Separate
registers must be maintained by the
procuring activities of the deviations
granted from the FAR and AIDAR. Each
deviation must be recorded in its
appropriate register and be assigned a
control number as follows: For USAID
Washington deviations the symbol of
the procuring activity, or for overseas
mission deviations the relevant
geographic code; the abbreviation
‘‘DEV’’; the fiscal year; the type of
deviation (from the FAR or AIDAR); the
serial number [issued in consecutive
order during each fiscal year] assigned
to the particular deviation; and the
suffix ‘‘c’’ if it is a class deviation (e.g.,
DEV–FAR–14–2c, 123–DEV–AIDAR–
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14–1). The control number must be
embodied in the document authorizing
the deviation and must be cited in all
references to the deviation.
(f) Semiannual report of class
deviations. (1) USAID contracting
officers must submit a semiannual
report to M/OAA/P of all contract
actions effected under class deviations
to the FAR and AIDAR, which have
been approved pursuant to paragraph
(b) of this section.
Subpart 701.6—Career Development,
Contracting Authority and
8. Amend 701.601 by:
a. Revising the section heading;
b. In paragraph (b), removing the word
‘‘government-wide’’ and adding, in its
place, the word ‘‘Government-wide’’;
■ c. In the last sentence of paragraph (b),
removing the reference ‘‘701–376–4’’
and adding, in its place, the reference
‘‘(48 CFR) AIDAR 701.601’’; and
■ d. Revising paragraph (a)(1), the
introductory text of paragraph (a)(2), the
heading of paragraph (c)(1), and
paragraphs (c)(2) and (3)
The revisions read as follows:
(a)(1) Pursuant to the delegations in
USAID’s Automated Directives System
(ADS) Chapter 103, the M/OAA Director
is authorized to act as the head of the
agency for all purposes described in the
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR, 48
CFR chapter 1), except for the authority
in (48 CFR) FAR 6.302–7(a)(2), 6.302–
7(c)(1), 17.602(a), 19.201(c), 27.306(a),
27.306(b), and 30.201–5, or where the
‘‘head of the agency’’ authority is
expressly not delegable under the FAR
or AIDAR. Further, the M/OAA Director
is responsible for implementing the
procurement related aspects of the
Foreign Assistance Act, Executive Order
11223, the Office of Federal
Procurement Policy Act, and other
statutory and Executive Branch
procurement policies and requirements
applicable to USAID operations,
including those authorities and
responsibilities delegated to the Senior
Procurement Executive as specified in
USAID’s internal delegations found in
the ADS.
(2) The M/OAA Director has specific
authority to:
(c) * * *
(1) Director, the Bureau of Democracy,
Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance,
the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster
Assistance (DCHA/OFDA). * * *
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(2) Director, Bureau for Economic
Growth, Education and Environment,
Office of Education (E3/ED). Authority
to execute simplified acquisitions up to
$10,000. Unlimited authority for
procuring participant training based on
published catalog prices. May issue
warrants for simplified acquisitions up
to $10,000 to qualified individuals on
his or her staff.
(3) Overseas heads of contracting
activities. Authority to sign contracts
where the cumulative amount of the
contract, as amended, does not exceed
$1,000,000 (or local currency
equivalent) for personal services
contracts; or the simplified acquisition
threshold as defined in (48 CFR) FAR
2.101 (or local currency equivalent) for
all other contracts. May issue warrants
for simplified acquisitions up to $50,000
to qualified individuals on his or her
■ 9. Revise 701.602–1 to read as follows:
701.602–1 Authority of contracting officers
in resolving audit recommendations.
With the exception of termination
settlements subject to part 749 of this
chapter, Termination of Contracts,
contracting officers have the authority to
negotiate and enter into settlements
with contractors for costs questioned
under audit reports, or to issue a
contracting officer’s final decision
pursuant to applicable dispute
resolution procedures (in the event that
questioned costs are not settled by
negotiated agreement) in accordance
with USAID’s internal policy found in
ADS Chapter 591. The negotiated
settlement or final decision will be final,
subject only to a contractor’s appeal
under the provisions of the Contract
Disputes Act of 1978, as amended (41
U.S.C. 601–613), or other procedures as
applicable. Policies and procedures for
resolving audit recommendations are in
accordance with USAID’s internal
policies found in ADS Chapters 591 and
■ 10. Revise the section heading for
701.603 to read as follows:
701.603 Selection, appointment, and
termination of appointment of contracting
11. Revise the last sentence in
701.603–70 to read as follows:
Designation of contracting
* * * In order to ensure proper
accountability, and to preclude possible
security, conflict of interest, or
jurisdiction problems, USAID
contracting officers must be U.S. citizen
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
direct-hire employees of the U.S.
12. Subpart 702.170 is revised to read
as follows:
Subpart 702.170—Definitions
702.170–1 Definitions.
Subpart 702.170—Definitions
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A word or term, defined in this
section, has the same meaning
throughout the AIDAR.
Administrator means the
Administrator or Deputy Administrator
of the U.S. Agency for International
Automated Directives System (ADS)
sets forth the Agency’s policies and
essential procedures, as well as
supplementary informational references.
It contains six functional series, valid
USAID Handbook chapters, a resource
library, and a glossary. References to
‘‘ADS’’ throughout 48 CFR chapter 7 are
references to the Automated Directives
System. The entire ADS is accessible to
the general public at the following
USAID Internet address: https://
Contracting activities also referred to
as ‘‘procuring activities’’ within USAID
(1) The USAID/Washington activities.
The contracting activities located in
Washington, DC are: The Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance (M/OAA); the Bureau for
Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian
Assistance, Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance (DCHA/OFDA); and the
Bureau for Economic Growth, Education
and Environment, Office of Education
(E3/ED). Subject to the limitations in
701.601 of this chapter, the latter two
contracting activities are responsible for
procurements related to programs and
activities for their areas. M/OAA is
responsible for procurements that do
not fall within the responsibility of
other contracting activities, or that are
otherwise assigned to it.
(2) The overseas field contracting
activities. Each USAID Mission or post
overseas is a contracting activity
responsible for procurements related to
its programs and activities, subject to
the limitations in 701.601 of this
Cooperating country means a foreign
country in which there is a program or
activity administered by USAID.
Cooperating country national (CCN)
means an individual who is a
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cooperating country citizen or a noncooperating country citizen lawfully
admitted for permanent residence in the
cooperating country.
Executive agency includes the U.S.
Agency for International Development
(USAID) and its predecessor agencies,
including the International Cooperation
Foreign Assistance Act means the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as
amended (22 U.S.C., Chapter 32).
Government, Federal, State, local and
political subdivisions, as used in the
FAR and AIDAR, do not refer to foreign
entities except as otherwise stated.
Head of agency means, for USAID, the
Administrator, the Deputy
Administrator, and in accordance with
the responsibilities and limitations set
forth in (48 CFR) AIDAR 701.601(a)(1),
the M/OAA Director.
Head of the contracting activity:
(1) The heads of USAID contracting
activities are listed below. The limits of
their contracting authority are set forth
in 701.601 of this chapter.
(i) USAID/Washington Heads of
Contracting Activities:
(A) Director, Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance;
(B) Director, the Bureau for
Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian
Assistance, Office of Foreign Disaster
Assistance (DCHA/OFDA); and
(C) Director, Bureau for Economic
Growth, Education and Environment,
Office of Education (E3/ED).
(ii) Overseas Heads of Contracting
Activities: Each Mission Director or
principal USAID officer at post (e.g.
USAID Representative, USAID Affairs
Officer, etc.).
(2) Individuals serving in the
positions listed in paragraphs (1)(i) and
(ii) of this definition in an ‘‘Acting’’
capacity may exercise the authority
delegated to that position.
Mission means the USAID mission or
the principal USAID office or
representative (including an embassy
designated to so act) in a foreign country
in which there is a program or activity
administered by USAID.
Overseas means outside the United
States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico.
Procurement Executive is
synonymous with ‘‘Senior Procurement
Executive’’ as defined in FAR 2.101 and
means the USAID official who is
responsible for the management
direction of USAID’s assistance and
acquisition (‘‘A&A’’) system, as so
delegated and more fully described in
USAID’s internal delegations found in
the ADS.
Procuring activity means ‘‘contracting
activity’’, as defined in this subpart.
Third country national (TCN) means
an individual who is neither a
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cooperating country national nor a U.S.
national, but is a citizen or lawful
permanent resident (or equivalent
immigration status) of any country other
than the countries which are prohibited
sources. (See 22 CFR 228.15).
USAID means the U.S. Agency for
International Development and its
predecessor agencies, including the
International Cooperation
Administration (ICA).
U.S. national (USN) means an
individual who is a U.S. citizen or a
non-U.S. citizen lawfully admitted for
permanent residence in the United
Subpart 703.1—Safeguards
13. Redesignate 703.104–5 as
703.104–4 and revise newly
redesignated 703.104–4 to read as
703.104–4 Disclosure, protection, and
marking of contractor bid or proposal
information and source selection
A contracting officer may authorize
the release of proprietary and/or source
selection information outside the
Government for evaluation purposes
pursuant to (48 CFR) FAR 15.305(c) and
(48 CFR) AIDAR 715.305(c).
■ 14. Redesignate 703.104–10.1 as
703.104–7 and revise newly
redesignated 703.104–7 to read as
703.104–7 Violations or possible
Requests for concurrence under
paragraph (a)(1) of (48 CFR) FAR 3.104–
7 must be forwarded to one level above
the contracting officer.
Subpart 704.4—Safeguarding
Classified Information Within Industry
15. Revise 704.404 to read as follows:
Contract clauses.
(a) When the contract includes a
requirement for the contractor to access
classified (‘‘Confidential’’, ‘‘Secret’’, or
‘‘Top Secret’’), or administratively
controlled (‘‘Sensitive But
Unclassified’’) information, the
contracting officer must insert (48 CFR)
FAR clause 52.204–2, Security
Requirements and (48 CFR) AIDAR
clause 752.204–2, Security
Requirements, in the solicitation and
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
(b) If the contract requires the
contractor (or contractor employees) to
have routine physical access to USAIDcontrolled facilities in the U.S. (i.e., will
need an ID for regular entry to USAID
space), or have logical access to
USAID’s information systems (i.e.,
access to AIDNet, Phoenix, the Global
Acquisition and Assistance System
(GLAAS,) etc.,) and the solicitation and
contract contains (48 CFR) FAR 52.204–
9(a), the contracting officer must also
insert (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.204–72,
Access to USAID Facilities and USAID’s
Information Systems. Only U.S citizen
employees or consultants of a U.S.based company may request routine
physical access to USAID-controlled
facilities or logical access to USAID’s
information systems.
16. Amend 704.7004–2(a) by
removing the word ‘‘agency’’ and
adding, in its place, the word ‘‘Agency’’.
17. Amend 704.7005(c) by removing
the words ‘‘(48 CFR) subpart 716.5’’ and
add, in their place, the words ‘‘(48 CFR)
AIDAR subpart 716.5’’.
Subpart 706.3—Other than Full and
Open Competition
[Removed and Reserved]
23. Remove and reserve 706.302–5.
■ 24. Amend 706.302–70 by:
■ a. Removing the reference ‘‘40 U.S.C.
474’’ in paragraph (a)(1) and adding, in
its place, the reference ‘‘40 U.S.C. 113’’;
■ b. Revising paragraph (c)(1); and
■ c. Removing the reference ‘‘FAR
6.303–2(a)(12)’’ in paragraph (c)(4) and
adding, in its place, the reference ‘‘(48
CFR) FAR 6.303–2 (b)(12)’’.
The revision reads as follows:
Impairment of foreign aid
(c) * * *
(1) Proposals must be requested from
as many potential offerors as is
practicable under the circumstances.
Additionally, as required in (48 CFR)
FAR 5.201, the contracting officer must
publicize the intended award when
using the exceptions above, including
when using the authority at 706.302–
70(b)(5) where the contracting officer
has determined that the incumbent
contractor is the only practicable,
potential offeror.
[Removed and Reserved]
18. Remove and reserve 705.002.
[Removed and Reserved]
25. Remove and reserve 706.302–71.
26. Remove 706.303–1.
Subpart 705.2—Synopsis of Proposed
Contract Actions
19. Amend 705.202 by:
■ a. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘Administrator for Federal
Procurement Policy ’’ and adding, in
their place, the words ‘‘Administrator of
the Office of Management and Budget’s
Office of Federal Procurement Policy ‘‘;
■ b. Remove and reserve paragraph (c).
[Removed and Reserved]
20. Remove and reserve 705.207.
21. Add subpart heading 705.5 before
705.502 to read as follows:
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Subpart 705.5—Paid Advertisement
22. Remove 706.003.
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Subpart 707.1—Acquisition Plans
707.104 General procedures.
Subpart 707.1—Acquisition Plans
General procedures.
Policies, procedures, and internal
guidance for acquisition planning are
found in ADS 300.
Subpart 709.4—Debarment,
Suspension, and Ineligibility
29. Revise 709.403 to read as follows:
Debarring official in USAID is the
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator,
Bureau for Management.
Suspending official in USAID is the
Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator,
Bureau for Management.
Subpart 709.5—Organizational
Conflicts of Interest
30. In 709.503:
a. Remove the reference ‘‘702.170–10’’
and add, in its place, the reference
‘‘702–170’’; and
■ b. Remove the words ‘‘Agency head’’
and add, in their place, the words
‘‘agency head’’.
The USAID Administrator delegated
the authority to designate the Agency
Competition Advocate and a
competition advocate for each agency
procuring activity (see 702.170 of this
chapter) to the M/OAA Director. The M/
OAA Director, under the
Administrator’s delegation, has
designated the M/OAA Deputy Director
for Accountability, Compliance,
Transparency, and Support as the
Agency Competition Advocate and the
deputy head of each contracting activity
as the competition advocate for each
activity. The competition advocate for
USAID/W is the Deputy Director for M/
OAA Operations. If there is no deputy,
the head of the contracting activity is
designated the competition advocate for
that activity. The competition
advocate’s duties may not be
redelegated, but can be exercised by
persons serving as acting deputy (or
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28. Add subpart 707.1 to read as
27. Revise 706.501 to read as follows:
Subpart 706.5—Competition
acting head) of the contracting activity.
For definitions of contracting activity
and head of the contracting activity, see
702.170 of this chapter.
31. Amend 711.002–70 by:
a. In paragraph (b)(1), removing the
words ‘‘ADS chapter 323’’ and adding,
in their place, the words ‘‘ADS Chapter
323’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (b)(3), removing the
acronym ‘‘SDB’’ and adding, in its
place, the acronym ‘‘OSDBU’’;
32. Revise the heading for subpart
713.1 to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart 713.1—Procedures.
37. Amend 715.370–1 by:
a. In paragraph (d)(2)(iv), removing
the abbreviation ‘‘PIO/T’’ and adding, in
its place, the word ‘‘requisition’’.
■ b. In paragraph (d)(4), remove the
phrase ‘‘715.608 of this subpart’’ and
adding, in its place, the reference
[Redesignated as 713.001]
33. Redesignate 713.101 as 713.001.
Subpart 714.4—Opening of Bids and
Award of Contract
714.406–3 [Redesignated as 714.407–3
and Amended]
38. In paragraphs (b) and (d)(4) of
715.370–2, remove the references ‘‘AIDR
appendix F’’ and ‘‘AIDAR appendix F’’
and add, in their place, the reference
‘‘(48 CFR) AIDAR appendix F’’.
34. Redesignate 714.406–3 as
714.407–3 and amend newly
redesignated 714.407–3 by removing the
reference ‘‘FAR 14.406–3’’ and adding,
in its place, the reference ‘‘(48 CFR)
FAR 14.407–3’’.
■ 35. Redesignate 714.406–4 as
714.407–4 and amend newly
redesignated 714.407–4 by:
■ a. Revising the section heading; and
■ b. Removing the reference ‘‘FAR
14.406–4’’ and adding, in its place, the
reference ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR 14.407–4’’.
The revision reads as follows:
Subpart 715.6—Unsolicited Proposals
39. Amend 715.602 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the word
‘‘Futher’’ and add, in its place, the word
‘‘Further’’; and
■ b. Revising paragraph (c).
The revision reads as follows:
(c) For detailed information on
unsolicited proposals including point of
contact information see (48 CFR) AIDAR
■ 40. Revise 715.604 to read as follows:
Subpart 715.3—Source Selection
36. Amend 715.305 by removing and
reserving paragraph (a) and revising
paragraphs (b) and (c) to read as follows:
(a) Information on USAID’s policies
for unsolicited proposals is available
from the U.S. Agency for International
Development, Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance,
Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E), SA–44,
Room 858–E, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW., Washington, DC 20523 or by email
Initial inquiries and subsequent
unsolicited proposals must be submitted
to the address specified above.
(b) The information available
(1) Contact points within USAID;
(2) Definitions;
(3) Information source on USAID
objectives and areas of potential
(4) Characteristics of a suitable
(5) Determination of contractor
(6) Organizational conflicts of interest;
(7) Cost sharing; and
(8) Procedures for submission and
evaluation of proposals;
(9) Guidance on preferred methods for
submitting ideas/concepts to the
(10) Instructions for identifying and
marking proprietary information so that
it is projected and restrictive legends
conform to (48 CFR) FAR 15.609.
Mistakes after award.
Proposal evaluation.
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(b) A justification must be written by
the contracting officer and placed in the
official file to support the decision to
reject all proposals and to cancel the
(c) The contracting officer may
authorize release of proposals outside
the Government for evaluation—
(1) When an Evaluation Assistance
Contract (EAC) is required to provide
technical advisory or other services
relating to the evaluation of proposals;
(2) When an individual other than a
Government employee, known as a NonGovernment Evaluator (NGE), is
selected to serve as a member of a
USAID technical evaluation committee.
(3) Prior to releasing the proposals
outside the Government, the contracting
officer must obtain a signed and dated
agreement from each NGE and EAC
employee that they will safeguard the
proposals and information in the
proposals and that they perceive no
actual or potential conflict of interests.
(An example of such agreement is
provided in the ADS).
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Agency points of contact.
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Subpart 716.3—Cost Reimbursement
41. In 716.406, remove the words
‘‘Contracting Officer shall include’’ and
add, in their place, the words
‘‘contracting officer must insert’’.
■ 42. Revise the section heading for
716.505–70 to read as follows:
716.505–70 Partner vetting—orders under
indefinite delivery contracts.
[Redesignated as 717.770]
43. Redesignate 717.700 as 717.770.
719.270, 719.271–2, 719.271–3, 719.271–4,
719.271–5, 719.271–6, and 719.271–7
44. In 719.270, 719.271–2, 719.271–3,
719.271–4, 719.271–5, 719.271–6, and
719.271–7, remove the acronym ‘‘SDB’’
and add, in its place, the acronym
’’OSDBU’’ each time it appears.
Subpart 719.2—Policies
45. Amend 719.270 by:
■ a. In paragraph (a), removing the
words ‘‘United States small business’’
and adding, in their place, the words
‘‘U.S. small businesses’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (e), removing the
phrase ‘‘subsection 702.170–10’’ and
adding, in its place, the reference ‘‘702–
46. Amend 719.271–1 by removing
the words ‘‘Small Business concerns’’
each time they appear and add, in their
place, the words ‘‘Small business
47. Amend 719.271–2 by:
■ a. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘Director SDB’’ and adding, in
their place, the words ‘‘Director,
OSDBU’’; and
■ b. Removing and reserving paragraph
48. Amend 719.271–3 by:
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
a. In the introductory text, removing
the word ‘‘jurisidiction’’ and adding, in
its place, the word ‘‘jurisdiction’’; and
■ b. In paragraphs (a) and (n), removing
the words ‘‘part 19 of the FAR’’ and
adding, in their place, the words ‘‘part
19 of the (48 CFR) FAR’’.
49. Amend 719.271–4 by:
■ a. In the introductory text, removing
the word ‘‘agency’’ and adding, in its
place, the word ‘‘Agency’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (c), removing the
words ‘‘cognizant technical officers’’
and adding, in their place, the words
‘‘contracting officer’s representatives’’.
[Removed and Reserved]
50. Remove and reserve 719.272
51. Add subpart 719–7 after subpart
719.273 to read as follows:
Subpart 719–7—The Small Business
Subcontracting Program
Contract clause.
Contract clause.
The Foreign Assistance Act calls for
USAID to give U.S. Small Businesses an
opportunity to provide supplies and
services for foreign assistance projects.
To help USAID meet this obligation, the
contracting officer must insert the
clause at (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.219–8 in
all solicitations and contracts that
contain the (48 CFR) FAR clause at
52.219–8, Utilization of Small Business
Subpart 722.1—Basic Labor Policies
52. In 722.170, revise the first
sentence of paragraph (a) to read as
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES2
722.170 Employment of third country
nationals (TCN’s) and cooperating country
nationals (CCN’S).
(a) * * * It is USAID policy that
cooperating country nationals (CCNs)
and third country nationals (TCNs), who
are hired abroad for work in a
cooperating country under USAIDdirect contracts, generally be extended
the same benefits, and be subject to the
same restrictions as TCNs and CCNs
employed by the USAID Mission. * * *
20:53 Dec 15, 2014
(b) Representations and certifications.
The first step in ensuring compliance
with these requirements is to obtain all
necessary representations and
certifications (Reps and Certs) as
required by (48 CFR) FAR 22.810 and
FAR 4.1202. When applicable, the
contracting officer must review the Reps
and Certs to determine whether they
have been completed and signed as
required, and are acceptable.
■ 54. Add 722.810 to read as follows:
Jkt 235001
The contracting officer must insert the
clause at 752.222–70, USAID Disability
Policy, in section H of all solicitations
and resulting contracts.
55. Revise subpart 725.70 to read as
Subpart 725.70—Source and Nationality
725.701 General.
725.702 Designation of authorized
geographic code.
725.703 Source and Nationality
requirements—Contract clause.
725.704 Geographic Code waivers.
Subpart 725.70—Source and
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53. Amend 722.805–70 by:
a. In the first sentence of paragraph
(a), removing the reference ‘‘(48 CFR)
FAR 22.804–2’’ and adding, in its place,
the reference ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR 22.804–1’’;
■ b. Revising paragraph (b).
The revision reads as follows:
722.810 Solicitation provisions and
contract clauses.
Subpart 719–7—The Small Business
Subcontracting Program
Subpart 722.8—Equal Employment
USAID’s source and nationality
requirements for program-funded
contracts and subcontracts are set forth
in 22 CFR part 228, Rules on
Procurement of Commodities and
Services Financed by USAID. 22 CFR
part 228 is supplemented by the policies
and procedures in ADS Chapters 310
and 312.
725.702 Designation of authorized
geographic code.
(a) Unless another geographic code is
specified in the Schedule of the
contract, in accordance with 22 CFR
part 228, the authorized code for all
Agency contracts is Geographic Code
937, which is the U.S., the cooperating/
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recipient country, and developing
countries other than advanced
developing countries, and excluding
prohibited sources.
(b) The list of developing countries is
available in ADS Chapter 310.
725.703 Source and Nationality
requirements—Contract clause.
Insert the clause at 752.225–70,
Source and Nationality Requirements in
all USAID program-funded solicitations
and contracts for goods or services,
unless source and nationality
requirements do not apply as set forth
at 22 CFR 228.02.
Geographic Code waivers.
(a) Authority to approve waivers of
source, nationality, and transportation
services requirements, pursuant to 22
CFR part 228, subpart D, is set forth in
ADS Chapters 103 and 310.
(b) If a Geographic Code other than
Code 937 is authorized by a waiver, the
contracting officer must insert the
authorized geographic code approved in
the waiver, in the Schedule of the
contract as required in 725.702. In
addition, the contracting officer must
place a copy of the approved geographic
code waiver in the official contract file.
Subpart 726.70—[Removed and
56. Remove and reserve subpart
57. Add subpart 727.3 to read as
Subpart 727.3—Patent Rights under
Government Contracts
727.303 Contract clause.
Subpart 727.3—Patent Rights under
Government Contracts
Contract clause.
Contracting officers must insert the
clause at 752.227–70, Patent Reporting
Procedures, in all solicitations and
contracts that contain the clause at (48
CFR) FAR 52.227–11, Patent Rights—
Ownership by the Contractor.
Subpart 727.4—Rights in Data and
58. In paragraph (g) of 727.404,
remove the words ‘‘shall incorporate’’
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
and add in their place, the words ‘‘must
59. Amend 727.409(a) by:
a. Removing the word ‘‘incorporates’’
and adding, in its place, the word
‘‘inserts’’; and
■ b. Removing the words ‘‘(48 CFR)
752.227–14’’ and adding, in their place,
the words ‘‘(48 CFR) AIDAR 752.227–
Subpart 728.1—Bonds
60. Revise 728.105–1(b) to read as
Advance payment bonds.
(b) Whenever a contracting officer
considers that an advance payment
bond is necessary, the contracting
officer will:
(1) Establish a bond penalty that will
adequately protect interests of the
(2) Use the USAID Advance Payment
Bond format;
(3) Place bond with a surety currently
approved by the U.S. Treasury
Department according to the latest
Treasury Department Circular 570; and
(4) Stipulate that the cost of the bond
shall not exceed a rate of $7.50 per
$1,000 per annum based on the penalty
of the bond, without the prior written
approval of the Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance,
Policy Division (M/OAA/P).
Subpart 728.3—Insurance
61. In 728.307–70, remove the words
‘‘Contracting Officer shall insert’’ and
add, in their place, the words
‘‘contracting officer must insert’’.
64. Revise 731.205–71 by:
a. In paragraph (c), removing ‘‘(on
ADS–CD under USAID Handbooks,
Handbook 1)’’ and adding, in their
place, ‘‘in ADS Chapter 302’’;
■ b. In paragraph (d), removing the
words ‘‘Contracting Officer’’ and
adding, in their place, the words
‘‘Contracting officer’’.
Subpart 731.7—Contracts with
Nonprofit Organizations
65. Revise 731.770(a) by:
a. Removing the words ‘‘Director,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance’’
and adding, in their place, the words
‘‘Director, Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance’’;
■ b. Removing the words ‘‘Overhead
and Special Cost and Contract Close-Out
Branch, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance (OCC)’’ and adding, in their
place, the words ‘‘Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Cost Audit Support
Division, Overhead and Special Cost
and Contract Close-Out Branch (M/
OAA/CAS/OCC)’’; and
■ c. Removing the abbreviation ‘‘OCC’’
and adding, in its place, the
abbreviation ‘‘M/OAA/CAS/OCC’’.
Subpart 732.1 [Removed]
66. Remove subpart 732.1.
67. Revise the heading for subpart
732.4 to read as follows:
62. In 731.109, remove the words
‘‘Overhead and Special Cost and
Contract Close-Out Branch, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance’’ and add, in
their place, the words ‘‘Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Cost Audit Support
Division, Overhead and Special Cost
and Contract Close-Out Branch (M/
■ 63. Revise 731.205–46 to read as
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20:53 Dec 15, 2014
Subpart 732.4—Advance Payments for
Non-Commercial Items
Subpart 731.1—Applicability
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Travel costs.
It is USAID policy to require prior
written approval of international travel
by the contracting officer, or the
contracting officer’s representative
(COR) if delegated in the Contracting
Officer’s Representative Designation
Letter. See (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.7032 for
specific requirements and procedures.
Jkt 235001
68. Revise 732.402 to read as follows:
(e)(1) U.S. Dollar advances to forprofit organizations for any award,
including advances for disbursement to
grantees, must be processed and
approved in accordance with ADS
Chapter 636.
(2) All local currency advances to forprofit organizations for any award
require the approval of the head of the
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contracting activity, with concurrence of
the Mission Controller.
■ 69. Revise 732.406–71, 732.406–72,
732.406–73, and 732.406–74 to read as
732.406–71 Applicability for use of a Letter
of Credit (LOC).
An LOC must be used when:
(a) The contracting officer has
determined that an advance payment is
necessary and appropriate in
accordance with this subpart and the
requirements found in (48 CFR) FAR
(b) USAID has, or expects to have, a
continuing relationship of at least one
year with the organization, and the
annual amount required for advance
financing will be at least $50,000; and
(c) The advance payment is approved
in accordance with (48 CFR) AIDAR
732.402(e). Additionally, the advance
payments made by LOC under for fee or
profit contracts, must be approved by
the Procurement Executive.
Establishing an LOC.
(a) While the contract will provide for
the use of an LOC when it is applicable
under 732.406–71, the LOC is a separate
agreement between the contractor and
USAID. The terms and conditions of the
LOC are contained in the LOC
instructions issued by USAID and the
general operating requirements are those
imposed by the USAID LOC servicing
agent. LOCs for both USAID/
Washington and Mission-executed
awards are established by the Bureau for
Management, Office of the Chief
Financial Officer, Cash Management
and Payment Division (M/CFO/CMP)
through the Agency LOC servicing
(b) To establish a new LOC account,
the contractor must submit to USAID
the documentation specified in (48 CFR)
AIDAR Clause 752.232–70(b).
LOC contract clause.
(a) If payment is to be provided by
LOC, the contract must contain the
clause in 752.232–70.
(b) Contracting officers must ensure
that an appropriate (48 CFR) FAR
payment clause is also inserted in the
contract, in the event that the LOC is
revoked pursuant to 732.406–74.
Revocation of the LOC.
If during the term of the contract M/
CFO/CMP believes that the LOC should
be revoked, M/CFO/CMP may, after
consultation with the cognizant
contracting officer(s) and GC, revoke the
LOC by written notification to the
contractor. A copy of any such
revocation notice will immediately be
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
provided to the cognizant contracting
Subpart 733.1—Protests
74. Add subpart 736.5 to read as
70. Amend 733.103–72(a) by
removing the words ‘‘Assistant General
Counsel for Litigations and Enforcement
(GC/LE)’’ and adding, in their place, the
words ‘‘Office of the General Counsel’s
Division for Litigation and Enforcement
■ 71. Amend 733.103–73 by:
■ a. Revising the section heading; and
■ b. In paragraph (d), removing the
words ‘‘General Accounting Office
(GAO)’’ and adding, in their place, the
words ‘‘Government Accountability
Office (GAO)’’.
The revision reads as follows:
Subpart 736.5—Contract Clauses
736.570 Disability Standards in
Construction Contracts.
733.103–73 Protests excluded from
Agency consideration.
Subpart 736.6—Architect-Engineer
Subpart 733.27—USAID Procedures for
Disputes and Appeals
72. Redesignate 733.270–1 as 733.270
and revise newly redesignated 733.270
to read as follows:
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733.270 Designation of Civilian Board of
Contract Appeals (CBCA) to hear and
determine appeals under USAID contracts.
(a) The Civilian Board of Contract
Appeals (CBCA) was established by
section 847 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006
to hear and decide contract disputes
between Government contractors and
executive civilian agencies under the
provisions of the Contract Disputes Act
of 1978, 41 U.S.C. 7101–7109, and
regulations and rules issued under that
statute. The CBCA is USAID’s board for
hearing and deciding appeals to
contracting officer decisions.
(b) USAID must follow CBCA Rules of
Procedure (see
(c) The Office of the General
Counsel’s Division of Litigation and
Enforcement (GC/LE) will assure
representation of the interests of the
Government in proceedings before the
(d) All officers and employees of
USAID must cooperate with the CBCA
and GC/LE in the processing of appeals
so as to assure their speedy and just
73. Remove 733.270–2.
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Subpart 736.5—Contract Clauses
736.570 Disability Standards in
Construction Contracts.
Contracting officers must insert the
clause at 752.236–70, Standards for
Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID
Construction Contracts, in all
solicitations and contracts for
construction or renovations made using
program funds.
[Removed and Reserved]
75. Remove and reserve 736.603.
Subpart 745.1—General
79. Redesignate 745.106 as 745.107
and revise newly redesignated 745.107
to read as follows:
Contract clauses.
(a) The contracting officer must insert
the clause at (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.245–
71 in all contracts under which the
contractor will acquire property for use
overseas and the contract funds were
obligated under a Development
Objective Agreement (DOAG) (or similar
bilateral obligating agreement) with the
cooperating country.
(b) The contracting officer must insert
the applicable clause as required in (48
CFR) FAR 45.107 and (48 CFR) AIDAR
752.245–70 in all contracts under which
the contractor will acquire property
with funds not already obligated under
a DOAG (or similar bilateral obligating
agreement) with the cooperating
Subpart 747.5—Ocean Transportation
by U.S.-Flag Vessels
80. Amend 747.507 by:
a. Removing the reference ‘‘FAR
27.507(a)’’ and adding, in its place, the
reference ‘‘FAR 47.507(a)’’; and
■ b. Removing the words ‘‘Contracting
Officer shall’’ and ‘‘Contracting officer
shall’’ and adding, in their place, the
words ‘‘Contracting officer must’’.
Subpart 742.11—Production,
Surveillance, and Reporting
76. Revise 742.1170–2 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘FAR 48 CFR’’ each time they
appear and adding, in their place, the
words ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR’’.
■ b. In paragraph (c), removing the
words ‘‘FAR 48 CFR’’ and adding, in
their place, the words ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR’’.
PART 750—Extraordinary Contractual
Subpart 750.71—Extraordinary
Contractual Actions to Protect Foreign
Policy Interests of the United States
81. In 750.7109–1, remove the words
‘‘Office of Acquisition and Assistance,
Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E)’’ and
add, in their place, the words ‘‘Bureau
for Management, Office of Acquisition
and Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/
Subpart 742.15—Contractor
Performance Information
77. Amend 742.1502 by:
a. Removing and reserving paragraph
(a); and
■ b. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘FAR subpart 42.15’’ and adding,
in their place, the words ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR
subpart 42.15’’.
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82. In 750.1109–2, remove the
reference ‘‘FAR 50.303’’ add, in its
place, the reference ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR
78. Amend 742.1503(b) by removing
the words ‘‘FAR 42.1503(b)’’ and
adding, in their place, the words ‘‘(48
CFR) FAR 42.1503’’.
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83. In 750.1109–3, remove the
references ‘‘FAR 50.304’’ and add, in its
place, the reference ‘‘(48 CFR) FAR
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart 752.1—Instructions for Using
Provisions and Clauses
84. In 750.7110–1, remove the words
‘‘Evaluation Division of the Office of
Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA/
E)’’ and add, in their place, the words
‘‘Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Evaluation
Division (M/OAA/E)’’.
752.102 Incorporating provisions and
86. Add subpart 752.1 to read as
Subpart 752.1—Instructions for Using
Provisions and Clauses
85. Amend the section heading for
750.1110–3 by removing the acronym
‘‘M/OP Director’’ and adding, in its
place, the acronym ‘‘M/OAA Director’’.
752.102 Incorporating provisions and
752.107 AIDAR provisions and clauses
prescribed in this subpart.
(a) As authorized by FAR 52.102, FAR
and AIDAR provisions and clauses
should be incorporated by reference in
solicitations and contracts to the
maximum practical extent, except as
provided in paragraph (b) of this
section. For provisions that require fillins or input by the contracting officer,
the paragraph that contains the fill-in
information must be included directly
below the title of the provision or
(b) If applicable, the following AIDAR
provisions and clauses must be
incorporated in full text in all
solicitations and awards:
(48 CFR chapter 7)
752.225–4 ...................................................
752.232–70 .................................................
752.245–70 .................................................
752.7003 .....................................................
Buy American Act—Trade Agreements ........................................................................
Letter of Credit Advance Payment ................................................................................
Government property—USAID reporting requirements ................................................
Documentation for payment ..........................................................................................
(c) Contracting activities may choose
to incorporate provisions in full text,
(1) A new clause or significant
revisions to an existing clause is issued
less than six months prior to issuance of
a solicitation or a contract award;
(2) Listing a clause in full text will
ensure compliance with the contract
terms and conditions;
(3) Inclusion of clauses in full text is
more practical under the local
conditions (e.g., situations where doing
so will assist small local entities, the
prospective contractors may have
limited Internet access, etc.).
(d) If a solicitation or contract
contains one or more FAR provisions or
clauses incorporated by reference, the
contracting officer must insert the
following Internet address: https://
index.html in FAR clause 52.252–1,
Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by
Reference or 52.252–2, Clauses
Incorporated by Reference.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES2
752.107 AIDAR provisions and clauses
prescribed in this subpart.
(a) The contracting officer must insert
the provision at 752.252–1, Solicitation
Provisions Incorporated by Reference, in
solicitations in order to incorporate
AIDAR provisions by reference.
(b) The contracting officer must insert
the clause at 752.252–2, AIDAR Clauses
Incorporated by Reference, in
solicitations and contracts in order
incorporate AIDAR clauses by reference.
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July 1997.
Mar 2015.
July 1997.
Nov 1998.
(c) The contracting officer must insert
the provision at 752.252–70, Provisions
and Clauses to be Completed by the
Offeror, in full text in solicitations or
contract containing FAR or AIDAR
provision(s) or clause(s) that must be
completed by offerors or prospective
contractors and submitted with the
quotation or offer.
USAID Definitions Clause—Supplement for
USAID Contracts Involving Performance
Overseas (JUNE 2009)
Subpart 752.2—Texts of Provisions
and Clauses
87. Amend 752.202–1 by:
a. In paragraph (c), revising the clause
heading and paragraph (b) of the clause;
■ b. In paragraph (d), revising the clause
heading and paragraphs (b) and (g) of
the clause.
The revisions read as follows:
(c) Alternate 71. * * *
(b) Director shall mean the individual who
fills the USAID position of Director, Bureau
for Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED), or
authorized representative acting within the
limits of the individual’s authority.
(d) Alternate 72. * * *
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(b) Cooperating Country National (CCN)
employee means an individual who meets
the citizenship requirements of the CCN
definition in (48 CFR) AIDAR 702.170 and is
hired while residing outside the United
States for work in a cooperating country.
(g) Third Country National (TCN)
employee means an individual who meets
the citizenship requirements of the TCN
definition in (48 CFR) AIDAR 702.170 and is
hired while residing outside the United
States for work in a Cooperating Country.
88. Revise 752.204–2 to read as
Security Requirements.
As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR
704.404(a), when the clause in (48 CFR)
FAR 52.204–2 is used in USAID
contracts, paragraph (a) of the clause is
revised as follows:
Security Requirements (FEB 1999)
Pursuant to the Foreign Affairs Manual, 12
FAM 540 (
organization/88404.pdf), USAID applies the
safeguards applicable to ‘‘Confidential’’
information to administratively controlled
information designated as ‘‘Sensitive But
Unclassified’’. Therefore, when the clause in
(48 CFR) FAR 52.204–2 is used in USAID
contracts, pursuant to 704.404(a), paragraph
(a) of the clause is revised as follows:
(a) This clause applies to the extent that
this contract involves access to classified
(‘Confidential’, ‘Secret’, or ‘Top Secret’), or
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
subcontractor, subcontractor employee, or
consultant to have routine physical access to
USAID space or logical access to USAID’s
information systems.
administratively controlled (‘Sensitive But
Unclassified’) information.
89. Add 752.204–72 to read as
752.204–72 Access to USAID Facilities and
USAID’s Information Systems.
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As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR
704.404(b), insert the following clause
in all solicitations and contracts that
contain the provision at (48 CFR) FAR
Access to USAID Facilities and USAID’s
Information Systems (AUG 2013)
(a) A U.S. citizen or resident alien engaged
in the performance of this award as an
employee, consultant, or volunteer of a U.S
firm may obtain access to USAID facilities or
logical access to USAID’s information
systems only when and to the extent
necessary to carry out this award and in
accordance with this clause. The contractor’s
employees, consultants, or volunteers who
are not U.S. citizen as well as employees,
consultants, or volunteers of non-U.S. firms,
irrespective of their citizenship, will not be
granted logical access to U.S. Government
information technology systems (such as
Phoenix, GLAAS, etc.) and must be escorted
to use U.S. Government facilities (such as
office space).
(b) Before a contractor (or a contractor
employee, consultant, or volunteer) or
subcontractor at any tier may obtain a USAID
ID (new or replacement) authorizing the
individual routine access to USAID facilities
in the United States, or logical access to
USAID’s information systems, the individual
must provide two forms of identity source
documents in original form to the Enrollment
Office personnel when undergoing
processing. One identity source document
must be a valid Federal or State Governmentissued picture ID. Contractors may contact
the USAID Security Office to obtain the list
of acceptable forms of documentation.
Submission of these documents, to include
documentation of security background
investigations, are mandatory in order for the
contractor to receive a PIV/FAC card and be
granted access to any of USAID’s information
systems. All such individuals must
physically present these two source
documents for identity proofing at their
(c) The contractor or its Facilities Security
Officer must return any issued building
access ID and remote authentication token to
the contracting officer’s representative (COR)
upon termination of the individual’s
employment with the contractor or
completion of the contract, whichever occurs
(d) Individuals engaged in the performance
of this award as employees, consultants, or
volunteers of the contractor must comply
with all applicable Homeland Security
Presidential Directive–12 (HSPD–12) and
Personal Identity Verification (PIV)
procedures, as described above, and any
subsequent USAID or Government-wide
HSPD–12 and PIV procedures/policies.
(e) The contractor is required to insert this
clause in any subcontracts that require the
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90. In the introductory text of
752.209–71, remove the word ‘‘include’’
and add, in its place, the word ‘‘insert’’.
USAID Disability Policy.
As prescribed in 722.810, the
contracting officer must insert the
following clause in Section H of all
solicitations and resulting awards.
As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR
719.708, insert the following clause in
solicitations and contracts that contain
the clause at 52.219–8, Utilization of
Small Business Concerns:
Utilization of Small Business Concerns and
Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns
(MAR 2015)
In addition to the FAR clause at 52.219–
8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns,
the contractor must comply with the
following USAID small business provision:
To permit USAID, in accordance with the
small business provisions of the Foreign
Assistance Act, to give small business firms
an opportunity to participate in supplying
equipment supplies and services financed
under this contract, the contractor must, to
the maximum extent possible, provide the
following information to the U.S. Agency for
International Development(USAID), Office of
Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization (OSDBU), 1300 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., SA–44, Room 848, Washington,
DC 20523, at least 45 days prior to placing
any order in excess of the simplified
acquisition threshold except where a shorter
time is requested of, and granted by OSDBU:
(1) Brief general description and quantity
of commodities or services;
(2) Closing date for receiving quotations or
bids; and
(3) Address where invitations or
specifications may be obtained.
USAID Disability Policy (DEC 2004)
(a) The objectives of the USAID Disability
Policy are:
(1) To enhance the attainment of United
States foreign assistance program goals by
promoting the participation and equalization
of opportunities of individuals with
disabilities in USAID policy, country and
sector strategies, activity designs and
(2) To increase awareness of issues of
people with disabilities both within USAID
programs and in host countries;
(3) To engage other U.S. Government
agencies, host country counterparts,
governments, implementing organizations
and other donors in fostering a climate of
nondiscrimination against people with
disabilities; and
(4) To support international advocacy for
people with disabilities. The full text of
USAID’s policy can be found at the following
Web site:
(b) USAID therefore requires that the
contractor not discriminate against people
with disabilities in the implementation of
USAID programs and that it make every effort
to comply with the objectives of the USAID
Disability Policy in performing this contract.
To that end and within the scope of the
contract, the contractor’s actions must
demonstrate a comprehensive and consistent
approach for including men, women, and
children with disabilities.
91. Amend 752.216–70 by removing
paragraph (c) of the contract clause.
92. Revise 752.219–8 to read as
752.219–8 Utilization of small business
concerns and small disadvantaged
business concerns.
93. In 752.219–70, remove the words
´ ´
‘‘USAID Mentor-Protege Program (July
13, 2007)’’ and add, in their place, the
´ ´
words ‘‘USAID Mentor-Protege Program
(July 2007)’’.
94. In 752.219–71, remove the words
‘‘Mentor Requirements and Evaluation
(July 13, 2007)’’ and add, in their place,
the words ‘‘Mentor Requirements and
Evaluation (July 2007)’’.
95. Add 752.222–70 to read as
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96. Revise 752.225–70 to read as
752.225–70 Source and nationality
As prescribed in 725.704, insert the
following clause:
Source and Nationality Requirements (FEB
(a) Except as may be specifically approved
by the contracting officer, the contractor must
procure all commodities (e.g., equipment,
materials, vehicles, supplies) and services
(including commodity transportation
services) in accordance with the
requirements at 22 CFR part 228 ‘‘Rules on
Procurement of Commodities and Services
Financed by USAID.’’ The authorized source
for procurement is Geographic Code 937
unless otherwise specified in the schedule of
this contract. Guidance on eligibility of
specific goods or services may be obtained
from the contracting officer.
(b) Ineligible goods and services. The
contractor must not procure any of the
following goods or services under this
(1) Military equipment;
(2) Surveillance equipment;
(3) Commodities and services for support
of police and other law enforcement
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
(4) Abortion equipment and services;
(5) Luxury goods and gambling equipment;
(6) Weather modification equipment.
(c) Restricted goods. The contractor must
obtain prior written approval of the
contracting officer or comply with required
procedures under an applicable waiver as
provided by the contracting officer when
procuring any of the following goods or
(1) Agricultural commodities;
(2) Motor vehicles;
(3) Pharmaceuticals and contraceptive
(4) Pesticides;
(5) Fertilizer;
(6) Used equipment; or
(7) U.S. Government-owned excess
If USAID determines that the contractor
has procured any of these specific restricted
goods under this contract without the prior
written authorization of the contracting
officer or fails to comply with required
procedures under an applicable waiver as
provided by the contracting officer, and has
received payment for such purposes, the
contracting officer may require the contractor
to refund the entire amount of the purchase.
97. Remove 752.225–71.
752.226–1, 752.226–2, 752.226–3
[Removed and Reserved]
98. Remove and reserve 752.226–1,
752.226–2, and 752.226–3.
■ 99. Add 752.227–70 to read as
Patent reporting procedures.
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As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR
727.303, insert the following clause in
all solicitations and contracts that
contain the clause at (48 CFR) FAR
Patent Reporting Procedures (AUG 1999)
(a) Reporting inventions. In accordance
with 37 CFR part 401, each USAID-funded
research recipient must disclose each subject
invention to USAID as required in (48 CFR)
FAR 52.227–11(c). Such reports must be
made via the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) EDISON Patent Reporting and Tracking
system. NIH created EDISON to help assist
research recipients to comply with the BayhDole Act and report in a timely manner all
patentable inventions arising out of
Federally-sponsored research programs. The
EDISON system uses Web technology to
allow research recipients to report and
monitor their invention reports, with the
assurance that proprietary data is securely
stored. The Web site for EDISON (https:// provides users with an
invention reporting test site, as well as
applicable instructions for complying with
Government regulations, and increases the
potential for successful commercialization of
the inventions by helping to ensure that all
reporting requirements are met and that
ownership rights are clearly established.
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(b) Reports on utilization of subject
inventions as required under (48 CFR) FAR
52.227–11(f) must be provided to the USAID
contracting officer’s technical representative
annually, and the last report under an
agreement must be provided within 90 days
of the expiration of the agreement.
100. In 752.228–3, revise the
introductory text and add a clause
heading and introductory text before
paragraph (a) of the clause to read as
752.228–3 Worker’s Compensation
Insurance (Defense Base Act).
As prescribed in 728.309, the
following supplemental coverage must
be added to the clause specified in (48
CFR) FAR 52.228–3 by the USAID
contracting officer.
Worker’s Compensation Insurance (Defense
Base Act) (DEC 1991)
In addition to the requirements specified in
(48 CFR) FAR 52.228–3, the contractor agrees
to the following:
101. Amend 752.228–7 by:
a. Revising the introductory text;
b. Adding a clause heading and
introductory text before the clause; and
■ c. In the text of the clause, removing
the words ‘‘minimum coverages or such
other minimum coverages’’ and adding,
in their place, the words ‘‘minimum
coverage or such other minimum
The addition reads as follows:
Insurance—liability to third
As prescribed in 728.307–2(c), the
following paragraph must be added to
the clause specified in (48 CFR) FAR
52.228–7 as either paragraph (h) (if (48
CFR) FAR 52.228–7 Alternate I is not
used) or (i) (if (48 CFR) FAR 52.228–7
Alternate I is used):
Insurance—Liability to Third Persons (JULY
The following paragraph is added to the
clause specified in (48 CFR) FAR 52.228–7:
102. In 752.228–9, revise the
introductory text and add a clause
heading immediately following the
introductory text to read as follows:
Cargo insurance.
As prescribed in 728.313(a), the
following preface is to be used
preceding the text of the clause at (48
CFR) FAR 52.228–9:
Cargo Insurance (DEC 1998)
103. In the first sentence of 752.228–
70(a), remove the word ‘‘Contractor’’
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and add, in its place, the words ‘‘The
■ 104. In 752.231–71, revise the date in
the clause heading and add paragraph
(c) to read as follows:
752.231–71 Salary supplements for Host
Government employees.
As prescribed in 731.205–71, for use
in all contracts with a possible need or
services of a HG employee. The clause
should also be inserted in all
subsequent sub-contracts.
Salary Supplements for Host Government
Employees (MAR 2015)
(c) The Contractor must insert a clause
containing all the terms of this clause,
including the requirement to obtain the
written approval of the contracting officer for
all salary supplements, in all subcontracts
under this contract that may entail HG
employee salary supplements.
105. Revise 752.232–70 to read as
Letter of Credit Advance
As required by 732.406–73, insert the
following clause in contracts being paid
by Letter of Credit.
Letter of Credit Advance Payment (MAR
(a) Payment under this contract must be by
means of a Letter of Credit (LOC) in
accordance with the terms and conditions of
the LOC and any instructions issued by the
USAID, Bureau for Management, Office of the
Chief Financial Officer, Cash Management
and Payment Division (M/CFO/CMP).
(b) Immediately upon award, or as soon as
the Letter of Credit payment method is
approved by the contracting officer,
contractors without an established LOC
account must submit the following forms
with original signatures, to the address
specified below:
(1) A signed original SF–1199A (Direct
Deposit Sign-Up Form); and
(2) ‘‘Division of Payment Management
Payment Management System Access Form’’
found at the Department of State and Human
Services (DHHS) Web site.
Address: ATTN: James DuBois, U.S.
Agency for International Development,
M/CFO/CMP—LOC Unit, 1300 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., SA–44, Room 430–J, Washington,
DC 20523–7700.
Contractors must also submit the forms
specified above electronically to loc@
(c) As long as the LOC is in effect, the
terms and conditions of the LOC and any
instructions issued by M/CFO/CMP
constitute the payment conditions of this
contract, superseding and taking precedence
over any other clause of this contract
concerning payment.
(d) If the LOC is revoked, payment may be
made on a cost-reimbursement basis, in
accordance with the other clauses of this
contract concerning payment.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
(e) Revocation of the LOC is at the
discretion of M/CFO/CMP after consultation
with the contracting officer. Notification to
the contractor of revocation must be in
writing and must specify the reasons for such
action. The contractor may appeal any such
revocation to the contracting officer, in
accordance with the Disputes clause of this
contract. Pending final decision, payments
under the contract will be in accordance with
paragraph (d) of this clause.
106. Add 752.236–70 to read as
752.236–70 Standards for Accessibility for
the Disabled in USAID Construction
As prescribed in 736.570, for
contracts for construction or renovation
using program funds, insert the
following clause.
Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled
in USAID Construction Contracts (July 2007)
(a) One of the objectives of the USAID
Disability Policy is to engage other U.S.
Government agencies, host country
counterparts, governments, implementing
organizations and other donors in fostering a
climate of nondiscrimination against people
with disabilities. As part of this policy
USAID has established standards for any new
or renovation construction project funded by
USAID to allow access by people with
disabilities (PWDs). The full text of the
policy paper can be found at the following
Web site:
(b) USAID requires the contractor to
comply with standards of accessibility for
people with disabilities in all structures,
buildings or facilities resulting from new or
renovation construction or alterations of an
existing structure.
(c) The contractor must comply with the
host country or regional standards for
accessibility in construction when such
standards result in at least substantially
equivalent accessibility and usability as the
standard provided in the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the
Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)
Accessibility Guidelines of July 2004. Where
there are no host country or regional
standards for universal access or where the
host country or regional standards fail to
meet the ADA/ABA threshold, the standard
prescribed in the ADA and the ABA must be
(d) New Construction. All new
construction must comply with the above
standards for accessibility.
(e) Alterations. Changes to an existing
structure that affect, or could affect, the
usability of the structure must comply with
the above standards for accessibility unless
the contractor obtains the contracting
officer’s advance approval that compliance is
technically infeasible or constitutes an undue
burden or both. Compliance is technically
infeasible where structural conditions would
require removing or altering a load-bearing
member that is an essential part of the
structural frame or because other existing
physical or site constraints prohibit
modification or addition of elements, spaces,
or features that are in full and strict
compliance with the minimum requirements
of the standard. Compliance is an undue
burden where it entails either a significant
difficulty or expense or both.
(f) Exceptions. The following construction
related activities are excepted from the
requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) of
this section:
(1) Normal maintenance, re-roofing,
painting or wallpapering, or changes to
mechanical or electrical systems are not
alterations and the above standards do not
apply unless they affect the accessibility of
the building or facility; and
(2) emergency construction (which may
entail the provision of plastic sheeting or
tents, minor repair and upgrading of existing
structures, rebuilding of part of existing
structures, or provision of temporary
structures) intended to be temporary in
nature. A portion of emergency construction
assistance may be provided to people with
disabilities as part of the process of
identifying disaster- and crisis-affected
people as ‘‘most vulnerable.’’
107. In 752.242–70, remove the
reference ‘‘742.1170–3(c)’’ in the
introductory text, and add, in its place,
the reference ‘‘(48 CFR) AIDAR
■ 108. Amend 752.245–70 by:
■ a. Removing the reference ‘‘FAR
45.106’’ in the introductory text, and
adding, in its place, the reference ‘‘(48
CFR) FAR 45.107’’;
■ b. Adding a clause heading
immediately following the Preface
■ c. Removing the words ‘‘government
property’’ and add, in their place, the
words ‘‘Government property’’;
■ d. Removing the words ‘‘governmentfurnished’’ and ‘‘Government
furnished’’ and adding, in their place,
the words ‘‘Government-furnished’’; and
■ e. Revising the annual report.
The addition and revision read as
752.245–70 Government Property—USAID
Reporting Requirements.
Preface: * * *
Government Property—USAID Reporting
Requirements (July 1997)
[Name of contractor as of (end of contract year), 20XX]
Furniture and furnishings—
Living quarters
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Motor vehicles
A. Value of property as of last report.
B. Transactions during this reporting period.
1. Acquisitions (add):.
a. Purchased by contractor 1.
b. Transferred from USAID 2.
c. Transferred from others, without reimbursement 3.
2. Disposals (deduct):.
a. Returned to USAID.
b. Transferred to USAID—contractor purchased.
c. Transferred to other Government agencies 3.
d. Other disposals 3.
C. Value of property as of reporting date.
D. Estimated average age of contractor held property.
1 Property
which is complete in itself, does not lose its identity or become a component part of another article when put into use; is durable,
with an expected service life of two years or more; and which has a unit cost of more than $500.
2 Government furnished property listed in this Contract as nonexpendable.
3 Explain if transactions were not processed through or otherwise authorized by USAID.
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
109. Amend 752.245–71 by revising
the introductory text to read as follows:
Title to and Care of Property.
As prescribed in paragraph (a) of (48
CFR) AIDAR 745.107, the following
clause must be inserted in all contracts
when the contractor will acquire
property under the contract for use
overseas and the contract funds were
obligated under a Development
Objective Agreement (DOAG) (or similar
bilateral obligating agreement) with the
cooperating country.
■ 110. Amend 752.247–70 by:
■ a. In paragraph (b), removing the last
■ b. Revising paragraphs (c)(1) and
(c)(2)(viii); and
■ c. Removing Alternate 1, consisting of
paragraphs (d) and (e).
752.247–70 Preference for Privately
Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels.
112. Add 752.252–2 to read as
752.252–2 AIDAR Clauses Incorporated by
In accordance with 752.107(b), insert
the following clause.
AIDAR Clauses Incorporated By Reference
(MAR 2015)
This contract incorporates one or more
clauses by reference, with the same force and
effect as if they were given in full text. Upon
request, the contracting officer will make
their full text available. Also, the full text of
all AIDAR solicitation provisions and
contract clause is contained in the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) located at 48 CFR
chapter 7.
113. Add 752.252–70 to read as
752.252–70 Provisions and clauses to be
completed by the offeror.
In accordance with 752.107(c), insert
the following clause.
(c)(1) The contractor must submit one
legible copy of a rated on-board ocean
bill of lading for each shipment to both
the Division of National Cargo, Office of
Cargo Preference, Maritime
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC 20590,
and the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID), Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW., SA–44, Room 859, Washington,
DC 20523 as follows:
(i) for PL 480 (Food aid shipments)
scanned copies must be sent to:
(ii) For all Non P.L. 480 (Non Food
Aid Shipments) scanned copies must be
sent to: Oceantransportation@
(2) * * * * *
(viii) Gross weight in kilograms/
pounds and volume in liters/cubic feet,
if available.
■ 111. Add 752.252–1 to read as
Provisions and Clauses To Be Completed by
the Offeror (MAR 2015)
The following FAR and AIDAR provisions
or clauses incorporated by reference in this
solicitation or contract must be completed by
the offeror or prospective contactor and
submitted with the quotation or offer:
AIDAR (48 CFR chapter 7)
[The contracting officer must list all FAR and
AIDAR provisions or clauses incorporated by
reference that must be completed by the
offeror or prospective contactor and
submitted with the quotation or offer.]
752.252–1 AIDAR Solicitation Provisions
Incorporated by Reference
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In accordance with 752.107(a), insert
the following clause.
AIDAR Solicitation Provisions Incorporated
By Reference (MAR 2015)
This solicitation incorporates one or more
provisions by reference, with the same force
and effect as if they were given in full text.
Upon request, the contracting officer will
make their full text available. Also, the full
text of all AIDAR solicitation provisions is
contained in the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) located at 48 CFR chapter 7.
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Subpart 752.70—Texts of USAID
Contract Clauses
114. In the clause prescription of
752.7001, remove the word ‘‘included’’
and add, in its place, the word
■ 115. Amend 752.7002 by revising the
fifth and sixth sentences of paragraph
(b), the third sentence of paragraph (k),
and paragraph (p)(1)(i) to read as
Travel and transportation.
(b) International travel. * * * When
travel is by economy class
accommodations, the Contractor will be
reimbursed for the cost of transporting
up to 10 kilograms/22 pounds of
accompanied personal baggage per
traveler in addition to that regularly
allowed with the economy ticket
provided that the total number of
kilograms/pounds of baggage does not
exceed that regularly allowed for first
class travelers. Travel allowances for
travelers must not be in excess of the
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rates authorized in the Department of
State Standardized Regulations—
hereinafter referred to as the
Standardized Regulations—as from time
to time amended, for not more than the
travel time required by scheduled
commercial air carrier using the most
expeditious route. * * *
(k) Home leave travel. * * * When
travel is by economy class
accommodations, the Contractor will be
reimbursed for the cost of transporting
up to 10 kilograms/22 pounds of
accompanied personal baggage per
traveler in addition to that regularly
allowed with the economy ticket
provided that the total number of
kilograms/pounds of baggage does not
exceed that regularly allowed for first
class travelers. * * *
(p)* * *
(1)* * *
(i) Transportation of goods. Where
U.S. flag vessels are not available, or
their use would result in a significant
delay, the Contractor must contact the
U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID), Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Transportation Division (M/
OAA/T) for required guidance and may
obtain a release from this requirement
from M/OAA/T. The contact email
address for these matters is
116. In 752.7003, remove the word
‘‘responsiblity’’ and add, in its place,
the word ’’responsibility’’;
117. In the clause prescription of
752.7004, remove the word ’’included’’
and add, in its place, the word
■ 118. Revise 752.7005 to read as
752.7005 Submission Requirements for
Development Experience Documents.
The following clause must be inserted
in all USAID professional/technical
contracts in which development
experience documents are likely to be
Submission Requirements for Development
Experience Documents (Sept 2013)
(a) Contract Reports and Information/
Intellectual Products.
(1) Within thirty (30) calendar days of
obtaining the contracting officer
representative’s approval, the contractor
must submit to USAID’s Development
Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) one copy
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
each of reports and information products
which describe, communicate or organize
program/project development assistance
activities, methods, technologies,
management, research, results and
experience. These reports include:
Assessments, evaluations, studies, technical
and periodic reports, annual and final
reports, and development experience
documents (defined as documents that:
(i) Describe the planning, design,
implementation, evaluation, and results of
development assistance; and
(ii) Are generated during the life cycle of
development assistance programs or
activities.) The contractor must also submit
copies of information products including
training materials, publications, videos and
other intellectual deliverable materials
required under the Contract Schedule. The
following information is not to be submitted:
(A) Time-sensitive materials such as
newsletters, brochures or bulletins.
(B) The contractor’s information that is
incidental to award administration, such as
financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or
management information.
(2) Within thirty (30) calendar days after
completion of the contract, the contractor
must submit to the DEC any reports that have
not been previously submitted and an index
of all reports and information/intellectual
products referenced in paragraph (a)(1) of
this clause.
(b) Submission requirements. The
contractor must review the DEC Web site for
the most up-to-date submission instructions,
including the DEC address for paper
submissions, the document formatting and
the types of documents to be submitted. The
submission instructions can be found at:
(1) Standards. (i) Material must not include
financially sensitive information or
personally identifiable information (PII) such
as social security numbers, home addresses
and dates of birth. Such information must be
removed prior to submission.
(ii) All submissions must conform to
current USAID branding requirements.
(iii) Contract reports and information/
intellectual products can be submitted in
either electronic (preferred) or paper form.
Electronic documentation must comply with
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
(iv) The electronic submissions must
consist of only one electronic file, which
comprises the complete and final equivalent
of the paper copy. In the case of databases
and computer software the submissions must
also include necessary descriptive
information, e.g., special backup or data
compression routines, software used for
storing/retrieving submitted data, or program
installation instructions.
(v) Electronic documents must be in one of
the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA)-approved formats as
described in NARA guidelines related to the
transfer of permanent E-records. (See https://
(2) Essential bibliographic information.
Descriptive information is required for all
contractor products submitted. The title page
of all reports and information products must
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include the contract number(s), contractor
name(s), name of the USAID contracting
officer’s representative, the publication or
issuance date of the document, document
title, (if non-English, provide an English
translation of the title), author name(s), and
development objective or activity title (if
non-English, provide a translation) and
associated number, and language of the
document (if non-English). In addition, all
hard copy materials submitted in accordance
with this clause must have, attached as a
separate cover sheet, the name, organization,
address, telephone number, fax number, and
internet address of the submitting party.
119. Amend 752.7006 by removing
the words ‘‘cognizant Contracting
Officer’’ and adding, in their place, the
words ‘‘cognizant contracting officer’’.
■ 120. Amend 752.7014 by:
■ a. In paragraph (a), removing the
words ‘‘the Standardized Regulations
(Government Civilians, Foreign Areas),
the Uniform State/USAID/USIA Foreign
Service Travel Regulations’’ and adding,
in their place, the words ‘‘the
Department of State Standardized
Regulations, Foreign Service Travel
Regulations’’; and
■ b. Revising paragraphs (b) and (c).
The revisions read as follows:
752.7014 Notice of Changes in Travel
(b) (1) Department of State
Standardized Regulations are available
(2)Foreign Service Travel Regulations
are available at: 14 FAM 500: https://
(3) Federal Travel Regulations are
available at:
(c) Information regarding these
regulations as referenced in the ‘‘Travel
and Transportation’’ clause of this
contract may be obtained from the
contracting officer.
■ 121. Amend 752.7015 by revising
paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) to read as
Use of Pouch Facilities.
(a) * * *
(1) Contractors and their employees
are authorized use of the pouch for
transmission and receipt of up to a
maximum of 0.9 kilogram/2 pounds per
shipment of correspondence and
documents needed in the administration
of foreign assistance programs.
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(2) U.S. citizen employees of U.S.
contractors are authorized use of the
pouch for personal mail up to a
maximum of 0.5 kilogram/one pound
per shipment (but see paragraph (a)(3) of
this section).
122. Amend 752.7018 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the
words ‘‘Automated Directive System
(ADS) 253.5.6b‘‘ and adding, in their
place, the words ’’Automated Directive
System (ADS) 253’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘Global Center for Human
Capacity Development (G/HCD)’’ and
adding, in their place, the words
‘‘Director, Bureau for Economic Growth,
Education and Environment, Office of
Education (E3/ED)’’.
123. Amend 752.7019 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the
words ‘‘The current version of Chapter
253 may be obtained directly from the
USAID Web site at https://’’ and
adding, in their place, the words ’’The
entire ADS is accessible to the general
public at the following USAID Internet
ads/’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (c), removing the
words ‘‘ADS 253.5.5’’ and adding, in
their place, the words ’’ADS 253’’.
124. Amend 752.7028(e) by removing
the word ‘‘allownce’’ and adding, in its
place, the word ‘‘allowance’’;
■ 125. Revise 752.7032 to read as
752.7032 International Travel Approval
and Notification Requirements (APR 2014).
For use in any USAID contract
requiring international travel.
International Travel Approval and
Notification Requirements (APR 2014)
Prior written approval by the contracting
officer, or the contracting officer’s
representative (COR) if delegated in the
Contracting Officer’s Representative
Designation Letter, is required for all
international travel directly and identifiably
funded by USAID under this contract. The
Contractor must therefore present to the
contracting officer or the contracting officer’s
representative, an itinerary for each planned
international trip, showing the name of the
traveler, purpose of the trip, origin/
destination (and intervening stops), and dates
of travel, as far in advanced of the proposed
travel as possible, but in no event less than
three weeks before travel is planned to
commence. The contracting officer’s or
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with RULES2
contracting officer’s representative’s (if
delegated by the contracting officer) prior
written approval may be in the form of a
letter or telegram or similar device or may be
specifically incorporated into the schedule of
the contract. At least one week prior to
commencement of approved international
travel, the Contractor must notify the
cognizant Mission, with a copy to the
contracting officer or contracting officer’s
representative, of planned travel, identifying
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:53 Dec 15, 2014
Jkt 235001
the travelers and the dates and times of
add, in their place, the words
‘‘cognizant contracting officer’’.
Dated: October 7, 2014.
Aman S. Djahanbani,
Chief Acquisition Officer.
126. In 752.7033(b)(1) remove the
second sentence.
[FR Doc. 2014–26051 Filed 12–15–14; 8:45 am]
127. In 753.107, remove the words
‘‘congnizant Contracting Officer’’ and
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 241 (Tuesday, December 16, 2014)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 74985-75003]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-26051]
[[Page 74985]]
Vol. 79
No. 241
December 16, 2014
Part V
Agency for International Development
48 CFR Parts 701, 702, 703, et al.
Incorporate Various Administrative Changes and Internal Policies in to
the USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR); Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 79 , No. 241 / Tuesday, December 16, 2014 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 74986]]
48 CFR Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 709, 711, 713, 714,
715, 716, 717, 719, 722, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731, 732, 733, 736,
742, 745, 747, 750 and 752
RIN 0412-AA76
Incorporate Various Administrative Changes and Internal Policies
in to the USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR)
AGENCY: U.S. Agency for International Development.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is
amending its Agency for International Development Acquisition
Regulation (AIDAR) to maintain consistency with the Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR), incorporate long-standing USAID internal policy into
the regulation, remove obsolete material and make editorial amendments
to better clarify the regulation.
DATES: This rule is effective March 16, 2015 without further action,
unless adverse comments are received by January 15, 2015. If adverse
comments are received, USAID will publish a timely withdrawal of those
portion(s) of the rule in the Federal Register. Submit comments on or
before January 15, 2015.
ADDRESSES: Address all comments concerning this notice to Marcelle J.
Wijesinghe, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P), Room 867, SA-44, Washington, DC
20523-2052. Submit comments, identified by title of the action and
Regulatory Information Number (RIN) by any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. Email: Submit electronic comments
to both and See SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION for file formats and other information about electronic
Mail: USAID, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition &
Assistance, Policy Division, Room 867, SA-44, Washington, DC 20523-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lyudmila Bond, Telephone: 202-567-4753
or Email:
A. Instructions
All comments must be in writing and submitted through one of the
methods specified in the Addresses section above. All submissions must
include the title of the action and RIN for this rulemaking. Please
include your name, title, organization, postal address, telephone
number, and email address in the text of the message.
Comments submitted by email must be included in the text of the
email or attached as a PDF file. Please avoid using special characters
and any form of encryption. Please note, however, that because security
screening precautions have slowed the delivery and dependability of
surface mail to USAID/Washington, USAID recommends sending all comments
to the Federal eRulemaking Portal.
All comments will be made available for public review without
change, including any personal information provided, from three
workdays after receipt to finalization of action at Do not submit information that you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or any information that is
otherwise protected from disclosure by statute.
USAID is publishing this revision as a direct final rule as the
Agency views this as a conforming and administrative amendment and does
not anticipate any adverse comments. This rule will be effective on the
date specified in the Dates section above without further notice unless
adverse comment(s) are received by the date specified in the Dates
section above.
USAID will only address comments that explain why the rule would be
inappropriate, ineffective or unacceptable without a change. Comments
that are insubstantial or outside the scope of the rule will not be
If adverse comments are received on the direct final rule, USAID
will publish a timely partial withdrawal in the Federal Register
informing the public what sections of the rule will not take effect.
Any portions of the final rule for which no adverse or critical comment
is received will become final after the designated period.
Additionally, USAID is publishing a separate document in the
``Proposed Rules'' section of this Federal Register that will serve as
the proposal to approve these AIDAR revisions if adverse comments are
received. USAID will address all public comments in a subsequent final
rule based on the proposed rule. USAID will not institute a second
comment period on this action. Any parties interested in commenting
must do so at this time.
B. Background
This final rule is part of the AIDAR rewrite initiative, in which
all parts of the regulation are being reviewed and updated to: Align
with the new statutes and legislation, include previously implemented
policy, update titles and acronyms and delete outdated information and
obsolete forms. This rule incorporates updates to the entire AIDAR.
The following changes are implemented by this final rule:
Parenthetical reference (48 CFR) is added to (48 CFR) FAR
and (48 CFR) AIDAR citations.
The term ``cognizant technical officer(s)'' and acronym
``CTO(s)'' are replaced with ``contracting officer's
representative(s)'' and ``COR(s)'' throughout AIDAR to align with the
FAR definitions under FAR 2.101(b).
The following nomenclature changes include office name and
acronym changes throughout (48 CFR) AIDAR, reflecting Agency
reorganizations over the recent years:
a. ``Office of Administrative Services'' is renamed to ``The Bureau
for Management, Office of Management Services (M/MS)'';
b. ``Director, Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA
Director)'' is replaced with ``Director, Bureau for Management, Office
of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA Director);
c. ``Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/
POL)'' or ``Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Policy Division (M/
OAA/P)'' is replaced with ``Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P);
d. ``Director, the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance'' is
renamed to ``Director, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian
Assistance, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (DCHA/OFDA)'';
e. Director, Center for Human Capacity Development (G/HCD) is
renamed to ``Director, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED)'';
f. The acronym ``SDB'' for the Office of Small and Disadvantaged
Business Utilization is replaced with ``OSDBU'';
g. ``Overhead and Special Cost and Contract Close-Out Branch,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance'' is renamed to ``Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Cost Audit Support
Division, Overhead and Special Cost and Contract Close-Out Branch (M/
h. ``Financial Management Office, Cash Management and Payment
Division'' and its acronym ``FM/CMP'' are replaced with ``Bureau for
Management, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Cash Management
[[Page 74987]]
and Payment Division'' and ``M/CFO/CMP'' ;
i. ``Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/
OAA/E)'' is renamed to ``Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition
and Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E)'';
j. ``Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Transportation Division
(M/OAA/T)'' is renamed to ``Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Transportation Division (M/OAA/T);
k. The Acronym ``M/OP director'' is replaced with ``M/OAA
The following sections are revised to correct reference to
their legal citation or a FAR/AIDAR subpart: 701.601, 703.104-10.1,
706.302-70(a)(1), 706.302-70(c)(4), 714.406-3, 714.406-4, 715.370-
1(d)(4), 722.805-70(a) and (b), 747.507, 750.7109-2, 750.7109-
3,752.242-70 and 752.245-71;
The following sections are redesignated to maintain
consistency with the FAR: 701.105, 703.104-5, 703.104-10.1, 713.101,
714.406-3, 714.406-4, 717.700, 733.270-1, 745.106.
Numerous errors and omissions have been identified in
chapter 7 as published and are corrected in this rule, specifically in
sections 701.601, 704.7004-2, 715.370-2, 715.602, 719-271-3, 733.103-
73, 752.7003;
Several sections are revised for clarity: 701.470,
701.602-1, 706.302-70, 715.305, 752.219-8;
Specific references to sections within ADS chapters are
replaced with ADS chapter numbers to avoid a future need to revise the
AIDAR when these ADS chapters are updated;
Office of Management and Budget approval of the
information collections in the AIDAR, under the Paperwork Reduction Act
is published in 701.106. The information requested by USAID, as listed
in this section, is necessary to allow USAID to prudently administer
public funds.
Section 701.601(c)(3) is revised to include an increase in
the contracting authority delegated to Mission Directors to sign
personal services contracts in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 and
other contracts up to the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined
in (48 CFR) FAR 2.101. This policy, first announced by an Agency
General Policy Notice in 2005 and later implemented on an interim basis
through the Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directive (AAPD) 11-02,
is now incorporated into this rule without changes;
For ease of use, all section numbers of the definitions in
part 702 are deleted and the definitions are republished in
alphabetical order. The following definitions are updated: Automated
Directives System (ADS), contracting activity, head of agency, head of
contracting activity, Third Country National (TCN). The definition of
procuring activity was moved from 706.003 to 702.170;
The USAID Consultant Registry Information System (ACRIS)
was superseded by the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), pursuant
to FAC 2001-16, October 1, 2003. Multiple references to the former
system are being removed;
Statutory authorities specific to USAID for contracting
with disadvantaged enterprises, as contained in numerous appropriation
acts between 1984 and 1995, have expired; and the provisions for use of
these authorities in sections 705.202, 705.207, 706.302-5, 706.302-71,
719.272, 752.226-1, 752.226-2, 752.226-3 and subpart 726.70 are being
removed and reserved upon the expiration of the contracts funded by
said authorities;
Section 706.303-1 is removed pursuant to the removal of
its counterpart (48 CFR) FAR 6.303-1 requirement by FAC 2001-27,
December 28, 2004.
Section 706.501 is revised to reflect changes in the
designation of the competition advocate resulting from the Agency's
reorganization over the recent years.
Information on USAID Automated Directive System Chapter
300, which covers Agency policies, required procedures, and internal
guidance on planning of USAID direct acquisition awards is added to
subpart 707.1;
The authorities to suspend or debar a contractor,
previously delegated to the Agency Procurement Executive have been re-
delegated to the Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for
Outdated reference to NIH Contractor Performance System in
sections 715.305 and 742.1502 is removed.
Subpart 715.6 on unsolicited proposals is revised for
clarity and conformity with the requirements in the FAR 15.406. The
Agency point of contact information was also updated.
With the addition of a new FAR subpart, 17.7 (77 FR 69722,
Nov. 20, 2012), section 717.700 is redesignated.
Section 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns
is provided with the necessary prescriptive language in the appropriate
sections of the AIDAR and revised for clarity;
Revisions to part 725, AIDAR clause at 752.225-70 and
removal of clause at 752.225-71 reflect changes in 22 CFR part 228,
Rules for Procurement of Commodities and Services Financed by USAID
dated January 10, 2012;
The payment clause at 752.232-7, prescribed in paragraph
(b) of 732.111, was removed by AIDAC 2007-02, but its prescription in
subpart 732.1 was inadvertently overlooked and is now removed;
Subpart 732.4 is revised to reflect procedural changes due
to the transfer of the LOC process to DHHS;
Designation of the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
(CBCA) to hear and determine appeals under USAID contracts in part 733,
Protests, Disputes and Appeals was mandated by section 847 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006, Pub. L. 109-
163. Subpart 733.27 is revised to reflect this change;
The term ``strategic objective agreement'' wherever found
is replaced by ``Development Objective Agreement (DOAG)'', pursuant to
its revision in the Automated Directives System Chapter 200;
Subpart 752.1 is added to allow contracting officers to
incorporate (48 CFR) FAR and (48 CFR) AIDAR provisions and clauses by
The following Agency-specific clauses are re-organized to
follow the clause format used throughout chapter 7 (clause #, title,
prescription, clause title and date, clause text):
a. 752.204-2 Security Requirements;
b. 752.228-3 Worker's Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act);
c. 752.228-7 Insurance--liability to Third Persons;
d. 752.228-9 Cargo Insurance;
e. 752.245-70 Government Property--USAID Reporting Requirements.
New contract clause entitled ``Access to USAID Facilities
and USAID's Information Systems'', previously called ``Personal
Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel'' was implemented on an
interim basis through ADS 302 Mandatory Reference, Special Provisions
for Acquisition and is hereby formally implemented in the AIDAR without
revision at 752.204-72. The clause supplements the FAR clause 52.204-
9(a) and is mandatory for awards requiring contractor's routine
physical access to USAID-controlled facilities or logical access to
USAID's information systems. The clause describes policies and
procedures for obtaining such access. The Agency believes that the
transfer of the policy from the internal Agency policy into the AIDAR
will have no impact on contractors;
Contract clause 752.216-70, Award fee, is revised to
remove reference to the disputes clause to conform to the
[[Page 74988]]
revision of (48 CFR) FAR 16.405-2(a), with respect to award fee
determinations, as specified by FAC 97-15, December 27, 1999;
Following the requirements in 731.205-71, contract clause
752.231-71 is revised to require contractors to include the substance
of this clause in subcontracts that may entail salary supplement
payments to host government employees;
New contract clauses entitled ``Patent Reporting
Procedures'' and ``Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled in
USAID Construction Contracts'' were implemented on an interim basis
through the Agency's Contract Information Bulletin (CIB) 99-19, Patent
Rights and Reporting and ADS 302 Mandatory Reference, Special
Provisions for Acquisition. The ``Patent Reporting Procedures'' clause
supplements the FAR clause at 52.227-11, Patent Rights--Ownership by
the Contractor, and requires contractors to report all inventions to
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) EDISON Patent Reporting and
Tracking system. The clause entitled ``Standards for Accessibility for
the Disabled in USAID Construction Contracts'' is required for all
USAID-funded contracts for construction or renovation and mandates that
any new or renovation construction project funded by USAID provide
access to people with disabilities. Both clauses are hereby formally
implemented in the AIDAR with minor editorial revisions at 752.227-70
and 752.236-70 respectively. The Agency believes that the transfer of
the clauses from the internal agency policy into the AIDAR will have no
impact on contractors;
Contract clauses 752.247-70, 752.7002, and 752.7015 are
revised to conform to section 5164 of the Omnibus Trade and
Competitiveness Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 205), E.O. 12770, and ADS
chapter 323, which implement the congressional designation of the
metric system of measurement as the preferred system of weights and
measures for United States trade and commerce;
Pursuant to the revision of (48 CFR) FAR clause 52.047-64
(FAC 2001-13, dated March 18, 2003) Alternate 1 to the AIDAR clause
752.247-70 has been rendered redundant and is therefore removed;
The contract clause 752.7005 is retitled ``Submission
Requirements to the Development Clearinghouse'' and revised to bring it
into conformity with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974 and
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. With the launch of the
updated DEC Web site, contractors are directed to obtain detailed
submission instructions from the Web site;
Revisions to the AIDAR sections 731.205-46 and 752.7032
have been implemented on an interim basis through the Acquisition and
Assistance Policy Directive (AAPD) 14-01 in April 2014 and are now
incorporated into the AIDAR. The changes will allow contracting
officers to delegate to the contracting officer's representative (COR)
international travel approvals for all travel directly and identifiably
funded by USAID under the contract;
New contract clause entitled ``USAID Disability Policy''
was implemented on an interim basis through Acquisition and Assistance
Policy Directive (AAPD) 04-17 and later incorporated into Agency policy
at ADS 302 Mandatory Reference, Special Provisions for Acquisition. The
clause requires that the contractors do not discriminate against people
with disabilities and is hereby formally implemented in the AIDAR
without revisions at 752.222-70. The Agency believes that the transfer
of the clause from the internal policy into the AIDAR will have no
impact on contractors.
C. Regulatory Planning and Review
This rule has been determined to be ``nonsignificant'' under the
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, dated September
30, 1993 and, therefore, is not subject to review. This rule is not a
major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804.
D. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The U.S. Agency for International Development certifies that this
final rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities within the meaning of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., because the revisions of this
rule will not impose any costs on either small or large businesses;
therefore, an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis has not been
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Chapter 7, Parts 701, 702, 703, 704,
705, 706, 707, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719, 722, 725,
726, 727, 728, 731, 732, 733, 736, 742, 745, 747, 750 and 752
Government procurement.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, USAID amends 48 CFR
chapter 7 as set forth below:
Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715,
716, 717, 719, 722, 725, 726, 727, 728, 731, 732, 733, 736, 742, 745,
747, 750 and 752
1. The authority citation for 48 CFR chapter 7 parts 701, 702, 703,
704, 705, 706, 707, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719, 722, 725,
726, 727, 728, 731, 732, 733, 736, 742, 745, 747, 750 and 752 continues
to read as follows:
Authority: Sec. 621, Pub. L. 87-195, 75 Stat. 445, (22 U.S.C.
2381) as amended; E.O. 12163, Sept. 29, 1979, 44 FR 56673; and 3 CFR
1979 Comp., p. 435.
2. Amend (48 CFR) chapter 7 as follows:
a. Remove the word ``FAR'' and add, in its place, the words ``(48 CFR)
FAR'' each time it appears in the following sections:
i. 701.704;
ii. 704.7004-1;
iii. 702.270-1;
iv. 704.7004-3(a);
v. 706.302-70(c)(2) and (3);
vi. 709.503;
vii. 711.002-70 (a);
viii. 715.303-70(b)(3);
ix. 715.370-1(d)(3);
x. 715.370-2(d)(4);
xi. 716.303(c);
xii. 719.270(c)(2);
xiii. 719.271-1;
xiv. 719.273-3 (a), (b), and(c);
xv. 722.103-4;
xvi. 722.805-70(c)(1) and (3);
xvii. 725.170;
xviii. 725.403;
xix. 728.105-1(a);
xx. 728.307-2(c);
xxi. 728.309(a);
xxii. 728.313(a);
xxiii. 731.773;
xxiv. 733.101(a) and (b);
xxv. 733.103-70;
xxvi. 733.103-71(b);
xxvii. 733.103-72(b);
xxviii. 736.602-3(b)(9);
xxix. 736.602-5;
xxx. 750.7102;
xxxi. 752.202-1;
xxxii. 752.204-70(c);
xxxiii. 752.204-71(h) and 752.204-71 Alt I (h)(1);
xxxiv. 752.216-71(i) and 752.216-71 Alt 1 (i)(1);
xxxv. 752.229-70;
xxxvi. 752.242-70(a);
xxxvii. 752.245-70;
xxxviii. 752.7000; and
xxxix. 752.7018
b. Remove the word ``AIDAR'' and add, in its place, the words ``(48
CFR) AIDAR'' each time it appears in the following sections:
i. 704.7004-1(c);
ii. 706.302-70(b)(4) and (c)(3);
iii. 709.503;
iv. 715.370-1(a);
v. 719.271-6(a)(3);
vi. 719.273-11(a) and (b);
vii. 728.307-2(c);
viii. 728.309(a);
[[Page 74989]]
ix. 728.313(a);
x. 731.205-6(b) and (m);
xi. 731.371(b)(1) and (3);
xii. 731.372;
xiii. 731.373;
xiv. 731.772;
xv. 731.774;
xvi. 742.1502(b);
xvii. 747.507;
xviii. 752.200;
xix. 752.204-70(a) and (b)(2);
xx. 752.219-71 introductory text;
xxi. 752.228-3(b); and
xxii. 752.7000.
c. Remove the words ``Cognizant technical officer'' and add, in their
place, the words ``contracting officer's representative'' each time
they appear in the following sections:
i. 719.271-5;
ii. 722.805-70(f);
iii. 742.1170-1;
iv. 742.1170-3(b) and (c);
v. 742.1170-4(b);
vi. 752.7003(a); and
vii. 752.7035.
d. Remove the words ``Cognizant technical officers'' and add, in their
place, the words ``Contracting officer's representatives'' each time
they appear in the following sections:
i. 719.270(c)(1);
ii. 719.271-4; and
iii. 719.271-5 section heading.
e. Remove the words ``Contracting Officer'' and add, in their place,
the words ``contracting officer'' each time they appear in the
following sections:
i. 701.707;
ii. 715.303-70(b)(3);
iii. 719.273-11(a) and (b);
iv. 722.805-70(c)(1);
v. 731.205-71(c);
vi. 733.103-71(a);
vii. 733.103-72(b);
viii. 733.103-73(c);
ix. 736.602-2(c);
x. 752.204-70(b)(2);
xi. 752.209.71(a) and (b);
xii. 752.216-70(b);
xiii. 752.227-14(d)(2) and (3);
xiv. 752.228-70(a) and (b);
xv. 752.231-71(b);
xvi. 752.245-71(c)(2);
xvii. 752.7001;
xviii. 752.7002;
xix. 752.7003;
xx. 752.7007(b);
xxi. 752.7008(a) and (b);
xxii. 752.7009(d);
xxiii. 752.7011(c);
xxiv. 752.7025;
xxv. 752.7027(a)(1), (a)(2), and (f)(1)(iv);
xxvi. 752.7031(a)(3), (c), and (e);
xxvii. 752.7033 (b)(1) and (b)(2)(iii); and
xxviii. 752.7035.
f. Remove the word ``government'' and add, in its place, the word
``Government'' each time it appears in the following sections:
i. 701.106(b);
ii. 706.302-70(b)(5);
iii. 715.370-1(d)(2) and (3);
iv. 719.273-4(b)(3);
v. 727.404(g);
vi. 733.103-71(c); and
vii. 752.227-14(d)(3).
Subpart 701.1--Purpose, Authority, Issuance
3. Redesignate 701.105 as 701.106 and amend newly redesignated 701.106
a. Revising paragraph (a); and
b. Removing the last sentence of paragraph (c).
The revisions read as follows:
701.106 OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
(a) The following information collection and record keeping
requirements established by USAID have been approved by OMB and
assigned an OMB control number as specified below:
OMB control
(48 CFR) AIDAR segment No.
752.219-8.................................................. 0412-0520
752.245-70................................................. 0412-0520
752.245-71(c)(2)........................................... 0412-0520
752.247-70(c).............................................. 0412-0520
752.7001................................................... 0412-0520
752.7002(j)................................................ 0412-0520
752.7003................................................... 0412-0520
752.7004................................................... 0412-0520
752.7032................................................... 0412-0520
* * * * *
Subpart 701.3--U.S. Agency for International Development
Acquisition Regulation
701.301 [Amended]
4. Amend 701.301 by:
a. In the introductory sentence of paragraph (a), removing the words
``Director, Office of Acquisition and Assistance (``M/OAA Director'')''
and adding, in their place, the words ``Director, Bureau for
Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance (``M/OAA Director'');
b. In paragraph (a)(4), removing the words ``General counsel'' and
adding, in their place, the words ``Office of the General Counsel'';
c. In the second sentence of paragraph (b)(2), removing the words ``The
Office of Administrative Services'' and adding, in their place, the
words ``The Bureau for Management, Office of Management Services (M/
5. Amend 701.303 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``FAR 1.1'' and add, in their
place, the words ``FAR subpart 1.1''; and
b. Revising paragraph (c).
The revisions read as follows:
701.303 Publication and codification.
* * * * *
(c) Only the M/OAA Director has the authority to issue internal
Agency guidance applicable to all Agency contracts. The heads of the
various Agency contracting activities (see Subparts 701.6 and 702.170)
may issue operating instructions and procedures consistent with the
FAR, AIDAR, and other Agency regulations, policies, and procedures for
application within their organizations. One copy of each such issuance
must be forwarded to the Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition
and Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P). Insofar as possible, such
material must be numerically keyed to the AIDAR.
Subpart 701.4--Deviations from the FAR or AIDAR
6. Revise 701.402 to read as follows:
701.402 Policy.
It is USAID policy to approve deviations from the mandatory
requirements of the FAR and AIDAR only if it is essential to effect
necessary procurement actions and when special and exceptional
circumstances make such deviation clearly in the best interest of the
7. Amend 701.470 by:
a. In paragraph (a)(3), removing the words ``Office of General
Counsel'' and adding, in their place, the words ``Office of the General
Counsel''; and
b. Revising paragraphs (a)(2), (b)(2), (b)(3)(i), (d), and (f)(1).
The revisions read as follows:
701.470 Procedures.
(a) * * *
(2) Requests for such deviations may be initiated by the
responsible USAID contracting officer who must obtain clearance and
approvals as may be required by the head of the contracting activity.
Prior to submission of the deviation request to the head of the
contracting activity for approval, the contracting officer must obtain
written comments from the Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition
and Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P), hereinafter referred to as
``M/OAA/P''. M/OAA/P will normally be allowed 10 working days prior to
the submission of the deviation request to the head of the contracting
activity to review the
[[Page 74990]]
request and to submit comments. If the exigency of the situation
requires more immediate action, the requesting office may arrange with
M/OAA/P for a shorter review period. In addition to a copy of the
deviation request, M/OAA/P must be furnished any background or
historical data that will contribute to a more complete understanding
of the deviation. The comments of M/OAA/P must be made a part of the
deviation request file, which is forwarded to the head of the
contracting activity.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) Class deviations from the FAR will be considered jointly by
USAID and the Chairperson of the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council
(C/CAAC) (FAR 1.404) unless, in the judgment of the head of the
contracting activity, after due consideration of the objective of
uniformity, circumstances preclude such consultation. The head of the
contracting activity must certify on the face of the deviation the
reason for not coordinating with the C/CAAC. In such cases, M/OAA/P
will be responsible for notifying the C/CAAC of the class deviation.
(3) * * *
(i) The request must be processed in the same manner as paragraph
(a) of this section, except that M/OAA/P will be allowed 15 working
days, prior to the submission of the deviation request to the head of
the contracting activity, to effect the necessary coordination with the
C/CAAC and to submit comments. If the exigency of the situation
requires more immediate action, the requesting office may arrange with
M/OAA/P for a shorter review and coordination period. The comments of
C/CAAC and M/OAA/P must be forwarded to the head of the contracting
activity along with the deviation request and made a part of the
deviation request file.
* * * * *
(d) Register of deviations. Separate registers must be maintained
by the procuring activities of the deviations granted from the FAR and
AIDAR. Each deviation must be recorded in its appropriate register and
be assigned a control number as follows: For USAID Washington
deviations the symbol of the procuring activity, or for overseas
mission deviations the relevant geographic code; the abbreviation
``DEV''; the fiscal year; the type of deviation (from the FAR or
AIDAR); the serial number [issued in consecutive order during each
fiscal year] assigned to the particular deviation; and the suffix ``c''
if it is a class deviation (e.g., M/OAA-DEV-FAR-14-1, M/OAA-DEV-FAR-14-
2c, 123-DEV-AIDAR-14-1). The control number must be embodied in the
document authorizing the deviation and must be cited in all references
to the deviation.
* * * * *
(f) Semiannual report of class deviations. (1) USAID contracting
officers must submit a semiannual report to M/OAA/P of all contract
actions effected under class deviations to the FAR and AIDAR, which
have been approved pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.
* * * * *
Subpart 701.6--Career Development, Contracting Authority and
8. Amend 701.601 by:
a. Revising the section heading;
b. In paragraph (b), removing the word ``government-wide'' and adding,
in its place, the word ``Government-wide'';
c. In the last sentence of paragraph (b), removing the reference ``701-
376-4'' and adding, in its place, the reference ``(48 CFR) AIDAR
701.601''; and
d. Revising paragraph (a)(1), the introductory text of paragraph
(a)(2), the heading of paragraph (c)(1), and paragraphs (c)(2) and (3)
The revisions read as follows:
701.601 General.
(a)(1) Pursuant to the delegations in USAID's Automated Directives
System (ADS) Chapter 103, the M/OAA Director is authorized to act as
the head of the agency for all purposes described in the Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR, 48 CFR chapter 1), except for the
authority in (48 CFR) FAR 6.302-7(a)(2), 6.302-7(c)(1), 17.602(a),
19.201(c), 27.306(a), 27.306(b), and 30.201-5, or where the ``head of
the agency'' authority is expressly not delegable under the FAR or
AIDAR. Further, the M/OAA Director is responsible for implementing the
procurement related aspects of the Foreign Assistance Act, Executive
Order 11223, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, and other
statutory and Executive Branch procurement policies and requirements
applicable to USAID operations, including those authorities and
responsibilities delegated to the Senior Procurement Executive as
specified in USAID's internal delegations found in the ADS.
(2) The M/OAA Director has specific authority to:
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) Director, the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian
Assistance, the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (DCHA/OFDA).
* * *
(2) Director, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED). Authority to execute
simplified acquisitions up to $10,000. Unlimited authority for
procuring participant training based on published catalog prices. May
issue warrants for simplified acquisitions up to $10,000 to qualified
individuals on his or her staff.
(3) Overseas heads of contracting activities. Authority to sign
contracts where the cumulative amount of the contract, as amended, does
not exceed $1,000,000 (or local currency equivalent) for personal
services contracts; or the simplified acquisition threshold as defined
in (48 CFR) FAR 2.101 (or local currency equivalent) for all other
contracts. May issue warrants for simplified acquisitions up to $50,000
to qualified individuals on his or her staff.
9. Revise 701.602-1 to read as follows:
701.602-1 Authority of contracting officers in resolving audit
With the exception of termination settlements subject to part 749
of this chapter, Termination of Contracts, contracting officers have
the authority to negotiate and enter into settlements with contractors
for costs questioned under audit reports, or to issue a contracting
officer's final decision pursuant to applicable dispute resolution
procedures (in the event that questioned costs are not settled by
negotiated agreement) in accordance with USAID's internal policy found
in ADS Chapter 591. The negotiated settlement or final decision will be
final, subject only to a contractor's appeal under the provisions of
the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, as amended (41 U.S.C. 601-613), or
other procedures as applicable. Policies and procedures for resolving
audit recommendations are in accordance with USAID's internal policies
found in ADS Chapters 591 and 592.
10. Revise the section heading for 701.603 to read as follows:
701.603 Selection, appointment, and termination of appointment of
contracting officers.
* * * * *
11. Revise the last sentence in 701.603-70 to read as follows:
701.603-70 Designation of contracting officers.
* * * In order to ensure proper accountability, and to preclude
possible security, conflict of interest, or jurisdiction problems,
USAID contracting officers must be U.S. citizen
[[Page 74991]]
direct-hire employees of the U.S. Government.
12. Subpart 702.170 is revised to read as follows:
Subpart 702.170--Definitions
702.170-1 Definitions.
Subpart 702.170--Definitions
702.170-1 Definitions.
A word or term, defined in this section, has the same meaning
throughout the AIDAR.
Administrator means the Administrator or Deputy Administrator of
the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Automated Directives System (ADS) sets forth the Agency's policies
and essential procedures, as well as supplementary informational
references. It contains six functional series, valid USAID Handbook
chapters, a resource library, and a glossary. References to ``ADS''
throughout 48 CFR chapter 7 are references to the Automated Directives
System. The entire ADS is accessible to the general public at the
following USAID Internet address:
Contracting activities also referred to as ``procuring activities''
within USAID are:
(1) The USAID/Washington activities. The contracting activities
located in Washington, DC are: The Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA); the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict
and Humanitarian Assistance, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
(DCHA/OFDA); and the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED). Subject to the limitations in
701.601 of this chapter, the latter two contracting activities are
responsible for procurements related to programs and activities for
their areas. M/OAA is responsible for procurements that do not fall
within the responsibility of other contracting activities, or that are
otherwise assigned to it.
(2) The overseas field contracting activities. Each USAID Mission
or post overseas is a contracting activity responsible for procurements
related to its programs and activities, subject to the limitations in
701.601 of this chapter.
Cooperating country means a foreign country in which there is a
program or activity administered by USAID.
Cooperating country national (CCN) means an individual who is a
cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen
lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country.
Executive agency includes the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) and its predecessor agencies, including the
International Cooperation Administration.
Foreign Assistance Act means the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as
amended (22 U.S.C., Chapter 32).
Government, Federal, State, local and political subdivisions, as
used in the FAR and AIDAR, do not refer to foreign entities except as
otherwise stated.
Head of agency means, for USAID, the Administrator, the Deputy
Administrator, and in accordance with the responsibilities and
limitations set forth in (48 CFR) AIDAR 701.601(a)(1), the M/OAA
Head of the contracting activity:
(1) The heads of USAID contracting activities are listed below. The
limits of their contracting authority are set forth in 701.601 of this
(i) USAID/Washington Heads of Contracting Activities:
(A) Director, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and
(B) Director, the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian
Assistance, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (DCHA/OFDA); and
(C) Director, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED).
(ii) Overseas Heads of Contracting Activities: Each Mission
Director or principal USAID officer at post (e.g. USAID Representative,
USAID Affairs Officer, etc.).
(2) Individuals serving in the positions listed in paragraphs
(1)(i) and (ii) of this definition in an ``Acting'' capacity may
exercise the authority delegated to that position.
Mission means the USAID mission or the principal USAID office or
representative (including an embassy designated to so act) in a foreign
country in which there is a program or activity administered by USAID.
Overseas means outside the United States, its possessions, and
Puerto Rico.
Procurement Executive is synonymous with ``Senior Procurement
Executive'' as defined in FAR 2.101 and means the USAID official who is
responsible for the management direction of USAID's assistance and
acquisition (``A&A'') system, as so delegated and more fully described
in USAID's internal delegations found in the ADS.
Procuring activity means ``contracting activity'', as defined in
this subpart.
Third country national (TCN) means an individual who is neither a
cooperating country national nor a U.S. national, but is a citizen or
lawful permanent resident (or equivalent immigration status) of any
country other than the countries which are prohibited sources. (See 22
CFR 228.15).
USAID means the U.S. Agency for International Development and its
predecessor agencies, including the International Cooperation
Administration (ICA).
U.S. national (USN) means an individual who is a U.S. citizen or a
non-U.S. citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the
United States.
Subpart 703.1--Safeguards
13. Redesignate 703.104-5 as 703.104-4 and revise newly redesignated
703.104-4 to read as follows:
703.104-4 Disclosure, protection, and marking of contractor bid or
proposal information and source selection information.
A contracting officer may authorize the release of proprietary and/
or source selection information outside the Government for evaluation
purposes pursuant to (48 CFR) FAR 15.305(c) and (48 CFR) AIDAR
14. Redesignate 703.104-10.1 as 703.104-7 and revise newly redesignated
703.104-7 to read as follows:
703.104-7 Violations or possible violations.
Requests for concurrence under paragraph (a)(1) of (48 CFR) FAR
3.104-7 must be forwarded to one level above the contracting officer.
Subpart 704.4--Safeguarding Classified Information Within Industry
15. Revise 704.404 to read as follows:
704.404 Contract clauses.
(a) When the contract includes a requirement for the contractor to
access classified (``Confidential'', ``Secret'', or ``Top Secret''), or
administratively controlled (``Sensitive But Unclassified'')
information, the contracting officer must insert (48 CFR) FAR clause
52.204-2, Security Requirements and (48 CFR) AIDAR clause 752.204-2,
Security Requirements, in the solicitation and award.
[[Page 74992]]
(b) If the contract requires the contractor (or contractor
employees) to have routine physical access to USAID-controlled
facilities in the U.S. (i.e., will need an ID for regular entry to
USAID space), or have logical access to USAID's information systems
(i.e., access to AIDNet, Phoenix, the Global Acquisition and Assistance
System (GLAAS,) etc.,) and the solicitation and contract contains (48
CFR) FAR 52.204-9(a), the contracting officer must also insert (48 CFR)
AIDAR 752.204-72, Access to USAID Facilities and USAID's Information
Systems. Only U.S citizen employees or consultants of a U.S.-based
company may request routine physical access to USAID-controlled
facilities or logical access to USAID's information systems.
704.7004-2 [Amended]
16. Amend 704.7004-2(a) by removing the word ``agency'' and adding, in
its place, the word ``Agency''.
704.7005 [Amended]
17. Amend 704.7005(c) by removing the words ``(48 CFR) subpart 716.5''
and add, in their place, the words ``(48 CFR) AIDAR subpart 716.5''.
705.002 [Removed and Reserved]
18. Remove and reserve 705.002.
Subpart 705.2--Synopsis of Proposed Contract Actions
705.202 [Amended]
19. Amend 705.202 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``Administrator for Federal
Procurement Policy '' and adding, in their place, the words
``Administrator of the Office of Management and Budget's Office of
Federal Procurement Policy ``; and
b. Remove and reserve paragraph (c).
705.207 [Removed and Reserved]
20. Remove and reserve 705.207.
21. Add subpart heading 705.5 before 705.502 to read as follows:
Subpart 705.5--Paid Advertisement
* * * * *
706.003 [Removed]
22. Remove 706.003.
Subpart 706.3--Other than Full and Open Competition
706.302-5 [Removed and Reserved]
23. Remove and reserve 706.302-5.
24. Amend 706.302-70 by:
a. Removing the reference ``40 U.S.C. 474'' in paragraph (a)(1) and
adding, in its place, the reference ``40 U.S.C. 113'';
b. Revising paragraph (c)(1); and
c. Removing the reference ``FAR 6.303-2(a)(12)'' in paragraph (c)(4)
and adding, in its place, the reference ``(48 CFR) FAR 6.303-2
The revision reads as follows:
706.302-70 Impairment of foreign aid programs.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(1) Proposals must be requested from as many potential offerors as
is practicable under the circumstances. Additionally, as required in
(48 CFR) FAR 5.201, the contracting officer must publicize the intended
award when using the exceptions above, including when using the
authority at 706.302-70(b)(5) where the contracting officer has
determined that the incumbent contractor is the only practicable,
potential offeror.
* * * * *
706.302-71 [Removed and Reserved]
25. Remove and reserve 706.302-71.
706.303-1 [Removed]
26. Remove 706.303-1.
Subpart 706.5--Competition Advocates
27. Revise 706.501 to read as follows:
706.501 Requirement.
The USAID Administrator delegated the authority to designate the
Agency Competition Advocate and a competition advocate for each agency
procuring activity (see 702.170 of this chapter) to the M/OAA Director.
The M/OAA Director, under the Administrator's delegation, has
designated the M/OAA Deputy Director for Accountability, Compliance,
Transparency, and Support as the Agency Competition Advocate and the
deputy head of each contracting activity as the competition advocate
for each activity. The competition advocate for USAID/W is the Deputy
Director for M/OAA Operations. If there is no deputy, the head of the
contracting activity is designated the competition advocate for that
activity. The competition advocate's duties may not be redelegated, but
can be exercised by persons serving as acting deputy (or acting head)
of the contracting activity. For definitions of contracting activity
and head of the contracting activity, see 702.170 of this chapter.
28. Add subpart 707.1 to read as follows:
Subpart 707.1--Acquisition Plans
707.104 General procedures.
Subpart 707.1--Acquisition Plans
707.104 General procedures.
Policies, procedures, and internal guidance for acquisition
planning are found in ADS 300.
Subpart 709.4--Debarment, Suspension, and Ineligibility
29. Revise 709.403 to read as follows:
709.403 Definitions.
Debarring official in USAID is the Senior Deputy Assistant
Administrator, Bureau for Management.
Suspending official in USAID is the Senior Deputy Assistant
Administrator, Bureau for Management.
Subpart 709.5--Organizational Conflicts of Interest
709.503 [Amended]
30. In 709.503:
a. Remove the reference ``702.170-10'' and add, in its place, the
reference ``702-170''; and
b. Remove the words ``Agency head'' and add, in their place, the words
``agency head''.
711.002-70 [Amended]
31. Amend 711.002-70 by:
a. In paragraph (b)(1), removing the words ``ADS chapter 323'' and
adding, in their place, the words ``ADS Chapter 323''; and
b. In paragraph (b)(3), removing the acronym ``SDB'' and adding, in its
place, the acronym ``OSDBU'';
32. Revise the heading for subpart 713.1 to read as follows:
[[Page 74993]]
Subpart 713.1--Procedures.
* * * * *
713.101 [Redesignated as 713.001]
33. Redesignate 713.101 as 713.001.
Subpart 714.4--Opening of Bids and Award of Contract
714.406-3 [Redesignated as 714.407-3 and Amended]
34. Redesignate 714.406-3 as 714.407-3 and amend newly redesignated
714.407-3 by removing the reference ``FAR 14.406-3'' and adding, in its
place, the reference ``(48 CFR) FAR 14.407-3''.
35. Redesignate 714.406-4 as 714.407-4 and amend newly redesignated
714.407-4 by:
a. Revising the section heading; and
b. Removing the reference ``FAR 14.406-4'' and adding, in its place,
the reference ``(48 CFR) FAR 14.407-4''.
The revision reads as follows:
714.407-4 Mistakes after award.
* * * * *
Subpart 715.3--Source Selection
36. Amend 715.305 by removing and reserving paragraph (a) and revising
paragraphs (b) and (c) to read as follows:
715.305 Proposal evaluation.
* * * * *
(b) A justification must be written by the contracting officer and
placed in the official file to support the decision to reject all
proposals and to cancel the procurement.
(c) The contracting officer may authorize release of proposals
outside the Government for evaluation--
(1) When an Evaluation Assistance Contract (EAC) is required to
provide technical advisory or other services relating to the evaluation
of proposals; or
(2) When an individual other than a Government employee, known as a
Non-Government Evaluator (NGE), is selected to serve as a member of a
USAID technical evaluation committee.
(3) Prior to releasing the proposals outside the Government, the
contracting officer must obtain a signed and dated agreement from each
NGE and EAC employee that they will safeguard the proposals and
information in the proposals and that they perceive no actual or
potential conflict of interests. (An example of such agreement is
provided in the ADS).
715.370-1 [Amended]
37. Amend 715.370-1 by:
a. In paragraph (d)(2)(iv), removing the abbreviation ``PIO/T'' and
adding, in its place, the word ``requisition''.
b. In paragraph (d)(4), remove the phrase ``715.608 of this subpart''
and adding, in its place, the reference ``715.303-70''.
715.370-2 [Amended]
38. In paragraphs (b) and (d)(4) of 715.370-2, remove the references
``AIDR appendix F'' and ``AIDAR appendix F'' and add, in their place,
the reference ``(48 CFR) AIDAR appendix F''.
Subpart 715.6--Unsolicited Proposals
39. Amend 715.602 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the word ``Futher'' and add, in its
place, the word ``Further''; and
b. Revising paragraph (c).
The revision reads as follows:
715.602 Policy.
* * * * *
(c) For detailed information on unsolicited proposals including
point of contact information see (48 CFR) AIDAR 715.604.
40. Revise 715.604 to read as follows:
715.604 Agency points of contact.
(a) Information on USAID's policies for unsolicited proposals is
available from the U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau
for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Evaluation
Division (M/OAA/E), SA-44, Room 858-E, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20523 or by email to
Initial inquiries and subsequent unsolicited proposals must be
submitted to the address specified above.
(b) The information available includes:
(1) Contact points within USAID;
(2) Definitions;
(3) Information source on USAID objectives and areas of potential
(4) Characteristics of a suitable proposal;
(5) Determination of contractor responsibility;
(6) Organizational conflicts of interest;
(7) Cost sharing; and
(8) Procedures for submission and evaluation of proposals;
(9) Guidance on preferred methods for submitting ideas/concepts to
the Government;
(10) Instructions for identifying and marking proprietary
information so that it is projected and restrictive legends conform to
(48 CFR) FAR 15.609.
Subpart 716.3--Cost Reimbursement Contracts
716.406 [Amended]
41. In 716.406, remove the words ``Contracting Officer shall include''
and add, in their place, the words ``contracting officer must insert''.
42. Revise the section heading for 716.505-70 to read as follows:
716.505-70 Partner vetting--orders under indefinite delivery
* * * * *
717.700 [Redesignated as 717.770]
43. Redesignate 717.700 as 717.770.
719.270, 719.271-2, 719.271-3, 719.271-4, 719.271-5, 719.271-6, and
719.271-7 [Amended]
44. In 719.270, 719.271-2, 719.271-3, 719.271-4, 719.271-5, 719.271-6,
and 719.271-7, remove the acronym ``SDB'' and add, in its place, the
acronym ''OSDBU'' each time it appears.
Subpart 719.2--Policies
719.270 [Amended]
45. Amend 719.270 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the words ``United States small
business'' and adding, in their place, the words ``U.S. small
businesses''; and
b. In paragraph (e), removing the phrase ``subsection 702.170-10'' and
adding, in its place, the reference ``702-170''.
719.271-1 [Amended]
46. Amend 719.271-1 by removing the words ``Small Business concerns''
each time they appear and add, in their place, the words ``Small
business concerns''.
719.271-2 [Amended]
47. Amend 719.271-2 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``Director SDB'' and adding, in
their place, the words ``Director, OSDBU''; and
b. Removing and reserving paragraph (b)(4).
719.271-3 [Amended]
48. Amend 719.271-3 by:
[[Page 74994]]
a. In the introductory text, removing the word ``jurisidiction'' and
adding, in its place, the word ``jurisdiction''; and
b. In paragraphs (a) and (n), removing the words ``part 19 of the FAR''
and adding, in their place, the words ``part 19 of the (48 CFR) FAR''.
719.271-4 [Amended]
49. Amend 719.271-4 by:
a. In the introductory text, removing the word ``agency'' and adding,
in its place, the word ``Agency''; and
b. In paragraph (c), removing the words ``cognizant technical
officers'' and adding, in their place, the words ``contracting
officer's representatives''.
719.272 [Removed and Reserved]
50. Remove and reserve 719.272
51. Add subpart 719-7 after subpart 719.273 to read as follows:
Subpart 719-7--The Small Business Subcontracting Program
719.708 Contract clause.
Subpart 719-7--The Small Business Subcontracting Program
719.708 Contract clause.
The Foreign Assistance Act calls for USAID to give U.S. Small
Businesses an opportunity to provide supplies and services for foreign
assistance projects. To help USAID meet this obligation, the
contracting officer must insert the clause at (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.219-8
in all solicitations and contracts that contain the (48 CFR) FAR clause
at 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns.
Subpart 722.1--Basic Labor Policies
52. In 722.170, revise the first sentence of paragraph (a) to read as
722.170 Employment of third country nationals (TCN's) and cooperating
country nationals (CCN'S).
(a) * * * It is USAID policy that cooperating country nationals
(CCNs) and third country nationals (TCNs), who are hired abroad for
work in a cooperating country under USAID-direct contracts, generally
be extended the same benefits, and be subject to the same restrictions
as TCNs and CCNs employed by the USAID Mission. * * *
* * * * *
Subpart 722.8--Equal Employment Opportunity
53. Amend 722.805-70 by:
a. In the first sentence of paragraph (a), removing the reference ``(48
CFR) FAR 22.804-2'' and adding, in its place, the reference ``(48 CFR)
FAR 22.804-1''; and
b. Revising paragraph (b).
The revision reads as follows:
722.805-70 Procedures.
* * * * *
(b) Representations and certifications. The first step in ensuring
compliance with these requirements is to obtain all necessary
representations and certifications (Reps and Certs) as required by (48
CFR) FAR 22.810 and FAR 4.1202. When applicable, the contracting
officer must review the Reps and Certs to determine whether they have
been completed and signed as required, and are acceptable.
* * * * *
54. Add 722.810 to read as follows:
722.810 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
The contracting officer must insert the clause at 752.222-70, USAID
Disability Policy, in section H of all solicitations and resulting
55. Revise subpart 725.70 to read as follows:
Subpart 725.70--Source and Nationality
725.701 General.
725.702 Designation of authorized geographic code.
725.703 Source and Nationality requirements--Contract clause.
725.704 Geographic Code waivers.
Subpart 725.70--Source and Nationality
725.701 General.
USAID's source and nationality requirements for program-funded
contracts and subcontracts are set forth in 22 CFR part 228, Rules on
Procurement of Commodities and Services Financed by USAID. 22 CFR part
228 is supplemented by the policies and procedures in ADS Chapters 310
and 312.
725.702 Designation of authorized geographic code.
(a) Unless another geographic code is specified in the Schedule of
the contract, in accordance with 22 CFR part 228, the authorized code
for all Agency contracts is Geographic Code 937, which is the U.S., the
cooperating/recipient country, and developing countries other than
advanced developing countries, and excluding prohibited sources.
(b) The list of developing countries is available in ADS Chapter
725.703 Source and Nationality requirements--Contract clause.
Insert the clause at 752.225-70, Source and Nationality
Requirements in all USAID program-funded solicitations and contracts
for goods or services, unless source and nationality requirements do
not apply as set forth at 22 CFR 228.02.
725.704 Geographic Code waivers.
(a) Authority to approve waivers of source, nationality, and
transportation services requirements, pursuant to 22 CFR part 228,
subpart D, is set forth in ADS Chapters 103 and 310.
(b) If a Geographic Code other than Code 937 is authorized by a
waiver, the contracting officer must insert the authorized geographic
code approved in the waiver, in the Schedule of the contract as
required in 725.702. In addition, the contracting officer must place a
copy of the approved geographic code waiver in the official contract
Subpart 726.70--[Removed and Reserved]
56. Remove and reserve subpart 726.70.
57. Add subpart 727.3 to read as follows:
Subpart 727.3--Patent Rights under Government Contracts
727.303 Contract clause.
Subpart 727.3--Patent Rights under Government Contracts
727.303 Contract clause.
Contracting officers must insert the clause at 752.227-70, Patent
Reporting Procedures, in all solicitations and contracts that contain
the clause at (48 CFR) FAR 52.227-11, Patent Rights--Ownership by the
Subpart 727.4--Rights in Data and Copyrights
727.404 [Amended]
58. In paragraph (g) of 727.404, remove the words ``shall incorporate''
[[Page 74995]]
and add in their place, the words ``must insert''.
727.409 [Amended]
59. Amend 727.409(a) by:
a. Removing the word ``incorporates'' and adding, in its place, the
word ``inserts''; and
b. Removing the words ``(48 CFR) 752.227-14'' and adding, in their
place, the words ``(48 CFR) AIDAR 752.227-14''.
Subpart 728.1--Bonds
60. Revise 728.105-1(b) to read as follows:
728.105-1 Advance payment bonds.
* * * * *
(b) Whenever a contracting officer considers that an advance
payment bond is necessary, the contracting officer will:
(1) Establish a bond penalty that will adequately protect interests
of the Government;
(2) Use the USAID Advance Payment Bond format;
(3) Place bond with a surety currently approved by the U.S.
Treasury Department according to the latest Treasury Department
Circular 570; and
(4) Stipulate that the cost of the bond shall not exceed a rate of
$7.50 per $1,000 per annum based on the penalty of the bond, without
the prior written approval of the Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P).
* * * * *
Subpart 728.3--Insurance
728.307-70 [Amended]
61. In 728.307-70, remove the words ``Contracting Officer shall
insert'' and add, in their place, the words ``contracting officer must
Subpart 731.1--Applicability
731.109 [Amended]
62. In 731.109, remove the words ``Overhead and Special Cost and
Contract Close-Out Branch, Office of Acquisition and Assistance'' and
add, in their place, the words ``Bureau for Management, Office of
Acquisition and Assistance, Cost Audit Support Division, Overhead and
Special Cost and Contract Close-Out Branch (M/OAA/CAS/OCC)''.
63. Revise 731.205-46 to read as follows:
731.205-46 Travel costs.
It is USAID policy to require prior written approval of
international travel by the contracting officer, or the contracting
officer's representative (COR) if delegated in the Contracting
Officer's Representative Designation Letter. See (48 CFR) AIDAR
752.7032 for specific requirements and procedures.
731.205-71 [Amended]
64. Revise 731.205-71 by:
a. In paragraph (c), removing ``(on ADS-CD under USAID Handbooks,
Handbook 1)'' and adding, in their place, ``in ADS Chapter 302'';
b. In paragraph (d), removing the words ``Contracting Officer'' and
adding, in their place, the words ``Contracting officer''.
Subpart 731.7--Contracts with Nonprofit Organizations
731.770 [Amended]
65. Revise 731.770(a) by:
a. Removing the words ``Director, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance'' and adding, in their place, the words ``Director, Bureau
for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance'';
b. Removing the words ``Overhead and Special Cost and Contract Close-
Out Branch, Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OCC)'' and adding, in
their place, the words ``Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition
and Assistance, Cost Audit Support Division, Overhead and Special Cost
and Contract Close-Out Branch (M/OAA/CAS/OCC)''; and
c. Removing the abbreviation ``OCC'' and adding, in its place, the
abbreviation ``M/OAA/CAS/OCC''.
Subpart 732.1 [Removed]
66. Remove subpart 732.1.
67. Revise the heading for subpart 732.4 to read as follows:
Subpart 732.4--Advance Payments for Non-Commercial Items
* * * * *
68. Revise 732.402 to read as follows:
732.402 General.
(a)-(d) [Reserved]
(e)(1) U.S. Dollar advances to for-profit organizations for any
award, including advances for disbursement to grantees, must be
processed and approved in accordance with ADS Chapter 636.
(2) All local currency advances to for-profit organizations for any
award require the approval of the head of the contracting activity,
with concurrence of the Mission Controller.
69. Revise 732.406-71, 732.406-72, 732.406-73, and 732.406-74 to read
as follows:
732.406-71 Applicability for use of a Letter of Credit (LOC).
An LOC must be used when:
(a) The contracting officer has determined that an advance payment
is necessary and appropriate in accordance with this subpart and the
requirements found in (48 CFR) FAR 32.4;
(b) USAID has, or expects to have, a continuing relationship of at
least one year with the organization, and the annual amount required
for advance financing will be at least $50,000; and
(c) The advance payment is approved in accordance with (48 CFR)
AIDAR 732.402(e). Additionally, the advance payments made by LOC under
for fee or profit contracts, must be approved by the Procurement
732.406-72 Establishing an LOC.
(a) While the contract will provide for the use of an LOC when it
is applicable under 732.406-71, the LOC is a separate agreement between
the contractor and USAID. The terms and conditions of the LOC are
contained in the LOC instructions issued by USAID and the general
operating requirements are those imposed by the USAID LOC servicing
agent. LOCs for both USAID/Washington and Mission-executed awards are
established by the Bureau for Management, Office of the Chief Financial
Officer, Cash Management and Payment Division (M/CFO/CMP) through the
Agency LOC servicing agent.
(b) To establish a new LOC account, the contractor must submit to
USAID the documentation specified in (48 CFR) AIDAR Clause 752.232-
732.406-73 LOC contract clause.
(a) If payment is to be provided by LOC, the contract must contain
the clause in 752.232-70.
(b) Contracting officers must ensure that an appropriate (48 CFR)
FAR payment clause is also inserted in the contract, in the event that
the LOC is revoked pursuant to 732.406-74.
732.406-74 Revocation of the LOC.
If during the term of the contract M/CFO/CMP believes that the LOC
should be revoked, M/CFO/CMP may, after consultation with the cognizant
contracting officer(s) and GC, revoke the LOC by written notification
to the contractor. A copy of any such revocation notice will
immediately be
[[Page 74996]]
provided to the cognizant contracting officer(s).
Subpart 733.1--Protests
733.103-72 [Amended]
70. Amend 733.103-72(a) by removing the words ``Assistant General
Counsel for Litigations and Enforcement (GC/LE)'' and adding, in their
place, the words ``Office of the General Counsel's Division for
Litigation and Enforcement (GC/LE)''.
71. Amend 733.103-73 by:
a. Revising the section heading; and
b. In paragraph (d), removing the words ``General Accounting Office
(GAO)'' and adding, in their place, the words ``Government
Accountability Office (GAO)''.
The revision reads as follows:
733.103-73 Protests excluded from Agency consideration.
* * * * *
Subpart 733.27--USAID Procedures for Disputes and Appeals
72. Redesignate 733.270-1 as 733.270 and revise newly redesignated
733.270 to read as follows:
733.270 Designation of Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) to
hear and determine appeals under USAID contracts.
(a) The Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) was established
by section 847 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2006 to hear and decide contract disputes between Government
contractors and executive civilian agencies under the provisions of the
Contract Disputes Act of 1978, 41 U.S.C. 7101-7109, and regulations and
rules issued under that statute. The CBCA is USAID's board for hearing
and deciding appeals to contracting officer decisions.
(b) USAID must follow CBCA Rules of Procedure (see
(c) The Office of the General Counsel's Division of Litigation and
Enforcement (GC/LE) will assure representation of the interests of the
Government in proceedings before the CBCA.
(d) All officers and employees of USAID must cooperate with the
CBCA and GC/LE in the processing of appeals so as to assure their
speedy and just determination.
733.270-2 [Removed]
73. Remove 733.270-2.
74. Add subpart 736.5 to read as follows:
Subpart 736.5--Contract Clauses
736.570 Disability Standards in Construction Contracts.
Subpart 736.5--Contract Clauses
736.570 Disability Standards in Construction Contracts.
Contracting officers must insert the clause at 752.236-70,
Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID Construction
Contracts, in all solicitations and contracts for construction or
renovations made using program funds.
Subpart 736.6--Architect-Engineer Services
736.603 [Removed and Reserved]
75. Remove and reserve 736.603.
Subpart 742.11--Production, Surveillance, and Reporting
742.1170-2 [Amended]
76. Revise 742.1170-2 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``FAR 48 CFR'' each time they
appear and adding, in their place, the words ``(48 CFR) FAR''.
b. In paragraph (c), removing the words ``FAR 48 CFR'' and adding, in
their place, the words ``(48 CFR) FAR''.
Subpart 742.15--Contractor Performance Information
742.1502 [Amended]
77. Amend 742.1502 by:
a. Removing and reserving paragraph (a); and
b. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``FAR subpart 42.15'' and
adding, in their place, the words ``(48 CFR) FAR subpart 42.15''.
742.1503 [Amended]
78. Amend 742.1503(b) by removing the words ``FAR 42.1503(b)'' and
adding, in their place, the words ``(48 CFR) FAR 42.1503''.
Subpart 745.1--General
79. Redesignate 745.106 as 745.107 and revise newly redesignated
745.107 to read as follows:
745.107 Contract clauses.
(a) The contracting officer must insert the clause at (48 CFR)
AIDAR 752.245-71 in all contracts under which the contractor will
acquire property for use overseas and the contract funds were obligated
under a Development Objective Agreement (DOAG) (or similar bilateral
obligating agreement) with the cooperating country.
(b) The contracting officer must insert the applicable clause as
required in (48 CFR) FAR 45.107 and (48 CFR) AIDAR 752.245-70 in all
contracts under which the contractor will acquire property with funds
not already obligated under a DOAG (or similar bilateral obligating
agreement) with the cooperating country.
Subpart 747.5--Ocean Transportation by U.S.-Flag Vessels
747.507 [Amended]
80. Amend 747.507 by:
a. Removing the reference ``FAR 27.507(a)'' and adding, in its place,
the reference ``FAR 47.507(a)''; and
b. Removing the words ``Contracting Officer shall'' and ``Contracting
officer shall'' and adding, in their place, the words ``Contracting
officer must''.
PART 750--Extraordinary Contractual Actions
Subpart 750.71--Extraordinary Contractual Actions to Protect
Foreign Policy Interests of the United States
750.7109-1 [Amended]
81. In 750.7109-1, remove the words ``Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E)'' and add, in their place,
the words ``Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and
Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E)''.
750.7109-2 [Amended]
82. In 750.1109-2, remove the reference ``FAR 50.303'' add, in its
place, the reference ``(48 CFR) FAR 50.103-3''.
750.7109-3 [Amended]
83. In 750.1109-3, remove the references ``FAR 50.304'' and add, in its
place, the reference ``(48 CFR) FAR 50.103-4''.
[[Page 74997]]
750.7110-1 [Amended]
84. In 750.7110-1, remove the words ``Evaluation Division of the Office
of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA/E)'' and add, in their place, the
words ``Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance,
Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E)''.
750.7110-3 [Amended]
85. Amend the section heading for 750.1110-3 by removing the acronym
``M/OP Director'' and adding, in its place, the acronym ``M/OAA
86. Add subpart 752.1 to read as follows:
Subpart 752.1--Instructions for Using Provisions and Clauses
752.102 Incorporating provisions and clauses.
752.107 AIDAR provisions and clauses prescribed in this subpart.
Subpart 752.1--Instructions for Using Provisions and Clauses
752.102 Incorporating provisions and clauses.
(a) As authorized by FAR 52.102, FAR and AIDAR provisions and
clauses should be incorporated by reference in solicitations and
contracts to the maximum practical extent, except as provided in
paragraph (b) of this section. For provisions that require fill-ins or
input by the contracting officer, the paragraph that contains the fill-
in information must be included directly below the title of the
provision or clause.
(b) If applicable, the following AIDAR provisions and clauses must
be incorporated in full text in all solicitations and awards:
No. AIDAR (48 CFR chapter 7) Title Date
752.225-4..................... Buy American July 1997.
Act_Trade Agreements.
752.232-70.................... Letter of Credit Mar 2015.
Advance Payment.
752.245-70.................... Government July 1997.
752.7003...................... Documentation for Nov 1998.
(c) Contracting activities may choose to incorporate provisions in
full text, when:
(1) A new clause or significant revisions to an existing clause is
issued less than six months prior to issuance of a solicitation or a
contract award;
(2) Listing a clause in full text will ensure compliance with the
contract terms and conditions;
(3) Inclusion of clauses in full text is more practical under the
local conditions (e.g., situations where doing so will assist small
local entities, the prospective contractors may have limited Internet
access, etc.).
(d) If a solicitation or contract contains one or more FAR
provisions or clauses incorporated by reference, the contracting
officer must insert the following Internet address: in FAR clause 52.252-1,
Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference or 52.252-2, Clauses
Incorporated by Reference.
752.107 AIDAR provisions and clauses prescribed in this subpart.
(a) The contracting officer must insert the provision at 752.252-1,
Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference, in solicitations in
order to incorporate AIDAR provisions by reference.
(b) The contracting officer must insert the clause at 752.252-2,
AIDAR Clauses Incorporated by Reference, in solicitations and contracts
in order incorporate AIDAR clauses by reference.
(c) The contracting officer must insert the provision at 752.252-
70, Provisions and Clauses to be Completed by the Offeror, in full text
in solicitations or contract containing FAR or AIDAR provision(s) or
clause(s) that must be completed by offerors or prospective contractors
and submitted with the quotation or offer.
Subpart 752.2--Texts of Provisions and Clauses
87. Amend 752.202-1 by:
a. In paragraph (c), revising the clause heading and paragraph (b) of
the clause; and
b. In paragraph (d), revising the clause heading and paragraphs (b) and
(g) of the clause.
The revisions read as follows:
752.202-1 Definitions.
* * * * *
(c) Alternate 71. * * *
* * * * *
(b) Director shall mean the individual who fills the USAID
position of Director, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and
Environment, Office of Education (E3/ED), or authorized
representative acting within the limits of the individual's
* * * * *
(d) Alternate 72. * * *
USAID Definitions Clause--Supplement for USAID Contracts Involving
Performance Overseas (JUNE 2009)
* * * * *
(b) Cooperating Country National (CCN) employee means an
individual who meets the citizenship requirements of the CCN
definition in (48 CFR) AIDAR 702.170 and is hired while residing
outside the United States for work in a cooperating country.
* * * * *
(g) Third Country National (TCN) employee means an individual
who meets the citizenship requirements of the TCN definition in (48
CFR) AIDAR 702.170 and is hired while residing outside the United
States for work in a Cooperating Country.
88. Revise 752.204-2 to read as follows:
752.204-2 Security Requirements.
As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR 704.404(a), when the clause in (48
CFR) FAR 52.204-2 is used in USAID contracts, paragraph (a) of the
clause is revised as follows:
Security Requirements (FEB 1999)
Pursuant to the Foreign Affairs Manual, 12 FAM 540 (, USAID applies the
safeguards applicable to ``Confidential'' information to
administratively controlled information designated as ``Sensitive
But Unclassified''. Therefore, when the clause in (48 CFR) FAR
52.204-2 is used in USAID contracts, pursuant to 704.404(a),
paragraph (a) of the clause is revised as follows:
(a) This clause applies to the extent that this contract
involves access to classified (`Confidential', `Secret', or `Top
Secret'), or
[[Page 74998]]
administratively controlled (`Sensitive But Unclassified')
89. Add 752.204-72 to read as follows:
752.204-72 Access to USAID Facilities and USAID's Information
As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR 704.404(b), insert the following
clause in all solicitations and contracts that contain the provision at
(48 CFR) FAR 52.204-9(a):
Access to USAID Facilities and USAID's Information Systems (AUG
(a) A U.S. citizen or resident alien engaged in the performance
of this award as an employee, consultant, or volunteer of a U.S firm
may obtain access to USAID facilities or logical access to USAID's
information systems only when and to the extent necessary to carry
out this award and in accordance with this clause. The contractor's
employees, consultants, or volunteers who are not U.S. citizen as
well as employees, consultants, or volunteers of non-U.S. firms,
irrespective of their citizenship, will not be granted logical
access to U.S. Government information technology systems (such as
Phoenix, GLAAS, etc.) and must be escorted to use U.S. Government
facilities (such as office space).
(b) Before a contractor (or a contractor employee, consultant,
or volunteer) or subcontractor at any tier may obtain a USAID ID
(new or replacement) authorizing the individual routine access to
USAID facilities in the United States, or logical access to USAID's
information systems, the individual must provide two forms of
identity source documents in original form to the Enrollment Office
personnel when undergoing processing. One identity source document
must be a valid Federal or State Government-issued picture ID.
Contractors may contact the USAID Security Office to obtain the list
of acceptable forms of documentation. Submission of these documents,
to include documentation of security background investigations, are
mandatory in order for the contractor to receive a PIV/FAC card and
be granted access to any of USAID's information systems. All such
individuals must physically present these two source documents for
identity proofing at their enrollment.
(c) The contractor or its Facilities Security Officer must
return any issued building access ID and remote authentication token
to the contracting officer's representative (COR) upon termination
of the individual's employment with the contractor or completion of
the contract, whichever occurs first.
(d) Individuals engaged in the performance of this award as
employees, consultants, or volunteers of the contractor must comply
with all applicable Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12
(HSPD-12) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) procedures, as
described above, and any subsequent USAID or Government-wide HSPD-12
and PIV procedures/policies.
(e) The contractor is required to insert this clause in any
subcontracts that require the subcontractor, subcontractor employee,
or consultant to have routine physical access to USAID space or
logical access to USAID's information systems.
752.209-71 [Amended]
90. In the introductory text of 752.209-71, remove the word ``include''
and add, in its place, the word ``insert''.
752.216-70 [Amended]
91. Amend 752.216-70 by removing paragraph (c) of the contract clause.
92. Revise 752.219-8 to read as follows:
752.219-8 Utilization of small business concerns and small
disadvantaged business concerns.
As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR 719.708, insert the following
clause in solicitations and contracts that contain the clause at
52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns:
Utilization of Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged
Business Concerns (MAR 2015)
In addition to the FAR clause at 52.219-8, Utilization of Small
Business Concerns, the contractor must comply with the following
USAID small business provision: To permit USAID, in accordance with
the small business provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act, to give
small business firms an opportunity to participate in supplying
equipment supplies and services financed under this contract, the
contractor must, to the maximum extent possible, provide the
following information to the U.S. Agency for International
Development(USAID), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business
Utilization (OSDBU), 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., SA-44, Room 848,
Washington, DC 20523, at least 45 days prior to placing any order in
excess of the simplified acquisition threshold except where a
shorter time is requested of, and granted by OSDBU:
(1) Brief general description and quantity of commodities or
(2) Closing date for receiving quotations or bids; and
(3) Address where invitations or specifications may be obtained.
752.219-70 [Amended]
93. In 752.219-70, remove the words ``USAID Mentor-
Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program (July 13, 2007)'' and add, in their
place, the words ``USAID Mentor-Prot[eacute]g[eacute] Program (July
752.219-71 [Amended]
94. In 752.219-71, remove the words ``Mentor Requirements and
Evaluation (July 13, 2007)'' and add, in their place, the words
``Mentor Requirements and Evaluation (July 2007)''.
95. Add 752.222-70 to read as follows:
752.222-70 USAID Disability Policy.
As prescribed in 722.810, the contracting officer must insert the
following clause in Section H of all solicitations and resulting
USAID Disability Policy (DEC 2004)
(a) The objectives of the USAID Disability Policy are:
(1) To enhance the attainment of United States foreign
assistance program goals by promoting the participation and
equalization of opportunities of individuals with disabilities in
USAID policy, country and sector strategies, activity designs and
(2) To increase awareness of issues of people with disabilities
both within USAID programs and in host countries;
(3) To engage other U.S. Government agencies, host country
counterparts, governments, implementing organizations and other
donors in fostering a climate of nondiscrimination against people
with disabilities; and
(4) To support international advocacy for people with
disabilities. The full text of USAID's policy can be found at the
following Web site:
(b) USAID therefore requires that the contractor not
discriminate against people with disabilities in the implementation
of USAID programs and that it make every effort to comply with the
objectives of the USAID Disability Policy in performing this
contract. To that end and within the scope of the contract, the
contractor's actions must demonstrate a comprehensive and consistent
approach for including men, women, and children with disabilities.
96. Revise 752.225-70 to read as follows:
752.225-70 Source and nationality requirements.
As prescribed in 725.704, insert the following clause:
Source and Nationality Requirements (FEB 2012)
(a) Except as may be specifically approved by the contracting
officer, the contractor must procure all commodities (e.g.,
equipment, materials, vehicles, supplies) and services (including
commodity transportation services) in accordance with the
requirements at 22 CFR part 228 ``Rules on Procurement of
Commodities and Services Financed by USAID.'' The authorized source
for procurement is Geographic Code 937 unless otherwise specified in
the schedule of this contract. Guidance on eligibility of specific
goods or services may be obtained from the contracting officer.
(b) Ineligible goods and services. The contractor must not
procure any of the following goods or services under this contract:
(1) Military equipment;
(2) Surveillance equipment;
(3) Commodities and services for support of police and other law
enforcement activities;
[[Page 74999]]
(4) Abortion equipment and services;
(5) Luxury goods and gambling equipment; or
(6) Weather modification equipment.
(c) Restricted goods. The contractor must obtain prior written
approval of the contracting officer or comply with required
procedures under an applicable waiver as provided by the contracting
officer when procuring any of the following goods or services:
(1) Agricultural commodities;
(2) Motor vehicles;
(3) Pharmaceuticals and contraceptive items;
(4) Pesticides;
(5) Fertilizer;
(6) Used equipment; or
(7) U.S. Government-owned excess property.
If USAID determines that the contractor has procured any of
these specific restricted goods under this contract without the
prior written authorization of the contracting officer or fails to
comply with required procedures under an applicable waiver as
provided by the contracting officer, and has received payment for
such purposes, the contracting officer may require the contractor to
refund the entire amount of the purchase.
752.225-71 [Removed]
97. Remove 752.225-71.
752.226-1, 752.226-2, 752.226-3 [Removed and Reserved]
98. Remove and reserve 752.226-1, 752.226-2, and 752.226-3.
99. Add 752.227-70 to read as follows:
752.227-70 Patent reporting procedures.
As prescribed in (48 CFR) AIDAR 727.303, insert the following
clause in all solicitations and contracts that contain the clause at
(48 CFR) FAR 52.227-11.
Patent Reporting Procedures (AUG 1999)
(a) Reporting inventions. In accordance with 37 CFR part 401,
each USAID-funded research recipient must disclose each subject
invention to USAID as required in (48 CFR) FAR 52.227-11(c). Such
reports must be made via the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
EDISON Patent Reporting and Tracking system. NIH created EDISON to
help assist research recipients to comply with the Bayh-Dole Act and
report in a timely manner all patentable inventions arising out of
Federally-sponsored research programs. The EDISON system uses Web
technology to allow research recipients to report and monitor their
invention reports, with the assurance that proprietary data is
securely stored. The Web site for EDISON (
provides users with an invention reporting test site, as well as
applicable instructions for complying with Government regulations,
and increases the potential for successful commercialization of the
inventions by helping to ensure that all reporting requirements are
met and that ownership rights are clearly established.
(b) Reports on utilization of subject inventions as required
under (48 CFR) FAR 52.227-11(f) must be provided to the USAID
contracting officer's technical representative annually, and the
last report under an agreement must be provided within 90 days of
the expiration of the agreement.
100. In 752.228-3, revise the introductory text and add a clause
heading and introductory text before paragraph (a) of the clause to
read as follows:
752.228-3 Worker's Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act).
As prescribed in 728.309, the following supplemental coverage must
be added to the clause specified in (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-3 by the USAID
contracting officer.
Worker's Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act) (DEC 1991)
In addition to the requirements specified in (48 CFR) FAR
52.228-3, the contractor agrees to the following:
* * * * *
101. Amend 752.228-7 by:
a. Revising the introductory text;
b. Adding a clause heading and introductory text before the clause; and
c. In the text of the clause, removing the words ``minimum coverages or
such other minimum coverages'' and adding, in their place, the words
``minimum coverage or such other minimum coverage''.
The addition reads as follows:
752.228-7 Insurance--liability to third persons.
As prescribed in 728.307-2(c), the following paragraph must be
added to the clause specified in (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-7 as either
paragraph (h) (if (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-7 Alternate I is not used) or (i)
(if (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-7 Alternate I is used):
Insurance--Liability to Third Persons (JULY 1997)
The following paragraph is added to the clause specified in (48
CFR) FAR 52.228-7:
* * * * *
102. In 752.228-9, revise the introductory text and add a clause
heading immediately following the introductory text to read as follows:
752.228-9 Cargo insurance.
As prescribed in 728.313(a), the following preface is to be used
preceding the text of the clause at (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-9:
Cargo Insurance (DEC 1998)
* * * * *
752.228-70 [Amended]
103. In the first sentence of 752.228-70(a), remove the word
``Contractor'' and add, in its place, the words ``The contractor''.
104. In 752.231-71, revise the date in the clause heading and add
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
752.231-71 Salary supplements for Host Government employees.
As prescribed in 731.205-71, for use in all contracts with a
possible need or services of a HG employee. The clause should also be
inserted in all subsequent sub-contracts.
Salary Supplements for Host Government Employees (MAR 2015)
* * * * *
(c) The Contractor must insert a clause containing all the terms
of this clause, including the requirement to obtain the written
approval of the contracting officer for all salary supplements, in
all subcontracts under this contract that may entail HG employee
salary supplements.
105. Revise 752.232-70 to read as follows:
752.232-70 Letter of Credit Advance Payment.
As required by 732.406-73, insert the following clause in contracts
being paid by Letter of Credit.
Letter of Credit Advance Payment (MAR 2015)
(a) Payment under this contract must be by means of a Letter of
Credit (LOC) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the LOC
and any instructions issued by the USAID, Bureau for Management,
Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Cash Management and Payment
Division (M/CFO/CMP).
(b) Immediately upon award, or as soon as the Letter of Credit
payment method is approved by the contracting officer, contractors
without an established LOC account must submit the following forms
with original signatures, to the address specified below:
(1) A signed original SF-1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form);
(2) ``Division of Payment Management Payment Management System
Access Form'' found at the Department of State and Human Services
(DHHS) Web site.
Address: ATTN: James DuBois, U.S. Agency for International
Development, M/CFO/CMP--LOC Unit, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., SA-44,
Room 430-J, Washington, DC 20523-7700.
Contractors must also submit the forms specified above
electronically to
(c) As long as the LOC is in effect, the terms and conditions of
the LOC and any instructions issued by M/CFO/CMP constitute the
payment conditions of this contract, superseding and taking
precedence over any other clause of this contract concerning
(d) If the LOC is revoked, payment may be made on a cost-
reimbursement basis, in accordance with the other clauses of this
contract concerning payment.
[[Page 75000]]
(e) Revocation of the LOC is at the discretion of M/CFO/CMP
after consultation with the contracting officer. Notification to the
contractor of revocation must be in writing and must specify the
reasons for such action. The contractor may appeal any such
revocation to the contracting officer, in accordance with the
Disputes clause of this contract. Pending final decision, payments
under the contract will be in accordance with paragraph (d) of this
106. Add 752.236-70 to read as follows:
752.236-70 Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID
Construction Contracts.
As prescribed in 736.570, for contracts for construction or
renovation using program funds, insert the following clause.
Standards for Accessibility for the Disabled in USAID Construction
Contracts (July 2007)
(a) One of the objectives of the USAID Disability Policy is to
engage other U.S. Government agencies, host country counterparts,
governments, implementing organizations and other donors in
fostering a climate of nondiscrimination against people with
disabilities. As part of this policy USAID has established standards
for any new or renovation construction project funded by USAID to
allow access by people with disabilities (PWDs). The full text of
the policy paper can be found at the following Web site:
(b) USAID requires the contractor to comply with standards of
accessibility for people with disabilities in all structures,
buildings or facilities resulting from new or renovation
construction or alterations of an existing structure.
(c) The contractor must comply with the host country or regional
standards for accessibility in construction when such standards
result in at least substantially equivalent accessibility and
usability as the standard provided in the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Architectural Barriers Act
(ABA) Accessibility Guidelines of July 2004. Where there are no host
country or regional standards for universal access or where the host
country or regional standards fail to meet the ADA/ABA threshold,
the standard prescribed in the ADA and the ABA must be used.
(d) New Construction. All new construction must comply with the
above standards for accessibility.
(e) Alterations. Changes to an existing structure that affect,
or could affect, the usability of the structure must comply with the
above standards for accessibility unless the contractor obtains the
contracting officer's advance approval that compliance is
technically infeasible or constitutes an undue burden or both.
Compliance is technically infeasible where structural conditions
would require removing or altering a load-bearing member that is an
essential part of the structural frame or because other existing
physical or site constraints prohibit modification or addition of
elements, spaces, or features that are in full and strict compliance
with the minimum requirements of the standard. Compliance is an
undue burden where it entails either a significant difficulty or
expense or both.
(f) Exceptions. The following construction related activities
are excepted from the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (d) of
this section:
(1) Normal maintenance, re-roofing, painting or wallpapering, or
changes to mechanical or electrical systems are not alterations and
the above standards do not apply unless they affect the
accessibility of the building or facility; and
(2) emergency construction (which may entail the provision of
plastic sheeting or tents, minor repair and upgrading of existing
structures, rebuilding of part of existing structures, or provision
of temporary structures) intended to be temporary in nature. A
portion of emergency construction assistance may be provided to
people with disabilities as part of the process of identifying
disaster- and crisis-affected people as ``most vulnerable.''
752.242-70 [Amended]
107. In 752.242-70, remove the reference ``742.1170-3(c)'' in the
introductory text, and add, in its place, the reference ``(48 CFR)
AIDAR 742.1170-4(c)''.
108. Amend 752.245-70 by:
a. Removing the reference ``FAR 45.106'' in the introductory text, and
adding, in its place, the reference ``(48 CFR) FAR 45.107'';
b. Adding a clause heading immediately following the Preface sentence;
c. Removing the words ``government property'' and add, in their place,
the words ``Government property'';
d. Removing the words ``government-furnished'' and ``Government
furnished'' and adding, in their place, the words ``Government-
furnished''; and
e. Revising the annual report.
The addition and revision read as follows:
752.245-70 Government Property--USAID Reporting Requirements.
* * * * *
Preface: * * *
Government Property--USAID Reporting Requirements (July 1997)
* * * * *
Annual Report of Government Property in Contractor's Custody
[Name of contractor as of (end of contract year), 20XX]
Furniture and furnishings-- Other
Motor vehicles ---------------------------------- nonexpendable
Office Living quarters property
A. Value of property as of last report......
B. Transactions during this reporting period
1. Acquisitions (add):..................
a. Purchased by contractor \1\......
b. Transferred from USAID \2\.......
c. Transferred from others, without
reimbursement \3\..................
2. Disposals (deduct):..................
a. Returned to USAID................
b. Transferred to USAID_contractor
c. Transferred to other Government
agencies \3\.......................
d. Other disposals \3\..............
C. Value of property as of reporting date...
D. Estimated average age of contractor held
Years Years Years Years
\1\ Property which is complete in itself, does not lose its identity or become a component part of another
article when put into use; is durable, with an expected service life of two years or more; and which has a
unit cost of more than $500.
\2\ Government furnished property listed in this Contract as nonexpendable.
\3\ Explain if transactions were not processed through or otherwise authorized by USAID.
[[Page 75001]]
* * * * *
109. Amend 752.245-71 by revising the introductory text to read as
752.245-71 Title to and Care of Property.
As prescribed in paragraph (a) of (48 CFR) AIDAR 745.107, the
following clause must be inserted in all contracts when the contractor
will acquire property under the contract for use overseas and the
contract funds were obligated under a Development Objective Agreement
(DOAG) (or similar bilateral obligating agreement) with the cooperating
* * * * *
110. Amend 752.247-70 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the last sentence;
b. Revising paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2)(viii); and
c. Removing Alternate 1, consisting of paragraphs (d) and (e).
752.247-70 Preference for Privately Owned U.S.-Flag Commercial
* * * * *
(c)(1) The contractor must submit one legible copy of a rated on-
board ocean bill of lading for each shipment to both the Division of
National Cargo, Office of Cargo Preference, Maritime Administration,
U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC 20590, and the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Management,
Office of Acquisition and Assistance, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., SA-
44, Room 859, Washington, DC 20523 as follows:
(i) for PL 480 (Food aid shipments) scanned copies must be sent to:
(ii) For all Non P.L. 480 (Non Food Aid Shipments) scanned copies
must be sent to:
(2) * * * * *
(viii) Gross weight in kilograms/pounds and volume in liters/cubic
feet, if available.
* * * * *
111. Add 752.252-1 to read as follows:
752.252-1 AIDAR Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference
In accordance with 752.107(a), insert the following clause.
AIDAR Solicitation Provisions Incorporated By Reference (MAR 2015)
This solicitation incorporates one or more provisions by
reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in
full text. Upon request, the contracting officer will make their
full text available. Also, the full text of all AIDAR solicitation
provisions is contained in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
located at 48 CFR chapter 7.
112. Add 752.252-2 to read as follows:
752.252-2 AIDAR Clauses Incorporated by Reference
In accordance with 752.107(b), insert the following clause.
AIDAR Clauses Incorporated By Reference (MAR 2015)
This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference,
with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text.
Upon request, the contracting officer will make their full text
available. Also, the full text of all AIDAR solicitation provisions
and contract clause is contained in the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) located at 48 CFR chapter 7.
113. Add 752.252-70 to read as follows:
752.252-70 Provisions and clauses to be completed by the offeror.
In accordance with 752.107(c), insert the following clause.
Provisions and Clauses To Be Completed by the Offeror (MAR 2015)
The following FAR and AIDAR provisions or clauses incorporated
by reference in this solicitation or contract must be completed by
the offeror or prospective contactor and submitted with the
quotation or offer:
AIDAR (48 CFR chapter 7)
[The contracting officer must list all FAR and AIDAR provisions or
clauses incorporated by reference that must be completed by the
offeror or prospective contactor and submitted with the quotation or
Subpart 752.70--Texts of USAID Contract Clauses
752.7001 [Amended]
114. In the clause prescription of 752.7001, remove the word
``included'' and add, in its place, the word ``inserted''.
115. Amend 752.7002 by revising the fifth and sixth sentences of
paragraph (b), the third sentence of paragraph (k), and paragraph
(p)(1)(i) to read as follows:
752.7002 Travel and transportation.
* * * * *
(b) International travel. * * * When travel is by economy class
accommodations, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of
transporting up to 10 kilograms/22 pounds of accompanied personal
baggage per traveler in addition to that regularly allowed with the
economy ticket provided that the total number of kilograms/pounds of
baggage does not exceed that regularly allowed for first class
travelers. Travel allowances for travelers must not be in excess of the
rates authorized in the Department of State Standardized Regulations--
hereinafter referred to as the Standardized Regulations--as from time
to time amended, for not more than the travel time required by
scheduled commercial air carrier using the most expeditious route. * *
* * * * *
(k) Home leave travel. * * * When travel is by economy class
accommodations, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of
transporting up to 10 kilograms/22 pounds of accompanied personal
baggage per traveler in addition to that regularly allowed with the
economy ticket provided that the total number of kilograms/pounds of
baggage does not exceed that regularly allowed for first class
travelers. * * *
* * * * *
(p)* * *
(1)* * *
(i) Transportation of goods. Where U.S. flag vessels are not
available, or their use would result in a significant delay, the
Contractor must contact the U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance,
Transportation Division (M/OAA/T) for required guidance and may obtain
a release from this requirement from M/OAA/T. The contact email address
for these matters is
* * * * *
752.7003 [Amended]
116. In 752.7003, remove the word ``responsiblity'' and add, in its
place, the word ''responsibility'';
752.7004 [Amended]
117. In the clause prescription of 752.7004, remove the word
''included'' and add, in its place, the word ``inserted''.
118. Revise 752.7005 to read as follows:
752.7005 Submission Requirements for Development Experience
The following clause must be inserted in all USAID professional/
technical contracts in which development experience documents are
likely to be produced.
Submission Requirements for Development Experience Documents (Sept
(a) Contract Reports and Information/Intellectual Products.
(1) Within thirty (30) calendar days of obtaining the
contracting officer representative's approval, the contractor must
submit to USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) one
[[Page 75002]]
each of reports and information products which describe, communicate
or organize program/project development assistance activities,
methods, technologies, management, research, results and experience.
These reports include: Assessments, evaluations, studies, technical
and periodic reports, annual and final reports, and development
experience documents (defined as documents that:
(i) Describe the planning, design, implementation, evaluation,
and results of development assistance; and
(ii) Are generated during the life cycle of development
assistance programs or activities.) The contractor must also submit
copies of information products including training materials,
publications, videos and other intellectual deliverable materials
required under the Contract Schedule. The following information is
not to be submitted:
(A) Time-sensitive materials such as newsletters, brochures or
(B) The contractor's information that is incidental to award
administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing,
or management information.
(2) Within thirty (30) calendar days after completion of the
contract, the contractor must submit to the DEC any reports that
have not been previously submitted and an index of all reports and
information/intellectual products referenced in paragraph (a)(1) of
this clause.
(b) Submission requirements. The contractor must review the DEC
Web site for the most up-to-date submission instructions, including
the DEC address for paper submissions, the document formatting and
the types of documents to be submitted. The submission instructions
can be found at:
(1) Standards. (i) Material must not include financially
sensitive information or personally identifiable information (PII)
such as social security numbers, home addresses and dates of birth.
Such information must be removed prior to submission.
(ii) All submissions must conform to current USAID branding
(iii) Contract reports and information/intellectual products can
be submitted in either electronic (preferred) or paper form.
Electronic documentation must comply with Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
(iv) The electronic submissions must consist of only one
electronic file, which comprises the complete and final equivalent
of the paper copy. In the case of databases and computer software
the submissions must also include necessary descriptive information,
e.g., special backup or data compression routines, software used for
storing/retrieving submitted data, or program installation
(v) Electronic documents must be in one of the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA)-approved formats as described in
NARA guidelines related to the transfer of permanent E-records. (See
(2) Essential bibliographic information. Descriptive information
is required for all contractor products submitted. The title page of
all reports and information products must include the contract
number(s), contractor name(s), name of the USAID contracting
officer's representative, the publication or issuance date of the
document, document title, (if non-English, provide an English
translation of the title), author name(s), and development objective
or activity title (if non-English, provide a translation) and
associated number, and language of the document (if non-English). In
addition, all hard copy materials submitted in accordance with this
clause must have, attached as a separate cover sheet, the name,
organization, address, telephone number, fax number, and internet
address of the submitting party.
752.7006 [Amended]
119. Amend 752.7006 by removing the words ``cognizant Contracting
Officer'' and adding, in their place, the words ``cognizant contracting
120. Amend 752.7014 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the words ``the Standardized Regulations
(Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), the Uniform State/USAID/USIA
Foreign Service Travel Regulations'' and adding, in their place, the
words ``the Department of State Standardized Regulations, Foreign
Service Travel Regulations''; and
b. Revising paragraphs (b) and (c).
The revisions read as follows:
752.7014 Notice of Changes in Travel Regulations.
* * * * *
(b) (1) Department of State Standardized Regulations are available
(2)Foreign Service Travel Regulations are available at: 14 FAM 500:
(3) Federal Travel Regulations are available at:
(c) Information regarding these regulations as referenced in the
``Travel and Transportation'' clause of this contract may be obtained
from the contracting officer.
121. Amend 752.7015 by revising paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) to read as
752.7015 Use of Pouch Facilities.
* * * * *
(a) * * *
(1) Contractors and their employees are authorized use of the pouch
for transmission and receipt of up to a maximum of 0.9 kilogram/2
pounds per shipment of correspondence and documents needed in the
administration of foreign assistance programs.
(2) U.S. citizen employees of U.S. contractors are authorized use
of the pouch for personal mail up to a maximum of 0.5 kilogram/one
pound per shipment (but see paragraph (a)(3) of this section).
* * * * *
752.7018 [Amended]
122. Amend 752.7018 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the words ``Automated Directive System
(ADS) 253.5.6b`` and adding, in their place, the words ''Automated
Directive System (ADS) 253''; and
b. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``Global Center for Human
Capacity Development (G/HCD)'' and adding, in their place, the words
``Director, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment,
Office of Education (E3/ED)''.
752.7019 [Amended]
123. Amend 752.7019 by:
a. In paragraph (b), removing the words ``The current version of
Chapter 253 may be obtained directly from the USAID Web site at https://'' and adding, in their place, the words
''The entire ADS is accessible to the general public at the following
USAID Internet address:''; and
b. In paragraph (c), removing the words ``ADS 253.5.5'' and adding, in
their place, the words ''ADS 253''.
752.7028 [Amended]
124. Amend 752.7028(e) by removing the word ``allownce'' and adding, in
its place, the word ``allowance'';
125. Revise 752.7032 to read as follows:
752.7032 International Travel Approval and Notification Requirements
(APR 2014).
For use in any USAID contract requiring international travel.
International Travel Approval and Notification Requirements (APR
Prior written approval by the contracting officer, or the
contracting officer's representative (COR) if delegated in the
Contracting Officer's Representative Designation Letter, is required
for all international travel directly and identifiably funded by
USAID under this contract. The Contractor must therefore present to
the contracting officer or the contracting officer's representative,
an itinerary for each planned international trip, showing the name
of the traveler, purpose of the trip, origin/destination (and
intervening stops), and dates of travel, as far in advanced of the
proposed travel as possible, but in no event less than three weeks
before travel is planned to commence. The contracting officer's or
[[Page 75003]]
contracting officer's representative's (if delegated by the
contracting officer) prior written approval may be in the form of a
letter or telegram or similar device or may be specifically
incorporated into the schedule of the contract. At least one week
prior to commencement of approved international travel, the
Contractor must notify the cognizant Mission, with a copy to the
contracting officer or contracting officer's representative, of
planned travel, identifying the travelers and the dates and times of
752.7033 [Amended]
126. In 752.7033(b)(1) remove the second sentence.
753.107 [Amended]
127. In 753.107, remove the words ``congnizant Contracting Officer''
and add, in their place, the words ``cognizant contracting officer''.
Dated: October 7, 2014.
Aman S. Djahanbani,
Chief Acquisition Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014-26051 Filed 12-15-14; 8:45 am]