Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Provisions; Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Region Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus Amendment, 74056-74058 [2014-29216]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 240 / Monday, December 15, 2014 / Proposed Rules
structured approach based on the profit
analysis factors described in 1615.404–
70. For experience-rated plans, OPM
will use the performance based
percentage so determined to develop the
profit or fee prenegotiation objective,
which will be the total profit (service
charge) negotiated for the contract. For
community-rated plans, OPM will use
the performance based percentage so
determined to develop an adjustment to
net-to-carrier premiums, (performance
adjustment) to be made during the first
quarter of the following contract period.
■ 5. Section 1615.404–70 is revised as
Profit analysis factors.
(a) OPM Contracting Officers will
apply a weighted guidelines method in
developing the performance based
percentage for FEHB Program contracts.
For experience-rated plans, the
performance based percentage will be
applied to projected incurred claims
and allowable administrative expenses.
For community-rated plans, the
performance based percentage will be
applied to subscription income and will
be used to calculate a performance
adjustment to net-to-carrier premiums,
as described at 48 CFR 1632.170(a)(2), to
be made during the first quarter of the
following contract period. In the context
of the factors outlined in FAR 15.404–
4(d), OPM will assess performance of
FEHB carriers according to four factors.
(1) Clinical quality. OPM will
consider elements within such domains
as preventive care, chronic disease
management, medication use, and
behavioral health. This factor
incorporates elements from the FAR
factor ‘‘contractor effort.’’
(2) Customer service. OPM will
consider elements within such domains
as communication, access, claims, and
member experience/engagement. This
factor incorporates elements of the FAR
factor ‘‘contractor effort.’’
(3) Resource use. OPM will consider
elements within such domains as
utilization management, administrative,
and cost trends. This factor incorporates
elements of the FAR factors ‘‘contractor
effort,’’ ‘‘contract cost risk,’’ and ‘‘cost
control and other past
(4) Contract oversight. OPM will
consider an assessment of contract
performance in specific areas such as
audit findings, fraud/waste/abuse, and
responsiveness to OPM, benefits/
network management, contract
compliance, technology management,
data security, and Federal socioeconomic programs. This factor could
incorporate any of the FAR profit
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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analysis factors listed at 15.404–
(b) The sum of the maximum scores
for the profit analysis factors will be 1
6. The authority citation for part 1632
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
48 CFR 1.301.
7. In section 1632.170, paragraph
(a)(2) is revised to read as follows:
Recurring premium payments to
(a) * * *
(2) The difference between one
percent and the performance based
percentage of the contract price
described at 1615.404–4 will be
multiplied by the carrier’s subscription
income for the year of performance and
the resulting amount (performance
adjustment) will be withheld from the
net-to-carrier premium disbursement
during the first quarter of the following
contract period unless an alternative
payment arrangement is made with the
carrier’s Contracting Officer.
Amounts withheld from a community
rated plan’s premium disbursement will
be deposited into the plan’s
Contingency Reserve.
8. The authority citation for part 1652
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; 40 U.S.C. 486(c);
48 CFR 1.301.
9. In section 1652.232–70, revise the
introductory text and paragraph (a) and
remove paragraph (f).
The revisions read as follows:
As prescribed in 1632.171, the
following clause shall be inserted in all
community-rated FEHBP contracts:
(a) OPM will pay to the Carrier, in full
settlement of its obligations under this
contract, subject to adjustment for error or
fraud, the subscription charges received for
the plan by the Employees Health Benefits
Fund (hereinafter called the Fund) less the
amounts set aside by OPM for the
Contingency Reserve and for the
administrative expenses of OPM, amounts for
obligations due pursuant to paragraph (b) of
this clause and the performance adjustment
described at 1615.404–4, plus any payments
made by OPM from the Contingency Reserve.
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10. In section 1652.232–71, revise the
introductory text and paragraph (a) and
remove paragraph (f).
The revisions read as follows:
As prescribed in 1632.172, the
following clause shall be inserted in all
experience-rated FEHBP contracts:
(a) OPM will pay to the Carrier, in full
settlement of its obligations under this
contract, subject to adjustment for error or
fraud, the subscription charges received for
the plan by the Employees Health Benefits
Fund (hereinafter called the Fund) less the
amounts set aside by OPM for the
Contingency Reserve and for the
administrative expenses of OPM, amounts for
obligations due pursuant to paragraph (b) of
this clause, and the performance-based
service charge described at 1615.404–4, plus
any payments made by OPM from the
Contingency Reserve.
[FR Doc. 2014–29224 Filed 12–12–14; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 648
RIN 0648–BE50
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
Provisions; Fisheries of the
Northeastern United States; Northeast
Region Standardized Bycatch
Reporting Methodology Omnibus
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of availability of
proposed fishery management plan
amendment; request for comments.
NMFS announces that the
Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery
Management Councils have submitted
an Omnibus Amendment to the Fishery
Management Plans of the Northeastern
U.S. to establish a Standardized Bycatch
Reporting Methodology, incorporating a
draft Environmental Assessment and
preliminary Regulatory Impact Review,
for review and approval by the Secretary
of Commerce, and is requesting
comments from the public. The
Standardized Bycatch Reporting
Methodology Omnibus Amendment
would establish a standardized bycatch
reporting methodology for all 13 Fishery
Management Plans in the region, as
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 240 / Monday, December 15, 2014 / Proposed Rules
required under the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act. The proposed measures include:
Bycatch reporting and monitoring
mechanisms; analytical techniques and
allocation of at-sea fisheries observers; a
standardized bycatch reporting
methodology performance standard; a
review and reporting process;
framework adjustment and annual
specifications provisions; a
prioritization process; and provisions
for industry-funded observers and
observer set-aside programs.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before February 13, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by NOAA–NMFS–2014–0114,
by any one of the following methods:
• Electronic Submissions: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to!docketDetail;
D=NOAA-NMFS-2014-0114, click the
‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon, complete the
required fields, and enter or attach your
• Mail: John K. Bullard, Regional
Administrator, NMFS, Greater Atlantic
Regional Fisheries Office, 55 Great
Republic Drive, Gloucester, MA 01930.
Mark the outside of the envelope:
‘‘Comments on SBRM Amendment.’’
Instructions: All comments received
are part of the public record and will
generally be posted to without change.
All Personal Identifying Information (for
example, name, address, etc.)
voluntarily submitted by the commenter
may be publicly accessible. Do not
submit confidential business
information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
NMFS will accept anonymous
comments. Attachments to electronic
comments will be accepted via
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
WordPerfect, or Adobe PDF file formats
Copies of the Standardized Bycatch
Reporting Methodology (SBRM)
Omnibus Amendment, and of the draft
Environmental Assessment and
preliminary Regulatory Impact Review
(EA/RIR), are available from the MidAtlantic Fishery Management Council,
800 North State Street, Suite 201, Dover,
DE 19901; and from the New England
Fishery Management Council, 50 Water
Street, Mill 2, Newburyport, MA 01950.
The EA/RIR is also accessible via the
Internet at:
Douglas Potts, Fishery Policy Analyst,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires that
each Regional Fishery Management
Council submit any Fishery
Management Plan (FMP) amendment it
prepares to NMFS for review and
approval, disapproval, or partial
approval. The Magnuson-Stevens Act
also requires that NMFS, upon receiving
an FMP amendment, immediately
publish notification in the Federal
Register that the amendment is
available for public review and
comment. If approved by NMFS, this
amendment would establish a
comprehensive SBRM that applies to all
FMPs developed by the Mid-Atlantic
and New England Councils. The
amendment would also effect an
administrative change to the regulations
on framework adjustments.
Section 303(a)(11) of the MagnusonStevens Act requires that all FMPs
‘‘establish a standardized reporting
methodology to assess the amount and
type of bycatch occurring in the
fishery.’’ In 2004, several conservation
organizations challenged the approval of
two major FMP amendments in the
Region. In ruling on these suits, the U.S.
District Court for the District of
Columbia found that the FMPs did not
clearly establish a SBRM as required by
the Magnuson-Stevens Act and
remanded the amendments back to the
agency to fully develop and establish
the required SBRM. In particular, the
Court found that the amendments: (1)
Failed to fully evaluate reporting
methodologies to assess bycatch; (2) did
not mandate a SBRM; and (3) failed to
respond to potentially important
scientific evidence. In response, the
Councils worked closely with NMFS to
develop, adopt, and implement an
omnibus FMP amendment that
established a SBRM for all 13 FMPs in
the region.
The final rule to implement the SBRM
Omnibus Amendment was published in
the Federal Register on January 28,
2008 (73 FR 4736). Following
implementation of the SBRM
amendment, a conservation organization
challenged the legality of the action
(Oceana v. Locke). The U.S. District
Court initially found in favor of the
Government on all counts. However,
that ruling was appealed by the
plaintiffs, and in 2011 the U.S. Court of
Appeals issued an opinion that found
fault with one element of the
amendment—the prioritization process.
The Court of Appeals ordered the
amendment be vacated and remanded to
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the agency for further proceedings. The
Court of Appeals’ decision found that
the prioritization process ‘‘grants the
Fisheries Service substantial discretion
both to invoke and to make allocations
according to a non-standardized
procedure,’’ and, therefore, did not
‘‘establish’’ a standardized methodology
as required under the MagnusonStevens Act. On December 29, 2011,
NMFS published a rule in the Federal
Register (76 FR 81844) removing all
regulations implemented by the January
28, 2008, SBRM final rule.
The Councils, in coordination with
NMFS, initiated a revised SBRM
amendment to build upon the
substantial work previously completed
to develop the SBRM and to address the
limited deficiencies identified by the
Court. This amendment covers 13 FMPs,
40 managed species, and 14 types of
fishing gear. The purpose of the
amendment is to: Explain the methods
and processes by which bycatch is
currently monitored and assessed for
fisheries in the region; determine
whether these methods and processes
need to be modified and/or
supplemented; establish standards of
precision for bycatch estimation for
these fisheries; and, thereby, document
the SBRM established for all fisheries
managed through the FMPs of the
Northeastern U.S. The amendment also
addresses the Appellate Court’s concern
over NMFS’s ‘‘substantial discretion
both to invoke and to make allocations
according to a non-standardized
procedure’’ cited in the Oceana v. Locke
The Omnibus SBRM Amendment
would establish an SBRM comprised of
seven elements: (1) The methods by
which data and information on discards
are collected and obtained; (2) the
methods by which the data obtained
through the mechanisms identified in
element 1 are analyzed and utilized to
determine the appropriate allocation of
at-sea observers; (3) a performance
measure by which the effectiveness of
the SBRM can be measured, tracked,
and utilized to effectively allocate the
appropriate number of observer sea
days; (4) a process to provide the
Councils with periodic reports on
discards occurring in fisheries they
manage and on the effectiveness of the
SBRM; (5) a measure to enable the
Councils to make changes to the SBRM
through framework adjustments and/or
annual specification packages rather
than full FMP amendments; (6) a nondiscretionary method to determine the
available funding for at-sea observers
and a formulaic process for prioritizing
at-sea observer coverage allocations to
match available funding; and (7) to
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 240 / Monday, December 15, 2014 / Proposed Rules
implement consistent, cross-cutting
observer service provider approval and
certification procedures and to enable
the Councils to implement either a
requirement for industry-funded
observers or an observer set-aside
program through a framework
adjustment rather than an FMP
We are soliciting public comments on
the SBRM Omnibus Amendment and its
incorporated documents through the
end of the comment period stated in this
notice of availability. A proposed rule
that would implement the revised
SBRM Omnibus Amendment will be
published in the Federal Register for
additional public comment, following
NMFS’s evaluation of the proposed rule
under the procedures of the MagnusonStevens Act. Public comments on the
proposed rule must be received by the
end of the comment period provided in
this notice of availability of the SBRM
Amendment to be considered in the
approval/disapproval decision on the
amendment. All comments received by
February 13, 2015, whether specifically
directed to the SBRM Amendment or
the proposed rule will be considered in
the approval/disapproval decision on
the amendment. To be considered,
comments must be received by close of
business on the last day of the comment
period. Comments received after that
date will not be considered in the
decision to approve or disapprove the
revised SBRM Omnibus Amendment,
including those postmarked or
otherwise transmitted by the last day of
the comment period.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: December 9, 2014.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–29216 Filed 12–12–14; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 680
RIN 0648–BA61
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic
Zone Off Alaska; Allocating Bering Sea
and Aleutian Islands King and Tanner
Crab Fishery Resources
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Notice of availability of fishery
management plan amendment; request
for comments.
The North Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council)
submitted Amendment 31 to the Fishery
Management Plan for Bering Sea/
Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs
(FMP) to NMFS for review. If approved,
Amendment 31 would amend the
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab
Rationalization Program (CR Program)
within the FMP to: Temporarily expand
the eligibility requirements for
individuals wishing to acquire C share
Quota Share (QS) by transfer; establish
minimum participation requirements for
C share QS holders to be eligible to
receive an annual allocation of
Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ);
establish minimum participation
requirements for C share QS holders to
be eligible to retain their C share QS and
establish an administrative process for
revocation of an individual’s C share
QS, if he or she fails to satisfy the
minimum participation requirements;
establish a regulatory mechanism to
ensure that three percent of the total
allowable catch (TAC) for each CR
Program crab fishery is allocated as IFQ
to holders of C share QS; and remove
the prohibition on leasing C share IFQ.
Amendment 31 is necessary to ensure
that individuals who hold C shares are
active in the CR Program fisheries and
to ensure that application deadlines
provide adequate time to resolve
disputes. This action is intended to
promote the goals and objectives of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act, the
FMP, and other applicable law.
DATES: Comments on the amendment
must be submitted on or before February
13, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
on this document, identified by NOAA–
NMFS–2010–0265, by any of the
following methods:
• Electronic Submission: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to
#!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-20100265, click the ‘‘Comment Now!’’ icon,
complete the required fields, and enter
or attach your comments.
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Glenn Merrill, Assistant Regional
Administrator, Sustainable Fisheries
Division, Alaska Region NMFS, Attn:
Ellen Sebastian. Mail comments to P.O.
Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802–1668.
Instructions: Comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or
individual, or received after the end of
the comment period, may not be
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considered by NMFS. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted for public
viewing on
without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. NMFS will
accept anonymous comments (enter
‘‘N/A’’ in the required fields if you wish
to remain anonymous). Attachments to
electronic comments will be accepted in
Microsoft Word, Excel, or Adobe PDF
file formats only.
Electronic copies of Amendment 31,
the Regulatory Impact Review/Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (RIR/
IRFA) and the categorical exclusion
prepared for this action—as well as the
Environmental Impact Statement
prepared for the CR Program—may be
obtained from https:// or from the Alaska
Region Web site at https:// NMFS
determined that this proposed action
was categorically excluded from the
need to prepare an environmental
assessment under the National
Environmental Policy Act.
Karen Palmigiano, 907–586–7228.
and Tanner crab fisheries in the
exclusive economic zone of the Bering
Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) are
managed under the Fishery
Management Plan for Bering Sea/
Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs
FMP (FMP). The FMP was prepared by
the North Pacific Fishery Management
Council (Council) under the MagnusonStevens Fishery Conservation and
Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens
Act) as amended by the Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2004 (Pub. L.
108–199, section 801). Regulations
implementing the FMP, including the
CR Program, are primarily located at 50
CFR part 680.
Overview of CR Program and C Shares
The CR Program is a limited access
privilege program that allocates the
harvest of certain crab fisheries
managed under the FMP among
harvesters, processors, and coastal
communities. Under the CR Program,
NMFS issued four types of quota share
(QS) to persons based on their
qualifying harvest histories in certain
BSAI crab fisheries during a specific
period of time defined under the CR
Program. The four types of QS are
catcher vessel owner (CVO), catcher
processor owner (CPO), catcher vessel
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 240 (Monday, December 15, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 74056-74058]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-29216]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 648
RIN 0648-BE50
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
Provisions; Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast
Region Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus Amendment
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of availability of proposed fishery management plan
amendment; request for comments.
SUMMARY: NMFS announces that the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery
Management Councils have submitted an Omnibus Amendment to the Fishery
Management Plans of the Northeastern U.S. to establish a Standardized
Bycatch Reporting Methodology, incorporating a draft Environmental
Assessment and preliminary Regulatory Impact Review, for review and
approval by the Secretary of Commerce, and is requesting comments from
the public. The Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Omnibus
Amendment would establish a standardized bycatch reporting methodology
for all 13 Fishery Management Plans in the region, as
[[Page 74057]]
required under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management
Act. The proposed measures include: Bycatch reporting and monitoring
mechanisms; analytical techniques and allocation of at-sea fisheries
observers; a standardized bycatch reporting methodology performance
standard; a review and reporting process; framework adjustment and
annual specifications provisions; a prioritization process; and
provisions for industry-funded observers and observer set-aside
DATES: Comments must be received on or before February 13, 2015.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by NOAA-NMFS-2014-0114,
by any one of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit all electronic public
comments via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Go to!docketDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2014-0114, click the
``Comment Now!'' icon, complete the required fields, and enter or
attach your comments.
Mail: John K. Bullard, Regional Administrator, NMFS,
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, 55 Great Republic Drive,
Gloucester, MA 01930. Mark the outside of the envelope: ``Comments on
SBRM Amendment.''
Instructions: All comments received are part of the public record
and will generally be posted to without change. All
Personal Identifying Information (for example, name, address, etc.)
voluntarily submitted by the commenter may be publicly accessible. Do
not submit confidential business information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
NMFS will accept anonymous comments. Attachments to electronic
comments will be accepted via Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel,
WordPerfect, or Adobe PDF file formats only.
Copies of the Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology (SBRM)
Omnibus Amendment, and of the draft Environmental Assessment and
preliminary Regulatory Impact Review (EA/RIR), are available from the
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 800 North State Street, Suite
201, Dover, DE 19901; and from the New England Fishery Management
Council, 50 Water Street, Mill 2, Newburyport, MA 01950. The EA/RIR is
also accessible via the Internet at:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Douglas Potts, Fishery Policy Analyst,
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation
and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) requires that each Regional
Fishery Management Council submit any Fishery Management Plan (FMP)
amendment it prepares to NMFS for review and approval, disapproval, or
partial approval. The Magnuson-Stevens Act also requires that NMFS,
upon receiving an FMP amendment, immediately publish notification in
the Federal Register that the amendment is available for public review
and comment. If approved by NMFS, this amendment would establish a
comprehensive SBRM that applies to all FMPs developed by the Mid-
Atlantic and New England Councils. The amendment would also effect an
administrative change to the regulations on framework adjustments.
Section 303(a)(11) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act requires that all
FMPs ``establish a standardized reporting methodology to assess the
amount and type of bycatch occurring in the fishery.'' In 2004, several
conservation organizations challenged the approval of two major FMP
amendments in the Region. In ruling on these suits, the U.S. District
Court for the District of Columbia found that the FMPs did not clearly
establish a SBRM as required by the Magnuson-Stevens Act and remanded
the amendments back to the agency to fully develop and establish the
required SBRM. In particular, the Court found that the amendments: (1)
Failed to fully evaluate reporting methodologies to assess bycatch; (2)
did not mandate a SBRM; and (3) failed to respond to potentially
important scientific evidence. In response, the Councils worked closely
with NMFS to develop, adopt, and implement an omnibus FMP amendment
that established a SBRM for all 13 FMPs in the region.
The final rule to implement the SBRM Omnibus Amendment was
published in the Federal Register on January 28, 2008 (73 FR 4736).
Following implementation of the SBRM amendment, a conservation
organization challenged the legality of the action (Oceana v. Locke).
The U.S. District Court initially found in favor of the Government on
all counts. However, that ruling was appealed by the plaintiffs, and in
2011 the U.S. Court of Appeals issued an opinion that found fault with
one element of the amendment--the prioritization process. The Court of
Appeals ordered the amendment be vacated and remanded to the agency for
further proceedings. The Court of Appeals' decision found that the
prioritization process ``grants the Fisheries Service substantial
discretion both to invoke and to make allocations according to a non-
standardized procedure,'' and, therefore, did not ``establish'' a
standardized methodology as required under the Magnuson-Stevens Act. On
December 29, 2011, NMFS published a rule in the Federal Register (76 FR
81844) removing all regulations implemented by the January 28, 2008,
SBRM final rule.
The Councils, in coordination with NMFS, initiated a revised SBRM
amendment to build upon the substantial work previously completed to
develop the SBRM and to address the limited deficiencies identified by
the Court. This amendment covers 13 FMPs, 40 managed species, and 14
types of fishing gear. The purpose of the amendment is to: Explain the
methods and processes by which bycatch is currently monitored and
assessed for fisheries in the region; determine whether these methods
and processes need to be modified and/or supplemented; establish
standards of precision for bycatch estimation for these fisheries; and,
thereby, document the SBRM established for all fisheries managed
through the FMPs of the Northeastern U.S. The amendment also addresses
the Appellate Court's concern over NMFS's ``substantial discretion both
to invoke and to make allocations according to a non-standardized
procedure'' cited in the Oceana v. Locke decision.
The Omnibus SBRM Amendment would establish an SBRM comprised of
seven elements: (1) The methods by which data and information on
discards are collected and obtained; (2) the methods by which the data
obtained through the mechanisms identified in element 1 are analyzed
and utilized to determine the appropriate allocation of at-sea
observers; (3) a performance measure by which the effectiveness of the
SBRM can be measured, tracked, and utilized to effectively allocate the
appropriate number of observer sea days; (4) a process to provide the
Councils with periodic reports on discards occurring in fisheries they
manage and on the effectiveness of the SBRM; (5) a measure to enable
the Councils to make changes to the SBRM through framework adjustments
and/or annual specification packages rather than full FMP amendments;
(6) a non-discretionary method to determine the available funding for
at-sea observers and a formulaic process for prioritizing at-sea
observer coverage allocations to match available funding; and (7) to
[[Page 74058]]
implement consistent, cross-cutting observer service provider approval
and certification procedures and to enable the Councils to implement
either a requirement for industry-funded observers or an observer set-
aside program through a framework adjustment rather than an FMP
We are soliciting public comments on the SBRM Omnibus Amendment and
its incorporated documents through the end of the comment period stated
in this notice of availability. A proposed rule that would implement
the revised SBRM Omnibus Amendment will be published in the Federal
Register for additional public comment, following NMFS's evaluation of
the proposed rule under the procedures of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.
Public comments on the proposed rule must be received by the end of the
comment period provided in this notice of availability of the SBRM
Amendment to be considered in the approval/disapproval decision on the
amendment. All comments received by February 13, 2015, whether
specifically directed to the SBRM Amendment or the proposed rule will
be considered in the approval/disapproval decision on the amendment. To
be considered, comments must be received by close of business on the
last day of the comment period. Comments received after that date will
not be considered in the decision to approve or disapprove the revised
SBRM Omnibus Amendment, including those postmarked or otherwise
transmitted by the last day of the comment period.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: December 9, 2014.
Emily H. Menashes,
Acting Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2014-29216 Filed 12-12-14; 8:45 am]