Administration for Native Americans; Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority, 72002-72003 [2014-28486]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 233 / Thursday, December 4, 2014 / Notices
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Dated: December 2, 2014.
Margaret M. Shanks,
Deputy Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2014–28559 Filed 12–2–14; 11:15 am]
Administration for Children and
Administration for Native Americans;
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority
Administration for Children
and Families, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF) has
reorganized the Administration for
Native Americans (ANA). This
reorganization creates the Division of
Policy and makes other technical
changes to reflect the current functions
within ANA. The realignment of
functions better reflects the current
work environment and priorities within
ANA, manifests ANA’s commitment to
Federal/Tribal government-togovernment relationships, and promotes
self-determination for all Native
Americans. The statement of mission,
organization, functions, and delegations
of authority conforms to and carries out
the statutory requirements of the Native
American Programs Act (NAPA).
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Lillian Sparks-Robinson, Commissioner,
Administration for Native Americans,
901 D Street SW., Washington, DC
20447, 202–401–5590.
This notice amends Part K of the
Statement of Organization, Functions,
and Delegations of Authority of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), as
follows: Chapter KE, Administration for
Native Americans (ANA), as last
amended in 74 FR 3053–54, Jan. 16,
I. Under Chapter KE, Administration
for Native Americans, delete KE in its
entirety and replace with the following:
KE.00 MISSION. The mission of the
Administration for Native Americans
(ANA) is to promote the goal of selfsufficiency and cultural preservation for
Native Americans by providing social
and economic development
opportunities through financial
assistance, training, and technical
assistance to eligible Tribes and Native
American communities, including
American Indians, Alaska Natives,
Native Hawaiians, and other Native
Pacific Islander organizations. ANA
provides funding for community-based
projects that are designed to improve
the lives of Native children and families
and reduce long-term dependency on
public assistance. Competitive funding
authorized under the Native American
Programs Act of 1974 (NAPA), as
amended, for community-based projects
is provided through three competitive
discretionary grant programs to eligible
Tribes and non-profit Native American
organizations: Social and economic
development, language preservation,
and environmental regulatory
enhancement. In carrying out the
provisions of NAPA, the Commissioner
advises the Secretary, through the
Assistant Secretary for Children and
Families, on federal policies affecting
Native Americans and matters
pertaining to Native Americans within
the Department of Health and Human
Services and with other Departments
and agencies of the Federal
headed by a Commissioner who is
confirmed by the Senate and reports
directly to the Assistant Secretary for
Children and Families. ANA is
organized as follows:
Office of the Commissioner (KEA)
Intra-Departmental Council on Native
American Affairs (KEB)
Division of Program Operations (KEC)
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Division of Program Evaluation and
Planning (KED)
Division of Policy (KEE)
KE.20 Functions
A. The Office of the Commissioner
provides executive leadership,
management strategies, and day-to-day
operational leadership for all
components of ANA. The Commissioner
serves as an effective and visible
advocate on behalf of Native Americans
within the Department, and with other
departments and agencies of the Federal
Government regarding all federal
policies affecting Native Americans. The
Commissioner provides policy direction
and guidance to ACF Regional Offices
with respect to programs for reservationbased Indians, urban Indians, offReservation Indians, and other Native
American projects in Hawaii and the
Pacific Islands. The Commissioner
oversees the Native Hawaiian Revolving
Loan Fund administered by the Office of
Hawaiian Affairs. The Commissioner
also ensures training and technical
assistance and other resources are
allocated and deployed to support and
promote ANA’s mission.
The Commissioner is the Chair of the
Intra-Departmental Council on Native
American Affairs (ICNAA) and advises
the Secretary on Native American
issues. ICNAA staff members provide
support to the Commissioner. ICNAA
develops and promotes HHS policy to
provide greater access and quality
services for American Indians, Alaska
Natives, and Native Americans (AI/AN/
NAs) throughout the Department and
where possible, the Federal
Government; promotes implementation
of HHS policy and agency plans on
consultation with AI/AN/NAs and
Tribal Governments; identifies and
develops legislative, administrative, and
regulatory proposals that promotes an
effective, meaningful AI/AN/NA policy
to improve health and human services
for AI/AN/NAs; identifies and develops
comprehensive Departmental strategy
proposal to promote self-sufficiency and
self-determination for all AI/AN/NA
people; and promotes the Tribal/Federal
government-to-government relationship
on a Department-wide basis in
accordance with Presidential Executive
The Deputy Commissioner reports to
the Commissioner, assists the
Commissioner in carrying out the
responsibilities of ANA, and performs
the duties of the Commissioner when
absent. The Deputy Commissioner
supervises all three Division Directors.
In addition, the Deputy Commissioner
provides day-to-day supervision and
oversight to the Management Operations
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 233 / Thursday, December 4, 2014 / Notices
Staff (MOS), coordinates the activities of
the ACF Native American Affairs
Liaison Workgroup, serves as the ANA
liaison to the Inter-Departmental
Council on Native American Affairs,
provides coordination of ANA’s data
driven strategic plan, and advises the
Commissioner on strategic and
operational activities of ANA.
The MOS provides administrative and
budget support to ANA. These
responsibilities include: (1) Serving as
the Executive Secretariat for ANA,
including managing correspondence,
correspondence systems, and public
requests including, but not limited to
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests; (2) coordinating human
resources activities; (3) developing and
executing the budget; (4) providing ongoing administrative technical support
of ANA contracts; and (5) as
appropriate, developing internal
policies and procedures relating to these
B. The Division of Program
Operations is primarily responsible for
the pre-award and post-award
administration of discretionary grant
programs to eligible Tribes and nonprofit Native American organizations.
These responsibilities include: (1)
Developing ANA’s Funding
Opportunity Announcements; (2)
managing annual grant competitions,
including coordination of the panel
review process and internal application
review; (3) on-going grantee monitoring
and support; (4) administering grant
award portfolio, including close-out;
and (5) providing liaison to the Office of
Administration, Divisions of Grants
Management and Division of Grants
C. The Division of Program Evaluation
and Planning is responsible for
evaluations of grantee effectiveness and
impact as well as ANA performance
including, but not limited to
Government Performance and Results
Act measures. These responsibilities
include: (1) Oversight of planning and
implementation activities related to
ANA program evaluation, including
development of annual reports, which
includes the annual Report to Congress
on Impact and Effectiveness; (2) data
analyses and special organizational
studies to guide programmatic
enhancements and inform training and
technical assistance efforts; (3)
coordination of pre-award and postaward training and technical assistance
activities in Alaska, the Pacific Basin,
and the lower forty-eight states; (4)
coordination of ANA’s data and social
media tools; and (5) liaison with the
Office of Planning, Research and
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Jkt 235001
D. The Division of Policy is
responsible for providing support and
guidance to define, establish, and
disseminate policy affecting Native
American communities at large. These
responsibilities include: (1)
Management of a unified and effective
policy formulation process, including
coordination of ANA regulations and
other policy issuances affecting grantees
and Native American communities; (2)
formulation of advice on tribal and state
legislative, and other activities affecting
Native Americans; (3) development of
long- and short-term strategies to
address issues raised in consultations
and collaborations with Native
Americans; (4) support of the activities
of the ACF Tribal Advisory Committee
and other committees, councils, and
workgroups affecting Native Americans;
and (5) liaison with the Office of the
General Counsel and others in the
Department on matters involving or
affecting Native Americans.
II. Continuation of Policy. Except as
inconsistent with this reorganization, all
statements of policy and interpretations
with respect to organizational
components affected by this notice
within ACF, heretofore issued and in
effect on this date of this reorganization
are continued in full force and effect.
III. Delegation of Authority. All
delegations and redelegations of
authority made to officials and
employees of affected organizational
components will continue in them or
their successors pending further
redelegations, provided they are
consistent with this reorganization.
IV. Funds, Personnel, and Equipment.
Transfer of organizations and functions
affected by this reorganization shall be
accompanied in each instance by direct
and support funds, positions, personnel,
records, equipment, supplies, and other
This reorganization will be effective
upon date of signature.
Dated: November 24, 2014.
Mark H. Greenberg,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and
[FR Doc. 2014–28486 Filed 12–3–14; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
Proposed Collection; 60-Day Comment
Request; Health Information National
Trends Survey (HINTS)
Summary: In compliance with the
requirement of Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of
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the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
for opportunity for public comment on
proposed data collection projects, the
National Cancer Institute (NCI),
National Institutes of Health (NIH), will
publish periodic summaries of proposed
projects to be submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval.
Written comments and/or suggestions
from the public and affected agencies
are invited on one or more of the
following points: (1) Whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the function of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) The accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) Ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
To Submit Comments and For Further
Information: To obtain a copy of the
data collection plans and instruments,
submit comments in writing, or request
more information on the proposed
project contact: Bradford W. Hesse,
Ph.D., Health Communication and
Informatics Research Branch, 9609
Medical Center Drive, MSC 9761, Room
3E610, Rockville, MD 20850 or call nontoll free number 240–276–6721 or Email
your request, including your address, to Formal requests
for additional plans and instruments
must be requested in writing.
Comment Due Date: Comments
regarding this information collection are
best assured of having their full effect if
received within 60 days of the date of
this publication.
Proposed Collection: Health
Information National Trends Survey
(HINTS) 0925–0538, Reinstatement with
Change, National Cancer Institute (NCI),
National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Need and Use of Information
Collection: This partnership between
NCI and FDA will include assessing the
public’s knowledge of medical devices,
communications related to product
recalls, nutritional supplement labeling,
and topics to inform FDA’s regulatory
authority over tobacco, such as risk
perceptions about new tobacco
products, product pack color gradations,
perceptions of product harm, and
tobacco product claims and labels. This
HINTS survey will couple knowledge-
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 233 (Thursday, December 4, 2014)]
[Pages 72002-72003]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-28486]
Administration for Children and Families
Administration for Native Americans; Statement of Organization,
Functions, and Delegations of Authority
AGENCY: Administration for Children and Families, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has
reorganized the Administration for Native Americans (ANA). This
reorganization creates the Division of Policy and makes other technical
changes to reflect the current functions within ANA. The realignment of
functions better reflects the current work environment and priorities
within ANA, manifests ANA's commitment to Federal/Tribal government-to-
government relationships, and promotes self-determination for all
Native Americans. The statement of mission, organization, functions,
and delegations of authority conforms to and carries out the statutory
requirements of the Native American Programs Act (NAPA).
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lillian Sparks-Robinson, Commissioner,
Administration for Native Americans, 901 D Street SW., Washington, DC
20447, 202-401-5590.
This notice amends Part K of the Statement of Organization,
Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF),
as follows: Chapter KE, Administration for Native Americans (ANA), as
last amended in 74 FR 3053-54, Jan. 16, 2009.
I. Under Chapter KE, Administration for Native Americans, delete KE
in its entirety and replace with the following:
KE.00 MISSION. The mission of the Administration for Native
Americans (ANA) is to promote the goal of self-sufficiency and cultural
preservation for Native Americans by providing social and economic
development opportunities through financial assistance, training, and
technical assistance to eligible Tribes and Native American
communities, including American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native
Hawaiians, and other Native Pacific Islander organizations. ANA
provides funding for community-based projects that are designed to
improve the lives of Native children and families and reduce long-term
dependency on public assistance. Competitive funding authorized under
the Native American Programs Act of 1974 (NAPA), as amended, for
community-based projects is provided through three competitive
discretionary grant programs to eligible Tribes and non-profit Native
American organizations: Social and economic development, language
preservation, and environmental regulatory enhancement. In carrying out
the provisions of NAPA, the Commissioner advises the Secretary, through
the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, on federal policies
affecting Native Americans and matters pertaining to Native Americans
within the Department of Health and Human Services and with other
Departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
KE.10 ORGANIZATION. ANA is headed by a Commissioner who is
confirmed by the Senate and reports directly to the Assistant Secretary
for Children and Families. ANA is organized as follows:
Office of the Commissioner (KEA)
Intra-Departmental Council on Native American Affairs (KEB)
Division of Program Operations (KEC)
Division of Program Evaluation and Planning (KED)
Division of Policy (KEE)
KE.20 Functions
A. The Office of the Commissioner provides executive leadership,
management strategies, and day-to-day operational leadership for all
components of ANA. The Commissioner serves as an effective and visible
advocate on behalf of Native Americans within the Department, and with
other departments and agencies of the Federal Government regarding all
federal policies affecting Native Americans. The Commissioner provides
policy direction and guidance to ACF Regional Offices with respect to
programs for reservation-based Indians, urban Indians, off-Reservation
Indians, and other Native American projects in Hawaii and the Pacific
Islands. The Commissioner oversees the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan
Fund administered by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The Commissioner
also ensures training and technical assistance and other resources are
allocated and deployed to support and promote ANA's mission.
The Commissioner is the Chair of the Intra-Departmental Council on
Native American Affairs (ICNAA) and advises the Secretary on Native
American issues. ICNAA staff members provide support to the
Commissioner. ICNAA develops and promotes HHS policy to provide greater
access and quality services for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and
Native Americans (AI/AN/NAs) throughout the Department and where
possible, the Federal Government; promotes implementation of HHS policy
and agency plans on consultation with AI/AN/NAs and Tribal Governments;
identifies and develops legislative, administrative, and regulatory
proposals that promotes an effective, meaningful AI/AN/NA policy to
improve health and human services for AI/AN/NAs; identifies and
develops comprehensive Departmental strategy proposal to promote self-
sufficiency and self-determination for all AI/AN/NA people; and
promotes the Tribal/Federal government-to-government relationship on a
Department-wide basis in accordance with Presidential Executive Order.
The Deputy Commissioner reports to the Commissioner, assists the
Commissioner in carrying out the responsibilities of ANA, and performs
the duties of the Commissioner when absent. The Deputy Commissioner
supervises all three Division Directors. In addition, the Deputy
Commissioner provides day-to-day supervision and oversight to the
Management Operations
[[Page 72003]]
Staff (MOS), coordinates the activities of the ACF Native American
Affairs Liaison Workgroup, serves as the ANA liaison to the Inter-
Departmental Council on Native American Affairs, provides coordination
of ANA's data driven strategic plan, and advises the Commissioner on
strategic and operational activities of ANA.
The MOS provides administrative and budget support to ANA. These
responsibilities include: (1) Serving as the Executive Secretariat for
ANA, including managing correspondence, correspondence systems, and
public requests including, but not limited to Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) requests; (2) coordinating human resources activities; (3)
developing and executing the budget; (4) providing on-going
administrative technical support of ANA contracts; and (5) as
appropriate, developing internal policies and procedures relating to
these activities.
B. The Division of Program Operations is primarily responsible for
the pre-award and post-award administration of discretionary grant
programs to eligible Tribes and non-profit Native American
organizations. These responsibilities include: (1) Developing ANA's
Funding Opportunity Announcements; (2) managing annual grant
competitions, including coordination of the panel review process and
internal application review; (3) on-going grantee monitoring and
support; (4) administering grant award portfolio, including close-out;
and (5) providing liaison to the Office of Administration, Divisions of
Grants Management and Division of Grants Policy.
C. The Division of Program Evaluation and Planning is responsible
for evaluations of grantee effectiveness and impact as well as ANA
performance including, but not limited to Government Performance and
Results Act measures. These responsibilities include: (1) Oversight of
planning and implementation activities related to ANA program
evaluation, including development of annual reports, which includes the
annual Report to Congress on Impact and Effectiveness; (2) data
analyses and special organizational studies to guide programmatic
enhancements and inform training and technical assistance efforts; (3)
coordination of pre-award and post-award training and technical
assistance activities in Alaska, the Pacific Basin, and the lower
forty-eight states; (4) coordination of ANA's data and social media
tools; and (5) liaison with the Office of Planning, Research and
D. The Division of Policy is responsible for providing support and
guidance to define, establish, and disseminate policy affecting Native
American communities at large. These responsibilities include: (1)
Management of a unified and effective policy formulation process,
including coordination of ANA regulations and other policy issuances
affecting grantees and Native American communities; (2) formulation of
advice on tribal and state legislative, and other activities affecting
Native Americans; (3) development of long- and short-term strategies to
address issues raised in consultations and collaborations with Native
Americans; (4) support of the activities of the ACF Tribal Advisory
Committee and other committees, councils, and workgroups affecting
Native Americans; and (5) liaison with the Office of the General
Counsel and others in the Department on matters involving or affecting
Native Americans.
II. Continuation of Policy. Except as inconsistent with this
reorganization, all statements of policy and interpretations with
respect to organizational components affected by this notice within
ACF, heretofore issued and in effect on this date of this
reorganization are continued in full force and effect.
III. Delegation of Authority. All delegations and redelegations of
authority made to officials and employees of affected organizational
components will continue in them or their successors pending further
redelegations, provided they are consistent with this reorganization.
IV. Funds, Personnel, and Equipment. Transfer of organizations and
functions affected by this reorganization shall be accompanied in each
instance by direct and support funds, positions, personnel, records,
equipment, supplies, and other resources.
This reorganization will be effective upon date of signature.
Dated: November 24, 2014.
Mark H. Greenberg,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Children and Families.
[FR Doc. 2014-28486 Filed 12-3-14; 8:45 am]