Publication of Technology Task Force Review of Scheduling System and Software of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 70617-70621 [2014-28055]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
Health and Human Services (HHS), VA
medical treatment facilities are required
to query the NPDB at the time of initial
appointment for all licensed, registered,
and certified health care professionals
which is followed with the enrollment
in the NPDB Continuous Query (CQ)
process with annual renewal of all
licensed independent practitioners
appointed to a VA medical treatment
facility. In accordance with 38 CFR,
Chapter 1, Part 46, information is
collected so that VA can consider if
malpractice payments were made
related to substandard care, professional
incompetence, or professional
misconduct on the part of a licensed
health care practitioner or if any
adjudicated adverse action was taken
against the licensure or clinical
privileges of a these health care
Additionally, complete and thorough
credentialing is required to assure that
only qualified healthcare professionals
provide care to our Nation’s veterans.
The term credentialing refers to the
systematic process of screening and
evaluating qualifications and other
credentials, including licensure,
required education, relevant training
and experience, current competence and
health status.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Estimated Annual Burden: 2,500
burden hours.
Estimated Average Burden per
Respondent: 5 minutes.
Frequency of Response: Annually.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Dated: November 21, 2014.
By direction of the Secretary.
Crystal Rennie,
Department Clearance Officer, Department of
Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2014–27849 Filed 11–25–14; 8:45 am]
Publication of Technology Task Force
Review of Scheduling System and
Software of the Department of
Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs.
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The Veterans Access, Choice,
and Accountability Act of 2014 directs
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
to publish a report of the Northern
Virginia Technology Council’s review of
VA’s health care scheduling system and
software. This Federal Register Notice
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announces VA’s publication of the
Council’s report.
ADDRESSES: The Council’s entire report
on VA’s health care scheduling system
and software is available at https://
James A. Tuchschmidt, MD, Acting
Principal Deputy Under Secretary for
Health (10A), 810 Vermont Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20420,
Telephone: 202–461–7008 (this is not a
toll-free number).
203 of the Veterans Access, Choice, and
Accountability Act of 2014 (Pub. L.
113–146, ‘‘the Act’’) directs the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA),
through the use of a technology task
force, to conduct a review of VA’s needs
with respect to its scheduling system
and scheduling software used to
schedule appointments for veterans for
hospital care, medical services, and
other health care. The Act requires that
the task force provide VA and Congress
with a report on its review within 45
days of enactment, and that the report
• Proposals for specific actions to be
taken by VA to improve its health care
scheduling system and scheduling
software; and
• A determination as to whether one
or more existing off-the-shelf systems
would meet VA’s needs to schedule
health care appointments for veterans
and improve the access of veterans to
such care.
On September 11, 2014, VA signed a
Memorandum of Agreement with the
Northern Virginia Technology Council
to conduct the review. On October 29,
2014, the Council completed its review
and provided VA with a report titled,
‘‘Opportunities to Improve the
Scheduling of Medical Exams for
America’s Veterans: A Report Based on
a Review of VA’s Scheduling Practices
by the Northern Virginia Technology
Council (NVTC).’’
This Federal Register Notice
announces the Council’s report on its
review of VA’s scheduling system and
software. The Executive Summary of the
report is as follows:
Executive Summary
This section provides a brief summary
of this Report by answering three
fundamental questions:
• Why was this review performed for
the VA?
• What were the findings that
informed the NVTC’s recommendations
to VA?
• What recommendations were
rendered by NVTC?
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Why NVTC Conducted This Review
The impetus for NVTC’s review is
found in Section 203 of the [Veterans
Access, Choice, and Accountability Act
of 2014] 1. Section 203 called for a
Technology Task Force to perform a
review of VA’s scheduling system and
Following the law’s enactment,
NVTC 2 began working with VA to
develop a plan for a team of NVTC
member companies to evaluate VA’s
scheduling processes and systems, for
the purpose of recommending
scheduling improvements. In a
Memorandum of Agreement (MoA)
signed by both parties on September 11,
2014, VA accepted NVTC as the
Technology Task Force required by
Section 203 of the [Act]. In a Scope of
Work statement, attached to the MoA,
the agreed latitude of NVTC’s Review
was outlined—i.e., for NVTC to examine
and propose improvements to:
• The scheduling of a new patient for
his or her first visit. This would start
with VA’s attempt to arrange exam
appointments, and include the activities
required to schedule, communicate, and
confirm each appointment with the
Veteran, concluding with the exam itself
and the delivery of requested exam
• The scheduling of a specialty
consult visit from initial request from a
primary care physician through the
appointment being scheduled,
1 Public Law 113–146. Signed into law by
President Obama on August 7, 2014; the statute’s
full title is, ‘‘To improve the access of Veterans to
medical services from the Department of Veterans
Affairs, and for other purposes.’’ Besides Section
203, another key provision of this law (Section 101)
is relevant to portions of this report because it
requires hospital care and medical services to be
furnished to Veterans through agreements with
specified non-VA facilities if Veterans: (a) Have
been unable to schedule an appointment at a VA
medical facility within the Veterans Health
Administration’s (VHA’s) wait-time goals for
hospital care or medical services and such Veterans
opt for non-VA care or services; (b) reside more
than 40 miles from a VA medical facility; (c) reside
in a state without a VA medical facility that
provides hospital care, emergency medical services,
and surgical care and such Veterans reside more
than 20 miles from such a facility; or (d) reside
within 40 miles of a VA medical facility but are
required to travel by air, boat, or ferry to reach such
facility or such Veterans face an unusual or
excessive geographical burden in accessing the
facility. Section 101 also provides for such care
through agreements with any healthcare provider
participating in the Medicare program, any
federally-qualified health center, the Department of
Defense (DoD), and the Indian Health Service (IHS).
2 In June 2014, Senator Mark Warner sent a letter
to President Obama offering pro bono private sector
assistance to address the VA’s exam scheduling and
workflow challenges. (The pro bono offer to help
VA leveraged a template established in 2010–11,
when NVTC, at the request of Senator Warner,
partnered with the U.S. Army to help address the
serious technology and business process challenges
being encountered at Arlington National Cemetery.)
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
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communicated, and confirmed with the
veteran (also concluding with the exam
and effective delivery of its results).
In examining these two foundational
processes, NVTC agreed to an approach
that is segmented into an analysis of
four domains: People, process,
technology, and performance
measurement. The purpose of NVTC’s
review was to identify improvement
opportunities and recommend actions
that will enable VA leaders to restore
America’s confidence in the enduring
integrity of VA while servicing the
health care needs of those who have
selflessly served our country. The NVTC
Team’s approach to this assignment has
been to discover root causes of VA’s
scheduling challenges in an effort to
identify ways to help VA overcome
them. The NVTC Team 3 conducted a
six-week effort (September 15 to
October 29, 2014) to review VA’s
current scheduling ‘‘systems,’’ which
include people, processes, technologies,
and performance measures. The
findings and recommendations
identified in this report were greatly
informed by on-site observations at two
VA medical centers.4 During these
visits, the NVTC Team met with VA
staff to not just solicit information from
them about the issues and challenges
they encounter on the job, but also to
listen to their ideas on how veterans
might be better served by making
changes to current scheduling
processes, procedures, and practices.
During the two site visits the NVTC
Team was able to make, it met with
many dedicated leaders, health care
providers, schedulers and other
specialists, all of whom were
remarkably cooperative, clearly
dedicated to providing high-quality
services to veterans, and quite generous
in terms of the amount of time and
information they readily shared with
NVTC Team members. The NVTC team
also observed a number of practices that
had been put in place in the last six
months to improve the timeliness of
patient appointments. Additional
opportunities for improvement still
exist, however. In addition to the two
day-long site visits, NVTC team
members also examined a library of
scheduling related information 5—
3 NVTC selected Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), HP,
IBM, MITRE, and SAIC to serve as the core team
for coordinating with other member companies
(MAXIMUS, Qlarion, and Providge Consulting) to
conduct this Review.
4 The two site visits by the NVTC Team were
graciously hosted by the VAMC Directors at the
VA’s Medical Centers in Richmond and Hampton,
5 From the ‘‘vendor library,’’ available on the
Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOps, to
support VA’s solicitation to procure a new medical
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provided by VA—to gather additional
insight on the challenges and issues
addressed in this report.
While this report is based on site
visits and data from only two VA
medical centers, we are reasonably
confident that the findings are
generalizable to many other VA medical
facilities. We make this assertion
because the findings of this Report are
very similar to the findings of an older
but more comprehensive Wait Times
study done by Booz Allen Hamilton in
2008. That study was much larger and
included longer site visits to 25 VA
medical centers and many of their
community-based outpatient clinics.
The recommendations of this Report
echo those of the earlier Wait Times
report and suggest that the issues
identified are representative and
enduring. We feel that this significantly
enhances the power of the NVTC Report
and the recommendations that have
been made.6
It is the consensus of the NVTC Team
that the recommendations in this report
will take a significant amount of time to
be fully implemented, assuming they
are accepted. Indeed, incremental but
sustained improvements, based on a
comprehensive plan of action will be
needed—subject to persistent
monitoring and periodic assessments—
to ensure that initial gains in
accountability and performance quality
actually lead to results that consistently
satisfy the health care access and
delivery needs of America’s veterans.
NVTC is pleased to present this
document with its findings and
recommendations for improving the
scheduling of medical exams for
America’s veterans.
What NVTC Found
Through its on-site observations and
analyses of current business processes,
available technologies, and a review of
industry and government best practices,
the NVTC Team identified a number of
findings and recommendations designed
to help VA leaders address their most
critical challenges. During that review
period, a common theme emerged from
the Team’s analyses that can be
summarized as follows: VA’s examscheduling processes are insufficiently
enabled by state of-the-art technologies
or (consistently applied) standard
appointment scheduling solution: https://
6 Final Report on the Patient Scheduling and
Waiting Times Measurement Improvement Study,
Booz Allen Hamilton, July 11, 2008 (hereinafter
referred to as the 2008 Booz Allen Hamilton Wait
times report).
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operating procedures. This situation has
resulted in a counterproductive and
error-prone working environment that
has frustrated staff members for years,
thus fueling a persistent staff-retention
problem, the net effect of which has
contributed in no small part, it appears,
to the gradual erosion of public
confidence in the Department’s ability
to provide veterans with timely access
to needed health care services.
NVTC’s Team confirmed what VA
already acknowledges—that the current
scheduling processes do not adequately
meet the needs of veterans, health care
providers, or scheduling staff members.7
Clinic grids are inflexible, productivity
cannot be accurately measured, not
enough scheduling resources (staff,
rooms, equipment, etc.) are available,
and linkages among scheduled
appointments and ancillary
appointments (e.g., lab and radiology)
are not established. In the latter
instance, the absence of such links
results in appointment cancellations
and rebookings, additional travel costs,
and higher levels of veterans’
Though the findings of the NVTC
Team may not be all that different from
those already documented in VA, it is
hoped that, with the recommendations
that follow, VA leaders will better
understand how issues in one
deficiency area (e.g., staff retention)
actually cause (or exacerbate) persistent
issues in other areas (e.g., the nonstandard usage of scheduling processes
and procedures). Other examples of this
cause-and-effect relationship is the
impact of inflexible clinic grids on the
tendency to over-book scheduled
appointments, or the impact of a
scheduler’s inability to simultaneously
view the schedules of multiple
providers (a technical resource issue) on
the ability of a scheduler to
appropriately sequence ancillary
appointments (often perceived as a
human performance issue). Yet another
is the impact of placing too much
managerial emphasis on metrics that do
not have the effect of driving desired
scheduling behaviors.
NVTC Team members also hope that
the insights derived from their analyses
of VA’s longstanding scheduling issues
will shed a different light on the relative
weight of individual issues, in terms of
their respective impacts on scheduling
activities, end-to-end. Also, some of
NVTC’s key recommendations may
prove to be somewhat more innovative
7 Business Blueprint for VHA Medical
Appointment Scheduling Solution, Department of
Veterans Affairs, May 2014.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
than others received by VA leaders in
the past.
At a minimum, the NVTC
recommendations should provide a
useful framework for tackling near term
challenges and issues, while at the same
time motivating VA leaders to work
with maximum urgency, to significantly
enhance the experiences of veterans
served by the Department, which will
lead to a steady rebuilding of public
trust in both the timeliness and quality
of healthcare being provided to
America’s most deserving heroes.
What NVTC Recommends 8
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As a result of its analysis of VA’s
scheduling processes, technologies,
people, performance measures, and
industry best practices, the NVTC team
derived a total of 39 recommendations
from its multi-dimensional review of
VA’s current medical exam scheduling
operations. These 39 key
recommendations—each of which is
identified in the body of this Report—
are associated with the following 13
groups of identified, key issues:
• Appointment Scheduling (Process)
• Appointment Metrics (Process)
• Patient Capacity (Process)
• Communications (Process)
• System Usability (Technology)
• Systems/Data Integration
• IT Infrastructure Support
• Recruitment/Hiring (People)
• Training/Development (People)
• Staff Retention (People)
• Staff Management (People)
• Patient Wait Times (Performance)
• Management Data Usage
More than half (i.e., 20) of the Team’s
39 recommendations were derived from
the four People-related groups of key
issues: Recruitment/Hiring, Training/
Development, Staff Retention, and Staff
The other 19 recommendations were
fairly evenly distributed among the
Process, Technology, and Performance
dimensions of NVTC’s Review. The fact
that 51.3 percent of the Team’s
recommendations align with ‘‘people’’
issues should not be misinterpreted by
readers of this Report. More to the point,
it must not be seen as an adverse
reflection on the schedulers, health care
providers, and other VA staff members
currently engaged in scheduling
activities at VA’s medical facilities, who
work quite hard—indeed, much harder
than should ever be necessary—in their
8 Consistent with findings and Recommendations
of 2008 Booz Allen Hamilton Wait times report.
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creative efforts to compensate for all the
issues driving the 19 other process-,
technology-, and performance-related
recommendations made by the NVTC
Furthermore, when it comes to crosscutting issues discovered as a result of
this Review, the evidence suggests that
virtually all of the 19 issues driving the
process-, technology-, or performancerelated recommendations (in Section 4
of this Report) demonstrably impact,
either directly or indirectly, at least one
of the people-related issues/
Consider, for just one example, the
issue identified as ‘‘Additional Exam
Rooms’’ under the Patient Capacity
group (in subsection 4.1 of the full
• The NVTC Team found that at least
two exam rooms per provider are
needed to allow rooming a patient while
providing other team members (or
providers) co-visiting opportunities.
And, larger rooms would more readily
permit efficient engagement of multiple
team members in real time. Yet, it
appears that only one exam room is
provided in many situations observed at
the medical centers visited by the NVTC
Team during the course of this Review.
This process-related issue, which
resulted in a recommendation that
additional exam rooms be provided, has
a direct impact on one of the Peoplerelated issues identified (in subsection
4.3 of the full Report), having to do with
schedulers and providers working
together as a team (for the benefit of
Veterans). It also impacts the
productivity of health care providers at
most VA medical facilities. More
significantly, a search of related VA
documents provided to the NVTC Team
revealed that a short supply of exam
space is a critical infrastructure
challenge for many facilities. Many sites
indicate that primary care and specialty
providers almost never have two exam
rooms during clinic sessions, and site
leadership commonly noted that one of
the most significant interventions they
can make to improve the timeliness of
care is to increase available exam space.
Following a thorough analysis of all
39 of its key recommendations, to
discover the cross-dimensional (or
cross-cutting) implications of each of
them, NVTC rendered the following set
of 11 synthesized recommendations to
Recommendation #1—VA should
aggressively redesign the human
resources and recruitment process.
From General Schedule (GS)-5 clerks to
senior clinicians, the hiring of needed
staff proceeds too slowly. The causes are
complex, but much of the delay can be
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traced to redundant, inconsistent, and
inefficient hiring processes. There
should be a system-wide focus on
improving these processes as soon as
possible. Measures that capture
performance from the customer
perspective should be carefully
monitored. Such measures may include
the time from a request for a position to
be filled to the time the hired candidate
actually begins work.
Recommendation #2—VA should
prioritize efforts to recruit, retain, and
train clerical and support staff. In many
cases, clerical and support staff should
be hired in anticipation of need rather
than after vacancies are realized. Job
stress, which contributes to turnover,
should be reduced through careful study
of workflow processes; for example,
separating the call function from the
frontline clerk function appears to be a
prudent strategy. In many instances,
‘‘role creep’’ results in clerks performing
functions that may be beyond their job
descriptions and GS levels. An
inventory of functions should be
carefully mapped to appropriate GS
levels so that individuals are properly
positioned—and compensated. Better
retention will improve the impact of
training, which should be another area
of focus. Training should be based on a
more standardized and frequently
updated curriculum, and placed within
a more clearly defined management
infrastructure to support professional
growth. A multi-modality approach to
training should include case-based
distance learning that leverages a
learning management system and
permits monitoring both at the facility
and individual level. Overall, these
measures will help to ensure that each
physician has adequate support from
clerical staff, which will help to
maximize provider productivity.
Recommendation #3—VA should
develop a comprehensive human capital
strategy that, based on projected needs,
addresses impending health care
provider shortages. In addition to the
current shortage of nurses, shortages of
nurse practitioners, primary care
providers, and specialty physicians are
projected or already realized. VA needs
to undertake an aggressive strategy that
includes increasing provider efficiency
(e.g., more support staff and exam
rooms), using alternate types of
providers (e.g., family practitioners,
doctors of nursing practice, care
coordinators, coaches), and developing
its own aggressive recruitment pipeline
(e.g., starting the recruitment process in
high school, providing aggressive
tuition forgiveness). Mid-level
practitioners, especially nurse
practitioners, have proven particularly
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
valuable in providing or augmenting
scarce specialty resources. There should
be an immediate focus on recruiting,
training, and retaining mid-level
practitioners. Finally, there should be a
deliberative effort within this human
capital strategy to support team
medicine, further enabling nonphysicians to partner with physicians to
directly accommodate patient needs.
Recommendation #4—VA should
create a stronger financial incentive
structure. This is especially critical for
a location like Hampton, VA, where VA
must compete head-on with the
Department of Defense (DoD) in the
health care provider marketplace. VA
should explore the use of more
aggressive incentive structures in
compensation packages, especially for
providers. VA should develop supply
and demand projection models so that
future staff needs—particularly for
specialty physicians—can be
anticipated. Recruitment cycles for
physicians are often very long. Waiting
until demand has exceeded supply will
inevitably lead to chronic delays in care.
Staffing needs, especially for specialty
physicians, should be anticipated based
on an understanding of how much
supply is required to meet changing
patient demand, and appropriate supply
models should be created and used
across the enterprise.
Recommendation #5—VA should
accelerate steps to improve the agility,
usability, and flexibility of schedulingenabling technologies that also facilitate
performance measurement and
reporting functions.9 Another example
of the cross-cutting effect of
multidimensional issues is provided by
IT, which—when optimally designed
and deployed—is a critical enabler of
human processes. However, IT that is
not well-aligned to scheduling processes
(as suggested by the System Usability
group of key issues detailed in the body
of this Report) causes costly, stressful
human workarounds, and undermines
system efficiency. The current
scheduling software, which was first
created in the time of paper records, has
a non-intuitive ‘‘roll and scroll’’
interface that can be described as
cumbersome, at best, to use. From a
scheduling perspective, it is outdated;
from a measurement perspective, it is
inadequate—it was never intended to
perform measurement functions.
Nonetheless, VA currently must rely on
9 There are a number of COTS scheduling
packages on the marketplace that might help meet
VA’s scheduling needs either by themselves or in
concert (see, e.g.,
medical-scheduling-software/); VA would need to
evaluate them to determine whether they satisfy the
intent of NVTC’s Recommendation #5.
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this tool to schedule tens of millions of
veterans’ appointments each year.
Recommendation #6—VA should take
aggressive steps to use fixed
infrastructure more efficiently. Facilities
should use projection models to
anticipate needs for increased exam
space and plan more strategically
regarding building and/or leasing
additional space. Facilities should use
demand projection models to anticipate
changing outpatient demand and should
plan to increase space as necessary.
Failure to use such approaches results
in chronic undersupplies of space and
human resources.
Recommendation #7—VA should
evaluate the efficiency and patient
support gained by centralizing the
phone calling functions in facility-based
call centers with extended hours of
operation. While it is recognized that
the best place for a patient to make a
follow-on appointment is when leaving
a clinic, a majority of the appointments
made in VA are by patients calling for
an appointment or receiving a call from
VA to schedule an appointment.
Because the location of in- and outbound patient scheduling calls differs
among VAMCs, this evaluation would
determine the most beneficial
placement of the call center function
and allow for sharing of lessons learned
from individual VA medical centers VAwide. Removing the in- and out-bound
call requirement from the clinic
scheduler’s responsibility, if appropriate
for the individual clinic’s needs, will
increase efficiency of communication
with veterans and reduce stress on
frontline clerks in clinics.
Recommendation #8—VA should
invest in more current and usable
telephone systems and provide adequate
space for call center functions. Although
most facilities have call systems that can
track hold times, call abandonment, and
other key measures, a number of
questions were raised about these
systems. Given the importance of
efficient phone communications, a
standard for functionality should be
established and all facilities should be
required to meet that standard.
Centralized call centers improve the
efficiency of communications
significantly. In addition to enhanced
technology, call centers should be
provided adequate space and resources.
Robust multi-modal communications
infrastructures are important to support
the frequency of contact essential to the
Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT)
concept of continuous healing
Recommendation #9—VA should take
aggressive measures to alleviate parking
congestion because it appears to have
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some impact on the timeliness of care.
While less important than exam space,
parking space was found to be in short
supply at many VA facilities. Obstacles
to parking may discourage veterans from
keeping their appointments and cause
veterans to be late for their
appointments. Late arrivals can disrupt
clinic flow for the rest of the session.
Recommendation #10—VA should
engage frontline staff in the process of
change. Successful process redesign
requires behavior change. To sustain
such change, those who do the work
must be engaged in redesigning the
processes that influence their work and
behaviors. This is the critical, and often
weakest, link between people and
processes, and if it is not made, process
improvement will not be optimized or
sustained. A culture of innovation must
be created in which everyone sees
improving his or her job, and the
processes associated with it, as part of
his or her job. Success requires a critical
nexus between leadership, culture,
process redesign techniques, and
employee engagement.
Recommendation #11—VA must
embrace a system-wide approach to
process redesign because this is the
means by which many other
recommendations may be successfully
executed. Processes, the intermediate
steps by which goals are achieved, often
determine whether goals are achieved
efficiently, or at all. To be successful in
improving the many complex and
interrelated processes that influence the
timeliness of care, sound systematic
approaches must be used. An integral
dimension of success will be to engage
Veterans in process redesign. Even
when conducted in a rigorous fashion,
process redesign is not always
successful. The most common sources
of failure are related to poor staff
acceptance, failure to actually change
behaviors, and inadequate leadership.
VA faces unique challenges in scaling
change across an enterprise of its size,
which stands alone in U.S. health care.
As mentioned earlier, one of the key
elements of success will be engaging
frontline staff in the redesign and
change process, which will increase the
probability that processes will be
properly redesigned and the likelihood
that frontline staff will modify their
Improving the timeliness of veterans’
care depends upon the readiness,
willingness, and organizational and
personal commitments to improve
multiple dimensions of a complex,
system-of-systems challenge. All aspects
of the VA enterprise must be
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
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considered, and proven approaches to
‘‘systems’’ engineering and redesign
must be implemented and scaled across
the entire Department. This will require
strong leadership and engagement of
staff who have been empowered to
affect real and lasting change.
However, improving the timeliness of
care may be viewed in a broader context
that extends beyond examination of
VA’s scheduling operations. Indeed, it
goes to the intent of the Department’s
attempts to institutionalize, since 2010,
a different relationship with the
patient–with the launching of an
initiative to transform the primary care
system into a team-based care model
(PACT). The PACT system of care shares
many features with patient-centered
medical homes (PCMH). In addition to
improving chronic disease management,
the VA initiative aims to increase
veterans’ accessibility to their primary
care providers, improve continuity with
the primary care team, intensify
preventive health services, integrate
mental and behavioral health into
primary care, and enhance coordination
of care as veterans transition between
primary and specialty care providers,
hospital and ambulatory settings, and
VA and private health care systems. The
PACT model is meant to be proactive,
personalized, and veteran-driven,
focusing not just on the management of
disease but also more holistically on the
veteran’s physical, psychological, social,
and spiritual well-being. The model
requires effective communication and
coordination among team members for
acute, preventive, chronic, and end-of-
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:21 Nov 25, 2014
Jkt 235001
life care to achieve improved continuity
and efficiency—an aspirational goal in
itself that remains unfilled across parts
of the enterprise.
Such intensely veteran-focused care
would be delivered in many forms—not
just through face-to-face visits. In this
paradigm, the health care system would
be responsive 24 hours per day, every
day, whether by phone, email,
e-consults, telemedicine, expanded use
of personal health records, or other
means. This vision is expected to
include individual and group visits, as
well as an expanded role for team
medicine that includes the coordinated
efforts of physicians, mid-level
practitioners, care coordinators, and
care coaches. Assessments of access in
this paradigm would not be limited to
traditional VA measures of wait times
and drive times.
While this model is still somewhat
aspirational, it is an aspiration that VA
is uniquely positioned to achieve. Yet,
full accomplishment of this objective is
what will be needed, at a minimum, to
restore America’s trust in VA’s ability to
serve the health care needs of its
NVTC is reminded that VA has a
strong history and longstanding
tradition of innovation—its enterprisewide electronic health record; mailorder pharmacy system; clinical quality
measurement and improvement
programs; barcode drug dispensing
system; telemedicine efforts; homebased care programs; and a broad array
of clinical care innovations for special
populations such as blind rehabilitation,
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
PO 00000
Frm 00123
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 9990
care, spinal cord injury care, and
prosthetic expertise are but a few
In the past, however, emphasis on
innovation has, understandably, been
more typically geared toward clinical
processes. That emphasis must be
sustained. At the same time, a similar
focus must be also be placed on
innovations that support customercentric process redesign. This will
require excellence in executive
leadership distributed broadly and
deeply across the enterprise;
correspondingly, this will require
appropriate levels of empowerment
conferred from the top-down.
Only by persistently staying the
course will VA be positioned again, to
blaze new trails for other health care
systems to follow.
Signing Authority
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, or
designee, approved this document and
authorized the undersigned to sign and
submit the document to the Office of the
Federal Register for publication
electronically as an official document of
the Department of Veterans Affairs. Jose
D. Riojas, Chief of Staff, approved this
document on November 21, 2014, for
Dated: November 21, 2014.
Jeffrey M. Martin,
Program Manager, Office of Regulation Policy
& Management, Office of the General Counsel,
Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2014–28055 Filed 11–25–14; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 228 (Wednesday, November 26, 2014)]
[Pages 70617-70621]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-28055]
Publication of Technology Task Force Review of Scheduling System
and Software of the Department of Veterans Affairs
AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014
directs the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to publish a report of
the Northern Virginia Technology Council's review of VA's health care
scheduling system and software. This Federal Register Notice announces
VA's publication of the Council's report.
ADDRESSES: The Council's entire report on VA's health care scheduling
system and software is available at
Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Health (10A), 810 Vermont Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20420, Telephone: 202-461-7008 (this is not a toll-
free number).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 203 of the Veterans Access, Choice,
and Accountability Act of 2014 (Pub. L. 113-146, ``the Act'') directs
the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), through the use of a
technology task force, to conduct a review of VA's needs with respect
to its scheduling system and scheduling software used to schedule
appointments for veterans for hospital care, medical services, and
other health care. The Act requires that the task force provide VA and
Congress with a report on its review within 45 days of enactment, and
that the report include:
Proposals for specific actions to be taken by VA to
improve its health care scheduling system and scheduling software; and
A determination as to whether one or more existing off-
the-shelf systems would meet VA's needs to schedule health care
appointments for veterans and improve the access of veterans to such
On September 11, 2014, VA signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the
Northern Virginia Technology Council to conduct the review. On October
29, 2014, the Council completed its review and provided VA with a
report titled, ``Opportunities to Improve the Scheduling of Medical
Exams for America's Veterans: A Report Based on a Review of VA's
Scheduling Practices by the Northern Virginia Technology Council
This Federal Register Notice announces the Council's report on its
review of VA's scheduling system and software. The Executive Summary of
the report is as follows:
Executive Summary
This section provides a brief summary of this Report by answering
three fundamental questions:
Why was this review performed for the VA?
What were the findings that informed the NVTC's
recommendations to VA?
What recommendations were rendered by NVTC?
Why NVTC Conducted This Review
The impetus for NVTC's review is found in Section 203 of the
[Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014] \1\. Section
203 called for a Technology Task Force to perform a review of VA's
scheduling system and software.
\1\ Public Law 113-146. Signed into law by President Obama on
August 7, 2014; the statute's full title is, ``To improve the access
of Veterans to medical services from the Department of Veterans
Affairs, and for other purposes.'' Besides Section 203, another key
provision of this law (Section 101) is relevant to portions of this
report because it requires hospital care and medical services to be
furnished to Veterans through agreements with specified non-VA
facilities if Veterans: (a) Have been unable to schedule an
appointment at a VA medical facility within the Veterans Health
Administration's (VHA's) wait-time goals for hospital care or
medical services and such Veterans opt for non-VA care or services;
(b) reside more than 40 miles from a VA medical facility; (c) reside
in a state without a VA medical facility that provides hospital
care, emergency medical services, and surgical care and such
Veterans reside more than 20 miles from such a facility; or (d)
reside within 40 miles of a VA medical facility but are required to
travel by air, boat, or ferry to reach such facility or such
Veterans face an unusual or excessive geographical burden in
accessing the facility. Section 101 also provides for such care
through agreements with any healthcare provider participating in the
Medicare program, any federally-qualified health center, the
Department of Defense (DoD), and the Indian Health Service (IHS).
Following the law's enactment, NVTC \2\ began working with VA to
develop a plan for a team of NVTC member companies to evaluate VA's
scheduling processes and systems, for the purpose of recommending
scheduling improvements. In a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signed by
both parties on September 11, 2014, VA accepted NVTC as the Technology
Task Force required by Section 203 of the [Act]. In a Scope of Work
statement, attached to the MoA, the agreed latitude of NVTC's Review
was outlined--i.e., for NVTC to examine and propose improvements to:
\2\ In June 2014, Senator Mark Warner sent a letter to President
Obama offering pro bono private sector assistance to address the
VA's exam scheduling and workflow challenges. (The pro bono offer to
help VA leveraged a template established in 2010-11, when NVTC, at
the request of Senator Warner, partnered with the U.S. Army to help
address the serious technology and business process challenges being
encountered at Arlington National Cemetery.)
The scheduling of a new patient for his or her first
visit. This would start with VA's attempt to arrange exam appointments,
and include the activities required to schedule, communicate, and
confirm each appointment with the Veteran, concluding with the exam
itself and the delivery of requested exam results.
The scheduling of a specialty consult visit from initial
request from a primary care physician through the appointment being
[[Page 70618]]
communicated, and confirmed with the veteran (also concluding with the
exam and effective delivery of its results).
In examining these two foundational processes, NVTC agreed to an
approach that is segmented into an analysis of four domains: People,
process, technology, and performance measurement. The purpose of NVTC's
review was to identify improvement opportunities and recommend actions
that will enable VA leaders to restore America's confidence in the
enduring integrity of VA while servicing the health care needs of those
who have selflessly served our country. The NVTC Team's approach to
this assignment has been to discover root causes of VA's scheduling
challenges in an effort to identify ways to help VA overcome them. The
NVTC Team \3\ conducted a six-week effort (September 15 to October 29,
2014) to review VA's current scheduling ``systems,'' which include
people, processes, technologies, and performance measures. The findings
and recommendations identified in this report were greatly informed by
on-site observations at two VA medical centers.\4\ During these visits,
the NVTC Team met with VA staff to not just solicit information from
them about the issues and challenges they encounter on the job, but
also to listen to their ideas on how veterans might be better served by
making changes to current scheduling processes, procedures, and
\3\ NVTC selected Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH), HP, IBM, MITRE, and
SAIC to serve as the core team for coordinating with other member
companies (MAXIMUS, Qlarion, and Providge Consulting) to conduct
this Review.
\4\ The two site visits by the NVTC Team were graciously hosted
by the VAMC Directors at the VA's Medical Centers in Richmond and
Hampton, Virginia.
During the two site visits the NVTC Team was able to make, it met
with many dedicated leaders, health care providers, schedulers and
other specialists, all of whom were remarkably cooperative, clearly
dedicated to providing high-quality services to veterans, and quite
generous in terms of the amount of time and information they readily
shared with NVTC Team members. The NVTC team also observed a number of
practices that had been put in place in the last six months to improve
the timeliness of patient appointments. Additional opportunities for
improvement still exist, however. In addition to the two day-long site
visits, NVTC team members also examined a library of scheduling related
information \5\--provided by VA--to gather additional insight on the
challenges and issues addressed in this report.
\5\ From the ``vendor library,'' available on the Federal
Business Opportunities (FedBizOps, to support VA's solicitation to
procure a new medical appointment scheduling solution:
While this report is based on site visits and data from only two VA
medical centers, we are reasonably confident that the findings are
generalizable to many other VA medical facilities. We make this
assertion because the findings of this Report are very similar to the
findings of an older but more comprehensive Wait Times study done by
Booz Allen Hamilton in 2008. That study was much larger and included
longer site visits to 25 VA medical centers and many of their
community-based outpatient clinics. The recommendations of this Report
echo those of the earlier Wait Times report and suggest that the issues
identified are representative and enduring. We feel that this
significantly enhances the power of the NVTC Report and the
recommendations that have been made.\6\
\6\ Final Report on the Patient Scheduling and Waiting Times
Measurement Improvement Study, Booz Allen Hamilton, July 11, 2008
(hereinafter referred to as the 2008 Booz Allen Hamilton Wait times
It is the consensus of the NVTC Team that the recommendations in
this report will take a significant amount of time to be fully
implemented, assuming they are accepted. Indeed, incremental but
sustained improvements, based on a comprehensive plan of action will be
needed--subject to persistent monitoring and periodic assessments--to
ensure that initial gains in accountability and performance quality
actually lead to results that consistently satisfy the health care
access and delivery needs of America's veterans.
NVTC is pleased to present this document with its findings and
recommendations for improving the scheduling of medical exams for
America's veterans.
What NVTC Found
Through its on-site observations and analyses of current business
processes, available technologies, and a review of industry and
government best practices, the NVTC Team identified a number of
findings and recommendations designed to help VA leaders address their
most critical challenges. During that review period, a common theme
emerged from the Team's analyses that can be summarized as follows:
VA's exam-scheduling processes are insufficiently enabled by state of-
the-art technologies or (consistently applied) standard operating
procedures. This situation has resulted in a counterproductive and
error-prone working environment that has frustrated staff members for
years, thus fueling a persistent staff-retention problem, the net
effect of which has contributed in no small part, it appears, to the
gradual erosion of public confidence in the Department's ability to
provide veterans with timely access to needed health care services.
NVTC's Team confirmed what VA already acknowledges--that the
current scheduling processes do not adequately meet the needs of
veterans, health care providers, or scheduling staff members.\7\ Clinic
grids are inflexible, productivity cannot be accurately measured, not
enough scheduling resources (staff, rooms, equipment, etc.) are
available, and linkages among scheduled appointments and ancillary
appointments (e.g., lab and radiology) are not established. In the
latter instance, the absence of such links results in appointment
cancellations and rebookings, additional travel costs, and higher
levels of veterans' dissatisfaction.
\7\ Business Blueprint for VHA Medical Appointment Scheduling
Solution, Department of Veterans Affairs, May 2014.
Though the findings of the NVTC Team may not be all that different
from those already documented in VA, it is hoped that, with the
recommendations that follow, VA leaders will better understand how
issues in one deficiency area (e.g., staff retention) actually cause
(or exacerbate) persistent issues in other areas (e.g., the non-
standard usage of scheduling processes and procedures). Other examples
of this cause-and-effect relationship is the impact of inflexible
clinic grids on the tendency to over-book scheduled appointments, or
the impact of a scheduler's inability to simultaneously view the
schedules of multiple providers (a technical resource issue) on the
ability of a scheduler to appropriately sequence ancillary appointments
(often perceived as a human performance issue). Yet another is the
impact of placing too much managerial emphasis on metrics that do not
have the effect of driving desired scheduling behaviors.
NVTC Team members also hope that the insights derived from their
analyses of VA's longstanding scheduling issues will shed a different
light on the relative weight of individual issues, in terms of their
respective impacts on scheduling activities, end-to-end. Also, some of
NVTC's key recommendations may prove to be somewhat more innovative
[[Page 70619]]
than others received by VA leaders in the past.
At a minimum, the NVTC recommendations should provide a useful
framework for tackling near term challenges and issues, while at the
same time motivating VA leaders to work with maximum urgency, to
significantly enhance the experiences of veterans served by the
Department, which will lead to a steady rebuilding of public trust in
both the timeliness and quality of healthcare being provided to
America's most deserving heroes.
What NVTC Recommends \8\
\8\ Consistent with findings and Recommendations of 2008 Booz
Allen Hamilton Wait times report.
As a result of its analysis of VA's scheduling processes,
technologies, people, performance measures, and industry best
practices, the NVTC team derived a total of 39 recommendations from its
multi-dimensional review of VA's current medical exam scheduling
operations. These 39 key recommendations--each of which is identified
in the body of this Report--are associated with the following 13 groups
of identified, key issues:
Appointment Scheduling (Process)
Appointment Metrics (Process)
Patient Capacity (Process)
Communications (Process)
System Usability (Technology)
Systems/Data Integration (Technology)
IT Infrastructure Support (Technology)
Recruitment/Hiring (People)
Training/Development (People)
Staff Retention (People)
Staff Management (People)
Patient Wait Times (Performance)
Management Data Usage (Performance)
More than half (i.e., 20) of the Team's 39 recommendations were
derived from the four People-related groups of key issues: Recruitment/
Hiring, Training/Development, Staff Retention, and Staff Management.
The other 19 recommendations were fairly evenly distributed among
the Process, Technology, and Performance dimensions of NVTC's Review.
The fact that 51.3 percent of the Team's recommendations align with
``people'' issues should not be misinterpreted by readers of this
Report. More to the point, it must not be seen as an adverse reflection
on the schedulers, health care providers, and other VA staff members
currently engaged in scheduling activities at VA's medical facilities,
who work quite hard--indeed, much harder than should ever be
necessary--in their creative efforts to compensate for all the issues
driving the 19 other process-, technology-, and performance-related
recommendations made by the NVTC Team.
Furthermore, when it comes to cross-cutting issues discovered as a
result of this Review, the evidence suggests that virtually all of the
19 issues driving the process-, technology-, or performance-related
recommendations (in Section 4 of this Report) demonstrably impact,
either directly or indirectly, at least one of the people-related
Consider, for just one example, the issue identified as
``Additional Exam Rooms'' under the Patient Capacity group (in
subsection 4.1 of the full Report):
The NVTC Team found that at least two exam rooms per
provider are needed to allow rooming a patient while providing other
team members (or providers) co-visiting opportunities. And, larger
rooms would more readily permit efficient engagement of multiple team
members in real time. Yet, it appears that only one exam room is
provided in many situations observed at the medical centers visited by
the NVTC Team during the course of this Review. This process-related
issue, which resulted in a recommendation that additional exam rooms be
provided, has a direct impact on one of the People-related issues
identified (in subsection 4.3 of the full Report), having to do with
schedulers and providers working together as a team (for the benefit of
Veterans). It also impacts the productivity of health care providers at
most VA medical facilities. More significantly, a search of related VA
documents provided to the NVTC Team revealed that a short supply of
exam space is a critical infrastructure challenge for many facilities.
Many sites indicate that primary care and specialty providers almost
never have two exam rooms during clinic sessions, and site leadership
commonly noted that one of the most significant interventions they can
make to improve the timeliness of care is to increase available exam
Following a thorough analysis of all 39 of its key recommendations,
to discover the cross-dimensional (or cross-cutting) implications of
each of them, NVTC rendered the following set of 11 synthesized
recommendations to VA:
Recommendation #1--VA should aggressively redesign the human
resources and recruitment process. From General Schedule (GS)-5 clerks
to senior clinicians, the hiring of needed staff proceeds too slowly.
The causes are complex, but much of the delay can be traced to
redundant, inconsistent, and inefficient hiring processes. There should
be a system-wide focus on improving these processes as soon as
possible. Measures that capture performance from the customer
perspective should be carefully monitored. Such measures may include
the time from a request for a position to be filled to the time the
hired candidate actually begins work.
Recommendation #2--VA should prioritize efforts to recruit, retain,
and train clerical and support staff. In many cases, clerical and
support staff should be hired in anticipation of need rather than after
vacancies are realized. Job stress, which contributes to turnover,
should be reduced through careful study of workflow processes; for
example, separating the call function from the frontline clerk function
appears to be a prudent strategy. In many instances, ``role creep''
results in clerks performing functions that may be beyond their job
descriptions and GS levels. An inventory of functions should be
carefully mapped to appropriate GS levels so that individuals are
properly positioned--and compensated. Better retention will improve the
impact of training, which should be another area of focus. Training
should be based on a more standardized and frequently updated
curriculum, and placed within a more clearly defined management
infrastructure to support professional growth. A multi-modality
approach to training should include case-based distance learning that
leverages a learning management system and permits monitoring both at
the facility and individual level. Overall, these measures will help to
ensure that each physician has adequate support from clerical staff,
which will help to maximize provider productivity.
Recommendation #3--VA should develop a comprehensive human capital
strategy that, based on projected needs, addresses impending health
care provider shortages. In addition to the current shortage of nurses,
shortages of nurse practitioners, primary care providers, and specialty
physicians are projected or already realized. VA needs to undertake an
aggressive strategy that includes increasing provider efficiency (e.g.,
more support staff and exam rooms), using alternate types of providers
(e.g., family practitioners, doctors of nursing practice, care
coordinators, coaches), and developing its own aggressive recruitment
pipeline (e.g., starting the recruitment process in high school,
providing aggressive tuition forgiveness). Mid-level practitioners,
especially nurse practitioners, have proven particularly
[[Page 70620]]
valuable in providing or augmenting scarce specialty resources. There
should be an immediate focus on recruiting, training, and retaining
mid-level practitioners. Finally, there should be a deliberative effort
within this human capital strategy to support team medicine, further
enabling non-physicians to partner with physicians to directly
accommodate patient needs.
Recommendation #4--VA should create a stronger financial incentive
structure. This is especially critical for a location like Hampton, VA,
where VA must compete head-on with the Department of Defense (DoD) in
the health care provider marketplace. VA should explore the use of more
aggressive incentive structures in compensation packages, especially
for providers. VA should develop supply and demand projection models so
that future staff needs--particularly for specialty physicians--can be
anticipated. Recruitment cycles for physicians are often very long.
Waiting until demand has exceeded supply will inevitably lead to
chronic delays in care. Staffing needs, especially for specialty
physicians, should be anticipated based on an understanding of how much
supply is required to meet changing patient demand, and appropriate
supply models should be created and used across the enterprise.
Recommendation #5--VA should accelerate steps to improve the
agility, usability, and flexibility of scheduling-enabling technologies
that also facilitate performance measurement and reporting
functions.\9\ Another example of the cross-cutting effect of
multidimensional issues is provided by IT, which--when optimally
designed and deployed--is a critical enabler of human processes.
However, IT that is not well-aligned to scheduling processes (as
suggested by the System Usability group of key issues detailed in the
body of this Report) causes costly, stressful human workarounds, and
undermines system efficiency. The current scheduling software, which
was first created in the time of paper records, has a non-intuitive
``roll and scroll'' interface that can be described as cumbersome, at
best, to use. From a scheduling perspective, it is outdated; from a
measurement perspective, it is inadequate--it was never intended to
perform measurement functions. Nonetheless, VA currently must rely on
this tool to schedule tens of millions of veterans' appointments each
\9\ There are a number of COTS scheduling packages on the
marketplace that might help meet VA's scheduling needs either by
themselves or in concert (see, e.g.,; VA would need to evaluate them to
determine whether they satisfy the intent of NVTC's Recommendation
Recommendation #6--VA should take aggressive steps to use fixed
infrastructure more efficiently. Facilities should use projection
models to anticipate needs for increased exam space and plan more
strategically regarding building and/or leasing additional space.
Facilities should use demand projection models to anticipate changing
outpatient demand and should plan to increase space as necessary.
Failure to use such approaches results in chronic undersupplies of
space and human resources.
Recommendation #7--VA should evaluate the efficiency and patient
support gained by centralizing the phone calling functions in facility-
based call centers with extended hours of operation. While it is
recognized that the best place for a patient to make a follow-on
appointment is when leaving a clinic, a majority of the appointments
made in VA are by patients calling for an appointment or receiving a
call from VA to schedule an appointment. Because the location of in-
and out-bound patient scheduling calls differs among VAMCs, this
evaluation would determine the most beneficial placement of the call
center function and allow for sharing of lessons learned from
individual VA medical centers VA-wide. Removing the in- and out-bound
call requirement from the clinic scheduler's responsibility, if
appropriate for the individual clinic's needs, will increase efficiency
of communication with veterans and reduce stress on frontline clerks in
Recommendation #8--VA should invest in more current and usable
telephone systems and provide adequate space for call center functions.
Although most facilities have call systems that can track hold times,
call abandonment, and other key measures, a number of questions were
raised about these systems. Given the importance of efficient phone
communications, a standard for functionality should be established and
all facilities should be required to meet that standard. Centralized
call centers improve the efficiency of communications significantly. In
addition to enhanced technology, call centers should be provided
adequate space and resources. Robust multi-modal communications
infrastructures are important to support the frequency of contact
essential to the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) concept of continuous
healing relationships.
Recommendation #9--VA should take aggressive measures to alleviate
parking congestion because it appears to have some impact on the
timeliness of care. While less important than exam space, parking space
was found to be in short supply at many VA facilities. Obstacles to
parking may discourage veterans from keeping their appointments and
cause veterans to be late for their appointments. Late arrivals can
disrupt clinic flow for the rest of the session.
Recommendation #10--VA should engage frontline staff in the process
of change. Successful process redesign requires behavior change. To
sustain such change, those who do the work must be engaged in
redesigning the processes that influence their work and behaviors. This
is the critical, and often weakest, link between people and processes,
and if it is not made, process improvement will not be optimized or
sustained. A culture of innovation must be created in which everyone
sees improving his or her job, and the processes associated with it, as
part of his or her job. Success requires a critical nexus between
leadership, culture, process redesign techniques, and employee
Recommendation #11--VA must embrace a system-wide approach to
process redesign because this is the means by which many other
recommendations may be successfully executed. Processes, the
intermediate steps by which goals are achieved, often determine whether
goals are achieved efficiently, or at all. To be successful in
improving the many complex and interrelated processes that influence
the timeliness of care, sound systematic approaches must be used. An
integral dimension of success will be to engage Veterans in process
redesign. Even when conducted in a rigorous fashion, process redesign
is not always successful. The most common sources of failure are
related to poor staff acceptance, failure to actually change behaviors,
and inadequate leadership. VA faces unique challenges in scaling change
across an enterprise of its size, which stands alone in U.S. health
care. As mentioned earlier, one of the key elements of success will be
engaging frontline staff in the redesign and change process, which will
increase the probability that processes will be properly redesigned and
the likelihood that frontline staff will modify their behaviors.
Improving the timeliness of veterans' care depends upon the
readiness, willingness, and organizational and personal commitments to
improve multiple dimensions of a complex, system-of-systems challenge.
All aspects of the VA enterprise must be
[[Page 70621]]
considered, and proven approaches to ``systems'' engineering and
redesign must be implemented and scaled across the entire Department.
This will require strong leadership and engagement of staff who have
been empowered to affect real and lasting change.
However, improving the timeliness of care may be viewed in a
broader context that extends beyond examination of VA's scheduling
operations. Indeed, it goes to the intent of the Department's attempts
to institutionalize, since 2010, a different relationship with the
patient-with the launching of an initiative to transform the primary
care system into a team-based care model (PACT). The PACT system of
care shares many features with patient-centered medical homes (PCMH).
In addition to improving chronic disease management, the VA initiative
aims to increase veterans' accessibility to their primary care
providers, improve continuity with the primary care team, intensify
preventive health services, integrate mental and behavioral health into
primary care, and enhance coordination of care as veterans transition
between primary and specialty care providers, hospital and ambulatory
settings, and VA and private health care systems. The PACT model is
meant to be proactive, personalized, and veteran-driven, focusing not
just on the management of disease but also more holistically on the
veteran's physical, psychological, social, and spiritual well-being.
The model requires effective communication and coordination among team
members for acute, preventive, chronic, and end-of-life care to achieve
improved continuity and efficiency--an aspirational goal in itself that
remains unfilled across parts of the enterprise.
Such intensely veteran-focused care would be delivered in many
forms--not just through face-to-face visits. In this paradigm, the
health care system would be responsive 24 hours per day, every day,
whether by phone, email, e-consults, telemedicine, expanded use of
personal health records, or other means. This vision is expected to
include individual and group visits, as well as an expanded role for
team medicine that includes the coordinated efforts of physicians, mid-
level practitioners, care coordinators, and care coaches. Assessments
of access in this paradigm would not be limited to traditional VA
measures of wait times and drive times.
While this model is still somewhat aspirational, it is an
aspiration that VA is uniquely positioned to achieve. Yet, full
accomplishment of this objective is what will be needed, at a minimum,
to restore America's trust in VA's ability to serve the health care
needs of its veterans.
NVTC is reminded that VA has a strong history and longstanding
tradition of innovation--its enterprise-wide electronic health record;
mail-order pharmacy system; clinical quality measurement and
improvement programs; barcode drug dispensing system; telemedicine
efforts; home-based care programs; and a broad array of clinical care
innovations for special populations such as blind rehabilitation,
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) care, spinal cord injury care, and
prosthetic expertise are but a few examples.
In the past, however, emphasis on innovation has, understandably,
been more typically geared toward clinical processes. That emphasis
must be sustained. At the same time, a similar focus must be also be
placed on innovations that support customer-centric process redesign.
This will require excellence in executive leadership distributed
broadly and deeply across the enterprise; correspondingly, this will
require appropriate levels of empowerment conferred from the top-down.
Only by persistently staying the course will VA be positioned
again, to blaze new trails for other health care systems to follow.
Signing Authority
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, or designee, approved this
document and authorized the undersigned to sign and submit the document
to the Office of the Federal Register for publication electronically as
an official document of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Jose D.
Riojas, Chief of Staff, approved this document on November 21, 2014,
for publication.
Dated: November 21, 2014.
Jeffrey M. Martin,
Program Manager, Office of Regulation Policy & Management, Office of
the General Counsel, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2014-28055 Filed 11-25-14; 8:45 am]