Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program, 70538-70540 [2014-27966]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
Place: National Cancer Institute Shady
Grove, 9609 Medical Center Drive, Room
1E030, Rockville, MD 20850 (Telephone
Conference Call).
Contact Person: Gerald G. Lovinger, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Research
Technology and Contract Review Branch,
Division of Extramural Activities, National
Cancer Institute, 9609 Medical Center Drive,
Room 7W266, Bethesda, MD 20892–9750,
240–276–6385, lovingeg@mail.nih.gov.
Name of Committee: National Cancer
Institute Special Emphasis Panel Omnibus
Date: March 25, 2015.
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Cancer Institute Shady
Grove, 9609 Medical Center Drive, 7W124,
Rockville, MD 20850 (Telephone Conference
Contact Person: David Ransom, Ph.D.,
Research Programs Review Branch, Division
of Extramural Activities, National Cancer
Institute, NIH, 9609 Medical Center Drive,
Room 7W124, Bethesda, MD 20892–9750,
240–276–6351 david.ransom@nih.gov.
Information is also available on the
Institute’s/Center’s home page: https://
where an agenda and any additional
information for the meeting will be posted
when available.
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.392, Cancer Construction;
93.393, Cancer Cause and Prevention
Research; 93.394, Cancer Detection and
Diagnosis Research; 93.395, Cancer
Treatment Research; 93.396, Cancer Biology
Research; 93.397, Cancer Centers Support;
93.398, Cancer Research Manpower; 93.399,
Cancer Control, National Institutes of Health,
Dated: November 20, 2014.
Melanie J. Gray,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2014–27937 Filed 11–25–14; 8:45 am]
National Institutes of Health
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Center for Scientific Review Amended;
Notice of Meeting
Notice is hereby given of a change in
the meeting of the Center for Scientific
Review Special Emphasis Panel,
November 11, 2014, 02:00 p.m. to
November 11, 2014, 03:00 p.m.,
National Institutes of Health, 6701
Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, MD, 20892
which was published in the Federal
Register on October 16, 2014, 79 FR 200
Pg. 62166.
The meeting will be held on
December 9, 2014 instead of November
11, 2014. The meeting will start at 12:00
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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p.m. and will end at 2:00 p.m. The
meeting location remains the same. The
meeting is closed to the public.
Dated: November 20, 2014.
Carolyn A. Baum,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2014–27936 Filed 11–25–14; 8:45 am]
[Docket Number DHS–2013–0052]
Environmental Planning and Historic
Preservation Program
Department of Homeland
ACTION: Notice of Final National
Environmental Policy Act Implementing
The purpose of this notice is
to inform the public that the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS or the
Department) is issuing the final update
to its policy and procedures for
implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), as
amended, and the Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ)
regulations for implementing the
procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR
parts 1500–1508). The Department’s
NEPA procedures are contained in
Directive 023–01, Rev. 01 and
Instruction Manual 023–01–001–01,
Rev. 01, Implementation of the National
Environmental Policy Act (herein after
referred to as Directive and Instruction).
This notice also responds to the
comments received on the Department’s
draft updated procedures published on
June 5, 2014 (79 FR 32563).
DATES: The Directive and Instruction
will be effective on March 26, 2015.
Marie Ecton, Senior Environmental
Specialist, Department of Homeland
Security, Telephone (202) 360–5661, or
Email a.marie.ecton@hq.dhs.gov.
effective, the Directive and Instruction
will apply to all of DHS, which is
currently comprised of over 20 support
and operational components, and help
ensure the integration of environmental
stewardship into DHS decision making
as required by NEPA. The Directive and
Instruction will serve as the DHS
implementing procedures for NEPA and
the CEQ regulations (as required by 40
CFR 1505.1 and 1507.3) and therefore
must be read in conjunction with the
CEQ regulations.
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The Directive and Instruction were
substantially revised to address a
number of circumstances and
requirements that have arisen since
April 19, 2006, the effective date of the
original DHS NEPA procedures (Federal
Register, Vol. 71, No. 64, April 4, 2006).
For example, when originally published
in 2006 the Directive and Instruction
did not apply to the following three
Components of DHS: Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), Customs
and Border Protection (CBP), and
United States Coast Guard (USCG);
these three Components each
maintained their own procedures for
implementing NEPA when the
Department was established in 2002.
This revision to the Directive and
Instruction incorporates FEMA, CBP,
and USCG into the Department’s NEPA
procedures and addresses the full scope
of DHS activities to which NEPA
applies. When the updated procedures
become effective, they will apply to all
Components of DHS, including FEMA,
CBP, and USCG. In addition, every
Component will have the option of
developing Supplemental Instructions
to establish how that particular
Component will meet the requirements
of the final version of the DHS Directive
and Instruction. In a separate yet related
effort, FEMA will pursue rescission of
its regulations at 44 CFR 10 and replace
them with Supplemental Instructions
that conform to requirements of the DHS
Directive and Instruction.
The requirements put forth in the
revised Directive and Instruction
emphasize that the NEPA process must
be appropriately integrated into the
performance of DHS missions and
activities and decision making. The
revised Directive establishes the overall
policy that DHS will comply with
NEPA, and the revised Instruction
establishes the procedures for ensuring
this compliance is implemented in an
effective and efficient manner. The
Instruction covers the following:
Overview of NEPA requirements,
including requirements for the
preparation and content of NEPA
documents; management of NEPA
implementation in DHS; criteria for
Components to obtain a delegation of
authority to approve their respective
NEPA reviews; public involvement;
dispute resolution; information
protected from public disclosure;
procedures for emergencies; review of
applications from persons or
organizations outside of DHS (e.g., grant
applications); and an identification of
the types of DHS activities normally
reviewed in a CATEX, Environmental
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
Assessment, or Environmental Impact
The CATEXs published in 2006 are
being retained and are included in the
Instruction (Appendix A, Table 1). In
addition, the Instruction includes the
following new CATEXs: One CATEX for
an administrative activity; five CATEXs
for real property management activities;
13 CATEXs for non-grant activities
unique to FEMA’s mission and
authorities; and 19 CATEXs for federal
assistance (e.g., grant) activities. For
synopses of the administrative record
support for the Department’s list of 2006
and new CATEXs, see the docket and
the DHS NEPA Web page at https://
DHS invested over three years in
developing the proposed revision to its
NEPA procedures. The draft revised
Directive and Instruction were provided
to CEQ in the fall of 2013 for review and
discussion prior to the June 5, 2014
publication for public comment. DHS
provided its proposed final revised
Directive and Instruction to CEQ in
early September 2014; CEQ responded
with a letter dated November 10, 2014
prior to this publication of the final
Directive and Instruction as required
under 40 CFR 1507.3(a), indicating that
the Department’s revised procedures
conform to NEPA and the CEQ
Comments on Categorical Exclusions
and DHS Response:
DHS received a comment from the
International Association of Fire Chiefs
(IACF) regarding the proposed new
CATEX for federally-assisted wildfire
mitigation activities. To improve
readability (but with no change to the
scope), DHS revised the CATEX
between the draft and final version to
read as follows:
*N11 Federal Assistance for Wildfire
Hazard Mitigation Actions. Federal
assistance for wildfire hazard mitigation
actions involving the creation of
defensible space or hazardous fuel
reduction for up to 100 feet of at-risk
structures which includes the selective
removal of vegetation less than 12
inches in diameter through thinning,
pruning, limbing, sawing, or brush
cutting; removal of downed, dead, or
dry vegetation material as part of the
overall action.
The actions must be limited to less
than 100 acres of vegetation removal
either individually or when combined
with other reasonably foreseeable
private or public actions and follow
appropriate best management practices.
Although IACF was supportive of the
draft proposed CATEX, they
recommended removal of the 100-foot
limit on the creation of defensible space.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:21 Nov 25, 2014
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DHS supports the mission and respects
the perspective of IACF; however, for
the time being DHS has decided to
retain the proposed wording of the
CATEX. DHS relied on only a small
number of FEMA Environmental
Assessments (EAs) to support
development of the new CATEX, and
none of those EAs included a buffer
greater than 100 feet. Without sufficient
information from past DHS-funded
wildfire mitigation projects that
demonstrates that a larger buffer results
in no potential for environmental
impacts, DHS currently believes that a
higher level of NEPA review and impact
evaluation is necessary for actions
involving more than 100 acres of
vegetation removal.
If, as a result of additional DHS
reviews of wildfire mitigation projects,
DHS is able to document and determine
that the buffer can reasonably be
extended because there are few to no
environmental impacts associated with
larger scale clearing for wildfire
mitigation purposes, then DHS will
consider revising the CATEX. In
addition, DHS will work with subject
matter experts, including IACF, to
obtain other data that may support
future revisions to the CATEX.
Lastly, it is important to note that if
proposed vegetation clearing for
wildfire mitigation purposes is greater
than 100 feet from a structure, DHS can
still provide grant funding for the
project once the appropriate level of
environmental review has been
DHS received two comments from the
State of Arizona Game and Fish
Department (AZGFD) regarding the
following proposed CATEX for
federally-assisted new construction
*N8 Federal Assistance for New
Construction Activities of Less Than
One Acre in Undisturbed or
Undeveloped Areas. Federal assistance
for new construction and associated site
preparation activities in undisturbed or
undeveloped areas when the activities
comprise less than one acre and follow
best management practices to control
noise, water, and air pollution. This
category does not apply to new
construction in undisturbed or
undeveloped floodplains, wetlands, or
seaward of the limit of moderate wave
action (or V zone when the limit of
moderate wave action has not been
identified). This CATEX covers the
range of activities typically necessary for
new construction, including field work
(e.g.orings, site inspection) and
temporary staging and use of
construction equipment and vehicles.
PO 00000
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AZGFD’s first comment was that the
draft proposed CATEX as written ‘‘has
the potential to impact wildlife
resources in undisturbed/undeveloped
areas without appropriate direct or
cumulative impact analysis of
construction activities. Construction
activities within an acre of undisturbed
or undeveloped areas have the potential
to result in direct take of wildlife,
habitat fragmentation, and reduced
landscape wildlife permeability.’’
AZGFD’s second comment was a
request that DHS include ‘‘clarifying
language that ensures cumulative
impacts for state trust wildlife resources
are identified for all related actions, and
that reasonable mitigation measures are
implemented’’ and include ‘‘Best
Management Practices (BMPs) . . . that
reduce impacts to wildlife including
timing restrictions, trenching
guidelines, fencing guidelines, etc.’’
In response to AZGFD’s comments on
new CATEX N8, DHS added the
following sentence to Section V.B(2) of
the Instruction, which discusses how to
appropriately apply CATEXs to
proposed actions: ‘‘Application of a
CATEX to a proposed action presumes
review and compliance under other
relevant environmental planning and
historic preservation laws, regulations,
and Executive Orders (e.g., National
Historic Preservation Act, Endangered
Species Act) has occurred, and that a
higher level of NEPA analysis is not
warranted as a result of any identified
impacts to resources protected under
those other requirements.’’ In addition,
DHS believes it has enough data from
past actions to justify that no significant
cumulative impacts result from the
clearing of plots less than one acre each.
If DHS were to provide federal
assistance for the clearing of multiple
one acre plots in close proximity to each
other, this situation would constitute an
extraordinary circumstance that would
prohibit use of the CATEX and would
require a higher level of NEPA analysis.
The list of DHS extraordinary
circumstances is provided in Section
V.B(2)(c) of the Instruction; these
include a consideration of impacts to
protected species and habitat and
environmentally sensitive areas, and a
consideration of whether the proposed
action is related to other actions with
individually insignificant, but
cumulatively significant impacts. As to
cumulative impacts on habitat and
species, these will get covered in the
ESA consultation process;
notwithstanding the new CATEX N8,
DHS will consult with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and relevant state
agencies, such as AZGFD, for proposed
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 228 / Wednesday, November 26, 2014 / Notices
actions potentially affecting protected
species and habitat.
AZGFD also commented that the
definition of Cooperating Agency
included in Section II of the draft
Instruction was not fully consistent with
the CEQ definition in 40 CFR 1508.5.
DHS agrees with AZGFD, and has
revised the definition accordingly in the
final Instruction.
DHS received questions regarding the
need for CATEXs for Congressionallymandated activities (existing USCG
CATEXs L18 and L53, and new DHSwide CATEX C6), to which NEPA does
not apply. When Congress mandates an
activity, such as the transfer of DHS
controlled real property to a nonFederal entity, DHS has no discretion
whether or not to perform the activity;
however, DHS may have discretion on
some aspects of how the activity is
executed. Therefore, DHS NEPA
practitioners expressed the need for
such CATEXs where DHS has some
level of discretion and the activities
have been determined not to have the
potential for significant environmental
Lastly, DHS received three comments
regarding the accessibility and
readability of the draft revised Directive
and Instruction and supporting
documents; namely that the Federal
Register notice was inadequate as a
means of communicating with
stakeholders and the public, that
hyperlinks to the documents should
have been clearly identified and easily
accessible, and that the documents were
difficult to comprehend. The Federal
Register and www.regulations.gov are
widely recognized as appropriate
sources for the public to learn about and
comment on Federal government
initiatives. DHS wrote the documents
according to style guides and writing
standards applicable to the federal
government as well as DHS-specific
requirements of its formal Directives
system. All relevant documents were
and remain available to the public on
the Department’s NEPA Web page
(www.dhs.gov/nepa) and on the
www.regulations.gov Web site under
Docket Number DHS–2013–0052. The
June 5, 2014 Federal Register notice
provided clear instructions to readers to
visit these two Web sites to view the
draft revised Directive and Instruction
and supporting documents.
A copy of this Federal Register
publication and the final Directive and
Instruction and supporting documents
are available on the internet at
www.regulations.gov (Docket Number
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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DHS–2013–0052) and https://
Teresa R. Pohlman,
Director of Sustainability and Environmental
[FR Doc. 2014–27966 Filed 11–25–14; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
[USCG–2014–0666; OMB Control Number
Collection of Information Under
Review by Office of Management and
Coast Guard, DHS.
Thirty-day notice requesting
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 the
U.S. Coast Guard is forwarding
Information Collection Requests (ICRs),
abstracted below, to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs
(OIRA), requesting approval of a
revision to the following collection of
information: 1625–0022, Application for
Tonnage Measurement of Vessels.
Review and comments by OIRA ensure
we only impose paperwork burdens
commensurate with our performance of
DATES: Comments must reach the Coast
Guard and OIRA on or before December
26, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Coast Guard docket
number [USCG–2014–0666] to the
Docket Management Facility (DMF) at
the U.S. Department of Transportation
(DOT) and/or to OIRA. To avoid
duplicate submissions, please use only
one of the following means:
(1) Online: (a) To Coast Guard docket
at https://www.regulations.gov. (b) To
OIRA by email via: OIRA-submission@
(2) Mail: (a) DMF (M–30), DOT, West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC 20590–0001. (b) To
OIRA, 725 17th Street NW.,
Washington, DC 20503, attention Desk
Officer for the Coast Guard.
(3) Hand Delivery: To DMF address
above, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. The telephone number is 202–
(4) Fax: (a) To DMF, 202–493–2251.
(b) To OIRA at 202–395–6566. To
PO 00000
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ensure your comments are received in a
timely manner, mark the fax, attention
Desk Officer for the Coast Guard.
The DMF maintains the public docket
for this Notice. Comments and material
received from the public, as well as
documents mentioned in this Notice as
being available in the docket, will
become part of the docket and will be
available for inspection or copying at
room W12–140 on the West Building
Ground Floor, 1200 New Jersey Avenue
SE., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays. You may also
find the docket on the Internet at
Copies of the ICRs are available
through the docket on the Internet at
Additionally, copies are available from:
Contact Mr. Anthony Smith, Office of
Information Management, telephone
202–475–3532 or fax 202–372–8405, for
questions on these documents. Contact
Ms. Cheryl Collins, Program Manager,
Docket Operations, 202–366–9826, for
questions on the docket.
Public Participation and Request for
This Notice relies on the authority of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995;
44 U.S.C. Chapter 35, as amended. An
ICR is an application to OIRA seeking
the approval, extension, or renewal of a
Coast Guard collection of information
(Collection). The ICR contains
information describing the Collection’s
purpose, the Collection’s likely burden
on the affected public, an explanation of
the necessity of the Collection, and
other important information describing
the Collection. There is one ICR for each
The Coast Guard invites comments on
whether these ICRs should be granted
based on the Collection being necessary
for the proper performance of
Departmental functions. In particular,
the Coast Guard would appreciate
comments addressing: (1) The practical
utility of the Collection; (2) the accuracy
of the estimated burden of the
Collection; (3) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of
information subject to the Collection;
and (4) ways to minimize the burden of
the Collection on respondents,
including the use of automated
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 228 (Wednesday, November 26, 2014)]
[Pages 70538-70540]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-27966]
[Docket Number DHS-2013-0052]
Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program
AGENCY: Department of Homeland Security.
ACTION: Notice of Final National Environmental Policy Act Implementing
SUMMARY: The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS or the Department) is issuing the
final update to its policy and procedures for implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), as
amended, and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations for
implementing the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-
1508). The Department's NEPA procedures are contained in Directive 023-
01, Rev. 01 and Instruction Manual 023-01-001-01, Rev. 01,
Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (herein after
referred to as Directive and Instruction). This notice also responds to
the comments received on the Department's draft updated procedures
published on June 5, 2014 (79 FR 32563).
DATES: The Directive and Instruction will be effective on March 26,
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: A. Marie Ecton, Senior Environmental
Specialist, Department of Homeland Security, Telephone (202) 360-5661,
or Email a.marie.ecton@hq.dhs.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Once effective, the Directive and
Instruction will apply to all of DHS, which is currently comprised of
over 20 support and operational components, and help ensure the
integration of environmental stewardship into DHS decision making as
required by NEPA. The Directive and Instruction will serve as the DHS
implementing procedures for NEPA and the CEQ regulations (as required
by 40 CFR 1505.1 and 1507.3) and therefore must be read in conjunction
with the CEQ regulations.
The Directive and Instruction were substantially revised to address
a number of circumstances and requirements that have arisen since April
19, 2006, the effective date of the original DHS NEPA procedures
(Federal Register, Vol. 71, No. 64, April 4, 2006). For example, when
originally published in 2006 the Directive and Instruction did not
apply to the following three Components of DHS: Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and
United States Coast Guard (USCG); these three Components each
maintained their own procedures for implementing NEPA when the
Department was established in 2002. This revision to the Directive and
Instruction incorporates FEMA, CBP, and USCG into the Department's NEPA
procedures and addresses the full scope of DHS activities to which NEPA
applies. When the updated procedures become effective, they will apply
to all Components of DHS, including FEMA, CBP, and USCG. In addition,
every Component will have the option of developing Supplemental
Instructions to establish how that particular Component will meet the
requirements of the final version of the DHS Directive and Instruction.
In a separate yet related effort, FEMA will pursue rescission of its
regulations at 44 CFR 10 and replace them with Supplemental
Instructions that conform to requirements of the DHS Directive and
The requirements put forth in the revised Directive and Instruction
emphasize that the NEPA process must be appropriately integrated into
the performance of DHS missions and activities and decision making. The
revised Directive establishes the overall policy that DHS will comply
with NEPA, and the revised Instruction establishes the procedures for
ensuring this compliance is implemented in an effective and efficient
manner. The Instruction covers the following: Overview of NEPA
requirements, including requirements for the preparation and content of
NEPA documents; management of NEPA implementation in DHS; criteria for
Components to obtain a delegation of authority to approve their
respective NEPA reviews; public involvement; dispute resolution;
information protected from public disclosure; procedures for
emergencies; review of applications from persons or organizations
outside of DHS (e.g., grant applications); and an identification of the
types of DHS activities normally reviewed in a CATEX, Environmental
[[Page 70539]]
Assessment, or Environmental Impact Statement.
The CATEXs published in 2006 are being retained and are included in
the Instruction (Appendix A, Table 1). In addition, the Instruction
includes the following new CATEXs: One CATEX for an administrative
activity; five CATEXs for real property management activities; 13
CATEXs for non-grant activities unique to FEMA's mission and
authorities; and 19 CATEXs for federal assistance (e.g., grant)
activities. For synopses of the administrative record support for the
Department's list of 2006 and new CATEXs, see the docket and the DHS
NEPA Web page at https://www.dhs.gov/nepa.
DHS invested over three years in developing the proposed revision
to its NEPA procedures. The draft revised Directive and Instruction
were provided to CEQ in the fall of 2013 for review and discussion
prior to the June 5, 2014 publication for public comment. DHS provided
its proposed final revised Directive and Instruction to CEQ in early
September 2014; CEQ responded with a letter dated November 10, 2014
prior to this publication of the final Directive and Instruction as
required under 40 CFR 1507.3(a), indicating that the Department's
revised procedures conform to NEPA and the CEQ regulations.
Comments on Categorical Exclusions and DHS Response:
DHS received a comment from the International Association of Fire
Chiefs (IACF) regarding the proposed new CATEX for federally-assisted
wildfire mitigation activities. To improve readability (but with no
change to the scope), DHS revised the CATEX between the draft and final
version to read as follows:
*N11 Federal Assistance for Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Actions.
Federal assistance for wildfire hazard mitigation actions involving the
creation of defensible space or hazardous fuel reduction for up to 100
feet of at-risk structures which includes the selective removal of
vegetation less than 12 inches in diameter through thinning, pruning,
limbing, sawing, or brush cutting; removal of downed, dead, or dry
vegetation material as part of the overall action.
The actions must be limited to less than 100 acres of vegetation
removal either individually or when combined with other reasonably
foreseeable private or public actions and follow appropriate best
management practices.
Although IACF was supportive of the draft proposed CATEX, they
recommended removal of the 100-foot limit on the creation of defensible
space. DHS supports the mission and respects the perspective of IACF;
however, for the time being DHS has decided to retain the proposed
wording of the CATEX. DHS relied on only a small number of FEMA
Environmental Assessments (EAs) to support development of the new
CATEX, and none of those EAs included a buffer greater than 100 feet.
Without sufficient information from past DHS-funded wildfire mitigation
projects that demonstrates that a larger buffer results in no potential
for environmental impacts, DHS currently believes that a higher level
of NEPA review and impact evaluation is necessary for actions involving
more than 100 acres of vegetation removal.
If, as a result of additional DHS reviews of wildfire mitigation
projects, DHS is able to document and determine that the buffer can
reasonably be extended because there are few to no environmental
impacts associated with larger scale clearing for wildfire mitigation
purposes, then DHS will consider revising the CATEX. In addition, DHS
will work with subject matter experts, including IACF, to obtain other
data that may support future revisions to the CATEX.
Lastly, it is important to note that if proposed vegetation
clearing for wildfire mitigation purposes is greater than 100 feet from
a structure, DHS can still provide grant funding for the project once
the appropriate level of environmental review has been conducted.
DHS received two comments from the State of Arizona Game and Fish
Department (AZGFD) regarding the following proposed CATEX for
federally-assisted new construction activities:
*N8 Federal Assistance for New Construction Activities of Less Than
One Acre in Undisturbed or Undeveloped Areas. Federal assistance for
new construction and associated site preparation activities in
undisturbed or undeveloped areas when the activities comprise less than
one acre and follow best management practices to control noise, water,
and air pollution. This category does not apply to new construction in
undisturbed or undeveloped floodplains, wetlands, or seaward of the
limit of moderate wave action (or V zone when the limit of moderate
wave action has not been identified). This CATEX covers the range of
activities typically necessary for new construction, including field
work (e.g.orings, site inspection) and temporary staging and use of
construction equipment and vehicles.
AZGFD's first comment was that the draft proposed CATEX as written
``has the potential to impact wildlife resources in undisturbed/
undeveloped areas without appropriate direct or cumulative impact
analysis of construction activities. Construction activities within an
acre of undisturbed or undeveloped areas have the potential to result
in direct take of wildlife, habitat fragmentation, and reduced
landscape wildlife permeability.'' AZGFD's second comment was a request
that DHS include ``clarifying language that ensures cumulative impacts
for state trust wildlife resources are identified for all related
actions, and that reasonable mitigation measures are implemented'' and
include ``Best Management Practices (BMPs) . . . that reduce impacts to
wildlife including timing restrictions, trenching guidelines, fencing
guidelines, etc.''
In response to AZGFD's comments on new CATEX N8, DHS added the
following sentence to Section V.B(2) of the Instruction, which
discusses how to appropriately apply CATEXs to proposed actions:
``Application of a CATEX to a proposed action presumes review and
compliance under other relevant environmental planning and historic
preservation laws, regulations, and Executive Orders (e.g., National
Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act) has occurred, and
that a higher level of NEPA analysis is not warranted as a result of
any identified impacts to resources protected under those other
requirements.'' In addition, DHS believes it has enough data from past
actions to justify that no significant cumulative impacts result from
the clearing of plots less than one acre each. If DHS were to provide
federal assistance for the clearing of multiple one acre plots in close
proximity to each other, this situation would constitute an
extraordinary circumstance that would prohibit use of the CATEX and
would require a higher level of NEPA analysis. The list of DHS
extraordinary circumstances is provided in Section V.B(2)(c) of the
Instruction; these include a consideration of impacts to protected
species and habitat and environmentally sensitive areas, and a
consideration of whether the proposed action is related to other
actions with individually insignificant, but cumulatively significant
impacts. As to cumulative impacts on habitat and species, these will
get covered in the ESA consultation process; notwithstanding the new
CATEX N8, DHS will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and
relevant state agencies, such as AZGFD, for proposed
[[Page 70540]]
actions potentially affecting protected species and habitat.
AZGFD also commented that the definition of Cooperating Agency
included in Section II of the draft Instruction was not fully
consistent with the CEQ definition in 40 CFR 1508.5. DHS agrees with
AZGFD, and has revised the definition accordingly in the final
DHS received questions regarding the need for CATEXs for
Congressionally-mandated activities (existing USCG CATEXs L18 and L53,
and new DHS-wide CATEX C6), to which NEPA does not apply. When Congress
mandates an activity, such as the transfer of DHS controlled real
property to a non-Federal entity, DHS has no discretion whether or not
to perform the activity; however, DHS may have discretion on some
aspects of how the activity is executed. Therefore, DHS NEPA
practitioners expressed the need for such CATEXs where DHS has some
level of discretion and the activities have been determined not to have
the potential for significant environmental impacts.
Lastly, DHS received three comments regarding the accessibility and
readability of the draft revised Directive and Instruction and
supporting documents; namely that the Federal Register notice was
inadequate as a means of communicating with stakeholders and the
public, that hyperlinks to the documents should have been clearly
identified and easily accessible, and that the documents were difficult
to comprehend. The Federal Register and www.regulations.gov are widely
recognized as appropriate sources for the public to learn about and
comment on Federal government initiatives. DHS wrote the documents
according to style guides and writing standards applicable to the
federal government as well as DHS-specific requirements of its formal
Directives system. All relevant documents were and remain available to
the public on the Department's NEPA Web page (www.dhs.gov/nepa) and on
the www.regulations.gov Web site under Docket Number DHS-2013-0052. The
June 5, 2014 Federal Register notice provided clear instructions to
readers to visit these two Web sites to view the draft revised
Directive and Instruction and supporting documents.
A copy of this Federal Register publication and the final Directive
and Instruction and supporting documents are available on the internet
at www.regulations.gov (Docket Number DHS-2013-0052) and https://www.dhs.gov/nepa.
Teresa R. Pohlman,
Director of Sustainability and Environmental Programs.
[FR Doc. 2014-27966 Filed 11-25-14; 8:45 am]