Annual Retail Trade Survey, 64745-64746 [2014-25946]

Download as PDF asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Notices the coefficient of variation (CV) associated with an estimate for each question at the county level, providing insight into the quality of the measure by geography. Computation of Questions’ Estimates Interquartile Ranges—Census Bureau subject matter experts computed interquartile ranges associated with an estimate for each question at the county level, providing insight into the amount of variability in the estimates by geography. ACS Used as another Survey’s Sampling Frame—Other surveys that used the ACS as a sampling frame were identified, including the ACS questions that were used to identify the survey sample of respondents. Four data sets reflecting measures of cost (burden) were collected. These included: Survey of Interviewers—ACS interviewers were surveyed to identify three of the cost indicators: Which questions respondents find cognitively burdensome, or sensitive, and which ones are the most difficult. Time to Respond Response— Response times to questionnaires via automated modes (Internet, call center, and in-person interviews) were measured to determine how long it took respondents to answer each question. Allocation Rates—Allocation rates by questions were computed to determine which questions were left blank requiring statistical methods to fill in the response. That is, which questions required more imputation due to missing information. Complaints—Complaints about the ACS received by email, letter, or telephone were examined and associated with questions so that counts could be obtained. Based on the analysis of the 9 data sets reflecting the 19 decision criteria, each question received a total number of points between 0 and 100 based on its benefits, and 0 and 100 points based on its costs. These points were then used as the basis for creating four categories: High Benefit and Low Cost; High Benefit and High Cost; Low Benefit and Low Cost; or Low Benefit and High Cost. For this analysis, any question that was designated as either Low Benefit and Low Cost or Low Benefit and High Cost and was NOT designated as Mandatory (i.e., statutory) by the Department of Commerce Office of General Counsel or NOT Required (i.e., regulatory) with a sub-state use, was identified as a potential candidate for removal. Initially 21 questions (17 percent) fell into the Low Benefit/Low Cost category and three questions (3 percent) fell into the Low Benefit/High Cost category, for a VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:51 Oct 30, 2014 Jkt 235001 combined total of 24 questions in either of the Low Benefit categories. However, after removing those that were Mandatory or Required with a sub-state use, only seven (6 percent) of the 24 questions remained. These seven questions were all in the Low Benefit and Low Cost category. These seven questions include, with the 2014 ACS questionnaire wording in italics: Housing Question No. 6— Business/Medical Office on Property—Is there a business (such as a store or barber shop) or a medical office on this property? Person Question No. 12— Undergraduate Field of Degree—This question focuses on this person’s Bachelor’s Degree. Please print below the specific major(s) of any Bachelor’s Degrees this person has received. Person Question No. 21a—Get Married—In the past 12 months did this person get—Married? Person Question No. 21b—Get Widowed—In the past 12 months did this person get—Widowed? Person Question No. 21c—Get Divorced—In the past 12 months did this person get—Divorced? Person Question No. 22—Times Married—How many times has this person been married? Person Question No. 23—Year Last Married—In what year did this person last get married? The public is invited to comment on all questions on the American Community Survey; however, the Census Bureau is particularly interested in comments on these seven ACS questions listed above, which are slated for removal from the questionnaire based on the results of the 2014 Content Review. Concurrently, Federal agencies that are the principal sponsors of these seven questions are invited to respond either directly to the Census Bureau or through this notice and provide revised or additional justification for these questions, especially concerning strategies to reduce respondent burden. We would anticipate comments concerning such strategies as examining alternative data sources, changes to wording or presentation, using a more limited sample, reducing question frequency, federal agency collaboration on the review of statutes or regulations, among others. To view all 2014 ACS questions by category with their associated justifications, please visit: https:// survey/acs_content_review/. III. Data OMB Control Number: 0607–0810. Form Number(s): ACS–1(2014). PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 64745 Type of Review: Regular submission. Affected Public: Federal and legislative agencies, individuals, households, and businesses. We plan to contact the following number of respondents each year: 3,540,000 households; 200,000 persons in group quarters; 20,000 contacts in group quarters; 43,000 households for reinterview; and 1,500 group quarters contacts for reinterview. Estimated Time per Response: 40 minutes for the average household questionnaire. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: The estimate is an annual average of 2,337,900 burden hours. Estimated Total Annual Cost to Public: Except for their time, there is no cost to respondents. Respondent’s Obligation: Mandatory. Legal Authority: Title 13 U.S.C. Sections 141 and 193 or other authority authorizing or requiring the collection. IV. Request for Comments Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the burden (including hours and cost) of the proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB approval of this information collection; they also will become a matter of public record. Dated: October 28, 2014. Glenna Mickelson, Management Analyst, Office of the Chief Information Officer. [FR Doc. 2014–25912 Filed 10–30–14; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–07–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census [Docket Number 141016857–4857–01] Annual Retail Trade Survey Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of determination. AGENCY: E:\FR\FM\31OCN1.SGM 31OCN1 64746 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 211 / Friday, October 31, 2014 / Notices The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of the Census (Census Bureau) publishes this notice to announce that the Director of the Census Bureau has determined the need to conduct the 2014 Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS). ARTS covers employer firms with establishments located in the United States and classified in the Retail Trade and/or Accommodation and Food Services sectors as defined by the 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Census Bureau conducts the ARTS to provide continuing and timely national statistical data on retail trade, and accommodation and food services activity annually. ADDRESSES: The Census Bureau will provide report forms to businesses included in the survey. Additional copies are available upon written request to the Director, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233–0101. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chris Savage, Economy Wide Division, at (301) 763–4834 or by email at SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Sections 182, 224, and 225 of Title 13 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) authorize the Census Bureau to take surveys that are necessary to produce current data on the subjects covered by the major censuses. As part of this authorization, the Census Bureau conducts the ARTS to provide continuing and timely national statistical data on retail trade, and accommodation and food services activity for the period between economic censuses. ARTS is a continuation of similar retail trade surveys conducted each year since 1951 (except 1954). ARTS covers employer firms with establishments located in the United States and classified in the Retail Trade and/or Accommodation and Food Services sectors as defined by the 2007 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). ARTS provides, on a comparable classification basis, annual sales, annual e-commerce sales, yearend inventories held inside and outside the United States, total operating expenses, purchases, accounts receivables, and, for selected industries, merchandise line sales for 2014. The Census Bureau has determined that the conduct of this survey is necessary because these data are not available publicly on a timely basis from any other sources. Firms are selected for the ARTS survey using a stratified random sample based on industry groupings and annual sales size. We will provide report forms to the firms covered by this survey in asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:51 Oct 30, 2014 Jkt 235001 February 2015, and will require their responses within 50 days after receipt. Firms’ responses to the ARTS survey are required by law (13 U.S.C. 182, 224, and 225). The sample of firms selected will provide, with measurable reliability, statistics on the transactions relevant to this survey for 2014. The data collected in this survey will be similar to that collected in the past, and within the general scope and nature of those inquiries covered in the economic census. These data are collected to provide a sound statistical basis for the formation of policy by various government agencies. Results will be available for use for a variety of public and business needs including economic and market analysis, company performance, and forecasting future demand. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501– 3521, unless that collection of information displays a current valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. In accordance with the PRA, OMB has approved the Annual Retail Trade Survey under OMB Control Number 0607–0013. Based upon the foregoing, I have directed that an annual survey be conducted for the purpose of collecting these data. Dated: October 24, 2014. John H. Thompson, Director, Bureau of the Census. [FR Doc. 2014–25946 Filed 10–30–14; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–07–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Foreign-Trade Zones Board [B–47–2014] Foreign-Trade Zone 25—Broward County, Florida; Authorization of Production Activity; Prodeco Technologies, LLC; (Electric Bicycles) Oakland Park, Florida On June 27, 2014, the Port Everglades Department of Broward County, grantee of FTZ 25, submitted a notification of proposed production activity to the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board on behalf of Prodeco Technologies, LLC, in Oakland Park, Florida. The notification was processed in accordance with the regulations of the FTZ Board (15 CFR part 400), including notice in the Federal Register inviting PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 public comment (79 FR 38007–38008, 7–3–2014). The FTZ Board has determined that no further review of the activity is warranted at this time. The production activity described in the notification is authorized, subject to the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board’s regulations, including Section 400.14. Dated: October 28, 2014. Andrew McGilvray, Executive Secretary. [FR Doc. 2014–25953 Filed 10–30–14; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A–570–836] Glycine From the People’s Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2012– 2013 Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. DATES: Effective Date: October 31, 2014. SUMMARY: On December 26, 2013, the Department of Commerce (the Department) published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the antidumping duty order on glycine from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the Federal Register.1 The review covers the period from March 1, 2012, through February 28, 2013. In the Preliminary Results, the Department preliminarily applied facts otherwise available with an adverse inference to the PRC-wide entity because an element of the entity, Hebei Donghua Jiheng Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. (Donghua Fine Chemical), failed to act to the best of its ability in complying with the Department’s request for information and, consequently, significantly impeded the proceeding. The Department gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the Preliminary Results and, based on an analysis of the comments received, we found that no changes were warranted to these final results of review. However, based on further review of the record, we found that some companies did not have any reviewable entries of subject merchandise during the review period. The final weighted-average dumping margin for the review is listed below in the ‘‘Final Results of Review’’ section of this notice. AGENCY: 1 See Glycine From the People’s Republic of China: Preliminary Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2012–2013, 78 FR 78331 (December 26, 2013) (Preliminary Results). E:\FR\FM\31OCN1.SGM 31OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 211 (Friday, October 31, 2014)]
[Pages 64745-64746]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-25946]



Bureau of the Census

[Docket Number 141016857-4857-01]

Annual Retail Trade Survey

AGENCY: Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Notice of determination.


[[Page 64746]]

SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of the Census (Census 
Bureau) publishes this notice to announce that the Director of the 
Census Bureau has determined the need to conduct the 2014 Annual Retail 
Trade Survey (ARTS). ARTS covers employer firms with establishments 
located in the United States and classified in the Retail Trade and/or 
Accommodation and Food Services sectors as defined by the 2007 North 
American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Census Bureau 
conducts the ARTS to provide continuing and timely national statistical 
data on retail trade, and accommodation and food services activity 

ADDRESSES: The Census Bureau will provide report forms to businesses 
included in the survey. Additional copies are available upon written 
request to the Director, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-0101.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chris Savage, Economy Wide Division, 
at (301) 763-4834 or by email at

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Sections 182, 224, and 225 of Title 13 of 
the United States Code (U.S.C.) authorize the Census Bureau to take 
surveys that are necessary to produce current data on the subjects 
covered by the major censuses. As part of this authorization, the 
Census Bureau conducts the ARTS to provide continuing and timely 
national statistical data on retail trade, and accommodation and food 
services activity for the period between economic censuses. ARTS is a 
continuation of similar retail trade surveys conducted each year since 
1951 (except 1954). ARTS covers employer firms with establishments 
located in the United States and classified in the Retail Trade and/or 
Accommodation and Food Services sectors as defined by the 2007 North 
American Industry Classification System (NAICS). ARTS provides, on a 
comparable classification basis, annual sales, annual e-commerce sales, 
year-end inventories held inside and outside the United States, total 
operating expenses, purchases, accounts receivables, and, for selected 
industries, merchandise line sales for 2014. The Census Bureau has 
determined that the conduct of this survey is necessary because these 
data are not available publicly on a timely basis from any other 
    Firms are selected for the ARTS survey using a stratified random 
sample based on industry groupings and annual sales size. We will 
provide report forms to the firms covered by this survey in February 
2015, and will require their responses within 50 days after receipt. 
Firms' responses to the ARTS survey are required by law (13 U.S.C. 182, 
224, and 225). The sample of firms selected will provide, with 
measurable reliability, statistics on the transactions relevant to this 
survey for 2014.
    The data collected in this survey will be similar to that collected 
in the past, and within the general scope and nature of those inquiries 
covered in the economic census. These data are collected to provide a 
sound statistical basis for the formation of policy by various 
government agencies. Results will be available for use for a variety of 
public and business needs including economic and market analysis, 
company performance, and forecasting future demand.
    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required 
to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure 
to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements 
of the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), 44 U.S.C. 3501-3521, unless that 
collection of information displays a current valid Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) control number. In accordance with the PRA, OMB has 
approved the Annual Retail Trade Survey under OMB Control Number 0607-
    Based upon the foregoing, I have directed that an annual survey be 
conducted for the purpose of collecting these data.

    Dated: October 24, 2014.
John H. Thompson,
Director, Bureau of the Census.
[FR Doc. 2014-25946 Filed 10-30-14; 8:45 am]
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