Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Computer Matching Program (SSA/Department of Labor (DOL))-Match Number 1003, 62700-62701 [2014-24816]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 202 / Monday, October 20, 2014 / Notices
comply with the requirements of the
Privacy Act, as amended.
Kirsten J. Moncada,
Executive Director, Office of Privacy and
Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel.
Notice of Computer Matching Program,
SSA with the Office of Child Support
Enforcement (OCSE)
This computer matching agreement
governs a matching program between
OCSE and us. The agreement covers the
following information exchange
operations between OCSE and us from
the National Directory of New Hires
(NDNH): online query access for
Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
Disability Insurance (DI), and Ticket-toWork and Self-Sufficiency (Ticket)
programs; and SSI Quarterly Wage batch
match. This agreement also governs the
use, treatment, and safeguarding of the
information exchanged. This agreement
assists us in (1) establishing or verifying
eligibility or payment amounts, or both
under the SSI program; (2) establishing
or verifying eligibility or continuing
entitlement under the DI program; and
(3) in administering the Ticket
programs. We evaluate the cost-benefits,
including programmatic and operational
impact, which NDNH information has
on our programs and operations.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The legal authorities for disclosures
under this agreement are the Social
Security Act (Act) and the Privacy Act
of 1974, as amended. 453(j)(4) of the Act
provides that OCSE shall provide our
Commissioner with all information in
NDNH. 42 U.S.C. 653(j)(4). We have
authority to use data to determine
entitlement and eligibility for programs
we administer pursuant to 453(j)(4),
1631(e)(1)(B) and (f), and 1148(d)(1) of
the Act. 42 U.S.C. 653(j)(4), 1320b–
19(d)(1), and 1383(e)(1)(B) and (f).
Disclosures under this agreement shall
be made in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552a(b)(3), and in compliance with the
matching procedures in 5. U.S.C.
552a(o), (p), and (r). Our Commissioner
is required to verify eligibility of a
recipient or applicant for SSI using
independent or collateral sources. SSI
benefits may not be determined solely
based on declarations by the applicant
concerning eligibility factors or other
relevant facts. Information is also
obtained, as necessary, in order to
assure that SSI benefits are only
provided to eligible individuals (or
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eligible spouses) and that the amounts
of such benefits are correct.
1631(e)(1)(B) of the Act. Section 1631(f)
of the Act provides that ‘‘the head of
any federal agency shall provide such
information as our Commissioner needs
for purposes of determining eligibility
for the amount of benefits, or verifying
information with respect thereto.’’
Section 1148(d)(1) of the Act requires us
to verify earnings of beneficiaries/
recipients to ensure accurate payments
to employer network providers under
the Ticket program.
We will provide electronically to
OCSE the following data elements in the
finder file: individual’s Social Security
number (SSN) and name. OCSE will
provide electronically to us the
following data elements from the NDNH
in the quarterly wage file: quarterly
wage record identifier; for employees:
name, SSN, verification request code,
processed date, non-verifiable indicator,
wage amount, and reporting period; for
employers of individuals in the
quarterly wage file of the NDNH: name,
employer identification number, and
address(es); transmitter agency code;
transmitter state code; and state or
agency name. OCSE will provide
electronically to us the following data
elements from the NDNH in the
unemployment insurance file:
unemployment insurance record
identifier; processed date; SSN;
verification request code; name;
address; unemployment insurance
benefit amount; reporting period;
transmitter agency code; transmitter
state code; and state or agency name.
We will us the individual’s SSN to
initiate an online query for NDNH
records. Data elements we can access on
the NDNH quarterly wage screen:
quarterly wage record identifier; date
report processed; name/SSN verified;
for employees: SSN, Name, wage
amount, and reporting period; for
employers: name, employer
identification number employer FIPS
code (if present) and address(es). Data
elements we can access on the NDNH
new hire screen: new hire record
identifier; name/SSN verified; date
report processed; for employees: SSN,
name, and date of hire; for employers:
name, employer identification number,
employer FIPS code (if present) and
address(es). Data elements we can
access on the NDNH unemployment
insurance screen: unemployment
insurance record identifier; name/SSN
verified; SSN; name; address;
unemployment insurance benefit
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amount; reporting period; payer state;
and date report processed.
The effective date of this matching
program is December 12, 2014, provided
that the following notice periods have
lapsed: 30 days after publication of this
notice in the Federal Register and 40
days after notice of the matching
program is sent to Congress and OMB.
The matching program will continue for
18 months from the effective date and,
if both agencies meet certain conditions,
it may extend for an additional 12
months thereafter.
[FR Doc. 2014–24815 Filed 10–17–14; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. SSA 2014–0032]
Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended;
Computer Matching Program (SSA/
Department of Labor (DOL))—Match
Number 1003
Social Security Administration
Notice of a renewal of an
existing computer matching program
that will expire on November 24, 2014.
In accordance with the
provisions of the Privacy Act, as
amended, this notice announces a
renewal of an existing computer
matching program that we are currently
conducting with DOL.
DATES: We will file a report of the
subject matching program with the
Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs of the Senate; the
Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform of the House of
Representatives; and the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). The matching program will be
effective as indicated below.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may
comment on this notice by either
telefaxing to (410) 966–0869 or writing
to the Executive Director, Office of
Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the
General Counsel, Social Security
Administration, 617 Altmeyer Building,
6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD
21235–6401. All comments received
will be available for public inspection at
this address.
Executive Director, Office of Privacy
and Disclosure, Office of the General
Counsel, as shown above.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 202 / Monday, October 20, 2014 / Notices
A. General
The Computer Matching and Privacy
Protection Act of 1988 (Public Law
(Pub. L.) 100–503), amended the Privacy
Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) by describing the
conditions under which computer
matching involving the Federal
government could be performed and
adding certain protections for persons
applying for, and receiving, Federal
benefits. Section 7201 of the Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Pub.
L. 101–508) further amended the
Privacy Act regarding protections for
such persons.
The Privacy Act, as amended,
regulates the use of computer matching
by Federal agencies when records in a
system of records are matched with
other Federal, State, or local government
records. It requires Federal agencies
involved in computer matching
programs to:
(1) Negotiate written agreements with
the other agency or agencies
participating in the matching programs;
(2) Obtain approval of the matching
agreement by the Data Integrity Boards
of the participating Federal agencies;
(3) Publish notice of the computer
matching program in the Federal
(4) Furnish detailed reports about
matching programs to Congress and
(5) Notify applicants and beneficiaries
that their records are subject to
matching; and
(6) Verify match findings before
reducing, suspending, terminating, or
denying a person’s benefits or
B. SSA Computer Matches Subject to
the Privacy Act
We have taken action to ensure that
all of our computer matching programs
comply with the requirements of the
Privacy Act, as amended.
Kirsten J. Moncada,
Executive Director, Office of Privacy and
Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel.
Notice of Computer Matching Program,
SSA With the Department of Labor (DOL)
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The purpose of this matching program
is to establish the terms, conditions, and
safeguards under which DOL will
disclose the DOL administered Part C
Black Lung (BL) benefit data to us. We
will match DOL’s Part C BL data with
our records of persons receiving Social
Security disability benefits to verify that
Part C BL beneficiaries are receiving the
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correct amount of Social Security
disability benefits.
This agreement is executed in
accordance with the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, as amended by the
Computer Matching and Privacy
Protection Act of 1988, as amended, and
the regulations promulgated thereunder.
The legal authority for this agreement
is 224(h)(1) of the Social Security Act
(Act), 42 U.S.C. 424a(h)(1). This legal
authority requires any Federal agency to
provide us with information in its
possession that we may require for
making a timely determination of the
amount of reduction required under 224
of the Act for workers’ compensation
We will match the MBR, SSA/ORSIS
(60–0090) last published on January 11,
2006 (71 FR 1826), which contains all
data pertinent to payments made to
Social Security disability beneficiaries,
with an extract from DOL’s Office of
Workers’ Compensation Programs, BL
Benefit Payments file, DOL/ESA–30.
Both agencies have published the
appropriate routine uses to permit the
disclosures necessary to conduct this
DOL’s monthly extract file will
contain the necessary identifying and
payment information for approximately
23,000 beneficiaries, all miners under
age 65 entitled to receive Part C BL
payments. We will match these DOL
records against the MBR.
DOL’s monthly extract file will
contain each Part C BL beneficiary’s
SSN, name, date of birth, date of
entitlement, payment status, current
benefit amount, and effective date of the
current benefit amount. We will
determine which of the beneficiaries are
receiving Social Security disability
benefits and match the DOL data against
the SSN, type of action code, and offset
type for those beneficiaries in our MBR.
The effective date of this matching
program is November 25, 2014;
provided that the following notice
periods have lapsed: 30 days after
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register and 40 days after notice of the
matching program is sent to Congress
and OMB. The matching program will
continue for 18 months from the
effective date and, if both agencies meet
certain conditions, it may extend for an
additional 12 months thereafter.
[FR Doc. 2014–24816 Filed 10–17–14; 8:45 am]
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Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket Number FRA–2014–0092]
Notice of Application for Approval of
Discontinuance or Modification of a
Railroad Signal System
In accordance with Part 235 of Title
49 Code of Federal Regulations and 49
U.S.C. 20502(a), this document provides
the public notice that by a document
dated August 26, 2014, the Union
Pacific Railroad Company (UP)
petitioned the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA) seeking approval
for the discontinuance or modification
of a signal system. FRA assigned the
petition Docket Number FRA–2014–
Applicant: Union Pacific Railroad
Company, Mr. Neal Hathaway, AVP
Engineering–Signal, 1400 Douglas
Street, MS 0910, Omaha, NE 68179.
UP seeks approval of the modification
of the Morley Bridge interlocking at
Milepost (MP) 95, in association with
the reduction of the approach locking
limits at MP 92.9, on the Livonia
Subdivision, Grosse Tete, Louisiana.
The purpose of the modification is for
installation of advanced electroniccoded track circuits to provide
improved four-aspect signaling.
A copy of the petition, as well as any
written communications concerning the
petition, is available for review online at and in person at
the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
(DOT) Docket Operations Facility, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590. The Docket
Operations Facility is open from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
Interested parties are invited to
participate in these proceedings by
submitting written views, data, or
comments. FRA does not anticipate
scheduling a public hearing in
connection with these proceedings since
the facts do not appear to warrant a
hearing. If any interested party desires
an opportunity for oral comment, they
should notify FRA, in writing, before
the end of the comment period and
specify the basis for their request.
All communications concerning these
proceedings should identify the
appropriate docket number and may be
submitted by any of the following
• Web site: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Operations Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 202 (Monday, October 20, 2014)]
[Pages 62700-62701]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-24816]
[Docket No. SSA 2014-0032]
Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended; Computer Matching Program (SSA/
Department of Labor (DOL))--Match Number 1003
AGENCY: Social Security Administration (SSA).
ACTION: Notice of a renewal of an existing computer matching program
that will expire on November 24, 2014.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act, as
amended, this notice announces a renewal of an existing computer
matching program that we are currently conducting with DOL.
DATES: We will file a report of the subject matching program with the
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate;
the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the House of
Representatives; and the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The matching program will be
effective as indicated below.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties may comment on this notice by either
telefaxing to (410) 966-0869 or writing to the Executive Director,
Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel, Social
Security Administration, 617 Altmeyer Building, 6401 Security
Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235-6401. All comments received will be
available for public inspection at this address.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The Executive Director, Office of
Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the General Counsel, as shown above.
[[Page 62701]]
A. General
The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (Public
Law (Pub. L.) 100-503), amended the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a) by
describing the conditions under which computer matching involving the
Federal government could be performed and adding certain protections
for persons applying for, and receiving, Federal benefits. Section 7201
of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-508)
further amended the Privacy Act regarding protections for such persons.
The Privacy Act, as amended, regulates the use of computer matching
by Federal agencies when records in a system of records are matched
with other Federal, State, or local government records. It requires
Federal agencies involved in computer matching programs to:
(1) Negotiate written agreements with the other agency or agencies
participating in the matching programs;
(2) Obtain approval of the matching agreement by the Data Integrity
Boards of the participating Federal agencies;
(3) Publish notice of the computer matching program in the Federal
(4) Furnish detailed reports about matching programs to Congress
and OMB;
(5) Notify applicants and beneficiaries that their records are
subject to matching; and
(6) Verify match findings before reducing, suspending, terminating,
or denying a person's benefits or payments.
B. SSA Computer Matches Subject to the Privacy Act
We have taken action to ensure that all of our computer matching
programs comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act, as amended.
Kirsten J. Moncada,
Executive Director, Office of Privacy and Disclosure, Office of the
General Counsel.
Notice of Computer Matching Program, SSA With the Department of Labor
A. Participating Agencies
B. Purpose of the Matching Program
The purpose of this matching program is to establish the terms,
conditions, and safeguards under which DOL will disclose the DOL
administered Part C Black Lung (BL) benefit data to us. We will match
DOL's Part C BL data with our records of persons receiving Social
Security disability benefits to verify that Part C BL beneficiaries are
receiving the correct amount of Social Security disability benefits.
C. Authority for Conducting the Matching Program
This agreement is executed in accordance with the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, as amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy
Protection Act of 1988, as amended, and the regulations promulgated
The legal authority for this agreement is 224(h)(1) of the Social
Security Act (Act), 42 U.S.C. 424a(h)(1). This legal authority requires
any Federal agency to provide us with information in its possession
that we may require for making a timely determination of the amount of
reduction required under 224 of the Act for workers' compensation
D. Categories of Records and Persons Covered by the Matching Program
We will match the MBR, SSA/ORSIS (60-0090) last published on
January 11, 2006 (71 FR 1826), which contains all data pertinent to
payments made to Social Security disability beneficiaries, with an
extract from DOL's Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, BL Benefit
Payments file, DOL/ESA-30. Both agencies have published the appropriate
routine uses to permit the disclosures necessary to conduct this match.
DOL's monthly extract file will contain the necessary identifying
and payment information for approximately 23,000 beneficiaries, all
miners under age 65 entitled to receive Part C BL payments. We will
match these DOL records against the MBR.
DOL's monthly extract file will contain each Part C BL
beneficiary's SSN, name, date of birth, date of entitlement, payment
status, current benefit amount, and effective date of the current
benefit amount. We will determine which of the beneficiaries are
receiving Social Security disability benefits and match the DOL data
against the SSN, type of action code, and offset type for those
beneficiaries in our MBR.
E. Inclusive Dates of the Matching Program
The effective date of this matching program is November 25, 2014;
provided that the following notice periods have lapsed: 30 days after
publication of this notice in the Federal Register and 40 days after
notice of the matching program is sent to Congress and OMB. The
matching program will continue for 18 months from the effective date
and, if both agencies meet certain conditions, it may extend for an
additional 12 months thereafter.
[FR Doc. 2014-24816 Filed 10-17-14; 8:45 am]