Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee (MCSAC) and Medical Review Board (MRB) Meetings: Public Meetings, 61371-61372 [2014-24364]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 197 / Friday, October 10, 2014 / Notices
review responsibilities would be limited
to those that FHWA would otherwise
The FHWA’s NEPA responsibilities
include those established in
implementing procedures such as 40
CFR parts 1500–1508, DOT Order
5610.1C, 23 CFR part 771, and those
established through other NEPA-related
provisions such as 23 U.S.C. 139. In
addition to the NEPA review
responsibilities associated with the
above categories of projects, the
assignment would include FHWA’s
responsibilities associated with these
projects under the following
environmental review, consultation, and
other related requirements:
Air Quality
• Clean Air Act (CAA), 42 U.S.C.
7401–7671q, with the exception of any
conformity determinations.
• Noise Control Act of 1972, 42
U.S.C. 4901–4918.
• Compliance with the noise
regulations in 23 CFR part 772.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
• Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16
U.S.C. 1531–1544.
• Marine Mammal Protection Act, 16
U.S.C. 1361–1423h.
• Anadromous Fish Conservation
Act, 16 U.S.C. 757a–757f.
• Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act,
16 U.S.C. 661–667d.
• Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 16
U.S.C. 703–712.
• Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act of
1976, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1801 et
seq., with Essential Fish Habitat
requirements at 1855(b)(2).
Water Resources and Wetlands
• Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251–
1387 (Section 401, 402, 404, 408,
Section 319).
• Coastal Barrier Resources Act, 16
U.S.C. 3501–3510.
• Coastal Zone Management Act, 16
U.S.C. 1451–1466.
• Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA),
42 U.S.C. 300f–300j–26.
• General Bridge Act of 1946, 33
U.S.C. 525–533.
• Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, 33
U.S.C. 401–406.
• Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 16
U.S.C. 1271–1287.
• Emergency Wetlands Resources
Act, 16 U.S.C. 3901, 3921.
• Wetlands Mitigation, 23 U.S.C.
119(g), 133 (b)(14).
• Flood Disaster Protection Act, 42
U.S.C. 4001–4130.
Parklands and Other Special Uses
• 23 U.S.C. 138 and 49 U.S.C. 303,
and implementing regulations at 23 CFR
part 774.
• Land and Water Conservation Fund
Act, 16 U.S.C. 4601–4 to 4601–11.
• Planning and Environmental
Linkages, 23 U.S.C. 168, with the
exception of those FHWA
responsibilities associated with 23
U.S.C. 134 and 135.
• Programmatic Mitigation Plans, 23
U.S.C. 169, with the exception of those
FHWA responsibilities associated with
23 U.S.C. 134 and 135.
Executive Orders Relating to Highway
• E.O. 11990, Protection of Wetlands.
• E.O. 11988, Floodplain
• E.O. 12898, Federal Actions to
Historic and Cultural Resources
Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low Income
• National Historic Preservation Act
of 1966, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 470 et
• E.O. 13112, Invasive Species.
The MOU would allow the State to act
• 23 U.S.C. 138 (‘‘Section 4(f)’’) and
in the place of FHWA for highway
49 U.S.C. 303 and implementing
projects in carrying out the functions
regulations at 23 CFR part 774.
described above, except with respect to
• Archaeological Resources
Protection Act of 1977, 16 U.S.C. 470aa– government-to-government
consultations with federally recognized
Indian tribes. The FHWA will retain
• Archeological and Historic
responsibility for conducting formal
Preservation Act of 1966, as amended,
government-to-government consultation
16 U.S.C. 469–469c.
• Native American Graves Protection with federally recognized Indian tribes,
which is required under some of the
and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 25
listed laws and Executive Orders. The
U.S.C. 3001–3013; 18 U.S.C. 1170.
State will continue to handle routine
Social and Economic Impacts
consultations with the tribes and
• American Indian Religious Freedom understands that a tribe has the right to
direct government-to-government
Act, 42 U.S.C. 1996.
• Farmland Protection Policy Act
consultation with FHWA upon request.
(FPPA), 7 U.S.C. 4201–4209.
The State also may assist FHWA with
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formal consultations, with consent of a
tribe, but FHWA remains responsible for
the formal consultation. The State also
will not assume FHWA’s
responsibilities for conformity
determinations required under section
176 of the CAA or any responsibility
under 23 U.S.C. 134 or 135, or under 49
U.S.C. 5303 or 5304.
A copy of the application materials
and proposed MOU may be viewed on
the DOT DMS Docket, as described
above, or may be obtained by contacting
FHWA or the State at the addresses
provided above. A copy also may be
viewed on the State’s Web site at
The FHWA will consider the
comments submitted when making its
decision to approve the application and
execute the MOU. Any final MOU
approved by FHWA may include
changes based on comments received on
the proposed MOU.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Number 20.205, Highway Planning
and Construction. The regulations
implementing Executive Order 12372
regarding intergovernmental consultation on
Federal programs and activities apply to this
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 327; 42 U.S.C. 4331,
4332; 23 CFR part 773.
Issued on: October 7, 2014.
Gregory G. Nadeau,
Acting Administrator, Federal Highway
[FR Doc. 2014–24327 Filed 10–9–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket Nos. FMCSA–2008–0362 and
Motor Carrier Safety Advisory
Committee (MCSAC) and Medical
Review Board (MRB) Meetings: Public
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Announcement of advisory
committee public meetings.
FMCSA announces a joint
meeting of its Motor Carrier Safety
Advisory Committee (MCSAC) and
Medical Review Board (MRB) on
October 27, 2014, and a meeting of the
MCSAC on Tuesday, October 28.
MCSAC and the MRB will jointly
identify concepts the Agency should
consider in relation to Schedule II
medications and their use by
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 197 / Friday, October 10, 2014 / Notices
commercial motor vehicle (CMV)
drivers in interstate commerce. This
follows the MRB’s consideration of the
effects of Schedule II medications on
CMV drivers’ ability to operate safely on
September 11, 2013, and July 29–30,
2014. On Tuesday, October 28, the
MCSAC will meet to finalize its
deliberations on financial responsibility
requirements for motor carriers and to
consider the findings of its
Subcommittee on the Long-Haul CrossBorder Trucking Pilot Program with
Mexico. Meetings are open to the public
for their entirety, and there will be a
public comment period at the end of
each day.
DATES: Times and Dates: The joint
meeting will be held on Monday,
October 27, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 4:30
p.m., Eastern Daylight Time (E.T.), at
the Hilton Alexandria Old Town, 1767
King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 in
the Washington and Jefferson Rooms on
the 2nd floor. On Tuesday, October 28,
the MCSAC will meet at that same
location from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., E.T.
Copies of all MRB and MCSAC Task
Statements and an agenda for the entire
meeting will be made available in
advance of the meeting at https:// and https://
Shannon L. Watson, Senior Advisor to
the Associate Administrator for Policy,
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590,
(202) 385–2395,
Services for Individuals With
For information on facilities or
services for individuals with disabilities
or to request special assistance at the
meeting, contact Eran Segev at (617)
494–3174,, by
Wednesday, October 22.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
Section 4144 of the Safe, Accountable,
Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity
Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA–LU,
Pub. L. 109–59, 119 Stat. 1144, August
10, 2005) required the Secretary of
Transportation to establish the MCSAC.
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the
21st Century Act (MAP–21, Pub. L. 112–
141) reauthorized the MCSAC through
September 30, 2013, at which time its
statutory authority expired,
necessitating the establishment of
MCSAC as a discretionary committee
under FACA. Secretary Foxx established
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that effective September 30, 2013,
through September 30, 2015. MCSAC
provides advice and recommendations
to the FMCSA Administrator on motor
carrier safety programs and regulations,
and operates in accordance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA, 5 U.S.C. App 2).
II. Meeting Participation
Oral comments from the public will
be heard during the last half-hour of the
meetings each day. Should all public
comments be exhausted prior to the end
of the specified period, the comment
period will close. Members of the public
may submit written comments on the
topics to be considered during the
meeting by Wednesday, October 22, to
Federal Docket Management System
(FDMC) Docket Number FMCSA–2008–
0362 for the MRB and FMCSA–2006–
26367 for the MCSAC using any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building,
Room W12–140, Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Room W12–140,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., E.T. Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
Issued on: October 6, 2014.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2014–24364 Filed 10–8–14; 4:15 pm]
Frm 00098
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2013–0314]
Parts and Accessories Necessary for
Safe Operation; Grant of Exemption for
Van Hool N.V. and Coach USA
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of final disposition.
The MRB is composed of five medical
experts who each serve 2-year terms.
Section 4116 of SAFETEA–LU requires
the Secretary of Transportation, with the
advice of the MRB and the chief medical
examiner, to establish, review, and
revise ‘‘medical standards for operators
of commercial motor vehicles that will
ensure that the physical condition of
operators of commercial motor vehicles
is adequate to enable them to operate
the vehicles safely.’’ The MRB operates
in accordance with FACA under the
terms of its charter, filed November 25,
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The Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration (FMCSA)
announces its decision to grant a limited
2-year exemption to Van Hool N.V. and
Coach USA (Van Hool/Coach USA) that
will allow Coach USA/Megabus to
operate double deck motorcoaches
constructed with a sleeper berth than
has an exit that does not meet the
minimum dimensional requirements
specified in the Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Regulations (FMCSRs). Section
393.76(c)(1) of the FMCSRs requires
sleeper berths installed after January 1,
1963 to have an exit that is at least 18
inches high and 36 inches wide. The
exemption will allow Coach USA/
Megabus to operate double deck
motorcoaches with an exit area from the
sleeper berth that, while not meeting the
specified dimensions, is only slightly
smaller in overall size from what is
required in the FMCSRs. FMCSA
believes that permitting the reduced exit
area size will maintain a level of safety
that is equivalent to, or greater than, the
level of safety achieved without the
This exemption is effective from
October 10, 2014 until October 10, 2016.
Luke W. Loy, Vehicle and Roadside
Operations Division, Office of Carrier,
Driver, and Vehicle Safety, MC–PSV,
(202) 366–0676; Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590–
Section 4007 of the Transportation
Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA–
21) [Pub. L. 105–178, June 9, 1998, 112
Stat. 401] amended 49 U.S.C. 31315 and
31136(e) to provide authority to grant
exemptions from the Federal Motor
Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs).
On August 20, 2004, FMCSA published
a final rule (69 FR 51589) implementing
section 4007. Under this rule, FMCSA
must publish a notice of each exemption
request in the Federal Register (49 CFR
381.315(a)). The Agency must provide
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 197 (Friday, October 10, 2014)]
[Pages 61371-61372]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-24364]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
[Docket Nos. FMCSA-2008-0362 and FMCSA-2006-26367]
Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee (MCSAC) and Medical
Review Board (MRB) Meetings: Public Meetings
AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Announcement of advisory committee public meetings.
SUMMARY: FMCSA announces a joint meeting of its Motor Carrier Safety
Advisory Committee (MCSAC) and Medical Review Board (MRB) on October
27, 2014, and a meeting of the MCSAC on Tuesday, October 28. MCSAC and
the MRB will jointly identify concepts the Agency should consider in
relation to Schedule II medications and their use by
[[Page 61372]]
commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers in interstate commerce. This
follows the MRB's consideration of the effects of Schedule II
medications on CMV drivers' ability to operate safely on September 11,
2013, and July 29-30, 2014. On Tuesday, October 28, the MCSAC will meet
to finalize its deliberations on financial responsibility requirements
for motor carriers and to consider the findings of its Subcommittee on
the Long-Haul Cross-Border Trucking Pilot Program with Mexico. Meetings
are open to the public for their entirety, and there will be a public
comment period at the end of each day.
DATES: Times and Dates: The joint meeting will be held on Monday,
October 27, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time
(E.T.), at the Hilton Alexandria Old Town, 1767 King Street,
Alexandria, VA 22314 in the Washington and Jefferson Rooms on the 2nd
floor. On Tuesday, October 28, the MCSAC will meet at that same
location from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., E.T. Copies of all MRB and MCSAC
Task Statements and an agenda for the entire meeting will be made
available in advance of the meeting at and
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. Shannon L. Watson, Senior Advisor
to the Associate Administrator for Policy, Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590, (202) 385-2395,
Services for Individuals With Disabilities
For information on facilities or services for individuals with
disabilities or to request special assistance at the meeting, contact
Eran Segev at (617) 494-3174,, by Wednesday, October
I. Background
Section 4144 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient
Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU, Pub. L. 109-
59, 119 Stat. 1144, August 10, 2005) required the Secretary of
Transportation to establish the MCSAC. The Moving Ahead for Progress in
the 21st Century Act (MAP-21, Pub. L. 112-141) reauthorized the MCSAC
through September 30, 2013, at which time its statutory authority
expired, necessitating the establishment of MCSAC as a discretionary
committee under FACA. Secretary Foxx established that effective
September 30, 2013, through September 30, 2015. MCSAC provides advice
and recommendations to the FMCSA Administrator on motor carrier safety
programs and regulations, and operates in accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA, 5 U.S.C. App 2).
The MRB is composed of five medical experts who each serve 2-year
terms. Section 4116 of SAFETEA-LU requires the Secretary of
Transportation, with the advice of the MRB and the chief medical
examiner, to establish, review, and revise ``medical standards for
operators of commercial motor vehicles that will ensure that the
physical condition of operators of commercial motor vehicles is
adequate to enable them to operate the vehicles safely.'' The MRB
operates in accordance with FACA under the terms of its charter, filed
November 25, 2013.
II. Meeting Participation
Oral comments from the public will be heard during the last half-
hour of the meetings each day. Should all public comments be exhausted
prior to the end of the specified period, the comment period will
close. Members of the public may submit written comments on the topics
to be considered during the meeting by Wednesday, October 22, to
Federal Docket Management System (FDMC) Docket Number FMCSA-2008-0362
for the MRB and FMCSA-2006-26367 for the MCSAC using any of the
following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the online instructions for submitting
Fax: 202-493-2251.
Mail: Docket Management Facility; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building, Room W12-
140, Washington, DC 20590.
Hand Delivery: U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE., Room W12-140, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., E.T. Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Issued on: October 6, 2014.
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2014-24364 Filed 10-8-14; 4:15 pm]