Comment Request on the Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program, 53787-53791 [2014-21241]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Notices
Heather Fleck at 202–693–2956, or
I. Background
The Workforce Investment Act of
1998 (WIA) requires states to submit
either a ‘‘standalone’’ strategic plan for
title I of the Workforce Investment Act
of 1998 and the Wagner-Peyser Act
(WIA Section 112) or a Unified Plan
with partner programs (WIA Section
501). The State may also submit
requests for waivers and work-flex as
parts of the Strategic State Plan. These
State Plan requirements are titled ‘‘State
Integrated Workforce Plan Requirements
for Workforce Investment Act/WagnerPeyser Act and Department of Labor
Workforce Programs,’’ and ‘‘Planning
Guidance for State Unified Plans and
Unified Plan Modifications Submitted
under Section 501 of the Workforce
Investment Act (WIA).’’ The Planning
Guidance and Instructions provide a
framework for the collaboration of
governors, local elected officials,
businesses and other partners to
continue the development of workforce
investment systems that address
customer needs, deliver integrated userfriendly services, and are accountable to
the customers and the public.
Sections 102 and 103 of the
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act (WIOA), (H.R. 803, July 22, 2014)
include similar provisions for States to
submit State Plans. Many of WIOA’s
provisions take effect on July 1, 2015,
but the existing WIA state and local
plan provisions remain in effect until
July 1, 2016. The Employment and
Training Administration (ETA) is
conducting a review of WIOA’s
implementation timeline and State Plan
provisions, and may amend this
information collection as part of its
implementation actions.
This information collection is
submitted under the legal requirements
of WIA, the law in effect at this time.
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
II. Review Focus
The Department is particularly
interested in comments which:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
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• enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
III. Current Actions
Type of Review: Extension without
Title: Planning Guidance and
Instructions for Submission of the
Strategic State Plan for Title I of the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998
(WIA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act.
OMB Number: 1205–0398.
Affected Public: State or local
Estimated Total Annual Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 400.
Total Estimated Annual Other Costs
Burden: There are no other costs.
We will summarize and/or include in
the request for OMB approval of the
ICR, the comments received in response
to this comment request; they will also
become a matter of public record.
Portia Wu,
Assistant Secretary for Employment and
Training, Labor.
[FR Doc. 2014–21571 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
Wednesday, November 5, 2014, and
continue until 5:00 p.m. that day. The
meeting will reconvene at 9:00 a.m. on
Thursday, November 6, 2014, and
adjourn at 5:00 p.m. that day. The
period from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on
November 5, 2014, will be reserved for
participation and presentations by
members of the public.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the Brown Hotel, 335 West Broadway,
Louisville, Kentucky 40202.
meeting will be open to the public.
Members of the public not present may
submit a written statement on or before
November 3, 2014, to be included in the
record of the meeting. Statements are to
be submitted to Mr. Craig Lewis,
Designated Federal Official (DFO), U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW., Room S–4209,
Washington, DC 20210. Persons who
need special accommodations should
contact Mr. Craig Lewis at (202) 693–
3384, at least two business days before
the meeting. The formal agenda will
focus on the following topics: (1) U.S.
Department of Labor, Employment and
Training Administration Update; (2)
Training and Technical Assistance; (3)
Council and Workgroup Updates and
Recommendations; (4) New Business
and Next Steps; and (5) Public
Craig Lewis, DFO, Division of Indian
and Native American Programs,
Employment and Training
Administration, U.S. Department of
Labor, Room S–4209, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210.
Telephone number (202) 693–3384
(VOICE) (this is not a toll-free number).
Employment and Training
Workforce Investment Act; Native
American Employment and Training
Signed at Washington, DC, August 2014.
Portia Wu,
Assistant Secretary, Employment and
Training Administration.
[FR Doc. 2014–21565 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
Employment and Training
Administration, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
Pursuant to Section 10 (a)(2)
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA) (Pub. L. 92–463), as amended,
and Section 166 (h)(4) of the Workforce
Investment Act (WIA) [29 U.S.C.
2911(h)(4)], notice is hereby given of the
next meeting of the Native American
Employment and Training Council
(Council), as constituted under WIA.
DATES: The meeting will begin at 9:00
a.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on
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Bureau of Labor Statistics
Comment Request on the Local Area
Unemployment Statistics Program
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Request for comments on
proposed action.
The Department of Labor,
through the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS) and, specifically, the Local Area
Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
program, is responsible for the
development and publication of State
and local area labor force statistics. The
LAUS program develops and issues
monthly estimates of the labor force,
employment, unemployment, and the
unemployment rate for approximately
7,300 areas in the Nation. A major
program redesign to improve the
methodological basis of the LAUS
estimates and update the geography and
techniques to reflect 2010 Census data
was initially funded in FY 2011. After
completion of various long-term
research projects, the BLS plans to
implement improvements to its
estimating methods with State and area
LAUS estimates for January 2015, to be
published in March 2015.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the office listed in the
ADDRESSES section of this notice on or
before November 10, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to Patrick
Carey, Local Area Unemployment
Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Room 4675, Massachusetts Avenue NE.,
Washington, DC 20212 or by email to:
Walter Sylva, Local Area
Unemployment Statistics, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, telephone number 202–
691–6456 (this is not a toll-free
number), or by email to: LAUS_FRN@
I. Introduction
The Department of Labor, through the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, is responsible
for the development and publication of
State and local area labor force statistics
through the Local Area Unemployment
Statistics (LAUS) program. Currently,
monthly estimates of employment,
unemployment, and the unemployment
rate are prepared for approximately
7,300 areas, including Census regions,
Census Divisions, all States and the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
metropolitan and small labor market
areas, counties, cities of 25,000
population or more, and all cities and
towns in New England regardless of
population. In a multi-year, multiproject initiative that began in FY 2011,
the following prospective improvements
to State and area labor force estimation
were identified:
• Improve State time series estimating
models by introducing:
Æ Model-Based Benchmarking that
accounts for errors in the estimates
Æ Additivity of outlier effects that
allocates level shifts to the
appropriate State
Æ More efficient model structure that
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reduces processing time
Æ Enhanced smoothed seasonal
adjustment procedures
• Incorporate American Community
Survey (ACS) data to replace
Census long form data that are no
longer available as inputs
• Update procedures for developing
other substate areas that employ
innovative and dynamic estimating
II. Background
A hierarchy of estimation methods is
used to produce the State and area labor
force estimates, based in large part on
the availability and quality of data from
the Current Population Survey (CPS),
the official measure of the labor force for
the Nation. Labor force estimates are
generated for the nine Census Divisions
utilizing time series models and are
controlled to National estimates. State
estimates also are developed using time
series models and are controlled to
Division estimates. Finally, substate
estimates are developed by means of a
building-block approach using locally
available data and are controlled to
State estimates.
Improved Time Series Models. The
estimates for States, the District of
Columbia, New York City and the Los
Angeles Metropolitan Division, and
their respective balances of New York
State and California are developed using
signal-plus-noise models. These models
rely heavily on monthly CPS data as
well as current wage and salary
employment estimates from the Current
Employment Statistics (CES) program
and claims data from State
unemployment insurance (UI) programs.
There are signal-plus-noise models for
five additional substate areas and their
respective balances of State. The areas
are: The Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL
metropolitan division; the ClevelandElyria-Mentor, OH metropolitan area;
the Detroit-Warren-Livonia, MI
metropolitan area; the Miami-Miami
Beach-Kendall, FL metropolitan
division; and the Seattle-BellevueEverett, WA metropolitan division. As
with the State and Census Division
models, these area models are based on
the classical decomposition of a time
series into trend, seasonal, and irregular
components. A component to identify
and remove CPS sampling error is also
included. Area models, like the Census
Division models, are univariate in
design in that only the historical
relationship of the CPS is considered—
UI claims data and CES employment
data are not used each month in the
estimation process.
The monthly estimates of
employment and unemployment utilize
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a tiered approach to estimation known
as real-time benchmarking. Model-based
estimates (using a univariate form) are
developed for the nine Census Divisions
that geographically exhaust the Nation.
These estimates are controlled to the
National levels of employment and
unemployment. State model-based
estimates are then made and controlled
to the Census Division estimates. In this
manner, the monthly State employment
and unemployment estimates will add
to the National levels, precluding
differences between the sum of States
and the National estimates, and
National shocks related to the business
cycle or outliers like September 11 will
be addressed in real time. Monthly prorata factors for each Census Division are
used to adjust the sum of the States
within each Census Division to sum to
the Division totals. Census Divisions
also use pro-rata factors to ensure that
they sum to the Nation. Substate
estimates, including the area and
balance-of-State models noted above,
are controlled directly to the State
totals, which are themselves controlled
to the National CPS via the Census
Division models.
The new time series models introduce
the following major improvements: (1)
Model-based benchmarking, (2)
additivity of outlier effects, (3) new
model structure, and (4) enhanced
smoothed seasonal adjustment
The improved models will directly
produce estimates that automatically
sum to Census Division controls and
thus eliminate the need for the external
pro-rata factors currently in use to
benchmark State estimates to their
Census Divisions. During the
benchmarking process the new models
account for the errors inherent in each
facet of the estimating procedure. These
include State-specific CPS sampling
error, State model prediction errors
based on historical patterns, errors in
the estimates used as a benchmark
(Census Division & National), and the
relation of these errors to the overall
size of the benchmark discrepancy. This
approach provides greater flexibility
(monthly benchmarking adjustments
will vary by State and by type of series),
smoother monthly adjustment factors,
and improved reliability measures.
Another important improvement is
that the new models allow for the
additivity of outlier effects. Outlier
estimates will be separated from the
benchmarking process, resulting in the
outliers being specific to where they
occurred. Level shifts and onetime
outliers will not be spread across all
States within a Census Division so as
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Notices
not to distort the magnitude of the
outlier effect.
The new model structure uses CES
and UI trend estimates as regressor
variables to explain trend variation in
the CPS. This produces results similar
to current bivariate models but with a
major reduction in computing time. The
new structure also allows for more
flexibility for model development over
the long term.
An enhanced smooth seasonal
adjustment procedure will be utilized to
address the presence of residual
seasonality that is noticeable in some of
the smoothed seasonally adjusted
employment series. The smoothed
seasonal adjustment (SSA) procedure
was implemented in 2005 with the third
generation of models. The SSA
procedure uses the Henderson Trend
Filter to isolate the trend of the series by
removing much of the volatility that is
introduced to the State’s estimates
during the real-time benchmarking
process. However, even with the
application of the SSA there still
remained some statistical evidence of
weak residual seasonality in the SSA
employment series. (The unemployment
levels and the unemployment rates were
not affected.)
To address this concern, the fourth
generation of models utilize an
improved smoothed seasonal
adjustment filter. In addition to the
trend filter, additional weights have
been added to create a seasonal filter as
well. The enhanced procedure will
continue to remove the volatility
introduced by real-time benchmarking,
while simultaneously removing all
residual seasonality that results from
benchmarking to a seasonal series.
Incorporation of American
Community Survey. For the 2010
Census, the long- and short-form
questionnaires used from 1940 to 2000
were replaced by a single questionnaire
asking 10 questions. The more detailed
socio-economic data once obtained by
the long-form questionnaire are now
provided by the American Community
Survey (ACS). The LAUS program had
been reliant on the long form data as the
basis for developing substate estimates
for self-employed, unpaid family
workers, private household workers,
and agricultural workers throughout the
decade. These data elements represent
employment that is either not covered
by unemployment insurance
compensation programs or not included
in the payroll survey data CES, thus the
Census long form had been the sole
source for this type of information at the
local level.
ACS data are issued on an annual
basis and they do not represent a single
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point in time as did the decennial
Census, which represented April 1 in
the year that the Census was conducted.
Instead ACS data are estimates that span
1 year, 3 years, or 5 years depending on
the population level of each area. To
ensure coverage of all LAUS geography,
which includes areas with 25,000
population or more and all cities and
towns in New England regardless of
population, the 5-year estimates must be
used. In addition to covering all LAUS
geography, the 5-year estimates use the
largest sample size and are the most
statistically reliable of the ACS
estimates. However, since they
represent a 5-year span they cannot be
directly used to develop current
monthly estimates.
The most current source of the needed
data inputs is the CPS which does not
have the geographic detail of the ACS.
The proposed methodology will utilize
the strengths of the CPS and the ACS to
develop monthly estimates of selfemployed, unpaid family, and private
household workers (collectively known
as ‘‘all-other’’ employment) and
agricultural workers at the needed level
of geography.
Enhanced procedures for developing
other substate areas. Utilizing ACS data
to replace the Census long form data
facilitated the enhancement of some of
the substate methodologies making up
the building-block approach used to
develop independent substate estimates.
Revisions are proposed for the
methodology of adjusting place-of-work
data to a place-of-residence basis, the
estimation of what is known as ‘‘allother’’ employment, the estimation of
agricultural employment, and the
estimation of agricultural
unemployment not covered by
unemployment insurance. In addition,
substate estimates will be developed at
the county level rather than the labor
market area level. A brief discussion of
the new methodologies is below.
Place-of-Work Residency Adjustment.
The LAUS program uses the same labor
force concepts as the CPS. Thus
employment inputs from the CES and
Quarterly Census of Employment and
Wages (QCEW) programs, which are
based on place-of-work, must be
adjusted to reflect the worker’s place of
residence per the CPS. To accomplish
this, Dynamic Residency Ratios (DRRs)
are applied to CES and QCEW
employment inputs for LAUS
estimation. This methodology assumes
that resident employment in an area is
a function of the relationship between
employed residents and jobs not only in
that area, but in other areas within
commuting distance. The procedure is
more dynamic than the use of a single
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residency ratio insofar as job count
changes in commuting areas can affect
resident employment.
In the past, journey-to-work data from
the decennial Census were incorporated
into the DRRs. Journey-to-work data
were not available from 2010 Census
due to the discontinuation of the long
form. For the LAUS 2015 redesign,
DRRs will be computed using ACS
journey-to-work data in the same
manner that they are computed now
with one major modification. Currently,
an area must be the destination
workplace of at least 100 resident
commuters (50 in New England) to be
considered a potential commuter area.
BLS proposes replacing these criteria
with a percentage threshold. In the new
set of DRRs, commuter areas will be
limited to those areas that are the work
destination of no less than 10 percent of
resident commuters. This will eliminate
marginal commuter areas included in
the previous methodology to account for
potential future growth.
The previous threshold for DRR
commutation areas reflected the tenyear span between Census journey-towork data releases. The inclusion of a
relatively high number of areas would
accommodate any potential changes to
commuting patterns over the ensuing
decade. The new data source for DRRs,
ACS journey-to-work data, is intended
to be updated every five years. The
increased frequency in the availability
of commutation data will make the list
of commutation areas more responsive
to changing commuting patterns,
reducing the need to include minor
destinations which may grow in
importance over time.
Estimation of All-Other Employment.
The current method uses Census 2000
data as the starting point for the selfemployed, unpaid family, and private
household workers (known as ‘‘AllOther Employment’’) and moves it
forward through time by applying the
relationship of all-other employment to
the nonfarm wage and salary
employment estimate at the time of the
The new method uses the relationship
of each area’s share of ACS all-other
employment to the State’s total ACS allother employment. This relationship is
then used to allocate a monthly 5-year
weighted average of each State’s CPS
estimate of all-other employment. A
weighted average of the CPS estimate is
used because, depending on the State’s
CPS sample size, the monthly estimate
for this element may be volatile due to
sampling error. This monthly 5-year
weighted average consists of the current
month’s estimate averaged with the
same month’s estimate going back 4
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Notices
years, with more weight placed on the
more current estimates. This technique
borrows strength from prior estimates
while preserving seasonal trends.
Estimation of Agricultural
Employment. The current method uses
the Census 2000 data as the base and
moves the estimate forward using a
monthly change factor based on a State’s
membership in a multi-State
agricultural region.
The new method for estimation of
agricultural employment uses a similar
approach as the all-other employment
method. A monthly 5-year weighted
average of each State’s CPS estimate of
agricultural employment is developed
and allocated to substate areas using
each areas’ share of the State’s total ACS
agricultural employment. This method
is State-specific and eliminates the need
for an agricultural regional factor.
Estimation of non-covered
agricultural unemployment. This is an
optional procedure that is currently
utilized by 19 States. The current
procedure uses an indirect approach for
the estimation of agricultural
unemployment not covered by
unemployment insurance. It assumes
that there is unemployment associated
with employment and that the
unemployment rate in non-covered
agriculture is related to the rate of
unemployment in covered sectors of the
economy. To estimate non-covered
agricultural employment, the annual
average of covered agricultural
employment from the QCEW program is
subtracted from the covered agricultural
employment estimate that is developed
each month (as described in the prior
section). Seasonal factors derived from
CPS agricultural data from 1977–1982
are applied to account for seasonality.
The new method replaces the annual
average QCEW covered agricultural
employment with a 1-year lagged
monthly estimate of agricultural
employment from the QCEW and
eliminates the potentially outdated
seasonal factors. Use of a 1-year lagged
monthly estimate will incorporate
seasonal trends into the estimate,
simplifying the calculation and making
it more responsive to long-term changes
in seasonal patterns.
New procedure for estimating
employment and unemployment at the
county level. Labor market areas (LMAs)
are independently estimated using a
building block approach that
incorporates the new methods discussed
above and other methods still currently
in use. The employment component is
comprised of non-agricultural wage and
salary employment, all-other
employment and agricultural
employment. While the unemployment
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component is derived by summing the
estimates of non-covered agricultural
unemployment (if applicable), total
unemployment insurance (UI)
continued claims without earnings,
unemployed exhaustees and
unemployed entrants into the labor
The current procedure consists of first
developing these independent substate
estimates at the LMA level and then
disaggregating them into counties and
cities. With the exception of nonagricultural wage and salary
employment, all inputs for estimating
the components of employment and
unemployment are readily available at
the county level (Minor Civil Division
(MCD) level in New England, MCDs
being cities and towns). Aggregating
these more geographically detailed data
into LMAs is an unnecessary step that
results in the distortion of these data
when they are reallocated backed to the
county level or MCD level, particularly
for some of the unemployment
The new method proposes to first
develop the independent substate
estimates at county level and then sum
them to their appropriate LMA. This
approach will result in more accurate
estimates and will allow better
operational flexibility for future updates
to the geographic definitions of LMAs as
counties (MCDs in New England) are the
basic component of LMA geographic
definitions issued by the Office of
Management (OMB), as well as for small
labor market areas as defined by the
The current method estimates the
labor force in LMAs, which are defined
to comprise one or more counties
(MCDs in New England). Employment
and unemployment inputs are entered
at the LMA level. In a multi-county
LMA, county unemployment estimates
are disaggregated from the LMA using
the share of UI claims for the
experienced unemployed, the share of
the 16–19 population for unemployed
new entrants, and the share of the 20+
population for unemployed re-entrants.
The new procedures discussed above
for estimating the employment
components of all-other employment
and agricultural employment produce
these estimates at the county level. The
non-agricultural wage and salary
employment component, which is
provided by the CES and the QCEW
programs, is generally available at the
LMA level and must be allocated into
the counties that comprise the LMA.
This will be accomplished by using ACS
non-agricultural wage and salary
employment ratios derived from the
most recent ACS five-year dataset to
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distribute the CES/QCEW LMA data to
its component counties (and MCDs in
New England). This step is not needed
for single county LMAs.
All of the necessary inputs for
estimating unemployment are already
available at the county (and MCD) level.
The new procedure results in more
accurate county estimates by estimating
the level of persons who remain
unemployed after exhausting their
eligibility for unemployment insurance
benefits (known as exhaustees) at the
county level and by avoiding the
disaggregation of entrants from
interstate LMAs.
In the current method, if a layoff
event occurs in a county that is part of
a multi-county LMA, the exhaustees
later associated with this event are not
necessarily assigned to the county
where the layoff occurred. This is
because estimates of persons who have
exhausted their eligibility for further UI
benefits are disaggregated to a county
using that county’s share of persons
who continue to be eligible for benefits.
Using the new county-based
methodology, each county will have its
own independently estimated number
of exhaustees, which will make it
unnecessary to disaggregate exhaustees
from the LMA level.
In addition, unemployed entrants to
the labor force are allocated from a
Statewide control total to the intrastate
parts of interstate LMAs using ratios
based on annually updated population
data from the Census Bureau. These
entrants are then summed into their
respective interstate LMAs before being
disaggregated again using ratios based
on population data specific to each
interstate LMA. In some cases this twostep process has the effect of
reallocating entrant unemployment
estimates across State lines. Using the
new county-based methodology, each
county will be allocated its share of
entrants in one step.
Detailed descriptions of the current
and Redesign approaches are available
at the above address and at the BLS
LAUS Web site
II. Desired Focus of Comments
This notice is a general solicitation of
comments from the public.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the Notice of Decision on
this proposal.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Notices
Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of
August 2014.
Eric Molina,
Acting Chief, Division of Management
Systems, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
[FR Doc. 2014–21241 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
National Archives and Records
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
In accordance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. appendix 2), the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA) announces a
meeting of the Advisory Committee on
Presidential Library-Foundation
Partnerships. The meeting will be held
to discuss the Presidential Library
program and topics related to the
public-private partnership between
Presidential Libraries and Presidential
Foundations. The meeting will be open
to the public.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 10:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: National Archives Building
at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC, Room 105.
Denise LeBeck at 301–837–3250 or
attendees may enter from Pennsylvania
Avenue entrance. Photo identification
will be required. No visitor parking is
available at the Archives building;
however there are commercial parking
lots and metered curb parking nearby.
Dated: September 4, 2014.
Patrice Little Murray,
Committee Management Officer.
On July
31, 2014 the National Science
Foundation published a notice in the
Federal Register of a permit
modification received. The permit was
issued on September 3, 2014 to:
Ron Naveen
Permit No. 2014–001
Nadene G. Kennedy,
Polar Coordination Specialist, Division of
Polar Programs.
[FR Doc. 2014–21563 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
Notice of Permits Issued Under the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
National Science Foundation
Notice of permits issued under
the Antarctic Conservation of 1978,
Public Law 95–541.
The National Science
Foundation (NSF) is required to publish
notice of permits issued under the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978.
This is the required notice.
Ling Hamady, ACA Permit Officer,
Division of Polar Programs, Rm. 755,
National Science Foundation, 4201
Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.
Or by email:
On July 2,
2014 the National Science Foundation
published a notice in the Federal
Register of a permit application
received. The permit was issued on
September 3, 2014 to:
Dr. Terrie M. Williams
Permit No. 2015–003
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Ling Hamady, ACA Permit Officer,
Division of Polar Programs, Rm. 755,
National Science Foundation, 4201
Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.
Or by email:
[FR Doc. 2014–21558 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
Notice of Permits Issued Under the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
National Science Foundation.
Notice of permits issued under
the Antarctic Conservation of 1978, Pub.
L. 95–541.
19:04 Sep 09, 2014
Advisory Committee on the
Presidential Library-Foundation
VerDate Mar<15>2010
The National Science
Foundation (NSF) is required to publish
notice of permits issued under the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978.
This is the required notice.
Jkt 232001
[FR Doc. 2014–21564 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00108
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
National Science Foundation.
Notice of Permit Applications
Received under the Antarctic
Conservation Act of 1978, Public Law
The National Science
Foundation (NSF) is required to publish
a notice of permit applications received
to conduct activities regulated under the
Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978.
NSF has published regulations under
the Antarctic Conservation Act at Title
45 Part 670 of the Code of Federal
Regulations. This is the required notice
of permit applications received.
DATES: Interested parties are invited to
submit written data, comments, or
views with respect to this permit
application by October 10, 2014. This
application may be inspected by
interested parties at the Permit Office,
address below.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be
addressed to Permit Office, Room 755,
Division of Polar Programs, National
Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson
Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230.
Ling Hamady, ACA Permit Officer, at
the above address or or (703) 292–7149.
National Science Foundation, as
directed by the Antarctic Conservation
Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95–541), as
amended by the Antarctic Science,
Tourism and Conservation Act of 1996,
has developed regulations for the
establishment of a permit system for
various activities in Antarctica and
designation of certain animals and
certain geographic areas a requiring
special protection. The regulations
establish such a permit system to
designate Antarctic Specially Protected
Application Details
1. Applicant: Kenneth W.W. Sims,
University of Wyoming, Department of
Geology and Geophysics, Dept. 3006,
1000 E. University Avenue, Laramie,
WY 82071–2000.
Permit Application: 2015–007
Nadene G. Kennedy,
Polar Coordination Specialist, Division of
Polar Programs.
Notice of Permit Applications Received
Under the Antarctic Conservation Act
of 1978
Activity For Which Permit Is
Requested: ASPA entry; Enter Cape
Crozier to extract 3 5–10kg rock samples
from lava outcrops.
Location: ASPA 124 Cape Crozier,
Ross Island.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 175 (Wednesday, September 10, 2014)]
[Pages 53787-53791]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-21241]
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Comment Request on the Local Area Unemployment Statistics Program
AGENCY: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Labor.
ACTION: Request for comments on proposed action.
SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, through the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) and, specifically, the Local Area Unemployment
Statistics (LAUS)
[[Page 53788]]
program, is responsible for the development and publication of State
and local area labor force statistics. The LAUS program develops and
issues monthly estimates of the labor force, employment, unemployment,
and the unemployment rate for approximately 7,300 areas in the Nation.
A major program redesign to improve the methodological basis of the
LAUS estimates and update the geography and techniques to reflect 2010
Census data was initially funded in FY 2011. After completion of
various long-term research projects, the BLS plans to implement
improvements to its estimating methods with State and area LAUS
estimates for January 2015, to be published in March 2015.
DATES: Written comments must be submitted to the office listed in the
ADDRESSES section of this notice on or before November 10, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to Patrick Carey, Local Area Unemployment
Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Room 4675, Massachusetts Avenue
NE., Washington, DC 20212 or by email to:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Walter Sylva, Local Area Unemployment
Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, telephone number 202-691-6456
(this is not a toll-free number), or by email to:
I. Introduction
The Department of Labor, through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is
responsible for the development and publication of State and local area
labor force statistics through the Local Area Unemployment Statistics
(LAUS) program. Currently, monthly estimates of employment,
unemployment, and the unemployment rate are prepared for approximately
7,300 areas, including Census regions, Census Divisions, all States and
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, metropolitan and small labor
market areas, counties, cities of 25,000 population or more, and all
cities and towns in New England regardless of population. In a multi-
year, multi-project initiative that began in FY 2011, the following
prospective improvements to State and area labor force estimation were
Improve State time series estimating models by introducing:
[cir] Model-Based Benchmarking that accounts for errors in the
[cir] Additivity of outlier effects that allocates level shifts to
the appropriate State
[cir] More efficient model structure that reduces processing time
[cir] Enhanced smoothed seasonal adjustment procedures
Incorporate American Community Survey (ACS) data to replace
Census long form data that are no longer available as inputs
Update procedures for developing other substate areas that
employ innovative and dynamic estimating methods
II. Background
A hierarchy of estimation methods is used to produce the State and
area labor force estimates, based in large part on the availability and
quality of data from the Current Population Survey (CPS), the official
measure of the labor force for the Nation. Labor force estimates are
generated for the nine Census Divisions utilizing time series models
and are controlled to National estimates. State estimates also are
developed using time series models and are controlled to Division
estimates. Finally, substate estimates are developed by means of a
building-block approach using locally available data and are controlled
to State estimates.
Improved Time Series Models. The estimates for States, the District
of Columbia, New York City and the Los Angeles Metropolitan Division,
and their respective balances of New York State and California are
developed using signal-plus-noise models. These models rely heavily on
monthly CPS data as well as current wage and salary employment
estimates from the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program and
claims data from State unemployment insurance (UI) programs.
There are signal-plus-noise models for five additional substate
areas and their respective balances of State. The areas are: The
Chicago-Naperville-Joliet, IL metropolitan division; the Cleveland-
Elyria-Mentor, OH metropolitan area; the Detroit-Warren-Livonia, MI
metropolitan area; the Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall, FL metropolitan
division; and the Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, WA metropolitan division.
As with the State and Census Division models, these area models are
based on the classical decomposition of a time series into trend,
seasonal, and irregular components. A component to identify and remove
CPS sampling error is also included. Area models, like the Census
Division models, are univariate in design in that only the historical
relationship of the CPS is considered--UI claims data and CES
employment data are not used each month in the estimation process.
The monthly estimates of employment and unemployment utilize a
tiered approach to estimation known as real-time benchmarking. Model-
based estimates (using a univariate form) are developed for the nine
Census Divisions that geographically exhaust the Nation. These
estimates are controlled to the National levels of employment and
unemployment. State model-based estimates are then made and controlled
to the Census Division estimates. In this manner, the monthly State
employment and unemployment estimates will add to the National levels,
precluding differences between the sum of States and the National
estimates, and National shocks related to the business cycle or
outliers like September 11 will be addressed in real time. Monthly pro-
rata factors for each Census Division are used to adjust the sum of the
States within each Census Division to sum to the Division totals.
Census Divisions also use pro-rata factors to ensure that they sum to
the Nation. Substate estimates, including the area and balance-of-State
models noted above, are controlled directly to the State totals, which
are themselves controlled to the National CPS via the Census Division
The new time series models introduce the following major
improvements: (1) Model-based benchmarking, (2) additivity of outlier
effects, (3) new model structure, and (4) enhanced smoothed seasonal
adjustment procedure.
The improved models will directly produce estimates that
automatically sum to Census Division controls and thus eliminate the
need for the external pro-rata factors currently in use to benchmark
State estimates to their Census Divisions. During the benchmarking
process the new models account for the errors inherent in each facet of
the estimating procedure. These include State-specific CPS sampling
error, State model prediction errors based on historical patterns,
errors in the estimates used as a benchmark (Census Division &
National), and the relation of these errors to the overall size of the
benchmark discrepancy. This approach provides greater flexibility
(monthly benchmarking adjustments will vary by State and by type of
series), smoother monthly adjustment factors, and improved reliability
Another important improvement is that the new models allow for the
additivity of outlier effects. Outlier estimates will be separated from
the benchmarking process, resulting in the outliers being specific to
where they occurred. Level shifts and onetime outliers will not be
spread across all States within a Census Division so as
[[Page 53789]]
not to distort the magnitude of the outlier effect.
The new model structure uses CES and UI trend estimates as
regressor variables to explain trend variation in the CPS. This
produces results similar to current bivariate models but with a major
reduction in computing time. The new structure also allows for more
flexibility for model development over the long term.
An enhanced smooth seasonal adjustment procedure will be utilized
to address the presence of residual seasonality that is noticeable in
some of the smoothed seasonally adjusted employment series. The
smoothed seasonal adjustment (SSA) procedure was implemented in 2005
with the third generation of models. The SSA procedure uses the
Henderson Trend Filter to isolate the trend of the series by removing
much of the volatility that is introduced to the State's estimates
during the real-time benchmarking process. However, even with the
application of the SSA there still remained some statistical evidence
of weak residual seasonality in the SSA employment series. (The
unemployment levels and the unemployment rates were not affected.)
To address this concern, the fourth generation of models utilize an
improved smoothed seasonal adjustment filter. In addition to the trend
filter, additional weights have been added to create a seasonal filter
as well. The enhanced procedure will continue to remove the volatility
introduced by real-time benchmarking, while simultaneously removing all
residual seasonality that results from benchmarking to a seasonal
Incorporation of American Community Survey. For the 2010 Census,
the long- and short-form questionnaires used from 1940 to 2000 were
replaced by a single questionnaire asking 10 questions. The more
detailed socio-economic data once obtained by the long-form
questionnaire are now provided by the American Community Survey (ACS).
The LAUS program had been reliant on the long form data as the basis
for developing substate estimates for self-employed, unpaid family
workers, private household workers, and agricultural workers throughout
the decade. These data elements represent employment that is either not
covered by unemployment insurance compensation programs or not included
in the payroll survey data CES, thus the Census long form had been the
sole source for this type of information at the local level.
ACS data are issued on an annual basis and they do not represent a
single point in time as did the decennial Census, which represented
April 1 in the year that the Census was conducted. Instead ACS data are
estimates that span 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years depending on the
population level of each area. To ensure coverage of all LAUS
geography, which includes areas with 25,000 population or more and all
cities and towns in New England regardless of population, the 5-year
estimates must be used. In addition to covering all LAUS geography, the
5-year estimates use the largest sample size and are the most
statistically reliable of the ACS estimates. However, since they
represent a 5-year span they cannot be directly used to develop current
monthly estimates.
The most current source of the needed data inputs is the CPS which
does not have the geographic detail of the ACS. The proposed
methodology will utilize the strengths of the CPS and the ACS to
develop monthly estimates of self-employed, unpaid family, and private
household workers (collectively known as ``all-other'' employment) and
agricultural workers at the needed level of geography.
Enhanced procedures for developing other substate areas. Utilizing
ACS data to replace the Census long form data facilitated the
enhancement of some of the substate methodologies making up the
building-block approach used to develop independent substate estimates.
Revisions are proposed for the methodology of adjusting place-of-work
data to a place-of-residence basis, the estimation of what is known as
``all-other'' employment, the estimation of agricultural employment,
and the estimation of agricultural unemployment not covered by
unemployment insurance. In addition, substate estimates will be
developed at the county level rather than the labor market area level.
A brief discussion of the new methodologies is below.
Place-of-Work Residency Adjustment. The LAUS program uses the same
labor force concepts as the CPS. Thus employment inputs from the CES
and Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) programs, which are
based on place-of-work, must be adjusted to reflect the worker's place
of residence per the CPS. To accomplish this, Dynamic Residency Ratios
(DRRs) are applied to CES and QCEW employment inputs for LAUS
estimation. This methodology assumes that resident employment in an
area is a function of the relationship between employed residents and
jobs not only in that area, but in other areas within commuting
distance. The procedure is more dynamic than the use of a single
residency ratio insofar as job count changes in commuting areas can
affect resident employment.
In the past, journey-to-work data from the decennial Census were
incorporated into the DRRs. Journey-to-work data were not available
from 2010 Census due to the discontinuation of the long form. For the
LAUS 2015 redesign, DRRs will be computed using ACS journey-to-work
data in the same manner that they are computed now with one major
modification. Currently, an area must be the destination workplace of
at least 100 resident commuters (50 in New England) to be considered a
potential commuter area. BLS proposes replacing these criteria with a
percentage threshold. In the new set of DRRs, commuter areas will be
limited to those areas that are the work destination of no less than 10
percent of resident commuters. This will eliminate marginal commuter
areas included in the previous methodology to account for potential
future growth.
The previous threshold for DRR commutation areas reflected the ten-
year span between Census journey-to-work data releases. The inclusion
of a relatively high number of areas would accommodate any potential
changes to commuting patterns over the ensuing decade. The new data
source for DRRs, ACS journey-to-work data, is intended to be updated
every five years. The increased frequency in the availability of
commutation data will make the list of commutation areas more
responsive to changing commuting patterns, reducing the need to include
minor destinations which may grow in importance over time.
Estimation of All-Other Employment. The current method uses Census
2000 data as the starting point for the self-employed, unpaid family,
and private household workers (known as ``All-Other Employment'') and
moves it forward through time by applying the relationship of all-other
employment to the nonfarm wage and salary employment estimate at the
time of the Census.
The new method uses the relationship of each area's share of ACS
all-other employment to the State's total ACS all-other employment.
This relationship is then used to allocate a monthly 5-year weighted
average of each State's CPS estimate of all-other employment. A
weighted average of the CPS estimate is used because, depending on the
State's CPS sample size, the monthly estimate for this element may be
volatile due to sampling error. This monthly 5-year weighted average
consists of the current month's estimate averaged with the same month's
estimate going back 4
[[Page 53790]]
years, with more weight placed on the more current estimates. This
technique borrows strength from prior estimates while preserving
seasonal trends.
Estimation of Agricultural Employment. The current method uses the
Census 2000 data as the base and moves the estimate forward using a
monthly change factor based on a State's membership in a multi-State
agricultural region.
The new method for estimation of agricultural employment uses a
similar approach as the all-other employment method. A monthly 5-year
weighted average of each State's CPS estimate of agricultural
employment is developed and allocated to substate areas using each
areas' share of the State's total ACS agricultural employment. This
method is State-specific and eliminates the need for an agricultural
regional factor.
Estimation of non-covered agricultural unemployment. This is an
optional procedure that is currently utilized by 19 States. The current
procedure uses an indirect approach for the estimation of agricultural
unemployment not covered by unemployment insurance. It assumes that
there is unemployment associated with employment and that the
unemployment rate in non-covered agriculture is related to the rate of
unemployment in covered sectors of the economy. To estimate non-covered
agricultural employment, the annual average of covered agricultural
employment from the QCEW program is subtracted from the covered
agricultural employment estimate that is developed each month (as
described in the prior section). Seasonal factors derived from CPS
agricultural data from 1977-1982 are applied to account for
The new method replaces the annual average QCEW covered
agricultural employment with a 1-year lagged monthly estimate of
agricultural employment from the QCEW and eliminates the potentially
outdated seasonal factors. Use of a 1-year lagged monthly estimate will
incorporate seasonal trends into the estimate, simplifying the
calculation and making it more responsive to long-term changes in
seasonal patterns.
New procedure for estimating employment and unemployment at the
county level. Labor market areas (LMAs) are independently estimated
using a building block approach that incorporates the new methods
discussed above and other methods still currently in use. The
employment component is comprised of non-agricultural wage and salary
employment, all-other employment and agricultural employment. While the
unemployment component is derived by summing the estimates of non-
covered agricultural unemployment (if applicable), total unemployment
insurance (UI) continued claims without earnings, unemployed exhaustees
and unemployed entrants into the labor force.
The current procedure consists of first developing these
independent substate estimates at the LMA level and then disaggregating
them into counties and cities. With the exception of non-agricultural
wage and salary employment, all inputs for estimating the components of
employment and unemployment are readily available at the county level
(Minor Civil Division (MCD) level in New England, MCDs being cities and
towns). Aggregating these more geographically detailed data into LMAs
is an unnecessary step that results in the distortion of these data
when they are reallocated backed to the county level or MCD level,
particularly for some of the unemployment components.
The new method proposes to first develop the independent substate
estimates at county level and then sum them to their appropriate LMA.
This approach will result in more accurate estimates and will allow
better operational flexibility for future updates to the geographic
definitions of LMAs as counties (MCDs in New England) are the basic
component of LMA geographic definitions issued by the Office of
Management (OMB), as well as for small labor market areas as defined by
the BLS.
The current method estimates the labor force in LMAs, which are
defined to comprise one or more counties (MCDs in New England).
Employment and unemployment inputs are entered at the LMA level. In a
multi-county LMA, county unemployment estimates are disaggregated from
the LMA using the share of UI claims for the experienced unemployed,
the share of the 16-19 population for unemployed new entrants, and the
share of the 20+ population for unemployed re-entrants.
The new procedures discussed above for estimating the employment
components of all-other employment and agricultural employment produce
these estimates at the county level. The non-agricultural wage and
salary employment component, which is provided by the CES and the QCEW
programs, is generally available at the LMA level and must be allocated
into the counties that comprise the LMA. This will be accomplished by
using ACS non-agricultural wage and salary employment ratios derived
from the most recent ACS five-year dataset to distribute the CES/QCEW
LMA data to its component counties (and MCDs in New England). This step
is not needed for single county LMAs.
All of the necessary inputs for estimating unemployment are already
available at the county (and MCD) level. The new procedure results in
more accurate county estimates by estimating the level of persons who
remain unemployed after exhausting their eligibility for unemployment
insurance benefits (known as exhaustees) at the county level and by
avoiding the disaggregation of entrants from interstate LMAs.
In the current method, if a layoff event occurs in a county that is
part of a multi-county LMA, the exhaustees later associated with this
event are not necessarily assigned to the county where the layoff
occurred. This is because estimates of persons who have exhausted their
eligibility for further UI benefits are disaggregated to a county using
that county's share of persons who continue to be eligible for
benefits. Using the new county-based methodology, each county will have
its own independently estimated number of exhaustees, which will make
it unnecessary to disaggregate exhaustees from the LMA level.
In addition, unemployed entrants to the labor force are allocated
from a Statewide control total to the intrastate parts of interstate
LMAs using ratios based on annually updated population data from the
Census Bureau. These entrants are then summed into their respective
interstate LMAs before being disaggregated again using ratios based on
population data specific to each interstate LMA. In some cases this
two-step process has the effect of reallocating entrant unemployment
estimates across State lines. Using the new county-based methodology,
each county will be allocated its share of entrants in one step.
Detailed descriptions of the current and Redesign approaches are
available at the above address and at the BLS LAUS Web site
II. Desired Focus of Comments
This notice is a general solicitation of comments from the public.
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and included in the Notice of Decision on this proposal.
[[Page 53791]]
Signed at Washington, DC, this 29th day of August 2014.
Eric Molina,
Acting Chief, Division of Management Systems, Bureau of Labor
[FR Doc. 2014-21241 Filed 9-9-14; 8:45 am]