Small Business Size Standards: Industries With Employee Based Size Standards Not Part of Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, or Retail Trade, 53646-53667 [2014-20838]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
(b) For each calendar year, based on
previous fiscal year/historical actual
costs, AMS will calculate the benefits,
operating, and allowance for bad debt
components of the regular, overtime and
holiday rates as follows:
(1) Benefits rate. The total AMS
inspection or certification program
direct benefits costs divided by the total
hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
worked, which is then multiplied by the
next calendar year’s percentage cost of
living increase. Some examples of direct
benefits are health insurance,
retirement, life insurance, and Thrift
Savings Plan (TSP) retirement basic and
matching contributions.
(2) Operating rate. The total AMS
inspection or certification program
operating costs divided by total hours
(regular, overtime, and holiday) worked,
which is then multiplied by the
percentage of inflation.
(3) Allowance for bad debt rate. Total
AMS inspection or certification program
allowance for bad debt divided by total
hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
(c) The calendar year cost of living
expenses and percentage of inflation
factors used in the formulas in this
section are based on the most recent
Office of Management and Budget’s
Presidential Economic Assumptions.
■ 42. Amend § 75.42 by revising
paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 75.42
Sampling and sealing.
(b) When onsite inspection services
are performed by Federal employees at
the request of the applicant charges will
be based on the formulas in § 75.41 of
this part.
■ 43. Amend § 75.43 by revising
paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:
§ 75.43
Laboratory testing.
(a) Fees assessed based on the
formulas in section 75.41 of this part.
(c) The fee for a preliminary report
issued prior to completion of testing
shall be assessed in accordance with
paragraph (a) of this section.
44. The authority citation for part 91
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1622, 1624.
45. Amend § 91.37 by:
a. Revising paragraphs (a) and (b);
b. Removing paragraph (c); and
c. Redesignating paragraphs (d) and
(e) as paragraphs (c) and (d),
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The revisions read as follows:
§ 91.37 Standard hourly fee rate for
laboratory testing, analysis, and other
(a) For each fiscal year, AMS will
calculate the rate for laboratory testing,
analysis, and other services, per hour
per program employee using the
following formulas:
(1) Regular rate. The total AMS
laboratory service program personnel
direct pay divided by direct hours,
which is then multiplied by the next
year’s percentage of cost of living
increase, plus the benefits rate, plus the
operating rate, plus the allowance for
bad debt rate. If applicable, travel
expenses may also be added to the cost
of providing the service.
(2) Overtime rate. The total AMS
laboratory service program personnel
direct pay divided by direct hours,
which is then multiplied by the next
year’s percentage of cost of living
increase and then multiplied by 1.5 plus
the benefits rate, plus the operating rate,
plus an allowance for bad debt. If
applicable, travel expenses may also be
added to the cost of providing the
(3) Holiday rate. The total AMS
laboratory service program personnel
direct pay divided by direct hours
which is then multiplied by the next
year’s percentage of cost of living
increase and then multiplied by 2, plus
benefits rate, plus the operating rate,
plus an allowance for bad debt. If
applicable, travel expenses may also be
added to the cost of providing the
(b)(1) For each calendar year, based
on previous fiscal year/historical actual
costs, AMS will calculate the benefits,
operating, and allowance for bad debt
components of the regular, overtime and
holiday rates as follows:
(i) Benefits rate. The total AMS
laboratory service program direct
benefits costs divided by the total hours
(regular, overtime, and holiday) worked,
which is then multiplied by the next
calendar year’s percentage cost of living
increase. Some examples of direct
benefits are health insurance,
retirement, life insurance, and Thrift
Savings Plan (TSP) retirement basic and
matching contributions.
(ii) Operating rate. The total AMS
laboratory service program operating
costs divided by total hours (regular,
overtime, and holiday) worked, which is
then multiplied by the percentage of
(iii) Allowance for bad debt rate. Total
AMS laboratory service program
allowance for bad debt divided by total
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hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
(2) The calendar year cost of living
expenses and percentage of inflation
factors used in the formulas in this
section are based on the most recent
Office of Management and Budget’s
Presidential Economic Assumptions.
■ 46. Amend § 91.38 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 91.38 Additional fees for appeal of
(a) The applicant for appeal sample
testing will be charged a fee based on
the formulas in § 91.37 of this part.
■ 47. Amend § 91.39 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 91.39 Hourly fee rates for overtime and
legal holiday service.
(a) When analytical testing in a
Science and Technology facility
requires the services of laboratory
personnel beyond their regularly
assigned tour of duty on any day or on
a day outside the established schedule,
such services are considered as overtime
work. When analytical testing in a
Science and Technology facility
requires the services of laboratory
personnel on a Federal holiday or a day
designated in lieu of such a holiday,
such services are considered holiday
work. Laboratory analyses initiated at
the request of the applicant to be
rendered on Federal holidays, and on an
overtime basis will be charged fees
based on the formulas in § 91.37 of this
Dated: August 29, 2014.
Rex A. Barnes,
Associate Administrator, Agricultural
Marketing Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–21188 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
13 CFR Part 121
RIN 3245–AG51
Small Business Size Standards:
Industries With Employee Based Size
Standards Not Part of Manufacturing,
Wholesale Trade, or Retail Trade
U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) proposes to
increase employee based small business
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
size standards for 30 industries and
three sub-industries (i.e., exceptions in
SBA’s table of size standards) and
decrease them for three industries that
are not part of North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) Sector
31–33 (Manufacturing), Sector 42
(Wholesale Trade), or Sector 44–45
(Retail Trade). SBA also proposes to
eliminate the Information Technology
Value Added Resellers sub-industry or
‘‘exception’’ under NAICS 541519
(Other Computer Related Services) and
its 150-employee size standard.
Similarly, SBA proposes to eliminate
the Offshore Marine Air Transportation
Services sub-industry or ‘‘exception’’
under NAICS 481211 and 481212 and
Offshore Marine Services sub-industry
or ‘‘exception’’ under NAICS Subsector
483 and their $28 million receipts based
size standard. This proposed change
includes removing Footnote 15 and
Footnote 18 from the table of size
standards. As part of its ongoing
comprehensive size standards review,
SBA evaluated employee based size
standards for 57 industries and five subindustries that are not in NAICS Sectors
31–33, 42, or 44–45 to determine
whether they should be retained or
revised. This proposed rule is one of a
series of proposed rules that will review
size standards of industries grouped by
NAICS Sector.
DATES: SBA must receive comments to
this proposed rule on or before
November 10, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Identify your comments by
RIN 3245–AG51 and submit them by
one of the following methods: (1)
Federal eRulemaking Portal:, following the
instructions for submitting comments;
or (2) Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Khem R. Sharma, Ph.D., Chief, Size
Standards Division, 409 Third Street
SW., Mail Code 6530, Washington, DC
20416. SBA will not accept comments to
this proposed rule submitted by email.
SBA will post all comments to this
proposed rule on
If you wish to submit confidential
business information (CBI) as defined in
the User Notice at,
you must submit such information to
U.S. Small Business Administration,
Khem R. Sharma, Ph.D., Chief, Size
Standards Division, 409 Third Street
SW., Mail Code 6530, Washington, DC
20416, or send an email to Highlight the
information that you consider to be CBI
and explain why you believe SBA
should hold this information as
confidential. SBA will review your
information and determine whether it
will make the information public.
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Jorge Laboy-Bruno, Ph.D., Economist,
Size Standards Division, (202) 205–6618
In an effort to remove possible public
confusion, SBA would like to explain
the changes made to the title of this
rule. When SBA initially announced in
the Fall 2012 Unified Agenda of Federal
Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions, 78
FR 1636 at 1639 (January 8, 2013) (Item
#393) that it intended to propose this
rule, it was titled ‘‘Small Business Size
Standards for Other Industries With
Employee Based Size Standards not Part
of Manufacturing or Wholesale Trade.’’
under Regulatory Information Number
(RIN) 3245–AG51. SBA later realized
that this proposed rule also does not
address two industries with employee
based size standards in Retail Trade
(NAICS Sector 44–45). Those size
standards will be addressed in a
separate rule with industries in
Wholesale Trade (NAICS Sector 42)
under RIN 3245–AG49. As a result, the
title of this proposed rule is changed to
read ‘‘Small Business Size Standards:
Industries with Employee Based Size
Standards Not Part of Manufacturing,
Wholesale Trade, or Retail Trade.’’ SBA
believes that the title change of the rule
will make it easier for affected parties to
understand the scope of its coverage,
and will engender more public
comment and involvement.
To determine eligibility for Federal
small business assistance, SBA
establishes small business size
definitions (referred to as size
standards) for private sector industries
in the United States. SBA uses two
primary measures of business size—
average annual receipts and average
number of employees. SBA uses
financial assets, electric output, and
refining capacity to measure the size of
a few specialized industries. In
addition, SBA’s Small Business
Investment Company (SBIC), Certified
Development Company (504), and 7(a)
Loan Programs use either the industry
based size standards or net worth and
net income based alternative size
standards to determine eligibility for
those programs. At the start of the SBA’s
current comprehensive size standards
review when the size standards were
based on NAICS 2007, there were 41
different size standards covering 1,141
NAICS industries and 18 subindustry
activities (‘‘exceptions’’ in SBA’s table
of size standards). Thirty-one of these
size levels were based on average
annual receipts, seven were based on
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average number of employees, and three
were based on other measures.
Presently, under NAICS 2012, there are
28 different size standards, covering
1,031 industries and 16 ‘‘exceptions’’.
Of these, 533 are based on average
annual receipts, 509 on number of
employees (one of which also includes
barrels per day total capacity), and five
on average assets.
Over the years, SBA has received
comments that its size standards have
not kept up with changes in the
economy, in particular the changes in
the Federal contracting marketplace and
industry structure. The last time SBA
conducted a comprehensive size
standards review was during the late
1970s and early 1980s. Since then, most
reviews of size standards were limited
to a few specific industries, mostly with
receipts based size standards, in
response to requests from the public and
Federal agencies. SBA reviews all
monetary based size standards (except
for statutorily set size standards in
NAICS Sector 11) for inflation at least
once every five years. SBA’s latest
inflation adjustment to size standards
was published in the Federal Register
on June 12, 2014 (79 FR 33647).
However, the vast majority of employee
based size standards have not been
reviewed since they were first
Because of changes in the Federal
marketplace and industry structure
since the last comprehensive size
standards review, SBA recognizes that
current data may no longer support
some of its existing size standards.
Accordingly, in 2007, SBA began a
comprehensive review of all size
standards to determine if they are
consistent with current data, and to
adjust them when necessary. In
addition, on September 27, 2010, the
President of the United States signed the
Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (Jobs
Act). The Jobs Act directs SBA to
conduct a detailed review of all size
standards and to make appropriate
adjustments to reflect market
conditions. Specifically, the Jobs Act
requires SBA to conduct a detailed
review of at least one-third of all size
standards during every 18-month period
from the date of its enactment. In
addition, the Jobs Act requires that SBA
review all size standards not less
frequently than once every five years
thereafter. Reviewing existing small
business size standards and making
appropriate adjustments based on the
latest available data are also consistent
with Executive Order 13563 on
improving regulation and regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Rather than review all size standards
at one time, SBA is reviewing size
standards on a Sector by Sector basis. A
NAICS Sector generally includes 25 to
75 industries, except for NAICS Sector
31–33, Manufacturing, which has
considerably more industries. As stated
above, this proposed rule covers
industries with employee based size
standards that are not part of NAICS
Sector 31–33 (Manufacturing), Sector 42
(Wholesale Trade), or Sector 44–45
(Retail Trade). These include one
industry each in NAICS Sector 11
(Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and
Hunting), Sector 22 (Utilities) and
Sector 52 (Finance and Insurance), 25
industries in Sector 21 (Mining,
Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction),
15 industries in Sector 48–49
(Transportation and Warehousing), 12
industries in Sector 51 (Information),
two industries and four sub-industries
(‘‘exceptions’’) in Sector 54
(Professional, Scientific and Technical
Services), and one sub-industry
(‘‘exception’’) in Sector 56
(Administrative and Support, Waste
Management and Remediation Services)
that currently have employee based size
standards. Once SBA completes its
review of size standards for industries
in a NAICS Sector, it issues a proposed
rule to revise size standards for those
industries based on latest industry and
program data available and other
relevant factors, such as current
economic climate and SBA’s and other
government’s programs and policies to
help small businesses.
Below is a discussion of SBA’s size
standards methodology for establishing
employee based size standards that the
Agency applied to this proposed rule,
including analyses of industry structure,
Federal contracting factors, the impact
of the proposed revisions to size
standards on SBA’s financial assistance
to small businesses, and the evaluation
of whether a revised size standard
would exclude dominant firms from
being considered small.
Size Standards Methodology
In conjunction with the current
comprehensive size standards review,
SBA developed a ‘‘Size Standards
Methodology’’ (methodology) for
developing, reviewing, and modifying
size standards when necessary. SBA
published the document on its Web site
at for public review
and comments, and has also included it
as a supporting document in the
electronic docket of this proposed rule
at It should be
noted that SBA does not apply all
features of its methodology to all
industries because not all features are
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appropriate for every industry. For
example, since all industries that are
being reviewed in this proposed rule
have employee based size standards, the
methodology described in this proposed
rule relates only to establishing
employee based size standards.
However, the methodology is available
in its entirety for parties who have an
interest in SBA’s overall approach to
establishing, evaluating, and modifying
small business size standards. SBA
always explains its methodology and
analysis in individual proposed and
final rules relating to size standards for
specific industries.
SBA welcomes comments from the
public on a number of issues concerning
its ‘‘Size Standards Methodology,’’ that
the Agency has applied in this proposed
rule, such as whether there are other
approaches to establishing and
modifying size standards; whether there
are alternative or additional factors that
SBA should consider; whether SBA’s
approach to small business size
standards makes sense in the current
economic environment; whether SBA’s
use of anchor size standards is
appropriate; whether there are gaps in
SBA’s methodology because the data it
uses are not current or sufficiently
comprehensive; and whether there are
other data, facts, and/or issues that SBA
should consider. Comments on SBA’s
size standards methodology should be
submitted via: (1) The Federal
eRulemaking Portal:, following the
instructions for submitting comments;
the docket number is SBA–2009–0008,
or (2) Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Khem R. Sharma, Ph.D., Chief, Size
Standards Division, 409 Third Street
SW., Mail Code 6530, Washington, DC
20416. As it will do with comments to
this and other proposed rules, SBA will
post all comments on its methodology
on As of April 30,
2014, SBA has received 17 comments to
its ‘‘Size Standards Methodology.’’ The
comments are available to the public at SBA continues to
welcome comments on its methodology
from interested parties. SBA will not
accept comments submitted by email.
Congress granted SBA’s Administrator
the discretion to establish detailed small
business size standards. 15 U.S.C.
632(a)(2). Specifically, Section 3(a)(3) of
the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C.
632(a)(3)) requires that ‘‘. . . the [SBA]
Administrator shall ensure that the size
standard varies from industry to
industry to the extent necessary to
reflect the differing characteristics of the
various industries and consider other
factors deemed to be relevant by the
Administrator.’’ Accordingly, the
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economic structure of an industry is the
basis for developing and modifying
small business size standards. SBA
identifies the small business segment of
an industry by examining the latest
available data on the economic
characteristics defining the industry
structure (as described below). In
addition, SBA considers current
economic conditions, its mission and
program objectives, the
Administration’s current policies,
suggestions from industry groups and
Federal agencies, and public comments
on proposed rules. SBA also examines
whether a size standard based on
industry and other relevant data
successfully excludes businesses that
are dominant in the industry.
This proposed rule includes
information regarding the factors SBA
evaluated and the criteria it used to
propose adjustments, where necessary,
to employee based size standards for 57
industries and five sub-industries
(‘‘exceptions’’) covered by this rule.
This proposed rule affords the public an
opportunity to review and to comment
on SBA’s proposal to revise size
standards for certain industries, as well
as on the data and methodology it used
to evaluate and revise the size
Industry Analysis
For the current comprehensive size
standards review, SBA has established
three ‘‘base’’ or ‘‘anchor’’ size
standards—$7.0 million in average
annual receipts for industries that have
receipts based size standards, 500
employees for manufacturing and other
industries that have employee based
size standards in nonmanufacturing
sectors (except for Wholesale Trade and
Retail Trade), and 100 employees for
industries in the Wholesale Trade
Sector. SBA established 500 employees
as the anchor size standard for
manufacturing industries at its
inception in 1953. Shortly thereafter,
SBA established $1 million in average
annual receipts as the anchor size
standard for nonmanufacturing
industries. SBA has periodically
increased the receipts based anchor size
standard for inflation, and today it is $7
million. Since 1986, the size standard
for all industries in the Wholesale Trade
Sector for SBA’s financial assistance
and for most Federal programs has been
100 employees. Presently, SBA also has
employee based size standards for two
industries in Retail Trade, namely
NAICS 441110, New Car Dealers (200
employees) and NAICS 454310, Fuel
Dealers (50 employees). However,
NAICS codes for the Wholesale and
Retail Trade Sectors and their size
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
standards do not apply to Federal
procurement programs. Rather, for
Federal procurement the size standard
for all industries in Wholesale Trade
(NAICS Sector 42) and for all industries
in Retail Trade (NAICS Sector 44–45) is
500 employees under the SBA’s nonmanufacturer rule (13 CFR 121.406(b)).
These long-standing anchor size
standards have stood the test of time
and gained legitimacy through practice
and general public acceptance. An
anchor is neither a minimum nor a
maximum size standard. It is a common
size standard for a large number of
industries that have similar economic
characteristics and serves as a reference
point in evaluating size standards for
individual industries. SBA uses the
anchor in lieu of trying to establish
precise small business size standards for
each industry. Otherwise, theoretically,
the number of size standards might be
as high as the number of industries for
which SBA establishes size standards
(i.e., more than 1,000). Furthermore, the
data SBA analyzes are static, while the
U.S. economy is not. Hence, absolute
precision is impossible. Similarly,
because of the disclosure problem in
getting the distribution of firms by more
granular size classes, the 2007 Economic
Census tabulation (the latest available
when this proposed rule was prepared)
that SBA received from the U.S. Census
Bureau for current size standards review
would not allow an accurate regulatory
impact analysis of size standards
changes if precise, separate size
standards were established for each
industry. SBA presumes an anchor size
standard is appropriate for a particular
industry unless that industry displays
economic characteristics that are
considerably different from other
industries with the same anchor size
When evaluating a size standard, SBA
compares the economic characteristics
of the industry under review to the
average characteristics of industries
with one of the three anchor size
standards (referred to as the ‘‘anchor
comparison group’’). This allows SBA to
assess the industry structure and to
determine whether the industry is
appreciably different from the other
industries in the anchor comparison
group. If the characteristics of a specific
industry under review are similar to the
average characteristics of the anchor
comparison group, the anchor size
standard is generally appropriate for
that industry. SBA may consider
adopting a size standard below the
anchor when: (1) All or most of the
industry characteristics are significantly
smaller than the average characteristics
of the anchor comparison group; or (2)
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other industry considerations strongly
suggest that the anchor size standard
would be an unreasonably high size
standard for the industry.
If the specific industry’s
characteristics are significantly higher
than those of the anchor comparison
group, then a size standard higher than
the anchor size standard may be
appropriate. The larger the differences
are between the characteristics of the
industry under review and those in the
anchor comparison group, the larger
will be the difference between the
appropriate industry size standard and
the anchor size standard. To determine
a size standard above the anchor size
standard, SBA analyzes the
characteristics of a second comparison
For industries with employee based
size standards reviewed in this
proposed rule, SBA has developed a
second comparison group consisting of
industries that have the highest of
employee based size standards. To
determine a size standard above the
500-employee anchor size standard,
SBA analyzes the characteristics of this
second comparison group. The
industries in this group have size
standards of either 1,000 employees or
1,500 employees; the weighted average
size standard for the group is 1,323
employees. SBA refers to this
comparison group as the ‘‘higher level
employee based size standard group.’’
To examine industry structure, SBA
evaluates average firm size, startup costs
and entry barriers, industry
competition, and distribution of firms
by size. SBA also evaluates the level and
small business share of total Federal
contracting dollars. These are, generally,
the five primary factors SBA examines
when establishing or revising a size
standard for an industry. However, SBA
will also consider and evaluate other
information that it believes is relevant to
a particular industry (such as
technological changes, growth trends,
SBA financial assistance, other program
factors, etc.). SBA also considers
possible impacts of size standard
revisions on eligibility for Federal small
business assistance, current economic
conditions, the Administration’s
policies, and suggestions from industry
groups and Federal agencies. Public
comments on a proposed rule also
provide important additional
information. SBA thoroughly reviews all
public comments before making a final
decision on its proposed size standards.
Below are brief descriptions of each of
the five primary factors that SBA has
evaluated for each industry and subindustry covered by this proposed rule.
A more detailed description of these
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factors is provided in SBA’s ‘‘Size
Standards Methodology,’’ available at
1. Average firm size. SBA computes
two measures of average firm size:
Simple average and weighted average.
For industries with employee based size
standards, the simple average firm size
is the total number of employees in an
industry divided by the total number of
firms in that industry. The weighted
average firm size is the sum of weighted
simple average firm sizes in different
employee size classes, where weights
are the shares of total industry
employees for respective employee size
classes. The simple average firm size
weighs all firms within an industry
equally regardless of their size. The
weighted average firm size overcomes
that limitation by giving more weight to
larger firms.
If the average firm size of an industry
is significantly higher than the average
firm size of industries in the anchor
comparison industry group, this will
generally support a size standard higher
than the anchor size standard.
Conversely, if the industry’s average
firm size is similar to or significantly
lower than that of the anchor
comparison industry group, it will be a
basis to adopt the anchor size standard,
or, in rare cases, a standard lower than
the anchor.
2. Startup costs and entry barriers.
Startup costs reflect a firm’s initial size
in an industry. New entrants to an
industry must have sufficient capital
and other assets to start and maintain a
viable business. If new firms entering a
particular industry have greater capital
requirements than firms in industries in
the anchor comparison group, this can
be a basis for establishing a size
standard higher than the anchor size
standard. In lieu of actual startup cost
data, SBA uses average assets as a proxy
to measure the capital requirements for
new entrants to an industry.
To calculate average assets, SBA
begins with the sales to total assets ratio
for an industry from the Risk
Management Association’s Annual
eStatement Studies. SBA then applies
these ratios to the average receipts of
firms in that industry. An industry with
average assets that are significantly
higher than those of the anchor
comparison group is likely to have
higher startup costs; this in turn will
support a size standard higher than the
anchor. Conversely, an industry with
average assets that are similar to or
lower than those of the anchor
comparison group is likely to have
lower startup costs; this will support the
anchor standard or one lower than the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
3. Industry competition. Industry
competition is generally measured by
the share of total industry receipts
generated by the largest firms in an
industry. SBA generally evaluates the
share of industry receipts generated by
the four largest firms in each industry.
This is referred to as the ‘‘four-firm
concentration ratio,’’ a commonly used
economic measure of market
competition. If a significant share of
economic activity within the industry is
concentrated among a few relatively
large companies, all else being equal,
SBA will establish a size standard
higher than the anchor size standard.
SBA does not consider the four-firm
concentration ratio as an important
factor in assessing a size standard if its
share of economic activity of the largest
four firms within the industry is less
than 40 percent. For an industry with a
four-firm concentration ratio of 40
percent or more, SBA compares the
average employee size of the four largest
firms in the industry with the four
largest firms’ average employee size for
the anchor and higher level size
comparison groups to determine an
employee size standard for that
4. Distribution of firms by size. For
employee based size standards, SBA
examines the shares of industry total
receipts accounted for by firms of
various employment size classes in an
industry. This is an additional factor
SBA examines in assessing industry
competition. If most of an industry’s
economic activity is attributable to
smaller firms, this generally indicates
that small businesses are competitive in
that industry. This can, generally,
support adopting the anchor size
standard. If most of an industry’s
economic activity is attributable to
larger firms, this indicates that small
businesses are not competitive in that
industry. This can support adopting a
size standard above the anchor.
Concentration is a measure of
inequality of distribution. To determine
the degree of inequality of distribution
in an industry, SBA computes the Gini
coefficient by constructing the Lorenz
curve. The Lorenz curve presents the
cumulative percentages of units (firms)
in various employee size classes along
the horizontal axis and the cumulative
percentages of receipts (or other
measures of size) in the same employee
size classes along the vertical axis. (For
further detail, please refer to SBA’s
‘‘Size Standards Methodology’’ on its
Web site at Gini
coefficient values vary from zero to one.
If receipts are distributed equally among
all the firms in an industry, the value of
the Gini coefficient will equal zero. If an
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industry’s total receipts are attributed to
a single firm, the Gini coefficient will
equal one.
SBA compares the Gini coefficient
value for an industry with that for
industries in the anchor comparison
group. If the Gini coefficient value for
an industry is higher than it is for
industries in the anchor comparison
industry group this may, all else being
equal, warrant a size standard higher
than the anchor. Conversely, if an
industry’s Gini coefficient is similar to
or lower than that for the anchor group,
the anchor standard, or in some cases a
standard lower than the anchor, may be
5. Impact on Federal contracting and
SBA loan programs. SBA examines the
possible impact a size standard change
may have on Federal small business
assistance. This most often focuses on
the level and small business share of
total Federal contracting dollars in the
industry in question. In general, if the
small business share of total Federal
contracting dollars in an industry with
significant Federal contracting is
appreciably less than the small business
share of the industry’s total receipts,
this could justify considering a size
standard higher than the existing size
standard. If the small business share of
an industry’s total Federal contracting
dollars is similar to or higher than the
small business share of its total receipts,
this would support the existing size
standard for that industry. By
comparing the small business share in
the Federal market with the small
business share in the industry-wide
market, SBA accounts for conditions in
the Federal market in its size standards
analysis. The disparity between the
small business Federal market share and
small business industry-wide share may
be due to various factors, such as
extensive administrative and
compliance requirements associated
with Federal contracts, the different
skill set required for Federal contracts as
compared to typical commercial
contracting work, and the size of
Federal contracts. Data permitting, SBA
will also examine these, as well as other
factors that are likely to influence the
type of firms within an industry that
compete for Federal contracts.
SBA considers the Federal contracting
factor in an industry’s size standards
analysis only if the industry’s total
Federal contracting dollars average $100
million or more annually during the
latest three fiscal years. SBA believes
that this threshold reflects a significant
level of contracting where a revision to
a size standard may have an impact on
contracting opportunities to small
businesses. For industries where total
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contracting dollars average $100 million
or more annually, SBA establishes a size
standard higher than the existing size
standard if the small business share of
total industry receipts is 10 percent or
higher than the small business share of
total industry receipts. If this difference
is less than 10 percent, this would
support the existing size standard.
Besides the impact on small business
Federal contracting, SBA also evaluates
the impact of a proposed size standard
revision on SBA’s loan programs. For
this, SBA examines the data on volume
and number of its guaranteed loans
within an industry and the size of firms
obtaining those loans. This allows SBA
to assess whether the existing,
proposed, or revised size standard for a
particular industry may restrict the level
of financial assistance to small firms. If
existing size standards are found to have
impeded financial assistance to small
businesses, higher size standards may
be justified. However, if small
businesses under existing size standards
have been receiving significant amounts
of financial assistance through SBA’s
loan programs, or if the financial
assistance has been provided mainly to
businesses that are much smaller than
the existing size standards, SBA does
not consider this factor when
determining the size standard.
Sources of Industry and Program Data
SBA’s primary source of industry data
used in this proposed rule is a special
tabulation of the 2007 Economic Census
prepared by the U.S. Bureau of the
Census (Census Bureau) for SBA. The
2007 Economic Census data are the
latest Economic Census data available at
the time of drafting this proposed rule.
SBA expects to receive the special
tabulation from the 2012 Economic
Census in 2016 for the next round of
comprehensive size standards review.
The special tabulation provides SBA
with data on the number of firms,
number of establishments, number of
employees, annual payroll, and annual
receipts of companies by Industry (6digit level), Industry Group (4-digit
level), Subsector (3-digit level), and
Sector (2-digit level). These data are
arrayed by various classes of firms’ size
based on the overall number of
employees and receipts of the entire
enterprise (all establishments and
affiliated firms) from all industries. The
special tabulation enables SBA to
evaluate average firm size, the four-firm
concentration ratio, and distribution of
firms by various receipts and
employment size classes. It should be
noted that the Economic Census
tabulation data on the number of firms,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
number of establishments, number of
employees, annual payroll, and annual
receipts for a particular NAICS Industry
category relate to establishments and
firms that are primarily engaged in that
Industry. To mitigate this limitation of
the Economic Census tabulation data,
SBA also examines the data from the
System of Award Management (SAM)
(formerly Central Contractor
Registration (CCR)) and FPDS–NG
which provides more recent data on
Federal contract awards by NAICS code
and the actual size of the concerns
receiving the contract awards.
In some cases, where data are not
available at the 6-digit industry level
due to disclosure prohibitions in the
Census Bureau’s tabulation, SBA either
estimates missing values using available
relevant data or examines data at a
higher level of industry aggregation,
such as at the NAICS 2-digit (Sector),
3-digit (Subsector), or 4-digit (Industry
Group) level. In some instances, SBA’s
analysis is based only on those factors
for which data are available or estimates
of missing values are possible.
The data from the Census Bureau’s
tabulation are limited to the 6-digit
NAICS industry level and hence do not
provide economic characteristics at the
sub-industry level. Thus, when
establishing, reviewing, or modifying
size standards at the sub-industry level
(that is, one of the ‘‘exceptions’’ in
SBA’s table of size standards), SBA
evaluates the data from the U.S. General
Service Administration’s (GSA) Federal
Procurement Data System—Next
Generation (FPDS–NG) and SAM (CCR)
databases, following a two-step
procedure. First, using FPDS–NG, SBA
identifies product service codes (PSCs)
that correspond to specific sub-industry
activities or ‘‘exceptions’’ within the
applicable NAICS code and then
identifies firms that received Federal
contracts in those PSCs. Then SBA
obtains those firms’ revenue and
employment data from the SAM/CCR
database. SBA uses that data to evaluate
the characteristics of businesses that
FPDS–NG identifies for those
procurements. In this proposed rule,
SBA applied this approach to determine
industry and Federal contracting factors
for ‘‘Information Technology Value
Added Resellers,’’ which is an
exception under NAICS 541519, Other
Computer Related Services, and for
‘‘Environmental Remediation Services,’’
which is an exception under NAICS
562910, Remediation Services.
Certain industries are not covered by
Economic Census and not shown in the
special tabulation. For those industries,
SBA first identifies companies that are
registered in SAM/CCR under those
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industry NAICS codes and then
evaluates their employment and
revenue data obtained from their SAM/
CCR profiles. SBA applied this
approach to evaluate industry factors for
two industries in NAICS Sector 48–49
that are not covered by Economic
Census, namely Line-Haul Railroads
(NAICS 482111), and Short Line
Railroads (NAICS 482112).
To calculate average assets, SBA used
sales to total assets ratios from the Risk
Management Association’s Annual
eStatement Studies, 2009–2011,
available at https://
To evaluate the Federal contracting
factor, SBA examined the data from
FPDS–NG for fiscal years 2009–2011,
available at and
2007 Economic Census tabulation,
which is the latest available as stated
elsewhere in the rule.
To assess the impact on financial
assistance to small businesses, SBA
examined its internal data on 7(a) and
504 loan programs for fiscal years 2010–
Data sources and estimation
procedures SBA uses in its size
standards analysis are documented in
detail in SBA’s ‘‘Size Standards
Methodology’’ White Paper, which is
available at
Dominance in Field of Operation
Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act
(15 U.S.C. 632(a)) defines a small
business concern as one that: (1) Is
independently owned and operated; (2)
is not dominant in its field of operation;
and (3) meets a specific small business
definition or size standard established
by SBA’s Administrator. SBA considers
as part of its evaluation whether a
business concern at a proposed or
revised size standard would be
dominant in its field of operation. For
this, SBA generally examines the
industry’s market share of firms at the
proposed or revised standard. SBA also
examines distribution of firms by size to
ensure that a contemplated size
standard derived from its size standards
analysis excludes the largest firms
within an industry. Market share, the
size distribution and other factors may
indicate whether a firm can exercise a
major controlling influence on a
national basis in an industry where a
significant number of business concerns
are engaged. If a contemplated size
standard includes dominant or the
largest firms in an industry, SBA will
consider a lower size standard than the
one suggested by the analytical results
to exclude the dominant and largest
firms from being defined as small.
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Selection of Size Standards
Among the industries with employee
based size standards not in NAICS
Sector 31–33 (Manufacturing), Sector 42
(Wholesale Trade), or Sector 44–45
(Retail Trade), currently there are four
size standards clusters: 500 employees,
750 employees, 1,000 employees, and
1,500 employees. In this proposed rule,
SBA has applied its ‘‘Size Standards
Methodology’’ for employee based size
standards with two modifications. First,
to be consistent with its policy of not
lowering any size standards in all recent
proposed and final rules on receipts
based size standards, SBA is retaining
the current 500-employee minimum and
1,500-employee maximum size
standards for all industries in the
Manufacturing Sector and other
industries not in the Wholesale and
Retail Trade Sectors that have employee
based size standards. In its ‘‘Size
Standards Methodology,’’ SBA had
proposed setting the minimum
employee based size standard for these
industries at 250 employees and the
maximum size standard at 1,000
employees. However, doing so would
mean lowering existing size standards,
thereby making currently small
businesses ineligible to continue their
participation in Federal small business
programs. This would run counter to
what SBA and the Administration are
doing to help small businesses to create
jobs and boost economic growth.
Second, SBA is proposing a new 1,250employee size standard between 1,000
employees and 1,500 employees. This
new size standard level maintains the
same 250-employee increment between
the two successive levels that SBA has
below 1,000 employees (500, 750,
1,000). SBA proposes, therefore, to
apply one of these five employee based
size standards to the analysis of
employee based size standards for
industries in the Manufacturing Sector
and other industries not in the
Wholesale and Retail Trade Sectors: 500
employees, 750 employees, 1,000
employees, 1,250 employees, and 1,500
To simplify size standards and for
other reasons, SBA may propose a
common size standard for closely
related industries. Although the size
standard analysis may support a
separate size standard for each industry,
SBA believes that establishing different
size standards for closely related
industries may not always be
appropriate. For example, in cases
where many of the same businesses
operate in the same multiple industries,
a common size standard for those
industries might better reflect the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Federal marketplace. This might also
make size standards among related
industries more consistent than separate
size standards for each of those
industries. Whenever SBA proposes a
common size standard for closely
related industries it will provide its
Evaluation of Industry Structure
In this proposed rule, SBA evaluated
57 industries and five sub-industries
(‘‘exceptions’’) with employee based
size standards that are not in NAICS
Sectors 31–33, 42, or 44–45 to assess the
appropriateness of their current size
standards. As described above, SBA
compared data on the economic
characteristics of each of those
industries and sub-industries to the
average characteristics of industries in
two comparison groups. The first
comparison group consists of all
industries in Manufacturing and
industries not in Wholesale Trade or
Retail Trade with 500-employee size
standards. SBA refers this group of
industries to as the ‘‘employee based
anchor comparison group.’’ Because the
goal of SBA’s review is to assess
whether a specific industry’s size
standard should be the same as or
different from the anchor size standard,
this is the most logical group of
industries to analyze. In addition, this
group includes a sufficient number of
firms to provide a meaningful
assessment and comparison of industry
As stated previously, if the
characteristics of an industry are similar
to the average characteristics of
industries in the anchor comparison
group, the anchor size standard is
generally appropriate for that industry.
If an industry’s structure is significantly
different from industries in the anchor
group, a size standard lower or higher
than the anchor size standard might be
appropriate. The proposed new size
standard is based on the difference
between the characteristics of the
anchor comparison group and a second
industry comparison group. As
described above, the second comparison
group for employee based standards
consists of industries with either 1,000employee or 1,500-employee size
standards. The weighted average size
standard for this group is 1,323
employees. SBA refers this group of
industries to as the ‘‘higher level
employee based size standard
comparison group.’’ SBA determines
differences in industry structure
between an industry under review and
the industries in the two comparison
groups by comparing data on each of the
industry factors, including average firm
size, average assets size, the four-firm
concentration ratio, and the Gini
coefficient of distribution of firms by
size. Table 1, Average Characteristics of
Employee Based Comparison Groups,
shows the average firm size (both simple
and weighted), average assets size, fourfirm concentration ratio, average
employees of the four largest firms, and
the Gini coefficient for both anchor level
and higher level comparison groups for
employee based size standards.
Employee based
comparison group
Average firm size
(number of employees)
Anchor Level ....................
Higher Level .....................
Average assets
($ million)
employees of
four largest
firms *
Gini coefficient
* To be used for industries with a four-firm concentration ratio of 40% or greater.
Derivation of Size Standards Based on
Industry Factors
For each industry factor in Table 1,
Average Characteristics of Employee
Based Comparison Groups, SBA derives
a separate size standard based on the
differences between the values for an
industry under review and the values
for the two comparison groups. If the
industry value for a particular factor is
near the corresponding factor for the
anchor comparison group, the 500employee anchor size standard is
appropriate for that factor.
An industry factor significantly above
or below the anchor comparison group
will generally imply a size standard for
that industry above or below the 500employee anchor. The new size
standard in these cases is based on the
proportional difference between the
industry value and the values for the
two comparison groups.
For example, an industry’s simple
average firm size of 75 employees will
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support a 750-employee size standard.
The 75-employee level is 28.2 percent
between 51 employees for the anchor
comparison group and 136 employees
for the higher level comparison group
((75 employees ¥ 51 employees) ÷ (136
employees ¥ 51 employees) = 0.282 or
28.2%). This proportional difference is
applied to the difference between the
size standard of 500 employees for the
anchor level size standard group and
average size standard of 1,323
employees for the higher level size
standard group and then added to 500
employees to estimate a size standard of
733 employees ([{1,323 employees ¥
500 employees} * 0.282] + 500
employees = 733 employees). The final
step is to round the estimated 733employee size standard to the nearest
size standard level, which in this
example is 750 employees.
SBA applies the above calculation to
derive a size standard for each industry
factor. Detailed formulas involved in
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these calculations are presented in
SBA’s ‘‘Size Standards Methodology’’
which is available on its Web site at As stated above, SBA
has also included its ‘‘Size Standards
Methodology’’ as a supporting
document in the electronic docket of
this proposed rule at (However, it
should be noted that figures in the ‘‘Size
Standards Methodology’’ White Paper
are based on 2002 Economic Census
data and are different from those
presented in this proposed rule. That is
because when SBA prepared its ‘‘Size
Standards Methodology,’’ the 2007
Economic Census data were not yet
available). Table 2, Values of Industry
Factors and Supported Size Standards,
below, shows ranges of values for each
industry factor and the levels of size
standards supported by those values.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Then implied
size standard
(number of
If simple average firm
(number of employees)
Or if weighted average
firm size
(number of employees)
Or if average assets
($ million)
Or if average number
employees of largest
four firms
Or if Gini coefficient
< 63.9 ............................
63.9 to < 89.7 ...............
89.7 to < 115.6 .............
115.6 to < 141.4 ...........
≥ 141.4 ..........................
< 364.5 ........................
364.5 to < 449.6 ..........
449.6 to < 534.6 ..........
534.6 to < 619.7 ..........
≥ 619.7 ........................
< 11.1 ..........................
11.1 to < 20.3 ..............
20.3 to < 29.6 ..............
29.6 to < 38.9 ..............
≥ 38.9 ..........................
< 1,383.3 .....................
1,383.3 to < 1,616.0 ....
1,616.0 to < 1,848.7 ....
1,848.7 to < 2,081.4 ....
≥ 2,081.4 .....................
< 0.772 ........................
0.772 to < 0.785 ..........
0.785 to < 0.798 ..........
0.798 to < 0.811 ..........
≥ 0.811 ........................
Derivation of Size Standard Based on
Federal Contracting Factor
Besides industry structure, SBA also
evaluates Federal contracting data to
assess the success of small businesses in
getting Federal contracts under the
existing size standards. For industries
where Federal contract dollars average
$100 million or more annually and the
small business share of total Federal
contracting dollars is 10 to 30 percent
lower than the small business share of
total industry receipts, SBA has
designated a size standard one level
higher than their current size standard.
For industries where the small business
share of total Federal contracting dollars
is more than 30 percent lower than the
small business share of total industry
receipts, SBA has designated a size
standard two levels higher than the
current size standard. For industries,
where this difference is less than 10
percent, SBA applies the existing size
standard for the Federal contracting
Because of the complex relationships
among several variables affecting small
business participation in the Federal
marketplace, SBA has chosen not to
designate a size standard for the Federal
contracting factor alone that is more
than two levels above the current size
standard. SBA believes that a larger
adjustment to size standards based on
Federal contracting activity should be
based on a more detailed analysis of the
impact of any subsequent revision to the
current size standard. In limited
situations, however, SBA may conduct
a more extensive examination of Federal
contracting experience. This may
support a different size standard than
indicated by this general rule and take
into consideration significant and
unique aspects of small business
competitiveness in the Federal contract
market. SBA welcomes comments on its
methodology for incorporating the
Federal contracting factor in its size
standard analysis and suggestions for
alternative methods and other relevant
information on small business
experience in the Federal contract
market that SBA should consider.
Of the 57 industries reviewed in this
proposed rule, 14 averaged $100 million
or more annually in Federal contracting
during fiscal years 2009–2011 and thus,
the Federal contracting factor for those
industries was significant. Of the 14
industries, the difference between the
small business share of total industry
receipts and small business share of
Federal contracting dollars was less
than 10 percent for seven industries
and, in this proposed rule, SBA applied
the existing size standard to each. The
difference was between 10 and 30
percent for three industries for which a
size standard one level higher than the
existing size standard was applied.
Finally, in four industries, this
difference was more than 30 percent
and a size standard that was two levels
higher than the existing size standard
was applied.
New Size Standards Based on Industry
and Federal Contracting Factors
Table 3, Size Standards Supported by
Each Factor for Each Industry (No. of
Employees), below, shows the results of
analyses of industry and Federal
contracting factors for each industry
covered by this proposed rule. Many
NAICS industries in columns 2, 3, 4, 6,
and 7 show two numbers. The upper
number is the value for the industry
factor shown on the top of the column
and the lower number is the size
standard supported by that factor. For
the four-firm concentration ratio, SBA
estimates a size standard only if its
value is 40 percent or more. If the fourfirm concentration ratio for an industry
is less than 40 percent, SBA does not
estimate a size standard for that factor.
If the four-firm concentration ratio is 40
percent or more, SBA indicates in
column 6 the average size of the
industry’s four largest firms together
with a size standard based on that
average. Column 9 shows a calculated
new size standard for each industry.
This is the average of the size standards
supported by each factor, rounded to the
nearest fixed size level. However, the
size standards for the simple average
and weighted average firm size are
averaged together, and therefore receive
a single weight. Analytical details
involved in the averaging procedure are
described in SBA’s ‘‘Size Standards
Methodology.’’ For comparison with the
new standards, the current size
standards are in column 10 of Table 3.
[Upper Value = Calculated Factor, Lower Value = Size Standard Supported]
NAICS industry title
average firm
(number of
assets size
($ million)
average size
(number of
(number of
Current size
(number of
average firm
(number of
Logging ........................................
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural
Gas Extraction .........................................
Natural Gas Liquid Extraction .....
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
[Upper Value = Calculated Factor, Lower Value = Size Standard Supported]
NAICS industry title
average firm
(number of
average firm
(number of
assets size
($ million)
average size
(number of
(number of
Current size
(number of
212111 Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining ..............................................
212112 Bituminous Coal Underground
Mining ......................................................
Anthracite Mining .........................
Iron Ore Mining ............................
Gold Ore Mining ..........................
Silver Ore Mining .........................
Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining ...
212234 Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining ............................................................
212291 Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore
Mining ......................................................
All Other Metal Ore Mining ..........
212311 Dimension Stone Mining and
Quarrying .................................................
212312 Crushed and Broken Limestone
Mining and Quarrying ..............................
212313 Crushed and Broken Granite
Mining and Quarrying ..............................
212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone
Mining and Quarrying ..............................
212321 Construction Sand and Gravel
Mining ......................................................
Industrial Sand Mining .................
Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining ........
212325 Clay and Ceramic and Refractory
Minerals Mining .......................................
212391 Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining ...............................................
Phosphate Rock Mining ..............
212393 Other Chemical and Fertilizer
Mineral Mining .........................................
212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral
Mining ......................................................
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells ...........
Natural Gas Distribution ..............
481111 Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation ...................................................
481112 Scheduled Freight Air Transportation ........................................................
481211 Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation ........................
481212 Nonscheduled Chartered Freight
Air Transportation ....................................
Line-Haul Railroads .....................
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[Upper Value = Calculated Factor, Lower Value = Size Standard Supported]
NAICS industry title
average firm
(number of
average firm
(number of
assets size
($ million)
average size
(number of
(number of
Current size
(number of
Short Line Railroads ....................
Deep Sea Freight Transportation
483112 Deep Sea Passenger Transportation ........................................................
483113 Coastal and Great Lakes Freight
Transportation ..........................................
483114 Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation .............................
483211 Inland Water Freight Transportation ........................................................
483212 Inland Water Passenger Transportation ...................................................
486110 Pipeline Transportation of Crude
Oil ............................................................
486910 Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products ........................
492110 Couriers and Express Delivery
Services ...................................................
Newspaper Publishers .................
Periodical Publishers ...................
Book Publishers ...........................
511140 Directory and Mailing List Publishers ......................................................
Greeting Card Publishers ............
All Other Publishers .....................
512220 Integrated Record Production/
Distribution ...............................................
Music Publishers .........................
517110 Wired Telecommunications Carriers ..........................................................
517210 Wireless
Carriers (except Satellite) ........................
Telecommunications Resellers ....
519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals .............
524126 Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers ......................................
541711 Research and Development in
Biotechnology ..........................................
541712 Research and Development in
the Physical, Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except Biotechnology) ............
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Special Considerations
The Information Technology Value
Added Resellers Sub-Industry
(‘‘Exception’’) Under NAICS 541519,
Other Computer Related Services
For Federal contracts that combine
substantial services with the acquisition
of computer hardware and software, in
2002, SBA proposed to establish a new
industry category ‘‘Information
Technology Value Added Resellers
(ITVAR)’’ under NAICS 541519, Other
Computer Related Services, with a size
standard of 500 employees (67 FR 48419
(July 24, 2002)). In the final rule, SBA
adopted the ITVAR industry category, as
proposed, with a size standard of 150
employees (68 FR 74833 (December 29,
2003)). Presently, the size standard for
rest of NAICS 541519 and other
industries in NAICS Industry Group
5415, Computer Systems Design and
Related Services, is $25.5 million in
average annual receipts.
As stated in Footnote 18 to SBA’s
table of size standards, for a Federal
contract to be classified under the
ITVAR sub-industry or ‘‘exception’’ and
its 150-employee size standard, it must
consist of at least 15 percent but not
more than 50 percent of value added
services as measured by the total price
less cost of computer hardware and
software, and profit. If the contract
consists of less than 15 percent of value
added services, it must be classified
under the appropriate manufacturing
industry. If the contract consists of more
than 50 percent of value added services,
it must be classified under the NAICS
industry that best describes the
principal nature of service being
SBA is proposing to eliminate the
ITVAR 150-employee size standard
exception under NAICS 541519 because
it has created some inconsistencies,
confusion, and misuse. First,
contracting officers are not able to
identify size standard exceptions in the
FPDS–NG. Thus, the public often
believes that a firm that received a
contract as a small business under
NAICS 541519 and has revenue in
excess of the $25.5 million receipts
based size standard was not eligible for
the award, when in fact the firm may
have been eligible if the contracting
officer used the 150-employee size
standard of the ITVAR exception. This
leads to misunderstandings and
questions concerning the small business
goaling report that SBA must issue
every year. Second, SBA’s evaluation of
FPDS–NG data and solicitations shows
many cases where Federal agencies have
applied the 150-employee size standard,
instead of the receipts based size
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Jkt 232001
standard, for contracts that were
predominantly for services. This may
have benefited more successful, midsize companies at the expense of those
below the receipts based size standard.
Additionally, as stated elsewhere in this
proposed rule, the data from the Census
Bureau’s tabulation are limited to the 6digit NAICS industry level and hence do
not provide economic characteristics of
firms that are involved in the ITVAR
activities. Furthermore, data are not
available on Federal ITVAR contracts, as
there is no ITVAR PSC in FPDS–NG.
The lack of data on characteristics of
firms involved in ITVAR activities to
evaluate the current 150-employee size
standard also justifies SBA’s proposal to
eliminate the ITVAR sub-industry
Moreover, the use of the ITVAR
exception size standard is also purely
discretionary. Under the terms of the
exception as stated in Footnote 18 in
SBA’s table of size standards, it is clear
that the majority of the cost of the
contract that qualify under the ITVAR
150-employee size standard will be
incurred for supplies. Thus, instead of
using the ITVAR 150-employee size
standard under NAICS 541519, a
contracting officer could use a
manufacturing NAICS code and size
standard, such as NAICS 334111
(Electronic Computer Manufacturing)
with 1,000-employee size standard, to
which the non-manufacturer size
standard of 500 employees would also
apply. Thus, firms may or may not be
eligible as a small business for the exact
same purchase simply based on the
contracting officer’s selection of the
NAICS code and size standard. This is
inconsistent with SBA’s small business
regulations that the contracting officer
must select the NAICS code that best
describes the principal purpose of the
acquisition (see 13 CFR 121.402(b)). The
selection of a NAICS code should never
be based on the contracting officer’s
desire for a particular size standard or
firm size.
In addition, the combination of
services and supplies in an acquisition
is not unique to the information
technology industry. Acquisitions
across many industries combine
supplies and services, yet SBA has not
created exceptions to the size standards
for these industries. The general
principle is that agencies classify
procurements based on the principal
purpose of the acquisition. Based on the
analysis of available industry and
Federal contracting data for NAICS
Industry Group 5415 and comments to
the proposed rule (76 FR 14323 (March
16, 2011)), in 2012, SBA established the
appropriate size standard for that
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
industry group, including NAICS
541519, at $25.5 million in average
annual receipts (77 FR 7490 (February
10, 2012)). Moreover, it is also unclear
from the terms of exception itself
whether a contract using the ITVAR
150-employee size standard should be
classified as a service contract or a
supply contract. This is important
because if the contract is a service
contract, the offeror must perform at
least 50 percent of the cost of the
contract incurred for personnel with its
own employees, whereas if it is a supply
contract the firm must perform at least
50 percent of the cost of manufacturing
the supplies, or supply the product of a
small manufacturer, unless a waiver is
granted under the non-manufacturer
For these reasons, SBA proposes to
eliminate the ITVAR sub-industry
category (‘‘exception’’) under NAICS
541519 and its 150-employee size
standard and apply only the $25.5
million receipts based size standard to
NAICS 541519. Elimination of the
exception will provide clarity to small
businesses, contracting officers and the
public. If a procuring agency seeks to
acquire computer integration,
maintenance and other computer related
services as well as some computer
hardware and it determines that the
principal nature of procurement is for
services, the agency can classify the
contract as a service contract under an
appropriate service NAICS code.
Similarly, if an agency seeks to procure
computer hardware as well as computer
integration, maintenance and other
computer related services and it
determines that the principal nature of
procurement is for supplies, the agency
can classify the contract as a supply
contract under an appropriate
manufacturing NAICS code, and the
non-manufacturer rule will apply.
SBA’s analysis of 2007 Economic
Census data shows that 150 employees
is more or less equivalent to $25.5
million receipts in NAICS 541519 and
that more than 99 percent of firms
below the 150-employee level will
continue to qualify as small under the
$25.5 million receipts based size
standard. Thus, the proposed
elimination of the ITVAR sub-industry
category and its 150-employee size
standard, if adopted, will have very
minimal impact on businesses below
150 employees. Moreover, these firms
would continue to qualify as small
businesses for supply contracts for
computer hardware and equipment
under the manufacturing size standard
or under the 500-employee size
standard under the non-manufacturer
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
In view of the proposed elimination of
the ITVAR exception under NAICS
541519, SBA also proposes to eliminate
Footnote 18 in its entirety from SBA’s
table of size standards.
Exceptions Under NAICS 541712,
Research and Development in the
Physical, Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except Biotechnology)
NAICS 541712, Research and
Development in the Physical,
Engineering, and Life Sciences (except
Biotechnology), has three sub-industries
or ‘‘exceptions’’. As stated in Footnote
11 to SBA’s table of size standards, for
research and development (R&D)
contracts requiring the delivery of a
manufactured product, the appropriate
size standard is that of the
corresponding manufacturing industry.
The three ‘‘exceptions’’ under NAICS
541712 and their corresponding
manufacturing industry counterparts
and their size standards are shown in
Table 4, NAICS 541712 Exceptions and
Corresponding Manufacturing
Industries and Size Standards, below.
Current size
(number of
Calculated size
(number of
employees) 1
NAICS code and industry title
Aircraft ......................................................................
Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, and Aircraft
Engine Parts.
336411 Aircraft Manufacturing ...............................
336412 Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing.
336413 Other Aircraft Part and Auxiliary Equipment.
336414 Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing.
336415 Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Parts Manufacturing.
336419 Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle
Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing.
Space Vehicles and Guided Missiles, Their Propulsion Units Parts, and Their Auxiliary Equipment
and Parts.
1 From Table 3 of the proposed rule ‘‘Small Business Size Standards for Manufacturing’’ (RIN 3245–AG50), published concurrently in the current issue of the Federal Register.
To better match the exceptions to the
corresponding calculated industry
specific size standards in
manufacturing, SBA proposes to modify
the three exceptions as shown in Table
5, Modified Exceptions and Their
Proposed Size Standards, below.
Size standard
(number of
Aircraft ......................................................................
Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, and Aircraft
Engine Parts.
Space Vehicles and Guided Missiles, Their Propulsion Units Parts, and Their Auxiliary Equipment
and Parts.
Other Guided Missile and Space
Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment
category has been dropped from the
third exception because the proposed
size standard for the corresponding
manufacturing industry (NAICS 336419)
is the same as the calculated size
standard for rest of NAICS 541712.
Footnote 11 to SBA’s table of size
standards concerning NAICS codes
541711and 541712 consists of an
introductory paragraph and three subparagraphs numbered as (a), (b), and (c).
The introductory paragraph states that
for research and development contracts
requiring the delivery of a manufactured
product, the appropriate size standard is
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Aircraft, Aircraft Engine, and Engine Parts ..............
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment ..........
Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, Their Propulsion Units and Propulsion Parts.
that of the manufacturing industry. Subparagraph (a) concerns with what SBA
generally means by ‘‘Research and
Development’’ (R&D) under NAICS
codes 541712 and 541712, while subparagraph (b) and (c) relate to the R&D
definitions for Small Business
Innovation Research program and
‘‘guided missiles and space vehicles’’,
respectively. SBA has received some
public inquiries on whether the
requirement under the introductory
paragraph is independent or it also
applies to the three sub-paragraphs.
While the introductory paragraph only
applies to R&D contracts requiring the
PO 00000
Size standard
(number of
Frm 00025
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
delivery of a manufactured product, the
three sub-paragraphs can include R&D
contracts that do not require the
delivery of the manufactured product.
However, to eliminate possible
confusion and provide more clarity,
SBA proposes to amend Footnote 11 by
converting the introductory paragraph
to a new sub-paragraph (b) and
renaming existing sub-paragraphs (b)
and (c) to sub-paragraphs (c) and (d),
respectively, as follows:
11 NAICS code 541711 and 541712:
(a) ‘‘Research and Development’’
means laboratory or other physical
research and development. It does not
include economic, educational,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
engineering, operations, systems, or
other nonphysical research; or computer
programming, data processing,
commercial and/or medical laboratory
(b) For research and development
contracts requiring the delivery of a
manufactured product, the appropriate
size standard is that of the
manufacturing industry.
(c) For purposes of the Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) program
only, a different definition has been
established by law. See § 121.701 of
these regulations.
(d) ‘‘Research and Development’’ for
guided missiles and space vehicles
includes evaluations and simulation,
and other services requiring thorough
knowledge of complete missiles and
The Environmental Remediation
Services Sub-Industry (‘‘Exception’’)
Under NAICS 562910, Remediation
In 1994, SBA established a 500employee based size standard for
Environmental Remediation Services
(ERS) for Federal procurements
involving three or more services related
to restoring a contaminated
environment, such as preliminary
assessment, site inspection, testing,
remedial investigation, remedial action,
containment, and removal and storage
of contaminated materials (FR 59 47236
(September 15, 1994)). At that time, ERS
was designated as a sub-industry
category or ‘‘exception’’ under the
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
code 8744, Facilities Support
Management Services. Currently, it is a
sub-industry or ‘‘exception’’ under
NAICS code 562910, Remediation
Services. The requirements that apply to
the ERS exception and its 500-employee
size standard for Federal procurement
and SBA’s assistance are defined in
Footnote 14 to SBA’s table of size
standards (13 CFR 121.201).
As explained previously in the
Sources of Industry and Program Data
section, the data from the Census
Bureau’s tabulation are limited to the 6digit NAICS industry level and hence do
not provide economic characteristics for
the ERS sub-industry. Thus, SBA
evaluated the data from FPDS–NG and
the SAM/CCR databases. First, using
FPDS–NG data for fiscal years 2009 to
2011, SBA identified product service
codes (PSCs) within NAICS 562910 that
correspond to the ERS activity or
exception and firms that participated in
Federal contracts under those PSCs.
Then, SBA obtained those firms’
revenue and employment data from the
SAM/CCR database.
The ERS contracts were
predominantly classified under the
three PSCs as shown in Table 6, PSCs
for ERS Contracts, below.
PSC Description
F108 ............
Environmental Systems Protection—Environmental Remediation Includes: Toxic and Hazardous Substance Removal, Cleanup,
and Disposal; Asbestos and Lead Abatement.
Excludes: Remediation of Oil Spills (PSC F112).
Environmental Systems Protection—Oil Spill Response Includes: Cleanup, Removal, Disposal and Operational Support.
Other Environmental Services.
F112 ............
F999 ............
Among these three PSCs, F108 and
F999 accounted for about 98 percent of
nearly $1.9 billion in total contracts
dollars awarded annually under these
three PSCs during fiscal years 2009–
2011. Thus, for this proposed rule,
SBA’s analysis focused only on firms
that received contracts in PSCs F108
and F999. Based on FPDS–NG data for
fiscal years 2009–2011, SBA identified
783 businesses receiving Federal
contracts under those two PSCs. Of
these, 18 identified themselves as
manufacturers in SAM/CCR and were
excluded from the analysis. Of the
remainder, SBA was able to match about
670 firms in SAM/CCR database and
obtain the data on their annual receipts
and employees. The matched firms
accounted for 96 percent of total
contract dollars awarded in the two
PSCs. The data on those firms were
analyzed to evaluate industry and
Federal contracting factors of the ERS
sub-industry. These results and size
standards supported by each of those
factors are shown in Table 7, Size
Standards Supported by Each Factor for
the ERS Sub-industry (No. of
Employees), below.
firm size
(number of
firm size
(number of
assets size
($ million)
ratio %
Factor ...........................................
Size standard ...............................
(number of
Gini coefficient
contract factor (%)
(number of
NA = data not available.
Based on the above results, SBA is
proposing to increase the size standard
for the ERS sub-industry or exception
under NAICS 562910 from the current
500 employees to 1,250 employees.
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Offshore Marine Air Transportation
Services and Offshore Marine Services
Offshore Marine Air Transportation
Services is a sub-industry or
‘‘exception’’ under both NAICS 481211,
Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air
Transportation and NAICS 481212,
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air
Transportation. The size standards are
1,500 employees for both NAICS codes
481211 and 481212 and $28 million in
average annual receipts for the Offshore
Marine Air Transportation Services subindustry or ‘‘exception. Similarly, as
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
indicated in Footnote 15 to SBA’s table
of size standards, Offshore Marine
Services is a sub-industry or
‘‘exception’’ to all industries under
NAICS Subsector 483, Water
Transportation, with the size standard
of $28 million in average annual
receipts. All industries within Subsector
483 currently have a 500-employee size
standard. SBA did not review the $28
million receipts exception size standard
when it reviewed receipts based size
standards in NAICS Sector 48–49.
As mentioned earlier, the data from
the Census Bureau’s tabulation are
limited to the 6-digit NAICS industry
level and do not provide economic
characteristics of firms at the subindustry level. For sub-industry or
exception size standards, SBA generally
evaluates the characteristics of firms
receiving Federal contracts under
product service codes (PSCs) that
correspond to specific sub-industry
activities or ‘‘exceptions’’ within the
applicable NAICS code. However, the
review of data from FPDS–NG shows no
specific PSC associated with either the
Offshore Marine Air Transportation
Services or Offshore Marine Services
sub-industries. Therefore, SBA cannot
review the $28 million revenue size
standard for these sub-industries to
determine whether it should be retained
at the current level or adjusted.
The sub-industry or ‘‘exception’’ size
standards are primarily used for Federal
government procurements of very
specific products or services within a 6digit NAICS industry and many of them
account for a significant share of
contract dollars within the industry.
However, evaluations of data from
FPDS–NG and a sample of solicitations
from the Federal Business Opportunities
Web site at show almost no
federal contract awards to small
businesses under the $28 million size
standard exception to NAICS 481211
and 481212 and NAICS Subsector 483.
SBA believes that contracting officers
strongly favor a relatively much larger
1,500- or 500-employee size standard
instead of the $28 million receipts based
size standard.
For the above reasons, SBA proposes
to eliminate these sub-industries or
‘‘exceptions’’ and their $28 million
receipts based size standard under
NAICS 481211 and 481212 and NAICS
Subsector 483. SBA proposes to apply
the applicable employee based size
standard. SBA also proposes to
eliminate Footnote 15 from SBA’s table
of size standards. This will not affect the
eligibility of firms that are small under
the $28 million receipts based size
standard because they will continue to
be eligible under the employee based
size standard.
Proposed Changes to Size Standards
Table 8, Summary of Size Standards
Analysis, below, summarizes the results
of SBA’s analyses from Table 3, Size
Standards Supported by Each Factor for
Each Industry (No. of employees). The
results might support increases in size
standards for 31 industries, decreases
for seven industries and no change for
19 industries.
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Current size
(number of
NAICS Industry title
Logging ......................................................................................................
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction ..........................................
Natural Gas Liquid Extraction ...................................................................
Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining ............................................
Bituminous Coal Underground Mining ......................................................
Anthracite Mining .......................................................................................
Iron Ore Mining .........................................................................................
Gold Ore Mining ........................................................................................
Silver Ore Mining .......................................................................................
Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining .................................................................
Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining ..........................................................
Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining ...................................................
All Other Metal Ore Mining .......................................................................
Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying ...................................................
Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying ...........................
Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying ................................
Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying ........................
Construction Sand and Gravel Mining ......................................................
Industrial Sand Mining ...............................................................................
Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining ......................................................................
Clay and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining ..................................
Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining ................................................
Phosphate Rock Mining ............................................................................
Other Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining ..........................................
All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining ........................................................
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells .........................................................................
Natural Gas Distribution ............................................................................
Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation .................................................
Scheduled Freight Air Transportation .......................................................
Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation ..........................
Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation ................................
Line-Haul Railroads ...................................................................................
Short Line Railroads ..................................................................................
Deep Sea Freight Transportation ..............................................................
Deep Sea Passenger Transportation ........................................................
Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation .....................................
Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation ...............................
Inland Water Freight Transportation .........................................................
Jkt 232001
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
size standard
(number of
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Inland Water Passenger Transportation ...................................................
Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil .........................................................
Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products ...........................
Couriers and Express Delivery Services ..................................................
Newspaper Publishers ..............................................................................
Periodical Publishers .................................................................................
Book Publishers ........................................................................................
Directory and Mailing List Publishers ........................................................
Greeting Card Publishers ..........................................................................
All Other Publishers ..................................................................................
Integrated Record Production/Distribution ................................................
Music Publishers .......................................................................................
Wired Telecommunications Carriers .........................................................
Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) ........................
Telecommunications Resellers .................................................................
Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals ..............
Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers .....................................
Research and Development in Biotechnology ..........................................
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Similarly, the results discussed under
the Special Considerations section,
above, support increasing the size
standard for the second and third
exceptions and retaining it for the first
exception under NAICS 541712 and
increasing the Environmental
Remediation Services exception under
NAICS 562910. SBA is proposing to
eliminate the Information Technology
Value Added Resellers exception and its
150-employee size standard under
NAICS 541519. SBA is also proposing to
eliminate the Offshore Marine Air
Transportation Services sub-industry or
‘‘exception’’ under NAICS 481211 and
481212 and Offshore Marine Services
sub-industry or ‘‘exception’’ under
NAICS Subsector 483 and their $28
million receipts based size standard.
To ensure that neither an existing nor
a calculated size standard includes the
largest or dominant firms in any
industry, besides the calculation of the
Gini coefficient, SBA further assessed
the distribution of firms in each
industry by employee size. The
analytical results in Table 3 might
appear to support retaining the existing
size standard of 500 employees for
NAICS codes 212113 and 212291 and
increasing it to 750 employees for
NAICS 212222. However, the firm size
distribution showed that these levels
would include all firms, including the
largest and possibly dominant ones, as
small in each of those industries.
Moreover, these levels are almost the
same as or higher than the total
employees for the entire industry.
Accordingly, SBA is proposing to set the
size standard for each of these three
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Current size
(number of
NAICS Industry title
Jkt 232001
NAICS codes at 250 employees. This
would affect only the one or two largest
firms in each of those industries.
Except for lowering size standards to
exclude the dominant firms, SBA
believes that lowering size standards is
not in the best interest of small
businesses in the current economic
environment. The U.S. economy was in
recession from December 2007 to June
2009, the longest and deepest of any
recessions since before World War II.
The economy lost more than eight
million non-farm jobs during 2008–
2009. In response, Congress passed and
the President signed into law the
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) to promote
economic recovery and to preserve and
create jobs. Although the recession
officially ended in June 2009, the
unemployment rate is still high at 6.2
percent in July 2014 ( and
is forecast to remain around this level at
least through the end of 2014 (https://
In 2010, Congress passed and the
President signed the Jobs Act to promote
small business job creation. The Jobs
Act puts more capital into the hands of
entrepreneurs and small business
owners; strengthens small businesses’
ability to compete for contracts;
includes recommendations from the
President’s Task Force on Federal
Contracting Opportunities for Small
Business; creates a better playing field
for small businesses; promotes small
business exporting, building on the
President’s National Export Initiative;
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
size standard
(number of
expands training and counseling; and
provides $12 billion in tax relief to help
small businesses invest in their firms
and create jobs. A proposal to reduce
size standards will have an immediate
impact on jobs, and it would be contrary
to the expressed will of the President
and the Congress.
Lowering size standards would
decrease the number of firms that
participate in Federal financial and
procurement assistance programs for
small businesses. It would also affect
small businesses that are now exempt or
receive some form of relief from other
Federal regulations that use SBA’s size
standards. That impact could take the
form of increased fees, paperwork, or
other compliance requirements for small
businesses. Furthermore, size standards
based solely on analytical results
without any other considerations can
cut off currently eligible small firms
from those programs and benefits. In the
seven industries for which analytical
results might have supported lowering
their size standards, about 40 businesses
would lose their small business
eligibility if their size standards were
lowered based solely on the analytical
results. That would run counter to what
SBA and the Federal government are
doing to help small businesses and
create jobs. Reducing size eligibility for
Federal procurement opportunities,
especially under current economic
conditions, would not preserve or create
more jobs; rather, it would have the
opposite effect. Therefore, in this
proposed rule, except for three
industries for which SBA is proposing
to lower their size standards to exclude
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
the largest and possibly the dominant
firms from being small, SBA does not
intend to reduce size standards for any
industries. Accordingly, for seven
industries where analyses might seem to
support lowering size standards, SBA
proposes to retain the current size
Furthermore, as stated previously, the
Small Business Act requires the SBA’s
Administrator to ‘‘. . . consider other
factors deemed to be relevant . . .’’ to
establishing small business size
standards. The current economic
conditions and the impact on job
creation are quite relevant factors when
establishing small business size
standards. SBA nevertheless invites
comments and suggestions on whether
it should lower size standards as
suggested by analyses of industry and
program data or retain the current
standards for those industries in view of
current economic conditions.
As discussed above, except to exclude
the largest or dominant firms, lowering
size standards is inconsistent with what
the Federal government is doing to
stimulate the economy and would
discourage job growth for which
Congress established the Recovery Act
and Jobs Act. In addition, it would be
inconsistent with the Small Business
Act requiring the Administrator to
establish size standards based on
industry analysis and other relevant
factors such as current economic
conditions. Thus, of the 57 industries
and five sub-industries reviewed in this
rule, SBA proposes to increase size
standards for 30 industries and three
sub-industries, retain the current size
standards for 24 industries and one subindustry and lower size standards for
three industries to exclude the largest or
dominant firms from being considered
small. SBA also proposes to eliminate
the Information Technology Value
Added Resellers sub-industry or
exception under NAICS 541519 (Other
Computer Related Services) and its 150employee size standard. SBA also
proposes to eliminate the Offshore
Marine Air Transportation Services subindustry or ‘‘exception’’ under NAICS
481211 and 481212 and Offshore
Marine Services sub-industry or
‘‘exception’’ under NAICS Subsector
483 and their $28 million receipts based
size standard. The SBA’s proposed
changes are in Table 9, Summary of
Proposed Size Standards Revisions,
Except ........................
Except ........................
541519 Except ........................
541711 .....................................
541712 .....................................
Except ......................................
Except ......................................
Except ......................................
562910 Except ........................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Current size
(millions of
NAICS Industry title
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction .........................
Natural Gas Liquid Extraction ..................................................
Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining ...........................
Bituminous Coal Underground Mining .....................................
Anthracite Mining .....................................................................
Iron Ore Mining ........................................................................
Gold Ore Mining .......................................................................
Silver Ore Mining .....................................................................
Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining ................................................
Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining .........................................
Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining ..................................
All Other Metal Ore Mining ......................................................
Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying ..........
Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying ...............
Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining .....................................................
Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining ...............................
Phosphate Rock Mining ...........................................................
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells ........................................................
Natural Gas Distribution ...........................................................
Short Line Railroads ................................................................
Deep Sea Passenger Transportation ......................................
Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation ....................
Inland Water Freight Transportation ........................................
Newspaper Publishers .............................................................
Periodical Publishers ................................................................
Book Publishers .......................................................................
Directory and Mailing List Publishers ......................................
Greeting Card Publishers .........................................................
Integrated Record Production/Distribution ...............................
Music Publishers ......................................................................
Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals.
Information Value Added Resellers .........................................
Research and Development in Biotechnology .........................
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering,
and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts ............................................
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment ..........................
Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, Their Propulsion Units
and Propulsion Parts.
Environmental Remediation Services ......................................
Jkt 232001
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Current size
(number of
size standard
(number of
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Maintaining current size standards
when the analytical results suggested
lowering them is consistent with SBA’s
recent final rules on NAICS Sector 44–
45, Retail Trade (75 FR 61597 (October
6, 2010)); NAICS Sector 72,
Accommodation and Food Services (75
FR 61604 (October 6, 2010)); NAICS
Sector 81, Other Services (75 FR 61591
(October 6, 2010)); NAICS Sector 54,
Professional, Scientific and Technical
Services (77 FR 7490 (February 10,
2012)); NAICS Sector 48 49,
Transportation and Warehousing (77 FR
10943 (February 24, 2012)); NAICS
Sector 51, Information (77 FR 72702
(December 6, 2012)); NAICS Sector 53,
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (77
FR 88747 (September 24, 2012)); NAICS
Sector 56, Administrative and Support,
Waste Management and Remediation
Services (77 FR 72691 (December 6,
2012)); NAICS Sector 61, Educational
Services (77 FR 58739 (September 24,
2012)); NAICS Sector 62, Health Care
and Social Assistance (77 FR 58755
(September 24, 2012)); NAICS Sector 11,
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and
Hunting (78 FR 37398 (June 20, 2013));
NAICS Subsector 213, Support
Activities for Mining (78 FR 37404 (June
20, 2013)); NAICS Sector 52, Finance
and Insurance and Sector 55,
Management of Companies and
Enterprises (78 FR 37409 (June 20,
2013)); NAICS Sector 71, Arts,
Entertainment and Recreation (78 FR
37417 (June 20, 2013)), and NAICS
Sector 23, Construction (78 FR 77334
(December 23, 2013)). In each of those
final rules, SBA retained the existing
size standards for those that it could
have reduced.
Evaluation of Dominance in Field of
SBA has determined that for the
industries for which it has proposed
revising size standards in this rule, no
individual firm at or below the
proposed size standard will be large
enough to dominate its field of
operation. At the proposed size
standards, if adopted, the small business
share of total industry receipts among
those industries is, in average, 3.4
percent, with an interval showing a
minimum of less than 0.01 percent to a
maximum of 20.0 percent. These market
shares effectively preclude a firm at or
below the proposed size standards from
exerting control over any of the
Request for Comments
SBA invites public comments on this
proposed rule, especially on the
following issues:
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1. SBA proposes five levels of
employee based size standards for
industries in Manufacturing and
industries in other Sectors except for
Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade that
have employee based size standards:
500 employees, 750 employees, 1,000
employees, 1,250 employees, and 1,500
employees. SBA invites comments on
whether these proposed size levels are
appropriate and suggestions on
alternative levels, if they would be more
2. To be consistent with its policy of
not lowering any size standards in all
recent proposed and final rules on
receipts based size standards in view of
current economic conditions, SBA is
retaining the current 500-employee
minimum and 1,500-employee
maximum size standards for all
industries in the Manufacturing Sector
and other industries not in the
Wholesale and Retail Trade Sectors that
have employee based size standards. In
its ‘‘Size Standards Methodology,’’
available at, SBA had
proposed setting the minimum size
standard for these industries at 250
employees and the maximum size
standard at 1,000 employees. This
would have resulted in lowering the
existing employee based size standards
for some industries. SBA invites
comments on whether should SBA
maintain the minimum employee based
size standard at 500 employees and the
maximum at 1,500 employees or should
it lower them to 250 employees and
1,000 employees, respectively, as
proposed in ‘‘Size Standards
Methodology’’, and suggestions on
alternative minimum and maximum
levels, if they would be more
appropriate. SBA also seeks feedback on
whether it should adjust employee
based size standards for labor
productivity growth.
3. SBA seeks feedback on whether
SBA’s proposal to increase size
standards for 30 industries and three
sub-industries, reduce size standards for
three industries to exclude the largest
firms, and retain current size standards
for 24 industries and one sub-industry
is appropriate, given the economic
characteristics of each industry and subindustry reviewed in this proposed rule.
SBA also seeks feedback and
suggestions on alternative size
standards, if they would be more
appropriate, including whether the
average annual revenue is a more
suitable measure of size for certain
industries and what that revenue level
should be.
4. SBA invites comments on its
proposal to eliminate the Information
Technology Value Added Resellers sub-
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industry or exception under NAICS
541519 (Other Computer Related
Services) and its 150-employee size
standard and apply the $25.5 million
receipts based size standard that is
current in place for the rest of the
5. SBA invites comments on its
proposal to eliminate the Offshore
Marine Air Transportation Services subindustry or exception under NAICS
481211 (Nonscheduled Chartered
Passenger Air Transportation) and
under NAICS 481212 (Nonscheduled
Chartered Freight Air Transportation)
and its $28 million receipts size
standard and apply the same 1,500
employee size standard that is current
in place for each of those industry.
Similarly, SBA seeks comments on its
proposal to eliminate the Offshore
Marine Services sub-industry or
‘‘exception’’ under NAICS Subsector
483, and its $28 million receipts size
standard and apply the applicable
employee size standard that for each
industry within that Subsector. If those
exceptions are to be retained, SBA
invites comments on whether the
current $28 million revenue size
standard is appropriate, and suggestions
on an alternative level with supporting
data and analysis.
6. SBA has proposed to retain the
current size standards for seven
industries for which its analysis would
support lowering them. SBA seeks
comments on whether SBA should
lower them solely based on its analysis
or retain them at their current levels in
view of current economic conditions.
7. SBA’s proposed size standards are
based on five primary factors—average
firm size, average assets size (as a proxy
of startup costs and entry barriers), fourfirm concentration ratio, distribution of
firms by size and, the level and small
business share of Federal contracting
dollars of the evaluated industries and
sub-industries. SBA welcomes
comments on these factors and/or
suggestions on other factors that it
should consider when evaluating or
revising employee based size standards.
SBA also seeks information on relevant
data sources, other than what it uses, if
8. SBA gives equal weight to each of
the five primary factors in all industries.
SBA seeks feedback on whether it
should continue giving equal weight to
each factor or whether it should give
more or less weight to one or more
factors for certain industries.
Recommendations to weigh some
factors more than others should include
suggested weights for each factor along
with supporting information.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
9. For analytical simplicity and
efficiency, in this proposed rule, SBA
has refined its size standard
methodology to obtain a single value as
a proposed size standard instead of a
range of values, as in its past size
regulations. SBA welcomes any
comments on this procedure and
suggestions on alternative methods.
Public comments on the above issues
are very valuable to SBA for validating
its size standard methodology and its
proposed size standards revisions in
this proposed rule. This will help SBA
to ensure that size standards reflect
industry structure and Federal market
conditions. Commenters addressing
SBA’s proposed size standard revisions
for a specific industry or a group of
industries should include relevant data
and/or other information supporting
their comments. If comments relate to
using size standards for Federal
procurement programs, SBA suggests
that commenters provide information on
the size of contracts in their industries,
the size of businesses that can undertake
the contracts, startup costs, equipment
and other asset requirements, the
amount of subcontracting, other direct
and indirect costs associated with the
contracts, the use of mandatory sources
of supply for products and services, and
the degree to which contractors can
mark up those costs.
Compliance With Executive Orders
12866, 13563, 12988 and 13132, the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
Ch. 35) and the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601–612)
Executive Order 12866
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) has determined that this
proposed rule is a significant regulatory
action for purposes of Executive Order
12866. Accordingly, in the next section,
SBA provides a Regulatory Impact
Analysis of this proposed rule.
However, this rule is not a ‘‘major rule’’
under the Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 800.
Regulatory Impact Analysis
1. Is there a need for the regulatory
SBA believes that proposed size
standards revisions in this proposed
rule will better reflect the economic
characteristics of small businesses in the
affected industries and the Federal
government marketplace. SBA’s mission
is to aid and assist small businesses
through a variety of financial,
procurement, business development,
and advocacy programs. To determine
the intended beneficiaries of these
programs, SBA establishes distinct
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definitions of which businesses are
deemed small businesses. The Small
Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a))
delegates to SBA’s Administrator the
responsibility for establishing small
business definitions. The Act also
requires that small business definitions
vary to reflect industry differences. The
Jobs Act also requires SBA to review all
size standards and make necessary
adjustments to reflect market
conditions. The supplementary
information section of this proposed
rule explains SBA’s methodology for
analyzing a size standard for a particular
2. What are the potential benefits and
costs of this regulatory action?
The most significant benefit to
businesses obtaining small business
status because of this proposed rule is
gaining or retaining eligibility for
Federal small business assistance
programs. These include SBA’s
financial assistance programs, economic
injury disaster loans, and Federal
procurement programs intended for
small businesses. Federal procurement
programs provide targeted opportunities
for small businesses under SBA’s
business development programs, such
as 8(a), Small Disadvantaged Businesses
(SDB), small businesses located in
Historically Underutilized Business
Zones (HUBZone), women-owned small
businesses (WOSB), economically
disadvantaged women-owned small
businesses (EDWOSB), and servicedisabled veteran-owned small
businesses (SDVOSB). Federal agencies
may also use SBA’s size standards for a
variety of other regulatory and program
purposes. These programs assist small
businesses to become more
knowledgeable, stable, and competitive.
SBA estimates that in 30 industries and
three sub-industries (‘‘exceptions’’) for
which it has proposed to increase size
standards more than 380 firms, not
small under the existing size standards,
will become small under the proposed
size standards, if adopted, and therefore
become eligible for these programs. That
is about 0.6 percent of all firms
classified as small under the current
size standards in all industries and subindustries reviewed in this proposed
rule. If adopted as proposed, this will
increase the small business share of
total receipts in those industries from
18.3 percent to 21.3 percent. In three
industries for which SBA has proposed
to reduce their size standards, only the
one or two largest firms will be
impacted in each of those industries.
Three groups will benefit from the
proposed size standards revisions in
this rule, if they are adopted as
proposed: (1) Some businesses that are
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above the current size standards may
gain small business status under the
higher size standards, thereby enabling
them to participate in Federal small
business assistance programs; (2)
growing small businesses that are close
to exceeding the current size standards
will be able to retain their small
business status under the higher size
standards, thereby enabling them to
continue their participation in the
programs; and (3) Federal agencies will
have a larger pool of small businesses
from which to draw for their small
business procurement programs.
SBA estimates that firms gaining
small business status under the
proposed size standards could receive
Federal contracts totaling $165 million
to $175 million annually under SBA’s
small business, 8(a), SDB, HUBZone,
Programs, and other unrestricted
procurements. The added competition
for many of these procurements can also
result in lower prices to the Government
for procurements reserved for small
businesses, but SBA cannot quantify
this benefit.
Under SBA’s 7(a) and 504 Loan
Programs, based on the fiscal years
2010–2012 data, SBA estimates up to
about five SBA’s 7(a) and 504 loans
totaling about $1.0 million could be
made to these newly defined small
businesses under the proposed size
standards. Increasing the size standards
will likely result in more small business
guaranteed loans to businesses in these
industries, but it is be impractical to try
to estimate exactly the number and total
amount of loans. There are two reasons
for this: (1) Under the Jobs Act, SBA can
now guarantee substantially larger loans
than in the past; and (2) as described
above, the Jobs Act established a higher
alternative size standard ($15 million in
tangible net worth and $5 million in net
income after income taxes) for business
concerns that do not meet the size
standards for their industry. Therefore,
SBA finds it difficult to quantify the
actual impact of these proposed size
standards on its 7(a) and 504 Loan
Newly defined small businesses will
also benefit from SBA’s Economic Injury
Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program. Since this
program is contingent on the occurrence
and severity of a disaster in the future,
SBA cannot make a meaningful estimate
of this impact.
In addition, newly defined small
businesses will also benefit through
reduced fees, less paperwork, and fewer
compliance requirements that are
available to small businesses through
Federal government.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
To the extent that those 380 newly
defined additional small firms could
become active in Federal procurement
programs, the proposed changes to size
standards, if adopted, may entail some
additional administrative costs to the
government as a result of more
businesses being eligible for Federal
small business programs. For example,
there will be more firms seeking SBA’s
guaranteed loans, more firms eligible for
enrollment in the System of Award
Management (SAM) database, and more
firms seeking certification as 8(a) or
HUBZone firms or qualifying for small
and SDB status. Among those newly
defined small businesses seeking SBA’s
assistance, there could be some
additional costs associated with
compliance and verification of small
business status and protests of small
business status. However, SBA believes
that these added administrative costs
will be minimal because mechanisms
are already in place to handle these
Additionally, Federal government
contracts may have higher costs. With a
greater number of businesses defined as
small, Federal agencies may choose to
set aside more contracts for competition
among small businesses only rather than
using full and open competition. The
movement from unrestricted to small
business set-aside contracting might
result in competition among fewer total
bidders, although there will be more
small businesses eligible to submit
offers. However, the additional costs
associated with fewer bidders are
expected to be minor since, by law,
procurements may be set aside for small
businesses or reserved for the 8(a),
SDVOSB Programs only if awards are
expected to be made at fair and
reasonable prices. In addition, there
may be higher costs when more full and
open contracts are awarded to HUBZone
businesses that receive price evaluation
The proposed size standards
revisions, if adopted, may have some
distributional effects among large and
small businesses. Although SBA cannot
estimate with certainty the actual
outcome of the gains and losses among
small and large businesses, it can
identify several probable impacts. There
may be a transfer of some Federal
contracts to small businesses from large
businesses. Large businesses may have
fewer Federal contract opportunities as
Federal agencies decide to set aside
more contracts for small businesses. In
addition, some Federal contracts may be
awarded to HUBZone concerns instead
of large businesses since these firms
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may be eligible for a price evaluation
preference for contracts when they
compete on a full and open basis.
Similarly, some businesses defined
small under the current size standards
may obtain fewer Federal contracts due
to the increased competition from more
businesses defined as small under the
proposed size standards. This transfer
may be offset by a greater number of
Federal procurements set aside for all
small businesses. The number of newly
defined and expanding small businesses
that are willing and able to sell to the
Federal Government will limit the
potential transfer of contracts from large
and currently defined small businesses.
SBA cannot estimate the potential
distributional impacts of these transfers
with any degree of precision.
The proposed revisions to the existing
employee based size standards for 33
industries and three sub-industries are
consistent with SBA’s statutory mandate
to assist small business. This regulatory
action promotes the Administration’s
objectives. One of SBA’s goals in
support of the Administration’s
objectives is to help individual small
businesses succeed through fair and
equitable access to capital and credit,
Government contracts, and management
and technical assistance. Reviewing and
modifying size standards, when
appropriate, ensures that intended
beneficiaries have access to small
business programs designed to assist
Executive Order 13563
Descriptions of the need for this
regulatory action and benefits and costs
associated with this action including
possible distributional impacts that
relate to Executive Order 13563 are
included above in the Regulatory Impact
Analysis under Executive Order 12866.
In an effort to engage interested
parties in this action, SBA has presented
its size standards methodology
(discussed above under Supplementary
Information) to various industry
associations and trade groups. SBA also
met with a number of industry groups
and individual businesses to get their
feedback on its methodology and other
size standards issues. In addition, SBA
presented its size standards
methodology to businesses in 13 cities
in the U.S. and sought their input as
part of Jobs Act tours. The presentation
also included information on the latest
status of the comprehensive size
standards review and on how interested
parties can provide SBA with input and
feedback on size standards review.
Additionally, SBA sent letters to the
Directors of the Offices of Small and
Disadvantaged Business Utilization
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(OSDBU) at several Federal agencies
with considerable procurement
responsibilities requesting their
feedback on how the agencies use SBA’s
size standards and whether current size
standards meet their programmatic
needs (both procurement and nonprocurement). SBA gave appropriate
consideration to all input, suggestions,
recommendations, and relevant
information obtained from industry
groups, individual businesses, and
Federal agencies in preparing this
proposed rule.
The review of size standards in
industries and sub-industries covered in
this proposed rule is consistent with
Executive Order 13563, Section 6,
calling for retrospective analyses of
existing rules. The last comprehensive
review of size standards occurred
during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Since then, except for periodic
adjustments for monetary based size
standards, most reviews of size
standards were limited to a few specific
industries in response to requests from
the public and Federal agencies. The
majority of employee based size
standards have not been reviewed since
they were first established. SBA
recognizes that changes in industry
structure and the Federal marketplace
over time have rendered existing size
standards for some industries no longer
supportable by current data.
Accordingly, in 2007, SBA began a
comprehensive review of its size
standards to ensure that existing size
standards have supportable bases and to
revise them when necessary. In
addition, the Jobs Act requires SBA to
conduct a detailed review of all size
standards and to make appropriate
adjustments to reflect market
conditions. Specifically, the Jobs Act
requires SBA to conduct a detailed
review of at least one-third of all size
standards during every 18-month period
from the date of its enactment and do a
complete review of all size standards
not less frequently than once every 5
years thereafter.
Executive Order 12988
This action meets applicable
standards set forth in Sections 3(a) and
3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil
Justice Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce
burden. The action does not have
retroactive or preemptive effect.
Executive Order 13132
For purposes of Executive Order
13132, SBA has determined that this
proposed rule will not have substantial,
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Therefore, SBA
has determined that this proposed rule
has no federalism implications
warranting preparation of a federalism
Paperwork Reduction Act
For the purpose of the Paperwork
Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35, SBA
has determined that this proposed rule
will not impose any new reporting or
record keeping requirements.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA), this proposed rule, if adopted,
may have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small businesses
in the industries and sub-industries
covered by this rule. As described
above, this rule may affect small
businesses seeking Federal contracts,
loans under SBA’s 7(a), 504 and
Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Programs, and assistance under other
Federal small business programs.
Immediately below, SBA sets forth an
initial regulatory flexibility analysis
(IRFA) of this proposed rule addressing
the following questions: (1) What are the
need for and objective of the rule? (2)
What are SBA’s description and
estimate of the number of small
businesses to which the rule will apply?
(3) What are the projected reporting,
record keeping, and other compliance
requirements of the rule? (4) What are
the relevant Federal rules that may
duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the
rule? and (5) What alternatives will
allow the Agency to accomplish its
regulatory objectives while minimizing
the impact on small businesses?
1. What are the need for and objective
of the rule?
Changes in industry structure,
technological changes, productivity
growth, mergers and acquisitions, and
updated industry definitions have
changed the structure of many
industries reviewed in this proposed
rule. Such changes can be sufficient to
support revisions to current size
standards for some industries. Based on
the analysis of the latest data available,
SBA believes that the revised standards
in this proposed rule more
appropriately reflect the size of
businesses that need Federal assistance.
The Jobs Act also requires SBA to
review all size standards and make
necessary adjustments to reflect market
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2. What are SBA’s description and
estimate of the number of small
businesses to which the rule will apply?
If the proposed rule is adopted in its
present form, SBA estimates that about
380 additional firms will become small
because of increased size standards for
30 industries and three sub-industries
not in NAICS Sectors 31–33, 42 and 44–
45. That represents 0.6 percent of total
firms that are small under current size
standards in all industries reviewed by
SBA in this proposed rule. This will
result in an increase in the small
business share of total industry receipts
for those industries from 18.3 percent
under the current size standards to 21.3
percent under the proposed size
standards. In the three industries for
which SBA has proposed to reduce their
size standards, only the one or two
largest firms will be impacted in each of
those industries. The proposed size
standards, if adopted, will enable more
small businesses to retain their small
business status for a longer period.
Many firms may have lost their
eligibility and find it difficult to
compete at current size standards with
companies that are significantly larger
than they are. SBA believes the
competitive impact will be positive for
existing small businesses and for those
that exceed the size standards but are on
the very low end of those that are not
small. They might otherwise be called
or referred to as mid-sized businesses,
although SBA only defines what is
small; other entities are other than
3. What are the projected reporting,
record keeping and other compliance
requirements of the rule?
The proposed size standard changes
impose no additional reporting or
record keeping requirements on small
businesses. However, qualifying for
Federal procurement and a number of
other programs requires that businesses
register in the SAM database and certify
in SAM that they are small at least once
annually. Therefore, businesses opting
to participate in those programs must
comply with SAM requirements.
However, there are no costs associated
with SAM registration or certification.
Changing size standards alters the
access to SBA’s programs that assist
small businesses, but does not impose a
regulatory burden because they neither
regulate nor control business behavior.
4. What are the relevant Federal rules,
which may duplicate, overlap or conflict
with the rule?
Under § 3(a)(2)(C) of the Small
Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(2)(c),
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Federal agencies must use SBA’s size
standards to define a small business,
unless specifically authorized by statute
to do otherwise. In 1995, SBA published
in the Federal Register a list of statutory
and regulatory size standards that
identified the application of SBA’s size
standards as well as other size standards
used by Federal agencies (60 FR 57988
(November 24, 1995)). SBA is not aware
of any Federal rule that would duplicate
or conflict with establishing size
However, the Small Business Act and
SBA’s regulations allow Federal
agencies to develop different size
standards if they believe that SBA’s size
standards are not appropriate for their
programs, with the approval of SBA’s
Administrator (13 CFR 121.903). The
Regulatory Flexibility Act authorizes an
Agency to establish an alternative small
business definition, after consultation
with the Office of Advocacy of the U.S.
Small Business Administration (5 U.S.C.
5. What alternatives will allow the
Agency to accomplish its regulatory
objectives while minimizing the impact
on small entities?
By law, SBA is required to develop
numerical size standards for
establishing eligibility for Federal small
business assistance programs. Other
than varying size standards by industry
and changing the size measures, no
practical alternative exists to the
systems of numerical size standards.
List of Subjects in 13 CFR Part 121
Administrative practice and
procedure, Government procurement,
Government property, Grant programs—
business, Individuals with disabilities,
Loan programs—business, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements, Small
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, SBA proposes to amend part
13 CFR part 121 as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 121
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 632, 634(b)(6), 662,
and 694a(9).
2. In § 121.201, amend the table
‘‘Small Business Size Standards by
NAICS Industry’’ as follows:
■ a. Revise the entries for ‘‘211111’’,
‘‘211112’’, ‘‘212111’’, ‘‘212112’’,
‘‘212113’’, ‘‘212210’’, ‘‘212221’’,
‘‘212222’’, ‘‘212231’’, ‘‘212234’’,
‘‘212291’’, ‘‘212299’’, ‘‘212312’’,
‘‘212313’’, ‘‘212324’’, ‘‘212391’’,
‘‘212392’’, ‘‘213111’’, ‘‘221210’’,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
’’482112’’, ‘‘483112’’, ‘‘483113’’,
‘‘483211’’, ‘‘511110’’, ‘‘511120’’,
‘‘511130’’, ‘‘511140’’, ‘‘511191’’,
‘‘512220’’, ‘‘512230’’, ‘‘519130’’,
‘‘541711’’, ‘‘541712 introductory entry
and first, second and third sub-entry,
and ‘‘562910 sub-entry’’.
■ b. Amend the entry for ‘‘481211’’ by
removing its sub-entry ‘‘Except,’’
‘‘Offshore Marine Air Transportation
Services’’ ‘‘$30.5’’.
■ c. Amend the entry for ‘‘481212’’ by
removing the sub-entry ‘‘Except,’’
‘‘Offshore Marine Air Transportation
Services’’ ‘‘$30.5’’.
■ d. Amend the entry for ‘‘541519’’ by
removing the subentry ‘‘Except,’’ ‘‘Value
Added Resellers 18’’, ‘‘150 18’’.
e. Revise Footnote 11.
f. Remove and reserve Footnote 15.
g. Remove and reserve Footnote 18.
h. Footnote 14 is republished.
The revisions read as follows:
§ 121.201 What size standards has SBA
identified by North American Industry
Classification System codes?
NAICS U.S. Industry title
Size standards
in millions of
211111 .............................................
211112 .............................................
Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction ..........................................
Natural Gas Liquid Extraction ...................................................................
Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface Mining ............................................
Bituminous Coal Underground Mining ......................................................
Anthracite Mining ......................................................................................
Iron Ore Mining .........................................................................................
Gold Ore Mining ........................................................................................
Silver Ore Mining ......................................................................................
Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining .................................................................
Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining ..........................................................
Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining ...................................................
All Other Metal Ore Mining .......................................................................
212312 .............................................
212313 .............................................
Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying ...........................
Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying ................................
212324 .............................................
Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining ......................................................................
212391 .............................................
212392 .............................................
Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral Mining ................................................
Phosphate Rock Mining ............................................................................
213111 .............................................
Drilling Oil and Gas Wells .........................................................................
221210 .............................................
Natural Gas Distribution ............................................................................
481211 .............................................
481212 .............................................
Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation ..........................
Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation ................................
482112 .............................................
Short Line Railroads .................................................................................
Size standards
in number of
Subsector 483—Water Transportation
483112 .............................................
483113 .............................................
Deep Sea Passenger Transportation .......................................................
Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation .....................................
483211 .............................................
Inland Water Freight Transportation .........................................................
Newspaper Publishers ..............................................................................
Periodical Publishers .................................................................................
Book Publishers ........................................................................................
Directory and Mailing List Publishers .......................................................
Greeting Card Publishers ..........................................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:29 Sep 09, 2014
Jkt 232001
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 175 / Wednesday, September 10, 2014 / Proposed Rules
NAICS U.S. Industry title
Size standards
in millions of
512220 .............................................
512230 .............................................
Integrated Record Production/Distribution ................................................
Music Publishers .......................................................................................
519130 .............................................
Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals ..............
541711 .............................................
541712 .............................................
Research and Development in Biotechnology 11 ......................................
Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except Biotechnology) 11.
Aircraft, Aircraft Engine, and Engine Parts ...............................................
Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment ...........................................
Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, Their Propulsion Units and Propulsion Parts.
Except ..............................................
Except ..............................................
Except ..............................................
562910 .............................................
Except ..............................................
Remediation Services ...............................................................................
Environmental Remediation Services 14 ...................................................
11. NAICS code 541711 and 541712:
(a) ‘‘Research and Development’’ means
laboratory or other physical research and
development. It does not include economic,
educational, engineering, operations,
systems, or other nonphysical research; or
computer programming, data processing,
commercial and/or medical laboratory
(b) For research and development contracts
requiring the delivery of a manufactured
product, the appropriate size standard is that
of the manufacturing industry.
(c) For purposes of the Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) program only, a
different definition has been established by
law. See § 121.701 of these regulations.
(d) ‘‘Research and Development’’ for
guided missiles and space vehicles includes
evaluations and simulation, and other
services requiring thorough knowledge of
complete missiles and spacecraft.
14. NAICS 562910—Environmental
Remediation Services:
(a) For SBA assistance as a small business
concern in the industry of Environmental
Remediation Services, other than for
Government procurement, a concern must be
engaged primarily in furnishing a range of
services for the remediation of a
contaminated environment to an acceptable
condition including, but not limited to,
preliminary assessment, site inspection,
testing, remedial investigation, feasibility
studies, remedial design, containment,
remedial action, removal of contaminated
materials, storage of contaminated materials
and security and site closeouts. If one of such
activities accounts for 50 percent or more of
a concern’s total revenues, employees, or
other related factors, the concern’s primary
industry is that of the particular industry and
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:29 Sep 09, 2014
Jkt 232001
not the Environmental Remediation Services
(b) For purposes of classifying a
Government procurement as Environmental
Remediation Services, the general purpose of
the procurement must be to restore or
directly support the restoration of a
contaminated environment. This includes
activities such as preliminary assessment,
site inspection, testing, remedial
investigation, feasibility studies, remedial
design, remediation services, containment,
and removal of contaminated materials or
security and site closeouts. The general
purpose of the procurement need not
necessarily include remedial actions. Also,
the procurement must be composed of
activities in three or more separate industries
with separate NAICS codes or, in some
instances (e.g., engineering), smaller subcomponents of NAICS codes with separate
and distinct size standards. These activities
may include, but are not limited to, separate
activities in industries such as: Heavy
Construction; Special Trade Contractors;
Engineering Services; Architectural Services;
Management Consulting Services; Hazardous
and Other Waste Collection; Remediation
Services; Testing Laboratories; and Research
and Development in the Physical,
Engineering, and Life Sciences. If any activity
in the procurement can be identified with a
separate NAICS code, or component of a code
with a separate distinct size standard, and
that industry accounts for 50 percent or more
of the value of the entire procurement, then
the proper size standard is the one for that
particular industry, and not the
Environmental Remediation Service size
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Size standards
in number of
11 1,000
11 1,000
14 1,250
Dated: August 25, 2014.
Maria Contreras-Sweet,
[FR Doc. 2014–20838 Filed 9–9–14; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 71
[Docket No. FAA–2014–0416; Airspace
Docket No. 14–ASO–7]
Proposed Establishment of Class D
Airspace and Amendment of Class E
Airspace; Selma, AL
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
This action proposes to
establish Class D airspace and amend
Class E airspace at Selma, AL, to
accommodate the new air traffic control
tower at Craig Field Airport. Controlled
airspace is necessary for the safety and
management of instrument flight rules
(IFR) operations at the airport.
DATES: 0901 UTC. Comments must be
received on or before October 27, 2014.
The Director of the Federal Register
approves this incorporation by reference
action under title 1, Code of Federal
Regulations, part 51, subject to the
annual revision of FAA, Order 7400.9
and publication of conforming
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 175 (Wednesday, September 10, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53646-53667]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-20838]
13 CFR Part 121
RIN 3245-AG51
Small Business Size Standards: Industries With Employee Based
Size Standards Not Part of Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, or Retail
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) proposes to
increase employee based small business
[[Page 53647]]
size standards for 30 industries and three sub-industries (i.e.,
exceptions in SBA's table of size standards) and decrease them for
three industries that are not part of North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS) Sector 31-33 (Manufacturing), Sector 42
(Wholesale Trade), or Sector 44-45 (Retail Trade). SBA also proposes to
eliminate the Information Technology Value Added Resellers sub-industry
or ``exception'' under NAICS 541519 (Other Computer Related Services)
and its 150-employee size standard. Similarly, SBA proposes to
eliminate the Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services sub-industry
or ``exception'' under NAICS 481211 and 481212 and Offshore Marine
Services sub-industry or ``exception'' under NAICS Subsector 483 and
their $28 million receipts based size standard. This proposed change
includes removing Footnote 15 and Footnote 18 from the table of size
standards. As part of its ongoing comprehensive size standards review,
SBA evaluated employee based size standards for 57 industries and five
sub-industries that are not in NAICS Sectors 31-33, 42, or 44-45 to
determine whether they should be retained or revised. This proposed
rule is one of a series of proposed rules that will review size
standards of industries grouped by NAICS Sector.
DATES: SBA must receive comments to this proposed rule on or before
November 10, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Identify your comments by RIN 3245-AG51 and submit them by
one of the following methods: (1) Federal eRulemaking Portal:, following the instructions for submitting
comments; or (2) Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Khem R. Sharma, Ph.D.,
Chief, Size Standards Division, 409 Third Street SW., Mail Code 6530,
Washington, DC 20416. SBA will not accept comments to this proposed
rule submitted by email.
SBA will post all comments to this proposed rule on If you wish to submit confidential business
information (CBI) as defined in the User Notice at,
you must submit such information to U.S. Small Business Administration,
Khem R. Sharma, Ph.D., Chief, Size Standards Division, 409 Third Street
SW., Mail Code 6530, Washington, DC 20416, or send an email to Highlight the information that you consider to
be CBI and explain why you believe SBA should hold this information as
confidential. SBA will review your information and determine whether it
will make the information public.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jorge Laboy-Bruno, Ph.D., Economist,
Size Standards Division, (202) 205-6618 or
In an effort to remove possible public confusion, SBA would like to
explain the changes made to the title of this rule. When SBA initially
announced in the Fall 2012 Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and
Deregulatory Actions, 78 FR 1636 at 1639 (January 8, 2013) (Item
393) that it intended to propose this rule, it was titled
``Small Business Size Standards for Other Industries With Employee
Based Size Standards not Part of Manufacturing or Wholesale Trade.''
under Regulatory Information Number (RIN) 3245-AG51. SBA later realized
that this proposed rule also does not address two industries with
employee based size standards in Retail Trade (NAICS Sector 44-45).
Those size standards will be addressed in a separate rule with
industries in Wholesale Trade (NAICS Sector 42) under RIN 3245-AG49. As
a result, the title of this proposed rule is changed to read ``Small
Business Size Standards: Industries with Employee Based Size Standards
Not Part of Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, or Retail Trade.'' SBA
believes that the title change of the rule will make it easier for
affected parties to understand the scope of its coverage, and will
engender more public comment and involvement.
To determine eligibility for Federal small business assistance, SBA
establishes small business size definitions (referred to as size
standards) for private sector industries in the United States. SBA uses
two primary measures of business size--average annual receipts and
average number of employees. SBA uses financial assets, electric
output, and refining capacity to measure the size of a few specialized
industries. In addition, SBA's Small Business Investment Company
(SBIC), Certified Development Company (504), and 7(a) Loan Programs use
either the industry based size standards or net worth and net income
based alternative size standards to determine eligibility for those
programs. At the start of the SBA's current comprehensive size
standards review when the size standards were based on NAICS 2007,
there were 41 different size standards covering 1,141 NAICS industries
and 18 subindustry activities (``exceptions'' in SBA's table of size
standards). Thirty-one of these size levels were based on average
annual receipts, seven were based on average number of employees, and
three were based on other measures. Presently, under NAICS 2012, there
are 28 different size standards, covering 1,031 industries and 16
``exceptions''. Of these, 533 are based on average annual receipts, 509
on number of employees (one of which also includes barrels per day
total capacity), and five on average assets.
Over the years, SBA has received comments that its size standards
have not kept up with changes in the economy, in particular the changes
in the Federal contracting marketplace and industry structure. The last
time SBA conducted a comprehensive size standards review was during the
late 1970s and early 1980s. Since then, most reviews of size standards
were limited to a few specific industries, mostly with receipts based
size standards, in response to requests from the public and Federal
agencies. SBA reviews all monetary based size standards (except for
statutorily set size standards in NAICS Sector 11) for inflation at
least once every five years. SBA's latest inflation adjustment to size
standards was published in the Federal Register on June 12, 2014 (79 FR
33647). However, the vast majority of employee based size standards
have not been reviewed since they were first established.
Because of changes in the Federal marketplace and industry
structure since the last comprehensive size standards review, SBA
recognizes that current data may no longer support some of its existing
size standards. Accordingly, in 2007, SBA began a comprehensive review
of all size standards to determine if they are consistent with current
data, and to adjust them when necessary. In addition, on September 27,
2010, the President of the United States signed the Small Business Jobs
Act of 2010 (Jobs Act). The Jobs Act directs SBA to conduct a detailed
review of all size standards and to make appropriate adjustments to
reflect market conditions. Specifically, the Jobs Act requires SBA to
conduct a detailed review of at least one-third of all size standards
during every 18-month period from the date of its enactment. In
addition, the Jobs Act requires that SBA review all size standards not
less frequently than once every five years thereafter. Reviewing
existing small business size standards and making appropriate
adjustments based on the latest available data are also consistent with
Executive Order 13563 on improving regulation and regulatory review.
[[Page 53648]]
Rather than review all size standards at one time, SBA is reviewing
size standards on a Sector by Sector basis. A NAICS Sector generally
includes 25 to 75 industries, except for NAICS Sector 31-33,
Manufacturing, which has considerably more industries. As stated above,
this proposed rule covers industries with employee based size standards
that are not part of NAICS Sector 31-33 (Manufacturing), Sector 42
(Wholesale Trade), or Sector 44-45 (Retail Trade). These include one
industry each in NAICS Sector 11 (Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and
Hunting), Sector 22 (Utilities) and Sector 52 (Finance and Insurance),
25 industries in Sector 21 (Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas
Extraction), 15 industries in Sector 48-49 (Transportation and
Warehousing), 12 industries in Sector 51 (Information), two industries
and four sub-industries (``exceptions'') in Sector 54 (Professional,
Scientific and Technical Services), and one sub-industry
(``exception'') in Sector 56 (Administrative and Support, Waste
Management and Remediation Services) that currently have employee based
size standards. Once SBA completes its review of size standards for
industries in a NAICS Sector, it issues a proposed rule to revise size
standards for those industries based on latest industry and program
data available and other relevant factors, such as current economic
climate and SBA's and other government's programs and policies to help
small businesses.
Below is a discussion of SBA's size standards methodology for
establishing employee based size standards that the Agency applied to
this proposed rule, including analyses of industry structure, Federal
contracting factors, the impact of the proposed revisions to size
standards on SBA's financial assistance to small businesses, and the
evaluation of whether a revised size standard would exclude dominant
firms from being considered small.
Size Standards Methodology
In conjunction with the current comprehensive size standards
review, SBA developed a ``Size Standards Methodology'' (methodology)
for developing, reviewing, and modifying size standards when necessary.
SBA published the document on its Web site at for
public review and comments, and has also included it as a supporting
document in the electronic docket of this proposed rule at It should be noted that SBA does not apply all
features of its methodology to all industries because not all features
are appropriate for every industry. For example, since all industries
that are being reviewed in this proposed rule have employee based size
standards, the methodology described in this proposed rule relates only
to establishing employee based size standards. However, the methodology
is available in its entirety for parties who have an interest in SBA's
overall approach to establishing, evaluating, and modifying small
business size standards. SBA always explains its methodology and
analysis in individual proposed and final rules relating to size
standards for specific industries.
SBA welcomes comments from the public on a number of issues
concerning its ``Size Standards Methodology,'' that the Agency has
applied in this proposed rule, such as whether there are other
approaches to establishing and modifying size standards; whether there
are alternative or additional factors that SBA should consider; whether
SBA's approach to small business size standards makes sense in the
current economic environment; whether SBA's use of anchor size
standards is appropriate; whether there are gaps in SBA's methodology
because the data it uses are not current or sufficiently comprehensive;
and whether there are other data, facts, and/or issues that SBA should
consider. Comments on SBA's size standards methodology should be
submitted via: (1) The Federal eRulemaking Portal:,
following the instructions for submitting comments; the docket number
is SBA-2009-0008, or (2) Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier: Khem R. Sharma,
Ph.D., Chief, Size Standards Division, 409 Third Street SW., Mail Code
6530, Washington, DC 20416. As it will do with comments to this and
other proposed rules, SBA will post all comments on its methodology on As of April 30, 2014, SBA has received 17 comments
to its ``Size Standards Methodology.'' The comments are available to
the public at SBA continues to welcome comments on
its methodology from interested parties. SBA will not accept comments
submitted by email.
Congress granted SBA's Administrator the discretion to establish
detailed small business size standards. 15 U.S.C. 632(a)(2).
Specifically, Section 3(a)(3) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C.
632(a)(3)) requires that ``. . . the [SBA] Administrator shall ensure
that the size standard varies from industry to industry to the extent
necessary to reflect the differing characteristics of the various
industries and consider other factors deemed to be relevant by the
Administrator.'' Accordingly, the economic structure of an industry is
the basis for developing and modifying small business size standards.
SBA identifies the small business segment of an industry by examining
the latest available data on the economic characteristics defining the
industry structure (as described below). In addition, SBA considers
current economic conditions, its mission and program objectives, the
Administration's current policies, suggestions from industry groups and
Federal agencies, and public comments on proposed rules. SBA also
examines whether a size standard based on industry and other relevant
data successfully excludes businesses that are dominant in the
This proposed rule includes information regarding the factors SBA
evaluated and the criteria it used to propose adjustments, where
necessary, to employee based size standards for 57 industries and five
sub-industries (``exceptions'') covered by this rule. This proposed
rule affords the public an opportunity to review and to comment on
SBA's proposal to revise size standards for certain industries, as well
as on the data and methodology it used to evaluate and revise the size
Industry Analysis
For the current comprehensive size standards review, SBA has
established three ``base'' or ``anchor'' size standards--$7.0 million
in average annual receipts for industries that have receipts based size
standards, 500 employees for manufacturing and other industries that
have employee based size standards in nonmanufacturing sectors (except
for Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade), and 100 employees for industries
in the Wholesale Trade Sector. SBA established 500 employees as the
anchor size standard for manufacturing industries at its inception in
1953. Shortly thereafter, SBA established $1 million in average annual
receipts as the anchor size standard for nonmanufacturing industries.
SBA has periodically increased the receipts based anchor size standard
for inflation, and today it is $7 million. Since 1986, the size
standard for all industries in the Wholesale Trade Sector for SBA's
financial assistance and for most Federal programs has been 100
employees. Presently, SBA also has employee based size standards for
two industries in Retail Trade, namely NAICS 441110, New Car Dealers
(200 employees) and NAICS 454310, Fuel Dealers (50 employees). However,
NAICS codes for the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sectors and their size
[[Page 53649]]
standards do not apply to Federal procurement programs. Rather, for
Federal procurement the size standard for all industries in Wholesale
Trade (NAICS Sector 42) and for all industries in Retail Trade (NAICS
Sector 44-45) is 500 employees under the SBA's non-manufacturer rule
(13 CFR 121.406(b)).
These long-standing anchor size standards have stood the test of
time and gained legitimacy through practice and general public
acceptance. An anchor is neither a minimum nor a maximum size standard.
It is a common size standard for a large number of industries that have
similar economic characteristics and serves as a reference point in
evaluating size standards for individual industries. SBA uses the
anchor in lieu of trying to establish precise small business size
standards for each industry. Otherwise, theoretically, the number of
size standards might be as high as the number of industries for which
SBA establishes size standards (i.e., more than 1,000). Furthermore,
the data SBA analyzes are static, while the U.S. economy is not. Hence,
absolute precision is impossible. Similarly, because of the disclosure
problem in getting the distribution of firms by more granular size
classes, the 2007 Economic Census tabulation (the latest available when
this proposed rule was prepared) that SBA received from the U.S. Census
Bureau for current size standards review would not allow an accurate
regulatory impact analysis of size standards changes if precise,
separate size standards were established for each industry. SBA
presumes an anchor size standard is appropriate for a particular
industry unless that industry displays economic characteristics that
are considerably different from other industries with the same anchor
size standard.
When evaluating a size standard, SBA compares the economic
characteristics of the industry under review to the average
characteristics of industries with one of the three anchor size
standards (referred to as the ``anchor comparison group''). This allows
SBA to assess the industry structure and to determine whether the
industry is appreciably different from the other industries in the
anchor comparison group. If the characteristics of a specific industry
under review are similar to the average characteristics of the anchor
comparison group, the anchor size standard is generally appropriate for
that industry. SBA may consider adopting a size standard below the
anchor when: (1) All or most of the industry characteristics are
significantly smaller than the average characteristics of the anchor
comparison group; or (2) other industry considerations strongly suggest
that the anchor size standard would be an unreasonably high size
standard for the industry.
If the specific industry's characteristics are significantly higher
than those of the anchor comparison group, then a size standard higher
than the anchor size standard may be appropriate. The larger the
differences are between the characteristics of the industry under
review and those in the anchor comparison group, the larger will be the
difference between the appropriate industry size standard and the
anchor size standard. To determine a size standard above the anchor
size standard, SBA analyzes the characteristics of a second comparison
For industries with employee based size standards reviewed in this
proposed rule, SBA has developed a second comparison group consisting
of industries that have the highest of employee based size standards.
To determine a size standard above the 500-employee anchor size
standard, SBA analyzes the characteristics of this second comparison
group. The industries in this group have size standards of either 1,000
employees or 1,500 employees; the weighted average size standard for
the group is 1,323 employees. SBA refers to this comparison group as
the ``higher level employee based size standard group.''
To examine industry structure, SBA evaluates average firm size,
startup costs and entry barriers, industry competition, and
distribution of firms by size. SBA also evaluates the level and small
business share of total Federal contracting dollars. These are,
generally, the five primary factors SBA examines when establishing or
revising a size standard for an industry. However, SBA will also
consider and evaluate other information that it believes is relevant to
a particular industry (such as technological changes, growth trends,
SBA financial assistance, other program factors, etc.). SBA also
considers possible impacts of size standard revisions on eligibility
for Federal small business assistance, current economic conditions, the
Administration's policies, and suggestions from industry groups and
Federal agencies. Public comments on a proposed rule also provide
important additional information. SBA thoroughly reviews all public
comments before making a final decision on its proposed size standards.
Below are brief descriptions of each of the five primary factors
that SBA has evaluated for each industry and sub-industry covered by
this proposed rule. A more detailed description of these factors is
provided in SBA's ``Size Standards Methodology,'' available at
1. Average firm size. SBA computes two measures of average firm
size: Simple average and weighted average. For industries with employee
based size standards, the simple average firm size is the total number
of employees in an industry divided by the total number of firms in
that industry. The weighted average firm size is the sum of weighted
simple average firm sizes in different employee size classes, where
weights are the shares of total industry employees for respective
employee size classes. The simple average firm size weighs all firms
within an industry equally regardless of their size. The weighted
average firm size overcomes that limitation by giving more weight to
larger firms.
If the average firm size of an industry is significantly higher
than the average firm size of industries in the anchor comparison
industry group, this will generally support a size standard higher than
the anchor size standard. Conversely, if the industry's average firm
size is similar to or significantly lower than that of the anchor
comparison industry group, it will be a basis to adopt the anchor size
standard, or, in rare cases, a standard lower than the anchor.
2. Startup costs and entry barriers. Startup costs reflect a firm's
initial size in an industry. New entrants to an industry must have
sufficient capital and other assets to start and maintain a viable
business. If new firms entering a particular industry have greater
capital requirements than firms in industries in the anchor comparison
group, this can be a basis for establishing a size standard higher than
the anchor size standard. In lieu of actual startup cost data, SBA uses
average assets as a proxy to measure the capital requirements for new
entrants to an industry.
To calculate average assets, SBA begins with the sales to total
assets ratio for an industry from the Risk Management Association's
Annual eStatement Studies. SBA then applies these ratios to the average
receipts of firms in that industry. An industry with average assets
that are significantly higher than those of the anchor comparison group
is likely to have higher startup costs; this in turn will support a
size standard higher than the anchor. Conversely, an industry with
average assets that are similar to or lower than those of the anchor
comparison group is likely to have lower startup costs; this will
support the anchor standard or one lower than the anchor.
[[Page 53650]]
3. Industry competition. Industry competition is generally measured
by the share of total industry receipts generated by the largest firms
in an industry. SBA generally evaluates the share of industry receipts
generated by the four largest firms in each industry. This is referred
to as the ``four-firm concentration ratio,'' a commonly used economic
measure of market competition. If a significant share of economic
activity within the industry is concentrated among a few relatively
large companies, all else being equal, SBA will establish a size
standard higher than the anchor size standard. SBA does not consider
the four-firm concentration ratio as an important factor in assessing a
size standard if its share of economic activity of the largest four
firms within the industry is less than 40 percent. For an industry with
a four-firm concentration ratio of 40 percent or more, SBA compares the
average employee size of the four largest firms in the industry with
the four largest firms' average employee size for the anchor and higher
level size comparison groups to determine an employee size standard for
that industry.
4. Distribution of firms by size. For employee based size
standards, SBA examines the shares of industry total receipts accounted
for by firms of various employment size classes in an industry. This is
an additional factor SBA examines in assessing industry competition. If
most of an industry's economic activity is attributable to smaller
firms, this generally indicates that small businesses are competitive
in that industry. This can, generally, support adopting the anchor size
standard. If most of an industry's economic activity is attributable to
larger firms, this indicates that small businesses are not competitive
in that industry. This can support adopting a size standard above the
Concentration is a measure of inequality of distribution. To
determine the degree of inequality of distribution in an industry, SBA
computes the Gini coefficient by constructing the Lorenz curve. The
Lorenz curve presents the cumulative percentages of units (firms) in
various employee size classes along the horizontal axis and the
cumulative percentages of receipts (or other measures of size) in the
same employee size classes along the vertical axis. (For further
detail, please refer to SBA's ``Size Standards Methodology'' on its Web
site at Gini coefficient values vary from zero to
one. If receipts are distributed equally among all the firms in an
industry, the value of the Gini coefficient will equal zero. If an
industry's total receipts are attributed to a single firm, the Gini
coefficient will equal one.
SBA compares the Gini coefficient value for an industry with that
for industries in the anchor comparison group. If the Gini coefficient
value for an industry is higher than it is for industries in the anchor
comparison industry group this may, all else being equal, warrant a
size standard higher than the anchor. Conversely, if an industry's Gini
coefficient is similar to or lower than that for the anchor group, the
anchor standard, or in some cases a standard lower than the anchor, may
be adopted.
5. Impact on Federal contracting and SBA loan programs. SBA
examines the possible impact a size standard change may have on Federal
small business assistance. This most often focuses on the level and
small business share of total Federal contracting dollars in the
industry in question. In general, if the small business share of total
Federal contracting dollars in an industry with significant Federal
contracting is appreciably less than the small business share of the
industry's total receipts, this could justify considering a size
standard higher than the existing size standard. If the small business
share of an industry's total Federal contracting dollars is similar to
or higher than the small business share of its total receipts, this
would support the existing size standard for that industry. By
comparing the small business share in the Federal market with the small
business share in the industry-wide market, SBA accounts for conditions
in the Federal market in its size standards analysis. The disparity
between the small business Federal market share and small business
industry-wide share may be due to various factors, such as extensive
administrative and compliance requirements associated with Federal
contracts, the different skill set required for Federal contracts as
compared to typical commercial contracting work, and the size of
Federal contracts. Data permitting, SBA will also examine these, as
well as other factors that are likely to influence the type of firms
within an industry that compete for Federal contracts.
SBA considers the Federal contracting factor in an industry's size
standards analysis only if the industry's total Federal contracting
dollars average $100 million or more annually during the latest three
fiscal years. SBA believes that this threshold reflects a significant
level of contracting where a revision to a size standard may have an
impact on contracting opportunities to small businesses. For industries
where total contracting dollars average $100 million or more annually,
SBA establishes a size standard higher than the existing size standard
if the small business share of total industry receipts is 10 percent or
higher than the small business share of total industry receipts. If
this difference is less than 10 percent, this would support the
existing size standard.
Besides the impact on small business Federal contracting, SBA also
evaluates the impact of a proposed size standard revision on SBA's loan
programs. For this, SBA examines the data on volume and number of its
guaranteed loans within an industry and the size of firms obtaining
those loans. This allows SBA to assess whether the existing, proposed,
or revised size standard for a particular industry may restrict the
level of financial assistance to small firms. If existing size
standards are found to have impeded financial assistance to small
businesses, higher size standards may be justified. However, if small
businesses under existing size standards have been receiving
significant amounts of financial assistance through SBA's loan
programs, or if the financial assistance has been provided mainly to
businesses that are much smaller than the existing size standards, SBA
does not consider this factor when determining the size standard.
Sources of Industry and Program Data
SBA's primary source of industry data used in this proposed rule is
a special tabulation of the 2007 Economic Census (see prepared by the U.S. Bureau of the Census (Census
Bureau) for SBA. The 2007 Economic Census data are the latest Economic
Census data available at the time of drafting this proposed rule. SBA
expects to receive the special tabulation from the 2012 Economic Census
in 2016 for the next round of comprehensive size standards review. The
special tabulation provides SBA with data on the number of firms,
number of establishments, number of employees, annual payroll, and
annual receipts of companies by Industry (6-digit level), Industry
Group (4-digit level), Subsector (3-digit level), and Sector (2-digit
level). These data are arrayed by various classes of firms' size based
on the overall number of employees and receipts of the entire
enterprise (all establishments and affiliated firms) from all
industries. The special tabulation enables SBA to evaluate average firm
size, the four-firm concentration ratio, and distribution of firms by
various receipts and employment size classes. It should be noted that
the Economic Census tabulation data on the number of firms,
[[Page 53651]]
number of establishments, number of employees, annual payroll, and
annual receipts for a particular NAICS Industry category relate to
establishments and firms that are primarily engaged in that Industry.
To mitigate this limitation of the Economic Census tabulation data, SBA
also examines the data from the System of Award Management (SAM)
(formerly Central Contractor Registration (CCR)) and FPDS-NG which
provides more recent data on Federal contract awards by NAICS code and
the actual size of the concerns receiving the contract awards.
In some cases, where data are not available at the 6-digit industry
level due to disclosure prohibitions in the Census Bureau's tabulation,
SBA either estimates missing values using available relevant data or
examines data at a higher level of industry aggregation, such as at the
NAICS 2-digit (Sector), 3-digit (Subsector), or 4-digit (Industry
Group) level. In some instances, SBA's analysis is based only on those
factors for which data are available or estimates of missing values are
The data from the Census Bureau's tabulation are limited to the 6-
digit NAICS industry level and hence do not provide economic
characteristics at the sub-industry level. Thus, when establishing,
reviewing, or modifying size standards at the sub-industry level (that
is, one of the ``exceptions'' in SBA's table of size standards), SBA
evaluates the data from the U.S. General Service Administration's (GSA)
Federal Procurement Data System--Next Generation (FPDS-NG) and SAM
(CCR) databases, following a two-step procedure. First, using FPDS-NG,
SBA identifies product service codes (PSCs) that correspond to specific
sub-industry activities or ``exceptions'' within the applicable NAICS
code and then identifies firms that received Federal contracts in those
PSCs. Then SBA obtains those firms' revenue and employment data from
the SAM/CCR database. SBA uses that data to evaluate the
characteristics of businesses that FPDS-NG identifies for those
procurements. In this proposed rule, SBA applied this approach to
determine industry and Federal contracting factors for ``Information
Technology Value Added Resellers,'' which is an exception under NAICS
541519, Other Computer Related Services, and for ``Environmental
Remediation Services,'' which is an exception under NAICS 562910,
Remediation Services.
Certain industries are not covered by Economic Census and not shown
in the special tabulation. For those industries, SBA first identifies
companies that are registered in SAM/CCR under those industry NAICS
codes and then evaluates their employment and revenue data obtained
from their SAM/CCR profiles. SBA applied this approach to evaluate
industry factors for two industries in NAICS Sector 48-49 that are not
covered by Economic Census, namely Line-Haul Railroads (NAICS 482111),
and Short Line Railroads (NAICS 482112).
To calculate average assets, SBA used sales to total assets ratios
from the Risk Management Association's Annual eStatement Studies, 2009-
2011, available at
To evaluate the Federal contracting factor, SBA examined the data
from FPDS-NG for fiscal years 2009-2011, available at and 2007 Economic Census tabulation, which is the latest
available as stated elsewhere in the rule.
To assess the impact on financial assistance to small businesses,
SBA examined its internal data on 7(a) and 504 loan programs for fiscal
years 2010-2012.
Data sources and estimation procedures SBA uses in its size
standards analysis are documented in detail in SBA's ``Size Standards
Methodology'' White Paper, which is available at
Dominance in Field of Operation
Section 3(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a)) defines a
small business concern as one that: (1) Is independently owned and
operated; (2) is not dominant in its field of operation; and (3) meets
a specific small business definition or size standard established by
SBA's Administrator. SBA considers as part of its evaluation whether a
business concern at a proposed or revised size standard would be
dominant in its field of operation. For this, SBA generally examines
the industry's market share of firms at the proposed or revised
standard. SBA also examines distribution of firms by size to ensure
that a contemplated size standard derived from its size standards
analysis excludes the largest firms within an industry. Market share,
the size distribution and other factors may indicate whether a firm can
exercise a major controlling influence on a national basis in an
industry where a significant number of business concerns are engaged.
If a contemplated size standard includes dominant or the largest firms
in an industry, SBA will consider a lower size standard than the one
suggested by the analytical results to exclude the dominant and largest
firms from being defined as small.
Selection of Size Standards
Among the industries with employee based size standards not in
NAICS Sector 31-33 (Manufacturing), Sector 42 (Wholesale Trade), or
Sector 44-45 (Retail Trade), currently there are four size standards
clusters: 500 employees, 750 employees, 1,000 employees, and 1,500
employees. In this proposed rule, SBA has applied its ``Size Standards
Methodology'' for employee based size standards with two modifications.
First, to be consistent with its policy of not lowering any size
standards in all recent proposed and final rules on receipts based size
standards, SBA is retaining the current 500-employee minimum and 1,500-
employee maximum size standards for all industries in the Manufacturing
Sector and other industries not in the Wholesale and Retail Trade
Sectors that have employee based size standards. In its ``Size
Standards Methodology,'' SBA had proposed setting the minimum employee
based size standard for these industries at 250 employees and the
maximum size standard at 1,000 employees. However, doing so would mean
lowering existing size standards, thereby making currently small
businesses ineligible to continue their participation in Federal small
business programs. This would run counter to what SBA and the
Administration are doing to help small businesses to create jobs and
boost economic growth. Second, SBA is proposing a new 1,250-employee
size standard between 1,000 employees and 1,500 employees. This new
size standard level maintains the same 250-employee increment between
the two successive levels that SBA has below 1,000 employees (500, 750,
1,000). SBA proposes, therefore, to apply one of these five employee
based size standards to the analysis of employee based size standards
for industries in the Manufacturing Sector and other industries not in
the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sectors: 500 employees, 750 employees,
1,000 employees, 1,250 employees, and 1,500 employees.
To simplify size standards and for other reasons, SBA may propose a
common size standard for closely related industries. Although the size
standard analysis may support a separate size standard for each
industry, SBA believes that establishing different size standards for
closely related industries may not always be appropriate. For example,
in cases where many of the same businesses operate in the same multiple
industries, a common size standard for those industries might better
reflect the
[[Page 53652]]
Federal marketplace. This might also make size standards among related
industries more consistent than separate size standards for each of
those industries. Whenever SBA proposes a common size standard for
closely related industries it will provide its justification.
Evaluation of Industry Structure
In this proposed rule, SBA evaluated 57 industries and five sub-
industries (``exceptions'') with employee based size standards that are
not in NAICS Sectors 31-33, 42, or 44-45 to assess the appropriateness
of their current size standards. As described above, SBA compared data
on the economic characteristics of each of those industries and sub-
industries to the average characteristics of industries in two
comparison groups. The first comparison group consists of all
industries in Manufacturing and industries not in Wholesale Trade or
Retail Trade with 500-employee size standards. SBA refers this group of
industries to as the ``employee based anchor comparison group.''
Because the goal of SBA's review is to assess whether a specific
industry's size standard should be the same as or different from the
anchor size standard, this is the most logical group of industries to
analyze. In addition, this group includes a sufficient number of firms
to provide a meaningful assessment and comparison of industry
As stated previously, if the characteristics of an industry are
similar to the average characteristics of industries in the anchor
comparison group, the anchor size standard is generally appropriate for
that industry. If an industry's structure is significantly different
from industries in the anchor group, a size standard lower or higher
than the anchor size standard might be appropriate. The proposed new
size standard is based on the difference between the characteristics of
the anchor comparison group and a second industry comparison group. As
described above, the second comparison group for employee based
standards consists of industries with either 1,000-employee or 1,500-
employee size standards. The weighted average size standard for this
group is 1,323 employees. SBA refers this group of industries to as the
``higher level employee based size standard comparison group.'' SBA
determines differences in industry structure between an industry under
review and the industries in the two comparison groups by comparing
data on each of the industry factors, including average firm size,
average assets size, the four-firm concentration ratio, and the Gini
coefficient of distribution of firms by size. Table 1, Average
Characteristics of Employee Based Comparison Groups, shows the average
firm size (both simple and weighted), average assets size, four-firm
concentration ratio, average employees of the four largest firms, and
the Gini coefficient for both anchor level and higher level comparison
groups for employee based size standards.
Table 1--Average Characteristics of Employee Based Comparison Groups
Average firm size (number of Average
employees) Average assets Four[dash]firm employees of
Employee based comparison group ------------------------------------ size ($ concentration four largest Gini coefficient
Simple average Weighted average million) ratio (%) firms \*\
Anchor Level................................ 51 322 $6.4 35.9 1,267 0.765
Higher Level................................ 136 602 37.0 64.3 2,033 0.808
* To be used for industries with a four-firm concentration ratio of 40% or greater.
Derivation of Size Standards Based on Industry Factors
For each industry factor in Table 1, Average Characteristics of
Employee Based Comparison Groups, SBA derives a separate size standard
based on the differences between the values for an industry under
review and the values for the two comparison groups. If the industry
value for a particular factor is near the corresponding factor for the
anchor comparison group, the 500-employee anchor size standard is
appropriate for that factor.
An industry factor significantly above or below the anchor
comparison group will generally imply a size standard for that industry
above or below the 500-employee anchor. The new size standard in these
cases is based on the proportional difference between the industry
value and the values for the two comparison groups.
For example, an industry's simple average firm size of 75 employees
will support a 750-employee size standard. The 75-employee level is
28.2 percent between 51 employees for the anchor comparison group and
136 employees for the higher level comparison group ((75 employees - 51
employees) / (136 employees - 51 employees) = 0.282 or 28.2%). This
proportional difference is applied to the difference between the size
standard of 500 employees for the anchor level size standard group and
average size standard of 1,323 employees for the higher level size
standard group and then added to 500 employees to estimate a size
standard of 733 employees ([{1,323 employees - 500 employees{time} *
0.282] + 500 employees = 733 employees). The final step is to round the
estimated 733-employee size standard to the nearest size standard
level, which in this example is 750 employees.
SBA applies the above calculation to derive a size standard for
each industry factor. Detailed formulas involved in these calculations
are presented in SBA's ``Size Standards Methodology'' which is
available on its Web site at As stated above, SBA has
also included its ``Size Standards Methodology'' as a supporting
document in the electronic docket of this proposed rule at (However, it should be noted that figures in the
``Size Standards Methodology'' White Paper are based on 2002 Economic
Census data and are different from those presented in this proposed
rule. That is because when SBA prepared its ``Size Standards
Methodology,'' the 2007 Economic Census data were not yet available).
Table 2, Values of Industry Factors and Supported Size Standards,
below, shows ranges of values for each industry factor and the levels
of size standards supported by those values.
[[Page 53653]]
Table 2--Values of Industry Factors and Supported Size Standards
Or if average
Or if weighted Or if average number Then implied
If simple average firm size average firm assets size ($ employees of Or if Gini size standard
(number of employees) size (number million) largest four coefficient is (number of
of employees) firms employees)
< 63.9...................... < 364.5........ < 11.1......... < 1,383.3...... < 0.772........ 500
63.9 to < 89.7.............. 364.5 to < 11.1 to < 20.3. 1,383.3 to < 0.772 to < 750
449.6. 1,616.0. 0.785.
89.7 to < 115.6............. 449.6 to < 20.3 to < 29.6. 1,616.0 to < 0.785 to < 1,000
534.6. 1,848.7. 0.798.
115.6 to < 141.4............ 534.6 to < 29.6 to < 38.9. 1,848.7 to < 0.798 to < 1,250
619.7. 2,081.4. 0.811.
>= 141.4.................... >= 619.7....... >= 38.9........ >= 2,081.4..... >= 0.811....... 1,500
Derivation of Size Standard Based on Federal Contracting Factor
Besides industry structure, SBA also evaluates Federal contracting
data to assess the success of small businesses in getting Federal
contracts under the existing size standards. For industries where
Federal contract dollars average $100 million or more annually and the
small business share of total Federal contracting dollars is 10 to 30
percent lower than the small business share of total industry receipts,
SBA has designated a size standard one level higher than their current
size standard. For industries where the small business share of total
Federal contracting dollars is more than 30 percent lower than the
small business share of total industry receipts, SBA has designated a
size standard two levels higher than the current size standard. For
industries, where this difference is less than 10 percent, SBA applies
the existing size standard for the Federal contracting factor.
Because of the complex relationships among several variables
affecting small business participation in the Federal marketplace, SBA
has chosen not to designate a size standard for the Federal contracting
factor alone that is more than two levels above the current size
standard. SBA believes that a larger adjustment to size standards based
on Federal contracting activity should be based on a more detailed
analysis of the impact of any subsequent revision to the current size
standard. In limited situations, however, SBA may conduct a more
extensive examination of Federal contracting experience. This may
support a different size standard than indicated by this general rule
and take into consideration significant and unique aspects of small
business competitiveness in the Federal contract market. SBA welcomes
comments on its methodology for incorporating the Federal contracting
factor in its size standard analysis and suggestions for alternative
methods and other relevant information on small business experience in
the Federal contract market that SBA should consider.
Of the 57 industries reviewed in this proposed rule, 14 averaged
$100 million or more annually in Federal contracting during fiscal
years 2009-2011 and thus, the Federal contracting factor for those
industries was significant. Of the 14 industries, the difference
between the small business share of total industry receipts and small
business share of Federal contracting dollars was less than 10 percent
for seven industries and, in this proposed rule, SBA applied the
existing size standard to each. The difference was between 10 and 30
percent for three industries for which a size standard one level higher
than the existing size standard was applied. Finally, in four
industries, this difference was more than 30 percent and a size
standard that was two levels higher than the existing size standard was
New Size Standards Based on Industry and Federal Contracting Factors
Table 3, Size Standards Supported by Each Factor for Each Industry
(No. of Employees), below, shows the results of analyses of industry
and Federal contracting factors for each industry covered by this
proposed rule. Many NAICS industries in columns 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 show
two numbers. The upper number is the value for the industry factor
shown on the top of the column and the lower number is the size
standard supported by that factor. For the four-firm concentration
ratio, SBA estimates a size standard only if its value is 40 percent or
more. If the four-firm concentration ratio for an industry is less than
40 percent, SBA does not estimate a size standard for that factor. If
the four-firm concentration ratio is 40 percent or more, SBA indicates
in column 6 the average size of the industry's four largest firms
together with a size standard based on that average. Column 9 shows a
calculated new size standard for each industry. This is the average of
the size standards supported by each factor, rounded to the nearest
fixed size level. However, the size standards for the simple average
and weighted average firm size are averaged together, and therefore
receive a single weight. Analytical details involved in the averaging
procedure are described in SBA's ``Size Standards Methodology.'' For
comparison with the new standards, the current size standards are in
column 10 of Table 3.
Table 3--Size Standards Supported by Each Factor for Each Industry (No. of Employees)
[Upper Value = Calculated Factor, Lower Value = Size Standard Supported]
Four-firm Calculated
Simple Weighted Average average Federal size Current
average average assets Four-firm size Gini contract standard size
NAICS Code NAICS industry title firm size firm size size ($ ratio % (number of coefficient factor (number of standard
(number of (number of million) (%) (number of
employees) employees) employees) employees) employees)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
113310 Logging............................. 6 31 $0.5 .......... .......... 0.332 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 500 .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
211111 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas 28 790 $70.5 31.1 .......... 0.910 -3.3 .......... ..........
Extraction................................ 500 1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 500 1,250 500
211112 Natural Gas Liquid Extraction....... 65 175 $234.1 50.7 588 0.702 .......... .......... ..........
750 500 1,500 .......... 500 500 .......... 750 500
[[Page 53654]]
212111 Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface 99 712 $34.6 36.5 .......... 0.844 .......... .......... ..........
Mining.................................... 1,000 1,500 1,250 .......... .......... 1,500 .......... 1,250 500
212112 Bituminous Coal Underground Mining.. 163 1,062 $40.3 42.5 3,490 0.853 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 500
212113 Anthracite Mining................... 12 29 $4.5 54.2 46 0.429 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 500 .......... 500 500 .......... 500 500
212210 Iron Ore Mining..................... 356 2,352 .......... 99.1 1,220 0.716 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 750 500
212221 Gold Ore Mining..................... 114 2,207 .......... .......... .......... 0.896 .......... .......... ..........
1,000 1,500 .......... .......... .......... 1,500 .......... 1,500 500
212222 Silver Ore Mining................... 69 124 .......... .......... .......... 0.368 .......... .......... ..........
750 500 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... 750 500
212231 Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining........ 251 457 .......... 89.6 436 0.457 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,000 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 750 500
212234 Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining.... 472 2,215 .......... 93.0 2,369 0.818 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 500
212291 Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining.. 20 62 .......... 92.7 85 0.603 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 .......... 500 500 .......... 500 500
212299 All Other Metal Ore Mining.......... 218 569 .......... 91.8 913 0.680 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,250 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 750 500
212311 Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying 15 44 .......... 12.3 .......... 0.463 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
212312 Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining 53 398 $15.7 37.1 .......... 0.789 .......... .......... ..........
and Quarrying............................. 500 750 750 .......... .......... 1,000 .......... 750 500
212313 Crushed and Broken Granite Mining 50 361 .......... 62.1 1,026 0.822 .......... .......... ..........
and Quarrying............................. 500 500 .......... .......... 500 1,500 .......... 750 500
212319 Other Crushed and Broken Stone 24 94 $6.1 28.5 .......... 0.693 .......... .......... ..........
Mining and Quarrying...................... 500 500 500 .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
212321 Construction Sand and Gravel Mining. 19 96 $4.1 25.5 .......... 0.683 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 500 .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
212322 Industrial Sand Mining.............. 36 183 .......... 66.5 425 0.652 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 500 500
212324 Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining......... 126 258 .......... 80.5 499 0.435 .......... .......... ..........
1,250 500 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 750 500
212325 Clay and Ceramic and Refractory 34 218 .......... 48.2 286 0.637 .......... .......... ..........
Minerals Mining........................... 500 500 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 500 500
212391 Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral 245 410 .......... 76.0 537 0.295 .......... .......... ..........
Mining.................................... 1,500 750 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 750 500
212392 Phosphate Rock Mining............... 283 389 .......... .......... .......... 0.370 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 750 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... 1,000 500
212393 Other Chemical and Fertilizer 47 170 .......... .......... .......... 0.721 .......... .......... ..........
Mineral Mining............................ 500 500 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... .......... 500
212399 All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining 21 59 .......... 29.0 .......... 0.558 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
213111 Drilling Oil and Gas Wells.......... 59 1,559 $9.6 28.4 .......... 0.883 .......... .......... ..........
500 1,500 500 .......... .......... 1,500 .......... 1,000 500
221210 Natural Gas Distribution............ 187 1,260 $192.6 24.6 .......... 0.771 -0.1 .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 500 500 1,000 500
481111 Scheduled Passenger Air 1,197 18,348 $188.6 52.3 51,290 0.923 .......... .......... ..........
Transportation............................ 1,500 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500
481112 Scheduled Freight Air Transportation 43 311 .......... 53.2 671 0.778 -50.3 .......... ..........
500 500 .......... .......... 500 750 1,500 750 1,500
481211 Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air 18 130 $4.0 38.9 .......... 0.731 -52.2 .......... ..........
Transportation............................ 500 500 500 .......... .......... 500 1,500 750 1,500
481212 Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air 25 535 .......... 49.7 568 0.820 -81.8 .......... ..........
Transportation............................ 500 1,000 .......... 500 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,500
482111 Line-Haul Railroads................. 2,046 36,622 .......... 54.4 111,250 0.898 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500
[[Page 53655]]
482112 Short Line Railroads................ 1,777 38,435 .......... 49.6 102,744 0.850 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 500
483111 Deep Sea Freight Transportation..... 55 270 .......... 40.0 654 0.738 -14.8 .......... ..........
500 500 .......... .......... 500 500 750 500 500
483112 Deep Sea Passenger Transportation... 379 3,322 .......... 92.8 4,276 0.869 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 500
483113 Coastal and Great Lakes Freight 58 302 $42.1 28.3 .......... 0.750 .......... .......... ..........
Transportation............................ 500 500 1,500 .......... .......... 500 .......... 750 500
483114 Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger 20 140 .......... 39.6 .......... 0.679 .......... .......... ..........
Transportation............................ 500 500 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
483211 Inland Water Freight Transportation. 53 284 $17.6 46.1 1,187 0.815 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 750 .......... 500 1,500 .......... 750 500
483212 Inland Water Passenger 12 57 .......... 28.1 .......... 0.604 .......... .......... ..........
Transportation............................ 500 500 .......... .......... .......... 500 .......... 500 500
486110 Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil 146 324 $41.9 55.1 917 0.360 .......... .......... ..........
1,500 500 1,500 .......... 500 500 .......... 1,000 1,500
486910 Pipeline Transportation of Refined 113 292 .......... 53.3 764 0.198 .......... .......... ..........
Petroleum Products........................ 1,000 500 .......... .......... 500 500 .......... 500 1,500
492110 Couriers and Express Delivery 149 63,035 $4.5 94.0 119,867 0.973 7.8 .......... ..........
Services.................................. 1,500 1,500 500 .......... 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,250 1,500
511110 Newspaper Publishers................ 67 3,938 $5.5 29.4 .......... 0.929 .......... .......... ..........
750 1,500 500 .......... .......... 1,500 .......... 1,000 500
511120 Periodical Publishers............... 25 373 $3.7 26.7 .......... 0.861 -14.0 .......... ..........
500 750 500 .......... .......... 1,500 750 1,000 500
511130 Book Publishers..................... 37 1,230 $6.6 33.4 .......... 0.898 .......... .......... ..........
500 1,500 500 .......... .......... 1,500 .......... 1,000 500
511140 Directory and Mailing List 55 1,583 $7.0 73.8 8,777 0.915 .......... .......... ..........
Publishers................................ 500 1,500 500 .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,250 500
511191 Greeting Card Publishers............ 138 2,981 .......... 90.9 2,512 0.947 .......... .......... ..........
1,250 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 500
511199 All Other Publishers................ 15 254 $1.3 33.7 .......... 0.726 -5.2 .......... ..........
500 500 500 .......... .......... 500 500 500 500
512220 Integrated Record Production/ 25 1,451 .......... 90.4 1,888 0.947 .......... .......... ..........
Distribution.............................. 500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,250 1,500 .......... 1,250 750
512230 Music Publishers.................... 9 135 .......... 57.1 386 0.862 .......... .......... ..........
500 500 .......... .......... 500 1,500 .......... 750 500
517110 Wired Telecommunications Carriers... 255 16,436 $69.8 56.8 137,817 0.961 20.2 .......... ..........
1,500 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
517210 Wireless Telecommunications Carriers 172 10,785 $50.9 80.2 55,047 0.976 10.0 .......... ..........
(except Satellite)........................ 1,500 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
517911 Telecommunications Resellers........ 14 117 $2.4 30.2 .......... 0.731 -69.5 .......... ..........
500 500 500 .......... .......... 500 1,500 750 1,500
519130 Internet Publishing and Broadcasting 23 375 $4.0 51.6 5,407 0.889 .......... .......... ..........
and Web Search Portals.................... 500 750 500 .......... 1,500 1,500 .......... 1,000 500
524126 Direct Property and Casualty 241 5,593 $358.1 31.9 .......... 0.934 .......... .......... ..........
Insurance Carriers........................ 1,500 1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 .......... 1,500 1,500
541711 Research and Development in 43 413 .......... 35.8 .......... 0.802 -16.4 .......... ..........
Biotechnology............................. 500 750 .......... .......... .......... 1,250 750 1,000 500
541712 Research and Development in the 61 942 $4.4 21.5 .......... 0.814 -2.2 .......... ..........
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences 500 1,500 500 .......... .......... 1,500 500 1,000 500
(except Biotechnology)....................
[[Page 53656]]
Special Considerations
The Information Technology Value Added Resellers Sub-Industry
(``Exception'') Under NAICS 541519, Other Computer Related Services
For Federal contracts that combine substantial services with the
acquisition of computer hardware and software, in 2002, SBA proposed to
establish a new industry category ``Information Technology Value Added
Resellers (ITVAR)'' under NAICS 541519, Other Computer Related
Services, with a size standard of 500 employees (67 FR 48419 (July 24,
2002)). In the final rule, SBA adopted the ITVAR industry category, as
proposed, with a size standard of 150 employees (68 FR 74833 (December
29, 2003)). Presently, the size standard for rest of NAICS 541519 and
other industries in NAICS Industry Group 5415, Computer Systems Design
and Related Services, is $25.5 million in average annual receipts.
As stated in Footnote 18 to SBA's table of size standards, for a
Federal contract to be classified under the ITVAR sub-industry or
``exception'' and its 150-employee size standard, it must consist of at
least 15 percent but not more than 50 percent of value added services
as measured by the total price less cost of computer hardware and
software, and profit. If the contract consists of less than 15 percent
of value added services, it must be classified under the appropriate
manufacturing industry. If the contract consists of more than 50
percent of value added services, it must be classified under the NAICS
industry that best describes the principal nature of service being
SBA is proposing to eliminate the ITVAR 150-employee size standard
exception under NAICS 541519 because it has created some
inconsistencies, confusion, and misuse. First, contracting officers are
not able to identify size standard exceptions in the FPDS-NG. Thus, the
public often believes that a firm that received a contract as a small
business under NAICS 541519 and has revenue in excess of the $25.5
million receipts based size standard was not eligible for the award,
when in fact the firm may have been eligible if the contracting officer
used the 150-employee size standard of the ITVAR exception. This leads
to misunderstandings and questions concerning the small business
goaling report that SBA must issue every year. Second, SBA's evaluation
of FPDS-NG data and solicitations shows many cases where Federal
agencies have applied the 150-employee size standard, instead of the
receipts based size standard, for contracts that were predominantly for
services. This may have benefited more successful, mid-size companies
at the expense of those below the receipts based size standard.
Additionally, as stated elsewhere in this proposed rule, the data from
the Census Bureau's tabulation are limited to the 6-digit NAICS
industry level and hence do not provide economic characteristics of
firms that are involved in the ITVAR activities. Furthermore, data are
not available on Federal ITVAR contracts, as there is no ITVAR PSC in
FPDS-NG. The lack of data on characteristics of firms involved in ITVAR
activities to evaluate the current 150-employee size standard also
justifies SBA's proposal to eliminate the ITVAR sub-industry category.
Moreover, the use of the ITVAR exception size standard is also
purely discretionary. Under the terms of the exception as stated in
Footnote 18 in SBA's table of size standards, it is clear that the
majority of the cost of the contract that qualify under the ITVAR 150-
employee size standard will be incurred for supplies. Thus, instead of
using the ITVAR 150-employee size standard under NAICS 541519, a
contracting officer could use a manufacturing NAICS code and size
standard, such as NAICS 334111 (Electronic Computer Manufacturing) with
1,000-employee size standard, to which the non-manufacturer size
standard of 500 employees would also apply. Thus, firms may or may not
be eligible as a small business for the exact same purchase simply
based on the contracting officer's selection of the NAICS code and size
standard. This is inconsistent with SBA's small business regulations
that the contracting officer must select the NAICS code that best
describes the principal purpose of the acquisition (see 13 CFR
121.402(b)). The selection of a NAICS code should never be based on the
contracting officer's desire for a particular size standard or firm
In addition, the combination of services and supplies in an
acquisition is not unique to the information technology industry.
Acquisitions across many industries combine supplies and services, yet
SBA has not created exceptions to the size standards for these
industries. The general principle is that agencies classify
procurements based on the principal purpose of the acquisition. Based
on the analysis of available industry and Federal contracting data for
NAICS Industry Group 5415 and comments to the proposed rule (76 FR
14323 (March 16, 2011)), in 2012, SBA established the appropriate size
standard for that industry group, including NAICS 541519, at $25.5
million in average annual receipts (77 FR 7490 (February 10, 2012)).
Moreover, it is also unclear from the terms of exception itself whether
a contract using the ITVAR 150-employee size standard should be
classified as a service contract or a supply contract. This is
important because if the contract is a service contract, the offeror
must perform at least 50 percent of the cost of the contract incurred
for personnel with its own employees, whereas if it is a supply
contract the firm must perform at least 50 percent of the cost of
manufacturing the supplies, or supply the product of a small
manufacturer, unless a waiver is granted under the non-manufacturer
For these reasons, SBA proposes to eliminate the ITVAR sub-industry
category (``exception'') under NAICS 541519 and its 150-employee size
standard and apply only the $25.5 million receipts based size standard
to NAICS 541519. Elimination of the exception will provide clarity to
small businesses, contracting officers and the public. If a procuring
agency seeks to acquire computer integration, maintenance and other
computer related services as well as some computer hardware and it
determines that the principal nature of procurement is for services,
the agency can classify the contract as a service contract under an
appropriate service NAICS code. Similarly, if an agency seeks to
procure computer hardware as well as computer integration, maintenance
and other computer related services and it determines that the
principal nature of procurement is for supplies, the agency can
classify the contract as a supply contract under an appropriate
manufacturing NAICS code, and the non-manufacturer rule will apply.
SBA's analysis of 2007 Economic Census data shows that 150
employees is more or less equivalent to $25.5 million receipts in NAICS
541519 and that more than 99 percent of firms below the 150-employee
level will continue to qualify as small under the $25.5 million
receipts based size standard. Thus, the proposed elimination of the
ITVAR sub-industry category and its 150-employee size standard, if
adopted, will have very minimal impact on businesses below 150
employees. Moreover, these firms would continue to qualify as small
businesses for supply contracts for computer hardware and equipment
under the manufacturing size standard or under the 500-employee size
standard under the non-manufacturer rule.
[[Page 53657]]
In view of the proposed elimination of the ITVAR exception under
NAICS 541519, SBA also proposes to eliminate Footnote 18 in its
entirety from SBA's table of size standards.
Exceptions Under NAICS 541712, Research and Development in the
Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
NAICS 541712, Research and Development in the Physical,
Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology), has three sub-
industries or ``exceptions''. As stated in Footnote 11 to SBA's table
of size standards, for research and development (R&D) contracts
requiring the delivery of a manufactured product, the appropriate size
standard is that of the corresponding manufacturing industry. The three
``exceptions'' under NAICS 541712 and their corresponding manufacturing
industry counterparts and their size standards are shown in Table 4,
NAICS 541712 Exceptions and Corresponding Manufacturing Industries and
Size Standards, below.
Table 4--NAICS 541712 Exceptions and Corresponding Manufacturing Industries and Size Standards
Calculated size
Current size standard (number
Exception NAICS code and industry title standard (number of employees)
of employees) \1\
Aircraft.................................... 336411 Aircraft Manufacturing. 1,500 1,500
Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, and 336412 Aircraft Engine and 1,000 1,500
Aircraft Engine Parts. Engine Parts Manufacturing.
336413 Other Aircraft Part and 1,000 1,250
Auxiliary Equipment.
Space Vehicles and Guided Missiles, Their 336414 Guided Missile and 1,000 1,250
Propulsion Units Parts, and Their Auxiliary Space Vehicle Manufacturing.
Equipment and Parts.
336415 Guided Missile and 1,000 1,250
Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit
and Propulsion Parts
336419 Other Guided Missile 1,000 1,000
and Space Vehicle Parts and
Auxiliary Equipment
\1\ From Table 3 of the proposed rule ``Small Business Size Standards for Manufacturing'' (RIN 3245-AG50),
published concurrently in the current issue of the Federal Register.
To better match the exceptions to the corresponding calculated
industry specific size standards in manufacturing, SBA proposes to
modify the three exceptions as shown in Table 5, Modified Exceptions
and Their Proposed Size Standards, below.
Table 5--Modified Exceptions and Their Proposed Size Standards
Current Proposed
Size standard Size standard
Exception (number of Exception (number of
employees) employees)
Aircraft.................................... 1,500 Aircraft, Aircraft Engine, and 1,500
Engine Parts.
Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment, and 1,000 Other Aircraft Parts and 1,250
Aircraft Engine Parts. Auxiliary Equipment.
Space Vehicles and Guided Missiles, Their 1,000 Guided Missiles and Space 1,250
Propulsion Units Parts, and Their Auxiliary Vehicles, Their Propulsion
Equipment and Parts. Units and Propulsion Parts.
Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary
Equipment category has been dropped from the third exception because
the proposed size standard for the corresponding manufacturing industry
(NAICS 336419) is the same as the calculated size standard for rest of
NAICS 541712.
Footnote 11 to SBA's table of size standards concerning NAICS codes
541711and 541712 consists of an introductory paragraph and three sub-
paragraphs numbered as (a), (b), and (c). The introductory paragraph
states that for research and development contracts requiring the
delivery of a manufactured product, the appropriate size standard is
that of the manufacturing industry. Sub-paragraph (a) concerns with
what SBA generally means by ``Research and Development'' (R&D) under
NAICS codes 541712 and 541712, while sub-paragraph (b) and (c) relate
to the R&D definitions for Small Business Innovation Research program
and ``guided missiles and space vehicles'', respectively. SBA has
received some public inquiries on whether the requirement under the
introductory paragraph is independent or it also applies to the three
sub-paragraphs. While the introductory paragraph only applies to R&D
contracts requiring the delivery of a manufactured product, the three
sub-paragraphs can include R&D contracts that do not require the
delivery of the manufactured product. However, to eliminate possible
confusion and provide more clarity, SBA proposes to amend Footnote 11
by converting the introductory paragraph to a new sub-paragraph (b) and
renaming existing sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) to sub-paragraphs (c) and
(d), respectively, as follows:
\11\ NAICS code 541711 and 541712:
(a) ``Research and Development'' means laboratory or other physical
research and development. It does not include economic, educational,
[[Page 53658]]
engineering, operations, systems, or other nonphysical research; or
computer programming, data processing, commercial and/or medical
laboratory testing.
(b) For research and development contracts requiring the delivery
of a manufactured product, the appropriate size standard is that of the
manufacturing industry.
(c) For purposes of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
program only, a different definition has been established by law. See
Sec. 121.701 of these regulations.
(d) ``Research and Development'' for guided missiles and space
vehicles includes evaluations and simulation, and other services
requiring thorough knowledge of complete missiles and spacecraft.
The Environmental Remediation Services Sub-Industry (``Exception'')
Under NAICS 562910, Remediation Services
In 1994, SBA established a 500-employee based size standard for
Environmental Remediation Services (ERS) for Federal procurements
involving three or more services related to restoring a contaminated
environment, such as preliminary assessment, site inspection, testing,
remedial investigation, remedial action, containment, and removal and
storage of contaminated materials (FR 59 47236 (September 15, 1994)).
At that time, ERS was designated as a sub-industry category or
``exception'' under the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
8744, Facilities Support Management Services. Currently, it is a sub-
industry or ``exception'' under NAICS code 562910, Remediation
Services. The requirements that apply to the ERS exception and its 500-
employee size standard for Federal procurement and SBA's assistance are
defined in Footnote 14 to SBA's table of size standards (13 CFR
As explained previously in the Sources of Industry and Program Data
section, the data from the Census Bureau's tabulation are limited to
the 6-digit NAICS industry level and hence do not provide economic
characteristics for the ERS sub-industry. Thus, SBA evaluated the data
from FPDS-NG and the SAM/CCR databases. First, using FPDS-NG data for
fiscal years 2009 to 2011, SBA identified product service codes (PSCs)
within NAICS 562910 that correspond to the ERS activity or exception
and firms that participated in Federal contracts under those PSCs.
Then, SBA obtained those firms' revenue and employment data from the
SAM/CCR database.
The ERS contracts were predominantly classified under the three
PSCs as shown in Table 6, PSCs for ERS Contracts, below.
Table 6--PSCs for ERS Contracts
PSC PSC Description
F108................... Environmental Systems Protection--Environmental
Remediation Includes: Toxic and Hazardous
Substance Removal, Cleanup, and Disposal;
Asbestos and Lead Abatement.
Excludes: Remediation of Oil Spills (PSC F112).
F112................... Environmental Systems Protection--Oil Spill
Response Includes: Cleanup, Removal, Disposal
and Operational Support.
F999................... Other Environmental Services.
Among these three PSCs, F108 and F999 accounted for about 98
percent of nearly $1.9 billion in total contracts dollars awarded
annually under these three PSCs during fiscal years 2009-2011. Thus,
for this proposed rule, SBA's analysis focused only on firms that
received contracts in PSCs F108 and F999. Based on FPDS-NG data for
fiscal years 2009-2011, SBA identified 783 businesses receiving Federal
contracts under those two PSCs. Of these, 18 identified themselves as
manufacturers in SAM/CCR and were excluded from the analysis. Of the
remainder, SBA was able to match about 670 firms in SAM/CCR database
and obtain the data on their annual receipts and employees. The matched
firms accounted for 96 percent of total contract dollars awarded in the
two PSCs. The data on those firms were analyzed to evaluate industry
and Federal contracting factors of the ERS sub-industry. These results
and size standards supported by each of those factors are shown in
Table 7, Size Standards Supported by Each Factor for the ERS Sub-
industry (No. of Employees), below.
Table 7--Size Standards Supported by Each Factor for the ERS Sub-Industry (No. of Employees)
Simple Weighted Four-firm Calculated
average average Average average Federal size
firm size firm size assets Four-firm size Gini coeffi- contract standard
(number of (number of size ($ ratio % (number of cient factor (%) (number of
employees) employees) million) employees) employees)
Factor................................................ 832 20,583 NA 47 48,022 0.9298 37.5 ..........
Size standard......................................... 1,500 1,500 .......... .......... 1,500 1,500 500 1,250
NA = data not available.
Based on the above results, SBA is proposing to increase the size
standard for the ERS sub-industry or exception under NAICS 562910 from
the current 500 employees to 1,250 employees.
Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services and Offshore Marine
Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services is a sub-industry or
``exception'' under both NAICS 481211, Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger
Air Transportation and NAICS 481212, Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air
Transportation. The size standards are 1,500 employees for both NAICS
codes 481211 and 481212 and $28 million in average annual receipts for
the Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services sub-industry or
``exception. Similarly, as
[[Page 53659]]
indicated in Footnote 15 to SBA's table of size standards, Offshore
Marine Services is a sub-industry or ``exception'' to all industries
under NAICS Subsector 483, Water Transportation, with the size standard
of $28 million in average annual receipts. All industries within
Subsector 483 currently have a 500-employee size standard. SBA did not
review the $28 million receipts exception size standard when it
reviewed receipts based size standards in NAICS Sector 48-49.
As mentioned earlier, the data from the Census Bureau's tabulation
are limited to the 6-digit NAICS industry level and do not provide
economic characteristics of firms at the sub-industry level. For sub-
industry or exception size standards, SBA generally evaluates the
characteristics of firms receiving Federal contracts under product
service codes (PSCs) that correspond to specific sub-industry
activities or ``exceptions'' within the applicable NAICS code. However,
the review of data from FPDS-NG shows no specific PSC associated with
either the Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services or Offshore
Marine Services sub-industries. Therefore, SBA cannot review the $28
million revenue size standard for these sub-industries to determine
whether it should be retained at the current level or adjusted.
The sub-industry or ``exception'' size standards are primarily used
for Federal government procurements of very specific products or
services within a 6-digit NAICS industry and many of them account for a
significant share of contract dollars within the industry. However,
evaluations of data from FPDS-NG and a sample of solicitations from the
Federal Business Opportunities Web site at show almost no
federal contract awards to small businesses under the $28 million size
standard exception to NAICS 481211 and 481212 and NAICS Subsector 483.
SBA believes that contracting officers strongly favor a relatively much
larger 1,500- or 500-employee size standard instead of the $28 million
receipts based size standard.
For the above reasons, SBA proposes to eliminate these sub-
industries or ``exceptions'' and their $28 million receipts based size
standard under NAICS 481211 and 481212 and NAICS Subsector 483. SBA
proposes to apply the applicable employee based size standard. SBA also
proposes to eliminate Footnote 15 from SBA's table of size standards.
This will not affect the eligibility of firms that are small under the
$28 million receipts based size standard because they will continue to
be eligible under the employee based size standard.
Proposed Changes to Size Standards
Table 8, Summary of Size Standards Analysis, below, summarizes the
results of SBA's analyses from Table 3, Size Standards Supported by
Each Factor for Each Industry (No. of employees). The results might
support increases in size standards for 31 industries, decreases for
seven industries and no change for 19 industries.
Table 8--Summary of Size Standards Analysis
Current size Calculated
standard size standard
NAICS Code NAICS Industry title (number of (number of
employees) employees)
113310..................................... Logging............................ 500 500
211111..................................... Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas 500 1,250
211112..................................... Natural Gas Liquid Extraction...... 500 750
212111..................................... Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface 500 1,250
212112..................................... Bituminous Coal Underground Mining. 500 1,500
212113..................................... Anthracite Mining.................. 500 500
212210..................................... Iron Ore Mining.................... 500 750
212221..................................... Gold Ore Mining.................... 500 1,500
212222..................................... Silver Ore Mining.................. 500 750
212231..................................... Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining....... 500 750
212234..................................... Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining... 500 1,500
212291..................................... Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining. 500 500
212299..................................... All Other Metal Ore Mining......... 500 750
212311..................................... Dimension Stone Mining and 500 500
212312..................................... Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining 500 750
and Quarrying.
212313..................................... Crushed and Broken Granite Mining 500 750
and Quarrying.
212319..................................... Other Crushed and Broken Stone 500 500
Mining and Quarrying.
212321..................................... Construction Sand and Gravel Mining 500 500
212322..................................... Industrial Sand Mining............. 500 500
212324..................................... Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining........ 500 750
212325..................................... Clay and Ceramic and Refractory 500 500
Minerals Mining.
212391..................................... Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral 500 750
212392..................................... Phosphate Rock Mining.............. 500 1,000
212393..................................... Other Chemical and Fertilizer 500 500
Mineral Mining.
212399..................................... All Other Nonmetallic Mineral 500 500
213111..................................... Drilling Oil and Gas Wells......... 500 1,000
221210..................................... Natural Gas Distribution........... 500 1,000
481111..................................... Scheduled Passenger Air 1,500 1,500
481112..................................... Scheduled Freight Air 1,500 750
481211..................................... Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger 1,500 750
Air Transportation.
481212..................................... Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air 1,500 1,000
482111..................................... Line-Haul Railroads................ 1,500 1,500
482112..................................... Short Line Railroads............... 500 1,500
483111..................................... Deep Sea Freight Transportation.... 500 500
483112..................................... Deep Sea Passenger Transportation.. 500 1,500
483113..................................... Coastal and Great Lakes Freight 500 750
483114..................................... Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger 500 500
483211..................................... Inland Water Freight Transportation 500 750
[[Page 53660]]
483212..................................... Inland Water Passenger 500 500
486110..................................... Pipeline Transportation of Crude 1,500 1,000
486910..................................... Pipeline Transportation of Refined 1,500 500
Petroleum Products.
492110..................................... Couriers and Express Delivery 1,500 1,250
511110..................................... Newspaper Publishers............... 500 1,000
511120..................................... Periodical Publishers.............. 500 1,000
511130..................................... Book Publishers.................... 500 1,000
511140..................................... Directory and Mailing List 500 1,250
511191..................................... Greeting Card Publishers........... 500 1,500
511199..................................... All Other Publishers............... 500 500
512220..................................... Integrated Record Production/ 750 1,250
512230..................................... Music Publishers................... 500 750
517110..................................... Wired Telecommunications Carriers.. 1,500 1,500
517210..................................... Wireless Telecommunications 1,500 1,500
Carriers (except Satellite).
517911..................................... Telecommunications Resellers....... 1,500 750
519130..................................... Internet Publishing and 500 1,000
Broadcasting and Web Search
524126..................................... Direct Property and Casualty 1,500 1,500
Insurance Carriers.
541711..................................... Research and Development in 500 1,000
541712..................................... Research and Development in the 500 1,000
Physical, Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except Biotechnology).
Similarly, the results discussed under the Special Considerations
section, above, support increasing the size standard for the second and
third exceptions and retaining it for the first exception under NAICS
541712 and increasing the Environmental Remediation Services exception
under NAICS 562910. SBA is proposing to eliminate the Information
Technology Value Added Resellers exception and its 150-employee size
standard under NAICS 541519. SBA is also proposing to eliminate the
Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services sub-industry or
``exception'' under NAICS 481211 and 481212 and Offshore Marine
Services sub-industry or ``exception'' under NAICS Subsector 483 and
their $28 million receipts based size standard.
To ensure that neither an existing nor a calculated size standard
includes the largest or dominant firms in any industry, besides the
calculation of the Gini coefficient, SBA further assessed the
distribution of firms in each industry by employee size. The analytical
results in Table 3 might appear to support retaining the existing size
standard of 500 employees for NAICS codes 212113 and 212291 and
increasing it to 750 employees for NAICS 212222. However, the firm size
distribution showed that these levels would include all firms,
including the largest and possibly dominant ones, as small in each of
those industries. Moreover, these levels are almost the same as or
higher than the total employees for the entire industry. Accordingly,
SBA is proposing to set the size standard for each of these three NAICS
codes at 250 employees. This would affect only the one or two largest
firms in each of those industries.
Except for lowering size standards to exclude the dominant firms,
SBA believes that lowering size standards is not in the best interest
of small businesses in the current economic environment. The U.S.
economy was in recession from December 2007 to June 2009, the longest
and deepest of any recessions since before World War II. The economy
lost more than eight million non-farm jobs during 2008-2009. In
response, Congress passed and the President signed into law the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) to
promote economic recovery and to preserve and create jobs. Although the
recession officially ended in June 2009, the unemployment rate is still
high at 6.2 percent in July 2014 ( and is forecast to
remain around this level at least through the end of 2014 (https://
In 2010, Congress passed and the President signed the Jobs Act to
promote small business job creation. The Jobs Act puts more capital
into the hands of entrepreneurs and small business owners; strengthens
small businesses' ability to compete for contracts; includes
recommendations from the President's Task Force on Federal Contracting
Opportunities for Small Business; creates a better playing field for
small businesses; promotes small business exporting, building on the
President's National Export Initiative; expands training and
counseling; and provides $12 billion in tax relief to help small
businesses invest in their firms and create jobs. A proposal to reduce
size standards will have an immediate impact on jobs, and it would be
contrary to the expressed will of the President and the Congress.
Lowering size standards would decrease the number of firms that
participate in Federal financial and procurement assistance programs
for small businesses. It would also affect small businesses that are
now exempt or receive some form of relief from other Federal
regulations that use SBA's size standards. That impact could take the
form of increased fees, paperwork, or other compliance requirements for
small businesses. Furthermore, size standards based solely on
analytical results without any other considerations can cut off
currently eligible small firms from those programs and benefits. In the
seven industries for which analytical results might have supported
lowering their size standards, about 40 businesses would lose their
small business eligibility if their size standards were lowered based
solely on the analytical results. That would run counter to what SBA
and the Federal government are doing to help small businesses and
create jobs. Reducing size eligibility for Federal procurement
opportunities, especially under current economic conditions, would not
preserve or create more jobs; rather, it would have the opposite
effect. Therefore, in this proposed rule, except for three industries
for which SBA is proposing to lower their size standards to exclude
[[Page 53661]]
the largest and possibly the dominant firms from being small, SBA does
not intend to reduce size standards for any industries. Accordingly,
for seven industries where analyses might seem to support lowering size
standards, SBA proposes to retain the current size standards.
Furthermore, as stated previously, the Small Business Act requires
the SBA's Administrator to ``. . . consider other factors deemed to be
relevant . . .'' to establishing small business size standards. The
current economic conditions and the impact on job creation are quite
relevant factors when establishing small business size standards. SBA
nevertheless invites comments and suggestions on whether it should
lower size standards as suggested by analyses of industry and program
data or retain the current standards for those industries in view of
current economic conditions.
As discussed above, except to exclude the largest or dominant
firms, lowering size standards is inconsistent with what the Federal
government is doing to stimulate the economy and would discourage job
growth for which Congress established the Recovery Act and Jobs Act. In
addition, it would be inconsistent with the Small Business Act
requiring the Administrator to establish size standards based on
industry analysis and other relevant factors such as current economic
conditions. Thus, of the 57 industries and five sub-industries reviewed
in this rule, SBA proposes to increase size standards for 30 industries
and three sub-industries, retain the current size standards for 24
industries and one sub-industry and lower size standards for three
industries to exclude the largest or dominant firms from being
considered small. SBA also proposes to eliminate the Information
Technology Value Added Resellers sub-industry or exception under NAICS
541519 (Other Computer Related Services) and its 150-employee size
standard. SBA also proposes to eliminate the Offshore Marine Air
Transportation Services sub-industry or ``exception'' under NAICS
481211 and 481212 and Offshore Marine Services sub-industry or
``exception'' under NAICS Subsector 483 and their $28 million receipts
based size standard. The SBA's proposed changes are in Table 9, Summary
of Proposed Size Standards Revisions, below.
Table 9--Summary of Proposed Size Standards Revisions
Current size Current size
standard standard Proposed size
NAICS Code NAICS Industry title (millions of (number of standard (number of
dollars) employees) employees)
211111.......................... Crude Petroleum and .............. 500 1,250
Natural Gas Extraction.
211112.......................... Natural Gas Liquid .............. 500 750
212111.......................... Bituminous Coal and .............. 500 1,250
Lignite Surface Mining.
212112.......................... Bituminous Coal .............. 500 1,500
Underground Mining.
212113.......................... Anthracite Mining....... .............. 500 250
212210.......................... Iron Ore Mining......... .............. 500 750
212221.......................... Gold Ore Mining......... .............. 500 1,500
212222.......................... Silver Ore Mining....... .............. 500 250
212231.......................... Lead Ore and Zinc Ore .............. 500 750
212234.......................... Copper Ore and Nickel .............. 500 1,500
Ore Mining.
212291.......................... Uranium-Radium-Vanadium .............. 500 250
Ore Mining.
212299.......................... All Other Metal Ore .............. 500 750
212312.......................... Crushed and Broken .............. 500 750
Limestone Mining and
212313.......................... Crushed and Broken .............. 500 750
Granite Mining and
212324.......................... Kaolin and Ball Clay .............. 500 750
212391.......................... Potash, Soda, and Borate .............. 500 750
Mineral Mining.
212392.......................... Phosphate Rock Mining... .............. 500 1,000
213111.......................... Drilling Oil and Gas .............. 500 1,000
221210.......................... Natural Gas Distribution .............. 500 1,000
481211 Except................... ........................ $30.5 .............. Eliminate
481212 Except................... ........................ $30.5 .............. Eliminate
482112.......................... Short Line Railroads.... .............. 500 1,500
483112.......................... Deep Sea Passenger .............. 500 1,500
483113.......................... Coastal and Great Lakes .............. 500 750
Freight Transportation.
483211.......................... Inland Water Freight .............. 500 750
511110.......................... Newspaper Publishers.... .............. 500 1,000
511120.......................... Periodical Publishers... .............. 500 1,000
511130.......................... Book Publishers......... .............. 500 1,000
511140.......................... Directory and Mailing .............. 500 1,250
List Publishers.
511191.......................... Greeting Card Publishers .............. 500 1,500
512220.......................... Integrated Record .............. 750 1,250
512230.......................... Music Publishers........ .............. 500 750
519130.......................... Internet Publishing and .............. 500 1,000
Broadcasting and Web
Search Portals.
541519 Except................... Information Value Added .............. 150 Eliminate
541711.......................... Research and Development .............. 500 1,000
in Biotechnology.
541712.......................... Research and Development .............. 500 1,000
in the Physical,
Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except
Except.......................... Aircraft Engine and .............. 1,000 1,500
Engine Parts.
Except.......................... Other Aircraft Parts and .............. 1,000 1,250
Auxiliary Equipment.
Except.......................... Guided Missiles and .............. 1,000 1,250
Space Vehicles, Their
Propulsion Units and
Propulsion Parts.
562910 Except................... Environmental .............. 500 1,250
Remediation Services.
[[Page 53662]]
Maintaining current size standards when the analytical results
suggested lowering them is consistent with SBA's recent final rules on
NAICS Sector 44-45, Retail Trade (75 FR 61597 (October 6, 2010)); NAICS
Sector 72, Accommodation and Food Services (75 FR 61604 (October 6,
2010)); NAICS Sector 81, Other Services (75 FR 61591 (October 6,
2010)); NAICS Sector 54, Professional, Scientific and Technical
Services (77 FR 7490 (February 10, 2012)); NAICS Sector 48 49,
Transportation and Warehousing (77 FR 10943 (February 24, 2012)); NAICS
Sector 51, Information (77 FR 72702 (December 6, 2012)); NAICS Sector
53, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (77 FR 88747 (September 24,
2012)); NAICS Sector 56, Administrative and Support, Waste Management
and Remediation Services (77 FR 72691 (December 6, 2012)); NAICS Sector
61, Educational Services (77 FR 58739 (September 24, 2012)); NAICS
Sector 62, Health Care and Social Assistance (77 FR 58755 (September
24, 2012)); NAICS Sector 11, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting
(78 FR 37398 (June 20, 2013)); NAICS Subsector 213, Support Activities
for Mining (78 FR 37404 (June 20, 2013)); NAICS Sector 52, Finance and
Insurance and Sector 55, Management of Companies and Enterprises (78 FR
37409 (June 20, 2013)); NAICS Sector 71, Arts, Entertainment and
Recreation (78 FR 37417 (June 20, 2013)), and NAICS Sector 23,
Construction (78 FR 77334 (December 23, 2013)). In each of those final
rules, SBA retained the existing size standards for those that it could
have reduced.
Evaluation of Dominance in Field of Operation
SBA has determined that for the industries for which it has
proposed revising size standards in this rule, no individual firm at or
below the proposed size standard will be large enough to dominate its
field of operation. At the proposed size standards, if adopted, the
small business share of total industry receipts among those industries
is, in average, 3.4 percent, with an interval showing a minimum of less
than 0.01 percent to a maximum of 20.0 percent. These market shares
effectively preclude a firm at or below the proposed size standards
from exerting control over any of the industries.
Request for Comments
SBA invites public comments on this proposed rule, especially on
the following issues:
1. SBA proposes five levels of employee based size standards for
industries in Manufacturing and industries in other Sectors except for
Wholesale Trade and Retail Trade that have employee based size
standards: 500 employees, 750 employees, 1,000 employees, 1,250
employees, and 1,500 employees. SBA invites comments on whether these
proposed size levels are appropriate and suggestions on alternative
levels, if they would be more appropriate.
2. To be consistent with its policy of not lowering any size
standards in all recent proposed and final rules on receipts based size
standards in view of current economic conditions, SBA is retaining the
current 500-employee minimum and 1,500-employee maximum size standards
for all industries in the Manufacturing Sector and other industries not
in the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sectors that have employee based size
standards. In its ``Size Standards Methodology,'' available at, SBA had proposed setting the minimum size standard
for these industries at 250 employees and the maximum size standard at
1,000 employees. This would have resulted in lowering the existing
employee based size standards for some industries. SBA invites comments
on whether should SBA maintain the minimum employee based size standard
at 500 employees and the maximum at 1,500 employees or should it lower
them to 250 employees and 1,000 employees, respectively, as proposed in
``Size Standards Methodology'', and suggestions on alternative minimum
and maximum levels, if they would be more appropriate. SBA also seeks
feedback on whether it should adjust employee based size standards for
labor productivity growth.
3. SBA seeks feedback on whether SBA's proposal to increase size
standards for 30 industries and three sub-industries, reduce size
standards for three industries to exclude the largest firms, and retain
current size standards for 24 industries and one sub-industry is
appropriate, given the economic characteristics of each industry and
sub-industry reviewed in this proposed rule. SBA also seeks feedback
and suggestions on alternative size standards, if they would be more
appropriate, including whether the average annual revenue is a more
suitable measure of size for certain industries and what that revenue
level should be.
4. SBA invites comments on its proposal to eliminate the
Information Technology Value Added Resellers sub-industry or exception
under NAICS 541519 (Other Computer Related Services) and its 150-
employee size standard and apply the $25.5 million receipts based size
standard that is current in place for the rest of the industry.
5. SBA invites comments on its proposal to eliminate the Offshore
Marine Air Transportation Services sub-industry or exception under
NAICS 481211 (Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation) and
under NAICS 481212 (Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation)
and its $28 million receipts size standard and apply the same 1,500
employee size standard that is current in place for each of those
industry. Similarly, SBA seeks comments on its proposal to eliminate
the Offshore Marine Services sub-industry or ``exception'' under NAICS
Subsector 483, and its $28 million receipts size standard and apply the
applicable employee size standard that for each industry within that
Subsector. If those exceptions are to be retained, SBA invites comments
on whether the current $28 million revenue size standard is
appropriate, and suggestions on an alternative level with supporting
data and analysis.
6. SBA has proposed to retain the current size standards for seven
industries for which its analysis would support lowering them. SBA
seeks comments on whether SBA should lower them solely based on its
analysis or retain them at their current levels in view of current
economic conditions.
7. SBA's proposed size standards are based on five primary
factors--average firm size, average assets size (as a proxy of startup
costs and entry barriers), four-firm concentration ratio, distribution
of firms by size and, the level and small business share of Federal
contracting dollars of the evaluated industries and sub-industries. SBA
welcomes comments on these factors and/or suggestions on other factors
that it should consider when evaluating or revising employee based size
standards. SBA also seeks information on relevant data sources, other
than what it uses, if available.
8. SBA gives equal weight to each of the five primary factors in
all industries. SBA seeks feedback on whether it should continue giving
equal weight to each factor or whether it should give more or less
weight to one or more factors for certain industries. Recommendations
to weigh some factors more than others should include suggested weights
for each factor along with supporting information.
[[Page 53663]]
9. For analytical simplicity and efficiency, in this proposed rule,
SBA has refined its size standard methodology to obtain a single value
as a proposed size standard instead of a range of values, as in its
past size regulations. SBA welcomes any comments on this procedure and
suggestions on alternative methods.
Public comments on the above issues are very valuable to SBA for
validating its size standard methodology and its proposed size
standards revisions in this proposed rule. This will help SBA to ensure
that size standards reflect industry structure and Federal market
conditions. Commenters addressing SBA's proposed size standard
revisions for a specific industry or a group of industries should
include relevant data and/or other information supporting their
comments. If comments relate to using size standards for Federal
procurement programs, SBA suggests that commenters provide information
on the size of contracts in their industries, the size of businesses
that can undertake the contracts, startup costs, equipment and other
asset requirements, the amount of subcontracting, other direct and
indirect costs associated with the contracts, the use of mandatory
sources of supply for products and services, and the degree to which
contractors can mark up those costs.
Compliance With Executive Orders 12866, 13563, 12988 and 13132, the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Ch. 35) and the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612)
Executive Order 12866
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has determined that this
proposed rule is a significant regulatory action for purposes of
Executive Order 12866. Accordingly, in the next section, SBA provides a
Regulatory Impact Analysis of this proposed rule. However, this rule is
not a ``major rule'' under the Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 800.
Regulatory Impact Analysis
1. Is there a need for the regulatory action?
SBA believes that proposed size standards revisions in this
proposed rule will better reflect the economic characteristics of small
businesses in the affected industries and the Federal government
marketplace. SBA's mission is to aid and assist small businesses
through a variety of financial, procurement, business development, and
advocacy programs. To determine the intended beneficiaries of these
programs, SBA establishes distinct definitions of which businesses are
deemed small businesses. The Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632(a))
delegates to SBA's Administrator the responsibility for establishing
small business definitions. The Act also requires that small business
definitions vary to reflect industry differences. The Jobs Act also
requires SBA to review all size standards and make necessary
adjustments to reflect market conditions. The supplementary information
section of this proposed rule explains SBA's methodology for analyzing
a size standard for a particular industry.
2. What are the potential benefits and costs of this regulatory
The most significant benefit to businesses obtaining small business
status because of this proposed rule is gaining or retaining
eligibility for Federal small business assistance programs. These
include SBA's financial assistance programs, economic injury disaster
loans, and Federal procurement programs intended for small businesses.
Federal procurement programs provide targeted opportunities for small
businesses under SBA's business development programs, such as 8(a),
Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB), small businesses located in
Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone), women-owned small
businesses (WOSB), economically disadvantaged women-owned small
businesses (EDWOSB), and service-disabled veteran-owned small
businesses (SDVOSB). Federal agencies may also use SBA's size standards
for a variety of other regulatory and program purposes. These programs
assist small businesses to become more knowledgeable, stable, and
competitive. SBA estimates that in 30 industries and three sub-
industries (``exceptions'') for which it has proposed to increase size
standards more than 380 firms, not small under the existing size
standards, will become small under the proposed size standards, if
adopted, and therefore become eligible for these programs. That is
about 0.6 percent of all firms classified as small under the current
size standards in all industries and sub-industries reviewed in this
proposed rule. If adopted as proposed, this will increase the small
business share of total receipts in those industries from 18.3 percent
to 21.3 percent. In three industries for which SBA has proposed to
reduce their size standards, only the one or two largest firms will be
impacted in each of those industries.
Three groups will benefit from the proposed size standards
revisions in this rule, if they are adopted as proposed: (1) Some
businesses that are above the current size standards may gain small
business status under the higher size standards, thereby enabling them
to participate in Federal small business assistance programs; (2)
growing small businesses that are close to exceeding the current size
standards will be able to retain their small business status under the
higher size standards, thereby enabling them to continue their
participation in the programs; and (3) Federal agencies will have a
larger pool of small businesses from which to draw for their small
business procurement programs.
SBA estimates that firms gaining small business status under the
proposed size standards could receive Federal contracts totaling $165
million to $175 million annually under SBA's small business, 8(a), SDB,
HUBZone, WOSB, EDWOSB, and SDVOSB Programs, and other unrestricted
procurements. The added competition for many of these procurements can
also result in lower prices to the Government for procurements reserved
for small businesses, but SBA cannot quantify this benefit.
Under SBA's 7(a) and 504 Loan Programs, based on the fiscal years
2010-2012 data, SBA estimates up to about five SBA's 7(a) and 504 loans
totaling about $1.0 million could be made to these newly defined small
businesses under the proposed size standards. Increasing the size
standards will likely result in more small business guaranteed loans to
businesses in these industries, but it is be impractical to try to
estimate exactly the number and total amount of loans. There are two
reasons for this: (1) Under the Jobs Act, SBA can now guarantee
substantially larger loans than in the past; and (2) as described
above, the Jobs Act established a higher alternative size standard ($15
million in tangible net worth and $5 million in net income after income
taxes) for business concerns that do not meet the size standards for
their industry. Therefore, SBA finds it difficult to quantify the
actual impact of these proposed size standards on its 7(a) and 504 Loan
Newly defined small businesses will also benefit from SBA's
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program. Since this program is
contingent on the occurrence and severity of a disaster in the future,
SBA cannot make a meaningful estimate of this impact.
In addition, newly defined small businesses will also benefit
through reduced fees, less paperwork, and fewer compliance requirements
that are available to small businesses through Federal government.
[[Page 53664]]
To the extent that those 380 newly defined additional small firms
could become active in Federal procurement programs, the proposed
changes to size standards, if adopted, may entail some additional
administrative costs to the government as a result of more businesses
being eligible for Federal small business programs. For example, there
will be more firms seeking SBA's guaranteed loans, more firms eligible
for enrollment in the System of Award Management (SAM) database, and
more firms seeking certification as 8(a) or HUBZone firms or qualifying
for small business, WOSB, EDWOSB, SDVOSB, and SDB status. Among those
newly defined small businesses seeking SBA's assistance, there could be
some additional costs associated with compliance and verification of
small business status and protests of small business status. However,
SBA believes that these added administrative costs will be minimal
because mechanisms are already in place to handle these requirements.
Additionally, Federal government contracts may have higher costs.
With a greater number of businesses defined as small, Federal agencies
may choose to set aside more contracts for competition among small
businesses only rather than using full and open competition. The
movement from unrestricted to small business set-aside contracting
might result in competition among fewer total bidders, although there
will be more small businesses eligible to submit offers. However, the
additional costs associated with fewer bidders are expected to be minor
since, by law, procurements may be set aside for small businesses or
reserved for the 8(a), HUBZone, WOSB, EDWOSB, or SDVOSB Programs only
if awards are expected to be made at fair and reasonable prices. In
addition, there may be higher costs when more full and open contracts
are awarded to HUBZone businesses that receive price evaluation
The proposed size standards revisions, if adopted, may have some
distributional effects among large and small businesses. Although SBA
cannot estimate with certainty the actual outcome of the gains and
losses among small and large businesses, it can identify several
probable impacts. There may be a transfer of some Federal contracts to
small businesses from large businesses. Large businesses may have fewer
Federal contract opportunities as Federal agencies decide to set aside
more contracts for small businesses. In addition, some Federal
contracts may be awarded to HUBZone concerns instead of large
businesses since these firms may be eligible for a price evaluation
preference for contracts when they compete on a full and open basis.
Similarly, some businesses defined small under the current size
standards may obtain fewer Federal contracts due to the increased
competition from more businesses defined as small under the proposed
size standards. This transfer may be offset by a greater number of
Federal procurements set aside for all small businesses. The number of
newly defined and expanding small businesses that are willing and able
to sell to the Federal Government will limit the potential transfer of
contracts from large and currently defined small businesses. SBA cannot
estimate the potential distributional impacts of these transfers with
any degree of precision.
The proposed revisions to the existing employee based size
standards for 33 industries and three sub-industries are consistent
with SBA's statutory mandate to assist small business. This regulatory
action promotes the Administration's objectives. One of SBA's goals in
support of the Administration's objectives is to help individual small
businesses succeed through fair and equitable access to capital and
credit, Government contracts, and management and technical assistance.
Reviewing and modifying size standards, when appropriate, ensures that
intended beneficiaries have access to small business programs designed
to assist them.
Executive Order 13563
Descriptions of the need for this regulatory action and benefits
and costs associated with this action including possible distributional
impacts that relate to Executive Order 13563 are included above in the
Regulatory Impact Analysis under Executive Order 12866.
In an effort to engage interested parties in this action, SBA has
presented its size standards methodology (discussed above under
Supplementary Information) to various industry associations and trade
groups. SBA also met with a number of industry groups and individual
businesses to get their feedback on its methodology and other size
standards issues. In addition, SBA presented its size standards
methodology to businesses in 13 cities in the U.S. and sought their
input as part of Jobs Act tours. The presentation also included
information on the latest status of the comprehensive size standards
review and on how interested parties can provide SBA with input and
feedback on size standards review.
Additionally, SBA sent letters to the Directors of the Offices of
Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) at several Federal
agencies with considerable procurement responsibilities requesting
their feedback on how the agencies use SBA's size standards and whether
current size standards meet their programmatic needs (both procurement
and non-procurement). SBA gave appropriate consideration to all input,
suggestions, recommendations, and relevant information obtained from
industry groups, individual businesses, and Federal agencies in
preparing this proposed rule.
The review of size standards in industries and sub-industries
covered in this proposed rule is consistent with Executive Order 13563,
Section 6, calling for retrospective analyses of existing rules. The
last comprehensive review of size standards occurred during the late
1970s and early 1980s. Since then, except for periodic adjustments for
monetary based size standards, most reviews of size standards were
limited to a few specific industries in response to requests from the
public and Federal agencies. The majority of employee based size
standards have not been reviewed since they were first established. SBA
recognizes that changes in industry structure and the Federal
marketplace over time have rendered existing size standards for some
industries no longer supportable by current data. Accordingly, in 2007,
SBA began a comprehensive review of its size standards to ensure that
existing size standards have supportable bases and to revise them when
necessary. In addition, the Jobs Act requires SBA to conduct a detailed
review of all size standards and to make appropriate adjustments to
reflect market conditions. Specifically, the Jobs Act requires SBA to
conduct a detailed review of at least one-third of all size standards
during every 18-month period from the date of its enactment and do a
complete review of all size standards not less frequently than once
every 5 years thereafter.
Executive Order 12988
This action meets applicable standards set forth in Sections 3(a)
and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden. The action does not
have retroactive or preemptive effect.
Executive Order 13132
For purposes of Executive Order 13132, SBA has determined that this
proposed rule will not have substantial, direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national
[[Page 53665]]
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. Therefore, SBA
has determined that this proposed rule has no federalism implications
warranting preparation of a federalism assessment.
Paperwork Reduction Act
For the purpose of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35,
SBA has determined that this proposed rule will not impose any new
reporting or record keeping requirements.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), this proposed rule, if
adopted, may have a significant impact on a substantial number of small
businesses in the industries and sub-industries covered by this rule.
As described above, this rule may affect small businesses seeking
Federal contracts, loans under SBA's 7(a), 504 and Economic Injury
Disaster Loan Programs, and assistance under other Federal small
business programs.
Immediately below, SBA sets forth an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) of this proposed rule addressing the following
questions: (1) What are the need for and objective of the rule? (2)
What are SBA's description and estimate of the number of small
businesses to which the rule will apply? (3) What are the projected
reporting, record keeping, and other compliance requirements of the
rule? (4) What are the relevant Federal rules that may duplicate,
overlap, or conflict with the rule? and (5) What alternatives will
allow the Agency to accomplish its regulatory objectives while
minimizing the impact on small businesses?
1. What are the need for and objective of the rule?
Changes in industry structure, technological changes, productivity
growth, mergers and acquisitions, and updated industry definitions have
changed the structure of many industries reviewed in this proposed
rule. Such changes can be sufficient to support revisions to current
size standards for some industries. Based on the analysis of the latest
data available, SBA believes that the revised standards in this
proposed rule more appropriately reflect the size of businesses that
need Federal assistance. The Jobs Act also requires SBA to review all
size standards and make necessary adjustments to reflect market
2. What are SBA's description and estimate of the number of small
businesses to which the rule will apply?
If the proposed rule is adopted in its present form, SBA estimates
that about 380 additional firms will become small because of increased
size standards for 30 industries and three sub-industries not in NAICS
Sectors 31-33, 42 and 44-45. That represents 0.6 percent of total firms
that are small under current size standards in all industries reviewed
by SBA in this proposed rule. This will result in an increase in the
small business share of total industry receipts for those industries
from 18.3 percent under the current size standards to 21.3 percent
under the proposed size standards. In the three industries for which
SBA has proposed to reduce their size standards, only the one or two
largest firms will be impacted in each of those industries. The
proposed size standards, if adopted, will enable more small businesses
to retain their small business status for a longer period. Many firms
may have lost their eligibility and find it difficult to compete at
current size standards with companies that are significantly larger
than they are. SBA believes the competitive impact will be positive for
existing small businesses and for those that exceed the size standards
but are on the very low end of those that are not small. They might
otherwise be called or referred to as mid-sized businesses, although
SBA only defines what is small; other entities are other than small.
3. What are the projected reporting, record keeping and other
compliance requirements of the rule?
The proposed size standard changes impose no additional reporting
or record keeping requirements on small businesses. However, qualifying
for Federal procurement and a number of other programs requires that
businesses register in the SAM database and certify in SAM that they
are small at least once annually. Therefore, businesses opting to
participate in those programs must comply with SAM requirements.
However, there are no costs associated with SAM registration or
certification. Changing size standards alters the access to SBA's
programs that assist small businesses, but does not impose a regulatory
burden because they neither regulate nor control business behavior.
4. What are the relevant Federal rules, which may duplicate, overlap or
conflict with the rule?
Under Sec. 3(a)(2)(C) of the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C.
632(a)(2)(c), Federal agencies must use SBA's size standards to define
a small business, unless specifically authorized by statute to do
otherwise. In 1995, SBA published in the Federal Register a list of
statutory and regulatory size standards that identified the application
of SBA's size standards as well as other size standards used by Federal
agencies (60 FR 57988 (November 24, 1995)). SBA is not aware of any
Federal rule that would duplicate or conflict with establishing size
However, the Small Business Act and SBA's regulations allow Federal
agencies to develop different size standards if they believe that SBA's
size standards are not appropriate for their programs, with the
approval of SBA's Administrator (13 CFR 121.903). The Regulatory
Flexibility Act authorizes an Agency to establish an alternative small
business definition, after consultation with the Office of Advocacy of
the U.S. Small Business Administration (5 U.S.C. 601(3)).
5. What alternatives will allow the Agency to accomplish its regulatory
objectives while minimizing the impact on small entities?
By law, SBA is required to develop numerical size standards for
establishing eligibility for Federal small business assistance
programs. Other than varying size standards by industry and changing
the size measures, no practical alternative exists to the systems of
numerical size standards.
List of Subjects in 13 CFR Part 121
Administrative practice and procedure, Government procurement,
Government property, Grant programs--business, Individuals with
disabilities, Loan programs--business, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Small businesses.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, SBA proposes to amend
part 13 CFR part 121 as follows:
1. The authority citation for Part 121 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 632, 634(b)(6), 662, and 694a(9).
2. In Sec. 121.201, amend the table ``Small Business Size Standards by
NAICS Industry'' as follows:
a. Revise the entries for ``211111'', ``211112'', ``212111'',
``212112'', ``212113'', ``212210'', ``212221'', ``212222'', ``212231'',
``212234'', ``212291'', ``212299'', ``212312'', ``212313'', ``212324'',
``212391'', ``212392'', ``213111'', ``221210'',
[[Page 53666]]
''482112'', ``483112'', ``483113'', ``483211'', ``511110'', ``511120'',
``511130'', ``511140'', ``511191'', ``512220'', ``512230'', ``519130'',
``541711'', ``541712 introductory entry and first, second and third
sub-entry, and ``562910 sub-entry''.
b. Amend the entry for ``481211'' by removing its sub-entry ``Except,''
``Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services'' ``$30.5''.
c. Amend the entry for ``481212'' by removing the sub-entry ``Except,''
``Offshore Marine Air Transportation Services'' ``$30.5''.
d. Amend the entry for ``541519'' by removing the subentry ``Except,''
``Value Added Resellers \18\'', ``150 \18\''.
e. Revise Footnote 11.
f. Remove and reserve Footnote 15.
g. Remove and reserve Footnote 18.
h. Footnote 14 is republished.
The revisions read as follows:
Sec. 121.201 What size standards has SBA identified by North American
Industry Classification System codes?
* * * * *
Small Business Size Standards by NAICS Industry
Size standards Size standards
NAICS Codes NAICS U.S. Industry title in millions of in number of
dollars employees
* * * * * * *
211111..................................... Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas .............. 1,250
211112..................................... Natural Gas Liquid Extraction...... .............. 750
* * * * * * *
212111..................................... Bituminous Coal and Lignite Surface .............. 1,250
212112..................................... Bituminous Coal Underground Mining. .............. 1,500
212113..................................... Anthracite Mining.................. .............. 250
212210..................................... Iron Ore Mining.................... .............. 750
212221..................................... Gold Ore Mining.................... .............. 1,500
212222..................................... Silver Ore Mining.................. .............. 250
212231..................................... Lead Ore and Zinc Ore Mining....... .............. 750
212234..................................... Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining... .............. 1,500
212291..................................... Uranium-Radium-Vanadium Ore Mining. .............. 250
212299..................................... All Other Metal Ore Mining......... .............. 750
* * * * * * *
212312..................................... Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining .............. 750
and Quarrying.
212313..................................... Crushed and Broken Granite Mining .............. 750
and Quarrying.
* * * * * * *
212324..................................... Kaolin and Ball Clay Mining........ .............. 750
* * * * * * *
212391..................................... Potash, Soda, and Borate Mineral .............. 750
212392..................................... Phosphate Rock Mining.............. .............. 1,000
* * * * * * *
213111..................................... Drilling Oil and Gas Wells......... .............. 1,000
* * * * * * *
221210..................................... Natural Gas Distribution........... .............. 1,000
* * * * * * *
481211..................................... Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger .............. 1,500
Air Transportation.
481212..................................... Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air .............. 1,500
* * * * * * *
482112..................................... Short Line Railroads............... .............. 1,500
Subsector 483--Water Transportation
* * * * * * *
483112..................................... Deep Sea Passenger Transportation.. .............. 1,500
483113..................................... Coastal and Great Lakes Freight .............. 750
* * * * * * *
483211..................................... Inland Water Freight Transportation .............. 750
* * * * * * *
511110..................................... Newspaper Publishers............... .............. 1,000
511120..................................... Periodical Publishers.............. .............. 1,000
511130..................................... Book Publishers.................... .............. 1,000
511140..................................... Directory and Mailing List .............. 1,250
511191..................................... Greeting Card Publishers........... .............. 1,500
[[Page 53667]]
* * * * * * *
512220..................................... Integrated Record Production/ .............. 1,250
512230..................................... Music Publishers................... .............. 750
* * * * * * *
519130..................................... Internet Publishing and .............. 1,000
Broadcasting and Web Search
* * * * * * *
541711..................................... Research and Development in .............. \11\ 1,000
Biotechnology \11\.
541712..................................... Research and Development in the .............. \11\ 1,000
Physical, Engineering, and Life
Sciences (except Biotechnology)
Except..................................... Aircraft, Aircraft Engine, and .............. 1,500
Engine Parts.
Except..................................... Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary .............. 1,250
Except..................................... Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, .............. 1,250
Their Propulsion Units and
Propulsion Parts.
* * * * * * *
562910..................................... Remediation Services............... $19.0 ..............
Except..................................... Environmental Remediation Services .............. \14\ 1,250
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
11. NAICS code 541711 and 541712:
(a) ``Research and Development'' means laboratory or other
physical research and development. It does not include economic,
educational, engineering, operations, systems, or other nonphysical
research; or computer programming, data processing, commercial and/
or medical laboratory testing.
(b) For research and development contracts requiring the
delivery of a manufactured product, the appropriate size standard is
that of the manufacturing industry.
(c) For purposes of the Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR) program only, a different definition has been established by
law. See Sec. 121.701 of these regulations.
(d) ``Research and Development'' for guided missiles and space
vehicles includes evaluations and simulation, and other services
requiring thorough knowledge of complete missiles and spacecraft.
* * * * *
14. NAICS 562910--Environmental Remediation Services:
(a) For SBA assistance as a small business concern in the
industry of Environmental Remediation Services, other than for
Government procurement, a concern must be engaged primarily in
furnishing a range of services for the remediation of a contaminated
environment to an acceptable condition including, but not limited
to, preliminary assessment, site inspection, testing, remedial
investigation, feasibility studies, remedial design, containment,
remedial action, removal of contaminated materials, storage of
contaminated materials and security and site closeouts. If one of
such activities accounts for 50 percent or more of a concern's total
revenues, employees, or other related factors, the concern's primary
industry is that of the particular industry and not the
Environmental Remediation Services Industry.
(b) For purposes of classifying a Government procurement as
Environmental Remediation Services, the general purpose of the
procurement must be to restore or directly support the restoration
of a contaminated environment. This includes activities such as
preliminary assessment, site inspection, testing, remedial
investigation, feasibility studies, remedial design, remediation
services, containment, and removal of contaminated materials or
security and site closeouts. The general purpose of the procurement
need not necessarily include remedial actions. Also, the procurement
must be composed of activities in three or more separate industries
with separate NAICS codes or, in some instances (e.g., engineering),
smaller sub-components of NAICS codes with separate and distinct
size standards. These activities may include, but are not limited
to, separate activities in industries such as: Heavy Construction;
Special Trade Contractors; Engineering Services; Architectural
Services; Management Consulting Services; Hazardous and Other Waste
Collection; Remediation Services; Testing Laboratories; and Research
and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences. If
any activity in the procurement can be identified with a separate
NAICS code, or component of a code with a separate distinct size
standard, and that industry accounts for 50 percent or more of the
value of the entire procurement, then the proper size standard is
the one for that particular industry, and not the Environmental
Remediation Service size standard.
* * * * *
Dated: August 25, 2014.
Maria Contreras-Sweet,
[FR Doc. 2014-20838 Filed 9-9-14; 8:45 am]