Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee, 49526-49527 [2014-19845]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 162 / Thursday, August 21, 2014 / Notices
(b) Report on National Maritime
Center activities from the National
Maritime Center Commanding Officer,
such as the net processing time it takes
for mariners to receive their credentials
after application submittal;
(c) Report on Mariner Credentialing
Program Policy Division activities, such
as its current initiatives and projects;
(d) Report on International Maritime
Organization (IMO)/International Labor
Organization (ILO) issues related to the
merchant marine industry;
(e) How to Fill out Travel Claims; and
(f) Briefings about on-going Coast
Guard projects related to personnel in
the U.S. merchant marine.
(7) Public comment period/
(8) Discussion of working group
recommendations. The Committee will
review the information presented on
each issue, deliberate on any
recommendations presented by the
working groups and approve/formulate
recommendations for the Department’s
consideration. Official action on these
recommendations may be taken on this
(9) Closing remarks/plans for next
(10) Adjournment of meeting.
A copy of all meeting documentation
is available at
merpac. Alternatively, you may contact
Mr. Davis Breyer as noted in the FOR
Dated: August 8, 2014.
J.G. Lantz,
Director of Commercial Regulations and
[FR Doc. 2014–19844 Filed 8–20–14; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
[Docket No. USCG–2014–0576]
Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory
Coast Guard, DHS.
Notice of Federal Advisory
Committee Working Group Meeting.
A working group of the
Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory
Committee will meet to review and
work on Task Statement 87, concerning
review of policy documents providing
guidance on the implementation of the
December 24, 2013 International
Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping and
changes to national endorsements
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rulemaking. This meeting will be open
to the public.
DATES: The Merchant Marine Personnel
Advisory Committee working group will
meet on September 9, 2014, from 8 a.m.
until 4 p.m. Written comments for
distribution to committee members and
for inclusion on the Merchant Marine
Personnel Advisory Committee Web site
must be submitted on or before August
27, 2014. Please note that this working
group is expected to continue its
discussions on September 10, 2014, as
part of the Merchant Marine Personnel
Advisory Committee meeting
announced in a separate notice in the
Federal Register under Docket No.
USCG–2014–0576, but may adjourn
early if all business is finished.
ADDRESSES: The working group will
meet in the Luebbe conference room of
the Calhoon Marine Engineer Beneficial
Association (MEBA) Engineering
School, 27050 Saint Michaels Rd.,
Easton, MD 21601. For further
information on the location of the
Calhoon MEBA Engineering School,
please contact Ms. Janet Sadler at 410–
822–9600, extension 370 or email
For information on facilities or
services for individuals with disabilities
or to request special assistance, please
contact Mr. Davis Breyer as indicated in
paragraph below. To facilitate public
participation, we are inviting public
comment on the issue to be considered
by the working group as listed in the
‘‘Agenda’’ section below. Written
comments must be identified by Docket
No. USCG–2014–0576 and submitted by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
(preferred method to avoid delays in
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility
(M–30), U.S. Department of
Transportation, West Building Ground
Floor, Room W12–140, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590–
• Hand delivery: Same as mail
address above, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal Holidays. The telephone
number is 202–366–9329.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the words ‘‘Department of
Homeland Security’’ and the docket
number for this action. Comments
received will be posted without
alteration at,
including any personal information
provided. You may review a Privacy Act
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
notice regarding our public dockets in
the January 17, 2008, issue of the
Federal Register (73 FR 3316).
Docket: For access to the docket to
read documents or comments related to
this notice, go to https://, enter the docket
number in the ‘‘Search’’ field and follow
the instructions on the Web site.
A public oral comment period will be
held during the meeting and speakers
are requested to limit their comments to
3 minutes. Please note that the public
oral comment period may end before the
prescribed ending time following the
last call for comments. Contact Mr.
Davis Breyer as indicated below to
register as a speaker. This notice may be
viewed in our online docket, USCG–
2014–0576, at https://
Davis Breyer, Alternate Designated
Federal Officer, telephone 202–372–
1445, or at If
you have any questions on viewing or
submitting material to the docket, call
Cheryl Collins, Program Manager,
Docket Operations, telephone 202–366–
9826 or 1–800–647–5527.
Notice of
this meeting is given under the Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C.
Appendix, Public Law 92–463, 86 Stat
770 as amended.
The Merchant Marine Personnel
Advisory Committee was established
under the Secretary’s authority in
section 871 of the Homeland Security
Act of 2002, Title 6, United States Code,
section 451, and chartered under the
provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act. The Committee acts
solely in an advisory capacity to the
Secretary of the Department of
Homeland Security through the
Commandant of the Coast Guard and the
Director of Commercial Regulations and
Standards on matters relating to
personnel in the U.S. merchant marine,
including but not limited to training,
qualifications, certification,
documentation, and fitness standards.
The Committee will advise, consult
with, and make recommendations
reflecting its independent judgment to
the Secretary.
A copy of all meeting documentation
is available at
by using these key strokes: Missions;
Port and Waterways Safety; Advisory
Committees; MERPAC; and then use the
announcements key. Alternatively, you
may contact Mr. Davis Breyer as noted
CONTACT section above.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 162 / Thursday, August 21, 2014 / Notices
The agenda for the September 9, 2014,
working group meeting is as follows:
(1) The working group will review,
discuss and develop recommendations
regarding Task Statement 87, Review of
Policy Documents Providing Guidance
on the Implementation of the December
24, 2013 International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping and Changes to National
Endorsements Rulemaking;
(2) Public comment period;
(3) The working group will finalize
proposed recommendations for the full
committee to consider with regards to
Task Statement 87, concerning Policy
Documents Providing Guidance on the
Implementation of the December 24,
2013 International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping and Changes to National
Endorsements Rulemaking;
(4) Adjournment of meeting.
A copy of all meeting documentation
is available at
merpac. Alternatively, you may contact
Mr. Davis Breyer as noted in the FOR
Dated: August 8, 2014.
J.G. Lantz,
Director of Commercial Regulations and
[FR Doc. 2014–19845 Filed 8–20–14; 8:45 am]
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
[OMB Control Number 1615–0067]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Application for Asylum and
for Withholding for Removal, Form I–
589; Extension, Without Change, of a
Currently Approved Collection
60-Day Notice.
The Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) invites
the general public and other Federal
agencies to comment upon this
proposed extension. In accordance with
the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, the information collection notice
is published in the Federal Register to
obtain comments regarding the nature of
the information collection, the
categories of respondents, the estimated
burden (i.e. the time, effort, and
resources used by the respondents to
respond), the estimated cost to the
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respondent, and the actual information
collection instruments.
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted for 60 days until
October 20, 2014.
ADDRESSES: All submissions received
must include the OMB Control Number
1615–0067 in the subject box, the
agency name and Docket ID USCIS–
2007–0034. To avoid duplicate
submissions, please use only one of the
following methods to submit comments:
(1) Online. You may access the
Federal Register Notice and submit
comments via the Federal eRulemaking
Portal Web site by visiting In the search box
either copy and paste, or type in, the eDocket ID number USCIS–2007–0034.
Click on the link titled Open Docket
Folder for the appropriate Notice and
supporting documents, and click the
Comment Now tab to submit a
(2) Email. Submit comments to;
(3) Mail. Submit written comments to
DHS, USCIS, Office of Policy and
Strategy, Chief, Regulatory Coordination
Division, 20 Massachusetts Avenue
NW., Washington, DC 20529–2140.
Regardless of the method used for
submitting comments or material, all
submissions will be posted, without
change, to the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at,
and will include any personal
information you provide. Therefore,
submitting this information makes it
public. You may wish to consider
limiting the amount of personal
information that you provide in any
voluntary submission you make to DHS.
DHS may withhold information
provided in comments from public
viewing that it determines may impact
the privacy of an individual or is
offensive. For additional information,
please read the Privacy Act notice that
is available via the link in the footer of
Note: The address listed in this notice
should only be used to submit comments
concerning this information collection.
Please do not submit requests for individual
case status inquiries to this address. If you
are seeking information about the status of
your individual case, please check ‘‘My Case
Status’’ online at:, or call the USCIS National
Customer Service Center at 1–800–375–5283.
Written comments and suggestions
from the public and affected agencies
should address one or more of the
following four points:
PO 00000
Frm 00037
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Extension, Without Change, of a
Currently Approved Collection.
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Application for Asylum and for
Withholding for Removal.
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the DHS
sponsoring the collection: I–589; USCIS.
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: Individuals or
households. Form I–589 is necessary to
determine whether an alien applying for
asylum and/or withholding of removal
in the United States is classified as
refugee, and is eligible to remain in the
United States.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond: The estimated total number of
respondents for the information
collection I–589 is approximately
157,372 and the estimated hour burden
per response is 12 hours per response;
and the estimated number of
respondents providing biometrics is
97,152 and the estimated hour burden
per response is 1.17 hours.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The total estimated annual
hour burden associated with this
collection is approximately 2,002,132
If you need a copy of the information
collection instrument with instructions,
or additional information, please visit
the Federal eRulemaking Portal site at: We may
also be contacted at: USCIS, Office of
Policy and Strategy, Regulatory
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 162 (Thursday, August 21, 2014)]
[Pages 49526-49527]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-19845]
Coast Guard
[Docket No. USCG-2014-0576]
Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee
AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS.
ACTION: Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Working Group Meeting.
SUMMARY: A working group of the Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory
Committee will meet to review and work on Task Statement 87, concerning
review of policy documents providing guidance on the implementation of
the December 24, 2013 International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping and changes to national
endorsements rulemaking. This meeting will be open to the public.
DATES: The Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee working group
will meet on September 9, 2014, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Written
comments for distribution to committee members and for inclusion on the
Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee Web site must be submitted
on or before August 27, 2014. Please note that this working group is
expected to continue its discussions on September 10, 2014, as part of
the Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee meeting announced in a
separate notice in the Federal Register under Docket No. USCG-2014-
0576, but may adjourn early if all business is finished.
ADDRESSES: The working group will meet in the Luebbe conference room of
the Calhoon Marine Engineer Beneficial Association (MEBA) Engineering
School, 27050 Saint Michaels Rd., Easton, MD 21601. For further
information on the location of the Calhoon MEBA Engineering School,
please contact Ms. Janet Sadler at 410-822-9600, extension 370 or email
For information on facilities or services for individuals with
disabilities or to request special assistance, please contact Mr. Davis
Breyer as indicated in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT paragraph
below. To facilitate public participation, we are inviting public
comment on the issue to be considered by the working group as listed in
the ``Agenda'' section below. Written comments must be identified by
Docket No. USCG-2014-0576 and submitted by one of the following
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments (preferred method to
avoid delays in processing).
Fax: 202-493-2251.
Mail: Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department
of Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New
Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.
Hand delivery: Same as mail address above, between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays. The
telephone number is 202-366-9329.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the words
``Department of Homeland Security'' and the docket number for this
action. Comments received will be posted without alteration at, including any personal information provided. You
may review a Privacy Act notice regarding our public dockets in the
January 17, 2008, issue of the Federal Register (73 FR 3316).
Docket: For access to the docket to read documents or comments
related to this notice, go to, enter the
docket number in the ``Search'' field and follow the instructions on
the Web site.
A public oral comment period will be held during the meeting and
speakers are requested to limit their comments to 3 minutes. Please
note that the public oral comment period may end before the prescribed
ending time following the last call for comments. Contact Mr. Davis
Breyer as indicated below to register as a speaker. This notice may be
viewed in our online docket, USCG-2014-0576, at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Davis Breyer, Alternate Designated
Federal Officer, telephone 202-372-1445, or at
If you have any questions on viewing or submitting material to the
docket, call Cheryl Collins, Program Manager, Docket Operations,
telephone 202-366-9826 or 1-800-647-5527.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice of this meeting is given under the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. Appendix, Public Law 92-463,
86 Stat 770 as amended.
The Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee was established
under the Secretary's authority in section 871 of the Homeland Security
Act of 2002, Title 6, United States Code, section 451, and chartered
under the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The
Committee acts solely in an advisory capacity to the Secretary of the
Department of Homeland Security through the Commandant of the Coast
Guard and the Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards on
matters relating to personnel in the U.S. merchant marine, including
but not limited to training, qualifications, certification,
documentation, and fitness standards. The Committee will advise,
consult with, and make recommendations reflecting its independent
judgment to the Secretary.
A copy of all meeting documentation is available at by using these key strokes: Missions; Port and
Waterways Safety; Advisory Committees; MERPAC; and then use the
announcements key. Alternatively, you may contact Mr. Davis Breyer as
noted in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above.
[[Page 49527]]
The agenda for the September 9, 2014, working group meeting is as
(1) The working group will review, discuss and develop
recommendations regarding Task Statement 87, Review of Policy Documents
Providing Guidance on the Implementation of the December 24, 2013
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping and Changes to National Endorsements Rulemaking;
(2) Public comment period;
(3) The working group will finalize proposed recommendations for
the full committee to consider with regards to Task Statement 87,
concerning Policy Documents Providing Guidance on the Implementation of
the December 24, 2013 International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping and Changes to National
Endorsements Rulemaking;
(4) Adjournment of meeting.
A copy of all meeting documentation is available at Alternatively, you may contact Mr. Davis
Breyer as noted in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above.
Dated: August 8, 2014.
J.G. Lantz,
Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards.
[FR Doc. 2014-19845 Filed 8-20-14; 8:45 am]