Notice of Realty Action: Competitive Sale of 40 Parcels of Public Land in Clark County, NV, 46870-46874 [2014-18854]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 154 / Monday, August 11, 2014 / Notices
Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Comments should refer to
the proposal by name and/or OMB
Control Number and should be sent to:
HUD Desk Officer, Office of
Management and Budget, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503; fax: 202–395–5806. Email:
Colette Pollard, Reports Management
Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 451 7th Street
SW., Washington, DC 20410; email
Colette Pollard at Colette.Pollard@ or telephone 202–402–3400.
Persons with hearing or speech
impairments may access this number
through TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339.
This is not a toll-free number. Copies of
available documents submitted to OMB
may be obtained from Ms. Pollard.
notice informs the public that HUD has
submitted to OMB a request for
approval of the information collection
described in Section A.
The Federal Register notice that
solicited public comment on the
information collection for a period of 60
days was published on April 18, 2014.
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A. Overview of Information Collection
Title of Information Collection: HUD
Housing Program-Application for
Approval as a Housing Counseling
OMB Approval Number: 2502–0573.
Type of Request: Extension.
Form Number: HUD–9900.
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: The
Office of Housing Counseling is
responsible for administration of the
Department’s Housing Counseling
Program, authorized by Section 106 of
the Housing and Urban Development
Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. The Housing
Counseling Program supports the
delivery of a wide variety of housing
counseling services to homebuyers,
homeowners, low- to moderate–income
renters, and the homeless. The primary
objective of the program is to educate
families and individuals in order to help
them make smart decisions regarding
improving their housing situation and
meeting the responsibilities of tenancy
and homeownership, including through
budget and financial counseling.
Counselors also help borrowers avoid
predatory lending practices, such as
inflated appraisals, unreasonably high
interest rates, unaffordable repayment
terms, and other conditions that can
result in a loss of equity, increased debt,
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default, and possible foreclosure.
Counselors may also provide reverse
mortgage counseling to elderly
homeowners who seek to convert equity
in their homes to pay for home
improvements, medical costs, living
expenses or other expenses.
Additionally, housing counselors may
distribute and be a resource for
information concerning Fair Housing
and Fair Lending. The Housing
Counseling Program is instrumental to
achievement of HUD’s mission. The
Program’s far-reaching effects support
numerous departmental programs,
including Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) single family
housing programs.
Approximately 2,364 HUDparticipating agencies provide housing
counseling services nation-wide
currently. Of these, approximately 970
have been directly approved by HUD.
HUD maintains a list of these agencies
so that individuals in need of assistance
can easily access the nearest HUDapproved housing counseling agency via
HUD’s Web site, an automated 1–800
Hotline, or a smart phone application.
HUD Form 9900, Application for
Approval as a Housing Counseling
Agency, is necessary to make sure that
people who contact a HUD approved
agency can have confidence they will
receive quality service and these
agencies meet HUD requirements for
To participate in HUD’s Housing
Counseling Program, a housing
counseling agency must first be
approved by HUD. Approval entails
meeting various requirements relating to
experience and capacity, including
nonprofit status, a minimum of one year
of housing counseling experience in the
target community, and sufficient
resources to implement a housing
counseling plan. Eligible organizations
include local housing counseling
agencies, private or public organizations
(including grassroots, faith-based and
other community-based organizations)
such as nonprofit, state, local or tribal
government entities or public housing
authorities that meet the Program
criteria. HUD uses form HUD–9900 to
evaluate whether applying organizations
meet minimum requirements to
participate in the Housing Counseling
Program. The application for approval
for HUD–9900 is found at https://
HUD is seeking an extension for the
Application for Approval as a Housing
Counseling Agency, form HUD–9900.
There have been no changes in program
eligibility requirements. The form will
be updated to reflect changes in Offices
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responsible for processing applications
from the Single Family Program Support
Division to the Office of Housing
Counseling, and require electronic
submission of applications through
email in place of paper submissions.
Based on the most recent information
available (as of February 2014).
Respondents (i.e. affected public):
Not-for-profit institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Response: 66.
Frequency of Response: annually.
Average Hours per Response: 71.
Total Estimated Burdens: 4686.
B. Solicitation of Public Comment
This notice is soliciting comments
from members of the public and affected
parties concerning the collection of
information described in Section A on
the following:
(1) Whether the proposed collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond; including through
the use of appropriate automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
HUD encourages interested parties to
submit comment in response to these
Authority: Section 3507 of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35
Dated: August 4, 2014.
Colette Pollard,
Department Reports Management Officer,
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–18946 Filed 8–8–14; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNVS00560 L58530000 EU0000 241A;14–
08807; MO# 4500064615; TAS: 14X5232]
Notice of Realty Action: Competitive
Sale of 40 Parcels of Public Land in
Clark County, NV
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of Realty Action.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 154 / Monday, August 11, 2014 / Notices
The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) proposes to offer 40
parcels of public land totaling 516.18
acres in the Las Vegas Valley by
competitive sale, at not less than the
appraised fair market values (FMV). The
BLM is proposing to offer the parcels for
sale pursuant to the Southern Nevada
Public Land Management Act of 1998
(SNPLMA), as amended. The sale will
be subject to the applicable provisions
of Section 203 of the Federal Land
Policy and Management Act of 1976
(FLPMA) and BLM land sale
DATES: Interested parties may submit
written comments regarding the
proposed sale until September 25, 2014.
The sale by sealed bid and oral public
auction will be held on December 2,
2014, at the City of North Las Vegas,
2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North,
Council Chambers, North Las Vegas,
Nevada 89030 at 10 a.m., Pacific Time.
The FMV for the parcels will be
available 30 days prior to the sale. The
BLM will accept sealed bids beginning
November 17, 2014. Sealed bids must be
received by the BLM, Las Vegas Field
Office (LVFO) no later than 4:30 p.m.
Pacific Time, on November 24, 2014.
The BLM will open sealed bids on the
day of the sale just prior to oral bidding.
ADDRESSES: Mail written comments and
submit sealed bids to the BLM–LVFO,
Assistant Field Manager, 4701 North
Torrey Pines Drive, Las Vegas, NV
Manuela Johnson by email: manuela_, or by telephone: 702–
515–5224. For general information on
previous BLM public land sales, go to:
Land_Auctions.html. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339
to contact the above individual during
normal business hours. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
to leave a message or question with the
above individual. You will receive a
reply during normal business hours.
proposes to offer 40 parcels of public
land in the southwest Las Vegas Valley.
The subject public lands are legally
described as:
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Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada
N–92824, 2.50 acres:
T. 21 S., R. 63 E.,
Sec. 33, SW1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4.
N–92825, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 12, NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4SW1⁄4.
N–92827, 20.00 acres:
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T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 12, W1⁄2NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92828, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 13, SE1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92829, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, W1⁄2NE1⁄4SE1⁄4SW1⁄4,
N–92830, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, SE1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4SW1⁄4.
N–92831, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, W1⁄2NW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92832, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92833, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, NE1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92834, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, N1⁄2NW1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92835, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, S1⁄2NE1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92836, 15.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 15, NW1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4,
N–92837, 10.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 16, NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4.
N–92838, 33.92 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, lots 38, 40, 41 thru 44, 46, 48, 49,
51 thru 54, 56 thru 58.
N–92839, 12.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, NW1⁄4NW1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92840, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, SE1⁄4NE1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92841, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, SW1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92842, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, N1⁄2SE1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92843, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, S1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92844, 1.25 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 22, N1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4.
N–92845, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE1⁄4SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92846, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, SE1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4SW1⁄4.
N–92847, 12.50 acres:
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T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4,
S1⁄2NE1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, N1⁄2SE1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92848, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, W1⁄2NW1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92849, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, W1⁄2SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92850, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92851, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92852, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 25, NE1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4NW1⁄4.
N–92853, 17.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 25, SW1⁄4SW1⁄4NE1⁄4,
N–92854, 35.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 29, W1⁄2SE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4, W1⁄2SW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92855, 160.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 35, SE1⁄4.
N–92856, 20.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 29, SW1⁄4NW1⁄4SW1⁄4,
N–92857, 18.75 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, NW1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4,
E1⁄2SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4, N1⁄2SE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4.
N–92858, 1.25 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, E1⁄2NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4NE1⁄4.
N–92859, 8.75 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, NW1⁄4NE1⁄4SE1⁄4NE1⁄4,
N–92860, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, NE1⁄4NW1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92861, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, SW1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4SE1⁄4.
N–92862, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 33, N1⁄2SW1⁄4SW1⁄4SE1⁄4,
N–92863, 5.00 acres:
T. 23 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 4, S1⁄2SE1⁄4NE1⁄4NW1⁄4.
N–92864, 37.26 acres:
T. 23 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 6, lot 7.
The areas described contain 516.18 acres.
A sales matrix is available on the BLM
Web site at:
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 154 / Monday, August 11, 2014 / Notices
snplma. The sales matrix provides
information specific to each sale parcel
such as legal description, physical
location, encumbrances, acreage, and
FMV. The FMV for each parcel is
available in the sales matrix as soon as
approved and no later than 30 days
prior to the sale.
This proposed competitive sale is in
conformance with the BLM Lqas Vegas
Resource Management Plan and
decision LD–1, approved by Record of
Decision on October 5, 1998, and is in
compliance with Section 203 of FLPMA.
The sale parcels were analyzed in the
Las Vegas Valley Disposal Boundary
Environmental Impact Statement and
approved by Record of Decision on
December 23, 2004. A parcel-specific
Determination of National
Environmental Policy Act Adequacy
document numbered DOI–BLM–NV–
S010–2014–0052–DNA was prepared in
connection with this Notice of Realty
Submit comments on this sale Notice
to the address in the ADDRESSES section.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including any
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so. The BLM will also publish this
Notice once a week for three
consecutive weeks in the Las Vegas
Sale procedures: Registration for oral
bidding will begin at 8 a.m. Pacific Time
and will end at 10 a.m. Pacific Time at
the City of North Las Vegas, 2250 Las
Vegas Boulevard North, Council
Chambers, North Las Vegas, Nevada
89030, on the day of the sale. There will
be no prior registration before the sale
date. To participate in the competitive
sale, all registered bidders must submit
a bid guarantee deposit in the amount
of $10,000 by certified check, postal
money order, bank draft, or cashier’s
check made payable to the Department
of the Interior—Bureau of Land
Management on the day of the sale or
submit the bid guarantee deposit along
with the sealed bids. The public sale
auction will be through sealed and oral
bids. Sealed bids will be opened and
recorded on the day of the sale to
determine the high bids among the
qualified bids received. Sealed bids
above the FMV will set the starting
point for oral bidding on a parcel.
Parcels that receive no qualified sealed
bids will begin at the established FMV.
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Bidders who are participating and
attending the oral auction on the date of
the sale are not required to submit a
sealed bid, but may choose to do so.
Sealed-bid envelopes must be clearly
marked on the lower front left corner
with the parcel number and name of the
sale, for example: ‘‘N–XXXXX, 40-parcel
SNPLMA Sale 2014.’’ Sealed bids must
include an amount not less than 20
percent of the total amount bid and the
$10,000 bid guarantee by certified
check, postal money order, bank draft,
or cashier’s check made payable to the
‘‘Department of the Interior—Bureau of
Land Management.’’ The bid guarantee
and bid deposit may be combined into
one form of deposit; the bidder must
specify the amounts of the bid deposit
and the bid guarantee. The BLM will not
accept personal or company checks. The
sealed-bid envelope must contain the 20
percent bid deposit, bid guarantee, and
a completed and signed ‘‘Certificate of
Eligibility’’ form stating the name,
mailing address, and telephone number
of the entity or person submitting the
bid. Certificate of Eligibility and
registration forms are available at the
BLM–LVFO at the address listed in the
ADDRESSES section and on the BLM Web
site at:
snplma/Land_Auctions.html. Pursuant
to 43 CFR 2711.3–1(c), if two or more
sealed-bid envelopes containing valid
bids of the same amount are received,
oral bidding will start at the sealed-bid
amount. If there are no oral bids on the
parcel, the authorized officer will
determine the winning bidder. Bids for
less than the federally approved FMV
will not be qualified. The highest
qualifying bid for any parcel will be
declared the high bid. The apparent
high bidder must submit a deposit of
not less than 20 percent of the
successful bid by 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time
on the day of the sale in the form of a
certified check, postal money order,
bank draft, or cashier’s check made
payable in U.S. dollars to the
‘‘Department of the Interior—Bureau of
Land Management.’’ Funds must be
delivered no later than 3:00 p.m. Pacific
Time on the day of the sale to the BLM
Collection Officers at the City of North
Las Vegas, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard
North, Council Chambers, North Las
Vegas, Nevada 89030. Funds will not be
accepted at the BLM–LVFO. The BLM
will send the successful bidder(s) a
high-bidder letter with detailed
information for full payment.
All funds submitted with
unsuccessful bids will be returned to
the bidders or their authorized
representative upon presentation of
acceptable photo identification at the
BLM–LVFO or by certified mail. If the
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apparent high bidder so chooses, the bid
guarantee may be applied towards the
required deposit. Failure to submit the
deposit following the close of the sale
under 43 CFR 2711.3–1(d) will result in
forfeiture of the bid guarantee. For
bidders who offer to purchase more than
one parcel, the BLM will retain the bid
guarantee, and may cancel the sale of all
the parcels to that bidder, if the bidder
fails to submit the bid deposit on any
single parcel following the sale. If an
offer to purchase one parcel results in
default, the BLM may retain the bid
deposit and cancel the sale to that
bidder. If a high bidder is unable to
consummate the transaction for any
reason, the second highest bid may be
considered to purchase the parcel. If
there are no acceptable bids, a parcel
may remain available for sale at a future
date in accordance with competitive
sale procedures without further legal
Federal law requires that bidders
must be: (1) A citizen of the United
States 18 years of age or older; (2) A
corporation subject to the laws of any
State or of the United States; (3) A State,
State instrumentality, or political
subdivision authorized to hold property;
or (4) An entity legally capable of
conveying and holding lands or
interests therein under the laws of the
State of Nevada.
Evidence of United States citizenship
is a birth certificate, passport, or
naturalization papers. Failure to submit
the above requested documents to the
BLM within 30 days from receipt of the
high-bidder letter will result in
cancellation of the sale and forfeiture of
the bid deposit. The successful bidder
will be allowed 180 days from the date
of the sale to submit the remainder of
the full purchase price.
Publication of this Notice in the
Federal Register segregates the subject
lands from all forms of appropriation
under the public land laws, including
the mining laws. Any subsequent
application will not be accepted, will
not be considered as filed, and will be
returned to the applicant if the Notice
segregates from the use applied for in
the application. The segregative effect of
this Notice terminates upon issuance of
a patent or other document of
conveyance to such lands, publication
in the Federal Register of a termination
of the segregation, or 2 years after the
date of this publication, whichever
occurs first. The segregation period may
not exceed 2 years unless extended by
the BLM State Director, Nevada, in
accordance with 43 CFR 2711.1–2(d)
prior to the termination date.
Terms and Conditions: All minerals
for the sale parcels will be reserved to
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 154 / Monday, August 11, 2014 / Notices
the United States. The patents, when
issued, will contain a mineral
reservation to the United States for all
The parcels are subject to limitations
prescribed by law and regulation, and
certain encumbrances in favor of third
parties. Prior to patent issuance, a
holder of any right-of-way (ROW)
within the sale parcels will have the
opportunity to amend the ROW for
conversion to a new term, including
perpetuity, if applicable, or conversion
to an easement. The BLM will notify
valid existing ROW holders of record of
their ability to convert their compliant
rights-of-way to perpetual rights-of-way
or easement. In accordance with Federal
regulations at 43 CFR 2807.15, once
notified, each valid holder may apply
for the conversion of their current
The following numbered terms and
conditions will appear on the
conveyance documents for the sale
1. All minerals deposits in the lands
so patented, and to it, or persons
authorized by it, the right to prospect
for, mine, and remove such deposits
from the same under applicable law and
regulations to be established by the
Secretary of the Interior are reserved to
the United States, together with all
necessary access and exit rights;
2. A right-of-way is reserved for
ditches and canals constructed by
authority of the United States under the
Act of August 30, 1890 (43 U.S.C. 945);
3. The parcels are subject to valid
existing rights;
4. The parcels are subject to
reservations for road, public utilities
and flood control purposes, both
existing and proposed, in accordance
with the local governing entities’
transportation plans; and
5. An appropriate indemnification
clause protecting the United States from
claims arising out of the lessee’s/
patentee’s use, occupancy, or
occupations on the leased/patented
Pursuant to the requirements
established by Section 120(h) of the
Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation and Liability
Act, 42 U.S.C. 9620(h) (CERCLA), as
amended, notice is hereby given that the
lands have been examined and no
evidence was found to indicate that any
hazardous substances have been stored
for 1 year or more, nor had any
hazardous substances been disposed of
or released on the subject property.
No warranty of any kind, express or
implied, is given by the United States as
to the title, whether or to what extent
the land may be developed, its physical
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condition, future uses, or any other
circumstance or condition. The
conveyance of a parcel will not be on a
contingency basis. However, to the
extent required by law, the parcel is
subject to the requirements of Section
120(h) of the CERCLA.
Unless the BLM authorized officer
approved other satisfactory
arrangements in advance, conveyance of
title will be through the use of escrow.
Designation of the escrow agent will be
through mutual agreement between the
BLM and the prospective patentee, and
costs of escrow will be borne by the
prospective patentee.
Request for escrow instructions must
be received by the BLM–LVFO prior to
30 days before the prospective
patentee’s scheduled closing date. No
exceptions will be made.
All name changes and supporting
documentation must be received at the
BLM–LVFO 30 days from the date on
the high-bidder letter by 4:30 p.m.
Pacific Time. There are no exceptions.
To submit a name change, the apparent
high bidder must submit the name
change in writing on the Certificate of
Eligibility form to the BLM–LVFO.
The remainder of the full bid price for
the parcel must be received no later
than 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time, within 180
days following the day of the sale.
Payment must be submitted in the form
of a certified check, postal money order,
bank draft, cashier’s check, or made
available by electronic fund transfer
made payable in U.S. dollars to the
‘‘Department of the Interior—Bureau of
Land Management’’ to the BLM–LVFO.
The BLM will not accept personal or
company checks.
Arrangements for electronic fund
transfer to the BLM for payment of the
balance due must be made a minimum
of 2 weeks prior to the payment date.
Failure to pay the full bid price prior to
the expiration of the 180th day will
disqualify the high bidder and cause the
entire 20 percent bid deposit to be
forfeited to the BLM. Forfeiture of the 20
percent bid deposit is in accordance
with 43 CFR 2711.3–1(d). No exceptions
will be made. The BLM cannot accept
the remainder of the bid price after the
180th day of the sale date.
The BLM will not sign any documents
related to 1031 Exchange transactions.
The timing for completion of such an
exchange is the bidder’s responsibility.
The BLM cannot be a party to any 1031
In accordance with 43 CFR 2711.3–
1(f), within 30 days the BLM may accept
or reject any or all offers to purchase, or
withdraw any parcel of land or interest
therein from sale if, in the opinion of a
BLM authorized officer, consummation
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of the sale would be inconsistent with
any law, or for other reasons as may be
provided by applicable law or
regulations. No contractual or other
rights against the United States may
accrue until the BLM officially accepts
the offer to purchase and the full bid
price is paid.
Upon publication of this Notice and
until completion of this sale, the BLM
is no longer accepting land use
applications affecting the parcel
identified for sale. However, land use
applications may be considered after the
sale if the parcel is not sold. The parcel
may be subject to land use applications
received prior to publication of this
Notice if processing the application
would have no adverse effect on the
marketability of title, or the FMV of the
parcel. Information concerning the sale,
encumbrances of record, appraisals,
reservations, procedures and conditions,
CERCLA, and other environmental
documents that may appear in the BLM
public files for the proposed sale parcels
are available for review during business
hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific
Time, Monday through Friday, at the
BLM–LVFO, except during Federal
In order to determine the FMV
through appraisal, certain extraordinary
assumptions and hypothetical
conditions may have been made
concerning the attributes and
limitations of the lands and potential
effects of local regulations and policies
on potential future land uses. Through
publication of this Notice, the BLM
advises that these assumptions may not
be endorsed or approved by units of
local government.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to be
aware of all applicable Federal, State,
and local government laws, regulations
and policies that may affect the subject
lands, including any required
dedication of lands for public uses. It is
also the buyer’s responsibility to be
aware of existing or prospective uses of
nearby properties. When conveyed out
of Federal ownership, the lands will be
subject to any applicable laws,
regulations, and policies of the
applicable local government for
proposed future uses. It is the
responsibility of the purchaser to be
aware through due diligence of those
laws, regulations, and policies, and to
seek any required local approvals for
future uses. Buyers should make
themselves aware of any Federal or
State law or regulation that may impact
the future use of the property. Any land
lacking access from a public road or
highway will be conveyed as such, and
future access acquisition will be the
responsibility of the buyer.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 154 / Monday, August 11, 2014 / Notices
Any comments regarding the
proposed sale will be reviewed by the
BLM Nevada State Director or other
authorized official of the Department of
the Interior, who may sustain, vacate, or
modify this realty action in response to
such comments. In the absence of any
comments, this realty action will
become the final determination of the
Department of the Interior.
Authority: 43 CFR 2711.1–2.
Vanessa Hice,
Assistant Field Manager, Division of Lands.
[FR Doc. 2014–18854 Filed 8–8–14; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[CACA 048811, LLCAD01500,
Notice of Availability of the Record of
Decision for the Proposed Right-ofWay Amendment for the Blythe Solar
Power Project, Riverside County, CA
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
The Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) announces the
availability of the Record of Decision
(ROD) to amend the Right-of-Way
(ROW) for the Blythe Solar Power
Project (BSPP), Riverside County,
California. The Assistant Secretary—
Land and Minerals Management,
approved the ROD on August 1, 2014,
which constitutes the final decision of
the Department of the Interior.
ADDRESSES: Copies of the ROD have
been sent to affected Federal, State, and
local government agencies and to other
stakeholders. Copies of the ROD are
available for public inspection at the
Palm Springs/South Coast Field Office,
1201 Bird Center Drive, Palm Springs,
CA 92262, and the California Desert
District Office, 22835 Calle San Juan de
Los Lagos, Moreno Valley, CA 92553–
9046. Interested persons may also
review the ROD on the Internet at:
Frank McMenimen, BLM Project
Manager, telephone 760–833–7150;
address: 1201 Bird Center Drive, Palm
Springs, CA 92262; email: Persons who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339 to contact the above
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:35 Aug 08, 2014
Jkt 232001
individual during normal business
hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week to leave a message
or question with the above individual.
You will receive a reply during normal
business hours.
Blythe Solar Energy Center, LLC (Grant
Holder) requested a variance from the
existing approval to amend the ROW
grant to convert the BSPP’s generation
technology and to reduce the project
footprint. The project site is located 8
miles west of Blythe and 3 miles north
of Interstate 10. The BSPP was
permitted and approved in 2010 as a
1,000-megawatt (MW) solar thermal
generating plant. The Grant Holder
purchased the fully permitted (un-built)
project assets in mid-2012 and now
proposes to modify the technology to
solar photovoltaic (PV) and reduce the
size of the project from 6,831 acres to
4,138 acres entirely within the approved
BSPP footprint. On August 22, 2012, the
BLM approved the assignment of the
ROW Grant from the prior holder, Palo
Verde Solar I, LLC, to the Grant Holder.
In anticipation of the Modified Project,
the Grant Holder voluntarily
relinquished approximately 35 percent
of the previously approved ROW grant
area on March 7, 2013.
The Selected Alternative consists of
the proposed 485 MW PV solar plant on
4,138 acres of BLM-administered public
land, referred to in the ROD as the
Modified Project, with authorization for
constructing and operating a range of
panel types and tracking options so that
the Modified Project can take advantage
of the rapid improvements in PV
technology/efficiency that are
anticipated to take place between early
permitting and commencing
construction. The Modified Project
reduces project impacts from the 2010
Approved Project by reducing the
project footprint and avoiding bighorn
sheep habitat and most of the
microphyll woodlands impacted by the
2010 Approved Project. For other
impacts, the BLM has included
mitigation and monitoring requirements
in the ROD. In addition to mitigation
and monitoring measures applied to all
large ground disturbance projects on
BLM-managed land, the following are
several of the key mitigation measures
included in the ROD:
• Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan
and measures to avoid take of desert
• Burrowing Owl Mitigation and
Monitoring Plan;
• American badger and desert kit fox
avoidance and minimization measures;
• Compensatory mitigation for
Mojave fringe-toed lizard habitat losses;
PO 00000
Frm 00106
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• Avian, bat, and golden eagle
protection measures;
• Programmatic Agreement with the
State Historic Preservation Office to
avoid, minimize, and mitigate adverse
effects to historic properties, including
a Historic Properties Treatment Plan;
• Measures to integrate visual design
elements into project design, building,
and structural materials.
A Notice of Availability of the Final
EIS for the BSPP published in the
Federal Register on May 30, 2014 (79
FR 31133). The BLM received four
comment letters following the
publication of the Final EIS. The BLM’s
consideration of these letters did not
result in changes in the design, location,
or timing of the project in a way that
would cause significant effects to the
human environment outside of the
range of effects analyzed in the Final
EIS. Similarly, none of the letters
identified new significant circumstances
or information relevant to
environmental concerns that bear on the
project and its effects.
The project site is in the California
Desert District within the planning
boundary of the California Desert
Conservation Area (CDCA) Plan, which
is the applicable resource management
plan for the project site and surrounding
areas. The 2010 ROD for the Approved
Project also amended the CDCA Plan to
allow for the development of the BSPP
and ancillary facilities on land managed
by the BLM. This Plan Amendment is
unaffected by the changes contemplated
by the Modified Project since it is
entirely within the footprint for the
Approved Project. Therefore, the
Modified Project does not require a
separate CDCA Plan amendment.
Because this decision is approved by
the Assistant Secretary—Land and
Minerals Management, it is not subject
to administrative appeal (43 CFR
Authority: 40 CFR 1506.6.
Neil Kornze,
Director, Bureau of Land Management.
[FR Doc. 2014–18973 Filed 8–8–14; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
White-Tailed Deer Management Plan,
Draft Environmental Impact Statement,
Fire Island National Seashore, New
National Park Service, Interior.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 154 (Monday, August 11, 2014)]
[Pages 46870-46874]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-18854]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNVS00560 L58530000 EU0000 241A;14-08807; MO 4500064615;
TAS: 14X5232]
Notice of Realty Action: Competitive Sale of 40 Parcels of Public
Land in Clark County, NV
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of Realty Action.
[[Page 46871]]
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes to offer 40
parcels of public land totaling 516.18 acres in the Las Vegas Valley by
competitive sale, at not less than the appraised fair market values
(FMV). The BLM is proposing to offer the parcels for sale pursuant to
the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 (SNPLMA), as
amended. The sale will be subject to the applicable provisions of
Section 203 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976
(FLPMA) and BLM land sale regulations.
DATES: Interested parties may submit written comments regarding the
proposed sale until September 25, 2014. The sale by sealed bid and oral
public auction will be held on December 2, 2014, at the City of North
Las Vegas, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Council Chambers, North Las
Vegas, Nevada 89030 at 10 a.m., Pacific Time. The FMV for the parcels
will be available 30 days prior to the sale. The BLM will accept sealed
bids beginning November 17, 2014. Sealed bids must be received by the
BLM, Las Vegas Field Office (LVFO) no later than 4:30 p.m. Pacific
Time, on November 24, 2014. The BLM will open sealed bids on the day of
the sale just prior to oral bidding.
ADDRESSES: Mail written comments and submit sealed bids to the BLM-
LVFO, Assistant Field Manager, 4701 North Torrey Pines Drive, Las
Vegas, NV 89130.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Manuela Johnson by email:, or by telephone: 702-515-5224. For general information
on previous BLM public land sales, go to: Persons who use a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal
business hours. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to
leave a message or question with the above individual. You will receive
a reply during normal business hours.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The BLM proposes to offer 40 parcels of
public land in the southwest Las Vegas Valley. The subject public lands
are legally described as:
Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada
N-92824, 2.50 acres:
T. 21 S., R. 63 E.,
Sec. 33, SW\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92825, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 12, NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\.
N-92827, 20.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 12, W\1/2\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92828, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 13, SE\1/4\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\, SW\1/4\NW\1/4\NE\1/
N-92829, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, W\1/2\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\SW\1/4\, NE\1/4\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\SW\1/
N-92830, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, SE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\SW\1/4\.
N-92831, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, W\1/2\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92832, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, SW\1/4\SW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92833, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, NE\1/4\SW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\, NW\1/4\SE\1/4\SW\1/
N-92834, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, N\1/2\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\, NE\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/
N-92835, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 14, S\1/2\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92836, 15.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 15, NW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\, E\1/2\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92837, 10.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 16, NW\1/4\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92838, 33.92 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, lots 38, 40, 41 thru 44, 46, 48, 49, 51 thru 54, 56
thru 58.
N-92839, 12.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, NW\1/4\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\, N\1/2\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/
4\, NE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\, SW\1/4\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92840, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, SE\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\, NE\1/4\SE\1/4\SW\1/
N-92841, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, SW\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92842, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, N\1/2\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\, SE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/
N-92843, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 19, S\1/2\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92844, 1.25 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 22, N\1/2\SW\1/4\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92845, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE\1/4\SW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\, N\1/2\SE\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/
N-92846, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, SE\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\SW\1/4\.
N-92847, 12.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\, S\1/2\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\SE\1/
4\, N\1/2\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92848, 5.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, W\1/2\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92849, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, W\1/2\SW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\, NE\1/4\SW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/
N-92850, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92851, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 24, NE\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92852, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 25, NE\1/4\SE\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\.
N-92853, 17.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 25, SW\1/4\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\, S\1/2\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\,
N-92854, 35.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 29, W\1/2\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\, SW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\,
N-92855, 160.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 60 E.,
Sec. 35, SE\1/4\.
N-92856, 20.00 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 29, SW\1/4\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\, NW\1/4\SE\1/4\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\,
W\1/2\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\, NE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\.
N-92857, 18.75 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, NW\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\, E\1/2\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\NE\1/
4\NE\1/4\, SE\1/4\NW\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\, E\1/2\SW\1/4\NW\1/4\NE\1/
4\NE\1/4\, E\1/2\NW\1/4\SW\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\, E\1/2\SW\1/4\NE\1/
4\NE\1/4\, N\1/2\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92858, 1.25 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, E\1/2\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92859, 8.75 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, NW\1/4\NE\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\, E\1/2\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/
4\, E\1/2\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\.
N-92860, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, NE\1/4\NW\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92861, 2.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 30, SW\1/4\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\SE\1/4\.
N-92862, 7.50 acres:
T. 22 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 33, N\1/2\SW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/4\, SE\1/4\SW\1/4\SW\1/4\SE\1/
N-92863, 5.00 acres:
T. 23 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 4, S\1/2\SE\1/4\NE\1/4\NW\1/4\.
N-92864, 37.26 acres:
T. 23 S., R. 61 E.,
Sec. 6, lot 7.
The areas described contain 516.18 acres.
A sales matrix is available on the BLM Web site at: https://
[[Page 46872]]
snplma. The sales matrix provides information specific to each sale
parcel such as legal description, physical location, encumbrances,
acreage, and FMV. The FMV for each parcel is available in the sales
matrix as soon as approved and no later than 30 days prior to the sale.
This proposed competitive sale is in conformance with the BLM Lqas
Vegas Resource Management Plan and decision LD-1, approved by Record of
Decision on October 5, 1998, and is in compliance with Section 203 of
FLPMA. The sale parcels were analyzed in the Las Vegas Valley Disposal
Boundary Environmental Impact Statement and approved by Record of
Decision on December 23, 2004. A parcel-specific Determination of
National Environmental Policy Act Adequacy document numbered DOI-BLM-
NV-S010-2014-0052-DNA was prepared in connection with this Notice of
Realty Action.
Submit comments on this sale Notice to the address in the ADDRESSES
section. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including any personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so. The BLM will also publish this Notice once a week for
three consecutive weeks in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Sale procedures: Registration for oral bidding will begin at 8 a.m.
Pacific Time and will end at 10 a.m. Pacific Time at the City of North
Las Vegas, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Council Chambers, North Las
Vegas, Nevada 89030, on the day of the sale. There will be no prior
registration before the sale date. To participate in the competitive
sale, all registered bidders must submit a bid guarantee deposit in the
amount of $10,000 by certified check, postal money order, bank draft,
or cashier's check made payable to the Department of the Interior--
Bureau of Land Management on the day of the sale or submit the bid
guarantee deposit along with the sealed bids. The public sale auction
will be through sealed and oral bids. Sealed bids will be opened and
recorded on the day of the sale to determine the high bids among the
qualified bids received. Sealed bids above the FMV will set the
starting point for oral bidding on a parcel. Parcels that receive no
qualified sealed bids will begin at the established FMV. Bidders who
are participating and attending the oral auction on the date of the
sale are not required to submit a sealed bid, but may choose to do so.
Sealed-bid envelopes must be clearly marked on the lower front left
corner with the parcel number and name of the sale, for example: ``N-
XXXXX, 40-parcel SNPLMA Sale 2014.'' Sealed bids must include an amount
not less than 20 percent of the total amount bid and the $10,000 bid
guarantee by certified check, postal money order, bank draft, or
cashier's check made payable to the ``Department of the Interior--
Bureau of Land Management.'' The bid guarantee and bid deposit may be
combined into one form of deposit; the bidder must specify the amounts
of the bid deposit and the bid guarantee. The BLM will not accept
personal or company checks. The sealed-bid envelope must contain the 20
percent bid deposit, bid guarantee, and a completed and signed
``Certificate of Eligibility'' form stating the name, mailing address,
and telephone number of the entity or person submitting the bid.
Certificate of Eligibility and registration forms are available at the
BLM-LVFO at the address listed in the ADDRESSES section and on the BLM
Web site at:
Pursuant to 43 CFR 2711.3-1(c), if two or more sealed-bid envelopes
containing valid bids of the same amount are received, oral bidding
will start at the sealed-bid amount. If there are no oral bids on the
parcel, the authorized officer will determine the winning bidder. Bids
for less than the federally approved FMV will not be qualified. The
highest qualifying bid for any parcel will be declared the high bid.
The apparent high bidder must submit a deposit of not less than 20
percent of the successful bid by 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the day of
the sale in the form of a certified check, postal money order, bank
draft, or cashier's check made payable in U.S. dollars to the
``Department of the Interior--Bureau of Land Management.'' Funds must
be delivered no later than 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the day of the
sale to the BLM Collection Officers at the City of North Las Vegas,
2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Council Chambers, North Las Vegas,
Nevada 89030. Funds will not be accepted at the BLM-LVFO. The BLM will
send the successful bidder(s) a high-bidder letter with detailed
information for full payment.
All funds submitted with unsuccessful bids will be returned to the
bidders or their authorized representative upon presentation of
acceptable photo identification at the BLM-LVFO or by certified mail.
If the apparent high bidder so chooses, the bid guarantee may be
applied towards the required deposit. Failure to submit the deposit
following the close of the sale under 43 CFR 2711.3-1(d) will result in
forfeiture of the bid guarantee. For bidders who offer to purchase more
than one parcel, the BLM will retain the bid guarantee, and may cancel
the sale of all the parcels to that bidder, if the bidder fails to
submit the bid deposit on any single parcel following the sale. If an
offer to purchase one parcel results in default, the BLM may retain the
bid deposit and cancel the sale to that bidder. If a high bidder is
unable to consummate the transaction for any reason, the second highest
bid may be considered to purchase the parcel. If there are no
acceptable bids, a parcel may remain available for sale at a future
date in accordance with competitive sale procedures without further
legal notice.
Federal law requires that bidders must be: (1) A citizen of the
United States 18 years of age or older; (2) A corporation subject to
the laws of any State or of the United States; (3) A State, State
instrumentality, or political subdivision authorized to hold property;
or (4) An entity legally capable of conveying and holding lands or
interests therein under the laws of the State of Nevada.
Evidence of United States citizenship is a birth certificate,
passport, or naturalization papers. Failure to submit the above
requested documents to the BLM within 30 days from receipt of the high-
bidder letter will result in cancellation of the sale and forfeiture of
the bid deposit. The successful bidder will be allowed 180 days from
the date of the sale to submit the remainder of the full purchase
Publication of this Notice in the Federal Register segregates the
subject lands from all forms of appropriation under the public land
laws, including the mining laws. Any subsequent application will not be
accepted, will not be considered as filed, and will be returned to the
applicant if the Notice segregates from the use applied for in the
application. The segregative effect of this Notice terminates upon
issuance of a patent or other document of conveyance to such lands,
publication in the Federal Register of a termination of the
segregation, or 2 years after the date of this publication, whichever
occurs first. The segregation period may not exceed 2 years unless
extended by the BLM State Director, Nevada, in accordance with 43 CFR
2711.1-2(d) prior to the termination date.
Terms and Conditions: All minerals for the sale parcels will be
reserved to
[[Page 46873]]
the United States. The patents, when issued, will contain a mineral
reservation to the United States for all minerals.
The parcels are subject to limitations prescribed by law and
regulation, and certain encumbrances in favor of third parties. Prior
to patent issuance, a holder of any right-of-way (ROW) within the sale
parcels will have the opportunity to amend the ROW for conversion to a
new term, including perpetuity, if applicable, or conversion to an
easement. The BLM will notify valid existing ROW holders of record of
their ability to convert their compliant rights-of-way to perpetual
rights-of-way or easement. In accordance with Federal regulations at 43
CFR 2807.15, once notified, each valid holder may apply for the
conversion of their current authorization.
The following numbered terms and conditions will appear on the
conveyance documents for the sale parcels:
1. All minerals deposits in the lands so patented, and to it, or
persons authorized by it, the right to prospect for, mine, and remove
such deposits from the same under applicable law and regulations to be
established by the Secretary of the Interior are reserved to the United
States, together with all necessary access and exit rights;
2. A right-of-way is reserved for ditches and canals constructed by
authority of the United States under the Act of August 30, 1890 (43
U.S.C. 945);
3. The parcels are subject to valid existing rights;
4. The parcels are subject to reservations for road, public
utilities and flood control purposes, both existing and proposed, in
accordance with the local governing entities' transportation plans; and
5. An appropriate indemnification clause protecting the United
States from claims arising out of the lessee's/patentee's use,
occupancy, or occupations on the leased/patented lands.
Pursuant to the requirements established by Section 120(h) of the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act,
42 U.S.C. 9620(h) (CERCLA), as amended, notice is hereby given that the
lands have been examined and no evidence was found to indicate that any
hazardous substances have been stored for 1 year or more, nor had any
hazardous substances been disposed of or released on the subject
No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is given by the United
States as to the title, whether or to what extent the land may be
developed, its physical condition, future uses, or any other
circumstance or condition. The conveyance of a parcel will not be on a
contingency basis. However, to the extent required by law, the parcel
is subject to the requirements of Section 120(h) of the CERCLA.
Unless the BLM authorized officer approved other satisfactory
arrangements in advance, conveyance of title will be through the use of
escrow. Designation of the escrow agent will be through mutual
agreement between the BLM and the prospective patentee, and costs of
escrow will be borne by the prospective patentee.
Request for escrow instructions must be received by the BLM-LVFO
prior to 30 days before the prospective patentee's scheduled closing
date. No exceptions will be made.
All name changes and supporting documentation must be received at
the BLM-LVFO 30 days from the date on the high-bidder letter by 4:30
p.m. Pacific Time. There are no exceptions. To submit a name change,
the apparent high bidder must submit the name change in writing on the
Certificate of Eligibility form to the BLM-LVFO.
The remainder of the full bid price for the parcel must be received
no later than 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time, within 180 days following the day
of the sale. Payment must be submitted in the form of a certified
check, postal money order, bank draft, cashier's check, or made
available by electronic fund transfer made payable in U.S. dollars to
the ``Department of the Interior--Bureau of Land Management'' to the
BLM-LVFO. The BLM will not accept personal or company checks.
Arrangements for electronic fund transfer to the BLM for payment of
the balance due must be made a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the payment
date. Failure to pay the full bid price prior to the expiration of the
180th day will disqualify the high bidder and cause the entire 20
percent bid deposit to be forfeited to the BLM. Forfeiture of the 20
percent bid deposit is in accordance with 43 CFR 2711.3-1(d). No
exceptions will be made. The BLM cannot accept the remainder of the bid
price after the 180th day of the sale date.
The BLM will not sign any documents related to 1031 Exchange
transactions. The timing for completion of such an exchange is the
bidder's responsibility. The BLM cannot be a party to any 1031
In accordance with 43 CFR 2711.3-1(f), within 30 days the BLM may
accept or reject any or all offers to purchase, or withdraw any parcel
of land or interest therein from sale if, in the opinion of a BLM
authorized officer, consummation of the sale would be inconsistent with
any law, or for other reasons as may be provided by applicable law or
regulations. No contractual or other rights against the United States
may accrue until the BLM officially accepts the offer to purchase and
the full bid price is paid.
Upon publication of this Notice and until completion of this sale,
the BLM is no longer accepting land use applications affecting the
parcel identified for sale. However, land use applications may be
considered after the sale if the parcel is not sold. The parcel may be
subject to land use applications received prior to publication of this
Notice if processing the application would have no adverse effect on
the marketability of title, or the FMV of the parcel. Information
concerning the sale, encumbrances of record, appraisals, reservations,
procedures and conditions, CERCLA, and other environmental documents
that may appear in the BLM public files for the proposed sale parcels
are available for review during business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, at the BLM-LVFO, except during
Federal holidays.
In order to determine the FMV through appraisal, certain
extraordinary assumptions and hypothetical conditions may have been
made concerning the attributes and limitations of the lands and
potential effects of local regulations and policies on potential future
land uses. Through publication of this Notice, the BLM advises that
these assumptions may not be endorsed or approved by units of local
It is the buyer's responsibility to be aware of all applicable
Federal, State, and local government laws, regulations and policies
that may affect the subject lands, including any required dedication of
lands for public uses. It is also the buyer's responsibility to be
aware of existing or prospective uses of nearby properties. When
conveyed out of Federal ownership, the lands will be subject to any
applicable laws, regulations, and policies of the applicable local
government for proposed future uses. It is the responsibility of the
purchaser to be aware through due diligence of those laws, regulations,
and policies, and to seek any required local approvals for future uses.
Buyers should make themselves aware of any Federal or State law or
regulation that may impact the future use of the property. Any land
lacking access from a public road or highway will be conveyed as such,
and future access acquisition will be the responsibility of the buyer.
[[Page 46874]]
Any comments regarding the proposed sale will be reviewed by the
BLM Nevada State Director or other authorized official of the
Department of the Interior, who may sustain, vacate, or modify this
realty action in response to such comments. In the absence of any
comments, this realty action will become the final determination of the
Department of the Interior.
Authority: 43 CFR 2711.1-2.
Vanessa Hice,
Assistant Field Manager, Division of Lands.
[FR Doc. 2014-18854 Filed 8-8-14; 8:45 am]