Newspapers Used for Publication of Legal Notice in the Rocky Mountain Region, Which Includes Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Parts of South Dakota and Wyoming, 46400-46401 [2014-18725]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 153 / Friday, August 8, 2014 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Register. The publication date in the
Federal Register is the only means for
calculating the comment period for the
DEIS. The Final EIS and draft ROD are
anticipated to be released in March 2014
for the objection filing period. The Final
FEIS and ROD are anticipated to be
released in June 2014.
The Forest Service believes, at this
early stage, it is important to give
reviewers notice of several court rulings
related to public participation in the
environmental review process. First,
reviewers of the DEIS must structure
their participation in the environmental
review of the proposal so that it is
meaningful and alerts an agency to the
reviewer’s position and contentions.
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. v.
NRDC, 435 U.S. 519, 553 (1978). Also,
environmental objections that could be
raised at the scoping, DEIS, or objection
filing stage but that are not raised until
after completion of the final
environmental impact statement and
final decision may be waived or
dismissed by the courts. City of Angoon
v. Hodel, 803 F. 2d 1016, 1022 (9th Cir.
1986) and Wisconsin Heritages, Inc. v.
Harris, 490 F. Supp. 1334, 1338 (E.D.
Wis. 1980). Because of these court
rulings, it is very important that those
interested in this proposed action
participate by the close of the formal
comment periods identified above so
that substantive comments and
objections are made available to the
Forest Service at a time when they can
be meaningfully considered and are able
to respond to them in the final
environmental impact statement and
To assist the Forest Service in
identifying and considering issues and
concerns on the proposed action,
comments should be as specific as
possible; to have standing to object
during the objection filing period,
specific written comments must be
provided as defined at 36 CFR part 218.
Reviewers may wish to refer to the
Council on Environmental Quality
Regulations for implementing the
procedural provisions of the National
Environmental Policy Act at 40 CFR
1503.3 in addressing these points.
Dated: July 31, 2014.
Cecilia R. Seesholtz,
Forest Supervisor, Boise National Forest.
Rocky Mountian Regional Office
[FR Doc. 2014–18809 Filed 8–7–14; 8:45 am]
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Forest Service
Newspapers Used for Publication of
Legal Notice in the Rocky Mountain
Region, Which Includes Colorado,
Kansas, Nebraska, and Parts of South
Dakota and Wyoming
Forest Service, USDA.
This notice lists the
newspapers that Ranger Districts,
Forests, and the Regional Office of the
Rocky Mountain Region will use to
publish legal notices required under 36
CFR part 218 and 219. The intended
effect of this action is to inform
interested members of the public which
newspapers will be used to publish
legal notices for opportunities to
comment or file an administrative
review on USDA Forest Service
Publication of legal notices in
the listed newspapers will begin on the
date of this publication and continue
until further notice.
USDA Forest Service, Rocky
Mountain Region; ATTN: Regional
Administrative Review Coordinator; 740
Simms Street, Golden, Colorado 80401.
Tu, Regional Administrative Review
Coordinator, 303–275–5156.
administrative review procedures at 36
CFR 218 and 219 require the Forest
Service to publish notices in a
newspaper of general circulation. The
content of the notices is specified in 36
CFR 218 and 219. In general, the notices
will identify: The decision or project, by
title or subject matter; the name and title
of the official making the decision; how
to obtain additional information; and
where and how to file comments or
requests for administrative review. The
date the notice is published will be used
to establish the official date for the
beginning of the comment or filing
period. The newspapers to be used are
as follows:
Regional Forester decisions affecting
National Forest System lands in
Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and those
portions of South Dakota and Wyoming
within the Rocky Mountain Region: The
Denver Post, published daily in Denver,
PO 00000
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Arapaho and Roosevelt National
Forests and Pawnee National
Grassland, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions:
Coloradoan, published daily in Fort
Collins, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Canyon
Lakes District: Coloradoan, published
daily in Fort Collins, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Pawnee
District: Greeley Tribune, published
daily in Greeley, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Boulder
District: Daily Camera, published daily
in Boulder, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Clear
Creek District: Clear Creek Courant,
published weekly in Idaho Springs,
District Ranger decisions for Sulphur
District: Middle Park Times, published
weekly in Granby, Colorado.
Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: Casper
Star-Tribune, published daily in Casper,
Natrona County, Wyoming.
District Ranger Decisions
Casper Star-Tribune, published daily
in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming.
Black Hills National Forest, South
Dakota and Eastern Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: The
Rapid City Journal, published daily in
Rapid City, Pennington County, South
District Ranger decision: The Rapid
City Journal, published daily in Rapid
City, Pennington County, South Dakota.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and
Gunnison National Forests, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: Grand
Junction Daily Sentinel, published daily
in Grand Junction, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Grand
Valley District: Grand Junction Daily
Sentinel, published daily in Grand
Junction, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Paonia
District: Delta County Independent,
published weekly in Delta, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for
Gunnison Districts: Gunnison Country
Times, published weekly in Gunnison,
District Ranger decisions for Norwood
District: Telluride Daily Planet,
published daily in Telluride, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Ouray
District: Montrose Daily Press,
published daily in Montrose, Colorado.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 153 / Friday, August 8, 2014 / Notices
Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests
and Thunder Basin National Grassland,
Colorado and Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: Laramie
Daily Boomerang, published daily in
Laramie, Albany County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Laramie
District: Laramie Daily Boomerang,
published daily in Laramie, Albany
County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Douglas
District: Casper Star-Tribune, published
daily in Casper, Natrona County,
District Ranger decisions for Brush
Creek-Hayden District: Rawlins Daily
Times, published daily in Rawlins,
Carbon County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Hahns
Peak-Bears Ears District: Steamboat
Pilot, published weekly in Steamboat
Springs, Routt County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Yampa
District: Steamboat Pilot, published
weekly in Steamboat Springs, Routt
County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Parks
District: Jackson County Star, published
weekly in Walden, Jackson County,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Nebraska National Forest, Nebraska
and South Dakota
Forest Supervisor decisions: The
Rapid City Journal, published daily in
Rapid City, Pennington County, South
District Ranger decisions for Bessey
District/Charles E. Bessey Tree Nursery:
The North Platte Telegraph, published
daily in North Platte, Lincoln County,
District Ranger decisions for Pine
Ridge District: The Rapid City Journal,
published daily in Rapid City,
Pennington County, South Dakota.
District Ranger decisions for Samuel
R. McKelvie National Forest: The North
Platte Telegraph, published daily in
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska.
District Ranger decisions for Fall
River and Wall Districts, Buffalo Gap
National Grassland: The Rapid City
Journal, published daily in Rapid City,
Pennington County, South Dakota.
District Ranger decisions for Fort
Pierre National Grassland: The Capital
Journal, published Monday through
Friday in Pierre, Hughes County, South
Pike and San Isabel National Forests
and Cimarron and Comanche National
Grasslands, Colorado and Kansas
Forest Supervisor decisions: Pueblo
Chieftain, published daily in Pueblo,
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District Ranger decisions for San
Carlos District: Pueblo Chieftain,
published daily in Pueblo, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for
Comanche District-Carrizo Unit:
Plainsman Herald, published weekly in
Springfield, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for
Comanche District-Timpas Unit:
Tribune Democrat, published daily in
La Junta, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Cimarron
District: The Elkhart Tri-State News,
published weekly in Elkhart, Kansas.
District Ranger decisions for South
Platte District: News Press, published
weekly in Castle Rock, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Leadville
District: Herald Democrat, published
weekly in Leadville, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Salida
District: The Mountain Mail, published
daily in Salida, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for South
Park District: Fairplay Flume, published
weekly in Bailey, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Pikes
Peak District: The Gazette, published
daily in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: Valley
Courier, published Tuesday through
Saturday in Alamosa, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for all
Districts: Valley Courier, published,
published Tuesday through Saturday in
Alamosa, Colorado.
San Juan National Forest, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: Durango
Herald, published daily in Durango, La
Plata County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for
Columbine and Pagosa Districts:
Durango Herald, published daily in
Durango, La Plata County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Dolores
District: Cortez Journal, published two
times per week in Cortez, Montezuma
County, Colorado.
Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: Cody
Enterprise, published twice weekly in
Cody, Park County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Clarks
Fork District: Powell Tribune, published
twice weekly in Powell, Park County,
District Ranger decisions for Wapiti
and Greybull Districts: Cody Enterprise,
published twice weekly in Cody, Park
County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Wind
River District: The Dubois Frontier,
published weekly in Dubois, Fremont
County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for
Washakie District: Lander Journal,
PO 00000
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published twice weekly in Lander,
Fremont County, Wyoming.
White River National Forest, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: The
Glenwood Springs Post Independent,
published daily in Glenwood Springs,
Garfield County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for AspenSopris District: Aspen Times, published
daily in Aspen, Pitkin County,
District Ranger decisions for Blanco
District: Rio Blanco Herald Times,
published weekly in Meeker, Rio Blanco
County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Dillon
District: Summit Daily, published daily
in Frisco, Summit County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for EagleHoly Cross District: Vail Daily,
published daily in Vail, Eagle County,
District Ranger decisions for Rifle
District: Citizen Telegram, published
weekly in Rifle, Garfield County,
Dated: July 30, 2014.
Bill Bass,
Acting Deputy Regional Forester, Resources,
Rocky Mountain Region.
[FR Doc. 2014–18725 Filed 8–7–14; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Meeting
Tuesday, August 12,
2014, 11:00 a.m. EDT.
PLACE: Broadcasting Board of
Governors, Cohen Building, Room 3321,
330 Independence Ave. SW.,
Washington, DC 20237.
SUBJECT: Notice of Closed Meeting of
the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
SUMMARY: The members of the
Broadcasting Board of Governors
(Board) will meet in a closed session to
consider the appointment of the
Director of Global Strategy for the
Agency. This meeting will be closed to
public observation pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552b(c)(6) in order to protect the privacy
interests of candidates considered but
not selected for the position. In
accordance with the Government in the
Sunshine Act and BBG policies, the
meeting will be recorded and a
transcript of the proceedings, subject to
the redaction of information protected
by 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6), will be made
available to the public. The publiclyreleasable transcript will be available for
download at within 21
days of the date of the meeting.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 153 (Friday, August 8, 2014)]
[Pages 46400-46401]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-18725]
Forest Service
Newspapers Used for Publication of Legal Notice in the Rocky
Mountain Region, Which Includes Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Parts
of South Dakota and Wyoming
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice lists the newspapers that Ranger Districts,
Forests, and the Regional Office of the Rocky Mountain Region will use
to publish legal notices required under 36 CFR part 218 and 219. The
intended effect of this action is to inform interested members of the
public which newspapers will be used to publish legal notices for
opportunities to comment or file an administrative review on USDA
Forest Service proposals.
DATES: Publication of legal notices in the listed newspapers will begin
on the date of this publication and continue until further notice.
ADDRESSES: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region; ATTN: Regional
Administrative Review Coordinator; 740 Simms Street, Golden, Colorado
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken Tu, Regional Administrative Review
Coordinator, 303-275-5156.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The administrative review procedures at 36
CFR 218 and 219 require the Forest Service to publish notices in a
newspaper of general circulation. The content of the notices is
specified in 36 CFR 218 and 219. In general, the notices will identify:
The decision or project, by title or subject matter; the name and title
of the official making the decision; how to obtain additional
information; and where and how to file comments or requests for
administrative review. The date the notice is published will be used to
establish the official date for the beginning of the comment or filing
period. The newspapers to be used are as follows:
Rocky Mountian Regional Office
Regional Forester decisions affecting National Forest System lands
in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and those portions of South Dakota and
Wyoming within the Rocky Mountain Region: The Denver Post, published
daily in Denver, Colorado.
Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland,
Forest Supervisor decisions: Coloradoan, published daily in Fort
Collins, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Canyon Lakes District: Coloradoan,
published daily in Fort Collins, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Pawnee District: Greeley Tribune,
published daily in Greeley, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Boulder District: Daily Camera,
published daily in Boulder, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Clear Creek District: Clear Creek
Courant, published weekly in Idaho Springs, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Sulphur District: Middle Park Times,
published weekly in Granby, Colorado.
Bighorn National Forest, Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: Casper Star-Tribune, published daily
in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming.
District Ranger Decisions
Casper Star-Tribune, published daily in Casper, Natrona County,
Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Eastern Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: The Rapid City Journal, published
daily in Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.
District Ranger decision: The Rapid City Journal, published daily
in Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: Grand Junction Daily Sentinel,
published daily in Grand Junction, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Grand Valley District: Grand Junction
Daily Sentinel, published daily in Grand Junction, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Paonia District: Delta County
Independent, published weekly in Delta, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Gunnison Districts: Gunnison Country
Times, published weekly in Gunnison, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Norwood District: Telluride Daily
Planet, published daily in Telluride, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Ouray District: Montrose Daily Press,
published daily in Montrose, Colorado.
[[Page 46401]]
Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National
Grassland, Colorado and Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: Laramie Daily Boomerang, published
daily in Laramie, Albany County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Laramie District: Laramie Daily
Boomerang, published daily in Laramie, Albany County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Douglas District: Casper Star-
Tribune, published daily in Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Brush Creek-Hayden District: Rawlins
Daily Times, published daily in Rawlins, Carbon County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Hahns Peak-Bears Ears District:
Steamboat Pilot, published weekly in Steamboat Springs, Routt County,
District Ranger decisions for Yampa District: Steamboat Pilot,
published weekly in Steamboat Springs, Routt County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Parks District: Jackson County Star,
published weekly in Walden, Jackson County, Colorado.
Nebraska National Forest, Nebraska and South Dakota
Forest Supervisor decisions: The Rapid City Journal, published
daily in Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.
District Ranger decisions for Bessey District/Charles E. Bessey
Tree Nursery: The North Platte Telegraph, published daily in North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska.
District Ranger decisions for Pine Ridge District: The Rapid City
Journal, published daily in Rapid City, Pennington County, South
District Ranger decisions for Samuel R. McKelvie National Forest:
The North Platte Telegraph, published daily in North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
District Ranger decisions for Fall River and Wall Districts,
Buffalo Gap National Grassland: The Rapid City Journal, published daily
in Rapid City, Pennington County, South Dakota.
District Ranger decisions for Fort Pierre National Grassland: The
Capital Journal, published Monday through Friday in Pierre, Hughes
County, South Dakota.
Pike and San Isabel National Forests and Cimarron and Comanche National
Grasslands, Colorado and Kansas
Forest Supervisor decisions: Pueblo Chieftain, published daily in
Pueblo, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for San Carlos District: Pueblo
Chieftain, published daily in Pueblo, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Comanche District-Carrizo Unit:
Plainsman Herald, published weekly in Springfield, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Comanche District-Timpas Unit:
Tribune Democrat, published daily in La Junta, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Cimarron District: The Elkhart Tri-
State News, published weekly in Elkhart, Kansas.
District Ranger decisions for South Platte District: News Press,
published weekly in Castle Rock, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Leadville District: Herald Democrat,
published weekly in Leadville, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Salida District: The Mountain Mail,
published daily in Salida, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for South Park District: Fairplay Flume,
published weekly in Bailey, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Pikes Peak District: The Gazette,
published daily in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: Valley Courier, published Tuesday
through Saturday in Alamosa, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for all Districts: Valley Courier,
published, published Tuesday through Saturday in Alamosa, Colorado.
San Juan National Forest, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: Durango Herald, published daily in
Durango, La Plata County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Columbine and Pagosa Districts:
Durango Herald, published daily in Durango, La Plata County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Dolores District: Cortez Journal,
published two times per week in Cortez, Montezuma County, Colorado.
Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming
Forest Supervisor decisions: Cody Enterprise, published twice
weekly in Cody, Park County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Clarks Fork District: Powell Tribune,
published twice weekly in Powell, Park County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Wapiti and Greybull Districts: Cody
Enterprise, published twice weekly in Cody, Park County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Wind River District: The Dubois
Frontier, published weekly in Dubois, Fremont County, Wyoming.
District Ranger decisions for Washakie District: Lander Journal,
published twice weekly in Lander, Fremont County, Wyoming.
White River National Forest, Colorado
Forest Supervisor decisions: The Glenwood Springs Post Independent,
published daily in Glenwood Springs, Garfield County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Aspen-Sopris District: Aspen Times,
published daily in Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Blanco District: Rio Blanco Herald
Times, published weekly in Meeker, Rio Blanco County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Dillon District: Summit Daily,
published daily in Frisco, Summit County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Eagle-Holy Cross District: Vail
Daily, published daily in Vail, Eagle County, Colorado.
District Ranger decisions for Rifle District: Citizen Telegram,
published weekly in Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado.
Dated: July 30, 2014.
Bill Bass,
Acting Deputy Regional Forester, Resources, Rocky Mountain Region.
[FR Doc. 2014-18725 Filed 8-7-14; 8:45 am]