Implementation of Understandings Reached at the 2005, 2012, and 2013 Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Plenary Meetings and a 2009 NSG Intersessional Decision; Additions to the List of NSG Participating Countries, 46315-46333 [2014-18064]
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Vol. 79
No. 152
August 7, 2014
Part II
Department of Commerce
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 738, 740, 742, et al.
Implementation of Understandings Reached at the 2005, 2012, and 2013
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Plenary Meetings and a 2009 NSG
Intersessional Decision; Additions to the List of NSG Participating
Countries; Final Rule
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 738, 740, 742, 744, 772,
and 774
[Docket No. 090130094–3271–01]
RIN 0694–AD58
Implementation of Understandings
Reached at the 2005, 2012, and 2013
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
Plenary Meetings and a 2009 NSG
Intersessional Decision; Additions to
the List of NSG Participating Countries
Bureau of Industry and
Security, Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
The Bureau of Industry and
Security (BIS) is publishing this final
rule to amend the Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) to
implement the understandings reached
at the 2005 Nuclear Suppliers Group
(NSG) Plenary meeting held in Oslo,
Norway; the 2012 NSG Plenary meeting
held in Seattle, Washington; and the
2013 NSG Plenary meeting held in
Prague, Czech Republic. This rule also
implements a decision adopted under
the NSG intersessional silent approval
procedures in December 2009.
Accordingly, this rule amends certain
entries in Category 1 (‘‘Special Materials
and Related Equipment’’), Category 2
(‘‘Materials Processing’’), Category 3
(‘‘Electronics’’), and Category 6
(‘‘Sensors and Lasers’’) of the Commerce
Control List (CCL) to reflect changes in
the Annex to the NSG ‘‘Guidelines for
the Transfer of Nuclear-Related DualUse Equipment, Materials, Software and
Related Technology’’ (the NSG Annex)
based on the understandings reached at
the 2005, 2012, and 2013 NSG Plenary
meetings and the aforementioned 2009
NSG intersessional decision. Consistent
with the 2005 NSG understandings, this
rule also amends the export licensing
policies in the EAR that apply to items
that require a license for nuclear
nonproliferation (NP) reasons, or as a
result of certain nuclear end-users or
end-uses, by adding an additional factor
that must be considered by BIS when it
reviews license applications involving
such items, end-users, and/or end-uses.
The 2012 and 2013 NSG Plenary
understandings are a continuation of the
fundamental review of the NSG control
lists that was launched at the 2010 NSG
Plenary meeting in Christchurch, New
Finally, this rule amends the EAR to
reflect the status of Croatia, Estonia,
Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, and
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Serbia as participating countries in the
NSG, first, by adding these countries to
the list of participating countries in the
definition of ‘‘Nuclear Suppliers Group’’
and to Country Group A:4 (Nuclear
Suppliers Group countries) and, second,
by removing the license requirements
for exports and reexports to these
countries of certain items controlled for
nuclear nonproliferation (NP) reasons.
DATES: This rule is effective August 7,
ADDRESSES: Send comments regarding
this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing the burden, to
Jasmeet Seehra, Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), by email to Jasmeet_, or by fax to
(202) 395–7285; and to the Regulatory
Policy Division, Bureau of Industry and
Security, Department of Commerce,
14th Street & Pennsylvania Avenue
NW., Room 2705, Washington, DC
Steven Clagett, Director, Nuclear and
Missile Technology Controls Division,
Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty
Compliance, Bureau of Industry and
Security, Telephone: (202) 482–3550.
The Bureau of Industry and Security
(BIS) is amending the Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) as
follows: (1) To reflect the
understandings reached at the NSG
Plenary meeting held in Oslo, Norway,
on June 23–24, 2005, the NSG Plenary
meeting held in Seattle, Washington, on
June 18–22, 2012, and the NSG Plenary
meeting held in Prague, Czech Republic,
on June 13–14, 2013; (2) to implement
a 2009 NSG intersessional decision; (3)
to reflect the addition of several
participating governments to the
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG); and (4)
to make corrections to certain nuclearrelated entries on the CCL. The NSG is
a multilateral export control forum that
currently consists of 48 participating
countries. The NSG maintains a list of
dual-use items that could be used for
nuclear proliferation activities. The list
is maintained in the Annex to the NSG’s
‘‘Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear
Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials,
Software, and Related Technology’’
(hereinafter the ‘‘NSG Annex’’). NSG
participating countries share a
commitment to prevent nuclear
proliferation and the development of
nuclear-related weapons of mass
destruction. In furtherance of that
commitment, they have agreed to
impose export controls on listed items.
The NSG Guidelines and the Annex
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thereto are designed to ensure that
nuclear trade for peaceful purposes does
not contribute to the proliferation of
nuclear weapons or related proliferation
Updates To Reflect Additional
Participating Governments to the NSG
At the NSG Plenary meeting held in
Goteborg, Sweden, on May 27–28, 2004,
Estonia, Lithuania, Malta, and the
People’s Republic of China were
approved as new participating
governments to the NSG. Croatia was
approved as a new NSG participating
government at the aforementioned 2005
NSG Plenary meeting and Iceland was
approved as a new NSG participating
government at the NSG Plenary meeting
held in Budapest, Hungary, on June 11–
12, 2009. Most recently, Mexico was
approved as a new NSG participating
government during the intersessional
period following the NSG Plenary
meeting held in Seattle, Washington, on
June 18–22, 2012, and Serbia was
approved in April 2013, following
consultations with its government.
To reflect the status of these countries
as participating governments in the
NSG, this final rule amends the EAR by
adding all eight countries to the
definition of ‘‘Nuclear Suppliers Group’’
in Section 772.1 of the EAR. This rule
also amends Supplement No. 1 to part
740 of the EAR by adding all of these
countries, except the People’s Republic
of China, to Country Group A:4 (Nuclear
Suppliers Group). In addition, this rule
amends the Commerce Country Chart
(Supplement No. 1 to Part 738 of the
EAR) by revising certain license
requirements that apply to these
countries to be consistent with those
that apply to other participating
governments in the NSG. Specifically,
this rule removes certain nuclear
nonproliferation (NP) license
requirements for all of these countries,
except the People’s Republic of China.
As a result of the changes made by this
rule, Croatia, Estonia, Iceland,
Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, and Serbia are
no longer designated as NP Column 1
destinations on the Commerce Country
Consistent with the changes described
above, this rule amends Section
742.3(a)(1) of the EAR to clarify that
exports and reexports of items on the
Commerce Control List (CCL)
(Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 of the
EAR) that are controlled for nuclear
nonproliferation reasons to destinations
indicated under NP Column 1 on the
Commerce Country Chart do not require
a license, based on this reason for
control, to those NSG member countries
that are listed under Country Group A:4
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
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in Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the
EAR. With the addition of Croatia,
Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta,
Mexico, and Serbia, all of the countries
whose governments participate in the
NSG, except the People’s Republic of
China, are now listed in Country Group
2005 NSG Plenary Changes
At the 2005 NSG Plenary meeting, the
participating governments agreed to the
addition of another factor for reviewing
license applications to export items
listed on the NSG Annex. This new
factor is intended to address exports to
countries that experience a significant
number of export transactions in the
form of transshipments. Specifically, the
participating governments agreed to
consider whether the country receiving
an export has in place sufficient export
controls to prevent an unacceptable risk
of diversion or transfer to a nuclear
proliferation activity. This final rule
implements this NSG agreement by
amending the nuclear nonproliferation
licensing policies in Section 742.3(b)(1)
of the EAR to add a new paragraph
(b)(1)(ix), which includes the new NSG
licensing factor, and to make editorial
conforming changes in paragraphs
(b)(1)(vii) and (b)(1)(viii)(F). In addition,
this rule amends the nuclear end-user/
end-use licensing review standards in
Section 744.2(d) of the EAR by adding
a new paragraph (d)(9), which includes
the new NSG licensing factor, and by
making editorial conforming changes in
paragraphs (d)(7) and (d)(8)(vi).
NSG participating governments also
agreed at the 2005 Plenary meeting to
revise the NSG Annex to clarify that it
includes in section 1.B.2.b and .c,
respectively, machine tools for milling
and grinding that have five or more
axes, which can be coordinated
simultaneously for ‘‘contouring
control.’’ This rule amends ECCN 2B201
to implement this NSG clarification by
revising the ‘‘List of Items Controlled’’
in the ECCN to specifically identify 5axis machine tools for milling and
grinding under new paragraphs .b.3 and
.c.3, respectively. Prior to the
publication of this rule, ECCN 2B201
stated that it controlled milling and
grinding machines with ‘‘two or more’’
axes, but did not specifically identify
the 5-axis machine tools for milling and
grinding that are controlled under this
ECCN. The addition of language to
ECCN 2B201 that specifically identifies
certain 5-axis machine tools for grinding
and milling is intended to clarify the
control parameters for this ECCN. This
change does not expand the scope of
these controls. Note that the positioning
accuracy values identified in ECCN
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2B201.a, .b, and .c are different from
those stated in 1.B.2.a, .b, & .c on the
NSG Annex, because the former are
based on ISO 230/2 (2006), instead of
ISO 230/2 (1988), which is still being
used by the NSG. BIS adjusted the
positioning accuracy values identified
in ECCN 2B201.a, .b, and .c to ensure
that there would be no discrepancy
between the scope of the controls
described in ECCN 2B201 and the
corresponding controls indicated in
1.B.2.a, .b, & .c on the NSG Annex.
Specifically, in 2B201.a and .b.1, this
results in an adjustment from 6 mm to
4.5 mm. In paragraph .b of the Note to
2B201.b, the resulting adjustment is
from 30 mm to 22.5 mm. In 2B201.c, the
resulting adjustment is from 4 mm to 3
mm. ECCN 2B201 was updated to reflect
ISO 230/2 (2006), consistent with the
standard used in ECCN 2B001, by the
rule (77 FR 39354, July 2, 2012) that
implemented the agreements made at
the 2011 Wassenaar Arrangement (WA)
This rule also adds a new Note under
ECCN 2B201, at the beginning of the
‘‘List of Items Controlled,’’ to indicate
that this ECCN does not control special
purpose machine tools limited to the
manufacture of gears, crankshafts or
cam shafts, tools or cutters, and extruder
worms. In addition, this rule adds a
Technical Note, at the end of the ECCN,
to clarify that 2B201.b.3 and 2B201.c.3
include machines based on a parallel
linear kinematic design (e.g. hexapods)
that have 5 or more axes, none of which
are rotary axes.
2009 NSG Intersessional Changes
This rule amends ECCN 2B206 to
conform with the changes that the NSG
made to the entry 1.B.3.a on the NSG
Annex as a result of a decision that was
adopted under the NSG intersessional
silent approval procedures in December
2009. Specifically, this rule amends the
heading of 2B206.a to refer to the more
inclusive term ‘‘coordinate measuring
machines (CMM),’’ instead of
‘‘dimensional inspection machines,’’
and revises 2B206.a.2 by updating the
international standard referenced
therein to read ‘‘ISO 10360–2 (2009).’’
However, the NSG revisions to 1.B.3.a,
which are reflected in the amended text
of 2B206.a.2, retain a one-dimensional
length measurement error parameter
and the same value for that error
parameter for establishing the export
control threshold.
2012 NSG Plenary Changes
At the 2012 NSG Plenary meeting, the
participating governments agreed to
modify controls on a number of items
identified in the NSG Annex. Consistent
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with the 2012 plenary changes to
section 3.B.4.a.3 of the NSG Annex, this
rule revises ECCN 1B201.a.3 to control
filament winding machines that, in
addition to the characteristics described
in 1B201.a.1 and .a.2, are capable of
winding cylindrical tubes with an
internal diameter between 75 mm and
650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or
greater. Prior to the publication of this
rule, ECCN 1B201.a.3 stated that
controls applied to filament winding
machines capable of winding
cylindrical rotors of diameter between
75 mm (3 in.) and 400 mm (16 in.) and
lengths of 600 mm (24 in.) or greater.
To reflect the removal of section 4.B.3
(ammonia synthesis converters or
synthesis units) from the NSG Annex,
this rule amends the CCL to remove
ECCN 1B227, which listed these items
prior to the publication of this rule. This
rule also makes related conforming
changes to the CCL by amending the
control language for NP Column 1 in the
License Requirements section of ECCN
1E001 (‘‘development’’ and
‘‘production’’ ‘‘technology’’) and the
heading of ECCN 1E201 (‘‘use’’
‘‘technology’’) to reflect the removal of
ECCN 1B227 from the CCL. Ammonia
synthesis converters or synthesis units
that are ‘‘specially designed’’ or
prepared for heavy water production,
utilizing the ammonia-hydrogen
exchange process, are included on the
NSG Trigger List under section 2.6
(Plants for the production or
concentration of heavy water, deuterium
and deuterium compounds and
‘‘specially designed’’ or prepared
equipment therefor) and are specifically
identified in Annex B (Clarification of
Items on the Trigger List) under section
6.6. Such items are subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR
part 110 and Appendix K to part 110).
Consistent with the 2012 NSG Plenary
changes to section 2.B.2 in the NSG
Annex, this rule amends ECCN 1B233.b
to revise the controls on lithium isotope
separation equipment. Specifically,
ECCN 1B233.b is amended to specify
that it controls lithium isotope
separation equipment based on the
lithium-mercury amalgam process.
ECCN 1B233 also is amended by adding
controls, under new paragraphs .c and
.d, on ion exchange systems and
chemical exchange systems,
respectively, that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for lithium isotope separation
and on ‘‘specially designed’’ parts for
such systems. BIS has export licensing
jurisdiction over the equipment and
systems described in ECCN 1B233.b, .c,
or .d, but the facilities and plants
described in ECCN 1B233.a are subject
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
to the export licensing authority of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10
CFR part 110). However, certain lithium
isotope separation equipment and
components for the plasma separation
process (PSP) that are described in
1B233.b through .d are also directly
applicable to uranium isotope
separation and are subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission. This rule
amends the Related Controls paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled by ECCN
1B233 to include a statement to this
In addition, this rule amends ECCN
1C216 to reflect a change to the controls
on maraging steel described in section
2.C.11 of the NSG Annex. Specifically,
ECCN 1C216 is amended to control
maraging steel capable of an ultimate
tensile strength of 1,950 MPa or more at
293 K (20 °C). Prior to the publication
of this rule, ECCN 1C216 controlled
maraging steel capable of an ultimate
tensile strength of 2,050 MPa or more at
293 K (20 °C).
This rule also amends ECCN 2B230 to
reflect the 2012 NSG plenary changes to
section 3.A.7 (Pressure transducers) on
the NSG Annex. Specifically, the
heading of ECCN 2B230 is amended to
indicate that this entry controls all types
of pressure transducers that are capable
of measuring absolute pressures and
have all of the characteristics identified
in 2B230.a through .c. Paragraph .a of
ECCN 2B230 is amended to add
pressure sensing elements made of, or
protected by, aluminum oxide (alumina
or sapphire) or fully fluorinated
hydrocarbon polymers. A new
paragraph .b is added to include seals
essential for sealing the pressure sensing
element, and in direct contact with the
process medium, that are made of, or
protected by, aluminum, aluminum
alloy, aluminum oxide (alumina or
sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more
than 60% nickel by weight, or fully
fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers.
Newly redesignated paragraph .c (which
was paragraph .b prior to the
publication of this rule) is amended in
subparagraph .c.2 to specify a full scale
of 13 kPa or greater and an accuracy of
better than ± 130 Pa when measuring at
13 kPa. In addition, the Related
Definitions paragraph in the List of
Items Controlled is amended to indicate
that, for purposes of ECCN 2B230,
‘‘pressure transducers’’ are devices that
convert pressure measurements into a
signal. Prior to the publication of this
rule, the definition specified the
conversion of pressure measurements
into an electrical signal.
This rule adds a new ECCN 2B233 to
control certain bellows-sealed scroll-
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type compressors and bellows-sealed
scroll-type vacuum pumps, consistent
with the 2012 NSG Plenary decision to
add such compressors and pumps to the
NSG Annex under new section 3.A.9.
Specifically, this new ECCN controls
bellows-sealed scroll-type compressors
and bellows-sealed scroll-type vacuum
pumps capable of an inlet volume flow
rate of 50 m3/h or greater and a pressure
ratio of 2:1 or greater with all surfaces
that come in contact with the process
gas made from any of the following:
Aluminum or aluminum alloy,
aluminum oxide, stainless steel, nickel
or nickel alloy, phosphor bronze, or
fluoropolymers. Because new ECCN
2B233 and ECCN 2B231 both control
certain vacuum pumps, the Related
Controls paragraph in each ECCN crossreferences the other ECCN. These
Related Controls paragraphs also crossreference vacuum pumps subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR
part 110) that are ‘‘specially designed’’
or prepared for the separation of
uranium isotopes. This rule also makes
related conforming changes to the CCL
by amending the control language for
NP Column 1 in the License
Requirements section of ECCN 2E001
(‘‘development’’ ‘‘technology’’) and
ECCN 2E002 (‘‘production’’
‘‘technology’’) and by amending the
heading of ECCN 2E201 (‘‘use’’
‘‘technology’’) to reflect the addition of
ECCN 2B233 to the CCL.
This rule amends ECCN 3A225 to
revise controls on frequency changers
and generators to reflect the 2012 NSG
Plenary changes to section 3.A.1 on the
NSG Annex. Specifically, this rule
amends ECCN 3A225 to control
frequency changers or generators that
are usable as a variable frequency or
fixed frequency motor drive, have a
multiphase output providing a power of
40 VA or greater, operate at a frequency
of 600 Hz or more, and have a frequency
control better (less) than 0.2%. This rule
also adds two new Notes to ECCN
3A225. The first Note indicates that
ECCN 3A225 controls frequency
changers intended for use in specific
industrial machinery and/or consumer
goods (machine tools, vehicles, etc.)
only if the frequency changers can meet
the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 3A225 when
removed from the machinery and/or
goods. This Note, however, does not
exclude from control under ECCN
3A225 any frequency changer described
therein that is the principal element of
a non-controlled item and that can
feasibly be removed or used for other
purposes. The second new Note
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recommends that, when determining
whether a particular frequency changer
meets or exceeds the performance
characteristics described in ECCN
3A225, both hardware and ‘‘software’’
performance constraints must be
considered. This rule also adds two new
Technical Notes to ECCN 3A225. The
first Technical Note indicates that the
frequency changers controlled by ECCN
3A225 are also known as converters or
inverters (this Technical Note was
included in the NSG Annex prior to the
2012 NSG Plenary, but was not
previously included in ECCN 3A225).
The second Technical Note, which was
added to the NSG Annex as part of the
2012 NSG Plenary changes, indicates
that the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 3A225 also may be
met by certain equipment marketed as:
Generators, electronic test equipment,
AC power supplies, variable speed
motor drives, variable speed drives
(VSDs), variable frequency drives
(VFDs), adjustable frequency drives
(AFDs), or adjustable speed drives
This rule also amends the CCL to
control certain ‘‘software’’ related to the
equipment described in ECCN 3A225.
ECCN 3D201 is added to control
‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of equipment described in ECCN
3A225 and ECCN 3D202 is added to
control ‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’
to enhance or release the performance
characteristics of frequency changers or
generators to meet or exceed the level of
the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 3A225. New ECCN
3D202 controls both of the following: (1)
‘‘Software’’ or encryption keys/codes
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or
release the performance characteristics
of equipment that is not controlled by
ECCN 3A225, so that such equipment
meets or exceeds the performance
characteristics of equipment controlled
by that ECCN; and (2) ‘‘software’’
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or
release the performance characteristics
of equipment that is controlled by ECCN
3A225. The controls in new ECCN
3D202 reflect the 2012 NSG Plenary
changes to the ‘‘software’’ controls
described in section 3.D of the NSG
Annex (specifically, the addition of new
3.D.2 and 3.D.3).
Consistent with the addition of new
ECCNs 3D201 and 3D202 to the CCL (as
described above) and with the controls
in 3.E.1 on the NSG Annex, this rule
also adds a new ECCN 3E202 to control
‘‘technology’’ for the ‘‘development,’’
‘‘production,’’ or ‘‘use’’ of ‘‘software’’
controlled by ECCN 3D201 or 3D202.
This rule amends ECCN 6A005,
consistent with the 2012 NSG Plenary
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
changes to 3.A.2 on the NSG Annex.
First, 3.A.2.a.2 (copper vapor lasers) was
revised to lower the specified ‘‘average
output power’’ from ‘‘equal to or greater
than 40 W’’ to ‘‘equal to or greater than
30 W.’’ Second, a new 3.A.2.j was added
to control certain pulsed carbon
monoxide lasers. In response to these
NSG changes and to further clarify the
scope of the NP controls in ECCN
6A005, this rule revises the ‘‘Control(s)’’
language for ‘‘Country Chart—NP
Column 1’’ in the License Requirements
section of ECCN 6A005 to indicate that
NP controls apply to lasers controlled
by 6A005.a.2, a.3, a.4, b.2.b, b.3, b.4,
b.6.c, c.1.b, c.2.b, d.2, d.3.c, or d.4.c that
meet or exceed the technical parameters
described in ECCN 6A205. Note that the
‘‘License Requirements Note’’ (NP
controls on ‘‘lasers’’ controlled by
6A005) in the License Requirements
section of ECCN 6A005 was removed by
the Wassenaar Arrangement 2013
Plenary Agreements Implementation
rule that BIS published in the Federal
Register on August 4, 2014.
This rule amends ECCN 6A205
(which controls ‘‘lasers,’’ ‘‘laser’’
amplifiers and oscillators, other than
those controlled by 6A005, but excludes
items subject to the export licensing
authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission) by revising the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section to conform, entirely, with the
controls described in 3.A.2 on the NSG
Annex. Specifically, copper vapor
lasers, alexandrite lasers, and pulsed
excimer lasers, as described in 3.A.2 on
the NSG Annex, are now listed in ECCN
6A205; however, most of these lasers
continue to be controlled for NS
(national security) reasons, as well as
NP and AT (anti-terrorism) reasons,
under ECCN 6A005. In addition, this
rule amends ECCN 6A205 to list the
lasers in the order in which they appear
in 3.A.2 on the NSG Annex. This rule
also adds a new paragraph .j to ECCN
6A205 to reflect the 2012 NSG Plenary
changes to section 3.A.2 on the NSG
Annex (specifically, the addition of
3.A.2.j). New ECCN 6A205.j controls
pulsed carbon monoxide lasers
operating at wavelengths between 5,000
and 6,000 nm that have a repetition rate
greater than 250 Hz, an average output
power greater than 200 W, and a pulse
width of less than 200 ns. A new Note
to ECCN 6A205.j indicates that these
controls do not capture the higher
power (typically 1 to 5 kW) industrial
CO lasers that are used in applications
such as cutting and welding, because
such lasers are either continuous wave
or are pulsed with a pulse width greater
than 200 ns.
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2013 NSG Plenary Changes
At the 2013 NSG Plenary meeting, the
participating governments agreed to
modify controls on a number of items
identified in the NSG Annex. Consistent
with the 2013 plenary changes to
section 4.B.2.d of the NSG Annex, this
rule revises 1B228.d to control
hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns
with an internal diameter of 30 cm or
greater and ‘‘effective lengths’’ of 4 m or
greater. Prior to the publication of this
rule, 1B228.d controlled hydrogencryogenic distillation columns with an
internal diameter of 1 m or greater and
‘‘effective lengths’’ of 5 m or greater. In
addition, this rule amends the ‘‘Related
Definitions’’ paragraph in the List of
Items Controlled section of ECCN 1B228
to include a definition of the term
‘‘effective length.’’ For purposes of this
ECCN, ‘‘effective length’’ means the
active height of packing material in a
packed-type column, or the active
height of internal contactor plates in a
plate-type column.
Consistent with the addition of 5.B.7
to the NSG Annex, this rule adds new
ECCN 1B234 to the CCL to control
certain high explosive containment
vessels, chambers, containers, and other
similar containment devices designed
for the testing of high explosives or
explosive devices. New ECCN 1B234
controls any such equipment, not
enumerated in ECCN 1B608 or in USML
Category IV or V on the ITAR (see 22
CFR parts 120 through 130), that: (1) Is
designed to fully contain an explosion
equivalent to 2 kg of TNT or greater; and
(2) has design elements or features
enabling real time or delayed transfer of
diagnostic or measurement information.
In addition, this rule makes conforming
amendments to ECCNs 1E001 and
1E201 to reflect the addition of new
ECCN 1B234. Specifically, ECCN 1E001
is amended by revising the NP Column
1 paragraph in the License
Requirements section to indicate that
this ECCN contains NP controls on
‘‘development’’ and ‘‘production’’
‘‘technology’’ for equipment described
in new ECCN 1B234 (note that AT
controls apply to all items in 1E001).
ECCN 1E201 is amended by revising the
heading of the ECCN to indicate that
1E201 controls ‘‘technology’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of equipment described in new
ECCN 1B234.
This rule also amends ECCN 1C236 to
reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes to
2.C.19 in the NSG Annex, which
included: (1) Revising the heading of
2.C.19 to indicate that this paragraph
applies to radionuclides that are
‘‘appropriate for making neutron
sources based on alpha-n reaction;’’ and
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(2) identifying specific types of
radionuclides to which 2.C.19 applies.
Specifically, this rule revises the
heading of ECCN 1C236 to indicate that
this ECCN controls radionuclides
appropriate for making neutron sources
based on alpha-n reaction and products
or devices containing such
radionuclides. This rule also revises the
‘‘Items’’ paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section of ECCN 1C236.
First, new 1C236.a.1 identifies the
twenty-one radionuclides that are
controlled under this ECCN, all of
which are ‘‘appropriate for making
neutron sources based on alpha-n
reaction.’’ Second, new 1C236.a.2 states
that the radionuclides identified in
1C236.a.1 are controlled by ECCN
1C236 only if they are in one of the
following forms identified in
1C236.a.2.a through .a.2.c: (1)
Elemental; (2) compounds having a total
activity of 37 GBq (1 curie) per kg or
greater; or (3) mixtures having a total
activity of 37 GBq (1 curie) per kg or
greater. Third, 1C236.b, as revised,
indicates that ECCN 1C236 also controls
products or devices containing
radionuclides identified in new
1C236.a.1 in any of the forms described
in new 1C236.a.2. In structural terms,
the control language that was included
in 1C236.a, .b, and .c, prior to the
publication of this rule, has been folded
into new 1C236.a.2.a through .a.2.c,
respectively; the control language that
was in 1C236.d has been moved to
revised 1C236.b; and new 1C236.a.1 has
been added to list the specific
radionuclides that are controlled under
this ECCN (all of which must be in one
of the forms identified in 1C236.a.2.a
through .a.2.c).
Consistent with the addition of 2.C.20
to the NSG Annex, this rule adds new
ECCN 1C241 to the CCL to control
rhenium and alloys containing rhenium
(i.e., alloys with 90% by weight or more
of rhenium or alloys with 90% by
weight or more of any combination of
rhenium and tungsten) that: (1) Are in
forms with a hollow cylindrical
symmetry (including cylinder segments)
with an inside diameter between 100
mm and 300 mm; and (2) have a mass
greater than 20 kg. In addition, this rule
makes conforming amendments to
ECCNs 1E001 and 1E201 to reflect the
addition of new ECCN 1C241.
Specifically, ECCN 1E001 is amended
by revising the NP Column 1 paragraph
in the License Requirements section to
indicate that this ECCN contains NP
controls on ‘‘development’’ and
‘‘production’’ ‘‘technology’’ for rhenium
and alloys containing rhenium
described in new ECCN 1C241 (note
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
that AT controls apply to all items in
1E001). In addition, ECCN 1E201 is
amended by revising the heading of the
ECCN to indicate that 1E201 controls
‘‘technology’’ for the ‘‘use’’ of rhenium
and alloys containing rhenium
described in new ECCN 1C241.
This rule amends ECCN 2A225 to
reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes to
2.A.1.a in the NSG Annex. Specifically,
ECCN 2A225.a.1 is amended to clarify
that the volume controlled is described
in ‘‘liters.’’ This rule also amends
2A225.b.1 and .c.1 to make the same
clarification, consistent with the control
language in 2.A.1.b.1 and .c.1 in the
NSG Annex (these NSG Annex
paragraphs already specified ‘‘liters’’
prior to the 2013 NSG Plenary changes).
In addition, this rule amends the
heading of ECCN 2A225.a.2 to: (1)
Specify that ‘‘an overall impurity level
of 2% or less by weight’’ applies; and
(2) add the phrase, ‘‘combination of the
following materials.’’ Based on these
changes, crucibles controlled under
ECCN 2A225.a must: (1) Have a volume
of between 150 cm3 and 8,000 cm3 (8
liters); and (2) be made of, or coated
with, any of the materials identified in
2A225.a.2.a through a.2.i, or
combination of these materials, having
an overall impurity level of 2% or less
by weight.
This rule amends the heading of
ECCN 2B232 to reflect the 2013 NSG
Plenary changes to 5.B.2 in the NSG
Annex. Specifically, the heading of
ECCN 2B232 is revised to control ‘‘highvelocity gun systems (propellant, gas,
coil, electromagnetic, and
electrothermal types, and other
advanced systems) capable of
accelerating projectiles to 1.5 km/s or
greater.’’ Prior to the publication of this
rule, this ECCN controlled ‘‘multistage
light gas guns or other high-velocity gun
systems (coil, electromagnetic, and
electrothermal types, and other
advanced systems) capable of
accelerating projectiles to 2 km/s or
This rule also amends ECCN 2D201 to
reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes to
NSG Annex entry 1.D.1, which was
revised to include software ‘‘modified’’
for the ‘‘use’’ of specified equipment, as
well as software ‘‘specially designed’’
for such ‘‘use.’’ Consistent with these
NSG changes, this rule amends the
heading of ECCN 2D201 to indicate that
this ECCN controls ‘‘software’’
‘‘specially designed’’ or ‘‘modified’’ for
the ‘‘use’’ of equipment controlled by
2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209, 2B227, or
2B229. Prior to the publication of this
rule, the ECCN heading referred to
‘‘specially designed’’ ‘‘software,’’ but
not ‘‘software’’ ‘‘modified,’’ for the
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‘‘use’’ of the such equipment. In
addition, this rule amends the ‘‘ECCN
Controls’’ paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section of ECCN 2D201 to
indicate that ‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ or ‘‘modified’’ for systems
controlled by 2B206.b includes
‘‘software’’ for simultaneous
measurements of wall thickness and
contour. Prior to the publication of this
rule, the ‘‘ECCN Controls’’ paragraph
did not specifically refer to ‘‘software’’
‘‘modified’’ for such systems.
This rule adds a new ‘‘ECCN
Controls’’ paragraph to the List of Items
Controlled section of ECCN 2D202 to
indicate that this ECCN does not control
part programming ‘‘software’’ that
generates ‘‘numerical control’’
command codes, but does not allow
direct use of equipment for machining
various parts. This change is consistent
with the 2013 NSG Plenary decision to
add a new note that provides the same
guidance with respect to 1.D.2 in the
NSG Annex.
This rule amends ECCN 3A229
consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 6.A.2, which included the
following: 6.A.2.a and .b were revised;
a new 6.A.2.c was added; the Technical
Note defining ‘‘rise time’’ was removed;
and the Note to 6.A.2 was revised to add
descriptions of ‘‘optically driven firing
sets’’ and ‘‘explosively driven firing
sets.’’ Specifically, 3A229.a is amended
to indicate that it controls ‘‘detonator
firing sets (initiation systems, firesets),
including electronically-charged,
explosively-driven and optically-driven
firing sets’’ designed to drive multiple
controlled detonators (prior to the
publication of this rule 3A229.a referred
to ‘‘explosive detonator firing sets’’). In
3A229.b, this rule removes 3A229.b.2,
redesignates 3A229.b.3 as new
3A229.b.2, and amends new 3A229.b.2
to specify a capability of delivering
energy in less than 15 ms ‘‘into loads of
less than 40 W (ohms).’’ ECCN
3A229.b.4 is redesignated as new
3A229.b.3, with no changes. ECCN
3A229.b.5 is removed and 3A229.b.6 is
redesignated as new 3A229.b.4 and
amended to specify ‘‘no dimension
greater than 30 cm’’ (the control level
was 25.4 cm, prior to the publication of
this rule). ECCN 3A229.b.7 is
redesignated as new 3A229.b.5 and
amended to specify a weight less than
30 kg (the control level was 25 kg, prior
to the publication of this rule). ECCN
3A229.b.8 is redesignated as new
3A229.b.6 with no changes. This rule
also amends ECCN 3A229 by adding a
new 3A229.c to control micro-firing
units with all of the following
characteristics: (1) No dimension greater
than 35 mm; (2) a voltage rating of equal
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to or greater than 1 kV; and (3) a
capacitance of equal to or greater than
100 nF.
In addition, this rule amends the
‘‘Related Definitions’’ paragraph of
ECCN 3A229 to read ‘‘N/A,’’ because a
definition of ‘‘rise time’’ is no longer
required due to the removal of the
3A229.b.5 control that specified ‘‘a ‘rise
time’ of less than 10 ms into loads of less
than 40 ohms’’ (see description of the
changes related to 3A229.b.5, above).
Also, consistent with the 2013 NSG
Plenary changes to the Note to 6.A.2 (as
described above), this rule amends the
‘‘ECCN Controls’’ paragraph of ECCN
3A229 to indicate that: (1) Optically
driven firing sets include both those
employing laser initiation and laser
charging; and (2) explosively driven
firing sets include both explosive
ferroelectric and explosive
ferromagnetic firing set types. To further
clarify the EAR controls on explosive
detonators, this rule also amends the
‘‘Related Controls’’ paragraph of ECCN
3A229 to include a reference to
explosive detonator firing sets in ECCN
1A007.a that are designed to drive
explosive detonators controlled by
This rule amends ECCN 3A230 to
reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes to
5.B.6 in the NSG Annex. Specifically,
the heading of ECCN 3A230 is revised
to indicate that this ECCN controls not
only high-speed pulse generators, but
also the ‘‘pulse heads’’ for such
generators. In addition, the ‘‘Related
Definitions’’ paragraph, in the List of
Items Controlled for ECCN 3A230, is
amended to add a definition of ‘‘pulse
heads,’’ as this term is used in the
amended heading of ECCN 3A230.
This rule also amends ECCN 3A231 to
reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes to
6.A.5.b in the NSG Annex. Specifically,
ECCN 3A231.b is amended to indicate
that controlled neutron generator
systems must utilize electrostatic
acceleration to induce either: (1) A
tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction; or
(2) a deuterium-deuterium nuclear
reaction capable of an output of 3 × 109
neutrons/s or greater. Prior to the
publication of this final rule, ECCN
3A231.b specified only a tritiumdeuterium nuclear reaction.
This rule amends ECCN 3A233 to
reflect the following 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 3.B.6 in the NSG Annex:
3.B.6.d was revised; 3.B.6.e was
removed; 3.B.6.f was redesignated as
new 3.B.6.e; and three new Technical
Notes were added to address the revised
controls in 3.B.6.d. Specifically, this
rule amends 3A233.d, consistent with
the NSG revisions to 3.B.6.d, to control
electron bombardment mass
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
spectrometers with both of the
following: (1) A molecular beam inlet
system that injects a collimated beam of
analyte molecules into a region of the
ion source where the molecules are
ionized by an electron beam; and (2) one
or more cold traps that can be cooled to
a temperature of 193 K (¥80 °C) or less
in order to trap analyte molecules not
ionized by the electron beam. In
addition, this rule removes 3A233.e and
redesignates 3A233.f as new 3A233.e,
consistent with the NSG’s removal of
3.B.6.e and redesignation of 3.B.6.f. This
rule also adds three new Technical
Notes, at end of ECCN 3A233, to
indicate that: (1) ECCN 3A233.d
controls mass spectrometers typically
used for isotopic analysis of UF6 gas
samples; (2) electron bombardment
mass spectrometers in ECCN 3A233.d
are also known as electron impact mass
spectrometers or electron ionization
mass spectrometers; and (3) a ‘‘cold
trap,’’ as that term is used in ECCN
3A233.d.2, is a device that traps gas
molecules by condensing or freezing
them on cold surfaces and, for the
purposes of this ECCN, a closed-loop
gaseous helium cryogenic vacuum
pump is not a cold trap.
Consistent with the addition of
6.A.6.a and .b to the NSG Annex, this
rule adds new ECCN 3A234 to the CCL
to control ‘‘striplines’’ that provide a
‘‘low inductance path to detonators’’
and have both of the following
characteristics: (1) A voltage rating
greater than 2 kV; and (2) an inductance
of less than 20 nH. This rule also makes
conforming amendments to ECCNs
3E001 and 3E201 to reflect the addition
of new ECCN 3A234. Specifically, ECCN
3E001 is amended by revising the NP
Column 1 paragraph in the License
Requirements section to indicate that
this ECCN contains NP controls on
‘‘development’’ and ‘‘production’’
‘‘technology’’ for striplines described in
new ECCN 3A234 (note that AT controls
apply to all items in 3E001). In addition,
ECCN 3E201 is amended by: (1)
Revising the heading of the ECCN to
indicate that 3E201 controls
‘‘technology’’ for the ‘‘use’’ of striplines
described in new ECCN 3A234 and (2)
revising the NP Column 1 paragraph in
the License Requirements section of
ECCN 3E201 to indicate that this ECCN
contains NP controls on such ‘‘use’’
‘‘technology’’ (note that AT controls
apply to all items in 3E201).
This rule amends ECCN 6A003,
consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to NSG Annex 5.B.3, which was
revised to add, in 5.B.3.a.4, b.4, and c.4,
‘‘plug-ins’’ for cameras described in
5.B.3.a, .b, or .c. Specifically, this rule
amends the NP Column 1 controls in the
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License Requirements section of ECCN
6A003 to include ‘‘plug-ins’’ in
6A003.a.6 for cameras controlled by
6A003.a.3 or a.4.
This rule amends ECCN 6A203,
consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 5.B.3 in the NSG Annex.
Specifically, this rule amends ECCN
6A203 by revising the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph in the List of Items Controlled
section of the ECCN to control ‘‘streak
cameras’’ under 6A203.a, ‘‘framing
cameras’’ under 6A203.b, and ‘‘solid
state or electron tube cameras under
6A203.c, as follows (in the following,
‘‘previously’’ means prior to the
publication of this rule).
(1) Streak cameras in 6A203.a:
6A203.a.1 (contains items previously
identified under 6A203.a.2);
6A203.a.2 (contains items previously
identified under 6A203.b.1);
6A203.a.3 (contains items previously
identified under 6A203.b.2);
6A203.a.4 (controls plug-ins, not
previously identified in 6A203, for
6A203.a cameras);
6A203.a.5 (controls items previously
referenced in the Note to 6A203.a);
(2) Framing cameras in 6A203.b:
6A203.b.1 (controls items previously
identified under 6A203.a.1);
6A203.b.2 (controls items previously
identified under 6A203.b.3);
6A203.b.3 (controls items previously
identified under 6A203.b.4.d);
6A203.b.4 (controls plug-ins, not
previously identified in 6A203, for
6A203.b cameras);
6A203.b.5 (controls items previously
referenced in the Note to 6A203.a);
(3) Solid state or electron tube
cameras in 6A203.c:
6A203.c.1 (controls solid state or
electron tube cameras with a fast image
gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less);
6A203.c.2 (controls solid-state
imaging devices & image intensifier
tubes with a fast image gating (shutter)
time of 50 ns or less—these items were
previously identified under
6A203.c.3 (controls electro-optical
shuttering devices (Kerr or Pockels
cells) with a fast image gating (shutter)
time of 50 ns or less—these items were
previously identified under
6A203.c.4 (controls plug-ins, not
previously identified in 6A203, for
6A203.c cameras).
This rule also amends the CCL to
control certain ‘‘software’’ related to the
equipment described in ECCN 6A203,
consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
decision to add new 5.D.1 and 5.D.2 to
the NSG Annex to control ‘‘software’’
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or
release the performance characteristics
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of high speed cameras and imaging
devices, and components therefor, to
meet or exceed the level of the
performance characteristics in 5.B.3
(i.e., high-speed cameras & imaging
devices in ECCN 6A203 and NPcontrolled equipment in ECCN 6A003).
Specifically, this rule adds new ECCN
6D201 to the CCL to control ‘‘software’’
that is ‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance
or release the performance
characteristics of high-speed cameras
and imaging devices, and components
therefor, to meet or exceed the level of
the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 6A203, consistent
with new 5.D.1 and 5.D.2 on the NSG
Annex. New ECCN 6D201 controls both:
(1) ‘‘Software’’ or encryption keys/codes
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or
release the performance characteristics
of equipment not controlled by ECCN
6A203, or not controlled for NP reasons
by ECCN 6A003, so that such equipment
meets or exceeds the performance
characteristics of equipment described
in ECCN 6A203; and (2) ‘‘software’’ or
encryption key codes ‘‘specially
designed’’ to enhance or release the
performance characteristics of
equipment controlled by ECCN 6A203
or equipment controlled by ECCN
6A003 that meets or exceeds the
performance characteristics described in
ECCN 6A203.
This rule also makes conforming
amendments to ECCN 6E001 to reflect
the addition of new ECCN 6D201 to the
CCL. Specifically, ECCN 6E001 is
amended by revising the NP Column 1
paragraph in the License Requirements
section to indicate that this ECCN
contains NP controls on ‘‘technology’’
for the ‘‘development’’ of ‘‘software’’
described in new ECCN 6D201 (note
that AT controls apply to all items in
6E001). In addition, this rule adds a new
ECCN 6E202 to control ‘‘technology’’ for
the ‘‘production’’ or ‘‘use’’ of ‘‘software’’
described in new ECCN 6D201.
This rule also amends ECCN 6A225,
consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to the Note to 5.B.5.a in the
NSG Annex. Specifically, this rule
amends the ‘‘ECCN Controls’’ paragraph
in the List of Items Controlled section of
ECCN 6A225 to indicate that this ECCN
controls not only velocity
interferometers, such as VISARs
(Velocity Interferometer Systems for
Any Reflector) and DLIs (Doppler Laser
Interferometers), but also PDV (Photonic
Doppler Velocimeters) also known as
Het-V (Heterodyne Velocimeters).
Consistent with the 2013 NSG
changes to 5.B.5.b in the NSG Annex,
this rule amends ECCN 6A226.a to
control ‘‘shock pressure gauges capable
of measuring pressures greater than 10
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
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GPa (100 kilobars), including gauges
made with manganin, ytterbium, and
polyvinylidene bifluoride (PVBF, PVF2).
Prior to the publication of this final rule,
ECCN 6A226.a specified only
‘‘manganin gauges for pressures greater
than 100 kilobars.’’
Corrections to ECCNs 2B006 and 2B206
This rule also makes certain
corrections to ECCNs 2B006 and 2B206.
ECCN 2B006 is amended to correctly
state the scope of the NP controls that
apply to certain items listed therein.
Specifically, this rule amends the
License Requirements section of ECCN
2B006 by revising the NP control(s)
paragraph to indicate that NP Column 1
controls apply to those items described
in ECCN 2B006.a that also meet or
exceed the technical parameters in
ECCN 2B206.a and to all items
described in ECCN 2B006.b, except
those in 2B006.b.1.d. Prior to the
publication of this rule, the License
Requirements section of ECCN 2B006
stated that NP Column 1 controls
applied to all items described in ECCN
2B006.a, regardless of whether or not
such items met or exceeded the
technical parameters described in ECCN
2B206.a. As a result of this amendment
to ECCN 2B006, the types of computer
controlled or numerically controlled
dimensional inspection machines on the
CCL that are subject to NP controls
under ECCN 2B006 or 2B206 are now
fully consistent with the controls
described in paragraph 1.B.3.a of the
NSG Annex.
Finally, this rule amends ECCN 2B206
to eliminate redundant control language
by removing paragraph (c) and the Note
thereto. The items that were described
in ECCN 2B206.c are currently
controlled under ECCN 2B006.b.2.
Although the Export Administration
Act expired on August 20, 2001, the
President, through Executive Order
13222 of August 17, 2001, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783 (2002), as amended by
Executive Order 13637 of March 8,
2013, 78 FR 16129 (March 13, 2013),
and as extended by the Notice of August
8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013),
has continued the Export
Administration Regulations in effect
under the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act. BIS continues to
carry out the provisions of the Export
Administration Act, as appropriate and
to the extent permitted by law, pursuant
to Executive Order 13222.
Saving Clause
Shipments of items removed from
eligibility for export or reexport under a
license exception or without a license
(i.e., under the designator ‘‘NLR’’) as a
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result of this regulatory action that were
on dock for loading, on lighter, laden
aboard an exporting carrier, or en route
aboard a carrier to a port of export, on
September 8, 2014, pursuant to actual
orders for export or reexport to a foreign
destination, may proceed to that
destination under the previously
applicable license exception or without
a license (NLR) so long as they are
exported or reexported before
September 22, 2014. Any such items not
actually exported or reexported before
midnight, on September 22, 2014,
require a license in accordance with this
‘‘Deemed’’ exports of ‘‘technology’’
and ‘‘source code’’ removed from
eligibility for export under a license
exception or without a license (under
the designator ‘‘NLR’’) as a result of this
regulatory action may continue to be
made under the previously available
license exception or without a license
(NLR) before November 5, 2014.
Beginning at midnight on November 5,
2014, such ‘‘technology’’ and ‘‘source
code’’ may no longer be released,
without a license, to a foreign national
subject to the ‘‘deemed’’ export controls
in the EAR when a license would be
required to the home country of the
foreign national in accordance with this
Rulemaking Requirements
1. Executive Orders 13563 and 12866
direct agencies to assess all costs and
benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasizes the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits, of
reducing costs, of harmonizing rules,
and of promoting flexibility. This rule
has been designated a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866. Accordingly,
the rule has been reviewed by the Office
of Management and Budget.
2. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, no person is required
to respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with, a collection of information subject
to the requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Control Number. This rule
contains a collection of information
subject to the requirements of the PRA.
This collection has been approved by
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OMB under Control Number 0694–0088
(Multi-Purpose Application), which
carries a burden hour estimate of 58
minutes to prepare and submit form
BIS–748. Send comments regarding this
burden estimate or any other aspect of
this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing the burden, to
Jasmeet Seehra, Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), and to the
Regulatory Policy Division, Bureau of
Industry and Security, Department of
Commerce, as indicated in the
ADDRESSES section of this rule.
3. This rule does not contain policies
with Federalism implications as that
term is defined in Executive Order
4. The provisions of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553) requiring notice of proposed
rulemaking, the opportunity for public
participation, and a delay in effective
date, are inapplicable because this
regulation involves a military and
foreign affairs function of the United
States (See 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)).
Immediate implementation of these
amendments is non-discretionary and
fulfills the United States’ international
obligation to the Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG). The NSG contributes to
international security and regional
stability through the harmonization of
export controls and seeks to ensure that
exports do not contribute to the
development of nuclear weapons. The
NSG consists of 48 member countries
that act on a consensus basis and the
amendments set forth in this rule
implement the understandings reached
at the 2005, 2012, and 2013 NSG
plenary meetings, a decision that was
adopted under the NSG intersessional
silent approval procedures in December
2009, and other changes deemed
necessary to ensure consistency with
the controls maintained by the NSG.
Since the United States is a significant
exporter of the items in this rule,
immediate implementation of this
provision is necessary for the NSG to
achieve its purpose. Any delay in
implementation will create a disruption
in the movement of affected items
globally because of disharmony between
export control measures implemented
by NSG members, resulting in tension
between member countries. Export
controls work best when all countries
implement the same export controls in
a timely and coordinated manner.
Further, no other law requires that a
notice of proposed rulemaking and an
opportunity for public comment be
given for this final rule. Because a
notice of proposed rulemaking and an
opportunity for public comment are not
required to be given for this rule under
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
the Administrative Procedure Act or by
any other law, the analytical
requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) are
not applicable. Therefore, this
regulation is issued in final form.
List of Subjects
15 CFR Part 742
Exports, Foreign trade.
1. The authority citation for 15 CFR
Part 738 continues to read as follows:
15 CFR Part 744
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Terrorism.
15 CFR Part 772
15 CFR Part 738
Administrative practice and
procedure, Exports, Foreign trade.
15 CFR Part 774
15 CFR Part 740
Exports, Foreign trade, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Administrative practice and
procedure, Exports, Foreign trade,
Reporting and recordkeeping
Accordingly, Parts 738, 740, 742, 744,
772, and 774 of the Export
Administration Regulations (15 CFR
parts 730–774) are amended as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 10 U.S.C. 7420; 10 U.S.C.
7430(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 30 U.S.C. 185(s), 185(u);
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 42 U.S.C. 6212; 43 U.S.C.
1354; 15 U.S.C. 1824a; 50 U.S.C. app. 5; 22
U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O.
13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Notice of August 8, 2013, 78
FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
2. Supplement No. 1 to Part 738 is
amended by revising the entries for
‘‘Croatia’’, ‘‘Estonia’’, ‘‘Iceland’’,
‘‘Lithuania’’, ‘‘Malta’’, ‘‘Mexico’’, and
‘‘Serbia’’ to read as follows:
[Reason for control]
Chemical &
biological weapons
Croatia 3 ...................................
Estonia 3 ...................................
Iceland 3 ...................................
Lithuania 3 ................................
Malta2 3 4 ...................................
Mexico .....................................
Serbia ......................................
E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp.,
p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Notice of August 8, 2013, 78
FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
3. The authority citation for 15 CFR
Part 740 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.;
4. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 740,
Country Groups, Country Group A is
amended by adding, in alphabetical
order, new entries for ‘‘Mexico’’ and
‘‘Serbia’’ and by revising the entries for
‘‘Croatia’’, ‘‘Estonia’’, ‘‘Iceland’’,
‘‘Lithuania’’, and ‘‘Malta’’ to read as
[Country Group A]
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
Croatia ..............................................................................
Estonia ..............................................................................
Iceland ..............................................................................
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[A:4 ]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
[Country Group A]
Lithuania ...........................................................................
Malta .................................................................................
Mexico ...............................................................................
Serbia ................................................................................
5. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 742 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.;
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; Sec. 1503, Pub. L. 108–11, 117
Stat. 559; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR,
1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181,
3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O.
13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Presidential Determination
2003–23 of May 7, 2003, 68 FR 26459, May
16, 2003; Notice of August 8, 2013, 78 FR
49107 (August 12, 2013); Notice of November
7, 2013, 78 FR 67289 (November 12, 2013).
6. Section 742.3 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(1), (b)(1)(vii),
and (b)(1)(viii)(F) and by adding
paragraph (b)(1)(ix) to read as follows:
§ 742.3
Nuclear nonproliferation.
(a) * * *
(1) If NP Column 1 of the Country
Chart (Supplement No. 1 to part 738 of
the EAR) is indicated in the appropriate
ECCN, a license is required to all
destinations, except those Nuclear
Suppliers Group (NSG) member
countries that are listed under Country
Group A:4 in Supplement No. 1 to part
740 of the EAR.
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(vii) Whether the export or reexport
would present an unacceptable risk of
diversion to a nuclear explosive activity
or unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle
activity described in § 744.2(a) of the
(viii) * * *
(F) Information on the importing
country’s nuclear intentions and
activities; and
(ix) Whether the recipient state has
sufficient national export controls (as
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7. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 744 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.;
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR,
1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181,
3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O.
12947, 60 FR 5079, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p.
356; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996
Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13099, 63 FR 45167, 3
CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 208; E.O. 13222, 66 FR
44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O.
13224, 66 FR 49079, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p.
786; Notice of January 17, 2013, 78 FR 4303
(January 22, 2013); Notice of August 8, 2013,
78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013); Notice of
September 18, 2013, 78 FR 58151 (September
20, 2013); Notice of November 7, 2013, 78 FR
67289 (November 12, 2013).
8. Section 744.2 is amended by
revising paragraphs (d)(7) and (d)(8)(vi)
and by adding paragraph (d)(9) to read
as follows:
§ 744.2 Restrictions on certain nuclear
(d) * * *
(7) Whether the export would present
an unacceptable risk of diversion to a
nuclear explosive activity or
unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle
activity described in § 744.2(a) of the
(8) * * *
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described in paragraph 3 of United
Nations Security Council Resolution
1540 (2004)) to prevent an unacceptable
risk of retransfer or diversion to a
nuclear explosive activity or
unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle
activity described in § 744.2(a) of the
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[A:4 ]
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(vi) Intelligence data on the importing
country’s nuclear intentions and
activities; and
(9) Whether the recipient state has
sufficient national export controls (as
described in paragraph 3 of United
Nations Security Council Resolution
1540 (2004)) to prevent an unacceptable
risk of retransfer or diversion to a
nuclear explosive activity or
unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle
activity described in § 744.2(a) of the
9. The authority citation for 15 CFR
part 772 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025,
3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Notice of August
8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
10. Section 772.1 is amended by
revising the definition of ‘‘Nuclear
Suppliers Group (NSG)’’ to read as
§ 772.1 Definitions of Terms as used in the
Export Administration Regulations (EAR).
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The
United States and other nations in this
multilateral control regime have agreed
to guidelines for restricting the export or
reexport of items with nuclear
applications. Members include:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus,
Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico,
the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
People’s Republic of China, Poland,
Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovak Republic,
Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
United Kingdom, and the United States.
See also § 742.3 of the EAR.
11. The authority citation for 15 CFR
Part 774 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 10 U.S.C. 7420; 10 U.S.C.
7430(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c, 22 U.S.C. 3201 et
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 30 U.S.C. 185(s), 185(u);
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 42 U.S.C. 6212; 43 U.S.C.
1354; 15 U.S.C. 1824a; 50 U.S.C. app. 5; 22
U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O.
13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001
Comp., p. 783; Notice of August 8, 2013, 78
FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
12. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1B201 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and by revising paragraph a.3.,
in the ‘‘Items’’ paragraph under the List
of Items Controlled section, to read as
1B201 Filament winding machines (other
than those controlled by ECCN 1B001 or
1B101) and related equipment, as
described in this ECCN (see List of Items
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
a. * * *
a.3. Capable of winding cylindrical tubes
with an internal diameter between 75 mm
and 650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or
13. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1B227 is removed.
■ 14. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1B228 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading, by revising the ‘‘Related
Definitions’’ paragraph under the List of
Items Controlled section, and by
revising paragraph d., in the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
1B228 Hydrogen cryogenic distillation
columns having all of the characteristics
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List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: (1) The term ‘‘fine grain
stainless steels,’’ for purposes of this
ECCN, means fine grain austenitic stainless
steels with an ASTM (or equivalent
standard) grain size number of 5 or greater.
(2) The term ‘‘effective length,’’ for
purposes of this ECCN, means the active
height of packing material in a packed-type
column, or the active height of internal
contactor plates in a plate-type column.
Items: * * *
d. With internal diameters of 30 cm or
greater and ‘‘effective lengths’’ of 4 m or
15. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1B233 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading, by revising the ‘‘Related
Controls’’ paragraph under the List of
Items Controlled section, and, in the
‘‘Items’’ paragraph under the List of
Items Controlled section, by revising the
heading of paragraph b., by revising
paragraph b.1., and by adding new
paragraphs c. and d., immediately
following paragraph b., to read as
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774—
described in this ECCN (see List of Items
1B233 Lithium isotope separation facilities
or plants, and systems and equipment
therefor (see List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 1E001
(‘‘development’’ and ‘‘production’’) and
ECCN 1E201 (‘‘use’’) for technology for
items described in this entry. (2) Facilities
and plants described in 1B233.a are subject
to the export licensing authority of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10
CFR part 110). (3) Certain lithium isotope
separation equipment and components for
the plasma separation process (PSP) that
are described in 1B233.b through .d are
also directly applicable to uranium isotope
separation and are subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part
a. * * *
b. Equipment for the separation of lithium
isotopes based on the lithium-mercury
amalgam process, as follows:
b.1. Packed liquid-liquid exchange
columns ‘‘specially designed’’ for lithium
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d. Chemical exchange systems (employing
crown ethers, cryptands, or lariat ethers)
‘‘specially designed’’ for lithium isotope
separation, and ‘‘specially designed’’
component parts therefor.
16. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ a new
ECCN 1B234 is added, immediately
following ECCN 1B233, to read as
1B234 High explosive containment vessels,
chambers, containers, and other similar
containment devices, not enumerated in
ECCN 1B608 or in USML Category IV or
V of the ITAR, designed for the testing
of high explosives or explosive devices
and having both of the characteristics
described in this ECCN (see List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Devices ‘‘specially
designed’’ for the handling, control,
activation, monitoring, detection,
protection, discharge, or detonation of the
articles enumerated in USML Category
IV(a) and (b) are controlled by USML
Category IV(c) of the ITAR (see 22 CFR
parts 120 through 130). (2) See USML
Category V of the ITAR (22 CFR parts 120
through 130) for devices identified therein
that are ‘‘specially designed’’ to fully
contain explosives enumerated in USML
Category V. (3) Also see ECCN 1B608 for
‘‘equipment’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ repair,
overhaul, or refurbishing of items
controlled by ECCN 1C608 or USML
Category V and not elsewhere specified on
the USML.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Designed to fully contain an explosion
equivalent to 2 kg of TNT or greater; and
b. Having design elements or features
enabling real time or delayed transfer of
diagnostic or measurement information.
17. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
c. Ion exchange systems ‘‘specially
designed’’ for lithium isotope separation, and
‘‘specially designed’’ component parts
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
1C216 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading to read as follows:
following ECCN 1C240, to read as
1C216 Maraging steel, other than that
controlled by 1C116, ‘‘capable of’’ an
ultimate tensile strength of 1,950 MPa or
more, at 293 K (20 ≥C).
1C241 Rhenium and alloys containing
rhenium (see List of Items Controlled).
18. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1C236 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and by revising the ‘‘ECCN
Controls’’ paragraph and the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
Reason for Control: NP, AT
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
1C236 Radionuclides appropriate for
making neutron sources based on alphan reaction and products or devices
containing such radionuclides (see List
of Items Controlled).
NP applies to ‘‘techNP Column 1
nology’’ for items
controlled by
1A002, 1A007,
1B001, 1B101,
1B201, 1B225,
1B226, 1B228 to
1B234, 1C002,
1C010, 1C111,
1C116, 1C202,
1C210, 1C216,
1C225 to 1C237,
or 1C239 to 1C241
for NP reasons.
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Rhenium and alloys containing rhenium,
as follows, having both of the characteristics
described in 1C241.b:
a.1. Alloys containing 90% by weight or
more of rhenium;
a.2. Alloys containing 90% by weight or
more of any combination of rhenium and
tungsten; and
b. Having both of the following
b.1. In forms with a hollow cylindrical
symmetry (including cylinder segments) with
an inside diameter between 100 mm and 300
mm; and
b.2. A mass greater than 20 kg.
License Requirements
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
ECCN Controls: This entry does not control
a product or device containing less than
3.7 GBq (100 millicuries) of activity.
a. Radionuclides identified in 1C236.a.1 in
any of the forms described in 1C236.a.2:
a.1. Radionuclides, as follows, appropriate
for making neutron sources based on alphan reactions:
a.1.a. Actinium 225;
a.1.b. Actinium 227;
a.1.c. Californium 253;
a.1.d. Curium 240;
a.1.e. Curium 241;
a.1.f. Curium 242;
a.1.g. Curium 243;
a.1.h. Curium 244;
a.1.i. Einsteinium 253;
a.1.j. Einsteinium 254;
a.1.k. Gadolinium 148;
a.1.l. Plutonium 236;
a.1.m. Plutonium 238;
a.1.n. Polonium 208;
a.1.o. Polonium 209;
a.1.p. Polonium 210;
a.1.q. Radium 223;
a.1.r. Thorium 227;
a.1.s. Thorium 228;
a.1.t. Uranium 230;
a.1.u. Uranium 232; and
a.2. In any of the following forms:
a.2.a. Elemental;
a.2.b. Compounds having a total activity of
37 GBq (1 curie) per kg or greater; or
a.2.c. Mixtures having a total activity of 37
GBq (1 curie) per kg or greater.
b. Products or devices containing
radionuclides identified in 1C236.a.1 in any
of the forms described in 1C236.a.2.
19. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ a new
ECCN 1C241 is added, immediately
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NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List of Items Controlled
20. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1E001 is amended by revising the
‘‘Control(s)’’ language for ‘‘Country
Chart—NP Column 1’’ in the License
Requirements section to read as follows:
1E001 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of items
controlled by 1A001.b, 1A001.c, 1A002,
1A003, 1A004, 1A005, 1A006.b, 1A007,
1A008 1A101, 1B (except 1B608, 1B613
or 1B999), or 1C (except 1C355, 1C608,
1C980 to 1C984, 1C988, 1C990, 1C991,
1C995 to 1C999).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, CB, RS, AT
PO 00000
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
■ 21. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
1—Special Materials and Related
Equipment, Chemicals,
‘‘Microorganisms’’ and ‘‘Toxins,’’ ECCN
1E201 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading to read as follows:
1E201 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the ‘‘use’’
of items controlled by 1A002, 1A007,
1A202, 1A225 to 1A227, 1B201, 1B225,
1B226, 1B228 to 1B232, 1B233.b, 1B234,
1C002.b.3 and b.4, 1C010.a, 1C010.b,
1C010.e.1, 1C202, 1C210, 1C216, 1C225
to 1C237, 1C239 to 1C241 or 1D201.
22. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2A225 is
amended by revising the heading of the
ECCN and, in the ‘‘Items’’ paragraph
under the List of Items Controlled
section, by revising paragraph a.1., by
revising the introductory text of
paragraph a.2., by revising paragraph
b.1., and by revising paragraph c.1. to
read as follows:
2A225 Crucibles made of materials
resistant to liquid actinide metals (see
List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
a. * * *
a.1. A volume of between 150 cm3 (150 ml)
and 8,000 cm3 (8 liters); and
a.2. Made of, or coated with, any of the
following materials, or combination of the
following materials, having an overall
impurity level of 2% or less by weight:
b. * * *
b.1. A volume of between 50 cm3 (50 ml)
and 2,000 cm3 (2 liters); and
c. * * *
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c.1. A volume of between 50 cm3 (50 ml)
and 2,000 cm3 (2 liters);
23. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2B006 is
amended by revising the License
Requirements section to read as follows:
2B006 Dimensional inspection or
measuring systems, equipment, and
‘‘electronic assemblies’’, as follows (see
List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, NP, AT
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NS applies to entire
NP applies to those
items in 2B006.a
that meet or exceed the technical
parameters in
2B206.a and to all
items in 2B006.b,
except those in
AT applies to entire
NS Column 2
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
24. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2B201 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
and the List of Items Controlled section
to read as follows:
2B201 Machine tools, and any combination
thereof, other than those controlled by
2B001, for removing or cutting metals,
ceramics or ‘‘composites,’’ which,
according to manufacturer’s technical
specifications, can be equipped with
electronic devices for simultaneous
‘‘contouring control’’ in two or more
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 2D002 and
2D202 for ‘‘software’’ for items controlled
by this entry. ‘‘Numerical control’’ units
are controlled by their associated
‘‘software’’. (2) See ECCNs 2E001
(‘‘development’’), 2E002 (‘‘production’’),
and 2E201 (‘‘use’’) for technology for items
controlled under this entry. (3) Also see
ECCNs 2B001, 2B290, and 2B991.
Related Definitions: N/A
Note: 2B201 does not control special
purpose machine tools limited to the
manufacture of any of the following parts:
a. Gears;
b. Crank shafts or cam shafts;
c. Tools or cutters;
d. Extruder worms;
Technical Note: The identified positioning
accuracy values in this entry are based on
ISO 230/2 (2006), which equates to the
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values based on ISO 230/2 (1988) that are
used by the Nuclear Supplier’s Group (NSG).
In 2B201.a and .b.1, this results in a change
from 6 mm to 4.5 mm. In paragraph .b of the
Note to 2B201.b, the resulting change is from
30 mm to 22.5 mm, In 2B201.c, the resulting
change is from 4 mm to 3 mm.
a. Machine tools for turning, that have
positioning accuracies according to ISO 230/
2 (2006) with all compensations available
better (less) than 4.5 mm along any linear axis
(overall positioning) for machines capable of
machining diameters greater than 35 mm;
Note to 2B201.a: 2B201.a does not control
bar machines (Swissturn), limited to
machining only bar feed thru, if maximum
bar diameter is equal to or less than 42 mm
and there is no capability of mounting
chucks. Machines may have drilling and/or
milling capabilities for machining parts with
diameters less than 42 mm.
b. Machine tools for milling, having any of
the following characteristics:
b.1. Positioning accuracies according to
ISO 230/2 (2006) with ‘‘all compensations
available’’ equal to or less (better) than 4.5
mm along any linear axis (overall
b.2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or
b.3. Five or more axes which can be
coordinated simultaneously for ‘‘contouring
Note to 2B201.b: 2B201.b does not control
milling machines having the following
a. X-axis travel greater than 2 m; and
b. Overall positioning accuracy according
to ISO 230/2 (2006) on the x-axis more
(worse) than 22.5 mm.
c. Machine tools for grinding, having any
of the following characteristics:
c.1. Positioning accuracies according to
ISO 230/2 (2006) with ‘‘all compensations
available’’ equal to or less (better) than 3 mm
along any linear axis (overall positioning);
c.2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or
c.3. Five or more axes which can be
coordinated simultaneously for ‘‘contouring
Note to 2B201.c: 2B201.c does not control
the following grinding machines:
a. Cylindrical external, internal, and
external-internal grinding machines having
all of the following characteristics:
1. Limited to a maximum workpiece
capacity of 150 mm outside diameter or
length; and
2. Axes limited to x, z and c.
b. Jig grinders that do not have a z-axis or
a w-axis with an overall positioning accuracy
less (better) than 3 microns. Positioning
accuracy is according to ISO 230/2 (2006).
Technical Note: 2B201.b.3 and c.3 include
machines based on a parallel linear
kinematic design (e.g. hexapods) that have 5
or more axes none of which are rotary axes.
described in 2B006, as follows (see List
of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
a. Computer controlled or numerically
controlled coordinate measuring machines
(CMM) with either of the following
a.1. Having only two axes with a maximum
permissible error of length measurement
along any axis (one dimension), identified as
any combination of E0x MPE, E0y MPE or E0z
MPE, equal to or less (better) than (1.25 + L/
1000) mm (where L is the measured length in
mm) at any point within the operating range
of the machine (i.e., within the length of the
axis), according to ISO 10360–2 (2009); or
a.2. Having three or more axes with a three
dimensional (volumetric) maximum
permissible error of length measurement,
identified as E0, MPE, equal to or less (better)
than (1.7 + L/800) mm (where L is the
measured length in mm) at any point within
the operating range of the machine (i.e.,
within the length of the axis), according to
ISO 10360–2 (2009).
Technical Note: The E0, MPE of the most
accurate configuration of the CMM specified
according to ISO 10360–2 (2009) by the
manufacturer (e.g., best of the following:
Probe, stylus length, motion parameters,
environment) and with all compensations
available shall be compared to the 1.7 + 1/
800 mm threshold.
b. Systems for simultaneously linearangular inspection of hemishells, having both
of the following characteristics:
b.1. ‘‘Measurement uncertainty’’ along any
linear axis equal to or less (better) than 3.5
mm per 5 mm; and
b.2. ‘‘Angular position deviation’’ equal to
or less than 0.02°.
Technical Note: All parameters of
measurement values in this entry represent
plus/minus, i.e., not total band.
ECCN 2B206 Control Notes: 1. Machine
tools that can be used as measuring machines
are controlled by ECCN 2B206 if they meet
or exceed the control parameters specified in
this entry for the measuring machine
function. 2. The machines described in ECCN
2B206 are controlled by this entry if they
exceed the specified control threshold
anywhere in their operating range.
26. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2B230 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
and by revising the ‘‘Related
Definitions’’ paragraph and the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
25. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2B206 is
amended by revising ‘‘Items’’ paragraph,
under the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
2B230 All types of ‘‘pressure transducers’’
capable of measuring absolute pressures
and having all of the characteristics
described in this ECCN (see List of Items
2B206 Dimensional inspection machines,
instruments or systems, other than those
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Related Definitions: (1) For purposes of this
entry, ‘‘pressure transducers’’ are devices
that convert pressure measurements into a
signal. (2) For purposes of this entry,
‘‘accuracy’’ includes non-linearity,
hysteresis and repeatability at ambient
a. Pressure sensing elements made of or
protected by aluminum, aluminum alloy,
aluminum oxide (alumina or sapphire),
nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60%
nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated
hydrocarbon polymers;
b. Seals, if any, essential for sealing the
pressure sensing element, and in direct
contact with the process medium, made of or
protected by aluminum, aluminum alloy,
aluminum oxide (alumina or sapphire),
nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60%
nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated
hydrocarbon polymers; and
c. Either of the following characteristics:
c.1. A full scale of less 13 kPa and an
‘‘accuracy’’ of better than ± 1% of full scale;
c.2. A full scale of 13 kPa or greater and
an ‘‘accuracy’’ of better than ± 130 Pa when
measuring at 13 kPa.
27. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2B231 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
and by revising the ‘‘Related Controls’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
2B231 Vacuum pumps having all of the
characteristics described in this ECCN
(see List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 2E001
(‘‘development’’), 2E002 (‘‘production’’),
and 2E201 (‘‘use’’) for ‘‘technology’’ for
items controlled under this entry. (2) Also
see bellows-sealed scroll-type compressors
and bellows-sealed scroll-type vacuum
pumps controlled under ECCN 2B233. (3)
Vacuum pumps ‘‘specially designed’’ or
prepared for the separation of uranium
isotopes are subject to the export licensing
authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).
Related Definitions: * * *
■ 28. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2B232 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
to read as follows:
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
2B232 High-velocity gun systems
(propellant, gas, coil, electromagnetic,
and electrothermal types, and other
advanced systems) capable of
accelerating projectiles to 1.5 km/s or
29. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, add a new
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ECCN 2B233, immediately following
ECCN 2B232, to read as follows:
2B233 Bellows-sealed scroll-type
compressors and bellows-sealed scrolltype vacuum pumps having all of the
characteristics described in this ECCN
(see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 2E001
(‘‘development’’), 2E002 (‘‘production’’),
and 2E201 (‘‘use’’) for ‘‘technology’’ for
items controlled under this entry. (2) Also
see vacuum pumps controlled under ECCN
2B231. (3) Vacuum pumps ‘‘specially
designed’’ or prepared for the separation of
uranium isotopes are subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Capable of an inlet volume flow rate of
50 m3/h or greater;
b. Capable of a pressure ratio of 2:1 or
greater; and
c. Having all surfaces that come in contact
with the process gas made from any of the
c.1. Aluminum or aluminum alloy;
c.2. Aluminum oxide;
c.3. Stainless steel;
c.4. Nickel or nickel alloy;
c.5. Phosphor bronze; or
c.6. Fluoropolymers.
Technical Notes: 1. In a scroll compressor
or vacuum pump, crescent-shaped pockets of
gas are trapped between one or more pairs of
intermeshed spiral vanes, or scrolls, one of
which moves while the other remains
stationary. The moving scroll orbits the
stationary scroll; it does not rotate. As the
moving scroll orbits the stationary scroll, the
gas pockets diminish in size (i.e., they are
compressed) as they move toward the outlet
port of the machine.
2. In a bellows-sealed scroll compressor or
vacuum pump, the process gas is totally
isolated from the lubricated parts of the
pump and from the external atmosphere by
a metal bellows. One end of the bellows is
attached to the moving scroll and the other
end is attached to the stationary housing of
the pump.
3. Fluoropolymers include, but are not
limited to, the following materials:
a. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE);
b. Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP);
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30. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2D201 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
and by revising the ‘‘ECCN Controls’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
2D201 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ or
modified for the ‘‘use’’ of equipment
controlled by 2B204, 2B206, 2B207,
2B209, 2B227, or 2B229.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
PO 00000
c. Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA);
d. Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE);
e. Vinylidene fluoridehexafluoropropylene copolymer.
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List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
ECCN Controls: ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially
designed’’ or modified for systems
controlled by 2B206.b includes ‘‘software’’
for simultaneous measurements of wall
thickness and contour.
31. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2D202 is
amended by adding an ‘‘ECCN
Controls’’ paragraph, between the
‘‘Related Definitions’’ paragraph and the
‘‘Items’’ paragraph under the List of
Items Controlled section, to read as
2D202 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ or
modified for the ‘‘development’’,
‘‘production’’ or ‘‘use’’ of equipment
controlled by 2B201.
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
ECCN Controls: ECCN 2D202 does not
control part programming ‘‘software’’ that
generates ‘‘numerical control’’ command
codes, but does not allow direct use of
equipment for machining various parts.
32. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2E001 is
amended by revising the ‘‘Control(s)’’
language for ‘‘Country Chart—NP
Column 1’’ in the License Requirements
section to read as follows:
2E001 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘development’’ of equipment or
‘‘software’’ controlled by 2A (except
2A983, 2A984, 2A991, or 2A994), 2B
(except 2B991, 2B993, 2B996, 2B997, or
2B998), or 2D (except 2D983, 2D984,
2D991, 2D992, or 2D994).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP applies to ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled by
2A225, 2A226,
2B001, 2B004,
2B006, 2B007,
2B009, 2B104,
2B109, 2B116,
2B201, 2B204,
2B206, 2B207,
2B209, 2B225 to
2B233, 2D001,
2D002, 2D101,
2D201 or 2D202
for NP reasons.
NP Column 1
35. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3A225 is amended by
revising the ECCN heading and by
revising the ‘‘Related Controls’’
paragraph and the ‘‘Items’’ paragraph,
under the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
33. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2E002 is
amended by revising the ‘‘Control(s)’’
language for ‘‘Country Chart—NP
Column 1’’ in the License Requirements
section to read as follows:
2E002 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘production’’ of equipment controlled
by 2A (except 2A983, 2A984, 2A991, or
2A994), or 2B (except 2B991, 2B993,
2B996, 2B997, or 2B998).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
2A225, 2A226,
2B001, 2B004,
2B006, 2B007,
2B009, 2B104,
2B109, 2B116,
2B201, 2B204,
2B206, 2B207,
2B209, 2B225 to
2B233 for NP reasons.
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
34. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category
2—Materials Processing, ECCN 2E201 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
to read as follows:
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3A225 Frequency changers (a.k.a.
converters or inverters) and generators,
except those subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR
part 110), that are usable as a variable
frequency or fixed frequency motor
drive and have all of the characteristics
described in this ECCN (see List of Items
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 3D201 for
‘‘software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for the
‘‘use’’ of equipment described in this entry.
(2) See ECCN 3D202 for ‘‘software’’
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or release
the performance characteristics of
frequency changers or generators to meet or
exceed the level of the performance
characteristics described in this entry. (3)
See ECCNs 3E001 (‘‘development’’ and
‘‘production’’) and 3E201 (‘‘use’’) for
‘‘technology’’ for items controlled under
this entry. (4) Frequency changers (a.k.a.
converters or inverters) ‘‘specially
designed’’ or prepared for use in separating
uranium isotopes are subject to the export
licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part
NP Column 1
2E201 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the ‘‘use’’
of equipment or ‘‘software’’ controlled
by 2A225, 2A226, 2B001, 2B006,
2B007.b, 2B007.c, 2B201, 2B204, 2B206,
2B207, 2B209, 2B225 to 2B233, 2D002,
2D201 or 2D202 for NP reasons.
a. Multiphase output providing a power of
40 VA or greater;
b. Operating at a frequency of 600 Hz or
more; and
c. Frequency control better (less) than
Notes: 1. This ECCN controls frequency
changers intended for use in specific
industrial machinery and/or consumer goods
(machine tools, vehicles, etc.) only if the
frequency changers can meet the
performance characteristics described in this
entry when removed from the machinery
and/or goods. This Note does not exclude
from control under this entry any frequency
changer described herein that is the principal
element of a non-controlled item and can
feasibly be removed or used for other
2. To determine whether a particular
frequency changer meets or exceeds the
performance characteristics described in this
entry, both hardware and ‘‘software’’
performance constraints must be considered.
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Technical Notes: 1. Frequency changers
controlled by this ECCN are also known as
converters or inverters.
2. The performance characteristics
described in this ECCN also may be met by
certain equipment marketed as: Generators,
electronic test equipment, AC power
supplies, variable speed motor drives,
variable speed drives (VSDs), variable
frequency drives (VFDs), adjustable
frequency drives (AFDs), or adjustable speed
drives (ASDs).
36. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3A229 is amended by
revising the ECCN heading and, under
the List of Items Controlled section, by
revising the ‘‘Related Controls’’
paragraph, by revising the ‘‘Related
Definitions’’ paragraph, by revising the
‘‘ECCN Controls’’ paragraph, and by
revising the ‘‘Items’’ paragraph, to read
as follows:
3A229 Firing sets and equivalent highcurrent pulse generators for detonators
controlled by 3A232 (see List of Items
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 3E001 and
1E001 (’’development’’ and ‘‘production’’)
and 3E201 and 1E201 (‘‘use’’) for
technology for items controlled under this
entry. (2) See 1A007.a for explosive
detonator firing sets designed to drive
explosive detonators controlled by
1A007.b. (3) High explosives and related
equipment for military use are ‘‘subject to
the ITAR’’ (see 22 CFR parts 120 through
Related Definitions: N/A
ECCN Controls: (1) Optically driven firing
sets include both those employing laser
initiation and laser charging. (2)
Explosively driven firing sets include
booth explosive ferroelectric and explosive
ferromagnetic firing set types. (3) 3A229.b
includes xenon flash-lamp drivers.
a. Detonator firing sets (initiation systems,
firesets), including electronically-charged,
explosively-driven and optically-driven
firing sets designed to drive multiple
controlled detonators controlled by 3A232;
b. Modular electrical pulse generators
(pulsers) having all of the following
b.1. Designed for portable, mobile, or
ruggedized use;
b.2. Capable of delivering their energy in
less than 15 ms into loads of less than 40 W
b.3. Having an output greater than 100 A;
b.4. No dimension greater than 30 cm;
b.5. Weight less than 30 kg; and
b.6. Specified for use over an extended
temperature range 223 K (¥50 °C) to 373 K
(100 °C) or specified as suitable for aerospace
c. Micro-firing units having all of the
following characteristics:
c.1. No dimension greater than 35 mm;
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
better than 2 parts in 230, and ion
sources therefor, excluding items that
are subject to the export licensing
authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).
c.2. Voltage rating of equal to or greater
than 1 kV; and
c.3. Capacitance of equal to or greater than
100 nF.
37. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3A230 is amended by
revising the ECCN heading and by
revising the ‘‘Related Definitions’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
3A230 High-speed pulse generators, and
pulse heads therefor, having both of the
following characteristics (see List of
Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: 1. In 3A230.b, the term
‘‘pulse transition time’’ is defined as the
time interval between 10% and 90%
voltage amplitude. 2. Pulse heads are
impulse forming networks designed to
accept a voltage step function and shape it
into a variety of pulse forms that can
include rectangular, triangular, step,
impulse, exponential, or monocycle types.
Pulse heads can be an integral part of the
pulse generator, they can be a plug-in
module to the device or they can be an
externally connected device.
38. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3A231 is amended by
revising the ECCN heading and by
revising paragraph b., in the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
3A231 Neutron generator systems,
including tubes, having both of the
characteristics described in this ECCN
(see List of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
Items: * * *
b. Utilizing electrostatic acceleration to
b.1. A tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction;
b.2. A deuterium-deuterium nuclear
reaction and capable of an output of 3 × 109
neutrons/s or greater.
39. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3A233 is amended,
in the ‘‘Items’’ paragraph under the List
of Items Controlled section, by revising
paragraph d., by removing paragraph e.,
by redesignating paragraph f. as new
paragraph e., and by adding three
Technical Notes at the end of the entry
to read as follows:
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
3A233 Mass spectrometers, capable of
measuring ions of 230 atomic mass units
or greater and having a resolution of
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List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
Items: * * *
d. Electron bombardment mass
spectrometers having both of the following
d.1. A molecular beam inlet system that
injects a collimated beam of analyte
molecules into a region of the ion source
where the molecules are ionized by an
electron beam; and
d.2. One or more cold traps that can be
cooled to a temperature of 193 K (¥80 °C)
or less in order to trap analyte molecules that
are not ionized by the electron beam;
e. Mass spectrometers equipped with a
microfluorination ion source designed for
actinides or actinide fluorides.
Technical Notes: 1. ECCN 3A233.d
controls mass spectrometers that are typically
used for isotopic analysis of UF6 gas samples.
2. Electron bombardment mass
spectrometers in ECCN 3A233.d are also
known as electron impact mass
spectrometers or electron ionization mass
3. In ECCN 3A233.d.2, a ‘‘cold trap’’ is a
device that traps gas molecules by
condensing or freezing them on cold
surfaces. For the purposes of this ECCN, a
closed-loop gaseous helium cryogenic
vacuum pump is not a cold trap.
40. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, add new ECCN 3A234,
immediately following ECCN 3A233, to
read as follows:
3A234 Striplines to provide low
inductance path to detonators with the
following characteristics (see List of
Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Voltage rating greater than 2 kV; and
b. Inductance of less than 20 nH.
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41. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, add new ECCNs 3D201 and
3D202 in numerical order, immediately
following ECCN 3D101, to read as
3D201 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ for
the ‘‘use’’ of equipment described in
ECCN 3A225.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See ECCN 3E202
(‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ and ‘‘use’’)
for ‘‘technology’’ for items controlled
under this entry.
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: The list of items controlled is
contained in the ECCN heading.
3D202 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ to
enhance or release the performance
characteristics of frequency changers or
generators to meet or exceed the level of
the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 3A225.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See ECCN 3E202
(‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ and ‘‘use’’)
for ‘‘technology’’ for items controlled
under this entry.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ‘‘Software’’ or encryption keys/codes
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or release
the performance characteristics of equipment
not controlled by ECCN 3A225, so that such
equipment meets or exceeds the performance
characteristics of equipment controlled by
that ECCN.
b. ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ to
enhance or release the performance
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
characteristics of equipment controlled by
ECCN 3A225.
42. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3E001 is amended by
revising the ‘‘Control(s)’’ language for
‘‘Country Chart—NP Column 1’’ in the
License Requirements section to read as
3E202 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘development,’’ ‘‘production,’’ or ‘‘use’’
of ‘‘software’’ controlled by 3D201 or
3E001 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘development’’ or ‘‘production’’ of
equipment or materials controlled by 3A
(except 3A292, 3A980, 3A981, 3A991
3A992, or 3A999), 3B (except 3B991 or
3B992) or 3C (except 3C992).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
3A001, 3A201, or
3A225 to 3A234 for
NP reasons.
NP Column 1
3E201 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the ‘‘use’’
of equipment controlled by 3A001.e.2 or
.e.3, 3A201 or 3A225 to 3A234.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP applies to ‘‘technology’’ for equipment controlled by
3A001.e.2, or .e.3,
3A201 or 3A225 to
3A234 for NP reasons.
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
44. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, add new ECCN 3E202,
17:41 Aug 06, 2014
Jkt 232001
NS applies to entire
NP applies to lasers
controlled by
6A005.a.2, a.3, a.4,
b.2.b, b.3, b.4,
b.6.c, c.1.b, c.2.b,
d.2, d.3.c, or d.4.c
that meet or exceed the technical
parameters described in 6A205.
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP applies to cameras controlled by
6A003.a.2, a.3 or
a.4 and to plug-ins
in 6A003.a.6 for
cameras controlled
by 6A003.a.3 or
NP Column 1
6A005 ‘‘Lasers,’’ ‘‘components’’ and optical
equipment, as follows (see List of Items
Controlled), excluding items that are
subject to the export licensing authority
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NP Column 1
AT Column 1
6A203 High-speed cameras, imaging
devices and ‘‘components’’ therefor,
other than those controlled by 6A003
(see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
NS Column 2
47. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A203 is
amended by revising the ECCN heading
and by revising the ‘‘Items’’ paragraph,
under the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
46. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A005 is
amended by revising the License
Requirements section of the ECCN to
read as follows:
Reason for Control: NS, NP, AT
License Requirements
6A003 Cameras, systems or equipment,
and ‘‘components’’ therefor, as follows
(see List of Items Controlled).
VerDate Mar<15>2010
NP Column 1
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
45. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A003 is
amended by revising the ‘‘Control(s)’’
language for ‘‘Country Chart—NP
Column 1’’ in the License Requirements
section to read as follows:
43. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 3
Electronics, ECCN 3E201 is amended by
revising the ECCN heading and by
revising the ‘‘Control(s)’’ language for
‘‘Country Chart—NP Column 1’’ in the
License Requirements section to read as
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: The list of items controlled is
contained in the ECCN heading.
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(see 10 CFR part 110).
immediately following ECCN 3E201, to
read as follows:
List of Items Controlled
a. Streak cameras and ‘‘specially designed’’
components therefor, as follows:
a.1. Streak cameras with writing speeds
greater than 0.5 mm/ms;
a.2. Electronic streak cameras capable of 50
ns or less time resolution;
a.3. Streak tubes for cameras described in
a.4. Plug-ins, ‘‘specially designed’’ for use
with streak cameras having modular
structures, that enable the performance
characteristics described in 6A203.a.1 or .a.2;
a.5. Synchronizing electronics units, and
rotor assemblies consisting of turbines,
mirrors and bearings, that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for cameras described in
b. Framing cameras and ‘‘specially
designed’’ components therefor, as follows:
b.1. Framing cameras with recording rates
greater than 225,000 frames per second;
b.2. Framing cameras capable of 50 ns or
less frame exposure time;
b.3. Framing tubes, and solid-state imaging
devices, that have a fast image gating
(shutter) time of 50 ns or less and are
‘‘specially designed’’ for cameras described
in 6A203.b.1 or .b.2;
b.4. Plug-ins, ‘‘specially designed’’ for use
with framing cameras having modular
structures, that enable the performance
characteristics described in 6A203.b.1 or .b.2;
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
b.5. Synchronizing electronic units, and
rotor assemblies consisting of turbines,
mirrors and bearings, that are ‘‘specially
designed’’ for cameras described in
6A203.b.1 or .b.2.
c. Solid-state or electron tube cameras and
‘‘specially designed’’ components therefor, as
c.1. Solid-state cameras, or electron tube
cameras, with a fast image gating (shutter)
time of 50 ns or less;
c.2. Solid-state imaging devices, and image
intensifiers tubes, that have a fast image
gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less and are
‘‘specially designed’’ for cameras described
in 6A203.c.1;
c.3. Electro-optical shuttering devices (Kerr
or Pockels cells) with a fast image gating
(shutter) time of 50 ns or less;
c.4. Plug-ins, ‘‘specially designed’’ for use
with cameras having modular structures, that
enable the performance characteristics
described in 6A203.c.1.
Technical Note: High speed single frame
cameras can be used alone to produce a
single image of a dynamic event, or several
such cameras can be combined in a
sequentially-triggered system to produce
multiple images of an event.
48. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A205 is
amended by revising the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A205 ‘‘Lasers’’, ‘‘laser’’ amplifiers and
oscillators, other than those controlled
by 0B001.g.5, 0B001.h.6, or 6A005, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definition: * * *
a. Copper vapor lasers having both of the
following characteristics:
a.1. Operating at wavelengths between 500
nm and 600 nm; and
a.2. An average output power equal to or
greater than 30 W;
b. Argon ion ‘‘lasers’’ having both of the
following characteristics:
b.1. Operating at wavelengths between 400
nm and 515 nm; and
b.2. An average output power greater than
40 W;
c. Neodymium-doped (other than glass)
lasers with an output wavelength between
1000 nm and 1100 nm having either of the
c.1. Pulse-excited and Q-switched with a
pulse duration equal to or greater than 1 ns,
and having either of the following:
c.1.a. A single-transverse mode output with
an average output power greater than 40 W;
c.1.b. A multiple-transverse mode output
with an average output power greater than 50
W; or
c.2. Incorporating frequency doubling to
give an output wavelength between 500 nm
and 550 nm with an average output power of
greater than 40 W.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:41 Aug 06, 2014
Jkt 232001
d. Tunable pulsed single-mode dye laser
oscillators having all of the following
d.1. Operating at wavelengths between 300
nm and 800 nm;
d.2. An average output greater than 1 W;
d.3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz;
d.4. Pulse width less than 100 ns;
e. Tunable pulsed dye laser amplifiers and
oscillators having all of the following
e.1. Operating at wavelengths between 300
nm and 800 nm;
e.2. An average output greater than 30 W;
e.3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz;
e.4. Pulse width less than 100 ns;
Note to 6A205.e: 6A205.e does not control
single mode oscillators.
f. Alexandrite lasers having all of the
following characteristics:
f.1. Operating at wavelengths between 720
nm and 800 nm;
f.2. A bandwidth of 0.005 nm or less;
f.3. A repetition rate greater than 125 Hz;
f.4. An average output power greater than
30 W;
g. Pulsed carbon dioxide ‘‘lasers’’ having
all of the following characteristics:
g.1. Operating at wavelengths between
9,000 nm and 11,000 nm;
g.2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz;
g.3. An average output power greater than
500 W; and
g.4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns;
Note to 6A205.g: 6A205.g does not control
the higher power (typically 1 kW to 5 kW)
industrial CO2 lasers used in applications
such as cutting and welding, as these latter
lasers are either continuous wave or are
pulsed with a pulse width greater than 200
h. Pulsed excimer lasers (XeF, XeCl, KrF)
having all of the following characteristics:
h.1. Operating at wavelengths between 240
nm and 360 nm;
h.2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz;
h.3. An average output power greater than
500 W;
i. Para-hydrogen Raman shifters designed
to operate at 16 micrometer output
wavelength and at a repetition rate greater
than 250 Hz.;
j. Pulsed carbon monoxide lasers having all
of the following characteristics:
j.1. Operating at wavelengths between
5,000 and 6,000 nm;
j.2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz;
j.3. An average output power greater than
200 W; and
j.4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns.
Note to ECCN 6A205.j: 6A205.j does not
control the higher power (typically 1 kW to
5 kW) industrial CO lasers used in
applications such as cutting and welding,
because such lasers are either continuous
wave or are pulsed with a pulse width greater
than 200 ns.
49. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A225 is
amended by revising the ‘‘ECCN
PO 00000
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Controls’’ paragraph, under the List of
Items Controlled section, to read as
6A225 Velocity interferometers for
measuring velocities exceeding 1 km/s
during time intervals of less than 10
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definition: * * *
ECCN Controls: 6A225 includes velocity
interferometers, such as VISARs (Velocity
Interferometer Systems for Any Reflector),
DLIs (Doppler Laser Interferometers) and
PDV (Photonic Doppler Velocimeters) also
known as Het-V (Heterodyne
50. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A226 is
amended by revising the ‘‘Items’’
paragraph, under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A226 Pressure sensors, as follows (see List
of Items Controlled).
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definition: * * *
a. Shock pressure gauges capable of
measuring pressures greater than 10 GPa (100
kilobars), including gauges made with
manganin, ytterbium, and polyvinylidene
bifluoride (PVBF, PVF2);
b. Quartz pressure transducers for
pressures greater than 10 GPa (100 kilobars).
51. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, add new ECCN
6D201, immediately following ECCN
6D103, to read as follows:
6D201 ‘‘Software’’ ‘‘specially designed’’ to
enhance or release the performance
characteristics of high-speed cameras
and imaging devices, and components
therefor, to meet or exceed the level of
the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 6A203.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See ECCNs 6E001
(‘‘development’’) and 6E202 (‘‘production’’
and ‘‘use’’) for ‘‘technology’’ for items
controlled under this entry.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ‘‘Software’’ or encryption keys/codes
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or release
the performance characteristics of equipment
not controlled by ECCN 6A203, or not
controlled for NP reasons by ECCN 6A003, so
that such equipment meets or exceeds the
performance characteristics of equipment
described in ECCN 6A203.
b. ‘‘Software’’ or encryption keys/codes
‘‘specially designed’’ to enhance or release
the performance characteristics of equipment
controlled by ECCN 6A203 or equipment
controlled by ECCN 6A003 that meets or
exceeds the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 6A203.
52. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6E001 is
amended by revising the ‘‘Control(s)’’
language for ‘‘Country Chart—NP
Column 1’’ in the License Requirements
section to read as follows:
6E001 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘development’’ of equipment, materials
or ‘‘software’’ controlled by 6A (except
6A991, 6A992, 6A994, 6A995, 6A996,
6A997, or 6A998), 6B (except 6B995), 6C
(except 6C992 or 6C994), or 6D (except
6D991, 6D992, or 6D993).
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with RULES2
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:41 Aug 06, 2014
Jkt 232001
Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP applies to ‘‘techNP Column 1
nology’’ for items
controlled by
6A003, 6A005,
6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225,
6A226, 6D001, or
6D201 for NP reasons.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
for a description of all license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: The list of items controlled is
contained in the ECCN heading.
Dated: July 25, 2014.
Kevin J. Wolf,
Assistant Secretary for Export
■ 53. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
(the Commerce Control List), Category 6
Sensors and Lasers, add new ECCN
6E202, immediately following ECCN
6E201, to read as follows:
[FR Doc. 2014–18064 Filed 8–6–14; 8:45 am]
6E202 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the
General Technology Note for the
‘‘production’’ or ‘‘use’’ of ‘‘software’’
controlled by 6D201.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
NP applies to entire
AT applies to entire
PO 00000
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Country chart (see
Supp. No. 1 to part
NP Column 1
AT Column 1
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[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 152 (Thursday, August 7, 2014)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 46315-46333]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-18064]
[[Page 46315]]
Vol. 79
No. 152
August 7, 2014
Part II
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 738, 740, 742, et al.
Implementation of Understandings Reached at the 2005, 2012, and 2013
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Plenary Meetings and a 2009 NSG
Intersessional Decision; Additions to the List of NSG Participating
Countries; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 79 , No. 152 / Thursday, August 7, 2014 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 46316]]
Bureau of Industry and Security
15 CFR Parts 738, 740, 742, 744, 772, and 774
[Docket No. 090130094-3271-01]
RIN 0694-AD58
Implementation of Understandings Reached at the 2005, 2012, and
2013 Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) Plenary Meetings and a 2009 NSG
Intersessional Decision; Additions to the List of NSG Participating
AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is publishing this
final rule to amend the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to
implement the understandings reached at the 2005 Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG) Plenary meeting held in Oslo, Norway; the 2012 NSG Plenary
meeting held in Seattle, Washington; and the 2013 NSG Plenary meeting
held in Prague, Czech Republic. This rule also implements a decision
adopted under the NSG intersessional silent approval procedures in
December 2009. Accordingly, this rule amends certain entries in
Category 1 (``Special Materials and Related Equipment''), Category 2
(``Materials Processing''), Category 3 (``Electronics''), and Category
6 (``Sensors and Lasers'') of the Commerce Control List (CCL) to
reflect changes in the Annex to the NSG ``Guidelines for the Transfer
of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, Software and Related
Technology'' (the NSG Annex) based on the understandings reached at the
2005, 2012, and 2013 NSG Plenary meetings and the aforementioned 2009
NSG intersessional decision. Consistent with the 2005 NSG
understandings, this rule also amends the export licensing policies in
the EAR that apply to items that require a license for nuclear
nonproliferation (NP) reasons, or as a result of certain nuclear end-
users or end-uses, by adding an additional factor that must be
considered by BIS when it reviews license applications involving such
items, end-users, and/or end-uses. The 2012 and 2013 NSG Plenary
understandings are a continuation of the fundamental review of the NSG
control lists that was launched at the 2010 NSG Plenary meeting in
Christchurch, New Zealand.
Finally, this rule amends the EAR to reflect the status of Croatia,
Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, and Serbia as participating
countries in the NSG, first, by adding these countries to the list of
participating countries in the definition of ``Nuclear Suppliers
Group'' and to Country Group A:4 (Nuclear Suppliers Group countries)
and, second, by removing the license requirements for exports and
reexports to these countries of certain items controlled for nuclear
nonproliferation (NP) reasons.
DATES: This rule is effective August 7, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send comments regarding this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing the burden, to Jasmeet Seehra,
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), by email to, or by fax to (202) 395-7285; and to the Regulatory
Policy Division, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of
Commerce, 14th Street & Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Room 2705, Washington,
DC 20230.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steven Clagett, Director, Nuclear and
Missile Technology Controls Division, Office of Nonproliferation and
Treaty Compliance, Bureau of Industry and Security, Telephone: (202)
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is amending the Export
Administration Regulations (EAR) as follows: (1) To reflect the
understandings reached at the NSG Plenary meeting held in Oslo, Norway,
on June 23-24, 2005, the NSG Plenary meeting held in Seattle,
Washington, on June 18-22, 2012, and the NSG Plenary meeting held in
Prague, Czech Republic, on June 13-14, 2013; (2) to implement a 2009
NSG intersessional decision; (3) to reflect the addition of several
participating governments to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG); and (4)
to make corrections to certain nuclear-related entries on the CCL. The
NSG is a multilateral export control forum that currently consists of
48 participating countries. The NSG maintains a list of dual-use items
that could be used for nuclear proliferation activities. The list is
maintained in the Annex to the NSG's ``Guidelines for Transfers of
Nuclear Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, Software, and Related
Technology'' (hereinafter the ``NSG Annex''). NSG participating
countries share a commitment to prevent nuclear proliferation and the
development of nuclear-related weapons of mass destruction. In
furtherance of that commitment, they have agreed to impose export
controls on listed items. The NSG Guidelines and the Annex thereto are
designed to ensure that nuclear trade for peaceful purposes does not
contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or related
proliferation activities.
Updates To Reflect Additional Participating Governments to the NSG
At the NSG Plenary meeting held in G[ouml]teborg, Sweden, on May
27-28, 2004, Estonia, Lithuania, Malta, and the People's Republic of
China were approved as new participating governments to the NSG.
Croatia was approved as a new NSG participating government at the
aforementioned 2005 NSG Plenary meeting and Iceland was approved as a
new NSG participating government at the NSG Plenary meeting held in
Budapest, Hungary, on June 11-12, 2009. Most recently, Mexico was
approved as a new NSG participating government during the
intersessional period following the NSG Plenary meeting held in
Seattle, Washington, on June 18-22, 2012, and Serbia was approved in
April 2013, following consultations with its government.
To reflect the status of these countries as participating
governments in the NSG, this final rule amends the EAR by adding all
eight countries to the definition of ``Nuclear Suppliers Group'' in
Section 772.1 of the EAR. This rule also amends Supplement No. 1 to
part 740 of the EAR by adding all of these countries, except the
People's Republic of China, to Country Group A:4 (Nuclear Suppliers
Group). In addition, this rule amends the Commerce Country Chart
(Supplement No. 1 to Part 738 of the EAR) by revising certain license
requirements that apply to these countries to be consistent with those
that apply to other participating governments in the NSG. Specifically,
this rule removes certain nuclear nonproliferation (NP) license
requirements for all of these countries, except the People's Republic
of China. As a result of the changes made by this rule, Croatia,
Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, and Serbia are no longer
designated as NP Column 1 destinations on the Commerce Country Chart.
Consistent with the changes described above, this rule amends
Section 742.3(a)(1) of the EAR to clarify that exports and reexports of
items on the Commerce Control List (CCL) (Supplement No. 1 to Part 774
of the EAR) that are controlled for nuclear nonproliferation reasons to
destinations indicated under NP Column 1 on the Commerce Country Chart
do not require a license, based on this reason for control, to those
NSG member countries that are listed under Country Group A:4
[[Page 46317]]
in Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR. With the addition of
Croatia, Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, and Serbia, all of
the countries whose governments participate in the NSG, except the
People's Republic of China, are now listed in Country Group A:4.
2005 NSG Plenary Changes
At the 2005 NSG Plenary meeting, the participating governments
agreed to the addition of another factor for reviewing license
applications to export items listed on the NSG Annex. This new factor
is intended to address exports to countries that experience a
significant number of export transactions in the form of
transshipments. Specifically, the participating governments agreed to
consider whether the country receiving an export has in place
sufficient export controls to prevent an unacceptable risk of diversion
or transfer to a nuclear proliferation activity. This final rule
implements this NSG agreement by amending the nuclear nonproliferation
licensing policies in Section 742.3(b)(1) of the EAR to add a new
paragraph (b)(1)(ix), which includes the new NSG licensing factor, and
to make editorial conforming changes in paragraphs (b)(1)(vii) and
(b)(1)(viii)(F). In addition, this rule amends the nuclear end-user/
end-use licensing review standards in Section 744.2(d) of the EAR by
adding a new paragraph (d)(9), which includes the new NSG licensing
factor, and by making editorial conforming changes in paragraphs (d)(7)
and (d)(8)(vi).
NSG participating governments also agreed at the 2005 Plenary
meeting to revise the NSG Annex to clarify that it includes in section
1.B.2.b and .c, respectively, machine tools for milling and grinding
that have five or more axes, which can be coordinated simultaneously
for ``contouring control.'' This rule amends ECCN 2B201 to implement
this NSG clarification by revising the ``List of Items Controlled'' in
the ECCN to specifically identify 5-axis machine tools for milling and
grinding under new paragraphs .b.3 and .c.3, respectively. Prior to the
publication of this rule, ECCN 2B201 stated that it controlled milling
and grinding machines with ``two or more'' axes, but did not
specifically identify the 5-axis machine tools for milling and grinding
that are controlled under this ECCN. The addition of language to ECCN
2B201 that specifically identifies certain 5-axis machine tools for
grinding and milling is intended to clarify the control parameters for
this ECCN. This change does not expand the scope of these controls.
Note that the positioning accuracy values identified in ECCN 2B201.a,
.b, and .c are different from those stated in 1.B.2.a, .b, & .c on the
NSG Annex, because the former are based on ISO 230/2 (2006), instead of
ISO 230/2 (1988), which is still being used by the NSG. BIS adjusted
the positioning accuracy values identified in ECCN 2B201.a, .b, and .c
to ensure that there would be no discrepancy between the scope of the
controls described in ECCN 2B201 and the corresponding controls
indicated in 1.B.2.a, .b, & .c on the NSG Annex. Specifically, in
2B201.a and .b.1, this results in an adjustment from 6 [mu]m to 4.5
[mu]m. In paragraph .b of the Note to 2B201.b, the resulting adjustment
is from 30 [mu]m to 22.5 [mu]m. In 2B201.c, the resulting adjustment is
from 4 [mu]m to 3 [mu]m. ECCN 2B201 was updated to reflect ISO 230/2
(2006), consistent with the standard used in ECCN 2B001, by the rule
(77 FR 39354, July 2, 2012) that implemented the agreements made at the
2011 Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) Plenary.
This rule also adds a new Note under ECCN 2B201, at the beginning
of the ``List of Items Controlled,'' to indicate that this ECCN does
not control special purpose machine tools limited to the manufacture of
gears, crankshafts or cam shafts, tools or cutters, and extruder worms.
In addition, this rule adds a Technical Note, at the end of the ECCN,
to clarify that 2B201.b.3 and 2B201.c.3 include machines based on a
parallel linear kinematic design (e.g. hexapods) that have 5 or more
axes, none of which are rotary axes.
2009 NSG Intersessional Changes
This rule amends ECCN 2B206 to conform with the changes that the
NSG made to the entry 1.B.3.a on the NSG Annex as a result of a
decision that was adopted under the NSG intersessional silent approval
procedures in December 2009. Specifically, this rule amends the heading
of 2B206.a to refer to the more inclusive term ``coordinate measuring
machines (CMM),'' instead of ``dimensional inspection machines,'' and
revises 2B206.a.2 by updating the international standard referenced
therein to read ``ISO 10360-2 (2009).'' However, the NSG revisions to
1.B.3.a, which are reflected in the amended text of 2B206.a.2, retain a
one-dimensional length measurement error parameter and the same value
for that error parameter for establishing the export control threshold.
2012 NSG Plenary Changes
At the 2012 NSG Plenary meeting, the participating governments
agreed to modify controls on a number of items identified in the NSG
Annex. Consistent with the 2012 plenary changes to section 3.B.4.a.3 of
the NSG Annex, this rule revises ECCN 1B201.a.3 to control filament
winding machines that, in addition to the characteristics described in
1B201.a.1 and .a.2, are capable of winding cylindrical tubes with an
internal diameter between 75 mm and 650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or
greater. Prior to the publication of this rule, ECCN 1B201.a.3 stated
that controls applied to filament winding machines capable of winding
cylindrical rotors of diameter between 75 mm (3 in.) and 400 mm (16
in.) and lengths of 600 mm (24 in.) or greater.
To reflect the removal of section 4.B.3 (ammonia synthesis
converters or synthesis units) from the NSG Annex, this rule amends the
CCL to remove ECCN 1B227, which listed these items prior to the
publication of this rule. This rule also makes related conforming
changes to the CCL by amending the control language for NP Column 1 in
the License Requirements section of ECCN 1E001 (``development'' and
``production'' ``technology'') and the heading of ECCN 1E201 (``use''
``technology'') to reflect the removal of ECCN 1B227 from the CCL.
Ammonia synthesis converters or synthesis units that are ``specially
designed'' or prepared for heavy water production, utilizing the
ammonia-hydrogen exchange process, are included on the NSG Trigger List
under section 2.6 (Plants for the production or concentration of heavy
water, deuterium and deuterium compounds and ``specially designed'' or
prepared equipment therefor) and are specifically identified in Annex B
(Clarification of Items on the Trigger List) under section 6.6. Such
items are subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110 and Appendix K to part 110).
Consistent with the 2012 NSG Plenary changes to section 2.B.2 in
the NSG Annex, this rule amends ECCN 1B233.b to revise the controls on
lithium isotope separation equipment. Specifically, ECCN 1B233.b is
amended to specify that it controls lithium isotope separation
equipment based on the lithium-mercury amalgam process. ECCN 1B233 also
is amended by adding controls, under new paragraphs .c and .d, on ion
exchange systems and chemical exchange systems, respectively, that are
``specially designed'' for lithium isotope separation and on
``specially designed'' parts for such systems. BIS has export licensing
jurisdiction over the equipment and systems described in ECCN 1B233.b,
.c, or .d, but the facilities and plants described in ECCN 1B233.a are
[[Page 46318]]
to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(see 10 CFR part 110). However, certain lithium isotope separation
equipment and components for the plasma separation process (PSP) that
are described in 1B233.b through .d are also directly applicable to
uranium isotope separation and are subject to the export licensing
authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This rule amends the
Related Controls paragraph in the List of Items Controlled by ECCN
1B233 to include a statement to this effect.
In addition, this rule amends ECCN 1C216 to reflect a change to the
controls on maraging steel described in section 2.C.11 of the NSG
Annex. Specifically, ECCN 1C216 is amended to control maraging steel
capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 1,950 MPa or more at 293 K
(20 [deg]C). Prior to the publication of this rule, ECCN 1C216
controlled maraging steel capable of an ultimate tensile strength of
2,050 MPa or more at 293 K (20 [deg]C).
This rule also amends ECCN 2B230 to reflect the 2012 NSG plenary
changes to section 3.A.7 (Pressure transducers) on the NSG Annex.
Specifically, the heading of ECCN 2B230 is amended to indicate that
this entry controls all types of pressure transducers that are capable
of measuring absolute pressures and have all of the characteristics
identified in 2B230.a through .c. Paragraph .a of ECCN 2B230 is amended
to add pressure sensing elements made of, or protected by, aluminum
oxide (alumina or sapphire) or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers.
A new paragraph .b is added to include seals essential for sealing the
pressure sensing element, and in direct contact with the process
medium, that are made of, or protected by, aluminum, aluminum alloy,
aluminum oxide (alumina or sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more
than 60% nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers.
Newly redesignated paragraph .c (which was paragraph .b prior to the
publication of this rule) is amended in subparagraph .c.2 to specify a
full scale of 13 kPa or greater and an accuracy of better than 130 Pa when measuring at 13 kPa. In addition, the Related
Definitions paragraph in the List of Items Controlled is amended to
indicate that, for purposes of ECCN 2B230, ``pressure transducers'' are
devices that convert pressure measurements into a signal. Prior to the
publication of this rule, the definition specified the conversion of
pressure measurements into an electrical signal.
This rule adds a new ECCN 2B233 to control certain bellows-sealed
scroll-type compressors and bellows-sealed scroll-type vacuum pumps,
consistent with the 2012 NSG Plenary decision to add such compressors
and pumps to the NSG Annex under new section 3.A.9. Specifically, this
new ECCN controls bellows-sealed scroll-type compressors and bellows-
sealed scroll-type vacuum pumps capable of an inlet volume flow rate of
50 m\3\/h or greater and a pressure ratio of 2:1 or greater with all
surfaces that come in contact with the process gas made from any of the
following: Aluminum or aluminum alloy, aluminum oxide, stainless steel,
nickel or nickel alloy, phosphor bronze, or fluoropolymers. Because new
ECCN 2B233 and ECCN 2B231 both control certain vacuum pumps, the
Related Controls paragraph in each ECCN cross-references the other
ECCN. These Related Controls paragraphs also cross-reference vacuum
pumps subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110) that are ``specially
designed'' or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes. This
rule also makes related conforming changes to the CCL by amending the
control language for NP Column 1 in the License Requirements section of
ECCN 2E001 (``development'' ``technology'') and ECCN 2E002
(``production'' ``technology'') and by amending the heading of ECCN
2E201 (``use'' ``technology'') to reflect the addition of ECCN 2B233 to
the CCL.
This rule amends ECCN 3A225 to revise controls on frequency
changers and generators to reflect the 2012 NSG Plenary changes to
section 3.A.1 on the NSG Annex. Specifically, this rule amends ECCN
3A225 to control frequency changers or generators that are usable as a
variable frequency or fixed frequency motor drive, have a multiphase
output providing a power of 40 VA or greater, operate at a frequency of
600 Hz or more, and have a frequency control better (less) than 0.2%.
This rule also adds two new Notes to ECCN 3A225. The first Note
indicates that ECCN 3A225 controls frequency changers intended for use
in specific industrial machinery and/or consumer goods (machine tools,
vehicles, etc.) only if the frequency changers can meet the performance
characteristics described in ECCN 3A225 when removed from the machinery
and/or goods. This Note, however, does not exclude from control under
ECCN 3A225 any frequency changer described therein that is the
principal element of a non-controlled item and that can feasibly be
removed or used for other purposes. The second new Note recommends
that, when determining whether a particular frequency changer meets or
exceeds the performance characteristics described in ECCN 3A225, both
hardware and ``software'' performance constraints must be considered.
This rule also adds two new Technical Notes to ECCN 3A225. The first
Technical Note indicates that the frequency changers controlled by ECCN
3A225 are also known as converters or inverters (this Technical Note
was included in the NSG Annex prior to the 2012 NSG Plenary, but was
not previously included in ECCN 3A225). The second Technical Note,
which was added to the NSG Annex as part of the 2012 NSG Plenary
changes, indicates that the performance characteristics described in
ECCN 3A225 also may be met by certain equipment marketed as:
Generators, electronic test equipment, AC power supplies, variable
speed motor drives, variable speed drives (VSDs), variable frequency
drives (VFDs), adjustable frequency drives (AFDs), or adjustable speed
drives (ASDs).
This rule also amends the CCL to control certain ``software''
related to the equipment described in ECCN 3A225. ECCN 3D201 is added
to control ``software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``use'' of
equipment described in ECCN 3A225 and ECCN 3D202 is added to control
``software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or release the
performance characteristics of frequency changers or generators to meet
or exceed the level of the performance characteristics described in
ECCN 3A225. New ECCN 3D202 controls both of the following: (1)
``Software'' or encryption keys/codes ``specially designed'' to enhance
or release the performance characteristics of equipment that is not
controlled by ECCN 3A225, so that such equipment meets or exceeds the
performance characteristics of equipment controlled by that ECCN; and
(2) ``software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or release the
performance characteristics of equipment that is controlled by ECCN
3A225. The controls in new ECCN 3D202 reflect the 2012 NSG Plenary
changes to the ``software'' controls described in section 3.D of the
NSG Annex (specifically, the addition of new 3.D.2 and 3.D.3).
Consistent with the addition of new ECCNs 3D201 and 3D202 to the
CCL (as described above) and with the controls in 3.E.1 on the NSG
Annex, this rule also adds a new ECCN 3E202 to control ``technology''
for the ``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use'' of ``software''
controlled by ECCN 3D201 or 3D202.
This rule amends ECCN 6A005, consistent with the 2012 NSG Plenary
[[Page 46319]]
changes to 3.A.2 on the NSG Annex. First, 3.A.2.a.2 (copper vapor
lasers) was revised to lower the specified ``average output power''
from ``equal to or greater than 40 W'' to ``equal to or greater than 30
W.'' Second, a new 3.A.2.j was added to control certain pulsed carbon
monoxide lasers. In response to these NSG changes and to further
clarify the scope of the NP controls in ECCN 6A005, this rule revises
the ``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section of ECCN 6A005 to indicate that NP controls
apply to lasers controlled by 6A005.a.2, a.3, a.4, b.2.b, b.3, b.4,
b.6.c, c.1.b, c.2.b, d.2, d.3.c, or d.4.c that meet or exceed the
technical parameters described in ECCN 6A205. Note that the ``License
Requirements Note'' (NP controls on ``lasers'' controlled by 6A005) in
the License Requirements section of ECCN 6A005 was removed by the
Wassenaar Arrangement 2013 Plenary Agreements Implementation rule that
BIS published in the Federal Register on August 4, 2014.
This rule amends ECCN 6A205 (which controls ``lasers,'' ``laser''
amplifiers and oscillators, other than those controlled by 6A005, but
excludes items subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission) by revising the ``Items'' paragraph in the List
of Items Controlled section to conform, entirely, with the controls
described in 3.A.2 on the NSG Annex. Specifically, copper vapor lasers,
alexandrite lasers, and pulsed excimer lasers, as described in 3.A.2 on
the NSG Annex, are now listed in ECCN 6A205; however, most of these
lasers continue to be controlled for NS (national security) reasons, as
well as NP and AT (anti-terrorism) reasons, under ECCN 6A005. In
addition, this rule amends ECCN 6A205 to list the lasers in the order
in which they appear in 3.A.2 on the NSG Annex. This rule also adds a
new paragraph .j to ECCN 6A205 to reflect the 2012 NSG Plenary changes
to section 3.A.2 on the NSG Annex (specifically, the addition of
3.A.2.j). New ECCN 6A205.j controls pulsed carbon monoxide lasers
operating at wavelengths between 5,000 and 6,000 nm that have a
repetition rate greater than 250 Hz, an average output power greater
than 200 W, and a pulse width of less than 200 ns. A new Note to ECCN
6A205.j indicates that these controls do not capture the higher power
(typically 1 to 5 kW) industrial CO lasers that are used in
applications such as cutting and welding, because such lasers are
either continuous wave or are pulsed with a pulse width greater than
200 ns.
2013 NSG Plenary Changes
At the 2013 NSG Plenary meeting, the participating governments
agreed to modify controls on a number of items identified in the NSG
Annex. Consistent with the 2013 plenary changes to section 4.B.2.d of
the NSG Annex, this rule revises 1B228.d to control hydrogen-cryogenic
distillation columns with an internal diameter of 30 cm or greater and
``effective lengths'' of 4 m or greater. Prior to the publication of
this rule, 1B228.d controlled hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns
with an internal diameter of 1 m or greater and ``effective lengths''
of 5 m or greater. In addition, this rule amends the ``Related
Definitions'' paragraph in the List of Items Controlled section of ECCN
1B228 to include a definition of the term ``effective length.'' For
purposes of this ECCN, ``effective length'' means the active height of
packing material in a packed-type column, or the active height of
internal contactor plates in a plate-type column.
Consistent with the addition of 5.B.7 to the NSG Annex, this rule
adds new ECCN 1B234 to the CCL to control certain high explosive
containment vessels, chambers, containers, and other similar
containment devices designed for the testing of high explosives or
explosive devices. New ECCN 1B234 controls any such equipment, not
enumerated in ECCN 1B608 or in USML Category IV or V on the ITAR (see
22 CFR parts 120 through 130), that: (1) Is designed to fully contain
an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of TNT or greater; and (2) has design
elements or features enabling real time or delayed transfer of
diagnostic or measurement information. In addition, this rule makes
conforming amendments to ECCNs 1E001 and 1E201 to reflect the addition
of new ECCN 1B234. Specifically, ECCN 1E001 is amended by revising the
NP Column 1 paragraph in the License Requirements section to indicate
that this ECCN contains NP controls on ``development'' and
``production'' ``technology'' for equipment described in new ECCN 1B234
(note that AT controls apply to all items in 1E001). ECCN 1E201 is
amended by revising the heading of the ECCN to indicate that 1E201
controls ``technology'' for the ``use'' of equipment described in new
ECCN 1B234.
This rule also amends ECCN 1C236 to reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 2.C.19 in the NSG Annex, which included: (1) Revising the
heading of 2.C.19 to indicate that this paragraph applies to
radionuclides that are ``appropriate for making neutron sources based
on alpha-n reaction;'' and (2) identifying specific types of
radionuclides to which 2.C.19 applies. Specifically, this rule revises
the heading of ECCN 1C236 to indicate that this ECCN controls
radionuclides appropriate for making neutron sources based on alpha-n
reaction and products or devices containing such radionuclides. This
rule also revises the ``Items'' paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section of ECCN 1C236. First, new 1C236.a.1 identifies the
twenty-one radionuclides that are controlled under this ECCN, all of
which are ``appropriate for making neutron sources based on alpha-n
reaction.'' Second, new 1C236.a.2 states that the radionuclides
identified in 1C236.a.1 are controlled by ECCN 1C236 only if they are
in one of the following forms identified in 1C236.a.2.a through .a.2.c:
(1) Elemental; (2) compounds having a total activity of 37 GBq (1
curie) per kg or greater; or (3) mixtures having a total activity of 37
GBq (1 curie) per kg or greater. Third, 1C236.b, as revised, indicates
that ECCN 1C236 also controls products or devices containing
radionuclides identified in new 1C236.a.1 in any of the forms described
in new 1C236.a.2. In structural terms, the control language that was
included in 1C236.a, .b, and .c, prior to the publication of this rule,
has been folded into new 1C236.a.2.a through .a.2.c, respectively; the
control language that was in 1C236.d has been moved to revised 1C236.b;
and new 1C236.a.1 has been added to list the specific radionuclides
that are controlled under this ECCN (all of which must be in one of the
forms identified in 1C236.a.2.a through .a.2.c).
Consistent with the addition of 2.C.20 to the NSG Annex, this rule
adds new ECCN 1C241 to the CCL to control rhenium and alloys containing
rhenium (i.e., alloys with 90% by weight or more of rhenium or alloys
with 90% by weight or more of any combination of rhenium and tungsten)
that: (1) Are in forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including
cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 mm and 300 mm;
and (2) have a mass greater than 20 kg. In addition, this rule makes
conforming amendments to ECCNs 1E001 and 1E201 to reflect the addition
of new ECCN 1C241. Specifically, ECCN 1E001 is amended by revising the
NP Column 1 paragraph in the License Requirements section to indicate
that this ECCN contains NP controls on ``development'' and
``production'' ``technology'' for rhenium and alloys containing rhenium
described in new ECCN 1C241 (note
[[Page 46320]]
that AT controls apply to all items in 1E001). In addition, ECCN 1E201
is amended by revising the heading of the ECCN to indicate that 1E201
controls ``technology'' for the ``use'' of rhenium and alloys
containing rhenium described in new ECCN 1C241.
This rule amends ECCN 2A225 to reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes
to 2.A.1.a in the NSG Annex. Specifically, ECCN 2A225.a.1 is amended to
clarify that the volume controlled is described in ``liters.'' This
rule also amends 2A225.b.1 and .c.1 to make the same clarification,
consistent with the control language in 2.A.1.b.1 and .c.1 in the NSG
Annex (these NSG Annex paragraphs already specified ``liters'' prior to
the 2013 NSG Plenary changes). In addition, this rule amends the
heading of ECCN 2A225.a.2 to: (1) Specify that ``an overall impurity
level of 2% or less by weight'' applies; and (2) add the phrase,
``combination of the following materials.'' Based on these changes,
crucibles controlled under ECCN 2A225.a must: (1) Have a volume of
between 150 cm\3\ and 8,000 cm\3\ (8 liters); and (2) be made of, or
coated with, any of the materials identified in 2A225.a.2.a through
a.2.i, or combination of these materials, having an overall impurity
level of 2% or less by weight.
This rule amends the heading of ECCN 2B232 to reflect the 2013 NSG
Plenary changes to 5.B.2 in the NSG Annex. Specifically, the heading of
ECCN 2B232 is revised to control ``high-velocity gun systems
(propellant, gas, coil, electromagnetic, and electrothermal types, and
other advanced systems) capable of accelerating projectiles to 1.5 km/s
or greater.'' Prior to the publication of this rule, this ECCN
controlled ``multistage light gas guns or other high-velocity gun
systems (coil, electromagnetic, and electrothermal types, and other
advanced systems) capable of accelerating projectiles to 2 km/s or
This rule also amends ECCN 2D201 to reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to NSG Annex entry 1.D.1, which was revised to include software
``modified'' for the ``use'' of specified equipment, as well as
software ``specially designed'' for such ``use.'' Consistent with these
NSG changes, this rule amends the heading of ECCN 2D201 to indicate
that this ECCN controls ``software'' ``specially designed'' or
``modified'' for the ``use'' of equipment controlled by 2B204, 2B206,
2B207, 2B209, 2B227, or 2B229. Prior to the publication of this rule,
the ECCN heading referred to ``specially designed'' ``software,'' but
not ``software'' ``modified,'' for the ``use'' of the such equipment.
In addition, this rule amends the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph in the
List of Items Controlled section of ECCN 2D201 to indicate that
``software'' ``specially designed'' or ``modified'' for systems
controlled by 2B206.b includes ``software'' for simultaneous
measurements of wall thickness and contour. Prior to the publication of
this rule, the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph did not specifically refer
to ``software'' ``modified'' for such systems.
This rule adds a new ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph to the List of
Items Controlled section of ECCN 2D202 to indicate that this ECCN does
not control part programming ``software'' that generates ``numerical
control'' command codes, but does not allow direct use of equipment for
machining various parts. This change is consistent with the 2013 NSG
Plenary decision to add a new note that provides the same guidance with
respect to 1.D.2 in the NSG Annex.
This rule amends ECCN 3A229 consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 6.A.2, which included the following: 6.A.2.a and .b were
revised; a new 6.A.2.c was added; the Technical Note defining ``rise
time'' was removed; and the Note to 6.A.2 was revised to add
descriptions of ``optically driven firing sets'' and ``explosively
driven firing sets.'' Specifically, 3A229.a is amended to indicate that
it controls ``detonator firing sets (initiation systems, firesets),
including electronically-charged, explosively-driven and optically-
driven firing sets'' designed to drive multiple controlled detonators
(prior to the publication of this rule 3A229.a referred to ``explosive
detonator firing sets''). In 3A229.b, this rule removes 3A229.b.2,
redesignates 3A229.b.3 as new 3A229.b.2, and amends new 3A229.b.2 to
specify a capability of delivering energy in less than 15 [mu]s ``into
loads of less than 40 [Omega] (ohms).'' ECCN 3A229.b.4 is redesignated
as new 3A229.b.3, with no changes. ECCN 3A229.b.5 is removed and
3A229.b.6 is redesignated as new 3A229.b.4 and amended to specify ``no
dimension greater than 30 cm'' (the control level was 25.4 cm, prior to
the publication of this rule). ECCN 3A229.b.7 is redesignated as new
3A229.b.5 and amended to specify a weight less than 30 kg (the control
level was 25 kg, prior to the publication of this rule). ECCN 3A229.b.8
is redesignated as new 3A229.b.6 with no changes. This rule also amends
ECCN 3A229 by adding a new 3A229.c to control micro-firing units with
all of the following characteristics: (1) No dimension greater than 35
mm; (2) a voltage rating of equal to or greater than 1 kV; and (3) a
capacitance of equal to or greater than 100 nF.
In addition, this rule amends the ``Related Definitions'' paragraph
of ECCN 3A229 to read ``N/A,'' because a definition of ``rise time'' is
no longer required due to the removal of the 3A229.b.5 control that
specified ``a `rise time' of less than 10 [mu]s into loads of less than
40 ohms'' (see description of the changes related to 3A229.b.5, above).
Also, consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary changes to the Note to 6.A.2
(as described above), this rule amends the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph
of ECCN 3A229 to indicate that: (1) Optically driven firing sets
include both those employing laser initiation and laser charging; and
(2) explosively driven firing sets include both explosive ferroelectric
and explosive ferromagnetic firing set types. To further clarify the
EAR controls on explosive detonators, this rule also amends the
``Related Controls'' paragraph of ECCN 3A229 to include a reference to
explosive detonator firing sets in ECCN 1A007.a that are designed to
drive explosive detonators controlled by 1A007.b.
This rule amends ECCN 3A230 to reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary changes
to 5.B.6 in the NSG Annex. Specifically, the heading of ECCN 3A230 is
revised to indicate that this ECCN controls not only high-speed pulse
generators, but also the ``pulse heads'' for such generators. In
addition, the ``Related Definitions'' paragraph, in the List of Items
Controlled for ECCN 3A230, is amended to add a definition of ``pulse
heads,'' as this term is used in the amended heading of ECCN 3A230.
This rule also amends ECCN 3A231 to reflect the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 6.A.5.b in the NSG Annex. Specifically, ECCN 3A231.b is
amended to indicate that controlled neutron generator systems must
utilize electrostatic acceleration to induce either: (1) A tritium-
deuterium nuclear reaction; or (2) a deuterium-deuterium nuclear
reaction capable of an output of 3 x 10\9\ neutrons/s or greater. Prior
to the publication of this final rule, ECCN 3A231.b specified only a
tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction.
This rule amends ECCN 3A233 to reflect the following 2013 NSG
Plenary changes to 3.B.6 in the NSG Annex: 3.B.6.d was revised; 3.B.6.e
was removed; 3.B.6.f was redesignated as new 3.B.6.e; and three new
Technical Notes were added to address the revised controls in 3.B.6.d.
Specifically, this rule amends 3A233.d, consistent with the NSG
revisions to 3.B.6.d, to control electron bombardment mass
[[Page 46321]]
spectrometers with both of the following: (1) A molecular beam inlet
system that injects a collimated beam of analyte molecules into a
region of the ion source where the molecules are ionized by an electron
beam; and (2) one or more cold traps that can be cooled to a
temperature of 193 K (-80 [deg]C) or less in order to trap analyte
molecules not ionized by the electron beam. In addition, this rule
removes 3A233.e and redesignates 3A233.f as new 3A233.e, consistent
with the NSG's removal of 3.B.6.e and redesignation of 3.B.6.f. This
rule also adds three new Technical Notes, at end of ECCN 3A233, to
indicate that: (1) ECCN 3A233.d controls mass spectrometers typically
used for isotopic analysis of UF6 gas samples; (2) electron
bombardment mass spectrometers in ECCN 3A233.d are also known as
electron impact mass spectrometers or electron ionization mass
spectrometers; and (3) a ``cold trap,'' as that term is used in ECCN
3A233.d.2, is a device that traps gas molecules by condensing or
freezing them on cold surfaces and, for the purposes of this ECCN, a
closed-loop gaseous helium cryogenic vacuum pump is not a cold trap.
Consistent with the addition of 6.A.6.a and .b to the NSG Annex,
this rule adds new ECCN 3A234 to the CCL to control ``striplines'' that
provide a ``low inductance path to detonators'' and have both of the
following characteristics: (1) A voltage rating greater than 2 kV; and
(2) an inductance of less than 20 nH. This rule also makes conforming
amendments to ECCNs 3E001 and 3E201 to reflect the addition of new ECCN
3A234. Specifically, ECCN 3E001 is amended by revising the NP Column 1
paragraph in the License Requirements section to indicate that this
ECCN contains NP controls on ``development'' and ``production''
``technology'' for striplines described in new ECCN 3A234 (note that AT
controls apply to all items in 3E001). In addition, ECCN 3E201 is
amended by: (1) Revising the heading of the ECCN to indicate that 3E201
controls ``technology'' for the ``use'' of striplines described in new
ECCN 3A234 and (2) revising the NP Column 1 paragraph in the License
Requirements section of ECCN 3E201 to indicate that this ECCN contains
NP controls on such ``use'' ``technology'' (note that AT controls apply
to all items in 3E201).
This rule amends ECCN 6A003, consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to NSG Annex 5.B.3, which was revised to add, in 5.B.3.a.4,
b.4, and c.4, ``plug-ins'' for cameras described in 5.B.3.a, .b, or .c.
Specifically, this rule amends the NP Column 1 controls in the License
Requirements section of ECCN 6A003 to include ``plug-ins'' in 6A003.a.6
for cameras controlled by 6A003.a.3 or a.4.
This rule amends ECCN 6A203, consistent with the 2013 NSG Plenary
changes to 5.B.3 in the NSG Annex. Specifically, this rule amends ECCN
6A203 by revising the ``Items'' paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section of the ECCN to control ``streak cameras'' under
6A203.a, ``framing cameras'' under 6A203.b, and ``solid state or
electron tube cameras under 6A203.c, as follows (in the following,
``previously'' means prior to the publication of this rule).
(1) Streak cameras in 6A203.a:
6A203.a.1 (contains items previously identified under 6A203.a.2);
6A203.a.2 (contains items previously identified under 6A203.b.1);
6A203.a.3 (contains items previously identified under 6A203.b.2);
6A203.a.4 (controls plug-ins, not previously identified in 6A203,
for 6A203.a cameras);
6A203.a.5 (controls items previously referenced in the Note to
(2) Framing cameras in 6A203.b:
6A203.b.1 (controls items previously identified under 6A203.a.1);
6A203.b.2 (controls items previously identified under 6A203.b.3);
6A203.b.3 (controls items previously identified under 6A203.b.4.d);
6A203.b.4 (controls plug-ins, not previously identified in 6A203,
for 6A203.b cameras);
6A203.b.5 (controls items previously referenced in the Note to
(3) Solid state or electron tube cameras in 6A203.c:
6A203.c.1 (controls solid state or electron tube cameras with a
fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less);
6A203.c.2 (controls solid-state imaging devices & image intensifier
tubes with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less--these
items were previously identified under 6A203.b.4.a);
6A203.c.3 (controls electro-optical shuttering devices (Kerr or
Pockels cells) with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or
less--these items were previously identified under 6A203.b.4.c);
6A203.c.4 (controls plug-ins, not previously identified in 6A203,
for 6A203.c cameras).
This rule also amends the CCL to control certain ``software''
related to the equipment described in ECCN 6A203, consistent with the
2013 NSG Plenary decision to add new 5.D.1 and 5.D.2 to the NSG Annex
to control ``software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or release
the performance characteristics of high speed cameras and imaging
devices, and components therefor, to meet or exceed the level of the
performance characteristics in 5.B.3 (i.e., high-speed cameras &
imaging devices in ECCN 6A203 and NP-controlled equipment in ECCN
6A003). Specifically, this rule adds new ECCN 6D201 to the CCL to
control ``software'' that is ``specially designed'' to enhance or
release the performance characteristics of high-speed cameras and
imaging devices, and components therefor, to meet or exceed the level
of the performance characteristics described in ECCN 6A203, consistent
with new 5.D.1 and 5.D.2 on the NSG Annex. New ECCN 6D201 controls
both: (1) ``Software'' or encryption keys/codes ``specially designed''
to enhance or release the performance characteristics of equipment not
controlled by ECCN 6A203, or not controlled for NP reasons by ECCN
6A003, so that such equipment meets or exceeds the performance
characteristics of equipment described in ECCN 6A203; and (2)
``software'' or encryption key codes ``specially designed'' to enhance
or release the performance characteristics of equipment controlled by
ECCN 6A203 or equipment controlled by ECCN 6A003 that meets or exceeds
the performance characteristics described in ECCN 6A203.
This rule also makes conforming amendments to ECCN 6E001 to reflect
the addition of new ECCN 6D201 to the CCL. Specifically, ECCN 6E001 is
amended by revising the NP Column 1 paragraph in the License
Requirements section to indicate that this ECCN contains NP controls on
``technology'' for the ``development'' of ``software'' described in new
ECCN 6D201 (note that AT controls apply to all items in 6E001). In
addition, this rule adds a new ECCN 6E202 to control ``technology'' for
the ``production'' or ``use'' of ``software'' described in new ECCN
This rule also amends ECCN 6A225, consistent with the 2013 NSG
Plenary changes to the Note to 5.B.5.a in the NSG Annex. Specifically,
this rule amends the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph in the List of Items
Controlled section of ECCN 6A225 to indicate that this ECCN controls
not only velocity interferometers, such as VISARs (Velocity
Interferometer Systems for Any Reflector) and DLIs (Doppler Laser
Interferometers), but also PDV (Photonic Doppler Velocimeters) also
known as Het-V (Heterodyne Velocimeters).
Consistent with the 2013 NSG changes to 5.B.5.b in the NSG Annex,
this rule amends ECCN 6A226.a to control ``shock pressure gauges
capable of measuring pressures greater than 10
[[Page 46322]]
GPa (100 kilobars), including gauges made with manganin, ytterbium, and
polyvinylidene bifluoride (PVBF, PVF2). Prior to the
publication of this final rule, ECCN 6A226.a specified only ``manganin
gauges for pressures greater than 100 kilobars.''
Corrections to ECCNs 2B006 and 2B206
This rule also makes certain corrections to ECCNs 2B006 and 2B206.
ECCN 2B006 is amended to correctly state the scope of the NP controls
that apply to certain items listed therein. Specifically, this rule
amends the License Requirements section of ECCN 2B006 by revising the
NP control(s) paragraph to indicate that NP Column 1 controls apply to
those items described in ECCN 2B006.a that also meet or exceed the
technical parameters in ECCN 2B206.a and to all items described in ECCN
2B006.b, except those in 2B006.b.1.d. Prior to the publication of this
rule, the License Requirements section of ECCN 2B006 stated that NP
Column 1 controls applied to all items described in ECCN 2B006.a,
regardless of whether or not such items met or exceeded the technical
parameters described in ECCN 2B206.a. As a result of this amendment to
ECCN 2B006, the types of computer controlled or numerically controlled
dimensional inspection machines on the CCL that are subject to NP
controls under ECCN 2B006 or 2B206 are now fully consistent with the
controls described in paragraph 1.B.3.a of the NSG Annex.
Finally, this rule amends ECCN 2B206 to eliminate redundant control
language by removing paragraph (c) and the Note thereto. The items that
were described in ECCN 2B206.c are currently controlled under ECCN
Although the Export Administration Act expired on August 20, 2001,
the President, through Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, 3 CFR,
2001 Comp., p. 783 (2002), as amended by Executive Order 13637 of March
8, 2013, 78 FR 16129 (March 13, 2013), and as extended by the Notice of
August 8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013), has continued the Export
Administration Regulations in effect under the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act. BIS continues to carry out the provisions of the
Export Administration Act, as appropriate and to the extent permitted
by law, pursuant to Executive Order 13222.
Saving Clause
Shipments of items removed from eligibility for export or reexport
under a license exception or without a license (i.e., under the
designator ``NLR'') as a result of this regulatory action that were on
dock for loading, on lighter, laden aboard an exporting carrier, or en
route aboard a carrier to a port of export, on September 8, 2014,
pursuant to actual orders for export or reexport to a foreign
destination, may proceed to that destination under the previously
applicable license exception or without a license (NLR) so long as they
are exported or reexported before September 22, 2014. Any such items
not actually exported or reexported before midnight, on September 22,
2014, require a license in accordance with this regulation.
``Deemed'' exports of ``technology'' and ``source code'' removed
from eligibility for export under a license exception or without a
license (under the designator ``NLR'') as a result of this regulatory
action may continue to be made under the previously available license
exception or without a license (NLR) before November 5, 2014. Beginning
at midnight on November 5, 2014, such ``technology'' and ``source
code'' may no longer be released, without a license, to a foreign
national subject to the ``deemed'' export controls in the EAR when a
license would be required to the home country of the foreign national
in accordance with this regulation.
Rulemaking Requirements
1. Executive Orders 13563 and 12866 direct agencies to assess all
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Executive
Order 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and
benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. This rule has been designated a ``significant regulatory
action'' under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866. Accordingly, the
rule has been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of information displays a currently
valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number. This rule
contains a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
PRA. This collection has been approved by OMB under Control Number
0694-0088 (Multi-Purpose Application), which carries a burden hour
estimate of 58 minutes to prepare and submit form BIS-748. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the
burden, to Jasmeet Seehra, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and
to the Regulatory Policy Division, Bureau of Industry and Security,
Department of Commerce, as indicated in the ADDRESSES section of this
3. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications
as that term is defined in Executive Order 13132.
4. The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553) requiring notice of proposed rulemaking, the opportunity for
public participation, and a delay in effective date, are inapplicable
because this regulation involves a military and foreign affairs
function of the United States (See 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)). Immediate
implementation of these amendments is non-discretionary and fulfills
the United States' international obligation to the Nuclear Suppliers
Group (NSG). The NSG contributes to international security and regional
stability through the harmonization of export controls and seeks to
ensure that exports do not contribute to the development of nuclear
weapons. The NSG consists of 48 member countries that act on a
consensus basis and the amendments set forth in this rule implement the
understandings reached at the 2005, 2012, and 2013 NSG plenary
meetings, a decision that was adopted under the NSG intersessional
silent approval procedures in December 2009, and other changes deemed
necessary to ensure consistency with the controls maintained by the
NSG. Since the United States is a significant exporter of the items in
this rule, immediate implementation of this provision is necessary for
the NSG to achieve its purpose. Any delay in implementation will create
a disruption in the movement of affected items globally because of
disharmony between export control measures implemented by NSG members,
resulting in tension between member countries. Export controls work
best when all countries implement the same export controls in a timely
and coordinated manner.
Further, no other law requires that a notice of proposed rulemaking
and an opportunity for public comment be given for this final rule.
Because a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for public
comment are not required to be given for this rule under
[[Page 46323]]
the Administrative Procedure Act or by any other law, the analytical
requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)
are not applicable. Therefore, this regulation is issued in final form.
List of Subjects
15 CFR Part 738
Administrative practice and procedure, Exports, Foreign trade.
15 CFR Part 740
Administrative practice and procedure, Exports, Foreign trade,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
15 CFR Part 742
Exports, Foreign trade.
15 CFR Part 744
Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Terrorism.
15 CFR Part 772
15 CFR Part 774
Exports, Foreign trade, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, Parts 738, 740, 742, 744, 772, and 774 of the Export
Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730-774) are amended as
1. The authority citation for 15 CFR Part 738 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
10 U.S.C. 7420; 10 U.S.C. 7430(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 30 U.S.C. 185(s), 185(u); 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 42
U.S.C. 6212; 43 U.S.C. 1354; 15 U.S.C. 1824a; 50 U.S.C. app. 5; 22
U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR,
1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p.
783; Notice of August 8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
2. Supplement No. 1 to Part 738 is amended by revising the entries for
``Croatia'', ``Estonia'', ``Iceland'', ``Lithuania'', ``Malta'',
``Mexico'', and ``Serbia'' to read as follows:
Supplement No. 1 to Part 738--Commerce Country Chart
[Reason for control]
Chemical & biological Nuclear National security Missile Regional Firearms Crime control Anti- terrorism
weapons nonproliferation -------------------- tech stability convention -------------------------------------------------
Countries -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
CB 1 CB 2 CB 3 NP 1 NP 2 NS 1 NS 2 MT 1 RS 1 RS 2 FC 1 CC 1 CC 2 CC 3 AT 1 AT 2
* * * * * * *
Croatia \3\................. X ........ ........ ........ ........ X ........ X X ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
* * * * * * *
Estonia \3\................. X ........ ........ ........ ........ X ........ X X ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
* * * * * * *
Iceland \3\................. X ........ ........ ........ ........ X ........ X X ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
* * * * * * *
Lithuania \3\............... X ........ ........ ........ ........ X ........ X X ........ ............ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
* * * * * * *
Malta2 3 4.................. X ........ ........ ........ ........ X X X X X ............ X ........ X ........ ........
* * * * * * *
Mexico...................... X ........ ........ ........ ........ X ........ X X ........ X X ........ X ........ ........
* * * * * * *
Serbia...................... X X ........ ........ ........ X X X X X ............ X X X ........ ........
3. The authority citation for 15 CFR Part 740 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp.,
p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Notice
of August 8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
4. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 740, Country Groups, Country Group A is
amended by adding, in alphabetical order, new entries for ``Mexico''
and ``Serbia'' and by revising the entries for ``Croatia'',
``Estonia'', ``Iceland'', ``Lithuania'', and ``Malta'' to read as
Supplement No. 1 to Part 740--Country Groups
[Country Group A]
Missile [A:3] [A:4 ]
Country [A:1] technology Australia Nuclear [A:5] [A:6]
control group suppliers
regime group
* * * * * * *
Croatia..................... ............ ............ X X X ............
* * * * * * *
Estonia..................... ............ ............ X X X ............
* * * * * * *
Iceland..................... ............ X X X X ............
[[Page 46324]]
* * * * * * *
Lithuania................... ............ ............ X X X ............
* * * * * * *
Malta....................... ............ ............ X X ............ X
Mexico...................... ............ ............ X X ............ ............
* * * * * * *
Serbia...................... ............ ............ ............ X ............ ............
* * * * * * *
5. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 742 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; Sec. 1503, Pub. L. 108-11, 117 Stat. 559; E.O. 12058,
43 FR 20947, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 179; E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181, 3
CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp.,
p. 950; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O.
13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Presidential
Determination 2003-23 of May 7, 2003, 68 FR 26459, May 16, 2003;
Notice of August 8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013); Notice of
November 7, 2013, 78 FR 67289 (November 12, 2013).
6. Section 742.3 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(1), (b)(1)(vii),
and (b)(1)(viii)(F) and by adding paragraph (b)(1)(ix) to read as
Sec. 742.3 Nuclear nonproliferation.
(a) * * *
(1) If NP Column 1 of the Country Chart (Supplement No. 1 to part
738 of the EAR) is indicated in the appropriate ECCN, a license is
required to all destinations, except those Nuclear Suppliers Group
(NSG) member countries that are listed under Country Group A:4 in
Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
(vii) Whether the export or reexport would present an unacceptable
risk of diversion to a nuclear explosive activity or unsafeguarded
nuclear fuel-cycle activity described in Sec. 744.2(a) of the EAR;
(viii) * * *
(F) Information on the importing country's nuclear intentions and
activities; and
(ix) Whether the recipient state has sufficient national export
controls (as described in paragraph 3 of United Nations Security
Council Resolution 1540 (2004)) to prevent an unacceptable risk of
retransfer or diversion to a nuclear explosive activity or
unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle activity described in Sec. 744.2(a)
of the EAR.
* * * * *
7. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 744 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22
U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 179;
E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181, 3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O. 12947, 60 FR 5079, 3 CFR,
1995 Comp., p. 356; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p.
228; E.O. 13099, 63 FR 45167, 3 CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 208; E.O. 13222,
66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13224, 66 FR 49079, 3
CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 786; Notice of January 17, 2013, 78 FR 4303
(January 22, 2013); Notice of August 8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August
12, 2013); Notice of September 18, 2013, 78 FR 58151 (September 20,
2013); Notice of November 7, 2013, 78 FR 67289 (November 12, 2013).
8. Section 744.2 is amended by revising paragraphs (d)(7) and
(d)(8)(vi) and by adding paragraph (d)(9) to read as follows:
Sec. 744.2 Restrictions on certain nuclear end-uses.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(7) Whether the export would present an unacceptable risk of
diversion to a nuclear explosive activity or unsafeguarded nuclear
fuel-cycle activity described in Sec. 744.2(a) of the EAR;
(8) * * *
(vi) Intelligence data on the importing country's nuclear
intentions and activities; and
(9) Whether the recipient state has sufficient national export
controls (as described in paragraph 3 of United Nations Security
Council Resolution 1540 (2004)) to prevent an unacceptable risk of
retransfer or diversion to a nuclear explosive activity or
unsafeguarded nuclear fuel-cycle activity described in Sec. 744.2(a)
of the EAR.
9. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 772 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; Notice of August
8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
10. Section 772.1 is amended by revising the definition of ``Nuclear
Suppliers Group (NSG)'' to read as follows:
Sec. 772.1 Definitions of Terms as used in the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR).
* * * * *
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The United States and other nations
in this multilateral control regime have agreed to guidelines for
restricting the export or reexport of items with nuclear applications.
Members include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,
Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico,
the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, People's Republic of China,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovak
Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
Ukraine, the
[[Page 46325]]
United Kingdom, and the United States. See also Sec. 742.3 of the EAR.
* * * * *
11. The authority citation for 15 CFR Part 774 continues to read as
Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.;
10 U.S.C. 7420; 10 U.S.C. 7430(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c, 22 U.S.C. 3201 et
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 30 U.S.C. 185(s), 185(u); 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 42
U.S.C. 6212; 43 U.S.C. 1354; 15 U.S.C. 1824a; 50 U.S.C. app. 5; 22
U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR,
1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p.
783; Notice of August 8, 2013, 78 FR 49107 (August 12, 2013).
Supplement No. 1 to Part 774--[Amended]
12. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1B201 is amended by revising
the ECCN heading and by revising paragraph a.3., in the ``Items''
paragraph under the List of Items Controlled section, to read as
1B201 Filament winding machines (other than those controlled by ECCN
1B001 or 1B101) and related equipment, as described in this ECCN
(see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
a. * * *
a.3. Capable of winding cylindrical tubes with an internal
diameter between 75 mm and 650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or greater;
* * * * *
13. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1B227 is removed.
14. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1B228 is amended by revising
the ECCN heading, by revising the ``Related Definitions'' paragraph
under the List of Items Controlled section, and by revising paragraph
d., in the ``Items'' paragraph under the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
1B228 Hydrogen cryogenic distillation columns having all of the
characteristics described in this ECCN (see List of Items
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: (1) The term ``fine grain stainless steels,''
for purposes of this ECCN, means fine grain austenitic stainless
steels with an ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5
or greater. (2) The term ``effective length,'' for purposes of this
ECCN, means the active height of packing material in a packed-type
column, or the active height of internal contactor plates in a
plate-type column.
Items: * * *
d. With internal diameters of 30 cm or greater and ``effective
lengths'' of 4 m or greater.
15. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1B233 is amended by revising
the ECCN heading, by revising the ``Related Controls'' paragraph under
the List of Items Controlled section, and, in the ``Items'' paragraph
under the List of Items Controlled section, by revising the heading of
paragraph b., by revising paragraph b.1., and by adding new paragraphs
c. and d., immediately following paragraph b., to read as follows:
1B233 Lithium isotope separation facilities or plants, and systems
and equipment therefor (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 1E001 (``development'' and
``production'') and ECCN 1E201 (``use'') for technology for items
described in this entry. (2) Facilities and plants described in
1B233.a are subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110). (3) Certain lithium
isotope separation equipment and components for the plasma
separation process (PSP) that are described in 1B233.b through .d
are also directly applicable to uranium isotope separation and are
subject to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).
* * * * *
a. * * *
b. Equipment for the separation of lithium isotopes based on the
lithium-mercury amalgam process, as follows:
b.1. Packed liquid-liquid exchange columns ``specially
designed'' for lithium amalgams;
* * * * *
c. Ion exchange systems ``specially designed'' for lithium
isotope separation, and ``specially designed'' component parts
d. Chemical exchange systems (employing crown ethers, cryptands,
or lariat ethers) ``specially designed'' for lithium isotope
separation, and ``specially designed'' component parts therefor.
16. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' a new ECCN 1B234 is added,
immediately following ECCN 1B233, to read as follows:
1B234 High explosive containment vessels, chambers, containers, and
other similar containment devices, not enumerated in ECCN 1B608 or
in USML Category IV or V of the ITAR, designed for the testing of
high explosives or explosive devices and having both of the
characteristics described in this ECCN (see List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) Devices ``specially designed'' for the
handling, control, activation, monitoring, detection, protection,
discharge, or detonation of the articles enumerated in USML Category
IV(a) and (b) are controlled by USML Category IV(c) of the ITAR (see
22 CFR parts 120 through 130). (2) See USML Category V of the ITAR
(22 CFR parts 120 through 130) for devices identified therein that
are ``specially designed'' to fully contain explosives enumerated in
USML Category V. (3) Also see ECCN 1B608 for ``equipment''
``specially designed'' for the ``development,'' ``production,''
repair, overhaul, or refurbishing of items controlled by ECCN 1C608
or USML Category V and not elsewhere specified on the USML.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Designed to fully contain an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of
TNT or greater; and
b. Having design elements or features enabling real time or
delayed transfer of diagnostic or measurement information.
17. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN
[[Page 46326]]
1C216 is amended by revising the ECCN heading to read as follows:
1C216 Maraging steel, other than that controlled by 1C116, ``capable
of'' an ultimate tensile strength of 1,950 MPa or more, at 293 K (20
* * * * *
18. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1C236 is amended by revising
the ECCN heading and by revising the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph and
the ``Items'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled section, to
read as follows:
1C236 Radionuclides appropriate for making neutron sources based on
alpha-n reaction and products or devices containing such
radionuclides (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
ECCN Controls: This entry does not control a product or device
containing less than 3.7 GBq (100 millicuries) of activity.
a. Radionuclides identified in 1C236.a.1 in any of the forms
described in 1C236.a.2:
a.1. Radionuclides, as follows, appropriate for making neutron
sources based on alpha-n reactions:
a.1.a. Actinium 225;
a.1.b. Actinium 227;
a.1.c. Californium 253;
a.1.d. Curium 240;
a.1.e. Curium 241;
a.1.f. Curium 242;
a.1.g. Curium 243;
a.1.h. Curium 244;
a.1.i. Einsteinium 253;
a.1.j. Einsteinium 254;
a.1.k. Gadolinium 148;
a.1.l. Plutonium 236;
a.1.m. Plutonium 238;
a.1.n. Polonium 208;
a.1.o. Polonium 209;
a.1.p. Polonium 210;
a.1.q. Radium 223;
a.1.r. Thorium 227;
a.1.s. Thorium 228;
a.1.t. Uranium 230;
a.1.u. Uranium 232; and
a.2. In any of the following forms:
a.2.a. Elemental;
a.2.b. Compounds having a total activity of 37 GBq (1 curie) per
kg or greater; or
a.2.c. Mixtures having a total activity of 37 GBq (1 curie) per
kg or greater.
b. Products or devices containing radionuclides identified in
1C236.a.1 in any of the forms described in 1C236.a.2.
19. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' a new ECCN 1C241 is added,
immediately following ECCN 1C240, to read as follows:
1C241 Rhenium and alloys containing rhenium (see List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Rhenium and alloys containing rhenium, as follows, having
both of the characteristics described in 1C241.b:
a.1. Alloys containing 90% by weight or more of rhenium;
a.2. Alloys containing 90% by weight or more of any combination
of rhenium and tungsten; and
b. Having both of the following characteristics:
b.1. In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including
cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 mm and 300
mm; and
b.2. A mass greater than 20 kg.
20. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1E001 is amended by revising
the ``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
1E001 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``development'' or ``production'' of items controlled by
1A001.b, 1A001.c, 1A002, 1A003, 1A004, 1A005, 1A006.b, 1A007, 1A008
1A101, 1B (except 1B608, 1B613 or 1B999), or 1C (except 1C355,
1C608, 1C980 to 1C984, 1C988, 1C990, 1C991, 1C995 to 1C999).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, MT, NP, CB, RS, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
* * * * *
NP applies to ``technology'' for items NP Column 1
controlled by 1A002, 1A007, 1B001, 1B101,
1B201, 1B225, 1B226, 1B228 to 1B234,
1C002, 1C010, 1C111, 1C116, 1C202, 1C210,
1C216, 1C225 to 1C237, or 1C239 to 1C241
for NP reasons.
* * * * *
* * * * *
21. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 1--Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals,
``Microorganisms'' and ``Toxins,'' ECCN 1E201 is amended by revising
the ECCN heading to read as follows:
1E201 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``use'' of items controlled by 1A002, 1A007, 1A202, 1A225 to
1A227, 1B201, 1B225, 1B226, 1B228 to 1B232, 1B233.b, 1B234,
1C002.b.3 and b.4, 1C010.a, 1C010.b, 1C010.e.1, 1C202, 1C210, 1C216,
1C225 to 1C237, 1C239 to 1C241 or 1D201.
* * * * *
22. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2A225 is amended by revising the
heading of the ECCN and, in the ``Items'' paragraph under the List of
Items Controlled section, by revising paragraph a.1., by revising the
introductory text of paragraph a.2., by revising paragraph b.1., and by
revising paragraph c.1. to read as follows:
2A225 Crucibles made of materials resistant to liquid actinide
metals (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
a. * * *
a.1. A volume of between 150 cm\3\ (150 ml) and 8,000 cm\3\ (8
liters); and
a.2. Made of, or coated with, any of the following materials, or
combination of the following materials, having an overall impurity
level of 2% or less by weight:
* * * * *
b. * * *
b.1. A volume of between 50 cm\3\ (50 ml) and 2,000 cm\3\ (2
liters); and
* * * * *
c. * * *
[[Page 46327]]
c.1. A volume of between 50 cm\3\ (50 ml) and 2,000 cm\3\ (2
* * * * *
23. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2B006 is amended by revising the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
2B006 Dimensional inspection or measuring systems, equipment, and
``electronic assemblies'', as follows (see List of Items
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 2
NP applies to those items in 2B006.a that NP Column 1
meet or exceed the technical parameters
in 2B206.a and to all items in 2B006.b,
except those in 2B006.b.1.d.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
* * * * *
24. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2B201 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading and the List of Items Controlled section to read as
2B201 Machine tools, and any combination thereof, other than those
controlled by 2B001, for removing or cutting metals, ceramics or
``composites,'' which, according to manufacturer's technical
specifications, can be equipped with electronic devices for
simultaneous ``contouring control'' in two or more axes.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 2D002 and 2D202 for ``software'' for
items controlled by this entry. ``Numerical control'' units are
controlled by their associated ``software''. (2) See ECCNs 2E001
(``development''), 2E002 (``production''), and 2E201 (``use'') for
technology for items controlled under this entry. (3) Also see ECCNs
2B001, 2B290, and 2B991.
Related Definitions: N/A
Note: 2B201 does not control special purpose machine tools
limited to the manufacture of any of the following parts:
a. Gears;
b. Crank shafts or cam shafts;
c. Tools or cutters;
d. Extruder worms;
Technical Note: The identified positioning accuracy values in
this entry are based on ISO 230/2 (2006), which equates to the
values based on ISO 230/2 (1988) that are used by the Nuclear
Supplier's Group (NSG). In 2B201.a and .b.1, this results in a
change from 6 [mu]m to 4.5 [mu]m. In paragraph .b of the Note to
2B201.b, the resulting change is from 30 [mu]m to 22.5 [mu]m, In
2B201.c, the resulting change is from 4 [mu]m to 3 [mu]m.
a. Machine tools for turning, that have positioning accuracies
according to ISO 230/2 (2006) with all compensations available
better (less) than 4.5 [mu]m along any linear axis (overall
positioning) for machines capable of machining diameters greater
than 35 mm;
Note to 2B201.a: 2B201.a does not control bar machines
(Swissturn), limited to machining only bar feed thru, if maximum bar
diameter is equal to or less than 42 mm and there is no capability
of mounting chucks. Machines may have drilling and/or milling
capabilities for machining parts with diameters less than 42 mm.
b. Machine tools for milling, having any of the following
b.1. Positioning accuracies according to ISO 230/2 (2006) with
``all compensations available'' equal to or less (better) than 4.5
[mu]m along any linear axis (overall positioning);
b.2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or
b.3. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously
for ``contouring control.''
Note to 2B201.b: 2B201.b does not control milling machines
having the following characteristics:
a. X-axis travel greater than 2 m; and
b. Overall positioning accuracy according to ISO 230/2 (2006) on
the x-axis more (worse) than 22.5 [mu]m.
c. Machine tools for grinding, having any of the following
c.1. Positioning accuracies according to ISO 230/2 (2006) with
``all compensations available'' equal to or less (better) than 3
[mu]m along any linear axis (overall positioning);
c.2. Two or more contouring rotary axes; or
c.3. Five or more axes which can be coordinated simultaneously
for ``contouring control.''
Note to 2B201.c: 2B201.c does not control the following grinding
a. Cylindrical external, internal, and external-internal
grinding machines having all of the following characteristics:
1. Limited to a maximum workpiece capacity of 150 mm outside
diameter or length; and
2. Axes limited to x, z and c.
b. Jig grinders that do not have a z-axis or a w-axis with an
overall positioning accuracy less (better) than 3 microns.
Positioning accuracy is according to ISO 230/2 (2006).
Technical Note: 2B201.b.3 and c.3 include machines based on a
parallel linear kinematic design (e.g. hexapods) that have 5 or more
axes none of which are rotary axes.
25. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2B206 is amended by revising
``Items'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled section, to
read as follows:
2B206 Dimensional inspection machines, instruments or systems, other
than those described in 2B006, as follows (see List of Items
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
a. Computer controlled or numerically controlled coordinate
measuring machines (CMM) with either of the following
a.1. Having only two axes with a maximum permissible error of
length measurement along any axis (one dimension), identified as any
combination of E0x MPE, E0y MPE or
E0z MPE, equal to or less (better) than (1.25 + L/1000)
[mu]m (where L is the measured length in mm) at any point within the
operating range of the machine (i.e., within the length of the
axis), according to ISO 10360-2 (2009); or
a.2. Having three or more axes with a three dimensional
(volumetric) maximum permissible error of length measurement,
identified as E0, MPE, equal to or less (better) than
(1.7 + L/800) [mu]m (where L is the measured length in mm) at any
point within the operating range of the machine (i.e., within the
length of the axis), according to ISO 10360-2 (2009).
Technical Note: The E0, MPE of the most accurate
configuration of the CMM specified according to ISO 10360-2 (2009)
by the manufacturer (e.g., best of the following: Probe, stylus
length, motion parameters, environment) and with all compensations
available shall be compared to the 1.7 + 1/800 [mu]m threshold.
b. Systems for simultaneously linear-angular inspection of
hemishells, having both of the following characteristics:
b.1. ``Measurement uncertainty'' along any linear axis equal to
or less (better) than 3.5 [mu]m per 5 mm; and
b.2. ``Angular position deviation'' equal to or less than
Technical Note: All parameters of measurement values in this
entry represent plus/minus, i.e., not total band.
ECCN 2B206 Control Notes: 1. Machine tools that can be used as
measuring machines are controlled by ECCN 2B206 if they meet or
exceed the control parameters specified in this entry for the
measuring machine function. 2. The machines described in ECCN 2B206
are controlled by this entry if they exceed the specified control
threshold anywhere in their operating range.
26. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2B230 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading and by revising the ``Related Definitions'' paragraph and
the ``Items'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled section, to
read as follows:
2B230 All types of ``pressure transducers'' capable of measuring
absolute pressures and having all of the characteristics described
in this ECCN (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
[[Page 46328]]
Related Definitions: (1) For purposes of this entry, ``pressure
transducers'' are devices that convert pressure measurements into a
signal. (2) For purposes of this entry, ``accuracy'' includes non-
linearity, hysteresis and repeatability at ambient temperature.
a. Pressure sensing elements made of or protected by aluminum,
aluminum alloy, aluminum oxide (alumina or sapphire), nickel, nickel
alloy with more than 60% nickel by weight, or fully fluorinated
hydrocarbon polymers;
b. Seals, if any, essential for sealing the pressure sensing
element, and in direct contact with the process medium, made of or
protected by aluminum, aluminum alloy, aluminum oxide (alumina or
sapphire), nickel, nickel alloy with more than 60% nickel by weight,
or fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers; and
c. Either of the following characteristics:
c.1. A full scale of less 13 kPa and an ``accuracy'' of better
than 1% of full scale; or
c.2. A full scale of 13 kPa or greater and an ``accuracy'' of
better than 130 Pa when measuring at 13 kPa.
27. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2B231 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading and by revising the ``Related Controls'' paragraph, under
the List of Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
2B231 Vacuum pumps having all of the characteristics described in
this ECCN (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 2E001 (``development''), 2E002
(``production''), and 2E201 (``use'') for ``technology'' for items
controlled under this entry. (2) Also see bellows-sealed scroll-type
compressors and bellows-sealed scroll-type vacuum pumps controlled
under ECCN 2B233. (3) Vacuum pumps ``specially designed'' or
prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes are subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see
10 CFR part 110).
Related Definitions: * * *
* * * * *
28. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2B232 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading to read as follows:
2B232 High-velocity gun systems (propellant, gas, coil,
electromagnetic, and electrothermal types, and other advanced
systems) capable of accelerating projectiles to 1.5 km/s or greater.
* * * * *
29. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, add a new ECCN 2B233, immediately
following ECCN 2B232, to read as follows:
2B233 Bellows-sealed scroll-type compressors and bellows-sealed
scroll-type vacuum pumps having all of the characteristics described
in this ECCN (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 2E001 (``development''), 2E002
(``production''), and 2E201 (``use'') for ``technology'' for items
controlled under this entry. (2) Also see vacuum pumps controlled
under ECCN 2B231. (3) Vacuum pumps ``specially designed'' or
prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes are subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see
10 CFR part 110).
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Capable of an inlet volume flow rate of 50 m\3\/h or greater;
b. Capable of a pressure ratio of 2:1 or greater; and
c. Having all surfaces that come in contact with the process gas
made from any of the following:
c.1. Aluminum or aluminum alloy;
c.2. Aluminum oxide;
c.3. Stainless steel;
c.4. Nickel or nickel alloy;
c.5. Phosphor bronze; or
c.6. Fluoropolymers.
Technical Notes: 1. In a scroll compressor or vacuum pump,
crescent-shaped pockets of gas are trapped between one or more pairs
of intermeshed spiral vanes, or scrolls, one of which moves while
the other remains stationary. The moving scroll orbits the
stationary scroll; it does not rotate. As the moving scroll orbits
the stationary scroll, the gas pockets diminish in size (i.e., they
are compressed) as they move toward the outlet port of the machine.
2. In a bellows-sealed scroll compressor or vacuum pump, the
process gas is totally isolated from the lubricated parts of the
pump and from the external atmosphere by a metal bellows. One end of
the bellows is attached to the moving scroll and the other end is
attached to the stationary housing of the pump.
3. Fluoropolymers include, but are not limited to, the following
a. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE);
b. Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP);
c. Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA);
d. Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE); and
e. Vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene copolymer.
30. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2D201 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading and by revising the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph, under the
List of Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
2D201 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' or modified for the
``use'' of equipment controlled by 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209,
2B227, or 2B229.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
ECCN Controls: ``Software'' ``specially designed'' or modified for
systems controlled by 2B206.b includes ``software'' for simultaneous
measurements of wall thickness and contour.
* * * * *
31. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2D202 is amended by adding an
``ECCN Controls'' paragraph, between the ``Related Definitions''
paragraph and the ``Items'' paragraph under the List of Items
Controlled section, to read as follows:
2D202 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' or modified for the
``development'', ``production'' or ``use'' of equipment controlled
by 2B201.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
ECCN Controls: ECCN 2D202 does not control part programming
``software'' that generates ``numerical control'' command codes, but
does not allow direct use of equipment for machining various parts.
* * * * *
32. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2E001 is amended by revising the
``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
2E001 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``development'' of equipment or ``software'' controlled by 2A
(except 2A983, 2A984, 2A991, or 2A994), 2B (except 2B991, 2B993,
2B996, 2B997, or 2B998), or 2D (except 2D983, 2D984, 2D991, 2D992,
or 2D994).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
[[Page 46329]]
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
* * * * *
NP applies to ``technology'' for items NP Column 1
controlled by 2A225, 2A226, 2B001, 2B004,
2B006, 2B007, 2B009, 2B104, 2B109, 2B116,
2B201, 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209, 2B225
to 2B233, 2D001, 2D002, 2D101, 2D201 or
2D202 for NP reasons.
* * * * *
* * * * *
33. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2E002 is amended by revising the
``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
2E002 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``production'' of equipment controlled by 2A (except 2A983,
2A984, 2A991, or 2A994), or 2B (except 2B991, 2B993, 2B996, 2B997,
or 2B998).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
* * * * *
NP applies to ``technology'' for equipment NP Column 1
controlled by 2A225, 2A226, 2B001, 2B004,
2B006, 2B007, 2B009, 2B104, 2B109, 2B116,
2B201, 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209, 2B225
to 2B233 for NP reasons.
* * * * *
* * * * *
34. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 2--Materials Processing, ECCN 2E201 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading to read as follows:
2E201 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``use'' of equipment or ``software'' controlled by 2A225, 2A226,
2B001, 2B006, 2B007.b, 2B007.c, 2B201, 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209,
2B225 to 2B233, 2D002, 2D201 or 2D202 for NP reasons.
* * * * *
35. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3A225 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and by revising the ``Related Controls'' paragraph and the
``Items'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled section, to
read as follows:
3A225 Frequency changers (a.k.a. converters or inverters) and
generators, except those subject to the export licensing authority
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see 10 CFR part 110), that are
usable as a variable frequency or fixed frequency motor drive and
have all of the characteristics described in this ECCN (see List of
Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCN 3D201 for ``software'' ``specially
designed'' for the ``use'' of equipment described in this entry. (2)
See ECCN 3D202 for ``software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or
release the performance characteristics of frequency changers or
generators to meet or exceed the level of the performance
characteristics described in this entry. (3) See ECCNs 3E001
(``development'' and ``production'') and 3E201 (``use'') for
``technology'' for items controlled under this entry. (4) Frequency
changers (a.k.a. converters or inverters) ``specially designed'' or
prepared for use in separating uranium isotopes are subject to the
export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see
10 CFR part 110).
* * * * *
a. Multiphase output providing a power of 40 VA or greater;
b. Operating at a frequency of 600 Hz or more; and
c. Frequency control better (less) than 0.2%.
Notes: 1. This ECCN controls frequency changers intended for use
in specific industrial machinery and/or consumer goods (machine
tools, vehicles, etc.) only if the frequency changers can meet the
performance characteristics described in this entry when removed
from the machinery and/or goods. This Note does not exclude from
control under this entry any frequency changer described herein that
is the principal element of a non-controlled item and can feasibly
be removed or used for other purposes.
2. To determine whether a particular frequency changer meets or
exceeds the performance characteristics described in this entry,
both hardware and ``software'' performance constraints must be
Technical Notes: 1. Frequency changers controlled by this ECCN
are also known as converters or inverters.
2. The performance characteristics described in this ECCN also
may be met by certain equipment marketed as: Generators, electronic
test equipment, AC power supplies, variable speed motor drives,
variable speed drives (VSDs), variable frequency drives (VFDs),
adjustable frequency drives (AFDs), or adjustable speed drives
36. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3A229 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and, under the List of Items Controlled section, by revising
the ``Related Controls'' paragraph, by revising the ``Related
Definitions'' paragraph, by revising the ``ECCN Controls'' paragraph,
and by revising the ``Items'' paragraph, to read as follows:
3A229 Firing sets and equivalent high-current pulse generators for
detonators controlled by 3A232 (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See ECCNs 3E001 and 1E001 (''development'' and
``production'') and 3E201 and 1E201 (``use'') for technology for
items controlled under this entry. (2) See 1A007.a for explosive
detonator firing sets designed to drive explosive detonators
controlled by 1A007.b. (3) High explosives and related equipment for
military use are ``subject to the ITAR'' (see 22 CFR parts 120
through 130).
Related Definitions: N/A
ECCN Controls: (1) Optically driven firing sets include both those
employing laser initiation and laser charging. (2) Explosively
driven firing sets include booth explosive ferroelectric and
explosive ferromagnetic firing set types. (3) 3A229.b includes xenon
flash-lamp drivers.
a. Detonator firing sets (initiation systems, firesets),
including electronically-charged, explosively-driven and optically-
driven firing sets designed to drive multiple controlled detonators
controlled by 3A232;
b. Modular electrical pulse generators (pulsers) having all of
the following characteristics:
b.1. Designed for portable, mobile, or ruggedized use;
b.2. Capable of delivering their energy in less than 15 [mu]s
into loads of less than 40 [Omega] (ohms);
b.3. Having an output greater than 100 A;
b.4. No dimension greater than 30 cm;
b.5. Weight less than 30 kg; and
b.6. Specified for use over an extended temperature range 223 K
(-50 [deg]C) to 373 K (100 [deg]C) or specified as suitable for
aerospace applications.
c. Micro-firing units having all of the following
c.1. No dimension greater than 35 mm;
[[Page 46330]]
c.2. Voltage rating of equal to or greater than 1 kV; and
c.3. Capacitance of equal to or greater than 100 nF.
37. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3A230 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and by revising the ``Related Definitions'' paragraph, under
the List of Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
3A230 High-speed pulse generators, and pulse heads therefor, having
both of the following characteristics (see List of Items
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: 1. In 3A230.b, the term ``pulse transition
time'' is defined as the time interval between 10% and 90% voltage
amplitude. 2. Pulse heads are impulse forming networks designed to
accept a voltage step function and shape it into a variety of pulse
forms that can include rectangular, triangular, step, impulse,
exponential, or monocycle types. Pulse heads can be an integral part
of the pulse generator, they can be a plug-in module to the device
or they can be an externally connected device.
* * * * *
38. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3A231 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and by revising paragraph b., in the ``Items'' paragraph under
the List of Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
3A231 Neutron generator systems, including tubes, having both of the
characteristics described in this ECCN (see List of Items
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
Items: * * *
b. Utilizing electrostatic acceleration to induce:
b.1. A tritium-deuterium nuclear reaction; or
b.2. A deuterium-deuterium nuclear reaction and capable of an
output of 3 x 10\9\ neutrons/s or greater.
39. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3A233 is amended, in the ``Items''
paragraph under the List of Items Controlled section, by revising
paragraph d., by removing paragraph e., by redesignating paragraph f.
as new paragraph e., and by adding three Technical Notes at the end of
the entry to read as follows:
3A233 Mass spectrometers, capable of measuring ions of 230 atomic
mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 2 parts
in 230, and ion sources therefor, excluding items that are subject
to the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (see 10 CFR part 110).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definitions: * * *
Items: * * *
d. Electron bombardment mass spectrometers having both of the
following features:
d.1. A molecular beam inlet system that injects a collimated
beam of analyte molecules into a region of the ion source where the
molecules are ionized by an electron beam; and
d.2. One or more cold traps that can be cooled to a temperature
of 193 K (-80 [deg]C) or less in order to trap analyte molecules
that are not ionized by the electron beam;
e. Mass spectrometers equipped with a microfluorination ion
source designed for actinides or actinide fluorides.
Technical Notes: 1. ECCN 3A233.d controls mass spectrometers
that are typically used for isotopic analysis of UF6 gas
2. Electron bombardment mass spectrometers in ECCN 3A233.d are
also known as electron impact mass spectrometers or electron
ionization mass spectrometers.
3. In ECCN 3A233.d.2, a ``cold trap'' is a device that traps gas
molecules by condensing or freezing them on cold surfaces. For the
purposes of this ECCN, a closed-loop gaseous helium cryogenic vacuum
pump is not a cold trap.
40. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, add new ECCN 3A234, immediately following ECCN
3A233, to read as follows:
3A234 Striplines to provide low inductance path to detonators with
the following characteristics (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
a. Voltage rating greater than 2 kV; and
b. Inductance of less than 20 nH.
41. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, add new ECCNs 3D201 and 3D202 in numerical
order, immediately following ECCN 3D101, to read as follows:
3D201 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' for the ``use'' of
equipment described in ECCN 3A225.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See ECCN 3E202 (``development,'' ``production,''
and ``use'') for ``technology'' for items controlled under this
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN
3D202 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or release the
performance characteristics of frequency changers or generators to
meet or exceed the level of the performance characteristics
described in ECCN 3A225.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See ECCN 3E202 (``development,'' ``production,''
and ``use'') for ``technology'' for items controlled under this
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ``Software'' or encryption keys/codes ``specially designed''
to enhance or release the performance characteristics of equipment
not controlled by ECCN 3A225, so that such equipment meets or
exceeds the performance characteristics of equipment controlled by
that ECCN.
b. ``Software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or release the
[[Page 46331]]
characteristics of equipment controlled by ECCN 3A225.
42. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3E001 is amended by revising the
``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
3E001 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``development'' or ``production'' of equipment or materials
controlled by 3A (except 3A292, 3A980, 3A981, 3A991 3A992, or
3A999), 3B (except 3B991 or 3B992) or 3C (except 3C992).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
* * * * *
NP applies to ``technology'' for equipment NP Column 1
controlled by 3A001, 3A201, or 3A225 to
3A234 for NP reasons.
* * * * *
* * * * *
43. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, ECCN 3E201 is amended by revising the ECCN
heading and by revising the ``Control(s)'' language for ``Country
Chart--NP Column 1'' in the License Requirements section to read as
3E201 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``use'' of equipment controlled by 3A001.e.2 or .e.3, 3A201 or
3A225 to 3A234.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to ``technology'' for equipment NP Column 1
controlled by 3A001.e.2, or .e.3, 3A201
or 3A225 to 3A234 for NP reasons.
* * * * *
* * * * *
44. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 3 Electronics, add new ECCN 3E202, immediately following ECCN
3E201, to read as follows:
3E202 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``development,'' ``production,'' or ``use'' of ``software''
controlled by 3D201 or 3D202.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN
45. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A003 is amended by revising the
``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
6A003 Cameras, systems or equipment, and ``components'' therefor, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
* * * * *
NP applies to cameras controlled by NP Column 1
6A003.a.2, a.3 or a.4 and to plug-ins in
6A003.a.6 for cameras controlled by
6A003.a.3 or a.4.
* * * * *
* * * * *
46. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A005 is amended by revising the
License Requirements section of the ECCN to read as follows:
6A005 ``Lasers,'' ``components'' and optical equipment, as follows
(see List of Items Controlled), excluding items that are subject to
the export licensing authority of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(see 10 CFR part 110).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NS, NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry................ NS Column 2
NP applies to lasers controlled by NP Column 1
6A005.a.2, a.3, a.4, b.2.b, b.3, b.4,
b.6.c, c.1.b, c.2.b, d.2, d.3.c, or d.4.c
that meet or exceed the technical
parameters described in 6A205.
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
* * * * *
47. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A203 is amended by revising the
ECCN heading and by revising the ``Items'' paragraph, under the List of
Items Controlled section, to read as follows:
6A203 High-speed cameras, imaging devices and ``components''
therefor, other than those controlled by 6A003 (see List of Items
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
* * * * *
a. Streak cameras and ``specially designed'' components
therefor, as follows:
a.1. Streak cameras with writing speeds greater than 0.5 mm/
a.2. Electronic streak cameras capable of 50 ns or less time
a.3. Streak tubes for cameras described in 6A203.a.2;
a.4. Plug-ins, ``specially designed'' for use with streak
cameras having modular structures, that enable the performance
characteristics described in 6A203.a.1 or .a.2;
a.5. Synchronizing electronics units, and rotor assemblies
consisting of turbines, mirrors and bearings, that are ``specially
designed'' for cameras described in 6A203.a.1.
b. Framing cameras and ``specially designed'' components
therefor, as follows:
b.1. Framing cameras with recording rates greater than 225,000
frames per second;
b.2. Framing cameras capable of 50 ns or less frame exposure
b.3. Framing tubes, and solid-state imaging devices, that have a
fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less and are
``specially designed'' for cameras described in 6A203.b.1 or .b.2;
b.4. Plug-ins, ``specially designed'' for use with framing
cameras having modular structures, that enable the performance
characteristics described in 6A203.b.1 or .b.2;
[[Page 46332]]
b.5. Synchronizing electronic units, and rotor assemblies
consisting of turbines, mirrors and bearings, that are ``specially
designed'' for cameras described in 6A203.b.1 or .b.2.
c. Solid-state or electron tube cameras and ``specially
designed'' components therefor, as follows:
c.1. Solid-state cameras, or electron tube cameras, with a fast
image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less;
c.2. Solid-state imaging devices, and image intensifiers tubes,
that have a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less and
are ``specially designed'' for cameras described in 6A203.c.1;
c.3. Electro-optical shuttering devices (Kerr or Pockels cells)
with a fast image gating (shutter) time of 50 ns or less;
c.4. Plug-ins, ``specially designed'' for use with cameras
having modular structures, that enable the performance
characteristics described in 6A203.c.1.
Technical Note: High speed single frame cameras can be used
alone to produce a single image of a dynamic event, or several such
cameras can be combined in a sequentially-triggered system to
produce multiple images of an event.
48. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A205 is amended by revising the
``Items'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled section, to
read as follows:
6A205 ``Lasers'', ``laser'' amplifiers and oscillators, other than
those controlled by 0B001.g.5, 0B001.h.6, or 6A005, as follows (see
List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definition: * * *
a. Copper vapor lasers having both of the following
a.1. Operating at wavelengths between 500 nm and 600 nm; and
a.2. An average output power equal to or greater than 30 W;
b. Argon ion ``lasers'' having both of the following
b.1. Operating at wavelengths between 400 nm and 515 nm; and
b.2. An average output power greater than 40 W;
c. Neodymium-doped (other than glass) lasers with an output
wavelength between 1000 nm and 1100 nm having either of the
c.1. Pulse-excited and Q-switched with a pulse duration equal to
or greater than 1 ns, and having either of the following:
c.1.a. A single-transverse mode output with an average output
power greater than 40 W; or
c.1.b. A multiple-transverse mode output with an average output
power greater than 50 W; or
c.2. Incorporating frequency doubling to give an output
wavelength between 500 nm and 550 nm with an average output power of
greater than 40 W.
d. Tunable pulsed single-mode dye laser oscillators having all
of the following characteristics:
d.1. Operating at wavelengths between 300 nm and 800 nm;
d.2. An average output greater than 1 W;
d.3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz; and
d.4. Pulse width less than 100 ns;
e. Tunable pulsed dye laser amplifiers and oscillators having
all of the following characteristics:
e.1. Operating at wavelengths between 300 nm and 800 nm;
e.2. An average output greater than 30 W;
e.3. A repetition rate greater than 1 kHz; and
e.4. Pulse width less than 100 ns;
Note to 6A205.e: 6A205.e does not control single mode
f. Alexandrite lasers having all of the following
f.1. Operating at wavelengths between 720 nm and 800 nm;
f.2. A bandwidth of 0.005 nm or less;
f.3. A repetition rate greater than 125 Hz; and
f.4. An average output power greater than 30 W;
g. Pulsed carbon dioxide ``lasers'' having all of the following
g.1. Operating at wavelengths between 9,000 nm and 11,000 nm;
g.2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz;
g.3. An average output power greater than 500 W; and
g.4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns;
Note to 6A205.g: 6A205.g does not control the higher power
(typically 1 kW to 5 kW) industrial CO2 lasers used in
applications such as cutting and welding, as these latter lasers are
either continuous wave or are pulsed with a pulse width greater than
200 ns.
h. Pulsed excimer lasers (XeF, XeCl, KrF) having all of the
following characteristics:
h.1. Operating at wavelengths between 240 nm and 360 nm;
h.2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz; and
h.3. An average output power greater than 500 W;
i. Para-hydrogen Raman shifters designed to operate at 16
micrometer output wavelength and at a repetition rate greater than
250 Hz.;
j. Pulsed carbon monoxide lasers having all of the following
j.1. Operating at wavelengths between 5,000 and 6,000 nm;
j.2. A repetition rate greater than 250 Hz;
j.3. An average output power greater than 200 W; and
j.4. Pulse width of less than 200 ns.
Note to ECCN 6A205.j: 6A205.j does not control the higher power
(typically 1 kW to 5 kW) industrial CO lasers used in applications
such as cutting and welding, because such lasers are either
continuous wave or are pulsed with a pulse width greater than 200
49. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A225 is amended by revising the
``ECCN Controls'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled
section, to read as follows:
6A225 Velocity interferometers for measuring velocities exceeding 1
km/s during time intervals of less than 10 microseconds.
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definition: * * *
ECCN Controls: 6A225 includes velocity interferometers, such as
VISARs (Velocity Interferometer Systems for Any Reflector), DLIs
(Doppler Laser Interferometers) and PDV (Photonic Doppler
Velocimeters) also known as Het-V (Heterodyne Velocimeters).
* * * * *
50. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6A226 is amended by revising the
``Items'' paragraph, under the List of Items Controlled section, to
read as follows:
6A226 Pressure sensors, as follows (see List of Items Controlled).
* * * * *
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: * * *
Related Definition: * * *
a. Shock pressure gauges capable of measuring pressures greater
than 10 GPa (100 kilobars), including gauges made with manganin,
ytterbium, and polyvinylidene bifluoride (PVBF, PVF2);
b. Quartz pressure transducers for pressures greater than 10 GPa
(100 kilobars).
51. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, add new ECCN 6D201, immediately
following ECCN 6D103, to read as follows:
6D201 ``Software'' ``specially designed'' to enhance or release the
performance characteristics of high-speed cameras and imaging
devices, and components therefor, to meet or exceed the level of the
performance characteristics described in ECCN 6A203.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
[[Page 46333]]
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: See ECCNs 6E001 (``development'') and 6E202
(``production'' and ``use'') for ``technology'' for items controlled
under this entry.
Related Definitions: N/A
a. ``Software'' or encryption keys/codes ``specially designed''
to enhance or release the performance characteristics of equipment
not controlled by ECCN 6A203, or not controlled for NP reasons by
ECCN 6A003, so that such equipment meets or exceeds the performance
characteristics of equipment described in ECCN 6A203.
b. ``Software'' or encryption keys/codes ``specially designed''
to enhance or release the performance characteristics of equipment
controlled by ECCN 6A203 or equipment controlled by ECCN 6A003 that
meets or exceeds the performance characteristics described in ECCN
52. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, ECCN 6E001 is amended by revising the
``Control(s)'' language for ``Country Chart--NP Column 1'' in the
License Requirements section to read as follows:
6E001 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``development'' of equipment, materials or ``software''
controlled by 6A (except 6A991, 6A992, 6A994, 6A995, 6A996, 6A997,
or 6A998), 6B (except 6B995), 6C (except 6C992 or 6C994), or 6D
(except 6D991, 6D992, or 6D993).
License Requirements
Reason for Control: * * *
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
* * * * *
NP applies to ``technology'' for items NP Column 1
controlled by 6A003, 6A005, 6A202, 6A203,
6A205, 6A225, 6A226, 6D001, or 6D201 for
NP reasons.
* * * * *
* * * * *
53. In Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 (the Commerce Control List),
Category 6 Sensors and Lasers, add new ECCN 6E202, immediately
following ECCN 6E201, to read as follows:
6E202 ``Technology'' according to the General Technology Note for
the ``production'' or ``use'' of ``software'' controlled by 6D201.
License Requirements
Reason for Control: NP, AT
Country chart (see Supp. No.
Control(s) 1 to part 738)
NP applies to entire entry................ NP Column 1
AT applies to entire entry................ AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for a description of all
license exceptions)
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: The list of items controlled is contained in the ECCN
Dated: July 25, 2014.
Kevin J. Wolf,
Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
[FR Doc. 2014-18064 Filed 8-6-14; 8:45 am]