Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi; Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment, 44188-44191 [2014-17788]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 146 / Wednesday, July 30, 2014 / Notices
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Extension of a currently approved
information collection.
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Suspicious/Criminal Activity Tip
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the
Department of Homeland Security
sponsoring the collection: U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: Individuals or
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
burden per
(in hours)
Number of respondents
Form name/form number
66,000 .......................................................
20 ..............................................................
118,000 .....................................................
Homeland Security Investigations Tip Form ................................................................
Bulk Cash Smuggling Center Contact Form ...............................................................
Suspicious Activity Tip Line .........................................................................................
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: 22,363 annual burden hours.
Dated: July 25, 2014.
Scott Elmore,
Program Manager, Forms Management Office,
Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
Department of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2014–17964 Filed 7–29–14; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Steve Reagan, (662) 323–5548 x225 or
Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National
Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi; Draft
Comprehensive Conservation Plan and
Environmental Assessment
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability; request
for comments.
Sunshine Act Meetings
August 11, 2014, 9 a.m.–
10 a.m.
Inter-American Foundation,
1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW., 12th Floor
North, Suite 1200, Washington, DC
Meeting of the Board of
Directors, Open to the Public.
• Approval of the Minutes of the March
31, 2014, Meeting of the Board of
• Management Report
• Dates for Meetings in 2015
• Adjournment
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Paul Zimmerman, General Counsel,
(202) 683–7118.
Paul Zimmerman,
General Counsel.
[FR Doc. 2014–18053 Filed 7–28–14; 4:15 pm]
VerDate Mar<15>2010
16:48 Jul 29, 2014
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We, the Fish and Wildlife
Service (Service), announce the
availability of a draft comprehensive
conservation plan and environmental
assessment (Draft CCP/EA) for Sam D.
Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife
Refuge in Oktibbeha, Winston, and
Noxubee Counties, Mississippi, for
public review and comment. In this
Draft CCP/EA, we describe the
alternative we propose to use to manage
this refuge for the 15 years following
approval of the final CCP.
DATES: To ensure consideration, we
must receive your written comments by
September 29, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may obtain a copy of
the Draft CCP/EA by contacting Steve
Reagan, Refuge Manager, by U.S. mail at
13723 Bluff Lake Rd., Brooksville, MS
39739. Alternatively, you may
download the document from our
Internet Site at
planning under ‘‘Draft Documents.’’
Comments on the Draft CCP/EA may be
submitted to the above postal address or
by email to Laura Housh, Planner,
13723 Bluff Lake Rd., Brooksville, MS
39739; or
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With this notice, we continue the CCP
process for Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee
National Wildlife Refuge (SDHN NWR),
started through a notice in the Federal
Register on January 15, 2013 (78 FR
3024). For more about the refuge and
our CCP process, please see that notice.
SDHN NWR is located within three
counties (Noxubee, Oktibbeha, and
Winston) in east-central Mississippi,
and is approximately 17 miles southsouthwest of Starkville and
approximately 120 miles northnortheast of Jackson, the capital city of
Mississippi. The refuge is currently
48,219 acres. The primary establishing
legislation for the Noxubee National
Wildlife Refuge is Executive Order
8444, dated June 14, 1940. Established
as Noxubee NWR in 1940, the refuge
was subsequently renamed Sam D.
Hamilton Noxubee NWR by Public Law
112–279 on February 14, 2012.
The CCP Process
The National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C.
668dd–668ee) (Administration Act), as
amended by the National Wildlife
Refuge System Improvement Act of
1997, requires us to develop a CCP for
each national wildlife refuge. The
purpose for developing a CCP is to
provide refuge managers with a 15-year
plan for achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 146 / Wednesday, July 30, 2014 / Notices
legal mandates, and our policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, CCPs identify wildlifedependent recreational opportunities
available to the public, including
opportunities for hunting, fishing,
wildlife observation, wildlife
photography, and environmental
education and interpretation. We will
review and update the CCP at least
every 15 years in accordance with the
Administration Act.
Priority resource issues addressed in
the Draft CCP/EA include Fish and
Wildlife Populations, Habitat
Management, Resource Protections,
Visitor Services, and Refuge
CCP Alternatives, Including Our
Proposed Alternative
We developed three alternatives for
managing the refuge (Alternatives A, B,
and C), with Alternative C as our
proposed alternative. A full description
of each alternative is in the Draft CCP/
EA. We summarize each alternative
Alternative A: Current Management (No
Under this alternative, no major
changes to our biological, public use
and administrative management
practices would occur from their current
levels. The refuge would continue to
actively manage for waterfowl habitat.
Forested bottomland habitats would
receive little to no active management.
Habitat for red-cockaded woodpeckers
would continue as the refuge’s highest
priority. Habitats would not be managed
for historic conditions but maintained to
favor a pine dominated forest type. Law
enforcement efforts would remain the
same. Visitor services would continue at
current levels.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Alternative B: Focus on Waterfowl and
Federally Listed Species
This alternative emphasizes active
habitat management actions that would
benefit the endangered red-cockaded
woodpecker (RCW) and waterfowl.
Visitor service programs and facilities in
support of the six priority public uses
(i.e., hunting, fishing, wildlife
observation, wildlife photography,
interpretation, and environmental
education) would be much reduced
below those levels for Alternatives A
and C. Non-wildlife dependent public
uses would be phased out. Under this
alternative, the refuge would favor
management that restores historic forest
conditions. The refuge would maintain
and, where appropriate, restore the
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biological integrity, diversity, and
environmental health of the refuge.
This alternative would provide
approximately 1 million Duck Energy
Days (DEDs) over a 110-day period
yearly, through the possible
combination of managed moist soil
units, planted agricultural crops that
can be flooded, aquatic vegetation and
invertebrates within refuge lakes, and
seasonally flooded greentree reservoirs
(GTRs) which provide mast crops and
invertebrates. Wood duck breeding
opportunities would be enhanced.
Silvicultural treatments within
bottomland hardwood habitats would
receive low priority, but may be used to
promote recruitment of red oak species
within the overstory of those flooded
forested habitats used by waterfowl.
Manipulation of water level would be
the primary tool used to produce the
desired shrub-scrub cover. The refuge
would participate in wood duck
banding programs. Bottomland forests
would benefit forest-breeding birds.
Active manipulation of habitats for the
benefit of forest-breeding birds would be
at a priority lower than that required for
RCW and waterfowl. The number of redcockaded woodpecker clusters would be
based on continuous pine habitat as
defined by historic conditions and the
optimal partition size of 308 acres based
on the 100-year rotation. A new refuge
target goal would be 27 RCW clusters.
All RCW partitions would be managed
according to the RCW Recovery Plan.
Forested habitats would be actively
manipulated to produce a forest
reflective of historic conditions. No
additional, non-historic pine habitats
would be maintained or converted for
support of the RCW to pine. Refuge staff
and possibly contractors would
continue to scientifically monitor RCWs
through nest and fledge checks.
Quantitative monitoring would be
limited to RCWs, and other wildlife
would be monitored through simple
reconnaissance. Efforts would be made
to prevent the establishment of exotic
invasives and pest species. Water levels
in all greentree reservoirs (GTRs) would
be managed through water manipulation
so that no more than two GTRs would
be purposefully flooded for wintering
waterfowl habitat yearly. All old fields
and the Morgan Hill Prairie
Demonstration Area would no longer be
maintained. Other than in areas where
forests are being restored to their
historic condition, the refuge would
actively manage forested habitats to
maintain the desired wildlife habitat for
federally listed species and waterfowl.
Upland forests would be managed for
historic conditions and, when
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applicable, management would
emphasize needed habitat for federally
listed species.
Comprehensive, refuge-wide surveys
would be opportunistically sought, but
individual cultural resource surveys for
only specific projects or sites would be
the standard. Partnerships would be
developed with other agencies,
institutions, and ethnic groups (e.g.,
Choctaw Nation, African American
groups, etc.), to accomplish tasks and
seek ideas and means to improve
management of cultural resources.
Efforts would be made to acquire
additional lands in the Approved
Acquisition Boundary through feesimple title and timber for land
exchange. The two existing Research
Natural Areas (RNAs) would continue to
be recognized as if under the Society of
American Foresters (SAF) designation,
but research objectives and management
strategies would remain undeveloped.
Improvements to the existing law
enforcement program would be based
on recommendations provided by the
Office of the Chief of Refuge Law
Enforcement (LE), Southeast Region,
following a program review.
The existing hunting programs would
be reduced through reductions in staff
and facility support. The visitor center
would be closed on weekends. The
picnic area and nearby public restrooms
would be closed. Fish habitat would not
be enhanced for increased recreational
uses. Wildlife observation and
photography opportunities would be
reduced through the reduced
availability and maintenance of viewing
facilities, such as boardwalks and nature
trails. Special use events requiring
substantial planning and resources to
host would be discontinued. Some of
the secondary gravel roads would be
closed to vehicles. Signage and
information available to the public
would be reduced. Public use staff
would be eliminated and replaced with
biological or forestry technicians. No
off-site interpretive programs would be
offered. Refuge staff would not
participate in Environmental Education;
it would be solely dependent on the
currently structured partnership with
Starkville School District and
The staff would be held at 13 or fewer
employees, with organizational changes
made to increase field staff, including
law enforcement officers and biological
and forestry technicians. Facilities and
equipment would all be placed on a
priority list and maintained when
funding allowed. Closing or removal of
poorly maintained assets would occur.
The collection of fees for permitted
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 146 / Wednesday, July 30, 2014 / Notices
human access to key areas used by
waterfowl to reduce disturbance during
critical life cycle stages. Forest-breeding
Alternative C: Focus on Wildlife, Habitat
bird populations would be enhanced
Diversity, and Experiencing Nature
through improved nesting, brooding,
(Proposed Alternative)
and foraging opportunities by
This alternative will manage refuge
application of active habitat
resources to optimize native wildlife
manipulation techniques within
populations and habitats under a
bottomland hardwood forested habitats
balanced and integrated approach, not
and streamside management zones.
only for federally listed species (RCW)
Even and uneven aged silviculture,
and migratory birds, but also for other
including selective thinning, patch cuts,
native species such as white-tailed deer, group tree selections, clearcuts, timber
wild turkey, Northern bobwhite,
stand improvements, chemical
paddlefish, and forest-breeding birds.
treatments, and other methods, could be
This alternative also provides
used to ensure hardwood species
opportunities for the six priority public
diversity, red oak recruitment into the
uses (i.e., hunting, fishing, wildlife
overstory, and forest structure for the
observation, wildlife photography,
benefit of a diversity of wildlife. The
interpretation and environmental
education) and other wildlife-dependent number of red-cockaded woodpecker
(RCW) clusters would be based on
activities found appropriate and
continuous pine habitat as defined by
compatible with the purpose for which
historic conditions and the optimal
the refuge was established.
partition size of 308 acres based on the
Under this alternative, the refuge
100-year rotation. Mathematically this
would favor management that restores
suggests that the maximum number of
historic forest conditions while
clusters feasible on the refuge is 38.
achieving refuge purposes. This
However, due to natural habitat
alternative would provide
variation within the management units,
approximately 1 million Duck Energy
habitat loss between the circular
Days (DEDs) over a 110-day period
partitions, habitat loss due to inholding,
yearly, through the possible
and edge effects due to bordering lands
combination of managed moist soil
or hardwood habitats, the optimal
units, planted agricultural crops that
number and new refuge target goal
can be flooded, aquatic vegetation and
would be 27 RCW clusters. All RCW
invertebrates within refuge lakes, and
partitions would be managed according
seasonally flooded greentree reservoirs
to the RCW Recovery Plan. Habitat
which provide mast crops and
manipulations used to benefit RCWs
invertebrates. Wood duck breeding
opportunities would be enhanced using could include silvicultural practices
(e.g., active forest management,
wood duck nest boxes, but greater
emphasis would be placed on protecting including but not limited to manual or
mechanized pre-commercial thinning,
trees with natural cavities throughout
commercial biomass thinning,
the bottomland forests. Trees found
mulching, firewood cutting, timber
with existing cavities and those having
stand improvements, herbicide,
unique wildlife values would be
irregular shelterwood, shelterwood,
protected from timber harvest. Active
seedtree, patch cuts, afforestation,
manipulation of habitats and
populations would occur as necessary to reforestation, and free thinning),
prescribed fire, raking, mowing, creation
maintain biological integrity, diversity,
and environmental health. Silvicultural of new artificial cavities, maintenance of
treatments within bottomland hardwood suitable cavities, midstory reduction
habitats would receive low priority, but (chemical and/or mechanical control),
integrated pest management, use of
may be used to promote recruitment of
restrictor plates on cavities, snake
red oak species within the overstory of
exclusion devices, and kleptoparasite
those flooded forested habitats used by
waterfowl. The refuge would attempt to control. In order to sustain forest
resources for future RCW habitat,
increase brood survival of waterfowl by
managing shallow water aquatic habitats harvesting of existing mature forests as
to produce and sustain protective shrub- part of regeneration efforts within
present and future partitions would
scrub cover with fringe area of the
occur. No additional, non-historic pine
refuge’s lakes. Manipulation of water
habitats would be maintained or
level would be the primary tool used to
converted for support of the RCW to
produce the desired shrub-scrub cover.
pine. Refuge staff and possibly
The refuge would participate in wood
contractors would continue to
duck banding programs and try to
scientifically monitor RCWs through
obtain refuge quotas as assigned by the
nest and fledge checks. Additional
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service national
quantitative monitoring of a broad suite
Migratory Bird program, and limit
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
quota deer and waterfowl hunts would
be continued.
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of wildlife and their habitats will be
sought through Nongovernmental
Organizations (NGOs), universities and
volunteers and participate in the Refuge
System’s Inventory and Monitoring
program for development of
standardized survey methods,
cataloging and analyzing refuge
information. Efforts would be made to
prevent the establishment of exotic
invasive, and pest species. Deep-water
habitats within Bluff Lake would be
created through dirt excavation to
ensure consistency in recreational
fisheries resources (i.e., crappie, bass,
and sunfish). Excavated soil from the
creation of the deepwater habitat would
be used to create islands within the lake
to serve as bird rookery sites. Other
existing water control structures on
Bluff Lake and in areas upstream of the
lake would also be modified or removed
to allow fish passage. Paddlefish and
Gulf Coast Walleye would benefit from
the restoration. Additional ephemeral
pools for amphibians would be
artificially created throughout the refuge
through excavation in areas where
excess water impedes road maintenance
or threatens sedimentation of streams.
The Morgan Hill Prairie Demonstration
Area would remain but be reduced by
more than 50 percent in size and the
remaining area would be restored into
habitats similar to that indicated by
historic conditions. Existing old fields
that would not be a direct benefit to
federally protected species or waterfowl
would continue to be managed as old
field sites for the benefit of native
grassland species. Old fields that would
be a direct benefit to federally protected
species or waterfowl would be restored
to historical species compositions
through natural regeneration or the
manual planting of trees. No new field
sites would be created. Active forest
management including silvicultural
treatments, prescribed fire, chemical
and/or mechanical midstory reduction
would occur throughout the refuge’s
habitats to achieve desired historic
forest conditions, greater habitat
diversity and forest structure to benefit
RCW, forest interior birds and a wider
range of native wildlife. Upland forests
would be managed for historic
conditions and when applicable
management would emphasize
providing the needed habitat for
federally listed species. If needed to
support federally listed species, active
forest management would occur using a
variety of techniques including timber
harvest, prescribed fire, chemical and/or
mechanical midstory reduction.
To protect cultural resources,
completing a comprehensive, refuge-
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 146 / Wednesday, July 30, 2014 / Notices
wide survey of archeological sites
would be the goal as well as individual
cultural resource surveys as needed for
specific projects or sites. Partnerships
would be developed with other
agencies, institutions, and cultural
groups (e.g., Choctaw Nation, African
American groups, etc.), to seek ideas
and possible share staff positions. The
refuge would improve management and
interpretation of the refuge’s cultural
resources. Conservation partnerships
would be developed with neighboring
landowners and worked through
partnerships to have the greatest impact
on maintaining or restoring the
biological integrity of the local
community. Fee title acquisition from
willing sellers will focus on lands
within the existing approved acquisition
boundary that will most efficiently
assist the refuge in meeting the purposes
for which it was established and the
mission of the Service. Under this
alternative the two RNAs would no
longer remain under this designation
and would be managed as part of the
larger surrounding units of similar type
and managed for their historic
conditions. A second Wildlife Law
Enforcement Officer would be
established in combination with
possible collateral duty officer positions
to assist in protecting natural and
cultural resources along with public
The current level of visitor services
programs would be expanded for the
general public and attempts made to
provide more access for users with
disabilities and youth. The Service
would develop a week-long, large game
(turkey and deer) hunt program to
provide increased opportunities for
disabled hunters in exchange for a week
reduction in the general gun deer and
turkey seasons. Deer hunting
opportunities overall would be
increased. The Service would work with
the Mississippi Department of Wildlife,
Fisheries, and Parks to develop family
hunting and fishing opportunities.
Fishing opportunities would be
expanded to include year-round
designated bank fishing areas on Bluff
and Loakfoma Lakes. Other wildlifedependent uses and their supporting
facilities would be maintained and
enhanced through upgrades or
additional facilities. Alternative funding
mechanisms, such as a general user fee
under the Fee Program, and
partnerships would be used to spread
costs of programs across all users
possibly eliminating the need for
separate hunting related fees. The
existing visitor services programs would
be increased. This alternative would
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establish a ‘‘Connecting People with
Nature’’ area to consolidate activities
and users requiring greater support to
enjoy wildlife observation activities.
Existing activities that are not
considered wildlife dependent uses
such as a picnicking area and off-road
mountain biking, would not be allowed
but more opportunities for bicycling,
walking and connecting with nature
would be offered through designed trails
with increased accessibility for disabled
Americans. All existing wildlife
dependent uses and the supporting
facilities would be maintained and, if
resources are available, enhanced
through possible increase and better
maintenance in overlooks, boardwalks,
and trails. An effort would be made to
increase visitor safety and enjoyment
through establishment of parking areas,
improved management of vehicle flow,
creation of paved walking and biking
trails, and roadside bike lanes along
Bluff Lake and Loakfoma Roads. Refuge
regulatory and informational signs
would receive priority. Partnerships to
conduct environmental education and
off-site activities and increase volunteer
involvement in all its programs would
be established. More effort would be
placed toward developing cooperative
programs sponsored through the
The current staff of 13 employees
would be reorganized under this goal of
reaching an optimal staff level of 18 as
recommended within the 2008 Final
Report for the Staffing Model for Field
Stations. This alternative would
continue participation in the existing
Fee Program. Changes within the
program would include establishment of
a general access pass for all users to
assist in the maintenance and
development of public use programs
and facilities (e.g., Daily Pass, Weekly
Pass or Annual Pass). Current federal
duck stamps and other congressionally
authorized entrance fee passes would be
accepted as a refuge access pass.
Next Step
After the comment period ends, we
will analyze the comments and address
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
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cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
This notice is published under the
authority of the National Wildlife
Refuge System Improvement Act of
1997 (16 U.S.C. 668dd et seq.).
Dated: June 24, 2014.
Jeffrey M. Fleming,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2014–17788 Filed 7–29–14; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
[OMB Number 1010—New]
Information Collection: Social
Indicators in Coastal Alaska: Arctic
Communities Survey; Submitted for
OMB Review; Comment Request
30-Day notice.
To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), the Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM) is notifying the
public that we have submitted an
information collection request (ICR) to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval. The ICR
pertains to a new survey to be
conducted in northern coastal Alaska
communities. This notice provides the
public a second opportunity to
comment on the paperwork burden of
this collection.
DATES: Submit written comments by
August 29, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments on this
ICR to the Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior at OMB–
OIRA at (202) 395–5806 (fax) or OIRA_ (email). Please
provide a copy of your comments to the
BOEM Information Collection Clearance
Officer, Arlene Bajusz, Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management, 381 Elden Street,
HM–3127, Herndon, Virginia 20170
(mail) or
(email). Please reference ICR 1010–New
in your comment and include your
name and return address.
Arlene Bajusz, Office of Policy,
Regulations, and Analysis at (email) or (703)
787–1025 (phone). You may review the
ICR online at
Follow the instructions to review
Department of the Interior collections
under review by OMB.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 146 (Wednesday, July 30, 2014)]
[Pages 44188-44191]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-17788]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R4-R-2014-N108; FXRS12650400000S3-123-FF04R02000]
Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi;
Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability; request for comments.
SUMMARY: We, the Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of a draft comprehensive conservation plan and
environmental assessment (Draft CCP/EA) for Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee
National Wildlife Refuge in Oktibbeha, Winston, and Noxubee Counties,
Mississippi, for public review and comment. In this Draft CCP/EA, we
describe the alternative we propose to use to manage this refuge for
the 15 years following approval of the final CCP.
DATES: To ensure consideration, we must receive your written comments
by September 29, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may obtain a copy of the Draft CCP/EA by contacting
Steve Reagan, Refuge Manager, by U.S. mail at 13723 Bluff Lake Rd.,
Brooksville, MS 39739. Alternatively, you may download the document
from our Internet Site at under
``Draft Documents.'' Comments on the Draft CCP/EA may be submitted to
the above postal address or by email to Laura Housh, Planner, 13723
Bluff Lake Rd., Brooksville, MS 39739; or
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steve Reagan, (662) 323-5548 x225 or
With this notice, we continue the CCP process for Sam D. Hamilton
Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge (SDHN NWR), started through a notice
in the Federal Register on January 15, 2013 (78 FR 3024). For more
about the refuge and our CCP process, please see that notice.
SDHN NWR is located within three counties (Noxubee, Oktibbeha, and
Winston) in east-central Mississippi, and is approximately 17 miles
south-southwest of Starkville and approximately 120 miles north-
northeast of Jackson, the capital city of Mississippi. The refuge is
currently 48,219 acres. The primary establishing legislation for the
Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge is Executive Order 8444, dated June
14, 1940. Established as Noxubee NWR in 1940, the refuge was
subsequently renamed Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee NWR by Public Law 112-279
on February 14, 2012.
The CCP Process
The National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16
U.S.C. 668dd-668ee) (Administration Act), as amended by the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, requires us to develop
a CCP for each national wildlife refuge. The purpose for developing a
CCP is to provide refuge managers with a 15-year plan for achieving
refuge purposes and contributing toward the mission of the National
Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with sound principles of fish and
wildlife management, conservation,
[[Page 44189]]
legal mandates, and our policies. In addition to outlining broad
management direction on conserving wildlife and their habitats, CCPs
identify wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities available to the
public, including opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife
observation, wildlife photography, and environmental education and
interpretation. We will review and update the CCP at least every 15
years in accordance with the Administration Act.
Priority resource issues addressed in the Draft CCP/EA include Fish
and Wildlife Populations, Habitat Management, Resource Protections,
Visitor Services, and Refuge Administration.
CCP Alternatives, Including Our Proposed Alternative
We developed three alternatives for managing the refuge
(Alternatives A, B, and C), with Alternative C as our proposed
alternative. A full description of each alternative is in the Draft
CCP/EA. We summarize each alternative below.
Alternative A: Current Management (No Action)
Under this alternative, no major changes to our biological, public
use and administrative management practices would occur from their
current levels. The refuge would continue to actively manage for
waterfowl habitat. Forested bottomland habitats would receive little to
no active management. Habitat for red-cockaded woodpeckers would
continue as the refuge's highest priority. Habitats would not be
managed for historic conditions but maintained to favor a pine
dominated forest type. Law enforcement efforts would remain the same.
Visitor services would continue at current levels.
Alternative B: Focus on Waterfowl and Federally Listed Species
This alternative emphasizes active habitat management actions that
would benefit the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) and
waterfowl. Visitor service programs and facilities in support of the
six priority public uses (i.e., hunting, fishing, wildlife observation,
wildlife photography, interpretation, and environmental education)
would be much reduced below those levels for Alternatives A and C. Non-
wildlife dependent public uses would be phased out. Under this
alternative, the refuge would favor management that restores historic
forest conditions. The refuge would maintain and, where appropriate,
restore the biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health
of the refuge.
This alternative would provide approximately 1 million Duck Energy
Days (DEDs) over a 110-day period yearly, through the possible
combination of managed moist soil units, planted agricultural crops
that can be flooded, aquatic vegetation and invertebrates within refuge
lakes, and seasonally flooded greentree reservoirs (GTRs) which provide
mast crops and invertebrates. Wood duck breeding opportunities would be
enhanced. Silvicultural treatments within bottomland hardwood habitats
would receive low priority, but may be used to promote recruitment of
red oak species within the overstory of those flooded forested habitats
used by waterfowl. Manipulation of water level would be the primary
tool used to produce the desired shrub-scrub cover. The refuge would
participate in wood duck banding programs. Bottomland forests would
benefit forest-breeding birds. Active manipulation of habitats for the
benefit of forest-breeding birds would be at a priority lower than that
required for RCW and waterfowl. The number of red-cockaded woodpecker
clusters would be based on continuous pine habitat as defined by
historic conditions and the optimal partition size of 308 acres based
on the 100-year rotation. A new refuge target goal would be 27 RCW
clusters. All RCW partitions would be managed according to the RCW
Recovery Plan. Forested habitats would be actively manipulated to
produce a forest reflective of historic conditions. No additional, non-
historic pine habitats would be maintained or converted for support of
the RCW to pine. Refuge staff and possibly contractors would continue
to scientifically monitor RCWs through nest and fledge checks.
Quantitative monitoring would be limited to RCWs, and other wildlife
would be monitored through simple reconnaissance. Efforts would be made
to prevent the establishment of exotic invasives and pest species.
Water levels in all greentree reservoirs (GTRs) would be managed
through water manipulation so that no more than two GTRs would be
purposefully flooded for wintering waterfowl habitat yearly. All old
fields and the Morgan Hill Prairie Demonstration Area would no longer
be maintained. Other than in areas where forests are being restored to
their historic condition, the refuge would actively manage forested
habitats to maintain the desired wildlife habitat for federally listed
species and waterfowl. Upland forests would be managed for historic
conditions and, when applicable, management would emphasize needed
habitat for federally listed species.
Comprehensive, refuge-wide surveys would be opportunistically
sought, but individual cultural resource surveys for only specific
projects or sites would be the standard. Partnerships would be
developed with other agencies, institutions, and ethnic groups (e.g.,
Choctaw Nation, African American groups, etc.), to accomplish tasks and
seek ideas and means to improve management of cultural resources.
Efforts would be made to acquire additional lands in the Approved
Acquisition Boundary through fee-simple title and timber for land
exchange. The two existing Research Natural Areas (RNAs) would continue
to be recognized as if under the Society of American Foresters (SAF)
designation, but research objectives and management strategies would
remain undeveloped. Improvements to the existing law enforcement
program would be based on recommendations provided by the Office of the
Chief of Refuge Law Enforcement (LE), Southeast Region, following a
program review.
The existing hunting programs would be reduced through reductions
in staff and facility support. The visitor center would be closed on
weekends. The picnic area and nearby public restrooms would be closed.
Fish habitat would not be enhanced for increased recreational uses.
Wildlife observation and photography opportunities would be reduced
through the reduced availability and maintenance of viewing facilities,
such as boardwalks and nature trails. Special use events requiring
substantial planning and resources to host would be discontinued. Some
of the secondary gravel roads would be closed to vehicles. Signage and
information available to the public would be reduced. Public use staff
would be eliminated and replaced with biological or forestry
technicians. No off-site interpretive programs would be offered. Refuge
staff would not participate in Environmental Education; it would be
solely dependent on the currently structured partnership with
Starkville School District and volunteers.
The staff would be held at 13 or fewer employees, with
organizational changes made to increase field staff, including law
enforcement officers and biological and forestry technicians.
Facilities and equipment would all be placed on a priority list and
maintained when funding allowed. Closing or removal of poorly
maintained assets would occur. The collection of fees for permitted
[[Page 44190]]
quota deer and waterfowl hunts would be continued.
Alternative C: Focus on Wildlife, Habitat Diversity, and Experiencing
Nature (Proposed Alternative)
This alternative will manage refuge resources to optimize native
wildlife populations and habitats under a balanced and integrated
approach, not only for federally listed species (RCW) and migratory
birds, but also for other native species such as white-tailed deer,
wild turkey, Northern bobwhite, paddlefish, and forest-breeding birds.
This alternative also provides opportunities for the six priority
public uses (i.e., hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, wildlife
photography, interpretation and environmental education) and other
wildlife-dependent activities found appropriate and compatible with the
purpose for which the refuge was established.
Under this alternative, the refuge would favor management that
restores historic forest conditions while achieving refuge purposes.
This alternative would provide approximately 1 million Duck Energy Days
(DEDs) over a 110-day period yearly, through the possible combination
of managed moist soil units, planted agricultural crops that can be
flooded, aquatic vegetation and invertebrates within refuge lakes, and
seasonally flooded greentree reservoirs which provide mast crops and
invertebrates. Wood duck breeding opportunities would be enhanced using
wood duck nest boxes, but greater emphasis would be placed on
protecting trees with natural cavities throughout the bottomland
forests. Trees found with existing cavities and those having unique
wildlife values would be protected from timber harvest. Active
manipulation of habitats and populations would occur as necessary to
maintain biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health.
Silvicultural treatments within bottomland hardwood habitats would
receive low priority, but may be used to promote recruitment of red oak
species within the overstory of those flooded forested habitats used by
waterfowl. The refuge would attempt to increase brood survival of
waterfowl by managing shallow water aquatic habitats to produce and
sustain protective shrub-scrub cover with fringe area of the refuge's
lakes. Manipulation of water level would be the primary tool used to
produce the desired shrub-scrub cover. The refuge would participate in
wood duck banding programs and try to obtain refuge quotas as assigned
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service national Migratory Bird program,
and limit human access to key areas used by waterfowl to reduce
disturbance during critical life cycle stages. Forest-breeding bird
populations would be enhanced through improved nesting, brooding, and
foraging opportunities by application of active habitat manipulation
techniques within bottomland hardwood forested habitats and streamside
management zones. Even and uneven aged silviculture, including
selective thinning, patch cuts, group tree selections, clearcuts,
timber stand improvements, chemical treatments, and other methods,
could be used to ensure hardwood species diversity, red oak recruitment
into the overstory, and forest structure for the benefit of a diversity
of wildlife. The number of red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) clusters would
be based on continuous pine habitat as defined by historic conditions
and the optimal partition size of 308 acres based on the 100-year
rotation. Mathematically this suggests that the maximum number of
clusters feasible on the refuge is 38. However, due to natural habitat
variation within the management units, habitat loss between the
circular partitions, habitat loss due to inholding, and edge effects
due to bordering lands or hardwood habitats, the optimal number and new
refuge target goal would be 27 RCW clusters. All RCW partitions would
be managed according to the RCW Recovery Plan. Habitat manipulations
used to benefit RCWs could include silvicultural practices (e.g.,
active forest management, including but not limited to manual or
mechanized pre-commercial thinning, commercial biomass thinning,
mulching, firewood cutting, timber stand improvements, herbicide,
irregular shelterwood, shelterwood, seedtree, patch cuts,
afforestation, reforestation, and free thinning), prescribed fire,
raking, mowing, creation of new artificial cavities, maintenance of
suitable cavities, midstory reduction (chemical and/or mechanical
control), integrated pest management, use of restrictor plates on
cavities, snake exclusion devices, and kleptoparasite control. In order
to sustain forest resources for future RCW habitat, harvesting of
existing mature forests as part of regeneration efforts within present
and future partitions would occur. No additional, non-historic pine
habitats would be maintained or converted for support of the RCW to
pine. Refuge staff and possibly contractors would continue to
scientifically monitor RCWs through nest and fledge checks. Additional
quantitative monitoring of a broad suite of wildlife and their habitats
will be sought through Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs),
universities and volunteers and participate in the Refuge System's
Inventory and Monitoring program for development of standardized survey
methods, cataloging and analyzing refuge information. Efforts would be
made to prevent the establishment of exotic invasive, and pest species.
Deep-water habitats within Bluff Lake would be created through dirt
excavation to ensure consistency in recreational fisheries resources
(i.e., crappie, bass, and sunfish). Excavated soil from the creation of
the deepwater habitat would be used to create islands within the lake
to serve as bird rookery sites. Other existing water control structures
on Bluff Lake and in areas upstream of the lake would also be modified
or removed to allow fish passage. Paddlefish and Gulf Coast Walleye
would benefit from the restoration. Additional ephemeral pools for
amphibians would be artificially created throughout the refuge through
excavation in areas where excess water impedes road maintenance or
threatens sedimentation of streams. The Morgan Hill Prairie
Demonstration Area would remain but be reduced by more than 50 percent
in size and the remaining area would be restored into habitats similar
to that indicated by historic conditions. Existing old fields that
would not be a direct benefit to federally protected species or
waterfowl would continue to be managed as old field sites for the
benefit of native grassland species. Old fields that would be a direct
benefit to federally protected species or waterfowl would be restored
to historical species compositions through natural regeneration or the
manual planting of trees. No new field sites would be created. Active
forest management including silvicultural treatments, prescribed fire,
chemical and/or mechanical midstory reduction would occur throughout
the refuge's habitats to achieve desired historic forest conditions,
greater habitat diversity and forest structure to benefit RCW, forest
interior birds and a wider range of native wildlife. Upland forests
would be managed for historic conditions and when applicable management
would emphasize providing the needed habitat for federally listed
species. If needed to support federally listed species, active forest
management would occur using a variety of techniques including timber
harvest, prescribed fire, chemical and/or mechanical midstory
To protect cultural resources, completing a comprehensive, refuge-
[[Page 44191]]
wide survey of archeological sites would be the goal as well as
individual cultural resource surveys as needed for specific projects or
sites. Partnerships would be developed with other agencies,
institutions, and cultural groups (e.g., Choctaw Nation, African
American groups, etc.), to seek ideas and possible share staff
positions. The refuge would improve management and interpretation of
the refuge's cultural resources. Conservation partnerships would be
developed with neighboring landowners and worked through partnerships
to have the greatest impact on maintaining or restoring the biological
integrity of the local community. Fee title acquisition from willing
sellers will focus on lands within the existing approved acquisition
boundary that will most efficiently assist the refuge in meeting the
purposes for which it was established and the mission of the Service.
Under this alternative the two RNAs would no longer remain under this
designation and would be managed as part of the larger surrounding
units of similar type and managed for their historic conditions. A
second Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer would be established in
combination with possible collateral duty officer positions to assist
in protecting natural and cultural resources along with public safety.
The current level of visitor services programs would be expanded
for the general public and attempts made to provide more access for
users with disabilities and youth. The Service would develop a week-
long, large game (turkey and deer) hunt program to provide increased
opportunities for disabled hunters in exchange for a week reduction in
the general gun deer and turkey seasons. Deer hunting opportunities
overall would be increased. The Service would work with the Mississippi
Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks to develop family hunting
and fishing opportunities. Fishing opportunities would be expanded to
include year-round designated bank fishing areas on Bluff and Loakfoma
Lakes. Other wildlife-dependent uses and their supporting facilities
would be maintained and enhanced through upgrades or additional
facilities. Alternative funding mechanisms, such as a general user fee
under the Fee Program, and partnerships would be used to spread costs
of programs across all users possibly eliminating the need for separate
hunting related fees. The existing visitor services programs would be
increased. This alternative would establish a ``Connecting People with
Nature'' area to consolidate activities and users requiring greater
support to enjoy wildlife observation activities. Existing activities
that are not considered wildlife dependent uses such as a picnicking
area and off-road mountain biking, would not be allowed but more
opportunities for bicycling, walking and connecting with nature would
be offered through designed trails with increased accessibility for
disabled Americans. All existing wildlife dependent uses and the
supporting facilities would be maintained and, if resources are
available, enhanced through possible increase and better maintenance in
overlooks, boardwalks, and trails. An effort would be made to increase
visitor safety and enjoyment through establishment of parking areas,
improved management of vehicle flow, creation of paved walking and
biking trails, and roadside bike lanes along Bluff Lake and Loakfoma
Roads. Refuge regulatory and informational signs would receive
priority. Partnerships to conduct environmental education and off-site
activities and increase volunteer involvement in all its programs would
be established. More effort would be placed toward developing
cooperative programs sponsored through the Friends.
The current staff of 13 employees would be reorganized under this
goal of reaching an optimal staff level of 18 as recommended within the
2008 Final Report for the Staffing Model for Field Stations. This
alternative would continue participation in the existing Fee Program.
Changes within the program would include establishment of a general
access pass for all users to assist in the maintenance and development
of public use programs and facilities (e.g., Daily Pass, Weekly Pass or
Annual Pass). Current federal duck stamps and other congressionally
authorized entrance fee passes would be accepted as a refuge access
Next Step
After the comment period ends, we will analyze the comments and
address them.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone number, email address, or
other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be
aware that your entire comment--including your personal identifying
information--may be made publicly available at any time. While you can
ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be
able to do so.
This notice is published under the authority of the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 (16 U.S.C. 668dd et
Dated: June 24, 2014.
Jeffrey M. Fleming,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2014-17788 Filed 7-29-14; 8:45 am]