Final Notice: Implementation of Helium Stewardship Act Sales and Auctions, 42808-42814 [2014-17376]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Permit Application Number: TE–
Permit Application Number: TE–
Applicant: Mark Gumbert,
Copperhead Consulting, Paint Lick,
The applicant requests authorization
to renew his permit to take (capture,
identify, and release) the blackside dace
(Phoxinus cumberlandensis) and to take
(capture, release, track/radio-telemetry,
wade in habitat) the following federally
listed mussels: Cumberland elktoe
(Alasmidonta atropurpurea), tan
riffleshell (Epioblasma florentina),
white catspaw (Epioblasma obliquata
perobliqua), northern riffleshell
(Epioblasma torulosa rangiana),
scaleshell (Leptodea leptodon), fat
pocketbook (Potamilus capax), rough
rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrical
strigillata), Appalachian monkeyface
(Quadrula sparsa), purple bean (Villosa
perpurpurea), catspaw (Epioblasma
obliquata obliquata), clubshell
(Pleurobema clava), cracking
pearlymussel (Hemistena lata),
Cumberland bean (Villosa trabalis),
Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma
brevidens), fanshell (Cyprogenia
stegaria), fine-rayed pigtoe (Fusconaia
cuneolus), littlewing pearlymussel
(Pegias fabula), orangefoot pimpleback
(Plethobasus cooperianus), oyster
mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis), pink
mucket pearlymussel (Lampsilis
abrupta), ring pink mussel (Obovaria
retusa), rough pigtoe (Pleurobema
plenum), shiny pigtoe (Fusconaia
coredgariana), southern clubshell
(Pleurobema decisum), tubercled
blossom (Epioblasma torulosa torulosa),
turgid blossom pearlymussel
(Epioblasma turgidula), white
wartyback pearlymussel (Plethobasus
cicatricosus), and yellow blossom
pearlymussel (Epioblasma florentina
florentina), for the purpose of
conducting presence/absence surveys
throughout the species’ ranges in
Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas,
Georgia, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and
Missouri. The applicant also requests to
amend his permit to add mussel species
(fluted kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus
subtentum), sheepnose mussel
(Plethobasus cyphyus), snuffbox mussel
(Epioblasma triquetra), dromedary
pearlymussel (Dromus dromas), slabside
pearlymussel (Pleuronaia
dolabelloides), rabbitsfoot (Quadrula
cylindrica cylindrica), and spectaclecase
(Cumberlandia monodonta)), a new
subpermittee (Gregg Shirk), and the
method of mark-recapture for the
blackside dace.
Applicant: Kevin Mills, South
Carolina Aquarium, Charleston, South
The applicant requests authorization
to hold for veterinary treatment, to
retain unreleasable specimens, or to
euthanize specimens of Kemp’s ridley
(Lepidochelys kempii), hawksbill
(Eretmochelys imbricata), green
(Chelonia mydas), leatherback
(Dermochelys coriacea), green (Chelonia
mydas), and loggerhead (Caretta caretta)
sea turtles. Treatment facilities are at the
South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston,
South Carolina, but turtles may be
accepted from authorized sources
throughout South Carolina and other
southeastern States.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 232001
Dated: July 15, 2014.
Mike Oetker,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 2014–17340 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Gaming
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of Approved Tribal-State
Class III Gaming Compact.
This notice publishes the
approval of an amendment to the Class
III Tribal-State Gaming Compact
(Amendment) between the Swinomish
Indian Tribal Community and the State
of Washington.
DATES: Effective Date: July 23, 2014.
Paula L. Hart, Director, Office of Indian
Gaming, Office of the Deputy Assistant
Secretary—Policy and Economic
Development, Washington, DC 20240,
(202) 219–4066.
section 11 of the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act (IGRA) Public Law 100–
497, 25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq., the
Secretary of the Interior shall publish in
the Federal Register notice of approved
Tribal-State compacts for the purpose of
engaging in Class III gaming activities
on Indian lands. As required by 25 CFR
293.4, all compact amendments are
subject to review and approval by the
Secretary. The Amendment permits
persons between the ages of 18 and 20
to participate in class III gaming
activities offered by the Tribe.
PO 00000
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Dated: July 16, 2014.
Kevin K. Washburn,
Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2014–17374 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNM006200 L99110000.EK0000 XXX
Final Notice: Implementation of Helium
Stewardship Act Sales and Auctions
Bureau of Land Management,
ACTION: Notice.
The Secretary of the Interior
(Secretary), through the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), New Mexico State
Office, is issuing this Final Notice to
conduct auctions and sales from the
Federal Helium Program, administered
by the BLM New Mexico Amarillo Field
Office. The BLM will use the sale and
auction process outlined in this Notice
for the sales and auctions that the
Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 (‘‘the
Act’’) requires the BLM to conduct
during fiscal year (FY) 2014. This Notice
does not apply to sales or auctions
conducted after FY 2014. The BLM’s
process for sales and auctions
conducted after FY 2014 will be
announced in subsequent notices or
through rulemaking to the extent
rulemaking is necessary to implement
the Act. Information included in this
Notice regarding the BLM’s anticipated
actions beyond FY 2014 is provided for
planning purposes only and is subject to
change. This action takes into
consideration public comments received
as a result of the Notice of Proposed
Action published in the Federal
Register on May 16, 2014.
DATES: This implementation plan is
effective on July 23, 2014.
Robert Jolley, 806–356–1002. Persons
who use a telecommunications device
for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
800–877–8339. The FIRS is available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a
message for Mr. Jolley. You will receive
a reply during normal business hours.
A. Purpose and Background
The BLM published a Notice of
Proposed Action: Implementation of
Helium Stewardship Act Sales and
Auctions, in the Federal Register on
May 16, 2014 (79 FR 28540). The Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
contained background information on
the Act, definitions of terms used in the
Notice, the reasons for proposing the
action, and a proposed process for
conducting the auctions and sales. The
BLM requested comments regarding the
proposed process for conducting the
auctions and sales required under the
Act. A summary of changes made as a
result of those comments is provided
Affected text
Explanation of change
Section 1.02 ....................................
Sections 1.02 and 2.15 ...................
Section 1.04 ....................................
Section 1.04 ....................................
Sections 2.01, 2.03, 2.07, 2.08,
2.11, 2.15, 2.17.
Section 3.01–3.04 ...........................
Updated the Supplementary Information with a summary of changes.
Provided web links to the full comments and comment and response summary.
Added discussion of forms required to be submitted to the BLM as a condition of sale or auction.
Added information regarding the fees required for participation in sales and auctions, as well as storage
Revised the definition of ‘‘Tolling Agreement’’ to mean an agreement between a helium refinery, located on
the Federal Helium System pipeline, and any other party to refine helium at a specified volume and
Added definition of ‘‘Storage Contract Holder’’ and added information regarding expiration of the current
contract on September 30, 2015, and the BLM’s intention to have a new contract in place by October 1,
2015. Added link to the current contract.
Updated the tables and modified discussion to address not reserving a 10 percent contingency from volumes to be sold and auctioned for delivery in FY 2015 and beyond.
Lowered the annual In-Kind estimate to 160 MMcf (one million cubic feet) and added 10 MMcf in the volumes to be sold and auctioned in FY 2015 and beyond. Updated table and modified discussion to reflect
the estimate of In-Kind.
Updated the text to reflect the changes in sales and auction volumes, as well as changes to the proposed
Adjusted the delivery discussion to account for overage and shortage conditions, explanation of the dynamic process of delivery and coordination requirements, use of the formula in shortage condition, removal of 2-for-1 bonus and simplification of formula.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
B. Public Comment: Analysis of
Comments and Changes
In response to the invitation in the
Notice of Proposed Action, nine
commenters, who are refiners and nonrefiners, submitted about 58 comments
totaling 56 pages. The BLM developed
a table of comments and responses
which is available for public review at:
Based upon the comments received, the
BLM has revised the Notice of Proposed
Action, published in the Federal
Register on May 16, 2014 (79 FR 28540).
The BLM has also developed several
forms to assist refiners in reporting
required information to the BLM. The
forms are available at:
nm/HSAImplementation. The forms are:
Excess Refining Capacity Form—This
form standardizes reporting to the BLM
necessary to satisfy the terms-andconditions section of the Act, which
requires the refiners to make excess
refining capacity available at
commercially reasonable rates. The Act
requires the BLM to aggregate this data
and post the aggregated data on a public
Web site. The form can also be used to
inform the BLM of changes in the
refiner’s calculation of excess refining
capacity as they occur. This form is due
to the BLM by July 29, 2014, and should
be resubmitted to the BLM within two
weeks of any changes in excess refining
capacity exceeding +/¥ 10 percent.
Tolling Report Form—This form
provides documentation of the tolling
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agreements that were entered into
between a refiner and another party
during the preceding year. The refiner
may also take this opportunity to
document its attempts to negotiate
tolling with other parties. This form is
due to the BLM annually by September
Tolling Occurrence Report—This form
should be submitted throughout the
year whenever a refiner enters into a
tolling agreement with another party.
This form is due to the BLM within 2
weeks of entry into a tolling agreement.
The fee structure used by the BLM for
storage contract holders and
participants in the sales or auctions is
provided at:
HSAImplementation. These forms and
the information collected do not require
Office of Management and Budget
approval under the Paperwork
Reduction Act because there are fewer
than ten potential respondents (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
Implementation Plan
1.01 What is the purpose of this
Implementation Plan? The Secretary,
through the BLM, New Mexico State
Office, is issuing this Final Notice to
conduct auctions and sales from the
Federal Helium Reserve, administered
by the BLM New Mexico Amarillo Field
1.02 What terms do I need to know
to understand this Notice? Unless
otherwise noted, the following
definitions apply to helium sales and
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auctions that will be conducted in FY
2014. The definitions provided are
taken from the Act, existing regulations,
and established industry practice. These
definitions apply only for purposes of
the sales conducted in FY 2014 under
this Notice.
Allocated sale means a Phase A crude
helium sale under which crude helium
is sold to refiners.
Auction volume means those volumes
of the Federal Helium Reserve offered
for sale to any person or qualified
bidder under the Act in an auction.
Cliffside Field means the subterranean
formation near Amarillo, Texas, used as
a helium storage reservoir and in which
the Federal Helium Reserve is stored.
Crude helium means a partially
refined gas containing about 70 percent
helium and 30 percent nitrogen.
However, the helium concentration may
vary from 50 to 95 percent.
Excess refining capacity means a
refiner’s reported operational refining
capacity minus the refiner’s forecasted
crude helium demand for that particular
fiscal year. The BLM will require each
refiner to report excess refining capacity
in advance of all Phase B sales as a
condition of those sales. (NOTE: Section
6(b)(8)(B) of the Act, 50 U.S.C.
167d(b)(8)(B), states: ‘‘(B) Condition.—
As a condition of sale or auction to a
refiner under subsection (a)(1) and
paragraphs (1) and (2) effective
beginning 90 days after the date of
enactment of the Helium Stewardship
Act of 2013, the refiner shall make
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
excess refining capacity of helium
available at commercially reasonable
rates to—(i) any person prevailing in
auctions under paragraph (2); and (ii)
any person that has acquired crude
helium from the Secretary from the
Federal Helium Reserve by means other
than an auction under paragraph (2)
after the date of enactment of the
Helium Stewardship Act of 2013,
including nonallocated sales.’’)
Federal Helium Pipeline means the
federally owned pipeline system
through which helium extracted from
the Federal Helium Reserve may be
Federal Helium Reserve means
helium reserves owned by the United
States that are stored in the Cliffside
Federal Helium System means:
(1) The Federal Helium Reserve;
(2) The Cliffside Field;
(3) The Federal Helium Pipeline; and
(4) All other infrastructure owned,
leased, or managed under contract by
the Secretary for the storage,
transportation, withdrawal, enrichment,
purification, or management of helium.
Federal In-Kind crude helium or ‘‘InKind helium’’ means helium purchased
by private refiners who have sold or are
selling to Federal users and their
contractors a quantity of refined helium
equivalent to the quantity of crude
helium the refiner is purchasing or will
purchase from the BLM under contract,
under the requirements and procedures
of 43 CFR part 3195. The refined helium
initially supplied to a Federal user or its
contractor may come from a source
outside the Federal Helium Reserve.
Helium storage contract means a
contract between the BLM and a private
entity allowing the private entity to
store crude helium in underground
storage at the Cliffside Field.
HPA means the Helium Privatization
Act of 1996, Public Law 104–273, 110
Stat. 3315.
HSA means the Helium Stewardship
Act of 2013, Public Law 113–40, 127
Stat. 534.
Mcf means one thousand cubic feet of
gas measured at standard conditions of
14.65 pounds per square inch
atmosphere (psia) and 60 degrees
MMcf means one million cubic feet of
gas measured at standard conditions of
14.65 psia and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Non-allocated sale means a Phase A
crude helium sale, under which crude
helium is sold only to non-refiners.
One-time sale means a sale of helium
from amounts available for delivery in
FY 2016 offered by the BLM in FY 2014
under the HSA, 50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(13).
Person means any individual,
corporation, partnership, firm,
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association, trust, estate, public or
private institution, or State or political
Phase A means the allocation
transition period prescribed in the HSA
at 50 U.S.C. 167d(a).
Phase B means the auction
implementation period prescribed in the
HSA at 50 U.S.C. 167d(b).
Phase B sale means a sale of helium
offered by the BLM to refiners during
Phase B under the HSA, 50 U.S.C.
167d(b)(1), after completion of an
Phase B auction means an auction of
helium offered by the BLM during Phase
B under the HSA, 50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(2).
Priority pipeline access means the
first priority of delivery of crude helium
under which the Secretary schedules
and ensures the delivery of crude
helium to a helium refinery through the
Federal Helium System.
Production capability means the
estimated or calculated physical volume
of helium that can be produced from the
Cliffside Field.
Qualified bidder means a person the
Secretary determines is seeking to
purchase helium for the person’s own
use, refining, or redelivery to users.
Qualifying domestic helium
transaction means any agreement
entered into or any renegotiated
agreement during the preceding 1-year
period in the United States for the
purchase or sale of at least 15,000,000
standard cubic feet of crude or pure
helium to which any holder of a
contract with the BLM for the
acceptance, storage, delivery, or
redelivery of crude helium from the
Federal Helium System is a party.
Refiner means a person with the
ability to take delivery of crude helium
from the Federal Helium Pipeline and
refine the crude helium into pure
Storage Contract Holder means a
refiner or non-refiner who has
purchased helium through sale or
auction for storage in the Federal
Helium System and has a signed
contract with the BLM.
Toll or Tolling means the practice of
a helium refiner processing or refining
another party’s helium at an agreed
upon price. Refiners are required by the
Act (50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(8)(B)), as a
condition of sale, to make excess
refining capacity of helium available at
commercially reasonable rates to: (i)
Any person prevailing in auctions under
section 167d(b)(2); and (ii) Any person
that has acquired crude helium from the
BLM from the Federal Helium Reserve
by means other than an auction under
section 167d(b)(2) after the date of
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enactment of the HSA, including
nonallocated sales.
Toller means a non-refiner that has an
agreement with a refiner to process or
refine helium.
Tolling Agreement means an
agreement between a helium refinery,
located on the Federal Helium System
pipeline, and any other party (refiner or
non-refiner) to refine helium for a
specified volume and price.
1.03 What is the purpose of sales
and auctions? The BLM is implementing
the statutory directives to sell off the
Federal Helium Reserve to a level of
3,000,000,000 standard cubic feet
(3,000,000 Mcf) of recoverable helium
(not including privately stored helium)
(50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(5)) and implement
Phase D: Disposal of assets (50 U.S.C.
167d(d)) by September 30, 2021.
1.04 What is the estimated volume
of helium available for sale, auction and
delivery in each fiscal year? The BLM
has created an illustration of the gradual
reduction between the present time and
FY 2021 in the volume of helium in
million cubic feet (MMcf) that is
expected to be produced from the
Cliffside Field according to current
geological modeling. The graphic can be
viewed at Table
1 identifies the volumes offered for sale
as part of Phase A under the Act. Those
sales are divided into allocated sales for
the refiners (549,000 Mcf) and nonallocated sales for the non-refiners
(61,000 Mcf). Table 1 also identifies a
substantial delivery of privately stored
helium (564,600 Mcf), which was
primarily the result of a delay in the
initial FY 2014 offering and the Phase
B sales in FY 2014 for delivery in FY
2015 and FY 2016. Table 2 provides the
projected volume of helium in MMcf
available according to current geological
modeling and provides estimated
annual volumes that the BLM
anticipates that it will offer, in
accordance with Phase B of the Act, for
sales, auctions and delivery during FY
2015 through FY 2021. Information
regarding projected volumes that the
BLM will offer for sale in sales
conducted beginning in FY 2016 is
provided for planning purposes only.
The terms ‘‘allocated sale’’ and ‘‘nonallocated sale’’ do not apply to Phase B
offerings. Phase B sales are reserved for
refiners, while the Phase B auctions are
open to all qualified bidders. Table 3
provides an estimate of the production
capability of the Cliffside Field broken
into components (estimated sale volume
and auction volume) and delivery of
privately-owned helium, as well as an
estimate of the total production.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
2014A .........
2014B .........
2015 * .........
2016 ** ........
Fiscal year (FY)
In-kind sales
Total production available
for sale/
auction or
Volume of
private storage delivered
prior to January 2014 sale
sale or
Phase B sale
sale or
Phase B
* According to the Act, all of FY 2015 volumes will be sold and/or auctioned and paid for in FY 2014.
** According to the Act, 250,000 Mcf of FY 2016 volumes estimated to be offered must be sold before August 1, 2014.
2015 ...........
2016 * .........
2017 * .........
2018 * .........
2019 * .........
2020 * .........
2021 * .........
In-kind sales
Total production available
for sale/auction/delivery
80% Available for sale/
FY 2016 advanced sale
(conducted in
FY 2014)
Available for
private storage delivery
Fiscal year (FY)
* Delivery for FY 16–FY 21 sales and auctions will be subject to a new storage contract beginning October 1, 2015, and projected volumes are
subject to change.
[All volumes in Mcf]
Total Production Capability .........................................................
Total Pre-Act, Privately-Owned Helium to be Delivered ............
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Phase B Sales and Auctions
2.01 What volume of helium will the
BLM offer under a Phase B auction for
FY 2015? Pursuant to 50 U.S.C.
167d(b)(12), the BLM intends to offer
92,813 Mcf for auction on July 30, 2014,
for delivery in FY 2015 (hereinafter
referred to as the ‘‘FY 2015 Phase B
2.02 What will be the minimum FY
2015 Phase B auction price and
minimum FY 2015 Phase B sales price,
and how were those prices determined?
The minimum FY 2015 Phase B auction
reserve price is $100 per Mcf based on
Producer Price Index adjustments to the
open market crude sales price for FY
2014 (absent a market survey). The BLM
will calculate the FY 2015 Phase B sales
price using a weighted average of the
average FY 2015 Phase B auction price
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Total Sales Volume ....................................................................
Total Auction Volume .................................................................
Total In-Kind Volume .................................................................
Total Engineering Contingency ..................................................
(10 percent) and the adjusted FY 2014
helium sales price (90 percent).
2.03 What volume of helium will the
BLM offer under a Phase B sale for FY
2015? The FY 2015 volume of helium
the BLM will offer for sale will be about
835,315 Mcf (hereinafter referred to as
the ‘‘FY 2015 Phase B sale’’).
2.04 What will be the price for the
FY 2015 Phase B sale and how is that
price determined? The FY 2015 Phase B
sales price will be calculated using a
weighted average methodology as
FY 2015 Phase B sales price = (10
percent × AAP) + (90 percent ×
AAP is the average auction price in dollars
$100 is the auction reserve price
2.05 What volume will be sold for
the FY 2016 one-time sale? The BLM
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intends to offer 250 MMcf for the FY
2016 one-time sale to be conducted in
FY 2014.
2.06 What will be the price for the
FY 2016 one-time sale and how was that
price determined? The price for the FY
2016 one-time sale and the methodology
will be the same as the FY 2015 Phase
B sales price.
2.07 When will the sales and
auctions occur? The BLM intends to
offer helium in FY 2014 according to the
following schedule:
June 25, 2014—Required forms posted
to the BLM’s Web site
July 29, 2014—
• Pre-bid qualification form due to
the BLM
• Excess refining capacity to be
reported to the BLM
July 30, 2014—FY 2015 Phase B auction
held in Amarillo, Texas
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
July 31, 2014—FY 2015 Phase B auction
results published on the BLM Web
August 1, 2014—Invitation for Offer—
FY 2015 Phase B sale/FY 2016 onetime sale
August 14—FY 2015 Phase B sale/FY
2016 one-time sale complete
August 15, 2014—
• FY 2015 Phase B sale/FY 2016 onetime sale results published
• Invoices sent (Net 30)
September 15, 2014—Revenue from
auction and sales due to the BLM
September 26, 2014—Statutory deadline
for receipt of revenue.
September 30, 2014—Refiners’ FY 2014
Tolling Report due to the BLM
2.08 What will be the auction format
and who may participate? The auction
will be a live auction, held in the main
conference room of the Amarillo Field
Office at 9 a.m. Central Time on July 30,
2014. The address is 801 S. Fillmore,
Suite 500, Amarillo, TX 79101. Anyone
meeting the definition of a qualified
bidder provided in section 1.02 of this
Notice may participate in the auction.
The logistics for the auction and the prebid qualification form is included in the
auction notice at:
HSAImplementation. Questions relating
to the auction can be submitted by
phone to the BLM at 806–356–1001.
2.09 Who is qualified to purchase
helium at Phase B auctions? Only
qualified bidders may purchase helium
at Phase B auctions. The BLM will make
the final determination of who is a
qualified bidder using the requirements
of a qualified bidder under the Act
regardless of whether or not that person
was previously determined to be a
qualified bidder. Prior to issuing a
Notice of Sale and Auction, the BLM
Bidder—allocated sale
will notify those persons that the agency
has determined to be qualified bidders.
2.10 What are the helium lot sizes
that will be available for the Phase B
The BLM plans to auction lots
consisting of 5 MMcf and 10 MMcf.
Because volumes are not always going
to be divisible by 5, there will be an odd
lot that will range from 5 MMcf to 10
2.11 How many helium lots does the
BLM anticipate offering for the FY 2015
Phase B auction? The BLM anticipates
auctioning 92.813 MMcf for FY 2015.
That volume would be divided as
(6) Lots of 10 MMcf each
(5) lots of 5 MMcf each
(1) lot of 7.813 MMcf each
2.12 When will helium that is
purchased at sale or won at auction be
available in the purchaser’s storage
account? The volumes purchased in the
FY 2015 Phase B auction and sale and
in the FY 2016 one-time sale (to be
offered in FY 2014) will be transferred
to buyers’ storage accounts beginning on
the first day of the month following
receipt of payment.
2.13 What must I do to bid at
auction? Detailed bidding instructions,
including pre-bid registration, will be
provided in the auction notices. A
description of the live auction process is
available by calling the BLM, Amarillo
Field Office, at 806–356–1001. The
Auction Notice will contain information
regarding the time and location of the
auction, process for notification of
winning bidders, payments, and how to
make such payments.
2.14 Who will be allowed to
purchase helium in the FY 2015 Phase
B sale? Only those who are refiners as
defined in section 1.02 of this Notice
Refiner bid
volume *
requested *
volume *
may purchase helium in the FY 2015
Phase B sale.
2.15 How will the helium sold in the
FY 2015 Phase B sale be allocated
among the refiners? The allocation to
each refiner connected to the Federal
Helium Pipeline, through September 30,
2015, will be based on its percentage
share of the estimated total refining
capability as of October 1, 2000. The
BLM intends to revise the storage
contract effective October 1, 2015. The
current standard contract expires on
September 30, 2015, and the BLM will
renegotiate all storage contracts prior to
the FY 2016 delivery cycle, which
begins October 1, 2015. A formal letter
will be sent to each storage contract
holder by September 30, 2014, with
information regarding the new storage
2.16 What will happen if one or
more refiners request an amount other
than its share of what is offered for sale?
If one or more refiners requests less than
its allocated share, any other refiner(s)
that requested more than its share will
be allowed to purchase the excess
volume based on proportionate shares of
remaining refining capacities. Requests
by the crude helium refiners that are in
excess of the amount available in the FY
2015 Phase B sale will not be
2.17 What will happen if the total
amount requested by the crude helium
refiners is less than the 835,315 Mcf
offered in the FY 2015 Phase B sale?
Any excess volume not sold to the
refiners in the FY 2015 Phase B sale will
be available for future sale or auction.
2.18 Do you have a hypothetical
example of how a Phase B sale would
be conducted? Assume 1,000 MMcf
available for the Phase B sale.
allocated *
allocated *
Refiner A ......................
Refiner B ......................
Refiner C ......................
Total ......................
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
* All volumes in MMcf.
After the initial allocation, Refiner B has
received all volumes requested.
However, 215 MMcf is deemed in
excess of the total in the first iteration
of the Phase B sale and reallocated to
the two remaining refiners based on the
refining capacity between them. With
the reallocation, Refiner A gets all
volumes requested, but Refiner C is still
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:33 Jul 22, 2014
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short by 215 MMcf. Additionally, 5
MMcf remains unallocated and, without
any other refiners, is awarded to Refiner
C. All percentages used in the
calculation will be rounded to the
nearest one-tenth of one percent. All
volumes calculated will be rounded to
the nearest 1 Mcf.
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Delivery of Purchased Helium, Helium
Won at Auction and Pre-Helium
Stewardship Act (PHSA) Helium
3.01 When will I receive helium that
I own from purchase in a sale, or
successful auction bid, or that I have in
a PHSA storage account? Helium
purchased at sale or won at auction will
be delivered starting October 1 of each
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
designated fiscal year on a reasonable
basis established by the BLM. The intent
is to ensure timely delivery of all
helium purchased or won at auction
along with helium in PHSA storage
accounts up to the BLM’s production
capability for the year. This delivery
includes helium purchased or won at
auction by refiners and non-refiners
3.02 How will the BLM prioritize
delivery? The Act gives priority to
Federal In-Kind helium. In addition to
that priority, the BLM will make
delivery on a reasonable basis to ensure
storage contract holders who have
purchased or won helium at auction
have the opportunity during the year to
have that helium produced or refined.
For FY 2015, the BLM will continue to
allocate helium purchased during the
FY 2015 Phase B sale and the FY 2016
one-time sale to refiners based on each
refiner’s percentage share of the
estimated total refining capability as of
October 1, 2000. Refiners and nonrefiners would have access to In-Kind
helium and to volumes won at auction
in approximately equal monthly
volumes. In addition, the BLM will
provide refiners access to up to 20
percent of PHSA stored helium in
approximately equal monthly volumes,
based upon relative percentages of the
privately-owned stored helium.
Non-refiners would have access to the
helium volumes they purchased in the
FY 2014 Phase A non-allocated sale or
won at auction in approximately equal
monthly volumes based upon
successfully negotiating tolling
agreements with refiners.
3.03 How will the BLM deliver
helium? Delivery occurs in one of two
situations—when there is a shortage or
a surplus, both of which are addressed
below. First, a shortage situation is one
in which the demand for helium from
the Federal Helium System exceeds the
maximum production capability of the
system. In a shortage, the volume
delivered to the refiners, including
tolling of non-refiner-owned helium,
would be calculated using the following
MD = (IKR + IKT) + (ACR + ACT) + SR
MD—Monthly Delivery is the volume
delivered from the Crude Helium
Enrichment Unit (CHEU) during a
particular month.
IKR—In-Kind Refiners is the monthly amount
of planned In-Kind helium sales to
refiners to support Federal helium needs.
IKT—In-Kind Tollers is the monthly amount
of planned In-Kind helium sales to nonrefiners requiring tolling services to
support Federal helium needs.
ACR—Auction Refiners is the monthly
amount of planned auction-acquired
helium to meet refiners’ forecasted
helium demand.
ACT—Auction Tollers is the monthly amount
of planned auction-acquired helium to
meet non-refiners’ planned tolling.
ULT—Unallocated Tollers is the monthly
amount of non-allocated sale-acquired
helium sold during the Phase ATransition Sales in FY 2014 but not
delivered in FY 2014.
Once ULT deliveries are complete, this
element will not be a part of the
SR—Sales Refiners is the monthly amount of
planned sale-acquired helium to meet
refiners’ forecasted crude helium
PHSA—Pre-Helium Stewardship Act is
the monthly amount of helium
purchased before enactment of the
HSA that remains in storage. The
BLM plans to dedicate about 20
percent of delivery capability per
year to delivery of PHSA volumes,
based upon the proportion to each
refiner’s volume in storage. This
methodology will allow helium
storage contract holders the
opportunity to receive substantially
all of their PHSA purchased
volumes within 7 years. An
example follows:
Refiner A owns 40 percent of the total
privately owned helium in storage.
The calculation for the refiner’s
monthly delivery of PHSA helium
Monthly PHSA delivery = (40% ×
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Refiner A ......................
In-Kind ..........................
Auction .........................
Sale ..............................
PHSA Stored ................
Refiner B ......................
In-Kind ..........................
Auction .........................
Sale ..............................
PHSA Stored ................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Toller A
Toller B
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232,032 Mcf)/12, where 232,032
Mcf is the volume available in 2015
for private storage delivery
Monthly PHSA delivery = 7,734 Mcf
In a shortage situation, IKR and IKT
will be fulfilled at 100 percent of
demand. The BLM intends to deliver as
much of ACR, ACT, SR, ULT, and PHSA
as practicable on an equitable basis.
The BLM will deliver helium to each
refiner up to the prescribed amount as
calculated above. If a refiner takes more
than allowed, the overage will be
reduced in the next calculation month.
Amounts not delivered will carry
forward to the next calculation month to
the extent practical, as determined by
the BLM.
Second, a surplus situation is one in
which the demand for helium from the
Federal Helium System is less than the
maximum production capability of the
system. The BLM will coordinate with
refiners who are able to take delivery of
volumes greater than their normal
allocated volumes. The BLM will
coordinate with refiners who are able to
take delivery of volumes greater than
their normal allocated volumes to
balance delivery on a reasonable basis.
Surplus situations provide additional
capability to support tolling and
delivery of additional PHSA volumes.
Surplus situations in the helium
market can result in reduced demand
for helium from the BLM Helium
Program and lead to the BLM reducing
volumes delivered or, in extreme cases,
re-injecting some of the helium being
produced into recoverable wells or plant
3.04 Do you have a hypothetical
example of how the Delivery Schedule
would be implemented? Delivery is a
dynamic process which takes into
account a variety of factors including:
Plant operating parameters, pipeline
pressures, changes to refiners planned
delivery, differences in planned versus
actual delivery, verification process for
In-Kind delivery and maintenance
activities. An example of the process
described in section 3.03 follows:
Refiner actual
Toll actual
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
In the example, Refiner A plans for
delivery of 4,500 Mcf of its own In-Kind
and auction helium and refining for
Toller A, an additional 1,520 Mcf of
Toller A’s In-Kind and auction helium.
Refiner A also has 24,816 Mcf available
for delivery of helium purchased at sale
and a percentage of the amount of its
PHSA stored volume (6,269 Mcf)
available for delivery.
Refiner B plans for delivery of 2,200
Mcf of its own In-Kind and auction
helium and refining for Toller B, an
additional 266 Mcf of Toller B’s InKind, auction, and PHSA helium.
Refiner B also has 21,056 Mcf available
for delivery of helium purchased at sale
and a percentage of the amount of its
PHSA stored volume (7,164 Mcf)
available for delivery.
Refiner A overdrew its allowance of
helium acquired at sale by 106 Mcf.
This overage will be deducted during
the next calculation month. Toller A
had its In-Kind and auction helium
Refiner B drew less than its allowance
of helium acquired at sale by 245 Mcf.
The volume may still be available for
delivery in the next calculation month,
based upon the total demand and
production capability for that month.
In cases where the volumes requested
for the month exceed the BLM’s
production capacity, the BLM may have
to limit delivery to refiners. In those
situations, any undelivered gas would
remain in the refiners’ storage accounts.
In cases where tolling is not occurring
and pipeline pressure is rising, the BLM
would systematically reduce plant
operations to lower levels and
potentially re-inject helium or, in the
extreme, cease plant production during
a particular month.
In-Kind Program
4.01 What is the Federal In-Kind
Program? Federal helium suppliers who
have contracts to supply helium to the
Federal government (agencies,
government contractors, and
universities with certified Federal grant
numbers) are required to buy like
amounts of helium from the Federal
Helium Reserve. The supplied helium
may originate from sources other than
the Federal Helium Reserve.
Replenishment of helium volumes
provided to the government typically
takes about 5 months to complete.
However, the helium is sold to the
suppliers at a discounted rate compared
to open market rate.
4.02 Who participates in the
Program? Federal helium suppliers,
Federal agencies, and grant recipients
participate in the Federal In-Kind
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4.03 How do I participate? You may
be a participant in the Federal In-Kind
Program if you are a supplier of pure
helium and have entered into contracts
to supply helium to the Federal
Government, you are a Federal agency
requesting helium deliveries, or you are
a Federal end user with a per location
local volume of 200 Mcf per year and
wish to participate in the In-Kind
program. Potential Federal end users/
Federal grant recipients and universities
are encouraged to register with the BLM
at the provided Web page link: https://
Authority: The Helium Stewardship Act of
2013, Public Law No. 113–40, codified to
various sections in 50 U.S.C. 167–167q.
Sheila Mallory,
Acting State Director.
[FR Doc. 2014–17376 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Request for Nominations for the Mary
McLeod Bethune Council House
National Historic Site Advisory
National Park Service, Interior.
Call for Nominations.
The National Park Service,
U.S. Department of the Interior, is
seeking nominations for individuals to
be considered for appointment to the
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House
National Historic Site Advisory
Commission. The Commission was
authorized on December 11, 1991, by
Section 4 of the Public Law 102–211, for
the purpose of advising the Secretary of
the Interior. The Commission shall meet
and consult on matters relating to the
management and development of the
historic site as often as necessary, but at
least semiannually.
DATES: Written nominations must be
received by September 8, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send nominations to: Judy
Bowman, Staff Assistant, Office of the
Regional Director, National Capital
Region, National Park Service, 1100
Ohio Drive SW., Washington, DC 20240,
or by email
Gopaul Noojibail, Deputy
Superintendent, Office of the
Superintendent, National Capital
Parks—East, 1900 Anacostia Drive SE.,
Washington, DC 20020, by telephone
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
number (202) 692–6000, or email
McLeod Bethune Council House
National Historic Site was established
by Section 4 of the Public Law 102–211,
December 11, 1991. The Secretary and
the Advisory Commission shall meet
and consult on matters relating to the
management and development of the
historic site as often as necessary, but at
least semiannually.
Nominations should describe and
document the proposed member’s
qualifications for membership to the
Commission, and include a resume
listing his or her name, title, address,
telephone, email, and fax number (if
The Commission shall be composed
of 15 members appointed by the
Secretary for 4-year terms as follows: (1)
3 members appointed from
recommendations submitted by the
National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
(2) 2 members appointed from
recommendations submitted by other
national organizations in which Mary
McLeod Bethune played a leadership
role. (3) 2 members appointed who shall
have professional expertise in the
history of African American women. (4)
3 members who shall have professional
expertise in archival management. (5) 3
members who shall represent the
general public. (6) 2 members who shall
have professional expertise in historic
The Chair and the other officers of the
Commission shall be elected by a
majority of the members of the
Commission to serve for terms
established by the Commission.
Some Commissioners may serve as
Special Governmental Employees,
which may include the completion of an
annual financial disclosure report and
annual ethics training.
No individual who is currently
registered as a Federal lobbyist is
eligible to serve on the Commission.
All required documents must be
compiled and submitted in one
complete nomination package.
Incomplete submissions (missing one or
more of the items described below) will
not be considered.
Submitting Nominations
Nominations should be typed and
must include each of the following:
A. Brief summary of no more than two
(2) pages explaining the nominee’s
suitability to serve on the Commission.
B. Resume or curriculum vitae.
C. At least one (1) letter of reference.
Members of the Commission will
receive no pay, allowances, or benefits
by reason of their service on the
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 141 (Wednesday, July 23, 2014)]
[Pages 42808-42814]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-17376]
Bureau of Land Management
[LLNM006200 L99110000.EK0000 XXX L4053RV]
Final Notice: Implementation of Helium Stewardship Act Sales and
AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Secretary of the Interior (Secretary), through the Bureau
of Land Management (BLM), New Mexico State Office, is issuing this
Final Notice to conduct auctions and sales from the Federal Helium
Program, administered by the BLM New Mexico Amarillo Field Office. The
BLM will use the sale and auction process outlined in this Notice for
the sales and auctions that the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013 (``the
Act'') requires the BLM to conduct during fiscal year (FY) 2014. This
Notice does not apply to sales or auctions conducted after FY 2014. The
BLM's process for sales and auctions conducted after FY 2014 will be
announced in subsequent notices or through rulemaking to the extent
rulemaking is necessary to implement the Act. Information included in
this Notice regarding the BLM's anticipated actions beyond FY 2014 is
provided for planning purposes only and is subject to change. This
action takes into consideration public comments received as a result of
the Notice of Proposed Action published in the Federal Register on May
16, 2014.
DATES: This implementation plan is effective on July 23, 2014.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert Jolley, 806-356-1002. Persons
who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339. The FIRS is
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to leave a message for Mr.
Jolley. You will receive a reply during normal business hours.
A. Purpose and Background
The BLM published a Notice of Proposed Action: Implementation of
Helium Stewardship Act Sales and Auctions, in the Federal Register on
May 16, 2014 (79 FR 28540). The Notice
[[Page 42809]]
contained background information on the Act, definitions of terms used
in the Notice, the reasons for proposing the action, and a proposed
process for conducting the auctions and sales. The BLM requested
comments regarding the proposed process for conducting the auctions and
sales required under the Act. A summary of changes made as a result of
those comments is provided below:
Summary of Changes
Affected text Explanation of change
Supplementary Information......... Updated the Supplementary
Information with a summary of
Supplementary Information......... Provided web links to the full
comments and comment and response
Supplementary Information......... Added discussion of forms required
to be submitted to the BLM as a
condition of sale or auction.
Supplementary Information......... Added information regarding the fees
required for participation in sales
and auctions, as well as storage
Section 1.02...................... Revised the definition of ``Tolling
Agreement'' to mean an agreement
between a helium refinery, located
on the Federal Helium System
pipeline, and any other party to
refine helium at a specified volume
and price.
Sections 1.02 and 2.15............ Added definition of ``Storage
Contract Holder'' and added
information regarding expiration of
the current contract on September
30, 2015, and the BLM's intention
to have a new contract in place by
October 1, 2015. Added link to the
current contract.
Section 1.04...................... Updated the tables and modified
discussion to address not reserving
a 10 percent contingency from
volumes to be sold and auctioned
for delivery in FY 2015 and beyond.
Section 1.04...................... Lowered the annual In-Kind estimate
to 160 MMcf (one million cubic
feet) and added 10 MMcf in the
volumes to be sold and auctioned in
FY 2015 and beyond. Updated table
and modified discussion to reflect
the estimate of In-Kind.
Sections 2.01, 2.03, 2.07, 2.08, Updated the text to reflect the
2.11, 2.15, 2.17. changes in sales and auction
volumes, as well as changes to the
proposed schedule.
Section 3.01-3.04................. Adjusted the delivery discussion to
account for overage and shortage
conditions, explanation of the
dynamic process of delivery and
coordination requirements, use of
the formula in shortage condition,
removal of 2-for-1 bonus and
simplification of formula.
B. Public Comment: Analysis of Comments and Changes
In response to the invitation in the Notice of Proposed Action,
nine commenters, who are refiners and non-refiners, submitted about 58
comments totaling 56 pages. The BLM developed a table of comments and
responses which is available for public review at: Based upon the comments received, the BLM has
revised the Notice of Proposed Action, published in the Federal
Register on May 16, 2014 (79 FR 28540).
The BLM has also developed several forms to assist refiners in
reporting required information to the BLM. The forms are available at: The forms are:
Excess Refining Capacity Form--This form standardizes reporting to
the BLM necessary to satisfy the terms-and-conditions section of the
Act, which requires the refiners to make excess refining capacity
available at commercially reasonable rates. The Act requires the BLM to
aggregate this data and post the aggregated data on a public Web site.
The form can also be used to inform the BLM of changes in the refiner's
calculation of excess refining capacity as they occur. This form is due
to the BLM by July 29, 2014, and should be resubmitted to the BLM
within two weeks of any changes in excess refining capacity exceeding
+/- 10 percent.
Tolling Report Form--This form provides documentation of the
tolling agreements that were entered into between a refiner and another
party during the preceding year. The refiner may also take this
opportunity to document its attempts to negotiate tolling with other
parties. This form is due to the BLM annually by September 30.
Tolling Occurrence Report--This form should be submitted throughout
the year whenever a refiner enters into a tolling agreement with
another party. This form is due to the BLM within 2 weeks of entry into
a tolling agreement.
The fee structure used by the BLM for storage contract holders and
participants in the sales or auctions is provided at: These forms and the information collected do not
require Office of Management and Budget approval under the Paperwork
Reduction Act because there are fewer than ten potential respondents
(44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
Implementation Plan
1.01 What is the purpose of this Implementation Plan? The
Secretary, through the BLM, New Mexico State Office, is issuing this
Final Notice to conduct auctions and sales from the Federal Helium
Reserve, administered by the BLM New Mexico Amarillo Field Office.
1.02 What terms do I need to know to understand this Notice? Unless
otherwise noted, the following definitions apply to helium sales and
auctions that will be conducted in FY 2014. The definitions provided
are taken from the Act, existing regulations, and established industry
practice. These definitions apply only for purposes of the sales
conducted in FY 2014 under this Notice.
Allocated sale means a Phase A crude helium sale under which crude
helium is sold to refiners.
Auction volume means those volumes of the Federal Helium Reserve
offered for sale to any person or qualified bidder under the Act in an
Cliffside Field means the subterranean formation near Amarillo,
Texas, used as a helium storage reservoir and in which the Federal
Helium Reserve is stored.
Crude helium means a partially refined gas containing about 70
percent helium and 30 percent nitrogen. However, the helium
concentration may vary from 50 to 95 percent.
Excess refining capacity means a refiner's reported operational
refining capacity minus the refiner's forecasted crude helium demand
for that particular fiscal year. The BLM will require each refiner to
report excess refining capacity in advance of all Phase B sales as a
condition of those sales. (NOTE: Section 6(b)(8)(B) of the Act, 50
U.S.C. 167d(b)(8)(B), states: ``(B) Condition.--As a condition of sale
or auction to a refiner under subsection (a)(1) and paragraphs (1) and
(2) effective beginning 90 days after the date of enactment of the
Helium Stewardship Act of 2013, the refiner shall make
[[Page 42810]]
excess refining capacity of helium available at commercially reasonable
rates to--(i) any person prevailing in auctions under paragraph (2);
and (ii) any person that has acquired crude helium from the Secretary
from the Federal Helium Reserve by means other than an auction under
paragraph (2) after the date of enactment of the Helium Stewardship Act
of 2013, including nonallocated sales.'')
Federal Helium Pipeline means the federally owned pipeline system
through which helium extracted from the Federal Helium Reserve may be
Federal Helium Reserve means helium reserves owned by the United
States that are stored in the Cliffside Field.
Federal Helium System means:
(1) The Federal Helium Reserve;
(2) The Cliffside Field;
(3) The Federal Helium Pipeline; and
(4) All other infrastructure owned, leased, or managed under
contract by the Secretary for the storage, transportation, withdrawal,
enrichment, purification, or management of helium.
Federal In-Kind crude helium or ``In-Kind helium'' means helium
purchased by private refiners who have sold or are selling to Federal
users and their contractors a quantity of refined helium equivalent to
the quantity of crude helium the refiner is purchasing or will purchase
from the BLM under contract, under the requirements and procedures of
43 CFR part 3195. The refined helium initially supplied to a Federal
user or its contractor may come from a source outside the Federal
Helium Reserve.
Helium storage contract means a contract between the BLM and a
private entity allowing the private entity to store crude helium in
underground storage at the Cliffside Field.
HPA means the Helium Privatization Act of 1996, Public Law 104-273,
110 Stat. 3315.
HSA means the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013, Public Law 113-40,
127 Stat. 534.
Mcf means one thousand cubic feet of gas measured at standard
conditions of 14.65 pounds per square inch atmosphere (psia) and 60
degrees Fahrenheit.
MMcf means one million cubic feet of gas measured at standard
conditions of 14.65 psia and 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Non-allocated sale means a Phase A crude helium sale, under which
crude helium is sold only to non-refiners.
One-time sale means a sale of helium from amounts available for
delivery in FY 2016 offered by the BLM in FY 2014 under the HSA, 50
U.S.C. 167d(b)(13).
Person means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm,
association, trust, estate, public or private institution, or State or
political subdivision.
Phase A means the allocation transition period prescribed in the
HSA at 50 U.S.C. 167d(a).
Phase B means the auction implementation period prescribed in the
HSA at 50 U.S.C. 167d(b).
Phase B sale means a sale of helium offered by the BLM to refiners
during Phase B under the HSA, 50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(1), after completion of
an auction.
Phase B auction means an auction of helium offered by the BLM
during Phase B under the HSA, 50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(2).
Priority pipeline access means the first priority of delivery of
crude helium under which the Secretary schedules and ensures the
delivery of crude helium to a helium refinery through the Federal
Helium System.
Production capability means the estimated or calculated physical
volume of helium that can be produced from the Cliffside Field.
Qualified bidder means a person the Secretary determines is seeking
to purchase helium for the person's own use, refining, or redelivery to
Qualifying domestic helium transaction means any agreement entered
into or any renegotiated agreement during the preceding 1-year period
in the United States for the purchase or sale of at least 15,000,000
standard cubic feet of crude or pure helium to which any holder of a
contract with the BLM for the acceptance, storage, delivery, or
redelivery of crude helium from the Federal Helium System is a party.
Refiner means a person with the ability to take delivery of crude
helium from the Federal Helium Pipeline and refine the crude helium
into pure helium.
Storage Contract Holder means a refiner or non-refiner who has
purchased helium through sale or auction for storage in the Federal
Helium System and has a signed contract with the BLM.
Toll or Tolling means the practice of a helium refiner processing
or refining another party's helium at an agreed upon price. Refiners
are required by the Act (50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(8)(B)), as a condition of
sale, to make excess refining capacity of helium available at
commercially reasonable rates to: (i) Any person prevailing in auctions
under section 167d(b)(2); and (ii) Any person that has acquired crude
helium from the BLM from the Federal Helium Reserve by means other than
an auction under section 167d(b)(2) after the date of enactment of the
HSA, including nonallocated sales.
Toller means a non-refiner that has an agreement with a refiner to
process or refine helium.
Tolling Agreement means an agreement between a helium refinery,
located on the Federal Helium System pipeline, and any other party
(refiner or non-refiner) to refine helium for a specified volume and
1.03 What is the purpose of sales and auctions? The BLM is
implementing the statutory directives to sell off the Federal Helium
Reserve to a level of 3,000,000,000 standard cubic feet (3,000,000 Mcf)
of recoverable helium (not including privately stored helium) (50
U.S.C. 167d(b)(5)) and implement Phase D: Disposal of assets (50 U.S.C.
167d(d)) by September 30, 2021.
1.04 What is the estimated volume of helium available for sale,
auction and delivery in each fiscal year? The BLM has created an
illustration of the gradual reduction between the present time and FY
2021 in the volume of helium in million cubic feet (MMcf) that is
expected to be produced from the Cliffside Field according to current
geological modeling. The graphic can be viewed at
Table 1 identifies the volumes offered for sale as part of Phase A
under the Act. Those sales are divided into allocated sales for the
refiners (549,000 Mcf) and non-allocated sales for the non-refiners
(61,000 Mcf). Table 1 also identifies a substantial delivery of
privately stored helium (564,600 Mcf), which was primarily the result
of a delay in the initial FY 2014 offering and the Phase B sales in FY
2014 for delivery in FY 2015 and FY 2016. Table 2 provides the
projected volume of helium in MMcf available according to current
geological modeling and provides estimated annual volumes that the BLM
anticipates that it will offer, in accordance with Phase B of the Act,
for sales, auctions and delivery during FY 2015 through FY 2021.
Information regarding projected volumes that the BLM will offer for
sale in sales conducted beginning in FY 2016 is provided for planning
purposes only.
The terms ``allocated sale'' and ``non-allocated sale'' do not
apply to Phase B offerings. Phase B sales are reserved for refiners,
while the Phase B auctions are open to all qualified bidders. Table 3
provides an estimate of the production capability of the Cliffside
Field broken into components (estimated sale volume and auction volume)
and delivery of privately-owned helium, as well as an estimate of the
total production.
[[Page 42811]]
Table 1--Projected Volumes for Allocated and Non-Allocated Sales, Phase B Auction and Sales, and Private Storage Delivery for FY 2014
Volume of
Forecasted Total private Non-
production production storage Allocated allocated Private
Fiscal year (FY) capability 10% In-kind available delivered sale or sale or storage
(NITEC Contingency sales for sale/ prior to Phase B sale Phase B delivery
study) auction or January 2014 auction
delivery sale
Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf
FY 2014A................................ 1,494,000 149,400 170,000 1,174,600 408,000 360,000 40,000 564,600
FY 2014B................................ 1,494,000 149,400 170,000 1,174,600 408,000 189,000 21,000 564,600
FY 2015 *............................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 835,315 92,813 ............
FY 2016 **.............................. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 250,000 ............ ............
* According to the Act, all of FY 2015 volumes will be sold and/or auctioned and paid for in FY 2014.
** According to the Act, 250,000 Mcf of FY 2016 volumes estimated to be offered must be sold before August 1, 2014.
Table 2--Projected Volumes for Sales, Auctions and Private Storage Delivery for FY 2015-FY 2021
Forecasted production 80% FY 2016 20%
production In-kind available Available advanced Auction Available
Fiscal year (FY) capability sales for sale/ for sale/ sale Sale volume volume for private
(NITEC auction/ auction (conducted storage
study) delivery in FY 2014) delivery
Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf
FY 2015................................. 1,320,160 160,000 1,160,160 928,128 0 835,315 92,813 232,032
FY 2016 *............................... 1,158,150 160,000 998,150 798,520 250,000 348,890 199,630 199,630
FY 2017 *............................... 997,450 160,000 837,450 669,960 0 401,976 267,984 167,490
FY 2018 *............................... 848,280 160,000 688,280 550,624 0 247,781 302,843 137,656
FY 2019 *............................... 714,430 160,000 554,430 443,544 0 133,063 310,481 110,886
FY 2020 *............................... 606,130 160,000 446,130 356,904 0 ............ 356,904 89,226
FY 2021 *............................... 537,880 160,000 377,880 302,304 0 ............ 302,304 75,576
* Delivery for FY 16-FY 21 sales and auctions will be subject to a new storage contract beginning October 1, 2015, and projected volumes are subject to
Table 3--Summary of Total Sales, Auctions, and Delivery Through FY 2021
[All volumes in Mcf]
Total Production Capability.... ....................... 7,676,480
Total Sales Volume..... 2,827,025
Total Auction Volume... 1,832,959
Total In-Kind Volume... 1,290,000
Total Engineering 149,400
Total Pre-Act, Privately-Owned ....................... 1,577,096
Helium to be Delivered.
Phase B Sales and Auctions
2.01 What volume of helium will the BLM offer under a Phase B
auction for FY 2015? Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 167d(b)(12), the BLM intends
to offer 92,813 Mcf for auction on July 30, 2014, for delivery in FY
2015 (hereinafter referred to as the ``FY 2015 Phase B auction'').
2.02 What will be the minimum FY 2015 Phase B auction price and
minimum FY 2015 Phase B sales price, and how were those prices
determined? The minimum FY 2015 Phase B auction reserve price is $100
per Mcf based on Producer Price Index adjustments to the open market
crude sales price for FY 2014 (absent a market survey). The BLM will
calculate the FY 2015 Phase B sales price using a weighted average of
the average FY 2015 Phase B auction price (10 percent) and the adjusted
FY 2014 helium sales price (90 percent).
2.03 What volume of helium will the BLM offer under a Phase B sale
for FY 2015? The FY 2015 volume of helium the BLM will offer for sale
will be about 835,315 Mcf (hereinafter referred to as the ``FY 2015
Phase B sale'').
2.04 What will be the price for the FY 2015 Phase B sale and how is
that price determined? The FY 2015 Phase B sales price will be
calculated using a weighted average methodology as follows:
FY 2015 Phase B sales price = (10 percent x AAP) + (90 percent x $100)
AAP is the average auction price in dollars
$100 is the auction reserve price
2.05 What volume will be sold for the FY 2016 one-time sale? The
BLM intends to offer 250 MMcf for the FY 2016 one-time sale to be
conducted in FY 2014.
2.06 What will be the price for the FY 2016 one-time sale and how
was that price determined? The price for the FY 2016 one-time sale and
the methodology will be the same as the FY 2015 Phase B sales price.
2.07 When will the sales and auctions occur? The BLM intends to
offer helium in FY 2014 according to the following schedule:
June 25, 2014--Required forms posted to the BLM's Web site
July 29, 2014--
Pre-bid qualification form due to the BLM
Excess refining capacity to be reported to the BLM
July 30, 2014--FY 2015 Phase B auction held in Amarillo, Texas
[[Page 42812]]
July 31, 2014--FY 2015 Phase B auction results published on the BLM Web
August 1, 2014--Invitation for Offer--FY 2015 Phase B sale/FY 2016 one-
time sale
August 14--FY 2015 Phase B sale/FY 2016 one-time sale complete
August 15, 2014--
FY 2015 Phase B sale/FY 2016 one-time sale results
Invoices sent (Net 30)
September 15, 2014--Revenue from auction and sales due to the BLM
September 26, 2014--Statutory deadline for receipt of revenue.
September 30, 2014--Refiners' FY 2014 Tolling Report due to the BLM
2.08 What will be the auction format and who may participate? The
auction will be a live auction, held in the main conference room of the
Amarillo Field Office at 9 a.m. Central Time on July 30, 2014. The
address is 801 S. Fillmore, Suite 500, Amarillo, TX 79101. Anyone
meeting the definition of a qualified bidder provided in section 1.02
of this Notice may participate in the auction. The logistics for the
auction and the pre-bid qualification form is included in the auction
notice at: Questions relating to the
auction can be submitted by phone to the BLM at 806-356-1001.
2.09 Who is qualified to purchase helium at Phase B auctions? Only
qualified bidders may purchase helium at Phase B auctions. The BLM will
make the final determination of who is a qualified bidder using the
requirements of a qualified bidder under the Act regardless of whether
or not that person was previously determined to be a qualified bidder.
Prior to issuing a Notice of Sale and Auction, the BLM will notify
those persons that the agency has determined to be qualified bidders.
2.10 What are the helium lot sizes that will be available for the
Phase B auctions?
The BLM plans to auction lots consisting of 5 MMcf and 10 MMcf.
Because volumes are not always going to be divisible by 5, there will
be an odd lot that will range from 5 MMcf to 10 MMcf.
2.11 How many helium lots does the BLM anticipate offering for the
FY 2015 Phase B auction? The BLM anticipates auctioning 92.813 MMcf for
FY 2015. That volume would be divided as follows:
(6) Lots of 10 MMcf each
(5) lots of 5 MMcf each
(1) lot of 7.813 MMcf each
2.12 When will helium that is purchased at sale or won at auction
be available in the purchaser's storage account? The volumes purchased
in the FY 2015 Phase B auction and sale and in the FY 2016 one-time
sale (to be offered in FY 2014) will be transferred to buyers' storage
accounts beginning on the first day of the month following receipt of
2.13 What must I do to bid at auction? Detailed bidding
instructions, including pre-bid registration, will be provided in the
auction notices. A description of the live auction process is available
by calling the BLM, Amarillo Field Office, at 806-356-1001. The Auction
Notice will contain information regarding the time and location of the
auction, process for notification of winning bidders, payments, and how
to make such payments.
2.14 Who will be allowed to purchase helium in the FY 2015 Phase B
sale? Only those who are refiners as defined in section 1.02 of this
Notice may purchase helium in the FY 2015 Phase B sale.
2.15 How will the helium sold in the FY 2015 Phase B sale be
allocated among the refiners? The allocation to each refiner connected
to the Federal Helium Pipeline, through September 30, 2015, will be
based on its percentage share of the estimated total refining
capability as of October 1, 2000. The BLM intends to revise the storage
contract effective October 1, 2015. The current standard contract
expires on September 30, 2015, and the BLM will renegotiate all storage
contracts prior to the FY 2016 delivery cycle, which begins October 1,
2015. A formal letter will be sent to each storage contract holder by
September 30, 2014, with information regarding the new storage
2.16 What will happen if one or more refiners request an amount
other than its share of what is offered for sale? If one or more
refiners requests less than its allocated share, any other refiner(s)
that requested more than its share will be allowed to purchase the
excess volume based on proportionate shares of remaining refining
capacities. Requests by the crude helium refiners that are in excess of
the amount available in the FY 2015 Phase B sale will not be
2.17 What will happen if the total amount requested by the crude
helium refiners is less than the 835,315 Mcf offered in the FY 2015
Phase B sale? Any excess volume not sold to the refiners in the FY 2015
Phase B sale will be available for future sale or auction.
2.18 Do you have a hypothetical example of how a Phase B sale would
be conducted? Assume 1,000 MMcf available for the Phase B sale.
refining Refiner bid Allocated Excess volume Proration Excess Total
Bidder--allocated sale capacity volume * volume * requested * percent allocated * allocated *
Refiner A............................... 10 115 100 15 20 15 115
Refiner B............................... 50 400 400 0 0 0 400
Refiner C............................... 40 700 400 300 80 80+5 485
Total............................... 100 1,215 900 315 100 100 1,000
* All volumes in MMcf.
After the initial allocation, Refiner B has received all volumes
requested. However, 215 MMcf is deemed in excess of the total in the
first iteration of the Phase B sale and reallocated to the two
remaining refiners based on the refining capacity between them. With
the reallocation, Refiner A gets all volumes requested, but Refiner C
is still short by 215 MMcf. Additionally, 5 MMcf remains unallocated
and, without any other refiners, is awarded to Refiner C. All
percentages used in the calculation will be rounded to the nearest one-
tenth of one percent. All volumes calculated will be rounded to the
nearest 1 Mcf.
Delivery of Purchased Helium, Helium Won at Auction and Pre-Helium
Stewardship Act (PHSA) Helium
3.01 When will I receive helium that I own from purchase in a sale,
or successful auction bid, or that I have in a PHSA storage account?
Helium purchased at sale or won at auction will be delivered starting
October 1 of each
[[Page 42813]]
designated fiscal year on a reasonable basis established by the BLM.
The intent is to ensure timely delivery of all helium purchased or won
at auction along with helium in PHSA storage accounts up to the BLM's
production capability for the year. This delivery includes helium
purchased or won at auction by refiners and non-refiners alike.
3.02 How will the BLM prioritize delivery? The Act gives priority
to Federal In-Kind helium. In addition to that priority, the BLM will
make delivery on a reasonable basis to ensure storage contract holders
who have purchased or won helium at auction have the opportunity during
the year to have that helium produced or refined. For FY 2015, the BLM
will continue to allocate helium purchased during the FY 2015 Phase B
sale and the FY 2016 one-time sale to refiners based on each refiner's
percentage share of the estimated total refining capability as of
October 1, 2000. Refiners and non-refiners would have access to In-Kind
helium and to volumes won at auction in approximately equal monthly
volumes. In addition, the BLM will provide refiners access to up to 20
percent of PHSA stored helium in approximately equal monthly volumes,
based upon relative percentages of the privately-owned stored helium.
Non-refiners would have access to the helium volumes they purchased
in the FY 2014 Phase A non-allocated sale or won at auction in
approximately equal monthly volumes based upon successfully negotiating
tolling agreements with refiners.
3.03 How will the BLM deliver helium? Delivery occurs in one of two
situations--when there is a shortage or a surplus, both of which are
addressed below. First, a shortage situation is one in which the demand
for helium from the Federal Helium System exceeds the maximum
production capability of the system. In a shortage, the volume
delivered to the refiners, including tolling of non-refiner-owned
helium, would be calculated using the following equation:
MD = (IKR + IKT) + (ACR +
MD--Monthly Delivery is the volume delivered from the Crude Helium
Enrichment Unit (CHEU) during a particular month.
IKR--In-Kind Refiners is the monthly amount of planned
In-Kind helium sales to refiners to support Federal helium needs.
IKT--In-Kind Tollers is the monthly amount of planned In-
Kind helium sales to non-refiners requiring tolling services to
support Federal helium needs.
ACR--Auction Refiners is the monthly amount of planned
auction-acquired helium to meet refiners' forecasted helium demand.
ACT--Auction Tollers is the monthly amount of planned
auction-acquired helium to meet non-refiners' planned tolling.
ULT--Unallocated Tollers is the monthly amount of non-
allocated sale-acquired helium sold during the Phase A-Transition
Sales in FY 2014 but not delivered in FY 2014.
Once ULT deliveries are complete, this element will not
be a part of the equation.
SR--Sales Refiners is the monthly amount of planned sale-
acquired helium to meet refiners' forecasted crude helium demand.
PHSA--Pre-Helium Stewardship Act is the monthly amount of helium
purchased before enactment of the HSA that remains in storage. The BLM
plans to dedicate about 20 percent of delivery capability per year to
delivery of PHSA volumes, based upon the proportion to each refiner's
volume in storage. This methodology will allow helium storage contract
holders the opportunity to receive substantially all of their PHSA
purchased volumes within 7 years. An example follows:
Refiner A owns 40 percent of the total privately owned helium in
storage. The calculation for the refiner's monthly delivery of PHSA
helium is:
Monthly PHSA delivery = (40% x 232,032 Mcf)/12, where 232,032 Mcf
is the volume available in 2015 for private storage delivery
Monthly PHSA delivery = 7,734 Mcf
In a shortage situation, IKR and IKT will be
fulfilled at 100 percent of demand. The BLM intends to deliver as much
of ACR, ACT, SR, ULT, and
PHSA as practicable on an equitable basis.
The BLM will deliver helium to each refiner up to the prescribed
amount as calculated above. If a refiner takes more than allowed, the
overage will be reduced in the next calculation month. Amounts not
delivered will carry forward to the next calculation month to the
extent practical, as determined by the BLM.
Second, a surplus situation is one in which the demand for helium
from the Federal Helium System is less than the maximum production
capability of the system. The BLM will coordinate with refiners who are
able to take delivery of volumes greater than their normal allocated
volumes. The BLM will coordinate with refiners who are able to take
delivery of volumes greater than their normal allocated volumes to
balance delivery on a reasonable basis. Surplus situations provide
additional capability to support tolling and delivery of additional
PHSA volumes.
Surplus situations in the helium market can result in reduced
demand for helium from the BLM Helium Program and lead to the BLM
reducing volumes delivered or, in extreme cases, re-injecting some of
the helium being produced into recoverable wells or plant shutdown.
3.04 Do you have a hypothetical example of how the Delivery
Schedule would be implemented? Delivery is a dynamic process which
takes into account a variety of factors including: Plant operating
parameters, pipeline pressures, changes to refiners planned delivery,
differences in planned versus actual delivery, verification process for
In-Kind delivery and maintenance activities. An example of the process
described in section 3.03 follows:
Refiner Delta
Planned Toller A Toller B allowed Refiner actual Toll actual carryover
Refiner A............................... .............. .............. .............. 37,105 .............. .............. (106)
In-Kind................................. 2,000 20 .............. 2,020 1,990 20 ..............
Auction................................. 2,500 1,500 .............. 4,000 2,400 1,500 ..............
Sale.................................... 24,816 .............. .............. 24,816 25,000 .............. ..............
PHSA Stored............................. 6,269 .............. .............. 6,269 6,300 .............. ..............
Refiner B............................... .............. .............. .............. 30,627 .............. .............. 245
In-Kind................................. 2,000 .............. 25 2,025 2,100 25 ..............
Auction................................. 200 .............. 120 320 200 120 ..............
Sale.................................... 21,056 .............. .............. 21,056 20,900 .............. ..............
PHSA Stored............................. 7,164 .............. 121 7,285 7,000 121 ..............
[[Page 42814]]
In the example, Refiner A plans for delivery of 4,500 Mcf of its
own In-Kind and auction helium and refining for Toller A, an additional
1,520 Mcf of Toller A's In-Kind and auction helium. Refiner A also has
24,816 Mcf available for delivery of helium purchased at sale and a
percentage of the amount of its PHSA stored volume (6,269 Mcf)
available for delivery.
Refiner B plans for delivery of 2,200 Mcf of its own In-Kind and
auction helium and refining for Toller B, an additional 266 Mcf of
Toller B's In-Kind, auction, and PHSA helium. Refiner B also has 21,056
Mcf available for delivery of helium purchased at sale and a percentage
of the amount of its PHSA stored volume (7,164 Mcf) available for
Refiner A overdrew its allowance of helium acquired at sale by 106
Mcf. This overage will be deducted during the next calculation month.
Toller A had its In-Kind and auction helium refined.
Refiner B drew less than its allowance of helium acquired at sale
by 245 Mcf. The volume may still be available for delivery in the next
calculation month, based upon the total demand and production
capability for that month.
In cases where the volumes requested for the month exceed the BLM's
production capacity, the BLM may have to limit delivery to refiners. In
those situations, any undelivered gas would remain in the refiners'
storage accounts.
In cases where tolling is not occurring and pipeline pressure is
rising, the BLM would systematically reduce plant operations to lower
levels and potentially re-inject helium or, in the extreme, cease plant
production during a particular month.
In-Kind Program
4.01 What is the Federal In-Kind Program? Federal helium suppliers
who have contracts to supply helium to the Federal government
(agencies, government contractors, and universities with certified
Federal grant numbers) are required to buy like amounts of helium from
the Federal Helium Reserve. The supplied helium may originate from
sources other than the Federal Helium Reserve. Replenishment of helium
volumes provided to the government typically takes about 5 months to
complete. However, the helium is sold to the suppliers at a discounted
rate compared to open market rate.
4.02 Who participates in the Program? Federal helium suppliers,
Federal agencies, and grant recipients participate in the Federal In-
Kind Program.
4.03 How do I participate? You may be a participant in the Federal
In-Kind Program if you are a supplier of pure helium and have entered
into contracts to supply helium to the Federal Government, you are a
Federal agency requesting helium deliveries, or you are a Federal end
user with a per location local volume of 200 Mcf per year and wish to
participate in the In-Kind program. Potential Federal end users/Federal
grant recipients and universities are encouraged to register with the
BLM at the provided Web page link:
Authority: The Helium Stewardship Act of 2013, Public Law No.
113-40, codified to various sections in 50 U.S.C. 167-167q.
Sheila Mallory,
Acting State Director.
[FR Doc. 2014-17376 Filed 7-22-14; 8:45 am]