Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; Before Administrative Judges: William J. Froehlich, Chairman; Dr. Richard F. Cole; Dr. Mark O. Barnett; In the Matter of Powertech Usa, Inc. (Dewey-Burdock In Situ Uranium Recovery Facility); Notice of Evidentiary Hearing, 42836-42837 [2014-17219]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
level as well as their disposition. If
NARA staff has prepared an appraisal
memorandum for the schedule, it too
includes information about the records.
Further information about the
disposition process is available on
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Schedules Pending
1. Department of Defense, Office of
the Secretary of Defense (DAA–0330–
2014–0013, 1 item, 1 temporary item).
Master files of an electronic information
system used to provide continuous
updates and evaluation of personnel
security clearances.
2. Department of Defense, Defense
Logistics Agency (DAA–0361–2014–
0006, 10 items, 10 temporary items).
Records used to facilitate procurement
actions, including customer, contract,
financial, and transportation data.
3. Department of Defense, Defense
Logistics Agency (DAA–0361–2014–
0007, 1 item, 1 temporary item). Records
certifying that confined spaces are safe
for entry.
4. Department of Defense, Office of
Inspector General (DAA–0509–2014–
0003, 1 item, 1 temporary item).
Tracking logs for copies of classified
5. Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Preparedness and
Response (DAA–0468–2014–0001, 3
items, 3 temporary items). Records
related to safety training and medical
credential verification for medical
personnel who respond to public health
6. Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Preparedness and
Response (DAA–0468–2014–0002, 2
items, 2 temporary items). Working files
and master files of an electronic
information system relating to mortuary
services during public health
7. Department of Justice, Drug
Enforcement Administration (DAA–
0170–2014–0004, 1 item, 1 temporary
item). Master files of an electronic
information system containing
registration applications for the
manufacture and distribution of
controlled substances.
8. Department of Justice, United
States Marshals Service (DAA–0527–
2013–0013, 7 items, 2 temporary items).
Records of the Historian’s Office
including routine program files and
working papers. Proposed for
permanent retention are agency
historical materials, program files,
historical photographs, publications,
and source materials.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:33 Jul 22, 2014
Jkt 232001
9. Department of Labor, Employment
and Training Administration (N1–369–
09–2, 1 item, 1 temporary item). Master
files of an electronic information system
used to track, manage, and review grant
10. Department of Transportation,
Federal Highway Administration (N1–
406–11–3, 6 items, 4 temporary items).
Master files of an electronic information
system used to report performance data
on the highway system. Proposed for
permanent retention are processed data
files and spatial data files.
11. Department of Transportation,
National Highway Transportation Safety
Administration (N1–416–11–6, 3 items,
1 temporary item). Master files of an
electronic information system
containing vehicle safety equipment and
component test data. Proposed for
permanent retention are master files of
electronic information systems
containing vehicle test data and
biomechanical test data.
12. Department of Transportation,
Office of Inspector General (DAA–0398–
2013–0001, 33 items, 25 temporary
items). Comprehensive schedule
covering various administrative records
relating to the office’s policy and
organization, correspondence,
investigations, audits, legal affairs, and
publicity. Proposed for permanent
retention are reports and transcripts of
testimonies to Congress, speeches of the
Inspector General, directives,
organizational files, investigative case
files of significant value, final audit
reports, and press releases.
13. Environmental Protection Agency,
Agency-wide (DAA–0412–2013–0009, 5
items, 4 temporary items). Records
related to the coordination of
information and technology resources
and systems, including system
maintenance activities, information
technology infrastructure maintenance,
and information systems security
functions. Proposed for permanent
retention are historically significant
information technology management
14. Library of Congress, Agency-wide
(DAA–0297–2014–0011, 10 items, 9
temporary items). Records relating to
outreach activities, including event
planning files, marketing files, tour and
visitor service files, and exhibition
production files. Proposed for
permanent retention are records
documenting approval and content of
exhibits produced by the Library.
15. Library of Congress, Agency-wide
(DAA–0297–2014–0013, 2 items, 1
temporary item). Development
administrative files. Proposed for
permanent retention are development
program files documenting official
PO 00000
Frm 00082
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Sfmt 4703
actions of donor groups and other
fundraising activities.
16. Office of Personnel Management,
Human Resource Solutions (DAA–
0478–2014–0008, 2 items, 2 temporary
items). Records relating to agencysponsored scholarship and internship
Dated: July 16, 2014.
Paul M. Wester, Jr.,
Chief Records Officer for the U.S.
[FR Doc. 2014–17310 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 40–9075–MLA ASLBP No. 10–
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board;
Before Administrative Judges: William
J. Froehlich, Chairman; Dr. Richard F.
Cole; Dr. Mark O. Barnett; In the Matter
of Powertech Usa, Inc. (DeweyBurdock In Situ Uranium Recovery
Facility); Notice of Evidentiary Hearing
July 16, 2014.
This proceeding arises from an
application submitted by Powertech
(USA), Inc. (Powertech) to the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
requesting a license to construct and
operate a proposed In-Situ Uranium
Recovery (ISR) facility in Custer and
Fall River Counties, South Dakota.1 This
facility is to be known as the DeweyBurdock ISR facility. Notice of the
Powertech license application
(Application) was published in the
Federal Register on January 5, 2010.2
That publication provided interested
parties notice of the Application and the
opportunity to request a hearing. On
August 5, 2010, this Licensing Board
granted two petitions to intervene and
requests for hearing.3 The Board
admitted the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the
Consolidated Intervenors 4 as
1 Powertech (USA) Inc.’s Submission of an
Application for a Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Uranium Recovery License for its Proposed
Dewey-Burdock In Situ Leach Uranium Recovery
Facility in the State of South Dakota (Feb. 25,
2009) (ADAMS Accession No. ML091030707).
2 Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, License
Application Request of Powertech (USA) Inc.
Dewey-Burdock In Situ Uranium Recovery Facility
in Fall River and Custer Counties, SD, and Order
Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive
Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information (SUNSI)
for Contention Preparation, 75 FR 467 (Jan. 5, 2010).
3 See LBP–10–16, 72 NRC 361 (2010).
4 Although originally called the Consolidated
Petitioners, the Board now refers to Susan
Henderson, Dayton Hyde, and Aligning for
Responsible Mining (ARM) as the Consolidated
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Notices
intervenors in this proceeding. The
Board also admitted a total of seven
contentions proposed by the Oglala
Sioux Tribe and the Consolidated
Intervenors.5 On November 15, 2012,
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Staff (NRC Staff) notified the Board of
the public availability of its Draft
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (DSEIS) prepared pursuant to
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4332, and the
agency’s implementing regulations, 10
CFR part 51.6 On January 25, 2013, both
the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the
Consolidated Intervenors filed
additional proposed contentions
relating to the DSEIS.7 On July 22, 2013,
the Board admitted three contentions
proposed by the Oglala Sioux Tribe in
response to the DSEIS.8 On January 29,
2014, the NRC Staff issued the Final
Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (FSEIS).9 On April 8, 2014
the NRC Staff issued NRC Source
Materials License No. SUA–1600 to
Powertech.10 On June 20, 2014, the
Oglala Sioux Tribe voluntarily
withdrew two of its admitted
Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.312, the Atomic
Safety and Licensing Board hereby
provides notice that it will hold an
evidentiary hearing under 10 CFR part
2, Subpart L procedures to receive
testimony and exhibits in this
proceeding.12 Parties to this proceeding
5 72
NRC at 443–44.
to Administrative Judges Froehlich, Cole,
and Barnett, from Patricia Jehle, Counsel for NRC
Staff (Nov. 15, 2012) (ADAMS Accession No.
ML12320A623); see Supplement to the Generic
Environmental Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach
Uranium Milling Facilities, NUREG–1910 (Supp. 4,
Nov. 2012) (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML12312A040
and ML12312A040) [hereinafter DSEIS].
7 See List of Contentions of the Oglala Sioux Tribe
Based on the [DSEIS] (Jan. 25, 2013); Consolidated
Intervenors’ New Contentions Based on DSEIS (Jan.
25, 2013).
8 See LBP–13–09, 78 NRC 37, 114 (2013).
9 Supplement to the Generic Environmental
Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium
Milling Facilities, Final Report, NUREG–1910
(Supp. 4 Jan. 2014) (ADAMS Accession Nos.
ML14024A477 (Chapters 1–5) and ML14024A478
(Chapters 6–11 and Appendices)) [hereinafter
10 Materials License, NRC Form 374 (Apr. 8, 2014)
(ADAMS Accession No. ML14043A392). See also
ADAMS Accession Package Number
ML14043A052, which includes the license
transmittal letter, the license, and the Final Safety
Evaluation Report. The NRC Staff also issued its
Record of Decision for the Dewey-Burdock Uranium
In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Project at ADAMS Accession
No. ML14066A466. The Final Programmatic
Agreement was executed April 7, 2014 and is
available in ADAMS Accession Package No.
11 See Order (Granting Request to Withdraw and
Motion to Dismiss Contentions 14A and 14B) (July
15, 2014) (unpublished).
12 On July 3, 2014, in a separate Notice, the Board
informed the parties and the public that, in
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
6 Letter
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:33 Jul 22, 2014
Jkt 232001
(including the NRC Staff) have begun to
provide evidentiary submissions in
support of or in opposition to the merits
of the admitted contentions.13
I. Matters To Be Considered
Contentions 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9
will be at issue in the evidentiary
hearing. These contentions generally
concern the adequacy of (1) the project’s
protection of historical and cultural
resources, and (2) the agency’s FSEIS
analysis of the project’s impacts on the
water and ecosystem of the surrounding
area. Appendix A, which follows this
order, contains the substance of each
II. Date, Time, and Location of
Evidentiary Hearing
The Board will take oral testimony
beginning Tuesday, August 19, 2014, at
9:00 a.m., MDT and continue daily
through Thursday, August 21, 2014 at
5:00 p.m., MDT.
The evidentiary hearing will take
place at the: Hotel Alex Johnson, 523
Sixth Street, Rapid City, South Dakota
We anticipate addressing the admitted
contentions in the following order:
Panel 1: Contentions 1A and 1B;
Panel 2: Contentions 2, 3 and 4;
Panel 3: Contentions 6 and 9.
Members of the public and media are
welcome to attend and observe the
evidentiary hearing, which will involve
technical, scientific and regulatory
questions and testimony. Participation
in the hearing will be limited to the
parties, their lawyers, and witnesses.
Please be aware that security measures
may be employed at the entrance to the
facility, including searches of handcarried items such as briefcases or
backpacks. No signs, banners, posters,
or other displays will be permitted in
the courtroom.14
III. Availability of Documentary
Information Regarding the Proceeding
Documents relating to Powertech’s
application are available on the NRC
Web site at (last
visited July 16, 2014). These documents
are also available for public inspection
accordance with 10 CFR 2.315(a), it will entertain
oral and written limited appearance statements
from members of the public in connection with this
proceeding. 79 FR 39,413 (July 3, 2014).
13 Initial testimony and exhibits were filed on
June 20, 2014 and answering testimony and exhibits
were filed on July 15, 2014. See Order (Providing
Case Management Information) (June 2, 2014)
14 See Procedures for Providing Security Support
for NRC Public Meetings/Hearings, 66 FR 31,719
(June 12, 2001).
PO 00000
Frm 00083
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Sfmt 4703
at the Commission’s Public Document
Room (PDR), located in One White Flint
North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville,
Maryland 20852 or electronically on the
publicly available records component of
the NRC’s document system (ADAMS).
ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web
site at
adams.html (last visited July 16,
2014).15 Persons who do not have access
to ADAMS or who encounter problems
in accessing the documents located in
ADAMS should contact the NRC PDR
reference staff by telephone between
8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time,
Monday through Friday except federal
holidays at (800) 397–4209 or (301)
415–4737 or by sending an email to
It is so ordered.
For the Atomic Safety and Licensing
Board. Rockville, Maryland.
Dated: July 16, 2014.
William J. Froehlich,
Chair, Administrative Judge.
Contention 1A: Failure to Meet Applicable
Legal Requirements Regarding Protection
of Historical and Cultural Resources.
Contention 1B: Failure to Involve or Consult
All Interested Tribes as Required by
Federal Law.
Contention 2: The FSEIS Fails to Include
Necessary Information for Adequate
Determination of Baseline Ground Water
Contention 3: The FSEIS Fails to Include
Adequate Hydrogeological Information
to Demonstrate Ability to Contain Fluid
Migration and Assess Potential Impacts
to Groundwater.
Contention 4: The FSEIS Fails to Adequately
Analyze Ground Water Quantity
Contention 6: The FSEIS Fails to Adequately
Describe or Analyze Proposed Mitigation
Contention 9: The FSEIS Fails to Consider
Connected Actions.
[FR Doc. 2014–17219 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. 50–361 and 50–362; NRC–
Southern California Edison; San
Onofre Nuclear Generating Station,
Units 2 and 3
Nuclear Regulatory
15 Documents which are determined to contain
sensitive or proprietary information may only be
available in redacted form. All non-sensitive
documents are available in their complete form.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 141 (Wednesday, July 23, 2014)]
[Pages 42836-42837]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-17219]
[Docket No. 40-9075-MLA ASLBP No. 10-898-02-MLA-BD01]
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; Before Administrative Judges:
William J. Froehlich, Chairman; Dr. Richard F. Cole; Dr. Mark O.
Barnett; In the Matter of Powertech Usa, Inc. (Dewey-Burdock In Situ
Uranium Recovery Facility); Notice of Evidentiary Hearing
July 16, 2014.
This proceeding arises from an application submitted by Powertech
(USA), Inc. (Powertech) to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
requesting a license to construct and operate a proposed In-Situ
Uranium Recovery (ISR) facility in Custer and Fall River Counties,
South Dakota.\1\ This facility is to be known as the Dewey-Burdock ISR
facility. Notice of the Powertech license application (Application) was
published in the Federal Register on January 5, 2010.\2\ That
publication provided interested parties notice of the Application and
the opportunity to request a hearing. On August 5, 2010, this Licensing
Board granted two petitions to intervene and requests for hearing.\3\
The Board admitted the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the Consolidated
Intervenors \4\ as
[[Page 42837]]
intervenors in this proceeding. The Board also admitted a total of
seven contentions proposed by the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the
Consolidated Intervenors.\5\ On November 15, 2012, the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Staff (NRC Staff) notified the Board of the
public availability of its Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact
Statement (DSEIS) prepared pursuant to the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4332, and the agency's implementing
regulations, 10 CFR part 51.\6\ On January 25, 2013, both the Oglala
Sioux Tribe and the Consolidated Intervenors filed additional proposed
contentions relating to the DSEIS.\7\ On July 22, 2013, the Board
admitted three contentions proposed by the Oglala Sioux Tribe in
response to the DSEIS.\8\ On January 29, 2014, the NRC Staff issued the
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS).\9\ On April
8, 2014 the NRC Staff issued NRC Source Materials License No. SUA-1600
to Powertech.\10\ On June 20, 2014, the Oglala Sioux Tribe voluntarily
withdrew two of its admitted contentions.\11\
\1\ Powertech (USA) Inc.'s Submission of an Application for a
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Uranium Recovery License for its Proposed Dewey-Burdock In Situ
Leach Uranium Recovery
Facility in the State of South Dakota (Feb. 25, 2009) (ADAMS
Accession No. ML091030707).
\2\ Notice of Opportunity for Hearing, License Application
Request of Powertech (USA) Inc. Dewey-Burdock In Situ Uranium
Recovery Facility in Fall River and Custer Counties, SD, and Order
Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-
Safeguards Information (SUNSI) for Contention Preparation, 75 FR 467
(Jan. 5, 2010).
\3\ See LBP-10-16, 72 NRC 361 (2010).
\4\ Although originally called the Consolidated Petitioners, the
Board now refers to Susan Henderson, Dayton Hyde, and Aligning for
Responsible Mining (ARM) as the Consolidated Intervenors.
\5\ 72 NRC at 443-44.
\6\ Letter to Administrative Judges Froehlich, Cole, and
Barnett, from Patricia Jehle, Counsel for NRC Staff (Nov. 15, 2012)
(ADAMS Accession No. ML12320A623); see Supplement to the Generic
Environmental Impact Statement for In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling
Facilities, NUREG-1910 (Supp. 4, Nov. 2012) (ADAMS Accession Nos.
ML12312A040 and ML12312A040) [hereinafter DSEIS].
\7\ See List of Contentions of the Oglala Sioux Tribe Based on
the [DSEIS] (Jan. 25, 2013); Consolidated Intervenors' New
Contentions Based on DSEIS (Jan. 25, 2013).
\8\ See LBP-13-09, 78 NRC 37, 114 (2013).
\9\ Supplement to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for
In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities, Final Report, NUREG-1910
(Supp. 4 Jan. 2014) (ADAMS Accession Nos. ML14024A477 (Chapters 1-5)
and ML14024A478 (Chapters 6-11 and Appendices)) [hereinafter FSEIS].
\10\ Materials License, NRC Form 374 (Apr. 8, 2014) (ADAMS
Accession No. ML14043A392). See also ADAMS Accession Package Number
ML14043A052, which includes the license transmittal letter, the
license, and the Final Safety Evaluation Report. The NRC Staff also
issued its Record of Decision for the Dewey-Burdock Uranium In-Situ
Recovery (ISR) Project at ADAMS Accession No. ML14066A466. The Final
Programmatic Agreement was executed April 7, 2014 and is available
in ADAMS Accession Package No. ML14066A344.
\11\ See Order (Granting Request to Withdraw and Motion to
Dismiss Contentions 14A and 14B) (July 15, 2014) (unpublished).
Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.312, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
hereby provides notice that it will hold an evidentiary hearing under
10 CFR part 2, Subpart L procedures to receive testimony and exhibits
in this proceeding.\12\ Parties to this proceeding (including the NRC
Staff) have begun to provide evidentiary submissions in support of or
in opposition to the merits of the admitted contentions.\13\
\12\ On July 3, 2014, in a separate Notice, the Board informed
the parties and the public that, in accordance with 10 CFR 2.315(a),
it will entertain oral and written limited appearance statements
from members of the public in connection with this proceeding. 79 FR
39,413 (July 3, 2014).
\13\ Initial testimony and exhibits were filed on June 20, 2014
and answering testimony and exhibits were filed on July 15, 2014.
See Order (Providing Case Management Information) (June 2, 2014)
I. Matters To Be Considered
Contentions 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 will be at issue in the
evidentiary hearing. These contentions generally concern the adequacy
of (1) the project's protection of historical and cultural resources,
and (2) the agency's FSEIS analysis of the project's impacts on the
water and ecosystem of the surrounding area. Appendix A, which follows
this order, contains the substance of each contention.
II. Date, Time, and Location of Evidentiary Hearing
The Board will take oral testimony beginning Tuesday, August 19,
2014, at 9:00 a.m., MDT and continue daily through Thursday, August 21,
2014 at 5:00 p.m., MDT.
The evidentiary hearing will take place at the: Hotel Alex Johnson,
523 Sixth Street, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701.
We anticipate addressing the admitted contentions in the following
Panel 1: Contentions 1A and 1B;
Panel 2: Contentions 2, 3 and 4;
Panel 3: Contentions 6 and 9.
Members of the public and media are welcome to attend and observe
the evidentiary hearing, which will involve technical, scientific and
regulatory questions and testimony. Participation in the hearing will
be limited to the parties, their lawyers, and witnesses. Please be
aware that security measures may be employed at the entrance to the
facility, including searches of hand-carried items such as briefcases
or backpacks. No signs, banners, posters, or other displays will be
permitted in the courtroom.\14\
\14\ See Procedures for Providing Security Support for NRC
Public Meetings/Hearings, 66 FR 31,719 (June 12, 2001).
III. Availability of Documentary Information Regarding the Proceeding
Documents relating to Powertech's application are available on the
NRC Web site at (last visited July 16, 2014).
These documents are also available for public inspection at the
Commission's Public Document Room (PDR), located in One White Flint
North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852 or
electronically on the publicly available records component of the NRC's
document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (last visited July 16,
2014).\15\ Persons who do not have access to ADAMS or who encounter
problems in accessing the documents located in ADAMS should contact the
NRC PDR reference staff by telephone between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday except federal holidays at (800)
397-4209 or (301) 415-4737 or by sending an email to
\15\ Documents which are determined to contain sensitive or
proprietary information may only be available in redacted form. All
non-sensitive documents are available in their complete form.
It is so ordered.
For the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. Rockville, Maryland.
Dated: July 16, 2014.
William J. Froehlich,
Chair, Administrative Judge.
Contention 1A: Failure to Meet Applicable Legal Requirements
Regarding Protection of Historical and Cultural Resources.
Contention 1B: Failure to Involve or Consult All Interested Tribes
as Required by Federal Law.
Contention 2: The FSEIS Fails to Include Necessary Information for
Adequate Determination of Baseline Ground Water Quality.
Contention 3: The FSEIS Fails to Include Adequate Hydrogeological
Information to Demonstrate Ability to Contain Fluid Migration and
Assess Potential Impacts to Groundwater.
Contention 4: The FSEIS Fails to Adequately Analyze Ground Water
Quantity Impacts.
Contention 6: The FSEIS Fails to Adequately Describe or Analyze
Proposed Mitigation Measures.
Contention 9: The FSEIS Fails to Consider Connected Actions.
[FR Doc. 2014-17219 Filed 7-22-14; 8:45 am]