Safety Standard for Sling Carriers, 42724-42734 [2014-16792]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
impact is so minimal. Since this is a
routine matter that will only affect air
traffic procedures and air navigation, it
is certified this proposed rule, when
promulgated, would not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the U.S. Code. Subtitle 1,
Section 106, describes the authority for
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the agency’s
authority. This rulemaking is
promulgated under the authority
described in Subtitle VII, Part A,
Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
section, the FAA is charged with
prescribing regulations to assign the use
of the airspace necessary to ensure the
safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
airspace. This regulation is within the
scope of that authority as it would
modify controlled airspace at Lampson
Field, Lakeport, CA.
This proposal will be subject to an
environmental analysis in accordance
with FAA Order 1050.1E,
‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures’’ prior to any FAA final
regulatory action.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the
authority delegated to me, the Federal
Aviation Administration proposes to
amend 14 CFR Part 71 as follows:
1. The authority citation for 14 CFR
Part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113,
40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–
1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR Part 71.1 of the Federal Aviation
Administration Order 7400.9X, Airspace
Designations and Reporting Points,
dated August 8, 2013, and effective
September 15, 2013 is amended as
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Paragraph 6005 Class E airspace areas
extending upward from 700 feet or more
above the surface of the earth.
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AWP CA E5 Lakeport, CA [Amended]
Lampson Field, CA
(Lat. 38°59′26″ N., long. 122°54′03″ W.)
Sutter Lakeside Hospital Heliport, CA Point
in Space Coordinates
(Lat. 39°06′09″ N., long. 122°53′19″ W.)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 4-mile radius
of Lampson Field, and within a 5-mile radius
of the Point in Space serving the Sutter
Lakeside Hospital Heliport.
Issued in Seattle, Washington, on July 17,
Christopher Ramirez,
Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,
Western Service Center.
[FR Doc. 2014–17371 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
16 CFR Parts 1112 and 1228
[Docket No. CPSC–2014–0018]
Safety Standard for Sling Carriers
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Danny Keysar Child
Product Safety Notification Act, Section
104 of the Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA),
requires the United States Consumer
Product Safety Commission
(Commission or CPSC) to promulgate
consumer product safety standards for
durable infant or toddler products.
These standards are to be ‘‘substantially
the same as’’ applicable voluntary
standards or more stringent than the
voluntary standard if the Commission
concludes that more stringent
requirements would further reduce the
risk of injury associated with the
product. The Commission is proposing
a safety standard for sling carriers in
response to the direction under Section
104(b) of the CPSIA.
DATES: Submit comments by October 6,
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
related to the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) aspects of the marking, labeling,
and instructional literature of the
proposed rule to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
OMB, Attn: CPSC Desk Officer, FAX:
202–395–6974, or emailed to: oira_
You may submit other comments,
identified by Docket No. CPSC–2014–
0018, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit
electronic comments to the Federal
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eRulemaking Portal at: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
The Commission does not accept
comments submitted by electronic mail
(email), except through The Commission
encourages you to submit electronic
comments by using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written
submissions by mail/hand delivery/
courier to: Office of the Secretary,
Consumer Product Safety Commission,
Room 820, 4330 East West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone (301)
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this notice. All
comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal
identifiers, contact information, or other
personal information provided, to: Do not
submit confidential business
information, trade secret information, or
other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to
the public. If furnished at all, such
information should be submitted in
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to: https://, and insert the
docket number CPSC–2014–0018, into
the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the
Hope E J. Nesteruk, Project Manager,
Division of Human Factors, Directorate
for Engineering Sciences, Consumer
Product Safety Commission, 5 Research
Place, Rockville, MD 20850; telephone:
301–987–2579; email: hnesteruk@
I. Background and Statutory Authority
The Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA, Pub.
L. 110–314) was enacted on August 14,
2008. Section 104(b) of the CPSIA, part
of the Danny Keysar Child Product
Safety Notification Act, requires the
Commission to: (1) Examine and assess
the effectiveness of voluntary consumer
product safety standards for durable
infant or toddler products, in
consultation with representatives of
consumer groups, juvenile product
manufacturers, and independent child
product engineers and experts; and (2)
promulgate consumer product safety
standards for durable infant and toddler
products. These standards are to be
‘‘substantially the same as’’ applicable
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
voluntary standards or more stringent
than the voluntary standard if the
Commission concludes that more
stringent requirements would further
reduce the risk of injury associated with
the product. Section 104(f)(1) of the
CPSIA defines the term ‘‘durable infant
or toddler product’’ as ‘‘a durable
product intended for use, or that may be
reasonably expected to be used, by
children under the age of 5 years.’’
Section 104(f)(1)(H) provides that the
term ‘‘durable infant or toddler
product’’ includes ‘‘infant carriers.’’
Section 104 also requires
manufacturers of durable infant or
toddler products to comply with a
registration program that the
Commission establishes. Section 104(d).
In this document, the Commission is
proposing a safety standard for sling
carriers. Section 104(f)(2)(H) of the
CPSIA lists ‘‘infant carriers’’ as one of
the categories of durable infant or
toddler products identified for purposes
of section 104. As indicated by a review
of ASTM’s standards and retailers’ Web
sites, the category of ‘‘infant carriers’’
includes hand-held infant carriers, soft
infant carriers, frame backpack carriers,
and sling carriers. The Commission has
issued final rules for hand-held infant
carriers (78 FR 73415 (December 6,
2013)) and soft infant carriers (78 FR
20511 (April 5, 2013)) and a proposed
rule on frame backpack carriers (79 FR
28458 (May 16, 2014)). In the
Commission’s product registration card
rule identifying additional products that
the Commission considered durable
infant or toddler products necessitating
compliance with the product
registration card requirements, the
Commission specifically identified
infant slings, or sling carriers, as a
durable infant or toddler product. 76 FR
68668 (December 29, 2009). The
durability of infant slings is discussed
in section II.B. of this document.
Because the voluntary standard on
infant slings, ASTM 2907–14a,
‘‘Standard Consumer Safety
Specification for Sling Carriers,’’ refers
to ‘‘infant slings’’ as ‘‘sling carriers,’’ the
notice of proposed rulemaking refers to
infant slings as ‘‘sling carriers.’’ The
terms are intended to be interchangeable
and have the same meaning.
Pursuant to Section 104(b)(1)(A), the
Commission consulted with
manufacturers, retailers, trade
organizations, laboratories, consumer
advocacy groups, consultants, and
members of the public in the
development of this proposed standard,
largely through the ASTM process.
CPSC staff participated in the ASTM
sling carrier subcommittee meetings and
task group meetings and worked with
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the ASTM sling carrier task groups to
develop ballot language for revisions to
the sling carrier voluntary standard. The
proposed rule is based on the voluntary
standard developed by ASTM
International (formerly the American
Society for Testing and Materials),
ASTM F2907–14a, ‘‘Standard Consumer
Safety Specification for Sling Carriers’’
(ASTM F2907–14a), without change.
The ASTM standard is copyrighted,
but the standard is available as a readonly document during the comment
period on this proposal only, at: https://, by permission of
II. Product Description
A. Definition of Sling Carrier
ASTM F2907–14a ‘‘Standard
Consumer Safety Specification for Sling
Carriers’’ defines a ‘‘sling carrier’’ as ‘‘a
product of fabric or sewn fabric
construction, which is designed to
contain a child in an upright or reclined
position while being supported by the
caregiver’s torso.’’ These products
generally are intended for children
starting at full-term birth until a weight
of about 35 pounds. The designs of
infant slings vary, but the designs
generally range from unstructured
hammock-shaped products that suspend
from the caregiver’s body, to long
lengths of material or fabric that are
wrapped around the caregiver’s body.
Infant slings normally are worn with the
infant positioned on the front, hip, or
back of the consumer, and with the
infant facing toward or away from the
consumer. As stated in the sling carrier
definition, these products generally
allow the infant to be placed in an
upright or reclined position. However,
the reclined position is intended to be
used only when the infant is worn on
the front of the consumer. The ability to
carry the infant in a reclined position is
the primary feature that distinguishes
sling carriers from soft infant and
toddler carriers, another subset of sling
The Commission identified three
broad classes of sling carrier products
available in the United States:
• Ring slings are hammock-shaped
fabric products, in which one runs
fabric through two rings to adjust and
tighten the sling.
• Pouch slings are similar to ring
slings but do not use rings for
adjustment. Many pouch slings are
sized rather than designed to be
adjustable. Other pouch slings are more
structured and use buckles or other
fasteners to adjust the size.
• Wrap slings are generally composed
of a long length of fabric, upwards of six
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yards long, and up to two feet wide. A
wrap sling is completely unstructured
with no fasteners or other means of
structure; instead, the caregiver uses
different methods of wrapping the
material around the caregiver’s body
and the child’s body to support the
child. Wrap-like slings mimic the
manner in which a wrap supports the
child but use fabric in other manners,
such as loops, to reduce the need for
caregivers to learn wrapping methods.
Ring slings, modifications of wraps and
pouch slings, and other products that
meet the definition of a sling carrier
contain parts that are also considered
durable from an engineering perspective
and suggest they were selected for longterm use. In addition, the test methods
in ASTM F2907–14a combine to ensure
that slings meet a minimum level of
ASTM F2907 does not distinguish
among the type of slings. The voluntary
standard’s requirements apply equally
to all slings.
B. Sling Carrier Use
ASTM F2907–14a states that sling
carriers generally are intended for
children starting at full-term birth, until
a weight of about 35 pounds (15.9 kg).
According to the data tables used to
produce the 2000 Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) U.S.
growth charts, the median (50th
percentile) weight of a child does not
exceed 35 pounds until about 46
months for boys and 49 months for girls
(CDC, 2000). Moreover, the 5th
percentile bodyweight of a child does
not exceed 35 pounds until about 65
months for boys and 69 months for girls.
This means that more than half of all 3year-olds are likely to be at or below the
maximum weight of 35 pounds, and that
even some 5-year-olds are likely to be at
or below this upper weight limit.
Although the Commission believes that
sling carriers are most likely to be used
with infants, it seems reasonably
foreseeable that some portion of the user
population will use these carriers with
preschool-aged children.
Evidence suggests that sling carriers
are often reused for multiple children.
For example, according to a 2005 survey
conducted by the American Baby Group
(2006 Baby Products Tracking Study),
nearly one-third (31 percent) of mothers
who own slings had a sling that was
handed down or purchased
secondhand. Preliminary data from
CPSC’s Durable Nursery Products
Exposure Survey found that 21 percent
of sling owners acquired the sling used.
The Survey also found that after the
owner discontinued use of the sling,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
only 4 percent threw away the sling; 96
percent of owners stored the sling for
future use, sold the sling, gave the sling
away, or returned the sling to the
original owner. These results suggest
that most sling owners at least perceive
sling carriers to have a future useful life,
even if the sling had been used
The Commission is aware of several
online Web sites, forums, and
‘‘babywearing’’ groups dedicated to
buying, selling, and trading previously
used sling carriers. (‘‘Babywearing’’ is
commonly used to describe the wearing
or carrying of a baby in a sling or similar
carrier.) For example, a simple search of
sold listings for a used ‘‘baby sling’’ on
eBay resulted in more than 1,700
listings during a roughly 3-month
period. Although some of the products
in these ads do not meet the definition
of a ‘‘sling carrier,’’ a brief examination
of the most recent 200 sales suggests
that a very large percentage of these
products would be considered a sling
carrier. Thus, many consumers appear
to be purchasing slings secondhand.
C. Market Description
The Commission has identified 47
suppliers to the U.S. market, but there
may be hundreds more suppliers that
produce small quantities of slings. (The
Commission made these determinations
using information from Dun &
Bradstreet and Reference USAGov, as
well as firm Web sites.) Web sites such
as Etsy show thousands of listings for
artisans producing slings and wraps
(although each firm may have multiple
listings), which accounts for additional
suppliers who are not among the 47
suppliers identified. Sling carriers are
distributed by a variety of methods,
such as mass merchandisers, small
specialty juvenile products stores, and
Internet-only distributors.
Of the 47 sling carrier suppliers
identified, 33 companies are based in
the United States: 25 are manufacturers,
and four are importers. Available
information does not identify the supply
source for four firms. There are also 14
foreign companies that export directly
to the United States via Internet sales or
directly to U.S. retailers.
A sling carrier is an uncomplicated
product to produce, typically requiring
only fabric, thread, rings (and in some
cases, fasteners), and a sewing machine.
A common scenario for a sling
manufacturer starts with a mother using
various slings or soft carriers and then
deciding to make her own design in her
home. Some of these home businesses
grow into larger businesses that become
more specialized and sophisticated,
typically designing and marketing their
own products but having the product
manufactured overseas. However, the
newer home businesses may be
relatively unsophisticated and may not
be aware of the sling carrier voluntary
standard effort or know that sling
carriers may be subject to existing
federal regulations on children’s
According to a the 2006 Baby
Products Tracking Study, 17 percent of
new mothers own sling carriers. As
noted previously, approximately 31
percent of sling carriers were handed
down or purchased secondhand. Thus,
about 69 percent of sling carriers were
acquired new. (The data collected for
the Baby Products Tracking Study do
not represent an unbiased statistical
sample. American Baby Products
surveyed potential respondents from its
mailing lists to generate a sample of
3,600 new and expectant mothers.
Additionally, because the most recent
survey information is from 2005, the
data may not reflect the current market.)
This information suggests annual sales
of about 471,000 sling carriers (.17 × .69
× 4 million births per year), with prices
ranging from $30 to around $150. (U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), National Center
for Health Statistics, National Vital
Statistics System, ‘‘Births: Final Data for
2009,’’ National Vital Statistics Reports
Volume 61, Number 1 (August 28,
2012): Table I. Number of births in 2010
is rounded from 3,999,386.)
However, this sales estimate may be a
substantial underestimate for two
reasons: (1) Industry sources state that
slings have increased in popularity
since the survey was done in 2005; and
(2) other products like wraps, pouches,
and some soft carriers, which fall under
the standard, may not have been
included in the Baby Products Tracking
study. Based on discussions with an
industry representative, sales of these
other products that fall under the
proposed rule for sling carriers could
increase the Commission’s sales
estimate to about 600,000 to 1 million
units annually.
III. Incident Data
The Commission is aware of a total of
122 incidents (16 fatal and 106 nonfatal)
related to sling carriers, which were
reported to have occurred from January
1, 2003 through October 27, 2013.
Because reporting is ongoing, the
number of reported fatalities, nonfatal
injuries, and non-injury incidents may
change in the future. Given that
reporting is incomplete, the
Commission strongly discourages
drawing inferences based on the year-toyear increase or decrease shown in the
reported data. (The CPSC databases
searched were the In-Depth
Investigation (INDP) file, the Injury or
Potential Injury Incident (IPII) file, the
Death Certificate (DTHS) file, and the
National Electronic Injury Surveillance
System (NEISS). These reported deaths
and incidents do not provide a complete
count of all deaths and incidents that
occurred during that time period.
However, they do provide a minimum
number of deaths and incidents
occurring during this time period and
illustrate the circumstances involved in
the incidents related to sling carriers.)
Among the incidents in which age
was reported, all but one of the children
were 12 months old or younger; the age
of the oldest child was reported to be 3
years. Some incident reports did not
indicate the age because there was no
injury involved or age was unknown.
Table 1 provides the age breakdown as
reported in the 122 incidents.
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All Incidents
Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries
Age of Child
Unreported* .....................................................................................................
One—Three Months ........................................................................................
Four—Six Months ............................................................................................
Seven—Nine Months ......................................................................................
Ten—Twelve Months ......................................................................................
Three Years .....................................................................................................
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All Incidents
Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries
Age of Child
Total .........................................................................................................
Source: CPSC epidemiological databases IPII, INDP, DTHS, and NEISS.
Note: Percentages do not add to 100 due to rounding.
*: Age was unknown or the incident reported no injury.
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A. Fatalities
CPSC received reports of 16 fatalities
associated with the use of a sling carrier
that occurred during the period from
January 1, 2003 through October 27,
2013. Eleven of the 16 decedents were
1-month olds; the remaining five were
between 3- and 5-months old. Nine of
the decedents were described as having
died of smothering, (also known as
‘‘suffocation,’’ or ‘‘positional
asphyxia.’’) Suffocation can occur when
babies are contained entirely within the
pouch of a sling. Infants who are placed
with their heads below the rim of the
sling are likely to stay in the same
position because they are surrounded by
unyielding fabric under the tension of
their weight, and are tightly confined
within the product, typically with their
faces directed towards or held against
the parent’s body. The highest risk of
suffocation occurs when the infant’s
face (nose and mouth) is pressed against
the mother’s body, blocking the infant’s
breathing, and rapidly suffocating the
baby within a few minutes. The cause
of death was undetermined for the
remaining decedents.
One fatal victim was 5 months old.
The age range of the remaining 15 fatal
victims was from birth to 3 months; 11
infants were ages 1 month and younger,
and the remaining four were 3 months
old. Infants younger than 4 months old
are at a high risk for suffocation because
they have relatively immature
physiological systems controlling
breathing and arousal.
B. Nonfatalities
Of the 106 sling carrier-related
nonfatal incidents that were reported to
have occurred from January 1, 2003
through October 27, 2013, 54 reports
reflected an injury to the infant during
use of the product. Age was unreported
for one of the injured, and one report
stated that a 3-year-old was injured. For
the rest of the incidents, the child’s age
ranged from 1 month to 11 months.
Among the 54 reported nonfatal
injuries, nine were reported as involving
hospitalizations. Among the
hospitalizations, one injury was
described as a permanent brain injury
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due to breathing difficulties suffered by
the infant. The rest of the
hospitalizations were serious head
injuries, such as a fracture and/or brain
hemorrhage, which resulted from
infants falling from the carrier. Eleven
additional skull/face/wrist fracture
injuries were reported, but none of these
incidents was reported to involve
hospitalizations. The remaining nonhospitalized injuries included closedhead injuries, contusions/abrasions,
lacerations/scratches, among others. (A
closed head injury is a head injury
where the skull remained intact. A
closed head injury can range from a
minor bump to the head to a severe life
threatening traumatic brain injury.) A
majority of the injuries resulted from
falls from the carrier; most of these falls
resulted from the caregiver slipping,
tripping, or bending over while carrying
the infant in the sling. The remaining
injuries were due to miscellaneous
product-related issues or other caregiver
missteps, such as the caregiver not
allowing enough safety clearance for the
child in the sling carrier while the
caregiver performed daily activities.
The remaining 52 incident reports
stated that no injury had occurred or
provided no information about any
C. Hazard Pattern Identification
The Commission considered all 122
reported incidents (16 fatal and 106
nonfatal) to identify hazard patterns
associated with sling carriers. In order
of frequency of incident reports, the
Commission grouped the hazard
patterns into the following categories:
1. Problems with the positioning of
the infant in the sling carrier: Thirty-one
of the 122 reported incidents (25
percent) were in this category. Among
them were nine deaths due to
smothering, one permanent brain
impairment injury due to breathing
difficulty, and two other injuries—one
related to breathing difficulty and the
other related to blood-circulation in the
infant’s leg. The rest of the incidents
reported that the infant suffered
breathing problems while in the carrier
or that the caregiver had difficulty safely
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positioning the infant in the sling carrier
to avoid the potential for suffocation.
2. Caregiver missteps: Twenty of the
28 incidents (23 percent) in this
category were reported to have occurred
when the caregiver slipped, tripped, or
bent over, causing the infant in the sling
to either fall with the caregiver or fall
out of the carrier. Eight additional
incidents among the 28 reported in this
category occurred when caregivers
dropped the infant during placement
into/removal out of the carrier or failed
to provide enough safety clearance for
the infant in the carrier as the caregivers
conducted their daily activities.
Examples of the latter scenario include
an infant getting struck by a door or a
falling object, or an infant hitting a wall.
Although these 28 incidents did not
involve any fatalities, all but one
incident resulted in an injury to the
infant. These incidents included 11
reports of skull fractures and one report
of bleeding in the brain. Other injuries
included closed-head injuries,
contusions of the head/leg/back, and a
finger laceration.
3. Undetermined or unspecified
cause: Twenty five reported incidents
(20 percent) included seven fatalities,
two hospitalized injuries, and 13 nonhospitalized injuries, with very little
information available on the
circumstances leading to the incidents.
The official reports did not indicate a
specific cause of death. Among the
injuries, which included fractures of the
skull/wrist, as well as other serious
head injuries, most were reported
through hospital emergency
departments with very little scenariospecific information.
4. Problems with buckles: Twelve of
the 122 incidents (10 percent) reported
buckles releasing, slipping, or breaking,
causing infants to fall or nearly fall.
There was one hospitalization for a
skull fracture and two non-hospitalized
injuries. There were no fatalities in this
5. Miscellaneous product-related
issues: There were nine incident reports
(seven percent) in which consumers
complained of a design flaw posing a
possible strangulation hazard, a broken
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
component, rough fabric, or a sharp
surface; or consumers indicated an
unspecified product failure. Although
these reports did not include any
fatalities, there were six injuries
reported in this category, including one
skull fracture.
6. Consumer comments: There were
17 non-event reports (14 percent) of
consumer comments or observations of
perceived safety hazards. In most of
these cases, the consumer did not own
the sling carrier in question. None of
these reports indicates that any event
actually occurred.
D. Product Recalls
Since January 1, 2003, the CPSC has
issued five consumer-level recalls
involving sling carriers. All five recalls
were for product defects that created a
substantial product hazard and resulted
in the recall of about 1.1 million sling
carriers. Two of the recalled products
posed a suffocation hazard, while three
recalls were related to structural
integrity and fall or potential fall
IV. Other Standards
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
A. International Standards
The Commission identified one
European standard that covers fabric
carriers without rigid structure. In
addition, a guideline for sling carriers is
under development in Europe.
1. British Standard EN13209–2:2005,
Child Use and Care Articles—Baby
Carriers—Safety Requirements and Test
Methods—Part 2: Soft Carriers (27
September 2005), is the European
standard for soft, fabric carriers.
However, EN13209 specifically states
that the scope is intended for a ‘‘product
[that] has holes designed to
accommodate the child’s legs.’’ Sling
carriers do not have holes through
which a child’s legs pass. Although
some individual requirements in the
EN13209 standard may be more
stringent than those in F2907–14a, the
reported incidents do not suggest that
these are prevalent hazard patterns
associated with sling carriers. Therefore,
the Commission does not believe that
incorporating these more stringent
requirements would further reduce the
risk of injury associated with sling
2. CEN/TR 16512, Child use and care
articles—Guidelines for the safety of
children’s slings, is a guideline that is
under development in Europe.
However, because this guideline, once
completed would not be a standard,
CEN/TR 16512 is not an option for
consideration. The Commission expects
that this guideline, when published,
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will contain recommendations similar
to EN13209, but with recommendations
adapted for the unique attributes of
sling carriers.
The Commission notes that the ASTM
F15.21 subcommittee has worked to
make F2907 the most appropriate
standard for the unique nature of sling
carriers by harmonizing with other
standards (e.g., EN13209 and ASTM
F2236), when appropriate, but also
addressing the uniqueness of sling
carriers, when needed. The Commission
believes that ASTM F2907–14a is the
most comprehensive standard that
addresses the incident hazard patterns
and that F2907–14a adequately
addresses the hazards identified to date.
Voluntary Standard—ASTM F2907
1. Description of Standard
ASTM F2907, ‘‘Standard Consumer
Safety Performance Specification for
Sling Carriers,’’ establishes safety
performance requirements, test
methods, and labeling requirements to
minimize the hazards to children
presented by sling carriers. ASTM first
published a consumer product safety
standard for sling carriers in 2012.
ASTM has revised the voluntary
standard five times since then. The
current version, ASTM F2907–14a, was
approved on February 15, 2014, and
published in March 2014. ASTM F15.21
subcommittee issued a ballot on May
16, 2014, that proposed a modification
in the occupant retention test pass/fail
criteria. According to the ballot, ‘‘the
current Occupant Retention test criteria
(section 6.3) are not accurately
separating good ring slings from poorlyconstructed ring slings.’’ The
modification ASTM has proposed
would increase from 1 inch to 3 inches
the amount the ring sling attachment
system may slip while still passing the
standard. At the time of writing, the
Commission does not have sufficient
information to assess this change. Staff
welcomes comments on the issue.
The current version of the sling
carrier standard, ASTM F2907–14a,
contains requirements to address the
following issues:
• Laundering;
• Hazardous sharp points or edges;
• Small parts;
• Lead in paint;
• Wood parts;
• Locking and latching;
• Openings;
• Scissoring, shearing, and pinching;
• Monofilament threads;
• Flammability;
• Marking and labeling; and
• Instructional literature.
In addition, F2907–14a includes
construction, quality, and durability test
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methods that are specific to sling
carriers in the static, dynamic, occupant
retention, and restraint system tests.
These test methods combine to ensure
that slings meet a minimum level of
• Static load test: This test checks
that the sling can support the sling’s
maximum recommended weight with a
safety factor of three, by gradually
applying a weight of three times the
manufacturer’s maximum recommended
weight, or 60 lbs., whichever is greater,
in the support area of the sling, and
maintain the weight for one minute.
• Dynamic load test: This test
assesses the durability of the sling and
proper functioning of the sling’s
fasteners by dropping a 35-lb. load into
the sling’s support area in each
recommended carrying position every 4
seconds for up to 1,000 cycles.
• Occupant retention test: This test
assesses whether the sling retains the
occupant as the caregiver moves about.
The test also assesses the sling’s
durability. The sling is attached to a test
torso, and a test mass is placed in the
sling. The test torso will move up and
down at a rate of two times per second
(approximately a brisk walking speed).
The sling is tested to determine whether
the adjustment mechanisms (e.g. rings,
knots) release.
• Restraint system test: This test
assesses whether any child restraints
used by the sling are sufficient. Each
restraint system is tested with a 45-lb.
force on the restraint and again with a
CAMI dummy. The anchorages for the
restraint system are not to separate from
their attachment points during or after
2. Adequacy of Requirements in
Addressing Identifiable Hazard Patterns
Positioning. The Commission
identified positioning as the primary
hazard pattern in 31 cases. This
includes nine deaths due to smothering,
one permanent brain impairment injury
due to breathing difficulty, and two
other injuries—one related to breathing
difficulty and the other related to blood
circulation in the infant’s leg.
As noted previously, the Commission
identified suffocation/asphyxia related
to positioning as a risk associated with
sling carriers. Suffocation can occur
when babies are contained entirely
within the pouch of a sling. The highest
risk of suffocation occurs when the
infant’s face (nose and mouth) is
pressed against the mother’s body,
blocking the infant’s breathing and
rapidly suffocating a baby within a few
minutes. Furthermore, because of its
shape and lack of support, a sling carrier
can facilitate an infant being positioned
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
and the signal word ‘‘WARNING,’’ (2)
warn that failure to follow the
manufacturer’s instructions can result in
‘‘death or serious injury,’’ (3) state the
minimum and maximum recommended
weights for the sling, and (4) warn about
the potential suffocation and fall
hazards associated with sling carriers.
More specifically, according to ASTM
F2097–14a, the warnings that pertain to
suffocation and positioning must
• the risk of suffocation to infants
younger than 4 months if the infant’s
face is pressed against the caregiver’s
body within the confines of the sling
and the increased risk of suffocation to
infants born prematurely or those with
respiratory problems;
• the need to check often to make
sure that the infant’s face remains
uncovered, clearly visible to the
caregiver, and away from the caregiver’s
body at all times;
• the importance of making sure that
the infant does not curl into a position
with the chin resting on or near the
infant’s chest, which can interfere with
breathing even when nothing is
covering the nose or mouth;
• the need to reposition the infant
after nursing so the infant’s face is not
pressed against the caregiver’s body;
• the importance of never using the
sling with infants smaller than 8
pounds, without seeking the advice of a
healthcare professional.
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Lastly, the warning label prescribed by
ASTM F2907–14a must include a
pictogram that illustrates proper and
improper infant positioning within the
sling. ASTM F2907–14a includes an
example of the type of pictogram sought
but does not specify a particular design.
Section 9 of ASTM F2907–14a
specifies what instructional literature
must be provided with the sling. This
section requires that the instructions
contain an image of each manufacturer’s
recommended carrying position,
include all of the warning statements
that are required to appear on the sling,
and provide several additional
ASTM subcommittees for other
durable nursery product standards have
also tried to address positioning hazards
related to a C-shaped curl in an infant’s
head, neck, and torso area; however,
there has been no repeatable
performance test identified. The
Commission attempted to address the
positioning hazard associated with sling
carriers in a new manner, based on the
recognition that a sling carrier is worn
by the caregiver and involves direct
contact with the caregiver, thereby
allowing for the possibility of the
caregiver seeing a child who is in
distress. Specifically, the Commission
explored a ‘‘face exposure’’ test that, at
a minimum, could keep a sling from
preventing the caregiver from observing
the infant’s face. The Commission
pursued this possible test with the
ASTM task group but found that the
available anthropomorphic mannequins,
e.g., CAMI dummies, do not accurately
represent the manner in which a child
sits in a sling, and that the variable
nature of sling products makes the
repeatability of a test questionable.
Together with the ASTM task group, the
Commission concluded that a test to
address positioning hazards is
technically infeasible at this point.
Ultimately, the Commission
concluded that warning requirements
about proper and improper infant
positioning present in ASTM F2907–14a
is the only feasible hazard-mitigation
strategy at this time. The Commission
will continue to consider possible
performance requirements pertaining to
this issue and will pursue such an
approach with the ASTM Subcommittee
in the future, if an approach becomes
feasible. Because there is no feasible
performance test and because the
warning statements in ASTM F2907
were developed considering both
known hazard patterns for sling carriers
and established practices for warning
labels, the Commission believes that the
warnings and instructions published in
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ASTM F2907–14a are adequate to
inform caregivers about how to reduce
the likelihood of positioning incidents.
Caregiver Missteps. Incidents
involving caregiver missteps included
11 reports of skull fractures and one
episode of bleeding in the brain. Other
injuries included closed head injuries,
contusions of the head/leg/back, and a
finger laceration. The Commission
determined that these incidents were
related directly to the actions, often
accidental, of the caregiver. Examples
include a caregiver slipping or tripping
while wearing the sling carrier with the
child inside, or incidental contact
occurring between the child and an
object, such as a door or wall. Although
these types of incidents cannot be
addressed directly through a
performance test, the standard addresses
these incidents by alerting caregivers of
the hazard and making sure that the
sling contains the infant. ASTM F2907–
14a requires the following statement to
appear on the on-product label to
address the fall hazard to infants
associated with ‘‘caregiver missteps,’’
such as tripping or bending over:
FALL HAZARD—Leaning, bending
over, or tripping can cause baby to fall.
Keep one hand on baby while moving.
In addition, the occupant retention
test in ASTM F2907–14a is intended to
reduce the likelihood that the child will
fall out of the sling due to a caregiver
misstep. ASTM F2907–14a requires the
test mass to be contained within the
sling for the duration of the test.
Buckles. Twelve of the incidents
involved buckles releasing, slipping, or
breaking, and included a hospitalization
for a skull fracture and two nonhospitalized injuries. ASTM F2907–14a
addresses this hazard in several ways,
using the static, dynamic, occupant
retention, and restraint system tests. For
the reasons described previously, the
Commission believes that the
performance tests in F2907–14a
adequately address hazards associated
with buckle failure.
V. Effective Date
The Administrative Procedure Act
(APA) requires that the effective date of
the rule be at least 30 days after
publication of the final rule, 5 U.S.C.
553(d). The Commission generally
considers 6 months sufficient time for
suppliers to come into compliance with
a proposed durable infant and toddler
product rule. Six months is the period
the Juvenile Products Manufacturers
Association (JPMA) typically allows for
products in JPMA’s certification
program to shift to a new voluntary
standard once that new voluntary
standard is published. Therefore,
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
within the confines of the sling in a
manner that causes acute neck hyperflexion (chin touching the chest). Infants
found in this compromised position are
likely to stay in the position because
infant neck muscles are too weak to
support the weight of their head. Infants
who stay for prolonged periods of time
in this position can experience
compromised airflow to the lungs,
resulting in an inadequate supply of
oxygen to the brain. Oxygen deprivation
to the brain can lead to loss of
consciousness and death.
Although there is no performance test
for positioning in ASTM F2907–14a,
ASTM F2907–14a requires statements in
the warnings and instructions for sling
carriers to caution against the hazards
identified by the Commission through
examination of the sling carrier
incidents. Section 8.3.3 of F2907–14a
specifies the warnings that must appear
on each sling and addresses each of the
hazard patterns the Commission found
in the suffocation data. In short, all sling
carriers must: (1) Include a safety alert
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
juvenile product manufacturers are
accustomed to adjusting to new
standards with this time frame.
However, in this instance, a large
number of very small suppliers
potentially will experience significant
economic impacts complying with the
rule. In addition, because ASTM F2907
has only been in existence for
approximately 2 years, there is
relatively little information regarding
compliance with the voluntary
standard. Thus, the Commission is
proposing a 12-month effective date.
The Commission invites comment on
whether 12 months is an appropriate
length of time for sling carrier
manufacturers to come into compliance
with the rule.
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VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
requires agencies to review proposed
rules for a rule’s potential economic
impact on small entities, including
small businesses. Section 603 of the
RFA generally requires that agencies
prepare an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) and make the analysis
available to the public for comment
when the agency publishes a general
notice of proposed rulemaking. The
IRFA must describe the impact of the
proposed rule on small entities and
identify any alternatives that may
reduce the impact. Specifically, the
IRFA must contain:
• a description of, and where feasible,
an estimate of the number of small
entities to which the proposed rule will
• a description of the reasons why
action by the agency is being
• a succinct statement of the
objectives of, and legal basis for, the
proposed rule;
• a description of the projected
reporting, recordkeeping, and other
compliance requirements of the
proposed rule, including an estimate of
the classes of small entities subject to
the requirements and the types of
professional skills necessary for the
preparation of reports or records; and
• identification, to the extent
possible, of all relevant federal rules
which may duplicate, overlap, or
conflict with the proposed rule.
1. Reason for Agency Action and Legal
Basis for the Proposed Rule
The Danny Keysar Child Product
Safety Notification Act, section 104 of
the CPSIA, requires the CPSC to
promulgate mandatory standards for
nursery products that are substantially
the same as, or more stringent than, the
voluntary standard. The Commission
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worked closely with ASTM to develop
the new requirements and test
procedures that have been incorporated
into ASTM F2907–14a, which the
Commission proposes to incorporate by
2. Compliance Requirements of the
Proposed Rule
The Commission is incorporating by
reference the current voluntary
standard, with no revision, to form the
proposed rule. Some of the more
significant requirements of the current
voluntary standard for sling carriers
(ASTM F2907–14a) include static and
dynamic load testing to verify the
structural integrity of the sling carriers
and occupant retention testing to help
ensure that the child is not ejected from
the sling carrier. The ASTM standard
requires that the buckles, fasteners, and
knots that secure the sling carrier
remain in position before and after these
three performance tests. There is also a
separate restraint system test to help
ensure that any restraints used by the
sling do not release while in use.
The voluntary standard also includes:
• requirements for several features to
prevent cuts (hazardous sharp points or
edges, and wood parts);
• small parts;
• marking and labeling requirements;
• flammability requirements;
• requirements for the permanency
and adhesion of labels; and
• requirements for instructional
The updated warning statements
provide additional details of the fall and
suffocation hazards and are intended to
address the primary fatality risk
associated with infant slings,
3. Other Federal Rules
Section 14(a)(2) of the Consumer
Product Safety Act (CPSA) requires
every manufacturer and private labeler
of a children’s product that is subject to
a children’s product safety rule to
certify, based on third party testing
conducted by a CPSC-accepted
laboratory, that the product complies
with all applicable children’s product
safety rules. Section 14(i)(2) of the CPSA
requires the Commission to establish
protocols and standards by rule for,
among other things, making sure that a
children’s product is tested periodically
and when there has been a material
change in the product, and safeguarding
against the exercise of undue influence
by a manufacturer or private labeler
against a conformity assessment body. A
final rule implementing sections
14(a)(2) and 14(i)(2) of CPSA, Testing
and Labeling Pertaining to Product
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Certification (16 CFR part 1107), became
effective on February 13, 2013 (the 1107
rule). When the sling carrier rule is
finalized, sling carriers will be subject to
a mandatory children’s product safety
rule. Accordingly, sling carriers will
also be subject to the third party testing
requirements of section 14 of the CPSA
and the 1107 rule. Slings are already
subject to lead and phthalates testing
under the 1107 Rule. This rule adds
certain mechanical tests and other
requirements to the third party testing
In addition, the 1107 rule requires
certifiers to use CPSC-accredited
laboratories to conduct the third party
testing of children’s products. Section
14(a)(3) of the CPSA required the
Commission to publish a notice of
requirements (NOR) for the
accreditation of third party conformance
assessment bodies (i.e., testing
laboratories) to test for conformance
with each children’s product safety rule.
The NORs for existing rules are set forth
in 16 CFR part 1112. Consequently the
Commission is proposing an
amendment to 16 CFR part 1112 that
would establish the requirements for the
accreditation of testing laboratories to
test for compliance with the sling carrier
final rule.
4. Impact on Small Businesses
Of the 47 identified suppliers of sling
carriers to the U.S. market, 33 are
domestic firms. (We limit our analysis
to domestic firms because U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA)
guidelines pertain to U.S.-based
entities.) Under SBA guidelines, a
manufacturer of sling carriers is small if
it has 500 or fewer employees, and
importers and wholesalers are small if
the importers or wholesalers have 100
or fewer employees. Based on these
guidelines, 31 of the domestic firms
supplying sling carriers to the U.S.
market appear to be small businesses.
These businesses consist of 23
manufacturers, four importers, and four
firms with unknown supply sources.
Additionally, as noted previously, an
unquantified number of producers
supply baby slings to the U.S. market
via Web sites such as Etsy. Although we
have no information on these suppliers,
based on the general nature of suppliers
selling products on Etsy and similar
markets, we assume that these suppliers
are well within SBA criteria for small
business. For purposes of analysis, we
refer to these suppliers as ‘‘very small
manufacturers’’ to distinguish them
from the more established
manufacturers, but this is not an official
SBA designation.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Before preparation of a regulatory
flexibility analysis, the Commission
conducts a screening analysis to
determine whether a regulatory
flexibility analysis or a certification
statement of no significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities is
appropriate for a proposed rule. The
SBA gives considerable flexibility in
defining the threshold for ‘‘no
significant economic impact.’’ However,
the Commission typically uses 1 percent
of gross revenue as a threshold; unless
the impact is expected to fall below the
1 percent threshold for the small
businesses evaluated, the Commission
prepares a regulatory flexibility
Because we were unable to
demonstrate that the draft proposed rule
would impose an economic impact less
than 1 percent of gross revenue for the
affected firms, the Commission did not
prepare a certification statement, but
conducted an IRFA.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Small Manufacturers
JPMA and the Baby Carrier Industry
Alliance (BCIA) have advised some
manufacturers of F2907–12, F2907–13a,
F2907–13b, and F2907–14. These
organizations are offering assistance to
member manufacturers on testing and
compliance with the ASTM sling carrier
standards. However, the ASTM sling
carrier standards are relatively new, and
there is no established history of
compliance among manufacturers.
As of January 2014, only two of the
23 known small manufacturers of sling
carriers are listed on the JPMA Web site
as certified compliant. Based on our
review of small firm Web sites and a
conversation with a small ring sling
manufacturer, we have identified three
additional firms (not JPMA certified)
that have conducted testing to some
version of the ASTM standard, for a
total of five firms that have conducted
testing to some version of the ASTM
standard. These firms may have already
experienced the impacts of the proposed
rule and may not experience any
additional impacts. The remaining firms
are likely to incur some cost associated
with the proposed rule.
Due to the nature of the product and
the relative ease of production, the
Commission believes that most of the
physical changes needed to meet the
standard, such as changing fabrics,
changing stitching, adding
reinforcements, changing buckles,
changing rings, changing labels, and
changing instructions, are unlikely to be
costly. Because sling carriers are largely
made of fabric, tooling costs are not
usually a large factor.
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Some manufacturers of ring slings are
having difficulties with their products
passing the occupant retention tests
consistently. The problem appears to be
variation in testing results based on how
the sling is positioned on the test
fixture. At this time, the precise cost of
changes necessary to satisfy testing
under the ASTM standard is unknown;
and we cannot rule out the potential for
costs high enough to lead to significant
economic impacts, especially for the
very small manufacturers.
According to one manufacturer,
changes to warning labels required
under the proposed rule may have an
impact on very small suppliers. We do
not have sufficient data to determine
whether this impact is expected to be
economically significant. For example,
if the cost of printing and sewing in the
labels is 30 cents per sling, then the
impact would be 1 percent of the sales
price for a $30 sling. CPSC staff
contacted a representative from the
BCIA to obtain label prices but has no
independent estimate at this time. An
additional consideration is that the
labels are relatively large and may
reduce the appeal of the product if they
cannot be readily concealed. However,
this impact will apply to all sling
Another manufacturer also expressed
concerns that minor deviations from the
font sizes required by the standard on
the labels could force manufacturers to
redo portions of the testing. This
phenomenon may diminish as
businesses become familiar with the
requirements. Testing costs are
discussed below.
The majority of the costs associated
with the proposed standard will
probably be related to testing. Few of
the sling carrier manufacturers have the
technical capability or the equipment to
conduct any testing in house; and most
small and very small manufacturers
probably will have to rely on third party
testing during product development.
Some small and very small
manufacturers could experience
significant costs simply testing to find
out initially whether their products
comply with the proposed standard and
with any additional testing necessary to
develop complying products.
In addition, under section 14 of the
CPSA, sling carriers are subject to third
party testing and certification. Once the
new requirements become effective, all
manufacturers will be subject to the
additional costs associated with the
third party testing and certification
requirements under the testing rule,
Testing and Labeling Pertaining to
Product Certification (16 CFR part
1107). This will include any physical
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and mechanical test requirements
specified in the final rule; lead and
phthalates testing, if applicable, are
already required; hence, lead and
phthalates testing are not included in
this discussion.
According to a BCIA representative,
third party testing to the ASTM sling
carrier voluntary standard could cost
around $500¥$1,050 per model sample,
with $700 as an average cost. Third
party testing consists of two costs: the
testing costs unique to F2907 associated
with the dynamic load test, the static
load test, the occupant retention test,
and the restraints test; and the general
testing costs associated with testing for
flammability, small parts, sharp edges,
instructions, and labels. The testing
costs unique to sling carriers vary
widely, from $210 to $650, depending
on whether the testing is done in China
or the United States and whether a
discount, such as the discount
negotiated by the BCIA for its members,
is applied. The general testing costs may
amount to $300 to $400. The very small
firms that manufacture in the United
States will probably also test in the
United States to avoid logistical
difficulties, thus incurring higher costs.
The $700 estimate for average testing
costs includes all the required testing,
such as flammability, sharp edges, etc.
If a very small manufacturer with one
model only needed to conduct one third
party test annually, the costs of testing
would amount to $700. A very small
manufacturer producing 20 to 30 lowpriced slings a month might have
annual revenues of $10,800 (30 slings
per month × 12 months × $30 per sling).
Testing one sample at $700 would
amount to 6.5 percent ($700/$10,800) of
annual revenue for this hypothetical
very small manufacturer, which we
would clearly classify as a significant
economic impact. Even if this
manufacturer could sell its slings for
$150, testing one sample at $700 would
amount to 1.3 percent of annual revenue
of $54,000 (360 slings*$150 per sling).
As a comparison, third party testing
costs for soft infant and toddler carriers
(SITCs) were estimated at $500¥$600
per sample for the SITC standard,
ASTM F2236–14. However, the higher
testing costs for slings could reflect
additional testing for occupant
retention, which is not part of the SITC
Based upon the previous example,
even in the unlikely case that very small
sling manufacturers are able to develop
a complying product without incurring
significant economic impacts, very
small sling manufacturers are still likely
to incur significant economic impacts
complying with section 14 of the CPSA.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
These types of impacts would apply to
the very small producers marketing
their products primarily via Etsy and
other Web sites.
Although information on sales
revenue is limited to half of all
manufacturers, we estimate that most of
the 23 small domestic manufacturers
have substantially larger sales volumes
than the example above, with annual
sales ranging between $200,000 and $16
million. Thus, product development
and testing costs would be a lower
percentage of sales revenue than the
example above. At the lower range of
$200,000 in revenues, significant
economic impacts would occur if the
producer had to test three models per
year. Firms with revenues closer to the
upper end of the range, $16 million,
would need to test more than 200
models per year to experience
significant economic impacts from
testing. The number of tests needed for
product development purposes or to
meet the ‘‘high degree of assurance’’
criteria under section 14 of the CPSA is
not known.
About a third of firms (8 of 23) also
have other product lines, which may
cushion the impact of design changes
and increased testing costs for sling
carriers. These other products may be
similar products, such as mei tais (a
traditional Asian unstructured soft
carrier falling under the SITC standard)
or SITCs, or these other products may be
completely unrelated juvenile products.
Small Importers
At this time, only one of the four
importers identified is in compliance
with F2907–12, F2907–13a or F2907–
13b. Depending upon the costs of
coming into compliance incurred by the
importers’ suppliers and whether the
importers’ suppliers are able to pass on
the costs, the other three importers
could experience a significant economic
impact. Three of the four importers are
owned by foreign parent companies that
supply the importers’ slings. These
parent companies must make the
business decision to comply or to
discontinue U.S. operations. Two of the
four importers could respond by simply
discontinuing their sling product line
altogether because these importers have
varied product lines.
As is the case with manufacturers, all
importers will be subject to third party
testing and certification requirements.
Consequently, these importers will
experience the associated costs of
compliance. The resulting costs could
have a significant impact on these small
As mentioned previously, four of the
small domestic firms have unknown
supply sources, and none of these
supply sources has claimed compliance
with any version of F2907. However,
two firms have varied product lines and
may be in a better position to comply
without incurring significant economic
impacts. The other two appear to be
small firms specializing in slings, and
therefore, these small firms may be
impacted more heavily by compliance
and testing costs.
5. Alternatives
Under the Danny Keysar Child
Product Safety Notification Act, section
104 of the CPSIA, one alternative would
be to set an effective date later than 12
months. Setting a later effective date
would reduce the economic impact on
firms in two ways. First, firms would be
less likely to experience a lapse in
production, which could result if firms
are unable to comply within the
required timeframe. Second, firms could
spread costs over a longer time period,
thereby reducing their annual costs and
the present value of their total costs.
Given the large number of very small
suppliers who potentially will
experience significant economic
impacts, a later effective date may
warrant consideration. The Commission
welcomes comments regarding an
appropriate effective date.
VII. Environmental Considerations
The Commission’s regulations address
whether we are required to prepare an
environmental assessment or an
environmental impact statement. If our
rule has ‘‘little or no potential for
affecting the human environment,’’ our
rule will be categorically exempted from
this requirement. 16 CFR 1021.5(c)(1).
The proposed rule falls within the
categorical exemption.
VIII. Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains
information collection requirements that
are subject to public comment and
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3521). In this document, pursuant to 44
U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D), we set forth:
• a title for the collection of
• a summary of the collection of
• a brief description of the need for
the information and the proposed use of
the information;
• a description of the likely
respondents and proposed frequency of
response to the collection of
• an estimate of the burden that shall
result from the collection of
information; and
• notice that comments may be
submitted to the OMB.
Title: Safety Standard for Sling
Description: The proposed rule would
require each sling carrier to comply
with ASTM F2907–14a, Standard
Consumer Safety Specification for Sling
Carriers. Sections 8 and 9 of ASTM
F2907–14a contain requirements for
marking, labeling, and instructional
literature. These requirements fall
within the definition of ‘‘collection of
information,’’ as defined in 44 U.S.C.
Description of Respondents: Persons
who manufacture or import sling
Estimated Burden: We estimate the
burden of this collection of information
as follows:
Number of
Frequency of
Total annual
Hours per
Total burden
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
16 CFR Section
Our estimates are based on the
Section 8.1.1 of ASTM F2907–14a
requires that the name and the place of
business (city, state, mailing address,
including zip code, or telephone
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number) and Web site, if applicable, of
the manufacturer, distributor, or seller
be marked clearly and legibly on each
product and its retail package. Section
8.1.2 of ASTM F2907–14a requires a
code mark or other means that identifies
PO 00000
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the date (month and year, as a
minimum) of manufacture.
There are 47 known entities
supplying sling carriers to the U.S.
market. All 47 firms are assumed to use
labels already on both their products
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
and their packaging, but the firms might
need to make some modifications to
their existing labels. The estimated time
required to make these modifications is
about 1 hour per model. Each entity
supplies an average of three different
models of sling carrier; therefore, the
estimated burden associated with labels
is 1 hour per model × 47 entities × 3
models per entity = 141 hours. We
estimate the hourly compensation for
the time required to create and update
labels is $27.71 (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics, ‘‘Employer Costs for
Employee Compensation,’’ September
2013, Table 9, total compensation for all
sales and office workers in goodsproducing private industries: https:// Therefore, the
estimated annual cost to industry
associated with the labeling
requirements is $3,907.11 ($27.71 per
hour × 141 hours = $3,907.11). There are
no operating, maintenance, or capital
costs associated with the collection.
Section 9.1 of ASTM F2907–14a
requires instructions to be supplied
with the product. Sling carriers do not
generally require assembly, but require
instructions for proper use, fit, and
adjustment on a caregiver’s body, as
well as maintenance, cleaning, and
storage. Under the OMB’s regulations (5
CFR 1320.3(b)(2)), the time, effort, and
financial resources necessary to comply
with a collection of information that
would be incurred by persons in the
‘‘normal course of their activities’’ are
excluded from a burden estimate, where
an agency demonstrates that the
disclosure activities required to comply
are ‘‘usual and customary.’’ Therefore,
because we are unaware of sling carriers
that generally require some instructions
for use, but lack any instructions to the
user, we estimate tentatively that there
are no burden hours associated with
section 9.1 of ASTM F803–13 because
any burden associated with supplying
instructions with sling carriers would be
‘‘usual and customary’’ and would not
within the definition of ‘‘burden’’ under
the OMB’s regulations.
Based on this analysis, the proposed
standard for sling carriers would impose
a burden to industry of 141 hours, at an
estimated cost of $3,907.11 annually.
In compliance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)), we have submitted the
information collection requirements of
this rule to the OMB for review.
Interested persons are requested to
submit comments regarding information
collection by August 22, 2014, to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, OMB (see the ADDRESSES
section at the beginning of this notice).
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Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A),
we invite comments on:
• whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the CPSC’s functions,
including whether the information will
have practical utility;
• the accuracy of the CPSC’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
• ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
• ways to reduce the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques, when
appropriate, and other forms of
information technology; and
• the estimated burden hours
associated with label modification,
including any alternative estimates.
IX. Preemption
Section 26(a) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C.
2075(a), provides that where a consumer
product safety standard is in effect and
applies to a product, no state or political
subdivision of a state may either
establish or continue in effect a
requirement dealing with the same risk
of injury, unless the state requirement is
identical to the federal standard. Section
26(c) of the CPSA also provides that
states or political subdivisions of states
may apply to the Commission for an
exemption from this preemption under
certain circumstances. Section 104(b) of
the CPSIA refers to the rules to be
issued under that section as ‘‘consumer
product safety rules.’’ Therefore, the
preemption provision of section 26(a) of
the CPSA would apply to a rule issued
under section 104.
X. Certification and Notice of
Requirements (NOR)
The CPSA establishes certain
requirements for product certification
and testing. Products subject to a
consumer product safety rule under the
CPSA, or to a similar rule, ban,
standard, or regulation under any other
act enforced by the Commission, must
be certified as complying with all
applicable CPSC-enforced requirements.
15 U.S.C. 2063(a). Certification of
children’s products subject to a
children’s product safety rule must be
based on testing conducted by a CPSCaccepted third party conformity
assessment body. Id. 2063(a)(2). The
Commission must publish a notice of
requirements (NOR) for the
accreditation of third party conformity
assessment bodies (or laboratories) to
assess conformity with a children’s
product safety rule to which a children’s
PO 00000
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product is subject. Id. 2063(a)(3). Thus,
the proposed rule for 16 CFR part 1228,
‘‘Safety Standard for Sling Carriers,’’
when issued as a final rule, will be a
children’s product safety rule that
requires the issuance of an NOR.
To meet the requirement that the
Commission issue an NOR for the sling
carrier standard, the Commission
proposes to amend an existing rule. The
Commission published a final rule,
Requirements Pertaining to Third Party
Conformity Assessment Bodies, 78 FR
15836 (March 12, 2013), which is
codified at 16 CFR part 1112 (referred to
here as Part 1112). This rule took effect
on June 10, 2013. Part 1112 establishes
requirements for accreditation of third
party conformity assessment bodies (or
laboratories) to test for conformance
with a children’s product safety rule in
accordance with Section14(a)(2) of the
CPSA. The final rule also codifies all of
the NORs that the CPSC had published
to date. All new NORs, such as the sling
carrier standard, require an amendment
to part 1112. Accordingly, the proposed
rule would amend part 1112 to include
the sling carrier standard, along with the
other children’s product safety rules for
which the CPSC has issued NORs.
Laboratories applying for acceptance
as a CPSC-accepted third party
conformity assessment body to test to
the new standard for sling carriers
would be required to meet the third
party conformity assessment body
accreditation requirements in part 1112.
When a laboratory meets the
requirements as a CPSC-accepted third
party conformity assessment body, the
laboratory can apply to the CPSC to
have 16 CFR part 1228, Safety Standard
for Sling Carriers, included in the
laboratory’s scope of accreditation of
CPSC safety rules listed for the
laboratory on the CPSC Web site at:
As required by the RFA, staff
conducted a final regulatory flexibility
analysis (FRFA) when the Commission
issued the part 1112 rule (78 FR 15836,
15855–58). Briefly, the FRFA concluded
that the accreditation requirements
would not have a significant adverse
impact on a substantial number of small
laboratories because no requirements
were imposed on laboratories that did
not intend to provide third party testing
services. The only laboratories that were
expected to provide such services were
those that anticipated receiving
sufficient revenue from the mandated
testing to justify accepting the
requirements as a business decision.
Based on similar reasoning, amending
the part 1112 rule to include the NOR
for the sling carrier standard will not
have a significant adverse impact on
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 141 / Wednesday, July 23, 2014 / Proposed Rules
small laboratories. Moreover, based
upon the number of laboratories in the
United States that have applied for
CPSC acceptance of the accreditation to
test for conformance to other juvenile
product standards, we expect that only
a few laboratories will seek CPSC
acceptance of their accreditation to test
for conformance with the sling carrier
standard. Most of these laboratories will
have already been accredited to test for
conformance to other juvenile product
standards, and the only costs to them
would be the cost of adding the sling
carrier standard to their scope of
accreditation. As a consequence, the
Commission certifies that the NOR for
the sling carrier standard will not have
a significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
(b)(39) 16 CFR part 1228, Safety
Standard for Sling Carriers.
■ 3. Add part 1228 to read as follows:
XI. Request for Comments
(a) Each sling carrier must comply
with all applicable provisions of ASTM
F2907–14a, Standard Consumer Safety
Specification for Sling Carriers,
approved on February 15, 2014. The
Director of the Federal Register
approves this incorporation by reference
in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and
1 CFR part 51. You may obtain a copy
from ASTM International, 100 Bar
Harbor Drive, P.O. Box 0700, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428; https:// You may
inspect a copy at the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, Room 820, 4330
East West Highway, Bethesda, MD
20814, telephone 301–504–7923, or at
the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, call 202–741–6030,
or go to:
(b) [Reserved]
This proposed rule begins a
rulemaking proceeding under section
104(b) of the CPSIA to issue a consumer
product safety standard for sling
carriers. We invite all interested persons
to submit comments on any aspect of
the proposed rule.
Comments should be submitted in
accordance with the instructions in the
ADDRESSES section at the beginning of
this notice.
List of Subjects
16 CFR Part 1112
Administrative practice and
procedure, Audit, Consumer protection,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Third party conformity
assessment body.
16 CFR Part 1228
Consumer protection, Imports,
Incorporation by reference, Infants and
children, Labeling, Law enforcement,
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Commission proposes to
amend Title 16 of the Code of Federal
Regulations as follows:
Requirements for sling carriers.
Authority: Pub. L. 110–314, sec. 104, 122
Stat. 3016 (August 14, 2008); Pub. L. 112–28,
125 Stat. 273 (August 12, 2011).
§ 1228.1
This part establishes a consumer
product safety standard for sling
§ 1228.2
Requirements for sling carriers.
Dated: July 10, 2014.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2014–16792 Filed 7–22–14; 8:45 am]
1. The authority citation for part 1112
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Pub. L. 110–314, section 3, 122
Stat. 3016, 3017 (2008); 15 U.S.C. 2063.
Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 40
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
2. Amend § 1112.15, by adding
paragraph (b)(39) to read as follows:
[Docket No. RM14–15–000]
§ 1112.15 When can a third party
conformity assessment body apply for
CPSC acceptance for a particular CPSC rule
and/or test method?
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Physical Security Reliability Standard
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
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Pursuant to the section
regarding Electric Reliability of the
Federal Power Act, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to approve Reliability
Standard CIP–014–1 (Physical Security).
The North American Electric Reliability
Corporation, the Commission-certified
Electric Reliability Organization,
submitted the proposed Reliability
Standard for Commission approval in
response to a Commission order issued
on March 7, 2014. The purpose of
proposed Reliability Standard CIP–014–
1 is to enhance physical security
measures for the most critical BulkPower System facilities and thereby
lessen the overall vulnerability of the
Bulk-Power System against physical
attacks. The Commission proposes to
approve Reliability Standard CIP–014–
1. In addition, the Commission proposes
to direct NERC to develop two
modifications to the physical security
Reliability Standard and seeks comment
on other issues.
DATES: Comments are due September 8,
2014. Reply comments are due
September 22, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by
docket number, may be filed in the
following ways:
• Electronic Filing through https:// Documents created
electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native
applications or print-to-PDF format and
not in a scanned format.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Those unable
to file electronically may mail or handdeliver comments to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
see the Comment Procedures Section of
this document
Regis Binder (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Division
of Reliability Standards and Security,
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20426, Telephone:
(301) 665–1601,
Matthew Vlissides (Legal Information),
Office of the General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC
20426, Telephone: (202) 502–8408,
1. Pursuant to section 215 of the
Federal Power Act (FPA), the
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 141 (Wednesday, July 23, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 42724-42734]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-16792]
16 CFR Parts 1112 and 1228
[Docket No. CPSC-2014-0018]
Safety Standard for Sling Carriers
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act,
Section 104 of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
(CPSIA), requires the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
(Commission or CPSC) to promulgate consumer product safety standards
for durable infant or toddler products. These standards are to be
``substantially the same as'' applicable voluntary standards or more
stringent than the voluntary standard if the Commission concludes that
more stringent requirements would further reduce the risk of injury
associated with the product. The Commission is proposing a safety
standard for sling carriers in response to the direction under Section
104(b) of the CPSIA.
DATES: Submit comments by October 6, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments related to the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) aspects of the marking, labeling, and instructional
literature of the proposed rule to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attn: CPSC Desk Officer, FAX: 202-395-6974, or
emailed to:
You may submit other comments, identified by Docket No. CPSC-2014-
0018, by any of the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. The Commission does not accept
comments submitted by electronic mail (email), except through The Commission encourages you to submit electronic
comments by using the Federal eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
Written Submissions: Submit written submissions by mail/hand
delivery/courier to: Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Room 820, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814;
telephone (301) 504-7923.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number for this notice. All comments received may be posted
without change, including any personal identifiers, contact
information, or other personal information provided, to: Do not submit confidential business information,
trade secret information, or other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to the public. If furnished at
all, such information should be submitted in writing.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to:, and insert the
docket number CPSC-2014-0018, into the ``Search'' box, and follow the
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Hope E J. Nesteruk, Project Manager,
Division of Human Factors, Directorate for Engineering Sciences,
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 5 Research Place, Rockville, MD
20850; telephone: 301-987-2579; email:
I. Background and Statutory Authority
The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA, Pub. L.
110-314) was enacted on August 14, 2008. Section 104(b) of the CPSIA,
part of the Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act,
requires the Commission to: (1) Examine and assess the effectiveness of
voluntary consumer product safety standards for durable infant or
toddler products, in consultation with representatives of consumer
groups, juvenile product manufacturers, and independent child product
engineers and experts; and (2) promulgate consumer product safety
standards for durable infant and toddler products. These standards are
to be ``substantially the same as'' applicable
[[Page 42725]]
voluntary standards or more stringent than the voluntary standard if
the Commission concludes that more stringent requirements would further
reduce the risk of injury associated with the product. Section
104(f)(1) of the CPSIA defines the term ``durable infant or toddler
product'' as ``a durable product intended for use, or that may be
reasonably expected to be used, by children under the age of 5 years.''
Section 104(f)(1)(H) provides that the term ``durable infant or toddler
product'' includes ``infant carriers.''
Section 104 also requires manufacturers of durable infant or
toddler products to comply with a registration program that the
Commission establishes. Section 104(d).
In this document, the Commission is proposing a safety standard for
sling carriers. Section 104(f)(2)(H) of the CPSIA lists ``infant
carriers'' as one of the categories of durable infant or toddler
products identified for purposes of section 104. As indicated by a
review of ASTM's standards and retailers' Web sites, the category of
``infant carriers'' includes hand-held infant carriers, soft infant
carriers, frame backpack carriers, and sling carriers. The Commission
has issued final rules for hand-held infant carriers (78 FR 73415
(December 6, 2013)) and soft infant carriers (78 FR 20511 (April 5,
2013)) and a proposed rule on frame backpack carriers (79 FR 28458 (May
16, 2014)). In the Commission's product registration card rule
identifying additional products that the Commission considered durable
infant or toddler products necessitating compliance with the product
registration card requirements, the Commission specifically identified
infant slings, or sling carriers, as a durable infant or toddler
product. 76 FR 68668 (December 29, 2009). The durability of infant
slings is discussed in section II.B. of this document.
Because the voluntary standard on infant slings, ASTM 2907-14a,
``Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Sling Carriers,'' refers
to ``infant slings'' as ``sling carriers,'' the notice of proposed
rulemaking refers to infant slings as ``sling carriers.'' The terms are
intended to be interchangeable and have the same meaning.
Pursuant to Section 104(b)(1)(A), the Commission consulted with
manufacturers, retailers, trade organizations, laboratories, consumer
advocacy groups, consultants, and members of the public in the
development of this proposed standard, largely through the ASTM
process. CPSC staff participated in the ASTM sling carrier subcommittee
meetings and task group meetings and worked with the ASTM sling carrier
task groups to develop ballot language for revisions to the sling
carrier voluntary standard. The proposed rule is based on the voluntary
standard developed by ASTM International (formerly the American Society
for Testing and Materials), ASTM F2907-14a, ``Standard Consumer Safety
Specification for Sling Carriers'' (ASTM F2907-14a), without change.
The ASTM standard is copyrighted, but the standard is available as
a read-only document during the comment period on this proposal only,
at:, by permission of ASTM.
II. Product Description
A. Definition of Sling Carrier
ASTM F2907-14a ``Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Sling
Carriers'' defines a ``sling carrier'' as ``a product of fabric or sewn
fabric construction, which is designed to contain a child in an upright
or reclined position while being supported by the caregiver's torso.''
These products generally are intended for children starting at full-
term birth until a weight of about 35 pounds. The designs of infant
slings vary, but the designs generally range from unstructured hammock-
shaped products that suspend from the caregiver's body, to long lengths
of material or fabric that are wrapped around the caregiver's body.
Infant slings normally are worn with the infant positioned on the
front, hip, or back of the consumer, and with the infant facing toward
or away from the consumer. As stated in the sling carrier definition,
these products generally allow the infant to be placed in an upright or
reclined position. However, the reclined position is intended to be
used only when the infant is worn on the front of the consumer. The
ability to carry the infant in a reclined position is the primary
feature that distinguishes sling carriers from soft infant and toddler
carriers, another subset of sling carriers.
The Commission identified three broad classes of sling carrier
products available in the United States:
Ring slings are hammock-shaped fabric products, in which
one runs fabric through two rings to adjust and tighten the sling.
Pouch slings are similar to ring slings but do not use
rings for adjustment. Many pouch slings are sized rather than designed
to be adjustable. Other pouch slings are more structured and use
buckles or other fasteners to adjust the size.
Wrap slings are generally composed of a long length of
fabric, upwards of six yards long, and up to two feet wide. A wrap
sling is completely unstructured with no fasteners or other means of
structure; instead, the caregiver uses different methods of wrapping
the material around the caregiver's body and the child's body to
support the child. Wrap-like slings mimic the manner in which a wrap
supports the child but use fabric in other manners, such as loops, to
reduce the need for caregivers to learn wrapping methods.
Ring slings, modifications of wraps and pouch slings, and other
products that meet the definition of a sling carrier contain parts that
are also considered durable from an engineering perspective and suggest
they were selected for long-term use. In addition, the test methods in
ASTM F2907-14a combine to ensure that slings meet a minimum level of
ASTM F2907 does not distinguish among the type of slings. The
voluntary standard's requirements apply equally to all slings.
B. Sling Carrier Use
ASTM F2907-14a states that sling carriers generally are intended
for children starting at full-term birth, until a weight of about 35
pounds (15.9 kg). According to the data tables used to produce the 2000
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) U.S. growth charts,
the median (50th percentile) weight of a child does not exceed 35
pounds until about 46 months for boys and 49 months for girls (CDC,
2000). Moreover, the 5th percentile bodyweight of a child does not
exceed 35 pounds until about 65 months for boys and 69 months for
girls. This means that more than half of all 3-year-olds are likely to
be at or below the maximum weight of 35 pounds, and that even some 5-
year-olds are likely to be at or below this upper weight limit.
Although the Commission believes that sling carriers are most likely to
be used with infants, it seems reasonably foreseeable that some portion
of the user population will use these carriers with preschool-aged
Evidence suggests that sling carriers are often reused for multiple
children. For example, according to a 2005 survey conducted by the
American Baby Group (2006 Baby Products Tracking Study), nearly one-
third (31 percent) of mothers who own slings had a sling that was
handed down or purchased secondhand. Preliminary data from CPSC's
Durable Nursery Products Exposure Survey found that 21 percent of sling
owners acquired the sling used. The Survey also found that after the
owner discontinued use of the sling,
[[Page 42726]]
only 4 percent threw away the sling; 96 percent of owners stored the
sling for future use, sold the sling, gave the sling away, or returned
the sling to the original owner. These results suggest that most sling
owners at least perceive sling carriers to have a future useful life,
even if the sling had been used previously.
The Commission is aware of several online Web sites, forums, and
``babywearing'' groups dedicated to buying, selling, and trading
previously used sling carriers. (``Babywearing'' is commonly used to
describe the wearing or carrying of a baby in a sling or similar
carrier.) For example, a simple search of sold listings for a used
``baby sling'' on eBay resulted in more than 1,700 listings during a
roughly 3-month period. Although some of the products in these ads do
not meet the definition of a ``sling carrier,'' a brief examination of
the most recent 200 sales suggests that a very large percentage of
these products would be considered a sling carrier. Thus, many
consumers appear to be purchasing slings secondhand.
C. Market Description
The Commission has identified 47 suppliers to the U.S. market, but
there may be hundreds more suppliers that produce small quantities of
slings. (The Commission made these determinations using information
from Dun & Bradstreet and Reference USAGov, as well as firm Web sites.)
Web sites such as Etsy show thousands of listings for artisans
producing slings and wraps (although each firm may have multiple
listings), which accounts for additional suppliers who are not among
the 47 suppliers identified. Sling carriers are distributed by a
variety of methods, such as mass merchandisers, small specialty
juvenile products stores, and Internet-only distributors.
Of the 47 sling carrier suppliers identified, 33 companies are
based in the United States: 25 are manufacturers, and four are
importers. Available information does not identify the supply source
for four firms. There are also 14 foreign companies that export
directly to the United States via Internet sales or directly to U.S.
A sling carrier is an uncomplicated product to produce, typically
requiring only fabric, thread, rings (and in some cases, fasteners),
and a sewing machine. A common scenario for a sling manufacturer starts
with a mother using various slings or soft carriers and then deciding
to make her own design in her home. Some of these home businesses grow
into larger businesses that become more specialized and sophisticated,
typically designing and marketing their own products but having the
product manufactured overseas. However, the newer home businesses may
be relatively unsophisticated and may not be aware of the sling carrier
voluntary standard effort or know that sling carriers may be subject to
existing federal regulations on children's products.
According to a the 2006 Baby Products Tracking Study, 17 percent of
new mothers own sling carriers. As noted previously, approximately 31
percent of sling carriers were handed down or purchased secondhand.
Thus, about 69 percent of sling carriers were acquired new. (The data
collected for the Baby Products Tracking Study do not represent an
unbiased statistical sample. American Baby Products surveyed potential
respondents from its mailing lists to generate a sample of 3,600 new
and expectant mothers. Additionally, because the most recent survey
information is from 2005, the data may not reflect the current market.)
This information suggests annual sales of about 471,000 sling carriers
(.17 x .69 x 4 million births per year), with prices ranging from $30
to around $150. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health
Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, ``Births: Final Data for
2009,'' National Vital Statistics Reports Volume 61, Number 1 (August
28, 2012): Table I. Number of births in 2010 is rounded from
However, this sales estimate may be a substantial underestimate for
two reasons: (1) Industry sources state that slings have increased in
popularity since the survey was done in 2005; and (2) other products
like wraps, pouches, and some soft carriers, which fall under the
standard, may not have been included in the Baby Products Tracking
study. Based on discussions with an industry representative, sales of
these other products that fall under the proposed rule for sling
carriers could increase the Commission's sales estimate to about
600,000 to 1 million units annually.
III. Incident Data
The Commission is aware of a total of 122 incidents (16 fatal and
106 nonfatal) related to sling carriers, which were reported to have
occurred from January 1, 2003 through October 27, 2013. Because
reporting is ongoing, the number of reported fatalities, nonfatal
injuries, and non-injury incidents may change in the future. Given that
reporting is incomplete, the Commission strongly discourages drawing
inferences based on the year-to-year increase or decrease shown in the
reported data. (The CPSC databases searched were the In-Depth
Investigation (INDP) file, the Injury or Potential Injury Incident
(IPII) file, the Death Certificate (DTHS) file, and the National
Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). These reported deaths
and incidents do not provide a complete count of all deaths and
incidents that occurred during that time period. However, they do
provide a minimum number of deaths and incidents occurring during this
time period and illustrate the circumstances involved in the incidents
related to sling carriers.)
Among the incidents in which age was reported, all but one of the
children were 12 months old or younger; the age of the oldest child was
reported to be 3 years. Some incident reports did not indicate the age
because there was no injury involved or age was unknown. Table 1
provides the age breakdown as reported in the 122 incidents.
Table 1--Age Distribution as Reported in Sling Carrier-Related Incidents
All Incidents Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries
Age of Child ----------------------------------------------------------------
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Unreported*.................................... 31 25 1 1
One--Three Months.............................. 70 57 54 77
Four--Six Months............................... 11 9 8 11
Seven--Nine Months............................. 7 6 4 6
Ten--Twelve Months............................. 2 2 2 3
Three Years.................................... 1 1 1 1
[[Page 42727]]
Total...................................... 122 100 70 100
Source: CPSC epidemiological databases IPII, INDP, DTHS, and NEISS.
Note: Percentages do not add to 100 due to rounding.
*: Age was unknown or the incident reported no injury.
A. Fatalities
CPSC received reports of 16 fatalities associated with the use of a
sling carrier that occurred during the period from January 1, 2003
through October 27, 2013. Eleven of the 16 decedents were 1-month olds;
the remaining five were between 3- and 5-months old. Nine of the
decedents were described as having died of smothering, (also known as
``suffocation,'' or ``positional asphyxia.'') Suffocation can occur
when babies are contained entirely within the pouch of a sling. Infants
who are placed with their heads below the rim of the sling are likely
to stay in the same position because they are surrounded by unyielding
fabric under the tension of their weight, and are tightly confined
within the product, typically with their faces directed towards or held
against the parent's body. The highest risk of suffocation occurs when
the infant's face (nose and mouth) is pressed against the mother's
body, blocking the infant's breathing, and rapidly suffocating the baby
within a few minutes. The cause of death was undetermined for the
remaining decedents.
One fatal victim was 5 months old. The age range of the remaining
15 fatal victims was from birth to 3 months; 11 infants were ages 1
month and younger, and the remaining four were 3 months old. Infants
younger than 4 months old are at a high risk for suffocation because
they have relatively immature physiological systems controlling
breathing and arousal.
B. Nonfatalities
Of the 106 sling carrier-related nonfatal incidents that were
reported to have occurred from January 1, 2003 through October 27,
2013, 54 reports reflected an injury to the infant during use of the
product. Age was unreported for one of the injured, and one report
stated that a 3-year-old was injured. For the rest of the incidents,
the child's age ranged from 1 month to 11 months.
Among the 54 reported nonfatal injuries, nine were reported as
involving hospitalizations. Among the hospitalizations, one injury was
described as a permanent brain injury due to breathing difficulties
suffered by the infant. The rest of the hospitalizations were serious
head injuries, such as a fracture and/or brain hemorrhage, which
resulted from infants falling from the carrier. Eleven additional
skull/face/wrist fracture injuries were reported, but none of these
incidents was reported to involve hospitalizations. The remaining non-
hospitalized injuries included closed-head injuries, contusions/
abrasions, lacerations/scratches, among others. (A closed head injury
is a head injury where the skull remained intact. A closed head injury
can range from a minor bump to the head to a severe life threatening
traumatic brain injury.) A majority of the injuries resulted from falls
from the carrier; most of these falls resulted from the caregiver
slipping, tripping, or bending over while carrying the infant in the
sling. The remaining injuries were due to miscellaneous product-related
issues or other caregiver missteps, such as the caregiver not allowing
enough safety clearance for the child in the sling carrier while the
caregiver performed daily activities.
The remaining 52 incident reports stated that no injury had
occurred or provided no information about any injury.
C. Hazard Pattern Identification
The Commission considered all 122 reported incidents (16 fatal and
106 nonfatal) to identify hazard patterns associated with sling
carriers. In order of frequency of incident reports, the Commission
grouped the hazard patterns into the following categories:
1. Problems with the positioning of the infant in the sling
carrier: Thirty-one of the 122 reported incidents (25 percent) were in
this category. Among them were nine deaths due to smothering, one
permanent brain impairment injury due to breathing difficulty, and two
other injuries--one related to breathing difficulty and the other
related to blood-circulation in the infant's leg. The rest of the
incidents reported that the infant suffered breathing problems while in
the carrier or that the caregiver had difficulty safely positioning the
infant in the sling carrier to avoid the potential for suffocation.
2. Caregiver missteps: Twenty of the 28 incidents (23 percent) in
this category were reported to have occurred when the caregiver
slipped, tripped, or bent over, causing the infant in the sling to
either fall with the caregiver or fall out of the carrier. Eight
additional incidents among the 28 reported in this category occurred
when caregivers dropped the infant during placement into/removal out of
the carrier or failed to provide enough safety clearance for the infant
in the carrier as the caregivers conducted their daily activities.
Examples of the latter scenario include an infant getting struck by a
door or a falling object, or an infant hitting a wall. Although these
28 incidents did not involve any fatalities, all but one incident
resulted in an injury to the infant. These incidents included 11
reports of skull fractures and one report of bleeding in the brain.
Other injuries included closed-head injuries, contusions of the head/
leg/back, and a finger laceration.
3. Undetermined or unspecified cause: Twenty five reported
incidents (20 percent) included seven fatalities, two hospitalized
injuries, and 13 non-hospitalized injuries, with very little
information available on the circumstances leading to the incidents.
The official reports did not indicate a specific cause of death. Among
the injuries, which included fractures of the skull/wrist, as well as
other serious head injuries, most were reported through hospital
emergency departments with very little scenario-specific information.
4. Problems with buckles: Twelve of the 122 incidents (10 percent)
reported buckles releasing, slipping, or breaking, causing infants to
fall or nearly fall. There was one hospitalization for a skull fracture
and two non-hospitalized injuries. There were no fatalities in this
5. Miscellaneous product-related issues: There were nine incident
reports (seven percent) in which consumers complained of a design flaw
posing a possible strangulation hazard, a broken
[[Page 42728]]
component, rough fabric, or a sharp surface; or consumers indicated an
unspecified product failure. Although these reports did not include any
fatalities, there were six injuries reported in this category,
including one skull fracture.
6. Consumer comments: There were 17 non-event reports (14 percent)
of consumer comments or observations of perceived safety hazards. In
most of these cases, the consumer did not own the sling carrier in
question. None of these reports indicates that any event actually
D. Product Recalls
Since January 1, 2003, the CPSC has issued five consumer-level
recalls involving sling carriers. All five recalls were for product
defects that created a substantial product hazard and resulted in the
recall of about 1.1 million sling carriers. Two of the recalled
products posed a suffocation hazard, while three recalls were related
to structural integrity and fall or potential fall hazards.
IV. Other Standards
A. International Standards
The Commission identified one European standard that covers fabric
carriers without rigid structure. In addition, a guideline for sling
carriers is under development in Europe.
1. British Standard EN13209-2:2005, Child Use and Care Articles--
Baby Carriers--Safety Requirements and Test Methods--Part 2: Soft
Carriers (27 September 2005), is the European standard for soft, fabric
carriers. However, EN13209 specifically states that the scope is
intended for a ``product [that] has holes designed to accommodate the
child's legs.'' Sling carriers do not have holes through which a
child's legs pass. Although some individual requirements in the EN13209
standard may be more stringent than those in F2907-14a, the reported
incidents do not suggest that these are prevalent hazard patterns
associated with sling carriers. Therefore, the Commission does not
believe that incorporating these more stringent requirements would
further reduce the risk of injury associated with sling carriers.
2. CEN/TR 16512, Child use and care articles--Guidelines for the
safety of children's slings, is a guideline that is under development
in Europe. However, because this guideline, once completed would not be
a standard, CEN/TR 16512 is not an option for consideration. The
Commission expects that this guideline, when published, will contain
recommendations similar to EN13209, but with recommendations adapted
for the unique attributes of sling carriers.
The Commission notes that the ASTM F15.21 subcommittee has worked
to make F2907 the most appropriate standard for the unique nature of
sling carriers by harmonizing with other standards (e.g., EN13209 and
ASTM F2236), when appropriate, but also addressing the uniqueness of
sling carriers, when needed. The Commission believes that ASTM F2907-
14a is the most comprehensive standard that addresses the incident
hazard patterns and that F2907-14a adequately addresses the hazards
identified to date.
Voluntary Standard--ASTM F2907
1. Description of Standard
ASTM F2907, ``Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification
for Sling Carriers,'' establishes safety performance requirements, test
methods, and labeling requirements to minimize the hazards to children
presented by sling carriers. ASTM first published a consumer product
safety standard for sling carriers in 2012. ASTM has revised the
voluntary standard five times since then. The current version, ASTM
F2907-14a, was approved on February 15, 2014, and published in March
2014. ASTM F15.21 subcommittee issued a ballot on May 16, 2014, that
proposed a modification in the occupant retention test pass/fail
criteria. According to the ballot, ``the current Occupant Retention
test criteria (section 6.3) are not accurately separating good ring
slings from poorly-constructed ring slings.'' The modification ASTM has
proposed would increase from 1 inch to 3 inches the amount the ring
sling attachment system may slip while still passing the standard. At
the time of writing, the Commission does not have sufficient
information to assess this change. Staff welcomes comments on the
The current version of the sling carrier standard, ASTM F2907-14a,
contains requirements to address the following issues:
Hazardous sharp points or edges;
Small parts;
Lead in paint;
Wood parts;
Locking and latching;
Scissoring, shearing, and pinching;
Monofilament threads;
Marking and labeling; and
Instructional literature.
In addition, F2907-14a includes construction, quality, and
durability test methods that are specific to sling carriers in the
static, dynamic, occupant retention, and restraint system tests. These
test methods combine to ensure that slings meet a minimum level of
Static load test: This test checks that the sling can
support the sling's maximum recommended weight with a safety factor of
three, by gradually applying a weight of three times the manufacturer's
maximum recommended weight, or 60 lbs., whichever is greater, in the
support area of the sling, and maintain the weight for one minute.
Dynamic load test: This test assesses the durability of
the sling and proper functioning of the sling's fasteners by dropping a
35-lb. load into the sling's support area in each recommended carrying
position every 4 seconds for up to 1,000 cycles.
Occupant retention test: This test assesses whether the
sling retains the occupant as the caregiver moves about. The test also
assesses the sling's durability. The sling is attached to a test torso,
and a test mass is placed in the sling. The test torso will move up and
down at a rate of two times per second (approximately a brisk walking
speed). The sling is tested to determine whether the adjustment
mechanisms (e.g. rings, knots) release.
Restraint system test: This test assesses whether any
child restraints used by the sling are sufficient. Each restraint
system is tested with a 45-lb. force on the restraint and again with a
CAMI dummy. The anchorages for the restraint system are not to separate
from their attachment points during or after testing.
2. Adequacy of Requirements in Addressing Identifiable Hazard Patterns
Positioning. The Commission identified positioning as the primary
hazard pattern in 31 cases. This includes nine deaths due to
smothering, one permanent brain impairment injury due to breathing
difficulty, and two other injuries--one related to breathing difficulty
and the other related to blood circulation in the infant's leg.
As noted previously, the Commission identified suffocation/asphyxia
related to positioning as a risk associated with sling carriers.
Suffocation can occur when babies are contained entirely within the
pouch of a sling. The highest risk of suffocation occurs when the
infant's face (nose and mouth) is pressed against the mother's body,
blocking the infant's breathing and rapidly suffocating a baby within a
few minutes. Furthermore, because of its shape and lack of support, a
sling carrier can facilitate an infant being positioned
[[Page 42729]]
within the confines of the sling in a manner that causes acute neck
hyper-flexion (chin touching the chest). Infants found in this
compromised position are likely to stay in the position because infant
neck muscles are too weak to support the weight of their head. Infants
who stay for prolonged periods of time in this position can experience
compromised airflow to the lungs, resulting in an inadequate supply of
oxygen to the brain. Oxygen deprivation to the brain can lead to loss
of consciousness and death.
Although there is no performance test for positioning in ASTM
F2907-14a, ASTM F2907-14a requires statements in the warnings and
instructions for sling carriers to caution against the hazards
identified by the Commission through examination of the sling carrier
incidents. Section 8.3.3 of F2907-14a specifies the warnings that must
appear on each sling and addresses each of the hazard patterns the
Commission found in the suffocation data. In short, all sling carriers
must: (1) Include a safety alert symbol
and the signal word ``WARNING,'' (2) warn that failure to follow the
manufacturer's instructions can result in ``death or serious injury,''
(3) state the minimum and maximum recommended weights for the sling,
and (4) warn about the potential suffocation and fall hazards
associated with sling carriers.
More specifically, according to ASTM F2097-14a, the warnings that
pertain to suffocation and positioning must address:
the risk of suffocation to infants younger than 4 months
if the infant's face is pressed against the caregiver's body within the
confines of the sling and the increased risk of suffocation to infants
born prematurely or those with respiratory problems;
the need to check often to make sure that the infant's
face remains uncovered, clearly visible to the caregiver, and away from
the caregiver's body at all times;
the importance of making sure that the infant does not
curl into a position with the chin resting on or near the infant's
chest, which can interfere with breathing even when nothing is covering
the nose or mouth;
the need to reposition the infant after nursing so the
infant's face is not pressed against the caregiver's body; and
the importance of never using the sling with infants
smaller than 8 pounds, without seeking the advice of a healthcare
Lastly, the warning label prescribed by ASTM F2907-14a must include a
pictogram that illustrates proper and improper infant positioning
within the sling. ASTM F2907-14a includes an example of the type of
pictogram sought but does not specify a particular design.
Section 9 of ASTM F2907-14a specifies what instructional literature
must be provided with the sling. This section requires that the
instructions contain an image of each manufacturer's recommended
carrying position, include all of the warning statements that are
required to appear on the sling, and provide several additional
ASTM subcommittees for other durable nursery product standards have
also tried to address positioning hazards related to a C-shaped curl in
an infant's head, neck, and torso area; however, there has been no
repeatable performance test identified. The Commission attempted to
address the positioning hazard associated with sling carriers in a new
manner, based on the recognition that a sling carrier is worn by the
caregiver and involves direct contact with the caregiver, thereby
allowing for the possibility of the caregiver seeing a child who is in
distress. Specifically, the Commission explored a ``face exposure''
test that, at a minimum, could keep a sling from preventing the
caregiver from observing the infant's face. The Commission pursued this
possible test with the ASTM task group but found that the available
anthropomorphic mannequins, e.g., CAMI dummies, do not accurately
represent the manner in which a child sits in a sling, and that the
variable nature of sling products makes the repeatability of a test
questionable. Together with the ASTM task group, the Commission
concluded that a test to address positioning hazards is technically
infeasible at this point.
Ultimately, the Commission concluded that warning requirements
about proper and improper infant positioning present in ASTM F2907-14a
is the only feasible hazard-mitigation strategy at this time. The
Commission will continue to consider possible performance requirements
pertaining to this issue and will pursue such an approach with the ASTM
Subcommittee in the future, if an approach becomes feasible. Because
there is no feasible performance test and because the warning
statements in ASTM F2907 were developed considering both known hazard
patterns for sling carriers and established practices for warning
labels, the Commission believes that the warnings and instructions
published in ASTM F2907-14a are adequate to inform caregivers about how
to reduce the likelihood of positioning incidents.
Caregiver Missteps. Incidents involving caregiver missteps included
11 reports of skull fractures and one episode of bleeding in the brain.
Other injuries included closed head injuries, contusions of the head/
leg/back, and a finger laceration. The Commission determined that these
incidents were related directly to the actions, often accidental, of
the caregiver. Examples include a caregiver slipping or tripping while
wearing the sling carrier with the child inside, or incidental contact
occurring between the child and an object, such as a door or wall.
Although these types of incidents cannot be addressed directly through
a performance test, the standard addresses these incidents by alerting
caregivers of the hazard and making sure that the sling contains the
infant. ASTM F2907-14a requires the following statement to appear on
the on-product label to address the fall hazard to infants associated
with ``caregiver missteps,'' such as tripping or bending over:
FALL HAZARD--Leaning, bending over, or tripping can cause baby to
fall. Keep one hand on baby while moving.
In addition, the occupant retention test in ASTM F2907-14a is
intended to reduce the likelihood that the child will fall out of the
sling due to a caregiver misstep. ASTM F2907-14a requires the test mass
to be contained within the sling for the duration of the test.
Buckles. Twelve of the incidents involved buckles releasing,
slipping, or breaking, and included a hospitalization for a skull
fracture and two non-hospitalized injuries. ASTM F2907-14a addresses
this hazard in several ways, using the static, dynamic, occupant
retention, and restraint system tests. For the reasons described
previously, the Commission believes that the performance tests in
F2907-14a adequately address hazards associated with buckle failure.
V. Effective Date
The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) requires that the effective
date of the rule be at least 30 days after publication of the final
rule, 5 U.S.C. 553(d). The Commission generally considers 6 months
sufficient time for suppliers to come into compliance with a proposed
durable infant and toddler product rule. Six months is the period the
Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) typically allows for
products in JPMA's certification program to shift to a new voluntary
standard once that new voluntary standard is published. Therefore,
[[Page 42730]]
juvenile product manufacturers are accustomed to adjusting to new
standards with this time frame. However, in this instance, a large
number of very small suppliers potentially will experience significant
economic impacts complying with the rule. In addition, because ASTM
F2907 has only been in existence for approximately 2 years, there is
relatively little information regarding compliance with the voluntary
standard. Thus, the Commission is proposing a 12-month effective date.
The Commission invites comment on whether 12 months is an appropriate
length of time for sling carrier manufacturers to come into compliance
with the rule.
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) requires agencies to review
proposed rules for a rule's potential economic impact on small
entities, including small businesses. Section 603 of the RFA generally
requires that agencies prepare an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) and make the analysis available to the public for
comment when the agency publishes a general notice of proposed
rulemaking. The IRFA must describe the impact of the proposed rule on
small entities and identify any alternatives that may reduce the
impact. Specifically, the IRFA must contain:
a description of, and where feasible, an estimate of the
number of small entities to which the proposed rule will apply;
a description of the reasons why action by the agency is
being considered;
a succinct statement of the objectives of, and legal basis
for, the proposed rule;
a description of the projected reporting, recordkeeping,
and other compliance requirements of the proposed rule, including an
estimate of the classes of small entities subject to the requirements
and the types of professional skills necessary for the preparation of
reports or records; and
identification, to the extent possible, of all relevant
federal rules which may duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the
proposed rule.
1. Reason for Agency Action and Legal Basis for the Proposed Rule
The Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act, section 104
of the CPSIA, requires the CPSC to promulgate mandatory standards for
nursery products that are substantially the same as, or more stringent
than, the voluntary standard. The Commission worked closely with ASTM
to develop the new requirements and test procedures that have been
incorporated into ASTM F2907-14a, which the Commission proposes to
incorporate by reference.
2. Compliance Requirements of the Proposed Rule
The Commission is incorporating by reference the current voluntary
standard, with no revision, to form the proposed rule. Some of the more
significant requirements of the current voluntary standard for sling
carriers (ASTM F2907-14a) include static and dynamic load testing to
verify the structural integrity of the sling carriers and occupant
retention testing to help ensure that the child is not ejected from the
sling carrier. The ASTM standard requires that the buckles, fasteners,
and knots that secure the sling carrier remain in position before and
after these three performance tests. There is also a separate restraint
system test to help ensure that any restraints used by the sling do not
release while in use.
The voluntary standard also includes:
requirements for several features to prevent cuts
(hazardous sharp points or edges, and wood parts);
small parts;
marking and labeling requirements;
flammability requirements;
requirements for the permanency and adhesion of labels;
requirements for instructional literature.
The updated warning statements provide additional details of the
fall and suffocation hazards and are intended to address the primary
fatality risk associated with infant slings, suffocation.
3. Other Federal Rules
Section 14(a)(2) of the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) requires
every manufacturer and private labeler of a children's product that is
subject to a children's product safety rule to certify, based on third
party testing conducted by a CPSC-accepted laboratory, that the product
complies with all applicable children's product safety rules. Section
14(i)(2) of the CPSA requires the Commission to establish protocols and
standards by rule for, among other things, making sure that a
children's product is tested periodically and when there has been a
material change in the product, and safeguarding against the exercise
of undue influence by a manufacturer or private labeler against a
conformity assessment body. A final rule implementing sections 14(a)(2)
and 14(i)(2) of CPSA, Testing and Labeling Pertaining to Product
Certification (16 CFR part 1107), became effective on February 13, 2013
(the 1107 rule). When the sling carrier rule is finalized, sling
carriers will be subject to a mandatory children's product safety rule.
Accordingly, sling carriers will also be subject to the third party
testing requirements of section 14 of the CPSA and the 1107 rule.
Slings are already subject to lead and phthalates testing under the
1107 Rule. This rule adds certain mechanical tests and other
requirements to the third party testing requirement.
In addition, the 1107 rule requires certifiers to use CPSC-
accredited laboratories to conduct the third party testing of
children's products. Section 14(a)(3) of the CPSA required the
Commission to publish a notice of requirements (NOR) for the
accreditation of third party conformance assessment bodies (i.e.,
testing laboratories) to test for conformance with each children's
product safety rule. The NORs for existing rules are set forth in 16
CFR part 1112. Consequently the Commission is proposing an amendment to
16 CFR part 1112 that would establish the requirements for the
accreditation of testing laboratories to test for compliance with the
sling carrier final rule.
4. Impact on Small Businesses
Of the 47 identified suppliers of sling carriers to the U.S.
market, 33 are domestic firms. (We limit our analysis to domestic firms
because U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) guidelines pertain to
U.S.-based entities.) Under SBA guidelines, a manufacturer of sling
carriers is small if it has 500 or fewer employees, and importers and
wholesalers are small if the importers or wholesalers have 100 or fewer
employees. Based on these guidelines, 31 of the domestic firms
supplying sling carriers to the U.S. market appear to be small
businesses. These businesses consist of 23 manufacturers, four
importers, and four firms with unknown supply sources.
Additionally, as noted previously, an unquantified number of
producers supply baby slings to the U.S. market via Web sites such as
Etsy. Although we have no information on these suppliers, based on the
general nature of suppliers selling products on Etsy and similar
markets, we assume that these suppliers are well within SBA criteria
for small business. For purposes of analysis, we refer to these
suppliers as ``very small manufacturers'' to distinguish them from the
more established manufacturers, but this is not an official SBA
[[Page 42731]]
Before preparation of a regulatory flexibility analysis, the
Commission conducts a screening analysis to determine whether a
regulatory flexibility analysis or a certification statement of no
significant impact on a substantial number of small entities is
appropriate for a proposed rule. The SBA gives considerable flexibility
in defining the threshold for ``no significant economic impact.''
However, the Commission typically uses 1 percent of gross revenue as a
threshold; unless the impact is expected to fall below the 1 percent
threshold for the small businesses evaluated, the Commission prepares a
regulatory flexibility analysis.
Because we were unable to demonstrate that the draft proposed rule
would impose an economic impact less than 1 percent of gross revenue
for the affected firms, the Commission did not prepare a certification
statement, but conducted an IRFA.
Small Manufacturers
JPMA and the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (BCIA) have advised
some manufacturers of F2907-12, F2907-13a, F2907-13b, and F2907-14.
These organizations are offering assistance to member manufacturers on
testing and compliance with the ASTM sling carrier standards. However,
the ASTM sling carrier standards are relatively new, and there is no
established history of compliance among manufacturers.
As of January 2014, only two of the 23 known small manufacturers of
sling carriers are listed on the JPMA Web site as certified compliant.
Based on our review of small firm Web sites and a conversation with a
small ring sling manufacturer, we have identified three additional
firms (not JPMA certified) that have conducted testing to some version
of the ASTM standard, for a total of five firms that have conducted
testing to some version of the ASTM standard. These firms may have
already experienced the impacts of the proposed rule and may not
experience any additional impacts. The remaining firms are likely to
incur some cost associated with the proposed rule.
Due to the nature of the product and the relative ease of
production, the Commission believes that most of the physical changes
needed to meet the standard, such as changing fabrics, changing
stitching, adding reinforcements, changing buckles, changing rings,
changing labels, and changing instructions, are unlikely to be costly.
Because sling carriers are largely made of fabric, tooling costs are
not usually a large factor.
Some manufacturers of ring slings are having difficulties with
their products passing the occupant retention tests consistently. The
problem appears to be variation in testing results based on how the
sling is positioned on the test fixture. At this time, the precise cost
of changes necessary to satisfy testing under the ASTM standard is
unknown; and we cannot rule out the potential for costs high enough to
lead to significant economic impacts, especially for the very small
According to one manufacturer, changes to warning labels required
under the proposed rule may have an impact on very small suppliers. We
do not have sufficient data to determine whether this impact is
expected to be economically significant. For example, if the cost of
printing and sewing in the labels is 30 cents per sling, then the
impact would be 1 percent of the sales price for a $30 sling. CPSC
staff contacted a representative from the BCIA to obtain label prices
but has no independent estimate at this time. An additional
consideration is that the labels are relatively large and may reduce
the appeal of the product if they cannot be readily concealed. However,
this impact will apply to all sling manufacturers.
Another manufacturer also expressed concerns that minor deviations
from the font sizes required by the standard on the labels could force
manufacturers to redo portions of the testing. This phenomenon may
diminish as businesses become familiar with the requirements. Testing
costs are discussed below.
The majority of the costs associated with the proposed standard
will probably be related to testing. Few of the sling carrier
manufacturers have the technical capability or the equipment to conduct
any testing in house; and most small and very small manufacturers
probably will have to rely on third party testing during product
development. Some small and very small manufacturers could experience
significant costs simply testing to find out initially whether their
products comply with the proposed standard and with any additional
testing necessary to develop complying products.
In addition, under section 14 of the CPSA, sling carriers are
subject to third party testing and certification. Once the new
requirements become effective, all manufacturers will be subject to the
additional costs associated with the third party testing and
certification requirements under the testing rule, Testing and Labeling
Pertaining to Product Certification (16 CFR part 1107). This will
include any physical and mechanical test requirements specified in the
final rule; lead and phthalates testing, if applicable, are already
required; hence, lead and phthalates testing are not included in this
According to a BCIA representative, third party testing to the ASTM
sling carrier voluntary standard could cost around $500-$1,050 per
model sample, with $700 as an average cost. Third party testing
consists of two costs: the testing costs unique to F2907 associated
with the dynamic load test, the static load test, the occupant
retention test, and the restraints test; and the general testing costs
associated with testing for flammability, small parts, sharp edges,
instructions, and labels. The testing costs unique to sling carriers
vary widely, from $210 to $650, depending on whether the testing is
done in China or the United States and whether a discount, such as the
discount negotiated by the BCIA for its members, is applied. The
general testing costs may amount to $300 to $400. The very small firms
that manufacture in the United States will probably also test in the
United States to avoid logistical difficulties, thus incurring higher
The $700 estimate for average testing costs includes all the
required testing, such as flammability, sharp edges, etc. If a very
small manufacturer with one model only needed to conduct one third
party test annually, the costs of testing would amount to $700. A very
small manufacturer producing 20 to 30 low-priced slings a month might
have annual revenues of $10,800 (30 slings per month x 12 months x $30
per sling). Testing one sample at $700 would amount to 6.5 percent
($700/$10,800) of annual revenue for this hypothetical very small
manufacturer, which we would clearly classify as a significant economic
impact. Even if this manufacturer could sell its slings for $150,
testing one sample at $700 would amount to 1.3 percent of annual
revenue of $54,000 (360 slings*$150 per sling).
As a comparison, third party testing costs for soft infant and
toddler carriers (SITCs) were estimated at $500-$600 per sample for the
SITC standard, ASTM F2236-14. However, the higher testing costs for
slings could reflect additional testing for occupant retention, which
is not part of the SITC standard.
Based upon the previous example, even in the unlikely case that
very small sling manufacturers are able to develop a complying product
without incurring significant economic impacts, very small sling
manufacturers are still likely to incur significant economic impacts
complying with section 14 of the CPSA.
[[Page 42732]]
These types of impacts would apply to the very small producers
marketing their products primarily via Etsy and other Web sites.
Although information on sales revenue is limited to half of all
manufacturers, we estimate that most of the 23 small domestic
manufacturers have substantially larger sales volumes than the example
above, with annual sales ranging between $200,000 and $16 million.
Thus, product development and testing costs would be a lower percentage
of sales revenue than the example above. At the lower range of $200,000
in revenues, significant economic impacts would occur if the producer
had to test three models per year. Firms with revenues closer to the
upper end of the range, $16 million, would need to test more than 200
models per year to experience significant economic impacts from
testing. The number of tests needed for product development purposes or
to meet the ``high degree of assurance'' criteria under section 14 of
the CPSA is not known.
About a third of firms (8 of 23) also have other product lines,
which may cushion the impact of design changes and increased testing
costs for sling carriers. These other products may be similar products,
such as mei tais (a traditional Asian unstructured soft carrier falling
under the SITC standard) or SITCs, or these other products may be
completely unrelated juvenile products.
Small Importers
At this time, only one of the four importers identified is in
compliance with F2907-12, F2907-13a or F2907-13b. Depending upon the
costs of coming into compliance incurred by the importers' suppliers
and whether the importers' suppliers are able to pass on the costs, the
other three importers could experience a significant economic impact.
Three of the four importers are owned by foreign parent companies that
supply the importers' slings. These parent companies must make the
business decision to comply or to discontinue U.S. operations. Two of
the four importers could respond by simply discontinuing their sling
product line altogether because these importers have varied product
As is the case with manufacturers, all importers will be subject to
third party testing and certification requirements. Consequently, these
importers will experience the associated costs of compliance. The
resulting costs could have a significant impact on these small
As mentioned previously, four of the small domestic firms have
unknown supply sources, and none of these supply sources has claimed
compliance with any version of F2907. However, two firms have varied
product lines and may be in a better position to comply without
incurring significant economic impacts. The other two appear to be
small firms specializing in slings, and therefore, these small firms
may be impacted more heavily by compliance and testing costs.
5. Alternatives
Under the Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act,
section 104 of the CPSIA, one alternative would be to set an effective
date later than 12 months. Setting a later effective date would reduce
the economic impact on firms in two ways. First, firms would be less
likely to experience a lapse in production, which could result if firms
are unable to comply within the required timeframe. Second, firms could
spread costs over a longer time period, thereby reducing their annual
costs and the present value of their total costs. Given the large
number of very small suppliers who potentially will experience
significant economic impacts, a later effective date may warrant
consideration. The Commission welcomes comments regarding an
appropriate effective date.
VII. Environmental Considerations
The Commission's regulations address whether we are required to
prepare an environmental assessment or an environmental impact
statement. If our rule has ``little or no potential for affecting the
human environment,'' our rule will be categorically exempted from this
requirement. 16 CFR 1021.5(c)(1). The proposed rule falls within the
categorical exemption.
VIII. Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains information collection requirements
that are subject to public comment and review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501-3521). In this document, pursuant to 44 U.S.C.
3507(a)(1)(D), we set forth:
a title for the collection of information;
a summary of the collection of information;
a brief description of the need for the information and
the proposed use of the information;
a description of the likely respondents and proposed
frequency of response to the collection of information;
an estimate of the burden that shall result from the
collection of information; and
notice that comments may be submitted to the OMB.
Title: Safety Standard for Sling Carriers.
Description: The proposed rule would require each sling carrier to
comply with ASTM F2907-14a, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for
Sling Carriers. Sections 8 and 9 of ASTM F2907-14a contain requirements
for marking, labeling, and instructional literature. These requirements
fall within the definition of ``collection of information,'' as defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3).
Description of Respondents: Persons who manufacture or import sling
Estimated Burden: We estimate the burden of this collection of
information as follows:
Table 1--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden
Number of Frequency of Total annual Hours per Total burden
16 CFR Section respondents responses responses response hours
1228............................................................... 47 3 141 1 141
Our estimates are based on the following:
Section 8.1.1 of ASTM F2907-14a requires that the name and the
place of business (city, state, mailing address, including zip code, or
telephone number) and Web site, if applicable, of the manufacturer,
distributor, or seller be marked clearly and legibly on each product
and its retail package. Section 8.1.2 of ASTM F2907-14a requires a code
mark or other means that identifies the date (month and year, as a
minimum) of manufacture.
There are 47 known entities supplying sling carriers to the U.S.
market. All 47 firms are assumed to use labels already on both their
[[Page 42733]]
and their packaging, but the firms might need to make some
modifications to their existing labels. The estimated time required to
make these modifications is about 1 hour per model. Each entity
supplies an average of three different models of sling carrier;
therefore, the estimated burden associated with labels is 1 hour per
model x 47 entities x 3 models per entity = 141 hours. We estimate the
hourly compensation for the time required to create and update labels
is $27.71 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, ``Employer Costs for
Employee Compensation,'' September 2013, Table 9, total compensation
for all sales and office workers in goods-producing private industries: Therefore, the estimated annual cost to
industry associated with the labeling requirements is $3,907.11 ($27.71
per hour x 141 hours = $3,907.11). There are no operating, maintenance,
or capital costs associated with the collection.
Section 9.1 of ASTM F2907-14a requires instructions to be supplied
with the product. Sling carriers do not generally require assembly, but
require instructions for proper use, fit, and adjustment on a
caregiver's body, as well as maintenance, cleaning, and storage. Under
the OMB's regulations (5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2)), the time, effort, and
financial resources necessary to comply with a collection of
information that would be incurred by persons in the ``normal course of
their activities'' are excluded from a burden estimate, where an agency
demonstrates that the disclosure activities required to comply are
``usual and customary.'' Therefore, because we are unaware of sling
carriers that generally require some instructions for use, but lack any
instructions to the user, we estimate tentatively that there are no
burden hours associated with section 9.1 of ASTM F803-13 because any
burden associated with supplying instructions with sling carriers would
be ``usual and customary'' and would not within the definition of
``burden'' under the OMB's regulations.
Based on this analysis, the proposed standard for sling carriers
would impose a burden to industry of 141 hours, at an estimated cost of
$3,907.11 annually.
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3507(d)), we have submitted the information collection requirements of
this rule to the OMB for review. Interested persons are requested to
submit comments regarding information collection by August 22, 2014, to
the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB (see the
ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this notice).
Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A), we invite comments on:
whether the collection of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the CPSC's functions, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
the accuracy of the CPSC's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected;
ways to reduce the burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques,
when appropriate, and other forms of information technology; and
the estimated burden hours associated with label
modification, including any alternative estimates.
IX. Preemption
Section 26(a) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2075(a), provides that where a
consumer product safety standard is in effect and applies to a product,
no state or political subdivision of a state may either establish or
continue in effect a requirement dealing with the same risk of injury,
unless the state requirement is identical to the federal standard.
Section 26(c) of the CPSA also provides that states or political
subdivisions of states may apply to the Commission for an exemption
from this preemption under certain circumstances. Section 104(b) of the
CPSIA refers to the rules to be issued under that section as ``consumer
product safety rules.'' Therefore, the preemption provision of section
26(a) of the CPSA would apply to a rule issued under section 104.
X. Certification and Notice of Requirements (NOR)
The CPSA establishes certain requirements for product certification
and testing. Products subject to a consumer product safety rule under
the CPSA, or to a similar rule, ban, standard, or regulation under any
other act enforced by the Commission, must be certified as complying
with all applicable CPSC-enforced requirements. 15 U.S.C. 2063(a).
Certification of children's products subject to a children's product
safety rule must be based on testing conducted by a CPSC-accepted third
party conformity assessment body. Id. 2063(a)(2). The Commission must
publish a notice of requirements (NOR) for the accreditation of third
party conformity assessment bodies (or laboratories) to assess
conformity with a children's product safety rule to which a children's
product is subject. Id. 2063(a)(3). Thus, the proposed rule for 16 CFR
part 1228, ``Safety Standard for Sling Carriers,'' when issued as a
final rule, will be a children's product safety rule that requires the
issuance of an NOR.
To meet the requirement that the Commission issue an NOR for the
sling carrier standard, the Commission proposes to amend an existing
rule. The Commission published a final rule, Requirements Pertaining to
Third Party Conformity Assessment Bodies, 78 FR 15836 (March 12, 2013),
which is codified at 16 CFR part 1112 (referred to here as Part 1112).
This rule took effect on June 10, 2013. Part 1112 establishes
requirements for accreditation of third party conformity assessment
bodies (or laboratories) to test for conformance with a children's
product safety rule in accordance with Section14(a)(2) of the CPSA. The
final rule also codifies all of the NORs that the CPSC had published to
date. All new NORs, such as the sling carrier standard, require an
amendment to part 1112. Accordingly, the proposed rule would amend part
1112 to include the sling carrier standard, along with the other
children's product safety rules for which the CPSC has issued NORs.
Laboratories applying for acceptance as a CPSC-accepted third party
conformity assessment body to test to the new standard for sling
carriers would be required to meet the third party conformity
assessment body accreditation requirements in part 1112. When a
laboratory meets the requirements as a CPSC-accepted third party
conformity assessment body, the laboratory can apply to the CPSC to
have 16 CFR part 1228, Safety Standard for Sling Carriers, included in
the laboratory's scope of accreditation of CPSC safety rules listed for
the laboratory on the CPSC Web site at:
As required by the RFA, staff conducted a final regulatory
flexibility analysis (FRFA) when the Commission issued the part 1112
rule (78 FR 15836, 15855-58). Briefly, the FRFA concluded that the
accreditation requirements would not have a significant adverse impact
on a substantial number of small laboratories because no requirements
were imposed on laboratories that did not intend to provide third party
testing services. The only laboratories that were expected to provide
such services were those that anticipated receiving sufficient revenue
from the mandated testing to justify accepting the requirements as a
business decision.
Based on similar reasoning, amending the part 1112 rule to include
the NOR for the sling carrier standard will not have a significant
adverse impact on
[[Page 42734]]
small laboratories. Moreover, based upon the number of laboratories in
the United States that have applied for CPSC acceptance of the
accreditation to test for conformance to other juvenile product
standards, we expect that only a few laboratories will seek CPSC
acceptance of their accreditation to test for conformance with the
sling carrier standard. Most of these laboratories will have already
been accredited to test for conformance to other juvenile product
standards, and the only costs to them would be the cost of adding the
sling carrier standard to their scope of accreditation. As a
consequence, the Commission certifies that the NOR for the sling
carrier standard will not have a significant impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
XI. Request for Comments
This proposed rule begins a rulemaking proceeding under section
104(b) of the CPSIA to issue a consumer product safety standard for
sling carriers. We invite all interested persons to submit comments on
any aspect of the proposed rule.
Comments should be submitted in accordance with the instructions in
the ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this notice.
List of Subjects
16 CFR Part 1112
Administrative practice and procedure, Audit, Consumer protection,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Third party conformity
assessment body.
16 CFR Part 1228
Consumer protection, Imports, Incorporation by reference, Infants
and children, Labeling, Law enforcement, Toys.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Commission proposes
to amend Title 16 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1112 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Pub. L. 110-314, section 3, 122 Stat. 3016, 3017
(2008); 15 U.S.C. 2063.
2. Amend Sec. 1112.15, by adding paragraph (b)(39) to read as follows:
Sec. 1112.15 When can a third party conformity assessment body apply
for CPSC acceptance for a particular CPSC rule and/or test method?
* * * * *
(b)(39) 16 CFR part 1228, Safety Standard for Sling Carriers.
* * * * *
3. Add part 1228 to read as follows:
1228.1 Scope.
1228.2 Requirements for sling carriers.
Authority: Pub. L. 110-314, sec. 104, 122 Stat. 3016 (August 14,
2008); Pub. L. 112-28, 125 Stat. 273 (August 12, 2011).
Sec. 1228.1 Scope.
This part establishes a consumer product safety standard for sling
Sec. 1228.2 Requirements for sling carriers.
(a) Each sling carrier must comply with all applicable provisions
of ASTM F2907-14a, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Sling
Carriers, approved on February 15, 2014. The Director of the Federal
Register approves this incorporation by reference in accordance with 5
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain a copy from ASTM
International, 100 Bar Harbor Drive, P.O. Box 0700, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428; You may inspect a copy at the
Office of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Room
820, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814, telephone 301-504-
7923, or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-
741-6030, or go to:
(b) [Reserved]
Dated: July 10, 2014.
Todd A. Stevenson,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2014-16792 Filed 7-22-14; 8:45 am]