Demurrage Liability, 38254-38255 [2014-15771]
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ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 129 / Monday, July 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
(6) the obstruction of the delivery or
distribution of, or access to, humanitarian
(7) attacks against United Nations
missions, international security presences, or
other peacekeeping operations; or
(8) support to persons, including armed
groups, involved in activities that threaten
the peace, security, or stability of the Central
African Republic or that undermine
democratic processes or institutions in the
Central African Republic through the illicit
trade in natural resources of the Central
African Republic;
(B) except where intended for the
authorized support of humanitarian activities
or the authorized use by or support of
peacekeeping, international, or government
forces, to have directly or indirectly
supplied, sold, or transferred to the Central
African Republic, or been the recipient in the
territory of the Central African Republic of,
arms and related materiel, including military
aircraft, and equipment, or advice, training,
or assistance, including financing and
financial assistance, related to military
(C) to be a leader of (i) an entity, including
any armed group, that has, or whose
members have, engaged in any of the
activities described in subsections (a)(ii)(A)
or (a)(ii)(B) of this section or (ii) an entity
whose property and interests in property are
blocked pursuant to this order;
(D) to have materially assisted, sponsored,
or provided financial, material, logistical, or
technological support for, or goods or
services in support of (i) any of the activities
described in subsections (a)(ii)(A) or (a)(ii)(B)
of this section or (ii) any person whose
property and interests in property are
blocked pursuant to this order; or
(E) to be owned or controlled by, or to have
acted or purported to act for or on behalf of,
directly or indirectly, any person whose
property and interests in property are
blocked pursuant to this order.
(b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of
this section apply except to the extent
provided by statutes, or in regulations,
orders, directives, or licenses that may be
issued pursuant to this order, and
notwithstanding any contract entered into or
any license or permit granted prior to the
effective date of this order.
Sec. 2. I hereby determine that the making
of donations of the type of articles specified
in section 203(b)(2) of IEEPA (50 U.S.C.
1702(b)(2)) by, to, or for the benefit of any
person whose property and interests in
property are blocked pursuant to section 1 of
this order would seriously impair my ability
to deal with this national emergency, and I
hereby prohibit such donations as provided
by section 1 of this order.
Sec. 3. The prohibitions in section 1 of this
order include but are not limited to:
(a) the making of any contribution or
provision of funds, goods, or services by, to,
or for the benefit of any person whose
property and interests in property are
blocked pursuant to this order; and
(b) the receipt of any contribution or
provision of funds, goods, or services from
any such person.
Sec. 4. I hereby find that the unrestricted
immigrant and nonimmigrant entry into the
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United States of aliens determined to meet
one or more of the criteria in section 1(a) of
this order would be detrimental to the
interests of the United States, and I hereby
suspend entry into the United States, as
immigrants or nonimmigrants, of such
persons. Such persons shall be treated as
persons covered by section 1 of Proclamation
8693 of July 24, 2011 (Suspension of Entry
of Aliens Subject to United Nations Security
Council Travel Bans and International
Emergency Economic Powers Act Sanctions).
Sec. 5. (a) Any transaction that evades or
avoids, has the purpose of evading or
avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to
violate any of the prohibitions set forth in
this order is prohibited.
(b) Any conspiracy formed to violate any
of the prohibitions set forth in this order is
Sec. 6. For the purposes of this order:
(a) the term ‘‘person’’ means an individual
or entity;
(b) the term ‘‘entity’’ means a partnership,
association, trust, joint venture, corporation,
group, subgroup, or other organization; and
(c) the term ‘‘United States person’’ means
any United States citizen, permanent resident
alien, entity organized under the laws of the
United States or any jurisdiction within the
United States (including foreign branches), or
any person in the United States.
Sec. 7. For those persons whose property
and interests in property are blocked
pursuant to this order who might have a
constitutional presence in the United States,
I find that because of the ability to transfer
funds or other assets instantaneously, prior
notice to such persons of measures to be
taken pursuant to this order would render
those measures ineffectual. I therefore
determine that for these measures to be
effective in addressing the national
emergency declared in this order, there need
be no prior notice of a listing or
determination made pursuant to section 1 of
this order.
Sec. 8. The Secretary of the Treasury, in
consultation with the Secretary of State, is
hereby authorized to take such actions,
including the promulgation of rules and
regulations, and to employ all powers
granted to the President by IEEPA and the
UNPA, as may be necessary to carry out the
purposes of this order. The Secretary of the
Treasury may redelegate any of these
functions to other officers and agencies of the
United States Government consistent with
applicable law. All agencies of the United
States Government are hereby directed to
take all appropriate measures within their
authority to carry out the provisions of this
Sec. 9. The Secretary of the Treasury, in
consultation with the Secretary of State, is
hereby authorized to determine that
circumstances no longer warrant the blocking
of the property and interests in property of
a person listed in the Annex to this order,
and to take necessary action to give effect to
that determination.
Sec. 10. The Secretary of the Treasury, in
consultation with the Secretary of State, is
hereby authorized to submit the recurring
and final reports to the Congress on the
national emergency declared in this order,
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consistent with section 401(c) of the NEA (50
U.S.C. 1641(c)) and section 204(c) of IEEPA
(50 U.S.C. 1703(c)).
Sec. 11. This order is not intended to, and
does not, create any right or benefit,
substantive or procedural, enforceable at law
or in equity by any party against the United
States, its departments, agencies, or entities,
its officers, employees, or agents, or any other
Sec. 12. This order is effective at 12:01 a.m.
eastern daylight time on May 13, 2014.
Barack Obama
May 12, 2014
1. Francois Bozize [Former President of the
Central African Republic and anti-Balaka
supporter, born October 14, 1946]
2. Michel Djotodia [Former Transitional
President of the Central African Republic
and Leader of the Seleka Rebellion, born
3. Noureddine Adam [Seleka General and
Former Minister of Public Security, born
4. Abdoulaye Miskine [Leader of an exSeleka rebel group, the Democratic Front of
the Central African Republic People, born
October 5, 1965]
5. Levi Yakite [anti-Balaka Political
Coordinator, born 1965]
Dated: June 27, 2014.
Barbara C. Hammerle,
Acting Director, Office of Foreign Assets
Dated: June 30, 2014.
David S. Cohen,
Under Secretary, Office of Terrorism and
Financial Intelligence, Department of the
[FR Doc. 2014–15763 Filed 7–3–14; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
49 CFR Part 1333
[STB Ex Parte No. 707]
Demurrage Liability
Surface Transportation Board.
Notice of OMB approval of
information collection.
Pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act and Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
regulations, the Surface Transportation
Board has obtained OMB approval for
the collection of information adopted by
the Board in Demurrage Liability, STB
Ex Parte No. 707 (STB served April 14,
DATES: OMB approved this collection on
June 26, 2014. Unless renewed, OMB
approval expires on June 30, 2017.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 129 / Monday, July 7, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
to the PRA and OMB regulations at 5
CFR 1320.11, the Surface Transportation
Board has obtained OMB approval for
the collection of information adopted by
the Board in Demurrage Liability, STB
Ex Parte No. 707 (STB served April 14,
2014). See 79 FR 21407 (April 14, 2014).
This collection, which is codified at
49 CFR part 1333, has been assigned
OMB Control No. 2140–0021. The
display of a currently valid OMB control
number for this collection is required by
law. Under the PRA and 5 CFR 1320.8,
an agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless the
collection displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2014–15771 Filed 7–3–14; 8:45 am]
McLaughlin or Brad McHale at the
telephone number below.
Sarah McLaughlin or Brad McHale,
bluefin tuna, bigeye tuna, albacore tuna,
yellowfin tuna, and skipjack tuna
(hereafter referred to as ‘‘Atlantic
tunas’’) are managed under the dual
authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Act
and ATCA. As an active member of
ICCAT, the United States implements
binding ICCAT recommendations.
ATCA authorizes the Secretary of
Commerce (Secretary) to promulgate
regulations, as may be necessary and
appropriate to carry out ICCAT
recommendations. The authority to
issue regulations under the MagnusonStevens Act and ATCA has been
delegated from the Secretary to the
Assistant Administrator for Fisheries,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 635
[Docket No. 140115049–4528–02]
RIN 0648–XD092
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species;
2014 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quota
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Final rule.
NMFS establishes 2014 quota
specifications for the Atlantic bluefin
tuna (BFT) fishery. This action is
necessary to implement binding
recommendations of the International
Commission for the Conservation of
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), as required by
the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act
(ATCA), and to achieve domestic
management objectives under the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson-Stevens Act).
DATES: Effective August 2, 2014 through
December 31, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Supporting documents such
as the Environmental Assessments and
Fishery Management Plans described
below may be downloaded from the
HMS Web site at
sfa/hms/. These documents also are
available upon request from Sarah
ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
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NMFS annually implements BFT
quota specifications to adjust the annual
U.S. baseline BFT quota to account for
any underharvest or overharvest of the
adjusted U.S. BFT quota from the prior
In May 2011, NMFS prepared an
Environmental Assessment (EA)/
Regulatory Impact Review/Final
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for a
final rule that: (1) Implemented and
allocated the U.S. BFT quota
recommended by ICCAT for 2011 and
for 2012 (ICCAT Recommendation 10–
03); (2) adjusted the 2011 U.S. quota and
subquotas to account for unharvested
2010 quota allowed to be carried
forward to 2011, and to account for a
portion of the estimated 2011 dead
discards up front; and (3) implemented
several other BFT management
measures (76 FR 39019, July 5, 2011). In
that final rule, NMFS implemented the
923.7-mt baseline quota consistent with
ICCAT Recommendation 10–03 and set
the domestic BFT fishing category
subquotas per the allocation percentages
established in the 2006 Consolidated
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
Fishery Management Plan (2006
Consolidated HMS FMP) and
implementing regulations (71 FR 58058,
October 2, 2006). The baseline quota
and category subquotas are codified and
remain effective until changed (for
instance, if any new ICCAT BFT Total
Allowable Catch (TAC)
recommendation is adopted). NMFS
prepared a Supplemental EA for the
2013 BFT Quota Specifications (78 FR
36685, June 19, 2013) to present
updated information regarding the
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affected environment, including
information from a 2012 ICCAT stock
assessment for BFT, among other things.
ICCAT conducted a stock assessment
update in 2013, although the results
were not substantively different than
those of the 2010 and 2012 assessments,
which were analyzed in the May 2011
EA and June 2013 Supplemental EA.
In its 2013 recommendation
(Recommendation 13–09—
Recommendation by ICCAT Amending
the Supplemental Recommendation by
ICCAT concerning the Western Atlantic
BFT Rebuilding Program), ICCAT
recommended a one-year rollover of the
1,750-mt TAC. This amount is expected
to allow for continued stock growth
under both the low and high stock
recruitment scenarios, considering the
2013 ICCAT BFT stock assessment
update. The annual U.S. baseline quota
for 2014 continues to be 923.7 mt, and
the annual total U.S. quota, including 25
mt to account for bycatch related to
pelagic longline fisheries in the
Northeast Distant gear restricted area
(NED), continues to be 948.7 mt.
Until the final specifications for 2014
are effective, the existing BFT baseline
quota and subquotas continue to apply
as codified. (See Table 1, second
column.) Although the baseline quota is
unchanged this year because the 2013
ICCAT recommendation included the
same TAC as the prior recommendation,
NMFS is carrying forward underharvest
from 2013, consistent with the 2006
Consolidated HMS FMP and the ICCAT
recommendation. Thus, this final action
adjusts the quota as appropriate and
allowable for the 2014 fishing year.
Further background information,
including the need for the 2014 BFT
quota specifications, was provided in
the preamble to the proposed rule (79
FR 18870, April 4, 2014) and is not
repeated here.
Changes From the Proposed Rule
NMFS determines the amount of BFT
quota actually available for the year by
adjusting the ICCAT-recommended
baseline BFT quota for overharvest or
underharvest from the previous fishing
year and any accounting for dead
discards. For the proposed rule, NMFS
used a 219.5-mt estimate as a proxy for
potential 2014 dead discards, based on
the 2012 estimate of 205.8 mt for the
pelagic longline fishery and the 2013
observed dead discards of 13.7 mt for
the purse seine fishery, because the BFT
pelagic longline dead discard estimate
for 2013 was not yet available. The
preliminary 2013 pelagic longline dead
discard estimate of 127.1 mt is now
available from the NMFS Southeast
Fisheries Science Center. Adding the
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 129 (Monday, July 7, 2014)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 38254-38255]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-15771]
Surface Transportation Board
49 CFR Part 1333
[STB Ex Parte No. 707]
Demurrage Liability
AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board.
ACTION: Notice of OMB approval of information collection.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act and Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) regulations, the Surface Transportation
Board has obtained OMB approval for the collection of information
adopted by the Board in Demurrage Liability, STB Ex Parte No. 707 (STB
served April 14, 2014).
DATES: OMB approved this collection on June 26, 2014. Unless renewed,
OMB approval expires on June 30, 2017.
[[Page 38255]]
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the PRA and OMB regulations at
5 CFR 1320.11, the Surface Transportation Board has obtained OMB
approval for the collection of information adopted by the Board in
Demurrage Liability, STB Ex Parte No. 707 (STB served April 14, 2014).
See 79 FR 21407 (April 14, 2014).
This collection, which is codified at 49 CFR part 1333, has been
assigned OMB Control No. 2140-0021. The display of a currently valid
OMB control number for this collection is required by law. Under the
PRA and 5 CFR 1320.8, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2014-15771 Filed 7-3-14; 8:45 am]