Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Request and Comment Request, 37828-37834 [2014-15504]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for Web site viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE.,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change;
the Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–CBOE–
2014–051 and should be submitted on
or before July 23, 2014.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
Kevin M. O’Neill,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2014–15475 Filed 7–1–14; 8:45 am]
The proceeds will be used to finance the
acquisition of Media Source, Inc.
The financing is brought within the
scope of § 107.730(a)(4) of the
Regulations because Brookside
Mezzanine Fund II, L.P., an Associate of
Brookside Mezzanine Fund III, L.P., will
receive part of the proceeds from the
Media Source, Inc. financing in
satisfaction of the Media Source, Inc.
obligation to Brookside Mezzanine Fund
II, L.P. and therefore this transaction is
considered a financing to an Associate
requiring SBA prior written exemption.
Notice is hereby given that any
interested person may submit written
comments on the transaction, within
fifteen days of the date of this
publication, to the Associate
Administrator for Investment, U.S.
Small Business Administration, 409
Third Street SW., Washington, DC
Javier E. Saade,
Associate Administrator, Office of Investment
and Innovation.
[FR Doc. 2014–15495 Filed 7–1–14; 8:45 am]
[License No. 01/01–0424]
Brookside Mezzanine Fund III, L.P.;
Notice Seeking Exemption Under
Section 312 of the Small Business
Investment Act, Conflicts of Interest
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Request and
Comment Request
Notice is hereby given that Brookside
Mezzanine Fund III, L.P., 201 Tresser
Boulevard, Suite 330, Stamford, CT
06901, a Federal Licensee under the
Small Business Investment Act of 1958,
as amended (‘‘the Act’’), in connection
with the financing of a small concern,
has sought an exemption under Section
312 of the Act and Section 107.730,
Financings which Constitute Conflicts
of Interest of the Small Business
Administration (‘‘SBA’’) Rules and
Regulations (13 CFR 107.730).
Brookside Mezzanine Fund III, L.P.
proposes to provide debt and equity
financing to Media Source, Inc., 7858
Industrial Pkwy, Plain City, OH 43064.
The Social Security Administration
(SSA) publishes a list of information
collection packages requiring clearance
by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) in compliance with
Public Law 104–13, the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, effective October
1, 1995. This notice includes a new
information collection, and revisions of
OMB-approved information collections.
SSA is soliciting comments on the
accuracy of the agency’s burden
estimate; the need for the information;
its practical utility; ways to enhance its
quality, utility, and clarity; and ways to
minimize burden on respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. Mail, email, or
fax your comments and
recommendations on the information
collection(s) to the OMB Desk Officer
and SSA Reports Clearance Officer at
the following addresses or fax numbers.
(OMB) Office of Management and
Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for SSA,
Fax: 202–395–6974, Email address:
(SSA) Social Security Administration,
OLCA, Attn: Reports Clearance
Director, 3100 West High Rise, 6401
Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21235,
Fax: 410–966–2830, Email address:
I. The information collections below
are pending at SSA. SSA will submit
them to OMB within 60 days from the
date of this notice. To be sure we
consider your comments, we must
receive them no later than September 2,
2014. Individuals can obtain copies of
the collection instruments by writing to
the above email address.
1. Statement of Funds You Provided
to Another and Statement of Funds You
Received—20 CFR 404.1520(b),
404.1571–404.1576, 404.1584–404.1593
and 416.971–416.976—0960–0059. SSA
uses Form SSA–821–BK to collect
employment information to determine
whether applicants or recipients worked
after becoming disabled and, if so,
whether the work is substantial gainful
activity. SSA’s field offices use Form
SSA–821–BK to obtain work
information during the initial claims
process, the continuing disability
review process, and for Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) claims involving
work issues. SSA’s processing centers
and the Office of Disability and
International Operations use the form to
obtain post-adjudicative work issue
from recipients. SSA reviews and
evaluates the data to determine if the
applicant or recipient meets the
disability requirements of the law. The
respondents are Title II and Title XVI
disability applicants or recipients.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
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Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–821–BK ...................................................................................................
2. Coverage of Employees of State and
Local Governments—20 CFR 404,
17 17
Subpart M—0960–0425. The Code of
Federal Regulations at 20 CFR 404,
Subpart M, prescribes the rules for
States submitting reports of deposits
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
and recordkeeping to SSA. These
regulations require States (and interstate
instrumentalities) to provide wage and
deposit contribution information for
pre-1987 periods. Since some States still
need to satisfy their pending wage
report and contribution liability with
SSA for pre-1987 tax years completely,
SSA needs these regulations until we
can close out all pending items with all
States. We also need these regulations to
provide for collection of this
Number of
Regulation section
information in the future, if necessary.
The respondents are State and local
governments or interstate
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
404. 1204(a) & (b) ...........................................................................................
404.1215 ..........................................................................................................
404. 1216(a) & (b) ...........................................................................................
Total ..........................................................................................................
3. Marital Relationship
Questionnaire—20 CFR 416.1826—
0960–0460. SSA uses Form SSA–4178,
Marital Relationship Questionnaire, to
determine if unrelated individuals of
the opposite sex who live together are
misrepresenting themselves as husband
and wife. SSA needs this information to
determine whether we are making
correct payments to couples and
individuals applying for, or currently
receiving, SSI payments. The
respondents are applicants for and
recipients of SSI payments.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–4178 ........................................................................................................
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Modality of completion
II. SSA submitted the information
collections below to OMB for clearance.
Your comments regarding the
information collections would be most
useful if OMB and SSA receive them 30
days from the date of this publication.
To be sure we consider your comments,
we must receive them no later than
August 1, 2014. Individuals can obtain
copies of the OMB clearance packages
by writing to OR.Reports.Clearance@
1. National Beneficiary Survey—
0960–NEW. SSA is proposing to
undertake the National Beneficiary
Survey (NBS), a survey intended to
gather data from SSI recipients and
Social Security Disability Insurance
(SSDI) beneficiaries about their
characteristics, their well-being, and
other factors that promote or hinder
employment. In particular, the survey
seeks to uncover important information
about the factors that promote
beneficiary self-sufficiency and,
conversely, factors that impede
beneficiary efforts to maintain
employment. We will use this data to
improve the administration and
effectiveness of the SSDI and SSI
programs. These results will be valuable
as SSA and other policymakers continue
efforts to improve programs and services
that help SSDI beneficiaries and SSI
recipients become more self-sufficient.
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SSDI and SSI programs provide a
crucial and necessary safety net for
working-age people with disabilities. By
improving employment outcomes for
SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients,
SSA supports the effort to reduce the
reliance of people with disabilities on
these programs. SSA conducted the
prior NBS in 2004, 2005, 2006, and
2010, and was an important first step in
understanding the work interest and
experiences of SSI recipients and SSDI
beneficiaries, and in gaining
information about their impairments,
health, living arrangements, family
structure, pre-disability occupation, and
use of non-SSA programs (e.g., the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program). The prior NBS data is
available to researchers and the public.
The National Beneficiary Survey (NBS)
The primary purpose of the new NBSGeneral Waves is to assess beneficiary
well-being and interest in work, learn
about beneficiary work experiences
(successful and unsuccessful), and
identify factors that promote or restrict
long-term work success. Information
collected in the survey includes factors
such as health, living arrangements,
family structure, current occupation,
use of non-SSA programs, knowledge of
SSDI and SSI work incentive programs,
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obstacles to work, and beneficiary
interest and motivation to return to
work. We propose to conduct the first
wave of the NBS-General Waves in
2015. We will further conduct
subsequent rounds in 2017 (round 2)
and 2019 (round 3). The information we
will collect is not available from SSA
administrative data or other sources. In
the NBS-General Waves, the sample
design is similar to what we used for the
prior NBS. Enhancement of the prior
questionnaire includes additional
questions on the factors that promote or
hinder employment success. We also
propose to conduct semi-structured
qualitative interviews (in 2015 only) to
provide SSA an in-depth understanding
of factors that aid or inhibit individuals
in their efforts to obtain and retain
employment and advance in the
workplace. We will use the qualitative
data to add context and understanding
when interpreting survey results, and to
inform the sample and survey design of
rounds 2 and 3. Respondents are current
SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients.
Respondent participation in the NBS is
voluntary and the decision to
participate or not has no impact on
current or future receipt of payments or
Type of Request: This is a new
information collection request.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
Number of
Administration year
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
2015 Cross-Sectional Samples:
Representative Beneficiary Sample .........................................................
Successful Worker Qualitative Interviews ................................................
Subtotal .............................................................................................
2017 Cross-Sectional Samples:
Representative Beneficiary Sample: ........................................................
Successful Workers ..................................................................................
Subtotal .............................................................................................
2019 Cross-Sectional Samples:
Representative Beneficiary Sample .........................................................
Successful Workers ..................................................................................
Longitudinal Samples:
Successful Workers ..................................................................................
Subtotal .............................................................................................
Total Burden .............................................................................................
2. Marriage Certification—20 CFR
404.725—0960–0009. Sections 202(b)
and 202(c) of the Social Security Act
(Act) stipulate that every spouse of an
individual entitled to Old Age,
Survivors, and Disability Insurance
(OASDI) benefits is entitled to a spouse
benefit if the wife or husband, in
addition to meeting the entitlement
requirements, meets the relationship
criteria in Section 216(h)(1)(A) and (B).
SSA uses Form SSA–3 to determine if
a spouse claimant has the necessary
relationship to the Social Security
number (SSN) holder (i.e., the worker)
to qualify for the worker’s OASDI
benefits. The respondents are applicants
for spouse’s OASDI benefits.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–3 ..............................................................................................................
3. Statement Regarding
Contributions—20 CFR 404.360—
404.366 and 404.736—0960–0020. SSA
uses Form SSA–783 to collect
information regarding a child’s current
sources of support when determining
the child’s entitlement to Social
Security benefits. We request this
information from adults acting on behalf
of the child claimants who can provide
SSA with any sources of support or
substantial contributions for the child.
These adults inform the claims
representative of these sources and
contributions as part of the initial
claims process. If the individual capable
of providing the information does not
accompany the child claimant, we mail
the SSA–783 to the individual for
completion, or if the person has access
to a computer, we will refer them to
SSA’s Web site where they can
download a copy of the form for
completion and submission. The
respondents are individuals providing
information about a child’s sources of
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–783 ..........................................................................................................
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Modality of completion
4. Farm Arrangement Questionnaire—
20 CFR 404.1082(c)—0960–0064. When
self-employed workers submit earnings
data to SSA, they cannot count rental
income from a farm unless they
demonstrate ‘‘material participation’’ in
the farm’s operation. A material
participation arrangement means the
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farm owners must perform a
combination of physical duties,
management decisions, and capital
investment in the farm they are renting
out. SSA uses Form SSA–7157, the
Farm Arrangement Questionnaire, to
document material participation. The
respondents are workers who are
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renting farmland to others; are involved
in the operation of the farm; and want
to claim countable income from work
they perform relating to the farm.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–7157 ........................................................................................................
5. Railroad Employment
Questionnaire—20 CFR 404.1401,
Railroad workers, their dependents, or
survivors can concurrently apply for
railroad retirement and Social Security
benefits at SSA if the number holder, or
claimant on the number holder’s SSN,
worked in the railroad industry. SSA
uses Form SSA–671 to coordinate Social
Security claims processing with the
Railroad Retirement Board and to
determine benefit entitlement and
amount. The respondents are Social
Security benefit applicants previously
employed by a railroad or dependents of
railroad workers.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–671 ..........................................................................................................
6. Supplemental Security Income
(SSI)—Quality Review Case Analysis—
0960–0133. To assess the SSI program
and ensure the accuracy of its payments,
SSA conducts legally mandated
periodic SSI case analysis quality
reviews. SSA uses Form SSA–8508 to
conduct these reviews, collecting
information on operating efficiency, the
quality of underlying policies, and the
effect of incorrect payments. SSA also
uses the data to determine SSI program
payment accuracy rate, which is a
performance measure for the agency’s
Number of
Modality of completion
service delivery goals. Respondents are
recipients of SSI payments selected for
quality reviews.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB
approved information collection.
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–8508–BK (paper interview) .....................................................................
SSA–8508–BK (electronic version) .................................................................
Totals ........................................................................................................
7. Claimant’s Work Background—20
CFR 404.1512(a); 404.1520(a)(4);
404.1565(b); 416.912(a); 416.920(a)(4);
416.965(b)—0960–0300. Sections 205(a)
and 1631(e) of the Act provide the
Commissioner of Social Security with
the authority to establish procedures for
determining if a claimant is entitled to
disability benefits. The administrative
law judge (ALJ) may ask individuals to
provide background information on
Form HA–4633 about work they
performed in the past 15 years. When a
claimant requests a hearing before an
ALJ to establish an entitlement to
disability benefits, the ALJ may request
that the claimant provide a work history
to assist the ALJ in fully inquiring into
statutory issues related to the disability.
The ALJ uses the information collected
from the claimants on Form HA–4633
to: (1) Identify the claimant’s relevant
work history; (2) decide if SSA requires
expert vocational testimony and, if so,
have a vocational expert available to
testify during the hearing; and (3)
Number of
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Modality of completion
provide a reference for the ALJ to
discuss the claimant’s work history. The
ALJ makes the completed HA–4633 part
of the documentary evidence of record.
The respondents are claimants for
disability benefits under Title II or Title
XVI who requested a hearing before an
ALJ after SSA denied their application
for disability payments.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
HA–4633—PDF/paper version ........................................................................
Electronic Records Express ............................................................................
Totals ........................................................................................................
8. Letter to Landlord Requesting
Rental Information—20 CFR
416.1130(b)—0960–0454. SSA uses
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Form SSA–L5061 to obtain rental
subsidy information, which enables
SSA to determine and verify an income
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value for such subsidies. SSA uses this
income value as part of determining
eligibility for SSI and the correct
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
amount of SSI payable to the claimant.
SSA bases an individual’s eligibility for
SSI payments, in part, on the amount of
countable income the individual
receives. Income includes in-kind
support and maintenance in the form of
room or rent, such as a subsidized rental
arrangement. SSA requires claimants to
assist in obtaining this information to
prevent a delay or overpayment with
their SSI payments. We collect this
information only if the SSI applicant or
recipient is the parent or child of the
landlord (respondent). For most
respondents, we collect this information
once per year or less, via telephone or
face-to-face personal interview. The
claims representative records the
information in our Modernized SSI
Claims System (MSSICS), and we
require verbal attestation in lieu of a wet
signature. However, if the claims
representative is unable to contact the
respondent via the telephone or face-toface, we print and mail a paper form to
the respondent for completion. The
respondent completes, signs, and
returns the form to the claims
representative. Upon receipt, the claims
representative documents the
information in MSSICS or, for nonMSSICS cases, faxes the form into the
appropriate electronic folder and shreds
the paper form. The respondents are
landlords who are related to the SSI
beneficiaries as a parent or child.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–L5061 ......................................................................................................
9. Plan for Achieving Self-Support
(PASS)—20 CFR 416.110(e), 416.1180–
1182, 416.1225–1227—0960–0559. The
SSI program encourages recipients to
return to work. One of the program
objectives is to provide incentives and
opportunities that help recipients
toward employment. The PASS
provision allows individuals to use
available income or resources (such as
business equipment, education, or
specialized training) to enter or re-enter
the workforce and become selfsupporting.
In turn, SSA does not count the
income or resources recipients use to
fund a PASS when determining an
individual’s SSI eligibility or payment
amount. An SSI recipient who wants to
use available income and resources to
obtain education or training to become
self-supporting completes the SSA–545.
SSA uses the information from the
SSA–545 to evaluate the recipient’s
PASS, and to determine eligibility
under the provisions of the SSI program.
The respondents are SSI recipients who
are blind or disabled and want to
develop a return-to-work plan.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
SSA–545 ..........................................................................................................
10. State Death Match Collections—20
CFR 404.301, 404.310–404.311, 404.316,
404.330–404.341, 404.350–404.352,
404.371; 416.912—0960–0700. SSA uses
the State Death Match Collections to
ensure the accuracy of payment files by
detecting unreported or inaccurate
deaths of beneficiaries. Under the Act,
entitlement to retirement, disability,
wife’s, husband’s, or parent’s benefits
terminate when the beneficiary dies.
The States furnish death certificate
information to SSA via the manual
registration process or the Electronic
Death Registration Process (EDR). Both
death match processes are automated
electronic transfers between the States
Number of
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Modality of completion
Frequency of
and SSA. The respondents are the
States’ bureaus of vital statistics.
Note: This is a correction notice: SSA
published the incorrect burden information
for this collection at 79 FR 17632 on March
28, 2014. We are correcting this error here.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Number of
Average cost
per record
Estimated total
annual burden
State Death Match–Manual Process ...................................
States Expected to Become—State Death Match-EDR
Within the Next 3 Years ...................................................
State Death Match-EDR ......................................................
Totals ............................................................................
* 7,000,000
* Please note that both of these data matching processes are electronic and there is no hourly burden for the respondent to provide this
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
11. Help America Vote Act—0960–
0706. House Rule 3295, the Help
America Vote Act of 2002, mandates
that States verify the identities of newly
registered voters. When newly
registered voters do not have driver’s
licenses or State-issued ID cards, they
must supply the last four digits of their
SSN to their local State election
agencies for verification. The election
agencies forward this information to
their State Motor Vehicle
Administration (MVA), who inputs the
data into the American Association of
MVAs, a central consolidation system
that routes the voter data to SSA’s Help
America Vote Verification (HAVV)
system. Once SSA’s HAVV system
confirms the identity of the voter, the
information returns along the same
route in reverse until it reaches the State
election agency. The official
respondents for this collection are the
State MVAs.
Note: This is a correction notice: SSA
published the incorrect burden information
for this collection at 78 FR 22752 on 04/23/
14. We are correcting this error here.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Modality of completion
Number of
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
HAVV ...............................................................................................................
Authentication is the foundation for
secure, online transactions. Identity
authentication is the process of
determining, with confidence, that
someone is who he or she claims to be
during a remote, automated session. It
comprises three distinct factors:
something you know, something you
have, and something you are. Singlefactor authentication uses one of the
factors, and multi-factor authentication
uses two or more of the factors.
• Offers access to some of SSA’s
heaviest, but more sensitive, workloads
online while providing a high level of
confidence in the identity of the person
requesting access to these services;
• Offers an in-person process for
those who are uncomfortable with or
unable to use the Internet process;
• Balances security with ease of use;
• Provides a user-friendly way for the
public to conduct extended business
with us online instead of visiting local
servicing offices or requesting
information over the phone. Individuals
have real-time access to their Social
Security information in a safe and
secure web environment.
SSA’s Public Credentialing and
Authentication Process
Public Credentialing and
Authentication Process Features
SSA offers consistent authentication
across SSA’s secured online services.
We allow our users to request and
maintain only one User ID, consisting of
a self-selected username and password,
to access multiple Social Security
electronic services. Designed in
accordance with the OMB
Memorandum M–04–04 and the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication
800–63, this process provides the means
of authenticating users of our secured
electronic services and streamlines
access to those services. SSA’s public
credentialing and authentication
• Issues a single User ID to anyone
who wants to do business with the
• Offers authentication options that
meet the changing needs of the public;
• Partners with an external data
service provider to help us verify the
identity of our online customers;
• Complies with relevant standards;
We collect and maintain the users’
personally identifiable information (PII)
in our Central Repository of Electronic
Authentication Data Master File Privacy
Act system of records that we published
in the Federal Register (75 FR 79065).
The PII may include the users’ name,
address, date of birth, SSN, phone
number, and other types of identity
information [e.g., address information of
persons from the W–2 and Schedule
Self Employed forms we receive
electronically for our programmatic
purposes as permitted by 26 U.S.C.
6103(l)(1)(A)]. We may also collect
knowledge-based authentication data,
which is information users establish
with us or that we already maintain in
our existing Privacy Act systems of
We retain the data necessary to
administer and maintain our eAuthentication infrastructure. This
includes management and profile
information, such as blocked accounts,
failed access data, effective date of
passwords, and other data that allows us
12. Social Security’s Public
Credentialing and Authentication
Process—20 CFR 401.45 and 402—
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to evaluate the system’s effectiveness.
The data we maintain also may include
archived transaction data and historical
We use the information from this
collection to identity proof and
authenticate our users online and to
allow them access to their personal
information from our records. We also
use this information to provide second
factor authentication. We are committed
to expanding and improving this
process so we can grant access to
additional online services in the future.
Offering online services is not only an
important part of meeting SSA’s goals,
but is vital to good public service. In
increasing numbers, the public expects
to conduct complex business over the
Internet. Ensuring that SSA’s online
services are both secure and user
friendly is our priority.
With the limited data we have, it is
difficult for SSA to meet the OMB and
NIST authentication guidelines for
identity proofing the public. Therefore,
we awarded a competitively bid
contract to an external data service
provider, Experian, to help us verify the
identity of our online customers. We use
this External Data Service (EDS), in
addition to our other authentication
methods, to help us prove, or verify, the
identity of our customers when they are
completing online or electronic
transactions with us.
Social Security’s Authentication
We remain committed to enhancing
our online services using authentication
processes that balance usability and
security. We will continue to research
and develop new authentication tools
while monitoring the emerging threats.
The following are key components of
our authentication strategy:
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 2, 2014 / Notices
• Enrollment and Identity
Verification—We collect identifying
data and use SSA and EDS records to
verify an individual’s identity.
Individuals have the option of obtaining
an enhanced, stronger, User ID by
providing certain financial information
(e.g., Medicare wages, self-employed
earnings, direct deposit amount, or the
last eight digits of a credit card number)
for verification. We also ask individuals
to answer out-of-wallet questions so we
can further verify their identities.
Individuals who are unable to complete
the process online can present
identification at a field office to obtain
a User ID.
• Establishing the User Profile—The
individual self-selects a username and
password, both of which can be of
variable length and alphanumeric. We
provide a password strength indicator to
help the individual select a strong
password. We also ask the individual to
choose challenge questions for use in
restoring a lost or forgotten username or
• Enhancing the User ID—If an
individual opts to enhance or upgrade
the User IDs, we mail a one-time-use
upgrade code to the individual’s
verified residential address. When the
individual receives the upgrade code in
the mail, he or she can enter this code
online to enhance the security of the
account. At this time, we also ask the
individual to enter a cell phone number.
We send an initial text message to that
number and require the individual to
confirm its receipt. We send a text
message to that number each time the
individual signs in, subsequently.
• Login and Use—Standard
authentication provides an individual
with a User ID for access to most online
applications. Enhanced authentication
uses the standard User ID along with a
one-time code sent to the individual’s
cell phone, via text message, to create a
more secure session, and to grant access
to certain sensitive Social Security
services. An individual who forgets the
password can reset it automatically
without contacting SSA. The enrollment
process is a one-time only activity for
the respondents. After the respondents
enroll and choose their User ID
(Username & Password), they have to
sign in with their User ID every time
they want to access Social Security’s
secured online services.
SSA requires the individuals to agree
to the ‘‘Terms of Service’’ detailed on
our Web site before we allow them to
begin the enrollment process. The
‘‘Terms of Service’’ inform the
individuals what we will and will not
do with their personal information and
the privacy and security protections we
provide on all data we collect. These
terms also detail the consequences of
misusing this service.
To verify the individual’s identity, we
ask the individual to give us minimal
personal information, which may
Æ Name;
Æ Date of Birth;
Æ Address—mailing and residential;
Æ Telephone number;
Æ Email address;
Æ Financial information;
Æ Cell phone number; and
Number of
Modality of completion
Æ Selecting and answering password
reset questions.
We send a subset of this information
to the EDS, who then generates a series
of out-of-wallet questions back to the
individual. The individual must answer
all or most of the questions correctly
before continuing in the process. The
exact questions generated are unique to
each individual.
This collection of information, or a
subset of it, is mandatory for
respondents who want to do business
with SSA via the Internet. We collect
this information via the Internet, on
SSA’s public-facing Web site. We also
offer an in-person identification
verification process for individuals who
cannot, or are not willing, to register
online. For this process, the individual
must go to a local SSA field office and
provide identifying information. We do
not ask for financial information with
the in-person process.
We only collect the identity
verification information one time, when
the individual registers for a credential.
We ask for the User ID (username and
password) every time an individual
signs in to our automated services. If
individuals opt for the enhanced or
upgraded account, they also receive a
text message on their cell phones (this
serves as the second factor for
authentication) each time they sign in.
The respondents are individuals who
choose to use the Internet or Automated
Telephone Response System to conduct
business with SSA.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMBapproved information collection.
Frequency of
burden per
Estimated total
annual burden
Internet Requestors .........................................................................................
In-Person (Intranet) Requestors ......................................................................
Totals ........................................................................................................
Dated: June 27, 2014.
Faye Lipsky,
Reports Clearance Director, Social Security
[FR Doc. 2014–15504 Filed 7–1–14; 8:45 am]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Request for Comments Concerning an
Environmental Review of the Proposed
Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership Agreement
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
Notice of intent to conduct an
environmental review of the proposed
Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership agreement and request for
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:49 Jul 01, 2014
Jkt 232001
PO 00000
Frm 00124
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
The Office of the United
States Trade Representative (USTR),
through the Trade Policy Staff
Committee (TPSC), is initiating an
environmental review of the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership agreement (T–TIP), a free
trade agreement under negotiation
between the United States and the
European Union. The TPSC invites
written comments from the public on
the topics that should be included in the
scope of the environmental review,
including potential positive or negative
environmental effects that might result
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 127 (Wednesday, July 2, 2014)]
[Pages 37828-37834]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-15504]
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Request and
Comment Request
The Social Security Administration (SSA) publishes a list of
information collection packages requiring clearance by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) in compliance with Public Law 104-13, the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, effective October 1, 1995. This notice
includes a new information collection, and revisions of OMB-approved
information collections.
SSA is soliciting comments on the accuracy of the agency's burden
estimate; the need for the information; its practical utility; ways to
enhance its quality, utility, and clarity; and ways to minimize burden
on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology. Mail, email, or fax your
comments and recommendations on the information collection(s) to the
OMB Desk Officer and SSA Reports Clearance Officer at the following
addresses or fax numbers.
(OMB) Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for SSA, Fax:
202-395-6974, Email address:
(SSA) Social Security Administration, OLCA, Attn: Reports Clearance
Director, 3100 West High Rise, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD
21235, Fax: 410-966-2830, Email address:
I. The information collections below are pending at SSA. SSA will
submit them to OMB within 60 days from the date of this notice. To be
sure we consider your comments, we must receive them no later than
September 2, 2014. Individuals can obtain copies of the collection
instruments by writing to the above email address.
1. Statement of Funds You Provided to Another and Statement of
Funds You Received--20 CFR 404.1520(b), 404.1571-404.1576, 404.1584-
404.1593 and 416.971-416.976--0960-0059. SSA uses Form SSA-821-BK to
collect employment information to determine whether applicants or
recipients worked after becoming disabled and, if so, whether the work
is substantial gainful activity. SSA's field offices use Form SSA-821-
BK to obtain work information during the initial claims process, the
continuing disability review process, and for Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) claims involving work issues. SSA's processing centers and
the Office of Disability and International Operations use the form to
obtain post-adjudicative work issue from recipients. SSA reviews and
evaluates the data to determine if the applicant or recipient meets the
disability requirements of the law. The respondents are Title II and
Title XVI disability applicants or recipients.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-821-BK.................................. 300,000 1 30 150,000
2. Coverage of Employees of State and Local Governments--20 CFR
404, Subpart M--0960-0425. The Code of Federal Regulations at 20 CFR
404, Subpart M, prescribes the rules for States submitting reports of
[[Page 37829]]
and recordkeeping to SSA. These regulations require States (and
interstate instrumentalities) to provide wage and deposit contribution
information for pre-1987 periods. Since some States still need to
satisfy their pending wage report and contribution liability with SSA
for pre-1987 tax years completely, SSA needs these regulations until we
can close out all pending items with all States. We also need these
regulations to provide for collection of this information in the
future, if necessary. The respondents are State and local governments
or interstate instrumentalities.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated
Regulation section Number of Frequency of per response total annual
respondents response (minutes) burden (hours)
404. 1204(a) & (b).............................. 52 1 30 26
404.1215........................................ 52 1 60 52
404. 1216(a) & (b).............................. 52 1 60 52
Total....................................... 156 .............. .............. 130
3. Marital Relationship Questionnaire--20 CFR 416.1826--0960-0460.
SSA uses Form SSA-4178, Marital Relationship Questionnaire, to
determine if unrelated individuals of the opposite sex who live
together are misrepresenting themselves as husband and wife. SSA needs
this information to determine whether we are making correct payments to
couples and individuals applying for, or currently receiving, SSI
payments. The respondents are applicants for and recipients of SSI
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
responses response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-4178.................................... 5,100 1 5 425
II. SSA submitted the information collections below to OMB for
clearance. Your comments regarding the information collections would be
most useful if OMB and SSA receive them 30 days from the date of this
publication. To be sure we consider your comments, we must receive them
no later than August 1, 2014. Individuals can obtain copies of the OMB
clearance packages by writing to
1. National Beneficiary Survey--0960-NEW. SSA is proposing to
undertake the National Beneficiary Survey (NBS), a survey intended to
gather data from SSI recipients and Social Security Disability
Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries about their characteristics, their well-
being, and other factors that promote or hinder employment. In
particular, the survey seeks to uncover important information about the
factors that promote beneficiary self-sufficiency and, conversely,
factors that impede beneficiary efforts to maintain employment. We will
use this data to improve the administration and effectiveness of the
SSDI and SSI programs. These results will be valuable as SSA and other
policymakers continue efforts to improve programs and services that
help SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients become more self-sufficient.
SSDI and SSI programs provide a crucial and necessary safety net
for working-age people with disabilities. By improving employment
outcomes for SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients, SSA supports the
effort to reduce the reliance of people with disabilities on these
programs. SSA conducted the prior NBS in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2010,
and was an important first step in understanding the work interest and
experiences of SSI recipients and SSDI beneficiaries, and in gaining
information about their impairments, health, living arrangements,
family structure, pre-disability occupation, and use of non-SSA
programs (e.g., the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). The
prior NBS data is available to researchers and the public.
The National Beneficiary Survey (NBS)
The primary purpose of the new NBS-General Waves is to assess
beneficiary well-being and interest in work, learn about beneficiary
work experiences (successful and unsuccessful), and identify factors
that promote or restrict long-term work success. Information collected
in the survey includes factors such as health, living arrangements,
family structure, current occupation, use of non-SSA programs,
knowledge of SSDI and SSI work incentive programs, obstacles to work,
and beneficiary interest and motivation to return to work. We propose
to conduct the first wave of the NBS-General Waves in 2015. We will
further conduct subsequent rounds in 2017 (round 2) and 2019 (round 3).
The information we will collect is not available from SSA
administrative data or other sources. In the NBS-General Waves, the
sample design is similar to what we used for the prior NBS. Enhancement
of the prior questionnaire includes additional questions on the factors
that promote or hinder employment success. We also propose to conduct
semi-structured qualitative interviews (in 2015 only) to provide SSA an
in-depth understanding of factors that aid or inhibit individuals in
their efforts to obtain and retain employment and advance in the
workplace. We will use the qualitative data to add context and
understanding when interpreting survey results, and to inform the
sample and survey design of rounds 2 and 3. Respondents are current
SSDI beneficiaries and SSI recipients. Respondent participation in the
NBS is voluntary and the decision to participate or not has no impact
on current or future receipt of payments or benefits.
Type of Request: This is a new information collection request.
[[Page 37830]]
Average burden Estimated
Administration year Number of Frequency of per response total annual
respondents response (hours) burden (hours)
2015 Cross-Sectional Samples:
Representative Beneficiary Sample........... 4,000 1 .75 3,000
Successful Worker Qualitative Interviews.... 90 1 1.00 90
Subtotal................................ .............. .............. .............. 3,090
2017 Cross-Sectional Samples:
Representative Beneficiary Sample:.......... 4,000 1 .75 3,000
Successful Workers.......................... 4,500 1 .92 4,140
Subtotal................................ .............. .............. .............. 7,140
2019 Cross-Sectional Samples:
Representative Beneficiary Sample........... 4,000 1 .75 3,000
Successful Workers.......................... 3,000 1 .92 2,760
Longitudinal Samples:
Successful Workers.......................... 2,250 1 .75 1,688
Subtotal................................ .............. .............. .............. 7,448
Total Burden................................ 26,550 .............. .............. 17,678
2. Marriage Certification--20 CFR 404.725--0960-0009. Sections
202(b) and 202(c) of the Social Security Act (Act) stipulate that every
spouse of an individual entitled to Old Age, Survivors, and Disability
Insurance (OASDI) benefits is entitled to a spouse benefit if the wife
or husband, in addition to meeting the entitlement requirements, meets
the relationship criteria in Section 216(h)(1)(A) and (B). SSA uses
Form SSA-3 to determine if a spouse claimant has the necessary
relationship to the Social Security number (SSN) holder (i.e., the
worker) to qualify for the worker's OASDI benefits. The respondents are
applicants for spouse's OASDI benefits.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-3....................................... 180,000 1 5 15,000
3. Statement Regarding Contributions--20 CFR 404.360--404.366 and
404.736--0960-0020. SSA uses Form SSA-783 to collect information
regarding a child's current sources of support when determining the
child's entitlement to Social Security benefits. We request this
information from adults acting on behalf of the child claimants who can
provide SSA with any sources of support or substantial contributions
for the child. These adults inform the claims representative of these
sources and contributions as part of the initial claims process. If the
individual capable of providing the information does not accompany the
child claimant, we mail the SSA-783 to the individual for completion,
or if the person has access to a computer, we will refer them to SSA's
Web site where they can download a copy of the form for completion and
submission. The respondents are individuals providing information about
a child's sources of support.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-783..................................... 30,000 1 17 8,500
4. Farm Arrangement Questionnaire--20 CFR 404.1082(c)--0960-0064.
When self-employed workers submit earnings data to SSA, they cannot
count rental income from a farm unless they demonstrate ``material
participation'' in the farm's operation. A material participation
arrangement means the farm owners must perform a combination of
physical duties, management decisions, and capital investment in the
farm they are renting out. SSA uses Form SSA-7157, the Farm Arrangement
Questionnaire, to document material participation. The respondents are
workers who are renting farmland to others; are involved in the
operation of the farm; and want to claim countable income from work
they perform relating to the farm.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
[[Page 37831]]
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-7157.................................... 38,000 1 30 19,000
5. Railroad Employment Questionnaire--20 CFR 404.1401, 404.1406-
404.1408--0960-0078. Railroad workers, their dependents, or survivors
can concurrently apply for railroad retirement and Social Security
benefits at SSA if the number holder, or claimant on the number
holder's SSN, worked in the railroad industry. SSA uses Form SSA-671 to
coordinate Social Security claims processing with the Railroad
Retirement Board and to determine benefit entitlement and amount. The
respondents are Social Security benefit applicants previously employed
by a railroad or dependents of railroad workers.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-671..................................... 125,000 1 5 10,417
6. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)--Quality Review Case
Analysis--0960-0133. To assess the SSI program and ensure the accuracy
of its payments, SSA conducts legally mandated periodic SSI case
analysis quality reviews. SSA uses Form SSA-8508 to conduct these
reviews, collecting information on operating efficiency, the quality of
underlying policies, and the effect of incorrect payments. SSA also
uses the data to determine SSI program payment accuracy rate, which is
a performance measure for the agency's service delivery goals.
Respondents are recipients of SSI payments selected for quality
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB approved information
Average burden Estimated
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response total annual
respondents response (minutes) burden (hours)
SSA-8508-BK (paper interview)................... 225 1 60 225
SSA-8508-BK (electronic version)................ 4,275 1 60 4,275
Totals...................................... 4,500 .............. .............. 4,500
7. Claimant's Work Background--20 CFR 404.1512(a); 404.1520(a)(4);
404.1565(b); 416.912(a); 416.920(a)(4); 416.965(b)--0960-0300. Sections
205(a) and 1631(e) of the Act provide the Commissioner of Social
Security with the authority to establish procedures for determining if
a claimant is entitled to disability benefits. The administrative law
judge (ALJ) may ask individuals to provide background information on
Form HA-4633 about work they performed in the past 15 years. When a
claimant requests a hearing before an ALJ to establish an entitlement
to disability benefits, the ALJ may request that the claimant provide a
work history to assist the ALJ in fully inquiring into statutory issues
related to the disability. The ALJ uses the information collected from
the claimants on Form HA-4633 to: (1) Identify the claimant's relevant
work history; (2) decide if SSA requires expert vocational testimony
and, if so, have a vocational expert available to testify during the
hearing; and (3) provide a reference for the ALJ to discuss the
claimant's work history. The ALJ makes the completed HA-4633 part of
the documentary evidence of record. The respondents are claimants for
disability benefits under Title II or Title XVI who requested a hearing
before an ALJ after SSA denied their application for disability
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response total annual
respondents response (minutes) burden (hours)
HA-4633--PDF/paper version...................... 20,000 1 15 5,000
Electronic Records Express...................... 180,000 1 15 45,000
Totals...................................... 200,000 .............. .............. 50,000
8. Letter to Landlord Requesting Rental Information--20 CFR
416.1130(b)--0960-0454. SSA uses Form SSA-L5061 to obtain rental
subsidy information, which enables SSA to determine and verify an
income value for such subsidies. SSA uses this income value as part of
determining eligibility for SSI and the correct
[[Page 37832]]
amount of SSI payable to the claimant. SSA bases an individual's
eligibility for SSI payments, in part, on the amount of countable
income the individual receives. Income includes in-kind support and
maintenance in the form of room or rent, such as a subsidized rental
arrangement. SSA requires claimants to assist in obtaining this
information to prevent a delay or overpayment with their SSI payments.
We collect this information only if the SSI applicant or recipient is
the parent or child of the landlord (respondent). For most respondents,
we collect this information once per year or less, via telephone or
face-to-face personal interview. The claims representative records the
information in our Modernized SSI Claims System (MSSICS), and we
require verbal attestation in lieu of a wet signature. However, if the
claims representative is unable to contact the respondent via the
telephone or face-to-face, we print and mail a paper form to the
respondent for completion. The respondent completes, signs, and returns
the form to the claims representative. Upon receipt, the claims
representative documents the information in MSSICS or, for non-MSSICS
cases, faxes the form into the appropriate electronic folder and shreds
the paper form. The respondents are landlords who are related to the
SSI beneficiaries as a parent or child.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-L5061................................... 72,000 1 10 12,000
9. Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)--20 CFR 416.110(e),
416.1180-1182, 416.1225-1227--0960-0559. The SSI program encourages
recipients to return to work. One of the program objectives is to
provide incentives and opportunities that help recipients toward
employment. The PASS provision allows individuals to use available
income or resources (such as business equipment, education, or
specialized training) to enter or re-enter the workforce and become
In turn, SSA does not count the income or resources recipients use
to fund a PASS when determining an individual's SSI eligibility or
payment amount. An SSI recipient who wants to use available income and
resources to obtain education or training to become self-supporting
completes the SSA-545. SSA uses the information from the SSA-545 to
evaluate the recipient's PASS, and to determine eligibility under the
provisions of the SSI program. The respondents are SSI recipients who
are blind or disabled and want to develop a return-to-work plan.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
SSA-545..................................... 7,000 1 120 14,000
10. State Death Match Collections--20 CFR 404.301, 404.310-404.311,
404.316, 404.330-404.341, 404.350-404.352, 404.371; 416.912--0960-0700.
SSA uses the State Death Match Collections to ensure the accuracy of
payment files by detecting unreported or inaccurate deaths of
beneficiaries. Under the Act, entitlement to retirement, disability,
wife's, husband's, or parent's benefits terminate when the beneficiary
dies. The States furnish death certificate information to SSA via the
manual registration process or the Electronic Death Registration
Process (EDR). Both death match processes are automated electronic
transfers between the States and SSA. The respondents are the States'
bureaus of vital statistics.
Note: This is a correction notice: SSA published the incorrect
burden information for this collection at 79 FR 17632 on March 28,
2014. We are correcting this error here.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average cost Estimated
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of Number of per record total annual
respondents response responses request burden (hours)
State Death Match-Manual Process 9 50,000 450,000 $.84 $378,000
States Expected to Become--State 7 50,000 350,000 3.01 1,053,500
Death Match-EDR Within the Next
3 Years........................
State Death Match-EDR........... 37 50,000 1,850,000 3.01 5,568,500
Totals...................... 53 .............. 2,650,000 .............. * 7,000,000
* Please note that both of these data matching processes are electronic and there is no hourly burden for the
respondent to provide this information.
[[Page 37833]]
11. Help America Vote Act--0960-0706. House Rule 3295, the Help
America Vote Act of 2002, mandates that States verify the identities of
newly registered voters. When newly registered voters do not have
driver's licenses or State-issued ID cards, they must supply the last
four digits of their SSN to their local State election agencies for
verification. The election agencies forward this information to their
State Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA), who inputs the data into the
American Association of MVAs, a central consolidation system that
routes the voter data to SSA's Help America Vote Verification (HAVV)
system. Once SSA's HAVV system confirms the identity of the voter, the
information returns along the same route in reverse until it reaches
the State election agency. The official respondents for this collection
are the State MVAs.
Note: This is a correction notice: SSA published the incorrect
burden information for this collection at 78 FR 22752 on 04/23/14.
We are correcting this error here.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated total
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response annual burden
respondents response (minutes) (hours)
HAVV........................................ 2,352,204 1 2 78,407
12. Social Security's Public Credentialing and Authentication
Process--20 CFR 401.45 and 402--0960-0789.
Authentication is the foundation for secure, online transactions.
Identity authentication is the process of determining, with confidence,
that someone is who he or she claims to be during a remote, automated
session. It comprises three distinct factors: something you know,
something you have, and something you are. Single-factor authentication
uses one of the factors, and multi-factor authentication uses two or
more of the factors.
SSA's Public Credentialing and Authentication Process
SSA offers consistent authentication across SSA's secured online
services. We allow our users to request and maintain only one User ID,
consisting of a self-selected username and password, to access multiple
Social Security electronic services. Designed in accordance with the
OMB Memorandum M-04-04 and the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-63, this process provides the
means of authenticating users of our secured electronic services and
streamlines access to those services. SSA's public credentialing and
authentication process:
Issues a single User ID to anyone who wants to do business
with the agency;
Offers authentication options that meet the changing needs
of the public;
Partners with an external data service provider to help us
verify the identity of our online customers;
Complies with relevant standards;
Offers access to some of SSA's heaviest, but more
sensitive, workloads online while providing a high level of confidence
in the identity of the person requesting access to these services;
Offers an in-person process for those who are
uncomfortable with or unable to use the Internet process;
Balances security with ease of use; and
Provides a user-friendly way for the public to conduct
extended business with us online instead of visiting local servicing
offices or requesting information over the phone. Individuals have
real-time access to their Social Security information in a safe and
secure web environment.
Public Credentialing and Authentication Process Features
We collect and maintain the users' personally identifiable
information (PII) in our Central Repository of Electronic
Authentication Data Master File Privacy Act system of records that we
published in the Federal Register (75 FR 79065). The PII may include
the users' name, address, date of birth, SSN, phone number, and other
types of identity information [e.g., address information of persons
from the W-2 and Schedule Self Employed forms we receive electronically
for our programmatic purposes as permitted by 26 U.S.C. 6103(l)(1)(A)].
We may also collect knowledge-based authentication data, which is
information users establish with us or that we already maintain in our
existing Privacy Act systems of records.
We retain the data necessary to administer and maintain our e-
Authentication infrastructure. This includes management and profile
information, such as blocked accounts, failed access data, effective
date of passwords, and other data that allows us to evaluate the
system's effectiveness. The data we maintain also may include archived
transaction data and historical data.
We use the information from this collection to identity proof and
authenticate our users online and to allow them access to their
personal information from our records. We also use this information to
provide second factor authentication. We are committed to expanding and
improving this process so we can grant access to additional online
services in the future.
Offering online services is not only an important part of meeting
SSA's goals, but is vital to good public service. In increasing
numbers, the public expects to conduct complex business over the
Internet. Ensuring that SSA's online services are both secure and user
friendly is our priority.
With the limited data we have, it is difficult for SSA to meet the
OMB and NIST authentication guidelines for identity proofing the
public. Therefore, we awarded a competitively bid contract to an
external data service provider, Experian, to help us verify the
identity of our online customers. We use this External Data Service
(EDS), in addition to our other authentication methods, to help us
prove, or verify, the identity of our customers when they are
completing online or electronic transactions with us.
Social Security's Authentication Strategy
We remain committed to enhancing our online services using
authentication processes that balance usability and security. We will
continue to research and develop new authentication tools while
monitoring the emerging threats.
The following are key components of our authentication strategy:
[[Page 37834]]
Enrollment and Identity Verification--We collect
identifying data and use SSA and EDS records to verify an individual's
identity. Individuals have the option of obtaining an enhanced,
stronger, User ID by providing certain financial information (e.g.,
Medicare wages, self-employed earnings, direct deposit amount, or the
last eight digits of a credit card number) for verification. We also
ask individuals to answer out-of-wallet questions so we can further
verify their identities. Individuals who are unable to complete the
process online can present identification at a field office to obtain a
User ID.
Establishing the User Profile--The individual self-selects
a username and password, both of which can be of variable length and
alphanumeric. We provide a password strength indicator to help the
individual select a strong password. We also ask the individual to
choose challenge questions for use in restoring a lost or forgotten
username or password.
Enhancing the User ID--If an individual opts to enhance or
upgrade the User IDs, we mail a one-time-use upgrade code to the
individual's verified residential address. When the individual receives
the upgrade code in the mail, he or she can enter this code online to
enhance the security of the account. At this time, we also ask the
individual to enter a cell phone number. We send an initial text
message to that number and require the individual to confirm its
receipt. We send a text message to that number each time the individual
signs in, subsequently.
Login and Use--Standard authentication provides an
individual with a User ID for access to most online applications.
Enhanced authentication uses the standard User ID along with a one-time
code sent to the individual's cell phone, via text message, to create a
more secure session, and to grant access to certain sensitive Social
Security services. An individual who forgets the password can reset it
automatically without contacting SSA. The enrollment process is a one-
time only activity for the respondents. After the respondents enroll
and choose their User ID (Username & Password), they have to sign in
with their User ID every time they want to access Social Security's
secured online services.
SSA requires the individuals to agree to the ``Terms of Service''
detailed on our Web site before we allow them to begin the enrollment
process. The ``Terms of Service'' inform the individuals what we will
and will not do with their personal information and the privacy and
security protections we provide on all data we collect. These terms
also detail the consequences of misusing this service.
To verify the individual's identity, we ask the individual to give
us minimal personal information, which may include:
[cir] Name;
[cir] SSN;
[cir] Date of Birth;
[cir] Address--mailing and residential;
[cir] Telephone number;
[cir] Email address;
[cir] Financial information;
[cir] Cell phone number; and
[cir] Selecting and answering password reset questions.
We send a subset of this information to the EDS, who then generates
a series of out-of-wallet questions back to the individual. The
individual must answer all or most of the questions correctly before
continuing in the process. The exact questions generated are unique to
each individual.
This collection of information, or a subset of it, is mandatory for
respondents who want to do business with SSA via the Internet. We
collect this information via the Internet, on SSA's public-facing Web
site. We also offer an in-person identification verification process
for individuals who cannot, or are not willing, to register online. For
this process, the individual must go to a local SSA field office and
provide identifying information. We do not ask for financial
information with the in-person process.
We only collect the identity verification information one time,
when the individual registers for a credential. We ask for the User ID
(username and password) every time an individual signs in to our
automated services. If individuals opt for the enhanced or upgraded
account, they also receive a text message on their cell phones (this
serves as the second factor for authentication) each time they sign in.
The respondents are individuals who choose to use the Internet or
Automated Telephone Response System to conduct business with SSA.
Type of Request: Revision of an OMB-approved information
Average burden Estimated
Modality of completion Number of Frequency of per response total annual
respondents response (minutes) burden (hours)
Internet Requestors............................. 38,251,877 1 8 5,100,250
In-Person (Intranet) Requestors................. 1,370,633 1 8 182,751
Totals...................................... 39,622,510 .............. .............. 5,283,001
Dated: June 27, 2014.
Faye Lipsky,
Reports Clearance Director, Social Security Administration.
[FR Doc. 2014-15504 Filed 7-1-14; 8:45 am]