TSCA Sections 402(a), 402(c), and 406(b) Program Authorization Application, 35540-35543 [2014-14591]
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emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2014 / Notices
Notice of this meeting is required under
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA), 5 U.S.C. App. 2.
DATES: July 11, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
ADDRESSES: National Academy of
Sciences (Lecture Room), 2101
Constitution Avenue NW., Washington,
Information regarding the meeting
agenda, time, location, and how to
register for the meeting is available on
the PCAST Web site at: https://
whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast. A live video
webcast and an archive of the webcast
after the event are expected to be
available at https://whitehouse.gov/ostp/
pcast. The archived video will be
available within one week of the
meeting. Questions about the meeting
should be directed to Dr. Ashley Predith
by email at: apredith@ostp.eop.gov, or
telephone: (202) 456–4444. Please note
that public seating for this meeting is
limited and is available on a first-come,
first-served basis.
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology (PCAST) is an
advisory group of the nation’s leading
scientists and engineers, appointed by
the President to augment the science
and technology advice available to him
from inside the White House, cabinet
departments, and other Federal
agencies. See the Executive Order at
PCAST is consulted about and provides
analyses and recommendations
concerning a wide range of issues where
understandings from the domains of
science, technology, and innovation
may bear on the policy choices before
the President. PCAST is co-chaired by
Dr. John P. Holdren, Assistant to the
President for Science and Technology,
and Director, Office of Science and
Technology Policy, Executive Office of
the President, The White House; and Dr.
Eric S. Lander, President, Broad
Institute of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and Harvard.
Type of Meeting: Open and Closed.
Proposed Schedule and Agenda: The
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology (PCAST) is
scheduled to meet in open session on
July 11, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
Open Portion of Meeting: During this
open meeting, PCAST is scheduled to
discuss its work on antibiotic resistance
and on nanotechnology. PCAST will
also hear from speakers who will remark
on oceans policy. Additional
information and the agenda, including
any changes that arise, will be posted at
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the PCAST Web site at: https://
Closed Portion of the Meeting: PCAST
may hold a closed meeting of
approximately one hour with the
President on July 11, 2014, which must
take place in the White House for the
President’s scheduling convenience and
to maintain Secret Service protection.
This meeting will be closed to the
public because such portion of the
meeting is likely to disclose matters that
are to be kept secret in the interest of
national defense or foreign policy under
5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(1).
Public Comments: It is the policy of
the PCAST to accept written public
comments of any length, and to
accommodate oral public comments
whenever possible. The PCAST expects
that public statements presented at its
meetings will not be repetitive of
previously submitted oral or written
The public comment period for this
meeting will take place on July 11, 2014
at a time specified in the meeting
agenda posted on the PCAST Web site
at https://whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast.
This public comment period is designed
only for substantive commentary on
PCAST’s work, not for business
marketing purposes.
Oral Comments: To be considered for
the public speaker list at the meeting,
interested parties should register to
speak at https://whitehouse.gov/ostp/
pcast, no later than 12:00 p.m. Eastern
Time on July 3, 2014. Phone or email
reservations will not be accepted. To
accommodate as many speakers as
possible, the time for public comments
will be limited to two (2) minutes per
person, with a total public comment
period of up to 30 minutes. If more
speakers register than there is space
available on the agenda, PCAST will
randomly select speakers from among
those who applied. Those not selected
to present oral comments may always
file written comments with the
committee. Speakers are requested to
bring at least 25 copies of their oral
comments for distribution to the PCAST
Written Comments: Although written
comments are accepted continuously,
written comments should be submitted
to PCAST no later than 12:00 p.m.
Eastern Time on July 3, 2014 so that the
comments may be made available to the
PCAST members prior to this meeting
for their consideration. Information
regarding how to submit comments and
documents to PCAST is available at
https://whitehouse.gov/ostp/pcast in the
section entitled ‘‘Connect with PCAST.’’
Please note that because PCAST
operates under the provisions of FACA,
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all public comments and/or
presentations will be treated as public
documents and will be made available
for public inspection, including being
posted on the PCAST Web site.
Meeting Accommodations:
Individuals requiring special
accommodation to access this public
meeting should contact Dr. Ashley
Predith at least ten business days prior
to the meeting so that appropriate
arrangements can be made.
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 17,
LaTanya R. Butler,
Deputy Committee Management Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–14582 Filed 6–20–14; 8:45 am]
[FRL–9912–59–Region–5: EPA–R05–OPPT–
TSCA Sections 402(a), 402(c), and
406(b) Program Authorization
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice; request for comments
and opportunity for public hearing.
On May 19, 2014, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
determined that the Bois Forte Band of
Chippewa (Bois Forte) had submitted a
complete application under section 404
of the Toxic Substances Control Act
(TSCA) requesting authorization to
administer and enforce the requirements
for TSCA sections 402(a), 402(c), and
406(b) in accordance with the
provisions of TSCA for trust lands
located within the exterior boundaries
of the reservation. These programs
ensure that: Individuals engaged in
certain work that may disturb leadbased paint, including but not limited to
abatement and renovation, are properly
trained; that training programs are
accredited; that contractors engaged in
such activities are certified; that owners
and occupants of target housing and/or
child-occupied facilities are provided
information concerning potential
hazards of lead-based paint exposure
before certain renovations are begun;
and that the required work is performed
in accordance with work practice
standards. This notice announces
receipt of the Bois Forte Band of
Chippewa’s application and request for
authorization to administer the program
in lieu of the federal program. EPA has
determined that the Bois Forte
application is complete, and is now
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2014 / Notices
providing a 45-day public comment
period and opportunity to request a
public hearing.
DATES: Comments, identified by docket
identification (ID) number EPA–R05–
OPPT–2014–0360, must be received on
or before August 7, 2014. In addition, a
public hearing request must be
submitted on or before July 8, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comments and requests for
a public hearing may be submitted by
mail, electronically, or in person. Please
follow the detailed instructions for each
method as provided in Unit I. of the
this notice. To ensure proper receipt by
EPA, it is imperative that you identify
docket ID number EPA–R05–OPPT–
2014–0360 in the subject line on the
first page of your response.
Emma Avant, Land and Chemicals
Division (LCD), Toxics Section, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 77
W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL
60604; telephone number: (312) 886–
7899; email address: avant.emma@
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action is directed to the public
in general. This action may, however, be
specifically of interest to firms and
individuals engaged in lead-based paint
activities and/or renovation and
remodeling activities involving pre-1978
housing on the Bois Forte Reservation.
Since other entities may also be
interested, the Agency has not
attempted to describe all the specific
entities that may be affected by this
action. If you have any questions
regarding the applicability of this action
to a particular entity, consult the person
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
B. How can I get additional information,
including copies of this document or
other related documents?
1. Electronically. EPA has established
an official record for this action under
docket ID number EPA–R05–OPPT–
2014–0360. The official record consists
of the documents specifically referenced
in this action, this notice, the Bois Forte
TSCA program authorization
application, any public comments
received during an applicable comment
period, and other information related to
this action, including any information
claimed as Confidential Business
information (CBI).
All documents in the official record
are listed in the docket index available
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at https://www.regulations.gov. Although
listed in the index, some information is
not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material,
will be publicly available only in hard
copy. Publicly available docket
materials are available electronically at
https://www.regulations.gov, or, if only
available in hard copy, at the address
listed below.
2. In person: You may view this
document and related documents by
visiting the Bois Forte Tribal
Government Environmental Services
Office, 5344 Lakeshore Drive, P.O. Box
16, Nett Lake, Minnesota 55772, contact
telephone number (218) 757–3543, or
EPA Region 5, 77 W. Jackson Boulevard,
Chicago, Illinois 60604, contact
telephone number (312) 886–7899.
C. How and to whom do I submit
You may submit comments through
the mail, in person, or electronically. To
ensure proper receipt by EPA, it is
imperative that you identify docket ID
number EPA–R05–OPPT–2014–0360 in
the subject line on the first page of your
1. By mail: Submit your comments
and hearing requests to: Emma Avant,
LCD, Toxics Section, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 77
W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL
2. By person or courier: Deliver your
comments and hearing requests to: EPA
Region 5, LCD, Toxics Section, 77 W.
Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. The
Regional office is open from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding
legal holidays. The telephone number
for the regional office is (312) 886–6003.
3. Electronically: You may submit
your comments and hearing requests
electronically by email to: avant.emma@
epa.gov or through https://
www.regulations.gov, or mail your
computer disk to the address identified
above. Do not submit any information
electronically that you consider to be
CBI. Electronic comments must be
submitted as an ASCII file avoiding the
use of special characters and any form
of encryption. Comments and data will
also be accepted on standard disks in
Microsoft Word or ASCII file format.
D. How should I handle CBI information
that I want to submit to the agency?
You may claim information that you
submit to EPA in response to this
document as CBI by marking any part or
all of that information as CBI.
Information so marked will not be
disclosed except in accordance with
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procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
In addition to one complete version of
the comment that includes any
information claimed as CBI, a copy of
the comment that does not contain the
information claimed as CBI must be
submitted for inclusion in the public
version of the official record.
Information not marked confidential
will be included in the public version
of the official record without prior
notice. If you have any questions about
CBI or the procedures for claiming CBI,
please consult the person identified
E. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
You may find the following
suggestions helpful for preparing your
1. Explain your views as clearly as
2. Describe any assumptions that you
3. Provide copies of any technical
information and/or data you used that
support your views.
4. If you estimate potential burden or
costs, explain how you arrived at the
estimate that you provide.
5. Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns.
6. Offer alternative ways to improve
the notice or collection activity.
7. Make sure to submit your
comments by the deadline in this
8. To ensure proper receipt by EPA,
identify the docket ID number assigned
to this action in the subject line on the
first page of your response. You may
also provide the name, date, and
Federal Register citation.
II. Background
A. What action is the agency taking?
On July 14, 2010, the Bois Forte Band
of Chippewa (Bois Forte or the Tribe),
located in St. Louis and Koochiching
Counties in Northern Minnesota,
submitted an application under section
404 of TSCA requesting authorization to
administer and enforce requirements
for: Lead-based paint activities (such as
abatement) in accordance with section
402(a) of TSCA; renovation, repair and
painting (referred to as ‘‘RRP’’), in
accordance with section 402(c) of TSCA;
and pre-renovation education in
accordance with section 406(b) of
TSCA. These programs contain
procedures and requirements for the
accreditation of lead-based paint
activities and RRP training programs,
procedures and requirements for the
certification of individuals and firms
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2014 / Notices
engaged in lead-based paint activities or
RRP activities, and work practice
standards for performing such activities,
and ensure that owners and occupants
of target housing are provided
information concerning potential
hazards of lead-based paint exposure
before certain lead-based paint activities
or RRP activities are begun.
Subsequently, Bois Forte supplemented
the application on August 30, 2010,
September 23, 2011, January 31, 2012,
February 23, 2012, and July 13, 2013.
After reviewing all the application
materials, EPA now considers the
Tribe’s application to be complete.
The Tribe’s application requests
authorization to administer and enforce
these requirements on lands held in
trust for the Tribe within the reservation
boundaries. The Tribe has not, at this
time, requested authorization to
administer and enforce these programs
on non-member owned fee lands within
the reservation boundaries. If EPA
authorizes the Tribal program, EPA will
continue to administer and enforce the
requirements on non-member owned fee
lands within the reservation boundaries.
The Tribe may, however, apply to
administer and enforce these
requirements for all lands located
within the exterior boundaries of the
reservation at some future time, but
must meet all statutory and regulatory
requirements under section 404(b) of
TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2684(b) and 40 CFR
part 745 subpart Q.
The Bois Forte Reservation includes
five land areas, four of which currently
include lands held in trust for the Tribe.
The Lake Vermillion land area,
approximately 2803 acres located near
the town of Tower, Minnesota, and the
Sugar Bush and Indian Point land areas,
approximately 83 acres and 60 acres,
respectively, both located near the town
of Orr, Minnesota, consist entirely of
trust land for which the Tribe will
administer and enforce the program.
The Nett Lake land area, comprising of
103,000 acres surrounding Nett Lake,
and the vast majority of the Bois Forte
Reservation land and members, includes
both trust land, where the Tribe will
administer and enforce the program,
and non-member owned fee land, where
the Tribe will not. The Deer Creek land
area, approximately 23,000 acres
currently includes no trust lands; at this
time the Tribe will not administer the
program on the Deer Creek land area.
There are a total of approximately 100
pre-1978 housing properties on trust
lands where the Tribe will administer
and enforce the program. Because the
program addresses lead-based paint
found in housing constructed prior to
1978, the only scenarios under which
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additional housing will come into the
universe of regulated properties are: (1)
Pre-1978 housing is moved onto trust
land, and (2) new lands are placed into
trust upon which pre-1978 housing
The Tribe’s proposed program
includes one provision for which the
Tribal program is more stringent than
the federal program. The Tribe’s
definition of ‘‘target housing’’ includes
all buildings on Tribal trust lands. The
federal program only applies to ‘‘target
housing,’’ as defined by section 401(17)
of TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2681, which
includes housing constructed prior to
1978, except housing for the elderly or
persons with disabilities (unless any
child who is less than 6 years of age
resides or is expected to reside in such
housing for the elderly or persons with
disabilities) or any zero-bedroom
dwelling. As noted below in Section IV
of this notice, if approved, EPA may
exercise its enforcement authority under
TSCA against a violation of, or a failure
or refusal to comply with, any
requirement of the Bois Forte Lead
Program that is consistent with federal
program requirements. Therefore, if
approved, EPA will not enforce the Bois
Forte Lead Program for violations
arising at buildings not included in the
federal definition of ‘‘target housing.’’
In order for EPA to authorize the Bois
Forte program, it must determine that
the application includes information
sufficient for EPA to find Bois Forte
eligible for treatment in the same
manner as a state (TAS). For the TSCA
lead program, TAS requirements are
found in 40 CFR 745.324(b)(4), and
include, among other things, that the
tribe is recognized by the Secretary of
the Interior; has an existing government
exercising substantial governmental
duties and powers; has adequate civil
regulatory jurisdiction over the subject
matter and entities regulated; and is
reasonably expected to be capable of
administering the federal program for
which it is seeking authorization. In
determining that the Tribe’s application
is complete, EPA believes that the Tribe
has demonstrated that it can meet each
of these requirements for TAS under
this program.
Pursuant to section 404(b) of TSCA,
15 U.S.C. 2684(b) and 40 CFR part 745,
subpart Q, EPA provides notice and an
opportunity for a public hearing on a
state or tribal program application
before approving the program.
Therefore, by this notice EPA is
soliciting public comment on whether
the Bois Forte application meets the
requirements for EPA approval. This
notice also provides an opportunity to
request a public hearing on the
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application. If a hearing is requested,
EPA will issue a Federal Register notice
announcing the date, time and place of
the hearing and EPA’s final decision on
the application will also then be
published in the Federal Register.
B. What is the agency’s authority for
taking this action?
On October 28, 1992, the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1992,
Public Law 102–550, became law. Title
X of that statute was the Residential
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act
of 1992. That Act amended TSCA (15
U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) by adding Title IV
(15 U.S.C. 2681–2692), entitled Lead
Exposure Reduction. In the Federal
Register of August 29, 1996 (61 FR
45813) (FRL–5389–9), April 22, 2008
(73 FR 21758) (FRL–8355–7), and June
1, 1998 (63 FR 29908) (FR–5751–7),
respectively, EPA promulgated final
TSCA section 402(a), 402(c), and 406(b)
regulations governing lead-based paint
activities (abatement) training,
certification and work practice
standards; renovation, repair and
painting (RRP) training, certification
and work practice standards; and prerenovation education (PRE)
requirements in target housing and/or
child-occupied facilities. These
programs establish requirements for
training individuals conducting leadbased paint activities and RRP activities;
accrediting lead-based paint activities
and RRP activities training providers;
and for lead-based paint activities and
RRP work practices. The program also
ensures that owners and occupants of
target housing and child-occupied
facilities are provided information
concerning potential hazards of leadbased paint exposure before certain
renovations are conducted. In addition
to providing general information on the
health hazards associated with exposure
to lead, the lead hazard information
pamphlet advises owners and occupants
to take appropriate precautions to avoid
exposure to lead-contaminated dust and
debris that are sometimes generated
during renovations. EPA believes that
distribution of the pamphlet will help to
reduce the exposures that cause serious
lead poisonings, especially in children
under age 6, who are particularly
susceptible to the hazards of lead.
Under section 404 of TSCA, 15 U.S.C.
2684, a state or tribe may seek
authorization from EPA to administer
and enforce its own lead-based paint
activities, RRP and/or pre-renovation
education program in lieu of the federal
program. The regulations governing the
authorization of a state or tribal program
under both sections 402 and 406 of
TSCA are codified at 40 CFR part 745,
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 120 / Monday, June 23, 2014 / Notices
fail or refuse to comply with, any
requirement of an approved state or
tribal program. Therefore, if EPA
approves the Bois Forte Lead Program
application, EPA reserves the right to
exercise its enforcement authority under
TSCA against a violation of, or a failure
or refusal to comply with, any
requirement of the Bois Forte Lead
Program to the extent that such
requirement is consistent with federal
III. Tribal Program Description
The following is the Tribe’s proposed
TSCA Lead-Based Paint program
summary, which the Bois Forte Tribe
prepared as a required part of its
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES
subpart Q. A state or tribe that chooses
to apply for program authorization must
submit a complete application to the
appropriate regional EPA office for
review. Those applications will be
reviewed by EPA within 180 days of
receipt of the complete application. To
receive EPA approval, a state or tribe
must demonstrate that its program is at
least as protective of human health and
the environment as the federal program,
and provides for adequate enforcement
under section 404(b) of TSCA, 15 U.S.C.
2684(b). EPA’s regulations at 40 CFR
part 745, subpart Q provide the detailed
requirements a state or tribal program
must meet in order to obtain EPA
Dated: June 10, 2014.
Susan Hedman,
Regional Administrator, Region 5.
The Bois Forte has adopted by Resolution
# 6–2011, the ordinance entitled Bois Forte
Lead Program in order to provide clear and
specific authority and guidance for regulating
renovation requirements, and pre-renovation
notification requirements and lead-based
paint activities, including assessment,
inspection, and abatement of lead-based
paint on the Bois Forte Reservation. Penalties
for non-compliance are established. The
ordinance targets all buildings located on the
Bois Forte Reservation.
The ordinance is designed to be at least as
protective as the federal law and provide for
adequate enforcement of all provisions
through a schedule of flexible remedies. This
is accomplished through a combination of
Tribe-specific requirements (training
accreditation) that are identical to the federal
regulations and through incorporation by
reference of other required federal elements
(certification of individuals, pre-renovation
notification activities, renovation, and
definitions of lead-based paint hazards). Also
incorporated by reference are the federal
definitions with the notable expansion of the
definition of target housing to include all
reservation buildings.
The ordinance contains enforcement and
compliance requirements consisting of a
schedule of flexible remedies and an appeals
The Bois Forte Reservation Lead Program
request for federal delegation of authority is
a natural application of tribal sovereign
power over environmental regulatory
activities on the Tribe’s lands for the health,
welfare, and safety of community members.
EPA believes that the Tribe’s program
description, above, together with the rest of
the application, demonstrates adequate civil
regulatory jurisdiction over the matter and
entities regulated.
IV. Federal Overfilling
Section 404(b) of TSCA makes it
unlawful for any person to violate, or
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List of Subjects
Environmental Protection, Hazardous
Substances, Lead, Renovation
Notification, Reporting and
Recordkeeping requirements.
[FR Doc. 2014–14591 Filed 6–20–14; 8:45 am]
[EPA–R09–OAR–2012–0634; FRL–9912–72–
Notice of Decision To Issue Clean Air
Act PSD Permit for Sierra Pacific
Industries-Anderson Division
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of final agency action.
This notice announces that
the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Region 9 issued a final permit
decision for a Clean Air Act Prevention
of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
permit to Sierra Pacific Industries for
the Sierra Pacific Industries-Anderson
Division (SPI-Anderson) facility.
DATES: EPA Region 9 issued a final PSD
permit decision for the SPI-Anderson
facility April 25, 2014. The PSD permit
is effective on June 6, 2014. Pursuant to
section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act,
42 U.S.C. 7607(b)(1), judicial review of
this final permit decision, to the extent
it is available, may be sought by filing
a petition for review in the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit within 60 days of June 23, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Documents relevant to the
above-referenced permit are available
for public inspection during normal
business hours at the following address:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San
Francisco, CA 94105–3901. To arrange
for viewing of these documents, call
Shaheerah Kelly at (415) 947–4156.
Shaheerah Kelly, Permits Office (Air-3),
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 9, (415) 947–4156,
kelly.shaheerah@epa.gov. Key portions
of the administrative record for this
decision (including the final permit, all
public comments, EPA’s responses to
the public comments, and additional
supporting information) are available
through a link at Region 9’s Web site,
www.epa.gov/region09/air/permit/r9permits-issued.html#psd, or at
www.regulations.gov (Docket ID #EPA–
R09–OAR–2011–0978). Anyone who
wishes to review the EPA
Environmental Appeals Board (EAB or
Board) decision described below or
documents in the EAB’s electronic
docket for its decision related to this
matter can obtain them at https://
Notice Of Final Action And
Supplementary Information: On April
25, 2014, EPA Region 9 issued its final
permit decision (PSD Permit No. SAC
12–01) to SPI authorizing the
construction and operation of a new 31
megawatt biomass and natural gas-fired
cogeneration unit and auxiliary
equipment at the SPI-Anderson facility
in Anderson, California. EPA Region 9
had issued a previous decision
regarding this project, on February 19,
2013. After petitions for review of that
decision were filed with the EAB, the
Board remanded the permit to EPA
Region 9 in part and directed EPA
Region 9 to reopen the permit
proceedings to hold a public hearing,
issue a final permit decision and
respond to any new comments received
during the hearing. See, In re Sierra
Pacific Industries (Anderson Processing
Facility), PSD Appeal Nos. 13–01 to 13–
04, slip op. at 67 (EAB July 18, 2013).
The EAB denied review of all other
Following these events, we revised
the PSD permit by including GHG
emission limits and related
requirements, as requested by SPI.
Following the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia vacatur of
EPA’s deferral of biogenic carbon
dioxide emissions from PSD
requirements, see, Ctr. for Biological
Diversity v. EPA, 722 F.3d 401 (D.C. Cir.
2013), in August 2013, SPI-Anderson
submitted to EPA a supplemental PSD
application for GHG emissions. EPA
Region 9 revised the PSD permit to
include GHG emission limits and
related requirements; we also revised
certain other conditions (primarily
related to monitoring, performance
testing, and recordkeeping) to address
minor technical issues we had
identified since February 2013. We
provided notice of public comment of
the proposed PSD permit and a public
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 120 (Monday, June 23, 2014)]
[Pages 35540-35543]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-14591]
[FRL-9912-59-Region-5: EPA-R05-OPPT-2014-0360]
TSCA Sections 402(a), 402(c), and 406(b) Program Authorization
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice; request for comments and opportunity for public
SUMMARY: On May 19, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
determined that the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa (Bois Forte) had
submitted a complete application under section 404 of the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA) requesting authorization to administer
and enforce the requirements for TSCA sections 402(a), 402(c), and
406(b) in accordance with the provisions of TSCA for trust lands
located within the exterior boundaries of the reservation. These
programs ensure that: Individuals engaged in certain work that may
disturb lead-based paint, including but not limited to abatement and
renovation, are properly trained; that training programs are
accredited; that contractors engaged in such activities are certified;
that owners and occupants of target housing and/or child-occupied
facilities are provided information concerning potential hazards of
lead-based paint exposure before certain renovations are begun; and
that the required work is performed in accordance with work practice
standards. This notice announces receipt of the Bois Forte Band of
Chippewa's application and request for authorization to administer the
program in lieu of the federal program. EPA has determined that the
Bois Forte application is complete, and is now
[[Page 35541]]
providing a 45-day public comment period and opportunity to request a
public hearing.
DATES: Comments, identified by docket identification (ID) number EPA-
R05-OPPT-2014-0360, must be received on or before August 7, 2014. In
addition, a public hearing request must be submitted on or before July
8, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comments and requests for a public hearing may be submitted
by mail, electronically, or in person. Please follow the detailed
instructions for each method as provided in Unit I. of the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section in this notice. To ensure proper
receipt by EPA, it is imperative that you identify docket ID number
EPA-R05-OPPT-2014-0360 in the subject line on the first page of your
Division (LCD), Toxics Section, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
77 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604; telephone number: (312)
886-7899; email address: avant.emma@epa.gov.
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action is directed to the public in general. This action may,
however, be specifically of interest to firms and individuals engaged
in lead-based paint activities and/or renovation and remodeling
activities involving pre-1978 housing on the Bois Forte Reservation.
Since other entities may also be interested, the Agency has not
attempted to describe all the specific entities that may be affected by
this action. If you have any questions regarding the applicability of
this action to a particular entity, consult the person listed under FOR
B. How can I get additional information, including copies of this
document or other related documents?
1. Electronically. EPA has established an official record for this
action under docket ID number EPA-R05-OPPT-2014-0360. The official
record consists of the documents specifically referenced in this
action, this notice, the Bois Forte TSCA program authorization
application, any public comments received during an applicable comment
period, and other information related to this action, including any
information claimed as Confidential Business information (CBI).
All documents in the official record are listed in the docket index
available at https://www.regulations.gov. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly available, e.g., CBI or other
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other
material, such as copyrighted material, will be publicly available only
in hard copy. Publicly available docket materials are available
electronically at https://www.regulations.gov, or, if only available in
hard copy, at the address listed below.
2. In person: You may view this document and related documents by
visiting the Bois Forte Tribal Government Environmental Services
Office, 5344 Lakeshore Drive, P.O. Box 16, Nett Lake, Minnesota 55772,
contact telephone number (218) 757-3543, or EPA Region 5, 77 W. Jackson
Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60604, contact telephone number (312) 886-
C. How and to whom do I submit comments?
You may submit comments through the mail, in person, or
electronically. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, it is imperative that
you identify docket ID number EPA-R05-OPPT-2014-0360 in the subject
line on the first page of your response.
1. By mail: Submit your comments and hearing requests to: Emma
Avant, LCD, Toxics Section, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 77 W.
Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604.
2. By person or courier: Deliver your comments and hearing requests
to: EPA Region 5, LCD, Toxics Section, 77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL
60604. The Regional office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the
regional office is (312) 886-6003.
3. Electronically: You may submit your comments and hearing
requests electronically by email to: avant.emma@epa.gov or through
https://www.regulations.gov, or mail your computer disk to the address
identified above. Do not submit any information electronically that you
consider to be CBI. Electronic comments must be submitted as an ASCII
file avoiding the use of special characters and any form of encryption.
Comments and data will also be accepted on standard disks in Microsoft
Word or ASCII file format.
D. How should I handle CBI information that I want to submit to the
You may claim information that you submit to EPA in response to
this document as CBI by marking any part or all of that information as
CBI. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance
with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. In addition to one complete
version of the comment that includes any information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not contain the information claimed as
CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public version of the
official record. Information not marked confidential will be included
in the public version of the official record without prior notice. If
you have any questions about CBI or the procedures for claiming CBI,
please consult the person identified under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
E. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?
You may find the following suggestions helpful for preparing your
1. Explain your views as clearly as possible.
2. Describe any assumptions that you used.
3. Provide copies of any technical information and/or data you used
that support your views.
4. If you estimate potential burden or costs, explain how you
arrived at the estimate that you provide.
5. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns.
6. Offer alternative ways to improve the notice or collection
7. Make sure to submit your comments by the deadline in this
8. To ensure proper receipt by EPA, identify the docket ID number
assigned to this action in the subject line on the first page of your
response. You may also provide the name, date, and Federal Register
II. Background
A. What action is the agency taking?
On July 14, 2010, the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa (Bois Forte or
the Tribe), located in St. Louis and Koochiching Counties in Northern
Minnesota, submitted an application under section 404 of TSCA
requesting authorization to administer and enforce requirements for:
Lead-based paint activities (such as abatement) in accordance with
section 402(a) of TSCA; renovation, repair and painting (referred to as
``RRP''), in accordance with section 402(c) of TSCA; and pre-renovation
education in accordance with section 406(b) of TSCA. These programs
contain procedures and requirements for the accreditation of lead-based
paint activities and RRP training programs, procedures and requirements
for the certification of individuals and firms
[[Page 35542]]
engaged in lead-based paint activities or RRP activities, and work
practice standards for performing such activities, and ensure that
owners and occupants of target housing are provided information
concerning potential hazards of lead-based paint exposure before
certain lead-based paint activities or RRP activities are begun.
Subsequently, Bois Forte supplemented the application on August 30,
2010, September 23, 2011, January 31, 2012, February 23, 2012, and July
13, 2013. After reviewing all the application materials, EPA now
considers the Tribe's application to be complete.
The Tribe's application requests authorization to administer and
enforce these requirements on lands held in trust for the Tribe within
the reservation boundaries. The Tribe has not, at this time, requested
authorization to administer and enforce these programs on non-member
owned fee lands within the reservation boundaries. If EPA authorizes
the Tribal program, EPA will continue to administer and enforce the
requirements on non-member owned fee lands within the reservation
boundaries. The Tribe may, however, apply to administer and enforce
these requirements for all lands located within the exterior boundaries
of the reservation at some future time, but must meet all statutory and
regulatory requirements under section 404(b) of TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2684(b)
and 40 CFR part 745 subpart Q.
The Bois Forte Reservation includes five land areas, four of which
currently include lands held in trust for the Tribe. The Lake
Vermillion land area, approximately 2803 acres located near the town of
Tower, Minnesota, and the Sugar Bush and Indian Point land areas,
approximately 83 acres and 60 acres, respectively, both located near
the town of Orr, Minnesota, consist entirely of trust land for which
the Tribe will administer and enforce the program. The Nett Lake land
area, comprising of 103,000 acres surrounding Nett Lake, and the vast
majority of the Bois Forte Reservation land and members, includes both
trust land, where the Tribe will administer and enforce the program,
and non-member owned fee land, where the Tribe will not. The Deer Creek
land area, approximately 23,000 acres currently includes no trust
lands; at this time the Tribe will not administer the program on the
Deer Creek land area. There are a total of approximately 100 pre-1978
housing properties on trust lands where the Tribe will administer and
enforce the program. Because the program addresses lead-based paint
found in housing constructed prior to 1978, the only scenarios under
which additional housing will come into the universe of regulated
properties are: (1) Pre-1978 housing is moved onto trust land, and (2)
new lands are placed into trust upon which pre-1978 housing exists.
The Tribe's proposed program includes one provision for which the
Tribal program is more stringent than the federal program. The Tribe's
definition of ``target housing'' includes all buildings on Tribal trust
lands. The federal program only applies to ``target housing,'' as
defined by section 401(17) of TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2681, which includes
housing constructed prior to 1978, except housing for the elderly or
persons with disabilities (unless any child who is less than 6 years of
age resides or is expected to reside in such housing for the elderly or
persons with disabilities) or any zero-bedroom dwelling. As noted below
in Section IV of this notice, if approved, EPA may exercise its
enforcement authority under TSCA against a violation of, or a failure
or refusal to comply with, any requirement of the Bois Forte Lead
Program that is consistent with federal program requirements.
Therefore, if approved, EPA will not enforce the Bois Forte Lead
Program for violations arising at buildings not included in the federal
definition of ``target housing.''
In order for EPA to authorize the Bois Forte program, it must
determine that the application includes information sufficient for EPA
to find Bois Forte eligible for treatment in the same manner as a state
(TAS). For the TSCA lead program, TAS requirements are found in 40 CFR
745.324(b)(4), and include, among other things, that the tribe is
recognized by the Secretary of the Interior; has an existing government
exercising substantial governmental duties and powers; has adequate
civil regulatory jurisdiction over the subject matter and entities
regulated; and is reasonably expected to be capable of administering
the federal program for which it is seeking authorization. In
determining that the Tribe's application is complete, EPA believes that
the Tribe has demonstrated that it can meet each of these requirements
for TAS under this program.
Pursuant to section 404(b) of TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2684(b) and 40 CFR
part 745, subpart Q, EPA provides notice and an opportunity for a
public hearing on a state or tribal program application before
approving the program. Therefore, by this notice EPA is soliciting
public comment on whether the Bois Forte application meets the
requirements for EPA approval. This notice also provides an opportunity
to request a public hearing on the application. If a hearing is
requested, EPA will issue a Federal Register notice announcing the
date, time and place of the hearing and EPA's final decision on the
application will also then be published in the Federal Register.
B. What is the agency's authority for taking this action?
On October 28, 1992, the Housing and Community Development Act of
1992, Public Law 102-550, became law. Title X of that statute was the
Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992. That Act
amended TSCA (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) by adding Title IV (15 U.S.C.
2681-2692), entitled Lead Exposure Reduction. In the Federal Register
of August 29, 1996 (61 FR 45813) (FRL-5389-9), April 22, 2008 (73 FR
21758) (FRL-8355-7), and June 1, 1998 (63 FR 29908) (FR-5751-7),
respectively, EPA promulgated final TSCA section 402(a), 402(c), and
406(b) regulations governing lead-based paint activities (abatement)
training, certification and work practice standards; renovation, repair
and painting (RRP) training, certification and work practice standards;
and pre-renovation education (PRE) requirements in target housing and/
or child-occupied facilities. These programs establish requirements for
training individuals conducting lead-based paint activities and RRP
activities; accrediting lead-based paint activities and RRP activities
training providers; and for lead-based paint activities and RRP work
practices. The program also ensures that owners and occupants of target
housing and child-occupied facilities are provided information
concerning potential hazards of lead-based paint exposure before
certain renovations are conducted. In addition to providing general
information on the health hazards associated with exposure to lead, the
lead hazard information pamphlet advises owners and occupants to take
appropriate precautions to avoid exposure to lead-contaminated dust and
debris that are sometimes generated during renovations. EPA believes
that distribution of the pamphlet will help to reduce the exposures
that cause serious lead poisonings, especially in children under age 6,
who are particularly susceptible to the hazards of lead. Under section
404 of TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2684, a state or tribe may seek authorization
from EPA to administer and enforce its own lead-based paint activities,
RRP and/or pre-renovation education program in lieu of the federal
program. The regulations governing the authorization of a state or
tribal program under both sections 402 and 406 of TSCA are codified at
40 CFR part 745,
[[Page 35543]]
subpart Q. A state or tribe that chooses to apply for program
authorization must submit a complete application to the appropriate
regional EPA office for review. Those applications will be reviewed by
EPA within 180 days of receipt of the complete application. To receive
EPA approval, a state or tribe must demonstrate that its program is at
least as protective of human health and the environment as the federal
program, and provides for adequate enforcement under section 404(b) of
TSCA, 15 U.S.C. 2684(b). EPA's regulations at 40 CFR part 745, subpart
Q provide the detailed requirements a state or tribal program must meet
in order to obtain EPA approval.
III. Tribal Program Description Summary
The following is the Tribe's proposed TSCA Lead-Based Paint program
summary, which the Bois Forte Tribe prepared as a required part of its
The Bois Forte has adopted by Resolution 6-2011, the
ordinance entitled Bois Forte Lead Program in order to provide clear
and specific authority and guidance for regulating renovation
requirements, and pre-renovation notification requirements and lead-
based paint activities, including assessment, inspection, and
abatement of lead-based paint on the Bois Forte Reservation.
Penalties for non-compliance are established. The ordinance targets
all buildings located on the Bois Forte Reservation.
The ordinance is designed to be at least as protective as the
federal law and provide for adequate enforcement of all provisions
through a schedule of flexible remedies. This is accomplished
through a combination of Tribe-specific requirements (training
accreditation) that are identical to the federal regulations and
through incorporation by reference of other required federal
elements (certification of individuals, pre-renovation notification
activities, renovation, and definitions of lead-based paint
hazards). Also incorporated by reference are the federal definitions
with the notable expansion of the definition of target housing to
include all reservation buildings.
The ordinance contains enforcement and compliance requirements
consisting of a schedule of flexible remedies and an appeals
The Bois Forte Reservation Lead Program request for federal
delegation of authority is a natural application of tribal sovereign
power over environmental regulatory activities on the Tribe's lands
for the health, welfare, and safety of community members.
EPA believes that the Tribe's program description, above, together
with the rest of the application, demonstrates adequate civil
regulatory jurisdiction over the matter and entities regulated.
IV. Federal Overfilling
Section 404(b) of TSCA makes it unlawful for any person to violate,
or fail or refuse to comply with, any requirement of an approved state
or tribal program. Therefore, if EPA approves the Bois Forte Lead
Program application, EPA reserves the right to exercise its enforcement
authority under TSCA against a violation of, or a failure or refusal to
comply with, any requirement of the Bois Forte Lead Program to the
extent that such requirement is consistent with federal law.
List of Subjects
Environmental Protection, Hazardous Substances, Lead, Renovation
Notification, Reporting and Recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: June 10, 2014.
Susan Hedman,
Regional Administrator, Region 5.
[FR Doc. 2014-14591 Filed 6-20-14; 8:45 am]