Notice of Solicitation of Applications for Stakeholder Representative Members of the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee, 35320-35322 [2014-14456]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
General Services Administration, Kansas
City, MO.
Service Type/Locations: Building Operations
and Maintenance Service
GSA, PBS, Region 2, Theodore Roosevelt
US Courthouse, South Wing, Emanuel
Celler US Courthouse, North Wing, 225
Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, NY
GSA, PBS, Region 2, U.S. Post Office and
Conrad B. Duberstein Bankruptcy
Courthouse, 271 Cadman Plaza East,
Brooklyn, NY
NPA: Fedcap Rehabilitation Services, Inc.,
New York, NY
Contracting Activity: GSA/Public Buildings
Service, Brooklyn, NY
Service Type/Location: Janitorial Service
U.S. Coast Guard, Air Station Atlantic City,
William J. Hughes Federal Aviation
Administration Technical Center,
Atlantic City International Airport, FAA
Technical Center, Building 350, Egg
Harbor Township, NJ
NPA: Fedcap Rehabilitation Services, Inc.,
New York, NY
Contracting Activity: Department of
Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard,
Base Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA
Service Type/Location: Healthcare
Housekeeping and Related Service
U.S. Army Medical Command, Madigan
Army Medical Center and affiliated
Medical Treatment Facilities, Joint Base
Lewis-McChord, WA
NPA: HHI Services Inc., San Antonio, TX
Contracting Activity: Dept of the Army,
Houston, TX
Service Type/Location: Warehouse Service
Social Security Administration,
Birmingham Social Security Center, 1200
Rev. Abraham Woods, Jr. Blvd.,
Birmingham, AL
NPA: Alabama Goodwill Industries, Inc.,
Birmingham, AL
Contracting Activity: Social Security
Administration, HDQTRS—Office of
Acquisition & Grants, Baltimore, MD
Barry S. Lineback,
Director, Business Operations.
[FR Doc. 2014–14464 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
Procurement List; Proposed Additions
Committee for Purchase From
People Who Are Blind or Severely
ACTION: Proposed Additions to the
Procurement List.
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
The Committee is proposing
to add products and services to the
Procurement List that will be furnished
by nonprofit agencies employing
persons who are blind or have other
severe disabilities.
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Comments Must Be Received On Or
Before: 7/21/2014.
ADDRESSES: Committee for Purchase
From People Who Are Blind or Severely
Disabled, 1401 S. Clark Street, Suite
10800, Arlington, Virginia 22202–4149.
Barry S. Lineback, Telephone: (703)
603–7740, Fax: (703) 603–0655, or email
notice is published pursuant to 41
U.S.C. 8503(a)(2) and 41 CFR 51–2.3. Its
purpose is to provide interested persons
an opportunity to submit comments on
the proposed actions.
If the Committee approves the
proposed additions, the entities of the
Federal Government identified in this
notice will be required to procure the
products and services listed below from
nonprofit agencies employing persons
who are blind or have other severe
The following products and services
are proposed for addition to the
Procurement List for production by the
nonprofit agencies listed:
Cover, Toilet Seat, Disposable, Paper
NSN: 8540–00–965–5790—Quarter-Folded
NSN: 8540–00–NIB–0060—Half-Folded
NPA: Outlook-Nebraska, Inc., Omaha, NE
Contracting Activity: General Services
Administration, New York, NY
Coverage: A-List for the Total Government
Requirement as aggregated by the
General Services Administration, New
York, NY.
Measuring Tool, Set, Machinist’s, MMTS
NSN: 5280–00–NIB–9919
NPA: Industries for the Blind, Inc.,
Milwaukee, WI
Contracting Activity: Army Contracting
Command—U.S. Army Tank and
Automotive Command, Warren, MI
Coverage: C-List for 100% of the
requirements of the U.S. Army as
aggregated by Army Contracting
Command—U.S. Army Tank and
Automotive Command, Warren, MI.
Service Type/Location: Administrative
Contract Close-Out Support Service
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,
1625 Eye Street NW., Washington, DC
NPA: ServiceSource, Inc., Alexandria, VA
Contracting Activity: Department of Treasury,
Bureau of the Fiscal Service, PSB 3,
Parkersburg, WV
Service Type/Location: IT Service Desk
Support Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest
Service, 101B Sun Avenue NE., Suite
200, Albuquerque, NM
NPA: Peckham Vocational Industries, Inc.,
Lansing, MI
PO 00000
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Contracting Activity: Department of
Agriculture Forest Service, WO–AQM IT
Support, Albuquerque, NM
Service Type/Location: Janitorial, Grounds
and Refuse Collection Service
U.S. Air Force, Arnold Air Force Base, 100
Kindel Drive, Arnold AFB, TN
NPA: CW Resources, Inc., New Britain, CT
Contracting Activity: Dept of the Air Force,
FA9101 AEDC PKP, Procurement
Branch, Arnold AFB, TN
Service Type/Location: Contact Center
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD
NPA: InspiriTec, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
Contracting Activity: Department of Health
and Human Services, Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services,
Baltimore, MD
Barry S. Lineback,
Director, Business Operations.
[FR Doc. 2014–14463 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
Department of the Army; Army Corps
of Engineers
Notice of Solicitation of Applications
for Stakeholder Representative
Members of the Missouri River
Recovery Implementation Committee
Department of the Army, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice.
The Commander of the
Northwestern Division of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (Corps) is soliciting
applications to fill vacant stakeholder
representative member positions on the
Missouri River Recovery
Implementation Committee (MRRIC).
Members are sought to fill vacancies on
a committee to represent various
categories of interests within the
Missouri River basin. The MRRIC was
formed to advise the Corps on a study
of the Missouri River and its tributaries
and to provide guidance to the Corps
with respect to the Missouri River
recovery and mitigation activities
currently underway. The Corps
established the MRRIC as required by
the U.S. Congress through the Water
Resources Development Act of 2007
(WRDA), Section 5018.
DATES: The agency must receive
completed applications and
endorsement letters no later than July
25, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Mail completed
applications and endorsement letters to
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha
District (Attn: MRRIC), 1616 Capitol
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
Avenue, Omaha, NE 68102–4901 or
email completed applications to info@ Please put ‘‘MRRIC’’ in the
subject line.
Mary S. Roth, 402–995–2919.
operation of the MRRIC is in the public
interest and provides support to the
Corps in performing its duties and
responsibilities under the Endangered
Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.; Sec.
601(a) of the Water Resources
Development Act (WRDA) of 1986,
Public Law 99–662; Sec. 334(a) of
WRDA 1999, Public Law 106–53, and
Sec. 5018 of WRDA 2007, Public Law
110–114. The Federal Advisory
Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, does
not apply to the MRRIC.
A Charter for the MRRIC has been
developed and should be reviewed prior
to applying for a stakeholder
representative membership position on
the Committee. The Charter, operating
procedures, and stakeholder application
forms are available electronically at
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Purpose and Scope of the Committee
1. The primary purpose of the MRRIC
is to provide guidance to the Corps and
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with
respect to the Missouri River recovery
and mitigation plan currently in
existence, including recommendations
relating to changes to the
implementation strategy from the use of
adaptive management; coordination of
the development of consistent policies,
strategies, plans, programs, projects,
activities, and priorities for the Missouri
River recovery and mitigation plan.
Information about the Missouri River
Recovery Program is available at
2. Other duties of MRRIC include
exchange of information regarding
programs, projects, and activities of the
agencies and entities represented on the
Committee to promote the goals of the
Missouri River recovery and mitigation
plan; establishment of such working
groups as the Committee determines to
be necessary to assist in carrying out the
duties of the Committee, including
duties relating to public policy and
scientific issues; facilitating the
resolution of interagency and
intergovernmental conflicts between
entities represented on the Committee
associated with the Missouri River
recovery and mitigation plan;
coordination of scientific and other
research associated with the Missouri
River recovery and mitigation plan; and
annual preparation of a work plan and
associated budget requests.
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Administrative Support. To the extent
authorized by law and subject to the
availability of appropriations, the Corps
provides funding and administrative
support for the Committee.
Committee Membership. Federal
agencies with programs affecting the
Missouri River may be members of the
MRRIC through a separate process with
the Corps. States and Federally
recognized Native American Indian
tribes, as described in the Charter, are
eligible for Committee membership
through an appointment process.
Interested State and Tribal government
representatives should contact the Corps
for information about the appointment
This Notice is for individuals
interested in serving as a stakeholder
member on the Committee. Members
and alternates must be able to
demonstrate that they meet the
definition of ‘‘stakeholder’’ found in the
Charter of the MRRIC. Applications are
currently being accepted for
representation in the stakeholder
interest categories listed below:
a. Agriculture;
b. Conservation Districts;
c. Fish and Wildlife;
d. Flood Control;
e. Hydropower;
f. Irrigation;
g. Navigation;
h. Recreation;
i. Thermal Power;
j. Water Supply; and
k. At Large.
Terms of stakeholder representative
members of the MRRIC are three years.
There is no limit to the number of terms
a member may serve. Incumbent
Committee members seeking
reappointment do not need to re-submit
an application. However, they must
submit a renewal letter and related
materials as outlined in the
‘‘Streamlined Process for Existing
Members’’ portion of the document
Process for Filling MRRIC Stakeholder
Vacancies (
Members and alternates of the
Committee will not receive any
compensation from the federal
government for carrying out the duties
of the MRRIC. Travel expenses incurred
by members of the Committee are not
currently reimbursed by the federal
Application for Stakeholder
Membership. Persons who believe that
they are or will be affected by the
Missouri River recovery and mitigation
activities may apply for stakeholder
membership on the MRRIC. Committee
members are obligated to avoid and
disclose any individual ethical, legal,
financial, or other conflicts of interest
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they may have involving MRRIC.
Applicants must disclose on their
application if they are directly
employed by a government agency or
program (the term ‘‘government’’
encompasses state, tribal, and federal
agencies and/or programs).
Applications for stakeholder
membership may be obtained
electronically at
Applications may be emailed or mailed
to the location listed (see ADDRESSES). In
order to be considered, each application
must include:
1. The name of the applicant and the
primary stakeholder interest category
that person is qualified to represent;
2. A written statement describing the
applicant’s area of expertise and why
the applicant believes he or she should
be appointed to represent that area of
expertise on the MRRIC;
3. A written statement describing how
the applicant’s participation as a
Stakeholder Representative will fulfill
the roles and responsibilities of MRRIC;
4. A written description of the
applicant’s past experience(s) working
collaboratively with a group of
individuals representing varied interests
towards achieving a mutual goal, and
the outcome of the effort(s);
5. A written description of the
communication network that the
applicant plans to use to inform his or
her constituents and to gather their
feedback, and
6. A written endorsement letter from
an organization, local government body,
or formal constituency, which
demonstrates that the applicant
represents an interest group(s) in the
Missouri River basin.
To be considered, the application
must be complete and received by the
close of business on July 25, 2014, at the
location indicated (see ADDRESSES).
Applications must include an
endorsement letter to be considered
complete. Full consideration will be
given to all complete applications
received by the specified due date.
Application Review Process.
Committee stakeholder applications will
be forwarded to the current members of
the MRRIC. The MRRIC will provide
membership recommendations to the
Corps as described in Attachment A of
the Process for Filling MRRIC
Stakeholder Vacancies document
( The Corps is
responsible for appointing stakeholder
members. The Corps will consider
applications using the following criteria:
• Ability to commit the time required.
• Commitment to make a good faith
(as defined in the Charter) effort to seek
balanced solutions that address multiple
interests and concerns.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
• Agreement to support and adhere to
the approved MRRIC Charter and
Operating Procedures.
• Demonstration of a formal
designation or endorsement by an
organization, local government, or
constituency as its preferred
• Demonstration of an established
communication network to keep
constituents informed and efficiently
seek their input when needed.
• Agreement to participate in
collaboration training as a condition of
membership. All applicants will be
notified in writing as to the final
decision about their application.
Certification. I hereby certify that the
establishment of the MRRIC is necessary
and in the public interest in connection
with the performance of duties imposed
on the Corps by the Endangered Species
Act and other statutes.
Dated: June 12, 2014.
Mary S. Roth,
Project Manager for the Missouri River,
Recovery Implementation Committee
[FR Doc. 2014–14456 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. ED–2014–ICCD–0092]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request; Migrant
Education Program Regulations and
Certificate of Eligibility
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education (OESE),
Department of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 3501 et seq.), ED is
proposing an extension of an existing
information collection.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before August
19, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comments submitted in
response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// by selecting
Docket ID number ED–2014–ICCD–0092
or via postal mail, commercial delivery,
or hand delivery. If the
site is not available to the public for any
reason, ED will temporarily accept
comments at
Please note that comments submitted by
fax or email and those submitted after
the comment period will not be
accepted; ED will ONLY accept
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
22:31 Jun 19, 2014
Jkt 232001
comments during the comment period
in this mailbox when the
site is not available. Written requests for
information or comments submitted by
postal mail or delivery should be
addressed to the Director of the
Information Collection Clearance
Division, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ,
Mailstop L–OM–2–2E319, Room 2E115,
Washington, DC 20202.
specific questions related to collection
activities, please contact Andrew Brake,
Department of Education (ED), in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general
public and Federal agencies with an
opportunity to comment on proposed,
revised, and continuing collections of
information. This helps the Department
assess the impact of its information
collection requirements and minimize
the public’s reporting burden. It also
helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. ED is
soliciting comments on the proposed
information collection request (ICR) that
is described below. The Department of
Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Migrant Education
Program Regulations and Certificate of
OMB Control Number: 1810–0662.
Type of Review: An extension of an
existing information collection.
Respondents/Affected Public:
Individuals or households, State, Local,
or Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 150,847.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 278,593.
Abstract: The regulations for Title I,
Part C establish minimum requirements
for a State Educational Agency (SEA)
comprehensive needs assessment, plan
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for service delivery, and program
evaluation. The regulations also
establish minimum requirements for
documenting eligibility, re-interviewing,
and establishing a system of quality
controls. The Secretary will use the
information collected to monitor the
accuracy of program eligibility
determinations, make needed
improvements, and adjust State Migrant
Education Program (MEP) allocations
based on reported defect rates.
Dated: June 16, 2014.
Tomakie Washington,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
[FR Doc. 2014–14423 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. ED–2014–ICCD–0093]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request; Annual
Report of Children in State Agency and
Locally Operated Institutions for
Neglected and Delinquent Children
Office of Elementary and
Secondary Education (OESE),
Department of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 3501 et seq.), ED is
proposing a revision of an existing
information collection.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before August
19, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Comments submitted in
response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// by selecting
Docket ID number ED–2014–ICCD–0093
or via postal mail, commercial delivery,
or hand delivery. If the
site is not available to the public for any
reason, ED will temporarily accept
comments at
Please note that comments submitted by
fax or email and those submitted after
the comment period will not be
accepted; ED will ONLY accept
comments during the comment period
in this mailbox when the
site is not available. Written requests for
information or comments submitted by
postal mail or delivery should be
addressed to the Director of the
Information Collection Clearance
Division, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ,
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 119 (Friday, June 20, 2014)]
[Pages 35320-35322]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-14456]
Department of the Army; Army Corps of Engineers
Notice of Solicitation of Applications for Stakeholder
Representative Members of the Missouri River Recovery Implementation
AGENCY: Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DoD.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Commander of the Northwestern Division of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (Corps) is soliciting applications to fill vacant
stakeholder representative member positions on the Missouri River
Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC). Members are sought to fill
vacancies on a committee to represent various categories of interests
within the Missouri River basin. The MRRIC was formed to advise the
Corps on a study of the Missouri River and its tributaries and to
provide guidance to the Corps with respect to the Missouri River
recovery and mitigation activities currently underway. The Corps
established the MRRIC as required by the U.S. Congress through the
Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (WRDA), Section 5018.
DATES: The agency must receive completed applications and endorsement
letters no later than July 25, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Mail completed applications and endorsement letters to U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District (Attn: MRRIC), 1616 Capitol
[[Page 35321]]
Avenue, Omaha, NE 68102-4901 or email completed applications to Please put ``MRRIC'' in the subject line.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The operation of the MRRIC is in the public
interest and provides support to the Corps in performing its duties and
responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.; Sec. 601(a) of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of
1986, Public Law 99-662; Sec. 334(a) of WRDA 1999, Public Law 106-53,
and Sec. 5018 of WRDA 2007, Public Law 110-114. The Federal Advisory
Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. App. 2, does not apply to the MRRIC.
A Charter for the MRRIC has been developed and should be reviewed
prior to applying for a stakeholder representative membership position
on the Committee. The Charter, operating procedures, and stakeholder
application forms are available electronically at
Purpose and Scope of the Committee
1. The primary purpose of the MRRIC is to provide guidance to the
Corps and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with respect to the Missouri
River recovery and mitigation plan currently in existence, including
recommendations relating to changes to the implementation strategy from
the use of adaptive management; coordination of the development of
consistent policies, strategies, plans, programs, projects, activities,
and priorities for the Missouri River recovery and mitigation plan.
Information about the Missouri River Recovery Program is available at
2. Other duties of MRRIC include exchange of information regarding
programs, projects, and activities of the agencies and entities
represented on the Committee to promote the goals of the Missouri River
recovery and mitigation plan; establishment of such working groups as
the Committee determines to be necessary to assist in carrying out the
duties of the Committee, including duties relating to public policy and
scientific issues; facilitating the resolution of interagency and
intergovernmental conflicts between entities represented on the
Committee associated with the Missouri River recovery and mitigation
plan; coordination of scientific and other research associated with the
Missouri River recovery and mitigation plan; and annual preparation of
a work plan and associated budget requests.
Administrative Support. To the extent authorized by law and subject
to the availability of appropriations, the Corps provides funding and
administrative support for the Committee.
Committee Membership. Federal agencies with programs affecting the
Missouri River may be members of the MRRIC through a separate process
with the Corps. States and Federally recognized Native American Indian
tribes, as described in the Charter, are eligible for Committee
membership through an appointment process. Interested State and Tribal
government representatives should contact the Corps for information
about the appointment process.
This Notice is for individuals interested in serving as a
stakeholder member on the Committee. Members and alternates must be
able to demonstrate that they meet the definition of ``stakeholder''
found in the Charter of the MRRIC. Applications are currently being
accepted for representation in the stakeholder interest categories
listed below:
a. Agriculture;
b. Conservation Districts;
c. Fish and Wildlife;
d. Flood Control;
e. Hydropower;
f. Irrigation;
g. Navigation;
h. Recreation;
i. Thermal Power;
j. Water Supply; and
k. At Large.
Terms of stakeholder representative members of the MRRIC are three
years. There is no limit to the number of terms a member may serve.
Incumbent Committee members seeking reappointment do not need to re-
submit an application. However, they must submit a renewal letter and
related materials as outlined in the ``Streamlined Process for Existing
Members'' portion of the document Process for Filling MRRIC Stakeholder
Vacancies (
Members and alternates of the Committee will not receive any
compensation from the federal government for carrying out the duties of
the MRRIC. Travel expenses incurred by members of the Committee are not
currently reimbursed by the federal government.
Application for Stakeholder Membership. Persons who believe that
they are or will be affected by the Missouri River recovery and
mitigation activities may apply for stakeholder membership on the
MRRIC. Committee members are obligated to avoid and disclose any
individual ethical, legal, financial, or other conflicts of interest
they may have involving MRRIC. Applicants must disclose on their
application if they are directly employed by a government agency or
program (the term ``government'' encompasses state, tribal, and federal
agencies and/or programs).
Applications for stakeholder membership may be obtained
electronically at Applications may be emailed or mailed
to the location listed (see ADDRESSES). In order to be considered, each
application must include:
1. The name of the applicant and the primary stakeholder interest
category that person is qualified to represent;
2. A written statement describing the applicant's area of expertise
and why the applicant believes he or she should be appointed to
represent that area of expertise on the MRRIC;
3. A written statement describing how the applicant's participation
as a Stakeholder Representative will fulfill the roles and
responsibilities of MRRIC;
4. A written description of the applicant's past experience(s)
working collaboratively with a group of individuals representing varied
interests towards achieving a mutual goal, and the outcome of the
5. A written description of the communication network that the
applicant plans to use to inform his or her constituents and to gather
their feedback, and
6. A written endorsement letter from an organization, local
government body, or formal constituency, which demonstrates that the
applicant represents an interest group(s) in the Missouri River basin.
To be considered, the application must be complete and received by
the close of business on July 25, 2014, at the location indicated (see
ADDRESSES). Applications must include an endorsement letter to be
considered complete. Full consideration will be given to all complete
applications received by the specified due date.
Application Review Process. Committee stakeholder applications will
be forwarded to the current members of the MRRIC. The MRRIC will
provide membership recommendations to the Corps as described in
Attachment A of the Process for Filling MRRIC Stakeholder Vacancies
document ( The Corps is responsible for appointing
stakeholder members. The Corps will consider applications using the
following criteria:
Ability to commit the time required.
Commitment to make a good faith (as defined in the
Charter) effort to seek balanced solutions that address multiple
interests and concerns.
[[Page 35322]]
Agreement to support and adhere to the approved MRRIC
Charter and Operating Procedures.
Demonstration of a formal designation or endorsement by an
organization, local government, or constituency as its preferred
Demonstration of an established communication network to
keep constituents informed and efficiently seek their input when
Agreement to participate in collaboration training as a
condition of membership. All applicants will be notified in writing as
to the final decision about their application.
Certification. I hereby certify that the establishment of the MRRIC
is necessary and in the public interest in connection with the
performance of duties imposed on the Corps by the Endangered Species
Act and other statutes.
Dated: June 12, 2014.
Mary S. Roth,
Project Manager for the Missouri River, Recovery Implementation
Committee (MRRIC).
[FR Doc. 2014-14456 Filed 6-19-14; 8:45 am]