Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, 35408-35410 [2014-14129]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
Docket No.
Regulation(s) affected
Nature of special permits thereof
16169–N .......
JCR Construction Company, Inc.,
Raymond, NH.
49 CFR Table
§ 172.101, Column(9B),
§ 172.204(c)(3),
§ 173.27(b)(2)
§ 175.30(a)(1)
§ 172.200, 172.300,
and 172.400.
16170–N .......
Hydro Stat LLC, Holly, MI ..............
49 CFR 180.213(b)(2)
16171–N .......
O’Reilly Automotive Stores, Inc.,
Springfield, MO.
49 CFR 173.159 ..........
16172–N .......
Entegris, Inc., Danbury, CT ...........
49 CFR 173.301(f) ......
16174–N .......
Goal Zero, Bluffdale, UT ................
49 CFR 173.185(a)(1)
16175–N .......
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), Washington, DC.
49 CFR 173.56,
173.302a and
16178–N .......
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), Washington, DC.
49 CFR 173.302a .......
To authorize the transportation in commerce of
certain hazardous materials by 14 CFR Part
133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to
or suspended from an aircraft, in remote
areas of the US only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements,
quantity limitations and certain loading and
stowage requirements. (mode 4)
To authorize the removal of certain requalification markings from DOT–3AL cylinders that
have previously been retested in accordance with DOT–SP 14546 or DOT–SP
14854, to allow them to be returned to a 5
year hydrostatic retest schedule and eliminate the need for quality control for the
gases to be used. (modes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of
batteries in alternative packaging by motor
vehicle. (mode 1).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of
a Zone B toxic by inhalation gas in a
DOT3AA cylinder that is fitted with an alternative pressure relief device. (modes 1, 3).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of
certain lithium batteries that do not have the
original UN test certifications by motor vehicle. (mode 1)
To authorize the transportation in commerce of
a Division 1.4S explosive without an EX
classification approval and carbon dioxide in
a non-DOT specification cylinder. (modes 1,
To authorize the transportation in commerce of
compressed gases in non-DOT specification
cylinders. (modes 1, 3).
Notice of actions on Special
Permit Applications.
[FR Doc. 2014–14181 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
In accordance with the
procedures governing the application
for, and the processing of, special
permits from the Department of
Transportation’s Hazardous Material
Regulations (49 CFR Part 107, Subpart
13), notice is hereby given of the actions
on special permits applications in (May
to May 2014). The mode of
transportation involved are identified by
a number in the ‘‘Nature of
Application’’ portion of the table below
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
S.P No.
as follows: 1—Motor vehicle, 2—Rail
freight, 3—Cargo vessel, 4—Cargo
aircraft only, 5—Passenger-carrying
aircraft, Application numbers prefixed
by the letters EE represent applications
for Emergency Special Permits. It
should be noted that some of the
sections cited were those in effect at the
time certain special permits were
Issued in Washington, DC, on: June 12,
Donald Burger,
Chief, Special Permits and Approvals Branch.
Nature of special permit thereof
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
12184–M ......
Weldship Corporation Bethlehem, PA.
15448–M ......
U.S. Department of Defense
Scott AFB, IL.
W.R. Grace & Co.-Conn. Columbia, MD.
15735–M ......
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49 CFR 180.209(a),
180.205(c), (f), (g) and (i),
UN cylinders
173.302a(b)(2), manufactured in (3), (4) and (5), and
49 CFR 172.320, 173.51,
173.56, 173.57 and 173.58.
49 CFR 173.242(d) .................
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To modify the special permit to authorize accordance with
ISO 11120, update the minimum wall thickness table, and
update the rejection criteria table to include outside diameters of 18″ to 22″ for DOT 3AAX cylinders.
To modify the special permit to authorize Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, and 9 materials under interim hazard class.
To modify the special permit to authorize Divison 4.2 materials.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
S.P No.
13997–M ......
Maritime Helicopters, Inc.
Homer, AK.
15335–M ......
Seastar Chemicals Inc. Sidney, BC.
U.S. Department of Defense
Scott AFB, IL.
12362–M ......
Nature of special permit thereof
49 CFR 172.101(9b),
172.204(c)(3), 173.27(6)(2),
175.30(a)(1), 172.200,
172.300, 172.400, 175.75,
172.301(c), 172.302(c), and
Part 178.
49 CFR 173.158(f)(3) ..............
To modify the special permit to authorize an increase in portable tank capacity and the addition of Class 3 materials.
49 CFR 176.164(c) .................
To modify the special permit to authorize alternative threaded
closure caps.
To modify the special permit to authorize all Government
owned Maritime Prepostioning Ships to use alternative
15863–N .......
Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations Inc. Houston, TX.
49 CFR 173.301(a), 173.301(f)
and 173.302a.
15882–N .......
Ryan Air Inc. Anchorage, AK ..
16015–N .......
GPI Corporation Schofield, WI
49 CFR 172.101 Table Column (9B), 173.27 and
49 CFR 173.240, 173.241,
173.242 and 173.243.
16024–N .......
Manulwa Airways, Inc. Hilo, HI
49 CFR 175.9(a) .....................
16017–N .......
Transportation Security Administration Arlington, VA.
16037–N .......
E.I. duPont de Nemours and
Company Wilmington, DE.
Textron Defense Systems
(TDS) Wilmington, MA.
49 CFR Part 107, Subpart B,
Appendix B; Part 172, Subpart C; 173.25, 175.85.
49 CFR 173.242 ......................
16087–N .......
16106–N .......
16092–N .......
New England Primate Research Center
Southborough, MA.
Swift River Air, LLC Anchorage, AK.
49 CFR 172.101 Column (9B)
49 CFR 173.199(a)(1) .............
49 CFR 49 CFR 172.101 Column (8C), 173.241,
173.242, 175.310.
49 CFR 173.420(a)(2)(i);
16107–N .......
DAHER–TLI .............................
16105–N .......
Coastal Helicopters Incorporated Inc. Belfast, ME.
49 CFR 49 CFR Table
sect; 172.101, Column (9B),
§ 172.204(c)(3),
§ 173.27(b)(2) § 175.30(a)(1)
§ 172.200, 172.300, and
16150–N .......
Egli Air Haul Inc. King Salmon,
49 CFR 172.101 Column (9B);
To authorize the transportation in commerce of compressed
nitrogen in a non-DOT specification cylinder that is not
equipped with a pressure relief device. (modes 1, 2, 3, 4).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain Class
3 fuels in non-DOT specification bulk packaging by cargo
aircraft. (mode 4).
To authorize the manufacture, marking, sale and use of nonDOT specification cargo tanks similar to DOT 407 and 412
cargo tanks. (mode 1).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials by external load. (mode 4).
To authorize the shipment of radiation detection survey meters containing a Division 2.2 compressed gas in the passenger compartment of commercial aircraft. (mode 5).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of a Class 8 corrosive) solid in UN50G large packagings. (modes 1, 2, 3).
To authorize the offering for transportation in commerce of
certain Class 1 explosive materials which are forbidden for
transportation by cargo only aircraft. (mode 4).
To authorize the one-time one-way transportation in commerce of lice, non-human primates (NHPs) infected with Division 6.2 (infectious substance) materials. (mode 1).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain flammable and combustible liquids in alternative packaging having a capacity of 119 gallons or more by air. (mode 4).
To authorize the one time one way transportation in commerce of 14 heeled cylinders that are not ANSI N14.1 compliant. (mode 1).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External
Load Operations transporting hazardous materials attached
to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the
U.S. only, without being subject to hazard communication
requirements, quantity limitations and certain loading and
stowage requirements. (mode 4).
Authorizes the transport of propane in DOT Specification
4B240, 48A240, 4BW240 cylinders via helicopter utilizing
sling loads. (mode 4).
16055–N .......
Gateway Pyrotechnic Productions, LLC, dba Gateway
Fireworks Displays St.
Louis, MO.
The Boeing Company Renton,
49 CFR 172.300, 172.400,
172.301(c), 173.56.
To authorize the one-time, one-way transportation of
unappproved fireworks from Dallas, TX to storage in
Illiopolis, IL.
49 CFR 172.300, 172.400 and
16153–N .......
Trailers y Tanques de
Aluminio S.A. de CV. Mexico.
49 CFR 178.345–7(d) .............
16151–N .......
Antonov Company, t/a
Antonov Airlines Kiev, NH.
49 CFR 49 CFR Section
172.101 Column (9B).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of a Division
1.4S material without marking, labeling or placarding.
(modes 1, 2, 3, 4).
To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain cargo
tanks with ring stiffers manufactured between October 2011
through May 2013 that are not in compliance with 178.347–
7(d). (modes 1, 2, 3).
To authorize the one-time transportation in commerce of certain explosives that are forbidden for transportation by
cargo only aircraft. (mode 3).
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16159–N .......
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
S.P No.
16164–N .......
AREVA, Inc. Richland, WA .....
Nature of special permit thereof
49 CFR 173.420(a)(2)(i);
To authorize the one time one way transportation in commerce of four Model 30B cylinders that contain a small residual heel of uranium hexafluoride. (mode 1).
15788–M ......
Request by Amtrol-Alfa, Metalomecanica SA Portugal, May 28, 2014. To modify the special permit to address requests made in
the original application submitted on December 26, 2012.
Request by Amtro Alfa Metalomecanica SA Portugal, May 23, 2014. To modify the special permit to authorize an increase in the
maximum water capacity to 10 gallons.
Request by UTLX Manufacturing, Incorporated Alexandria, LA, May 21, 2014. To modify the special permit to authorize an increase of the inspection interval to five years.
Request by Chemring Energetic Devices, Inc. Torrance, CA, May 7, 2014. To authorize the transportation in commerce Sealed
Scrap Parts (small parts containing milligram explosive loads) as as UN0352, Articles, explosive, n.o.s. 1.4D without having
them re-examined when transported for disposal.
Request by Clay & Bailey Manufacturing Company Kansas City, MO, May 28, 2014. To authorize the manufacture, mark, sale
and use of manways constructed from Ultra High Molecular Weight Pole Ethylene for use on cargo tank motor vehicles in
transporting certain hazardous materials.
Request by Elk Environmental Services Reading, PA, May 21, 2014. To authorize the transportation in commerce of certain
labpack quantities of hazardous materials with shrink-wrap as an overpack without required markings and labels.
14808–M ......
15036–M ......
15997–N .......
16095–N .......
16136–N .......
[FR Doc. 2014–14129 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
Pipeline And Hazardous Materials
Safety Administration
Office Of Hazardous Materials Safety;
List of Applications
Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration
ACTION: List of Applications Delayed
more than 180 days.
In accordance with the
requirements of 49 U.S.C. 5117(c),
PHMSA is publishing the following list
of special permit applications that have
been in process for 180 days or more.
The reason(s) for delay and the expected
completion date for action on each
application is provided in association
with each identified application.
Ryan Paquet, Director, Office of
Hazardous Materials Special Permits
and Approvals, Pipeline and Hazardous
Materials Safety Administration, U.S.
Department of Transportation, East
Building, PHH–30, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue Southeast, Washington, DC
20590–0001, (202) 366–4535.
Key to ‘‘Reason for Delay’’
1. Awaiting additional information from
Application No.
2. Extensive public comment under
3. Application is technically complex
and is of significant impact or
precedent-setting and requires
extensive analysis
4. Staff review delayed by other priority
issues or volume of special permit
Meaning of Application Number
N—New application
M—Modification request
R—Renewal Request
P—Party To Exemption Request
Issued in Washington, DC, on June 12,
Donald Burger,
Chief, General Approvals and Permits.
Reason for
Estimated date
of completion
Modification to Special Permits
15854–M ...........
15642–M ...........
14313–M ...........
9610–M .............
12629–M ...........
11373–M ...........
Colmac Coil Manufacturing, Inc. Colville, WA ..........................................................................
Praxair Distribution, Inc. Danbury, CT ......................................................................................
Airgas USA, LLC. Tulsa, OK ....................................................................................................
ATK Small Caliber Systems Independence, MO .....................................................................
TEA Technologies, Inc. Amarillo, TX .......................................................................................
Marlin Company, Inc. Lenoir, NC .............................................................................................
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
New Special Permit Applications
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Union Pacific Railroad Company Omaha, NE .........................................................................
Codman & Shurtleff, Inc. Raynham, MA ..................................................................................
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Houston, TX ...................................
Thompson Tank, Inc. Lakewood, CA .......................................................................................
Zhejiang Juhua Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Quzhou, Zhejiang ..................................
Dockweiler Neustadt-Glewe, Germany ....................................................................................
Americase Waxahache, TX ......................................................................................................
VELTEK Malvern, PA ...............................................................................................................
UTLX Manufacturing LLC Alexandria, LA ................................................................................
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[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 119 (Friday, June 20, 2014)]
[Pages 35408-35410]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-14129]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA),
ACTION: Notice of actions on Special Permit Applications.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the procedures governing the application
for, and the processing of, special permits from the Department of
Transportation's Hazardous Material Regulations (49 CFR Part 107,
Subpart 13), notice is hereby given of the actions on special permits
applications in (May to May 2014). The mode of transportation involved
are identified by a number in the ``Nature of Application'' portion of
the table below as follows: 1--Motor vehicle, 2--Rail freight, 3--Cargo
vessel, 4--Cargo aircraft only, 5--Passenger-carrying aircraft,
Application numbers prefixed by the letters EE represent applications
for Emergency Special Permits. It should be noted that some of the
sections cited were those in effect at the time certain special permits
were issued.
Issued in Washington, DC, on: June 12, 2014.
Donald Burger,
Chief, Special Permits and Approvals Branch.
Nature of special
S.P No. Applicant Regulation(s) permit thereof
12184-M......... Weldship 49 CFR To modify the
Corporation 180.209(a), special permit to
Bethlehem, PA. 180.205(c), authorize
(f), (g) and accordance with ISO
(i), UN 11120, update the
cylinders minimum wall
173.302a(b)(2) thickness table,
, manufactured and update the
in (3), (4) rejection criteria
and (5), and table to include
180.213. outside diameters
of 18 to
22 for
DOT 3AAX cylinders.
15448-M......... U.S. Department 49 CFR 172.320, To modify the
of Defense 173.51, special permit to
Scott AFB, IL. 173.56, 173.57 authorize Class 2,
and 173.58. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
and 9 materials
under interim
hazard class.
15735-M......... W.R. Grace & 49 CFR To modify the
Co.-Conn. 173.242(d). special permit to
Columbia, MD. authorize Divison
4.2 materials.
[[Page 35409]]
13997-M......... Maritime 49 CFR To modify the
Helicopters, 172.101(9b), special permit to
Inc. Homer, AK. 172.204(c)(3), authorize an
173.27(6)(2), increase in
175.30(a)(1), portable tank
172.200, capacity and the
172.300, addition of Class 3
172.400, materials.
and Part 178.
15335-M......... Seastar 49 CFR To modify the
Chemicals Inc. 173.158(f)(3). special permit to
Sidney, BC. authorize
threaded closure
12362-M......... U.S. Department 49 CFR To modify the
of Defense 176.164(c). special permit to
Scott AFB, IL. authorize all
Government owned
Prepostioning Ships
to use alternative
15863-N......... Baker Hughes 49 CFR To authorize the
Oilfield 173.301(a), transportation in
Operations 173.301(f) and commerce of
Inc. Houston, 173.302a. compressed nitrogen
TX. in a non-DOT
cylinder that is
not equipped with a
pressure relief
device. (modes 1,
2, 3, 4).
15882-N......... Ryan Air Inc. 49 CFR 172.101 To authorize the
Anchorage, AK. Table Column transportation in
(9B), 173.27 commerce of certain
and 173.243. Class 3 fuels in
specification bulk
packaging by cargo
aircraft. (mode 4).
16015-N......... GPI Corporation 49 CFR 173.240, To authorize the
Schofield, WI. 173.241, manufacture,
173.242 and marking, sale and
173.243. use of non-DOT
specification cargo
tanks similar to
DOT 407 and 412
cargo tanks. (mode
16024-N......... Manulwa 49 CFR 175.9(a) To authorize the
Airways, Inc. transportation in
Hilo, HI. commerce of certain
hazardous materials
by external load.
(mode 4).
16017-N......... Transportation 49 CFR Part To authorize the
Security 107, Subpart shipment of
Administration B, Appendix B; radiation detection
Arlington, VA. Part 172, survey meters
Subpart C; containing a
173.25, 175.85. Division 2.2
compressed gas in
the passenger
compartment of
aircraft. (mode 5).
16037-N......... E.I. duPont de 49 CFR 173.242. To authorize the
Nemours and transportation in
Company commerce of a Class
Wilmington, DE. 8 corrosive) solid
in UN50G large
packagings. (modes
1, 2, 3).
16087-N......... Textron Defense 49 CFR 172.101 To authorize the
Systems (TDS) Column (9B). offering for
Wilmington, MA. transportation in
commerce of certain
Class 1 explosive
materials which are
forbidden for
transportation by
cargo only
aircraft. (mode 4).
16106-N......... New England 49 CFR To authorize the one-
Primate 173.199(a)(1). time one-way
Research transportation in
Center commerce of lice,
Southborough, non-human primates
MA. (NHPs) infected
with Division 6.2
materials. (mode
16092-N......... Swift River 49 CFR 49 CFR To authorize the
Air, LLC 172.101 Column transportation in
Anchorage, AK. (8C), 173.241, commerce of certain
173.242, flammable and
175.310. combustible liquids
in alternative
packaging having a
capacity of 119
gallons or more by
air. (mode 4).
16107-N......... DAHER-TLI...... 49 CFR To authorize the one
173.420(a)(2)( time one way
i); 173.420(6). transportation in
commerce of 14
heeled cylinders
that are not ANSI
N14.1 compliant.
(mode 1).
16105-N......... Coastal 49 CFR 49 CFR To authorize the
Helicopters Table sect; transportation in
Incorporated 172.101, commerce of certain
Inc. Belfast, Column (9B), hazardous materials
ME. Sec. by 14 CFR Part 133
172.204(c)(3), Rotorcraft External
Sec. Load Operations
173.27(b)(2) transporting
Sec. hazardous materials
175.30(a)(1) attached to or
Sec. suspended from an
172.200, aircraft, in remote
172.300, and areas of the U.S.
172.400. only, without being
subject to hazard
limitations and
certain loading and
requirements. (mode
16150-N......... Egli Air Haul 49 CFR 172.101 Authorizes the
Inc. King Column (9B); transport of
Salmon, AK. 175.30(a)(1). propane in DOT
4B240, 48A240,
4BW240 cylinders
via helicopter
utilizing sling
loads. (mode 4).
16055-N......... Gateway 49 CFR 172.300, To authorize the one-
Pyrotechnic 172.400, time, one-way
Productions, 172.301(c), transportation of
LLC, dba 173.56. unappproved
Gateway fireworks from
Fireworks Dallas, TX to
Displays St. storage in
Louis, MO. Illiopolis, IL.
16159-N......... The Boeing 49 CFR 172.300, To authorize the
Company 172.400 and transportation in
Renton, WA. 172.500. commerce of a
Division 1.4S
material without
marking, labeling
or placarding.
(modes 1, 2, 3, 4).
16153-N......... Trailers y 49 CFR 178.345- To authorize the
Tanques de 7(d). transportation in
Aluminio S.A. commerce of certain
de CV. Mexico. cargo tanks with
ring stiffers
between October
2011 through May
2013 that are not
in compliance with
(modes 1, 2, 3).
16151-N......... Antonov 49 CFR 49 CFR To authorize the one-
Company, t/a Section time transportation
Antonov 172.101 Column in commerce of
Airlines Kiev, (9B). certain explosives
NH. that are forbidden
for transportation
by cargo only
aircraft. (mode 3).
[[Page 35410]]
16164-N......... AREVA, Inc. 49 CFR To authorize the one
Richland, WA. 173.420(a)(2)( time one way
i); 173.420(b). transportation in
commerce of four
Model 30B cylinders
that contain a
small residual heel
of uranium
hexafluoride. (mode
15788-M......... Request by Amtrol-Alfa, Metalomecanica SA Portugal,
May 28, 2014. To modify the special permit to address
requests made in the original application submitted
on December 26, 2012.
14808-M......... Request by Amtro Alfa Metalomecanica SA Portugal, May
23, 2014. To modify the special permit to authorize
an increase in the maximum water capacity to 10
15036-M......... Request by UTLX Manufacturing, Incorporated
Alexandria, LA, May 21, 2014. To modify the special
permit to authorize an increase of the inspection
interval to five years.
15997-N......... Request by Chemring Energetic Devices, Inc. Torrance,
CA, May 7, 2014. To authorize the transportation in
commerce Sealed Scrap Parts (small parts containing
milligram explosive loads) as as UN0352, Articles,
explosive, n.o.s. 1.4D without having them re-
examined when transported for disposal.
16095-N......... Request by Clay & Bailey Manufacturing Company Kansas
City, MO, May 28, 2014. To authorize the manufacture,
mark, sale and use of manways constructed from Ultra
High Molecular Weight Pole Ethylene for use on cargo
tank motor vehicles in transporting certain hazardous
16136-N......... Request by Elk Environmental Services Reading, PA, May
21, 2014. To authorize the transportation in commerce
of certain labpack quantities of hazardous materials
with shrink-wrap as an overpack without required
markings and labels.
[FR Doc. 2014-14129 Filed 6-19-14; 8:45 am]