Modification of Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances; Update of Chemical Identities, 34634-34639 [2014-14259]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
Locations, contacts, phone numbers and
viewing hours are:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Region II, Superfund Records Center,
290 Broadway, Room 1828, New
York, New York 10007–1866, (212)
637–4308, Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday;
and at
Manville Public Library, 100 South 10th
Avenue, Manville, New Jersey 08835,
(908) 722–9722, Hours: Mon. through
Fri.: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Fri.:
10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Sat.: 10:00
a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Puvogel, Remedial Project Manager,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Region II, 290 Broadway, 19th Floor,
New York, New York 10007–1866, (212)
637–4410, or email
The site to
be deleted from the NPL is: Federal
Creosote Superfund Site, Manville, New
Jersey. A Notice of Intent to Delete for
this Site was published in the Federal
Register at 79 FR 12436 on March 5,
The closing date for comments on the
Notice of Intent to Delete was April 4,
2014. One comment was received. The
comment suggested that a process be
established to protect against potential
future exposures to subsurface
contaminants brought to the surface by
redevelopment activities. Deed notices
apply adequate restrictions on
properties to protect against
redevelopment activities that have the
potential to deposit contaminated
subsurface soils on the land surface.
Deed notices, a required component of
the selected remedy, have been
implemented at the Federal Creosote
Superfund Site. The selected remedy,
which adequately protects human
health and the environment, has been
fully implemented and therefore
satisfies the deletion criteria of the
National Contingency Plan.
EPA maintains the NPL as the list of
sites that appear to present a significant
risk to public health, welfare, or the
environment. Deletion from the NPL
does not preclude further remedial
action. Whenever there is a significant
release from a site deleted from the NPL,
the deleted site may be restored to the
NPL without application of the hazard
ranking system. Deletion of a site from
the NPL does not affect responsible
party liability in the unlikely event that
future conditions warrant further
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List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 300
[EPA–HQ–OPPT–2014–0276; FRL–9910–51]
rule must be received on or before July
18, 2014 (see Unit III. of the
receives written adverse or critical
comments, or notice of intent to submit
adverse or critical comments, on before
July 18, 2014, EPA will withdraw the
relevant sections of this direct final rule
before its effective date.
For additional information on related
reporting requirement dates, see Units
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2014–0276, by
one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute.
• Mail: Document Control Office
(7407M), Office of Pollution Prevention
and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001.
• Hand Delivery: To make special
arrangements for hand delivery or
delivery of boxed information, please
follow the instructions at https://
Additional instructions on commenting
or visiting the docket, along with more
information about dockets generally, is
available at
RIN 2070–AB27
Environmental protection, Air
pollution control, Chemicals, Hazardous
waste, Hazardous substances,
Intergovernmental relations, Penalties,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Superfund, Water
pollution control, Water supply.
Dated: June 1, 2014.
Judith A. Enck,
Regional Administrator, Region 2.
For reasons set out in the preamble,
40 CFR part 300 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 300
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 33 U.S.C. 1321(c)(2); 42 U.S.C.
9601–9657; E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757, 3 CFR,
1991 Comp., p. 351; E.O. 12580, 52 FR 2923;
3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 193.
Appendix B to Part 300—[Amended]
2. Table 1 of Appendix B to part 300
is amended by removing the entry for
‘‘NJ’’, ‘‘Federal Creosote’’, ‘‘Manville
[FR Doc. 2014–14233 Filed 6–17–14; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 721
Modification of Significant New Use
Rules on Certain Chemical
Substances; Update of Chemical
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Direct final rule.
EPA is updating the chemical
identities of significant new use rules
(SNURs) under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA) for 36 chemical
substances which were the subject of
premanufacture notices (PMNs). This
action updates SNURs that were issued
using generic chemical names but will
now identify the specific chemical name
and chemical abstract number.
DATES: This rule is effective on August
18, 2014. For purposes of judicial
review, this rule shall be promulgated at
1 p.m. (e.s.t.) on July 2, 2014.
Written adverse or critical comments,
or notice of intent to submit adverse or
critical comments, on this direct final
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For technical information contact:
Kenneth Moss, Chemical Control
Division (7405M), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001;
telephone number: (202) 564–9232;
email address:
For general information contact: The
TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422
South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY
14620; telephone number: (202) 554–
1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
You may be potentially affected by
this action if you manufacture, process,
or use the chemical substances
contained in this rule. The following list
of North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS) codes is
not intended to be exhaustive, but rather
provides a guide to help readers
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
determine whether this document
applies to them. Potentially affected
entities may include:
• Manufacturers or processors of one
or more subject chemical substances
(NAICS codes 325 and 324110), e.g.,
chemical manufacturing and petroleum
ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
B. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this
information to EPA through or email. Clearly mark
the part or all of the information that
you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information in a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When submitting comments, remember
i. Identify the document by docket ID
number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal
Register date and page number).
ii. Follow directions. The Agency may
ask you to respond to specific questions
or organize comments by referencing a
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part
or section number.
iii. Explain why you agree or disagree;
suggest alternatives and substitute
language for your requested changes.
iv. Describe any assumptions and
provide any technical information and/
or data that you used.
v. If you estimate potential costs or
burdens, explain how you arrived at
your estimate in sufficient detail to
allow for it to be reproduced.
vi. Provide specific examples to
illustrate your concerns and suggest
vii. Explain your views as clearly as
possible, avoiding the use of profanity
or personal threats.
viii. Make sure to submit your
comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
II. Background
A. What action is the Agency taking?
Using direct final procedures, EPA is
updating the chemical identity listings
SNURs for 36 chemical substances
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which were the subject of PMNs. The
SNURs were previously issued using
generic chemical names. This action
identifies the specific chemical name
and chemical abstract number in the
modified SNUR, as this information is
now publicly available. EPA is not
changing the significant new use
reporting requirements, the basis, or the
findings for these SNURs. These SNURs
will continue to require persons to
notify EPA at least 90 days before
commencing the manufacture or
processing of a chemical substance for
any activity designated by these SNURs
as a significant new use. Receipt of such
notices allows EPA to assess risks that
may be presented by the intended uses
and, if appropriate, to regulate the
proposed use before it occurs.
Previously, in the Federal Register of
July 28, 2009 (74 FR 37224) (FRL–8392–
4), EPA issued a notice ‘‘TSCA
Chemical Substance Inventory Update;
Changing Certain Chemical Substances
Identities from Confidential to NonConfidential.’’ The notice announced
that the specific chemical identities of
various chemical substances, including
36 subject to the SNURs identified in
this direct final rule, would be listed on
the public version of the TSCA
Chemical Substance Inventory.
B. What is the Agency’s authority for
taking this action?
Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA (15 U.S.C.
2604(a)(2)) authorizes EPA to determine
that a use of a chemical substance is a
‘‘significant new use.’’ Once EPA
determines that a use of a chemical
substance is a significant new use,
TSCA section 5(a)(1)(B) requires persons
to submit a significant new use notice
(SNUN) to EPA at least 90 days before
they manufacture or process the
chemical substance for that use. Persons
who must report are described in
§ 721.5.
III. Direct Final Procedures
EPA is issuing these chemical identity
changes as a direct final rule, as
described in § 721.160(c)(3) and
§ 721.170(d)(4). In accordance with
§ 721.160(c)(3)(ii) and
§ 721.170(d)(4)(i)(B), the effective date
of this rule is August 18, 2014 without
further notice, unless EPA receives
written adverse or critical comments, or
notice of intent to submit adverse or
critical comments before July 18, 2014.
If EPA receives written adverse or
critical comments, or notice of intent to
submit adverse or critical comments, on
one or more of these SNURs before July
18, 2014, EPA will withdraw the
relevant sections of this direct final rule
before its effective date. EPA will then
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issue a proposed SNUR for the chemical
substance(s) on which adverse or
critical comments were received,
providing a 30-day period for public
This rule updates the chemical
identity of SNURs for a number of
chemical substances. Any person who
submits adverse or critical comments, or
notice of intent to submit adverse or
critical comments, must identify the
chemical substance to which it applies.
EPA will not withdraw a SNUR
modification for a chemical substance
not identified in the comment.
IV. Statutory and Executive Order
A. Executive Order 12866
This rule modifies SNURs for several
new chemical substances that were the
subject of PMNs, or TSCA section 5(e)
consent orders. This action does not
alter any obligations under these SNURs
and therefore is not a significant action
under Executive Order 12866, entitled
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review’’ (58
FR 51735, October 4, 1993).
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
According to Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and
a person is not required to respond to
a collection of information that requires
OMB approval under PRA, unless it has
been approved by OMB and displays a
currently valid OMB control number.
The information collection requirements
related to this action have already been
approved by OMB pursuant to PRA
under OMB control number 2070–0012
(EPA ICR No. 574). This action does not
impose any burden requiring additional
OMB approval.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
This rule would provide more specific
information on the chemical substances
subject to the SNURs affected by the
rule, and therefore does not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
Based on EPA’s experience with
proposing and finalizing SNURs, State,
local, and Tribal governments have not
been impacted by these rulemakings,
and EPA does not have any reasons to
believe that any State, local, or Tribal
government will be impacted by this
rule. As such, EPA has determined that
this rule does not impose any
enforceable duty, contain any unfunded
mandate, or otherwise have any effect
on small governments subject to the
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
requirements of UMRA sections 202,
203, 204, or 205 (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).
E. Executive Order 13132
This action will not have a substantial
direct effect on States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132, entitled
‘‘Federalism’’ (64 FR 43255, August 10,
F. Executive Order 13175
Populations and Low-Income
Populations’’ (59 FR 7629, February 16,
V. Congressional Review Act
Pursuant to the Congressional Review
Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), EPA will
submit a report containing this rule and
other required information to the U.S.
Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller
General of the United States prior to
publication of the rule in the Federal
Register. This action is not a ‘‘major
rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
§ 721.530 Propanoyl chloride, 3-chloro-2,2dimethyl-.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
propanoyl chloride, 3-chloro-2,2dimethyl- (PMN P–84–491; CAS No.
4300–97–4) is subject to reporting under
this section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
■ 5. In § 721.558, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 721
This rule does not have Tribal
implications because it is not expected
to have substantial direct effects on
Indian Tribes. This rule does not
significantly nor uniquely affect the
communities of Indian Tribal
governments, nor does it involve or
impose any requirements that affect
Indian Tribes. Accordingly, the
requirements of Executive Order 13175,
entitled ‘‘Consultation and Coordination
with Indian Tribal Governments’’ (65 FR
67249, November 9, 2000), do not apply
to this rule.
Dated: June 11, 2014.
Maria J. Doa,
Director, Chemical Control Division, Office
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
G. Executive Order 13045
This action is not subject to Executive
Order 13045, entitled ‘‘Protection of
Children from Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks’’ (62 FR 19885,
April 23, 1997), because this is not an
economically significant regulatory
action as defined by Executive Order
12866, and this action does not address
environmental health or safety risks
disproportionately affecting children.
H. Executive Order 13211
This action is not subject to Executive
Order 13211, entitled ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use’’ (66 FR 28355, May
22, 2001), because this action is not
expected to affect energy supply,
distribution, or use and because this
action is not a significant regulatory
action under Executive Order 12866.
Environmental protection, Chemicals,
Hazardous substances, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Therefore, 40 CFR part 721 is
amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 721
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and
2. In § 721.303, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.303
Acetic acid, 2-methoxy-, methyl
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
acetic acid, 2-methoxy-, methyl ester
(PMN P–99–0365, CAS No. 6290–49–9)
is subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
3. In § 721.338, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.338 Certain salts of an acrylate
In addition, since this action does not
involve any technical standards,
NTTAA section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272
note), does not apply to this action.
ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act (NTTAA)
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
as 2-propenoic acid, polymer with 2propenamide, ammonium salt (PMN P–
00–0333; CAS No. 55554–55–7) and
generically as salt of an acrylate
copolymer (PMN P–00–0334) are subject
to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
J. Executive Order 12898
This action does not entail special
considerations of environmental justice
related issues as delineated by
Executive Order 12898, entitled
‘‘Federal Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority
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4. In § 721.530, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.558 2-Propanol, 1,1′-iminobis-, Ntallow alkyl derivs., hydrochlorides.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
2-propanol, 1,1′-iminobis-, N-tallow
alkyl derivs., hydrochlorides (PMN P–
96–1426; CAS No. 1078715–59–9) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 6. In § 721.1568, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.1568 Benzenediazonium, 2(methoxycarbonyl)-, chloride (1:1).
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
benzenediazonium, 2(methoxycarbonyl)-, chloride (1:1) (PMN
P–93–533; CAS No. 35358–78–2) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 7. In § 721.1625, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.1625 Benzenesulfonic acid,
dodecyl-, branched, compds. with N,Ndimethyl-1,3-propanediamine (2:1).
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
benzenesulfonic acid, dodecyl-,
branched, compds. with N,N-dimethyl1,3-propanediamine (2:1) (PMN P–90–
456; CAS No. 319926–68–6) is subject to
reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 8. In § 721.2091, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
§ 721.2091 Propane, 1,1,1,3,3,3hexachloro-.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
propane, 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexachloro- (PMN
P–96–273; CAS No. 3607–78–1) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 9. In § 721.2527, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.2527 Acetamide, N-[2-[2-(2-bromo-6cyano-4-nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-5(diethylamino)phenyl]-.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
acetamide, N-[2-[2-(2-bromo-6-cyano-4nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-5(diethylamino)phenyl]- (PMN P–95–
514; CAS No. 2537–62–4) is subject to
reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 10. In § 721.2577, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.2577 Certain copper complexes of
(substituted sulfonaphthyl azo substituted
phenyl) disulfonaphthyl azo, amine salt.
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(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
as cuprate(3-), [3-[2-[5-(hydroxy.kappa.O)-4-[2-[1-(hydroxy-.kappa.O)-6(phenylamino)-3-sulfo-2naphthalenyl]diazenyl-.kappa.N1]-2methylphenyl]diazenyl]-1,5naphthalenedisulfonato(5-)]-, hydrogen,
compd. with 2,2′-iminobis[ethanol]
(1:3:3) (PMN P–00–0364; CAS No.
1078726–27–8) and cuprate(3-), [3-[2-[5(hydroxy-.kappa.O)-4-[2-[1-(hydroxy.kappa.O)-6-(phenylamino)-3-sulfo-2naphthalenyl]diazenyl-.kappa.N1]-2methylphenyl]diazenyl]-1,5naphthalenedisulfonato(5-)]-,
ammonium (1:3) (PMN P–00–0365; CAS
No. 1078726–28–9) are subject to
reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 11. In § 721.2805, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.2805 2-Propenoic acid, 2(phenylthio)ethyl ester.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
2-propenoic acid, 2-(phenylthio)ethyl
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ester (PMN P–96–824; CAS No. 95175–
38–5) is subject to reporting under this
section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
12. In § 721.3062, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.3062 1H-Indene-2-carboxylic acid, 5chloro-2,3-dihydro-1-oxo-, methyl ester.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
1H-indene-2-carboxylic acid, 5-chloro2,3-dihydro-1-oxo-, methyl ester (PMN
P–00–966; CAS No. 65738–56–9) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
13. In § 721.3063, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.3063 Certain substituted phenyl azo
substituted phenyl esters.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
as glycine, N-[3-(acetylamino)-4-[2-(2cyano-4-nitrophenyl)diazenyl]phenyl]N-(2-methoxy-2-oxoethyl)-, methyl ester
(PMN P–95–0655: CAS No. 149850–30–
6); L-alanine, N-[5-(acetylamino)-2chloro-4-[2-(2-cyano-4nitrophenyl)diazenyl]phenyl]-, methyl
ester (PMN P–95–0782; CAS No.
157707–95–4); and generically as
substituted phenyl azo substituted
phenyl esters (PMN P–95–0871) are
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
14. In § 721.3380, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.3420
Benzene, 1-bromo-4-methoxy-
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
benzene, 1-bromo-4-methoxy-2-methyl(PMN P–83–906; CAS No. 27060–75–9)
is subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 16. In § 721.3830, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.3830 Phenol, 2-[[[3(dimethylamino)propyl]amino]methyl]-6methyl-, 4-polybutene derivs.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
phenol, 2-[[[3(dimethylamino)propyl]amino]methyl]6-methyl-, 4-polybutene derivs. (PMN
P–99–0531; CAS No. 1078715–83–9) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 17. In § 721.4620, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.4620 Zinc, bis(N,N-dipropyl-.beta.alaninato-.kappa.N,.kappa.O)-, (T–4)-.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
zinc, bis(N,N-dipropyl-.beta.-alaninato.kappa.N,.kappa.O)-, (T–4)- (PMN P–90–
274; CAS No. 135364–47–5) is subject to
reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 18. In § 721.5262, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.3380 Benzenamine, 4-methoxy-2methyl-N-phenyl-.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
benzenamine, 4-methoxy-2-methyl-Nphenyl- (PMN P–83–910; CAS No.
41317–15–1) is subject to reporting
under this section for the significant
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
15. In § 721.3420, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
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§ 721.5262 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid,
5-[[4-chloro-6-[[2-[2(ethenylsulfonyl)ethoxy]ethyl]amino]-1,3,5triazin-2-yl]amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[2-(1-sulfo-2naphthalenyl)diazenyl]-, sodium salt (1:3).
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 5-[[4chloro-6-[[2-[2(ethenylsulfonyl)ethoxy]ethyl]amino]1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-4-hydroxy-3[2-(1-sulfo-2-naphthalenyl)diazenyl]-,
sodium salt (1:3) (PMN P–00–0803; CAS
No. 259795–03–4) is subject to reporting
under this section for the significant
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
19. In § 721.5325, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.5325 Nickel, tris(neodecanoato.kappa.O)[.mu.3-[orthoborato(3-).kappa.O:.kappa.O′:.kappa.O″]]tri-.
§ 721.9480 Formaldehyde, polymer with
1,3-benzenediol and ethenylbenzene.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
nickel, tris(neodecanoato.kappa.O)[.mu.3-[orthoborato(3-).kappa.O:.kappa.O′:.kappa.O″]]tri- (PMN
P–85–1034; CAS No. 936576–64–6) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
20. In § 721.5350, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.5350
Butanenitrile, 2-amino-2,3-
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
butanenitrile, 2-amino-2,3-dimethyl(PMN P–83–603; CAS No. 13893–53–3)
is subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
21. In § 721.8700, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.8700 Pyridine, 2,3-dichloro-5(trifluoromethyl)-.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
pyridine, 2,3-dichloro-5(trifluoromethyl)- (PMN P–83–237; CAS
No. 69045–84–7) is subject to reporting
under this section for the significant
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
22. In § 721.9285, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
§ 721.9285 Schiff bases, from ammoniadiethylene glycol reaction product
fractionation forecuts and formaldehyde.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
schiff bases, from ammonia-diethylene
glycol reaction product fractionation
forecuts and formaldehyde (PMN P–95–
535; CAS No. 172343–36–1) is subject to
reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
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23. In § 721.9480, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
formaldehyde, polymer with 1,3benzenediol and ethenylbenzene (PMN
P–89–769; CAS No. 135020–80–3) is
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
24. In § 721.9492, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.9492 Certain polymers of styrene,
cyclohexyl methacrylate and substituted
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
as 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-,
cyclohexyl ester, polymer with
ethenylbenzene and 2-oxiranylmethyl 2methyl-2-propenoate, tert-Bu 2ethylhexaneperoxoate-initiated (PMN
P–97–143; CAS No. 1078715–90–8) and
as 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-,
cyclohexyl ester, polymer with
ethenylbenzene, 4-hydroxybutyl 2propenoate and 2-oxiranylmethyl 2methyl-2-propenoate, tert-Bu 2ethylhexaneperoxoate-initiated (PMN
P–97–144; CAS No. 1078715–62–4) are
subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
25. In § 721.9497, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.9497
Certain trifunctional ketoximino
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
generically as trifunctional ketoximino
silane (PMN P–95–0605) and as 2pentanone, 4-methyl-, O,O′,O″(methylsilylidyne)trioxime (PMN P–95–
0606; CAS No. 37859–57–7) are subject
to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
26. In § 721.9635, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
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§ 721.9635 Terpenes and terpenoids,
limonene fraction, distn. residues,
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
terpenes and terpenoids, limonene
fraction, distn. residues, distillates
(PMN P–96–0897; CAS No. 166432–37–
7) is subject to reporting under this
section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
27. In § 721.9720, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.9720
Certain disubstituted alkyl
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
generically as disubstituted alkyl
triazines (PMN P–85–0932) and as 1,3,5triazin-2-amine, 4-methoxy-N,6dimethyl- (PMN P–85–0933; CAS No.
5248–39–5) are subject to reporting
under this section for the significant
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
28. In § 721.9730, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.9730 Certain 1,3,5-triazine-2-amine,
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substances identified
generically as 1,3,5-triazine-2-amine, 4dimethylamino-6-substituted (PMN P–
92–0343) and as 1,3,5-triazine-2,4diamine, N2,N2-dimethyl-6-(2,2,2trifluoroethoxy)- (PMN P–92–0344; CAS
No. 145963–84–4) are subject to
reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
29. In § 721.9800, revise the section
heading and paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 721.9800 1,3,5-Triazine, 2,4,6-trichloro-,
polymer with piperazine, reaction products
with morpholine.
(a) Chemical substance and
significant new uses subject to reporting.
(1) The chemical substance identified as
1,3,5-triazine, 2,4,6-trichloro-, polymer
with piperazine, reaction products with
morpholine (PMN P–88–0436; CAS No.
1078142–02–5) is subject to reporting
under this section for the significant
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 117 / Wednesday, June 18, 2014 / Rules and Regulations
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
[FR Doc. 2014–14259 Filed 6–17–14; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 54
[WC Docket No. 10–90; DA 13–1113, FCC
13–73, FCC 13–97]
Connect America Fund
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule; announcement of
effective date.
In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) announces that the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) has
approved, for a period of three years, an
information collection associated with
the Commission’s Universal Service—
Connect America Fund, Report and
Orders and Order on Reconsideration
(Orders). The Commission submitted
revised information collection
requirements for review and approval
by OMB, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
3501–3520), which were approved by
the OMB. This notice is consistent with
the Orders, which stated that the
Commission would publish a document
in the Federal Register announcing the
effective date of new information
collection requirements.
DATES: The rules associated with the
Connect America Phase II state-level
commitment elections published at 78
FR 32991, June 3, 2013; 47 CFR
54.312(b)(3), published at 78 FR 48622,
August 9, 2013; and 47 CFR 54.313(b)
published at 78 FR 38227, June 26,
2013, are effective June 18, 2014.
Ryan Yates, Wireline Competition
Bureau at (202) 418–7400 or TTY (202)
document announces that, on March 11,
2014, OMB approved, for a period of
three years, the information collection
requirements contained in the
Commission’s Orders, DA 13–1113,
published at 78 FR 32991, June 3, 2013,
FCC 13–73, published at 78 FR 38227,
June 26, 2013, and FCC 13–97,
published at 78 FR 48622, August 9,
2013. The OMB Control Number is
3060–1188. The Commission publishes
this notice as an announcement of the
effective date of the new rules
ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with RULES
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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associated with the Connect America
Phase II state-level commitment
elections, 47 CFR 54.312(b)(3), and
54.313(b). If you have any comments on
the burden estimates listed below, or
how the Commission can improve the
collections and reduce any burdens
caused thereby, please contact Leslie
Smith, Federal Communications
Commission, Room 1–C216, 445 12th
Street SW., Washington, DC 20554.
Please include the OMB Control
Number, 3060–1188, in your
correspondence. The Commission will
also accept your comments via email.
Please send them to
To request materials in accessible
formats for people with disabilities
(Braille, large print, electronic files,
audio format), send an email to fcc504@ or call the Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507),
the FCC is notifying the public that it
received OMB approval on March 11,
2014, for the new rules associated with
the Connect America Phase II state-level
commitment elections and the
information collection requirements
contained in the Commission’s rules at
47 CFR 54.312(b)(3), and 54.313(b).
Under 5 CFR part 1320, an agency may
not conduct or sponsor a collection of
information unless it displays a current,
valid OMB Control Number.
No person shall be subject to any
penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act that does not
display a current, valid OMB Control
Number. The OMB Control Number is
The foregoing notice is required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13, October 1, 1995,
and 44 U.S.C. 3507.
The total annual reporting burdens
and costs for the respondents are as
OMB Control Number: 3060–1188.
OMB Approval Date: March 11, 2014.
OMB Expiration Date: March 31,
Title: Connect America Challenge
Process and Certifications, WC Docket
No. 10–90.
Form No.: FCC Form 505.
Respondents: Business or other forprofit, not-for-profit institutions, and
state, local or tribal government.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 178 respondents; 178
PO 00000
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Estimated Time per Response: 3 hours
to 20 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement and third party
disclosure requirements.
Obligation to Respond: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. Statutory
authority for this information collection
is contained in 47 U.S.C. sections.
Total Annual Burden: 1,793 hours.
Total Annual Cost: N/A.
Nature and Extent of Confidentiality:
The Commission is not requesting that
respondents submit confidential
information to the Commission.
However, respondents may request
materials or information submitted to
the Commission or to the Universal
Service Administrative Company
(USAC) be withheld from public
inspection under 47 CFR 0.459 of the
Commission’s rules. We note that USAC
must preserve the confidentiality of all
data obtained from respondents; must
not use the data except for purposes of
administering the universal service
programs; and must not disclose data in
company-specific form unless directed
to do so by the Commission.
Needs and Uses: In documents DA
13–1113 and FCC 13–73, the
Commission proposed to collect
information to determine what areas
should be eligible for Phase II of
Connect America Fund and to ensure
that Connect America Fund Phase I
deployment occur in areas that are
eligible for support. In document FCC
13–97, the Commission made
mandatory the reporting of changes in
deployment location involving census
blocks that were not previously been
identified. The information collection
requirements announced in this notice
further the Commission’s goals under
section 254(b) of the Communications
Act to ensure that consumers in all
regions of the Nation have access to
telecommunications and information
services, while minimizing waste, fraud,
and abuse. Certain of the requirements
covered by this information collection
had been previously approved by OMB
for a period of six month, 78 FR 44893,
July 25, 2013. OMB has approved a
renewal of these information collections
for three years, in addition to approving
the new information collections
discussed herein. This information will
be used to determine the amount of, and
eligibility for, high-cost universal
service support received by incumbent
and competitive eligible
telecommunications carriers under the
Connect America Fund. To aid in
collecting this information regarding the
Phase II challenge process in a uniform
fashion, FCC Form 505 will be used,
which parties should use in filing their
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 117 (Wednesday, June 18, 2014)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 34634-34639]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-14259]
40 CFR Part 721
[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2014-0276; FRL-9910-51]
RIN 2070-AB27
Modification of Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical
Substances; Update of Chemical Identities
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: EPA is updating the chemical identities of significant new use
rules (SNURs) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for 36
chemical substances which were the subject of premanufacture notices
(PMNs). This action updates SNURs that were issued using generic
chemical names but will now identify the specific chemical name and
chemical abstract number.
DATES: This rule is effective on August 18, 2014. For purposes of
judicial review, this rule shall be promulgated at 1 p.m. (e.s.t.) on
July 2, 2014.
Written adverse or critical comments, or notice of intent to submit
adverse or critical comments, on this direct final rule must be
received on or before July 18, 2014 (see Unit III. of the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION). If EPA receives written adverse or critical comments, or
notice of intent to submit adverse or critical comments, on before July
18, 2014, EPA will withdraw the relevant sections of this direct final
rule before its effective date.
For additional information on related reporting requirement dates,
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2014-0276, by one of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit
electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted
by statute.
Mail: Document Control Office (7407M), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics (OPPT), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001.
Hand Delivery: To make special arrangements for hand
delivery or delivery of boxed information, please follow the
instructions at
Additional instructions on commenting or visiting the docket, along
with more information about dockets generally, is available at
For technical information contact: Kenneth Moss, Chemical Control
Division (7405M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.,
Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-9232; email
For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill,
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202)
554-1404; email address:
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
You may be potentially affected by this action if you manufacture,
process, or use the chemical substances contained in this rule. The
following list of North American Industrial Classification System
(NAICS) codes is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a
guide to help readers
[[Page 34635]]
determine whether this document applies to them. Potentially affected
entities may include:
Manufacturers or processors of one or more subject
chemical substances (NAICS codes 325 and 324110), e.g., chemical
manufacturing and petroleum refineries.
B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the
information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or
CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as
CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the
specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as
CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information
claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket.
Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments. When submitting comments,
remember to:
i. Identify the document by docket ID number and other identifying
information (subject heading, Federal Register date and page number).
ii. Follow directions. The Agency may ask you to respond to
specific questions or organize comments by referencing a Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) part or section number.
iii. Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives and
substitute language for your requested changes.
iv. Describe any assumptions and provide any technical information
and/or data that you used.
v. If you estimate potential costs or burdens, explain how you
arrived at your estimate in sufficient detail to allow for it to be
vi. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns and
suggest alternatives.
vii. Explain your views as clearly as possible, avoiding the use of
profanity or personal threats.
viii. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period
deadline identified.
II. Background
A. What action is the Agency taking?
Using direct final procedures, EPA is updating the chemical
identity listings SNURs for 36 chemical substances which were the
subject of PMNs. The SNURs were previously issued using generic
chemical names. This action identifies the specific chemical name and
chemical abstract number in the modified SNUR, as this information is
now publicly available. EPA is not changing the significant new use
reporting requirements, the basis, or the findings for these SNURs.
These SNURs will continue to require persons to notify EPA at least 90
days before commencing the manufacture or processing of a chemical
substance for any activity designated by these SNURs as a significant
new use. Receipt of such notices allows EPA to assess risks that may be
presented by the intended uses and, if appropriate, to regulate the
proposed use before it occurs.
Previously, in the Federal Register of July 28, 2009 (74 FR 37224)
(FRL-8392-4), EPA issued a notice ``TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory
Update; Changing Certain Chemical Substances Identities from
Confidential to Non-Confidential.'' The notice announced that the
specific chemical identities of various chemical substances, including
36 subject to the SNURs identified in this direct final rule, would be
listed on the public version of the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory.
B. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?
Section 5(a)(2) of TSCA (15 U.S.C. 2604(a)(2)) authorizes EPA to
determine that a use of a chemical substance is a ``significant new
use.'' Once EPA determines that a use of a chemical substance is a
significant new use, TSCA section 5(a)(1)(B) requires persons to submit
a significant new use notice (SNUN) to EPA at least 90 days before they
manufacture or process the chemical substance for that use. Persons who
must report are described in Sec. 721.5.
III. Direct Final Procedures
EPA is issuing these chemical identity changes as a direct final
rule, as described in Sec. 721.160(c)(3) and Sec. 721.170(d)(4). In
accordance with Sec. 721.160(c)(3)(ii) and Sec. 721.170(d)(4)(i)(B),
the effective date of this rule is August 18, 2014 without further
notice, unless EPA receives written adverse or critical comments, or
notice of intent to submit adverse or critical comments before July 18,
If EPA receives written adverse or critical comments, or notice of
intent to submit adverse or critical comments, on one or more of these
SNURs before July 18, 2014, EPA will withdraw the relevant sections of
this direct final rule before its effective date. EPA will then issue a
proposed SNUR for the chemical substance(s) on which adverse or
critical comments were received, providing a 30-day period for public
This rule updates the chemical identity of SNURs for a number of
chemical substances. Any person who submits adverse or critical
comments, or notice of intent to submit adverse or critical comments,
must identify the chemical substance to which it applies. EPA will not
withdraw a SNUR modification for a chemical substance not identified in
the comment.
IV. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866
This rule modifies SNURs for several new chemical substances that
were the subject of PMNs, or TSCA section 5(e) consent orders. This
action does not alter any obligations under these SNURs and therefore
is not a significant action under Executive Order 12866, entitled
``Regulatory Planning and Review'' (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993).
B. Paperwork Reduction Act
According to Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq.), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to a collection of information that requires OMB
approval under PRA, unless it has been approved by OMB and displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The information collection
requirements related to this action have already been approved by OMB
pursuant to PRA under OMB control number 2070-0012 (EPA ICR No. 574).
This action does not impose any burden requiring additional OMB
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
This rule would provide more specific information on the chemical
substances subject to the SNURs affected by the rule, and therefore
does not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of
small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
Based on EPA's experience with proposing and finalizing SNURs,
State, local, and Tribal governments have not been impacted by these
rulemakings, and EPA does not have any reasons to believe that any
State, local, or Tribal government will be impacted by this rule. As
such, EPA has determined that this rule does not impose any enforceable
duty, contain any unfunded mandate, or otherwise have any effect on
small governments subject to the
[[Page 34636]]
requirements of UMRA sections 202, 203, 204, or 205 (2 U.S.C. 1501 et
E. Executive Order 13132
This action will not have a substantial direct effect on States, on
the relationship between the national government and the States, or on
the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels
of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132, entitled
``Federalism'' (64 FR 43255, August 10, 1999).
F. Executive Order 13175
This rule does not have Tribal implications because it is not
expected to have substantial direct effects on Indian Tribes. This rule
does not significantly nor uniquely affect the communities of Indian
Tribal governments, nor does it involve or impose any requirements that
affect Indian Tribes. Accordingly, the requirements of Executive Order
13175, entitled ``Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments'' (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000), do not apply to this
G. Executive Order 13045
This action is not subject to Executive Order 13045, entitled
``Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks'' (62 FR 19885, April 23, 1997), because this is not an
economically significant regulatory action as defined by Executive
Order 12866, and this action does not address environmental health or
safety risks disproportionately affecting children.
H. Executive Order 13211
This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, entitled
``Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy
Supply, Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001), because
this action is not expected to affect energy supply, distribution, or
use and because this action is not a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866.
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)
In addition, since this action does not involve any technical
standards, NTTAA section 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note), does not apply to
this action.
J. Executive Order 12898
This action does not entail special considerations of environmental
justice related issues as delineated by Executive Order 12898, entitled
``Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority
Populations and Low-Income Populations'' (59 FR 7629, February 16,
V. Congressional Review Act
Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.),
EPA will submit a report containing this rule and other required
information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and
the Comptroller General of the United States prior to publication of
the rule in the Federal Register. This action is not a ``major rule''
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 721
Environmental protection, Chemicals, Hazardous substances,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
Dated: June 11, 2014.
Maria J. Doa,
Director, Chemical Control Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and
Therefore, 40 CFR part 721 is amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 721 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2604, 2607, and 2625(c).
2. In Sec. 721.303, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1) to
read as follows:
Sec. 721.303 Acetic acid, 2-methoxy-, methyl ester.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as acetic acid, 2-
methoxy-, methyl ester (PMN P-99-0365, CAS No. 6290-49-9) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
3. In Sec. 721.338, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1) to
read as follows:
Sec. 721.338 Certain salts of an acrylate copolymer.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified as 2-propenoic acid,
polymer with 2-propenamide, ammonium salt (PMN P-00-0333; CAS No.
55554-55-7) and generically as salt of an acrylate copolymer (PMN P-00-
0334) are subject to reporting under this section for the significant
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
4. In Sec. 721.530, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1) to
read as follows:
Sec. 721.530 Propanoyl chloride, 3-chloro-2,2-dimethyl-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as propanoyl chloride,
3-chloro-2,2-dimethyl- (PMN P-84-491; CAS No. 4300-97-4) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
5. In Sec. 721.558, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1) to
read as follows:
Sec. [emsp14]721.558 2-Propanol, 1,1'-iminobis-, N-tallow alkyl
derivs., hydrochlorides.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 2-propanol, 1,1'-
iminobis-, N-tallow alkyl derivs., hydrochlorides (PMN P-96-1426; CAS
No. 1078715-59-9) is subject to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
6. In Sec. [emsp14]721.1568, revise the section heading and paragraph
(a)(1) to read as follows:
Sec. 721.1568 Benzenediazonium, 2-(methoxycarbonyl)-, chloride (1:1).
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzenediazonium,
2-(methoxycarbonyl)-, chloride (1:1) (PMN P-93-533; CAS No. 35358-78-2)
is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
7. In Sec. 721.1625, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.1625 Benzenesulfonic acid, dodecyl-, branched, compds. with
N,N-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine (2:1).
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzenesulfonic
acid, dodecyl-, branched, compds. with N,N-dimethyl-1,3-propanediamine
(2:1) (PMN P-90-456; CAS No. 319926-68-6) is subject to reporting under
this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
* * * * *
8. In Sec. 721.2091, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
[[Page 34637]]
Sec. 721.2091 Propane, 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexachloro-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as propane,
1,1,1,3,3,3-hexachloro- (PMN P-96-273; CAS No. 3607-78-1) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
9. In Sec. 721.2527, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.2527 Acetamide, N-[2-[2-(2-bromo-6-cyano-4-
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as acetamide, N-[2-[2-
(2-bromo-6-cyano-4-nitrophenyl)diazenyl]-5-(diethylamino)phenyl]- (PMN
P-95-514; CAS No. 2537-62-4) is subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
* * * * *
10. In Sec. 721.2577, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.2577 Certain copper complexes of (substituted sulfonaphthyl
azo substituted phenyl) disulfonaphthyl azo, amine salt.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified as cuprate(3-), [3-
naphthalenedisulfonato(5-)]-, hydrogen, compd. with 2,2'-
iminobis[ethanol] (1:3:3) (PMN P-00-0364; CAS No. 1078726-27-8) and
cuprate(3-), [3-[2-[5-(hydroxy-.kappa.O)-4-[2-[1-(hydroxy-.kappa.O)-6-
methylphenyl]diazenyl]-1,5-naphthalenedisulfonato(5-)]-, ammonium (1:3)
(PMN P-00-0365; CAS No. 1078726-28-9) are subject to reporting under
this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
* * * * *
11. In Sec. 721.2805, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.2805 2-Propenoic acid, 2-(phenylthio)ethyl ester.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 2-propenoic acid,
2-(phenylthio)ethyl ester (PMN P-96-824; CAS No. 95175-38-5) is subject
to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
12. In Sec. 721.3062, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.3062 1H-Indene-2-carboxylic acid, 5-chloro-2,3-dihydro-1-
oxo-, methyl ester.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 1H-indene-2-
carboxylic acid, 5-chloro-2,3-dihydro-1-oxo-, methyl ester (PMN P-00-
966; CAS No. 65738-56-9) is subject to reporting under this section for
the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
13. In Sec. 721.3063, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.3063 Certain substituted phenyl azo substituted phenyl
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified as glycine, N-[3-
methoxy-2-oxoethyl)-, methyl ester (PMN P-95-0655: CAS No. 149850-30-
6); L-alanine, N-[5-(acetylamino)-2-chloro-4-[2-(2-cyano-4-
nitrophenyl)diazenyl]phenyl]-, methyl ester (PMN P-95-0782; CAS No.
157707-95-4); and generically as substituted phenyl azo substituted
phenyl esters (PMN P-95-0871) are subject to reporting under this
section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section.
* * * * *
14. In Sec. 721.3380, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.3380 Benzenamine, 4-methoxy-2-methyl-N-phenyl-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzenamine, 4-
methoxy-2-methyl-N-phenyl- (PMN P-83-910; CAS No. 41317-15-1) is
subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
15. In Sec. 721.3420, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.3420 Benzene, 1-bromo-4-methoxy-2-methyl-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1-bromo-4-
methoxy-2-methyl- (PMN P-83-906; CAS No. 27060-75-9) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
16. In Sec. 721.3830, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.3830 Phenol, 2-[[[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]amino]methyl]-6-
methyl-, 4-polybutene derivs.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as phenol, 2-[[[3-
(dimethylamino)propyl]amino]methyl]-6-methyl-, 4-polybutene derivs.
(PMN P-99-0531; CAS No. 1078715-83-9) is subject to reporting under
this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
* * * * *
17. In Sec. 721.4620, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.4620 Zinc, bis(N,N-dipropyl-.beta.-
alaninato-.kappa.N,.kappa.O)-, (T-4)-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as zinc, bis(N,N-
dipropyl-.beta.-alaninato-.kappa.N,.kappa.O)-, (T-4)- (PMN P-90-274;
CAS No. 135364-47-5) is subject to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
18. In Sec. 721.5262, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.5262 2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 5-[[4-chloro-6-[[2-[2-
hydroxy-3-[2-(1-sulfo-2-naphthalenyl)diazenyl]-, sodium salt (1:3).
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 2,7-
naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 5-[[4-chloro-6-[[2-[2-
hydroxy-3-[2-(1-sulfo-2-naphthalenyl)diazenyl]-, sodium salt (1:3) (PMN
P-00-0803; CAS No. 259795-03-4) is subject to reporting under this
section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of
this section.
* * * * *
[[Page 34638]]
19. In Sec. 721.5325, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.5325 Nickel, tris(neodecanoato-.kappa.O)[.mu.3-
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as nickel,
)-.kappa.O:.kappa.O':.kappa.O'']]tri- (PMN P-85-1034; CAS No. 936576-
64-6) is subject to reporting under this section for the significant
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
20. In Sec. 721.5350, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.5350 Butanenitrile, 2-amino-2,3-dimethyl-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as butanenitrile, 2-
amino-2,3-dimethyl- (PMN P-83-603; CAS No. 13893-53-3) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
21. In Sec. 721.8700, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.8700 Pyridine, 2,3-dichloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as pyridine, 2,3-
dichloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)- (PMN P-83-237; CAS No. 69045-84-7) is
subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
22. In Sec. 721.9285, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9285 Schiff bases, from ammonia-diethylene glycol reaction
product fractionation forecuts and formaldehyde.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as schiff bases, from
ammonia-diethylene glycol reaction product fractionation forecuts and
formaldehyde (PMN P-95-535; CAS No. 172343-36-1) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
23. In Sec. 721.9480, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9480 Formaldehyde, polymer with 1,3-benzenediol and
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as formaldehyde,
polymer with 1,3-benzenediol and ethenylbenzene (PMN P-89-769; CAS No.
135020-80-3) is subject to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
24. In Sec. 721.9492, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9492 Certain polymers of styrene, cyclohexyl methacrylate
and substituted methacrylate.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified as 2-propenoic acid,
2-methyl-, cyclohexyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene and 2-
oxiranylmethyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, tert-Bu 2-ethylhexaneperoxoate-
initiated (PMN P-97-143; CAS No. 1078715-90-8) and as 2-propenoic acid,
2-methyl-, cyclohexyl ester, polymer with ethenylbenzene, 4-
hydroxybutyl 2-propenoate and 2-oxiranylmethyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate,
tert-Bu 2-ethylhexaneperoxoate-initiated (PMN P-97-144; CAS No.
1078715-62-4) are subject to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
25. In Sec. 721.9497, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9497 Certain trifunctional ketoximino silanes.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified generically as
trifunctional ketoximino silane (PMN P-95-0605) and as 2-pentanone, 4-
methyl-, O,O',O''-(methylsilylidyne)trioxime (PMN P-95-0606; CAS No.
37859-57-7) are subject to reporting under this section for the
significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
26. In Sec. 721.9635, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9635 Terpenes and terpenoids, limonene fraction, distn.
residues, distillates.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as terpenes and
terpenoids, limonene fraction, distn. residues, distillates (PMN P-96-
0897; CAS No. 166432-37-7) is subject to reporting under this section
for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this
* * * * *
27. In Sec. 721.9720, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9720 Certain disubstituted alkyl triazines.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified generically as
disubstituted alkyl triazines (PMN P-85-0932) and as 1,3,5-triazin-2-
amine, 4-methoxy-N,6-dimethyl- (PMN P-85-0933; CAS No. 5248-39-5) are
subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses
described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
28. In Sec. 721.9730, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9730 Certain 1,3,5-triazine-2-amine, 4-dimethylamino-6-
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substances identified generically as 1,3,5-
triazine-2-amine, 4-dimethylamino-6-substituted (PMN P-92-0343) and as
1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine, N2,N2-dimethyl-6-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-
(PMN P-92-0344; CAS No. 145963-84-4) are subject to reporting under
this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2)
of this section.
* * * * *
29. In Sec. 721.9800, revise the section heading and paragraph (a)(1)
to read as follows:
Sec. 721.9800 1,3,5-Triazine, 2,4,6-trichloro-, polymer with
piperazine, reaction products with morpholine.
(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to
reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 1,3,5-triazine,
2,4,6-trichloro-, polymer with piperazine, reaction products with
morpholine (PMN P-88-0436; CAS No. 1078142-02-5) is subject to
reporting under this section for the significant
[[Page 34639]]
new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2014-14259 Filed 6-17-14; 8:45 am]