Medicare Program; The Advisory Panel on Hospital Outpatient Payment (HOP Panel) Summer Meeting, August 25-26, 2014, 26763-26765 [2014-10688]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 90 / Friday, May 9, 2014 / Notices
LeRoy Richardson,
Chief, Information Collection Review Office,
Office of Scientific Integrity, Office of the
Associate Director for Science, Office of the
Director, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2014–10617 Filed 5–8–14; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare Program; The Advisory Panel
on Hospital Outpatient Payment (HOP
Panel) Summer Meeting, August 25–26,
Centers for Disease Control and
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
[CDC–2013–0024; Docket Number NIOSH–
Dated: May 2, 2014.
John Howard,
Director, National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention.
This notice announces the
summer meeting of the Advisory Panel
on Hospital Outpatient Payment (the
Panel) for 2014. The purpose of the
Panel is to advise the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) (the Secretary) and the
Administrator of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
(the Administrator) on the clinical
integrity of the Ambulatory Payment
Classification (APC) groups and their
associated weights, and hospital
outpatient therapeutic services
supervision issues.
DATES: Meeting Dates: The second semiannual meeting in 2014 is scheduled for
the following dates and times. The times
listed in this notice are Eastern Daylight
Time (EDT) and are approximate times;
consequently, the meetings may last
longer than the times listed in this
notice, but will not begin before the
posted times:
• Monday, August 25, 2014, 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. EDT
• Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. EDT
Meeting Information Updates:
The actual meeting hours and days
will be posted in the agenda. As
information and updates regarding the
onsite, webcast, and teleconference
meeting, and agenda become available,
they will be posted to the CMS Web site
[FR Doc. 2014–10666 Filed 5–8–14; 8:45 am]
Deadline for Presentations and
Presentations and Comments can be
submitted by email only. Presentations
or comments and form CMS–20017
must be in the Designated Federal
Official’s (DFO’s) email inbox (APC by 5 p.m. EDT,
Friday, July, 25, 2014. Presentations and
comments that are not received by the
Issuance of Final Publication
National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS).
Notice of issuance of final
The National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC),
announces the availability of the
following publication: ‘‘NIOSH Center
for Motor Vehicle Safety: Strategic Plan
for Research and Prevention, 2014–
2018’’ [2014–122].
This document may be
obtained at the following link: https://
Stephanie Pratt, NIOSH Division of
Safety Research, 1095 Willowdale Road,
Mail Stop H–1808, Morgantown, WV
26505. (304) 285–5992 (not a toll free
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due date will be considered late and
will not be included on the agenda. (See
below for submission instructions for
electronic submissions.)
Meeting Registration Timeframe:
Monday, June 30, 2014 through Friday,
August 01, 2014 at 5 p.m. EDT.
Participants planning to attend this
meeting in person must register online,
during the above specified timeframe at:
default.asp. On this Web page, double
click the ‘‘Upcoming Events’’ hyperlink,
and then double click the ‘‘HOP Panel’’
event title link and enter the required
information. Include any requests for
special accommodations.
Note: Participants who do not plan to
attend this meeting in person should not
register. No registration is required for
participants who plan to view the meeting
via webcast.
In commenting, please refer to file
code CMS–1467–N. Because of staff and
resource limitations, we cannot accept
comments and presentations by
facsimile (FAX) transmission or hard
Meeting Location, Webcast, and
The meeting will be held in the
Auditorium, CMS Central Office, 7500
Security Boulevard, Woodlawn,
Maryland 21244–1850. Alternately, the
public may either view this meeting via
a webcast or listen by teleconference.
During the scheduled meeting,
webcasting is accessible online at: Teleconference dialin information will appear on the final
meeting agenda, which will be posted
on the CMS Web site when available at:
DFO: Carol Schwartz, DFO, 7500
Security Boulevard, Mail Stop: C4–04–
25, Woodlawn, MD 21244–1850. Phone:
(410) 786–3985. Email: APCPanel@
Send email copies to the following
address: Email:
News Media: Representatives must
contact our Public Affairs Office at (202)
Advisory Committees’ Information
Lines: The phone number for the CMS
Federal Advisory Committee Hotline is
(410) 786–3985.
Web sites:
For additional information on the
Panel and updates to the Panel’s
activities, we refer readers to view our
Web site at:
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 90 / Friday, May 9, 2014 / Notices
Information about the Panel and its
membership in the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA) database are also
located at:
I. Background
The Secretary of the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS)
(the Secretary) is required by section
1833(t)(9)(A) of the Social Security Act
(the Act) and section 222 of the Public
Health Service Act (PHS Act) to consult
with an expert outside the Advisory
Panel on Hospital Outpatient Payment
(the Panel) regarding the clinical
integrity of the Ambulatory Payment
Classification (APC) groups and relative
payment weights. The Panel is governed
by the provisions of the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–
463), as amended (5 U.S.C. Appendix 2),
to set forth standards for the formation
and use of advisory panels.
The Charter provides that the Panel
shall meet up to 3 times annually. We
consider the technical advice provided
by the Panel as we prepare the proposed
and final rules to update the outpatient
prospective payment system (OPPS).
II. Agenda
The agenda for the August 25, 2014
through August 26, 2014 meeting will
provide for discussion and comment on
the following topics as designated in the
Panel’s Charter:
• Addressing whether procedures
within an APC group are similar both
clinically and in terms of resource use.
• Evaluating APC group weights.
• Reviewing the packaging of OPPS
services and costs, including the
methodology and the impact on APC
groups and payment.
• Removing procedures from the
inpatient-only list for payment under
the OPPS.
• Using single and multiple
procedure claims data for CMS’
determination of APC group weights.
• Addressing other technical issues
concerning APC group structure.
• Recommending the appropriate
supervision level (general, direct, or
personal) for individual hospital
outpatient therapeutic services.
The Agenda will be posted on the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) Web site approximately
one week before the meeting.
III. Presentations
The presentation subject matter must
be within the scope of the Panel
designated in the Charter. Any
presentations outside of the scope of
this Panel will be returned or requested
for amendment. Unrelated topics
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include, but are not limited to, the
conversion factor, charge compression,
revisions to the cost report, passthrough payments, correct coding, new
technology applications (including
supporting information/documentation),
provider payment adjustments,
supervision of hospital outpatient
diagnostic services and the types of
practitioners that are permitted to
supervise hospital outpatient services.
The Panel may not recommend that
services be designated as nonsurgical
extended duration therapeutic services.
The Panel may use data collected or
developed by entities and organizations,
other than DHHS and CMS in
conducting its review. We recommend
organizations submit data for CMS staff
and the Panel’s review.
All presentations are limited to 5
minutes, regardless of the number of
individuals or organizations represented
by a single presentation. Presenters may
use their 5 minutes to represent either
one or more agenda items.
All presentations will be shared with
the public. Presentations may not
contain any pictures, illustrations, or
personally identifiable information.
In order to consider presentations
and/or comments, we will need to
receive the following information by
email only. We cannot accept hardcopy
1. An email copy of the presentation
sent to the DFO mailbox, APCPanel@
2. Form CMS–20017 with complete
contact information that includes name,
address, phone number, and email
addresses for all presenters and a
contact person that can answer any
questions and or provide revisions that
are requested for the presentation.
• Presenters must clearly explain the
actions that they are requesting CMS to
take in the appropriate section of the
form. A presenter’s relationship with
the organization that they represent
must also be clearly listed.
• The form is now available through
the CMS Forms Web site. The Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) for linking to
this form is as follows: https://
IV. Oral Comments
In addition to formal oral
presentations, which are limited to 5
minutes total per presentation, there
will be an opportunity during the
meeting for public oral comments,
which will be limited to 1 minute for
each individual and a total of 3 minutes
per organization.
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V. Meeting Attendance
The meeting is open to the public;
however, attendance is limited to space
available. Priority will be given to those
who pre-register, and attendance may be
limited based on the number of
registrants and the space available.
Persons wishing to attend this
meeting, which is located on Federal
property, must register by following the
instructions in the ‘‘Meeting
Registration Timeframe’’ section of this
notice. A confirmation email will be
sent to the registrants shortly after
completing the registration process.
VI. Security, Building, and Parking
The following are the security,
building, and parking guidelines:
• Persons attending the meeting,
including presenters, must be preregistered and on the attendance list by
the prescribed date.
• Individuals who are not preregistered in advance may not be
permitted to enter the building and may
be unable to attend the meeting.
• Attendees must present a
government issued photo identification
to the Federal Protective Service or
Guard Service personnel before entering
the building. Without a current, valid
photo ID, persons may not be permitted
entry to the building.
• Security measures include
inspection of vehicles, inside and out, at
the entrance to the grounds.
• All persons entering the building
must pass through a metal detector.
• All items brought into CMS
including personal items, for example,
laptops and cell phones are subject to
physical inspection.
• The public may enter the building
30 to 45 minutes before the meeting
convenes each day.
• All visitors must be escorted in
areas other than the lower and first-floor
levels in the Central Building.
• The main-entrance guards will
issue parking permits and instructions
upon arrival at the building.
VII. Special Accommodations
Individuals requiring special
accommodations must include the
request for these services during
VIII. Panel Recommendations and
The Panel’s recommendations at any
Panel meeting generally are not final
until they have been reviewed and
approved by the Panel on the last day
of the meeting, before the final
adjournment. These recommendations
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 90 / Friday, May 9, 2014 / Notices
will be posted to our Web site after the
IX. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection and
recordkeeping requirements.
Consequently, it need not be reviewed
by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 35).
Dated: May 2, 2014.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Administrator, Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2014–10688 Filed 5–8–14; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2014–N–0086]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for Office of
Management and Budget Review;
Comment Request; Potential Tobacco
Product Violations Reporting Form
Food and Drug Administration,
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) is announcing
that a proposed collection of
information has been submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Fax written comments on the
collection of information by June 9,
ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on
the information collection are received,
OMB recommends that written
comments be faxed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
OMB, Attn: FDA Desk Officer, FAX:
202–395–7285, or emailed to oira_ All
comments should be identified with the
OMB control number 0910–0716. Also
include the FDA docket number found
in brackets in the heading of this
PRA Staff, Office of Operations, Food
and Drug Administration, 1350 Piccard
Dr., PI50–400B, Rockville, MD 20850,
compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA
has submitted the following proposed
collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Potential Tobacco Product Violations
Reporting Form—(OMB Control
Number 0910–0716)—Extension
On June 22, 2009, the President
signed the Family Smoking Prevention
and Tobacco Control Act (the Tobacco
Control Act) (Pub. L. 111–31) into law.
The Tobacco Control Act amended
section 201 et seq. of the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FD&C Act)
(21 U.S.C. 321 et seq.) by adding a new
chapter granting FDA important new
authority to regulate the manufacture,
marketing, and distribution of tobacco
products to protect the public health
generally and to reduce tobacco use by
minors. FDA is requesting an extension
of OMB approval for the collection of
information to accept consumer and
other stakeholder feedback and
notification of potential violations of the
FD&C Act, as amended by the Tobacco
Control Act.
FDA created a Tobacco Call Center
(with a toll-free number: 1–877–CTP–
1373). Callers are able to report
potential violations of the Tobacco
Control Act, and FDA will conduct
targeted followup investigations based
on information received. When callers
report a violation, the caller will be
asked to provide as much certain
information as they can recall,
including: The date the potential
violation occurred; product type (e.g.,
cigarette, smokeless, roll-your-own);
tobacco brand; potential violation type;
type of potentially violative promotional
materials; who potentially violated; and
the name, address, phone number, and
email address of the potential violator.
The caller will also be asked to list the
potential violator’s Web site (if
available), describe the potential
violation, and provide any additional
files or information pertinent to the
potential violation.
FDA currently provides a form that
may be used to solicit this information
from the caller (Form FDA 3779,
Potential Tobacco Product Violations
Report), and seeks renewal of Form FDA
3779. This form is posted on FDA’s Web
site. The public and interested
stakeholders are also able to report
information regarding possible
violations of the Tobacco Control Act
through the following methods: Calling
the Tobacco Call Center using the
Center for Tobacco Products’ (CTP) tollfree number; using a fillable Form FDA
3779 found on FDA’s Web site;
downloading a PDF version of the form
to send via email or mail to FDA;
requesting a copy of Form FDA 3779 by
contacting CTP and sending by mail to
FDA; and sending a letter to FDA’s CTP.
The public and interested stakeholders
will also be able to report information
regarding possible violations of the
Tobacco Control Act in the future using
FDA’s tobacco violation reporting
smartphone application.
In the Federal Register of February
18, 2014 (79 FR 9216), FDA published
a 60-day notice requesting public
comment on the proposed collection of
information. No comments were
FDA estimates the burden of this
collection of information as follows:
Number of
Number of
responses per
Total annual
burden per
Total hours
Reporting violations of the FD&C Act, as amended by the
Tobacco Control Act, by telephone, Internet form, mail,
smartphone application, or email .....................................
Activity and Form FDA 3779
2 0.25
1 There
2 15
are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
FDA estimates that submitting the
information (by telephone, Internet,
mail, smartphone application, or email)
will take 0.25 hours (i.e., 15 minutes)
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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per response. FDA estimates the number
of annual respondents to this collection
of information will be 400, who will
each submit 2 reports by telephone,
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Internet, mail, smartphone application,
or email. This estimate is based on the
rate of reporting through Form FDA
3779, reports received from FDA’s toll-
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 90 (Friday, May 9, 2014)]
[Pages 26763-26765]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-10688]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare Program; The Advisory Panel on Hospital Outpatient
Payment (HOP Panel) Summer Meeting, August 25-26, 2014
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces the summer meeting of the Advisory Panel
on Hospital Outpatient Payment (the Panel) for 2014. The purpose of the
Panel is to advise the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS) (the Secretary) and the Administrator of the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (the Administrator) on the
clinical integrity of the Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC)
groups and their associated weights, and hospital outpatient
therapeutic services supervision issues.
DATES: Meeting Dates: The second semi-annual meeting in 2014 is
scheduled for the following dates and times. The times listed in this
notice are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and are approximate times;
consequently, the meetings may last longer than the times listed in
this notice, but will not begin before the posted times:
Monday, August 25, 2014, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT
Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EDT
Meeting Information Updates:
The actual meeting hours and days will be posted in the agenda. As
information and updates regarding the onsite, webcast, and
teleconference meeting, and agenda become available, they will be
posted to the CMS Web site at:
Deadline for Presentations and Comments
Presentations and Comments can be submitted by email only.
Presentations or comments and form CMS-20017 must be in the Designated
Federal Official's (DFO's) email inbox ( by 5 p.m.
EDT, Friday, July, 25, 2014. Presentations and comments that are not
received by the due date will be considered late and will not be
included on the agenda. (See below for submission instructions for
electronic submissions.)
Meeting Registration Timeframe: Monday, June 30, 2014 through
Friday, August 01, 2014 at 5 p.m. EDT.
Participants planning to attend this meeting in person must
register online, during the above specified timeframe at: On this Web page, double click the
``Upcoming Events'' hyperlink, and then double click the ``HOP Panel''
event title link and enter the required information. Include any
requests for special accommodations.
Note: Participants who do not plan to attend this meeting in
person should not register. No registration is required for
participants who plan to view the meeting via webcast.
In commenting, please refer to file code CMS-1467-N. Because of
staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments and
presentations by facsimile (FAX) transmission or hard copy.
Meeting Location, Webcast, and Teleconference:
The meeting will be held in the Auditorium, CMS Central Office,
7500 Security Boulevard, Woodlawn, Maryland 21244-1850. Alternately,
the public may either view this meeting via a webcast or listen by
teleconference. During the scheduled meeting, webcasting is accessible
online at: Teleconference dial-in information will
appear on the final meeting agenda, which will be posted on the CMS Web
site when available at:
Security Boulevard, Mail Stop: C4-04-25, Woodlawn, MD 21244-1850.
Phone: (410) 786-3985. Email:
Send email copies to the following address: Email:
News Media: Representatives must contact our Public Affairs Office
at (202) 690-6145.
Advisory Committees' Information Lines: The phone number for the
CMS Federal Advisory Committee Hotline is (410) 786-3985.
Web sites:
For additional information on the Panel and updates to the Panel's
activities, we refer readers to view our Web site at:
[[Page 26764]]
Information about the Panel and its membership in the Federal
Advisory Committee Act (FACA) database are also located at:
I. Background
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
(the Secretary) is required by section 1833(t)(9)(A) of the Social
Security Act (the Act) and section 222 of the Public Health Service Act
(PHS Act) to consult with an expert outside the Advisory Panel on
Hospital Outpatient Payment (the Panel) regarding the clinical
integrity of the Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) groups and
relative payment weights. The Panel is governed by the provisions of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463), as amended (5
U.S.C. Appendix 2), to set forth standards for the formation and use of
advisory panels.
The Charter provides that the Panel shall meet up to 3 times
annually. We consider the technical advice provided by the Panel as we
prepare the proposed and final rules to update the outpatient
prospective payment system (OPPS).
II. Agenda
The agenda for the August 25, 2014 through August 26, 2014 meeting
will provide for discussion and comment on the following topics as
designated in the Panel's Charter:
Addressing whether procedures within an APC group are
similar both clinically and in terms of resource use.
Evaluating APC group weights.
Reviewing the packaging of OPPS services and costs,
including the methodology and the impact on APC groups and payment.
Removing procedures from the inpatient-only list for
payment under the OPPS.
Using single and multiple procedure claims data for CMS'
determination of APC group weights.
Addressing other technical issues concerning APC group
Recommending the appropriate supervision level (general,
direct, or personal) for individual hospital outpatient therapeutic
The Agenda will be posted on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) Web site approximately one week before the meeting.
III. Presentations
The presentation subject matter must be within the scope of the
Panel designated in the Charter. Any presentations outside of the scope
of this Panel will be returned or requested for amendment. Unrelated
topics include, but are not limited to, the conversion factor, charge
compression, revisions to the cost report, pass-through payments,
correct coding, new technology applications (including supporting
information/documentation), provider payment adjustments, supervision
of hospital outpatient diagnostic services and the types of
practitioners that are permitted to supervise hospital outpatient
services. The Panel may not recommend that services be designated as
nonsurgical extended duration therapeutic services.
The Panel may use data collected or developed by entities and
organizations, other than DHHS and CMS in conducting its review. We
recommend organizations submit data for CMS staff and the Panel's
All presentations are limited to 5 minutes, regardless of the
number of individuals or organizations represented by a single
presentation. Presenters may use their 5 minutes to represent either
one or more agenda items.
All presentations will be shared with the public. Presentations may
not contain any pictures, illustrations, or personally identifiable
In order to consider presentations and/or comments, we will need to
receive the following information by email only. We cannot accept
hardcopy submittals.
1. An email copy of the presentation sent to the DFO mailbox,
2. Form CMS-20017 with complete contact information that includes
name, address, phone number, and email addresses for all presenters and
a contact person that can answer any questions and or provide revisions
that are requested for the presentation.
Presenters must clearly explain the actions that they are
requesting CMS to take in the appropriate section of the form. A
presenter's relationship with the organization that they represent must
also be clearly listed.
The form is now available through the CMS Forms Web site.
The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for linking to this form is as
IV. Oral Comments
In addition to formal oral presentations, which are limited to 5
minutes total per presentation, there will be an opportunity during the
meeting for public oral comments, which will be limited to 1 minute for
each individual and a total of 3 minutes per organization.
V. Meeting Attendance
The meeting is open to the public; however, attendance is limited
to space available. Priority will be given to those who pre-register,
and attendance may be limited based on the number of registrants and
the space available.
Persons wishing to attend this meeting, which is located on Federal
property, must register by following the instructions in the ``Meeting
Registration Timeframe'' section of this notice. A confirmation email
will be sent to the registrants shortly after completing the
registration process.
VI. Security, Building, and Parking Guidelines
The following are the security, building, and parking guidelines:
Persons attending the meeting, including presenters, must
be pre-registered and on the attendance list by the prescribed date.
Individuals who are not pre-registered in advance may not
be permitted to enter the building and may be unable to attend the
Attendees must present a government issued photo
identification to the Federal Protective Service or Guard Service
personnel before entering the building. Without a current, valid photo
ID, persons may not be permitted entry to the building.
Security measures include inspection of vehicles, inside
and out, at the entrance to the grounds.
All persons entering the building must pass through a
metal detector.
All items brought into CMS including personal items, for
example, laptops and cell phones are subject to physical inspection.
The public may enter the building 30 to 45 minutes before
the meeting convenes each day.
All visitors must be escorted in areas other than the
lower and first-floor levels in the Central Building.
The main-entrance guards will issue parking permits and
instructions upon arrival at the building.
VII. Special Accommodations
Individuals requiring special accommodations must include the
request for these services during registration.
VIII. Panel Recommendations and Discussions
The Panel's recommendations at any Panel meeting generally are not
final until they have been reviewed and approved by the Panel on the
last day of the meeting, before the final adjournment. These
[[Page 26765]]
will be posted to our Web site after the meeting.
IX. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection and
recordkeeping requirements. Consequently, it need not be reviewed by
the Office of Management and Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 35).
Dated: May 2, 2014.
Marilyn Tavenner,
Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2014-10688 Filed 5-8-14; 8:45 am]