Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a Petition To Reclassify Astragalus Jaegerianus, 25084-25092 [2014-10052]
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
Dated: April 21, 2014.
Jared Blumenfeld,
Regional Administrator, Region IX.
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at
[FR Doc. 2014–10116 Filed 5–1–14; 8:45 am]
Executive Summary
Why we need to publish a rule. On
June 4, 2012, we published in the
Federal Register a 90-day finding,
which determined that the petition to
reclassify Lane Mountain milk-vetch
from endangered to threatened
contained substantial scientific or
commercial information and that the
petitioned action may be warranted.
Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act (16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.) requires that, for any
petition to revise the Federal Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants, we make a finding within 12
months of the date of receipt of the
petition. We must publish these 12month findings in the Federal Register.
The basis for our action. Under the
Act, we can determine that a species is
an endangered species or threatened
species based on whether we find that
it is in danger of extinction throughout
all or a significant portion of its range
now (endangered) or likely to become
endangered in the foreseeable future
(threatened). As part of our analysis, we
consider whether it is endangered or
threatened because of the factors
outlined in section 4(a)(1) of the Act.
We consider the same factors in
delisting or downlisting a species.
Finding. This document constitutes
our 12-month finding that the petitioned
action to reclassify Lane Mountain milkvetch from endangered to threatened is
not warranted based on the review of
the best available scientific and
commercial information. It further
constitutes our review pursuant to
section 4(c)(2) of the Act.
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R8–ES–2014–0011;
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; 12-Month Finding on a
Petition To Reclassify Astragalus
Jaegerianus as a Threatened Species
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of 12-month petition
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce a
12-month finding on a petition to
reclassify Astragalus jaegerianus (Lane
Mountain milk-vetch) as a threatened
species under the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (Act). After
review of the best available scientific
and commercial information, we find
that reclassification of Astragalus
jaegerianus is not warranted at this
time. However, we ask the public to
submit to us any new information that
becomes available concerning the
threats to the species or its habitat at
any time.
DATES: The finding announced in this
document was made on May 2, 2014.
ADDRESSES: This finding is available on
the Internet at https://
www.regulations.gov at Docket Number
FWS–R8–ES–2014–0011. Supporting
documentation we used in preparing
this finding is included in the docket at
https://www.regulations.gov and
available for public inspection, by
appointment, during normal business
hours at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife
Office, 2493 Portola Road Suite B,
Ventura, CA 93003. Please submit any
new information, materials, comments,
or questions concerning this finding to
the above street address.
Stephen P. Henry, Acting Field
Supervisor, Ventura Fish and Wildlife
Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite B,
Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805–644–
1766; facsimile 805–644–3958. If you
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD), please call the Federal
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Previous Federal Actions
Lane Mountain milk-vetch was listed
as endangered in 1998, and a critical
habitat rulemaking was completed in
2005 (63 FR 53596; October 6, 1998 and
70 FR 18220; April 8, 2005). In 2011, we
revised the critical habitat rulemaking
by designating approximately 14,069
acres (ac) (5,693 hectares (ha)) of land in
2 units located in the Mojave Desert in
San Bernardino County, California (76
FR 29108; May 19, 2011). No recovery
plan has been completed for Lane
Mountain milk-vetch. A notice initiating
a 5-year review was published for the
species in 2006 (71 FR 14538; March 22,
2006), and a 5-year review was
completed in 2008 (Service 2008, pp. 1–
20; 74 FR 12878; March 25, 2009).
On December 21, 2011, we received a
petition dated December 19, 2011, from
the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF),
requesting that we reclassify the Lane
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Mountain milk-vetch from endangered
to threatened under the Act based on
the analysis and recommendations
contained in the 5-year review for Lane
Mountain milk-vetch (Service 2008, pp.
1–20; PLF 2011, pp. 1–11). On June 4,
2012, we published in the Federal
Register a 90-day finding on the petition
to reclassify Lane Mountain milk-vetch
as threatened or endangered, and
determined that the petition presented
substantial scientific or commercial
information indicating that the
petitioned action may be warranted and
initiated a status review of the species
under sections 4(b)(3)(A) and 4(c)(2)(A)
of the Act (77 FR 32922). On April 24,
2013, the Pacific Legal Foundation filed
a complaint for failure to complete a 12month finding with the District Court of
the Eastern District of California
(California Cattlemen’s Association, et
al. v. Sally Jewell, et al., No. 2:13-cv00800–GEB–AC (E.D. Cal.)). This
challenge was resolved by an August 7,
2013, Stipulated Settlement Agreement,
in which the Service agreed to submit
a 12-month finding on Lane Mountain
milk-vetch to the Federal Register on or
before February 28, 2014. On November
27, 2013, the Court granted an extension
to April 30, 2014, due to the Federal
Government shutdown and furlough in
October of 2013, and to allow full
incorporation of new survey
information. This document constitutes
our 12-month finding on the petition to
reclassify the Lane Mountain milk-vetch
and our review pursuant to section
4(c)(2) of the Act.
This finding is based on the Species
Report for Lane Mountain milk-vetch
(Species Report) (Service 2014, entire),
a scientific analysis of available
information prepared by a team of
Service biologists from the Service’s
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, the
Pacific Southwest Regional Office
(Region 8), and the National
Headquarters Office (Arlington, VA).
The purpose of the Species Report is to
provide the best available scientific and
commercial information about the
species so that we can evaluate whether
or not the species warrants protection
under the Act and if so at what level of
In the Species Report, we compiled
the best scientific and commercial data
available concerning the status of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch, including the
past, present, and future threats to this
species. The Species Report evaluates
the biological status of the species and
the threats affecting its continued
existence. As such, the Species Report
provides the scientific basis that informs
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
our regulatory decision in this
document, which involves the further
application of standards within the Act
(16 U.S.C. 1533) and its implementing
regulations (50 CFR part 424) and
policies. The Species Report (including
a references cited list) and other
materials relating to this finding can be
found on the Ventura Fish and Wildlife
Office Web site at: https://www.fws.gov/
ventura and at https://
www.regulations.gov at Docket No.
The reader is directed to the Species
Report for Lane Mountain milk-vetch for
a more detailed discussion of the
biology, taxonomy, life history,
distribution, current conditions, and
factors affecting Lane Mountain milkvetch (Service 2014, entire). A summary
of the information included in the
Species Report is provided below. The
information below references the
original sources of information cited in
the Species Report (Service 2014,
Species Biology
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is a
herbaceous perennial member of the pea
family (Fabaceae) (Wojciechowski and
Spellenberg 2012, pp. 729–752). It is a
slender, diffuse plant, 12 to 27.5 inches
(in) (30 to 70 centimeters (cm)) tall, with
straggling, freely branched stems that
arise from a buried root-crown, or
caudex with a long tap root (Barneby
1964, p. 485). The leaves have 7 to 15
silvery linear leaflets and are light-gray
or greenish in color. The flowers are
cream to purple with veins of a deeper
color. Fruits are pencil-shaped pods, 0.6
to 1 in (16 to 25 cm) long and hold 2
to 14 seeds (see Service 2014, Species
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is
restricted in distribution to a small
portion of the central Mojave Desert
north of Barstow in San Bernardino
County, California at elevations of
3,000–3,800 feet (ft) (900–1,200 meters
(m)) (Wojciechowski and Spellenberg
2012, p. 742). Four disjunct population
areas of Lane Mountain milk-vetch have
been identified prior to and since listing
(Goldstone, Montana-Brinkman,
Paradise Valley, and the Coolgardie
Mesa populations). Based on extensive
surveys of the suitable habitat within
the area, no other populations of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch are expected to
exist outside the four identified
population areas (Charis 2002, pp. 45–
50; Charlton 2007, pp. 29–30).
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additional occurrences of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch since listing and
Lane Mountain milk-vetch occurs
partly on the future implementation of
mostly on gentle slopes and low ridges
management and conservation actions
comprised of shallow, coarse granitic
identified in recently approved land
substrates where the parent rock
management plans (Service 2008, pp. 1–
material is close to the surface or
exposed (Bagley 1999, p. 3; Charis 2002, 20). A recovery plan for the Lane
p. 40; Rundel et al. 2005, p. 34). Habitats Mountain milk-vetch has not been
completed, so measurable recovery
with these characteristics are patchily
criteria have not been developed for the
distributed across the range where Lane
Mountain milk-vetch occurs. The
Two major changes in land
vegetation community at Lane Mountain ownership/land use designation
milk-vetch sites is typically a diverse
occurred between listing and the 5-year
mix of woody shrub species with a
review. The first occurred in 2002,
higher percent cover and density than
when lands containing one of the four
adjacent vegetation communities (Prigge known populations of Lane Mountain
et al. 2000, p. 10; Prigge et al. 2011, p.
milk-vetch (Montana-Brinkman
185). These sites tend to have a low
population) and a majority of lands for
density of creosote bush (Larrea
a second population (Paradise Valley
tridentata) and a high degree of shrubs
population) were transferred from the
compatible with Lane Mountain milkBureau of Land Management (BLM) to
vetch (Huggins et al. 2012b, pp. 4–5).
the Department of Defense as part of the
The distribution of Lane mountain milk- Fort Irwin Military Land Withdrawal
vetch and the other shrubs are indirectly Act of 2001 (Public L. 107–107, title 29,
controlled by the soils and soil
section 2901, et seq., 115 Stat. 1335).
characteristics within this plant
This legislation withdrew
community (second order edaphic
approximately 118,674 ac (48,026 ha) of
endemism) (Prigge et al. 2011, p. 185;
land, previously owned by the BLM,
Huggins et al. 2012b, p. 4).
from appropriation and transferred
Lane Mountain milk-vetch has a
jurisdiction and interests in those lands
unique relationship with the shrubs
to the Secretary of the Army for military
within the mixed desert scrub
use. On March 15, 2004, the Service
community where it is found. This
completed a biological opinion on the
relationship is often known as a nurseproposed addition of training lands at
´ ´
protege interaction (Gibson et al. 1998,
Fort Irwin (Service 2004 (1–8–03–F–48),
p. 81; Flores and Jerado 2009, p. 911;
pp. 1–73). To limit the military training
McCalley and Sparks 2009, p. 837) and
effects on Lane Mountain milk-vetch,
appears to provide benefits to both the
the Army committed to place the
Lane Mountain milk-vetch and the
Goldstone population (1,283 ac (519
nurse shrubs (see Service 2014, Nurse
ha)) and a portion of the Paradise Valley
shrubs and influence on microclimate
population (3,634 ac (1,471 ha)) offand microhabitat of Lane Mountain
limits to all military training activities.
The remainder of Lane Mountain milkvetch population lands on Fort Irwin
Information Regarding the Species at
would be subject to some level of
the Time of Listing to the 2008 5-Year
disturbance through military training
activities (approximately 6,619 ac (2,679
The primary threats to the known
ha)) from complete habitat loss to
populations of Lane Mountain milkmoderate or low levels of disturbance.
vetch at the time of listing were habitat
The second land ownership/land use
loss that was likely to occur from
designation occurred in 2005, with the
recreational off-highway vehicle (OHV)
completion of the West Mojave Plan
use, mining, and changes in fire
process by the BLM, which designated
frequency and associated fire
two areas containing the species as
suppression activities; stochastic events; Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
small population size; and the
(ACEC) on BLM land (the entire
inadequacy of regulatory mechanisms
Coolgardie Mesa population and
(63 FR 53604–53609; October 6, 1998).
approximately 10 percent of the
Another threat identified at the time of
Paradise Valley population) (BLM (West
listing was military training activities
Mojave Plan) 2005, p. 2–108).
planned at Fort Irwin (63 FR 53605, and
During our 5-year review process, we
53613–53614; October 6, 1998).
became aware of additional threats to
On July 10, 2008, the 5-year review
those previously identified at the time
was completed for Lane Mountain milk- of listing. These included the effects of
vetch and recommended that the
infrequent recruitment, predation, dust,
species be reclassified from endangered genetic isolation, competition with
nonnative species, habitat
to threatened. This recommendation
fragmentation, and the potential for
was based on the discovery of
Habitat Characteristics
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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
energy development. We also
reconfirmed our concerns related to
military training activities and upgraded
our concerns related to increased OHV
and mining activities and the effects of
changes in the fire regime for the
species. Although our review
heightened awareness of additional
concerns and, in some cases,
highlighted the severity of the threats,
we recommended reclassification for
Lane Mountain milk-vetch to threatened
based partly on the establishment of
conservation areas by the Army and
BLM and the future management of
these areas by the two agencies (Service
2008, pp. 14–15).
Information Regarding the Species
Since the 2008 5-Year Review
In review and development of the
information regarding the threats facing
Lane Mountain milk-vetch as described
in the Species Report and in conducting
our status review for this 12-month
finding, we have raised our level of
concern regarding some threats and
identified additional threats facing Lane
Mountain milk-vetch. We have raised
our level of concern regarding the
effects of increased OHV activities on
those populations of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch on BLM lands, private lands,
or lands recently acquired by the
Department of Defense outside the
National Training Center at Fort Irwin.
We have also identified the effects of
climate change and drought on the
species and its habitat as a major
concern and threat to the species or its
In addition to threats information, we
also received additional population
status and trend data and information
on recruitment and survival (see Service
2014, Demography and Population
Trends). These threats and population
status and trend data are discussed in
detail in the Species Report (Service
2014, pp. 39–111) and are summarized
below in our statutory analysis.
Statutory Analysis and Application of
Section 4 of the Act
Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533)
and implementing regulations (50 CFR
part 424) set forth procedures for listing
species, reclassifying species, or
removing species from listed status. A
species may be determined to be an
endangered or threatened species
because of any one or a combination of
the five factors described in section
4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or
threatened destruction, modification, or
curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial,
recreational, scientific, or educational
purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D)
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the inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms; or (E) other natural or
manmade factors affecting its continued
Determining whether the status of a
species has improved to the point that
it can be downlisted or delisted requires
consideration of whether the species is
endangered or threatened because of the
same five categories of threats specified
in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For species
that are already listed as endangered or
threatened, this analysis of threats is an
evaluation of both the threats currently
facing the species and the threats that
are reasonably likely to affect the
species in the foreseeable future
following the delisting or downlisting
and the removal or reduction of the
Act’s protections.
A species is an ‘‘endangered species’’
for purposes of the Act if it is in danger
of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range and is a
‘‘threatened species’’ if it is likely to
become an endangered species within
the foreseeable future throughout all or
a significant portion of its range. The
word ‘‘range’’ in the ‘‘significant portion
of its range’’ phrase refers to the range
in which the species currently exists at
the time of the status review. For the
purposes of this analysis, we first
evaluate the status of the species
throughout all its range, then consider
whether the species is in danger of
extinction or likely to become so in any
significant portion of its range.
The Act requires that the Secretary
determine whether a species is
endangered or threatened because of
any of the five factors enumerated in 16
U.S.C. 1533(a)(1). Our discussion of the
threats is contained in the Species
Report (see Service 2014, Overview of
Factors Affecting the Species). In the
Species Report, we present detailed
discussions of the current and future
potential threats to the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch, discussions which are
summarized in this document. Here, we
now consider how those threats are
categorized under each of the five
factors affecting the species and
determine whether it is an endangered
or threatened species.
Below, we summarize the information
in the Species Report of the potential
current and future threats to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch and categorize
them by each factor. The threats
categorized by factor include: Military
Training Activities (Factors A and E);
OHV Activities (Factors A and E);
Effects of Climate Change (Factors A
and E); Competition with Nonnative
Plants and Fire (Factors A and E);
Mining Activities (Factors A and E);
Predation (Factor C); Inadequacy of
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Existing Regulatory Mechanisms (Factor
D); Dust (Factor E); Genetic Isolation
(Factor E); and Small Population Size
(Factor E). The full description of these
threats is documented in the Species
Report (see Service 2014, Overview of
Factors Affecting the Species).
A. The Present or Threatened
Destruction, Modification, or
Curtailment of Its Habitat or Range
Military Training Activities
The same potential military training
activities that affect Lane Mountain
milk-vetch habitat can also affect Lane
Mountain milk-vetch individual plants.
While these impacts to the species fit
under Factor E (Other Natural or
Manmade Factors Affecting its
Continued Existence), they are included
here in the Factor A discussion for ease
of analysis.
Three of the four populations of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch occur entirely or
almost entirely on Fort Irwin. Military
training and operations activities (see
Service 2014, Military Training and
Operations Activities) planned for Fort
Irwin’s Western Expansion Area may
result in the loss of a substantial number
of Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and
areas of habitat from both direct and
indirect impacts (BLM et al. 2005,
Chapter 4, p. 73; Army 2003, Chapter 5,
pp. 22–27). More than 6,660 ac (2,695
ha) of habitat containing Lane Mountain
milk-vetch plants out the 11,567 ac
(4,681 ha) that occur on Fort Irwin
would be directly affected by military
training and operations activities (Army
2003, Chapter 5, p. 25); this represents
31.2 percent of populations and habitat
for the species, and 57 percent of the
populations and habitat within the Fort
Irwin boundary (Service 2014, Military
Training and Operations Activities).
Moreover, the Army reports that, in high
use areas, frequent and intense training
activities could ultimately impact, and
cause the loss of, up to 100 percent of
the habitat and individuals of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch of the Brinkman
Wash-Montana Mine population (Id.).
The Army has completed an Integrated
Natural Resources Management Plan
and consulted with the Service on
future training activities (Fort Irwin
INRMP 2005). As part of the Army’s
conservation measures for Lane
Mountain milk-vetch, the Goldstone
population and a portion of the Paradise
Valley population are in designated
conservation areas. These conservation
measures have placed 20.5 percent of
the known Lane Mountain milk-vetch
plants and habitat into Conservation
Areas that are off-limits to the direct
impacts of military training and
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
operations activities. These areas would
not be directly affected by military
training and operations, but plants and
their habitat could be adversely affected
by indirect impacts of military
activities. A third area within a portion
of the Brinkman Wash-Montana Mine
population would be subject to
restricted use. Direct and indirect
impacts include the crushing or
uprooting of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
plants and nurse shrubs; crushing and
burying milk-vetch seeds; disturbing
soils; altering surface hydrology;
promoting aeolian (wind) erosion and/
or deposition of sand and dust; and
degrading or disrupting ecological
relationships with predators, seed
dispersers, pollinators, and competitors
(invasive nonnative species).
Cumulatively, these activities can result
in long-term adverse impacts to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch populations
through increases in fire frequency, size,
and intensity; changes in vegetation
types including loss of nurse shrubs;
fragmentation and reduction/loss of
connectivity between populations;
reduced gene exchange or genetic
isolation, and reduced population
persistence or greater vulnerability to
random events (Army 2003, Chapter 5,
p. 26).
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that military training and
operations activities are ongoing and
currently threaten the habitat or range of
Lane Mountain milk-vetch through
destruction, modification, or
Mining Activities
The same potential mining activities
that affect Lane Mountain milk-vetch
habitat can also affect Lane Mountain
milk-vetch individual plants. While
these impacts to the species fit under
Factor E (Other Natural or Manmade
Factors Affecting its Continued
Existence), they are included here in the
Factor A discussion for ease of analysis.
Portions of BLM lands adjacent to
Fort Irwin are designated as the
Coolgardie Mining District and are
currently subject to ongoing mining
activities. Most of the Coolgardie Mesa
population and a small portion of the
Paradise Valley population of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch occur on BLM
lands. The impacts to Lane Mountain
milk-vetch (see Service 2014, Mining
Activities) and its habitat from past and
current mining activities include the
establishment of mining camps or
staging areas. The effects to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch plants and habitat
include habitat fragmentation, soil
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surface disturbance from placement and
use of mining equipment, direct
uprooting of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
plants and nurse shrubs or burial from
side casting, and soil compaction and
disturbance resulting in a disruption of
soil microbial activity and nutrient
cycling from repeated foot and vehicle
traffic in confined areas. Additional
impacts from mining activities to
ecological processes include altered
surface hydrology, increased wind
erosion of soil and dust deposition,
disruption of pollination systems, and
the spread of invasive nonnative plant
species. These impacts contribute to
changes in vegetation type; increases in
fire frequency, size and intensity;
fragmentation and reduction/loss of
connectivity; reduced gene exchange;
and reduced population persistence.
Due to historical mining activities, the
Coolgardie Mesa area has been laced
with exploratory mine pits and mining
activities both large and small. These
activities have resulted in disturbance of
the soil surface and structure. Soil
crusts that form on soil surfaces in
southwestern deserts, including the
Mojave Desert, are assemblages of
symbiotic algae, cyanobacteria, bacteria,
lichens, and mosses. These soil crusts
are highly susceptible to degradation
from the frequent and large-scale
disturbance activities, and recovery of
the soil’s complex structure and
function will likely take centuries rather
than decades. Restoration of the area to
suitable conditions for the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch and nurse shrubs
will take even longer. Because of the
nature of the impacts (e.g., destruction
of soil structure and disruption of soil
function), it is unlikely that the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch or its nurse shrubs
will become established at casual use
mining sites in the future. Prior to
transfer of lands containing a portion of
Brinkman-Montana Wash and all of the
Paradise Valley population from BLM to
the Department of Defense, these areas
were also subject to mining activities
and may still be available for mineral
rights exploration and development
(Service 2014, Mining Activities; Service
2013c, attachment).
Current mining activities include
‘‘casual use’’ mining activities
conducted by individuals and mining
clubs on BLM lands. Under BLM
regulations (43 CFR part 3809), ‘‘casual
use’’ mining is defined by the
excavation of mining pits and soil
surface disturbance that are limited to
the use of non-mechanized tools and
encompass an area of less than 5 ac (2
ha). In addition, the West Mojave Plan
states that dry wash sluicing is
considered ‘‘casual use’’ and a plan of
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operations is not required unless
operators drive off existing routes, dig
up perennial plants, or use mechanized
earth-moving equipment. Casual use
mining also cannot result in the direct
destruction of perennial woody
vegetation (BLM et al. 2005, chapter 4,
p. 278).
The Coolgardie Mesa population and
the portion of the Paradise Valley
population on BLM lands are classified
as Areas of Critical Environmental
Concern (ACECs). To reduce threats to
and help manage for the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch and its habitat outside Fort
Irwin, the Army purchased most of the
private land within the boundaries of
BLM’s West Paradise and Coolgardie
Mesa Conservation Areas. While BLM
identified specific land management
prescriptions for mining activities in
these areas, casual use mining is not a
discretionary action and is not subject to
permits or authorizations. BLM requires
no permit and does not conduct direct
management oversight for casual use
mining activities, and as a result, there
is no mechanism for monitoring and
reporting the location and extent of
compliance with the BLM’s regulations,
or monitoring the direct and indirect
impacts to Lane Mountain milk-vetch
and its habitat. Under casual use, the
excavation of mining pits and soil
surface disturbance degrade Lane
Mountain milk-vetch habitat and impact
Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and
seeds and nurse shrubs directly and
indirectly. Other management
prescriptions that would reduce the
threats from mining and surface
disturbance that have not yet been
implemented include withdrawal of
lands within the ACECs from mineral
entry and acquiring private lands from
willing sellers within the ACECs.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that mining activities are
ongoing and currently threaten the
habitat or range of Lane Mountain milkvetch through destruction, modification,
or curtailment.
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Activities
The same potential OHV activities
that affect Lane Mountain milk-vetch
habitat can also affect Lane Mountain
milk-vetch individual plants. While
these impacts to the species fit under
Factor E (Other Natural or Manmade
Factors Affecting its Continued
Existence), they are included here in the
Factor A discussion for ease of analysis.
OHV activity is present throughout
the range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
outside the National Training Center at
Fort Irwin (see Service 2014, Off-
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
highway Vehicle (OHV) Activities). This
includes all of the Coolgardie Mesa
population and the portion of the
Paradise Valley population that occurs
on BLM lands, including those areas
within the ACECs. OHV activity and
roads cause habitat loss, fragmentation,
and degradation. In the West Mojave
Plan, the BLM identified minimizing
vehicle routes of travel, fencing,
education, and enforcement as
conservation measures to help the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch and its habitat.
However, activities such as fencing,
signing, and closing areas have had
limited success in managing access or
controlling new unauthorized routes. In
addition, BLM is also obligated to
provide access to mining claims and
mines (BLM could revisit route
designations if withdrawal of lands
within the ACECs from mineral entry is
completed). Our review of BLM data
identified an increase in OHV routes in
the Coolgardie Mesa area from over 67
miles (mi) (108 kilometers (km)) in 2005
to 134 mi (216 km) in 2012. OHV
activities include not only development
of roads but also establishment of
camping and staging areas in previously
undisturbed areas. OHV use in
undisturbed areas not only destroys
Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants or
their nurse shrubs directly, it also
disturbs the soil surface leading to
reduced moisture-holding capabilities
and provides a means for nonnative
invasive plant species, such as annual
grasses (e.g. Bromus sp.), Marrubium
vulgare (horehound), and Brassica sp.
(mustard) to invade otherwise remote,
intact habitats. These impacts contribute
to changes in vegetation type; increases
in fire frequency, size, and intensity;
fragmentation and reduction/loss of
connectivity; reduced gene exchange;
and reduced population persistence.
With ongoing reports of increases in
OHV activity and creation of new roads,
this increased use would continue to
expand the area of impact to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch plants and habitat
in the Coolgardie Mesa and West
Paradise Conservation Areas.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that OHV use is ongoing and
has increased from past levels. The
impacts of OHV use currently threaten
the destruction, modification, or
curtailment of the habitat or range of
Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
The Effects of Climate Change
The impact of climate change is
affecting both Lane Mountain milkvetch habitat (Factor A) and individual
plants (Factor E). Effects of climate
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change on population trends is
discussed under Factor E. Discussion of
both of these impacts is included here
in the Factor A discussion for ease of
Changes in climate can have a variety
of direct and indirect impacts on
species, and can exacerbate the effects
of other threats. Rather than assessing
the effects of ‘‘climate change’’ as a
single threat in and of itself, we examine
the potential consequences to species
and their habitats that arise from
changes in environmental conditions
associated with various aspects of
climate change. Recent climate data
available for the southwestern United
States show that the area is already
experiencing the effects of climate
change (see Service 2014, Drought,
Precipitation Patterns, and Climate
Change). The average daily
temperatures for the 2001–2010 decade
were the highest in the southwestern
United States from 1901 through 2010
(Overpeck et al. 2012, p. 2) with
temperatures almost 2.0 °Fahrenheit (°F)
(1.1 °Celsius (°C)) higher than historic
averages, with fewer cold snaps and
more heat waves (Hoerling et al. 2012,
pp. 74–92; Overpeck et al. 2012, pp. 4–
5). Climate change models for the
southwestern United States for the 21st
century predict seasonal air and surface
temperatures in all seasons will increase
(Overpeck et al. 2012, p. 5), with greater
warming in summer and fall than winter
and spring. Droughts in parts of the
southwestern United States are
projected to become more frequent
(Overpeck et al. 2012, p. 7) with a
precipitation decrease westward
through the Sonoran and Mojave
Huggins et al. (2012b, p. 11) found
that there is a strong positive
relationship between Lane Mountain
milk-vetch population changes and
seasonal precipitation, and that these
changes (population fluctuations) are
controlled by the variation in the timing
and amount of precipitation within and
between years. In addition, nurse shrubs
will also be impacted by prolonged
drought conditions and die-offs of nurse
shrubs have already been documented
in the range of Lane Mountain milkvetch (Huggins et al. 2010c, p. 1). If the
models for the Southwest and Mojave
Desert are correct and drought periods
become longer and more frequent, we
would anticipate that future climatic
conditions will reduce reproduction and
recruitment and elevate mortality of the
Lane Mountain milk-vetch populations,
favor the further spread of nonnative
invasive plants and increase the
frequency, spatial extent, and severity of
wildfires. Additional factors
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exacerbated by the effects of climate
change would include increases in soil
loss and dust, and the reduction of
microbial activity and nutrient cycling.
Nurse Shrubs. Nurse shrubs are also
likely to be impacted by the effects of
climate change. Changes in vegetative
land cover (including loss of woody
vegetation) will be substantial with
vegetation composition, diversity, and
growth likely altered (Archer and
Predick 2008, p. 25). Increases in
temperature and decreases in
precipitation as a result of climate
change will lead to an increase in death
of nurse shrub plants in some areas of
the Southwest (Overpeck et al. 2012, p.
8). The loss of nurse shrubs will also
likely increase as a result of climate
change. Nurse shrubs benefit Lane
Mountain milk-vetch in the form of
structural support, attenuation from
weather extremes, and in providing
some protection from predators, and
appear to be important to the survival
and persistence of the species (Sharifi et
al. 2010, pp. 5–6, 12, 321; Prigge et al.
2011, pp. 178, 181; Huggins et al. 2012a,
p. 35). There is a substantial decrease in
survival of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
plants among nurse shrubs with
canopies reduced by drought (Huggins
et al. 2010a, pp. 120–128; Huggins et al.
2010b, pp. 1–29; Huggins et al. 2012c,
p. 98). When canopy cover of nurse
shrubs was reduced by 60 percent or
more, Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants
died (Huggins et al. 2010a, p. 125).
Nonnative Plants and Fire. Nonnative
invasive plants and the associated
potential for increase in wildfires affect
both habitat and range of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch (Factor A) as well
as individual plants (Factor E). These
impacts are discussed here, under the
umbrella discussion of climate change,
because climate change may exacerbate
their effects to habitat and to individual
plants. Discussion of both of these
impacts is included here in the Factor
A discussion for ease of analysis.
Nonnative invasive plant species such
as Bromus madritensis (red brome),
Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), and
Schismus arabicus and S. barbatus
(Mediterranean grass) have increased in
distribution and abundance in the
Mojave Desert (see Service 2014,
Nonnative Species Are Likely to
Increase in Abundance). Although the
factors relating to the invasion of
nonnative plant species are independent
of climate change, the effects of climate
change are likely to lead to an increase
in abundance and spread of nonnative
species (Archer and Predick 2008, p.
26). Nonnative species can compete
with desert perennials, including Lane
Mountain milk-vetch and their nurse
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
shrubs, for scarce resources (i.e., water,
nutrients) (Brooks 2000, pp. 103–105;
Booth et al. 2003, pp. 36–48; DeFalco et
al. 2007, pp. 302–305). Increases in
abundance of nonnative species
threatens Lane Mountain milk-vetch
through competition for resources,
resulting in reduced germination,
recruitment, reproduction, and survival
of the species.
The introduction and spread of
nonnative annuals has also resulted in
an increase in the frequency, spatial
extent, and severity of wildfires in the
range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
because of the increase in fine fuels they
produce (Army 2003, Chapter 4, p. 14;
Chapter 5, p. 7; Brooks and Matchett,
2006; p. 149). The invasion and spread
of nonnative annual species provide
fuel that carries fire across previously
open interspaces in the desert landscape
(Brooks 1999, pp. 16–17) and allow fires
to burn larger areas than documented
historically. Once established,
nonnative invasive plant species can
promote and accelerate the fire cycle in
a self-reinforcing manner. Areas
disturbed by fire are often quickly
colonized by nonnative annual species
that provide additional fuel for future
fire events. The slow growth and
episodic nature of recruitment of many
native desert plant species constrains
recovery from frequent fires that
accompany the establishment of
nonnative invasive grasses (Archer and
Predick 2008, p. 26; Chambers and
Pellant 2008, pp. 29–33). Fire in the
range of the Lane Mountain milk-vetch
would result in the loss of individual
plants and the loss of nurse shrubs
associated with and vital to the
continued existence of the species.
Habitats where Lane Mountain milkvetch occurs would become more
fragmented as a result of the more
frequent fire events. Because there are
currently no feasible means for
controlling the spread of nonnative
invasive plant species, we expect that
wildfires will be an increasing threat to
Lane Mountain milk-vetch populations
and their habitat.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that the effects of climate
change on the species and its habitat
through a reduction in recruitment and
plant survival, loss of individual plants
and habitat including loss of nurse
shrubs through increase in nonnative
species, droughts, and fire, are currently
ongoing and threaten the habitat or
range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
through destruction, modification, or
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B. Overutilization for Commercial,
Recreational, Scientific, or Educational
This factor was not identified at the
time of listing as a threat (63 FR at
53606), nor was it considered a threat in
the 5-year review (Service, 2008, p. 11).
We have no information indicating that
overutilization is affecting the species.
We conclude that overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes is not a short-term
or long-term threat to the continued
existence of Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
C. Disease or Predation
At the time of listing, disease and
predation were not considered threats to
Lane Mountain milk-vetch (63 FR
53606–53607). The 5-year review
reported several instances of predation
and noted that predation of leaves,
stems, seeds, and roots are now known
to occur (Service 2008, pp. 11–12). Our
review for this determination indicates
that while some predation of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch seeds, vegetative
tissue, and roots is likely occurring on
an ongoing but variable basis, there is
no evidence that individual plants have
been killed from this activity. Because
Lane Mountain milk-vetch has evolved
within this habitat, the species has
adapted to some level of predation
(Service 2014, Predation). We have not
identified any diseases affecting Lane
Mountain milk-vetch.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that disease is not a significant
threat and predation is not a significant
threat in and of itself but may contribute
to being a threat when considered in
combination with other threats to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch. See ‘‘Combination
of Threats’’ section below for additional
D. Regulatory Protections
Although regulatory mechanisms
(Factor D) are in place that provide
some protection to Lane Mountain milkvetch and its habitat, some of these
mechanisms have not been
implemented to their fullest extent and
as a result do not completely alleviate
all of the direct threats currently acting
on the species. For example, available
population trend information has shown
a continued population decline for all
populations despite portions of the
species range having been designated as
ACECs regulated by BLM or managed by
the Army as part of a conservation area.
In addition, the existing regulatory
mechanisms are not directed toward nor
are they capable of limiting the effects
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of invasive nonnative species, altered
fire regimes, or the effects of climate
change on the species. As a result, we
have determined that the existing
regulatory mechanisms are: (1)
Inadequate because they have not been
fully implemented; and (2) are not
adequate to alleviate the major threats to
the species (see Service 2014, Summary
of Analysis of Existing Regulatory
E. Other Natural or Human-Caused
Factors Affecting Their Continued
Military Training, Off-Highway Vehicle
(OHV), and Mining Activities
For ease of discussion, the impacts to
individuals from military training, offhighway vehicle (OHV) use, and mining
activities associated with this factor are
discussed above in Factor A. For a
complete discussion of potential
impacts to both habitat and individual
plants from these activities, see Factor A
discussion above.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report and our
discussion above regarding Factor A, we
conclude that the effects of military
training, OHV use, and mining activities
are factors affecting the continued
existence of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
under Factor E.
Effects of Climate Change on
Demographic and Population Trends
For ease of discussion, the impacts
from climate change on the species and
its habitat are discussed above in Factor
A (including the effects of nonnative
invasive species and fire). For a
complete discussion of potential
impacts to both habitat and individual
plants from these activities, see Factor A
discussion above. Additional effects
from climate change on the species and
its population trends are discussed
below (see Service 2014, Drought,
Precipitation Patterns, and Climate
Change). The results from the long-term
studies on the Lane Mountain milkvetch indicate that the overall
population size has substantially
decreased since 1999, despite 2 years of
high precipitation in 2005 and 2011,
which saw increases in seedling
recruitment (Rundel et al. 2005, entire;
Huggins et al. 2010a, entire; Huggins et
al. 2012b, entire). These studies
determined that Lane Mountain milkvetch does not reproduce vegetatively
but depends on seeds to recruit new
individuals into the population.
Because of the harsh environmental
conditions of the habitat, most seedlings
do not survive and successful
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
recruitment is dependent on the timing
and amount of precipitation from year
to year. This decrease appears to follow
a trend in lower precipitation amounts
and frequency during this period as
compared to past trends (Huggins et al.
2012b, entire). The number of mature
plants were also monitored, and they
also saw a decline in numbers (Rundel
et al. 2005, entire). Huggins et al.
(2010a, p. 120) reported about an 88
percent reduction in population size as
measured by aboveground individuals
in study plots within the Goldman and
Brinkman-Wash populations that have
been monitored since 1999. This loss of
plants, when applied to the entire range
of the species, would mean the number
of Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants has
declined from an estimated 5,723 plants
in 1999 (Army 2002, p. 1) to 686 in 2009
(Huggins et al. 2010a, p. 123). Adult
Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants have
the ability to persist during a dry year
by reducing or curtailing reproduction,
limiting vegetative growth (resprouting)
or remaining dormant as a taproot below
ground until the next year. Despite these
adaptations, population numbers have
declined. If in the future dry years
continue to outnumber wet years as they
have since 2000, we expect the
population size of the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch to continue to decline.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that the effect of climate
change is a factor affecting the
continued existence of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch under Factor E.
Several human activities cause
mechanical disturbance to the soil and
generate dust that affect all four Lane
Mountain milk-vetch populations (see
Service 2014, Effects of Anthropogenic
Dust to the Lane Mountain Milk-vetch
and Its Habitat). Past, current, and
planned activities that are dust sources
include military training and operations
activities, mining activities, and OHV
activities. Dust has been shown to
increase leaf temperatures and
subsequent photosynthetic rates during
early spring and may require an
increased amount of water for growth
and successful reproduction. If this
increased amount of water is not
available, the Lane Mountain milk-vetch
may respond by reducing plant vigor
and by reducing flower and seed
production or abandoning reproduction
for the year.
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that the effect of dust is a
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factor affecting the continued existence
of Lane Mountain milk-vetch under
Factor E.
Small Population Size
Currently, each of the four
populations of Lane Mountain milkvetch are considered small populations.
The impact of threats on small
populations is further magnified due to
their inability to respond to those
threats. Small populations also face an
increased likelihood of stochastic
(random) extinction due to changes in
demography, the environment, genetics,
or other factors (Gilpin and Soule´ 1986,
pp. 24–34). With their limited number
of individuals, little documented
recruitment in 13 years, and substantial
population declines, the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch populations are vulnerable
to extinction due to threats associated
with small population size, small
number of populations, or isolation
between populations (see Service 2014,
Small Number of Individuals and
Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that the effect of small
population size is a factor affecting the
continued existence of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch under Factor E.
Genetic Isolation
Genetic isolation has been raised as
an additional concern for the species
based on genetic work done by
researchers (see Service 2014, Genetics
section). Two separate genetic studies
(Walker and Metcalf 2008a and 2008b)
found that Lane Mountain milk-vetch
populations: (1) Lacked genetic
variation within and between
populations; (2) most likely have a low
effective population size; (3) have
undergone a recent population
contraction or are undergoing a
population contraction; and (4) have
limited gene flow between populations
and that the migration of genetic
material occurs only between adjacent
populations. These findings indicate
that the number of Lane Mountain milkvetch individuals that contribute genes
to the next generation (e.g., reproduce
and have successful recruitment) is
small and that the entire species is
susceptible to genetic drift. Small,
isolated populations, such as Lane
Mountain milk-vetch, that exhibit
reduced levels of genetic variability
have a reduced capacity to adapt and
respond to environmental changes,
thereby lessening the probability of
long-term persistence (Barrett and Kohn
1991, p. 4; Newman and Pilson 1997, p.
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Based on the best available
information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we
conclude that genetic isolation is a
factor affecting the continued existence
of Lane Mountain milk-vetch under
Factor E.
Combination of Threats
Combinations of threats working in
concert with one another have the
ability to negatively impact species to a
greater degree than individual threats
operating alone. Multiple stressors can
alter the effects of other stressors or act
synergistically to affect individuals and
populations. When conducting our
analysis about the potential threats
affecting Lane Mountain milk-vetch, we
also assessed whether the species may
be affected by a combination of factors.
In the Species Report (see Service
2014, Overview of Factors Affecting the
Species and Combination of Factors and
Synergistic Impacts), we identified
multiple threats that may have
interrelated impacts on the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch or its habitat.
Habitat modification from military
training, OHV use, and mining activities
can lead to soil surface disturbances,
which then lead to increased
susceptibility to wind and water
erosion, loss of moisture-holding
capacity, invasion by nonnative plants,
and increased fire threat. These
activities likewise affect the nurse
shrubs on which Lane Mountain milkvetch depends. Predation on the plants,
roots, and seeds of the species, although
not observed to directly kill plants, may
increase plant stress and reduce the
vigor, including reproductive output of
the species. The effects of climate
change also are acting to elevate impacts
on the species. Under current climate
change conditions and projections, we
anticipate that future climatic
conditions will favor the further spread
of nonnative invasive plants and
increase the frequency, spatial extent,
and severity of wildfires. Alteration of
temperature and precipitation patterns
as a result of climate change will also
result in decreased survivorship of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch by causing
physiological stress on the plants and
reducing reproduction or seedling
establishment. These changed climatic
conditions will also impact nurse
shrubs associated with the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch. Therefore, we
find that the combination of habitat
modification activities (and the threats
that result from these activities) and the
effects of climate change will exacerbate
the overall degree of impacts that
threaten the continued survival and
recovery of Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
An assessment of the need for a
species’ protection under the Act is
based on whether a species is in danger
of extinction or likely to become so
because of any of five factors: (A) The
present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range; (B) overutilization for
commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or
predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E)
other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. As
required by section 4(a)(1) of the Act,
we conducted a review of the status of
the Lane Mountain milk-vetch and
assessed the five factors to evaluate
whether the species is endangered or
threatened throughout all of its range.
We examined the best scientific and
commercial information available
regarding the past, present, and future
threats faced by the species. We
reviewed information presented in our
2008 5-year review (Service 2008,
entire), the 2011 petition (PLF 2011, pp.
1–11), information available in our files
and gathered through our status review
in response to this petition, and other
available published and unpublished
information. We also consulted with
species experts from scholarly
institutions and land management staff
with the Army and BLM who are
actively managing for the conservation
of the Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
In considering what factors might
constitute threats, we must look beyond
the mere exposure of the species to the
factor to determine whether the
exposure causes actual impacts to the
species. If there is exposure to a factor,
but no response, or only a positive
response, that factor is not a threat. If
there is exposure and the species
responds negatively, the factor may be
a threat and we then attempt to
determine how significant the threat is.
If the threat is significant, it may drive,
or contribute to, the risk of extinction of
the species such that the species
warrants listing as endangered or
threatened as those terms are defined by
the Act. This does not necessarily
require empirical proof of a threat. The
combination of exposure and some
corroborating evidence of how the
species is likely impacted could suffice.
The mere identification of factors that
could impact a species negatively is not
sufficient to compel a finding that
listing is appropriate; we require
evidence that these factors are operative
threats that act on the species to the
point that the species meets the
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definition of endangered or threatened
under the Act.
Due to the restricted range,
specialized habitat requirements, and
limited recruitment and dispersal of
Lane Mountain milk-vetch, populations
of this species are vulnerable to
currently ongoing and future threats that
affect individual plants, the species’
nurse shrubs, and their habitat. The
primary threats to Lane Mountain milkvetch are habitat loss and disturbance
from military training, OHV use,
recreational mining, and the effects of
climate change. In addition, Lane
Mountain milk-vetch is also negatively
affected by the additive and synergistic
effects due to nonnative invasive plant
species and resulting changes in fire
frequency and intensity, dust, reduced
soil microbial activity and nutrient
cycling, habitat fragmentation, small
population size, and genetic isolation.
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is affected
by the present destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its
habitat or range from military training
activities, OHV use and unauthorized
road development, recreational mining
activities, nonnative invasive plants,
modified fire regime (increased
wildfire), and effects of climate change
(Factor A); predation (Factor C);
inadequate regulatory mechanisms
(Factor D); and other natural or humanmade factors affecting its continued
existence (specifically, military training
activities, OHV use, mining, the effects
of climate change, nonnative invasive
plants and fire, dust, genetic isolation,
and small population size) (Factor E). Of
these threats we consider military
training, OHV activities, mining
activities, and climate change to be the
greatest threats both to the species and
its habitat. We also considered the
additive and synergistic effects of all the
ongoing threats in combination and
conclude that they are a significant
concern to the species’ current survival
and existence and have factored them
into our analysis.
In the 2008 5-year review, we
recommended reclassification of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch from endangered
to threatened. However, since that time,
we have received substantial new
information about the level of threats
impacting the species or its habitat and
its population status and trends. The
2008 5-year review recognized the
majority of threats that continue to
currently affect Lane Mountain milkvetch, but recommended reclassification
because of anticipated future
implementation of management and
conservation measures. We anticipated
the prescribed management actions
would be fully implemented and
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significantly abate threats to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch However,
management and conservation measures
prescribed for the species on BLM lands
have not been fully implemented as
expected or have not had the
anticipated effect. For example, in the
2008 5-year review we anticipated
BLM’s actions would result in a
decrease in OHV use, but our analysis
indicates OHV use has actually
increased. Other actions, such as
minerals withdrawal of the ACECs on
BLM lands, may take years to fully
implement and we cannot predict when
or to what extent future management
will be implemented. Currently, we do
not expect them to be fully
implemented in the near future due to
management priorities and funding.
Thus, impacts to the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch from recreational mining and
OHV use have not been substantially
abated and are ongoing. While the Army
has designated some portions of Lane
Mountain as conservation areas,
portions of two populations would be
directly impacted by military training
and operations, and all three
populations on DOD lands would be
indirectly affected. Additionally, new
information available since the 2008 5year review on population trends has
shown a significant decline in the
estimated population size of the species
at all populations despite management
and conservation measures taken thus
far; new information also demonstrates
an increase in OHV use and increased
impacts from the effects of climate
change. Even if fully implemented,
management and conservation measures
prescribed for the species do not
address some of the most substantial
threats to Lane Mountain milk-vetch
and its habitat, especially the effects of
climate change and small population
size. All populations are subject to
threats from regional drought and
climate change, spread of nonnative
species, genetic isolation, and small
population size. Based on the analysis
above and as fully documented in the
Species Report, we conclude that the
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is in danger
of extinction throughout all of its range.
Significant Portion of Range
Section 3 of the Act defines an
endangered species as ‘‘any species
which is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of
its range’’ and a threatened species as
‘‘any species which is likely to become
an endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range.’’ By all
indications, Lane Mountain milk-vetch
Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Proposed Rules
occurs only in limited numbers within
a restricted range and faces considerable
and immediate threats to all its
populations, which place it at risk of
extinction. Aspects of the species’
natural history may also contribute to
and exacerbate threats and increase its
vulnerability to extinction. Since
immediate and ongoing significant
threats to the Lane Mountain milk-vetch
extend throughout its entire range, we
have determined that the species is
currently in danger of extinction
throughout all of its range. Because
threats extend throughout the entire
range and are not restricted to any
particular significant portion of that
range, it is unnecessary to determine if
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is in danger
of extinction throughout a significant
portion of its range. Accordingly, our
assessment and determination applies to
the species throughout its entire range,
and we did not further evaluate a
significant portion of the species’ range.
Therefore, on the basis of the best
available scientific and commercial
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information, we find that Lane
Mountain milk-vetch continues to meet
the definition of an endangered species
under the Act. We further find that a
threatened species status is not
appropriate for Lane Mountain milkvetch because of the severity and
immediacy of the threats, the restricted
range of the species, and its small
population size. Consequently, we are
not reclassifying Lane Mountain milkvetch. We will maintain its status as an
endangered species in accordance with
sections 3(6) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.
We request that you submit any new
information concerning the status of, or
threats to, Lane Mountain milk-vetch to
our Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office
(see ADDRESSES section) whenever it
becomes available. New information
will help us monitor this species and
encourage its conservation.
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in
this finding is available on the Internet
at https://www.regulations.gov and upon
PO 00000
Frm 00061
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 9990
request from the Ventura Fish and
Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER
The primary authors of this finding
are the staff members of the Ventura
Fish and Wildlife Office and Pacific
Southwest Regional Office (see FOR
The authority for this section is
section 4 of the Endangered Species Act
of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
Dated: April 17, 2014.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
[FR Doc. 2014–10052 Filed 5–1–14; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 85 (Friday, May 2, 2014)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 25084-25092]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2014-10052]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2014-0011; 4500030113]
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding
on a Petition To Reclassify Astragalus Jaegerianus as a Threatened
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of 12-month petition finding.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce a
12-month finding on a petition to reclassify Astragalus jaegerianus
(Lane Mountain milk-vetch) as a threatened species under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). After review of the best
available scientific and commercial information, we find that
reclassification of Astragalus jaegerianus is not warranted at this
time. However, we ask the public to submit to us any new information
that becomes available concerning the threats to the species or its
habitat at any time.
DATES: The finding announced in this document was made on May 2, 2014.
ADDRESSES: This finding is available on the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket Number FWS-R8-ES-2014-0011. Supporting
documentation we used in preparing this finding is included in the
docket at https://www.regulations.gov and available for public
inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours at the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493
Portola Road Suite B, Ventura, CA 93003. Please submit any new
information, materials, comments, or questions concerning this finding
to the above street address.
Supervisor, Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, 2493 Portola Road, Suite
B, Ventura, CA 93003; telephone 805-644-1766; facsimile 805-644-3958.
If you use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), please call
the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 800-877-8339.
Executive Summary
Why we need to publish a rule. On June 4, 2012, we published in the
Federal Register a 90-day finding, which determined that the petition
to reclassify Lane Mountain milk-vetch from endangered to threatened
contained substantial scientific or commercial information and that the
petitioned action may be warranted. Section 4(b)(3)(B) of the Act (16
U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) requires that, for any petition to revise the
Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, we make
a finding within 12 months of the date of receipt of the petition. We
must publish these 12-month findings in the Federal Register.
The basis for our action. Under the Act, we can determine that a
species is an endangered species or threatened species based on whether
we find that it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range now (endangered) or likely to become
endangered in the foreseeable future (threatened). As part of our
analysis, we consider whether it is endangered or threatened because of
the factors outlined in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. We consider the
same factors in delisting or downlisting a species.
Finding. This document constitutes our 12-month finding that the
petitioned action to reclassify Lane Mountain milk-vetch from
endangered to threatened is not warranted based on the review of the
best available scientific and commercial information. It further
constitutes our review pursuant to section 4(c)(2) of the Act.
Previous Federal Actions
Lane Mountain milk-vetch was listed as endangered in 1998, and a
critical habitat rulemaking was completed in 2005 (63 FR 53596; October
6, 1998 and 70 FR 18220; April 8, 2005). In 2011, we revised the
critical habitat rulemaking by designating approximately 14,069 acres
(ac) (5,693 hectares (ha)) of land in 2 units located in the Mojave
Desert in San Bernardino County, California (76 FR 29108; May 19,
2011). No recovery plan has been completed for Lane Mountain milk-
vetch. A notice initiating a 5-year review was published for the
species in 2006 (71 FR 14538; March 22, 2006), and a 5-year review was
completed in 2008 (Service 2008, pp. 1-20; 74 FR 12878; March 25,
On December 21, 2011, we received a petition dated December 19,
2011, from the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF), requesting that we
reclassify the Lane Mountain milk-vetch from endangered to threatened
under the Act based on the analysis and recommendations contained in
the 5-year review for Lane Mountain milk-vetch (Service 2008, pp. 1-20;
PLF 2011, pp. 1-11). On June 4, 2012, we published in the Federal
Register a 90-day finding on the petition to reclassify Lane Mountain
milk-vetch as threatened or endangered, and determined that the
petition presented substantial scientific or commercial information
indicating that the petitioned action may be warranted and initiated a
status review of the species under sections 4(b)(3)(A) and 4(c)(2)(A)
of the Act (77 FR 32922). On April 24, 2013, the Pacific Legal
Foundation filed a complaint for failure to complete a 12-month finding
with the District Court of the Eastern District of California
(California Cattlemen's Association, et al. v. Sally Jewell, et al.,
No. 2:13-cv-00800-GEB-AC (E.D. Cal.)). This challenge was resolved by
an August 7, 2013, Stipulated Settlement Agreement, in which the
Service agreed to submit a 12-month finding on Lane Mountain milk-vetch
to the Federal Register on or before February 28, 2014. On November 27,
2013, the Court granted an extension to April 30, 2014, due to the
Federal Government shutdown and furlough in October of 2013, and to
allow full incorporation of new survey information. This document
constitutes our 12-month finding on the petition to reclassify the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch and our review pursuant to section 4(c)(2) of the
This finding is based on the Species Report for Lane Mountain milk-
vetch (Species Report) (Service 2014, entire), a scientific analysis of
available information prepared by a team of Service biologists from the
Service's Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office, the Pacific Southwest
Regional Office (Region 8), and the National Headquarters Office
(Arlington, VA). The purpose of the Species Report is to provide the
best available scientific and commercial information about the species
so that we can evaluate whether or not the species warrants protection
under the Act and if so at what level of protection.
In the Species Report, we compiled the best scientific and
commercial data available concerning the status of Lane Mountain milk-
vetch, including the past, present, and future threats to this species.
The Species Report evaluates the biological status of the species and
the threats affecting its continued existence. As such, the Species
Report provides the scientific basis that informs
[[Page 25085]]
our regulatory decision in this document, which involves the further
application of standards within the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and its
implementing regulations (50 CFR part 424) and policies. The Species
Report (including a references cited list) and other materials relating
to this finding can be found on the Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office
Web site at: https://www.fws.gov/ventura and at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2014-0011.
The reader is directed to the Species Report for Lane Mountain
milk-vetch for a more detailed discussion of the biology, taxonomy,
life history, distribution, current conditions, and factors affecting
Lane Mountain milk-vetch (Service 2014, entire). A summary of the
information included in the Species Report is provided below. The
information below references the original sources of information cited
in the Species Report (Service 2014, entire).
Species Biology
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is a herbaceous perennial member of the
pea family (Fabaceae) (Wojciechowski and Spellenberg 2012, pp. 729-
752). It is a slender, diffuse plant, 12 to 27.5 inches (in) (30 to 70
centimeters (cm)) tall, with straggling, freely branched stems that
arise from a buried root-crown, or caudex with a long tap root (Barneby
1964, p. 485). The leaves have 7 to 15 silvery linear leaflets and are
light-gray or greenish in color. The flowers are cream to purple with
veins of a deeper color. Fruits are pencil-shaped pods, 0.6 to 1 in (16
to 25 cm) long and hold 2 to 14 seeds (see Service 2014, Species
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is restricted in distribution to a small
portion of the central Mojave Desert north of Barstow in San Bernardino
County, California at elevations of 3,000-3,800 feet (ft) (900-1,200
meters (m)) (Wojciechowski and Spellenberg 2012, p. 742). Four disjunct
population areas of Lane Mountain milk-vetch have been identified prior
to and since listing (Goldstone, Montana-Brinkman, Paradise Valley, and
the Coolgardie Mesa populations). Based on extensive surveys of the
suitable habitat within the area, no other populations of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch are expected to exist outside the four identified population
areas (Charis 2002, pp. 45-50; Charlton 2007, pp. 29-30).
Habitat Characteristics
Lane Mountain milk-vetch occurs mostly on gentle slopes and low
ridges comprised of shallow, coarse granitic substrates where the
parent rock material is close to the surface or exposed (Bagley 1999,
p. 3; Charis 2002, p. 40; Rundel et al. 2005, p. 34). Habitats with
these characteristics are patchily distributed across the range where
Lane Mountain milk-vetch occurs. The vegetation community at Lane
Mountain milk-vetch sites is typically a diverse mix of woody shrub
species with a higher percent cover and density than adjacent
vegetation communities (Prigge et al. 2000, p. 10; Prigge et al. 2011,
p. 185). These sites tend to have a low density of creosote bush
(Larrea tridentata) and a high degree of shrubs compatible with Lane
Mountain milk-vetch (Huggins et al. 2012b, pp. 4-5). The distribution
of Lane mountain milk-vetch and the other shrubs are indirectly
controlled by the soils and soil characteristics within this plant
community (second order edaphic endemism) (Prigge et al. 2011, p. 185;
Huggins et al. 2012b, p. 4).
Lane Mountain milk-vetch has a unique relationship with the shrubs
within the mixed desert scrub community where it is found. This
relationship is often known as a nurse-prot[eacute]g[eacute]
interaction (Gibson et al. 1998, p. 81; Flores and Jerado 2009, p. 911;
McCalley and Sparks 2009, p. 837) and appears to provide benefits to
both the Lane Mountain milk-vetch and the nurse shrubs (see Service
2014, Nurse shrubs and influence on microclimate and microhabitat of
Lane Mountain milk-vetch).
Information Regarding the Species at the Time of Listing to the 2008 5-
Year Review
The primary threats to the known populations of Lane Mountain milk-
vetch at the time of listing were habitat loss that was likely to occur
from recreational off-highway vehicle (OHV) use, mining, and changes in
fire frequency and associated fire suppression activities; stochastic
events; small population size; and the inadequacy of regulatory
mechanisms (63 FR 53604-53609; October 6, 1998). Another threat
identified at the time of listing was military training activities
planned at Fort Irwin (63 FR 53605, and 53613-53614; October 6, 1998).
On July 10, 2008, the 5-year review was completed for Lane Mountain
milk-vetch and recommended that the species be reclassified from
endangered to threatened. This recommendation was based on the
discovery of additional occurrences of Lane Mountain milk-vetch since
listing and partly on the future implementation of management and
conservation actions identified in recently approved land management
plans (Service 2008, pp. 1-20). A recovery plan for the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch has not been completed, so measurable recovery criteria have
not been developed for the species.
Two major changes in land ownership/land use designation occurred
between listing and the 5-year review. The first occurred in 2002, when
lands containing one of the four known populations of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch (Montana-Brinkman population) and a majority of lands for a
second population (Paradise Valley population) were transferred from
the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to the Department of Defense as
part of the Fort Irwin Military Land Withdrawal Act of 2001 (Public L.
107-107, title 29, section 2901, et seq., 115 Stat. 1335). This
legislation withdrew approximately 118,674 ac (48,026 ha) of land,
previously owned by the BLM, from appropriation and transferred
jurisdiction and interests in those lands to the Secretary of the Army
for military use. On March 15, 2004, the Service completed a biological
opinion on the proposed addition of training lands at Fort Irwin
(Service 2004 (1-8-03-F-48), pp. 1-73). To limit the military training
effects on Lane Mountain milk-vetch, the Army committed to place the
Goldstone population (1,283 ac (519 ha)) and a portion of the Paradise
Valley population (3,634 ac (1,471 ha)) off-limits to all military
training activities. The remainder of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
population lands on Fort Irwin would be subject to some level of
disturbance through military training activities (approximately 6,619
ac (2,679 ha)) from complete habitat loss to moderate or low levels of
disturbance. The second land ownership/land use designation occurred in
2005, with the completion of the West Mojave Plan process by the BLM,
which designated two areas containing the species as Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (ACEC) on BLM land (the entire Coolgardie Mesa
population and approximately 10 percent of the Paradise Valley
population) (BLM (West Mojave Plan) 2005, p. 2-108).
During our 5-year review process, we became aware of additional
threats to those previously identified at the time of listing. These
included the effects of infrequent recruitment, predation, dust,
genetic isolation, competition with nonnative species, habitat
fragmentation, and the potential for
[[Page 25086]]
energy development. We also reconfirmed our concerns related to
military training activities and upgraded our concerns related to
increased OHV and mining activities and the effects of changes in the
fire regime for the species. Although our review heightened awareness
of additional concerns and, in some cases, highlighted the severity of
the threats, we recommended reclassification for Lane Mountain milk-
vetch to threatened based partly on the establishment of conservation
areas by the Army and BLM and the future management of these areas by
the two agencies (Service 2008, pp. 14-15).
Information Regarding the Species Since the 2008 5-Year Review
In review and development of the information regarding the threats
facing Lane Mountain milk-vetch as described in the Species Report and
in conducting our status review for this 12-month finding, we have
raised our level of concern regarding some threats and identified
additional threats facing Lane Mountain milk-vetch. We have raised our
level of concern regarding the effects of increased OHV activities on
those populations of Lane Mountain milk-vetch on BLM lands, private
lands, or lands recently acquired by the Department of Defense outside
the National Training Center at Fort Irwin. We have also identified the
effects of climate change and drought on the species and its habitat as
a major concern and threat to the species or its habitat.
In addition to threats information, we also received additional
population status and trend data and information on recruitment and
survival (see Service 2014, Demography and Population Trends). These
threats and population status and trend data are discussed in detail in
the Species Report (Service 2014, pp. 39-111) and are summarized below
in our statutory analysis.
Statutory Analysis and Application of Section 4 of the Act
Section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1533) and implementing regulations
(50 CFR part 424) set forth procedures for listing species,
reclassifying species, or removing species from listed status. A
species may be determined to be an endangered or threatened species
because of any one or a combination of the five factors described in
section 4(a)(1) of the Act: (A) The present or threatened destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence.
Determining whether the status of a species has improved to the
point that it can be downlisted or delisted requires consideration of
whether the species is endangered or threatened because of the same
five categories of threats specified in section 4(a)(1) of the Act. For
species that are already listed as endangered or threatened, this
analysis of threats is an evaluation of both the threats currently
facing the species and the threats that are reasonably likely to affect
the species in the foreseeable future following the delisting or
downlisting and the removal or reduction of the Act's protections.
A species is an ``endangered species'' for purposes of the Act if
it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion
of its range and is a ``threatened species'' if it is likely to become
an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. The word ``range'' in the
``significant portion of its range'' phrase refers to the range in
which the species currently exists at the time of the status review.
For the purposes of this analysis, we first evaluate the status of the
species throughout all its range, then consider whether the species is
in danger of extinction or likely to become so in any significant
portion of its range.
The Act requires that the Secretary determine whether a species is
endangered or threatened because of any of the five factors enumerated
in 16 U.S.C. 1533(a)(1). Our discussion of the threats is contained in
the Species Report (see Service 2014, Overview of Factors Affecting the
Species). In the Species Report, we present detailed discussions of the
current and future potential threats to the Lane Mountain milk-vetch,
discussions which are summarized in this document. Here, we now
consider how those threats are categorized under each of the five
factors affecting the species and determine whether it is an endangered
or threatened species.
Below, we summarize the information in the Species Report of the
potential current and future threats to Lane Mountain milk-vetch and
categorize them by each factor. The threats categorized by factor
include: Military Training Activities (Factors A and E); OHV Activities
(Factors A and E); Effects of Climate Change (Factors A and E);
Competition with Nonnative Plants and Fire (Factors A and E); Mining
Activities (Factors A and E); Predation (Factor C); Inadequacy of
Existing Regulatory Mechanisms (Factor D); Dust (Factor E); Genetic
Isolation (Factor E); and Small Population Size (Factor E). The full
description of these threats is documented in the Species Report (see
Service 2014, Overview of Factors Affecting the Species).
A. The Present or Threatened Destruction, Modification, or Curtailment
of Its Habitat or Range
Military Training Activities
The same potential military training activities that affect Lane
Mountain milk-vetch habitat can also affect Lane Mountain milk-vetch
individual plants. While these impacts to the species fit under Factor
E (Other Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting its Continued Existence),
they are included here in the Factor A discussion for ease of analysis.
Three of the four populations of Lane Mountain milk-vetch occur
entirely or almost entirely on Fort Irwin. Military training and
operations activities (see Service 2014, Military Training and
Operations Activities) planned for Fort Irwin's Western Expansion Area
may result in the loss of a substantial number of Lane Mountain milk-
vetch plants and areas of habitat from both direct and indirect impacts
(BLM et al. 2005, Chapter 4, p. 73; Army 2003, Chapter 5, pp. 22-27).
More than 6,660 ac (2,695 ha) of habitat containing Lane Mountain milk-
vetch plants out the 11,567 ac (4,681 ha) that occur on Fort Irwin
would be directly affected by military training and operations
activities (Army 2003, Chapter 5, p. 25); this represents 31.2 percent
of populations and habitat for the species, and 57 percent of the
populations and habitat within the Fort Irwin boundary (Service 2014,
Military Training and Operations Activities). Moreover, the Army
reports that, in high use areas, frequent and intense training
activities could ultimately impact, and cause the loss of, up to 100
percent of the habitat and individuals of Lane Mountain milk-vetch of
the Brinkman Wash-Montana Mine population (Id.). The Army has completed
an Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and consulted with the
Service on future training activities (Fort Irwin INRMP 2005). As part
of the Army's conservation measures for Lane Mountain milk-vetch, the
Goldstone population and a portion of the Paradise Valley population
are in designated conservation areas. These conservation measures have
placed 20.5 percent of the known Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and
habitat into Conservation Areas that are off-limits to the direct
impacts of military training and
[[Page 25087]]
operations activities. These areas would not be directly affected by
military training and operations, but plants and their habitat could be
adversely affected by indirect impacts of military activities. A third
area within a portion of the Brinkman Wash-Montana Mine population
would be subject to restricted use. Direct and indirect impacts include
the crushing or uprooting of Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and nurse
shrubs; crushing and burying milk-vetch seeds; disturbing soils;
altering surface hydrology; promoting aeolian (wind) erosion and/or
deposition of sand and dust; and degrading or disrupting ecological
relationships with predators, seed dispersers, pollinators, and
competitors (invasive nonnative species). Cumulatively, these
activities can result in long-term adverse impacts to Lane Mountain
milk-vetch populations through increases in fire frequency, size, and
intensity; changes in vegetation types including loss of nurse shrubs;
fragmentation and reduction/loss of connectivity between populations;
reduced gene exchange or genetic isolation, and reduced population
persistence or greater vulnerability to random events (Army 2003,
Chapter 5, p. 26).
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that military training and
operations activities are ongoing and currently threaten the habitat or
range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch through destruction, modification, or
Mining Activities
The same potential mining activities that affect Lane Mountain
milk-vetch habitat can also affect Lane Mountain milk-vetch individual
plants. While these impacts to the species fit under Factor E (Other
Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting its Continued Existence), they are
included here in the Factor A discussion for ease of analysis.
Portions of BLM lands adjacent to Fort Irwin are designated as the
Coolgardie Mining District and are currently subject to ongoing mining
activities. Most of the Coolgardie Mesa population and a small portion
of the Paradise Valley population of Lane Mountain milk-vetch occur on
BLM lands. The impacts to Lane Mountain milk-vetch (see Service 2014,
Mining Activities) and its habitat from past and current mining
activities include the establishment of mining camps or staging areas.
The effects to Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and habitat include
habitat fragmentation, soil surface disturbance from placement and use
of mining equipment, direct uprooting of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
plants and nurse shrubs or burial from side casting, and soil
compaction and disturbance resulting in a disruption of soil microbial
activity and nutrient cycling from repeated foot and vehicle traffic in
confined areas. Additional impacts from mining activities to ecological
processes include altered surface hydrology, increased wind erosion of
soil and dust deposition, disruption of pollination systems, and the
spread of invasive nonnative plant species. These impacts contribute to
changes in vegetation type; increases in fire frequency, size and
intensity; fragmentation and reduction/loss of connectivity; reduced
gene exchange; and reduced population persistence.
Due to historical mining activities, the Coolgardie Mesa area has
been laced with exploratory mine pits and mining activities both large
and small. These activities have resulted in disturbance of the soil
surface and structure. Soil crusts that form on soil surfaces in
southwestern deserts, including the Mojave Desert, are assemblages of
symbiotic algae, cyanobacteria, bacteria, lichens, and mosses. These
soil crusts are highly susceptible to degradation from the frequent and
large-scale disturbance activities, and recovery of the soil's complex
structure and function will likely take centuries rather than decades.
Restoration of the area to suitable conditions for the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch and nurse shrubs will take even longer. Because of the
nature of the impacts (e.g., destruction of soil structure and
disruption of soil function), it is unlikely that the Lane Mountain
milk-vetch or its nurse shrubs will become established at casual use
mining sites in the future. Prior to transfer of lands containing a
portion of Brinkman-Montana Wash and all of the Paradise Valley
population from BLM to the Department of Defense, these areas were also
subject to mining activities and may still be available for mineral
rights exploration and development (Service 2014, Mining Activities;
Service 2013c, attachment).
Current mining activities include ``casual use'' mining activities
conducted by individuals and mining clubs on BLM lands. Under BLM
regulations (43 CFR part 3809), ``casual use'' mining is defined by the
excavation of mining pits and soil surface disturbance that are limited
to the use of non-mechanized tools and encompass an area of less than 5
ac (2 ha). In addition, the West Mojave Plan states that dry wash
sluicing is considered ``casual use'' and a plan of operations is not
required unless operators drive off existing routes, dig up perennial
plants, or use mechanized earth-moving equipment. Casual use mining
also cannot result in the direct destruction of perennial woody
vegetation (BLM et al. 2005, chapter 4, p. 278).
The Coolgardie Mesa population and the portion of the Paradise
Valley population on BLM lands are classified as Areas of Critical
Environmental Concern (ACECs). To reduce threats to and help manage for
the Lane Mountain milk-vetch and its habitat outside Fort Irwin, the
Army purchased most of the private land within the boundaries of BLM's
West Paradise and Coolgardie Mesa Conservation Areas. While BLM
identified specific land management prescriptions for mining activities
in these areas, casual use mining is not a discretionary action and is
not subject to permits or authorizations. BLM requires no permit and
does not conduct direct management oversight for casual use mining
activities, and as a result, there is no mechanism for monitoring and
reporting the location and extent of compliance with the BLM's
regulations, or monitoring the direct and indirect impacts to Lane
Mountain milk-vetch and its habitat. Under casual use, the excavation
of mining pits and soil surface disturbance degrade Lane Mountain milk-
vetch habitat and impact Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and seeds and
nurse shrubs directly and indirectly. Other management prescriptions
that would reduce the threats from mining and surface disturbance that
have not yet been implemented include withdrawal of lands within the
ACECs from mineral entry and acquiring private lands from willing
sellers within the ACECs.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that mining activities are
ongoing and currently threaten the habitat or range of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch through destruction, modification, or curtailment.
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Activities
The same potential OHV activities that affect Lane Mountain milk-
vetch habitat can also affect Lane Mountain milk-vetch individual
plants. While these impacts to the species fit under Factor E (Other
Natural or Manmade Factors Affecting its Continued Existence), they are
included here in the Factor A discussion for ease of analysis.
OHV activity is present throughout the range of Lane Mountain milk-
vetch outside the National Training Center at Fort Irwin (see Service
2014, Off-
[[Page 25088]]
highway Vehicle (OHV) Activities). This includes all of the Coolgardie
Mesa population and the portion of the Paradise Valley population that
occurs on BLM lands, including those areas within the ACECs. OHV
activity and roads cause habitat loss, fragmentation, and degradation.
In the West Mojave Plan, the BLM identified minimizing vehicle routes
of travel, fencing, education, and enforcement as conservation measures
to help the Lane Mountain milk-vetch and its habitat. However,
activities such as fencing, signing, and closing areas have had limited
success in managing access or controlling new unauthorized routes. In
addition, BLM is also obligated to provide access to mining claims and
mines (BLM could revisit route designations if withdrawal of lands
within the ACECs from mineral entry is completed). Our review of BLM
data identified an increase in OHV routes in the Coolgardie Mesa area
from over 67 miles (mi) (108 kilometers (km)) in 2005 to 134 mi (216
km) in 2012. OHV activities include not only development of roads but
also establishment of camping and staging areas in previously
undisturbed areas. OHV use in undisturbed areas not only destroys Lane
Mountain milk-vetch plants or their nurse shrubs directly, it also
disturbs the soil surface leading to reduced moisture-holding
capabilities and provides a means for nonnative invasive plant species,
such as annual grasses (e.g. Bromus sp.), Marrubium vulgare
(horehound), and Brassica sp. (mustard) to invade otherwise remote,
intact habitats. These impacts contribute to changes in vegetation
type; increases in fire frequency, size, and intensity; fragmentation
and reduction/loss of connectivity; reduced gene exchange; and reduced
population persistence. With ongoing reports of increases in OHV
activity and creation of new roads, this increased use would continue
to expand the area of impact to Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants and
habitat in the Coolgardie Mesa and West Paradise Conservation Areas.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that OHV use is ongoing
and has increased from past levels. The impacts of OHV use currently
threaten the destruction, modification, or curtailment of the habitat
or range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
The Effects of Climate Change
The impact of climate change is affecting both Lane Mountain milk-
vetch habitat (Factor A) and individual plants (Factor E). Effects of
climate change on population trends is discussed under Factor E.
Discussion of both of these impacts is included here in the Factor A
discussion for ease of analysis.
Changes in climate can have a variety of direct and indirect
impacts on species, and can exacerbate the effects of other threats.
Rather than assessing the effects of ``climate change'' as a single
threat in and of itself, we examine the potential consequences to
species and their habitats that arise from changes in environmental
conditions associated with various aspects of climate change. Recent
climate data available for the southwestern United States show that the
area is already experiencing the effects of climate change (see Service
2014, Drought, Precipitation Patterns, and Climate Change). The average
daily temperatures for the 2001-2010 decade were the highest in the
southwestern United States from 1901 through 2010 (Overpeck et al.
2012, p. 2) with temperatures almost 2.0 [deg]Fahrenheit ([deg]F) (1.1
[deg]Celsius ([deg]C)) higher than historic averages, with fewer cold
snaps and more heat waves (Hoerling et al. 2012, pp. 74-92; Overpeck et
al. 2012, pp. 4-5). Climate change models for the southwestern United
States for the 21st century predict seasonal air and surface
temperatures in all seasons will increase (Overpeck et al. 2012, p. 5),
with greater warming in summer and fall than winter and spring.
Droughts in parts of the southwestern United States are projected to
become more frequent (Overpeck et al. 2012, p. 7) with a precipitation
decrease westward through the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts.
Huggins et al. (2012b, p. 11) found that there is a strong positive
relationship between Lane Mountain milk-vetch population changes and
seasonal precipitation, and that these changes (population
fluctuations) are controlled by the variation in the timing and amount
of precipitation within and between years. In addition, nurse shrubs
will also be impacted by prolonged drought conditions and die-offs of
nurse shrubs have already been documented in the range of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch (Huggins et al. 2010c, p. 1). If the models for the
Southwest and Mojave Desert are correct and drought periods become
longer and more frequent, we would anticipate that future climatic
conditions will reduce reproduction and recruitment and elevate
mortality of the Lane Mountain milk-vetch populations, favor the
further spread of nonnative invasive plants and increase the frequency,
spatial extent, and severity of wildfires. Additional factors
exacerbated by the effects of climate change would include increases in
soil loss and dust, and the reduction of microbial activity and
nutrient cycling.
Nurse Shrubs. Nurse shrubs are also likely to be impacted by the
effects of climate change. Changes in vegetative land cover (including
loss of woody vegetation) will be substantial with vegetation
composition, diversity, and growth likely altered (Archer and Predick
2008, p. 25). Increases in temperature and decreases in precipitation
as a result of climate change will lead to an increase in death of
nurse shrub plants in some areas of the Southwest (Overpeck et al.
2012, p. 8). The loss of nurse shrubs will also likely increase as a
result of climate change. Nurse shrubs benefit Lane Mountain milk-vetch
in the form of structural support, attenuation from weather extremes,
and in providing some protection from predators, and appear to be
important to the survival and persistence of the species (Sharifi et
al. 2010, pp. 5-6, 12, 321; Prigge et al. 2011, pp. 178, 181; Huggins
et al. 2012a, p. 35). There is a substantial decrease in survival of
Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants among nurse shrubs with canopies
reduced by drought (Huggins et al. 2010a, pp. 120-128; Huggins et al.
2010b, pp. 1-29; Huggins et al. 2012c, p. 98). When canopy cover of
nurse shrubs was reduced by 60 percent or more, Lane Mountain milk-
vetch plants died (Huggins et al. 2010a, p. 125).
Nonnative Plants and Fire. Nonnative invasive plants and the
associated potential for increase in wildfires affect both habitat and
range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch (Factor A) as well as individual
plants (Factor E). These impacts are discussed here, under the umbrella
discussion of climate change, because climate change may exacerbate
their effects to habitat and to individual plants. Discussion of both
of these impacts is included here in the Factor A discussion for ease
of analysis.
Nonnative invasive plant species such as Bromus madritensis (red
brome), Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass), and Schismus arabicus and S.
barbatus (Mediterranean grass) have increased in distribution and
abundance in the Mojave Desert (see Service 2014, Nonnative Species Are
Likely to Increase in Abundance). Although the factors relating to the
invasion of nonnative plant species are independent of climate change,
the effects of climate change are likely to lead to an increase in
abundance and spread of nonnative species (Archer and Predick 2008, p.
26). Nonnative species can compete with desert perennials, including
Lane Mountain milk-vetch and their nurse
[[Page 25089]]
shrubs, for scarce resources (i.e., water, nutrients) (Brooks 2000, pp.
103-105; Booth et al. 2003, pp. 36-48; DeFalco et al. 2007, pp. 302-
305). Increases in abundance of nonnative species threatens Lane
Mountain milk-vetch through competition for resources, resulting in
reduced germination, recruitment, reproduction, and survival of the
The introduction and spread of nonnative annuals has also resulted
in an increase in the frequency, spatial extent, and severity of
wildfires in the range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch because of the
increase in fine fuels they produce (Army 2003, Chapter 4, p. 14;
Chapter 5, p. 7; Brooks and Matchett, 2006; p. 149). The invasion and
spread of nonnative annual species provide fuel that carries fire
across previously open interspaces in the desert landscape (Brooks
1999, pp. 16-17) and allow fires to burn larger areas than documented
historically. Once established, nonnative invasive plant species can
promote and accelerate the fire cycle in a self-reinforcing manner.
Areas disturbed by fire are often quickly colonized by nonnative annual
species that provide additional fuel for future fire events. The slow
growth and episodic nature of recruitment of many native desert plant
species constrains recovery from frequent fires that accompany the
establishment of nonnative invasive grasses (Archer and Predick 2008,
p. 26; Chambers and Pellant 2008, pp. 29-33). Fire in the range of the
Lane Mountain milk-vetch would result in the loss of individual plants
and the loss of nurse shrubs associated with and vital to the continued
existence of the species. Habitats where Lane Mountain milk-vetch
occurs would become more fragmented as a result of the more frequent
fire events. Because there are currently no feasible means for
controlling the spread of nonnative invasive plant species, we expect
that wildfires will be an increasing threat to Lane Mountain milk-vetch
populations and their habitat.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that the effects of
climate change on the species and its habitat through a reduction in
recruitment and plant survival, loss of individual plants and habitat
including loss of nurse shrubs through increase in nonnative species,
droughts, and fire, are currently ongoing and threaten the habitat or
range of Lane Mountain milk-vetch through destruction, modification, or
B. Overutilization for Commercial, Recreational, Scientific, or
Educational Purposes
This factor was not identified at the time of listing as a threat
(63 FR at 53606), nor was it considered a threat in the 5-year review
(Service, 2008, p. 11). We have no information indicating that
overutilization is affecting the species. We conclude that
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes is not a short-term or long-term threat to the
continued existence of Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
C. Disease or Predation
At the time of listing, disease and predation were not considered
threats to Lane Mountain milk-vetch (63 FR 53606-53607). The 5-year
review reported several instances of predation and noted that predation
of leaves, stems, seeds, and roots are now known to occur (Service
2008, pp. 11-12). Our review for this determination indicates that
while some predation of Lane Mountain milk-vetch seeds, vegetative
tissue, and roots is likely occurring on an ongoing but variable basis,
there is no evidence that individual plants have been killed from this
activity. Because Lane Mountain milk-vetch has evolved within this
habitat, the species has adapted to some level of predation (Service
2014, Predation). We have not identified any diseases affecting Lane
Mountain milk-vetch.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that disease is not a
significant threat and predation is not a significant threat in and of
itself but may contribute to being a threat when considered in
combination with other threats to Lane Mountain milk-vetch. See
``Combination of Threats'' section below for additional information.
D. Regulatory Protections
Although regulatory mechanisms (Factor D) are in place that provide
some protection to Lane Mountain milk-vetch and its habitat, some of
these mechanisms have not been implemented to their fullest extent and
as a result do not completely alleviate all of the direct threats
currently acting on the species. For example, available population
trend information has shown a continued population decline for all
populations despite portions of the species range having been
designated as ACECs regulated by BLM or managed by the Army as part of
a conservation area. In addition, the existing regulatory mechanisms
are not directed toward nor are they capable of limiting the effects of
invasive nonnative species, altered fire regimes, or the effects of
climate change on the species. As a result, we have determined that the
existing regulatory mechanisms are: (1) Inadequate because they have
not been fully implemented; and (2) are not adequate to alleviate the
major threats to the species (see Service 2014, Summary of Analysis of
Existing Regulatory Mechanisms).
E. Other Natural or Human-Caused Factors Affecting Their Continued
Military Training, Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV), and Mining Activities
For ease of discussion, the impacts to individuals from military
training, off-highway vehicle (OHV) use, and mining activities
associated with this factor are discussed above in Factor A. For a
complete discussion of potential impacts to both habitat and individual
plants from these activities, see Factor A discussion above.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report and our discussion above regarding
Factor A, we conclude that the effects of military training, OHV use,
and mining activities are factors affecting the continued existence of
Lane Mountain milk-vetch under Factor E.
Effects of Climate Change on Demographic and Population Trends
For ease of discussion, the impacts from climate change on the
species and its habitat are discussed above in Factor A (including the
effects of nonnative invasive species and fire). For a complete
discussion of potential impacts to both habitat and individual plants
from these activities, see Factor A discussion above. Additional
effects from climate change on the species and its population trends
are discussed below (see Service 2014, Drought, Precipitation Patterns,
and Climate Change). The results from the long-term studies on the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch indicate that the overall population size has
substantially decreased since 1999, despite 2 years of high
precipitation in 2005 and 2011, which saw increases in seedling
recruitment (Rundel et al. 2005, entire; Huggins et al. 2010a, entire;
Huggins et al. 2012b, entire). These studies determined that Lane
Mountain milk-vetch does not reproduce vegetatively but depends on
seeds to recruit new individuals into the population. Because of the
harsh environmental conditions of the habitat, most seedlings do not
survive and successful
[[Page 25090]]
recruitment is dependent on the timing and amount of precipitation from
year to year. This decrease appears to follow a trend in lower
precipitation amounts and frequency during this period as compared to
past trends (Huggins et al. 2012b, entire). The number of mature plants
were also monitored, and they also saw a decline in numbers (Rundel et
al. 2005, entire). Huggins et al. (2010a, p. 120) reported about an 88
percent reduction in population size as measured by aboveground
individuals in study plots within the Goldman and Brinkman-Wash
populations that have been monitored since 1999. This loss of plants,
when applied to the entire range of the species, would mean the number
of Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants has declined from an estimated 5,723
plants in 1999 (Army 2002, p. 1) to 686 in 2009 (Huggins et al. 2010a,
p. 123). Adult Lane Mountain milk-vetch plants have the ability to
persist during a dry year by reducing or curtailing reproduction,
limiting vegetative growth (resprouting) or remaining dormant as a
taproot below ground until the next year. Despite these adaptations,
population numbers have declined. If in the future dry years continue
to outnumber wet years as they have since 2000, we expect the
population size of the Lane Mountain milk-vetch to continue to decline.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that the effect of climate
change is a factor affecting the continued existence of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch under Factor E.
Several human activities cause mechanical disturbance to the soil
and generate dust that affect all four Lane Mountain milk-vetch
populations (see Service 2014, Effects of Anthropogenic Dust to the
Lane Mountain Milk-vetch and Its Habitat). Past, current, and planned
activities that are dust sources include military training and
operations activities, mining activities, and OHV activities. Dust has
been shown to increase leaf temperatures and subsequent photosynthetic
rates during early spring and may require an increased amount of water
for growth and successful reproduction. If this increased amount of
water is not available, the Lane Mountain milk-vetch may respond by
reducing plant vigor and by reducing flower and seed production or
abandoning reproduction for the year.
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that the effect of dust is
a factor affecting the continued existence of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
under Factor E.
Small Population Size
Currently, each of the four populations of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
are considered small populations. The impact of threats on small
populations is further magnified due to their inability to respond to
those threats. Small populations also face an increased likelihood of
stochastic (random) extinction due to changes in demography, the
environment, genetics, or other factors (Gilpin and Soule[acute] 1986,
pp. 24-34). With their limited number of individuals, little documented
recruitment in 13 years, and substantial population declines, the Lane
Mountain milk-vetch populations are vulnerable to extinction due to
threats associated with small population size, small number of
populations, or isolation between populations (see Service 2014, Small
Number of Individuals and Populations).
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that the effect of small
population size is a factor affecting the continued existence of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch under Factor E.
Genetic Isolation
Genetic isolation has been raised as an additional concern for the
species based on genetic work done by researchers (see Service 2014,
Genetics section). Two separate genetic studies (Walker and Metcalf
2008a and 2008b) found that Lane Mountain milk-vetch populations: (1)
Lacked genetic variation within and between populations; (2) most
likely have a low effective population size; (3) have undergone a
recent population contraction or are undergoing a population
contraction; and (4) have limited gene flow between populations and
that the migration of genetic material occurs only between adjacent
populations. These findings indicate that the number of Lane Mountain
milk-vetch individuals that contribute genes to the next generation
(e.g., reproduce and have successful recruitment) is small and that the
entire species is susceptible to genetic drift. Small, isolated
populations, such as Lane Mountain milk-vetch, that exhibit reduced
levels of genetic variability have a reduced capacity to adapt and
respond to environmental changes, thereby lessening the probability of
long-term persistence (Barrett and Kohn 1991, p. 4; Newman and Pilson
1997, p. 361).
Based on the best available information, including the discussion
contained in the Species Report, we conclude that genetic isolation is
a factor affecting the continued existence of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
under Factor E.
Combination of Threats
Combinations of threats working in concert with one another have
the ability to negatively impact species to a greater degree than
individual threats operating alone. Multiple stressors can alter the
effects of other stressors or act synergistically to affect individuals
and populations. When conducting our analysis about the potential
threats affecting Lane Mountain milk-vetch, we also assessed whether
the species may be affected by a combination of factors.
In the Species Report (see Service 2014, Overview of Factors
Affecting the Species and Combination of Factors and Synergistic
Impacts), we identified multiple threats that may have interrelated
impacts on the Lane Mountain milk-vetch or its habitat. Habitat
modification from military training, OHV use, and mining activities can
lead to soil surface disturbances, which then lead to increased
susceptibility to wind and water erosion, loss of moisture-holding
capacity, invasion by nonnative plants, and increased fire threat.
These activities likewise affect the nurse shrubs on which Lane
Mountain milk-vetch depends. Predation on the plants, roots, and seeds
of the species, although not observed to directly kill plants, may
increase plant stress and reduce the vigor, including reproductive
output of the species. The effects of climate change also are acting to
elevate impacts on the species. Under current climate change conditions
and projections, we anticipate that future climatic conditions will
favor the further spread of nonnative invasive plants and increase the
frequency, spatial extent, and severity of wildfires. Alteration of
temperature and precipitation patterns as a result of climate change
will also result in decreased survivorship of Lane Mountain milk-vetch
by causing physiological stress on the plants and reducing reproduction
or seedling establishment. These changed climatic conditions will also
impact nurse shrubs associated with the Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
Therefore, we find that the combination of habitat modification
activities (and the threats that result from these activities) and the
effects of climate change will exacerbate the overall degree of impacts
that threaten the continued survival and recovery of Lane Mountain
[[Page 25091]]
An assessment of the need for a species' protection under the Act
is based on whether a species is in danger of extinction or likely to
become so because of any of five factors: (A) The present or threatened
destruction, modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range; (B)
overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or
educational purposes; (C) disease or predation; (D) the inadequacy of
existing regulatory mechanisms; or (E) other natural or manmade factors
affecting its continued existence. As required by section 4(a)(1) of
the Act, we conducted a review of the status of the Lane Mountain milk-
vetch and assessed the five factors to evaluate whether the species is
endangered or threatened throughout all of its range. We examined the
best scientific and commercial information available regarding the
past, present, and future threats faced by the species. We reviewed
information presented in our 2008 5-year review (Service 2008, entire),
the 2011 petition (PLF 2011, pp. 1-11), information available in our
files and gathered through our status review in response to this
petition, and other available published and unpublished information. We
also consulted with species experts from scholarly institutions and
land management staff with the Army and BLM who are actively managing
for the conservation of the Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
In considering what factors might constitute threats, we must look
beyond the mere exposure of the species to the factor to determine
whether the exposure causes actual impacts to the species. If there is
exposure to a factor, but no response, or only a positive response,
that factor is not a threat. If there is exposure and the species
responds negatively, the factor may be a threat and we then attempt to
determine how significant the threat is. If the threat is significant,
it may drive, or contribute to, the risk of extinction of the species
such that the species warrants listing as endangered or threatened as
those terms are defined by the Act. This does not necessarily require
empirical proof of a threat. The combination of exposure and some
corroborating evidence of how the species is likely impacted could
suffice. The mere identification of factors that could impact a species
negatively is not sufficient to compel a finding that listing is
appropriate; we require evidence that these factors are operative
threats that act on the species to the point that the species meets the
definition of endangered or threatened under the Act.
Due to the restricted range, specialized habitat requirements, and
limited recruitment and dispersal of Lane Mountain milk-vetch,
populations of this species are vulnerable to currently ongoing and
future threats that affect individual plants, the species' nurse
shrubs, and their habitat. The primary threats to Lane Mountain milk-
vetch are habitat loss and disturbance from military training, OHV use,
recreational mining, and the effects of climate change. In addition,
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is also negatively affected by the additive
and synergistic effects due to nonnative invasive plant species and
resulting changes in fire frequency and intensity, dust, reduced soil
microbial activity and nutrient cycling, habitat fragmentation, small
population size, and genetic isolation.
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is affected by the present destruction,
modification, or curtailment of its habitat or range from military
training activities, OHV use and unauthorized road development,
recreational mining activities, nonnative invasive plants, modified
fire regime (increased wildfire), and effects of climate change (Factor
A); predation (Factor C); inadequate regulatory mechanisms (Factor D);
and other natural or human-made factors affecting its continued
existence (specifically, military training activities, OHV use, mining,
the effects of climate change, nonnative invasive plants and fire,
dust, genetic isolation, and small population size) (Factor E). Of
these threats we consider military training, OHV activities, mining
activities, and climate change to be the greatest threats both to the
species and its habitat. We also considered the additive and
synergistic effects of all the ongoing threats in combination and
conclude that they are a significant concern to the species' current
survival and existence and have factored them into our analysis.
In the 2008 5-year review, we recommended reclassification of Lane
Mountain milk-vetch from endangered to threatened. However, since that
time, we have received substantial new information about the level of
threats impacting the species or its habitat and its population status
and trends. The 2008 5-year review recognized the majority of threats
that continue to currently affect Lane Mountain milk-vetch, but
recommended reclassification because of anticipated future
implementation of management and conservation measures. We anticipated
the prescribed management actions would be fully implemented and
significantly abate threats to Lane Mountain milk-vetch However,
management and conservation measures prescribed for the species on BLM
lands have not been fully implemented as expected or have not had the
anticipated effect. For example, in the 2008 5-year review we
anticipated BLM's actions would result in a decrease in OHV use, but
our analysis indicates OHV use has actually increased. Other actions,
such as minerals withdrawal of the ACECs on BLM lands, may take years
to fully implement and we cannot predict when or to what extent future
management will be implemented. Currently, we do not expect them to be
fully implemented in the near future due to management priorities and
funding. Thus, impacts to the Lane Mountain milk-vetch from
recreational mining and OHV use have not been substantially abated and
are ongoing. While the Army has designated some portions of Lane
Mountain as conservation areas, portions of two populations would be
directly impacted by military training and operations, and all three
populations on DOD lands would be indirectly affected. Additionally,
new information available since the 2008 5-year review on population
trends has shown a significant decline in the estimated population size
of the species at all populations despite management and conservation
measures taken thus far; new information also demonstrates an increase
in OHV use and increased impacts from the effects of climate change.
Even if fully implemented, management and conservation measures
prescribed for the species do not address some of the most substantial
threats to Lane Mountain milk-vetch and its habitat, especially the
effects of climate change and small population size. All populations
are subject to threats from regional drought and climate change, spread
of nonnative species, genetic isolation, and small population size.
Based on the analysis above and as fully documented in the Species
Report, we conclude that the Lane Mountain milk-vetch is in danger of
extinction throughout all of its range.
Significant Portion of Range Determination
Section 3 of the Act defines an endangered species as ``any species
which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range'' and a threatened species as ``any species which
is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future
throughout all or a significant portion of its range.'' By all
indications, Lane Mountain milk-vetch
[[Page 25092]]
occurs only in limited numbers within a restricted range and faces
considerable and immediate threats to all its populations, which place
it at risk of extinction. Aspects of the species' natural history may
also contribute to and exacerbate threats and increase its
vulnerability to extinction. Since immediate and ongoing significant
threats to the Lane Mountain milk-vetch extend throughout its entire
range, we have determined that the species is currently in danger of
extinction throughout all of its range. Because threats extend
throughout the entire range and are not restricted to any particular
significant portion of that range, it is unnecessary to determine if
Lane Mountain milk-vetch is in danger of extinction throughout a
significant portion of its range. Accordingly, our assessment and
determination applies to the species throughout its entire range, and
we did not further evaluate a significant portion of the species'
Therefore, on the basis of the best available scientific and
commercial information, we find that Lane Mountain milk-vetch continues
to meet the definition of an endangered species under the Act. We
further find that a threatened species status is not appropriate for
Lane Mountain milk-vetch because of the severity and immediacy of the
threats, the restricted range of the species, and its small population
size. Consequently, we are not reclassifying Lane Mountain milk-vetch.
We will maintain its status as an endangered species in accordance with
sections 3(6) and 4(a)(1) of the Act.
We request that you submit any new information concerning the
status of, or threats to, Lane Mountain milk-vetch to our Ventura Fish
and Wildlife Office (see ADDRESSES section) whenever it becomes
available. New information will help us monitor this species and
encourage its conservation.
References Cited
A complete list of references cited in this finding is available on
the Internet at https://www.regulations.gov and upon request from the
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office (see FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT).
The primary authors of this finding are the staff members of the
Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office and Pacific Southwest Regional Office
The authority for this section is section 4 of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
Dated: April 17, 2014.
Rowan W. Gould,
Acting Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2014-10052 Filed 5-1-14; 8:45 am]