Modification of National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Cargo Release for Truck Carriers, 25142-25144 [2014-10008]

Download as PDF 25142 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Notices re-registrants. Advocates working with the Haitian community report that the low number of re-registration applications may be due to confusion about the re-registration deadline as many beneficiaries did not realize that they were required to re-register by May 2, 2014 since their Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) have a printed expiration date of July 22, 2014. DHS notes that in a March Federal Register notice, it had auto-extended these EADs for a period of six months. See 79 FR 11808. Providing until July 22, 2014 to file for TPS re-registration will help Haiti TPS beneficiaries who may not have clearly understood DHS’ prior public notices that informed them of the initial re-registration deadline. Although DHS is extending the reregistration deadline, Haiti TPS beneficiaries are strongly encouraged to re-register as soon as possible. This is particularly important for those beneficiaries who currently hold an EAD and are requesting a new EAD as part of their re-registration. Although DHS auto-extended existing Haiti TPS EADs for six months, TPS beneficiaries who desire new EADs should file as soon as possible to ensure they receive their updated EADs, with a new validity date, promptly. See 79 FR 11808. Jeh Charles Johnson, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2014–10177 Filed 5–1–14; 8:45 am] For policy related questions, contact Stephen Hilsen, Director, Business Transformation, ACE Business Office, Office of International Trade, at For technical questions, contact Susan Maskell, Client Representative Branch, ACE Business Office, Office of International Trade, at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: I. The National Customs Automation Program U.S. Customs and Border Protection Modification of National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Cargo Release for Truck Carriers U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: General notice. AGENCY: This document announces U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) plan to modify the National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) test concerning Cargo Release functionality in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Originally, the test was known as the Simplified Entry Test because the test simplified the entry process by reducing the number of data elements required to obtain release for cargo transported by air. The test was subsequently modified to provide more capabilities to test SUMMARY: mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Comments or questions concerning this notice and indication of interest in participation in ACE Cargo Release should be submitted, via email, to Susan Maskell at In the subject line of your email, please use, ‘‘Comment on ACE Cargo Release’’. The body of the email should include information regarding the identity of the ports where filings are likely to occur. ADDRESSES: Background DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 00:23 May 02, 2014 The ACE Cargo Release test modifications set forth in this document are effective no earlier than April 6, 2014. The test will run until approximately November 1, 2015. DATES: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: BILLING CODE 9111–97–P VerDate Mar<15>2010 participants allowing CBP to deliver enhanced functionality and to include expansion to the ocean and rail modes of transportation. This notice now expands this functionality to the truck mode of transportation and invites more participants to join the test. Jkt 232001 The National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) was established in Subtitle B of Title VI—Customs Modernization in the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Pub. L. 103–182, 107 Stat. 2057, 2170, December 8, 1993) (Customs Modernization Act). See 19 U.S.C. 1411. Through NCAP, the initial thrust of customs modernization was on trade compliance and the development of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), the planned successor to the Automated Commercial System (ACS). ACE is an automated and electronic system for commercial trade processing which is intended to streamline business processes, facilitate growth in trade, ensure cargo security, and foster participation in global commerce, while ensuring compliance with U.S. laws and regulations and reducing costs for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and all of its communities of interest. The ability to meet these objectives depends on successfully modernizing CBP’s business functions and the PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 information technology that supports those functions. CBP’s modernization efforts are accomplished through phased releases of ACE component functionality designed to replace a specific legacy ACS function. Each release will begin with a test and, if the test is successful, will end with implementation of the functionality through the promulgation of regulations governing the new ACE feature and the retirement of the legacy ACS function. The ACE Cargo Release test was previously known as the Simplified Entry Test because the test simplified the entry process by reducing the number of data elements required to obtain release for cargo transported by air. The original test notice required participants to be a member of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C–TPAT) program. Through phased releases of ACE component functionality this test has been expanded to allow all eligible participants to join the test for an indefinite period regardless of the C– TPAT status of an importer self-filer or a customs broker. For the convenience of the public, a chronological listing of Federal Register publications detailing ACE test developments is set forth below in Section VII, entitled, ‘‘Development of ACE Prototypes’’. The procedures and criteria applicable to participation in the prior ACE tests remain in effect unless otherwise explicitly changed by this or subsequent notices published in the Federal Register. II. Authorization for the Test The Customs Modernization Act provides the Commissioner of CBP with authority to conduct limited test programs or procedures designed to evaluate planned components of the NCAP. The test described in this notice is authorized pursuant to § 101.9(b) of title 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations (19 CFR 101.9(b)), which provides for the testing of NCAP programs or procedures. See Treasury Decision (T.D.) 95–21. III. Expansion of ACE Cargo Release Test to Truck Mode of Transportation This document is announcing CBP’s plan to expand the ACE Cargo Release test which allows for the filing capabilities by importers and customs brokers for cargo transported by air, ocean or rail to include filing capabilities by importers and customs brokers for cargo transported by truck. E:\FR\FM\02MYN1.SGM 02MYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Notices Eligibility Requirements To be eligible to apply for this test, the applicant must: (1) Be a self-filing importer who has the ability to file ACE Entry Summaries certified for cargo release or a broker who has the ability to file ACE Entry Summaries certified for cargo release; or (2) have stated its intent to file entry summaries in ACE in its request to participate in the test. Parties seeking to participate in this test must use a software package that has completed Automated Broker Interface (ABI) certification testing for ACE and offers the simplified entry message set prior to transmitting data under the test. See the General Notice of August 26, 2008 (73 FR 50337) for a complete discussion on procedures for obtaining an ACE Portal Account. Importers not self-filing must be sure their broker has the capability to file entry summaries in ACE. Document Image System (DIS) Parties who file entry summaries in ACE are allowed to submit specified CBP and Partner Government Agency (PGA) documents via a CBP-approved Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). A current listing of those documents may be found on the following Web site: (click on ‘‘Chapters’’ to access the DIS Implementation Guide). DIS provides for the storage of all submitted documents in a secure centralized location for the maintenance of associations with ACE entry summary transactions. See 78 FR 44142 (July 23, 2013). mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES Test Participation Selection Criteria The ACE Cargo Release test is open to all importers and customs brokers filing ACE Entry Summaries for cargo transported in the truck mode. Please note that participants must meet the eligibility requirements mentioned above and set forth in 76 FR 69755 (November 9, 2011). CBP will endeavor to accept all new eligible applicants on a first come, first served basis; however, if the volume of eligible applicants exceeds CBP’s administrative capabilities, CBP will reserve the right to select eligible participants in order to achieve a diverse pool in accordance with the selection standards set forth in 76 FR 69755. Any party seeking to participate in this test must provide CBP, in its request to participate, its filer code and the port(s) at which it is interested in filing ACE Cargo Release transaction data. At this time, ACE Cargo Release data may be submitted only for entries VerDate Mar<15>2010 00:23 May 02, 2014 Jkt 232001 filed at certain ports. A current listing of those ports may be found on the following Web site: document/guidance/ace-cargo-releasepilot-ports. CBP may expand to additional ports in the future. Any changes and/or additions to the ports that are part of the ACE Cargo Release test will be posted to this Web site. Filing Capabilities The filing capabilities for the ACE Cargo Release test set forth in 78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013) and 79 FR 6210 (February 3, 2014) continue to apply and are now expanded to include importers and customs brokers filing ACE Entry Summaries for cargo transported in the truck mode. The expansion of ACE Cargo Release filing capabilities for the truck mode of transportation will also allow for automated corrections and cancellations and entry for a full manifested bill quantity. However, this phase of the test will not include split shipments, partial shipments, entry on cargo which has been moved by in-bond from the first U.S. port of unlading, and entries requiring Partner Government Agency (PGA) information. Additional specific technical formats and information may be found in the Implementation Guidelines. See trade/ace/catair (click on ‘‘Chapters’’ to access the DIS Implementation Guide). These new capabilities include functionality specific to the filing and processing of type ‘‘01’’ (consumption) and type ‘‘11’’ (informal) commercial entries for the truck mode of transportation. The ACE Cargo Release filing capabilities serve to assist the importer in completion of entry as required by the provisions of 19 U.S.C. 1484(a)(1)(B). Data Elements To Be Filed In lieu of filing CBP Form 3461 data, the importer or broker acting on behalf of the importer must file the 12 data elements (known as the ACE Cargo Release Data set) with CBP required in the original Cargo Release pilot for basic air shipments as well as data elements subsequently added to accommodate more complex shipments and other modes of transportation. See 76 FR 69755 (November 9, 2011) and 78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013). The ACE Cargo Release Data elements are: (1) Importer of Record Number. (2) Buyer name and address. (3) Buyer Employer Identification Number (consignee number). (4) Seller name and address. (5) Manufacturer/supplier name and address. (6) HTS 10-digit number. PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 25143 (7) Country of origin. (8) Bill of lading/house air waybill number. (9) Bill of lading issuer code. (10) Entry number. (11) Entry type. (12) Estimated shipment value. (13) Bill Quantity (The quantity of shipping units shown in the bill of lading. If bill of lading quantity is specified in the entry, it becomes the entered and released quantity for that bill. If the bill quantity is not specified, full bill quantity will be entered and released for that bill). Data element (1) and data elements (6) through (12) are defined in the same manner as when they are used for entry filing on the CBP Form 3461. Data elements (2) through (5) are defined in accordance with the provisions of 19 CFR 149.3. The ACE Cargo Release Data set may be filed at any time prior to arrival of the cargo in the United States port of arrival with the intent to unlade. This data fulfills merchandise entry requirements and allows for earlier release decisions and more certainty for the importer in determining the logistics of cargo delivery. Functionality Upon receipt of the ACE Cargo Release data, CBP will process the submission and will subsequently transmit its cargo release decision to the filer. A filer may electronically submit a correction or a request for cancellation of the entry at any time prior to the cargo arriving and being released. If a submission is transmitted to CBP requesting correction or cancellation of the entry prior to arrival or release, CBP’s decision regarding the original submission is no longer controlling. The merchandise will then be considered to be entered upon its arrival in the port with the intent to unlade, as provided by current 19 CFR 141.68(e). Test Duration The ACE Cargo Release test modifications set forth in this document are effective no earlier than April 6, 2014. The test will run until approximately November 1, 2015, and is open to type ‘‘01’’ (consumption) and type ‘‘11’’ (informal) commercial entries for the truck mode of transportation at specified ports. IV. Misconduct Under the Test The terms for misconduct under the ACE Cargo Release Test set forth in 78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013) continue to apply and are now expanded to include importers and customs brokers filing ACE Entry Summaries for cargo transported in the truck mode. E:\FR\FM\02MYN1.SGM 02MYN1 25144 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 85 / Friday, May 2, 2014 / Notices V. Previous Notices All requirements and aspects of the ACE test discussed in previous notices are hereby incorporated by reference into this notice and continue to be applicable, unless changed by this notice. VI. Paperwork Reduction Act The collection of information contained in this ACE Cargo Release test have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507) and assigned OMB number 1651– 0024. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by OMB. mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES VII. Development of ACE Prototypes A chronological listing of Federal Register publications detailing ACE test developments is set forth below. • ACE Portal Accounts and Subsequent Revision Notices: 67 FR 21800 (May 1, 2002); 70 FR 5199 (February 1, 2005); 69 FR 5360 and 69 FR 5362 (February 4, 2004); 69 FR 54302 (September 8, 2004). • ACE System of Records Notice: 71 FR 3109 (January 19, 2006). • Terms/Conditions for Access to the ACE Portal and Subsequent Revisions: 72 FR 27632 (May 16, 2007); 73 FR 38464 (July 7, 2008). • ACE Non-Portal Accounts and Related Notice: 70 FR 61466 (October 24, 2005); 71 FR 15756 (March 29, 2006). • ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR I) Capabilities: 72 FR 59105 (October 18, 2007). • ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR II) Capabilities: 73 FR 50337 (August 26, 2008); 74 FR 9826 (March 6, 2009). • ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR III) Capabilities: 74 FR 69129 (December 30, 2009). • ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR IV) Capabilities: 76 FR 37136 (June 24, 2011). • Post-Entry Amendment (PEA) Processing Test: 76 FR 37136 (June 24, 2011). • ACE Announcement of a New Start Date for the National Customs Automation Program Test of Automated Manifest Capabilities for Ocean and Rail Carriers: 76 FR 42721 (July 19, 2011). • ACE Simplified Entry: 76 FR 69755 (November 9, 2011). • National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Tests Concerning VerDate Mar<15>2010 00:23 May 02, 2014 Jkt 232001 Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Document Image System (DIS): 77 FR 20835 (April 6, 2012). • National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Tests Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Simplified Entry: Modification of Participant Selection Criteria and Application Process: 77 FR 48527 (August 14, 2012). • Modification of NCAP Test Regarding Reconciliation for Filing Certain Post-Importation Preferential Tariff Treatment Claims under Certain FTAs: 78 FR 27984 (May 13, 2013). • Modification of Two National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Tests Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Document Image System (DIS) and Simplified Entry (SE): 78 FR 44142 (July 23, 2013). • Modification of Two National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Tests Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Document Image System (DIS) and Simplified Entry (SE); Correction: 78 FR 53466 (August 29, 2013). • Modification of NCAP Test Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Cargo Release (formerly known as Simplified Entry): 78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013). • Post-Summary Corrections to Entry Summaries Filed in ACE Pursuant to the ESAR IV Test: Modifications and Clarifications: 78 FR 69434 (November 19, 2013). • National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test Concerning the Submission of Certain Data Required by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food Safety and Inspection Service Using the Partner Government Agency Message Set Through the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE): 78 FR 75931 (December 13, 2013). • Modification of National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Cargo Release for Ocean and Rail Carriers: 79 FR 6210 (February 3, 2014). Dated: April 4, 2014. Richard F. DiNucci, Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade. [FR Doc. 2014–10008 Filed 5–1–14; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9111–14–P PO 00000 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR–5756–N–17] 60-Day Notice of Proposed Information Collection: Technical Suitability of Products Program Section 521 of the National Housing Act Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing- Federal Housing Commissioner, HUD. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: HUD is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection described below. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is requesting comment from all interested parties on the proposed collection of information. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment. SUMMARY: DATES: Comments Due Date: July 1, 2014. Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding this proposal. Comments should refer to the proposal by name and/or OMB Control Number and should be sent to: Colette Pollard, Reports Management Officer, QDAM, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Room 4176, Washington, DC 20410–5000; telephone 202–402–3400 (this is not a toll-free number) or email at for a copy of the proposed forms or other available information. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the tollfree Federal Relay Service at (800) 877– 8339. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Adrian C. Browner, Program Analyst, Office of Manufactured Housing Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW., Washington, DC 20410, telephone 202– 708–4532. This is not a toll-free number. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay Service at (800) 877–8339. Copies of available documents submitted to OMB may be obtained from Ms. Browner. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice informs the public that HUD is seeking approval from OMB for the information collection described in Section A. ADDRESSES: A. Overview of Information Collection Title of Information Collection: Technical Suitability of Products Frm 00052 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\02MYN1.SGM 02MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 85 (Friday, May 2, 2014)]
[Pages 25142-25144]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2014-10008]



U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Modification of National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test 
Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Cargo Release for 
Truck Carriers

AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland 

ACTION: General notice.


SUMMARY: This document announces U.S. Customs and Border Protection's 
(CBP's) plan to modify the National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) 
test concerning Cargo Release functionality in the Automated Commercial 
Environment (ACE). Originally, the test was known as the Simplified 
Entry Test because the test simplified the entry process by reducing 
the number of data elements required to obtain release for cargo 
transported by air. The test was subsequently modified to provide more 
capabilities to test participants allowing CBP to deliver enhanced 
functionality and to include expansion to the ocean and rail modes of 
transportation. This notice now expands this functionality to the truck 
mode of transportation and invites more participants to join the test.

DATES: The ACE Cargo Release test modifications set forth in this 
document are effective no earlier than April 6, 2014. The test will run 
until approximately November 1, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Comments or questions concerning this notice and indication 
of interest in participation in ACE Cargo Release should be submitted, 
via email, to Susan Maskell at In the 
subject line of your email, please use, ``Comment on ACE Cargo 
Release''. The body of the email should include information regarding 
the identity of the ports where filings are likely to occur.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For policy related questions, contact 
Stephen Hilsen, Director, Business Transformation, ACE Business Office, 
Office of International Trade, at For 
technical questions, contact Susan Maskell, Client Representative 
Branch, ACE Business Office, Office of International Trade, at



I. The National Customs Automation Program

    The National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) was established in 
Subtitle B of Title VI--Customs Modernization in the North American 
Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Pub. L. 103-182, 107 Stat. 
2057, 2170, December 8, 1993) (Customs Modernization Act). See 19 
U.S.C. 1411. Through NCAP, the initial thrust of customs modernization 
was on trade compliance and the development of the Automated Commercial 
Environment (ACE), the planned successor to the Automated Commercial 
System (ACS). ACE is an automated and electronic system for commercial 
trade processing which is intended to streamline business processes, 
facilitate growth in trade, ensure cargo security, and foster 
participation in global commerce, while ensuring compliance with U.S. 
laws and regulations and reducing costs for U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection (CBP) and all of its communities of interest. The ability to 
meet these objectives depends on successfully modernizing CBP's 
business functions and the information technology that supports those 
    CBP's modernization efforts are accomplished through phased 
releases of ACE component functionality designed to replace a specific 
legacy ACS function. Each release will begin with a test and, if the 
test is successful, will end with implementation of the functionality 
through the promulgation of regulations governing the new ACE feature 
and the retirement of the legacy ACS function.
    The ACE Cargo Release test was previously known as the Simplified 
Entry Test because the test simplified the entry process by reducing 
the number of data elements required to obtain release for cargo 
transported by air. The original test notice required participants to 
be a member of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) 
program. Through phased releases of ACE component functionality this 
test has been expanded to allow all eligible participants to join the 
test for an indefinite period regardless of the C-TPAT status of an 
importer self-filer or a customs broker.
    For the convenience of the public, a chronological listing of 
Federal Register publications detailing ACE test developments is set 
forth below in Section VII, entitled, ``Development of ACE 
Prototypes''. The procedures and criteria applicable to participation 
in the prior ACE tests remain in effect unless otherwise explicitly 
changed by this or subsequent notices published in the Federal 

II. Authorization for the Test

    The Customs Modernization Act provides the Commissioner of CBP with 
authority to conduct limited test programs or procedures designed to 
evaluate planned components of the NCAP. The test described in this 
notice is authorized pursuant to Sec.  101.9(b) of title 19 of the Code 
of Federal Regulations (19 CFR 101.9(b)), which provides for the 
testing of NCAP programs or procedures. See Treasury Decision (T.D.) 

III. Expansion of ACE Cargo Release Test to Truck Mode of 

    This document is announcing CBP's plan to expand the ACE Cargo 
Release test which allows for the filing capabilities by importers and 
customs brokers for cargo transported by air, ocean or rail to include 
filing capabilities by importers and customs brokers for cargo 
transported by truck.

[[Page 25143]]

Eligibility Requirements

    To be eligible to apply for this test, the applicant must: (1) Be a 
self-filing importer who has the ability to file ACE Entry Summaries 
certified for cargo release or a broker who has the ability to file ACE 
Entry Summaries certified for cargo release; or (2) have stated its 
intent to file entry summaries in ACE in its request to participate in 
the test.
    Parties seeking to participate in this test must use a software 
package that has completed Automated Broker Interface (ABI) 
certification testing for ACE and offers the simplified entry message 
set prior to transmitting data under the test. See the General Notice 
of August 26, 2008 (73 FR 50337) for a complete discussion on 
procedures for obtaining an ACE Portal Account. Importers not self-
filing must be sure their broker has the capability to file entry 
summaries in ACE.

Document Image System (DIS)

    Parties who file entry summaries in ACE are allowed to submit 
specified CBP and Partner Government Agency (PGA) documents via a CBP-
approved Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). A current listing of those 
documents may be found on the following Web site: (click on ``Chapters'' to access the DIS 
Implementation Guide).
    DIS provides for the storage of all submitted documents in a secure 
centralized location for the maintenance of associations with ACE entry 
summary transactions.
    See 78 FR 44142 (July 23, 2013).

Test Participation Selection Criteria

    The ACE Cargo Release test is open to all importers and customs 
brokers filing ACE Entry Summaries for cargo transported in the truck 
mode. Please note that participants must meet the eligibility 
requirements mentioned above and set forth in 76 FR 69755 (November 9, 
    CBP will endeavor to accept all new eligible applicants on a first 
come, first served basis; however, if the volume of eligible applicants 
exceeds CBP's administrative capabilities, CBP will reserve the right 
to select eligible participants in order to achieve a diverse pool in 
accordance with the selection standards set forth in 76 FR 69755.
    Any party seeking to participate in this test must provide CBP, in 
its request to participate, its filer code and the port(s) at which it 
is interested in filing ACE Cargo Release transaction data. At this 
time, ACE Cargo Release data may be submitted only for entries filed at 
certain ports. A current listing of those ports may be found on the 
following Web site: CBP may expand to additional ports in the future. Any 
changes and/or additions to the ports that are part of the ACE Cargo 
Release test will be posted to this Web site.

Filing Capabilities

    The filing capabilities for the ACE Cargo Release test set forth in 
78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013) and 79 FR 6210 (February 3, 2014) 
continue to apply and are now expanded to include importers and customs 
brokers filing ACE Entry Summaries for cargo transported in the truck 
mode. The expansion of ACE Cargo Release filing capabilities for the 
truck mode of transportation will also allow for automated corrections 
and cancellations and entry for a full manifested bill quantity. 
However, this phase of the test will not include split shipments, 
partial shipments, entry on cargo which has been moved by in-bond from 
the first U.S. port of unlading, and entries requiring Partner 
Government Agency (PGA) information. Additional specific technical 
formats and information may be found in the Implementation Guidelines. 
See (click on ``Chapters'' to 
access the DIS Implementation Guide).
    These new capabilities include functionality specific to the filing 
and processing of type ``01'' (consumption) and type ``11'' (informal) 
commercial entries for the truck mode of transportation. The ACE Cargo 
Release filing capabilities serve to assist the importer in completion 
of entry as required by the provisions of 19 U.S.C. 1484(a)(1)(B).

Data Elements To Be Filed

    In lieu of filing CBP Form 3461 data, the importer or broker acting 
on behalf of the importer must file the 12 data elements (known as the 
ACE Cargo Release Data set) with CBP required in the original Cargo 
Release pilot for basic air shipments as well as data elements 
subsequently added to accommodate more complex shipments and other 
modes of transportation. See 76 FR 69755 (November 9, 2011) and 78 FR 
66039 (November 4, 2013). The ACE Cargo Release Data elements are:
    (1) Importer of Record Number.
    (2) Buyer name and address.
    (3) Buyer Employer Identification Number (consignee number).
    (4) Seller name and address.
    (5) Manufacturer/supplier name and address.
    (6) HTS 10-digit number.
    (7) Country of origin.
    (8) Bill of lading/house air waybill number.
    (9) Bill of lading issuer code.
    (10) Entry number.
    (11) Entry type.
    (12) Estimated shipment value.
    (13) Bill Quantity (The quantity of shipping units shown in the 
bill of lading. If bill of lading quantity is specified in the entry, 
it becomes the entered and released quantity for that bill. If the bill 
quantity is not specified, full bill quantity will be entered and 
released for that bill).
    Data element (1) and data elements (6) through (12) are defined in 
the same manner as when they are used for entry filing on the CBP Form 
3461. Data elements (2) through (5) are defined in accordance with the 
provisions of 19 CFR 149.3.
    The ACE Cargo Release Data set may be filed at any time prior to 
arrival of the cargo in the United States port of arrival with the 
intent to unlade. This data fulfills merchandise entry requirements and 
allows for earlier release decisions and more certainty for the 
importer in determining the logistics of cargo delivery.


    Upon receipt of the ACE Cargo Release data, CBP will process the 
submission and will subsequently transmit its cargo release decision to 
the filer. A filer may electronically submit a correction or a request 
for cancellation of the entry at any time prior to the cargo arriving 
and being released. If a submission is transmitted to CBP requesting 
correction or cancellation of the entry prior to arrival or release, 
CBP's decision regarding the original submission is no longer 
    The merchandise will then be considered to be entered upon its 
arrival in the port with the intent to unlade, as provided by current 
19 CFR 141.68(e).

Test Duration

    The ACE Cargo Release test modifications set forth in this document 
are effective no earlier than April 6, 2014. The test will run until 
approximately November 1, 2015, and is open to type ``01'' 
(consumption) and type ``11'' (informal) commercial entries for the 
truck mode of transportation at specified ports.

IV. Misconduct Under the Test

    The terms for misconduct under the ACE Cargo Release Test set forth 
in 78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013) continue to apply and are now 
expanded to include importers and customs brokers filing ACE Entry 
Summaries for cargo transported in the truck mode.

[[Page 25144]]

V. Previous Notices

    All requirements and aspects of the ACE test discussed in previous 
notices are hereby incorporated by reference into this notice and 
continue to be applicable, unless changed by this notice.

VI. Paperwork Reduction Act

    The collection of information contained in this ACE Cargo Release 
test have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 
accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 
U.S.C. 3507) and assigned OMB number 1651-0024.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
control number assigned by OMB.

VII. Development of ACE Prototypes

    A chronological listing of Federal Register publications detailing 
ACE test developments is set forth below.
     ACE Portal Accounts and Subsequent Revision Notices: 67 FR 
21800 (May 1, 2002); 70 FR 5199 (February 1, 2005); 69 FR 5360 and 69 
FR 5362 (February 4, 2004); 69 FR 54302 (September 8, 2004).
     ACE System of Records Notice: 71 FR 3109 (January 19, 
     Terms/Conditions for Access to the ACE Portal and 
Subsequent Revisions: 72 FR 27632 (May 16, 2007); 73 FR 38464 (July 7, 
     ACE Non-Portal Accounts and Related Notice: 70 FR 61466 
(October 24, 2005); 71 FR 15756 (March 29, 2006).
     ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR I) 
Capabilities: 72 FR 59105 (October 18, 2007).
     ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR II) 
Capabilities: 73 FR 50337 (August 26, 2008); 74 FR 9826 (March 6, 
     ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR III) 
Capabilities: 74 FR 69129 (December 30, 2009).
     ACE Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR IV) 
Capabilities: 76 FR 37136 (June 24, 2011).
     Post-Entry Amendment (PEA) Processing Test: 76 FR 37136 
(June 24, 2011).
     ACE Announcement of a New Start Date for the National 
Customs Automation Program Test of Automated Manifest Capabilities for 
Ocean and Rail Carriers: 76 FR 42721 (July 19, 2011).
     ACE Simplified Entry: 76 FR 69755 (November 9, 2011).
     National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Tests 
Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Document Image System 
(DIS): 77 FR 20835 (April 6, 2012).
     National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Tests 
Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Simplified Entry: 
Modification of Participant Selection Criteria and Application Process: 
77 FR 48527 (August 14, 2012).
     Modification of NCAP Test Regarding Reconciliation for 
Filing Certain Post-Importation Preferential Tariff Treatment Claims 
under Certain FTAs: 78 FR 27984 (May 13, 2013).
     Modification of Two National Customs Automation Program 
(NCAP) Tests Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Document 
Image System (DIS) and Simplified Entry (SE): 78 FR 44142 (July 23, 
     Modification of Two National Customs Automation Program 
(NCAP) Tests Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Document 
Image System (DIS) and Simplified Entry (SE); Correction: 78 FR 53466 
(August 29, 2013).
     Modification of NCAP Test Concerning Automated Commercial 
Environment (ACE) Cargo Release (formerly known as Simplified Entry): 
78 FR 66039 (November 4, 2013).
     Post-Summary Corrections to Entry Summaries Filed in ACE 
Pursuant to the ESAR IV Test: Modifications and Clarifications: 78 FR 
69434 (November 19, 2013).
     National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) Test Concerning 
the Submission of Certain Data Required by the Environmental Protection 
Agency and the Food Safety and Inspection Service Using the Partner 
Government Agency Message Set Through the Automated Commercial 
Environment (ACE): 78 FR 75931 (December 13, 2013).
     Modification of National Customs Automation Program (NCAP) 
Test Concerning Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Cargo Release 
for Ocean and Rail Carriers: 79 FR 6210 (February 3, 2014).

    Dated: April 4, 2014.
Richard F. DiNucci,
Acting Assistant Commissioner, Office of International Trade.
[FR Doc. 2014-10008 Filed 5-1-14; 8:45 am]
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